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SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

Yesterday was your last day being unhappy, unfulfilled, confused, belittled, mistreated, angry, hurt, depressed, and stuck. Welcome to the 1st day of the rest of your life. Be yourself... your NEW self, without anyone else's approval!!

SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

DISCLAIMER: This ugly, simple little book is being released extremely RAW, UNEDITED, UNCUT. You may find spelling mistakes, you may find grammar errors, you may find many flaws that should never be published in public. BUT. While youre counting and noticing these flaws --- just keep in mind theres probably something YOU could be releasing to the world -- if you were willing to face YOUR flaws and share them with the world. I am Shanel Cooper-Sykes and these are unspoken, unpublished conversations. Youre going to feel as if Im speaking directly to you about your life or someone you know. If you can keep an open mind and open ear, Im 100% certain youll get something out of these readings. This was NEVER going to see the light of day! What are you waiting to create, release and publish to the world in YOUR life?

xoxo Shanel

SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

Please click here to listen to this MP3 before you read another word of this mini-book

SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

Almost everybody wants a different life than the one they have now. They want a life that works --- where theres no struggle to survive --with freedom to enjoy what life is really about. In fact Im almost certain youve tried everything to achieve that life. Everybody has a different capacity of greatness and nothing is to say that one capacity is better than the other. But theres always something that gets in the way. Especially when youve tried and failed over and over again. It seems like you dont have enough time, enough energy, enough support to make your dreams come true. It seems like theres always something that stops you from reaching greatness. Your normal life gets in the way of you having the life you really want to have. I wanted to write because my life is really messed up and I need some guidance. Forgive me if this is a little jumbled, Im just trying to sort it out. I feel like I'm in this constant struggle, this constant race, like I wake up thinking about what has to be done. Are you someone who finds yourself saying these things? Last night my girlfriend invited me to this party with all these celebs. l only went because I didnt have to pay for any drinks and she offered to pick me up since my car is in the shop. I need to make some money, I need some time, I need this, I need that, I have no man, I have no love!and Ive been feeling tired. Its almost like this incomplete unfulfilled feeling. Something in my heart tells me this is not what I want to be doing. People always say why not just do want to be doing but! my parents are putting me through school... SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

Thats why Ive put together this short motivational book. To inspire you to get your ish together --- so you can have the life you truly deserve. It doesnt matter who you are, where you are or what you do --youre probably one of the thousands of men and women who believes you deserve a higher-quality life than the one you have right now. You might fall in one of these categories: ! People who want to be in high-caliber (marriage-material) relationships ! People who are sick and tired of struggling financially in life ! People who are entrepreneurs/dreamers and ready to get their business of the ground and to the next level. ! People who have reached a point where theyre ready for a different person This mini-book shows you how to have a happy and fulfilled life --and eliminate the ISH thats keeping you from being as happy, successful and powerful as you should be. You know what its like when you spend all your money then you go back to square one and the money that you spent, you have to be overly concerned about it because you know you're not going to get any more for another month. I experienced love and sex and intimacy in spurts. I was with a guy for two months and then he dumped me, or I was with a guy for three months and he cheated on me, I was with a guy for a year then I left him. I would get money in spurts, had a great job, but I got fired, then I got another job and then I quit and I got another job and I made money but I was still broke after paying off my student loans. It feels like Ive been on a rollercoaster going up and down, up and down, up and SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

down. For my vision board I cut out a picture of Halle Berry, cause I want to get my body slimmed down to 125, but its not happening and I cant understand why. I'm 250 pounds and I have a vision of me being 125. My body feels sluggish, I'm constipated, I dont have any energy, my stomach is hanging over my pants, all my clothes are tight, nobody likes me I can't find a man and I feel fat, ugly and unappreciated. And I still dont have a job. Getting your ish together means cleaning that mirror, getting all that junk off of your mirror so you can have a crystal clear picture of who you are right now at this moment. When you can clearly see who you are TODAY in this present moment, youll have clarity to see who you want to be tomorrow. But you cant see that, because your mirror is cloudy. And its perfectly okay because we all get cloudy sometimes. When you get your ish together, youll have that extraordinary level of clarity in your life. Youll be able to get your actions in alignment with your vision. Before I explain more. Let me explain why this is important for everyone --- including you, no matter who you are or where you live. Somebody may have the desire to be a stay-at-home mom and raise her two children and be the absolute best wife that she can be, meaning she can cook and she can clean, she can make love, she can have sex, she can communicate, she can listen, she can pray, she's the ultimate woman at home. Her body's in shape, her energy is fueled, her spirit feels good, but she's a stay-at-home mom. She's a normal mom in a suburban area, or whatever and thats just what she wants to be. SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

