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Advanced Placement U.S.

History Test#1
Mr. Brown

Your Name: !lass Period:

Directions: you have 25 minutes for the Multiple Choice section of the test. Please use your scantron sheets. There are 37 questions, you may miss t o !efore you start "ettin" #oc$e# points so #on%t allo yourself to "et !o""e# #o n on any one question.

Multiple Choice:

&. The issue of reli"ion fi"ure# prominently in the foun#in" of ne colonies in all of the cases e'cept: () *eor"ia +) Marylan# C) Connecticut D) ,ho#e -slan# .) Pennsylvania 2. (ll of the follo in" statements are consistent ith the economic theory of mercantilism e'cept: () Colonies shoul# !e restricte# to pro#ucin" ra materials +) -t is vital that a country e'ports more than it imports C) ( "overnment shoul# see$ to #irect the economy so as to ma'imi/e its e'ports D) (ll shippin" shoul# !e #one throu"h +ritish ships .) ( country shoul# see$ to import more than it e'ports

3. 0hich of the follo in" accurately #escri!es a pro!lem face# !y 1ir"inia #urin" the last #eca#es of the &7th century: () a #ecline in to!acco pro#uction +) frequent slave uprisin"s C) conflict !et een lar"e plantation o ners an# settlers on 1ir"inia2s estern frontier D) political control !y small farmers in the 3ouse of +ur"esses .) the lo erin" of a"es cause# !y an influ' of immi"rants 4. 0hich of the follo in" as the most important factor in the formation of the 5e .n"lan# Confe#eration: () the pro!lem of #efen#in" a"ainst -n#ian attac$s +) conflicts over colonial !oun#aries C) concern a!out runa ay servants D) a #esire to avoi# assistance from the .n"lish "overnment .) a #esire to suppress reli"ious #issent

5. .ach of the follo in" pairs of in#ivi#uals are associate# ith the correct colony e'cept: () Peter 6en"er7Pennsylvania +) 8ohn ,olfe71ir"inia C) 8ohn 0inthrop7Massachusetts D) 9or# Calvert7Marylan# .) 8ames :"lethorpe7*eor"ia ;. 0illiam Penn2s 3oly e'periment inclu#e# all of the follo in" i#eas e'cept: () nonviolence +) the !i!le as reli"ious authority C) fair treatment of 5ative (mericans D) an emphasis on monotheism .) reli"ious toleration 7. -n foun#in" the colony of Pennsylvania, 0illiam Penn%s primary purpose as to: () provi#e a refu"e for +ritish <ua$ers +) provi#e a refu"e for .n"lish #e!tors C) ma$e a profit D) #emonstrate the practicality of esta!lishin" frien#ly relations ith the -n#ians .) provi#e a refu"e for persecute# Christians of all sects =. -n hich of the follo in" +ritish 5orth (merican colonies as slavery le"ally esta!lishe# !y the early &7>>%s: () the southern colonies only +) the mi##le an# southern colonies only C) the to!acco an# rice "ro in" colonies only D) all the colonies e'cept Pennsylvania an# the 5e .n"lan# colonies .) all the colonies ?. 0hich of the follo in" as true of most Puritans ho emi"rate# to seventeenth@ century 5e .n"lan#: () they ha# renounce# the Church of .n"lan# +) they reAecte# the authority of the .n"lish Bin" C) they consi#ere# themselves non@Ceparatists D) they approve# of the Cro n2s reli"ious policy .) they inten#e# to return eventually to .n"lan# &>. The motive for the foun#in" of the .n"lish colony of 1ir"inia as the: () #esire for reli"ious free#om +) #esire for economic "ain C) #esire to create a perfect reli"ious common ealth as an e'ample to the rest of the orl# D) #esire to increase the "lory an# po er of *reat +ritain

.) #esire to esta!lish frien#ly relations ith the 5ative (mericans &&. The policy of Calutary 5e"lect refers to: () the perio# of peaceful relations !et een Drench an# (n"lican settlers in the &7th century +) the lac$ of #irect interference !y the Cro n in the functionin" of its 5orth (merican colonies C) the "ra#ual movement to ar#s race !ase# slavery in the 5e 0orl# D) the #evelopment of a stan#in" army in the colonies .) the #evelopment of reli"ious toleration in several colonies

&2. The *erman immi"rants of the &=th century initially settle# lar"ely in hich colony: () *eor"ia +) Pennsylvania C) 5e 3ampshire D) 5e Eor$ .) Couth Carolina &3. The first permanent .n"lish colony in the 5e 0orl# as: () 8amesto n +) ,oano$e -slan# C) Plymouth settlement D) Massachusetts +ay Colony .) (valon Colony foun#e# in 5e foun#lan# &4. (ll of the follo in" contri!ute# to the ealth an# sta!ility of 1ir"inia !y &;24 e'cept: () the mana"ement of the 1ir"inia Company +) the intro#uction of to!acco C) the marria"e of Pocahontas an# 8ohn ,olfe D) the esta!lishment of "overnment institutions li$e the 3ouse of +ur"esses .) the #efeat of the Po hatan Confe#eracy &5. 0hich of the follo in" !est e'plains hy slavery flourishe# in the Couthern .n"lish colonies an# not in 5e .n"lan# as: () !lac$s from tropical (frica coul# not a#apt to the harsh ne .n"lan# inters. their hi"h #eath rates ma#e slavery impractical +) The Ctono uprisin" of &73? convince# 5e .n"lan#ers that the cost of Controllin" slaves as not orth their economic !enefit C) 0hereas 5e .n"lan# reli"ious "roups for!a#e slavery on moral "roun#s, The (n"lican Church hich #ominate# the south encoura"e# slavery !ase# :n the fact that (fricans ere inferior D) a shorta"e of females in the colony of 1ir"inia le# to many (frican females to !e importe# to the colony as potential ives .) most 5e .n"lan# farms ere too small for slavery to !e economically via!le, hereas in the Couth the cultivation of crops li$e to!acco an# rice

