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Branch: English Subject: Language Arts Topic: Prepared by To:


Something about child abuse Physical abuse Emotional-verbal abuse


Sexual abuse Child abuse in families What you have to do if you suspect child abuse of any kind

Child abuse is harm to, or neglect of, a child by another person, hether adult or child! Child abuse happens in all cultural, ethnic, and income groups! Child abuse can be physical, emotional - "erbal, se#ual or through neglect! $buse may cause serious in%ury to the child and may e"en result in death! &igns of possible abuse include:
Physical Abuse 'ne#plained or repeated in%uries such as elts, bruises, or burns! (n%uries that are in the shape of an ob%ect )belt buc*le, electric cord, etc!+

(n%uries not li*ely to happen gi"en the age or ability of the child! ,or e#ample, bro*en bones in a child too young to al* or climb! -isagreement bet een the child.s and the parent.s e#planation of the in%ury! 'nreasonable e#planation of the in%ury! /b"ious neglect of the child )dirty, undernourished, inappropriate clothes for the eather, lac* of medical or dental care+! ,earful beha"ior!

Emotional - Verbal Abuse $ggressi"e or ithdra n beha"ior! &hying a ay from physical contact $fraid to go home!

ith parents or adults!

Sexual Abuse Child tells you he0she as se#ually mistreated! Child has physical signs such as: o difficulty in al*ing or sitting! o stained or bloody under ear! o genital or rectal pain, itching, s elling, redness, or discharge o bruises or other in%uries in the genital or rectal area! Child has beha"ioral and emotional signs such as: o difficulty eating or sleeping! o soiling or etting pants or bed after being potty trained! o acting li*e a much younger child! o e#cessi"e crying or sadness! o ithdra ing from acti"ities and others! o tal*ing about or acting out se#ual acts beyond normal se# play for age!

$buse can happen in any family, regardless of any special characteristics! 1o e"er, in dealing ith parents, be a are of characteristics of families in hich abuse may be more li*ely:

,amilies ho are isolated and ha"e no friends, relati"es, church or other support systems! 2arents ho tell you they ere abused as children! ,amilies ho are often in crisis )ha"e money problems, mo"e often+! 2arents ho abuse drugs or alcohol! 2arents ho are "ery critical of their child! 2arents ho are "ery rigid in disciplining their child!

2arents ho sho too much or too little concern for their child! 2arents ho feel they ha"e a difficult child! 2arents ho are under a lot of stress!

(f you suspect child abuse of any *ind, you should:

Ta*e the child to a 3uiet, pri"ate area! 4ently encourage the child to gi"e you enough information to e"aluate hether abuse may ha"e occurred! 5emain calm so as not to upset the child! (f the child re"eals the abuse, reassure him0her that you belie"e him0her, that he0she is right to tell you, and that he0she is not bad! Tell the child you are going to tal* to persons ho can help him0her! 5eturn the child to the group )if appropriate+! 5ecord all information! (mmediately report the suspected abuse to the proper local authorities! (n most states, reporting suspected abuse is re3uired by la !

(f you employ other pro"iders or accept "olunteers to help you care for the children in your facility, you should chec* their bac*ground for a past history of child abuse or other criminal acti"ity! Contact your local police department! 6any states re3uire that child care pro"iders ha"e bac*ground and criminal history chec*s! -ealing ith child abuse is emotionally difficult for a pro"ider! $s a child care pro"ider, you should get training in recogni7ing and reporting child abuse before you are confronted ith a suspected case! (f you suspect a case of child abuse, you may need to see* support from your local health department, child support ser"ices department, or other sources ithin your area!

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