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By damoddhiran


We know that there is enough wind globally to satisfy much, or even most, of humanity's energy requirements if it could be harvested effectively and on a large scale. Vertical axis wind turbines (V W!s", which may be as efficient as current hori#ontal axis systems, might be and significantly chea$er to build $ractical, sim$ler maintain than hori#ontal axis wind

turbines (% W!s".!hey also have other inherent advantages, such as they are always facing the wind, which might make them a significant $layer in our quest for chea$er, cleaner renewable sources of electricity. V W!s might even critical in mitigating grid interconnect stability and reliability dditionally, issue currently facing electricity $roducers and su$$liers. the growing of bio'fuel cro$s. Vertical'axis wind turbines (V W!s) are a ty$e of wind turbine where the main rotor shaft is set vertically. mong the advantages of this arrangement are that generators and gearboxes can be $laced close to the ground, and that V W!s do not need to be $ointed into the wind. (a)or drawbacks for the early designs (*avonius, +arrieus, and cycloturbine" included the $ulsatory torque that can be $roduced during each revolution and the huge bending moments on the blades. ,n this $ro)ect we attem$t to design and fabricate a *avonius Vertical xis Wind !urbine.

chea$ V W!&s may $rovide an alternative to the rain forest destruction for

Table of Contents ,-!./+01!,/-2222222222222222222222..3 *1/45 /6 4./751! .................................................................................... 8 9,!5. !0.5 .5V,5W2222222222222222222..: 4/W5. -+ */0.15 ............................................................................... ;< 1% . 1!5.,*!,1* 22222222222222222222..;; .5=0,.5(5-!* /6 49 1,-> ................................................................ ;? V5.!,1 9 @,* W,-+ !0.A,-522222222222222..;B >5-5. 9 !%5/.C.................................................................................... ;D !C45* /6 V5.!,1 9 @,* W,-+ !0.A,-5........................................ E< ( !5., 9* 0*5+ ,- W,-+ !0.A,-5* ............................................... ED +5*,>- /6 W,-+ !0.A,-5 .................................................................... ?< *451,6,1 !,/-* /6 W,-+ !0.A,-5 ................................................... ?? 6 A.,1 !,/- !51%-,=05* .................................................................. ?3 1 9109 !,/-* ............................................................................................. 449,1 !,/-* /6 W,-+ 5-5.>C............................................................ 1/-190*,/- -+ 60!0.5 +5V59/4(5-!*222222222 A,A,9/>. 4%C22222222222222222222222

,f the efficiency of a wind turbine is increased, then more $ower can be generated thus decreasing the need for ex$ensive $ower generators that cause $ollution. !his would also reduce the cost of $ower for the common $eo$le. !he wind is literally there for the taking and doesn't cost any money. 4ower can be generated and stored by a wind turbine with little or no $ollution. ,f the efficiency of the common wind turbine is im$roved and wides$read, the common $eo$le can cut back on their $ower costs immensely. 5ver since the *eventh 1entury $eo$le have been utili#ing the wind to make their lives easier. !he whole conce$t of windmills originated in 4ersia. !he 4ersians originally used the wind to irrigate farm land, crush grain and milling. !his is $robably where the term windmill came from. *ince the wides$read use of windmills in 5uro$e, during the !welfth 1entury, some areas such as the -etherlands have $ros$ered from creating vast wind farms. !he first windmills, however, were not very reliable or energy efficient. /nly half the sail rotation was utili#ed. !hey were usually slow and had a low ti$ s$eed ratio but were useful for torque. *ince its creation, man has constantly tried to im$rove the windmill. s a

result, over the years, the number of blades on windmills has decreased. (ost modern windmills have B'F blades while $ast windmills have had 3G8 blades. 4ast windmill also had to be manually directed into the wind, while modern windmills can be automatically turned into the wind. !he sail design and materials used to create them have also changed over the years.

,n most cases the altitude of the rotor is directly $ro$ortional to its efficiency. s a matter of fact, a modern wind turbine should be at least twenty feet above and three hundred feet away from an obstruction, though it is even more ideal for it to be thirty feet above and five hundred feet away from any obstruction. +ifferent locations have various wind s$eeds. *ome $laces, such as the Aritish ,sles, have few inhabitants because of high wind s$eeds, yet they are ideal for wind generation. +id you know that the world's largest wind farm is located in 1alifornia, and the total wind $ower generated there exceeds ;,3<< megawatts of electricityH ( ;,<<< megawatts." *ome geogra$hic features such as mountains also have an influence u$on wind. (ountains can create mountain bree#es at night, because of the cooler air flowing down the mountain and being heated by the warmer valley air causing a convection current. Valleys are affected in much the same way. ,n the daytime, the cooler air is above the valleys and the hot air is above the mountains. !he hot air above the mountain rises above the valleys and cools, thus creating a convection current in the o$$osite direction and creating a valley wind. !he oceans create convection currents, as well as they mountains or valleys. ,n the day, the hotter air is above the same and the cooler air is above the ocean. !he air heats u$ over the sand and rises above the ocean and then cools, creating the convection current. heats u$ over the ocean and cools over the sand. time of day also affects the wind. We know that for windmills to o$erate there must be wind, but how do they workH ctually there are two ty$es of windmills '' the hori#ontal axis windmills and the vertical axis windmills. !he hori#ontal axis windmills

