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Manifestation Meditation

Manifestation Meditation

"Who Else Wants To Discover The Alien Technology That Turned A Poor Homeless Boy Into A Millionaire Practically Overnight..."
...And You Get The Technology On This Website For Practically FREE!
(That's a $97 Value For Only $1.00)
Step #1 Step #2 Step #3 Click here and get your copy right now. Don't do anything special. Simply sit back and use the secret manifestation tool as instructed. Then watch in amazement as your dreams and desires unfold overnight!

ello, I'm Justin Blake.

Today, I'm going to tell you how to attract all the wealth, prosperity and happiness that you desire... with absolute ease! manifest health, Better yet, you can automatically wealth, love & happiness and immediately ignite the to rapidly achieve your goals law of attraction all on autopilot... working for you... even when you're asleep or on vacation enjoying your life by using this secret, scientifically tested and alien designed, manifestation tool that I discovered years ago!

Manifestation Meditation

In short you can...

Achieve Anything... With Minimum Effort!

Before I get into how you can manifest anything you desire into your life, I'd like to share the unusual story of how I came to discover this amazing tool. You see... not so long ago I was a "poor" sheetrock installer. I didn't have much and I could barely afford to keep a roof over my head. As for family... well... let's just say that my parents were hippies and as far as they were concerned money wasn't a big priority when I was growing up -- so we didn't have much... just love. (In fact, we were incredibly poor.) By the time I became an adult, I was living paycheck to paycheck and always on the brink of poverty. I tried to keep an open, enlightened and thankful mind for what I did have but I just couldn't hide the fact that I hated my job. Every day I would come home with bruised knuckles, scrapes, cuts or some kind of damage to my body. That was besides the usual soreness from lifting sheetrock all day. There were even days where my only choices were to either get food or get Band-Aids! Even worse, I was broke, depressed and felt that there had to be a better way! Have you ever felt that way too?

Have You Ever Felt Like Your Life Is An Uphill Battle? No Matter What You Do Or How Hard You Try You Always Get Less Results Than You'd Hoped For?
Maybe you've tried to start a business, invest in stocks or real estate OR maybe you've just of your life or tried to improve the quality even your love life and no matter what you did you just couldn't seem to get any momentum. Maybe... just maybe you have a few wins, but then you lose everything you gained and then some.

Manifestation Meditation

That's what my life was like too! worse, but I won't get into that today because this is about something that TRULY makes me happy !
So...I began searching...

Maybe a little

I didn't know much about the internet at that time... but something told me that I would find my calling on the internet because it had the ability to reach the entire world. So, I went with my 'gut' and off I went on my journey to search for the answers to achieving my dreams, believing that I would find it on the internet. Eventually I would begin learning about running an internet business and selling all sorts of information on hobbies and such... but I never seemed to make any money with it. That was around the time I stumbled upon...

The Secrets of The Law Of Attraction

When I was around 22 years old, I began studying the "law of attraction". I would read just about every book that came into my hands such as The Celestine Prophecy, As A Man Thinketh, Think and Grow Rich, The Power of Meditation... ...any information about Edgar Cayce, Acres of Diamonds, The Science of Getting Rich, Happy Pocket Full of Money, Master Key System, The Path of Prosperity and of course...Thought Vibration (among many, many others). Here's what I discovered... FACT: The "Law of Attraction" is a spiritual states that what a person thinks about and focuses on both consciously AND subconsciously, they will attract into their life from the power of



Manifestation Meditation

the "Universe" (and/or "God" or the "Divine". Which ever you call your higher power).
Simply put, if you are focused on lack of money... you will attract more lack of money!

So if you focus on being wealthy both consciously and subconsciously, you will become wealthy. Sounds easy right? Yes, it is easy... but there's a problem with it! Here's why... Back when I discovered the secret law of attraction, I was working as a hard laborer. So each morning I would state my "intention to be wealthy" and then go to work with my mind focused on wealth and prosperity. I was content - I was happy - I knew I would soon become the person I wanted to be! But every time I got to work everything would change. I immediately realized all the things I did not have and how much I hated my job. I would see other miserable people at work and act like they acted. I would hear them talk about lack of money and then I would start to feel the same way.

