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Exam Review - Canadian Geography

Check the ( ) when you have completed the answer Landform Regions ( ) What are the 7 regions? Briefly describe how each was formed. ( ) How would you describe their physical characteristics? ( ) Describe any special characteristics or challenges each landform region might have. Mapping ( ) What latitude? What is longitude? Why are they important? ( ) !uator" #rime $eridian" %nternational Dateline ( ) &uic'ly review topographic maps. Climate/Vegetation ( ) How does (anada)s climate vary? Why? ( ) *plain how and why (anada)s vegetation changes as go north? ( ) *plain how and why (anada)s vegetation changes as we move from the #rairies to British (olumbia? ( ) What are a few e*amples of the correlation between climate and vegetation in (anada? Drainage/ ater ( ) What is a watershed? Why should they be protected? ( ) What is a drainage basin? +ist (anada)s drainage basin? ( ) Where does most of (anada)s water flow? Why? ( ) ,looding in -oronto and High .iver What is the problem? Who is the sta'eholder(s)? How does flooding relate to drainage? What does this mean for future? ( ) (ree' /tudy 0 remember why these terms are important ! flooding" intensification" natural process and recreation Climate Change ( ) What is climate change? ( ) Discuss some of the impacts (positive and negative) it might have on (anada)s .egions. "iagara #scarpment $ield %rip ( ) What is the 1iagara scarpment? Why is it so special? Why should we protect it? How can we protect it? ( ) Briefly describe $ilton &uarry? What has this company done to protect the 1iagara scarpment and help their neighbours? &ndustry ( ) Briefly e*plain each level of industry (primary" secondary" tertiary" !uaternary) and give an e*ample of each. "atural Resources ( ) What are the different types of 1.? ( ) Where are these 1. often found in (anada? ( ) problems facing these 1. in the future (use your issues chart) eg. ,arming23$4s5 mining2water pollution5 fishing2a!uaculture Liva'le Communities ( ) What is sustainability? Why is this term important in geography? ( ) How big is (anada)s cological ,ootprint compared to other countries? Why? ( ) How can you reduce the si6e of your cological ,ootprint? ( ) *plain the term urban sprawl? How does this relate to Brampton and the surrounding area? ( ) What are some of the positives and negatives of urbani6ation? ( ) What are the urban land uses? ( ) What is happening to class 7 farmland in (anada? ( ) Define urbani6ation" urban renewal and rural8urban fringe. ( ) .eflect on our trip downtown? Changing (opulations ( ) What is happening to the world)s population? Why? ( ) +ist a few World %ssues. What is (anada doing to help? (,oreign 9id ( ) Define population density" population distribution" population growth rate" natural increase rate" migration rate" demography. ( ) Why do people live where they do? ( ) Describe the population distribution in (anada? Why is it li'e this.

Exam Review - Canadian Geography

Check the ( ) when you have completed the answer Landform Regions ( ) What are the 7 regions? Briefly describe how each was formed. ( ) How would you describe their physical characteristics? ( ) Describe any special characteristics or challenges each landform region might have. Mapping ( ) What latitude? What is longitude? Why are they important? ( ) !uator" #rime $eridian" %nternational Dateline ( ) &uic'ly review topographic maps. Climate/Vegetation ( ) How does (anada)s climate vary? Why? ( ) *plain how and why (anada)s vegetation changes as go north? ( ) *plain how and why (anada)s vegetation changes as we move from the #rairies to British (olumbia? ( ) What are a few e*amples of the correlation between climate and vegetation in (anada? Drainage/ ater ( ) What is a watershed? Why should they be protected? ( ) What is a drainage basin? +ist (anada)s drainage basin? ( ) Where does most of (anada)s water flow? Why? ( ) ,looding in -oronto and High .iver What is the problem? Who is the sta'eholder(s)? How does flooding relate to drainage? What does this mean for future? ( ) (ree' /tudy 0 remember why these terms are important ! flooding" intensification" natural process and recreation Climate Change ( ) What is climate change? ( ) Discuss some of the impacts (positive and negative) it might have on (anada)s .egions. "iagara #scarpment $ield %rip ( ) What is the 1iagara scarpment? Why is it so special? Why should we protect it? How can we protect it? ( ) Briefly describe $ilton &uarry? What has this company done to protect the 1iagara scarpment and help their neighbours? &ndustry ( ) Briefly e*plain each level of industry (primary" secondary" tertiary" !uaternary) and give an e*ample of each. "atural Resources ( ) What are the different types of 1.? ( ) Where are these 1. often found in (anada? ( ) problems facing these 1. in the future (use your issues chart) eg. ,arming23$4s5 mining2water pollution5 fishing2a!uaculture Liva'le Communities ( ) What is sustainability? Why is this term important in geography? ( ) How big is (anada)s cological ,ootprint compared to other countries? Why? ( ) How can you reduce the si6e of your cological ,ootprint? ( ) *plain the term urban sprawl? How does this relate to Brampton and the surrounding area? ( ) What are some of the positives and negatives of urbani6ation? ( ) What are the urban land uses? ( ) What is happening to class 7 farmland in (anada? ( ) Define urbani6ation" urban renewal and rural8urban fringe. ( ) .eflect on our trip downtown? Changing (opulations ( ) What is happening to the world)s population? Why? ( ) +ist a few World %ssues. What is (anada doing to help? (,oreign 9id ( ) Define population density" population distribution" population growth rate" natural increase rate" migration rate" demography. ( ) Why do people live where they do? ( ) Describe the population distribution in (anada? Why is it li'e this.

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