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539. 540. 541. 54#. 543. 544. 545. 54-. 54". 54*. 549. 550. 551. 55#. 553. 554. 555. 55-. 55". 55*. 559. 5-0. 5-1. 5-#. 5-3. 5-4. 5-5. 5--. 5-". The Judaeans in Lazarus' House.........................................................................4 The Judaeans with Martha and Mary.................................................................5 Martha Sends a Servant to In or! the Master...................................................." Lazarus' $eath..................................................................................................10 The Servant o %ethany In or!s Jesus o Martha's Messa&e............................15 't Lazarus' (unera)..........................................................................................1* Jesus $e+ides to ,o to Lazarus........................................................................## .esurre+tion o Lazarus...................................................................................#In Jerusa)e! and in the Te!/)e a ter the .esurre+tion o Lazarus...................35 't %ethany a ter the .esurre+tion o Lazarus...................................................40 ,oin& to 0/hrai!.............................................................................................4" The (irst $ay at 0/hrai!.................................................................................51 Jesus .es/e+ts the 1re+e/t o Love More Than the Sa22ati+ Law...................54 The (o))owin& $ay at 0/hrai!. 1ara2)e on the .e!e!2ran+e o Man's 0terna) $estiny...................................5Jesus 03/)ains to 1eter the Mandate or .e!ittin& Sins and 4hy Saints and Inno+ents Su er.....................................................................-# 5n a Sa22ath at 0/hrai! Jesus S/ea6s in the Syna&o&ue................................-The 'rriva) o the .e)atives o the 7hi)dren with Many 1eo/)e o She+he!........................................................................."0 The 1ara2)e o the $ro/ That 03+avates the .o+6..........................................."# 1i)&ri!s 'rrive in 0/hrai! ro! the $e+a/o)is. Manaen's Se+ret Mission......"5 The Se+ret Meetin& with Jose/h o 'ri!athea and 8i+ode!us......................."" The Sa/hori! Sa!ue)......................................................................................*1 4hat 1eo/)e Say at 8azareth...........................................................................*" (a)se $is+i/)es 'rrive in She+he!. 't 0/hrai! Jesus .estores the Ton&ue to the $u!2 S)ave o 7)audia 1ro+u)a...........................................** The Man o Ja2nee)..........................................................................................91 Sa!ue)9 Judas o :erioth and John. 1ara2)e o the %ees..................................95 't 0/hrai!9 2e ore and a ter the 'rriva) o Jesus' Mother and o the 4o!en $is+i/)es with Lazarus............................................................100 1ara2)e o the To! 7)oth and Mira+)e o the 4o!an in 7hi)d2ed. Judas o :erioth Is 7au&ht Stea)in&...............................................................110 (arewe)) to 0/hrai!. ,oin& towards Shi)o....................................................1#1 't Shi)oh. (irst 1ara2)e on 'dvi+e.................................................................1#4 5-*. 5-9. 5"0. 5"1. 5"#. 5"3. 5"4. 5"5. 5"-. 5"". 5"*. 5"9. 5*0. 5*1. 5*#. 5*3. 5*4. 5*5. 5*-. 5*". 5**. 5*9. 590. 591. 59#. 593. 594. 't Le2onah. Se+ond 1ara2)e on 'dvi+e.........................................................1#5 'rriva) at She+he!.........................................................................................1#9 't She+he!. Third 1ara2)e on 'dvi+e...........................................................130 Leavin& or 0non............................................................................................13# 't 0non. The ;oun& She/herd %en<a!in......................................................134 Jesus Is .e<e+ted 2y the Sa!aritans. 4ith Judas o :erioth..........................139 The .i+h ;oun& Man.....................................................................................14The Third 1ro/he+y o the 1assion. The .e=uest o >e2edee's sons..............149 Meetin& with the $is+i/)es Led 2y Manaen and 'rriva) at Jeri+ho................153 4ith So!e ?n6nown $is+i/)es.....................................................................155 1ro/he+y on Israe). Mira+)es 4or6ed $urin& the Journey ro! Jeri+ho to %ethany.....................15* 'rriva) at %ethany..........................................................................................1-1 The (riday 2e ore the 0ntry into Jerusa)e!. Judas o :erioth I!/enitent...........................................................................1-4 The (riday 2e ore the 0ntry into Jerusa)e!. (arewe)) to the 4o!en $is+i/)es and the 0n+ounter with an ?nha//y 7hi)d........................1-9 The Sa22ath 2e ore the 0ntry into Jerusa)e!. 1ara2)e o the Two La!/s and the 1ara2)e '//)ied to the Mira+)e on Sha)e!...............1"* The Sa22ath 2e ore the 0ntry into Jerusa)e!. 1i)&ri!s and Judaeans at %ethany..................................................................1*3 The Sa22ath 2e ore the 0ntry into Jerusa)e!. The Su//er at %ethany...........1*5 (arewe)) to Lazarus........................................................................................190 Judas ,oes to the Leaders o the Sanhedrin...................................................194 (ro! %ethany to Jerusa)e!............................................................................199 Jesus 0nters into Jerusa)e!............................................................................#01 The 0venin& o 1a)! Sunday.........................................................................#0* The Monday 2e ore 1assover. The 7ursed (i&@Tree and the 1ara2)e o the 4i+6ed Hus2and!en..................................................#09 Monday 8i&ht 2e ore 1assover. Tea+hin&s to the '/ost)es at ,ethse!ane......................................................#1" The Tuesday Mornin& 2e ore 1assover. The Auestions o the Tri2ute to 7aesar and o the .esurre+tion o the $ead.............................#19 The Tuesday 8i&ht 2e ore 1assover. 5ther Tea+hin&s to the '/ost)es..........### The 4ednesday 2e ore 1assover. (ro! the $is+ussions with S+ri2es and 1harisees to the 0s+hato)o&i+a) $is+ourse. The 4idow's Mite................##4


595. The 8i&ht o the 4ednesday 2e ore 1assover. Last Tea+hin&s to the '/ost)es.......................................................................#39 59-. The Thursday 2e ore 1assover. 1re/aration or the Su//er and 'nnoun+e!ent o the ,)ori i+ation throu&h $eath..................................#4# 59". The Thursday 0venin& 2e ore 1assover. 'rriva) at the Su//er@.oo! and (arewe)) to the Mother............................................................................#49 59*. The 1assover Su//er......................................................................................#51


599. The '&ony and the 'rrest at ,ethse!ane......................................................#-5 -00. The Barious Tria)s..........................................................................................#"" -01. $eath o Judas o :erioth. The %ehaviour o Mary towards Judas 7an+e)s 0ve's %earin& towards 7ain..............................................................#9# -0#. 5ther Tea+hin&s on the (irst 1arents and on the 1ara))e)is! 2etween 7ain and Judas.............................................#9* -03. John ,oes to ,et Mary...................................................................................300 -04. The 4ay o the 7ross ro! the 1raetoriu! to 7a)vary..................................301 -05. The 7ru+i i3ion..............................................................................................30* -0-. The %uria) o Jesus and the S/iritua) $istress o Mary..................................319 -0". The .eturn to the Su//er .oo!.....................................................................3#4 -0*. The 8i&ht o ,ood (riday..............................................................................3#9 -09. The .edee!in& Ba)ue o Jesus' and Mary's su erin&s. John Is the Head o Lovers.............................................................................33* -10. The Ho)y Saturday.........................................................................................341 -11. The 8i&ht o Ho)y Saturday...........................................................................34-

-19. -#0. -#1. -##. -#3. -#4. -#5. -#-. -#". -#*. -#9. -30. -31. -3#. -33. -34. -35. -3-. -3". -3*. -39. -40. -41. -4#. -43. -44. -45. -4-. -4".


-1#. -13. -14. -15. -1-. -1". -1*. The Mornin& o the .esurre+tion...................................................................350 The .esurre+tion............................................................................................354 Jesus '//ears to His Mother..........................................................................35The 1ious 4o!en at the Se/u)+hre................................................................35" 7o!!ent on the .esurre+tion........................................................................3-1 Jesus '//ears to Lazarus...............................................................................3-3 Jesus '//ears to Johanna o 7huza................................................................3-5

Jesus '//ears to Jose/h o 'ri!athea9 to 8i+ode!us and to Manaen...........3-" Jesus '//ears to the She/herds......................................................................3-* Jesus '//ears to the $is+i/)es o 0!!aus....................................................3-9 Jesus '//ears to the 5ther (riends................................................................3"3 Jesus '//ears to the Ten '/ost)es.................................................................3"4 The In+redu)ity o Tho!as. Jesus' 4arnin& to the CTho!asesD o Today......3*0 Jesus '//ears to the '/ost)es with Tho!as. S/ee+h on 1riesthood...............3*3 't ,ethse!ane with the '/ost)es..................................................................3*The '/ost)es ,o a)on& the 4ay o the 7ross.................................................395 Jesus '//ears to Barious 1eo/)e in $i erent 1)a+es.....................................40# Jesus '//ears on the Shores o the La6e. The Mission 7on erred to 1eter.....................................................................419 Jesus '//ears on Mount Ta2or to the '/ost)es and to a2out (ive Hundred %e)ievers.............................................................4## The Last Tea+hin&s 2e ore 's+ension@$ay....................................................4#" The Su//)e!entary 1assover.........................................................................435 (arewe)) to His Mother 2e ore 's+ension......................................................43* (arewe)) and 's+ension o the Lord...............................................................440 The 0)e+tion o Matthias................................................................................44The $es+ent o the Ho)y S/irit. 0nd o the Messiani+ 7y+)e..........................44" 1eter 7e)e2rates the 0u+harist in a Meetin& o the (irst 7hristians................449 The %)essed Bir&in Ta6es u/ Her '2ode at ,ethse!ane with John9 4ho (orete))s Her 'ssu!/tion......................................................................451 The %)essed Bir&in and John in the 1)a+es o the 1assion..............................454 The Two Shrouds o the Lord........................................................................45The Martyrdo! o Ste/hen. Sau) and ,a!a)ie).............................................459 $e/osition o Ste/hen's %ody........................................................................4-# ,a!a)ie) %e+o!es a 7hristian.......................................................................4-4 1eter 7onverses with John.............................................................................4-The %)iss u) 1assa&e o the %)essed Bir&in....................................................4-* The 'ssu!/tion o 5ur Lady.........................................................................4"3 5n the 1assa&e9 the 'ssu!/tion and .oya)ty o the %)essed Bir&in..............4"5

The .easons or the 4or6. (arewe)) to the 4or6...................................................4"*

539. The Judaeans in Laza us! H"use.

539. The Judaeans in La a!us" H#use.

$%&h De'e()e! $9*+.

Herodians. ;ou ou&ht to te)) Joa+hi! not to 2e)ieve a)) the ru!ours...G E%ut do you 6now that those who he)/ Hi! wi)) 2e rewarded on the 0arth and in HeavenF I wou)d 2e very ha//y i !y hus2and were one o the!. I have a )ar&e a!i)y and )i e is di i+u)t. I he +ou)d have a <o2 a!on& the servants o the :in& o Israe)HG

1 ' )ar&e i!/osin& &rou/ o Judaeans enter %ethany on !a&ni i+ent !ounts. They are s+ri2es and 1harisees9 so!e Saddu+ees and Herodians9 who! I have seen /revious)y9 i I a! not !ista6en9 at the 2an=uet in 7huza's house to indu+e Jesus to /ro+)ai! Hi!se) 6in&. They are o))owed 2y servants on oot.

EListen9 .a+he)9 I thin6 it is 2etter or !e to )oo6 a ter !y 6it+hen &arden and !y dates. 5hH i He shou)d te)) !e9 then I wou)d )eave everythin& to o))ow Hi!. %ut i other The ridin&@/arty &o s)ow)y throu&h the )itt)e town9 and the hoo s resoundin& on the hard /eo/)e te)) !eH...G &round9 the <in&)in& o the tra//in&s and the voi+es o the !en draw out o their houses E%ut they are His dis+i/)es.G the inha2itants9 who )oo6 and with evident astonish!ent 2ow hu!2)y9 then they rise EI have never seen the! with Hi! and then... 8o. They /retend to 2e )a!2s9 2ut their a&ain and &ather in &rou/s whis/erin&. s+oundre))y a+es do not +onvin+e !e.G EHave you seen thatFG EThat is true. Stran&e thin&s have ha//ened or so!e ti!e and they a)ways say that the E')) the !e!2ers o the Sanhedrin ro! Jerusa)e!.G .a22i's dis+i/)es are the +ause o the!. The day 2e ore the Sa22ath9 so!e o the! E8o. Jose/h the 0)der9 8i+ode!us and others were not there.G !anhand)ed a wo!an who was ta6in& e&&s to the !ar6et9 and they saidI C4e want E8or the !ost a!ous 1harisees.G the! in the na!e o the ,a)i)ean .a22i.DG E8or the s+ri2es.G E$o you thin6 it +an 2e Hi! 4ho wants su+h thin&s9 as He a)ways &ives and never E'nd who was the one on horse2a+6FG ta6esF 'nd <ust Hi! 4ho +ou)d )ive a!on& ri+h /eo/)e and /re ers to 2e with the /oor9 EThey are +ertain)y &oin& to Lazarus' house.G and He &ave away His !ant)e9 as that )e/rous wo!an9 who was +ured and who! Ja+o2 !et9 to)d every2odyFG EHe !ust 2e on the /oint o dyin&.G EI don't understand why the .a22i is not here.G EHow +an you e3/e+t Hi! to 2e here9 i those in Jerusa)e! want to 6i)) Hi!FG E;ou are ri&ht. 8ay9 I a! sure that those sna6es who have <ust &one 2y9 have +o!e to see whether the .a22i is here.G E1raised 2e the Lord that He isn'tHG 2 E$o you 6now what they said to !y hus2and9 at the !ar6et in Jerusa)e!F To 2e ready9 2e+ause He wi)) soon /ro+)ai! Hi!se) 6in&9 and we sha)) a)) have to he)/ Hi! to... 4hat did they sayF 4e))H ' word that !eant so!ethin& )i6e... i I said that I wi)) send every2ody away ro! the house9 and !a6e !yse) the )and)ady.G E' /)otF... ' +ons/ira+yF... ' re2e))ionF...G they as69 !a6in& su&&estions at the sa!e ti!e. ' !an saysI E;es. They to)d !e as we)). %ut I don't 2e)ieve it.G E%ut those who say that9 are dis+i/)es o the .a22iH...G EH'!H I a! not /re/ared to 2e)ieve that the .a22i wi)) !a6e use o vio)en+e and re!ove the Tetrar+hs9 usur/in& a throne that9 ri&ht)y or wron&)y9 2e)on&s to the 'nother !an who a//roa+hed the &rou/ and has 2een )istenin& saysI E;ou are ri&ht. 'nd what a2out the other thin& they sayF That the .a22i wi)) 2rin& a2out &reat trou2)e9 2e+ause the .o!ans wi)) /unish us a)) owin& to His ur&in& the +rowdsF $o you 2e)ieve itF I say J and I don't thin6 I a! wron& 2e+ause I a! o)d and wise J I say that those who te)) us /oor /eo/)e that the .a22i wants to usur/ the throne and drive away the .o!ans J I wish He didH i it were /ossi2)e to do soH J and those who do vio)en+e in His na!e9 and those who in+ite us to re2e) /ro!isin& uture /ro it9 and those who wou)d )i6e us to hate the .a22i as a dan&erous /erson who wi)) )ead us into trou2)e9 are a)) ene!ies o the .a22i and they are an3ious to ruin Hi! so that they !ay triu!/h. $on't 2e)ieve the!H $on't 2e)ieve the a)se riends o the /oor /eo/)eH $id you noti+e how arro&ant)y they /assed 2yF They a)!ost &ave !e a 2)ow with a +ud&e)9 2e+ause I had di i+u)ty in !ovin& the shee/ aside and I was /reventin& the! ro! /ro+eedin&... 'nd you say they are our riendsF 8ever. They are our va!/ires9 and9 ,od or2id it9 they are a)so His va!/ires.G 3 E's you )ive near Lazarus' ie)ds9 do you 6now whether he is deadFG E8o. He is not dead. He is 2etween )i e and death... I as6ed Sarah who was /i+6in& aro!ati+ )eaves to wash hi!.G E4e))9 why did they +o!eFG

539. The Judaeans in Laza us! H"use.

E4ho 6nowsH They went ri&ht round the house9 then round the )e/er's house9 then they went away towards %eth)ehe!.G EI to)d youH They +a!e to see whether the .a22i is hereH To do Hi! wron&. $o you rea)ise what it !eant to the! to 2e a2)e to har! Hi!F 'nd <ust in Lazarus' houseF Te)) !e9 8athan. That Herodian... was he not the )over o Mary o Theo/hi)us so!e ti!e a&oFG EHe was. 1erha/s that is how he wanted to reven&e hi!se) on Mary...G ' )itt)e 2oy runs towards the!. He shoutsI EHow !any /eo/)e there are in Lazarus' houseH I was +o!in& ro! the strea! with Levi9 Mar+us and Isaiah9 and we saw the!. The servants o/ened the &ate and too6 the !ounts. 'nd Ma3i!inus ran to !eet the Judaeans and other servants +a!e !a6in& )ow 2ows. 'nd Martha and Mary +a!e out o the house to &reet the! with their !aidservants. 4e wanted to &o on wat+hin&9 2ut they +)osed the &ate and they a)) went into the house.G The 2oy is very e3+ited 2e+ause o the news he has 2rou&ht and o what he has seen... The adu)ts are +o!!entin&.

thou&ht u).G EIt is our duty9 Martha. 0u+heria 2e)on&ed to our ra+e. ' true Jewess who honoured us a)).G EThe ho!a&e /aid to the venerated !e!ory o !y !other tou+hes !y heart. I wi)) re/eat your words to Lazarus.G E%ut we want to &reet hi!. He is su+h a &ood riendHG says He)6ai with his ha2itua) a)seness9 a//roa+hin& her. E,reet hi!F It is not /ossi2)e. He is too e3hausted.G E5hH 4e sha)) not distur2 hi!. Sha)) we9 !y riendsF It is enou&h or us to say &ood2ye to hi!9 ro! the thresho)d o his roo!G says (e)i3. EI +annot9 I rea))y +annot. 8i+o!edes has or2idden ati&ue and e!otions.G E' &)an+e at our dyin& riend wi)) not 6i)) hi!9 MarthaG says 7a))as+e2ona. EIt wou)d &rieve us too !u+h not havin& &reeted hi!HG Martha is u/set and hesitant. She )oo6s towards the door9 /erha/s to see whether Mary is +o!in& to he)/ her. %ut Mary is a2sent. The Judaeans noti+e her e3+ite!ent9 and Sado+9 the s+ri2e9 /oints it out to MarthaI EIt )oo6s as i our visit is u/settin& you9 wo!an.G E8o. 8ot at a)). Have sy!/athy or !y &rie . I have 2een )ivin& or !onths near !y dyin& 2rother and... I a! no )on&er a2)e... and I no )on&er 6now how to 2ehave at /arties9 as I did in the /ast...G E5hH it is not a /artyH 4e did not even e3/e+t you to honour us thusH 1erha/s... 1erha/s you want to hide so!ethin& ro! us and that is why you are not )ettin& us see Lazarus and you or2id us to &o to his roo!. 0hH It is o2viousH %ut 2e not a raidH The roo! o a si+6 /erson is a san+tuary or every2ody9 2e)ieve !e...G says He)6ai. 2 EThere is nothin& to 2e +on+ea)ed in our 2rother's roo!. There is nothin& hidden in it. There is on)y a dyin& !an9 who or /ity's sa6e ou&ht to 2e s/ared a)) /ain u) !e!ories. 'nd you9 He)6ai9 and you a))9 are /ain u) !e!ories or LazarusG says Mary in her 2eauti u) har!onious voi+e9 a//earin& at the door and ho)din& the +urtain to one side with her hand. EMaryHG says Martha !oanin& i!/)orin&)y9 to +he+6 her. E8othin&9 sister. Let !e s/ea6...G She then addresses the othersI E'nd to re!ove every /ossi2)e dou2t o yours9 one o you J it wi)) thus 2e on)y one !e!ory o the /ast renewin& &rie J !ay +o!e with !e9 i the si&ht o a dyin& !an does not dis&ust hi! and the sten+h o a dyin& 2ody does not !a6e hi! si+6.G

5*,. The Judaeans -i&h .a!&ha and .a!/.

$9&h De'e()e! $9*+.

1 Martha9 a)thou&h 2ro6en@hearted and e3hausted9 is a)ways a )ady who 6nows how to we)+o!e &uests9 honourin& the! with the /er e+t ur2anity o a true@2orn )ady. Thus9 a ter )eadin& the &rou/ into one o the ha))s9 she &ives instru+tions to 2rin& the re resh!ents that are +usto!ary9 so that the &uests !ay have what +an restore the!. The servants !ove around /ourin& hot drin6s or vinta&e wines and o erin& 2eauti u) ruit9 dates as air as to/azes9 raisins9 so!ethin& )i6e our sweet &ra/es9 in 2un+hes antasti+a))y /er e+t9 )i=uid honey9 a)) served ro! /re+ious a!/horae9 +u/s9 /)ates and trays. 'nd Martha wat+hes +are u))y that no one is ne&)e+ted9 nay9 she instru+ts her do!esti+s to serve the &uests a++ordin& to their a&es and to ea+h individua)9 whose te!/ers are we)) 6nown to her. She sto/s a servant9 who is &oin& towards He)6ai with an a!/hora u)) o wine and a +ha)i+e and she says to hi!I ETo2ias9 don't o er hi! wine9 2ut honied water and the <ui+e o dates.G 'nd she says to another oneI EI a! sure John wi)) /re er wine. 5 er hi! so!e o our white raisin wine.G 'nd she /ersona))y o ers o)d Hananiah9 the s+ri2e9 war! !i)69 whi+h she sweetens with /)enty &o)den honey9 sayin&I EIt wi)) do your +ou&h &ood. ;ou sa+ri i+ed yourse) 2y +o!in& here9 /arti+u)ar)y as you are /oor)y9 and it is a +o)d day. It a e+ts !e to see you a)) so

5#$. The Judaeans %i&h 'a &ha and 'a (.

E'nd are you not a &rievin& !e!oryFG as6s ironi+a))y the Herodian9 who! I have a)ready seen9 2ut I do not re!e!2er where9 +o!in& away ro! his +orner and standin& in ront o Mary. Martha utters a &roan9 Mary )oo6s )i6e an an&ry ea&)e. Her eyes are )ashin&. She draws herse) u/ /roud)y9 or&ettin& the ati&ue and &rie that 2ent her 2ody9 and with the +ountenan+e o an o ended =ueen she saysI E;es. I a! a !e!ory as we)). %ut not o sorrow9 as you say. I a! the !e!ory o ,od's Mer+y. 'nd Lazarus is dyin& in /ea+e seein& !e9 2e+ause he 6nows that he is &ivin& u/ his s/irit into the hands o In inite Mer+y.G EHaH HaH Those are not the words o days &one 2yH ;our virtueH ;ou !ay dis/)ay it to those who do not 6now you...G E%ut not to you9 is that ri&htF %ut I a! &oin& to /)a+e it ri&ht under your eyes9 to te)) you that 2irds o a eather9 )o+6 to&ether. In those days9 un ortunate)y9 I was near you9 and I was )i6e you. 8ow I a! near the Ho)y 5ne9 and I a! 2e+o!in& honest.G E4hat has 2een destroyed +annot 2e re2ui)t9 Mary.G EIn a+t9 you9 a)) o you9 +an no )on&er re2ui)d your /ast. ;ou +annot re2ui)d what you have destroyed. ;ou +annot9 /ersona))y9 as you horri y !e. 'nd none o the rest +an9 who o ended !y 2rother9 when he was &rieved9 and now you /retend to 2e his riends9 or a wi+6ed /ur/ose.G E5hH ;ou are 2o)d9 wo!an. The .a22i !ay have driven !any de!ons out o you9 2ut He did not !a6e you 2e+o!e !i)dHG says one who is a2out orty years o)d. E8o9 Jonathan 2en 'nnas. He did not !a6e !e wea6. He !ade !e stron&er with the 2o)dness o one who is honest9 o one who wants to 2e+o!e honest on+e a&ain and has 2ro6en a)) ties with the /ast to start a new )i e. 7o!e onH 4ho is +o!in& to see LazarusFG She is as authoritative as a =ueen. She do!inates the! a)) with her ran6ness9 with no !er+y even towards herse) . Martha9 instead9 is de<e+ted9 with tears in her eyes )oo6in& i!/)orin&)y at Mary that she !ay 6ee/ =uiet. EI wi)) +o!eHG says He)6ai9 si&hin& )i6e a vi+ti!9 and he is as a)se as a ser/ent. They &o out to&ether. 3 The others address MarthaI E;our sisterH... Sti)) the sa!e +hara+ter. %ut she shou)d not 2ehave )i6e that. She has so !u+h to 2e or&iven orG says ?rie)9 the ra22i seen at ,is+a)a9 the one who stru+6 Jesus with stones. ?nder the )ash o su+h words9 Martha re+overs her stren&th and she saysI E,od has or&iven her. 8o other or&iveness is thus re=uired. 'nd her /resent )i e is an e3a!/)e or the wor)d.G %ut her darin& soon a2ates and turns into tears. She !oans wee/in&I E;ou are +rue)H Towards her... and towards !e... ;ou have no /ity or our /ast or our

/resent sorrow. 4hy did you +o!eF To o end and &rieve usFG E8o9 wo!an. 8o. 5n)y to &reet the &reat Judaean who is dyin&. (or no other reasonH ;ou !ust not ta6e our &ood intentions a!iss. 4e heard ro! Jose/h and 8i+ode!us that he was &rowin& worse9 and we +a!e... as they did9 the two &reat riends o the .a22i and o Lazarus. 4hy do you want to treat us di erent)y9 sin+e we )ove the .a22i and Lazarus9 as they doF ;ou are not air. 7an you deny that they have +o!e with John9 0)eazar9 1hi)i/9 Joshua and Joa+hi!9 to hear how Lazarus was9 and that a)so Manaen has +o!eF...G EI a! not denyin& anythin&. %ut I a! sur/rised that you are so we)) in or!ed. I did not thin6 that a)so the interior o houses is /ried into 2y you. I did not 6now that there is a new /re+e/t in addition to the si3 hundred and thirteenI that is9 to in=uire into and s/y u/on the inti!ate a airs o a!i)ies... 5hH 03+use !eH I a! o endin& youH Sorrow is de/rivin& !e o !y senses and you are a&&ravatin& it.G E5hH we understand you9 wo!anH 'nd 2e+ause we thou&ht you wou)d 2e 2oth de/rived o your senses9 we have +o!e to &ive you so!e &ood advi+e. Send or the Master. ')so yesterday seven )e/ers have +o!e to /raise the Lord 2e+ause the .a22i had +ured the!. Send or Hi! a)so on 2eha) o Lazarus.G EMy 2rother is not a )e/erG shouts Martha +onvu)sive)y. EIs that why you wanted to see hi!F Is that why you have +o!eF 8o9 he is not a )e/erH Loo6 at !y hands. I have +ured hi! or years and there is no )e/rosy on !e. My hands are reddened 2y s/i+es9 2ut I a! not a )e/er. I have no...G E1ea+eH 1ea+e9 wo!an. 'nd who said that Lazarus is a )e/erF 'nd who sus/e+ts su+h a dread u) sin in you9 as that o hidin& a )e/erF 'nd do you thin6 that9 or a)) your /ower9 we wou)d not have stru+6 you9 i you had sinnedF In order to have the /re+e/ts o2eyed we are =uite /re/ared to /ass over our athers and !others9 our wives and +hi)dren. I9 Jonathan o ?zie)9 a! te))in& you.G E7ertain)yH That's ri&htH 'nd now we te)) you9 out o the )ove we have or you and we had or your !other and or Lazarus' sa6e9 send or the Master. 're you sha6in& your headF $o you !ean that it is too )ate 2y nowF 4hatF ;ou9 Martha9 the aith u) dis+i/)e9 have no aith in Hi!F That's 2adH 're you 2e&innin& to dou2t as we))FG says 'r+he)aus. E;ou are 2)as/he!in&9 s+ri2e. I 2e)ieve in the Master as I 2e)ieve in the true ,od.G E4hy do you not want to try9 thenF He has raised the dead... 't )east so they say... 1erha/s you do not 6now where He isF I you wish9 we wi)) )oo6 or Hi!9 we wi)) he)/ youG says (e)i3 in an insinuatin& way. E8oH In Lazarus' house they +ertain)y 6now where the .a22i is. Te)) us ran6)y9 wo!an9 and we wi)) de/art and )oo6 or Hi! and we wi)) 2rin& Hi! to you9 and we

5#$. The Judaeans %i&h 'a &ha and 'a (.

sha)) 2e /resent at the !ira+)e to re<oi+e with you9 with a)) o youG says Sado+ te!/tin& her. Martha is hesitant9 she is a)!ost te!/ted to yie)d. The others insist whi)e she saysI EI do not 6now where He is... I rea))y do not 6now... He went away so!e days a&o and He said &ood2ye to us )i6e one who &oes away or a )on& ti!e... I wou)d 2e re)ieved i I 6new where He is... I at )east I 6new... %ut I do not 6now9 that is the truth...G E1oor wo!anH %ut we wi)) he)/ you... 4e wi)) 2rin& Hi! to youG says 7orne)ius. 4 E8oH It is not ne+essary. The Master... ;ou are s/ea6in& o Hi!9 are you notF The Master said that we !ust ho/e 2eyond ho/e9 and in ,od on)y. 'nd we wi)) do thatG says Mary in a thunderin& voi+e9 as she +o!es 2a+6 with He)6ai9 who de/arts ro! her at on+e and &oes towards three 1harisees 2endin& down to s/ea6 to the!. E%ut he is dyin&9 a++ordin& to what I hearHG says $oras9 who is one o the three. ESo whatF Let hi! dieH I wi)) not o2stru+t ,od's de+ree and I wi)) not diso2ey the .a22i.G E'nd what do you e3/e+t a ter his death9 oo)ish wo!anFG says the Herodian !o+6in&)y. E4hatF Li eHG Her voi+e is a +ry o a2so)ute aith. ELi eF HaH HaH %e sin+ere. ;ou 6now that He has no /ower a&ainst rea) death9 and in your oo)ish )ove or Hi! you do not want that to 2e+o!e 6nown.G

E%e si)ent9 si))y wo!anH 5n who! do you e3/e+t the! to aven&e the!se)vesF 5n LazarusF They !ust de+ide irst9 and 2e ore they do that... 8o one reven&es onese) on a !an who is done orH 5n usF 're we in need o their 2read to )iveF They wi)) not tou+h our /ro/erty. The shadow o .o!e is +ast over it. 5n what thenF 'nd even i they were a2)e to do that9 are we not 2oth youn& and stron&F Sha)) we not 2e a2)e to wor6F Is Jesus not /oorF 4as our Jesus not a wor6!anF Sha)) we not 2e !ore )i6e Hi!9 i we are /oor and wor6ersF ;ou ou&ht to 2e /roud in 2e+o!in& soH Ho/e or itH 's6 ,od to &rant itHG E%ut what they said to you...G E'hH 4hat they said to !eH It's the truth. 'nd I re/eat it to !yse) . I was un+)ean. I a! now the ewe@)a!2 o the She/herdH 'nd the /ast is dead. 7o!e on9 +o!e to see Lazarus.G

5*$. .a!&ha Sends a Se!0an& &# In1#!( &he .as&e!.

2,&h De'e()e! $9*+.

E,o out9 a)) o youH It wou)d 2e or Martha to te)) you. %ut she is a raid o you. I a! on)y a raid o o endin& ,od9 4ho has or&iven !e. 'nd I a! te))in& you in Martha's stead. ,o out9 a)) o you. There is no roo! in this house or those who hate Jesus 7hrist. The !an o/ens his ar!s in a &esture o +o!!iseration and a+6now)ed&e!ent o the 5utH ,o to your &)oo!y densH ')) outH 5r I wi)) &et the servants to drive you out )i6e a ine)u+ta2)e situation9 and he sto/s and saysI EHe is very i))... I have never de+eived you herd o un+)ean 2e&&ars.G sin+e I 2e&an to attend hi!. I have tried everythin&9 as you 6now. %ut to no avai). I a)so... ho/ed9 yes9 I ho/ed that he !i&ht at )east )ive rea+tin& a&ainst the e3haustion o She is i!/osin& in her wrath. The Judaeans s)in6 away in the !ost +oward)y way9 in the disease with the &ood nourish!ent and the +ordia)s I /re/ared or hi!. I tried a)so ront o the wo!an. It is true that that wo!an )oo6s )i6e an enra&ed ar+han&e)... with /oisons that /reserve the 2)ood ro! +orru/tion and su//ort one's stren&th9 's they )eave the ha)) and +ross the thresho)d /assin& in ront o Mary9 she &)ares at a++ordin& to the o)d s+hoo)s o the &reat !asters in !edi+ine. %ut the disease is stron&er the!9 +reatin& or ea+h an i!!ateria) 7audine (or6 under whi+h the /ride o the than the !eans we use to +ure it. Su+h diseases are )i6e +orrosions9 they destroy one. de eated Judaeans is +o!/e))ed to stoo/. The ha)) is at )ast +)eared out. 'nd when they a//ear e3terior)y9 the inside o the 2ones has a)ready 2een a e+ted9 and )i6e the )y!/h that in a tree as+ends ro! the roots to its to/9 a)so in this +ase9 the 5 Martha +o))a/ses on the +ar/et 2urstin& into tears. disease has s/read ro! his eet to his who)e 2ody...G E4hy are you wee/in&9 sisterF I do not see why you shou)d...G E%ut on)y his )e&s are diseased...G says Martha /)aintive)y. E5hH you o ended the!... and they o ended you9 they o ended us... and now they wi)) E;es9 2ut a hi&h te!/erature +auses da!a&e to /arts o the 2ody that instead you thin6 aven&e the!se)ves... and...G are hea)thy. Loo6 at this )itt)e 2ran+h that has a))en o that tree. It see!s to 2e wor!@

1 I a! sti)) in Lazarus' house and I see Martha and Mary &o out into the &arden in the +o!/any o a rather e)der)y !an9 who )oo6s very di&ni ied and I wou)d say that he is not a He2rew 2e+ause his a+e is +)ean@shaven9 as is +usto!ary with .o!ans. 's soon as they are at a )itt)e distan+e ro! the house9 Mary as6s hi!I E4e))9 8i+o!edesF 4hat do you thin6 o our 2rotherF 4e see that he is serious)y... i))... Te)) us.G

5#+. 'a &ha Sends a Se ,an& &" In-" . &he 'as&e .

eaten on)y here9 where it is 2ro6en. %ut9 )oo6... Khe +ru!2)es it with his in&ersL. SeeF ?nder the 2ar69 whi+h is sti)) s!ooth9 it is rotten ri&ht to the to/9 where there sti)) see!s to 2e )i e9 2e+ause there are sti)) so!e )itt)e )eaves. Lazarus is now... dyin&9 /oor sistersH The ,od o your athers9 and the &ods and de!i&ods o our !edi+ine have not 2een a2)e to do anythin&... or they did not want to do it. I a! s/ea6in& o your ,od. There ore... I do oresee that his death is +)ose at hand9 a)so 2e+ause his te!/erature has risen9 a sy!/to! o the deterioration o his 2)ood 2rou&ht a2out 2y his disorder)y heart@ 2eats9 and 2y the )a+6 o sti!u)i and rea+tions in the inva)id and in a)) his or&ans. 's you +an see9 he &ets no nourish!ent any !ore9 he +annot ho)d the )itt)e ood he ta6es and he does not assi!i)ate the )itt)e he +an ho)d. It's the end... 'nd J 2e)ieve a do+tor who is &rate u) to you 2e+ause he re!e!2ers Theo/hi)us J the thin& to 2e !ost desired now is death... Su+h diseases are dread u). (or thousands o years they have destroyed !an and !an +annot destroy the!. 2 5n)y the &ods +ou)d i ...G He sto/s9 he )oo6s at the! ru22in& his +)ean@shaven +hin. He is /ensive. He then saysI E4hy do you not +a)) the ,a)i)eanF He is a riend o yours. He +an +ure hi! 2e+ause He +an do everythin&. I have e3a!ined /eo/)e who were doo!ed and who have 2een +ured. ' stran&e /ower e!anates ro! Hi!. It is a !ysterious )uid that revives and &athers to&ether the s+attered rea+tions and !a6es the! wish to re+over... I don't 6now. I 6now that I have o))owed Hi!9 2ein& a)so !in&)ed with the +rowd9 and I have seen wonder u) thin&s... Send or Hi!. I a! a ,enti)e. %ut I /ay ho!a&e to the !ysterious Thau!atur&e o your /eo/)e. 'nd I wou)d 2e ha//y i He +ou)d do what I +ou)d not do.G EHe is ,od9 8i+o!edes. That is why He +an. The /ower that you +a)) )uid is His wi)) o ,odG says Mary. EI do not ridi+u)e your aith. 5n the +ontrary I s/ur it to rea+h i!/ossi2)e )i!its. In any +ase... 4e read that at ti!es the &ods have des+ended u/on the 0arth. I... had never 2e)ieved it... %ut9 with the s+ien+e and +ons+ien+e o a !an and a do+tor9 I !ust ad!it that it is so9 2e+ause the ,a)i)ean wor6s su+h +ures that on)y a &od +an wor6.G

EIs it very arFG E8o9 8i+o!edes.G EThen send a servant at on+e to te)) Hi! to +o!e. I wi)) +o!e 2a+6 )ater and I wi)) stay here to see His a+tion on Lazarus. Hai)9 )adies. 'nd... &ive +oura&e to ea+h other.G He 2ows to the! and &oes away towards the e3it9 where a servant is waitin& or hi! to ho)d his horse and o/en the &ate to hi!. 3 E4hat sha)) we do9 MaryFG as6s Martha a ter she sees the do+tor de/art. E4e wi)) o2ey the Master. He to)d us to send or Hi! a ter Lazarus' death. 'nd we wi)) do that.G E%ut when he is dead... what is the use o havin& the Master hereF It wi)) on)y he)/ our hearts9 I a&ree. %ut with re&ard to LazarusH... I a! &oin& to send a servant to +a)) Hi!.G E8o. ;ou wou)d destroy the !ira+)e. He said that we !ust 2e a2)e to ho/e and 2e)ieve a&ainst every adverse rea)ity. 'nd i we do so9 we sha)) have the !ira+)e9 I a! sure o it. I we do not do so9 ,od wi)) )eave us with the /resu!/tion that we +an a+t 2etter than He +an9 and He wi)) &rant us nothin&.G E%ut don't you see how !u+h Lazarus is su erin&F Have you not heard9 when he re+overs +ons+iousness9 how he )on&s to see the MasterF ;ou are hard@hearted i you want to deny our /oor 2rother this )ast <oyH... 5ur /oor 2rotherH 4e sha)) soon have no 2rotherH 8o ather9 no !other9 no 2rotherH The a!i)y is destroyed9 and we are a)) a)one9 )i6e two /a)!@trees in a desert.G She is overwhe)!ed 2y &rie and I wou)d say that she a))s into hysteri+s9 in ty/i+a))y eastern sty)e9 and she tosses herse) 9 stri6in& her a+e and ru )in& her hair.

Mary &ras/s her. She +o!!ands her to 2e si)ent sayin&I E%e =uietH %e =uiet9 I te)) youH He !ay hear you. I )ove hi! !ore and 2etter than you do9 and I +an +ontro) !yse) . ;ou )oo6 )i6e a si+6)y wo!an. %e si)ent9 I te)) youH It is not with su+h renzies that one E8ot a &od9 8i+o!edes. The true ,odG insists Mary. +an +han&e situations or !ove hearts. I you 2ehave thus to !ove !ine9 you are !a6in& E')) ri&ht. 's you wish. 'nd I wi)) 2e)ieve in Hi! and 2e+o!e one o His o))owers i I a !ista6e. Thin6 a2out it. My heart 2rea6s9 2ut it o2eysI it /ersists in o2edien+e.G see Lazarus... rise ro! the dead. %e+ause we !ust s/ea6 o resurre+tion now9 rather than re+overy. So send or Hi! ur&ent)y... 2e+ause9 i I have not 2e+o!e a oo)9 he wi)) Martha9 overwhe)!ed 2y the stren&th o her sister and 2y her words9 +a)!s down a )itt)e 2ut in her &rie 9 whi+h is !ore +o!/osed9 she !oans invo6in& her !otherI EMotherH die within the ne3t three days9 at !ost. I said Cat !ostD. %ut it +ou)d 2e sooner9 now.G ohH !other9 +onso)e !e. I have had no /ea+e sin+e you died. I you were here9 !otherH E5hH I wish we +ou)dH %ut we do not 6now where He is...G says Martha. I sorrows had not 6i))ed youH I you were here9 you wou)d &uide us and we wou)d o2ey you9 or the we) are o us a))... 5hHG EI 6now where He is. I was to)d 2y one o His dis+i/)es who was &oin& to !eet Hi! ta6in& so!e si+6 /eo/)e9 two o who! were !y /atients. He is 2eyond the Jordan9 near the ord. So he said. 1erha/s you 6now the /)a+e 2etter than I do.G E'hH He is +ertain)y in So)o!on's houseHG says Mary. Mary +han&es +o)our and she wee/s noise)ess)y9 she )oo6s de<e+ted and wrin&s her hands without s/ea6in&. Martha )oo6s at her and saysI E4hen our !other was a2out to die9 she !ade !e

5#+. 'a &ha Sends a Se ,an& &" In-" . &he 'as&e .

/ro!ise that I wou)d )oo6 a ter Lazarus )i6e a !other. I she were here...G EShe wou)d o2ey the Master9 2e+ause she was a <ust wo!an. ;ou are tryin& to !ove !e in vain. ;ou +an say to !e that I !urdered !y !other throu&h the /ains I &ave her. I wi)) say to you. C;ou are ri&htD. %ut i you want to !a6e !e say that you are ri&ht in wantin& the Master9 I say to youI C8oD. 'nd I wi)) a)ways sayI C8oD. 'nd I a! sure that ro! '2raha!'s 2oso! she a//roves o !e and 2)esses !e. Let us &o into the house.G E4e have nothin& )e tH 8othin& )e tHG E0verythin&H ;ou !ust say everythin&H ;ou do )isten to the Master and you see! to /ay attention whi)e He s/ea6s9 2ut )ater you do not re!e!2er what He says. Has He not a)ways said that to )ove and o2ey !a6es us the +hi)dren o ,od and the heirs to His :in&do!F So how +an you say that we wi)) 2e )e t without anythin&9 i we have ,od and we /ossess the :in&do! throu&h our )oya)tyF 5hH it is true that one !ust 2e ir!)y deter!ined in evi)9 as I was9 in order to 2e9 to 6now how to 2e9 and to want to 2e ir!)y deter!ined in &ood9 in o2edien+e9 in ho/e9 in aith9 in )oveH...G E;ou a))ow the Judaeans to )au&h at and throw out innuendoes a&ainst the Master. ;ou heard the! the day 2e ore yesterday...G E're you sti)) thin6in& o the +hatterin& o those +rows9 o the +hee/in& o those vu)turesF Let the! s/it out what they have insideH 4hat does the wor)d !atter to youF 4hat is the wor)d as +o!/ared with ,odF Loo6I it is )ess than this i)thy 2)ue2ott)e9 whi+h is 2enu!2ed or /oisoned with the i)th it has su+6ed and whi+h I tra!/)e on thusG and with a vi&orous 2)ow o her hee) she +rushes a horse@ )y that is +ree/in& s)ow)y on the &rave) o the avenue. She then ta6es Martha 2y the ar! sayin&I E7o!e into the house and...G E't )east )et us in or! the Master. Let us send so!eone to te)) Hi! that Lazarus is dyin&9 without sayin& anythin& e)se...G E's i He needed to 2e to)d 2y usH 8oH It is use)ess. He saidI CLet Me 6now when he is dead.D 'nd that is what we wi)) do. %ut not 2e ore his death.G E8o one ta6es /ity on !y &rie H Least o a)) you...G ESto/ wee/in& )i6e that. I +annot 2ear it...G In her own sorrow she 2ites her )i/ to en+oura&e her sister and restrain her tears. 4 Mar+e))a runs out o the house o))owed 2y Ma3i!inusI EMarthaH MaryH Aui+6H Lazarus is not we)). He does not re/)y any !ore...G The two sisters rush 2a+6 into the house... and short)y a terwards one +an hear Mary's )oud voi+e &ivin& orders or the +ir+u!stan+e9 and see servants run with +ordia)s and

2asins stea!in& with 2oi)in& water9 whis/erin& and !a6in& &estures o sorrow... 7a)! s)ow)y ta6es over a ter so !u+h e3+ite!ent. I see the servants ta)6in& to one another in )ow voi+es9 )ess e3+ited)y9 2ut with &estures o dee/ de/ression to &ive e!/hasis to their words. So!e sha6e their heads9 so!e raise the! )oo6in& at the s6y and stret+hin& out their ar!s as i to sayI EIt is soG9 so!e wee/9 and so!e sti)) ho/e or a !ira+)e. 5 Martha a//ears a&ain. She is as white as death. She turns round to see whether she is 2ein& o))owed. She )oo6s at the servants who /ress round her an3ious)y. She turns round a&ain to see whether anyone has +o!e out o the house to o))ow her. She then says to a servantI E7o!e with !e.G The servant )eaves the &rou/ and o))ows her towards the <as!ine /er&o)a and &oes into it. Martha s/ea6s9 sti)) 6ee/in& an eye on the house9 whi+h +an 2e seen throu&h the thi+6)y entan&)ed 2ran+hes9 and she saysI EListen to !e +are u))y. 4hen a)) the servants have &one 2a+6 into the house9 and I have &iven the! orders to 6ee/ the! 2usy inside9 you sha)) &o to the sta2)es9 you sha)) ta6e one o the astest horses and sadd)e it... I anyone shou)d 2y +han+e see you9 say that you are &oin& to +a)) the do+tor... ;ou wi)) not 2e te))in& a )ie and I a! not tea+hin& you to )ie9 2e+ause I a! rea))y sendin& you to the 2)essed $o+tor... Ta6e so!e odder or the horse and so!e ood or yourse) and this /urse or what you !ay need. ,o out throu&h the s!a)) &ate and throu&h the /)ou&hed ie)ds9 where the hoo s !a6e no noise9 when you &o away ro! the house. Then ta6e the Jeri+ho road and &a))o/ without ever sto//in&9 not even at ni&ht. Have you understoodF ;ou !ust never sto/. The new !oon wi)) i))u!inate the road or you i it &ets dar6 whi)e you are sti)) &a))o/in&. %ear in !ind that the )i e o your !aster is in your hands and de/ends on your s/eed. I re)y on you.G EMistress9 I wi)) serve you as a aith u) s)ave.G E,o to the %etha2ara ord. 7ross the river and &o to the vi))a&e a ter %ethany 2eyond the Jordan. ;ou 6now... where John used to 2a/tise at the 2e&innin&.G EI 6now. I went there as we)) to 2e /uri ied.G EThe Master is in that vi))a&e. 'ny2ody wi)) te)) you the house where He is a &uest. %ut it is 2etter i you o))ow the 2an6s o the river9 instead o ta6in& the !ain road. ;ou wi)) not 2e noti+ed so !u+h and you wi)) ind the house 2y yourse) . It is the irst one on the on)y road o the vi))a&e and it ta6es one ro! the +ountry to the river. ;ou +annot &o wron&. It's a )ow house9 with no terra+e or u//er roo!9 with a 6it+hen &arden9 when +o!in& ro! the river9 2e ore the house9 and the 6it+hen &arden is en+)osed 2y a s!a)) wooden &ate and a hawthorn hed&e9 I thin69 a hed&e9 in any +ase. Is that +)earF .e/eat those detai)s.G The servant re/eats the! /atient)y.

5#+. 'a &ha Sends a Se ,an& &" In-" . &he 'as&e .


E')) ri&ht. 's6 to s/ea6 to Hi!9 to Hi! a)one9 and te)) Hi! that your !istresses have sent you to in or! Hi! that Lazarus is very i))9 that he is dyin&9 that we +annot resist any )on&er9 that Lazarus wants Hi! and as6 Hi! to +o!e at on+e9 at on+e9 or /ity's sa6e. Have you understoodFG E;es9 I have9 !istress.G EThen +o!e 2a+6 here i!!ediate)y9 so that no one !ay noti+e your a2sen+e. Ta6e a )a!/ with you9 you wi)) need it when it &ets dar6. ,o9 2e =ui+69 &a))o/9 run the horse o its )e&s9 2ut +o!e 2a+6 =ui+6)y with the Master's re/)y.G EI wi)) do so9 !istress.G E,o nowH SeeF They have a)) &one 2a+6 into the house. ,o at on+e. 8o one wi)) see you !a6in& /re/arations. I wi)) 2rin& you so!e ood !yse) . ,oH I wi)) )eave it on the thresho)d o the s!a)) &ate. ,oH 'nd !ay ,od 2e with you. ,oH...G She /ushes hi! an3ious)y and then she runs into the house +autious)y9 and short)y a terwards she stea)s out ro! a 2a+6 door on the southern side o the house9 with a )itt)e 2a& in her hands9 she wa)6s a)on& a hed&e as ar as the irst o/enin&9 she turns and disa//ears...

8ao!i9 wee/in&9 +ontinues to /)a+e war! 2ri+6s9 enve)o/ed in stri/s o woo))en +)oth9 near his eet9 whi+h !ust 2e very +o)d. Mar+e))a is ho)din& in her hands a +u/ into whi+h she di/s a /ie+e o thin )inen9 whi+h Martha uses to !oisten her 2rother's dry )i/s. Mary with another /ie+e o )inen wi/es the /)enti u) /ers/iration whi+h strea!s down the s6e)eta) a+e and wets the hands o the dyin& !an. Ma3i!inus9 )eanin& a&ainst a ta)) dar6 +a2inet near Lazarus' 2ed9 wat+hes standin& 2ehind Mary9 who is 2ent over her 2rother. There is no one e)se. There is dead si)en+e9 as i they were in an e!/ty house9 in a desert /)a+e. The !aidservants who 2rin& the war! 2ri+6s are 2are ooted and !a6e no noise wa)6in& on the !ar2)e )oor. They )oo6 )i6e a//aritions. 2 't a +ertain !o!ent Mary saysI EHis hands see! to 2e+o!e war!. Loo69 Martha9 his )i/s are not so /a)e.G E;es. 'nd he is 2reathin& !ore ree)y. I have noti+ed that or so!e ti!eG re!ar6s Ma3i!inus. Martha 2ends over hi! and +a))s hi! in a )ow voi+e9 in a very war! toneI ELazarusH LazarusH 5hH Loo69 MaryH He see!ed to s!i)e and to 2at his eye)ids. He is i!/rovin&9 MaryH He is &ettin& 2etterH 4hat ti!e is itFG EIt's one hour /ast sunset.G E'hHG and Martha stands u/9 /ressin& her hands a&ainst her 2reast9 raisin& her eyes in a visi2)e &esture o !ute 2ut +on ident /rayer. ' s!i)e 2ri&htens her a+e.

5*2. La a!us" Dea&h.

2$s& De'e()e! $9*+.

1 They have o/ened a)) the doors and windows in Lazarus' roo!9 to !a6e it easier or hi! to 2reathe. 'nd around hi!9 who is un+ons+ious9 in a +o!a J a dee/ +o!a )i6e death9 ro! whi+h it di ers on)y 2e+ause o his 2reathin& !ove!ent J there are his two sisters9 Ma3i!inus9 Mar+e))a and 8ao!i9 intent on the )east a+t o the dyin& !an. 0very ti!e the /an&s o death +ontra+t his !outh and it see!s to assu!e the e3/ression o one a2out to s/ea69 or his eyes +an 2e /art)y seen when he ha) @o/ens his eye)ids9 the two sisters 2end over hi! to +at+h a word9 a &)an+e... %ut in vain. They are nothin& 2ut !ove!ents )a+6in& +oordination9 inde/endent o his wi)) and inte))i&en+e9 whi+h are 2y now 2oth inert and )ost. They are a+ts 2rou&ht a2out 2y the su erin& )esh9 <ust )i6e the /ers/iration that !a6es the a+e o the dyin& !an shiny9 and the tre!or that at interva)s sha6es his s6e)eta) in&ers9 !a6in& the! )oo6 )i6e +ontra+ted +)aws. The two sisters a)so +a)) hi!9 with a)) their )ove in their voi+es. %ut his na!e and their )ove +o))ide with the 2arrier o inte))e+tive insensi2i)ity9 and the si)en+e o death is the re/)y to their +a))in&.

The others )oo6 at her in a!aze!ent and Mary says to herI EI ai) to see why the a+t that it is evenin& shou)d !a6e you ha//y...G and she s+ans her a+e sus/i+ious)y and an3ious)y. Martha does not re/)y9 2ut she resu!es the sa!e /osture she had /revious)y. ' !aid +o!es in with so!e 2ri+6s9 whi+h she hands to 8ao!i. Mary says to herI E%rin& two )a!/s. It is &ettin& dar6 and I want to see hi!.G The !aid &oes out noise)ess)y and soon +o!es 2a+6 with two )i&hted oi)@)a!/s9 and she )ays one on the +a2inet near Ma3i!inus9 and the other on a ta2)e en+u!2ered with 2anda&es and tiny a!/horae9 on the other side o the 2ed. E5hH MaryH MaryH He is rea))y )ess /a)e.G E'nd not so e3hausted )oo6in&. He is revivin&HG says Mar+e))a. E,ive hi! a ew !ore dro/s o that s/i+y wine that Sarah /re/ared. It did hi! &oodG su&&ests Ma3i!inus. (ro! the to/ o the +a2inet Mary ta6es a tiny s)ender@ne+6ed a!/hora9 sha/ed )i6e the

5#2. Laza us! Dea&h.


2ea6 o a 2ird9 and she +are u))y /ours a ew dro/s o wine 2etween Lazarus' ha) @ +)osed )i/s. ES)ow)y9 Mary. That he !ay not +ho6eHG advises9 8ao!i. E5hH he swa))ows itH He wants itH Loo69 MarthaH Loo6H He is sti+6in& his ton&ue out9 see6in& it...G They a)) 2end to )oo69 and 8ao!i +a))s hi!I E$ar)in&H Loo6 at your wet@nurse9 o 2)essed sou)HG and she !oves orward to 6iss hi!. ELoo6H Loo69 8ao!i9 he is drin6in& your tearsH 5ne e)) near his )i/s9 he e)t it9 he sou&ht it and he a2sor2ed it.G E5hH !y dar)in&H I I had the !i)6 o days &one 2y9 I wou)d s=ueeze it out or you dro/ 2y dro/9 !y )itt)e )a!29 even i I had to s=ueeze !y heart and then dieHG I &ather that 8ao!i9 Mary's wet nurse9 nursed a)so Lazarus. EMistresses9 8i+o!edes has +o!e 2a+6G says a servant a//earin& at the door. ELet hi! +o!e inH He wi)) he)/ us to !a6e hi! re+over.G ELoo6H Loo6H He is o/enin& his eyes and !ovin& his )i/sG says Ma3i!inus. EHe is /ressin& !y in&ers with his ownHG shouts Mary. 'nd she 2ends sayin&I ELazarusH 7an you hear !eF 4ho a! IFG Lazarus rea))y o/ens his eyes and )oo6s9 an un+ertain vei)ed )oo69 2ut sti)) a )oo6. He !oves his )i/s with di i+u)ty and saysI EMotherHG EI a! Mary. MaryH ;our sisterHG EMotherHG EHe does not re+o&nise you and he is +a))in& his !other. $yin& /eo/)e a)ways do thatG says 8ao!i9 whose a+e is wet with tears. E%ut he s/ea6s. ' ter su+h a )on& ti!e he s/ea6s. It is a)ready a &ood dea)... He wi)) ee) 2etter )ater. 5hH !y Lord9 reward your !aidservantHG says Martha on+e a&ain with the &esture o ervent +on ident /rayer. E%ut what ha//ened to youF Have you seen the MasterF $id He a//ear to youF Te)) !e9 Martha. .e)ieve !y an&uishHG says Mary.

wine /re/ared 2y one o the wo!en9 he had 2e&un to war! u/ a&ain9 he had swa))owed so!e and tried to drin69 and he had a)so o/ened his eyes and had s/o6en... They are a)) s/ea6in& to&ether9 with revived ho/e9 +ontrastin& with the so!ewhat s6e/ti+a) +a)!ness o the do+tor who )ets the! s/ea6 without utterin& one word. 't )ast9 when they have inished9 he saysI E')) ri&ht. Let !e see.G He /ushes the! aside as he a//roa+hes the 2ed and as6s the! to 2rin& so!e )i&hts and to +)ose the window9 as he wants to un+over the /atient. He 2ends over hi!9 he +a))s hi!9 he =uestions hi!9 he !oves an oi)@)a!/ to and ro in ront o the a+e o Lazarus9 who has now o/ened his eyes and see!s a!azed at everythin&M he then un+overs hi!9 studies his 2reathin&9 his heart2eats9 the te!/erature and sti ness o his )i!2s... They are a)) an3ious)y awaitin& his word. 8i+o!edes +overs the /atient a&ain9 )oo6s at hi! and is /ensive. He then turns round )oo6in& at the /eo/)e /resent and saysI EIt is undenia2)e that he has re+overed stren&th. He has i!/roved sin+e the )ast ti!e I saw hi!. %ut do not de)ude yourse)ves. It is nothin& 2ut the i+titious i!/rove!ent o death. I a! so +ertain9 as I was +ertain that it is the end9 that9 as you +an see9 I have +o!e 2a+69 a ter reein& !yse) o !y +o!!it!ents9 to !a6e his death )ess /ain u)9 as ar as I +an do so... or to see the !ira+)e i ... Have you ta6en a+tionFG E;es9 8i+o!edes9 we haveG says Martha interru/tin& hi!. 'nd to /revent hi! ro! as6in& urther =uestions9 she saysI E%ut did you not say that... within three days... I...G She wee/s. EI said. I a! a do+tor. I )ive a!idst a&onies and tears. %ut the ha2itua) si&ht o &rie has not yet turned !e into a heart)ess !an. 'nd today... I /re/ared you... with a rather )on&... and va&ue date... %ut !y !edi+a) 6now)ed&e warned !e that the end wou)d +o!e sooner9 and !y heart !isre/resented the truth as a /iti u) de+e/tion... 8owH %e 2rave... ,o out... 4e never 6now how !u+h dyin& /eo/)e understand...G He /ushes the! out9 whi)e they wee/9 re/eatin&I E%e 2raveH %e 2raveHG Ma3i!inus re!ains with the dyin& !an... The do+tor a)so &oes away to /re/are so!e !edi+ines +a/a2)e o !a6in& the a&ony )ess distressin&9 as he saysI EI oresee that it wi)) 2e very /ain u).G EMa6e hi! )iveH Ma6e hi! )ive ti)) to!orrow. It is a)!ost ni&ht9 as you +an see9 8i+o!edes. It is no /ro2)e! or your s+ien+e to 6ee/ a !an a)ive or )ess than one dayH Ma6e hi! )iveHG EMada!9 I do what I +an. %ut when the wi+6 ends9 nothin& +an 6ee/ the )a!e a)iveHG re/)ies the do+tor9 and he &oes away.

3 8i+o!edes' +o!in& in /revents a re/)y. They a)) address hi! te))in& hi! how a ter his de/arture Lazarus had &rown worse9 so !u+h so that he was on the /oint o dyin&9 and The two sisters e!2ra+e ea+h other9 wee/in& dis+onso)ate)y9 and Mary is the one who is in a+t they 2e)ieved that he was dead9 then9 with so!e aids they had !ade hi! +o!e to wee/in& !ore. Her sister has a ho/e u) heart... hi!se) 9 2ut on)y as ar as to !a6e hi! 2reathe. 'nd how9 a short ti!e a&o9 with a s/i+y 4 They hear Lazarus' voi+e +o!in& ro! his roo!. ' )oud authoritative voi+e that

5#2. Laza us! Dea&h.


start)es the! 2e+ause it is une3/e+ted ro! su+h a wea6 /erson. He +a))s the!I EMarthaH MaryH 4here are youF I want to &et u/. I want to &et dressedH I want to te)) the Master that I a! +uredH I !ust &o to the Master. ' wa&onH 't on+e. 'nd a ast horse. It was +ertain)y He 4ho +ured !e...G

it is to die9 and ,od has now said that He is satis ied with !y resi&nation and He is restorin& !e to )i e and &ivin& !e 2a+6 to !y sisters. I sha)) sti)) 2e a2)e to serve the Lord and san+ti y !yse) with Martha and Mary... 4ith MaryH 4hat is MaryF Mary is Jesus' &i t to /oor Lazarus. He had to)d !e... 4hat a )on& ti!e sin+e thenH C;our or&iveness wi)) do !ore than anythin& e)se. It wi)) he)/ Me.D He /ro!ised !eI CShe He s/ea6s ast9 sy))a2isin& the words9 sittin& on his 2ed9 )ushed with a hi&h wi)) 2e your <oy.D 'nd on that day that I was u/set 2e+ause she had 2rou&ht her sha!e te!/erature9 tryin& to &et out o the 2ed9 /revented ro! doin& so 2y Ma3i!inus9 who here9 near the Ho)y 5ne9 what words He s/o6e invitin& her to +o!e 2a+6H 4isdo! and says to the wo!en rushin& into the roo!I EHe is ravin&HG 7harity had <oined to&ether to tou+h her heart... 'nd the other day9 when He ound !e o erin& !yse) or her rede!/tionF... I want to )ive to re<oi+e with !y redee!ed sisterH E8oH Let hi! &o. The !ira+)eH The !ira+)eH 5hH I a! so ha//y that I /rovo6ed itH 's I want to /raise the Lord with herH Strea!s o tears9 insu)ts9 sha!e9 2itterness... soon as Jesus was to)dH ,od o our athers9 !ay ;ou 2e 2)essed and /raised or ;our everythin& has /ier+ed !e and 6i))ed !y )i e 2e+ause o her... Here is the ire9 the ire o /ower and 2e+ause o ;our Messiah...G Martha9 who has dro//ed on her 6nees9 is the urna+eH It is +o!in& 2a+69 with its !e!ory... Mary o Theo/hi)us and 0u+heria9 !y 2eside herse) with <oy. sister9 the /rostitute. She +ou)d have 2een a =ueen and she 2e+a!e the i)th that even a In the !eanti!e Lazarus +ontinues to s/ea69 e3+ited !ore and !ore 2y his te!/erature9 /i& tra!/)es on. 'nd !y !other who dies. 'nd not 2ein& a2)e to &o a!on& /eo/)e any whi+h Martha does not understand is the +ause o everythin&9 and he saysI EHe +a!e so )on&er without havin& to /ut u/ with their !o+6ery. %e+ause o herH 4here are you9 o ten to see !e9 when I was i)). It is air that I shou)d &o to Hi! and sayI CI a! +uredD. I you wret+hF 4ere you )a+6in& 2read9 /erha/s9 that you shou)d se)) yourse) F 4hat did a! +uredH I ee) no !ore /ainsH I a! stron&. I want to &et u/. I want to &o. ,od wanted you su+6 ro! the ni//)e o your wet@nurseF 4hat did your !other tea+h youF Lust the to test !y resi&nation. I sha)) 2e +a))ed the new Jo2...G He assu!es a hierati+ attitude or!erF Sin the )atterF ,o awayH $is&ra+e o our a!i)yHG and !a6in& wide &estures he saysI EDThe Lord was !oved 2y Jo2's /enan+e... and &ave His voi+e is a shout. He see!s to 2e !ad. Mar+e))a and 8ao!i hasten to +)ose the doors hi! dou2)e what he had 2e ore. 'nd the Lord 2)essed the )ast years o Jo2 !ore than the irst onesN and he )ived unti)ND. 8o9 I a! not Jo2H I was a!on& the )a!es and He and to draw the heavy +urtains to deaden the sound9 whi)st the do+tor9 who has +o!e /u))ed !e out9 I was in the 2e))y o the !onster and I have +o!e 2a+6 to )i&ht. So I a! into the roo!9 strives in vain to +a)! the de)iriu! that is 2e+o!in& !ore and !ore vio)ent. 6 Mary9 /rostrated de<e+ted)y on the )oor9 is so22in& under the i!/)a+a2)e Jonah9 and I a! the three +hi)dren o $anie)...G +har&e o the dyin& !an who &oes onI 5 The do+tor9 +a))ed 2y so!eone9 +o!es in. He )oo6s at hi!I EIt's de)iriu!. I was e3/e+tin& it. The +orru/tion o the 2)ood a e+ts the 2rains.G He strives to )ay hi! down E5ne9 two9 ten )overs. The sha!e o Israe) /assed ro! one e!2ra+e to another one... Her !other was dyin&9 she was re<oi+in& in her o2s+ene )ove a airs. %eastH Ba!/ireH and e3horts the others to ho)d hi! +are u))y9 and he &oes out a&ain to attend to his ;ou su+6ed your !other's )i e. ;ou destroyed our <oy. Martha was sa+ri i+ed 2e+ause de+o+tions. o you. 8o one !arries the sister o a /rostitute. I... 'hH IH Lazarus9 a 6ni&ht9 the son o Lazarus at ti!es 2e+o!es rather i!/atient o 2ein& he)d9 at ti!es he wee/s )i6e a +hi)d. Theo/hi)us... The ur+hins in 5/he) used to s/it at !eHH CHere is the a++o!/)i+e o an adu)teress and o a /rostituteD the s+ri2es and 1harisees used to say sha6in& their EHe is rea))y de)iriousG !oans Mary. &ar!ents !eanin& that they re<e+ted the sin o whi+h I was ou) throu&h her +onta+tH E8o. 8one o you understand anythin&. ;ou +annot 2e)ieve. 5 +ourseH ;ou do not CHere is the sinnerH He who is not +a/a2)e o stri6in& the +u)/rit is &ui)ty hi!se) D the 6now... %y now the Master is aware that Lazarus is dyin&. ;es9 I in or!ed Hi!9 MaryH ra22is used to shout when I went u/ to the Te!/)e9 and I was 2athed in /ers/iration I did it without sayin& anythin& to you...G under the iery eyes o the /riests... The ire. ;ouH ;ou vo!ited the ire that was within you. %e+ause you are a de!on9 Mary. ;ou are i)thy. ;ou are anathe!a. ;our ire E'hH wret+hH ;ou have destroyed the !ira+)eHG shouts Mary. +)un& to every2ody9 2e+ause your ire +o!/rised !any ires9 and there was so!e or E8oH 's you +an see9 he 2e&an to ee) 2etter when Jonah rea+hed the Master. He is )ust u) /eo/)e who )oo6ed )i6e ish +au&ht in a dra&@net whenever you /assed 2y... 4hy ravin&... 7ertain)y... He is wea69 and his 2rain is sti)) du))ed with death that had a)ready did I not 6i)) youF I sha)) 2urn in ,ehenna or a))owin& you to )ive ruinin& so !any &ras/ed at hi!. %ut he is not ravin& as the do+tor thin6s. Listen to hi!H 're those the a!i)ies9 s+anda)isin& thousands o /eo/)e... 4ho saidI C')as or the !an who /rovides words o a de)irious /ersonFG s+anda)DF 4ho said soF 'hH the MasterH I want the MasterH I want Hi!H That He !ay or&ive !e. I want to te)) Hi! that I +ou)d not 6i)) her 2e+ause I )oved her... Mary was Lazarus in a+t is sayin&I EI 2ent !y head to the de+ree o death and I tasted how 2itter

5#2. Laza us! Dea&h.


sunshine in our house... I want the MasterH 4hy is He not hereF I don't want to )iveH %ut I want to 2e or&iven or the s+anda) that I stirred u/ 2y a))owin& the +ause o s+anda) to )ive. I a! a)ready enve)o/ed in )a!es. It's the ire o Mary. It is 2urnin& !e. It 2urnt every2ody. To &ive )ust to her9 to 2rin& hatred a&ainst us9 to 2urn !y )esh. Ta6e these 2)an6ets away9 ta6e everythin& awayH I a! on ire. It is 2urnin& !y )esh and !y s/irit. I a! )ost 2e+ause o her. MasterH MasterH (or&ive !eH He is not +o!in&. He +annot +o!e to Lazarus' house. It's a dun&hi)) 2e+ause o her. So... I want to or&et. 0verythin&. I a! no )on&er Lazarus. ,ive !e so!e wine. So)o!on saysI C,ive wine to those who are 2ro6en@hearted9 )et the! drin6 and or&et their !isery9 so that they !ay re!e!2er their &rie no !ore.D I don't want to re!e!2er any !ore. 0very2ody saysI CLazarus is ri+h9 the ri+hest !an in Judaea.D It's not trueH It is a)) straw. It is not &o)d. 'nd the housesF They are +)ouds. His vineyards9 oases9 &ardens9 o)ive@&rovesF 8othin&. $e+eit. I a! Jo2. I have nothin&. I had a /ear). %eauti u)H 5 in inite va)ue. She was !y /ride. Her na!e was Mary. I no )on&er have her. I a! /oor. The /oorest o the! a)). The !ost de+eived... Jesus a)so de+eived !e. %e+ause He to)d !e that He wou)d &ive her 2a+6 to !e9 instead she... 4here is sheF There she is. The wo!an o Israe)9 the dau&hter o a ho)y !other9 )oo6s )i6e a heathen hetaeraH Ha) @na6ed9 drun69 !ad... 'nd around her9 with their eyes i3ed on the na6ed 2ody o !y sister9 the /a+6 o her )overs... 'nd she en<oys 2ein& ad!ired and +raved or thus. I want to !a6e a!ends or !y +ri!e. I want to &o throu&h Israe) sayin&I C$on't &o near the house o !y sister. Her house is the /ath to he)) and it des+ends into the a2yss o deathD. Then I want to &o to her and tread on her9 2e+ause it is writtenI C0very un+haste wo!an wi)) 2e tra!/)ed on )i6e dun& on the roadD. 5hH Have you the nerve to show yourse) to !e who a! dyin& )i6e a dishonoured !an9 destroyed 2y youF ' ter I o ered !y )i e to redee! your sou)9 and to no avai)F 're you as6in& !e how I wanted youF How I wanted you in order not to die thusF This is how I wanted youI )i6e the +haste Susanna. 're you sayin& that they te!/ted youF 'nd did you not have a 2rother to de end youF Susanna9 who was a)) a)one9 re/)iedI CI /re er to a)) inno+ent into your /ower9 than to sin in the eyes o the LordD9 and ,od !ade her inno+en+e shine. I wou)d have s/o6en the ne+essary words to those who te!/ted you and I wou)d have de ended you. Instead9 you went away. Judith was a widow and she )ived in se+)usion9 wearin& sa+6@+)oth and astin& and she was he)d in hi&h estee! 2y every2ody9 2e+ause she eared the Lord and /eo/)e sin& o herI C;ou are the &)ory o Jerusa)e!9 the <oy o Israe)9 the honour o our ra+e9 2e+ause you a+ted in a !an)y !anner and 2rave)y9 2e+ause you )oved +hastity and a ter your !arria&e you have 6nown no other !an. That is why the hand o the Lord !ade you stron& and you wi)) 2e 2)essed orever.D I Mary had 2een )i6e Judith9 the Lord wou)d have +ured !e. %ut He +ou)d not +ure !e 2e+ause o her. That is why I did not as6 to 2e +ured. There +an 2e no !ira+)e where she is. %ut it is nothin& to die9 to su er. I wou)d su er ten ti!es as !u+h and die severa) ti!es9 /rovided she were saved. 5hH Most Hi&h LordH I a! /re/ared to su er a)) deaths and a)) sorrows9 2ut )et Mary 2e savedH To en<oy her +o!/any or one hour9 or one hour on)y9 when she has 2e+o!e

ho)y and as /ure as she was in her +hi)dhoodH 5ne hour o that <oyH To 2e /roud o her9 the &o)den )ower o !y house9 the 6ind &aze))e with !ee6 eyes9 the evenin& ni&htin&a)e9 the )ovin& dove... I want the Master to te)) Hi! that that is what I wantI MaryH MaryH 7o!eH MaryH How &rieved is your 2rother9 MaryH %ut i you +o!e9 i you redee! yourse) 9 !y sorrow wi)) turn into de)i&ht. Loo6 or MaryH I a! at the endH I a! dyin&H MaryH Li&htH 'ir... I... I'! su o+atin&... 5hH what I ee)H...G The do+tor !a6es a &esture and saysI EIt is the end. ' ter de)iriu!9 so/or then death. %ut he !ay have a reviva) o inte))i&en+e. 7o!e +)ose to hi!. ;ou in /arti+u)ar. It wi)) !a6e hi! ha//yG and a ter )ayin& Lazarus down with +are9 e3hausted as he is with so !u+h e3+ite!ent9 he &oes towards Mary9 who has 2een wee/in& a)) the ti!e !oanin& on the )oorI EMa6e hi! 6ee/ =uietHG. He )i ts her u/ and ta6es her to the 2ed. 7 Lazarus has +)osed his eyes. %ut he !ust 2e su erin& dread u))y. His who)e 2ody tre!2)es s/as!odi+a))y. The do+tor tries to he)/ hi! with /otions... So!e ti!e &oes 2y thus. Lazarus o/ens his eyes. He does not see! to re!e!2er what ha//ened 2e ore9 2ut he is +ons+ious. He s!i)es at his sisters and tries to ta6e their hands and to re/)y to their 6isses. He turns dead)y /a)e. He !oansI EI a! +o)d...G and his teeth +hatter as he tries to +over his a+e with the 2ed+)othes. He &roansI E8i+o!edes9 I +annot resist the /ain any )on&er. 4o)ves are eatin& the )esh o !y )e&s and devourin& !y heart. How /ain u) it isH 'nd i this is a&ony9 what wi)) death 2e )i6eF 4hat sha)) I doF 5hH i I had the Master hereH 4hy did you not 2rin& Hi! to !eF I wou)d have died a ha//y death on His )a/...G he says wee/in&. Martha +asts a severe &)an+e at Mary. Mary understands the !eanin& o that &)an+e9 and sti)) +rushed 2y her 2rother's renzy9 she is +ons+ien+e@stri+6en and 6nee)in& a&ainst the 2ed9 she 2ends to 6iss Lazarus' hand sayin& /)aintive)yI EI a! the &ui)ty one. Martha wanted to do so two days a&o. I did not )et her. %e+ause He to)d us that we had to in or! Hi! on)y a ter your death. (or&ive !eH I have 2een the +ause o a)) the &rie o your )i eti!e... 'nd yet I )oved you and I )ove you9 2rother. ' ter the Master9 I )ove you !ore than any2ody and ,od 6nows that I a! not )yin&. Te)) !e that you a2so)ve !e o !y /ast9 that I !ay have /ea+e...G EMada!HG says the do+tor re/roa+hin&)y. EThe /atient is in no need o e!otions.G EThat is true... Te)) !e that you or&ive !e or not +a))in& Jesus...G EMaryH Jesus +a!e here or you... and He +o!es 2e+ause o you... 2e+ause you 6now how to )ove... !ore than a)) the rest... ;ou have )oved !e !ore than the rest... ' )i e... o de)i&hts wou)d not have &iven !e... not have &iven !e... the <oy that I e3/erien+ed 2e+ause o you... I 2)ess you... I say to you... that you did the ri&ht thin&... in o2eyin& Jesus... I did not 6now... I 6now... I say... it is ri&ht... He)/ !e to dieH... 8ao!i... you 6new on+e... how to... !a6e !e a)) as)ee/... Martha... 2)essed... !y /ea+e...

5#2. Laza us! Dea&h.


Ma3i!inus... with Jesus. ')so... or !e... My share... to the /oor... to Jesus... or the /oor... 'nd or&ive... every2ody... 'hH what atro+ious /an&sH... 'irH... Li&htH... 0verythin& is tre!2)in&... There a 6ind o )i&ht around you and it dazz)es !e i ... I )oo6 at you... S/ea6... )oud...G He has )aid his )e t hand on Mary's head and has a2andoned his ri&ht one into Martha's hands. He is /antin&... 8 They )i t hi! +are u))y addin& /i))ows9 and 8i+o!edes !a6es hi! si/ so!e !ore dro/s o /otions. His /oor head han&s and dan&)es in dead)y )an&uor. The on)y si&n o )i e is his 2reathin&. 'nd yet he o/ens his eyes and )oo6s at Mary who is ho)din& his head and he s!i)es at her sayin&I EMotherH She has +o!e 2a+6... MotherH S/ea6H ;our voi+e... ;ou 6now... the se+ret... o ,od... Have I served... the LordF...G Mary in a )ow voi+e9 whi+h &rie has !ade as thin as a &ir)'s9 whis/ersI EThe Lord is sayin& to youI C 7o!e with Me9 My &ood and aith u) servant9 2e+ause you have )istened to every word o Mine and you have )oved the 4ord 4ho! I sentD.G EI +an't hear. S/ea6 )ouderHG Mary re/eats in a )ouder voi+e... EIt is rea))y !otherH...G says Lazarus +ontented)y re)a3in& his head on his sister's shou)der... He does not s/ea6 any !ore. 5n)y wai)s and s/as!odi+ tre!or9 on)y /ers/iration and heavy 2reathin&. Insensi2)e 2y now to the 0arth9 to a e+tions9 he sin6s into the !ore and !ore a2so)ute dar6ness o death. His eye)ids +)ose on his &)assy eyes in whi+h his )ast tears shine. E8i+o!edesH He is &ettin& heavierH He is 2e+o!in& +o)dH...G says Mary. EMada!9 death is a re)ie or hi!.G E:ee/ hi! a)iveH Jesus wi)) 2e +ertain)y here to!orrow. He wi)) have )e t at on+e. 1erha/s He has ta6en the servant's horse or another !ountG says Martha. 'nd addressin& her sister she saysI E5hH I you had )et !e send hi! ear)ierHG She then orders the do+tor +onvu)sive)yI EMa6e hi! )iveHG The do+tor stret+hes out his ar!s. He tries with so!e +ordia)s. %ut Lazarus does not swa))ow any !ore. His death@ratt)e in+reases... It is heart@rendin&... E5hH we +annot 2ear this any !oreHG says 8ao!i !oanin&. E;es. It's a )on& a&ony...G says the do+tor assentin&. %ut he has hard)y inished s/ea6in& when with a +onvu)sion o his who)e 2ody9 that ar+hes and then +o))a/ses9 Lazarus 2reathes his )ast.

His sisters shout... seein& his s/as!9 they shout seein& hi! +o))a/se. Mary +a))s her 2rother9 6issin& hi!. Martha +)in&s to the do+tor as he 2ends over the dead 2ody and saysI EHe is dead. It is now too )ate to wait or the !ira+)e. There is nothin& to wait or. Too )ateH... I a! &oin&9 do!inae. There is no reason why I shou)d re!ain. Ma6e haste or the unera)9 2e+ause the 2ody is a)ready de+o!/osed.G He +)oses the eye)ids o the dead !an and )oo6in& at hi! he saysI E4hat a !is ortuneH He was a virtuous and inte))i&ent !an. He shou)dn't have diedHG He turns towards the sisters9 he 2ows and &reets the!I E'veH $o!inaeHG and he &oes away. 9 Mourn u) )a!ents i)) the roo!. Mary has no !ore se) @+ontro) and she throws herse) on her 2rother's 2ody shoutin& her re!orse and invo6in& his or&iveness. Martha is wee/in& in 8ao!i's ar!s. Then Mary shoutsI E;ou did not have aith or o2edien+eH I 6i))ed hi! irst9 you have 6i))ed hi! nowM I9 with !y sins9 you9 with your diso2edien+e.G She see!s to have &one !ad. Martha )i ts her u/9 e!2ra+es her and a/o)o&ises. Ma3i!inus9 8ao!i9 Mar+e))a try to 2rin& 2oth to reason and to resi&nation. 'nd they su++eed 2y re!e!2erin& Jesus... Their &rie =uietens down9 and whi)e the roo! 2e+o!es +rowded with wee/in& servants9 and those res/onsi2)e or the /re/aration o the +or/se +o!e in9 the two sisters are )ed into another roo! to &ive vent to their &rie . Ma3i!inus who is )eadin& the! saysI EHe /assed away at the end o the se+ond wat+h o the ni&ht.G 'nd 8ao!i saysI EHe wi)) have to 2e 2uried ear)y to!orrow9 2e ore sunset9 when the Sa22ath 2e&ins. ;ou said that the Master wants so)e!n unera) +ere!onies...G E;es. I )eave that to you9 Ma3i!inus. I a! not in the ri&ht ra!e o !indG says Martha. EI a! &oin& and I wi)) send servants to a)) the /eo/)e +on+erned9 2oth +)ose at hand and ar away9 and I wi)) &ive a)) the ne+essary instru+tionsG says Ma3i!inus and he withdraws. The two sisters are wee/in& in ea+h other's ar!s. They no )on&er re/roa+h ea+h other. They wee/ and try to +onso)e ea+h other... So!e hours &o 2y. The dead 2ody is /re/ared in the roo!I a )on& i&ure enve)o/ed in 2anda&es under the sudariu!. E4hy is he a)ready +overed )i6e thatHG e3+)ai!s Martha re/roa+hin&)y. EMistress... ' 2ad s!e)) +a!e ro! his nose and he threw u/ tainted 2)ood when we !oved hi!G says a servant a/o)o&isin&. The sisters wee/ !ore )oud)y. Lazarus is a)ready !ore re!ote under those 2anda&es... ' urther ste/ towards the re!oteness o death.

5#2. Laza us! Dea&h.


10 They 6ee/ vi&i) 2y his 2edside wee/in&9 unti) dawn9 when the servant +o!es 2a+6 ro! 2eyond the Jordan. The servant is dis!ayed9 2ut he in or!s the! o his ast <ourney to 2rin& the! the news that Jesus is +o!in&. E$id He say that He is +o!in&F $id He not re/roa+h usFG as6s Martha. E8o9 !istress. He saidI CI wi)) +o!e. Te)) the! that I wi)) +o!e and to have aithD. 'nd 2e ore that He saidI CTe)) the! not to worry. It is not a dead)y disease. %ut it is or the &)ory o ,od9 that His /ower !ay 2e &)ori ied in His SonD.G E$id He say e3a+t)y thatF 're you sureFG as6s Mary. EMistress9 I have 2een re/eatin& His words a)) the way 2a+6HG E,o9 then. ;ou are tired. ;ou have done everythin& we)). %ut it is too )ate9 nowH...G says Martha with a si&h. 'nd she 2ursts into tears as soon as she is )e t with her sister. EMartha9 whyF...G E5hH in addition to his death9 there is disa//oint!entH MaryH MaryH 're you not +onsiderin& that the Master is wron& this ti!eF Loo6 at Lazarus. He is rea))y deadH 4e have ho/ed a&ainst ho/e9 2ut to no avai). 4hen I sent or Hi!9 I +ertain)y !ade a !ista6e9 or he was !ore dead than a)ive. 'nd our aith had no resu)t or reward. 'nd the Master has sent word that it is not a dead)y diseaseH So is the Master no )on&er the TruthF He is no )on&er... 5hH That's the end o everythin&HG Mary is wrin&in& her hands. She does not 6now what to say. (a+ts are a+ts... %ut she does not s/ea6. She does not say one word a&ainst her Jesus. She wee/s. She is rea))y e3hausted. Martha has a i3ed idea in her heartI that she de)ayed too )on&. EIt's your au)tG she says re/roa+hin&)y. EHe wanted to test our aith thus. %y o2eyin&9 I a&ree9 2ut a)so 2y diso2eyin& out o aith9 to show to Hi! that we 2e)ieved that He a)one +ou)d and had to wor6 the !ira+)e. My /oor 2rotherH 'nd he )on&ed or Hi! so !u+hH 't )east thatI to see Hi!H 1oor LazarusH 1oor 2rotherHG 'nd her wee/in& +han&es into how)in&9 whi+h is e+hoed in the ad<oinin& roo!s 2y the how)s o the !aids and servants9 a++ordin& to the eastern +usto!...

near the river9 s/urs his horse9 stea!in& with /ers/iration9 to over+o!e the di eren+e in )eve) 2etween the river and the road )eadin& to the vi))a&e. The /oor ani!a)'s sides are heavin& 2e+ause o the )on& ast run. Its dar6 +oat is a)) veined with /ers/iration and its 2reast is s/read with the white oa! o the 2it. It /u s ar+hin& its ne+6 and sha6in& its head. They are now on the narrow road and they soon rea+h the house. The servant <u!/s to the &round9 ties the horse to a hed&e and &ives a shout. (ro! the rear o the house the head o 1eter a//ears and in his harsh voi+e he as6sI E4ho is +a))in&F The Master is tired. He has not had any /ea+e or !any hours. It is a)!ost dar6. 7o!e 2a+6 to!orrow.G EI do not want anythin& o the Master. I a! hea)thy and I have on)y to s/ea6 a ew words to Hi!.G 1eter +o!es orward sayin&I E(ro! who!9 i you do not !ind !e as6in& youF I wi)) not )et any2ody /ass without sa e identi i+ation9 /arti+u)ar)y those who stin6 o Jerusa)e!9 as you do.G He has +o!e s)ow)y orward as his sus/i+ion has 2een aroused !ore 2y the 2eauty o the ri+h)y harnessed dar6 horse than 2y the !an. %ut when he is in ront o hi!9 he is a!azedI E;ouF 're you not one o Lazarus' servantFG The servant does not 6now what to say. His !istress to)d hi! to s/ea6 on)y to Jesus. %ut the a/ost)e see!s to 2e =uite deter!ined not to )et hi! /ass. 's he 6nows that Lazarus' na!e has &reat in )uen+e over the a/ost)es9 he !a6es u/ his !ind and saysI E;es9 I a! Jonah9 Lazarus' servant. I !ust s/ea6 to the Master.G EIs Lazarus not we))F Has he sent youFG E8o9 he is not we)). %ut don't !a6e !e waste ti!e. I !ust &o 2a+6 as soon as /ossi2)e.G 'nd to +onvin+e 1eter he saysI EThe !e!2ers o the Sanhedrin +a!e to %ethany...G EThe !e!2ers o the SanhedrinHHH 7o!e inH 7o!e inHG and he o/ens the &ate sayin&I E%rin& the horse in. 4e wi)) water it and &ive it so!e &rass9 i you wish so.G EI have so!e odder9 2ut so!e &rass wi)) not do it any har!. 4e wi)) &ive it so!e water )ater9 it !ay 2e har! u) now.G 2 They &o into the )ar&e roo! where the 2eds are and they tie the horse in a +orner to /rote+t it ro! drau&htsM the servant +overs it with a 2)an6et that was tied to the sadd)e9 he &ives it so!e odder and the &rass that 1eter has 2rou&ht ro! I do not 6now where. They &o out a&ain and 1eter ta6es the servant into the 6it+hen and &ives hi! a +u/ o war! !i)6 that he ta6es ro! a /ot near the ire9 instead o the water that the servant had as6ed or. 4hi)e the servant drin6s it and war!s hi!se) near the ire9 1eter9 who is heroi+ in not as6in& +urious =uestions9 saysI EMi)6 is 2etter than the water you wanted. 'nd sin+e we have itH $id you +o!e a)) the way without a sto/FG

5*3. The Se!0an& #1 3e&han/ In1#!(s Jesus #1 .a!&ha"s .essa4e.

22nd De'e()e! $9*+.

1 It is a)ready ni&ht a)) when the servant9 who is /ro+eedin& throu&h the 2rushwood

5#3. The Se ,an& "- 0e&han( In-" .s Jesus "- 'a &ha!s 'essa1e.


E4ithout a sto/. 'nd I')) do the sa!e &oin& 2a+6.G E;ou !ust 2e tired. 'nd +an the horse stand itFG EI ho/e so. In any +ase9 on !y way 2a+69 I sha)) not &a))o/ as I did +o!in&.G EIt wi)) soon 2e dar6. The !oon is a)ready risin&... How wi)) you !ana&e at the riverFG EI ho/e to arrive there 2e ore the !oon sets. 5therwise I sha)) sto/ in the wood unti) dawn. %ut I sha)) &et there 2e ore.G

what did they want e3a+t)yFG ETo &reet Lazarus9 so they said +o!in& in...G EH'!H How stran&e their )ove isH They have a)ways shunned Hi! or so !any reasonsH... 4e))H... Let us 2e)ieve it... $id they stay )on&FG

EAuite a )on& ti!e. 'nd they were u/set when they )e t. I do not wor6 in the house9 so I was not servin& at the ta2)es. %ut the other servants who were servin& in the house say that they s/o6e with the !istresses and they wanted to see Lazarus. He)6ai went into E'nd thenF It's a )on& way ro! the river to %ethany. 'nd the !oon sets ear)y. She is in Lazarus' roo! and...G her irst days.G E' ine +roo6H...G whis/ers 1eter 2etween his teeth. EI have a &ood )a!/. I wi)) )i&ht it and &o s)ow. 8o !atter how s)ow I !ay &o9 I sha)) E4hat did you sayFG 2e a//roa+hin& ho!e.G E5hH nothin&H ,o on. 'nd did he s/ea6 to LazarusFG E4ou)d you )i6e so!e 2read and +heeseF 4e have so!e. 4e have a)so so!e ish9 I +au&ht it. %e+ause I re!ained here with Tho!as. %ut Tho!as has now &one to &et EI thin6 so. He went with Mary. %ut )ater9 I do not 6now why... Mary 2e+a!e irritated so!e 2read ro! a wo!an who he)/s us.G and the servants9 who rushed there ro! the near2y roo!s9 say that she turned the! out ruth)ess)y...G E8o9 don't de/rive yourse) o anythin&. I had so!e ood on the way9 2ut I was thirsty and I needed so!ethin& war!. I a! a)) ri&ht now. %ut wi)) you &o to the MasterF Is He E4e)) doneH Just what is neededH 'nd have they sent you to te)) usFG inFG E$on't !a6e !e waste !ore ti!e9 Si!on o Jonah.G E;es9 He is. I He had not 2een here9 I wou)d have to)d you at on+e. He is in that roo!9 E;ou are ri&ht. 7o!e.G restin&. %e+ause so !any /eo/)e +o!e here... I a! even a raid that the news !ay s/read and that the 1harisees !ay +o!e and distur2. Ta6e so!e !ore !i)6. ;ou have to 3 He ta6es hi! towards a door and 6no+6s sayin&I EMaster9 there is one o Lazarus' )et the horse eat... and rest. Its sides were 2eatin& )i6e a 2ad)y se+ured sai)...G servants who wants to s/ea6 to ;ou.G E8o9 you need the !i)6. ;ou are so !any.G E;es. %ut with the e3+e/tion o the Master9 4ho s/ea6s so !u+h that His +hest a+hes9 and o the o)der ones9 we9 who are sturdy9 /re er ood that 6ee/s our teeth 2usy. Ta6e so!e. It's the !i)6 o the shee/ )e t 2y the o)d !an. 4hen we are here9 the wo!an 2rin&s it to us. %ut9 i we want !ore9 every2ody is wi))in& to &ive it to us. They )i6e us9 here9 and they he)/ us. 'nd... te)) !eI were there !any !e!2ers o the SanhedrinFG E5hH they were a)!ost a)) there and other /eo/)e with the!I Saddu+ees9 s+ri2es9 1harisees9 wea)thy Judaeans9 so!e Herodians....G E'nd why did a)) those /eo/)e +o!e to %ethanyF 4as Jose/h with the!F 'nd 8i+ode!usFG E8o. They had +o!e /revious)y9 Manaen a)so had +o!e. The others were not riends o the Lord.G E0hH I 2e)ieve thatH They are so ew the !e!2ers o the Sanhedrin who )ove Hi!H %ut ELet hi! +o!e inG says Jesus. 1eter o/ens the door9 )ets the servant enter9 +)oses the door and withdraws9 !eritorious)y9 to the ire/)a+e9 to !orti y his +uriosity. Jesus9 sittin& on the ed&e o His )itt)e 2ed in the s!a)) roo! where there is hard)y s/a+e or the 2ed and the /erson who )ives in it9 and whi+h /revious)y was +ertain)y a store@ roo! as there are sti)) hoo6s on the wa))s and she)ves9 )oo6s s!i)in& at the servant who has 6ne)t down and He &reets hi!I E1ea+e 2e with you.G 'nd He then addsI E4hat news do you 2rin& MeF Stand u/ and s/ea6.G EMy !istresses have sent !e to te)) ;ou to &o to the! at on+e9 2e+ause Lazarus is very i)) and the do+tor says that he wi)) die. Martha and Mary i!/)ore ;ou and they have sent !e to say to ;ouI C7o!e9 2e+ause ;ou a)one +an +ure hi!D.G ETe)) the! not to worry. This is not a disease that wi)) +ause his death9 2ut it is or the &)ory o ,od9 that His /ower !ay 2e &)ori ied in His Son.G

5#3. The Se ,an& "- 0e&han( In-" .s Jesus "- 'a &ha!s 'essa1e.


E%ut his +ondition is very serious9 MasterH His 2ody is a e+ted with &an&rene and he no )on&er ta6es any ood. I have worn out !y horse to arrive here in the shortest /ossi2)e ti!e...G EIt does not !atter. It is as I say.G E%ut wi)) ;ou +o!eFG

en&rossed in thou&ht. %ut He rouses Hi!se) when He hears 1eter +o!e +)ose to Hi! and )oo6 at Hi! in=uisitive)y. He s!i)es at the a/ost)e. E're ;ou s!i)in&9 MasterFG EI a! s!i)in& at you9 Si!on o Jonah. Sit down here9 near Me. Have the others +o!e 2a+6FG

EI wi)) +o!e. Te)) the! that I wi)) +o!e and to have aith. Te)) the! to have aith. E8o9 Master. 8ot even Tho!as. He !ust have ound so!eone to s/ea6 to.G '2so)ute aith. Have you understoodF ,o. 1ea+e to you and to those who sent you. I te)) EThat is a)) ri&ht.G you on+e a&ainI CThey !ust have aith. '2so)ute aithD. ,o.G E')) ri&ht that he shou)d s/ea6F ')) ri&ht that the others shou)d 2e )ateF He s/ea6s even The servant &reets Hi! and withdraws. too !u+h. He is a)ways +heer u)H 'nd the othersF I a! a)ways worried unti) they +o!e 4 1eter rushes towards hi! sayin&I E;ou were =ui+6 in te))in& Hi!. I thou&ht that it 2a+6. I a! a)ways a raid.G was a )on& s/ee+h...G He )oo6s at hi! intent)y... His a+e is shot throu&h with the E5 what9 My dear Si!onF 8o har! wi)) 2e a)) us or the ti!e 2ein&9 2e)ieve Me. Set an3iety to 2e in or!ed. %ut he +he+6s hi!se) ... your !ind at rest and i!itate Tho!as who is a)ways +heer u). ;ou9 on the +ontrary9 EI a! &oin&. 4i)) you &ive !e so!e water or the horseF Then I wi)) )eave.G have 2een very sad or so!e ti!e.G E7o!e. So!e waterH... 4e have a who)e river to &ive you so!e9 in addition to our we))G and 1eter9 ho)din& a )a!/9 wa)6s 2e ore hi! and &ives hi! the water he as6ed or. They water the horse. The servant re!oves the 2)an6et9 he +he+6s its shoes9 the 2e))y@ 2and9 the reins9 the stirru/s. He e3/)ainsI EIt has run so !u+h and so astH %ut everythin& is in order. ,ood2ye9 Si!on 1eter9 and /ray or us.G He )eads the horse out. Ho)din& it 2y the 2rid)e he &oes out on to the road9 /uts one oot in the stirru/ and is a2out to !ount. 1eter ho)ds hi! 2a+6 /uttin& one hand on his ar!s sayin&I EThere is on)y one thin& I wish to 6nowI is there any dan&er or Hi! to stay hereF Have they !ade threatsF $id they want to )earn ro! the sisters where we wereF Te)) !e9 in the na!e o ,odHG E8o9 Si!on. 8o. They never said that. They +a!e or Lazarus... 4e sus/e+t that they +a!e to see whether the Master was there and whether Lazarus was )e/rous9 2e+ause Martha was shoutin& out )oud that he is not )e/rous and she was wee/in&... ,ood2ye9 Si!on. 1ea+e 2e with you.G E'nd with you and your !istresses. May ,od a++o!/any you 2a+6 ho!e...G He wat+hes hi! de/art... and soon disa//ear at the end o the street9 2e+ause the servant /re ers to ta6e the !ain road9 +)ear in the !oon)i&ht9 rather than the dar6 /ath in the wood a)on& the river. He re!ains thou&ht u). Then he +)oses the &ate and &oes 2a+6 into the house. 5 He &oes to Jesus9 4ho is sti)) sittin& on the )itt)e 2ed9 )eanin& His hands on its ed&e9 EI de y anyone who )oves ;ou not to 2e soH I a! o)d now and I /onder !ore than the youn&er ones. %e+ause they a)so )ove you9 2ut they are youn& and )ess thou&ht u)... %ut i ;ou )i6e !e !ore when I a! ha//y9 I wi)) 2e so9 I wi)) strive to 2e so. %ut in order to 2e a2)e to 2e so9 &ive !e a reason or it. Te)) !e the truth9 !y Lord. I a! as6in& ;ou on !y 6nees Khe in a+t 6nee)s downL. 4hat did Lazarus' servant te)) ;ouF That they are )oo6in& or ;ouF That they want to har! ;ouF That...G Jesus )ays His hand on 1eter's head sayin&I E8o9 Si!onH 8othin& o the 6ind. He +a!e to te)) Me that Lazarus has &ot worse9 and we s/o6e on)y o Lazarus.G E.ea))yFG E.ea))y9 Si!on. 'nd I to)d the! to have aith.G E%ut do ;ou 6now that those o the Sanhedrin have 2een to %ethanyFG E4hi+h is natura)H Lazarus' househo)d is a &reat one. 'nd a++ordin& to our +usto! su+h honours are to 2e &iven to a /ower u) !an who is dyin&. $o not distress yourse) 9 Si!on.G E%ut do ;ou rea))y thin6 that they did not use that as an e3+use to...G ETo see whether I was there. 4e))9 they did not ind Me. 7heer u/9 do not 2e so ri&htened as i they had a)ready +a/tured Me. 7o!e here9 2eside Me9 /oor Si!on9 who on no a++ount wi)) 2e +onvin+ed that no har! +an 2e a)) Me unti) the !o!ent de+reed 2y ,od9 and that then... nothin& wi)) 2e a2)e to de end Me ro! 0vi)...G 1eter throws his ar!s round Jesus' ne+6 and 6ee/s Hi! =uiet 2y 6issin& His )i/s and

5#3. The Se ,an& "- 0e&han( In-" .s Jesus "- 'a &ha!s 'essa1e.


sayin&I E%e =uietH %e =uietH $on't te)) !e su+h thin&sH I don't want to hear the!HG Jesus su++eeds in re)easin& Hi!se) so that He +an s/ea6 and He whis/ersI E;ou do not want to hear the!H That is the errorH %ut I /ity you... 6 Listen9 Si!on. Sin+e you were the on)y one to 2e here9 on)y you and I are to 6now what ha//ened. $o you understand MeFG E;es9 Master. I wi)) not !ention it to any o !y +o!/anions.G EHow !any sa+ri i+es9 is that ri&ht9 Si!onFG ESa+ri i+esF 4hi+hF It is /)easant to 2e here. 4e have what is ne+essary.G EThe sa+ri i+e o not as6in& =uestions9 o not s/ea6in&9 o /uttin& u/ with Judas... o 2ein& away ro! your )a6e... %ut ,od wi)) reward you or everythin&.G E5hH i that is what ;ou !eanH... In /)a+e o the )a6e I have the river and... I !a6e it su i+e. 4ith re&ard to Judas... I have ;ou 4ho !a6e u/ or hi! u))y... 'nd with re&ard to the other thin&sH... Tri )esH 'nd they he)/ !e to 2e+o!e )ess +oarse and !ore )i6e ;ou. How ha//y I a! to 2e here with ;ouH In ;our ar!sH 7aesar's /a)a+e wou)d not see! !ore 2eauti u) than this house9 i I +ou)d a)ways 2e in it thus9 in ;our ar!s.G E4hat do you 6now o 7aesar's /a)a+eF Have you seen itFG E8o9 and I sha)) never see it. 'nd I do not +are. %ut I i!a&ine it )ar&e9 2eauti u)9 u)) o )ove)y thin&s... and o i)th. Li6e the who)e o .o!e9 I su//ose. I wou)d not stay there even i they +overed !e with &o)dHG E4hereF In 7aesar's /a)a+e or in .o!eFG EIn neither. 'nathe!aHG E%ut 2e+ause they are )i6e that9 they are to 2e evan&e)ized.G E'nd what do ;ou e3/e+t to do in .o!eFH It is a 2rothe)H There is nothin& to 2e done there9 un)ess ;ou +o!e. ThenH...G EI wi)) +o!e. .o!e is the +a/ita) o the wor)d. 5n+e .o!e is +on=uered9 the wor)d is +on=uered.G E're we &oin& to .o!eF ;ou are /ro+)ai!in& ;ourse) 6in&9 thereH Mer+y and /ower o ,odH That is a !ira+)eHG 1eter has stood u/ and with raised ar!s he is standin& 2e ore Jesus 4ho s!i)es and re/)ies to hi!I EI wi)) &o there in My a/ost)es. ;ou wi)) +on=uer it or Me. 'nd I sha)) 2e with you. %ut there is so!eone out there. Let us &o9 1eter.G

5**. A& La a!us" Fune!a5.

23!d De'e()e! $9*+.

1 The news o Lazarus' death !ust have had the sa!e e e+t as a sti+6 stirred inside a 2eehive. 0very2ody in Jerusa)e! ta)6s a2out it. 8ota2)es9 !er+hants9 +o!!on /eo/)e9 /oor /eo/)e9 the towns/eo/)e9 /eo/)e ro! the near2y +ountry9 orei&ners /assin& throu&h 2ut a!i)iar with the /)a+e9 stran&ers who are there or the irst ti!e and as6 who is the !an whose death is the +ause o so !u+h +o!!otion9 .o!ans9 )e&ionaries9 !e!2ers o the sta 9 and Levites and /riests who +ontinua))y &ather to&ether and then /art9 runnin& here and there... S!a)) 6nots o /eo/)e dis+ussin& the event with di erent words and e3/ressions. So!e utter words o /raise9 so!e wee/9 so!e ee) they are !ore /au/er than usua) now that their 2ene a+tor is dead9 so!e !oanI EI sha)) never have su+h a !aster a&ainG9 so!e !ention his !erits9 so!e des+ri2e his wea)th and 6in@ dred9 his ather's servi+es and o i+es and his !other's 2eauty and ri+hes and her Ere&a)G 2irthM so!e9 on the +ontrary9 re+a)) a!i)y events over whi+h one shou)d draw a vei) o 6indness9 /arti+u)ar)y when a dead !an is invo)ved who has su ered throu&h the!... The s!a)) &rou/s o /eo/)e +o!e u/ with the !ost des/arate news on the +ause o Lazarus' death9 on the /)a+e o his 2uria)9 on the a2sen+e o 7hrist ro! the house o His &reat riend and /rote+tor <ust in that +ir+u!stan+e. The /revai)in& o/inions are twoI one is that a)) this ha//ened9 nay9 was 2rou&ht a2out 2y the 2ad 2ehaviour o Judaeans9 !e!2ers o the Sanhedrin9 1harisees and the )i6e towards the MasterM the other9 that the Master9 2ein& a+ed with a rea) dead)y disease9 snea6ed away 2e+ause His de+eit wou)d not 2e su++ess u) in this +ase. ')so without 2ein& astute one +an understand the sour+e o the )atter o/inion9 whi+h e!2itters !any who retortI E're you a 1harisee as we))F I you are9 ta6e +are o yourse) 2e+ause the Ho)y 5ne is not to 2e +ursed in our /resen+eH ;ou a2o!ina2)e vi/ers 2orn o hyenas +ou/)ed with LeviathanH 4ho /ays you to +urse the MessiahFG S=ua22)es9 insu)ts9 a)so so!e 2)ows9 /un&ent rude re!ar6s addressed to the ri+h)y dressed 1harisees and s+ri2es9 who /ass 2y &ivin& the!se)ves the airs o &ods9 without +ondes+endin& to )oo6 at the +o!!on /eo/)e shoutin& in avour or a&ainst the!9 in avour or a&ainst the Messiah9 resound in the streets. 'nd how !any a++usationsH EThis !an is sayin& that Jesus is a a)se MasterH He is +ertain)y one who has /ut on wei&ht with the !oney he re+eived ro! those sna6es who have <ust &one 2yHG E4ith their !oneyF 4ith ours9 you shou)d sayH They )ee+e us or su+h no2)e /ur/osesH %ut where is heF I want to see whether he is one o those who +a!e yesterday to te)) !e...G EHe has run away. %ut9 2)essed 2e the Lord9 we !ust <oin to&ether and ta6e a+tion. They are too inso)ent.G 'nother +onversationI EI have heard you and I 6now you. I wi)) te)) the /eo/)e

5##. A& Laza us! Fune a2.


+on+erned what you said o the Su/re!e 7ourtHG EI 2e)on& to 7hrist9 and the s)aver o a de!on does !e no har!. I you wish9 you +an te)) 'nnas and 7aia/has9 and !ay it he)/ the! to 2e+o!e !ore honest.G 'nd arther awayI EMeF ;ou say that I a! a /er<urer and a 2)as/he!er 2e+ause I o))ow the )ivin& ,odF ;ou are a /er<urer and a 2)as/he!er sin+e you o end and /erse+ute Hi!. I 6now who you are. I have seen you and heard you. ;ou +orru/t in or!erH 7o!eH Ta6e thisH...G and in the !eanti!e he 2e&ins to +u the ears o a Judaean whose 2ony &reenish a+e reddens. E7o!e)ius9 Si!on9 )oo6H They are 2u))yin& !eG says another one arther away9 addressin& a &rou/ o !e!2ers o the Sanhedrin.

E,o ho!e9 !en. 5ne sins and does har! u) thin&s in the streets. $o not ar&ue. $on't ta6e ri&ht. Mind your own 2usiness and ta6e +are o your a!i)ies. $on't )isten to a&itators or drea!ers and don't a))ow yourse)ves to 2e 2e&ui)ed. The Master is a !aster9 not a warrior. ;ou 6now Hi!. 'nd He s/ea6s His !ind. He wou)d not have sent other /eo/)e to as6 you to o))ow Hi! as warriors9 i He wanted you to 2e su+h. $on't do any har! to Hi!9 to yourse)ves and to our (ather)and. Ho!e9 !enH Ho!eH $o not a))ow what is a)ready a !is ortune J the death o a <ust !an J to 2e+o!e a series o !is ortunes. ,o 2a+6 to your houses and /ray or Lazarus9 who was +harita2)e to every2odyG says Jose/h o 'ri!athea9 who !ust 2e )oved and )istened to 2y the /eo/)e who 6now hi! to 2e a <ust !an.

')so John Kthe !an who was <ea)ousL saysI EHe is a /ea+e u) not a war)i6e !an. $on't )isten to a)se dis+i/)es. .e!e!2er how di erent the others were9 who said they were E0ndure it with aith and do not soi) your hands and )i/s on a Sa22ath's eveG re/)ies one the Messiah. .e!e!2er and /onder9 and your <usti+e wi)) te)) you that those o the !en9 who had 2een +a))ed9 without even turnin& to )oo6 at the un)u+6y /erson to insti&ations to vio)en+e +ou)d not +o!e ro! Hi!H ,o ho!eH ,o 2a+6 to your wo!en who! a &rou/ o +o!!on /eo/)e are dis/ensin& rou&h <usti+e... who are wee/in& and to your +hi)dren who are ri&htened. It is saidI C4oe to those who are vio)ent and to those who en+oura&e 2raw)sD.G 4o!en are shoutin& +a))in& their hus2ands who! they entreat not to +o!/ro!ise the!se)ves. ' &rou/ o wee/in& wo!en a//roa+h the three !e!2ers o the Sanhedrin and one o Le&ionaries on /atro) &o around dis/ersin& the +rowds with their )an+es and threatenin& arrests and /unish!ents. Lazarus' death9 the !ain a+t9 is the startin& /oint to &o on to se+ondary a+ts9 to &ive vent to the )on& )astin& tension in hearts... 2 The !e!2ers o the Sanhedrin9 the e)ders9 s+ri2es9 Saddu+ees9 the !i&hty Judaeans &o 2y s)y)y9 with indi eren+e9 as i a)) the out2ursts o /etty an&er9 o /ersona) reven&e9 o nervousness were not rooted in the!. 'nd as the ti!e &oes 2y the a&itation and the e3+ite!ent in+rease !ore and !ore. the! saysI EThe s+ri2es have threatened !y !an. I a! a raidH Jose/h9 /)ease s/ea6 to the!.G E;es9 I wi)). %ut )et your hus2and 2e =uiet. $o you thin6 that you are assistin& the Master 2y !eans o these a&itations and that you are honourin& the dead !anF ;ou are wron&. ;ou are har! u) to 2oth o the!G re/)ies Jose/h 3 and he )eaves the! to &o towards 8i+ode!us9 who is +o!in& ro! one o the streets9 o))owed 2y servants9 and he says to hi!I EI was not ho/in& to !eet you9 8i+ode!us. I do not 6now !yse) how I !ana&ed. Lazarus' servant +a!e to !e at the end o the ourth wat+h to in or! !e o the sad event.G

EListen to this9 these /eo/)e here say that the 7hrist +annot +ure si+6 /eo/)e. I was a E'nd he +a!e to !e )ater. I )e t at on+e. $o you 6now whether the Master is at )e/er and now I a! hea)thy. $o you 6now who they areF I do not +o!e ro! Jerusa)e!9 %ethanyFG 2ut I have never seen the! a!on& the dis+i/)es o the 7hrist these )ast two years.G E8o9 He is not there. My steward in %ezetha was there at the third hour and he to)d !e EThose !enF Let !e see the one in the !idd)eH 'hH you ras+a) and thie H ;ou are the that the Master is not there.G one who )ast !onth +a!e to !e to o er !e !oney in the na!e o the 7hrist9 sayin& EI do not 6now how... !ira+)es or every2ody 2ut not or hi!HG e3+)ai!s John. that He hires !en to seize 1a)estine. 'nd you now say... %ut why did you )et hi! es+a/eFG E1ro2a2)y 2e+ause He &ave the househo)d !ore than a !ira+u)ous +ureI He redee!ed EHave you seen thatF How !is+hievous they areH 'nd they a)!ost +au&ht !eH My ather@in@)aw was ri&htH There is Jose/h the 0)der with John and Joshua. Let us &o and as6 the! whether it is true that the Master wants to asse!2)e an ar!y. They are <ust and they 6now.G They a)) rush towards the three !e!2ers o the Sanhedrin and as6 their =uestion. Mary and &ranted /ea+e and honour...G says Jose/h. E1ea+e and honourH 5 &ood /eo/)e to &ood /eo/)e. %e+ause !any... have not /aid and do not /ay honour even now that Mary... ;ou do not 6now... Three days a&o He)6ai and !any others were there... and they did not /ay honour. 'nd Mary drove the! away. They were urious when they to)d !e9 and I <ust )et the! say what they )i6ed9 as I did

5##. A& Laza us! Fune a2.


not want to dis+)ose !y heart to the!...G says Joshua. E'nd are they &oin& to the unera) nowFG as6s 8i+ode!us. EThey have 2een in or!ed and they have !et at the Te!/)e to de+ide. 5hH their servants have 2een very 2usy runnin& a2out at dawn this !ornin&HG E4hy su+h hurry or the unera)F I!!ediate)y a ter the si3th hourH...G E%e+ause Lazarus was a)ready rotten when he died. My steward to)d !e that a)thou&h resins are 2urnin& in the roo!s and /er u!es have 2een s/read /ro use)y on the dead 2ody9 the sten+h o the +or/se is s!e)t even at the /or+h o the house. In any +ase the Sa22ath 2e&ins at sunset. It was not /ossi2)e to do otherwise.G E'nd you say that they he)d a !eetin& at the Te!/)eF 4hyFG E4e))... in a+tua) a+t the !eetin& had a)ready 2een +a))ed to dis+uss Lazarus' +ase. They wanted to state that he was )e/rous...G says Joshua. ESure)y not. He wou)d have 2een the irst to )ive in iso)ation a++ordin& to the LawG says Jose/h de endin& hi!. 'nd he addsI EI s/o6e to their do+tor. He e3+)uded it without any /ossi2i)ity o dou2t. He was a e+ted 2y /utrid +onsu!/tion.G ESo what did they dis+uss9 sin+e Lazarus was a)ready deadFG as6s 8i+ode!us. E4hether they shou)d &o to the unera)9 a ter Mary has driven the! away. So!e wanted to &o9 so!e were a&ainst it. Those who wanted to &o were the !a<ority and or three reasons. To see whether the Master was there9 the irst reason a&reed to 2y every2ody. To see whether He wi)) wor6 a !ira+)e9 the se+ond reason. The third reasonI the re!e!2ran+e o words s/o6en re+ent)y 2y the Master to so!e s+ri2es at the Jordan near Jeri+hoG e3/)ains Joshua on+e a&ain. EThe !ira+)eH 4hi+h9 i he is a)ready deadFG as6s John shru&&in& his shou)ders9 and he +on+)udesI EThe usua)... see6ers o what is i!/ossi2)eHG EThe Master has raised other /eo/)e ro! the deadG re!ar6s Jose/h. EThat is true. %ut i He had wanted hi! to 2e a)ive9 He wou)d not have )et hi! die. The reason !entioned 2y you /revious)y is +orre+t. They have a)ready 2een &ranted !u+h.G E;es. %ut ?zie) and Sado+ have re+a))ed a +ha))en&e o !any !onths a&o. The 7hrist said that He wi)) &ive /roo that He +an re+o!/ose a)so a de+o!/osed 2ody. 'nd Lazarus is su+h. 'nd Sado+9 the s+ri2e9 a)so says that9 near the Jordan9 the .a22i s/ontaneous)y to)d hi! that at the new !oon he wou)d see ha) o the +ha))en&e 2ein& a++o!/)ished. That isI a de+o!/osed /erson that revives9 without urther de+o!/osition or disease. 'nd their o/inion /revai)ed. I that ha//ens9 it is 2e+ause the Master is there. 'nd i that ha//ens9 there wi)) 2e no !ore dou2ts a2out Hi!.G

E1rovidin& that is not detri!enta)...G whis/ers Jose/h. E$etri!enta)F 4hyF The s+ri2es and 1harisees wi)) 2e +onvin+ed...G E5hH JohnH 're you a stran&er that you shou)d say thatF $o you not 6now your e))ow@ +itizensF 4hen has the truth ever !ade the! ho)yF $oes it !ean nothin& to you that no invitation to the !eetin& was 2rou&ht to !y houseFG EIt was not 2rou&ht to !ine either. They sus/e+t us and they o ten )eave us outG says 8i+ode!us. Then he as6sI E4as ,a!a)ie) thereFG EHis son was there. 'nd he wi)) +o!e a)so in /)a+e o his ather9 who is unwe)) at ,a!a)a in Judaea.G E'nd what did Si!eon sayFG E8othin&. 8othin& at a)). He )istened. Then he went away. 8ot )on& a&o he /assed with so!e o his ather's dis+i/)es9 &oin& towards %ethany.G They are a)!ost at the &ate )eadin& onto the road to %ethany. 'nd John e3+)ai!sI ELoo6H It is &arrisoned. 4hyF 'nd they are sto//in& those +o!in& out.G EThere is a&itation in town...G E5hH %ut it is not a very ier+e one...G They arrive at the &ate and they are sto//ed )i6e every2ody e)se. E4hat is the reason or this9 so)dierF I a! we)) 6nown to every2ody in the 'ntonia9 and you +annot s/ea6 i)) o !e. I res/e+t you and your )awsG says Jose/h o 'ri!athea. EIt is the order o the 7enturion. The 7o!!ander is a2out to enter the town and we want to 6now who +o!es out o the &ates9 /arti+u)ar)y o this one that o/ens onto the Jeri+ho road. 4e 6now you. %ut we a)so 6now the ee)in&s o the Judaeans towards us. ;ou and those who are with you !ay &o on. 'nd i you have in )uen+e on the /eo/)e te)) the! that it is 2etter or the! to 2e +a)!. 1ontius does not )i6e to +han&e his ha2its 2e+ause o su2<e+ts who +ause hi! trou2)e... and he !i&ht 2e too severe. ' /ie+e o sin+ere advi+e to you who are sin+ere.G They &o on. E$id you hear thatF I oresee trou2)eso!e days... It wi)) 2e ne+essary to advise the others9 rather than the /eo/)e...G says Jose/h. 4 The %ethany road is +rowded with /eo/)e a)) &oin& in the sa!e dire+tionI to %ethany. They are a)) &oin& to the unera). 5ne +an see !e!2ers o the Sanhedrin and 1harisees !in&)ed with Saddu+ees and s+ri2es9 with /easants9 servants9 with the stewards o the various houses and estates that Lazarus owned in town and in the +ountry9 and the !ore one a//roa+hes %ethany9 the !ore /eo/)e /our into the !ain road ro! /aths and other side roads.

5##. A& Laza us! Fune a2.


There is %ethany. %ethany !ournin& or its &reatest +itizen. ')) the inha2itants9 wearin& their 2est +)othes9 have a)ready )e t their houses9 whi+h are )o+6ed as i no one )ived in the!. %ut they are not yet in the house o the dead !an. 7uriosity ho)ds the! 2a+6 near the &ate and a)on& the road. They wat+h the /eo/)e who have 2een invited9 as they /ass 2y9 they !ention their na!es and e3+han&e i!/ressions. EThere is 8athanae) 2en (a2a. 5hH 5)d Mattathias9 Ja+o2's re)ativeH 'nnas' sonH He is over there with $oras9 7a))as+e2ona and 'r+he)aus. 5hH How did those o ,a)i)ee !ana&e to +o!eF They are a)) there. Loo6I 0)i9 Johanan9 Ish!ae)9 ?riah9 Joa+hi!9 0)ias9 Jose/h... 5)d Hananiah with Sado+9 >a+harias and Johanan9 the Saddu+ees. There is a)so Si!eon o ,a!a)ie). He is a)) a)one. The ra22i is not there. There is He)6ai with 8ahu!9 (e)i39 'nnas the s+ri2e9 >a+harias9 Jonathan 2en ?rie)H Sau) with 0)eazar9 Tri/hon and Joazar. (ine ras+a)s these )ast onesH 'nother son o 'nnas. The youn&est. He is ta)6in& to Si!on 7a!it. 1hi)i/ with John 'nti/atrides. ')e3ander9 Isaa+ and Jonah o %a2aon. Sado+. Judas9 a des+endant o the 'sideans9 the )ast one9 I thin69 o that +)ass. There are the stewards o the various 2ui)din&s. I do not see any o the aith u) riends. How !any /eo/)eHG .ea))yH How !any /eo/)e. They are a)) su/er+i)ious9 so!e with an e3/ression or the o++asion9 so!e with the si&ns o true &rie on their a+es. They are a)) swa))owed u/ 2y the wide o/en &ate9 and I see /ass 2y a)) those who in su++essive sta&es a//eared to 2e riend)y or hosti)e to the Master. 0very2ody9 with the e3+e/tion o ,a!a)ie) and o Si!on9 the !e!2er o the Sanhedrin. 'nd I see a)so other /eo/)e9 who! I have never seen 2e ore9 or who! I !ay have seen without 6nowin& their na!es9 dis/utin& round Jesus... .a22is /ass 2y with their dis+i/)es9 and s+ri2es in +)ose &rou/s. 'nd Judaeans &o a)on& whi)e I hear their ri+hes 2ein& )isted... The &arden is u)) o /eo/)e who9 a ter &oin& to e3/ress their sy!/athy with the sisters J who9 /ro2a2)y a++ordin& to the )o+a) +usto!9 are sittin& under the /or+h9 and are there ore outside the house J +o!e 2a+6 and s/read out in the &arden in +ontinuous 2)endin& o +o)ours and 2owin& in sa)utation. Martha and Mary are worn out. They are ho)din& ea+h other's hand )i6e two )itt)e &ir)s9 ri&htened o the sad &a/ in their a!i)y9 o the e!/tiness o their days now that they no )on&er have to ta6e +are o Lazarus. They )isten to the words o visitors9 they wee/ with true riends9 with )oya) su2ordinates9 they 2ow to the i+y i!/osin& sti !e!2ers o the Sanhedrin who have +o!e !ore to attra+t attention to the!se)ves than to honour the dead !an9 and a)thou&h they are tired o re/eatin& the sa!e thin&s hundreds o ti!es9 they re/)y to those as6in& the! a2out Lazarus' )ast !o!ents.

Martha &rievous)y wi/es her orehead with her hand and as6sI E4hen is that ever done in Israe)F It is a)ready /re/ared...G and tears strea! s)ow)y ro! her eyes. EIt is not the +usto!9 that is true. %ut that is what we wish. The !ore )oya) riends are +ertain)y entit)ed to see their riends or the )ast ti!e.G E4e a)so9 as his sisters9 shou)d have 2een entit)ed to see hi!. %ut it was ne+essary to e!2a)! hi! at on+e... 'nd when we went 2a+6 into Lazarus' roo! we on)y saw the or! o his 2ody wra//ed in )inen +)oths...G E;ou shou)d have &iven +)ear instru+tions. 7ou)d you not have had the sudariu! re!oved ro! his a+eF 7an you not re!ove it nowFG E5hH it is a)ready de+o!/osed... 'nd it is ti!e or the unera)...G Jose/h <oins in the +onversationI EHe)6ai9 I thin6 that we... out o e3+ess o )ove9 are the +ause o &rie . Let us )eave the sisters in /ea+e...G Si!eon9 ,a!a)ie)'s son9 !oves orward to /revent He)6ai ro! re/)yin&I EMy ather wi)) +o!e as soon as he is a2)e. I re/resent hi!. He he)d Lazarus in hi&h estee!. So do I.G Martha re/)ies 2owin&I EMay the honour o the ra22i or our 2rother 2e rewarded 2y ,od.G 's ,a!a)ie)'s son is there9 He)6ai stands aside without insistin& urther9 and he ta)6s the !atter over with the others who /oint out to hi!I E7an you not s!e)) the sten+hF $o you wish to dou2t itF In any +ase we sha)) see whether they wa)) u/ the se/u)+hre. 5ne +annot )ive without air.G 'nother &rou/ o 1harisees a//roa+h the sisters. They are a)!ost a)) ro! ,a)i)ee. ' ter re+eivin& their ho!a&e Martha +annot restrain herse) ro! e3/ressin& her sur/rise at their /resen+e. E4o!an9 the Sanhedrin is in session to reso)ve u/on !atters o &reat i!/ortan+e and we are in town or that /ur/oseG e3/)ains Si!on o 7a/ernau!9 and he )oo6s at Mary whose +onversion he +ertain)y re!e!2ers. %ut he <ust )oo6s at her.

