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INTERNET BORDERLESS Borderless: thats a good way to describe the internet.

When we think about the digital world, we always see a place with no rules where the freedom reigns. Of course we should follow some rules. The state imposes and our own praxis too. For example, you should not like your own status on facebook. Nevertheless, in general, we feel free to do anything in the internet. We can explain this feeling by the fact that the internet helps us to break several barriers. We dont see limits in the cyberculture, what might be good or not. Now, Ill expose some examples of barriers that were broken by the internet. First of all, we have the time barrier. This aspect is not hard to understand, we can notice it every day. Things are happening faster every day and we can travel through the time just by a click. I can read Jane Austen, Shakespeare, the 95 thesis of Martin Luther, Machado De Assis, Jos de Alencar, etc whenever I want. I just have to google it and Ill can read something written in the last century or before. One of the concomitants of our current digital culture is the sense of rapid change. Everything is of course always changing all the time. Change appears to be a given of existence, whether it is manifested in the universal tendency towards entropy, or in the glacially slow drift of evolutionary change. The only thing that never changes is that everything always changes. GERE, C. Thats a paradox, but I think its true. Now, lets talk about space. Its almost a clich talk that nowadays we can talk to people from different places. This is something everybody knows. But another important aspect about breaking boundaries that we can analyze its the countrys sovereignty in this globalized world. If a country hosts all the digital information, this fact gives to them the possibility to use and manipulate this information? Whats the limit? Is there no frontier in this case? Besides that, the internet breaks ties that sometimes we even cant see. The capitalism ties, for example. If you want to buy a book in Brazil, you have to spend at least 25 reais. If you need to buy an academic book, youll spend one hundred reais, AT LEAST. I dont need to comment about the prices of cds and dvds. So, the internet has an important role when it gives access to the culture even if you dont have money to pay for it. The internet, also, breaks limits when it changes the standard idea we have about what media is. We always spent a long time just listening, but with the internet we can talk and make the world listen to us. The digital media has a synallagmatic (two way street) character.

Well, to conclude, I dont think the internet its a magic solution for everything, likewise I also believe that some problems will arise from the internet. But we reap what we sow, so, lets sow respect, democracy and kindness and avoid to ruin the digital world.

- Borderless: thats a good way to describe the internet. Ciberespao: o novo meio de comunicao que surge da interconexo mundial dos computadores. O termo especifica no apenas a infra-estrutura material da comunicao digital, mas tambm o universo ocenico de informaes que ela abriga, assim como os seres humanos que navegam e alimentam esse universo. - A internet ultrapassa as barreiras: Do tempo Rapid change

A velocidade de transformao paradoxalmente uma constante da cibercultura. Quando morre algum: mandela. Digital culture GERE, C. Revive the past

o o o

Do espao Questes de soberania Capital ties Crowdfunding New media: via de mo dupla Rompe com o paradigma da mdia unilateral. Limites do bom senso Respeito A tecnologia no neutra. A tecnologia condiciona, no sentido de fornecer as condies, mas no determina. o A multiplicidade dos fatores e dos agentes probe qualquer clculo de efeitos deterministas.

A internet no resolver, em um passe de mgica, todos os problemas culturais e sociais do planeta. Consiste em reconhecer dois fatos. Em primeiro lugar, que o crescimento do ciberespao resulta de um movimento internacional de jovens vidos para experimentar, coletivamente, formas de comunicao diferentes daquelas que as mdias clssicas nos propem. Em segundo lugar, que estamos vivendo a abertura de um novo espao de

comunicao, e cabe apenas a ns explorar as potencialidades mais positivas deste espao nos planos econmicos, poltico, cultural e humano. We build our own barriers. Inteligncia coletiva

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