ty$ical nuclear $ower $lant generates

t night, the

cooler air is above the sand and the warmer air is above the ocean, so the air s you can clearly see, the

have a hori#ontal rotor much like the classic +utch four'arm windmill. !he hori#ontal axis windmills $rimarily rely on lift from the wind. s stated in Aernoulli's 4rinci$le, Ia fluid will travel from an area of higher $ressure to an area of lower $ressure.I ,t also states, Ias the velocity of a fluid increases, its density decreases.I Aased u$on this $rinci$le, hori#ontal axis windmill blades have been designed much like the wings of an air$lane, with a curved to$. !his design increases the velocity of the air on to$ of the blade thus decreasing its density and causing the air on the bottom of the blade to go towards the to$ ... creating lift. !he blades are angled on the axis as to utili#e the lift in the rotation. !he blades on modern wind turbines are designed for maximum lift and minimal drag. Vertical axis windmills, such as the +urries (built in ;:?<" use drag instead of lift. +rag is resistance to the wind, like a brick wall. !he blades on vertical axis windmills are designed to give resistance to the wind and are as a result $ushed by the wind. Windmills, both vertical and hori#ontal axis, have many uses. *ome of them areJ hydraulic $um$, motor, air $um$, oil $um$, churning, creating friction, heat director, electric generator, 6reon $um$, and can also be used as a centrifugal $um$. !here are many ty$es of windmills, such asJ the tower mill, sock mill, sail windmill, water $um$, s$ring mill, multi'blade, +arrieus, savonis, cyclo' turbine, and the classic four'arm windmill. ll of the above windmills have their advantages. *ome windmills, like the sail windmill, are relatively slow moving, have a low ti$ s$eed ratio and are not very energy efficient com$ared to the cyclo'turbine, but are much chea$er and money is the great equali#er. !here have been many im$rovements to the windmill over the years. Windmills have been equi$$ed with air breaks, to control s$eed in strong winds. *ome vertical axis windmills have even been equi$$ed with hinged

blades to avoid the stresses at high wind s$eeds. *ome windmills, like the cyclo'turbine, have been equi$$ed with a vane that senses wind direction and causes the rotor to rotate into the wind. Wind turbine generators have been equi$$ed with gearboxes to control KshaftL s$eeds. Wind turbines have also been equi$$ed with generators which convert shaft $ower into electrical $ower. (any of the sails on windmills have also been re$laced with $ro$eller'like airfoils. *ome windmills can also stall in the wind to control wind s$eed. Aut above all of these im$rovements, the most im$ortant im$rovement to the windmill was made in ;D3B when the fantail was invented. !he fantail automatically rotates the sails into the wind. (ost wind turbines start to generate $ower at ;; mMs and shut down at s$eeds near ?EmMs. nother variable of the windmill's efficiency is its swe$t rea area. !he swe$t area of a disk''sha$ed wind wheel is calculated asJ equals $i times diameter squared divided by four ($i equals ?.;3". nother variable in the $roductivity of a windmill is the wind s$eed. !he wind s$eed is measured by an anemometer. nother necessity for a windmill is the tower. !here are many ty$es of towers. *ome towers have guy wire to su$$ort them and others don't. !he towers without guy wires are called freestanding towers. *omething to take into consideration about a tower is that it must su$$ort the weight of the windmill along with the weight of the tower. !owers are also sub)ect to drag. *cientists estimate that, by the E;st 1entury, ten $ercent of the world's electricity will come from windmills.


!o utili#e the available wind resources and to reduce the usage of non renewable energy resources. Wind energy is by far the fastest'growing renewable energy resource. sustainable energy resources. 9arge'scale wind facilities a$$roaching the out$ut rating of conventional $ower $lants, control of the $ower quality is required to reduce the adverse effects on their integration into the network. !hese wind turbines can be used to $rovide constant lighting. ,n most cities, bridges are a faster route for everyday commute and in need of constant lighting makes this an efficient way to $roduce natural energy. !he wind energy industry so far has been su$$orted by market incentives backed by government $olicies fostering