6 Then Johanan +o!es orward with $oras9 the son o $oras9 and with Ish!ae)9 Hananiah9 Sado+ and others who! I do not 6now. Their vi/erous a+es e3/ress their intentions 2e ore their words do. %ut in order to stri6e they wait ti)) Jose/h &oes away with 8i+ode!us to s/ea6 to three Judaeans. It is o)d Hananiah who with his +)u+6in& voi+e o a de+re/it o)d !an de)ivers the 2)owI E4hat do you thin69 MaryF ;our Master Jose/h9 8i+ode!us9 the !ost devoted riends are near the! s/ea6in& on)y ew words9 is the on)y one to 2e a2sent a!on& the !any riends o your 2rother. 1e+u)iar 2ut their riendshi/ +o! orts the! !ore than any word. riendshi/H So !u+h )ove whi)e Lazarus was we))H 'nd so !u+h indi eren+e when it 5 He)6ai +o!es 2a+6 with the !ore intransi&ent !e!2ers o the Sanhedrin9 to who! he was ti!e to )ove hi!H 0very2ody re+eives !ira+)es ro! Hi!. %ut there is no !ira+)e has 2een s/ea6in& or a )on& ti!e and he as6sI E7ou)d we see the dead 2odyFG

5##. A& Laza us! Fune a2.


here. 4hat do you say9 wo!an9 o su+h a situationF He has de+eived you 2itter)y9 the handso!e ,a)i)ean .a22i9 heyH $id you not say that He to)d you to ho/e 2eyond what +an 2e ho/ed orF So did you not ho/e9 or is it o no avai) to ho/e in Hi!F ;ou were ho/in& in the Li e9 you said. 5 +ourseH He says that He is the CLi eD9 heyH %ut in there there is your dead 2rother. 'nd over there the entran+e o the se/u)+hre is a)ready o/en. %ut the .a22i is not here. HeyH HeyHG EHe +an &ive death9 not )i eG says $oras with a sneer.

the order9 Ma3i!inus. The se/u)+hre is no o2sta+)e to the /ower o ,od...G She !oves away9 su//orted 2y 8ao!i who has a//roa+hed her9 and she !a6es a &esture... The +or/se9 enve)o/ed in )inen +)oths9 de/arts ro! the house9 +rosses the &arden 2etween the +rowds or!in& a dou2)e hed&e and shoutin& their &rie . Mary wou)d )i6e to o))ow the +or/se9 2ut she sta&&ers. She o))ows the +rowds when they are a)) near the se/u)+hre. 'nd she arrives in ti!e to see the )on& !otion)ess 2ody disa//ear in the dar6ness o the se/u)+hre9 where the reddish )i&ht o the tor+hes he)d hi&h 2y the servants i))u!inates the ste/s or those who are des+endin& with the +or/se. Lazarus' se/u)+hre in a+t is rather dee/ in the &round9 /ro2a2)y to ta6e advanta&e o strata o under&round ro+6.

Martha )owers her head +overin& her a+e with her hands and wee/s. That is the rea) situation. Her ho/e has 2een 2itter)y disa//ointed. The .a22i is not there. He did not even +o!e to +onso)e the!. 'nd 2y now He +ou)d 2e there. Martha is wee/in&. She +an 2ut wee/. Mary utters a +ry... It is a torture... She shouts... 'nd with the na!e o her 2rother she utters a)so Jesus'. She )oo6s as i they were tearin& her heart. 'nd she on)y !entions Mary is wee/in&9 too. She a)so has to a+e a+ts. She 2e)ieved9 she ho/ed 2eyond what those two na!es9 and she re/eats the! unti) the heavy thud o the stone /)a+ed a&ainst is +redi2)e... 2ut nothin& ha//ened and the servants have a)ready re!oved the stone the entran+e o the se/u)+hre te))s her that Lazarus is no )on&er on the 0arth9 not even ro! the entran+e to the se/u)+hre 2e+ause the sun is 2e&innin& to set and it sets ear)y in with his 2ody. She is then overwhe)!ed and )oses +ons+iousness. She +o))a/ses into the winter9 and it is (riday and everythin& !ust 2e done in ti!e so that the &uests !ay not ar!s o those su//ortin& her and whi)e sin6in& into a dee/ swoon she whis/ers a&ainI have to in rin&e the )aw o the Sa22ath that is a2out to 2e&in. She has ho/ed so !u+h9 EJesusH JesusHG. They +arry her away. a)ways9 she ho/ed too !u+h. She has +onsu!ed her ener&ies in that ho/e. 'nd she is disa//ointed. 8 Ma3i!inus re!ains to dis!iss the &uests and than6 the! on 2eha) o a)) the re)a@ tives. He re!ains to hear the! a)) say that they wi)) +o!e 2a+6 to +ondo)e every day... Hananiah insistsI E're you not re/)yin& to !eF 're you now /ersuaded that He is an i!/ostor who has ta6en advanta&e o you and s+o ed at youF 1oor wo!enHG and he They dis/erse s)ow)y. The )ast to de/art are Jose/h9 8i+ode!us9 0)eazar9 John9 sha6es his head a!on& his riends who i!itate hi! sayin& a)soI E1oor wo!enHG Joa+hi!9 Joshua. 'nd at the &ate they ind Sado+ with ?rie)9 who )au&h !a)i+ious)y sayin&I EHis +ha))en&eH 'nd we were a raid o itHG 7 Ma3i!inus a//roa+hes the! sayin&I EIt is ti!e. ,ive the order. It's or you to &ive it.G E5hH He is rea))y dead. How he stan6 notwithstandin& the aro!ati+ essen+esH There is no dou2t a2out itH It was not ne+essary to re!ove the sudariu!. I thin6 that he is Martha +o))a/ses on the )oor9 she is assisted and +arried away a!on& the +ries o the a)ready de+adent.G They are ha//y. servants9 who rea)ise that the ti!e to )ay their !aster in the se/u)+hre has +o!e and they intone their )a!entations. Jose/h )oo6s at the!. His &)an+e is so severe that it +uts short words and )au&hter. They a)) !a6e haste to &o 2a+6 to 2e in town 2e ore sunset is over. Mary wrin&s her hands +onvu)sive)y. She i!/)oresI E' )itt)e )on&erH ' )itt)e )on&erH 'nd send servants on the road to 0n@she!esh and to the ountain9 on every road. Servants on horse2a+6. To see whether He is +o!in&...G E're you sti)) ho/e u)9 /oor wret+hF How +an one +onvin+e you that He has 2etrayed and disa//ointed youF He has hated you and sneered at you...G It is too !u+hH 4ith her a+e wet with tears9 tortured 2ut sti)) aith u)9 in the se!i+ir+)e or!ed 2y the &uests who have &athered to&ether to see the +or/se &o out9 Mary /ro+)ai!sI EI Jesus o 8azareth has done that9 it is we)) done9 and &reat is His )ove or us a)) in %ethany. 0verythin& or ,od's &)ory and His ownH He said that this wi)) 2rin& a2out &)ory to the Lord 2e+ause the /ower o His 4ord wi)) shine +o!/)ete)y. 03e+ute

5*5. Jesus De'ides &# G# &# La a!us.

2*&h De'e()e! $9*+.

1 It is &ettin& dar6 in the )itt)e 6it+hen &arden o So)o!on's house9 and the trees9 the out)ines o the houses 2eyond the road9 and the very end o the road itse) 9 where it disa//ears in the wood)and near the river9 are 2e+o!in& !ore and !ore va&ue9 2)endin& into one on)y )ine o shadows9 whi+h are !ore or )ess +)ear9 !ore or )ess dar69

5#5. Jesus De3ides &" 4" &" Laza us.


in the dee/enin& twi)i&ht. .ather than shades9 the thin&s s/read on the 0arth are 2y now sounds. Boi+es o +hi)dren ro! houses9 +a))s o !others9 +ries o !en ur&in& shee/ or don6eys9 the )ate s=uea6in& o we))@/u))eys9 the rust)in& noise o )eaves in the evenin& 2reeze9 shar/ +ra+6s as o +)ashin& 2ran+hes or sti+6s s/read in the wood)and. Hi&h a2ove the irst twin6)in& o stars9 sti)) ee2)e as there is sti)) a re )e+tion o day)i&ht and 2e+ause the ear)y /hos/hores+ent !oon)i&ht is 2e&innin& to s/read in the s6y. E;ou wi)) te)) the rest to!orrow. That's enou&h now. It is &ettin& dar6. Let every2ody &o ho!e. 1ea+e to you. 1ea+e to you. ;es... 5 +ourse... To!orrow. 0hF 4hat did you sayF ;ou have a s+ru/)eF S)ee/ on it ti)) to!orrow and then9 i you sti)) have it9 +o!e 2a+6. That wou)d 2e the )ast strawH ')so s+ru/)es to !a6e Hi! !ore wearyH 'nd !en +ravin& or wea)thH 'nd !others@in@)aw who want youn& wives to re+over their wits9 and youn& wives who want their !others@in@)aw to 2e )ess shar/9 whi)e 2oth wou)d deserve to have their ton&ues +ut o . 'nd what e)se is thereF 0hiH youF 4hat are you sayin&F 5hH this one9 yes9 /oor )itt)e thin&H John9 ta6e this )itt)e 2oy to the Master. His !other is i)) and she has sent hi! to te)) Jesus to /ray or her. 1oor +hi)dH He has 2een )e t at the rear 2e+ause he is so s!a)). 'nd he +o!es ro! so ar. How wi)) he 2e a2)e to &o 2a+6 ho!eF 0hiH a)) you over thereH Instead o standin& there to en<oy His +o!/any9 +ou)d you not /ut into /ra+ti+e what the Master to)d youI to he)/ one another and that the stron&er ones shou)d he)/ the wea6er onesF 7o!e onH 4ho is ta6in& this 2oy ho!eF ,od or2id it9 he !i&ht ind his !other dead... Let hi! at )east see her... ;ou have &ot so!e don6eys... It is ni&ht@ti!eF 'nd what is there !ore 2eauti u) than ni&ht@ti!eF I wor6ed or years and years 2y star)i&ht9 and I a! hea)thy and stron&. 're you ta6in& hi! ho!eF May ,od 2)ess you9 .u2en. Here is the 2oy. Has the Master +o! orted youF He hasF ,o then9 and 2e ha//y. %ut we !ust &ive hi! so!e ood. 1erha/s he has had none sin+e this !ornin&.G EThe Master has &iven hi! so!e war! !i)6 and 2read9 and so!e ruitM he has the! in his )itt)e tuni+G says John. EThen &o with this !an. He wi)) ta6e you ho!e on his don6ey.G 't )ast a)) the /eo/)e have &one9 and 1eter +an rest with Ja!es9 Judas9 the other Ja!es and Tho!as9 who have he)/ed hi! to send the !ore o2stinate ones ho!e. ELet us +)ose the door9 )est so!eone !ay +han&e his !ind and +o!e 2a+69 )i6e those two over there. ?&hH The day a ter the Sa22ath is rea))y toi)so!eHG says 1eter &oin& into the 6it+hen and +)osin& the door. 'nd he addsI E4e sha)) 2e in /ea+e now.G 2 He )oo6s at Jesus 4ho is sittin& near the ta2)e9 en&rossed in thou&ht9 with one e)2ow on the ta2)e and His head restin& on His hand. 1eter a//roa+hes Hi! and )ayin& his hand on His shou)der he saysI E;ou are tired9 ehH So !any /eo/)eH They +o!e ro! a)) /arts o the +ountry notwithstandin& the season.G EThey see! to 2e a raid o )osin& us soonG re!ar6s 'ndrew who is &uttin& so!e ish.

')so the others are 2usy /re/arin& the ire to roast the!9 or stirrin& so!e +hi+ory in a 2oi)in& /ot. Their shadows are /ro<e+ted on the dar6 wa))s9 whi+h are i))u!inated !ore 2y the ire than 2y the )a!/. 1eter )oo6s or a +u/ to &ive so!e !i)6 to Jesus 4ho )oo6s very tired. %ut he does not ind the !i)6 and he as6s the others a2out it. EThe 2oy dran6 the )ast dro/ o !i)6 we had. The rest was &iven to the o)d 2e&&ar and to the wo!an whose hus2and was i))G e3/)ains %artho)o!ew. E'nd the Master has 2een )e t withoutH ;ou shou)d not have &iven it a)) away.G EHe wanted that...G E5hH He wou)d a)ways )i6e that. %ut we !ust not )et Hi! do so. He &ives away His &ar!ents9 He &ives away His !i)69 He &ives Hi!se) away and He wastes away...G 1eter is dissatis ied. E%e &ood9 1eterH It is 2etter to &ive than to re+eiveG says Jesus =uiet)y9 +o!in& out o His en&ross!ent. E5 +ourseH 'nd ;ou &ive and 6ee/ &ivin& and ;ou are worn out. 'nd the !ore ;ou show /eo/)e that ;ou are wi))in& to 2e &enerous9 the !ore !en ta6e advanta&e o ;ou.G 'nd in the !eanti!e he ru2s the ta2)e with so!e +oarse )eaves e3ha)in& a s+ent that is a !i3ture o 2itter a)!ond and +hrysanthe!u!9 he +)eans it thorou&h)y to )ay 2read and water on it9 and he /uts a +u/ in ront o Jesus. Jesus /ours Hi!se) so!e water as i He were very thirsty. 1eter /uts another +u/ on the o//osite side o the ta2)e near a /)ate +ontainin& so!e o)ives and sta)6s o wi)d enne). He adds the tray o +hi+ory a)ready dressed 2y 1hi)i/9 and to&ether with his +o!/anions he draws so!e very rusti+ stoo)s near the ta2)e addin& the! to the our +hairs avai)a2)e in the 6it+hen9 2ut =uite insu i+ient or thirteen /eo/)e. 'ndrew9 who has 2een &ri))in& the ish9 /uts it on another /)ate and with !ore 2read he &oes towards the ta2)e. John ta6es the oi)@)a!/ and /uts it in the !idd)e o the ta2)e. Jesus stands u/ whi)e they a)) a//roa+h the ta2)e or su//er and He /rays in a )oud voi+e9 o erin& the 2read and 2)essin& the ta2)e. He sits down i!itated 2y the others and He hands out the 2read and the ish9 that is9 He )ays the ish on the thi+6 )ar&e s)i+es o 2read9 /art new /art sta)e9 that ea+h a/ost)e has /)a+ed in ront o hi!se) . They then he)/ the!se)ves to the +hi+ory usin& the )ar&e wooden or6 served with the +hi+ory. ')so or the ve&eta2)es the s)i+e o 2read serves as /)ate. Jesus a)one has in ront o Hi!se) a )ar&e !eta) /)ate9 whi+h is rather in 2ad +ondition9 and He !a6es use o it to divide the ish &ivin& a dainty now to this one now to that one. He )oo6s )i6e a ather a!on& his +hi)dren9 even i 8athanae)9 Si!on >ea)ot and 1hi)i/ are o)d enou&h to 2e His athers9 and Matthew and 1eter )oo6 )i6e His o)der 2rothers.

5#5. Jesus De3ides &" 4" &" Laza us.


3 They eat and s/ea6 o the events o the day and John )au&hs hearti)y at 1eter's disdain o the she/herd o the ,i)ead !ountains9 who e3/e+ted Jesus to &o u/ there9 where his herd was9 to 2)ess it and thus !a6e hi! earn !u+h !oney or his dau&hter's dowry. EThere is nothin& to )au&h at. 4hi)e he saidI CMy shee/ are su erin& ro! a disease and i they die I a! ruinedD I e)t /ity or hi!. 4e isher!en wou)d ee) the sa!e i our 2oat 2e+a!e wor!@eaten. 5ne wou)d no )on&er 2e a2)e to wor6 and earn one's dai)y 2read. 'nd we are a)) entit)ed to )ive. %ut when he saidI C'nd I want !y shee/ to 2e hea)thy 2e+ause I want to 2e+o!e ri+h and du!2 ound the vi))a&e on a++ount o the dowry I wi)) &ive 0sther and o the house I wi)) 2ui)d or !yse) D9 then I &ot an&ry. I said to hi!I C'nd you have +o!e ro! so ar <ust or thatF Have you nothin& at heart 2ut the dowry and your wea)th and shee/F Have you no sou)FD He re/)ied to !eI CThere is ti!e or that. My shee/ and the !arria&e interest !e !ore at /resent 2e+ause it is a &ood !at+h and 0sther is 2e+o!in& o)d.D Then9 i I had not re!e!2ered that Jesus says that we !ust 2e !er+i u) towards every2ody9 he wou)d have 2een or itH I rea))y a)!ost )ost !y te!/er when s/ea6in& to hi!...G E'nd we thou&ht that you were never &oin& to sto/. ;ou never too6 2reath. The veins in your ne+6 were 2u)&in& and /rotrudin& )i6e sti+6sG says Ja!es o >e2edee.

E8o9 Si!on. To Lazarus. 4e are &oin& 2a+6 to Judaea.G EMaster9 re!e!2er that the Judaeans hate ;ouHG e3+)ai!s 1eter. EThey wanted to stone ;ou not )on& a&oG says Ja!es o ')/haeus. E8o9 Master9 it is not /rudentHG e3+)ai!s Matthew. E$o ;ou not +are or usFG as6s the Is+ariot. E5hH My Master and 2rother9 I 2esee+h ;ou in the na!e o ;our Mother9 and a)so in the na!e o the $ivinity that is in ;ouI do not a))ow satans to )ay their hands on ;our /erson9 to sti )e ;our word. ;ou are a)one9 a)) a)one a&ainst the wor)d that hates ;ou and is /ower u) on the 0arthG says Thaddeus. EMaster9 /rote+t ;our )i eH 4hat wou)d ha//en to !e9 to a)) o us9 i we no )on&er had ;ouFG says John who is u/set and )oo6s at Hi! with the wide o/en eyes o a ri&htened &rieved +hi)d.

' ter his irst e3+)a!ation9 1eter has turned round to s/ea6 e3+ited)y the o)der a/ost)es and to Tho!as and Ja!es o >e2edee. They are a)) o the o/inion that Jesus !ust not &o near Jerusa)e!9 at )east unti) 1assover ti!e !ay !a6e His stay there sa er 2e+ause9 they EThe she/herd had a)ready &one or so!e ti!e and you were +ontinuin& to /rea+h. It's a say9 the /resen+e o a very )ar&e nu!2er o o))owers o the Master9 who +o!e ro! &ood <o2 that you say that you are not a2)e to s/ea6 to /eo/)eHG adds Tho!as. 'nd he everywhere in 1a)estine or the 1assover estiva)9 wi)) de end the Master. 8one o those e!2ra+es hi! sayin&I E1oor Si!onH He was 2eside hi!se) with uryHG who hate Hi! wi)) dare tou+h Hi! when a)) the /eo/)e +rowd round Hi! with )ove... 'nd they te)) Hi! an3ious)y9 a)!ost over2earin&)y... Love !a6es the! s/ea6. E%ut was I not ri&htF 4hat is the MasterF The ortune !a6er o a)) the oo)s in Israe)F The /ro+urer o other /eo/)e's weddin&sFG E1ea+eH 1ea+eH 're there not twe)ve hours in the dayF ' !an who wa)6s in the dayti!e does not stu!2)e 2e+ause he has the )i&ht o this wor)d to see 2y9 2ut i he wa)6s at E$on't &et an&ry9 Si!on. The ish wi)) &ive you indi&estion i you eat it with so !u+h ni&ht he stu!2)es 2e+ause he +annot see. I 6now what I a! doin& 2e+ause the Li&ht is /oisonG says &ood@natured Matthew teasin&)y. in Me. '))ow yourse)ves to 2e &uided 2y Hi! 4ho +an see. 'nd 2ear in !ind that unti) E;ou are ri&ht. I taste a)) the )avour o the 2an=uets in the houses o 1harisees9 when I the hour o dar6ness +o!es9 nothin& sinister wi)) ta6e /)a+e. %ut when that hour +o!es9 eat 2read with ear and !eat with an&er.G no distan+e or /ower9 not even 7aesar's ar!ies9 wi)) 2e a2)e to save Me ro! the Judaeans. %e+ause what is written !ust ta6e /)a+e and the /owers o evi) are a)ready They a)) )au&h. Jesus s!i)es and is si)ent. wor6in& se+ret)y to a++o!/)ish their deed. $o )et Me do as I wish and do &ood whi)e I 4 They are at the end o the !ea). They re!ain round the ta2)e9 so!ewhat )azi)y a! ree to do so. The hour wi)) +o!e when I sha)) no )on&er 2e a2)e to !ove a in&er or satis ied with ood and heat. They are not so ta)6ative and so!e are dozin&. Tho!as utter one word to wor6 the !ira+)e. The wor)d wi)) 2e devoid o a)) My /ower. ' dread@ en<oys hi!se) drawin& with a 6ni e a )itt)e 2ran+h with )owers on the wood o the u) hour o /unish!ent or !an. 8ot or Me. (or !an who wi)) have re used to )ove ta2)e. Me. 'n hour that wi)) re/eat itse) 9 throu&h the wi)) o !an who wi)) have re<e+ted $ivinity to the e3tent o !a6in& hi!se) &od)ess9 a o))ower o Satan and o his +ursed They are roused 2y the voi+e o Jesus 4ho9 o/enin& His ar!s9 whi+h were o)ded9 son. 'n hour that wi)) ta6e /)a+e when the end o this wor)d is +)ose at hand. The )eanin& on the ed&e o the ta2)e9 and stret+hin& out His hands as the /riest does when he /revai)in& )a+6 o aith wi)) !a6e My /ower o !ira+)e o no use9 not 2e+ause I +an )ose saysI CThe Lord 2e with youD9 saysI E'nd yet we !ust &oHG it9 2ut 2e+ause no !ira+)e +an 2e &ranted where there is no aith and no wi)) to have it9 where a !ira+)e wou)d 2e !ade a 2utt o and an instru!ent o evi)9 2y usin& the &ood E4here9 MasterF To the she/herdFG as6s 1eter. re+eived to turn it into &reater evi). 8ow I +an sti)) wor6 !ira+)es9 and wor6 the! to

5#5. Jesus De3ides &" 4" &" Laza us.


&ive &)ory to ,od. 5 So )et us &o to our riend Lazarus who is s)ee/in&. Let us &o and wa6e hi! ro! his s)ee/9 that he !ay 2e resh and ready to serve his Master.G E%ut i he is s)ee/in&9 it is a &ood thin&. He is sure to &et 2etter. S)ee/ itse) is a +ure. 4hy wa6e hi!FG they /oint out to Hi!. ELazarus is dead. I waited unti) he died9 2e ore &oin& there9 not or his sisters and or hi!. %ut or you. That you !ay 2e)ieve. That you !ay &row in aith. Let us &o to Lazarus.G E')) ri&htH Let us &oH 4e sha)) a)) die as he died and ;ou want to dieG says Tho!as9 a resi&ned ata)ist. ETho!as9 Tho!as9 and you a)) who are +riti+isin& and &ru!2)in& in your hearts9 you ou&ht to 6now that he who wants to o))ow Me !ust have or his )i e the sa!e +are that a 2ird has or a /assin& +)oud. That is9 to )et it /ass and &o wherever the wind 2)ows it. The wind is the wi)) o ,od 4ho +an &ive you )i e or ta6e it away as He wishes9 neither you !ust re&ret it9 as the 2ird does not re&ret the /assin& +)oud9 2ut it sin&s <ust the sa!e as it is sure that the s6y wi)) +)ear u/ a&ain. %e+ause the +)oud is the in+ident9 the s6y is rea)ity. The s6y is a)ways 2)ue even i +)ouds see! to !a6e it &rey. It is and re!ains 2)ue a2ove the +)ouds. The sa!e a//)ies to true Li e. It is and re!ains9 even i hu!an )i e ends. He who wants to o))ow Me !ust not 2e an3ious a2out his )i e or a raid or it. I wi)) show you how one +on=uers Heaven. %ut how +an you i!itate Me i you are a raid to +o!e to Judaea9 whereas no har! wi)) 2e done to you nowF 're you hesitatin& a2out showin& yourse)ves with MeF ;ou are ree to )eave Me. %ut i you want to stay you !ust )earn to de y the wor)d9 with its +riti+is!9 its snares9 its !o+6ery9 its tor!ents9 in order to +on=uer My :in&do!. So )et us &o and 2rin& 2a+6 ro! the dead Lazarus9 who has 2een s)ee/in& in his se/u)+hre or two days9 as he died on the evenin& that his servant +a!e here ro! %ethany. To!orrow at the si3th hour9 a ter dis!issin& those who have 2een waitin& or the !orrow to 2e +o! orted 2y Me and re+eive the reward or their aith9 we sha)) de/art ro! here and +ross the river9 sto//in& or the ni&ht in 8i6e's house. Then at dawn we sha)) set out towards %ethany9 via 0n@ she!esh. 4e sha)) 2e in %ethany 2e ore the si3th hour. 'nd there wi)) 2e !any /eo/)e and their hearts wi)) 2e roused. 6 I /ro!ised it and I wi)) 6ee/ My /ro!ise...G ETo who! did ;ou /ro!ise it9 LordFG as6s Ja!es o ')/haeus a)!ost ear u))y. ETo those who hate Me and those who )ove Me9 to 2oth in the !ost +)ear !anner. $o you not re!e!2er the dis/ute with the s+ri2es at :edeshF It was sti)) /ossi2)e or the! to say that I was !enda+ious9 as I had raised ro! the dead a &ir) who had <ust died and a !an who had 2een dead or one day. They saidI C;ou have not yet re+o!/osed a de+o!/osed 2ody.D In a+t ,od on)y +an !a6e a !an ro! dust and re!a6e a hea)thy )ivin& 2ody ro! rot. 4e))9 I wi)) do that. 't the !oon o 7his)ev9 on the 2an6s o the Jordan9 I Myse) re!inded the s+ri2es o this +ha))en&e and I saidI C't the new !oon it

sha)) 2e a++o!/)ished.D That with re&ard to those who hate Me. I /ro!ised the sisters9 who )ove Me in a /er e+t !anner9 to reward their aith i they +ontinued to ho/e a&ainst +redi2i)ity. I have tried the! severe)y and &rieved the! dee/)y and I a)one a! aware o how !u+h their hearts su ered in the /ast days and I on)y 6now how /er e+t is their )ove. I so)e!n)y te)) you that they deserve a &reat reward 2e+ause they &rieve !ore at the /ossi2i)ity that I !ay 2e derided than over the a+t that they +annot see their 2rother raised ro! the dead. I )oo6ed a2sor2ed9 tired and sad. I was +)ose to the! with My s/irit and I +ou)d hear their wai)in& and I +ounted their tears. 1oor sistersH I a! now ea&er to 2rin& a <ust !an 2a+6 to the 0arth9 a 2rother to the e!2ra+e o his sisters9 a dis+i/)e 2a+6 to My dis+i/)es. 're you wee/in&9 Si!onF ;es9 you and I are Lazarus' &reatest riends9 and in your tears there is your sorrow or Martha's and Mary's &rie and there is a)so the a&ony o a riend9 2ut there is a)so the <oy o 6nowin& that he wi)) soon 2e 2rou&ht 2a+6 to our )ove. Let us !ove and /re/are our 2a&s and &o to rest in order to &et u/ at dawn and tidy u/ here where... our return is not +ertain. 4e sha)) have to hand out to the /oor everythin& we have and te)) the !ost a+tive ones to 6ee/ /i)&ri!s ro! )oo6in& or Me unti) I a! in a sa e /)a+e. 4e sha)) a)so have to te)) the! to warn the dis+i/)es to )oo6 or Me at Lazarus' house. There are so !any thin&s to 2e done. They sha)) 2e done 2e ore the /i)&ri!s arrive... Let us &o. 1ut the ire out and )i&ht the )a!/s and )et everyone do what is to 2e done and &o to rest. 1ea+e to you a)).G He stands u/9 2)esses the! and withdraws to His )itt)e roo!... 7 EHe has 2een dead or so!e daysHG says the >ea)ot. EThat is a !ira+)eHG e3+)ai!s Tho!as. EI want to see what e3+use they wi)) ind then to 2e in dou2tHG says 'ndrew. E%ut when did the servant +o!eFG as6s Judas Is+ariot. EThe evenin& 2e ore (ridayG re/)ies 1eter. E$id heF 4hy did you not te)) usFG as6s the Is+ariot a&ain. E%e+ause the Master to)d !e not to !ention itG re/)ies 1eter. ESo... when we arrive there... he wi)) have 2een in the se/u)+hre our daysFG E7ertain)yH (riday evenin& one day9 the Sa22ath evenin& two days9 this evenin& three days9 to!orrow our... So our days and a ha) ... 0terna) /owerH %ut he wi)) 2e de+o!/osin&HG says Matthew. EHe wi)) 2e de+o!/osin&... I want to see a)so that and then...G E4hat9 Si!on 1eterFG as6s Ja!es o ')/haeus. EThen i Israe) does not 2e+o!e +onverted9 not even Jahweh a!on& )i&htnin& wi)) 2e a2)e to +onvert her.G

5#5. Jesus De3ides &" 4" &" Laza us.


'nd they &o away s/ea6in& thus.

5*+. Resu!!e'&i#n #1 La a!us.

2+&h De'e()e! $9*+.

wou)d not )et !e te)) the!. They &ot ho)d o !e when I entered the &arden sayin&I CThe .a22i is hereD and they drove !e out sayin&I C;ou are a )iar or a oo). He is not +o!in& any !ore 2e+ause He 6nows 2y now that He +annot wor6 the !ira+)e any !oreD. 'nd as I said that it was rea))y ;ou9 they &ave !e two !i&hty s)a/s as I never had 2e ore... Loo6 how red !y +hee6s are. They are s!artin&H 'nd they /ushed !e away sayin&I CThat wi)) /uri y you or )oo6in& at a de!onD. 'nd I was )oo6in& at ;ou to see whether ;ou had 2e+o!e a de!on. %ut I +an't see any... ;ou are a)ways !y Jesus9 as 2eauti u) as an an&e)9 as !y !other te))s !e.G Jesus 2ends to 6iss his +hee6s9 whi+h have 2een s)a//ed9 sayin&I EThey wi)) no )on&er s!art. I a! sorry that you had to su er 2e+ause o Me...G EI a! not sorry9 Lord9 2e+ause those two s)a/s !ade ;ou &ive !e two 6issesG and he +)in&s to His )e&s ho/in& to re+eive !ore. ETe)) !e9 Mar6. 4ho was it that drove you awayF Those o Lazarus' househo)dFG as6s Thaddeus. E8o. The Judaeans. They +o!e to +ondo)e every day. They are so !anyH They stay in the house and in the &arden. They +o!e ear)y and &o away )ate. They 2ehave as i they were the !asters. They i))@treat every2ody. 7an't you see that there is no2ody in the streetsF The irst days /eo/)e re!ained to wat+h... then... 8ow on)y +hi)dren wander a2out to... 5hH !y /it+herH My !other is waitin& or water... She wi)) &ive !e a 2eatin& as we))H...G

1 Jesus is +o!in& towards %ethany ro! 0n@she!esh. They !ust have !ar+hed rea))y hard u/ the di i+u)t /aths on the 'du!!i! !ountains. The a/ost)es9 who are out o 2reath9 ind it di i+u)t to o))ow Jesus 4ho wa)6s ra/id)y9 as i )ove +arried Hi! on its ardent win&s. ' s!i)e 2ri&htens Jesus' a+e as He /ro+eeds ahead o the! a))9 with His head raised9 in the !i)d !idday sunshine. %e ore they arrive at the irst houses o %ethany9 a 2are ooted 2oy9 who is &oin& to the ountain near the vi))a&e with an e!/ty +o//er /it+her9 sees Hi! and &ives a shout. He )ays the /it+her on the &round and runs away9 with a)) the s/eed o his )itt)e )e&s9 towards the +entre o the vi))a&e. EHe is +ertain)y &oin& to in or! the! that ;ou are arrivin&G re!ar6s Judas Thaddeus a ter s!i)in&9 )i6e every2ody e)se9 u/on the =ui+6... de+ision o the )itt)e 2oy9 who a)so )e t his /it+her at the !er+y o the irst /asser@2y.

The )itt)e town9 as seen ro! the ountain9 whi+h is a )itt)e hi&her u/9 see!s =uiet as i it They a)) )au&h at his distress over the /ros/e+t o urther s!a+6s9 and Jesus saysI were deserted. 5n)y the &rey s!o6e risin& ro! +hi!neys indi+ates that in the houses EHurry u/ then...G wo!en are 2usy /re/arin& the !idday !ea)9 and the thi+6 voi+es o !en in the vast si)ent o)ive@&roves and or+hards in or! one that !en are wor6in&. 0ven so Jesus EThe a+t is... that I wanted to &o in with ;ou and see ;ou wor6 the !ira+)e...G and he /re ers to ta6e a /ath that runs round the rear o the vi))a&e9 so that He !ay arrive at +on+)udesI E...and see their a+es... to aven&e !yse) or the s)a/s...G Lazarus' house without drawin& the attention o the +itizens. E8o9 that's wron&. ;ou !ust not wish or reven&e. ;ou !ust 2e &ood and or&ive... %ut 2 They have &one a)!ost ha) way when they hear the 2oy !entioned /revious)y +o!e your !other is waitin& or the water...G a ter the!M he runs /ast the! and then sto/s thou&ht u))y in the !idd)e o the /ath EI wi)) &o9 Master. I 6now where Mar6 )ives. I wi)) te)) the wo!an and then <oin ;ou...G )oo6in& at Jesus... says Ja!es o >e2edee runnin& away. E1ea+e to you9 )itt)e Mar6. 4ere you a raid o Me that you ran awayFG as6s Jesus They set out a&ain s)ow)y and Jesus ho)ds the de)i&hted 2oy 2y the hand... +aressin& hi!. E8o9 Lord9 I was not a raid. %ut as or !any days Martha and Mary have 2een sendin& 3 They are now at the &arden rai)in&. They wa)6 a)on& it. Many !ounts are tied to it9 servants on the roads )eadin& here to see whether ;ou were +o!in&9 when I saw ;ou I wat+hed 2y the owners' servants. Their whis/erin& draws the attention o so!e Judaeans who turn towards the o/en &ate <ust when Jesus sets oot on the 2order o the ran to te)) the! that ;ou were +o!in&...G &arden. E;ou did the ri&ht thin&. The sisters wi)) 2e /re/arin& their hearts to see Me.G EThe MasterHG e3+)ai! the irst to see Hi!9 and the word )ies ro! &rou/ to &rou/ )i6e E8o9 Lord. The sisters are not /re/arin& anythin&9 2e+ause they do not 6now. They the rust)in& o the windM it s/reads9 )i6e a wave that +o!es ro! a ar and 2rea6s on the

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shore as ar as the wa))s o the house and enters it9 +ertain)y +arried 2y the !any Judaeans /resent9 or 2y so!e 1harisees9 ra22is or s+ri2es or Saddu+ees9 s+attered here and there.

&rieved and Mary is wee/in& and she +annot set her !ind at rest. 'nd he is no )on&er hereH ;ou 6now how !u+h we )oved hi!H 4e were ho/in& everythin& ro! ;ouH...G

' !ur!ur o /ity or the wo!an and o re/roa+h or Jesus is heard9 a//rovin& the Jesus advan+es very s)ow)y whi)e /eo/)e9 a)thou&h rushin& ro! every dire+tions9 !ove understood thou&htI E...and ;ou +ou)d have satis ied our re=uest 2e+ause we deserve it away ro! the a))ey a)on& whi+h He is wa)6in&. 's no one &reets Hi!9 He does not or the )ove we have or ;ou9 whereas ;ou have disa//ointed usG and the !ur!ur &reet any2ody9 as i He did not 6now any o the !any /eo/)e &athered there )oo6in& at /asses ro! one &rou/ to the ne3t one as /eo/)e sha6e their heads or +ast derisory Hi! with eyes u)) o an&er and hatred9 with the e3+e/tion o a ew who9 2ein& se+ret &)an+es. 5n)y the ew se+ret dis+i/)es !in&)ed with the +rowd )oo6 +o!/assionate)y at dis+i/)es or at )east ri&hteous@hearted9 even i they do not )ove Hi! as Messiah9 res/e+t Jesus9 4ho9 /a)e and sad9 )istens to the &rieved wo!an s/ea6in& to Hi!. ,a!a)ie)9 his Hi! as a <ust !an. 'nd those are Jose/h9 8i+ode!us9 John9 0)eazar9 the other John the ar!s o)ded a+ross his +hest in his wide ri+h ro2e o very ine woo) adorned with 2)ue s+ri2e9 who! I saw at the !u)ti/)i+ation o the )oaves9 and another John9 the one who tasse)s9 a )itt)e a/art in a &rou/ o youn& !en a!on& who! is his son and Jose/h ed the /eo/)e that had +o!e down ro! the !ountain o the 2eatitudes9 ,a!a)ie) with %arna2as9 stares at Jesus9 without hatred and without )ove. his son9 Joshua9 Joa+hi!9 Manaen9 the s+ri2e Joe) o '2i<ah9 seen at the Jordan in the Martha9 a ter wi/in& her a+e9 resu!esI E%ut even now I ho/e 2e+ause I 6now that e/isode o Sa2ea9 Jose/h %arna2as the dis+i/)e o ,a!a)ie)9 7huza who )oo6s at Jesus whatever ;ou as6 o ,od9 He wi)) &rant ;ou.G ' sorrow u) heroi+ /ro ession o aith ro! a ar9 so!ewhat shy seein& Hi! a&ain a ter the !ista6e he had !ade9 or /erha/s uttered in a tre!2)in& wee/in& voi+e9 with her eyes u)) o an3iety and her heart ear o what /eo/)e !ay thin6 /revents hi! ro! a//roa+hin& Hi! as a riend. It is a thro22in& with the )ast ho/e. a+t that neither riends nor those who )oo6 at Hi! without hatred nor ene!ies &reet Hi!. 'nd Jesus does not &reet anyone either. He <ust 2owed )i&ht)y when settin& oot in E;our 2rother wi)) rise a&ain. Stand u/9 Martha.G the a))ey. He has then !oved strai&ht on as i He were a stran&er to the )ar&e +rowd around Hi!. The )itt)e 2oy is wa)6in& 2eside Hi! a)) the ti!e9 in his &ar!ents o a /oor Martha stands u/9 stoo/in& out o res/e+t 2e ore Jesus to 4ho! she re/)iesI EI 6now9 Master. He wi)) rise a&ain at the resurre+tion on the )ast day.G )itt)e /easant and 2are ooted9 2ut with the 2ri&ht +ountenan+e o one who is rea))y en<oyin& hi!se) 9 his )ive)y dar6 eyes wide o/en to see everythin&... and to de y EI a! the .esurre+tion and Li e. 4hoever 2e)ieves in Me9 even i he dies9 wi)) )ive. every2ody... 'nd whoever 2e)ieves and )ives in Me wi)) never die. $o you 2e)ieve a)) thatFG Jesus9 4ho had /revious)y s/o6en in a rather )ow voi+e9 addressin& Martha on)y9 raises His 4 Martha +o!es out o the house with a &rou/ o Judaean visitors a!on& who! there are He)6ai and Sado+. 4ith her hand she shades her eyes tired o wee/in& ro! the sun9 voi+e when sayin& these senten+es in whi+h He /ro+)ai!s His /ower o ,od9 and its /er e+t ti!2re resounds )i6e a &o)den 2)are in the vast &arden. The /eo/)e /resent as the )i&ht hurts the!9 so that she !ay see where is Jesus. She sees Hi!. She de/arts =uiver with an e!otion rese!2)in& ear. Then so!e sneer sha6in& their heads. ro! those a++o!/anyin& her and she runs towards Jesus 4ho is at a ew ste/s ro! the ountain shinin& in the sunshine. She throws herse) at Jesus' eet a ter 2owin& to Hi! and 6isses the!9 whi)e 2urstin& into tears she saysI E1ea+e to ;ou9 MasterHG Jesus a)so9 as soon as she is +)ose to Hi!9 says to herI E1ea+e to youHG and He raises His hand to 2)ess her9 re)easin& the hand o the 2oy9 who is ta6en 2y %artho)o!ew and he)d a )itt)e 2a+6. Martha &oes onI E%ut there is no !ore /ea+e or ;our servant.G Sti)) on her 6nees she )oo6s u/ at Jesus and with a +ry o &rie that is +)ear)y heard in the /revai)in& si)en+e she e3+)ai!sI ELazarus is deadH I ;ou had 2een here9 he wou)d not have died. 4hy did ;ou not +o!e sooner9 MasterFG There is an unintentiona) tone o re/roa+h in her =ues@ tion. She then reverts to the de/ressed tone o one who no )on&er has the stren&th to re/roa+h and whose on)y +o! ort is to re+o))e+t the )ast a+ts and wishes o a re)ative to who! one has tried to &ive what he wanted9 and there is there ore no re!orse in one's heart9 and she saysI ELazarus9 our 2rother9 has +a))ed ;ou so !u+hH... 8ow9 seeH I a! Martha9 into who! Jesus see!s to wish to insti)) a stron&er and stron&er ho/e 2y ho)din& His hand on her shou)der9 raises her )owered head. She raises it towards Jesus starin& with her sad eyes at the 7hrist's 2ri&ht ones and /ressin& her hands a&ainst her 2reast with a di erent an3iety she re/)iesI E;es9 I do9 !y Lord. I 2e)ieve a)) that. I 2e)ieve that ;ou are the 7hrist9 the Son o the )ivin& ,od9 that ;ou have +o!e to the wor)d and that ;ou +an do everythin& ;ou want. I 2e)ieve. I a! now &oin& to te)) MaryG and she disa//ears =ui+6)y into the house. 5 Jesus re!ains where He was. That is9 He ta6es a ew ste/s orward and a//roa+hes the )ower@2ed that surrounds the 2asin o the ountain. The )ower@2ed is strewn on one side with the dia!ond dro/s o the very ine dro/)ets o water o the <et9 2)own to that side 2y a )i&ht 2reeze9 )i6e si)ver down9 and Jesus see!s to 2e )ost in +onte!/)atin& the ish wri&&)e in the )i!/id water and /)ay des+ri2in& si)ver +o!!as and &o)den re )e+tions in the +rysta))ine water shinin& in the sunshine.

5#). Resu e3&i"n "- Laza us.


The Judaeans are wat+hin& Hi!. They have invo)untari)y divided into +)ear)y distin+t &rou/s. 5n one side9 in ront o Jesus9 a)) those who are hosti)e to Hi!9 usua))y se/arated ro! one another 2y se+tarian s/irit9 2ut now +on+ordant in o//osin& Jesus. %eside Hi!9 2ehind the a/ost)es who have 2een <oined 2y Ja!es o >e2edee9 there are Jose/h9 8i+ode!us and others who are we))@dis/osed to Hi!. (arther away there is ,a!a)ie)9 sti)) in the sa!e /)a+e and attitude9 and a)) a)one9 2e+ause his son and dis+i/)es have /arted ro! hi! and <oined the two !ain &rou/s to 2e +)oser to Jesus. 6 4ith her usua) +ryI E.a22oniHG Mary runs out o the house with her ar!s stret+hed out towards Jesus and throws herse) at His eet9 whi+h she 6isses so22in& dee/)y. Severa) Judaeans who were in the house with her and who have o))owed her9 wee/ with her with dou2t u) sin+erity. ')so Ma3i!inus9 Mar+e))a9 Sara9 8ao!i have o))owed Mary9 as we)) as a)) the servants and their wai)in& is )oud and hi&h@/it+hed. I thin6 that there is no one )e t in the house. 4hen Martha sees Mary +ry thus9 she +ries +o/ious)y9 too. E1ea+e to you9 Mary. Stand u/H Loo6 at MeH 4hy wee/ thus9 )i6e one who has no ho/eFG Jesus stoo/s to say these words in a )ow voi+e9 His eyes starin& at Mary's9 who on her 6nees9 re)a3in& on her hee)s9 stret+hes her hands towards Hi! i!/)orin&)y and is una2)e to s/ea69 so dee/ is her so22in&I E$id I not te)) you to ho/e 2eyond what is +redi2)e in order to see the &)ory o ,odF Has your Master /erha/s +han&ed9 that you are so de/ressedFG %ut Mary does not )isten to the words that ai! at /re/arin& her or too &reat a <oy a ter so !u+h an&uish9 and 2ein& a2)e to s/ea6 at )ast9 she shoutsI E5hH LordH 4hy did ;ou not +o!e soonerF 4hy did ;ou &o away ro! usF ;ou 6new that Lazarus was i))H I ;ou had 2een here !y 2rother wou)d not have died. 4hy did ;ou not +o!eF I sti)) had to /rove to hi! that I )oved hi!. He shou)d have )ived. I had to show hi! that I /ersevered in honesty. I a )i+ted !y 2rother so !u+hH 'nd nowH 'nd now that I +ou)d have !ade hi! ha//y9 he has 2een ta6en away ro! !eH ;ou +ou)d have )e t hi! with !e. ;ou +ou)d have &iven /oor Mary the <oy o +o! ortin& hi! a ter &rievin& hi! so dee/)y. 5hH JesusH JesusH My MasterH My SaviourH My ho/eHG and she +o))a/ses a&ain9 her orehead on Jesus' eet9 whi+h are washed on+e a&ain 2y her tears9 and she !oansI E4hy have you done that9 LordFH ')so on a++ount o those who hate ;ou and are now re<oi+in& at what has ha//ened... 4hy have ;ou done that9 JesusFHG %ut there is no re/roa+h in Mary's tone as there was in Martha's9 there is on)y the an&uish o a wo!an9 who is &rieved not on)y as a sister 2ut a)so as a dis+i/)e who ee)s that the o/inion o her Master is di!inished in the hearts o !any /eo/)e. 7 Jesus9 4ho has 2ent very )ow to hear those words whis/ered with her a+e near the &round9 stands u/ and says in a )oud voi+eI EMary9 do not wee/H ')so your Master is su erin& or the death o His aith u) riend... or havin& had to )et hi! die...G 5hH How sneerin& and radiant with hate u) <oy are the a+es o the ene!ies o 7hristH

They ee) that He is de eated and re<oi+e9 whi)st His riends are 2e+o!in& sadder and sadder. Jesus says in an even )ouder voi+eI E%ut I te)) youI do not wee/. Stand u/H Loo6 at MeH $o you thin6 that I9 4ho )oved you so !u+h9 have done this without a reasonF 7an you 2e)ieve that I have &rieved you thus in vainF 7o!e. Let us &o to Lazarus. 4here have you /ut hi!FG Jesus' =uestion9 rather than to Mary and Martha9 who +annot s/ea6 as they are +ryin& even )ouder9 is addressed to a)) the others and /arti+u)ar)y to those who have +o!e out o the house with Mary and )oo6 !ore u/set. 1erha/s they are o)der re)atives9 I do not 6now. 'nd they re/)y to Jesus9 4ho is +)ear)y distressedI E7o!e and seeG9 and they set out towards the /)a+e o the se/u)+hre9 whi+h is at the end o the or+hard9 where the &round is undu)ated and veins o +a)+areous ro+6 a//ear on its sur a+e. Martha9 2eside Jesus 4ho has or+ed Mary to stand u/ and is now &uidin& her9 as she is 2)inded 2y her +o/ious tears9 /oints out to Jesus where Lazarus is9 and when they are near the /)a+e she a)so saysI EIt is there9 Master9 that ;our riend is 2uriedG and she /oints at the stone /)a+ed a+ross the entran+e o the se/u)+hre. Jesus9 o))owed 2y every2ody9 has to /ass in ront o ,a!a)ie)9 in order to &o there. %ut neither He nor ,a!a)ie) &reet ea+h other. ,a!a)ie) then <oins the others sto//in& with a)) the !ore ri&id 1harisees a ew !etres ro! the se/u)+hre9 whi)e Jesus &oes on9 very +)ose to it9 with the two sisters9 Ma3i!inus and those who are /erha/s re)atives. Jesus )oo6s at the heavy stone /)a+ed as a door a&ainst the se/u)+hre9 a heavy o2sta+)e 2etween Hi! and His dead riend9 and He wee/s. The wai)in& o the sisters &rows )ouder9 as we)) as that o inti!ate riends and re)atives. 8 E.e!ove that stoneG shouts Jesus a)) o a sudden9 a ter wi/in& His tears. 0very2ody is sur/rised and a !ur!ur runs throu&h the +rowd that has 2e+o!e )ar&er as so!e /eo/)e o %ethany have entered the &arden and have o))owed the &uests. I +an see so!e 1harisees tou+h their oreheads and sha6e their heads !eanin&I EHe is !adHG. 8o one +arries out the order. 0ven the !ost aith u) ones are hesitant and ee) re/u&nan+e to do it. Jesus re/eats His order in a )ouder voi+e astonishin& even !ore the /eo/)e9 who ur&ed 2y o//osed ee)in&s rea+t at irst as i they wanted to run away9 2ut i!!ediate)y a terwards they wish to draw +)oser9 to see9 de yin& the sten+h o the se/u)+hre that Jesus wants o/ened. EMaster9 it is not /ossi2)eG says Martha strivin& to restrain her tears to 2e a2)e to s/ea6. EHe has 2een down there or our days. 'nd ;ou 6now o what disease he diedH 5n)y

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our )ove !ade it /ossi2)e or us to +ure hi!... %y now he wi)) +ertain)y s!e)) notwithstandin& the oint!ents... 4hat do ;ou want to seeF His rottennessF... It is not /ossi2)e... a)so 2e+ause o the un+)eannes o /utre a+tion and...G

in a /ower u) voi+e and with a +ry )ouder than the one He uttered on the )a6e when He ordered the wind to a2ate9 in a voi+e that I never heard in any other !ira+)e9 He shoutsI ELazarusH 7o!e outHG His voi+e is e+hoed 2y the se/u)+hra) +ave and +o!in& out o it9 it s/reads a)) over the &arden9 it is re/eated 2y the undu)ations o the &round o E$id I not te)) you that i you 2e)ieve you wi)) see the &)ory o ,odF .e!ove that stone. %ethany9 I thin6 it trave)s as ar as the irst hi))s 2eyond the ie)ds and then +o!es 2a+69 I want itHG It is the +ry o divine wi))... re/eated and su2dued9 )i6e an order that +annot ai). It is +ertain that ro! nu!2er)ess dire+tions one +an hear a&ainI EoutH outH outHG ' su2dued EohHG is uttered 2y every !outh. (a+es &row /a)e. So!e /eo/)e shiver as i an i+y wind o death had 2)own over every2ody. 0very2ody is thri))ed with e!otion and i +uriosity rivets everyone in his /)a+e9 a+es Martha nods to Ma3i!inus who orders the servants to &et the ne+essary too)s to re!ove &row /a)e and eyes are o/ened wide whi)e !ouths are +)osed invo)untari)y with +ries o sur/rise a)ready on their )i/s. the heavy stone. The servants run away and +o!e 2a+6 with /i+6s and sturdy )evers. 'nd they wor6 insertin& the /oints o the shinin& /i+6s 2etween the ro+6 and the stone9 and then re/)a+in& the /i+6s with the sturdy )evers and ina))y )i tin& the stone +are u))y9 )ettin& it s)ide to one side and dra&&in& it +autious)y a&ainst the ro+6y wa)). 'n in e+ted sten+h +o!es out o the dar6 ho)e !a6in& everyone withdraw. Martha9 a )itt)e 2ehind and to one side9 see!s as+inated )oo6in& at Jesus. Mary9 who has never !oved away ro! the Master9 a))s on her 6nees at the entran+e o the se/u)+hre9 one hand on her 2reast to +he+6 her thro22in& heart9 the other ho)din& the ed&e o Jesus' !ant)e un+ons+ious)y and +onvu)sive)y9 and one rea)ises that she is tre!2)in& 2e+ause the !ant)e is sha6en )i&ht)y 2y the hand ho)din& it.

Martha as6s in a )ow voi+eI EMaster9 do ;ou want to &o down thereF I ;ou do9 tor+hes 10 So!ethin& white see!s to e!er&e ro! the dee/ end o the se/u)+hre. 't irst it is <ust a short +onve3 )ine9 then it 2e+o!es ova)@sha/ed9 then wider and )on&er )ines wi)) 2e re=uired...G %ut she is wan at the thou&ht o havin& to &o down. a//ear. 'nd the dead 2ody9 enve)o/ed in its 2anda&es9 +o!es s)ow)y orward9 9 Jesus does not re/)y to her. He raises His eyes to the s6y9 He stret+hes out His ar!s 2e+o!in& !ore visi2)e9 !ore !ysterious and !ore aw u). +rosswise and /rays in a very )oud voi+e sy))a2isin& the wordsI E(atherH I than6 ;ou Jesus draws 2a+69 i!/er+e/ti2)y9 2ut +ontinuous)y9 as the other !oves orward. Thus or hearin& Me. I 6new that ;ou a)ways hear Me. %ut I said so or those who are the distan+e 2etween the two is a)ways the sa!e. /resent here9 or the /eo/)e surroundin& Me9 that they !ay 2e)ieve in ;ou9 in Me9 and that ;ou have sent MeHG Mary is +o!/e))ed to dro/ the ed&e o the !ant)e9 2ut she does not !ove ro! where He re!ains thus or a !o!ent and He 2e+o!es so trans i&ured that He see!s to 2e enra/tured9 whi)e without utterin& any sound He says !ore se+ret words o /rayer or adoration. I do not 6now. 4hat I 6now is that He is so transhu!anised that it is not /ossi2)e to )oo6 at Hi! without ee)in& one's heart =uiver. His 2ody see!s to 2e+o!e )i&ht9 s/iritua)ised9 risin& in hei&ht and a)so ro! the earth. ')thou&h the shades o His hair9 eyes9 +o!/)e3ion9 &ar!ents re!ain un+han&ed J +ontrary to what ha//ened durin& the trans i&uration on !ount Ta2or when everythin& 2e+a!e )i&ht and dazz)in& 2ri&htness J He see!s to shed )i&ht and that His who)e 2ody 2e+o!es )i&ht. Li&ht see!s to or! a ha)o around Hi!9 /arti+u)ar)y round His a+e raised to the s6y9 +ertain)y enra/tured in the +onte!/)ation o His (ather. He re!ains thus or so!e ti!e9 then He 2e+o!es Hi!se) 9 the Man9 2ut /ower u))y !a<esti+. He /ro+eeds as ar as the thresho)d o the se/u)+hre. He !oves His ar!s orward J so ar He had he)d the! +rosswise9 the /a)!s turned u/wards J now with /a)!s turned downwards9 so that His hands are a)ready inside the ho)e o the se/u)+hre and their whiteness is outstandin& in the dar6ness o the ho)e. His 2)ue eyes are 2)azin& and their )ash ore+astin& a !ira+)e is today unsustaina2)e9 in the si)ent dar6ness9 and she is. Joy9 e!otion9 everythin&9 nai) her to the /)a+e where she is. 'n EohHG is uttered !ore and !ore +)ear)y 2y the )i/s /revious)y +)osed 2y the an3iety o sus/enseI ro! a whis/er hard)y distin&uisha2)e it +han&es into a voi+e9 ro! a voi+e into a /ower u) +ry. Lazarus is 2y now on the thresho)d o the se/u)+hre and he re!ains there ri&id and si)ent9 )i6e a /)aster statue <ust rou&h@hewed9 thus sha/e)ess9 a )on& thin&9 thin at the head and )e&s9 thi+6er at the trun69 as !a+a2re as death itse) 9 &host@)i6e in the white 2anda&es a&ainst the dar6 2a+6&round o the se/u)+hre. 's the sun shines on hi!9 /utrid !atter +an 2e seen dri//in& a)ready here and there ro! the 2anda&es. Jesus shouts out in a )oud voi+eI E?n2ind hi! and )et hi! &o. ,ive hi! +)othes and ood.G EMasterH...G says Martha9 and /erha/s she wou)d )i6e to say !ore9 2ut Jesus stares at her su2duin& her with His 2ri&ht eyes and He saysI EHereH 't on+eH %rin& a &ar!ent. $ress hi! in the /resen+e o a)) the /eo/)e and &ive hi! so!ethin& to eat.G He orders

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and never turns round to )oo6 at those who are 2ehind and around Hi!. He )oo6s on)y at Lazarus9 at Mary who is near her resurre+ted 2rother9 heed)ess o the dis&ust +aused to every2ody 2y the /utrid 2anda&es9 and at Martha who is /antin& as i she e)t her heart 2rea6 and does not 6now whether she shou)d shout or <oy or wee/... The servants rush to +arry out the instru+tions. 8ao!i is the irst to run away and to +o!e 2a+6 with &ar!ents o)ded on her ar!. So!e untie the 2anda&es a ter ro))in& u/ their s)eeves and tu+6in& u/ their &ar!ents so that they !ay not tou+h the dri//in& rot. Mar+e))a and Sarah +o!e 2a+6 with a!/horas o /er u!es o))owed 2y servants +arryin& 2asins and <u&s o water stea!in& hot or trays with +u/s o !i)69 wine9 ruit9 honey@+a6es. The very )on& narrow 2anda&es9 whi+h I thin6 are o )inen9 with se)ved&e on ea+h side9 o2vious)y woven or that /ur/ose9 unro)) )i6e ro))s o ta/e ro! a ree) and /i)e u/ on the &round9 heavy with s/i+es and /us. The servants !ove the! to one side 2y !eans o sti+6s. They have started ro! the head9 2ut even there there is !atter that has +ertain)y dri//ed ro! the nose9 ears and !outh. The sudariu! /)a+ed on the a+e is soa6ed with /utrid !atter and Lazarus' a+e9 whi+h is very /a)e and e!a+iated9 with his eyes +)osed with the /o!ade /)a+ed in the eye@so+6ets9 with his hair and thin short 2eard sti+6in& to&ether9 is soi)ed with it. The shroud /)a+ed round his 2ody a))s o s)ow)y as the 2anda&es are re!oved9 reein& the trun6 that they had enve)o/ed or days9 restorin& a hu!an i&ure to what they had /revious)y trans or!ed into so!ethin& )i6e a hu&e +hrysa)id. The 2ony shou)ders9 the e!a+iated ar!s9 the ri2s <ust +overed with s6in9 the sun6en sto!a+h 2e&in to a//ear s)ow)y. 'nd as the 2anda&es a)) o 9 the sisters9 Ma3i!inus9 the servants 2usy the!se)ves re!ovin& the irst )ayer o dirt and 2a)!s and they insist +ontinuous)y +han&in& the water !ade deter&ent with s/i+es9 unti) the s6in a//ears +)ean. 11 4hen they un+over Lazarus' a+e and he +an )oo69 he dire+ts his &aze towards Jesus 2e ore )oo6in& at his sisters9 and he see!s a2sent@!inded and does not /ay attention to what is ha//enin& whi)e he )oo6s at his Jesus with a )ovin& s!i)e on his )i/s and tears shinin& in his dee/@sun6en eyes. Jesus a)so s!i)es at hi!9 His eyes shinin& with tears9 and without s/ea6in& He dire+ts Lazarus' &aze towards the s6yM Lazarus understands and !oves his )i/s in si)ent /rayer.

They !a6e hi! sit down to untie his )e&s and wash the!. 's soon as they a//ear Martha and Mary utter a )oud +ry /ointin& to the )e&s and 2anda&es. 'nd whi)st on the 2anda&es tied round the )e&s and on the shroud /)a+ed under the 2anda&es the /utrid !atter is so +o/ious as to strea! down the +)oth9 the )e&s are +o!/)ete)y hea)ed. 5n)y red +yanoti+ s+ars indi+ate the /arts a e+ted 2y &an&rene. ')) the /eo/)e shout their a!aze!ent !ore )oud)yM Jesus s!i)es and Lazarus s!i)es9 too9 )oo6in& or a !o!ent at his hea)ed )e&s9 then he 2e+o!es en&rossed a&ain in )oo6in& at Jesus. He never see!s to &rati y his desire to see Hi!. The Judaeans9 1harisees9 Saddu+ees9 s+ri2es9 ra22is +o!e orward +autious)y in order not to +onta!inate their &ar!ents. They e3a!ine Lazarus +)ose)y. They e3a!ine Jesus +)ose)y. %ut neither Lazarus nor Jesus !inds the!. They )oo6 at ea+h other and a)) the rest !eans nothin& to the!. They now /ut sanda)s on Lazarus' eet and he stands u/9 a&i)e and steady. He ta6es the tuni+ that Martha hands hi!9 he /uts it on 2y hi!se) 9 he astens his 2e)t and ad<usts the o)d o the &ar!ent. 'nd there he is9 )ean and /a)e9 2ut )i6e every2ody e)se. He washes a&ain his hands and ar!s as ar as his e)2ows9 a ter tu+6in& u/ his s)eeves. 'nd with +)ean water he washes his a+e and head a&ain9 unti) he ee)s that he is thorou&h)y +)ean. He dries his hair and a+e9 hands the towe) to the servant and &oes strai&ht towards Jesus. He /rostrates hi!se) . He 6isses His eet. Jesus 2ends9 )i ts hi! u/9 /resses hi! to His heart sayin&I E4e)+o!e 2a+6 ho!e9 My dear riend. May /ea+e and <oy 2e with you. Live to a++o!/)ish your ha//y destiny. .aise your a+e that I !ay &reet you with a 6iss.G 'nd He 6isses Lazarus' +hee6s and is 6issed 2y hi!. 5n)y a ter worshi//in& and 6issin& the Master9 Lazarus s/ea6s to his sisters and 6isses the!M he then 6isses Ma3i!inus and 8ao!i9 who are wee/in& or <oy9 and so!e o those who I thin6 are re)ated to the a!i)y or are very +)ose riends. He then 6isses Jose/h9 8i+ode!us9 Si!on >ea)ot and a ew !ore.

Jesus &oes /ersona))y towards a servant who is +arryin& a tray on whi+h there is so!e ood and He ta6es a honey@+a6e9 an a//)e9 a &o2)et o wine9 and He o ers the! to Lazarus9 a ter o erin& and 2)essin& the!9 so that he !ay nourish hi!se) . 'nd Lazarus Martha thin6s that he wishes to say so!ethin& 2ut has no voi+e yet and she as6sI E4hat eats with the hea)thy a//etite o one who is we)). ' urther EohHG o a!aze!ent is uttered 2y the +rowd. are you sayin& to !e9 !y LazarusFG 12 Jesus see!s to see no one 2ut Lazarus9 2ut in a+tua) a+t He o2serves everythin& and E8othin&9 Martha. I was than6in& the Most Hi&h.G His /ronun+iation is steady9 his every2ody and when He sees with what urious &estures Sado+9 He)6ai9 Hananiah9 voi+e )oud. (e)i39 $oras and 7orne)ius and others are a2out to &o away9 He says in a )oud voi+eI The +rowds utter an EohHG o a!aze!ent on+e a&ain. E4ait a !o!ent9 Sado+. I want to have a word with you9 with you and your riends.G He has now 2een reed and +)eaned down to his sides. 'nd they +an /ut on hi! his short tuni+9 a 6ind o a short shirt that rea+hes 2e)ow his in&uen a))in& on his thi&hs. They sto/ with the sinister )oo6 o +ri!ina)s.

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Jose/h o 'ri!athea !a6es a &esture as i he were ri&htened and 2e+6ons to the >ea)ot to restrain Jesus. %ut He is a)ready &oin& towards the ran+orous &rou/ and is a)ready sayin& )oudI ESado+9 is what you have seen enou&h or youF 5ne day you to)d Me that in order to 2e)ieve9 you and your /eers needed to see a de+o!/osed dead 2ody 2e re+o!/osed and in &ood hea)th. 're you satis ied with the rottenness you have seenF 7an you ad!it that Lazarus was dead and that now he is a)ive and hea)thy9 as he has never 2een or !any yearsF I 6now. ;ou +a!e here to te!/t these /eo/)e9 to in+rease their &rie and their dou2t. ;ou +a!e here )oo6in& or Me9 ho/in& to ind Me hidin& in the roo! o the dyin& !an. ;ou did not +o!e with ee)in&s o )ove and with the desire to honour the de+eased !an9 2ut to ensure that Lazarus was rea))y dead9 and you have +ontinued to +o!e re<oi+in& a)) the !ore as ti!e went 2y. I the situation had evo)ved as you were ho/in&9 as you 2e)ieved it wou)d evo)ve9 you wou)d have 2een ri&ht in e3u)tin&. The (riend 4ho +ures every2ody9 2ut does not +ure His riend. The Master 4ho rewards every2ody's aith9 2ut not the aith o His riends in %ethany. The Messiah /ower)ess a&ainst the rea)ity o death. That is what was !a6in& you e3u)t. Then ,od &ave you His re/)y. 8o /ro/het had ever 2een a2)e to /ut to&ether what was de+o!/osed9 in addition to 2ein& dead. ,od did it. That is the )ivin& witness o what I a!. 5ne day it was ,od 4ho too6 so!e dust and !ade it into a or! and He 2reathed the vita) s/irit into it and !an was. I was there to sayI CLet !an 2e !ade in our own i!a&e and )i6enessD. %e+ause I a! the 4ord o the (ather. Today9 I9 the 4ord9 said to what is even )ess than dust9 I said to rottennessI CLiveD9 and de+o!/osition was re+o!/osed into )esh9 into who)eso!e9 )ivin&9 2reathin& )esh. There it is )oo6in& at you. 'nd to the )esh I <oined the s/irit that had 2een )yin& or days in '2raha!'s 2oso!. I +a))ed hi! with My wi))9 2e+ause I +an do everythin&9 as I a! the Livin& %ein&9 the :in& o 6in&s to 4ho! a)) +reatures and thin&s are su2<e+t. 4hat are you &oin& to re/)y to Me nowFG He is in ront o the!9 ta))9 a2)aze with !a<esty9 rea))y Jud&e and ,od. They do not re/)y. He insistsI EIs it not yet enou&h or you to 2e)ieve9 to a++e/t what is ine)u+ta2)eFG E;ou have 6e/t 2ut one /art o ;our /ro!ise. This is not the si&n o Jonah...G says Sado+ harsh)y. E;ou sha)) have that one as we)). I /ro!ised it and I wi)) 6ee/ My /ro!iseG says the Lord. 'nd another /erson9 who is /resent here9 and is waitin& or another si&n9 sha)) have it. 'nd as he is a <ust !an9 he wi)) a++e/t it. ;ou wi)) not. ;ou wi)) re!ain what you are.G He turns round and sees Si!on9 the !e!2er o the Sanhedrin9 the son o 0)ianna. He &azes at hi!. He )eaves the /revious &rou/ and when He is a+e to a+e with hi!9 He says in a )ow 2ut in+isive voi+eI E;ou are ortunate that Lazarus does not re!e!2er his stay a!on& the deadH 4hat have you done with your ather9 o 7ainFG

Si!on runs away with a +ry o ear that he +han&es into a how) o !a)edi+tionI EMay ;ou 2e +ursed9 8azareneHG to whi+h Jesus re/)iesI E;our +urse is risin& to Heaven and ro! Heaven the Most Hi&h throws it 2a+6 at you. ;ou are !ar6ed with the si&n9 you wret+hHG He &oes 2a+6 to the &rou/s that are astonished9 a)!ost ri&htened. He !eets ,a!a)ie) who is &oin& towards the road. He )oo6s at ,a!a)ie)9 who )oo6s at Hi!. Jesus says to hi! without sto//in&I E%e ready9 ra22i. The si&n wi)) +o!e soon. I never )ie.G 13 The &arden s)ow)y 2e+o!es e!/ty. The Judaeans are du!2 ounded9 2ut !ost o the! are 2urstin& with wrath. I &)an+es +ou)d redu+e one to ashes9 Jesus wou)d have 2een /u)verised a )on& ti!e a&o. They s/ea6 and dis+uss a!on& the!se)ves whi)e &oin& away9 and they are so u/set 2y their de eat that they are una2)e to +on+ea) the /ur/ose o their /resen+e here under the hy/o+riti+a) a//earan+e o riendshi/. They &o away without sayin& &ood2ye to Lazarus or to the sisters. So!e re!ain 2ehind as they have 2een +on=uered to the Lord 2y the !ira+)e. '!on& the! there is Jose/h %arna2as9 who throws hi!se) on his 6nees 2e ore Jesus worshi//in& Hi!. 'nother one is Joe) o '2i<ah9 the s+ri2e9 who does the sa!e thin& 2e ore de/artin&. 'nd there are others as we))9 who! I do not 6now9 2ut they !ust 2e in )uentia) /eo/)e. In the !eanti!e Lazarus9 surrounded 2y his !ore inti!ates9 has withdrawn into the house. Jose/h9 8i+ode!us and other &ood /eo/)e &reet Jesus and &o away. The Judaeans who were stayin& with Martha and Mary de/art &ivin& )ow 2ows. The servants +)ose the &ate. The house 2e+o!es /ea+e u) a&ain. Jesus )oo6s a2out Hi!se) . He sees s!o6e and )a!es at the end o the &arden9 towards the se/u)+hre. ')) a)one9 standin& in the !idd)e o a /ath Jesus saysI E Rottenness that is being destroyed by fire... The rottenness of death... But no fire will ever destroy the corruption of hearts... of those hearts... Not even the fire of Hell. It will last forever... How horrible!... Worse than death... Worse than putrefaction... And... But who will save you o !an"ind if you love so #uch to be corrupt$ %ou want to be corrupt. And I... I have torn a #an fro# his sepulchre with one word... And with a #ultitude of words... and a #ultitude of sorrows I shall not be able to tear away fro# sin #an #en Nations of #en.G He sits down and with His hands He +overs His a+e de<e+ted)y... ' servant9 who is /assin& 2y9 sees Hi!. He &oes into the house. Short)y a terwards Mary +o!es out. She &oes towards Jesus wa)6in& so )i&ht)y that she does not see! to 2e tou+hin& the &round. She a//roa+hes Hi! and says in a )ow voi+eI E.a22oni9 ;ou are tired... 7o!e9 !y Lord. ;our tired a/ost)es have &one to the other house9 e3+e/t Si!on the >ea)ot... 're ;ou wee/in&9 MasterF 4hyF...G She 6nee)s at Jesus' eet... she wat+hes Hi!...

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Jesus )oo6s at her. He does not re/)y. He stands u/ and dire+ts His ste/s towards the house o))owed 2y Mary. 14 They &o into one o the ha))s. Lazarus is not there9 neither is the >ea)ot. %ut Martha is there9 she is ha//y9 trans i&ured 2y <oy. She turns towards Jesus e3/)ainin&I ELazarus has &one to the 2athroo!. To /uri y hi!se) urther. 5hH MasterH MasterH 4hat sha)) I te)) ;ouFG She adores Hi! with her who)e 2ein&. She 2e+o!es aware o Jesus' sadness and saysI E're ;ou sad9 LordF 're ;ou not ha//y that Lazarus...G She 2e+o!es sus/i+iousI E5hH ;ou are &rave with !e. I have sinned. It is true.G E4e have sinned9 sisterG says Mary. E8o. ;ou did not. 5hH Master9 Mary did not sin. Mary o2eyed. I on)y diso2eyed. I sent or ;ou... 2e+ause I +ou)d no )on&er 2ear their insinuations that ;ou were not the Messiah9 the Lord... and I +ou)d no )on&er /ut u/ with a)) that su erin&... Lazarus was so an3ious to have ;ou. He +a))ed ;ou so !u+h... (or&ive !e9 Jesus.G E're you not sayin& anythin&9 MaryFG as6s Jesus. EMaster... I... I su ered then on)y as a wo!an. I su ered 2e+ause... Martha9 swear9 swear here9 2e ore the Master that you wi)) never te)) Lazarus o his renzy... !y Master... I have 6nown ;ou +o!/)ete)y9 o $ivine Mer+y9 durin& Lazarus' )ast hours. 5hH !y ,odH How !u+h ;ou have )oved !e9 as ;ou have or&iven !e. ;ou9 ,od9 ;ou9 1ure9 ;ou...9 i !y 2rother9 who does )ove !e9 2ut is a !an9 on)y a !an9 has not or&iven !e everythin& ro! the 2otto! o his heartFH 8o. I a! wron&. He has not or&iven !y /ast and when his wea6ness on the /oint o death 2)unted his &oodness9 whi+h I thou&ht was o2)ivion o the /ast9 he shouted his &rie and his indi&nation a&ainst !e... 5hH...G Mary wee/s... E$o not wee/9 Mary. ,od has or&iven you and has or&otten. Lazarus' sou) has a)so or&iven and or&otten9 it wanted to or&et. The !an has not 2een a2)e to or&et everythin&. 'nd when the )esh overwhe)!ed the wea6ened wi)) with its )ast /an&s9 the !an s/o6e.G EI a! not indi&nant at it9 Lord. It he)/ed !e to )ove ;ou !ore and to )ove Lazarus !ore. %ut it was ro! that !o!ent that I a)so wished to have ;ou here... 2e+ause it was too distressin& to thin6 that Lazarus shou)d die without /ea+e throu&h !y au)t... and )ater9 when I heard the Judaeans deride ;ou... when I saw that ;ou were not +o!in& even a ter his death9 not even a ter I had o2eyed ;ou ho/in& 2eyond what is +redi2)e9 ho/in& ti)) the !o!ent when the se/u)+hre was o/ened to re+eive hi!9 then !y s/irit su ered. Lord9 i I had anythin& to e3/iate9 and I +ertain)y had it9 I did e3/iate...G E1oor MaryH I 6now your heart. ;ou deserved the !ira+)e and )et that +on ir! you in ho/in& and 2e)ievin&.G

EMy Master9 I wi)) a)ways ho/e and 2e)ieve now. I wi)) never dou2t a&ain9 Lord. I wi)) )ive on aith. ;ou have ena2)ed !e to 2e)ieve what is un2e)ieva2)e.G E'nd what a2out you9 MarthaF Have you )earnedF 8o. 8ot yet. ;ou are My Martha. %ut you are not yet My /er e+t worshi//er. 4hy do you a+t and you do not +onte!/)ateF It is ho)ier. SeeF ;our stren&th9 as it is too in+)ined towards earth)y thin&s9 yie)ded to the as+ertain!ent o earth)y !atters that at ti!e see! without re!edy. In actual fact earthly #atters are without re#edy unless &od intervenes. That is why hu#an creatures #ust be able to believe and conte#plate and love to the ut#ost power of their whole being with thought soul flesh blood' I repeat( with all the strength of #an. I want you to 2e stron&9 Martha. I want you to 2e /er e+t. %ou did not obey because you did not believe and hope co#pletely and you did not believe and hope because you did not love absolutely. %ut I a2so)ve you. I or&ive you9 Martha. I raised Lazarus today. I wi)) now &ive you a stron&er heart. I &ave hi! )i e. I wi)) insti)) into you the stren&th to )ove9 2e)ieve and ho/e /er e+t)y. %e ha//y now and in /ea+e. (or&ive those who o ended you in the /ast days...G ELord9 I have sinned a&ainst that. 8ot )on& a&o I said to o)d Hananiah9 who had sneered at ;ou in /revious daysI C4ho has triu!/hedF ;ou or ,odF ;our !o+6ery or !y aithF 7hrist is the Livin& %ein& and the Truth. I 6new that His &)ory wou)d shine !ore 2ri&ht)y. 'nd you9 o)d !an9 !a6e yourse) a new sou)9 i you do not want to 6now what death is.G E;ou s/o6e the truth9 2ut do not +ontend with the wi+6ed9 Mary. 'nd or&ive. (or&ive i you want to i!itate Me... 15 Here is Lazarus. I +an hear his voi+e.G Lazarus in a+t +o!es in9 wearin& resh +)othes and +)ean@shaven9 his hair dressed and s+ented. Ma3i!inus and the >ea)ot are with hi!. EMasterHG Lazarus 6nee)s down on+e a&ain worshi//in&. Jesus )ays a hand on his head and s!i)es sayin&I EThe test is over9 My riend. (or you and or your sisters. %e ha//y and stron& now in servin& the Lord. 4hat do you re!e!2er9 Me riend9 o the /astF I !ean o your )ast hoursFG E' &reat desire to see ;ou and a &reat /ea+e in the )ove o !y sisters.G E4hat did you re&ret !ost to )eave dyin&FG E;ou9 Lord9 and !y sisters. ;ou9 2e+ause I wou)d not have 2een a2)e to serve ;ou9 the!... 2e+ause they have &iven !y every <oy...G E5hH !e9 2rotherHG says Mary with a si&h. E;ou !ore than Martha. ;ou have &iven !e Jesus and the !easure o what is Jesus. 'nd Jesus has &iven you to !e. ;ou are the &i t o ,od9 Mary.G

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E;ou said so a)so when you were dyin&...G says Mary and she s+rutinises her 2rother's a+e. E%e+ause it is !y +onstant thou&ht.G E%ut I have &rieved you so dee/)y...G E')so !y disease was /ain u). %ut throu&h it I ho/e I have e3/iated the au)ts o o)d Lazarus and that I have risen /uri ied to 2e worthy o ,od. ;ou and I9 the two who have risen a&ain to serve the Lord9 and Martha 2etween us9 as she has a)ways 2een the /ea+e o the house.G E$o you hear that9 MaryF Lazarus is s/ea6in& words o wisdo! and truth. I wi)) now withdraw and )eave you to your <oy...G E8o9 Lord. Stay here with us. Stay in %ethany and in !y house. It wi)) 2e )ove)y...G EI wi)) stay. I want to !a6e u/ or what you have su ered. Martha9 do not 2e sad. Martha thin6s that she has &rieved Me. %ut My &rie is not 2rou&ht a2out 2y you9 2ut 2y those who do not want to 2e redee!ed. They hate !ore and !ore. Their hearts are /oisoned... 4e))... )et us or&ive...G ELet us or&ive9 LordG says Lazarus with his !i)d s!i)e... and it a)) ends on that word. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 16 Jesus saysI EThe di+tation dated #3rd Mar+h 1944 on Lazarus' .esurre+tion +an 2e /ut here.G
23!d .a!'h $9**.

in My wisdo!9 I did not want to +hoose and edu+ate +hi)dren 2rin&in& the! u/ a++ordin& to My thou&ht to !a6e the! My a/ost)es. I +ou)d have done that9 2ut I did not want to9 )est sou)s shou)d re/roa+h Me or des/isin& those who are not inno+ent and shou)d <usti y the!se)ves with the e3+use that I a)so had !ade it +)ear that those whose +hara+ters are a)ready or!ed +annot +han&e. 8o. )verything can be changed if one is willing. In a+t I turned +oward)y9 =uarre)so!e9 usurious9 sensua)9 in+redu)ous /eo/)e into !artyrs9 saints and evan&e)izers o the wor)d. *nly those who did not want did not change. 18 I )oved and sti)) )ove )itt)e and wea6 /eo/)e J you are an e3a!/)e J /rovidin& they are wi))in& to )ove and o))ow Me9 and I turn su+h CnonentitiesD into My avourities9 My riends9 My !inisters. I sti)) !a6e use o the!9 and they are a +ontinuous !ira+)e that I wor6 to )ead others to 2e)ieve in Me9 and not to 6i)) the /ossi2i)ity o !ira+)es. How )an&uishin& that /ossi2i)ity is at /resentH Li6e a )a!/ )a+6in& oi) it is in the throes o death and it dies9 6i))ed 2y the s+anty or )a+6in& aith in the ,od o !ira+)es. There are two or!s o insisten+e in re=uestin& a !ira+)e. ,od yie)ds to one with )ove. He turns His 2a+6 disdain u))y to the other. The or!er as6s9 as I tau&ht to as69 without )a+6 o +on iden+e and without tiredness9 and does not ad!it that ,od !ay not &rant the re=uest9 2e+ause ,od is &ood and who is &ood &rants9 2e+ause ,od is /ower u) and +an do everythin&. That is )ove and ,od hears those who )ove. The )atter is the over@ 2earin&ness o re2e)s who want ,od to 2e their servant and to )ower Hi!se) to their wi+6edness and to &ive the! what they do not &ive Hi!I )ove and o2edien+e. This or! is an o en+e that ,od /unishes 2y denyin& His &ra+es. ;ou +o!/)ain that I no )on&er wor6 +o))e+tive !ira+)es. How +ou)d I wor6 the!F 4here are the +o!!unities that 2e)ieve in MeF 4here are the true 2e)ieversF How !any true 2e)ievers are there in a +o!!unityF Li6e survivin& )owers in a wood 2urnt 2y a ire I +an see a 2e)ievin& s/irit now and a&ain. Satan has 2urnt the rest with his do+trines. 'nd he wi)) 2urn the! !ore and !ore. 19 I 2e& you to 2ear in !ind My re/)y to Tho!as9 as a su/ernatura) ru)e or yourse)ves. It is not /ossi2)e to 2e My true dis+i/)es i one +annot &ive hu!an )i e the i!/ortan+e it deservesI a !eans to +on=uer the true Li e9 not an ai!. He who wants to save his )i e in this wor)d wi)) )ose eterna) Li e. I have to)d you and I re/eat it. 4hat are tria)sF 1assin& +)ouds. Heaven re!ains and is waitin& or you a ter the tria).

17 Jesus saysI EI +ou)d have intervened in ti!e to /revent Lazarus' death. %ut I did not want to do that. I 6new that his resurre+tion wou)d 2e a dou2)e@ed&ed wea/on9 2e+ause it wou)d +onvert the ri&hteous@!inded Judaeans and wou)d !a6e the non@ri&hteous@!inded ones even !ore ran+orous. The )atter9 2e+ause o this ina) 2)ow o My /ower9 wou)d senten+e Me to death. %ut I had +o!e or that and it was now ti!e that that shou)d 2e a++o!/)ished. I +ou)d have &one at on+e9 2ut I needed to +onvin+e the !ost stu22orn in+redu)ous /eo/)e 2y !eans o a resurre+tion ro! advan+ed rottenness. 'nd a)so My a/ost)es9 destined to s/read My (aith in the wor)d9 needed a aith su//orted 2y !ira+)es o the irst !a&nitude.

I con+uered Heaven for you through !y herois#. %ou #ust i#itate !e. Herois! is not )aid aside e3+)usive)y or those who are to su er !artyrdo!. ,hristian life is perpetual herois# because it is a perpetual struggle against the world the de#on and the flesh. I There was so !u+h hu!anity in the a/ost)es. I have a)ready said so. It was not an insur!ounta2)e o2sta+)e9 on the +ontrary it was a )o&i+a) +onse=uen+e o their +ondition do not +o!/e) you to o))ow Me. I )eave you ree. %ut I do not want you to 2e hy/o+rites. 0ither with Me and )i6e Me9 or a&ainst Me. ;ou +annot de+eive Me. 8o9 I o !en +a))ed to 2e My a/ost)es when they were a)ready &rown@u/. The !enta)ity9 the +annot 2e de+eived9 and I do not or! a))ian+es with the 0ne!y. I you /re er hi! to ra!e o !ind o a /erson +annot 2e +han&ed 2etween one day and the ne3t one. 'nd9 Me9 you +annot thin6 that you +an have Me as your (riend at the sa!e ti!e. 0ither hi!

5#). Resu e3&i"n "- Laza us.


or Me. Ma6e your +hoi+e. 20 Martha's &rie is di erent ro! Mary's 2e+ause o the di erent /sy+he o the two sisters and 2e+ause o their di erent 2ehaviour. Ha//y are those who 2ehave in su+h a way as to have no re!orse or &rievin& one who is now dead and +an no )on&er 2e +o! orted or the sorrow +aused to hi!. %ut how !u+h ha//ier is he who has no re!orse or &rievin& his ,od9 Me9 Jesus9 and is not a raid o the day he wi)) have to !eet Me9 on the +ontrary he /ines or it9 as or a <oy an3ious)y drea!t o or a who)e )i eti!e and at )on& )ast a+hieved. I a# your -ather Brother and -riend. So why do you o end Me so o tenF $o you 6now how )on& you sti)) have to )iveF To )ive in order to !a6e a!endsF 8o9 you do not 6now that. .o act righteously hour by hour day by day. ')ways ri&hteous)y. ;ou wi)) a)ways !a6e Me ha//y. 'nd even i sorrow +o!es to you9 2e+ause sorrow is san+ti i+ation9 it is the !yrrh that /reserves you ro! the /utridity o sensua)ity9 you wi)) a)ways 2e +ertain that I )ove you J and that I )ove you a)so in that &rie J and you wi)) a)ways have the /ea+e that +o!es ro! My )ove. ;ou9 My )itt)e John9 6now whether I +an +o! ort one a)so in &rie . 21 In My /rayer to the (ather there is re/eated what I said at the 2e&innin&I it was ne+essary to rouse the o/a+ity o the Judaeans and o the wor)d in &enera) 2y !eans o a !ain !ira+)e. 'nd the resurre+tion o a !an who had 2een 2uried our days and had &one down into the to!2 a ter a )on&9 +hroni+9 dis&ustin& we))@6nown disease is not an event that +an )eave /eo/)e indi erent or dou2t u). I I had +ured hi! whi)e he was a)ive9 or i I had in used the s/irit into hi! as soon as he had 2reathed his )ast9 the a+ridity o ene!ies !i&ht have raised dou2ts on the entity o the !ira+)e. %ut the sten+h o the +or/se9 the /utre a+tion o the 2anda&es9 the )on& /eriod in the se/u)+hre )e t no dou2ts. 'nd9 a !ira+)e in the !ira+)e9 I wanted Lazarus to 2e reed and +)eaned in the /resen+e o every2ody so that they +ou)d see that not on)y )i e 2ut a)so the who)eso!eness o the )i!2s had 2een restored where /revious)y the u)+erated )esh had s/read the &er!s o death in the 2)ood. 4hen I &rant a &ra+e I a)ways &ive !ore than what you as6 or. 22 I we/t 2e ore Lazarus' to!2. 'nd !any na!es have 2een &iven to My tears. In the !eanti!e you !ust 2ear in !ind that &ra+es are o2tained throu&h &rie !i3ed with un a)terin& aith in the 0terna) (ather. I we/t not so !u+h 2e+ause o the )oss o My riend and 2e+ause o the sorrow o the sisters9 as 2e+ause three thou&hts that had a)ways /ier+ed My heart )i6e three shar/ nai)s sur a+ed then9 !ore )ive)y than ever9 )i6e de/ths stirred u/. The as+ertain!ent o the ruin that Satan had 2rou&ht to !an 2y sedu+in& hi! to 0vi). ' ruin the hu!an /unish!ent o whi+h was sorrow and death. 1hysi+a) death9 the sy!2o) and )ivin& !eta/hor o s/iritua) death that sin +auses to the sou)9 hur)in& it into in erna) dar6ness9 whereas it was destined9 )i6e a =ueen9 to )ive in the 6in&do! o Li&ht.

The /ersuasion that not even this !ira+)e9 wor6ed a)!ost as a su2)i!e +oro))ary to three years o evan&e)ization9 wou)d +onvin+e the Judai+ wor)d o the Truth o whi+h I was the %earer. 'nd that no !ira+)e wou)d in uture +onvert the wor)d to 7hrist. 5hH How &rievous it was to 2e so +)ose to death or so ewH The !enta) vision o My i!!inent death. I was ,od. %ut I was a)so Man. 'nd to 2e the .edee!er I was to ee) the wei&ht o e3/iation. There ore the horror o death and o su+h a death. I was a )ivin& hea)thy 2ein& who was sayin& to hi!se) I CI sha)) soon 2e dead9 I sha)) 2e in a se/u)+hre )i6e Lazarus. Soon the !ost dread u) a&ony wi)) 2e !y +o!/anion. I !ust die.D ,od's 6indness s/ares you the 6now)ed&e o the uture. %ut I was not s/ared it. 5hH 2e)ieve Me9 you who +o!/)ain o your destiny. 8one was !ore sad than Mine9 2e+ause I a)ways +)ear)y oresaw everythin& that was to ha//en to Me9 <oined to the /overty9 the hardshi/s9 the 2itte!ess that a++o!/anied Me ro! My 2irth to My death. So9 do not +o!/)ain. 'nd ho/e in Me. I &ive you My /ea+e.G @@@@@@@@@@@

23 Mar&ina) notes on Lazarus' resurre+tion and in +onne+tion with a senten+e o St. John. Jesus saysI EIn the ,os/e) o John9 as it has now 2een read or a&es9 there is writtenI CJesus had not yet +o!e into the vi))a&e o %ethanyD KJohn 99 30L. To avoid /ossi2)e o2<e+tions I wish to /oint out that9 with re&ard to this senten+e and the one o the 4or6 whi+h states that I !et Martha a ew ste/s away ro! the ountain in Lazarus' &arden9 there is no +ontra@ di+tion o events9 2ut on)y a dis+re/an+y o trans)ation and des+ri/tion. Three =uarters o the vi))a&e o %ethany 2e)on&ed to Lazarus. Li6ewise a )ar&e /art o Jerusa)e! 2e)on&ed to hi!. %ut )et us s/ea6 o %ethany. 's three =uarters o it 2e)on&ed to Lazarus9 one +ou)d sayI %ethany o Lazarus. So the te3t wou)d not 2e wron& even i I had !et Martha in the vi))a&e or at the ountain9 as so!e /eo/)e wish to say. In a+tua) a+t I had not &one into the vi))a&e9 to /revent the /eo/)e o %ethany9 who were a)) hosti)e to the !e!2ers o the Sanhedrin9 ro! rushin& towards Me. I had &one round the 2a+6 o %ethany to rea+h Lazarus' house9 whi+h was at the o//osite end with res/e+t to one who entered %ethany +o!in& ro! 0n@she!es. So John ri&ht)y says that I had not yet entered the vi))a&e. 'nd e=ua))y ri&ht is )itt)e John who says that I had sto//ed near the 2asin K ountain or the JewsL a)ready in Lazarus' &arden9 2ut sti)) very ar ro! the house. 5ne shou)d a)so +onsider that durin& the /eriod o !ournin& and un+)eanness Kit was not yet the seventh day a ter Lazarus' deathL his sisters did not )eave the house. So the !eetin& too6 /)a+e within the en+)osure o their /ro/erty. 8ote that )itt)e John states that the /eo/)e o %ethany +a!e into the &arden on)y when I had ordered the stone to 2e re!oved. 1revious)y the /eo/)e o %ethany did not 6now that I was in

5#). Resu e3&i"n "- Laza us.


%ethany9 and on)y when the news was s/read they rushed to Lazarus' house.G

E5n the +ontrary9 I sha)) have to &o there... I !ust &o. %ut I wanted to +a)) on 0)ie) and 0)6anah irst. They )ive in se+)usion9 2ut their o/inions are a)ways hi&h)y thou&ht o in Israe)H 'nd Johanna is /)eased that I honour the!. 'nd I...G E' &ood /rote+tion or you. That is true. %ut not so &ood as the Master's )ove. That is the on)y /rote+tion that !atters...G

5*8. In Je!usa5e( and in &he Te(95e a1&e! &he Resu!!e'&i#n #1 La a!us.

28&h De'e()e! $9*+.

7huza does not re/)y. He is /ensive... I )ose si&ht o the!. Jose/h o 'ri!athea +o!es orward hurried)y ro! %ezetha. He is sto//ed 2y a &rou/ o +itizens who are sti)) un+ertain whether they shou)d 2e)ieve the news. They as6 hi!.

1 I the news o the death o Lazarus had sha6en and a&itated Jerusa)e! and a )ar&e /art o Judaea9 the news o his resurre+tion ended 2y sha6in& and /enetratin& a)so where the EIt's true. Bery true. Lazarus has risen and he has a)so 2een +ured. I saw hi! with !y own eyes.G news o the death had not +aused any e3+ite!ent. ESo... He is rea))y the MessiahHG 1erha/s the ew 1harisees and s+ri2es9 that is the !e!2ers o the Sanhedrin /resent at the resurre+tion9 did not !ention it to the /eo/)e. %ut the Judaeans +ertain)y have s/o6en a2out it9 and the news has s/read in a )ash9 and the voi+es o wo!en re/eat it ro! house to house9 ro! terra+e to terra+e9 whi)e the +o!!on /eo/)e /ro/a&ate it in the streets with &reat <u2i)ation or Jesus' triu!/h and or Lazarus. 1eo/)e i)) the streets runnin& here and there9 thin6in& they are the irst to &ive the news9 2ut they are disa//ointed 2e+ause it is a)ready 6nown in 5/he) as we)) as in %ezetha9 in >ion as at the Si3tus !ar6et. It is 6nown in syna&o&ues9 in warehouses9 in the Te!/)e and in Herod's /a)a+e. It is 6nown at the 'ntonia and ro! there9 or vi+e versa9 it s/reads to the &uard@roo!s at the &ates. It i))s !ansions and hove)sI EThe .a22i o 8azareth has raised ro! the dead Lazarus o %ethany9 who died the day 2e ore (riday and was 2uried 2e ore the 2e&innin& o the Sa22ath and he rose a&ain today at the si3th hour.G The Jewish a++)a!ations to the 7hrist and to the Most Hi&h !in&)e with the various E%y JoveH %y 1o))u3H %y Li2itinaHG et+. o the .o!ans. 2 The on)y ones I do not see a!on& the +rowds ta)6in& in the streets are the !e!2ers o the Sanhedrin. I do not see even one o the!9 whereas I see 7huza and Manaen +o!e out ro! a state)y !ansion and I hear 7huza sayI E4onder u)H 4onder u)H I sent word to Johanna at on+e. He is rea))y ,odHGM and Manaen re/)ies to hi!I EHerod9 who +a!e ro! Jeri+ho to /ay his res/e+ts to... the +hie 9 1ontius 1i)ate9 see!s to have &one !ad in his /a)a+e9 whi)e Herodias is ranti+ and she /resses hi! to have the 7hrist arrested. She tre!2)es dreadin& His /owerM he is torn with re!orse. 4ith +hatterin& teeth he te))s his devoted o))owers to de end hi! ro!... &hosts. He &ot drun6 to !uster u/ +oura&e and the wine eddyin& in his head !a6es hi! see /hantas!s. He shouts sayin& that the 7hrist has raised a)so John who is now ye))in& ,od's !a)edi+tions +)ose to hi!. I ran away ro! that ,ehenna. I was +ontent with sayin& to hi!I CLazarus has 2een raised ro! the dead 2y Jesus the 8azarene. Mind you do not tou+h Hi!9 2e+ause He is ,odD. I sti!u)ate his ear so that he !ay not yie)d to her !urderous intents.G

EHis deeds are su+h. His )i e is /er e+t. This is the ri&ht ti!e. Satan i&hts Hi!. Let ea+h !an +on+)ude in his own heart who is the 8azareneG says Jose/h wise)y and air)y at the sa!e ti!e. He &reets the! and &oes away. They +ontinue to dis+uss and end u/ 2y sayin&I EHe is rea))y the Messiah.G 3 There is a &rou/ o )e&ionaries and one o the! saysI EI wi)) &o to %ethany to!orrow i I +an. %y Benus and Mars9 the &ods I /re erH I !ay trave) a)) over the wor)d9 ro! the hot deserts to the i+y ,er!an )ands9 2ut never a&ain sha)) I ind a !an who +o!es to )i e a&ain a ter 2ein& dead or days. I want to see what a !an9 who +o!es 2a+6 ro! death9 is )i6e. He wi)) 2e 2)a+6 with the water o the rivers o the 2eyond...G EI he was a virtuous !an9 he wi)) 2e 2)uish a ter drin6in& the s6y@2)ue water o the 0)ysian (ie)ds. There is not on)y the Sty3 there...G EHe wi)) te)) us what the !eadows o as/hode)s in Hades are )i6e... I wi)) +o!e as we))...G EI 1ontius wi)) a))ow us...G E5 +ourse he wi))H He sent a !essen&er to 7)audia at on+e te))in& her to +o!e. 7)audia )oves these thin&s. I have heard her !ore than on+e +onverse9 with the other wo!en and her ,ree6 reed!en9 a2out sou)s and i!!orta)ity.G E7)audia 2e)ieves in the 8azarene. '++ordin& to her He is &reater than any other !an.G E;es9 2ut a++ordin& to Ba)eria He is !ore than a !an. He is ,od. ' 6ind o Ju/iter and '/o))o with re&ard to /ower and handso!eness9 they say9 and wiser than Minerva. Have you seen Hi!F I +a!e here with 1ontius and it is the irst ti!e that I have 2een here9 so I do not 6now...G

5#*.In Je usa2e. and in &he Te.52e a-&e &he Resu e3&i"n "- Laza us.


EI thin6 that you have arrived in ti!e to see !any thin&s. 8ot )on& a&o 1ontius was shoutin& as )oud as Stentor sayin&I E0verythin& is to 2e +han&ed here. They !ust understand that .o!e is the ru)er and that they9 a)) o the!9 are servants. 'nd the &reater they are9 the !ore servi)e they are9 2e+ause they are !ore dan&erous.D I thin6 it was 2e+ause o that ta2)et that 'nnas' servant too6 to hi!...G E5 +ourse. He wi)) not )isten to the!... 'nd he 6ee/s shi tin& us... 2e+ause he does not want us to 2e riend)y with the!.G E(riend)y with the!F 'hH 'hH 4ith those 2i&@nosed ty/es stin6in& )i6e 2i))y@&oatsF 1ontius su ers ro! indi&estion 2e+ause he eats too !u+h /or6. I anythin&... we are riend)y with so!e o the wo!en who do not disdain the 6isses o +)ean@shaven )i/s...G says a !is+hievous one )au&hin&. EIt is a a+t that a ter the unru)iness at the east o the Ta2erna+)es he insisted in havin& a)) the troo/s +han&ed with the resu)t that we have to &o away...G EThat is true. The arriva) o the &a))ey 2rin&in& Lon&inus and his +entury was a)ready noti ied at 7aesarea. 8ew o i+ers and new troo/s... and a)) 2e+ause o those +ro+odi)es o the Te!/)e. I )i6ed this /)a+e.G EI /re erred %rindisi... %ut I sha)) &et a++usto!ed to this /)a+eG says the one who arrived in 1a)estine re+ent)y. They a)so !ove away. 4 So!e &uards o the Te!/)e /ass 2y with wa3@ta2)ets. 1eo/)e wat+h the! and sayI EThe Sanhedrin is !eetin& with ur&en+y. 4hat are they &oin& to doFG ' !an re/)iesI ELet us &o u/ to the Te!/)e 'nd see...G They set out towards the street )eadin& to the Moriah. The sun disa//ears 2ehind the houses in >ion and the western !ountains. 8i&ht a))s and the streets are soon +)eared o +urious /eo/)e. Those who went u/ to the Te!/)e +o!e down )oo6in& u/set 2e+ause they have 2een driven away ro! the &ates9 where they had )in&ered to see the !e!2ers o the Sanhedrin /ass 2y. 5 The inside o the Te!/)e9 now e!/ty9 desert9 enve)o/ed in !oon)i&ht9 see!s i!!ense. The !e!2ers o the Sanhedrin s)ow)y &ather in their !eetin& ha)). They are a)) there9 e3a+t)y as they were or Jesus' death senten+e9 2ut those who were then a+tin& as +)er6s are not /resent K1L. 5n)y the !e!2ers o the Sanhedrin are there9 so!e sittin& in their /)a+es9 so!e in &rou/s near the doors. 7aia/has +o!es in with his a+e and 2ody rese!2)in& those o an e3+essive)y at and wi+6ed ro&9 and he &oes to his seat. They 2e&in to dis+uss the events at on+e and they 2e+o!e so i!/assioned o the !atter

that the session is soon ani!ated. They )eave their seats9 they &o down into the e!/ty s/a+e &esti+u)atin& and s/ea6in& in )oud voi+es. So!e +ounse) +a)! and +ir+u!s/e+tion 2e ore ta6in& a de+ision. 5thers answer 2a+6I E%ut have you not heard those who +a!e here a ter the ninth hourF I we )ose the !ost i!/ortant Judaeans9 what is the use o a++u!u)atin& +har&esF The )on&er He )ives9 the )ess we sha)) 2e 2e)ieved i we a++use Hi!.G E'nd this a+t +annot 2e denied. 4e +annot say to the !any /eo/)e who were thereI C4hat you have seen is not true. It is a !a6e@2e)ieve. ;ou were drun6D. The !an was dead. 1utrid. $e+o!/osed. The +or/se was /)a+ed in a +)osed se/u)+hre and the se/u)+hre was /ro/er)y wa))ed u/. The +or/se had 2een enve)o/ed in 2anda&es and +overed with 2a)!s or severa) days. 'nd it was tied. 'nd yet it +a!e out o its /)a+e9 it +a!e as ar as the entran+e 2y itse) without wa)6in&. 'nd when it was reed9 the 2ody was no )on&er dead. It 2reathed. There was no /utre a+tion. 4hereas 2e ore9 when it was a)ive9 it was +overed in sores9 and when it died it was rotten.G EHave you heard the !ost in )uentia) Judaeans9 who! we ur&ed to &o there to have the! +o!/)ete)y on our sideF They +a!e and said to usI C's ar as we are +on+erned He is the Messiah.D ')!ost every one o the! has +o!eH 8ot to !ention the /eo/)eH...G E'nd those +ursed .o!ans u)) o nonsenseH 4hat a2out the!F They say that He is Ju/iter Ma3i!us. 'nd i they &et that idea into their headsH They !ade us a+=uainted with their stories9 and it was a +urse. 7ursed 2e those who wanted He))enis! a!on& us and out o )attery dese+rated us with orei&n usa&esH %ut it he)/s us to 6now /eo/)e. 'nd we 6now that the .o!ans are =ui+6 in de!o)ishin& and e)evatin& 2y !eans o /)ots and +ou/s d'etat. 8ow i anyone o these !ad /eo/)e &oes into ra/tures over the 8azarene and /ro+)ai!s Hi! 7aesar9 and there ore9 divine9 who wi)) ever dare tou+h Hi!FG E7ertain)y notH 4ho do you thin6 wou)d drea! o doin& thatF They do not &ive a i& or Hi! or or us. 8o !atter how &reat is what He does9 He is a)ways Ca JewD as ar as they are +on+erned. So nothin& 2ut a !isera2)e wret+h. (ear has turned your 2rain9 dear son o 'nnasHG E(earF $id you hear how 1ontius re/)ied to !y ather's invitationF He is u/set9 I te)) you. He is u/set 2y this )ast event9 and he is a raid o the 8azarene. How wret+hed we areH That !an has +o!e to ruin usHG 6 EI wish we had not &one there and we had not a)!ost ordered the !ost !i&hty Judaeans to &o as we))H I Lazarus had risen without witnesses...G ESoF 4hat wou)d have +han&edF 4e +ertain)y +ou)d not have !ade hi! disa//ear or &ood to !a6e /eo/)e 2e)ieve that he was a)ways deadHG

5#*.In Je usa2e. and in &he Te.52e a-&e &he Resu e3&i"n "- Laza us.


E7ertain)y not. %ut we +ou)d have said that it was a//arent death. ;ou +an a)ways ind witnesses 2ri2ed to +o!!it /er<ury.G E%ut why so !u+h e3+ite!entF I +an see no reason or itH Has He /erha/s /rovo6ed the Sanhedrin and the 1onti i+ateF 8o9 He has not. He <ust wor6ed a !ira+)e.G EJustFH %ut are you !ad or has He 2ri2ed you9 0)eazarF $id He not /rovo6e the Sanhedrin and the 1onti i+ateF 4hat e)se do you wantF The /eo/)e...G E1eo/)e +an say what they )i6e9 2ut the situation is e3a+t)y as 0)eazar said. The 8azarene has on)y wor6ed a !ira+)e.G EThat's another one de endin& Hi!H ;ou are no )on&er air9 8i+ode!usH ;ou are no )on&er <ustH That is an a+tion a&ainst us. '&ainst us9 do you rea)ise itF 8othin& wi)) +onvin+e the +rowds any )on&er. 'hH How !isera2)e we areH Today so!e Judaeans s+o ed at !eH 't !e they s+o edHG E%e =uiet9 $orasH ;ou are on)y a !an. It's the /rin+i/)e that is atta+6edH 5ur )awsH 5ur /rero&ativesHG E;ou are ri&ht9 Si!on9 and we !ust de end the!.G EHowFG E%y o endin& and destroyin& HisHG EThat is easi)y said9 Sado+. %ut how +an you destroy the! i with your own /ower you +annot even !a6e a !id&e +o!e to )i e a&ainF 4hat is re=uired here is a !ira+)e &reater than His. %ut none o us +an wor6 it 2e+ause...G The s/ea6er +annot e3/)ain why. Jose/h o 'ri!athea +o!/)etes the senten+eI E%e+ause we are <ust !en9 on)y !en.G They rush u/on hi! as6in&I E'nd what is He9 thenFG Jose/h o 'ri!athea re/)ies without hesitationI EHe is ,od. I I sti)) had had any dou2t...G E%ut you had no dou2t. 4e 6now9 Jose/h. 4e are we)) aware. ;ou !ay state +)ear)y that you )ove Hi!HG 7 EThere is nothin& wron& i Jose/h )oves Hi!. I a)so ad!it that He is the &reatest .a22i in Israe).G E're you9 ,a!a)ie)9 sayin& thatFG E;es9 I !aintain that. 'nd it is an honour to !e to 2e... dethroned 2y Hi!9 2e+ause so ar I had 6e/t the tradition o the &reat ra22is9 the )ast one o who! was Hi))e)9 2ut a ter

!e I do not 6now who was a2)e to re+eive the wisdo! o +enturies. 8ow I sha)) &o away ha//i)y9 2e+ause I 6now that it wi)) not 2e )ost9 on the +ontrary it wi)) &row &reater9 as it wi)) 2e in+reased 2y His own wisdo!9 in whi+h the S/irit o ,od is +ertain)y /resent.G E%ut what are you sayin&9 ,a!a)ie)FG EI a! s/ea6in& the truth. It is not 2y +)osin& our eyes that we +an i&nore what we are. 4e are no )on&er wise9 2e+ause the ear o ,od is the 2e&innin& o wisdo!9 and we are sinners without the ear o ,od. I we had su+h ear we wou)d not tra!/)e on the <ust9 neither wou)d we 2e oo)ish)y &reedy or the wea)th o the wor)d. ,od &ives and ,od ta6es away9 a++ordin& to !erits and de!erits. 'nd i ,od de/rives us o what He had &iven us9 in order to &ive it to other /eo/)e9 !ay He 2e 2)essed 2e+ause ho)y is the Lord and ho)y are a)) His deeds.G E%ut we were ta)6in& o !ira+)es and we !eant that none o us +an wor6 the! 2e+ause Satan is not with us.G E8o. %e+ause ,od is not with us. Moses /arted the waters and he stru+6 the ro+69 Joshua sto//ed the sun9 0)i<ah raised the 2oy ro! death and !ade the s6y &ive rain9 2ut ,od was with the!. I re!ind you that there are si3 thin&s that ,od hates and the seventh He a2horsI a hau&hty )oo69 a )yin& ton&ue9 hands that shed inno+ent 2)ood9 a heart that weaves wi+6ed /)ots9 eet that hurry to do evi)9 a a)se witness who )ies and he who sows dissension a!on& 2rothers. 4e do a)) these thin&s. I sayI we. %ut you on)y do the!. %e+ause I re rain ro! shoutin& CHosannaD and ro! +ryin& C'nathe!aD. 8 I a! waitin&.G E(or the si&nH 5 +ourseH ;ou are waitin& or the si&nH %ut what si&n +an you e3/e+t ro! a /oor !ad!an9 even i we want to or&ive Hi! a)) the restFG ,a!a)ie) stret+hes his hands and ar!s orward9 and with +)osed eyes and )i&ht)y )owered head9 )oo6in& !ost &rave9 he says in a s)ow distant voi+eI EI have an3ious)y as6ed the Lord to show !e the truth9 and He en)i&htened or !e the words o Jesus the son o Sira+h. These onesI CThe 7reator o a)) thin&s s/o6e to !e and &ave !e His instru+tions9 and He 4ho +reated !e rested in !y Ta2erna+)e and said to !eI '$we)) in Ja+o29 !a6e Israe) your inheritan+e9 ta6e root a!on& My +hosen /eo/)e' C. 'nd He en)i&htened a)so the o))owin& words and I have a+6now)ed&ed the!I C'//roa+h Me9 you who desire Me9 and ta6e your i)) o My ruits 2e+ause My s/irit is sweeter than honey and My inheritan+e is sweeter than the honey@+o!2. The !e!ories o Me wi)) )ast orever. They who eat Me wi)) hun&er or !ore9 they who drin6 Me wi)) thirst or !oreM whoever )istens to Me wi)) never have to 2)ush9 whoever wor6s or Me wi)) never sin9 whoever e3/)ains Me wi)) have eterna) )i e.D 'nd the )i&ht o ,od 2e+a!e 2ri&hter in !y s/irit whi)e !y eyes were readin& these wordsI C')) these thin&s are +ontained in the 2oo6 o Li e9 the wi)) o the Most Hi&h9 the do+trine o Truth... ,od /ro!ised

5#*.In Je usa2e. and in &he Te.52e a-&e &he Resu e3&i"n "- Laza us.


$avid that ro! hi! wou)d des+end the !ost /ower u) :in& 4ho is to sit on the throne o &)ory orever. His wisdo! 2ri!s )i6e the 1ishon and the Ti&ris in the season o ruit9 )i6e the 0u/hrates He 2ri!s with inte))i&en+e9 He rises )i6e the Jordan at harvest ti!e. He di uses wisdo! )i6e )i&ht... He was the irst to 2e+o!e /er e+t)y aware o it.D That is what ,od had en)i&htened or !eH ')asH I say that the 4isdo! a!on& us is too &reat to 2e understood 2y us9 neither +an we +ontain a thou&ht vaster than o+eans nor an advi+e dee/er than the &reat a2yss. 'nd we hear Hi! shoutI CLi6e an i!!ense water+ourse I &ushed out o 1aradise and I saidI 'I a! &oin& to water My &arden'9 and then !y water+ourse 2e+a!e a river9 and the river a sea. Li6e dawn I shed My do+trine on every2ody9 and I sha)) !a6e it 6nown to the re!otest /eo/)es. I sha)) des+end into the )owest /arts9 I sha)) +ast &)an+es on those who are s)ee/in&9 I sha)) en)i&hten those who ho/e in the Lord. I sha)) /our out tea+hin& )i6e /ro/he+y and I sha)) )eave it to those who see6 wisdo!9 I sha)) not sto/ announ+in& it unti) the ho)y +entury. I have not toi)ed or Myse) a)one9 2ut or a)) who are see6in& the truth.D This is what ,od9 the Most Hi&h ,od9 !ade !e readG and he )owers his ar!s and raises his head. ESo9 a++ordin& to you He is the MessiahFH Te)) usHG EHe is not the Messiah.G EHe is notF Then what is He a++ordin& to youF 8ot a de!on. 8ot an an&e). 8ot the Messiah...G EHe is He 4ho is.G E;ou are ravin&H Is He ,odF Is that !ad!an ,od a++ordin& to youFG EHe is He 4ho is. ,od 6nows what He is. 4e see His wor6s. ,od sees a)so His thou&hts. %ut He is not the Messiah 2e+ause Messiah to us !eans :in&. He is not and never wi)) 2e 6in&. %ut He is ho)y. 'nd His wor6s are those o a ho)y !an. 'nd we +annot threaten the Inno+ent without +o!!ittin& sin. I wi)) not assent to sin.G E%ut with your words you have a)!ost said that He is the 03/e+ted 5neHG EI have said so. 4hi)e the )i&ht o the Most Hi&h )asted I saw Hi! as su+h. Then... as the hand o the Lord no )on&er he)d !e u/)i ted in His )i&ht9 I 2e+a!e !an a&ain9 the !an o Israe)9 and the words were on)y those to whi+h the !an o Israe)9 I9 you9 those 2e ore us9 and9 ,od or2id it9 those a ter us9 atta+h the !eanin& o their9 o our thou&hts9 not the !eanin& they have in the eterna) Thou&ht that di+tated the! to His servant.G 9 E4e are ta)6in&9 di&ressin&9 wastin& ti!e. 'nd the +rowds in the !eanti!e are e3+itedG says Hananiah in a +roa6in& voi+e. E;ou are ri&htH It is ne+essary to ta6e a de+ision and a+t9 to save ourse)ves and to triu!/h.G

E;ou say that 1i)ate wou)d not )isten to us when we as6ed his he)/ a&ainst the 8aza@ rene. %ut i we in or!ed hi!... ;ou said /revious)y that i the troo/s 2e+o!e e3+ited they !ay /ro+)ai! Hi! 7aesar... 0hH ' &ood ideaH Let us &o and /oint this dan&er out to the 1ro+onsu). 4e sha)) 2e honoured as aith u) servants o .o!e and... and i he ta6es a+tion we sha)) &et rid o the .a22i. Let us &oH Sin+e you9 o 0)eazar o 'nnas9 are !ore riend)y with hi! than we are9 2e our &uideG says He)6ai )au&hin& !a)in&nant)y. There is so!e hesitan+y9 then a &rou/ o the !ost anati+s )eaves to &o to the 'ntonia. 7aia/has re!ains with the others. E't this ti!eH He wi)) not re+eive the!G re!ar6s one. E5n the +ontraryH It's the 2est ti!e. 1ontius is a)ways in hi&h s/irits a ter eatin& and drin6in& as a /a&an does...G 10 I )eave the! there dis+ussin&9 and I see the s+ene at the 'ntonia. They +over the short distan+e =ui+6)y and without di i+u)ty9 so 2ri&ht is the !oon)i&ht that is so di erent ro! the red )i&ht o the )a!/s )it in the entran+e@ha)) o the /raetoriu! 2ui)din&. 0)eazar is su++ess u) in sendin& in his na!e to 1i)ate9 and they are )ed into a )ar&e e!/ty ha)). It is +o!/)ete)y e!/ty. There is on)y a heavy +hair with )ow 2a+6 +overed with a /ur/)e +)oth that stands out stron&)y a&ainst the +o!/)ete whiteness o the ha)). They re!ain in a &rou/9 so!ewhat ti!id and +o)d9 standin& on the white !ar2)e )oor. 8o one +o!es in. There is dead si)en+e9 2ro6en at interva)s 2y re!ote !usi+. E1i)ate is at ta2)e. He is +ertain)y with riends. The !usi+ is /)ayed in the tri+)iniu!. There wi)) 2e dan+es in honour o the &uests says 0)eazar o 'nnas.G EThey are +orru/t. I wi)) /uri y !yse) to!orrow. Lust oozes ro! these wa))sG says He)6ai with dis&ust. E4hy did you +o!e9 thenF It was your ideaG re/)ies 0)eazar. E(or the honour o ,od and the we) are o our ather)and I +an !a6e any sa+ri i+e. 'nd this is a &reat oneH I had /uri ied !yse) a ter a//roa+hin& Lazarus... and nowH... ' dread u) day9 this oneH...G There is no si&n o 1i)ate. 0)eazar9 2ein& a!i)iar with the /)a+e9 tries the doors. They are a)) +)osed. The Judaeans in the ha)) are seized with ear. (ri&htenin& stories +o!e to )i&ht a&ain. They re&ret havin& +o!e. They ee) that they are a)ready )ost. 11 't )on& )ast9 on the side o//osite to the!9 who are near the door throu&h whi+h they +a!e in and thus +)ose to the on)y +hair avai)a2)e in the ha))9 a door is o/ened and 1i)ate +o!es in9 wearin& a tuni+ as white as the ha)). He +o!es in s/ea6in& to so!e &uests. He is )au&hin&. He turns round to instru+t a s)ave9 who is ho)din& u/ the +urtain 2eyond the

5#*.In Je usa2e. and in &he Te.52e a-&e &he Resu e3&i"n "- Laza us.


door9 to throw essen+es into a 2razier and to 2rin& s+ents and water or their hands and a s)ave to +o!e with !irror and +o!2s. He /ays no attention to the He2rews9 as i they were not there. They &et enra&ed 2ut they dare not rea+t... 5ver there9 in the !eanti!e9 they 2rin& 2raziers9 they s/read resins on the ire and /our s+ented water on the hands o the .o!ans. 'nd a s)ave9 with s6i) u) !ove!ents9 tidies their hair a++ordin& to the ashion o ri+h .o!ans o those days. 'nd the He2rews &et enra&ed. The .o!ans )au&h and <est a!on& the!se)ves )oo6in& now and a&ain at the &rou/ waitin& at the other end9 and one o the! s/ea6s to 1i)ate who has never turned round to )oo6M 2ut 1i)ate shru&s his shou)ders !a6in& &esture o 2oredo! and he +)a/s his hands to +a)) a s)ave who! he orders in a )oud voi+e to 2rin& sweets and to )et in the dan+ers. The He2rews tre!2)e with ra&e and are s+anda)ised. Just i!a&ine He)6ai +o!/e))ed to wat+h &ir)s dan+in&H His +ountenan+e is a /oe! o su erin& and hatred. The s)aves +o!e 2a+6 with sweets in /re+ious +u/s9 and they are o))owed 2y the dan+ers wearin& &ar)ands o )owers and hard)y +overed with a2ri+s that are so )i&ht as to see! vei)s. Their very white 2odies a//ear throu&h their )i&ht &ar!ents dyed /in6 and 2)ue9 when they /ass 2e ore the 2urnin& 2raziers and the !any )i&hts /)a+ed at the other end. The .o!ans ad!ire the &ra+e u)ness o 2odies and !ove!ents and 1i)ate as6s the! to re/eat a dan+e that he /arti+u)ar)y )i6ed. He)6ai9 i!itated 2y his +o!/anions9 turns indi&nant)y towards the wa)) not to see the dan+ers !ove as )i&ht)y as 2utter )ies with their dresses )utterin& inde+orous)y. 4hen the short dan+e is over 1i)ate dis!isses the! /uttin& in the hand o ea+h a +u/ u)) o sweets and he throws a 2ra+e)et into ea+h +u/ non+ha)ant)y. 12 'nd at )ast he +ondes+ends to turn round and )oo6 at the He2rews sayin& to his riends in a weary voi+eI E'nd now... I !ust /ass ro! drea!s to rea)ity... ro! /oetry... to hy/o+risy... ro! &ra+e u)ness to the i)thy thin&s o )i e. The !iseries o 2ein& a 1ro+onsu)H... Hai)9 riends9 and have /ity on !e.G He is )e t a)one and he s)ow)y a//roa+hes the He2rews. He sits down9 he e3a!ines his we))@+ared or hands and he dis+overs so!ethin& wron& under one nai). He attends to it an3ious)y ta6in& ro! under his tuni+ a tiny thin &o)den sti+6 with whi+h he re!edies the &reat da!a&e o an i!/er e+t nai)... He is then so 6ind as to turn his head round s)ow)y. He sneers seein& the He2rews sti)) 2owin& servi)e)y and he saysI E;ouH HereH 'nd 2e =ui+6. I have no ti!e to waste on tri )es.G The He2rews a//roa+h 1i)ate in an attitude that is a)ways servi)e unti) he shoutsI EThat's enou&h. $on't +o!e too +)oseG and his words see! to nai) the! to the )oor. ES/ea6H 'nd stand u/ strai&ht 2e+ause ani!a)s on)y stoo/ towards the &roundG and he )au&hs.

The He2rews strai&hten the!se)ves at the sneerin& words and re!ain sti . ESoF S/ea6H ;ou insisted on +o!in&. S/ea69 now that you are here.G E4e wanted to te)) you... 4e are to)d... 4e are aith u) servants o .o!e...G E'hH 'hH (aith u) servants o .o!eH I wi)) )et divine 7aesar 6now and he wi)) 2e ha//yH He wi)) +ertain)y 2e ha//yH S/ea6 u/9 you +)ownsH 'nd 2e =ui+6HG The !e!2ers o the Sanhedrin =uiver with indi&nation9 2ut they do not rea+t. He)6ai s/ea6s on 2eha) o every2odyI E4e !ust in or! you9 o 1ontius9 that a !an was raised ro! the dead today at %ethany.G EI 6now. Is that why you have +o!eF I was in or!ed severa) hours a&o. He is a )u+6y !an as he a)ready 6nows what it is to die and what the ne3t wor)d is )i6eH 4hat +an I do i Lazarus o Theo/hi)us has 2een raised ro! the deadF Has he /erha/s 2rou&ht !e a !essa&e ro! HadesFG He is ironi+. E8o. %ut His resurre+tion is a dan&er...G E(or hi!F 5 +ourseH The dan&er o havin& to die a&ain. 8ot a very /)easant event. SoF 4hat +an I doF '! I /erha/s Ju/iterFG E' dan&er not or Lazarus. %ut or 7aesar.G E(orF... $o!ineH '! I /erha/s drun6F $id you sayI or 7aesarF 'nd how +an Lazarus 2e har! u) to 7aesarF 're you a raid that the sten+h o the se/u)+hre !ay in e+t the air that the 0!/eror 2reathesF $o not worryH He is too ar awayHG E8o9 not that. The a+t is that Lazarus 2y risin& ro! the dead !ay have the 0!/eror dethroned.G E$ethronedF 'hH 'hH That's a 2i&&er i2 than the who)e wor)dH So you are drun69 not I. 1erha/s the ri&ht has deran&ed your !inds. To see a !an rise... I thin6 it !ay u/set one. ,o9 &o to 2ed. 'nd have a &ood rest. 'nd a war! 2ath. ' very war! one. It is very &ood a&ainst de)iriu!s.G E4e are not de)irious9 1ontius. 4e are te))in& you that un)ess you ta6e a de+ision you wi)) &o throu&h a sad ti!e. ;ou wi)) +ertain)y 2e /unished9 i not 6i))ed9 2y the usur/er. The 8azarene wi)) soon 2e /ro+)ai!ed 6in&9 6in& o the wor)d9 do you understandF ;our very )e&ionaries wi)) /ro+)ai! Hi!. They have 2een enti+ed 2y the 8azarene and today's event has e)ated the!. 4hat servant o .o!e are you9 i you do not ta6e +are o her /ea+eF So9 do you want to see the 0!/ire u/set and divided 2e+ause o your inertnessF $o you want to see .o!e de eated9 the ensi&ns /u))ed down9 the 0!/eror 6i))ed9 everythin& destroyed...G E%e si)entH I wi)) now s/ea6. 'nd I say to youI you are !adH ;ou are even worse. ;ou

5#*.In Je usa2e. and in &he Te.52e a-&e &he Resu e3&i"n "- Laza us.


are )iars. ;ou are +ri!ina)s. ;ou deserve death. ,et out o here9 you i)thy servants o your own interests9 o your hatred9 o your !eanness. ;ou are servants9 not I. I a! a .o!an +itizen and .o!an +itizens are not su2<e+t to any2ody. I a! an i!/eria) o i+ia) and I wor6 or the we) are o our ather)and. ;ou... are our su2<e+ts. ;ou... are under our ru)e. ;ou... you are the &a))ey@s)aves tied to the 2en+hes and you ret in vain. The )ash o the +hie is over you. The 8azareneH... 4ou)d you )i6e !e to 6i)) the 8azareneF 4ou)d you )i6e !e to /ut Hi! in /risonF %y JoveH I or the sa ety o .o!e and o the divine 0!/eror I shou)d i!/rison dan&erous su2<e+ts or 6i)) the! here where I a! the &overnor9 I shou)d )eave ree and a)ive the 8azarene and His o))owers9 and the! a)one. ,o away. 7)ear o and never +o!e 2a+6 here a&ain. ;ou riotous e))ows9 insti&ators9 thieves and a++o!/)i+es o thievesH I a! we)) aware o a)) your !anoeuvres. ;ou had 2etter 6now that. 'nd 2ear in !ind that new wea/ons and resh )e&ionaries have served to dis+over your snares and your instru!ents. ;ou +o!/)ain o .o!an ta3es. %ut how !u+h have you /aid or Me)6iah o ,i)ead9 and Jonah o S+ytho/o)is9 and 1hi)i/ o Sho+hoh9 and John o %eth@aven and Jose/h o .a!oth9 and or a)) the others who wi)) soon 2e +au&htF 'nd do not &o towards the +aves in the va))ey 2e+ause there are !ore )e&ionaries there than stones9 and the )aw and &a))ey are the sa!e or every2ody. (or every2odyH $o you understandF (or every2ody. 'nd I ho/e to )ive )on& enou&h to see you a)) in +hains9 s)aves a!on& s)aves under the hee) o .o!e. ,et outH ,o and re/ort J you as we))9 0)eazar o 'nnas who! I do not wish to see any !ore in !y house J that the ti!e o +)e!en+y is over9 and that I a! the 1ro+onsu) and you the su2<e+ts. The su2<e+ts. 'nd I &ive orders. In the na!e o .o!e. ,o outH ;ou ni&ht sna6es and va!/iresH 'nd the 8azarene wants to redee! youF I He were ,od9 He ou&ht to stri6e you 2y )i&htnin&H Thus the !ost revo)tin& stain wou)d disa//ear ro! the wor)d. 5utH 'nd dare not +ons/ire9 or you wi)) 2e+o!e a+=uainted with sword and whi/.G He stands u/ and &oes away s)a!!in& the door 2e ore the dis!ayed !e!2ers o the Sanhedrin9 who have no ti!e to +o!e to the!se)ves 2e+ause an ar!ed s=uad +o!es in and drives the! out o the ha)) and o the 2ui)din& as i they were do&s.

