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Title V COVERAGE Article 243. Coverage and employee ! rig"t to el#$organi%ation.

& All per on employed in commercial' ind( trial and agric(lt(ral enterpri e and in religio( ' c"arita)le' medical' or ed(cational in tit(tion ' *"et"er operating #or pro#it or not' "all "ave t"e rig"t to el#$organi%ation and to #orm' +oin' or a i t la)or organi%ation o# t"eir o*n c"oo ing #or p(rpo e o# collective )argaining. Am)(lant' intermittent and itinerant *or,er ' el#$employed people' r(ral *or,er and t"o e *it"o(t any de#inite employer may #orm la)or organi%ation #or t"eir m(t(al aid and protection. -A amended )y Bata .am)an a Bilang /0' 1ay 2' 23405. 66666666 1. ORGANIZING IN GENERAL T"e rig"t to organi%e and to )argain' in a general en e' are given not e7cl( ively to employee . Even *or,er *"o are not employee o# any partic(lar employer may #orm t"eir organi%ation to protect t"eir intere t . 8nder Art. 243 o# t"i Code' t"e rig"t to organi%e re#er al o to #orming' +oining or a i ting a labor organi%ation. Connected to Art. 249 t"i rig"t carrie *it" it t"e rig"t to engage in gro(p action' provided it i peace#(l' to (pport t"e organi%ation! o)+ective *"ic" i not nece arily )argaining )(t' imply' to aid and protect it mem)er . B(t t"i ,ind o# gro(p action m( t )e di##erentiated #rom tri,e *"ic"' )eca( e it i *or, toppage' m( t o) erve certain reg(lation: ot"er*i e' t"e tri,e may )e declared illegal and it leader may )e t"ro*n o(t o# t"eir +o) . 2.2 Coverage o# t"e Rig"t to Organi%e: E7ception T"e rig"t to #orm' +oin or a i t a la)or organi%ation i granted to all ,ind o# employee o# all ,ind o# employer ;p()lic or private' pro#it or non$pro#it' commercial or religio( . T"eir ( (al #orm o# organi%ation i a (nion and t"e ( (al p(rpo e i collective )argaining *it" t"eir employer . B(t t"e eemingly all$incl( ive coverage o# <all per on = in Article 243 act(ally admit e7ception . 8nder Art. 24>' #or in tance' managerial employee ' regardle o# t"e ,ind o# organi%ation *"ere t"ey are employed' may not +oin' a i t or #orm any la)or organi%ation' meaning a la)or (nion. Accordingly' managerial employee cannot' in t"e a) ence o# an agreement to t"e contrary' )e allo*ed to "are in t"e conce ion o)tained )y t"e la)or (nion t"ro(g" collective negotiation. Ot"er*i e' t"ey *o(ld )e e7po ed to t"e temptation o# coll(ding *it" t"e (nion d(ring t"e negotiation to t"e detriment o# t"e employer. ?o*ever' t"ere i not"ing to prevent t"e employer #rom granting )ene#it to managerial employee e@(al to or "ig"er t"an t"o e a##orded to (nion mem)er . S(pervi or are allo*ed to organi%e' )(t t"ey cannot #or' +oin or a i t a ran,$and$#ile (nion. 2. RIGHT TO ORGANIZE CANNOT BE BARGAINED AWAY Alt"o(g" *e "ave (p"eld t"e validity o# t"e CBA a t"e la* among t"e partie ' it provi ion cannot override *"at i e7pre ly provided )y la* t"at only managerial employee are ineligi)le to +oin' a i t or

LABOR RELATIONS #orm any la)or organi%ation. T"ere#ore' regardle o# t"e c"allenged employee A de ignation ' *"et"er t"ey are employed a S(pervi or or in t"e con#idential payroll ' i# t"e nat(re o# t"eir +o) doe not #all (nder t"e de#inition o# BmanagerialB a de#ined in t"e La)or Code' t"ey are eligi)le to )e mem)er o# t"e )argaining (nit and to vote in t"e certi#ication election. T"eir rig"t to el#$organi%ation m( t )e (p"eld in t"e a) ence o# an e7pre provi ion o# la* to t"e contrary. It cannot )e c(rtailed )y a collective )argaining agreement. 3. EMPLOYEES OF NONPROFIT INSTITUTIONS 8nder Article 243 o# t"e La)or Code' t"e ran,$and$#ile employee o# non$pro#it medical in tit(tion are permitted to #orm' organi%e or +oin la)or (nion o# t"eir c"oice #or p(rpo e o# collective )argaining. I# t"e (nion "a complied *it" t"e re@(i ite provided )y la* #or calling a certi#ication election' it i inc(m)ent (pon t"e COLE Regional Cirector to cond(ct (c" certi#ication election to a certain t"e )argaining repre entative o# t"e "o pital employee . . E!CEPTION" COOPERATIVE EMPLOYEE#MEMBERS OF A

A cooperative i )y it nat(re di##erent #rom an ordinary )( ine concern )eing r(n eit"er' )y per on ' partner "ip or corporation . It o*ner andDor mem)er are t"e one *"o r(n and operate t"e )( ine *"ile t"e ot"er are it employee . A a)ove tated' irre pective o# t"e name o# "are o*ned )y it mem)er t"ey are entitled to ca t one vote eac" in deciding (pon t"e a##air o# t"e cooperative. T"eir "are capital earn limited intere t . T"ey en+oy pecial privilege a e7emption #rom income ta7 and ale ta7e ' pre#erential rig"t to (pply t"eir prod(ct to State agencie and even e7emption #rom minim(m *age la* . An employee o# (c" a cooperative *"o i a mem)er and co$o*ner t"ereo# cannot invo,e t"e rig"t to collective )argaining #or certainly an o*ner cannot )argain *it" "im el# or "i co$o*ner . ?o*ever' in o #ar a it involve cooperative *it" employee *"o are not mem)er or co$o*ner t"ereo#' certainly (c" employee are entitled to e7erci e t"e rig"t o# all *or,er to organi%ation' collective )argaining' negotiation and ot"er a are en "rined in t"e Con tit(tion and e7i ting la* o# t"e co(ntry. In anot"er ca e' t"e co(rt clari#ied t"at it i t"e #act o# o*ner "ip o# t"e cooperative' and not involvement in t"e management t"ereo#' *"ic" di @(ali#ie a mem)er #rom +oining any la)or organi%ation *it"in t"e cooperative. T"( ' irre pective o# t"e degree o# t"eir participation in t"e act(al management o# t"e cooperative' all mem)er t"ereo# cannot #orm' a i t or +oin a la)or organi%ation #or t"e p(rpo e o# collective )argaining. B(t mem)er$employee o# a cooperative may *it"dra* a mem)er o# t"e cooperative in order to +oin a la)or (nion. 1em)er "ip in a cooperative i vol(ntary: in"erent in it i t"e rig"t not to +oin. 4.2 E7ception to E7ceptionE A ociation' not 8nion F"ile t"e mem)er o# a cooperative *"o are al o it employee cannot (nioni%e #or )argaining p(rpo e ' t"e la* doe not pro"i)it t"em #rom #orming an a ociation #or t"eir m(t(al aid and protection a employee .

LABOR RELATIONS C.O. No. 40$03 allo* and de#ine a <*or,er ! a ociation= a one *"ic" i organi%ed #or t"e m(t(al aid and protection o# it mem)er or #or any legitimate p(rpo e ot"er t"an collective )argaining. $. E!CEPTION" INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS >.2 Ioreign For,er A certi#ication election cannot )e cond(cted in an international organi%ation *"ic" t"e ."ilippine Government "a granted imm(nity #rom local +(ri diction. T"e grant o# (c" imm(nity i a political @(e tion *"o e re ol(tion )y t"e e7ec(tive )ranc" o# government i concl( ive (pon t"e co(rt
-25 <International Organi%ation= and <Specialized Agencie =;T"e term Binternational organi%ationB i generally ( ed to de cri)e an organi%ation et (p )y agreement )et*een t*o or more tate . 8nder contemporary international la*' (c" organi%ation are endo*ed *it" ome degree o# international legal per onality (c" t"at t"ey are capa)le o# e7erci ing peci#ic rig"t ' d(tie and po*er . T"ey are organi%ed mainly a a mean #or cond(cting general international )( ine in *"ic" t"e mem)er tate "ave an intere t. T"e 8nited Nation ' #or in tance' i an international organi%ation dedicated to t"e propagation o# *orld peace. BSpeciali%ed agencie B are international organi%ation "aving #(nction in partic(lar #ield . T"e term appear in Article >/ and 93 o# t"e C"arter o# t"e 8nited Nation . -25 Principles Underlying the Grant of International Immunities to International Organizations;T"ere are )a ically t"ree propo ition (nderlying t"e grant o# international imm(nitie to international organi%ation . T"e e principle ' contained in t"e ILO 1emorand(m are tated t"( E 25 international in tit(tion "o(ld "ave a tat( *"ic" protect t"em again t control or inter#erence )y any one government in t"e per#ormance o# #(nction #or t"e e##ective di c"arge o# *"ic" t"ey are re pon i)le to democratically con tit(ted international )odie in *"ic" all t"e nation concerned are repre ented: 25 no co(ntry "o(ld derive any national #inancial advantage )y levying #i cal c"arge on common international #(nd : and 35 t"e international organi%ation "o(ld' a a collectivity o# State mem)er ' )e accorded t"e #acilitie #or t"e cond(ct o# it o##icial )( ine c( tomarily e7tended to eac" ot"er )y it individ(al mem)er State . T"e t"eory )e"ind all t"ree propo ition i aid to )e e entially in tit(tional in c"aracter. BIt i not concerned *it" t"e tat( ' dignity or privilege o# individ(al ' )(t *it" t"e element o# #(nctional independence nece ary to #ree international in tit(tion #rom national control and to ena)le t"em to di c"arge t"eir re pon i)ilitie impartially on )e"al# o# all t"eir mem)er . T"e rai on dAetre #or t"e e imm(nitie i t"e a (rance o# (nimpeded per#ormance o# t"eir #(nction )y t"e agencie concerned. -35 Labors Basic Rights Remain;T"e imm(nity o# International Cat"olic 1igration Commi ion -IC1C5 and t"e International Rice Re earc" In tit(tion -IRRI5 #rom local +(ri diction )y no mean deprive la)or o# it )a ic rig"t ' *"ic" are g(aranteed )y Article II' Section 24' Article III' Section 4' and Article HIII' Section 3' o# t"e 234/ Con tit(tion: and implemented )y Article 243 and 249 o# t"e La)or Code. -45 ertification !lection Barred by Immunity;T"e imm(nity granted )eing B#rom every #orm o# legal proce e7cept in o #ar a in any partic(lar ca e t"ey "ave e7pre ly *aived t"eir imm(nity'B it i inacc(rate to tate t"at a certi#ication election i )eyond t"e cope o# t"at imm(nity #or t"e rea on t"at it i not a (it again t IC1C. A certi#ication election cannot )e vie*ed a an independent or i olated proce . It co(ld trigger o## a erie o# event in t"e collective )argaining proce toget"er *it" related incident andDor concerted activitie ' *"ic" co(ld inevita)ly involve IC1C in t"e Blegal proce 'B *"ic" incl(de <any penal' civil and admini trative proceeding .= T"e event(ality o# Co(rt litigation i neit"er remote and #rom *"ic" international organi%ation are preci ely "ielded to a#eg(ard t"em #rom t"e di r(ption o# t"eir #(nction . Cla( e on +(ri dictional imm(nity are aid to )e tandard provi ion in t"e con tit(tion o# international Organi%ation . <T"e imm(nity cover t"e organi%ation concerned' it property and it a et ...= Ioreigner ' *"et"er nat(ral or +(ridical' a *ell a #oreign corporation are trictly pro"i)ited #rom engaging directly or indirectly in all #orm o# trade (nion activitie . ?o*ever' alien *or,ing in t"e co(ntry *it" valid *or, permit may e7erci e t"e rig"t to el#$organi%ation i# t"ey are national o# a co(ntry t"at grant t"e ame or imilar rig"t to Iilipino *or,er . -Art. 2935

Faiver o# it imm(nity i di cretionary to IRRI. Fit"o(t (c" e7pre *aiver t"e NLRC or it la)or ar)iter "ave no +(ri diction over IRRI even in ca e o# alleged illegal di mi al o# any o# it employee .

%. E!CEPTION" RELIGIOUS OB&ECTORS' IGLESIA NI CRISTO MEMBERS 8nder t"e Ind( trial .eace Act -23>35 *"ic" preceded t"e La)or Code -and even (nder t"e pre ent Code5 t"e employer and t"e (nion co(ld enter into a <clo ed "op= agreement *"ic" *o(ld compel employee to )ecome (nion *or,er a a condition o# contin(ed employment. B(t in 2392 R.A. No. 33>0 *a pa ed to e7empt #rom (c" comp(l ory (nion mem)er "ip t"e #ollo*er o# any religio( ect - (c" a t"e Igle ia ni Cri to5 *"o e teac"ing #or)id mem)er "ip in la)or (nion . T"e con tit(tionality o# R.A. No. 33>0 *a (p"eld )y t"e S(preme Co(rt in "ictoriano #$ !lizalde. It may not )e ami to point o(t "ere t"at t"e #ree e7erci e o# religio( pro#e ion or )elie# i (perior to contract rig"t . In ca e o# con#lict' t"e latter m( t' t"ere#ore' yield to t"e #ormer. 9.2 Coe t"e E7emption Still StandJ 9.2 Igle ia Ni Cri to 1em)er 1ay Iorm and Koin O*n 8nion 66666666 Article 244. Rig"t o# employee in t"e p()lic ervice. & Employee o# government corporation e ta)li "ed (nder t"e Corporation Code "all "ave t"e rig"t to organi%e and to )argain collectively *it" t"eir re pective employer . All ot"er employee in t"e civil ervice "all "ave t"e rig"t to #orm a ociation #or p(rpo e not contrary to la*. -A amended )y E7ec(tive Order No. 222' Cecem)er 24' 23495. 66666666 1. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES( RIGHT TO ORGANIZE' LIMITATIONS T"e "ig"e t la* o# t"e land g(arantee to government employee t"e rig"t to organi%e and to negotiate' )(t not t"e rig"t to tri,e. 2.2 Limited .(rpo e T"e e7tent o# t"e government employee A rig"t o# el#$organi%ation di##er igni#icantly #rom t"at o# employee in t"e private ector. T"e latterA rig"t o# el#$organi%ation' i.e.' Bto #orm' +oin or a i t la)or organi%ation #or p(rpo e o# collective )argaining'B admittedly incl(de t"e rig"t to deal and negotiate *it" t"eir re pective employer in order to #i7 t"e term and condition o# employment and al o' to engage in concerted activitie #or t"e attainment o# t"eir o)+ective ' (c" a tri,e ' pic,eting' )oycott . B(t t"e rig"t o# government employee to B#orm' +oin or a i t employee organi%ation o# t"eir o*n c"oo ingB (nder E7ec(tive Order No. 240 i not regarded a e7i ting or availa)le #or Bp(rpo e o# collective

>.2 Faiver o# Imm(nity

LABOR RELATIONS )argaining'B )(t imply B#or t"e #(rt"erance and protection o# t"eir intere t .B In ot"er *ord ' t"e rig"t o# Government employee to deal and negotiate *it" t"eir re pective employer i not @(ite a e7ten ive a t"at o# private employee . E7cl(ded #rom negotiation )y government employee are t"e Bterm and condition o# employment...t"at are #i7ed )y la*'B it )eing only t"o e term and condition not ot"er*i e #i7ed )y la* t"at Bmay )e ()+ect o# negotiation )et*een t"e d(ly recogni%ed employee A organi%ation and appropriate government a(t"oritie .B
Ceclared to )e Anot negotia)leA are matter Bt"at re@(ire appropriation o# #(nd :B e.g.' increa e in alary emol(ment and ot"er allo*ance ' car plan' pecial "o pitali%ation' medical and dental ervice ' increa e in retirement )ene#it -Sec. 3' R(le LIII5' and t"o e Bt"at involve t"e e7erci e o# management prerogative :B e.g.' appointment' promotion' a ignmentDdetail' penaltie a a re (lt o# di ciplinary action ' etc. -Sec. 4' Id.5 Con idered negotia)le are (c" matter a c"ed(le o# vacation and ot"er leave ' *or, a ignment o# pregnant *omen: recreational' ocial' at"letic' and c(lt(ral activitie and #acilitie ' etc. -Sec. 2' Id.5. e7erci ed in accordance *it" la*' i.e. are ()+ect )ot" to BCivil Service La* and r(le B and Bany legi lation t"at may )e enacted )y Congre 'B t"at Bt"e re ol(tion o# complaint ' grievance and ca e involving government employee B i not ordinarily le#t to collective )argaining or ot"er related concerted activitie ' )(t to BCivil Service La* and la)or la* and proced(re *"enever applica)le:B and t"at in ca e Bany di p(te remain (nre olved a#ter e7"a( ting all availa)le remedie (nder e7i ting la* and proced(re ' t"e partie may +ointly re#er t"e di p(te to t"e -.()lic Sector La)or$1anagement5 Co(ncil #or appropriate action.B F"at i more' t"e R(le and Reg(lation implementing E7ec(tive Order No. 240 e7plicitly provide t"at ince t"e Bterm and condition o# employment in t"e government' incl(ding any political ()divi ion or in tr(mentality t"ereo# and government$o*ned and controlled corporation *it" original c"arter are governed )y la*' t"e employee t"erein "all not tri,e #or t"e p(rpo e o# ec(ring c"ange t"ereo#.

Sec. /. Government employee A organi%ation "all regi ter *it" t"e Civil Service Commi ion and t"e Cepartment o# La)or and Employment. T"e application "all )e #iled *it" t"e B(rea( o# La)or Relation o# t"e Cepartment *"ic" "all proce t"e ame in accordance *it" t"e provi ion o# t"e La)or Code o# t"e ."ilippine ' a amended. Application may al o )e #iled *it" t"e Regional O##ice o# t"e Cepartment o# La)or and Employment *"ic" "all immediately tran mit t"e aid application to t"e B(rea( o# La)or Relation *it"in t"ree -35 day #rom receipt t"ereo#. Sec. 4. 8pon approval o# t"e application' a regi tration certi#icate )e i (ed to t"e organi%ation recogni%ing it a a legitimate employee A organi%ation *it" t"e rig"t to repre ent it mem)er and (nderta,e activitie to #(rt"er and de#end it intere t. T"e corre ponding certi#icate o# regi tration "all )e +ointly approved )y t"e C"airman o# t"e Civil Service Commi ion and Secretary o# La)or and Employment. -E.O. No. 2405

2.2 No Signing Bon( Employee and o##icer o# SSS are not entitled to t"e igning )on( provided #or in t"e collective negotiation agreement )eca( e t"e proce o# collective negotiation in t"e p()lic ector doe not encompa term and condition o# employment re@(iring t"e appropriation o# p()lic #(nd . T"e Co(rt remind t"e Social Sec(rity Commi ion o##icial t"at t"e SSS #(nd i not t"eir money 2.3 E7cepted Employee E7cepted #rom t"e application o# E7ec(tive Order 240' "o*ever' are <mem)er o# t"e Armed Iorce o# t"e ."ilippine ' incl(ding police o##icer ' policemen' #iremen' and +ail g(ard = -Sec. 45. Ior rea on o# ec(rity and a#ety' t"ey are not allo*ed to (nioni%e. A <high le#el employee= i one <*"o e #(nction are normally con idered policy determining' managerial or one *"o e d(tie are "ig"ly con#idential in nat(re. A managerial #(nction re#er to t"e e7erci e o# po*er (c" a E -25 to e##ectively recommend (c" managerial action : -25 to #orm(late or e7ec(te management policie and deci ion : or -35 to "ire' tran #er' lay$o##' recall' di mi ' a ign or di cipline employee . 2.3a .ro#e or a ran,$and$#ile employee .ro#e or at t"e 8niver ity o# t"e ."ilippine *"o are not e7erci ing managerial or "ig"ly con#idential #(nction are ran,$and$#ile employee and may (nioni%e eparately #rom t"e non$academic per onnel. In "ort' t"e pro#e or ' a ociate pro#e or and a i tant pro#e or o# t"e 8niver ity o# t"e ."ilippine are ran,$and$#ile employee . T"e #(ll pro#e or ' a ociate pro#e or ' a i tant pro#e or ' in tr(ctor and t"e re earc"' e7ten ion and pro#e ional ta## may' i# o minded' organi%e t"em elve into a separate collective )argaining (nit. 2.4 Rig"t to Stri,e
EO No. 240 al o concede to government employee ' li,e t"eir co(nterpart in t"e private ector' t"e rig"t to engage in concerted activitie ' incl(ding t"e rig"t to tri,e' t"e e7ec(tive order i @(ic, to add t"at t"o e activitie m( t )e





A certi#ication election to c"oo e t"e (nion t"at *ill repre ent t"e employee may )e cond(cted )y t"e B(rea( o# La)or Relation in a government corporation' *"et"er governed )y t"e La)or Code or t"e Civil Service r(le . 3.2 Election o# O##icer in Government 8nion It i @(ite clear #rom t"i provi ion t"at BLR "a t"e original and e7cl( ive +(ri diction on all inter$(nion and intra$(nion con#lict . An intra$(nion con#lict *o(ld re#er to a con#lict *it"in or in ide a la)or (nion' and an inter$(nion controver y or di p(te' one occ(rring or carried on )et*een or among (nion . T"e ()+ect o# t"e ca e at )ar' *"ic" i t"e election o# t"e o##icer and mem)er o# t"e )oard o# M1MM$1FSS' i ' clearly' an intra$(nion con#lict' )eing *it"in or in ide a la)or (nion. It i *ell *it"in t"e po*er o# t"e BLR to act (pon. . WHEN PSLMC MAY RULE ON LEGALITY OF DISMISSAL T"e .()lic Sector La)or$1anagement Co(ncil' created )y E7ec(tive Order No. 240 -K(ne 2' 234/5 "a +(ri diction to "ear c"arge o# (n#air la)or practice #iled )y government employee again t t"eir employer' e$g$' t"e .amanta an ng L(ng od ng 1aynila. In deciding t"e 8L. c"arge t"e .SL1C may al o r(le on t"e complainant ! di mi al i# t"e t*o i (e ;8L. and di mi al;are (navoida)ly interlin,ed. $. UNION#BUSTING IN A GOVERNMENT AGENCY) U.L.P. >.2 Even Temporary Employee 1ay Organi%e

LABOR RELATIONS Even temporary employee en+oy t"e )a ic rig"t to #orm organi%ation or a ociation #or p(rpo e not contrary to la*. 8nder Art. 2//-c5 o# t"e La)or Code' <any employee' *"et"er employed #or a de#inite period o# not' "all )eginning on "i #ir t day o# ervice' )e con idered an employee #or p(rpo e o# mem)er "ip in any la)or (nion.= 66666666 Article 24>. Ineligi)ility o# managerial employee to +oin any la)or organi%ation: Rig"t o# S(pervi ory Employee . $ 1anagerial employee are not eligi)le to +oin' a i t or #orm any la)or organi%ation. S(pervi ory employee "all not )e eligi)le #or mem)er "ip in t"e collective )argaining (nit o# t"e ran,$and$#ile employee )(t may +oin' a i t or #orm eparate collective )argaining (nit andDor legitimate la)or organi%ation o# t"eir o*n. T"e ran,$and$ #ile (nion and t"e (pervi or ! (nion operating *it"in t"e ame e ta)li "ment may +oin t"e ame #ederation or national (nion. -A amended )y Section 24' Rep()lic Act No. 9/2>' 1arc" 22' 2343 and Section 4' Rep()lic Act No. 3442 *"ic" lap ed into la* on 1ay 2>' 200/ and )ecame e##ective on K(ne 24' 200/5. 66666666 1. CATEGORIES OF EMPLOYEES RA 9/2> *"ic" too, e##ect on 1arc" 22' 2343 -2> day a#ter it p()lication in t"e B."ilippine Caily In@(irerB5 provide t"at alt"o(g" B (pervi ory employee "all not )e eligi)le #or mem)er "ip in a la)or organi%ation o# t"e ran, and #ile employee 'B t"ey may' "o*ever' B+oin' a i t or #orm eparate la)or organi%ation o# t"eir o*n.B 2. INELIGIBILITY OF MANAGERS 2.2 Type o# 1anagerial Employee
T"e term BmanagerB generally re#er to Banyone *"o i re pon i)le #or ()ordinate and ot"er organi%ational re o(rce .B A a cla ' manager con tit(te t"ree level o# a pyramid' namely' top management' middle management' and #ir t$line management *"ic" i al o called (pervi or. Belo* t"i t"ird level are t"e operative or operating employee *"o' *e may add' are al o called ran,$and$#ile. IIRST$LINE 1ANAGERS ; T"e lo*e t level in an organi%ation at *"ic" individ(al are re pon i)le #or t"e *or, o# ot"er i called #ir t$line or #ir t$ level management. Iir t$line manager direct operating employee only: t"ey do not (pervi e ot"er manager . E7ample o# #ir t$line manager are t"e B#oremanB or prod(ction (pervi or in a man(#act(ring plant' t"e tec"nical (pervi or in a re earc" department' and t"e clerical (pervi or in a large o##ice. Iir t$level manager are o#ten called (pervi or . 1ICCLE 1ANAGERS ; T"e term middle management can re#er to more t"an one level in an organi%ation. 1iddle manager direct t"e activitie o# ot"er manager and ometime al o t"o e o# operating employee . 1iddle manager A principal re pon i)ilitie are to direct t"e activitie t"at implement t"eir organi%ation A policie and to )alance t"e demand o# t"eir (perior *it" t"e capacitie o# t"eir ()ordinate . A plant manager in an electronic #irm i an e7ample o# a middle manager. TO. 1ANAGERS ; Compo ed o# a comparatively mall gro(p o# e7ec(tive ' top management i re pon i)le #or t"e overall management o# t"e organi%ation. It e ta)li "e operating policie and g(ide t"e organi%ationA interaction *it" it environment. Typical title o# top manager are Bc"ie# e7ec(tive o##icer'B Bpre ident'B and B enior vice$pre ident.B Act(al title vary #rom one organi%ation to anot"er and are not al*ay a relia)le g(ide to mem)er "ip in t"e "ig"e t management cla i#ication. A can )e een #rom t"i de cription' a di tinction e7i t )et*een t"o e *"o "ave t"e a(t"ority to devi e' implement and control trategic and operational policie -top and middle manager 5 and t"o e *"o e ta , i imply to en (re t"at (c" policie are carried o(t )y t"e ran,$and$#ile employee o# an organi%ation -#ir t$level manager D (pervi or 5. F"at di ting(i "e t"em #rom t"e ran,$and$#ile employee i t"at t"ey act in t"e intere t o# t"e employer in (pervi ing (c" ran,$and$#ile employee . B1anagerial employee B may t"ere#ore )e aid to #all into t*o di tinct categorie E t"e Bmanager B per e' *"o compo e t"e #ormer gro(p de cri)ed a)ove' and t"e B (pervi or B *"o #orm t"e latter gro(p. F"et"er t"ey )elong to t"e #ir t or t"e econd category' manager ' #is%a%#is employer ' are' li,e*i e' employee .

2.2 Con tit(tionality o# t"e .ro"i)ition T"e @(e tion i *"et"er t"e #ir t entence o# Art. 24> o# t"e La)or Code' pro"i)iting managerial employee #rom #orming' a i ting or +oining any la)or organi%ation' i con tit(tional in lig"t o# Art. III' Sec. 4 o# t"e Con tit(tion *"ic" provide E
T"e rig"t o# t"e people' incl(ding t"o e employed in t"e p()lic and private ector ' to #orm (nion ' a ociation' or ocietie #or p(rpo e not contrary to la* "all not )e a)ridged.

T"e pre ent Article 24> i t"e re (lt o# t"e amendment o# t"e La)or Code in 2343 )y R.A. No. 9/2>' ot"er*i e ,no*n a t"e ?errera$ Lelo o La*. 8nli,e t"e Ind( trial .eace Act or t"e provi ion o# t"e La)or Code *"ic" it (per eded' R.A. No. 9/2> provide eparate de#inition o# t"e term BmanagerialB and B (pervi ory employee B -See Art. 222NmO5. Alt"o(g" t"e de#inition o# B (pervi ory employee B eem to "ave )een (nd(ly re tricted to t"e la t p"ra e o# t"e de#inition in t"e Ind( trial .eace Act' t"e legal igni#icance given to t"e p"ra e Be##ectively recommend B remain t"e ame. In #act' t"e di tinction )et*een top and middle manager ' *"o et management policy' and #ront$line (pervi or ' *"o are merely re pon i)le #or en (ring t"at (c" policie are carried o(t )y t"e ran, and #ile' i artic(lated in t"e pre ent de#inition.
T"e rationale #or t"i in"i)ition "a )een tated to )e' )eca( e i# t"e e managerial employee *o(ld )elong to or )e a##iliated *it" a 8nion' t"e latter mig"t not )e a (red o# t"eir loyalty to t"e 8nion in vie* o# evident con#lict o# intere t . T"e 8nion can al o )ecome company$dominated *it" t"e pre ence o# managerial employee in 8nion mem)er "ip.

2.2a Ot"er Opinion

K( tice .(no #(rt"er air a *arningE <To declare Article 24> o# t"e La)or Code (ncon tit(tional c(t deep into o(r e7i ting ind( trial li#e and *ill open t"e #loodgate to (nioni%ation at all level o# t"e ind( trial "ierarc"y. S(c" a r(ling *ill *rea, "avoc on t"e e7i ting et$(p )et*een management and la)or. I# all managerial employee *ill )e allo*ed to (nioni%e' t"en all *"o are in t"e payroll o# t"e company' tarting #rom t"e pre ident' vice$pre ident' general manager and everyone' *it" t"e e7ception o# t"e director ' may go on tri,e or pic,et t"e employer. Company o##icer *ill +oin #orce *it" t"e (pervi or and ran,$and$#ile.=

3. EVOLUTION OF SUPERVISORS( RIGHT TO ORGANIZE 8nli,e manager ' (pervi or can (nioni%e. 3.2 Iir t .eriodE 8nder t"e Ind( trial .eace Act

LABOR RELATIONS T"e pro)lem *a t"at alt"o(g" t"e Ind( trial .eace Act de#ined a < (pervi or'= it #ailed to de#ine a <manager= or <managerial employee.= So t"e @(e tion aro eE Cid t"e *ord < (pervi or= incl(de <manager=J Co(ld manager al o (nioni%eJ In a ca e involving Calte7 manager ' t"e Co(rt an *ered a##irmatively. 3.2 Second .eriodE 8nder t"e La)or Code Be#ore Amendment )y R.A. No. 9/2> T"i time t"e @(e tion *a E Cid Pmanagerial employee= incl(de < (pervi or=J Fere (pervi or al o )anned #rom (nioni%ingJ Qe . T"e pro"i)ition *a applied to (pervi or in t"e ca e o# Bulletin Publishing orp$ "$ Sanchez' 244 SCRA 424' decided on Octo)er /' 2349. 3.3 T"ird .eriodE 8nder t"e La)or Code a Amended )y RA 9/2> R.A. No. 9/2> pre ent a compromi e #orm(laE retain t"e ineligi)ility o# managerial employee )(t revive t"e rig"t o# (pervi ory employee to (nioni%e. . DEFINITION OF MANAGER AND SUPERVISOR 8nli,e in t"e Ind( trial .eace Act and t"e La)or Code )e#ore (c" amendment' t"e po*er to decide on managerial act i no* eparated #rom t"e po*er to recommend t"o e managerial act ' (c" a laying do*n policy' "iring or di mi ing employee ' etc. A (pervi or "a t"e po*er only to recommend *"ile a managerial employee "a t"e po*er to decide and do t"o e act . B(t to ma,e one a (pervi or' t"e po*er to recommend m( t not )e merely ro(tinary or clerical in nat(re )(t re@(ire t"e ( e o# independent +(dgment. In ot"er *ord ' t"e recommendation i -25 di cretionary or +(dgmental -not clerical5' -25 independent -not a dictation o# omeone el e5' and -35 e##ective -given partic(lar *eig"t in ma,ing t"e management deci ion5. I# t"e e @(alitie are lac,ing or' *or e' i# t"e po*er to recommend i a) ent' t"en t"e per on i not really a (pervi or )(t a ran,$and$#ile employee and t"ere#ore )elong or "o(ld )elong to a ran,$and$#ile organi%ation. Similarly' a o$called manager' no matter "o* "i po ition i titled' i not really a manager in t"e eye o# t"e la* i# "e doe not po e managerial po*er -to lay do*n and e7ec(te management policie andD or to "ire' tran #er' ( pend' lay$o##' recall' di c"arge' a ign or di cipline employee 5. I# "e can only recommend t"e e7erci e o# any o# t"e e po*er ' "e i only a (pervi or' "ence' may +oin' a i t or #orm a (pervi or ! organi%ation. $. TEST OF SUPERVISORY STATUS
T"e te t o# B (pervi oryB or Bmanagerial tat( B depend on *"et"er a per on po e e a(t"ority to act in t"e intere t o# "i employer in t"e matter peci#ied in Article 222 -,5 o# t"e La)or Code and Section 2 -m5 o# it Implementing R(le and *"et"er (c" a(t"ority i not merely ro(tinary or clerical in nat(re' )(t re@(ire t"e ( e o# independent +(dgment. T"( ' *"ere (c" recommendatory po*er a in t"e ca e at )ar' are ()+ect to eval(ation' revie* and #inal action )y t"e department "ead and ot"er "ig"er e7ec(tive o# t"e company' t"e ame' alt"o(g" pre ent' are not e##ective and not an e7erci e o# independent +(dgment a re@(ired )y la*. It i t"e nat(re o# an employeeA #(nction and not t"e nomenclat(re or title given to "i +o) *"ic" determine *"et"er "e "a ran,$and$#ile or managerial tat( . Among t"e c"aracteri tic o# managerial ran, areE -25 ?e i not ()+ect to t"e rigid o) ervance o# reg(lar o##ice "o(r : -25 ?i *or, re@(ire t"e con i tent e7erci e o# di cretion and +(dgment in it per#ormance: -35 t"e o(tp(t prod(ced or t"e re (lt accompli "ed cannot )e tandardi%ed in relation to a given period o# time: -45 ?e manage a c( tomarily recogni%ed department or ()divi ion o# t"e e ta)li "ment' c( tomarily and reg(larly directing t"e *or, o# ot"er employee t"erein: ->5 ?e eit"er "a t"e a(t"ority to "ire or di c"arge ot"er employee or "i (gge tion and recommendation a to "iring and di c"arging' advancement and promotion or ot"er c"ange o# tat( o# ot"er employee are given partic(lar *eig"t: and -95 A a r(le' "e i not paid "o(rly *age nor ()+ected to ma7im(m "o(r o# *or,.

>.2 T"e .o*er to Recommend T"e po*er to recommend' in order to @(ali#y an employee a a (pervi or' m( t not only )e e##ective )(t "o(ld re@(ire t"e ( e o# independent +(dgment. It "o(ld not )e merely o# a ro(tinary or clerical nat(re. >.2 E7ample o# Ine##ective or Clerical Recommendation %. SEGREGATION OF RAN*#AND#FILE AND SUPERVISORS Article 24> allo* (pervi ory employee to #orm' +oin' or a i t eparate la)or organi%ation o# t"eir o*n' )(t t"ey are not eligi)le #or mem)er "ip in a la)or organi%ation o# t"e ran,$and$#ile employee . Neit"er may a ran,$and$#ile +oin a (nion o# (pervi or . T"i policy o# egregating t"e (pervi or ! (nion #rom t"at o# t"e ran,$and$#ile i #o(nded on #airne to t"e employee t"em elve . It *ill )e do()ly detrimental to t"e employer i# t"e (pervi or and t"e ran,$and$#ile' a mem)er o# only one (nion' co(ld ta,e a common tand again t t"e employer. 9.2 E##ect o# ?aving 1i7ed 1em)er "ip A (nion *"o e mem)er "ip i a mi7t(re o# (pervi or and ran,$and$ #ile i not and cannot )ecome a legitimate la)or organi%ation. It cannot petition #or a certi#ication election' m(c" le a , to )e recogni%ed a t"e )argaining repre entative o# employee .
T"e La)or Code "a made it a clear tat(tory policy to prevent (pervi ory employee #rom +oining la)or organi%ation con i ting o# ran,$and$#ile employee a t"e concern *"ic" involve mem)er o# eit"er gro(p are normally di parate and contradictory. Clearly' )a ed on Article 24>' a la)or organi%ation compo ed o# )ot" ran,$and$ #ile and (pervi ory employee i no la)or organi%ation at all. It cannot' #or any g(i e or p(rpo e' )e a legitimate la)or organi%ation. Not )eing one' an organi%ation *"ic" carrie a mi7t(re o# ran,$and$#ile and (pervi ory employee cannot po e any o# t"e rig"t o# a legitimate la)or organi%ation' incl(ding t"e rig"t to #ile a petition #or certi#ication election #or t"e p(rpo e o# collective )argaining. It )ecome nece ary' t"ere#ore' anterior to t"e granting o# an order allo*ing a certi#ication election' to in@(ire into t"e compo ition o# any la)or organi%ation *"enever t"e tat( o# t"e la)or organi%ation i c"allenged on t"e )a i o# Article 24> o# t"e La)or Code. T"e rationale )e"ind t"e CodeA e7cl( ion o# (pervi or #rom (nion o# ran,$ and$#ile employee i t"at (c" employee ' *"ile in t"e per#ormance o# (pervi ory #(nction ' )ecome t"e alter ego o# management in t"e ma,ing and t"e implementing o# ,ey deci ion at t"e ()$managerial level. Certainly' it *o(ld )e di##ic(lt to #ind (nity or m(t(ality o# intere t in a )argaining (nit con i ting o# a mi7t(re o# ran,$and$#ile and (pervi ory employee . And t"i i o )eca( e t"e #(ndamental te t o# a )argaining (nitA accepta)ility i *"et"er or not (c" a (nit *ill )e t advance to all employee *it"in t"e (nit t"e proper e7erci e o# t"eir collective )argaining rig"t . T"e Code it el# "a recogni%ed t"i ' in preventing (pervi ory employee #rom +oining (nion o# ran,$and$#ile employee .

LABOR RELATIONS 9.2 ?o* 1anyJ ?o* Ie*J 9.3 Illegal 1i7ed 1em)er "ip 1( t Be Rai ed and .roved 9.4 Cancellation o# 8nion Regi tration on Gro(nd o# Incl( ion o# Ci @(ali#ied .o ition E F"at need to )e .roved
F"at i e ential i t"e nat(re o# t"e employee! #(nction and not t"e nomenclat(re or title given to t"e +o) *"ic" determine *"et"er t"e employee "a ran,$and$#ile or managerial tat( or *"et"er "e i a (pervi ory employee.

/.3 T"ird S*ingE Incl( ion Among S(pervi or /.4 Io(rt" S*ingE Incl( ion Among 1ont"ly .aid Ran,$and$Iile /.4a Limited E7cl( ion: Coctrine o# Nece ary Implication A con#idential employee i one entr( ted *it" con#idence on delicate matter ' or *it" t"e c( tody' "andling' or care and protection o# t"e employerA property. F"ile Art. 24> o# t"e La)or Code ingle o(t managerial employee a ineligi)le to +oin' a i t or #orm any la)or organi%ation' (nder t"e doctrine o# nece ary implication' con#idential employee are imilarly di @(ali#ied. T"e doctrine o# nece ary implication mean t"at *"at i implied in a tat(te i a m(c" a part t"ereo# a t"at *"ic" i e7pre ed. /.4) T"e 1etrola) and 1eralco S(mmation E E7cl( ion #rom Bargaining (nit and Clo ed$ "op Cla( e
Alt"o(g" Article 24> o# t"e La)or Code limit t"e ineligi)ility to +oin' #orm and a i t any la)or organi%ation to managerial employee ' +(ri pr(dence "a e7tended t"i pro"i)ition to con#idential employee or t"o e *"o )y rea on o# t"eir po ition or nat(re o# *or, are re@(ired to a i t or act in a #id(ciary manner to managerial employee and "ence' are li,e*i e privy to en itive and "ig"ly con#idential record .

T"e implementing R(le tate t"at t"e legal per onality o# t"e petitioner (nion cannot )e ()+ect to collateral attac, <)(t may )e @(e tioned only in an independent petition #or cancellation.= To (mmari%e' t"e petition #or certi#ication election i not t"e proper #or(m to rai e t"e i (e o# legal per onality o# t"e (nion. Al o' a petition to cancel (nion regi tration cannot )e "eard or decided )y t"e 1ed$Ar)iter )(t eit"er t"e COLE Regional Cirector #or enterpri e$ level or t"e BLR Cirector #or national (nion . 9.> A##iliation o# S(pervi or and Ran,$and$Iile 8nion Even in a##iliating *it" a #ederation' t"e (nion o# t"e (pervi or and o# t"e ran$and$#ile "o(ld )e egregated.
T"e pec(liar role o# (pervi or i (c" t"at *"ile t"ey are not manager ' *"en t"ey recommend action implementing management policy or a , #or t"e di cipline or di mi al o# ()ordinate ' t"ey identi#y *it" t"e intere t o# t"e employer and may act contrary to t"e intere t o# t"e ran,$and$#ile. Fe agree *it" t"e petitionerA contention t"at a con#lict o# intere t may ari e in t"e area o# di cipline' collective )argaining and tri,e . 1em)er o# t"e (pervi ory (nion mig"t re#( e to carry o(t di ciplinary mea (re again t t"eir co$mem)er ran,$and$#ile employee . In t"e area o# )argaining' t"eir intere t cannot )e con idered identical. T"e need o# one are di##erent #rom t"o e o# t"e ot"er. 1oreover' in t"e event o# a tri,e' t"e national #ederation mig"t in#l(ence t"e (pervi or A (nion to cond(ct a ympat"y tri,e on t"e ole )a i o# a##iliation. T"( ' i# t"e intent o# t"e la* i to avoid a it(ation *"ere (pervi or *o(ld merge *it" t"e ran, and$#ile or *"ere t"e (pervi or A la)or organi%ation *o(ld repre ent con#licting intere t ' t"en a local (pervi or A (nion "o(ld not )e allo*ed to a##iliate *it" t"e national #ederation o# (nion o# ran,$and$#ile employee *"ere t"at #ederation actively participate in (nion activity in t"e company.

/.4c F"o Are Con#idential Employee J Con#idential employee a i t and act in a con#idential capacity to' or "ave acce to con#idential matter o#' per on *"o e7erci e managerial #(nction in t"e #ield o# la)or relation . A (c"' t"e rationale )e"ind t"e ineligi)ility o# managerial employee to #orm' a i t or +oin a la)or (nion e@(ally applie to t"em. Con#idential employee are t"o e *"o )y rea on o# t"eir po ition or nat(re o# *or, are re@(ired to a i t or act in a #id(ciary manner to managerial employee and "ence' are li,e*i e privy to en itive and "ig"ly con#idential record . By t"e very nat(re o# t"eir #(nction ' t"ey a i t and act in a con#idential capacity to' or "ave acce to con#idential matter o#' per on *"o e7erci e managerial #(nction in t"e #ield o# la)or relation . /.4d T"e La)or Ne7(
T"e )road rationale )e"ind t"i r(le i t"at employee "o(ld not )e placed in a po ition involving a potential con#lict o# intere t . B1anagement "o(ld not )e re@(ired to "andle la)or relation matter t"ro(g" employee *"o are repre ented )y t"e (nion *it" *"ic" t"e company i re@(ired to deal and *"o in t"e normal per#ormance o# t"eir d(tie may o)tain advance in#ormation o# t"e companyA po ition *it" regard to contract negotiation ' t"e di po ition o# grievance ' or ot"er la)or relation matter .B

9.9 Re triction in A##iliation Clari#ied in &e La Salle Iir t' t"e ran,$and$#ile employee are directly (nder t"e a(t"ority o# t"e (pervi ory employee . Second' t"e national #ederation i actively involved in (nion activitie in t"e company. I# t"e e t*o condition are a) ent' t"e r(le pro"i)iting (pervi or #rom a##iliating *it" t"e mot"er (nion o# t"e ran,$and$#ile (nion doe not apply.
T"e a##iliation o# t*o local (nion in a company *it" t"e ame national #ederation i not )y it el# a negate$on o# t"eir independence ince in relation to t"e employer' t"e local (nion are con idered a t"e principal ' *"ile t"e #ederation i deemed to )e merely t"eir agent.

