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Program Name
Program for insert and delete the Element.



Program for insertion sort in array.


Program for Bubble sort in array.


Program for selection sort in array.


Program to print the element of linked list in reverse order.

Program for stack implementation through array.


Program for circular "ueue implementation.


Program for implement linked list insertion and deletion.


Program to traverse a binary tree inorder% preorder and postorder.

&&Program for insert and delete the Element. 'include(stdio.h) 'include(conio.h) void main*+ , int n%a-45.%i%s%pos%d%b-45./ clrscr*+/ printf*0Enter the ma1imum number for insert20+/ scanf*03d0%4n+/ printf*0Enter the array number20+/ for*i51/i(5n/i66+ scanf*03d0%4a-i.+/ printf*0Enter the position of element20+/ scanf*03d0%4pos+/ printf*0Enter the number u 7ant to insert20+/ scanf*03d0%4s+/ for*i5n/i)51/i88+ , a-i61.5a-i./ if*i55pos+ , a-pos.5s/ break/ 9 9 printf*0:he list after insert element20+/ for*i51/i(5n61/i66+ printf*0;n3d0%a-i.+/ printf*0Enter the ma1imum number for delete20+/ scanf*03d0%4n+/ printf*0Enter the array element20+/ for*i51/i(5n/i66+ scanf*03d0%4b-i.+/ printf*0Enter the position of the number you 7ant to delete20+/ scanf*03d0%4d+/ for*i5n/i)51/i88+ , if*a-d.55a-i.+ continue/ 9 printf*0Element after <elete20+/ for*i51/i(5n81/i66+ printf*0;n3d0%b-i.+/ getch*+/ 9


Enter the ma1imum number for insert2 3 Enter the array number2 1 2 3 Enter the position of element2 2 Enter the number u 7ant to insert2 :he list after insert element2 1 2 3 Enter the ma1imum number for delete2 3 Enter the array element2 1 2 3 Enter the position of the number you 7ant to delete2 2 Element after <elete2 1 2

&& ?@P for insertion sort in array. 'include(stdio.h) 'include(conio.h) void main*+ , int a-45.%n%i%pos%c/ printf*0Enter the number of element of array20+/ scanf*03d0%4n+/ printf*0Enter the array element20+/ for*i51/i(5n/i66+ scanf*03d0%4a-i.+/ for*i52/i(5n/i66+ , c5a-i./ pos5i81/ 7hile*c(a-pos. 44 pos)51+ , a-pos61.5a-pos./ pos5pos81/ 9 a-pos61.5c/ 9 printf*0:he sorted array are20+/ for*i51/i(5n/i66+ printf*0;n3d0%a-i.+/ getch*+/ 9


Enter the number of element of array2 $ Enter the array element2 12 2 5 1 # 3 4 :he sorted array are2 1 2 3 4 5 # 11 12


&&?@P for Bubble sort in array. 'include(stdio.h) 'include(conio.h) void bubble*int a-.% int n+/ int i%A%n%temp%a-25.%count5B/ void main*+ , printf*0;n;n Enter ho7 many number you 7ant to sort;n;n0+/ scanf*03d0%4n+/ printf*0;n Enter the number;n0+/ for*i5B/i(n/i66+ , scanf*03d0%4a-i.+/ 9 bubble*a%n+/ printf*0;n;nCinal sorted list is;n0+/ for*i5B/i(n/i66+ printf*034d0%a-i.+/ printf*0;nDomple1ity is5 3d0%count+/ getch*+/ 9 void bubble*int a-.%int n+ , int k/ for*i5B/i(n8i/i66+ , printf*0;n;npass8)3d0%i61+/ for*A5i61/A(5n81/A66+ , if*a-i.)a-A.+ , temp5a-i./ a-i.5a-A./ a-A.5temp/ 9 count66/ 9 for*k5B/k(n/k66+ printf*0;t34d0%a-k.+/ &&printf*0;n0+/ 9

=>:P>: Enter ho7 many number you 7ant to sort 4 Enter the number 542! pass8)1 pass8)2 2 2 5 4 4 5 ! !

Cinal sorted list is 2 4 5 ! Domple1ity is5 5

&&?@P for selection sort in array. 'include(stdio.h) 'include(conio.h) void selectionsort*int a-.% int n+/ int i%A%temp%a-25.%n%count/ void main*+ , printf*0;n;nEnter ho7 many number you 7ant to sort;n;n0+/ scanf*03d0%4n+/ printf*0;nEnter the number;n0+/ for*i5B/i(n/i66+ , scanf*03d0%4a-i.+/ 9 selectionsort*a%n+/ printf*0;n;nCinal sorted list is0+/ for*i5B/i(n/i66+ printf*03d0%a-i.+/ printf*0;n;nDomple1ity is 3d0%count+/ getch*+/ 9 void selectionsort*int a-.% int n+ , int temp% small%loc%i%A%k/ for*i51/i(5n81/i66+ , printf*0pass8)3d;t0%i+/ small5a-i81./ loc5i81/ for*A5i/A(5n81/A66+ , if*a-A.(small+ , small5a-A./ loc5A/ 9 count66/ 9 if*locE5*i81++ , temp5a-i81./ a-i81.5a-loc./ a-loc.5temp/ 9