8azarene. The atte!/t... throu&h our )aw is i!/ossi2)e. He does not +o!!it sin...G /oints out one o the !e!2ers. EI no sin e3ists9 one +an 2e inventedG insinuates 7aia/has. EIt's a sin to do thatH To swear what is a)seH To have an inno+ent +onde!nedH It's... too !u+hH...G say !ost o the! in horror. EIt's a +ri!e9 2e+ause it wou)d 2e His death.G ESoF $oes that ri&hten youF ;ou are oo)ish and you understand nothin&. ' ter what ha//ened Jesus !ust die. $o you not +onsider that it is 2etter or us i one !an dies instead o !anyF So )et Hi! die to save His /eo/)e so that a)) our +ountry !ay not /erish. In any +ase... He says that He is the Saviour. So )et Hi! sa+ri i+e Hi!se) to save every2odyG says 7aia/has with dis&ustin& +o)d s)y hatred. E%ut... 7aia/hasH 7onsiderH He...G EI have s/o6en. The S/irit o the Lord is u/on !e9 the Hi&h 1riest. 4oe to those who do not res/e+t the 1onti o Israe). The thunder2o)ts o the Lord u/on the!H 4e have waited enou&hH 4e have had enou&h )urryH I order and de+ree that whoever 6nows where the 8azarene is !ust +o!e and in or! us o the /)a+e9 and anathe!a on those who wi)) not o2ey !y word.G E%ut 'nnas...G say so!e o2<e+tin&. E'nnas said to !eI C4hatever you do wi)) 2e ho)yD. Let us +)ose the !eetin&. 4e sha)) a)) 2e here on (riday 2etween the third and the si3th hour to de+ide what to do. ')) o us9 I said. In or! those who are a2sent. 'nd ensure that a)) the heads o a!i)ies and +)asses9 a)) the +rea! o Israe) are su!!oned. The Sanhedrin has s/o6en. ,o.G 'nd he is the irst to withdraw to the /)a+e ro! whi+h he +a!e9 whi)st the others &o in di erent dire+tions and they )eave the Te!/)e s/ea6in& in )ow voi+es whi)e &oin& ho!e.

13 They &o 2a+6 to the ha)) in the Sanhedrin. They !a6e their re/ort. The e3+ite!ent is K1L The /resent +ha/ter was written a ter the one des+ri2in& Jesus 2ein& senten+ed to &reat. The news o the arrest o !any hi&hway!en and o raids into +aves to +at+h !ore death and whi+h is /art o vo)u!e 5. u/sets very !u+h a)) the !e!2ers who have re!ained. Many9 in a+t9 tired o waitin&9 have &one away. E'nd yet we +annot )et Hi! )iveG shout so!e o the /riests. E4e +annot )eave Hi! a)one. He is a+tive. 4e are doin& nothin&. 'nd we are )osin& &round day 2y day. I we )eave Hi! ree9 He wi)) +ontinue to wor6 !ira+)es and every2ody wi)) 2e)ieve in Hi!. 'nd the .o!ans wi)) end u/ 2y o//osin& us and destroyin& us a)) to&ether. 1ontius says so. %ut i the +rowds shou)d /ro+)ai! Hi! 6in&9 ohH 1ontius wi)) have to /unish a)) o us. 4e !ust not a))ow thatG shouts Sado+. E')) ri&ht. %ut howF The atte!/t... 2y .o!an )aw has ai)ed. 1ontius is sure o the

5*%. A& 3e&han/ a1&e! &he Resu!!e'&i#n #1 La a!us.

3,&h De'e()e! $9*+.

1 It is /)easant to rest a!on& )ovin& riends and near the Master in sunny days that show the ear)y +har!s o s/rin&ti!e9 +onte!/)atin& the ie)ds &rowin& verdant with the tender s/routs o +orn9 ad!irin& the !eadows that 2rea6 the even &reen winter shade with the irst )itt)e !any@+o)oured )owers9 &azin& at the hed&es dis/)ayin& &e!s that

5#/. A& 0e&han( a-&e &he Resu e3&i"n "- Laza us.


2e&in to o/en s!i)in& in the !ore sunny s/ots9 )oo6in& at a)!ond@trees the to/s o whi+h are +overed with ear)y oa!@)i6e )owers. 'nd Jesus re<oi+es at the si&ht9 as we)) as the a/ost)es and the three riends at %ethany. 'nd everythin& see!s ar and re!oteI !a)evo)en+e9 sorrow9 sadness9 i))ness9 death9 hatred9 envy9 a)) the /ain u)9 tor!entin&9 worryin& thin&s on the 0arth.

wa)6in& without stu!2)in&9 in /i+6in& a )ove)y )ower or his !other9 in doin& this and that thin& s/ontaneous)y. I did the sa!e with the Master. %e+ause ho)iness is not su i+ient in a wor)d o !en and de!ons. It is ne+essary to i&ht with e=ua) wea/ons9 at )east as !en... and at ti!es... it is not a 2ad thin& to add a /in+h o in erna) +unnin& to the other wea/ons. That is !y idea. %ut He wi)) not )isten to !e... He is too &ood... 4e)). I understand everythin& and every2ody9 and I e3+use every2ody or the evi) ')) the a/ost)es are over<oyed and they say so. They e3/ress their +onvi+tion J that is so thou&hts you !i&ht have had a2out !e. ;ou now 6now. 'nd now we )ove one another +ertain9 so triu!/hant J that Jesus has now de eated a)) His ene!ies9 that His !ission as &ood +o!/anions9 and we do everythin& or His )ove and His &)oryG and he /oints at wi)) now /ro+eed without any o2sta+)e9 that He wi)) 2e a+6now)ed&ed as the Messiah Jesus 4ho is wa)6in& arther away in a sunny a))ey s/ea6in& to Lazarus9 who )istens to a)so 2y those who have 2een !ost tena+ious in o//osin& Hi!. 'nd they s/ea69 Hi! s!i)in& e+stati+a))y. so!ewhat e)ated9 re<uvenated9 ha//y as they are9 !a6in& /)ans or the uture9 drea!in&... drea!in& so !u+h... and so hu!an)y. 3 The a/ost)es &o away towards Si!on's house. Jesus instead +o!es +)oser with His riend. I )isten to the!. 2 The !ost e)ated9 a)so 2e+ause o his /sy+he that +arries hi! to e3tre!es9 is Judas o :erioth. He +on&ratu)ates hi!se) on havin& waited9 on his a2i)ity in a+tin&9 on his Lazarus saysI E;es. I had understood that there was so!e &reat /ur/ose9 +ertain)y a )astin& aith in the Master's triu!/h9 on de yin& the threats o the Sanhedrin... He is so &ood one9 in )ettin& !e die. I thou&ht it was to s/are !e the si&ht o their /erse+ution e)ated that he ends u/ 2y te))in& what he has +on+ea)ed so ar9 a!id the utter a&ainst ;ou. 'nd9 ;ou 6now whether I a! te))in& the truth9 I was &)ad to die so that I astonish!ent o his +o!/anionsI E;es9 they wanted to 2ri2e !e9 they wanted to enti+e wou)d not see it. It e!2itters !e. It u/sets !e. See9 Master. I have or&iven those who !e with 2)andish!ents9 and when they saw that they were o no avai)9 with threats. I are the +hie s o our /eo/)e !any thin&s. I had to or&ive u/ to !y )ast days... He)6ai... you on)y 6newH %ut I /aid the! 2a+6 in their own +oin. I /retended to )ove the! as they %ut death and resurre+tion have +an+e))ed a)) /revious thin&s. 4hy re!e!2er their )ast ei&ned to )ove !e. I a))ured the! as they a))ured !e9 I 2etrayed the! as they wanted to e orts to &rieve !eF I have or&iven Mary everythin&. She see!s to dou2t it. 'nd !ore 2etray !e... %e+ause that is what they wanted to do. They wanted to !a6e !e 2e)ieve than that9 I do not 6now why9 sin+e I +a!e to )i e a&ain she has ta6en an attitude that is that they were testin& the Master to 2e a2)e to /ro+)ai! Hi! the Ho)y Man o ,od so... I do not 6now how to de ine it. She is so !i)d and su2!issive9 whi+h is so stran&e so)e!n)y. %ut I 6now the!9 I 6now the! very we)). 'nd in a)) their /)ans o whi+h they with !y Mary... 8ot even durin& the irst days when she +a!e here9 a ter 2ein& in or!ed !e9 I +ontrived to !a6e Jesus' ho)iness shine !ore 2ri&ht)y than the sun at redee!ed 2y ;ou9 was she )i6e that... 1erha/s ;ou 6now so!ethin& and ;ou +an te)) !idday in a +)oud)ess s6y... It was a dan&erous &a!eH I they had rea)ised thatH %ut I !e9 2e+ause Mary te))s ;ou everythin&... $o ;ou 6now whether those who +a!e here was /re/ared or every eventua)ity9 even to die9 to serve ,od in !y Master. 'nd thus I have re/roa+hed her too severe)yF I have a)ways tried to wea6en the !e!ory o her was in or!ed o everythin&... 0hH at ti!es I !ust have see!ed to 2e !ad9 wi+6ed9 2ad@ au)t when I saw her en&rossed in the thou&ht o her /ast9 in order to a))eviate her te!/ered. I you had 6nown what the situation was )i6eH I a)one 6now what I su ered at su erin&. She +annot set her !ind at rest over it. She see!s so... a2ove what !i&ht 2e ni&ht9 the /re+autions I had to ta6e to do a &ood turn without attra+tin& any2ody's de<e+tion. So!e /eo/)e !ay even thin6 that she does not show !u+h re&ret... %ut I attentionH ;ou were so!ewhat sus/i+ious o !e. I 6now. %ut I 2ear you no &rud&e. My understand... I 6now. 0verythin& !a6es one e3/iate. I thin6 she does a &reat dea) o 2ehaviour +ou)d have roused sus/i+ion. %ut !y /ur/ose was &ood and that was a)) I /enan+e9 o a)) 6inds. I wou)d not 2e sur/rised i she wore a +i)i+e under her dresses and worried a2out. Jesus is not aware o anythin&. That is9 I thin6 that He a)so sus/e+ts !e. i her )esh were a!i)iar to the 2)ows o the s+our&e... %ut the 2rother)y )ove I have or %ut I wi)) 6ee/ =uiet without wishin& to 2e /raised 2y Hi!. 'nd I as6 you not to say her and that ai!s at su//ortin& her 2y )ayin& a vei) 2etween /ast and /resent9 is not anythin& either. 5ne day9 one o the irst ti!es I was with Hi! J and you9 Si!on shared 2y any2ody e)se... $o you 6now9 2y any +han+e9 whether she was i))@treated 2y >ea)ot9 and you9 John o >e2edee9 were with !e J He re/roa+hed !e 2e+ause I 2oasted so!eone who is not +a/a2)e o or&ivin&... and who needs to 2e or&ivenFG o havin& a /ra+ti+a) sense. Sin+e then... I never enhan+ed this =ua)ity o !ine in His /resen+e9 2ut I +ontinued to !a6e use o it9 or His own &ood. I did what a !other does EI do not 6now9 Lazarus. Mary has not !entioned it to Me. She on)y to)d Me that she su ered very !u+h on hearin& the 1harisees insinuate that I was not the Messiah or her ine3/ert +hi)d. She re!oves o2sta+)es ro! his way9 she 2ends a thorn)ess 2e+ause I was not +urin& you or raisin& you ro! the dead.G 2ran+h towards hi!9 she /ushes aside one that !ay hurt hi!9 or with shrewd a+ts she &ets hi! to do what he !ust )earn to do and to avoid what is 2ad9 without the +hi)d E'nd... has she not said anythin& to ;ou a2out !eF ;ou 6now... I was su erin& so 2ein& aware o it. 5n the +ontrary9 the son 2e)ieves that he su++eeded 2y hi!se) in !u+h... I re!e!2er that !y !other in her )ast hours revea)ed thin&s that had es+a/ed

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Martha's noti+e and !ine. It was as i the de/ths o her sou) and o her /ast sur a+ed a&ain with the )ast a&itations o her heart. I ho/e that... My heart has su ered so !u+h 2e+ause o Mary... and it has striven in every way not to &ive her the sensation o what I su ered 2e+ause o her... I wou)d not )i6e to have stru+6 her now that she is &ood9 whi)st out o 2rother)y )ove irst9 and then or ;our sa6e9 I never stru+6 her in in a!ous days when she was a dis&ra+e. 4hat did she say to ;ou a2out !e9 MasterFG EHer &rie or havin& had too short a ti!e to &ive you her ho)y )ove as your sister and e))ow@dis+i/)e. ;our )oss !ade her !easure the e3tent o the treasures o )ove that she had +rushed under her eet on+e... and now she is ha//y to 2e a2)e to &ive a)) the )ove that she wishes to &ive you9 to te)) you that you are her ho)y 2e)oved 2rother.G E'hH that is itH I rea)ised thatH I a! &)ad o that. %ut I was a raid I !i&ht have o ended her... Sin+e yesterday I have 2een thin6in& over and over a&ain... I have 2een tryin& to re!e!2er... 2ut I +annot...G E%ut why do you want to re!e!2erF There is your uture in ront o you. ;our /ast was )e t in the se/u)+hre. 8ay9 it was not even )e t there. It was 2urnt with the unera) 2anda&es. %ut i it serves to &ive you /ea+e9 I wi)) te)) you your )ast words to your sisters. To Mary in /arti+u)ar. ;ou said that it was 2e+ause o Mary that I +a!e and I +o!e here9 2e+ause Mary 6nows how to )ove !ore than any2ody e)se. That is true. ;ou said that she has )oved you !ore than a)) the others who have )oved you. That is a)so true9 2e+ause she has )oved you renovatin& herse) or ,od's sa6e and or yours. ;ou said to her9 and =uite ri&ht)y9 that a who)e )i e o de)i&hts wou)d not have &iven you the <oy that you re+eived throu&h her. 'nd you 2)essed your sisters as a /atriar+h used to 2)ess his dearest +reatures. ;ou e=ua))y 2)essed Martha9 who! you +a))ed your /ea+eM and Mary9 who! you +a))ed your <oy. 're you ha//y nowFG E;es9 Master9 !y !ind is at /ea+e now.G

Jesus s!i)es and re/)iesI EI was not re errin& to your /ersona) 6now)ed&e9 to your /arti+u)ar e3/erien+e. I was s/ea6in& o what every 2e)iever 6nows wi)) ha//en to hi! when he dies.G E'hH The /arti+u)ar Jud&e!ent. I 6now. I 2e)ieve. The sou) /resents itse) to ,od9 and ,od <ud&es it.G EIt is so. 'nd the <ud&e!ent o ,od is <ust and invio)a2)e. 'nd it has in inite va)ue. I the sou) is <ud&ed !orta))y &ui)ty it 2e+o!es a da!ned sou). I it is )i&ht)y &ui)ty it is sent to 1ur&atory. I it is <ust it &oes to the /ea+e o Li!2o awaitin& Me to o/en the &ates o Heaven. So I +a))ed your sou) 2a+6 a ter it had 2een <ud&ed 2y ,od. I you had 2een da!ned I +ou)d not have +a))ed you 2a+6 to )i e9 2e+ause 2y doin& so I wou)d have +an+e))ed My (ather's <ud&e!ent. (or da!ned sou)s no urther +han&es are /ossi2)e. They are <ud&ed orever. So you 2e)on&ed to the nu!2er o those who were not da!ned. So you either 2e)on&ed to the +)ass o the 2)essed sou)s9 or to the +)ass o those who wi)) 2e 2)essed a ter 2ein& /uri ied. %ut +onsider this9 My dear riend. I the sin+ere wi)) o re/entan+e that !an +an have whi)e 2ein& sti)) a !an9 that is9 2ody and sou)9 is va)id as /uri i+ationM i the sy!2o)i+a) rite o 2a/tis! in water9 that one wants out o s/irit o +ontrition to 2e +)eansed o the ou)ness +ontra+ted in the wor)d and 2e+ause o one's )esh9 has the va)ue o /uri i+ation or us He2rewsM what va)ue wi)) re/entan+e have9 a !ore rea) and /er e+t re/entan+e9 a !u+h !ore /er e+t re/entan+e o a sou) reed ro! the 2ody9 aware o what ,od is9 en)i&htened on the &ravity o its errors9 en)i&htened on the e3tent o the <oy that had !oved away or hours9 or years9 or a&esI the <oy o the /ea+e o Li!2o that wi)) soon 2e the <oy o the a+hieved /ossession o ,odI the dou2)e9 tre2)e /uri i+ation o /er e+t re/entan+e9 o /er e+t )ove9 o the 2ath in the ardour o the )a!es )it 2y the )ove o ,od and 2y the )ove o s/irits9 in whi+h and 2y whi+h the s/irits are stri//ed o a)) i!/urity and e!er&e as 2eauti u) as sera/hi!9 +rowned with what does not even +rown sera/hi!I their earth)y and u)tra@ earth)y !artyrdo! a&ainst vi+es and or the sa6e o )oveF 4hat wi)) it 2eF Te)) Me9 My dear riend.G

EThen9 as /ea+e &ives !er+y9 or&ive a)so the +hie s o the /eo/)e who are /erse+utin& Me. %e+ause that is what you wanted to sayI that you +an or&ive everythin&9 e3+e/t the E4e))... I do not 6now... /er e+tion. %etter sti))... a new +reation.G evi) they do Me.G EIt is so9 Master.G

EThere you areI you have said the ri&ht word. The sou) 2e+o!es as i it were +reated a&ain. It 2e+o!es )i6e the sou) o an in ant. It is new. The /ast no )on&er e3ists. Its /ast E8o9 Lazarus9 I or&ive the!. ;ou !ust or&ive the! i you want to 2e )i6e Me.G o !an. 4hen the ori&ina) Sin a))s9 the sou) without stain and the shadow o stain9 wi)) 2e su/er@+reated and worthy o 1aradise. 5 I +a))ed 2a+6 your sou) that had 2een re@ E5hH Li6e ;ouH I +annotH I a! on)y a !anHG +reated throu&h your wi))in& atta+h!ent to ,ood9 throu&h the e3/iation o /ain and EThe !an was )e t down there. The !anH ;our s/irit... 4 ;ou 6now what ha//ens at the death9 and throu&h your /er e+t re/entan+e and your /er e+t )ove9 a+hieved 2eyond death o a !an...G death. So your sou) is as inno+ent as the sou) o a 2a2y a ew hours o)d. 'nd i you are a new@2orn 2a2y9 why do you want to /ut on your s/iritua) +hi)dhood the heavy E8o9 Lord. I re!e!2er nothin& o what ha//ened to !eG interru/ts Lazarus +u!2erso!e +)othes o an adu)tF The +heer u) s/irit o a +hi)d has win&s9 not +hains. vehe!ent)y. They i!itate Me =uite easi)y as they have not yet assu!ed any /ersona)ity. They

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2e+o!e )i6e Me9 2e+ause My i&ure and My do+trine +an 2e i!/ressed on their sou)s devoid o a)) tra+es without any +on usion o )ines. Their sou)s are ree ro! hu!an !e!ories9 ro! resent!ent9 ro! /re<udi+e. There is nothin& in the!9 so I +an 2e there9 /er e+t and a2so)ute as I a! in Heaven. ;ou9 who are 2orn a&ain9 a new@2orn9 2e+ause in your o)d )esh the drivin& /ower is new9 +)ean9 without /ast and without tra+es o what it was9 you9 who have +o!e 2a+6 to serve Me9 and on)y or that /ur/ose9 you !ust 2e as I a!9 !ore than any2ody e)se. Loo6 at Me. Loo6 at Me +are u))y. Loo6 at yourse) in Me9 and !irror Me in yourse) . Two !irrors that )oo6 at ea+h other to re )e+t in ea+h other the i&ure o what they )ove. ;ou are a !an and a +hi)d. ' !an 2y a&e9 a +hi)d 2y the /urity o your heart. ;ou have the advanta&e over +hi)dren o 2ein& a)ready a+=uainted with ,ood and 0vi)9 and o +hoosin& ,ood even 2e ore your %a/tis! in the ire o )ove. 4e))9 I say to you9 to the !an whose s/irit has 2een +)eansed 2y the /uri i+ation re+eivedI C%e as /er e+t as our (ather in Heaven is /er e+t and as I a!. %e /er e+t9 that is9 2e )i6e Me 4ho have )oved you so !u+h as to &o a&ainst a)) the )aws o )i e and death9 o heaven and the earth9 in order to have on+e a&ain on the 0arth a servant o ,od and a true riend o Mine9 and a 2)essed sou)9 a &reat 2)essed sou) in Heaven.D I say that to every2odyI C%e /er e+tD. 'nd they9 the !a<ority9 do not have the heart that you had9 worthy o the !ira+)e9 worthy o 2ein& used as an instru!ent to &)ori y ,od in His Son. 'nd they do not have your de2t o )ove with ,od... I +an say that9 I +an e3a+t it ro! you. 'nd irst o a)) I e3a+t it 2y as6in& you to 2ear no &rud&e on those who o ended you and now o end Me. (or&ive9 Lazarus9 or&ive. ;ou have 2een i!!ersed in the 2urnin& )a!es o )ove. ;ou !ust 2e C)oveD9 so that you !ay no )on&er 6now anythin& 2ut the e!2ra+e o ,od.G E'nd 2y doin& so sha)) I u) i)) the !ission or whi+h ;ou have raised !e ro! the deadFG E%y doin& so you wi)) u) i)) it.G

E4hat a !ystery &er!ination isH It see!s i!/ossi2)e or su+h ra&i)e /eta)s and su+h tender ste!s to s/rout ro! a hard trun6 or hard seeds and to +han&e into ruit or /)ants. Is it wron&9 Master9 to say that the )y!/h or the &er! is )i6e the sou) o the /)ant or o the seedFG EIt is not wron& 2e+ause it is the vita) /art. It is not eterna) in the!9 2ut was +reated or ea+h s/e+ies on the irst day that /)ants and +erea)s e3isted. In !an it is eterna)9 )i6e its 7reator9 +reated ea+h ti!e a new !an is +on+eived. %ut !atter is a)ive throu&h it. That is why I say that on)y throu&h his sou) !an is a)ive. 'nd he does not )ive on)y here. %ut a)so in the 2eyond. He )ives 2e+ause o his sou). 4e He2rews do not draw desi&ns on se/u)+hres as the ,enti)es do. %ut i we did9 we shou)d not desi&n an e3tin&uished tor+h9 an e!/ty sand@&)ass or any other ite! sy!2o)isin& the end9 2ut the seed that is thrown into the urrow and &rows into an ear. %e+ause it is the death o the 2ody that rees the sou) ro! the 2ar6 and !a6es it ru+ti y in the )ower@2eds o ,od. The seed. The vita) s/ar6 that ,od /ut into our dust and 2e+o!es an ear i throu&h our &ood wi)) and a)so throu&h sorrow we +an erti)ise the +)od that en+)oses it. The seed. The sy!2o) o )i e that )asts orever... %ut Ma3i!inus is +a))in& you...G EI wi)) &o9 Master. So!e o the stewards have /ro2a2)y +o!e. 0verythin& +a!e to a standsti)) these )ast !onths. They are now !a6in& haste to show !e their a++ounts...G EThat you a//rove in advan+e 2e+ause you are a &ood !aster.G E'nd 2e+ause they are &ood servants.G E' &ood !aster !a6es servants &ood.G ESo I sha)) +ertain)y 2e+o!e a &ood servant 2e+ause I have ;ou as a /er e+t MasterG and he &oes away s!i)in&9 wa)6in& ni!2y9 so di erent ro! the /oor Lazarus as he had 2een or years.

EThat is enou&h9 Lord. I need not as6 or 6now !ore. It was !y drea! to serve ;ou. I I 7 Mary re!ains with Jesus. served ;ou 2y doin& nothin&9 as a si+6 !an and a dead 2ody9 and i I sha)) 2e a2)e to serve ;ou 2y doin& !u+h9 as a !an who has re+overed9 !y drea! has +o!e true and I E'nd what a2out you9 Mary9 wi)) you 2e+o!e a &ood servant o your LordFG do not as6 or anythin& e)se. May ;ou 2e 2)essed9 !y Jesus9 Lord and MasterH 'nd E;ou on)y 6now9 .a22oni. I... on)y 6now that I was a 2i& sinner.G !ay He 4ho sent ;ou 2e 2)essed with ;ou.G Jesus s!i)esI EHave you seen LazarusF He9 too9 was serious)y i))9 and yet do you not EMay the ')!i&hty Lord ,od 2e a)ways 2)essed.G thin6 that he is =uite we))FG 6 They &o towards the house sto//in& now and a&ain to wat+h the reawa6enin& o trees EIt is so9 .a22oni. ;ou have +ured hi!. 4hat ;ou do is a)ways +o!/)ete. Lazarus has and Jesus9 ta)) as He is9 )i ts one ar! and /i+6s a )itt)e 2un+h o )owers ro! an never 2een so stron& and +heer u) as he has 2een sin+e he +a!e out o the se/u)+hre.G a)!ond@tree that is &ettin& war! in the sun9 a&ainst the southern wa)) o the house. E;ou are ri&ht9 Mary. 4hat I do is a)ways +o!/)ete. Thus a)so your rede!/tion is Mary +o!es out and sees the! and she a//roa+hes the! to hear what Jesus is sayin&I +o!/)ete 2e+ause I wor6ed it.G ESee9 LazarusF ')so to these )owers the Lord saidI C7o!e out.D 'nd they o2eyed to EThat is true9 !y 2e)oved Saviour and .edee!er9 !y :in& and ,od. It is true. 'nd9 i serve the Lord.G

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;ou want it9 I a)so sha)) 2e a &ood servant o !y Lord. 's or !e9 I want it9 Lord. I do not 6now whether you do.G EI want it9 Mary. ' &ood servant o Mine. Today !ore than yesterday. To!orrow !ore than today. ?nti) I wi)) say to youI C0nou&h9 Mary. It is ti!e or you to rest.DG E'&reed9 Lord. I wou)d )i6e ;ou to +a)) !e9 then. 's ;ou +a))ed !y 2rother out o the se/u)+hre. 5hH +a)) !e out o this )i eHG E8o9 not out o this )i e. I wi)) +a)) you to the Li e9 to the true Li e. I wi)) +a)) you out o the se/u)+hre that is the )esh and the 0arth. I wi)) +a)) you to the weddin& o your sou) with your Lord.G EMy weddin&H ;ou )ove vir&ins9 Lord...G EI )ove those who )ove Me9 Mary.G E;ou are divine)y &ood9 .a22oniH That is why I +ou)d not set !y !ind at rest when I heard /eo/)e say that ;ou were 2ad 2e+ause ;ou were not +o!in&. 0verythin& see!ed to 2e +o))a/sin& around !e. How hard it was to say to !yse) I C8o. ;ou !ust not a++e/t this eviden+e. 4hat see!s to you to 2e o2vious is on)y a drea!. The rea) a+t is the /ower9 the &oodness9 the divinity o your Lord.D 'hH How !u+h I su eredH So !u+h &rie or Lazarus' death and or his words... $id he say anythin& to ;ouF $oes he not re!e!2erF Te)) !e the truth...G EI never )ie9 Mary. He is a raid that he !ay have s/o6en and said what had &rieved his )i e. %ut I reassured hi!9 without )yin&9 and he is now tran=ui).G EThan6 ;ou9 Lord. Those words... have done !e &ood. ;es. Just )i6e the +ure o a do+tor who )ays 2are the roots o a disease and 2urns the!. They inished destroyin& the o)d Mary. I sti)) had too hi&h an o/inion o !yse) . 8ow... I !easure the 2otto! o !y a2<e+tion and I 6now that I !ust &o a )on& way to +)i!2 out o it. %ut I wi)) do it9 i ;ou he)/ !e.G 8 EI wi)) he)/ you9 Mary. I wi)) he)/ you a)so when I have &one away.G EHow9 !y LordFG E%y in+reasin& your )ove in an i!!easura2)e way. There is no other way or you.G EToo !i)d when +o!/ared with what I have to e3/iateH 0very2ody is saved throu&h )ove. 0very2ody o2tains Heaven. %ut what is su i+ient or the /ure9 the <ust9 is not su i+ient or the &reat sinner.G

you. ;ou +an 2ut )ove9 Mary. It is your nature. ()a!es +an 2ut 2urn whether they +ree/ on the &round9 2urnin& straw9 or they arise )i6e a 2ri&ht e!2ra+e around a trun69 a house or an a)tar to as+end towards the s6y. 0veryone has his nature. The wisdo! o the !asters o the s/irit rests in the a2i)ity to e3/)oit the in+)inations o !en dire+tin& the! a)on& the way where they +an deve)o/ /ro ita2)y. Su+h a )aw e3ists a)so a!on& /)ants and ani!a)s and it wou)d 2e si))y to /retend that a ruit@tree shou)d yie)d )owers on)y9 or shou)d 2ear other ruit than its natura) ones9 or that an ani!a) shou)d u) i)) the un+tions ty/i+a) o another s/e+ies. 7ou)d you /retend that a 2ee9 destined to !a6e honey9 shou)d 2e+o!e a )itt)e 2ird that sin&s a!on& the )ea y 2ran+hes o a hed&eF 5r that this )itt)e 2ran+h o an a)!ond@tree that I a! ho)din& in My hands9 with a)) the tree ro! whi+h I /i+6ed it9 instead o yie)din& a)!onds shou)d e3ude sweet@s!e))in& resins ro! its 2ar6F ' 2ee wor6s9 a 2ird sin&s9 an a)!ond@tree 2ears ruit9 a resini erous /)ant se+retes resins. 'nd ea+h u) i))s its tas6. Sou)s do the sa!e. ;our tas6 is to )ove.G EThen in )a!e !e9 Lord. ,rant !e it as a &ra+e.G EIs the /ower o )ove that you /ossess not su i+ient or youFG EIt's too )itt)e9 Lord. It +ou)d have served to )ove !en. 8ot to )ove ;ou 4ho are the in inite Lord.G E'nd <ust 2e+ause I a! su+h9 a )i!it)ess )ove wou)d 2e re=uired...G E;es9 !y Lord. That is what I wantI that ;ou &ive !e a )i!it)ess )ove.G EMary9 the Most Hi&h 4ho 6nows what )ove is9 said to !anI C;ou sha)) )ove Me with a)) your stren&th.D He does not e3a+t !ore than that. %e+ause He is aware that it is a)ready a !artyrdo! to )ove with a)) one's stren&th...G EIt does not !atter9 !y Lord. ,ive !e an in inite )ove that I !ay )ove ;ou as ;ou deserve to 2e )oved9 that I !ay )ove ;ou as I have not )oved any2ody e)se.G E;ou are as6in& Me or a su erin& that is )i6e a ire that 2urns and +onsu!es9 Mary. It 2urns and +onsu!es s)ow)y... Thin6 a2out it.G EI have 2een thin6in& a2out it or su+h a )on& ti!e9 !y Lord. %ut I dared not as6 ;ou. 8ow I 6now how !u+h ;ou )ove !e. Just now I a! aware o how !u+h ;ou )ove !e and I dare to as6 ;ou. ,ive !e that in inite )ove9 Lord.G

Jesus )oo6s at her. She is in ront o Hi!9 sti)) thin a ter so !any )on& hours o wat+h and so !u+h &rie 9 wearin& a !odest dress and with her hair arran&ed in a si!/)e way9 )i6e a &ir) without !a)i+e9 her /a)e a+e u)) o ea&erness9 her i!/)orin& eyes a)ready shinin& with )ove9 )oo6in& !ore )i6e a sera/h than a wo!an. She is rea))y the EThere is no other way or you9 Mary. %e+ause9 whatever way you !ay ta6e9 it wi)) sti)) +onte!/)ator as6in& or the !artyrdo! o a2so)ute +onte!/)ation. 2e )ove. Love i you he)/ /eo/)e in My na!e. Love i you evan&e)ize. Love i you )ive Jesus says one word on)y a ter )oo6in& at her +are u))y9 as i He wanted to wei&h her in iso)ation. Love i you !artyrise yourse) . Love i you wi)) !a6e /eo/)e !artyrise

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wi))I E;es.G E'hH !y LordH 4hat a &ra+e to die out o )ove or ;ouHG she says a))in& on her 6nees and 6issin& Jesus' eet. EStand u/9 Mary. Ta6e these )owers. They are those o your s/iritua) weddin&. %e as sweet as the ruit o the a)!ond@tree9 as /ure as its )ower and as 2ri&ht as the oi) that is e3tra+ted ro! its ruit9 when it is )it9 and as sweet s!e))in& as this oi) when sated with essen+es it is s/read in 2an=uets or on the heads o 6in&s9 s+ented with your virtues. Then you wi)) rea))y s/read on your Lord the 2a)! that He wi)) a//re+iate in inite)y.G Mary ta6es the )owers 2ut she does not stand u/ and in advan+e o her 2a)!s o )ove she 6isses and sheds tears on the eet o her Master.

The 2oy runs away as swi t as a swa))ow. ELet us &o9 Lazarus. %rin& Me My !ant)e. I wi)) /ro+eed 2e+ause9 as you +an see9 the )itt)e 2oy +annot o/en the &ate9 and he +ertain)y does not wish to +a)) any2ody.G 10 Jesus wa)6s ast towards the &ate9 Lazarus hastens towards the house. The or!er re)eases the iron )o+6 o the &ate or the 2oy9 who runs away. The )atter 2rin&s Jesus' !ant)e to Hi! and wa)6s 2eside Hi! on the road towards %eth/ha&e. EI wonder what Jose/h wantsF I he sent a 2oy with so !u+h se+re+y...G E' 2oy es+a/es the noti+e o anyone who !ay 2e wat+hin&G re/)ies Jesus. E$o ;ou thin6 that... do ;ou sus/e+t... $o ;ou ee) that ;ou are in dan&er9 LordFG

9 Lazarus <oins the! and saysI EMaster9 there is a )itt)e 2oy who wants ;ou. He had EI a! +ertain9 My dear riend.G &one to Si!on's house )oo6in& or ;ou and ound on)y John who 2rou&ht hi! here. %ut E4hatF 0ven nowF %ut ;ou +ou)d not have &iven a &reater /roo H...G he does not want to s/ea6 to any2ody 2ut ;ou.G EHatred 2e+o!es !ore urious when ur&ed 2y a+ts.G E')) ri&ht. %rin& hi! here. I sha)) &o under the <as!ine /er&o)a.G Mary &oes 2a+6 into the house with Lazarus. Jesus &oes under the /er&o)a. Lazarus +o!es 2a+6 ho)din& 2y the hand the 2oy who! I saw in the house o Jose/h o Se/horis. Jesus re+o&nises hi! at on+e and &reets hi!I E;ou9 Martia)H 1ea+e 2e with you. How +o!e you are hereFG EThey have sent !e to te)) ;ou so!ethin&...G and he )oo6s at Lazarus who understands and is a2out to &o away. EStay9 Lazarus. This is Lazarus9 a riend o Mine. ;ou +an s/ea6 2e ore hi!9 My 2oy9 2e+ause I have no other riend !ore aith u) than he is.G The 2oy is reassured. He saysI EJose/h the 0)der has sent !e9 2e+ause I )ive with hi! now9 to te)) ;ou to &o at on+e to %eth/ha&e9 to the house o 7)eanthes. He !ust s/ea6 to ;ou at on+e. %ut it !ust 2e at on+e. 'nd he said that ;ou are to +o!e 2y ;ourse) . %e+ause he !ust s/ea6 to ;ou in a)) se+re+y.G EMasterH 4hat is ha//enin&FG as6s Lazarus worried)y. EI do not 6now9 Lazarus. There is on)y one thin& to doI to &o there. 7o!e with Me.G E't on+e9 Lord. 4e +an &o with the 2oy.G E5hH it's 2e+ause o !e9 thenH I have har!ed ;ouH... My &rie is in+o!/ara2)eHG e3+)ai!s Lazarus who is dee/)y &rieved. E8ot 2e+ause o you. $o not 2e distressed without reason. ;ou have 2een the !eans9 2ut you !ust understand that the +ause was the ne+essity to &ive the wor)d the /roo o My divine nature. I it had not 2een you9 it wou)d have 2een so!e2ody e)se9 2e+ause I had to /rove to the wor)d that I9 2ein& ,od9 +an do anythin& I want. 'nd to 2rin& 2a+6 to )i e a 2ody that has 2een dead or days and is a)ready de+o!/osed9 +an on)y 2e the wor6 o ,od.G E'hH ;ou want to +o! ort !e. %ut !y <oy9 a)) !y <oy has vanished... I a! distressed9 Lord.G Jesus !a6es a &esture as i He wanted to say E4ho 6nowsHG and then they 2oth 2e+o!e si)ent. 11 They wa)6 ast. The distan+e 2etween %ethany and %eth/ha&e is a short one9 and they soon arrive there.

Jose/h is wa)6in& u/ and down the street at the 2e&innin& o the vi))a&e. He has his 2a+6 turned when Jesus and Lazarus +o!e out o a /ath +on+ea)ed 2y a hed&e. Lazarus +a))s hi!. E8o9 Lord. I a! &oin& a)one. Jose/h insisted on that. He saidI CI you +an do it /ro/er)y and 2y yourse) 9 I wi)) )ove you as i I were your atherD9 and I want to 2e )oved as a son E5hH 1ea+e to you. 7o!e9 Master. I waited or ;ou here so that I !i&ht see ;ou at 2y Jose/h. I a! &oin& away at on+e9 and I wi)) run. 7o!e a ter I have &one. Hai)9 Lord. on+e9 2ut )et us &o into the o)ive@&rove. I do not want any2ody to see us...G Hai)9 sir.G He ta6es the! 2ehind the houses into a thi+6 o)ive@&rove that is a +o! orta2)e she)ter E1ea+e to you9 Martia).G

5#/. A& 0e&han( a-&e &he Resu e3&i"n "- Laza us.


where they +an s/ea6 without 2ein& noti+ed9 as the ru )ed )ea y 2ran+hes o the trees +on+ea) the s)o/es. EMaster9 I sent the 2oy who is s!art and o2edient and very ond o !e9 2e+ause I had to s/ea6 to ;ou 2ut I was not to 2e seen. I +a!e a)on& the :idron to &et here... Master9 ;ou !ust &o away9 at on+e. The Sanhedrin has ordained ;our arrest and the announ+e@ !ent wi)) 2e read in the syna&o&ues to!orrow. 4hoever 6nows where ;ou are9 !ust denoun+e ;ou. I need not te)) you9 Lazarus9 that your house wi)) 2e the irst one to 2e wat+hed. I +a!e out o the Te!/)e at the si3th hour and I a+ted at on+e9 2e+ause whi)e they were dis+ussin& I had a)ready /)anned what to do. I went ho!e and I too6 the 2oy. I +a!e out throu&h Herod's ,ate on horse2a+69 as i I were )eavin& the town. Then I +rossed the :idron and o))owed it. I )e t !y !ount at ,ethse!ane and I sent the 2oy who 6new the way as he had a)ready 2een to %ethany with !e. ,o away at on+e9 Master. To a sa e /)a+e. $o ;ou 6now where to &oF Have ;ou &ot a /)a+e where to &oFG E%ut is it not enou&h or Hi! to &o away ro! hereF 't !ost ro! JudaeaFG EIt is not enou&h9 Lazarus. They are urious. He !ust &o where they do not &o...G E%ut they &o everywhere9 they doH ;ou sure)y do not want the Master to )eave 1a)estineH...G says Lazarus e3+ited)y. E4e))H 4hat +an I te)) youFH That's what the Sanhedrin wants...G E%e+ause o !e9 is that ri&htF Te)) !eHG EH'!H 4e))... yes. %e+ause o you... that is9 2e+ause every2ody is 2ein& +onverted to Hi!9 and they... they do not want that.G E%ut it is a +ri!eH It's a sa+ri)e&e... It's...G Jesus9 /a)e 2ut +a)!9 )i ts His hand i!/osin& si)en+e and He saysI E%e si)ent9 Lazarus. 0very2ody is doin& his wor6. 0verythin& is written. I than6 you9 Jose/h9 and I assure you that I wi)) &o away. ,o9 you !ay &o9 Jose/h. So that your a2sen+e !ay not 2e noti+ed... May ,od 2)ess you. I wi)) &et Lazarus to )et you 6now where I a!. ,o. I 2)ess you9 8i+ode!us and a)) ri&hteous@hearted /eo/)e.G He 6isses hi! and they /art. Throu&h the o)ive@&rove Jesus &oes towards %ethany with Lazarus9 whi)e Jose/h &oes towards the town. 12 E4hat wi)) ;ou do9 MasterFG as6s Lazarus who is an&uished. EI do not 6now. In a ew days' ti!e the wo!en dis+i/)es wi)) 2e +o!in& with My Mother. I wou)d have )i6ed to wait or the!...G

So)o!on's house... nor to any o the we))@6nown dis+i/)es. To!orrowH... ;ou !ust &o away at on+eHG EI have a /)a+e. %ut I wou)d )i6e to wait or My Mother. Her an&uish wou)d 2e&in too ear)y i She did not ind Me...G E4here wou)d ;ou &o9 MasterFG ETo 0/hrai!.G ETo Sa!ariaFG ETo Sa!aria. The Sa!aritans are )ess sa!aritans than !any /eo/)e and they )ove Me. 0/hrai! is at the 2order...G E5hH and to s/ite the Judaeans they honour and de end ;ouH %ut... waitH ;our Mother wi)) either +o!e via Sa!aria or a)on& the Jordan. I wi)) &o with so!e servants a)on& one route9 Ma3i!inus with other servants a)on& the other9 and either one or the other wi)) ind Her. 4e wi)) +o!e 2a+6 on)y when we !eet the!. ;ou 6now that no one in Lazarus' house wi)) 2etray ;ou. In the !eanti!e ;ou wi)) &o to 0/hrai!. 't on+e. 'hH it was !y destiny that I shou)d not en<oy ;our +o!/anyH %ut I wi)) +o!e. '+ross the 'du!!i! !ountains. I a! sound now. I +an do what I )i6e. 8ayH ;es. I wi)) !a6e the! 2e)ieve that I a! &oin& to 1to)e!ais via Sa!aria to sai) to 'ntio+h. 0very2ody 6nows that I own )and there... My sisters wi)) re!ain at %ethany... ;ou... ;es. I wi)) now have two +arts e=ui//ed or ;ou and you +an a)) &o to Jeri+ho in the!. Then to!o@ rrow at dawn you wi)) resu!e the <ourney on oot. 5hH MasterH My MasterH Ta6e +are o ;ourse) HG ' ter the e3+ite!ent o the irst !o!ent Lazarus 2e+o!es sad and wee/s. Jesus si&hs9 2ut does not say anythin&. 4hat +an He sayF... 13 They are now in Si!on's house. They /art. Jesus &oes into the house. The a/ost)es9 who are sur/rised that the Master had &one away without sayin& anythin&9 /ress round Hi! as He saysI ETa6e your &ar!ents. 1re/are your 2a&s. 4e !ust de/art ro! here at on+e. %e =ui+6. 'nd <oin Me in Lazarus' house.G E')so the +)othes that are da!/F 7an we not &et the! when we +o!e 2a+6FG as6s Tho!as. E4e sha)) not +o!e 2a+6. Ta6e everythin&.G The a/ost)es &o away +astin& !eanin& u) &)an+es at one another. Jesus &oes to &et His 2e)on&in&s in Lazarus' house and He says &ood2ye to the dis!ayed sisters...

E4ith re&ard to that. I +ou)d re+eive the! in ;our na!e and then I wou)d 2rin& the! to The two +arts are soon ready. Two heavy +arts with ti)ts9 drawn 2y stron& horses. Jesus says &ood2ye to Lazarus9 to Ma3i!inus and to the servants who have rushed there. ;ou. %ut9 in the !eanti!e9 where are ;ou &oin&F I don't thin6 ;ou +an &o to

5#/. A& 0e&han( a-&e &he Resu e3&i"n "- Laza us.


They &et on the +arts that are waitin& at one o the &ates at the rear o the house. The drivers ur&e on the horses and the <ourney 2e&ins a)on& the sa!e road 2y whi+h Jesus had +o!e a ew days /revious)y to raise Lazarus.

ELet us &o outside9 8i6e. 4e sha)) 2e a2)e to s/ea6 in /ea+e.G They &o out and they !ove away ro! the house. EMy heart is a+hin&9 Master...G EI 6now. %ut it is ne+essary to 2e stron& +onsiderin& that you have not &rieved Me...G E5hH Let that never ha//enH %ut I thou&ht that I wou)d 2e a2)e to stay near ;ou and that is why I +a!e to Jerusa)e!. 5therwise I wou)d have stayed here9 where I own these ie)ds...G E')so Lazarus9 Mary and Martha thou&ht they wou)d 2e a2)e to 2e with Me. 'nd you +an seeH...G E;es9 I +an see. I a! not &oin& 2a+6 to Jerusa)e! any !ore as ;ou are not there. I sha)) 2e +)oser to ;ou i I re!ain here and I sha)) 2e a2)e to he)/ ;ou.G E;ou have a)ready &iven so !u+h...G EI have not &iven anythin&. I wou)d )i6e to 2e a2)e to ta6e !y house wherever ;ou &o. %ut I wi)) +o!e9 I wi)) +ertain)y +o!e to see what ;ou need. 4hat ;ou to)d !e to do now is ri&ht. I sha)) stay here unti) they are +onvin+ed that ;ou are not here. %ut )ater...G EIt is a )on& and di i+u)t road or a wo!an9 and it is not sa e either.G E5hH I a! not a raid. I a! too o)d to 2e /)easant and attra+tive as a wo!an9 and I do not +arry treasures to 2e sou&ht as a /rey. Hi&hway!en are 2etter than !any /eo/)e who +onsider the!se)ves ho)y and instead are thieves and want to ro2 you o your /ea+e and reedo!...G E$o not hate the!9 8i6e.G

5*9. G#in4 &# E9h!ai(.

2nd Janua!/ $9*8.

1 In the resh +)ear ear)y dawn the ie)ds around 8i6e's house are a)) &reen with new shoots o +orn on)y a ew +enti!etres hi&h9 as de)i+ate in shade as very +)ear e!era)ds. The or+hard9 whi+h is +)oser to the house and is sti)) 2are9 )oo6s even dar6er and !ore !assive9 +o!/ared with the de)i+ate ste!s and with the /aradisia+ serenity o the airy s6y. The white house is +rowned in the ear)y sunshine with the )i&hts o doves. 8i6e is a)ready u/ and she is di)i&ent)y ensurin& that the de/artin& /ersons have what !ay +o! ort the! durin& their <ourney. (irst o a)) she dis!isses Lazarus' two servants who were 6e/t 2y her or that ni&ht and who9 a ter ta6in& so!e re resh!ent9 &o away trottin& their horses. She then &oes 2a+6 into the 6it+hen where the !aidservants are /re/arin& !i)6 and ood on 2i& ires. 'nd ro! a )ar&e earthen /ot she /ours so!e oi) into two s!a))er ones9 and then so!e wine into two s!a)) wines6ins. She ur&es a servant who is /re/arin& )oaves o 2read as thin as 2uns to ta6e the! to the stone@oven that is ready. (ro! )ar&e 2oards9 on whi+h +heese is desi++ated in the war!th o the 6it+hen9 she /i+6s the 2est who)e ones. She ta6es so!e honey and /ours it s)ow)y into so!e s!a)) vesse)s itted with ir! ta/s. She then !a6es u/ severa) 2und)es +ontainin& the oodstu s9 and one o the! +ontains a who)e 6id or )a!2 that a servant ta6es o the s/it on whi+h it was roasted. 'nother +ontains a//)es as red as +ora)s. In another there are edi2)e o)ives. In a third one there are dried +urrants. There is one o /ee)ed 2ar)ey.

EThat is !ore di i+u)t or !e than anythin& e)se. %ut I wi)) try not to hate the! or 2 She is +)osin& this )ast /a+6a&e when Jesus enters the 6it+hen and &reets a)) the /eo/)e ;our sa6e... I we/t a)) ni&ht9 LordHG /resent. EI heard you &o to and ro in the house as inde ati&a2)e as a 2ee. 'nd you see!ed a EMaster9 /ea+e to ;ou. 're ;ou u/ a)readyFG !other an3ious a2out her /erse+uted son... $o not wee/. ,ui)ty /eo/)e !ust wee/. 8ot you. ,od is &ood to His Messiah. In the !ost &rievous hours He a)ways !a6es Me ind EI shou)d have 2een u/ ear)ier. %ut My dis+i/)es were so tired that I )et the! s)ee/ on. a !other)y heart +)ose to Me...G 4hat are you doin&9 8i6eFG E'nd what are ;ou &oin& to do a2out ;our MotherF ;ou to)d !e that She was +o!in& EI a! /re/arin&... They wi)) not 2e heavy9 seeF Twe)ve /ar+e)s. 'nd I have ta6en into soon...G +onsideration the stren&th o the 2earers.G EShe wi)) +o!e to 0/hrai!... Lazarus is &oin& to in or! Her. 3 Here is Si!on o Jonah E'nd what a2out !eFG with My 2rothers...G E5hH MasterH ;ou a)ready have ;our 2urden...G and tears 2e&in to shine in 8i6e's eyes.

5#9. 4"in1 &" E5h ai..


E$o they 6nowFG E8ot yet9 8i6e. I wi)) te)) the! when we are ar away...G E'nd when I +o!e9 I wi)) te)) ;ou what ha//ens here and in Jerusa)e!.G They <oin the a/ost)es who are +o!in& out o the house one a ter the other )oo6in& or Jesus. E7o!e9 2rothers. Ta6e so!e ood 2e ore de/artin&. 0verythin& is ready.G E8i6e did not s)ee/ )ast ni&ht to /rovide or us. Than6 the &ood dis+i/)eG says Jesus enterin& the )ar&e 6it+hen where on a re e+tory ta2)e J it is so )on& J there are +u/s u)) o !i)6 stea!in& hot and sweet s!e))in& 2uns <ust out o the oven. 'nd 8i6e s/reads 2utter and honey &enerous)y on the!9 sayin& that they are invi&oratin& ood or /eo/)e who have to &o on a )on& <ourney when the weather is sti)) +o)d. The !ea) is soon over. 8i6e in the !eanti!e has !ade u/ the )ast /ar+e)s with the +ris/ ra&rant 2read <ust ta6en out o the oven. 0a+h a/ost)e ta6es his 2und)e that has 2een tied in su+h a way as to 2e +arried without !u+h trou2)e.

the a/ost)es o))ow Hi!9 without s/ea6in&. 's the road +o!es ro! ,a)i)ee and throu&h the $e+a/o)is and Sa!aria &oes to Judaea9 there are way arers on it9 !ost)y +aravans o !er+hants. 's ti!e &oes 2y the sun 2e+o!es /)easant)y war!er and war!er9 when Jesus )eaves the !ain road to ta6e another /ath that a+ross +orn ie)ds &oes towards the irst hi))s. The a/ost)es +ast &)an+es at one another. 1erha/s they 2e&in to understand that they are not &oin& towards ,a)i)ee a)on& the road in the Jordan va))ey9 2ut are instead &oin& towards Sa!aria. %ut they re!ain si)ent. 4hen they arrive at the irst woods on the hi))s9 Jesus saysI ELet us sto/ and rest whi)e we ta6e so!e ood. The sun indi+ates that it is !idday.G They are near a torrent with )itt)e water in it as it has not rained or so!e ti!e. %ut its )itt)e water is +)ear in the &rave)@2ed and its 2an6s are s/read with )ar&e stones that +an 2e used as ta2)es and seats. They sit down a ter Jesus has 2)essed and o ered the ood and they eat in si)en+e and as i they were )ost in thou&ht. 5 Jesus rouses the! sayin&I E're you not as6in& Me where we are &oin&F $o your worries o the uture !a6e you du!2 or do I no )on&er see! to you to 2e your MasterFG

It is ti!e to &o. Jesus &reets and 2)esses. The a/ost)es say &ood2ye. %ut 8i6e wants to &o with the! as ar as the 2order o her ie)ds and she then &oes 2a+6 s)ow)y wee/in& in The Twe)ve raise their headsI twe)ve distressed or at )east 2ewi)dered a+es that turn her vei)9 whi)e Jesus with His a/ost)es &oes away a)on& a se+ondary road /ointed out to towards the tran=ui) a+e o Jesus and one on)y E5hHG is e3+)ai!ed 2y twe)ve !ouths. Hi! 2y 8i6e. 'nd the e3+)a!ation is o))owed 2y the re/)y o 1eter who s/ea6s on 2eha) o every@ 2odyI EMaster9 ;ou 6now that we a)ways +onsider ;ou our Master. %ut sin+e yesterday 4 The +ountry is sti)) desert. The /ath runs throu&h ie)ds o new +orn and 2are we are )i6e /eo/)e who have re+eived hard 2)ows on their heads. 'nd everythin& see!s vineyards. Thus there are no she/herds either9 as they do not ta6e their )o+6s into a drea! to us. 'nd a)thou&h we see and 6now that it is ;ou9 ;ou see! to 2e a)ready... +u)tivated ie)ds. The !ornin& air is war!ed a )itt)e 2y the sun. The irst )itt)e )owers ar away. 4e so!ehow have had this i!/ression sin+e ;ou s/o6e to ;our (ather on the ed&es o the ie)ds are shinin& )i6e &e!s under the vei) o dew 2ri&htened 2y 2e ore +a))in& Lazarus9 and sin+e ;ou 2rou&ht hi! out o his se/u)+hre9 tied as he was9 sunshine. The 2irds are sin&in& the irst )ove son&s. The &ood season is +o!in&. 0verythin& is 2eauti u) and resh. 0verythin& is )ove... 'nd Jesus is &oin& into the e3i)e on)y 2y !eans o ;our wi))9 and ;ou !ade hi! )ive on)y 2y the stren&th o ;our /ower. ;ou a)!ost ri&hten us. I a! s/ea6in& o !yse) ... 2ut I thin6 it is the sa!e or that /re+edes His death 2rou&ht a2out 2y hatred. every2ody... 'nd now... 4e... This de/arture... so sudden and so !ysteriousHG They a/ost)es are si)ent. They are /ensive. The sudden de/arture has dis+on+erted the!. EHave you a dou2)e earF $o you ee) that the dan&er is !ore i!/endin&F $o you not They were so +ertain that everythin& was sett)ed 2y nowH They are /ro+eedin& with their 2a+6s !ore +urved than the wei&ht o their 2a&s and o 8i6e's /rovisions +an 2end have9 do you ee) that you do not have the stren&th to a+e and over+o!e the )ast tria)sF the!. They are 2ent 2y disa//oint!ent and 2y the as+ertain!ent o what the wor)d and S/ea6 without restraint. 4e are sti)) in Judaea. 4e are near the )ow roads that ta6e one to ,a)i)ee. 0veryone !ay &o i he wishes9 and you +an &o in ti!e to avoid 2ein& hated !en are. 2y the Sanhedrin...G Jesus instead9 a)thou&h He is not s!i)in&9 is neither sad nor de<e+ted. He is wa)6in& with His head ere+t9 ahead o every2ody9 without arro&an+e9 2ut a)so without ear. He is The a/ost)es are roused 2y these words. Those who were a)!ost )yin& on the &rass war!ed 2y the sun9 sit u/. Those who were sittin&9 stand u/. 1ro+eedin& )i6e one who 6nows where to &o and what to do. He wa)6s +oura&eous)y9 )i6e a hero9 who! nothin& sha6es or ri&htens. Jesus &oes onI E%e+ause as ro! today I a! the )e&a))y 1erse+uted 5ne. %ear that in !ind. Just now they are a2out to /ro+)ai! in the ive hundred and !ore syna&o&ues in The se+ondary road <oins with a !ain one9 whi+h Jesus ta6es &oin& northwards. 'nd

5#9. 4"in1 &" E5h ai..


Jerusa)e! and in those o the towns that have re+eived the 2an issued yesterday at the si3th hour9 that I a! the &reat sinner9 and that whoever 6nows where I a! !ust denoun+e Me to the Sanhedrin so that I !ay 2e +a/tured...G

souls. %ut even su+h stren&th9 whi+h is undenia2)e you have a+=uired9 as +o!/ared with the nonentities you were J I a! re errin& to your s/irits J is sti)) too )itt)e with res/e+t to the &reatness o the tria). 5hH do not thin6 in the se+re+y o your heartsI CThe Master is s+anda)ised at usHD I a! not s+anda)ised. 5n the +ontrary I tell you that you The a/ost)es shout as i they a)ready saw Hi! +a/tured. John +)in&s to His ne+6 #ust not be scandalised neither now nor in the future at your own wea"ness. In all !oanin&I E'hH I have a)ways oreseen thatHG and he so2s )oud. So!e +urse the future ti#es there will always be people a#ong the #e#bers of !y ,hurch both la#bs Sanhedrin9 so!e invo6e divine <usti+e9 so!e wee/9 so!e 2e+o!e /etri ied. and shepherds who will be inferior to the greatness of their #ission. There wi)) 2e /eriods when the ido) she/herds and the ido) 2e)ievers are !ore nu!erous than the true E%e si)ent and 6 )isten. I have never de+eived you. I have a)ways to)d you the truth. she/herds and the true 2e)ievers. 1eriods o e+)i/se o the s/irit o aith o the wor)d. 4hen /ossi2)e I de ended and /rote+ted you. ;our /resen+e near Me has 2een as %ut an e+)i/se is not the death o a star. It is on)y a te!/orary !ore or )ess /artia) /)easant as that o sons. I did not even hide My )ast hour... My dan&ers... My /assion ro! you. %ut those were /ro2)e!s that +on+erned Me e3+)usive)y. 8ow your dan&ers9 o2s+urin& o a star. ' terwards its 2eauty rea//ears and it )oo6s 2ri&hter. The sa!e wi)) your sa ety9 and that o your a!i)ies are to 2e ta6en into +onsideration. I as6 you to do ha//en to My (o)d. I say to youI C1onder over itD. I say so to you as your Master9 She/herd and (riend. I )eave you +o!/)ete)y ree to dis+uss the !atter a!on& that. 4ith a2so)ute reedo!. $o not +onsider the! in the )i&ht o your )ove or Me9 or o your e)e+tion !ade 2y Me. 's I a! re)easin& you ro! every o2)i&ation towards ,od yourse)ves. I a! &oin& over there9 to that thi+6et9 to /ray. 5ne 2y one wi)) +o!e and te)) Me what you have de+ided. 'nd I wi)) 2)ess your sin+ere honesty9 whatever it !ay 2e. and His 7hrist9 <ust i!a&ine that we have !et here9 now9 or this irst ti!e and that9 'nd I wi)) )ove you or what you have &iven Me so ar. ,ood2ye.G He stands u/ and a ter )istenin& to Me9 you de+ide whether it is +onvenient or you or not to o))ow the ?n6nown !an whose words have !oved you. I!a&ine that you hear and see Me or the &oes away. irst ti!e and that I say to you( /Bear in #ind that I a# persecuted and hated and that 7 The a/ost)es are terri ied9 /uzz)ed9 !oved. 't irst they +annot even s/ea6. Then whoever loves !e is persecuted and hated as I a# in his person his interests his 1eter is the irst to sayI EMay he)) swa))ow !e i I want to )eave Hi!H I a! sure o affections. Re#e#ber that persecution #ay end up with death and the confiscation of !yse) . 0ven i a)) the de!ons in ,ehenna )ed 2y Leviathan shou)d +o!e a&ainst !e9 I the fa#ily property0. Thin6 it over and de+ide. I wi)) )ove you <ust the sa!e i you say wou)d not !ove away ro! Hi! out o earHG to !eI CMaster9 I +annot +o!e with ;ou any !ore.D 're you 2e+o!in& sadF 8o9 you !ust not. 4e are &ood riends who de+ide with /ea+e and )ove what is to 2e done9 with E8either wou)d I. '! I to 2e in erior to !y dau&htersFG says 1hi)i/. re+i/ro+a) +o!/assion. I +annot )et you a+e the uture without !a6in& you /onder over EI a! sure that they wi)) do Hi! no har!. The !e!2ers o the Sanhedrin threaten 2ut it. I do not disestee! you. I )ove you a)). I a! the Master. It is o2vious that the Master they do so to +onvin+e the!se)ves that the Sanhedrin sti)) e3ists. They 6now very we)) shou)d 6now His dis+i/)es. I a! the She/herd and it is o2vious that a she/herd shou)d that they have no /ower i .o!e is not a&reea2)e. Their senten+esH It's .o!e that 6now his )a!2s. I 6now that My dis+i/)es9 i they had to a+e a test without 2ein& <ud&esHG says the Is+ariot 2o)d)y. su i+ient)y /re/ared9 not on)y in the wisdo! +o!in& ro! their Master9 and whi+h is there ore &ood and /er e+t9 2ut a)so in their own /onderation o the situation9 !i&ht ai)9 E%ut the Sanhedrin is sti)) +on+erned with re)i&ious !attersG re!ar6s 'ndrew. or at )east they wou)d not triu!/h )i6e ath)etes in a stadiu!. To #easure oneself and to evaluate circu#stances is always a wise rule. In little and great things. I the .hepherd E're you a raid /erha/s9 2rotherF %ear in !ind that there have never 2een +owards in #ust say to !y la#bs( /Here I a# now going to enter a place of wolves and butchers. our a!i)yG says 1eter threatenin&)y9 as he ee)s that his heart is over )owin& with Have you enough strength to go a#ong the#$0 I +ou)d a)so te)) you now whi+h o you war)i6e s/irit. wi)) not have the stren&th to withstand the tria)9 a)thou&h I +an assure and reassure you EI a! not a raid and I ho/e I sha)) 2e a2)e to /rove it. I a! on)y te))in& Judas what I that none o you wi)) a)) at the hands o the e3e+utioners who wi)) sa+ri i+e the La!2 thin6.G o ,od. My +a/ture is o su+h wei&ht that it wi)) su i+e the!... So I say to youI CThin6 E;ou are ri&ht. %ut the !ista6e o the Sanhedrin +onsists in wishin& to !a6e use o a it overD. 5n+e I said to youI C%e not a raid o those who 6i))D. I saidI CHe who9 havin& /o)iti+a) wea/on9 as they do not wish to say or to 2e to)d that they have )i ted their )aid his hand on the /)ou&h9 )oo6s 2a+6 to +onsider the /ast and what he !ay )ose or a+=uire9 is not it or My !issionD. But they were rules to give you the #easure of what hands a&ainst the 7hrist. I 6now that or +ertain. They wou)d )i6e9 that is9 they wou)d have )i6ed to !a6e Jesus +o!!it sin and thus !a6e Hi! +onte!/ti2)e to the +rowds. it #eant to be disciples and rules for the future that will ta"e place when I a# no %ut with re&ard to 6i))in& Hi!H 0hiH 8o. They are a raidH Their ri&ht has no hu!an longer the !aster but !y believers are the #asters. They served to strengthen your +o!/arison9 2e+ause their sou)s are ri&htened. They do 6now that He is the MessiahH

5#9. 4"in1 &" E5h ai..


They 6now that very we)). So !u+h so that they rea)ise that they are done or9 2e+ause the new ti!e is +o!in&. 'nd they want to overthrow Hi!. %ut wi)) they overthrow Hi!HF 8o. That is why they are see6in& a /o)iti+a) reason so that the 1ro+onsu)9 that is .o!e9 shou)d overthrow Hi!. %ut the 7hrist does no har! to .o!e9 and .o!e wi)) do no har! to Hi!9 and the !e!2ers o the Sanhedrin are how)in& in vain.G ESo are you stayin& with Hi!FG E5 +ourse. More than any2ody e)seHG EI have nothin& to )ose or to &ain 2y stayin& or &oin& away. I have on)y to )ove Hi!. 'nd I wi)) do thatG says the >ea)ot. EI re+o&nise Hi! as the Messiah and +onse=uent)y I wi)) o))ow Hi!G says 8athanae). ESo wi)) I. I have 2e)ieved Hi! to 2e the Messiah sin+e John the %a/tist /ointed Hi! out to !e as su+hG says Ja!es o >e2edee. E4e are His 2rothers. To our aith we add the )ove o 6inshi/. Is that ri&ht9 Ja!esFG says Thaddeus.

E$o not hate !e9 !y riend9 i I understand that the ine weather is over. 4hen wi)) it 2eF I do not 6now. I 6now that it wi)) ha//en. He says so. How !any ti!es has He said soH 4e do not want to 2e)ieve it. %ut the hatred o the others +on ir!s His words... So I /ray. %e+ause there is nothin& e)se to 2e done. I /ray ,od to !a6e us stron&. $o you not re!e!2er9 Judas9 when He to)d us that He had /rayed His (ather to have stren&th a&ainst te!/tationsF ')) stren&th +o!es ro! ,od. I i!itate !y Master9 as is ri&ht to do...G E4e))9 are you stayin& or notFG as6s 1eter. E'nd where do you want !e to &o i I do not stay with Hi! 4ho is !y )i e and we) areF %ut as I a! a /oor 2oy9 the !ost !isera2)e o a))9 I as6 everythin& o ,od9 the (ather o Jesus and ours.G EThat is sett)ed. So we are a)) stayin&H Let us &o to Hi!. 's He is +ertain)y sad9 our )oya)ty wi)) !a6e Hi! ha//yG says 1eter. 9 Jesus is /rostrated in /rayer. 4ith His a+e on the &round9 in the &rass9 He is +ertain)y i!/)orin& His (ather9 2ut at the shu )in& o eet He stands u/ and )oo6s at His a/ost)es. He )oo6s at the! with a rather sad &ravity. E;ou have de+ided too soon and...G EHours or a&es wi)) not +han&e our !indsG says 1eter. E8either wi)) threats +han&e our )oveG /ro+)ai!s the Is+ariot.

EHe has 2een !y sun or years and I o))ow His +ourse. I He a))s into the a2yss du& 2y E%e ha//y9 Master. 8one o us are &oin& to )eave ;ouG says 1eter. His ene!ies9 I wi)) o))ow Hi!G re/)ies Ja!es o ')/haeus. E'nd what a2out !eF 7an I or&et that He has redee!ed !eFG as6s Matthew. EMy ather wou)d +urse !e seven ti!es seven i I shou)d )eave Hi!. In any +ase9 even i it were on)y or Mary's sa6e9 I wou)d never /art ro! JesusG says Tho!as. 8 John does not s/ea6. His head is )owered9 he )oo6s de<e+ted. The others !ista6e his attitude or wea6ness and !any as6 hi!.

Jesus sto/s )oo6in& at the! as a &rou/ and He &azes at the! one 2y one. ' )on& )oo6 whi+h everyone withstands ear)ess)y. His eyes de)ay in /arti+u)ar on the Is+ariot9 who )oo6s at Hi! !ore reso)ute)y than the others. He o/ens His ar!s in a &esture o E'nd what a2out youF 're you the on)y one who wants to &o awayFG resi&nation and He saysI ELet us &o. ;ou9 a)) o you9 have si&ned your destiny.G He John )oo6s u/9 so /ure a)so in his attitude and eyes9 and i3in& his )i!/id 2)ue eyes on &oes 2a+6 to the /)a+e where He was9 He /i+6s u/ His 2a& and saysI ELet us ta6e the those who are =uestionin& hi! he saysI EI was /rayin& or a)) o us. %e+ause we want to road to 0/hrai!9 the one they /ointed out to us.G say and do thin&s and we re)y on ourse)ves9 and 2y doin& so we do not rea)ise that we +ha))en&e the words o the Master. I He says that we are not /re/ared9 it !eans that we ETo Sa!ariaFHG They are utter)y astonished. are not. I we have not 2e+o!e /re/ared in three years9 we sha)) not 2e+o!e so in ew ETo Sa!aria. 5r9 at )east9 to its 2orders. John a)so went to )ive there unti) the hour i3ed !onths...G or his /rea+hin& the 7hrist.G E4hat are you sayin&F In ew !onthsF 4hat do you 6nowF 're you a /ro/het9 E%ut that did not save hi!HG o2<e+ts Ja!es o >e2edee. /erha/sFG They assai) hi! with =uestions9 a)!ost re/roa+hin& hi!. EI a! not tryin& to save Myse) 9 2ut to save. 'nd I wi)) save at the a//ointed hour. The EI 6now nothin&.G /erse+uted She/herd is &oin& to the !ost un ortunate shee/. So that9 or)orn as they are9 they !ay have their share o wisdo! to /re/are the! or the new ti!e.G ESoF 4hat do you 6nowF Has He /erha/s to)d youF ;ou a)ways 6now His se+rets...G says Judas o :erioth with envy. He strides away9 a ter the sto/ that has served 2oth to rest and to res/e+t the Sa22ath9 as

5#9. 4"in1 &" E5h ai..


He wishes to arrive 2e ore the /aths 2e+o!e i!/assa2)e at ni&ht. 10 4hen they arrive at the )itt)e torrent that )ows ro! 0/hrai! towards the Jordan9 Jesus +a))s 1eter and 8athanae) and &ives the! a 2a& sayin&I E,o ahead and )oo6 or Mary o Ja+o2. I re!e!2er that Ma)a+hi to)d Me that she is the /oorest wo!an in the vi))a&e9 in s/ite o her )ar&e house9 now that she has no sons and dau&hters in it. 4e sha)) stay with her. ,ive her /)enty !oney so that she !ay &ive us hos/ita)ity without a//)yin& to !any /eo/)e. ;ou 6now where the house is. It is the )ar&e one9 shaded 2y our /o!e&ranate@trees9 near the 2rid&e a+ross the torrent.G E4e 6now9 Master. 4e wi)) do as ;ou say.G They &o away =ui+6)y and Jesus o))ows the! s)ow)y with the others. (ro! the de))9 in the !idd)e o whi+h the torrent )ows9 one +an see the white houses o the vi))a&e in the )ate day)i&ht and in the ear)y !oon)i&ht. There is not a sou) a2out when they arrive at the house that is a)) white in the !oon)i&ht. 5n)y the torrent +an 2e heard in the si)en+e o the ni&ht. Turnin& round and )oo6in& at the horizon9 one +an see a )ar&e stret+h o the starry s6y 2end over a )ar&e e3/anse o &round that s)o/es downwards towards the desert /)ain that stret+hes as ar as the Jordan. ' so)e!n /ea+e rei&ns over the 0arth. They 6no+6 at the door. 1eter o/ens it. E0verythin& is sett)ed9 Lord. The o)d wo!an we/t when we &ave her the !oney. She had not a +oin )e t. I said to herI C$o not wee/9 wo!an. There is no !ore /ain where Jesus o 8azareth isD. She re/)ied to !eI CI 6now. I have su ered a)) !y )i e and <ust now I was at the very )i!it o enduran+e. %ut Heaven o/ened on the evenin& o !y )i e and 2rou&ht !e the Star o Ja+o2 to &ive !e /ea+eD. She is now /re/arin& the roo!s that have 2een +)osed or su+h a )on& ti!e. H'!H There isn't very !u+h. %ut the wo!an a//ears to 2e very &ood. Here she isH 4o!anH The .a22i is hereHG ' very thin o)d wo!an +o!es orward9 her !ee6 eyes u)) o !e)an+ho)y. She sto/s /er/)e3ed a ew ste/s ro! Jesus. She ee)s uneasy. E1ea+e to you9 wo!an. I sha)) not &ive you !u+h trou2)e.G

E;our heart is enou&h or Me9 wo!an. $o not worry a2out anythin&. 4e wi)) /rovide to!orrow. I a! /oor as we)). %rin& her our /rovisions. 1oor /eo/)e share their 2read and sa)t without sha!e9 2ut with 2rother)y )ove. (i)ia) )ove in your +ase9 wo!an. %e+ause you +ou)d 2e My !other. 'nd I honour you as su+h...G The wo!an wee/s the si)ent tears o an o)d distressed sou)9 wi/in& her tears with her vei) and she whis/ersI EI had three sons and seven dau&hters. 5ne o the sons was +arried away 2y the torrent and another one 2y a disease. The third one has )e t !e. (ive o the &ir)s +au&ht the sa!e disease as their ather had and died9 the si3th died o +hi)d2irth and the seventh... 4hat death did not do9 sin did. In !y o)d a&e I a! not honoured 2y !y +hi)dren and it !a6es !e so... In the vi))a&e they are &ood to !e... that is9 to the /oor wo!an. ;ou are 6ind to the !other...G EI have a !other9 too. 'nd in every wo!an who is a !other I honour Her. %ut do not wee/. ,od is &ood. Have aith9 and the +hi)dren who are sti)) )e t !ay +o!e 2a+6 to you a&ain. The others are in /ea+e...G EI thin6 it is a /unish!ent9 2e+ause I +o!e ro! this /)a+e...G EHave aith. ,od is !ore <ust than !en...G The a/ost)es who had &one to their roo!s with 1eter +o!e 2a+6. They 2rin& /rovisions. They war! u/ on the ire the )itt)e )a!2 that 8i6e had roasted. They /ut it on the ta2)e. Jesus o ers and 2)esses the! and He wants the )itt)e o)d wo!an to sit at the ta2)e with the!9 instead o sittin& in her )itt)e +orner9 eatin& the /oor +hi+ory o her su//er... The e3i)e at the 2order o Judaea has 2e&un...

55,. The Fi!s& Da/ a& E9h!ai(.

%&h Janua!/ $9*8.

EI wish ;ou +ou)d wa)6 on !y heart9 to !a6e it !ore /)easant or ;ou to enter !y /oor 1 E1ea+e to ;ou9 MasterG say 1eter and Ja!es o >e2edee +o!in& 2a+6 ho!e )aden house. 7o!e in9 Lord9 and !ay ,od enter with ;ou.G She has re+overed her 2reath and with /it+hers u)) o water. ta6en heart in the )i&ht o Jesus' &)an+e. E1ea+e to you. 4here are you +o!in& ro!FG They a)) &o in and +)ose the door. The house is as )ar&e as a hote) and as e!/ty as a E(ro! the strea!. 4e went to &et so!e water9 and we sha)) &o or !ore9 to 6ee/ the desert. 5n)y the 6it+hen )oo6s +heer u) 2e+ause o a 2ri&ht ire in the ire/)a+e in the house +)ean. 7onsiderin& that we are sto//in&... 'nd it is not air that the o)d wo!an !idd)e o the roo!. shou)d wor6 or us. She is in the other roo! where she )it a ire to war! the water. My 2rother went to the wood to &et so!e irewood. It has not rained or so!e ti!e and it %artho)o!ew9 who was tendin& the ire9 turns round and says s!i)in&I E7onso)e the 2urns )i6e heathG e3/)ains Ja!es o >e2edee. wo!an9 Master. She is sad 2e+ause she +annot honour ;ou.G

55$. The Fi s& Da( a& E5h ai..


E5 +ourse. %ut the trou2)e is that9 a)thou&h it was hard)y day2rea69 they saw us 2oth at the strea! and in the wood. 'nd I went to the strea! to avoid &oin& to the ountain...G says 1eter. E4hy9 Si!on o JonahFG E%e+ause there are a)ways /eo/)e at the ountain9 and they !i&ht have re+o&nised us and +o!e here...G 4hi)e they are s/ea6in&9 ')/haeus' two sons9 Judas o :erioth and Tho!as have +o!e into the )on& +orridor that divides the house9 and thus they +an hear 1eter's )ast words and Jesus' re/)yI E4hat !i&ht not have ha//ened at day2rea6 today9 wou)d +ertain)y have ha//ened )ater9 to!orrow at the )atest9 2e+ause we are stayin& here...G EHereF %ut... I thou&ht we were sto//in& on)y to rest...G !any o the! say. E4e are not sto//in& to rest. %ut to stay. 4e sha)) de/art ro! here on)y to &o 2a+6 to Jerusa)e! or 1assover.G E5hH I thou&ht that when ;ou re erred to the /)a+e o wo)ves and 2ut+hers9 ;ou !eant this re&ion throu&h whi+h ;ou wanted to /ass9 as ;ou did in the /ast9 to &o to other /)a+es without ta6in& the roads re=uented 2y Judaeans and 1harisees...G says 1hi)i/ who has <ust arrived9 and others sayI EI a)so thou&ht that.G E;ou have !isunderstood. This is not the /)a+e o wo)ves and 2ut+hers9 a)thou&h rea) wo)ves hide in its !ountains. %ut I a! not re errin& to ani!a)s...G

Tho!as9 1hi)i/ and Matthew. Ja!es o ')/haeus wi)) 2e the &uide o 'ndrew9 %artho)o!ew9 Si!on >ea)ot and Ja!es o >e2edee. Judas o :erioth and John wi)) stay with Me. That wi)) a//)y as ro! to!orrow. Today we sha)) rest !a6in& the ne+essary /re/arations or uture days. 4e sha)) s/end the Sa22ath to&ether. So you !ust 2e here 2e ore the Sa22ath9 in order to )eave the day a ter it. It wi)) 2e a day o )ove or us9 a ter )ovin& our nei&h2our in the )o+6 that has )e t the o)d o the (ather. ,o now and attend to your tas6s.G He re!ains a)one and withdraws to a roo! at the end o the +orridor. The house resounds with ste/s and voi+es9 a)thou&h they are a)) in their roo!s and no one +an 2e seen 2ut the o)d wo!an who &oes u/ and down the +orridor severa) ti!es9 attendin& to her househo)d duties9 one o whi+h is +ertain)y 2a6in& 2read 2e+ause her hair is s/read with )our and her hands are +overed with dou&h. 3 ' ter so!e ti!e Jesus +o!es out and &oes u/ to the terra+e o the house. He wa)6s u/ and down !editatin& u/ there and now and a&ain He )oo6s at the view around Hi!. He is <oined 2y 1eter and Judas o :erioth who do not )oo6 very +heer u). 1erha/s it is /ain u) or 1eter to /art ro! Jesus. 'nd /erha/s it is /ain u) or the Is+ariot not to 2e a2)e to do so and show o in the vi))a&es. They +ertain)y )oo6 very thou&ht u) when they &o u/ to the terra+e.

E7o!e here. Loo6 what a 2eauti u) view you +an see ro! here.G 'nd He /oints at the varied )ands+a/e. To north@west hi&h woody !ountains stret+hin& )i6e a s/ine ro! north to south. 5ne o the! 2ehind 0/hrai! is a rea) &iant over)oo6in& the others. To E5hH that was =uite +)earHG e3+)ai!s Judas o :erioth so!ewhat ironi+a))y. E's ;ou northeast and south@east there are !i)d undu)atin& hi))s. The vi))a&e is in a &reen va))ey re er to ;ourse) as the La!29 one understands that the wo)ves are !en. 4e are not with distant )at 2a+6&rounds 2etween the two hi&her and )ower +hains9 that ro! the +o!/)ete)y stu/id.G +entra) /art o the re&ion s)o/e down to the Jordan /)ain. Throu&h a issure in the )ower !ountains it is /ossi2)e to see the &reen /)ain 2eyond whi+h )ows the 2)ue Jordan. 't E8o. ;ou are not stu/id 2ut in what you do not want to understand. That is9 in what +on+erns My nature and !ission9 and the &rie you &ive Me 2y not wor6in& assiduous)y the hei&ht o s/rin&ti!e this !ust 2e a 2eauti u) /)a+e9 a)) &reen and erti)e. 't /resent at /re/arin& your uture. It is or your own &ood that I s/ea6 and tea+h you 2y !eans o the dar6 shades o vineyards and or+hards interru/t the &reen o ie)ds o +erea)s9 the tender ste!s o whi+h s/rout ro! the +)ods o earth9 and the verdant /astures deeds and words. %ut you re<e+t what u/sets your hu!an nature throu&h /resa&e o sorrows or what e3a+ts e orts a&ainst your e&os. 2 Listen to Me 2e ore stran&ers +o!e nourished 2y the ri+h soi). here. I wi)) now divide you into two &rou/s o ive a/ost)es and &uided 2y the head o I what )ies 2eyond 0/hrai! is +a))ed a desert 2y John9 it !eans that the desert o ea+h &rou/ you wi)) &o a+ross the near2y +ountryside9 as you did when I sent you in the Judaea was a very !i)d one9 at )east in this area9 or at )east it was a desert on)y 2e+ause ear)y days. .e!e!2er what I to)d you then and /ut it into /ra+ti+e. The on)y e3+e/tion it was devoid o vi))a&es9 a)) +overed with woods and /astures a!on& +heer u))y is that now you wi)) /ass throu&h vi))a&es announ+in& a)so to Sa!aritans that the day o &ur&)in& strea!s9 =uite di erent ro! the )and near the $ead Sea9 an arid )and that +an the Lord is +)ose at hand9 so that they !ay 2e ready when it +o!es9 and it !ay 2e easier ri&ht)y 2e +a))ed a EdesertG9 as it is devoid o ve&etation9 with the e3+e/tion o the )ow or you to +onvert the! to the 5n)y ,od. %e u)) o +harity and wisdo! and devoid o thorny twisted shru2s that &row in deserts a!on& s+attered stones and the sand ri+h in /re<udi+e. ;ou +an see9 and you wi)) rea)ise this even !ore9 that we are &ranted here sa)t. %ut this /)easant desert9 whi+h )ies 2eyond 0/hrai!9 is wide)y adorned with what we are denied in other /)a+es. So 2e 6ind to these /eo/)e who9 a)thou&h inno+ent9 vineyards9 o)ive@&roves and or+hards9 and the a)!ond@trees are now s!i)in& at the sun9 are e3/iatin& the sins o their an+estors. 1eter wi)) 2e at the head o Judas o ')/haeus9 s+attered here and there )i6e white@/in6 tu ts9 on the s)o/es that wi)) soon 2e +overed

55$. The Fi s& Da( a& E5h ai..


with the estoons o the new vine@shoots. EI a)!ost see! to 2e in !y own townG says Judas. EIt )oo6s a)so )i6e Juttah. The on)y di eren+e it that there the torrent is down in the /)ain and the town u/ on the hi)). Here instead the town see!s to 2e in a wide va))ey with the river in the !idd)e. ' +ountry ri+h in vinesH It !ust 2e )ove)y and very /ro ita2)e9 or owners9 to own su+h )andG re!ar6s 1eter. EIt is writtenI CMay his )and 2e 2)essed 2y ;ahweh with the ruit o the s6y and with dews9 with the s/rin&s &ushin& ro! the a2yss9 with the ruit 2)essed 2y the sun and the !oon9 with the ruit ro! the to/s o the an+ient !ountains9 with the ruit o the eterna) hi))s and with /)enti u) +ro/s o the )and.D 'nd on those words o the 1entateu+h they 2ase their /roud o2stina+y in +onsiderin& the!se)ves su/erior. It is so. 0ven the word o ,od and the &i ts o ,od9 i they des+end into hearts u)) o /ride9 2e+o!e the +ause o ruin. 8ot throu&h their own au)t9 2ut 2e+ause o the /ride that adu)terates their &ood <ui+eG says Jesus. E5 +ourse. 'nd o <ust Jose/h they have 6e/t on)y the ury o a 2u)) and the ne+6 o a rhino+eros. 4 I do not )i6e to stay here. 4hy do ;ou not )et !e &o with the othersFG says the Is+ariot. E$o you not )i6e to stay with MeFG as6s Jesus9 4ho sto/s )oo6in& at the )ands+a/e and turns round to )oo6 at Judas. EI do )ove to 2e with ;ou9 2ut not with the /eo/)e o 0/hrai!.G E4hat a very ine e3+useH 'nd what a2out us thenF 's we sha)) 2e &oin& throu&h Sa!aria and the $e+a/o)is J 2e+ause we sha)) 2e a2)e to &o on)y to these /)a+es in the ti!e /res+ri2ed 2etween one Sa22ath and the ne3t one J are we /erha/s &oin& a!on& saintsFG says 1eter9 re/roa+hin& Judas who does not re/)y. E4hat does it !atter to you who is near you9 i you +an )ove everythin& throu&h MeF Love Me in your nei&h2our9 and a)) /)a+es wi)) 2e a)i6e as ar as you are +on+ernedG says Jesus +a)!)y. Judas does not re/)y to Hi! either. EJust thin6 o itH I have to &o away... whereas I wou)d stay here so wi))in&)y. ' ter a))... +onsiderin& what I +an do. 't )east a//oint 1hi)i/ or ;our 2rother head o the &rou/9 Master. I... as )on& as I have to sayI )et us do this9 )et us &o to that /)a+e9 I +an sti)) !ana&e. %ut i I have to s/ea6H... I s/oi) everythin&.G E52edien+e wi)) !a6e you do everythin& we)). 4hat you do wi)) /)ease Me.G EIn that +ase... i it /)eases ;ou9 it wi)) /)ease !e. It is enou&h or !e to !a6e ;ou ha//y. 5 %ut there they areH I to)d ;ouH Ha) o the town is +o!in&... Loo6H The head

o the syna&o&ue... the nota2)es... their wo!en... the +hi)dren and the /eo/)eH...G ELet us &o down and !eet the!G says Jesus and He hastens down the stair+ase +a))in& the a/ost)es so that they !ay )eave the house with Hi!. The inha2itants o 0/hrai! are +o!in& orward with si&ns o the dee/est res/e+t9 and a ter the +usto!ary sa)utations9 one o the!9 /erha/s the head o the syna&o&ue9 s/ea6s on 2eha) o every2odyI EMay the Most Hi&h 2e 2)essed or this day9 and 2)essed 2e His 1ro/het 4ho has +o!e to us 2e+ause He )oves a)) !en in the na!e o the Most Hi&h ,od. May ;ou 2e 2)essed9 Master and Lord9 as ;ou have re!e!2ered our hearts and our words9 and ;ou have +o!e to rest a!on& us. 4e wi)) o/en our hearts and ho!es to ;ou9 as6in& ;ou to s/ea6 to us or our hea)th. May this day 2e 2)essed9 2e+ause throu&h it he who re+eives Hi! with u/ri&ht s/irit wi)) see the desert 2ear ruit.G E4hat you said is +orre+t9 Ma)a+hi. He who 6nows how to re+eive with an u/ri&ht s/irit Hi! 4ho has +o!e in the na!e o ,od9 wi)) see his desert 2ear ruit and the sturdy 2ut wi)d /)ants in it 2e+o!e +u)tivated. I sha)) stay with you. 'nd you wi)) +o!e to Me. 's &ood riends. 'nd My a/ost)es wi)) ta6e My word to those who +an a++e/t it.G E4i)) ;ou not tea+h us9 MasterFG as6s Ma)a+hi so!ewhat disa//ointed. EI have +o!e to +o))e+t My thou&hts and /ray9 to /re/are Myse) or the &reat events o the uture. 're you sorry that I have +hosen your town or My tran=ui))ityFG E5hH no. The very a+t o seein& ;ou /ray wi)) !a6e us wise. Than6 or +hoosin& us or that /ur/ose. 4e sha)) not distur2 ;our /rayers and we wi)) not a))ow ;our ene!ies to distur2 the!. %e+ause it is a)ready 6nown what ha//ened and ha//ens in Judaea. 4e sha)) 6ee/ &ood wat+h. 'nd we sha)) 2e satis ied with ;our word when it is not trou2)eso!e or ;ou to &ive it to us. '++e/t in the !eanti!e our &i ts o hos/ita)ity.G EI a! Jesus and I do not re<e+t any2ody. So I wi)) a++e/t what you are o erin& Me to /rove to you that I do not re<e+t you. %ut i you want to )ove Me9 ro! now on &ive to the /oor /eo/)e o the vi))a&e or to those /assin& 2y what you wou)d &ive Me. I need on)y /ea+e and )ove.G E4e 6now that. 4e 6now everythin&. 'nd we ee) sure that we sha)) &ive ;ou what ;ou need9 so as to !a6e ;ou e3+)ai!I CThe )and that was to 2e or Me )i6e 0&y/t9 that is sorrow9 was or Me9 as or Jose/h o Ja+o29 the )and o /ea+e and &)oryD.G EI you )ove Me 2y a++e/tin& My word9 I wi)) say so.G The +itizens hand their &i ts to the a/ost)es and then withdraw9 with the e3+e/tion o Ma)a+hi and two !ore !en who s/ea6 to Jesus in )ow voi+es. The +hi)dren a)so stay9 +a/tured 2y the usua) +har! e!anatin& ro! JesusM they re!ain9 turnin& dea ears to their !others who +a)) the!9 and they on)y &o away a ter Jesus has +aressed and

55$. The Fi s& Da( a& E5h ai..


2)essed the!. Then9 as &arru)ous as swa))ows9 they run away9 o))owed 2y the three !en.

E5hH... It is not hard wor6. I ee) as i I had !y +hi)dren a&ain... she says s!i)in& a&ain as tears 2e&in to shine in her ho))ow eyes. 2 John +o!es in 2ent under a hu&e 2und)e o sti+6s9 and the rather dar6 +orridor see!s to 2ri&hten u/ as he enters it. I have a)ways noti+ed the 2ri))ian+e that see!s to )i&ht u/ wherever John is. His +hi)dish s!i)e that is so sweet and +andid9 his )i!/id eyes that s!i)e )i6e a 2eauti u) '/ri) s6y9 his <oy u) voi+e that is so a e+tionate in &reetin& his +o!/anions9 are )i6e sun2ea!s or a rain2ow o /ea+e. 0very2ody )oves hi! e3+e/t Judas o :eriothM I do not 6now whether he )oves hi! or hates hi!9 he +ertain)y envies hi!9 he o ten !a6es a oo) o hi! and at ti!es o ends hi!. %ut Judas or the ti!e 2ein& is not here. They he)/ hi! to )ay down his )oad and they as6 hi! where Jesus !ay 2e. John a)so 2e+o!es so!ewhat ri&htened at the de)ay. %ut9 +on idin& in ,od !ore than the others he saysI EHis (ather wi)) de)iver Hi! ro! evi). 4e !ust 2e)ieve in the Lord.G 'nd he addsI E%ut... +o!e. ;ou are tired and +overed in dust. 4e have /re/ared ood and hot water or you. 7o!e...G Judas o :erioth a)so +o!es 2a+6 with his dri//in& /it+hers. E1ea+e to you. Have you had a &ood tri/FG he as6s9 2ut there is no 6indness in his voi+e. It is !in&)ed with !o+6ery and dis+ontent. E;es. 4e 2e&an ro! the $e+a/o)is.G E%e+ause you were a raid o 2ein& /e)ted with stones or o 2ein& +onta!inatedFG as6s the Is+ariot ironi+a))y. E4e were a raid o neither. 4e did it out o /ruden+e as 2e&inners. 'nd the /ro/osa) was !ade 2y !e9 who J I do not wish to re/roa+h you or anythin& J have &rown hoary over /ar+h!entsG says %artho)o!ew. Judas does not re/)y. He )eaves the 6it+hen where the a/ost)es who have <ust +o!e 2a+6 re resh the!se)ves with what has 2een /re/ared. 1eter )oo6s at the Is+ariot de/art and sha6es his head. %ut he does not say anythin&. Thaddeus instead /)u+6s at John's s)eeves and as6sI EHow did he 2ehave these /ast daysF ')ways so +rossF %e ran6...G

55$. Jesus Res9e'&s &he P!e'e9& #1 L#0e .#!e Than &he Sa))a&i' La-.
$$&h Janua!/ $9*8.

1 The ten a/ost)es9 tired and +overed in dust9 have +o!e 2a+6 to the house. 4hen the wo!an &reets the! o/enin& the door9 they as6 her at on+eI E4here is the MasterFG EI thin6 He is in the wood9 /rayin& as usua). He went out very ear)y this !ornin& and has not +o!e 2a+6 yet.G E'nd has no one &one to )oo6 or Hi!F 4hat are those two doin&FHG shouts 1eter e3+ited)y. E$on't 2e+o!e i!/atient9 !an. He is as sa e a!on& us9 as He wou)d 2e in His Mother's house.G ESa eH 5 +ourseH $o you re!e!2er the %a/tistF 4as he sa eFG EHe was not 2e+ause he +ou)d not read the hearts o those who s/o6e to hi!. %ut i the Most Hi&h a))owed that or the %a/tist9 He wi)) +ertain)y not a))ow it or His Messiah. ;ou !ust 2e)ieve that !ore than I do9 as I a! a wo!an and a Sa!aritan.G EMary is ri&ht. %ut where did He &o e3a+t)yFG EI don't 6now. 't ti!es He &oes one way9 at ti!es He &oes another. 't ti!es He is a)) a)one9 at ti!es with +hi)dren who are so ond o Hi!. He tea+hes the! how to /ray 2y seein& ,od in everythin&. He is /ro2a2)y a)one today 2e+ause He did not +o!e 2a+6 at !idday. 4hen the +hi)dren are with Hi!9 He a)ways +o!es 2a+6 2e+ause they are )itt)e 2irds who want to 2e ed at the ri&ht ti!e...G says the o)d wo!an s!i)in&9 as she /erha/s re!e!2ers her ten +hi)dren9 and then she si&hs... 2e+ause <oys and sorrows are in a)) the !e!ories o one's )i e. E'nd Judas and John9 where are theyFG

EI'! a)ways sin+ere9 Judas. %ut I +an assure you that he +aused no trou2)e. The Master is a)!ost a)ways iso)ated. I stay with the o)d !other who is so 6ind9 and I )isten to those who +o!e to s/ea6 to the Master9 and then I te)) Hi!. Judas instead &oes a2out the EJudas has &one to the ountain9 John to &et irewood. I have none )e t as I inished it a)) vi))a&e. He has !ade so!e riends... 4hat +an we doH He is <ust )i6e that... He +annot washin& a)) your +)othes to )et you have the! +)ean when you de/art.G )ive tran=ui))y9 as we wou)d do...G EMay ,od reward you9 !other. 4e are !a6in& you wor6 hard... says Tho!as )ayin& E's ar as I a! +on+erned he +an do what he )i6es. I a! ha//y /rovidin& he does not his hand on her thin 2ent shou)der9 as i he wished to +aress her. +ause &rie .G

55+.Jesus Res5e3&s &he P e3e5& "- L",e '" e Than &he Sa66a&i3 La%.


E8o. He does not do that. He +ertain)y &rows weary. 3 %ut... Here is the MasterH I +an hear His voi+e. He is s/ea6in& to so!e2ody...G

towards the 'du!!i! !ountains9 2e+ause I 6now that there are so!e wret+hes there9 whose sou)s are a e+ted with the )e/rosy o +ri!e. I was ho/in& to !eet the!9 s/ea6 to the! and +o!e 2a+6 2e ore sunset. I ound the!. %ut I was not a2)e to de)iver the! the They rush out and see Jesus +o!in& orward9 in the dee/enin& twi)i&ht9 +arryin& two intended s/ee+h9 2e+ause there were other thin&s to 2e said... They had ound these +hi)dren in His ar!s and one +)in&in& to His !ant)e9 and He is +o! ortin& the! as they three +hi)dren wee/in& at the entran+e o a /oor o)d in the /)ain. They had &one down are wee/in&. durin& the ni&ht to stea) )a!2s and a)so 6i))9 i the she/herd had o//osed resistan+e. Hun&er /ains are dread u) in the !ountains in winter... 'nd when +rue) hearts su er EMay ,od 2)ess ;ou9 MasterH %ut where are ;ou +o!in& ro! at this )ate hourFG the!9 they !a6e !en !ore ero+ious than wo)ves. These +hi)dren were there with a Jesus on enterin& the house re/)iesI EI a! +o!in& ro! the hi&hway!en. I &ot My /rey )itt)e she/herd not !u+h o)der than they are9 2ut <ust as ri&htened as they were. The as we)). I wa)6ed a ter sunset9 2ut My (ather wi)) a2so)ve Me 2e+ause I a++o!/)ished a ather o the +hi)dren9 I do not 6now why9 had died durin& the ni&ht. 1erha/s he had deed o !er+y... John9 and you9 Si!on9 ta6e the!... My ar!s are a+hin& with 2een 2itten 2y so!e 2east9 or 2e+ause o heart ai)ure... His +o)d 2ody was )yin& on the tiredness... I a! rea))y tired.G He sits on a stoo) near the ire/)a+e. He s!i)esI He is tired straw near the shee/. The o)dest son9 who was s)ee/in& 2eside hi!9 2e+a!e aware o it. 2ut ha//y. So the hi&hway!en9 instead o !a6in& a !assa+re9 ound a dead !an and our wee/in& +hi)dren. They )e t the dead !an and drove away the shee/ and the )itt)e she/herd9 and E(ro! the hi&hway!enF %ut where have ;ou 2eenF 4ho are these +hi)drenF Have as even in the !ost wi+6ed /eo/)e there +an 2e a /iety hard to 2e 2eaten9 they too6 a)so ;ou had anythin& to eatF %ut where were ;ouF It is not wise to 2e out when it is dar6 and to 2e so ar awayH... 4e were worried. 4ere ;ou not in the woodFG they a)) as6 at the +hi)dren... I ound the! whi)e they were +onsu)tin& one another on what to do. The !ore ero+ious ones wanted to 6i)) the ten@year@o)d 2oy9 who was a dan&erous witness the sa!e ti!e. o their the t and re u&eM the )ess ier+e ones wanted to send hi! away a ter threatenin& EI was not in the wood. I went towards Jeri+ho...G hi! and they intended to 6ee/ the )o+6. They a)) wanted to 6ee/ the )itt)e ones.G EHow i!/rudent o ;ouH 5n those roads ;ou !ay ind so!eone who hates ;ouHG says Thaddeus re/roa+hin& Hi!. EI too6 the /ath that they to)d us. I had 2een wantin& to &o there or days... There are /oor wret+hes to 2e redee!ed. They +ou)d do Me no har!. 'nd I went <ust in ti!e or these +hi)dren. ,ive the! so!ethin& to eat. I do not thin6 they have had any ood9 2e+ause they were a raid o the hi&hway!en. 'nd I had no ood with Me. I at )east I had ound a she/herdH... %ut 2e+ause o the on+o!in& Sa22ath a)) the /astures had 2een deserted...G 4 E5 +ourseH 4e are the on)y ones who or so!e ti!e have not 6e/t the Sa22ath...G re!ar6s Judas o :erioth who is a)ways shar/. E4hat are you sayin&F 4hat are you insinuatin&FG they as6 hi!. EI a! sayin& that or two Sa22aths we have wor6ed a ter sunset.G EJudas9 you 6now why we had to wa)6 on )ast Sa22ath. It is not a)ways the sin o the /erson who +o!!its it9 2ut a)so o those who or+e one to +o!!it it. 'nd today... I 6now. ;ou want to te)) Me that a)so today I have in rin&ed the Sa22ath. My re/)y is that i the )aw o the Sa22ati+ rest is &reat9 the /re+e/t o )ove is very &reat. I a! not o2)i&ed to <usti y Myse) with you. %ut I a! doin& it to tea+h you !ee6ness9 hu!i)ity and the &reat truth that in the +ase o a ho)y ne+essity one !ust a//)y the )aw with resi)ien+e o s/irit. 5ur history has !any instan+es o su+h ne+essity. 't dawn I went ETo do whatF Have they no a!i)yFG ETheir !other is dead. That is why the ather had ta6en the! with hi! to the winter /astures9 and he was now &oin& 2a+6 to his )one)y ho!e +rossin& these !ountains. 7ou)d I have )e t the )itt)e ones to the hi&hway!en to 2rin& the! u/ )i6e the!se)vesF I s/o6e to the!... In a)) truth I te)) you that they understood Me !ore than !any other /eo/)e. So !u+h so that they )e t the )itt)e ones with Me and to!orrow they wi)) ta6e the )itt)e she/herd to the road to She+he!. %e+ause the 2rothers o the +hi)dren's !other )ive in that /art o the +ountry. In the !eanti!e I a++e/ted the +hi)dren. I sha)) 6ee/ the! unti) their re)atives arrive.G E'nd ;ou )atter ;ourse) that the hi&hway!en...G says the Is+ariot and he )au&hs... EI a! sure that they wi)) not hurt the )itt)e she/herd in the )east. They are wret+hes. 4e !ust not <ud&e why they are su+h9 2ut we !ust try to save the!. ' &ood deed !ay 2e the 2e&innin& o their sa)vation...G Jesus 2ends His head9 a2sor2ed in I wonder what thou&ht. 5 The a/ost)es and the o)d wo!an s/ea6 to one another /ityin& the ri&htened +hi)dren who! they do their 2est to +o! ort... Jesus raises His head when the youn&est one9 a 2runet hard)y three years o)d9 2e&ins to wee/9 and He says to Ja!es9 who in vain 2usies hi!se) to &ive the +hi)d so!e !i)6I E,ive Me the 2oy and &o and &et My 2a&...G and He s!i)es as the )itt)e one +a)!s down

55+.Jesus Res5e3&s &he P e3e5& "- L",e '" e Than &he Sa66a&i3 La%.


on His 6nees and &reedi)y drin6s the !i)6 that he had /revious)y re used. The others9 who are a )itt)e o)der9 eat the sou/ /)a+ed 2e ore the!9 2ut tears strea! ro! their eyes. E$ear !eH How !u+h !iseryH 8owH It is air that we shou)d su er9 2ut inno+ent +hi)drenH...G says 1eter who +annot 2ear to see +hi)dren su er. E;ou are a sinner9 Si!on. ;ou are re/roa+hin& ,odG /oints out the Is+ariot. EI !ay 2e a sinner. %ut I a! not re/roa+hin& ,od. I a! on)y sayin&... Master9 why !ust +hi)dren su erF They have not +o!!itted any sin.G E0very2ody has sins9 at )east the ori&ina) oneG says the Is+ariot. 1eter does not re/)y to hi!. He awaits Jesus' re/)y. 'nd Jesus9 4ho is )u))in& to s)ee/ the +hi)d now sated and drowsy9 re/)iesI ESi!on9 sorrow is the +onse=uen+e o sin.G E')) ri&ht. So... a ter ;ou have re!oved sin9 +hi)dren wi)) no )on&er su er.G EThey wi)) sti)) su er. $o not 2e s+anda)ised9 Si!on. Sorrow and death wi)) a)ways 2e on the 0arth. ')so the /urest /eo/)e su er and wi)) su er. 8ay9 they are the ones who wi)) su er on 2eha) o every2ody. The vi+ti!s /ro/itiatory to the Lord.G E%ut whyF I don't understand...G EThere are !any thin&s that you do not understand on the 0arth. ;ou !ust at )east 2e)ieve that they are wanted 2y the /er e+t Love. 'nd when ,ra+e restored to !en !a6es the ho)iest !en 6now the hidden truths9 then one wi)) see the ho)iest /eo/)e wish to 2e vi+ti!s9 2e+ause they wi)) have understood the /ower o sorrow... 6 The +hi)d has a))en as)ee/. Mary9 wi)) you ta6e hi! with youFG E7ertain)y9 Master. 4e sayI a ri&htened +hi)d s)ee/s )itt)e and wee/s !u+h9 and a 2ird without nest needs a !other)y win&. My 2ed is a very )ar&e one now that I a! its on)y o++u/ant. I wi)) /ut the +hi)dren in it and wat+h over the!. These other ones are a)so a2out to a)) as)ee/ and or&et their sorrow. 7o!e9 )et us /ut the! to 2ed.G

Jesus s!i)es 2ut He does not !a6e any re!ar6 on the !atter. He on)y saysI ELet us /raise the Lord 4ho has )ed Me here in ti!e to save the inno+ent +hi)dren.G He then 2e+o!es si)ent9 as He is o2vious)y tired... The o)d wo!an +o!es 2a+6 with the +hi)dren's &ar!ents. EThey shou)d 2e +han&ed... They are torn and dirty... %ut I no )on&er have !y +hi)dren's &ar!ents to re/)a+e the!. I wi)) wash the! to!orrow...G E8o9 !other. 4hen the Sa22ath is over you wi)) !a6e three s!a)) &ar!ents out o Mine...G E%ut9 Lord9 do ;ou rea)ise that ;ou have on)y three tuni+s )e tF I ;ou &ive one away9 what wi)) ;ou 2e )e t withF Lazarus is not here9 as when ;ou &ave ;our !ant)e to the )e/rous wo!anHG says 1eter. E8ever !indH There wi)) 2e two )e t9 and they are too !any or the Son o !an. Ta6e this9 Mary. To!orrow at sunset you wi)) 2e&in your wor69 and the 1erse+uted 5ne wi)) re<oi+e in he)/in& the /oor whose worries He understands.G

552. The F#55#-in4 Da/ a& E9h!ai(. Pa!a)5e #n &he Re(e()!an'e #1 .an"s E&e!na5 Des&in/.
$2&h Janua!/ $9*8.

1 E,et u/ and )et us &o a)on& the strea!. Li6e the Jews who )ive a2road and where there are no syna&o&ues9 we sha)) +e)e2rate the Sa22ath a!on& ourse)ves. 7o!e +hi)dren...G says Jesus to the a/ost)es id)in& in the 6it+hen &arden9 and He stret+hes out His hand to the three /oor +hi)dren who are in a &rou/ in a +orner.

They &o towards Hi! with an e3/ression o ti!id <oy on their a+es /re!ature)y She /i+6s u/ the )itt)e one ro! Jesus' )a/ and she &oes out o))owed 2y 1eter and 1hi)i/ /ensive o +hi)dren who have seen thin&s ar &reater than the!se)ves9 and the two o)der as Ja!es o >e2edee +o!es 2a+6 with Jesus' 2a&. ones /ut their hands in those o Jesus9 2ut the )itt)e one wants to 2e ta6en in His ar!s9 and Jesus satis ies hi! sayin& to the o)dest oneI E;ou wi)) stay 2eside Me <ust the sa!e Jesus o/ens it and ru!!a&es in it. He /u))s out a heavy tuni+9 he un o)ds it and and you wi)) ho)d on to My tuni+ as you did yesterday. Isaa+ is too tired and too youn& e3a!ines its width. He is not satis ied. He )oo6s or the !ant)e o the sa!e dar6 shade to wa)6 2y hi!se) ...G The 2oy is de)i&hted with Jesus' s!i)e and he a&rees9 2ein& as the tuni+. He /uts the! aside9 +)oses the 2a& and hands it 2a+6 to Ja!es. satis ied with wa)6in& )i6e a )itt)e !an 2eside Jesus. 1eter +o!es 2a+6 with 1hi)i/. The o)d wo!an has re!ained with the three +hi)dren and 1eter sees at on+e the &ar!ents un o)ded and )aid aside and he as6sI E're ;ou &oin& to E,ive !e the +hi)d9 Master. ;ou !ust 2e tired a ter yesterday's ati&ue9 and .u2en is +han&e your +)othes9 MasterF Tired as ;ou are9 a hot 2ath shou)d re resh ;ou. There is not ha//y 2e+ause ;ou are not ta6in& hi! 2y the hand...G says %artho)o!ew and he stret+hes his ar!s to ta6e the +hi)d who +)in&s to Jesus' ne+6. hot water and we wi)) war! ;our +)othes9 then we sha)) have su//er and &o to 2ed. This story o the /oor +hi)dren has !oved !e dee/)y...G EHe is as stu22orn as a)) his ra+eHG e3+)ai!s the Is+ariot.

552.The F"22"%in1 Da( a& E5h ai.. Pa a62e "n &he Re.e.6 an3e "- 'an!s E&e na2 Des&in(.


E8o. He is ri&htened. ;ou have no e3/erien+e o +hi)dren. %a2ies are )i6e that. 4hen they are distressed or s+ared they see6 she)ter in the irst /erson who has s!i)ed at the! and +o! orted the!G re/)ies %artho)o!ew9 and as he +annot ta6e the youn&est one in his ar!s9 he ta6es the o)dest one 2y the hand a ter +aressin& his head and s!i)in& at hi! in a ather)y way.

there are +hi)dren who are )e t a)) a)one... That resurre+tion shou)d have 2een wor6ed. I do not understand ;ou9 Master...G E'nd we do not understand you9 as you are so disres/e+t u)...G

E1ea+e9 /ea+eH Judas does not understand. He is not the on)y one who does not understand the reasons o ,od and the +onse=uen+es o sin. ;ou a)so9 Si!on o Jonah9 They )eave the house where on)y the o)d wo!an re!ains and they o))ow the strea! do not understand why +hi)dren shou)d su er. So do not <ud&e Judas o Si!on9 who 2eyond the vi))a&e. Its 2an6s are 2eauti u)9 +overed as they are with resh &rass and studded with wi)d )owers. The +)ear water &ur&)es a!on& stones and9 a)thou&h !ea&re9 does not understand why the !an has not 2een raised ro! the dead. I Judas /onders on the !atter9 sin+e he a)ways re/roa+hes Me or &oin& ar away a)) a)one9 he wi)) it sounds as sweet as a har/ and rust)es 2rea6in& a&ainst the )ar&er stones s+attered in its 2ed or insinuatin& itse) into the re+esses o so!e tiny is)and +overed with reeds. %irds rea)ise that I was not a2)e to &o so ar... %e+ause the o)d was in the Jeri+ho /)ain9 2ut 2eyond the town9 near the ord. 4hat wou)d you have said i I had 2een away or at )y away ro! the trees near the 2an6s tri))in& !erri)y9 or they /er+h on 2ou&hs in the sunshine sin&in& the irst son&s o s/rin&ti!e9 or they )y down to the &round &ra+e u))y )east three daysFG and )ive)y9 see6in& inse+ts and wor!s or drin6in& near the 2an6s. Two wi)d turt)e@ E;ou +ou)d have ordered the !an to rise a&ain with ;our s/irit.G doves are 2athin& at a 2end o the strea! /e+6in& at ea+h other and +ooin&M they then E're you !ore e3a+tin& than the 1harisees and s+ri2es9 who wanted the /roo o a )y away +arryin& in their 2ea6s strands o woo) )e t 2y so!e shee/ on a /)ant o de+o!/osed 2ody9 so that you !ay say that I rea))y do raise the deadFG hawthorn9 the to/ 2ran+hes o whi+h are 2e&innin& to 2)oo!. EThey wanted that 2e+ause they hate ;ou. I wou)d )i6e it 2e+ause I )ove ;ou and I EThey do that to 2ui)d their nestG says the o)dest 2oy. EThey +ertain)y have youn& wou)d )i6e to see ;ou +rush a)) ;our ene!ies.G ones...G He )owers his head and9 a ter s!i)in& aint)y when utterin& the irst words9 he wee/s si)ent)y wi/in& his eyes with his hand. %artho)o!ew ta6es hi! in his ar!s9 as he rea)ises what an&uish the two turt)e@doves have 2rou&ht a2out with their +are or their nest. 'nd %artho)o!ew9 who has the 6ind heart o a &ood ather o a a!i)y9 si&hs dee/)y. The 2oy wee/s on his shou)der and the other one9 the se+ond one9 seein& hi! wee/9 2e&ins to +ry as we))9 i!itated 2y the third one who +a))s his ather in the thin voi+e o a )itt)e +hi)d who has <ust 2e&un to s/ea6. EThis is &oin& to 2e our Sa22ati+ /rayer todayH ;ou +ou)d have )e t the! at ho!eH 4o!en are 2etter suited to su+h +ases and...G re!ar6s the Is+ariot. E%ut she does nothin& 2ut wee/ herse) H 's I ee) )i6e doin& !yse) ... %e+ause su+h situations... do !a6e one wee/...G re/)ies 1eter ta6in& the se+ond 2oy in his ar!s. E;our o)d ee)in&s and your disorder)y )ove. ;ou have not 2een a2)e to e3tir/ate the o)d /)ants ro! your heart and re/)a+e the! with new onesM and the o)d ones9 erti)ised 2y the Li&ht that you a//roa+hed9 have 2e+o!e even sturdier. Many /eo/)e !a6e your error at /resent and !any wi)) !a6e it in uture. It is the error of those who notwithstanding the assistance fro# &od do not i#prove the#selves because they do not correspond to &od1s help with heroic wills.G EHave these !en9 who9 )i6e !e9 are ;our dis+i/)es9 destroyed the o)d /)antsFG EThey have at )east /runed the! down and en&ra ted the! +onsidera2)y. ;ou did not. ;ou did not even e3a!ine the! +are u))y to see whether they deserved to 2e en&ra ted9 /runed or re!oved. ;ou are an i!/rovident &ardener9 Judas.G

E%ut on)y with re&ard to !y sou). %e+ause I 6now what to do with &ardens.G E;es9 they do !a6e one wee/. That is true. 'nd Mary o Ja+o29 a /oor o)d distressed sou)9 is not very &ood at +onso)in&...G +on ir!s the >ea)ot. E4e do not thin6 that she is E;ou 6now what to do. ;ou are an e3/ert with a)) earth)y !atters. I wou)d )i6e to see very su++ess u) either. 2 The on)y one +a/a2)e o +onso)in& was the Master. 'nd He did you e=ua))y +a/a2)e in !atters +on+ernin& Heaven.G not do it.G E%ut ;our )i&ht shou)d wor6 wonders in us 2y itse) H Is it rea))y &oodF I it erti)ises EHe did not do itF 'nd what e)se shou)d He have doneF He +onvin+ed the hi&hway!en9 evi) and invi&orates it9 it +annot 2e &ood9 and it is its au)t i we do not 2e+o!e &ood.G He wa)6ed or !i)es with the +hi)dren in His ar!s9 He had their re)atives in or!ed...G ES/ea6 or yourse) 9 !y riend. 's ar as I 6now9 the Master has not !ade !y 2ad E')) tri )in& !atters. Sin+e He has /ower a)so over death He +ou)d9 nay He shou)d have tenden+ies any stron&erG says Tho!as. &one down to the o)d and raised the dead she/herd. He did it or Lazarus9 who was o EI a&ree.G... EI a&ree9 tooG say 'ndrew and Ja!es o >e2edee. no use to any2odyH In this +ase there was a ather9 and a widower into the 2ar&ain9 and

552.The F"22"%in1 Da( a& E5h ai.. Pa a62e "n &he Re.e.6 an3e "- 'an!s E&e na2 Des&in(.


E4ith re&ard to !e9 His /ower has reed !e ro! evi) and has !ade a new !an o !e. 4hy do you say thatF $o you not +onsider what you sayFG as6s Matthew. 3 1eter is a2out to say so!ethin&9 2ut he /re ers to &o away9 and he 2e&ins to wa)6 ast with the +hi)d astride his shou)ders i!itatin& the ro))in& o a 2oat to !a6e hi! )au&h9 and when he /asses near Thaddeus he ta6es hi! 2y the ar! and shoutsI E7o!e on9 )et's &o to that is)andH It's u)) o )owers )i6e a 2as6et. 7o!e9 8athanae)9 1hi)i/9 Si!on9 John... In one 2ound we are there. The torrent9 divided as it is9 is on)y two 2roo6s9 one on ea+h side o the is)and...G 'nd he is the irst to <u!/ restin& his oot on a sandy /rotrusion a ew !etres wide9 +overed with &rass )i6e a !eadow and so u)) o ear)y )owers that it )oo6s )i6e a +ar/et9 with in its !idd)e on)y one ta)) thin /o/)ar9 the to/ o whi+h is swayin& in a )i&ht 2reeze. He is s)ow)y <oined 2y those he +a))ed and then 2y the others who were +)oser to Jesus9 4ho is )e t 2ehind s/ea6in& to the Is+ariot. E%ut has he not inished yetFG 1eter as6s his 2rother. EThe Master is wor6in& at his heartG re/)ies 'ndrew.

4 Jesus sets oot on the is)and <ust when the two +hi)dren are 2e&innin& to /)ay and He +aresses the! /uttin& down the )itt)e one who <oins in the &a!e o his 2rothers. EHere I a! with you. Let us s/ea6 o ,od now. %e+ause to s/ea6 o ,od and to ,od is a /re/aration or one's !ission. 'nd a ter /rayin&9 that is9 a ter s/ea6in& to ,od9 we sha)) s/ea6 o ,od9 4ho is /resent in everythin& to tea+h !en &ood thin&s. Stand u/ and )et us /rayG and He intones so!e /sa)!s in He2rew and the a/ost)es <oin Hi! sin&in& in +horus. The +hi)dren9 who had !oved aside with their )itt)e 2oats9 on hearin& the !en sin&9 sto/ /)ayin& and /ratt)in& in their shri)) voi+es9 and a//roa+h the &rou/. They )isten attentive)y9 their eyes i3ed on Jesus 4ho is everythin& to the!9 then9 with the s/irit o i!itation o +hi)dren9 they ta6e the sa!e /osture o the /rayin& a/ost)es hu!!in& the tune as they do not 6now the words o the /sa)!s. Jesus )oo6s at the! with a s!i)e that en+oura&es the hu!!in& o their inno+ent voi+es. They ee) as i He a//roved o the! and they are en+oura&ed...

The sin&in& o the /sa)!s +o!es to an end. 5 Jesus sits down on the &rass and 2e&ins to E0hH it is easier or !e to !a6e i&s &row on this tree than it is or <usti+e to enter Judas' s/ea6I E4hen the 6in&s o Israe)9 o 0do! and o Judah united to i&ht the 6in& o heart.G Moa2 and they a//)ied to the /ro/het 0)isha or advi+e9 he re/)ied to the 6in&s' !essen&erI CI I did not res/e+t Jehosha/hat9 the 6in& o Judah9 I shou)d not even )oo6 E'nd his !indG adds Matthew. at you. 8ow 2rin& !e so!eone who +an /)ay the )yre.D 'nd as the har/ist /)ayed9 ,od EHe is a oo) 2e+ause he wants to 2e so9 and when he )i6esG says Thaddeus. s/o6e to His /ro/het orderin& dit+h on dit+h to 2e du& in the wadi so that it !i&ht 2e i))ed with water or !en and ani!a)s. 'nd the o))owin& !ornin& at the hour o the EHe is u/set 2e+ause he has not 2een se)e+ted to evan&e)ize. I 6nowG says John. o2)ation9 a)thou&h there was neither wind nor rain9 the torrent was i))ed as the Lord had E's ar as I a! +on+erned... I he wants to &o in !y /)a+e... I a! not at a)) an3ious to said. '++ordin& to you9 what is the tea+hin& o that e/isodeF S/ea6 u/HG wander a2outHG e3+)ai!s 1eter. The a/ost)es +onsu)t with one another. So!e sayI E,od does not s/ea6 to an a&itated E8one o us are an3ious. %ut he is. 'nd !y %rother does not want to send hi!. I s/o6e heart. 0)isha wants to a//ease his an&er9 2rou&ht a2out 2y seein& the 6in& o Israe) to Hi! this !ornin& 2e+ause I was aware o Judas' !ood and o its +auses. %ut Jesus a//ear in his /resen+e9 so that he !ay hear ,odG. So!e instead sayI EIt is a )esson o saidI CJust 2e+ause his heart is so unsound I a! 6ee/in& hi! with Me. Those who <usti+e. 0)isha9 in order not to /unish the inno+ent 6in& o Judah9 saves a)so the &ui)ty su er and are wea6 need a do+tor and so!eone to su//ort the!.DG one.G 5thers sayI EIt is a )esson o aith and o2edien+e. They du& the dit+hes o2eyin& an a//arent)y si))y order9 and they waited or the water a)thou&h it was a +)ear wind)ess E5 +ourseH... 4e))H... 7o!e9 +hi)dren. 4e sha)) now ta6e these )ove)y reeds and !a6e )itt)e 2oats with the!. See how 2eauti u) they areH 'nd we sha)) /ut these )itt)e )owers day.G in the! to a+t as isher!en. Loo6I do they not see! heads with white and red +a/sF... 4e sha)) !a6e the har2our here9 and here... the isher!en's )itt)e houses... 8ow )et us tie the 2oats to these )ove)y s)ender &rass@2)ades9 and you wi)) /ut the! in the water9 )i6e that.... then you wi)) 2ea+h the! when you inish ishin&... ;ou +an a)so !a6e the tour o the is)and... and wat+h the ro+6s9 ehH...G 1eter's /atien+e is wonder u). He +uts the reed into /ie+es with a 6ni e9 ro! 6not to 6not9 re!ovin& one side to !a6e )itt)e 2oats9 he /uts daisies sti)) in 2ud in the! as isher!en9 he du&s a Li))i/utian har2our in the sand and !a6es so!e )itt)e houses with the da!/ sand9 and when he is su++ess u) in /)easin& the +hi)dren he sits down satis ied whis/erin&I E1oor +hi)drenH...G E;our re/)ies are +orre+t 2ut not +o!/)ete. ,od does not s/ea6 to an a&itated heart. That is true. %ut )yres are not re=uired to +a)! a heart. It is su i+ient to have +harity9 whi+h is the s/iritua) )yre with /aradisia+ notes. 4hen a sou) )ives in +harity9 its heart is +a)! and it +an hear and understand the voi+e o ,od.G ESo 0)isha did not have +harity 2e+ause he was u/set.G E0)isha )ived at the ti!e o Justi+e. 4e !ust )earn to trans er an+ient e/isodes to the ti!e o 7harity and see the! not in the )i&ht o thunder and )i&htnin& 2ut in the )i&ht o stars. K1L ;ou 2e)on& to the new ti!es. So why are you so o ten !ore iras+i2)e and

552.The F"22"%in1 Da( a& E5h ai.. Pa a62e "n &he Re.e.6 an3e "- 'an!s E&e na2 Des&in(.


a&itated than /eo/)e o the an+ient ti!esF $ivest yourse)ves o the /ast. I re/eat that to you9 a)thou&h Judas does not )i6e to hear it 2ein& re/eated. 03tir/ate9 /rune9 en&ra t9 /)ant new trees. Renovate yourselves dig the ditches of hu#ility obedience and faith. Those 6in&s were a2)e to do so a)thou&h two o the! did not +o!e ro! Judah9 and they did not hear ,od 2ut the /ro/het o ,od re/eat the orders o the Most Hi&h. Had they not o2eyed they wou)d have died o thirst in the arid )and. They o2eyed and the water i))ed the dit+hes they had du&9 and they were not on)y saved ro! dyin& o thirst 2ut they a)so de eated their ene!ies. I a# the Water of 2ife. 3ig ditches in your hearts in order to be able to receive !e. 6 'nd now )isten. I a! not &oin& to !a6e )on& s/ee+hes. I wi)) <ust &ive you so!e si!/)e thou&hts on whi+h you +an !editate. ;ou wi)) a)ways 2e )i6e these +hi)dren and even in erior to the!9 2e+ause they are inno+ent and you are not9 and thus the s/iritua) )i&ht wi)) 2e di!!er in you9 i you do not &et a++usto!ed to !editation. ;ou a)ways )isten 2ut you never re!e!2er9 2e+ause your inte))i&en+e is as)ee/ instead o 2ein& awa6e. So )isten. 4hen the son o the wo!an o Shune! died9 she wanted to &o to the /ro/het a)thou&h her hus2and to)d her that it was not the irst day o the !onth or the Sa22ath. %ut she 6new that she had to &o9 2e+ause or +ertain !atters no de)ay is a))owed. 'nd as she was a2)e to understand the !atter ro! a s/iritua) /oint o view9 she had her son restored to )i e. 4hat do you say a2out thatFG EThat it is a re/roa+h to !e 2e+ause o the Sa22athG says the Is+ariot. ESo9 Judas9 do you rea)ise that you understand thin&s when you want toF So o/en your heart to <usti+e.G E;es... 2ut ;ou did not in rin&e the Sa22ath to raise the !an ro! the dead.G EI did !ore than that. I /revented their ruin and death9 their true death. 'nd I re!inded the thieves that...G E4ait 2e ore +onso)in& ;ourse) with the idea o havin& done so!e &oodH I don't 2e)ieve they o2eyed ;ou...G EI the Master says so...G E')so 0)isha9 in the story o the wo!an o Shune!9 saysI CThe Lord has hidden it ro! !e.D So not even the /ro/hets a)ways 6now everythin&G re/)ies the Is+ariot. E5ur %rother is &reater than a /ro/hetG re!ar6s Thaddeus. EI 6now. He is the Son o ,od. %ut He is a)so the Man. 'nd as su+h He !ay 2e su2<e+t to 2ein& unaware o se+ondary !atters )i6e this one +on+ernin& a +onversion and a return... Master9 do ;ou a)ways9 rea))y a)ways9 6now everythin&F I o ten wonder...G says the Is+ariot with stu22orn insisten+e.