POWER & SOURCES N The Source of Wind

,n a macro'meteorological sense, winds are movements of air masses in the atmos$here mainly originated by tem$erature differences. !he tem$erature gradients are due to uneven solar heating. ,n fact, the equatorial region is more irradiated than the $olar ones. 1onsequently, the warmer and lighter air of the equatorial region rises to the outer layers of the atmos$here and moves towards the $oles, being re$laced at the lower layers by a return flow of cooler air coming from the $olar regions. !his air circulation is also affected by the 1oriolis forces associated with the rotation of the 5arth. ,n fact, these forces deflect the u$$er flow towards the east and the lower flow towards the west. ctually, the effects of differential heating dwindle for latitudes greater than ?<o- and ?<o*, where westerly winds $redominate due to the rotation of the 5arth. !hese large'scale air flows that take $lace in all the atmos$here constitute the geostro$hic winds. !he lower layer of the atmos$here is known as surface layer and extends to a height of ;<< m. ,n this layer, winds are delayed by frictional forces and obstacles altering not only their s$eed but also their direction. !his is the origin of turbulent flows, which cause wind s$eed variations over a wide range of am$litudes and frequencies. dditionally, the $resence of seas and large lakes causes air masses circulation similar in nature to the geostro$hic winds. ll these air movements are called local winds.

The !o"er in #he Wind

!he $ower in the wind can be com$uted by using the conce$ts of kinetics. !he wind mill works on the $rinci$le of converting kinetic energy of the wind to mechanical energy. !he kinetic energy of any $article is equal to one half its mass times the square of its velocity, Oinetic 5nergy PQ mv . mount of ir $assing is given by mP R Where m P mass of air transversing Parea swe$t by the rotating blades of wind mill ty$e generator R P +ensity of air VP velocity of air *ubstituting this value of the mass in ex$ression of O.5. PQR PQ R
? E



watts (E"

V watts 2222222..

*econd equation tells us that the $ower available is $ro$ortional to air density (;.EEB kgMm " S is $ro$ortional to the interce$t area. *ince the area is normally circular of diameter + in hori#ontal axis aero turbines, then, P T+

(*q. m"

3 4ut this quantity in equation second then vailable wind $ower 4a P R T + V 8

E ?



U Wind S!eed
!his is very im$ortant to the $roductivity of a windmill. !he wind turbine only generates $ower with the wind. !he wind rotates the axis (hori#ontal or vertical" and causes the shaft on the generator to swee$ $ast the magnetic coils creating an electric current.

U $%&de Len'#h
!his is im$ortant because the length of the blade is directly $ro$ortional to the swe$t area. 9arger blades have a greater swe$t area and thus catch more wind with each revolution. Aecause of this, they may also have more torque.

U $& e Hei'h#
!he height of the base affects the windmill immensely. !he higher a windmill is, the more $roductive it will be due to the fact that as the altitude increases so does the winds s$eed.

U $& e De i'n
*ome base is stronger than others. Aase is im$ortant in the construction of the windmill because not only do they have to su$$ort the windmill, but they must also be sub)ect to their own weight and the drag of the wind. ,f a weak tower is sub)ect to these elements, then it will surely colla$se. !herefore, the base must be identical so as to insure a fair com$arison.




W,-+ !0.A,-5


1 9!5.- !/.

5-5.>C *!/. >5

9/ + 0!,9,V !,/-



Si#e Se%ec#ion con ider&#ion

!he $ower available in the wind increases ra$idly with the s$eedW hence wind energy conversion machines should be located $referable in areas where the winds are strong S $ersistent. !he following $oint should be considered while selecting site for Wind Ener', Con-er ion S, #e. /WECS)0

Hi'h &nnu&% &-er&'e "ind !eed

!he wind velocity is the critical $arameter. !he $ower in the wind 4w, through a given @ section area for a uniform wind Velocity is 4w P OV

(O is constant"

,t is evident, because of the cubic de$endence on wind velocity that small increases in V markedly affect the $ower in the wind e0'. doubling V, increases 4w by a factor of 8.

A-&i%&1i%i#, of "ind V/#) cur-e &# #he !ro!o ed i#e

!his im$ortant curve determines the maximum energy in the wind and hence is the $rinci$le initially controlling factor in $redicting the electrical oM$ and hence revenue return of the W51* machines, it is desirable to have average wind s$eed V such that VX;E';F kmMhr i.e. (?.B 3.B mMsec".

Wind #ruc#ure &# #he !ro!o ed i#e

!his de$arture from homogeneous

Wind es$ecially near the ground is turbulent and gusty, S changes ra$idly indirection and in velocity. flow is collectively referred to as Ythe structure of the windZ.


A%#i#ude of #he !ro!o ed i#e

!he winds tends to have higher

,f affects the air density and thus the $ower in the wind S hence the useful W51* electric $ower oM$. velocities at higher altitudes.

Loc&% Eco%o',
ll of which

,f the surface is bare rock it may mean lower hub heights hence lower structure cost, if trees or grass or ventation are $resent. tends to destructure the wind.