+. CONFIDENTIAL EMPLOYEES /.2 Iir t S*ingE Incl( ion Among Ran,$and$Iile /.2 Second S*ingE E7cl( ion #rom Ran,$and$Iile

Art. 24> o# t"e La)or Code doe not directly pro"i)it con#idential employee #rom engaging in (nion activitie . ?o*ever' (nder t"e doctrine o# nece ary implication' t"e di @(ali#ication o# managerial employee e@(ally applie to con#idential employee . T"e con#idential$employee r(le +( ti#ie e7cl( ion o# con#idential employee )eca( e in t"e normal co(r e o# t"eir d(tie t"ey )ecome a*are o# management policie relating to la)or relation . It m( t )e tre ed' "o*ever' t"at *"en t"e employee doe not "ave acce to con#idential la)or relation in#ormation' t"ere i no legal pro"i)ition

again t con#idential employee #rom #orming' a i ting' or +oining a (nion. /.4e Ne* CBA may incl(de employee e7cl(ded #rom old CBA: E7pired CBA may )e 1odi#ied' not +( t Rene*ed T"e employer and t"e (nion in an enterpri e may negotiate and agree *"om to cover in t"eir CBA. And t"ey are #ree to c"ange t"eir agreementE people e7cl(ded )e#ore may )e incl(ded no*' or vice ver a. ,. SECURITY GUARDS MAY &OIN RAN*#AND#FILE OR SUPERVISORS UNION 8nder t"e old r(le ' ec(rity g(ard *ere )arred #rom +oining a la)or organi%ation o# t"e ran,$and$#ile. 8nder RA 9/2>' t"ey may no* #reely +oin a la)or organi%ation o# t"e ran,$and$#ile or t"at o# t"e (pervi ory (nion' depending on t"eir ran,. 66666666 Article 24>$A. E##ect o# incl( ion a mem)er o# employee o(t ide t"e )argaining (nit. $ T"e incl( ion a (nion mem)er o# employee o(t ide t"e )argaining (nit "all not )e a gro(nd #or t"e cancellation o# t"e regi tration o# t"e (nion. Said employee are a(tomatically deemed removed #rom t"e li t o# mem)er "ip o# aid (nion. -Introd(ced a ne* provi ion )y Section 3' Rep()lic Act No. 3442 *"ic" lap ed into la* on 1ay 2>' 200/ and )ecame e##ective on K(ne 24' 200/5. 66666666 Article 249. Non$a)ridgment o# rig"t to el#$organi%ation. & It "all )e (nla*#(l #or any per on to re train' coerce' di criminate again t or (nd(ly inter#ere *it" employee and *or,er in t"eir e7erci e o# t"e rig"t to el#$organi%ation. S(c" rig"t "all incl(de t"e rig"t to #orm' +oin' or a i t la)or organi%ation #or t"e p(rpo e o# collective )argaining t"ro(g" repre entative o# t"eir o*n c"oo ing and to engage in la*#(l concerted activitie #or t"e ame p(rpo e or #or t"eir m(t(al aid and protection' ()+ect to t"e provi ion o# Article 294 o# t"i Code. -A amended )y Bata .am)an a Bilang /0' 1ay 2' 23405. 66666666 1. CONCEPT OF THE RIGHT TO SELF ORGANIZATION T"i i a ,ey article t"at o##er an incl( ionary de#inition o# t"e rig"t to el#$organi%ation -S.O.5 )y aying not *"at it i )(t *"at it incl(de . It incl(de at lea t t*o rig"t E -25 t"e rig"t to #orm' +oin or a i t la)or organi%ation ' and -25 t"e rig"t to engage in la*#(l concerted activitie . T"e <la)or organi%ation= may )e a (nion or a ociation o# employee ' a mentioned in Article 222-g5. It p(rpo e may )e collective )argaining -a tated in t"i Article5 or dealing *it" t"e employer Na tated in Article 222-g5O. T"e rig"t to #orm la)or organi%ation i t*in to t"e rig"t to engage in concerted activitie . It i *ort" noting' #inally' t"at t"e rig"t to el#$organi%ation i granted not only to employee )(t to <*or,er '= *"et"er employed or not. In #act' con tit(tionally pea,ing' t"e rig"t to #orm a ociation or ocietie i a rig"t o# t"e <people'= *"et"er *or,er or not. No <per on=;in ide or o(t ide o# government' employer or non$ employer' (nioni t or non$(nioni t;may a)ridge t"e e rig"t . I#

LABOR RELATIONS a)ridged in t"e *or,place' t"e a)ridgment i termed 8L. -(n#air la)or practice5. Article 249' i )ot" -in mi7ed metap"or 5' t"e concept(al mot"er and t"e #ormida)le #ortre o# t"e pro"i)ition e7po(nded in t"e ne7t t"ree article . 66666666 Title VI UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES C-./te0 I CONCEPT Article 24/. Concept o# (n#air la)or practice and proced(re #or pro ec(tion t"ereo#. & 8n#air la)or practice violate t"e con tit(tional rig"t o# *or,er and employee to el#$organi%ation' are inimical to t"e legitimate intere t o# )ot" la)or and management' incl(ding t"eir rig"t to )argain collectively and ot"er*i e deal *it" eac" ot"er in an atmo p"ere o# #reedom and m(t(al re pect' di r(pt ind( trial peace and "inder t"e promotion o# "ealt"y and ta)le la)or$management relation . Con e@(ently' (n#air la)or practice are not only violation o# t"e civil rig"t o# )ot" la)or and management )(t are al o criminal o##en e again t t"e State *"ic" "all )e ()+ect to pro ec(tion and p(ni "ment a "erein provided. S()+ect to t"e e7erci e )y t"e .re ident or )y t"e Secretary o# La)or and Employment o# t"e po*er ve ted in t"em )y Article 293 and 294 o# t"i Code' t"e civil a pect o# all ca e involving (n#air la)or practice ' *"ic" may incl(de claim #or act(al' moral' e7emplary and ot"er #orm o# damage ' attorney! #ee and ot"er a##irmative relie#' "all )e (nder t"e +(ri diction o# t"e La)or Ar)iter . T"e La)or Ar)iter "all give (tmo t priority to t"e "earing and re ol(tion o# all ca e involving (n#air la)or practice . T"ey "all re olve (c" ca e *it"in t"irty -305 calendar day #rom t"e time t"ey are ()mitted #or deci ion. Recovery o# civil lia)ility in t"e admini trative proceeding recovery (nder t"e Civil Code. "all )ar

No criminal pro ec(tion (nder t"i Title may )e in tit(ted *it"o(t a #inal +(dgment #inding t"at an (n#air la)or practice *a committed' "aving )een #ir t o)tained in t"e preceding paragrap". C(ring t"e pendency o# (c" admini trative proceeding' t"e r(nning o# t"e period o# pre cription o# t"e criminal o##en e "erein penali%ed "all )e con idered interr(ptedE .rovided' "o*ever' t"at t"e #inal +(dgment in t"e admini trative proceeding "all not )e )inding in t"e criminal ca e nor )e con idered a evidence o# g(ilt )(t merely a proo# o# compliance o# t"e re@(irement t"erein et #ort". -A amended )y Bata .am)an a Bilang /0' 1ay 2' 2340 and later #(rt"er amended )y Section 23' Rep()lic Act No. 9/2>' 1arc" 22' 23435. 66666666 1. CONCEPT OF UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICE A noted at t"e tart o# Boo, L a ma+or aim o# la)or relation policy i ind( trial democracy *"o e reali%ation i mo t #elt in #ree collective )argaining or negotiation over term and condition o# employment. B(t #or )argaining negotiation to )e tr(e and meaning#(l' t"e employee ' #ir t o# all' m( t organi%e t"em elve . Beca( e el#$ organi%ation i a prere@(i ite;t"e li#e)lood;o# ind( trial

LABOR RELATIONS democracy' t"e rig"t to el#$organi%e "a )een en "rined in t"e Con tit(tion' and any act intended to *ea,en or de#eat t"e rig"t i regarded )y la* a an o##en e. T"e o##en e i tec"nically called <(n#air la)or practice= -8L.5. Literally' it doe not mean an (n#air practice )y la)or )(t a practice (n#air to la)or' alt"o(g" t"e o##ender may eit"er )e an employer or a la)or organi%ation. T"e victim o# t"e o##en e i not +( t t"e *or,er a a )ody and t"e *ell$meaning employer *"o val(e ind( trial peace' )(t t"e State a *ell. T"( ' t"e attac, to t"i con tit(tional rig"t i con idered a crime *"ic" t"ere#ore carrie )ot" civil and criminal lia)ilitie .
A con ideration o# t"e entire la* on t"e matter clearly di clo e t"e intention o# t"e la*ma,er to con ider act *"ic" are alleged to con tit(te (n#air la)or practice a violation o# t"e la* or o##en e ' to )e pro ec(ted in t"e ame manner a a criminal o##en e. T"e rea on #or t"i provi ion i t"at t"e commi ion o# an (n#air la)or practice i an o##en e again t a p()lic rig"t or intere t and "o(ld )e pro ec(ted in t"e ame manner a a p()lic o##en e. T"e rea on #or t"e di tinction )et*een an (n#air la)or practice ca e and a mere violation o# an employer o# it contract(al o)ligation to*ard an employee i ' 7 7 7 t"at (n#air la)or practice ca e involve violation o# a p()lic rig"t or policy' to )e pro ec(ted li,e criminal o##en e *"erea a )reac" o# an o)ligation o# t"e employer to "i employee i only a contract(al )reac" to )e redre ed li,e an ordinary contract or o)ligation.

A "o*ing o# pre+(dice to p()lic intere t i not a re@(i ite #or 8L. c"arge to pro per. 2. PROSECUTION OF U.L.P. 8nder Art. 24/ 8L. "a civil a *ell a criminal a pect . T"e civil a pect may incl(de lia)ility #or damage and t"e e may )e pa ed (pon )y a la)or ar)iter. To pro ec(te 8L. a criminal o##en e i not po i)le (ntil a#ter #inality o# +(dgment in t"e la)or ca e' #inding t"at t"e re pondent indeed committed (n#air la)or practice. B(t (c" +(dgment *ill not erve a evidence o# 8L. in t"e criminal ca e: t"e criminal c"arge m( t )e proved independently #rom t"e la)or ca e. 1oreover' *"ile only () tantial evidence i re@(ired in la)or ca e in t"e NLRC' proo# )eyond rea ona)le do()t i needed to convict in t"e criminal ca e o# 8L.. T"e criminal c"arge' tate Art. 224' #all (nder t"e conc(rrent +(ri diction o# t"e 1(nicipal or Regional Trial Co(rt. T"e ame article de#ine t"e penalty o# #ine andD or impri onment. 8nder Art. 243' t"e penalty "all )e impo ed (pon t"e g(ilty o##icer o# a corporation' partner "ip' a ociation or entity. I# t"e 8L. i committed )y a la)or organi%ation t"e partie lia)le are t"o e mentioned in Art. 243. T"e o##en e pre cri)e in 24e 3e.0. -Art. 2305 66666666 C-./te0 II UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES OF EMPLOYERS Article 244. 8n#air la)or practice o# employer . & It "all )e (nla*#(l #or an employer to commit any o# t"e #ollo*ing (n#air la)or practiceE -a5 To inter#ere *it"' re train or coerce employee in t"e e7erci e o# t"eir rig"t to el#$organi%ation: -)5 To re@(ire a a condition o# employment t"at a per on or an employee "all not +oin a la)or organi%ation or "all *it"$dra* #rom one to *"ic" "e )elong : -c5 To contract o(t ervice or #(nction )eing per#ormed )y (nion mem)er *"en (c" *ill inter#ere *it"' re train or coerce employee in t"e e7erci e o# t"eir rig"t to el#$organi%ation: -d5 To initiate' dominate' a i t or ot"er*i e inter#ere *it" t"e #ormation or admini tration o# any la)or organi%ation' incl(ding t"e giving o# #inancial or ot"er (pport to it or it organi%er or (pporter : -e5 To di criminate in regard to *age ' "o(r o# *or, and ot"er term and condition o# employment in order to enco(rage or di co(rage mem)er "ip in any la)or organi%ation. Not"ing in t"i Code or in any ot"er la* "all top t"e partie #rom re@(iring mem)er "ip in a recogni%ed collective )argaining agent a a condition #or employment' e7cept t"o e employee *"o are already mem)er o# anot"er (nion at t"e time o# t"e igning o# t"e collective )argaining agreement. Employee o# an appropriate )argaining (nit *"o are not mem)er o# t"e recogni%ed collective )argaining agent may )e a e ed a rea ona)le #ee e@(ivalent to t"e d(e and ot"er #ee paid )y mem)er

2.2 Element Commi ion o# (n#air la)or practice at t"e enterpri e level need t"e pre ence o# certain element E #ir t' t"ere i e1/l23e0#e1/l23ee 0el.ti245-i/ )et*een t"e o##ender and t"e o##ended: and econd' t"e .6t 724e i5 e8/0e55l3 7e9i4e7 i4 t-e C27e a an act o# (n#air la)or practice. T"e #ir t element i re@(ired )eca( e 8L. i negation o#' a co(nteraction to' t"e rig"t to organi%e *"ic" i availa)le only to employee in relation to t"eir employer. No organi%ational rig"t can )e negated or a ailed i# employer$employee relation "ip i a) ent in t"e #ir t place. T"e econd element i t"at t"e act done i pro"i)ited )y t"e Code' peci#ically in Article 244 and 292 #or an employer and Article 243 #or a la)or organi%ation. Art. 222-,5 emp"atically de#ine <(n#air la)or practice= a <any (n#air la)or practice a e7pre ly de#ined in t"i Code.= Art. 292 ampli#ie Art. 244-i5 )y tating t"at violation o# a CBA i (n#air la)or practice only i# t"e violation i gro in c"aracter. T"e pro"i)ited act ' it "o(ld )e tre ed' are all related to t"e *or,er! el#$organi%ational rig"t and to t"e o) ervance o# a collective )argaining agreement -CBA5. T"e only po i)le e7ception i Art. 244-#5 re#erring to di mi ing or pre+(dicing an employee giving te timony (nder t"i Code Nregardle o# t"e ()+ect o# t"e te timonyO. Beca( e 8L. i and "a to )e related to t"e rig"t to el#$organi%ation and to t"e o) ervance o# t"e CBA' it #ollo* t"at not every (n#air act i <(n#air la)or practice.= 8L.' t"ere#ore' "a a limited' tec"nical meaning )eca( e it i a la)or relation concept *it" a tat(tory de#inition. It re#er only to act oppo ed to *or,er! rig"t to organi%e. Fit"o(t t"at element' t"e act' no matter "o* (n#air' i not (n#air la)or practice a legally de#ined. Stripped o# legale e' (n#air la)or practice' *"en committed )y t"e employer' commonly connote anti%unionism. 2.2 .re+(dice to .()lic Intere t not an Element o# 8.L...

LABOR RELATIONS o# t"e recogni%ed collective )argaining agent' i# (c" non$(nion mem)er accept t"e )ene#it (nder t"e collective )argaining agreementE .rovided' t"at t"e individ(al a(t"ori%ation re@(ired (nder Article 242' paragrap" -o5 o# t"i Code "all not apply to t"e non$ mem)er o# t"e recogni%ed collective )argaining agent: -#5 To di mi ' di c"arge or ot"er*i e pre+(dice or di criminate again t an employee #or "aving given or )eing a)o(t to give te timony (nder t"i Code: -g5 To violate t"e d(ty to )argain collectively a pre cri)ed )y t"i Code: -"5 To pay negotiation or attorney! #ee to t"e (nion or it o##icer or agent a part o# t"e ettlement o# any i (e in collective )argaining or any ot"er di p(te: or -i5 To violate a collective )argaining agreement. T"e provi ion o# t"e preceding paragrap" not*it" tanding' only t"e o##icer and agent o# corporation ' a ociation or partner "ip *"o "ave act(ally participated in' a(t"ori%ed or rati#ied (n#air la)or practice "all )e "eld criminally lia)le. -A amended )y Bata .am)an a Bilang 230' A(g( t 22' 23425. 66666666 1. CONDITIONS PRECEDENT TO U.L.P. CHARGE Be#ore an employee may )e con idered aggrieved )y an alleged (n#air la)or practice -8L.5 )y an employer' it m( t )e demon trated' #ir tly' t"at t"e in+(red party come *it"in t"e de#inition o# <employee= a t"at term i de#ined )y t"e Code' and econdly' t"e act c"arged a 8L. m( t #all (nder t"e pro"i)ition o# Art. 244 -act o# t"e employer5 or 243 -act o# t"e (nion5. Nonet"ele ' peci#ic denomination o# t"e act i not nece ary to pro ec(te 8L.. In re olving t"e @(e tion o# *"et"er or not an employer committed t"e act c"arged in t"e complaint' it i o# no con e@(ence' eit"er a a matter o# proced(re or o# () tantive la*' "o* t"e act i denominated;*"et"er a a re traint' inter#erence or coercion' or a di criminatory di c"arge' or a a re#( al to )argain' or even a a com)ination o# any or all o# t"e e. Ior "o*ever t"e employer! cond(ct may )e c"aracteri%ed' *"at i important i t"at it con tit(ted an (n#air la)or practice. 2. ILO CONVENTION NO. :,
Article 2 2. For,er "all en+oy ade@(ate protection again t act di crimination in re pect o# t"eir employment. o# anti$(nion 2. For,er A and employer A organi ation "all en+oy ade@(ate protection again t any act o# inter#erence )y eac" ot"er or eac" ot"erA agent or mem)er in t"eir e ta)li "ment' #(nctioning or admini tration. 2. In partic(lar' act *"ic" are de igned to promote t"e e ta)li "ment o# *or,er A organi ation (nder t"e domination o# employer or employer A organi ation ' or to (pport *or,er A organi ation )y #inancial or ot"er mean ' *it" t"e o)+ect o# placing (c" organi ation (nder t"e control o# employer or employer A organi ation ' "all )e deemed to con tit(te act o# inter#erence *it"in t"e meaning o# t"i Article.

3. NO U.L.P." ILLUSTRATIVE INSTANCES OF VALID E!ERCISE OF MANAGEMENT RIGHTS T"e la* on <(n#air la)or practice = i not intended to deprive employer o# t"eir #(ndamental rig"t to pre cri)e and en#orce (c" r(le a t"ey "one tly )elieve to )e nece ary to t"e proper' prod(ctive and pro#ita)le operation o# t"eir )( ine . Nor are "i rig"t o# election and di c"arge o# "i employee *re ted #rom "im )y t"e Act. Rot"en)erg tre e t"at an employer' ()+ect to t"e provi ion o# "i contract *it" "i employee ' "a t"e ame #(ll mea (re o# control over "i )( ine a "e "ad prior to t"e enactment o# t"e Fagner Act and (ndimini "ed )y t"e amended Act. T"e only condition impo ed (pon t"i control i t"at it m( t not )e e7erci ed o a to e##ect a violation o# t"e Act and it everal pro"i)ition . 3.2 .er onnel 1ovement A a r(le' it i t"e prerogative o# t"e company to promote' tran #er or even demote it employee to ot"er po ition *"en t"e intere t o# t"e company rea ona)ly demand it. 8nle t"ere are in tance *"ic" directly point to inter#erence )y t"e company *it" t"e employee A rig"t to el#$organi%ation' t"e tran #er o# private re pondent "o(ld )e con idered a *it"in t"e )o(nd allo*ed )y la*. I(rt"ermore' alt"o(g" private re pondent *a tran #erred to a lo*er po ition' "i original ran, and alary remained (ndimini "ed. It i t"e company! prerogative to promote it employee to managerial po ition . 1anagerial po ition are o##ice *"ic" can only )e "eld )y per on *"o "ave t"e tr( t o# t"e corporation and it o##icer . It "o(ld not )e prevented #rom doing o. A promotion *"ic" i mani#e tly )ene#icial to an employee "o(ld not give ri e to a grat(ito( pec(lation t"at (c" a promotion *a made imply to deprive t"e (nion o# t"e mem)er "ip o# t"e promoted employee. 3.2 Acceptance o# 1a Re ignation

2. S(c" protection "all apply more partic(larly in re pect o# act calc(lated to$$ -a5 ma,e t"e employment o# a *or,er ()+ect to t"e condition t"at "e "all not +oin a (nion or "all relin@(i " trade (nion mem)er "ip: -)5 ca( e t"e di mi al o# or ot"er*i e pre+(dice a *or,er )y rea on o# (nion mem)er "ip or )eca( e o# participation in (nion activitie o(t ide *or,ing "o(r or' *it" t"e con ent o# t"e employer' *it"in *or,ing "o(r . Article 2

Acceptance o# a vol(ntary re ignation i not 8L.. In a Philippine 'irlines ca e t"e co(rt aid t"at t"e pilot ! Bprote t retirementDre ignationB *a not a concerted activity *"ic" *a protected )y la*. T"ey did not a (me t"e tat( o# tri,er . T"ey cannot' t"ere#ore' validly claim t"at t"e company committed (n#air la)or practice. F"en t"e pilot vol(ntarily terminated t"eir employment relation "ip *it" t"e company' t"ey cannot claim t"at t"ey *ere di mi ed. 3.3 Grant o# .ro#it$S"aring Bene#it to Non$8nion 1em)er 1anagement "a t"e prerogative to reg(late' according to it di cretion and +(dgment' all a pect o# employment. T"i #lo* #rom t"e e ta)li "ed r(le t"at la)or la* doe not a(t"ori%e t"e () tit(tion o# t"e +(dgment o# t"e employer in t"e cond(ct o# it )( ine . S(c" management prerogative may )e availed o# *it"o(t #ear o# any lia)ility o long a it i e7erci ed in good #ait" #or t"e advancement o#

LABOR RELATIONS t"e employer A intere t and not #or t"e p(rpo e o# de#eating or circ(mventing t"e rig"t o# employee (nder pecial la* or valid agreement and are not e7erci ed in a malicio( ' "ar "' oppre ive' vindictive or *anton manner or o(t o# malice or pite. 3.4 Iorced Lacation Leave F"ere t"e vacation leave *it"o(t pay' *"ic" t"e employer re@(ire employee to ta,e in vie* o# t"e economic cri i ' i neit"er malicio( ' oppre ive or vindictive' 8L. i not committed. 3.> I (ance o# R(le or .olicy Every )( ine enterpri e endeavor to increa e it pro#it . In t"e proce ' it may adopt or devi e mean de igned to*ard t"at goal. Even a t"e la* i olicito( o# t"e *el#are o# t"e employee ' it m( t al o protect t"e rig"t o# an employer to e7erci e *"at are clearly management prerogative . T"e #ree *ill o# management to cond(ct it o*n )( ine a##air to ac"ieve it p(rpo e cannot )e denied. 3.9 Ta,ing Action Again t Slo*do*n Employee "ave t"e rig"t to tri,e' )(t t"ey "ave no rig"t to contin(e *or,ing on t"eir o*n term *"ile re+ecting t"e tandard de ired )y t"eir employer. ?ence' an employer doe not commit an (n#air la)or practice )y di c"arging employee *"o engaged in a lo*do*n' even i# t"eir o)+ect i a pay increa e *"ic" i la*#(l. 1oreover' an employer doe not violate t"e act )y di c"arging only ome o# t"e employee *"o participate in t"e lo*do*n *"ere "e di c"arge t"em to erve a an <e7ample= to top t"e lo*do*n and not #or di criminatory rea on . . DETERMINATION OF VALIDITY Nece arily' determining t"e validity o# an employer! act involve an apprai al o# "i motive .
An employer may treat #reely *it" an employee and i not o)liged to (pport "i action *it" a rea on or p(rpo e. ?o*ever' *"ere t"e attendant circ(m tance ' t"e "i tory o# employerA pa t cond(ct and li,e con ideration ' co(pled *it" an intimate connection )et*een t"e employerA action and t"e (nion a##iliation or activitie o# t"e partic(lar employee or employee ta,en a a *"ole rai e a ( picion a to t"e motivation #or t"e employerA action' t"e #ail(re o# t"e employer to a cri)e a valid rea on t"ere#or may +( ti#y an in#erence t"at "i (ne7plained cond(ct in re pect o# t"e partic(lar employee or employee *a in pired )y t"e latterA (nion mem)er "ip or activitie . F"ile t"e pre ence o# t"i mere ( picion neit"er ta,e t"e place o# evidence t"at t"e employerA cond(ct *a improperly motivated nor di pen e *it" t"e re@(irement o# proo# o# t"e #act' (c" ( picion' *"en co(pled *it" ot"er #act *"ic" in t"em elve ' mig"t "ave )een inade@(ate to (pport an adver e #inding again t t"e employer' may (##ice to ( tain a #inding t"at t"e employerA action violated t"e pro"i)ition o# t"e Act.

.er i tent interrogation o# employee to elicit in#ormation a to *"at "ad "appened at (nion meeting and t"e identity o# t"e active (nion employee *a "eld a violative o# organi%ational rig"t o# employee . In order t"at t"e @(e tioning o# an employee concerning "i (nion activitie *o(ld not )e deemed coercive' t"e employer m( t comm(nicate to t"e employee t"e p(rpo e o# t"e @(e tioning' a (re "im t"at no repri al *o(ld ta,e place' and o)tain "i participation on a vol(ntary )a i . In addition' @(e tioning m( t al o occ(r in a conte7t #ree #rom employer "o tility to (nion organi%ation and m( t not it el# )e coercive in nat(re. >.2 8.L... Even Be#ore 8nion i Regi tered An employer *"o inter#ered *it" t"e rig"t to el#$organi%ation )e#ore t"e (nion i regi tered can )e "eld g(ilty o# 8L.. >.3 .ro"i)iting Organi%ing Activitie A r(le pro"i)iting olicitation o# (nion mem)er "ip in company property i (nla*#(l i# it applie to non$*or,ing time a *ell a to *or,ing time. F"ere ma+ority o# t"e employee live on t"e premi e o# t"e employer and cannot )e reac"ed )y any mean or proced(re practically availa)le to (nion organi%er ' t"e employer may )e re@(ired to permit non$employee (nion organi%er to come *it"in it premi e ' in order to olicit employee . ?o*ever' in t"e a) ence o# "o*ing t"at t"e illegal di mi al *a dictated )y anti$(nion motive ' t"e ame doe not con tit(te an (n#air la)or practice a *o(ld )e a valid gro(nd #or tri,e. T"e remedy i an action #or rein tatement *it" )ac,*age and damage . Fe "ave "eld t"at (n#air la)or practice ca e are not' in vie* o# t"e p()lic intere t involved' ()+ect to compromi e . >.4 Liolence or Intimidation An employer (nla*#(lly coerced employee )y directing t*o individ(al to "i o##ice at g(n point on t"e day o# repre entation election a#ter t"e individ(al "ad in#ormed t"e employer t"at t"ey *ere on t"e premi e to vote in t"e election. >.> E pionage and S(rveillance One #orm o# <pre (re= *"ic" ome over$eager employer ometime ( e i t"e practice o# pying (pon employee . T"i device con i t o# ( ing one or a mall gro(p o# employee ' or ot"er agent ' in pired )y pro#it opport(ni m' vengeance or come ,indred "(man #railty to ( e "i or t"eir acce to employee ! @(arter and a##air #or t"e p(rpo e o# pying (pon #ello* employee and reporting )ac, to t"e employer. It i plainly evident t"at (c" cond(ct on t"e employer! part' "o*ever ()tly it may )e accompli "ed' con tit(te inter#erence *it" t"e employee! e7erci e o# t"eir rig"t . Ina m(c" a t"e <pre (re= re (lt more #rom t"e employee ! appre"en ion t"an #rom t"e employer! p(rpo e in pying and t"e ( e o# it re (lt' it "a )een "eld to )e no an *er to a c"arge o# (n#air la)or practice t"at t"e #r(it o# e pionage *ere not ( ed.

$. FIRST U.L.P." INTERFERENCE ;ART. 2 ,<.=> In (mmari%ed #orm' t"e nine 8.L... act o# an employer (nder Art. 244 areE -25 Inter#erence' -25 <yello* dog= condition' -35 contracting o(t' -45 company (nioni m' ->5 di crimination' -95 di crimination )eca( e o# te timony' -/5 violation o# d(ty to )argaining' -45 paid negotiation' and -35 violation o# CBA. >.2 Interrogation

LABOR RELATIONS F"en an employer engage in (rveillance or ta,e tep leading "i employee to )elieve it i going on' a violation re (lt )eca( e t"e employee come (nder t"reat o# economic coercion or retaliation #or t"eir (nion activitie . 8nla*#(l (rveillance *a properly #o(nd *"ere (pervi or *ere pre ent near t"e place *"ere (nion meeting *a )eing "eld to c"ec, t"e name o# employee leaving t"e meeting. >.9 Economic Ind(cement A violation re (lt #rom an employer! anno(ncement o# )ene#it prior to a repre entation election' *"ere it i intended to ind(ce t"e employee to vote again t t"e (nion. It i *ell$ ettled r(le t"at *"ile a repre entation election i pending' t"e con#erral o# employee )ene#it #or t"e p(rpo e o# ind(cing t"e employee to vote again t a (nion i (nla*#(l. >./ Employer! E7pre ion o# Opinion: Totality o# Cond(ct Coctrine T"e doctrine "old t"at t"e c(lpa)ility o# employer! remar, *a to )e eval(ated not only on t"e )a i o# t"eir implication ' )(t again t t"e )ac,gro(nd o# and in con+(nction *it" collateral circ(m tance .
-25 Letter to indi#idual employees;It i an act o# inter#erence #or t"e employer to end a letter to all employee noti#ying t"em to ret(rn to *or, at a time peci#ied t"erein' ot"er*i e ne* employee *o(ld )e engaged to per#orm t"eir +o) . Individ(al olicitation o# t"e employee or vi iting t"eir "ome ' *it" t"e employer or "i repre entative (rging t"e employee to cea e (nion activity or cea e tri,ing' con tit(te (n#air la)or practice. All t"e a)ove$detailed activitie are (n#air la)or practice )eca( e t"ey tend to (ndermine t"e concerted activity o# t"e employee ' an activity to *"ic" t"ey are entitled #ree #rom t"e employerA mole tation. -25 Stri(e%brea(ing;F"en t"e re pondent company o##ered rein tatement and attempted to B)ri)eB t"e tri,er *it" Bcom#orta)le cot 'B B#ree co##ee and occa ional movie 'B BovertimeB pay #or B*or, per#ormed in e7ce o# eig"t "o(r 'B and Barrangement B #or t"eir #amilie ' o t"ey *o(ld a)andon t"e tri,e and ret(rn to *or,' t"ey *ere g(ilty o# tri,e$)rea,ing andDor (nion$)( ting and' con e@(ently' o# (n#air la)or practice. -35 'cts #iolati#e of right to organize;Liolative o# t"e rig"t to organi%e' #orm and +oin la)or organi%ation are t"e #ollo*ing act E t"e o##er o# a C"ri tma )on( to all BloyalB employee o# a company "ortly a#ter t"e ma,ing o# a re@(e t )y t"e (nion to )argain: *age increa e given #or t"e p(rpo e o# molli#ying employee a#ter t"e employer "a re#( ed to )argain *it" t"e (nion' or #or t"e p(rpo e o# ind(cing tri,ing employee to ret(rn to *or,: t"e employerA promi e o# )ene#it in ret(rn #or t"e tri,er A a)andonment o# t"eir tri,e in (pport o# t"eir (nion: and t"e employerA tatement' made a)o(t 9 *ee, a#ter t"e tri,e tarted' to a gro(p o# tri,er in a re ta(rant to t"e e##ect t"at i# t"e tri,er ret(rned to *or,' t"ey *o(ld receive ne* )ene#it in t"e #orm o# "o pitali%ation' accident in (rance' pro#it$ "aring' and a ne* )(ilding to *or, in. -45 )est of interference or coercion;T"e te t o# *"et"er an employer "a inter#ered *it" and coerced employee *it"in t"e meaning o# () ection -a5 -25 i *"et"er t"e employer "a engaged in cond(ct *"ic" it may rea ona)ly )e aid tend to inter#ere *it" t"e #ree e7erci e o# employee A rig"t (nder ection 3 o# t"e Act' and it i not nece ary t"at t"ere )e direct evidence t"at any employee *a in #act intimidated or coerced )y tatement o# t"reat o# t"e employer i# t"ere i a rea ona)le in#erence t"at anti$(nion cond(ct o# t"e employer doe "ave an adver e e##ect on el#$organi%ation and collective )argaining. ->5 )he *totality of conduct+ doctrine;t"e letter o# t"e company pre ident to t"e individ(al tri,er "o(ld not )e con idered )y t"em elve alone )(t "o(ld )e read in t"e lig"t o# t"e preceding and () e@(ent circ(m tance . T"e letter "o(ld )e interpreted according to t"e Btotality o# cond(ct doctrine'B *"ere)y t"e c(lpa)ility o# an employerA remar, "a to )e eval(ated not only on t"e )a i o# t"eir implicit implication ' )(t *ere to )e apprai ed again t t"e )ac,gro(nd o# and in con+(nction *it" collateral circ(m tance .

>.4 1a

Layo## Amo(nting to 8.L...

A company! capital red(ction e##ort ' to camo(#lage t"e #act t"at it "a )een ma,ing pro#it ' and to +( ti#y t"e ma lay$o## o# it employee e pecially (nion mem)er ' *ere an (n#air la)or practice *"ic" can neit"er )e co(ntenanced nor condoned. >.3 Loc,o(t or Clo (re Amo(nting to 8.L... A loc,o(t' act(al or t"reatened' a a mean o# di (ading t"e employee #rom e7erci ing t"eir rig"t (nder t"e Act i clearly an (n#air la)or practice. ?o*ever' to "old an employer *"o act(ally or *"o t"reaten to loc, o(t "i employee g(ilty o# a violation o# t"e Act' t"e evidence m( t e ta)li " t"at t"e p(rpo e t"ereo# *a to inter#ere *it" t"e employee ! e7erci e o# t"eir rig"t . An "one t clo ing o# one! plant i not a violation o# t"e Act. ?o*ever' ce ation o# operation ' act(al or t"reatened' doe con tit(te an (n#air la)or practice' i# it i ' directly or indirectly' e7pre ly or )y inn(endo' calc(lated or employed to inter#ere *it" t"e employee ! rig"t (nder t"e Act. .roo# o# t"e employer! tate o# mind' (nle it i e7pre ed' i o#ten very di##ic(lt. ?o*ever' it may )e proven )y circ(m tantial evidence. T"e r(le i t"at it i (nla*#(l #or t"e employer to t"reaten it employee *it" moving or "(tting do*n t"e plant and con e@(ent lo o# employment' a t"e re (lt o# t"eir (pport #or t"e (nion. An employer *"ic" clo ed it )( ine to p(t an end to a (nion! activitie ' and *"ic" made no e##ort to allo* t"e employee ! attempt to e7erci e t"eir rig"t to el#$organi%ation and collective )argaining' and even t"reatening t"e employee t"at t"ey *o(ld lo e t"eir +o) i# t"ey did not cea e a##iliation *it" t"e (nion' commit (n#air la)or practice. >.3a Sale in Bad Iait"
F"ere t"e ale o# a )( ine enterpri e *a attended *it" )ad #ait"' t"ere i no need to con ider t"e applica)ility o# t"e r(le t"at la)or contract )eing in personam are not en#orcea)le again t t"e tran #eree. T"e latter i in t"e po ition o# tort$#ea or "aving )een a party li,e*i e re pon i)le #or t"e damage in#licted on t"e mem)er o# t"e aggrieved (nion and t"ere#ore cannot +( tly e cape lia)ility.

It i irrational to (ppo e t"at a p(rc"a er o# a man(#act(ring enterpri e i not a*are o# t"e la)or$management it(ation in t"e #irm "e )o(g"t. >.3) A (mption o# O)ligation )y Ne* Company >.20 S(cce or Employer: .iercing t"e Corporate Leil Clo (re i li,e*i e not legal and t"e employee cannot )e eparated i#' in #act' t"ere i no clo (re )eca( e t"e <clo ed= department or company reappeared alt"o(g" (nder a ne* name. I# t"e <ne*= company i ' #or in tance' engaging in t"e ame )( ine a t"e clo ed company or department' or i o*ned )y t"e ame people' and t"e <clo (re= i calc(lated to de#eat t"e *or,er ! organi%ational rig"t' t"en' t"e clo (re may )e declared a < ()ter#(ge= and t"e doctrine o# (cce or employer *ill )e applied' t"at i ' t"e ne* company *ill )e

treated a a contin(ation or (cce or o# t"e one t"at clo ed. I# (c" )e t"e ca e' t"e eparated employee *ill "ave to )e employed in t"e <ne*= #irm )eca( e in t"e #ir t place t"ey "o(ld not "ave )een eparated at all. T"e < (cce or employer= r(ling i an en#orcement o# t"e legal reco(r e called <piercing t"e veil o# corporate entity.=
8nder t"e doctrine o# piercing t"e veil o# corporate entity' *"en valid gro(nd t"ere#ore e7i t' t"e legal #iction t"at a corporation i an entity *it" a +(ridical per onality eparate and di tinct #rom it mem)er or toc,"older may )e di regarded. In (c" ca e ' t"e corporation *ill )e con idered a a mere a ociation o# per on . T"e mem)er or toc,"older o# t"e corporation *ill )e con idered a t"e corporation' t"at i ' lia)ility *ill attac" directly to t"e o##icer and toc,"older . T"e doctrine applie *"en t"e corporate #iction i ( ed to de#eat p()lic convenience' +( ti#y *rong' protect #ra(d' or de#end crime' or *"en it i made a a "ield to con#( e t"e legitimate i (e or *"ere a corporation i t"e mere alter ego or )( ine cond(it o# a per on' or *"ere t"e corporation i o organi%ed and controlled and it a##air are o cond(cted a to ma,e it merely an in tr(mentality' agency' cond(it or ad+(nct o# anot"er corporation.

LABOR RELATIONS anot"er to e cape (nion la)or reg(lation or tate la* ' )(t t"e term i al o ( ed to de cri)e a plant removed to a ne* location in order to di criminate again t employee at t"e old plant )eca( e o# t"eir (nion activitie . 1oreover' it "a )een "eld t"at *"ere a plant removal i #or )( ine rea on )(t t"e relocation i "a tened )y anti$(nion motivation' t"e early removal i an (n#air la)or practice. It i immaterial t"at t"e relocation i accompanied )y a tran #er o# title to a ne* employer *"o i an alter ego o# t"e original employer. R(na*ay "op re#er to )( ine relocation animated )y anti$(nion animus. Samene o# )( ine i not rea on eno(g" to "o* r(n$a*ay "op to pierce t"e veil o# eparate corporate entity.
A Br(na*ay "opB i de#ined a an ind( trial plant moved )y it o*ner #rom one location to anot"er to e cape (nion la)or reg(lation or tate la* ' )(t t"e term i al o ( ed to de cri)e a plant removed to a ne* location in order to di criminate again t employee at t"e old plant )eca( e o# t"eir (nion activitie . It i one *"erein t"e employer move it )( ine to anot"er location or it temporarily clo e it )( ine #or anti$(nion p(rpo e . A Br(na*ay "opB in t"i en e' i a relocation motivated )y anti$(nion anim( rat"er t"an #or )( ine rea on . 1ere o*ner "ip )y a ingle toc,"older or )y anot"er corporation o# all or nearly all o# t"e capital toc, o# a corporation i not o# it el# (##icient gro(nd #or di regarding t"e eparate corporate per onality. T"i #iction o# corporate entity can only )e di regarded in certain ca e (c" a *"en it i ( ed to de#eat p()lic convenience' +( ti#y *rong' protect #ra(d' or de#end crime. To di regard aid eparate +(ridical per onality o# a corporation' t"e *rongdoing m( t )e clearly and convincingly e ta)li "ed.

%. SECOND U.L.P." ?YELLOW DOG@ CONDITION ;ART. 2 ,<A=> Contract provi ion *"ere)y an employee agree t"at d(ring t"e period o# "i employment "e *ill not )ecome a mem)er o# a la)or (nion "ave )een o(tla*ed in t"e 8nited State ' )y legi lation in ome tate ' a *ell a )y Iederal legi lation. T"e <yello* dog= contract i a promi e e7acted #rom *or,er a a condition o# employment t"at t"ey are not to )elong to' or attempt to #o ter' a (nion d(ring t"eir period o# employment. An American c"eme' t"e typical yello* dog contract i an at$*ill employment agreement *"ic" contain ' in addition to t"e ( (al provi ion #or employment' t"e #ollo*ing t"ree provi ion E -25 a repre entation )y t"e employee t"at "e i not a mem)er o# a la)or (nion: -25 a promi e )y t"e employee not to +oin a la)or (nion: -35 a promi e )y t"e employee t"at' (pon +oining a la)or (nion' "e *ill @(it "i employment. +. THIRD U.L.P." CONTRACTING OUT ;ART. 2 ,<6=> Contracting o(t it el#' i not 8L.: it i t"e ill intention t"at ma,e it o. An employer! contracting o(t o# *or, i it el# an (n#air la)or practice *"ere motivated )y a de ire to pre#ent "i employee #rom organi%ing and electing a collective )argaining repre entative' rid "im el# o# (nion men' or e cape "i tat(tory d(ty to )argain collectively *it" "i employee ! )argaining repre entative.
A *e "ave previo( ly "eld' t"e company can determine in it )e t )( ine +(dgment *"et"er it "o(ld contract o(t t"e per#ormance o# ome o# it *or, #or a long a t"e employer i motivated )y good #ait"' and t"e contracting o(t m( t not "ave )een re orted to to circ(mvent t"e la* or m( t not "ave )een t"e re (lt o# malicio( or ar)itrary action.

,. FOURTH U.L.P." COMPANY#DOMINATION OF UNION ;ART. 2 ,<7=> Comination o# a la)or (nion ( (ally mani#e t in t"e #ollo*ing #orm E -a5 Initiation of the company union idea. T"i may #(rt"er occ(r in t"ree tyle E -25 o(trig"t #ormation )y t"e employer or "i repre entative : -25 employee #ormation on o(trig"t demand or in#l(ence )y employer: and -35 managerially motivated #ormation )y employee . -)5 ,inancial support to the union. An employer commit (n#air la)or practice i# "e de#ray t"e (nion e7pen e or pay t"e attorney! #ee to t"e attorney *"o dra#ted t"e con tit(tion and )y$la* o# t"e (nion. -c5 !mployer encouragement and assistance. Immediately granting t"e (nion e7cl( ive recognition a a )argaining agent *it"o(t determining *"et"er t"e (nion repre ent t"e ma+ority o# employee i an illegal #orm o# a i tance amo(nting to (n#air la)or practice. -d5 Super#isory assistance. T"i ta,e t"e #orm o# oliciting mem)er "ip' permitting (nion activitie d(ring *or,ing time or coercing employee to +oin t"e (nion )y t"reat o# di mi al or demotion. An employer *a "eld to "ave (nla*#(lly aided a (nion )y a i ting it attempt to ec(re a(t"ori%ation card #rom employee and )y e7ec(ting a contract *it" (c" (nion *"en it *a not t"e a(t"ori%ed repre entative o# t"e employee .
A la)or (nion i company$dominated *"ere it appear t"at ,ey o##icial o# t"e company "ave )een #orcing employee )elonging to a rival la)or (nion to +oin t"e #ormer (nder pain o# di mi al "o(ld t"ey re#( e to do o: t"at "ey o##icial o# t"e company' a *ell a it legal co(n el' "ave attended t"e election o#

/.2 Contracting o(t re tricted )y CBA /.2 R(na*ay S"op Re orting to a r(na*ay "op i a 8.L... A <r(na*ay= "op i de#ined a an ind( trial plant moved )y it o*ner #rom one location to

o##icer o# t"e #ormer (nion: t"at o##icer and mem)er o# t"e rival (nion *ere di mi ed allegedly p(r (ant to a retrenc"ment policy o# t"e company' a#ter t"ey "ad pre ented demand #or t"e improvement o# t"e *or,ing condition de pite it alleged retrenc"ment policy: and t"at' a#ter di mi al o# t"e a#ore aid o##icer o# t"e rival la)or (nion' t"e company engage t"e ervice o# ne* la)orer . employment. F"ile t"e rig"t o# tri,e at t"e very "eart o# an employer to di mi an employee i conceded in a valid retrenc"ment' t"e rig"t di##er #rom and "o(ld not )e con#( ed *it" t"e manner in *"ic" (c" rig"t i e7erci ed. It "o(ld not )e oppre ive and a)( ive ince it a##ect oneA per on and property. C(e proce o# la* demand not"ing le .

:. FIFTH U.L.P." DISCRIMINATION ;ART. 2 ,<e=> F"at t"e la* pro"i)it i di crimination to enco(rage or di co(rage mem)er "ip in a la)or organi%ation. F"ere t"e p(rpo e i to in#l(ence t"e (nion activity o# employee ' t"e di crimination i (nla*#(l. B(t di crimination i not t"e ame a di##erentiation or cla i#ication. Ior in tance' it i common management practice to cla i#y +o) and grant t"em varying level o# pay )ene#it pac,age. T"e e are valid di##erentiation t"at recogni%e di##erence in +o) re@(irement or contri)(tion . T"ey are not nece arily di crimination cla i#ia)le a 8L..
8nder t"e Ind( trial .eace Act' to con tit(te an (n#air la)or practice' t"e di crimination committed )y t"e employer m( t )e in regard to t"e B"ire or ten(re o# employment or any term or condition o# employment to enco(rage or di co(rage mem)er "ip in any la)or organi%ation.B T"e e7action' )y t"e Company' #rom t"e tri,er ret(rning to *or,' o# a promi e not to de troy company property and not to commit act o# repri al again t t"e 8nion$ mem)er *"o did not participate in t"e tri,e' cannot )e con idered a intended to enco(rage or di co(rage 8nion$mem)er "ip. Ta,ing t"e circ(m tance (rro(nding t"e pre cri)ing o# t"at condition' t"e re@(irement )y t"e Company i act(ally an act o# el#$pre ervation and de igned to in (re t"e maintenance o# peace and order in t"e Company premi e .

3.4 Ci crimination in Reg(lari%ation 3.> Ci crimination )y Blac,li ting A )lac,li t "a )een de#ined a <a li t o# per on mar,ed o(t #or pecial avoidance' antagoni m or enmity on t"e part o# t"o e *"o prepare t"e li t' or t"o e among *"om it i intended to circ(late' a *"ere a trade (nion P)lac,li t ! *or,men *"o re#( e to con#orm to it r(le ' or *"ere a li t o# in olvent or (ntr( t*ort"y per on i p()li "ed )y a commercial agency or mercantile a ociation.= F"en it i re orted to )y a com)ination o# employer to prevent employment o# employee #or (nion activitie ' it may con tit(te (n#air la)or practice. A ide #rom con tit(ting an (n#air la)or practice' it may give ri e to a rig"t o# action #or damage )y t"e employee pre+(dice (nder Article 24 o# t"e ne* Civil Code.
In it )road en e' "o*ever t"at i ' in t"e en e o# t"e employer! circ(lating a li t o# #ormer employee o# notorio( la%ine or negligence in t"e per#ormance o# t"eir d(tie or o# incorrigi)le propen ity to create tro()le in t"e place o# employment' it may )e a proper mea (re #or t"e protection o# employer . T"( ' it "a )een "eld t"at (nle t"e action o# t"e employer in com)ining or in pa ing comm(nication among t"em elve #or t"e p(rpo e o# e7cl(ding (n*anted *or,er #rom employment' con tit(te a li)el or lander -and according to ome deci ion t"e de#amation' to )e actiona)le' m( t )e malicio( 5' t"e e7cl(ded employee po e e no rig"t o# action )eca( e t"e employer ! comm(nity o# intere t act )ot" to +( ti#y t"e com)ination and to privilege t"e comm(nication.

Ci co(raging mem)er "ip in a la)or organi%ation incl(de not only di co(raging ad"e ion to (nion mem)er "ip )(t al o di co(raging participation in (nion activitie (c" a legitimate tri,e. 3.2 Ci crimination in For, R(ota
Con idered in t"e lig"t o# t"e anti$(nion attit(de e7"i)ited )y re pondent company in tran #erring (nion pre ident Leone #rom t"e main o##ice in 1anila to Ce)( *"en t"e (nion *a till )eing organi%ed' and *"ic" act *a #o(nd )y t"e NLRC a con tit(ting (n#air la)or practice and (nion$)( ting in connection *it" t"e application #or clearance to terminate Leone #iled )y re pondent company' 34 t"e (neven application o# it mar,eting plan )y re pondent company i patently an act o# di crimination' con idered a an (n#air la)or practice (nder Art. 244-e5 o# t"e La)or Code.

3.9 Indirect Ci crimination It i a *ell ettled r(le o# la* t"at *"at i pro"i)ited to )e done directly "all not )e allo*ed to )e accompli "ed indirectly. T"( ' t"e #ollo*ing act "ave )een "eld (n#air la)or practice E -25 t"e di mi al o# a la)orer in acco(nt o# (nion activitie o# "i )rot"er: -25 t"e di c"arge o# an employee d(e to t"e (nion activitie o# t"e *i#e: and -35 t"e di c"arge o# a *i#e d(e to t"e (nion activitie o# t"e "( )and. 3./ Te t o# Ci crimination Ior t"e p(rpo e o# determining *"et"er or not a di c"arge i di criminatory' it i nece ary t"at t"e (nderlying rea on #or t"e di c"arge )e e ta)li "ed. T"e #act t"at a la*#(l ca( e #or di c"arge i availa)le i not a de#en e *"ere t"e employee i act(ally di c"arged )eca( e o# "i (nion activitie . I# t"e di c"arge i act(ally motivated )y a la*#(l rea on' t"e #act t"at t"e employee i engaged in (nion activitie at t"e time *ill not lie again t t"e employer and prevent "im #rom t"e e7erci e o# "i )( ine +(dgment to di c"arge an employee #or ca( e. F"ere circ(m tance e ta)li " a di criminatory motive on t"e part o# t"e employer' t"e a ignment o# a +( t ca( e *ill )e (navailing. I# it can )e e ta)li "ed t"at t"e tr(e and )a ic in piration #or t"e employer! act i derived #rom t"e employee ! (nion a##iliation or activitie ' t"e a ignment )y t"e employer o# anot"er rea on' *"atever it em)lance o# validity' i (navailing.