E'nd with what !ind do you wish to 6nowF (or the sa6e o /ea+e9 o advi+e9 or to 2e u/setFG as6s Jesus. E4e))... I do not 6now. I wonder and...G E'nd you see! to 2e u/set even in wonderin&G says Tho!as. EMeF 5 +ourse /er/)e3ity a)ways u/sets one...G EHow !any =ui22)esH I do not worry a2out so !any /ro2)e!s. I 2e)ieve without in=uirin&9 and I a! not /er/)e3ed or u/set a2out anythin&. %ut )et us a))ow the Master to s/ea6. I do not )i6e this )esson. Te)) us a 2eauti u) /ara2)e9 Master. The +hi)dren a)so wi)) )i6e itG says 1eter. 7 EI have sti)) one =uestion to as6 you. This one. '++ordin& to you9 what is the !eanin& o the )our that re!oved the 2itte!ess ro! the sou/ o the /ro/het's +hi)drenFG $ead si)en+e is the re/)y to the =uestion. E4hatF 7an you not re/)yFG E1ro2a2)y 2e+ause the )our a2sor2ed the 2itterness...G says Matthew with no +ertainty. E0verythin& wou)d have 2een 2itter9 a)so the )our.G E%e+ause o a !ira+)e o the /ro/het who did not want to !orti y his servantG su&&ests 1hi)i/. E;es. %ut not on)y or that.G EThe Lord wanted the /ower o the /ro/het to shine a)so on +o!!on !attersG says the >ea)ot. E;es. %ut it is not yet the ri&ht !eanin&. The )ives o /ro/hets anti+i/ate what wi)) ta6e /)a+e in the u))ness o ti!eI Mine9 they re )e+t My earth)y days 2y !eans o sy!2o)s and i&ures. So...G There is si)en+e. They )oo6 at one another. Then John )owers his head 2)ushin& and he s!i)es. E4hy do you not e3/ress your thou&ht9 JohnFG as6s Jesus. EThere is no )a+6 o )ove in s/ea6in&9 2e+ause you do not intend to !orti y any2ody.G EI thin6 it !eans this. That in the ti!e o hun&er or Truth and o a!ine o 4isdo!9 that is9 this ti!e when ;ou +a!e9 every tree has 2e+o!e wi)d and has yie)ded 2itter ruits as inedi2)e as /oison or the sons o !en9 who thus in vain /i+6 the! and /re/are the! to nourish the!se)ves. %ut the 0terna) (ather's %ounty sends ;ou9 the )our o se)e+ted +orn9 and with ;our /er e+tion ;ou re!ove the /oison ro! a)) ood9 restorin&

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2oth the trees o the S+ri/tures a&ain9 /erverted throu&hout a&es9 and the /a)ates o !en9 +orru/ted 2y +on+u/is+en+e. In this +ase it is the (ather 4ho orders the )our to 2e 2rou&ht and He /ours it into the 2itter sou/9 and ;ou are the )our that sa+ri i+es itse) to 2e+o!e ood or !en. 'nd a ter ;our +onsu!!ation no 2itterness wi)) 2e )e t in the wor)d9 2e+ause ;ou wi)) have re@esta2)ished our riendshi/ with ,od. I !ay 2e wron&.G E;ou are not wron&. That is the sy!2o).G E5hH and what !ade you thin6 thatFG as6s 1eter9 who is astonished. Jesus re/)ies to hi!I EI wi)) te)) you with the very words you s/o6e a ew !inutes a&o. 5ne 2ound and you are in the /ea+e u) )owery is)and o s/iritua)ity. %ut one !ust have the +oura&e to !a6e a )ea/ )eavin& the shore9 the wor)d. It is ne+essary to <u!/ without worryin& whether there is so!eone who !ay )au&h at our +)u!sy <u!/ or !ay deride us or our si!/)i+ity in /re errin& a )one)y is)et to the wor)d. 5ne !ust <u!/ without 2ein& a raid o &ettin& hurt or wet or 2ein& disa//ointed. ;ou !ust )eave everythin& to ta6e re u&e in ,od. 5ne !ust re!ain on the is)and se/arated ro! the wor)d and )eave it on)y to distri2ute the )owers and /ure water /i+6ed u/ on the is)and o the s/irit9 where there is on)y one tree9 the tree o 4isdo!9 to those who are )e t on the shores. %y 2ein& +)ose to that tree9 away ro! the noise o the wor)d9 one +at+hes a)) its words and 2e+o!es a !aster9 2ein& aware o 2ein& a dis+i/)e. ')so that is a sy!2o). 8 %ut we sha)) now te)) the +hi)dren a )ove)y /ara2)e. 7o!e here +)ose to Me.G The three +hi)dren &o so +)ose to Hi! as to sit on His 6nees. Jesus e!2ra+es the! and 2e&ins to s/ea6. E5ne day the Lord ,od saidI CI wi)) !a6e !an9 and !an wi)) )ive in the 0arth)y 1aradise where the &reat river is that then divides into our water@+ourses9 whi+h are the 1ishon9 the ,ihon9 the 0u/hrates and the Ti&ris9 that )ow on the 0arth. 'nd !an wi)) 2e ha//y as he wi)) have a)) the 2eauti u) and &ood thin&s o 7reation and My )ove or the <oy o his s/irit.D 'nd He did so. It was as i !an were in a )ar&e is)and9 !ore )owery than this one9 with a)) 6inds o trees and ani!a)s9 and u/on hi! there were the )ove o ,od shinin& )i6e a sun on his sou)9 and the voi+e o ,od were heard in the winds9 !ore sweet@soundin& than the son&s o 2irds. %ut sudden)y a ser/ent +re/t into that 2eauti u) )owery &arden9 a!on& a)) the ani!a)s and /)ants9 and that ser/ent was di erent ro! a)) those that had 2een +reated 2y ,od and were &ood9 without /oisonous teeth and without ier+eness in the s/ires o their )e3uous 2odies. ')so that ser/ent had dressed itse) with a s6in havin& the shades o &e!s as the other sna6es had9 nay9 it was even !ore 2eauti u) than they were9 so !u+h so that it )oo6ed )i6e a hu&e <ewe) o a 6in& wri&&)in& a!on& the wonder u) trees in the ,arden. It went and +oi)ed round a tree &rowin& in the !idd)e o the &arden9 a 2eauti u) so)itary tree that was !u+h ta))er than this one and it was +overed with !arve))ous )eaves and ruits. 'nd the ser/ent )oo6ed )i6e a 2eauti u) <ewe) around the )ove)y tree9

and it shone in the sun9 and a)) the ani!a)s were )oo6in& at it 2e+ause none o the! re!e!2ered seein& it 2ein& +reated9 or seein& it 2e ore. %ut none o the! a//roa+hed it9 nay9 they a)) !oved away ro! the tree9 now that the sna6e was round its trun6. 5n)y the !an and wo!an went near it9 and the wo!an 2e ore the !an9 2e+ause she )i6ed that 2ri&ht thin& shinin& in the sun and !ovin& its head )i6e a )ower sti)) ha) @ +)osed9 and she )istened to what the ser/ent was sayin&9 and she diso2eyed the Lord and she !ade 'da! diso2ey. 5n)y a ter their diso2edien+e they saw the sna6e or what it was and they understood sin9 as 2y now they had )ost the inno+en+e o their hearts. 'nd they hid the!se)ves ro! ,od 4ho was )oo6in& or the! and then they )ied to ,od 4ho was =uestionin& the!. ,od then /ut so!e an&e)s at the 2orders o the ,arden and drove the !en out. 'nd they e)t as i they had 2een thrown ro! the sa e shore o 0den into the rivers on the earth u)) o water9 as when they are )ooded in s/rin&ti!e. %ut in the hearts o the !en who had 2een driven out ,od )e t the re!e!2ran+e o their eterna) destiny9 that is9 o the /assa&e ro! the 2eauti u) ,arden9 where they heard the voi+e o ,od and e)t His )ove9 to 1aradise where they wou)d en<oy ,od +o!/)ete)y. 'nd with that re!e!2ran+e He )e t the ho)y in+entive to as+end to the /)a+e they had )ost9 2y !eans o a )i e o <usti+e. %ut9 My dear +hi)dren9 you have <ust now e3/erien+ed that as )on& as the 2oat sai)s with the strea! its voya&e is easy9 whereas whi)e it sai)s a&ainst the strea! it inds it di i+u)t to 6ee/ a )oat9 without 2ein& swe/t away 2y waves or 2ein& wre+6ed a!on& the ve&etation9 sand or stones o the river. I Si!on had not tied your )itt)e 2oats with the thin withes o the shores9 you wou)d have )ost the! a))9 as it ha//ened to Isaa+ who did not ho)d his withe. The sa!e ha//ens to !en thrown into the strea!s o the 0arth. They !ust a)ways re!ain in the hands o ,od9 trustin& their wi))9 whi+h is )i6e a withe9 to the hands o the &ood (ather 4ho is in Heaven and 4ho is the (ather o a)) !en9 and in /arti+u)ar o inno+ent /eo/)e9 and they !ust 2e on the )oo6@out to avoid her2s and 2o& &rass9 stones9 whir/oo)s and !ud that !i&ht ho)d 2a+69 shatter or swa))ow u/ the 2oat o their sou)s 2y tearin& away the thread o the wi)) that 6ee/s the! <oined to ,od. %e+ause the Ser/ent9 whi+h is no )on&er in the ,arden9 is now on the 0arth9 and it rea))y tries to wre+6 sou)s9 /reventin& the! ro! &oin& u/ the 0u/hrates9 the Ti&ris9 the ,ihon and the 1ishon to the ,reat .iver that )ows in the eterna) 1aradise and nourishes the trees o Li e and Hea)th9 that yie)d /er/etua) ruits9 that wi)) 2e the de)i&ht o a)) those who have 2een a2)e to &o u/strea! to 2e united to ,od and to His an&e)s9 without havin& to su er any urther orever.G 9 EMy !other a)so used to say thatG says the o)dest 2oy. E;es9 she didG )is/s the youn&est one. E;ou don't 6now. I do9 2e+ause I a! 2i&. %ut i you say thin&s that are not true you wi))

552.The F"22"%in1 Da( a& E5h ai.. Pa a62e "n &he Re.e.6 an3e "- 'an!s E&e na2 Des&in(.


+ertain)y not &o to 1aradise.G E%ut our ather used to say that it was not trueG says the se+ond@2orn son. E%e+ause he did not 2e)ieve in the Lord o our !other.G E4as your ather not a Sa!aritanFG as6s Ja!es o ')/haeus. E8o. He +a!e ro! another /)a+e. %ut !other was9 and we are as we))9 2e+ause she wanted us to 2e )i6e her. 'nd she to)d us o 1aradise and o the ,arden9 2ut not so we)) as ;ou did. I was a raid o the ser/ent and o death9 2e+ause !other used to say that one was the devi) and our ather said that death /uts an end to everythin&. That is why I was so unha//y to 2e a)one and I a)so said that it was =uite use)ess to 2e &ood now9 2e+ause as )on& as ather and !other )ived9 we !ade the! ha//y 2y 2ein& &ood9 2ut now there was no2ody to !a6e ha//y i we were &ood. %ut now I 6now... 'nd I wi)) 2e &ood. I wi)) never ta6e !y thread away ro! the hands o ,od so that I wi)) not 2e +arried away 2y the waters o the 0arth.G E$id !other &o u/strea! or downstrea!FG as6s the se+ond son /er/)e3ed)y. E4hat do you !ean9 +hi)dFG as6s Matthew. EI !eanI where is sheF $id she &o to the river o the eterna) 1aradiseFG ELet us ho/e so9 !y +hi)d. I she was &ood...G EShe was a Sa!aritan...G says the Is+ariot +onte!/tuous)y. EThen is there no 1aradise or us9 2e+ause we are Sa!aritansF Then sha)) we not have ,odF He +a))ed Hi! the C(ather o a)) !enD. 's an or/han I )i6ed to thin6 that I sti)) have a (ather... %ut i there is not one or us...G he says )owerin& his head sad)y. E,od is the (ather o every2ody9 My +hi)d. Have I )oved you )ess 2e+ause you are a Sa!aritanF I +ontended with the hi&hway!en or you9 and I wi)) +ontend with the de!on or you9 in the sa!e way as I wou)d +ontend or the )itt)e son o the Hi&h 1riest o the Te!/)e in Jerusa)e!9 i he did not +onsider it dis&ra+e u) that the Saviour shou)d save his son. 8ayI I wou)d +ontend or you !ore ir!)y 2e+ause you are a)one and unha//y. There is no di eren+e or Me 2etween the sou) o a Judaean and that o a Sa!aritan. 'nd 2e ore )on& there wi)) 2e no division 2etween Sa!aria and Judaea9 2e+ause the Messiah wi)) have one /eo/)e on)y that wi)) 2ear His 8a!e and wi)) +o!/rise a)) those who )ove Hi!.G EI )ove ;ou9 Lord. %ut wi)) ;ou ta6e !e to !y !otherFG as6s the o)dest o the three 2oys. E;ou do not 6now where she is. That !an over there said that we +an on)y ho/e...G says the se+ond@2orn son.

EI do not 6now9 2ut the Lord 6nows. He 6new even where we were9 whereas we do not even 6now where we were.G E4ith the hi&hway!en... They wanted to 6i)) us...G Terror a//ears a&ain on the )itt)e a+e o the se+ond son. EThe hi&hway!en were )i6e de!ons. %ut He saved us 2e+ause our an&e)s +a))ed Hi!.G EThe an&e)s saved a)so !y !other. I 6now 2e+ause I a)ways drea! o her.G E;ou are a )iar9 Isaa+. ;ou +annot drea! o her 2e+ause you do not re!e!2er her.G The )itt)e one wee/s sayin&I E8o. 8o. I drea! o her. I do...G E$on't +a)) your 2rother a )iar9 .u2en. His sou) +an rea))y see his !other9 2e+ause the &ood (ather 4ho is in Heaven +an &rant that the )itt)e or/han !ay drea! o her and !ay 6now her /art)y9 as He a))ows us to 6now Hi!9 so that ro! su+h )i!ited 6now)ed&e we !ay 2e wi))in& to 6now Hi! /er e+t)y9 whi+h is a+hieved 2y 2ein& a)ways &ood. 10 'nd now )et us &o. 4e have s/o6en o ,od9 and the Sa22ath has 2een san+ti ied.G He stands u/ and intones !ore /sa)!s. ?/on hearin& the +horus so!e /eo/)e ro! 0/hrai! &o towards the! and they res/e+t u))y wait unti) the /sa)! is ended in order to &reet Jesus and say to Hi!I E$id ;ou /re er to +o!e here instead o +o!in& to usF $o ;ou not )ove usFG E8one o you invited Me. So I +a!e here with My a/ost)es and these +hi)dren.G EThat is true. %ut we thou&ht that ;our dis+i/)e had in or!ed ;ou o our wish.G Jesus )oo6s at John and Judas. 'nd Judas re/)iesI EI or&ot to te)) ;ou yesterdayM and today9 with these +hi)dren9 I never thou&ht o it.G Jesus in the !eanti!e )eaves the is)et and He +rosses the tiny strea! o water and &oes towards the /eo/)e o 0/hrai!. The a/ost)es o))ow Hi! whi)e the +hi)dren de)ay un astin& the two re!ainin& )itt)e 2oats9 and as 1eter ur&es the!9 they re/)yI E4e want to 6ee/ the! to re!e!2er the )esson.G E'nd what a2out !eF I )ost !ine. 'nd I wi)) not re!e!2er. 'nd I wi)) not &o to 1aradiseG says the youn&est one wee/in&. E4aitH $on't wee/. I')) !a6e a )itt)e 2oat or you at on+e. 5 +ourse9 you !ust re!e!2er the )esson as we)). 0hH 4e ou&ht a)) to have a )itt)e 2oat with a withe tied to its /row in order to re!e!2er. 'nd we !en !ore than you +hi)drenH 4e))HG and 1eter !a6es another )itt)e 2oat with its withe. He then ta6es the three +hi)dren in his ar!s9 in one ar! u)9 and <u!/s the strea! &oin& towards Jesus. E're these the onesFG as6s Ma)a+hi o 0/hrai!.

552.The F"22"%in1 Da( a& E5h ai.. Pa a62e "n &he Re.e.6 an3e "- 'an!s E&e na2 Des&in(.


E;es9 they are.G E'nd are they ro! She+he!FG EThat is what the youn& she/herd said. He said that their re)atives )ived in the +ountry.G E1oor +hi)drenH %ut i their re)atives shou)d not +o!e9 what wou)d ;ou doFG EI wou)d 6ee/ the! with Me. %ut they wi)) +o!e.G EThose hi&hway!en... 4i)) they not +o!e9 tooFG EThey wi)) not +o!e. $o not 2e a raid o the!. 0ven i they +a!e... I wou)d 2e their /)underer9 and they wou)d not 2e your /i))a&ers. I have a)ready snat+hed our /reys ro! the! and I ho/e I have a)so snat+hed /art o their sou)s ro! sin9 at )east in so!e o the!.G E4e sha)) he)/ ;ou with these +hi)dren. ;ou wi)) )et us do that.G E;es9 I wi)). %ut not 2e+ause they +o!e ro! your re&ion9 2ut 2e+ause they are inno+ent9 and )ove or inno+ent /eo/)e )eads one =ui+6)y to ,od.G E%ut ;ou are the on)y one who !a6es no distin+tion 2etween inno+ents and inno+ents. 8either a Judaean nor a ,a)i)ean wou)d have /i+6ed u/ these )itt)e Sa!aritans. 1eo/)e do not )ove us. 'nd they dis)i6e not on)y us 2ut a)so those who do not even yet 6now what a Sa!aritan or a Judaean is. 'nd that is +rue).G E;es9 it is. %ut it wi)) no )on&er 2e so when /eo/)e o))ow My Law. See9 Ma)a+hiF They are in the ar!s o Si!on 1eter9 o My 2rother and o Si!on >ea)ot. 8one o the! are Sa!aritans or athers. 'nd yet not even you wou)d /ress your own +hi)dren to your heart as these dis+i/)es o Mine are /ressin& the or/hans o Sa!aria. The Messiani+ idea is thisI to re@unite every2ody in )ove. This is the truth o the Messiani+ idea. 5ne /eo/)e on)y on the 0arth under the s+e/tre o the Messiah. 5ne /eo/)e on)y in Heaven under the &)an+e o one ,od on)y.G They &o away... s/ea6in&9 towards the house o Mary o Ja+o2. @@@@@@@@@@@@@ K1L '))usion to the )i&htnin& that a++o!/anied the !ani estations o the an+ient Law K03odus 1991 @#09#1L and to the star that indi+ated the +o!in& and !ani estation o Jesus in the wor)d KMatthew #9 1 @1#L.

553. Jesus E:95ains &# Pe&e! &he .anda&e 1#! Re(i&&in4 Sins and ;h/ Sain&s and Inn#'en&s Su11e!.
$5&h Janua!/ $9*8.

1 Jesus is a)one in a )itt)e roo!. He is thin6in& or /rayin& sittin& on a )itt)e 2ed. The tiny ye))owish )a!e o a s!a)) oi) )a!/ is =uiverin& on a she) . It !ust 2e ni&ht@ti!e 2e+ause there is no noise in the house or in the street. 5n)y the rust)in& o the strea! outside the house see!s to sound )ouder in the si)en+e o the ni&ht. Jesus raises His head and )oo6s at the door. He )istens. He stands u/ and &oes to o/en it. He sees 1eter outside. EIs it youF 7o!e in. 4hat do you want9 Si!onF 're you sti)) u/ and you have to wa)6 su+h a )on& wayFG He has ta6en hi! 2y the hand and /u))ed hi! inside9 +)osin& the door noise)ess)y. He !a6es hi! sit on the 2ed 2eside Hi!se) . EI wanted to te)) ;ou9 MasterN ;es9 I wanted to te)) ;ou that even today ;ou have seen what I a! worth. I a! on)y +a/a2)e o !a6in& /oor +hi)dren en<oy the!se)ves9 o +o! ortin& an o)d wo!an9 o re+on+i)in& two she/herds who are =uare))in& over a ewe@ )a!2 that has )ost its !i)6. I a! a /oor !an9 so du)) that I do not even understand what ;ou e3/)ain to !e. %ut that is another !atter. 8ow I wanted to te)) ;ou that <ust 2e+ause o that9 ;ou shou)d 6ee/ !e here. I a! not an3ious to &o around when ;ou do not +o!e with us. 'nd I a! not &ood at anythin&N 7ontent !e9 Lord.G 1eter is s/ea6in& ea&er)y with his eyes i3ed on the +oarse +hi//ed 2ri+6s o the )oor. ELoo6 at Me9 Si!onG Jesus orders hi!. 'nd9 as 1eter o2eys9 Jesus stares at hi! intense)y as6in&I EIs that a))F Is that the on)y reason or your 2ein& awa6eF The on)y reason why you are 2e&&in& Me to 6ee/ you hereF %e sin+ere9 Si!on. ;ou are not &ru!2)in& i you te)) your Master the other /art o your thou&ht. ;ou !ust 2e a2)e to te)) the di eren+e 2etween an id)e word and a use u) one. A word is idle and sin generally flourishes in idleness when one spea"s of other people1s faults with so#eone who can do nothing about the#. Then it is /)ain)y )a+6 o +harity9 even i what one says is true. As it is lac" of charity to reproach so#eone #ore or less sharply without giving advice at the sa#e ti#e. 'nd I a! re errin& to <ust re/roa+hes. The others are un air and they are a sin a&ainst our nei&h2our. %ut when one sees one's nei&h2our +o!!it sin9 and one su ers 2e+ause that /erson o ends ,od and in<ures his sou)9 and one rea)ises that one +annot esti!ate the &ravity o so!eone e)se's sin9 neither does one ee) wise enou&h to s/ea6 words that !ay wor6 a +onversion9 and then one a//)ies to a <ust and wise /erson +on idin& one's an3iety9 then one does not +o!!it sin9 2e+ause one's dis+)osure ai!s at /uttin& an end to a s+anda) and at savin& a sou). It is the sa!e as i one had a re)ative su erin& ro! a sha!e u) disease. 5ne wi)) +ertain)y try to +on+ea) it ro! /eo/)e9 2ut one wi)) &o se+ret)y to a do+tor and sayI CMy re)ative is su erin& ro! so and so and I do not 6now how to advise and +ure hi!. 1)ease +o!e or te)) !e what I !ust do.D $oes one in that +ase )a+6 )ove or one's re)ativeF 8o. 5n the +ontrary one wou)d )a+6 )ove i one ei&ned not to noti+e the disease and a))owed it to /ro&ress and

553.Jesus E752ains &" Pe&e &he 'anda&e -" Re.i&&in1 Sins and 8h( Sain&s and Inn"3en&s Su--e .


2rin& a2out death9 throu&h a !ista6en ee)in& o /ruden+e and )ove. 2 5ne day9 and that day is not re!ote9 you and your +o!/anions wi)) have to )isten to the se+rets o hearts. 8ot as you )isten to the! now as !en9 2ut as /riests9 that is do+tors9 !asters9 and /astors o sou)s9 as I a! $o+tor9 Master and 1astor. ;ou wi)) have to )isten9 de+ide and &ive advi+e. ;our <ud&e!ent wi)) have the sa!e va)ue as i ,od Hi!se) had /assed itNG

su++essor o the Mer+y. So 2e ore +onde!nin& you !ust +onsider and tou+h the heart wee/in& 2e ore you9 6ind)y and /rudent)y9 in order to as+ertain a)) the as/e+ts o the sin or su//osed sin9 and o the s+ru/)e.

I saidI 6ind)y and /rudent)y. ;ou !ust re!e!2er that 2esides 2ein& a Master and 1astor9 you are a $o+tor. ' do+tor does not irritate wounds. I there is &an&rene he wi)) +ut it o 9 2ut he 6nows a)so how to un+over and treat a wound with a )i&ht hand when 1eter rees hi!se) ro! Jesus 4ho was ho)din& hi! +)ose to Hi!se) and standin& u/ )a+erated tissues are to 2e re@united9 not re!oved. 'nd you are to re!e!2er that in he saysI EThat is not /ossi2)e Lord. 8ever i!/ose that on us. How +an ;ou e3/e+t us to addition to 2ein& a $o+tor and 1astor9 you are a Master. ' !aster ada/ts his words to <ud&e )i6e ,od9 i we are not even a2)e to <ud&e )i6e !enFG the a&e o his /u/i)s. 'nd s+anda)ous wou)d 2e that tea+her who shou)d dis+)ose ani!a) )aws to inno+ent +hi)dren who were una+=uainted with the! and wou)d thus a+=uire EThen you wi)) 2e a2)e9 2e+ause the S/irit o ,od wi)) hover over you and wi)) /ene@ !is+hievous 6now)ed&e /re+o+ious)y. 'nd in dea)in& with sou)s one !ust 2e /rudent in trate you with its )i&ht. ;ou wi)) 6now how to <ud&e ta6in& into +onsideration the seven as6in& =uestions. ;ou !ust res/e+t yourse) and other /eo/)e. It wi)) 2e easy or you i +onditions o the a+ts /ro/osed to you in order to have your advi+e or to 2e or&iven. in every sou) you see a son o yours. ' ather is 2y nature the !aster9 do+tor and &uide Listen to Me +are u))y and try to re!e!2er. In due ti!e the S/irit o ,od wi)) re!ind o his +hi)dren. So )ove with ather)y )ove every /erson who +o!es to you u/set 2y sin9 you o My words. %ut at the sa!e ti!e try to re!e!2er with your own inte))i&en+e9 as or 2y ear o sin9 and you wi)) 2e a2)e to <ud&e without hurtin& or s+anda)isin& any2ody. ,od &ives it to you so that you !ay use it without )aziness and s/iritua) /resu!/tions 3 $o you o))ow MeFG that )ead one to e3/e+t and /retend everythin& ro! ,od. 4hen you are Master9 $o+tor and 1astor in My /)a+e and My stead9 and when a 2e)iever +o!es to wee/ at your eet E;es9 I do9 Master. I have understood ;ou very we)). I !ust 2e +autious and /atient9 I over his /ertur2ation 2rou&ht a2out 2y his own or other /eo/)e's deeds9 you !ust wi)) have to +onvin+e /eo/)e to dis+)ose their wounds9 2ut I sha)) have to e3a!ine the! a)ways 2ear in !ind the o))owin& seven =uestionsI 2y !yse) 9 without attra+tin& the attention o other /eo/)e to the!9 and on)y when I shou)d see that there is a rea) wound9 I ou&ht to sayI CSeeF ;ou have hurt yourse) here 4hoI 4ho sinnedF 2y doin& so and so.D %ut i I see that a /erson is on)y a raid o 2ein& hurt9 havin& seen 4hatI 4hat is the !atter o the sinF &hosts9 thenN I shou)d 2)ow away the o& without &ivin&9 throu&h use)ess zea)9 4hereI In whi+h /)a+eF e3/)anations +a/a2)e o throwin& )i&ht on rea) sour+es o sin. Is that ri&htFG HowI In whi+h +ir+u!stan+esF 4ith what or with who!I The instru!ent or /erson that was the !ateria) or the sinF E;es9 =uite ri&ht. So. I one says to youI CI have +o!!itted a sin o +arna) )ustD9 you 4hyI 4hi+h in+entives 2rou&ht a2out the environ!ent avoura2)e to the sinF !ust +onsider the /erson who is in ront o you. It is true that sin +an 2e +o!!itted at 4henI In whi+h +onditions and rea+tions9 and whether 2y a++ident or 2y unwho)eso!e every a&e. %ut it is easier to ind it in adu)ts than in +hi)dren9 so the =uestions to as6 or ha2itF the answers to &ive a !an or a 2oy wi)) 2e di erent. 7onse=uent)y9 a ter the irst =uestion9 +o!es the se+ond one on the !atter o the sin9 then the third one on the /)a+e %e+ause see9 Si!on9 the sa!e sin !ay have in inite nuan+es and &rades a++ordin& to a)) o the sin9 then the ourth on the +ir+u!stan+es9 then the i th on the a++o!/)i+e to the the +ir+u!stan+es that +aused it and to the /eo/)e who +o!!itted it. (or instan+eN Let sin9 then the si3th on the +auses o the sin9 and the seventh on the ti!e and nu!2er o us ta6e into +onsideration two o the !ost +o!!on sinsI )ust o the )esh and )ust or the sin. ri+hes. In &enera) you wi)) ind that in the +ase o adu)ts )ivin& in the wor)d a +ir+u!stan+e o ' !an has +o!!itted a sin o )ewdness9 or he thin6s that he has +o!!itted su+h a sin. true sin wi)) a//ear to +orres/ond to ea+h =uestion9 whereas in the +ase o +hi)dren 2y %e+ause at ti!es !an !ista6es te!/tation or sin9 or he +onsiders o the sa!e de&ree a&e or 2y s/irit9 or !any =uestions you wi)) have to sayI CThere is on)y the ear o sin the in+entives 2rou&ht a2out arti i+ia))y 2y an unwho)eso!e a//etite9 and +onsiders a)so here9 2ut no rea) sin.D 8ay9 at ti!es you wi)) see that instead o i)th there is a )i)y that to 2e e=ua) those thou&hts that are the +onse=uen+e o a /ain u) disease or +o!e to one's =uivers with ear o 2ein& s/)ashed with !ud9 and !ista6es the dro/ o dew that !ind 2e+ause the )esh and 2)ood at ti!es have sudden voi+es resoundin& inward)y des+ended on its +a)y3 or a s/)ash o !ud. They are sou)s so ea&er or Heaven that 2e ore the !ind has ti!e to 2e wary o the! and su o+ate the!. He +o!es to you and ear9 as a stain9 a)so the shadow o a +)oud that overshadows the! or a !o!ent9 saysI CI +o!!itted a sin o )ewdness.D 'n i!/er e+t /riest wou)d sayI C'nathe!a on inter/osin& 2etween the! and the sun9 and then /asses )eavin& no tra+e on the s/ot)ess you.D %ut you9 My 1eter9 !ust not say so. %e+ause you are Jesus' 1eter9 you are the

553.Jesus E752ains &" Pe&e &he 'anda&e -" Re.i&&in1 Sins and 8h( Sain&s and Inn"3en&s Su--e .


+oro))a. They are sou)s so inno+ent and so an3ious to re!ain su+h9 that Satan ri&htens the! with an+i u) te!/tations or insti&atin& the in+entives o the )esh or the )esh itse) 9 ta6in& advanta&e o true diseases o the )esh. Those sou)s are to 2e +o! orted and su//orted9 2e+ause they are not sinners9 2ut !artyrs. ')ways 2ear that in !ind. 'nd a)ways re!e!2er to <ud&e with the sa!e !ethod a)so those who +o!!it the sin o &reed or other /eo/)e's ri+hes or /ro/erty. %e+ause i it is a +ursed sin to 2e &reedy without need and without /ity9 ro22in& the /oor9 and a+tin& a&ainst <usti+e 2y harassin& +itizens9 servants9 or /eo/)es9 the sin o hi! who stea)s so!e 2read to a//ease the hun@ &er o his +hi)dren and his own9 a ter his nei&h2ours re used to &ive hi! so!e9 is 2y ar )ess &rave. .e!e!2er that i or a )ust u) !an and a thie 9 the nu!2er9 +ir+u!stan+es and &ravity o the sin are to 2e ta6en into a++ount when <ud&in& the!9 one !ust a)so +onsider what 6now)ed&e the sinner had o the sin when he was +o!!ittin& it. %e+ause he who a+ts with u)) 6now)ed&e9 sins !ore than he who a+ts out o i&noran+e. 'nd he who a+ts with the ree +onsent o his wi)) sins !ore than he who was or+ed to sin. I so)e!n)y te)) you that there wi)) 2e deeds that are a//arent)y sin u)9 2ut are rea))y !artyrdo! and they wi)) 2e &iven the reward that is &ranted to those who su ered !artyrdo!. 'nd a2ove a)) re!e!2er that in ea+h +ase9 2e ore +onde!nin&9 you !ust 2ear in !ind that you have 2een a !an as we)) and that your Master9 in 4ho! no one was ever a2)e to ind sin9 never +onde!ned anyone who had re/ented o havin& sinned. (or&ive seventy ti!es seven9 and even seventy ti!es seventy9 the sins o your 2rothers and +hi)dren. %e+ause to shut the doors o Sa)vation u/on a si+6 !an9 on)y 2e+ause he had a re)a/se9 is to want to )et hi! die. 4 Have you understoodFG E;es9 I have. I have understood that very +)ear)yNG E4e))9 then9 te)) Me what you have in !ind.G E;esH I wi)) te)) ;ou9 2e+ause I +an see that ;ou 6now everythin&9 and I rea)ise that I a! not &ru!2)in& i I te)) ;ou to send Judas around in !y /)a+e9 2e+ause he su ers i he does not &o. I a! not te))in& ;ou !eanin& that he is <ea)ous or 2e+ause I a! s+anda@ )ised9 2ut to &ive /ea+e to hi! andN to ;ou. %e+ause it !ust 2e rea))y trou2)eso!e or ;ou to have su+h a stor!y wind near ;ou a)) the ti!eNG EHas Judas +o!/)ained a&ainFG E4e))H He hasH He said that every word o ;ours hurts hi!. ')so what ;ou said to the +hi)dren. He says that it is true that ;ou were re errin& to hi! when ;ou said that 0ve went to the tree 2e+ause she )i6ed that thin& that shone )i6e a 6in&'s +rown. Tru)y9 I did not thin6 o any +o!/arison. %ut I a! i&norant. %artho)o!ew and the >ea)ot9 instead9 said that Judas has 2een Ctou+hed on the rawest rawD9 2e+ause he is 2ewit+hed 2y everythin& that shines and a))ures one's vain&)ory. 'nd they !ust 2e ri&ht 2e+ause they are wise. %e &ood to ;our /oor a/ost)es9 MasterH Ma6e Judas ha//y and !e as we)). In any +aseH SeeF I a! &ood on)y at a!usin& +hi)drenN and at 2ein& a +hi)d in ;our

ar!sG and he /resses a&ainst His Jesus9 4ho! he rea))y )oves with a)) his stren&th. E8o. I +annot /)ease you. $o not insist. ;ou9 2e+ause you are what you are9 wi)) &o to evan&e)ize. He9 2e+ause he is what he is9 wi)) stay here. My 2rother a)so !entioned it to Me9 and a)thou&h I )ove hi! so !u+h9 I re/)ied CnoD a)so to hi!. I wou)d not yie)d even i My Mother shou)d as6 Me. It is not a /unish!ent9 2ut a !edi+ine. 'nd Judas !ust ta6e it. I it does not he)/ his s/irit9 it wi)) he)/ Mine9 2e+ause I wi)) not have to re/roa+h Myse) or o!ittin& anythin& that !i&ht san+ti y hi!.G Jesus is severe and authoritative in sayin& so. 1eter )ets his ar!s droo/ and )owers his head with a si&h. E$o not worry a2out it9 Si!on. 4e sha)) have an eternity to 2e to&ether and )ove ea+h other. 5 %ut you had so!ethin& e)se to te)) MeNG EIt's )ate9 Master9 and ;ou !ust s)ee/.G E'nd you !ore than I9 Si!on9 as you have to set out at dawn.G E5hH as ar as I a! +on+ernedH I rest !ore stayin& here with ;ou than I wou)d in 2ed.G ES/ea6 u/9 then. ;ou 6now that I s)ee/ very )itt)eNG E4e))H I a! a 2)o+6head9 I 6now and I say so without 2ein& asha!ed. 'nd i it de/ended on !e9 I wou)d not +are to 2e very )earned9 2e+ause I thin6 that the &reatest wisdo! +onsists in )ovin&9 o))owin& and servin& ;ou who)ehearted)y. %ut ;ou send !e here and there. 'nd /eo/)e as6 !e =uestions and I !ust re/)y to the!. I thin6 that what I as6 ;ou9 other /eo/)e !ay as6 !e. %e+ause the thou&hts o !en are a)i6e. ;esterday ;ou said that inno+ent and ho)y /eo/)e wi)) a)ways su er9 nay they wi)) 2e the ones who wi)) su er on 2eha) o every2ody. I ind it di i+u)t to understand that9 even i ;ou say that they wi)) wish that the!se)ves. 'nd I thin6 that as it is di i+u)t or !e9 it !ay 2e so a)so or other /eo/)e. I they as6 !e9 what sha)) I te)) the!F In this irst <ourney a !other said to !eI CIt was not air that !y )itt)e &ir) shou)d die with so !u+h /ain9 2e+ause she was &ood and inno+ent.D 'nd as I did not 6now what to say9 I re/eated Jo2's wordsI CThe Lord has &iven. The Lord has ta6en away. %)essed 2e the na!e o the Lord.D %ut I was not +onvin+ed !yse) . 'nd I did not +onvin+e her. The ne3t ti!e I wou)d )i6e to 6now what to sayNG EIt is <ust. 6 Listen. It see!s an in<usti+e9 2ut it is a &reat <usti+e that the 2est shou)d su er on 2eha) o every2ody. 8ow te)) Me9 Si!on. 4hat is the 0arthF ')) the 0arthFG EThe 0arthF ' &reat9 a very &reat e3/anse9 !ade o dust and water9 o ro+6s9 with trees9 ani!a)s and hu!an 2ein&s.G E'nd thenFG EThen9 nothin& e)seN ?n)ess ;ou want !e to say that it is the /)a+e o /unish!ent and

553.Jesus E752ains &" Pe&e &he 'anda&e -" Re.i&&in1 Sins and 8h( Sain&s and Inn"3en&s Su--e .


e3i)e or !an.G

the ear)y ruits. %e+ause the 2est thin&s are to 2e &iven to the (ather o the a!i)y9 and the irst ruits o everythin& and +hoi+e thin&s are to 2e &iven to ,od9 the (ather o the EThe 0arth is an a)tar9 Si!on. ' hu&e a)tar. It was to 2e the a)tar o ever)astin& /raise to hu!an a!i)y. its 7reator. %ut the 0arth is u)) o sin. There ore it !ust 2e the a)tar o end)ess e3/ia@ tion and sa+ri i+e9 on whi+h the vi+ti!s are +onsu!ed. The 0arth9 )i6e the other wor)ds 7 %ut I said that the 0arth has a dou2)e duty o sa+ri i+eI that o /raise and that o with whi+h 7reation is strewn9 ou&ht to sin& /sa)!s to ,od 4ho +reated it. Loo6HG e3/iation. %e+ause Man6ind that has s/read over the 0arth sinned in the (irst !en9 and +ontinuous)y sins 2y addin& to the sin o estran&e!ent ro! ,od the other +ount)ess Jesus o/ens the wooden shutters9 and throu&h the wide o/en window +o!es in the +oo) sins o its +onsent to the voi+es o the wor)d9 o the )esh and o Satan. ' &ui)ty9 very o the ni&ht9 the noise o the torrent9 a !oon2ea!9 and one +an see the s6y studded with &ui)ty Man6ind that9 a)thou&h it has )i6eness to ,od9 havin& its own inte))i&en+e and stars. divine he)/9 is !ore and !ore sin u). Stars o2ey9 /)ants o2ey9 e)e!ents o2ey9 ani!a)s ELoo6 at those starsH They are sin&in& the /raises o ,od with their voi+es that are )i&ht o2ey and they /raise the Lord as 2est they +an. Men do not o2ey and do not /raise the Lord enou&h. Hen+e the ne+essity o vi+ti!@sou)s that !ay )ove and e3/iate on 2eha) and !otion in the in inite s/a+es o the ir!a!ent. Their son&9 whi+h rises ro! the o every2ody. They are the +hi)dren who9 inno+ent and unaware9 /ay the 2itter 2)ue ie)ds o the s6y to the Heaven o ,od9 has )asted or thousands and thousands o /unish!ent o sorrow or those who +an do nothin& 2ut sin. They are the saints who years. 4e +an i!a&ine stars9 /)anets and +o!ets as siderea) +reatures that )i6e siderea) wi))in&)y sa+ri i+e the!se)ves or every2ody. /riests9 )evites9 vir&ins and 2e)ievers are to sin& the /raises o the 7reator in an un)i!ited te!/)e. Listen9 Si!on. Listen to the 2reeze rust)in& a!on& the )eaves and to %e ore )on& J a year or a +entury is a)ways a short ti!e as +o!/ared to eternity J no the noise o the strea! in the ni&ht. ')so the 0arth9 )i6e the s6y9 sin&s with the winds9 !ore sa+ri i+es wi)) 2e +e)e2rated on the a)tar o the &reat Te!/)e o the 0arth9 that is9 with the water9 with the voi+es o 2irds and ani!a)s. %ut i the )u!inous /raise o the o vi+ti!@!en9 +onsu!ed with the /er/etua) sa+ri i+eI vi+ti!s with the /er e+t Bi+ti!. stars that /eo/)e the s6y is su i+ient or the vau)t o heaven9 the son& o winds9 waters $o not 2e u/set9 Si!on. I a! not sayin& that I wi)) esta2)ish a +u)t )i6e those o Mo)e+h9 and ani!a)s is not su i+ient or the te!/)e that is the 0arth. %e+ause on it there are not %aa) and 'shtoreth. Men the!se)ves wi)) i!!o)ate us. $o you understandF They wi)) on)y winds9 waters and ani!a)s un+ons+ious)y sin&in& the /raises o ,od9 2ut there is i!!o)ate us. 'nd we sha)) a+e death ha//i)y to e3/iate and )ove on 2eha) o a)so !an9 the /er e+t +reature9 su/erior to a)) 2ein&s )ivin& in ti!e and in the wor)d9 every2ody. 'nd then the days wi)) +o!e when !en wi)) no )on&er i!!o)ate !en. %ut &i ted with !atter9 )i6e the ani!a)s9 !inera)s and /)ants9 and with s/irit9 )i6e the an&e)s there wi)) a)ways 2e /ure vi+ti!s that )ove +onsu!es with the ,reat Bi+ti! in the o Heaven9 and )i6e the! destined9 i aith u) in the tria)9 to 6now and /ossess ,od9 /er/etua) Sa+ri i+e. I !ean the )ove o ,od and the )ove or ,od. Tru)y they wi)) 2e the throu&h &ra+e at irst9 and in 1aradise )ater. Man9 the synthesis +o!/risin& a)) natures9 vi+ti!s o the uture days and o the uture Te!/)e. 8o )on&er )a!2s and 6ids9 +a)ves has a !ission that no other +reature has and that shou)d 2e or hi! a <oy9 2esides 2ein& and doves9 2ut the sa+ri i+e o one's heart is what /)eases ,od. $avid rea)ised that. 'nd his dutyI to )ove ,od. To &ive ,od a +u)t o )ove inte))i&ent)y and vo)untari)y9 re/ayin& in the new ti!es9 the ti!es o the s/irit and o )ove9 on)y that sa+ri i+e wi)) 2e /)easant. ,od or the )ove that He &ave !an 2y &rantin& hi! )i e and Heaven in addition to )i e. To &ive an inte))i&ent +u)t. 7onsider9 Si!on9 that i a ,od had to 2e+o!e in+arnate to a//ease divine Justi+e or the &reat Sin9 or the !any sins o !en9 in the ti!es o the truth9 on)y the sa+ri i+es o the 7onsider this9 Si!on. 4hat 2ene it does ,od &et ro! 7reationF 4hat /ro itF 8one. s/irits o !en +an a//ease the Lord. ;ou are thin6in&I C4hy then did He9 the Most ,reation does not #a"e &od greater it does not sanctify Hi# it does not #a"e Hi# Hi&h9 order !en to i!!o)ate the o s/rin& o ani!a)s and the ruits o /)ants to Hi!DF I rich. He is in inite. He wou)d have 2een su+h even i 7reation had never e3isted. %ut wi)) te)) youI 2e+ause9 2e ore I +a!e9 !an was a stained ho)o+aust and Love was not &od42ove wanted to have love. And He created to have love. &od can get only love 6nown. 8ow it wi)) 2e 6nown. 'nd !an9 who wi)) 6now Love9 2e+ause I wi)) &ive fro# ,reation and that love which is intelligent and free only in angels and in #en is ,ra+e 2a+6 to hi!9 and throu&h it !an wi)) 6now Love9 !an wi)) +o!e out o his the glory of &od the 5oy of angels the religion for #en. The day that the &reat a)tar o )ethar&y9 he wi)) re!e!2er9 understand9 )ive and he wi)) re/)a+e 6ids and )a!2s9 as a the 0arth shou)d o!it the /raises and entreaties o )ove9 the 0arth wou)d +ease e3istin&. vi+ti! o )ove and e3/iation9 on the !ode) o the La!2 o ,od9 his Master and %e+ause on+e )ove is e3tin&uished a)so e3/iation wou)d +ease9 and the wrath o ,od .edee!er. Sorrow9 so ar a /unish!ent9 wi)) turn into /er e+t )ove9 and 2)essed are wou)d destroy the 0arth that had 2e+o!e an earth)y he)). So the 0arth !ust )ove in those who wi)) e!2ra+e it out o /er e+t )ove.G order to e3ist. 'nd a)soI the 0arth !ust 2e the Te!/)e that )oves and /rays with the inte))i&en+e o !en. %ut whi+h vi+ti!s are a)ways o ered in the Te!/)eF The /ure9 E%ut +hi)drenNG s/ot)ess9 au)t)ess vi+ti!s. Those are the on)y vi+ti!s a&reea2)e to the Lord. They are E;ou !ean those who +annot yet o er the!se)vesN 'nd do you 6now when ,od

553.Jesus E752ains &" Pe&e &he 'anda&e -" Re.i&&in1 Sins and 8h( Sain&s and Inn"3en&s Su--e .


s/ea6s in the!F The )an&ua&e o ,od is s/iritua). ' sou) understands it and a sou) has no a&e. 8ay9 I te)) you that a +hi)d's sou)9 as it is without !a)i+e9 with re&ard to its +a/a+ity o understandin& ,od9 is !ore adu)t than the sou) o an o)d sinner. I te)) you9 Si!on9 that you wi)) )ive so )on& as to see !any +hi)dren tea+h adu)ts9 and even yourse) 9 the wisdo! o heroi+ )ove. %ut in those )itt)e ones who die or natura) reasons9 ,od a+ts dire+t)y or !otives o so hi&h a )ove that I +annot e3/)ain to you9 as they are /art o the wisdo! written in the 2oo6s o Li e9 and that on)y in Heaven wi)) 2e read 2y the 2)essed sou)s. I said read9 2ut in a+tua) a+t it wi)) su i+e to )oo6 at ,od to 6now not on)y ,od9 2ut a)so His in inite wisdo!N 8 4e have )et the !oon set9 Si!onN It wi)) soon 2e dawn and you have had no s)ee/NG EIt does not !atter9 Master. I have )ost a ew hours o s)ee/ and I have &ained so !u+h wisdo!. 'nd I have 2een with ;ou. %ut i ;ou a))ow !e9 I wi)) now &o. 8ot to s)ee/. %ut to thin6 o ;our words a&ain.G He is a)ready at the door and is a2out to &o out9 when he sto/s /ensive)y and then saysI E5ne !ore =uestion9 Master. Is it right for #e to say to so#eone who suffers that sorrow is not a punish#ent but a6 grace so#ething li"e6 li"e our vocation beautiful even if toilso#e beautiful even if it #ay see# an unpleasant and sad thing to people who do not "now$G

Judas as6s 1eter and Ja!es o ')/haeusI E'nd you say that you went a)on& the two roads that ta6e one to She+he!FG E;es9 we did. %ut thin6in& it over9 it was =uite use)ess. Hi&hway!en +ertain)y do not ta6e 2usy roads9 /arti+u)ar)y now that .o!an s=uads /atro) the! +ontinuous)yG re/)ies Ja!es o ')/haeus. E4hy did you &o a)on& the!9 thenFG insists the Is+ariot. E4e))H... It's the sa!e to us to &o here or there. So we too6 those.G E'nd was no2ody a2)e to te)) you anythin&FG E4e did not as6 any2ody.G E'nd how were you e3/e+tin& to 6now whether they had /assed or notF $o /eo/)e +arry 2anners or )eave tra+es when they &o a)on& a roadF I don't thin6 so. %e+ause otherwise we wou)d have 2een ound at )east 2y our riends. Instead not one o the! has 2een here sin+e we +a!eG and he )au&hs sar+asti+a))y. E4e do not 6now why no one has +o!e here. The Master 6nows. 4e don't. 4hen /eo/)e withdraw to a /)a+e un6nown to every2ody9 as we did9 without )eavin& any tra+e o their /assa&e9 no one +an &o to the! un)ess one is in or!ed o the /)a+e o their re u&e. 8ow we do not 6now whether our %rother has to)d our riendsG says Ja!es o ')/haeus /atient)y.

E%es you can say that .i#on. It is the truth. .orrow is not a punish#ent when one "nows how to accept it and use it rightly. .orrow is li"e a priesthood .i#on. A priest4 hood open to everybody. A priesthood that e7erts great force on the heart of &od. It is a E5hH 4ou)d you 2e)ieve or !a6e us 2e)ieve that He did not te)) at )east Lazarus and great #erit. .orrow that was born at the sa#e ti#e as sin can appease the 8ustice. Because &od can use for good purposes also what Hatred created to give sorrow. I did 8i6eFG not chose any other #eans to cancel the .in. Because there is no #eans greater than Jesus does not say anythin&. He ta6es one o the +hi)dren 2y the hand and &oes out... this one.G EI do not want to 2e)ieve anythin&. %ut even i it is as you say9 you and none o us +an yet /ass <ud&e!ent on the reasons or our riends' a2sen+e...G

55*. On a Sa))a&h a& E9h!ai( Jesus S9ea<s in &he S/na4#4ue.

$8&h Janua!/ $9*8.

EThose reasons are easi)y understoodH 8o one wishes to have trou2)e with the Sanhedrin9 )east o a)) who is ri+h and /ower u). That's a))H 2 4e are the on)y ones who are &ood at endan&erin& our )ives.G E%e air9 JudasH The Master did not or+e any o us to stay with Hi!. 4hy did you stay9 i the Sanhedrin ri&htens youFG re!ar6s Ja!es o ')/haeus. E'nd you +an &o away whenever you wish. ;ou are not in +hains...G says the other Ja!es9 the son o >e2edee. E8oH 8everH 4e are here9 and we are stayin& here. ')) o us. 4ho wanted to &o away9 shou)d have &one away 2e ore. 8ot now. I o//ose that9 i the Master does notG says 1eter s)ow)y 2ut de+ided)y9 stri6in& the ta2)e with his ist.

1 It !ust 2e another Sa22ath 2e+ause the a/ost)es are on+e a&ain a)) to&ether in the house o Mary o Ja+o2. The +hi)dren are sti)) with the!9 near Jesus9 2y the ireside. 'nd <ust 2e+ause o that Judas Is+ariot saysI ESo a wee6 has &one 2y and their re)atives have not +o!eG and he )au&hs sha6in& his head. Jesus does not re/)y to hi!. He +aresses the se+ond@2orn son.

55#.On a Sa66a&h a& E5h ai. Jesus S5ea9s in &he S(na1"1ue.


E4hyF 4ho are you that you want to &ive orders instead o the MasterFG Judas as6s hi! vio)ent)y. E' !an who reasons not )i6e ,od9 as He does9 2ut as a !an.G E're you sus/e+tin& !eF $o you thin6 I a! a traitorFG as6s Judas e3+ited)y.

EI do not 6now why he has not +o!e 2a+6 and I +annot <ud&e hi!. %ut I as6 youI is he the on)y one who )e t the Master and has 2e+o!e His ene!yF 're there no rene&ades a!on& us Judaeans and a!on& the ,a)i)eansF 7an you /rove thatFG E8o. It's true. %ut I a! i)) at ease here. I they on)y 6new that we are hereH I they 6new that we a!i)iarise with the Sa!aritans to the e3tent o &oin& to their syna&o&ues on Sa22athsH He wants that... 4oe to us i we were ound outH The +har&e wou)d 2e <usti ied...G

E;ou have said it. 8ot 2e+ause I thin6 that you wou)d do it de)i2erate)yM 2ut you are so... thou&ht)ess9 Judas9 so i+6)eH 'nd you have too !any riends. 'nd you are too 6een on standin& out9 in everythin&. 5hH you wou)d not 2e a2)e to 6ee/ =uietH ;ou E'nd you !ean that the Master wou)d 2e +onde!ned. %ut He is a)ready +onde!ned. wou)d s/ea69 either to +on ute so!e wi+6ed ene!y9 or to show that you are the '/ost)e. He has 2een +onde!ned 2e ore /eo/)e 6now. 8ay He was +onde!ned a ter He raised a So you are here and you are stayin& here. This way you wi)) do no har! and you wi)) Judaean ro! the dead in Judaea. He is hated and a++used o 2ein& a Sa!aritan and the not ee) any re!orse.G riend o /u2)i+ans and /rostitutes. He has 2een... a)) the ti!e. 'nd you 6now 2etter than any2ody e)se whether He has 2een hated.G E,od does not or+e the reedo! o !an9 2ut you wish to do soFG E;es9 I do. %ut a ter a))9 te)) !e. Is it rainin& on youF Have you not enou&h 2readF Is the air har! u) to youF $o the /eo/)e o end youF 8one o a)) that. The house is so)id9 even i it is not a ri+h one9 the air is &ood9 we have never 2een short o ood9 the /eo/)e honour you. So why are you so rest)ess here9 as i you were in <ai)FG ECThere are two nations that !y sou) detests9 and the third one hated 2y !e is not even a nationI the inha2itants o Mount Seir9 the 1hi)istines and the stu/id /eo/)e )ivin& at She+he!.D I have re/)ied to you with the words o the 4ise Man. 'nd I a! ri&ht in thin6in& so. 7onsider whether these /eo/)e )ove usHG EH'!H To te)) you the truth I don't thin6 that the other /eo/)es9 yours and !ine9 are !u+h 2etter. 4e were /e)ted with stones in Judaea and in ,a)i)ee9 in Judaea even !ore than in ,a)i)ee9 and in the Te!/)e in Judaea !ore than in any other /)a+e. I +annot say that we have 2een i))@treated in the territory o the 1hi)istines9 or here9 or anywhere e)se...G E4hat do you !ean9 8athanae)F 4hat do you !eanF 4hat have I &ot to do with thatF 4hat do I 6now !ore than you doFG He is very e3+ited.

E;ou )oo6 )i6e a !ouse surrounded 2y ene!ies9 !y 2oyH %ut you are not a !ouse9 neither are we /rovided with +)u2s to +a/ture and 6i)) you. 4hy are you so ri&htenedF I you are at /ea+e with your +ons+ien+e9 why do you 2e+o!e u/set over inno+ent wordsF 4hat did %artho)!ai say to !a6e you so e3+itedF Is it not true that no one !ore than we9 His a/ost)es9 who s)ee/ and )ive near Hi!9 +an 2e aware and witness that He does not )ove the Sa!aritan9 the /u2)i+an9 the sinner9 the /rostitute9 2ut He )oves their sou)s9 and He ta6es +are o the! a)one9 and on)y 2e+ause o the! He &oes with Sa!aritans9 /u2)i+ans and /rostitutes9 and on)y the Most Hi&h 6nows what e ort His Most 1ure Son !ust !a6e to a//roa+h what we !en and sinners +a)) C i)thDF ;ou do not understand and you do not 6now Jesus yet9 !y 2oyH ;ou 6now Hi! )ess than the very Sa!aritans9 1hi)istines9 1hoeni+ians and any other /eo/)es you !ay wish...G says 1eter and he utters the )ast words sad)y.

E'nywhere e)seF 4e have not 2een anywhere e)se9 ortunate)y. %ut even i we had had Judas does not s/ea6 any !ore and a)so the others 2e+o!e si)ent. to &o so!ewhere e)se I wou)d not have +o!e with you9 neither wi)) I +o!e in uture. 3 I 4 The o)d wo!an +o!es 2a+6 in sayin&I EIn the street there are so!e /eo/)e ro! the do not want to &et !ore +onta!inated.G town. They say that it is the Sa22ath /rayer ti!e and that the Master has /ro!ised to E7onta!inated That is not what worries you9 Judas o Si!on. ;ou do not want to s/ea6...G a)ienate those o the Te!/)e. That is what trou2)es youG says +a)!)y Si!on >ea)ot9 EI wi)) &o and te)) Hi!9 wo!an. ;ou +an te)) those ro! 0/hrai! that we are +o!in&G who has re!ained in the 6it+hen with 1eter9 Ja!es o ')/haeus and 1hi)i/. The others re/)ies 1eter and he &oes out into the 6it+hen &arden to in or! Jesus. have &one out9 one a ter the other to&ether with the two 2oys and have <oined the Master. ' !eritorious )i&ht as it was !ade to avoid 2ein& un+harita2)e. E4hat are you &oin& to doF 're you +o!in&F I you do not want to +o!e9 &o away9 &o E8o. 8ot 2e+ause o that. %ut 2e+ause I do not )i6e to waste !y ti!e and &ive wisdo! out 2e ore He is &rieved 2y your re usa)G says the >ea)ot to Judas. to oo)s. Loo6H 4hat &ood has it served to ta6e 0r!asteus with usF He went away and EI a! +o!in& with you. 5ne +annot s/ea6 hereH I see! to 2e the &reatest sinner. 0very has never +o!e 2a+6. Jose/h to)d us that he /arted ro! hi! sayin& that he wou)d +o!e word o !ine is !isunderstood.G 2a+6 or the east o the Ta2erna+)es. Have you seen hi!F ' rene&ade...G

55#.On a Sa66a&h a& E5h ai. Jesus S5ea9s in &he S(na1"1ue.


's Jesus enters the 6it+hen9 they sto/ s/ea6in&.

to $avid's orders. 'nd they san& that C,od is to 2e /raised 2e+ause He is &ood and His !er+y is ever)astin&.D 'nd the /eo/)e re<oi+ed. %ut !any /riests9 heads o a!i)ies9 They &o out into the street and <oin the /eo/)e ro! 0/hrai! and they &o into town with Levites9 e)der)y /eo/)e were sheddin& torrents o tears thin6in& o the /revious Te!/)e9 the!. They sto/ on)y when they are 2e ore the syna&o&ue9 at the door o whi+h there is and thus the sound o the /eo/)e's wee/in& +ou)d not 2e distin&uished ro! the shouts Ma)a+hi9 who &reets the! and invites the! to &o in. o <oy9 as they were so +on used. 'nd we a)so read that the /eo/)es o near2y distri+ts distur2ed those who were 2ui)din& the Te!/)e to aven&e the!se)ves on the 2ui)ders I do not noti+e any di eren+e 2etween the Sa!aritan /)a+e o /rayer and those I have who had re<e+ted the! when they had o ered to 2ui)d with the!9 as they a)so sou&ht seen in other re&ions. There are a)ways the usua) )i&hts9 the usua) )e+terns or she)ves the ,od o Israe)9 the 5n)y True ,od. 'nd those distur2an+es interru/ted the wor6 unti) with ro))s9 the seat o the head o the syna&o&ue or o the /erson who tea+hes in his ,od was /)eased to )et the! +ontinue. That is what we read in the 2oo6 o 0zra. stead. I anythin&9 the ro))s are !u+h ewer here than in the other syna&o&ues. E4e have a)ready said our /rayers whi)e waitin& or ;ou. I ;ou wish to s/ea6... 4hi+h ro)) do ;ou want9 MasterFG EI do not need any. In any +ase you wou)d not have what I wish to e3/)ainG K1L re/)ies Jesus9 5 and He then turns towards the /eo/)e and 2e&ins to s/ea6I E4hen the He2rews were sent 2a+6 to their +ountry 2y 7yrus9 the 6in& o the 1ersians9 so that they !i&ht re2ui)d So)o!on's Te!/)e that had 2een destroyed i ty years /revious)y9 the a)tar was re2ui)t on its 2ase9 and the dai)y ho)o+aust was o ered on it !ornin& and evenin&9 as we)) as the e3traordinary one on the irst day o ea+h !onth and those o the so)e!nities sa+red to the Lord and the ho)o+austs o vo)untary o er@ in&s !ade 2y individua)s. Later9 a ter a++o!/)ishin& what is essentia) and indis/ensa2)e or the +u)t9 in the se+ond year a ter their return9 they 2e&an to dea) with what +an 2e +a))ed the ra!e o the +u)t9 its outward a//earan+e9 whi+h is not &ui)ty 2e+ause it is done to honour the 0terna) (ather9 2ut it is not indis/ensa2)e. %e+ause the cult of &od is love for &od and love is perceived and consu#ed in one1s heart not 2y !eans o dressed stones9 /re+ious woods9 &o)d and /er u!es. All that is outward appearance that ai#s #ore at satisfying one1s national or civic pride than at honouring the 2ord. 6 How !any and what )essons does the /assa&e that I !entioned &ive usF (irst o a)) the one a)ready !entioned on the ne+essity that the +u)t is /er+eived 2y one's heart and not /ro essed 2y stones or wood or a)so 2y +)othes or +y!2a)s and son&s9 whi+h are devoid o the s/irit. Then that the lac" of reciprocal love is always the cause of delays and trouble even when a good purpose is involved. Where there is no charity &od is not there either. It is use)ess to see6 ,od un)ess we /ut ourse)ves in a suita2)e +ondition to ind Hi!. &od is found in charity. He or those who settle in charity find &od also without having to #a"e any painful search. 'nd he who has ,od with hi! is su++ess u) in a)) his enter/rises. In the /sa)! that s/ran& ro! the heart o a wise !an a ter !editatin& on the /ain u) events that a++o!/anied the re+onstru+tion o the Te!/)e and o the wa))s it is saidI CI the Lord does not 2ui)d the house9 in vain the !asons toi) at it. I the Lord does not &uard the +ity and /rote+t it9 in vain the sentries wat+h.D

8ow how +an ,od 2ui)d the house9 i He 6nows that its inha2itants do not have Hi! in their hearts9 sin+e they do not )ove their nei&h2oursF 'nd how wi)) He /rote+t the +ity and &ive stren&th to its de enders9 i He +annot 2e in the! as they are devoid o Hi! throu&h their hatred or their nei&h2oursF Has it he)/ed you9 /eo/)es9 to 2e divided 2y ,od wants the Te!/)e o the s/irit. He is not satis ied with a Te!/)e o wa))s and 2arriers o hatredF Has it !ade you &reaterF .i+herF Ha//ierF Neither hatred nor ran4 !ar2)es that is devoid o s/irits u)) o )ove. I sole#nly tell you that the te#ple of a pure cour is ever of any avail he who is alone is never strong he who does not love is never loving heart is the only one that &od loves and in which He dwells with His light and loved. 'nd it is o no use9 as the /sa)! says9 to &et u/ 2e ore day2rea6 to 2e+o!e &reat9 that oo)ish are the +ontests that divide re&ions and towns with re&ard to the 2eauty o ri+h and ha//y. Let every !an rest to +onso)e hi!se) in the sorrows o )i e9 2e+ause their /)a+es o /rayer. 4hy vie in the ri+hes and orna!ents o the houses in whi+h ,od s)ee/ is a &i t o ,od as is )i&ht and a)) the other thin&s that !an en<oysM )et every !an is invo6edF 7an the inite satis y the In inite9 even i it were a inite ten ti!es !ore rest 2ut )et hi! have +harity as his +o!/anion in his s)ee/ and in his wat+h9 and his 2eauti u) than So)o!ons' Te!/)e and a)) the roya) /a)a+es /ut to&etherF ,od9 the wor69 his a!i)y and his 2usiness wi)) thrive9 and a2ove a)) his s/irit wi)) /ros/er and In inite 4ho +annot 2e +ontained and honoured 2y any s/a+e or 2y any !ateria) +on=uer the roya) +rown o the +hi)dren o the Most Hi&h and heirs to His :in&do!. !a&ni i+en+e9 inds one /)a+e on)y worthy o honourin& Hi! as 2e its Hi!9 and He +an 2e9 nay He wants to 2e +ontained in the heart o !an9 2e+ause the s/irit o a <ust !an is 7 It is written that whi)e the +rowd was sin&in& hosannas9 so!e /eo/)e were sheddin& torrents o tears 2e+ause they were thin6in& o and re&rettin& the /ast. %ut it was not a te!/)e over whi+h the S/irit o ,od hovers9 a!on& the /er u!es o )oveM and it wi)) soon 2e a te!/)e in whi+h the S/irit wi)) rea))y dwe))9 5ne and Trine9 as It is in Heaven. /ossi2)e to distin&uish the di erent voi+es in the +)a!our o shouts. 'nd it is written that as soon as the !asons had )aid the oundations o the Te!/)e9 the 7hi)dren o Sa!ariaH 'nd you9 My a/ost)es9 +hi)dren o Judaea and o ,a)i)eeH ')so /riests went with their orna!ents and tru!/ets and the Levites with +y!2a)s9 a++ordin& nowadays there are /eo/)e who sin& hosannas and /eo/)e who wee/ whi)e the new

55#.On a Sa66a&h a& E5h ai. Jesus S5ea9s in &he S(na1"1ue.


Te!/)e o ,od is risin& on eterna) oundations. ')so nowadays there are /eo/)e who hinder the wor6 and /eo/)e who see6 ,od where He +annot 2e ound. ')so nowadays so!e /eo/)e want to 2ui)d a++ordin& to 7yrus' order and not a++ordin& to ,od's9 that is a++ordin& to the order o the wor)d and not a++ordin& to the voi+es o the s/irit. 'nd a)so nowadays there are /eo/)e who wee/ with oo)ish hu!an re&ret over an in erior /ast9 a /ast that was neither &ood nor wise9 so !u+h so that it roused the an&er o ,od. ')so nowadays we have a)) those situations9 as i we were sti)) in the o2s+urity o re!ote days and not in the days o Li&ht. 5/en your hearts to the Li&ht9 i)) yourse)ves with the Li&ht9 so that at )east you9 to who! I@Li&ht a! s/ea6in&9 !ay see. This is the new ti#e in which everything is rebuilt. %ut woe to those who wi)) re use to enter it and wi)) hinder those who are 2ui)d@ in& the Te!/)e o the new aith9 o whi+h I a! the +orner Stone and to whi+h I wi)) &ive My who)e se) to !a6e !ortar or the stones9 so that the 2ui)din& !ay rise ho)y and stron&9 ad!ira2)e or a&es9 as wide as the 0arth that wi)) 2e +o!/)ete)y +overed 2y its )i&ht. I say )i&ht9 not shadow9 2e+ause My Te!/)e wi)) 2e !ade o s/irits9 not o o/a=ue !atters. I sha)) 2e its stone with My 0terna) S/irit9 and a)) those who o))ow My word and the new aith wi)) 2e in+or/orea) 2ri&ht ho)y stones or it. 'nd the )i&ht wi)) s/read over the 0arth9 the )i&ht o the new Te!/)e9 and wi)) +over it with wisdo! and ho)iness. 'nd on)y those wi)) 2e )e t out o it who with i!/ure tears wee/ and re&ret the /ast9 2e+ause it was or the! the sour+e o +o!/)ete)y hu!an /ro its and honours.

not have an inde)i2)e e!2ryona) re!e!2ran+e o the Truth and did not yearn or it. 5hH !a6e that re!e!2ran+e and yearnin& &row &reater. 5/en the doors to your sou)s. Let the Li&ht enterH Let the Li e enterH Let the Truth enterH Let the 4ay 2e o/enH Let everythin& &ush in 2ri&ht)y and vita))y9 )i6e the rays o sun)i&ht and the waves and the winds o e=uino3es9 so that the /)ant !ay &row ro! its e!2ryo and rise u/wards9 +)oser and +)oser to its Lord. 7o!e out ro! your e3i)eH Sin& with MeI C4hen the Lord 2rin&s +a/tives ho!e9 their sou)s see! to drea! with <oy. 5ur !ouths are i))ed with s!i)es and our )i/s with son&s. 4e sha)) now sayI 'The Lord has wor6ed !arve)s or us.' D ;es9 the Lord has done &reat thin&s or you and you wi)) 2e over )owin& with de)i&ht.

9 5hH My (atherH I /ray to ;ou or the! as I /ray or every2ody. 5 Lord9 )et these /risoners o ours +o!e 2a+6 ho!e9 2e+ause9 or ;ou and or Me9 they are /risoners in the +hains o o2stinate error. Lead the! 2a+69 o (ather9 )i6e a torrent that )ows into the &reat river9 )ead the! to the &reat sea o ;our !er+y and /ea+e. My servants and I9 sheddin& tears9 are sowin& ;our truth in the!. (ather9 &rant that at the ti!e o the &reat harvest9 we9 ;our servants in tea+hin& ;our Truth9 !ay rea/ the +hosen +orn o ;our &ranaries with <oy in these urrows9 whi+h now see! s/read on)y with 2ra!2)e and /oison. (atherH (atherH Throu&h our ati&ue9 and tears9 and &rie 9 and )a2ours9 and dead +o!/anions9 who were and wi)) 2e our +o!/anions in sowin&9 &rant that we !ay +o!e to ;ou +arryin&9 as sheaves9 the +hoi+e /art o this /eo/)e9 the sou)s re2orn to Justi+e 8 5/en to the new ti!e and to the new Te!/)e9 o !en o Sa!ariaH 0verythin& is new in and Truth or ;our &)ory. '!en.G it9 and the an+ient se/arations and 2orders9 o thou&ht and s/irit9 no )on&er e3ist. Sin&9 The si)en+e9 whi+h was rea))y i!/ressive9 so a2so)ute as it was in su+h a )ar&e +rowd 2e+ause the e3i)e out o the +ity o ,od is a2out to +o!e to an end. 're you ha//y to 2e that i))ed the syna&o&ue and the s=uare in ront o it9 is 2ro6en 2y a whis/erin& that +onsidered as e3i)es and )e/ers 2y the other /eo/)es o Israe)F $o you re<oi+e ee)in& &rows )ouder and )ouder and 2e+o!es a !ur!ur... a +ry... a hosanna. The +rowds that you are )i6e /eo/)e re<e+ted 2y the 2oso! o ,odF %e+ause that is what you ee)9 what your sou)s ee)9 your /oor sou)s9 whi+h are +)osed in your 2odies and are under the &esti+u)ate9 +o!!ent and a//)aud... +ontro) o your arrogant thought that refuses to say to other #en( /We erred but li"e 4hat a di eren+e ro! the +on+)usion o the s/ee+hes in the Te!/)eH Ma)a+hi says on lost sheep we are now going bac" to the -old.0 %ou do not want to say that to other 2eha) o every2odyI E;ou on)y +an te)) the truth thus9 without o endin& and #en( and that is wrong. But at least say so to &od. 0ven i you sti )e the +ries o your !orti yin& any2odyH ;ou are rea))y the Ho)y 5ne o ,odH 1ray or our /ea+e. 4e have sou)s9 ,od hears their &roanin&9 as they are unha//y to 2e e3i)ed ro! the house o the 2een hardened 2y a&es o ... 2e)ie s and 2y a&es o insu)ts. 'nd we !ust 2rea6 this hard universa) and !ost ho)y (ather. +rust o ours. %ear with us.G Listen to the words o the &radua) /sa)!. ;ou rea))y are /i)&ri!s who or a&es have 2een &oin& towards the hi&h +ity9 towards the true Jerusa)e!9 the +e)estia) one. (ro! there9 ro! Heaven9 your sou)s des+ended to vivi y a 2ody9 and they si&h to &o 2a+6 there. 4hy do you want to sa+ri i+e your sou)s and disinherit the! o the :in&do!F 4hi+h au)t is theirs i they des+ended into 2odies +on+eived in Sa!ariaF They +o!e ro! 5n)y 5ne (ather. They have the sa!e 7reator as the sou)s o Judaea and ,a)i)ee9 o 1hoeni+ia and o the $e+a/o)is. ,od is the ai! o every s/irit. 0very sou) tends to that ,od9 even i a)) 6inds o ido)atry9 or 2a)e u) heresies9 s+his!s9 or )a+6 o aith9 6ee/ it in the i&noran+e o the true ,od9 an i&noran+e that wou)d 2e a2so)ute i the sou) did E0ven !ore than thatI I )ove you. %e o &ood wi))9 and the +rust wi)) 2rea6 2y itse) . May the Li&ht +o!e to you.G He !a6es His way throu&h the +rowd and &oes out o))owed 2y the a/ost)es. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ K1L 5 a)) the %oo6s o the %i2)e the Sa!aritans a++e/ted on)y the ive %oo6s o the 1entateu+h.

55#.On a Sa66a&h a& E5h ai. Jesus S5ea9s in &he S(na1"1ue.


E8o9 it is not ne+essary. Stay here with the +hi)dren. I want to s/ea6 to the re)atives irst.G E's ;ou wish9 Master.G

555. The A!!i0a5 #1 &he Re5a&i0es #1 &he Chi5d!en -i&h .an/ Pe#95e #1 She'he(.
$%&h Janua!/ $9*8.

Jesus &oes away9 and John <oins the +hi)dren and 2e&ins to he)/ the! in the enter/rise o 2ui)din& a 2rid&e a+ross an i!a&inary river !ade o )on& reed )eaves /)a+ed on the sand to si!u)ate water... 3 Jesus enters the house o Mary o Ja+o29 who is at the door waitin& or Hi! and says to Hi!I EThey have &one u/ to the terra+e. I too6 the! there to )et the! rest. %ut here is Judas +o!in& ro! the vi))a&e. I wi)) wait or hi! and then I wi)) /re/are so!e ood or the /i)&ri!s who are very tired.G Jesus a)so waits or Judas in the vesti2u)e9 whi+h is rather dar6 +o!/ared to the )i&ht outside. Judas does not see Jesus at on+e and whi)e &oin& in he says to the wo!an arro&ant)yI E4here are those ro! She+he!F Have they a)ready )e tF 'nd the MasterF Is no one +a))in& Hi!F John...G He sees Jesus and +han&es tone sayin&I EMasterH I ran here when I was to)d9 <ust 2y sheer +han+e... 4ere ;ou a)ready at ho!eFG EJohn was here and he +a!e )oo6in& or Me.G EI... I shou)d have 2een here as we)). %ut at the ountain they as6ed !e to e3/)ain +ertain thin&s to the!...G Jesus does not re/)y. He s/ea6s on)y to &reet those who are waitin& or Hi!9 sittin& so!e on the )ow wa))s o the terra+e9 so!e in the roo! that o/ens on to it9 and they a)) stand u/ to /ay their res/e+ts to Hi! as soon as they see Hi!. ' ter &reetin& the &rou/ +o))e+tive)y9 Jesus &reets so!e o the! +a))in& the! 2y their na!es9 and they are so /)easant)y sur/rised that they sayI E$o ;ou sti)) re!e!2er our na!esFG They !ust 2e the /eo/)e ro! She+he!. 'nd Jesus re/)iesI E;our na!es9 your a+es and your sou)s. $id you +o!e with the +hi)dren's re)ativesF 're they the onesFG

1 Jesus is a)) a)one in the )itt)e is)and in the !idd)e o the strea!. The three +hi)dren are /)ayin& on the 2an6 on the other side o the strea! and they are whis/erin& in )ow voi+es in order not to distur2 Jesus' !editation. 8ow and a&ain the youn&est one utters a +ry o <oy when he inds a 2eauti u))y +o)oured /e22)e or a resh )itt)e )ower9 and the others te)) hi! to 2e =uiet sayin&I E%e =uietH Jesus is /rayin&...G and their whis/erin& is resu!ed when their )itt)e swarthy hands 2ui)d sand 2)o+6s and +ones that in their +hi)dish i!a&ination are su//osed to 2e houses and !ountains. The sun is shinin& hi&h in the s6y +ausin& &e!s to swe)) on trees and 2uds to o/en in !eadows. The &reen@&rey )eaves o the /o/)ar tree are =uiverin& in the 2reeze9 and the 2irds u/ there9 on the to/9 are en&a&ed in )ove or rivar)y s6ir!ishes that at ti!es end in a son&9 at ti!es in a s+ree+h o /ain. Jesus is /rayin&. Sittin& on the &rass9 with a tu t o 2o& &rass se/aratin& Hi! ro! the /ath a)on& the 2an69 He is a2sor2ed in His !enta) !editation. 't ti!es He )oo6s u/ to wat+h the )itt)e ones /)ayin& over there on the &rass. He then )owers His eyes a&ain and 2e+o!es en&rossed in His thou&hts. 2 The shu )in& o eet a!on& the /)ants on the 2an6 and the sudden arriva) o John on the )itt)e is)and /ut to )i&ht the 2irds that )y away ro! the to/ o the /o/)ar /uttin& an end to their +arouse) with s+ree+hes o ear. John does not see Jesus at on+e9 as He is +on+ea)ed 2y the 2o& &rass and he shouts rather /er/)e3ed)yI E4here are ;ou9 MasterFG

Jesus stands u/ whi)e the three +hi)dren shout ro! the other 2an6I EHe is thereH %ehind E;es9 they are. They have +o!e to ta6e the! and we <oined the! to than6 ;ou or the ta)) &rass.G ;our /ity or the )itt)e +hi)dren o a wo!an ro! Sa!aria. ;ou a)one +an do su+h %ut John has a)ready seen Jesus and &oes to Hi! sayin&I EMaster9 the re)atives have thin&sH... ;ou are a)ways the Ho)y 5ne 4ho does nothin& 2ut ho)y thin&s. 4e have +o!e. The +hi)dren's re)atives. 'nd !any /eo/)e ro! She+he! are with the!. They a)ways re!e!2ered ;ou9 too. 'nd we +a!e9 2e+ause we heard that ;ou were here. To went to Ma)a+hi9 and Ma)a+hi 2rou&ht the! to our house. I have +o!e )oo6in& or see ;ou and te)) ;ou that we are &rate u) to ;ou or +hoosin& us as ;our she)ter /)a+e ;ou.G and or )ovin& us in the +hi)dren o our 2)ood. 4 %ut )isten to the re)atives.G E'nd where is JudasFG EI do not 6now. He went out i!!ediate)y a ter ;ou +a!e here9 and he has not +o!e 2a+6 yet. He !ust 2e in town. Sha)) I )oo6 or hi!FG Jesus9 o))owed 2y Judas9 turns His ste/s towards the! &reetin& the! on+e a&ain and invitin& the! to s/ea6. E4e9 I do not 6now whether ;ou 6now9 are the 2rothers o the +hi)dren's !other. 'nd

555.The A i,a2 "- &he Re2a&i,es "- &he :hi2d en %i&h 'an( Pe"52e "- She3he..


we were very an&ry at her9 2e+ause she oo)ish)y and a&ainst our advi+e wanted this unha//y !arria&e. 5ur ather was wea6 with the on)y dau&hter o his nu!erous o @ s/rin&9 so !u+h so that we &ot an&ry with hi! as we))9 and or severa) years we did not s/ea6 to hi! or see hi!. Later9 6nowin& that the hand o ,od )ay heavy on the wo!an and there was /overty in her house9 2e+ause an i!/ure !arria&e is not de ended 2y divine 2)essin&s9 we too6 our o)d ather in our house a&ain9 so that his on)y &rie !i&ht 2e the /overty in whi+h the wo!an )an&uished. Then she died and we were to)d. ;ou had /assed 2y re+ent)y and /eo/)e s/o6e o ;ou... 'nd over+o!in& our indi&nation9 we su&&ested to her hus2and9 throu&h these two !en ro! She+he!9 that we wou)d ta6e the +hi)dren. They were9 2y ha) 9 o our 2)ood. He said that he wou)d rather see the! a)) die a 2ad death than )ive on our 2read. He wou)d not &ive us the +hi)dren and not even the +or/se o our sister9 that it !i&ht 2e 2uried a++ordin& to our ritesH So we swore hatred to hi! and to his seed. 'nd hatred stru+6 hi! )i6e a +urse9 so that ro! a ree !an it !ade hi! a servant and ro! a servant... a dead 2ody )i6e a <a+6a) in a stin6in& den. 4e wou)d never had 6nown9 2e+ause or a )on& ti!e everythin& had +o!e to an end 2etween us. 'nd we had a terri2)e ri&ht9 on)y that9 when a wee6 a&o we saw those hi&hway!en a//ear on our threshin&@ )oor. Then9 when we heard why they had +o!e9 disdain9 not &rie 9 tor!ented us )i6e /oison9 and we sent the! away hurried)y o erin& the! a &ood reward to !a6e the! riend)y9 and we were sur/rised to hear the! say that they had a)ready !ade their /ro it and did not want anythin& e)se.G Judas sudden)y 2rea6s the dead si)en+e o every2ody with an ironi+a) )au&h and he shoutsI ETheir +onversionH 7o!/)eteH .ea))yHG Jesus )oo6s at hi! severe)y9 the others )oo6 at hi! seized with astonish!ent9 and the !an who was s/ea6in&9 +ontinuesI E'nd what e)se +ou)d you e3/e+t ro! the!F Is it not =uite a )ot that they +a!e )eadin& the youn& she/herd and darin& dan&er9 without a++e/tin& any rewardF ' !isera2)e +usto! 2e its a !isera2)e )i e. The /rey ta6en ro! the oo)ish !an who died )i6e a tra!/9 was not a ri+h oneH It wasn't ri+h at a))H Hard)y su i+ient or those who had to sto/ /)underin& or at )east ten days. 'nd we were so astonished at their honesty9 that we as6ed the! whi+h voi+e had s/o6en to the! insti))in& so !u+h /ity into their hearts. So we )earned that a ra22i had s/o6en to the!... ' ra22iH ;ou on)y. %e+ause no other ra22i in Israe) +ou)d do what ;ou did. 'nd a ter they )e t we =uestioned the ri&htened she/herd 2oy in detai) and we o2tained a !ore a++urate a++ount o the events. 't irst we on)y 6new that our sister's hus2and was dead and that the +hi)dren were at 0/hrai! with a <ust !an9 and then that the <ust !an9 who was a ra22i9 had s/o6en to the! and we at on+e thou&ht that it was ;ou. 'nd when we arrived at She+he! at dawn9 we +onsu)ted with these /eo/)e9 2e+ause we had not yet !ade u/ our !inds whether we shou)d a++e/t the +hi)dren. %ut these /eo/)e said to usI C4hatF Has the .a22i o 8azareth )oved the +hi)dren in vainF Is that what you wantF %e+ause it is +ertain)y Hi!9 have no dou2t. 8ay9 )et us a)) &o to Hi!9 2e+ause the 6indness o His heart towards the +hi)dren o Sa!aria is &reat.D 'nd a ter sett)in& our

2usiness9 we +a!e here. 5 4here are the +hi)drenFG E8ear the strea!. Judas9 &o and te)) the! to +o!e.G Judas &oes away. EMaster9 it is a di i+u)t !eetin& or us. They re!ind us o a)) our trou2)es9 and we are sti)) unde+ided whether we shou)d a++e/t the!. They are the sons o the worst ene!y we ever had...G EThey are the +hi)dren o ,od. They are inno+ent. $eath +an+e)s the /ast and e3/iation o2tains or&iveness9 a)so ro! ,od. $o you want to 2e !ore severe than ,odF 'nd !ore +rue) than the hi&hway!enF 'nd !ore o2stinate than theyF The hi&hway!en wanted to 6i)) the youn& she/herd and 6ee/ the +hi)drenI the or!er as a /rudent !easure o de en+e9 the )atter out o hu!an /ity or de en+e)ess +hi)dren. The .a22i s/o6e to the!9 and they did not 6i)) and they have a&reed9 to the e3tent o 2rin&in& the youn& she/herd to you. Sha)) I have to ad!it de eat in ri&hteous hearts9 when I de eated +ri!eF...G EThe !atter is... 4e are our 2rothers9 and there are a)ready thirty@seven +hi)dren in our house...G 9And where thirty4seven little sparrows find food because the -ather in Heaven #a"es the# find grains will forty not find any$ 4i)) the /ower o the (ather not 2e a2)e to /rovide ood or three9 nay9 our !ore +hi)dren o HisF Is there a )i!it to His divine 1roviden+eF 4i)) the In inite ,od 2e ri&htened to e+undate your seeds9 your /)ants and your shee/ !ore than at /resent9 so that 2read and oi) and wine and woo) and !eat 2e su i+ient or your +hi)dren and or our !ore /oor 2oys who are now a)) a)oneFG EThey are three9 MasterHG EThey are our. The youn& she/herd is an or/han as we)). I ,od shou)d a//ear to you here9 wou)d you 2e a2)e to !aintain that your 2read is so !easured that you +annot eed an or/hanF 1ity or an or/han is /res+ri2ed 2y the 1entateu+h...G E8o9 we wou)d not9 Lord. That is true. 4e sha)) not 2e in erior to the hi&hway!en. 4e wi)) &ive 2read9 +)othes and )od&in& a)so to the youn& she/herd. 'nd out o )ove or ;ou.G E5ut o )ove. *ut of all the love. -or &od for His !essiah for your sister for your neighbour. That is the ho!a&e and the or&iveness to 2e /aid to your 2)oodH 8ot a +o)d se/u)+hre or her dust. -orgiveness is peace. 1ea+e or the s/irit o !an9 who sinned. %ut it wou)d on)y 2e a)se and entire)y e3terior or&iveness9 and no /ea+e or the s/irit o the dead wo!an9 who is your sister and the +hi)dren's !other9 i to the <ust e3/iation o ,od you add to tor!ent her9 the 6now)ed&e that her sons9 a)thou&h inno+ent9 are e3/iatin& her sin. ,od's !er+y is in inite. %ut add your own to &ive /ea+e to the dead

555.The A i,a2 "- &he Re2a&i,es "- &he :hi2d en %i&h 'an( Pe"52e "- She3he..



E5hH 4e wi)) do thatH 4e wi))H 5ur hearts wou)d not have su2!itted to any2ody9 2ut they yie)d to ;ou9 o .a22i9 as ;ou /assed one day a!on& us9 sowin& a seed that did not and wi)) not die.G E's you wish. I they are &ood we wi)) )ove the!.G E'!enH 6 Here are the +hi)dren...G and Jesus /oints at the! on the 2an6 o the strea!9 +o!in& towards the house9 and He +a))s the!. 'nd they )eave the hands o the a/ost)es and run shoutin&I EJesusH JesusHG They &o in9 they +)i!2 the ste/s9 they are on the terra+e and they sto/ ri&htened 2y the /resen+e o so !any stran&ers )oo6in& at the!. E7o!e9 .u2en9 and you9 0)isha9 and you9 Isaa+. These !en are the 2rothers o your !other and they have +o!e to &et you and <oin you to their sons. See how &ood the Lord isF Just )i6e Mary o Ja+o2's /i&eon9 that we saw the day 2e ore yesterday eed a youn& one that was not its own9 2ut o its dead 2rother. He has &athered you and &ives you to these /eo/)e so that they !ay ta6e +are o you and you wi)) thus 2e no )on&er or/hans. 7o!e onH ,reet your re)atives.G EThe Lord 2e with you9 &ent)e!enG says the o)dest one shy)y9 )oo6in& at the &round9 and the two youn&er ones re/eat his words. EThis one is very !u+h )i6e his !other9 and this one a)so9 2ut this other one Kthe o)destL is his ather's dou2)eG re!ar6s one o the re)atives. EMy riend9 I do not thin6 that you are so un air as to )ove di erent)y 2e+ause o a rese!2)an+e o a+esG says Jesus. E5hH no. 7ertain)y not. I was wat+hin& hi!... and thin6in&... I wou)d not )i6e hi! to have the sa!e heart as his ather.G EHe is sti)) a tender +hi)d9 and his si!/)e words dis+)ose that his )ove or his !other is 2y ar dee/er than any other )ove.G EShe 6e/t the! !u+h 2etter than we e3/e+ted. Their +)othes and shoes are de+ent. 1erha/s she !ade her ortune...G EMy 2rothers and I have new &ar!ents 2e+ause Jesus +)othed us. 4e had neither shoes nor !ant)e9 we were e3a+t)y )i6e the she/herdG says the se+ond@2orn who is not so ti!id as the irst@2orn. E4e wi)) +o!/ensate ;ou or everythin&9 MasterG re/)ies one o the re)atives and he addsI EJoa+hi! o She+he! had the o erin&s o the town9 2ut we wi)) add so!e !ore !oney...G E8o9 I do not want any !oney. I want a /ro!iseI that you wi)) )ove these +hi)dren

who! I snat+hed ro! the hi&hway!en. The o erin&s... Ma)a+hi9 ta6e the! or the /oor who are 6nown to you and &ive so!e to Mary o Ja+o29 2e+ause her house is rea))y /oor.G E4e wi)) 2e &ood9 )ord. 4e 6now that we !ust 2e so to ind our !other and &o u/ the river9 as ar as the 2oso! o '2raha!9 and that we !ust not ta6e away the ro/es o our 2oats ro! the hands o ,od in order not to 2e +arried away 2y the +urrent o the de!onG says .u2en a)) in one 2reath. E%ut what is the 2oy sayin&FG E' /ara2)e I to)d the!. I to)d it to +o! ort their hearts and to &uide their s/irits. 'nd the +hi)dren have understood it and they a//)y it to ea+h o their a+tions. (a!i)iarise with the! whi)e I s/ea6 to these /eo/)e ro! She+he!...G 7 EMaster9 one !ore word. 4hat a!azed us in the hi&hway!en was their re=uest to te)) the .a22i9 4ho had the +hi)dren9 to or&ive the!9 i it had ta6en the! a )on& ti!e to +o!e9 +onsiderin& that not every road is o/en to the! and that the /resen+e o a 2oy a!on& the! /revented the! ro! !ar+hin& )on& distan+es throu&h wi)d &or&es.G E$id you hear that9 JudasFG says Jesus to Judas who does not re/)y. Then Jesus !oves to one side with the /eo/)e ro! She+he!9 who wrin& the /ro!ise ro! Hi! o a visit9 even a short one9 2e ore the su!!er heat. 'nd in the !eanti!e they in or! Jesus o events o the town9 and they te)) Hi! that those who were +ured 2y Hi!9 in their 2odies or sou)s9 do re!e!2er Hi!. Judas and John in the !eanti!e are 2usy &ettin& the +hi)dren to raternise with their re)atives...

55+. The Pa!a)5e #1 &he D!#9 Tha& E:'a0a&es &he R#'<.

2$s& Janua!/ $9*8.

1 Jesus is wa)6in& a)on& a so)itary road. The +hi)dren's re)atives are ahead o Hi!9 the /eo/)e ro! She+he! are 2eside Hi!. They are in a wi)d area. 8o town is in si&ht. The +hi)dren have 2een /ut on the 2a+6s o so!e don6eys and their re)atives are ho)din& the reins and wat+hin& the!. The don6eys without any rider9 as the /eo/)e o She+he! have /re erred to &o on oot to 2e near Jesus9 are &oin& ahead o the !en9 in a herd and are 2rayin&9 now and a&ain9 or <oy o &oin& 2a+6 to their sta2)es9 without any )oad9 on a

55). The Pa a62e "- &he D "5 Tha& E73a,a&es &he R"39.


wonder u) day9 2etween 2an6s +overed with resh &rass into whi+h they di/ their nostri)s now and a&ain to en<oy a !outh u) o it9 and then they +ara+o)e with <oy u) a!2)e and <oin their +o!/anions )aden with riders. 4hi+h !a6es the +hi)dren )au&h. Jesus is s/ea6in& to the /eo/)e o She+he! or is )istenin& to what they say. The Sa!aritans are o2vious)y /roud to have the Master with the! and they are drea!in& !ore than is +onvenient. So that they say to Jesus9 /ointin& at the hi&h !ountains on the )e t o /eo/)e &oin& northwardsI ESeeF Mount 02a) and Mount ,erizi! have a 2ad re/utation. %ut9 at )east as ar as ;ou are +on+erned9 they are !u+h 2etter than >ion. 'nd they wou)d 2e +o!/)ete)y so9 i ;ou wanted that9 2y +hoosin& the! as ;our dwe))in& /)a+e. >ion is a)ways the den o the Je2usites. 'nd the /resent ones are !ore hosti)e to ;ou than the an+ient ones were to $avid. %y !a6in& use o vio)en+e $avid +a/tured the +itade)M 2ut as ;ou do not !a6e use o vio)en+e9 ;ou wi)) never rei&n there. 8ever. Stay with us9 Lord9 and we wi)) honour ;ou.G Jesus re/)iesI ETe)) MeI wou)d you have )oved Me i I had tried to +on=uer you throu&h vio)en+eFG E8ot... rea))y. 4e )ove ;ou 2e+ause ;ou are a)) )ove.G

so!ewhere and I over+o!e what !ay 2e the rea+tion o the Man9 so that as :in& o the s/irit I !ay +on=uer on)y one su2<e+t9 I do not say that My &oin& there was use)ess or that I su ered or wor6ed in vain. %ut I say that !o+6ery9 insu)ts9 a++usations were ho)y9 )ovin& and desira2)e. I wou)d not 2e a &ood +on=ueror i I sto//ed 2e ore the o2sta+)es o &raniti+ ortresses.G E%ut it wou)d ta6e ;ou a&es to de eat the!. ;ou... are a !an. ;ou wi)) not )ive or a&es. 4hy waste ;our ti!e where ;ou are not wantedFG EI sha)) )ive !u+h )ess. 8ay9 I sha)) soon 2e no )on&er a!on& you9 I sha)) no )on&er see dawns and sunsets )i6e !i)estones o days that rise and o days that end9 2ut I sha)) on)y +onte!/)ate the! as the 2eauties o +reation and or the! I wi)) /raise the 7reator 4ho !ade the! and 4ho is My (atherM I sha)) no )on&er see trees 2)osso! and +orn ri/en9 neither sha)) I need the ruits o the earth to 6ee/ a)ive9 2e+ause when I &o 2a+6 to My :in&do!9 I wi)) eed on )ove. 'nd yet I wi)) de!o)ish the !any ortresses +)osed in the hearts o !en.

3 Loo6 at that stone u/ there9 under that s/rin&9 on the s)o/e o the !ountain. The s/rin& is a very s+anty one9 I wou)d say that the water does not )ow9 2ut it dri/sI a dro/ that has 2een a))in& or a&es on that ro+6 /rotrudin& ro! the side o the !ountain. ESo it is throu&h )ove that I rei&n in your heartsFG 'nd the stone is a very hard one. It is not +ru!2)y )i!estone or so t a)a2aster9 it is very hard 2asa)t. 'nd yet see how at the +entre o the +onve3 ro+69 and des/ite its sha/e9 a E;es9 it is9 Master. %ut it is so 2e+ause we have a++e/ted ;our )ove. %ut those in tiny sheet o water has or!ed9 not any )ar&er than the +a)y3 o a water@)i)y9 2ut Jerusa)e! do not )ove ;ou.G su i+ient to re )e+t the 2)ue s6y and =uen+h the thirst o 2irds. $id !an /erha/s !a6e EThat is true. They do not )ove Me. 2 %ut sin+e you are a)) e3/ert in tradin&9 te)) MeI that +avity on the +onve3 ro+6 to /)a+e a 2)ue &e! on the dar6 ro+6 and a re reshin& +u/ when you want to se))9 2uy and !a6e a /ro it9 do you )ose heart 2e+ause in +ertain or 2irdsF 8o. Man too6 no /art in it. In the !any +enturies durin& whi+h !en have /)a+es /eo/)e do not )ove you9 or do you do your 2usiness <ust the sa!e9 as you are on)y /assed 2e ore this ro+6 that a dro/ o water has 2een ho))owin& out or a&es with an3ious to !a6e &ood /ur+hases and &ood sa)es9 without worryin& whether the !oney unre)entin& rhyth!i+a) erosive a+tion9 we are /erha/s the irst to noti+e this dar6 2asa)t you have earned is devoid o the )ove o those who so)d to you or 2ou&ht o youFG with its )i=uid tur=uoise in its +entre9 we ad!ire its 2eauty and we /raise the 0terna) (ather 4ho wanted it to de)i&ht our eyes and to re resh the 2irds that nest in the E4e are on)y an3ious to do &ood 2usiness. It does not !atter i it )a+6s the )ove o vi+inity. %ut te)) Me. 4as it /erha/s the irst dro/ that )ea6ed under the 2asa)ti+ )ed&e those who dea) with us. 5n+e the 2usiness is done9 there is no !ore +onne+tion. 5n)y a2ove the ro+6 and e)) ro! that hei&ht on this 2)o+69 was it that dro/ that e3+avated the /ro it re!ains9 the rest... is o no i!/ortan+e.G the +u/ whi+h re )e+ts the s6y9 the sun9 +)ouds and starsF 8o. Mi))ions and !i))ions o E4e))9 I do the sa!e. Sin+e I +a!e to )oo6 a ter the interests o My (ather9 I !ust ta6e dro/s have o))owed one another9 )ea6in& throu&h )i6e tears u/ there9 s/ar6)in& as they +are o the! on)y. Then i I ind )ove or derision or harshness where I )oo6 a ter the!9 des+ended to stri6e the ro+6 and dyin& on it with the note o a har/9 and e3+avated the it does not worry Me. In a tradin& town one does not !a6e a /ro it9 /ur+hases or sa)es hard !ateria) or so tiny a de/th that is i!!easura2)e. 'nd thus or a&es9 !ar6in& the with every2ody. %ut even i you dea) with one /erson on)y and you !a6e a &ood /ro it ti!e )i6e a sand@&)ass9 so !any dro/s an hour9 so !any durin& a wat+h9 so !any you say that your <ourney was not a use)ess one and you &o 2a+6 a&ain and a&ain. 2etween dawn and sunset9 and 2etween ni&ht and day2rea69 so !any a day9 so !any %e+ause what you a+hieve with one /erson on)y the irst ti!e9 you a+hieve with three ro! Sa22ath to Sa22ath9 so !any ro! new !oon to new !oon9 so !any ro! 8isan /eo/)e the se+ond ti!e9 with seven the ourth ti!e9 with ten and ten therea ter. Is it not to 8isan9 and ro! one +entury to the ne3t one. The ro+6 resisted9 the dro/ /ersisted. soF I a+t or the +on=uests or Heaven9 as you do or your 2usiness. I insist9 I /ersevere9 Man9 who is /roud and thus i!/atient and )azy9 wou)d have thrown away !a))et and I ind that the )itt)e9 in nu!2er9 or the &reat are su i+ient9 2e+ause even on)y one sou) &ou&e a ter the irst stro6es sayin&I CIt +annot 2e s+oo/ed out.D The dro/ e3+avated it. It saved is a &reat thin&9 the &reat reward o2tained throu&h My wor6. 0very ti!e that I &o was what it had to do. 4hat it was +reated or. 'nd it &roaned9 one dro/ a ter the other9

55). The Pa a62e "- &he D "5 Tha& E73a,a&es &he R"39.


or a&es9 unti) it ho))owed out the ro+6. 'nd a terwards it did not sto/9 sayin&I C8ow the s6y wi)) see to nourishin& the +u/9 whi+h I e3+avated9 with dews and rain9 with rost and snow.D %ut it +ontinued to dro/ and 2y itse) it i))s the tiny +u/ durin& the war! su!!er !onths9 durin& the ri&ours o winter9 whi)e /e)tin& or drizz)in& rains wrin6)e the sheet o water 2ut +annot e!2e))ish or widen or dee/en it9 2e+ause it is a)ready u))9 use u) and 2eauti u). The s/rin& 6nows that its dau&hters9 the dro/s9 &o to die in the )itt)e 2asin9 2ut does not ho)d the! 2a+6. 5n the +ontrary it ur&es the! towards their sa+ri i+e9 and to avoid the! 2ein& )e t a)one and 2e+o!in& sad9 it sends new sisters a ter the!9 so that the dyin& ones are not )one)y and they see the!se)ves /er/etuated in the others. 4 Li6ewise9 2ein& the irst to stri6e the so)id ortresses o hardened hearts thousands o ti!es and 2ein& /er/etuated in My su++essors9 who! I wi)) send unti) the end o ti!e9 I wi)) o/en a way into the! and My Law wi)) enter )i6e a sun wherever there are hu!an +reatures. I they re use the Li&ht and +)ose the ways o/ened with une3hausted wor69 My su++essors and I wi)) not 2e &ui)ty in the eyes o our (ather. I that s/rin& o water had o))owed a di erent +ourse9 seein& the hardness o the ro+69 and had a))en in dro/s arther away9 where the soi) is +overed with &rass9 te)) Me9 wou)d we have that shinin& &e!9 and wou)d the 2irds have that +)ear re resh!entFG

6nown 2y !eans o )i&hts9 son&s and unusua) stars.G EIt is true. To te)) !en that the Li&ht had +o!e to the wor)d. Then9 in 8isan9 there wi)) 2e si&ns in the s6y and on the earth9 and it wi)) see! to 2e the end o the wor)d9 2e+ause o the dar6ness and the sha6in& and the roarin& o thunder in the ir!a!ent and o the earth=ua6es in the o/ened 2owe)s o the 0arth. %ut it wi)) not 2e the end. 5n the +ontra@ ry9 it wi)) 2e the 2e&innin&. 1revious)y9 when I +a!e9 Heaven &ave 2irth to the Saviour or !en9 and as it was a deed o ,od9 /ea+e was the +o!/anion o the event. 't 8isan the 0arth9 o its own ree@wi))9 wi)) &ive 2irth to the .edee!er or itse) 9 and as it wi)) 2e a deed o !en9 /ea+e wi)) not 2e its +o!/anion. %ut there wi)) 2e a dread u) +onvu)@ sion. 'nd in the horror o the hour o the +entury and o he))9 the 0arth wi)) tear its 2oso! under the 2urnin& arrows o divine wrath9 and wi)) shout its wi))9 too ine2riated to understand its /ur/ort9 too stron&)y /ossessed 2y Satan to sto/ it. Li6e a !ad wo!an in )a2our9 it wi)) thin6 it is destroyin& the ruit 2e)ieved to 2e +ursed9 and wi)) not understand that it is instead raisin& it thus to /)a+es where neither sorrow nor snares wi)) rea+h it. The tree the new tree will then spread out its branches all over the )arth forever and ever and He Who is spea"ing to you will be ac"nowledged either with love or with hatred as the true .on of &od and the !essiah of the 2ord. 'nd woe to those who wi)) re+o&nise Hi! without ad!ittin& it and without 2ein& +onverted to Me.G

E8o9 it wou)d not have even 2een seen9 MasterGM E't !ost... so!e &rass9 thi+6er a)so in su!!er9 wou)d have indi+ated the s/ot where the s/rin& dri//edGM E5r a)so... )ess &rass E4here wi)) that ha//en9 LordFG than e)sewhere9 as its roots rotted in the /er/etua) da!/nessGM E'nd s)ush. 8othin& e)se. Thus a use)ess tri+6)e.G EIn Jerusa)e!. It is the +ity o the Lord.G E;ou are ri&ht. ?se)ess9 or at )east worth)ess. I a)so wou)d a++o!/)ish an i!/er e+t tas69 i I were to /re er on)y those /)a+es where hearts are wi))in& to a++e/t Me out o <usti+e or ondness. Because I would wor" but without any fatigue nay with great satisfaction of !y ego with a co#plaisant co#pro#ise between duty and pleasure. It is not toi)so!e to wor6 where one is surrounded 2y )ove and where )ove !a6es sou)s du+ti)e to wor6 on. But if there is no fatigue there is no #erit neither is there #uch profit because few con+uests are #ade if one li#its oneself to those who are already in 5ustice. I would not be !yself if I did not try to redee# all #en first to the Truth and then to &race.G 5 E'nd do ;ou thin6 that ;ou wi)) su++eedF 4hat e)se +an ;ou do in addition to what ;ou have a)ready done to /ersuade ;our ene!ies to a++e/t ;our wordF 4hat9 i not even the resurre+tion o the !an in %ethany has served to !a6e the Jews say that ;ou are the Messiah o ,odFG EI have sti)) so!ethin& &reater to do9 so!ethin& !u+h &reater than that.G E4hen9 LordFG E4hen the !oon o 8isan wi)) 2e u)). 1ay attention then.G E4i)) there 2e a si&n in the s6yF They say that when ;ou were 2orn the s6y !ade it

ESo we sha)) not 2e there 2e+ause in the !onth o 8isan we have to stay here or 1assover. 4e are aith u) to our Te!/)e.G EIt wou)d 2e 2etter i you were aith u) to the )ivin& Te!/)e that is neither on the Moria nor on the ,erizi!9 2ut 2ein& divine9 is universa). %ut I +an wait or your hour9 when you wi)) )ove ,od and His Messiah in s/irit and truth.G E4e 2e)ieve that ;ou are the 7hrist. That is why we )ove ;ou.G ETo )ove is to )eave the /ast and enter My /resent ti!e. ;ou do not )ove !e /er e+t)y yet.G The Sa!aritans )oo6 at one another stea)thi)y without s/ea6in&. Then one o the! saysI E(or ;our sa6e9 to +o!e to ;ou9 we wou)d do it. %ut even i we wanted9 we +annot enter where there are Judaeans. ;ou 6now that. They do not want us...G E'nd you do not want the!. %ut 2e at /ea+e. %e ore )on& there wi)) no )on&er 2e two re&ions9 two Te!/)es9 two o//osed o/inions9 2ut one /eo/)e on)y9 one Te!/)e on)y9 one aith on)y or a)) those ea&er or the Truth. %ut I wi)) )eave now. The +hi)dren 2y now have 2een +o! orted and their attention has 2een distra+tedM and )on& is My way 2a+6 to 0/hrai! to arrive there 2e ore it &ets dar6. $o not 2e+o!e e3+ited. ;our

55). The Pa a62e "- &he D "5 Tha& E73a,a&es &he R"39.


2ehaviour !i&ht attra+t the attention o the )itt)e ones9 and it is 2etter i they do not noti+e My de/arture. ,o on9 I a! sto//in& here. May the Lord &uide you a)on& the /aths o the 0arth and on those o His 4ay. ,o.G Jesus draws +)ose to the !ountain and )ets the! &o away. The )ast thin& that is noti+ed9 o the +aravan &oin& 2a+6 to She+he!9 is a +hi)d's <oy u) )au&hter that s/reads a)on& the si)ent !ountain way.

558. Pi54!i(s A!!i0e in E9h!ai( 1!#( &he De'a9#5is. .anaen"s Se'!e& .issi#n.
22nd Janua!/ $9*8.

6now the Master's orderG and he addresses the /i)&ri!s sayin&I EJudas has e3/)ained hi!se) 2ad)y and you have !isunderstood hi!. That is not what !y +o!/anion !eant. It is on)y an o erin& o sin+ere aith9 o )oya) )ove that we9 I9 !y +o!/anions9 you9 every2ody !ust &ive or what the Master &ives us. 4hen we trave))ed around 1a)estine9 He a++e/ted your o erin&s 2e+ause they were ne+essary or our <ourneys and 2e+ause we !et with !any 2e&&ars9 or we 2e+a!e a+=uainted with +on+ea)ed !iseries. 8ow9 here9 we need nothin& J !ay 1roviden+e 2e /raised or that O and we do not !eet with 2e&&ars. :ee/ your o erin& and &ive it to distressed /eo/)e in Jesus' na!e. That is the desire o our Lord and Master9 and the order He &ives to those a!on& us who &o evan&e)izin& throu&h the various towns. I you have si+6 /eo/)e with you or anyone rea))y needs to s/ea6 to the Master9 te)) us. 'nd I wi)) )oo6 or Hi! where He withdraws to /ray9 as His s/irit is ea&er to +o))e+t its thou&hts in the Lord.G Judas &ru!2)es so!ethin& 2etween his teeth 2ut he does not +ontradi+t o/en)y. He sits 2eside the ire/)a+e in whi+h the ire has 2een )it9 as i he wished to ta6e no urther interest in the !atter. E'+tua))y... we are not in need o anythin& s/e+ia). %ut 4e heard that He was here and we +rossed the river to +o!e and see Hi!. %ut i we have done wron&...G E8o9 2rothers. It is not wron& to )ove Hi! and )oo6 or Hi! a)so 2y &oin& to a )ot o trou2)e and ati&ue. 'nd your &ood wi)) wi)) 2e rewarded. I wi)) &o and te)) the Lord that you are here and He wi)) +ertain)y +o!e. 'nd i He shou)d not +o!e I wi)) 2rin& you His 2)essin&.G 'nd John &oes out into the 6it+hen &arden to &o and )oo6 or the Master. E8ever !indH I wi)) &oG says Judas i!/erious)y and he stands u/ and runs out. John )oo6s at hi! &o away and does not !a6e any o2<e+tion. 2 He &oes 2a+6 into the 6it+hen where the /i)&ri!s are thron&ed. %ut a)!ost at on+e he su&&estsI ESha)) we &o and !eet the MasterFG E%ut i He did not want...G E5hH 1)ease do not atta+h i!/ortan+e to a !isunderstandin&. ;ou are +ertain)y aware o the reasons why we are here. It is other /eo/)e who +o!/e) the Master to ta6e these !easures o restraint9 it is not a++ordin& to His wi)) or His heart. He is a)ways as ond o you a)) as ever.G

1 The news that Jesus is in 0/hrai!9 either 2e+ause the +itizens the!se)ves have 2oasted a2out it9 or or so!e other reason un6nown to !e9 !ust have s/read 2e+ause !any /eo/)e +o!e now )oo6in& or JesusI !ost)y si+6 /eo/)e9 so!e distressed /eo/)e and a)so so!e who wish to see Hi!. I rea)ise that 2e+ause I hear the Is+ariot say to a &rou/ o /i)&ri!s who have +o!e ro! the $e+a/o)isI EThe Master is not here. %ut John and I are here and it is the sa!e thin&. So te)) us what you want and we wi)) /)ease you.G E%ut you wi)) never 2e a2)e to tea+h what He tea+hesG says one /rotestin&. E4e are His re/resentatives and are <ust )i6e Hi!9 !an. ')ways 2ear that in !ind. %ut i you rea))y want to hear the Master +o!e 2a+6 2e ore the Sa22ath and &o away a ter it. The Master now is a true Master. He no )on&er s/ea6s in a)) the streets9 in woods or ro+6y !ountains )i6e a stray9 and at a)) hours )i6e a servant. He s/ea6s on the Sa22ath here9 as 2e its Hi!. 'nd He is ri&ht9 +onsiderin& what He &ained 2y wearin& Hi!se) out with ati&ue and )oveHG E%ut it is not our au)t i the Judaeans...G E0very2odyH 0very2odyH %oth Judaeans and non JudaeansH ;ou are a)) a)i6e and wi)) a)ways 2e so. He has &iven you everythin&. ;ou have &iven Hi! nothin&. He &ives. ;ou do not &iveM not even the !ite that one &ives a 2e&&ar.G E%ut we have an o erin& or Hi!. Here it is9 i you do not 2e)ieve us.G John who has 2een si)ent a)) the ti!e9 2ut with evident e!2arrass!ent9 )oo6in& at Judas with eyes that i!/)ore and re/roa+h9 or rather ad!onish hi!9 +an no )on&er 2e si)ent. 'nd when Judas is a)ready stret+hin& out his hand to ta6e the o erin&9 he )ays his hand on his +o!/anion's ar! to ho)d hi! 2a+6 and says to hi!I E8o9 Judas. $on't. ;ou

55*.Pi21 i.s A i,e in E5h ai. - ". &he De3a5"2is.'anaen!s Se3 e& 'issi"n.


E4e 6now that. 5n the irst days a ter the 2an was announ+ed /u2)i+)y every2ody was )oo6in& or Hi! 2eyond the Jordan and wherever they thou&ht He !i&ht 2e. 't %etha2ara9 at %ethany9 at 1e))a and at .a!oth@,i)ead and a)so arther away. 'nd we 6now that the sa!e ha//ened in Judaea and in ,a)i)ee. The houses o His riends were +)ose)y wat+hed 2e+ause... i !any are His riends and dis+i/)es9 !any are a)so those who are not su+h9 and who thin6 they serve the Most Hi&h 2y /erse+utin& the Master. Then sear+hes sudden)y sto//ed and the ru!or s/read that He was here.G E%ut who to)d youFG EHis dis+i/)es.G EMy +o!/anionsF 4hereFG E8o. 8one o the!. They were di erent9 new ones9 2e+ause we never saw the! with the Master or with the o)d dis+i/)es. In a+t we were sur/rised that He shou)d send /eo/)e un6nown to us to te)) us where He was9 then we thou&ht that He !i&ht have done it 2e+ause the new /eo/)e were not 6nown to the Judaeans as His dis+i/)es.G EI do not 6now what the Master wi)) say to you. %ut I thin6 that as ro! now on you shou)d )isten on)y to the a!i)iar dis+i/)es. %e /rudent. 0very2ody in this +ountry 6nows what ha//ened to the %a/tist...G E$o you thin6 that...G EI John9 who was hated on)y 2y one wo!an9 was +a/tured and 6i))ed9 what wi)) ha//en to Jesus9 4ho is hated 2oth 2y the .oya) 1a)a+e and the Te!/)e9 as we)) as 2y 1harisees9 s+ri2es9 /riests and HerodiansF So 2e on the a)ert9 so that )ater you !ay not have to re/ent... %ut here He +o!es. Let us &o and !eet Hi!...G @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 3 It is the dead o ni&ht. ' !oon)ess 2ut starry ni&ht. I +ou)d not say what ti!e it is as I +annot see the /osition or the /hase o the !oon. I +an on)y see that it is a +)ear ni&ht. The who)e o 0/hrai! has disa//eared in the 2)a+6 vei) o the ni&ht. The torrent a)so is on)y a noise9 nothin& e)se. Its oa!in& and s/ar6)in& have +o!/)ete)y disa//eared under the &reen vau)t o the trees on its 2an6s as they hinder the aint )i&ht o the stars. ' ni&ht 2ird is !oanin& so!ewhere. Then it 2e+o!es si)ent 2e+ause o the rust)in& noise o 2ro6en 2ran+hes and reeds9 a noise that +o!es nearer and nearer the house o)@ )owin& the torrent and +o!in& ro! the !ountain side. Then a ta)) stron& i&ure +o!es u/ ro! the 2an6 on to the /ath that +)i!2s towards the house. It sto/s or a !o!ent as i it wanted to ind its 2earin&s. It &razes the wa)) &ro/in& with its hands. It inds the door. It tou+hes it )i&ht)y and &oes on. Sti)) &ro/in& it turns the +orner o the house9 and /ro+eeds as ar as the )itt)e &ate o the 6it+hen &arden. It ee)s it9 o/ens it9 /ushes it and &oes in. It now s6i!s the wa))s a)on& the 6it+hen &arden. It is /er/)e3ed at the 6it+hen

door. It then /ro+eeds as ar as the outside stair+ase9 it +)i!2s it &ro/in&)y and sits on the )ast ste/9 a dar6 shade in the shadow. %ut over there9 to the east9 the +o)our o the ni&ht s6y J a dar6 ve)ariu! that is re+o&nised or what it is on)y throu&h the stars stud@ din& it J is 2e&innin& to +han&e its shade9 that is9 it ta6es a hue that the eye +an /er+eive as su+hI a s)ate@&rey that )oo6s )i6e thi+6 s!o6y o& and is nothin& 2ut the irst )i&ht o dawn +o!in& orth. 'nd it is the new dai)y !ira+)e o )i&ht s)ow)y +o!in& 2a+6. The /erson that was +rou+hed on the ste/9 a hea/ +overed with a dar6 !ant)e9 !oves9 stret+hes its ar!s9 raises its head drawin& its !ant)e 2ehind it. It is Manaen. $ressed )i6e an ordinary !an in a heavy 2rown tuni+ and !ant)e o the sa!e +o)our. ' rou&h +)oth9 as wor6ers or /i)&ri!s wear9 without orna!ents9 2u+6)es or 2e)ts. 'n inter)a+ed woo))en +ord ti&htens the &ar!ent at his waist. He stands u/ and stret+hes hi!se) . He )oo6s at the s6y9 where the advan+in& )i&ht ena2)es the surroundin&s to 2e seen. 4 ' door downstairs o/ens s=uea6in&. Manaen )eans out without !a6in& any noise to see who is +o!in& out o the house. It is Jesus9 4ho +autious)y +)oses the door a&ain and !oves towards the stair+ase. Manaen withdraws a )itt)e and +)ears his throat to attra+t the attention o Jesus9 4ho )oo6s u/9 sto//in& ha) @way u/ the stair+ase. EIt is I9 Master9 Manaen. 7o!e =ui+6)y 2e+ause I !ust s/ea6 to ;ou. I have 2een waitin& or ;ou...G whis/ers Manaen and he 2ows to &reet Jesus. Jesus +)i!2s the )ast ste/sI E1ea+e to you. 4hen did you +o!eF HowF 4hyFG He as6s. EI thin6 I set oot here i!!ediate)y a ter the +o+6's +rowin&. %ut I was in the 2ushes9 down there at the 2otto!9 at the se+ond wat+h.G E')) ni&ht in the o/en airHG EIt +ou)d not 2e done any other way. I had to s/ea6 to ;ou 2y !yse) . I had to 6now whi+h way to +o!e9 whi+h was the house9 without 2ein& seen. So I +a!e 2y day and I hid in the wood u/ there. I saw )i e +a)! down in town. I saw Judas and John &o into the house. 8ay9 John /assed very +)ose to !e with his )oad o irewood9 2ut he did not see !e 2e+ause I was we)) +on+ea)ed in the thi+6 o the wood. 4hi)e there was su i+ient )i&ht to see9 I saw an o)d wo!an &o in and +o!e out o the house9 and the ire 2)aze in the 6it+hen9 and I saw ;ou des+end ro! here in the dee/enin& twi)i&ht. Then the house was +)osed. Then I +a!e here in the )i&ht o the new !oon and I studied the road. I a)so entered the 6it+hen &arden. The )itt)e &ate is !ore use)ess than no &ate at a)). I heard your voi+es. %ut I had to s/ea6 to ;ou a)one. I went away to +o!e 2a+6 here at the third wat+h and 2e here. I 6now that ;ou usua))y &et u/ 2e ore day2rea6 to /ray. 'nd I was ho/in& that ;ou wou)d do the sa!e today. I /raise the Most Hi&h that it is so.G 5 E%ut why had you to see Me with so !u+h trou2)eFG

55*.Pi21 i.s A i,e in E5h ai. - ". &he De3a5"2is.'anaen!s Se3 e& 'issi"n.


EMaster9 Jose/h and 8i+ode!us want to s/ea6 to ;ou and they are thin6in& o doin& it in su+h a way as to e)ude every2ody's survei))an+e. They !ade other atte!/ts9 2ut %ee)ze2u2 !ust 2e he)/in& ;our ene!ies very !u+h. In ea+h o++asion they had to &ive u/ +o!in&9 2e+ause their houses and that o 8i6e were +ontinuous)y wat+hed. '+tua))y the wo!an was to +o!e 2e ore !e. She is a stron& wo!an and she had set out 2y herse) towards !ount 'du!!i!. %ut they o))owed her and sto//ed her at the %)oody s)o/e K1L9 and in order not to revea) ;our a2ode and to <usti y the oodstu s she had on her !ount9 she saidI CI a! &oin& u/ to one o !y 2rothers who is in a &rotto in the !ountains. I you wish to +o!e9 as you tea+h the do+trine o ,od9 you wi)) a++o!/)ish a ho)y deed9 2e+ause he is i)) and in need o ,od.D 'nd with her darin& she +onvin+ed the! to &o away. %ut she did not dare to +o!e here any !ore and she rea))y went to see one who she says )ives in a &rotto and was entrusted to her 2y ;ou.G EThat is true. %ut then9 how was 8i6e a2)e to )et the others 6nowFG

@@@@@@@@@@@@@ K1L ' s/ot on Mount 'du!!i! was +a))ed E%)oody s)o/eG 2e+ause o the +ri!es +o!!itted there 2y hi&hway!en.

55%. The Se'!e& .ee&in4 -i&h J#se9h #1 A!i(a&hea and Ni'#de(us.

23!d Janua!/ $9*8.