S costs. U


of i#e #o %oc&% cen#er2u er

!his obvious criterion minimi#es transmission line length S hence losses

N&#ure of 'round

>round condition should be such that the foundations for W51s are secured, ground surface should be stable. U F&-or&1%e %&nd co #

9and cost should be favorable as this along with other sitting costs, enters into the total W51* system cost.



Vertical'axis wind turbines (or V W!s" have the main rotor shaft arranged vertically. Oey advantages of this arrangement are that the turbine does not need to be $ointed into the wind to be effective. !his is an advantage on sites where the wind direction is highly variable, for exam$le when integrated into buildings. !he key disadvantages include the low rotational s$eed with the consequential higher torque and hence higher cost of the drive train, the inherently lower $ower coefficient, the ?F< degree rotation of the aerofoil within the wind flow during each cycle and hence the highly dynamic loading on the blade, the $ulsating torque generated by some rotor designs on the drive train, and the difficulty of modeling the wind flow accurately and hence the challenges of analy#ing and designing the rotor $rior to fabricating a $rototy$e. 1 + (/+59 /6 V5.!,1 9 @,* W,-+ !0.A,-5


With a vertical axis, the generator and gearbox can be $laced near the ground, hence avoiding the need of a tower and im$roving accessibility for maintenance. +rawbacks of this configuration include (i" wind s$eeds are lower close to the ground, so less wind energy is available for a given si#e turbine, and (ii" wind shear is more severe close to the ground, so the rotor ex$eriences higher loads. ir flow near the ground and other ob)ects can

create turbulent flow, which can introduce $roblems associated with vibration, such as noise and bearing wear which may increase the maintenance or shorten the service life. %owever, when a turbine is mounted on a roofto$, the building generally redirects wind over the roof and this can double the wind s$eed at the turbine. ,f the height of the roofto$ mounted turbine tower is a$$roximately B<[ of the building height, this is near the o$timum for maximum wind energy and minimum wind turbulence. ,t should be borne in mind that wind s$eeds within the built environment are generally much lower than at



!he forces and the velocities acting in a +arrieus turbine are de$icted in figure ;. !he resultant velocity vector, undisturbed u$stream air velocity, advancing blade, . , is the vectorial sum of the

, and the velocity vector of the

!hus, the oncoming fluid velocity varies, the maximum is found for and the minimum is found for , where \ is the a#imuthal or orbital blade $osition. !he angle of attack, ], is the angle between the oncoming air s$eed, W, and the blade's chord. !he resultant airflow creates a varying, $ositive angle of attack to the blade in the u$stream #one of the machine, switching sign in the downstream #one of the machine. 6rom geometrical considerations, the resultant airs$eed flow and the angle of attack are calculated as followsJ



is the ti$ s$eed ratio $arameter

!he resultant aerodynamic force is decom$osed either in lift (6^9" drag (+" com$onents or normal (-" ' tangential (!" com$onents. !he forces are considered acting at ;M3 chord from the leading edge (by convention", the $itching moment is determined to resolve the aerodynamic forces. !he aeronautical terms lift and drag are, strictly s$eaking, forces across and along the a$$roaching net relative airflow res$ectively. !he tangential force is acting along the blade's velocity and, thus, $ulling the blade around and the normal force is acting radially, and, thus, is acting against the bearings. !he lift and the drag force are useful when dealing with the aerodynamic behavior around each blade, i.e. dynamic stall, boundary layer, etcW while when dealing with global $erformance, fatigue loads, etc., it is more convenient to have a normal'tangential frame. !he lift and the drag coefficients are usually normali#ed by the dynamic $ressure of the relative airflow, while the normal and the tangential coefficients are usually normali#ed by the dynamic $ressure of undisturbed u$stream fluid velocity.


where P *urface rea RP +ensity of air +P +rag com$onent of aerodynamic force -P-ormal com$onent of aerodynamic force !P!angential com$onent of aerodynamic force 69P9ift com$onent of aerodynamic force !he amount of $ower, 4 , which can be absorbed by a wind turbine.

Where Cp is the $ower coefficient, R is the density of the air, A is the swe$t area of the turbine, and _ is the wind s$eed