ma#e the usa"e of servants an# slaves necessary &;. Colonies such as the Carolinas ere $no n as the ,estoration colonies !ecause () their creation as mainly #ue to the placement of the Ctuarts on the throne of .n"lan# +) their creation as mainly #ue to the rise of Parliamentary po er in .n"lan# C) they ere mainly create# to provi#e for a !alance !et een the thrivin" Colonies of 5e .n"lan# an# the less successful colonies of the south D) they ere create# as places to har!or criminals .) they trie# to restore 0illiam an# Mary to the throne &7. The 3ea#ri"ht Cystem esta!lishe# in 1ir"inia: () prohi!ite# the settlement of sin"le men in the colony +) #etermine# the eli"i!ility of voters C) tou"hene# the la s relate# to in#enture# servitu#e D) "ave 5> acres of lan# to those ho pai# for their transportation to the colony .) "ave rise to racially !ase# slavery in 1ir"inia &=. The year &;&? is !est $no n for hich of the follo in": () the creation of the &st ,epresentative institution in the 5e 0orl# an# the intro#uction of slaves to 1ir"inia +) the settlement of 8amesto n C) the *reat Mi"ration of Puritans to 5e .n"lan# starte# D) +acon%s ,e!ellion occurre# .) the Creation of the 5e .n"lan# Confe#eration &?. The Marylan# Toleration (ct of &;4? esta!lishe#: () the principle of free speech +) tolerance for most Christian churches C) the e'tension of the vote to non@Christians D) an en# to ta' support for any church .) the (n"lican Church as the only church for the colony 2>. F0e shall !e as a City on a 3ill.G This quote comes from an# oul# !est apply to 0hich one of the follo in" colonies: () Plymouth +) ,ho#e -slan# C) Pennsylvania D) Massachusetts +ay .) Marylan#

2&. 0hich one of the follo in" least represents the to n meetin"s of Colonial (merica: () all to n mem!ers ere usually allo e# to participate in some ay, shape, or form +) it as employe# to #evelop consensus an# unity in the to n C) #ecisions ere often ma#e prior to the to n meetin" D) it as use# !ecause of the stron" !elief in your ri"ht to #issent ith authority .) it #evelope# first in Massachusetts 22. The 3alf ay Covenant as use# to a##ress hich one of the follo in" pro!lems: () "reater participation in to n meetin"s +) 5ative (merican attac$s on the frontier of the colony C) a #ecline in church atten#ance in the Puritan communities D) "overnment restrictions place# on the colonies !y the 5avi"ation (cts .) a #ecline in price of to!acco 23. (ll of the follo in" are true statements relate# to the 5ative (mericans e'cept: () the 5ative (mericans of the south ere semi@noma#ic hile the -n#ians of the 5ortheast live# a se#entary lifestyle +) communal o nership as the norm for 5ative (mericans C) their lifestyle ha# less #rastic lon"@term effects on the environment D) small po' ha# #evastate# their communities in 5orth (merica .) most #i# not rea#ily accept Christianity 24. 0hich of the follo in" mar$s a #eparture from the policy of Calutary 5e"lect: () esta!lishment of the Dominion of 5e .n"lan# +) Bin" Philip%s 0ar C) 5e .n"lan# Confe#eration D) Trian"ular Tra#e .) esta!lishment of the 1ir"inia 3ouse of +ur"esses 25. The imme#iate issue in #ispute in +acon%s ,e!ellion as: () the Aailin" of in#ivi#uals or sei/ure of their property for failin" to pay ta'es +) the un#errepresentation of the !ac$country in the 1ir"inia 3ouse of +ur"esses C) the refusal of lar"e planters to honor their terms ith former in#enture# Cervants D) the perceive# failure of 1ir"inia%s *overnor to protect the colony%s frontier (rea from the #epre#ations of rai#in" -n#ians .) the colonial "overnor%s manipulation of to!acco prices for the !enefit of himself an# a small "roup of frien#s


H+enAamin Dran$lin as the epitome of the multitalente# Colonial (merican.H .ach of the follo in" coul# !e use# to support this statement e'cept: () .'periments ith electricity +) Poor ,ichar#%s (lmanac$ C) military lea#ership D) invention of !ifocal lenses .) improve# stoves 0hich one of the follo in" as the most important factor in contri!utin" to the *reat ( a$enin": () the lac$ of immi"rants movin" to the colonies +) "uilt over the evils of slavery C) the overly strict teachin"s of the Church of .n"lan# D) the #evelopment of universities .) the churches failure to ta$e account of peoples emotional nee#s 0hich one of the follo in" events !est sho s the #ifficulty in controllin" the frontier re"ions of Colonial (merica in the &=th century: () Conesto"a Massacre +) Bin" Philip%s 0ar C) +acon%s ,e!ellion D) *oo#e%s ,e!ellion .) Ctono ,e!ellion The stru""le of 5e .n"lan# to confront the chan"in" economic structure of Colonial (merica in the late &7th an# early &=th centuries is !est e'emplifie# in hich one of the follo in" events: () to!acco cuttin" riots +) half ay covenant C) salem itch trials D) foun#in" of ,ho#e -slan# .) reluctance to !ecome involve# in the slave tra#e