1 The road ta6en 2y Manaen to )ead Jesus to the /)a+e where He is e3/e+ted is rea))y a di i+u)t one. ' !ountain road9 narrow9 +overed with stones9 runnin& throu&h !a=uis and woods. ' very 2ri&ht !oon)i&ht9 in the irst /hase o the !oon9 +an hard)y /ene@ E%y &oin& to %ethany. Lazarus is not there. %ut his sisters are. Mary is there. 'nd is trate the tan&)e o 2ran+hes and at ti!es it disa//ears +o!/)ete)y9 and Manaen !a6es Mary a wo!an to 2e ri&htened o anythin&F She dressed herse) /erha/s !ore u/ or the )a+6 o )i&ht with tor+hes that he has /re/ared and 2rou&ht with hi! +arryin& su!/tuous)y than Judith did to &o to the 6in&9 and she went to the Te!/)e /u2)i+)y with the! 2a)dri+wise )i6e wea/ons under his !ant)e. He )eads the way9 Jesus o))ows hi! Sarah and 8ao!i and then to her !ansion in >ion. 'nd ro! there she sent 8ao!i to and they /ro+eed in si)en+e in the dead o the ni&ht. Two or three ti!es a wi)d ani!a) Jose/h with the ne+essary in or!ation. 'nd whi)e... the Jews +unnin&)y went or sent runnin& in the wood si!u)ates the noise o ste/s9 whi+h !a6es Manaen sto/ sus/i+ious@ /eo/)e to her house to... honour her9 and every2ody +ou)d see her9 the !istress o the )y. %ut a/art ro! that nothin& e)se distur2s their <ourney9 whi+h is toi)so!e 2y itse) . house9 o)d 8ao!i wearin& !odest +)othes went to %ezetha to in or! the 0)der. It was then a&reed that I shou)d +o!e9 as I a! the no!ad who does not rouse sus/i+ion i I a! ELoo69 Master. That is ,o enP over there. 8ow )et us &o round here. I sha)) +ount three hundred ste/s and we sha)) 2e at the &rottoes where they have 2een waitin& or us sin+e seen ridin& at u)) &a))o/ ro! one o Herod's dwe))in& /)a+es to another9 to te)) ;ou sunset. $id ;ou ind the <ourney a )on& oneF 'nd yet we have ta6en short +uts that I that on (riday ni&ht Jose/h and 8i+ode!us9 the or!er +o!in& ro! 'ri!athea9 the thin6 have +o!/)ied with the )e&a) distan+e.G )atter ro! .a!ah9 wi)) !eet 2e ore sunset at ,o enP and wi)) wait or ;ou there. I 6now the /)a+e and the road and I wi)) +o!e here in the evenin& to ta6e ;ou there. ;ou Jesus !a6es a &esture !eanin&I E4e +ou)d not do it any other way.G +an trust !e. %ut trust !e on)y9 Master. Jose/h 2e&s ;ou not to )et any2ody 6now that we are !eetin&. In every2ody's interest.G Manaen does not s/ea6 any !ore9 intent as he is on +ountin& his ste/s. They are now in a 2arren ro+6y +orridor9 )i6e an as+endin& +avern9 2etween the two !ountain a+es that E;ours a)so9 ManaenFG a)!ost tou+h ea+h other. 5ne wou)d say that it is a ra+ture 2rou&ht a2out 2y a +ata+)ys!9 so stran&e it )oo6s. ' hu&e 6ni e@wound in the !ountain ro+69 s/)ittin& one ELord... I a! I. %ut I have no wea)th or a!i)y interests to /rote+t as Jose/h has.G third o it ro! its su!!it. Hi&h a2ove9 2eyond the sheer !ountain a+es9 2eyond the E'nd that +on ir!s My state!ent that !ateria) ri+hes are a)ways a 2urden... %ut you tossin& 2ran+hes o the trees that have &rown on the ed&e o the hu&e +ut9 the stars are +an te)) Jose/h that no one wi)) 2e in or!ed o our !eetin&.G shinin&9 2ut the !oon &ives no )i&ht down here9 in this a2yss. The s!o6y )i&ht o the tor+h awa6es 2irds o /rey9 that +hee/ )a//in& their win&s on the ed&es o their nests EI +an &o9 then9 Master. The sun has risen and ;our dis+i/)es !ay &et u/.G a!on& the issures. E;ou !ay &o9 and ,od 2e with you. I wi)) +o!e with you to show you the s/ot where 2 Manaen saysI EHere we areHG and he utters a +ry si!i)ar to the wai)in& o a 2i& ow)9 we sha)) !eet on (riday ni&ht...G towards a +)e t in the ro+6y s)o/e. They &o downstairs without !a6in& any noise and they &o out o the 6it+hen &arden Movin& ro! the other end a reddish )i&ht +o!es orth a)on& another ro+6y +orridor9 the and des+end at on+e to the 2an6s o the torrent. u//er /art o whi+h is +)osed )i6e a )o22y. Jose/h a//earsI EThe MasterFG he as6s not

55/.The Se3 e& 'ee&in1 %i&h J"se5h "- A i.a&hea and Ni3"de.us.


seein& Jesus 4ho is a )itt)e 2ehind. EI a! here9 Jose/h. 1ea+e to you.G E1ea+e to ;ou. 7o!eH 7o!e. 4e )it a ire to see sna6es and s+or/ions and to war! the /)a+e. I wi)) show ;ou the way.G He turns round and a)on& the undu)ations o the /ath in the 2owe)s o the !ountain he )eads the! towards a /)a+e )it u/ 2y )a!es. 8ear a ire there is 8i+ode!us who is throwin& 2ran+hes and <uni/ers on it. E1ea+e to you9 too9 8i+ode!us. Here I a! with you. S/ea6.G EMaster9 has any2ody noti+ed ;our +o!in&FG E4ho on earth +ou)d9 8i+ode!usFG E're ;our dis+i/)es not with ;ouFG EJohn and Judas o Si!on are with Me. The others are evan&e)izin& ro! the day a ter the Sa22ath to sunset on (ridays. %ut I )e t the house 2e ore !idday te))in& the! not to wait or Me 2e ore dawn on the day a ter the Sa22ath. I a! too a++usto!ed 2y now to 2ein& a2sent or severa) hours to rouse sus/i+ion in any2ody. So you need not worry. 4e have /)enty ti!e to ta)6 without worryin& a2out 2ein& +au&ht. The /)a+e here... is /ro/itious.G E;es. 8ests o sna6es and vu)tures... and o hi&hway!en in the &ood season9 when these !ountains are u)) o herds. %ut nowadays hi&hway!en /re er other /)a+es ro! whi+h to des+end sudden)y on o)ds and +aravan tra+6s. 4e are sorry that we dra&&ed ;ou so ar. %ut we sha)) 2e a2)e to de/art ro! here ta6in& di erent roads9 without attra+tin& any2ody's attention. %e+ause9 Master9 the attention o the Sanhedrin is dire+ted wherever they sus/e+t that ;ou are )oved.G E4e))9 I disa&ree with Jose/h with re&ard to that. I thin6 that we now see &hosts where there are none. I a)so thin6 that the situation has +a)!ed very !u+h these )ast days...G says 8i+ode!us. E;ou are wron&9 !y riend. I te)) you. It has +a)!ed down 2e+ause there is no s/ur to )oo6 or the Master9 2e+ause now they 6now where He is. That is why He is 2ein& wat+hed9 and we are not. 'nd that is why I 2e&&ed Hi! not to te)) any2ody that we were &oin& to !eet. So that no one !i&ht 2e ready... or anythin&G says Jose/h. EI don't thin6 that the /eo/)e o 0/hrai!...G re!ar6s Manaen. E8either the /eo/)e o 0/hrai! or any2ody e)se ro! Sa!aria. (or the on)y /ur/ose o doin& the o//osite o what we do on the other side...G E8o9 Jose/h9 not or that. %ut 2e+ause they do not have in their hearts the evi) ser/ent

that you have. They are not a raid o 2ein& des/oi)ed o any /rero&ative. They have no se+tarian or +aste interests to de end. They have nothin& 2ut an instin+tive need to ee) that they are )oved and or&iven 2y Hi! 4ho! their an+estors o ended and 4ho! they +ontinue to o end 2y re!ainin& outside the /er e+t .e)i&ion. 5utside 2e+ause9 as they are as /roud as you are9 neither /art +an )ay aside the hatred dividin& the! and stret+h their hands in the na!e o the 5n)y (ather. 0ven i they had so !u+h &ood wi))9 you wou)d de!o)ish it. %e+ause you +annot or&ive. ;ou +annot say9 tra!/)in& on a)) oo)ishnessI CThe /ast is dead 2e+ause the 1rin+e o the uture 7entury has risen and He &athers us a)) under His Si&n.D 3 I have in a+t +o!e and I &ather. %ut youH 5hH or you9 a)so what I +onsidered worthy o 2ein& &athered is a)ways anathe!aHG E;ou are severe with us9 Master.G EI a! <ust. 7an you /erha/s say that you do not re/roa+h Me9 in your hearts9 or so!e o My deedsF 7an you say that you a//rove o My !er+y 2ein& the sa!e or Judaeans and ,a)i)eans as or Sa!aritans and ,enti)es9 nay9 even &reater or the )atter and or 2i& sinners9 <ust 2e+ause they are in &reater need o itF 7an you say that you wou)d not e3/e+t &estures o vio)ent !a<esty ro! Me in order to !ani est My su/ernatura) ori&in9 and a2ove a))9 !ind you9 and a2ove a))9 to !ani est My !ission o Messiah a++ordin& to your idea o the MessiahF S/ea6 the rea) truthI a/art ro! the <oy o your hearts or the resurre+tion o your riend9 wou)d you not have /re erred to su+h <oy that I shou)d have arrived in %ethany as a handso!e +rue) warrior9 as our an+estors were with the '!orites and the %ashanites9 and as Joshua was with the /eo/)e o 'i and o Jeri+ho9 or 2etter sti))I !a6in& stones and wa))s +o))a/se on My ene!ies with My voi+e9 as Joshua's tru!/ets did with the wa))s o Jeri+ho9 or drawin& hu&e stones on My ene!ies ro! Heaven as it ha//ened on the des+ent o %eth@horon sti)) in the days o Joshua or9 as in !ore re+ent ti!es9 +a))in& +e)estia) 6ni&hts &a))o/in& throu&h the air9 in +)oth o &o)d9 troo/s o )an+ers u))y ar!ed9 s=uadrons o +ava)ry in order o 2att)e9 atta+6s and +har&es this way and that9 a )ourish o shie)ds and ar!ies with he)!ets 2randishin& swords and hur)in& !issi)es to terrorise My ene!iesF ;es9 that is what you wou)d have /re erred 2e+ause9 a)thou&h you )ove Me very !u+h9 your )ove is sti)) i!/ure9 and it is 6ind)ed9 in wishin& what is not ho)y9 2y your thou&hts o Israe)ites9 2y your o)d thou&hts. 4hat is in ,a!a)ie) as we)) as in the )ast !an in Israe)9 what is in the Hi&h 1riest9 in the Tetrar+h9 in the /easant9 in the she/herd9 in the no!ad9 in the !an o the $ias/ora. The i3ed idea o the Messiah +on=ueror. The ni&ht!are o those who are a raid o 2ein& +rushed 2y Hi!. The ho/e o those who )ove the (ather)and with the vio)en+e o hu!an )ove. The ea&erness o those who are o//ressed under orei&n /owers9 in orei&n +ountries. It is not your au)t. The /ure +on+e/t9 as had 2een &iven 2y ,od with re&ard to what I a!9 has 2een +overed9 throu&hout +enturies9 with )ayers o use)ess s+u!. 'nd on)y ew 6now how to ta6e the Messiani+ idea 2a+6 to its initia) /urity9 and they do so throu&h their own su erin&s. 'nd now9 as the ti!e is +)ose when the si&n9 whi+h ,a!a)ie) is e3/e+tin&9 and the who)e o Israe) with hi!9 is to 2e &iven9

55/.The Se3 e& 'ee&in1 %i&h J"se5h "- A i.a&hea and Ni3"de.us.


and now that the ti!e o My /er e+t !ani estation is drawin& +)oser9 Satan is wor6in& to deteriorate your )ove and to adu)terate your thou&hts. His hour is now +o!in&. I te)) you. 'nd9 in that hour o dar6ness9 a)so those who at /resent +an see or are on)y a )itt)e 2)ind9 wi)) 2e +o!/)ete)y 2)ind. 5n)y ew9 very ew /eo/)e wi)) re+o&nise the Messiah in the de!o)ished Man. 5n)y ew wi)) re+o&nise Hi! as the true Messiah9 e3a+t)y 2e+ause He wi)) 2e de!o)ished as the /ro/hets saw Hi!. (or the sa6e o My riends9 I wou)d )i6e the! to 2e a2)e to see Me and 6now Me9 whi)e it is sti)) dayti!e9 so that they !ay re+o&nise Me and see Me a)so when I a! dis i&ured and in the dar6ness o the hour o the wor)d... 4 %ut te)) Me now what you wanted to te)) Me. Ti!e /asses =ui+6)y and it wi)) soon 2e dawn. I a! sayin& this or your sa6e9 2e+ause I a! not a raid o any dan&erous en+ounter.G E4e)). 4e wanted to te)) ;ou that so!eone !ust have said where ;ou are and that so!eone is +ertain)y not I or 8i+ode!us9 or Manaen9 or Lazarus9 or his sisters9 or 8i6e. To who! e)se have ;ou s/o6en o the /)a+e ;ou +hose or ;our she)terFG ETo no2ody9 Jose/h.G E're ;ou sureFG EMost de inite)y.G E'nd did ;ou te)) ;our dis+i/)es not to !ention itFG E%e ore de/artin& I did not s/ea6 to the! o the /)a+e. 4hen we arrived in 0/hrai! I to)d the! to &o and evan&e)ize and to a+t in My stead. 'nd I a! sure o their o2edien+e.G E'nd... 're ;ou a)one in 0/hrai!FG E8o. I a! with John and Judas o Si!on. I have a)ready to)d you. He9 Judas9 as I +an read his thou&hts9 +annot have done any har! to Me9 throu&h his heed)essness9 2e+ause he never )e t the town9 and in these days no /i)&ri!s ro! other /)a+es /ass throu&h it.G

EIt wi)) not ha//en. Let the! s/ea6. Those who )ove Me wi)) not 2e u/set 2y a//earan+es. '))ow the wind to dro/ +o!/)ete)y. It is a wind o the earth. Then the wind o Heaven wi)) 2)ow9 the ve)ariu! wi)) o/en and the &)ory o ,od wi)) a//ear. 5 Have you anythin& e)se to te)) MeFG E8o9 nothin& +on+ernin& ;ou. %e on the a)ert9 2e +are u)9 do not )eave the /)a+e where ;ou are now. 'nd we wi)) 6ee/ ;ou in or!ed...G E8o. It is not ne+essary. Stay where you are. I sha)) soon have the wo!en dis+i/)es with Me and9 yes9 te)) 0)iza and 8i6e to <oin the other wo!en dis+i/)es9 i they so wish. Te)) the two sisters as we)). 's My /)a+e is now 6nown9 those who are not a raid o the Sanhedrin +an now +o!e or our re+i/ro+a) +o! ort.G EThe two sisters +annot +o!e unti) Lazarus +o!es 2a+6. He )e t with !u+h /o!/9 and every2ody in Jerusa)e! 6new that he was &oin& to his re!ote estates9 2ut it is not 6nown when he wi)) +o!e 2a+6. %ut his servant has a)ready +o!e 2a+6 ro! 8azareth and he said J and we !ust te)) ;ou a)so this J he said that ;our Mother wi)) 2e here with the other wo!en dis+i/)es 2e ore the end o this !oon. She is we)) and so is Mary o ')/haeus. The servant saw the!. %ut they are de)ayin& a )itt)e 2e+ause Johanna wants to +o!e with the!9 2ut she +annot unti) the end o this !oon. 'nd then... we))9 i ;ou wi)) a))ow us9 we wou)d )i6e to he)/ ;ou... as aith u) riends even i ... i!/er e+t as ;ou say.G E8o. The dis+i/)es who &o around evan&e)izin&9 every (riday evenin& 2rin& what is ne+essary or the! and or us who re!ain in 0/hrai!. 8othin& e)se is re=uired. ' wor6!an )ives on his wa&es. That is air. The rest wou)d 2e su/er )uous. ,ive it to so!e /oor wret+h. That is what I to)d a)so those in 0/hrai! and My a/ost)es. My instru+tions are that when they +o!e 2a+6 they !ust not have one arthin& )e t over and that on their way they !ust &ive away a)) the o erin&s9 6ee/in& or us on)y what is ne+essary or our very ru&a) ood or one wee6.G E4hy9 MasterFG

EThen... it is rea))y %ee)ze2u2 that has s/o6en. %e+ause at the Sanhedrin they 6now that ETo tea+h the! deta+h!ent ro! ri+hes and the su/eriority o the s/irit over the worries ;ou are there.G o the !orrow. 'nd or that and or other &ood reasons o Mine as a Master9 I as6 you not to insist.G ESoF 4hat are their rea+tions to My 2ehaviourFG ESevera)9 Master. 'nd very di erent. So!e say that it is )o&i+a). Sin+e they 2anned ;ou ro! the ho)y /)a+es9 ;ou had no o/tion 2ut to ta6e she)ter in Sa!aria. 5thers instead !aintain that this /roves what ;ou areI a Sa!aritan in ;our sou)9 even !ore than 2y ra+e9 and that that is enou&h to +onde!n ;ou. 'nd they a)) e3u)t at havin& 2een su++ess u) in redu+in& ;ou to si)en+e and at 2ein& a2)e to /oint ;ou out to the +rowds as a riend o the Sa!aritans. They are sayin&I C4e have a)ready won the 2att)e. The rest wi)) 2e +hi)d's /)ay.D %ut we 2e& ;ou9 do not a))ow that to ha//en.G E's ;ou wish. %ut we are sorry that we +annot he)/ ;ou.G EThe day wi)) +o!e when you wi)) do that... 6 Is that not the irst )i&ht o dawnFG He says )oo6in& eastwards9 that is to the side o//osite to the one He +a!e9 and /ointin& at a ti!id &)ea! that 2e+o!es visi2)e on re!ote 2a+6&rounds. EIt is. 4e !ust /art. I a! &oin& 2a+6 to ,o enP where I )e t !y horse9 and 8i+ode!us wi)) &o down on this other side towards %eeroth9 and ro! there to .a!ah9 when the

55/.The Se3 e& 'ee&in1 %i&h J"se5h "- A i.a&hea and Ni3"de.us.


Sa22ath is over.G E'nd what a2out you9 ManaenFG E5hH 4ithout hidin& !yse) I wi)) &o a)on& the !ain roads towards Jeri+ho9 where Herod is now. My horse is in the house o so!e /oor /eo/)e who or a !ite do not )oathe anythin&9 not even a Sa!aritan9 as they 2e)ieve !e to 2e. %ut I a! stayin& with ;ou <ust now. In !y 2a& I have ood or two.G E4e))9 )et us say &ood2ye. 4e sha)) !eet a&ain at 1assover.G E8oH ;ou are not &oin& to /ut ;ourse) to that testHG say Jose/h and 8i+ode!us. E$on't do that9 MasterHG E;ou are rea))y 2ad riends9 2e+ause you are advisin& Me to +o!!it sin and to 2e +oward)y. 4ou)d you then 2e a2)e to )ove Me9 +onsiderin& what I had doneF Te)) Me. %e sin+ere. 4here shou)d I &o and worshi/ the Lord at the 1assover o the ?n)eavened %readF 1erha/s on Mount ,erizi!F 5r shou)d I not a//ear 2e ore the Lord in the Te!/)e in Jerusa)e!9 as every !a)e !ust do at the three &reat year)y estivitiesF $o you not re!e!2er that they are a)ready a++usin& Me o not res/e+tin& the Sa22ath9 a)thou&h J and Manaen +an witness this J even today9 to satis y your re=uest9 I de/arted in the evenin& ro! a /)a+e that +on+i)iated your desire with the sa22ati+ )awFG E4e a)so sto//ed at ,o enP or that reason... 4e wi)) o er a sa+ri i+e to e3/iate an invo)untary trans&ression 2rou&ht a2out 2y a !otive that +ou)d not 2e dero&ated ro!. %ut ;ou9 MasterH... They wi)) see ;ou at on+e...G

2e+o!e new. ,ood2ye9 Jose/h. %e <ust. Just )i6e hi! who was My &uardian or so !any years and who was +a/a2)e o every renovation to serve the Lord his ,od. I he were here9 a!on& us9 ohH how he wou)d tea+h you to serve the Lord /er e+t)y9 to 2e <ust9 <ust9 <ust. %ut it is ri&ht that he shou)d a)ready 2e in '2raha!'s 2oso!H... In order not to see the in<usti+e o Israe). Ho)y servant o ,odH... ' new '2raha!9 with a 2ro6en heart9 2ut with /er e+t wi))9 he wou)d not have advised Me to 2e +oward)y9 2ut he wou)d have s/o6en the words that he used to utter when anythin& /ain u) wei&hed heavi)y on usI C2et us raise our spirits. We shall #eet the yes of &od and we shall forget that it is #en who grieve us. And let us do whatever is burdenso#e as if the !ost High presented it to us. In this way we shall sanctify also the least things and &od will love us.D 5hH He wou)d have said so a)so to +o! ort Me to su er the dee/est sorrows... He wou)d have +o! orted us... 5hH My MotherH...G Jesus re)eases Jose/h who! He had +)as/ed in His ar!s and He )owers His head re!ainin& si)ent9 undou2ted)y +onte!/)atin& His i!!inent !artyrdo! and that o His /oor Mother... He then raises His head and e!2ra+es 8i+ode!us sayin&I EThe irst ti!e you +a!e to Me as a se+ret dis+i/)e9 I to)d you that to enter the :in&do! o ,od and to have the :in&do! o ,od in you it is ne+essary or your s/irits to 2e 2orn a&ain and or you to )ove the Li&ht !ore than the wor)d )oves it. Today9 and this is /erha/s the )ast ti!e we sha)) !eet se+ret)y9 I re/eat the sa!e words to you. %e 2orn a&ain in your s/irit9 8i+ode!us9 to 2e a2)e to )ove the Li&ht9 whi+h I a!9 and I !ay dwe)) in you as :in& and Saviour. ,o now. 'nd ,od 2e with you.G

8 The two !e!2ers o the Sanhedrin &o away in the o//osite dire+tion to the one in whi+h Jesus +a!e. 4hen the noise o their ste/s has aded away9 Manaean9 who had E0ven i they shou)d not see Me9 I wi)) try to !a6e the! see Me.G &one to the entran+e o the &rotto to see the! &o away9 +o!es 2a+6 and with an e3/ressive +ountenan+e he saysI E'nd or on+e they wi)) 2e the ones who in rin&e the E;ou want to ruin ;ourse) H It is the sa!e as i ;ou +o!!itted sui+ide...G Sa22ati+ )awH 'nd they wi)) have no /ea+e unti) they sett)e their de2t with the 0terna) E8o. ;our !inds are enve)o/ed in dar6ness. It is not the sa!e as i I wanted to 6i)) (ather 2y sa+ri i+in& an ani!a)H 4ou)d it not 2e 2etter or the! to sa+ri i+e their Myse) 9 it is on)y o2edien+e to the voi+e o My (ather 4ho says to MeI C,o. It is ;our tran=ui))ity 2y de+)arin& the!se)ves C;our dis+i/)esD o/en)yF 4ou)d that not 2e !ore hour.D I have a)ways endeavoured to re+on+i)e the Law with ne+essities9 a)so on the day /)easin& to the Most Hi&hFG that I had to )ee ro! %ethany and ta6e re u&e at 0/hrai! 2e+ause it was not My hour EIt wou)d +ertain)y 2e. %ut do not <ud&e the!. They are dou&hs that rise s)ow)y. %ut at to 2e +au&ht. The La!2 o Sa)vation +an on)y 2e sa+ri i+ed at the 1assover o the ?n)eavened %read. 'nd i I 2ehaved thus or the Law9 do you want Me to do otherwise the ri&ht !o!ent9 when !any9 who thin6 they are 2etter than they are9 +o))a/se9 they wi)) rise a&ainst the who)e wor)d.G with re&ard to the order o My (atherF ,o9 you !ay &oH $o not &rieve thus. 'nd why did I +o!e9 i it was not that I shou)d 2e /ro+)ai!ed the :in& o a)) /eo/)esF %e+ause E're ;ou re errin& to !e9 LordF 1)ease ta6e !y )i e9 2ut do not )et !e deny ;ou.G that is the !eanin& o CMessiahD9 is it notF ;es9 that is what it !eans. 'nd C.edee!erD E;ou wi)) not deny Me. %ut there are +onstituents in you9 di erent ro! theirs9 and a)so !eans that. The on)y trou2)e is that the !eanin& o these two words does not they wi)) he)/ you to 2e aith u).G +orres/ond to what you an+y. 7 %ut I 2)ess you9 i!/)orin& a +e)estia) ray to des+end u/on you with My 2)essin&. %e+ause I )ove you and you )ove Me. %e+ause I wou)d )i6e E;es9 I a!... the Herodian. That isI I was the Herodian. %e+ause as I turned !y 2a+6 on your <usti+e to 2e entire)y 2ri&ht. %e+ause you are not wi+6ed9 2ut you9 too9 are C5)d the 7oun+i)9 so I turned !y 2a+6 on the /arty9 when I saw it was vi)e and un air towards Israe)D9 and you do not have the heroi+ wi)) to des/oi) yourse)ves o the /ast and ;ou <ust )i6e the others. To 2e a HerodianH... To the other +astes it !eans 2ein& )itt)e

55/.The Se3 e& 'ee&in1 %i&h J"se5h "- A i.a&hea and Ni3"de.us.


)ess than a heathen. I do not !ean that we are saints. That is true. (or an i!/ure /ur/ose we +o!!itted i!/urity. I a! s/ea6in& as i I were sti)) the Herodian I was 2e ore 2ein& ;our dis+i/)e. '++ordin& to hu!an o/inion9 there ore9 we are twi+e i!/ure9 2e+ause we are the a))ies o the .o!ans9 and 2e+ause we did it or our own /ro it. %ut te)) !e9 Master9 as ;ou a)ways s/ea6 the truth and never re rain ro! it or ear o )osin& a riend. %etween us who have entered into an a))ian+e with .o!e to... have )eetin& /ersona) triu!/hs and the 1harisees9 the 7hie 1riests9 the s+ri2es9 the Saddu+ees9 who enter into an a))ian+e with Satan to +rush ;ou9 whi+h are !ore i!/ureF I9 seeF 8ow that I have rea)ised that the /arty o the Herodians is sidin& with ;our ene!ies9 I )e t it. I a! not te))in& ;ou to 2e /raised 2y ;ou9 2ut to te)) ;ou what I thin6. 'nd they9 I !ean the 1harisees and /riests9 the s+ri2es and Saddu+ees9 are +onvin+ed o &ettin& a /ro it out o this sudden a))ian+e o the Herodians with the!H The wret+hesH They do not 6now that the Herodians do it to &ain !ore !erits9 and thus &reater /rote+tion ro! the .o!ans9 and )ater... on+e the +ause and the reason <oinin& the! are de ined and inished9 they wi)) de!o)ish those with who! they now or! an a))ian+e. 'nd they tri )e with ea+h other )i6e that. 0verythin& is 2ased on de+eit. 'nd that dis&usts !e so !u+h that I have !ade !yse) +o!/)ete)y inde/endent. ;ou... ;ou are a &reat ri&htenin& &host. (or every2odyH 'nd ;ou are a)so the /reten+e or the ou) &a!e o the various /arties' interests. The re)i&ious !otiveF The sa+red indi&nation or the C2)as/he!erD9 as they +a)) ;ouF It's nothin& 2ut )iesH The on)y !otive is neither the de en+e o .e)i&ion9 nor the sa+red zea) or the Most Hi&h9 2ut their &reedy9 insatia2)e interests. They !a6e !e si+6 )i6e i)thy thin&s. 'nd I wou)d )i6e... ;es9 I wou)d )i6e the ew who are not +orru/t to 2e !ore darin&. 'hH ' dou2)e )i e is trou2)eso!e to !e nowH I wou)d )i6e to o))ow ;ou a)one. %ut I +an serve ;ou 2etter thus than i I o))owed ;ou. It's a 2urden to !e... %ut ;ou say that it wi)) soon 2e... 4hat... 9 %ut wi)) ;ou rea))y 2e sa+ri i+ed as the La!2F %ut is it not i&urative )an&ua&eF The )i e o Israe) is woven with sy!2o)s and i&ures...G E'nd you wou)d )i6e it to 2e so or Me... %ut Mine is not a i&ure.G EIs it notF 're ;ou rea))y sureF I +ou)d... Many o us +ou)d re/eat an+ient &estures and have ;ou anointed Messiah9 and de end ;ou. 5ne word wou)d su i+e and the de enders o the ho)y wise 1onti wou)d rise in thousands and thousands. I do not !ean an earth)y 6in&9 as I now 6now that ;our :in&do! is entire)y s/iritua). %ut as we sha)) never a&ain 2e hu!an)y ree and stron&9 )et at )east ;our ho)iness su//ort and hea) +orru/t Israe). 8o one9 as ;ou are aware9 )oves the /resent /riesthood and those su//ortin& it. $o ;ou want that9 LordF Te)) !e9 and I wi)) do it.G E;ou have a)ready &one a )on& way with your thou&ht9 Manaen. %ut you are sti)) as ar ro! your &oa) as the 0arth is ro! the sun. I wi)) 2e 1riest9 and orever9 i!!orta) 1onti in an or&anis! that I wi)) en)iven to the end o ti!e. %ut I sha)) not 2e anointed with the oi) o de)i&ht9 neither shall I be proclai#ed and defended by the gestures of violence brought about by a handful of believers to throw our -atherland into a wild

schis# and #a"e it #ore enslaved than it ever was. 'nd do you thin6 that the hand o a !an +an anoint the 7hristF I so)e!n)y te)) you that it +annot. The true 'uthority that wi)) anoint Me 1onti and Messiah is that o Hi! 4ho sent Me. 8o other /erson9 who is not ,od9 +ou)d anoint ,od as :in& o 6in&s and Lord o )ords9 orever.G ESo9 nothin&HF There is nothin& we +an doHF How &rieved I a!HG E)verything by loving !e. It is everything. By loving not the person whose na#e is 8esus but what 8esus is. By loving !e with your hu#anity and your spirit as I love you with .pirit and Hu#anity in order to be with !e beyond Hu#anity. Loo6 how 2eauti u) is9 dawn. The =uiet )i&ht o the stars did not shine in here. %ut the triu!/hant )i&ht o the sun does. The sa!e wi)) ha//en in the hearts o those who su++eed in )ovin& Me with <usti+e. 7o!e outside9 in the si)en+e o the !ountain9 +)ear o the hoarse hu!an voi+es o interests. Loo6 over there at those ea&)es9 how with wide )i&hts they soar away in sear+h o /rey. 7an we see that /reyF 8o9 we +annot9 2ut they +an. %e+ause the eyes o an ea&)e are !ore /ower u) than ours and ro! a2ove where they rove9 they +an see a wide horizon and +an +hoose. I do the sa!e. I see what you +annot see9 and ro! a2ove where it hovers9 My s/irit +an +hoose My sweet /reys. 8ot to tear the! to /ie+es as vu)tures and ea&)es do9 2ut to ta6e the! with Me. 4e sha)) 2e so ha//y there9 in the :in&do! o My (ather9 we who )oved ea+h otherH...G 'nd Jesus9 4ho whi)e s/ea6in& has &one outside to sit in the sun at the entran+e o the &rotto9 e!2ra+es Manaen9 who was 2eside Hi!9 and He s!i)es si)ent)y at I do not 6now whi+h vision...

559. The Sa9h#!i( Sa(ue5.

5&h Fe)!ua!/ $9*8.

1 Jesus is a)one. He is sti)) in the &rotto. ' ire is )it to &ive )i&ht and war!th9 and a stron& s!e)) o resins and )ea y 2ran+hes s/reads in the +avern a!id +ra+6)in& and s/ar6s. Jesus has withdrawn to the end9 in a re+ess where dry 2ran+hes have 2een thrown and He is !editatin&. The )a!es waver now and a&ain9 they a2ate and 2ri&hten u/ su++essive)y 2e+ause o &usts o wind 2)owin& throu&h the woods and how)in& u/on enterin& the +avern that resounds )i6e a 2u&)e@horn. It is not a steady wind. It dro/s9 then it rises )i6e )on& sea waves. 4hen it whist)es )ouder9 ashes and dry )eaves are 2)own towards the narrow ro+6y +orridor throu&h whi+h Jesus has +o!e into the )ar&er /art o the &rotto9 and the )a!es 2end )a//in& the )oor on that side9 then9 when the &ush o the wind dro/s9 they rise a&ain9 sti)) s/ar6)in&9 and they resu!e shinin& strai&ht u/wards. Jesus /ays no attention to the!. He is !editatin&. The sound o the wind is

559. The Sa5h" i. Sa.ue2.


<oined 2y the a)) o rain that /atters9 at irst )i&ht)y then heavi)y9 on the )ea y 2ou&hs o the underwood. ' rea) down/our soon +han&es the /aths on the s)o/es into )itt)e roarin& torrents. The noise o the water is now the /revai)in& one as the wind has s)ow)y dro//ed. The very aint )i&ht o the stor!y twi)i&ht9 and that o the ire9 whi+h is reddish 2ut does no )on&er 2)aze9 or want o ue)9 s+ar+e)y )i&ht u/ the +avern and the +orners are in dar6ness. Jesus9 dressed in dar6 ro2es as He is9 +an no )on&er 2e seenM on)y when He )i ts His head9 whi+h is 2ent on His raised 6nees9 it is /ossi2)e to see a aint &)ea! a&ainst the dar6 wa)). 2 5utside the &rotto9 on the /ath there is the noise o ste/s and o an3ious words9 as i they were uttered 2y so!eone who is tired and weary. Then in the e!/ty s/a+e at the entran+e9 a dar6 shadow is out)ined dri//in& water on a)) sides. The !an9 2e+ause it is a !an with a heavy dar6 2eard9 utters an EohHG o re)ie and throws his dren+hed head@ &ear on the )oor9 he sha6es his !ant)e and says to hi!se) I EH'!H Sa!ue)9 you +an &ive it a &ood sha6in&H It see!s to have dro//ed into a u))in&@!i))H 'nd !y sanda)sF %oatsH %oats sun6 in a riverH I a! dren+hed to the s6inH Loo6 how !y hair is dri//in&H I )oo6 )i6e a 2ro6en roo &utter )ea6in& throu&h a thousand ho)es. It's a &ood startH Is /erha/s %ee)ze2u2 on His side de endin& Hi!F H'!H It's a 2eauti u) sta6e... 2ut...G He sits on a stone near the ire9 in whi+h9 as the )a!e is dead9 there are reddish e!2ers or!in& the stran&e desi&ns that are the )ast )i e o 2urnt out wood9 and he tries to re6ind)e it 2y 2)owin& on it. He ta6es o his sanda)s and tries to dry his !uddy eet with the drier /arts o the ed&e o his !ant)e. %ut it is the sa!e as i he were dryin& hi!se) with water. His e ort serves on)y to re!ove the !ud ro! his eet and /ut it on the !ant)e. He +ontinues to s/ea6 to hi!se) I E7ursed 2e they9 He and every2odyH 'nd I )ost a)so !y 2a&. 5 +ourseH It's a &ood <o2 I have not )ost !y )i e... CIt's the sa est roadD they said. 7ertain)yH %ut they don't ta6e itH I I had not seen this ireH 4ho wi)) have )it itF So!e /oor wret+h )i6e !e. %ut where wi)) he 2e nowF There is a ho)e over there... 1erha/s another &rotto... They won't 2e hi&hway!en9 wi)) theyF %ut... what a oo) I a!H 4hat +an they ta6e o !e i I have not &ot even a arthin&F %ut it does not !atter. This ire is worth !ore than a treasure. I wish I had so!e !ore 2ran+hes to re6ind)e itH I wou)d ta6e !y +)othes o and dry the!. HoH I sayH This is a)) I have unti) I &o 2a+6H...G EI you want !ore 2ran+hes9 My riend9 there are so!e hereG says Jesus without !ovin& ro! His /)a+e. 3 The !an9 whose 2a+6 was turned towards Jesus9 starts at the sudden voi+e and <u!/s to his eet turnin& round. He )oo6s ri&htened. E4ho are youFG he as6s9 o/enin& his eyes wide tryin& to see. E' way arer )i6e you. I )it the ire and I a! &)ad it served to &uide you.G Jesus a//roa+hes hi! with a 2und)e o sti+6s in His ar!s and He throws the! near the ire sayin&I E.e6ind)e the )a!e 2e ore everythin& is +overed with ash. I have neither )int nor tinder@2o3 2e+ause the !an ro! who! I 2orrowed the! went away a ter sunset.G

Jesus s/ea6s in a riend)y way9 2ut He does not +o!e orward so that the ire !ay i))u!inate Hi!. 5n the +ontrary9 He &oes 2a+6 to His +orner and re!ains we)) enve)o/ed in His !ant)e. The !an9 in the !eanti!e9 2ends to 2)ow hard on so!e )eaves he has thrown on the ire and he re!ains thus9 2usy9 unti) the )a!e rises. He )au&hs throwin& thi+6er and thi+6er 2ran+hes that re6ind)e the ire. Jesus9 sittin& in His /)a+e9 wat+hes Hi!. EI shou)d now ta6e !y +)othes o and )et the! dry. I /re er to 2e nude rather than 2e wet. %ut I +annot even do that. ' s)o/e s)id down and I ound !yse) under a a)) o earth and water. 'hH I a! sett)ed nowH Loo6H I have torn !y tuni+. 7ursed <ourneyH I wish I had in rin&ed the Sa22athH I didn'tH I sto//ed unti) sunset. Later... 'nd what sha)) I do nowF To save !yse) I )et !y 2a& &o and now it wi)) 2e down at the 2otto! o the va))ey or it wi)) 2e entan&)ed in so!e 2ush I wonder where...G EHere is My tuni+. It is dry and war!. My !ant)e is enou&h or Me. Ta6e it. I a! in &ood hea)th. %e not a raid.G E'nd ;ou are &ood. ' &ood riend. How +an I than6 ;ouFG E%y )ovin& Me as i I were your 2rother.G E%y )ovin& ;ou as is ;ou were !y 2rotherH %ut ;ou do not 6now who I a!. 'nd i I were wi+6ed9 wou)d you wish to have !y )oveFG EI would to #a"e you good.G The !an9 who is youn&9 a2out the sa!e a&e as Jesus9 )owers his head9 !editatin&. He is ho)din& Jesus' &ar!ent in his hands9 2ut he +annot see it. He is /ensive. 'nd he auto!ati+a))y s)i/s it on over his 2are s6in 2e+ause he has stri//ed hi!se) +o!/)ete)y9 a)so o his vest. Jesus9 4ho had &one 2a+6 to His +orner as6s hi!I E4hen did you have so!e oodFG E't the si3th hour. I was to have a !ea) when I arrived in the vi))a&e9 down in the va))ey. %ut I )ost !y way9 !y 2a& and !y !oney.G EI have sti)) so!e re!nants o ood here. I was to eat the! to!orrow. Ta6e the!. (astin& is no 2urden to Me.G E%ut... i ;ou have to wa)69 ;ou wi)) need so!e stren&th...G E5hH I a! not &oin& ar. 5n)y as ar as 0/hrai!...G E0/hrai!FH 're ;ou a Sa!aritanFG E$oes that irritate youF I a! not a Sa!aritan.G

559. The Sa5h" i. Sa.ue2.


EIn a+t... ;our a++ent is ,a)i)ean. 4 4ho are ;ouF 4hy do ;ou not un+over ;our a+eF Have ;ou to hide ;ourse) 2e+ause ;ou are &ui)tyF I wi)) not denoun+e ;ou.G EI a! a way arer. I have a)ready to)d you. My 8a!e wou)d !ean nothin& to you9 or it wou)d !ean too !u+h. In any +ase9 what is a na!eF 4hen I &ive you a &ar!ent or your rozen 2ody9 so!e ood to a//ease your hun&er9 and a2ove a)) My /ity or your heart9 do you need to 6now My 8a!e to ee) the +o! ort o dry +)othes9 o ood and )oveF %ut i you wish to &ive Me a na!e9 +a)) Me C1ityD. There is nothin& dis&ra+e u) +o!/e))in& Me to hide Myse) . %ut not 2e+ause o that you wou)d &ive u/ denoun+in& Me. %e+ause in your heart there is a 2ad thou&ht. 'nd 2ad thou&hts yie)d ruits o evi) deeds.G The !an starts and a//roa+hes Jesus. %ut on)y Jesus' eyes +an 2e seen and they are a)!ost vei)ed 2y His )owered eye)ids. ETa6e the ood9 My riend. There is nothin& e)se to 2e done.G The !an &oes 2a+6 to the ire and 2e&ins to eat s)ow)y9 without s/ea6in&. He is /ensive. Jesus is a)) +ur)ed u/ in His )itt)e +orner. The !an re reshes hi!se) s)ow)y. The war!th o the )a!es9 the 2read and roasted !eat &iven to hi! 2y Jesus9 !a6e hi! ha//y. He stands u/9 he stret+hes hi!se) 9 he )ays the +ord9 whi+h he used as a 2e)t9 ro! a ro+6 s/)inter to a rusty hoo69 &oodness 6nows who i3ed it there and how )on& a&o9 and han&s his tuni+9 !ant)e9 head&ear to dry on it9 he sha6es his sanda)s and /uts the! near the ire9 whi+h he tends &enerous)y. Jesus see!s to 2e dozin&. The !an a)so sits down and is /ensive. He then turns round to )oo6 at the ?n6nown Man. He as6sI E're ;ou s)ee/in&FG Jesus re/)iesI E8o. I a! thin6in& and /rayin&.G E(or who!FG E(or a)) the unha//y /eo/)e. 5 every 6ind. 'nd they are so !anyHG E're ;ou a /enitentFG EI a! a /enitent. The 0arth is in &reat need o re/entan+e so that the wea6 )ivin& on it !ay 2e &iven stren&th to re<e+t Satan.G E;ou are ri&ht. ;ou s/ea6 )i6e a ra22i. I a! a &ood <ud&e 2e+ause I a! a sa/hori!. I a! a dis+i/)e o ra22i Jonathan 2en ?zie). His dearest dis+i/)e. 'nd now9 i the Most Hi&h he)/s !e9 I sha)) 2e+o!e even dearer to hi!. My na!e wi)) 2e e3a)ted a)) over Israe).G Jesus does not re/)y. 5 The other !an9 a ter a ew !o!ents9 stands u/ and sits near Jesus. 4ith one hand he

s!ooths his hair that is a)!ost dry and tidies his 2eard sayin&I EListen. ;ou said that ;ou are &oin& to 0/hrai!. 're ;ou &oin& there <ust 2y +han+e9 or do ;ou )ive thereFG EI )ive in 0/hrai!.G E%ut ;ou are not a Sa!aritan9 so ;ou saidHG EI re/eat it. I a! not a Sa!aritan.G E'nd who +an )ive there i not... ListenI they say that the +ursed out)awed .a22i o 8azareth has ta6en she)ter at 0/hrai!. Is it trueFG EIt is true. Jesus9 the 7hrist o the Lord9 is there.G EHe is not the 7hrist o the LordH He is a )iarH He is a 2)as/he!erH He is a de!onH He is the +ause o a)) our trou2)es. 'nd no aven&er o a)) the /eo/)e rises to overthrow Hi!HG he e3+)ai!s with anati+ hatred. EHas He /erha/s done any har! to you9 sin+e you s/ea6 o Hi! with so !u+h hatred in your voi+eFG E8ot to !e. I saw Hi! <ust on+e at the east o the Ta2erna+)es9 and in su+h a tu!u)t9 that I wou)d ind it di i+u)t to re+o&nise Hi!. %e+ause9 whi)e it is true that I a! a dis+i/)e o the &reat ra22i Jonathan 2en ?zie)9 I have 2een at the Te!/)e de initive)y on)y or a short ti!e. 1revious)y... I was not a2)e or !any reasons9 and on)y when the ra22i was at ho!e I used to sit at his eet to drin6 in <usti+e and do+trine. %ut ;ou... ;ou as6ed !e whether I hate Hi!9 and I /er+eived a hidden re/roa+h in ;our words. 're ;ou /erha/s a o))ower o the 8azareneFG E8o9 I a! not. %ut hatred is +onde!ned 2y any2ody who is <ust.G EHatred is ho)y when it is a&ainst an ene!y o ,od and o the (ather)and. The 8azarene .a22i is su+h. 'nd it is ho)y to i&ht Hi! and hate Hi!.G ETo i&ht the !an or the idea that He re/resents and the do+trine that He /ro+)ai!sFG E0verythin&H 0verythin&H ;ou +annot i&ht one thin& i you s/are the other. In !an there is his do+trine and his idea. ;ou either overthrow everythin&9 or it serves no /ur/ose. 4hen you e!2ra+e an idea9 you e!2ra+e the !an who re/resents it and his do+trine at the sa!e ti!e. I 6now 2e+ause I e3/erien+e that with !y !aster. His ideas are !ine. His wishes are !y )aw.G EIn a+t a &ood dis+i/)es 2ehaves thus. %ut one !ust 2e a2)e to te)) whether the !aster is &ood9 and o))ow on)y a &ood !aster. %e+ause it is not )aw u) to )ose one's sou) or the )ove o a !an.G EJonathan 2en ?zie) is &ood.G

559. The Sa5h" i. Sa.ue2.


E8o. He is not.G E4hat are ;ou sayin&F 'nd are ;ou te))in& !eF 4hi)e we are here a)) a)one and I +ou)d 6i)) ;ou to aven&e !y !asterF I a! stron&9 ;ou 6nowFG EI a! not a raid. I a! not a raid o vio)en+e. 'nd I a! not a raid as I 6now a)so that i you stri6e Me9 I wi)) not rea+t.G 6 E'hH I seeH ;ou are a dis+i/)e o the .a22i9 an Ca/ost)eD. That is how He +a))s His !ost aith u) dis+i/)es. 'nd ;ou are &oin& to <oin Hi!. 1erha/s the !an who was with ;ou was another one )i6e ;ou. 'nd ;ou are waitin& or so!eone )i6e ;ou.G E;es9 I a! waitin& or so!eone.G

EI do not 6i)).G EMateria))y9 you do not. %ut there is no di eren+e 2etween hi! who 6i))s and hi! who hands the vi+ti! over to the 6i))er. ;ou res/e+t the word o a !an who says that you !ust not har! your 2ene a+tor9 2ut you do not res/e+t the word o ,od9 and with a snare9 or a hand u) o !oney9 or a )itt)e honour9 the i)thy honour o 2ein& a2)e to 2etray an inno+ent /erson9 you are &ettin& ready to +o!!it a +ri!eH...G EI a! not doin& it <ust or the sa6e o !oney and honour. %ut to do so!ethin& /)easin& to Jehovah and 2ene i+ia) to our (ather)and. I a! re/eatin& the &estures o Jae) and Judith.G He is !ore anati+ than ever.

7 ESisara and Ho)o ernes were ene!ies o our (ather)and. They were invaders. They were +rue). %ut what is the .a22i o 8azarethF 4hat does He invadeF 4hat does he E(or the .a22i9 /erha/sFG usur/F He is /oor and He does not see6 ri+hes. He is hu!2)e and does not want EThere is no need or Me to wait or hi!. He does not need My word to 2e +ured o His honours. He is good. To everybody. Thousands o /eo/)e have 2een assisted 2y Hi!. disease. His sou) is not diseased9 neither is His 2ody. I a! waitin& or a /oor sou) that is 4hy do you a)) hate Hi!F Why do you hate Hi#$ It is not )aw u) to in<ure your /oisoned and ravin&. To +ure it.G nei&h2our. ;ou serve the Sanhedrin. %ut wi)) the Sanhedrin <ud&e you in uture )i e9 or E;ou are an a/ost)eH 4e 6now in a+t that He sends the! to evan&e)ize as He is a raid wi)) ,od <ud&e youF 'nd how wi)) He <ud&e youF I do not !eanI how wi)) He <ud&e to &o Hi!se) 9 sin+e He was +onde!ned 2y the Sanhedrin. That is why ;ou o))ow His you as 6i))er o the 7hrist9 2ut I !eanI how wi)) He <ud&e you as 6i))er o an inno+ent. ;ou do not 2e)ieve that the .a22i o 8azareth is the 7hrist9 and +onse=uent)y9 2e+ause do+trineH It is His do+trine not to rea+t a&ainst those who o end.G o your 2e)ie that He is not9 you wi)) not 2e +har&ed with that +ri!e. ,od is <ust and He EIt is His do+trine 2e+ause He tea+hes )ove9 or&iveness9 <usti+e9 !ee6ness. He )oves does not +onsider &ui)ty an a+tion a++o!/)ished without u)) 6now)ed&e. So He wi)) not 2oth ene!ies and riends. %e+ause He sees everythin& in ,od.G <ud&e you or 6i))in& the 7hrist9 2e+ause9 as ar as you are +on+erned9 Jesus o 8azareth is not the 7hrist. %ut He wi)) a++use you o 6i))in& an inno+ent. Because you "now that E5hH I He shou)d !eet !e9 i 9 as I ho/e9 I wi)) !eet Hi!9 I don't thin6 He wi)) )ove He is innocent. They have /oisoned you and 2y !eans o words o hatred they have !eH It wou)d 2e oo)ish o Hi!H %ut I +annot te)) ;ou9 as ;ou are His a/ost)e. 'nd I into3i+ated you9 2ut not to the e3tent that you do not understand that He is inno+ent. His re&ret what I have a)ready to)d ;ou. ;ou wi)) in or! Hi!.G wor6s s/ea6 in His avour. ;our ear9 and your !asters are !ore ri&htened that their EThere is no need. %ut I so)e!n)y te)) you that He wi)) )ove you9 nay9 He )oves you9 dis+i/)es9 dreads and sees what does not e3ist. %ou are afraid that He #ay supplant notwithstandin& that you are &oin& to 0/hrai! to ensnare Hi! and hand Hi! over to you. %e not a raid. He stret+hes out His ar!s towards you sayin&I C%rothersDH He does the Sanhedrin9 who have /ro!ised a )ar&e reward to whoever wi)) do that.G not send so)diers a&ainst you. He does not +urse you. He wou)d on)y )i6e to save you9 2oth the &reat ones and their dis+i/)es9 as He wishes to save the )ast /erson in Israe). E're ;ou... a /ro/het or have ;ou the /ython s/iritF Has He trans!itted His /ower to 'nd He wishes to save you9 !ore than the )east /erson in Israe)9 !ore than the +hi)d ;ouF So ;ou are +ursed as we))F 'nd I a++e/ted ;our 2read9 your &ar!ent9 ;ou have who does not yet 6now what are hatred and )ove. Because you are in greater need than 2een riend)y to !eH It is writtenI C;ou sha)) not raise your hand a&ainst your 2ene a+@ ignorant people and children because you "now and you "nowingly sin. 7an your tor.D ;ou have done thatH %e+ause9 i ;ou 6new that I... 1erha/s to /revent !e ro! +ons+ien+e o a !an9 i you +)ear it o the ideas they have insti))ed into it9 i you +)eanse a+tin&F %ut i I s/are ;ou9 2e+ause ;ou have &iven !e 2read and sa)t9 ire and +)othes9 it o the /oison that !a6es you rave9 can it tell you that He is guilty$ Tell !e. Be and I wou)d sin a&ainst <usti+e 2y har!in& ;ou9 I wi)) not s/are ;our .a22i. %e+ause I sincere. Have you ever seen Hi! in rin&e the Law9 or advise /eo/)e to in rin&e itF Have do not 6now Hi!9 and He has not done !e any &ood9 2ut He has done !e evi).G you ever seen Hi! 2ein& =uarre)so!e9 &reedy9 )ust u)9 hard@hearted9 have you heard Hi! utter s)anderF S/ea6 u/H Have you seen Hi! 2ein& disres/e+t u) towards the E5hH /oor wret+hH $o you not rea)ise that you are ravin&F How +an one who! you do SanhedrinF He is )ivin& )i6e an out)aw9 in order to o2ey the verdi+t o the Sanhedrin. He not 6now have done evi) to youF How +an you res/e+t the Sa22ath9 i you do not +ou)d utter a +ry and the who)e o 1a)estine wou)d o))ow Hi! to !ar+h a&ainst the ew res/e+t the /re+e/t not to 6i))F...G who hate Hi!. He9 instead9 advises /ea+e and or&iveness to His dis+i/)es. 's He &ives

559. The Sa5h" i. Sa.ue2.


2a+6 )i e to dead /eo/)e9 si&ht to the 2)ind9 !otion to the /ara)ysed9 hearin& to the dea 9 reedo! to de!onia+s9 as neither Heaven nor He)) are insensi2)e to His wi))9 He +ou)d stri6e you 2y His divine )i&htnin& and thus &et rid o His ene!ies. He9 instead9 /rays or you and +ures your re)atives9 He +ures your hearts9 He &ives you 2read9 +)othes9 ire. 8 %e+ause I a! Jesus o 8azareth9 the 7hrist9 4ho! you are )oo6in& or to have the /ri+e /ro!ised to who hands Hi! over to the Sanhedrin9 and the honour o 2ein& the )i2erator o Israe). I a# 8esus of Na:areth the ,hrist. Here I a#. Ta"e !e. 's Master and as Son o ,od I ree you ro! the o2)i&ation o not raisin& your hand and I a2so)ve you o the sin o raisin& it a&ainst your 2ene a+tor.G

9 5hH /oor 2oyH ;ou are s/ea6in& /ro/heti+ words without 2ein& aware o itH My death wi)) rea))y 2e rede!/tion9 and not o Israe) on)y9 2ut o a)) Man6ind. 'nd I have +o!e to 2e sa+ri i+ed. 'nd I a! )on&in& to 2e sa+ri i+ed9 so that I !ay 2e the Saviour. 5 every2ody. ;ou9 the sa/hori! o )earned Jonathan 2en ?zie)9 +ertain)y 6now Isaiah. Here is the Man o sorrows in ront o you. 'nd i I do not see! to 2e su+h9 i I do not see! to 2e the !an who! a)so $avid saw9 with My 2ones )aid 2are and dis<ointed9 i I a! not )i6e the )e/er seen 2y Isaiah9 it is 2e+ause you do not see My heart. I a! one 2i& sore. ;our indi eren+e9 your hatred9 your hardness and in<usti+e have wounded and 2ro6en Me +o!/)ete)y. 'nd did I not hide My a+e9 whi)e you were des/isin& Me or what I rea))y a!I the 4ord o ,od9 the 7hristF %ut I a! the !an a++usto!ed to Jesus has stood u/ re!ovin& His !ant)e ro! His head9 and He stret+hes out His hands su erin&H 'nd do you not +onsider Me as a !an stru+6 2y ,odF 'nd do I not sa+ri i+e as i they were to 2e +au&ht and tied. %ut ta)) as He is J and He see!s even !ore Myse) 2e+ause I want to do so to +ure you throu&h My sa+ri i+eF SoH Stri6e MeH Loo6I s)ender as He is )e t with on)y His short +)ose@ ittin& vest on9 with His dar6 !ant)e I a! not a raid and you !ust not 2e a raid. I9 2e+ause I a! the Inno+ent and I do not han&in& ro! His shou)ders9 ho)din& Hi!se) u/ri&ht9 His eyes9 i3ed at the a+e o His ear the <ud&e!ent o ,od9 and a)so 2e+ause 2y o erin& My ne+6 to your 6ni e9 I have /erse+utor9 in the !o2i)e re )e+tion o the )a!es that i))u!inate hi&h)i&hts in His ,od's wi)) u) i))ed9 anti+i/atin& My hour a )itt)e or your we) are. ')so when I was )owin& hair and !a6e the )ar&e /u/i)s o His eyes shine within the sa//hire +ir+)es o 2orn I anti+i/ated the ti!e or your sa6e9 to &ive you /ea+e 2e ore the ti!e. %ut you the irises J so !a<esti+9 so ran6 and ear)ess9 He +o!!ands !ore res/e+t than i He have turned My an3iety o )ove into a wea/on o denia)... %e not a raidH I do not invo6e were surrounded 2y an ar!y o de enders. the /unish!ent o 7ain on you or the )i&htnin& o ,od. I /ray or you. I )ove you. The !an is as+inated... /ara)ysed with astonish!ent. 5n)y a ter so!e ti!e he is a2)e to 8othin& e)se. '! I too ta)) or your hand o a !anF 4e))9 it is trueH Man in a+t +ou)d not stri6e ,od i ,od o His own wi)) did not /ut Hi!se) into the hands o !an. 4e))9 whis/erI E;ouH ;ouH ;ouHG He does not see! to 2e a2)e to say anythin& e)se. I 6nee) down 2e ore you. The Son o !an is 2e ore you9 at your eet. So9 stri6e MeHG Jesus insistsI E.o ta"e !e! Ta6e that use)ess +ord that you /ut u/ to ho)d a dirty torn Jesus in a+t 6nee)s down9 and o ers the 6ni e9 ho)din& it 2y the 2)ade9 to His tuni+9 and tie My hands. I wi)) o))ow you as a )a!2 o))ows a 2ut+her. 'nd I wi)) not /erse+utor9 who withdraws whis/erin&I E8oH 8oHG hate you or ta6in& Me to die. I to)d you. It is the /ur/ose that <usti ies an a+tion and +han&es its nature. 's ar as you are +on+erned9 I a! the ruin o Israe) and you thin6 E7o!e onH ' !o!ent o +oura&e... and you wi)) 2e !ore a!ous than Jae) and JudithH that 2y 6i))in& Me you wi)) save Israe). ;ou 2e)ieve that I a! &ui)ty o a)) +ri!es and Loo6H I a! /rayin& or you. Isaiah says soI C...and He /rayed or sinnersD. 're you not there ore you are servin& <usti+e 2y su//ressin& a +ri!ina). So you are not !ore &ui)ty +o!in& yetF 4hy are you &oin& awayF 'hH /erha/s you are a raid you !ay not see than the e3e+utioner who +arries out the order he re+eived. 3o you wish to sacrifice !e how a ,od dies. 4e))9 I wi)) +o!e there9 near the ire. There is a)ways a ire at here on the spot$ 5ver there9 at My eet9 there is the 6ni e with whi+h I s)i+ed your sa+ri i+es. It is /art o the!. Here you are. 8ow you +an see Me we)).G He has 6ne)t 2read. Ta6e it. (ro! a 2)ade that served or the )ove or My nei&h2our9 it +an 2e down near the ire. +han&ed into the 6ni e o the sa+ri i+er. My )esh is not harder than the roasted )a!2 that My riend had )e t Me to a//ease My hun&er and that I &ave you9 to satis y the 10 E$on't )oo6 at !eH $on't )oo6 at !eH 5hH where sha)) I run not to see ;our eyes hun&er o My ene!y. %ut you are a raid o the .o!an /atro)s. They arrest the !urder@ starin& at !eFG shouts the !an. ers o an inno+ent. 'nd they do not a))ow <usti+e to 2e ad!inistered 2y us. %e+ause we E4ho!F 4ho! do you not wish to seeFG are the su2<e+ts and they are the ru)ers. That is why you dare not 6i)) Me and then &o to those who sent you9 with the s)au&htered La!2 on your shou)ders9 )i6e &oods that !a6e E;ou... and !y +ri!e. .ea))y9 it is !y +ri!e that is in ront o !eH 4here sha)) I run9 one earn !oney. Well( leave !y corpse here and go and infor# your #asters. %e+ause whereFG The !an is terrorised... you are not a dis+i/)e9 you are a slave so !u+h have you renoun+ed the soverei&n E5n My heart9 sonH Here9 in My ar!s ni&ht!ares and ears disa//ear. There is /ea+e reedo! o thou&ht and wi)) that ,od Hi!se) )eaves to !en. 'nd you serve your here. 7o!eH $o +o!eH Ma6e Me ha//yHG Jesus has stood u/ and is stret+hin& out His !asters servi)e)y9 to the e3tent o +o!!ittin& a +ri!e. But you are not guilty. %ou are /poisoned0. ;ou are the /oisoned sou) that I was waitin& or. 7o!e on9 thenH The ni&ht ar!s. The ire is 2etween the!. Jesus shines in the re )e+tion o the )a!es. and the /)a+e are /ro/itious to +ri!e. I a! wron&I to the rede!/tion o Israe)H The !an a))s on his 6nees9 +overin& his a+e and shoutin&I EHave !er+y on !e9 ,odH

559. The Sa5h" i. Sa.ue2.


Have !er+y on !eH 7an+e) !y sinH I wanted to stri6e ;our 7hristH Mer+yH 'hH there +an 2e no !er+y or su+h a +ri!eH I a! da!nedHG He wee/s with his a+e on the &round9 so22in&9 and he !oansI EMer+yG and he swearsI EThe +ursed onesHG... Jesus wa)6s round the ire and &oes towards hi!9 He 2ends9 He tou+hes his head sayin&I E$o not +urse those who )ed you astray. They o2tained the &reatest &i t or youI that I shou)d s/ea6 to you. Thus. 'nd that I shou)d ho)d you thus in My ar!s.G He has ta6en hi! 2y his shou)ders and has )i ted hi! u/9 and sittin& on the &round He draws hi! to His heart9 and the !an )eans on His 6nees sheddin& tears that are )ess /hreneti+9 2ut so /uri yin&H Jesus +aresses his dar6 hair to +a)! hi!. The !an at )ast raises his head and with +han&ed +ountenan+e he !oansI E;our or&ivenessHG Jesus 2ends and 6isses his orehead. 11 The !an throws his ar!s round His ne+6 and with his head restin& on Jesus' shou)ders he wee/s and 2e&ins to s/ea6M he wou)d )i6e to te)) Hi! how they had wor6ed on hi! to !a6e hi! +o!!it the +ri!e. %ut Jesus sto/s hi! sayin&I E%e =uietH %e =uietH I a! aware o everythin&. 4hen you +a!e in I 6new you9 2oth or what you were and or what you wanted to do. I +ou)d have &one away ro! there and e)uded you. I re!ained to save you. 'nd you are saved. The /ast is dead. $o not re+a)) it.G E%ut... are ;ou so +on identF 'nd i I shou)d sin a&ainFG E8o9 you wi)) not sin a&ain. I 6now. ;ou are +ured.G E;es9 I a!. %ut they are so astute. $on't send !e 2a+6 to the!.G E'nd where +an you &o and not ind the!FG E4ith ;ou. To 0/hrai!. I ;ou +an read !y heart9 ;ou wi)) see that I a! not )ayin& a snare or ;ou9 2ut I a! on)y 2e&&in& ;ou to /rote+t !e.G EI 6now. 7o!e. %ut I warn you that Judas o :erioth9 who so)d hi!se) to the Sanhedrin and is the 2etrayer o the 7hrist9 is there.G E$ivine Mer+yH ;ou 6now a)so thatFHG He is utter)y a!azed. EI 6now everythin&. He thin6s that I do not 6now. %ut I 6now everythin&. 'nd I 6now a)so that you are so +onverted that you wi)) not s/ea6 to Judas or to any2ody e)se a2out this. %ut 2ear in !ind thisI i Judas +an 2etray his Master9 what wi)) he 2e a2)e to do to har! youFG

!e awayHG EI wi)) not drive you away. 4e sha)) now &o over there9 on those )eaves and wait or day2rea69 and at dawn we sha)) &o to 0/hrai!. 4e sha)) say that we !et 2y +han+e and that you have +o!e to stay with us. It is the truth.G E;es. It is the truth. 't dawn !y +)othes wi)) 2e dry and I wi)) &ive ;our &ar!ent 2a+6 to ;ou...G E8o. Leave those +)othes there. ' sy!2o). The !an who divests hi!se) o his /ast and /uts on a new uni or!. The !other o Sa!ue)9 the an+ient one9 san& in her <oyI CThe Lord &ives death and )i e9 He 2rin&s down to Sheo) and draws u/.D ;ou died and are re2orn. ;ou are +o!in& ro! the /)a+e o the dead to true Li e. Leave the +)othes that have 2een a e+ted 2y the +onta+t with the se/u)+hres u)) o i)th. 'nd )iveH Live or your true &)oryI to serve ,od with <usti+e and /ossess Hi! orever.G They sit in the re+ess where the )eaves are /i)ed u/ and they soon a)) si)ent9 2e+ause the !an9 tired as he is9 a))s as)ee/ with his head restin& on the shou)der o Jesus9 4ho is sti)) /rayin&. 12 ...It is a 2eauti u) !ornin& in s/rin&9 when they arrive at the house o Mary o Ja+o29 o))owin& the /ath a)on& the torrent9 whi+h is 2e+o!in& +)ear a ter the down/our and is sin&in& !ore )oud)y with its in+reased waters9 and is shinin& in the sun 2etween its 2an6s /o)ished 2y the rain. 1eter9 who is at the entran+e9 utters a +ry and runs to !eet the!9 hurryin& to e!2ra+e Jesus9 4ho is a)) enve)o/ed in His !ant)e9 and he saysI E5hH !y 2)essed MasterH 4hat a sad Sa22ath ;ou !ade !e s/endH I +ou)d not !a6e u/ !y !ind to &o away without seein& ;ou. I wou)d have 2een u/set the who)e wee6 i I had to )eave with un+ertainty in !y heart and without ;our arewe))HG Jesus 6isses hi! without re!ovin& His !ant)e. 1eter is so en&a&ed in +onte!/)atin& his Master that he does not noti+e the stran&er who is with Hi!. In the !eanti!e the others have +o!e and Judas o :erioth utters a +ryI E;ou9 Sa!ue)HG EIt is I. The :in&do! o ,od is o/en to every2ody in Israe). I have +o!e to itG the !an re/)ies without hesitation. Judas has a stran&e s)y )au&h9 2ut he does not say anythin&. 0very2ody's attention is o+used on the new+o!er9 and 1eter as6sI E4ho is heFG

E' new dis+i/)e. 4e !et 2y +han+e. That isI ,od !ade us !eet9 and as I a++e/ted hi! as one sent to Me 2y My (ather9 so I te)) you to do the sa!e. 'nd as it is a &reat east The !an is /ensive9 or a )on& ti!e. He then saysI EIt does not !atterH I ;ou do not re<e+t !e9 I a! stayin& with ;ou. 't )east or so!e ti!e. ?nti) 1assover. ?nti) ;ou <oin when one +o!es to ta6e /art in the :in&do! o Heaven9 )ay down your 2a&s and ;our dis+i/)es. I wi)) <oin the!. 5hH i it is true that ;ou have or&iven !e9 do not drive !ant)es9 you who were a2out to )eave9 and )et us 2e a)) to&ether unti) to!orrow. 'nd

559. The Sa5h" i. Sa.ue2.


now )et Me &o9 Si!on9 2e+ause I &ave My tuni+ to hi! and the !ornin& air is ni//in& Me whi)e I a! standin& here.G E'hH I thou&ht it wasH %ut ;ou wi)) 2e ta6en i))9 i ;ou do thatHG EI did not want... %ut He insistedG says the !an a/o)o&eti+a))y. E;es. He was swe/t away 2y an over )owin& )ar&e strea! and on)y his wi)) saved hi!. So to ensure that nothin& shou)d re!ind hi! o that /ain u) !o!ent9 and to ena2)e hi! to +o!e to us in a +)ean state9 I !ade hi! )eave his dirty torn tuni+ where we !et9 and I !ade hi! /ut on MineG says Jesus and He )oo6s at Judas o :erioth who re/eats his stran&e s)y )au&h9 as he did at the 2e&innin& and when Jesus said that a &reat east is !ade when one +o!es to ta6e /art in the :in&do! o Heaven. He then &oes =ui+6)y into the house to dress Hi!se) . The others a//roa+h the new+o!er e3/ressin& their &reetin&s o /ea+e.

5+,. ;ha& Pe#95e Sa/ a& Na a!e&h.

+&h Fe)!ua!/ $9*8.

1 E'nd I te)) you that you are a)) oo)ish i you 2e)ieve su+h thin&s. More oo)ish and i&norant than wethers that do not even 6now the ru)es o instin+t9 !uti)ated as they are. So!e !en are &oin& around towns sayin& anathe!a o the Master9 whi)e others 2rin& orders that9 2y the )ivin& ,od9 +annot 2e &iven 2y Hi!H ;ou do not 6now Hi!. I do. 'nd I +annot 2e)ieve that He has +han&ed so !u+hH Let the! &o a2outH 're you sayin& that they are His dis+i/)esF 'nd who has ever seen the! with Hi!F 're you sayin& that so!e ra22is and 1harisees have !entioned His sinsF 'nd who has seen His sinsF Have you ever heard Hi! s/ea6 a2out anythin& o2s+eneF Have you ever seen Hi! +o!!it sinF SoF 'nd +an you 2e)ieve that ,od wou)d )et Hi! wor6 su+h &reat deeds9 i He were a sinnerF ;ou are oo)ish9 I te)) you9 oo)ish s)ow@witted and i&norant )i6e +ountry 2u!/6ins who or the irst ti!e see a !ount2an6 at a !ar6et and 2e)ieve what he says. That's what you are )i6e. 7onsider whether those who are wise and o/en@!inded a))ow the!se)ves to 2e sedu+ed 2y the words o a)se dis+i/)es9 who are the true ene!ies o the Inno+ent9 o our Jesus9 4ho! you do not deserve to have as a son o our townH 7onsider whether Johanna o 7huza9 I !ean the wi e o Herod's su/erintendent9 Johanna9 the /rin+ess9 )eaves MaryH 7onsider whether... '! I doin& the ri&ht thin& in te))in& youF 5 +ourseH I a! doin& the ri&ht thin& 2e+ause I a! not s/ea6in& <ust or the sa6e o s/ea6in&9 2ut to +onvin+e you a)). Last !onth9 did you see that 2eauti u) wa&on that +a!e to our vi))a&e and sto//ed outside Mary's houseF $o you re!e!2erF The one whose ti)t was as 2eauti u) as a houseF 4e))9 do you 6now who was in it and who +a!e

out o it to /rostrate hi!se) at Mary's eetF Lazarus o Theo/hi)us9 Lazarus o %ethany9 do you understand thatF The son o the +hie !a&istrate o Syria9 o the no2)e Theo/hi)us9 the hus2and o 0u+heria o the tri2e o Judah and o the a!i)y o $avidH Jesus' &reat riend. The ri+hest and !ost )earned !an in Israe)9 2oth with re&ard to our history and to that o the who)e wor)d. The riend o the .o!ans. The 2ene a+tor o the /oor. 'nd a2ove a)) the !an who was raised ro! the dead a ter 2ein& in his se/u)+hre or our days. $id he )eave Jesus to 2e)ieve the SanhedrinF ;ou say that he did so 2e+ause Jesus raised hi! ro! the deadF 8o. 8o9 2e+ause he 6nows who is the 7hrist9 4ho is Jesus. 'nd do you 6now what he +a!e to te)) MaryF To te)) Her to 2e ready 2e+ause he wi)) ta6e Her 2a+6 to Judaea. SeeF 's i he9 Lazarus9 were Mary's servantH I 6now 2e+ause I was there when he +a!e in and &reeted Her /rostratin& hi!se) on the )oor9 on the /oor 2ri+6s in the )itt)e roo!9 dressed as he was )i6e So)o!on9 a !an a++usto!ed to +ar/ets9 he was there9 on the )oor9 6issin& the he! o 5ur Lady's dress sayin&I CHai)9 Mary9 Mother o !y Lord. I9 ;our servant9 the )ast o ;our servants9 have +o!e to s/ea6 to ;ou o Hi! and to /)a+e !yse) at ;our dis/osa).D SeeF I was so !oved... that when he &reeted !e as we)) +a))in& !eI C2rother in the LordD9 I was not a2)e to s/ea6 one word. %ut Lazarus understood9 2e+ause he is inte))i&ent. 'nd he s)e/t in Jose/h's 2ed and sent his servants ahead to Se/horis to wait or hi!. %e+ause he was &oin& to his estates at 'ntio+h. 'nd he to)d the wo!en to 2e ready9 2e+ause at the end o this !onth he wi)) +o!e and /i+6 the! u/ to s/are the! the ati&ue o the <ourney. 'nd Johanna wi)) <oin the +aravan with her wa&on to ta6e the wo!en dis+i/)es o 7a/ernau! and %ethsaida. 'nd does a)) that !ean nothin& to youFG 2 't )ast &ood ')/haeus o Sarah +an ta6e 2reath a!id the &rou/ standin& in the !idd)e o the s=uare. 'nd 'ser and Ish!ae) and a)so Jesus' two +ousins9 Si!on and Jose/h J Si!on !ore o/en)y9 Jose/h !ore reti+ent)y J he)/ hi! 2y a//rovin& what he said. Jose/h saysI EJesus is not an i))e&iti!ate son. I He needs to noti y anythin&9 He has re)atives here who are wi))in& to 2e+o!e His a!2assadors. 'nd He has aith u) and /ower u) dis+i/)es9 )i6e Lazarus. Lazarus has not !entioned what the others say.G E'nd we are His dis+i/)es as we)). %e ore we were ass@drivers and as stu/id as our asses. %ut now we are His dis+i/)es and we a)so are +a/a2)e o sayin&I C$o this or do thatDG says Ish!ae). E%ut the senten+e han&in& at the door o the syna&o&ue was 2rou&ht 2y a !essen&er o the Sanhedrin and it 2ears the sta!/ o the Te!/)eG so!e say o2<e+tin&. EThat is true. SoF Sin+e a)) over Israe) we have the re/utation o 2ein& a2)e to <ud&e the Sanhedrin or what it rea))y is9 and we are +onse=uent)y des/ised as ro&ues9 are we &oin& to 2e)ieve that the Te!/)e is wise on)y with re&ard to thisF So do we no )on&er 6now what s+ri2es9 1harisees and +hie s o 1riests areFG re/)ies ')/haeus. EThat is true. '/haeus is ri&ht. I have de+ided to &o down to Jerusa)e! and hear ro!

5)$. 8ha& Pe"52e Sa( a& Naza e&h.


true riends what is the situation. 'nd I a! &oin& to!orrowG says Jose/h o ')/haeus. E'nd wi)) you stay thereFG

E8o9 I wi)) +o!e 2a+6. 'nd I wi)) &o 2a+6 a&ain or 1assover. I +annot 2e away ro! ho!e or a )on& ti!e. It is a di i+u)t tas6 I a! underta6in&9 2ut it is !y duty to do so. I a! the head o the a!i)y and I a! res/onsi2)e or Jesus 2ein& in Judaea. I insisted that He shou)d &o there... Man errs in <ud&in&. I thou&ht that it was a &ood thin& or Hi!. Instead... May ,od or&ive !eH %ut I !ust at )east o))ow the +onse=uen+es o !y advi+e at +)ose =uarters9 in order to +o! ort !y %rotherG says Jose/h o ')/haeus in his 5+$. Fa5se Dis'i95es A!!i0e in She'he(. A& E9h!ai( Jesus s)ow hau&hty way o s/ea6in&. EThat is not what you used to say. %ut you have 2een a))ured as we)) 2y the riendshi/ o the !i&hty ones. ;our eyes are +)ouded 2y vanityG says a 8azarene. EThe riendshi/ o !i&hty /eo/)e does not a))ure !e9 0)ia6i!. %ut !y %rother's 2ehaviour +onvin+es !e. I I !ade a !ista6e and I now !end !y ways9 I /rove to 2e a <ust !an. %e+ause to err is hu!an9 2ut to 2e stu22orn is 2east)i6e.G 3 E'nd do you thin6 that Lazarus wi)) rea))y +o!eF 5hH we want to see hi!H ' !an that +o!es 2a+6 ro! death9 what is he )i6eF He !ust 2e dazed9 so!ehow... ri&htened. 4hat does he say o his stay a!on& the deadFG !any as6 ')/haeus o Sarah. EHe is <ust )i6e you and !e. 7heer u)9 )ive)y9 tran=ui). He does not s/ea6 o the other wor)d9 as i he did not re!e!2er. %ut he re!e!2ers his a&ony.G E4hy did you not te)) us that he was hereFG E5 +ourseH To )et you invade the houseH I withdrew !yse) . So!e de)i+a+y is ne+essary9 isn't itFG E%ut when he +o!es 2a+6 wi)) it not 2e /ossi2)e or us to see hi!F Let us 6now. ;ou wi)) +ertain)y 2e the +areta6er o Mary's house9 as usua).G E7ertain)yH It's a &ra+e to 2e near Her. %ut I wi)) not in or! any2ody. ;ou wi)) have to do it yourse)ves. ' wa&on is easi)y seen9 and 8azareth is not 'ntio+h or Jerusa)e! so that su+h a )ar&e wa&on !ay /ass 2y unnoti+ed. Mount &uard... and he)/ yourse)ves. %ut that is so!ethin& vain. 0nsure at )east that His town !ay not have the re/utation o 2ein& oo)ish 2y 2e)ievin& the words o our Jesus' ene!ies. $on't 2e)ieve the!H $on't 2e)ieve those who say that He is Satan or those who /rovo6e you to rise in His na!e. ;ou wou)d re/ent one day. Then i the rest o ,a)i)ee a)) into the tra/ and 2e)ieve what is not true9 so !u+h the worse or the!. ,ood2ye. I a! &oin& 2e+ause it is &ettin& dar6...G 'nd he &oes away ha//i)y9 havin& de ended Jesus. The others re!ain to dis+uss. %ut a)thou&h they are divided into two ie)ds and the !ore nu!erous is un ortunate)y the one o those who swa))ow everythin&9 the /ro/osa)
8&h Fe)!ua!/ $9*8.

o Jesus' ew riends /revai)s in the end9 and they de+ide not to 2e+o!e e3+ited and a++e/t a)se +har&es or invitations to rise unti) the other towns in ,a)i)ee do so9 as Eat /resent they are !ore +unnin& than 8azareth and )au&h in the a)se a!2assadors' a+esG says 'ser9 the dis+i/)e.

Res&#!es &he T#n4ue &# &he Du() S5a0e #1 C5audia P!#'u5a.

1 The !ain s=uare in She+he!. ' +hara+teristi+ trait o s/rin&@ti!e is &iven to it 2y the new o)ia&e o the trees that surround it in a dou2)e row a)on& the s=uare@sha/ed wa))s o the houses9 or!in& a 6ind o &a))ery. The sun /)ays a!on& the tender )eaves o /)ane@trees /ro<e+tin& an e!2roidery o )i&ht and shadows on the &round. The 2asin in the +entre o the s=uare is a si)ver /)ate in the sunshine. 1eo/)e in &rou/s are dis+ussin& their 2usiness here and there. So!e /eo/)e9 who are a//arent)y stran&ers9 as every2ody is as6in& who they are9 +o!e into the s=uare9 they )oo6 round and a//roa+h the irst &rou/ they !eet. They e3+han&e &reetin&s to every2ody's a!aze!ent. %ut when they sayI E4e are dis+i/)es o the Master o 8azarethG a)) !istrust ends and so!e &o to in or! the other &rou/s9 whi)e those who re!ain sayI E$id He send youFG EHe did9 on a very se+ret !ission. The .a22i is in &reat dan&er. 8o one )oves Hi! any !ore in Israe) and He9 4ho is so 6ind9 as6s you at )east to re!ain aith u) to Hi!.G E%ut that is what we wantH 4hat are we to doF 4hat does He want o usFG E5hH He wants nothin& 2ut )ove. %e+ause He re)ies too !u+h in the /rote+tion o ,od. 'nd with what is said in Israe)H %ut you are not aware that He is 2ein& a++used o satanis! and insurre+tion. $o you 6now what that !eansF .e/risa)s o the .o!ans a&ainst every2ody. 'nd we who are a)ready so !isera2)e wi)) 2e stru+6 even harderH 'nd we sha)) 2e +onde!ned 2y the ho)y ones o our Te!/)e. It is +ertain that the .o!ans... 2 ')so or your own sa6e you ou&ht to ta6e a+tion9 and /ersuade Hi! to de end Hi!se) and de end Hi!9 and !a6e it a)!ost9 nay9 !a6e it de inite)y i!/ossi2)e or Hi! to 2e +au&ht and thus 2e har! u)9 havin& no intention o 2ein& so. 1ersuade Hi! to withdraw to the ,erizi!. 4here He is now9 He is sti)) too e3/osed and He does not a//ease the an&er o the Sanhedrin or the sus/i+ions o the .o!ans. The ,erizi! is +ertain)y entit)ed to the ri&ht o san+tuaryH There is no sense in te))in& Hi!. I we to)d Hi! He

5)+.Fa2se Dis3i52es A i,e in She3he.. A& E5h ai. Jesus Res&" es &he T"n1ue &" &he Du.6 S2a,e "- :2audia P "3u2a.


wou)d say that we are anathe!a 2e+ause we advise Hi! to 2e +oward)y. %ut it is not so. It is )ove. It is /ruden+e on our /art. 4e are not a))owed to s/ea6. %ut you +anH He )oves you. He has a)ready /re erred your re&ion to the others. So or&anise yourse)ves to a++e/t Hi!. %e+ause you wi)) at )east ind out or +ertain whether He )oves you or not. I He shou)d re use your assistan+e9 it wou)d !ean that He does not )ove you9 and then it wou)d 2e 2etter i He went e)sewhere. %e+ause9 2e)ieve us J we are te))in& you this with sorrow J His /resen+e is a dan&er or those who &ive Hi! hos/ita)ity. %ut you are9 o +ourse9 the 2est o His ad!irers and you do not worry a2out dan&ers. However9 i you ris6 re/risa)s o the .o!ans9 it is air that you shou)d do so or an e3+han&e o )ove. 4e advise you or every2ody' sa6e.G E;ou are ri&ht. 'nd we wi)) do as you say. 4e sha)) &o to Hi!...G E5hH 2e +are u)H He !ust not 2e+o!e aware that it was our su&&estionHG E$on't worryH $on't 2e a raidH 4e 6now what to do. 5 +ourseH 4e wi)) )et /eo/)e see that the des/ised Sa!aritans are worth a hundred9 a thousand Judaeans and ,a)i)eans to de end the 7hrist. 7o!e. 7o!e to our houses9 you !essen&ers o the Lord. It wi)) 2e the sa!e as i He +a!e to usH Sa!aria has 2een waitin& or su+h a )on& ti!e to 2e )oved 2y ,od's servantsHG

The wa&on re!ains where it was. The so)diers o))ow the )itter as ar as the 2an6s o the strea! and 2ar the way. 5n)y the )itter /ro+eeds a)on& the strea! as ar as the is)et9 whi+h in the /ro+ess o the season has 2e+o!e we))@woodedI a hu&e i!/enetra2)e tu t o &reenery sur!ounted 2y the trun6 and the si)very o)ia&e o the /o/)ar. 't an order the 2earers with tu+6ed u/ &ar!ents enter the water and the )itter +rosses to the other side o the )itt)e water +ourse. 7)audia 1ro+u)a +o!es out o it with a reedwo!an9 and 7)audia 2e+6ons a dar6 s)ave es+ortin& the )itter to o))ow her. The others &o 2a+6 to the 2an6 o the strea!. 4 7)audia9 o))owed 2y the two /eo/)e9 /ro+eeds into the is)et9 towards the /o/)ar standin& out in the +entre. The ta)) &rass sti )es the noise o ste/s. She thus arrives where Jesus is a2sor2ed in thou&ht9 sittin& at the oot o the tree. She +a))s Hi! advan+in& 2y herse) whi)e with an authoritative &esture she !a6es her two aith u) attendants sto/ where they are. Jesus )oo6s u/ and He stands u/ at on+e as soon as He sees the wo!an. He &reets her ho)din& Hi!se) u/ri&ht a&ainst the trun6 o the /o/)ar. He does not a//ear to 2e astonished9 or annoyed or irritated at the intrusion.

' ter &reetin& Hi!9 7)audia enters into the su2<e+t /ro!/t)yI EMaster. So!e /eo/)e have +o!e to !e9 or rather to 1ontius... I do not !a6e )on& s/ee+hes. %ut as I ad!ire They &o away 6ee/in& in the !idd)e o their &rou/ those who! I do not thin6 I a! ;ou9 I say to ;ou what I wou)d have said to So+rates9 i I had )ived in his days9 or to !ista6en in +a))in& e!issaries o the Sanhedrin9 and they sayI E4e rea)ise that He )oves any other virtuous !an un<ust)y /erse+utedI CI +annot do very !u+h9 2ut I wi)) do what us 2e+ause this is the se+ond &rou/ o dis+i/)es that He has sent to us in a ew days. I +an.D 'nd in the !eanti!e I wi)) write where it is /ossi2)e or !e to do so9 to have 'nd we did the ri&ht thin& in 2ein& 6ind to the irst one. It is ri&ht to 2e so 6ind to Hi! ;ou /rote+ted... and to !a6e ;ou /ower u). So !any undeservin& /eo/)e )ive on 2e+ause o the )itt)e +hi)dren o that dead wo!an o our townH He 6nows us 2y now...G thrones or in hi&h /ositions...G 'nd they &o away )oo6in& ha//y. E$o!ina9 I have not as6ed honours and /rote+tion o you. May the true ,od reward @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ you or your thou&ht. %ut &ive your honours and /rote+tion to those who )on& or the!. I do not +rave a ter the!.G 3 ')) the /eo/)e o 0/hrai! /our into the streets to see the unusua) event o a /ro+ession o .o!an wa&ons /assin& throu&h the town. There are !any wa&ons and E'hH There ;ou areH That is what I wantedH So ;ou rea))y are the Just Man I oresawH +overed )itters9 )an6ed with s)aves and /re+eded and o))owed 2y )e&ionaries. The 'nd the others9 ;our worth)ess s)anderersH They +a!e to us and...G /eo/)e !a6e &estures o !utua) understandin& and whis/er. 4hen the /ro+ession arrives at the +rossroad or %ethe) and .a!ah it se/arates into two /arts. ' wa&on and a E;ou need not te)) Me9 do!ina. I 6now.G )itter sto/ with an es+ort o ar!ed !en9 whi)e the rest &o on. E$o ;ou a)so 6now that they say that 2e+ause o ;our sins ;ou have )ost a)) /ower and The +urtains o the )itter are drawn or a !o!ent and a )ady's white hand studded with +onse=uent)y ;ou )ive here as an out+astFG &e!s 2e+6ons the head o the s)aves to &o near it. The !an o2eys without s/ea6in&. He EI 6now that9 too. 'nd I 6now that it was easier or you to 2e)ieve the )atter ru!our )istens. He a//roa+hes a &rou/ o +urious wo!en and as6sI E4here is the .a22i o than the or!er. %e+ause your heathen !ind +an des+ry the hu!an /ower or the hu!an 8azarethFG !eanness o a !an9 2ut it +annot yet understand what is the /ower o the s/irit. ;ou EHe )ives in that house. %ut at this ti!e o the day He is usua))y at the strea!. There is are... disa//ointed 2y your &ods who in your re)i&ion a//ear to 2e =uarre))in& a )itt)e is)and there9 near those wi))ow@trees9 over there9 where that /o/)ar is. He stays +ontinuous)y and to have su+h a ai)in& /ower9 su2<e+t to easy interdi+tions 2e+ause o there /rayin& a)) day )on&.G The !an &oes 2a+6 and re/orts. The )itter sets out a&ain. their re+i/ro+a) +ontrasts. 'nd you thin6 that the true ,od is the sa!e. %ut it is not so.

5)+.Fa2se Dis3i52es A i,e in She3he.. A& E5h ai. Jesus Res&" es &he T"n1ue &" &he Du.6 S2a,e "- :2audia P "3u2a.


's I was the irst ti!e you saw Me +ure a )e/er9 su+h I a! now. 'nd su+h I sha)) 2e when I a//ear to 2e +o!/)ete)y destroyed. 5 That is your du!2 s)ave9 is it notFG E;es9 Master.G ETe)) hi! to +o!e orward.G 7)audia utters a +ry and the !an !oves orward and /rostrates hi!se) on the &round 2etween Jesus and his !istress. His /oor heart o a sava&e does not 6now who! he shou)d venerate !ore. He is a raid that to venerate the 7hrist !ore than his !istress !ay +ause hi! to 2e /unished. %ut even so9 a ter +astin& a su//)iant &)an+e at 7)audia9 he re/eats the &esture he !ade at 7aesareaI he ta6es Jesus' 2are oot in his 2i& dar6 hands and stoo/in& with his a+e on the &round he )ays the oot on his head. E$o!ina9 )isten. '++ordin& to you9 is it easier or a !an to +on=uer a 6in&do! 2y hi!se) 9 or to !a6e &row a&ain a /art that no )on&er e3ists o a hu!an 2odyFG ETo +on=uer a 6in&do!9 Master. (ortune avours the 2rave. %ut no one9 that is9 on)y ;ou +an !a6e a dead !an revive and &ive eyes to the 2)ind.G E4hyFG E%e+ause... %e+ause ,od +an do everythin&.G

an instru!ent so ar !ute9 a &uttura) 2ut +)ear +ry re/)iesI EJesusHG and the ne&ro a))s to the &round wee/in& or <oy and he )i+6s9 he rea))y )i+6s Jesus 2are eet9 <ust as a &rate u) do& wou)d do. EHave I )ost My /ower9 do!inaF ,ive this re/)y to those who throw out su+h innuen@ dos. 'nd you... stand u/ and 2e &ood thin6in& how !u+h I have )oved you. I have had you in My heart sin+e that day at 7aesarea. 'nd with you a)) those )i6e you9 who are re&arded as &oods9 +onsidered in erior even to 2rutes9 whereas you are !en9 e=ua) to 7aesar9 2y +on+e/tion and /ro2a2)y 2etter 2e+ause o the &ood wi)) o your hearts... 6 ;ou !ay withdraw9 do!ina... There is nothin& e)se to 2e said.G E;es. There is so!ethin&. There is the a+t that I dou2ted... that I9 with &rie 9 a)!ost 2e)ieved what they said a2out ;ou. 'nd I was not the on)y one. (or&ive us a))9 e3+e/t Ba)eria9 who has never +han&ed her !ind9 nay9 nay her !ind is !ore deter!ined than ever. 'nd there is !y &i t to 2e a++e/tedI this !an. He +ou)d no )on&er serve !e now that he +an s/ea69 and !y !oney.G E8o9 neither.G ESo9 are ;ou not or&ivin& !eFG

EI or&ive a)so those o My /eo/)e9 who are twi+e &ui)ty o not 6nowin& Me or what I a!. 'nd shou)d I not or&ive a)) o you9 de/rived as you are o a)) divine 6now)ed&eF ESo a++ordin& to you I a! ,odFG Here. I said that I wou)d not a++e/t your !oney or the !an. I wi)) now a++e/t 2oth and with the !oney I wi)) ree the !an. I &ive your !oney 2a+6 to you 2e+ause I a! 2uyin& E;es... or9 at )east ,od is with ;ou.G the !an. 'nd I a! 2uyin& hi! to !a6e hi! ree9 so that he !ay &o 2a+6 to his +ountry E7an ,od 2e with a wi+6ed /ersonF I a! ta)6in& o the true ,od9 not o your ido)s that to say that on the 0arth there is the Man 4ho )oves a)) !en9 and the !ore He sees their are the renzy o those who see6 what they /er+eive to e3ist without 6nowin& what it is9 unha//iness the !ore He )oves the!. :ee/ your /urse.G and they i!a&ine /hanto!s to satis y their sou)s.G E8o9 Master9 it is ;ours. The !an is ree <ust the sa!e. He is !ine. I have &iven hi! to E8o... I wou)d not say so. 0ven our /riests )ose their /ower as soon as they a)) into ;ou. ;ou are reein& hi!. 8o !oney is needed or that.G sin.G E4e))... Have you a na!eFG He as6s the !an. E4hi+h /owerFG E4e used to +a)) hi! 7a))isto s+o in&)y. %ut when he was +au&ht...G E4e))... the /ower to read the si&ns o the s6y and the res/onses o vi+ti!s9 the )i&hts EIt does not !atter. :ee/ that na!e9 and !a6e it rea) 2y 2e+o!in& very handso!e in and sin&in& o 2irds. ;ou 6now... 'u&urs9 harus/i+es...G your s/irit K1L. ,o. %e ha//y 2e+ause ,od has saved you.G EI 6now. SoF Loo6. .aise your head and o/en your !outh9 !an9 who! a +rue) hu!an ,oH The ne&ro does not tire o 6issin& and sayin&I EJesusH JesusHG and he )ays Jesus' /ower de/rived o a &i t o ,od. 'nd 2y the wi)) o the true9 on)y ,od9 the 7reator o oot on+e a&ain on his head sayin&I E;ou. My on)y Master.G /er e+t 2odies9 have what !an too6 away ro! you.G He has /ut His white in&er into the o/en !outh o the du!2 !an. The reedwo!an9 who is very +urious9 +annot re!ain where she is9 and she +o!es orward to see. 7)audia has 2owed to wat+h. Jesus re!oves His in&er shoutin&I ES/ea69 and !a6e use o the re2orn /art to /raise the true ,od.G 'nd9 a)) o a sudden9 )i6e the 2)ast o a tru!/et9 o EI. ;our true (ather. $o!ina9 you wi)) ta6e u/on yourse) to )et hi! &o 2a+6 to his +ountry. ?se the !oney or that and &ive hi! the rest. ,ood2ye9 do!ina. 'nd never )isten to the voi+es o dar6ness. %e <ust. 'nd strive to 6now Me. ,ood2ye9 7a))isto. ,ood2ye9 wo!an.G

5)+.Fa2se Dis3i52es A i,e in She3he.. A& E5h ai. Jesus Res&" es &he T"n1ue &" &he Du.6 S2a,e "- :2audia P "3u2a.


'nd Jesus /uts an end to the +onversation 2y <u!/in& a+ross the strea! to the side o//osite to the one where the )itter is and He disa//ears a!on& the 2ushes9 the wi))ows and the reed thi+6ets.

har!onious)y into a s!e)) that wi)) )ast throu&hout su!!er unti) it +han&es into the stron& ree6 o !ust in the vats where the s=uashed &ra/es 2e+o!e wine. There is a )oud +horus o 2irds sin&in& a!on& trees9 and an ea&er 2)eatin& o ra!s a!on& herds. 'nd the sin&in& o !en a)on& s)o/es. 'nd the +heer u) voi+es o +hi)dren. 'nd the s!i)es o 7 7)audia +a))s the )itter 2earers and enters the )itter a&ain with a /ensive +ountenan+e. wo!en It is s/rin&ti!e. 8ature is in )ove. 'nd !an &ets /)easure ro! the )ove o %ut i she is si)ent9 the reedwo!an and the ree s)ave ta)6 as !u+h as ten /eo/)e and nature9 whi+h wi)) !a6e hi! wea)thier short)y9 and he ta6es de)i&ht in his own )ove9 even the )e&ionaries or&et their ri&id dis+i/)ine in the /resen+e o the wonder o a whi+h 2e+o!es )ive)ier in su+h serene reviva)9 and his wi e see!s !ore )ovin& to hi!9 re2orn ton&ue. 7)audia is too a2sor2ed in thou&ht to order the! to 2e si)ent. .e+)ined in whi)e he a//ears to 2e a &reater /rote+tor to his wi e9 and their +hi)dren dear to 2oth o the )itter9 one e)2ow restin& on /i))ows9 her head su//orted 2y her hand9 she does not the!9 as at /resent they are their <oy and their +are9 and in uture9 when they are o)d9 hear anythin&. She is en&rossed in thou&ht. She does not even noti+e that the they wi)) 2e the <oy and /rote+tion o their de+)inin& a&e. reedwo!an is not with her 2ut is +hatterin& )i6e a !a&/ie9 with the )itter 2earers whi)e 7a))isto is s/ea6in& to the )e&ionaries who9 i they 6ee/ )ined u/9 do not 6ee/ si)ent. Jesus /asses a)on& the ie)ds that rise or s)o/e downwards o))owin& the in+)ination o They are too e3+ited to do soH the !ountain. He is a)one. He is wearin& a )inen &ar!ent9 as He &ave His )ast woo))en one to Sa!ue)9 and a rather 2ri&ht@2)ue !ant)e thrown over one shou)der9 so t)y ,oin& 2a+6 the sa!e way9 they arrive at the %ethe) and .a!ah +rossroadsM the )itter enve)o/ed round His 2ody and he)d 2y His ar! a+ross His +hest. The stri/ +overin& His )eaves 0/hrai! to <oin the rest o the /ro+ession. ar! )utters &ent)y in the )i&ht 2reeze and as He is 2are@headed9 His hair shines in the @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ sunshine. He &oes 2y and where there are +hi)dren He 2ends to +aress their )itt)e inno+ent heads and to )isten to their )itt)e se+rets9 ad!irin& what they hasten to show K1L 7a))isto is in a+t a ,ree6 word !eanin& Every 2eauti u)9 very handso!eG. Hi! as i they were treasures. 2 ' )itt)e &ir)9 who is so s!a)) that she sti)) stu!2)es when runnin& and &ets entan&)ed in the )itt)e s6irt that is too )on& or her as she /ro2a2)y inherited it ro! a 2rother 2orn 2e ore her9 arrives near Jesus with a s!i)e that !a6es her eyes shine and dis/)ays her tiny in+isors 2etween her /in6 )i/s. She is +arryin& a 2un+h o daisies9 a 2i& 2un+h he)d with 2oth hands9 as !any as her tender tiny hands +an ho)d9 and she ho)ds u/ her tro/hy sayin&I ETa6e itH It's ;ours. To !u!!y )ater. ' 6iss9 hereHG and with her )itt)e hands9 now ree9 as Jesus has ta6en the )itt)e 2un+h than6in& her with words o ad!iration9 she tou+hes her )i/s and she stands on her 2are eet9 with her head 2ent 2a+6wards9 a)!ost )osin& her 2a)an+e9 in the vain e ort to stret+h her tiny /erson u/ to the a+e o Jesus9 4ho )au&hs /i+6in& her u/ in His ar!s and ta6in& her9 nest)ed u/ there )i6e a )itt)e 2ird on a ta)) tree9 towards a &rou/ o wo!en who are stee/in& new /ie+es o +)oth in the +)ear water o a strea!9 to )ay the! out in the sunshine )ater9 to 2)ea+h the!. The wo!en9 2ent over the water9 stand u/ &reetin& and one o the! says s!i)in&I ETa!ar has 2een &ivin& trou2)e to ;ou... %ut she has 2een /i+6in& )owers here sin+e dawn in the se+ret ho/e o seein& ;ou /ass 2y. She wou)d not &ive !e one as she wanted to &ive the! to ;ou irst.G EThey are dearer to Me than the treasures o 6in&s. %e+ause they are as inno+ent as +hi)dren and have 2een &iven to Me 2y one who is as inno+ent as a )ower.G He 6isses the )itt)e &ir) /uttin& her down9 and He &reets her sayin&I EMay the &ra+e o the Lord +o!e to you.G He &reets the wo!en and &oes on His way &reetin& the /easants or she/herds who wave to Hi! ro! ie)ds or !eadows.

5+2. The .an #1 Ja)nee5.

8&h Fe)!ua!/ $9*8

1 Severa) days !ust have &one 2y. I a! sayin& so 2e+ause I see that the +orn9 whi+h in the )ast visions was hard)y a s/an hi&h9 a ter the )ast down/our and the )ove)y sunshine that o))owed it9 is a)ready ta)) and is a2out to &ive ear. 7erea)s9 sti)) tender in their +a)a!i9 are waved 2y a )i&ht 2reeze9 that /)ays with the new )eaves o the ear)y ruit trees9 whi+h a ter 2)osso!in& or whi)e the /eta)s )utter a2out and a))9 have a)ready o/ened their )i&ht@e!era)d tender shiny )itt)e )eaves9 as 2eauti u) as everythin& that is /ure and new. The vines9 sti)) 2are and 6notty9 2)osso! )ater9 2ut on the twisted vine@ shoots9 whi+h inter)a+e with one another ro! trun6 to trun69 the 2uds have a)ready 2urst the dar6 2ar6 that +ontained the!9 and9 a)thou&h sti)) +)osed in it9 they dis/)ay the si)ver@&rey down that is the nest or uture new vine@)eaves and tendri)s9 and the woody twisted estoon@)i6e 2ran+hes see! to 2e so tened 2y a resh &ra+e u)ness. The sun9 whi+h is a)ready war!9 has 2e&un its a+tion 2y +o)ourin& everythin& and disti))in& ve&eta2)e essen+es9 and whi)e with 2ri&hter hues it /aints what on)y a ew days a&o )oo6ed /a)er9 it war!s and thus e3tra+ts various ty/es o s+ents ro! +)ods o earth9 ro! )owery !eadows9 ro! ie)ds o +erea)s9 ro! ve&eta2)e &ardens and or+hards9 ro! woods9 ro! wa))s9 ro! the very +)othes han&in& to dry9 2)endin& the!

5)2. The 'an "- Ja6nee2.


3 He see!s to 2e &oin& down to the )ower /art o the +ountry9 towards Jeri+ho. %ut He +o!es 2a+6 and ta6es another /ath that +)i!2s on+e a&ain towards the !ountains to the north o 0/hrai!. The +ro/s here are even !ore 2eauti u)9 as the soi) is in a !ore avoura2)e /osition and she)tered ro! northern winds. The /ath runs 2etween two ie)ds and in one o the! there are ruit trees /)anted a)!ost at re&u)ar interva)s9 and the 2uds o the ear)y ruits are a)ready )i6e /ear)s on the 2ran+hes. ' road des+endin& ro! north to south +rosses the /ath. It !ust 2e a rather i!/ortant road 2e+ause at the +rossroads there is one o the !i)estones used 2y the .o!ans9 withI E8ea/o)isG en&raved on its northern side9 in the )ar&e )a/idary )etters o the Latins9 and stron& )i6e the!9 and under it9 in !u+h s!a))er )etters <ust s+rat+hed on the stoneI EShe+he!GM on the western sideI EShi)oh@Jerusa)e!GM and on the southern oneI EJeri+hoG. There is no na!e on the eastern side. %ut one +ou)d say that i there is no na!e o any town9 there is the na!e o a hu!an !is ortune. %e+ause on the &round9 2etween the !i)estone and the dit+h a)on& the road9 du& to drain rain@water9 as in a)) the roads )oo6ed a ter 2y the .o!ans9 there is a !an9 2enu!2ed9 a 2und)e o ra&s and 2ones9 /ro2a2)y dead. Jesus 2ends over hi! when He sees hi! a!on& the weeds that s/rin&ti!e down/ours have !ade )u3uriant in the dit+h and He tou+hes hi! as6in&I EManF 4hat is the !atter with youFG ' !oan is the answer. %ut the tan&)e !oves9 unro))s and an e!a+iated a+e9 as white as death9 a//ears and two tired9 su erin& )an&uid eyes )oo6 u)) o astonish!ent at Hi! 4ho is 2ent over his !isery. He tries to sit u/ /ressin& his e!a+iated hands a&ainst the &round9 2ut he is so wea6 that he wou)d not su++eed without Jesus' he)/. Jesus he)/s hi! and /ro/s hi! with his 2a+6 a&ainst the !i)estone. 'nd He as6s hi!I E4hat is the !atter with youF 're you i))FG E;es.G ' very aint EyesG. E%ut why did you set out a)) a)one9 in this stateF Have you not &ot any2odyFG The !an nods assent9 2ut he is too wea6 to re/)y. 4 Jesus )oo6s around. There is no2ody in the ie)ds. The /)a+e is rea))y deserted. To the north9 a)!ost at the to/ o a hi))9 there is a s!a)) &rou/ o housesM to the west9 a!on& the &reen ve&etation o the s)o/e that rises with !ore hi))o+6s where ie)ds are re/)a+ed 2y !eadows and woods9 there are so!e herds!en a!on& a )o+6 o rest)ess &oats. Jesus )oo6s at the !an a&ain and as6s hi!I EI I su//orted you9 do you thin6 you wou)d 2e a2)e to +o!e to that vi))a&eFG

&athers his stren&th to sayI EThey drove !e away... (ear o )e/rosy... I a! not... 'nd I a! dyin&... o hun&er.G He /ants out o wea6ness. He /uts a in&er into his !outh and /u))s out a &reenish /u)/9 sayin&I ELoo6... I have 2een +hewin& +orn... 2ut it is sti)) &reen &rass.G EI a! &oin& to that she/herd. I wi)) 2rin& you so!e war! !i)6. I sha)) not 2e )on&.G 'nd He a)!ost runs where the )o+6 is9 a2out two hundred !etres a2ove the road. He arrives at the she/herd9 He s/ea6s to hi! and shows hi! where the !an is. The she/herd turns round to )oo69 he see!s unde+ided whether he shou)d +o!/)y with Jesus' re=uest. He then !a6es u/ his !ind. He deta+hes ro! his 2e)t the wooden 2ow) that he +arries )i6e a)) she/herds9 he !i)6s a &oat and &ives the u)) 2ow) to Jesus9 4ho &oes down the s)o/e +autious)y9 o))owed 2y a 2oy who was with the she/herd. He is now on+e a&ain near the starvin& !an. He 6nee)s 2eside hi!9 He /asses one ar! round his 2a+6 to su//ort hi! and ta6es the 2ow)9 in whi+h the !i)6 is sti)) +overed with oa!9 +)ose to his )i/s. He !a6es hi! ta6e s!a)) si/s. He then )ays the 2ow) on the &round sayin&I EThat is enou&h now. I you ta6e it a)) at on+e9 it wi)) hurt you. Let your sto!a+h re+over so!e stren&th with the !i)6 I &ave you.G The !an does not /rotest. He +)oses his eyes and is si)ent9 whi)e the 2oy )oo6s at hi! with !u+h sur/rise. ' ter so!e ti!e Jesus o ers hi! the +u/ a&ain or a )on&er drin6 and He &oes on thus9 at shorter and shorter interva)s9 unti) there is no !i)6 )e t. He hands the 2ow) 2a+6 to the 2oy and dis!isses hi!. 5 The !an re+overs s)ow)y. 4ith &estures that are sti)) sha6y he tries to tidy hi!se) so!ehow. He s!i)es with &ratitude )oo6in& at Jesus 4ho has sat down on the &rass 2eside hi!. He a/o)o&ises sayin&I EI !a6e ;ou )ose ;our ti!e.G E$o not worryH The ti!e s/ent in )ovin& one's 2rothers is never )ost. 4hen you ee) 2etter we sha)) s/ea6.G EI a! ee)in& 2etter. My 2ody is war!in& u/ and !y eyes... I thou&ht I was &oin& to die here... My /oor +hi)drenH I had )ost a)) ho/e... 'nd u/ to that !o!ent I had ho/ed so !u+hH... I ;ou had not +o!e9 I wou)d have died... <ust )i6e that... a)on& the road...G EIt wou)d have 2een very sad. That is true. %ut the Most Hi&h )oo6ed at His son and assisted hi!. Have a )itt)e rest now.G The !an o2eys or so!e ti!e. Then he o/ens his eyes a&ain and he saysI EI ee) a new !an. 5hH I wish I +ou)d &o to 0/hrai!HG

The !an sha6es his head and two tears strea! down his +hee6s that are so withered that E4hyF Have you &ot anyone there waitin& or youF $o you +o!e ro! 0/hrai!FG they see! wrin6)ed 2y a&e9 whereas his raven 2eard /roves that he is sti)) youn&. He E8o9 I +o!e ro! the +ountry o Ja2nee)9 near the ,reat Sea. %ut I went to ,a)i)ee9

5)2. The 'an "- Ja6nee2.


a)on& the shores9 as ar as 7aesarea. Then I went to 8azareth. %e+ause I have a disease here Khe tou+hes his sto!a+hL. ' disease that no one +an +ure and it does not )et !e wor6 the )and. 'nd I a! a widower. 4ith ive +hi)dren... ' !an ro! our /)a+e9 2e+ause I was 2orn at ,aza9 o a 1hi)istine ather and o a Syro@1hoeni+ian !other9 a !an o our /)a+e was a o))ower o the ,a)i)ean .a22i and he +a!e to us with another !an9 and s/o6e to us o the .a22i. I heard hi!9 too. 'nd when I was ta6en i)) I saidI I a! a Syrian and a 1hi)istine9 )oathso!e to Israe). %ut 0r!asteus used to say that the .a22i o ,a)i)ee is as &ood as He is /ower u). 'nd I 2e)ieve it. 'nd I a! &oin& to Hi!.D 'nd as soon as the weather i!/roved I )e t the +hi)dren to the !other o !y wi e9 I too6 !y ew savin&s9 2e+ause !any had 2een s/ent or !y disease9 and I +a!e )oo6in& or the .a22i. %ut !oney does not )ast )on& when one trave)s. 1arti+u)ar)y when one +annot eat a)) 6inds o ood... and one has to sto/ at inns when /ains /revent one ro! trave))in&. 't Se/horis I so)d !y don6ey 2e+ause I had no !ore !oney )e t or !yse) and to &ive what was due to the .a22i. I thou&ht that on+e I was +ured9 I wou)d 2e a2)e to eat everythin& on the road and thus &o 2a+6 ho!e =ui+6)y. 'nd wor6in& there in !y ie)ds and in those o other /eo/)e I ho/ed I wou)d !a6e u/ or what I had )ost... %ut the .a22i is neither at 8azareth nor at 7a/ernau!. His Mother to)d !e. She saidI CHe is in Judaea. Loo6 or Hi! at the house o Jose/h o Se/horis at %ezetha or at ,ethse!ane. They wi)) 2e a2)e to te)) you where He is.D I +a!e 2a+69 on oot. I was &ettin& worse and worse... and !y !oney was di!inishin&. 't Jerusa)e!9 where I had 2een to)d to &o9 I ound the /eo/)e 2ut not the .a22i. They said to !eI C5hH They drove Hi! away a )on& ti!e a&o. He is +ursed 2y the Sanhedrin. He ran away 2ut we do not 6now where.D I... e)t as i I were dyin&... <ust )i6e today. 8ay9 !ore than today. I in=uired o hundreds and hundreds o /eo/)e in town and in the +ountry. 8o one 6new. So!e we/t with !e. Many stru+6 !e. Then one day9 when I 2e&an to 2e& outside the en+)osure o the Te!/)e9 I heard two 1harisees sayI C8ow that we 6now that Jesus o 8azareth is at 0/hrai!ND I )ost no ti!e9 and wea6 as I was I +a!e here9 2e&&in& or so!e 2read9 and I was !ore and !ore in ra&s and si+6 )oo6in&. 'nd as I was not a!i)iar with the road9 I too6 the wron& one... Today I +a!e ro! there9 ro! that vi))a&e. (or two days I had su+6ed nothin& 2ut wi)d enne)s9 and I had +hewed +hi+ory and &reen +orn. They thou&ht I was a )e/er 2e+ause o !y /a))or and they drove !e away /e)tin& !e with stones. I was on)y as6in& or a /ie+e o 2read and to show !e the road to 0/hrai!... I e)) here... %ut I wou)d )i6e to &o to 0/hrai!. I a! so +)ose to !y &oa)H Is it /ossi2)e that I shou)d not rea+h itF 6 I 2e)ieve in the .a22i. I a! not an Israe)ite. %ut neither was 0r!asteus9 and He )oved hi! <ust the sa!e. Is it /ossi2)e that the ,od o Israe) !ay treat !e with a heavy hand to reven&e Hi!se) or the sins o those who /ro+reated !eFG EThe true ,od is the (ather o !en. He is <ust9 2ut &ood. He rewards those who have aith and does not !a6e inno+ents /ay or sins not +o!!itted 2y the!. %ut why did you say that when you heard that the residen+e o the .a22i was un6nown9 you e)t as i you were dyin& !ore than you were todayFG

E0hH 2e+ause I saidI CI have )ost Hi! even 2e ore indin& Hi!''.G E'hH 2e+ause o your hea)thHG E8o. 8ot on)y or that. %ut 2e+ause 0r!asteus said +ertain thin&s a2out Hi! that I thou&ht that i I 2e+a!e a+=uainted with Hi!9 I wou)d no )on&er 2e +orru/t.G ESo9 do you 2e)ieve that He is the MessiahFG EI do 2e)ieve it. I do not 6now e3a+t)y what the Messiah is9 2ut I 2e)ieve that the .a22i o 8azareth is the Son o ,od.G Jesus' s!i)e is 2ri&ht when He as6sI E'nd are you sure that i He is su+h9 He wi)) hear you9 a)thou&h you are not +ir+u!+isedFG EI a! +ertain 2e+ause 0r!asteus said so. He saidI CHe is the Saviour o a)) !en. 's ar as He is +on+erned there are no He2rews or ido)aters. %ut on)y +reatures to 2e saved 2e+ause the Lord ,od has sent Hi! or that.D Many )au&hed. I 2e)ieved. I I +an say to Hi!I CJesus9 have !er+y on !eD9 He wi)) hear !e. 5hH i ;ou +o!e ro! 0/hrai!9 ta6e !e to Hi!. 1erha/s ;ou are one o His dis+i/)es...G Jesus s!i)es !ore and !ore and He su&&estsI ETry and as6 Me to +ure you...G 7 E;ou are &ood9 !an. There is so !u+h /ea+e near ;ou. ;es9 ;ou are as &ood as... the .a22i Hi!se) 9 and He has +ertain)y &ranted ;ou the /ower to wor6 !ira+)es9 2e+ause to 2e as &ood as ;ou are9 ;ou +an 2ut 2e one o His dis+i/)es. I have ound a)) those9 who to)d !e they were su+h9 to 2e &ood. %ut do not 2e o ended i I say to ;ou that ;ou !ay 2e a2)e to +ure 2odies9 2ut not sou)s. 'nd I wou)d )i6e a)so !y sou) to 2e +ured9 as it ha//ened to 0r!asteus. To 2e+o!e a <ust !an... 'nd on)y the .a22i +an do that. I a! a sinner 2esides 2ein& diseased. I do not want to 2e +ured in !y 2ody and then die one day a)so with !y sou). I want to )ive. 0r!asteus said that the .a22i is the Li e o the sou) and that the sou) that 2e)ieves in Hi! )ives or &ood in the :in&do! o ,od. Ta6e !e to the .a22i. %e &oodH 4hy are ;ou s!i)in&F 1ro2a2)y 2e+ause ;ou thin6 that I a! 2o)d in wantin& to 2e +ured without 2ein& a2)e to &ive an o erin&F %ut on+e I a! +ured I sha)) 2e a2)e to +u)tivate the )and on+e a&ain. I have 2eauti u) ruit. Let the .a22i +o!e when the ruit ri/ens and I wi)) /ay Hi! with hos/ita)ity as )on& as He wishes.G E4ho to)d you that the .a22i wants !oneyF 0r!asteusFG E8o. 5n the +ontrary he used to say that the .a22i ta6es /ity on the /oor and He assists the! irst. %ut that is the +usto! with a)) do+tors and... and with every2ody9 in short.G E%ut not with Hi!. I +an assure you. 'nd I te)) you that i you +an ur&e your aith to as6 or the !ira+)e here9 and to 2e)ieve it /ossi2)e9 you wi)) have it.G EIs what ;ou say trueF... 're ;ou sureF 5 +ourse9 i ;ou are one o His dis+i/)es you

5)2. The 'an "- Ja6nee2.


+annot )ie or 2e wron&. 'nd a)thou&h I a! sorry not to see the .a22i...9 I want to o2ey ;ou... 1erha/s9 /erse+uted as He is... He does not want to 2e seen... He trusts no one any )on&er. ;ou are ri&ht. %ut we sha)) not 2e the ones who wi)) ruin Hi!. It wi)) 2e the true He2rews... %ut9 we)). I say here Khe 6nee)s down with di i+u)tyLI CJesus9 Son o ,od9 have !er+y on !eHDG E'nd )et it 2e done to you as your aith deservesG says Jesus !a6in& His &esture o authority over diseases. The !an see!s to 2e dazz)ed as i he were stru+6 2y a sudden )i&ht. The !an rea)ises J I do not 6now whether throu&h a )ash o his inte))e+t or throu&h a /hysi+a) sensation or throu&h 2oth at the sa!e ti!e J who is the Man 4ho is 2e ore hi!9 and he utters su+h a shri)) +ry that the herds!an9 who had +o!e down towards the road /ro2a2)y to see9 =ui+6ens his /a+e.

re!ar6a2)e )eanness is the si&n o his /ast disease and /rivations. In the !eanti!e !any /eo/)e are +o!in& down ro! the )itt)e vi))a&e shoutin& and &esti+u)atin&. They +a)) Jesus. They te)) Hi! to sto/. Jesus does not )isten to the!9 on the +ontrary He =ui+6ens His /a+e. 'nd they o))ow Hi!... 9 There He is on+e a&ain near 0/hrai!. The /easants who are &ettin& ready to &o ho!e9 as the sun is 2e&innin& to set9 &reet Hi! and )oo6 at the !an who is with Hi!. Judas o :erioth a//ears sudden)y ro! a )ane. He starts with sur/rise seein& the Master. %ut Jesus does not show any sur/rise. He on)y addresses the !an sayin&I EThis is one o My dis+i/)es. Te)) hi! a2out 0r!asteus.G

E0hH it is soon said. He was untirin& in /rea+hin& the 7hrist9 a)so a ter he de+ided to /art ro! his +o!/anion to stay with us. He said that we are in &reater need than any@ 2ody e)se to 6now ;ou9 .a22i9 and that he wanted to !a6e ;ou 6nown to his ather@ The !an is on the &round with his a+e in the &rass. 'nd the herds!an /ointin& at hi! with his +roo6 as6sI EIs he deadF More than !i)6 is re=uired when a !an is done orHG )and9 and that he wou)d &o 2a+6 to ;ou a ter he had announ+ed ;our na!e /u2)i+)y in a)) the s!a))est vi))a&es. He )ived )i6e a /enitent. I so!e /iti u) /eo/)e &ave hi! so!e and he sha6es his head. 2read he 2)essed the! in ;our na!e. I they threw stones at hi!9 he wou)d withdraw The !an hears and stands u/9 stron& and hea)thy. He shoutsI E$eadF I a! +uredH I a! a 2)essin& the! <ust the sa!e9 and he ed on wi)d ruit or on sea !o))us6s that he /i+6ed new !an. He has done this to !e. I a! no )on&er )an&uishin& with hun&er or su erin& o ree s or he du& in the sand. Many said that he was C!adD. %ut no2ody rea))y hated ro! any disease. I ee) as I did the day I &ot !arriedH 5hH 2)essed JesusH How did I not hi!. 't !ost they drove hi! away as i he were a !an o i)) o!en. 5ne day they ound re+o&nise ;ou 2e oreFH ;our /ity shou)d have to)d !e ;our na!eH The /ea+e I hi! dead a)on& a road9 not ar ro! !y /)a+e9 on the road that ta6es one into Judaea9 e3/erien+ed near ;ouH It was si))y o !e. (or&ive ;our /oor servantHG 'nd he throws a)!ost at the 2order. It has never 2een ound out o what he died. %ut the ru!our is that hi!se) on the &round on+e a&ain9 worshi//in&. he was 6i))ed 2y so!e2ody who did not want the Messiah to 2e /rea+hed. He had a )ar&e wound on his head. They said that he had 2een tra!/)ed 2y a horse. %ut I do not The herds!an )eaves his &oats and &oes towards the )itt)e vi))a&e runnin& and <u!/in&. 2e)ieve that. He sti)) s!i)ed stret+hed out on the dust o the road. ;es. He rea))y see!ed to 2e s!i)in& at the )ast stars o the +)earest ni&ht in the !onth o 0)u) and at the risin& 8 Jesus sits down near the +ured !an and saysI E;ou were s/ea6in& to Me o 0r!asteus9 as i he were dead. So you 6now how he died. I want on)y one thin& o you. sun in the !ornin&. So!e !ar6et@&ardeners ound hi! at day2rea69 whi)e they were That you +o!e to 0/hrai! with Me and !ention how he died to a !an who is with Me. &oin& to town with their ve&eta2)es9 and they to)d !e when they +a!e to +o))e+t !y Then I wi)) send you to Jeri+ho9 to a wo!an dis+i/)e o Mine9 so that she !ay he)/ you +u+u!2ers. I rushed there to see hi!. He was restin& in &reat /ea+e.G on your return tri/.G EHave you heardFG Jesus as6s Judas. EI ;ou wish so9 I wi)) &o. %ut9 now that I a! hea)thy9 I a! no )on&er a raid o dyin& on E;es9 I have. %ut did ;ou not te)) hi! that he wou)d serve ;ou and have a )on& )i eFG the road. 0ven &rass +an nourish !e and it is not sha!e u) to 2e& 2e+ause I did not s/end everythin& I had on or&ies9 2ut or an honest /ur/ose.G EI did not say e3a+t)y that. The ti!e that has &one 2y has o2s+ured your !ind. Has he not served Me evan&e)izin& in /)a+es o !ission9 and has he not &ot a )on& )i eF 4hi+h EThat is what I want. ;ou wi)) te)) her that you have seen Me and that I a! waitin& or )i e is )on&er than that +on=uered 2y those who die in the servi+e o ,odF Lon& and her here. She +an +o!e now. 8o one wi)) annoy her. 4i)) you 2e a2)e to te)) her thatFG &)orious.G E;es9 I wi)). 'hH 4hy do they hate ;ou9 when ;ou are so &oodFG Judas has that s)y )au&h that annoys !e so !u+h9 2ut he does not re/)y. E%e+ause !any !en are /ossessed 2y de!ons. Let us &o.G Jesus sets out towards 0/hrai! and the !an o))ows Hi! without a)terin&. 5n)y his 10 In the !eanti!e those ro! the )itt)e vi))a&e have <oined !any /eo/)e ro! 0/hrai! and they are s/ea6in& to the! /ointin& at Jesus.

5)2. The 'an "- Ja6nee2.


Jesus says to JudasI ETa6e the !an ho!e and inish restorin& hi!. He wi)) )eave a ter the Sa22ath that is <ust 2e&innin&.G Judas o2eys and Jesus re!ains a)) a)one and He wa)6s s)ow)y 2endin& to wat+h so!e sta)6s o +orn9 on whi+h s)i&ht indi+ations o ears are 2e&innin& to a//ear. So!e !en ro! 0/hrai! as6 Hi!I EThis +orn is 2eauti u)9 isn't itFG E%eauti u). %ut the sa!e as that o other re&ions.G E5 +ourse9 Master. It's a)) +ornH It !ust 2e the sa!e.G E$o you thin6 soF Then +orn is 2etter than !en. %e+ause i it is s6i)) u))y sown it yie)ds the sa!e ruit here as in Judaea or ,a)i)ee or9 we +an say9 in the /)ains a)on& the ,reat Sea. Men9 instead9 do not yie)d the sa!e ruit. 'nd a)so the soi) is 2etter than !en. %e+ause when a seed is entrusted to it9 it is &ood to the seed without !a6in& any di eren+e whether the seed is ro! Sa!aria or Judaea.G EIt is so. %ut why do ;ou say that +orn and soi) are 2etter than !enFG E4hyF... 8ot )on& a&o a !an 2e&&ed or a /ie+e o 2read9 out o /ity9 at the &ate o a vi))a&e. 'nd he was driven away 2e+ause the /eo/)e o that /)a+e thou&ht he was a Judaean. He was e3/e))ed as /eo/)e threw stones at hi! and +ryin& hi! a C)e/erD9 whi+h he thou&ht re erred to his thinness9 2ut was intended or his ori&in. 'nd that !an a)!ost died o starvation a)on& the road. Thus the /eo/)e o that vi))a&e9 the /eo/)e that sent you to =uestion Me and wou)d )i6e to +o!e to the house where I )ive9 to see the !an who was +ured !ira+u)ous)y9 are worse than +orn and +)ods o earth. %e+ause they were not a2)e9 a)thou&h they had 2een we)) tau&ht 2y Me or a )on& ti!e9 to 2ear the sa!e ruit as was yie)ded 2y that !an9 who is neither a Judaean nor a Sa!aritan and had never seen or heard Me9 2ut had a++e/ted the words o one o My dis+i/)es and 2e)ieved in Me without 6nowin& Me. 'nd 2e+ause they are worse than the +)ods o earth9 as they re<e+ted the !an 2e+ause he was o a di erent seed. They wou)d now )i6e to +o!e to satis y their hun&er or +uriosity9 whi)st they were not a2)e to satis y the hun&er o a )an&uishin& !an. Te)) the! that the Master wi)) not satis y su+h vain +uriosity. 'nd you a)) had 2etter )earn the &reat )aw o )ove9 without whi+h you wi)) never 2e a2)e to 2e My o))owers. It is not your love for !e that by itself will save your souls. But it is the love for !y doctrine. And !y doctrine teaches brotherly love without distinction of race and census. So )et those hard@hearted /eo/)e who have &rieved My Heart &o away9 and )et the! re/ent i they want Me to )ove the!. %e+ause9 2ear this in your !inds9 i I a! &ood9 I a! a)so <ustM i I !a6e no distin+tions and I )ove you as I )ove those o ,a)i)ee and Judaea9 that !ust not !a6e you so stu/id)y /roud as to thin6 that you are the avourite /eo/)e or authorise you to do wron& without 2ein& a raid o 2ein& re/roa+hed 2y Me. I /raise and re/roa+h9 a++ordin& to <usti+e9 My re)atives and a/ost)es as we)) as any other /erson9 and there is )ove in My re/roa+h. 'nd I do so 2e+ause I want <usti+e in the hearts o /eo/)e so that one day I !ay reward those who

have /ra+tised it. ;ou !ay &o and in or! the others so that the )esson !ay 2ear ruit in every2ody.G Jesus enve)o/s hi!se) in His !ant)e and strides towards 0/hrai!9 )eavin& His inter)o+utors who &o away rather de<e+ted)y to re/eat the Master's words to the /eo/)e o the un!er+i u) vi))a&e.