D&rrieu "ind #ur1ine
1ommonly described as I5ggbeaterI turbines, or +arrieus turbines, were named after the 6rench inventor, >eorges +arrieus. !hey have good efficiency, but $roduce large torque ri$$le and cyclical stress on the tower, which contributes to $oor reliability. !hey also generally require some external $ower source, or an additional *avonius rotor to start turning, because the starting torque is very low. !he torque ri$$le is reduced by using three or more blades which results in greater solidity of the rotor. *olidity is measured by blade area divided by the rotor area. -ewer connected to the to$ bearing. !he +arrieus design, the aerofoils are arranged so that they are symmetrical and have #ero rigging angle, that is, the angle that the aerofoils are set relative to the structure on which they are mounted. !his arrangement is equally effective no matter which direction the wind is blowing`in contrast to the conventional ty$e, which must be rotated to face into the wind. When the +arrieus rotor is s$inning, the aerofoils are moving forward through the air in a circular $ath. .elative to the blade, this oncoming airflow is added vectorially to the wind, so that the resultant airflow creates a varying small $ositive angle of attack ( o " to the blade. !his generates a net force $ointing obliquely forwards along a certain 'line'of'action'. !his force can be $ro)ected inwards $ast the turbine axis at a certain distance, giving a $ositive torque to the shaft, thus hel$ing it to rotate in the direction it is already travelling in. !he aerodynamic $rinci$les which rotate the rotor are equivalent to that in autogiros, and normal helico$ters in autorotation. +arrieus ty$e turbines are not held u$ by guy'wires but have an external su$erstructure


s the aerofoil moves around the back of the a$$aratus, the angle of attack changes to the o$$osite sign, but the generated force is still obliquely in the direction of rotation, because the wings are symmetrical and the rigging angle is #ero. !he rotor s$ins at a rate unrelated to the winds$eed, and usually many times faster. !he energy arising from the torque and s$eed may be extracted and converted into useful $ower by using an electrical generator. !he blades of a +arrieus turbine can be canted into a helix, e.g. three blades and a helical twist of F< degrees, similar to >orlov's water turbines !he aeronautical terms lift and drag are, strictly s$eaking, forces across and along the a$$roaching net relative airflow res$ectively, so they are not useful here. We really want to know the tangential force $ulling the blade around, and the radial force acting against the bearings. When the rotor is stationary, no net rotational force arises, even if the wind s$eed rises quite high`the rotor must already be s$inning to generate torque. !hus the design is not normally self'starting. 0nder rare conditions, +arrieus rotors can self'start, so some form of brake is required to hold it when sto$$ed.


Wor5in' *ode% of D&rrieu Wind #ur1ine

A D&rrieu "ind #ur1ine u ed #o 'ener&#e e%ec#rici#, on #he *&'d&%en I %&nd


subty$e of +arrieus turbine with straight, as o$$osed to curved, blades. !he cycloturbine variety has variable $itch to reduce the torque $ulsation and is self'starting.!he advantages of variable $itch areJ high starting torqueW a wide, relatively flat torque curveW a lower blade s$eed ratioW a higher coefficient of $erformanceW more efficient o$eration in turbulent windsW and a lower blade s$eed ratio which lowers blade bending stresses. *traight, V, or curved blades may be used. >iromill V W!s are also self'starting.

A )iro.i%%6#,!e "ind #ur1ine


S&-oniu "ind #ur1ine

*avonius turbines are one of the sim$lest turbines. erodynamically, they are drag'ty$e devices, consisting of two or three scoo$s. 9ooking down on the rotor from above, a two'scoo$ machine would look like an I*I sha$e in cross section. Aecause of the curvature, the scoo$s ex$erience less drag when moving against the wind than when moving with the wind. !he differential drag causes the *avonius turbine to s$in. Aecause they are drag' ty$e devices, *avonius turbines extract much less of the wind's $ower than other similarly'si#ed lift'ty$e turbines. (uch of the swe$t area of a *avonius rotor may be near the ground, if it has a small mount without an extended $ost, making the overall energy extraction less effective due to the lower wind s$eeds found at lower heights.

Wor5in' *e#hodo%o', of S&-oniu Wind Tur1ine


ADVANTA)ES OF SAVONIUS TUR$INES *avonius turbines are used whenever cost or reliability is much more im$ortant than efficiency. 6or exam$le, most anemometers are *avonius turbines, because efficiency is com$letely irrelevant for that a$$lication. (uch larger *avonius turbines have been used to generate electric $ower on dee$'water buoys, which need small amounts of $ower and get very little maintenance. +esign is sim$lified because, unlike with %ori#ontal xis Wind !urbines (% W!s", no $ointing mechanism is required to allow for shifting wind direction and the turbine is self'starting. *avonius and other vertical'axis machines are good at $um$ing water and other high torque, low r$m a$$lications and are not usually connected to electric $ower grids. !hey can sometimes have long helical scoo$s, to give smooth torque. !he most ubiquitous a$$lication of the *avonius wind turbine is the 6lettner Ventilator which is commonly seen on the roofs of vans and buses and is used as a cooling device. !he ventilator was develo$ed by the >erman aircraft engineer nton 6lettner in the ;:E<s. ,t uses the *avonius wind turbine to drive an extractor fan. !he vents are still manufactured in the 0O by 6lettner Ventilator 9imited *mall *avonius wind turbines are sometimes seen used as advertising signs where the rotation hel$s to draw attention to the item advertised. !hey sometimes feature a sim$le two'frame animation.