3>. (t his trial, 8ohn Peter 6en"er on his acquittal on the "roun#s that: () the Bin" ha# less authority in the colonies than in .n"lan# +) .n"lish la permitte# the press almost total free#om C) 9i!el la s #i# not apply to "overnment officials D) 5e Eor$2s *overnor #eserve# to !e critici/e# .) Truth coul# not !e li!el

3&. 0hich of the follo in" statements oul# !est #escri!e 8onathan .# ar#s role in the *reat ( a$enin": () he em!race# the i#ea of the !enevolence of *o# +) he preache# the 5e 9i"ht *ospel to the Ccots@-rish C) he ar"ue# a"ainst the concept of ori"inal sin D) his i#eas ere rea#ily accepte# !y <ua$ers .) he represente# the mainstream conservative thou"ht in the Con"re"ational Church 32. 0hich of the follo in" !eliefs as central to &=th century #eism: () *o# "ave the !i!le to human !ein"s to "ui#e their !ehavior +) *o# create# a universe "overne# !y natural la C) Christ is the re#eemer of the human race D) (ll human !ein"s are !orn in sin .) *o#2s e'istence has !een proven !y supernatural revelation 33. ,o"er 0illiams !elieve# that: -. reli"ious #issenters shoul# !e e'pelle# from any colony --. the state shoul# not impose any authority in matters of faith ---. ministers shoul# assume more authority in "overnmental matters -1. colonists ha# no ri"ht to lan# unless it as purchase# from 5ative (mericans () - an# -- only +) -- an# --- only C) -- an# -1 only D) - only .) -, --, ---, an# -1 all apply 34. 0hich of the follo in" as true of the Dirst *reat ( a$enin": () it primarily affecte# church con"re"ations in to ns an# cities +) Cotton Mather as its most famous preacher C) -t as #enounce# !y 8onathan .# ar#s D) -t as primarily a southern phenomenon .) -t resulte# in #ivisions ithin !oth the Con"re"ational an# the Pres!yterian Churches 35. (ll of the follo in" ere true concernin" the Ccots@-rish settlers of 5orth (merica e'cept: () their culture as mar$e# !y hi"h levels of violence +) they ere primarily ,oman Catholic C) they "enerally settle# alon" the frontier here they #isplaye# a mar$e# #e"ree of ru""e# in#ivi#uality D) came in lar"e num!ers #ue to the chan"in" con#itions in the oolen in#ustry .) they felt little loyalty to the .n"lish "overnment

3;. 0hich one of the follo in" is the least representative of .nli"htenment i#eals: () Poor ,ichar#%s (lmanac$ +) !ifocals C) variolation D) The 9eviathan .) T o Treatises of *overnment 37. (nne 3utchinson ran afoul of the Massachusetts cler"y for all of the follo in" #issentin" vie s e'cept () those ho ere not amon" *o#%s elect ha# no ri"ht to spiritual office +) her local minister as uninspirin" C) omen shoul# have a more important role in reli"ion D) the church an# the "overnment shoul# !e completely separate .) sainte# in#ivi#uals of her #ay coul# communicate #irectly ith the 3oly Cpirit ans er $ey: &. ( 2. . 3. C 4. ( 5. ( ;. + 7. ( =. . ?. C &>. + &&. + &2. + &3. ( &4. ( &5. . &;. ( &7. D &=. ( &?. + 2>. D 2&. D 22. C 23. ( 24. ( 25. D 2;. C 27. . 2=. D

2?. C 3>. . 3&. . 32. + 33. C 34. . 35. + 3;. D 37. C

(P I.C. 3istory Test J2, &st Cemester

Multi"le !#oice $uestions: Bu%%le in t#e correct answer &or eac# 'uestion. You #ave () 'uestions and a total o& *+ minutes to answer t#e 'uestions. &. Three ee$s after the (merican ,evolution !e"an in &775, #ele"ates from all colonies e'cept *eor"ia met to #iscuss possi!le courses of action at the () Inite# Ctates Con"ress +) Confe#eration (ssem!ly C) 3ouse of +ur"esses D) 3ouse of Commons .) Cecon# Continental Con"ress 2. The pamphlet FCommon CenseG as instrumental in "ainin" support for () reconciliation ith *reat +ritain +) an alliance ith Drance C) the i#ea of in#epen#ence from *reat +ritain D) peace tal$s to !e"in .) a continue# economic !oycott of *reat +ritain 3. Durin" the (merican ,evolution, the real center of authority as () the presi#ent +) the national con"ress C) the militias D) the state "overnments .) the to n an# city officials 4. Durin" the ,evolution, the (mericans ha# all of the follo in" a#vanta"es over the +ritish e'cept () they ere fi"htin" on "roun# ith hich they ere familiar +) the +ritish people only half@hearte#ly supporte# the ar C) their troops ere "enerally superior to the +ritish re"ulars D) the +ritish ha# lon" lines of communication an# supply .) their cause inspire# more commitment than that of the +ritish 5. () +) C) D) .) The +attle of +ree#%s 3ill K+un$er 3ill) resulte# in the ith#ra al of *eor"e 0ashin"ton%s forces from 9on" -slan# Drance%s full military an# financial support for the ,evolution a heavy loss of life for the attac$in" +ritish army +ene#ict (rnol# !ein" haile# as a national hero the removal of 0illiam 3o e as a +ritish comman#er

;. -n the secon# phase of the (merican ,evolution, !et een early &77; an# early &77=, the fi"htin" resulte# in the +ritish forces () !ein" on the ver"e of total #efeat +) #oin" very little, !ecause they remaine# in their city fortresses C) achievin" several important victories !ut failin" to crush the (mericans !ecause of mista$es an# !lun#ers D) almost succee#in" in achievin" total victory .) surren#erin" $ey positions in Cana#a

