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Maintenance Management Objectives of Maintenance In a production function, the conversion process or value addition is achieved through plant and

equipment. In order to achieve and maintain desired level of quality, reliability and output, it is essential that the equipments are well maintained. 1. To enable to achieve product quality and customer satisfaction. 2. To maximise equipment safe to operate. 3. To eep the equipment safe to operate. !. To minimise operational cost attributable to equipment service. ". To minimise frequency and severity of interruptions #brea downs$ %. To maximise operation capacity. Failure of equipment &ailure in maintenance management context is the inability to produce wor within the appropriate manner than inability to produce. 'hen an equipment produces output of low quality or at high cost, it is said to have failed. 'or carried out before such failure is said to be overhaul or preventive maintenance. 'or done after the failure is called emergency, brea down or recovery wor . (reventive and )rea down *aintenance 'or carried out before such failure is said to be overhaul or preventive maintenance. 'or done after the failure is called emergency, brea down or recovery wor . The need for replacement (* refers to attending to maintenance at preplanned periods of intervals. Bath tub curve The general failure pattern of any product may be graphically represented in the shape of a bath tub curve. 1. +ormally there will large no. of failures in the early period mainly due to non alignment or misfit while manufacturing or assembling or very high initial friction between moving parts etc. 2. ,ery soon the failure rate will drastically decrease. 3. -fter sometime it will be stable for quite a period. !. -fter this period, due to wear and tear, aging etc., the failure rate will follow a normal distribution which indicates group replacement. This is also a measure of reliability. .xample/ life of bulbs, railway signalling system, aircraft, power plant etc. 0raphically it is represents as below/1Early failuresNo. of failures B s.!are failures

Normal "ear out failures *easure of reliability It is measured as *T)& *ean Time )etween &ailure 2 Total 3unning Time 4 +o. of failures. - systematic record is maintained of the total running time of the machine and those of the failures over a period of time. The time interval between two failures is also calculated and the mean time is arrived by dividing the total running time by as of failures occurred.

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Maintenance Management This gives an idea of reliability of the equipment and effectiveness of the repair maintenance wor carried out. The longer is the meantime, this brea down is expected to occur followinig the normal distribution pattern. The longer is the meantime, this brea down is expected to occur following the normal distribution pattern. This is so because as the failures occur the no. of part replaced is more ma ing the system more reliable. Then it reaches a point when the failures actually start declining. Maintenance cost balance The maintenance activity is mainly of two types/1 1. (reventive #(*$ 2. )rea down *aintenance#)5$ Maintenance cost balance (* involves periodical inspection and servicing and anticipatory in nature and preventive by ob;ective. :ence (* involves replacement of parts and spares at a predetermined time irrespective of its balance use or life. The philosophy is to prevent a failure before its occurance to save downtime and all costs accompanying such failure.)5 is repairing and putting bac the equipment to action after it has failed. It is emergency by nature and unscheduled. It is more li e fire fighting in a plant. It carries penalties of sudden failure but ma es sure that repair is done only when it is proven that the part has lived its life and actually failed. It is diagnostic and curative by ob;ective. (* will reduce the cost upto a point beyond which it will be more than the )5. The management should li e to use both to its advantage that is to start with (* and switch over to )5 after a point. It has to decide at what point. This is called the maintenance cost balance of maintenance. Maintenance cost balance :ence, the costs associated with (* and )5 obviously vary and is of importance to management to now which type to choose as a policy. Maintenance cost balance -nother use of maintenance cost balance is to determine time of replacement of a machine, especially those which deteriorate with time. If the capital recovery cost over the years and the average operating and maintenance cost are computed and total cost is arrived, the optimal time for replacement can be decided at the point where the total cost is the lowest. Benefits of good maintenance 1. <hoose and design maintenance programme to maximise equipment effectiveness by reducing downtime. 2. )y appropriate study, analysis, method, Training = tools ensure minimum repair time = cost. 3. *aximise the mean time between failure and thereby the life of the equipment. !. *inimise loss due to production stoppage. ". *inimise accident by proper bac up. %. *inimise the total cost of maintenance including the cost of labour, material and repair. >. Improve quality and productivity by reducing factors affecting quality in machines. ?. Increase customer satisfaction and safety. @. .nsure optimum utilisation of facilities. 19. 6eep all productive assets in good wor ing conditions so that the production capacity of the equipments is the maximum. 11. Improve reliability of equipment.
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Maintenance Management 12. *aintain failure modes, effects and criticality -nalysis to optimise maintenance effectiveness and efficiency. Maintenance #rocedure. #lant maintenance is of different types 1. (reventive 2. )rea down or corrective 3. (lanned !. (redictive and ". 3outine. .ach type has its own advantages and disadvantages. The basic decision of the management should be which type is most suited to the organisation, which is most economical to operate, which will provide least interruption etc., Irrespective of the type of maintenance system, the following are required/ 1. 5etailed and complete list of assets to be maintained. 2. Identification of all items to be included in the programme. 3. 5ocumentation of assets, cost etc., !. Inspection chec list. ". 8pecial training of personnel = equipment = tools. %. )udgetory provisions. >. -dministrative procedures. ?. The procedure is based on A 'hat is to be maintained, :ow = 'hen. A *aintenance specification = schedule A :istorical data = experience.

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