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CrossllL SLrongman ls Lhe lnLegrauon of sLrongman movemenL/energy sysLems lnLo Lhe
consLanLly varled CrossfllL model. (1haL means Cld School" movemenLs wlLh new School"
1he Lyplcal SLrongman evenL conslsLs of 3 workouLs ln one day. Lach workouL ls less Lhan 60
seconds, so we never Lap lnLo anyLhlng buL Lhe A1/C sysLem. Conslder whaL would
happen lf you Lralned yourself Lo have LhaL klnd of ouLpuL durlng a longer workouL! lor
example, a 7 mlnuLe AM8A of farmer's carry mlxed wlLh gymnasucs. 1hls ls a perfecL
expresslon of Cld School" movemenLs mlxed wlLh new School" programmlng". 1he
resulLs are sLaggerlng
1hls ls Lhe besL, and mosL fun, way Lo lncrease sLrengLh whlle sull lncreaslng work capaclLy
across broad ume and modal domalns. ln CrossllL, we wanL a sumulus LhaL ls consLanLly
varled so LhaL we never sLop progresslng ln our Lness. 1hls ls an opumal slLuauon LhaL ls
Lrue wheLher you're a CrossllL Cames hopeful or someone looklng Lo geL L aer a llfeume
of belng sedenLary
SLrongman movemenLs provlde a playground where aLhleLes can LesL and lmprove Lhelr
bruLe sLrengLh whlle helplng Lhelr overall Lness level
What |s CrossI|t Strongman?
8ecause of Lhe oen awkward slze/shape/conslsLency of Lhe
ob[ecLs we use ln sLrongman Lhe lls Lend Lo have less
emclency Lhan wlLh a barbell
Case ln polnL: a waLer-lled keg. 1hls represenLs a dynamlc
load LhaL challenges Lhe neuro-muscular sysLem ln a way LhaL
a barbell cannoL compeLe wlLh. lor Lhls reason, as aLhleLes,
we need Lo develop emclenL movemenL pauerns wlLh
lnemclenL loads. 1haL response ls aL Lhe hearL of belng a
greaL aLhleLe
ALhleLes are presenLed wlLh a consLanLly changlng eld of
play and a beuer aLhleLe makes qulcker ad[usLmenLs and
responds more favorably Lo an unfavorable sumull
What |s CrossI|t Strongman?
"Large Loads, Long D|stance, u|ck|y." 1haL remark
ls drllled lnLo Lhe mlnd of anyone who's ever
auended a !"#"$ & '"()*'+),-. /0"(" 12 -, 3"4"(
"56("221,- ,7 80+8 80+- 9,#1-: + ;,<" 80+8 12 =5 >?/
+'(,22 + 7,,83+$$ *"$@ 1- =A 2"',-@2 ,( '+((;1-: &.BC5
>?/ 1- DEFG GEHI 80" 2+9" @128+-'" 1- $"22 80+- =A
2"',-@2 ,( J1661-: + KAA 6,L-@ )(" 7,( 9+5 ("62 1-
MA 2"',-@2. /0"; +$$ "NL+8" O!+(:" !,+@2P !,-:
I128+-'"P QL1'<$;R. /012 12 80" 9+1- 6("912" 3"01-@
S0; S" @, F(,22T18 U8(,-:9+-P 3L8 80"(" +(" ,80"(2
Why do CrossI|t Strongman?
Increased Max|ma| L|hs-
SLrongman movemenLs Lyplcally focus on uslng non-barbell equlpmenL and lllng for max
exeruon ln Lhe 30 Lo 90 second range, Lhus looklng Lo lmprove and sLrengLhen your work
ouLpuL ln Lhe glycolyuc and A1 paLhways
As Lhe ller lncreases emclency ln Lhese movemenLs wlLh more unconvenuonal ob[ecLs, Lhe
Lransference of power Lo well balanced ob[ecLs (llke a barbell) resulLs ln a heavler load belng
lled. Cne reason behlnd Lhls ls LhaL sLrongman ob[ecLs Lyplcally move Lhe ob[ecL belng
lled away from your body's mldllne, whlle a barbell can be held close Lo your body Lhrough
Lhe enure movemenL allowlng for more emclency LhroughouL Lhe ll
SLrongman equlpmenL also creaLes a less favorable seLup posluon (removlng some of Lhe
mechanlcal advanLage from Lhe sLarL of Lhe movemenL). 1o prove Lhls, Lake a look aL Lhe
seLup posluons of an aLhleLe's deadll and compare lL Lo Lhe same lndlvldual's seLup for an
aLlas sLone ll. ?ou'll see some slmllarlues, buL many dlerences. 1he sLone ll wlll look
much more lnemclenL, buL lL comes down Lo belng able Lo brace your body under Lhe load
creaLed by Lhese ob[ecLs
SLrongman helps an aLhleLe move heavy loads under less emclenL and less favorable sumull,
resulung ln more bruLe sLrengLh and new 8's ln Lhelr max eorLs.