Indi&7 *&r5e# O-er-ie" of Wind Ener',

!he develo$ment of wind $ower in ,ndia began in the ;::<s, and has significantly increased in the last few years. lthough a relative newcomer to the wind industry com$ared with +enmark or the 0*, ,ndia has the fifth largest installed wind $ower ca$acity in the world. ,n E<<:';< ,ndia's growth rate is highest among the other to$ four countries. !he worldwide installed ca$acity of wind $ower reached ;BD,8:: (W by the end of E<<:. 0* (?B,;B: (W", >ermany (EB,DDD (W", *$ain (;:,;3: (W" and 1hina (EB,;<3 (W" are ahead of ,ndia in fifth $osition. !he short gestation $eriods for installing wind turbines, and the increasing reliability and $erformance of wind energy machines has made wind $ower a favored choice for ca$acity addition in ,ndia. ,ndia has a vast su$$ly of renewable energy resources. ,ndia has one of the world&s largest $rograms for de$loyment of renewable energy $roducts and systems ?,D<< (W from renewable energy sources installed.


*&#eri&% U &'e in Curren# Wind Tur1ine

wide range of materials are used in wind turbines. !here are substantial differences between small and large machines and there are $ro)ected changes in designs that will accommodate the introduction of new material technologies and manufacturing methods. !o arrive at a total, the material usage is weighted by the estimated market share of the various manufacturers and machines ty$es. ,n general the materials used for wind turbines are *teel, luminum, 1o$$er and .einforced 4lastic ,n this $ro)ect we have used luminum discs and aluminum sheets. !he following are certain im$ortant $ro$erties $resent in the materials.


4oun'7 .odu%u
,t is defined as the ratio of stress and strain, where the strain does not have 8 units. !herefore young&s modulus has the units of stress,-Mmm , ($a , >$a !he value for luminum is D< >4a

Hoo5e7 L&"
!his law states that stress is directly $ro$ortional to strain within the elastic limit.
"here E9 4oun'7 *odu%u 0

4ie%d S#re
,t is the value of stress at which the material continues to deform at constant load conditions. !he value for luminum is E<($a

U%#i.&#e S#re
,t is the maximum stress induced in the s$ecimen S it occurs in the $lastic region. !he value for luminum is D<($a


Fr&c#ure S#re
s the reduction in cross sectional area continues, the load bearing ca$acity of s$ecimen reduces gradually. t a certain stage cross sectional of s$ecimen is so small that it cannot sustain the load S hence it breaks. !he stress at which the s$ecimen breaks is known as fracture stress. ,t is generally less than ultimate stress for ductile materials.

,t is the measure of resistance to $enetration Sabrasion, which is a function of stress required to $roduce some s$ecified ty$e of failure. ,t is generally ex$ressed as a number.

!he ability of material to absorb energy in the $lastic range is known as toughness. !oughness $er unit volume of the material is known as modulus of toughness.

Poi on7 r&#io

!he ratio between lateral strain and longitudinal strain is known as 4oisson&s ratio. !he value for luminum is <.?B

Princi!%e of D,n&.o O!er&#ion

!he dynamo uses rotating coils of wire and magnetic fields to convert mechanical rotation into a $ulsing direct electric current through 6araday's law of induction. dynamo machine consists of a stationary structure, called the stator, which $rovides a constant magnetic field, and a set of rotating windings called the armature which turn within that field. !he motion of the wire within the magnetic field causes the field to $ush on the electrons in the metal, creating an electric current in the wire. /n small machines the constant magnetic field may be $rovided by one or more $ermanent magnetsW larger machines have the constant magnetic field $rovided by one or more electromagnets, which are usually called field coils. !he commutator was needed to $roduce direct current. When a loo$ of wire rotates in a magnetic field, the $otential induced in it reverses with each half turn, generating an alternating current. %owever, in the early days of electric ex$erimentation, alternating current generally had no known use. !he few uses for electricity, such as electro$lating, used direct current $rovided by messy liquid batteries. +ynamos were invented as a re$lacement for batteries. !he commutator is essentially a rotary switch. ,t consists of a set of contacts mounted on the machine's shaft, combined with gra$hite'block stationary contacts, called IbrushesI, because the earliest such fixed contacts were metal brushes. !he commutator reverses the connection of the windings to the external circuit when the $otential reverses, so instead of alternating current, a $ulsing direct current is $roduced




wind mill is machine for wind energy conversion. transmitted by the shaft. windmill&s structural $art. wind turbine

converts the kinetic energy of the wind&s motion to mechanical energy generator further converts it to electrical energy. *o it is necessary to kee$ in mind, while designing the

De i'n of 1%&de
Wind turbine blades have on aerofoil ty$e cross section and a variable $itch. While designing the si#e of blade it is must to know the weight and cost of blades. ,n the $ro)ect three blade with vertical shaft are used, it has a height S width of D?cm S ;EEcm res$ectively. !he angle between two blades is F< . *o if one Alade moves other blades comes in the $osition of first blade, so the s$eed is increases.