Now you may have another woman who is 25 with no kids and no husband and she wants to go to Hollywood and act and become the next, Angelina Jolie. Fantastic, both are desired, nothing is to say either desire is better than the other. The fact is they both have a desire to be better, to be bigger and to be different. Thats all that matters. When your actions are in alignment with your vision, this means that when I wake up in the morning, I'm going to eat a yogurt, instead of a bagel no matter how hard my body is craving those carbs. If I'm having a moment where I'm saying "let me just have a little piece of bagel" I instantly flip my mind to, no I am creating the body that I want. So instead, I'm going to eat this yogurt, to get long time pleasure, to get that body that I want. Even though yogurt is nasty, it doesnt have any flavor and it's not going to fill me up. Or another example, you have a specific goal or project that you're working on and youve got to put in x amount of hours and it's ". So a person that is in alignment is going to say, no matter how much she wants to party, she's going to say "you know what, tonight I'm not available, I'm not available" as much as she wants to party, as much as she needs a man, as bad as she wants a man with some money, as bad as she cant live without her stiletto pole, as bad as she wants to go out and have a glass of wine because she is stressed, she is going to say "you know what I cant, tonight I'm not available", because she knows that tomorrow she has a deadline. That is being in alignment during that short time pain. Yes it hurts. It hurts to say no to a fabulous party, celebrities, free drinks, men with money. Most women are thinking I cant miss that! Yes thats painful, but enduring that short time pain to get that long term pleasure of meeting the goal the next day is far more important. When you have your ISH together, you have freedom. Youll be able SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

to say to yourself "I have the ability to go out tonight and fully enjoy myself, because I know that I have accomplished something". If you go out and havent accomplished what youve been working on, youll be out partying, socializing, or watching TV thinking about what you wanted to accomplish. Youll eventually fix it so you dont feel guilty about it --- but in reality, you dont have the the total freedom that you would have... if you really accomplished what you set out to accomplish. When you do that, you leave something lurking in the background. There was always this little bit of fear in me, that knew after the moment is over Id have to go back to my regular life of frustration. So in essence I was always living in fear. It wasnt until I stopped, stood still and took control over myself and created the habit necessary to create the accent to really make some change. Thats when I began to experience life. I keep cleaning my mirror off every single day, so I'm clear. First you have to define what your ish is. Like what is it that you're doing and then once you define that its pulling all areas in your life together to conform around the one thing you want the most out of life. It could be a new job, a new relationship, a better car, new friendships, more peace, a tight and firm body, or anything else you can dream of. For example lets look at the stay-at-home mom. The stay-at-home mom wants to be a better wife and a better mother. So when the stay-at-home mom begins to get spiritually plugged in, she begins to listen to her intuition. When she gets the energy to get up in the morning a little bit earlier to take a little bit more time for herself and fill herself up just a little bit SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

more because she can overflow just a little bit more into her children's lives, all of those areas of her life!so meaning her physical body because now she has energy right? Now her finances are changing because she's not spending money on things that deplete her energy. Now she has time and the energy to feel sexy when her husband comes home. Now she has the energy to get in the kitchen and cook a meal so her children can eat dinner at the table and have a great conversation with mommy and daddy. Because now, everything is working in full circle for her to become that ultimate wife and mom she always wanted to be. Lets look at someone who dreams of becoming a restaurateur --owning a restaurant. He needs to get everything else together around his ish. He needs to sit down and ask himself "What do I need to make this restaurant happen"? You need some good credit, because you're going to need a business loan. You're going to need some negotiation skills, you're going to need a staff of people, you're going to need a location, you're going to need people to help you. You're going to have to look a certain way, you're going to have be physically fit in a certain way so you have the energy to get up in the morning and train people and talk to people and speak to people and make your restaurant happen. So you have to take all those variables and put them in. You have to prioritize them and work on each one to get your ish together. Really, we have to convince ourselves that we ARE somebody that we're not and be able to become the person that we want to be. We have to convince ourselves who we're not in order to become the SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

person that we want to be. In essence we have to lie to ourselves. I have $2 in my pocket right now, but I am a millionaire. My credit score is a 501 but I am a millionaire. All my bank accounts are in the negative, but I am a millionaire and it may sound ridiculous right now, but when you continue to say it to yourself, you will begin to believe it.

It doesnt matter who you're praying to or what or who you believe in.

Whatever you believe in is the truth; nothing has meaning except for the meaning that you give it.
So if you are telling yourself, I am a millionaire or when I get to New York I will have an apartment --- youll have an apartment. Or when I get to New York I will find a wife or a husband --- youll have a wife or a husband. If you say it to yourself over and over and over again, it will begin to transform your actions. You just have to consistently take the right actions. Saying it isnt enough. And you wont be able to take those actions without having your ish together. The good news is, when you begin believing in your Truth -- it develops a special meaning to you. Then you begin taking actions consistent with that meaning. Then suddenly, you automatically know what to do, when to do it and how to do it. Everything just comes naturally. Just like your favorite song that you hear on the radio. You can start singing without the song even coming on, when you can do that over and over and over in your mind your body and your SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