7. Durin" &777, +ritish *eneral +ur"oyne attempte# to implement a plan for #ivi#in" the colonies !y capturin" the () 3u#son ,iver 1alley +) Ti#e ater re"ion C) Ct. 9a rence ,iver valley D) Chesapea$e +ay re"ion .) Potomac ,iver valley =. () +) C) D) .) (n important outcome of the +attle of Carato"a as an alliance !et een (merica an# Drance char"es of treason a"ainst +ene#ict (rnol# the ith#ra al of Corn allis%s forces from 1ir"inia "ro in" #isenchantment over (merican failures on the !attlefiel# the #eath of *eneral +ur"oyne

?. Durin" the final phase of the (merican ,evolution, !et een early &77= an# late &7=3, the fi"htin" resulte# in the +ritish forces () innin" all of the maAor !attles !ut never succee#in" in #efeatin" the (merican armies +) movin" their maAor efforts into the Couth, here their forces ere finally orn #o n an# suffere# a maAor #efeat C) #oin" very little, simply sittin" in their city fortresses an# aitin" for the (mericans to attac$ them D) losin" all of the maAor !attles as the (merican forces !ecame totally #ominant .) refusin" to en"a"e the (mericans in any lar"e@scale !attles

&>. () +) C) D) .) &&. () +) C) D) .) &2. () +) C)

The Treaty of Paris K&7=3) inclu#e# a provision that cause# Cpain to #eclare ar on Drance name# *eor"e 0ashin"ton as presi#ent of the ne nation outla e# +ritish tra#e on the (tlantic :cean !e"an a rift !et een the Cana#ian an# .n"lish "overnments a ar#e# the (mericans ith a "enerous cession of lan# Dor most (frican@(mericans, the (merican ,evolution provi#e# no opportunity to run a ay to free#om as an insi"nificant event #estroye# all support for en#in" slavery in the 5orth ha# some positive, !ut limite# effects for them resulte# in a #ecrease in plantation slavery

0hich of the follo in" is true of the Ton$in *ulf -nci#ent: it involve# a clash of I.C. an# Coviet ships in it, t o 5orth 1ietnamese fi"hter !om!ers ere shot #o n as they near I.C. ships it involve# the sei/ure, !y 5orth 1ietnam, of a I.C. 5avy intelli"ence ship in international aters D) it le# to maAor I.C. involvement in the ar .) a I.C. 5avy Destroyer as #ama"e# !y 5orth 1ietnamese missiles &3. -n &?;=, 1iet Con" "uerillas an# 5orth 1ietnamese ,e"ulars launche# a massive series of attac$s hich faile# militarily, !ut succee#e# in en#in" I.C. i#eas a!out an early en# to the ar in 1ietnam. This episo#e of the ar !ecame $no n as () Plei$u :ffensive +) +attle of Bhe Cahn C) Tet :ffensive D) :peration Cearch an# Destroy .) *ulf of Ton$in (ffair &4. The atrocities committe# !y (merican sol#iers on the Couth 1ietnamese people is !est evi#ence# !y hich one of the follo in" events () Bhe Cahn +) My 9ai C) +om!in" of 3o Chi Minh trail D) Tet :ffensive .) :peration 3amlet &5. 0hat specific #isa"reement too$ a full year to rectify !efore peace ne"otiations actually !e"an to en# the 1ietnam 0ar () the city in hich the ne"otiations oul# !e hel# +) the "overnments that oul# !e allo e# to atten# the conference C) the shape of the ne"otiatin" ta!le D) the actual !or#er !et een Couth an# 5orth 1ietnam .) the participation of representatives from the People%s ,epu!lic of China as mo#erators of the ne"otiation

&;. The Drench an# -n#ian 0ar resulte# in all of the follo in" e'cept: () ne lan#s in the Trans@Mississippi 0est ere opene# to the colonists +) colonists !e"an thin$in" of themselves as (mericans rather than +ritish C) Cpain "aine# control of 9ouisiana D) the treaty en#in" the ar eliminate# Drance from all of Colonial (merica .) the myth of +ritish invinci!ility as shattere# &7. The +oston Tea Party ha# hich of the follo in" causes: () The +oston Massacre +) Parliament%s efforts to improve the profits of the +ritish .ast -n#ia Co. C) The -ntolera!le (cts D) The ar"uments of the Committees of Correspon#ence .) The imperial policies of 9or# *renville &=. The Tet :ffensive of &?;= #urin" the 1ietnam 0ar #emonstrate# that: () !om!in" 5orth 1ietnam ha# severely curtaile# 1ietCon" supplies +) (merican strate"y as or$in" C) a ne"otiate# settlement as in the near future D) the army of Couth 1ietnam ha# complete control of the south .) the 1ietCon" coul# attac$ maAor cities throu"hout the south &?. 0hich of the follo in" as true concernin" the Drench@(merican (lliance of &77=: () it contri!ute# little to the (merican victory +) it restricte# Drench activity to the hi"h seas, far from the 5orth (merican coast C) it influence# the +ritish to offer "enerous peace terms D) it allo e# the Drench to repossess their colonies lost in the Drench an# -n#ian 0ar .) it specifically prevente# the Drench from lan#in" troops on 5orth (merican soil 2>. -n the &75>s, the relationship !et een the +ritish .mpire an# the (merican colonies as characteri/e# !y: () most (mericans !elievin" that the !enefits of the empire far out ei"h the costs +) the +ritish strictly enforcin" colonial tra#e re"ulations C) most (mericans o!Aectin" to their mem!ership in the +ritish .mpire D) the +ritish constantly intervenin" in (merican affairs .) most cities e'periencin" anti@+ritish #emonstrations 2&. () +) C) D) .) :ne of the #evelopments that le# to the Drench an# -n#ian 0ar as: the #ecision of the -roquois to a!an#on their alliance ith the +ritish #isputes over the :hio ,iver 1alley *eor"e 0ashin"ton%s attac$ on an# victory over the Drench at Dt. 5ecessity the alliances !et een the +ritish an# the 3urons an# the Drench an# the -roquois lan# #isputes over the cultivation of to!acco

