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Stoichiometry Problem Set

1. Lactic acid is a metabolite formed in the body during muscular activity. It is composed of 40.00% carbon, 6.71% hydrogen and !."#% o$ygen by %eight.

a& 'hat is the empirical formula of lactic acid(

b& )he molcular %eight of lactic acid is #0.0* g+mole. 'hat is its molecular formula(


)he typical airbag contains 0.0 g of sodium a,ide, -a -!. .pon impact, the airbag deploys and inflates %ithin 40 milliseconds to a volume of about 60 L, at a velocity bet%een 1 0 and " 0 mph. )he airbag inflates due to the decomposition reaction of -a-! and fills %ith nitrogen gas in the follo%ing reaction/

"-a-! 0s&

"-a 0s& 1

!-" 0g&

a. If 0.0 g of -a-! decompose, ho% many moles of -" 0g& %ill be produced( 2o% many grams of -" 0g& %ill be produced(

b. 2o% many moles of -a 0s& %ill be formed from this reaction( 2o% many grams of -a0s& %ill be formed(

c. 3 second reaction has to occur to remove the -a, %hich is highly reactive and potentially e$plosive. 4alance the follo%ing reactions, and determine ho% many grams of 5-6! that should be placed in the airbag to fully react %ith the -a.

777 -a 1 777 5-6! 777 5"6 1 777 -a"6 1 777-" 0g&

d. 2o% much additional -" 0g& in grams %ill be produced by the second reaction(


2o% many pounds of carbon dio$ide are released from the complete combustion of 10 gallons of gasoline( 8asoline is a comple$ mi$ture of many chemicals. 9or the purpose of this calculation, %e %ill assume that gasoline is comprised entirely of a compound called isooctane. :ou may ;no% that gasoline pumps report the octane number for gasoline. )he octane number is a comparison of ho% %ell the gasoline burns relative to pure isooctane. )he chemical formula for isooctane is <*21*. 1 gallon = !.* liters >ensity of isooctane = 0.70! g+ml 6ne pound = 4 4 grams "<*21* 1 " 6" 16<6" 1 1*2"6


2o% much carbon dio$ide and %ater are produced if 0 g of glucose and 70 g of o$ygen gas react( -ote/ 8lucose is a sugar that is the principal source of energy for humans. )he energy is produced by a comple$ series of reactions %hich consume o$ygen gas in the process. )he final reaction %e could %rite to summari,e the entire series of reactions is identical in appearance to a combustion reaction. )he chemical formula for glucose is <621"66. <621"66 1 66" 6<6" 1 62"6

)he combustion of fossil fuels that are high in sulfur 0and high?sulfur coal is a particular culprit& contributes considerably to acid precipitation through the formation of sulfuric acid, 2"@64. )he sulfuric acid is formed by a series of three reactions. In the first reaction, sulfur 0@& reacts %ith o$ygen gas to form sulfur dio$ide 0@6"&. @ulfur dio$ide. 'rite the balanced eAuation.

In the second reaction, sulfur dio$ide reacts %ith o$ygen as to form sulfur trio$ide 0@6!&. 'rite the balanced eAuation. 9inally, sulfur trio$ide reacts %ith %ater in the atmosphere to form sulfuric acid. 'rite the balanced eAuation.

a& 2o% many ;ilograms of sulfur dio$ide %ould form if one ton 0",000 pounds& of coal, %ith 0. % sulfur content, %as burned in a po%er plant(

b& @tarting %ith the ;ilograms of sulfur dio$ide formed in part 0a&, no%, determine the number of ;ilograms of sulfuric acid formed by burning 1 ton of coal.

c& 6ne %ay of removing sulfur dio$ide from the smo;estac;s of po%er plants is
to spray a slurry of lime ? <a062&" ? in %ater into the e$haust gases. )he lime %ill react %ith the sulfur dio$ide to form calcium sulfite 0<a@6!& and %ater. 'rite the balanced eAuation. 'hat mass of calcium sulfite in ;ilograms %ould be needed to remove the sulfur dio$ide produced 0determined in part 0a&& by burning one ton of coal that %as 0. % in sulfur(


3nother important component of acid rain is nitric acid 02-6!&. 6ne environmental precursor to nitric acid is nitrogen dio$ide 0-6"&. )he nitrogen dio$ide reacts %ith %ater to produce nitric acid and nitric o$ide 0-6&. 3n airplane such as the <oncorde 0or super?sonic transport& produced appro$imately 66 tons of nitrogen dio$ide per hour of flight 0this is a real number&. 2o% many tons of nitric acid are produced per hour of flight assuming all the nitrogen dio$ide released is converted by the atmosphere into nitric acid(


Bthanol 0<2!<2"62 or <"266& is the alcohol in %ine and other alcoholic beverages. If ethanol is allo%ed to sit in contact %ith o$ygen gas, a slo% conversion to acetic acid 0the active component in vinegar C <"246"& occurs. 'ater is the other product of the reaction. 2o% many grams of acetic acid %ould be produced if #0 g of ethanol reacted fully %ith 0 g of o$ygen gas(


2eavily impacted acid rain has a p2 of 4. 0%e %ill cover acid?base chemistry and the concept of p2 later this term&. If the acidity %ere made up entirely of nitric acid, the concentration of nitric acid %ould be !.16 $ 10? D. If you %ished to study the effects of acid rain in the lab, you %ould probably ma;e up a solution of artificial acid rain for some of your testing. a& 'hat %eight of pure nitric acid %ould be needed to ma;e ! liters of artificial acid rain( Is this a reasonable amount of nitric acid to %eigh out(

b& @uppose you found a bottle of 1 .# D nitric acid. )his is too concentrated for your purposes, but the concentration could be lo%ered by adding %ater to the solution. 'hat volume in milliliters of this 1 .# D solution %ould be needed to prepare ! liters of artificial acid rain( Is this a reasonable volume of the nitric acid to measure out(

c& 6ne approach that has been used to neutrali,e the acidity in ponds and la;es
heavily impacted by acid rain is to add a suspension of lime in %ater. )he lime in such a mi$ture is calcium hydro$ide, %hich has the chemical formula <a062&". )he concentration of lime in a typical suspension is !.* D. 'hat volume of this suspension %ould be needed to neutrali,e nitric acid in La;e 3ndre% if the concentration of nitric acid %as !.16 $ 10? D. 3ssuming a diameter of !00 feet and average depth of 6 feet, the volume of La;e 3ndre%s is 1." $ 107 liters.

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