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"#$% && '(#)* +',&-&%&.-/
1. #01234315367: A Lerm used generally Lo refer Lo Lhe pollLlcal and culLural movemenL dlrecLed agalnsL Lhe 8rlLlsh
ALlanLlc Lrade ln slaves.
2. #5892 35 4:9 ;1<69 (1he): a poem by CovenLry aLmore used laLer ln reference Lo women who embodled Lhe
vlcLorlan femlnlne ldeal.
3. #<=1=> ?938:: Long poem by LllzabeLh 8arreLL 8rownlng, whlch Lells abouL Lhe growLh of a woman poeL
4. @9=4:> )>615: CharacLer known as Lhe" madwoman ln Lhe aLLlc" ln !ane Lyre
3. @32A<586=17>5: A novel of formaLlon ln whlch Lhe maln characLer develops Lhrough Lhe sLory.
!" @B=153C :9=1: Lype of characLer, half hero half vlllaln, popularlzed by Lhe works of Lord 8yron malnly Chllde
Parold" and 1he Claour", who embodled an archeLype of male charlsmaLlc and sophlsLlcaLe buL noneLheless
allenaLed, flawed and lndlvlduallsL. A Lerm colned by 1alne, whlch means a rullng personage, LhaL ls, Lhe model
LhaL conLemporarles lnvesL wlLh Lhelr admlraLlon and sympaLhy. Pe ls flrsL skeLched ln Lhe openlng canLo of
$%&'() *+,-'("
7. D:>=>C49=6 1E /:>F96G9>=9H6 "2>B6: Wllllam PazllLL's work ln whlch he showed hlmself a radlcal prose essaylsL
and llLerary crlLlc.
8. D:>=4367: Large organlsaLlon of workers, named afLer Lhe "eople's CharLer" of 1838, advocaLlng Lhe exLenslon
of suffrage, Lhe use of secreL balloLlng and oLher leglslaLlve reforms
9. D1CF59B /C:112: Several of Lhe greaLesL Lngllsh wrlLers of Lhe 19Lh cenLury, such as Wllllam PazllLL, Lelgh PunL
and !ohn keaLs. 1he conLemporarles applled Lhe LlLle wlLh a derogaLory lnLenLlon.
10. D<==9= @922: CharloLLe 8ronLe's pen name
11. +922> D=<6C>56: a group of poeLs gaLhered round 8oberL Merry (lncludlng Mary 8oblnson and Pannah Cowley)
LhaL produced a serles of rheLorlcally ornaLe and emoLlonal poems of senslblllLy LhaL may well have lnfluenced
Lhe young 8omanLlcs.
12. +1GG928I589= 4>29: A sLory LhaL elLher revolves around Lwo cenLral characLers funcLlonlng as doubles of one
anoLher or, alLernaLlvely, Lo a flcLlon abouL an lndlvldual whose personallLy ls dlvlded.
13. +15 J<>5: wrlLLen by Lord 8yron / Lhe longesL saLlrlcal poem and Lhe longesL poem of any klnd ln Lngllsh
14. 'A350<=8: $9K39L (Lhe): leadlng llLerary perlodlcal [ournal (revlew) of Lhe nlneLeenLh cenLury sympaLheLlc Lo
Lhe Whlg cause.
13. '5C216<=9: "refers Lo Lhe converslon of common land and sLrlp-based open-fleld farmlng lnLo compacL and
conLalned holdlngs enabllng more efflclenL and susLalned farmlng".
16. '5AB7315: A poem wrlLLen by !ohn keaLs ln 1817. lL ls an amblLlous underLaklng of more Lhan four Lhousand
llnes. lL ls a rlch allegory of a morLal's quesL for an ldeal femlnlne counLerparL and a flawless happlness beyond
earLhly posslblllLy, ln a number of passages, lL already exhlblLs Lhe sure movemenL and phraslng of hls maLure
poeLlc sLyle.
17. M<>=49=2B $9K39L (1he): leadlng llLerary perlodlcal [ournal (revlew) of Lhe nlneLeenLh cenLury sympaLheLlc Lo Lhe
1ory cause.
18. ,>22 1E ;BG9=315 (1he): A vlslonary poem by !ohn keaLs.
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19. N3>1<= (1he): name of a Lale by Lord 8yron Lelllng Lhe fllghL of an 'lnfldel' from Lhe courL of a 1urklsh despoL.
1he flrsL of 8yron's LasLern 1ales LhaL has been varlously lnLerpreLed as a poem abouL Lhe clash of world-vlews
beLween Musllm and ChrlsLlan and Lhelr sLruggle over Lhe conLesLed LerrlLory of Creece
20. N10235 )>=F94: poem by ChrlsLlna 8osseLLl / arL falry Lale, parL allegory, Lhls slLuaLes wlLhln lLs sLory of Lwo
slsLers a range of vlcLorlan preoccupaLlons: economlc, sexual and rellglous.