for*k5B/k(n/k66+ printf*03d0%a-k.+/ printf*0;n0+/ 9 9


Enter ho7 many number you 7ant to sort

Enter the number 4 3 5 5 2 pass8)1 pass8)2 pass8)3 pass8)4 pass8)5

2 2 2 2 2

3 3 3 3 3 2

5 5 4 4 4 3

5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5

4 4 5 5

Cinal sorted list is Domple1ity is 15

&&?@P to print the element of linked list in reverse order. 'include(stdio.h) 'include(conio.h) typedef struct node , int item/ struct node Fne1t/ 9 node/ node Fhead% Ftail% Ftemp/ void add*+/ void reverse*+/ void display*+/ void main*+ , int n%i/ printf*0;t;tEnter the number of element2;t0+/ scanf*0;t;t3d0%4n+/ head5G>HH/ for*i5B/i(n/i66+ , add*+/ 9printf*0;n;t;t=riginal order of linked list;n0+/ display*+/ reverse*+/ printf*0;n;t;tIeverse of linked list;n0+/ display*+/ 9 void reverse*+ , node Fp%F"%Fr/ if*head55G>HH+ , return/ 9 p5head/"5p8)ne1t/ p8)ne1t5G>HH/ 7hile*"E5G>HH+ , r5"8)ne1t/ "8)ne1t5p/ p5"/"5r/ 9 head5p/ 9 void add*+

, node Ftemp/ temp5*nodeF+malloc*siJeof*node++/ printf*0;n;tEnter the data2;t0+/ scanf*03d0%4temp8)item+/ temp8)ne1t5head/ head5temp/ 9 void display*+ , node Fcur5head/ printf*0;n;tKead8)0+/ 7hile*curE5G>HH+ , printf*0;t3d0%cur8)item+/ cur5cur8)ne1t/ 9 printf*08)null;n;n0+/ 9

=>:P>:2 Enter the number of element2 Enter the data2 2 Enter the data2 4 Enter the data2 Enter the data2 # =riginal order of linked list Kead8) # 4 28)G>HH 4

Ieverse of linked list Kead8) 2 4 #8)G>HH

&&?@P for stack implementation thro7 array. 'include(stdio.h) 'include(conio.h) 'include(ctype.h) 'include(stdlib.h) 'define L@MNOPE 3 int stack-L@MNOPE./ int top5B/ void main*+ , void push*int+/ int pop*+/ int choice51%i%num%1/ &&clrcsr*+/ 7hile*choice551+ , printf*0;n;t;t5555555555L@OG LEG>5555555555;n;t1.P>NK opration on stack;n;t2.P=P operation on stack;n;t3.E1it0+/ printf*0;n;tEnter your choice50+/ scanf*03d0%4choice+/ s7itch*choice+ , case 12 printf*0;nEnter the element50+/ scanf*03d0%4num+/ push*num+/ break/ case 22 i5pop*+/ printf*0;nQalue returned from pop function is53d0%i+/ break/ case 32 e1it*B+/ default2 printf*0;n;tOnvalid choice.0+/ 9 printf*0;nPress 1 to do further operation or 3 to e1it0+/ scanf*03d0%4choice+/ 9 9 void push*int y+ , if*top)L@MNOPE+ , printf*0;nN:@DR C>HH0+/ return/

9 else , top66/ stack-top.5y/ printf*0;n:he top of stack is53d0%top+/ printf*0;n:he value of stack top is53d0%stack-top.+/ 9 9 int pop*+ , int a/ if*top(B+ , printf*0;nN:@DR ELP:S0+/ return B/ 9 else , a5stack-top./ top88/ printf*0;n:he top of stack is53d0%top+/ 9 return*a+/ 9


5555555555L@OG LEG>5555555555 1.P>NK opration on stack 2.P=P operation on stack 3.E1it Enter your choice51 Enter the element52 :he top of stack is51 :he value of stack top is52 Press 1 to do further operation or 3 to e1it 1 5555555555L@OG LEG>5555555555 1.P>NK opration on stack 2.P=P operation on stack 3.E1it Enter your choice52 :he top of stack is5B Qalue returned from pop function is52 Press 1 to do further operation or 3 to e1it

