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TOPICBusiness Environment and Entrepreneurship

SUBMITTED TO Ms! "an#ha$ %upta

SUBMITTED B& Raveesh Jasu'a ()*BBS*+,-. Ni/hi$ Mano#ha ()*BBS*+,-(


We would like to acknowledge our teacher Ms. Aanchal gupta, our parents and friends for their constant support and guidelines because of which this project has been successful.

Raveesh Jasuja 0 !""#!$%&'

(ikhil Manocha 0 !""#!$%&0

Introdu#tion Ease o1 Startin2 and Operatin2 Business Ta0ation 3e2a$ S4stem In1rastru#ture Entrepreneurship Edu#ation 5ithin India6s 7i2her Edu#ation S4stem Current Status8 Cha$$en2es and 3essons Creatin2 an Entrepreneurship Environment Reasons 1or the $a#/ o1 entrepreneurship in India So#ia$ Entrepreneurship in India Does the State 1a#i$itate Entrepreneurship9 Bi:$io2raph4 Re1eren#es

It is e0treme$4 important 1or entrepreneurs to understand the :usiness environment i!e! the :ureau#rati# set up8 2ro5th prospe#ts8 po$iti#a$ sta:i$it48 'udi#iar4 e11e#tiveness et# in their re2ion o1 :usiness! This arti#$e 1o#uses on India 1rom this perspe#tive and 5i$$ provide an overvie5 o1 some pertinent 1a#tors! In the $ast 1e5 4ears8 India has #onsistent$4 re2istered impressive %DP 2ro5th rates and is touted to :e one o1 the $ar2est e#onomies o1 the 5or$d in the #omin2 de#ades! "part 1rom providin2 a poo$ o1 5e$$ trained and hi2h s/i$$ed 5or/ 1or#e8 India a$so houses a -;( mi$$ion stron2 midd$e #$ass 5hi#h #ommands a 1ormida:$e spendin2 po5er! The in#reasin2 a11$uen#e < it has the 1ourth $ar2est :i$$ionaire popu$ation in the 5or$d < ma/es it even more attra#tive as a hi2h end produ#ts and $u0ur4 2oods mar/et! In addition8 than/s to a vi:rant demo#ra#48 it has en'o4ed re$ative$4 hi2her sta:i$it4 than other re2ions in its nei2h:orhood! =rom an entrepreneur>s perspe#tive8 :ureau#rati# issues $i/e #ompan4 re2istration period8 paper 5or/8 $i#ensin2 issues and ta0 and other in#entives a$so assume importan#e! The pro#edures 1or in#orporation o1 a #ompan4 in India $isted :rie1$4 #an :e 1ound here! It ta/es a:out ,, steps and on an avera2e a:out -; da4s 1or in#orporation in India! To #ir#umvent #ertain :ureau#rati# pro#edures8 sin2$e 5indo5 #$earan#es are a$so avai$a:$e 1or #ertain industries! The pro#edures are not ver4 di11erent 1or 1orei2n #iti?ens $oo/in2 to esta:$ish :usiness in India! 7o5ever8 there mi2ht :e a #ap on the amount o1 >1orei2n investment> in #ertain se#tors! "s a mar/et8 India>s spendin2 po5er ma/es it easi$4 one o1 the most $u#rative "sian mar/ets and even 2$o:a$$4 it remains an attra#tive mar/et! It has on$4 re#ent$4 'oined the >tri$$ion do$$ar %DP> #$u:! 7o5ever8 i1 PPP

@pur#hasin2 po5er parit4A is #onsidered it has :een a mem:er o1 this #$u: 1or a $on2 time no5! Its 2ro5th rate has :een hoverin2 at around )!;B over the past 1e5 4ears and man4 se#tors o1 the e#onom4 are no5 openin2 up! This openin2 up o1 se#tors traditiona$$4 o##upied :4 2overnment o5ned monopo$ies has #reated a void 5hi#h #an :e 1i$$ed :4 entrepreneurs! Man4 se#tors $i/e retai$8 in1rastru#ture8 :an/in28 insuran#e et# are no5 :ein2 hot$4 pursued! "part 1rom these se#tors8 opportunities a$so e0ist 1or sma$$ to medium entrepreneurs operatin2 in a ni#he! The Indian 'udi#iar4 has an unimpressive re#ord o1 $a5 en1or#ement! Contra#t en1or#ement and $e2a$ re#ourse is usua$$4 #um:ersome and the pro#edures are $on2 5inded and p$a2ued :4 red tape and #orruption! "$thou2h po$iti#a$ 5i$$ is :ein2 2arnered to over#ome these issues and set up #ourts e0#$usive$4 #aterin2 to #onsumer #on#erns and :usiness issues it ma4 :e $on2 :e1ore these set ups :e#ome 1un#tiona$! Entrepreneurs 5ou$d :e advised to redu#e their re$ian#e on #ontra#ts i1 dama2es 1rom vio$ation are e0pe#ted to :e ver4 hi2h! "s 1ar as inte$$e#tua$ propert4 is #on#erned8 the s#ope o1 re#o2nition o1 patents is restri#ted! Thus8 entrepreneurs ma4 have to use other $e2a$ resour#es to prote#t their innovation! On the :ri2hter side8 the $iti2ation #osts < insuran#e and $ia:i$it4 #osts < in India are e0treme$4 $o5 as #onsumer #ourts do not usua$$4 a5ard ridi#u$ous dama2es there:4 redu#in2 the >#ost o1 doin2 :usiness>! Entrepreneurs a$so need to :e a5are o1 the vast $in2ua$ and #u$tura$ diversit4 in India 5hi#h one needs to :e a5are o1 in order to e0pand! Various #omparative studies on :usiness re2u$ations in India8 as 5e$$ as in other #ountries are a$so Cuite revea$in2!,D. Ehi$e these studies re#o2ni?e India6s #omparative advanta2e in human resour#es8 s/i$$s8 demo2raphi# pro1i$e and 2ro5in2 domesti# demand8 India 1ares poor$4 vis-F-vis its :usiness environment! =or instan#e8 in the GDoin2 Business H(()6 report @See Bo0 I!,A8 5hi#h is pu:$ished :4 Eor$d Ban/ and the Internationa$ =inan#e Corporation8 India ran/s ,H(th out o1 ,+) #ountries < even :ehind #ountries su#h as The Ma$dives @I(thA8 Pa/istan @+IthA8 Sri 3an/a @,(,stA8 Ban2$adesh @,(+thA8 and Nepa$ @,,,thA! The OECD dra1t report on re2u$ator4 1rame5or/ in mar/et 1or 2oods and servi#es p$a#es India :ehind various

#ountries8 in#$udin2 Chi$e and Bra?i$!,;( The %$o:a$ Competitiveness Report H((+-() o1 the Eor$d E#onomi# =orum p$a#es India in the D)th position amon2 ,-, #ountries!,;, C$ear$48 there appears to :e need 1or Cua$itative improvement in the :usiness 1a#i$itation environment!

Ease o1 Startin2 and Operatin2 Business

Di11i#u$t4 and de$a4s in meetin2 various 2overnment reCuirements su#h as re2istration o1 #ompan48 o:tainin2 $i#en#es and re2isterin2 propert4 sti$$ #on1ront entrepreneurs! The Eor$d Ban/ report8 GDoin2 Business in South "sia H((+6 sa4s that8 it ta/es -; da4s @in Mum:aiA to ;H da4s @in Ne5 De$hiA to start a :usiness in India! The o11i#ia$ #osts o1 startin2 a :usiness are hi2h and the pro#ess Cuite #omp$e08 invo$vin2 no $ess than ,- pro#edures!,;) " $ar2e num:er o1 separate re2istrations < Ta0 "##ount Num:er @T"NA8 Permanent "##ount Num:er @P"NA8 Va$ue "dded Ta0 @V"TA8 Emp$o4ees Provident =und Or2ani?ation @EP=OA8 Emp$o4ees State Insuran#e Corporation @ESICA8 amon2 others < are reCuired 1or an4 :usiness to start operations! Re2isterin2 propert4 itse$1 reCuires si0 pro#edures and an avera2e o1 IH da4s!,;. Di11erent rates o1 stamp dut4 and trans1er #har2es e0ist a#ross states! "part 1rom these initia$ pro#edura$ hurd$es8 an entrepreneur a$so has to o:tain other permits and #$earan#es8 :oth at the #entra$ and state $eve$s! These in#$ude $and use approva$s8 :ui$din2 permits8 po5er #onne#tions8

5ater and se5era2e #onne#tions8 and so on! Even in states 5here the Sin2$e Eindo5 S4stem has :een put in p$a#e8 most entrepreneurs do not 1ind them satis1a#tor4J Gthere is a sin2$e 5indo5 :ut man4 venti$ators68 as an entrepreneur 1rom 74dera:ad apt$4 put it!,I( ":out ;(B o1 the entrepreneurs intervie5ed #$aimed to have pro:$ems 5hi$e app$4in2 1or and o:tainin2 various #$earan#es and $i#en#es! 7o5ever8 the per#eption re2ardin2 $i#en#es has 2radua$$4 improved over the 4ears! )orruption "$most I(B o1 the entrepreneurs intervie5ed said the4 1a#ed #orruption at some time durin2 their entrepreneuria$ 'ourne4 5hi$e dea$in2 5ith 2overnmenta$ pro#edures and o11i#ia$s! That is a ver4 distur:in2 statisti#. *nitiatives Alread+ ,nderwa+-M)A-.%/ One o1 the /e4 re1orms underta/en to ease the pro#ess o1 startin2 a :usiness in India in#$udes MC"-H,8 the e-2overnan#e pro'e#t o1 the Ministr4 o1 Compan4 "11airs aims to 1u$$4 automate pro#esses o1 #omp$ian#e and en1or#ement! The o:'e#tive o1 this initiative is to ma/e servi#es su#h as re2istration o1 #ompanies transparent! The /e4 :ene1its o1 this pro'e#t are e0pe#ted to in#$ude on$ine in#orporation o1 #ompaniesJ simp$i14in2 the pro#esses o1 1i$in2 o1 1orms and returnsJ re2istration as 5e$$ as veri1i#ation o1 #har2es 1rom an4 $o#ationJ inspe#tion o1 pu:$i# do#uments o1 #ompaniesJ and esta:$ishin2 a #entra$i?ed data:ase repositor4 o1 #ompanies! #ingle ,ni0ue )ompan+ (umber/ "nother idea that needs to :e e0p$ored is the proposa$ o1 a Sin2$e UniCue Compan4 Num:er that a ne5 :usiness #an use 1or #ompan48 ta0 and so#ia$ se#urit4 re2istrations! This has a$so :een su22ested :4 the Eor$d Ban/ Report8 GDoin2 Business in South "sia H((+!6 On#e su#h a num:er is adopted8 the re$evant re2istration in1ormation #ou$d :e 1or5arded dire#t$4 :4 the re2istr4 o1 #ompanies to the ta0 administration o11i#es8 the EP=O and the ESIC. Window #+stem: In order to 1a#i$itate the pro#ess o1 o:tainin2 #$earan#es8 man4 states have introdu#ed the Gsin2$e 5indo5 #$earan#e6 pro#edure! 7o5ever8 the po5er to a##ord approva$s is sti$$ vested 5ith various departments and a2en#ies under their separate statutes

and noti1i#ations! The e0istin2 $e2a$ 1rame5or/ does not a$$o5 one #onso$idated department or a2en#4 to a##ord a$$ reCuisite #$earan#es! Neverthe$ess8 some state 2overnments have ta/en initiatives to over#ome this pro:$em! =or instan#e8 in Ra'asthan8 the ru$es o1 :usiness have :een amended 1or spe#ia$$4 empo5ered :odies to a##ord approva$s 1or su:'e#ts under di11erent departmentsJ si2ni1i#ant$48 the amendments disa$$o5 an4 department to revie5 the de#isions o1 these empo5ered :odies! Other simi$ar $e2is$ations in#$ude the G"ndhra Pradesh In1rastru#ture Deve$opment Ena:$in2 "#t8 H((,68 the GChhattis2arh "ud4o2i/ Nivesh Protsahan "dhii4am8 H((H6 and the GOrissa Industries =a#i$itation "#t8 H((D6!

