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Afford permitirse pagar To aid ayudar /ayuda Amuse divertir Ankle tobillo Announcer locutor Annoy fastidiar,estar enfadado Annoying molesto Anxious preocupado Appear parecer Appareance aparicion Applaud aplaudir celebrar Appliance aparato Appointment(job) nombramiento Apron delantal Arrest detener Ashamed avergonzado Attemp intento Attend asistir Attic desvan Available disponible Avoid evitar Axe hacha Bachelor soltero Background fondo Bake cocer Bandage vebdaje River bank orilla de rio Bargain pacto /ganga rebaja Bark ladrido /corteza de arbol Basin cuenco Beard barba Bee aveja Beetroot remolacha Behave comportarse Belief confianza/fe Best man padrino Bet apuesta / apostar Bill cuenta factura Billiards billlares Blackmailer chantajista Block of floats bloque de pisos Blunt romo ,sin filo Boo rechifla abucheo To book reservar Boot maletero Blush rubor Boil over rebosar Bother preocupar ,molestia, fastidiar Bow tie corbata michi Bowl tazn Brain cerebro Break into robar / violar una casa Break the law quebrantar la ley Breed raza Breeder cuidador Bride novia Briefcase portafolios Bring up vomitar/ criar Broadcast emitir Bruised amoratado Buffet bofetada Bulb cebolla /bombilla Bumper parachoques Bunk litera ,camastro Burglar ladron Bush arbusto Cabin camarote ,cabina Call in llamar Call off cancelar Capital punishment pena de muerte Carriage vagon Cart carro Case maleta Cash dinero en efectivo Cashier cajero Cast molde Cattle ganado Casserole cazuela Casual despreocupado informal Cave cueva Ceiling techo tope Cellar sotano Central heating calefaccion central Chain cadena Check in inscribirse Cheer up animar

Chin barbilla Choir coro Chop chuleta Chop talar Chorus estribillo Cliff acantilado Close down clausurar Close up apretar Clothing vestimenta Cockpit cabina del piloto Cockroach cucaracha Cod bacalao Collide chocar Commit confiar Commute conmutar Complain queja Composer compositor Compulsory obligatorio Condenm condenar Cooker cocina Corporal punishment castigo corporal Costume disfraz Cottage casa de campo To tighten ones belt apretarse el cinturon. Course curso Curse maldicion Court tribunal Coward cobarde Crab cangrejo Crossing travesia Crossword crucigrama Curly pelo rizado Daffodil narciso Damage perjuicio,dao Damages daos y perjuicios Dare osar Deaf sordo Deal with tratar con... Deafeat derrota Deposit fianza Detached suelto Dial marcar Dishwater lavaplatos Dismiss despedir del trabajo Dismissal despido,destitucion On display en muestra,en exposicion

Debt deuda Deliver entregar Demand exigir Deny denegar negar Doormat felpudo Dive bucear Drain desage drenar Draughts damas Draw sorteo Dressing-gown bata Drift sentido significado Drill taladro Drip gotear Drought sequia Drown ahogar Dull aburrido Dustman barrendero Eiderdown edredn Elbow codo Embarass desconcertar Embroidery bordado Engaged prometido(boda) Entertain entretener Entrance entrada Equip equipar Estate propiedad /estate agent agente inmobiliario Evidence prueba Faithful fiel Famine hambre Fare tarifa del billete Fashion moda Fattening engordador Faulty defectuoso imperfecto Fee honorarios Fence cerca reja Fianc novio (hombre) Fiancee novia Field campo terreno Filling station gasolinera Filthy sordido inmundo Fit apropiado Fit ajustar Fix arreglar Flock rebao Flood riada inundacion Forecast pronostico Forger falsificar Fortnight quincena Frame marco /armadura Frank franco Gadget accesorio Gambling jugar (azar)