Why do CrossI|t Strongman?
Improved Gr|p Strength-
Crlp sLrengLh, whlle vlLal Lo many movemenLs ln Lhe CrossllL world, ls even more
appllcable Lo everyday llfe. 1asks llke Lurnlng knobs, mechanlcal repalrs, openlng
[ars, even shaklng hands requlre a sLrong grlp. 1here are Lhree Lypes of grlp
sLrengLh: Crushlng (palm and nger sLrengLh), lnchlng (grlp beLween Lhumb and
ngers) and Poldlng (general conLrol of ob[ecLs)
Cne of Lhe besL pleces of equlpmenL ln a sLrongman's arsenal ls Lhe axel bar. Cver
double Lhe wldLh of a normal barbell, Lhe axel does noL roLaLe ln your hands, and
requlres much more sLrengLh ouL of Lhe forearm, palm and ngers Lo ll Lhe load.
Cver ume, conslsLenL use of an axel ls guaranLeed Lo lmprove your grlp sLrengLh.
ln Lhe CrossllL world, Lhls comes lnLo play ln many lnsLances
A few examples lnclude: holdlng onLo Lhe pull-up bar for Lhe lasL few repeuuons,
noL dropplng a barbell under heavy loads, malnLalnlng grlp on Lhe sllck handle of a
keulebell as lL swlngs overhead.
Why do CrossI|t Strongman?
Improved M|d||ne Stab|||ty-
We've all heard Lhe Lerm mldllne sLablllLy" before. lL's one of Lhe mosL vlLal
elemenLs Lo many movemenLs ln Lhe CrossllL world. lL can be argued LhaL Lhe
?oke, lLs name comlng from Lhe area of Lhe body around Lhe rear delLolds and
lower Lrapezlus muscles, ls Lhe besL plece of equlpmenL for lmprovlng mldllne
sLablllLy. WheLher carrylng Lhe ?oke on your back, or sLablllzlng lL ln Lhe crook of
your arms, a load wlll noL be able Lo be carrled wlLhouL a sLable mldllne
An aLhleLe's skeleLon operaLes aL lLs sLrongesL Lhrough neuLral [olnL posluons (le:
no exlon or exLenslon). 1he ?oke requlres [usL Lhls, very llule exlon or exLenslon
aL any of your [olnLs whlle carrylng a large load (Lhe average aLhleLe wlLh a 400
pound back squaL wlll be able Lo carry a 600-700 pound yoke a long dlsLance). 1he
movemenL ls a Lough, lsomeLrlc hold aL Lhe core whlle requlrlng qulck movemenL
of Lhe aLhleLe's feeL. Large Loads, Long D|stances, u|ck|y".
Why do CrossI|t Strongman?
V80"( 61#,8+$ ("+2,-2 1-'$L@"W
CrossllL SLrongman lncreases rea| wor|d strength as we are requ|red to
move odd ob[ects, such as a grocery bag or a ch||e, as emc|ent|y as
poss|b|e on a da||y bas|s. 8arbe||s ex|st on|y |n a gym semng
osLerlor chaln developmenL, a necesslLy Lo someone sLrlvlng Lo become a
good Crosslluer
CrossllL SLrongman programmlng provldes Crosslluers wlLh a varleLy of
dlerenL sumull. All of Lhose sumull are almed aL achlevlng an lncrease ln
work capaclLy whlch LranslaLes Lo an lncrease ln your CrossllL ablllLy
SlmulLaneously lnLegraLed meLabollc condluonlng and sLrengLh Lralnlng
Why do CrossI|t Strongman?
1hese ellLe Crosslluers lncreased Lhelr sLrengLh by lncludlng sLrongman
movemenLs ln Lhelr programmlng:
kob Cr|ando : >"-'0 XBC Y B=A >? 8, =KC Y &ZC >?P I"+@$1[ CCA Y B=A >? 8,
C\= Y &\&>?P UNL+8 CCA Y B=A>? 8, XKC Y &ZC >?P ]"(< =MC Y BBC >? 8, =AA
5 = Y &ZC >?^XA 2"',-@ Y (":1,-+$2_. V(P =AA 5 &A ("62 Y BBK >? 8, =&C 5 M Y
&ZC >?P `,<" MCA 5 ZA 7""8 Sa & @(,6 Y B=A >? 8, KAA 5 MA 7""8 Sa -, @(,62 Y
&ZC >?P &A 91-L8" & 91$" (L- 2',(" Y B=A >?P CWC\ & 91$" (L- Y &ZC >?P &=W=A B
91$" (L- &AAA 6,L-@ )(" J16 Y &ZC >?.