#ingle )omposite Application 1orm/ Other simp$i14in2 a#tions in#$ude the introdu#tion o1 a Sin2$e Composite "pp$i#ation =orm @SC"=A 5hi#h a$$o5s an entrepreneur to su:mit a sin2$e app$i#ation 1orm 1or o:tainin2 di11erent #$earan#es and approva$s 1rom various departments and 2overnment authorities! States that have introdu#ed this initiative in#$ude "ndhra Pradesh8 %u'arat8 Karnata/a8 Kera$a8 Orissa8 Pun'a:8 Ra'asthan8 Tami$ Nadu and Uttar Pradesh! *llustrative *nternational "est 2ractices/ Me0i#o8 Thai$and and 3atvia have su##eeded in $imitin2 inspe#tions to ,(B8 ,;B and H(B o1 shipments respe#tive$48 :4 1o$$o5in2 a ris/ assessment po$i#4 that #a$#u$ates the pro:a:i$it4 o1 inspe#tions :ased on pro1i$es o1 :usinesses!,ID Eith the introdu#tion o1 e$e#troni# 1i$in2 o1 do#uments 1or tradin2 @import8 e0port and trans-shipment permit app$i#ationsA8 the time 1or #ar2o #$earan#es in Sin2apore 1e$$ 1rom 1our da4s to -( minutesJ the num:er o1 shipments pro#essed rose three-1o$d and #ost to :usinesses o1 hand$in2 trade do#uments 1e$$ :4 a third!,I; Mauritius has $aun#hed a virtua$ one-stop shop $in/in2 the #ommer#ia$ re2istr4 and ta08 and $o#a$ authorities throu2h a #entra$ e$e#troni# data:ase! *llustrative (ational "est 2ractices The Eor$d Ban/-I=C Report8 GDoin2 Business in South "sia H((+68 mentions some Indian #ities

/no5n 1or their respe#tive :est pra#ti#es @see Bo0 I!HA! E0amp$es in#$ude Jaipur @1or startin2 :usinessA8 Bhu:anes5ar @1or o:tainin2 #onstru#tion #$earan#esA8 Ban2a$ore @1or o:tainin2 :ui$din2 permitsA and 74dera:ad @1or o:tainin2 $and use approva$s and re2isterin2 propert4A! Maharashtra and Karnata/a have ta/en steps to ease the pro#ess o1 re2isterin2 propert4! Ehi$e Maharashtra has ta/en steps to $o5er stamp duties8 Karnata/a has redu#ed the time ta/en in the mutation and e0e#ution o1 sa$e deeds! =urther8 re2ardin2 mode o1 pa4ment o1 stamp dut48 Karnata/a has dis#ontinued the use o1 stamp paper and ena:$ed pa4ment throu2h :an/ dra1t! Chennai has a HD-hour on$ine #ontainer tra#/in2 s4stem 5hi$e Ban2a$ore has an e-pa4ment 2ate5a4 1or #ustom duties! The Mum:ai Port Trust has a$so started an On$ine Port Communit4 S4stem!,I+ In 1a#t8 the GDoin2 Business in South "sia H((+6 report states that India #an 'ump ;; p$a#es 1rom its #urrent ran/ i1 some o1 the $o#a$ :est pra#ti#es are adopted nation5ide!

Entrepreneurs a$so 1a#ed pro:$ems re$atin2 to #um:ersome ta0 pro#edures as 5e$$ as mu$tip$i#it4 o1 ta0es! "##ordin2 to the Eor$d Ban/-I=C Report8 GDoin2 Business H(()68 India6s ta0 re2ime reCuires I( separate pa4ments ever4 4ear!,I) Co$$e#tion o1 ta0es throu2h di11erent 2overnment a2en#ies a$so in#reases the pro:$ems o1 #omp$4in2 5ith ta0 re2u$ation! There a$so e0ists a mu$tip$i#it4 o1 ta0es! In addition to servi#e ta08 CENV"T and #ustom duties that are imposed :4 the #entra$ 2overnment8 state and $o#a$ $eve$s o1 2overnments $ev4 respe#tive state V"T*sa$es ta08 entertainment ta0 and entr4 ta0!,I. "s seen in =i2ure I!D :e$o58 H+B o1 entrepreneurs intervie5ed said the4 had 1a#ed pro:$ems :e#ause o1 mu$tip$i#it4 o1 ta0es a$oneJ ,-B 1a#ed a pro:$em 5ith #omp$e0it4 o1 pro#edures a$one and HIB 1a#ed pro:$ems 5ith :oth! In other 5ords8 IIB o1 the entrepreneurs intervie5ed8 i!e! t5o out o1 ever4 three entrepreneurs8 1a#ed di11i#u$ties 5ith re2ard to some aspe#t o1 ta0ation - the mu$tip$i#it4 o1 ta0es or the #omp$e0it4 o1 1i$in2 pro#edures8 or :oth! 2rocess Re-engineering in 3-governance Entrepreneurs 5ere a$so o1 the opinion that 5hi$e on$ine 1i$in2 o1 ta0es had :een introdu#ed8 ta0 #omp$ian#e 5as sti$$ not eas4 sin#e 1orms and pro#edures are

sti$$ #omp$i#ated! =or instan#e8 an entrepreneur 1rom Ko$/ata said that a$most one-third o1 his time 5as spent in doin2 paper5or/ and #omp$4in2 5ith mu$tip$e ta0 reCuirements! This #on1irms NKC6s ear$ier re#ommendations that e-2overnan#e initiatives shou$d :e more a:out re-en2ineerin2 2overnment pro#esses rather than on$4 a:out 1ront-end #omputeri?ation 4e+ *nitiatives in 5a6ation/ The introdu#tion o1 Va$ue "dded Ta0 @V"TA in "pri$ H((; 5as a si2ni1i#ant measure! Eith the V"T s4stem in operation8 it has a$so :een re#ent$4 reported that Indian states have8 in prin#ip$e8 a2reed to move to5ards a #ommon #$assi1i#ation o1 a$$ mer#handise so$d 5ithin the #ountr4 - the G7armoni?ed S4stem o1 Nomen#$ature6 @7SNA!,+, Current$48 the same produ#t #an :e ta0ed at di11erent rates a#ross states $eadin2 to pro:$ems o1 #ost un#ertaint4 1or entrepreneurs! " #ommon #$assi1i#ation o1 a$$ mer#handise so$d throu2hout the #ountr48 #oup$ed 5ith 1i0ation o1 ta0 rates 1or a$$ #$assi1i#ations8 is a move to5ards 2reater uni1ormit4 and there:48 $ess #ost un#ertaint4 1or entrepreneurs!,+H " sin2$e 7SN #ode 1or a$$ the produ#ts under V"T a#ross the #ountr4 #ou$d a$so he$p states in ma/in2 operationa$ the Ta0 In1ormation Net5or/ @TINL&SA8 an on$ine net5or/ intended to :rin2 transparen#4 to inter-state transa#tions There are a$so state-$eve$ initiatives to he$p entrepreneurs! Maharashtra has8 1or instan#e8 #omputeri?ed re2istration pro#edures 1or sa$es ta0* V"T8 5hi#h drasti#a$$4 redu#es the time ta/en in 1i$in2 ta0 returns! "nother re1orm measure 5hose 1easi:i$it4 needs to :e e0p$ored is redu#in2 the 1reCuen#4 o1 pa4ments :4 entrepreneurs 1rom month$4 to a Cuarter$4 :asis!,+D The issue o1 #onso$idation o1 ta0 1orms a$so needs to :e e0amined in detai$! =or e0amp$e8 an entrepreneur in S5eden #an 1i$e mu$tip$e ta0es < #orporate in#ome ta08 va$ue added ta08 $a:our #ontri:utions as 5e$$ as propert4 ta0 < in a sin2$e 1orm!

3e2a$ S4stem
O1 the entrepreneurs intervie5ed8 D-B said the4 1ind the #urrent $e2a$ pro#edures and reCuirements to :e either Ge0treme$4 unsatis1a#tor46 or Gsome5hat unsatis1a#tor46 @see =i2ure I!;A! Their #omp$aints $ar2e$4 re$ate to pro#edures o1 $a5 su#h as the s$o5 pa#e o1 en1or#in2 #ontra#ts

as 5e$$ as the #urrent :an/rupt#4 and $a:our $a5 pro#edures! ,.B o1 the entrepreneurs intervie5ed said the4 1ee$ #onstrained :4 $a:our $a5s @see =i2ure I!,A! "##ordin2 to the Eor$d Ban/-I=C6s GDoin2 Business H(()6 report8 it ta/es on an avera2e8 ,( 4ears to #omp$ete :an/rupt#4 pro#eedin2s in India! =urther8 #$aimants #an e0pe#t to re#over an avera2e o1 $ess than ,,!I #ents on the do$$ar! Ehi$e o11i#ia$ $iCuidators are appointed to #arr4 out $iCuidations8 the pro#edures are o1ten $on2 dra5n! "nother $e2a$ issue is that o1 un$imited $ia:i$it4 1or promoters in partnership #on#erns and proprietorship :usinesses due to the a:sen#e o1 3imited 3ia:i$it4 Partnerships @33PsA as a $e2a$ entit4 in India! #uggested *mprovements Some o1 the $e2a$ re1orms that 5ou$d 1a#i$itate a :etter environment 1or Entrepreneurship are as 1o$$o5s a. Specialized Commercial Courts/ Sin#e the de:t re#over4 tri:una$s in India have 'urisdi#tion to entertain on$4 de:t re$ated issues8 a possi:$e re1orm 1or speed4 en1or#ement o1 #ontra#ts 5ou$d :e the esta:$ishment o1 separate spe#ia$i?ed #ommer#ia$ #ourts8 5hi#h 5ou$d dea$ 5ith a$$ t4pes o1 #ommer#ia$ disputes. b. Undertake Reforms in Bankruptcy Laws/ Dis#ussions are a$so under5a4 to #han2e India6s :an/rupt#4 $a5s! The dra1t Companies Bi$$ H((+ is e0pe#ted to simp$i14 ru$es and pro#edures! Esta:$ishment o1 institutions su#h as the Nationa$ Compan4 3a5 Tri:una$ @NC3TA and Nationa$ Compan4 3a5 "ppe$$ate Tri:una$ @NC"3TA are a$so e0pe#ted to :rin2 a:out improvements in dea$in2 5ith #ases re$atin2 to inso$ven#48 reha:i$itation and $iCuidation and 5indin2 up pro#eedin2s! RBI6s "dvisor4 %roup on Ban/rupt#4 3a5s has a$so re#ommended the ena#tment o1 a ne5 :an/rupt#4 #ode to dea$ more Cui#/$4 5ith $iCuidations! c. One Person Company/LLPs/ The dra1t Companies Bi$$ H((+ is a$so e0pe#ted to propose a ne5 entit4 #a$$ed a one-person #ompan4 @OPCA that 5ou$d provide individua$ entrepreneurs the 1$e0i:i$it4 and $o5 #ost o1 1ormin2 a proprietorship*partnership #on#ern 5hi$e restri#tin2 their persona$ $ia:i$ities to that o1 a private $imited #ompan4!,+) Simi$ar$48 the 2overnment is a$so e0pe#ted to ena#t a $a5 on 3imited 3ia:i$it4 Partnerships soon!