22. +y a"reein" to the Peace of ParisKDrench an# -n#ian 0ar), the Drench #i# all of the follo in" e'cept: () transferrin" Cana#a to *reat +ritain +) ce#in" 5e :rleans to the Cpanish C) "aine# territory in -n#ia D) "ivin" up all claims in mainlan# 5orth (merica .) acceptin" lar"e territorial "ains for +ritain

23. The Drench an# -n#ian 0ar ha# all of the follo in" effects on the post ar orl# e'cept () the ar ma#e the +ritish very unhappy ith colonial contri!utions to the ar effort +) the ar convince# +ritish authorities that they nee#e# to "ive the colonists more control over their o n affairs C) the ar "ave (merican sol#iers a profoun# contempt for the attitu#es an# !ehavior of +ritish re"ulars D) the ar le# to a "ra#ual #ecline in the po er of the -n#ians .) the ar cause# a #ecline in the po er of the :hio 1alley -n#ians 24. -n its attempts to stop the flo of colonists into the :hio valley, the Proclamation of &7;3 as () totally successful until ith#ra n !y the +ritish +) supporte# !y colonists on the frontier C) successful for a fe years, !ut then "ra#ually lost its impact D) almost completely ithout impact .) i"nore# for a fe years until the +ritish ri"i#ly enforce# it 25. (fter &7;3, (mericans !e"an to feel a common !on# a"ainst the +ritish !ecause of all the follo in" common "rievances e'cept () the closin" of the 0est to lan# speculation an# fur tra#in" +) the un#errepresentation of estern counties in the colonial assem!lies C) the raisin" of ta'es on many colonial "oo#s D) the economic #epression that follo e# the en# of the ar .) the esta!lishment of ne vice@a#miralty courts 2;. The Ctamp (ct Con"ress of &7;5 petitione# the $in" an# the Parliament to repeal the Ctamp (ct !ecause () the ta' "ave 9on#on merchants an unfair a#vanta"e in the colonial tra#e +) the price of the stamps as more than the colonists coul# affor# C) it !elieve# that only the colonial assem!lies coul# place ta'es on the colonies D) the metho# of sellin" the stamps as un or$a!le .) they !elieve# that e'ternal ta'es ere intrinsically unfair 27. The Ctamp (ct crisis !rou"ht the colonies to the !rin$ of ar ith the +ritish, !ut the crisis su!si#e# lar"ely !ecause () colonial lea#ers ere una!le to or"ani/e si"nificant protests +) .n"lan# coul# not affor# another costly ar C) .n"lish merchants, hurt !y the colonial !oycott, as$e# Parliament to repeal the act D) the colonies ere militarily too po erful for +ritain to fi"ht .) the colonial petitions persua#e# +ritain to rethin$ its position 2=. () +) C) D) .) :ne result of the +oston massacre as the #eath of over 5> (mericans the ith#ra al of +ritish troops from colonial cities the inci#ent !ecame a sym!ol of +ritish oppression the resi"nation of Charles To nshen# the inci#ent resulte# in a Aail sentence for Thomas 3utchinson

2?. The first shots of the ,evolutionary 0ar ere fire# in Massachusetts at () +un$er 3ill +) Cam!ri#"e C) +oston D) Monmouth .) 9e'in"ton 3>. Pontiac%s ,e!ellion as a reaction to: () The !uil#in" of Dort Duquesne +) the est ar# movement of .n"lish settlers C) the Proclamation of &7;3 D) Drench control of the fur tra#e .) the out!rea$ of the Drench an# -n#ian 0ar 3&. 0hich of the follo in" !est #escri!es Presi#ent 8ohnson%s policy in 1ietnam: () 1ietnami/ation +) "ra#ual military escalation to confront the 5orth 1ietnamese C) total un illin"ness to #iscuss peace terms D) placin" strict limits on I.C. involvement .) threatenin" the use of 5uclear eapons 32. (fter the ,evolution, the concept of the ,epu!lican mother su""este# that: () omen oul# !e responsi!le for raisin" chil#ren to !e virtuous citi/ens of the Eoun" repu!lic +) votin" oul# soon !ecome a privile"e "rante# to omen C) the first #uty of mothers as to serve the nee#s of the "overnment D) ives an# mothers oul# !e elcome in the #evelopin" political parties .) omen%s virtues ha# !een the inspiration for the revolution 33. +y the &75>%s, the +ritish colonies on the 5orth (merican mainlan# ere characteri/e# !y all of the follo in" e'cept: () #is#ain for +ritish Constitutional Monarchy +) many reli"ious #enominations C) a society ithout a here#itary aristocracy D) a "ro in" numer of non@.n"lish settlers .) acceptance of slavery as a la!or system 34. (ll of the follo in" relate to 5i'on%s !om!in" campai"ns in Coutheast (sia #urin" the 1ietnam Conflict e'cept: () a violation of the 0ar Po ers (ct +) the Bent Ctate Massacre C) the policy of 1ietnami/ation D) !om!in" of Cam!o#ia to stop Communist infiltration via the 3o Chi Minh trail .) turnin" the ar in 1ietnam over to the Inite# 5ations