See the problem here?

I became frustrated and I wanted answers to the question... "WHY am I so focused on being wealthy and still can't fight these negative thoughts?" That's when I learned about...

...How To Automatically Synchronize Your Conscious and Unconscious Mind With The Power of Entrainment.
Now, don't let these scientific words and phrases scare you into thinking this is hard work or confusing... I'll give you the background story and some scientific facts first and then explain in simple terms right after.

(Remember, I was an uneducated sheet rock installer. Humbly

Manifestation Meditation

speaking, I'm really not the "brightest" person. If I can understand this stuff, anyone can.) What happened was... I accidentally stumbled upon a few "underground" conspiracy theory forums, that are long gone by now, that spoke of this technology that would help your mind to not only evolve but also speed up the process of manifesting your desires. Kind of like the Law of Attraction...only FASTER.
Many of the forum fanatics had claimed that this technology originally came from an advanced "Alien Race". (I have absolutely no idea if they were right or not, but it sure got my attention at the time. I mean, just watch the Discovery Channel or History Channel and you'll see all kinds of TV series on Aliens!) Anyway, after chatting with a few of the forum fanatics they revealed where and how I could get my hands on this "alien technology" and use it myself. After that day, I scratched up every last dime I could find and finally I got it and studied it piece by piece. As time went on I ended up reinventing it to work even better on myself. It's called "Brainwave Entrainment" and it's based on physics. Now, although I was hidden in a basement, testing this technology I thought was a "fanatic's secret" on myself so I could improve it to work on the "Average Joe", little did I know there were actually GIGANTIC universities and organizations like American Journal of Physiology, Harvard Medical School, Stanford University and many others that were doing live studies on this incredible technology's effect on the human brain.

What is brainwave entrainment?

Brainwave entrainment, also known as "brainwave synchronization", is a natural phenomenon where the human brain has a tendency to synchronize its dominant EEG frequency with the frequency of the external frequency you give it. When your brain is given a certain stimulus, through your ears, eyes or other senses, it gives off an electrical charge as a response, called a Cortical Evoked Response. These electrical responses travel throughout the brain to become what you "see and hear". In other words... what you experience. Your known reality!

"Entrainment" Is A Principle Of Physics.

Manifestation Meditation

Entrainment is defined as the synchronization of two or more rhythmic cycles. The principles of entrainment are universal, appearing in chemistry, neurology, biology, pharmacology, medicine, astronomy and more. FACT: While working on the design of the pendulum clock in 1656, Dutch scientist Christian Huygens found that if he placed two unsynchronized clocks side by side on a wall, they would slowly synchronize to each other.

Take a look at the EEG of what happens to your brainwaves when you use this entrainment frequency.

The EEG (electroencephalogram) is a recording of the natural electrical activity of the brain. This chart moves bottom to top as time passes. The giant spikes going vertically are Alpha waves being increased and aligning your mind with your thoughts. See, the problem wasn't that I couldn't consciously attract wealth, prosperity, love and happiness. The problem was that as soon as my environment changed, my "unconscious" mind

Manifestation Meditation

worked against my conscious mind by synchronizing itself with the thoughts of those around me. They canceled each other out! My conscious and unconscious mind were not synchronized. This is what happens to a lot of people, maybe even you, when they are trying to attract their dreams.

I started combining the Law of Attraction (intentions) with these special Entrainment frequencies and my life began to transform instantly!
Every day I would see small but significant changes happening to my mind. My bank account was growing and I started to get paid more. Then..."like magic" my dreams began to get closer and closer and they seemed almost within reach! I then started my internet business. Woo-hoo! But it was a pretty stiff struggle at first.

So I Wondered... "Was There Something Else I Was Missing?"

"I Mean, This Attraction Stuff Is Great But It Seems Like A Lot Of Work Sometimes And Then Super Easy Other Times... What Gives?"
That's when I ran into a website that explained the power of "meditation." At this point this all started to get really "new age" and "hocus pocus" for me. But, I stuck with it because... the truth of the matter is, science has tested this and insists this stuff WORKS! So does meditation really work also?