The re$ia:i$it4 and avai$a:i$it4 o1 5or$d-#$ass in1rastru#ture servi#es is #riti#a$ 1or the 2ro5th o1 Entrepreneurship! India6s ph4si#a$ in1rastru#ture < roads*hi2h5a4s8 rai$5a4s8 ports8 airports8 po5er8 te$e#om < is seen as a :ott$ene#/ to the smooth operation o1 a$$ e#onomi# a#tivit4! The hi2h transport and supp$4-#hain #osts that poor in1rastru#ture entai$s are si2ni1i#ant8 parti#u$ar$4 1or a sma$$ entrepreneur! Enterprises surve4ed in the %$o:a$ Competitiveness Report H((+-()8 rated inadeCuate in1rastru#ture as Gthe most pro:$emati# 1a#tor6 1or doin2 :usiness in India!,)( In this report8 5hi$e India s#ores 5e$$ on Gso1t6 parameters su#h as hi2her edu#ation8 the ru$e o1 $a5 and po$iti#a$ $e2is$ation8 it $oses out on the adeCua#4 o1 in1rastru#ture 1a#i$ities! "##ordin2 to another re#ent surve48 D(B o1 Indian CEOs are 5orried a:out the Cua$it4 o1 in1rastru#ture in the #ountr4 Availabilit+ of Work #pace "nother #ru#ia$ in1rastru#ture issue 1or a ne5 entrepreneur is the avai$a:i$it4 o1 adeCuate 5or/ spa#e! There are interestin2 di11eren#es :ased on 1ami$4 :a#/2rounds as seen in =i2ure I!+ :e$o5! "mon2 1irst 2eneration entrepreneurs8 on$4 ,;B reported a$read4 havin2 5or/ spa#e at the start-up sta2e! " ma'orit4 o1 se#ond 2eneration entrepreneurs in the same :usiness @I.BA a$read4 had 5or/ spa#e to start operations! 7o5ever8 this 1i2ure dips si2ni1i#ant$4 1or se#ond 2eneration entrepreneurs8 5ho pursue a di11erent :usiness @--BA! "nother pattern o:served is that $easin2 o1 5or/ spa#e is more preva$ent amon2 1irst 2eneration and se#ond 2eneration entrepreneurs pursuin2 a :usiness di11erent 1rom that o1 their 1ami$4! O1 the 1irst 2eneration entrepreneurs8 H.B $eased 5or/ spa#e #ompared to ,+B amon2 se#ond 2eneration entrepreneurs in a di11erent :usiness! #ome Recent *nitiatives/ Sin#e inadeCuate in1rastru#ture is seen as a #riti#a$ :ott$ene#/ to e#onomi# 2ro5th8 the 2overnment has 2iven

hi2h priorit4 to Cua$it4 in1rastru#ture deve$opment8 in#orporatin2 various de$iver4 me#hanisms su#h as PPPs @see Bo0 I!-A! The tota$ investment in in1rastru#ture in H((I-(+ is estimated to :e around ;B o1 %DP! The tota$ investment in in1rastru#ture in the E$eventh =ive &ear P$an is pro'e#ted at Rs! H(8 I(8 ,.- #rore or +!I;B o1 %DP!,)"mon2 the /e4 in1rastru#ture deve$opment pro'e#ts are the Nationa$ 7i2h5a4s Deve$opment Pro'e#t @N7DPA8 Pradhan Mantri %ram Sada/ &o'ana @PM%S&A8 Nationa$ Maritime Deve$opment Pro2ramme8 Bharat Nirman 1or rura$ in1rastru#ture8 Ja5ahar$a$ Nehru Nationa$ Ur:an Rene5a$ Mission @JNNURMA8 and Inte2rated Deve$opment o1 Sma$$ and Medium To5ns @IDSMTA! "t the same time8 the private se#tor6s share 1or investment in in1rastru#ture is e0pe#ted to in#rease 1rom H(B to -(B durin2 the #urrent P$an period!

Entrepreneurship Edu#ation 5ithin India6s 7i2her Edu#ation S4stem

*ntroduction/ "ackground In the ,..(s8 India e0erted 2reater e11ort to promote and nurture entrepreneurship! "ttempts at various $eve$s have ta/en p$a#e to dire#t$4 or indire#t$4 promote entrepreneurship! The attempts 1a$$ under three main #ate2ories remova$ o1 state-imposed :arriers 1or startin2 :usinessesJ avai$a:i$it4 o1 1inan#esJ edu#ation and nurturin2! =irst8 entrepreneurship has :een en#oura2ed in India :4 s4stemati# attempts at remova$ o1 state-imposed stru#tura$ and re2u$ator4 road:$o#/s! The 2rantin2 o1 $i#enses and po$i#ies on #ontro$s and ta0ation has :een #ited as one o1 the ma'or hurd$es in settin2 up and runnin2 ne5 :usinesses! More pro2ressive 2overnments have tried to ma/e it easier 1or entrepreneurs to set up :usinesses! The 2ro5th o1 Ban2a$ore and 74dera:ad as hu:s 1or IT #ompanies is a dire#t out#ome o1 2overnment support in the 1orm o1 ta0 ho$ida4s 1or start-ups and se#tor-re2ion spe#i1i# sops to start ne5 ventures! Se#ond8 there are attempts to ma/e 1inan#es avai$a:$e to :usinesses! In the #urrent :an/in2 paradi2m8 it is eas4 1or an esta:$ished :usinessperson to 2et $oans 1or startin2 ne5 ventures or e0pand #urrent :usinesses! 7o5ever8 a ne5 entrepreneur 5ishin2 to start a ne5 :usiness 1inds it ver4 di11i#u$t to pro#ure :asi# 1unds to set up and run a :usiness! The Reserve Ban/ o1 India has ur2ed :an/s to provide 1unds to sma$$ and ne5 :usinesses @Indian E0press8 -, De#em:er8 H((HA! The 2overnment o1 India is a$so in#reasin2 its

e11orts in this dire#tion! The Sma$$ Enterprise Deve$opment Bi$$ o1 H((in#$uded 2uide$ines 1or :an/s and other 2overnment a2en#ies to ensure the eas4 dis:ursement o1 $oans 1or ne5 ventures! Su:seCuent$48 the $o5erin2 o1 :orro5in2 rates 1rom the :an/s has a$so made it 5orth the 5hi$e o1 entrepreneurs to run pro1ita:$e :usinesses! " third 1orm o1 support is the deve$opment o1 entrepreneuria$ ta$ent in edu#ationa$ institutions! India6s hi2her edu#ation s4stem 2enerates a $ar2e num:er o1 2raduates ever4 4ear! 7o5ever8 its e#onom4 is not in a position to a:sor: the 2raduates passin2 out8 $eadin2 to an in#rease in the edu#ated unemp$o4ed! In re#ent 4ears8 India6s popu$ation has 2ro5n ver4 1ast! Be#ause o1 the histor4 o1 India and its mu$ti-#u$tura$ #omposition8 it seems impossi:$e to have a =ami$4 P$annin2 po$i#4 $i/e that o1 China in the near 1uture! It is $i/e$4 that India6s popu$ation 5i$$ #ontinue to 2ro58 5hi#h 5i$$ #onseCuent$4 5orsen the emp$o4ment situation! In India8 most entrepreneurs 5ere sin2$e o5ners8 ni$ emp$o4ees8 and one-person sho5s 5ith $itt$e 2ro5th prospe#ts! The so-#a$$ed entrepreneurs do :usiness main$4 1or se$1emp$o4ment and are not the Mrea$N entrepreneurs! In order to #at#h up 5ith the pa#e o1 deve$oped #ountries8 India needs man4 entrepreneurs 5i$$in2 to ma/e their :usinesses :i22er! I1 the universit4 students 5ith hi2h entrepreneuria$ potentia$s 2et proper trainin28 the4 5i$$ have the :est prospe#ts 1or :e#omin2 Mrea$N entrepreneurs! Entrepreneurship is a matter that invo$ves ever4oneOthe 2overnment8 so#iet48 and the edu#ationa$ institutions! I1 Entrepreneurship Edu#ation @EEA in India6s hi2her edu#ation s4stem #annot #omp$ete$4 address ma'or o:sta#$es in the pursuit o1 nationa$ e#onomi# deve$opment and emp$o4ment8 at $east it #an o11er a start 3ntrepreneur, 3ntrepreneurship, and 3ntrepreneurship 3ducation The #ore o1 EE amon2 the edu#ationa$ institutions is entrepreneur trainin2! The 1o$$o5in2 5ords are usua$$4 as#ri:ed to an entrepreneur innovation @Kir?ner8 ,.+-J S#humpeter8 ,.-DJ Bo$ton8 E!K!8 ,.)IJ Timmons8 ,.+)AJ moderated ris/-ta/in2 @Timmons8 ,.+)J 34ns/e48 H((HAJ a$ertness @Kir?ner8 ,.+-AJ de#ision-ma/in2 and responsi:i$ities- see/in2 @Bro#/haus and 7or5it?8 ,.)IJ Sutton8 ,.;DJ Ee$sh and Ehite8 ,.),AJ am:ition8 desire 1or independen#e8 responsi:i$it4 and se$1-#on1iden#e @%orman8 7an$on8 and Kin28 ,..+J Timmons8 ,.+)J Se0ton8 ,.)(J Dun/e$:er2 and Cooper8 ,.)HAJ

need 1or po5er @Dun/e$:er2 and Cooper8 ,.)HAJ and persona$ va$ue orientation @%asse8 ,.++J Timmons8 ,.+)A! =or the purpose o1 this stud48 5e de1ine an entrepreneur as Man individua$ 5ho esta:$ishes and mana2es a :usiness 1or pro1it and 2ro5th!N Bein2 an entrepreneur8 he*she is perhaps des#ri:ed as a mi0 o1 these attri:utes8 a$thou2h it is di11i#u$t to identi14 5hi#h trait is stron2er8 in 5hat situation it is stron2er8 et#! Entrepreneurship is a mu$ti-1a#eted phenomenon! De1initions o1 entrepreneurship 1o#us on di11erent aspe#ts o1 the phenomenon @Davidson8 H((-A and ori2inate 1rom di11erent dis#ip$ines! Shane and Ven/ataraman @H(((A used the 5ord Mhod2e-pod2eN to des#ri:e the situation o1 #urrent studies on entrepreneurship! Entrepreneurs do entrepreneurship! =rom the de1inition o1 an entrepreneur8 5e #an see that entrepreneurship is more than the mere #reation o1 :usiness! It is a d4nami# pro#ess o1 vision8 #han2e8 and #reation! It reCuires an app$i#ation o1 ener24 and passion to5ards the #reation and imp$ementation o1 ne5 ideas and #reative so$utions!