3.2 Ci crimination in Bon( Allocation or Salary Ad+( tment T"ere i (n#air and (n+( t di crimination in t"e granting o# alary ad+( tment *"ere t"e evidence "o* t"at -a5 t"e management paid t"e employee o# t"e (nioni%ed )ranc": -)5 *"ere t"e alary ad+( tment *ere granted to employee o# one o# it non(nioni%ed )ranc"e alt"o(g" it *a lo ing in it operation : and -c5 t"e total alary ad+( tment given every ten o# it (nioni%ed employee *o(ld not even e@(al t"e alary ad+( tment given one employee in t"e non(nioni%ed )ranc". 3.3 Ci crimination in Layo## or Ci mi al Even *"ere )( ine condition +( ti#ied a layo## o# employee ' (n#air la)or practice in t"e #orm o# di criminatory di mi al *ere #o(nd *"ere only (nioni t *ere permanently di mi ed *"ile non(nioni t *ere not.
La)or i a per onA mean o# liveli"ood. ?e cannot )e deprived o# "i la)or or *or, *it"o(t d(e proce o# la*. Retrenc"ment very "eart o# oneA

An inter#erence t"at t"e di c"arge o# an employee *a motivated )y "i (nion activity m( t )e )a ed (pon evidence' direct or circ(m tantial' not (pon mere ( picion. 3.4 Con tr(ctive Ci c"arge F"ere t"e employer pro"i)it employee #rom e7erci ing t"eir rig"t (nder t"e Act' on pain o# di c"arge' and t"e employee @(it a a re (lt o# t"e pro"i)ition' a con tr(ctive di c"arge occ(r ' *"ic" may )e remedie in an (n#air la)or practice proceeding. 3.3 Ci c"arge C(e to 8nion Activity' A R(e tion o# Iact
T"e @(e tion o# *"et"er an employee *a di c"arged )eca( e o# "i (nion activitie i e entially a @(e tion o# #act a to *"ic" t"e #inding o# t"e Co(rt o# Ind( trial Relation are concl( ive and )inding i# (pported )y () tantial evidence con idering t"e record a a *"ole. T"i i o )eca( e t"e Ind( trial Co(rt i governed )y t"e r(le o# () tantial evidence' rat"er t"an )y t"e r(le o# preponderance o# evidence a in any ordinary civil ca e . S() tantial evidence "a )een de#ined a (c" relevant evidence a a rea ona)le mind mig"t accept a ade@(ate to (pport a concl( ion. It mean (c" evidence *"ic" a##ord a () tantial )a i #rom *"ic" t"e #act in i (e can )e rea ona)ly in#erred.

LABOR RELATIONS -aintenance of -embership ShopE No employee i compelled to +oin t"e (nion' )(t all pre ent or #(t(re mem)er m( t' a a condition o# employment' remain in good tanding in t"e (nion. !.clusi#e Bargaining ShopE T"e (nion i recogni%ed a t"e e7cl( ive )argaining agent #or all employee in t"e )argaining (nit' *"et"er (nion mem)er or not. Bargaining for -embers OnlyE T"e (nion i )argaining agent only #or it o*n mem)er recogni%ed a t"e

'gency ShopE An agreement *"ere)y employee m( t eit"er +oin t"e (nion or pay t"e (nion a e7cl( ive )argaining agent a (m e@(al to t"at paid )y t"e mem)er . T"i i directed again t <#ree rider= employee *"o )ene#it #rom (nion activitie *it"o(t contri)(ting #inancially to (nion (pport. It prevent it(ation *"ere non$(nion mem)er enric" t"em elve at t"e e7pen e o# (nion mem)er . Anot"er term #or agency "op agreement i <maintenance o# treasury shop.= T"e a)ove variation are oppo ite o# open shop' an arrangement *"ic" doe not re@(ire (nion mem)er "ip a a condition o# employment. 3.20) Lalidity o# Clo ed$S"op Agreement
It i tr(e t"at di a##iliation #rom a la)or (nion i not open to legal o)+ection. It i implicit in t"e #reedom o# a ociation ordained )y t"e Con tit(tion. B(t t"i Co(rt "a laid do*n t"e r(ling t"at a clo ed "op i a valid #orm o# (nion ec(rity' and (c" provi ion in a collective )argaining agreement i not a re triction o# t"e rig"t o# #reedom o# a ociation g(aranteed )y t"e Con tit(tion. It i t"e policy o# t"e State to promote (nioni m to ena)le t"e *or,er to negotiate *it" management on t"e ame level and *it" more per (a ivene t"an i# t"ey *ere to individ(ally and independently )argain #or t"e improvement o# t"eir re pective condition . To t"i end' t"e Con tit(tion g(arantee to t"em t"e rig"t Bto el#$organi%ation' collective )argaining and negotiation and peace#(l concerted action incl(ding t"e rig"t to tri,e in accordance *it" la*.B T"ere i no @(e tion t"at t"e e p(rpo e co(ld )e t"*arted i# every *or,er *ere to c"oo e to go "i o*n eparate *ay in tead o# +oining "i co$employee in planning collective action and pre enting a (nited #ront *"en t"ey it do*n to )argain *it" t"eir employer . It i #or t"i rea on t"at t"e la* "a anctioned tip(lation #or t"e (nion "op and t"e clo ed "op a a mean o# enco(raging t"e *or,er to +oin and (pport t"e la)or (nion o# t"eir o*n c"oice a t"eir repre entative in t"e negotiation o# t"eir demand and t"e protection o# t"eir intere t vi $a$vi t"e employer. A clo ed$ "op agreement i an agreement *"ere)y an employer )ind "im el# to "ire only mem)er o# t"e contracting (nion *"o m( t contin(e to remain mem)er in good tanding to ,eep t"eir +o) . It i Bt"e mo t pri%ed ac"ievement o# (nioni m.B It add mem)er "ip and comp(l ory d(e . By "olding o(t to loyal mem)er a promi e o# employment in t"e clo ed$ "op' it *eld gro(p olidarity. It i a very e##ective #orm o# (nion ec(rity agreement.

3.20 Lalid Ci criminationE 8nion Sec(rity Cla( e T"ere i a #orm o# enco(ragement o# (nion mem)er "ip *"ic" i not con idered 8L.. T"i i *"ere 1anagement and 8nion enter into a collective )argaining agreement containing a (nion ec(rity cla( e. Ce pite variation and limitation ' a (nion ec(rity cla( e e entially re@(ire mem)er "ip in t"e (nion o t"at an employee may retain "i +o) and t"e (nion! e7i tence i a (red. <8nion ec(rity= i a generic term *"ic" i applied to and compre"end <clo ed "op'= <(nion "op'= <maintenance o# mem)er "ip= or any ot"er #orm o# agreement *"ic" impo e (pon employee t"e o)ligation to ac@(ire or retain (nion mem)er "ip a a condition a##ecting employment. It i indeed comp(l ory (nion mem)er "ip *"o e o)+ective i to a (re contin(ed e7i tence o# t"e (nion. In a en e' t"ere i di crimination *"en certain employee are o)liged to +oin a partic(lar (nion. B(t it i di crimination #avo(ring (nioni m: it i a valid ,ind o# <di crimination.= T"e employer i not g(ilty o# (n#air la)or practice i# it merely complie in good #ait" *it" t"e re@(e t o# t"e certi#ied (nion #or t"e di mi al o# employee e7pelled #rom t"e (nion p(r (ant to t"e (nion ec(rity cla( e in t"e collective )argaining agreement. 3.20a Mind o# 8nion Sec(rity Agreement losed%shopE Only (nion mem)er can )e "ired )y t"e company and t"ey m( t remain a (nion mem)er to retain employment in t"e company. Union ShopE Nonmem)er may )e "ired' )(t to retain employment m( t )ecome (nion mem)er a#ter a certain period. T"e re@(irement applie to pre ent and #(t(re employee . -odified Union ShopE Employee *"o are not (nion mem)er at t"e time o# igning t"e contract need not +oin t"e (nion' )(t all *or,er "ired t"erea#ter m( t +oin.

3.20c Advantage and Ci advantage o# Clo ed$S"op Agreement A clo ed$ "op agreement i advantageo( )eca( e it; a. Increa e t"e trengt" and )argaining po*er o# la)or organi%ation . ). .revent non$(nion *or,er #rom "aring in t"e )ene#it o# t"e (nion! activitie *it"o(t al o "aring it o)ligation . c. .revent t"e *ea,ening o# la)or organi%ation )y di crimination again t (nion mem)er .

d. Eliminate t"e lo*ering o# tandard ca( ed )y competition *it" non$(nion *or,er . e. Ena)le la)or organi%ation agreement . e##ectively to en#orce collective

LABOR RELATIONS implication any di mi al o# employee already *or,ing )e#ore t"e agreement *a made. 3.20# C(e .roce Re@(ired in En#orcing 8nion Sec(rity Cla( e: Intra$(nion 1atter )ecome Termination Ci p(te *it" Employer Alt"o(g" a (nion ec(rity cla( e in a CBA may )e validly en#orced and t"at di mi al p(r (ant t"ereto may li,e*i e )e valid' t"i doe not erode t"e #(ndamental re@(irement o# d(e proce . T"e rea on )e"ind t"e en#orcement o# (nion ec(rity cla( e *"ic" i t"e anctity and inviola)ility o# contract cannot override oneA rig"t to d(e proce . 3.20g Lia)ility o# 8nion to .ay Fage and Iringe Bene#it o# Illegally Ci mi ed Employee 3.20" Employer in Good Iait" Not Lia)le 3.20i Clo ed$S"op' To F"om Not Applica)le All employee in t"e )argaining (nit covered )y a clo ed$ "op agreement are ()+ect to it term ' e7cept t"e #ollo*ingE -25 any employee *"o at t"e time t"e clo ed$ "op agreement ta,e e##ect i a bona fide mem)er o# religio( organi%ation *"ic" pro"i)it it mem)er #rom +oining la)or (nion on religio( gro(nd : -25 employee already in t"e ervice and already mem)er o# a la)or (nion or (nion ot"er t"an t"e ma+ority (nion at t"e time t"e clo ed$ "op agreement too, e##ect: -35 Con#idential employee *"o are e7cl(ded #rom t"e ran,$and$#ile )argaining (nit: and -45 employee e7cl(ded #rom t"e clo ed$ "op )y e7pre term o# t"e agreement.
It i *ell ettled in t"i +(ri diction t"at' in t"e a) ence o# a mani#e t intent to t"e contrary' Bclo ed "opB provi ion in a collective )argaining agreement Bapply only to per on to )e "ired or to employee *"o are not yet mem)er o# any la)or organi%ationB and t"at aid provi ion o# t"e agreement are not applica)le to t"o e already in t"e ervice at t"e time o# it e7ec(tion. To "old t"at t"e employee in a company *"o are mem)er o# a minority (nion may )e compelled to di a##iliate #rom t"eir (nion and +oin t"e ma+ority or contracting (nion' *o(ld render n(gatory t"e rig"t o# all employee to el# organi%ation and to #orm' +oin or a i t la)or organi%ation o# t"eir o*n c"oo ing' a rig"t g(aranteed )y t"e Ind( trial .eace Act - ec. 3' Rep. Act No. 4/>5 a *ell a )y t"e Con tit(tion -Art. III' ec. 2N9O5.

#. Iacilitate t"e collection o# d(e and t"e en#orcement o# (nion r(le . g. Create "armonio( relation )et*een t"e employer and employee. B(t it i di advantageo( a it; a. Re (lt in monopoli tic domination o# employment )y la)or organi%ation . ). Inter#ere *it" t"e #reedom o# contract and per onal li)erty o# t"e individ(al *or,er. c. Compel employer to di c"arge all non$(nion *or,er regardle o# e##iciency' lengt" o# ervice' etc. d. Iacilitate t"e ( e o# la)or organi%ation )y (n cr(p(lo( (nion leader #or t"e p(rpo e o# e7tortion' re traint o# trade' etc. e. Cenie to non$(nion *or,er e@(al opport(nity #or employment. #. Ena)le (nion to c"arge e7or)itant d(e and initiation #ee . 3.20d Lalid Ci mi al Beca( e o# Application o# 8nion Sec(rity Cla( e
8nion ec(rity cla( e in collective )argaining agreement ' i# #reely and vol(ntarily entered into' are valid and )inding. Corollary' di mi al p(r (ant to (nion ec(rity cla( e are valid and legal ()+ect only to t"e re@(irement o# d(e proce ' t"at i ' notice and "earing prior to di mi al. T"( ' t"e di mi al o# an employee )y t"e company p(r (ant to a la)or (nionA demand in accordance *it" a (nion ec(rity agreement doe not con tit(te (n#air la)or practice. Even i# t"e (nion mem)er *ere (na*are o# t"e clo ed$ "op tip(lation in t"e CBA' t"ey *ere )o(nd )y it. Neit"er t"eir ignorance o#' nor t"eir di ati #action *it" it term and condition *o(ld +( ti#y )reac" t"ereo# or t"e #ormation )y t"em o# a (nion o# t"eir o*n. T"i i o )eca( e a (nion mem)er *"o i employed (nder an agreement )et*een t"e (nion and "i employer i )o(nd )y t"e provi ion t"ereo#' ince it i a +oint and everal contract o# t"e mem)er o# t"e (nion entered into )y t"e (nion a t"eir agent. T"i provi ion i an indirect re triction on t"e rig"t o# an employee to el#$ organi%ation. It i a olemn prono(ncement o# a policy t"at *"ile an employee i given t"e rig"t to +oin a la)or organi%ation' (c" rig"t "o(ld only )e a erted in a manner t"at *ill not pell t"e de tr(ction o# t"e ame organi%ation T"e la* re@(ire loyalty to t"e (nion on t"e part o# it mem)er in order to o)tain to t"e #(ll e7tent it co"e ion and integrity.

3.20+ Agency Iee In tead o# 8nion 1em)er "ip T"e employee *"o are )ene#itting #rom t"e CBA' *it"o(t )eing mem)er o# t"e )argaining (nion' may )e re@(ired to pay an agency #ee. T"e collection o# agency fees in an amo(nt e@(ivalent to (nion d(e and #ee ' #rom employee *"o are not (nion mem)er ' i recogni%ed )y Article 244 -e5 o# t"e La)or Code. A *ritten a(t"ori%ation #rom t"e non$(nion employee i impo ed. T"e employeeA acceptance o# )ene#it re (lting #rom a collective )argaining agreement +( ti#ie t"e ded(ction o# agency #ee #rom "i pay and t"e (nionA entitlement t"ereto. In t"i a pect' t"e legal )a i o# t"e (nionA rig"t to agency #ee i neit"er contract(al nor tat(tory' )(t @(a i$contract(al' deriving #rom t"e e ta)li "ed principle t"at non$ (nion employee may not (n+( tly enric" t"em elve )y )ene#iting #rom employment condition negotiated )y t"e )argaining (nion. T"e +( ti#ication o# collecting agency #ee i t"e (nion! accompli "ment in "aving negotiated a CBA in )e"al# o# t"e employee . T"e (nion erved a agent o# t"e employee ' and t"e agency #ee i recognition o# t"e agent! e##ort . T"e #ee i collecti)le

3.20e Ci mi al .(r (ant to Clo ed$S"op Cla( e 1( t Clearly Appear in Contract In order to validly di mi an employee )y #orce o# t"e (nion ec(rity cla( e' t"ere "o(ld )e a clear and une/ui#ocal statement t"at t"e lo o# t"e tat( o# a mem)er o# good tanding in t"e (nion "all )e a ca( e #or di mi al. 8nion "op' a *it" clo ed$ "op provi ion ' "o(ld )e trictly con tr(ed again t t"e e7i tence o# (nion "op. Sometime "ar " and onero( ' (c" provi ion "o(ld not )e e7tended )eyond t"e e7plicit coverage o# t"eir term ' and *ill not )e deemed to a(t"ori%e )y

LABOR RELATIONS only #rom employee deriving economic )ene#it #rom t"e (nion$ negotiated CBA. 1B. SI!TH U.L.P." DISCRIMINATION TESTIMONY ;ART. 2 ,<9=> BECAUSE OF 12. EIGHT U.L.P." PAID NEGOTIATION ;ART. 2 ,<-=> Sel#$organi%ation and collective )argaining are trea (red rig"t o# *or,er . T"e la* %ealo( ly "ield t"em #rom corr(ption. It i a p(ni "a)le act o# 8L. #or t"e employer to pay t"e (nion or any o# it o##icer or agent any negotiation #ee or attorney! #ee a part o# ettlement in collective )argaining or any la)or di p(te. To do o i not (nla*#(l. It i et"ically repre"en i)le. 13. NINTH U.L.P." VIOLATION OF THE CBA ;ART. 2 ,<i=> A#ter a CBA i concl(ded' it implementation #ollo* . Implementation i till part o# t"e )argaining proce *"ic"' it "o(ld )e recalled' re t on t"e partie ! <d(ty to )argain.= T"e d(ty to )argain' it "o(ld al o )e recalled' re@(ire good #ait". And good #ait" implie #ait"#(l o) ervance o# *"at "a )een agreed (pon. It logically #ollo* t"at noncompliance *it" t"e agreement i non$o) ervance o# good #ait" in )argaining: t"ere#ore' t"e noncompliance amo(nt to 8L.. B(t (c" violation' to con tit(te 8L.' m( t )e <gro '= according to Art. 292. 1 . RELIEF IN U.L.P. CASES 24.2 Cea e and Ce i t Order To (pport a cease and desist order' t"e record m( t "o* t"at t"e re trained mi cond(ct *a an i (e in t"e ca e: t"at t"ere *a a #inding o# #act o# aid mi cond(ct and (c" #inding o# #act *a (pported )y evidence. T"e Co(rt i not a(t"ori%ed to i (e )lan, cease and desist order ' )(t m( t con#ine it in+(nction order to peci#ic act or act *"ic" are related to pa t mi cond(ct. A cease and desist order i not invalidated )eca( e t"e act complained o# *a vol(ntarily di contin(ed prior to or d(ring t"e co(r e o# t"e proceeding . B(t i# t"e act complained o# "appened o long a time t"at t"ere i no longer any t"reat or pro)a)ility o# a rec(rrence' a cease and desist order *ill not )e +( ti#ied. 24.2 A##irmative Order T"e Co(rt doe not only "ave t"e po*er to i (e negative or pro"i)itive order )(t al o a##irmative or po itive order . T"e order may ( (ally direct t"e #(ll rein tatement o# t"e di c"arged employee to t"eir () tantially e@(ivalent po ition *it"o(t pre+(dice to t"eir eniority and ot"er rig"t and privilege . 24.3 Order to Bargain: 1andated CBA Li,e*i e' *"en an employer "a #ailed or re#( ed to )argain *it" t"e proper )argaining agent o# "i employee ' t"e Co(rt may' in addition to t"e ( (al cease and desist order ' i (e an a##irmative order to compel t"e re pondent to <)argain= *it" t"e )argaining agent. 24.4 Ci e ta)li "ment F"ere t"e employer "ad initiated' dominated or a i ted in or inter#ered *it" t"e #ormation or e ta)li "ment o# any la)or organi%ation or contri)(ted #inancial or ot"er (pport to it' t"e Co(rt may i (e' in addition to a cea e and de i t order' an order directing

T"e la* protect not only t"e employee ! rig"t to #orm' +oin' or a i t la)or organi%ation )(t al o t"eir rig"t to te ti#y on matter covered )y t"e Code. I# t"i rig"t i not protected' t"e rig"t to el#$organi%ation *ill )e indirectly de#eated )eca( e t"e employee *ill #ear t"eir employer! repri al. By protecting t"e employee! rig"t to te ti#y' t"e la* t"ere#ore "ield t"e *or,er ! rig"t to el#$organi%ation #rom indirect a a(lt )y t"e employer. T"( ' it i 8L. <to di mi ' di c"arge' or ot"er*i e pre+(dice or di criminate again t an employee #or "aving given or )eing a)o(t to give te timony (nder t"i Code. Employer! repri al again t a te ti#ying employee i 8L. )eca( e' #(rt"ermore' it violate t"e rig"t to engage in concerted activity' a rig"t incl(ded in t"e rig"t to el#$organi%e -Art. 2495 and reiterated in Article 293-)5. Concerted activity doe not al*ay re@(ire a n(m)er o# people acting in (ni on. An employee acting alone in p(r (ing a gro(p intere t may )e aid to )e doing a concerted activity *"ic" t"e employer may not c(rtail. 20.2 Re#( al to Te ti#y
Clearly' t"e e##ort to +( ti#y petitionerA di mi al ; on top o# t"e private re pondentA c"eme o# ind(cing "i employee to ign an a##idavit a) olving "im #rom po i)le violation o# t"e La)or Code ; taint *it" evident )ad #ait" and deli)erate malice petitionerA (mmary termination #rom employment. T"e pivotal @(e tion in any ca e *"ere (n#air la)or practice on t"e part o# t"e employer i alleged i *"et"er or not t"e employer "a e7erted pre (re' in t"e #orm o# re traint' inter#erence or coercion' again t "i employeeA rig"t to in tit(te concerted action #or )etter term and condition o# employment. Fit"o(t do()t' t"e act o# compelling employee to ign an in tr(ment indicating t"at t"e employer o) erved la)or tandard provi ion o# la* *"en "e mig"t "ave not' toget"er *it" t"e act o# terminating or coercing t"o e *"o re#( e to cooperate *it" t"e employerA c"eme con tit(te (n#air la)or practice. T"e #ir t act clearly preempt t"e rig"t o# t"e "otelA *or,er to ee, )etter term and condition o# employment t"ro(g" concerted action.

20.2 La)or Standard Liolation 1ay Lead to a Sri,e Art. 224. Retaliatory measures. It "all )e (nla*#(l #or an employer to re#( e to pay or red(ce t"e *age and )ene#it ' di c"arge or in any manner di criminate again t any employee *"o "a #iled any complaint or in tit(ted any proceeding (nder t"i Title or "a te ti#ied or i a)o(t to te ti#y in (c" proceeding . And yet' Article 224 and 244 are related. T"ey )ot" pea, o# employee! #iling a complaint or giving te timony. B(t t"e ()+ect o# complaint or te timony (nder Article 224 i limited to matter a)o(t *age ' t"e ()+ect o# Title I o# Boo, III. 8nder Article 244' on t"e ot"er "and' t"e ()+ect te ti#ied to i any i (e covered )y t"e Code. Bot" article li,e*i e pea, o# retaliation )y t"e employer. Retaliation i *rong' and more t"an t"at' Article 244 con ider it an (n#air la)or practice *"ic"' (nder Art. 293' i a legal rea on #or employee to "old a tri,e. 11. SEVENTH U.L.P." VIOLATION OF THE DUTY TO BARGAIN ;ART. 2 ,<C=> T"e event" 8L. act (nder Art. 244 re#er to violating t"e d(ty to )argain. See 'rticles 010 and 012

t"e employer to *it"dra* all recognition #rom t"e dominated la)or (nion and to di e ta)li " t"e ame. 1$. U.L.P. NOT SUB&ECT TO COMPROMISE 8n#air la)or practice ca e are not' in vie* o# t"e p()lic intere t involved' ()+ect to compromi e . T"e relation )et*een capital and la)or are not merely contract(al. T"ey are o impre ed *it" t"e p()lic intere t t"at la)or contract m( t yield to t"e common good. 1%. U.L.P. IN A GIVEN PERIOD SHOULD BE INCLUDED IN SINGLE CHARGE F"en a la)or (nion acc( e an employer o# act o# (n#air la)or practice allegedly committed d(ring a given period o# time' t"e c"arge "o(ld incl(de all act o# (n#air la)or practice committed again t any and all mem)er o# t"e 8nion d(ring t"at period. T"e 8nion "o(ld not' (pon t"e di mi al o# t"e c"arge #ir t pre#erred' )e allo*ed to plit it ca( e o# action and "ara t"e employer *it" () e@(ent c"arge . )a ed (pon act committed d(ring t"e ame period o# time. 1+. EMPLOYER(S RESPONSIBILITY FOR U.L.P. ACTS BY SUBORDINATE OFFICIALS 3no4ledge by the employer of the employees improper actsE F"ere it *a e ta)li "ed t"at t"e employer *a a*are o# t"e employee! *rongdoing' "i #ail(re to prevent contin(ation o# t"e co(r e o# cond(ct or "i #ail(re to reno(nce any connection or a##inity t"ere*it"' invited t"e imp(tation o# #a(lt and re pon i)ility to t"e employer. ontinuity of improper conduct by employeeE A ingle (tterance )y a (pervi ory employee' *"et"er improvident or deli)erate on t"e employee! part' *a not ordinarily and n a) ence o# proo# o# act(al a(t"ority "eld to )e (##icient to convict an employer o# an (n#air la)or practice: "o*ever' contin(ed' repeated or *ide pread activitie )y (c" (pervi ory employee in a##ront o# t"e rig"t o# t"e )ody o# employee *a deemed ample +( ti#ication #or a cri)ing ,no*ledge and )lame to t"e employer. !mployers past policy and attitudeE It "a )een "eld t"at' among ot"er t"ing ' t"e imilarity )et*een t"e pa t attit(de or policy o# t"e employer and t"at o# t"e o##ending (pervi ory employee mig"t' in certain ca e ' )e indicative o# a concert o# e##ort )et*een t"e t*o. 66666666 C-./te0 III UNFAIR LABOR PRACTICES OF LABOR ORGANIZATIONS Article 243. 8n#air la)or practice o# la)or organi%ation . $ It "all )e (n#air la)or practice #or a la)or organi%ation' it o##icer ' agent or repre entative E -a5 To re train or coerce employee in t"e e7erci e o# t"eir rig"t to el#$organi%ation. ?o*ever' a la)or organi%ation "all "ave t"e rig"t to pre cri)e it o*n r(le *it" re pect to t"e ac@(i ition or retention o# mem)er "ip: -)5 To ca( e or attempt to ca( e an employer to di criminate again t an employee' incl(ding di crimination again t an employee *it" re pect to *"om mem)er "ip in (c" organi%ation "a )een denied or to terminate an employee on any gro(nd ot"er t"an t"e ( (al term

LABOR RELATIONS and condition (nder *"ic" mem)er "ip or contin(ation o# mem)er "ip i made availa)le to ot"er mem)er : -c5 To violate t"e d(ty' or re#( e to )argain collectively *it" t"e employer' provided it i t"e repre entative o# t"e employee : -d5 To ca( e or attempt to ca( e an employer to pay or deliver or agree to pay or deliver any money or ot"er t"ing o# val(e' in t"e nat(re o# an e7action' #or ervice *"ic" are not per#ormed or not to )e per#ormed' incl(ding t"e demand #or #ee #or (nion negotiation : -e5 To a , #or or accept negotiation or attorney! #ee #rom employer a part o# t"e ettlement o# any i (e in collective )argaining or any ot"er di p(te: or -#5 To violate a collective )argaining agreement. T"e provi ion o# t"e preceding paragrap" not*it" tanding' only t"e o##icer ' mem)er o# governing )oard ' repre entative or agent or mem)er o# la)or a ociation or organi%ation *"o "ave act(ally participated in' a(t"ori%ed or rati#ied (n#air la)or practice "all )e "eld criminally lia)le. -A amended )y Bata .am)an a Bilang 230' A(g( t 22' 23425. 66666666 1. RESTRAINT OR COERCION BY LABOR ORGANIZATION' INTERFERENCE BY UNION IS NOT ULP A la)or organi%ation commit 8L. *"en it re train or coerce employee in t"eir rig"t to el#$organi%ation. T"i provi ion o# Art. 243-a5 parallel *it" Art. 244-a5. B(t <inter#erence= i le#t o(t. T"i deli)erate omi ion i <t"e e@(ivalent o# licen e o# la)or organi%ation to engage in t"o e practice *"ic"' at t"e "and o# an employer' *o(ld con tit(te actiona)le (n#air la)or practice )y *ay o# <inter#erence.= In ot"er *ord ' a la)or organi%ation may inter#ere in t"e employee ! rig"t to el#$organi%ation a long a t"e inter#erence doe not amo(nt to re traint or coercion. Inter#erence )y a la)or organi%ation i not 8L. )eca( e inter#ering in t"e e7erci e o# t"e rig"t to organi%e i it el# a #(nction o# el#$ organi%ing. 2.2 Coercing .articipation in Stri,e T"e provi ion i violated )y a (nion! re training or coercing an employee in t"e e7erci e o# "i rig"t to re#( e to participate in or recogni%e a tri,e. Similarly' violation i committed *"en a (nion t"reaten employee *it" )odily "arm in order to #orce t"em to tri,e. 2. UNION#INDUCED DISCRIMINATION T"e la* #or)id a 8L. (nion attempt to ca( e an employer to grant advantage #or (nion mem)er over non$mem)er ' #or (nion mem)er in good tanding over ( pended or e7pelled mem)er ' #or (nion mem)er over permit "older ' #or mem)er o# t"e (nion e7ec(tive )oard over more enior employee ' #or mem)er o# one (nion over mem)er o# anot"er (nion' or #or mem)er o# one local over mem)er o# anot"er local. T"e #or)idden di crimination may re#er to term o# "iring or #iring' in layo##' in eniority' or in )ene#it . 2.2 Ar)itrary 8 e o# 8nion Sec(rity Cla( e

LABOR RELATIONS T"e )road r(le i t"at t"e (nion "a t"e rig"t to determine it mem)er "ip and to pre cri)e t"e condition #or t"e ac@(i ition and retention t"ereo#. Con e@(ently' admi ion to mem)er "ip may not )e compelled. T"i r(le' "o*ever' i @(ali#ied in t"e ca e o# la)or (nion "olding a monopoly in t"e (pply o# la)or' eit"er in a given locality' or a regard a partic(lar employer )y rea on o# a clo ed$ "op or imilar agreement . In (c" ca e' @(ali#ied applicant may not )e ar)itrarily e7cl(ded #rom mem)er "ip and t"eir admi ion may not )e )arred )y (nrea ona)le r(le .
It i *ell ettled t"at la)or (nion are not entitled to ar)itrarily e7cl(de @(ali#ied applicant #or mem)er "ip' and a clo ed$ "op provi ion *o(ld not +( ti#y t"e employer in di c"arging' or a (nion in in i ting (pon t"e di c"arge o#' an employee *"om t"e (nion t"( re#( e to admit to mem)er "ip' *it"o(t any rea ona)le gro(nd t"ere#or.4 Needle to ay' i# aid (nion may )e compelled to admit ne* mem)er ' *"o "ave t"e re@(i ite @(ali#ication ' *it" more rea on may t"e la* and t"e co(rt e7erci e t"e coercive po*er *"en t"e employee involved i a long tanding (nion mem)er' *"o' o*ing to provocation o# (nion o##icer ' *a impelled to tender "i re ignation' *"ic" "e #ort"*it" *it"dre* or revo,ed. S(rely' "e may' at lea t' invo,e t"e rig"t o# t"o e *"o ee, admi ion #or t"e #ir t time' and cannot ar)itrarily "e denied readmi ion. T"e Co(rt tre e ' "o*ever' t"at (nion ec(rity cla( e are al o governed )y la* and )y principle o# +( tice' #air play' and legality. 8nion ec(rity cla( e cannot )e ( ed )y (nion o##icial again t an employer' m(c" le t"eir o*n mem)er ' e7cept *it" a "ig" en e o# re pon i)ility' #airne ' pr(dence' and +(dicio( ne . A (nion mem)er may not )e e7pelled #rom "er (nion' and con e@(ently #rom "er +o)' #or per onal or impet(o( rea on or #or ca( e #oreign to t"e clo ed$ "op agreement and in a manner c"aracteri%ed )y ar)itrarine and *"im icality.

-a5 F"en a party de ire to negotiate an agreement' it "all erve a *ritten notice (pon t"e ot"er party *it" a tatement o# it propo al . T"e ot"er party "all ma,e a reply t"ereto not later t"an ten -205 calendar day #rom receipt o# (c" notice: -)5 S"o(ld di##erence ari e on t"e )a i o# (c" notice and reply' eit"er party may re@(e t #or a con#erence *"ic" "all )egin not later t"an ten -205 calendar day #rom t"e date o# re@(e t. -c5 I# t"e di p(te i not ettled' t"e Board "all intervene (pon re@(e t o# eit"er or )ot" partie or at it o*n initiative and immediately call t"e partie to conciliation meeting . T"e Board "all "ave t"e po*er to i (e ()poena re@(iring t"e attendance o# t"e partie to (c" meeting . It "all )e t"e d(ty o# t"e partie to participate #(lly and promptly in t"e conciliation meeting t"e Board may call: -d5 C(ring t"e conciliation proceeding in t"e Board' t"e partie are pro"i)ited #rom doing any act *"ic" may di r(pt or impede t"e early ettlement o# t"e di p(te : and -e5 T"e Board "all e7ert all e##ort to ettle di p(te amica)ly and enco(rage t"e partie to ()mit t"eir ca e to a vol(ntary ar)itrator. -A amended )y Section 20' Rep()lic Act No. 9/2>' 1arc" 22' 23435. 66666666 Article 2>2. C(ty to )argain collectively in t"e a) ence o# collective )argaining agreement . & In t"e a) ence o# an agreement or ot"er vol(ntary arrangement providing #or a more e7peditio( manner o# collective )argaining' it "all )e t"e d(ty o# employer and t"e repre entative o# t"e employee to )argain collectively in accordance *it" t"e provi ion o# t"i Code. 66666666 1. NATURE OF COLLECTIVE BARGAINING 2.2 Ce#inition Collective )argaining or negotiation to*ard a collective agreement i a democratic #rame*or, to ta)ili%e t"e relation )et*een la)or and management and to create a climate o# o(nd and ta)le ind( trial peace. It i a m(t(al re pon i)ility o# t"e employer and t"e 8nion and i c"aracteri%ed a a legal o)ligation. Collective )argaining incl(de #o(r related )(t di ting(i "a)le proce e E -25 negotiation )et*een repre entative o# t"e management and t"e (nion over <*age ' "o(r ' and ot"er term o# employment:= -25 t"e e7ec(tion o# a *ritten contract em)odying t"e term agreed (pon: -35 negotiation o# any @(e tion ari ing a to t"e interpretation or application o# t"e contract: and -45 negotiation over t"e term o# a ne* contract or propo ed modi#ication ' *"en an e7i ting agreement i validly opened #or negotiation . Collective )argaining i a y tem made (p o# a et o# contin(o( proce e : it i c( tomary and "elp#(l to di ting(i " negotiation o# contract -t"e <legi lative= p"a e o# t"e (nion$employer relation "ip5'

2.2 Not Ci loyalty to A , ?elp #rom Anot"er 8nion 3. REFUSAL TO BARGAIN 8L. (nder Art. 243-c5 i intended to in (re t"at (nion approac" t"e )argaining ta)le *it" t"e ame attit(de o# *illingne to agree a t"e Act re@(ire o# management. A (nion violate it d(ty to )argain collectively )y entering negotiation *it" a #i7ed p(rpo e o# not reac"ing an agreement or igning a contract. . FEATHERBEDDING AND MA*E#WOR* ARRANGEMENTS Art. 243-d5 re#er to #eat"er)edding. <Ieat"er)edding= i t"e name given to employee practice *"ic" create or pread employment )y <(nnece arily= maintaining or increa ing t"e n(m)er o# employee ( ed' or t"e amo(nt o# time con (med' to *or, on a partic(lar +o). In pite o# employee a ertion t"at t"e e o$called #eat"er)edding practice are directly related to +o) ec(rity' "ealt" and a#ety' mo t co(rt at common la* #o(nd t"e e practice to )e economically *a te#(l and *it"o(t any legitimate employee +( ti#ication. 66666666 Title VII COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AND ADMINISTRATION OF AGREEMENTS ART. 2>0. .roced(re in collective )argaining. $ T"e #ollo*ing proced(re "all )e o) erved in collective )argainingE

admini tration o# contract -t"e <e7ec(tive p"a e5' and interpretation or application o# contract -t"e <+(dicial= p"a e5. In common ( age a *ell a in legal terminology' collective )argaining denote negotiation loo,ing #or*ard to a collective agreement. ?o*ever' it doe not end *it" t"e e7ec(tion o# an agreement. It i a contin(o( proce . It re@(ire )ot" partie ' t"e employer and d(ly a(t"ori%ed repre entative o# employee ' to deal *it" eac" ot"er *it" open and #air mind and incerely endeavor to #ig"t t"e o) tacle in t"e proce to ta)ili%e employer$employee relation "ip. 2.2a CBA Ce#ined

LABOR RELATIONS important element in employment' and <con ent a (re ta)ility )eca( e partie *"o "ave accepted an agreement *ill live )y it term .= 2. EMERGENCE OF COLLECTIVE BARGAINING Iir t in Great Britain' )(t not m(c" later in ot"er co(ntrie ' *or,ing men o(g"t to protect t"em elve again t t"e "ar " e##ect o# ne* mac"ine ' ne* met"od o# prod(ction' ne* divi ion o# la)or and ne* inten itie o# competition )y #orming organi%ation capa)le o# repre enting t"eir intere t a a gro(p #is%5%#is employee and t"e State. 2.2 Originator

A collective )argaining agreement -CBA5' a ( ed in Article 2>2 o# t"e La)or Code' re#er to a contract e7ec(ted (pon re@(e t o# eit"er t"e employer or t"e e7cl( ive )argaining repre entative incorporating t"e agreement reac"ed a#ter negotiation *it" re pect to *age ' "o(r o# *or, and all ot"er term and condition o# employment' incl(ding propo al #or ad+( ting any grievance or @(e tion ari ing (nder (c" agreement.
F"ile t"e term and condition o# a CBA con tit(te t"e la* )et*een t"e partie ' it i not' "o*ever' an ordinary contract to *"ic" i applied t"e principle o# la* governing ordinary contract . A CBA' a a la)or contract *it"in t"e contemplation o# Article 2/00 o# t"e Civil Code o# t"e ."ilippine *"ic" govern t"e relation )et*een la)or and capital' i not merely contract(al in nat(re )(t impre ed *it" p()lic intere t' t"( ' it m( t yield to t"e common good. A (c"' it m( t )e con tr(ed li)erally rat"er t"an narro*ly and tec"nically' and t"e co(rt m( t place a practical and reali tic con tr(ction (pon it' giving d(e con ideration to t"e conte7t in *"ic" it i negotiated and p(rpo e *"ic" it i intended to erve.

T"e credit #or coining t"e e7pre ion )elong to Beatrice Fe))' *"o #ir t ( ed it in 2432 in "er t(dy on <)he ooperati#e -o#ement in Great Britain$= In non$Engli " pea,ing co(ntrie ' partic(larly on t"e E(ropean continent' *"ere t"e proce o# collective )argaining "a an e@(ally long "i tory' t"e emp"a i *a placed on t"e term <collective agreement= )eca( e d(ring t"e early period t"e *or,er aimed not o m(c" at e ta)li "ing t"e proced(re o# )argaining it el# a at "aving (c" agreement recogni%ed and en#orced a legally )inding contract . 2.2 Adoption in t"e ."ilippine In t"e ."ilippine t"e idea o# collective )argaining #ir t gained #ormal and o##icial recognition t"ro(g" Common*ealt" Act No. 223' approved )y .re ident 1an(el L. R(e%on on Novem)er 22' 2339. B(t it i t"e Ind( trial .eace Act -RA No. 4/>' approved )y .re ident Elpidio R(irino on K(ne 2/' 23>35' t"at de#ined collective )argaining and o(tlined it proced(re. 3. PARTIES TO COLLECTIVE BARGAINING

A CBA i more t"an a contract: it i a generali%ed code to govern a myriad o# ca e *"ic" t"e dra#t men *"olly anticipate. It cover t"e *"ole employment relation "ip and pre cri)e t"e rig"t and d(tie o# t"e partie . 2.2 Rationale By <collective )argaining= t"e employee "are t"ro(g" "i c"o en repre entative in #i7ing t"e condition (nder *"ic" "e *or, ' and a r(le o# la* i () tit(ted #or a) ol(te a(t"ority. 2.3 Strengt" o# t"e Collective Bargaining 1et"od Collective )argaining i al o a mean o# en (ring *or,er! participation in deci ion$ma,ing. T"e notion t"at *or,er are entitled to participate in etting t"e term (nder *"ic" t"ey are to *or, i in"erent in collective )argaining: even t"e mo t r(dimentary #orm o# collective )argaining involve a tran #er o# certain i (e ' )e it only *age ' #rom t"e area o# (nilateral to t"e area o# )ilateral deci ion$ ma,ing. It provide an opport(nity #or t"e e7c"ange o# in#ormation tending to en"ance t"e (nder tanding o# t"e partie #or eac" ot"er pro)lem and o)+ective ' )ot" *"ere t"ey di##er and *"ere t"ey are identical. 1oreover;and t"i i very important;it provide an orderly proced(re )y *"ic" eac" ide can ee, to pre ent to t"e ot"er t"e )e t po i)le ca e #or t"e ati #action o# it partic(lar demand . It elicit t"e con ent o# t"o e *"o *ill "ave to live (nder t"e term o# any agreement derived #rom t"e )argaining proce . Sta)ility i an

T"e d(ty to )argain collectively ari e only )et*een t"e <employer= and it <employee =. F"ere neit"er party i an <employer= nor an BemployeeB o# t"e ot"er' no (c" d(ty *o(ld e7i t. Needle to add' *"ere t"ere i no d(ty to )argain collectively t"e re#( al to )argain violate no rig"t. T"e partie ' t"en' to collective )argaining a traditionally (nder tood' are t"e employer and t"e employee repre ented )y t"eir la)or (nion.
Article. 222. -+5 BBargaining repre entativeB mean organi%ation *"et"er or not employed )y t"e employer. a legitimate la)or

T"e )argaining repre entative o# t"e employee i an entity;t"e (nion;and not t"e o##icer o# t"e (nion. . &URISDICTIONAL PRECONDITIONS OF COLLECTIVE BARGAINING F"ile it i a m(t(al o)ligation o# t"e partie to )argain' t"e employer' "o*ever' i not (nder any legal d(ty to initiate contract negotiation. T"e mec"anic o# collective )argaining i et in motion only *"en t"e #ollo*ing +(ri dictional precondition are pre ent' namelyE -25 po e ion o# t"e tat( o# ma+ority repre entation o# t"e employee A repre entative in accordance *it" any o# t"e mean o# election or de ignation provided #or )y t"e La)or Code:

-25 proo# o# ma+ority repre entation: and -35 a demand to )argain (nder Article 2>2' par. -a5 o# t"e Ne* La)or Code. An employer! d(ty to recogni%e and )argain collectively *it" a (nion a t"e collective )argaining repre entative o# "i employee doe not ari e (ntil a#ter t"e (nion re@(e t t"e employer to )argain. ?ence' an employer i not in de#a(lt re pecting t"e d(ty to )argain (ntil a re@(e t t"ere#or "a )een made.
It i e ential to t"e rig"t o# a p(tative )argaining agent to repre ent t"e employee t"at it )e t"e delegate o# a ma+ority o# t"e employee and' conver ely' an employer i (nder d(ty to )argain collectively only *"en t"e )argaining agent i repre entative o# t"e ma+ority o# t"e employee . A nat(ral con e@(ence o# t"e e principle i t"at t"e employer "a t"e rig"t to demand o# t"e a erted )argaining agent proo# o# it repre entation o# it employee . ?aving t"e rig"t to demon tration o# t"i #act' it i not an A(n#air la)or practiceA #or an employer to re#( e to negotiate (ntil t"e a erted )argaining agent "a pre ented rea ona)le proo# o# ma+ority repre entation. It i nece ary "o*ever' t"at (c" demand )e made in good #ait" and not merely a a prete7t or device #or delay or eva ion. T"e employerA rig"t i "o*ever to rea ona)le proo#.

LABOR RELATIONS t"e )a ic rea on t"e )argaining proced(re i governed primarily )y agreement o# t"e partie . In t"e pre ence o# validly agreed proced(re' t"e La)or Code proced(re applie (ppletorily only. C.O. No. 40$03 (pplement t"e codal provi ion E
Section 3. F"en ingle enterpri e )argaining availa)le. $ Any vol(ntarily recogni%ed or certi#ied la)or (nion may demand negotiation *it" it employer #or term and condition o# *or, covering employee in t"e )argaining (nit concerned. Section 4. .roced(re in ingle enterpri e )argaining $ A recogni%ed or certi#ied la)or (nion t"at de ire to negotiate *it" it employer "all ()mit (c" intention in *riting to t"e employer' toget"er *it" it propo al #or collective )argaining.

4.2 Bargaining *it" 1inority 8nion' 8L. F"ere a ma+ority repre entative "a )een de ignated' it i an (n#air la)or practice' N#or t"e employerO a a re#( al o# collective )argaining' to deal and negotiate *it" t"e minority repre entative. On t"e (nion ide' *"ere t"ere e7i t a legitimate i (e a to *"ic" o# everal (nion i t"e legitimate repre entative o# employee ' it i 8L. #or one o# t"e (nion to tage a tri,e and demand t"at t"e employer it do*n *it" it #or collective )argaining. $. WHEN BARGAINING SHOULD BEGIN I# t"e t"ree +(ri dictional precondition are pre ent' t"e collective )argaining "o(ld )egin *it"in t"e 22 mont" #ollo*ing t"e determination and certi#ication o# t"e employee ! e7cl( ive )argaining repre entative. T"i period i ,no*n a t"e <certi#ication year.= T"e employer! d(ty to )argain d(ring t"e certi#ication year "a )een "eld to e7tend t"ro(g"o(t t"e entire year. A) ent (n( (al circ(m tance ' an employer commit an (n#air la)or practice )y re#( ing to )argain *it" t"e (nion d(ring it certi#ication year' not*it" tanding t"e rep(diation o# t"e (nion )y a ma+ority o# it employee )e#ore t"e e7piration o# t"e one$year period. T"e r(le i t"e ame *"et"er t"e (nion lo t it ma+ority a a re (lt o# t"e employer! (n#air la)or practice or t"ro(g" no #a(lt o# t"e employer. A (nion *"ic" "a )een certi#ied )y t"e NLRB a a )argaining repre entative #or a partic(lar (nit en+oy an irre#(ta)le pre (mption o# a ma+ority tat( #or one year' a) ent pecial circ(m tance . Iollo*ing t"e e7piration o# t"e one$year certi#ication period' t"ere contin(e to )e a pre (mption in #avor o# a (nion ma+ority' t"o(g" t"e pre (mption i re)(tta)le. Employee t(rnover doe not con tit(te <(n( (al circ(m tance = "ortening t"e period. %. SINGLE ENTERPRISE BROADLY DESCRIBED BARGAINING PROCEDURE

T"e recogni%ed or certi#ied la)or (nion and it employer may adopt (c" proced(re and proce e t"ey may deem appropriate and nece ary #or t"e early termination o# t"eir negotiation . T"ey "all name t"eir re pective repre entative to t"e negotiation' c"ed(le t"e n(m)er and #re@(ency o# meeting ' and agree on *age ' )ene#it and ot"er term and condition o# *or, #or all employee covered in t"e )argaining (nit. +. MULTI#EMPLOYER BARGAINING Collective )argaining may ta,e place at t"e national' ind( try' or enterpri e level. T"e ."ilippine )argaining. o #ar "a tried only enterpri e$level' or decentrali%ed

/.2 Rationale o# 1(lti$employer Bargaining F"en a n(m)er o# employee +oin #orce #or p(rpo e o# collective )argaining' t"e (nit tr(ct(re i de cri)ed a a m(lti$employer )argaining (nit. T"e tr(ct(re may con i t o# an a ociation repre enting employer ' or even a *"ole ind( try' or it may )e compo ed o# only a #e* employer *"o )argain a a gro(p' or t"ro(g" an a ociation. Competitive pre (re are t"e dominant #orce t"at enco(rage )ot" (nion and employer to enter into m(lti$employer or ind( try$*ide )argaining relation "ip . Small employer in "ig"ly competitive and la)or$inten ive #ield may #ind it ea ier to operate *it" (ni#ormity o# la)or co t. T"e m(lti$employer (nit i partic(larly advantageo( to )ot" ide in ind( trie compo ed o# many mall' #inancially *ea, employer . 1(lti$employer )argaining provide )ot" management and (nion *it" igni#icant co t aving in negotiation o# la)or agreement . It i c"eaper to negotiate one ma ter m(lti$employer agreement t"an a n(m)er o# ingle$employer agreement . T"ere are' "o*ever' ot"er con ideration t"an co t ' (c" a intra$ organi%ational i (e ' t"at t"e partie ta,e into acco(nt )e#ore opting #or m(lti$employer (nit . 1(lti$employer )argaining may not only overloo, t"e need o# vario( employee gro(p ' )(t al o ignore partic(lar re@(irement o# individ(al employer .