spirit will begin to believe it and that is what is going to happen. That's it period. So for the person that doesnt have any belief or for the person that's afraid or for the person that says!no I can't see it yet. Simply lie to yourself. Lie to yourself and eventually that lie will become the truth. Its the image that she sees in the mirror. The image that she looks at in the mirror, in her mind something is telling her that it looks good and it doesnt matter what anybody else thinks. So that works on the opposite end too. If you're looking in the mirror and you think that what you're looking at is ugly or its fat or its unworthy or its little or its stupid, then the reflection thats looking back at you that is exactly what it is. And it doesnt matter what anybody else thinks. So I could tell a person who thinks that they're ugly all day long "you are so beautiful" "oh my God, you are so beautiful"!there's nothing that I can tell them that can make them believe that they are beautiful. Thats why its called self-esteem. You have to esteem yourself up to the point where you believe what you are seeing. You have to blow smoke up your own behind, because nobody else is going to do it for you. You're not going to get something unless you're ready for it. Most people are oblivious to the way that they think and the way that they feel, so when you become conscious and aware, thats the point when you are ready to receive that thing that you think that you want. So you have to be like, look okay, I think I'm ugly but I'm ready to receive something different. You're going to have to lie to yourself and pump yourself up and when you do that then you're opening yourself up to receive something different. SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

The M Word
One of the biggest problems is always the M word money. Its always "if I had the money I would!" or, you know "dang, this bill comes up" and a lot of times usually, sometimes its an unexpected bill or you forgot about that reoccurring bill or its the first and you dont have the money on the first, you dont have it until the tenth and so now you have been stressed for ten days. How do people get over the money issue when they believe thats what's keeping them from getting to the next stage in their life?

So How Do I Fix My Life?

First, this is about living an extraordinary life. A life beyond average. A life where youre actually in control of your days, weeks and months and they are filled with consistent happiness. People truly want to change, but they are afraid of uncertainty. It prevents you from making the decision to take action because you're like well I already have a place to stay and Im comfortable living here. Im familiar with what's in front of me now because its tangible". Most people wait to see something before they make a move which is a complete opposite because you're not going to see it until you make the move. If youve ever taken a road trip that lasted more than two hours!say going from Los Angeles to New York, you have to get in the car and be willing to travel the distance first. When you first start out, you travel on the highway seeing all kinds of confusing signs. Signs that have absolutely nothing to do with New York. Detours, roadblocks and even rest-stops. You wont see any signs or hints that youre headed towards New SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

York until you get within 3 to 4 hours of the New York borderline. Its so easy to program ourselves to go, go, go, pay bills, pay bills, pay bills, go, go, struggle, struggle, struggle, struggle, go, go, go, go, go, time, time, time, go make it happen, but very rarely do we tell our bodies "okay you can stop and let's just be". So when you do that, for some magical unexplainable reason, when you do that, that is when stuff starts to happen, but nothing is going to happen when you're constantly going, going, going and doing what life is telling you to do. Spirituality plays a very big part of it. I believe that when you are totally spiritually plugged in --- meaning you're praying, you have gratitude, you're in line and in tune with God and you listen to your intuition and you're not letting anything steer you away from that --there is nothing you cant do. I dont want to say cant do, that sounds so simple, but its like you can have whatever you want but the minute that you begin to unplug yourself meaning other people and other people's opinions and what you should be doing and when you start to get distracted, when you stop focusing on God, He stops focusing on you. Getting spiritually plugged in isnt about God. Its about what you believe. I can believe God is a rock or a rock is God and worship the rock and whatever I say to the rock is going to happen. It doesnt matter and that is why I stress it doesnt matter if you're Muslim or Christian or Buddhist or Atheist. It does not matter. What matters is when you shut off the world, the phone and the people talking and the cars honking. Like when you shut out all this other stuff, there is nothing left but you. When it is just you and you can hear yourself, you can do what the self is telling you to do. So if you want to call it God, if you want to call it Jesus, whoever you want!if you want to call it a universe and the Spirit, whatever you SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

want to call it, fine fantastic, but its that voice, its that thing inside of you that the majority of people cannot hear because life is constantly talking in their ear. You can start this process very easily. Simply go in a bedroom, turn off the lights, take off your clothes, unplug the phone, unplug the TV and lay on the floor. Just lay on the floor. You might think its really stupid, but just lay on the floor and I guarantee your body is going to feel something youve never experienced. Suddenly, your body is doing what you're telling it to do. I'm not just saying like lay on the floor and be quiet and meditate all day. When you begin this process your body, your mind and your life will be more receptive to what its supposed to be doing instead of being receptive and accepting to what its not suppose to be doing. You're not supposed to be stressing out over bills. You're not supposed to be in a toxic relationship. You're not supposed to be overweight, when you're carrying around excess weight thats weighing your body down. When you take the time to stop, it allows your body to begin and say "wait a minute, its time to do the things that we're supposed to be doing". You need to figure out what those things are, because most of the time when you're doing everything you're not supposed to be doing, you dont know what you are supposed to be doing because you cant see yourself. Thats one of the reasons why I use vision boards and vision walls. The Importance of a Vision Board Vision board pulls out what you can see in your mind and puts it in front of your eyes and you go or you move in the direction that you're looking. So think about if you are driving your car and you're getting ready to get into a car accident or get ready to hit a wall, most people are going to look at the wall instead of looking at the way to get out. So SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