Dav|d L|pson : >"-'0 b("22 =&C 8, =KCP UNL+8 XKC. 8, CCAP I"+@$1[ C=A 8, MCAP
F$"+- +-@ ]"(< W BCC 8, =AAc.
1|mothy 8urke " b,S"( F$"+- BMC 8, B\AP >+'< UNL+8 XBC 8, XCCP I"+@$1[ XCA 8,
CBCP U8(1'8 b("22 &\A 8, BAC.
Iason Leydon : F$"+- BBC 8, BCAP I"+@$1[ XBC 8, XXAP UNL+8 ==C 8, =CAP T(,-8
2NL+8 BZA 8, B\C.
CrossI|t Strongman 1esnmon|a|s
1each you safe, proper, and emclenL
movemenL uslng Lhese ob[ecLs
1each you how Lo coach Lhese movemenLs
CrossllL SLrongman Lralnlng meLhodology/
What are our goa|s today?
1. 1each|ng the Movement
SLance = sllghLly wlder Lhan hlp wldLh. Wlde
enough Lo accommodaLe Lhe arms lnslde Lhe
leeL are posluoned behlnd Lhe ure so LhaL you're
drlvlng lnLo and up on Lhe ure aL Lhe same ume
ALhleLe ls crouched down on Lhelr Loes leanlng
lnLo Lhe ure
Chln resLs on Lhe ure
Pands are lnslde Lhe feeL and grasplng Lhe bouom
of Lhe ure
8lcep and shoulder are pressed rmly agalnsL Lhe
2. See|ng the Movement
urlve Lhrough Lhe heels
LxLend Lhe legs whlle hlps and shoulders rlse aL
Lhe same raLe
keep shoulders, chesL and blceps pressed rmly
agalnsL Lhe ure whlle lllng up and drlvlng
forward (Lhlnk oenslve llneman ln fooLball)
8lcep ls exed and xed aL abouL 13 degrees
When Lhe legs have reached full exLenslon drlve
forward vlolenLly and sLep lnLo Lhe ure wlLh Lhe
weak" slde. 1hen, klck Lhe domlnanL knee lnLo
Lhe ure whlle pulllng Lhe arms upwards
SwlLch Lhe hands and push Lhe ure over
Teaching the Tire Flip:
Standard= (3.7S x 8ody We|ght) x (10 reps) <1 m|nute
Iau|t : leeL are Loo far away from Lhe base of Lhe ure
I|x : 8rlng Lhe feeL ln closer Lo Lhe ure so LhaL Lhe splne ls more perpendlcular Lo Lhe oor
I|x : Pave Lhe aLhleLe press hls/her body lnLo Lhe Lread of Lhe ure raLher Lhan Lhe sldewall
I|x : Cue Lhe aLhleLe Lo have Lhelr chln and eyes up and xed on a polnL sLralghL ahead
Iau|t : Plps 8lse Larly uurlng Lhe lnlual Ll
I|x : Cue Lhe aLhleLe Lo drlve up more Lhan forward
I|x : 8rlng Lhe feeL closer Lo Lhe base of Lhe ure
Iau|t : Loss of Lumbar Curve
I|x : Cue Lhe aLhleLe Lo Arch" Lhelr lower back wlLh chesL and chln up
I|x : uecrease Lhe load unul proper lumbar curve can be malnLalned
I|x : Pave Lhe aLhleLe push agalnsL Lhe ure wlLh Lhelr mldsecuon durlng Lhe lnlual ll and lp.
I|x : lncrease lumbar moblllLy ln Lhe Sumo sLance
Iau|t : ALhleLe Changes Pand osluon Larly
I|x : Pave Lhe aLhleLe come Lo full exLenslon aL Lhe hlp and knee, sLop, and Lhen work Lhe ure over
wlLhouL lpplng Lhe hands
Correcnng the 1|re I||p
Scor|ng the 1|re I||p
name: _____________________
Age: _____________________
8odywelghL: _____________________
uaLe: _____________________
WelghL of 1lre: _____________________
lllps ln :60 _____________________
Teaching the Atlas Stone:
Standard= (1.25 x Body Weight) x ( 3 Reps) < 60
1. 1each|ng the Movement
SLance = wlde enough Lo accommodaLe Lhe sLone
SLone slLs beLween Lhe ankles wlLh clearance for Lhe arms
WelghL Loward heels
8oLh lower and Lhoraclc splne are exed
Arms sLralghL, (acung llke sLraps) hands/palms grlpplng Lhe bouom of Lhe
sLone faclng one anoLher, ngerups polnung Lowards each oLher
Lxecunon: (LII1)
Slowly dead-ll Lhe sLone from Lhe ground
Sllde feeL Lowards Lhe mldllne and plnch Lhe knees LogeLher creaung a shelf.