5+3. Sa(ue5= Judas #1 >e!i#&h and J#hn. Pa!a)5e #1 &he 3ees.

$,&h Fe)!ua!/ $9*8.

1 Jesus is sti)) a)) a)one9 en&rossed in thou&ht9 whi)e wa)6in& s)ow)y towards the thi+6 wood to the west o 0/hrai!. The rust)in& noise o water rises ro! the torrent and the son&s o 2irds +o!e ro! trees. The 2ri&ht s/rin&ti!e sunshine is /)easant under the tan&)e o 2ran+hes9 and si)ent is the tread on the )u3uriant &rassy +ar/et. The sun2ea!s or! a !o2i)e +ar/et o +ir+)es or &o)den stri/s on the &reen &rass and so!e )owers sti)) +overed with dew shine as i their /eta)s were /re+ious s+a)es9 when a dis+ o )i&ht +entres on the! whi)e a)) around there is shadow. Jesus +)i!2s towards a )ed&e /rotrudin& )i6e a 2a)+ony over the e!/ty s/a+e underneath. ' 2a)+ony on whi+h a hu&e oa6@tree &rows9 and ro! whi+h the )e3i2)e twi&s o wi)d 2)a+62erries9 or do&roses9 or ivy and +)e!atis han& down9 as they do not ind roo! or su//orts in their native /)a+e9 too narrow or their e3u2erant vita)ity9 and they han& in the e!/ty s/a+e )i6e )oose disheve))ed hair and they stret+h out ho/in& to ind so!ethin& to whi+h they !ay +)in&. Jesus is now at the )eve) o the )ed&e. He !oves towards the !ost /ro<e+tin& s/ot9 shi tin& aside the tan&)e o 2ushes. ' )o+6 o s!a)) 2irds )y away whirrin& and +hir/in& or ear. Jesus sto/s wat+hin& the !an who has /re+eded Hi! u/ there and who9 )yin& on the &rass with his a+e downwards9 a)!ost on the ed&e o the )ed&e9 his e)2ows /ressed on the &round9 his a+e restin& in his hands9 is )oo6in& at the e!/ty s/a+e9 towards Jerusa)e!. The !an is Sa!ue)9 the e3@/u/i) o Jonathan 2en ?zie). He is /ensive. He si&hs. He sha6es his head... 2 Jesus sha6es so!e 2ran+hes to attra+t his attention and9 seein& that His atte!/t has 2een vain9 He /i+6s u/ a stone ro! the &rass and ro))s it down the /ath. The noise o the stone 2oun+in& down the s)o/e rouses the youn& !an9 who turns round sur/rised sayin&I E4ho is thereFG EIt is I9 Sa!ue). ;ou have /re+eded Me in one o the /)a+es where I /re er to /rayG says Jesus showin& Hi!se) ro! 2ehind the !assive trun6 o the oa6@tree &rowin& at

5)3. Sa.ue2; Judas "- <e i"&h and J"hn. Pa a62e "- &he 0ees.


the ed&e o the )itt)e /ath and He does so as i He had <ust arrived there. E5hH MasterH I a! sorry... %ut I wi)) )eave ;our /)a+e ree at on+eG he says standin& u/ hurried)y and /i+6in& u/ his !ant)e that he had ta6en o and he had s/read on the &round to )ie on it.

)i6e to insti)) the ear o their /unish!ents into !e. I was )oo6in& over there. That is true. I was )oo6in& towards Jerusa)e!. %ut not 2e+ause I a! an3ious to &o 2a+6 there. I !eanI to &o 2a+6 there as I was /revious)y. %e+ause I a! +ertain)y ea&er9 )i6e every2ody e)se9 to &o 2a+6 as an Israe)ite who )oves to &o into the House o ,od and worshi/ the Most Hi&h9 and I do not thin6 that ;ou +an re/roa+h !e or that.G

E8o. 4hyF There is roo! or two. The /)a+e is so 2eauti u)H So iso)ated9 so)itary9 EI a! the irst9 in My dou2)e 8ature9 to )on& or that a)tar and I wou)d )i6e to see it sus/ended over the e!/ty s/a+e9 with so !u+h )i&ht and su+h a wide viewH 4hy do you surrounded 2y ho)iness9 as 2e its it. 's the Son o ,od9 everythin& that honours Hi! is want to )eave itFG a sweet voi+e to Me9 and as the Son o !an9 as an Israe)ite9 and there ore a Son o the Law9 I see the Te!/)e and the a)tar as the !ost sa+red /)a+e in Israe)9 in whi+h our E4e))... to )eave ;ou ree to /ray...G hu!anity +an a//roa+h $ivinity and 2e+o!e s+ented with the air surroundin& the E'nd +an we not do so to&ether9 or !editate9 s/ea6in& to ea+h other9 e)evatin& our throne o ,od. I do not abolish the 2aw Sa!ue). It is sa+red to Me 2e+ause it was &iven s/irits to ,od... or&ettin& !en and their au)ts9 thin6in& o ,od9 our (ather and the 2y My (ather. I perfect it and co#plete it with new parts. As the .on of &od I can do &ood (ather o a)) those who see6 and )ove Hi! with &ood wi))FG that. !y -ather sent !e for that. I have +o!e to esta2)ish the s/iritua) Te!/)e o My Sa!ue) shows sur/rise when Jesus says E or&ettin& !en and their au)ts...G %ut he does 7hur+h9 a&ainst whi+h Te!/)e neither !en nor de!ons sha)) /revai). 'nd the ta2)es o the Law wi)) have a /)a+e o honour in it9 2e+ause they are eterna)9 /er e+t9 untou+ha2)e. not say anythin&. He sits down a&ain. The +o!!and!ent Cdo not +o!!it this or that sinD +ontained in those ta2)es9 whi+h in Jesus sits 2eside hi! on the &rass and says to hi!I ESit here. 'nd )et us 2e to&ether. See their )a/idary +on+iseness +o!/rise what is ne+essary to 2e <ust in the eyes o ,od9 is how +)ear the view is today. I we had the eyes o an ea&)e we shou)d 2e a2)e to see the not +an+e))ed 2y My word. 5n the +ontraryH I a)so &ive those ten +o!!and!ents to white vi))a&es on the to/s o the !ountains around Jerusa)e!. 'nd9 /erha/s9 we +ou)d you. I on)y te)) you to "eep the# with perfection that is not for fear of the wrath of see a s/ot shinin& )i6e a &e! in the air and that wou)d !a6e our hearts thro2I the &o)den &od on you but out of love for your &od Who is your -ather. I have co#e to put your do!es o the House o ,od... Loo6. There is %ethe). ;ou +an see its white houses and hands of sons into the hands of your -ather. (or how !any a&es those hands have 2een there9 2eyond %ethe)9 there is %eeroth. How su2t)y +ra ty were the inha2itants o that dividedH 1unish!ent divided the!. Sin divided the!. 8ow that the .edee!er has /)a+e and o the nei&h2ourhoodH %ut it turned out we))9 a)thou&h de+eit is never a &ood +o!e9 sin is a2out to 2e +an+e))ed. %arriers are a))in&. ;ou are on+e a&ain the sons o wea/on. It turned out we)) 2e+ause it /)a+ed the! at the servi+e o the true ,od. It is ,od.G a)ways 2etter to )ose hu!an honours in order to &ain +)oseness to divinity. 0ven i 4 EThat is true. ;ou are &ood and you +o! ort. ')ways. 'nd ;ou 6now. So I sha)) not hu!an honours were !any and va)ua2)e9 and the +)oseness to divinity is hu!2)e and te)) ;ou !y worry. %ut I as6 ;ouI why are !en so wi+6ed9 insane and oo)ishF How un6nown. Is that ri&htFG and with whi+h e3/edients +an they dia2o)i+a))y in )uen+e us to do evi) thin&sF 'nd E;es9 Master. 4hat ;ou say is ri&ht. That is what ha//ened to !e.G why are we so 2)ind as not to see rea) a+ts and to 2e)ieve a)se onesF 'nd how +an we 3 E%ut you are sad9 a)thou&h the +han&e shou)d !a6e you ha//y. ;ou are sad. ;ou are 2e+o!e su+h de!onsF 'nd /ersist when one is +)ose to ;ouF I was )oo6in& there and I was thin6in&... ;es. I was thin6in& o how !any strea!s o /oison +o!e out ro! there su erin&. ;ou )ive in iso)ation. ;ou )oo6 at the /)a+es you )e t. ;ou )oo6 )i6e an i!/risoned 2ird that9 /ressed a&ainst the 2ars o its /rison9 )oo6s with so !u+h re&ret at to u/set the +hi)dren o Israe). I was +onsiderin& how the wisdo! o the ra22is +an 2e the /)a+e it )oved. I a! not as6in& you not to do that. ;ou are ree. ;ou !ay &o and...G <oined to so !u+h ini=uity that !isre/resents thin&s in order to de+eive /eo/)e. I was thin6in& a2ove a)) o that9 2e+ause...G Sa!ue)9 who had s/o6en /assionate)y9 sto/s and ELord9 has Judas /erha/s s/o6en i)) o !e that ;ou are sayin& soFG )owers his head. E8o9 Judas has not s/o6en to Me. He has not s/o6en to Me9 2ut he s/o6e to you. That is why you are sad. 'nd you )ive in iso)ation as you are down@hearted 2e+ause o that.G ELord9 i ;ou 6now a)) that9 a)thou&h no one has !entioned that to ;ou9 ;ou !ust a)so 6now that I a! sad not 2e+ause I want to )eave ;ou9 2e+ause I re&ret I was +onverted9 or 2e+ause I have a )on&in& or the /ast... or 2e+ause I a! a raid o !en9 as they wou)d Jesus ends the senten+eI E...2e+ause Judas9 My dis+i/)e9 is what he is9 and he &rieves Me and those who are around Me or +o!e to Me9 as you did. I 6now. Judas is tryin& to send you away ro! here and he !a6es insinuations and sneers at you...G E8ot on)y at !e. ;es. He /oisons !y <oy o +o!in& to <usti+e. He /oisons it so s6i) u))y that I thin6 I a! )i6e a traitor here9 2etrayin& ;ou and !yse) . Myse) 9 2e+ause I )atter

5)3. Sa.ue2; Judas "- <e i"&h and J"hn. Pa a62e "- &he 0ees.


!yse) that I a! 2etter9 whereas I sha)) 2e the +ause o ;our ruin. In a+t I do not 6now !yse) as yet... and i I !eet those o the Te!/)e I !ay ai) in !y /ur/ose and 2e... 5hH i I had done it then9 I wou)d have had the e3+use o not 6nowin& ;ou or what ;ou are9 2e+ause I 6new o ;ou what I was to)d to !a6e a +ursed !an o !e. %ut i I did it nowH 4hat +urse wi)) 2e that o the traitor o the Son o ,odH I was here... 1ensive9 yes. I was wonderin& where I !i&ht )ee to save !yse) ro! !yse) and ro! the!. I was thin6in& o )eein& to so!e re!ote /)a+e9 to <oin those o the $ias/ora... 'way9 ar away9 to /revent the de!on ro! !a6in& !e +o!!it sin... ;our a/ost)e is ri&ht in not trustin& !e. He 6nows !e9 2e+ause he 6nows us a)) 6nowin& our Leaders... 'nd he is ri&ht in dou2tin& !e. 4hen he saysI C$on't you 6now that He te))s us that we sha)) 2e wea6F Just i!a&ineI we are His a/ost)es and have 2een with Hi! or su+h a )on& ti!e. 'nd you9 in e+ted as you are with o)d Israe)9 have <ust +o!e9 and you have +o!e when +ir+u!stan+es !a6e us shudder9 do you thin6 you have enou&h stren&th to re!ain <ustFD when he says so he is ri&ht.G The !an is down@hearted and )owers his head. 5 EHow !u+h &rie the sons o !en +an &ive the!se)vesH Satan rea))y 6nows how to !a6e use o that dis/osition o theirs to terrorise the! +o!/)ete)y and se/arate the! ro! the Joy that +o!es towards the! to save the!. %e+ause the sadness of the spirit the fear of the #orrow and worries are always weapons that #an puts in the hands of his ene#y who frightens hi# by #eans of the sa#e phantas#s that #an hi#self i#agines. 'nd there are other !en who rea))y or! an a))ian+e with Satan to he)/ hi! ri&hten his 2rothers. %ut9 My dear son9 is there not a (ather in HeavenF ' (ather 4ho9 as this issure in the ro+6 /rovides or this 2)ade o &rass J this issure u)) o earth situated in su+h a way that the !oisture o dews )owin& on the s!ooth stone &athers in that thin urrow9 so that the 2)ade o &rass !ay )ive and yie)d this tiny )itt)e )ower9 whi+h is not )ess ad!ira2)e or its 2eauty than the &reat sun shinin& u/ thereI 2oth the /er e+t wor6 o the 7reator J a (ather 4ho ta6es +are o the 2)ade o &rass &rown on a ro+69 wi)) He not ta6e +are o one o His sons who ir!)y wants to serve Hi!F 5hH &od really does not disappoint the /good0 wishes of #an. Because it is He Who "indles the# in your hearts. He /rovident)y and wise)y +reates the +ir+u!stan+es to en+oura&e the wishes o His +hi)dren9 not on)y9 2ut in the event that a desire to honour Hi! shou)d o))ow an i!/er e+t /ath9 He strai&htens and /er e+ts it so that it !ay o))ow the ri&ht /ath. ;ou were a!on& the )atter. ;ou 2e)ieved9 you wanted and were +onvin+ed that you were honourin& ,od 2y /erse+utin& Me. The (ather saw that your heart did not hate ,od9 2ut it )on&ed to &ive &)ory to ,od 2y re!ovin& ro! the wor)d Hi! 4ho you were to)d was the ene!y o ,od and the +orru/ter o sou)s. So He +reated the +ir+u!@ stan+es to +o!/)y with your desire to &ive &)ory to your Lord. 'nd here you are now a!on& us. 'nd +an you 2e)ieve that ,od wi)) a2andon you9 now that He 2rou&ht you hereF 5n)y i you a2andon Hi!9 the /ower o evi) wi)) 2e a2)e to overwhe)! you.G EI do not want that. My wi)) is sin+ereHG states the !an. ESo what are you worried a2outF '2out the word o a !anF Let hi! say. He thin6s

with his own thou&ht. 'nd !an's thou&ht is a)ways i!/er e+t. %ut I wi)) see to that.G EI do not want ;ou to re/roa+h hi!. ;our assuran+e that I wi)) not sin is enou&h or !e.G EI assure you. It wi)) not ha//en to you 2e+ause you do not want it to ha//en. %e+ause see9 son9 it wou)d not he)/ you to &o to the $ias/ora or even to the end o the wor)d to /reserve your sou) ro! hatin& the 7hrist and ro! 2ein& /unished or su+h hatred. Many in Israe) wi)) not su))y the!se)ves with the 7ri!e !ateria))y9 2ut they wi)) not 2e )ess &ui)ty than those who +onde!n Me and e3e+ute the senten+e. I +an s/ea6 to you o these !atters. %e+ause you are a)ready aware that everythin& has 2een arran&ed or the!. ;ou 6now the na!es and the thou&hts o My !ost /iti)ess ene!ies. ;ou saidI CJudas 6nows us a)) 2e+ause he 6nows a)) the Leaders.D %ut i he 6nows you9 you a)so9 the !inor ones9 2e+ause you are )i6e )esser stars near the !a<or /)anets9 you a)so 6now what is 2ein& done9 how it is done and who does it9 and what /)ots are !ade and whi+h !eans are studied... So I +an s/ea6 with you. I +ou)d not do so with the others... 4hat I +an su er and 2ear with9 others +annot...G EMaster9 2ut how +an ;ou9 6nowin& that9 2e so... 6 4ho is +o!in& u/ the /athFG Sa!ue) stands u/ to )oo6. He e3+)ai!sI EJudasHG E;es. It is I. I was to)d that the Master had /assed throu&h here9 instead I ind you. So I wi)) &o 2a+69 )eavin& you to your thou&htsG and he )au&hs with his s)y )au&h that is !ore !ourn u) than the +ry o an ow)9 so insin+ere it is. EI a! here as we)). $o they want Me at the vi))a&eFG says Jesus a//earin& 2ehind Sa!ue)'s shou)ders. E5hH ;ouH So you were in &ood +o!/any9 Sa!ue)H 'nd ;ou9 too9 Master...G E;es. The +o!/any o one who e!2ra+es <usti+e is a)ways &ood. So you wanted Me9 to 2e with Me. 7o!e9 then. There is roo! or you and a)so or John9 i he were with you.G EHe is down in the vi))a&e9 at &ri/s with other /i)&ri!s.G EI there are so!e /i)&ri!s9 I !ust &o.G E8o9 They wi)) 2e stayin& a)) day to!orrow. John is sett)in& the! in our 2eds or their stay. He is ha//y to do so. 5 +ourse9 everythin& !a6es hi! ha//y. ;ou are rea))y )i6e ea+h other. I do not 6now how you !ana&e to 2e a)ways ha//y even when thin&s are !ost... worryin&.G EThe sa!e =uestion I was &oin& to as6 when you +a!eHG e3+)ai!s Sa!ue). E'hH 4ere youF So you are not ha//y9 and you are sur/rised that other /eo/)e9 in +onditions even !ore... di i+u)t than ours9 +an 2e so.G

5)3. Sa.ue2; Judas "- <e i"&h and J"hn. Pa a62e "- &he 0ees.


EI a! not unha//y. I a! not s/ea6in& or !yse) . %ut I a! thin6in& ro! whi+h sour+es the +onse=uen+es that one hour !ay 2rin& a2out in eterna) )i e. !y episode will co#e to the serenity o the Master !ay +o!e9 as He is aware o His uture and yet He is not an end but its fruit will last. !y sorrow will end but the value of !y sorrow will not u/set 2y anythin&.G end. 'nd what +ou)d I do with one hour o the so +a))ed Cha//y stateD on the 0arth9 an hour a+hieved a ter /ursuin& it or years and years9 when that hour +ou)d not +o!e with E(ro! heaven)y sour+es9 o +ourseH It is natura)H He is ,odH $o you dou2t itF 7an a Me as de)i&ht in eterna) )i e and I had to en<oy it a)) 2y !yse) 9 without sharin& it with ,od su erF He is a2ove sorrow. His (ather's )ove is or Hi! )i6e... )i6e an e3hi)aratin& those who! I )oveFG wine. 'nd the ir! 2e)ie that His a+tions... are the sa)vation o the wor)d is an e3hi)aratin& wine or Hi!. 'nd then... 7an He have the /hysi+a) rea+tions that we9 E%ut i ;ou shou)d triu!/h9 we9 ;our o))owers9 wou)d ta6e /art in ;our ha//inessHG hu!2)e !en9 haveF That is +ontrary to +o!!on sense. I 'da!9 when inno+ent9 was e3+)ai!s Judas. not aware o any 6ind o sorrow9 neither wou)d he have ever 2e+o!e aware o it i he had re!ained inno+ent9 Jesus... the Su/erinno+ent9 the +reature... I do not 6now whether E;ouF 'nd who are you9 +o!/ared with the /ast9 /resent and uture !u)titudes to who! My &rie wi)) 2rin& <oyF I see ar 2eyond earth)y ha//iness. I )oo6 at the I shou)d say soI un+reated 2ein& ,od9 or +reated 2e+ause He has re)atives... ohH how su/ernatura) 2eyond it. I can see !y sorrow change into eternal delight for a #ultitude !any inso)u2)e CwhysD or uture &enerations9 !y MasterH I 'da! was ree ro! of people. And I e#brace sorrow as the greatest power to reach the perfect happiness sorrow 2e+ause o his inno+en+e9 +an one thin6 that Jesus !ust su erFG which is to love one1s neighbour to the e7tent of suffering to give hi# 5oy to the e7tent Jesus' head is 2ent. He has sat down on+e a&ain on the &rass. His a+e is vei)ed 2y His of dying for hi#.G hair. So I +annot see His +ountenan+e. EI do not understand that ha//inessG states Judas. Sa!ue) standin& in ront o Judas9 who is a)so standin&9 re/)iesI E%ut i He is to 2e the E;ou are not wise yet. 5therwise you wou)d understand it.G .edee!er9 He !ust rea))y su er. $o you not re!e!2er $avid and IsaiahFG E'nd is John wiseF He is !ore i&norant than I a!HG EI do re!e!2er the!H %ut a)thou&h they saw the i&ure o the .edee!er9 they did not see the i!!ateria) he)/ He wou)d re+eive to 2e... sha)) we sayI tortured9 without ee)in& any /ain.G E4hi+h he)/F ' !an !ay )ove sorrow or su er it with resi&nation9 a++ordin& to his /er e+tion o <usti+e. %ut he wi)) a)ways ee) it. 5therwise... i he did not ee) it... it wou)d not 2e sorrow.G EJesus is the Son o ,od.G E%ut He is not a &hostH He is true ()eshH 'nd )esh su ers i it is tortured. He is a true ManH 'nd the thou&ht o !an su ers i it is o ended and des/ised.G EHis union with ,od e)i!inates su+h hu!an thin&s in Hi!.G 7 Jesus raises His head and saysI EI so)e!n)y te)) you9 Judas9 that I suffer and shall suffer li"e every #an and #ore than every #an. But I can be e+ually happy en5oying the holy spiritual happiness of those who have achieved freedo# fro# the sadness of the )arth because they have e#braced the will of &od as their only bride. I a! a2)e to do so 2e+ause I have over+o!e the hu!an +on+e/t o ha//iness9 the uneasiness o ha//iness9 as !en i!a&ine it. I do not /ursue what9 a++ordin& to !en9 ha//iness +onsists o M 2ut I /)a+e My <oy in e3a+t)y the o//osite o what !an /ursues as su+h. The thin&s that are avoided and des/ised 2y !an9 2e+ause they are +onsidered 2urdenso!e and &rievous9 are the sweetest thin& or Me. I a! not interested in one hour. I +onsider E(ro! a hu!an /oint o view he is. %ut he /ossesses the s+ien+e o )ove.G E')) ri&ht. %ut I do not thin6 that )ove +an /revent +)u2s ro! 2ein& +)u2s and stones ro! 2ein& stones and 2oth ro! +ausin& /ain to the 2odies they stri6e. ;ou a)ways say that sorrow is dear to ;ou 2e+ause it is )ove or ;ou. %ut when ;ou are rea))y +au&ht and tortured9 i that is /ossi2)e9 I do not 6now whether ;ou wi)) sti)) 2e o the sa!e !ind. ;ou had 2etter thin6 a2out it whi)e ;ou +an shun /ain. It wi)) 2e dread u)9 ;ou 6nowF I !en wi)) 2e a2)e to &et ho)d o ;ou... ohH they wi)) have no res/e+t or ;ouHG Jesus )oo6s at hi!. He is very /a)e. His wide o/en eyes see! to 2e seein&9 2eyond Judas' a+e9 a)) the tortures awaitin& Hi!9 and yet9 a)thou&h sad9 they re!ain !ee6 and 6ind9 and a2ove a))9 sereneI two )i!/id eyes o an inno+ent at /ea+e. He re/)iesI EI 6now. I 6now a)so what you do not 6now. %ut I hope in &od1s #ercy. He Who is #erciful with sinners will have #ercy also on !e. I will not as" Hi# not to suffer but to be able to suffer. 8 'nd now )et us &o. Sa!ue)9 &o a )itt)e ahead o us and te)) John that I sha)) soon 2e in the vi))a&e.G Sa!ue) 2ows and &oes away =ui+6)y. Jesus 2e&ins to des+end. The /ath is so narrow that they have to /ro+eed one 2ehind the other. %ut that does not /revent Judas ro! sayin&I E;ou trust that !an too !u+h9 Master. I to)d ;ou who he is. He is Jonathan's !ost hot@headed and e3+ita2)e dis+i/)e. 5 +ourse9 it is )ate now. ;ou have /ut ;ourse) into his hands. He is a s/y +)ose to ;ou. 'nd ;ou !ore than on+e

5)3. Sa.ue2; Judas "- <e i"&h and J"hn. Pa a62e "- &he 0ees.


thou&ht that I was a s/y and the others thou&ht so !ore than ;ou didH I a! not a s/y.G Jesus sto/s and turns round. ,rie and !a<esty !in&)e on His a+e and in His eyes i3ed on His a/ost)e. He saysI E8o. ;ou are not a s/y. ;ou are a de!on. ;ou have sto)en the Ser/ent's /rero&ative to sedu+e and de+eive in order to ta6e /eo/)e away ro! ,od. ;our 2ehaviour is neither a stone nor a +)u29 2ut it hurts Me !ore than a 2)ow with a stone or a +)u2. 5hH in My atro+ious su erin& there wi)) 2e nothin& &reater than your 2ehaviour +a/a2)e o torturin& the Martyr.G Jesus +overs His a+e with His hands9 as i He wished to +on+ea) so !u+h horror9 and then He 2e&ins to run down the /ath. Judas shouts a ter Hi!I EMasterH MasterH 4hy are ;ou &rievin& !eF That )iar has +ertain)y !ade a s)anderous re/ort to ;ou... Listen to !e9 MasterHG Jesus does not )isten. He runs9 He )ies down the s)o/es. He does not sto/ when He /asses 2y the wood+utters and she/herds who &reet Hi!. He /asses9 He waves to the! 2ut does not sto/. Judas resi&ns hi!se) to 2ein& si)ent...

the new swar!s. Loo69 they are ta6in& the )ast one. This year we had to dou2)e the 2eehives.G Jesus &oes towards the tiny towns o the 2ees and He 2)esses the! one 2y one raisin& His hand a!idst the hu!!in& o the wor6er@2ees that do not sto/ wor6in&. EThey are a)) !erry and they are a)so a)) e3+ited. ' new house...G says a !an. E'nd a new weddin&. They rea))y )oo6 )i6e wo!en /re/arin& a weddin& eastG says another one. E;es9 2ut the wo!en do !ore ta)6in& than wor6. The 2ees9 instead9 wor6 in si)en+e and they wor6 a)so on the days o weddin& easts. They wor6 a)) the ti!e to 2ui)d their 6in&do! and their wea)thG re/)ies a third !an.

10 ETo 2e a)ways wor6in& in virtue is )aw u)9 nay9 it is duti u). To wor6 a)ways or the sa6e o &ain9 no9 it is not. 5n)y those +an do it who do not 6now that they have a ,od 9 They are a)!ost down when they !eet John who9 with his /e))u+id a+e 2ri&htened 2y 4ho is to 2e honoured on His day. To wor6 in si)en+e is a !erit that every2ody shou)d )earn o the 2ees. %e+ause ho)y thin&s are done ho)i)y in si)en+e. %e )i6e your 2ees in a serene s!i)e9 is +)i!2in& towards the!. He is ho)din& 2y the hand a )itt)e 2oy who is <usti+e. ?ntirin& and si)ent. ,od sees. ,od rewards. 1ea+e 2e with youG says Jesus. /ratt)in& whi)e su+6in& a honey+o!2. 'nd when He is a)one with His two a/ost)es He saysI ETo the wor6ers o ,od in /arti+u)ar I /ro/ose the 2ees as their !ode). They de/osit in the se+re+y o the 2eehive the honey or!ed in their interiors throu&h their unre!ittin& wor6 on who)eso!e +oro))as. Their ati&ue does not even a//ear to 2e su+h9 as they do it with so !u+h &ood wi))9 )yin&9 )i6e &o)den dots9 ro! )ower to )ower9 and then9 )aden with <ui+e9 &oin& in to e)a2orate their honey in the /riva+y o their )itt)e +e))s. 1eo/)e ou&ht to i!itate the!9 +hoosin& )essons9 sound do+trines and riendshi/s9 +a/a2)e o /rodu+in& <ui+es o true virtue9 then )ivin& in iso)ation to e)a2orate9 usin& what has 2een a+tive)y &athered9 virtue9 <usti+e9 whi+h are )i6e the honey e3tra+ted ro! !any who)eso!e e)e!ents9 o whi+h one o the !ost i!/ortant ones is &ood wi))9 without whi+h the <ui+es +o))e+ted E;es. They are re!ovin& the honey+o!2s at $inah's. I 6new. Her 2ees swar!ed not here and there wou)d 2e o no use. It is a)so ne+essary to !editate hu!2)y9 in the )on& a&oG says John. se+re+y o one's heart9 on the &ood we have seen and heard9 without 2ein& envious i =ueen 2ees are near wor6in& 2ees9 that is9 i there is so!eone who is !ore <ust than he They set out a&ain and arrive at the irst house where the 2ee@!asters are sti)) !a6in& who !editates. %oth =ueens and wor6ers are ne+essary in the 2eehive. It wou)d 2e a the usua) dea enin& noise near the 2eehives9 I do not 6now e3a+t)y why. Swar!s o disaster i they were a)) =ueens or a)) wor6ers. %oth the or!er and the )atter wou)d die. 2ees J they )oo6 )i6e 2i& 2un+hes o stran&e &ra/es J are han&in& ro! so!e 2ran+hes %e+ause the =ueens wou)d have no ood to /ro+reate i there were no wor6ers9 and the and so!e !en are ta6in& the! to /ut the! into the new 2eehives. (arther away9 wor6ers wou)d no )on&er e3ist i the =ueens did not /ro+reate. 'nd the =ueens are not to untirin& 2uzzin& 2ees are &oin& in and +o!in& out o 2eehives a)ready sett)ed. 2e envied. They have their wor6 and their /eniten+e. They see the sun 2ut on+e9 in their on)y one nu/tia) )i&ht. %e ore it and a ter it9 they are in /er/etua) se+)usion within the The !en &reet Jesus and a wo!an a//roa+hes Hi! with so!e )ove)y honey+o!2s a!2er@+o)oured wa))s o the 2eehive. 0a+h one has its tas69 and ea+h tas6 is an a//oint@ whi+h she o ers Hi!. !ent9 and ea+h a//oint!ent is an onus 2esides 2ein& an honour. 'nd the wor6in& 2ees E4hy are you de/rivin& yourse) o the!F ;ou have a)ready &iven John so!eNG waste no ti!e in vain or dan&erous )i&hts around diseased or /oisonous )owers. They E5hH My 2ees have !ade !u+h honey. It's a /)easure or !e to o er it. %ut /)ease 2)ess !a6e no adventurous atte!/ts. They do not ai) to +arry out their !ission9 they do not EMaster9 here I a!H There are /eo/)e ro! 7aesarea 1hi)i//i. They heard that ;ou are here and they +a!e. How stran&e it isH 8o one has s/o6en and every2ody 6nows where ;ou areH They are restin& now. They are very tired. I went and as6ed $inah to &ive !e so!e !i)6 and honey 2e+ause there is a si+6 /erson. I /ut hi! in !y 2ed. I a! not a raid. 'nd )itt)e 'nnas wanted to +o!e with !e. $on't tou+h hi!9 MasterM he is a)) sti+6y with honeyG and 6ind John9 who has !any dro/s and in&er@!ar6s o honey on his tuni+9 )au&hs. He )au&hs tryin& to ho)d 2a+6 the 2oy who wou)d )i6e to &o and o er Jesus his ha) @su+6ed honey+o!2 and shoutsI E7o!e. There are so !any o the! or ;ouHG

5)3. Sa.ue2; Judas "- <e i"&h and J"hn. Pa a62e "- &he 0ees.


re2e) a&ainst the /ur/ose or whi+h they were +reated. 5hH 'd!ira2)e )itt)e 2ein&sH How !u+h you tea+h !enH...G Jesus 2e+o!es si)ent9 )ost in His !editation. 11 Judas sudden)y re!e!2ers that he has to &o I do not 6now where9 and he a)!ost runs away. Jesus and John re!ain. 'nd John )oo6s at Jesus without )ettin& Hi! noti+e. ' 6een )oo6 o an3ious )ove. Jesus raises His head9 turns round a )itt)e9 !eetin& the eyes o His (avourite a/ost)e who is wat+hin& Hi!. His a+e 2ri&htens when He draws John to Hi!se) . John9 whi)e wa)6in& e!2ra+ed thus9 as6sI EJudas has &rieved ;ou a&ain9 has he notF 'nd he !ust have u/set Sa!ue) as we)).G E4hyF Has he said anythin& to youFG E8o. %ut I have understood. He on)y saidI C,enera))y s/ea6in& when one )ives near so!eone who is rea))y &ood9 one 2e+o!es &ood. %ut Judas is not9 a)thou&h he has )ived with the Master or three years. He is +orru/t in the de/th o his heart9 and the &oodness o the 7hrist does not /enetrate hi!9 so u)) he is o wi+6edness.D I did not 6now what to say9 2e+ause it is true... %ut why is Judas )i6e thatF Is it /ossi2)e that he wi)) never +han&eF 'nd yet... we are a)) &ettin& the sa!e )essons... and when he +a!e a!on& us9 he was not any worse than we were...G EMy JohnH My !ee6 +hi)dHG Jesus 6isses his orehead9 so o/en and /ure9 and He whis/ers throu&h his air hair that undu)ates )i&ht)yI EThere are /eo/)e who see! to )ive to destroy the &ood that is in the!. ;ou are a isher!an and you 6now what a sai) does when a hurri+ane stri6es it. It 2ends so )ow near the water that it a)!ost overturns the 2oat and 2e+o!es a dan&er or it9 so that at ti!es it is ne+essary to )ower it9 and one is thus )e t without win&s with whi+h to )y towards one's nest9 2e+ause a sai)9 stru+6 2y a hurri+ane is no )on&er a win&9 2ut it 2e+o!es 2a))ast that ta6es one to the 2otto!9 to death and not to sa)vation. %ut i the vio)ent 2)ast o the hurri+ane a2ates9 even or a ew !o!ents9 then the sai) 2e+o!es win& at on+e and the 2oat sai)s ast towards the har2our ta6in& the /eo/)e in it to sa)vation. The sa!e ha//ens to !any sou)s. It is enou&h that the hurri+ane o /assions su2sides9 and the sou) that was 2ent and a)!ost su2!er&ed 2y... 2y what was not &ood9 2e&ins to yearn or ,oodness.G E;es9 Master. %ut... so... te)) !e... wi)) Judas ever rea+h ;our har2ourFG E5hH $o not !a6e Me )oo6 at the uture o one o My dearest a/ost)esH I have in ront o !e the uture o !i))ions o sou)s or who! My su erin&s wi)) 2e use)essH... I have in ront o Me a)) the 2ase a+tions o the wor)d... The nausea u/sets Me. The nausea o the seethin& o i)thy thin&s that )i6e a river +over and wi)) +over the 0arth9 in di erent ways9 2ut a)ways dread u) or the 1er e+tion9 unti) the end o ti!e. $o not !a6e Me )oo6H Let Me =uen+h My thirst and ind +o! ort at a s/rin& that does not taste o +orru/tion9 and )et Me or&et the ver!inous rottenness o too !any /eo/)e9 2y )oo6in& at you a)one9 My /ea+eHG and He 6isses hi! a&ain 2etween his eye2rows )oo6in&

dee/)y into the )i!/id eyes o the /ure )ovin& a/ost)e... 12 They &o into the house. Sa!ue) is in the 6it+hen +ho//in& the wood to s/are the o)d wo!an wor6 when )i&htin& the ire. Jesus as6s the wo!anI E're the /i)&ri!s s)ee/in&FG EI thin6 so. I do not hear any noise. I a! &oin& to ta6e this water to the !ounts. They are in the wood@store.G EI wi)) do that9 !other. ;ou had 2etter &o to .a+he)'s house. She /ro!ised !e so!e resh +heese. Te)) her that I wi)) /ay her on the Sa22athG says John /i+6in& u/ two tu2s u)) o water. 5n)y Jesus and Sa!ue) re!ain. Jesus a//roa+hes the !an who 2endin& over the ire is 2)owin& to )i&ht the )a!e and He )ays His hand on his shou)der sayin&I EJudas interru/ted us u/ there... I want to te)) you that I wi)) send you with My a/ost)es the day a ter the Sa22ath. 1erha/s you /re er that...G EThan6 ;ou9 Master. I a! sorry not to 2e near ;ou. %ut in ;our a/ost)es I sha)) ind ;ou on+e a&ain. ;es9 I /re er to 2e ar away ro! Judas. I did not dare to as6 ;ou...G E')) ri&ht. That is sett)ed. 'nd ta6e /ity on hi!. 's I do. 'nd do not te)) 1eter or any2ody e)se...G EI +an ho)d !y ton&ue9 Master.G EThe dis+i/)es wi)) +o!e )ater. There is Her!as and Ste/hen9 and there is Isaa+9 two wise !en and a <ust one9 and !any !ore. ;ou wi)) )i6e it9 a!on& true 2rothers.G E;es9 Master. ;ou understand and he)/ us. ;ou rea))y are the &ood MasterG and he 2ends to 6iss Jesus' hand.

5+*. A& E9h!ai(= 3e1#!e and A1&e! &he A!!i0a5 #1 Jesus" .#&he! and #1 &he ;#(en Dis'i95es -i&h La a!us.
$2&h Fe)!ua!/ $9*8.

1 In Mary o Ja+o2's house they are a)ready u/ a)thou&h it is hard)y day2rea6. I wou)d say that it !ust 2e a Sa22ath9 2e+ause I see that the a/ost)es a)so are /resent9 whereas they are usua))y away evan&e)izin&. They are 2usy )i&htin& ires and 2oi)in& water9 and Mary is he)/ed in sievin& )our and 6neadin& it to 2a6e 2read. The o)d wo!an is very e3+ited9 as e3+ited as a )itt)e &ir)9 and whi)e wor6in& a+tive)y

5)#.A& E5h ai.; 0e-" e and A-&e &he A i,a2 "- Jesus! '"&he and "- &he 8".en Dis3i52es %i&h Laza us.


she as6s this one and that oneI E4i)) it rea))y 2e todayF 'nd are the other /)a+es readyF 're you sure that they are not !ore than sevenFG 1eter9 who is s6innin& a )a!2 /re/arin& it to 2e +oo6ed9 re/)ies on 2eha) o every2odyI EThey were to 2e here 2e ore the Sa22ath9 2ut the wo!en were /ro2a2)y not yet ready and so they have de)ayed. %ut they wi)) +ertain)y +o!e today. 'hH I a! ha//yH Has the Master &one outF 1erha/s He has &one to !eet the!...G E;es. He went out with John and Sa!ue) towards the road to +entra) Sa!ariaG re/)ies %artho)o!ew +o!in& out with a /it+her o 2oi)in& water. EThen we +an 2e +ertain that they are arrivin&. He a)ways 6nows everythin&G states 'ndrew. EI wou)d )i6e to 6now why you are )au&hin& )i6e that. 4hat is there to )au&h at when !y 2rother s/ea6sFG as6s 1eter who has noti+ed the s)y )au&h o Judas9 who is id)e in a +orner. EI a! not )au&hin& 2e+ause o your 2rother. ;ou are a)) ha//y and I +an 2e ha//y as we)) and )au&h without any reason.G 1eter )oo6s at hi! !eanin&)y9 2ut he resu!es his wor6. EHere it isH I !ana&ed to ind a )owery 2ran+h. It is not the 2ran+h o an a)!ond@tree9 as I wanted. %ut a ter the a)!ond@tree has 2)oo!ed9 She has other 2ran+hes and She wi)) 2e /)eased with !ineG says Thaddeus who +o!es in dri//in& dew9 as i he had 2een wa)6in& in woods9 and +arryin& a 2un+h o )owery 2ran+hes. ' !ira+)e o dewy whiteness that see!s to 2ri&hten and de+orate the 6it+hen. E5hH How 2eauti u)H 4here did you ind the!FG

so!e to... re!e!2er... and to su er9 2e+ause even i they are !e!ories o ha//y days9 they now !a6e one shed tears 2e+ause they re!ind one o what is inished.G EIn that +ase it wou)d have 2een 2etter i no one had as6ed the! o you. I wou)d not )i6e what ha//ened to us at 8o2 to o++ur a&ain here. So !any /re/arations or nothin&...G says the Is+ariot. EI te)) you that a &rou/ o dis+i/)es in or!ed usH $o you thin6 they had drea!t o itF They s/o6e to Lazarus. He sent the! ahead on /ur/ose. They +a!e to te)) us that His Mother wou)d 2e here 2e ore the Sa22ath in Lazarus' wa&on9 with Lazarus and the wo!en dis+i/)es...G E%ut they have not +o!e...G 2 ESin+e you have seen that !an9 te)) !eI does he not &ive you a ri&htFG as6s the o)d wo!an dryin& her hands in her a/ron a ter entrustin& her +a6es to Ja!es o >e2edee and 'ndrew who ta6e the! to the stone oven. E' ri&htF 4hyFG EH'!H a !an who +o!es 2a+6 ro! the deadHG She is utter)y !oved. E$on't worry9 !other. He is e3a+t)y )i6e usG says Ja!es o ')/haeus +o! ortin& her. E.ather than 2e a raid you had 2etter !a6e sure that you do not +hatter with other wo!en a2out it9 otherwise we sha)) have the who)e o 0/hrai! here 2otherin& usG says the Is+ariot /ere!/tori)y.

EI have never s/o6en i!/rudent)y sin+e you +a!e here9 either with the /eo/)e o the town or with /i)&ri!s. I have /re erred to 2e +onsidered oo)ish rather than a//ear wise9 in order not to distur2 the Master and har! Hi!. 'nd I wi)) 2e =uiet today as we)). E't 8ao!i's. I 6new that her or+hard is )ate 2e+ause o its northern /osition. 'nd I went 7o!e9 Tho!as...G and she &oes out to show hi! her hidden treasures. u/ there.G EThat's why you )oo6 )i6e a orest tree yourse) H The dew@dro/s shine in your hair and have wet your &ar!ent.G EThe /ath was as da!/ as i it had rained. It is a)ready the /)enti u) dew o the !ost 2eauti u) !onths.G Thaddeus &oes away with his )owers9 and short)y a terwards he +a))s his 2rother to he)/ hi! arran&e the!. EI wi)) +o!e. I a! an e3/ert. 4o!an9 have you an a!/hora with a thin ne+69 i /ossi2)e o red +)ayFG says Tho!as. EI have what you want and other vases as we))... The ones I used on east days... or the weddin&s o !y sons or so!e other i!/ortant o++asion. I you wait or !e to /ut these +a6es in the oven9 on)y a !o!ent9 I wi)) +o!e and o/en the +hest where the 2eauti u) thin&s are 6e/t... 'hH they are on)y ew now9 a ter so !u+h !is ortuneH %ut I have 6e/t EThe wo!an is ri&htened thin6in& that she wi)) 2e seein& a !an who has 2een raised ro! the deadG says the Is+ariot )au&hin& ironi+a))y. EShe is not the on)y one. The dis+i/)es to)d !e that they were a)) e3+ited at 8azareth and a)so at 7ana and Ti2erias. 5ne that +o!es 2a+6 ro! the dead a ter 2ein& our days in a se/u)+hre is not as easi)y ound as daisies in s/rin&ti!e. 4e were a)so very /a)e when he +a!e out o the se/u)+hreH %ut instead o standin& there !a6in& id)e +o!!ents9 +ou)d you not do so!e wor6F 0very2ody is wor6in& and there is sti)) so !u+h to 2e done... ,o to the !ar6et9 sin+e you +an do that today9 and 2uy what is needed. 4hat we 2ou&ht is no )on&er su i+ient9 now that they are +o!in&9 and we had no ti!e to &o 2a+6 to town and do so!e sho//in&. 4e wou)d have 2een he)d u/9 where we were9 2y sunset.G Judas +a))s Matthew9 who +o!es into the 6it+hen dressed u/9 and they &o out to&ether.

5)#.A& E5h ai.; 0e-" e and A-&e &he A i,a2 "- Jesus! '"&he and "- &he 8".en Dis3i52es %i&h Laza us.


3 The >ea)ot a)so +o!es into the 6it+hen9 he is we)) dressed as we))9 and he saysI E5ur Tho!asH He is rea))y an artist. 4ith very )itt)e he has de+orated the roo! as i it were or a weddin& dinner. ,o and see it.G They a)) rush to see it9 with the e3+e/tion o 1eter9 who is inishin& his wor6. 1eter saysI EI a! dyin& to see the! here. 1erha/s Mar<ia! is with the!. In a !onth's ti!e it wi)) 2e 1assover. He !ust have a)ready )e t 7a/ernau! or %ethsaida.G EI a! ha//y9 or the Master's sa6e9 that Mary is +o!in&. She wi)) +o! ort Hi! !ore than any2ody e)se. 'nd He needs itG the >ea)ot re/)ies to hi!. ESo !u+h. 'nd have you noti+ed how sad is John a)soF I have as6ed hi!. %ut in vain. In his 6indness he is !ore ir! than a)) o us9 and i he does not want to s/ea69 nothin& +an !a6e hi! do so. %ut I a! sure that he is aware o so!ethin&. 'nd he see!s to 2e the Master's shadow. He o))ows Hi! a)) the ti!e. 'nd he is a)ways )oo6in& at Hi!. 'nd when he 6nows that he is not 2ein& wat+hed J 2e+ause9 i he 6nows9 he )oo6s at you with su+h a s!i)e that wou)d !a6e even a ti&er !i)d J when he 6nows that no2ody is wat+hin& hi!9 I say9 his +ountenan+e is very sad. ;ou shou)d try and as6 hi!. He is very ond o you. 'nd he 6nows that you are !ore /rudent than I a!...G E5hH +ertain)y not. ;ou have 2e+o!e an e3a!/)e o /ruden+e or a)) o us. 8o one wou)d re+o&nise the o)d Si!on in you. ;ou are rea))y the stone that 2y its hard sound +o!/a+tness su//orts us a)).G E8ot at a))H $on't say thatH I a! a /oor !an. 7ertain)y... 2y stayin& with Hi! or so !any years9 one 2e+o!es a )itt)e )i6e Hi!. ' )itt)e... very )itt)e9 2ut =uite di erent ro! what one was /revious)y. 4e have a))... no9 not a)) o us9 un ortunate)y. Judas is a)ways the sa!e. Here as he was at the 7)ear 4ater...G E'nd !ay ,od &rant that he !ay a)ways 2e the sa!eHG E4hatF 4hat do you !eanFG E8othin& and everythin&9 Si!on o Jonah. I the Master heard !e He wou)d sayI C$o not <ud&e.D %ut I a! not <ud&in&. I a! a raid. I a! a raid that Judas is worse than he was at the 7)ear 4ater.G EHe +ertain)y is9 even i he is as he was then. %e+ause he shou)d have +han&ed very !u+h9 he shou)d have &rown in <usti+e9 instead he is a)ways the sa!e. So in his heart there is the sin o s/iritua) indo)en+e9 whi+h was not there /revious)y. %e+ause at the 2e&innin&... yes9 he was !ad9 2ut he was u)) o &ood wi))... Te)) !e9 the a+t that the Master has de+ided to send Sa!ue) with us and to &ather to&ether a)) the dis+i/)es9 a)) those that +an 2e &athered at Jeri+ho or the new !oon o 8isan9 what does it !a6e you thin6F 1revious)y He had said that the !an was to stay here... and He had a)so

or2idden us to say where He was. It !a6es !e sus/i+ious...G E8o. In !y o/inion the situation is +)ear and )o&i+a). %y now9 we do not 6now 2y who! and how the news has 2een s/read that the Master is here and it is 6nown a)) over 1a)estine. ;ou 6now that /i)&ri!s and dis+i/)es have +o!e here ro! :edesh to 0n&edi9 ro! Jo//a to %ozrah. So there is no sense in 6ee/in& it se+ret any )on&er. (urther9 1assover is a//roa+hin& and the Master +ertain)y wants to have His dis+i/)es with Hi! or His return to Jerusa)e!. ;ou heard that the Sanhedrin says that He has 2een de eated and has )ost a)) His dis+i/)es. 'nd He wi)) re/)y to it 2y enterin& the town at the head o the!...G EI a! a raid9 Si!on. Bery !u+h a raid... ;ou have heard that every2ody9 a)so the Herodians9 have <oined to&ether a&ainst Hi!...G E;esH It's true. May ,od he)/ usH...G E'nd why is He sendin& Sa!ue) with usFG E7ertain)y to /re/are hi! or his !ission. I see no reason why we shou)d worry... 4 They are 6no+6in&H It's +ertain)y the wo!en dis+i/)esH...G 1eter throws away his 2)oodstained a/ron and runs o))owin& the >ea)ot9 who has rushed to the door o the house. ')) the others who are in the house a//ear ro! the various doors and shoutI EHere they areH Here they areHG %ut when they o/en the door they are so o2vious)y disa//ointed in seein& 0)iza and 8i6e9 that the two wo!en dis+i/)es as6I EIs there anythin& wron&FG E8oH 8oH The a+t is that... we thou&ht it was the Mother and the wo!en dis+i/)es ro! ,a)i)ee...G says 1eter. E'hH you have ta6en it 2ad)y. %ut we are very ha//y to see you and to hear that Mary is a2out to arriveG says 0)iza. E8o9 we have not ta6en it 2ad)y... 4e are disa//ointedH %ut +o!eH 7o!e inH 1ea+e 2e with our &ood sistersG says Thaddeus &reetin& the! on 2eha) o every2ody. E'nd to you. Is the Master not inFG EHe has &one with John to !eet Mary. 4e 6now that She is +o!in& a)on& the She+he! road in Lazarus' wa&onG e3/)ains the >ea)ot. They &o into the house whi)e 'ndrew ta6es +are o 0)iza's don6ey. 8i6e has +o!e on oot. They s/ea6 o what is ha//enin& in Jerusa)e!9 they in=uire a ter riends and dis+i/)es... a ter 'nna)eah9 Mary and Martha9 o)d John o 8o29 Jose/h9 8i+ode!us and !any !ore. The a2sen+e o Judas Is+ariot a))ows the! to s/ea6 /ea+e u))y and o/en)y. 0)iza9 an e)der)y e3/erien+ed wo!an9 who at the ti!e they were at 8o29 has 2een in

5)#.A& E5h ai.; 0e-" e and A-&e &he A i,a2 "- Jesus! '"&he and "- &he 8".en Dis3i52es %i&h Laza us.


tou+h with the Is+ariot and 2y now 6nows hi! very we)) and a)so Eshe on)y )oves hi! out o )ove or ,odG as she says o/en)y9 as6s whether he is in the house and does not want to <oin the others or so!e whi! o his9 and on)y a ter she )earns that he is out9 sho//in&9 she s/ea6s o what she 6nowsI Ethat everythin& see!s to have +a)!ed down at Jerusa)e!9 that not even the we)) 6nown dis+i/)es are =uestioned any !ore9 that it is ru!oured that it ha//ened 2e+ause 1i)ate had s/o6en in a threatenin& voi+e to those o the Sanhedrin9 re!indin& the! that he is the on)y one who ad!inisters <usti+e in 1a)estine and there ore they shou)d /ut an end to their nonsense.G 5 E%ut they a)so sayG9 re!ar6s 8i6e EJ and it is Manaen who says this and other !en with hi!9 nay other wo!en9 2e+ause Ba)eria is the other voi+e J that 1i)ate is rea))y so tired o a)) the risin&s that +ontinuous)y e3+ite the +ountry and that !ay +ause hi! trou2)e9 and that he is a)so so stru+6 2y the insisten+e o the Jews in insinuatin& that Jesus is ai!in& at /ro+)ai!in& Hi!se) 6in&9 that i he did not have the +on+ordant avoura2)e re/orts o the +enturions and a2ove a))9 i he were not /ressed 2y his wi e9 he wou)d end u/ 2y /unishin& the 7hrist9 i on)y 2y 2anishin& Hi!9 in order not to 2e trou2)ed any !ore.G EThat wou)d 2e the )ast straw. 'nd he is +a/a2)e o doin& itH Auite +a/a2)eH It is the )i&htest .o!an /unish!ent9 and the !ost used a ter s+our&in&. %ut +an you i!a&ine thatH Jesus a)) a)one9 &oodness 6nows where9 and we s+attered here and there...G says the >ea)ot. E5 +ourseH S+atteredH That's what you say. %ut they wi)) not s+atter !e. I wi)) o))ow Hi!...G says 1eter. E5hH Si!onH 7an you )atter yourse) that they wou)d a))ow you to do thatF They tie you u/ )i6e a &a))ey s)ave9 and they ta6e you wherever they want9 even on a &a))ey or to one o their /risons9 and you wou)d no )on&er 2e a2)e to o))ow your MasterG says %artho)o!ew. 1eter ru )es his hair )oo6in& /er/)e3ed and downhearted. E4e sha)) te)) Lazarus. Lazarus wi)) &o to 1i)ate ran6)y. 1i)ate wi)) +ertain)y see hi! with /)easure 2e+ause the ,enti)es )ove to see e3traordinary 2ein&s...G says the >ea)ot. EHe has /ro2a2)y 2een there 2e ore he )e t9 and 1i)ate !ay no )on&er 2e an3ious to see hi!HG says 1eter de<e+ted)y. EHe wi)) then &o as Theo/hi)us' son. 5r he wi)) ta6e his sister Mary to visit the )adies o ran6. They were riends when... we))9 when Mary was a sinner...G E$o you 6now that Ba)eria9 a ter her hus2and divor+ed her9 has 2e+o!e a /rose)yteF She has 2een in earnest. She )ives an honest )i e and is an e3a!/)e to !any o us. She reed a)) her s)aves and she instru+ts the! in the true ,od. She had &one to )ive in >ion. %ut now that 7)audia has +o!e9 she has &one 2a+6 to her...G

EThenH...G E8o. She said to !eI C's soon as Johanna +o!es I a! &oin& to stay with her. %ut now I want to +onvin+e 7)audia.D.. 7)audia does not see! to 2e a2)e to &et over the )i!it o her o/inion on 7hrist. '++ordin& to her He is a wise !an. 8othin& e)se... 8ay 2e ore she +a!e to town9 she see!s to have 2een so!ewhat u/set 2y the ru!ours that were s/read and to have said s6e/ti+a))yI CHe is a !an )i6e our /hi)oso/hers9 and not o the 2est9 2e+ause His word does not +orres/ond to His )i eD9 and she had so!e... in short she a))owed herse) +ertain thin&s that she had /revious)y &iven u/G says 8i6e. EThat was to 2e e3/e+ted. Heathen sou)sH H'!H There !ay 2e a &ood one... %ut the othersH... 7orru/tH 7orru/tHG %artho)o!ew says sententious)y. 6 E'nd what a2out Jose/hFG as6s Thaddeus. E4hoF The !an ro! Se/horisF He is terri iedH ;our 2rother Jose/h +a!e. He +a!e and )e t at on+e9 2ut he /assed 2y %ethany to te)) the sisters that at a)) +osts they shou)d 6ee/ the Master ro! &oin& to town and ro! re!ainin& there. I was there and I heard hi!. Li6ewise I heard that Jose/h o Se/horis had a )ot o trou2)e and now he is !u+h a raid. ;our 2rother as6ed hi! to 6ee/ we)) in or!ed o what is /)otted in the Te!/)e. The !an ro! Se/horis +an ind out throu&h that re)ative who is the hus2and either o the sister or o the dau&hter o his wi e's sister9 I do not 6now9 and who is e!/)oyed at the Te!/)eG says 0)iza. EHow !u+h earH 8ow9 when we &o to Jerusa)e!9 I want to send !y 2rother to 'nnas. I +ou)d &o !yse) 9 2e+ause I a)so 6now the s)y o3 we)). %ut John is !ore +a/a2)e. 'nd 'nnas was very ond o hi! when we )istened to the words o the o)d o3 2e)ievin& that he was a )a!2H I wi)) send John. He wi)) 2e a2)e to /ut u/ even with a2use without rea+tin&. I... i he said anathe!a o the Master to !e9 or even i he on)y said that I a! anathe!a 2e+ause I o))ow Hi!9 I wou)d <u!/ to his ne+69 I wou)d seize hi! and s=ueeze his o)d stout 2ody as i it were a net out o whi+h water is to 2e s=ueezed. I wou)d !a6e hi! &ive 2a+6 the wi+6ed sou) he hasH 0ven i a)) the so)diers and /riests o the Te!/)e were around hi!HG E5hH i the Master heard you s/ea6 thusHG e3+)ai!s 'ndrew9 who is utter)y s+anda)ised. EI a! sayin& so e3a+t)y 2e+ause He is not hereHG E;ou are ri&htH ;ou are not the on)y one to have +ertain wishes. I have the!9 tooHG says 1eter. E'nd I9 too9 and not on)y with re&ard to 'nnasG says Thaddeus. E5hH in that +ase I... wou)d serve severa) o the!. I have a )on& )ist... Those three o)d +ro+6s o 7a/ernau! J I )eave out Si!on9 the 1harisee9 2e+ause he see!s to 2e to)era2)y &ood J those two wo)ves o 0sdrae)on9 and that o)d hea/ o 2ones o

5)#.A& E5h ai.; 0e-" e and A-&e &he A i,a2 "- Jesus! '"&he and "- &he 8".en Dis3i52es %i&h Laza us.


Hananiah9 and then... a s)au&hter9 a rea) s)au&hter9 I te)) you9 at Jerusa)e!9 with He)6ai at the head o the! a)). I +annot 2ear those sna6es )yin& in wait any )on&erHG 1eter is urious. Thaddeus9 +a)! in s/ea6in&9 2ut even !ore i!/ressive in his &)a+ia) +a)! than i he were as urious as 1eter9 saysI E'nd I wou)d &ive you a hand. %ut... /erha/s I wou)d 2e&in 2y re!ovin& the sna6es +)ose at hand.G E4hoF Sa!ue)FG E8o. 8ot at a))H 8ot on)y Sa!ue) is +)ose at hand. There are !any who show a a+e 2ut their sou)s are di erent ro! the a+e they showH I never )ose si&ht o the!. 8ever. I want to 2e sure 2e ore a+tin&. %ut when I a! sureH $avid's 2)ood is hot9 and hot is the 2)ood o ,a)i)ee. They are 2oth in !e throu&h !y /aterna) and !aterna) )ines.G E5hH In the event... te)) !eH I wi)) he)/ you...G says 1eter. E8o. %)ood reven&e is the +on+ern o re)atives. It's or !e to ta6e it.G 7 E%ut9 !y dear +hi)drenH $o not s/ea6 thus. That is not what the Master tea+hesH ;ou )oo6 )i6e )itt)e urious )ions instead o 2ein& the )a!2s o the La!2H .estrain so !u+h s/irit o reven&e. The days o $avid went 2y )on& a&oH The )aw o 2)ood and reta)iation has 2een +an+e))ed 2y the 7hrist. He +on ir!s the ten un+han&ea2)e +o!!and!ents9 2ut He +an+e)s the other hard Mosai+ )aws. The +o!!and!ents o Moses +on+ernin& /ity9 hu!anity and <usti+e re!ain and are +ondensed and /er e+ted in His &reater +o!!and!entI CTo )ove ,od with our who)e se)ves9 to )ove our nei&h2our as we )ove ourse)ves9 to or&ive those who o end us9 to )ove those who hate us.D 5hH or&ive !e9 i I9 a wo!an9 have dared to tea+h !y 2rothers9 who are &reater than I a!H %ut I a! an o)d !other. 'nd a !other +an a)ways s/ea6. %e)ieve !e9 !y +hi)drenH I you your@ se)ves +a)) Satan 2y hatin& ene!ies9 2y wishin& or reven&e9 he wi)) +o!e into you and +orru/t you. Satan is not stren&th. %e)ieve !e. ,od is stren&th. Satan is wea6ness9 a 2urden9 he is s)u&&ishness. ;ou wou)d not 2e a2)e to !ove a in&er any !ore9 not on)y a&ainst your ene!ies9 2ut not even to +aress our distressed Jesus9 i hatred and reven&e shou)d en+hain you. 7heer u/9 !y dear +hi)dren9 a)) o youH ')so those who are as o)d as I a!9 /erha/s o)der. ;ou are a)) sons or a wo!an who )oves you9 or a !other who has ound on+e a&ain the <oy o 2ein& a !other 2y )ovin& you as her +hi)dren. $o not !a6e !e ee) distressed on+e a&ain9 havin& )ost !y dear +hi)dren a&ain and or &oodM 2e+ause i you die +herishin& hatred or +ri!e9 you die orever9 and we sha)) not )on&er 2e a2)e to &ather a)) to&ether u/ there9 in <oy9 around our +o!!on )oveI Jesus. 1ro!ise !e here9 at on+e9 as I i!/)ore you9 /ro!ise !e9 a /oor wo!an9 a /oor !other9 that you wi)) never have su+h thou&hts a&ain. 5hH they even dis i&ure your a+es. ;ou see! stran&ers to !e9 you are di erentH How u&)y hatred !a6es youH ;ou were so !ee6H %ut what is ha//enin&F Listen to !eH Mary wou)d say the sa!e words as !ine to you9 with &reater /ower9 2e+ause She is MaryM 2ut it is 2etter i She is not aware o a)) the &rie ...

5hH /oor MotherH %ut what is ha//enin&F So have I to rea))y 2e)ieve that the hour o dar6ness has a)ready +o!e9 the hour that wi)) swa))ow every2ody9 the hour in whi+h Satan wi)) 2e 6in& in every2ody9 with the e3+e/tion o the Ho)y 5ne9 and he wi)) )ead astray a)so saints9 you a)so9 !a6in& you +owards9 /er<urers9 as +rue) as he isF 5hH so ar I have a)ways ho/edH I have a)ways saidI CMen wi)) not /revai) a&ainst the 7hrist.D %ut nowH %ut now I a! a raid and I tre!2)e or the irst ti!eH I see the &reat $ar6ness9 whose na!e is Lu+i er9 stret+h out and invade this serene s6y o 'dar and dar6en a)) o you9 and /our /oisons that !a6e you si+6. 5hH I a! a raidHG 0)iza9 who or so!e ti!e had 2een wee/in& si)ent)y9 dro/s with her head on the ta2)e at whi+h she was sittin& and so2s sorrow u))y. The a/ost)es )oo6 at one another. Then9 a)thou&h distressed9 they 2e&in to +onso)e her. %ut she does not want +onso)ations and she says soI E5ne9 on)y one is &ood or !eI your /ro!ise. (or your own &oodH So that Jesus !ay not have the &reatest o His sorrowsI to see you9 His 2e)oved dis+i/)es9 da!ned.G E5 +ourse9 0)iza. I that is what you wantH $o not wee/9 wo!anH 4e /ro!ise you. Listen. 4e wi)) not )i t a in&er a&ainst any2ody. 4e sha)) not even )oo69 so that we !ay not see. $on't wee/H $on't wee/H 4e wi)) or&ive those who o end us. 4e wi)) )ove those who hate usH $on't wee/.G 0)iza raises her a+e shinin& with tears and saysI E.e!e!2er. ;ou have /ro!ised itH .e/eat your /ro!iseHG E4e /ro!ise you it9 wo!an.G EHow dear you are9 !y +hi)drenH 8ow I do )i6e youH I see that you are &ood a&ain. 8 8ow that !y worry is a//eased and that you are on+e a&ain ree ro! that 2itter er!ent9 )et us &et ready to re+eive Mary. 4hat is there to 2e doneFG she as6s and she inishes wi/in& her tears. E'+tua))y... we have /re/ared9 as !en +an do. %ut Mary o Ja+o2 he)/ed us. She is a Sa!aritan9 2ut she is very &ood. ;ou wi)) soon see her. She is out at the stone oven wat+hin& the 2read. She is a)oneI her +hi)dren are either dead or have or&otten her9 her ri+hes have vanished9 and yet she 2ears no one i))@wi))...G E'hH seeH 7an you see that there is who 6nows how to or&ive a)so a!on& heathens and Sa!aritansF 'nd it !ust 2e dread u)9 you 6now9 to have to or&ive a sonH... %etter dead than a sinnerH 'hH 're you sure that Judas is not hereFG EI he has not 2e+o!e a 2ird9 he +annot 2e here9 2e+ause the windows are o/en9 2ut a)) the doors are +)osed9 e3+e/t this one.G EThen... Mary o Si!on has 2een to Jerusa)e! with her re)ative. She +a!e to o er sa+ri i+es at the Te!/)e. Then she +a!e to us. She see!s a !artyr. How de/ressed she isH She as6ed !e and every2ody whether we had any news o her son. 4hether he was with the Master. 4hether he had a)ways 2een with Hi!.G

5)#.A& E5h ai.; 0e-" e and A-&e &he A i,a2 "- Jesus! '"&he and "- &he 8".en Dis3i52es %i&h Laza us.


E4hat is the !atter with that wo!anFG as6s 'ndrew =uite astonished. EHer son. $o you not thin6 that it is enou&hFG as6s Thaddeus. EI +o! orted her. She wanted to &o 2a+6 to the Te!/)e with us. 4e a)) went there to&ether to /ray... Then she )e t9 a)ways with her worry. I said to herI CI you stay with us9 we sha)) 2e &oin& to the Master short)y. ;our son is there.D She a)ready 6new that Jesus is here. It has 2een 6nown as ar as the 2orders o 1a)estine. %ut she saidI C8o9 noH The Master to)d !e not to 2e in Jerusa)e! in s/rin&. I a! o2eyin& Hi!. %ut I wanted to &o u/ to the Te!/)e 2e ore He returned. I a! in su+h need o ,od.D 'nd she said a stran&e word... She saidI CI a! 2)a!e)ess. %ut I a! so tortured that he)) is in !e and I a! in itD... 4e re/eated)y as6ed her why. %ut she wou)d not say anythin& e)se9 with re&ard to her torture or to the reasons or Jesus' /rohi2ition. She as6ed us not to say anythin& to Jesus or to Judas.G E1oor wo!anH So wi)) she not 2e there at 1assoverFG as6s Tho!as. E8o9 she wi)) not.G

ESo wi)) she not 2e there at 1assoverFG E8o9 she wi)) not.G E'nd that !a6es twoHG e3+)ai!s 1eter. E4hat are you sayin&F 4hi+h twoFG as6s Judas sus/i+ious)y. E8othin&9 nothin&H ' +a)+u)ation o !ine. Many thin&s +an 2e +ounted9 +an they notF ')so... )ies9 or instan+e9 that a)i&ht on !y s6inned )a!2.G 10 Mary o Ja+o2 +o!es in o))owed 2y Sa!ue) and John who are +arryin& )oaves <ust ta6en out o the oven. 0)iza &reets the wo!an9 and so does 8i6e. 'nd 0)iza has a 6ind word to !a6e her ee) at easeI E;ou are a!on& sisters9 in sorrow9 Mary. I a! a)one as I )ost hus2and and +hi)dren9 and she is a widow. So we wi)) )ove one another9 2e+ause on)y who has we/t +an understand.G In the !eanti!e 1eter says to JohnI EHow +o!e you are hereF 'nd the MasterFG

E5n the wa&on. 4ith His Mother.G E4e))H I Jesus to)d her that9 He !ust have a reason... $id you hear what she said9 ehF It E'nd are you not sayin& anythin&FG is rea))y 6nown everywhere that Jesus is hereHG says 1eter. E;ou have not &iven !e ti!e. ')) the wo!en are there. %ut you wi)) see how worn out E;es. 'nd so!e /eo/)e said that those who were s/readin& the news were doin& so to Mary o 8azareth isH She see!s to have a&ed years and years. Lazarus says that She &ather !en in His na!e9 to rise Ca&ainst the tyrantsD. 5thers said that He is here was very u/set when he to)d Her that Jesus had ta6en she)ter here.G 2e+ause He rea)ises that He has 2een un!as6ed...G E')ways the sa!e reasonsH They !ust have s/ent a)) the &o)d o the Te!/)e to send those... servants o theirs everywhereHG re!ar6s 'ndrew. 9 There are so!e 6no+6s at the door. EThey are hereHG they say and they rush to o/en. It is instead Judas with his sho//in&. Matthew o))ows hi!. Judas sees 0)iza and 8i6e and he &reets the! as6in&I E're you a)oneFG E')) a)one. Mary has not +o!e yet.G EMary is not +o!in& ro! the southern re&ions and thus she +annot 2e with you. I was as6in& whether 'nastasi+a is here.G E8o. She re!ained at %ethzur.G E4hyF She is a dis+i/)e9 too. $o you not 6now that ro! here we sha)) 2e &oin& to Jerusa)e! or 1assoverF She shou)d 2e here. I the wo!en dis+i/)es and the 2e)ievers are not /er e+t9 who wi)) 2e soF 4ho wi)) or! the train o the Master9 to dis+redit the )e&end that every2ody had a2andoned Hi!FG E5hH with re&ard to that9 it wi)) not 2e a /oor wo!an to i)) the &a/sH .oses are a)) ri&ht a!on& thorns and in en+)osed &ardens. I a+t as her !other and I ordered that.G E4hy did that oo) te)) HerF %e ore dyin& he was inte))i&ent. 1erha/s His 2rain 2e+a!e !ushy in the se/u)+hre and it has never re+overed. 5ne does not )ie dead with i!/unityH...G says Judas o :erioth ironi+a))y and s+orn u))y. E8othin& o the 6ind. ;ou had 2etter wait and )isten9 2e ore s/ea6in&. Lazarus o %ethany to)d Mary when they were a)ready on the way9 as She was sur/rised at the road that Lazarus was ta6in&G says Sa!ue) stern)y. E;es. The irst ti!e he /assed throu&h 8azareth he on)y saidI CI wi)) ta6e ;ou to ;our Son in a !onth's ti!e.D He did not even say to HerI C4e are &oin& to 0/hrai!D when they were a2out to )eave9 2ut...G says John. E0very2ody 6nows that Jesus is here. 4as She the on)y one who did not 6nowFG as6s a)ways rude)y Judas9 interru/tin& his +o!/anion. EMary 6new. She had heard it 2ein& said. %ut sin+e a !uddy strea! o severa) )ies )ows throu&h 1a)estine9 She did not a++e/t any news as true. She was wastin& away with &rie 9 in si)en+e9 /rayin&. %ut on+e they were on the road9 as Lazarus had ta6en the road a)on& the river9 in order to 2ewi)der the 8azarenes9 and a)) those at 7ana9 Se/horis9 %eth)ehe! o ,a)i)ee...G

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E'hH Is 8ao!i a)so there with Myrtha and 'ureaFG as6s Tho!as. E8o. They were ordered 2y Jesus not to +o!e. 4hen Isaa+ +a!e 2a+6 to ,a)i)ee he 2rou&ht His order.G ESo... a)so these wo!en wi)) not 2e with us as )ast year.G E8o9 they wi)) not 2e with us.G E'nd that's threeHG E8either our wives and dau&hters. The Master to)d the! 2e ore )eavin& ,a)i)ee. 8ay9 He re/eated His order. %e+ause !y dau&hter Marian to)d !e that Jesus had in or!ed the! sin+e )ast 1assover.G E%ut... very we))H Is at )east Johanna thereF Sa)o!eF Mary o ')/haeusFG E;es. 'nd Susanna.G E'nd Mar<ia! +ertain)y... 11 %ut what is that noiseFG EThe wa&onsH The wa&onsH 'nd a)) the 8azarenes who have not surrendered and have o))owed Lazarus... and those ro! 7ana...G re/)ies John runnin& away with the others. 5n+e the door is o/ened9 a tu!u)tuous si&ht +an 2e seen. %esides Mary sittin& near Her Son and the wo!en dis+i/)es9 2esides Lazarus9 2esides Johanna9 in her wa&on with Mary and Matthias9 0sther and other !aidservants and aith u) Jonathan9 there is a +rowd o /eo/)eI 6nown a+es and un6nown ones. (ro! 8azareth9 7ana9 Ti2erias9 8ain9 0ndor. 'nd Sa!aritans ro! a)) the vi))a&es they /assed throu&h on their <ourney and ro! other near2y ones. 'nd they rush to the ront o the wa&ons9 o2stru+tin& the /assa&e to those who want to +o!e out or &o in. E%ut what do these /eo/)e wantF 4hy have they +o!eF How did they 6nowFG E0hH those o 8azareth were on the )oo6@out9 and when Lazarus +a!e in the evenin& to )eave the o))owin& !ornin&9 durin& the ni&ht they ran to the near2y towns9 and those ro! 7ana did the sa!e9 2e+ause Lazarus had /assed there to &et Susanna and to !eet Johanna. 'nd they o))owed and /re+eded hi!9 to see Jesus and to see Lazarus. 'nd a)so those o Sa!aria heard a2out it and they <oined the rest. 'nd here they are9 a)) o the!H...G e3/)ains John. EListenH ;ou who were a raid that the Master wou)d have no train9 do you thin6 this one is su i+ientFG 1hi)i/ says to the Is+ariot. EThey +a!e or Lazarus...G E5n+e they had seen hi!9 they +ou)d have &one away. Instead they re!ained and have +o!e here. 4hi+h !eans that there are a)so so!e who +a!e or the Master.G

E4e)). Let us have no id)e ta)6. Instead )et us !a6e way to )et the! &o in. 7o!e on9 2oysH In order to &et into /ra+ti+e a&ainH 4e have not e)2owed a way throu&h the +rowd or the Master or a )on& ti!eHG and 1eter is the irst to 2e&in to o/en a /assa&e throu&h the +rowd that sin&s hosannas9 is +urious9 devout9 ta)6ative a++ordin& to the various !oods. 'nd when he su++eeds with the he)/ o other /eo/)e and o !any dis+i/)es who9 s/read out a!on& the +rowds9 are tryin& to <oin the a/ost)es9 he 6ee/s the s/a+e e!/ty so that the wo!en !ay ta6e she)ter in the house with Jesus and Lazarus. He then +)oses the door9 2ein& the )ast one to &o in9 and he 2ars it and 2o)ts it and sends the others to +)ose the door on the side o the 6it+hen &arden. E5hH at )on& )astH 1ea+e 2e with ;ou9 2)essed MaryH 't )ast I see ;ouH 8ow everythin& is 2eauti u) 2e+ause ;ou are with usHG says 1eter &reetin& Her and he stoo/s 2e ore Mary. ' Mary with a sad /a)e tired a+e9 it is a)ready the a+e o 5ur Lady o Sorrows. E;es9 everythin& is now )ess sorrow u) 2e+ause I a! here near Hi!.G EI had assured ;ou that I was te))in& nothin& 2ut the truthHG says Lazarus. E;ou are ri&ht... %ut the sun 2e+a!e o2s+ured or Me and I had no /ea+e when I heard that My Son was here... I understood... 5hHG More tears strea! down Her wan +hee6s. E$o not wee/9 MotherH $o not wee/H I was here a!on& these &ood /eo/)e9 near another Mary who is a !other...G Jesus )eads Her towards a roo! that o/ens onto the /ea+e u) 6it+hen &arden. They a)) o))ow Hi!. 12 Lazarus says a/o)o&isin&I EI had to te)) Her9 2e+ause She 6new the road9 and She +ou)d not understand why I was ta6in& that one. She thou&ht that He was with !e at %ethany... 'nd at She+he! a)so a !an shoutedI C4e are &oin& to 0/hrai!9 too9 to the Master.D It was i!/ossi2)e or !e to ind an e3+use... I was a)so ho/in& to outdistan+e those /eo/)e 2y settin& o at ni&ht a)on& stran&e routes. 8othin& doin&H They were on the a)ert everywhere9 and whi)e one &rou/ o))owed !e9 another went around s/readin& the news.G Mary o Ja+o2 2rin&s so!e !i)69 2utter and new 2read and o ers the! to Mary irst. She )oo6s Lazarus u/ and down stea)thi)y9 ha) +urious9 ha) ri&htened9 and her hand <er6s when9 o erin& Lazarus so!e !i)69 she tou+hes his hand )i&ht)y and she +annot he)/ e3+)ai!in& EohHG when she sees Hi! eat his +a6e )i6e every2ody e)se. Lazarus is the irst to )au&h and he says in an a a2)e &ent)e!an)y !anner9 with the +on iden+e o a)) !en o hi&h 2irthI E;es9 wo!an. I eat <ust )i6e you9 and I )i6e your 2read and your !i)6. 'nd I a! sure I sha)) )i6e your 2ed9 2e+ause I ee) tired e3a+t)y as I ee) hun&ry.G He turns round sayin&I EThere are !any who tou+h !e with so!e e3+use to ee) whether I a! )esh and 2ones9 whether I a! war! and I 2reathe. It is a 2it o a nuisan+e. 'nd when !y !ission is

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over9 I wi)) retire to %ethany. I I were near ;ou9 Master9 I wou)d stir u/ too !any distra+tions. I have shone9 I have 2orne witness to ;our /ower as ar as Syria. I sha)) now disa//ear. ;ou a)one !ust shine in the s6y o !ira+)es9 in the s6y o ,od and in the eyes o !en.G Mary in the !eanti!e says to the o)d wo!anI E;ou have 2een &ood to My Son. He to)d Me how &ood you have 2een. Let Me 6iss you to te)) you how &rate u) I a! to you. I have nothin& to &ive you as a reward9 e3+e/t My )ove. I a! /oor9 too... and I a)so +an say that I no )on&er have a son9 2e+ause He 2e)on&s to ,od and to His !ission... 'nd !ay it a)ways 2e so9 2e+ause ho)y and <ust is what ,od wants.G Mary is 6ind9 2ut she is a)ready heart@2ro6en... ')) the a/ost)es )oo6 at Her +o!/assionate)y to the e3tent o or&ettin& those who are riotin& outside9 and o in=uirin& a ter their ar away re)atives.

on a <ourney a2road9 su+h /erson sha)) 6ee/ 1assover or the Lord on the ourteenth day o the se+ond !onth9 in the evenin&.DG E%ut Mar<ia! is not un+)ean9 I ho/e that 1or/hirea does not want to die <ust now9 and he is not on a <ourney...G says 1eter o2<e+tin&. EIt does not !atter. That is what I want. There are thin&s that !a6e one un+)ean !ore than a dead 2ody. Mar<ia!... I do not want hi! to 2e +onta!inated. Let Me do as I wish9 1eter. I 6now. %e o2edient as your wi e is and Mar<ia!9 too. 4e sha)) 6ee/ the se+ond 1assover with hi!9 on the ourteenth day o the se+ond !onth. 'nd we sha)) 2e so ha//y then. It's a /ro!ise.G 1eter !a6es a &esture as i to sayI ELet us resi&n ourse)vesG9 2ut he !a6es no o2<e+tion. The >ea)ot re!ar6sI EIt is a )ot i you do not +ontinue your +a)+u)ation o how !any wi)) not 2e in town at 1assoverHG

13 %ut Jesus saysI EI wi)) &o u/ to the terra+e to dis!iss and 2)ess the /eo/)eG and 1eter then rouses hi!se) and as6sI E%ut where is Mar<ia!F I have seen a)) the dis+i/)es 2ut EI do not ee) )i6e +ountin& any !ore. ')) this &ives !e a stran&e sensation... 'n i+y not hi!.G ee)in&... 7an the others 2e to)dFG EMar<ia! is not hereG re/)ies Sa)o!e9 the !other o Ja!es and John. EMar<ia! is not hereF 4hyF Is he i))FG E8o. He is we)). 'nd your wi e is we)). %ut Mar<ia! is not here. 1or/hirea did not )et hi! +o!e.G ESi))y wo!anH In a !onth's ti!e it wi)) 2e 1assover and he has to +o!e or 1assoverH She +ou)d have )et hi! +o!e with you now and !a6e the 2oy and !e ha//y. %ut she is !ore 2a+6ward than a shee/ in understandin& +ertain thin&s...G EJohn and Si!on o Jonah9 and you9 Lazarus with Si!on >ea)ot9 +o!e with Me. ;ou9 a)) o you9 stay here where you are9 unti) I dis!iss the +rowd9 se/aratin& the dis+i/)es ro! itG orders Jesus9 and He &oes out with the our +)osin& the door. Throu&h the +orridor and the 6it+hen He &oes out into the 6it+hen &arden o))owed 2y 1eter9 who is &ru!2)in&9 and 2y the others. %ut 2e ore settin& oot on the terra+e9 He sto/s on the )itt)e stair+ase9 He turns round )ayin& a hand on the shou)der o 1eter who raises his unha//y a+e. EListen to Me +are u))y9 Si!on 1eter9 and sto/ a++usin& and re/roa+hin& 1or/hirea. She is inno+ent. She o2eyed an order o Mine. %e ore the east o the Ta2erna+)es I ordered her not to )et Mar<ia! +o!e to Judaea...G E8o. I too6 you aside de)i2erate)y.G EThen... 14 I a)so have so!ethin& to te)) Lazarus in /arti+u)ar.G ETe)) !e. I I +an9 I wi)) re/)y to youG says Lazarus.

E5hH even i you do not re/)y it does not !atter. It is enou&h or !e i you &o to 1i)ate J the idea is o your riend Si!on J and ta)6in& o various !atters9 you wor! out o hi! what he is thin6in& o doin& or Jesus9 in &ood or in evi)... ;ou 6now... +ra ti)y... %e+ause there are so !any ru!oursHNG EI wi)). 's soon as I arrive in Jerusa)e!. I wi)) &o to %ethany via %ethe) and .a!ah instead o Jeri+ho9 and I wi)) sto/ in !y !ansion in >ion9 and I wi)) &o to 1i)ate. $on't worry9 1eter9 2e+ause I sha)) 2e s6i) u) and sin+ere.G

E'nd you wi)) waste your ti!e or nothin&9 My dear riend. %e+ause 1i)ate J you are aware o it as a !an9 I as ,od J is 2ut a reed that 2ends to the side o//osite the hurri@ +ane9 endeavourin& to avoid it. He is never insin+ere. %e+ause he is a)ways +onvin+ed that he wants to ta6e a+tion9 and he does what he says in that !o!ent. %ut a !o!ent )ater9 2e+ause o the how)in& o a stor! ro! another dire+tion9 he or&ets J ohH he does not 2rea6 his /ro!ise or his wi)) J he or&ets9 <ust that9 what he wanted /revious)y. He or&ets 2e+ause the +ry o a wi)) stron&er than his !a6es hi! )ose his !e!ory9 it 2)ows E%ut 1assover9 LordHG away a)) the thou&hts that another +ry had /)a+ed in it9 and re/)a+es the! with new EI a! the Lord. ;ou say that. 'nd as the Lord I +an order anythin&9 2e+ause every ones. 'nd then9 a2ove a)) the stor!s that with nu!2er)ess voi+es9 ro! that o his wi e order o Mine is <ust. So do not 2e u/set 2y s+ru/)es. $o you re!e!2er what is stated who threatens to se/arate i he does not do what she wants J and on+e he is se/arated in 8u!2ersF CI anyone o your +ountry 2e+o!es un+)ean 2y tou+hin& a dead 2ody or is ro! her9 that is the end o a)) his stren&th9 o his /rote+tion with CdivineD 7aesar9 as

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they say9 a)thou&h they are +onvin+ed that this 7aesar is !ore a2<e+t than they are... %ut dis+i/)es and the 8azarenes. they +an see the Idea in the !an9 nay the Idea annihi)ates the !an re/resentin& it9 and E4e are &oin& away. %ut we want His /ro!ise irstI that He wi)) +o!e to She+he! one +annot say that the Idea is un+)eanI every +itizen )oves9 and it is air that he shou)d 2e ore 1assover. To She+he!H To She+he!HG )ove his (ather)and9 and shou)d want it to triu!/h... EI wi)) +o!e. ,o. I wi)) +o!e 2e ore &oin& to Jerusa)e! or 1assover.G 7aesar is the (ather)and... so... a)so a !isera2)e !an is... &reat 2e+ause o what he re/resents... %ut I did not want to s/ea6 o 7aesar9 2ut o 1i)ateH J So I was sayin& that E$on't &oH $on't &oH Stay with usH 4ith usH 4e wi)) de end ;ouH 4e wi)) !a6e ;ou a2ove a)) the voi+es9 ro! that o his wi e to those o the +rowds9 there is the voi+e9 ohH :in& and 1onti H They hate ;ouH 4e )ove ;ouH $own with the JewsH Lon& )ive what a voi+eH o his e&o. 5 the s!a)) e&o o the s!a)) !an9 o the &reedy e&o o the JesusHG &reedy !an9 o the /roud e&o o the /roud !anM that s!a))ness9 that &reed9 that /ride ESi)en+e. Sto/ riotin&H My Mother su ers 2e+ause o this shoutin& that +an har! Me want to rei&n to 2e &reat9 they want to rei&n to have su/era2undan+e o !oney9 they !ore than a voi+e +ursin& Me. My hour has not yet +o!e. ,o. I wi)) +o!e to She+he!. want to rei&n to 2e a2)e to ru)e over a !u)titude o su2<e+ts stoo/in& to /ay ho!a&e to %ut re!ove ro! your hearts the thou&ht that I9 or 2ase hu!an +owardi+e and a the!. Hatred is s!ou)derin& underneath9 2ut the )itt)e 7aesar na!ed 1i)ate9 our )itt)e 7aesar does not see it... He +an on)y see the 2a+6s 2ent ei&nin& ho!a&e and ear 2e ore sa+ri)e&ious re2e))ion a&ainst the wi)) o My (ather9 !ay not u) i)) My duty as an hi! or rea))y ee)in& 2oth. And because of the stor#y voice of his ego he is prepared to Israe)ite9 worshi//in& the true ,od in the on)y Te!/)e in whi+h He +an 2e worshi//ed9 and as Messiah9 2y 2ein& +rowned anywhere 2ut in Jerusa)e!9 where I sha)) 2e anointed do anything. I say( anything. ;rovided he #ay continue to be ;ontius ;ilate the universa) :in& a++ordin& to the words and the truth oreseen 2y the &reat /ro/hets.G ;roconsul the servant of ,aesar the Ruler of one of the #any regions of the e#pire. 'nd 2e+ause o a)) that9 even i now he is My de ender9 to!orrow he wi)) 2e My <ud&e9 E$ownH There is no other /ro/het 2ut MosesH ;ou are a daydrea!er.G and ine3ora2)e. The thou&ht o !an is a)ways un+ertain. Most un+ertain when that !an's na!e is 1ontius 1i)ate. %ut9 Lazarus9 you !ay satis y 1eter... I that is to +onso)e E'nd you9 too. 're you /erha/s reeF 8o9 you are not. 4hat is the na!e o She+he!F Its new na!eF 'nd what ha//ened to She+he!9 ha//ened a)so to !any other towns in hi!...G Sa!aria9 Judaea and ,a)i)ee. %e+ause the .o!an !an&one) has )eve))ed us a)) a)i6e. Is E8ot to +onso)e !e 2ut... to +a)! !e a )itt)e...G its na!e She+he!F 8o. Its na!e is 8ea/o)is. 's %eth@Shean is na!ed S+ytho/o)is9 and !any other towns that either 2y wi)) o the .o!ans or 2y the wi)) o adu)atin& vassa)s EThen /)ease our &ood 1eter and &o to 1i)ate.G have ta6en the na!es i!/osed 2y do!ination or 2y adu)ation. 'nd you9 as individua)s9 EI wi)) &o9 Master. %ut ;ou have des+ri2ed the 1ro+onsu) as no historian or /hi)oso/her are you &oin& to 2e worth !ore than a town9 !ore than our ru)ers9 !ore than ,odF 8o. +ou)d have done. ' /er e+t /ortraitHG 8othin& +an +han&e what is destined or the sa)vation o every2ody. I o))ow the strai&ht road. (o))ow Me9 i you want to enter the eterna) :in&do! with Me.G EI +ou)d )i6ewise de/i+t every !an in his rea) i!a&eI his +hara+ter. 15 %ut )et us &o to these /eo/)e who are riotin&.G 16 He is a2out to withdraw. %ut the Sa!aritan /eo/)e are u/roarious so !u+h so that the ,a)i)eans rea+t and those who were in the house rush out at the sa!e ti!e into the He +)i!2s the )ast ste/s and shows Hi!se) . He raises His ar!s and says in a )oud voi+eI EMen o ,a)i)ee and o Sa!aria9 dis+i/)es and o))owers. ;our )ove9 your wishes 6it+hen &arden9 and then u/ the stair+ase and on to the terra+e. The sad /a)e distressed a+e o Mary is the irst to a//ear 2ehind Jesus' shou)ders9 and She e!2ra+es and +)as/s to honour Me and My Mother and My riend 2y es+ortin& their wa&on9 te)) Me what Hi! as i She wished to de end Hi! ro! the insu)ts risin& ro! 2e)owI E;ou have your thou&hts are. I +an 2ut 2)ess you or su+h thou&hts. %ut &o 2a+6 to your ho!es9 to 2etrayed usH ;ou too6 re u&e a!on& us !a6in& us 2e)ieve that ;ou )oved us whereas your 2usiness9 now. ;ou ro! ,a)i)ee9 &o and te)) those who re!ained there that Jesus o 8azareth 2)esses the!. Men o ,a)i)ee9 we sha)) !eet a&ain in Jerusa)e! at 1assover9 now ;ou des/ise usH 'nd we sha)) 2e !ore des/ised throu&h ;our au)tHG and so orth. and I wi)) enter the town the day a ter the Sa22ath 2e ore 1assover. Men o Sa!aria9 you !ay &o9 too9 and do not +on ine your )ove or Me to o))owin& and )oo6in& or Me on the routes o the 0arth9 2ut on those o the s/irit. ,o and !ay the Li&ht shine in you. $is+i/)es o the Master9 /art ro! the 2e)ievers and re!ain in 0/hrai! to re+eive My instru+tions. ,o. %e o2edient.G EHe is ri&ht. 4e are distur2in& Hi!. He wants to 2e with His MotherHG shout the Jesus is a//roa+hed a)so 2y the wo!en dis+i/)es9 2y the a/ost)es9 and )ast 2y Mary o Ja+o29 who is ri&htened. The shouts ro! 2e)ow e3/)ain the ori&in o the u/roar9 a re!ote 2ut +ertain ori&inI ESo why did ;ou send ;our dis+i/)es to us to te)) us that ;ou are /erse+utedFG EI did not send any2ody. Those ro! She+he! are over there. Let the! +o!e orward.

5)#.A& E5h ai.; 0e-" e and A-&e &he A i,a2 "- Jesus! '"&he and "- &he 8".en Dis3i52es %i&h Laza us.


4hat did I say to the! one day on the !ountainFG EThat is true. He said to us that He +an on)y 2e a worshi//er in the Te!/)e9 unti) the new ti!e +o!es or every2ody. Master9 we are not to 2e 2)a!ed9 2e)ieve us. %ut they have 2een de+eived 2y a)se !essen&ers o ;ours.G EI 6now. %ut &o now. I wi)) +o!e to She+he! <ust the sa!e. I a! not a raid o any2ody. %ut &o now so that you !ay not har! yourse)ves and those o your 2)ood. 7an you see over there the +uirasses o the )e&ionaries shine in the sun as they &o down the roadF They have +ertain)y o))owed you at a distan+e9 seein& su+h a /ro+ession and they have re!ained waitin& in the wood. ;our shoutin& is now attra+tin& the! here. ,o9 or your own sa6e.G In a+t9 ar away on the !ain road that +an 2e seen risin& towards the !ountains9 the one on whi+h Jesus ound the starvin& !an9 it is /ossi2)e to see )i&hts &)ea! and !ove orward. The /eo/)e dis/erse s)ow)y. Those ro! 0/hrai!9 the ,a)i)eans and the dis+i/)es re!ain. E;ou !ay &o to your ho!es as we))9 you /eo/)e ro! 0/hrai!. 'nd you9 too9 ,a)i)eans9 /)ease &o away. 52ey Hi! 4ho )oves you.G They a)so &o away. 17 5n)y the dis+i/)es re!ain and Jesus orders the a/ost)es to )et the! &o into the house and the 6it+hen &arden. 1eter &oes downstairs with the others to o/en. Judas o :erioth does not &o down. He )au&hsH He )au&hs sayin&I E;ou wi)) now see how Cthe &ood Sa!aritansD hate ;ouH To 2ui)d the :in&do! ;ou are s+atterin& the stones. 'nd stones dis/e))ed ro! a 2ui)din& 2e+o!e wea/ons to stri6e. ;ou have des/ised the!H 'nd they wi)) not or&et.G ELet the! hate Me. I wi)) not avoid doin& My duty or ear o their hatred. 7o!e9 Mother. Let us &o and te)) the dis+i/)es what they are to do 2e ore I dis!iss the!G and 2etween Mary and Lazarus He &oes downstairs into the house where the dis+i/)es who &athered at 0/hrai! are +rowded9 and He orders the! to s/read everywhere in or!in& a)) their +o!/anions to 2e at Jeri+ho or the new !oon o 8isan and wait or Hi! unti) He arrives9 and to )et the /eo/)e o the vi))a&es throu&h whi+h they /ass 6now that He wi)) )eave 0/hrai! and that they shou)d )oo6 or Hi! in Jerusa)e! at 1assover. He then divides the! into three &rou/s entrustin& the new dis+i/)e Sa!ue) to Isaa+9 Her!as and Ste/hen. Ste/hen &reets Sa!ue) sayin&I EThe <oy in seein& you re)ieves !y /ain to see that everythin& 2e+o!es an o2sta+)e or the Master.G Her!as instead &reets hi! thusI E;ou )e t a !an or a ,od. 'nd ,od is now rea))y with you.G Isaa+9 hu!2)e and 2ash u)9 on)y saysI E1ea+e 2e with you9 2rother.G

18 %ut whi)e the )a!2 is 2ein& /re/ared9 Jesus has sti)) so!ethin& to do. He a//roa+hes Lazarus and says to hi!I E7o!e with Me a)on& the torrent.G Lazarus o2eys /ro!/t)y as usua). They !ove away ro! the house a2out two hundred !etres. Lazarus is si)ent waitin& or Jesus to s/ea6. 'nd Jesus saysI EI wanted to te)) you this. My Mother is very de/ressed9 as you +an see. Send your sisters here. I wi)) rea))y &o towards She+he! with a)) the a/ost)es and wo!en dis+i/)es. %ut then I wi)) send the! on9 to %ethany9 whi)e I wi)) stay or so!e ti!e in Jeri+ho. I +an sti)) dare to 6ee/ so!e wo!en here in Sa!aria9 2ut not anywhere e)se...G EMasterH ;ou rea))y ear... 5hH i so why did ;ou raise !e ro! the deadFG ETo have a riend.G E5hHHH I that is the +ase9 we))9 here I a!. ')) sorrows9 i I +an +o! ort ;ou with !y riendshi/9 are nothin& to !e.G EI 6now. That is why I use and wi)) use you as the !ost /er e+t riend.G EMust I rea))y &o to 1i)ateFG EI you thin6 so. %ut or 1eter. 8ot or Me.G EMaster9 I wi)) )et ;ou 6now... 4hen are ;ou )eavin& this /)a+eFG EIn ei&ht days' ti!e. There is <ust enou&h ti!e to &o where I want and then 2e with you 2e ore 1assover. I want to a+=uire new stren&th at %ethany9 the oasis o /ea+e9 2e ore /)un&in& into the tur!oi) o Jerusa)e!.G E're ;ou aware9 Master9 that the Sanhedrin is =uite deter!ined to +reate +har&es9 sin+e there are none9 to +o!/e) ;ou to )ee or &oodF I )earned that ro! John9 the !e!2er o the Sanhedrin9 when I !et hi! 2y +han+e at 1to)e!ais9 and he was very ha//y 2e+ause o the son a2out to 2e 2orn to hi!. He said to !eI CI a! sorry that the Sanhedrin is so deter!ined. %e+ause I wou)d have )i6ed the Master to 2e /resent at the +ir+u!+ision o !y +hi)d9 as I ho/e it wi)) 2e a 2oy. He is to 2e 2orn ear)y in the !onth o Ta!!uz. %ut wi)) the Master sti)) 2e a!on& us 2y that ti!eF 'nd I wou)d )i6e... %e+ause I wou)d )i6e )itt)e I!!anue)9 and that na!e wi)) te)) you what I thin69 to 2e 2)essed 2y Hi! at his irst a//earan+e in the wor)d. %e+ause !y son9 )u+6y e))ow9 wi)) not have to stru&&)e to 2e)ieve9 as we had to. He wi)) 2e 2rou&ht u/ in the Messiani+ ti!es and it wi)) 2e easy or hi! to a++e/t the idea.D John has arrived at 2e)ievin& that ;ou are the 1ro!ised 5ne.G

E'nd that one out o !any +o!/ensates Me or what the others do not do. Lazarus9 )et ' ter handin& out 2read and !i)6 that the /eo/)e ro! 0/hrai! 6ind)y thin6 o o erin&9 us say &ood2ye here9 in /ea+e. 'nd than6 you or everythin&9 My dear riend. ;ou are a true riend. 4ith ten riends )i6e you it wou)d have 2een /)easant to )ive a!on& so a)so the dis+i/)es de/art and at )ast there is /ea+e...

5)#.A& E5h ai.; 0e-" e and A-&e &he A i,a2 "- Jesus! '"&he and "- &he 8".en Dis3i52es %i&h Laza us.


!u+h hatred...G

E8ow ;ou have ;our Mother9 !y Lord. She is worth ten... one hundred Lazarus. %ut re!e!2er that whatever ;ou !ay need9 i it is at a)) /ossi2)e9 I wi)) &et it or ;ou. ,ive !e ;our orders9 and I wi)) 2e ;our servant9 in everythin&. I !ay not 2e wise or ho)y9 They &o s)ow)y 2a+6 into the house9 ta)6in& o !inor to/i+s. )i6e other /eo/)e who )ove ;ou9 2ut i ;ou e3+)ude John9 ;ou wi)) not 2e a2)e to ind another one !ore aith u) than I a!. I do not thin6 that I a! 2ein& /roud sayin& this. 19 'nd now that we have s/o6en o ;ou9 I wi)) te)) ;ou a2out Synty+he. I saw her. She is as a+tive and wise as on)y a ,ree6 wo!an9 who has 2een a2)e to 2e+o!e ;our o))ower9 +an 2e. She su ers to 2e so ar away. %ut she says that she en<oys /re/arin& 5+5. Pa!a)5e #1 &he T#!n C5#&h and .i!a'5e #1 &he ;#(an in ;our way. She ho/es to see ;ou 2e ore she dies.G EShe wi)) +ertain)y see Me. I do not disa//oint the ho/es o the <ust.G EShe has a )itt)e s+hoo) attended 2y !any &ir)s o a)) /)a+es. %ut in the evenin& she 6ee/s so!e /oor )itt)e &ir)s o !i3ed ra+e9 and thus o no re)i&ion. 'nd she instru+ts the! in ;our do+trine. I as6ed herI C4hy do you not 2e+o!e a /rose)yteF It wou)d 2e o &reat he)/ to you.D She re/)iedI C%e+ause I do not want to devote !yse) to those o Israe)9 2ut to the e!/ty a)tars awaitin& a ,od. I /re/are the! to re+eive !y Lord. Then9 on+e His :in&do! is esta2)ished9 I wi)) return to !y (ather)and9 and under the s6y o He))as I wi)) s/end !y )i e /re/arin& hearts or the !asters. That is !y drea!. %ut i I shou)d die 2e ore9 o a disease or in a /erse+ution9 I sha)) &o away e=ua))y ha//y9 2e+ause it !eans that I have u) i))ed !y wor6 and that He +a))s to Hi!se) the servant who has )oved Hi! sin+e the irst ti!e she !et Hi!.DG EIt is true. Synty+he has rea))y )oved Me sin+e our irst !eetin&.G EI did not want to te)) her how distressed ;ou are. %ut 'ntio+h resounds )i6e a she)) with a)) the voi+es o the vast .o!an e!/ire9 and +onse=uent)y a)so with what ha//ens here. 'nd Synty+he is aware o ;our &rie . 'nd she su ers even !ore to 2e ar away. She wanted to &ive !e so!e !oney9 whi+h I re used9 and I to)d her to use it or her &ir)s. %ut I too6 a head&ear woven 2y her with two ty/es o 2yssus o di erent thi+6ness. ;our Mother has it. 4ith the yarn Synty+he has des+ri2ed ;our story9 her own and that o John o 0ndor. 'nd do ;ou 6now howF %y weavin& a he! a)) around the s=uare and re/resentin& on it a )a!2 that de ends two doves ro! a /a+6 o hyenas9 one o the doves has 2oth win&s 2ro6en9 and the other has a 2ro6en +hain that he)d it astened. 'nd the story /ro+eeds9 a)ternate)y9 to the )i&ht towards the s6y o the dove with the 2ro6en win&s and the vo)untary +a/tivity o the other at the eet o the )a!2. It )oo6s )i6e one o those stories that ,ree6 s+u)/tors +arve on the !ar2)e estoons o te!/)es and on the ste)ae o their dead re)atives9 or /ainters /aint on vases. She wanted to send it to ;ou 2y !y servants. I 2rou&ht it.G EI sha)) wear it 2e+ause it +o!es ro! a &ood dis+i/)e. Let us &o towards the house. 4hen are you thin6in& o )eavin&FG

ETo!orrow at dawn. To )et the horses rest. Then I wi)) not sto/ unti) I arrive in Jerusa)e! and I wi)) &o to 1i)ate. I I su++eed in s/ea6in& to hi!9 I wi)) send ;ou his re/)ies 2y Mary.G

Chi5d)ed. Judas #1 >e!i#&h Is Cau4h& S&ea5in4.

$5&h Fe)!ua!/ $9*8

1 Jesus is with the wo!en dis+i/)es and the two a/ost)es on one o the irst undu)ations on the !ountain 2ehind 0/hrai!. 8either the +hi)dren nor 0sther are with Johanna. I thin6 that they have 2een sent to Jerusa)e! with Jonathan. So9 2esides Jesus' Mother9 there are on)y Mary 7)o/as9 Mary Sa)o!e9 Johanna9 0)iza9 8i6e and Susanna. Lazarus' two sisters are not yet /resent. 0)iza and 8i6e are o)din& &ar!ents9 whi+h have +ertain)y 2een washed in a strea! that shines down in the va))ey9 or have 2een 2rou&ht here ro! the strea! and then )aid out on this sunny ta2)e)and. 'nd 8i6e9 a ter e3a!inin& one o the!9 ta6es it to Mary 7)o/as sayin&I E;our son has unstit+hed a)so the he! o this one.G Mary o ')/haeus ta6es the &ar!ent and /uts it near the others that are s/read +)ose to her on the &rass. ')) the wo!en dis+i/)es are 2usy sewin& and !endin& the da!a&es done in the !any !onths when the a/ost)es were a)one. 0)iza9 who +o!es +)ose to the! with other dry &ar!ents9 saysI E5ne +an see that or three !onths you have not had an e3/erien+ed wo!an with youH There is not one &ar!ent in &ood order9 with the e3+e/tion o that one o the Master9 4ho on the other hand9 has on)y &ot two9 the one He is wearin& and the one washed today.G EHe has &iven the! a)) away. He see!ed to 2e seized with the !ania or not /ossessin& anythin&. He has 2een wearin& )inen +)othes or !any daysG says Judas. E(ortunate)y ;our Mother thou&ht She shou)d 2rin& ;ou so!e new ones. The one dyed /ur/)e is rea))y 2eauti u). ;ou needed it9 Jesus9 a)thou&h ;ou )oo6 so handso!e dressed in )inen. ;ou rea))y )oo6 )i6e a )i)yHG says Mary o ')/haeus. E' very ta)) )i)y9 MaryHG says Judas satiri+a))y. E%ut He is so /ure as you are +ertain)y not and neither is John. ;ou are wearin& a )inen &ar!ent as we))9 2ut 2e)ieve !e9 you do not )oo6 )i6e a )i)yHG re/)ies ran6)y Mary o

5)5.Pa a62e "- &he T" n :2"&h and 'i a32e "- &he 8".an in :hi2d6ed. Judas "- <e i"&h Is :au1h& S&ea2in1.


')/haeus. EMy hair is dar6 and so is !y +o!/)e3ion. That is why I a! di erent.G E8o. It does not de/end on that. The a+t is that your +andour is on your outward a//earan+e9 His is instead within Hi! and it trans/ires throu&h His eyes9 His s!i)e9 His word. That is the situationH 'hH How )ove)y it is to 2e with !y Jesus.G 'nd the &ood Mary )ays her toi)worn honest hand o an e)der)y hard wor6in& wo!an on the 6nee o Jesus9 4ho +aresses it. 2 Mary Sa)o!e9 who is ins/e+tin& a tuni+9 e3+)ai!sI EThis is worse than a tearH 5hH sonH 4ho +)osed this ho)e )i6e that or youFG and s+anda)ised as she is9 she shows her +o!/anions a 6ind o ... very wrin6)ed nave)9 or!in& a raised rin& on the +)oth9 he)d to&ether 2y so!e very +oarse stit+hes9 enou&h to horri y a wo!an. The stran&e re/air is the e/i+entre o a series o /u+6ers that widen out radia))y on the shou)der o the tuni+. They a)) )au&h. 'nd John is the irst J he did the !endin& J and he e3/)ainsI EI +ou)d not &o a2out with the ho)e9 so... I +)osed itHG EI +an see that9 /oor !eH I see thatH %ut +ou)d you not &et Mary o Ja+o2 to !end it or youFG EShe is a)!ost 2)ind9 /oor wo!anH 'nd then... the trou2)e was that it was not a tearH It was a rea) ho)e. The &ar!ent &ot stu+6 to the a&&ot I was +arryin& on !y shou)der9 and when I dro//ed the a&&ot ro! !y shou)der9 a)so a /ie+e o the +)oth +a!e o . So I <ust re/aired )i6e thatHG E;ou s/oi)ed it )i6e that9 son. I wou)d need...G She ins/e+ts the tuni+ 2ut sha6es her head. She saysI EI was ho/in& I +ou)d use the he!. %ut it is no )on&er there...G EI too6 i o at 8o29 2e+ause it was +ut at the o)d. %ut I &ave your son the 2it I re!oved...G e3/)ains 0)iza. E;es. %ut I used it to !a6e +ords or !y 2a&...G E1oor sonsH How 2ad)y you need us near youHG says the %)essed Bir&in !endin& a &ar!ent 2e)on&in& to who! I do not 6now. E'nd yet so!e +)oth is needed here. Loo6. The stit+hes have ended u/ 2y tearin& the +)oth a)) around9 and a &reat da!a&e has 2e+o!e an irre/ara2)e oneM un)ess... I +an ind so!ethin& to re/)a+e the !issin& +)oth. Then... one wi)) sti)) see it... 2ut it wi)) 2e /assa2)e.G E;ou have &iven Me the startin& /oint or a /ara2)e...G says Jesus9 and Judas at the sa!e ti!e saysI EI thin6 I have a /ie+e o +)oth o that shade at the 2otto! o !y 2a&9 the s+ra/ o a tuni+ that was too dis+o)oured to 2e wornM so I &ave it to a )itt)e !an who was so !u+h s!a))er than I a!9 that we had to +ut a)!ost two /a)!s o it. I you wait9 I

wi)) &o and &et it or you. %ut I shou)d )i6e to hear the /ara2)e irst.G EMay ,od 2)ess you. Listen to the /ara2)e irst. In the !eanti!e I wi)) it the +ords on to this tuni+ o Ja!es'. These ones are a)) worn out.G 3 ES/ea69 Master. Then I wi)) !a6e Mary Sa)o!e ha//y.G E;es. I +o!/are the sou) to a +)oth. 4hen it is in used9 it is new9 without tears. It has on)y the ori&ina) stain9 2ut it has no in<uries in its stru+ture9 or stains or waste. Then with ti!e and the a+=uisition o vi+es9 it wears out at ti!es to the e3tent o tearin&9 it 2e+o!es stained throu&h i!/ruden+e9 it 2rea6s throu&h disorder. 8ow9 when it is torn one !ust not !end it +)u!si)y9 whi+h wou)d 2e the +ause o !any !ore tears9 2ut it is ne+essary to !end it /atient)y and /er e+t)y and or a )on& ti!e to re!ove the da!a&e a)ready +aused as !u+h as /ossi2)e. 'nd i the +)oth is too 2ad)y torn9 nay i it has 2een so rent as to 2e de/rived o a 2it o it9 one !ust not 2e so /roud as to /retend to re/air the da!a&e 2y onese) 9 2ut one !ust &o to Hi!9 4ho is 6nown to 2e a2)e to !a6e the sou) stri+t)y honest on+e a&ain9 as He is a))owed to do everythin& and He +an do everythin&. I a! re errin& to ,od9 My (ather9 and to the Saviour9 4ho I a!. %ut the /ride o !an is su+h that the &reater is the ruin o his sou)9 the !ore he tries to /at+h it u/ with unsuita2)e !eans that !a6e the da!a&e !ore and !ore serious. ;ou !ay o2<e+t that a tear +an a)ways 2e seen. Sa)o!e a)so said so. ;es9 one wi)) a)ways see the da!a&e a sou) has su ered. %ut a sou) i&hts its 2att)e9 it is there ore o2vious that it !ay 2e stru+6. There are so !any ene!ies around it. %ut no one9 seein& a !an +overed with s+ars9 the si&ns o as !any wounds re+eived in 2att)e to &ain vi+tory9 +an sayI CThis !an is un+)ean.D 5n the +ontrary one wi)) sayI CThis !an is a hero. There are the /ur/)e !ar6s o his worth.D 8either wi)) anyone ever see a so)dier avoid 2ein& +ured9 2e+ause he is asha!ed o a &)orious wound9 on the +ontrary he wi)) &o to the do+tor and say to hi! with ho)y /rideI CHere I a!9 I ou&ht and I won. I did not s/are !yse) 9 as you +an see. 8ow hea) !y wounds that I !ay 2e ready or !ore 2att)es and vi+tories.D He instead who is suffering fro# foul diseases brought about by sha#eful vices is asha#ed of his sores before relatives and friends and also before doctors and at ti#es he is so silly that he conceals the# until their stench reveals the#. Then it is too late to re#edy. The hu#ble are always sincere and they are also valiant fighters who have not to be asha#ed of the wounds received in the struggle. The proud are always false and base through their pride they end up by dying as they do not want to go to Hi# Who can cure and say to Hi#( /-ather I have sinned. But if %ou want %ou can cure #e.0 !any are the souls that because of their pride in not wanting to confess an initial sin end up by dying. Then also for the# it is too late. They do not +onsider that divine !er+y is !ore /ower u) and !ore e3tensive than any /)a&ue9 however /ower u) and e3tensive the )atter !ay 2e9 and that it +an hea) everythin&. %ut they9 the souls of the proud when they realise that they have despised all #eans of salvation fall into despondency because they are without &od and when they say( /It

5)5.Pa a62e "- &he T" n :2"&h and 'i a32e "- &he 8".an in :hi2d6ed. Judas "- <e i"&h Is :au1h& S&ea2in1.


is too late!0 they conde#n the#selves to the last death( to da#nation. 4 'nd now9 Judas9 you !ay &o and &et the +)oth ...G EI a! &oin&. %ut I did not )i6e ;our /ara2)e. I did not understand it.G E%ut i it is so +)earH I have understood it9 and I a! a /oor wo!anHG says Mary Sa)o!e. E'nd I have not. 5n+e ;our /ara2)es were !ore 2eauti u)... 8ow... 2ees... +)oth... towns +han&in& na!es... sou)s that are 2oats... Su+h !ean thin&s9 and so +on used9 whi+h I do not )i6e any !ore and I do not understand... %ut now I wi)) &o and &et the +)oth9 2e+ause I say that it is in a+t needed9 2ut the &ar!ent wi)) a)ways 2e a s/oi)t oneG and Judas stands u/ and &oes away. Mary )owered Her head !ore and !ore over Her wor69 whi)e Judas was s/ea6in&. Johanna instead raised hers9 i3in& her eyes on the i!/rudent a/ost)e with indi&nant authority. 0)iza a)so raised her head9 2ut then she i!itated Mary and 8i6e did the sa!e. Susanna o/ened her 2i& eyes wide9 2ein& astonished9 and )oo6ed at Jesus and not at the a/ost)e9 wonderin& why He does not rea+t. %ut no one has s/o6en or !ade any &esture. Mary Sa)o!e and Mary o ')/haeus9 two wo!en with +o!!on !anners9 )oo6ed at ea+h other sha6in& their heads9 and as soon as Judas &oes away9 Sa)o!e saysI EIt's his head that is s/oi)tHG

E8ow. %ut /revious)y she was very /roud9 <ust the o//osite o her re)atives9 who were never su+hG re/)ies Johanna. 5 E4hen are they +o!in&FG as6s Sa)o!e. ESoon9 i we are to )eave in three days' ti!e.G ELet us wor6 =ui+6)y9 then. 4e sha)) <ust !ana&e to inish everythin& in ti!eG says Mary o ')/haeus ur&in& the!. E4e were )ate in +o!in& 2e+ause o Lazarus. %ut it was 2etter so9 2e+ause Mary was s/ared !u+h wor6G says Susanna. E%ut do ;ou ee) ;ou +an do so !u+h wa)6in&F ;ou are so /a)e and tired9 MaryHG as6s Mary o ')/haeus )ayin& her hand on Mary's )a/ and )oo6in& at Her an3ious)y. EI a! not i))9 Mary9 and I +an +ertain)y wa)6.G E8o9 ;ou are not i))9 2ut ;ou are so distressed9 Mother. I wou)d &ive ten and ten years o !y )i e9 and I wou)d e!2ra+e a)) sorrows9 to see ;ou on+e a&ain as I saw ;ou the irst ti!eG says John9 who )oo6s at Her +o!/assionate)y.

E;our )ove is a)ready a !edi+ine9 John. I +an ee) My heart +a)! down when I see how you a)) )ove My 7hi)d. %e+ause there is no other +ause or My su erin&. 8one9 e3+e/t E;es. That is why he understands nothin&9 and I do not thin6 that even ;ou wi)) 2e a2)e seein& that He is not )oved. I a! a)ready re+overin& here9 +)ose to Hi!9 and a!on& you9 to !end it. I !y son were )i6e that9 I wou)d 2rea6 his head. ;es9 as I !ade it or hi! who are so aith u). 5 +ourse... those !onths... a)) a)one at 8azareth... a ter seein& Hi! that it !i&ht 2e the head o a <ust !an9 so I wou)d 2rea6 it. It is 2etter to have a de/art so distressed9 a)ready so /erse+uted... and hearin& a)) those ru!ours... ohH How dis i&ured a+e than a dis&ra+ed heartHG says Mary o ')/haeus. !u+hH How !u+h &rie H 8ow9 2ein& near Hi!9 I see9 I sayI C't )east My Jesus has His Mother to +o! ort Hi! and say words that drown other wordsD9 and I see a)so that )ove E%e indu)&ent9 Mary. ;ou +annot +o!/are your sons9 who were 2rou&ht u/ in an is not +o!/)ete)y dead in Israe). 'nd I have /ea+e. ' )itt)e /ea+e. 8ot !u+h... 2e+ause... honest a!i)y9 in a town )i6e 8azareth9 to this !anG says Jesus. G Mary does not say anythin& e)se. She )owers Her a+e that She had raised to s/ea6 to EHis !other is &ood. His ather was not a wi+6ed !an9 so I heardG re/)ies Mary o John9 and it is on)y /ossi2)e to see the to/ o Her orehead9 that 2)ushes throu&h a !ute ')/haeus. e!otion... and then two tears shine on the dar6 &ar!ent She is !endin&. E;es. %ut his heart was not )a+6in& in /ride. That is why he too6 his son away ro! his !other too ear)y9 and he a)so he)/ed in deve)o/in& the !ora) herita&e9 that he had &iven his son9 2y sendin& hi! to Jerusa)e!. It is /ain u) to say9 2ut the Te!/)e is +ertain)y not the /)a+e where hereditary /ride !ay di!inish...G says Jesus. E8o /)a+e in Jerusa)e!9 even i it is a /)a+e o honour9 is suita2)e or di!inishin& /ride or any other au)tG says Johanna with a si&h. 'nd she addsI E'nd not even any other /)a+e o honour9 whether at Jeri+ho or 7aesarea 1hi)i//i9 at Ti2erias or at the other 7aesarea...G and she sews =ui+6)y 2endin& her a+e over her wor6 !ore than is ne+essary. EMary o Lazarus is i!/erious9 2ut not /roudG re!ar6s 8i6e. Jesus si&hs and stands u/9 He &oes and sits down at Her eet9 in ront o Her9 and He rests His head on Her 6nees9 6issin& Her hand that is ho)din& the +)oth and re!ainin& thus )i6e a +hi)d who is restin&. Mary re!oves the need)e ro! the +)oth9 in order not to hurt Her Son9 and then She )ays Her ri&ht hand on His head 2ent on Her 6nees and She )oo6s u/ towards the s6y9 and She +ertain)y /rays a)thou&h She does not !ove Her )i/sM ro! Her who)e attitude it is +)ear that She is /rayin&. She then 2ends to 6iss Her Son's hair near His 2are te!/)e. 6 The other wo!en do not s/ea6 unti) Sa)o!e saysI E%ut how )on& is it ta6in& JudasF The sun wi)) 2e settin& and I sha)) not 2e a2)e to seeHG ESo!eone has /ro2a2)y detained hi!G re/)ies John and he as6s his !otherI ESha)) I &o

5)5.Pa a62e "- &he T" n :2"&h and 'i a32e "- &he 8".an in :hi2d6ed. Judas "- <e i"&h Is :au1h& S&ea2in1.


and te)) hi! to hurryFG

E;ou had 2etter &o. %e+ause i he has not ound the +)oth9 I wi)) shorten your s)eeves9 as it wi)) soon 2e su!!er9 and I wi)) !a6e another &ar!ent or you or autu!n9 2e+ause you +annot wear this one any )on&er9 and with the /ie+e I ta6e o 9 I wi)) !end this one E0verythin&H They have tried everythin&. %ut her 6idneys are too tired. It's the e)eventh here. It wi)) 2e a)) ri&ht to &o ishin&. %e+ause a ter 1ente+ost you wi)) +ertain)y +o!e +hi)dH %ut I a! &oin& now. I have ta6en 2reath. 1ray or that !otherH That the Most 2a+6 to ,a)i)ee...G Hi&h !ay 6ee/ her a)ive unti) the .a22i arrives there.G 'nd she todd)es away9 the /oor &ood )one)y o)d wo!an. EI wi)) &o9 thenG says John and 2ein& a)ways 6ind he as6s the other wo!enI EHave you any &ar!ents a)ready !ended that I +an ta6e to our )od&in&sF I you have9 &ive the! to 7 Jesus in the !eanti!e is &oin& down ast towards the town that is war!ed 2y the sun. !e. ;ou wi)) have )ess to +arry on your way 2a+6.G He enters the town at the side o//osite the one where their house is9 that is at north@ west o 0/hrai!9 whereas Mary o Ja+o2's house is south@east o it. He wa)6s ast9 The wo!en &ather to&ether what they have a)ready !ended and &ive it to John9 who without sto//in& to s/ea6 to those who wou)d )i6e to detain Hi!. He &reets the! and turns round to &o away 2ut he sto/s at on+e seein& Mary o Ja+o2 runnin& towards &oes on. the!. ' !an re!ar6sI EHe is an&ry with us. Those ro! other vi))a&es 2ehaved 2ad)y. He is The o)d wo!an is /)oddin& a)on& as ast as her o)d a&e a))ows her9 and she shouts to ri&ht.G JohnI EIs the Master thereFG E8o He is &oin& to JanoQ. His wi e is dyin& at her e)eventh de)ivery.G E;es9 !other. 4hat do you wantFG E1oor +hi)drenH 'nd is the .a22i &oin& thereF How &ood He is. ')thou&h o ended9 He The wo!an re/)ies whi)e +ontinuin& to runI E'dah is i))9 very i))... 'nd her hus2and he)/s.G wou)d )i6e to +a)) Jesus to +o! ort her... %ut as those Sa!aritans have 2een... so wi+6ed9 he does not dare... I saidI C;ou do not 6now Hi! yet. I wi)) &o and... He wi)) EJanoQ did not o end Hi!. 8one o us o ended Hi!HG not say no to !e.DG The o)d wo!an is /antin& a ter hurryin& u/hi)). E%ut they were !en o Sa!aria.G E$on't rush any arther. I wi)) +o!e with you. 8ay9 I wi)) &o ahead. (o))ow us s)ow)y. EThe .a22i is <ust and He +an te)) one ro! another. Let us &o and see the !ira+)e.G ;ou are o)d9 !other9 to hurry thusG Jesus says to her. Then He says to His Mother and the wo!en dis+i/)esI EI a! stayin& in the vi))a&e. 1ea+e to you.G E4e sha)) not 2e a2)e to &o in. It's a wo!an and she is &ivin& 2irth.G He ta6es John 2y the ar! and runs down ast with hi!. The o)d wo!an9 ta6es 2reath and wou)d )i6e to o))ow Hi! a ter re/)yin& to the wo!en who as6 her =uestionsI EH'!H 5n)y the .a22i +an save her. 5therwise she wi)) die )i6e .a+he). She is 2e+o!in& +o)d and is )osin& her stren&th and she is writhin& in the s/as!s o /ain.G %ut the wo!en detain her sayin&I E%ut have you tried with hot 2ri+6s under her 6idneysFG E8oH It is 2etter to enve)o/ her in woo))en +)oth soa6ed in wine with s/i+es9 as war! as /ossi2)e.G EI was he)/ed9 or Ja!es9 2y un+tions with oi) and then 2y hot 2ri+6s.G EMa6e her drin6 a )ot.G EI she +ou)d stand strai&ht and ta6e a ew ste/s whi)e a wo!an ru22ed her 6idneys hard.G E%ut we sha)) hear the new@2orn 2a2y +ry and it wi)) 2e the voi+e o a !ira+)e.G They run to <oin Jesus. 5ther /eo/)e a)so &ather to&ether to see. Jesus arrives at the house9 whi+h is dis+onso)ate 2e+ause o the i!/endin& !is ortune. The ten +hi)dren J the o)dest is a youn& &ir) in tears /ressed 2y youn&er 2rothers who are wee/in& J are in a +orner in the vesti2u)e near the wide o/en door. 5)d wives are &oin& and +o!in&9 whis/ers are heard and the shu )in& o 2are eet !ovin& on the 2ri+6 )oor. ' wo!an sees Jesus and shoutsI EJanoQH ;ou +an ho/eH He has +o!eHG and she runs away with a stea!in& /it+her. ' !an rushes and /rostrates hi!se) . He !a6es on)y a &esture and saysI EI 2e)ieve. Mer+yH (or the!G and he /oints at his +hi)dren. EStand u/ and ta6e heart. The Most Hi&h he)/s those who have aith and He has !er+y

The wo!en !others9 that is a)) o the!9 e3+e/t 8i6e and Susanna9 and Mary9 4ho did not su er the )a2our /ains o every wo!an when She &ave 2irth to Her Son9 advise this or that re!edy.