Current Status C!allen"es and Lessons

)urrent #tatus Courses in entrepreneurship are the #ore a#tivit4 o1 EE in India! Over ,(( di11erent departments o1 universities o11er #ourses in entrepreneurship! =or instan#e8 NMIMS #ondu#ts a t5o-4ear8 1u$$time pro2ram on 1ami$4 :usiness mana2ement! Most o1 the #ourses #over the $e2a$ and mana2eria$ aspe#ts o1 entrepreneurship! But the motivationa$ aspe#t tau2ht at NMIMS is eCua$$4 important8 sin#e it #reates an aspiration and improves #on1iden#e $eve$s! This pro2ram has eCuipped students 5ith the s/i$$s8 /no5$ed2e8 and mind-set to run their 1ami$4 :usiness! ISB in 74dera:ad a11i$iated to non-pro1it or2ani?ation Eadh5ani =oundation @#ommitted to promotin2 entrepreneurshipA8 o11ers entrepreneuria$ and in#u:ation assistan#e! ISB has /no5$ed2ea:$e instru#tors eCuipped 5ith :usiness e0perien#e! In India8 man4 entrepreneurship #enters have :een 1ounded to #oordinate the :road arra4 o1 a#tivities8 pro2rams8 and resour#es 5ithin the edu#ationa$ institutions! =or e0amp$e8 the NS Ra2havan Center 1or Entrepreneuria$

3earnin2 in IIM Ban2a$ore @NSRCE3OIIMBA #arries out internationa$ #o$$a:oration pro'e#ts! The %$o:a$ Entrepreneurship Monitor @%EMA Pro'e#t 5ith the 3ondon Business S#hoo$8 the E5in2 Marion Kau1mann =oundation8 and Ba:son Co$$e2e has :een a ma'or pro'e#t 1or the $ast three 4ears! In the #ase o1 IIM Ca$#utta8 a#tivities on innovation and entrepreneurship are more pra#ti#a$ and driven :4 students8 a$on2 5ith the 1a#u$t4 advisors! The IIMC6s entrepreneurship #e$$ ho$ds one o1 the :i22est :usiness p$an #ontest in "sia8 iHIOideas to imp$ementation 5ith &a$e Universit46s &a$e Entrepreneuria$ So#iet4 @&ESA! These partnerships and #enters are a$so happenin2 in the te#hni#a$ s#hoo$s as mu#h as in the :usiness s#hoo$s! The nota:$e names in#$ude the Te#hno$o24 Business In#u:ation Unit De$hi8 the SIDBI Innovation and In#u:ation Centre in IIT Kanpur8 and the So#iet4 1or Innovation and Deve$opment @SIDA at the India Institute o1 S#ien#e Ban2a$ore8 one o1 the o$dest #enters in India! In 1a#t SID-IIS#6s nota:$e a#hievement is a pro'e#t #a$$ed SUTR"-Sustaina:$e Trans1ormation o1 Rura$ "reas--5hi#h uses non-edi:$e oi$s 1rom indi2enous neem trees as a su:stitute 1or 1ue$ 2eneration! Man4 ideas are 1o#used on so$vin2 the pro:$ems o1 rura$ povert48 sin#e Minnovation is 2ettin2 #ompassionate8 too!N The Entrepreneurship Deve$opment Pro2ram @EDPA in India has a $on2 histor4! It is desi2ned to he$p an individua$ in stren2thenin2 his*her entrepreneuria$ motivation and in a#Cuirin2 s/i$$s and #apa:i$ities ne#essar4 1or p$a4in2 his*her entrepreneuria$ ro$e e11e#tive$4! In the ear$4 ,.I(s8 an idea #a$$ed the Industria$ Campai2n too/ shape8 en$ar2in2 itse$1 throu2h the 4ears to :e#ome a #ountr45ide movement present$4 /no5n as the EDP! Entrepreneurship deve$opment and sma$$-s#a$e industries are inter-re$ated! Most provin#es have Sma$$ Industries Servi#e Institutes that provide EDPs! The trainees are provided 5ith 1inan#ia$ support to start their :usinesses! The4 a$so re#eive e0emptions 1rom ta0es and are prote#ted 1rom undue #ompetition 1rom :i2 :usiness! " variet4 o1 trade asso#iations8 in addition to the Nationa$ Sma$$ Industries Corporation and Sma$$ S#a$e Deve$opment Or2ani?ation8 promote and $o::4 1or sma$$ :usiness interests!

C!allen"es for ## in $ndia

)ultural barriers Entrepreneurship #an deve$op on$4 in a so#iet4 in 5hi#h #u$tura$ norms permit varia:i$it4 in the #hoi#e o1 paths o1 $i1e! Un1ortunate$48 the Indian #u$ture #onsists o1 a net5or/ o1 :ene1its that in man4 5a4s run #ounter to entrepreneurship @3eo Pau$ Dana8 H(((A! =or e0amp$e8 Indians :e$ieve that :ein2 passive and #ontent 5ith the status Cuo is hea$thier 1or the inner sou$ than strivin2 to improve one6s situation! The4 :e$ieve that pea#e o1 mind #an :e a#hieved 1rom spiritua$ #a$m rather than 1rom materia$ism! Peop$e in India are more sensitive to emotiona$ a11init4 in the 5or/p$a#e than to 5or/ and produ#tivit4! Moreover8 the #aste s4stem has impeded #$ass mo:i$it4 1or #enturies! The #aste s4stem and its series o1 o:$i2ations rein1or#e the pra#ti#e o1 1o$$o5in2 a 1ami$4 o##upation rather than $aun#hin2 a ne5 venture! "n entrepreneur needs to 5or/ around the #$o#/ and this has /ept some peop$e a5a4 1rom their o5n start-ups! "1ter a$$8 #ompared 5ith other #ountries8 1ami$4 $i1e in India is more important! Peop$e8 even toda48 thin/ that ta/in2 up a 'o: is mu#h :etter than ta/in2 a ris/ and startin2 a venture! I1 a 'o: is ta/en up a1ter #o$$e2e8 the person 5i$$ soon have a #om1orta:$e e0isten#e! The other s#enario #ou$d :e startin2 a venture a1ter 5or/in2 1or 1our to 1ive 4ears! This reCuires a $ot o1 #ommitment and #oura2e to $eave the present 'o:! "s time passes :48 the ris/-ta/in2 #apa#it4 2oes do5n! 7ifficulties towards #tart-ups Startin2 a :usiness in India is #ost$4 in terms o1 the time reCuired and the #ost invo$ved! Ehi$e it ta/es 'ust 1ive da4s to start a :usiness in the United States and 'ust t5o da4s in "ustra$ia8 in India it ta/es as $on2 as ). da4s! Ehat rea$$4 hurts is that even in nei2h:ors Pa/istan8 Nepa$8 and Ban2$adesh8

it ta/es 'ust HD8 H,8 and -; da4s respe#tive$4 to do so! The reason 1or su#h de$a4 is :ureau#rati#--too man4 ru$es and re2u$ations8 and too mu#h paper5or/ @"shish %upta8 H((DA! On avera2e8 it 5ou$d #ost an entrepreneur near$4 ha$1 o1 his*her tota$ in#ome @D.!;B o1 the 2ross nationa$ in#ome per #apitaA to set up a :usiness8 5hi#h is ,(( times more than 5hat is needed to set up a :usiness in the United States! "2ain poorer #ousins Bhutan8 Pa/istan8 and Sri 3an/a are :etter o11! Doin2 :usiness in India is an e0treme$4 di11i#u$t proposition @"shish %upta8 H((DA! The a:sen#e o1 an appropriate entrepreneuria$ #$imate8 the $a#/ o1 reCuired in1rastru#ture 1a#i$ities8 and the $a#/ o1 a##ess to re$evant te#hno$o24 hinder rapid industria$ deve$opment! Most o1 the time8 the Indian entrepreneurs have to ta#/$e e$e#tri#it48 transportation8 5ater8 and $i#ensin2 pro:$ems! *ncomplete 3ntrepreneurship 3ducation " surve4 done :4 the Entrepreneurship Deve$opment Institute8 India @EDIIA in H((- sho5s that 4oun2 peop$e are a1raid to start their o5n :usiness :e#ause the4 are not #on1ident8 not #apa:$e8 and $a#/ /no5$ed2e in startin2 a :usiness! Man4 peop$e have the opportunit4 to #han2e 'o:s or :e#ome an entrepreneur i1 the4 are proper$4 trained! The students in India are not satis1ied 5ith the Mhands-onN support o1 their universit4 in the 1oundin2 pro#ess! The EE in the hi2her edu#ation s4stem shou$d8 there1ore8 satis14 the need 1or entrepreneurship :4 se$e#tin2 P motivatin2 P trainin2 P supportin2! Un1ortunate$48 the present EE in India 'ust #on#entrates on re$ated #ourses! Moreover8 the so-#a$$ed entrepreneurship #ourses are simi$ar to the 2enera$ :usiness #ourses! But 2enera$ :usiness mana2ement edu#ation has no si2ni1i#ant in1$uen#e on entrepreneuria$ propensit4 @7osta2er and De#/er ,...A! The 1indin2s o1 a surve4 on :usiness o5ners in India su22est that mana2ement edu#ation is not an important driver o1 entrepreneuria$ attitudes @%upta ,..HA! There is a demand 1or edu#ation pro2rams spe#i1i#a$$4 desi2ned to e0pand students6 /no5$ed2e and e0perien#e in entrepreneurship!

The #ontents and tea#hin2 methods have to :e di11erentiated :et5een entrepreneurship and traditiona$ :usiness #ourses! Besides o11erin2 the #ourses in entrepreneurship8 some edu#ationa$ institutions a$so or2ani?e entrepreneurship re$ated a#tivities! But these a#tivities are not mu#h di11erent 1rom ea#h other and are not supportive o1 their edu#ationa$ pro2rams! =or e0amp$e8 a$most ever4 IIM has its o5n in#u:ator8 :ut those in#u:ators are main$4 desi2ned 1or outside entrepreneurs!