8end aL Lhe knees and lower Lhe sLone lnLo Lhe lap
8e-Crlp Lhe sLone wlLh arms and hands ln Lhe Cobra" posluon. ChesL and
abdomen are pulled ughLly Lo Lhe sLone
LxLend Lhe knees and hlps rapldly, drlve heels down, and roll Lhe sLone up Lhe
mldsecuon Lowards Lhe domlnanL shoulder whlle aggresslvely pulllng Lhe
sLone upwards wlLh Lhe arms
SLand Lo full exLenslon wlLh Lhe sLone slmng on Lhe domlnanL shoulder Lo
compleLe Lhe movemenL
2. See|ng the Movement
rlmary olnLs of erformance :
1horaclc back are engaged
Arms are sLralghL aL Lhe elbows when breaklng Lhe sLone from Lhe
Plps reach full exLenslon prlor Lo lapplng" Lhe sLone
"Cobra" posluon from Lhe lap
lasL and aggresslve hlps from Lhe lap Lo Lhe shoulder lncludlng a
sllghL Lo moderaLe hyper exLenslon of Lhe upper body
ALhleLe sLands all Lhe way up and shows conLrol of Lhe sLone aL Lhe
Lxecunon: (LCWLk)
Lean back whlle lowerlng Lhe sLone across Lhe mldsecuon Lrapplng
Lhe sLone ln Lhe lap
8e-Crlp Lhe sLone wlLh arms fully exLended, wrlsLs exed, ngerups
polnung Lowards Lhe mldllne and cradllng Lhe bouom of Lhe sLone
Lower Lhe sLone Lo Lhe oor
Correcnng the At|as Stone
Iau|t : Arms are bent at the e|bow pr|or to ||h
I|x : SLralghLen ouL Lhe arms and have Lhe aLhleLe's forearms faclng ln Lowards Lhe sLone
I|x : Make sure Lhe wrlsL ls exed Lo 90 degrees wlLh ngerups polnung Lowards Lhe mldllne
I|x : Pave aLhleLe come Lo full exLenslon aL Lhe hlp and knee prlor Lo bendlng Lhe elbows. Show Lhe aLhleLe LhaL Lhe arms
are [usL sLraps" holdlng Lhe sLone unul lLs lapped
Iau|t : S|ow n|p Lxtens|on from the Lap to the shou|der
I|x : uecrease Lhe load and work on speed and exploslveness from Lhe lap posluon
Iau|t :Stone Ia||s Short of the shou|der
I|x : Pave Lhe aLhleLe re-grlp whlle Lhe sLone ls rolllng up Lhe mldsecuon. 1he re-grlp wlll be from Lhe cobra" posluon Lo a
polnL underneaLh Lhe sLone. 1hls re-grlp ls slmllar ln acuon Lo a power clean
I|x : Pave Lhe aLhleLe lean back and be pauenL whlle rolllng Lhe sLone up Lowards Lhe shoulder
Iau|t : Loss of |ordonc and thorac|c engagement
I|x : 1ouch Lhe person aL Lhe lumbar curve and back and cue Lo Arch!". uo noL relenL
I|x : SLop and decrease Lhe load Lo where engagemenL can remaln unul Lhe sLone passes Lhe hlps
Iau|t - We|ght Cn or Sh|h|ng to 1oes
I|x : Pave aLhleLe seule lnLo Lhe heels and pull hlps back, malnLalnlng Lenslon ln Lhe hamsLrlngs aL sLarL of movemenL, and
focus on drlvlng Lhrough heels
I|x : Check LhaL Lhe sLone ls locaLed dlrecLly beLween Lhe aLhleLe's ankles
I|x : Check LhaL Lhe aLhleLe ls grabblng Lhe sLone ln Lhe mlddle
Scor|ng the At|as Stone
name: _____________________
Age: _____________________
8odywelghL: _____________________
uaLe: _____________________
WelghL of SLone:_____________________
8eps ln :60 _____________________
Teaching the Keg Lift and Press:
Standard= (.75 x Body Weight) x (5 reps) < 60
1. 1each|ng the Movement
SLance = hlp wldLh aparL
keg slLs ln fronL of Lhe Loes as close Lo Lhe aLhleLe as posslble
Arms are fully exLended, chln ls up, knees are benL aL an angle
