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2008 International Order of Kabbalists

The 32 Paths of Wisdom

Keith Perkins (1998)

The 32 Paths of Wisdom, probably dating from the Gaonic period (7th-10th centuries), are presented as different states of
consciousness. They are related to the 32 times where the name of God (Elohim - \yhla) appears in Genesis 1:1, occuring within the
first six days of creation. Adapted from the translation by Aryeh Kaplan - (Sefer Yetsirah, Pub. Samuel Weiser 1993).

Th e Sep h i r o t h
1 Mystical Consciousness
Sekhel Mufla
alpw m lkc
ShKL MVPLA - 50 7
(1:1) "In the beginning Elohim created
the heavens and the earth."
2 Radiant Consciousness
Sekhel Mazhir
ry hz m lkc
ShKL MZHYR - 61 2
(1:2) "..and the spirit of Elohim moved.."
3 Sanctified Consciousness
Sekhel MeKudash
cdw qm lkc
ShKL MQVDSh - 8 00
(1:3) "And Elohim said, Let there be
4 Settled Consciousness
Sekhel Kavua
uw bq lkc
ShKL QBVAy - 52 8
(1:4) "And Elohim saw that the Light
was good."
5 Rooted Consciousness
Sekhel Nishrash
crcn lkc
ShKL NSh RSh - 1 200
(1:4) "and Elohim separated the light
from the darkness."
6 Transcendental Influx Consciousness
Sekhel Shefa Nivdal
ldbn upc lkc
ShKL Sh PAy NBDL - 8 86
(1:5) "Elohim called the light Day.."
7 Hidden Consciousness
Sekhel Nistar
rtsn lkc
ShKL NSTv R - 10 60
(1:6) "And Elohim said, Let there be a
firmament in the midst..'"
8 Perfect Consciousness
Sekhel Shalem
\lc lkc
ShKL Sh L M - 128 0/ 7 20
(1:7) "And Elohim made the
9 Pure Consciousness
Sekhel Tahor
rw hf lkc
ShKL THVR - 570
(1:8) "And Elohim called the firmament
10 Scintillating Consciousness
Sekhel MitNotzetz
uxw n tm lkc
ShKL MTv NVTz Ay - 100 6
(1:9) "And Elohim said, Let the waters
under the heavens..'"
Th e Th r ee Ho r i zo n t al Pat h s
11 Glaring Consciousness
Sekhel MeTzuchtzach
jxjw xm lkc
ShKL MTz VCh Tz Ch - 5 92
(1:10) "Elohim called the dry land
12 Glowing Consciousness
Sekhel Bahir
ry hb lkc
ShKL BHYR - 5 67
(1:10) "And Elohim saw that it was
13 Unity Directing Consciousness
Sekhel Manhig HaAchdut
tw djaj g y hn m lkc
(1:11) "And Elohim said, Let the earth
put forth vegetation..'"
Th e Sev en Ver t i c al Pat h s
14 Illuminating Consciousness
Sekhel Meir
ry am lkc
ShKL MAYR - 6 01
(1:12) "And Elohim saw that it was
15 Stabilising Consciousness
Sekhel Maamid
dy mum lkc
ShKL MAy MYD - 5 14
(1:14) "And Elohim said, Let there be
Lights in the firmament..'"
16 Enduring Consciousness
Sekhel Nitzchi
y jz n lkc
ShKL NTz Ch Y - 5 08
(1:16) "And Elohim made the two great
17 Consciousness of the Senses
Sekhel HaHergesh
cg rhh lkc
ShKL HHRGSh - 8 63
(1:17) "And Elohim set them in the
18 Consciousness of the House of Influx
Sekhel Bet HaShefa
upch ty b lkc
ShKL BYTv HShPAy - 1217
(1:18) "And Elohim saw that it was
19 Consciousness of the Mystery of all
Spiritual Activities
Sekhel Sod HaPaulot HaRuchniot Kulam
fw lw uph dw s lkc
(1:20) "And Elohim said, Let the waters
bring forth swarms..'"
20 Consciousness of Will
Sekhel HaRatzon
} w xrh lkc
ShKL HRTz VN - 1 351 / 701
(1:21) "So Elohim created the great sea
Th e Twel v e Di ag o n al Pat h s
21 Desired and Sought Consciousness
Sekhel HaChafutz VeHa Mevukash
cqw bmh( w ) {pjh lkc
ShKL HChPTz ( V) HMBVQSh - 992/ 986
(1:21) "And Elohim saw that it was
22 Faithful Consciousness
Sekhel Neeman
} man lkc
ShKL NAMN - 114 1
(1:22) "And Elohim blessed them,
saying, Be fruitful and multiply..'"
23 Sustaining Consciousness
Sekhel Kayam
\y y q lkc
ShKL QYYM - 107 0
(1:24) "And Elohim said, Let the earth
bring forth living creatures.."
24 Apparitive Consciousness
Sekhel Dimyoni
y n w y md lkc
ShKL DMYVNY - 4 70
(1:25) "And Elohim made the beasts of
the earth.."
25 Testing Consciousness
Sekhel Nisyoni
y n w y sn lkc
ShKL NSYVNY - 5 36
(1:25) "And Elohim saw that it was
26 Renewing Consciousness
Sekhel MeChudash
cdw jm lkc
ShKL MCh ( V) DSh - 7 02/ 708
(1:26) "Then Elohim said, Let us make
man in our image..'"
27 Palpable Consciousness
Sekhel Murgash
cg rw m lkc
ShKL MVRGSh - 8 99
(1:27) "So Elohim created man in his
own image.."
28 Natural Consciousness
Sekhel Mutba
ubfw m lkc
ShKL MVTBAy - 4 77
(1:27) "In the image of Elohim he
created him.."
29 Physical Consciousness
Sekhel Mugsham
\cg w m lkc
ShKL MVGSh M - 129 9
(1:28) "And Elohim blessed them.."
30 General Consciousness
Sekhel Kelali
yllk lkc
ShKL KLLY - 440
(1:28) And Elohim said to them, Be
fruitful and multiply.."
31 Continuous Consciousness
Sekhel Tamidi
ydymt lkc
ShKL TvMYDY - 814
(1:29) And Elohim said, Behold, I have
given you every plant..'"
32 Worshipped Consciousness
Sekhel Neevad
dbun lkc
ShKL NAyBD - 476
(1:31) And Elohim saw everything that
he had made, and it was very good."
2008 International Order of Kabbalists

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