you're going to hit the wall because that's where you're looking. So on a daily basis, we're looking at getting up, getting in the shower, getting dressed, going to work, you come home you open your mailbox, its full of bills, you come in the house, your boyfriend or your wife or your girlfriend or your mamma or your daddy is nagging about what you didnt do and you feel unhealthy, you feel fat, you feel lonely, you feel like whatever!thats what you're looking at every single day. So a vision board allows you to take your mind to the place that it imagines everyday and most people dont talk about their imagination because there is no time and nobody really cares. Nobody's really listening to you. So when you pull out the vision that you have in your mind and you put it on paper meaning you take physical pictures of the physical real thing that you want and you put it in front of you and you're looking at it, your two eyeballs are looking at it every single day, you are going to move in the direction of those things. Just like you're driving and your about to smack into a wall, you're going to look at the wall. So now you're driving in life looking at your problems! this is what you're looking at. Guess what you're going to smack into!the things that you're looking at every day. So that is what a vision board allows you to do. It allows you to wake up everyday and look at the things that you are imagining in your head. Now the trick to a vision board though is being clear about what you want. So when you're clear about what you want you can then verbalize it and then find the physical picture to make it happen. That's when those physical actions come in. Now that's where all of the affirmations and the changing your language is speaking a different way and speaking things into existence. So often, people dont talk about what they imagine. They hide it. Its buried. Not only are the deeper problems and the reasons why SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

people have problems buried, but their dreams, their deepest desires are buried and their imagination is buried. Nobody calls on it. That's because everybody else has their own reality and they're stuck in their reality. Thats why its important to have high-quality friendships. Friendships When you surround yourself or when you befriend people who can speak to the dreamer, who can speak to the King or speak to the Queen or speak to the great one that's in you, those people are going to bring it out of you, even though you're not at the point. But when you surround yourself with people who speak to the regular person, who speak to the non-dreamer, who speak to the average person thats living in a regular cycle that everybody else is living in, that is what they're going to bring out of you. So when you guys get together guess what your conversation is going to be about? I ts going to be about what time you've got to be at work tomorrow. How much is your paycheck.? Or "girl did he say that? Yes, I can't stand that either". Thats all your conversation is going to be about. An empowering friend will say things like "did you put something new on your vision board today"? Or "what did you do yesterday? Girl I got a call from this casting director, can you believe it?" I'm auditioning for this, oh I read this new book, oh my goodness, I started this new workout. Have you ever tried this juice before? Have you ever tried this different food before?" When you talk to somebody who is bringing something out of you thats not the norm, thats what both of you are going to experience together. Youll experience something thats NOT the norm! SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

So for example, my friends!when I talk to my friends, my friends bring out the greatness in me and sometimes my friends bring out greatness that I didnt even know existed. My friends stretch me, when I'm in a box and I'm like "oh, I cant do this" or "today is so bad" or "this aint working" or "I dont feel good", I have friends who are going to stretch me and be like "hold on, yes you can. Try this" or "hold on wait a minute, you need to get your act together" or "wait a minute, let me come get you and let's go here and do this". Instead of playing to the pity party like "oh girl me too, I'm tired too. Today its hot outside, I dont feel like doing nothing". So you have to have friends that speak to that greatness in you. Thats what makes you great. You have other people who say "Shanel, I'm just a normal person, I dont have a passion, I dont have a purpose, I'm just a normal person", you know "I want to live a better life but I just want to be a stay-at-home mom. I'm not an expert knitter, I dont want to go to Hollywood, I dont want to go to New York and sing or act or dance or anything like that, I'm just a normal person". Regardless of what situation youre in - what you do - what you want to do - or what your dream is. There is GREATNESS inside of you. Mr. X: So I'm out of college, 29 and its tough out there. You dont know what its like out there, Shanel. You know you make all this money every month, but out there nobody's hiring and everybody is requiring everybody to have a bachelor's degree or a master's degree and you're still only making $12 an hour, $14 an hour if you're lucky. I mean, but I want to own this restaurant, what am I supposed to do? Are you now talking about a receptionist job or whatever, but thats not enough. How do I get over this hurdle or what am I supposed to do? Just keep praying? Do you want me to keep laying on the floor? I mean what would you want me to do? I mean, I need some money.