Manifestation Meditation

FACT: The amazing benefits of meditation has been documented in over 1,000 published studies!

Stanford University, University of Chicago, Mayo Clinic Health Center, University of Wisconsin and even Harvard Medical School...
...have all documented the benefits of meditation such as:

Reduced stress Lower incidence of heart disease Increased focus Laser targets your concentration Increases longevity Lower anxiety Gives you complete control over your life!

I was amazed by these studies and thought... "hmmm... how can I use this on myself to reach my goals and dreams faster and easier?" ... So by combining the power of the Law of Attraction + Entrainment + Meditation I was able to attract success, wealth, prosperity and most importantly, happiness faster than I could have ever dreamed possible! It was like someone literally drove a bulldozer through all of my problems and pushed them all out of my way, then proceeded to roll out a red carpet and say, "Here Justin, here you go! The good life is now yours. You just have to take it!"

... 3 years later, I reached "millionaire" status and I did it at the tender age of only 27!
I don't say this to brag or boast, but as I write this today I'm only 30 years old and now own and experience things that most people can only dream about... and I owe it "mostly" to this amazing tool and a little "elbow grease." You see, after I combined all three of these powerful elements that was when the "magicmoment" and synchronicity kicked in and things began to dramatically change in my favor.

Manifestation Meditation

I hope I'm not putting this too lightly for you! I'm literally almost in as I think back on my how much my life has changed after I made this tears discovery. I'm trying to contain myself as I'm writing this. I'm even more excited that I can finally release this discovery to you and the rest of the world! I truly feel it was my destiny to help others that are in the same position in life that I was. It's always been my goal to help people. And now, today, I can help you by offering you a chance to use and benefit from my years of research.

Introducing Justin Blake's...

Manifestation Meditation!
Automatically Get Whatever You Want, Whenever You Want - Faster and Easier Than You've Ever Dreamed Possible! Yes, it's that simple!

I can honestly say this because...

"No matter who you are, where you live or how much experience you have... this 100% fool-proof method guarantees to help you reach AMAZING and unexpected levels of success simply by using this audio tool -OR- you don't pay a single penny." Click Here To Get Your Practically FREE Manifestation Meditation CD Instantly Downloaded To Your Computer Today! If you think that what I just said sounds like I'm exaggerating -- then take a look at this...

...Scientifically Tested Results!

Researchers at University of Maryland School of Medicine report that meditation relieved stress, reduced rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, reduced cardiovascular risk factors, decreased psychological distress, improved sleep

Manifestation Meditation


In a 1999 study, Thomas Budzynski, Ph.D worked with 8 struggling college students. After undergoing audio-visual brainwave stimulation, the students outperformed a control group and significantly increased their GPA.The GPA for the 8 students continued to rise even after treatment was discontinued! Psychologist Michael Joyce used brainwave entrainment with a group of 30 children. After a short period of treatment, he observed improvements in reading and a half year advancement in grade level. The children also showed substantial improvements in attention, reaction and a reduction in impulsivity and variability. The Mayo Clinic Health Letter says that meditation reduces high blood pressure, anxiety, substance abuse, post-traumatic stress syndrome, and visits to health care providers. Quantum Physics states that our consciousness determines the characteristics of the physical matter we interact with. In other words, we attract what we are conscious of and we experience what we are conscious of. Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto, photographed freezing water at microscopic levels after exposing them to different emotions written on paper. His photographs show us that water responds to conscious intentions by producing beautiful crystal snowflakes when exposed to loving and caring thoughts, and turns into ugly, "dirty" masses when exposed to negative thoughts. (remember your body is made up of 65%75% water!) Frank Treiber, Ph.D., of the Medical College of Georgia, states that meditation lowers blood pressure, which creates a 12.5% lower risk of stroke or heart related mortality in adulthood... even for healthy young people!

Check Out This Chart Below On Brainwaves!

