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Step 1 - THE GRAMMAR part 1

You have to use indirect speech / reported speech if you want to encase the .uoted sentence into a sentence. In this case there are going to /e several changes in the .uoted sentence.
Changes: &irst, we are going to learn how to .uote a sentence in the present. In these cases you dont have to go /ac1 a tense, /ut there are other necessary changes you have to do. *ets loo1 at these first.

B) Change the pronouns: X says to Y In reported speech you have to change I, me, my, mine, myself, / we, us, our, ours, ourselves if X isnt I or we. YOU H !" #O $O%&O'( I O' )" #O X. *ets see two e+amples,
)e are friends.

A) Look at the ta !e e!o" "h#$h $onta#ns the a%&er s o' t#(e an% p!a$e that you ha&e to $hange #n reporte% spee$h) At the en% o' the !#st there are t"o &er s that $an e $hange%) *#re$t spee$h Reporte% spee$h this / these here now today tonight yesterday tomorrow the day after tomorrow the day /efore yesterday this 0wee12 last 0month2 ne+t 0year2 two days ago ago come /ring that / those there then, at that time that day that night the day /efore, the previous day the ne+t day, the following day in two days time two days /efore that 0wee12 the 0month2 /efore, the previous 0month2 the ne+t 0year2, the following 0year2 two days /efore /efore go ta1e

I am a studen t.

(ary says to -eter she is a student. (ary says to -eter they are friends.

In reported speech you have to change you, your, yours, yourself and yourselves if Y isnt you. YOU H !" #O $O%&O'( YOU #O Y. *ets see an e+ample,
You are a teacher.

(ary says to -eter he is a teacher.

C) The or%er o' the reporte% state(ents) )hen you encase the .uoted sentence, you have to use the following order,
Su +e$t , -re%#$ate .(o%a! &er #' ne$essary , &er ) , / +e$t , A%&er s .p!a$e0 t#(e 1)

*) The or%er o' the reporte% 2uest#on)

Yes-no 2uest#on:
"hether 3#' , Su +e$t , -re%#$ate .(o%a! &er #' ne$essary , &er ) , / +e$t , A%&er s .p!a$e0 t#(e)

*ets see two e+amples, Yesterday I went to the shop. (ary says to -eter she "ent to the shop the %ay e'ore) %ow I am drawing a flower into my note/oo1. (ary says to -eter she #s %ra"#ng a '!o"er #nto her note ook then)

*ets see two e+amples, 3o you li1e chocolate4 (ary as1s -eter "hether3#' he !#kes $ho$o!ate) Have you ever /een to 5cotland4 (ary as1s -eter "hether3#' he has e&er een to S$ot!an%)

E) The or%er o' the reporte% $o((an%s 3 suggest#ons 3 re2uests You have to change the ver/ into #O8I%&I%I#I!". If it is a negative command you have to change it into %O#8 #O8I%&I%I#I!". *ets see two e+amples, 9o to your room. (ary tells the children to go to their room. 3ont watch late night films. (ary tells the children not to watch late night films.
4h-2uest#on pronoun , Su +e$t , -re%#$ate .(o%a! &er #' ne$essary , &er ) , / +e$t , A%&er s .p!a$e0 t#(e)

*ets see two e+amples, )here do you usually /uy food4 (ary as1s -eter "here he usua!!y uys 'oo%) )hy have you /ought this camera4 (ary as1s -eter "hy he has ought that $a(era) 6" $ '"&U*7 You have to leave out 5%o60 5%oes6 and 5%#%6 if there isnt negation in the sentence.

#he most common used ver/ to introduce a reported command is 7te!!8. If there is :please in the direct command, you have If the person is mentioned in to use 7ask8 and leave out :please. the direct command, you have to write it into the introduction. e.g., -!ease, dont give up. e.g., Ch#!%ren0 drin1 your ;uice. He asks me not to give up. (other tells the $h#!%ren to drin1
their ;uice.

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