(slmllar Lo a barbell power clean)
Lower back ls curved and locked ln
Shoulders are back and ughL
Lxecuuon: (ll)
Slowly deadll Lhe keg o Lhe ground whlle dragglng lL up Lhe
shlns (slmllar Lo a su-legged deadll
Arms sLay sLralghL unul Lhe hlps and knees are aL full exLenslon
8end Lhe knees and lap" Lhe keg
8e-Crlp wlLh Lhe domlnanL hand grabblng Lhe far rlm of Lhe keg
LxLend Lhe hlps vlolenLly whlle rolllng Lhe keg up Lhe mldsecuon
uslng Lhe domlnanL hand Lo roLaLe Lhe keg Lowards Lhe
domlnanL shoulder
2. See|ng the Movement
rlmary olnLs of erformance:
keg ls Louchlng Lhe aLhleLes' Loes prlor Lo deadll
Arms are fully exLended, lumbar curve ls locked and ughL,
shoulders are back, chln ls up
keg drags up Lhe shlns Lo Lhe lap posluon
lasL and aggresslve hlp drlve from Lhe lap Lo Lhe shoulder
lncludlng a sllghL Lo moderaLe hyper exLenslon of Lhe upper
rlor Lo Lhe press Lhe keg ls ln Lhe rack posluon wlLh a sllghL
anLerlor lean of Lhe upper body
AL Lhe Lop of Lhe press Lhe hlp, knee, shoulder, and elbow are
locked and sLralghL
8e-Crlp agaln Laklng Lhe domlnanL hand from Lhe Lop" of Lhe
keg Lo Lhe bouom" of Lhe keg. 1he keg ls slmng ln Lhe rack"
ulp, urlve, and ress Lhe keg Lo Lhe locked ouL overhead
Correcnng the keg L|h and ress
Iau|t : Loss of Lumbar Curve
I|x: Cue Lo pull Lhe hlps back and ll Lhe chesL/shoulders
I|x : 1ouch Lhe person and say, Arch!!!"
I|x : AborL and decrease load unul lumbar arch can be malnLalned
Iau|t : Larly Arm 8end on Lhe deadll
I|x : 8emlnd aLhleLe Lo do a full deadll before lapplng" Lhe keg
I|x : Pave aLhleLe sLand Lall and make eye conLacL dlrecLly ln fronL of Lhem prlor Lo lapplng" Lhe keg
Iau|t : keg ls 8alsed Lo Weak" Slde lnsLead of uomlnanL Slde
I|x : 8emlnd Lhem LhaL Lhe keg musL move Lo whlchever hand ln on Lhe Lop" of Lhe keg from Lhe lap posluon
Iau|t : noL Lnough upper 8ody Lean When 8olllng keg up Mldsecuon
I|x : Cue Lhe aLhleLe Lo look skyward when Lransluonlng from Lhe lap Lo Lhe shoulder
I|x : 8emlnd Lhem whaL Lhe back looks llke when Lhey do CP SlL-ups and Lry Lo recreaLe LhaL arched and loaded posluon.
Iau|t : Sloppy 8ack" osluon rlor Lo ress
I|x : 8elnforce elbows up and have Lhe person look skyward prlor Lo dlpplng and drlvlng
I|x : Make sure Lhe keg ls slmng on Lhe shoulders so LhaL lL won'L sllde down Lhe chesL when Lhe aLhleLe dlps
I|x : Lncourage Lhe aLhleLe Lo Lake a posLerlor lean Lo accommodaLe Lhe large dlameLer of Lhe keg
I|x : uecrease Lhe load Lo an empLy keg and have Lhe aLhleLe pracuce archlng Lhelr back whlle sLaylng ughL Lhru Lhe mldllne
Scor|ng the keg L|h and ress
name: _____________________
Age: _____________________
8odywelghL: _____________________
uaLe: _____________________
WelghL of keg: _____________________
8eps ln :60 _____________________
Teaching the Log Clean and Press:
Standard= (1.23x 8ody WelghL)
1. 1each|ng the Movement
SLance = hlp wldLh aparL .Shlns are resung agalnsL Lhe log.
Arms are fully exLended.
Pead ls neuLral.
Peels are placed rmly on Lhe oor.
Lumbar curve ls ughL and xed.
Shoulders are sllghLly ln fronL of Lhe hands.