Lessons Learned
8essons from the 372 "$thou2h the EDP is main$4 desi2ned 1or se$1-emp$o4ed peop$e8 some $essons ma4 a$so :e $earned 1rom Indian and Chinese universities! Sin#e not ever4one has the potentia$ to :e#ome an entrepreneur8 the proper identi1i#ation and se$e#tion o1 potentia$ entrepreneurs is the 1irst step in the EDP! Those 5ith hi2h entrepreneuria$ potentia$s are se$e#ted throu2h parti#u$ar$4 desi2ned pro#edures! Tests8 2roup dis#ussions8 and intervie5s ma4 :e used in the se$e#tion o1 entrepreneurs! Empiri#a$ 1indin2s indi#ate that the #onvi#tion to start up a ne5 venture is to some e0tent a Cuestion o1 persona$it4 stru#ture and attitude to5ards entrepreneurship @Bro#/haus and 7or5it? ,.)IJ Shaver and S#ott ,..,J 3Qth'e and =ran/e H((,A! =or se$e#ted #andidates8 deve$opment o1 a#hievement motives is essentia$ in the EDP! " motivation deve$opment pro2ram ma4 #reate se$1-a5areness and se$1-#on1iden#e amon2 the parti#ipants and ena:$e them to thin/ positive$4 and rea$isti#a$$4! Eithout a#hievement motivation trainin28 entrepreneurship edu#ation :e#omes an ordinar4 e0e#utive deve$opment edu#ation! Care1u$$4 desi2ned pro2rams 5i$$ :e o11ered :ased on the situation o1 the trainees! "1ter the proper trainin2 o1 the se$e#ted #andidates8 essentia$ me#hanisms su#h as 1inan#ia$ assistan#e 5i$$ :e o11ered to he$p them su##eed! 3i/e5ise8 the EE tea#hin2 sta11 shou$d a$so :e se$e#ted #are1u$$4! In theor48 a $e#turer o1 entrepreneurship edu#ation8 1irst o1 a$$8 must :e a su##ess1u$ or e0perien#ed entrepreneur! " Cua$i1ied EE tea#her shou$d a$so have some

entrepreneuria$ pra#ti#es espe#ia$$4 in ris/ ta/in2 and opportunit4 per#eivin2 as 5e$$ as entrepreneuria$ Cua$ities su#h as 2ood #ommuni#ations s/i$$s! Other5ise8 tea#hin2 Cua$it4 #annot :e 2uaranteed! " pro2ram in spe#ia$i?ed trainin2 and pro1essiona$ deve$opment in entrepreneurship 5i$$ :e needed! In 1a#t8 EE needs a 2roup o1 tea#hers 5ho have di11erent :a#/2rounds and e0pertise! " va$ua:$e e0perien#e 1or the EDP in India is its tea#hers*trainers 5ho are Cua$i1ied and 5ho #ome 1rom di11erent universities8 industries8 2overnment a2en#ies8 et#! Those tea#hers*trainers are 5e$$ or2ani?ed :4 the trainin2 institutes! 8essons from the ,33 in )hina In the $ate ,..(s8 the Chinese 2overnment started to pa4 attention to the deve$opment o1 sma$$ and medium si?ed enterprises @SMEsA! Some resear#h has :een done on this topi#! "n MB" edu#ation is #urrent$4 popu$ar in China! Some MB" $e#turers 5ho 5ere trained a:road #ame into #onta#t 5ith EE in the deve$oped #ountries! Ba#/ in China8 the4 tau2ht simi$ar #ourses in the MB" pro2rams! 3ater8 5ith the in#rease o1 emp$o4ment pressure on universit4 2raduates8 entrepreneurship edu#ation 2re5 in popu$arit4 amon2 the under2raduates! One #an $earn man4 $essons 1rom China6s UEE! The 1irst $esson is the dire#t support o1 the 2overnment! %overnment paid mu#h attention to the UEE in China! =or e0amp$e8 the $o#a$ and #entra$ 2overnments have 2iven some in#entives to student entrepreneurs8 e!2! ta0 dedu#tions and other 1orms o1 1inan#ia$ support! The "nnua$ Nationa$ Business P$an Competition 5i$$ :e he$d this 4ear! This #ompetition is or2ani?ed :4 a universit4 @di11erent ea#h 4earA :ut #o-or2ani?ed :4 the Ministr4 o1 S#ien#e and Te#hno$o24 o1 China and other re$ated 2overnment or2ani?ations! This #ompetition starts at the universit4 $eve$8 and then 2oes on to the provin#ia$ $eve$8 and 1ina$$48 the nationa$ $eve$! Students 1rom a$most a$$ re$evant universities in China 'oin this #ompetition! In China8 man4 universities have their o5n in#u:ator 1or the students6 startups! In ea#h #it48 in#u:ators are a$so avai$a:$e to other 4oun2 peop$e! These

in#u:ators are main$4 set up :4 2overnment or2ani?ations and o11er servi#es to entrepreneurs at 1avora:$e pri#es! Man4 intermediar4 1irms 1a#i$itate the entrepreneurs6 a#tivities! The se#ond $esson is China6s 1avora:$e entrepreneurship environment! In the past8 4oun2 peop$e sti#/ to their ori2ina$ 'o:s :ut toda48 it is a$read4 #ommon 1or them to move 1rom one 'o: to another! Parents have a$so :e#ome :road-minded! Un$i/e :e1ore8 the4 no $on2er o:'e#t to their #hi$dren startin2 their o5n :usiness! Moreover8 parents tr4 to support their #hi$dren 1inan#ia$$48 su#h as providin2 the seed 1und8 and throu2h other means su#h as sharin2 their :usiness e0perien#es and net5or/! Even i1 their #hi$dren do not su##eed at 1irst8 the parents sti$$ thin/ it is a 2ood e0perien#e that 5i$$ he$p their #hi$dren in their 1uture #areers! "$$ o1 these 5ou$d #reate demand 1or a 2ood universit4 entrepreneurship edu#ation! Compared 5ith the Indian entrepreneuria$ #u$ture8 that o1 the Chinese is 2enera$$4 more open to ris/-ta/in2 and advo#ates an entrepreneuria$ spirit! Entrepreneurs are respe#ted in Chinese so#iet4! The modern private :usiness has a histor4 o1 on$4 a:out H( 4ears in ChinaJ the 4oun2 entrepreneurs usua$$4 have no 1ami$4 :usiness :a#/2round8 5hi#h means there are a :i22er num:er o1 peop$e 5ho are the 1irst in the 1ami$4 to esta:$ish a :usiness!

Conclusions and Su""estions

Entrepreneurship edu#ation 1or the edu#ated 4oun2 peop$e has a histor4 o1 on$4 severa$ 4ears8 :ut it has a$read4 deve$oped 1ast! Emp$o4ment pressure has made EE in India6s hi2her edu#ation s4stem a:so$ute$4 important8 :ut the #u$tura$ :arriers and the di11i#u$ties to5ards start-ups prevent EE 1rom :ein2 su##ess1u$! The 1o$$o5in2 are re#ommended 1or the deve$opment o1 EE in India6s hi2her edu#ation s4stem 1ostering 3ntrepreneurship )ulture The 1ormation o1 an entrepreneurship #u$ture is the prereCuisite o1 a su##ess1u$ EE in India6s hi2her edu#ation s4stem! Students and 1a#u$t4 mem:ers 5i$$ parti#ipate in EE more a#tive$4 on$4 i1 the 5ho$e so#iet4 advo#ates entrepreneurship and ris/-ta/in28 and entrepreneurs are respe#ted!

The 1ormation o1 an entrepreneurship #u$ture #an :e done throu2h a host o1 interventions $i/e the use o1 media8 the #reation o1 $iterature 1or in#u$#atin2 entrepreneuria$ va$ues8 do#umentation o1 #ases8 su##ess stories8 video 1i$ms8 and :ehaviora$ e0er#ises8 et#! Sin#e the 1ormation o1 an entrepreneurship #u$ture a#ts in a##ordan#e 5ith the deve$opment o1 the nationa$ e#onom48 it 5i$$ :e a $on2 and hard pro#ess in India! )reating an 3ntrepreneurship 3nvironment In India8 a$thou2h man4 :usiness re2u$ations 5ere removed durin2 the ,..(s8 man4 o1 the o$d :ureau#rats remain! The improvement o1 in1rastru#ture in India 5i$$ ta/e a $on2 time :e#ause o1 its $ess deve$oped e#onom4! But at $east the state po$i#ies @:oth #entra$ and state 2overnmentsA #an :e made more entrepreneurship 1riend$4! =or e0amp$e8 the Msin2$e 5indo5 s#hemeN needs to :e imp$emented! Eith the deepenin2 o1 re1orm8 a 1avora:$e entrepreneurship environment 5i$$ :e 1ormed8 and this in turn 5i$$ :ene1it EE in the hi2her edu#ation s4stem! Refining 5echni0ues of 3ntrepreneurship 3ducation Entrepreneurship edu#ation is di11erent 1rom a t4pi#a$ :usiness edu#ation! Business entr4 is a 1undamenta$$4 di11erent a#tivit4 1rom mana2in2 a :usiness! EE must address the eCuivo#a$ nature o1 :usiness entr4! To this end8 the EE must in#$ude s/i$$-:ui$din2 #ourses in ne2otiation8 $eadership8 ne5 produ#t deve$opment8 #reative thin/in2 and e0posure to te#hno$o24 innovation! Other areas identi1ied as important 1or EE in#$ude an a5areness o1 entrepreneur #areer optionsJ sour#es o1 venture #apita$J idea prote#tionJ am:i2uit4 to$eran#e! These are #hara#teristi#s that de1ine the entrepreneuria$ persona$it4 1rom 5hi#h one dra5s 5hen 1a#ed 5ith the #ha$$en2es asso#iated 5ith ea#h sta2e o1 venture deve$opment! The 1o$$o5in2 $earnin2 too$s are use1u$ in EE :usiness p$ansJ student :usiness start-upsJ #onsu$tation 5ith pra#ti#in2 entrepreneursJ #omputer simu$ationsJ :ehaviora$ simu$ationsJ intervie5s 5ith entrepreneurs8 environmenta$ s#ansJ M$iveN #asesJ 1ie$d trips8 and the use o1 video and 1i$ms! Di11erent edu#ationa$ institutions have di11erent situationsJ a su##ess1u$ mode$ in one institution ma4 not :e avai$a:$e in other institutions! EE in the

di11erent institutions ma4 have #hara#teristi#s pe#u$iar to ea#h institution8 :ut some /e4 e$ements must :e #onsidered #ompu$sor4! Student se$e#tion is the 1irst step8 and then those se$e#ted students need to :e motivated! "1ter the motivation phase8 the4 shou$d :e 2iven spe#ia$ entrepreneurship trainin2! "nd 1ina$$48 students have to :e provided 5ith proper and adeCuate support! "t present8 :esides the spe#ia$ entrepreneurship trainin28 EE in Indian edu#ationa$ institutions a$so needs to insti$$ #ertain :asi# ideas in doin2 :usiness! =or instan#e8 in doin2 :usiness8 :ein2 pun#tua$ is ver4 important! Universit4 students need to :e reminded o1 the importan#e o1 this :asi# trait!