T"e la* give primacy to free collective )argaining -Art. 2225 and allo* t"e partie to devi e t"eir )argaining r(le -Art. 2>25. T"i i

LABOR RELATIONS F"at may )e readily accepta)le to one employer may )e con idered a #inancially di a tro( )y anot"er. To arrive at m(lti$employer agreement i m(c" more di##ic(lt t"an to arrive at ingle$employer contract . T"e e7panded i%e o# t"e (nit compo ed o# many "eterogeneo( gro(p lead to inten ive intra$ organi%ational )argaining )ot" on t"e (nion! and on t"e employer! ide. At time ' t"e e intra$organi%ational pre (re may lead to lengt"y delay in negotiation and even to )rea,do*n o# )argaining. /.2 1(lti$employer Bargaining .roced(re -C.O. No. 40$035
Section >. F"en m(lti$employer )argaining availa)le. $ A legitimate la)or (nion- 5 and employer may agree in *riting to come toget"er #or t"e p(rpo e o# collective )argaining' providedE -a5 only legitimate la)or (nion *"o are inc(m)ent e7cl( ive )argaining agent may participate and negotiate in m(lti$employer )argaining: -)5 only employer *it" co(nterpart legitimate la)or (nion *"o are inc(m)ent )argaining agent may participate and negotiate in m(lti$employer )argaining: and -c5 only t"o e legitimate la)or (nion *"o pertain to employer (nit *"o con ent to m(lti$employer )argaining may participate in m(lti$employer )argaining. Section 9. .roced(re in m(lti$employer )argaining. $ 1(lti$employer )argaining may )e initiated )y t"e la)or (nion or )y t"e employer . -a5 Legitimate la)or (nion *"o de ire to negotiate *it" t"eir employer collectively "all e7ec(te a *ritten agreement among t"em elve ' *"ic" "all contain t"e #ollo*ingE 25 t"e name o# t"e la)or (nion *"o de ire to avail o# m(lti$employer )argaining: 25 eac" la)or (nion in t"e employer (nit: 35 t"e #act t"at eac" o# t"e la)or (nion are t"e inc(m)ent e7cl( ive )argaining agent #or t"eir re pective employer (nit : 45 t"e d(ration o# t"e collective )argaining agreement ' i# any' entered into )y eac" la)or (nion *it" t"eir re pective employer . Legitimate la)or (nion *"o are mem)er o# t"e ame regi tered #ederation' national' or ind( try (nion are e7empt #rom e7ec(tion o# t"i *ritten agreement. -)5 T"e legitimate la)or (nion *"o de ire to )argain *it" m(lti$employer "all end a *ritten notice to t"i e##ect to eac" employer concerned. T"e *ritten agreement tated in t"e preceding paragrap"' or t"e certi#icate o# regi tration o# t"e #ederation' national' or ind( try (nion' "all accompany aid notice. Employer *"o agree to gro(p t"em elve or ( e t"eir e7i ting a ociation to engage in m(ltiemployer )argaining "all end a *ritten notice to eac" o# t"eir co(nterpart legitimate la)or (nion indicating t"eir de ire to engage in m(lti$employer )argaining. Said notice "all indicate t"e #ollo*ingE 25 t"e name )argaining: o# t"e employer *"o de ire to avail o# m(lti$employer -c5 Eac" employer or concerned la)or (nion "all e7pre it *illingne or re#( al to participate in m(lti$employer )argaining in *riting' addre ed to it corre ponding e7cl( ive )argaining agent or employer. Negotiation may commence only *it" regard to re pective employer and la)or (nion *"o con ent to participate in m(lti$employer )argaining: -d5 C(ring t"e co(r e o# negotiation ' con enting employer and t"e corre ponding legitimate la)or (nion "all di c( and agree on t"e #ollo*ingE 25 t"e manner )y *"ic" negotiation "all proceed:

25 t"e cope and coverage o# t"e negotiation and t"e agreement: and 35 *"ere appropriate' t"e e##ect o# t"e negotiation on c(rrent agreement or condition o# employment among t"e partie . Section /. .o ting and regi tration o# collective )argaining agreement. $ T*o -25 igned copie o# collective )argaining agreement reac"ed t"ro(g" m(lti$ employer )argaining "all )e po ted #or at lea t #ive - >5 day in t*o con pic(o( area in eac" *or,place o# t"e employer (nit concerned. Said collective )argaining agreement "all a##ect only t"o e employee in t"e )argaining (nit *"o "ave rati#ied it. T"e ame collective )argaining agreement "all )e regi tered *it" t"e Cepartment in accordance *it" t"e #ollo*ing R(le.

/.4 Optional 8nder C.O. No. 40$03 m(lti$employer )argaining i p(rely optional #or employer and (nion . 8nli,e ot"er )argaining (nit ' t"e m(lti$employer (nit i primarily on t"e con ent o# t"e #irm involved. 66666666 )a ed

Article 2>2. 1eaning o# d(ty to )argain collectively. & T"e d(ty to )argain collectively mean t"e per#ormance o# a m(t(al o)ligation to meet and convene promptly and e7peditio( ly in good #ait" #or t"e p(rpo e o# negotiating an agreement *it" re pect to *age ' "o(r o# *or, and all ot"er term and condition o# employment incl(ding propo al #or ad+( ting any grievance or @(e tion ari ing (nder (c" agreement and e7ec(ting a contract incorporating (c" agreement i# re@(e ted )y eit"er party )(t (c" d(ty doe not compel any party to agree to a propo al or to ma,e any conce ion. 66666666 Article 2>3. C(ty to )argain collectively *"en t"ere e7i t a collective )argaining agreement. & F"en t"ere i a collective )argaining agreement' t"e d(ty to )argain collectively "all al o mean t"at neit"er party "all terminate nor modi#y (c" agreement d(ring it li#etime. ?o*ever' eit"er party can erve a *ritten notice to terminate or modi#y t"e agreement at lea t i7ty -905 day prior to it e7piration date. It "all )e t"e d(ty o# )ot" partie to ,eep t"e tat( @(o and to contin(e in #(ll #orce and e##ect t"e term and condition o# t"e e7i ting agreement d(ring t"e 90$day period andDor (ntil a ne* agreement i reac"ed )y t"e partie . 66666666 1. DUTY TO BARGAIN DEFINED T"e la* contemplate and de#ine t*o it(ation *"en t"e d(ty to )argain e7i t E Sit(ation one' *"en t"ere i yet no collective )argaining agreement -Art. 2>25' and Sit(ation t*o' *"ere a CBA e7i t -Art. 2>35.

25 t"eir corre ponding legitimate la)or organi%ation : 35 t"e #act t"at eac" corre ponding legitimate (nion i any inc(m)ent e7cl( ive )argaining agent: 45 t"e d(ration o# t"e c(rrent collective )argaining agreement' i# any' entered into )y eac" employer *it" t"e co(nterpart legitimate la)or (nion.

Ior Sit(ation One' t"e d(ty to )argain mean in e ence t"e m(t(al o)ligation o# t"e employer and t"e employee ! ma+ority (nion to meet and convene. T"e purposes o# t"e meeting and convening areE -25 to negotiate an agreement on t"e ()+ect o#E -a5 *age ' -)5 "o(r o# *or,' and -c5 all ot"er term and condition o# employment incl(ding propo al #or ad+( ting grievance or @(e tion ari ing (nder (c" agreement: and -25 to e7ec(te a contract incorporating (c" agreement i# re@(e ted )y eit"er party. T"e (ind of compliance re@(ired i prompt' e7peditio( ' and in good #ait". T"e limitations or re ervation o# t"e d(ty are t"at it doe not compel any party to agree to a propo al or to ma,e a conce ion. Ior Sit(ation T*o' t"e d(ty to )argain mean all o# t"e a)ove and' additionally' t"e o)ligation not to terminate or modi#y t"e CBA d(ring it li#etime. B(t 90 day )e#ore t"e CBA e7pire ' eit"er party may noti#y t"e ot"er in *riting t"at it de ire to terminate or modi#y t"e agreement. C(ring t"e 90$day period and (ntil a ne* agreement i reac"ed' t"e CBA remain in #(ll #orce and e##ect: t"e partie are d(ty$ )o(nd to ,eep t"e tat( @(o. T"e la* t"ere#ore provide #or a(tomatic rene*al or e7ten ion o# t"e CBA. T"i 90$day period (nder Art. 2>3 re#er to ()mi ion o# propo al to renegotiate t"e nonrepre entational provi ion o# t"e CBA. It doe not al*ay coincide *it" t"e 90$day period mentioned in Article 2>3$A and 2>9 pertaining to <#reedom period= to re olve repre entation conte t )et*een (nion 2.2 Io(r Iorm o# 8L. in Bargaining -25 #ail(re to meet and convene: -25 evading t"e mandatory ()+ect o# )argaining: -35 )ad #ait" in )argaining' incl(ding #ail(re or re#( al to e7ec(te t"e collective agreement' i# re@(e ted: and -45 gro violation o# t"e CBA. 2. FIRST U.L.P. IN BARGAINING" FAILURE OR REFUSAL TO MEET AND CONVENE An employer i g(ilty o# an (n#air la)or practice in re#( ing to )argain *it" t"e repre entative o# a ma+ority o# "i employee . To )argain in good #ait"' an employer m( t not only meet and con#er *it" t"e (nion *"ic" repre ent "i employee ' )(t al o m( t recogni%e t"e (nion #or t"e p(rpo e o# collective )argaining. In addition' "e m( t recogni%e t"e (nion a t"e )argaining repre entative o# all t"e employee in t"e appropriate )argaining (nit' even i# t"ey are not all mem)er o# t"e (nion. T"e d(ty to )argain e7tend )eyond t"e period o# contract negotiation ' and applie to la)or$management relation d(ring t"e term o# t"e agreement. Since a collective )argaining agreement doe not de#ine all t"e rig"t and o)ligation o# t"e employer and "i employee ' negotiation o# grievance i part and parcel o# t"e )argaining proce .

LABOR RELATIONS T"e #ail(re o# re#( al o# an employer to )argain collectively *it" "i employee con tit(te an en+oina)le (n#air la)or practice not only (nder t"e ()divi ion o# t"e Act dealing e7pre ly *it" <collective )argaining'= )(t al o (nder t"e () ection ma,ing it an <(n#air la)or practice= toE <inter#ere *it"' re train or coerce employee in t"e e7erci e= o# t"eir g(aranteed rig"t ' on t"e t"eory t"at re#( al )y an employer to )argain collectively *it" "i employee con tit(te <inter#erence= *it" t"e latter! rig"t o# el#$organi%ation. 2.2 8nre olved .etition #or 8nion Cancellation 2.2 Selling t"e Company I# an employer i g(ilty o# (n#air la)or practice *"en "e directly di c"arge "i employee to #ore tall a demand #or collective )argaining' "e certainly "o(ld not )e allo*ed to evade re pon i)ility i# "e indirectly ca( e t"at di c"arge )y elling to a company t"at "e ,no* i (n*illing to accept "i employee . T"e )a ic r(le i t"at i# t"e tran #er o# a et and employee #rom one employer to anot"er leave intact t"e identity o# t"e employing enterpri e' t"e tran #eror! d(ty to recogni%e and )argain *it" an inc(m)ent (nion devolve (pon t"e tran #eree a < (cce or employer.= T"at mean t"at an ac@(iring employer i a (cce or to t"e )argaining o)ligation o# "i predece or i# t"ere i a contin(ity in t"e )( ine operation. Only a "ig" degree o# enterpri e contin(ity *ill +( ti#y impo ing o)ligation (nder a contract *it" t"e (nion to *"ic" t"e ne* employer *a not a party. A mere c"ange in o*ner "ip o# a )( ine (nion! tat( a )argaining repre entative. i in (##icient to alter a

2.3 S(cce or EmployerE Contin(ity and Identity In ma,ing t"e determination a to *"et"er an employer i (cce or' t"e NLRB loo, to t"e totality o# circ(m tance to determine *"et"er t"ere "a )een a () tantial and material alteration in t"e employing enterpri e. I# t"ere i a () tantial and material alteration in t"e employing enterpri e' t"e ne* employer need not )argain *it" t"e inc(m)ent (nion. 2.4 Conver ion to Independent Iranc"i e or Operation A deci ion to *it"dra* capital #rom a company$operated #acility and relin@(i " t"e operating control to an independent dealer "ip lie very m(c" at t"e core o# entreprene(rial control' and "ence i not a mandatory ()+ect o# )argaining 2.> Co Economic E7igencie K( ti#y Re#( al to BargainJ An employer "a )een "eld not g(ilty o# a re#( al to )argain )y adamantly re6ecting t"e (nion! economic demand *"ere "e i operating at a lo ' on a lo* pro#it margin' or in a depre ed ind( try' as long as he continues to negotiate. 2.9 Act not Ceemed Re#( al to Bargain T"e d(ty to )argain i not violated )yE -25 adoption o# an adamant )argaining po ition in good #ait"' partic(larly *"en t"e company i operating at a lo :

LABOR RELATIONS -25 re#( al to )argain over demand #or commi ion o# (n#air la)or practice : -35 re#( al to )argain d(ring period o# illegal tri,e. I# a (nion engage in an illegal tri,e' t"e employer "a no o)ligation to )argain (ntil "e i noti#ied t"at t"e illegal tri,e "a )een terminated. F"ere' p(r (ant to an "one t do()t' t"e employer "a demanded additional proo# or ac@(i ition o# an o##icial certi#ication o# )argaining agency' t"ere i no o)ligation or d(ty on t"e employer! part to enter into negotiation (ntil t"e demanded proo# i pre ented pending t"e certi#ication proceeding ' (nle it can )e e ta)li "ed t"at t"e demand lac, in good #ait" and i intended a an o) tr(ction to negotiation . Neit"er i t"e d(ty to )argain violated *"ereE -25 t"ere i no re@(e t #or )argaining: -25 t"e (nion ee, recognition #or an inappropriately large (nit: -35 t"e (nion ee, to repre ent ome per on *"o are e7cl(ded #rom t"e Act: -45 t"e ran,$and$#ile (nit incl(de ot"er*i e: (pervi or or inappropriate
*it" imp(nity to re ort to c"eme #eigning negotiation )y going t"ro(g" empty ge t(re .=





It i t"e o)ligation o# t"e employer and t"e employee ! repre entative to )argain *it" eac" ot"er *it" re pect to <*age ' "o(r ' and ot"er term and condition o# employment.= T"ey are tat(tory or <mandatory= propo al . An employer! re#( al to negotiate a mandatory ()+ect o# )argaining i an (n#air la)or practice alt"o(g" t"e employer "a every de ire to reac" agreement and earne tly and in all good #ait" )argain to t"at end. On t"e ot"er "and' an employer! d(ty to )argain i limited to t"e mandatory )argaining ()+ect : a to ot"er matter ' "e i #ree to )argain or not to )argain. A mere remote' direct' or incidental impact i in (##icient to render a ()+ect a mandatory ()+ect o# )argaining: in order #or a matter to )e ()+ect to mandatory collective )argaining' it m( t materially or igni#icantly a##ect t"e term or condition o# employment. 3.2 Fage and Employment Condition T"e term <*age '= a ( ed in 23 8SCS Sec. 2>4-d5' "a )een "eld to incl(de not only compen ation )(t al o ot"er emol(ment o# val(e #(rni "ed )y t"e employer to "i employee . 8nder o(r La)or Code' <*age= re#er to rem(neration or earning ' "o*ever de ignated' capa)le o# )eing e7pre ed in term o# money' etc.
Since t"e pa age o# t"e Ta#t$?artley Act' t"e National La)or Relation Board "a "eld t"at ind( trial pen ion ' gro(p in (rance' and merit increa e all are matter a)o(t *"ic" employer m( t )argain collectively.

->5 t"e demand #or recognition and )argaining i made *it"in t"e year #ollo*ing a certi#ication election in *"ic" t"e clear c"oice *a no (nion and no ad interim igni#icant c"ange "a ta,en place in t"e (nit: -95 t"e (nion ma,e (nla*#(l )argaining demand . 2./ Alleged Inter#erence in t"e Selection o# t"e 8nion! Negotiation .anel
In order to "o* t"at t"e employer committed 8L. (nder t"e La)or Code' () tantial evidence i re@(ired to (pport t"e claim. S() tantial evidence "a )een de#ined a (c" relevant evidence a a rea ona)le mind mig"t accept a ade@(ate to (pport a concl( ion.

T"e #ollo*ing are e7ample o# matter con idered a mandatory ()+ect o# )argainingE -25 Fage and ot"er type o# compen ation' incl(ding merit increa e : -25 For,ing "o(r and *or,ing day ' incl(ding *or, "i#t : -35 Lacation and "oliday : -45 Bon( e : ->5 .en ion and retirement plan : -95 Seniority: -/5 Tran #er: -45 Lay$o## : -35 Employee *or,load : -205 For, r(le and reg(lation : -225 Rent o# company "o( e : -225 8nion ec(rity arrangement . 3.2a Fage Agreement: <Solomonic= Approac"

2.4 Non$reply to .ropo al: CBA Impo ed on Employer

Collective )argaining' de igned to ta)ili%e t"e relation )et*een la)or and management and to create a climate o# o(nd and ta)le ind( trial peace. It i a legal o)ligation' o m(c" o t"at Article 244 o# t"e La)or Code ma,e it an (n#air la)or practice #or an employer to re#( e Bto meet and convene promptly and e7peditio( ly in good #ait" #or t"e p(rpo e o# negotiating an agreement *it" re pect to *age ' "o(r o# *or,' and all ot"er term and condition o# employment. Fe agree *it" t"e prono(ncement t"at it i not o)ligatory (pon eit"er ide o# a la)or controver y to precipitately accept or agree to t"e propo al o# t"e ot"er. B(t an erring party "o(ld not )e tolerated and allo*ed *it" imp(nity to re ort to c"eme #eigning negotiation )y going t"ro(g" empty ge t(re .

2.4a Repetition in Civine Ford 8niver ity

<A company! re#( al to ma,e co(nter propo al i# con idered in relation to t"e entire )argaining proce ' may indicate )ad #ait" and t"i i e pecially tr(e *"ere t"e 8nion! re@(e t #or a co(nter propo al i le#t (nan *ered.= 1oreover' t"e Co(rt added in t"e ame ca e t"at <it i not o)ligatory (pon eit"er ide o# a la)or controver y to precipitately accept or agree to t"e propo al o# t"e ot"er. B(t an erring party "o(ld not )e tolerated and allo*ed

Fe ta,e note o# t"e Bmiddle gro(ndB approac" employed )y t"e Secretary in t"i ca e *"ic". *e do not nece arily #ind to )e t"e )e t met"od o# re olving a *age di p(te. 1erely #inding t"e mid*ay point )et*een t"e demand o# t"e company and t"e (nion' and B plitting t"e di##erenceB i a impli tic ol(tion t"at #ail to recogni%e t"at t"e partie may already )e at t"e limit o# t"e *age level t"ey can a##ord. It may lead to t"e danger too t"at neit"er o# t"e partie *ill engage in principled )argaining: t"e company may ,eep it po ition arti#icially lo* *"ile t"e (nion pre ent an arti#icially "ig" po ition' on t"e #ear t"at a BSolomonicB ol(tion cannot )e avoided. T"( ' rat"er t"an enco(rage agreement' a Bmiddle gro(nd approac"B in tead promote a Bplay a#eB attit(de t"at lead to more deadloc, t"an to (cce #(lly negotiated CBA .

An employer! tat(tory d(ty to )argain re@(ire "im to negotiate over t"e (nion! propo al t"at t"eir agreement incl(de a cla( e )inding "im not to loc, o(t t"e employee . An employer! re#( al to )argaining over t"e d(ration o# t"e contract to )e entered into i al o an (n#air la)or practice. B(t an employer! o)ligation to enter into a collective )argaining agreement doe not re@(ire t"at t"e employer enter into an (naltera)le o)ligation #or an e7tended period o# time' and many collective )argaining agreement contain a cla( e permitting termination or modi#ication )y eit"er party (pon pre cri)ed notice. 3./ Signing Bon( Signing )on( i a grant motivated )y good*ill created *"en a CBA i (cce #(lly negotiated and igned )et*een t"e employer and t"e (nion. F"ere good*ill doe not e7i t' *"y a , #or a igning )on( J
In contract(al term ' a igning )on( i +( ti#ied )y and i t"e con ideration paid #or t"e good*ill t"at e7i ted in t"e negotiation t"at c(lminated in t"e igning o# a CBA. Fit"o(t t"e good*ill' t"e payment o# a igning )on( cannot )e +( ti#ied and any order #or (c" payment' to o(r mind' con tit(te grave a)( e o# di cretion.

3.2 For,load and For, R(le Employee *or,load are a mandatory ()+ect o# )argaining. Employer r(le concerning co##ee )rea, ' l(nc" period ' mo,ing' employee di cipline' and dre are al o mandatory ()+ect o# )argaining' a are plant a#ety r(le and general reg(lation . Company r(le relating to a#ety and *or, practice come *it"in t"e meaning o# t"e p"ra e <ot"er term and condition o# employment= a ( ed in t"e Act and' t"ere#ore' con tit(te a mandatory ()+ect o# collective )argaining. 3.2a Code o# Cond(ct For, r(le and reg(lation are commonly compiled into a )oo,let ( (ally called <Code o# Ci cipline= or <Code o# Cond(ct.= S(c" do and don!t #or employee o# t"e enterpri e are *or, r(le ' #orming part o# term and condition o# employment' t"at are proper ()+ect o# collective )argaining. ?ardly may t"e employer contend t"at t"ey are <non$negotia)le= matter . 3.3 1anagement .rerogative Cla( e An employer doe not commit an (n#air la)or practice )y in i ting' to t"e point o# a )argaining impa e' on t"e incl( ion in t"e contract o# a management prerogative cla( e' even t"o(g" ome o# t"e matter covered )y t"e cla( e are <condition o# employment= *"ic" are mandatory ()+ect o# )argaining (nder 23 8SCS Sec. 2>4-d5. T"( ' an employer! in i tence t"at it deci ion regarding "iring and ten(re o# employment "o(ld not )e revie*a)le )y ar)itration i not a re#( al to )argain. 3.4 8nion Ci cipline Cla( e An employer may )argain to an impa e over "i propo al t"at t"e (nion eliminate a piece*or, ceiling impo ed )y a (nion r(le *"ic" ()+ect mem)er to di cipline #or e7ceeding t"e prod(ction @(ota. ?o*ever' an employer! in i tence to t"e point o# a )argaining impa e on t"e (nion! *it"dra*al o# #ine impo ed on mem)er$ employee *"o cro ed a pic,et line aro(nd t"e employer! plant i an (nla*#(l re#( al to )argain' ince t"e rig"t not to *it"dra* #ine i an internal (nion a##air ' a matter involving relation )et*een employee and t"eir (nion ' and t"ere#ore not a mandatory )argaining item. 3.> Ar)itration' Stri,e$Lote' or No$Stri,e Cla( e An employer may la*#(lly )argain to an impa e over "i propo al t"at t"e collective )argaining agreement incl(de an ar)itration cla( e or a no$ tri,e cla( e *"ic" pro"i)it t"e employee #rom tri,ing d(ring t"e li#e o# t"e agreement. 3.9 No$Loc,o(t Cla( e: Cla( e Ii7ing Contract(al Term

In "ort' i# t"e rea on )e"ind a igning )on( i a) ent' no igning )on( need )e given. 3.4 No C(ty to Agree Even on 1andatory S()+ect T"e Act doe not compel agreement )et*een employer and employee ' and neit"er party i legally o)ligated to yield even on a mandatory )argaining ()+ect. F"ere t"e ()+ect o# t"e di p(te i a mandatory )argaining ()+ect' eit"er party may )argain to an impa e a long a "e )argain in good #ait". T"e d(ty to )argain doe not o)ligate a party to ma,e conce ion or yield a po ition #airly "eld. ?ence' an employer! adamant in i tence on a )argaining po ition i not nece arily a re#( al to )argain in good #ait". Even i# t"e negotiating party t"(m) do*n t"e ot"er party! propo al ' t"ere i no violation o# t"e d(ty to )argain;"ence' no 8L.;a long a t"e negative reply can )e e7plained in good #ait". 3.3 Non$mandatory S()+ect An employer cannot in i t' to t"e point o# creating a )argaining impa e' on t"e incl( ion o# a provi ion o(t ide t"e cope o# t"e tat(tory )argaining ()+ect ' even i# "e act in good #ait". On t"e ot"er "and' it i la*#(l to in i t on t"e incl( ion o# a provi ion in a collective )argaining agreement i# t"e provi ion i *it"in t"e cope o# a tat(tory ()+ect o# )argaining. An employer )argain to an impa e over a non$mandatory )argaining ()+ect *"en "e re#( e to reac" any agreement *it" t"e (nion (nle t"e (nion capit(late to "im on t"at ()+ect. ?o*ever' it "a )een "eld t"at a )argaining impa e may )e reac"ed over a non$mandatory )argaining ()+ect alt"o(g" t"at ()+ect i not t"e ole ca( e #or t"e partie ! #ail(re to agree. F"en a ()+ect (nder di c( ion i not mandatory' it may )e di c( ed i# )ot" partie agree' )(t a tri,e or loc,o(t may not )e ( ed to compel a negotiation or agreement. F"ile mo t matter t"at mig"t )e di c( ed or propo ed in collective )argaining are li,ely to )ear ome relation' even i# ten(o( ' to <*age' "o(r ' and ot"er term and condition o# employment'= not all propo al t"at ome"o* re pond to a pro)lem t"at i c( tomarily )argained a)o(t may t"em elve )e in i ted (pon to impa e. By once

)argaining and agreeing on a permi ive ()+ect o# )argaining' t"e partie do not ma,e t"e ()+ect a mandatory topic o# #(t(re )argaining. 3.20 Bargaining to t"e .oint o# Impa eE Not nece arily Bad Iait"

LABOR RELATIONS Ceadloc, doe not mean t"e end o# )argaining. It ignal rat"er t"e need to contin(e t"e )argaining *it" t"e a i tance o# a t"ird party a conciliator or ar)itrator *"o e #ir t aim i to get t"e partie )ac, to t"e negotiating ta)le and "elp t"em cra#t a *in$*in ol(tion. 3.22) Stri,e or Loc,o(t in Ca e o# Ceadloc,

T"e adamant in i tence on a )argaining po ition to t"e point *"ere t"e negotiation reac" an impa e doe not e ta)li " )ad #ait". Neit"er can )ad #ait" )e in#erred #rom a party! in i tence on t"e incl( ion o# a partic(lar () tantive provi ion (nle it concern trivial matter or i o)vio( ly intolera)le.
T"e @(e tion a to *"at are mandatory and *"at are merely permi ive ()+ect o# collective )argaining i o# igni#icance on t"e rig"t o# a party to in i t on "i po ition to t"e point o# talemate. A party may re#( e to enter into a collective )argaining contract (nle it incl(de a de ired provi ion a to a matter *"ic" i a mandatory ()+ect o# collective )argaining: )(t a re#( al to contract (nle t"e agreement cover a matter *"ic" i not a mandatory ()+ect i in () tance a re#( al to )argain a)o(t matter *"ic" are mandatory ()+ect o# collective )argaining' and it i no an *er to t"e c"arge o# re#( al to )argain in good #ait" t"at t"e in i tence on t"e di p(ted cla( e *a not t"e ole ca( e o# t"e #ail(re to agree or t"at agreement *a not reac"ed *it" re pect to ot"er di p(ted cla( e .

Bargaining may proceed moot"ly;and t"i i t"e *i " o# mo t negotiation panel ;)(t it may al o )e marred )y in in(ation ' mi (nder tanding ' and apparently irreconcila)le )argaining po ition . Ceadloc, develop . In #act' deadloc, may occ(r anytime #or vario( rea on (c" a (naccepta)ility o# a propo al or co(nter propo al' grand tanding o# a negotiator' a(tocratic or arrogant tance' or impreci e *ording o# a tip(lation. T"e la* -Art. 2935 recogni%e )argaining deadloc, a a valid rea on to declare a tri,e or loc,o(t. Stri,eD loc,o(t pre ent a ma+or deviation #rom t"e pre#erred moot" ro(te o# )argaining. At t"i point o# )argaining cenario' tri,eD loc,o(t i (ppo ed to )e a met"od o# re olving an impa e' a device to con train t"e partie to end an impa e and go )ac, to t"e negotiation ta)le. B(t tri,eD loc,o(t' *"ile meant to )e a ol(tion' #re@(ently )ecome a pro)lem in it el#.
Alt"o(g" t"e (nionA petition *a #or Bcomp(l ory ar)itration'B t"e () e@(ent agreement o# petitioner to ()mit t"e matter #or ar)itration in e##ect made t"e ar)itration a vol(ntary one. T"e e ence o# vol(ntary ar)itration' a#ter all' i t"at it i )y agreement o# t"e partie ' rat"er t"an comp(l ion o# la*' t"at a matter i ()mitted #or ar)itration. It doe not matter t"at t"e per on c"o en a ar)itrator i a la)or ar)iter *"o' (nder Art. 22/ o# t"e La)or Code' i c"arged *it" t"e comp(l ory ar)itration o# certain la)or ca e . T"ere i not"ing in t"e la* t"at pro"i)it t"e e la)or ar)iter #rom al o acting a vol(ntary ar)itrator a long a t"e partie agree to "ave "im "ear and decide t"eir di p(te.

Stated in anot"er *ay' t"e r(ling mean t"at )argaining to t"e point o# deadloc, may or may not amo(nt to )argaining in )ad #ait" depending on *"et"er t"e in i tence re#er to a mandatory or a non$mandatory ()+ect o# )argaining. T"e rea on i t"at t"e d(ty to )argain re@(ire meeting and convening on term and condition o# employment )(t doe not re@(ire a ent to t"e ot"er party! propo al . Over a non$mandatory ()+ect' on t"e ot"er "and' a party may not in i t on )argaining to t"e point o# impa e' ot"er*i e "i in i tence can )e con tr(ed a )argaining in )ad #ait". It may )e con tr(ed a eva ion o# t"e d(ty to )argain: (c" eva ion i 8L.. T"e a)ove r(ling do not mean t"at non$mandatory ()+ect cannot )e propo ed or t"at t"e proponent cannot demand erio( di c( ion o# (c" propo al. F"at t"e r(ling #or)id i t"e po t(re o# ma,ing ettlement on a non$mandatory ()+ect a precondition to t"e di c( ion or ettlement o# a mandatory ()+ect. I# a non$mandatory ()+ect i propo ed and agreed (pon' t"e agreeing party' )y it el#' i )inding. 3.22 F"en I T"ere Ceadloc, or Impa eJ A )argaining impa e over an i (e e7i t *"ere good #ait" )argaining on t"e part o# t"e partie "a #ailed to re olve t"e i (e and t"ere are no de#inite plan #or #(rt"er e##ort to )rea, t"e deadloc,. <Impa e'= *it"in t"e meaning o# t"e #ederal la)or la* ' pre (ppo e rea ona)le e##ort at good #ait" )argaining *"ic"' de pite no)le intention ' doe not concl(de in an agreement )et*een t"e partie . In t"e NLRB! vie*' *"et"er a )argaining impa e e7i t i a matter o# +(dgment dependent on (c" #actor a t"e )argaining "i tory' t"e partie ! good #ait" in negotiation ' t"e lengt" o# t"e negotiation ' t"e importance o# t"e i (e or i (e a to *"ic" t"ere i di agreement' and t"e contemporaneo( (nder tanding o# t"e partie a to t"e tate o# negotiation . 3.22a C(ty to Bargain F"en T"ere I Ceadloc, or Impa e

. THIRD U.L.P. IN BARGAINING" BAD FAITH Bargaining deadloc, may )e precipitated not only )y "ard$line po ition on mandatory or non$mandatory ()+ect . It may al o ari e )eca( e o# lac, o# good #ait" in )argaining. Good$#ait" )argaining demand more t"an terile and repetitive di c( ion o# #ormalitie precl(ding act(al negotiation' more t"an #ormal replie *"ic" con tit(te in e##ect a re#( al to treat *it" t"e (nion' and more t"an a *illingne to enter (pon a terile di c( ion o# (nion$management di##erence . It re@(ire a incere e##ort to reac" agreement' alt"o(g" it doe not re@(ire agreement it el#. 1oreover' t"e d(ty to )argain doe not end *it" t"e negotiation o# t"e agreement. T"e d(ty to )argain collectively may )e violated *it"o(t a general #ail(re o# ()+ective good #ait"' and t"ere i no occa ion to con ider t"e i (e o# good #ait" i# a party re#( e even to negotiate in #act a)o(t any o# t"e mandatory ()+ect . AN employer cannot )e g(ilty o# a re#( al to )argain i# t"e (nion i not it el# )argaining in good #ait". 4.2 Cetermination o# Good Iait"
T"e cr(cial @(e tion *"et"er or not a party "a met "i tat(tory d(ty to )argain in good #ait" typically t(rn on t"e #act o# t"e individ(al ca e. T"ere i no per se te t o# good #ait" in )argaining. Good #ait" or )ad #ait" i an in#erence to )e dra*n #rom t"e #act and i largely a matter #or t"e NLRB! e7perti e. To ome degree' t"e @(e tion o# good #ait" may )e a @(e tion o# credi)ility.

A #air criterion o# good #ait" in collective )argaining re@(ire t"at t"e partie involved deal *it" eac" ot"er *it" open and #air mind and

incerely endeavor to overcome o) tacle or di##ic(ltie e7i ting )et*een t"em to t"e end t"at employment relation may )e e ta)li "ed and o) tr(ction to t"e #ree #lo* o# commerce prevented. 1ere pretended )argaining *ill not (##ice: neit"er m( t t"e mind )e "ermetically ealed again t t"e t"o(g"t o# entering into an agreement. To do le t"at i re@(ired )y t"e tandard o# good #ait" and cond(ct i a re#( al to )argain collectively and violate t"e pirit and intent o# t"e Act. 4.2 F"en Can Bargaining in Bad Iait" Occ(rJ Bargaining in )ad #ait" i con idered 8L. (nder Art' 244-g5. B(t i# one *ill )e c"arged *it" )argaining in )ad #ait"' t"e c"arge "o(ld )e rai ed *"ile t"e )argaining i in progre . F"en t"e )argaining i #ini "ed and t"e CBA "a )een e7ec(ted vol(ntarily )y t"e partie ' a c"arge o# )argaining in )ad #ait" i too late and (ntena)le.
Fit" t"e e7ec(tion o# t"e CBA' )ad #ait" )argaining can no longer )e imp(ted (pon any o# t"e partie t"ereto. All provi ion in t"e CBA are (ppo ed to "ave )een +ointly and vol(ntarily incorporated t"erein )y t"e partie . T"i i not a ca e *"ere private re pondent e7"i)ited an indi##erent attit(de to*ard collective )argaining )eca( e t"e negotiation *ere not t"e (nilateral activity o# petitioner (nion. T"e CBA i proo# eno(g" t"at private re pondent e7erted Brea ona)le e##ort at good #ait" )argaining.B T"e (nion! propo al' not )eing part o# t"e igned contract' cannot erve a )a i o# "olding t"e management g(ilty o# )ad #ait" in )argaining or in implementing t"eir contract a igned.

LABOR RELATIONS an attit(de o# <ta,e it or leave it'= )(t pre (ppo e a de ire to reac" an (ltimate agreement to enter into a collective )argaining contract. An employer! propo al *"ic" co(ld not )e o##ered *it" any rea ona)le e7pectation t"at t"ey *o(ld )e accepted )y t"e (nion con tit(te (r#ace )argaining. Repeated "i#t in po ition and attit(de on t"e part o# an employer *"enever a tentative agreement i reac"ed are evidence o# a re#( al to )argain collectively in good #ait". It "a al o )een "eld t"at an employer cannot re+ect a (nion! acceptance o# t"e employer! co(nter o##er on t"e gro(nd t"at t"e (nion "ad earlier re+ected t"e o##er.
S(r#ace )argaining i de#ined a Bgoing t"ro(g" t"e motion o# negotiatingB *it"o(t any legal intent to reac" an agreement. T"e re ol(tion o# (r#ace )argaining allegation never pre ent an ea y i (e. T"e determination o# *"et"er a party "a engaged in (nla*#(l (r#ace )argaining i ( (ally a di##ic(lt one )eca( e it involve ' at )ottom' a @(e tion o# t"e intent o# t"e party in @(e tion' and ( (ally (c" intent can only )e in#erred #rom t"e totality o# t"e c"allenged party! cond(ct )ot" at and a*ay #rom t"e )argaining ta)le. It involve t"e @(e tion o# *"et"er an employer! cond(ct demon trate an (n*illingne to )argain in good #ait" or i merely "ard )argaining. 7 7 7 Fe' li,e*i e' do not agree t"at t"e 8nion i g(ilty o# 8L. #or engaging in )l(e$ ,y )argaining or ma,ing e7aggerated or (nrea ona)le propo al .

4.3) Bad Iait"E In#le7i)le Cemand : Stri,e Amid Negotiation 4.3c Bad Iait"E Bo(l*ari m: Ta,e$It$or$Leave$It Bargaining
T"e ne* plan *a t"ree#old. A negotiation approac"ed' t"e Company *o(ld ( e it local management per onnel on t"e de ire o# t"e *or, #orce on t"e type and level o# )ene#it : t"e e *ere t"en tran lated into peci#ic propo al ' *"o e co t and e##ectivene *ere re earc"ed in order to determine an attractive )argaining o##er *it"in t"e CompanyA mean : t"e Company t"en attempted to B ellB it propo al to it employee and t"e general p()lic t"ro(g" a p()licity campaign in plant ne* paper ' )(lletin ' letter ' televi ion and radio anno(ncement and per onal contact . T"e Company anno(nced in negotiation t"at it re+ected t"e ( (al <"or e trading= approac" to )argaining' *it" eac" ide event(ally compromi ing initial (nrea ona)le po ition : it adverti ed it initial propo al a <#air= and <#irm.= T"o(g" *illing to accept 8nion (gge tion )a ed on #act it mig"t "ave overloo,ed' t"e Company re#( ed to c"ange it po ition imply )eca( e t"e 8nion di agreed *it" it. Fe "ave already indicated t"at one o# t"e central tenet o# Bt"e Bo(l*are approac"B i t"at t"e Bprod(ctB or B#irm' #air o##erB m( t )e mar,eted vigoro( ly to t"e Bcon (mer B or employee ' to convince t"em t"at t"e Company' and not t"e 8nion' i t"eir tr(e repre entative. T"e aim' in a *ord' *a to deal *it" t"e 8nion t"ro(g" t"e employee ' rat"er t"an *it" t"e employee t"ro(g" t"e 8nion.

4.3 In tance o# Bad Iait"E Celay o#' or Impo ing Time Limit on' Negotiation An (n*arranted delay in negotiation may )e evidence o# )ad #ait" on t"e part o# t"e employer. ?o*ever' an employer "a )een "eld not g(ilty o# )ad #ait" #or #ailing to complete a collective )argaining contract d(ring a 3$year period' *"ere many con#erence "ad )een "eld d(ring t"e period' even t"o(g" t"e employer "ad in i ted on a no$ tri,e cla( e and "ad rai ed *age d(ring negotiation #or t"e p(rpo e o# meeting competition. T"e National La)or Relation Board o# t"e 8nited State reported t"at <lac, o# good #ait" i indicated *"ere t"e employer engage in (n#air la)or practice *"ile )argaining *it" t"e (nion: *"ere it engage in dilatory tactic d(ring negotiation : or *"ere it in tit(te a *age c(t )y (nilateral action and *it"o(t con (lting t"e ma+ority repre entative.= Nonet"ele ' t"e prior ad+(dication o# )ad #ait" on an earlier occa ion i not it el# () tantial evidence o# pre ent )ad #ait".
A t"e Co(rt "eld in t"e ca e o# 3io( Loy #$ 7LR ' 242 SCRA 2/3' 249 -23495' t"e companyA re#( al to ma,e co(nter$propo al to t"e (nionA propo ed CBA i an indication o# it )ad #ait".

4.4 Not Bad Iait" to .ropo e 1odi#ication to t"e E7piring CBA It i not )ad$#ait" )argaining *"en a party propo e modi#ication to t"e e7piring CBA. T"e econd entence o# Article 2>3 e7plicitly re#er to erving a *ritten notice <to terminate or modify= t"e agreement. 1odi#ication may mean addition to' ()traction #rom' or ot"er *ay o# c"anging t"e content or p"ra eology o# content o# t"e e7piring CBA. It doe not connote a one$direction movement. B(t *"ic"ever *ay it i propo ed to go' t"e propo ed c"ange re@(ire "one t e7planation. F"at *a e7cl(ded #rom t"e old CBA may )e propo ed #or incl( ion in t"e #ort"coming CBA' or vice$ver a. Negotiation preci ely contemplate propo al and co(nter$propo al . 4.> Giving o# In#ormation

4.3a Bad Iait"E S(r#ace Bargaining: S"i#ting Bargaining .o ition : Bl(e S,y Bargaining <S(r#ace )argaining'= *"ic" mean a op"i ticated preten e in t"e #orm o# apparent )argaining' doe not ati #y t"e tat(tory d(ty to )argain. T"e d(ty i not di c"arged )y merely meeting toget"er or imply mani#e ting a *illingne to tal,. It re@(ire more t"an a *illingne to enter (pon a terile di c( ion o# (nion$management di##erence . Collective )argaining i not imply an occa ion #or p(rely #ormal meeting )et*een management and la)or *"ile eac" maintain

LABOR RELATIONS .art o# good$#ait" )argaining' and a met"od to e7pedite t"e proce ' i (pplying o# in#ormation to t"e ot"er party' a re@(ired )y la*. It "o(ld )e recalled t"at (nder Art. 242 one o# t"e rig"t o# a legitimate la)or organi%ation *"ic" i certi#ied a t"e e7cl( ive )argaining agent' i to a , #or and )e #(rni "ed *it" t"e employer! ann(al a(dited #inancial tatement ' incl(ding t"e )alance "eet and t"e pro#it and lo tatement. S(c" in#ormation i cr(cial in )argaining. An employer i (nder a d(ty' (pon re@(e t o# t"e )argaining repre entative' to provide in#ormation relevant to t"e i (e at t"e )argaining ta)le. Re#( al to provide relevant in#ormation a#ter t"e ame "a )een re@(e ted con tit(te per se violation o# t"e d(ty to )argain. Relevant in#ormation or data may incl(de in#ormation concerning t"e employee in t"e )argaining (nit' (c" a t"eir name ' addre e ' and eniority tanding' or concerning t"e #inancial tat( o# t"e employer' e pecially *"ere needed to () tantiate claim o# ina)ility to pay. $. FOURTH U.L.P. IN BARGAINING" GROSS VIOLATION OF THE CONTRACT At t"i tage' t"e negotiation are over: t"e doc(ment "a )een igned' ealed' and delivered. Implementation "o(ld #ollo*. B(t at t"i tage t"e collective )argaining proce i not yet over' and t"e d(ty to )argain i till operative )eca( e (c" d(ty #(rt"er re@(ire #ait"#(l ad"erence to t"e contract(al provi ion . Liolation o# t"e contract amo(nt to 8L.' i# t"e violation i <gro .= %. RATIFICATION REDUIREMENTS BY THE CBU' MANDATORY In any o# t"o e it(ation t"e CBA till need to )e po ted in t*o con pic(o( place in t"e *or,place' )(t t"e po ting i #or t"e in#ormation o#' and not rati#ication )y' t"e employee a##ected. 1oreover' t"e CBA "a to )e regi tered *it" t"e COLE regional o##ice. To re@(ire rati#ication o# t"e CBA in ca e o# ar)itral a*ard *ill )e incon i tent *it" t"e nat(re o# ar)itration a a di p(te$ ettlement device. T"e preceding comment' "o*ever' doe not mean t"at t"e ar)itral a*ard i )eyond @(e tion. ertiorari on proper gro(nd i availa)le. 9.3 Rati#ied )(t 8n igned Lac, o# t"e p(rely mini terial act o# igning t"e #ormal contract did not o)viate t"e #act t"at t"ere *a a )inding contract. 9.4 8nrati#ied )(t Implemented
T"e partie to a collective agreement are re@(ired to #(rni " copie to t"e appropriate Regional O##ice *it" accompanying proo# o# rati#ication )y t"e ma+ority o# all t"e *or,er in t"e )argaining (nit. T"i *a not done in t"e ca e at )ar. B(t *e do not declare t"e CBA invalid or void con idering t"at t"e employee "ave en+oyed )ene#it #rom it. T"ey cannot receive )ene#it (nder provi ion #avora)le to t"em and later in i t t"at t"e CBA i void imply )eca( e ot"er provi ion t(rn o(t not to t"e li,ing o# certain employee . It i ini@(ito( to receive )ene#it #rom a CBA and later on di claim it validity.