Money Problems
Money is just energy and if we pull it all the way back to being SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

spiritually plugged in or spiritually beaten!all being spiritually plugged in means is that you have more energy and energy means to move. It means to create, so think about something that has a lot of energy, it is creating a lot of something. So think about your house, if its plugged in, you have a lot of energy, all the lights are on. So money in essence is just energy, so the more physical and the more spiritual energy you have the more power you have to pull more financial energy to you because money is just ability. It makes you have the ability to walk into a store and walk out with the things that you want or need. It makes you have the ability to walk into anywhere and exchange a piece of paper for a product or for an object or for a service that you need, but in order to get that money you have to have the energy to get it. Meaning you have to have the energy to make it. So you have to do something to earn the money, so the more physical energy you have the more you can do. Usually somewhere down the line, somebody tells you that the only way you can make money is to go to school and get a degree then find a job. And I get a lot of questions like this! Somebody said what do you want me to do? Do you want me to open up a lemonade stand? I dont have any other skills. I went to school for this, nobody is hiring. What do you want me to do? Open up a law firm overnight? I said well! you know what? I am going to be so honest with you. I dont have an answer to that question and the reason I dont have an answer to that question is because of your belief system. Whoever this person is thats asking me this question, your belief system somewhere believed that you have to go to school to get a degree to get a job to make X amount of dollars. So what I suggest is that if you want more money, you need to go back to the drawing board and reevaluate your belief system and maybe you need to believe, yes that you can be an entrepreneur. Maybe you need to believe that yes you will hit the lotto. Maybe you need to believe something different and you'll get different results SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

because obviously what you've been believing about going to school, taking out loans, going to school for four years, six years, eight years, get a degree. You get your degree, you get a JOB, a Just Over Broke, you work that Just Over Broke and you make just enough money to keep you over broke and now you're mad, frustrated and pissed off at life because you dont have any money. Its nobodys fault but yours. That may seem harsh on the surface but

your EXCUSES are ROBBING you of the LIFE you truly deserve.
I hear people say all the time I would finish my business plan and, look I can start my business, I could do that. I would go down there and get the equipment to do the restaurant but I dont have any money. Nobody wants to give me any money. All of this can be true. But you have to find a way to get around it. Lie to yourself and act like you have some money and walk up in some places like its already done. I was just where you were. I didnt have any money, but I stopped focusing on the fact that I didnt have any money and started focusing on what I did have --- which was the ability to write a book. The knowledge to write a book, the motivation to write a book. I did it and the book is here and now I have money. The moment that you stop focusing on what you dont have, and begin focusing on what you do have... you can HAVE things you never wouldve had in the first place. Everything we see wasnt here before and it took somebody to dream it up. You think about an airplane. How do you get a piece of metal to SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

fly in the air? It takes that craziness. It does take just accepting the fact that you may not necessarily have an answer but you can find one if you take those actions to do that. If you take those actions to find the answer to build whatever it is you want to build. If you have a pot then put that pot on the stove, use your little Facebook account and tell people you are doing macaroni tonight. Thats the beauty of living in this day and age. I feel so blessed to be living in this day and age that at a click of a button, I can type something and the whole world knows what I'm doing. You put a pot on the stove; you throw some noodles in the pot, put some water in the pot and turn it on and you make macaroni and cheese. Go to PayPal.com and start taking credit cards from people all in the same day! And next month you'll have enough to finalize your business plan, and lease a space.

If you're plugged into God and you have that over abundance of self-esteem, self-confidence and belief then I think that you'll be able to kind of detach yourself from the present and take the actions for the future.
People over-complicate life. It's so freaking simple, but when something is too good to be true or when like it can be so simple but we're so used to over-complicating it when something simple comes along we cant believe it. I'm a life coach and I'm speaker and I'm a fabulous cook and I'm this and I'm that and I know who I am as a woman. Like I know how valuable I am. I have spent years building up my self-value so I know SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

I look good. I know I smell good, I know I am spiritually plugged in. I know that I can cook, I know that I can make love, I know that I'm sensual and sexual. I know that I can read, I know that I can communicate, I know I can negotiate. I know I know how to be quiet when its time to be quiet. I know how to be aggressive when its time to be aggressive. I know how to nurture. I know how to argue and I know how to shut somebody down when its time to shut them down, but I know all of my skills and all of my qualities and I dont see a flaw within me. Now some people may call that over-confident. I call it knowing who Shanel Cooper-Sykes is and what she can bring to the table. When I say simplify stuff, its like its simple, I know who I am and I know what I bring to the table. There is nothing extra that needs to be added. There is no doubt that needs to be added. I'm not too much, this is just what it is and accept it. People overcomplicate stuff. If you're talented, you are talented and you are supposed to be using your talent to compensate your life.

Keep it simple. Thats it.

You want to be loved, you want to eat, you want to be nourished, you want to be happy and you want to experience life. There's nothing wrong with that. Keep it simple. Stop trying to do all this other extra stuff. Keep it simple. Life is about simplicity. A flower blooms with no effort and so does a human being, but you have to allow yourself to bloom and blossom. If you are in a place where you cant grow, you're never going to bloom. Being spiritually plugged in allows you to live and be on a certain frequency and a frequency is just a wave. Its just a vibration and many people know this, but just to make it clear and simple, we are all vibrating. There are different levels of vibration. Fear is the lowest, the emotion of fear is the lowest vibration. SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