35. The lottery system use# !y the Inite# Ctates #urin" the 5i'on a#ministration as: () allo for the e'pansion of the arme# forces +) confront the recruitment policies of Communist nations C) prevent inequities that ha# earlier occurre# in the #raft D) re#uce the si/e of the arme# forces .) an attempt to appease the Cilent MaAority ho supporte# the ar 3;. The (ccompanyin" political cartoon relate# to hich one of the follo in": () protests of the Cons of 9i!erty +) (l!any Conference C) Ctamp (ct D) +oston Massacre .) !urnin" of the *aspee

37. FThe (rticles of Confe#eration as successful in "ui#in" the Inite# Ctates throu"h its first #eca#eG. .ach of the follo in" actions support this statement e'cept: () Con"ress re"ulate# interstate tra#e +) Con"ress enacte# the 9an# :r#inance of &7=5 C) Con"ress enacte# the 5orth est :r#inance D) The I.C. *overnment si"ne# a favora!le peace treaty .) The I.C. *overnment con#ucte# the ar effort that resulte# in (merican in#epen#ence 3=. 0hich of the follo in" is true of the Inite# Ctates Constitution at the time of the Constitutional Convention: ()it as !uilt on a series of compromises +)it provi#e# e'act specifications coverin" all aspects of "overnment C)it as a revise# version of the .n"lish Constitution D)it inclu#e# a +ill of ,i"hts .)it allo e# all male citi/ens over the a"e of 2& to vote 3?. The De#eralist Papers challen"e# the political is#om of the ei"hteenth century hen they asserte# that: () a repu!lican form of "overnment coul# succee# only in small countries +) limitations on the popular ill le# to tyranny C) a ea$ central "overnment as the only "uarantee of in#ivi#ual ri"hts D) a lar"e repu!lic offere# the !est protection of minority ri"hts .) political parties ere crucial to the success of the ne "overnment 4>. The most characteristic of (merican "eo"raphical forms in the est ar# settlement Kas a result of the 9an# :r#inance of &7=5) as the: () ur!an circle +) rectan"ular "ri# C) concentric circle D) parallel to nship .) trian"ular farm

4&. 0hen Thomas 8efferson sai#, F- hol# that a little re!ellion, no an# then, is a "oo# thin", an# as necessary in the political orl# as storms in the physical,G he as referrin" to () the (merican ,evolution +) Chays%s ,e!ellion C) the Constitutional Convention D) the 0his$ey ,e!ellion .) the 5e !ur"h Conspiracy 42. The element of the Constitution most representative of the antife#eralist perspective is the: () three@fifths provision +) +ill of ,i"hts C) #octrine of Au#icial revie D) Thirteenth (men#ment .) concept of stron" centrali/ation 43. -n his interpretation of the Constitution, Charles +ear# focuse# on the importance of: () sectional #ifferences +) slavery C) economic interests of a ealthy elite D) political factions from colonial times .) the "enius an# is#om of the framers 44. In#er the (rticles of Confe#eration, -. the national "overnment #i# not have the po er to impose ta'es on the citi/ens of the state --. the states ere to retain their in#ivi#ual soverei"nty an# each, re"ar#less of their si/e, as to have one vote in the Confe#eration Con"ress ---. there as to !e no sin"le, separate, po erful e'ecutive -1. an amen#ment require# the approval of all states () - only +) -- only C) - an# -- only D) -, --,an# --- only .) -, --, ---, an# -1 45. The 5orth est :r#inance of &7=7: () calle# for require# pu!lic e#ucation +) for!a#e the intro#uction of slavery into the 5orth est Territory C) "ave the territory imme#iate statehoo# D) resulte# in the #evelopment of the notion of popular soverei"nty .) allo e# *reat +ritain to maintain their forts in the territory

(ns er Bey: &.. 2. C 3. D 4. C 5. C ;. C 7. ( =. ( ?. + &>. . &&. D &2. D &3. C

&4. + &5. C &;. ( &7. + &=. . &?. C 2>. ( 2&.+ 22. C 23. + 24. D 25. + 2;. C 27. C 2=. C 2?. . 3>.+ 3&. + 32. ( 33. ( 34. . 35. C 3;. +

(#vance# Placement I.C. <ui/ J3 The Constitution throu"h the 0ar of &=&2
Bu%%le in t#e correct answer &or eac# 'uestion. You #ave *1 'uestions and a total o& ++ minutes to answer t#e 'uestions. T#ese are two "oints eac#, -. "oints total /you may miss one %e&ore you are doc0ed1. 2. FThe (rticles of Confe#eration as successful in "ui#in" the Inite# Ctates throu"h its first #eca#eG. .ach of the follo in" actions support this statement e'cept: () Con"ress re"ulate# interstate tra#e +) Con"ress enacte# the 9an# :r#inance of &7=5 C) Con"ress enacte# the 5orth est :r#inance D) The I.C. *overnment si"ne# a favora!le peace treaty .) The I.C. *overnment con#ucte# the ar effort that resulte# in (merican

in#epen#ence 3. 0hich of the follo in" is true of the Inite# Ctates Constitution at the time of the Constitutional Convention: () it as !uilt on a series of compromises +) it provi#e# e'act specifications coverin" all aspects of "overnment C) it as a revise# version of the .n"lish Constitution D) it inclu#e# a +ill of ,i"hts .) it allo e# all male citi/ens over the a"e of 2& to vote 4. (le'an#er 3amilton%s financial pro"ram as most favora!le to: () estern farmers +) ar veterans C) southern planters D) eastern merchants .) state !an$ers 5. The most unpopular an# least successful of Thomas 8efferson%s policies as: () a#vocacy of territorial e'pansion +) han#lin" of the +ar!ary Coast Pirates C) re#uction of the si/e of the military D) re#uction of the si/e of the national #e!t .) a#herence to neutrality in #ealin" ith .n"lan# an# Drance ;. The De#eralist Papers challen"e# the political is#om of the ei"hteenth century hen they asserte# that: () a repu!lican form of "overnment coul# succee# only in small countries +) limitations on the popular ill le# to tyranny C) a ea$ central "overnment as the only "uarantee of in#ivi#ual ri"hts D) a lar"e repu!lic offere# the !est protection of minority ri"hts .) political parties ere crucial to the success of the ne "overnment