ueadll Lhe log Lo full exLenslon aL Lhe hlp and knee wlLhouL
bendlng Lhe arms
ush Lhe hlps back and bend Lhe knees sllghLly Lo creaLe a shelf
where Lhe log can resL ln Lhe lap
ull Lhe log Lo Lhe chesL, chln Louches Lhe Lop of Lhe log
LxLend vlolenLly aL Lhe hlp and knee whlle rolllng Lhe log up Lhe
mldsecuon Lowards Lhe rack posluon
2. See|ng the Movement
rlmary olnLs of erformance:
Log ls agalnsL Lhe shlns Lo sLarL Lhe movemenL
Lumbar and mldllne are ughL and xed
Peels are drlven down lnLo Lhe ground
Log drags up Lhe shlns and malnLalns conLacL wlLh Lhe Lhlghs
Lo Lhe lap
"Colled" posluon prlor Lo clean from Lhe lap
Chln Louchlng Lhe log and arms pulllng hard ln Lhe colled"
Log moves up wlLh Lhe aLhleLe when Lhe clean ls lnluaLed and
log rolls lnLo rack posluon
8ack Lhe log wlLh elbow pressed hlgh and Lhe log resung on
Lhe shoulders
Pead ls pressed back ln Lhe rack posluon
ress ls slmllar Lo keg press wlLh a lean back, dlp/drlve
Iau|t : Log uoes noL urag AgalnsL Shlns and 1hlghs uurlng Lhe ueadll
I|x : Cue Lhe aLhleLe Lo move forward unul Lhe log Louches Lhe shlns prlor Lo Lhe deadll
I|x : Pave Lhe aLhleLe push Lhe hlps back durlng Lhe pull from Lhe ground whlle malnLalnlng
lumbar curve
I|x : Slow Lhe deadll down wlLh a smaller load and force Lhe aLhleLe Lo rub Lhe shlns and
Lhlghs. 8epeaL
Iau|t : Log SeparaLes from Lhe ChesL uurlng Lhe Clean
I|x : uecrease Lhe load and slow Lhe movemenL down so LhaL Lhe aLhleLe can feel Lhe log
roll" up Lhe chesL raLher Lhan curllng up wlLh Lhe blceps
I|x : Cue Lhe aLhleLe Lo puL Lhe chln on Lhe log by slnklng deeper lnLo Lhe hole whlle pulllng
Lhe log ughLly Lo Lhe chesL
Iau|t : Weak 8ack osluon rlor Lo ress
I|x : Cue Lhe aLhleLe Lo drlve Lhe elbows up and resL Lhe log on Lhe shoulders whlle keeplng
Lhe head back and ouL of Lhe way
I|x : Splne should be fully erecL or sllghLly exLended wlLh a posLerlor lean
I|x : Mldllne should be ughL and xed
Correcnng the Log C|ean and ress
Scor|ng the Log C|ean and ress
name: _____________________
Age: _____________________
8odywelghL: _____________________
uaLe: _____________________
WelghL of Log: _____________________
8eps ln :60 _____________________
Teaching the Viper Press:
Standard = (1.2Sx 8ody We|ght)
1. 1each|ng the Movement
SLance = hlp wldLh aparL. Shlns are resung agalnsL Lhe log
Arms are fully exLended
Pead ls neuLral
Peels are placed rmly on Lhe oor
Lumbar curve ls ughL and xed
Shoulders are sllghLly ln fronL of Lhe hands
ueadll Lhe log Lo full exLenslon aL Lhe hlp and knee wlLhouL bendlng
Lhe arms
ush Lhe hlps back and bend Lhe knees sllghLly Lo creaLe a shelf where
Lhe log can resL ln Lhe lap
ull Lhe log Lo Lhe chesL, chln Louches Lhe Lop of Lhe log
ln one vlolenL mouon exLend Lhe hlps, knees and back whlle rolllng Lhe
log, up Lhe chesL keeplng Lhe log ln consLanL conLacL wlLh Lhe upper
2. See|ng the Movement
rlmary olnLs of erformance:
ChesL ln conLacL wlLh Lhe log, chln Louchlng Lhe Lop of Lhe
log, arms pulllng Lhe log lnLo Lhe body
Peels on Lhe oor
Pead ls exed forward wlLh chln Lucked Lo Lhe log
ower ls generaLed llke a whlp" from Lhe lap Lo Lhe overhead
Aggresslve hlp drlve and back exLenslon Culck elbows gemng
underneaLh Lhe hands for Lhe press
When Lhe log ls rolllng Lhru Lhe rack posluon qulckly geL
Lhe elbows underneaLh Lhe hands and press Lo Lhe
overhead posluon
Iau|t : Slow 8oll up Lhe 8ody and Slow 1ransluon lnLo Lhe ress
I|x : uecrease Lhe load and bulld speed Lhru Lhe Lransluons
I|x : Cue Lhe aLhleLe Lo move llke a whlp" so Lhey coll up and
Lhen release Lhe sLored energy ln one uld mouon
Iau|t : Shallow osLerlor Lean uurlng ress
I|x : uecrease Lhe load and lnsLrucL Lhe aLhleLe Lo look
skyward when maklng Lhe Lransluon from Lhe lap Lo
Correcnng the V|per ress
Scor|ng the V|per ress
name: _____________________
Age: _____________________
8odywelghL: _____________________
uaLe: _____________________
WelghL of Log: _____________________
8eps ln :60 _____________________
Teaching the Continental Axle Clean:
Standard= (1.1 x Barbell Clean) x 1RM
1. 1each|ng the Movement
LxacLly Lhe same as Lhe deadll descrlbed ln Lhe Level 1
Coaches' manual
"Mlxed" grlp
Lxecunon: (LII1)
WlLh a "mlxed" grlp power clean Lhe axle Lo Lhe Lop of Lhe
Mldsecuon ls pushed ouL Lo creaLe a shelf for Lhe axle Lo
upper body Lakes a posLerlor lean
Axle resLs on Lhe Lop of Lhe abdomen erform a small dlp
(slmllar Lo a power clean) prlor Lo re-grlpplng Lhe axle lnLo
a double over hand posluon
ulp whlle leanlng back and "clean" Lhe bar from Lhe belly
Lo Lhe rack posluon
2. See|ng the Movement
rlmary olnLs of erformance:
Axle ls cleaned" aggresslvely Lo Lhe rsL posluon on Lop
of Lhe abdomen.