$%&de Profi%e

Sh&f# De i'nin'
While designing the shaft of blades it should be $ro$erly fitted to the blade. !he shaft should be as $ossible as less in thickness S light in weight for the six blade, the shaft used is very thin in si#e are all $ro$erly fitted. *o no $roblem of sli$$ing S fraction is created, it is made u$ of hollow luminum which is having very light weight. 9ength nd at the to$ of shaft S diameter are ;8 inches S E.B3cm res$ectively. fixed to give strength to the hollow shaft.

and bottom ends mild steel of length ;inch each are res$ectively are

De i'n of $e&rin'
6or the smooth o$eration of *haft, bearing mechanism is used. !o have very less friction loss the two ends of shaft are $ivoted into the same dimension bearing. !he Aearing has diameter of E.B3cm. Aearing are generally $rovided for su$$orting the shaft and smooth o$eration of shaft. We have used ball bearings for the $ur$ose of ease of maintenance

An E%ec#ric D,n&.o
6or generation of electricity from the designed our vertical axis wind turbine, we chose a Aicycle dynamo which has the ca$acity to light a bulb of ;E V. !his electric dynamo has the ca$acity.



$ASE DI*ENSIONS %eight Width E3 inches E; inches

$LADE DI*ENSIONS %eight +iameter !hickness ngle ngle bMw blades ;8 inches ;? inches <.;EB inches 3B F<

SHAFT DI*ENSIONS +iameter 9ength E.B3cm ;8 inches





The fo%%o"in' "ere #he f&1ric&#ion #echni:ue in-o%-ed ;0 >as 1utting E. rc Welding ?. .iveting

cutting torch is used to heat metal to kindling tem$erature. flows out of the cut. 6or cutting, the set'u$ is a little different. cutting torch has a F<' or :<' stream of oxygen is then trained on the metal and metal burns in that oxygen and then

degree angled head with orifices $laced around a central )et. !he outer )ets are for $reheat flames of oxygen and acetylene. !he central )et carries only oxygen for cutting. !he use of a number of $reheating flames, rather than a single flame makes it $ossible to change the direction of the cut as desired without changing the $osition of the no##le or the angle which the torch makes with the direction of the cut, as well as giving a better $reheat balance

. (anufacturers have develo$ed custom ti$s for (a$$, $ro$ane, and

$oly$ro$ylene gases to o$timi#e the flames from these alternate fuel gases


)& cu##in' Torch

The '& e u ed in #hi !roce

;. 94>


E. %elium Ad-&n#&'e of #he )& Cu##in'0 U U 5nvironment friendly (reducing the emission of 1/E" %igh quality of cut surface

U .eduction of man'hours for finishing after cutting U %igh $roductivity by high s$eed cutting.


rc welding uses a welding $ower su$$ly to create an electric arc between an electrode and the base material to melt the metals at the welding $oint. !hey can use either direct (+1" or alternating ( 1" current, and consumable or non'consumable electrodes. !he welding region is sometimes $rotected by some ty$e of inert or semi'inert gas, known as a shielding gas, andMor an eva$orating filler material. !he $rocess of arc welding is widely used because of its low ca$ital and running costs !he following gauge lengths of electrodes are used in this $rocess 8, ;<S;Emm. !he number of electrodes used in this fabrication is around 3<' 3B electrodes.

Arc We%din' E:ui!.en#


rivet is a $ermanent mechanical fastener. Aefore being installed a rivet consists of a smooth cylindrical shaft with a head on one end. !he end o$$osite the head is called the buck'tail. /n installation the rivet is $laced in a $unched or $re'drilled hole, and the tail is u$set, or bucked (i.e. deformed", so that it ex$ands to about ;.B times the original shaft diameter, holding the rivet in $lace. !o distinguish between the two ends of the rivet, the original head is called the factory head and the deformed end is called the sho$ head or buck'tail. Aecause there is effectively a head on each end of an installed rivet, it can su$$ort tension loads (loads $arallel to the axis of the shaft"W however, it is much more ca$able of su$$orting shear loads (loads $er$endicular to the axis of the shaft". Aolts and screws are better suited for tension a$$lications.