Gifted talentoso Give away revelar Goods bienes Grasp agarre Grate rallar Greedy codicioso Greenhouse invernadero Grin sonrisa irnica Grind moler Gripping asidero Hang up problema emocional Harm perjudicar Headlight faro Heal curar By heart de corazn Hedge seto Heel tacon Heir heredero Herb hierba Hijacker secuestrador areo Hiking excursionismo Hire alquilar Hive colmena /urticaria Hold up sostener Hosepipe manguera To take a hostage tomar un rehn Household menaje Housing alojamiento Humorous chistoso Hunt cazar To be in a hurry en un apriento Hut cabaa Improve mejorar Income ganancias Increase aumento,aumentar Inherit heredar Inside out al reves Insure asegurar Interfere interferir Investment inversion Investor inversor Ironmonger ferretero Jeweller jollero Jigsaw rompecabezas Jumper jersey Keen agudo entusiasta Keep up with seguir el

paso Kennel perrera Kettle olla Kidnapper secuestrador Kindergarten guarderia Kipper arenque Kitten gatito Lane via Lawn cesped Lecturer conferenciante Letter box buzon Level crossing paso a nivel Liable responsable Librarian bibliotecario Life belt cinturon de seguridad Litter desperdicio Loaf barra de pan Loan prstamo Lobster langosta Look after cuidar Look out tener cuidado Look up buscar Lorry camion Lose your temper perder los nervios Mac chuvasquero Machinery maquinaria de precision Mains principal,calle principal Mashed machacado Mean malo malvado Melt fundir Moth polilla Mouthful bocanada Mug vaso taza Naughty travieso,desagradable Needle aguja Neighbourhood vecindario Nest nido anidar Niece sobrina Nil nada Nod cabeceo Note apunte Notice aviso Nuisance molestia Oven horno Overall total Overboard al agua Pastime pasatiempo Peak cumbre Performance actuacion Pick eleccion Pinch pellizcar Pitch lanzar,diapason,betun

Plant sencillo Playwright dramaturgo Pleasant agradable Plod caminar despacio Plug enchufe Plumbler plomero Poached hervido Porter mozo Poster cartel Poverty pobreza Powdered poderoso Pram cochecito Preface prologo Pricey caro Price precio Prize premio Principal director de colegio Profit beneficios Propose proponer Prospects prespectiva Provide proveer Puddle charco Pump bombear,bomba Punish castigar Punishment castigo Puppy cachorro Purchase compra Put away guardar Put off aplazar Put on poner Quack graznido charlar Quarrel pelea Quay muelle Queue cola,hacer cola Radiator radiador Rail barandilla Raw crudo Receipt recibo Recover recuperarse Recycle reciclar Rehersal ensayo Ralated emparentado Release sacar,liberar Reliable liberacion Rely contar con Riot motin Risk riesgo Roast asar Robe tunica Rod barra Root raiz

Rope soga Rotten podrido Row bronca Rub frotar Rude grosero Run into encontrarse con Sack despedir Saddle silla Safe caja fuerte Salary salario For sale de venta On sale en venta Sales representative representante de ventas Sandal sandalias Sane cuerdo Saucepan cacerola Scared asustado Score tanteo Scratch rascar Scrip guion Sculptor escultor Seasick mareo Sealtbelt cinturon de asiento Seed semilla Self-defence auto defensa Selfish egoista Shed derramar Shoplifter ratero Shopper comprador Show off obstentacion Sill alfeizar Site sitio posicion Sketch dibujo,bosquejo Skid patinar Skill habilidad Skinny delgado Slither deslizarse Slope inclinarse, pender Slum barrio bajo Smooth bajo Smuggler limpio Sole lenguado,suela Sore dolor de garganta Source fuente Spade pala azada Spanner llave de tuercas Spare rueda de repuesto. Spin girar Spine espina dorsal Spinster solterona Split hender Spotted moteado

Spread expansion Sprinkle rociar Squeeze apretar Stage escenario etapa Stained vidrio de color Staircase escalera Stale viejo Stall butaca,puesto Statement declaracion Steadly resueltamente Stock existencias acciones Stool taburete Stove cocina Stream fluir Stretcher camilla Striped rayado Stubborn testarudo Suck chupar Summit cima Supporter aficionado Surgery operacin Swindler estafador Switch interruptor Swollen hinchado Take away llevarse Take off despegar Take out sacar Take over encargarse de Tame manso Tanker buque cisterna Tap grifo Tease putear Thread hilo enhebrar Threaten amenazador Thrilled emocionado Tight mallas Tile teja anzuelo Token prueba seal Valuable valioso Valuables objetos de valor Vary diferir ,cambiar Verdict sentencia Vicar vicario Wag menear Wages salario Waggon vagon Waist cintura Waistcoat chaleco Ward pabellon Wardrobe guardarropa