Now in order to attract something think about a magnet. The energy between two magnets is nothing but a vibration, so the stronger the vibration the stronger the magnet will bring the other magnet to you. Well if your vibration is low, think about a magnet, you know you try to stick it on a refrigerator but the vibration behind isnt very strong, its going to fall off the refrigerator, its not going to stick. So fear is the lowest vibration so those people who are living in fear and who are afraid of life and are at one point in their lives, they're not attracting anything to them but more fear. Right? So now bringing up all the different emotions in life that there are all the way up to the emotion of love, love is the highest vibration that is humanly possible to reach. As human beings, we cannot get any higher than love. Above love is God. Okay, now the number one expression and connection of love is penetration. Physical penetration between a man and a woman and that is because a man and a woman are supposed to create life. Thats why sex equals love and love equals God. God is life. So when you utilize your sexuality and your ability to connect with another human being, a male or female in a sexual way and you do it the right way, it brings your vibration up to the highest level possible. The highest level humanly possible to get to when you are vibrating at that level, at that frequency, the second your mind thinks something, it is going to be attracted to you, it is going to come to you. If you are thinking about money or starting that business or releasing that weight or buying that house or whatever it is that you want, because your vibration is at that level, because you are sexually and spiritually stimulated to the point where you are vibrating so high, whatever you can think about it is instantly in your life. When you find a person you are spiritually connected to, and then you take that connection and build a relationship and get to the level where you are having sex and being sexually involved then that is SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

where the love starts to cultivate and generate and you get to that level. So it has to be with somebody that you're spiritually connected to. This is why all your ish needs to be together, so that you can get with someone who is on the same page as you are about life. You cant find that person until every other category of your life is in balance. And even if you do, its highly likely that some part of your life will push them away or vice versa.

Know Who You Are and Recognize Your Greatness

You get to a point in life where you're like "I know who I am and what I'm supposed to be doing and what I bring to the table and what my purpose is and what I can do, there's no restriction on your life, so I'm standing in front of the man that I love who I'm spiritually connected with. There is no restriction on the things that we can do. Now every thing that I'm talking about in the intangible, the law of attraction and the universe and faith and meditation and your spirit, all these things you cannot physically see, everything that goes on in the invisible world has to be brought to the physical world. There are physical actions that you have to take to make these things real. So yes, when you are in a relationship in love and spiritually plugged in, there are physical things that you are going to have to teach your body to do, that is what we normally do. Just like those actions you have to take after you have faith, so after you ready to be sexually open and free with the person that you love, yes honey, you're gong to have to get flexible. You're going to have to bust a couple of squats, you may have to watch a porno or two to see what's gong on. Absolutely. I am serious. And you have to be fearless enough, see now this is where self-esteem comes in and this is where confidence comes in. Right, SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

like I know what I look like and I know what I can do. So when I get in front of the man that I love, I'm not afraid to bend over this way or drop it like its hot or say this thing or make my voice sound like this in a certain way when I'm talking into his ear. I 'm not afraid to put on 5, 6, 7 inch stilettos and try to attempt to flip or do a dip something. You know what I'm saying. Like I'm not afraid because even if I do look silly, if I do look ridiculous and it doesnt work out, at the end of the night I am still Shanel Cooper-Sykes and because we are so spiritually plugged in and so connected, he knows that I'm still Shanel Cooper-Sykes and he loves me even more for just being open enough to do it. So you have to get all the way back, but taking it back and get yourself spiritually plugged in. It takes everything else for you to be happy and when you feel the feeling of unhappiness it means you're not doing what you're supposed to be doing, because we're supposed to be happy because we were designed to be happy. In this day and age we are not taught how to be happy. Thats it. Its conditioning, its the generation that we live in is conditioning. We've got ipods and Blackberry's and this and that and media and music videos, and you're driving your boss and you work all this other stuff thats dictating and controlling your life, thats bringing you all the way down to the simplistic things in life that we no longer know how to be happy and there are only a handful of people who seek out that happiness. When you begin to seek out the happiness, you will find it "Ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find". Now the other people who are experiencing the stuff that they dont want, they become so content they created such a strong habit of being unhappy, they dont even realize that they're unhappy. They dont even realize that they're missing out on life because thats just what theyve conditioned themselves to be. So in essence maybe its not meant for everybody to be happy because nothing is SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

going to happen in your life until its your time. So you want to stay where you are and continue to spend all your little money that you're spending on the little bit of life that you are experiencing, fantastic. If not invest in yourself, take 30 days to make some real change. It takes 30 days to create a habit. But it can be done in less time if you are doing something every day that you are passionate about, that you believe in every single day, every day over and over and over again. Its two pieces to the puzzle, you have to know how to be spiritually plugged in and you also have to know how to create something, the power of attraction and say I am and say it on a present tense and attract it to you, yes but if God is not a part of your picture, or whatever you want to call Him, Jesus, Buddha, Yahweh, Allah, whatever you want to call Him, if He ain't a part of the picture it ain't no habit. And you need the energy to do all this. When you do those things in the morning you get up and you say thank you, you get up and you have gratitude, you get up and you pray and you sit in stillness and silence. It allows your physical body to do things that it needs to do, so it makes your body want to drink more water, it makes your body want to eat things that are healthy, that are going to fuel you, meaning give you energy. It makes your body naturally gravitate to the people who can do something for you, who love you, who make you happy, who make you feel good. So when you are spiritually plugged in it makes you physically do things. It makes you take action, it makes you feel good taking the action. So it goes hand in hand. When you wake up and you're spiritually disconnected, you are around people who pull from your energy, who suck your energy. You SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