Wave Frequency Mental State

Wide awake. This is the mental state that most people are in during the day time. If you lack enough Beta activity, which many people do, it can cause mental or emotional disorders like depression, ADD and insomnia. Stimulating Beta activity can improve emotional stability, energy levels, attentiveness and concentration. Beta is also linked to increased mental abilities and increased IQ.


12hz - 38hz

Manifestation Meditation

This is the state you are in when you wake up in the morning or just as you close your eyes to go to sleep. Experienced mediators can easily access Alpha state...but with Manifestation Meditation so can anyone else! Alpha state is extremely effective for self-hypnosis, mental re-programming, accelerated learning and more.


8hz - 12hz

Most people enter this state during light sleep or extreme relaxation. Theta 3hz - 8hz

Theta can also be used for hypnosis, accelerated learning, self-programming using pre-recorded suggestions and creative visualization.

Deep, dreamless sleep. Delta is the slowest band of brainwaves. When your brainwaves are in Delta, your body is healing itself and "resetting" its internal clocks. You do not dream in this state and are completely unconscious. This state is great for Growth Hormone release.


0.2hz - 3hz

How Manifestation Meditation Works

Download your practically FREE digital copy of Manifestation Meditation by Clicking Here and following the simple instructions. Put it on your Ipod, Iphone, computer or stereo... Put on headphones or not... it's really up to you. I'll explain that later. Focus on your "desires" and your "intentions" for the day... whatever they are. Close your eyes if you can.

Manifestation Meditation

Manifestation Meditation will immediately begin to take your mind into a deep meditative state, synchronize your conscious and unconscious mind, clear away your mental blocks and help you to attract the things you desire most. That's all you have to do with it! It's really that easy. You will hear a mild pulsing sound along with some professionally created music that amplifies the effectiveness of the entrainment... then while in your meditation mode, you will have powerful affirmations delivered directly into your subconscious mind. Your Manifestation Meditation will automatically align your brainwaves with your conscious and unconscious thoughts... so you can easily attract or achieve whatever you desire.

I Guarantee You Will Be AMAZED At Your Results!

3 Steps To Manifesting Your Desires...

1. Listen to your Manifestation Meditation at least once a day. 2. Focus your mind on your desires and intentions for your life. 3. Doors will seem to miraculously open for you, and ideas will come flooding in through inspiration, throughout your days. Act on them! 4. That's it... You'll literally watch in amazement as almost miraculous events happen in your life just like "magic" and I'm pretty sure you will tell me about them so I can tell others too!

As recently as a week ago, when I was listening to the new and improved Manifestation Meditation on my Ipod Nano, I closed my eyes and I immediately started to feel my brain come alive and my positive energy levels literally shot through the roof -- and stayed that way all day! It feels like the jolt of energy you get from a double shot of expresso except without the

Manifestation Meditation

"jitters" and it gives your mind a more focused and calm feeling. Kind of like you just drank "Happy Juice!" Anyway, I was focusing on solving a challenge I was having with my business. What do you think happened?

I Increased My Income By An Additional $3,750 A Day!

Yes, that's over a million dollars...(see proof below) Now, I can't promise that this will happen for you too. Fact is, I've been doing this for years and as a result I now own my own business. (Not bad for a guy with no formal education to speak of, don't ya' think?) The truth of the matter is... You can in fact help to increase your income by simply using the Manifestation Meditation, but that should NOT be your single intention. Think about this... Ultimately... What would it be You could buy a new home? A new car? A nice watch? like if... Pay for your children's education? Or simply go on vacation whenever or wherever you wanted?

If I Can Do It... So Can YOU!

Here's a few shots of how I'm able to live now -- imagine yourself doing the same -- I know you can!

Manifestation Meditation

Manifestation Meditation

Manifestation Meditation

Manifestation Meditation

Manifestation Meditation

Bank name and info blocked for legal and obvious reasons.

You See... I Don't Just Talk About Wealth Attraction (Among Other Things)... I Actually LIVE It!
Click Here To Get Your Practically FREE Manifestation Meditation CD Instantly Downloaded To Your Computer Today!

Whether you're an experienced abundance "creator" or completely new to the entire idea of manifesting your desires...the Manifestation Meditation can help you change your future and live your ultimate destiny...