Washbasin lavabo Wasp avispa Wave hacer seales Wealth riqueza Weigh peso Wheelbarrow carretilla Willing dispuesto Windscreen parabrisas Wing ala Wire alambre Witness testigo Worm gusano Worthless sin valor Wound herida ,ofensa Wrap envolver Wrist mueca Yawn bostezar Ladder carrera de una media,escalera Ride carrera de un taxi, de caballos Naughty bad ,nasty Lecturer speech of a person in a conference ,clases de la universidad Conference meeting of people to listen a lecture Nowadays hoy en dia,actualmente Look up levantar la vista ,mejorar respetar buscar en el diccionario ,ir a visitar Tough duro,resistente Through completo acabado,formal minucioso Hiccough hipo Trap trampa cepo zancadilla Dread horrible terrible Deed proeza hazaa Threat amenaza Bead cuenta, gota Moth polilla Both ambos uno y otro Dose dosis porcion Goose oca Wound cuchillada herida Grieve oprimir lastimar apenarse Fiend demonio diablo arpia Rhyme (raim) rima poesia Hearth horno hogar Dull rudo Roll lista Herd rebao Plow arado Ward tutela Vex molestias Distress miseria Caresess caricias Fond carios@

Ceased dejado Office oficio empleo oficina Mild suavidad Attach unidas Esteem estimacion Chiefly dirigido mandado governado Evil maldad ,malo malvado Sorrow pena Threaten amenazante Shape forma Loss pena dolor Mournful funebre Bride people casados To dine cenar To bear soportar Aware consciente Amiable amable Beyond alla Struggle lucha Odd raro Afford poder permitirse pagar algo Lawn cesped Almost amounting casi equivalente a Nor tampoco Stable establo Spared escatimar ahorrar Flow caudal flujo Eldel mayor (personas) Mild bueno moderado Vast deal gran descarga Dread terror pavor Gainer ganador Fanciful fantastico ,imaginativo Mean tacao Regard respeto Pursuits persecucion Quarrel pelea Endeavour esfuerzo Dart dardo Grieve dar pena afligir Deserv merecer Idle desocupado Match emparejar Lieu en lugar de (in lieu of ..) Settel establecerse

Amusement diversion Widower viudo Concern interes preocupacion Manner procedimiento Catch up with ,keep up volver a integrarse en algo Weapon arma (general) Purchase comprar Quid libra en slang siempre va en singular Rub out borrar Mumbled macullar Brethreu hermandad Kine rabao de vacas Hesitate vacilar dudar Beard barba Platform anden Garlics ajos Lettuce lechuga Tear lagrima(tiar) Tear rasgar(tear) Gain ganar(peso) Scholarship beca Grant beca Takings ganancias Wages salario Bill cuenta billete Note cuenta Priceless no tiene precio(no valuable) Award premio Budget presupuesto Subsidy subvencion Raise levantar algo Rise subida ascenso Earnings ingresos Incomes ingresos Shotage escasez To chair presidir una reunion Figures cifras (de venta) Stock market la bolsa Down payment on .. el primer pago de algo Venture accion que implica cierto riesgo Tips propinas Tips consejos Stamina fuerza fisica o mental Essay ensayo Fit in encajar Aim objetivo Target objetivo Odd hour descanso entre clase Pay something back devolver algo Block out ,fill in tachar o rellenar Errands recados Accomplish terminar algo satisfatoriamente

Ahead enfrente A ten minute break descanso de diez minutos Items articulos en venta,puntos Cut back or cut down reducir Subsidy subvencion Dessert postre Barge small boat I owe you te debo... To be in a hurry estar en un apuro Profit ganancias Auction subasta On the whole en general en conjunto On average como media In a way de alguna manera Moss musgo Worm gusano Flock bandada de pajaros Spoil estropear//mimar Broth potaje Hatch romper el cascaron Fewer contable nouns Seldom not very often To burn someone at stake quemar a alguien en la hoguera Spoil arruinar daar//botin trofeo Plotters conspiradores Remember to remind to someone recordar algo a alguien Getwell soon card tarjeta de felicitaciones? Crops cosechas Frying pan sarten Lining forro Feather bandada de oajaros Rod vara Broth caldo Harvest cosecha All hallows eve the day before all saints Xmas eve el dia antes de navidad Thanks giving day el dia

