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Biology - Minerals and their Significance to a Human Body


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$inerals and their

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#eak theeth and b nes $ retarded b d% gr &th and (h%si l g%. man% *istributed metab lism. (r tein

milk, Required f r acid,base - & bl d (ressure, &eak and balance, &ater muscles$ risk f (aral%sis.. regulati n nad functi n f nere"s.. Required f r acid base - ss f balance$ c m( nent f cram(s gastric /uice. a((etite$ muscles

Chl rine(Cl)


Cereals, "egetables.

Emplo'ment #ews 2r n(3e)

green C fact r f man% 2rregularties f metab lism en0%mes f gl%c l%sis (rinci(all% affecting ner" us anda number f an ther functi ns. metab lic reacti ns de(endent u( n 1.' f 1naemia, &eakness and &eak and immunit%. Pin it!

Meat, eggs , cereals, C m( nent green "egetables. haem gl bin


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Biology - Minerals and their Significance to a Human Body


!rahma(utra Cracker and ' l%mer ltd &&&.bc(l nline.c .in in"ites a((licati ns f r the ( st f )r. @ngg in Vari us Categ r% etc Refer &ebsite r @m(l %ment 9e&s dated ?B,CD 9 " ?D>? 2ndian 4rdnance 3act ries 9ag(ur htt(E::&&&. fa/admin.c m in"ites 49-29@ a((licati ns f r the ( st f 'harmacist 6 Medical 1ssist etc Refer &ebsite r @m(l %ment 9e&s dated C,F 9 " ?D>? !anaras 7indu 8ni"ersit% Varanasi &&&.bhu.ac.in in"ites a((licati ns f r the ( st f ;r. Clerk 6 -ab 1ttendant etc Refer &ebsite r @m(l %ment 9e&s dated >G,?C 9 " ?D>? *e(artment f *efence 'r ducti n Maharashtra in"ites a((licati ns f r the ( st f 'rimar% .eacher 6 -ab rat r% 1ssist Refer &ebsite r @m(l %ment 9e&s dated >D,>H 9 " ?D>? 2ndian 2nstitute f .echn l g% ! mba% &&&.ircc.iitb.ac.in:2RCC, #eb(age :rnd:7RM)- gin'age./s( in"ites 49-29@ a((licati ns f r the ( st f )r. 6 ;r. Research 3ell & in Vari us 'r /ects etc Refer &ebsite 9armada C ntr l 1uth rit% 2nd re &&&.nca.g ".in in"ites a((licati ns f r the ( st f ;r. @ngg 6 )ten Refer &ebsite r @m(l %ment 9e&s dated ?D,?H 4ct,?D>? #1-+,29,29.@RV2@# n ?G 9 " ?D>? C)2R !ha"nagar &&&.csmcri. rg in"ites a((licati ns f r the ( st f 'r /ect 1ssist 6 'r /ect 1ss ciate etc Refer &ebsite r @m(l %ment 9e&s dated >D,>H 9 " ?D>? 9ati nal 1luminium C m(an% ltd 4disha &&&.nalc india.c m 49-29@ a((licati ns f r the

2 dine(2) $icro Elements 3lu rine(3) =inc(=n)

Milk, cheese, sea f i di0ed salt

d, im( rtant c m( nent th%r xine h rm ne

f G itre, Cretinism

*rinking &ater, tea , Maintence sea f d teeth. Cereals, Milk, meat, sea f d

f b nes and #eak theeth, larger am unt causes m tting f teeth.

eggs, C fact r f digesti"e and Retarded gr &th, anaemia, man% ther en0%mes r ugh skin, &eak immunit% and fertilit%

C ((er(Cu)

Meat, dr% fruits , '4ds C fact r f c%t chr me 1naemia,&eak bl d "essels and c nnecti"e tissues , Green "egetables, xidase sea f d en0%me.9ecessar% f r ir n metab lism and de"el (ment f bl d "essels and c nnecti"e tissues *r% fruits, cereals,tea C fact r f s me 2rregular gr &th and fruits and green en0%mes f urea cartilages "egetables s%nthesis and transfer f tissues (h s(hate gr u( M2lk, cheese, meat Meat, cereals, sea f d 2m( rtant c m( nent "itamin !>? C fact r en0%mes$ "itamin @ f f 1naemia f f b nes, c nnecti"e


C balt(C ) )elenium()@)

man% Muscular (ain$ &eakness assists cardiac muscles

Chr mium(CR)

Aeast, sea f d, meat, 2m( rtant f r catab lic 2rregularities s me "egetables metab lism meatb lism (r ducti n Cereals, ( ds, "egetables Chemical #ame Retin l s me C fact r en0%mes "roperties f

f catab lic and 1.' f

M l%bdenum(M4) )itamin A

s me 2rregular excreati n nitr gen us &aste (r ducts *e%icienc' disease

General health gi"ing 9ight blindness "itamin, can be st red li"er 3 r Gr &th, !eri,!eri carb h%drate metab lism, functi ning f heart 3 r +ee(ing skin m uth health% and Cheil sis



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Rib fla"in 9iacin '%rid xine

3 r health% skin, s und 'ellagra mental health 'r cessing Link Menu f (r teins C n"ulsi ns in child Pin it!

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Biology - Minerals and their Significance to a Human Body


B+, C

C%nac balamin 1sc rbic 1cid

Required f r f rmati n 'ernici us anaemia and maturati n f R!Cs 3 r kee(ing teeth , )cur"% gums and / ints health% .Gets destr %ed n heating 3 r n rmal b nes and Rickets teeth, can be st red in li"er 3 r n rmal re(r ducti n )terilit% , rem "es scars and &rincles 3 r n rmal cl tting bl d f 7aem (hilia

Calcifer l

. c (her l

'h%ll quin ne

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