Reasons for t!e lack of entrepreneurs!ip in $ndia

8ack of funding/ Is $a#/ o1 1undin2 that mu#h o1 a :i2 dea$ rea$$4 9 The #ost to do a te#hno$o24 startup has 2one do5n drasti#a$$4! Redu#ed hard5are #osts8 :and5idth #osts have dropped8 #$oud #omputin2 and open sour#e te#hno$o2ies ma/e it rea$$4 #heap to $aun#h a te#hno$o24 startup! Un$ess 4ou are $aun#hin2 a #apita$ intensive :usiness8 5h4 shou$d 4ou rea$$4 need outside 1undin2 1or doin2 a startup 9 3oo/ at the Com:inator4 mode$ < R;/ < R,(K per startup8 5hi#h is $itera$$4 peanuts i1 4ou need to survive in Si$i#on Va$$e4! Eh4 #ant Indian entrepreneurs :e #heap in a simi$ar 5a4 9 Eh4 not :ootstrap 9 (o 3cos+stem/ I1 4ou 5ou$d have made this ar2ument ; 4ears :a#/8 I6d pro:a:$4 have a2reed! But over the $ast 1e5 4ears8 the startup e#os4stem has improved :4 $eaps and :ounds! VC6s have entered the Indian mar/et8 events and #on1eren#es are he$pin2 the startup #ommunit4 to net5or/ and #onver2e8 Bp$an #ompetitions on various #ampuses are raisin2 a5areness8 an a#tive and vi:rant #ommunit4 is 1ormin2 around entrepreneurship! "ureaucratic red-tape/ Ehi$e I a2ree that some thin2s in this aspe#t are not as smooth as in other #ountries! 7o5ever8 most o1 the entrepreneurs I ta$/ed to did not #ite this as a ma'or hindran#e as part o1 their entrepreneuria$ 'ourne4! 7ire a #hartered

a##ountant and he 5i$$ ta/e #are o1 ma'orit4 o1 the initia$ pro#ess o1 in#orporation8 ta0ation and other $e2a$ities! (o 2roduct )ompanies/ I 1or one dont rea$$4 :u4 into this ar2ument! Ehi$e I a2ree that produ#t #ompanies ma4 o11er $on2 term sustainen#e va$ue @5hi$e #urrent outsour#in2 1o#used servi#es #ompanies are simp$4 :ene1itin2 1rom the #ost advanta2eA8 :ut then entrepreneurship is sti$$ entrepreneurship < :e it a servi#es or a produ#t #ompan4! Be$o5 are some o1 the reasons that I persona$$4 thin/ have a stron2 impa#t on entrepreneurship in India Revamping 3ducation/ I1 4ou $oo/ at the su##ess o1 Si$i#on Va$$e48 one o1 the /e4 1a#tors that 5as instrumenta$ in shapin2 it 5as Stan1ord S UC Ber/e$e4! Ditto is the #ase 5ith Israe$6s Te#hnion! I stron2$4 :e$ieve that edu#ation8 innovation and entrepreneurship 2o hand in hand < espe#ia$$4 te#hno$o24 innovation! Ehi$e the IIT6s have immense$4 su##ess1u$ a$umni8 the IIT6s have not :een a:$e to #reate a 1erti$e hot:ed o1 innovation S entrepreneurship in their o5n :a#/4ard! "t the same time8 5e need to en#oura2e out o1 the :o0 thin/in2 as part o1 our edu#ation s4stem! Rote $earnin2 #an on$4 2et us so 1ar! Ee need to ramp up #ourse5or/ so that student s/i$$s remain in s4n# 5ith the rest o1 the mar/et! Ehen Stan1ord and other universities are tea#hin2 iPhone and =a#e:oo/ app re$ated #ourses8 tea#hin2 Co:o$ S =ortran to Indian students 5ou$d :e stupid in toda46s a2e! Students shou$d :e en#oura2ed to #onsider entrepreneurship as a via:$e #areer option! I :e$ieve this to :e the sin2$e :i22est 1a#tor that #ou$d 1oster entrepreneurship in India! &oun2 #o$$e2e 2raduates are at an a2e 5hen their inherent ris/ is at the $east to :e#omin2 an entrepreneur! Edu#atin2 them ear$4 enou2h 5ou$d a$so 2ive them amp$e time to shape up their s/i$$s and e0perien#e that #an prepare them 1or their entrepreneuria$ 'ourne4! Ee a$so shou$d ma/e it eas4 and a##epta:$e 1or students to ta/e sa::ati#a$s 1rom their de2ree #ourse5or/! Current$48 this i1 1ro5ned upon in Indian so#iet4 O 5e shou$d tr4 to ma/e peop$e more a##eptin2 o1 it!

The NEN =oundation has done a 2ood 'o: at in#reasin2 entrepreneurship a5areness a#ross various #ampuses! 7o5ever8 5hen 4ou ta/e a Cui#/ pee/ at some o1 the Cuestions that are as/ed :4 some o1 the student parti#ipants8 it 'ust :o22$es 4our mind! =e5 are reCuestin2 ideas8 severa$ reCuestin2 1undin2 even :e1ore doin2 an4 ana$4sis o1 the idea and severa$ others simp$4 $eave 4ou in sheer dis:e$ie1! One #ommon aspe#t a#ross most o1 the Cuestions is that the4 are $oo/in2 1or handho$din2! "nd I thin/ that rea$$4 needs to #han2e! I6m not sure i1 5e6re @in#$udin2 mainstream media that has 2$amouri?ed stories a:out entrepreneurship and VC 1undin2sA sendin2 them the 5ron2 si2na$s < :ut i1 4ou thin/ a$$ in1ormation8 mar/et resear#h and other in1o 5i$$ :e served to 4ou on a si$ver p$atter8 then pro:a:$4 :ein2 an entrepreneur is not in 4our :est interests! Ee missed out on the te#hno$o24 innovation :us8 :ut i1 5e dont rea$$4 ramp up our edu#ation s4stem and asso#iated RSD < innovation8 5e mi2ht end up sittin2 on the side$ines o1 the #$eante#h 5a2on as 5e$$! 8ack of 9ood Mentors/ India does not have a $ar2e poo$ o1 su##ess1u$ entrepreneurs 5ho have :ui$t 2$o:a$ $eve$ #ompanies and are /een on mentorin2 the ne0t 2eneration o1 entrepreneurs! =rom a $ot o1 entrepreneurs that I6ve ta$/ed to O the4 5ere more desperate$4 see/in2 2ood mentors as opposed to 1undin2! Ee pro:a:$4 need someone to $ead S pave the 5a4 'ust $i/e 5hat &ossi Vardi did to Israe$ and 5hat NR Murth4 did to the outsour#in2 mar/et in India! 8ack of M:A activit+/ This I sa4 'ust 1rom the te#hno$o24 mar/et! MS" is 'ust not happenin2 in the Indian mar/et! ConseCuent$48 the a$read4 e0istin2 porta$s8 ne5s sites 2et a #han#e to $aun#h their o5n servi#es 5ithout an4 stron2 startup 2ettin2 an opportunit4 to esta:$ish itse$1! These are the three thin2s that I thin/ have the :i22est impa#t O :ut then8 there6s a 2ood #han#e that 4ou mi2ht disa2ree! This is a hi2h$4 su:'e#tive topi# and ever4one has their o5n #onvi#tions a:out it! I thin/ 5hen it #omes to te#hno$o24 entrepreneurship8 5e shou$d tr4 and do a detai$ed #ase stud4 o1 Israe$! The #ountr4 has 'ust a popu$ation o1 + mi$$ion8 hosti$e nei2h:ors and hi2h ta0es! &et it :oasts o1 the Hnd hi2hest #on#entration o1 startups 'ust

a1ter the US! The46re de1inite$4 doin2 somethin2 ri2ht! "nd that6s 5hat 5e shou$d tr4 S emu$ate!

Social #ntrepreneurs!ip in $ndia

The ma'or :oost in so#ia$ entrepreneurship 5as 2iven :4 the No:e$ Pri?e 5inner Dr! Mohammad &unus 5hen his :rain-#hi$d %rameen :an/ :e#ame su##ess1u$ in he$pin2 peop$e $i1t themse$ves out o1 povert4 in rura$ Ban2$adesh :4 providin2 them 5ith #redit 5ithout reCuirin2 #o$$atera$! &unus deve$oped his revo$utionar4 mi#ro-#redit s4stem 5ith the :e$ie1 that it 5ou$d :e a #ost-e11e#tive and s#a$a:$e 5eapon to 1i2ht povert4! It 5as soon rea$i?ed that pro1its #an :e made a$on2 5ith servin2 the so#iet48 provided 4ou treat pro1its as a means and not the end resu$t! The impa#t o1 su#h enterprise $ar2e$4 depend on its su##ess1u$ imp$ementation to those that need it the most8 those at the Bottom o1 the P4ramid! "nd o1 #ourse a dis#ussion a:out the BOP 5ou$dn6t :e #omp$ete 5ithout mention o1 IndiaJ 5here hundreds o1 mi$$ions #riti#a$$4 need a #ompe$$in2 movement in so#ia$ entrepreneurship to improve their 5e$1are! There is a natura$ predi$e#tion to5ards rura$ areas as +(B o1 the popu$ation $ives in the hinter$and! Re#ent$48 the rura$ s#enario in the #ountr4 has emer2ed as a $u#rative option 1or the mainstream e#onom4! Various or2ani?ations are vie5in2 rura$ areas as potentia$ mar/ets8 resu$tin2 in a 2amut o1 innovative so$utions 5ithin the so#ia$ entrepreneurship spa#e that 1o#uses on and emer2es 1rom rura$ areas! The popu$arit4 o1 SE is 2ro5in2 at a ver4 hi2h pa#e in India even throu2h the #urrent e#onomi# do5nturn! In the $ast three 4ears more and more 4outh are deve$opin2 interest in this 1ie$d in#$udin2 those 1rom presti2ious Stan1ord8 MIT and O01ord! This ne5 evo$vin2 1ie$d has a$so 2ot ear$4 venture #apita$ist interested in 1undin2 5ith man4 see/in2 out su#h enterprises that ho$d out hu2e potentia$! Ear$ier8 or2ani?ations so$vin2 so#ia$ pro:$ems 5ere o1ten assumed to :e idea$isti#8 phi$anthropi# and $a#/in2 :usiness a#umen or the a:i$it4 to :e entrepreneuria$! 7o5ever8 as the so#ia$ se#tor has :een #omin2 in tou#h 5ith the private se#tor8 :oth have :e2un to rea$i?e that 'ust one approa#h either pure phi$anthropi# or pure #apita$ist is inadeCuate to :ui$d sustaina:$e institutions!

In re#ent 4ears8 Gnot-1or-pro1it6 has :een pushed to the :a#/ part$4 :e#ause o1 responsi:$e $enders and so#ia$ enterprises are :ein2 run more $i/e :usinesses toda4! The 1o#us is on enterprisin2 mi#ro 2roups 5hi#h 5ant to trans1orm their o5n8 and the #ommunit46s8 #ir#umstan#es :ut #an6t a##ess an4 1inan#e! =ast #ompan4 in their Mar#h H(,( $isted Mtop ,( :4 Industr4N! "nd 1our o1 the top ,( most innovative #ompanies in India 5ere standa$one so#ia$ enterprises or have so#ia$$4 entrepreneuria$ initiatives! In India a$one so#ia$ entrepreneurship spa#e has a #ount$ess mi0ture o1 mode$s 5ith a one :i$$ion thin/in2 stru#ture! One :i$$ion thin/in2 reCuires #ost-e11e#tive mode$s invo$vin2 the :ottom o1 the p4ramid! The ma'orit4 o1 these mode$s are s#a$a:$e and rep$i#a:$e!