... and the best part is, it's completely automatic!

All you have to do is take action today.

Action Tells The Universe -- "I'm Ready For Anything!"

Manifestation Meditation

The cost for this incredible tool is very small, for the priceless miracles you can experience! In fact, the price is so low it's practically FREE. It's valued at $97 but you can get it for only $1.00 if you get it today. Right now! Why am I offering you the once-in-a-lifetime chance to access my life's work for only $1.00? Because I've already made my fortune and I truly want to make a difference in other people's lives. Yes, even yours! Now it's your turn!! Click Here To Get Your Practically FREE Manifestation Meditation CD Instantly Downloaded To Your Computer Today!

Just Take A Look At What Others Are Saying About The Manifestation Meditation.
Your Results Will Vary As Every Person Is Different

"I'm Really Glad I Got Manifestation Meditation!" Justin, This program is a rare gem! I've always believed in the Law of Attraction and manifesting my own destiny but after using the Manifestation Meditation I've come to realize that I was only living up to a fraction of my abilities! I'm Really Glad I Got Manifestation Meditation! Thanks, Huey Lee

Manifestation Meditation

"I Love This Stuff!" Dear Mr. Blake, I have to say that I am honestly impressed with your Manifestation Meditation. I love this stuff! Each and every day, I'm seeing significant improvements in my life. My relationships are better and I am feeling happier. Seems silly, I know. I knew about this entrainment stuff, but I just could not listen to it with ease. With your Manifestation Meditation, I can relax and listen to it very, very comfortably. Very weird, but I can see my life getting better each day. Best regards, Ruslan Skotkin Brooklyn, NY

"This is Great" Hello Justin, I wanted to let you know that the Manifestation Meditation I purchased from you is amazing. I know it will help me. Thank you so much! Thank you so much, Jennifer H. San Diego, California

Manifestation Meditation

"I Didn't Believe You...Now I'm Ashamed" Justin, I want to apologize to you. Before I got your Manifestation Meditation, I sent an unkind email to your support about my disbelief. They were kind in their answer to me, explained what I misunderstood and I felt a little bad, but still skeptical. I got the Manifestation Meditation expecting to return it. I didn't believe you about what it can do, but now I'm ashamed of myself. After listening to the Manifestation Meditation two times, I almost literally manifested the personal goal I was focusing on! I say almost because I beat my expectation. I'm man enough to admit when I'm wrong and I hope you understand. Thank you, Joshua Milam Boise, Idaho

Your Results Will Vary As Every Person Is Different The question now becomes; Are you going to wait to access this incredible, life changing tool... or... will you "grab the bull by and get your copy today? the horns"

Imagine... living life on your really living!

own terms... traveling... relaxing... achieving...

That's what this letter is all about... YOUR life... YOUR reality... YOUR happiness!

Manifestation Meditation

Remember earlier in this letter where I had my "magic moment" where everything changed by taking action on one little decision? Well, this is YOUR "magic moment"... right here, right now. What you face and experience every day can change this very moment starting with the decision that you make right now! The Manifestation Meditation tool will help you connect with the Universe so it can help you do what you can't do for yourself. Click Here To Get Your Practically FREE Manifestation Meditation CD Instantly Downloaded To Your Computer Today!

Your Special Bonus Gifts

To make sure you get the maximum benefits from your Manifestation Meditation, I'm including these three special gifts...

Manifestation Meditation headphone only audio - perfect for your home computer, laptop or Ipod.

Manifestation Meditation headphone free audio - perfect for your home stereo or computer speakers.

Manifestation Meditation Power-Up Guide - super charge your attraction power with these simple yet incredibly effective strategies that take only minutes to do!

Manifestation Meditation

WARNING! Please do not use these audios while driving or operating heavy machinery. These scientifically developed brainwave frequencies are very powerful.

Those meeting any of the following conditions, whether knowingly or not, should not use this application: Epileptics Pregnant women Those who are wearing a pacemaker Those prone to seizures

Those who should consult a physician before the use of this product include:
Individuals under the influence of medication or drugs.