+. E!ECUTION OF CONTRACT A party to a collective )argaining may )e re@(ired to ign a contract *"ere t"e agreement "a )een reac"ed )y t"e partie and only one party! re#( al to e7ec(te a contract i preventing it )eing carried into e##ect. S(c" re#( al i an (n#air la)or practice /.2 8n*ritten or 8n igned Agreement American co(rt "ave "eld t"at a collective )argaining agreement i valid t"o(g" not red(ced to *riting or igned' i# neit"er party re@(e t a *ritten in tr(ment. /.2 E##ect o# Signing on Ot"er Ci p(te ,. REGISTRATION OF C.B.A. T"e collective agreement' "aving )een properly rati#ied' "o(ld )e regi tered *it" t"e COLE Regional O##ice *"ere t"e )argaining (nion i regi tered or *"ere it principally operate . Art. 232 re@(ire t"e regi tration *it"in t"irty -35 calendar day #rom e7ec(tion o# t"e agreement. 1(lti$employer collective )argaining agreement "all )e #iled *it" t"e B(rea(. It i )elieved t"at #ail(re to regi ter t"e CBA doe not ma,e it invalid or (nen#orcea)le. It non$regi tration' "o*ever' render t"e contract$ )ar r(le inoperative. 4.2 Re@(irement #or Regi tration
Section 2. Re@(irement #or regi tration. $ T"e application #or CBA regi tration "all )e accompanied )y t"e original and t*o -25 d(plicate copie o# t"e #ollo*ing doc(ment *"ic" m( t )e certi#ied (nder oat" )y t"e repre entative- 5 o# t"e employer- 5 and la)or (nion- 5 concerned

T"e agreement negotiated )y t"e employee ! )argaining agent "o(ld )e rati#ied or approved )y t"e ma+ority o# all t"e *or,er in t"e )argaining (nit. T"e proper rati#ying gro(p i not +( t t"e ma+ority (nion )(t t"e 1.E20it3 29 .ll t-e F20Ge05 i4 t-e A.0C.i4i4C H4it repre ented in t"e negotiation. T"e rati#ication and t"e manner o# doing it are mandatory. T"e Implementing R(le re@(ire po ting o# t"e CBA in t*o con pic(o( place #or #ive day . In one ca e' t"e CBA *a not po ted #or at lea t #ive day in t*o con pic(o( place in t"e e ta)li "ment )e#ore rati#ication' to ena)le t"e *or,er to clearly in#orm t"em elve o# it provi ion . 1oreover' t"e CBA ()mitted to t"e 1OLE did not carry t"e *orn tatement o# t"e (nion ecretary' atte ted )y t"e (nion pre ident' t"at t"e CBA "ad )een d(ly po ted and rati#ied' a re@(ired )y t"e Implementing R(le and Reg(lation . T"e co(rt r(led t"at t"e e re@(irement )eing mandatory' non$compliance t"ere*it" rendered t"e aid CBA ine##ective. 9.2 Invalid Rati#ication 9.2 F"en Rati#ication Not Needed Rati#ication o# t"e CBA )y t"e employee in t"e )argaining (nit i not needed *"en t"e CBA i a prod(ct o# an ar)itral a*ard )y appropriate government a(t"ority or )y a vol(ntary ar)itrator. T"e ar)itral a*ard may re (lt #rom vol(ntary ar)itration (nder Art.292 or #rom t"e ecretary! a (mption o# +(ri diction or certi#ication o# t"e di p(te to t"e NLRC' (nder Art. 293-g5.

-a5 t"e collective )argaining agreement: -)5 a tatement t"at t"e collective )argaining agreement *a po ted in at lea t t*o -25 con pic(o( place in t"e e ta)li "ment or e ta)li "ment concerned #or at lea t #ive ->5 day )e#ore it rati#ication: and -c5 a tatement t"at t"e collective )argaining agreement *a rati#ied )y t"e ma+ority o# t"e employee in t"e )argaining (nit o# t"e employer or employer concerned. No ot"er doc(ment "all )e re@(ired in t"e regi tration o# collective )argaining agreement

T"e con#erence agreed to ma,e t"e <term and condition = or <economic= provi ion o# t"e CBA good only #or t"ree year o a to protect t"e economic gain o# t"e *or,er .
O)vio( ly' t"e #ramer o# t"e la* *anted to maintain ind( trial peace and ta)ility )y "aving )ot" management and la)or *or, "armonio( ly toget"er *it"o(t any di t(r)ance. T"( ' no o(t ide (nion can enter t"e e ta)li "ment *it"in #ive ->5 year and c"allenge t"e tat( o# t"e inc(m)ent (nion a t"e e7cl( ive )argaining agent. Li,e*i e' t"e term and condition o# employment -economic and non$economic5 cannot )e @(e tioned )y t"e employer or employee d(ring t"e period o# e##ectivity o# t"e CBA. T"e CBA i a contract )et*een t"e partie and t"e partie m( t re pect t"e term and condition o# t"e agreement. Nota)ly' t"e #ramer o# t"e la* did not give a #i7ed term a to t"e e##ectivity o# t"e term and condition o# employment. It can )e gleaned #rom t"eir di c( ion t"at it *a le#t to t"e partie to #i7 t"e period. T"e i (e a to t"e term o# t"e non$repre entation provi ion o# t"e CBA need not )ela)ored e pecially *"en *e ta,e note o# t"e 1emorand(m o# t"e Secretary o# La)or dated Ie)r(ary 24' 2334. In aid memorand(m' t"e Secretary o# La)or "ad occa ion to clari#y t"e term o# t"e renegotiated term o# t"e CBA vi $a$vi t"e term o# t"e )argaining agent' to *itE A a matter o# policy t"e partie are enco(rage - ic5 to enter into a renegotiated CBA *it" a term *"ic" *o(ld coincide - ic5 *it" t"e a#ore aid #ive ->5 year term o# t"e )argaining repre entative. In t"e event "o*ever' t"at t"e partie ' )y m(t(al agreement' enter into a renegotiated contract *it" a term o# t"ree -35 year or one *"ic" doe not coincide *it" t"e aid >$year term' and aid agreement i rati#ied )y ma+ority o# t"e mem)er in t"e )argaining (nit' t"e ()+ect contract i valid and legal and t"ere#ore' )ind t"e contracting partie . T"e ame *ill "o*ever not adver ely a##ect t"e rig"t o# anot"er (nion to c"allenge t"e ma+ority tat( o# t"e inc(m)ent )argaining agent *it"in i7ty -905 day )e#ore t"e lap e o# t"e original #ive ->5 year term o# t"e CBA.

T"e application may )e denied i# t"e (pporting doc(ment are incomplete or not veri#ied (nder oat". T"e denial' i# )y t"e Regional o##ice' i appeala)le to t"e B(rea( *it"in ten -205 day or to t"e Secretary i# t"e denial i )y t"e B(rea(. :. AUTOMATIC RENEWAL OF CBA T"e partie "all contin(e t"e CBA in <#(ll #orce and e##ect= (ntil t"ey reac" a ne* agreement.
It i clear #rom t"e a)ove provi ion o# la* t"at (ntil a ne* Collective Bargaining Agreement "a )een e7ec(ted )y and )et*een t"e partie ' t"ey are d(ty$)o(nd to ,eep t"e tat( @(o and to contin(e in #(ll #orce and e##ect t"e term and condition o# t"e e7i ting agreement. T"e la* doe not provide #or any e7ception nor @(ali#ication a to *"ic" o# t"e economic provi ion o# t"e e7i ting agreement are to retain #orce and e##ect' t"ere#ore' it m( t )e (nder tood a encompa ing all t"e term and condition in t"e aid agreement.

66666666 Article 2>3$A. Term o# a collective )argaining agreement. & Any Collective Bargaining Agreement t"at t"e partie may enter into "all' in o#ar a t"e repre entation a pect i concerned' )e #or a term o# #ive ->5 year . No petition @(e tioning t"e ma+ority tat( o# t"e inc(m)ent )argaining agent "all )e entertained and no certi#ication election "all )e cond(cted )y t"e Cepartment o# La)or and Employment o(t ide o# t"e i7ty$day period immediately )e#ore t"e date o# e7piry o# (c" #ive$year term o# t"e Collective Bargaining Agreement. All ot"er provi ion o# t"e Collective Bargaining Agreement "all )e renegotiated not later t"an t"ree -35 year a#ter it e7ec(tion. Any agreement on (c" ot"er provi ion o# t"e Collective Bargaining Agreement entered into *it"in i7 -95 mont" #rom t"e date o# e7piry o# t"e term o# (c" ot"er provi ion a #i7ed in (c" Collective Bargaining Agreement' "all retroact to t"e day immediately #ollo*ing (c" date. I# any (c" agreement i entered into )eyond i7 mont" ' t"e partie "all agree on t"e d(ration o# retroactivity t"ereo#. In ca e o# a deadloc, in t"e renegotiation o# t"e Collective Bargaining Agreement' t"e partie may e7erci e t"eir rig"t (nder t"i Code. -A amended )y Section 22' Rep()lic Act No. 9/2>' 1arc" 22' 23435. 66666666 1. DURATION OF A C.B.A. RA No. 3/2> -1arc" 22' 23435 "a introd(ced t"ro(g" Art. 2>3$A a igni#icant c"ange in etting t"e d(ration or term o# a CBA at #ive year #or t"e <repre entation a pect= and not more t"an t"ree year #or <all ot"er provi ion .= T"e <repre entation a pect= re#er to t"e identity and ma+ority tat( o# t"e (nion t"at negotiated t"e CBA a t"e e7cl( ive repre entative o# t"e )argaining (nit. <All ot"er provi ion E imply re#er to t"e re t o# t"e CBA' economic a *ell a non$economic ot"er t"an repre entational.

2. EFFECTIVITY AND RETROACTIVITY OF A C.B.A. I# t"e CBA i t"e very #ir t #or t"e )argaining (nit' t"e Code doe not tate any r(le on t"e CBA! e##ectivity date. T"e partie "ave to decide it #or t"em elve . B(t i# t"e en (ing CBA i rene*al' modi#ication or renegotiation o# an e7piring one' t"e Code o##er a #orm(la #or t"e e##ectivity date. Article 2>3$A provide t"at t"e en (ing agreement' i# entered into *it"in i7 -95 mont" #rom e7piry o# t"e old one' "all retroact to t"e date #ollo*ing (c" e7piry date: t"( ' i# t"e CBA e7pired on Cecem)er 32 and t"e ne* one i concl(ded on' ay' 1arc" 32' it e##ectivity date i Kan(ary 2. I#' on t"e ot"er "and' t"e ne* agreement i concl(ded a#ter K(ne 30' t"en t"e matter o# retroaction and t"e po i)le retroactive date are le#t to t"e partie . F"en' preci ely' i t"e date an agreement i <concl(ded= or <entered into=J
T"e determining point i t"e date t"e partie agreed' not t"e date t"ey igned. Art. 2>3$A re#er merely to an BagreementB *"ic"' according to Blac,A La* Cictionary i Ba coming toget"er o# mind : t"e coming toget"er in accord o# t*o mind on a given propo ition.B T"i i imilar to Art. 230> o# t"e Civil CodeA de#inition o# BcontractB a Ba meeting o# mind )et*een t*o per on .B T"e t*o term ' BagreementB and Bcontract'B are indeed imilar' alt"o(g" t"e #ormer i )roader t"an t"e latter )eca( e an agreement may not "ave all t"e element o# a contract. A in t"e ca e o# contract ' "o*ever' agreement may )e oral or *ritten. ?ence' even *it"o(t any *ritten evidence o# t"e Collective Bargaining Agreement made )y t"e partie ' a valid agreement e7i ted in t"i ca e #rom t"e moment t"e mind o# t"e partie met on all matter t"ey et o(t to di c( ' a provided (nder Art. 232> o# t"e Civil Code.

2.2 E##ectivity o# CBA Concl(ded A#ter Si7 1ont" #rom E7piration o# Old CBA Signi#icantly' t"e la* doe not peci#ically cover t"e it(ation *"ere i7 mont" "ave elap ed )(t t"e partie "ave reac"ed no agreement *it" re pect to e##ectivity. In t"i event(ality' *e "old t"at any provi ion o# la* "o(ld t"en apply' #or t"e la* a)"or a vac((m.
One (c" provi ion i t"e principle o# "old over' i.e.' t"at in t"e a) ence o# a ne* CBA' t"e partie m( t maintain t"e status /uo and m( t contin(e in #(ll #orce and e##ect t"e term and condition o# t"e e7i ting agreement (ntil a ne* agreement i reac"ed. In t"i manner' t"e la* prevent t"e e7i tence o# a gap in t"e relation "ip )et*een t"e collective )argaining partie . Anot"er legal principle t"at "o(ld apply i t"at in t"e a) ence o# an agreement )et*een t"e partie ' t"en' an ar)itrated CBA ta,e on t"e nat(re o# any +(dicial or @(a i$ +(dicial a*ard: it operate and may )e e7ec(ted only pro pectively (nle t"ere are legal +( ti#ication #or it retroactive application.

LABOR RELATIONS T"e la)or in+(nction i an employer! mo t e##ective remedy in la)or di p(te. ?o*ever narro* it cope and #orm' t"e i (ance o# an in+(nction #or any p(rpo e in a la)or di p(te *ill generally tip t"e cale o# t"e controver y. T"e i (ance o# an in+(nction in t"e early p"a e o# a tri,e can critically *ay t"e )alance o# t"e economic tr(ggle again t t"e (nion. En#orced )y t"e co(rt! contempt po*er ' even a preliminary in+(nction i an e##ect(al tri,e$)rea,ing *eapon )eca( e o m(c" time ordinarily elap e )et*een t"e i (ance o# a preliminary in+(nction and t"e time *"en a #inal decree can )e revie*ed on appeal. 2.2 In+(nction I (ed )y Reg(lar Co(rt' F"en .roper Reg(lar co(rt are *it"o(t a(t"ority to i (e in+(nction order in ca e involving or originating #rom la)or di p(te even i# t"e complaint *a #iled )y non$ tri,ing employee and t"e employer *a al o made a re pondent to t"e action or even i# t"e complainant *a a c( tomer o# t"e tri,e$)o(nd employer or a i ter company o# t"e tri,e$)o(nd employer' *"o e premi e *ere pic,eted )y t"e tri,er .
T"e co(rt may i (e an in+(nction' *"et"er temporary or permanent' a provided in aid ection o# Rep()lic Act 4/>' only in a ca e involving or gro*ing o(t o# a la)or di p(te.

3. E!TENSION OF EFFECTIVITY OF C.B.A.) WHEN VALID 3.2 Ten$Qear S( pen ion o# CBA 66666666 Article 2>4. In+(nction pro"i)ited. & No temporary or permanent in+(nction or re training order in any ca e involving or gro*ing o(t o# la)or di p(te "all )e i (ed )y any co(rt or ot"er entity' e7cept a ot"er*i e provided in Article 224 and 294 o# t"i Code. -A amended )y Bata .am)an a Bilang 22/' K(ne 2' 23425. 66666666 1. NO#IN&UNCTION POLICY An in+(nction may re@(ire or re train t"e doing o# an act. Article 2>4 anno(nce t"e policy t"at la)or di p(te are generally not ()+ect to in+(nction. I# t"e r(le *ere ot"er*i e' it *o(ld contradict t"e declared policy' (nder Article 222-a5' <to promote and emp"a i%e t"e primacy o# #ree collective )argaining and negotiation ' incl(ding vol(ntary ar)itration' mediation and conciliation' a mode o# ettling la)or or ind( trial di p(te .= T"e policy' )a ically' i #reedom at t"e *or,place. T"e la*' tr(e to t"e tenet o# #ree enterpri e y tem' allo* management and la)or to #a "ion t"e content and incident o# t"eir relation "ip. I# t"ere i di p(te )et*een t"e partie ' t"e re pon i)ility to olve it devolve (pon t"em primarily' not (pon t"e government. Government intervention i t"e e7ception rat"er t"an t"e r(le. T"i anti$in+(nction policy applie even a regard *age$#i7ing )y t"e *age commi ion or regional *age )oard . 1oreover' any in+(nctive order in <non$national intere t= di p(te can )e directed only again t t"e illegal act )eing committed in connection *it" t"e la)or di p(te: it cannot )e directed again t t"e di p(te it el#.
T"ere i no po*er t"e e7erci e o# *"ic" i more delicate *"ic" re@(ire grater ca(tion' deli)eration' and o(nd di cretion' or -*"ic" i 5 more dangero( in a do()t#(l ca e t"an t"e i (ing o# an in+(nction: it i t"e trong arm o# e@(ity t"at never o(g"t to )e e7tended (nle to ca e o# great in+(ry' *"ere co(rt o# la* cannot a##ord an ade@(ate or commen (rate remedy in damage . T"e rig"t m( t )e clear' t"e in+(ry impending or t"reatened' o a to )e averted only )y protection preventive proce o# in+(nction.

66666666 Article 2>>. E7cl( ive )argaining repre entation and *or,er ! participation in policy and deci ion$ma,ing. & T"e la)or organi%ation de ignated or elected )y t"e ma+ority o# t"e employee in an appropriate collective )argaining (nit "all )e t"e e7cl( ive repre entative o# t"e employee in (c" (nit #or t"e p(rpo e o# collective )argaining. ?o*ever' an individ(al employee or gro(p o# employee "all "ave t"e rig"t at any time to pre ent grievance to t"eir employer. Any provi ion o# la* to t"e contrary not*it" tanding' *or,er "all "ave t"e rig"t' ()+ect to (c" r(le and reg(lation a t"e Secretary o# La)or and Employment may prom(lgate' to participate in policy and deci ion$ma,ing proce e o# t"e e ta)li "ment *"ere t"ey are employed in o#ar a aid proce e *ill directly a##ect t"eir rig"t ' )ene#it and *el#are. Ior t"i p(rpo e' *or,er and employer may #orm la)or$management co(ncil E .rovided' T"at t"e repre entative o# t"e *or,er in (c" la)or$management co(ncil "all )e elected )y at lea t t"e ma+ority o# all employee in aid e ta)li "ment. -A amended )y Section 22' Rep()lic Act No. 9/2>' 1arc" 22' 23435. 66666666 1. WOR*ERS( PARTICIPATORY CONSTITUTIONAL MEANING RIGHT" ITS

T"e cr(cial @(e tion i E *"at i t"e meaning or e7tent o# t"e *or,er ! rig"t to participate in policy and deci ion$ma,ingJ Enlig"tening in t"i regard are t"e deli)eration o# t"e 2349 Con tit(tional Commi ion. T"ey reveal t"at t"e intention *a to re#er to participation in grievance proced(re and vol(ntary mode o# ettling di p(te and not to #orm(lation o# corporate program or policie . T"ere are t"ree level in *"ic" employee co(ld in#l(ence management in t"eir deci ion$ma,ing' and one *o(ld )e at t"e corporate level. T"i *o(ld re#er to trategic policie pertaining to t"e merger ' ac@(i ition ' pricing and mar,eting policie ' di po ition o# pro#it and t"e li,e. T"e econd level *o(ld )e t"e plant or

2.2 Rea on o# t"e No$In+(nction .olicy

department level. It i "ere *"ere admini trative deci ion are made. Ceci ion made in t"i level may re#er to "iring' #iring' and promotion o# employee ' co t and @(ality control' re o(rce allocation ' ac"ievement o# target @(ota ' etc. And t"e t"ird *ill )e t"e "op$#loor level. It i "ere *"ere t"e o$called operating deci ion are made. Ceci ion made in t"i level ( (ally re#er to c"ed(ling o# *or,' a#ety reg(lation ' *or, met"od ' training o# ne* employee . So t"e e are t"e di##erent level in *"ic" *e "ope t"ere *o(ld )e t"i democratic participation o# *or,er in vital i (e t"at a##ect )ot" management and t"e *or,er . 2.2 Employee ! .articipation in Iorm(lating t"e Code o# Ci cipline
Indeed' it *a only on 1arc" 2' 2343' *it" t"e approval o# Rep()lic Act No. 9/2>' amending Article 222 o# t"e La)or Code' t"at t"e la* e7plicitly con idered it a State policy B-t5o en (re t"e participation o# *or,er in deci ion and policy$ma,ing proce e a##ecting t"e rig"t ' d(tie and *el#are.B ?o*ever' even in t"e a) ence o# aid clear provi ion o# la*' t"e e7erci e o# management prerogative *a never con idered )o(ndle . Lerily' a line m( t )e dra*n )et*een management prerogative regarding )( ine operation per e and t"o e *"ic" a##ect t"e rig"t o# t"e employee . In treating t"e latter' management "o(ld ee to it t"at it employee are at lea t properly in#ormed o# it deci ion or mode action.

LABOR RELATIONS 2.2 Cepartment! .romotion o# L1C and Ot"er Co(ncil

Section 2. Creation o# la)or$management and ot"er co(ncil . $ T"e Cepartment "all promote t"e #ormation o# la)or$management co(ncil in organi%ed and (norgani%ed e ta)li "ment to ena)le t"e *or,er to participate in policy and deci ion$ma,ing proce e in t"e e ta)li "ment' in o#ar a aid proce e *ill directly a##ect t"eir rig"t ' )ene#it and *el#are' e7cept t"o e *"ic" are covered )y collective )argaining agreement or are traditional area o# )argaining.

3. INDIVIDUAL GRIEVANCE A )rie#ly indicated a)ove' t"e pre ence o# an employee ! organi%ation'$$a (nion' an L1C or ot"er #or(m;doe not replace t"e individ(al employee! rig"t to p(r (e grievance . Eac" employee retain t"e rig"t to deal *it" "i or "er employer' and #ice%#ersa. T"e la)or organi%ation i a repre entative o# t"e collective employee ' )(t t"i #act doe not mean t"at an employee can act only t"ro(g" t"e repre entative. Ior t"e e rea on ' t"e la* -rt. 2>>5 e7plicitly pre erve and re pect t"e rig"t o# an individ(al employee or any gro(p o# employee to directly pre ent grievance to t"eir employer at any time. Even *"en (nder inve tigation' an employee can c"oo e to "andle per onally "i de#en e' (na i ted )y any repre entative -Art. 2//N)O5. T"e econd entence o# Art. 2>> i meant to )e an e7ception to t"e e7cl( ivene o# t"e repre entative role o# t"e la)or organi%ation. S(c" individ(al rig"t cannot )e ta,en a*ay even )y a (nion! con tit(tion and )y$la* . American +(ri pr(dence "old t"at not*it" tanding a (nion! o)ligation a e7cl( ive )argaining repre entative to proce t"e grievance o# all )argaining (nit employee ' individ(al employee may at any time pre ent grievance directly to t"e employer #or ad+( tment *it"o(t t"e intervention o# t"e )argaining repre entative' and *it"o(t ()+ecting t"e employer to lia)ility #or re#( ing to )argain *it" t"e (nion. ?o*ever' t"e ad+( tment o# t"e grievance m( t )e con i tent *it" t"e term o# t"e c(rrent collective )argaining contract or agreement. 1oreover' t"e )argaining repre entative m( t )e given t"e opport(nity to )e pre ent at t"e meeting )et*een t"e employer and employee. . COLLECTIVE BARGAINING UNIT ;CBU> DEFINED At t"e enterpri e level t"ere are t"ree democratic device ' tat(torily em)edded' to advance t"e ca( e o# ind( trial peace' namelyE airing o# grievance even )y an individ(al employee directly to t"e employer anytime: participation in policy and deci ion$ma,ing )y employee ' *"et"er (nioni%ed or not: and collective )argaining *it" t"e employer )y (nioni%ed employee . T"e collective )argaining t"at t"e la* envi ion occ(r )et*een t"e employer and t"e employee compri ed in an <appropriate= collective )argaining (nit -CB85 repre ented )y a (nion. A initially e7plained in Art. 234' t"e <CB8= i t"at gro(p o# +o) and +o)"older repre ented )y t"e recogni%ed or certi#ied (nion *"en it )argain *it" t"e employer. T"e <gro(p= may compri e all t"e (pervi or or' eparately' all t"e ran,$and$#ile pop(lation in t"e company. Or it may )e le t"an all o# t"e e t*o categorie ' alt"o(g" t"e la* pre#er to "ave only one gro(ping per category in one enterpri e )eca( e t"e more olid t"e (nit' t"e tronger it )argaining capacity. B(t i# a ingle (nit -only one #or all (pervi or or only one #or all ran,$and$#ile5 i not #ea i)le' t"e la* allo* ()gro(p a )argaining (nit ' provided only t"at eac" ()$gro(p i <appropriate.= It i appropriate i# it mem)er "are () tantially common concern and intere t .

2. WOR*ERS( PARTICIPATION AS THE REAL OB&ECTIVE' THE LMC Article 2>> deal *it" t"e cr(cial concept o# employee participation. T"e la*' *"ile promoting collective )argaining' really aim at employee participation in policy and deci ion$ma,ing. Collective Bargaining i +( t one o# t"e #orm o# employee participation. Ce pite o m(c" intere t in and promotion o# collective )argaining' it i incorrect to ay t"at t"e device *"ic" ec(re ind( trial democracy i collective )argaining and no ot"er. And it i e@(ally mi leading to ay t"at collective )argaining i t"e end$goal o# employee repre entation. Rat"er' t"e real aim i employee participation in *"atever #orm it may appear;)argaining or no )argaining' (nion or no (nion. T"i i *"y Art. 2>>' econd entence' re erve t"e rig"t o# an individ(al employee or gro(p o# employee -(nioni%ed or (n(nioni%ed' or in ide or o(t ide a (nion5 to pre ent grievance to t"eir employer at any time. E##ectively voicing one! grievance i re erved and "allo*ed )y la*' *it" or *it"o(t collective )argaining. B(t individ(al repre entation in dealing or )argaining *it" t"e employer i *ea,. Ior t"i rea on t"e la* provide anot"er #or(m; t"e la)or$management co(ncil a ide #rom or in tead o# a (nion. An L1C i ver atile. It can e7i t *"ere t"ere i no (nion or co$e7i t *it" a (nion. One t"ing it cannot and m( t not do i to replace a (nion. F"ile a la)or (nion i "am tr(ng )y (c" legal pre cription a #ormal regi tration' limited )argaining (nit' ma+ority tat( ' mandatory and non$mandatory ()+ect ' etc.' an L1C need not )e "eld )ac, )y any o# t"e e. It can repre ent employee acro t"e enterpri e' pre ent grievance regardle o# t"e grievant! ran,' and pro##er propo al (n"indered )y #ormalitie . It can al o "andle pro+ect and program *"oever i t"e proponent' #orm committee #or myriad p(rpo e ' in till di cipline and improve prod(ctivity. T"e L1C' in "ort' can deal *it" t"e employer on matter a##ecting t"e employee ! rig"t ' )ene#it and *el#are. <Cealing *it" t"e employer'= *e "ave een' i )roader' #reer' and -#rom t"e employer! vie*point5 le t"reatening met"od t"an collective )argaining.

LABOR RELATIONS A de#ined in C.O. No. 40$03 *"ic" i no* t"e revi ed Boo, L o# t"e R(le Implementing t"e La)or Code' <)argaining (nit= re#er to a gro(p o# employee "aring m(t(al intere t *it"in a given employer (nit' compri ed o# all or le t"an all o# t"e entire )ody o# employee in t"e employer (nit or any peci#ic occ(pational or geograp"ical gro(ping *it"in (c" employer (nit. Fit"in one (nit t"ere may )e one or more (nion . T"e )argaining (nit t"ere#ore i not t"e ame a ' and ( (ally a )igger gro(p t"an' a (nion. B(t only one (nion "o(ld repre ent t"e *"ole CB8 in )argaining *it" t"e employer. T"e c"o en (nion i called t"e )argaining agent' it principal )eing t"e CB8 mem)er t"em elve . T"e )argaining (nion "a to )e t"e ma+ority (nion' t"e one *"ere ma+ority o# t"e CB8 mem)er )elong. <Repre entative (nion'= <)argaining (nion'= <ma+ority (nion'= <)argaining agent'= and <)argaining repre entative= are one and t"e ame. It re#er to t"e (nion t"at repre ent t"e CB8 in )argaining or dealing *it" t"e employer. $. APPROPRIATENESS OF BARGAINING UNIT' FACTORS CONSIDERED
T"e determination o# *"at con tit(te a proper )argaining (nit lie primarily in t"e di cretion o# t"e B(rea(' ince no individ(al #actor i given )y la* deci ive *eig"t. B(t *"ile t"e determination o# t"e appropriate collective )argaining (nit -CB85 i a primary #(nction o# t"e B(rea(' it i ()+ect to t"e legal re@(irement t"at proper con ideration "o(ld )e given to all legally relevant #actor . T"e )a ic te t o# an a erted )argaining (nitA accepta)ility i *"et"er or not it i #(ndamentally t"e com)ination *"ic" *ill )e t a (re to all employee t"e e7erci e o# t"eir collective )argaining rig"t . Ind( trial e7perience indicate t"at t"e mo t e##icacio( )argaining (nit i one *"ic" i compri ed o# con tit(ent en+oying a comm(nity o# intere t. T"i comm(nity o# intere t i re#lected in gro(p "aving () tantial imilarity o# *or, and d(tie or imilarity o# compen ation and *or,ing condition . )e"ind t"e ineligi)ility o# managerial employee to #orm' a i t or +oin a la)or (nion e@(ally applie to t"em.

>.3 Temporary or .art$Time Employee T"e NLRB "a )een (p"eld in e7cl(ding temporary employee #rom )argaining (nit o# *or,er in certain +o) . In determining *"et"er temporary or part$time employee are (##iciently identi#ied *it" t"e reg(lar employee ' o a to )e properly incl(ded in t"e )argaining (nit' one o# t"e important #actor con idered )y t"e NLRB i t"e rea ona)le li,eli"ood t"at t"e temporary or part$time employee *ill event(ally )ecome ade@(ately identi#ied in employment *it" t"e ot"er mem)er o# t"e )argaining (nit. >.4 Sea onal Employee T"e #(ll$time ea onal employee *"o "ave a rea ona)le e7pectation o# () tantial ea onal employment #rom year to year "ave )een "eld properly incl(ded in t"e (nit' )(t part$time ea onal employee *"o receive none o# t"e #ringe )ene#it en+oyed )y #(ll$time employee "ave in (##icient common intere t *it" t"e #(ll$time employee to )e incl(ded in t"e ame )argaining (nit. >.> .ro)ationary Employee T"e #act t"at an employee i given a cla i#ication (c" a )eginner' trainee or pro)ationary employee' and t"e #act t"at contemplation o# permanent ten(re i ()+ect to ati #actory completion o# an initial trial period' are in (##icient to *arrant (c" employee! e7cl( ion #rom a )argaining (nit. 1oreover' t"e eligi)ility o# pro)ationary employee doe not t(rn on t"e proportion o# (c" employee *"o' *illingly or not' #ail to contin(e to *or, #or t"e employer t"ro(g"o(t t"e trial period. %. REFERENDUM WHERE INTERESTS ARE DISSIMILAR T"e deci ion t"en o# t"e E7ec(tive La)or Ar)iter in merely directing t"e "olding o# a re#erend(m <to determine t"e *ill o# t"e ervice engineer ' ale repre entative a to t"eir incl( ion or e7cl( ion in t"e )argaining (nit= i t"e mo t appropriate proced(re t"at con#orm *it" t"eir rig"t to #orm' a i t or +oin a la)or (nion or organi%ation. 9.2 Ce ire o# t"e Employee : T"e Glo)e Coctrine T"e de ire o# t"e employee are relevant to t"e determination o# t"e appropriate )argaining (nit. T"e relevancy o# t"e *i "e o# employee concerning t"eir incl( ion or e7cl( ion #rom a propo ed )argaining (nit i in"erent in t"e )a ic rig"t to el# organi%ation. F"ile t"e de ire o# t"e employee *it" re pect to t"eir incl( ion in a )argaining (nit i not controlling' it i a #actor *"ic" *o(ld )e ta,en into con ideration in reac"ing a deci ion. +. SINGLE OR ?EMPLOYER UNIT@ IS FAVORED It "a )een t"e policy o# t"e B(rea( o# La)or Relation to enco(rage t"e #ormation o# an employer (nit (nle circ(m tance ot"er*i e re@(ire. In ot"er *ord ' one employer enterpri e con tit(te only one )argaining (nit. T"e more olid t"e employee are' t"e tronger i t"eir )argaining capacity. T"e proli#eration o# (nion in an employer (nit i di co(raged a a matter o# policy (nle t"ere are compelling rea on *"ic" *o(ld

In ma,ing +(dgment a)o(t <comm(nity o# intere t= in t"e e di##erent etting ' t"e Board *ill loo, to (c" #actor a E -25 imilarity in t"e cale and manner o# determining earning : -25 imilarity in employment )ene#it ' "o(r o# *or, and ot"er term and condition o# employment: -35 imilarity in t"e ,ind o# *or, per#ormed: -45 imilarity in t"e @(ali#ication ' ,ill and training o# t"e employee : ->5 #re@(ency o# contact or interc"ange among t"e employee : -95 geograp"ic pro7imity: -/5 contin(ity or integration o# prod(ction proce e : -45 common (pervi ion and determination o# la)or$ relation policy: -35 "i tory o# collective )argaining: -205 de ire o# t"e a##ected employee : or -225 e7tent o# (nion organi%ation. Geograp"ical location can )e completely di regarded i# t"e comm(nal or m(t(al intere t o# t"e employee are not acri#iced. >.2 Bargaining ?i tory Not Ceci ive Iactor
T"e )a ic te t o# an a erted )argaining (nitA accepta)ility i *"et"er or not it i #(ndamentally t"e com)ination *"ic" *ill )e t a (re to all employee t"e e7erci e o# t"eir collective )argaining rig"t .

>.2 E7cl( ion o# Con#idential Employee

By t"e very nat(re o# t"eir #(nction ' t"ey a i t and act in a con#idential capacity to' or "ave acce to con#idential matter o#' per on *"o e7erci e managerial #(nction in t"e #ield o# la)or relation . A (c"' t"e rationale

deny a certain cla o# employee t"e rig"t to el#$organi%ation #or p(rpo e o# collective )argaining. Single plant (nit are pre (med to )e appropriate #or p(rpo e o# collective )argaining.
In tead o# #orming anot"er )argaining (nit' t"e la* re@(ire t"em to )e mem)er o# t"e e7i ting one. T"e end o# (nioni m are )etter erved i# all t"e ran,$and$#ile employee *it" () tantially t"e ame intere t and *"o invo,e t"eir rig"t to el#$organi%ation are part o# a ingle (nit o t"at t"ey can deal *it" t"eir employer *it" +( t one and yet potent voice. T"e employee A )argaining po*er *it" management i trengt"ened t"ere)y.

LABOR RELATIONS It i "elp#(l to reiterate t"at t"e )argaining (nit i not t"e ame a t"e (nion: in #act' t"ere may )e everal (nion -ma+ority and minority5 in one )argaining (nit. Cetermining t"e cope or <mem)er "ip= o# t"e )argaining (nit i igni#icant and #ar$reac"ing )eca( e it lead to t"e determination al o o#E -25 t"e employee *"o can vote in t"e certi#ication election: -25 t"e employee to )e repre ented in )argaining *it" t"e employer: and -35 t"e employee *"o *ill )e covered )y t"e re (lting CBA. Ci ting(i "ing t"e CB8 #rom t"e (nion i important )eca( e; 2. in a CE t"e voter are t"e CB8' *"et"er (nion or non$(nion mem)er : 2. in CBA rati#ication t"e voter are t"e (nit' not +( t t"e (nion mem)er : 3. in tri,e voting' t"e voter are t"e mem)er o# t"e (nion' not all o# t"e (nit. 66666666 Article 2>9. Repre entation I (e in Organi%ed E ta)li "ment . $ In organi%ed e ta)li "ment ' *"en a veri#ied petition @(e tioning t"e ma+ority tat( o# t"e inc(m)ent )argaining agent i #iled )y any legitimate la)or organi%ation incl(ding a national (nion or #ederation *"ic" "a already i (ed a c"arter certi#icate to it local c"apter participating in t"e certi#ication election or a local c"apter *"ic" "a )een i (ed a c"arter certi#icate )y t"e national (nion or #ederation )e#ore t"e Cepartment o# La)or and Employment *it"in t"e i7ty -905$day period )e#ore t"e e7piration o# t"e collective )argaining agreement' t"e 1ed$Ar)iter "all a(tomatically order an election )y ecret )allot *"en t"e veri#ied petition i (pported )y t"e *ritten con ent o# at lea t t*enty$#ive percent -2>S5 o# all t"e employee in t"e )argaining (nit to a certain t"e *ill o# t"e employee in t"e appropriate )argaining (nit. To "ave a valid election' at lea t a ma+ority o# all eligi)le voter in t"e (nit m( t "ave ca t t"eir vote . T"e la)or (nion receiving t"e ma+ority o# t"e valid vote ca t "all )e certi#ied a t"e e7cl( ive )argaining agent o# all t"e *or,er in t"e (nit. F"en an election *"ic" provide #or t"ree or more c"oice re (lt in no c"oice receiving a ma+ority o# t"e valid vote ca t' a r(n$ o## election "all )e cond(cted )et*een t"e la)or (nion receiving t"e t*o "ig"e t n(m)er o# vote E .rovided' T"at t"e total n(m)er o# vote #or all contending (nion i at lea t #i#ty percent ->0S5 o# t"e n(m)er o# vote ca t. In ca e *"ere t"e petition *a #iled )y a national (nion or #ederation' it "all not )e re@(ired to di clo e t"e name o# t"e local c"apter! o##icer and mem)er . At t"e e7piration o# t"e #reedom period' t"e employer "all contin(e to recogni%e t"e ma+ority tat( o# t"e inc(m)ent )argaining agent *"ere no petition #or certi#ication election i #iled. -A amended )y Section 23' Rep()lic Act No. 9/2>' 1arc" 22' 2343 and Section 20' Rep()lic Act No. 3442 *"ic" lap ed into la* on 1ay 2>' 200/ and )ecame e##ective on K(ne 24' 200/5. 66666666 Article 2>/. .etition in 8norgani%ed E ta)li "ment . $ In any e ta)li "ment *"ere t"ere i no certi#ied )argaining agent' a certi#ication election "all a(tomatically )e cond(cted )y t"e 1ed$ Ar)iter (pon t"e #iling o# a petition )y any legitimate la)or organi%ation' incl(ding a national (nion or #ederation *"ic" "a already i (ed a c"arter certi#icate to it localDc"apter participating in t"e certi#ication election or a localDc"apter *"ic" "a )een i (ed a c"arter certi#icate )y t"e national (nion or #ederation. In ca e *"ere

/.2 E7ception to One$(nit .olicy T"e <one (nit$one company= r(le i not *it"o(t e7ception. T"e e7cl( ion o# t"e ()+ect employee #rom t"e ran,$and$#ile )argaining (nit and t"e CBA i de#initely a <compelling rea on'= #or it completely deprived t"em o# t"e c"ance to )argain collectively *it" petitioner and are t"( le#t *it" no reco(r e )(t to gro(p t"em elve into a eparate and di tinct )argaining (nit and #orm t"eir o*n organi%ation.
T"e ( (al e7ception' o# co(r e' i *"ere t"e employer (nit "a to give *ay to t"e ot"er (nit li,e t"e cra#t (nit' plant (nit' or a ()divi ion t"ereo#: t"e recognition o# t"e e e7ception ta,e into acco(nt t"e policy to a (re employee o# t"e #(lle t #reedom in e7erci ing t"eir rig"t . Ot"er*i e tated' t"e one company$one (nion policy m( t yield to t"e rig"t o# t"e employee to #orm (nion or a ociation #or p(rpo e not contrary to la*' to el#$ organi%ation and to enter into collective )argaining negotiation ' among ot"er ' *"ic" t"e Con tit(tion g(arantee .

,. TWO COMPANIES WITH RELATED BUSINESSES T*o corporation cannot )e treated a a ingle )argaining (nit even i# t"eir )( ine e are related. 4.2 S() idiarie and Sp(n$O## Corporation S() idiarie or corporation #ormed o(t o# #ormer divi ion o# a mot"er company #ollo*ing a bona fide reorgani%ation may con tit(te eparate )argaining (nit .
1oreover' in determining an appropriate )argaining (nit' t"e te t o# gro(ping i m(t(ality or commonality o# intere t . T"e employee o(g"t to )e repre ented )y t"e collective )argaining agent m( t "ave () tantial m(t(al intere t in term o# employment and *or,ing condition a evinced )y t"e type o# *or, t"ey per#ormed. Con idering t"e pin$o## ' t"e companie *o(ld con e@(ently "ave t"eir re pective and di tinctive concern in term o# t"e nat(re o# *or,' *age ' "o(r o# *or, and ot"er condition o# employment. Intere t o# employee in t"e di##erent companie per#orce di##er. S1C i engaged in t"e )( ine o# t"e )eer man(#act(ring. 1agnolia i involved in t"e man(#act(ring and proce ing o# dairy prod(ct *"ile S1II i involved in t"e prod(ction o# #eed and t"e proce ing o# c"ic,en. T"e nat(re o# t"eir prod(ct and cale o# )( ine may re@(ire di##erent ,ill *"ic" m( t nece arily )e commen (rated )y di##erent compen ation pac,age . T"e di##erent companie may "ave di##erent vol(me o# *or, and di##erent *or,ing condition . Ior (c" rea on' t"e employee o# t"e di##erent companie ee t"e need to gro(p t"em elve toget"er and organi%e t"em elve into di tinctive and di##erent gro(p . It *o(ld t"en )e )e t to "ave eparate )argaining (nit #or t"e di##erent companie *"ere t"e employee can )argain eparately according to t"eir need and according to t"eir o*n *or,ing condition .


t"e petition *a #iled )y a national (nion or #ederation' it "all not )e re@(ired to di clo e t"e name o# t"e local c"apter! o##icer and mem)er . -A amended )y Section 24' Rep()lic Act No. 9/2>' 1arc" 22' 2343 and Section 22' Rep()lic Act No. 3442 *"ic" lap ed into la* on 1ay 2>' 200/ and )ecame e##ective on K(ne 24' 200/5. 66666666 Article 2>4. F"en an employer may #ile petition. & F"en re@(e ted to )argain collectively' an employer may petition t"e B(rea( #or an election. I# t"ere i no e7i ting certi#ied collective )argaining agreement in t"e (nit' t"e B(rea( "all' a#ter "earing' order a certi#ication election. All certi#ication ca e day . "all )e decided *it"in t*enty -205 *or,ing

LABOR RELATIONS T"e election o# (c" )argaining agent may ta,e place in an organi%ed or an (norgani%ed e ta)li "ment. <Organi%ed e ta)li "ment= re#er to an enterpri e *"ere t"ere e7i t a recogni%ed or certi#ied ole and e7cl( ive )argaining agent. T"e employer company i <(norgani%ed= *"ere no (nion "a yet )een d(ly recogni%ed or certi#ied a )argaining repre entative. Art. 2>9 pea, o# an organi%ed #irm: Art. 2>/' o# t"e (norgani%ed. F"et"er t"e proceeding ta,e place in an organi%ed or an (norgani%ed )argaining (nit' and *"et"er t"e proceeding are called con ent election or certi#ication election' t"e o)+ective i t"e ame' namely' to identi#y the (nion t"at *ill repre ent t"e employee in )argaining *it" t"e employer. 8ntil t"i repre entation di p(te i re olved' no CBA can )e entered into. In an (norgani%ed e ta)li "ment' t"e employer may vol(ntarily recogni%e t"e )argaining agent. I# t"ere are o) tacle to t"i ' t"e petition to "old an election may )e #iled anytime )y any legitimate la)or organi%ation -LLO5' e7cept *it"in 22 mont" #rom a previo( CE' r(n$o##' or con ent election. In an organi%ed e ta)li "ment' on t"e ot"er "and' vol(ntary recognition i not po i)le. A petition to "old a CE "a to )e #iled *it"in t"e <#reedom period= *"ic" mean t"e la t i7ty -905 day o# t"e #i#t" year o# t"e e7piring CBA: in ot"er *ord ' t"e conte t )et*een (nion come at interval o# ro(g"ly #o(r year and ten mont" . T"e petition may )e #iled )y any LLO' )(t t"e petition m( t "ave t"e *ritten (pport o# at lea t t*enty$#ive percent -2>S5 o# t"e employee in t"e )argaining (nit. T"e 2>S initial (pport indicate t"at t"e petitioner "a a #air c"ance o# *inning and t"at t"e petition i not +( t a n(i ance. Conceiva)ly )(t rarely an employer may al o #ile a petition #or a CE. T"e election i cond(cted (nder t"e (pervi ion and control o# COLE o##icial . It end (p *it" a #ormal and o##icial tatement o# re (lt ' certi#ying *"ic" (nion *on' i# any. ?ence' t"e election i appropriately called <certi#ication election.= F"ere one ca ting o# vote i not deci ive eno(g" to elect a (nion' t"e election o##icial may re@(ire a r(n$o## election i# certain ot"er condition e7i t' a e7plained )elo*. B(t a certi#ication election' a r(n$o## election' or a con ent election i needed only *"en t*o or more (nion are vying #or t"e <o##ice= o# e7cl( ive )argaining repre entative -EBR5. F"ere t"ere i )(t one (nion in t"e )argaining (nit and t"ere i ample proo# t"at t"at (nion carrie t"e ma+ority o# t"e employee ' t"e la* allo* t"e employer to vol(ntarily recogni%e (c" (nion. Lol(ntary recognition doe a*ay *it" t"e more tedio( electoral conte t )et*een (nion . T"ere are' t"ere#ore' t"ree met"od to determine t"e )argaining (nionE -25 vol(ntary recognition: -25 certi#ication election *it" or *it"o(t r(n$o##: and -35 con ent election. 2. FIRST METHOD" VOLUNTARY RECOGNITION ;V.R.> T"e employer! vol(ntary recognition o# t"e employee ! (nion igni#icantly #acilitate t"e )argaining proce . T"e employee ' e pecially t"e (nion leader and organi%er ' re+oice *"en t"ey are a)le to convince t"e employer to vol(ntarily recogni%e and () e@(ently )argain *it" t"eir (nion. B(t LR re@(ire t"ree conc(rrent condition .