!he wind mill works on the $rinci$le of converting kinetic energy of the wind to mechanical energy. !he kinetic energy of any $article is equal to one half its mass times the square of its velocity, or Q mv . (0E9; .- 0 2222222.. (;" (0E 9 kinetic energy .9 mass - 9 velocity, ( is equal to its Volume multi$lied by its density R of air * 9 R AV *ubstituting eqn(E" in eqn(;" We get, ( E 9 ; R AV0V ( E 9 ; R AV R P density of air (;.EEB kgMm " A 9 T D 2= D P diameter of the blade A 9 T>/?088) 2= A 9 ?0?@S:0. vailable wind $ower 4a 9 /; R T D V 2=
8 <) 8 8 ? < 8 8 E

2222222.. (E"



P 9 ?2A R T D V



6/. V59/1,!C 3.BmMs

P& P& P&

9 /; R T D8 V <)2=

9 /;>?088B>T>?0888 >=0B<)2=
9 @B08=="&##

6/. V59/1,!C B.BmMs

P& P& P&

9 /; R T D 8 V<)2=

9 /;>?088B>T>?0888 >B0B<)2=
9 ??C0?8"&##

6/. V59/1,!C D.BmMs

P& P& P&

9 /; R T D8 V<)2=

9 /;>?088B>T>?0888 >D0B<)2=
9 <E80E@"&##

6/. V59/1,!C ;<mMs

P& P& P&

9 /; R T D8 V<)2=

9 /;>?088B>T>?0888 >?E<)2=
9 D?@0EE"&##


Wind'turbine generators have been built a wide range of $ower out$uts from kilowatt or so to a few thousand kilowatts, machine of low $ower can generate sufficient electricity for s$ace heating S cooling S for o$erating domestic a$$liances. 9ow $ower W51 generators have been used for many years for the corrosion $rotection of buried metal $i$e lines. $$lication of more $owerful turbines u$ to about B<kw, are for o$erating irrigation $um$s, -avigational signal. to isolated $o$ulations. ero generators in the intermediate $ower range, roughly ;<< to EB OW can su$$ly electricity

!here are several reasons why we would choose a vertical axis wind turbine over a hori#ontal axis windmill. ;. !hey are mounted lower to the ground making it easy for maintenance if needed. E. !hey start creating electricity at s$eeds of only F m$h. nd ?. !hird, they may be able to be built at locations where taller structures, such as the hori#ontal ty$e, can't be. 3. %igher $ower utili#ation'' E<[ higher than % W!. B. 9ower noise level''only ED'?D +A, suitable for your living condition. F. *afer o$eration''*$in at slower s$eeds than hori#ontal turbines, decreasing the risk of in)uring birds and also decreasing noise level.

D. *im$ler installation and maintenance'' besides the traditional installation site, it can be mounted directly on a roofto$, doing away with the tower and associated guy lines. 8. -ot affected by orientation variation`no matter the wind blow from any orientation, V W! can work without regard to its face.
:. 5conomical


$ractical' lthough



ex$enses are larger, but you don&t have to $ay higher tariffs forever.

a" ,t is a renewable source of energy. b" Wind $ower systems are non'$olluting so it has no adverse influence on the environment. c" Wind energy systems avoid fuel $rovision and trans$ort. d" /n a small scale u$ to a few kilowatt system is less costly. e" /n a large scale costs can be com$etitive conventional electricity and lower costs could be achieved by mass $roduction. f" !hey are always facing the wind ' no need for steering into the wind. g" %ave greater surface area for energy ca$ture 'can be many times greater. h" re more efficient in gusty winds already facing the gust. in $arking lots. )" 1an be scaled more easily ' from mill watts to megawatts. i" 1an be installed in more locations ' on roofs, along highways,





/ur work and the results obtained so far are very encouraging and reinforce the conviction that vertical axis wind energy conversion systems are $ractical and $otentially very contributive to the $roduction of clean renewable electricity from the wind even under less than ideal sitting conditions. ,t is ho$ed that they may be constructed used high'strength, low' weight materials for de$loyment in more develo$ed nations and settings or with very low tech local materials and local skills in less develo$ed countries. !he *avonius wind turbine designed is ideal to be located on to$ of a bridge or bridges to generate electricity, $owered by wind. !he elevated altitude gives it an advantage for more wind o$$ortunity. With the idea on to$ of a bridge, it will $ower u$ street lights and or commercial use. ,n most cities, bridges are a faster route for everyday commute and in need of constant lighting makes this an efficient way to $roduce natural energy

!he develo$ment of effective alternators and dynamos can be used to harness wind energy from relatively small winds. !he use of materials like crylic 4lastic *heets can be used to develo$ low cost VW !

5ggleston, +avid (. Wind Turbine Engineering Design. Van -ostrand .einhold, ;:8D. %unt, +aniel V. Wind power: A Handbook on Wind Energy Conversion Systems. Van -ostrand .einhold, ;:8;. Oovarik, !om, 1harles 4u$her, and 7ohn %urst. Wind Energy. +omus Aooks, ;:D:. 4ark, 7ack. The Wind ower !ook. 1heshire Aooks, ;:8;.

4utnam, 4almer 1osslett. ower "rom the Wind. Van -ostrand 1om$any,



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