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Globetrotter Unit 22 Test

Name: ________________________________________________ Date: ___________________ Grade: ____________ / 100 points
Reading Strategies (25 points 5 each) Read the instructions for the game Hasami Shogi. Players To Start: Players pick black or white and choose 18 pieces. If you have black pieces, put them on the black circles on the board. If you have white ones, put them on the white circles. Decide who goes first. Moving: Players take it in turns to move. A player can move one or more spaces in any direction - forward, backward, left, right -but not diagonally. All the spaces passed over and that are landed on must be empty. Jumping: Players can only jump over one other piece when it is next to the jumpers starting spot. The jumped-over piece can belong to either player, and it cannot be removed afterwards. The jumper must land on the space next to the jumped piece and that space must be empty. The jumper has to stop there. Like moving, jumping can go in any direction except diagonally. Capturing: Capturing is done by making capture sandwiches. If a player moves or jumps so that their piece is next to one or more adjoining enemy pieces, and if the player has another piece at the other end of the line, the enemy piece(s) in between are captured and removed from the board. Winning: If a player has a chain of five connected pieces of their color in a straight line, they are the winner. The chain can be in any direction - vertical, horizontal or diagonal. None of the pieces may be in the players original starting rows.
(Source: Brewster, Simon; Davies Paul; Rogers Mickey. Skyline 5. Macmillan.)

1. Them, no 1 pargrafo do texto, refere-se: a) aos jogadores; b) ameaa; c) s peas pretas; d) s peas brancas. 2. Forward, no 2 pargrafo, significa: a) para trs; b) refazer; c) no entanto; d) para frente. 3. provvel que este texto tenha sido retirado de: a) uma revista; b) a caixa de um jogo; c) um jornal; d) um noticirio de TV.

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4. Choose the alternative which best describes the meaning of the word except (paragraph 3): a) problems, difficulties; b) a small piece of paper or card; c) a large metal musical instrument; d) but not. 5. Can you move your pieces diagonally? a) Yes, in any direction; b) No, only forward; c) No, only forward, backward, left and right; d) No, only to the left and to the right. Word Study (25 points 5 each) 1. So, hows your relationship going with Steve? Its not. We ________ last week. Oh, Im sorry. a) took up b) broke up c) mess up d) give up 2. We went to the supermarket last Friday to buy only one CD, but ______ buying a lot more than we could afford. a) ended up b) mess up c) broke up d) take up 3. Leandro and Leonardo started their career playing and singing country music together, but _______ died of cancer in 1998. This is why Leonardo is now in a solo career. a) latter b) the latter c) first d) the former 4. Tommy and Gabby are in a camp. Tommy: Martha didnt think you were coming.Gaby: ____________ Tommy: Are you sorry you came? Gaby: Not at all. a) Neither am I. b) So do I. c) Neither did I. d) So has I. 5. Andy smokes a lot. He tells me hed like to _______ smoking, but I dont believe him. a) give up b) mess up c) end up d) take up Using Grammar (25 points 5 each) 1. Our best teacher is the one _________ comes from Recife. a) which b) who c) X d) where 2. All of my friends like beaches, ______ is great, but my boyfriend isnt a beach lover. So I was thinking why dont we go somewhere else? a) which b) who c) whose d) X

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Choose the alternative that best explains the meaning of each sentence. 3. My neighbors, who are single, are really charming. a) All my neighbors are charming. b) Only some of my neighbors are charming. c) Im attracted to single people only. d) Not all my neighbors are single. 4. Our child who is in Mexico now just called us. a) We have only one child. b) Our only child is in Mexico now. c) We have more than one child. d) Our child just traveled to another country. 5. The girl who wears glasses is interested in you. a) Only one girl wears glasses. b) More than one girl wears glasses. c) Nobody likes you. d) Youre interested in no one. Think and Write (25 points) Write an entry for the magazine ad below. Win a trip to Pantanal. Write a set of 5 classroom rules that will make your lessons more dynamic and motivating. They can be rules to your classmates or your teacher. Think about these topics: Silence The place where you sit Interrupting the lessons Leaving and entering the classroom in the middle of lessons Being punctual Having the correct books for the lesson etc. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________

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Reading Strategy 1. c Encontra-se a resposta no 1 pargrafo: Se voc tem peas pretas, coloque-as.... 2. d Supe-se que o aluno conhea as palavras back, left e right o que d a ele subsdios para deduzir que forward significa para frente em move one or more spaces in any direction - forward, backward, left, right - ... 3. b Por se tratar de uma srie de instrues para um jogo, possvel deduzir que, provavelmente, a caixa do jogo tenha sido a fonte do texto. 4. d L-se: Like moving, jumping can go in any direction except diagonally. O que significa que o jogador pode andar em qualquer direo, mas no na diagonal. 5. c L-se: A player can move one or more spaces in any direction - forward, backward, left, right - but not diagonally. O que significa que no se pode andar em diagonal. Word Study 1. b 2. a 3. d 4. c 5. a Using Grammar 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. c 5. a

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