;. Pinc$ney%s Treaty ith Cpain is consi#ere# a #iplomatic hi"hli"ht of 0ashin"ton%s (#ministration !ecause it: () allo e# the Inite# Ctates to use the port of 5e :rleans +) ce#e# Dlori#a to the Inite# Ctates C) invite# (mericans to settle in Te'as D) opene# Cpanish Cari!!ean ports to (merican tra#e .) ith#re Cpain%s military forces from the Cari!!ean 7. -n the 1ir"inia an# Bentuc$y ,esolutions, 8ames Ma#ison an# Thomas 8efferson ar"ue# That: () the states, not the supreme court, ere the final Au#"es of the limit of fe#eral po er +) the states ere creations of the fe#eral "overnment C) the fe#eral Au#iciary as the sole ar!iter of the constitutionality of fe#eral an# state

9a s D) the implie# po ers of the constitution "ave the presi#ent the po er to enforce the (lien an# se#ition (cts .) a #ual presi#ency mo#ele# on ancient ,ome%s consulship oul# serve to protect the Ctates from the fe#eral "overnment =. Thomas 8efferson hesitate# on ma$in" the 9a. Purchase !ecause: () it oul# !rin" the Inite# Ctates into conflict ith Cpain +) De#eralists oppose# e'pan#in" the !or#ers of the I.C. est of the Mississippi C) he !elieve# the Constitution #i# not "ive him the authority to !uy ne lan# D) it oul# involve the Inite# Ctates in entan"lin" alliances ith a .uropean country .) it oul# open ne lan#s to slavery ?. LThe t elfth amen#ment as a response to: () e'cessive ta'ation policies of the ne "overnment +) the presi#ential an# vice presi#ential results in the election of &7?; C) ensure the separation of po ers !et een !ranches D) to resolve the #ea#loc$ of the election of &=>> .) to chec$ the "ro th of po er of the Marshall court &>. The most characteristic of (merican "eo"raphical forms in the est ar# settlement as the: () ur!an circle +) rectan"ular "ri# C) concentric circle D) parallel to nship .) trian"ular farm &&. 0hen Thomas 8efferson sai#, F- hol# that a little re!ellion, no an# then, is a "oo# thin", an# as necessary in the political orl# as storms in the physical,G he as referrin" to () the (merican ,evolution +) Chays%s ,e!ellion C) the Constitutional Convention D) the 0his$ey ,e!ellion .) the 5e !ur"h Conspiracy &2. The element of the Constitution most representative of the antife#eralist perspective is the: () three@fifths provision +) +ill of ,i"hts C) #octrine of Au#icial revie D) Thirteenth (men#ment .) concept of stron" centrali/ation &3. 8ay%s Treaty of &7?4 ha# all of the follo in" consequences e'cept () avoi#in" a ar ith *reat +ritain +) "ivin" the Inite# Ctates soverei"nty over the 5orth est C) reco"ni/in" the ri"hts of (mericans to tra#e ith Drance ithout interference D) esta!lishin" a commercial relationship ith *reat +ritain

.) ma$in" it possi!le to settle (merica%s conflict ith Cpain &4. The event that resulte# in the <uasi 0ar !et een the Inite# Ctates an# Drance as the () passa"e of the (lien an# Ce#ition (cts +) Drench attac$s on (merican ships C) Drench em!ar"o of (merican "oo#s D) repeal of 8ay%s Treaty .) ME6 (ffair &5. The (lien an# Ce#ition (cts of &7?= resulte# in () Presi#ent (#ams or#erin" the #eportation of lar"e num!ers of aliens +) the "overnment imprisonin" over fifty ,epu!lican politicians C) sharp criticism of the le"islation !y *eor"e 0ashin"ton D) the state le"islatures rulin" the acts null an# voi# .) the De#eralist a#ministration convictin" ten ,epu!licans of critici/in" the "overnment &7. The 8efferson a#ministration a#vocate# hich of the follo in" chan"es as a means of restorin" repu!lican i#eals: () a!olishin" the +an$ of the Inite# Ctates +) re#ucin" the scope of the activities of the De#eral "overnment C) #iscontinuin" the fun#in" of state #e!ts D) increasin" the si/e of the I.C. military .) a#optin" the Bentuc$y an# 1ir"inia ,esolutions at the 5ational level &=. 0hich of the follo in" is true in the case of Mar!ury 1. Ma#ison () it esta!lishe# that Con"ress ha# the sole ri"ht to formulate national le"islation +) it supporte# Thomas 8efferson in his claim to have e'ecutive revie C) it !ac$e# 0illiam Mar!ury in his request of a national !an$ D) it affirme# the principal of Au#icial revie .) it #etermine# the Cenate%s ri"ht to a#vise an# consent

&?. Thomas 8efferson%s F,evolution of &=>>G chan"e# the De#eralist policies in all of the follo in" areas e'cept: () si/e of the military +) num!er of fe#eral employees C) amount of national #e!t D) forei"n affairs .) (lien an# Ce#ition (cts 2>. Thomas 8efferson%s chief reason for ma$in" the 9a. Purchase as: () to challen"e 3amilton%s loose construction of the Constitution +) challen"e 5apoleon%s !i# for orl# empire C) "ive the Inite# Ctates control of the Mississippi ,iver