T"e B(rea( "all cond(ct a certi#ication election *it"in t*enty -205 day in accordance *it" t"e r(le and reg(lation pre cri)ed )y t"e Secretary o# La)or. 66666666 Article 2>4$A. Employer a By tander. $ In all ca e ' *"et"er t"e petition #or certi#ication election i #iled )y an employer or a legitimate la)or organi%ation' t"e employer "all not )e con idered a party t"ereto *it" a concomitant rig"t to oppo e a petition #or certi#ication election. T"e employer! participation in (c" proceeding "all )e limited toE -25 )eing noti#ied or in#ormed o# petition o# (c" nat(re: and -25 ()mitting t"e li t o# employee d(ring t"e pre$election con#erence "o(ld t"e 1ed$Ar)iter act #avora)ly on t"e petition. -A amended )y Section 22' Rep()lic Act No. 3442 *"ic" lap ed into la* on 1ay 2>' 200/ and )ecame e##ective on K(ne 24' 200/5. 66666666 Article 2>3. Appeal #rom certi#ication election order . & Any party to an election may appeal t"e order or re (lt o# t"e election a determined )y t"e 1ed$Ar)iter directly to t"e Secretary o# La)or and Employment on t"e gro(nd t"at t"e r(le and reg(lation or part t"ereo# e ta)li "ed )y t"e Secretary o# La)or and Employment #or t"e cond(ct o# t"e election "ave )een violated. S(c" appeal "all )e decided *it"in #i#teen -2>5 calendar day . -A amended )y Section 2>' Rep()lic Act No. 9/2>' 1arc" 22' 23435. 66666666 1. DETERMINING THE BARGAINING UNION" OVERVIEW OF THE METHODS To )argain *it" t"e employer' t"e employee in t"e collective )argaining (nit -CB85 can )e repre ented )y one and only one (nion *"ic" "a to )e a legitimate la)or organi%ation d(ly de ignated or elected )y t"e employee in t"e CB8. 8nder t"e Code a <)argaining repre entative= i de#ined a a <legitimate la)or organi%ation or any o##icer or agent o# (c" organi%ation *"et"er or not employed )y t"e employer.= T"e Implementing R(le ' "o*ever' a amended )y C.O. No. 40$03 drop t"e <o##icer or agent= a it tate E <E7cl( ive )argaining repre entative mean any legitimate la)or (nion d(ly recogni%ed or certi#ied a t"e ole and e7cl( ive )argaining repre entative or agent o# all t"e employee in a )argaining (nit.=

LABOR RELATIONS ,irst' vol(ntary recognition i po i)le only in an (norgani%ed e ta)li "ment. In an organi%ed etting t"e employer cannot vol(ntarily recogni%ed any ne* (nion )eca( e t"e la* -Art. 2>95 re@(ire "im to contin(e recogni%ing and dealing *it" t"e inc(m)ent (nion a long a it "a not )een properly replaced )y anot"er (nion. Second' only one (nion i a ,ing #or recognition: i# t"ere are t*o or more (nion a ,ing to )e recogni%ed t"e employer cannot recogni%e any o# t"em: t"e rivalry m( t )e re olved t"ro(g" an election: )hird' t"e (nion vol(ntarily recogni%ed "o(ld )e t"e ma+ority (nion a indicated )y t"e #act t"at mem)er o# t"e )argaining (nit did not o)+ect to t"e pro+ected recognition. I# no o)+ection i rai ed' t"e recognition *ill proceed' t"e COLE *ill )e in#ormed and CBA negotiation *ill commence. I# o)+ection i rai ed' t"e recognition i )arred' and a certi#ication election or con ent election *ill "ave to ta,e place. 2.2 LR 8nder C.O. No. 40$03
Section 2. F"en and *"ere to #ile. $ In (norgani%ed e ta)li "ment *it" only one legitimate la)or organi%ation' t"e employer may vol(ntarily recogni%e t"e repre entation tat( o# (c" a (nion. Fit"in t"irty -305 day #rom (c" recognition' t"e employer and (nion "all ()mit a notice o# vol(ntary recognition *it" t"e Regional O##ice *"ic" i (ed t"e recogni%ed la)or (nionA certi#icate o# regi tration or certi#icate o# creation o# a c"artered local. Section 2. Re@(irement #or vol(ntary recognition. $ T"e notice o# vol(ntary recognition "all )e accompanied )y t"e original copy and t*o -25 d(plicate copie o# t"e #ollo*ing doc(ment E -a5 a +oint tatement (nder oat" o# vol(ntary recognition atte ting to t"e #act o# vol(ntary recognition: -)5 certi#icate o# po ting o# t"e +oint tatement o# vol(ntary recognition #or #i#teen -2>5 con ec(tive day in at lea t t*o -25 con pic(o( place in t"e e ta)li "ment or )argaining (nit *"ere t"e (nion ee, to operate: -c5 t"e appro7imate n(m)er o# employee in t"e )argaining (nit' accompanied )y t"e name o# t"o e *"o (pport t"e vol(ntary recognition compri ing at lea t a ma+ority o# t"e mem)er o# t"e )argaining (nit: and -d5 a tatement t"at t"e la)or (nion i t"e only legitimate la)or organi%ation operating *it"in t"e )argaining (nit. All accompanying doc(ment o# t"e notice #or vol(ntary recognition "all )e certi#ied (nder oat" )y t"e employer repre entative and pre ident o# t"e recogni%ed la)or (nion. Section 3. Action on t"e Notice. $ F"ere t"e notice o# vol(ntary recognition i (##icient in #orm' n(m)er and () tance and *"ere t"ere i no ot"er regi tered la)or (nion operating *it"in t"e )argaining (nit concerned' t"e Regional O##ice' t"ro(g" t"e La)or Relation Civi ion "all' *it"in ten -205 day #rom receipt o# t"e notice' record t"e #act o# vol(ntary recognition in it ro ter o# legitimate la)or (nion and noti#y t"e la)or (nion concerned. F"ere t"e notice o# vol(ntary recognition i in (##icient in #orm' n(m)er and () tance' t"e Regional O##ice "all' *it"in t"e ame period' noti#y t"e la)or (nion o# it #inding and advi e it to comply *it" t"e nece ary re@(irement . F"ere neit"er t"e employer nor t"e la)or (nion #ailed to complete t"e re@(irement #or vol(ntary recognition (nder Section 2 o# t"i R(le *it"in t"irty -305 day #rom receipt o# t"e advi ory' t"e Regional O##ice "all ret(rn t"e notice #or vol(ntary recognition toget"er *it" all it accompanying doc(ment *it"o(t pre+(dice to it re$ ()mi ion. Section 4. E##ect o# recording o# #act o# vol(ntary recognition. $ Irom t"e time o# recording o# vol(ntary recognition' t"e recogni%ed la)or (nion "all en+oy t"e rig"t ' privilege and o)ligation o# an e7i ting )argaining agent o# all t"e employee in t"e )argaining (nit. Entry o# vol(ntary recognition "all )ar t"e #iling o# a petition #or certi#ication election )y any la)or organi%ation #or a period o# one -25 year #rom t"e date o# entry o# vol(ntary recognition. 8pon e7piration o# t"i one$year period' any legitimate la)or organi%ation may #ile a petition #or certi#ication election in t"e ame )argaining (nit repre ented )y t"e vol(ntarily recogni%ed (nion' (nle a collective )argaining agreement )et*een t"e employer and vol(ntarily recogni%ed la)or (nion *a e7ec(ted and regi tered *it" t"e Regional O##ice in accordance *it" R(le HLII o# t"e e R(le .

Simply aid' t"e la t paragrap" mean t"at t"e employer and t"e (nion "o(ld concl(de and regi ter a CBA *it"in one year #rom t"e vol(ntary recognition' ot"er*i e' t"e recognition *ill lap e and a rival (nion may petition #or a certi#ication election. 3. SECOND METHOD" CERTIFICATION ELECTION ;C.E.>
F"enever t"ere i do()t a to *"et"er a partic(lar (nion repre ent t"e ma+ority o# t"e ran,$and$#ile employee ' in t"e a) ence o# a legal impediment' t"e "olding o# a certi#ication election i t"e mo t democratic met"od o# determining t"e employee A c"oice o# t"eir )argaining repre entative. It i t"e appropriate mean *"ere)y controver ie and di p(te on repre entation may )e laid to re t' )y t"e (ne@(ivocal vote o# t"e employee t"em elve . E7erci ing t"eir (##rage t"ro(g" t"e medi(m o# t"e ecret )allot' t"ey can elect t"e e7cl( ive )argaining repre entative t"at' em)oldened )y t"eir con#idence and trengt"ened )y t"eir (pport "all #ig"t #or t"eir rig"t at t"e con#erence ta)le. T"at i "o* (nion olidarity i ac"ieved and (nion po*er i increa ed in t"e #ree ociety. ?ence' rat"er t"an )eing in"i)ited and delayed' t"e certi#ication election "o(ld )e given every enco(ragement (nder t"e la*' t"at t"e *ill o# t"e *or,er may )e di covered and' t"ro(g" t"eir #reely c"o en repre entative ' p(r (ed and reali%ed.

3.2 Iact$Iinding In la)or legi lation' certi#ication proceeding i not a litigation in t"e en e in *"ic" t"e term i ordinarily (nder tood' )(t an inve tigation o# non$adver ary and #act #inding c"aracter. A (c"' it i not )o(nd )y tec"nical r(le o# evidence. T"e la* doe not contemplate t"e "olding o# a certi#ication election (nle t"e preliminary in@(iry "o* a rea ona)le do()t a to *"ic" o# t"e contending (nion repre ent a ma+ority' or (nle ten per cent(m o# t"e la)orer demand t"i election. B(t t"e e gro(nd nece arily depend on t"e *eig"t o# t"e evidence add(ced )y t"e rival (nion ' and t"i *eig"t' in t(rn' cannot )e determined properly i# t"e rig"t to cro e7amination i denied. Certi#ication proceeding directly involve only t*o i (e E -a5 proper compo ition and con tit(ency o# t"e )argaining (nit: and -)5 veracity o# ma+ority mem)er "ip claim o# t"e competing (nion o a to identi#y t"e one (nion t"at *ill erve a t"e )argaining repre entative o# t"e entire )argaining (nit. B(t ome o# t"e employee may not *ant to "ave a (nion: "ence' <No 8nion= i one o# t"e c"oice -<candidate =5 named in t"e )allot. I# <No 8nion= *in ' t"e company pr t"e )argaining (nit remain (n(nioni%ed #or at lea t 22 mont" ' t"e period ,no*n a t"e 22$mont" )ar. A#ter t"at period' a petition #or a CE may )e #iled again. 3.2a Certi#ication Election Ci##erentiated #rom 8nion Election
A (nion election i "eld p(r (ant to t"e (nionA con tit(tion and )yla* ' and t"e rig"t to vote in it i en+oyed only )y (nion mem)er . A (nion election "o(ld )e

di ting(i "ed #rom a certi#ication election' *"ic" i t"e proce o# determining' t"ro(g" ecret )allot' t"e ole and e7cl( ive )argaining agent o# t"e employee in t"e appropriate )argaining (nit' #or p(rpo e o# collective )argaining. Speci#ically' t"e p(rpo e o# a certi#ication election i to a certain *"et"er or not a ma+ority o# t"e employee *i " to )e repre ented )y a la)or organi%ation and' in t"e a##irmative ca e' )y *"ic" partic(lar la)or organi%ation. In a certi#ication election' all employee )elonging to t"e appropriate )argaining (nit can vote. T"ere#ore' a (nion mem)er *"o li,e*i e )elong to t"e appropriate )argaining (nit i entitled to vote in aid election. ?o*ever' t"e rever e i not al*ay tr(e: an employee )elonging to t"e appropriate )argaining (nit )(t *"o i not a mem)er o# t"e (nion cannot vote in t"e (nion election' (nle ot"er*i e a(t"ori%ed )y t"e con tit(tion and )yla* o# t"e (nion. Lerily' (nion a##air and election cannot )e decided in a non$(nion activity.

LABOR RELATIONS )argaining repre entative (ntil it i replaced )y anot"er. And (ntil o replaced it "a t"e rig"t to retain t"e recognition )y t"e employer. T"e employer' ay Article 2>4' may #ile a .CE *"en it "a )een a ,ed to )argain. I# t"i "appen ' t"e "olding o# t"e CE )ecome mandatory i# t"ere i no e7i ting regi tered collective )argaining agreement. ?o*ever' in tead o# it el# #iling a petition' t"e employer ( (ally let t"e (nion interplead to determine *"o among t"em *ill )argain *it" t"e employer. Ot"er (nion *"ic" are intere ted in +oining a certi#ication election may #ile a motion #or intervention. S(c" motion i governed )y t"e ame r(le t"at apply to a .CE. F"et"er petitioner or intervenor' t"e (nion "a to )e an LLO.
I# t"e petition #or certi#ication election *a #iled )y t"e #ederation *"ic" i merely an agent' t"e petition i deemed to )e #iled )y t"e c"apter' t"e principal' *"ic" m( t )e a legitimate la)or organi%ation. T"e c"apter cannot merely rely on t"e legitimate tat( o# t"e mot"er (nion. F"ere t"e con tit(tion' )y$la* and t"e li t o# mem)er *"o (ppo edly rati#ied t"e ame *ere not atte ted to )y t"e (nion pre ident' and t"e con tit(tion and )y$la* *ere not veri#ied (nder oat"' t"e local (nion "a no per onality to #ile a petition #or certi#ication election it not )eing a legitimate la)or organi%ation. T"e petition "o(ld )e di mi ed. A (nion t"at "a no legal per onality to #ile a petition #or CE "a no per onality eit"er to #ile a petition$in$intervention.

T"e *inner in a (nion election )ecome o##icer and repre entative o# t"e (nion only. T"e *inner in a certi#ication election i an entity' a (nion' *"ic" )ecome t"e repre entative o# t"e *"ole )argaining (nit t"at incl(de even t"e mem)er o# t"e de#eated (nion . 3.2 Cirect Certi#ication No Longer Allo*ed Even in a ca e *"ere a (nion "a #iled a petition #or certi#ication election' t"e mere #act t"at t"ere *a no oppo ition doe not *arrant a direct certi#ication.
T"e "olding o# a certi#ication election at t"e proper time i not nece arily a mere #ormality a t"ere *a a compelling legal rea on not to directly and (nilaterally certi#y a (nion *"o e legitimacy i preci ely t"e o)+ect o# litigation in a pending cancellation ca e #iled )y certain Bconcerned ale men'B *"o al o claim ma+ority tat( . T"e direct certi#ication originally allo*ed (nder Article 2>/ o# t"e La)or Code "a apparently )een di contin(ed a a met"od o# electing t"e e7cl( ive )argaining agent o# t"e *or,er . T"i amendment a##irm t"e (periority o# t"e certi#ication election over t"e direct certi#ication *"ic" i no longer availa)le no* (nder t"e c"ange in aid provi ion.

3.4 F"ere to Iile t"e .etition #or CE A petition #or certi#ication election -.CE5 "all )e #iled *it" t"e Regional O##ice *"ic" i (ed t"e petitioning (nion! certi#icate o# regi tration or certi#icate o# creation o# c"artered local. T"e petition "all )e "eard and re olved )y t"e 1ed$Ar)iter. F"ere t*o or more petition involving t"e ame )argaining (nit are #iled in one Regional O##ice' t"e ame "all )e a(tomatically con olidated *it" t"e 1ed$Ar)iter *"o #ir t ac@(ired +(ri diction. F"ere t"e petition are #iled in di##erent Regional O##ice ' t"e Regional O##ice in *"ic" t"e petition are #ir t #iled "all e7cl(de all ot"er : in *"ic" ca e' t"e latter "all indor e t"e petition to t"e #ormer #or con olidation. 3.> F"en to Iile t"e .etition T"e proper time to #ile a petition #or CE depend on *"et"er t"e CB8 "a a CBA or not. I# it "a no CBA ' t"e petition may )e #iled anytime o(t ide t"e 22$mont" )ar. I# it "a a CBA' it can )e #iled only *it"in t"e la t 90 day o# t"e #i#t" year o# t"e CBA. 3.9 Action on t"e .etitionE .reliminary Con#erence T"e preliminary con#erence "all determine t"e #ollo*ingE -a5 t"e )argaining (nit to )e repre ented: -)5 contending la)or (nion : -c5 po i)ility o# a con ent election: -d5 e7i tence o# any o# t"e )ar to certi#ication election (nder Section3 o# C.O. No. 40$03:

3.3 F"o Iile .etition #or CE Any legitimate la)or organi%ation or any employer' *"en re@(e ted to )argain collectively *"ile t"e ma+ority tat( o# t"e (nion i in do()t' may #ile a petition #or certi#ication election -.CE5 In an (norgani%ed e ta)li "ment one a petition i #iled )y a legitimate la)or organi%ation' t"e 1ed$ar)iter "all a(tomatically order t"e cond(ct o# a certi#ication election. T"e tenor o# Article 2>/ i one o# command' o (c" order i not appeala)le. To ma,e it appeala)le *ill contradict t"e o)+ective tated in Article 222' to promote #ree trade (nioni m. B(t t"e application o# Article 2>/ "a to )e initiated )y a gen(ine petition #rom a legitimate la)or organi%ation. Indeed' t"e la* did not red(ce t"e 1ed$Ar)iter to an a(tomaton *"ic" can in tantly )e et to imp(l e )y t"e mere #iling o# a petition #or certi#ication election. ?e i till ta ,ed to ati #y "im el# t"at all t"e condition o# t"e la* are met' and among t"e legal re@(irement i t"at t"e petitioning (nion m( t )e a legitimate la)or organi%ation in good tanding. In an organi%ed e ta)li "ment t"e inc(m)ent )argaining agent' o# co(r e' *ill not #ile a .CE )eca( e it *ill not conte t it o*n inc(m)ency. T"e #iler *ill mo t li,ely )e a (nion t"at *a de#eated in t"e CE "eld ome #ive year )e#ore. In any (c" petition t"e inc(m)ent (nion i a nece ary party' a #orced intervenor. B(t even o' it doe not t"ere)y lo e it repre entative tat( : it remain t"e ole

-e5 (c" ot"er matter a may )e relevant #or t"e #inal di po ition o# t"e ca e. I# at t"e preliminary con#erence t"e (nion agree to "old a con ent election' t"en t"e .CE *ill no longer )e "eard and t"e (nion *ill in tead prepare #or t"e con ent election. I# t"e (nion #ail to agree to "old a con ent election' t"e 1ed$ar)iter proceed to con ider t"e petition. ?e may deny and di mi ' or "e may grant' t"e petition. Cenial or grant o# t"e petition i al*ay appeala)le to t"e Secretary. Never appeala)le' "o*ever' i t"e approval o# a .CE in an (norgani%ed -(n(nioni%ed5 )argaining (nit' t"e rea on )eing t"at t"e la* *ant t"e (n(nioni%ed (nioni%ed. 3./ Action on t"e .etitionE ?earing and .leading I# t"e contending (nion #ail to agree to a con ent election d(ring t"e preliminary con#erence' t"e 1ed$ar)iter may cond(ct a many "earing a "e may deem nece ary. B(t t"e cond(ct o# t"e "earing cannot e7ceed #i#teen -2>5 day #rom t"e date o# t"e c"ed(led preliminary con#erenceD "earing. A#ter t"at time t"e petition "all )e con idered ()mitted #or deci ion. T"e 1ed$ar)iter "all "ave control o# t"e proceeding . .o tponement or contin(ance are di co(raged. T"e #ail(re o# any party to appear in t"e "earing- 5 *"en noti#ied or to #ile it pleading "all )e deemed a *aiver o# it rig"t to )e "eard. T"e 1ed$ar)iter' "o*ever' (pon t"e agreement o# t"e partie #or meritorio( rea on ' may allo* t"e cancellation o# c"ed(led "earing- 5. T"e cancellation o# any c"ed(led "earing- 5 "all not )e ( ed a a )a i #or e7tending t"e 2>$day period *it"in *"ic" to terminate t"e ame. Fit"in ten -205 day #rom t"e date o# t"e la t "earing' t"e 1ed$ar)iter "all i (e a #ormal order denying or granting t"e petition. In organi%ed e ta)li "ment ' "o*ever' no order or deci ion "all )e i (ed )y t"e 1ed$ar)iter d(ring t"e #reedom period. T"e rea on #or t"e la t$mentioned r(le i t"at d(ring t"e entire 90$day #reedom period' (p to it la t day' t"e door "o(ld remain open #or any (nion to #ile a .CE or a motion #or intervention. 3.4 Action on t"e .etitionE Cenial: Gro(nd T"e 1ed$ar)iter' a#ter d(e "earing may di mi t"e #ollo*ing gro(nd E -25 N2t .4 LLO -25 TFelIe#124t- B.0 -35 NeC2ti.ti24 B.0 20 De.7l26G B.0 -45 N2 2$J SH//20t ->5 C24t0.6t B.0' PCE File7 OHt5i7e t-e F0ee721 Pe0i27 T"e #ir t t"ree gro(nd are applica)le to e ta)li "ment *it" or *it"o(t a CBA: t"e la t t*o are pertinent only to an e ta)li "ment *it" a CBA a)o(t to e7pire on it #i#t" year. 3.4a Gro(nd 2E .etitioner not an LLO t"e petition on any o#

LABOR RELATIONS E7cepting Article 2>4' only a legitimate la)or organi%ation -LLO5 can #ile a petition #or certi#ication election. T"( ' i# t"e petitioning (nion i not li ted in t"e COLE! li t o# LLO or it "a no CBA regi tered in t"e COLE' t"e e #act rai e do()t a to it )eing an LLO' and t"e med$ar)iter may di mi t"e .CE. B(t even i# t"e (nion i li ted a LLO or i a party to a CBA' it legitimacy may till )e @(e tioned in a eparate and independent petition #or cancellation to )e "eard and decided )y t"e BLR Cirector or t"e Regional Cirector "im el#. Coe t"e #iling o# a petition to cancel t"e petitioner! regi tration ca( e t"e ( pen ion or di mi al o# t"e .CEJ No' t"e mere #iling #oe not. To erve a a gro(nd #or di mi al o# a .CE' t"e legal per onality o# t"e petitioner "o(ld "ave )een revo,ed or cancelled <*it" #inality.=
T"e #iling or pendency o# any interDintra$(nion di p(te and ot"er related la)or relation di p(te i 42t . /0eEH7i6i.l KHe5ti24 to any petition #or certi#ication election and "all not )e a gro(nd #or t"e di mi al o# a petition #or certi#ication election or ( pen ion o# proceeding #or certi#ication election.

T"e +( ti#ication #or t"i r(le i t"at t"e employee ! opport(nity to c"oo e a )argaining agent can ea ily )e )loc,ed or #ore talled )y an employer t"ro(g" t"e imple e7pedience o# @(e tioning t"e legitimacy o# t"e petitioner (nion. Suspension of Proceedings8 * ompany Union+ harge
A complaint #or (n#air la)or practice may )e con idered a pre+(dicial @(e tion in a proceeding #or certi#ication election *"en it i c"arged t"erein t"at one or more la)or (nion participating in t"e election are )eing aided' or are controlled' )y t"e company or employer. T"e rea on i t"at t"e certi#ication election may lead to t"e election o# an employer$dominated or company (nion a t"e employee ! )argaining repre entative' and *"en t"e co(rt #ind t"at aid (nion i employer$dominated in t"e (n#air la)or practice ca e' t"e (nion elected *o(ld )e decerti#ied and t"e *"ole election proceeding *o(ld )e rendered ( ele and n(gatory.

NONET?ELESS' a certi#ication election cannot )e tayed d(ring t"e pendency o# (n#air la)or practice c"arge again t a (nion #iled )y t"e employer. Similarly' certi#ication election may )e ordered de pite pendency o# a petition to cancel t"e (nion! regi tration certi#icate #o(nded on alleged illegal tri,e )y t"e (nion. 3.4) Gro(nd 2E T"e 22$mont" Bar -certi#ication year )ar5 No petition #or a CE may )e #iled *it"in one year #rom t"e date o# a valid certi#ication' con ent' or r(n$o## election or #rom t"e date o# entry o# a vol(ntary recognition o# t"e (nion )y t"e employer. T"( ' i# an election "ad )een "eld )(t not one o# t"e (nion *on a .CE may )e #iled again )(t only a#ter 22 mont" . T"e la* doe not *ant more t"an one election in a 22$mont" period. T"e ame )ar applie i# <No 8nion= *on in t"e previo( election. On t"e ot"er "and' i# a (nion "a *on' (c" (nion and t"e employer m( t *it"in 22 mont" tart negotiating a collective agreement. I# t"ey #ail to do o' t"ey are de#eating t"e employee ! *i " to "ave a CBA: "ence' t"e (nion or (nion t"at lo t can petition again #or a certi#ication election a#ter 22 mont" #rom t"e la t election o a to replace t"e (nprod(ctive )argaining agent *"ic"' per"ap ' i cavorting *it" t"e employer.

Ordinarily' a )argaining agent *"o #ailed to ec(re a CBA *it"in 22 mont" co(ld )e ( pected a a tool o# management and "o(ld de erve to )e replaced. B(t i# circ(m tance "o* t"at t"e ca( e o# not "aving concl(ded a CBA *a not t"e (nion! #a(lt' (c" (nion "o(ld not )e )lamed' and a CE "o(ld not )e a(t"ori%ed even t"o(g" no CBA "a )een concl(ded de pite pa age o# t*elve mont" . T"e it(ation ta,e t"e nat(re o# a <deadloc, )ar.= T"e 22$mont" pro"i)ition pre (ppo e t"at t"ere *a an act(al cond(ct o# election i.e. )allot *ere ca t and t"ere *a a co(nting o# vote . In t"i ca e' t"ere *a no certi#ication election cond(cted preci ely )eca( e t"e #ir t petition *a di mi ed' on t"e gro(nd o# a de#ective petition *"ic" did not incl(de all t"e employee *"o "o(ld )e properly incl(ded in t"e collective )argaining (nit' t"e certi#ication year )ar doe not apply. action o# e@(al and oppo ed #orce . T"e *ord i ynonymo( *it" t"e *ord impa e' *"ic" Bpre (ppo e rea ona)le e##ort at good #ait" )argaining *"ic"' de pite no)le intention ' doe not concl(de in agreement )et*een t"e partie .B I# t"e la* pro cri)e t"e cond(ct o# a certi#ication election *"en t"ere i a )argaining deadloc, ()mitted to conciliation or ar)itration' *it" more rea on "o(ld it not )e cond(cted i#' de pite attempt to )ring an employer to t"e negotiation ta)le )y t"e Bno rea ona)le e##ort in good #ait"B on t"e employer certi#ied )argaining agent' t"ere *a to )argain collectively. It i only +( t and e@(ita)le t"at t"e circ(m tance in t"i ca e "o(ld )e con idered a imilar in nat(re to a B)argaining deadloc,B *"en no certi#ication election co(ld )e "eld.

*&eadloc( Bar+ Rule9 :hen 7ot 'pplicable; 'rtificial &eadloc( T"e deadloc, t"at )ar a CE m( t )e gen(ine and not a drama. One indicator t"at it i gen(ine i t"e ()mi ion o# t"e deadloc, to a t"ird$ party conciliator or ar)itrator. Anot"er i t"at t"e deadloc, i t"e ()+ect o# a valid notice o# tri,e or loc,o(t. An arti#icial deadloc,;a deadloc, prearranged or pre erved )y coll( ion o# t"e employer and t"e ma+ority (nion;i deception o# t"e *or,er ' "ence' not a )arrier to a petition #or a CE. 3.4d Gro(nd 4E 2> .ercent S(pport to .CE Article 2>9 re@(ire t"at t"e petition #or a CE in an organi%ed e ta)li "ment *"ic" may )e #iled *it"in t"e <#reedom period= "o(ld )e (pported )y at lea t t*enty$#ive percent -2>S5 o# t"e )argaining (nit. T"e (pport re@(irement i e7plained )y government policy to #avor t"e el#$organi%ation o# *or,er . In a company till (norgani%ed t"e *or,er "o(ld #ind it ea y to organi%e' )(t one a (nion "a e ta)li "ed it el# a t"e employee ! repre entative' it "o(ld not )e o ea y #or anot"er (nion to replace t"e inc(m)ent. Trying to o *ill di t(r) t"e peace in t"e enterpri e. To +( ti#y t"e di t(r)ance' it m( t appear t"at a i%ea)le portion o# t"e employee ;at lea t 2>S; de ire to "ave a ne* (nion. Fit"o(t t"i minim(m (pport t"e c"allenge to t"e inc(m)ent loo, li,e a n(i ance. )he BU9 7ot the !nterprise I# a company! ran,$and$#ile employee are (nioni%ed )(t t"e (pervi or are not' doe t"e (pervi or ! petition need t"e 2>S minim(m (pportJ NO' )eca( e t"e company i con idered (norgani%ed. T"e petition #or CE involve only t"e (pervi or ' not t"e ran,$and$#ile. In o#ar a t"e (pervi or are concerned' t"e <e ta)li "ment= i con idered (n(nioni%ed. ?ence t"e re@(irement #or 2>S (pport to t"e petition doe not apply. In ot"er *ord ' in deciding *"et"er t"e 2>S re@(irement i applica)le or not' t"e la* con ider t"e CB8 involved' not t"e *"ole enterpri e. T"i ' again' ma,e it ea y #or *or,er to (nioni%e' a )a ic o)+ective o# la)or relation la*. !lection &espite Lac( of 01 Percent Support Even in t"e it(ation *"ere t"e 2>S i needed. T"i re@(irement may )e rela7ed.
Compliance *it" t"e aid re@(irement need not even )e e ta)li "ed *it" a) ol(te certainty. T"e Co(rt "a con i tently r(led t"at Beven conceding t"at t"e tat(tory re@(irement o# 30S o# t"e la)or #orce a ,ing #or a certi#ication

Neit"er doe t"i )ar apply i# in #act t"ere *a a failure of election )eca( e le t"an ma+ority o# t"e CB8 mem)er voted. In t"at ca e' anot"er .CE may )e #iled *it"in i7 -95 mont" . An election "eld le t"an a year a#ter an invalid election i not )arred. Al o not )arred *o(ld )e a econd election "eld among a gro(p o# employee *"o "ad not participated in t"e #ir t election and "ad not )een given t"e opport(nity to )e repre ented a part o# t"e (nit in t"e #ir t election. A radical c"ange in t"e i%e o# a )argaining (nit *it"in a "ort period o# time' rai ing a @(e tion a to t"e ma+ority tat( o# t"e certi#ied repre entative' may al o prompt t"e NLRB to entertain a petition #or an election d(ring t"e certi#ication year. T"e one$year r(le doe not apply to a (nit clari#ication petition #iled d(ring t"e certi#ication year. In a CE' t"e <No 8nion= c"oice *on. Fit"in 22 mont" #rom t"at election t"e employer vol(ntarily recogni%ed a ne* (nion and t"en concl(ded *it" it a CBA. I t"e 22$mont" )ar violatedJ Are t"e recognition and t"e CBA validJ
E7cepted #rom t"e contract$)ar r(le are certain type o# contract *"ic" do not #o ter ind( trial ta)ility' (c" a contract *"ere t"e identity o# t"e repre entative i in do()t. Any ta)ility derived #rom (c" contract m( t )e ()ordinated to t"e employee A #reedom o# c"oice )eca( e it doe not e ta)li " t"e ,ind o# ind( trial peace contemplated )y t"e la*.

In ot"er *ord ' t"e co(rt trongly do()ted t"at t"e (nion vol(ntarily recogni%ed )y t"e employer *a really t"e employee ! c"oice. 1o t pro)a)ly' it *a a company (nion. 3.4c Gro(nd 3E Negotiation or Ceadloc, Bar Neit"er *ill a .CE pro per i# t"e negotiation i ca(g"t in a deadloc,. T"e deadloc, doe not era e t"at #act t"at t"ere i negotiation *"ic" i a )arrier to "olding a certi#ication election. T"e partie "o(ld )e allo*ed to try to re olve t"eir deadloc,: replacing t"e negotiating (nion *ill not "elp. T"e <Ceadloc, Bar= R(le imply provide t"at a petition #or certi#ication election can only )e entertained i# t"ere i no pending )argaining deadloc, ()mitted to conciliation or ar)itration or "ad )ecome t"e ()+ect o# a valid notice o# tri,e or loc,o(t. T"e principal p(rpo e i to en (re ta)ility in t"e relation "ip o# t"e *or,er and t"e management.
A Bdeadloc,B i t"e co(nteraction o# t"ing prod(cing entire toppage: t"ere i a deadloc, *"en t"ere i a complete )loc,ing or toppage re (lting #rom t"e

election "ad not )een trictly complied *it"' re pondent Cirector i till empo*ered to order t"at it )e "eld preci ely #or t"e p(rpo e o# a certaining *"ic" o# t"e' contending la)or organi%ation "all )e t"e e7cl( ive collective )argaining agent.B

LABOR RELATIONS )argaining (nion: t"e #reedom period i a political event involving only t"e (nion and t"e employee . T"e t*o period ' o# co(r e' may coincide on t"e #i#t" year o# t"e CBA. Registered B' To )ar a certi#ication election it i no longer nece ary t"at t"e CBA )e <certi#ied=: it i eno(g" t"at it i regi tered in accordance *it" Art. 232. ontract%Bar Rule 'pplied8 !.tended B' Under &eadloc( No petition #or certi#ication election may )e #iled before t"e on et o# t"e #reedom period not after (c" period. T"e old CBA i e7tended (ntil a ne* one i igned.
Section 9' R(le L' Boo, L o# t"e implementing R(le provide t"at a petition #or certi#ication election or a motion #or intervention can only )e entertained *it"in i7ty day prior to t"e e7piry date o# an e7i ting collective )argaining agreement. Ot"er*i e p(t' t"e r(le pro"i)it t"e #iling o# a petition #or certi#ication election d(ring t"e e7i tence o# a collective )argaining agreement e7cept *it"in t"e #reedom period' a it i called' *"en t"e aid agreement i a)o(t to e7pire. Article 2>3 o# t"e La)or Code provide t"atE Bit "all )e t"e d(ty o# )ot" partie to ,eep t"e tat( @(o and to contin(e in #(ll #orce and e##ect t"e term and condition o# t"e e7i ting agreement d(ring t"e 90$day period andDor (ntil a ne* agreement i reac"ed )y t"e partie .B Ce pite t"e lap e o# t"e #ormal e##ectivity o# t"e CBA t"e la* till con ider t"e ame a contin(ing in #orce and e##ect (ntil a ne* CBA "all "ave )een validly e7ec(ted. ?ence' t"e contract )ar r(le till applie .

!ffect of :ithdra4al of Signatories I# a petition #or a certi#ication election lac, t"e 2>S (pport )eca( e a i%ea)le n(m)er o# (nion mem)er "a *it"dra*n t"eir mem)er "ip' may t"e petition till )e grantedJ Or m( t it )e di mi edJ A critical #act to con ider i *"et"er t"e *it"dra*al "appened )e#ore or a#ter t"e #iling o# t"e petition. I# it "appened Ae920e t"e #iling' t"e *it"dra*al i /0e5H1e7 I2lH4t.03 and it doe not a##ect t"e propriety o# t"e petition: i# .9te0' t"e *it"dra*al i 7ee1e7 i4I2lH4t.03 -per"ap pre (red )y t"e employer5 and it doe not nece arily ca( e t"e di mi al o# t"e petition
T"e pre (mption *o(ld ari e t"at t"e *it"dra*al *a proc(red t"ro(g" d(re ' coercion or #or val(a)le con ideration. In ot"er *ord ' t"e di tinction m( t )e t"at *it"dra*al made )e#ore t"e #iling o# t"e petition are pre (med vol(ntary (nle t"ere i convincing proo# to t"e contrary' *"erea *it"dra*al made a#ter t"e #iling o# t"e petition are deemed invol(ntary. T"e rea on #or (c" di tinction i t"at i# t"e *it"dra*al or retraction i made )e#ore t"e #iling o# t"e petition' t"e name o# employee (pporting t"e petition are (ppo ed to )e "eld ecret to t"e oppo ite party. Logically' any (c" *it"dra*al or retraction "o* vol(ntarine in t"e a) ence o# proo# to t"e contrary. 1oreover' it )ecome apparent t"at (c" employee "ad not given con ent to t"e #iling o# t"e petition' "ence t"e () cription re@(irement "a not )een met. F"en t"e *it"dra*al or retraction i made a#ter t"e petition i #iled' t"e employee *"o are (pporting t"e petition )ecome ,no*n to t"e oppo ite party ince t"eir name are attac"ed to t"e petition at t"e time o# #iling. T"ere#ore' it *o(ld not )e (ne7pected t"at t"e oppo ite party *o(ld ( e #o(l mean #or t"e ()+ect employee to *it"dra*al t"eir (pport.

ontract%Bar Rule 'pplied8 Unpro#ed Surreptitious Registration of B' Even i# t"e e7i ting CBA i regi tered (rreptitio( ly' a alleged )y t"e petitioner (nion' )(t no evidence i pre ented proving t"e alleged (rreptitio( regi tration' t"e petition #or CE cannot )e granted. T"e contract$)ar r(le applie . F"et"er or not t"e CBA *a indeed (rreptitio( ly regi tered i a #act(al matter *"o e determination i o(t ide t"e am)it o# a petition #or certiorari. ontract%Bar Rule 7ot 'pplied8 <a= &efecti#e B'
To )e a )ar to a certi#ication election' t"e CBA m( t )e ade@(ate in t"at it compri e () tantial term and condition o# employment.

3.4e Gro(nd >E .CE Iiled O(t ide t"e Ireedom .eriod: t"e Contract Bar T"i mean t"at t"ere e7i t in t"e )argaining (nit a CBA till in e##ect at t"e time t"e .CE i #iled. T"e )an pan a period o# #ive year ' e7cl(ding' "o*ever' t"e la t i7ty -905 day o# t"e #i#t" -la t5 year o# t"e CBA.
T"e contract )ar r(le pro"i)it t"e #iling o# a petition #or certi#ication election d(ring t"e e7i tence o# a collective )argaining agreement e7cept *it"in t"e #reedom period' a it i called' *"en t"e aid agreement i a)o(t to e7pire. T"e p(rpo e' o)vio( ly' i to en (re ta)ility in t"e relation "ip o# t"e *or,er and t"e management )y preventing #re@(ent modi#ication o# any collective )argaining agreement earlier entered into )y t"em in good #ait" and #or t"e tip(lated original period.

<b= Referendum to Register on Independent Union

T"i re#erend(m i neit"er (nion di a##iliation nor di allo*ed )y la* even *"ile a CBA e7i t . everance: it i not

T"e <#reedom period= (nder Article 2>3$A and 2>9 i di##erent #rom and o(g"t not to )e mi ta,en #or t"e ot"er i7ty$day period mentioned in Art. 2>3. T"e latter pea, o# t"e rig"t o# t"e partie to propo e modi#ication to t"e e7i ting CBA' a an e7ception to t"e r(le t"at t"e CBA cannot )e modi#ied d(ring it li#etime. To clari#y term ' t"e i7ty day in Art. 2>3 may )e called <renegotiation notice period= or imply <noticeDpropo al period'= in contra t to t"e <#reedom period= (nder Art . 2>3$A and 2>9. T"e notice period i t"e la t 90 day o# t"e econd or t"ird year o# t"e nonrepre entational provi ion : t"e #reedom period i t"e la t 90 day o# t"e CBA! #i#t" year o# t"e repre entational a pect. T"e notice period i an economic event involving t"e employer and t"e

<c= B' Signed Before or :ithin ,reedom Period &espite In6uncti#e Order
A collective )argaining agreement *"ic" *a premat(rely rene*ed i not a )ar to t"e "olding o# a certi#ication election. S(c" indecent "a te in rene*ing t"e CBA de pite an order en+oining t"em #rom doing o i de igned to #r( trate t"e con tit(tional rig"t o# t"e employee to el#$organi%ation. 1oreover' Fe cannot co(ntenance t"e act(ation o# t"e petitioner and t"e management in t"i ca e *"ic" i not cond(cive to ind( trial peace.

"alidity of B' Signed &uring Representation &ispute

It i tr(e t"at t"e contract$)ar r(le doe not apply d(ring t"e <#reedom period=: i$e$9 *it"in t"at period a petition #or CE may )e entertained. B(t it i e@(ally

tr(e t"at t"e petition #or CE doe not )ar t"e employer and t"e inc(m)ent (nion #rom renegotiating and rene*ing t"e e7piring CBA. In ot"er *ord ' a CBA may )e renegotiated )e#ore' d(ring' or a#ter t"e 90$day #reedom period. B(t i# d(ring (c" period a .CE i #iled' the -ed%arbiter can order the suspension of the renegotiation (ntil t"e repre entation proceeding #inally end.

LABOR RELATIONS Coe t"e 1ed$ar)iter or t"e Secretary o# La)or and Employment "ave t"e a(t"ority to determine t"e e7i tence o# an employer$employee relation "ip )et*een t"e partie in a petition #or certi#ication electionJ All i (e pertaining to t"e e7i tence o# employer$employee relation "ip or to eligi)ility to (nion mem)er "ip "all )e re olved in t"e order or deci ion ranting or denying t"e petition #or certi#ication election. In ot"er *ord ' t"o e i (e do not tall t"e .CE and t"ey are not gro(nd #or di mi ing a .CE.
It i a) (rd to (gge t t"at t"e med$ar)iter and Secretary o# La)or cannot ma,e t"eir o*n independent #inding a to t"e entence o# (c" relation "ip and m( t "ave to rely and *ait #or (c" a determination )y t"e la)or ar)iter or NLRC in a eparate proceeding. Ior t"en' given a it(ation *"ere t"ere i no eparate complaint #iled *it" t"e la)or ar)iter' t"e med$ar)iter andDor t"e Secretary o# La)or can never decide a certi#ication election ca e or any la)or$management di p(te properly )ro(g"t )e#ore t"em a t"ey "ave no a(t"ority to determine t"e e7i tence o# an employer$employee relation "ip. S(c" a propo ition i ' to ay t"e lea t' anomalo( . Once t"ere i a determination a to t"e e7i tence o# (c" a relation "ip' t"e med$ar)iter can t"en decide t"e certi#ication election ca e. 3 A t"e a(t"ority to determine t"e employer$employee relation "ip i nece ary and indi pen a)le in t"e e7erci e o# +(ri diction )y t"e med$ar)iter' "i #inding t"ereon may only )e revie*ed and rever ed )y t"e Secretary o# La)or *"o e7erci e appellate +(ri diction (nder Article 2>3 o# t"e La)or Code' a amended.

T"e la* i attempting a )alancing #eat. By allo*ing a .CE d(ring t"e #reedom period t"e la* pre erve democratic )et*een (nion ' and' in t"e ame )readt"' )y allo*ing CBA renegotiation d(ring t"e ame #reedom period' t"e la* a#eg(ard t"e opport(nity to po i)ly (pgrade t"e employee ! employment condition. T"e @(e tion may )e a ,edE F"at *o(ld )e t"e e##ect on t"e renegotiated CBA i# a (nion ot"er t"an t"e one t"at e7ec(ted it "o(ld *in t"e CEJ In a pertinent ca e' it *a "eld t"at t"e (nion t"( certi#ied *o(ld "ave to re pect t"e contract' )(t t"at it may )argain *it" t"e management to "orten t"e li#e o# t"e contract i# it i too long.
F"en a collective )argaining agreement i entered into at a time *"en t"e petition #or certi#ication election "ad already )een #iled )y a (nion and *a t"en pending re ol(tion' t"e aid CBA cannot )e deemed permanent' precl(ding t"e commencement o# negotiation )y anot"er (nion *it" t"e management. In t"e meantime "o*ever' o a not to deprive t"e *or,er o# t"e )ene#it o# t"e aid agreement' it "all )e recogni%ed and given e##ect on a temporary )a i ' ()+ect to t"e re (lt o# t"e certi#ication election. T"e agreement may )e contin(ed in #orce i# t"e (nion i certi#ied a t"e e7cl( ive )argaining repre entative o# t"e *or,er or may )e re+ected and replaced in t"e event t"at t"e rival emerge a t"e *inner.

B(t in a 200> deci ion t"e Co(rt too, one tep #(rt"er. It invalidated t"e "a ty recognition o# a (nion and t"e igning o# a CBA *it" t"at (nion *"ere (c" act *ere done *"ile t"ere *a a pending petition #or certi#ication election )y anot"er (nion.
Ba ic to t"e contract )ar r(le i t"e propo ition t"at t"e delay o# t"e rig"t to elect repre entative can )e +( ti#ied only *"ere ta)ility i deemed paramo(nt. E7cepted #rom t"e contract )ar r(le are certain type o# contract *"ic" do not #o ter ind( trial ta)ility' (c" a contract *"ere t"e Identity o# t"e repre entative i in do()t. Any ta)ility derived #rom (c" contract m( t )e ()ordinated to t"e employee A #reedom o# c"oice )eca( e it doe not e ta)li " t"e type o# ind( trial peace contemplated )y t"e la*. A CBA a(tomatically rene*ed ( (ally operate a a )ar to a certi#ication election. B(t it i not a )ar i# t"e employer "a erved notice t"at it *ill terminate t"e contract i# and *"en t"e (nion no longer repre ent t"e ma+ority o# t"e employee .

It i apparent t"at incidental to t"e po*er o# t"e med$ar)iter to "ear and decide repre entation ca e i t"e po*er to determine *"o t"e eligi)le voter are. In o doing' it i a7iomatic t"at t"e med$ar)iter "o(ld determine t"e legality o# t"e employee A mem)er "ip in t"e (nion. 3.20 Action on t"e .etitionE I t"e Employer a By tanderJ See Art. 2>4$A 3.20a Employer a By tander: Cannot Oppo e .CE 3.22 Action on t"e .etitionE Approval
Section 23. OrderDCeci ion on t"e petition. $ Fit"in ten -205 day #rom t"e date o# t"e la t "earing' t"e 1ed$Ar)iter "all i (e a #ormal order granting t"e petition or a deci ion denying t"e ame. In organi%ed e ta)li "ment ' "o*ever' no order or deci ion "all )e i (ed )y t"e 1ed$Ar)iter d(ring t"e #reedom period. T"e order granting t"e cond(ct o# a certi#ication election "all tate t"e #ollo*ingE -a5 t"e name o# t"e employer or e ta)li "ment: -)5 t"e de cription o# t"e )argaining (nit: -c5 a tatement t"at none o# t"e gro(nd #or di mi al en(merated in t"e (cceeding paragrap" e7i t : -d5 t"e name o# contending la)or (nion *"ic" "all appear a #ollo* E petitioner (nionD in t"e order in *"ic" t"eir petition *ere #iled' #orced intervenor' and no (nion: and -e5 a directive (pon t"e employer and t"e contending (nion- 5 to ()mit *it"in ten -205 day #rom receipt o# t"e order' t"e certi#ied li t o# employee in t"e )argaining (nit' or *"ere nece ary' t"e payroll covering t"e mem)er o# t"e )argaining (nit #or t"e la t t"ree -35 mont" prior to t"e i (ance o# t"e order

3.3 Invalid Gro(nd #or t"e CenialDS( pen ion o# t"e .etition R(e tion pertaining to t"e validity o# petitioning (nion! certi#icate o# regi tration' or it legal per onality a a la)or organi%ation' or t"e validity o# regi tration and e7ec(tion o# collective )argaining agreement "all )e "eard and re olved )y t"e Regional Cirector in an independent petition #or cancellation o# t"e (nion! regi tration. T"ey are not rea on #or t"e 1ed$ar)iter to ( pend "earing t"e .CE. ?o*ever' t"e 1ed$ar)iter "im el# may r(le on t"e o)+ection i# t"e pending (nion i not #o(nd in t"e Cepartment! ro ter o# legitimate la)or organi%ation or an alleged collective )argaining agreement i (nregi tered *it" t"e Cepartment. 3.3a A(t"ority to Cecide E7i tence o# Employer$Employee Relation "ip: 1ed$Ar)iter! Order Appeala)le to Secretary

3.22 Appeal o# Order Granting or Cenying .etition

Section 2/. Appeal. $ T"e order granting t"e cond(ct o# a certi#ication election in an (norgani%ed e ta)li "ment "all not )e ()+ect to appeal. Any i (e ari ing t"ere#rom may )e rai ed )y mean o# prote t on t"e cond(ct and re (lt o# t"e certi#ication election. T"e order granting t"e cond(ct o# a certi#ication election in an organi%ed e ta)li "ment and t"e deci ion di mi ing or denying t"e petition' *"et"er in an organi%ed or (norgani%ed e ta)li "ment' may )e appealed to t"e O##ice o# t"e Secretary *it"in ten -205 day #rom receipt t"ereo#. T"e appeal "all )e veri#ied (nder oat" and "all con i t o# a memorand(m o# appeal' peci#ically tating t"e gro(nd relied (pon )y t"e appellant *it" t"e (pporting arg(ment and evidence. contending (nion and t"e employer' *"ic" "all )e c"ed(led *it"in ten -205 day #rom receipt o# t"e a ignment. T"e pre$election con#erence "all et t"e mec"anic #or t"e election and "all determine' among ot"er ' t"e #ollo*ingE -a5 date' time and place o# t"e election' *"ic" "all not )e later t"an #orty$#ive -4>5 day #rom t"e date o# t"e #ir t pre$election con#erence' and "all )e on a reg(lar *or,ing day and *it"in t"e employerA premi e ' (nle circ(m tance re@(ire ot"er*i e: -)5 li t o# eligi)le and c"allenged voter : -c5 n(m)er and location o# polling place or )oot" and t"e n(m)er o# )allot to )e prepared *it" appropriate tran lation ' i# nece ary: -d5 name o# *atc"er or repre entative and t"eir alternate #or eac" o# t"e partie d(ring election: -e5 mec"anic and g(ideline o# t"e election. Section 3. Faiver o# rig"t to )e "eard. $ Iail(re o# any party to appear d(ring t"e pre$election con#erence de pite notice "all )e con idered a a *aiver to )e pre ent and to @(e tion or o)+ect to any o# t"e agreement reac"ed in aid pre$ election con#erence. Not"ing "erein' "o*ever' "all deprive t"e non$appearing party or t"e employer o# it rig"t to )e #(rni "ed notice o# () e@(ent pre$ election con#erence and to attend t"e ame. Section 4. 1in(te o# pre$election con#erence. $ T"e Election O##icer "all ,eep t"e min(te o# matter rai ed and agreed (pon d(ring t"e pre$election con#erence. T"e partie "all ac,no*ledge t"e completene and correctne o# t"e entrie in t"e min(te )y a##i7ing t"eir ignat(re t"ereon. F"ere any o# t"e partie re#( e to ign t"e min(te ' t"e Election O##icer "all note (c" #act in t"e min(te ' incl(ding t"e rea on #or re#( al to ign t"e ame. In all ca e ' t"e partie "all )e #(rni "ed a copy o# t"e min(te . T"e pre$election con#erence "all )e completed *it"in t"irty -305 day #rom t"e date o# t"e #ir t "earing. Section 9. .o ting o# Notice . $ T"e Election O##icer "all ca( e t"e po ting o# notice o# election at lea t ten -205 day )e#ore t"e act(al date o# t"e election in t*o -25 mo t con pic(o( place in t"e company premi e . T"e notice "all containE -a5 t"e date and time o# t"e election: -)5 name o# all contending (nion : -c5 t"e de cription o# t"e )argaining (nit and t"e li t o# eligi)le and c"allenged voter . T"e po ting o# t"e notice o# election' t"e in#ormation re@(ired to )e incl(ded t"erein and t"e d(ration o# po ting cannot )e *aived )y t"e contending (nion or t"e employer.