5)5.Pa a62e "- &he T" n :2"&h and 'i a32e "- &he 8".an in :hi2d6ed. Judas "- <e i"&h Is :au1h& S&ea2in1.


on His distressed +hi)dren.G E5hH +o!e9 MasterH 7o!eH She is a)ready 2)a+6. 7ho6ed 2y +onvu)sions. She +an hard)y 2reathe. 7o!eHG The !an9 who has )ost his head9 and ends u/ 2y )osin& it +o!/)ete)y u/on hearin& the +ry o an o)d wo!an who shoutsI EJanoQ9 runH 'dah is dyin&HG9 /ushes and /u))s Jesus to !a6e Hi! &o =ui+6 towards the roo! o the dyin& wo!an9 dea to Jesus' wordsI E,o9 and have aithHG The /oor !an has aith9 2ut what he )a+6s is the +a/a2i)ity to understand the !eanin& o those words9 the se+ret !eanin& o the +ertainty o a !ira+)e. 'nd Jesus9 /ushed and /u))ed9 +)i!2s the ste/s to &o into the roo! u/stairs9 where the wo!an is. %ut He sto/s on the )andin& o the stair+ase9 at a2out three !etres ro! the o/en door9 throu&h whi+h it is /ossi2)e to see the dead)y /a)e a+e that is a)ready )ivid and +ontra+ted in the !as6 o a&ony. The o)d wives !a6e no urther e orts. They have a)ready +overed the wo!an u/ to her +hin and are )oo6in& at her. They are /etri ied awaitin& her death. Jesus stret+hes out His ar!s and shoutsI EI want itHG and He turns round to &o away. The hus2and9 the o)d wo!en9 the +urious /eo/)e who have &athered to&ether are disa//ointed9 2e+ause they /ro2a2)y e3/e+ted Jesus to do so!ethin& !ore astonishin& and to see the 2a2y 2e 2orn at on+e. %ut Jesus9 e)2owin& His way and i3in& His eyes on their a+es whi)e /assin& 2e ore the!9 saysI E$o not 2e in dou2t. Have aith or a )itt)e )on&er. (or a !o!ent. The wo!an has to /ay the 2itter tri2ute o +hi)d2irth. %ut she is out o dan&er.G 'nd He &oes downstairs )eavin& the! dis+on+erted. %ut when He is a2out to &o out onto the road9 sayin& to the ten ri&htened +hi)dren when /assin& near the!I E%e not a raidH ;our !u!!y is a)) ri&htG J and in sayin& so He tou+hes their s+ared a+es with His hand J a )oud +ry resounds in the house and s/reads as ar as the road where Mary o Ja+o2 is <ust arrivin& and who shoutsI E,ood &ra+iousHG thin6in& that that +ry !eant death . E%e not a raid9 MaryH 'nd &o =ui+6)yH ;ou wi)) see the 2a2y 2ein& 2orn. She has re+overed stren&th and she is in )a2our a&ain. %ut there wi)) soon 2e &reat <oy.G 8 He &oes away with John. 8o one o))ows Hi! 2e+ause every2ody wants to see whether the !ira+)e wi)) ta6e /)a+e9 nay9 !ore /eo/)e rush towards the house9 2e+ause the news has s/read that the Master had &one to save 'dah. 'nd so9 s)i//in& into a se+ondary )itt)e street9 Jesus +an &o without any hindran+e to a house whi+h He enters +a))in&I EJudasH JudasHG 8o2ody re/)ies. EHe went u/ there9 Master. 4e +an &o ho!e as we)). I wi)) /ut here the &ar!ents o Judas9 o Si!on and o ;our 2rother Ja!es9 and then I wi)) /ut those o Si!on 1eter9 'ndrew9 Tho!as and 1hi)i/ in 'nna's house.G They do so and I rea)ise that in order to !a6e roo! or the wo!en dis+i/)es9 the

a/ost)es9 i not a)) o the!9 at )east /art o the!9 have s/read out in other houses. 's they have now &ot rid o a)) the &ar!ents9 they &o towards the house o Mary o Ja+o29 ta)6in& to ea+h other9 and they &o in throu&h the 6it+hen &arden )itt)e &ate9 whi+h is a)ways )e t a<ar. The house is si)ent and e!/ty. John sees a /it+her u)) o water )aid on the )oor9 and /ro2a2)y thin6in& that the o)d )ady had /ut it there 2e ore 2ein& +a))ed to assist the wo!an in +hi)d2ed9 he /i+6s it u/ and &oes towards a roo! that is +)osed. Jesus )oiters in the +orridor ta6in& o His !ant)e and o)din& it with His +usto!ary +are 2e ore /uttin& it on the +hest in the vesti2u)e. John o/ens the door and utters EahHG a)!ost in terror. He dro/s the /it+her and +overs his eyes with his hands9 2endin& as i to &row s!a))er9 to disa//ear9 not to see. (ro! the roo! +o!es the noise o +oins a))in& on the )oor tin6)in&. 9 Jesus is a)ready at the door. It too6 !e )on&er to des+ri2e the s+ene than it too6 Hi! to arrive. He vehe!ent)y /ushes aside John who !oansI E'wayH ,o awayHG He o/ens the door that was a<ar and &oes in. It is the roo! where they ta6e their !ea)s9 now that the wo!en are there. In it there are two o)d +o ers rein or+ed with iron ittin&s and in ront o one o the!9 o//osite the door9 there is Judas9 )ivid9 his eyes u)) o an&er and dis!ay at the sa!e ti!e9 with a 2a& in his hands... The +o er is o/en... there are +oins on the )oor and !ore a)) on it ro! an o/en 2a&9 ha) in+)ined on the ed&e o the +o er. 0verythin& testi ies9 in a !anner that )eaves no dou2t9 to what was ha//enin&. Judas entered the house9 he o/ened the +o er and sto)e. He was stea)in&. 8o one s/ea6s. 8o one !oves. %ut it is worse than i they a)) shouted and rushed at one another. Three statues. Judas the de!on9 Jesus the Jud&e9 John terrorised 2y the reve)ation o his +o!/anion's 2aseness. The hand o Judas ho)din& the 2a& tre!2)es9 and the +oins in it tin6)e with a du)) sound. John is tre!2)in& ro! head to oot9 and a)thou&h he sti)) has his hands /ressed a&ainst his !outh9 his teeth are +hatterin&9 whi)e his ri&htened eyes )oo6 !ore at Jesus than at Judas. Jesus does not =uiver. He is strai&ht and &)a+ia)9 so sti as to 2e &)a+ia). 't )ast He ta6es a ste/9 He !a6es a &esture9 and utters one word. ' ste/ towards JudasM a &estureI to !a6e a si&n to John to withdrawM a wordI E,oHG %ut John is a raid and !oansI E8oH 8oH $on't send !e away. Let !e stay here. I wi)) not say anythin&... 2ut )eave !e here9 with ;ou.G E,o awayH %e not a raidH 7)ose a)) the doors... and i any2ody +o!es... whoever it !ay 2e... even My Mother... do not )et the! +o!e here. ,oH 52eyHG

5)5.Pa a62e "- &he T" n :2"&h and 'i a32e "- &he 8".an in :hi2d6ed. Judas "- <e i"&h Is :au1h& S&ea2in1.


ELordH...G John is so entreatin& and 2ro6en@hearted that he see!s to 2e the &ui)ty one. E,o9 I te)) you. 8othin& wi)) ha//en. ,oG and Jesus !oderates His order 2y )ayin& His hand on the head o His (avourite and +aressin& it. 'nd I now see that His hand is tre!2)in&. 'nd John ee)s that it is tre!2)in& and ta6es it and 6isses it with a so2 that says so !any thin&s. He &oes out. 10 Jesus 2o)ts the door. He turns round to )oo6 at Judas who !ust 2e rea))y +rushed i he9 who is so darin&9 dare not say one word or !a6e one &esture. Jesus &oes strai&ht in ront o hi!9 &oin& round the ta2)e9 whi+h is in the !idd)e o the roo!. I +annot say whether He !oves ast or s)ow. I a! too ri&htened 2y His a+e to 2e a2)e to !easure ti!e. I +an see His eyes and I a! a raid )i6e John. Judas hi!se) is a raid9 he draws 2a+6 2etween the +o er and a wide o/en window9 the red )i&ht o whi+h9 as it is sunset9 is /ro<e+ted on Jesus. 4hat eyes has JesusH He does not say one word. %ut when He sees a 6ind o /i+6)o+6 sti+6 out ro! the 2e)t o Judas' tuni+9 He has a ear u) out2urst o ra&e. He raises His ar! with its +)en+hed ist as i He wanted to stri6e the thie 9 and His )i/s 2e&in to utter the wordI E7ursedHG or E7urseHG. %ut He +ontro)s Hi!se) . He sto/s His ar! that was a2out to stri6e9 and He 2rea6s the word at the irst three )etters. 'nd with an e ort o se) @+ontro) that !a6es His who)e 2ody tre!2)e9 He <ust un+)en+hes His ist and )owers His raised ar! to the )eve) o the 2a& that Judas has in his hand and He snat+hes it and throws it on the )oor9 sayin& in a du)) voi+e9 whi)e He tra!/)es on 2a& and +oins and s+atters the! with +ontro))ed 2ut dread u) uryI E'wayH (i)th o SatanH 7ursed &o)dH S/itt)e o he))H Sna6e's /oisonH 'wayHG

attri2uta2)e to ;ou9 and ;ou never &et tired o ruinin& !e. ;ou save every2ody. ;ou &ive )ove and honours to every2ody. ;ou a++e/t sinners9 /rostitutes do not dis&ust ;ou9 ;ou treat thieves9 usurers and >a++haeus' /ro+urers in a riend)y way9 ;ou we)+o!e the s/y o the Te!/)e as i he were the Messiah9 ;ou oo)H 'nd ;ou have a//ointed an i&norant !an as our +hie 9 an e3+ise@!an as ;our treasurer9 a oo) as ;our +on idant. %ut with !e9 ;ou ration even arthin&s9 ;ou do not )eave !e a +oin9 ;ou 6ee/ !e +)ose to ;ou as a &a))ey@s)ave is tied to the rowin& 2en+h9 ;ou do not even want us9 I say us9 2ut it is I9 on)y I who !ust not a++e/t the o erin&s o /i)&ri!s. %e+ause ;ou do not want !e to tou+h !oney9 ;ou ordered everyone not to ta6e !oney ro! any2ody. %e+ause ;ou hate !e. 4e))I I hate ;ou9 tooH ;ou were not a2)e to stri6e and +urse !e a )itt)e whi)e a&o. ;our +urse wou)d have redu+ed !e to ashes. 4hy did ;ou not )ay ;our +urse u/on !eF I wou)d have /re erred that9 rather than see ;ou so ine/t9 so en ee2)ed9 su+h a inished de eated !an...G E%e =uietHG

E8oH 're ;ou a raid that John !ay hearF 're ;ou a raid that at )on& )ast he !ay rea)ise who ;ou are and he !ay )eave ;ouF 'hH So ;ou are a raid9 a)thou&h ;ou /)ay the heroH ;es9 ;ou are a raidH 'nd ;ou are a raid o !e. ;ou are ri&htenedH That's why ;ou +ou)d not +urse !e. That's why ;ou /retend to )ove !e whereas ;ou hate !eH To 2)andish !eH To 6ee/ !e =uiet. ;ou 6now that I a! /ower u). ;ou 6now that I a! the /ower. The /ower that hates ;ou and wi)) de eat ;ouH I /ro!ised ;ou that I wi)) o))ow ;ou unti) death o erin& ;ou everythin&9 and I have o ered ;ou everythin&9 and I wi)) 2e near ;ou unti) ;our hour and !ine. 4hat a !a&ni i+ent 6in& who +annot +urse and drive /eo/)e awayH :in& o +)oudsH Ido) 6in&H (oo)ish 6in&H LiarH %etrayer o ;our own destiny. ;ou have a)ways des/ised !e9 sin+e the irst ti!e we Judas9 who uttered a sti )ed +ry when he saw Jesus on the /oint o +ursin& hi!9 does not !et. ;ou have not +orres/onded to !e. ;ou thou&ht ;ou were wise. ;ou are an idiot. I rea+t any urther. %ut another +ry is heard ro! 2eyond the +)osed door when Jesus tau&ht ;ou the &ood road. %ut ;ou... 5hH ;ou are the /ure oneH ;ou are the +reature throws the 2a& on the )oor. 'nd John's +ry irritates the thie . It &ives hi! 2a+6 his that is !an 2ut is ,od9 and ;ou des/ise the advi+e o the Inte))i&ent 5ne. ;ou have de!onia+ darin&. It !a6es hi! urious. 2een !ista6en sin+e the irst !o!ent and ;ou are !ista6en. ;ou... ;ou are... 'hHG He a)!ost )in&s hi!se) on Jesus shoutin&I E;ou had !e s/ied u/on to 2rin& 12 The torrent o words sto/s sudden)y and a )u&u2rious si)en+e re/)a+es so !u+h dishonour on !e. S/ied 2y a oo)ish 2oy who +annot even 6ee/ =uiet. 4ho wi)) sha!e +)a!our and a )u&u2rious sti))ness a ter so !any &estures. %e+ause9 whi)e I was writin& !e in ront o every2odyH That's what ;ou wanted. In any +ase... ;esH That's what I without 2ein& a2)e to say what was ha//enin&9 Judas9 2endin& <ust )i6e a wi)d do& that want9 too. I want thatH To or+e ;ou to drive !e awayH To or+e ;ou to +urse !eH To /oints a /rey and a//roa+hes it ready to dash on it9 has +o!e +)oser and +)oser to Jesus9 +urse !eH To +urse !eH I have tried everythin& to !a6e ;ou re<e+t !e.G He is hoarse with a a+e that it was i!/ossi2)e to )oo6 at9 his in&ers hoo6ed )i6e +)aws9 his e)2ows with ra&e and as u&)y as a de!on. He is /antin& as i so!ethin& were +ho6in& hi!. /ressed a&ainst his sides9 as i he were on the /oint o assai)in& Jesus9 4ho does not In a )ow 2ut dread u) voi+e Jesus re/eats to hi!I EThie H Thie H Thie HG and He ends sayin&I E' thie today. ' !urderer to!orrow. Li6e %ara22as. 4orse than hi!.G He 2reathes that word on his a+e9 as they are now very +)ose to ea+h other9 at ea+h senten+e o the other. 11 Judas ta6es 2reath and re/)iesI E;es. ' thie . Throu&h ;our au)t. ')) the evi) I do is show the )east si&n o ear and !oves turnin& round to o/en the door with His 2a+6 to the other9 who +ou)d atta+6 Hi! seizin& Hi! 2y His ne+6. %ut he does not do that and Jesus o/ens the door and )oo6s to see whether John has rea))y &one away. The +orridor is e!/ty and a)!ost dar69 as John has +)osed the door o/enin& onto the 6it+hen &arden a ter &oin& out. Jesus then 2o)ts the door and )eans a&ainst it9 waitin&9 without a &esture or word9 or the ury to a2ate. I a! not +o!/etent9 2ut I do not thin6 that I a! wron& i

5)5.Pa a62e "- &he T" n :2"&h and 'i a32e "- &he 8".an in :hi2d6ed. Judas "- <e i"&h Is :au1h& S&ea2in1.


I say that Satan hi!se) s/o6e throu&h Judas' )i/s and that this is a !o!ent o o2vious /ossession 2y Satan o the /erverted a/ost)e9 who is a)ready on the thresho)d o the 7ri!e and is da!ned throu&h his own wi)). The very !anner how the torrent o words sto//ed9 )eavin& the a/ost)e du!2 ounded9 re!inds !e o other s+enes o /ossession seen in the three years o Jesus' /u2)i+ )i e. Jesus9 )eanin& a&ainst the door9 a)) white a&ainst the dar6 wood9 does not !a6e the )east &esture. 5n)y His eyes9 /ower u) in &rie and ervour9 )oo6 at the a/ost)e. I one +ou)d say that eyes /ray9 I shou)d say that Jesus' eyes are /rayin& whi)e He )oo6s at the wret+h. %e+ause not on)y authority trans/ires ro! those eyes9 whi+h are so distressed9 2ut a)so the ervour o /rayer. Then9 towards the end o Judas' words9 Jesus o/ens His ar!s9 so ar he)d /ressed a&ainst His 2ody9 2ut He does not o/en the! to tou+h Judas9 or to !a6e any &esture towards hi!9 or to raise the! towards the s6y. He o/ens the! horizonta))y9 ta6in& the /osture o the 7ru+i ied9 there9 a&ainst the dar6 wood and the reddish wa)). It was then that the )ast words ro! Judas' )i/s s)ow down and he utters that E'hHG that interru/ts his s/ee+h. Jesus re!ains sti))9 with His ar!s stret+hed out9 with His eyes a)ways i3ed on the a/ost)e9 with a )oo6 o sorrow and /rayer. 'nd Judas9 )i6e one +o!in& out o de)iriu!9 ru2s his orehead and sweaty a+e with his hand... he thin6s9 he re+o))e+ts9 and re!e!2erin& everythin& he +o))a/ses on the )oor9 whether wee/in& or not9 I do not 6now. He +ertain)y a))s on the )oor9 as i his stren&th ai)ed hi!. 13 Jesus )owers His eyes and ar!s9 and in a )ow 2ut +)ear voi+e He saysI E4e))F $o I hate youF I +ou)d stri6e you with My oot9 I +ou)d tread on you +a))in& you Cwor!D9 I +ou)d +urse you9 as I reed you ro! the /ower that !a6es you rave. ;ou thou&ht that My i!/ossi2i)ity to +urse you was wea6ness. 5hH it is not wea6nessH It is 2e+ause I a! the Saviour. 'nd the Saviour +annot +urse. He +an save. He wants to save... ;ou saidI CI a! the stren&th. The stren&th that hates ;ou and wi)) de eat ;ou.D I a)so a! the Stren&th9 nay9 I a! the on)y Stren&th. %ut My stren&th is not hatred. It is )ove. 'nd )ove does not hate and does not +urse9 never. The Stren&th +ou)d a)so win sin&)e 2att)es9 )i6e this one 2etween you and Me9 2etween Satan who is in you9 and Me9 and re!ove your !aster ro! you9 or &ood9 as I did now 2y trans or!in& Myse) into the si&n that saves9 the Tau that Lu+i er a2hors. It +ou)d win a)so these sin&)e 2att)es as it wi)) win the on+o!in& one a&ainst in+redu)ous !urderous Israe)9 a&ainst the wor)d and a&ainst Satan de eated 2y .ede!/tion. It +ou)d win a)so these sin&)e 2att)es as it wi)) win the )ast one9 re!ote or those who +ount 2y +enturies9 +)ose at hand or those who !easure ti!e with the !easure o eternity. But of what avail would it be to infringe the perfect rules of !y -ather$ Would it be 5ustice$ Would it be #erit$ No. It would be neither 5ustice nor #erit. It would not be 5ustice with regard to guilty #en who have not been deprived of the freedo# of being so and who on the last day could as" !e the reason for their da#nation and reproach !e for !y partiality for you

alone. Ten thousand and one hundred thousand /eo/)e9 seventy ti!es ten thousand and one hundred thousand /eo/)e wi)) +o!!it the sa!e sins as yours and wi)) 2e+o!e de!ons throu&h their own wi))s9 and they wi)) 2e the o enders o ,od9 the torturers o their athers and !others9 6i))ers9 thieves9 )iars9 adu)terers9 )ewd and sa+ri)e&ious /eo/)e9 and in the end dei+ides9 6i))in& the 7hrist !ateria))y on a day +)ose at hand9 6i))in& Hi! s/iritua))y in uture ti!es. 'nd ea+h o the! +ou)d say to Me9 when I wi)) +o!e to se/arate )a!2s ro! 2i))y@&oats9 to 2)ess the or!er and +urse9 then9 yes9 to +urse the )atter9 to +urse the! 2e+ause there wi)) 2e no urther rede!/tion then9 2ut &)ory or da!nation9 to +urse the! on+e a&ain a ter +ursin& the! individua))y at their death9 irst9 and at their individua) <ud&e!ent. %e+ause !an9 and you 6now this 2e+ause you have heard Me say so a hundred9 a thousand ti!es9 2e+ause #an can save hi#self while he is alive up to his last breath. An instant a thousandth of a #inute is sufficient for a soul to say everything to &od to as" to be forgiven and obtain absolution... 0a+h o the!9 I was sayin&9 ea+h o these da!ned sou)s +ou)d say to MeI C Why did %ou not tie us to &ood as %ou did with 8udas$D 'nd they wou)d 2e ri&ht. 14 %e+ause every !an is 2orn with the sa!e natura) and su/ernatura) thin&sI a 2ody9 a sou). 'nd whi)e the 2ody9 2ein& &enerated 2y !en9 !ay 2e !ore or )ess ro2ust and hea)thy at 2irth9 the soul created by &od is the sa#e for everybody endowed by &od with the sa#e properties and gifts. %etween the sou) o John9 I !ean the %a/tist9 and yours9 there was no di eren+e9 when they were in used into your 2odies. 'nd yet I te)) you that9 even i ,ra+e had not /resan+ti ied hi!9 so that the Hera)d o the 7hrist !i&ht 2e without stain9 as a)) those who announ+e Me ou&ht to 2e9 at )east with re&ard to a+tua) sins9 his sou) wou)d have 2een9 wou)d have 2e+o!e9 =uite di erent ro! yours. 8ay9 yours wou)d have 2e+o!e =uite di erent ro! his. %e+ause he wou)d have /reserved his sou) in the reshness o inno+en+e9 nay9 he wou)d have adorned it !ore and !ore with <usti+e +o!/)yin& with the wi)) o ,od9 4ho wishes you to 2e <ust9 deve)o/in& the &ratuitous &i ts re+eived with &reater and &reater heroi+ /er e+tion. ;ou instead... ;ou have ruined and dissi/ated your sou) and the &i ts ,od had &iven it. What have you done with your free will$ What with your intellect$ Have you "ept for your spirit the freedo# that belonged to it$ Have you used the intelligence of your #ind intelligently$ 8o9 you have not. ;ou who do not want to o2ey Me9 I do not say Me@ Man9 2ut not even Me@,od9 you have o2eyed Satan. %ou have used the intelligence of your #ind and the freedo# of your spirit to understand 3ar"ness. <oluntarily. &ood and )vil were placed before you. %ou chose )vil. Nay only &ood was placed before you( I. ;our eterna) 7reator9 4ho o))owed the evo)ution o your sou)9 4ho was aware o su+h evo)ution 2e+ause the 0terna) Thou&ht is aware o everythin& that ha//ens sin+e Ti!e 2e&an to e3ist9 /)a+ed ,ood 2e ore you9 ,ood on)y9 2e+ause He 6nows that you are wea6er than an a)&a &rowin& in a dit+h. 15 ;ou shouted to Me that I hate you. 8ow9 as I a! 5ne with the (ather and with the

5)5.Pa a62e "- &he T" n :2"&h and 'i a32e "- &he 8".an in :hi2d6ed. Judas "- <e i"&h Is :au1h& S&ea2in1.


Love9 5ne here as 5ne in Heaven J 2e+ause i there are two 8atures in Me9 and the 7hrist9 2e+ause o His hu!an nature and unti) vi+tory wi)) ree Hi! ro! hu!an )i!itations9 is at 0/hrai! and +annot 2e e)sewhere at the sa!e !o!entM as &od the Word of &od I a# in Heaven as on the )arth as !y 3ivinity is always o#nipresent and o#nipotent J now9 as I a! 5ne with the (ather and the Ho)y S/irit9 the +har&e you !ade a&ainst Me9 you !ade it a&ainst ,od 5ne and Trine. Against that &od -ather Who created you out of love against that &od .on Who beca#e incarnate to save you out of love against that &od .pirit Who has spo"en to you so #any ti#es to instill good wishes into you out of love. '&ainst that ,od 5ne and Trine 4ho has )oved you so !u+h9 4ho 2rou&ht you on My way9 !a6in& you 2)ind to the wor)d to &ive you ti!e to see Me9 dea to the wor)d9 to ena2)e you to hear Me. 'nd youH... 'nd youH... ' ter seein& and hearin& Me9 a ter +o!in& ree)y to the ,ood9 rea)isin& with your inte))e+t that that was the on)y /ath o true &)ory9 you re<e+ted the ,ood and you have ree)y &iven yourse) to 0vi). But if through your free will you wanted that i you have a)ways !ore and !ore rude)y re<e+ted My hand that was o ered to you to /u)) you out o the vorte39 i you have a)ways !oved arther and arther away ro! the har2our to /)un&e into the ra&in& sea o /assions9 o 0vi)9 can you say to !e to Hi# fro# Who# I co#e to Hi# Who for#ed !e as !an to try to save you can you say that We have hated you$ ;ou re/roa+hed Me or wantin& what is evi) or you... Also a sic" child reproaches the doctor and his #other for the bitter #edicines they #a"e hi# drin" and for the things he wishes to have and they deny hi# for his own good. Has .atan #ade you so blind and #ad that you do not understand the true nature of the action I too" on your behalf and that you can call #alevolence and wish to ruin you what is a provident cure of your !aster of your .aviour of your -riend to restore you to health$ I 6e/t you +)ose to Me... I too6 !oney away ro! your hands. I /revented you ro! tou+hin& that +ursed !eta) that drives you +razy... But do you not "now do you not feel that it is li"e one of those #agic potions that bring about an un+uenchable thirst and produce in the blood a fierce heat a fury that leads one to death$ ;ou J I +an read your thou&ht J re/roa+h Me thin6in&I C4hy9 then9 or su+h a )on& ti!e ;ou a))owed !e to 2e the ad!inistrator o the !oneyFD 4hyF %e+ause i I had /revented you ro! tou+hin& !oney ear)ier9 you wou)d have so)d yourse) and you wou)d have sto)en ear)ier. ;ou so)d yourse) <ust the sa!e 2e+ause there was )itt)e you +ou)d stea)... %ut I had to try to avoid that without doin& vio)en+e to your reedo!. ,o)d is your ruin. %e+ause o &o)d you have 2e+o!e )ust u) and trea+herous...G 16 EThere ;ou areH ;ou 2e)ieved Sa!ue)'s wordsH I a! not...G Jesus9 4ho had 2e+o!e !ore and !ore ani!ated in s/ea6in&9 without ever assu!in& a vio)ent tone or threatenin& /unish!ent9 sudden)y utters a +ry o authority9 I wou)d say a +ry o an&er. He darts a urious )oo6 at Judas who has raised his a+e to s/ea6 those words and i!/oses E%e =uietHG in a voi+e that sounds )i6e the roar o thunder.

Judas a))s 2a+6 on his hee)s a&ain and s/ea6s no !ore. There is si)en+e and Jesus with visi2)e e ort re+o!/oses His hu!anity in su+h a +o!/osure and with su+h /ower u) +ontro) that testi ies 2y itse) the divinity that is in Hi!. He resu!es s/ea6in& in His usua) voi+e that is war! and 6ind a)so when it is severe9 /ersuasive9 +on=uerin&... $e!ons on)y +an resist that voi+e. EI a! not in need o in or!ation ro! Sa!ue) or any2ody e)se to 6now what you do. %ut9 you wret+hH $o you 6now in ront o 4ho! you areF It is trueH ;ou say that you do not understand My /ara2)es any )on&er. ;ou no )on&er understand My words. 1oor wret+hH ;ou do not even understand yourse) any !ore. ;ou do not even understand &ood and evi) any !ore. Satan9 to who! you have &iven yourse) in !any ways9 Satan who! you have o))owed in a)) the te!/tations he /resented to you9 has !ade you stu/id. 'nd yet on+e you understood Me. ;ou 2e)ieved that I a! He 4ho I a!H 'nd you sti)) retain a +)ear !e!ory o that. 'nd +an you 2e)ieve that the Son o ,od9 that ,od needs the words o a !an to 6now the thou&ht and the a+tions o another !anF ;ou are not yet /erverted to su+h an e3tent as not to 2e)ieve that I a! ,od9 and that is where your &reatest au)t )ies. The proof that you believe !e to be such is that you are afraid of !y wrath. %ou realise that you are not struggling against a #an but against &od Hi#self and you shiver. ;ou shiver9 7ain9 2e+ause you +an 2ut see and thin6 o ,od as the 'ven&er o Hi!se) and o inno+ents. ;ou are a raid that it !ay ha//en to you as it ha//ened to :orah9 $athan and '2ira! and their o))owers. And yet as you "now Who I a# you struggle against !e. I shou)d say to youI C7ursedHD %ut I wou)d no )on&er 2e the Saviour... 17 ;ou wou)d )i6e Me to re<e+t you. ;ou do everythin&9 you say9 to a+hieve that. Su+h reason does not <usti y your a+tions. %e+ause it is not ne+essary to +o!!it sin in order to /art ro! Me. ;ou +an do that9 I te)) you. I have 2een te))in& you sin+e 8o29 when you +a!e 2a+6 to Me9 one /ure !ornin&9 i)thy with )ies and )ust9 as i you had +o!e out o he)) to a)) into the !ud o a /i&sty9 or on the )itter o )i2idinous !on6eys9 and I had to stru&&)e a&ainst Myse) not to re/e) you with the /oint o My sanda) )i6e a revo)tin& ra& and to +he+6 the nausea that was u/settin& not on)y My s/irit 2ut a)so My 2owe)s. I have a)ways to)d you. 0ven 2e ore a++e/tin& you. 0ven 2e ore +o!in& here. Then9 I !ade that s/ee+h <ust or you9 on)y or you. %ut you a)ways wanted to stay. (or your own ruin. ;ouH My &reatest &rie H %ut you9 o hereti+a) ounder o a )ar&e a!i)y that wi)) +o!e a ter you9 you thin6 and say that I a! a2ove sorrow. 8o. I a! on)y a2ove sin. I a! on)y a2ove i&noran+e. '2ove the or!er9 2e+ause I a! ,od. '2ove the )atter9 2e+ause there can be no ignorance in the soul unspoiled by the *riginal .in. %ut I a! s/ea6in& to you as a Man9 as the Man9 as 'da! .edee!er 4ho has +o!e to !a6e a!ends or the Sin o 'da! sinner9 and to show what #an would have been if he had re#ained as he was created( innocent. A#ong the gifts given by &od to that Ada# was

5)5.Pa a62e "- &he T" n :2"&h and 'i a32e "- &he 8".an in :hi2d6ed. Judas "- <e i"&h Is :au1h& S&ea2in1.


there not an intelligence without i#pair#ent and a very great science as the union with &od instilled the light of the Al#ighty -ather into His blessed son$ I the new Ada# a# above sin through !y own will...

ones to grow.D $o you re!e!2er those wordsF 'nd I a)so said9 the irst ti!e9 to you9 to you a)oneI C2ife is a holy gift and is to be loved holily. 2ife is a #eans serving a purpose which is eternity.D I saidI CThen let us give life what it needs to last and to serve the spirit in its con+uest( continence of the flesh in its lusts continence of the 18 5ne day9 a )on& ti!e a&o9 you were sur/rised that I had 2een te!/ted9 and you as6ed #ind in its wishes continence of the heart in all the passions belonging to hu#anity Me whether I had ever yie)ded to te!/tation. $o you re!e!2erF 'nd I re/)ied to you. infinite ardour for Heavenly passions love for &od and our neighbour good will to ;es9 as I +ou)d re/)y to you... %e+ause sin+e then you were su+h... an i!/overished !an serve &od and our neighbour obedience to the voice of &od herois# in good and in that it was use)ess to o/en the !ost /re+ious /ear)s o 7hrist's virtues under your eyes. virtue.D ;ou wou)d not have understood their va)ue and... you wou)d have !ista6en the! or... stones9 as they were o su+h an e3+e/tiona) size. ')so in the desert I re/)ied to you 20 Then you to)d Me that I was a2)e to do that 2e+ause I was ho)y9 2ut you +ou)d not do re/eatin& the words9 the !eanin& o the words I had s/o6en to you that evenin& whi)e it 2e+ause you were a youn& !an9 u)) o )i e. 's i to 2e youn& and stron& were an &oin& towards ,ethse!ane. I John or a)so Si!on >ea)ot had re/eated that =uestion to e3+use to 2e vi+ious9 and on)y o)d and si+6 /eo/)e9 2ein& i!/otent9 2e+ause o their a&e Me9 I wou)d have re/)ied in a di erent !anner9 2e+ause John is /ure and he wou)d not or wea6ness to do what you were thin6in&9 2urnin& as you are with )ewdness9 were ree have as6ed with the !a)i+e with whi+h you as6ed9 as you were u)) o !a)i+e... and ro! sensua) te!/tationsH I +ou)d have re/)ied to you with !any ar&u!ents9 then. %ut 2e+ause Si!on is an o)d wise !an9 and a)thou&h he is not una+=uainted with )i e9 as you were not a2)e to understand the!. ;ou are not a2)e even now9 2ut at )east now you John is9 he has a+hieved that wisdo! that +an +onte!/)ate every e/isode without 2ein& +annot s!i)e with your in+redu)ous s!i)e9 i I te)) you that a healthy #an can be chaste u/set in his e&o. %ut they did not as6 Me whether I had yie)ded to te!/tations9 to the if he does not accept the allure#ents of the de#on and of senses of his own free will. !ost +o!!on te!/tation9 to that te!/tation. %e+ause in the irre/roa+ha2)e /urity o 7hastity is s/iritua) )ove9 it is an i!/u)se that in )uen+es the 2ody and /ervades it a))9 the or!er there are no !e!ories o )ust9 and in the +onte!/)ative !ind o the )atter e)evatin&9 s+entin& and /reservin& it. He who is i!2ued with +hastity has no roo! or there is so !u+h )i&ht to see /urity shine in Me. ;ou as6ed... and I re/)ied to you. 's I any other evi) in+entives. 7orru/tion does not a e+t hi!. There is no roo! or it. 'nd +ou)d. 4ith that /ruden+e that !ust never 2e se/arated ro! sin+erity9 2oth 2ein& ho)y thenH ,orruption does not enter one fro# outside. It is not an i#pulse penetrating in the eyes o ,od. That /ruden+e that is )i6e the tre2)e vei)9 stret+hed 2etween the Ho)y inside fro# outside. It is an i#pulse that fro# inside fro# the heart fro# thoughts and the /eo/)e9 to +on+ea) the se+ret o the :in&. That /ruden+e that ada/ts words to the co#es out and penetrates and pervades the envelope( the flesh. That is why I said that /erson )istenin& to the!9 to his inte))e+tua) /ower o understandin&9 to his s/iritua) +orru/tion +o!es ro! the heart. )very adultery every lust every sensual sin does not /urity and to his <usti+e. Because certain truths #entioned to corrupt people beco#e originate outside. But it co#es fro# the intense activity of the #ind which being for the# the ob5ect of laughter not of veneration... corrupt clothes everything it sees with alluring appearance. ')) !en have eyes to see. How +o!e then that a wo!an who )eaves ten !en i!/assive9 as they )oo6 at her as a 19 I do not 6now whether you re!e!2er a)) those words. I do. 'nd I a! re/eatin& the! +reature )i6e the!se)ves and they a)so +onsider her a 2eauti u) wor6 o 7reation without here9 <ust now that we are 2oth on the 2rin6 o the '2yss. %e+ause... %ut it is not ee)in& o2s+ene in+entives and /hantas!s rise in the!9 u/sets the e)eventh !an and ne+essary to say that. I said in the desert9 in re/)y to the =uestion that My irst )eads hi! to sha!e u) +on+u/is+en+eF %e+ause the heart and thou&ht o the e)eventh e3/)anation had not satis iedI CThe !aster never felt that He was superior to #an to be !an are +orru/t and where ten see a sister9 he sees a e!a)e. the 1!essiah1 on the contrary "nowing that He was the !an He wanted to be so in everything e7cept sin. To be #asters it is necessary to have been pupils. I "new every4 21 ')thou&h I did not say that to you then9 I to)d you that I had +o!e <ust or !en9 not thing as &od. !y divine intelligence was able to #a"e !e understand also the or the an&e)s. I have +o!e to &ive 2a+6 to !en their roya)ty o +hi)dren o ,od struggles of #an through intellectual power and intellectually. But one day so#e poor tea+hin& the! to )ive as &ods. ,od is without )ewdness9 Judas. %ut I want to show to a)) friend of !ine could have said( 1%ou do not "now what it #eans to be a #an and to o you that !an a)so +an 2e without )ewdness. I wanted to show you that one can live have senses and passions1. It would have been a 5ust reproach. I ca#e here to get ready as I teach you. To show you that I had to ta"e a real body and thus be able to suffer the not only for !y #ission but also for te#ptation. A satanic te#ptation. Because #an te#ptations of #an and say to #an after instructing hi#( /3o as I do.0 'nd you as6ed could not have had power over !e. .atan ca#e when !y solitary union with &od Me whether I had sinned when I was te!/ted. $o you re!e!2erF 's I saw that you ceased and I perceived that I was the !an with real flesh sub5ect to the wea"nesses of +ou)d not understand that I had 2een te!/ted without sinnin&9 2e+ause you thou&ht that the flesh( hunger tiredness thirst cold. I felt #atter with its needs #orale with its te!/tation was un2e+o!in& or the 4ord and that it was i!/ossi2)e or the Man not to passions. And if through !y will I subdued evil passions at birth I allowed the holy sin9 I re/)ied to you that everybody can be te#pted but only those are sinners who want

5)5.Pa a62e "- &he T" n :2"&h and 'i a32e "- &he 8".an in :hi2d6ed. Judas "- <e i"&h Is :au1h& S&ea2in1.


to beco#e so. ,reat was your sur/rise and you were in+redu)ous9 so !u+h so that you insisted sayin&I CHave ;ou ever sinnedFD It was then /ossi2)e or you to 2e in+redu@ )ous. 4e had 6nown ea+h other on)y or a short ti!e. 1a)estine is u)) o ra22is whose )ives are the antitheses o their do+trine. %ut now you 6now that I have not sinned9 that I do not sin. ;ou 6now that even the ier+est te!/tation /rovo6in& a hea)thy viri)e !an9 who )ives a!on& !en and is +ir+u!vented 2y the! and 2y Satan9 does not distur2 Me to the e3tent o !a6in& Me +o!!it sin. 5n the +ontrary9 every te!/tation9 a)thou&h its viru)en+e in+reased when it was re<e+ted9 2e+ause the de!on !ade it ier+er to over+o!e Me9 was a &reater vi+tory. 'nd not on)y with re&ard to )ewdness9 a whir) that revo)ved around Me without su++eedin& in sha6in& or s+rat+hin& My wi)). There is no sin where there is no consent to te#ptation 8udas. There is instead sin even without consu##ating the act when one accepts the te#ptation and conte#plates it. It !ay 2e a venia) sin9 2ut it /re/ares the way to !orta) sin in you. %e+ause when one a++e/ts the te!/tation and a))ows one's thou&ht to )in&er over it9 o))owin& the /hases o a sin !enta))y9 one &rows wea6er. .atan is aware of that and that is why he repeatedly hurls bla:ing thrusts always hoping that one #ay penetrate and wor" inside... Afterwards... it would be easy to change the person who is te#pted into a sinner. ;ou did not understand that then. ;ou +ou)d not understand it. ;ou +an now. 8ow you are )ess deservin& to understand than you were then9 yet9 I re/eat those words that I s/o6e to you9 or you9 2e+ause it is in you9 not in Me9 that the re/e))ed te!/tation does not su2side... It does not cal# down because you do not repel it co#pletely. ;ou do not +onsu!!ate the a+t9 2ut you 2rood over the thou&ht o it. That is what ha//ens today9 and to!orrow... To#orrow you will fall into real sin. That is why I tau&ht you9 then9 to as6 the he)/ o the (ather a&ainst te!/tation9 I taught you to as" the -ather not to lead you into te#ptation. I the .on of &od I Who had already defeated .atan as"ed the -ather for help because I a# hu#ble. %ou did not. %ou did not as" salvation and preservation of &od. %ou are proud. That is why you collapse... 22 $o you re!e!2er a)) thatF 'nd can you now understand what it #eans to !e true !an with all the reactions of #an and true &od with all the reactions of &od to see you thus( lustful liar thief betrayer ho#icide$ 3o you realise what a stress you i#pose on !e having to put up with your being near !e$ 3o you "now how laborious it is for !e to control !yself as I a# doing now to fulfill !y #ission for you till the very end$ 'ny other !an wou)d have seized you 2y your throat9 seein& you9 a thie 9 intent on /i+6in& the )o+6 o a +o er and stea)in& !oney9 and )earnin& that you are a traitor9 and worse than a traitor... I have s/o6en to you9 sti)) with /ity. Loo6. It is not yet su!!er and the +oo) 2reeze o the evenin& is +o!in& in throu&h the window9 and yet I a! /ers/irin& as i I had 2een wor6in& at a very hard tas6. %ut do you not realise how #uch you cost !e$ *r what you are$ 3o you want !e to drive you away$ 8o9 never. When a #an is drowning he who lets hi# go is a #urderer. %ou are between two forces attracting you .atan and !e. But if I leave you you will have hi# only. 'nd

how wi)) you save yourse) F 'nd yet you wi)) )eave Me... ;ou have a)ready )e t Me with your s/irit... 4e))9 I wi)) sti)) 6ee/ Judas' +hrysa)is near Me. ;our 2ody de/rived o the wi)) to )ove Me9 your 2ody inert towards ,ood. I wi)) 6ee/ it unti) you e3a+t a)so this nonentity9 that is9 your !orta) re!ains9 to <oin the! to your s/irit and sin with your who)e se) N JudasH... 4i)) you not s/ea6 to MeF Have you not one word or your MasterF 8ot even a /rayerF I do not e3/e+t you to sayI C(or&ive !eHD I have or&iven you too !any ti!es in vain. I 6now that that word is a !ere sound on your )i/s. It is not an i#pulse of your contrite spirit. I wou)d )i6e an i!/u)se o your heart. 're you so dead as to have no urther wishesF S/ea6H 're you a raid o MeF *h! if you were afraid! At least that! %ut you are not a raid o Me. I you were a raid o Me9 I wou)d re/eat the words that I s/o6e to you on that re!ote day when we s/o6e o te!/tations and sinsI C I tell you that also after the ,ri#e of cri#es if its culprit should rush to the feet of &od with true repentance and i#plored Hi# with tears to be forgiven offering hi#self to e7piation with confidence without despairing &od would forgive hi# and through e7piation the culprit would still save his soul.D 23 JudasH I you are not a raid o Me9 I sti)) )ove you. Have you nothin& to as6 My in inite )ove in this hourFG E8o. 5r at !ost one thin& on)yI that ;ou order John not to s/ea6. How do ;ou e3/e+t !e to !a6e a!ends i I a! a dis&ra+e a!on& youFG. He says so with arro&an+e. 'nd Jesus re/)ies to hi!I E'nd you say so )i6e thatF John wi)) not s/ea6. %ut at )east you9 and I as6 you this9 !ust 2ehave in su+h a way that nothin& !ay )ea6 out a2out your ruin. 1i+6 u/ those +oins and /ut the! 2a+6 into Johanna's 2a&... I wi)) try to +)ose the +o er... with the too) you used to o/en it...G 'nd whi)e Judas with a 2ad &ra+e /i+6s u/ the +oins that had ro))ed everywhere9 Jesus )eans on the o/en +o er9 as i He were tired. The )i&ht is adin& in the roo!9 2ut not so !u+h as to /revent one ro! seein& Jesus wee/ si)ent)y9 )oo6in& at His a/ost)e stoo/ to /i+6 u/ the s+attered +oins. Judas has inished. He &oes towards the +o er. He ta6es Johanna's )ar&e heavy 2a&9 /uts the +oins in it and +)oses it sayin&I EThere it isHG He !oves aside. Jesus stret+hes out His hand to ta6e the +oarse /i+6)o+6 !ade 2y Judas9 and with a tre!2)in& hand He &ets the s/rin&@)o+6 to wor6 +)osin& the +o er. He then rests the iron 2ar on His 6nee and 2ends it in B sha/e9 /ressin& it down +o!/)ete)y with His oot9 !a6in& it unservi+ea2)e. He then /i+6s it u/ and hides it in His +hest. In doin&9 so so!e tears a)) on His )inen tuni+. Judas at )on& )ast has a &esture o resi/is+en+e. He +overs his a+e with his hands and 2ursts into tears sayin&I EI a! +ursedH I a! the o//ro2riu! o the 0arthHG

5)5.Pa a62e "- &he T" n :2"&h and 'i a32e "- &he 8".an in :hi2d6ed. Judas "- <e i"&h Is :au1h& S&ea2in1.


E;ou are the eterna) wret+hH 'nd to thin6 that9 i you wanted9 you +ou)d sti)) 2e ha//yHG ESwear it to !eH Swear that no one wi)) 2e to)d... and I swear to ;ou that I wi)) redee! !yse) G shouts Judas. E$o not sayI Cand I wi)) redee! !yse) D. ;ou +annot. I a)one +an redee! you. He who was s/ea6in& throu&h your )i/s a short whi)e a&o9 +an 2e de eated on)y 2y Me. Te)) Me the words o hu!i)ityI CLord9 save !eHD9 and I wi)) ree you ro! your ru)er. $o you not understand that I a! waitin& !ore or that word o yours9 than or a 6iss o My MotherFG Judas is wee/in&9 2ut he does not say that word. E,o. ,o out o here. ,o u/ to the terra+e. ,o wherever you wish9 2ut !a6e no noisy s+ene. ,o. ,o. 8o one wi)) ind you out9 2e+ause I sha)) 2e wat+hin&. 's ro! to!orrow you wi)) 6ee/ the !oney. 0verythin& is =uite use)ess now.G Judas &oes out without re/)yin&. Jesus9 now a)) a)one9 dro/s on a seat near the ta2)e and with His head restin& on His ar!s o)ded on the ta2)e He wee/s distressin&)y. 24 ' ter so!e !inutes John enters =uiet)y and sto/s or an instant at the door. He is as white as death. He then runs towards Jesus and e!2ra+es Hi! i!/)orin&I E$o not wee/9 MasterH $o not wee/H I )ove ;ou a)so or that wret+h...G He )i ts Hi!9 6isses Hi!9 drin6s the tears o his ,od and wee/s9 too. Jesus e!2ra+es hi! and the two air@haired heads9 +)ose to ea+h other9 e3+han&e tears and 6isses. %ut Jesus soon +ontro)s Hi!se) and saysI EJohn9 or My sa6e or&et what ha//ened. I want that.G E;es9 !y Lord. I wi)) try to do that. %ut do not su er any !ore... 'hH How sorrow u)H 'nd he !ade !e sin9 !y Lord. I )ied. I had to )ie 2e+ause the wo!en dis+i/)es +a!e 2a+6. 8o. The re)atives o the wo!an +a!e irst. They wanted ;ou to 2)ess ;ou. ' 2a2y 2oy was 2orn without +o!/)i+ations. I said that ;ou had &one 2a+6 to the !ountain... Then the wo!en dis+i/)es +a!e and I )ied a&ain sayin& that ;ou were out and that ;ou had /ro2a2)y &one to the house where the 2a2y was 2orn... I +ou)d not ind any other e3+use. I was so du!2 oundedH ;our Mother saw that I had we/t and She as6ed !eI C4hat is the !atter with you9 JohnFD She was e3+ited... She see!ed to 6now. I )ied or the third ti!e sayin&I CI a! !oved 2e+ause o that wo!anND %ein& +)ose to a sinner +an )ead to su+h an e3tentH To a)sehoodN '2so)ve !e9 !y Jesus.G E%e at /ea+e. (or&et a)) a2out this hour. 8othin&. It was nothin&... ' drea!...G E%ut it is ;our sorrowH 5hH how +han&ed ;ou are9 MasterH Te)) !e this9 on)y thisI has Judas at )east re/entedFG

E'nd who +an understand Judas9 sonFG E8one o us. %ut ;ou +an.G Jesus re/)ies on)y with resh si)ent tears strea!in& down His tired a+e. E'hH He has not re/entedH...G John is terri ied. E4here is he nowF Have you seen hi!FG E;es. He )oo6ed out o the terra+e. He )oo6ed to see whether there was any2ody9 and when he saw !e a)) a)one9 as I was sittin& under the i&@tree9 utter)y an&uished9 he ran downstairs and went out throu&h the )itt)e &ate o the 6it+hen &arden. Then I +a!e in...G E;ou have done the ri&ht thin&. Let us tidy u/ in here9 /uttin& the +hairs 2a+6 in their /)a+es9 and /i+6 u/ the a!/hora9 so that there are no tra+es...G E$id he s+u )e with ;ouFG E8o9 John. He did not.G E;ou are too u/set9 Master9 to re!ain here. ;our Mother wou)d understand... and She wou)d 2e &rieved.G EThat is true. Let us &o out... ,ive the 6ey to our ne3t@door nei&h2our. I wi)) &o ahead9 a)on& the 2an6s o the strea!9 towards the !ountain...G Jesus &oes out and John re!ains to tidy u/ the /)a+e. Then he &oes out as we)). He &ives the 6ey to a wo!an who )ives in a house near2y and he runs away9 hidin& a!on& the 2ushes on the 2an69 not to 2e seen. 't a2out one hundred !etres ro! the house there is Jesus sittin& on a ro+6. ?/on hearin& the ste/s o the a/ost)e He turns round. His a+e is /a)e in the evenin& )i&ht. John sits on the &round +)ose to Hi! and rests his head on His )a/9 raisin& his a+e to )oo6 at Hi!. He sees that there are sti)) tears on Jesus' +hee6s. E5hH do not su er any !oreH $o not su er any !ore9 MasterH I +annot 2ear to see ;ou su erHG EAnd a# I not to suffer because of that$ !y deepest grief! Re#e#ber that 8ohn( this will be forever !y deepest grief! %ou cannot understand everything yet... !y deepest grief...G Jesus is de/ressed. John is ho)din& Hi! +)ose to hi!se) 9 with his ar!s round His waist9 an&uished at not 2ein& a2)e to +onso)e Hi!. Jesus raises His head9 o/ens His eyes that He had +)osed to re rain His tears and saysI E.e!e!2er that we are in three to 6nowI the +u)/rit9 you and I. 'nd no one e)se !ust 6now.G

5)5.Pa a62e "- &he T" n :2"&h and 'i a32e "- &he 8".an in :hi2d6ed. Judas "- <e i"&h Is :au1h& S&ea2in1.


E8o one wi)) )earn it ro! !e. %ut how +ou)d he do thatF 4hi)e he too6 the !oney o the +o!!unity... %ut thatH... I thou&ht I had 2e+o!e !ad when I saw... Horri2)eHG EI to)d you to or&et...G EI a! tryin& hard9 Master. %ut it is too horri2)e...G EIt is horri2)e. ;es9 John9 it isH 5hH JohnHG 'nd Jesus9 e!2ra+in& His (avourite9 rests His head on his shou)der and wee/s deso)ate)y. The shadows9 whi+h 2e+o!e ra/id)y dee/ in the thi+6et9 hide in their dar6ness the two who are e!2ra+in& ea+h other.

their hands they &ive &ent)e s)a/s to the !ost intrusive ones. E8o. Leave the!. Their 6indness is resher to Me than this dawn. Leave the! and Me a)one. '))ow Me to 2e +o! orted 2y their )ove9 whi+h is /ure and ree ro! interests and trou2)eG says Jesus de endin& His )itt)e riends and as he stret+hes out His ar!s9 His wide !ant)e han&s down and re+eives the! under its 2)ue /rote+tin& win&s. 'nd the )itt)e ones /ress a&ainst one another in the war! 2)ue di! )i&ht and 2e+o!e ha//i)y si)ent9 )i6e +hi+6s under !other)y win&s. 2 Jesus at )ast +an say to the adu)tsI E;ou !ay +o!e9 i you thin6 you +an do so.G E'nd who wi)) sto/ us9 MasterF 4e are in our re&ionHG EThe +orn9 the vines and or+hards need a)) your wor69 and the shee/ are to 2e shorn and this is their !atin& ti!e9 and those that !ated in the /ast season are a2out to )a!29 and it is ti!e to !a6e hay...G

5++. Fa!e-e55 &# E9h!ai(. G#in4 &#-a!ds Shi5#.

2*&h Fe)!ua!/ $9*8.

1 ELet us o))ow ;ou9 Master. 4e sha)) not trou2)e ;ouG i!/)ore !any /eo/)e o 0/hrai! who have &athered in ront o the house o Mary o Ja+o29 who is wee/in& a)) her tears )eanin& a&ainst the /ost o the wide@o/en door. Jesus is in the !idd)e o His twe)ve a/ost)esM arther away9 in a &rou/ around His Mother there are Johanna9 8i6e9 Susanna9 0)iza9 Martha and Mary9 Sa)o!e and Mary o ')/haeus. The !en and the wo!en are in trave))in& +)othes9 with tuni+s tu+6ed u/ and &irded to )eave their eet ree9 with new sanda)s astened not on)y at their an6)es 2ut a)so at the )ower /art o their )e&s 2y !eans o s!a)) stri/s o inter)a+ed )eather9 as is +usto!ary when one has to ta6e i!/assa2)e roads. The !en have 2urdened the!se)ves a)so with the 2a&s o the wo!en dis+i/)es. The /eo/)e i!/)ore Jesus to )et the! o))ow Hi!9 whi)e the )itt)e ones s+rea!9 with their )itt)e a+es and ar!s raisedI E' 6issH Ta6e !e in ;our ar!sH 7o!e 2a+69 JesusH 7o!e 2a+6 soon to te)) us !any 2eauti u) /ara2)esH I wi)) 6ee/ the roses o !y &arden or ;ouH I wi)) not eat any ruit to 6ee/ it or ;ouH 7o!e 2a+69 JesusH My )itt)e shee/ is a2out to )a!2 and I want to &ive ;ou the )a!2s6in9 with its woo)H ;ou +an have a tuni+ !ade )i6e !ine... I ;ou +o!e soon I wi)) &ive ;ou the +a6es !y !other !a6es with the ear)y +orn...G They +hirru/ )i6e !any )itt)e 2irds around their &reat (riend9 they /u)) His tuni+9 han& on to His 2e)t tryin& to +)i!2 u/ to His ar!s9 )ovin&)y des/oti+9 so !u+h so that Jesus is /revented ro! re/)yin& to the adu)ts9 2e+ause there is a)ways a resh a+e to 6iss. E'wayH That's enou&hH Leave the Master a)oneH 4o!enH Ta6e your +hi)drenHG shout the a/ost)es who are an3ious to set o in the ear)y !ornin& hours. 'nd stret+hin& out

EIt does not !atter9 Master. The e)der)y /eo/)e +an see to the shearin& and !atin& o the shee/9 and the +hi)dren9 and wo!en to their )a!2in&9 and a)so to the hay. The or+hards and ie)ds +an wait. %e+ause i the +orn is a)ready hardenin& in the ears9 it is sti)) ear)y to +ut it9 and vineyards9 o)ive@&roves and or+hards have on)y to )et their a2undant ruit ri/en in the sunshine. There is nothin& we +an do or the! unti) harvest@ ti!e9 <ust )i6e the !other o a a!i)y who +an do nothin& to 2a6e the 2read unti) the dou&h rises. The sun is the yeast o ruits. It's or hi! to a+t now9 as the wind did /revious)y e+undatin& the 2)osso!s a)on& the 2ran+hes. In any +aseH... I we shou)d )ose so!e 2un+hes o &ra/es9 or so!e ruits9 or i 2ear2ines or darne)s shou)d su o+ate so!e ears o +orn9 it wou)d 2e a very s!a)) da!a&e as +o!/ared with )osin& one o ;our wordsHG says an o)d !an who! I have a)ways seen hi&h)y honoured in the vi))a&e. E;ou are ri&ht. So )et us &o. 3 Mary o Ja+o29 I than6 you and I 2)ess you9 2e+ause you have 2een a &ood !other to Me. $o not wee/H Those who have a++o!/)ished a &ood deed !ust not wee/.G E'hH I a! )osin& ;ou and I sha)) not see ;ou a&ainHG E4e sha)) +ertain)y !eet a&ain.G E're ;ou +o!in& 2a+6 here9 LordFG as6s the wo!an s!i)in& throu&h her tears. E4henFG EI sha)) not +o!e 2a+69 as now...G EThen9 where sha)) we !eet a&ain9 i I9 a /oor o)d wo!an9 +annot +o!e a)on& the roads o the wor)d )oo6in& or ;ouFG EIn Heaven9 Mary. In the House o our (ather. 4here there is roo! or Judaeans and

5)). Fa e%e22 &" E5h ai.. 4"in1 &"%a ds Shi2".


or Sa!aritans9 where there is a /)a+e or those who wi)) )ove Me in s/irit and truth. ;ou are a)ready doin& so9 2e+ause you 2e)ieve that I a! the Son o the true ,od...G E5hH I do 2e)ieve thatH %ut there is no ho/e or us 2e+ause ;ou a)one )ove us without dis+ri!ination.G E4hen I have &one9 these Kand He /oints at the a/ost)esL wi)) +o!e in !y stead. 'nd in !e!ory o Me they wi)) not as6 who it is who re=uests to <oin the )o+6 o the true and on)y She/herd.G EI a! o)d9 Lord. I sha)) not )ive so )on& as to see that. ;ou are youn& and stron&9 and ;our Mother wi)) have ;ou or a )on& ti!e9 and those who )ove ;ou and 2e)on& to ;our /eo/)e wi)) have ;ou... 4hy are ;ou wee/in&9 o Mother o the %)essed LordFG she as6s9 a!azed at seein& tears dro/ ro! the %)essed Bir&in's eyes. EI have nothin& 2ut My &rie ... ,ood2ye9 Mary. May ,od 2)ess you or what you have done to My Son. 'nd re!e!2er that i your sorrow is &reat9 there is no sorrow &reater than Mine9 and there never wi)) 2e on the 0arth. 8everH .e!e!2er the sorrow u) Mary o 8azareth... ,ood2yeHG 'nd Mary /arts ro! the o)d wo!an wee/in& a ter 6issin& her on the doorste/ and She sets o a!on& the wo!en9 with John 2eside Her. 'nd John9 with his usua) )i&ht)y 2ent /osture and his a+e raised )oo6in& at Her9 saysI E$o not wee/ thus9 Mary. I !any hate ;our Jesus9 !any )ove Hi!. 7o! ort ;our s/irit9 Mother9 )oo6in& at these who now and in the +ourse o a&es wi)) )ove ;our Son with their who)e se)vesG and he +on+)udes in a )ow voi+e9 a)!ost whis/erin& the words to Mary a)one9 4ho! he &uides and su//orts ho)din& Her e)2ow so that She !ay not stu!2)e a&ainst the stones o the /ath9 2)inded as She is 2y Her tearsI E8ot every !other wi)) 2e a2)e to see her +hi)d )oved... There are so!e who wi)) shout distressin&)yI C4hy did I +on+eive hi!FDG 4 Jesus <oins the!9 as Mary and John have re!ained a)one9 a )itt)e 2ehind the wo!en dis+i/)es. Ja!es o ')/haeus is with Jesus. The others are 2ehind in a &rou/9 as /ensive and sad as the wo!en dis+i/)es9 who are ahead o the! a)). Last9 in a &rou/9 !any !en ro! 0/hrai!9 ta)6in& in )ow voi+es to one another. E,ood2yes are a)ways sad9 Mother. 1arti+u)ar)y when one does not 6now that an end is the 2e&innin& o so!ethin& !ore /er e+t. It is the sad +onse=uen+e o sin. 'nd it wi)) re!ain even a ter or&iveness. %ut !en wi)) 2ear it with &reater +oura&e as they wi)) have ,od as their riend.G

&rie is i!/endin& the !ore I say so to Myse) ... ,od is &ood. He &ave ;ou to MeI a )ovin& ho)y Son and su+h9 even on)y as a +reature9 as to +o!/ensate every sorrow o a wo!an... He &ave ;ou to Me9 a /oor &ir) e)evated to Mother o His in+arnate 4ord... 'nd the <oy o 2ein& a2)e to +a)) ;ou CSonD9 My adored Lord9 is so &reat that no tear shou)d dro/ ro! My eyes9 whatever the torture !ay 2e9 i I were as /er e+t as ;ou tea+h us. %ut I a! a /oor wo!an9 SonH 'nd ;ou are My 7reature... 'nd... whi+h !other +an re rain ro! wee/in& when she 6nows that her +reature is hated9 and she 6nowsF... Son9 su++our ;our !aidservant... 7ertain)y there was sti)) /ride in Me when I thou&ht I was stron&... %ut then... the ti!e was sti)) re!ote... 8ow it is here... I /er+eive it... Su++our Me9 Jesus9 My ,odH I ,od a))ows Me to su er thus9 it is +ertain)y or a &ood /ur/ose or Me. %e+ause i He wanted9 He +ou)d )et Me su er on)y or what ha//ens... It was He 4ho or!ed ;ou in My wo!2 thusH... How... There is no +o!/arison to e3/)ain how ;ou !ade ;ourse) ... %ut He wants Me to su er... and !ay He 2e 2)essed or that... a)ways. %ut he)/ Me9 Jesus. He)/ Me a)) o you... a)) o you... 2e+ause it is so 2itter the sea in whi+h I have to =uen+h My thirst...G ELet us say the /rayer. The our o us9 who )ove ;ou with a)) our hearts9 Mother. HereM I ;our Son9 and John and Ja!es who )ove ;ou as i ;ou were their !other... 5ur (ather9 4ho art in Heaven...G and Jesus9 &uidin& the )itt)e +horus o the three voi+es that o))ow Hi! in a )ow tone9 says a)) the Lord's 1rayer9 stressin& +ertain senten+es su+h asI Ethy wi)) 2e doneG... E)ead us not into te!/tation.G He then saysI E4e)). The (ather wi)) he)/ us to do His wi))9 even i our wea6ness o hu!an 2ein&s is su+h that we thin6 we are not a2)e to do it9 and He wi)) not )ead us into the te!/tation o thin6in& that He is not so &ood9 2e+ause whi)e we drin6 o the very 2itter +ha)i+e9 He wi)) send His an&e) to wi/e our e!2ittered )i/s with heaven)y +o! ort.G Jesus is ho)din& 2y the hand His Mother 4ho has 2rave)y stru&&)ed with Her tears restrainin& the! in the 2otto! o Her heart. The two a/ost)es are 2eside the!I John is near Mary and Ja!es o ')/haeus is near Jesus9 and they )oo6 at the! dee/)y !oved. 5 The wo!en dis+i/)es have )oo6ed 2a+6 now and a&ain hearin& Mary wee/ and the /rayer o the our. %ut they have re rained ro! <oinin& the!. In the rear9 the a/ost)es have as6ed one anotherI E%ut why is Mary wee/in& thusFG I said the a/ost)es9 2ut I !ean a)) o the! with the e3+e/tion o Judas o :erioth9 who is /ro+eedin& a)) a)one9 and )oo6s very /ensive9 a)!ost &)oo!y9 so !u+h so that Tho!as noti+es it and says to the othersI E%ut what is the !atter with Judas that he )oo6s )i6e thatF He )oo6s )i6e one senten+ed to deathHG

E;ou are ri&ht9 Jesus. %ut there is a sorrow that ,od )ets us re)ish a)thou&h He is the !ost ather)y (riend there +an 2e. He is su+h to Me. 5hH ,od is &oodH So &ood. I E4ho 6nowsFH He !ay 2e a raid to &o 2a+6 to JudaeaG re/)ies Matthew. shou)d not )i6e Ja!es and John9 or any2ody e)se to 2e s+anda)ised 2y My tears. ,od is &ood. He was a)ways &ood to /oor Mary. I have re/eated that to Myse) every day sin+e EI... 4hat did the Master te)) you a2out the !oneyFG as6s the >ea)ot. I was a2)e to thin6. 'nd now... now I say so every hour... every !o!ent. The !ore E8othin& in /arti+u)ar. He said to !eI C4e are now &oin& 2a+6 to the /revious situa@

5)). Fa e%e22 &" E5h ai.. 4"in1 &"%a ds Shi2".


tion. Judas wi)) 2e the treasurer and you the 2estowers o a)!s. The wo!en dis+i/)es want to he)/ us with re&ard to e3/enses.D I +ou)d not 2e)ieve that it was trueH I have hand)ed so !u+h !oney that I hate it.G E'nd the wo!en dis+i/)es are he)/in& very we)). These sanda)s are so sa e... 5ne does not ee) as i one were wa)6in& on a !ountain. I wonder how !u+h they +ostHG says 1eter )oo6in& at his eet shod with the new sanda)s that /rote+t 2oth hee)s and toes and su//ort an6)es with the thin )eather stri/s. EMartha &ot the!. 5ne +an see her ri+h /rovident hand. In the /ast we used to tie the! )i6e this as we))9 2ut the strin&s were a torture. 4e did not )ose the so)es9 2ut we )ost the s6in o our )e&s...G says 'ndrew. E'nd they hurt hee)s and toes... That's why he who is 2ehind us a)ways wore the! )i6e theseHG says 1eter /ointin& at Judas o :erioth. 6 The road +)i!2s towards the +rest o the !ountain. Loo6in& 2a+6 one +an see 0/hrai! a)) white in the sun9 and the vi))a&e see!s a)ready so ar 2e)ow the!... Then the a/ost)es !in&)e with the wo!en dis+i/)es to he)/ the! +)i!2 u/ the /ath that is very stee/ on that s/ot9 and %artho)o!ew9 who has 2een )e t 2ehind9 says to the /eo/)e ro! 0/hrai!I E;ou have shown us a very di i+u)t /ath9 !y riends.G E;es9 2ut 2eyond that wood there is a &ood road that wi)) ta6e you to Shi)o in a short ti!e. So you wi)) 2e a2)e to rest there )on&er than i you arrived 2y ni&ht a)on& a di erent roadG re/)ies one. E;ou are ri&ht. The harder the road9 the =ui+6er it ta6es you to your destination.G

i3ed idea o 2ein& an Israe)ite9 and is in )e3i2)e with re&ard to what is not Israe). He +han&es the su2<e+t without &ivin& a dire+t re/)y and saysI EIt is not ne+essary to +)i!2. ,od has +o!e down a!on& us. It is su i+ient to o))ow Hi!.G ETo o))ow Hi!9 we a&ree. 4e shou)d )i6e to do that. %ut i we went to Judaea with Hi!9 wou)d we not da!a&e Hi!F ;ou9 too9 are aware o what He is a++used and o what we are a++usedI o 2ein& Sa!aritans9 that is9 de!ons.G %artho)o!ew si&hs and /arts ro! the! sayin&I EThey are 2e+6onin& to !e to &o...G and he =ui+6ens his ste/. Those ro! 0/hrai! )oo6 at hi! &o away and one whis/ersI E'hH He is not )i6e Hi!H How !u+h we )ose 2y )osin& Hi!HG and he !a6es a &esture o dis+oura&e!ent. 7 E$o you 6now9 0)ias9 that yesterday evenin& He too6 a )ar&e su! o !oney to the head o the syna&o&ue9 who is to hand it to Mary o Ja+o29 so that she !ay not su er the /an&s o hun&er any !oreFG E8o9 I don't. 4hy did He not &ive it to herFG EHe did not want to 2e than6ed 2y the o)d wo!an. She does not 6now yet. I 6now 2e+ause the head o the syna&o&ue to)d !e9 to as6 !y advi+e whether he ou&ht to 2uy her John's /ro/erty9 that his 2rother wants to se))9 or he shou)d &ive her the !oney a )itt)e at a ti!e. I advi+ed hi! to 2uy John's /ro/erty. It wi)) &ive her enou&h +orn9 oi) and wine to )ive without starvin&. 4hereas the !oney... That...G ESo it is rea))y a )ar&e su!FHG says a third !an.

E;es. 5ur head o the syna&o&ue re+eived =uite a )ot9 a)so or other /oor /eo/)e in E;our Master is aware o that. That is why He does not s/are Hi!se) H 'hH we sha)) town and in the +ountry. That Cthey a)so !ay 6ee/ the (east o the ?n)eavened %read9 never or&etH... '2ove a)) that He has he)/ed us these )ast days9 a)thou&h He had heard to &reet the new ti!eD the Master said.G so!e /eo/)e o our re&ion insu)t Hi! so un air)y. He a)one is &ood and so He he)/s a)so EHe !ust have said the new year.G those who hate Hi!.G E8o. He saidI Cthe new ti!eD. In a+t the head o the syna&o&ue is not &oin& to use that E;ou did not hate Hi!.G !oney 2e ore the (east o the ?n)eavened %read.G E8o9 we did not. %ut there are !any !ore who! we do not hate9 and yet we are hated E5hH and what did He !eanFG as6 !any. without any reason.G E4hat does it !eanF I don't 6now. 8o2ody 6nows. 8ot even John9 His 2e)oved a/ost)e9 E$o what He does9 without any ear9 and you wi)) see that...G nor Si!on o Jonah9 who is the head o the dis+i/)es. I as6ed the! and the or!er EThen9 why do you not do soF It's the sa!e thin&. 4e are here9 you are there9 and a 2e+a!e /a)e9 the )atter 2e+a!e en&rossed in thou&ht )i6e one who is tryin& to &uess.G !ountain 2etween usI the one raised 2y +o!!on errors. '2oveI the +o!!on ,od. E'nd what a2out Judas o :eriothF He is i!/ortant a!on& the!. 1erha/s !ore than the Then9 why do neither we nor you +)i!2 the s)o/e to !eet u/ there9 at the eet o ,od9 other two. He 6nows everythin&9 so he says. He !ay 6now a)so that. Let us &o and as6 +)ose to one anotherFG hi!. He )i6es to say what he 6nows.G %artho)o!ew understands the <ust re/roa+h9 2e+ause in his undenia2)e virtue9 he has the They hurry to <oin Judas who is )one)y as at the 2e&innin&9 a)) a)one9 2y now9 on the

5)). Fa e%e22 &" E5h ai.. 4"in1 &"%a ds Shi2".


/ath9 2e+ause the others have &one round a 2end and they see! to have 2een swa))owed was 2etter than the othersM se+ond)yI ea+h town wanted to ruin the nei&h2ourin& ene!y u/ 2y the &reen thi+6et on the s)o/e. one9 !a6in& it disre/uta2)e in the o/inion o the 6in&. 's the son o the 6in& was <ust and wise9 with !u+h +)e!en+y he tried to instru+t ea+h /art o the re&ion in <usti+e9 to EJudas9 )isten to us. The Master says that He wants a &reat +e)e2ration or the (east o !a6e the! a)) riend)y with his ather and 2e)oved 2y hi!. 'nd as he was &ood9 he was the ?n)eavened %read9 to &reet the new ti!e. 4hat does He !eanFG su++eedin&9 a)thou&h s)ow)y9 2e+ause9 as it a)ways ha//ens9 on)y the u/ri&ht@hearted EI don't 6now. '! I /erha/s in the !ind o the MasterF 's6 Hi! sin+e He )oves you so /eo/)e o ea+h /rovin+e o the re&ion o))owed his advi+e. 8ay9 it is ri&ht to say that he ound !ore &ood wi)) to )isten to hi! and 2e+o!e wise in the truth9 e3a+t)y where they !u+hG and he =ui+6ens his ste/ )eavin& the! disa//ointed. s+orn u))y said that there was )ess &ood wi)) and wisdo!. EHe is not the Master either. There is not one who has His /ity...G they say sha6in& Then those o the nei&h2ourin& /rovin+es saidI C?n)ess we ta6e /ains9 the &ra+e o the their heads. 6in& wi)) &o entire)y to those who! we des/ise. Let us &o and overthrow those who! E4e))9 are we o))owin& the!F 4e are o))owin& Hi!H 'nd we are doin& the ri&ht we hate and )et us &o ei&nin& that we are +onverted and wi))in& to or&et our hatred in thin&. Let us &o. 1erha/s9 we !ay )earn ro! His )i/s9 2e ore He &oes to Judaea9 what order to honour the 6in&'s son.D 'nd they went. In the &uise o riends they s/read He !eant to say.G a!on& the towns o the riva) /rovin+e and with de+eit u) 6indness they advi+ed what to do to /ay &reater and &reater honour to the son o the 6in& and +onse=uent)y to his 'nd they =ui+6en their /a+es <oinin& the others9 who are restin& in a wood o a&e@)on& ather9 the 6in&. %e+ause the honour /aid to the son9 the !essen&er o his ather9 is a)so oa6@trees9 a+in& one o the !ost 2eauti u) views in 1a)estine. honour /aid to hi! who sent hi!. %ut they did not honour the 6in&'s son9 on the +ontrary they hated hi! +ordia))y9 to the e3tent o wishin& to !a6e hi! )oathso!e to his su2<e+ts and to the 6in& hi!se) . They were so astute in their a)se &enia)ity9 they su++eeded so we)) in /resentin& their advi+e as the 2est /o)i+y9 that !any /eo/)e o the nei&h2ourin& re&ion a++e/ted as &ood what was wi+6ed9 and they )e t the ri&ht /ath that 5+8. A& Shi5#h. Fi!s& Pa!a)5e #n Ad0i'e. they had o))owed9 and too6 an un<ust one9 and the 6in&'s son rea)ised that his !ission was a ai)ure with re&ard to !any. 28&h Fe)!ua!/ $9*8. 1 Jesus is s/ea6in& in the !idd)e o a s=uare /)anted with trees. The sun9 whi+h is <ust 2e&innin& to set9 2ri&htens it with a ye))ow@&reen )i&ht9 &)i!!erin& throu&h the new )eaves o &i&anti+ /)ane trees. ' thin /re+ious ve)ariu! see!s to 2e s/read over the )ar&e s=uare i)terin& the sun@)i&ht without o2stru+tin& it. Jesus saysI EListen. 5n+e a &reat 6in& sent his 2e)oved son to a /art o his 6in&do!9 whose <usti+e he wanted to test and he said to hi!I C,o everywhere9 do &ood to the /eo/)e in !y na!e9 in or! the! o !e9 !a6e !e 6nown and )oved. I &rant you u)) /owers9 and everythin& you do wi)) 2e we)) done.D The 6in&'s Son9 a ter 2ein& 2)essed 2y his ather9 went where he had 2een sent and with so!e s=uires an riends he 2e&an9 wor6in& untirin&)y9 to +over that /art o his ather's 6in&do!. 8ow9 throu&h a series o unha//y events9 that re&ion was !ora))y 2ro6en u/ into /arts o//osed to one another. 0a+h /art was !a6in& a &reat uss on its own a++ount9 and was sendin& ur&ent entreaties to the 6in& to te)) hi! that ea+h was the 2est and the !ost )oya)9 and that the nei&h2ourin& ones were /er idious and deserved to 2e /unished. So the 6in&'s son ound hi!se) in ront o +itizens whose hu!ours varied a++ordin& to the town to whi+h they 2e)on&ed9 2ut were a)i6e in two thin&sM irstI ea+h town 2e)ieved it 2 8ow te)) MeI who was the &reatest sinner in the eyes o the 6in&F 4hat was the sin o those who advised9 and o those who too6 their advi+eF 'nd I as6 you another =uestionI with who! wi)) the &ood 6in& 2e !ore severeF $o you not 6now the answersF I wi)) te)) you. The &reatest sinner in the eyes o the 6in& was he who in+ited his nei&h2our to do evi) out o hatred or hi!9 as he wanted to thrust hi! into dee/er dar6ness o i&noran+e9 out o hatred or the 6in&'s son9 who! he wanted to de eat in his !ission 2y !a6in& hi! a//ear in+a/a2)e in the eyes o the 6in& and o his su2<e+ts9 out o hatred or the 6in& hi!se) 9 2e+ause i the )ove &iven to the son is a)so )ove &iven to the ather9 )i6ewise the hatred or the son is hatred a)so or the ather. So the sin o those who &ave evi) advi+e9 6nowin& u))y we)) that they were &ivin& evi) advi+e9 was a sin o hatred in addition to a sin o a)sehood9 a sin o /re!editated hatred9 and the sin o those who too6 the advi+e thin6in& that it was &ood9 was on)y a sin o stu/idity. %ut you 6now very we)) that on)y he who is inte))i&ent is res/onsi2)e or his a+tions9 whereas he who throu&h disease or other reasons is oo)ish9 is not res/onsi2)e /ersona))y9 2ut his re)atives are res/onsi2)e in his stead. That is why whi)e a 2oy is not o a&e9 he is +onsidered irres/onsi2)e9 and it is his ather who answers or the a+tions o

5)*. A& Shi2"h. Fi s& Pa a62e "n Ad,i3e.


his son. So the 6in&9 who was &ood9 was severe with the inte))i&ent i)) advisers9 2ut he was 2eni&n with those who had 2een de+eived 2y the!9 and he on)y re/roa+hed the! or 2e)ievin& this or that su2<e+t 2e ore as6in& the 6in&'s son hi!se) 9 in order to )earn ro! hi! what was rea))y to 2e done. %e+ause on)y the son o the ather rea))y 6nows the wi)) o his ather. 3 That is the /ara2)e9 o /eo/)e o Shi)oh9 o Shi)oh where severa) ti!es in the +ourse o a&es advi+e o di erent nature was &iven 2y ,od9 2y !en or 2y Satan9 and that advi+e 2ore &ood ruit when it was ta6en as advi+e or &ood /ur/oses or when it was re<e+ted 2y /eo/)e who re+o&nised it as )eadin& to evi)9 and it 2ore 2ad ruit i it was not a++e/ted when it was ho)y or it was ta6en when it was wi+6ed. %e+ause !an has his wonder u) ree wi)) and he +an ree)y +hoose 2etween &ood and evi)9 and he has the other !a&ni i+ent &i t o an inte))e+t +a/a2)e o distin&uishin& 2etween ri&ht and wron&9 so reward or /unish!ent !ay 2e 2rou&ht a2out not so !u+h 2y the /ie+e o advi+e itse) 9 as 2y the way in whi+h it !ay 2e ta6en. Because if no one can forbid wic"ed people to te#pt their neighbour to ruin hi# nothing can interdict good people fro# re5ecting the te#ptation and re#aining faithful to good. The sa!e /ie+e o advi+e !ay har! ten /eo/)e9 and avai) other ten. %e+ause i he who o))ows it does har! to hi!se) 9 he who does not follow it does his soul good. So no one !ay sayI C4e were to)d to do so.D %ut every2ody !ust sin+ere)y sayI CI wanted to do it.D Then you wi)) at )east re+eive the or&iveness that is &iven to sin+ere /eo/)e. 'nd if you are doubtful about the goodness of the advice given to you #editate before ta"ing it and putting it into practice. !editate i#ploring the !ost High Who never denies the spirits of good will His light. 'nd i your +ons+ien+e9 en)i&htened 2y ,od9 sees on)y one tiny i!/er+e/ti2)e s/ot9 2ut su+h that +annot e3ist in a deed o <usti+e9 then sayI CI wi)) not do that 2e+ause it is an i!/ure <usti+e.D 5hH I so)e!n)y te)) you that he who #a"es good use of his intellect and of his free will and invo"es the 2ord to see the truth in things will not be ruined by te#ptation 2e+ause the (ather 4ho is in Heaven wi)) he)/ hi! to do what is &ood in s/ite o a)) the snares o the wor)d and o Satan. .e!e!2er 'nna o 0)6anah and 0)i's sons. The 2ri&ht an&e) o the or!er had advi+ed 'nna to !a6e a vow to the Lord i He !ade her e+und. 0)i9 the /riest9 advi+ed his sons to &o 2a+6 to a )i e o <usti+e9 and not to sin any urther a&ainst the Lord. 'nd yet9 a)thou&h it is easier or !an9 2e+ause o his heaviness9 to understand the voi+e o another !an than the s/iritua) J 2ut i!/er+e/ti2)e 2y /hysi+a) senses J s/ee+h o the Lord's an&e) s/ea6in& to the s/irit9 'nna o 0)6anah too6 the advi+e9 2e+ause she was &ood and u/ri&ht in the eyes o ,od9 and she &ave 2irth to a /ro/het9 whereas 0)i's sons9 as they were wi+6ed and ar ro! ,od9 did not ta6e their ather's advi+e and were /unished 2y ,od with a vio)ent death. 4 'dvi+e has two va)uesI that o the source fro# which it co#es9 and it is a)ready &reat 2e+ause it !ay have in+a)+u)a2)e +onse=uen+es9 and that o the heart to which it is

given. The va)ue &iven to it 2y the heart to whi+h it is /ro/osed is not on)y in+a)+u)a2)e9 2ut a)so i!!uta2)e. %e+ause if the heart is good and follows a good piece of advice it gives that advice the value of a 5ust deed and i it does not o))ow it9 it de/rives it o the se+ond /art o its va)ue9 as it re!ains <ust a /ie+e o advi+e9 2ut not a deed9 that is9 it is a !erit on)y or the adviser. 'nd if it is a wic"ed piece of advice and is re5ected by a good heart which has been te#pted in vain through blandish#ents or terrors to put it into practice it achieves the value of victory over )vil and of #artyrdo# for loyalty to &ood and thus it /re/ares a &reat treasure in the :in&do! o Heaven. So when your hearts are te!/ted 2y other /eo/)e9 #editate9 &uided 2y the )i&ht o ,od9 whether it is a &ood word9 and i with the he)/ o ,od9 Who allows te#ptations but does not want your ruin you see that it is not a &ood thin&9 have the courage to say to yourselves and to those te#pting you( /No. I wi)) re!ain )oya) to !y Lord and !ay !y )oya)ty a2so)ve !e o !y /ast sins and a))ow !e to enter the &ates o the :in&do! and not 2e )e t outside9 near the!9 2e+ause the Most Hi&h sent His Son or !e a)so9 to )ead !e to eterna) sa)vation.D ,o. I any2ody needs Me9 you 6now where I rest durin& the ni&ht. May the Lord en)i&hten you.G

5+%. A& Le)#nah. Se'#nd Pa!a)5e #n Ad0i'e.

2%&h Fe)!ua!/ $9*8.

1 They are a2out to enter Le2onah9 a town whi+h I do not thin6 is very i!/ortant or 2eauti u)9 2ut on the other hand is very 2usy as there are !any +aravans &oin& to Jerusa)e! or 1assover ro! ,a)i)ee9 Ituraea9 ,au)anitis9 Tra+honitis9 Hauran and the $e+a/o)is. I wou)d say that Le2onah was a tra+6 or +aravans9 or rather a <un+tion o su+h tra+6s +o!in& ro! those re&ions9 ro! the Mediterranean to the !ountains on the eastern side o 1a)estine9 and ro! the north o it9 and that they <oin here on the !ain road that ta6es /i)&ri!s to Jerusa)e!. 1eo/)e /ro2a2)y /re er this road 2e+ause it is &arrisoned 2y the .o!ans and +onse=uent)y they ee) sa er ro! the dan&er o un/)easant !eetin&s with hi&hway!en. That is what I thin6. %ut it !ay 2e /re erred or other reasons9 2e+ause o histori+a) or re)i&ious !e!ories9 I do not 6now. 's it is the ri&ht ti!e J <ud&in& 2y the sun I wou)d say that it is a2out ei&ht o'+)o+6 in the !ornin& J the +aravans are a2out to set o a!id a &reat u/roar o voi+es9 shouts9 2rayin&s9 harness@2e))s9 whee)s. 4o!en +a)) their +hi)dren9 !en s/ur their ani!a)s9 vendors o er their &oods9 Sa!aritans ha&&)e over /ri+es with those... )ess ri&id Jews9 that is9 those ro! the $e+a/o)is and ro! other re&ions9 as they are not so into)erant9

5)/. A& Le6"nah. Se3"nd Pa a62e "n Ad,i3e.


2ein& !ore !in&)ed with the heathen e)e!ent9 and i a wret+hed vendor ro! Sa!aria a//roa+hes a +ha!/ion o Judais! o erin& his &oods9 he is re/u)sed s+orn u))y and a)!ost a2used. They shout so !u+h at the anathe!a that they see! to have 2een a//roa+hed 2y the devi) hi!se) ... stirrin& u/ ier+e rea+tions ro! the o ended Sa!aritans. 'nd there wou)d 2e an odd s+u )e i the .o!an so)diers did not 6ee/ a &ood wat+h. 2 Jesus /ro+eeds throu&h so !u+h +on usion. The a/ost)es are around Hi!9 the wo!en dis+i/)es o))ow the!9 and 2ehind9 in the rear9 the train o the /eo/)e ro! 0/hrai!9 whose nu!2er has 2een in+reased 2y !any /eo/)e ro! Shi)oh. ' !ur!ur /re+edes the Master. It s/reads ro! those who see Hi! to those who are arther away and +annot as yet see Hi!. 'nother !ur!ur9 a )ouder one9 o))ows Hi!. 'nd !any /ut o their de/arture to see what is ha//enin&. They as6 one anotherI E4hatF Is He &oin& arther and arther away ro! JudaeaF 4hatF Is He /rea+hin& in Sa!aria nowFG ' voi+e says in the ty/i+a) sin&in& tone o ,a)i)eansI EThe ho)y ones have re<e+ted Hi!9 and He is &oin& to those who are not ho)y9 to san+ti y the!9 to sha!e the Judaeans.G ' re/)y !ore sour than a+id /oison is heardI EHe has ound His nest and who understands His word o a de!on.G 'nother voi+e shoutsI E%e =uiet9 you !urderers o the Just 5neH This /erse+ution o yours wi)) !ar6 you with the !ost i))@ a!ed na!e or a&es. ;ou are three ti!es !ore +orru/t than us ro! the $e+a/o)is.G 'nother shar/ voi+e o an o)d !an e3+)ai!sI EHe is so <ust that He is runnin& away ro! the Te!/)e or the (east o (easts. HaH HaH HaHG ' !an ro! 0/hrai!9 red with an&er9 saysI EIt is not true. ;ou are )yin&9 you o)d sna6eH He is now &oin& to His 1assover.G ' 2earded s+ri2e re!ar6s disdain u))yI EBia ,erizi!.G E8o. Bia the Moriah. He is +o!in& to 2)ess us9 2e+ause He is )ove9 then He wi)) as+end to your hatred9 you +ursed /eo/)eHG E%e =uiet9 Sa!aritanHG E;ou 2e =uiet9 de!onHG EThose who stir u/ a re2e))ion wi)) 2e i!/risoned. That is 1ontius 1i)ate's order. %ear than in !ind. $is/erse nowG orders a .o!an non@+o!!issioned o i+er &ettin& his !en to se/arate those who are a2out to +o!e to 2)ows in one o the !any re&iona) and

re)i&ious =uarre)s9 a)ways ready to rise in 1a)estine in the days o 7hrist. The +rowd dis/erses. %ut no one de/arts any !ore. $on6eys are ta6en 2a+6 to sta2)es or to the /)a+e where Jesus is &oin&9 4o!en and +hi)dren dis!ount and o))ow hus2ands or athers9 or they re!ain in +hatterin& &rou/s9 i their hus2ands' or athers' hu!our so orders Ethat they !ay not hear the de!on s/ea6.G %ut riend)y or ene!y or si!/)y +urious !en rush towards the /)a+e where Jesus has &one. 'nd whi)e runnin& they +ast evi) &)an+es at one another or they ta6e +oura&e ro! su+h une3/e+ted <oy9 or they as6 =uestions9 a++ordin& to whether they are riends with ene!ies9 or riends with riends or with +urious /eo/)e. 3 Jesus has sto//ed in a s=uare near the inevita2)e ountain in the shade o trees. He is there9 )eanin& a&ainst the da!/ wa)) o the ountain that here is +overed 2y a s!a)) /or+h o/en on)y on one side. 1erha/s it is !ore a we)) than a ountain. It is )i6e the we)) at 0n .o&e). He is s/ea6in& to a wo!an who is showin& Hi! the )itt)e +hi)d she is ho)din& in her ar!s. I see Jesus nod assent and )ay His hand on the +hi)d's head. 'nd i!!ediate)y a terwards I see the !other raise the +hi)d and shoutI EMa)a+hi9 Ma)a+hi9 where are youF 5ur 2oy is no )on&er de or!edG and the wo!an tri))s her hosanna whi+h is <oined 2y the shouts o the +rowd9 whi)e a !an !a6es his way to /rostrate hi!se) 2e ore the Lord. The /eo/)e !a6e their +o!!ents. The wo!en9 !ost)y !others9 +on&ratu)ate the wo!an who re+eived the &ra+e. Those who are arther away stret+h their ne+6s and as6I E4hat ha//enedFG a ter shoutin& EhosannasG9 to <oin those who are aware o what too6 /)a+e. E' hun+h2a+6ed 2oy9 so hu!/@2a+6ed that he +ou)d stand on his )e&s on)y with di i+u)ty. He was that size9 I te)) you9 <ust that9 so 2ent he was. He )oo6ed )i6e a 2oy three years o)d9 2ut he was seven. Loo6 at hi! nowH He is as ta)) as every2ody9 as strai&ht as a /a)!@tree and )ive)y. See hi! over there how he +)i!2s on the )itt)e wa)) o the ountain to 2e seen and to see. 'nd how ha//i)y he )au&hsHG 4 ' ,a)i)ean turns towards a !an9 who9 <ud&in& 2y the )ar&e tasse)s on his 2e)t I thin6 I a! ri&ht in sayin& is a ra22i9 and as6s hi!I E0hiF 4hat do you sayF Is that wor6 o the de!on9 tooF .ea))y9 i the de!on does that9 re!ovin& !is ortunes to !a6e !en ha//y and have ,od /raised9 sha)) we not have to say that he is ,od's 2est servantHG E%)as/he!er9 2e si)entHG EI a! not 2)as/he!in&9 ra22i. I a! +o!!entin& on what I see. 4hy does your ho)iness 2rin& us nothin& 2ut 2urdens9 !is ortunes9 !a6in& us s/ea6 a2use9 and !istrust the Most Hi&h9 whereas the wor6s o the .a22i o 8azareth &ive us /ea+e and the +ertainty that ,od is &oodFG

5)/. A& Le6"nah. Se3"nd Pa a62e "n Ad,i3e.


The ra22i does not re/)y9 he !oves aside and &oes to s/ea6 in a )ow voi+e to other riends o his. 'nd one o the! )eaves the &rou/9 e)2ows his way &oin& in ront o Jesus9 4ho! he as6s9 without &reetin& Hi! irstI E4hat do ;ou intend doin&FG EI intend to s/ea6 to those who as6 or My wordG re/)ies Jesus starin& at his eyes9 without disdain9 2ut a)so without ear. E;ou are not a))owed. The Sanhedrin or2ids ;ou.G EThat is the wi)) o the Most Hi&h9 4hose servant the Sanhedrin ou&ht to 2e.G E;ou have 2een +onde!ned9 ;ou 6now. %e si)ent or...G EThe 4ord is My na!e. 'nd the 4ord s/ea6s.G ETo the Sa!aritans. I it were true that ;ou are 4ho ;ou say ;ou are9 ;ou wou)d not &ive ;our word to the Sa!aritans.G EI have &iven it and wi)) &ive it to ,a)i)eans9 to Judaeans9 to Sa!aritans9 2e+ause there is no di eren+e in the eyes o Jesus.G ETry to &ive it in Judaea9 i ;ou dareHNG EI so)e!n)y te)) you that I wi)). 4ait or Me. 're you not 0)eazar 2en 1artaF 're youF Then you wi)) +ertain)y see ,a!a)ie) 2e ore I see hi!. Te)) hi!9 in My na!e9 that I wi)) &ive hi! a)so9 a ter twenty one years9 the re/)y or whi+h he is waitin&. Have you understoodF .e!e!2er this +are u))yI a ter twenty one years I wi)) &ive hi! a)so the re/)y that he awaits. ,ood2ye.G E4hereF 4here do ;ou want to s/ea69 where do ;ou want to re/)y to the &reat ,a!a)ie)F He has +ertain)y a)ready )e t ,a!a)a in Judaea to &o to Jerusa)e!. %ut even i he were sti)) in ,a!a)a ;ou +ou)d not s/ea6 to hi!.G E4hereF 'nd where do the s+ri2es and ra22is o Israe) !eetFG EIn the Te!/)eF ;ou9 in the Te!/)eF 'nd wou)d ;ou dareF %ut do ;ou not 6now...G EThat you hate MeF I do 6now. It is su i+ient or Me not to 2e hated 2y My (ather. %e ore )on& the Te!/)e wi)) tre!2)e 2e+ause o My words.G 'nd without !indin& His inter)o+utor any )on&er He o/ens His ar!s to i!/ose si)en+e on the /eo/)e who are e3+ited and divided into o//osite tenden+ies and are shoutin& at distur2ers. 5 There is soon si)en+e and in the si)en+e Jesus s/ea6sI E't Shi)oh I s/o6e o i)) advisers and o how !u+h &ood or evi) a /ie+e o advi+e +an do. I now /ro/ose this /ara2)e not on)y to you9 /eo/)e o Le2onah9 2ut to the /eo/)e o a)) 1a)estine. 4e sha)) +a)) itI CThe /ara2)e o the i))@advisedD.

Listen. 5n+e there was a very )ar&e a!i)y9 so )ar&e as to or! a tri2e. 8u!erous sons had &ot !arried or!in&9 around the irst a!i)y9 !any !ore a!i)ies ri+h in o s/rin&9 who in their turn &ot !arried and had or!ed !ore a!i)ies. So that the o)d ather had ound hi!se) 9 so to say9 at the head o a s!a)) 6in&do!9 o whi+h he was the 6in&. 's it a)ways ha//ens in a!i)ies9 a!on& the !any +hi)dren and +hi)dren's +hi)dren9 there were di erent +hara+tersI so!e were &ood and <ust9 so!e were over2earin& and un<ust. So!e were +ontent with their situation and so!e were envious9 as they thou&ht that their shares were in erior to those o 2rothers or re)atives. 'nd near the !ost wi+6ed one there was the 2est one. 'nd it was natura) that this very &ood one shou)d 2e the !ost tender)y )oved 2y the ather o a)) the )ar&e a!i)y. 'nd9 as it a)ways ha//ens9 the wi+6ed one and those !ore )i6e hi!9 hated the &ood one 2e+ause he was the !ost )oved9 not +onsiderin& that they +ou)d have 2een )oved as we))9 i they had 2een as &ood as he was. 'nd the &ood son9 to who! his ather +on ided his thou&hts that he !i&ht re/eat the! to every2ody9 was o))owed 2y other &ood ones. So that a ter years and years9 the )ar&e a!i)y was divided into three /arts. The /art o the &ood !e!2ers o the a!i)y and that o the 2ad ones. 'nd 2etween the two there was the third /art9 or!ed 2y the un+ertain !e!2ers9 who were attra+ted towards the &ood son9 2ut were a raid o the wi+6ed one and o those o his /arty. This third /art was 6ee/in& in with 2oth sides and was not a2)e to !a6e u/ its !ind reso)ute)y in avour o one or the other. Then the o)d ather9 seein& su+h un+ertainty9 said to his 2e)oved sonI CSo ar you have s/ent your word /arti+u)ar)y or those who )ove it and or those who do not )ove it9 2e+ause the or!er as6 you or it9 so that they !ay )ove !e !ore and !ore a++ordin& to <usti+e9 and the )atter are oo)s who need to 2e ta6en 2a+6 to <usti+e. %ut you +an see that those oo)s not on)y do not a++e/t your word9 and they re!ain what they were9 2ut to their irst un<ust attitude towards you9 the !essen&er o !y wishes9 they add the un airness o +orru/tin&9 2y !eans o evi) advi+e9 those who are not yet ir!)y wi))in& to o))ow the 2etter road. So &o to the! and e3/)ain to the! what I a!9 what you are9 and what they !ust do to 2e with you and with !e.D The son9 who was a)ways o2edient9 went as his ather wished9 and he +on=uered so!e hearts every day. So the ather was a2)e to +)ear)y see who were his re2e))ious +hi)dren9 and he )oo6ed at the! severe)y 2ut without re/roa+hin& the!9 2e+ause he was their ather and he wanted to attra+t the! to hi!se) with /atien+e9 )ove and the e3a!/)e o the &ood sons. %ut when the wi+6ed ones rea)ised that they were a)) a)one they saidI CIt is now too o2vious that we are the re2e)s. 1revious)y they !istoo6 us or those who were neither &ood nor 2ad. Loo6 at the! now over thereH They are a)) o))owin& the 2e)oved son. 4e !ust ta6e a+tion and destroy his wor6. Let us &o9 ei&nin& that we want to !end our ways9 to those who have <ust 2een +onverted and a)so to those who are the !ost si!/)e sou)s a!on& the 2est ones and )et us s/read the ru!our that the 2e)oved son /retends that he wants to serve his ather9 2ut in a+tua) a+t he is &atherin& su//orters to re2e)

5)/. A& Le6"nah. Se3"nd Pa a62e "n Ad,i3e.


a&ainst hi!M or we +an a)so say that the ather wants to e)i!inate his son and those who o))ow hi!9 2e+ause they are 2e+o!in& too /ower u) and are outshinin& the &)ory o the ather@6in&9 and that +onse=uent)y9 in order to de end the 2e)oved 2etrayed son9 it is ne+essary to 6ee/ hi! a!on& us9 ar ro! the /aterna) house where 2etraya) is awaitin& hi!.D 'nd they went and were so shrewd)y su2t)e in su&&estin& advi+e and s/readin& ru!ours9 that !any were +au&ht in the snare9 /arti+u)ar)y the re+ent +onverts9 to who! the evi) advisers &ave the o))owin& 2ad /ie+e o advi+eI C$o you rea)ise how !u+h he )oved youF He /re erred to 2e a!on& you rather than stay with his ather9 or at )east with his &ood 2rothers. He has 2een so +)ever that in the si&ht o a)) the wor)d he has raised you ro! your a2<e+tion o /ersons who did not 6now what they wanted and were thus ridi+u)ed 2y every2ody. %e+ause o his /artia)ity or you9 it is your duty to de end hi!9 and to 6ee/ hi! in your ie)ds9 even 2y or+e9 i your words are not su i+ient to +onvin+e hi!. 5r rise9 /ro+)ai!in& hi! your )eader and 6in&9 and !ar+h a&ainst the ini=uitous ather and his sons who are as ini=uitous as he.D 'nd when anyone hesitated and re!ar6edI C%ut he wants9 he wanted us to &o with hi! to honour our ather and he has o2tained 2)essin& and or&iveness or usD9 they re/)ied to the!I C$on't 2e)ieve thatH 8ot everythin& he to)d you is true9 neither did the ather show you a)) the truth. He has 2ehaved )i6e that 2e+ause he rea)ises that his ather is a2out to 2etray hi! and he wanted to test your hearts to ind out where he +an ind /rote+tion and she)ter. %ut !ay 2e... he is so &oodH /erha/s he wi)) re/ent o dou2tin& his ather and !ay want to &o 2a+6 to hi!. $o not a))ow hi! to do that.D 'nd !any /ro!isedI C4e wi)) not a))ow hi!D and they were i))ed with enthusias! /)annin& what to do to detain the 2e)oved son9 without noti+in& that whi)e the evi) advisers were sayin&I C4e wi)) he)/ you to save the 2)essed !anD9 their eyes were shinin& with a)sehood and +rue)ty9 and that they were win6in& at one another ru22in& their hands and whis/erin&I CThey are 2ein& +au&ht in the snareH 4e sha)) winHD every ti!e so!e2ody &ave assent to their s)y words. Then the evi) advisers went away. They went away s/readin& the ru!our in other /)a+es that the 2etraya) o the 2e)oved son wou)d soon 2e+o!e 6nown9 as he had )e t the )and o his ather to esta2)ish a 6in&do! a&ainst his ather9 with the he)/ o those who hated the ather or whose )ove was at )east un+ertain. In the !eanti!e those in )uen+ed 2y the evi) advi+e were +ons/irin& to indu+e the 2e)oved son to re2e) a&ainst his ather9 a sin that wou)d s+anda)ise the wor)d. 5n)y the wisest a!on& the!9 those into who! the word o the <ust son had /enetrated !ore dee/)y and had ta6en root 2e+ause it had a))en on soi) an3ious to re+eive it9 a ter /onderin& saidI C8o. It is not ri&ht to do so. It is a wi+6ed a+tion a&ainst the ather9 a&ainst the son and us. 4e are aware o the <usti+e and wisdo! o 2oth o the!. 4e are aware o it a)thou&h un ortunate)y we have not a)ways o))owed it. 'nd we !ust not thin6 that the advi+e o those who have a)ways 2een o/en)y a&ainst the ather and <usti+e9 and a)so a&ainst the 2e)oved son o the

ather9 !ay 2e !ore <ust than the advi+e &iven to us 2y the 2)essed son.D 'nd they did not o))ow the!. 5n the +ontrary9 with )ove and sorrow9 they )et the son &o where he had to &o9 and they on)y a++o!/anied hi! with &estures o a e+tion as ar as the 2oundaries o their ie)ds9 and on ta6in& )eave o hi! they said to hi! as a /ro!iseI C,o. 4e sha)) stay. %ut your words are in our hearts and ro! now on we wi)) do what the ather wants. ,o and do not worry. ;ou have raised us or &ood ro! the state in whi+h you ound us. 8ow that we are on the &ood /ath we wi)) advan+e on it unti) we arrive at the house o our ather so that we !ay 2e 2)essed 2y hi!.D 5n the +ontrary so!e &ave assent to the 2ad advi+e and they sinned te!/tin& the 2e)oved son to +o!!it sin and &i2in& at hi! as 2ein& oo)ish 2e+ause he was o2stinate in u) i))in& his duty. 6 I now as6 youI C4hy did the sa!e /ie+e o advi+e have di erent e e+tsFD 're you not re/)yin&F I wi)) te)) you as I to)d those o Shi)oh. %e+ause advi+e a+hieves va)ue or 2e+o!es void a++ordin& to whether it is ta6en or not. Man is te!/ted in vain 2y evi) advi+e. I he does not want to sin9 he wi)) not sin. 'nd he wi)) not 2e /unished or havin& to hear the insinuations o wi+6ed /eo/)e. He wi)) not 2e /unished 2e+ause ,od is <ust and He does not /unish anyone or sins not +o!!itted. He will only be punished if after having to hear the )vil te#pting hi# he puts it into practice without using his intellect to #editate on the nature and source of the advice. 8either +an he say as an e3+useI CI thou&ht it was a &ood /ie+e o advi+e.D 4hat is /)easant to ,od is &ood. 7an ,od a//rove o and 2e de)i&hted with diso2edien+e or with what indu+es to diso2edien+eF 7an ,od 2)ess what is in +ontrast with His Law9 that is9 with His 4ordF I so)e!n)y te)) you that He +annot. 'nd I a)so so)e!n)y te)) you that one !ust /re er to die rather than in rin&e the divine Law. 't She+he! I wi)) s/ea6 to you a&ain to !a6e you wise in wantin& or not wantin& to ta6e the advi+e &iven to you. ;ou !ay &o now.G 7 The /eo/)e &o away !a6in& their +o!!ents. E$id you hear thatF He 6nows what they to)d usH 'nd He e3horted us to want what is <ustG says a Sa!aritan. E;es. 'nd did you noti+e how u/set were the Judaeans and the s+ri2es who were /resentFG E;es. They did not even wait unti) the end to &o away.G E1oisonous vi/ersH %ut... He says what He wants to do. He is wron&. He !ay +ause Hi!se) trou2)e. Those ro! Mount 02a) and Mount ,erizi! are rea))y e)atedH...G EI... I have never )attered !yse) . The .a22i is the .a22i. 'nd that !eans everythin&. Is it /ossi2)e or the .a22i to sin 2y not &oin& u/ to the Te!/)e in Jerusa)e!FG EHe wi)) 2e /ut to death. ;ou wi)) seeH... 'nd that wi)) 2e the endH...G

5)/. A& Le6"nah. Se3"nd Pa a62e "n Ad,i3e.


E(or who!F (or Hi!F (or usF 5r... or the JudaeansFG E(or Hi!. I He diesHG E;ou are oo)ish9 !an. I +o!e ro! 0/hrai!. I 6now Hi! we)). I have )ived near Hi! or two u)) !onths9 even )on&er. He a)ways s/o6e to us. It wi)) 2e sorrow u)... %ut not the end. 8either or Hi!9 nor or us. The Saint o a)) the saints +annot die9 +annot end. 8either +an that 2e the end or us. I... a! i&norant9 2ut I ee) that the :in&do! wi)) +o!e when the Judaeans thin6 it is a)) over... 'nd it wi)) 2e a)) over or the!...G E$o you thin6 that the dis+i/)es wi)) aven&e the MasterF ' re2e))ionF ' !assa+reF 'nd the .o!ansF...G E5hH There is no need o dis+i/)es9 o reven&e o !en9 o !assa+res. It wi)) 2e the Most Hi&h 4ho wi)) de eat the!. He has /unished us9 or a&es9 and or !u+h )essH $o you thin6 that He wi)) not /unish the! or their sin o tor!entin& His 7hristFG ETo see the! 2eatenH 'hHG E;our heart is not as the Master wou)d )i6e it. He /rays or His ene!ies...G EI... a! &oin& to o))ow Hi! to!orrow. I want to hear what He wi)) say at She+he!.G EI a)so.G E'nd I9 too...G Many /eo/)e o Le2onah are o the sa!e !ind and raternisin& with those ro! 0/hrai! and Shi)oh they &o to !a6e /re/arations or their de/arture on the o))owin& !ornin&.

hed&es o 6it+hen &ardens. 0very house is de+6ed with &reenery9 with )owers9 with 2ran+hes on whi+h tiny ruits are swe))in&. Loo6in& around at the environs9 whi+h are +)ear)y visi2)e owin& to the +on i&uration o the &round9 one sees nothin& 2ut the &reen o o)ive@&roves9 o vineyards9 or or+hards and the &o)den hue o ie)ds in whi+h every day the &)au+ous shade o the unri/e +orn +han&es !ore and !ore into the de)i+ate ye))owness o straw9 o ri/e ears9 that the sun and winds 2end and 2)ow9 !a6in& the! )oo6 a)!ost )i6e white &o)d. The +orn is rea))y Eye))owin&G9 as Jesus says9 and is rea))y &o)den9 a ter 2ein& EwhiteG when s/rin&in& u/9 then the &reen o a /re+ious <ewe)9 whi)e it &rew and or!ed ears. The sun is now /re/arin& it to die9 a ter /re/arin& it to )ive. 'nd it is di i+u)t to say when it shou)d 2e 2)essed !ore9 whether now that is )eads it to the sa+ri i+e9 or when it /aterna))y war!ed the earth to !a6e it &er!inate and it /ainted its /a)e ste!9 whi+h had <ust s/run& u/9 with a 2eauti u) &reen shade9 u)) o vi&our and /ro!ises. 2 Jesus9 4ho has s/o6en o that whi)e enterin& the town and /ointin& at the /)a+e where they !et the Sa!aritan wo!an and re!e!2erin& that re!ote s/ee+h9 says to His a/ost)es9 to a)) o the! e3+e/t John9 who is a)ready near Mary to +o! ort Her9 as She is so sorrow u)I E'nd is what I said then not 2ein& u) i))ed nowF 4e were un6nown and )one)y when we +a!e in here. 4e sowed. 8ow9 )oo6H That seed has &iven a ri+h +ro/. 'nd it wi)) &row &reater and you wi)) rea/ it. 'nd others wi)) rea/ !ore than you...G E'nd wi)) you not9 LordFG as6s 1hi)i/. EI have rea/ed where My 1re+ursor sowed. Then I sowed that you !i&ht rea/ and sow with the seed I had &iven you. %ut as John did not rea/ what he sowed9 so I sha)) not harvest this +ro/. 4e are...G E4hat9 LordFG as6s Judas o ')/haeus worried)y. EThe vi+ti!s9 My 2rother. The sweat o one's 2row is re=uired to erti)ise ie)ds. %ut sa+ri i+e is ne+essary to erti)ise hearts. 4e rise9 we wor69 we die. 5ne9 a ter us9 re@ /)a+es us9 rises9 wor6s9 dies... 'nd there is who rea/s what we watered with our death.G E5hH noH $on't say that9 !y LordHG e3+)ai!s Ja!es o >e2edee. E're you9 the dis+i/)e o John 2e ore 2ein& Mine9 sayin& thatF $o you not re!e!2er the words o your irst !asterF CHe !ust &row &reater9 I !ust &row s!a))er.D He understood the 2eauty and <usti+e o dyin& to &ive <usti+e to other /eo/)e. I sha)) not 2e in erior to hi!.G E%ut9 Master9 ;ou are ;ouI ,odH He was a !an.G EI a! the Saviour. 's ,od I !ust 2e !ore /er e+t than !an. I John9 a !an9 was a2)e to &row s!a))er to !a6e the true Sun rise9 I !ust not di! the )i&ht o My sun with +)ouds o +owardi+e. I !ust )eave you a +)ear !e!ory o Me9 so that you !ay 2e a2)e to

5+9. A!!i0a5 a& She'he(.

$s& .a!'h $9*8.

1 Here is She+he!9 2eauti u) and ornate9 +rowded with /eo/)e o Sa!aria &oin& to the Sa!aritan te!/)e9 and with /i)&ri!s ro! a)) re&ions &oin& to the Te!/)e in Jerusa)e!. The town is a)) )ooded with sunshine9 stret+hed as it is on the eastern s)o/es o Mount ,erizi!9 that do!inates it ro! its western side and is a)) &reen as the town is a)) white. To north@east Mount 02a)9 the a//earan+e o whi+h is even wi)der9 see!s to /rote+t it a&ainst northern winds. The erti)ity o the )and9 ri+h in the waters that +o!e down ro! the !ountain watershed and or! two +har!in& )itt)e rivers9 nourished 2y !any 2roo6s9 )ow towards the Jordan9 is wonder u) and 2ri!s over the wa))s o &ardens and the

5)9. A i,a2 a& She3he..


/ro+eed9 and the wor)d !ay &row in the 7hristian Idea. The 7hrist wi)) &o away9 He wi)) &o 2a+6 to the /)a+e when+e He +a!e9 and He wi)) )ove you ro! there o))owin& you in your wor69 /re/arin& the /)a+e that wi)) 2e your reward. %ut 7hristianity wi)) re!ain. 7hristianity wi)) &row throu&h My &oin& away... and throu&h that o a)) those who9 without atta+h!ent to the wor)d and earth)y )i e9 wi)) 2e a2)e to &o away9 as John and Jesus9 did... and die to !a6e other /eo/)e )ive.G ESo do ;ou thin6 that it is ri&ht that ;ou shou)d 2e /ut to deathF...G as6s the Is+ariot a)!ost /antin&.

)ed&e is vain and every resear+h is intrusive +uriosity. Leave your e))ow@+itizen in her se+ret /ea+e9 and 2e /)eased that she no )on&er +auses s+anda). The an&e)s o the Lord 6now where she is to &ive her the on)y he)/ she needs9 the on)y one that +annot hurt her sou)... %e so +harita2)e as to ta6e the wo!en to the houses9 as they are tired. I wi)) s/ea6 to you to!orrow. I wi)) )isten to every2ody today and I wi)) re+eive your si+6 /eo/)e.G E're ;ou not stayin& with us or a )on& ti!eF 're ;ou not s/endin& the Sa22ath hereFG

E8o. I a! s/endin& the Sa22ath e)sewhere9 in /rayer.G EI do not thin6 that it is ri&ht that they shou)d /ut Me to death. I thin6 that it is <ust to die 2e+ause o what My sa+ri i+e wi)) yie)d. ' ho!i+ide wi)) a)ways 2e a ho!i+ide with E4e were ho/in& to have ;ou or a )on& ti!e...G re&ard to hi! who +o!!its it9 even i it has a di erent va)ue and a//earan+e or hi! EI have <ust ti!e to &o 2a+6 to Judaea or the easts. I wi)) )eave the a/ost)es and who is !urdered.G wo!en with you9 i they want to re!ain9 unti) the Sa22ath evenin&. $o not )oo6 at one another thus. ;ou 6now that I !ust honour the Lord our ,od !ore than any2ody e)se9 E4hat do ;ou !eanFG 2e+ause to 2e what I a! does not e3e!/t Me ro! 2ein& aith u) to the Law o the Most EI !ean that i he who is a ho!i+ide9 2e+ause he has 2een ordered or or+ed9 su+h as a Hi&h.G so)dier in 2att)e or an e3e+utioner who !ust o2ey a !a&istrate9 or he who de ends They &o towards the houses into ea+h o whi+h &o two wo!en dis+i/)es and one hi!se) a&ainst a hi&hway!an9 has not a &ui)ty +ons+ien+e9 or is re)ative)y &ui)ty o a/ost)eI Mary o ')/haeus and Susanna with Ja!es o ')/haeus9 Martha and Mary with 6i))in& a e))ow !an9 he who without order or ne+essity 6i))s an inno+ent or +oo/erates the >ea)ot9 0)iza and 8i6e with %artho)o!ew9 Sa)o!e and Johanna with Ja!es o in his !urder9 wi)) a//ear 2e ore ,od with the dread u) a+e o 7ain.G >e2edee. Then Tho!as9 1hi)i/9 Judas o :erioth and Matthew &o a)) to&ether in a &rou/ 3 E%ut +ou)d we not s/ea6 o so!ethin& e)seF The Master su ers 2e+ause o a)) this9 into one houseM 1eter and 'ndrew into another oneM and Jesus with Judas o ')/haeus your eyes are )i6e those o one who is tortured9 we ee) as i we were in a&ony9 i His and John9 and Mary9 His Mother9 &oes into the house o the !an who has a)ways Mother hears9 She wi)) wee/. She is a)ready sheddin& so !any tears under Her vei)H s/o6en on 2eha) o the +itizens. The o))owers and the /eo/)e ro! 0/hrai!9 Shi)oh There is so !u+h to ta)6 a2outH... 5hH Loo6H The nota2)es are +o!in&. That wi)) !a6e and Le2onah and other /i)&ri!s who were &oin& to Jerusa)e! and 2ro6e their <ourney you 6ee/ =uiet. 1ea+e to youH 1ea+e to youHG 1eter9 who was a )itt)e ahead and had to o))ow Jesus9 s+atter throu&h the vi))a&e )oo6in& or )od&in&s. turned round to s/ea69 2ows &reetin& a )ar&e &rou/ o /o!/ous /eo/)e ro! She+he!9 who are +o!in& towards Jesus. E1ea+e to ;ou9 Master. The houses that &ave ;ou hos/ita)ity the )ast ti!e are ready to re+eive ;ou9 and there are !any !ore or the wo!en dis+i/)es and those who are with ;ou. Those who! ;ou he)/ed re+ent)y and the irst ti!e9 wi)) +o!e to see ;ou. 5ne wo!an on)y wi)) 2e !issin& 2e+ause she de/arted ro! here to )ead a )i e o e3/iation. So she said9 and I 2e)ieve her9 2e+ause when a wo!an divests herse) o everythin& she )oved and re<e+ts sin and &ives a)) her /ro/erty to the /oor9 it !eans that she wants to o))ow a new )i e. %ut I +ou)d not te)) ;ou where she is. 8o one has seen her any !ore sin+e she )e t She+he!. 5ne o our /eo/)e thou&ht he had seen her dressed as a servant in a vi))a&e near the 1hia)Q. 'nother one swears that he re+o&nised her9 a)thou&h she was dressed /oor)y9 at %ersa2ea. %ut what they say is not +ertain. 4hen she was +a))ed 2y her na!e she did not answer and they heard her 2ein& +a))ed Johanna in the or!er /)a+e9 and '&ar in the )atter.G EIt is not ne+essary to 6now !ore e3+e/t that she has 2een redee!ed. ')) other 6now@

58,. A& She'he(. Thi!d Pa!a)5e #n Ad0i'e.

2nd .a!'h $9*8.

1 The !ain s=uare in She+he! is in+redi2)y +rowded. I thin6 that the who)e town is there and that a)so the /eo/)e ro! the +ountry and near2y vi))a&es have &athered9 too. The inha2itants o She+he!9 in the a ternoon o the irst day9 !ust have s/read everywhere in or!in& /eo/)e and every2ody has +o!eI hea)thy and si+6 /eo/)e9 sinners and inno+ents. 's the s=uare and roo @terra+es are i))ed u/9 !any /eo/)e have even /er+hed on the trees shadin& the s=uare. In the irst row9 near the /)a+e 6e/t +)ear or Jesus9 a+in& a house 2ui)t u/ on our ste/s9 are the three +hi)dren who! Jesus saved ro! the hi&hway!en9 and their re)atives. How an3ious are the )itt)e ones to see their

5*$. A& She3he.. Thi d Pa a62e "n Ad,i3e.


SaviourH 0very shout !a6es the! turn round )oo6in& or Hi!. 'nd when the door is o/ened and Jesus a//ears at it9 the three +hi)dren rush orward shoutin&I EJesusH JesusH JesusHG and they +)i!2 the ste/s without waitin& ti)) He +o!es down to e!2ra+e the!. 'nd Jesus 2ends and e!2ra+es the! and then )i ts the! u/ J a )ivin& 2un+h o inno+ent )owers J and He 6isses their )itt)e a+es and is 6issed 2y the!.

treasure to 2e a2)e to enter HeavenF Ta6e My advi+e. ;es9 ta6e it. It is a &ood /ie+e o advi+e. It is the <ust advi+e o the Just 5ne 4ho is i))@advised in vain9 and wants to save you ro! the +onse=uen+es o evi) advi+e &iven to you. %e as <ust as I a!. 'nd &ive the <ust va)ue to the advi+e &iven to you. I you 2e+o!e <ust9 you wi)) &ive it its <ust va)ue.

' +o!/assionate whis/er runs throu&h the +rowd and so!e voi+es sayI EHe is the on)y 3 Listen to a /ara2)e. It +)oses the +y+)e o those I said at Shi)oh and Le2onah9 and dea)s one who 6nows how to 6iss our inno+ent +hi)dren.G 'nd other /eo/)e sayI ESee how He )oves the!F He saved the! ro! the hi&hway!en9 He &ave the! a ho!e a ter eedin& on+e a&ain with advi+e &iven and ta6en. and +)othin& the!9 and He is now 6issin& the! as i they were His own sons.G ' 6in& sent his 2e)oved son to visit his 6in&do!. The 6in&do! o that 6in& was divided into !any /rovin+es9 as it was a very )ar&e one. Those /rovin+es had a di erent 2 Jesus9 4ho has /ut the +hi)dren down9 on the to/ ste/9 +)ose to Hi!se) 9 re/)ies to 6now)ed&e o their 6in&. So!e 6new hi! so we)) as to +onsider the!se)ves the every2ody 2y answerin& the )ast anony!ous wordsI avourite ones and to 2e /roud o it. '++ordin& to the!9 they were the on)y /er e+t ones E.ea))y they are !ore than My own +hi)dren to Me. %e+ause I a! their ather with and they a)one 6new the 6in& and what the !onar+h wanted. So!e 6new hi! 2ut9 re&ard to their sou)s9 whi+h are Mine9 not or the ti!e that /asses9 2ut or the eternity without +onsiderin& the!se)ves wise 2e+ause o that9 they did their 2est to 6now hi! that re!ains. I wish I +ou)d say that o every !an who ro! Me9 the Li e9 did draw )i e 2etter and 2etter. So!e 6new the 6in&9 2ut they )oved hi! their own way9 as they had to +o!e out o deathH ado/ted a s/e+ia) +ode o )aws9 whi+h was not the true +ode o the 6in&do!. 5 the true +ode they had ta6en what they )i6ed and as ar as they )i6ed it9 then they had adu)terated I invited you to do that the irst ti!e I +a!e here9 and you thou&ht that you had /)enty a)so that )itt)e 2y !eans o other )aws +o/ied ro! other 6in&do!s9 or whi+h they had ti!e to !a6e u/ your !inds to do so. 5n)y one wo!an was /ro!/t to o))ow My +a)) !ade the!se)ves9 and were not &ood. 8o. They were not &ood. So!e were even )ess and &o on the /ath o Li eI the 2i&&est sinner a!on& you. 1erha/s <ust 2e+ause she e)t a+=uainted with their 6in&9 and so!e on)y 6new that there was a 6in&. 8othin& e)se. that she was dead and9 she saw herse) dead9 rotten in her sin9 she was in a hurry to 'nd they thou&ht that was on)y an id)e story. +o!e out o death. ;ou do not ee) and see yourse)ves dead9 and you are not in that hurry. %ut whi+h si+6 !an waits to die 2e ore ta6in& the !edi+ines o )i eF ' dead 2ody The 6in&'s son +a!e to visit his ather's 6in&do! to &ive a)) the various re&ions an e3a+t needs on)y a shroud9 aro!as and a se/u)+hre in whi+h to )ie to 2e+o!e dust a ter 2ein& 6now)ed&e o the !onar+h9 +orre+tin& arro&an+e here9 en+oura&in& de<e+ted /eo/)e /utre a+tion. I the /utridity o Lazarus9 who! you )oo6 at with eyes o/ened wide 2y there9 redressin& wron& ideas e)sewhere9 +onvin+in& /eo/)e to re!ove the i!/ure ear and a!aze!ent9 was restored to )i e 2y the 0terna) (ather or His wise /ur/oses9 e)e!ents ro! the /ure )aw in another re&ion9 tea+hin& other su2<e+ts how to i)) &a/s9 that !ust not te!/t anyone to arrive at the death o the s/irit sayin&I CThe Most Hi&h instru+tin& /eo/)e o other re&ions in order to &ive the! the !ini!u! 6now)ed&e and wi)) restore !e to the )i e o the sou).D $o not /ut the Lord your ,od to the test. ;ou aith in the rea) 6in&9 as every !an was his su2<e+t. %ut the 6in&'s son was o the are to +o!e to the Li e. There is no !ore ti!e to wait. o/inion that the irst )esson or every2ody was the e3a!/)e o <usti+e9 in +on or!ity with the +ode o )aws9 2oth in &rave !atters and in !inor ones. 'nd he was /er e+t. So The &ra/es o the Bine are a2out to 2e &athered and /ressed. 1re/are your s/irits or the !u+h so that the /eo/)e o &ood wi)) were i!/rovin& the!se)ves 2y o))owin& 2oth the 4ine o ,ra+e that is a2out to 2e &iven to you. $o you not do that when you are to ta6e deeds and the words o the 6in&'s son9 as his a+tions +orres/onded to his words without /art in a &reat 2an=uetF $o you not /re/are your sto!a+hs to re+eive the +hoi+e ood the )east di eren+e. %ut the /eo/)e o the /rovin+es that +onsidered the!se)ves /er e+t and wines 2y wise)y astin& 2e ore the 2an=uet9 as that re ines your taste and on)y 2e+ause they 6new the +ode word 2y word9 2ut did not /ossess its s/irit9 rea)ised invi&orates your sto!a+hs !a6in& you en<oy and re)ish ood and drin6sF 'nd does the that ro! the o2servan+e o what the 6in&'s son did and what he e3horted to do9 it vine@dresser not do the sa!e to taste the wine that has <ust !aturedF He does not s/oi) a//eared too +)ear)y that they 6new the )etter o the +ode 2ut did not /ossess the s/irit his /a)ate9 the day that he wants to taste the new wine. He does not do that9 2e+ause he o the 6in&'s )aw9 and thus their hy/o+risy was un!as6ed. They then de+ided to re!ove wants to taste the &ood =ua)ities and au)ts a++urate)y9 to 2oast o the or!er and +orre+t what !ade the! a//ear what they rea))y were. 'nd to do that they +hose two di erent the )atter9 and se)) his &oods at a &ood /ri+e. %ut i a /erson invited to a 2an=uet +an do waysI one a&ainst the 6in&'s son9 the other a&ainst his o))owers. (or the or!erI evi) that to en<oy ood and wines with &reater /)easure9 and i the vine@dresser does that to advi+e and /erse+utions. (or the )atterI evi) advi+e and threat. Many thin&s are evi) se)) his wine at a &ood /ri+e9 or to !a6e sa)ea2)e what 2ein& au)ty wou)d 2e re used 2y advi+e. It is a 2ad /ie+e o advi+e to sayI C$o not do that9 as it !ay da!a&e youD9 2uyers9 shou)d !an not 2e a2)e to do so or his s/irit9 to en<oy Heaven9 to &ain the

5*$. A& She3he.. Thi d Pa a62e "n Ad,i3e.