21. &22<735>49A G=354358: An experlmenLal meLhod of prlnLlng whlch comblnes Lhe palnLer and Lhe poeL. Wllllam
8lake used 'rellef eLchlng' (lllumlnaLed manuscrlpLs of Lhe Mlddle Ages) Lo produce mosL of hls books of poems.
1he pages prlnLed were colored by hand ln waLercolour.
22. &549=964358 ->==>43K9 1E 4:9 ?3E9 1E .2><A>: 'O<3>51 (1he): A represenLaLlve example of slave narraLlve
23. J>C1035 51K92: novels ln Lhe mode of radlcal senslblllLy and pollLlcal debaLe of Lhe 1790s / Many of Lhe novels
lnvolved ploLs where lnnocenL lndlvlduals are pursued and lmprlsoned under an un[usL soclal sysLem, several
have sLrong female characLers.
24. ?>F9 /C:112: 1he name by whlch WordsworLh, Colerldge and SouLhey were grouped LogeLher by lrancls !effrey
ln a revlew of Colerldge's 8lographla LlLerarla for Lhe 1817 Ldlnburgh 8evlew.
23. ?>73>: ln a keaLs's poem characLer LhaL conveys sensuallLy and lovlng ldyll / ln one of keaLs's poems (by Lhe
same name) Lhe woman who ls Lransformed from a snake who laLer capLures and seduces her lover / She ls half
whore half salnL, consldered Lo be keaLs's perfecL woman
26. ?><=> >5A ?3PP39: Lhe names of Lhe Lwo slsLers who are Lhe maln characLers ln ChrlsLlna 8osseLLl's Coblln MarkeL
27. ?1=A @B=15: 1he mosL noLable exponenL of Lhe CrlenLal Lale ln Lhe 8omanLlc perlod and a ma[or pracLlLloner of
Lhe form of Lhe 8omanLlc verse narraLlve. Pe ls Lhe auLhor of Lhe popular 1urklsh 1ales".
28. ?B=3C>2 @>22>A6: 1he LlLle of a book ln whlch preface ls as a revoluLlonary manlfesLo abouL Lhe naLure of poeLry.
29. )954>2 4:9>4=9 1= C21694 A=>7>: ma[or dramaLlc form for 8omanLlc wrlLers whlch was deslgned Lo be read and
noL performed / Lxamples lnclude 8yron's Manfred and !oanna 8alllle's ue MonLforL.
30. )94:1A367: 1he Lerm of a movemenL LhaL began ln Lhe elghLeenLh cenLury as a rellglous socleLy LhaL wlshed Lo
reform Lhe Church of Lngland from wlLhln. A movemenL founded by !ohn Wesley, an Angllcan clergyman.
31. -9C96634B 1E #4:9367 (1he): A shorL exLracL wrlLLen by ercy Shelley LogeLher wlLh hls frlend 1.!. Pogg LhaL
clalmed LhaL Lhe exlsLence of Cod could noL be proven and resulLed ln Shelleys expulslon from Cxford.
32. -9L Q17>5 (1he): a recognlsable llLerary flgure and a soclal reallLy long before Lhe 1890's. 8e[ecLlng Lhe
assumpLlons of separaLe spheres ldeology LhaL conslgned women Lo Lhe home, Lhose women demonsLraLed
Lhelr lndependence from resLrlcLlve domesLlc ldeology by flouLlng convenLlonal femlnlne behavlour-eg.by
wearlng cloLhlng LhaL allowed greaLer freedom of movemenL.
33. .=3954>2367: name glven Lo Lhe Luropean fasclnaLlon wlLh Lhe LasL ln Lhe 8omanLlc Age
34. ">54361C=>CB: (Colerldge) ldeal democraLlc communlLy ln Amerlca 1he name of an ldeal democraLlc communlLy
LhaL Colerldge and 8oberL SouLhey planned Lo esLabllshed ln Amerlca. 1he name slgnlfles an equal rule by all.
33. "955B A=9>AE<2 R G955B G=966: A Lerm deslgnaLlng affordable and usually sensaLlonal popular flcLlon, also
known as 'shllllng shockers'.
36. "3C4<=96O<9 (1he): "an elghLeenLh-cenLury Lheory whlch sLressed noLlons such as varleLy, lrregularlLy,
ruggedness, slngularlLy and chlaroscuro [...] ln Lhe appreclaLlon of landscape"
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37. "1976 D:39E2B 35 4:9 /C14436: +3>29C4: a collecLlon of poems by 8oberL 8urns LhaL anLlclpaLed WordsworLhs and
Colerldges concern wlLh low and rusLlc llfe.