In "ort' denial o# any petition #or CE i al*ay appeala)le' )(t never appeala)le i t"e approval o# any .CE in an enterpri e till (n(nioni%ed. T"e rea on i o(nd and impleE t"e la* *ant to (nioni%ed t"e (n(nioni%ed.
Section 24. F"ere to #ile appeal. $ T"e memorand(m o# appeal "all )e #iled in t"e Regional O##ice *"ere t"e petition originated' copy #(rni "ed t"e contending (nion and t"e employer' a t"e ca e may )e. Fit"in t*enty$#o(r -245 "o(r #rom receipt o# t"e appeal' t"e Regional Cirector "all ca( e t"e tran mittal t"ereo# toget"er *it" t"e entire record o# t"e ca e to t"e O##ice o# t"e Secretary. Section 23. Iinality o# OrderDCeci ion. $ F"ere no appeal i #iled *it"in t"e ten$day period' t"e 1ed$Ar)iter "all enter t"e #inality o# t"e orderDdeci ion in t"e record o# t"e ca e and ca( e t"e tran mittal o# t"e record o# t"e petition to t"e Regional Cirector. Section 20. .eriod to Reply. $ A reply to t"e appeal may )e #iled )y any party to t"e petition *it"in ten -205 day #rom receipt o# t"e memorand(m o# appeal. T"e reply "all )e #iled directly *it" t"e O##ice o# t"e Secretary. Section 22. Ceci ion o# t"e Secretary. $ T"e Secretary "all "ave #i#teen -2>5 day #rom receipt o# t"e entire record o# t"e petition *it"in *"ic" to decide t"e appeal. T"e #iling o# t"e memorand(m o# appeal #rom t"e order or deci ion o# t"e 1ed$Ar)iter tay t"e "olding o# any certi#ication election. T"e deci ion o# t"e Secretary "all )ecome #inal and e7ec(tory a#ter ten -205 day #rom receipt t"ereo# )y t"e partie . No motion #or recon ideration o# t"e deci ion "all )e entertained. Section 22. Tran mittal o# record to t"e Regional O##ice. $ Fit"in #orty$eig"t -445 "o(r #rom notice o# receipt o# deci ion )y t"e partie and #inality o# t"e deci ion' t"e entire record o# t"e ca e "all )e remanded to t"e Regional O##ice o# origin #or implementation. Implementation o# t"e deci ion "all not )e tayed (nle re trained )y t"e appropriate co(rt.

1ay a certi#ication election )e "eld legally (pon petition o# 8nion B *"ile a petition #or CE )y 8nion A i pending on appeal at t"e O##ice o# t"e SecretaryJ No' t"e appeal "o(ld #ir t )e re olved. 3.23 Cond(cting t"e CE 3.23a .re$election Con#erence
Section 2. Ra##le o# t"e ca e. $ Fit"in t*enty$#o(r -245 "o(r #rom receipt o# t"e notice o# entry o# #inal +(dgment granting t"e cond(ct o# a certi#ication election' t"e Regional Cirector "all ca( e t"e ra##le o# t"e ca e to an Election O##icer *"o "all "ave control o# t"e pre$election con#erence and election proceeding . Section 2. .re$election con#erence. $ Fit"in t*enty$#o(r -245 "o(r #rom receipt o# t"e a ignment #or t"e cond(ct o# a certi#ication election' t"e Election O##icer "all ca( e t"e i (ance o# notice o# preelection con#erence (pon t"e

3.23) Cond(cting t"e CEE T"e Loter One o# t"e matter t"e pre$election con#erence t"re "e o(t i t"e li t o# voter .
Section >. R(ali#ication o# voter : incl( ion$e7cl( ion. $ All employee *"o are mem)er o# t"e appropriate )argaining (nit o(g"t to )e repre ented )y t"e petitioner at t"e time o# t"e i (ance o# t"e order granting t"e cond(ct o# a certi#ication election "all )e eligi)le to vote.

T"e li t o# voter "o(ld )e )a ed on t"e employer$certi#ied li t o# employee in t"e CB8 or payroll . I# t"e employer doe not ()mit t"e li t or payroll ' t"e (nion may ()mit it o*n li t. Even t"e li t o# employee ()mitted to t"e SSS may )e ( ed a )a i to compri e t"e li t o# voter #or t"e CE. <It "o(ld ideally )e t"e

LABOR RELATIONS payroll *"ic" "o(ld "ave )een ( ed #or t"e p(rpo e o# t"e election. ?o*ever' t"e (n+( ti#ied re#( al o# a company to ()mit t"e payroll in it c( tody' de pite e##ort to ma,e it prod(ce it' compelled re ort to t"e SSS li t a t"e ne7t )e t o(rce o# in#ormation. A#ter all' t"e SSS li t i a p()lic record *"o e reg(larity i pre (med.= Only t"e employee *"o are directly employed )y t"e employer and *or,ing along t"e activitie to *"ic" t"e employer i engaged and lin,ed )y employer$employee relation "ip are @(ali#ied to participate in t"e certi#ication election' <irre pective o# t"e period o# t"eir employment.= Employee o# an independent contractor *"o (nderta,e to do a piece o# *or, #or "i acco(nt and re pon i)ility' *it" minim(m inter#erence on t"e part o# t"e ot"er contracting party -indirect employer5' not )eing la)orer or employee o# t"e latter' are not @(ali#ied to participate t"erein.
In ca e o# di agreement over t"e voter A li t or over t"e eligi)ility o# voter ' all conte ted voter "all )e allo*ed to vote. B(t t"eir vote "all )e egregated and ealed in individ(al envelope in accordance *it" Section 20 and 22 o# t"i R(le. a##iliate *it"' or a i t any (nion' and to maintain mem)er "ip t"erein. T"e rig"t to #orm or +oin a la)or organi%ation nece arily incl(de t"e rig"t to re#( e or re#rain #rom e7erci ing aid rig"t. It i el#$evident t"at +( t a no one "o(ld )e denied t"e e7erci e o# a rig"t granted )y la*' o al o' no one "o(ld )e compelled to e7erci e (c" a con#erred rig"t. T"e #act t"at a per on "a opted to ac@(ire mem)er "ip in a la)or (nion doe not precl(de "i () e@(ently opting to reno(nce (c" mem)er "ip. T"e p(rpo e o# a certi#ication election i preci ely t"e a certainment o# t"e *i "e o# t"e ma+ority o# t"e employee in t"e appropriate )argaining (nitE to )e or not to )e repre ented )y a la)or organi%ation' and in t"e a##irmative ca e' )y *"ic" partic(lar la)or organi%ation. I# t"e re (lt o# t"e election "o(ld di clo e t"at t"e ma+ority o# t"e *or,er do not *i " to )e repre ented )y any (nion' t"en t"eir *i "e m( t )e re pected' and no (nion may properly )e certi#ied a t"e e7cl( ive repre entative o# t"e *or,er in t"e )argaining (nit in dealing *it" t"e employer regarding *age ' "o(r and ot"er term and condition o# employment. T"e minority employee ; *"o *i " to "ave a (nion repre ent t"em in collective )argaining ; can do not"ing )(t *ait #or anot"er (ita)le occa ion to petition #or a certi#ication election and "ope t"at t"e re (lt *ill )e di##erent. T"ey may not and "o(ld not )e permitted' "o*ever' to impo e t"eir *ill on t"e ma+ority ; *"o do not de ire to "ave a (nion certi#ied a t"e e7cl( ive *or,er A )ene#it in t"e )argaining (nit ; (pon t"e plea t"at t"ey' t"e minority *or,er ' are )eing denied t"e rig"t o# el#$ organi%ation and collective )argaining. T"e re pondent A arg(ment t"at t"e petitioner are di @(ali#ied to vote )eca( e t"ey Bare not con tit(ted into a d(ly organi%ed la)or (nionB ; B)(t mem)er o# t"e INM *"ic" pro"i)it it #ollo*er ' on religio( gro(nd ' #rom +oining or #orming any la)or organi%ationB ; and B"ence' not one o# t"e (nion *"ic" vied #or certi#ication a ole and e7cl( ive )argaining repre entative'B i pecio( . Neit"er la*' admini trative r(le nor +(ri pr(dence re@(ire t"at only employee a##iliated *it" any la)or organi%ation may ta,e part in a certi#ication election. On t"e contrary' t"e plainly di cerni)le intendment o# t"e la* i to grant t"e rig"t to vote to all )ona #ide employee in t"e )argaining (nit' *"et"er t"ey are mem)er o# a la)or organi%ation or not.

&ismissed !mployee An employee *"o "a )een di mi ed #rom *or, )(t "a conte ted t"e legality o# t"e di mi al in a #or(m o# appropriate +(ri diction at t"e time o# t"e i (ance o# t"e order #or t"e cond(ct o# a certi#ication election "all )e con idered a @(ali#ied voter' (nle "i D"er di mi al *a declared #inal +(dgment at t"e time o# t"e cond(ct o# t"e certi#ication election.
In ."ilippine +(ri pr(dence it i no* ettled t"at employee *"o "ave )een improperly laid o## )(t *"o "ave a pre ent' (na)andoned rig"t to or e7pectation o# re$employment' are eligi)le to vote in certi#ication election . 20 T"( ' and to repeat' i# t"e di mi al i (nder @(e tion' a in t"e ca e no* at )ar *"ere)y a ca e o# illegal di mi al andDor (n#air la)or practice *a #iled' t"e employee concerned co(ld till @(ali#y to vote in t"e election .

3.23c Cond(cting t"e CEE T"e Loting

Section /. Secrecy and anctity o# t"e )allot. $ To en (re ecrecy o# t"e )allot' t"e Election O##icer' toget"er *it" t"e a(t"ori%ed repre entative o# t"e contending (nion and t"e employer' "all )e#ore t"e tart o# t"e act(al voting' in pect t"e polling place' t"e )allot )o7e and t"e polling )oot" . Section 4. .reparation o# )allot . $ T"e Election O##icer "all prepare t"e )allot in Engli " and Iilipino or t"e local dialect' corre ponding to t"e n(m)er o# voter and a rea ona)le n(m)er o# e7tra )allot . All )allot "all )e igned at t"e )ac, )y t"e Election O##icer and a(t"ori%ed repre entative o# eac" o# t"e contending (nion and employer. Iail(re or re#( al to ign t"e )allot "all )e con idered a *aiver t"ereo# and t"e Election O##icer "all enter t"e #act o# (c" re#( al or #ail(re in t"e record o# t"e ca e a *ell a t"e rea on #or t"e re#( al or #ail(re to ign. Section 3. 1ar,ing o# vote . $ T"e voter m( t p(t a cro - 5 or c"ec, - 5 mar, in t"e @(are oppo ite t"e name o# t"e (nion o# "i c"oice or BNo 8nionB i# "eD "e doe not *ant to )e repre ented )y any (nion. I# a )allot i torn' de#aced or le#t (n#illed in (c" a manner a to create do()t or con#( ion or to identi#y t"e voter' it "all )e con idered poiled. I# t"e voter inadvertently poil a )allot' "eD "e "all ret(rn it to t"e Election O##icer *"o "all de troy it and give "imD"er anot"er )allot. Section 20. C"allenging o# vote . $ An a(t"ori%ed repre entative o# any o# t"e contending (nion and employer may c"allenge a vote )e#ore it i depo ited in t"e )allot )o7 only on any o# t"e #ollo*ing gro(nd E -a5 t"at t"ere i no employer$employee relation "ip )et*een t"e voter and t"e company: -)5 t"at t"e voter i not a mem)er o# t"e appropriate )argaining (nit *"ic" petitioner ee, to repre ent.

Probationary !mployee
In a certi#ication election all ran,$and$#ile employee in t"e appropriate )argaining (nit are entitled to vote. T"i principle i clearly tated in Art. 2>> o# t"e La)or Code *"ic" tate t"at t"e Bla)or organi%ation de ignated or elected )y t"e ma+ority o# t"e employee in an appropriate )argaining (nit "all )e t"e e7cl( ive repre entative o# t"e employee in (c" (nit #or t"e p(rpo e o# collective )argaining.B Collective )argaining cover all a pect o# t"e employment relation and t"e re (ltant CBA negotiated )y t"e certi#ied (nion )ind all employee in t"e )argaining (nit. ?ence' all ran,$and$#ile employee ' pro)ationary or permanent' "ave a () tantial intere t in t"e election o# t"e )argaining repre entative. T"e Code ma,e no di tinction a to t"eir employment tat( a )a i #or eligi)ility in (pporting t"e petition #or certi#ication election. T"e la* re#er to BallB t"e employee in t"e )argaining (nit. All t"ey need to )e eligi)le to (pport t"e petition i to )elong to t"e B)argaining (nit.B.

I73 Belie#ers -ay "ote In t"e CE all mem)er o# t"e (nit' *"et"er (nion mem)er or not' "ave t"e rig"t to vote. 8nion mem)er "ip i not a prere@(i ite. I# ma+ority o# t"e (nit mem)er do not *ant a (nion' a e7pre ed in t"e CE' (c" ma+ority deci ion m( t )e re pected.
Logically' t"e rig"t NOT to +oin' a##iliate *it"' or a i t any (nion' and to di a##iliate or re ign #rom a la)or organi%ation' i () (med in t"e rig"t to +oin'

Section 22. .roced(re in t"e c"allenge o# vote . $ F"en a vote i properly c"allenged' t"e Election O##icer "all place t"e )allot in an envelope *"ic" "all )e ealed in t"e pre ence o# t"e voter and t"e repre entative o# t"e contending (nion and employer. T"e Election O##icer "all indicate on t"e envelope t"e voterA name' t"e (nion or employer c"allenging t"e voter' and t"e gro(nd #or t"e c"allenge. T"e ealed envelope "all t"en )e igned )y t"e Election O##icer and t"e repre entative o# t"e contending (nion and employer. T"e Election O##icer "all note all c"allenge in t"e min(te o# t"e election and "all )e re pon i)le #or con olidating all envelope containing t"e c"allenged vote . T"e envelope "all )e opened and t"e @(e tion o# eligi)ility "all )e pa ed (pon only i# t"e n(m)er o# egregated voter *ill materially alter t"e re (lt o# t"e election. Section 22. On$t"e$ pot @(e tion . $ T"e Election O##icer "all r(le on any @(e tion relating to and rai ed d(ring t"e cond(ct o# t"e election. In no ca e' "o*ever' "all t"e election o##icer r(le on any o# t"e gro(nd #or c"allenge peci#ied in t"e immediately preceding ection. Section 23. .rote t: *"en per#ected. $ Any party$in$intere t may #ile a prote t )a ed on t"e cond(ct or mec"anic o# t"e election. S(c" prote t "all )e recorded in t"e min(te o# t"e election proceeding . .rote t not o rai ed are deemed *aived. T"e prote ting party m( t #ormali%e it prote t *it" t"e 1ed$Ar)iter' *it" peci#ic gro(nd ' arg(ment and evidence' *it"in #ive ->5 day a#ter t"e clo e o# t"e election proceeding . I# not recorded in t"e min(te and #ormali%ed *it"in t"e pre cri)ed period' t"e prote t "all )e deemed dropped. Section 2>. Cond(ct o# election and canva o# vote . $ T"e election precinct "all open and clo e on t"e date and time agreed (pon d(ring t"e pre$election con#erence. T"e opening and canva "all proceed immediately a#ter t"e precinct "ave clo ed. Iail(re o# any party or t"e employer or "i D"erDt"eir repre entative to appear d(ring t"e election proceeding "all )e con idered a *aiver to )e pre ent and to @(e tion t"e cond(ct t"ereo#.

3.23e F"o Fin in CEE .roclamation and Certi#ication

Section 20. .roclamation and certi#ication o# t"e re (lt o# t"e election. $ Fit"in t*enty$#o(r -245 "o(r #rom #inal canva o# vote ' t"ere )eing a valid election' t"e Election O##icer "all tran mit t"e record o# t"e ca e to t"e 1ed$Ar)iter *"o "all' *it"in t"e ame period #rom receipt o# t"e min(te and re (lt o# election' i (e an order proclaiming t"e re (lt o# t"e election and certi#ying t"e (nion *"ic" o)tained a ma+ority o# t"e valid vote ca t a t"e ole and e7cl( ive )argaining agent in t"e ()+ect )argaining (nit' (nder any o# t"e #ollo*ing condition E -a5 no prote t *a #iled or' even i# one *a #iled' t"e ame *a not per#ected *it"in t"e #ive$day period #or per#ection o# t"e prote t: -)5 no c"allenge or eligi)ility i (e *a rai ed or' even i# one *a rai ed' t"e re ol(tion o# t"e ame *ill not materially c"ange t"e re (lt o# t"e election . T"e *inning (nion "all "ave t"e rig"t ' privilege and o)ligation o# a d(ly certi#ied collective )argaining agent #rom t"e time t"e certi#ication i i (ed. F"ere ma+ority o# t"e valid vote ca t re (lt in BNo 8nionB o)taining t"e ma+ority' t"e 1ed$Ar)iter "all declare (c" #act in t"e order. Section 29. Certi#ication o# Collective Bargaining Agent. $ T"e (nion *"ic" o)tained a ma+ority o# t"e valid vote ca t "all )e certi#ied a t"e ole and e7cl( ive )argaining agent o# all t"e employee in t"e appropriate )argaining (nit *it"in #ive ->5 day #rom t"e day o# t"e election' provided no prote t i recorded in t"e min(te o# t"e election.

3'23# Iail(re o# ElectionE 1otion #or a Remedial Election

Section 2/. Iail(re o# election. $ F"ere t"e n(m)er o# vote ca t in a certi#ication or con ent election i le t"an t"e ma+ority o# t"e n(m)er o# eligi)le voter and t"ere are no material c"allenged vote ' t"e Election O##icer "all declare a #ail(re o# election in t"e min(te o# t"e election proceeding . Section 24. E##ect o# #ail(re o# election. $ A #ail(re o# election "all not )ar t"e #iling o# a motion #or t"e immediate "olding o# anot"er certi#ication or con ent election *it"in i7 -95 mont" #rom date o# declaration o# #ail(re o# election. Section 23. Action on t"e motion. $ Fit"in t*enty$#o(r -245 "o(r #rom receipt o# t"e motion' t"e Election O##icer "all immediately c"ed(le t"e cond(ct o# anot"er certi#ication or con ent election *it"in #i#teen -2>5 day #rom receipt o# t"e motion and ca( e t"e po ting o# t"e notice o# certi#ication election at lea t ten -205 day prior to t"e c"ed(led date o# election in t*o -25 mo t con pic(o( place in t"e e ta)li "ment. T"e ame g(ideline and li t o# voter "all )e ( ed in t"e election.

ULP in Relation to !lection

T"e employer de erve o(r tronge t condemnation #or ignoring t"e petitioner A re@(e t #or permi ion #or ome time o(t to attend to t"e "earing o# t"eir petition )e#ore t"e med$ar)iter. It i not only an act o# arrogance' )(t a )ra%en inter#erence a *ell *it" t"e employee rig"t to el#$organi%ation' contrary to t"e pro"i)ition o# t"e La)or Code again t (n#air la)or practice . It i (n#air la)or practice #or t"e company to ( pended t"e *or,er on t"e gro(nd o# Ba)andonment o# *or,B on t"e day on *"ic" t"e pre$election con#erence "ad )een c"ed(led. It i t"e employee! rig"t to "old a certi#ication election' t"e e7erci e o# *"ic" i t"eir ole prerogative. A company commit (n#air la)or practice *"ere it i (ed ( pen ion and termination order *"ile t"e employee are in t"e mid t o# a certi#ication election preliminary to a la)or management con#erence Bto normali%e employer$employee relation .B

3.23g R(n$o## Election

Section 2. F"en proper. $ F"en an election *"ic" provide #or t"ree -35 or more c"oice re (lt in none o# t"e contending (nion receiving a ma+ority o# t"e valid vote ca t' and t"ere are no o)+ection or c"allenge *"ic" i# ( tained can materially alter t"e re (lt ' t"e Election O##icer "all motu propio cond(ct a r(n$o## election *it"in ten -205 day #rom t"e clo e o# t"e election proceeding )et*een t"e la)or (nion receiving t"e t*o "ig"e t n(m)er o# vote : provided' t"at t"e total n(m)er o# vote #or all contending (nion i at lea t #i#ty ->0S5 percent o# t"e n(m)er o# vote ca t. BNo 8nionB "all not )e a c"oice in t"e r(n$o## election. Notice o# r(n$o## election "all )e po ted )y t"e Election O##icer at lea t #ive ->5 day )e#ore t"e act(al date o# r(n$o## election. Section 2. R(ali#ication o# voter . $ T"e ame voter A li t ( ed in t"e certi#ication election "all )e ( ed in t"e r(n$o## election. T"e )allot in t"e r(n$ o## election "all provide a c"oice t"e (nion receiving t"e "ig"e t and econd "ig"e t n(m)er o# t"e vote ca t. T"e la)or (nion receiving t"e greater

3.23d Cond(cting t"e CEE Canva ing o# Lote T"e voting "all clo e on t"e date and time agreed (pon in t"e pre$ election con#erence. Canva ing "all immediately #ollo*.
Section 24. Canva ing o# vote . $ T"e vote "all )e co(nted and ta)(lated )y t"e Election O##icer in t"e pre ence o# t"e repre entative o# t"e contending (nion . 8pon completion o# t"e canva ' t"e Election O##icer "all give eac" repre entative a copy o# t"e min(te o# t"e election proceeding and re (lt o# t"e election. T"e )allot and t"e tally "eet "all )e ealed in an envelope and igned )y t"e Election O##icer and t"e repre entative o# t"e contending (nion and tran mitted to t"e 1ed$Ar)iter' toget"er *it" t"e min(te and re (lt o# t"e election' *it"in t*enty$#o(r -245 "o(r #rom t"e completion o# t"e canva . F"ere t"e election i cond(cted in more t"an one region' con olidation o# re (lt "all )e made *it"in #i#teen -2>5 day #rom t"e cond(ct t"ereo#.

n(m)er o# valid vote ca t "all )e certi#ied a t"e *inner' ()+ect to Section 20' R(le IH.

To (mmari%e' a r(n$o## election i proper i# #ive conc(rrent condition e7i t' namelyE 2. a valid election too, place )eca( e ma+ority o# t"e CB8 mem)er voted. 2. t"e election pre ented a lea t t"ree c"oice ' e$g$' 8nion One' 8nion T*o' and No 8nion' meaning t"ere are at lea t t*o (nion <candidate .= 3. not one o# t"e (nion o)tained t"e ma+ority o#t"e valid vote . 4. t"e total n(m)er o# vote #or all t"e (nion i at lea t >0S o# t"e valid vote ca t. >. t"ere i no (nre olved c"allenge o# voter or election prote t. 3.24 Appeal to Secretary a to Election Re (lt;See C.O. No. 40$E$03 -dated 30 Novem)er 200>5 3.2> Election Irreg(laritie ' .rote t )y Employer
T"e manner in *"ic" t"e election *a "eld co(ld ma,e t"e di##erence )et*een ind( trial tri#e and ind( trial "armony in t"e company. F"at an employer i pro"i)ited #rom doing i to inter#ere *it" t"e cond(ct o# t"e certi#ication election #or t"e p(rpo e o# in#l(encing it o(tcome. B(t certainly an employer "a an a)iding intere t in eeing to it t"at t"e election i clean' peace#(l' orderly and credi)le.

LABOR RELATIONS provi ion o# t"e Act' con tit(te t"e agent a t"e repre entative o# all t"e employee *it"in t"e partic(lar )argaining (nit. T"e Act provide t"at (c" )argaining agent "all )e t"e <e7cl( ive= repre entative o# t"e employee . T"e term <e7cl( ive= *a interpreted (nder t"e original Act to mean t"at t"e employer m( t treat *it" t"e repre entative to t"e e7cl( ion o# all ot"er claiming )argaining agent . >.2 E7cl( ive Bargaining Agent Repre ent Even t"e 1inority 8nion
On t"e part o# t"e (nion t"at *on in t"e certi#ication election' it )ecome ' and i certi#ied a ' t"e e7cl( ive )argaining agent o# all t"e *or,er in t"e )argaining (nit. It repre ent even t"e mem)er o# t"e minority (nion. ?o*ever' alt"o(g" t"e (nion "a every rig"t to repre ent it mem)er in t"e negotiation regarding t"e term and condition o# t"eir employment' it cannot negate t"eir *i "e on matter *"ic" are p(rely per onal and individ(al to t"em.

>.2 .rotection and Capacity o# t"e Lo er: t"e C(ty o# Iair Repre entation F"at i# t"e ma+ority (nion neglect t"e intere t o# t"e employee in t"e minority (nionJ T"e ma+ority (nion in (c" ca e *ill )e violating it d(ty o# #air repre entation. T"i d(ty o)ligate t"e ma+ority (nion to erve t"e intere t o# all mem)er o# t"e *"ole )argaining (nit *it"o(t "o tility or di crimination. F"at can t"e minority doJ T"e minority (nion' alt"o(g" a lo er in t"e election' doe not lo e it c"aracter a a la*#(l la)or organi%ation entitled to protection (nder Article 249 *"ic" ma,e it (nla*#(l #or any per on to a)ridge t"e rig"t to el#$organi%ation. -see also Article 2>>5 1ay a minority (nion c"arge t"e employer *it" 8L.J Qe . It can #ile an individ(al or gro(p complaint #or 8L.. It can even engage in peace#(l concerted activity. B(t it cannot re ort to *or, toppage or tri,e )eca( e tri,e i re erved' (nder Article 293' to an e7cl( ive )argaining repre entative -i$e$' t"e ma+ority (nion5' i# t"ere i one. >.3 I t"e Bargaining 8nion a 1a+ority 8nionJ T"e minority (nion! entitlement to protection gain greater #orce and re pect i# it i remem)ered t"at t"e )argaining (nion doe not al*ay compri e t"e n(merical ma+ority in t"e )argaining (nit. Article 2>9 re@(ire ' #or a (nion to *in a CE' only a ma+ority o# t"e #alid #otes cast. T"e ma+ority o# t"e valid vote may )e le er t"at t"e ma+ority o# t"e employee in t"e )argaining (nit. Article 2>9 t"ere#ore doe not (pport Article 2>>: in #act' t"ey are incongr(ent. F"erea Article 2>> re@(ire election )y ma+ority o# t"e (nit mem)er ' Article 2>9 re@(ire only ma+ority o# t"e valid vote ca t. T"e re (lt may )e a )argaining agent t"at doe not carry t"e mandate o# t"e ma+ority o# t"e employee . >.4 1ay t"e Bargaining Agent Repre ent Retired Employee J In p(r (ing t"eir claim #or retirement )ene#it (nder t"e CBA' t"e claimant retiree are repre ented )y t"e (nion o# *"ic" t"ey *ere #ormer mem)er . 66666666 Title VII#A GRIEVANCE MACHINERY

. THIRD METHOD" CONSENT ELECTION Li,e a CE' it p(rpo e i t"e ame' namely' to #ind o(t *"ic" (nion "o(ld erve a t"e )argaining agent. T"e di##erence i t"at a certi#ication i ordered )y t"e Cepartment *"ile a con ent election i vol(ntarily agreed (pon )y t"e partie ' *it" or *it"o(t t"e intervention o# t"e Cepartment. T*o or more (nion are involved in a con ent election. And li,e certi#ication election' con ent election may ta,e place in an (norgani%ed or organi%ed e ta)li "ment. 4.2 E##ect o# Con ent Election
Section 23. E##ect o# con ent election. $ F"ere a petition #or certi#ication election "ad )een #iled' and (pon t"e interce ion o# t"e 1ed$Ar)iter' t"e partie agree to "old a con ent election' t"e re (lt t"ereo# "all con tit(te a )ar to t"e "olding o# a certi#ication election #or one -25 year #rom t"e "olding o# (c" con ent election. F"ere an appeal "a )een #iled #rom t"e re (lt o# t"e con ent election' t"e r(nning o# t"e one$year period "all )e ( pended (ntil t"e deci ion on appeal "a )ecome #inal and e7ec(tory. F"ere no petition #or certi#ication election *a #iled )(t t"e partie t"em elve agreed to "old a con ent election *it" t"e interce ion o# t"e Regional O##ice' t"e re (lt t"ereo# "all con tit(te a )ar to anot"er petition #or certi#ication election.






Collective )argaining contemplate t"e repre entation o# t"e collective )argaining intere t o# all t"e employee in t"e partic(lar )argaining (nit )y a properly elected )argaining agent. T"e election o# a )argaining agent )y a ma+ority o# (c" employee ' (nder e7pre

AND VOLUNTARY ARBITRATION Article. 290. Grievance mac"inery and vol(ntary ar)itration. $ T"e partie to a Collective Bargaining Agreement "all incl(de t"erein provi ion t"at *ill en (re t"e m(t(al o) ervance o# it term and condition . T"ey "all e ta)li " a mac"inery #or t"e ad+( tment and re ol(tion o# grievance ari ing #rom t"e interpretation or implementation o# t"eir Collective Bargaining Agreement and t"o e ari ing #rom t"e interpretation or en#orcement o# company per onnel policie . All grievance ()mitted to t"e grievance mac"inery *"ic" are not ettled *it"in even -/5 calendar day #rom t"e date o# it ()mi ion "all a(tomatically )e re#erred to vol(ntary ar)itration pre cri)ed in t"e Collective Bargaining Agreement. Ior t"i p(rpo e' partie to a Collective Bargaining Agreement "all name and de ignate in advance a Lol(ntary Ar)itrator or panel o# Lol(ntary Ar)itrator ' or incl(de in t"e agreement a proced(re #or t"e election o# (c" Lol(ntary Ar)itrator or panel o# Lol(ntary Ar)itrator ' pre#era)ly #rom t"e li ting o# @(ali#ied Lol(ntary Ar)itrator d(ly accredited )y t"e Board. In ca e t"e partie #ail to elect a Lol(ntary Ar)itrator or panel o# Lol(ntary Ar)itrator ' t"e Board "all de ignate t"e Lol(ntary Ar)itrator or panel o# Lol(ntary Ar)itrator ' a may )e nece ary' p(r (ant to t"e election proced(re agreed (pon in t"e Collective Bargaining Agreement' *"ic" "all act *it" t"e ame #orce and e##ect a i# t"e Ar)itrator or panel o# Ar)itrator "a )een elected )y t"e partie a de cri)ed a)ove. 66666666 1. CONTRACT ADMINISTRATION AS PART OF THE DUTY TO BARGAIN Collective )argaining i not an end in it el#. It i a mean to an end' *"ic" i t"e ma,ing o# collective agreement ta)ili%ing employment relation #or a period o# time *it" re (lt advantageo( )ot" to t"e *or,er and t"e employer. ?o*ever narro*ly it may canali%e it co(r e' t"e e7ec(tion o# a contract doe not complete collective )argaining. .iece rate and *or, a ignment #re@(ently re@(ire day$to$day ad+( tment : periodic deci ion m( t )e made concerning (c" matter a "op r(le ' +o) content' and t"e letting o# ()contract . T"ere *ill )e am)ig(itie in t"e agreement to )e clari#ied and gap )e #illed. In ot"er *ord ' t"e d(ty to )argain contin(e into t"e contract admini tration tage. In e##ect' t"ere#ore' <contract negotiation are t"e legi lative proce o# collective )argaining: t"e day$to$day *or,ing o(t o# plant pro)lem i it admini trative or +(dicial a pect . Strengt"ening t"e )inding #orce o# t"e CBA' Art. 244 con ider a (n#air la)or practice any act t"at violate an e7i ting collective )argaining agreement. B(t t"i la* m( t )e related to Art' 292 *"ic" limit t"at ,ind o# 8L. to <gro violation = only. 2. C.B.A.) LAW BETWEEN THE PARTIES
T"e provi ion o# t"e collective )argaining agreement m( t )e re pected ince it term and condition Bcon tit(te t"e la* )et*een t"e partie .B T"o e *"o are entitled to it )ene#it can invo,e it provi ion . In t"e event t"at an o)ligation t"erein impo ed i not #(l#illed' t"e aggrieved party "a t"e rig"t to go to co(rt #or redre .

LABOR RELATIONS 8nilaterally #orm(lated r(le and policy can neit"er contradict nor (ndermine t"e CBA provi ion .
Since t"e collective )argaining agreement i con idered t"e la* )et*een t"e partie ' containing a it doe t"e agreed term o# employment o# t"e employee *it" "i employer' (nilaterally impo ed order or r(le @(ali#ying t"e term contained in t"e agreement are ()ordinate to t"e CBA. At mo t' (c" r(le ' (c" a t"e r(le on trip a)road #orm(lated )y petitioner N c"oolO a #e* mont" )e#ore Lega pi! application' are merely (ppletory and can neit"er contradict nor (ndermine t"e term #o(nd in t"e CBA.

2.2 Con tr(ing t"e Contract

T"e CBA )eing a contract' t"e r(le em)odied in t"e Civil Code on interpretation o# contract "o(ld govern. T"e intent o# t"e partie "o(ld )e a certained )y con idering relevant provi ion o# t"e aid CBA. T"e intention o# t"e partie i primordial: i# t"e term o# t"e contract are clear' t"e literal meaning o# t"e tip(lation "all control' )(t i# t"e *ord appear to )e contrary to t"e evident intention o# t"e partie ' t"e latter "all prevail over t"e #ormer. Any do()t or am)ig(ity in t"e contract )et*een management and t"e (nion mem)er "o(ld )e re olved in t"e lig"t o# Article 2/02 o# t"e Civil Code t"atE In ca e o# do()t' all la)or legi lation and all la)or contract "all )e con tr(ed in #avor o# t"e a#ety and decent living #or t"e la)orer. T"i i al o in con onance *it" t"e principle en(nciated in t"e La)or Code t"at all do()t "o(ld )e re olved in #avor o# t"e *or,er. B(t contract *"ic" are not am)ig(o( are to )e interpreted according to t"eir literal meaning and "o(ld not )e interpreted )eyond t"eir o)vio( intendment. Compliance *it" a CBA i mandated )y t"e e7pre ed policy to give protection to la)or. In t"e ame vein' CBA provi ion "o(ld )e Bcon tr(ed li)erally rat"er t"an narro*ly and tec"nically' and t"e co(rt m( t place a practical and reali tic con tr(ction (pon it' giving d(e con ideration to t"e conte7t in *"ic" it i negotiated and p(rpo e *"ic" it i intended to erve.B T"i i #o(nded on t"e dict(m t"at a CBA i not an ordinary contract )(t one impre ed *it" p()lic intere t. It goe *it"o(t aying' "o*ever' t"at only provi ion em)odied in t"e CBA "o(ld )e o interpreted and complied *it".

2.2 .ropo al Contained in 1in(te )(t Not in t"e CBA It el# A propo al mentioned in t"e negotiation )(t not em)odied in t"e collective )argaining contract it el# i not part o# t"e CBA. It cannot erve a )a i o# a c"arge o# violating t"e CBA or o# )argaining in )ad #ait". 2.3 <Tipper Cla( e= A device to #ore tall negotiation propo al a#ter t"e CBA "a )een igned i t"e <%ipper cla( e.= It i a tip(lation in a CBA indicating t"at i (e t"at co(ld "ave )een negotiated )(t not contained in t"e CBA cannot )e rai ed #or negotiation *"en t"e CBA i already in e##ect. In "ort' t"e CBA i a complete agreement: negotiation i clo ed' a a %ipper doe . 3. LAW DEEMED WRITTEN IN CONTRACT T"e principle i t"( *ell$ ettled t"at an e7i ting la* enter into and #orm part o# a valid contract *it"o(t t"e need #or t"e partie e7pre ly ma,ing re#erence to it. Only t"( co(ld it validity in o#ar a ome o# it provi ion are concerned )e a (red. . BINDING EFFECT OF AGREEMENT
A collective )argaining agreement entered into )y o##icer o# a (nion' a agent o# t"e mem)er ' and an employer' give ri e to valid en#orcea)le contract(al

relation ' again t t"e individ(al (nion mem)er in matter t"at a##ect t"em pec(liarly' and again t t"e (nion in matter t"at a##ect t"e entire mem)er "ip or large cla e o# it mem)er 'B and Ba (nion mem)er *"o i employed (nder an agreement )et*een t"e (nion and "i employer i )o(nd )y t"e provi ion t"ereo#' ince it i a +oint and everal contract o# t"e mem)er o# t"e (nion entered into )y t"e (nion a t"eir agent.B A a general r(le' t"ere i no la* re@(iring a )ona #ide p(rc"a er o# a et o# an on$going concern to a) or) in it employ t"e employee o# t"e latter.

>.2 E7ception
Alt"o(g" t"e p(rc"a er o# t"e a et or enterpri e i not legally )o(nd to a) or) in it employ t"e employer o# t"e eller o# (c" a et or enterpri e' t"e partie are lia)le to t"e employee i# t"e tran action )et*een t"e partie i colored or clot"ed *it" )ad #ait".

4.2 .er on Entitled to Bene#it

It i tr(e t"at *"atever )ene#it t"e ma+ority (nion o)tain #rom t"e employer accr(e to it mem)er a *ell a to non$mem)er . Ior t"e )ene#it o# a collective )argaining agreement are e7tended to all employee regardle o# t"eir mem)er "ip in t"e (nion )eca( e to *it""old t"e ame #rom t"e non$ mem)er *o(ld )e to di criminate again t t"em. It i even conceded t"at a la)orer can claim )ene#it #rom a collective )argaining agreement entered into )et*een t"e company and t"e (nion o# *"ic" "e i a mem)er at t"e time o# t"e concl( ion o# t"e agreement' even a#ter "e "a re igned #rom aid (nion.

>.3 1erger and Con olidation 1erger ta,e place *"en t*o or more corporation +oin into a ingle corporation *"ic" i one o# t"e merging corporation : t"e eparate e7i tence o# t"e ot"er con tit(ent corporation cea e . Con olidation occ(r *"en t*o or more corporation +oin into a ne* ingle corporation: t"e eparate e7i tence o# all t"e con tit(ent corporation cea e ' e7cept t"at o# t"e con olidated corporation.
Section 40. E##ect o# merger or con olidation. $ T"e merger or con olidation "all "ave t"e #ollo*ing e##ect E 777 >. T"e (rviving or con olidated corporation "all )e re pon i)le and lia)le #or all t"e lia)ilitie and o)ligation o# eac" o# t"e con tit(ent corporation in t"e ame manner a i# (c" (rviving or con olidated corporation "ad it el# inc(rred (c" lia)ilitie or o)ligation : and any pending claim' action or proceeding )ro(g"t )y or again t any o# (c" con tit(ent corporation may )e pro ec(ted )y or again t t"e (rviving or con olidated corporation. T"e rig"t o# creditor or lien (pon t"e property o# any o# (c" con tit(ent corporation "all not )e impaired )y (c" merger or con olidation. -n5

4.2 1anager Not Entitled to CBA Bene#it : E7ception 1anager ' *"o are not allo*ed to (nioni%e to )argain collectively *it" t"e employer' cannot claim t"e )ene#it contained in t"e CBA negotiated )y t"e *or,er (nder t"em. T"ey cannot o)tain indirectly *"at t"ey cannot do directly.
Accordingly' managerial employee cannot' in t"e a) ence o# an agreement to t"e contrary' )e allo*ed to "are in t"e conce ion o)tained )y t"e la)or (nion t"ro(g" collective negotiation. Ot"er*i e' t"ey *o(ld )e e7po ed to t"e temptation o# coll(ding *it" t"e (nion d(ring t"e negotiation to t"e detriment o# t"e employer. ?o*ever' t"ere i not"ing to prevent t"e employer #rom granting )ene#it to managerial employee e@(al to or "ig"er t"an t"o e a##orded to (nion mem)er . T"ere can )e no con#lict o# intere t *"ere t"e employer "im el# vol(ntarily agree to grant (c" )ene#it to managerial employee . In t"e ca e at )ar' at t"e )eginning o# petitionerA employment' "e *a told t"at t"o e *"o are not covered )y t"e CBA *o(ld nevert"ele )e entitled to )ene#it *"ic" *o(ld )e' i# not "ig"er' at lea t e@(ivalent to t"o e provided in t"e CBA. T"at private re pondent made (c" a promi e to petitioner i not denied )y t"em.

>.4 Filey Coctrine T"e di appearance )y merger o# a corporate employer *"ic" "a entered into a collective )argaining agreement *it" a (nion doe not a(tomatically terminate all rig"t o# t"e employee covered )y t"e agreement' even t"o(g" t"e merger i #or gen(ine )( ine rea on . 8nder t"e Filey doctrine' a d(ty to ar)itrate ari ing #rom a collective )argaining agreement (rvive t"e employer! cea ing to do )( ine a a eparate entity a#ter it merger *it" a () tantially large corporation' o a to )e )inding on t"e larger corporation' *"ere relevant imilarity and contin(ity o# operation acro t"e c"ange in o*ner "ip i evidenced )y t"e *"ole ale tran #er o# t"e maller corporation! employee to t"e larger corporation! plant. I# a contract(al d(ty to ar)itrate (rvive t"e employer! merger into anot"er corporate employer' @(e tion a to t"e e##ect o# t"e merger on t"e rig"t o# t"e employee covered )y t"e agreement;t"e #ormer employee o# t"e merged employer;are ar)itra)le i# @(e tion a to t"o e rig"t *o(ld "ave )een ar)itra)le )e#ore t"e merger. B(t a d(ty to ar)itrate ari ing #rom collective )argaining agreement doe not (rvive in every ca e in *"ic" t"e o*ner "ip or corporate tr(ct(re o# an enterpri e i c"anged. It doe not (rvive *"ere t"ere i lac, o# any () tantial contin(ity o# identity in t"e )( ine enterpri e )e#ore and a#ter a c"ange' or *"ere t"e (nion a)andon it rig"t to ar)itration )y #ailing to ma,e it claim ,no*n. %. CHANGE OF BARGAINING AGENT' SUBSTITUTIONARY DOCTRINE ?o* doe di a##iliation a##ect t"e CBAJ

4.3 E##ect o# Collective Agreement on t"e Individ(al Contract o# Employment F"en a collective agreement i concl(ded )et*een a la)or (nion and an employer' t"e mem)er o# t"e la)or (nion are precl(ded #rom entering into individ(al contract o# employment. B(t i# t"e agreement merely #i7e *age and *or,ing condition ' t"e employer may enter into partic(lar contract o# employment *it" "i employee even t"o(g" )ot" are )o(nd )y t"e general contract a to *age and *or,ing condition . $. ENFORCEABILITY ENTERPRISE >.2 .(rc"a e o# A et
T"e r(le i t"at (nle e7pre ly a (med' la)or contract (c" a employment contract and collective )argaining agreement are not en#orcea)le again t a tran #eree o# an enterpri e' la)or contract )eing in personam' t"( )inding only )et*een t"e partie . A la)or contract merely create an action in per onally and doe not create any real rig"t *"ic" "o(ld )e re pected )y t"ird partie . T"i concl( ion dra* it #orce #rom t"e rig"t o# an employer to elect "i employee and to decide *"en to engage t"em a protected (nder o(r Con tit(tion' and t"e ame can only )e re tricted )y la* t"ro(g" t"e e7erci e o# t"e police po*er.




T"e agreement i )inding on t"e partie #or t"e period t"erein peci#ied. T"e employee cannot revo,e t"e validly e7ec(ted collective )argaining contract *it" t"eir employer )y t"e imple e7pedient o# c"anging t"eir )argaining repre entative. T"( ' *"en t"ere occ(r a "i#t in employee A (nion allegiance a#ter t"e e7ec(tion o# a )argaining contract *it" t"eir employer' and t"e employee c"ange t"eir )argaining repre entative' t"e contract contin(e to )ind t"em (p to it e7piration date. T"e ne* agent' "o*ever' may )argain #or t"e "ortening o# t"e contract period. In #orm(lating t"e B () tit(tionaryB doctrine' t"e only con ideration involved *a t"e employee A intere t in t"e e7i ting )argaining agreement. T"e agentA intere t never entered t"e pict(re. In #act' t"e +( ti#ication 3 #or aid doctrine *a E 777 that the ma6ority of the employees' a an entity (nder t"e tat(te' i t"e tr(e party in intere t to t"e contract' "olding rig"t t"ro(g" t"e agency o# t"e (nion repre entative. T"( ' any e7cl( ive intere t claimed )y t"e agent i de#ea i)le at t"e *ill o# t"e principal.... -Emp"a i (pplied5 Stated ot"er*i e' t"e B () tit(tionaryB doctrine only provide t"at t"e employee cannot revo,e t"e validly e7ec(ted collective )argaining contract *it" t"eir employer )y t"e imple e7pedient o# c"anging t"eir )argaining agent. And it i in t"e lig"t o# t"i t"at t"e p"ra e B aid ne* agent *o(ld "ave to re pect aid contractB m( t )e (nder tood. It only mean t"at t"e employee ' t"r( t"eir ne* )argaining agent' cannot renege on t"eir collective )argaining contract' e7cept o# co(r e to negotiate *it" management #or t"e "ortening t"ereo#. T"e B () tit(tionaryB doctrine' t"ere#ore' cannot )e invo,ed to (pport t"e contention t"at a ne*ly certi#ied collective )argaining agent a(tomatically a (me all t"e per onal (nderta,ing ; li,e t"e no$ tri,e tip(lation "ere ; in t"e collective )argaining agreement made )y t"e depo ed (nion. F"en BBF8 )o(nd it el# and it o##icer not to tri,e' it co(ld not "ave validly )o(nd al o all t"e ot"er rival (nion e7i ting in t"e )argaining (nit in @(e tion. BBF8 *a t"e agent o# t"e employee ' not o# t"e ot"er (nion *"ic" po e di tinct per onalitie . To con ider 8NION contract(ally )o(nd to t"e no$ tri,e tip(lation *o(ld t"ere#ore violate t"e legal ma7im t"at res inter alios nec prodest nec nocet.