de accion de gracias Settlers colonos Arrange ordenar arreglar Overcrowed lleno de gente Overexcite sobrexcitado As far as i remember por lo que yo recuerdo It takes me twice as much me lleva el doble As long as providing Mussels mejillones Unemployment paro Unemployment benefit dinero del paro subsidio One at a time uno a uno (ONE BY ONE) To enter entrar en una habitacion (va sin preposicion) Pigeon hole casillero Proofread lectura profunda Advice consejos(siempre en singular) Some toast tostadas Toast brindis A slice rebanada de pan Disease enfermedad Gossip cotilleo Source fuente Blame culpar Uphill subir cuestas Leak gotera ,escape fuga gotear Swear jurar Average promedio Monk monje Quotations citas Misquote citar incorrectamente To enable permitir a alguien hacer algo Seed semilla pepita Garbage basura To conceal ocultar disimular Wisdom sabiduria Removalman hombre de las mudanzas Veil velo Fare importe del billete Remove(a paper)desenvolver Policy politica On behalf of de parte de... Let someone off first dejar salir primero Predinner speeches discurso Selfconfident auto confidente Overconfident presimido demasiado confiado To draft hacer un borrador Draft borrador To wait on someone servir a alguien Sensible sensato Sensitive sensible Inherit heredar Heir /ear/ heredero

Set up establecer constituir fundar Comprised formado por (grupo) Report informe To report informar Clueless despistado To commit comprometerse Commitment compromiso Store almacenar Retrival recuperacion Paycheck sueldo Major /meiar/ alcalde Mayor /meior/ mayor del ejercito Seamster /simster/ costurero sastre Dock darsena Wharf,quay muelle Pier malecon Port,harbour puerto de mar Dyke dique Breakwater rompeolas Dam dique de contencion Louse / lice (plu) piojo Flea pulga Passer-by transeunte Deer ciervo/diar/ Stand by something ready to use Biro boligrafo Bellows fuelle Dwarf enano Calf ternero Woman hater misogino Corps cuerpos del ejercito Mole topo Moored amarrado ,atado Coat of mail cota de maya Spoonful cucharada Cattle rebao Pheasant faisan Corpse cadaver/ko:ps/ Corps cuerpo del ejercito /ko:r/ Still-lifes bodegones still life

Shelter refugio Forgery no the original ,no the real one Prove to be resulto Virtually practicamente Notorious famoso por algo malo Assassination matar a alguien importante Besides ademas de de todos modos,sea como sea Beside al lado To tell someone of reir a alguien Reliable persona en la que se puede confiar Easy going persona facil de llevar Sympathetic compasivo Sympathy compasion Naughty malo Preoccupied estar pendiente de una respuesta (to be preoccupied) Swallow golondrina ,trago ,bocado Eager deseoso impaciente Nervy nervioso Going back retroceder Going in entrar Going up subir Going out salir Bethothed prometido ,desposado Bridesmaid dama de honor Godfather bestman padrino Row fila ,hilera,bronca Forefather antepasado Foster-father criador To struck a bargain llegar a un acuerdo Surely seguramente Certainly seguro Inssatisfied/dissatisfied insatisfecho Adopted adoptado Adapted adaptado Exhausting very tired Exhaustive through Robbed robar persons and places Stole robar cosas Invaluable valor incalculable Worthless useless Trusty digno de confianza Thoughful pensativo Snobbish snob Grateful agradecido Toddler chiquillo(tot,kid,child) To call in to visit someone house To turn up arrive To look up to arrive To put up with to stand To get on well with tener buena relacion con alguien To count on rely on

To give away to make apresent To fall out pelear To turn down rechazar To take after comportarse como alguien Fellow hombre tio tipo(guy bloke male) Hourly a la hora Trustworthy digno de confianza Rely on contar con alguien Cross-eyed vizco Knock-kneed patizambo Bow-legged trenco Narrow waisted estrecho de cintura Big-headed engreido Sour-faced amargado Slim hipped estrecho de caderas Pot bellied barrigudo Outgoing extrovertido Carefree despreocupado Frown cabrearse fruncir el ceo Self assured seguro de si mismo Boastful fanfarron Snobbish pijo Petty quisquilloso Narrow-minded mente cerrada Open-minded mente abierta Unreliable persona en la que no se puede confiar Gullible incredulo Weak-willed de poca voluntad Coward cobarde Humble de personalidad humilde Level-headed equilibrado Well-balanced equilibrado Fairminded justo Ruthless despiadado Spiteful vengativo

