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13. Some people prefer to eat at food stands or restaurants.

Other people prefer to prepare and eat food at home. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. Prefer , eat , Clean , required , cheap Prefer, food stands , at home Cheap, healthy, A ood diet plays an inte ral part to maintain a ood health. And normally we can ha!e our "asic nourishment either at home or outdoors. As far as my opinion is concerned # find that its "etter to prepare meal at home rather than ha!in it from mar$et outlets for the followin main reasons. %irstly , it&s a lot more cheap to coo$ at home than any other place.%or instance it&s a a matter of enral o"ser!ation that hotel char e for their ser!ices on top of product cost to ensure that they earn oood profit to $eep their runnin cost.unfortunately this doesn&t oes much in consumers fa!our.'hus eatin at home could help us sa!e the extra added cost on our food. Secondly , the food ser!ed in such outlets mi ht not "e clean and thus could cause many health related issues.%or inntannce , if commercial $itchen is really "usy then to ser!e its customers on time it could compromise washin our food properly which can "e un hy ienic and dan erous to our health.'herefore it woud "e a "eter decision to a!oid ris$ of unhealthy food "y eatin at home. 'o sum up # would say that cost and healt issues realted to eatin outside reatly o!ern my decision of ha!in food at home than outside.(ence # would prefer to eat at home than oin out and # would recommend the same to my dear ones. %ood is a ma)or contri"utor to our physical and mental well "ein .'herefore , we try our "est to et the "est possi"le part of it. #n order to ha!e my food upto satisfactory health and hy ienic stanards, # would prefer to ha!e food at home rather than any other outlet of ready* made meal for the followin main reasons. %irstly, this helps me to choose from "est nutritious elements of food as per my requirements. Since, # am "ul$in up ri ht now, therefore, # would choose hi h in protein and with suita"le amount of car"ohydrate .And normally it is hard for me to et this com"ination outside in the mar$et. Secondly,# would "e more comforta"le ha!in food at home "ecause # would ha!e the surety that this food is clean and meets the minimum hy ienic standards "ecause # would clean it properly and ma$e sure that it is free of erms and "acteria .Whereas , it is quite possi"le that in outdoor food spots , the food is not well ta$en care of as it is in homes. 'hirdly, it is far much cheaper to coo$ at home than hotels "ecause # would "uy it the cheapest howe!er if # would ha!e food in a restaurant I would have to pay for services provided by hotel which I could save by eating at home. 'o conclude # would say that it&s my preference to ha!e food at home rather than ha!in it at any external food outlet "ecause # find more "enefits to myself in ha!in food at home .

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