say things that take away from your life, you spend money on things that arent returning its value to you. This might sound really crazy, but I learned this firsthand because when somebody told me to do it, I thought they were nuts. Like your freaking crazy, but I aint got not money and I aint got no job, and aint got no man so I aint got nothing else to lose. So I tried it and it worked and its just being still. I thought it sounded so crazy. I know that sounds so crazy, but I was sitting in my house for an hour a day on my little floor in my little studio apartment in Brooklyn and just be still and I would train myself, I would train my mind to learn how to meditate and I know this sounds so crazy. I was what? 21, 22, who do you know at 22 that meditates? You understand what I'm saying. I was like in another realm and when I learned how to do it, I was like this works. Somewhere out of nowhere, I started writing my book. Somewhere out of nowhere I cant even explain it, my body started craving like protein and water and vegetables. I started juicing. I didnt even know what a juicer was. I dont know where I got it from. For some reason I would get up and I would leave my house and go out. Men good men, nice looking men, men with money, men with substance, out of nowhere started coming into my life. Out of nowhere. And I am like is it just because I'm like laying on the floor for an hour a day? Really? But that laying on the floor for an hour in a day was allowing me to get spiritually plugged in and all spiritually plugged in means is being able to hear the voice thats telling you what to do. Shanel cant tell you what to do, Tony Robbins cant tell you what to do. Les Brown cant tell you what to do. Your family cant tell you what to do. I can motivate you and make you feel really good for a second, but nothing can tell you exactly what to do with yourself but the voice that SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

you have inside of you. It took me years to figure that out. Out of all the struggling, out of all the bills, out of all the men that have messed me over, I realized that everything that I needed I already had, but I couldnt hear it and I never paid attention to it because I was focused on other things. Bills and men and money and this and that and working a job and trying to be cute and trying to be fabulous. I was so focused on other things I could not hear the voice that was telling me what to do. All I want to do is teach people. I went to college for two months and I got up and walked out. It just wasnt for me. I was like this is really some bull. I had a modeling contract on the table, so I had a choice. Spend the next four years of my life living in an all girls catholic school dorm place in Milwaukee Wisconsin, or move to Chicago for a six figure modeling contract. I didn't have a plan, nor did I realize I was taking action. I just started writing. I started writing the book. I had no idea what I was doing but for some reason once again, this is like this mystical magical invisible something that was happening, the things that I started to write made sense. I cant explain it, but as I started to write I started to feel good and because I started to feel good, my situation started to change. Opportunities became available and out of nowhere I posted my book up on the internet and boom, it started selling like crazy in London. In London, I've never even wrapped my brain around going to London, but thats the first place my book sold. I dont know, yes in London overnight. I went to bed one night, I was depressed as hell, mad as hell about to get evicted, woke up the next morning and I did a blog my All Men are Dogs blog the next morning I woke up, my inbox had 6800 emails. 6800 emails all from Facebook and YouTube. SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

When you are at a place when youve realized what's wrong, youve learned how to make it right and that youve taken everything that's right and you balance it out. Absolutely so sex, love, money, happiness, joy, peace, purpose, passion, all that stuff when it is balanced, yes that is when you can experience life, yes. Somebody in London saw my blog, started talking about it and it is crazy because, what three weeks prior to that I finally thought about writing a book, because I finally got to a place where I could hear something inside of me saying "write this book". I could barely write my name. My whole life I had spoken about being pretty and being cute and getting a man with some money and that is about it, pretty much. I quit college after two months, my goal was to be a model and an actress, thats it.

So What Do I Do Now?
People say everytime they take one step forward, they get kicked back two steps. If you are only taking one step forwards then the other foot is still left behind. You have to take those extra steps beyond what is comfortable for you, beyond even what you think is necessary for you know to get your life together, to get your ish together and get where you want to be in life. So if you want to do the equation the right way, why dont you take six steps forward to get kicked back two and now youre ahead four. You must have the energy to do it. If you dont have the energy and you arent spiritually plugged in and getting refueled, you are going to continue taking one step a day. If youre going to be slow then you are going to feel like it has been a whole year, nothing is happening, but that is because you are slow taking your steps, you know. SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