&&?@P for circular "ueue implementation. 'include(stdio.h) 'include(conio.h) 'define L@MTNOPE 2B int "ueue-L@MTNOPE.%f581%r581/ main*+ , int ch%1/ printf*0;nU>E>E =PEI@:O=GN0+/ printf*0;n 1. insert operation0+/ printf*0;n 2. delete operation0+/ printf*0;n 3. e1it0+/ 7hile*1+ , printf*0;nEnter your choice20+/ scanf*03d0%4ch+/ s7itch*ch+ , case 12 printf*0;nEnter the number to be inserted20+/ scanf*03d0%41+/ insert*1+/ break/ case 22 15delete*+/ if*1E51+ printf*0;n:he number delete is23d0%1+/ else printf*0;n:he "ueue is empty0+/ break/ case 32 e1it*B+/ default2 printf*0;nEnter correct choice0+/ break/ 9 9 9 insert*int 1+ , if*f55B 44 r55*L@MTNOPE81+ VV *f55r61++ , printf*0;noverflo70+/ return*81+/ 9

if*f5581+ , f5r5B/ 9 else , if*r55L@MTNOPE81+ r5B/ else r5r61/ 9 "ueue-r.51/ return/ 9 int delete*+ , int 1/ if*f5581+ , printf*0;nunderflo70+/ return/ 9 15"ueue-f./ if*f55r+ f5r581/ else , if*f55L@MTNOPE81+ f5B/ else f5f61/ 9 return*1+/ 9

=>:P>:2 U>E>E =PEI@:O=GN 1. insert operation 2. delete operation 3. e1it Enter your choice21 Enter the number to be inserted21B Enter your choice21 Enter the number to be inserted21 Enter your choice22 :he number delete is21B Enter your choice22 :he number delete is21 Enter your choice22 underflo7 :he "ueue is empty Enter your choice23

&& for implement linked list insertion and deletion. 'include(stdio.h) 'include(conio.h) struct linkedTlist , int info/ struct linkedTlist Fne1t/ 9/ void insertTatTbegin*int+/ void insertTatTend*int+/ void insertTatTmiddle*int%int+/ void del*int+/ typedef struct linkedTlist node/ node Fhead5G>HH/ void main*+ , int i%A%n%n1/ clrscr*+/ 7hile*1+ , printf*01. Onsertion;n0+/ printf*02. <eletion;n0+/ printf*03. E1it;n0+/ printf*0;nEnter your choice20+/ scanf*03d0%4i+/ s7itch*i+ , case 12 printf*01. :o insert at beginning;n0+/ printf*02. :o insert at End;n0+/ printf*03. :o insert at Liddle;n0+/ printf*0Enter your choice;n0+/ scanf*03d0%4A+/ if*A(1 VV A)3+ , printf*0Please re8try;n0+/ break/ 9 printf*0Enter the number to be insert;n0+/ scanf*03d0%4n1+/ s7itch*A+ , case 12 insertTatTbegin*n1+/ break/ case 22

insertTatTend*n1+/ break/ case 32 printf*0Enter the number after 7hich the number is to be inserted;n0+/ scanf*03d0%4n+/ insertTatTmiddle*n%n1+/ break/ 9 break/ case 22 printf*0Enter the number to be delete;n0+/ scanf*03d0%4n1+/ del*n1+/ break/ case 32 e1it*B+/ break/ default2 printf*0Please re8try;n0+/ break/ 9 getch*+/ 9 9 void insertTatTbegin*int n1+ , node Fp/ p5*nodeF+malloc*siJeof*node++/ p8)info5n1/ p8)ne1t5head/ head5p/ 9 void insertTatTend*int n1+ , node Fp%F"/ "5head/ p5*nodeF+malloc*siJeof*node++/ p8)info5n1/ p8)ne1t5G>HH/ 7hile*"8)ne1tE5G>HH+ "5"8)ne1t/ "8)ne1t5p/ 9 void insertTatTmiddle*int n%int n1+ , node Fp%F"/

p5head/ "5*nodeF+malloc*siJeof*node++/ "8)info5n1/ 7hile*p8)infoE5n+ p5p8)ne1t/ "8)ne1t5p8)ne1t/ p8)ne1t5"/ 9 void del*int n1+ , node Fp%F"/ "5head/ if*head55G>HH+ return/ if*"8)info55n1+ , head5head8)ne1t/ free*"+/ return/ 9 7hile*"8)infoE5n1+ , p5"/ "5p8)ne1t/ 9 p8)ne1t5"8)ne1t/ free*"+/ 9

=>:P>:2 1. Onsertion 2. <eletion 3. E1it Enter your choice21 1. :o insert at beginning 2. :o insert at End 3. :o insert at Liddle Enter your choice 1 Enter the number to be insert 12 1. Onsertion 2. <eletion 3. E1it Enter your choice22 Enter the number to be delete 12 1. Onsertion 2. <eletion 3. E1it Enter your choice23

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