D) provi#e a rationale for the 9e is an# Clar$ e'pe#ition .) stren"then the ,epu!lican party in the Trans@Mississippi est 2&. The #ecline in the support of the De#eralist Party at &=>> can !e most attri!ute# to: () Citi/en *enet +) The (lien an# Ce#ition (cts C) M,E,6 (ffair D) 0ashin"ton%s Proclamation of 5eutrality .) 8ay%s Treaty 22. -n his interpretation of the Constitution, Charles +ear# focuse# on the importance of: () sectional #ifferences +) slavery C) economic interests of a ealthy elite D) political factions from colonial times .) the "enius an# is#om of the framers 23. (le'an#er 3amilton%s Dinancial Pro"ram consiste# of all of the follo in" e'cept: () the creation of a I.C. !an$ +) the collection of a De#eral e'cise ta' on his$ey C) payment of state #e!ts !y the fe#eral "overnment D) payment of su!si#ies to farmers .) tariffs to protect infant I.C. in#ustries 24. NIn#er the (rticles of Confe#eration, -. the national "overnment #i# not have the po er to impose ta'es on the citi/ens of the state --. the states ere to retain their in#ivi#ual soverei"nty an# each, re"ar#less of their si/e, as to have one vote in the Confe#eration Con"ress ---. there as to !e no sin"le, separate, po erful e'ecutive -1. an amen#ment require# the approval of all states () - only +) -- only C) - an# -- only D) -, --,an# --- only .) -, --, ---, an# -1 24. @(ll of the follo in" contri!ute# to the I.C. #ecision to "o to ar ith +ritain in &=&2 .'cept: () the election of 0ar 3a $s to Con"ress in &=&> +) a #esire to acquire parts of Cana#a C) +ritish impressments of (merican seamen D) .fforts to protect the lan# of 5ative (mericans .) (merican sympathy ith Drance a"ainst *reat +ritain 25. @The 3artfor# Convention ha# lon" term si"nificance !ecause it: () encoura"e# +ritain to si"n the Treaty of *hent +) presente# a maAor challen"e to Ma#ison%s #omestic policies C) mar$e# the en# of the De#eralists as a 5ational Party D) force# the repeal of the .m!ar"o (ct of &=>7 .) or"ani/e# national opposition to the 0ar of &=&2

2;. O5ative (mericans in the 0est allie# themselves ith the +ritish in the 0ar of &=&2 !ecause they: () ante# to stop (merican settlers from ta$in" their lan#s +) ere persua#e# to #o so !y (aron +urr C) ha# am!itions to esta!lish an -n#ian Confe#eracy D) ha# al ays !een frien#ly ith the +ritish .) ha# si"ne# a !in#in" treaty ith +ritain #urin" the (merican ,evolution 27. L(ll of the follo in" are lin$e# to (aron +urr e'cept: () an attempt to have 5e Eor$ an# 5e .n"lan# sece#e from the Inion +) the impeachment of Camuel Chase C) the #eath of (le'an#er 3amilton D) a plan to ta$e Me'ico from Cpain .) a #ea#loc$ for Presi#ent ith Thomas 8efferson in the election of &=>> 2=. N-n or#er to secure the support of Thomas 8efferson an# 8ames Ma#ison for the (ssumption of state #e!ts, (le'an#er 3amilton promise#: () to resi"n as secretary of the Treasury +) to sponsor le"islation favorin" the e'pansion of slavery C) to support the locatin" of a permanent capital for the nation on the Potomac D) to ith#ra his support of a protective tariff .) Con"ress oul# levy a hi"h tariff on his$ey 2?. N-n the &7?>%s political conflict !et een Thomas 8efferson an# (le'an#er 3amilton, 8efferson oul# have !een more li$ely to: () ta$e a narro vie of the Constitution +) favor +ritain over Drance in the .uropean 0ars C) favor the esta!lishment of a national !an$ D) in the support an# cooperation of Presi#ent *eor"e 0ashin"ton .) oppose the efforts of Citi/en *enet

3>. LDorei"n policy #urin" 0ashin"ton%s a#ministration is !est #escri!e# !y hich of the Dollo in" statements: () the I.C. shoul# control the 0estern 3emisphere an# promote #emocracy +) the I.C. shoul# ta$e an active, a""ressive policy ith forei"n nations in or#er To "ain international presti"e an# respect C) the I.C. shoul# selectively choose their involvement in forei"n affairs an# involve :urselves only in those situations e ere li$ely to in D) the I.C. shoul# #elay their military involvement in orl# affairs until the nation ha# *ro n stron"er .) the I.C. shoul# put an en# to piracy in the Me#iterannean or a"ainst any other "roup That as prohi!itin" tra#e !y I.C. merchants an# shippers 3&. NThe -nternational event $no n as the M,E,6 (ffair involve#:

() a Drench forei"n ministers #eman# for a !ri!e !efore he oul# meet ith (merican envoys +) the +ritish refusal to evacuate their forts on (merican soil C) the +ritish sei/ure of (merican seamen from a I.C. 5avy arship in the Chesapea$e +ay D) *eneral (n#re 8ac$son%s incursion into Cpanish hel# Dlori#a .) a peace treaty !et een the Inite# Ctates an# Drance

&. ( 2. ( 3. D 4. . 5. D ;. ( 7. ( =. C ?. + &>. + &&. + &2. + &3. C &4. .

&5. . &;. + &7. D &=. D &?. C 2>. + 2&. C 22. D 23. . 24. D 25. C 2;. ( 27. + 2=. C 2?. ( 3>. D 3&. (

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