Vindictive vengativo Loyal leal Gentel gentil Thoughful bueno Selfconcious inseguro Timid se asusta facilmente Shy timido To lose one temper perder los estribos Cowardice// cowardliness cobardia Dot your i poner(literalmente) el punto en la i Look down on mirar por encima del hombro Deer ternero becerro Pigeon paloma Umbridled libre sin ataduras Untrammeled sin ataduras Courtship cortejo Straigh-foward directo To give up abandonar Stylish,smart,con estilo To be suitable estar preparado ,ser la persona adecuada Mermaid sirena de mar Whole heartedly de todo corazon Cattle ganado Plumper fattish (con tendecia a estar gordo) Warvy hair pelo ondulado Dicey dificil peligroso Foyer entrance to the hall of a theatre Chaperon someone who is between you and you girl/boy friend Sprawl postura desgarbada Seizure embargo Breed criar Cues indicacion Trigger gatillo Ajar entreabierto Leaking gotear

REGULAR VERBS LIST There are thousands of regular verbs in English. This is a list of 600 of the more common regular verbs. Note that there are some spelling variations in American English (for example, "practise" becomes "practice" in American English).

accept add admire admit advise afford agree alert back bake balance ban bang bare bat bathe battle beam

allow amuse analyse announce annoy answer apologise appear beg behave belong bleach bless blind blink blot blush boast

applaud appreciate approve argue arrange arrest arrive ask boil bolt bomb book bore borrow bounce bow box brake

attach attack attemp t attend attract avoid branch breath e bruise brush bubble bump burn bury buzz

calcul ate call camp care carry carve cause challe nge chang e charge chase cheat check cheer chew

choke chop claim clap clean clear clip close coach coil collect colour comb command communicate

compare compete complain complete concentrate concern confess confuse connect consider consist contain continue copy correct

cou gh cou nt cov er crac k cras h cra wl cros s crus h cry cure curl curv e cycl e

dam damage dance dare decay deceive decide decorate delay delight earn educate embarrass employ empty encourage face fade fail fancy fasten fax fear fence gather gaze glow glue hamm er hand handle hang happe n harass identif y ignore imagin e impress improv e

deliver depend describe desert deserve destroy detect develop disagree disappear end enjoy enter entertain escape examine

disapprove disarm discover dislike divide double doubt drag drain dream excite excuse exercise exist expand expect

dress drip drop drown drum dry dust

explain explode extend

fetc h file fill film fire fit fix flap

flash float flood flow flower fold follow fool

force form found frame frighten fry

grab grate grease greet

grin grip groan guarantee

guard guess guide

harm hate haunt head heal heap

heat help hook hop hope hover

hug hum hunt hurry

increase influence inform inject injure instruct

intend interest interfere interrupt introduce invent

invite irritate itch

include jail jam kick kill label land last laugh launch man manage march mark marry match mate nail name obey object observe pack paddle paint park part pass paste pat pause peck pedal peel peep perform question race radiate rain

jog join

joke judge

juggle jump

kiss kneel learn level license lick lie

knit knock lighten like list listen live


load lock long look love

matter measure meddle melt memorise mend mess up need nest

milk mine miss mix moan moor mourn

move muddle mug multiply murder

nod note offer open order pop possess post pour practise pray preach precede prefer prepare present preserve press pretend

notice number

obtain occur offend

overflow owe own prevent prick print produce program promise protect provide pull pump punch puncture punish push

permit phone pick pinch pine place plan plant play please plug point poke polish queue

refuse regret reign

remove repair repeat

rhyme rinse risk

raise reach realise receive recognise record reduce reflect sack sail satisfy save saw scare scatter scold scorch scrape scratch scream screw scribble scrub seal search separate serve settle shade share shave shelter talk tame tap taste tease telephone tempt terrify test thank undress unfasten vanish

reject rejoice relax release rely remain remember remind

replace reply report reproduce request rescue retire return soothe sound spare spark sparkle spell spill spoil spot spray sprout squash squeak squeal squeeze stain stamp stare start stay steer step stir stitch trace trade train transport trap travel treat tremble trick trip unpack untidy