38. "1943C>2 /F94C:96: Lhe only book of Wllllam 8lakes Lo be seL ln Lype accordlng Lo cusLomary meLhods.
39. "164:<71<6 ">G9=6 1E 4:9 "3CFL3CF D2<0 (1he): ulckens's novels sold ln one-shllllng lnsLalmenLs before
publlshed ln Lhe compleLe volume.
40. "=9S$>G:>92349 @=14:9=:11A (1he): group of seven young men palnLers, poeLs and sculpLors banded LogeLher ln
1848. 1hey goL back Lo earller lLallan 8enalssance palnLlng and drew lnsplraLlon from medleval arLlsLs seeklng Lo
emulaLe Lhe slmpllclLy of Lhelr vlslon and Lhe slncerlLy of Lhelr rellglous devoLlon. LvereLL Mlllals, Wllllam
Mlchael 8osseLLl, uanLe Cabrlel 8osseLLl, !ames Colllnson, 1homas Woolner, lord Madox and Wllllam Polman
41. "=35C966 (1he): 1ennyson's long poem LhaL fanLaslzed wlLh a women's college from whose preclncLs all males
are excluded. norLon AnLhology ll
42. $109=4 /1<4:9B: An Lngllsh poeL of Lhe 8omanLlc school so-called "Lake oeLs". Pe was a prollflc leLLer wrlLer,
llLerary scholar, essay wrlLer, hlsLorlan and blographer. Pe wroLe ln Lhe ./+,0),'1 2)3&)4 and publlshed. Pe
wroLe wlLh Colerldge Lhe play 5%) 6+'' -7 2-8)9:&),,) and 5%) ;0-,1 -7 0%) 5%,)) <)+,9.
43. $17>543C: An ad[ecLlve referrlng Lo a klnd of wrlLlng LhaL has been deflned ln opposlLlon Lo Lhe elghLeenLh-
cenLury neo-classlclsm. lL afflrms Lhe creaLlve powers of lmaglnaLlon, lnLroduces a new way of looklng aL naLure,
whlch represenLs lLs maln sub[ecL of work. lL has a preference of subllme aspecLs of naLure and exoLlc seLLlngs
and Lhe lndlvldual and Lhe flgure of Lhe arLlsL.
44. />4>53C /C:112: e[oraLlve deslgnaLlon for Lhe poeLs !ohn keaLs, ercy 8ysshe Shelley, Lelgh PunL and Lord
8yron used by 8oberL SouLhey ln Lhe preface Lo hls = >&9&-? -7 @/(A)B)?0 (1821). 1he Lerm expressed SouLhey's
dlsapproval of Lhe unorLhodox vlews and llfesLyles of Lhe poeLs.
43. /956303234B: An 18Lh cenLury movemenL LhaL sLressed Lhe lmporLance of Lhe emoLlons and feellngs ln human
46. /1C3>2 +>=L35367: lL refers Lo Lhe ldea LhaL people, llke planLs and anlmals, are sub[ecLed Lo Lhe processes of
naLural selecLlon. 1he argumenLs of uarwln and Spencer had seemlng appllcablllLy Lo dlfferences ln soclal
sLandlng as well. lL clearly helped Lo dlrecL Lhe developlng flelds of anLhropology and eLhnography.
47. /4=>589 D>69 1E += J9FB22 >5A )= ;BA9 (1he): novella by 8oberL Louls SLevenson whlch ls a sLudy of Lhe power
of pleasures, lnexpenslve, llllclL and lllegal, Lo overcome boLh soclal and psychologlcal mechanlsms of resLralnL.
lL ls consldered a classlc uoppelganger Lale slnce ur !ekyll and Mr Pyde dlscover LhaL Lhey are one man.
48. /<02379 (1he): aesLheLlc Lerm applled Lo Lhe landscape. Ldmund 8urke deflned Lhe subllme ln opposlLlon Lo Lhe
beauLlful argulng LhaL Lhe subllme ls occasloned by greaL and Lerrlble ob[ecLs whereas Lhe beauLlful ls a producL
of small and pleaslng ones.
49. %3549=5 #009B: MedlLaLlve poem by WordsworLh ln blank verse, whlch deals wlLh Lhe lnner llfe of Lhe poeL / lL
was wrlLLen on a walklng Lour of Lhe Wye valley ln !uly 1798.
30. # Q17>5 1E 51 &7G1=4>5C9: A play wrlLLen by lrlsh playwrlghL Cscar Wllde ln 1893 ln whlch Lhe maln Lheme ls
Lhe secreLs of Lhe upper-classes (such as llleglLlmacy and sex ouLslde of marrlage)

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