LABOR RELATIONS collective agreement. T"e ( (al o(rce o# grievance ' "o*ever' i t"e r(le and reg(lation governing di ciplinary action . /.2 By$pa ing t"e Grievance 1ac"ineryE 8L. All grievance ari ing #rom t"e implementation or interpretation o# t"e collective )argaining agreement andDor interpretation and en#orcement o# company per onnel policie are comp(l orily ()+ect to t"e grievance o# mac"inery. 8p"olding t"e re@(irement' t"e Co(rt "a r(led t"at t"e grievance proced(re provided in t"e CBA "o(ld )e ad"ered to )y t"e partie . Re#( al or #ail(re to do o i an (n#air la)or practice' )eca( e t"e grievance proced(re i part o# t"e contin(o( proce o# collective )argaining. It i intended to promote #riendly dialog(e )et*een la)or and management a a mean o# maintaining ind( trial peace. Be#ore an aggrieved employee may re ort to t"e co(rt to en#orce "i individ(al rig"t (nder a )argaining contract' t"e employee m( t e7"a( t all t"e remedie availa)le to "im (nder (c" contract. And a co(rt "o(ld not entertain any complaint )y an aggrieved employee (ntil proper ( e "a )een made o# t"e contract grievance proced(re agreed (pon )y employer and t"e )argaining repre entative. T"e grievance mac"inery (nder t"e agreement i t"e very "eart o# ind( trial el#0government. 1ay a grievance )e )ro(g"t to vol(ntary ar)itration *it"o(t pa ing t"ro(g" t"e grievance proced(re (nder t"e CBAJ T"i appear to )e pro cri)ed )y t"e La)or Code *"ic" direct t"e partie to a CBA to e ta)li " a grievance mac"inery #or t"e ad+( tment and re ol(tion o# grievance ari ing #rom t"e interpretation or en#orcement o# company per onnel policie . In vie*' "o*ever' o# t"e State policy to enco(rage vol(ntary ar)itration o# all ot"er la)or$management di p(te ' it i ()mitted t"at a grievance may )e )ro(g"t directly to vol(ntary ar)itration *it"o(t pa ing t"ro(g" t"e grievance mac"inery' e pecially *"en t"e latter "a )een proven to )e ine##ective in t"e pa t' or *"en t"e partie inadvertently #ailed to incl(de a grievance mac"inery provi ion in t"eir CBA. /.2 Faiver o# Grievance 1ac"inery .roced(re and S()mi ion to LA
Article 292 o# t"e La)or Code provide t"at (pon agreement o# t"e partie ' t"e vol(ntary ar)itrator can "ear and decide all ot"er la)or di p(te . Contrary to t"e #inding o# t"e Co(rt o# Appeal ' vol(ntary ar)itration a a mode o# ettling t"e di p(te F.5 42t 9206e7 H/24 0e5/247e4t5. Bot" partie indeed agreed to ()mit t"e i (e o# validity o# t"e di mi al o# petitioner to t"e +(ri diction o# t"e vol(ntary ar)itrator )y t"e S()mi ion Agreement d(ly igned )y t"eir re pective co(n el . A t"e vol(ntary ar)itrator "ad +(ri diction over t"e partie A controver y' di c( ion o# t"e econd i (e i no longer nece ary. T"e employee! *aiver o# "er option to ()mit "er ca e to grievance mac"inery did not amo(nt to relin@(i "ing "er rig"t to avail "er el# o# vol(ntary ar)itration.

+. GRIEVANCES A grievance i de#ined a <any @(e tion )y eit"er t"e employer or t"e (nion regarding t"e interpretation or application o# t"e collective )argaining agreement or company per onnel policie or any claim )y eit"er party t"at t"e ot"er party i violating any provi ion o# t"e CBA or company per onnel policie .= I# t"e term grievance i to )e applied in t"e loo e or generic en e' any di p(te or controver y re pecting term and condition o# employment *"ic" an employee or gro(p o# employee may pre ent to t"e employer can )e a grievance' even *it"o(t a (nion or CBA. T"e e7pan ion o# t"e original and e7cl( ive +(ri diction o# vol(ntary ar)itrator to incl(de @(e tion ari ing #rom t"e interpretation and enforcement of company personnel policies "a t"e e##ect o# *idening t"e meaning and interpretation o# a grievance to incl(de a it(ation *"ere t"ere i no collective )argaining agent and no CBA. .er onnel policie are g(iding principle tated in )road' long$range term t"at e7pre t"e p"ilo op"y or )elie# o# an organi%ation! top a(t"ority regarding per onnel matter . T"ey deal *it" matter a##ecting e##iciency and *ell$)eing o# employee and incl(de' among ot"er ' t"e proced(re in admini tration o# *age ' )ene#it ' promotion ' tran #er and ot"er per onnel movement *"ic" are ( (ally not pelled o(t in t"e

/.3 Str(ct(re and .roced(re

In t"e a) ence o# applica)le provi ion in t"e collective )argaining agreement' a grievance committee "all )e created *it"in ten -205 day #rom igning o# t"e collective )argaining agreement. T"e committee "all )e compo ed o# at lea t

t*o -25 repre entative eac" #rom t"e mem)er o# t"e )argaining (nit and t"e employer' (nle ot"er*i e agreed (pon )y t"e partie . T"e repre entative #rom among t"e mem)er o# t"e )argaining (nit "all )e de ignated )y t"e (nion. Section 2. .roced(re in "andling grievance . $ In t"e a) ence o# a peci#ic provi ion in t"e collective )argaining agreement or e7i ting company practice pre cri)ing #or t"e proced(re in "andling grievance' t"e #ollo*ing "all applyE -a5 An employee "all pre ent t"i grievance or complaint orally or in *riting to t"e "op te*ard. 8pon receipt t"ereo#' t"e "op te*ard "all veri#y t"e #act and determine *"et"er or not t"e grievance i valid. -)5 I# t"e grievance i valid' t"e "op te*ard "all immediately )ring t"e complaint to t"e employeeA immediate (pervi or. T"e "op te*ard' t"e employee and "i immediate (pervi or "all e7ert e##ort to ettle t"e grievance at t"eir level. -c5 I# no ettlement i reac"ed' t"e grievance "all )e re#erred to t"e grievance committee *"ic" "all "ave ten -205 day to decide t"e ca e. F"ere t"e i (e involve or ari e #rom t"e interpretation or implementation o# a provi ion in t"e collective )argaining agreement' or #rom any order' memorand(m' circ(lar or a ignment i (ed )y t"e appropriate a(t"ority in t"e e ta)li "ment' and (c" i (e cannot )e re olved at t"e level o# t"e "op te*ard or t"e (pervi or' t"e ame may )e re#erred immediately to t"e grievance committee. c"oice and )y con ent ()mit t"eir controver y to "im #or determination. 8nder vol(ntary ar)itration' on t"e ot"er "and' re#erral o# a di p(te )y t"e partie i made' p(r (ant to a vol(ntary ar)itration cla( e in t"eir collective agreement' to an impartial t"ird per on #or a #inal and )inding re ol(tion. Ideally' ar)itration a*ard are (ppo ed to )e complied *it" )y )ot" partie *it"o(t delay' (c" t"at once an a*ard "a )een rendered )y an ar)itrator' not"ing i le#t to )e done )y )ot" partie )(t to comply *it" t"e ame. A#ter all' t"ey are pre (med to "ave #reely c"o en ar)itration a t"e mode o# ettlement #or t"at partic(lar di p(te. .(r (ant t"ereto' t"ey "ave c"o en a m(t(ally accepta)le ar)itrator *"o "all "ear and decide t"eir ca e. A)ove all' t"ey "ave m(t(ally agreed to de )o(nd )y aid ar)itratorA deci ion. Comp(l ory ar)itration i a y tem *"ere)y t"e partie to a di p(te are compelled )y t"e government to #orego t"eir rig"t to tri,e and are compelled to accept t"e re ol(tion o# t"eir di p(te t"ro(g" ar)itration )y a t"ird party. 2 T"e e ence o# ar)itration remain ince a re ol(tion o# a di p(te i arrived at )y re ort to a di intere ted t"ird party *"o e deci ion i #inal and )inding on t"e partie ' )(t in comp(l ory ar)itration' (c" a t"ird party i normally appointed )y t"e government. In ."ilippine conte7t' t"e <+(dge= in vol(ntary ar)itration i called ar)itrator' *"ile t"at in comp(l ory i la)or ar)iter. T"e +(ri diction o# a LA i tated in Article 292 and 292 *"ile t"at o# an LA i in Article 22/.

4.2 Lol(ntary Ar)itrationE A .rivate K(dicial Sy tem A vol(ntary ar)itrator <i not a p()lic tri)(nal impo ed (pon t"e partie )y a (perior a(t"ority *"ic" t"e partie are o)liged to accept. ?e "a no general c"aracter to admini ter +( tice #or a comm(nity *"ic" tran cend t"e partie . ?e i rat"er part o# a y tem o# el#$ government created )y and con#ined to t"e partie .= T"e primary #(nction o# vol(ntary la)or ar)itration i to provide -25 a proce #or t"e orderly di po ition o# di p(te and -25 a #o(ndation #or ta)le la)or$management relation . 4.2 Lol(ntary Ar)itrationE A 1a ter .roced(re In la)or$management relation vol(ntary ar)itration i a ma ter proced(re. Any and all ,ind o# la)or di p(te may )e ()mitted to' ettled' or re olved t"ro(g" vol(ntary ar)itration' i# t"e partie o de ire. 1oney claim ' )argaining deadloc, ' tri,e or loc,o(t' employment termination' and even @(e tion a)o(t e7i tence or a) ence o# employer$employee relation "ip' may )e re olved )y t"e partie ;*it" #inality;)y availing t"em elve o# vol(ntary ar)itration. A a ma ter proced(re vol(ntary ar)itration ta,e precedence over ot"er di p(te ettlement device -i$e$' ca e )e#ore t"e la)or ar)iter or Secretary o# La)or or t"e NLRC5 A di p(te pending in vol(ntary ar)itration -or comp(l ory ar)itration' #or t"at matter5 cannot )e t"e ()+ect o# a tri,e or loc,o(t notice. :. WHO MAY ARBITRATOR BE ACCREDITED AS VOLUNTARY

Section 3. S()mi ion to vol(ntary ar)itration. $ F"ere grievance remain (nre olved' eit"er party may erve notice (pon t"e ot"er o# it deci ion to ()mit t"e i (e to vol(ntary ar)itration. T"e notice "all tate t"e i (e or i (e to )e ar)itrated' copy t"ereo# #(rni "ed t"e )oard or t"e vol(ntary ar)itrator or panel o# vol(ntary ar)itrator named or de ignated in t"e collective )argaining agreement. I# t"e party (pon *"om t"e notice i erved #ail or re#( e to re pond #avora)ly *it"in even -/5 day #rom receipt t"ereo#' t"e vol(ntary ar)itrator or panel o# vol(ntary ar)itrator de ignated in t"e collective )argaining agreement "all commence vol(ntary ar)itration proceeding . F"ere t"e collective )argaining agreement doe not o de ignate' t"e )oard "all call t"e partie and appoint a vol(ntary ar)itrator or panel o# vol(ntary ar)itrator ' *"o "all t"erea#ter commence ar)itration proceeding in accordance *it" t"e proceeding paragrap". In in tance *"ere partie #ail to elect a vol(ntary ar)itrator or panel o# vol(ntary ar)itrator ' t"e regional )ranc" o# t"e Board "all de ignate t"e vol(ntary ar)itrator or panel o# vol(ntary ar)itrator ' a may )e nece ary' *"ic" "all "ave t"e ame #orce and e##ect a i# t"e partie "ave elected t"e ar)itrator.

T"e partie to a CBA *ill decide on t"e n(m)er o# ar)itrator *"o may "ear a di p(te only *"en t"e need #or it ari e . Even t"e la* it el# doe not peci#y t"e n(m)er o# ar)itrator . T"eir alternative ; *"et"er to "ave one or t"ree ar)itrator ; "ave t"eir re pective advantage and di advantage . In t"i matter' co t i not t"e only con ideration: #(ll deli)eration on t"e i (e i anot"er' and it i )e t accompli "ed in a "earing cond(cted )y t"ree ar)itrator . In e##ect' t"e partie are a##orded t"e latit(de to decide #or t"em elve t"e compo ition o# t"e grievance mac"inery a t"ey #ind appropriate to a partic(lar it(ation. La)or ar)itration i t"e re#erence o# a la)or di p(te to a t"ird party #or determination on t"e )a i o# evidence and arg(ment pre ented )y (c" partie ' *"o are )o(nd to accept t"e deci ion.
Lol(ntary ar)itration "a )een de#ined a a contract(al proceeding *"ere)y t"e partie to any di p(te or controver y' in order to o)tain a peedy and ine7pen ive #inal di po ition o# t"e matter involved' elect a +(dge o# t"eir o*n

T"e #ollo*ing are t"e minim(m criteria #or accreditation a ar)itratorE 2. A Iilipino citi%en re iding in t"e ."ilippine :

2. A "older o# at lea t a Bac"elor! Cegree in any #ield o# )e"avioral or applied cience or e@(ivalent ed(cational training "ort o# a Bac"elor! Cegree:

3. At lea t #ive ->5 year e7perience in t"e #ield o# La)or$1anagement relation : 4. Completion o# a training co(r e on vol(ntary ar)itration cond(cted )y t"e Board: and >. A per on o# good moral c"aracter' noted #or impartiality' pro)ity' and "a not )een civilly' criminally and admini tratively ad+(dged g(ilty o# any o##en e involving moral t(rpit(de a evidenced )y a d(ly *orn a##idavit.

LABOR RELATIONS t"e Lol(ntary Ar)itrator or panel o# Lol(ntary Ar)itrator and "all immediately di po e and re#er t"e ame to t"e Grievance 1ac"inery or Lol(ntary Ar)itration provided in t"e Collective Bargaining Agreement. 66666666 Article. 292. K(ri diction over ot"er la)or di p(te . $ T"e Lol(ntary Ar)itrator or panel o# Lol(ntary Ar)itrator ' (pon agreement o# t"e partie ' "all al o "ear and decide all ot"er la)or di p(te incl(ding (n#air la)or practice and )argaining deadloc, . 66666666 1. ARBITRABLE DISPUTES In t"e #ield o# la)or relation ' ar)itration applie to t*o ,ind o# di p(te E -25 contract$negotiation di p(te : and -25 contract$ interpretation di p(te . ontract negotiation di p(te are di p(te a to t"e term o# a collective )argaining agreement. F"ere t"ere i an e7i ting agreement to ar)itrate (c" di p(te ' and a )argaining deadloc, or impa e "a ari en' t"e di p(tant ()mit to an impartial o(t ider #or ettlement t"e collective )argaining i (e *"ic" t"ey "ad )een (na)le to ettle )y t"em elve ' *"et"er or not aided )y conciliator . ontract interpretation di p(te are di p(te ari ing (nder an e7i ting collective )argaining agreement' involving (c" matter a t"e interpretation and application o# t"e contract' or alleged violation o# it provi ion . Ar)itration o# contract negotiation di p(te i o#ten ,no*n a ar)itration o# <intere t'= *"ile ar)itration o# contract interpretation di p(te i ,no*n a ar)itration o# <grievance= or <rig"t .= 2. &URISDICTION OF L.A. AND V.A.
T"e a#orecited provi ion o# la* cannot )e read in i olation or eparately. T"ey m( t )e read a a *"ole and eac" Article o# t"e Code reconciled one *it" t"e ot"er. An analy i o# t"e provi ion o# Article 22/' 292' and 292 indicate ' t"atE 2. T"e +(ri diction o# t"e La)or Ar)iter and Lol(ntary Ar)itrator or .anel o# Lol(ntary Ar)itrator over t"e ca e en(merated in Article 22/' 292 and 292' can po i)ly incl(de money claim in one #orm or anot"er. 2. T"e ca e *"ere t"e La)or Ar)iter "ave original and e7cl( ive +(ri diction are en(merated in Article 22/' and t"at o# t"e Lol(ntary Ar)itrator or .anel o# Lol(ntary Ar)itrator in Article 292. 3. T"e original and e7cl( ive +(ri diction o# La)or Ar)iter i @(ali#ied )y an e7ception a indicated in t"e introd(ctory entence o# Article 22/ -a5' to *itE Art. 22/. K(ri diction o# La)or Ar)iter . . . -a5 E7cept a ot"er*i e provided (nder t"i Code t"e La)or Ar)iter "all "ave original and e7cl( ive +(ri diction to "ear and decide . . . t"e #ollo*ing ca e involving all *or,er . . . . T"e p"ra e BE7cept a ot"er*i e provided (nder t"i CodeB re#er to t"e #ollo*ing e7ception E A. Art. 22/. K(ri diction o# La)or Ar)iter . . . 777 -c5 Ca e ari ing #rom t"e interpretation or implementation o# collective )argaining agreement and t"o e ari ing #rom t"e interpretation or en#orcement o# company proced(reDpolicie "all )e di po ed o# )y t"e La)or Ar)iter )y re#erring t"e ame to t"e grievance mac"inery and vol(ntary ar)itrator a may )e provided in aid agreement.

1B. HOW VOLUNTARY ARBITRATOR IS CHOSEN A vol(ntary ar)itrator i c"o en )y t"e partie t"em elve -preferably accredited )y t"e NC1B5. T"e c"oice i ( (ally in#l(enced )y t"e tr( t in t"e per on! #airne and ,no*ledge o# t"e dynamic ' incl(ding la*' o# la)or$management relation. T"e pre#erred met"od o# election i )y m(t(al agreement o# t"e partie . Alternative met"od incl(de t"e election or appointment )y an admini trative agency li,e t"e NC1B. .artie in general may c"oo e )et*een t"e ( e o# a temporary -*"en a di p(te i already at "and: specific5 or permanent ar)itrator -)e#ore a di p(te ari e : for a period of time' ( (ally d(ring t"e li#e o# t"e CBA5. T"ey "ave al o a c"oice a to t"e n(m)er o# ar)itrator ' eit"er a ole ar)itrator or a panel o# ar)itrator or Ar)itration Board. 11. DISTINGUISHED FROM A COURT OF LAW Co(rt o# La* Iormal Iollo* precedent R(le o# evidence o) erved Ceci ion may )e appealed to t"e "ig"er co(rt ?ear a great variety o# ca e Service o# a la*yer i e ential d(e to comple7ity Ar)itration In#ormal Not o)liged Not o) erved No compara)le appeal reco(r e ?ear only ind( trial di p(te Not e ential

Ar)itration' in (m' i a non$tec"nical and relatively ine7pen ive proced(re #or o)taining a @(ic, ol(tion to ind( trial di p(te )y per on *"o "ave peciali%ed ,no*ledge o# la)or management relation . 66666666 Article. 292. K(ri diction o# Lol(ntary Ar)itrator or panel o# Lol(ntary Ar)itrator . $ T"e Lol(ntary Ar)itrator or panel o# Lol(ntary Ar)itrator "all "ave original and e7cl( ive +(ri diction to "ear and decide all (nre olved grievance ari ing #rom t"e interpretation or implementation o# t"e Collective Bargaining Agreement and t"o e ari ing #rom t"e interpretation or en#orcement o# company per onnel policie re#erred to in t"e immediately preceding article. Accordingly' violation o# a Collective Bargaining Agreement' e7cept t"o e *"ic" are gro in c"aracter' "all no longer )e treated a (n#air la)or practice and "all )e re olved a grievance (nder t"e Collective Bargaining Agreement. Ior p(rpo e o# t"i article' gro violation o# Collective Bargaining Agreement "all mean #lagrant andDor malicio( re#( al to comply *it" t"e economic provi ion o# (c" agreement. T"e Commi ion' it Regional O##ice and t"e Regional Cirector o# t"e Cepartment o# La)or and Employment "all not entertain di p(te ' grievance or matter (nder t"e e7cl( ive and original +(ri diction o#

B. Art. 292. K(ri diction over ot"er la)or di p(te . ; T"e Lol(ntary Ar)itrator or panel o# Lol(ntary Ar)itrator ' (pon agreement o# t"e partie ' "all al o "ear and decide all ot"er la)or di p(te incl(ding (n#air la)or practice and )argaining deadloc, . 4. T"e +(ri diction o# Lol(ntary Ar)itrator or .anel o# Lol(ntary Ar)itrator i provided #or in Art . 292 and 292 o# t"e La)or Code a indicated a)ove. A. A clo e reading o# Article 292 indicate t"at t"e original and e7cl( ive +(ri diction o# Lol(ntary Ar)itrator or .anel o# Lol(ntary Ar)itrator i limited only toE . . . (nre olved grievance ari ing #rom t"e interpretation or implementation o# t"e Collective Bargaining Agreement and t"o e ari ing #rom t"e interpretation or en#orcement o# company per onnel policie . . . Accordingly' violation o# a collective )argaining agreement' e7cept t"o e *"ic" are gro in c"aracter' "all no longer )e treated a (n#air la)or practice and "all )e re olved a grievance (nder t"e Collective Bargaining Agreement. . . . . B. Lol(ntary Ar)itrator or .anel o# Lol(ntary Ar)itrator ' "o*ever' can e7erci e +(ri diction over any and all di p(te )et*een an employer and a (nion andDor individ(al *or,er a provided #or in Article 292. It m( t )e emp"a i%ed t"at t"e +(ri diction o# t"e Lol(ntary Ar)itrator or .anel o# Lol(ntary Ar)itrator (nder Article 292 m( t )e vol(ntarily con#erred (pon )y )ot" la)or and management. T"e la)or di p(te re#erred to in t"e ame Article 292 can incl(de all t"o e di p(te mentioned in Article 22/ over *"ic" t"e La)or Ar)iter "a original and e7cl( ive +(ri diction. A "o*n in t"e a)ove conte7t(al and *"oli tic analy i o# Article 22/' 292' and 292 o# t"e La)or Code' t"e National La)or Relation Commi ion correctly r(led t"at t"e La)or Ar)iter "ad no +(ri diction to "ear and decide petitionerA money$claim$(nderpayment o# retirement )ene#it ' a t"e controver y )et*een t"e partie involved an i (e Bari ing #rom t"e interpretation or implementationB o# a provi ion o# t"e collective )argaining agreement. T"e Lol(ntary Ar)itrator or .anel o# Lol(ntary Ar)itrator "a original and e7cl( ive +(ri diction over t"e controver y (nder Article 292 o# t"e La)or Code' and not t"e La)or Ar)iter. policie . Note t"e p"ra e B(nre olved grievance .B In t"e ca e at )ar' t"e termination o# petitioner i not an (nre olved grievance. Article 290 #(rt"er provide t"at t"e partie to a CBA "all name or de ignate t"eir re pective repre entative to t"e grievance mac"inery and i# t"e grievance i (n ettled in t"at level' it "all a(tomatically )e re#erred to t"e vol(ntary ar)itrator de ignated in advance )y t"e partie to a CBA o# t"e (nion and t"e company. It can t"( )e ded(ced t"at only di p(te involving t"e (nion and t"e company "all )e re#erred to t"e grievance mac"inery or vol(ntary ar)itrator .

2.2a <.olicie '= <R(le '= <.roced(re = .olicie are #orm(lated )y management even )e#ore a company open #or )( ine in order to g(ide t"e men in t"e operational level' t"e line manager or (pervi or a to t"e cope o# t"eir activitie ' a(t"ority and re pon i)ility' and to ena)le t"em to arrive at o(nd deci ion . .olicie are val(a)le in #i7ing de#inite o)+ective #or t"e organi%ation. .olicy tatement are al o needed to allo* ()ordinate e7ec(tive to ma,e #air and con i tent deci ion on rec(rrent pro)lem . T"ey promote (ni#ormity o# action and prevent con#licting deci ion e pecially a regard la)or matter.= Company policie m( t )e i (ed )y top management *"ic" i re pon i)le #or ma,ing ma+or policie t"at are )y nat(re company$ *ide in application. 1inor policie ' )etter ,no*n a r(le and proced(re ' are t"e e7ten ion o# ma+or policie and are ( (ally #orm(lated )y minor e7ec(tive or department manager . R(le are peci#ic g(ide intended to govern cond(ct and action o# operating (pervi or and employee in t"e per#ormance o# t"eir de ignated activitie . .roced(re are made to peci#y *ay or met"od o# carrying o(t policie and r(le . A proced(re tell *"at *or, or ta , to do' "o* to do it' and *"en to do it. 2.2 K(ri diction over CBA Liolation

2.2 K(ri diction over Termination Ci p(te T"e pre#erence or )ia o# t"e la* in #avor o# vol(ntary ar)itration +( ti#ie t"e vie* t"at employment termination di p(te ' ari ing #rom CBA or per onnel policy implementation' are cogni%a)le )y a vol(ntary ar)itrator and not a la)or ar)iter. S(c" termination ca e ' i# #iled *it" a la)or ar)iter' i to )e di mi ed #or lac, o# +(ri diction and re#erred to t"e concerned NC1B Regional Branc" #or appropriate action.
Article 290 o# t"e La)or Code on grievance mac"inery and vol(ntary ar)itrator tate t"at B-t5"e partie to a Collective Bargaining Agreement "all incl(de t"erein provi ion t"at *ill en (re t"e m(t(al o) ervance o# it term and condition . T"ey "all e ta)li " a mac"inery #or t"e ad+( tment and re ol(tion o# grievance ari ing #rom t"e interpretation or implementation o# t"eir Collective Bargaining Agreement and t"o e ari ing #rom t"e interpretation or en#orcement o# company per onnel policie .B It i #(rt"er provided in aid article t"at t"e partie to a CBA "all name or de ignate t"eir re pective repre entative to t"e grievance mac"inery and i# t"e grievance i not ettled in t"at level' it "all a(tomatically )e re#erred to vol(ntary ar)itrator -or panel o# vol(ntary ar)itrator 5 de ignated in advance )y t"e partie . It need not )e mentioned t"at t"e partie to a CBA are t"e (nion and t"e company. ?ence' only di p(te involving t"e (nion and t"e company "all )e re#erred to t"e grievance mac"inery or vol(ntary ar)itrator . Article 292 o# t"e La)or Code *"ic" grant to vol(ntary ar)itrator original and e7cl( ive +(ri diction to "ear and decide all (nre olved grievance ari ing #rom t"e interpretation or implementation o# t"e collective )argaining agreement and t"o e ari ing #rom t"e interpretation or en#orcement o# company per onnel

CBA violation not con tit(ting 8L. are li,e*i e cogni%a)le )y a vol(ntary ar)itrator i# not re olved t"ro(g" t"e grievance mac"inery. I# t"e violation ' "o*ever' are <gro = in c"aracter' t"e e are to )e treated a (n#air la)or practice *"ic"' #ollo*ing Art. 22/ -a$25' are to )e "eard and decided )y a la)or ar)iter. T"e la* *ant t"e ind( trial player to re olve t"eir di##erence )y and among t"em elve a m(c" a po i)le. And i# t"ey need "elp' t"ey are li,e*i e #ree to agree *"ere t"at "elp may come #rom.
Ior a 8L. ca e to )e cogni%a)le )y t"e La)or Ar)iter' and t"e NLRC to e7erci e it appellate +(ri diction' t"e allegation in t"e complaint "o(ld "o* prima #acie t"e conc(rrence o# t*o t"ing ' namelyE -25 gro violation o# t"e CBA: ANC -25 t"e violation pertain to t"e economic provi ion o# t"e CBA. 8n () tantiated concl( ion o# )ad #ait" and (n+( ti#ied re#( al to re$employ petitioner ' to o(r mind' do not con tit(te gro violation o# t"e CBA #or p(rpo e o# lodging +(ri diction *it" t"e La)or Ar)iter and t"e NLRC. Alt"o(g" evidentiary matter are not re@(ired -and even di co(raged5 to )e alleged in complaint' till' (##icient detail (pporting t"e concl( ion o# )ad #ait" and (n+( t re#( al to re$employ petitioner m( t )e indicated. I(rt"ermore' it i even do()t#(l i# t"e CBA provi ion on re$employment #it into t"e accepted notion o# an economic provi ion o# t"e CBA.

2.3 Ot"er Ca e
Section 4. K(ri diction o# vol(ntary ar)itrator or panel o# vol(ntary ar)itrator . $ T"e vol(ntary ar)itrator or panel o# vol(ntary ar)itrator "all "ave e7cl( ive

and original +(ri diction to "ear and decide all grievance ari ing #rom t"e implementation or interpretation o# t"e collective )argaining agreement and t"o e ari ing #rom t"e interpretation or en#orcement o# company per onnel policie *"ic" remain (nre olved a#ter e7"a( tion o# t"e grievance proced(re. T"ey "all al o "ave e7cl( ive and original +(ri diction' to "ear and decide *age di tortion i (e ari ing #rom t"e application o# any *age order in organi%ed e ta)li "ment ' a *ell a (nre olved grievance ari ing #rom t"e interpretation and implementation o# t"e prod(ctivity incentive program (nder RA 93/2. 8pon agreement o# t"e partie ' any ot"er la)or di p(te may )e ()mitted to a vol(ntary ar)itrator or panel o# vol(ntary ar)itrator . Be#ore or at any tage o# t"e comp(l ory ar)itration proce ' t"e partie may opt to ()mit t"eir di p(te to vol(ntary ar)itration. T"e National La)or Relation Commi ion' it regional )ranc"e and Regional Cirector o# t"e Cepartment o# La)or and Employment "all not entertain di p(te ' grievance or matter (nder t"e e7cl( ive and original +(ri diction o# t"e vol(ntary ar)itrator or panel o# vol(ntary ar)itrator and "all immediately di po e and re#er t"e ame to t"e appropriate grievance mac"inery or vol(ntary ar)itration provided in t"e collective )argaining agreement.

In general' t"e ar)itrator i e7pected to decide t"o e @(e tion e7pre ly tated and limited in t"e ()mi ion agreement. ?o*ever' ince ar)itration i t"e #inal re ort #or t"e ad+(dication o# di p(te ' t"e ar)itrator *ill a (me t"at "e "a t"e po*er to ma,e a #inal ettlement. It i t"( e ential to tre t"at t"e Lol(ntary Ar)itrator "ad plenary +(ri diction and a(t"ority to interpret t"e agreement to ar)itrate and to determine t"e cope o# " o*n a(t"ority ()+ect only' in a proper ca e' to t"e certiorari +(ri diction o# t"i Co(rt. Generally' t"e ar)itrator i e7pected to decide only t"o e @(e tion e7pre ly delineated )y t"e ()mi ion agreement. Nevert"ele ' t"e ar)itrator can a (me t"at "e "a t"e nece ary po*er to ma,e a #inal ettlement ince ar)itration i t"e #inal re ort #or ad+(dication o# di p(te .
T"e i (e o# reg(lari%ation "o(ld )e vie*ed a t*o$tiered i (e. F"ile t"e ()mi ion agreement mentioned only t"e determination o# t"e date or reg(lari%ation' la* and +(ri pr(dence give t"e vol(ntary ar)itrator eno(g" lee*ay o# a(t"ority a *ell a ade@(ate prerogative to accompli " t"e rea on #or *"ic" t"e la* on vol(ntary ar)itration *a created & peedy la)or +( tice. It )ear tre ing t"at t"e (nderlying rea on *"y t"i ca e aro e i to ettle' once and #or all' t"e (ltimate @(e tion o# *"et"er re pondent employee are entitled to "ig"er )ene#it . To re@(ire t"em to #ile anot"er action #or payment o# (c" )ene#it *o(ld certainly (ndermine la)or proceeding and contravene t"e con tit(tional mandate providing #(ll protection to la)or.

2.4 Ci p(te over Company! Cr(g A)( e .olicy

A (nion! petition to en+oin implementation o# t"e company! dr(g policy i a la)or di p(te )eyond RTC! +(ri diction. It i a per onnel policy di p(te *it"in t"e +(ri diction o# a LA.

3. HOW VOLUNTARY ARBITRATION IS INITIATED Lol(ntary ar)itration may )e initiated eit"er )y 25 a S()mi ion or 25 )y a Cemand or Notice invo,ing a collective agreement ar)itration cla( e. Sometime )ot" in tr(ment are ( ed in a ca e. S()mi ion i ometime called a <Stip(lation= or an <Agreement to Ar)itrate.= It i ( ed *"ere t"ere i no previo( agreement to ar)itrate. T"e S()mi ion' *"ic" m( t )e igned )y )ot" partie ' de cri)e an e7i ting di p(te: it o#ten name t"e ar)itrator' proced(re in t"e "earing and it ometime contain con idera)le detail o# t"e ar)itrator! a(t"ority and ot"er matter *"ic" t"e partie *i " to control. S()mi ion i more appropriate in intere t di p(te ince collective agreement generally do not provide #or t"e ar)itration o# (c" di p(te t"at may ari e in t"e #(t(re. S()mi ion i o#ten entered into a#ter t"e di p(te "a materiali%ed and t"e i (e can already )e de#ined. ?o*ever' Cemand or Notice o# Intent to Ar)itrate i more applica)le to rig"t di p(te )eca( e collective agreement are re@(ired (nder RA 9/2> to provide #or a grievance proced(re and a vol(ntary ar)itration cla( e *it" re pect to di p(te ari ing #rom t"e application or interpretation o# t"e agreement. T"( ' t"ere i an <agreement to ar)itrate= #(t(re di p(te t"at may ari e (nder and d(ring t"e term o# t"e CBA. I# a di p(te i covered )y (c" an ar)itration cla( e' ar)itration may )e initiated (nilaterally )y one party )y erving (pon t"e ot"er a *ritten demand or notice o# intent to ar)itrate. 3.2 T"e S()mi ion Agreement: E7tent o# Ar)itrator! A(t"ority Alt"o(g" t"e contract may e ta)li " t"e )readt" o# t"e ar)itrator! po*er and t"e limit o# "i a(t"ority' "i po*er may )e more "arply de#ined in t"e ()mi ion agreement. Ire@(ently' t"e partie +ointly #orm(late in *riting t"e peci#ic i (e to )e decided )y t"e ar)itrator. Sometime t"e ar)itrator i a ,ed )y t"e partie to "elp t"em #rame t"e i (e on t"e )a i o# t"e *ritten grievance or t"e ca e a pre ented.

. POWERS OF THE ARBITRATOR T"e t(dy o# collective )argaining agreement di clo e di##erent type o# ar)itration cla( e *it" varying degree o# po*er granted to t"e ar)itration. T"i po*er may )e very limited or (n( (ally )road in cope. 4.2 .o*er to Ar)itrate Any Ci p(te T"e contract cla( e t"at give t"e ar)itrator t"e )roade t cope o# po*er i commonly ,no*n a t"e <di p(te = cla( e. T"i type o# cla( e grant t"e ar)itrator +(ri diction to "ear and determine practically any matter in di p(te )et*een t"e partie . 1oreover' "e i not nece arily limited to matter peci#ically tated in t"e contract. It i common' "o*ever' #or ome relation "ip to )e "o*n )et*een t"e matter in di p(te and t"e provi ion o# t"e contract. 4.2 No .o*er to Add To or S()tract Irom t"e Contract Some ar)itration cla( e limit t"e ar)itrator! po*er to an interpretation and application o# t"e contract and #(rt"er peci#ically provide t"at "e < "all "ave no po*er to add to or ()tract #rom t"e contract. S(c" cla( e clearly tate t"e partie ! intention t"at t"e ar)itrator *ill )e empo*ered only to interpret t"e contract )(t not add to or modi#y it. A a general r(le' t"e a(t"ority o# an ar)itrator em)race or cover t"e #ollo*ingE

2. General a(t"ority to inve tigate and "ear t"e ca e (pon notice o# t"e partie and to render an a*ard )a ed on t"e contract and record o# t"e ca e: 2. Incidental a(t"ority to per#orm all act nece ary to an ade@(ate di c"arge o# "i d(tie and re pon i)ilitie li,e etting and cond(ct o# "earing' attendance o# *itne e and proo# doc(ment and ot"er evidence ' #act$#inding and ot"er mode o# di covery' reopening o# "earing' etc.: 3. Special po*er in aid o# "i general contract(al a(t"ority li,e t"e a(t"ority to determine ar)itra)ility o# any partic(lar di p(te and to modi#y any provi ion o# e7i ting agreement (pon *"ic" a propo ed c"ange i ()mitted #or ar)itration. $. FUNCTIONS OF ARBITRATOR T"e la)or ar)itrator (nder a collective )argaining agreement i an indi pen a)le agency in t"e contin(o( collective )argaining proce . ?e it to ettle di p(te at t"e plant level;di p(te *"ic" re@(ire #or t"eir ol(tion ,no*ledge o# t"e c( tom and practice o# a partic(lar #actory or o# a partic(lar ind( try a re#lected in partic(lar agreement . On t"e ot"er "and' t"e po*er and a(t"ority o# ar)itrator in la)or di p(te ca e i derived #rom and limited )y t"e term o# t"e partie ! agreement. T"e ar)itrator i con#ined to interpretation and application o# t"e CBA: "e doe not it to di pen e "i o*n )rand o# ind( trial +( tice. T"e ar)itrator! a(t"ority i contract(al rat"er t"an +(dicial in nat(re: "i po*er i con#erred )y t"e CBA: and "i d(ty *it" re pect to t"at agreement i to ettle di p(te ari ing t"ere(nder )y applying and interpreting t"at agreement. B(t o long a an ar)itrator i not ar)itrary' "e "a *ide latit(de in e7erci ing "i a(t"ority' e pecially in #a "ioning an appropriate remedy. >.2 Ar)itrator! Interpretation o# CBA
It i aid t"at an ar)itral a*ard doe not dra* it e ence #rom t"e CBA: "ence' t"ere i an (na(t"ori%ed amendment or alteration t"ereo#' i#E 2. It i 2. It i o (n#o(nded in rea on and #act: o (nconnected *it" t"e *or,ing and p(rpo e o# t"e agreement:

LABOR RELATIONS All partie to t"e di p(te "all )e entitled to attend t"e ar)itration proceeding . T"e attendance o# any t"ird party or t"e e7cl( ion o# any *itne #rom t"e proceeding "all )e determined )y t"e Lol(ntary Ar)itrator or panel o# Lol(ntary Ar)itrator . ?earing may )e ad+o(rned #or ca( e or (pon agreement )y t"e partie . 8nle t"e partie agree ot"er*i e' it "all )e mandatory #or t"e Lol(ntary Ar)itrator or panel o# Lol(ntary Ar)itrator to render an a*ard or deci ion *it"in t*enty -205 calendar day #rom t"e date o# ()mi ion o# t"e di p(te to vol(ntary ar)itration. T"e a*ard or deci ion o# t"e Lol(ntary Ar)itrator or panel o# Lol(ntary Ar)itrator "all contain t"e #act and t"e la* on *"ic" it i )a ed. It "all )e #inal and e7ec(tory a#ter ten -205 calendar day #rom receipt o# t"e copy o# t"e a*ard or deci ion )y t"e partie . 8pon motion o# any intere ted party' t"e Lol(ntary Ar)itrator or panel o# Lol(ntary Ar)itrator or t"e La)or Ar)iter in t"e region *"ere t"e movant re ide ' in ca e o# t"e a) ence or incapacity o# t"e Lol(ntary Ar)itrator or panel o# Lol(ntary Ar)itrator ' #or any rea on' may i (e a *rit o# e7ec(tion re@(iring eit"er t"e "eri## o# t"e Commi ion or reg(lar co(rt or any p()lic o##icial *"om t"e partie may de ignate in t"e ()mi ion agreement to e7ec(te t"e #inal deci ion' order or a*ard. 66666666 1. COMPLIANCE WITH DUTY TO ARBITRATE I# a CBA re@(ire ettlement o# di p(te <e7cl( ively= )y t"e ar)itration' t"en ar)itration i needed )e#ore co(rt (it #or )reac" o# t"e contract may )e #iled. Nonet"ele ' t"e partie to a CBA may *aive t"e ar)itration covenant o# t"e agreement' )(t t"eir cond(ct m( t clearly "o* t"at intention. 2. WHO DETERMINES THE ARBITRATION PROCEDURES In practice' vol(ntary ar)itration o# la)or ca e ( e proced(re )a ed on t"e La)or Code a amended )y RA 9/2> and it Implementing R(le ' t"e CBA' and ot"er agreement o# t"e partie ' t"e directive o# t"e ar)itrator' and t"e proced(ral r(le o# appropriate agencie li,e t"e NC1B .roced(ral G(ideline in Cond(ct o# Lol(ntary Ar)itration .roceeding . 3. ETHICAL STANDARDS OF ARBITRATORS An ar)itrator i o)liged to maintain a "ig" level o# pro#e ional et"ic in "i relation "ip *it" t"e partie and t"e appointing agencie . ?e al o "a a re pon i)ility to ociety. ?i cond(ct "o(ld )e a)ove reproac". Since in e##ect' "e i a +(dge' and "i et"ic m( t )e on t"e ame "ig" level a t"e code t"at govern t"e cond(ct o# +(dicial tri)(nal .
Iail(re on t"e part o# t"e vol(ntary ar)itrator to render a deci ion' re ol(tion' order or a*ard *it"in t"e pre cri)ed period' "all (pon complaint o# a party' )e (##icient gro(nd #or t"e Board to di cipline aid vol(ntary ar)itrator' p(r (ant to t"e g(ideline i (ed )y t"e Secretary. In ca e t"at t"e recommended anction i de$li ting' it "all )e (nla*#(l #or t"e vol(ntary ar)itrator to re#( e or #ail to t(rn over to t"e )oard' #or it #(rt"er di po ition' t"e record o# t"e ca e *it"in ten -205 calendar day #rom demand t"ereo#.

3. It i *it"o(t #act(al (pport in vie* o# it lang(age' it conte7t' and any ot"er indicia o# t"e partie A intention: 4. It ignore or a)andon t"e plain lang(age o# t"e contract: >. It i mi ta,enly )a ed on a cr(cial a (mption *"ic" concededly i a non#act: 9. It i (nla*#(l' ar)itrary or capricio( : and /. It i contrary to p()lic policy.

66666666 Article. 292$A. .roced(re . $ T"e Lol(ntary Ar)itrator or panel o# Lol(ntary Ar)itrator "all "ave t"e po*er to "old "earing ' receive evidence and ta,e *"atever action i nece ary to re olve t"e i (e or i (e ()+ect o# t"e di p(te' incl(ding e##ort to e##ect a vol(ntary ettlement )et*een partie .


T"e deci ion o# vol(ntary ar)itrator m( t )e given t"e "ig"e t re pect and a a general r(le m( t )e accorded a certain mea (re o# #inality. T"i i e pecially tr(e *"ere t"e ar)itrator c"o en )y t"e partie en+oy t"e #ir t rate credential . It i not correct' "o*ever' t"at t"i re pect precl(de t"e e7erci e o# +(dicial revie* over t"eir deci ion . In pite o# tat(tory provi ion ma,ing A#inalA t"e deci ion o# certain admini trative agencie ' *e "ave ta,en cogni%ance o# petition @(e tioning t"e e deci ion *"ere *ant o# +(ri diction' grave a)( e o# di cretion' violation o# d(e proce ' denial o# () tantial +( tice' or erroneo( interpretation o# t"e la* *ere )ro(g"t to o(r attention. A vol(ntary ar)itrator )y t"e nat(re o# "er #(cntion act in @(a i$+(dicial capacity. T"ere i no rea on *"y "erdeci ion involving interpretation o# la* "o(ld )e )eyond t"i Co(rtA revie*. Admini trative o##icial are pre (med to act in accordance *it" la* and yet *e do "e itate to pa (pon t"eir *or, *"ere a @(e tion o# la* i involved or *"ere a "o*ing o# a)( e o# a(t"ority or di cretion in t"eir o##icial act i properly rai ed in petition #or certiorari.

4.3 Iinding o# Iact o# a Lol(ntary Ar)itrator 66666666 Article. 292$B. Co t o# vol(ntary ar)itration and Lol(ntary Ar)itrator! #ee. $ T"e partie to a Collective Bargaining Agreement "all provide t"erein a proportionate "aring c"eme on t"e co t o# vol(ntary ar)itration incl(ding t"e Lol(ntary Ar)itrator! #ee. T"e #i7ing o# #ee o# Lol(ntary Ar)itrator ' *"et"er "o(ldered *"olly )y t"e partie or () idi%ed )y t"e Special Lol(ntary Ar)itration I(nd' "all ta,e into acco(nt t"e #ollo*ing #actor E -a5 Nat(re o# t"e ca e: -)5 Time con (med in "earing t"e ca e: -c5 .ro#e ional tanding o# t"e Lol(ntary Ar)itrator: -d5 Capacity to pay o# t"e partie : and -e5 Iee provided #or in t"e Revi ed R(le o# Co(rt. 66666666

T"e La)or Code and it Implementing R(le t"( clearly re#lect t"e important p()lic policy o# enco(raging reco(r e to vol(ntary ar)itration and o# "ortening t"e ar)itration proce )y rendering t"e ar)itral a*ard non$ appeala)le to t"e NLRC. T"e re (lt i t"at a vol(ntary ar)itral a*ard may )e modi#ied and et a ide only (pon t"e ame gro(nd on *"ic" a deci ion o# t"e NLRC it el# may )e modi#ied or et a ide' )y t"e S(preme Co(rt. 4.2 1otion #or Recon iderationU
Section /. Iinality o# A*ardDCeci ion. $ T"e deci ion' order' re ol(tion or a*ard o# t"e vol(ntary ar)itrator or panel o# vol(ntary ar)itrator "all )e #inal and e7ec(tory a#ter ten -205 calendar day #rom receipt o# t"e copy o# t"e a*ard or deci ion )y t"e partie and it "all not )e ()+ect o# a motion #or recon ideration.

4.2 Revie* o# A*ard )y ertiorari

T"e vol(ntary ar)itrator no le per#orm a tate #(nction p(r (ant to a governmental po*er delegated to "im (nder t"e provi ion t"ere#or in t"e La)or Code and "e #all ' t"ere#ore' *it"in t"e contemplation o# t"e term Bin tr(mentalityB in t"e a#ore@(oted Sec. 3 o# B... 223. T"e #act t"at "i #(nction and po*er are provided #or in t"e La)or Code doe not place "im *it"in t"e e7ception to aid Sec. 3 ince "e i a @(a i$+(dicial in tr(mentality a contemplated t"erein. A #ortiori' t"e deci ion or a*ard o# t"e vol(ntary ar)itrator or panel o# ar)itrator "o(ld li,e*i e )e appeala)le to t"e Co(rt o# Appeal ' in line *it" t"e proced(re o(tlined in Revi ed Admini trative Circ(lar No. 2$3>' +( t li,e t"o e o# t"e @(a i$+(dicial agencie ' )oard and commi ion en(merated t"erein. In e##ect' t"i e@(ate t"e a*ard or deci ion o# t"e vol(ntary ar)itrator *it" t"at o# t"e regional trial co(rt. Con e@(ently' in a petition #or certiorari #rom t"at a*ard or deci ion' t"e Co(rt o# Appeal m( t )e deemed to "ave conc(rrent +(ri diction *it" t"e S(preme Co(rt. A a matter o# policy' t"i Co(rt "all "ence#ort" remand to t"e Co(rt o# Appeal petition o# t"i nat(re #or proper di po ition.

4.2a Irom LA to CAE 1ode o# Appeal i R(le 43' not 9>

T"e mode o# appeal #rom LA to t"e CA i t"ere#ore R(le 43 o# t"e 233/ R(le o# .roced(re. It i not R(le 9> )eca( e a petition #or certiorari (nder t"at R(le lie only *"ere t"ere i <no appeal= and no plain' peedy and ade@(ate remedy in t"e ordinary co(r e o# la*. Certiorari (nder R(le 9> cannot )e allo*ed *"en a party to a ca e #ail to appeal a +(dgment de pite t"e availa)ility o# t"at remedy' certiorari not )eing a () tit(te #or lo t appeal. T"e remedie o# appeal and certiorari are m(t(ally e7cl( ive and not alternative or (cce ive.

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