rob rock roll rot rub ruin rule rush

shiver shock shop shrug sigh sign signal sin sip ski skip slap slip slow smash smell smile smoke snatch sneeze sniff snore snow soak thaw tick tickle tie time tip tire touch tour tow unite unlock

stop store strap strengthen stretch strip stroke stuff subtract succeed suck suffer suggest suit supply support suppose surprise surround suspect suspend switch

trot trouble trust try tug tumble turn twist type



wail wait walk wander want warm warn wash x-ray yawn zip

waste watch water wave weigh welcome whine whip

whirl whisper whistle wink wipe wish wobble wonder

work worry wrap wreck wrestle wriggle



ANTONYMS absence accept accurate advantage alive always ancient answer approval approached abundant admit advance artificial arrival ascend attack attractive attention asleep presence refuse inaccurate disadvantage dead never modern question, query disapproval receded, departed scarce deny retreat, retire natural departure descend defense repulsive inattention awake

ally agree bad backward bend beautiful beginning below bent big blunt better best blame bless bitter borrow bravery build bold bright broad clear careful calm capable captivity cellar cheap close clever cold combine

enemy disagree good forward, onward straighten ugly ending above straight small, little sharp worse worst praise curse sweet lend cowardice destroy, demolish timid, meek dull narrow vague, cloudy rush, careless troubled incapable freedom, liberty attic dear, expensive distant stupid hot separate

clockwise correct conceal come common comfort courage cruel courteous cunning dainty danger dark deep decrease definite demand despair disappear disease discourage dismal doctor dry dull dusk early easy ebb East economise encourage entrance

anti-clockwise incorrect reveal go rare discomfort cowardice kind discourteous, rude simple clumsy safety light shallow increase indefinite supply hope appear health encourage cheerful patient wet clear, bright dawn late difficult flow West waste discourage exit

employer empty excited end expand expensive export exterior external fail false feeble foolish fast few famous forelegs fat find first freedom fold frequent forget found fresh friend fortunate frank full generous gentle gather

employee full calm beginning contract inexpensive, cheap import interior internal succeed true sturdy, strong, powerful wise slow many unknown hind legs thin lose last captivity unfold seldom remember lost stale enemy unfortunate secretive empty mean rough distribute

glad gloomy giant granted great guardian guest guilty happy hard harmful hasten hate healthy here heavy height hero hill horizontal hinder honest humble hunger imitation immense imprison include increase inhabited inferior inside intelligent

sorry cheerful dwarf, pygmy refused minute, small, little ward host innocent sad, miserable soft harmless dawdle love unhealthy, ill, diseased there light depth coward valley vertical aid, help dishonest proud thirst genuine tiny, minute free exclude decrease uninhabited superior outside unintelligent, stupid

inhale interior interesting internal intentional join junior justice king knowledge laugh lawful lazy land landlord large last lawyer lecturer lender lengthen left less light like likely leader little lofty long loud loss low

exhale exterior, outside uninteresting, dull external accidental separate senior injustice subject ignorance cry unlawful industrious, energetic sea tenant little, small first client student borrower shorten right more dark, heavy dislike, unlike unlikely follower large, much, big lowly short soft find, win high

loyal mad magnetize master mature maximum me merry minority miser misunderstand narrow near neat new night noisy North obedient odd offer open optimist out parent past patient peace permanent please plentiful poetry possible

disloyal sane demagnetize servant immature minimum you mirthless, sad majority spendthrift understand wide far, distant untidy old day quiet South disobedient even refuse shut pessimist in child present impatient war temporary displease scarce prose impossible

poverty powerful polite private prudent pretty pure qualified rapid regularly rich right rigid rough satisfactory security scatter serious second-hand sense shopkeeper singular simple slim solid sober speaker sour sorrow sow stand straight strong

wealth feeble, weak impolite, rude public imprudent unsightly, ugly impure unqualified slow irregularly poor wrong, left pliable, soft smooth unsatisfactory insecurity collect trivial new nonsense customer plural complicated thick, stout liquid drunk listener sweet joy reap lie crooked weak

success sunny take tall tame teacher thick tight top transparent truth up vacant valuable victory virtue visible voluntary vowel wax wisdom within

failure cloudy give short wild pupil thin slack, loose bottom opaque untruth, lie down occupied valueless defeat vice invisible compulsory consonant wane folly without

List of British and American English

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