This meditation tool is not to be used while under the influence of alcohol or other mood altering substances, whether they are legal or illegal. Children under the age of 18 must be examined by a physician for epilepsy or illnesses that may contribute to seizures prior to the use of Manifestation Meditation, as they are more susceptible to seizures. As I said, the Manifestation Meditation audio is a VERY powerful tool and should be taken seriously.

Your Iron-Clad 100% 60-Day Money Back Guarantee

My Guarantee To You: Yes, I am THAT confident that this can work for you. If you're not happy with Manifestation Meditation at any time in the next 60 days, let me know by contacting my support department and you can have every penny of your money refunded - no hassles and no questions asked. And you can even keep the Manifestation Meditations as my way of proving that I truly care about your happiness and satisfaction! Think about it though, it's only $1 so is there really any risk?

Manifestation Meditation

Like I mentioned... this is one of my most prized possessions and I use it myself daily. If you truly want to change your life this is the most valuable tool you will ever come across. Click Here To Get Your Practically FREE Manifestation Meditation CD Instantly Downloaded To Your Computer Today! There's nothing else to say except try this for yourself. The investment is small but the return could be GIGANTIC. Why not order Manifestation Meditation and give it a try for yourself? Truth is, you'll never know if it really works and if it really changes your life unless you try it. Let me ask you this... 60 days from today you'll be nothing more than 2 months older, right? But if you apply the Manifestation Meditation you can be experiencing amazing changes in your mind, accelerated attraction of your desires and dramatic improvements in your life that only the most seasoned pros in the world of "Attraction" and top achievers knew about until now. Honestly, you can stop to think about it, and that is okay...but remember one thing... ...The Universe, God, The Divine... (whatever you call the higher power in your life)... Loves QUICK, decisive and faith driven action. You better hurry though - the clock is ticking - because I am about to take this offer off for the rest of the month or more due to a massive surge in new orders coming in. I won't be able to keep this practically free offer open for too much longer. I mean think about it...how long can any human being give something away for practically free? I Might Close This Website After The Next 3 of 5,000 Orders -- So Act Fast... Go with your gut. Take the chance and see for yourself if what I say is true. You have my 100% 60-Day Money Back Guarantee and it's only $1.00 so you have zero risk! But you must get it right now before the price goes back up! Click Here To Get Your Practically FREE Manifestation Meditation CD Instantly Downloaded To Your Computer Today! To Manifesting Your Ultimate Reality, - Justin Blake

Manifestation Meditation

(aka - "The Magnetic Millionaire") Creator of ManifestationMeditation.com

P.S. I was originally going to only release 5,000 copies before closing this website and as of this writing there were 4,997 copies taken. So I might close this website after the next 3 of 5,000 practically FREE copies are taken! Please be advised...I'm paying for the production of these practically FREE CDs out of my own pocket so I can help as many people as possible...I covered $96 of the initial $97 price out of my own pocket so all you have to do to get your copy now instantly downloaded to your computer is pay $1.00 to cover the cost of downloading it to your computer so supplies are limited and I reserve the right to remove this offer as soon as I feel overwhelmed! P.P.S. And remember, this is YOUR "magic moment"... right here, right now. What you face and experience every day can change this very moment starting with the decision that you make right now! The Manifestation Meditation will help you connect with the Universe so it can help you do what you can't do for yourself. All you have to do is click here to your copy now!