osLerlor lean and hyperexLenslon whlle axle resLs for re-
Second clean Lo accommodaLe Lhe re-grlp
1hlrd clean from Lhe belly Lo Lhe rack posluon.
ress ls any varlauon Lhe aLhleLe wanLs Lo perform
overhead press ls ldenucal Lo press lllusLraLed ln Level 1
Coaches' manual
Iau|t : All laulLs and Correcuons from boLh Lhe ueadll and Med
8all Clean can be applled Lo Lhe Axle Clean. d- +@@1),- S"
+@@ 80" 7,$$,S1-:W
Iau|t : Axle Slldes C Lhe 8elly rlor Lo Second Clean.
I|x : Cue Lhe aLhleLe Lo lean back furLher, suck ouL Lhelr belly
as far as posslble, and be pauenL!! lf need be, have Lhe
aLhleLe dlp several umes Lrylng Lo lnch Lhe axle up hlgher
wlLh each successlve mlnl-clean.
I|x : Apply chalk Lo Lhe fronL of Lhe shlrL where Lhe axle wlll
land on Lhe belly.
I|x : uecrease load and pracuce leanlng back, creaung a shelf,
and sucklng ouL Lhe belly.
Correcnng the Connnenta| Ax|e C|ean
Scor|ng the Connnenta| Ax|e C|ean
name: _____________________
Age: _____________________
8odywelghL: _____________________
uaLe: _____________________
WelghL of Axle: _____________________
8eps ln :60 _____________________
Teaching the Farmers Handles :
Standard (Farmers Carry)= (1.23 x 8ody WelghL ln Lach Pand) x
(100 . WlLhouL uropplng)
1. 1each|ng the Movement
SLance = leeL hlp wldLh Lo shoulder wldLh aparL
WelghL on your heels
Plps over knees Lhus engaglng Lhe posLerlor chaln
Shoulders pulled back and malnLaln mld llne sLablllLy l.e.
Arms sLralghL down.
Lxecunon: (LII1)
urlve Lhru Lhe heels
LxLend legs whlle hlps and shoulders rlse aL Lhe same raLe
Cnce Lhe hands pass Lhe knees, Lhe hlp opens all Lhe way
2. See|ng the Movement
rlmary olnLs of erformance:
urlve Lhrough your heels
ush your knees back and ralse your chesL up
keep Lhe welghLs close Lo your slde
1ake small sLeps aL rsL and gradually plck up speed
Walk a ughLrope keeplng Lhe upper body as quleL" as
posslble and movlng Lhe feeL as qulckly as posslble
Slow down gradually unul sLopped
Lower Lhe handles Lo Lhe oor whlle malnLalnlng
lumbar arch
Iau|t : Loss of Lumbar Arch rlor Lo ueadll
I|x : ress on Lhe lumbar reglon and Lell Lhe person Lo, Arch!!!"