1ew for-profit #ocial "usiness Models Compan4 "#tivities Ma/es te$e#om eCuipment that he$ps mo:i$e operators rea#h rura$ mar/ets pro1ita:$4 Impa#t =uture P$an


+( station in Ra'asthan

Rep$i#atin2 and s#a$in2 it 5or$d5ide

De$iverin2 ;((( :ed 1a#i$it4 7ea$th #it4 5ith Nara4an a11orda:$e #omp$eted in -(8((( :ed 7ospita$ India hea$th#are to the phase , 1a#i$it4 :4 H(,I masses 5or$d5ide Tou#h a :i$$ion Empo5erin2 mi#ro Customer :ase peop$e throu2h " $itt$e 5or$d :usiness throu2h #rosses - mi$$ion innovative mi#ro :an/in2 te#hno$o2ies so$ar ener248 5ater8 edu#ation8 hea$th #are8 rura$ handi#ra1ts8 peop$e6s a#tion8 #ommuni#ation8 5omen6s empo5erment and 5aste$and deve$opment

Bare1oot Co$$e2e

,8((( Bare1oot e0perts in ,8((( vi$$a2es8 rea#hes ;((8((( peop$e ,(8((8((( peop$e 5ith :asi# :4 the end o1 servi#es su#h as H(,I drin/in2 5ater8 hea$th #are8 and edu#ation


Countr46s 1irst to$$- .!I mi$$ion #a$$s8 I(( P distri#ts :4 1ree te$e-he$p$ine - mi$$ion H(,1or street #hi$dren #hi$dren8 +-

in distress

#ities8 ,( 4ears

Sustaina:$e Over a mi$$ion $ive$ihoods to the B"SIL India and a ha$1 rura$ poor and #ustomer 5omen " :rid2e :et5een #ustomers 5or$d5ide and N*" #ra1ts persons8 desi2ners


To tap I mi$$ion vi$$a2e peop$e asso#iated 5ith the handi#ra1ts se#tor

"rvind E4e 7ospita$

E$iminatin2 need$ess :$indness :4 ta/in2 its servi#es to rura$ India

In $ast 4ear a$one H!; mi$$ion patients 5ere To rep$i#ate it in treated and over a$$ states o1 India - $a/h sur2eries 5ere per1ormed


Empo5erin2 rura$ De$iver Citi?en #iti?ens :4 #reatin2 re#ords and $o#a$ %overnment +;8((( :4 the end e#onomies and :ene1its to over o1 H(,, ena:$in2 a##ess to ;(8((( rura$ in1ormation and #iti?ens ever4 servi#es da4 7i2h Cua$it4 so$utions 1or 1ami$ies $ivin2 5ithout re$ia:$e e$e#tri#it4

D $i2ht

,( mi$$ion

;( mi$$ion :4 H(,;

IDE India

Providin2 $on2term so$utions to povert48 hun2er and ma$nutrition

,. mi$$ion

Endin2 povert4 in the deve$opin2 5or$d


Sustaina:$e $ive$ihoods 1or artisans and 1armers8 :4 "ppro0imate #reatin2 top Cua$it4 H;(( artisans hand-made produ#ts :ased on the prin#ip$es o1 1air trade Eomen Empo5erment DI(( 5omen emp$o4ed

Emp$o4 ;((( :4 H(,;

3i''at Papad

P$ans to emp$o4 I((( :4 H(,(

Se$#o So$ar India

Sustaina:$e ener24 so$utions and .;8((( vi$$a2es servi#es to under#overed served househo$ds and :usinesses! Ea#h o1 the "n2e$ investor and pro'e#ts has8 on in#u:ator 1or so#ia$ avera2e8 #reated entrepreneurs ,!I ne5 'o:s in the e#onom4

Brin2 do5n the #ost o1 so$ar eCuipment :4 +;B :4 H(,H Eor$d 5here individua$s ta/e a#tion to :rin2 a:out positive so#ia$ #han2e Ta/e Mi#ro 1inan#e to ever4 vi$$a2e

Un$td India

SKS Sma$$ $oans ;!- Mi$$ion Mi#ro1inan#e 5ithout #o$$atera$s Customers

Suminter India Or2ani#s

Internationa$$4 #erti1ied or2ani# a2ri#u$tura$ produ#e

Premium #rop pri#e to more than +((( 1armers

S#a$e this mode$ nationa$$4

Vorte0 En2ineerin2

Rura$ So$ar Po5ered "TMs

+;( "TM

One "TM* Vi$$a2e i!e I8;(8((( "TMs

The other nota:$e #han2e is the invo$vement o1 mainstream 1inan#ia$ institutions in so#ia$ entrepreneurship! Various venture #apita$ 1irms are investin2 in 1or-pro1it entities 5ith so#ia$ o:'e#tives! Interestin2$48 spe#ia$i?ed so#ia$ investors provide #apita$8 net5or/in28 mar/etin2 and :usiness e0pertise to su#h ventures! This trend 5as /i#/-started in the area o1 mi#ro1inan#e 5hen SeCuoia Capita$ invested in SKS Mi#ro1inan#e! So#ia$ venture 1unds measure their investments on so#ia$8 environmenta$ and the traditiona$ 1inan#ia$ returns! "#umen 1und e0pe#ts to ma/e an impa#t on mi$$ion peop$e 5ith ever4 investment in a 1ive-4ear time 1rame! The 1und measures returns in terms o1 1inan#ia$8 operationa$ @interna$ pro#esses and s4stemsA and so#ia$ impa#t @out#ome and outputA! Output is num:er o1 peop$e 5ho are impa#ted and out#ome is ho5 it has a11e#ted them! =or e0amp$e8 i1 ,8((( peop$e have had a##ess to #$ean drin/in2 5ater8 the investors a$so #he#/ i1 the rate o1 diarrhea has #ome do5n! More heartenin2 is the 1a#t that the mainstream venture #apita$ists are a$so re#o2ni?in2 this as a :usiness opportunit4! So 1ar8 VCs have invested RHH( mi$$ion in ++ so#ia$ :usinesses in India! But there hasn6t :een a sin2$e e0it! In #onventiona$ #ommer#ia$ ventures8 VCs 5or/ 5ith a ho$din2 period o1 --; 4ears! In so#ia$ :usinesses8 the ho$din2 period is $on2er O t4pi#a$$48 I-) 4ears! 1unds )urrentl+ Available "#umen =und It supports sustaina:$e enterprises providin2 the poor 5ith #riti#a$ 2oods and servi#es at an a11orda:$e pri#e! Primar4 1o#us on

hea$th#are8 housin28 5ater8 ener24 and a2ri#u$ture Companies invested in ,H =und si?e RD( mi$$ion @appro0A VenturEast It :ui$ds pro1ita:$e :usinesses that #ater to under-served mar/ets! =o#uses on meetin2 India6s domesti# needs @primari$4 rura$ and semi-ur:an mar/etsA :4 :a#/in2 ear$4-sta2e * rapid-2ro5th :usinesses Companies invested in Over ;( @in#$udin2 H; so#ia$ enterprisesA =und si?e RH;( mi$$ion Oasis =und It supports enterprises that deve$op innovative so$utions that provide the poor 5ith :etter a##ess to #riti#a$ 2oods and servi#es! Invests most$4 eCuit48 5ith some de:t! Investments 2enera$$4 ran2e :et5een R, mi$$ion to RI mi$$ion Companies invested in D =und si?e R-( mi$$ion @sti$$ raisin2A Son2 It supports entrepreneurs in hi2h-2ro5th se#tors $i/e edu#ation and trainin28 a2ri#u$ture and 1ood8 hea$th#are8 1inan#ia$ servi#es8 :asi# uti$ities @5aste8 5ater8 rura$ te$e#om8 a11orda:$e housin28 et#A that are a$i2ned 5ith in#$usive 2ro5th Companies invested in None =und si?e R,+ mi$$ion "avish/aar India Mi#ro Venture Capita$ It #reates sustaina:$e #han2e :4 in#reasin2 e#onomi# a#tivit4 at the :ottom o1 the p4ramid and :oostin2 the entrepreneuria$ spirit! Investments to date have 1o#used heavi$4 on the rura$ and a2ro te#hno$o24 se#tors Companies invested in ,+ =und si?e Rs I( #rore @appro0 R,D mi$$ionA %ra4 Matters Capita$ It invests in the in1ormation8 #ommuni#ation and te#hno$o24 spa#e to :rid2e the ur:an-rura$ di2ita$ 2ap Companies invested in D =und si?e R,H mi$$ion E$evar ECuit4 II It #reates mar/et-:ased so$utions 1or povert4 eradi#ation! =o#uses on se#tors $i/e hea$th#are8 edu#ation and in1ormation Companies invested in , @another t5o in mi#ro-1inan#e venturesA =und si?e RD( mi$$ion @additiona$ 1und-raisin2 onA The a:ove 1i2ures simp$4 state that there is an estimated R,(( mi$$ion @Rs D(( #roreA #hasin2 dea$s in India6s so#ia$ enterprise spa#e!

But there is a divide :et5een those that have a##ess to mainstream and*or #ommer#ia$ 1unds and those that re$4 on persona$ #onne#tions and 2rants*donations to raise mone4! The ratio is a:out ;(*;(! =orei2n 2rants )B Domesti# 2rants )B De:t @#redit $oansA ,,B %overnment =undin2 -B Charita:$e Or2ani?ation ;B Ban/ 3oan ,-B 3oan 1rom =ami$4 and 1riends H,B ECuit4 Investors H, B Others ,(B "s per Be4ond Pro1it surve48 =ort4-1ive per#ent o1 respondents o:tained 1unds 1rom #ommer#ia$ sour#es 5hereas H,B o1 respondents sour#e their 1unds 1rom persona$ #onne#tions su#h as 1ami$4 mem:ers and 1riendsJ another H,B re$4 on 2rants and donations 1rom #harita:$e or2ani?ations! "rran2in2 1inan#es 1or a so#ia$ enterprise in India is sti$$ ver4 di11i#u$t! "nd /no5in2 in 5hi#h se#tor to 1inan#e is even more di11i#u$t! In :ar dia2ram mentioned :e$o5 is a mention o1 pro1ita:$e se#tors and a trend 5hi#h #$ear$4 states areas to divert 1unds!

#ocial 3ntrepreneurship in *ndia ; 2rofitable #ectors Edu#ation Se#tor 5ith a tra#/ re#ord o1 pro1it The Edu#ation se#tor has sho5n a mar/ed de2ree o1 1inan#ia$ sta:i$it4 and 2ro5th potentia$! There are t5o /e4 e$ements! =irst8 the se#tor represents the hi2hest num:er o1 pro1itma/in2 enterprises @-)BA amon2 others8 and a$so has one o1 the $o5est num:ers o1 $oss-ma/in2 entities @HDBA! Se#ond8 the o:servation sa4s that there is a 2ood 2ro5th potentia$J -)B o1 edu#ation enterprises are :rea/in2 even O 5hi#h means the num:er o1 pro1it-ma/in2 enterprises in this se#tor #ou$d in#rease in the #omin2 4ears! 7ea$th Se#tor 5ith $ar2e 2ro5th potentia$ "$thou2h the se#tor #urrent$4 produ#es a ver4 sma$$ num:er o1 pro1it-ma/in2 entities8 it has the $o5est per#enta2e @,-BA o1 $oss-ma/in2 enterprises! Most important$48 at +-B8 the 7ea$th se#tor has the $ar2est se2ment o1 :rea/-even :usinesses! I1*5hen these enterprises :e2in to turn a pro1it8 the 7ea$th se#tor #ou$d sustain a mu$titude o1 su##ess1u$8 pro1it-ma/in2 enterprises! Rura$ Deve$opment Se#tor to 5at#h out 1or 1uture 2ro5th Despite the 1a#t that the $ar2est num:er o1 so#ia$ enterprises are in this 1ie$d8 it is the :i22est $oss-ma/in2 se#tor at the moment! 7o5ever8 Rura$ Deve$opment demonstrated the $ar2est revenue in#reases $ast 4ear8 so there #ou$d :e more surprises in store!