Yes, Please Rush Me Your Manifestation Meditation ($97 Value) For Practically FREE!
All you have to do to get YOUR practically FREE copy is simply fill in your name and main email address below and you'll be forwarded to a secure order page to pay only $1.00!
And remember, as I said earlier on this website, I'm paying for the production of these practically FREE digital CDs out of my own pocket so I can help as many people as possible. I covered $96 of the initial $97 price out of my own pocket so all you have to do to get your copy now instantly downloaded to your computer is pay $1.00 to cover the cost of downloading it to your computer. With the "Manifestation Meditation", you'll also be automatically enrolled in the "Manifestation Meditation Of The Month" Club to make sure you continue to manifest your dreams and follow in the steps of other self-made millionaires! This club only costs $97 a month and you won't be charged a dime if you cancel within 30 days. After 30 days, you will be billed the regular rate of only $97 a month. You can cancel anytime by calling toll FREE 866-204-6251 or emailing customer support anytime day or night at Help@ManifestationMeditation.com and it comes with a full 60 day money back guarantee. Simply ask and we will refund your every penny and you can keep your downloadable copy as our way of saying thanks for trying the Manifestation Meditation program. Just imagine how easy it's going to be for you to attract riches, success and the life of your dreams when I'm sending you powerful, new Manifestation Meditations every month that can give you the edge over everyone else. They can help you to triple your income, attract your desires and create the life of your dreams!.

Manifestation Meditation

As soon as your copy is downloaded to your computer, make sure you listen to it right away so you can immediately get started creating the life of your dreams.

Frequently Asked Questions...

1) Are these Binaural beats?
No! Unlike binaural beats these audios are true brainwave entrainment pulses or isochronic tones. These pulses or tones have been shown to create fast and lasting results and have over 30 years of research behind them. Binaural beats are far inferior to these isochronic tones. It has been concluded by many researchers, that binaural beats are not likely to produce much actual brainwave entrainment at all. This is due to both their inherent wave weakness and the fact that they always require headphones...these brainwave entrainment tracks in your Manifestation Meditation do not all require headphones. Binaural beats do not elicit enough electrical activity in the brain to have any lasting effect.

2) How soon will I see the results?

Many people experience immediate results within minutes of listening to these tracks, however to see long lasting and permanent results 3-5 weeks is acceptable and also the time when we see the greatest results because the brain has had a chance to both evolve and adapt. Remember, your brain is literally rewiring itself and forming new pathways and operating on heightened brainwaves. Think about it, you can't build 5 lbs. of lean muscle with one workout can you? Same with the brain, only it is much more intricate and powerful!

3) Is brainwave entrainment dangerous?

No, the results and/or side effects of brainwave entrainment are mostly very positive. Sometimes people experience a mild headache due to the increased blood flow and electrical activity in the brain. However there are certain individuals that must not use them. (Yes, it's that powerful!)
Those meeting any of the following conditions, whether knowingly or not, should not use this application: Epileptics Pregnant women Those who are wearing a pacemaker Those prone to seizures

Those who should consult a physician before the use of this product include: Individuals under the influence of medication or drugs.

Manifestation Meditation

This meditation tool is not to be used while under the influence of alcohol or other mood altering substances, whether they are legal or illegal. Children under the age of 18 must be examined by a physician for epilepsy or illnesses that may contribute to seizures prior to the use of Manifestation Meditation, as they are more susceptible to seizures.

4) Do I need any special equipment? All you need is a set of stereo headphones or speakers and some way to play audios and you have all that you need to get started today. 5) How effective is this audio at helping me manifest my desires? The Manifestation Meditation audio has been specially designed to "entrain" the brainwaves involved in deep meditation and clearing out and stopping "mental chatter." This means it helps to put your mind at ease, take your brain into a meditative state, despite your previous experiences with meditation, while you focus on your daily desires. (see the Power-up Guide for further information about your daily focus). Once in this state, you are also subconsciously being programmed with "suggestions" using the word "You" instead of "I" in order to get past your subconscious mind and program your brain more directly to become the things you desire.

For Example: Say to yourself... "I am successful." Now say to your self... "You are successful." See the difference? It is subtle, but your brain recognizes it as an outside source telling you a fact. It cannot stop the thought and your mind is preprogrammed with success, confidence, creativity and motivation...among others.
Here's what Stanford scholar Gabe Turow said about entrainment...

"We may be sitting on one of the most widely available and cost effective therapeutic modalities that ever existed. Systematically, this could be like taking a pill. Listening to music seems to be able to change brain functioning to the same

Manifestation Meditation

extent as medication, in many circumstances." Stanford Scholar Gabe Turow

Click Here To Get Your Practically FREE Manifestation Meditation CD Instantly Downloaded To Your Computer Today!

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