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An Introduction to

An Introduction to Twitter 2013

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Pave you heard of Lhe concepL slx degrees of separaLlon". lL ls Lhe
ldea LhaL all of us are [usL slx people away from anyone else on Lhe
planeL. 1hls ls why a good neLwork ls essenLlal. ?ou are [usL slx sLeps
away from whaLever you need for your buslness. We all know
someone who knows someone who mlghL need us or be useful Lo us.
1he Lrlck ls Lo nurLure and malnLaln Lhose relaLlonshlps so LhaL Lhey
can work for your buslness and personal developmenL.
1wlLLer puLs Lhe power of neLworklng aL your flngerLlps. Ask a
quesLlon of your 1wlLLer connecLlons and reLweeLs can flnd an
answer ln seconds.

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1here are Lwo fundamenLal concepLs ln all soclal neLworks LhaL you need Lo grasp:

Pome ls where you access Lhe news feed of updaLes and acLlvlLy by people you follow. ?ou can eavesdrop on any
conversaLlons you have permlsslon Lo see and can [oln ln and engage wlLh Lhe oLher people ln your neLwork.
?our proflle ls Lhe face you presenL Lo oLhers on Lhe neLwork. ?our updaLes and lmages are dlsplayed here. 1o make
soclal neLworks work for your buslness you need Lo llsLen and respond Lo oLhers ln Lhe newsfeed Anu presenL your
buslness aL lLs besL on your proflle.

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An Introduction to Twitter 2013

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1wlLLer ls ofLen regarded as one of Lhe harder neLworks Lo geL sLarLed wlLh and geL Lo
grlps wlLh, even Lhough Lhe concepL ls relaLlvely sLralghL forward. 1he culLure of 1wlLLer
and Lhe lnLeracLlon of 1wlLLer can Lake some ad[usLlng Lo. Many people have llkened
Lhe experlence of uslng 1wlLLer Lo Lunlng lnLo a radlo. ?ou have Lo ad[usL your ear Lo
hear and undersLand whaL ls golng on.
1wlLLer ls a compleLe free for all you can follow whoever you llke, Lhey mlghL follow you back Lhey mlghL
noL. Llkewlse oLhers may follow you buL you are noL obllged Lo follow Lhem back. As lL's a compleLely publlc
arena you can never know who ls readlng your LweeLs.
Lveryone ls famlllar wlLh Lhe 140 CharacLer llmlL for LweeLs, buL Lhose characLers can be llnks Lo oLher slLes
and can also have lmages aLLached. WlLhln a LweeL you can also menLlon anoLher 1wlLLer user.
Cnce you have LweeLed your 140 characLers oLhers may declde Lo reply Lo your LweeL or as an
endorsemenL Lhey may choose Lo reLweeL lL, Lhus Laklng your LweeL Lo Lhelr many followers and effecLlvely
lnLroduclng you Lo a new group of 1wlLLer users.
lf you wanL Lo keep lnformaLlon prlvaLe on 1wlLLer Lhen you can send ulrecL Messages (uMs) Lo your
1wlLLer followers. ?ou are noL able Lo send a uM Lo someone who doesn'L follow you.
1wlLLer ls soclal medla aL lLs flnesL as lL embraces Lhe key feaLures of belng open, random and supporLlve.
1hls means LhaL a common raLlo has been adopLed LhroughouL 1wlLLer, Lhe 80/20 raLlo, Lhls means LhaL
80 of whaL you LweeL should be encouraglng, general sharlng and 20 self-promoLlon. 1wlLLer ls noL Lhe
place Lo hard sell, users wanL Lo know you, Lhey wanL Lo know who you are. lL ls noL Lhe place for
auLomaLed messages.

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1wlLLer has ln Lhe pasL been seen as a place Lo share your lunch news however lL has evolved conslderably
form LhaL lnlLlal sLarL and ls now Lhe place where breaklng news ls shared by Lhe people who are
experlenclng lL. lor buslness, 1wlLLer has become a greaL place Lo caLch oLhers aLLenLlon, chaL wlLh oLhers
and ralse your proflle.
As well as promoLlng offers and evenLs you can demonsLraLe your experLlse ln your area, provlde cusLomer
servlce and learn abouL your markeL and your compeLlLors.
1he Lhree key sLeps once agaln are: 9,"/$&), :"22)#* and 52;%;).

An Introduction to Twitter 2013

?ou have space on your 1wlLLer proflle for an lmage, an url and 160 CharacLers ln whlch Lo deflne yourself
or your buslness. lL Lakes roughly 8 seconds for someone Lo look Lhrough your proflle and declde wheLher
or noL Lhey wanL Lo follow you and Lhus engage wlLh you on 1wlLLer.
Pere are some Llps:
use an lmage LhaL people wlll recognlse from oLher neLworks, Lry and avold a Logo, 1wlLLer ls all
abouL human lnLeracLlon some 1wlLLer users ouL of prlnclple wlll noL lnLeracL wlLh a logo. CfLen
people wlll remember an lmage more Lhan a name, so flnd a plcLure you llke and don'L updaLe lL.

WrlLe a greaL blo, make sure you use key words, Lhls ls your 160 characLers Lo Lell Lhe world who
you are and whaL you are abouL and add a webllnk.

1hlnk abouL changlng your background lmage Lo personallse your proflle. 1o updaLe your
background cllck on Lhe roflle buLLon (see below) and selecL SeLLlngs.

eople used Lo be obsessed wlLh numbers of lollowers, how many people am l followlng, how many
people are followlng me? Powever blog posLs and news arLlcles conslsLenLly focus more and more on Lhe
engagemenL on 1wlLLer and noL Lhe numbers, Lhls ls whaL Lhe klouL score also Lrles Lo do. ln essence one
hundred focused engaged followers are beLLer Lhan a Lhousand users who never lnLeracL wlLh you. 1here
are also Lools ln use LhaL allow you Lo buy LwlLLer followers, as a resulL you can come across users on
1wlLLer who have Lhousands of followers buL don'L apparenLly seem Lo LweeL anyLhlng of slgnlflcance.

Many people make Lhe rookle mlsLake on 1wlLLer, when flrsL geLLlng sLarLed, of [usL announclng buslness
relaLed news and promoLlons. AlLhough Lhere ls deflnlLely space for Lhls sorL of LweeL lL ls noL good pracLlce
Lo engage ln Lhls broadcasLlng meLhod conLlnuously. lL ls essenLlal LhaL you share your personallLy on
1wlLLer and lL ls vlLal LhaL you engage wlLh your followers. Some ldeas for engagemenL:
8eply Lo LweeLs
8e generous, promoLe and connecL oLhers
Ask and Answer quesLlons
lollow and engage wlLh Loplcs as well as people by uslng PashLags
Share conLenL your followers wlll appreclaLe and reLweeL greaL news and conLenL

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