I|x : Pave Lhe aLhleLe drlve Lhelr chln and shoulders upward whlle deadlllng Lhe handles
I|x : uecrease Lhe load unul proper lumbar arch can be malnLalned
Iau|t : 8enL Llbows uurlng Lhe ueadll and/or Carry
I|x : SLralghLen Lhe aLhleLe's elbows prlor Lo Lhe lnlual ll
I|x : Cue Lhe aLhleLe Lo use Lhelr arms llke sLraps" and sLralghLen Lhem
Iau|t : Pandles Swlng uurlng Lhe Carry
I|x : Cue Lhe aLhleLe Lo walk a ughLrope
I|x : Pave Lhe aLhleLe seL Lhe handles down and re-plck Lhem lf Lhey can'L be conLrolled laLerally
I|x : 8emlnd Lhe aLhleLe LhaL Lhe upper body, lncludlng Lhe arms/hands, should remaln quleL" whlle Lhe
lower body moves Lhru space
Iau|t : upper 8ack 8ounds uurlng Lhe Carry
I|x : Cue Lhe aLhleLe Lo plnch Lhe shoulder blades back and down, and decrease load
I|x : Cue Lhe aLhleLe Lo keep Lhe head posluon neuLral wlLh eyes looklng sLralghL ahead
I|x : 8emlnd Lhe aLhleLe Lo malnLaln mldllne sLablllLy lncludlng Lhoraclc splne
Correcnng the Iarmer's Carry
Scor|ng the Iarmer's Carry
name: _____________________
Age: _____________________
8odywelghL: _____________________
uaLe: _____________________
WelghL of Carry: _____________________
leeL ln :60 _____________________
Teaching The Yoke:
Standard= (3 x 8ody WelghL) x (100 . WlLhouL uropplng) <20 Seconds
1. 1each|ng the Movement
SeLup: PelghL of Lhe crossbar should be seL lndlvldually so LhaL,
when lled, Lhe apparaLus ls approxlmaLely 8" o Lhe
SLance = hlp wldLh aparL or one fooL ln fronL of Lhe oLher
wlLh Lhe hlps dlrecLly underneaLh Lhe crossbar
?oke crossbar slLs [usL below Lhe Lraps slmllar Lo a back
ChesL ls uprlghL and ughL, knees are benL, and hlps are [usL
sllghLly behlnd Lhe crossbar
Lxecuuon: (ll)
SLand up from Lhe parual squaL or spllL squaL posluon
MalnLaln a ughL mldllne and begln Laklng slow meLhodlcal
sLeps Lo geL Lhe load movlng forward
2. See|ng the Movement
rlmary olnLs of erformance:
Crossbar ls locaLed ln Lhe correcL back squaL posluon
below Lhe Lraps
Plps are sllghLly behlnd Lhe crossbar
Peels are drlvlng down lnLo Lhe ground
Mldllne ls ughL and erecL
looL speed ls lncreased and decreased gradually
Cradually plck up speed whlle walklng a sLralghL llne
Pead posluon ls neuLral
Cradually slow down and Lhen lower Lhe yoke Lo Lhe
Iau|t - n|gh 8ar os|non
I|x : Cue Lhe aLhleLe Lo lower Lhe bar Lo Lhe meaL of Lhe back also known as Lhe
Iau|t : Plps noL lully LxLended Whlle Walklng
I|x : Cue Lhe aLhleLe Lo plck up Lhelr chln and chesL brlnglng Lhelr hlps underneaLh
Lhe crossbar
I|x : Clve Lhe aLhleLe a focal polnL across Lhe room LhaL ls above eye level
Iau|t : ?oke Swlngs Le and 8lghL or lronL Lo 8ack
I|x : Cue Lhe aLhleLe Lo begln walklng slowly, heel and Loe a ughLrope, for Lhe rsL
several sLeps
I|x : Cue Lhe aLhleLe Lo seL Lhe apparaLus down and re-plck lL
I|x : 8emlnd Lhe aLhleLe LhaL Lhe upper body should remaln dead sull whlle Lhe
lower body moves Lhru space
I|x : uecrease Lhe load unul a more rhyLhmlc pauern emerges
Correcnng the oke
Scor|ng the oke
name: _____________________
Age: _____________________
8odywelghL: _____________________
uaLe: _____________________
WelghL of ?oke: _____________________
leeL ln :60 _____________________
Strongman rogramm|ng
l would add bulleLs here wlLh sample WCus and key polnLs Lo
address ln SLrongman programmlng
An example would be 3 on, 1 o sourced from Cl.com (or
slmllar programmlng) enhanced wlLh 3 SLrongman WCus per
1hose 3 lncremenLal SLrongman WCus are 2 Lechnlque and 1
falrly ume Lrlal" drlven
Strongman rogramm|ng
Performance Standards for Mastery
of Strongman Movements
1. Shou|der a stone = (1.23 x 8ody WelghL) x ( 3 8eps) < 60 Seconds
2. keg C|ean and ress = (.73 x 8ody WelghL) x (3 reps) < 60 Seconds
3. Log C|ean and ress = (1.23x 8ody WelghL)
4. V|per ress = (1.23 x 8ody WelghL)
S. Ax|e Connnenta| C|ean = (1.1 x 8arbell Clean) x 18M
6. Ax|e Doub|e Cverhand Gr|p = (8ody WelghL + 30 ounds) x 60 Seconds
7. Ax|e Dead||h = (.83 x 8arbell ueadll) x 18M
8. Iarmer's Carry = (1.23 x 8ody WelghL ln Lach Pand) x (100 . WlLhouL uropplng)
9. oke Carry = (3 x 8ody WelghL) x (100 . WlLhouL uropplng) <20 Seconds
10. 2ercher oke Carry = (2x 8ody WelghL) x (230 .) < 120 Seconds

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