There are more enterprises that are $oss-ma/in2 @-DBA than those earnin2 a pro1it @H;BA! "nd D,B per#ent o1 enterprises are #urrent$4 :rea/in2 even! I1 4ou $oo/ at the pro1ita:i$it4 :4 measure o1 4ears in operation8 4ou #an #$ear$4 see that ma/in2 pro1it throu2h so#ia$ enterprise is no eas4 tas/!

It is true that the per#enta2e o1 $oss-ma/in2 enterprises steadi$4 2oes do5n as the #ompanies 2et o$der! But there is virtua$$4 no disparit4 in the num:er o1 pro1it-ma/in2 entities a#ross a2e #ate2ories! Man4 enterprises stop ma/in2 $osses as the4 2ro5 o$der :ut do not :e2in to turn a pro1itJ the4 mere$4 start :rea/in2 even! Surprisin2$48 even a1ter ,, 4ears or more o1 operations8 the per#enta2e o1 pro1it-ma/in2 enterprises is on$4 H+B! So#ia$ entrepreneurship in India is emer2in2 primari$4 :e#ause o1 5hat the 2overnment has not :een a:$e to do! The 2overnment is ver4 /een on promotin2 so#ia$ entrepreneurship < not ne#essari$4 :4 1undin2 it or :4 advisin2 on it or ena:$in2 it! Ehat the4 do do8 is not disa:$e it! =or e0amp$e8 in Mum:ai a$one8 non-pro1it or2ani?ations edu#ate more than H;(8((( #hi$dren on a dai$4 :asis! The 2overnment has not to$d these or2ani?ations not to do it! Ehereas in some #ountries8 5hen someone ta/es it into their o5n hands to start a 1a#i$it4 1or edu#ation or hea$th#are or

empo5erment8 the 2overnment o1ten puts in p$a#e :arriers to prevent this 1rom happenin2! Our #ountr4 does not have a homo2enous peop$e or 2eo2raph48 so the impa#t $ar2e$4 remains re2iona$! Eith the #urrent e#onomi# #$imate8 it is ver4 $i/e$4 that so#ia$ needs 5i$$ in#rease and8 #onseCuent$48 the num:er o1 peop$e #ommitted to addressin2 them 5i$$ in#rease! De1inition o1 so#ia$ entrepreneurship has #han2ed over time! =rom #orporate phi$anthrop4 to non-pro1it and no5 to se$1-sustaina:i$it48 So#ia$ Entrepreneurship has evo$ved and 5i$$ /eep evo$vin2 5ith time and needs o1 the 5or$d!

%oes t!e State facilitate #ntrepreneurs!ip&

9eneral 9overnment 1acilitation/ The NKC Stud4 1ound a si2ni1i#ant ma'orit4 o1 entrepreneurs sa4in2 that the 2overnment is 2enera$$4 Gnot he$p1u$6! In the intervie5s8 I,B o1 the entrepreneurs rated Ghe$p1u$ness o1 2overnment6 as Ge0treme$4 unsatis1a#tor46 or Gsome5hat unsatis1a#tor46 @see =i2ure I!)A! Some entrepreneurs said that 5hi$e the 2overnment has some ver4 si2ni1i#ant po$i#ies to he$p entrepreneurs8 the imp$ementation o1 these po$i#ies is e0treme$4 poor! Some 5ere o1 the vie5 that 2overnment s#hemes and initiatives are not pu:$i#i?ed adeCuate$4! Others said that #orruption and red-tapism resu$t in the s#hemes not rea#hin2 the tar2eted peop$e! Current$48 there are a num:er o1 po$i#ies and s#hemes in p$a#e to promote and assist entrepreneurs in India8 at #entra$ and state $eve$s!,)D The Ministr4 o1 Mi#ro8 Sma$$ and Medium Enterprises a$so provides a pa#/a2e o1 in#entives and su:sidies 1or the promotion o1 mi#ro and sma$$ enterprises @See Bo0 I!DA! The #ha$$en2e is to ma/e the po$i#ies into #ata$4sts 1or drivin2 Entrepreneurship in India!
ntrepreneurs, .00$
%. 8egislation/ The Mi#ro8 Sma$$ and Medium Enterprises Deve$opment

Bi$$8 H((I has :een ena#ted 1or the promotion and deve$opment o1 mi#ro8 sma$$ and medium enterprises! The %overnment is a$so e0pe#ted to ena#t re$evant $a5 on 3imited 3ia:i$it4 Partnerships!
.. )redit #upport RBI has issued 2uide$ines to the pu:$i# se#tor :an/s

to ensure H(B 4ear-on-4ear 2ro5th in #redit to the SME se#tor! The State Industria$ Deve$opment Ban/ o1 India @SIDBIA is e0pe#ted to ups#a$e its #redit operations 1or mi#ro enterprises and #over ;( $a/h additiona$

:ene1i#iaries over 1ive 4ears :e2innin2 H((I-(+! The Union %overnment to provide 2rants to SIDBI to au2ment its Port1o$io Ris/ =und and ena:$e it to #reate a Ris/ Capita$ =und! To stren2then the Credit %uarantee =und8 the #orpus o1 the 1und is e0pe#ted to :e raised 1rom Rs! ,,). #rore as o1 (, "pri$ H((I to Rs! H;(( #rore over a period o1 ; 4ears!
&. 1iscal #upport/ The %overnment is e0pe#ted to e0amine the 1easi:i$it4

o1 in#rease in the %enera$ E0#ise E0emption @%EEA $imit and the e0istin2 e$i2i:i$it4 $imit 1or %EEJ a$so #onsider e0tendin2 the time $imit 1or pa4ment o1 e0#ise dut4 :4 mi#ro and sma$$ enterprises and e0tendin2 the %EE :ene1its to sma$$ enterprises on their 2raduation to medium enterprises 1or a $imited period!
<. #upport for )luster "ased 7evelopment/ "##e$erate the ho$isti#

deve$opment o1 #$usters8 in#$udin2 provision o1 Common =a#i$it4 Centres8 deve$oped sites 1or ne5 enterprises8 up2radation o1 e0istin2 industria$ in1rastru#ture and provision o1 E0hi:ition %rounds*7a$$s and a$so 1or #reation and mana2ement o1 in1rastru#ture-re$ated assets in the pu:$i# private partnership mode! The #ei$in2 on pro'e#t #ost is e0pe#ted to :e raised to Rs! ,( #rore!
=. 5echnologies and >ualit+ ,pgradation #upport/ =our

Trainin2#umProdu#t Deve$opment Centres @TPDCsA 1or a2ro S 1ood pro#essin2 industries to :e set up! " Te#hno$o24 Mission to :e set up to assist MSMEs in te#hno$o24 up2radation8 ener24 #onservation and po$$ution miti2ation!
?. #upport for 3ntrepreneurial and Managerial 7evelopment

;(8((( entrepreneurs to :e trained in in1ormation te#hno$o248 #aterin28 a2ro and 1ood pro#essin28 pharma#euti#a$s8 :iote#hno$o248 et#!8 durin2 the E$eventh P$anJ a ne5 s#heme to :e 1ormu$ated to provide 1inan#ia$ assistan#e to se$e#t mana2ement*:usiness s#hoo$s and te#hni#a$ institutes8 to #ondu#t tai$or-made #ourses 1or ne5 as 5e$$ as e0istin2 mi#ro and sma$$ entrepreneursJ a ne5 s#heme to :e a$so :e 1ormu$ated to provide 1inan#ia$ assistan#e to 1ive se$e#t universities*#o$$e2es to run ,H(( entrepreneuria$ #$u:s!


- "u2ust HI8

http://www.asianscholarship.org/asf/ejourn/articles/zhang_l.pdf ugust !"# !$%$ http://&nowledge.insead.edu/contents/'urner.cfm - "u2ust H. 8 H(,( http://www.paggu.com/entrepreneurship/nurturing-entrepreneurshipin-india-entrepreneurship-and-india/ - ugust !"# !$%$


Bolton# (.). %"*+. ,'he universit- sector and technolog- transfer. in (a-ne /. Brown and 0o- 0othwell 1eds2. Entrepreneurship 3 'echnolog-: (orld e4periences and policies. 5arlow: 6ongman. Broc&haus# 0.5. and 7./. 5orwitz. %"*+. ,'he ps-cholog- of the entrepreneur. in 8. /e4ton and 0. (. /milor 1eds2. 'he art and science of entrepreneurship. 9ambridge# :ass: Ballinger. Business 'oda-# ;ctober %$# !$$<# p. =!. 9alabrese# '. and B. /ilverman. ,8on>t go it alone: lliance networ& composition and start ups? performance in 9anadian biotechnolog-.. /trategic :anagement @ournal# !%# !$$$. 9hirantan 9hatterjee/E'IA. ,II:s# II's /et Bp 9enters to Bring Innovations to :ar&et# Big Idea ma- 9ome ;ut of 'his Bo4.. 'he Economic 'imes Cew 8elhi# !< pril !$$<. 8avidson# 7. !$$=. ,'he 8omain of Entrepreneurship 0esearch: /ome suggestions. in )atz# @. and /. /hepherd 1eds2. dvances in Entrepreneurship# Dirm Emergence and Arowth# Eol. +# Areenwich# 9': @ I 7ress. 8un&elberg# (.9. and .9. 9ooper. %"*!.,Entrepreneurial '-pologies. in ). 5. Eesper. Drontiers of Entrepreneurship 0esearch. (ellesle-# :ass: Babson 9enter for Entrepreneurial /tudies. ,Docus of Innovation :oves on to 'eams.. 'he Economic 'imes Cew 8elhi# !< pril !$$<.

Aasse# F. ,Entrepreneurial 9haracteristics and practices: a stud- of the d-namics of small business organizations and their effectiveness in the different environments.. n.p. %"GG. AE: 0eport - India. !$$!. Alobal Entrepreneurship :onitor. Business 6ine# Entrepreneurship report ran&s India at Co. ! (ednesda-# @ul- %+# !$$= http://www.blonnet.com/!$$=/$G/%+/stories/!$$=$G%+$!=+$=$$.htm. ,Aetting Boss-.. Education 'imes# Covember %$# !$$<. http://www.pluggd.in/social-entrepreneurship-in-india-funds-profitablesectors-!"G/ http://www.startupdunia.com/entrepreneurship/entrepreneurship-inindia-h-pe-or-happening-%H!<

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