Thats why you are not making money from your passion, because it is taking you too long to take the steps. Youre thinking about it all day long, but youre not putting any action behind it -- so nothing is moving forward. Time goes by and you get irritated because for 6 months its been nagging you, but you havent spent two weeks actually doing the physical work to reach your goals. It takes 30 days to create a habit, so if you have the habit of keeping your mirror clean, of keeping your self reflection clean and being clear, then that means you can clearly move throughout life and you'll be able to hear your intuitions speak. You'll be at a spiritual level where you can hear what's going on. In order to do that you have to unclog what has been stopping you from hearing it this far and keep it unclogged. My GYIT program is the exact solution for people who are serious about getting their life together in ALL areas. G Y I T is a thirty day program, to help you clean that dirty mirror and get a clear reality of how you can create real-lasting change in your life. After the 30 days it's up to you to keep it moving, keep it going. Yes you can create that habit, but on the 31st day when you stop, that means youve started creating another habit of not doing. With GYIT Elite I'm going to take you beyond 31, 32, 35 days and make it into 35 years, 45 for the rest of your life. You dont want to let the year go by while youre still holding on to the same excuses. Its rough out there for everybody! Its rough for Donald Trump in Donalds world. Donald has a set of problems that would scare most people crazy. And you probably have a set of problems that would scare someone else scrazy. SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

Thats why its not enough to just have motivation. It wouldnt even be worth you're time or money for me to motivate you and tell you how great you are, how powerful you are, how much I believe in you and how all you have to do is ask and you shall receive and believe and expect and act like you already had it. I could tell you all of that, but tomorrow youre going to lose that motivation. I dont want to give you momentary motivation. The other day something really crazy happened to me. I came up to my house and it was about four o clock in the afternoon and I had a lot of stuff to do that day. A whole lot of stuff to do and I had the funkiest, nastiest, stankiest attitude that you could imagine, I was a mess, so ungrateful, everything was going wrong nothing was right and I came in the house and I go into my back yard, well I forget what I was doing, but I go into my back yard and I am in my back yard and somehow someway I closed the door. Now I did not realize that my back yard had like a slam lock on it, when you close the door you are locked in the back yard unless you have a key. Now my back yard is private, so there is no fence to climb, there is no gate to get around, if youre in the back yard the only way out is through the back yard door, which was locked. So at that moment I was so pissed I was ready to bust the glass open. I was very pissed. I said Why in the world would you do this to me God, you know I have all this stuff to do. I was heated. But I didnt have a choice. All I could do was stop in that moment and become aware of my attitude and become aware of what I was doing and what I was thinking and what was happening in my life. I'm using this analogy to say, yes, granted getting locked in your back yard, in your private back yard in New York City, it's not that big of a deal, but it made me think of something far more important. When God pushes you all the way to the limit, he wakes you up by putting you in a situation where youre stuck. Youre placed in a situation where you have no other way to get out but to turn to him. There was no other way to get out. That's exactly what I was in my SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

back yard. I was standing in the middle of my private back yard, locked out, 90 degrees outside burning up in the sunlight, no keys, no cell phone, no nothing, no neighbors, no nothing. At that moment I stopped, looked up at the sky and I just thought of talking to God. It goes: "All right God, I get it. My attitude is this funky all day long, I get it, I've got work to do, I've been ungrateful, I've been mean to people, who are there for me, I've been mean to my assistant, mean to my IT guy, mean to my Mama, mean to everybody, people just trying to help me, I've had a really stank nasty attitude all day long and I'm sorry, forgive me and help me to re-align myself and get some focus, cause God I'm ready, I'm ready to make it happen." It's stone walls surrounded by me, nowhere else to go, as I'm looking and praying, out of nowhere one of my neighbors down the block could hear me. He opened his window to see me, came down, walked to the front of my building. it was just a coincidence that the building maintenance lady was walking by. The guy said to her "the lady that lives down here is locked out in the back" and the maintenance lady had the key to my house. Me being locked in my back yard was a very simple thing, but it was very profound. Heres what makes it very profound. When youre at your wit's end, when you have nowhere else to turn, you are in a box, you have nowhere else to look but up, that is the time for you to get spiritually connected, that is the time for you to get your ish together, because if you dont, youll stay in the box. But thats not the entire story. I'm locked in my back yard. I had an option of when my neighbor opened the door, or opened his window to say can you call a locksmith, it would cost me $225 to open up that door. So if I really wanted to get in my house, unless that miracle did not happen and that lady wasnt walking past and I had to make something happen, I did not have a choice, that's the only way I was SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

going to get out the back, guess what I would have to do? Is it to spend that $225 to get out of my back yard. Thats whats so important about GYIT. Yes it costs an investment on your part, but the value you're going to get from it is going to unlock you from that box. I want to show you how to tell yourself "I'm powerful and I can do this" and I believe in you and let's expect it and let it happen. I want to show you how to really dig deep inside and get the self motivation to make all of that last and it's going to take you 30 days to make that happen. I would rather motivate and inspire you for 30 days straight, so youll know exactly how to do it yourself. Youll graduate from needing my help to being able to generate your own motivation, inspiration and encouragement to live the life you truly deserve. Once you give more you receive more, but you can only give more when you have more to give. At the end of these 30 days you will have something to give to people who were afraid of GYIT 30 days ago. You can be a living testament to say, look what I've done in 30 days and you can do it too.


SHANEL COOPER SYKES | www.shanelcoopersykes.com

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