/retendin& to 2e avoura2)y interested9 and it is a 2ad /ie+e o advi+e to /erse+ute in order to +onvin+e hi!9 who! one wants to )ead astray9 to ai) in the u) i))!ent o his !ission. It is a 2ad /ie+e o advi+e to say to o))owersI C$e end at a)) +osts and 2y any !eans the <ust !an who is /erse+utedD9 or to say to o))owersI CI you de end hi!9 you wi)) /rovo6e our an&er.D %ut I a! not re errin& now to advi+e &iven to o))owers. I a! re errin& to the advi+e that /eo/)e &ave or had it &iven to the 6in&'s son9 with a)se si!/)e@heartedness9 with )ivid hatred9 or throu&h the words o inno+ent /eo/)e used as instru!ents to do har!9 whi)e they thou&ht they were 2ein& used to do &ood. The 6in&'s son )istened to that advi+e. He had ears9 eyes9 inte))e+t and a heart. There ore he +ou)d 2ut hear the!9 see the!9 understand the! and wei&h the!. %ut a2ove a)) he had the u/ri&ht s/irit o a true <ust !an9 so to ea+h /ie+e o advi+e9 &iven to hi! +ons+ious)y or un+ons+ious)y to !a6e hi! sin9 settin& a 2ad e3a!/)e to his ather's su2<e+ts and +ausin& in inite sorrow to his ather hi!se) 9 he re/)iedI C8o. I wi)) do what !y ather wants. I wi)) o))ow his +ode o )aws. The fact that I a# his son does not e7e#pt #e fro# being the #ost faithful of his sub5ects in the observance of the 2aw. ;ou9 who hate !e and want to ri&hten !e9 shou)d 2ear in !ind that nothin& wi)) !a6e !e in rin&e the Law. ;ou9 who )ove !e and wish to save !e9 shou)d 6now that I 2)ess you or your thou&hts9 2ut 2ear a)so in !ind that your )ove or !e and !y )ove or you9 as you are !ore )oya) to !e than those who say that they are 'wise'9 !ust not !a6e !e un air in !y duty towards the &reatest )ove9 whi+h is the )ove to 2e &iven to !y ather.D 4 That is the /ara2)e9 My +hi)dren. 'nd it is so +)ear that ea+h o you +an understand it. 'nd ri&hteous s/irits +an on)y e3+)ai!I CHe is rea))y <ust 2e+ause no hu!an advi+e +an )ead Hi! astray.D ;es9 +hi)dren o She+he!. 8othin& +an )ead Me into error. 4oe to Me i I shou)d a)) into errorH 4oe to Me and to you. Instead o 2ein& your Saviour9 I shou)d 2e your traitor9 and you wou)d 2e ri&ht in hatin& Me. %ut I wi)) not do that. I do not re/roa+h you or a++e/tin& su&&estions or or thin6in& o !easures a&ainst <usti+e. ;ou are not &ui)ty sin+e you did it out o a s/irit o )ove. %ut I say to you what I said at the 2e&innin& and at the endI you are dearer to Me than i you were My own +hi)dren9 2e+ause you are the +hi)dren o My s/irit. I have )ed your s/irits to the Li e and I wi)) do so even !ore. %ear in !ind9 in !e!ory o Me9 2ear in !ind that I 2)ess you or the thou&hts you had in your hearts. %ut &row in <usti+e9 2y wantin& on)y what &ives honour to the true ,od or 4ho! you !ust have a2so)ute )ove9 su+h as is &iven to no other +reature. ,o#e to this perfect 5ustice that I a# setting as an e7a#ple to you the 5ustice that tra#ples on the selfishness of one1s own welfare on the fear of ene#ies and of death on everything to do the will of &od. 1re/are your s/irits. The dawn o ,ra+e is risin&. The 2an=uet o ,ra+e is 2ein& /re/ared. ;our sou)s9 the sou)s o those who want to +o!e to the Truth9 are at the eve o their weddin&9 o their )i2eration9 o their rede!/tion. 1re/are yourse)ves in <usti+e or the east o Justi+e.G Jesus 2e+6ons to the +hi)dren's re)atives9 who are near the!9 to &o into the house with

Hi!9 and He withdraws a ter ta6in& the three +hi)dren in His ar!s as He did at the 2e&innin&. 5 7o!!ents are e3+han&ed in the s=uare. 'nd they di er +onsidera2)y. The 2est /eo/)e sayI EHe is ri&ht. 4e were 2etrayed 2y those a)se !essen&ers.G Those who are not so &ood sayI EThen He shou)d not have )attered us. He !a6es us !ore hate u). He !o+6ed at us. He is a true Judaean.G E;ou +annot say that. 5ur /oor /eo/)e are aware o His assistan+e9 and our si+6 /eo/)e o His /ower. 5ur or/hans e3/erien+ed His &oodness. 4e +annot e3/e+t Hi! to +o!!it sin to /)ease us.G EHe has a)ready sinned9 2e+ause He hated us 2y !a6in& us hated...G E%y who!FG E%y every2ody. 'nd He !o+6ed at us. ;es9 He !o+6ed at us.G The s=uare is u)) o the di erent o/inions9 whi+h9 however9 do not u/set the house in whi+h Jesus is with the nota2)es9 the +hi)dren and their re)atives. 5n+e a&ain the /ro/heti+ word is +on ir!edI EHe wi)) 2e a stone o +ontradi+tion.G

58$. Lea0in4 1#! En#n.

3!d .a!'h $9*8

1 Jesus is !editatin&9 sittin& a)) a)one under a &i&anti+ ho)!@oa69 whi+h has &rown on a s)o/e o the !ountain do!inatin& She+he!. The +ity9 o a rosy@white shade in the ear)y sunshine9 is 2e)ow9 s/read out on the )ower s)o/es o the !ountain. (ro! a2ove it )oo6s )i6e a hand u) o hu&e white +u2es thrown 2y a 2i& 2oy on a &reen s)o/in& !eadow. The two water +ourses near whi+h it rises or! a si)very 2)ue se!i+ir+)e round the +ityM then one o the! enters it &ur&)in& and &)itterin& a!on& the white houses9 it then +o!es out and )ows throu&h the &reenery towards the river Jordan9 a//earin& and disa//earin& under o)ive@&roves and )u3uriant or+hards. The other river9 s!a))er in size9 re!ains outside the wa))s9 a)!ost )a//in& on the!9 and irri&ates erti)e ve&eta2)e &ardensM it then )ows away waterin& )o+6s o white shee/ &razin& on !eadows reddened 2y the +a/itu)a o +)over )owers. The view in ront o Jesus is a wide one. ' ter )ower and )ower undu)atin& hi))s one +an see the &reen Jordan va))ey oreshortened9 and 2eyond it9 the !ountains o the re&ion 2eyond the Jordan9 endin& to north@east in the ty/i+a) su!!its o Hauran. The sun

5*+. Lea,in1 -" En"n.


risin& 2ehind the! has )it u/ three stran&e +)ouds rese!2)in& three )i&ht &auze ri22ons /)a+ed horizonta))y on the tur=uoise vei) o the ir!a!ent9 and the )i&ht &auze o the three )on& narrow +)ouds has 2e+o!e the oran&e@/in6 hue o +ertain /re+ious +ora)s. The s6y see!s to 2e 2arred 2y this airy rai)in& and is 2eauti u). Jesus stares at it9 that is9 He )oo6s in that dire+tion en&rossed in thou&ht. I wonder whether He even sees it. 4ith His e)2ow /ressed on His 6nee9 His hand su//ortin& His +hin restin& in the ho))ow o the /a)! o His hand9 He )oo6s9 thin6s9 !editates. '2ove Hi! 2irds are !a6in& a hu))a2a)oo +hir/in& and )yin& around <oy u))y. 2 Jesus )owers His eyes )oo6in& at She+he! that is awa6enin& !ore and !ore in the !ornin& sunshine. The she/herds and )o+6s9 so ar the on)y ones ani!atin& the view9 are now <oined 2y &rou/s o /i)&ri!s9 and the <in&)in& o herd@2e))s !in&)es with the tin6)in& o the harness 2e))s o don6eys and with the noise o voi+es9 the shu )in& o eet and the 2a22)e o words. The noise o the awa6enin& +ity and o the /eo/)e endin& their ni&ht's rest is +arried in waves as ar as Jesus. Jesus stands u/. 4ith a si&h He )eaves His =uiet /)a+e and &oes down =ui+6)y towards the town9 a)on& a short +ut. He &oes in a!on& +aravans o !ar6et@&ardeners and /i)&ri!s9 whi)e the or!er are hurryin& to un)oad their &oods9 and the )atter to 2uy the! 2e ore settin& o . 4aitin& in a &rou/ in a +orner o the s=uare there are a)ready the a/ost)es and the wo!en dis+i/)es9 and around the! there are the /eo/)e ro! 0/hrai!9 Shi)o9 Le2onah and !any ro! She+he!. Jesus &oes towards the! and &reets the!. He then says to those o Sa!ariaI E'nd now )et us /art. ,o 2a+6 to your ho!es. .e!e!2er My words. ,row in <usti+e.G He then says to Judas o :eriothI EHave you &iven a)!s or the /oor o every /)a+e9 as I to)d youFG E;es9 I have. 4ith the e3+e/tion o those o 0/hrai!9 as they have a)ready had the!.G E,o9 then. 0nsure that every /oor /erson !ay 2e +o! orted.G E4e 2)ess ;ou on their 2eha) .G E%)ess the wo!en dis+i/)es. They &ave Me the !oney. ,o. 1ea+e 2e with you.G They &o away unwi))in&)y9 sorrow u))y. %ut they o2ey. 3 Jesus stays with the a/ost)es and the wo!en dis+i/)es. He says to the!I EI a! &oin& to 0non. I want to visit the /)a+e o the %a/tist. I sha)) then &o down to the road in the va))ey. It is !ore +o! orta2)e or the wo!en.G E4ou)d it not 2e 2etter to ta6e the road throu&h Sa!ariaFG as6s the Is+ariot. EThere is no reason why we shou)d 2e a raid o hi&hway!en9 even i our road is +)ose to their dens. 4ho wants to +o!e with Me +an do so. 4ho does not ee) )i6e +o!in& as ar as 0non9 +an re!ain here unti) the day a ter the Sa22ath. 5n that day I sha)) &o to

Tirzah9 and whoever re!ains here +an <oin Me there.G E'+tua))y I... shou)d /re er to stay here. I a! not very we))... I a! tired...G says the Is+ariot. E5ne +an see that. ;ou )oo6 )i6e one who is not we)). ;ou )oo6 &)oo!y indeed9 a)so with re&ard to your hu!our and +o!/)e3ion. I have 2een wat+hin& you or so!e ti!e...G says 1eter. E%ut no one as6s !e whether I a! unwe))9 however...G E4ou)d that have /)eased youF I never 6now what you )i6e. %ut i it /)eases you9 I sha)) as6 you now9 and I a! wi))in& to stay with you to )oo6 a ter you...G 1eter re/)ies to hi! /atient)y. E8o9 noH I a! on)y tired. ;ou !ay &o. I sha)) stay where I a!.G EI sha)) stay as we)). I a! o)d. I sha)) rest assistin& you as a !otherG says 0)iza a)) o a sudden. E're you stayin&F ;ou had said...G interru/ts Sa)o!e. EI every2ody went9 I wou)d have +o!e as we))9 in order not to 2e )e t here a)) a)one. %ut sin+e Judas is &oin& to stay...G EThen I wi)) +o!e9 too. I do not wish to sa+ri i+e you9 wo!an. ;ou wi)) +ertain)y &o wi))in&)y to see the re u&e o the %a/tist...G EI +o!e ro! %ethzur and I never e)t the need to &o to %eth)ehe! to see the &rotto where the Master was 2orn. That is so!ethin& I sha)) do when I sha)) no )on&er have the Master. So you +an i!a&ine whether I a! a )a!e with the desire to see where was John... I /re er to /ra+ti+e +harity9 as I a! sure that it has !ore va)ue than a /i)&ri!a&e.G E;ou are re/roa+hin& the Master. $o you not rea)ise thatFG EI a! s/ea6in& or !yse) . He is &oin& there and is doin& the ri&ht thin&. He is the Master. I a! an o)d wo!an in who! &rie has re!oved a)) +uriosity and the )ove or the 7hrist has re!oved a)) desires e3+e/t that o servin& Hi!.G ESo9 a++ordin& to you9 it is a servi+e to s/y u/on !e.G E're you doin& anythin& 2)a!eworthyF 5n)y those who do har! u) thin&s are wat+hed. %ut I have never s/ied u/on any2ody9 !an. I do not 2e)on& to the sna6e a!i)y. 8either do I 2etray.G E8either do I.G

5*+. Lea,in1 -" En"n.


E,od &rant it or your own &ood. %ut I ai) to understand why you are so a&ainst !y stayin& here to rest...G

They a)) o))ow Hi! in si)en+e. They +o!e out o the town turnin& their ste/s north@ eastwards throu&h the 2eauti u) +ountry...

4 Jesus9 4ho so ar has 2een )istenin& in si)en+e9 in the !idd)e o the others9 a!azed at the /etty =uarre)9 raises His head that was so!ewhat )owered9 and saysI EThat is enou&h. ' wo!an9 who is o)der than you9 +an with !ore reason have the sa!e desire as you have. ;ou wi)) stay here unti) the dawn o the day a ter the Sa22ath. ;ou wi)) then <oin Me. In the !eanti!e9 Judas9 &o and 2uy what we wi)) need durin& the ne3t days. 582. A& En#n. The ?#un4 She9he!d 3en@a(in. ,o and 2e =ui+6.G *&h .a!'h $9*8. Judas &oes away a&ainst his wi)) to 2uy oodstu . 1 0non9 a hand u) o houses9 is arther to the north. The /)a+e where the %a/tist stayed 'ndrew is a2out to o))ow hi!9 2ut Jesus ho)ds hi! 2a+6 2y the ar! sayin&I EStay here. is hereI a &rotto a!on& the )u3uriant ve&etation. 8ot ar away so!e s/rin&@waters &ur&)e or!in& a strea! ri+h in waters that )ow towards the Jordan. Jesus is sittin& He +an !ana&e 2y hi!se) .G Jesus is very severe. outside the &rotto9 where He was when He said &ood2ye to His +ousin. He is a)one. 0)iza )oo6s at Hi! and then a//roa+hes Hi! sayin&I E(or&ive !e9 Master9 i I $awn is tin&in& the east with a rosy hue and the woods are reawa6enin& a&ain with the dis/)eased ;ou.G twitterin& o 2irds. %)eatin&s are heard +o!in& ro! the o)ds in 0non. ' 2ray rends the =uiet air. EI have nothin& to or&ive you9 wo!an. ;ou9 rather9 shou)d or&ive that !an9 as i he were your son.G Then the tra!/)in& o eet is heard on the /ath and a herd o &oats /asses 2y )ed 2y an ado)es+ent who sto/s or a !o!ent9 dou2t u))y9 to )oo6 at Jesus. He then &oes away. EI wi)) stay with hi! with that ee)in&... even i he thin6s the very o//osite... ;ou %ut short)y a terwards he +o!es 2a+6 2e+ause a 6id has sto//ed there9 to )oo6 at the understand !e...G Man 4ho! she was not used to seein& there and 4ho stret+hes out His )on& hand to E;es9 and I 2)ess you. 'nd I te)) you that you were ri&ht in sayin& that /i)&ri!a&es to o er her a sta)6 o !ar<ora! and +aresses her inte))i&ent head. The youn& she/herd My /)a+es wi)) 2e a ne+essity when I a! no )on&er a!on&st you... a ne+essity to re!ains dis+on+erted. He is unde+ided whether he shou)d ta6e the ani!a) away or )et +o! ort your s/irits. (or the ti!e 2ein& they on)y serve the desires o your Jesus. 'nd Jesus +aress her s!i)in&9 as i He were /)eased that she +a!e ear)ess)y to s=uat at His you have understood one o My wishes9 2e+ause you are sa+ri i+in& yourse) to /rote+t eet9 restin& her head on His 6nees. The other &oats a)so +o!e 2a+6 &razin& the &rass an i!/rudent s/irit...G s/read with )itt)e )owers. The a/ost)es )oo6 at one another... and a)so the wo!en dis+i/)es do )i6ewise. Mary on)y is +o!/)ete)y +overed with Her vei) and does not raise Her head to )oo6 at any2ody. 'nd Mary o Ma&da)a9 standin& u/ri&ht )i6e a =ueen who is <ud&in&9 has never )ost si&ht o Judas9 who is &oin& round the vendors9 and her eyes 2)aze with an&er whi)e her +)osed )i/s e3/ress +onte!/t. Her +ountenan+e says !ore than words... Judas +o!es 2a+6. He &ives his +o!/anions what he 2ou&ht. He tidies u/ his !ant)e that he had used to +arry the &oods he /ur+hased9 and !a6es the &esture o handin& the /urse to Jesus. Jesus re<e+ts it with His handI EIt is not ne+essary. Mary is sti)) with us or a)!s. ;ou are to do the ne+essary to 2e +harita2)e here. There are !any 2e&&ars who +o!e down ro! a)) /)a+es these days and &o towards Jerusa)e!. ,ive the! a)!s without /re<udi+e9 with +harity9 2earin& in !ind that9 with re&ard to ,od9 we are a)) 2e&&ars o His !er+y and o His 2read... ,ood2ye. ,ood2ye9 0)iza. 1ea+e 2e with you.G 'nd He turns round =ui+6)y and 2e&ins to wa)6 ast a)on& the road that was near Hi! without &ivin& Judas ti!e to say &ood2ye to Hi!... The youn& she/herd as6sI E$o ;ou want so!e !i)6F I have not yet !i)6ed two re)u+tant &oats whi+h 2utt whoever /resses their udders i they are not satiated. Just )i6e their owner who 2eats us i he is not sated with /ro it.G E're you a servant she/herdFG EI a! an or/han. I a! a)one. 'nd I a! a servant. He is a re)ative o !ine 2e+ause he is the hus2and o !y &rand!other's sister. 'nd whi)e .a+he) was a)ive... %ut she died !any !onths a&o... 'nd I a! very unha//y... Ta6e !e with ;ouH I a! a++usto!ed to )ivin& on nothin&... I wi)) serve ;ou... a )itt)e 2read is su i+ient /ay or !e. 0ven here I do not &et anythin&... I he /aid !e9 I wou)d &o away. %ut he saysI CIs this your !oneyF %ut I a! 6ee/in& it 2e+ause I +)othe and eed you.D He +)othes !eH... SeeF He eeds !eH... Loo6 at !e... 'nd these are 2)ows... This is the 2read I &ot yesterday...G 'nd he shows 2ruises on his very thin ar!s and shou)ders. E4hat had you doneFG

5*2. A& En"n. The ="un1 She5he d 0en>a.in.


E8othin&. ;our +o!/anions9 I !ean the dis+i/)es9 were s/ea6in& o the :in&do! o Heaven9 and I was )istenin& to the!... It was the Sa22ath. 0ven i I was not wor6in&9 I was not id)e 2e+ause it was the Sa22ath... He &ave !e a &ood thrashin&9 so !u+h so... that I do not want to stay with hi! any )on&er. Ta6e !e. 5r I wi)) run away... I +a!e here on /ur/ose this !ornin&. I was a raid to s/ea6. %ut ;ou are &ood and I a! s/ea6in&.G E'nd what a2out the herdF ;ou are +ertain)y not &oin& to run away with it...G

re/roa+hed the !an. 'nd they are the !ost i!/ortant /eo/)e in 0non9 ;ou 6nowFG EI that is the +ase... Let us &o. Stand u/ and +o!e with Me.G E4hereFG ETo your !aster.G EI a! a raidH ;ou &o9 2y ;ourse) . He is u/ there9 on that !ountain a!on& the trees that he is +uttin&. I sha)) wait here.G

E...I wi)) ta6e it 2a+6 to the o)d... %e ore )on& that !an wi)) 2e &oin& to the orest to +ut E%e not a raid. Loo69 My dis+i/)es are +o!in& here. 4e sha)) 2e so !any a&ainst hi!. wood... I wi)) ta6e the herd 2a+6 and then I wi)) run away. 5hH ta6e !eHG He wi)) do you no har!. Stand u/. 4e sha)) &o to 0non to )oo6 or the three witnesses 2 E%ut do you 6now who I a!FG and then we sha)) &o to your !aster. ,ive Me your hand. ' terwards I wi)) hand you over to the dis+i/)es you 6now. 4hat is your na!eFG E;ou are the 7hristH The :in& o the :in&do! o Heaven. He who o))ows ;ou wi)) 2e 2)essed in the other )i e. I have never had any <oy here... 2ut9 do not re<e+t !e... that I E%en<a!in.G !ay have it there...G he says wee/in& at Jesus' eet near the 6id. EI have two !ore )itt)e riends with that na!e. ;ou wi)) 2e the third one.G EHow +o!e you 6now Me so we))F Have you ever heard Me s/ea6FG E(riendF Too !u+hH I a! a servant.G E8o. 's ro! yesterday I 6now that ;ou are here9 where the %a/tist was. %ut ;our E5 the Most Hi&h Lord. 5 Jesus o 8azareth9 you are a riend. 7o!e. ,ather the herd dis+i/)es used to /ass here now and a&ain +o!in& ro! 0non. I heard the!. Their and )et us &o.G na!es are Matthias9 John9 Si!eon9 and they were o ten here 2e+ause the %a/tist was their !aster 2e ore ;ou. 'nd then Isaa+... In Isaa+ I ound !y ather and !other. Isaa+ 3 Jesus stands u/ and9 whi)e the youn& she/herd &athers and ur&es the re)u+tant &oats wanted to ta6e !e away ro! !y !aster and he &ave hi! so!e !oney. %ut heH... He on the way 2a+69 Jesus 2e+6ons to the a/ost)es9 who are +o!in& orward on the /ath too6 the !oney9 2ut did not )et !e &o and he sneered at ;our dis+i/)e.G )oo6in& towards Hi!9 to +o!e at on+e. They =ui+6en their /a+es. %ut the herd 2y now is on its way9 and Jesus ho)din& the youn& she/herd 2y the hand &oes towards the!... E;ou 6now !any thin&s. %ut do you 6now where I a! &oin&FG ETo Jerusa)e!. %ut it is not written on !y a+e that I +o!e ro! 0non.G EI a! &oin& arther away. I sha)) soon 2e &oin&. I +annot ta6e you with Me.G ETa6e !e or the )itt)e ti!e ;ou +an.G E'nd thenFG ELordH Have ;ou 2e+o!e the she/herd o 6idsF Sa!aria +an rea))y 2e +a))ed the &oat... %ut ;ou...G E%ut I a! the ,ood She/herd and I +han&e a)so 6ids into )a!2s. 'nd 2oys are a)) )a!2s9 and this e))ow is )itt)e !ore than a 2oy.G EIs he not 2y any +han+e the 2oy that that !an too6 away yesterday in su+h a +oarse !annerFG as6s Matthew )oo6in& at hi!.

E'nd then... I sha)) wee/9 2ut I wi)) &o with John's dis+i/)es who were the irst to te)) a /oor 2oy that the <oy that !en do not &ive on the 0arth9 ,od &ives it in Heaven to those EI thin6 that it's hi!. 're youFG who had &ood wi)). I9 in order to have it9 have re+eived so !any 2)ows and su ered so !u+h hun&er as6in& ,od to &ive !e that /ea+e. ;ou +an see that I have had &ood wi))... E;es9 I a!.G %ut i ;ou re<e+t !e now... I sha)) not 2e a2)e to ho/e any )on&er...G He wee/s si)ent)y E5hH /oor 2oyH ;our ather is +ertain)y not ond o youHG says 1eter. i!/)orin& Jesus !ore with the tears o his eyes than with his )i/s. EMy !aster. I have no other ather 2ut ,od.G EI have no !oney or your ranso!. 8either do I 6now whether your !aster wou)d E;es. John's dis+i/)es tau&ht hi! so!e do+trine and +onso)ed his heart9 and at the ri&ht a&ree to it.G !o!ent the (ather o a)) !en !ade us !eet. 4e are &oin& to 0non to ta6e three E%ut !y ranso! has a)ready 2een /aid. I have witnesses. 0)i9 Levi and Jonah saw and

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witnesses with us9 then we are &oin& to his !aster...G says Jesus.

Jesus9 4ho has &reeted hi! with His /ea+e9 he)/s hi! when three +oarse ste/s !a6e it dan&erous or a ha) 2)ind !an to /ro+eed. %e ore settin& o Jesus had to)d the wo!en ETo ranso! the 2oyF 'nd where is the !oneyF Mary has handed out the )ast she had...G dis+i/)es to wait or Hi! at that /)a+e. %en<a!in in the !eanti!e &oes to his o)d. re!ar6s 1eter. The o)d !an saysI E;ou are &ood. %ut ')e3ander is a 2east. He is a wo) . I do not 6now EThere is no need o !oney. He is not a s)ave and !oney has a)ready 2een &iven to ta6e whether... %ut I a! ri+h enou&h to &ive ;ou !oney or %en<a!in9 shou)d ')e3ander hi! away ro! his !aster. Isaa+ &ave it as he e)t sorry or the 2oy.G want !ore. My sons do not need !y !oney. I a! a)!ost one hundred years o)d and !oney does not serve or the other )i e. ' 6ind a+tion o hu!anity9 yes9 is o va)ue...G E'nd why did he not &et hi!FG E%e+ause !any are the !o+6ers o ,od and o their nei&h2our. There is My Mother with the wo!en. ,o and te)) the! not to +o!e any arther.G Ja!es o >e2edee and 'ndrew run away as ast as &aze))es. Jesus hastens towards His Mother and the wo!en dis+i/)es9 and He rea+hes the! when they have a)ready 2een in or!ed and are wat+hin& the youth /iti u))y. 4 They &o 2a+6 =ui+6)y towards 0non and enter the vi))a&e. Led 2y the 2oy they &o to the house o 0)i9 who is an o)d !an with eyes di!!ed 2y a&e 2ut sti)) stron&. 4hen youn& he !ust have 2een as ro2ust as an oa6@tree o this /)a+e. E0)i9 the .a22i o 8azareth wi)) ta6e !e i ...G E4i)) ta6e youF There is nothin& 2etter He +ou)d do. ;ou wou)d end u/ 2y 2e+o!in& wi+6ed i you stayed here. ' heart hardens when in<usti+e is too hard. And it is too hard. $id you ind Hi!F So the Most Hi&h has seen your tears9 even i they are o a Sa!aritan 2oy. ;ou are ha//y then9 as9 2e+ause o your a&e9 you are ree ro! a)) +hains and you +an o))ow the Truth9 without anythin& /reventin& you ro! doin& so9 not even the wi)) o a ather or a !other. So what or !any years see!ed to 2e a /unish!ent now a//ears to 2e /rovidentia). ,od is &ood. %ut what do you want o !e now that you have +o!e hereF My 2)essin&F I &ive it to you as the 0)der o the /)a+e.G EI want your 2)essin&9 2e+ause you are &ood. Then I +a!e a)so 2e+ause you with Levi and Jonah shou)d &o9 with the .a22i9 to !y !aster9 so that he !ay not as6 or !ore !oney.G E4hy did you not do it 2e oreFG E$o not re/roa+h !e9 .a22i. I satis ied the 2oy's hun&er and I +onso)ed hi!9 so that he !i&ht not 2e+o!e an evi)@doer. ')e3ander is su+h that he +ou)d !a6e a )itt)e dove 2e+o!e wi)d. %ut I +ou)d not ta6e the 2oy ro! hi!9 and no2ody e)se +ou)d do it9 ;ou... ;ou wi)) 2e &oin& ar away. %ut we... we re!ain here and we are a raid o his reven&e. 5ne day a !an o 0non intervened9 2e+ause 2ein& drun6 he was 2eatin& the 2oy to death9 and I do not 6now how he did it9 he su++eeded in /oisonin& the !an's )o+6.G EIs that not <ust an evi) sus/i+ionFG E8o. He waited or !onths9 unti) winter9 when the shee/ are in the o)d9 and he /oisoned the water in the vat. They dran6 it. They swe))ed. They died. ')) o the!. 4e are a)) she/herds here9 and we understood... To 2e +ertain9 they !ade a do& eat so!e o that !eat and the do& died. 'nd there is so!eone who saw ')e3ander stea) into the o)d... 5hH he is an evi)@doerH 4e are a raid o hi!... He is +rue)9 a)ways drun6 in the evenin&. He was !er+i)ess towards a)) his re)atives. 8ow that they are a)) dead9 he tortures the 2oy.G EThen do not +o!e9 i ...G E5hH no. I a! +o!in&. The truth is to 2e to)d. 5 Here we are. I +an hear the ha!!er. That's Levi.G 'nd he +a))s in a )oud voi+e near a hed&eI ELeviH LeviHG 'n o)d !an +o!es out9 2ut not so o)d as 0)i9 with his tuni+ tu+6ed u/9 with a !a))et in his hand. He &reets 0)i and as6s hi!I E4hat do you want9 !y riendFG

E%ut where is the .a22iF I a! o)d and I +an hard)y see9 and I +an re+o&nise on)y those I EThe .a22i o ,a)i)ee is 2eside !e. He has +o!e to ta6e %en<a!in. 7o!e9 2e+ause 6now very we)). %ut I do not 6now the .a22i.G ')e3ander is in the wood9 to witness that he has a)ready had the !oney or the 2oy ro! that dis+i/)e.G EHe is here. In ront o you.G EHereF 0terna) /owerHG The o)d !an stands u/ and 2ows to Jesus sayin&I E(or&ive the o)d !an whose si&ht is dar6ened. I &reet ;ou 2e+ause on)y 5ne is <ust in Israe). 'nd ;ou are that 5ne. Let us &o. Levi is in his 6it+hen &arden wor6in& at a tu29 and Jonah is attendin& to his +heese.G The o)d !an stands u/ on+e a&ain J he is as ta)) as Jesus a)thou&h 2ent with a&e J and he sets out9 wa)6in& a)on& the wa))9 avoidin& the o2sta+)es on the road with the he)/ o his sti+6. EI a! +o!in&. They a)ways to)d !e that the .a22i was &ood. 8ow I 2e)ieve it. 1ea+e to ;ouHG He /uts the !a))et down9 he shouts to I do not who! to wait or hi!9 and he &oes away with 0)i and Jesus. They soon arrive at Jonah's o)d. They +a)) hi! and e3/)ain... EI a! +o!in&. ;ouG he says to an a//renti+e E+arry on with the wor6.G He dries his

5*2. A& En"n. The ="un1 She5he d 0en>a.in.


hands with a /ie+e o +)oth that he then throws on a /e&9 and o))ows Jesus9 a ter &reetin& Hi!9 with Levi and 0)i. In the !eanti!e Jesus s/ea6s to the o)d !an and says to hi!I E;ou are a <ust !an. ,od wi)) &ive you /ea+e.G EI ho/e so. Just is the LordH It is not !y au)t i I was 2orn in Sa!aria...G EIt is not your au)t. In the other )i e there are no 2oundaries or the <ust. Sin on)y )ays a 2arrier 2etween Heaven and the '2yss.G EThat is true. How I wou)d )ove to see ;ou. ;our voi+e is &ent)e9 and so t is ;our hand in )eadin& an o)d 2)ind !an. So t and stron&. It ee)s )i6e that o !y 2e)oved sonI 0)i9 )i6e !e9 the son o !y son Jose/h. I ;our as/e+t is )i6e ;our hand9 2)essed are those who +an see ;ou.G EIt is 2etter to hear Me than see Me. It !a6es the s/irit ho)ier.G

/unishes )iars.G EI did not re+eive any !oney. I ;ou have s/o6en to !y servant9 ;ou had 2etter 6now that he is an astute )iar. 'nd I wi)) &ive hi! a &ood thrashin& or s)anderin& !e. ,ood2yeHG and he turns his 2a+6 on Jesus and is a2out to &o away. E%e +are u)9 ')e3ander9 2e+ause ,od is /resent. $o not de y His &oodness.G E,odH Has ,od to de end !y interestsF I on)y have to de end the! and I do so.G EMind youHG E%ut 4ho are ;ou9 ;ou !isera2)e ,a)i)eanF How dare ;ou re/roa+h !eF I don't 6now ;ou.G E;ou do 6now Me. I a! the .a22i o ,a)i)ee and...G

E'hH yesH 'nd ;ou thin6 ;ou +an ri&hten !eF I ear neither ,od nor %ee)ze2u2. 'nd ;ou e3/e+t !e to 2e a raid o ;ouF 5 a !ad!anF ,o9 away ;ou &oH Let !e wor6. EThat is true. I )isten to those who s/ea6 o ;ou. %ut they /ass throu&h on)y se)do!... 6 ,o9 I say. $on't )oo6 at !e. $o ;ou thin6 that ;our eyes +an ri&hten !eF 4hat is it %ut is that not the noise o an a3e stri6in& trun6sFG that ;ou want to seeFG E;es9 it is.G E8ot your +ri!es9 2e+ause I 6now the! a)). ')) o the!. ')so those that no one 6nows. EThen... ')e3ander is +)ose at hand... 7a)) hi!.G %ut I want to see whether you do not even understand that this is the )ast hour o !er+y that ,od &rants you to re/ent. I want to see whether re!orse does not rise to s/)it your E;es. ;ou stay here. I I +an !ana&e 2y Myse) 9 I wi)) not +a)) you. $o not show stone heart9 whether...G yourse)ves9 un)ess I +a)) you.G He &oes on and +a))s in a )oud voi+e. 7 The !an9 who has an a3e in his hands9 hur)s it towards Jesus9 4ho 2ends =ui+6)y. E4ho wants !eF 4ho are youFG says a very stron& e)der)y !an9 with a very hard The a3e )ies over His head and stri6es a youn& ho)!@oa6 that is +ut +)ean and a))s with /ro i)e and the thora3 and )i!2s o a wrest)er. ' 2)ow ro! those hands !ust 2e )i6e a a )oud rust)in& noise o 2ran+hes and whirr o ri&htened 2irds. stro6e o a +)u2I 2ruta). The three !en9 who were hidin& not ar away9 <u!/ out shoutin&9 earin& that Jesus EIt is I. 'n un6nown 1erson 4ho 6nows you. I have +o!e to ta6e what is Mine.G !i&ht have 2een hit9 and the one who +annot see +riesI E5hH to seeH I I +ou)d on)y see whether He has 2een woundedH 5 0terna) ,od9 !y eyesi&ht <ust or thatHG 'nd turnin& E;oursF HaH HaH 4hat is ;ours in this wood o !ineFG a dea ear to the assuran+es o the others he !oves orward &ro/in&9 2e+ause he has )ost E8othin& in the wood. In your house %en<a!in is Mine.G his sti+6 and he wants to tou+h Jesus to ee) whether any /art o His 2ody is 2)eedin&9 and he !oansI E' 2ea! o 2ri&ht )i&ht9 and then dar6ness. %ut to see9 to see without E;our are !adH %en<a!in is !y servant.G this vei) that hard)y a))ows !e to &uess where o2sta+)es are...G E'nd your re)ative. 'nd you are his &a))ey@ser&eant. 'nd one o My !essen&ers &ave you the !oney you as6ed or9 to have the 2oy. 'nd you too6 the !oney and re used to EI a! a)) ri&ht9 ather9 tou+h MeG says Jesus tou+hin& hi! and havin& Hi!se) tou+hed. In the !eanti!e the other two utter harsh words a&ainst the vio)ent !an and they throw &ive the 2oy. My !essen&er9 a /ea+e u) !an9 did not rea+t. %ut I have +o!e in the sins and )ies in his a+e9 whi)e he9 de/rived o his a3e9 /u))s out a 6ni e and hur)s na!e o <usti+e.G hi!se) at the! to stri6e the!9 +ursin& ,od9 s+o in& at the 2)ind !an9 threatenin& the E;our !essen&er !ust have drun6 the !oney. I did not &et any. 'nd I a! 6ee/in& others9 <ust )i6e a ra&in& wi)d 2east. %ut he sta&&ers9 he sto/s9 he dro/s the 6ni e9 he %en<a!in. I a! ond o hi!.G ru2s his eyes9 o/ens the!9 +)oses the!9 then utters a ri&ht u) +ryI EI +an't see any !oreH He)/H My eyes... $ar6ness... 4ho wi)) save !eFG E8o. ;ou hate hi!. ;ou are ond o the /ay that you do not &ive hi!. $o not )ie. ,od

5*2. A& En"n. The ="un1 She5he d 0en>a.in.


')so the others shout9 out o a!aze!ent. 'nd they deride hi! sayin&I E,od has )istened to you.G In a+t a!on& other +urses he a)so saidI EMay ,od 2)ind !e i I a! )yin& and i I have sinned. 'nd !ay I 2)ind !yse) rather than worshi/ a !ad 8azareneH 'nd with re&ard to you I wi)) reven&e !yse) and I wi)) 2rea6 %en<a!in in two )i6e that tree...G 'nd they )au&h at hi! sayin& a)soI E;ou +an now reven&e yourse) ...G E$o not 2e )i6e hi!. $o not hateG advises Jesus and He +aresses the very o)d !an who is worried on)y a2out the sa ety o Jesus9 4ho to reassure hi! saysI E.aise your a+eH Loo6HG 'nd the !ira+)e is a++o!/)ished. 's over there9 or the 2ruta) !an9 dar6nessM so here9 or the <ust !an9 )i&ht. 'nd a di erent +ry9 a 2)iss u) one rises under the ro2ust treesI EI +an seeH My eyesH The )i&htH May ;ou 2e 2)essedHG 'nd the o)d !an stares at Jesus with his eyes 2ri&ht with a new )i e and he then /rostrates hi!se) to 6iss His eet. 8 E4e two wi)) &o to&ether. ;ou wi)) ta6e that wret+hed !an 2a+6 to 0non. 'nd 2e !er+i u) 2e+ause ,od has a)ready /unished hi!. 'nd ,od is enou&h. Let !an 2e 6ind with every !is ortune.G ETa6e the 2oy9 the shee/9 the wood9 the house9 the !oney. %ut &ive !e 2a+6 !y eyesi&ht. I +annot re!ain )i6e this.G EI +annot. I )eave you every thin& throu&h whi+h you 2e+a!e a sinner. I a! ta6in& the inno+ent 2oy 2e+ause he has a)ready su ered his !artyrdo!. In the dar6ness !ay your sou) o/en to the Li&ht.G Jesus says &ood2ye to Levi and Jonah and &oes down =ui+6)y with the o)d !an who see!s re<uvenated and who shouts his <oy as soon as he arrives at the irst houses... The who)e o 0non is stirred u/. Jesus !a6es his way throu&h the +rowd9 He &oes to the youn& she/herd who is with the a/ost)es and saysI E7o!eH Let us &o9 2e+ause they are waitin& or us at Tirzah.G E(reeF (reeF 4ith ;ouF 5hH I +ou)d not 2e)ieve itH I wi)) say &ood2ye to 0)i. 'nd the othersFG The 2oy is e3+ited... 0)i 6isses and 2)esses hi! and says to hi!I E'nd or&ive the /oor wret+h.G E4hyF I wi)) or&ive hi!9 yes. %ut why /oor wret+hFG E%e+ause he +ursed the Lord and )i&ht died out in his eyes. 8one o us wi)) have to ear hi! any !ore. He is 2)ind and i)). How dread u) the /ower o ,odH...G The o)d !an see!s an ins/ired /ro/het9 with his ar!s raised9 )oo6in& at the s6y9 !editatin& on what he has seen. Jesus says &ood2ye to hi! and e)2ows His way throu&h the e3+ited )itt)e +rowdM He &oes away o))owed 2y the a/ost)es and wo!en dis+i/)esM and %en<a!in &oes away

&reeted 2y the wo!en who want to &ive to6ens to the avourite o the LordI a ruit9 a 2a&9 so!e 2read9 a &ar!ent9 what they +an ind there and then. 'nd ha//y as he is9 he &reets the!9 than6s the! and saysI E;ou are a)ways &ood to !eH I wi)) re!e!2er you. I wi)) /ray or you. Send your +hi)dren to the Lord. It is )ove)y to 2e with Hi!. He is the Li e. ,ood2yeH ,ood2yeH...G 9 0non is )e t 2ehind. They &o down towards the Jordan9 towards the /)ain in the Jordan va))ey9 towards new events sti)) un6nown... %ut the youth does not turn round to )oo6 2a+6. He !a6es no +o!!ent. He does not thin6. He does not si&h. He s!i)es. He )oo6s at Jesus9 there9 ahead o the! a))9 the true She/herd o))owed 2y His )o+69 o whi+h he a)so9 the /oor 2oy9 is /art... and a)) o a sudden he 2e&ins to sin&9 in a )oud voi+e... The a/ost)es s!i)e sayin&I EThe 2oy is ha//y.G The wo!en s!i)e sayin&I EThe i!/risoned 2ird has ound reedo! and a nest on+e a&ain.G Jesus s!i)es9 turnin& round to )oo6 at hi!9 and His s!i)e9 as usua)9 see!s to 2ri&hten everythin& and He +a))s the 2oy sayin&I E7o!e here9 )itt)e )a!2 o ,od. I want to tea+h you a 2eauti u) son&.G 'nd He intones9 o))owed 2y the others9 the /sa)!I EThe Lord is !y She/herd. I sha)) )a+6 nothin&. He /)a+ed !e where there are a2undant /asturesG and so orth. Jesus' 2eauti u) voi+e s/reads throu&h the erti)e +ountry9 it e3+e)s a)) the others9 even the 2est ones9 so /ower u) it is in His <oy. E;our Son is ha//y9 MaryG says Mary o ')/haeus. E;es9 He is ha//y. He sti)) has so!ethin& <oy u)...G E8o <ourney is without its ruit. He /asses s/readin& &ra+es and there is a)ways so!eone who rea))y !eets the Saviour. $o you re!e!2er that evenin& at %eth)ehe! o ,a)i)eeFG as6s Mary o Ma&da)a. E;es9 2ut I wou)d not )i6e to re!e!2er those )e/ers and this 2)ind !an...G 10 E;ou wou)d a)ways or&ive. ;ou are so &oodH %ut <usti+e a)so is ne+essaryG re!ar6s Mary Sa)o!e. EIt is ne+essary. %ut )u+6i)y or us !er+y is &reaterG says Mary Ma&da)ene on+e a&ain. E;ou +an say that. %ut Mary...G re/)ies Johanna. EMary wants nothin& 2ut or&iveness9 even i She is in no need o or&iveness. Is that ri&ht9 MaryFG as6s Susanna. EI shou)d )i6e nothin& 2ut or&iveness. ;es. 5n)y that. To 2e 2ad !ust 2e a dread u) su erin& 2y itse) ...G She si&hs in sayin& so.

5*2. A& En"n. The ="un1 She5he d 0en>a.in.


E4ou)d ;ou or&ive every2ody9 rea))y every2odyF %ut wou)d it 2e air to do soF There are /eo/)e who are o2stinate in wi+6edness and s/oi) a)) or&iveness 2y deridin& it as wea6nessG says Martha. EI shou)d or&ive. 's ar as I a! +on+erned I shou)d or&ive. 8ot out o stu/idity. %ut 2e+ause I see every sou) as a !ore or )ess &ood 2a2y. 's a son... ' !other a)ways or&ives... even i she saysI CJusti+e e3a+ts a <ust /unish!ent.D 5hH i a !other +ou)d die to &enerate a new &ood heart or her wi+6ed son9 do you thin6 that she wou)d not do thatF %ut it is not /ossi2)e. There are hearts that re5ect all help... 'nd I thin6 that /ity has to or&ive the! as we)). %e+ause the 2urden on their hearts is a)ready a very heavy oneI their sins9 ,od's severity... 5hH )et us or&ive &ui)ty /eo/)e... 'nd wou)d to ,od that our a2so)ute or&iveness +ou)d 2e a++e/ted to di!inish their de2it...G E%ut why do ;ou a)ways wee/9 MaryF 0ven now that ;our Son had an hour o <oyHG says Mary o ')/haeus !oanin&.

Susanna9 who is youn& and !erry9 )au&hs sayin&I E;ou are s/ea6in& as i you 6new ro! e3/erien+e that a new /air o sanda)s are the <oy o those who never /ossessed su+h a /airHG EThat is true. %ut it is 2e+ause I 6now how /)easant is a dry &ar!ent when you are wet9 and a resh one when you have 2ut one. I re!e!2er...G 'nd she 2ends her head on the %)essed Bir&in's shou)der sayin&I E$o ;ou re!e!2er9 MotherFG and 6isses Her ond)y. Jesus &ives the order to set o 9 to 2e at Tirzah 2e ore ni&htI EThose two9 who are not aware o the events9 wi)) 2e worryin&...G ESha)) we &o ahead to te)) the! that ;ou are a2out to arriveFG as6s Ja!es o ')/haeus.

E;es. ')) o you9 e3+e/t John and Ja!es and My 2rother Judas. Tirzah is not ar now... So you !ay &o. Loo6 or Judas and 0)iza and /re/are )od&in&s or us in the !eanti!e9 2e+ause it is 2etter to sto/ or the ni&ht sin+e we are so )ate and we have the wo!en EHis <oy was not +o!/)ete 2e+ause the +u)/rit did not re/ent. Jesus is +o!/)ete)y ha//y with us... 4e wi)) o))ow you. 4ait or us at the irst houses...G when He +an redee!...G The ei&ht a/ost)es &o away =ui+6)y9 and Jesus o))ows the! s)ow)y. I wonder why 8i6e9 who has never s/o6en9 sudden)y saysI E4e sha)) 2e with Judas o :erioth on+e a&ain 2e ore )on&.G The wo!en )oo6 at one another as i the si!/)e senten+e !eant so!ethin& e3+e/tiona)9 as i the words +on+ea)ed I do not 6now what i!/ortant !atter. %ut no one re/)ies. 11 Jesus has sto//ed in a 2eauti u) o)ive@&rove. They a)) sto/. Jesus 2)esses the ood9 divides it and hands it out. %en<a!in )oo6s and /uts in order what they &ave hi!I &ar!ents too )on& or too wide9 sanda)s not ittin& his eet9 a)!onds sti)) in the hus6s9 the )ast wa)nuts9 so!e +heese9 an odd wrin6)ed a//)e9 a )itt)e 6ni e9 He is ha//y with his treasures. He wants to o er the vi+tua)s. He o)ds the &ar!ents sayin&I EI wi)) /ut on the !ost 2eauti u) one at 1assover.G Mary o ')/haeus /ro!isesI E't %ethany I wi)) sort the! a)) or you. In the !eanti!e )eave this one out. 't Tirzah there wi)) 2e water to wash it and arther away there wi)) 2e thread to !end it. 4ith re&ard to the sanda)s... I do not 6now what to do.G E4e sha)) &ive these to the irst /oor /erson we !eet and whose oot wi)) 2e the ri&ht size9 and we wi)) 2uy a new /air at TirzahG says Mary o Ma&da)a +a)!)y. E4ith what !oney9 sisterFG Martha as6s her. E'hH that is trueH 4e have not a arthin& )e t... %ut Judas has so!e !oney... %en<a!in +annot &o ar )i6e that. 'nd then9 /oor 2oyH His sou) has had a &reat <oy9 2ut a)so his hu!an nature !ust have a s!i)e... +ertain thin&s !a6e /eo/)e ha//y.G

583. Jesus Is Re@e'&ed )/ &he Sa(a!i&ans. ;i&h Judas #1 >e!i#&h.

5&h .a!'h $9*8.

1 Tirzah is so surrounded 2y )u3uriant o)ive@&roves9 that it is ne+essary to 2e very +)ose to the town to rea)ise that it is there. ' 2e)t o wonder u) erti)e ve&eta2)e &ardens is the )ast s+reen o the houses. In the 6it+hen &ardens +hi+ory9 sa)ads9 )e&u!es9 youn& /)ants o &ourds9 ruit@trees and 2owers9 2)end and inter)a+e their di erent &reen shades and their 2)osso!s /ro!isin& ruit or the )itt)e ruits /ro!isin& de)i&hts. Bines and ear)y o)ive@trees9 2)own 2y a rather stron& 2reeze9 shed their )itt)e 2)osso!s s/rayin& the &round with &reenish@white snow. (ro! 2ehind the s+reen o reeds and wi))ows9 whi+h have &rown near a dry +ana)9 the 2otto! o whi+h9 however is sti)) da!/9 a//ear the ei&ht a/ost)es who had 2een sent ahead9 u/on hearin& the shu )in& o the new@+o!ers. They are o/en)y u/set and &rieved and they 2e+6on to the arriva)s to sto/. 't the sa!e ti!e they rush orward. 4hen they are su i+ient)y +)ose to 2e heard without havin& to shout9 they sayI E7o!e awayH 'wayH Let's &o 2a+69 into the +ountry. It is not /ossi2)e to enter the town. They a)!ost stoned us. 7o!e away9 to that thi+6et9 and we sha)) s/ea6NG 'nd an3ious as they are to &o away without 2ein& seen9 they /ush 2a+6 Jesus9 the three a/ost)es9 the

5*3.Jesus Is Re>e3&ed 6( &he Sa.a i&ans. 8i&h Judas "- <e i"&h.


2oy and the wo!en a)on& the dry +ana) and they sayI E4e do not want to 2e seen here. Let's &oH Let's &oHG In vain Jesus9 Judas and >e2edee's two sons try to ind out what has ha//ened. In vain they as6I E%ut what a2out Judas o Si!onF 4hat a2out 0)izaFG The ei&ht do not )isten to the!. 4a)6in& in the tan&)e o sta)6s and water@/)ants9 their eet +ut 2y 2o& &rass9 their a+es hurt 2y wi))ows and reeds9 s)i//in& on the !ud in the 2otto!9 &ettin& ho)d o weeds9 see6in& su//ort on the ed&es and &ettin& 2es/attered with !ud9 they !ove away9 /ressed ro! 2ehind 2y the ei&ht who /ro+eed with their heads a)!ost turned round to see whether anyone ro! Tirzah is o))owin& the!. %ut there is no one on the road 2ut the sun9 whi+h is 2e&innin& to set9 and a )ean stray do&. 2 't )on& )ast they are near a )ar&e +)u!/ o 2ushes that de)i!it a /ro/erty. %ehind the shru2s there is a ie)d o )a3 the )on& ste!s o whi+h9 undu)atin& in the wind9 are 2e&innin& to show their s6y@2)ue )owers. EHere9 in here. I we sit down9 no one wi)) see us and when it &ets dar6 we sha)) &o awayNG says 1eter wi/in& his /ers/irationN E4hereFG as6s Judas o ')/haeus. EThe wo!en are with us.G E4e sha)) &o so!ewhere. In any +ase the !eadows are u)) o hay +ut re+ent)y. It wi)) do as a 2ed. 4e wi)) !a6e tents with our !ant)es or the wo!en and we wi)) 6ee/ wat+h.G E;es. It is su i+ient not to 2e seen and then to &o down to the Jordan at dawn. ;ou were ri&ht9 Master9 in not wantin& to ta6e the road throu&h Sa!aria. (or /oor /eo/)e )i6e us9 hi&hway!en are 2etter than Sa!aritansNG says %artho)o!ew9 who is sti)) /antin&. E%ut what ha//ened9 in a wordF Has Judas done so!eNG says Thaddeus. Tho!as interru/ts hi! sayin&I EJudas has +ertain)y 2een 2eaten. I a! sorry or 0)izaNG EHave you seen JudasFG EI have not. %ut it is easy to /ro/hesy ri&ht. I he said that he is your a/ost)e9 he +ertain)y &ot a thrashin&. Master9 they do not want ;ou.G E;es. They have a)) revo)ted a&ainst ;ou.G EThey are true Sa!aritans.G They are a)) s/ea6in& at the sa!e ti!e. 3 Jesus i!/oses si)en+e and saysI ELet one on)y s/ea6. ;ou9 Si!on >ea)ot9 as you are the +a)!est.G

ELord9 it is soon said. 4e entered the town and no one trou2)ed us unti) they )earned who we are9 as )on& as they thou&ht that we were /i)&ri!s /assin& 2y. %ut when we as6ed J and we had to as6H J whether a youn&9 ta))9 swarthy !an9 wearin& a red !ante) and a ta)ith with white and red stri/es9 and an e)der)y thin wo!an9 with a)!ost white hair and dar6 &rey +)othes had entered the town and had )oo6ed or the ,a)i)ean Master and His +o!/anions9 then they &ot an&ry at on+eN 1erha/s we shou)d not have s/o6en o ;ou. 4e +ertain)y !ade a !ista6eN %ut in the other /)a+es we had 2een re+eived so we)) thatN 4e do not understand what has ha//enedHN Those who on)y three days a&o were so res/e+t u) to ;ou9 are now )i6e vi/ersHNG Thaddeus interru/ts hi!I EThe wor6 o JudaeansNG EI do not thin6 so. I do not thin6 so 2e+ause o what they said when they re/roa+hed and threatened us. I thin6N 8ay9 I a!9 we are sure that the a+t that Jesus re used their o er o /rote+tion is the +ause o the Sa!aritan ury. They were shoutin&I C'wayH ,o away9 you and your MasterH He wants to &o and worshi/ on the Moria. 4e))9 )et Hi! &o and !ay He and a)) His o))owers die. There is no roo! a!on& us or those who do not +onsider us as riends9 2ut on)y as servants. 4e do not want urther trou2)e un)ess there is /ro it as +o!/ensation. Stones9 not 2read or the ,a)i)ean. 5ur do&s shou)d atta+6 Hi!9 instead o our ho!es re+eivin& Hi!.D That9 and even !ore than that9 they were sayin&. 'nd as we insisted on )earnin& at )east what had ha//ened to Judas9 they /i+6ed u/ stones to hit us and they rea))y set their do&s on us. 'nd they were shoutin& to one anotherI CLet us station ourse)ves at a)) the entran+es. I He +o!es we wi)) aven&e ourse)ves.D 4e ran away. ' wo!an J there is a)ways a &ood sou) a!on& wi+6ed /eo/)e J /ushed us into her 6it+hen &arden and then she )ed us a)on& a /ath throu&h ve&eta2)e &ardens to the +ana)9 in whi+h there was no water as they had irri&ated 2e ore the Sa22ath. 'nd she hid us there. Then she /ro!ised to )et us have news o Judas. %ut she has not +o!e any !ore. %ut we are to wait or her here9 2e+ause she said that i she does not ind us in the +ana)9 she wi)) +o!e here.G 4 There are !any +o!!ents. So!e +ontinue to a++use the Judaeans. So!e re/roa+h Jesus )i&ht)y9 a re/roa+h +on+ea)ed in their re!ar6sI E;ou s/o6e too +)ear)y at She+he! and then ;ou went away. $urin& the )ast three days they de+ided that there is no sense in de+eivin& onese) and +ausin& da!a&e to onese) or one who does not satis y the!N and they drive ;ou awayNG Jesus re/)iesI EI do not re&ret s/ea6in& the truth and doin& My duty. They do not understand at /resent. They wi)) short)y understand My <usti+e and wi)) worshi/ Me !ore than i I had had no <usti+e or i it had 2een &reater than My )ove or the!.G EThereH There is the wo!an on the road. She is so 2o)d as to show herse) NG says 'ndrew. EShe wi)) not 2etray us9 wi)) sheFG says %artho)o!ew sus/i+ious)y.

5*3.Jesus Is Re>e3&ed 6( &he Sa.a i&ans. 8i&h Judas "- <e i"&h.


EShe is a)oneHG E%ut she !ay 2e o))owed 2y /eo/)e hidin& in the +ana)NG %ut the wo!an9 who is +o!in& orward +arryin& a 2as6et on her head9 &oes on /assin& the ie)ds o )a3 where Jesus and the a/ost)es are waitin&9 then she ta6es a narrow /ath and disa//earsN rea//earin& sudden)y 2ehind those who were waitin& and who turn round a)!ost ri&htened when they hear the rust)in& o the ve&etation. The wo!an s/ea6s to the ei&ht !en she 6nowsI EHere I a!H (or&ive !e or 6ee/in& you waitin& so )on&N I did not want any2ody to o))ow !e. I said that I was &oin& to !y !other'sN I 6nowN 'nd I 2rou&ht so!e ood or you. The MasterN 4hi+h is the MasterF I wou)d )i6e to venerate Hi!.G EThat is the Master.G The wo!an9 who has )aid down her 2as6et9 /rostrates herse) sayin&I E(or&ive the sin o !y e))ow@+itizens. I no one had insti&ated the!N %ut !any have ta6en advanta&e o ;our re usa)NG EI have no &rud&e9 wo!an. 5 Stand u/ and s/ea6. Have you any news o My a/ost)e and o the wo!an who was with hi!FG E;es9 I have. $riven out )i6e do&s9 they are out o town9 on the other side9 waitin& or ni&ht@ti!e. They wanted to &o 2a+69 towards 0non9 )oo6in& or ;ou. They wanted to +o!e here9 as they 6new that their +o!/anions were here. I to)d the! not to do that9 and to re!ain =uiet as I wi)) ta6e you to the!. 'nd I wi)) do so as soon as it &ets dar6. (ortunate)y !y hus2and is away9 so I a! ree to )eave the house. I wi)) ta6e you to one o !y sisters who is !arried down in the /)ain. ;ou wi)) s)ee/ there9 without sayin& who you are9 not 2e+ause o Merod9 2ut 2e+ause o the !en who are with her. They are not Sa!aritans9 they +o!e ro! the $e+a/o)is and are sett)ed here. %ut it is a)ways wiseNG EMay ,od reward you. Have the two dis+i/)es 2een in<uredFG EThe !an9 a )itt)e. The wo!an9 nothin&. 'nd the Most Hi&h +ertain)y /rote+ted her 2e+ause she is 2o)d and she /rote+ted her son with her own 2ody when the +itizens 2e&an to /i+6 u/ stones. 5hH what a stron& wo!anH She shoutedI CIs that how you stri6e a !an who has not o ended youF 'nd wi)) you not res/e+t !e9 who a! de endin& hi! and a! a !otherF Have you no !others9 sin+e you do not res/e+t a !otherF 4ere you 2orn o wo)ves or are you !ade o !ud and !anureFD and she )oo6ed at the assai)ers ho)din& her !ant)e wide o/en to de end the !an9 and at the sa!e ti!e she was withdrawin& /ushin& hi! out o townN 'nd even now she +o! orts hi! sayin&I CMay the Most Hi&h &rant9 o !y Judas9 that the 2)ood you have shed or the Master !ay 2e+o!e the 2a)! or your heart.D %ut it is a s!a)) wound. 1erha/s the !an is !ore ri&htened than hurt. %ut ta6e so!e ood now. Here is so!e resh !i)69 or the

wo!en9 and 2read9 +heese and ruit. I +ou)d not +oo6 any !eat. I shou)d have 2een too )ate. 'nd here is so!e wine or the !en. 0at whi)e it is &ettin& dar6. Then a)on& sa e roads we sha)) &o to the two dis+i/)es and then to Merod's house.G EMay ,od reward you a&ainG says Jesus9 and He o ers and divides the ood9 /uttin& so!e aside or the two who are not /resent. E8o. I have seen to the!9 as I too6 the! e&&s and 2read9 whi+h I +on+ea)ed under !y +)othes9 and so!e wine and oi) or the wounds. This is or you. 0at now9 as I wi)) wat+h the roadNG 6 They eat9 2ut the !en are devoured 2y indi&nation and the wo!en ee) )ist)ess throu&h de/ression. ')) o the!9 with the e3+e/tion o Mary o Ma&da)a9 as what or the others is ear or de<e+tion a e+ts her )i6e a )i=ueur that sti!u)ates nerves and +oura&e. Her eyes )ash with an&er as she )oo6s at the hosti)e town. 5n)y the /resen+e o Jesus9 4ho has a)ready said that He has no &rud&e9 6ee/s her ro! utterin& vio)ent words. 'nd as she +annot s/ea6 or a+t9 she &ives vent to her an&er 2y sna//in& at her inno+ent /ie+e o 2read in su+h a !eanin& u) way that the >ea)ot +annot he)/ sayin& to her s!i)in&I ELu+6i)y or those o Tirzah they +annot a)) into your handsH ;ou )oo6 )i6e a wi)d 2east in +hains9 MaryHG EI a!. ;ou are ri&ht. 'nd in the eyes o ,od9 this restrainin& !yse) ro! &oin& in there9 as they deserve9 has !ore va)ue than what I have done so ar to e3/iate.G E%e &ood9 MaryH ,od has or&iven you sins &raver than theirs.G EThat is true. They have o ended ;ou on+e9 !y ,od9 and throu&h the insti&ation o other /eo/)e. I !any ti!esN and 2y !y own wi))N and I +annot 2e into)erant and /roudNG She )owers her eyes on her 2read and two tears a)) on it. Martha )ays her hand on her sister's )a/ sayin& to her in a )ow voi+eI E,od has or&iven you. $on't )ose heart any !oreN .e!e!2er what you have hadI our LazarusNG EIt is not de<e+tion. It is &ratitude. It is e!otionN 'nd it is a)so the as+ertain!ent that I a! sti)) devoid o that !er+y whi+h I re+eived so /)enti u))yN (or&ive !e9 .a22oniHG she says raisin& her wonder u) eyes to whi+h hu!i)ity has restored 6indness. E(or&iveness is never denied to hu!2)e@hearted /eo/)e9 Mary.G 7 8i&ht is a))in& tin&in& the air with a de)i+ate adin& vio)et hue. ')so thin&s not ar away 2e+o!e +on used. The sta)6s o )a39 /revious)y visi2)e in their 2eauty9 have 2)ended into a uni or! dar6 !ass. The 2irds a!on& )ea y 2ran+hes 2e+o!e si)ent. The irst star 2e&ins to shine. The irst +ri+6et +hir/s in the &rass. It is ni&ht@ti!e. E4e +an &o. Here9 in the ie)ds9 we sha)) not 2e seen. 7o!e without 2ein& a raid. I a! not 2etrayin& you. 'nd I a! not doin& this or retri2ution. I on)y as6 Heaven to have

5*3.Jesus Is Re>e3&ed 6( &he Sa.a i&ans. 8i&h Judas "- <e i"&h.


!er+y on !e9 or we are a)) in need o !er+yG says the wo!an with a si&h. They stand u/ and set out a ter her. They /ass round Tirzah at a distan+e9 throu&h ie)ds and ha) @dar6 ve&eta2)e &ardens9 2ut not so ar as not to 2e a2)e to see !en around ires at the entran+es o roadsN EThey are )yin& in wait or usNG says Matthew. E7ursedHG whist)es 1hi)i/ 2etween his teeth. 1eter does not s/ea6 2ut he sha6es his ar!s towards the s6y in a si)ent invo+ation or /rotest. %ut Ja!es and John o >e2edee9 who have 2een s/ea6in& to ea+h other ani!ated)y9 a )itt)e ahead o the others9 +o!e 2a+6 and sayI EMaster9 i ;ou do not want to have re+ourse to /unish!ent 2e+ause o ;our /er e+t )ove9 sha)) we have itF Sha)) we say to the ire o heaven to des+end on these sinners and devour the!F ;ou to)d us that we +an do everythin& that we as6 with aith andNG Jesus9 4ho was wa)6in& with His head 2owed9 as i He were tired9 sudden)y strai&htens Hi!se) and +asts witherin& &)an+es at the! as His eyes )ash in the !oon)i&ht. The two withdraw and 2e+o!e si)ent9 ri&htened as they are 2y His &)an+es. Jesus9 His eyes i3ed on the! a)) the ti!e9 saysI E;ou do not 6now what s/irits are within you. The Son o !an has not +o!e to )ose sou)s9 2ut to save the!. $o you not re!e!2er what I to)d youF In the /ara2)e o the wheat and the darne) I saidI C(or the ti!e 2ein& )et the wheat and the darne) &row to&ether. %e+ause i you tried to se/arate the! now you !i&ht /u)) u/ a)so the wheat with the darne). So )eave the! ti)) the harvest. 't harvest ti!e I sha)) say to the rea/ersI +o))e+t the darne) now and tie it in 2und)es to 2e 2urnt9 then &ather the &ood wheat into !y 2arn.DG 8 Jesus has a)ready !oderated His an&er towards the two who9 out o wrath e3+ited 2y their )ove or Hi!9 were as6in& to /unish those ro! Tirzah and who are now standin& with their heads )owered in ront o Hi!. He ta6es the! 2y their e)2ows9 one on His ri&ht9 the other on His )e t side and He resu!es wa)6in&9 )eadin& the! thus and s/ea6in& to every2ody9 as they have a)) &athered round Hi! when He sto//ed. EI so)e!n)y te)) you that harvest ti!e is +)ose at hand. My irst harvest. 'nd or !any there wi)) not 2e a se+ond one. %ut J and )et us /raise the Most Hi&h or this J so!e /eo/)e who were not a2)e to 2e+o!e ears o &ood wheat in My ti!e9 a ter the /uri i+ation o the 1assover Sa+ri i+e9 wi)) 2e 2orn a&ain with new sou)s. ?nti) that day I sha)) not 2e /iti)ess towards any2odyN ' terwards there wi)) 2e <usti+eNG E' ter 1assoverFG as6s 1eter. E8o. ' ter the ti!e. I a! not s/ea6in& o these !en o the /resent. I a! )oo6in& at uture a&es. Man is renewed +ontinuous)y )i6e +ro/s in ie)ds. 'nd harvests o))ow one

another. 'nd I wi)) )eave what is ne+essary or uture &enerations to 2e+o!e &ood wheat. I they do not want to do that9 at the end o the wor)d My an&e)s wi)) se/arate the darne) ro! the &ood wheat. Then it wi)) 2e the eterna) $ay o ,od a)one. 't /resent in the wor)d it is the day o ,od and o Satan. The (or!er sows ,oodness9 the )atter throws his da!ned darne)9 his s+anda)s9 his wi+6edness9 his seeds that stir u/ wi+6edness and s+anda)s9 a!on& the seeds o ,od. %e+ause there wi)) a)ways 2e those who rouse /eo/)e a&ainst ,od9 as here9 with these /eo/)e9 who are rea))y )ess &ui)ty than those who in+ite the! to do wron&.G EMaster9 every year we /uri y ourse)ves at the 1assover o the ?n)eavened %read9 2ut we a)ways re!ain what we were. 4i)) it 2e di erent this yearFG as6s Matthew. EBery di erent.G E4hyF 03/)ain it to us.G ETo!orrowN To!orrow9 or when we are on the way9 and Judas o Si!on is with us9 I sha)) te)) you.G E5hH yes. ;ou wi)) te)) us and we sha)) 2e+o!e 2etterN In the !eanti!e or&ive us9 JesusG says John. EI rea))y +a))ed you with the ri&ht na!e. %ut thunder does no har!. ' thunder2o)t9 yes9 +an 6i)). %ut thunder o ten is a orewarnin& o thunder2o)ts. The sa#e happens to those who do not re#ove fro# their spirits every disorder that is against love. Today they as" to be allowed to punish. To#orrow they punish without as"ing. The day after to#orrow they punish even without any reason. It is easy to descend6 That is why I te)) you to divest yourselves of all harshness against your neighbour. $o as I do and you wi)) 2e +ertain o never doin& wron&. Have you ever seen Me reven&e Myse) on those who &rieve MeFG E8o9 Master. ;ouNG 9 EMasterH MasterH 4e are here. 0)iza and I. 5hH Master9 how worried we were a2out ;ouH 'nd how a raid I was o dyin&NG says Judas o :erioth +o!in& out ro! 2ehind rows o vines and runnin& towards Jesus. His orehead is 2anda&ed. 0)iza o))ows hi! !ore +a)!)y. EHave you su eredF 4ere you a raid to dieF Is )i e so dear to youFG as6s Jesus reein& Hi!se) ro! Judas who e!2ra+es Hi! wee/in&. E8ot )i e. I was a raid o ,od9 to die without 2ein& or&iven 2y ;ouN I a)ways o end ;ou. I o end every2ody. ')so this wo!anN 'nd she rea+ted a+tin& as a !other to !e. I e)t I was &ui)ty and I was a raid o deathNG E5hH a 2ene i+ia) ear9 i it +an !a6e a saint o youH %ut I a)ways or&ive you9 you

5*3.Jesus Is Re>e3&ed 6( &he Sa.a i&ans. 8i&h Judas "- <e i"&h.


6now that9 /rovided you are wi))in& to re/ent. 'nd what a2out you9 0)izaF Have you or&iven hi!FG EHe is a 2i& unru)y 2oy. 'nd I +an 2e indu)&ent.G E;ou have 2een 2rave9 0)iza. I 6now.G EI she had not 2een there9 I do not 6now whether I wou)d have seen ;ou a&ain9 MasterHG ESo you +an see that she re!ained with you out o )ove9 not out o hatredN Have you 2een in<ured9 0)izaFG E8o9 Master. The stones e)) around !e without hurtin& !e. %ut !y heart was in a&ony thin6in& o ;ouNG EIt is a)) over now. Let us o))ow the wo!an who wants to ta6e us to a sa e house.G 10 They set orth a&ain a)on& a )ane that is white in the !oon)i&ht and ta6es the! eastwards. Jesus has ta6en the Is+ariot 2y the ar! and has &one ahead with hi!. He s/ea6s to hi! 6ind)y. He tries to wor6 u/on his heart u/set 2y his re+ent ear o ,od's <ud&e!entsI E;ou +an see9 Judas9 how easi)y one +an die. $eath is a)ways on the )oo6@out around us. %ou can see how what see#s negligible when we are full of life beco#es i#portant fearfully i#portant when death s"i#s us. %ut why shou)d one wish to have su+h ri&hts9 why shou)d one +reate the! to have the! /resent at the !o!ent o death9 when with a holy life one can ignore the terror of the i#pending divine 5udge#ent$ $o you not thin6 that it is worth )ivin& a <ust )i e in order to have a /ea+e u) deathF Judas9 My riend. The divine /aterna) !er+y has a))owed that to ha//en9 so that it !i&ht 2e an a//ea) to your heart. ;ou are sti)) in ti!e9 JudasN 4hy do you not want to &ive your Master9 4ho is a2out to die9 the &reat9 the very &reat <oy o 6nowin& that you have +o!e 2a+6 to ,oodFG

11 E4hy do ;ou not /uri y and +ure !e9 thenFG as6s Judas9 and he a)ready sounds hard and indo+i)e. EI wi)) not +ure youH 4hen a !an is i)) he see6s +ure 2y hi!se) 9 un)ess it is a +hi)d or a oo) who are devoid o wi))@/owerNG ETreat !e as su+h. Treat !e as a oo) and see to it9 without !y 2ein& aware o it.G EIt would not be 5ust because you can use your will4power. ;ou 6now what is &ood and what is evi) or you. 'nd !y curing you would be of no avail without your will to re#ain cured.G E,ive !e su+h wi)) as we)).G E,ive you itF So shou)d I i#pose a &ood wi)) on youF 'nd your free will$ 4hat wou)d it 2e+o!eF 4hat wou)d your e&o o a !an9 o a ree +reature 2eF 3o#inated$G E's I a! do!inated 2y Satan9 I !ay a)so 2e do!inated 2y ,odHG EHow you hurt Me9 JudasH ;ou /ier+e My heartH %ut I or&ive you what you do to MeN $o!inated 2y Satan9 you said. I did not !ean su+h a dread u) thin&NG E%ut ;ou were thin6in& o it 2e+ause ;ou 6now that it is true9 and 2e+ause ;ou are aware o it9 i it is true that ;ou +an read the hearts o !en. I it is so9 ;ou 6now that I a! no )on&er ree to do what I )i6eN He has seized !e andNG

ENo. He approached you te#pting you testing you and you received hi#. There is no possession if at the beginning there is no assent to so#e satanic te#ptation. The sna6e introdu+es his head 2etween the 2ars +)ose)y /)a+ed to de end hearts9 2ut he wou)d not 2e a2)e to enter if #an did not widen a passage to ad#ire his alluring aspect and listen to and follow hi#6 *nly then #an beco#es do#inated possessed because he wants it. ,od a)so darts the very 6ind )i&hts o His /aterna) )ove ro! the heavens9 and His )i&hts /enetrate us. 5r ratherI ,od9 to 4ho! everythin& is /ossi2)e9 des+ends into the hearts o !en. It is His ri&ht. Sin+e !an 6nows how to 2e+o!e a s)ave do!inated 2y E%ut +an ;ou sti)) or&ive !e9 JesusFG the $read u) one9 why does he not 6now how to 2e+o!e a servant o ,od9 nay a son o ,od9 and he drives away his Most Ho)y (atherF 're you not re/)yin& to MeF 're you E'nd wou)d I s/ea6 to you )i6e this i I +ou)d notF How )itt)e you sti)) 6now MeH I not te))in& Me why you wanted Satan and /re erred hi! to ,odF 'nd yet9 you wou)d 6now you. I 6now that you are )i6e one who is seized 2y a &iant o+to/us. %ut if you sti)) 2e in ti!e to save yourse) H 12 ;ou 6now that I a! &oin& to die. 8o one 6nows as wanted you could still free yourself. 5hH you would certainly suffer. It wou)d 2e /ain u) we)) as you doN I do not re use to dieN I a! &oin&. I a! &oin& towards death 2e+ause to tear o those +hains that torture and /oison you. But later how #uch 5oy JudasH 're My death wi)) 2e the Li e or so !any. 4hy do you not want to 2e one o the!F 5n)y you a raid that you !ay not have enou&h stren&th to rea+t a&ainst those who in )uen+e or you9 My riend9 My /oor si+6 riend9 sha)) I die in vainFG youF I +an a2so)ve you in advan+e o the sin o in rin&in& the 1assover riteN ;ou are i)). 1assover is not +o!/u)sory or si+6 /eo/)e. 8o one is !ore si+6 than you are. ;ou E;our death wi)) 2e o no use or so !any9 do not de)ude ;ourse) . ;ou had 2etter run are )i6e a )e/er. Le/ers do not &o u/ to Jerusa)e!9 whi)e they are su+h. ;ou !ust away and )ive ar ro! here9 en<oyin& )i e and tea+hin& ;our do+trine9 2e+ause it is a rea)ise9 Judas9 that to appear before the 2ord with an unclean spirit such as you have &ood one9 2ut without sa+ri i+in& ;ourse) .G does not honour Hi# but it offends Hi#. (irst it is ne+essaryNG

5*3.Jesus Is Re>e3&ed 6( &he Sa.a i&ans. 8i&h Judas "- <e i"&h.


ETea+h My do+trineH What truth could I teach if I did the opposite of what I teach$ What !aster should I be if I preached obedience to the will of &od and I did not obey it and love for #en and I did not love the# to renounce flesh and the world and I loved both flesh and the honours of the world not to give rise to scandals and I scandalised not only #en but also the angels and so forth$ Satan is s/ea6in& throu&h you <ust now. 's he s/o6e at 0/hrai!. 's he s/o6e and a+ted !any ti!es throu&h you9 to upset !e. I have re+o&nised a)) su+h a+tions o Satan9 a++o!/)ished throu&h you9 and I did not hate you9 I did not &et tired o you9 2ut I on)y e)t sorry9 in inite)y sorry. Li6e a !other who wat+hes the /ro&ress o an i))ness that wi)) 2e the +ause o her son's death9 I have wat+hed the /ro&ress o evi) in you. Li6e a ather who does not re&ret anythin& /rovided he +an ind the !edi+ines or his si+6 son9 I re&retted nothin& in order to save you9 I over+a!e dis&ust9 an&er9 2itterness9 de<e+tionN Li6e a deso)ate ather and !other9 disa//ointed in a)) earth)y /ower9 turn to Heaven to o2tain the )i e o their son9 so I have !oaned and I sti)) !oan i!/)orin& a !ira+)e that !ay save you9 !ay save you9 !ay save you on the 2rin6 o the a2yss that is a)ready +o))a/sin& under your eet. 13 Judas9 )oo6 at MeH %e ore )on& My %)ood wi)) 2e shed or the sins o !en. 8ot one dro/ wi)) 2e )e t in My veins. The +)ods o earth9 the &rass9 the &ar!ents o My /erse+utors and MineN the wood9 the iron9 the ro/es9 the thorns o the na2a+aN and the s/irits awaitin& sa)vation wi)) drin6 o itN ;ou a)one do not want to drin6 itF I wou)d &ive a)) this %)ood o Mine or you on)y. ;ou are My riend. How willingly one dies for one1s friend! To save hi!H 5ne saysI CI sha)) die. %ut I sha)) +ontinue to )ive in the riend to who! I &ave )i e.D Li6e a ather9 )i6e a !other9 who +ontinue to )ive in their o s/rin& a ter they have /assed away. Judas9 I i!/)ore youH I a! not as6in& or anythin& e)se in this eve o My death. ' +onvi+t is &ranted a )ast &ra+e 2y his <ud&es and a)so 2y his ene!ies9 and his )ast wish is satis ied. I as" you not to be da#ned. I do not as" so #uch Heaven as I as" you and your will6 Thin6 o your !other9 Judas. 4hat wi)) your !other 2e a terwardsF 'nd the na!e o your a!i)yF I a//ea) to your /ride9 whi+h is as 2o)d as ever9 to de end you ro! dishonour. $o not dis&ra+e yourse) 9 Judas. 7onsiderI years and a&es wi)) &o 2y9 6in&do!s and e!/ires wi)) a))9 the stars wi)) )ose their 2ri&htness9 the +on i&uration o the 0arth wi)) +han&e9 and you wi)) a)ways 2e Judas9 as 7ain is a)ways 7ain9 i you /ersist in your sin. Ti!e wi)) +o!e to an end9 and on)y 1aradise and He)) wi)) re!ain. 'nd in 1aradise and in He))9 or the !en raised ro! the dead and re+eived orever with their sou)s and 2odies where it is ri&ht or the! to 2e9 you wi)) a)ways 2e Judas9 the +ursed &reatest +u)/rit9 i you do not !end your ways. I will descend to free the spirits fro# 2i#bo I will lead #ultitudes of the# out of ;urgatory and you6 I shall not be able to ta"e you where I a#6 Judas9 I a! &oin& to die9 I a! &oin& ha//i)y9 2e+ause the hour I have 2een awaitin& or !i))ennia has +o!eI the hour to re+on+i)e !en to their (ather. I sha)) not re+on+i)e !any o the!. %ut the nu#ber of those saved who# I shall conte#plate when dying will console !e for the torture of dying in vain for so #any. %ut9 I te)) you9 it wi)) 2e dread u) to see you9 My a/ost)e and riend9 a!on& the )atter. $o not &ive Me su+h a

+rue) /ainHN I want to save you 8udas. 14 Loo6. 4e are &oin& down to the river. To!orrow at dawn9 when every2ody is sti)) s)ee/in&9 we wi)) +ross it9 the two o us9 and you wi)) &o to %ozrah9 to 'r2e)a9 to 'era9 wherever you wish. ;ou 6now the houses o the dis+i/)es. 't %ozrah )oo6 or Joa+hi! and Mary9 the wo!an I +ured o )e/rosy. I wi)) &ive you a note or the!. I wi)) say that a =uiet rest in di erent air is ne+essary or your hea)th. It is the truth9 un ortunate)y9 2e+ause your s/irit is diseased and the air o Jerusa)e! wou)d 2e )etha) to you. %ut they wi)) thin6 that your 2ody is i)). ;ou wi)) re!ain there unti) I +o!e to ta6e you away. I wi)) see to your +o!/anionsN %ut do not +o!e to Jerusa)e!. SeeF I did not want the wo!en to +o!e9 e3+e/t the stron&est ones a!on& the!9 and those who 2ein& !others are entit)ed to 2e near their sons.G E')so !ineFG E8o. Mary wi)) not 2e in Jerusa)e!NG EShe is the !other o an a/ost)e as we))9 and she has a)ways honoured ;ou.G E;es. 'nd she wou)d 2e entit)ed )i6e the others to 2e near Me9 4ho! she )oves with /er e+t <usti+e. %ut <ust 2e+ause o that she wi)) not 2e there. %e+ause I to)d her not to +o!e9 and she 6nows how to o2ey.G E4hy is she not to 2e thereF In what is she di erent ro! the !other o ;our 2rothers and ro! the !other o >e2edee's sonsFG E;ou. 'nd you 6now why I a! sayin& this. %ut i you )isten to Me9 i you &o to %ozrah9 I wi)) send word to your !other and wi)) have her 2rou&ht to you9 as 2ein& so &ood9 she !ay he)/ you to re+over. %e)ieve Me9 we are the on)y ones to )ove you thus9 without )i!it. There are three who )ove you in HeavenI the (ather9 the Son9 the Ho)y S/irit9 4ho have +onte!/)ated ;ou and 4ho are awaitin& your de+ision to !a6e you the <ewe) o .ede!/tion9 the &reatest /rey snat+hed ro! the '2yssM and three on the 0arthI your !other9 My Mother and I. Ma6e us ha//y9 JudasH %oth us in Heaven and us on the 0arth9 who )ove you with true )ove.G E;ou have said itI on)y three )ove !eM the others do notNG E8ot as we do. %ut they )ove you so !u+h. 0)iza de ended you. The others were worried a2out you. 4hen you are away ro! us9 ;ou are in every2ody's heart and your na!e is on every2ody's )i/s. %ou are not aware of all the love that surrounds you. %our oppressor conceals it fro# you. %e)ieve My word.G EI 2e)ieve ;ou. 'nd I wi)) try to /)ease ;ou. %ut I want to do it 2y !yse) . I went wron& 2y !yse) 9 2y !yse) I !ust re+over ro! evi).G E&od only can do by Hi#self. %our thought is a thought of pride. In pride there is still

5*3.Jesus Is Re>e3&ed 6( &he Sa.a i&ans. 8i&h Judas "- <e i"&h.


.atan. %e hu!2)e9 Judas. ,ras/ this hand that is o ered to you in a riend)y way. Ta6e she)ter in this heart that o/ens to /rote+t you. Here9 with Me9 Satan +ou)d do you no har!.G EI have tried to 2e with ;ouN I have des+ended )ower and )owerN It is use)essHG E$o not say thatH 3o not say that! React against discourage#ent. &od can do everything. ,ling to &od. 8udas! JudasHG E%e =uietH Lest the others shou)d hearNG E'nd you are worried about the others but not about your spirit$ 1oor JudasHNG 15 Jesus s/ea6s no !ore. %ut He re!ains 2eside the a/ost)e unti) the wo!an9 who was a ew !etres ahead o the!9 &oes into a house that a//ears in a thi+6 o)ive@&rove. Jesus then says to His dis+i/)eI EI wi)) not s)ee/ toni&ht. I wi)) /ray and wait or youN May ,od s/ea6 to your heart. Listen to Hi!N I wi)) re!ain here9 where I a! now9 to /ray. ?nti) dawnN .e!e!2er that.G Judas does not re/)y to Hi!. The other a/ost)es and the wo!en have arrived and they a)) sto/ to&ether waitin& or the Sa!aritan wo!an to +o!e 2a+6. She +o!es 2a+6 soon. She is with another wo!an9 who is )i6e her9 and who &reets the! sayin&I EI have not &ot !any roo!s 2e+ause the /runers are a)ready here wor6in& at the o)ive@trees. %ut I have a )ar&e 2arn with /)enty straw in it. I have roo! or the wo!en. 7o!e.G

s+ree+hes. 'nd the stars !ove s)ow)y in the ir!a!ent9 as 2ri&ht as =ueens9 now that the !oon has set and no )on&er outshines the!. Then a +o+6 2rea6s the +a)! air with its shar/ +rowin&. Mu+h arther away a +o+6 re/)ies9 hard)y audi2)e. Then the si)en+e is 2ro6en a&ain 2y the ar/e&&io o dew dro/s a))in& ro! the ti)es o the ne3t@door nei&h2our's house on the /ave!ent surroundin& it. Then a resh rust)in& o )ea y 2ran+hes sha6in& o the da!/ness o the ni&ht9 and the iso)ated +ry o a 2ird that awa6es9 and at the sa!e ti!e a +han&e in the s6y and the awa6enin& o )i&ht. It is dawn. %ut Judas has not +o!eN Jesus )oo6s at His Mother9 as white as a )i)y a&ainst the dar6 o)ivetree and He says to HerI E4e have /rayed9 Mother. ,od wi)) !a6e use o our /rayerNG E;es9 Son. ;ou are as white as death. ;our vita)ity has e3ha)ed +o!/)ete)y durin& the ni&ht9 /ressin& the &ates o Heaven and the de+rees o ,odHG E;ou are /a)e9 too9 Mother. ,reat is ;our ati&ue.G E,reat is My sorrow 2e+ause o ;our sorrow.G 17 The door o the house is o/ened +autious)yN Jesus start)es. %ut it is the wo!an who )ed the! there9 who +o!es out noise)ess)y. Jesus says with a si&hI EI was hoping I #ight have been wrong!G

The wo!an +o!es orward with her e!/ty 2as6et. She sees Jesus. She &reets Hi! and is a2out to &o on. %ut He +a))s her. He says to herI EMay the Lord reward you or E,oH I a! stayin& here to /ray. 1ea+e to a)) o youG says Jesus. 'nd whi)e the others &o everythin&. I shou)d )i6e to reward you as we))9 2ut I have nothin& with Me.G away9 He ho)ds 2a+6 His Mother sayin& to HerI EI a! stayin& to /ray or Judas9 Mother. 4i)) ;ou he)/ Me9 tooFG EI do not want anythin&9 .a22i. I do not want any reward9 2ut a)thou&h I do not want !oney9 there is one thin& I shou)d )i6e. 'nd ;ou +an &ive !e itHG E;es9 I wi))9 Son. Is his &ood wi)) revivin&FG E4hat9 wo!anFG E8o9 Mother. %ut we !ust a+t as i N Heaven +an do everythin&9 MotherHG EThat the heart o !y hus2and shou)d +han&e. 'nd ;ou +an do that9 2e+ause ;ou rea))y E;es. 'nd I +an sti)) de)ude Myse) . %ut ;ou +annot9 Son. ;ou 6now. My Ho)y SonH are the Ho)y Man o ,od.G %ut I wi)) a)ways i!itate ;ou. ,o /ea+e u))y9 My dar)in&H 0ven when ;ou are no )on&er a2)e to s/ea6 to hi!9 2e+ause he shuns ;ou9 I wi)) try to 2rin& hi! 2a+6 to ;ou. E,o in /ea+e. It wi)) 2e done to you as you wish. ,ood2ye.G 'nd i the Most Ho)y (ather wi)) on)y )isten to My &rie N 4i)) ;ou )et !e stay with The wo!an &oes away =ui+6)y towards her house that !ust rea))y 2e a sad one. ;ou9 JesusF 4e wi)) /ray to&etherN and I sha)) have ;ou or Me a)one a)) those hoursNG Mary re!ar6sI E'nother unha//y wo!an. That is why she is &oodHNG E;es9 stay with Me9 Mother. I wi)) wait or ;ou here.G Mary &oes away =ui+6)y9 and She is soon 2a+6. 16 They sit on their sa+6s9 under the o)ive@trees. In the 2)an6 si)en+e one +an hear the &ur&)in& o the river not ar away and the +hir/in& o +ri+6ets sounds )ouder in the si)en+e o the ni&ht. Then ni&htin&a)es 2e&in to sin&. 'n ow) hoots and a ho!ed ow) 1eter's ru )ed head a//ears ro! the &ranary9 o))owed 2y John's 2ri&ht one9 and then 2y the severe /ro i)e o Thaddeus9 the 2rownish a+e o the >ea)ot9 and the thin one o youn& %en<a!inN They are a)) awa6e. Mary o Ma&da)a is the irst wo!an to +o!e out o the house9 and is o))owed 2y 8i6e and then 2y the others. 4hen they are a)) to&ether and the wo!an who &ave the! hos/ita)ity has 2rou&ht a /ai) o !i)6 sti)) rothy9 the Is+ariot a//ears. His head is no )on&er 2anda&ed9 2ut the 2ruise

5*3.Jesus Is Re>e3&ed 6( &he Sa.a i&ans. 8i&h Judas "- <e i"&h.


o the 2)ow tin&es ha) o his orehead and his eye )oo6s even !ore &)oo!y in the vio)a+eous rin&. Jesus )oo6s at hi!. Judas )oo6s at Jesus9 then he turns his head round )oo6in& e)sewhere. Jesus says to hi!I E%uy o the wo!an whatever she +an &ive us. 4e are &oin& ahead. Join us.G 'nd Jesus9 a ter &reetin& the wo!an9 sets out. They a)) o))ow Hi!.

E;es9 ta6e it. It is !oney that we sha)) save. 5r rather9 it wi)) ena2)e us to have a !ea) 2e+ause with a)) our )avishness I have no !oney )e tG says the Is+ariot. ELavishnessF Sin+e we )e t She+he! we have not s/ent a arthin&HG says Matthew. E4e))9 I have no !ore !oney. I &ave the )ast to Merod.G EListen9 !anG says Jesus to the she/herd to /ut an end to the Is+ariot's words. EI a! not &oin& to Jerusa)e! <ust now and I +annot ta6e the )a!2 with Me. 5therwise I wou)d a++e/t it to show you that I we)+o!e your &i t.G E%ut )ater ;ou wi)) &o to the +ity. ;ou wi)) sto/ there or the easts. ;ou wi)) +ertain)y have a /)a+e in whi+h to stay. Te)) !e where it is9 and I sha)) hand it over to ;our riendsNG EI have nothin& o the 6indN %ut I have a /oor o)d riend at 8o2. Listen to Me +are u))yI on the day a ter the 1assover Sa22ath you wi)) &o to 8o2 at dawn and you wi)) say to John9 the 0)der o 8o2 Kanyone wi)) te)) you where he )ivesLI CJesus o 8azareth9 your riend9 sends you this )a!29 so that you !ay +e)e2rate this day with a 2an=uet o <oy9 2e+ause or the true riends o the 7hrist there is not a &reater <oy than today's.D 4i)) you do thatFG EI that is what ;ou want9 I wi)) do it.G E'nd you wi)) !a6e Me ha//y. 8ot 2e ore the day a ter the Sa22ath. Ma6e sure you re!e!2er that. 'nd re!e!2er the words I to)d you. ,o9 now9 and /ea+e 2e with you. 'nd 6ee/ your heart ir! in that /ea+e in uture days. .e!e!2er that as we))9 and &o on 2e)ievin& in My Truth. ,ood2ye.G 3 So!e /eo/)e have a//roa+hed the! to )isten to their +onversation and they dis/erse on)y when the she/herd9 /ro+eedin& with his )o+69 +o!/e)s the! to s+atter. Jesus o))ows the herd ta6in& advanta&e o the o/en s/a+e )e t 2y it. The /eo/)e whis/erI ESo is He rea))y &oin& to Jerusa)e!F $oes He not 6now that He is 2annedFG EHeyH 8o one +an /rohi2it a son o the Law ro! /resentin& hi!se) to the Lord at 1assover. Is He &ui)ty o a /u2)i+ +ri!eF 8o9 He is not. %e+ause i He were9 the 1ro+onsu) wou)d have had Hi! arrested9 as he did with %ara22as.G 'nd others sayI EHave you heardF He has nowhere to &o nor riends in Jerusa)e!. Have they a)) a2andoned Hi!F 0ven the !an He raised ro! the deadF How &rate u) o hi!HG E%e =uiet. Those two wo!en over there are Lazarus' sisters. I +o!e ro! the +ountryside o Ma&da)a and I 6now the! we)). I the sisters are with Hi! it !eans that Lazarus' a!i)y is )oya) to Hi!.G

58*. The Ri'h ?#un4 .an.

8&h .a!'h $9*8.

1 It is another 2eauti u) '/ri) !ornin&. The earth and the s6y dis/)ay a)) their s/rin&ti!e 2eauties. 5ne 2reathes )i&ht9 son&s9 s+ents9 so sated is the air with 2ri))ian+e9 with voi+es o <oy and )ove9 with ra&ran+e. .ain !ust have drizz)ed durin& the ni&ht as the roads are dar6 and without dust9 2ut they are not !uddy9 and the ste!s and )eaves washed 2y the rain are now =uiverin&9 a)) 2ri&ht and +)ean9 in a !i)d 2reeze 2)owin& down ro! the !ountains towards this erti)e /)ain that oreshows Jeri+ho. 1eo/)e are +o!in& u/ +ontinuous)y ro! the 2an6s o the JordanM they have erried ro! the other 2an6 or they have o))owed the road that runs a)on& the river9 and have +o!e on this one that heads strai&ht or Jeri+ho and $o+o9 as indi+ated on road si&ns. 'nd with the !any Jews who ro! a)) over are &oin& to Jerusa)e! or the rite9 there are !in&)ed !er+hants ro! other /)a+es and she/herds with 2)eatin& )a!2s9 destined or sa+ri i+es9 2ut unaware o their ate. Many re+o&nise Jesus and &reet Hi!. They are Jews ro! 1erea and the $e+a/o)is and even ro! /)a+es arther away. There is a &rou/ ro! 7aesarea 1aneas. They are she/herds9 who )eadin& a rather no!adi+ )i e with their )o+6s9 have 6now)ed&e o the Master9 havin& !et Hi! or heard o Hi! ro! dis+i/)es. 2 ' she/herd /rostrates hi!se) and says to Hi!I EMay I o er ;ou a )a!2FG E$o not de/rive yourse) o it9 !an. It is your earnin&s.G E5hH it is !y &ratitude. ;ou do not re!e!2er !e9 2ut I re!e!2er ;ou. I a! one who was +ured 2y ;ou when ;ou +ured so !any. ;ou +ured the 2one o !y thi&h that no one 6new how to +ure and !ade an inva)id o !e. I wi)) &ive ;ou a )a!2 wi))in&)y. The 2est one. This one. (or the 2an=uet o <oy. I 6now that or the sa+ri i+e ;ou are to 2uy one. %ut or the <oyH ;ou &ave !e so !u+h o it. Ta6e it9 Master.G

5*#. The Ri3h ="un1 'an.


E1erha/s He dare not enter the town.G EHe is ri&ht.G E,od wi)) or&ive Hi! i He re!ains outside.G EIt is not His au)t i He +annot &o u/ to the Te!/)e.G EHe is wise)y /rudent. I He were +au&ht it wou)d a)) +o!e to an end 2e ore His ti!e.G EHe is +ertain)y not yet ready to 2e /ro+)ai!ed our 6in&9 and He does not want to 2e +au&ht.G EThey say that when it was 6nown that He was at 0/hrai!9 He went everywhere9 even to no!adi+ tri2es9 to /re/are o))owers and so)diers and to see6 /rote+tion.G E4ho to)d youFG EThe usua) )ies. He is the ho)y :in& and not the 6in& o so)diers.G E1erha/s He wi)) +e)e2rate the su//)e!entary 1assover9 when it is easier not to 2e noti+ed. The Sanhedrin 2rea6s u/ a ter the easts and a)) the !e!2ers &o ho!e or harvest ti!e. They do not !eet a&ain unti) 1ente+ost.G E'nd on+e the !e!2ers o the Sanhedrin have &one away9 who do you thin6 wi)) do Hi! any har!F They are the <a+6a)sHG EH'!H Is it /ossi2)e or Hi! to 2e so /rudentF That is too hu!anH He is !ore than a !an and He wi)) not 2e +oward)y /rudent.G

EThere is %ethany 2e ore Jerusa)e!G says Martha with a s!i)e. E'nd 2e ore9 there is Jeri+ho and !y houseG says 8i6e9 a)so with a s!i)e. E'nd I a! 2e ore everythin&. I /ro!ised and I wi)) do it. 4e have had interestin& e3/erien+es durin& this <ourneyH I have e3/erien+ed what it !eans not to have a dra+h!a. 'nd now I wi)) e3/erien+e what one ee)s )i6e when one has to se)) so!ethin& at needG says Mary o Ma&da)a. E'nd what do you want to se))9 i you do not wear <ewe)s any )on&erFG Martha as6s her sister. EMy 2i& si)ver hair/ins. I have so !any o the!. %ut to 6ee/ this use)ess wei&ht tidy9 iron ones wi)) 2e su i+ient. I wi)) se)) the!. Jeri+ho is u)) o /eo/)e who 2uy su+h thin&s. 'nd this is !ar6et day as we)) as to!orrow9 and every day 2e+ause o the estivities.G E%ut9 sisterHG E4hatF 're you s+anda)ised at the thou&ht that I !ay 2e +onsidered so /oor as to have to se)) !y si)ver hair/insF 5hH I wish I had a)ways &iven rise to su+h s+anda)s in youH It was !u+h worse when9 without 2ein& in need9 I so)d !yse) to the vi+e o other /eo/)e and !ine.G E%e =uietH There is the 2oy9 who does not 6nowHG

EHe does not 6now as yet. 1erha/s he does not 6now that I was the sinner. To!orrow he wou)d 2e to)d 2y so!eone who hates !e 2e+ause I a! no )on&er su+h9 and with detai)s not /ertainin& to !y sin9 whi+h9 however9 was so &rave. So he had 2etter 2e to)d E7owardF 4hyF 8o one +an say that he who s/ares hi!se) or his !ission is a 2y !e9 so that he !ay rea)ise what the Lord9 4ho a++e/ted hi!9 +an doI turn a sinner +oward.G into a re/entant sou)M turn a dead /erson into a resurre+ted oneM o !e9 dead in !y s/irit9 EHe wou)d a)ways 2e +oward)y9 2e+ause every !ission is in erior to ,od. So the +u)t o Lazarus9 dead in his 2ody9 He !ade two )ivin& 2ein&s. %e+ause that is what the or ,od !ust have /riority over everythin& e)se.G .a22i has done to us9 %en<a!in. ')ways 2ear that in !ind and )ove Hi! with a)) your Those are the words &oin& ro! !outh to !outh. Jesus /retends He does not hear the!. heart9 2e+ause He rea))y is the Son o ,od.G 4 Judas o ')/haeus sto/s to wait or the wo!en and when they arrive J they were with 5 'n o2sta+)e a)on& the road has sto//ed Jesus and the a/ost)es9 and the wo!en <oin the!. Jesus says to the wo!enI E,o ahead9 towards Jeri+ho9 and enter the town9 i you the 2oy9 a2out thirty ste/s 2ehind J he says to 0)izaI E;ou have &iven out a )ot o wish so. I a! &oin& to $o+o with the a/ost)es. 't sunset I sha)) 2e with you.G !oney at She+he! a ter we )e tHG E4hyFG E%e+ause Judas has not a arthin& )e t. ;our sanda)s9 %en<a!in9 are not )i6e)y to +o!e. It was destined to 2e so. It was not /ossi2)e to enter Tirzah9 and even i we had 2een a2)e to &o in9 as we had no !oney9 we +ou)d not have 2ou&ht anythin&N ;ou wi)) have to enter Jerusa)e! as you areNG E5hH 4hy are ;ou sendin& us awayF 4e are not tiredG say a)) the wo!en /rotestin&. E%e+ause I shou)d )i6e you9 or at )east so!e o you9 to in or! the dis+i/)es that I sha)) 2e at 8i6e's to!orrow.G EI that is the +ase9 Lord9 we sha)) &o. 7o!e 0)iza9 and you Johanna9 and you Susanna and Martha. 4e sha)) /re/are everythin&G says 8i6e.

5*#. The Ri3h ="un1 'an.


E'nd the 2oy and I. 4e sha)) do our sho//in&. %)ess us9 Master. 'nd +o!e soon. 're ;ou stayin&9 MotherFG E;es9 with My Son.G They /art. 5n)y the three Maries re!ain with JesusI His Mother9 Her sister@in@)aw Mary 7)o/as9 and Mary Sa)o!e. 'nd Jesus )eaves the Jeri+ho road and ta6es a se+ondary one that &oes to $o+o. 6 'nd He has not 2een )on& on it when ro! a +aravan +o!in& ro! I do not 6now where J a ri+h +aravan that +ertain)y +o!es ro! a ar9 2e+ause the wo!en are !ounted on +a!e)s9 +)osed in swayin& /a)an=uins astened to the hu!/ed 2a+6s9 and the !en are ridin& iery horses or other +a!e)s J a youn& !an de/arts and9 !a6in& his +a!e) 6nee) down9 he s)ides ro! his sadd)e and &oes towards Jesus. ' servant9 who has a//roa+hed hi!9 ho)ds the ani!a) 2y the reins. The youn& !an /rostrates hi!se) 2e ore Jesus9 and a ter his dee/ sa)utation9 he says to Hi!I EI a! 1hi)i/ o 7anata9 the son o true Israe)ites who have re!ained su+h. I was a dis+i/)e o ,a!a)ie) unti) !y ather's death /ut !e at the head o his 2usiness. I have heard ;ou s/ea6 !ore than on+e. I a! aware o ;our deeds. I as/ire to a 2etter )i e to have the eterna) one that ;ou assure wi)) 2e /ossessed 2y those who +reate ;our :in&do! in the!se)ves. So te)) !e9 &ood Master9 what sha)) I have to do to have eterna) )i eFG E4hy do you +a)) Me &oodF ,od a)one is &ood.G E;ou are the Son o ,od9 as &ood as ;our (ather. 5hH te)) !e what I !ust do.G ETo enter eternal life observe the co##and#ents. G E4hi+h9 !y LordF The an+ient ones or ;oursFG EThe an+ient ones a)ready +ontain Mine9 Mine do not a)ter the an+ient ones. They are a)ways the sa!eI worship the *nly true &od and respect the laws of cult do not "ill do not steal do not co##it adultery do not bring false witness honour your father and #other do not in5ure your neighbour but love hi# as you love yourself. By doing so you will have eternal life.G EMaster9 I have o2served a)) those +o!!and!ents sin+e !y +hi)dhoodG Jesus +asts a )ovin& &)an+e at hi! and 6ind)y as6sI E'nd do you thin6 they are not yet su i+ientFG E8o9 Master. The :in&do! o ,od is a &reat thin& in us and in the other )i e. ,od 4ho &ives Hi!se) to us is an in inite &i t. I ee) that what is our duty is very )itt)e +o!/ared with the ')) In inite 1er e+t %ein& 4ho &ives Hi!se) to us9 and I thin6 that we shou)d o2tain Hi! 2y !eans o thin&s that are &reater than those +o!!anded9 in order not to

2e da!ned and 2e a&reea2)e to Hi!.G E;ou are ri&ht. To be perfect you still lac" one thing. I you want to 2e as /er e+t as our (ather in Heaven wants9 go sell everything you have and give it to the poor and in Heaven you wi)) have a treasure that wi)) !a6e you )oved 2y the (ather 4ho has &iven His Treasure to the /oor o the 0arth. Then co#e and follow !e.G The youn& !an 2e+o!es sad and /ensive. He then stands u/ and saysI EI wi)) re!e!2er ;our advi+eNG and he &oes away sad)y. 7 Judas s!i)es ironi+a))y and whis/ersI EI a! not the on)y one who )oves !oneyHG Jesus turns round and )oo6s at hi!N then He )oo6s at the other e)even a+es around Hi! and says with a si&hI EHow di i+u)t it is or a ri+h !an to enter the :in&do! o Heaven9 the &ate o whi+h is narrow9 and the way is stee/9 and those who are )aden with the 2u)6y wei&hts o ri+hes +annot &o a)on& it and enterH To enter u/ there on)y the i!!ateria) treasures o virtue are re=uired and one !ust 2e a2)e to /art with everythin& that is atta+h!ent to the thin&s o the wor)d and to vanity.G Jesus is very sadN The a/ost)es )oo6 stea)thi)y at one anotherN Jesus9 )oo6in& at the +aravan o the youn& ri+h !an !ove away9 saysI EI so)e!n)y te)) you that it is easier for a ca#el to pass through the eye of a needle than for a rich #an to enter the =ingdo# of &od.G E4ho +an 2e saved9 thenF 1overty o ten !a6es one sin9 throu&h envy and )a+6 o res/e+t or other /eo/)e's /ro/erty9 and throu&h )a+6 o +on iden+e in 1roviden+eN .i+hes are an o2sta+)e to /er e+tionN SoF 4ho +an 2e savedFG Jesus )oo6s at the! and saysI E4hat is i!/ossi2)e or !en9 is /ossi2)e or ,od9 2e+ause everythin& is /ossi2)e or ,od. It is su i+ient or !an to he)/ his Lord with his &ood wi)). 'nd it is &ood wi)) to ta6e the advi+e &iven and strive to a+hieve reedo! ro! ri+hes. To a+hieve +o!/)ete reedo!9 in order to o))ow ,od. %e+ause this is the true freedo# of #an( to follow the voices that &od whispers to his heart and His co##and#ents not to be the slave of hi#self or of the world or of respect of public opinion and conse+uently not to be the slave of .atan. To !a6e use o the wonder u) ree wi)) that ,od &ave !an to wish ,ood on)y and ree)y9 and thus attain the very 2ri&ht9 ree and 2)iss u) eterna) )i e. !an #ust not be slave even of his own life if to gratify it he #ust resist &od. I said to you( /He who loses his life for !y sa"e and to serve &od will save it forever.DG 8 E4e))H 4e have )e t everythin& to o))ow ;ou9 even what was )aw u). So what a2out usF Sha)) we enter ;our :in&do!FG as6s 1eter. EI te)) you so)e!n)y that those who have o))owed Me thus and those who o))ow Me J 2e+ause there is a)ways ti!e to !a6e a!ends or )aziness and sins +o!!itted so ar9

5*#. The Ri3h ="un1 'an.


there is a)ways ti!e whi)e !an is on the 0arth and has days in ront o hi! durin& whi+h he +an redress wron&s done J those wi)) 2e with Me in My :in&do!. I te)) you so)e!n)y that you9 who have o))owed Me in the re&eneration9 wi)) sit on thrones to <ud&e the tri2es o the 0arth with the Son o !an 4ho wi)) 2e sittin& on the throne o His &)ory. 'nd on+e a&ain I te)) you so)e!n)y that there is no one who in My 8a!e has )e t house9 ie)ds9 ather9 !other9 2rothers9 wi e9 sons and sisters to /ro/a&ate the ,os/e) and +ontinue My wor69 who wi)) not re+eive one hundred o)d in this /resent ti!e and eterna) )i e in the wor)d to +o!e.G E%ut i we )ose everythin& how +an we +entu/)i+ate what we haveFG as6s Judas o :erioth. EI re/eatI what is i!/ossi2)e or !en is /ossi2)e or ,od. And &od will give one hundredfold of spiritual 5oy to those who fro# #en of the world beca#e sons of &od that is spiritual #en. They wi)) en<oy rea) ha//iness9 2oth here and 2eyond the 0arth. 'nd I a)so say to you that not a)) those who see! to 2e the irst9 and ou&ht to 2e the irst havin& re+eived !ore than every2ody9 wi)) 2e su+h. 'nd not a)) those who see! to 2e the )ast9 and even )ess than the )ast9 as they do not a//ear to 2e My dis+i/)es or to 2e)on& to the +hosen 1eo/)e9 wi)) 2e the )ast. Truly #any who were first will beco#e last and #any who were last least will beco#e first6 %ut there is $o+o over there. ,o ahead a)) o you9 e3+e/t Judas o :erioth and Si!on >ea)ot. ,o and announ+e Me to those who !ay need Me.G 'nd Jesus with the two a/ost)es He he)d 2a+6 waits or the three Maries9 who are o))owin& the! at a ew !eters' distan+e.

us and to 2rin& us their si+6 /eo/)e ro! the +ountry. 5n the +ontrary9 it has rea))y 2een a &ood thin& that we +a!e here. %e+ause those who9 either throu&h i))ness or or so!e other reason9 +ou)d not ho/e to see the Lord in Jerusa)e!9 have seen Hi! here and have 2een +o! orted re+overin& their hea)th or with other &ra+es. 4e 6now that the rest have a)ready &one to Jerusa)e!N 4hen /ossi2)e9 it is our +usto! to &o there a ew days 2e ore the estivityG says Ja!es o ')/haeus 6ind)y9 2e+ause he is a)ways &ent)e9 the very o//osite o Judas o :erioth who9 even in his &ood !o!ents9 is a)ways vio)ent and over2earin&. EJust 2e+ause we are &oin& to Jerusa)e! as we))9 it was use)ess to +o!e here. They wou)d have heard and seen us thereNG E%ut not the wo!en and the si+6 /eo/)eG re/)ies %artho)o!ew su//ortin& Ja!es o ')/haeus. Judas /retends he does not hear the! and resu!in& the thread o his dis+ourse he saysI E't )east I thin6 that we are &oin& to Jerusa)e!9 a)thou&h I a! no )on&er +ertain a ter the +onversation with that she/herdNG E'nd where do you e3/e+t us to &o i we do not &o thereFG as6s 1eter. E4ho 6nowsH I don't. 0verythin& we have 2een doin& these )ast !onths is so unrea)9 so un oreseea2)e9 so +ontrary to +o!!on sense and a)so to <usti+e9 thatNG EHeyH I saw you drin6 !i)6 at $o+o9 and yet you are s/ea6in& )i6e a drun6en !anH 4here do you see thin&s +ontrary to <usti+eFG as6s Ja!es o >e2edee with eyes /ro!isin& trou2)e. 'nd to !a6e hi!se) +)ear)y understood he addsI E0nou&h o re/roa+hes to the Just 5neH Have you understood that that is enou&hF ;ou are not entit)ed to re/roa+h Hi!. 8o one is entit)ed to do so9 2e+ause He is /er e+t9 and weN 8one o us are entit)ed9 and you are )ess entit)ed than any2ody.G E;esH I you are not we))9 ta6e +are o yourse) 9 2ut do not annoy us with your +o!/)aints. I you are !oody9 the Master is over there. 's6 Hi! to +ure you and sto/ itHG says Tho!as who has )ost his /atien+e. 2 Jesus is in a+t 2ehind9 with Judas o ')/haeus and John9 and they are he)/in& the wo!en9 who not 2ein& a++usto!ed to wa)6in& in ha) @)i&ht9 are /ro+eedin& with di i+u)ty a)on& a rou&h /ath9 whi+h is even dar6er than the ie)ds9 as it runs throu&h a thi+6 o)ive&rove. 'nd Jesus is s/ea6in& ani!ated)y to the wo!en9 estran&ed ro! what is ha//enin& ahead o Hi! and +an a)so 2e heard 2y those who are with Hi!9 2e+ause i the words arrive +on used)y9 their tone &ives to understand that they are not 6ind ones9 2ut they sound rather =uarre)so!e. The two a/ost)es9 Thaddeus and John9 )oo6 at ea+h otherN 2ut they do not say anythin&. They )oo6 at Jesus and Mary. %ut Mary is so enve)o/ed in Her !ant)e that

585. The Thi!d P!#9he'/ #1 &he Passi#n. The ReAues& #1 Be)edee"s s#ns.
%&h .a!'h $9*8.

1 $ay is hard)y 2rea6in& at dawn and it is sti)) di i+u)t to trave) when Jesus de/arts ro! $o+o9 sti)) as)ee/. The shu )in& o eet is +ertain)y not heard 2y any2ody 2e+ause they wa)6 +autious)y and 2e+ause /eo/)e are sti)) s)ee/in& in their houses. 8o one s/ea6s unti) they are out o town9 in the +ountry that is awa6in& s)ow)y in the di! )i&ht and is /)easant)y resh a ter the dew. The Is+ariot then saysI E' use)ess <ourney with no rest. It was 2etter not to have +o!e so ar.G EThe ew /eo/)e we !et did not use us 2ad)yH They )ost their ni&ht's s)ee/ to )isten to

5*5.The Thi d P "5he3( "- &he Passi"n. The Re?ues& "- @e6edee!s s"ns.


Her a+e +an hard)y 2e seen9 and Jesus does not a//ear to have heard. %ut when He inishes ta)6in& J they were s/ea6in& o %en<a!in and his uture9 and they are s/ea6in& o Sarah9 the widow o '/he69 who has sett)ed at 7a/ernau! and is a )ovin& !other not on)y to the +hi)d o ,is+a)a 2ut a)so to the +hi)dren o the wo!an ro! 7a/ernau! who9 a ter she !arried or the se+ond ti!e9 no )on&er )oved the +hi)dren o her irst !arria&e9 and then she +a!e to Esu+h a 2ad end that /eo/)e +onsidered her death a divine /unish!entG says Sa)o!e J Jesus &oes ahead with Judas Thaddeus to <oin the a/ost)es and when )eavin& the &rou/ He saysI E;ou !ay stay9 John9 i you wish so. I a! &oin& to re/)y to the rest)ess one and 2rin& a2out /ea+e.G %ut John9 a ter wa)6in& a ew ste/s with the wo!en9 seein& that the /ath is now wider and +)earer9 runs and <oins Jesus 4ho is sayin&I ESo9 2e reassured9 Judas. 4e wi)) do nothin&9 as we have done nothin&9 unrea). 0ven now we are not doin& anythin& un oreseea2)e. This is the ti!e when it is oreseea2)e that every true Israe)ite9 who is not /revented 2y diseases or very &rave reasons9 wi)) &o u/ to the Te!/)e. 'nd we are &oin& u/ to the Te!/)e.G E%ut not a)) o us. I heard that Mar<ia! wi)) not 2e there. Is he /erha/s i))F 4hy is he not +o!in&F $o ;ou thin6 ;ou +an re/)a+e hi! with the Sa!aritanFG Judas' tone is un2eara2)eN

and you9 Matthew9 +a!e to Me9 that +an <usti y so !u+h di eren+e in your /er e+tin&. ;ou were9 a)) o you9 even you9 My )earned %artho)o!ew9 and you9 My 2rothers9 very i!/er e+t9 a2so)ute)y i!/er e+t with re&ard to what is /er e+tion in My do+trine. 8ay9 your edu+ation9 2etter than that o others a!on& you in the do+trine o o)d Israe)9 was an o2sta+)e to your /er e+tin& in Me. 'nd yet none o you have !ade so !u+h /ro&ress as wou)d have 2een su i+ient to 2rin& you a)) to the sa!e /oint. 5ne has rea+hed it9 others are +)ose to it9 others are arther away9 others !u+h arther 2ehind9 othersN yes9 I !ust say a)so this9 instead o +o!in& orwards9 have &one 2a+6wards. $o not )oo6 at one anotherH $o not try to ind out whi+h o you is the irst and whi+h the )ast. He who9 /erha/s9 thin6s he is the irst and is +onsidered to 2e the irst9 has sti)) to under&o /ro2ation. He who thin6s he is the )ast9 is a2out to shine in his /er e+tion )i6e a star in the s6y. So9 on+e a&ain I say to youI do not <ud&e. (a+ts wi)) <ud&e with their eviden+e. (or the ti!e 2ein& you +annot understand. %ut soon9 very soon9 you wi)) re!e!2er these words o Mine and you wi)) understand the!.G E4henF 4 ;ou have /ro!ised to te)) us9 to e3/)ain to us why the 1assover /uri i+ation wi)) 2e di erent this year9 2ut ;ou never do te)) usG says 'ndrew +o!/)ainin&.

EIt is <ust a2out that that I wanted to s/ea6 to you. %e+ause 2oth those words and these are the sa!e9 as they are rooted in one on)y /rin+i/)e. 4e are now &oin& u/ to Jerusa)e! or 1assover. 'nd a)) the thin&s oreto)d 2y the /ro/hets +on+ernin& the Son 1eter whis/ersI E5 1ruden+e9 ho)d !y ton&ue ast9 or I a! a !anHG and he /resses his o !an wi)) 2e u) i))ed there. Truly as the prophets foresaw as it was already stated in )i/s to&ether ir!)y in order not to say anythin& e)se. His eyes9 whi+h are rather dee/ the order given to the Hebrews in )gypt as !oses was ordered in the desert the 2a#b set9 are dee/)y tou+hin&9 so +)ear is the e ort o the !an to re/ress his indi&nation and of &od is about to be sacrificed and His Blood is about to #ar" the doorposts of hearts distress hearin& Judas s/ea6 thus. and the angel of the 2ord will pass without stri"ing those who have upon the#selves and with love the Blood of the sacrificed 2a#b that is about to be raised on the cross 3 Jesus' /resen+e ho)ds a)) ton&ues. He is the on)y one who s/ea6s and with a rea))y bar li"e the precious #etal sna"e to be the sign for those wounded by the infernal divine +a)! He saysI E7o!e ahead a )itt)e9 so that the wo!en !ay not hear us. (or a sna"e to be salvation for those who loo" at it with love. The Son o !an9 your Master ew days I have had so!ethin& to te)) you. So!ethin& I /ro!ised you in the +ountry o Jesus9 is a2out to 2e handed over to the +hie /riests9 to the s+ri2es and the e)ders9 who Tirzah. %ut I wanted a)) o you to 2e /resent to hear Me. %ut not the wo!en. Let us wi)) senten+e Hi! to death and wi)) de)iver Hi! to the ,enti)es to 2e sneered at. 'nd )eave the! in their hu!2)e /ea+eN 4hat I a! &oin& to te)) you wi)) e3/)ain why Mar<ia! wi)) not 2e with us9 and the sa!e a//)ies to your !other9 Judas o :erioth9 and He wi)) 2e s!a+6ed9 2eaten9 s/at at9 dra&&ed a)on& the streets )i6e a dirty ra&9 and then the ,enti)es9 a ter s+our&in& Hi! and +rownin& Hi! with thorns9 wi)) +onde!n Hi! to to your dau&hters9 1hi)i/9 and to the wo!en dis+i/)es o %eth)ehe! in ,a)i)ee with the die on the +ross reserved or +ri!ina)s9 as the Jewish /eo/)e9 &athered in Jerusa)e! &ir). It is not or every2ody to 2ear +ertain thin&s. I9 the Master9 6now what is &ood or wanted His death in /)a+e o that o a ro22er9 and He wi)) 2e /ut to death thus. %ut9 as it My dis+i/)es and what they +an or +annot stand. 8ot even you are stron& enou&h to is !entioned in the si&ns o the /ro/he+ies9 a ter three days He wi)) rise a&ain. That is endure the tria). 'nd it wou)d 2e a &ra+e or you to 2e e3+)uded. %ut you wi)) have to +ontinue Me9 and you !ust 2e aware o how wea6 you are9 so that in uture you !ay 2e the tria) awaitin& you. The one that wi)) show you your s/iritua) advan+e!ent. I so)e!n)y te)) you9 who thin6 that you are so /er e+t as to des/ise those who do not !er+i u) towards the wea6. So you +annot 2e e3+)uded ro! this dread u) test that wi)) 2e)on& to Israe)9 and to des/ise even !any o our own /eo/)e9 I te)) you so)e!n)y that &ive you the !easure o what you are9 o what you have re!ained a ter 2ein& with Me you9 the +hosen /art o My )o+69 on+e the She/herd has 2een +a/tured9 wi)) 2e seized or three years9 and o what you have 2e+o!e a ter the three years you have 2een with Me. ;ou are twe)ve. ;ou have a)) +o!e to Me a)!ost at the sa!e ti!e. It is not the ew with ri&ht and you wi)) dis/erse )eein& as i the wo)ves9 whi+h wi)) an& Me a)) over9 were set on you. %ut9 I te)) you9 2e not a raid. ;ou wi)) not 2e hurt in the )east. I sha)) days 2etween My !eetin& with Ja!es9 John and 'ndrew and the day on whi+h you were re+eived a!on& us9 Judas o :erioth9 or the day on whi+h you9 My 2rother Ja!es su i+e to &)ut the wi)d wo)vesNG

5*5.The Thi d P "5he3( "- &he Passi"n. The Re?ues& "- @e6edee!s s"ns.


5 The a/ost)es9 whi)e Jesus is s/ea6in&9 )oo6 )i6e /eo/)e under a shower o stones. They even 2end !ore and !ore as Jesus &oes on s/ea6in&. 'nd when He ends sayin&I E'nd what I a! te))in& you is i!/endin&. It is not )i6e the other ti!es9 when there was ti!e 2e ore the hour. The hour has now +o!e. I a! &oin&9 to 2e handed over to My ene!ies and sa+ri i+ed or the sa)vation o every2ody. 'nd the 2ud o this )ower wi)) have not yet )ost its /eta)s9 a ter )owerin&9 when I sha)) 2e a)ready deadG9 so!e hide their a+es in their hands and so!e !oan as i they had 2een wounded. The Is+ariot is )ivid9 a2so)ute)y )ividN

E4hy does He say thatF %e+ause He is i!/ressedN and 2e+ause He wants to test us. %ut nothin& wi)) ha//en. In any +ase I wi)) &oNG E5hH yes. ,o and ind outHG says 'ndrew i!/)orin&. They 2e+o!e si)ent 2e+ause Jesus is o))owin& the! on+e a&ain9 wa)6in& 2etween His Mother and Mary o ')/haeus.

6 Mary s!i)es )i&ht)y 2e+ause Her sister@in@)aw shows Her so!e seeds9 &ot I do not 6now where9 and says to Her that she wants to sow the! at 8azareth9 a ter 1assover9 The irst to +o))e+t hi!se) is Tho!as who /ro+)ai!sI EThat wi)) not ha//en to ;ou <ust at the )itt)e &rotto so dear to MaryI E4hen ;ou were a )itt)e &ir)9 I a)ways re!e!@ 2e+ause we wi)) de end you or we wi)) die with ;ou9 and we wi)) thus show that we had 2er ;ou with these )owers in ;our )itt)e hands. ;ou +a))ed the! the )owers o ;our rea+hed ;ou in ;our /er e+tion and that we were /er e+t in )ovin& ;ou.G +o!in&. In a+t when ;ou were 2orn ;our &arden was u)) o the!9 and that evenin& when the who)e o 8azareth +a!e to see Joa+hi!'s dau&hter9 the +)usters o these )itt)e Jesus )oo6s at hi! without s/ea6in&. stars )oo6ed )i6e dia!onds 2e+ause o the water ro! the s6y and o the )ast ray o the %artho)o!ew a ter a )on& /ensive si)en+e saysI E;ou said that ;ou wi)) 2e handed sun that )it the! u/ whi)e settin&9 and sin+e ;our na!e was CStarD9 every2ody said overN %ut who +an hand ;ou over to ;our ene!iesF That is not !entioned in the )oo6in& at those tiny shinin& starsI CThe )owers have adorned the!se)ves to &ive a /ro/he+ies. 8o9 it is not !entioned. It wou)d 2e too dread u) i one o ;our riends9 one hearty we)+o!e to Joa+hi!'s )ower9 and the stars have )e t the s6y to +o!e to the StarD9 o ;our dis+i/)es9 one o ;our o))owers9 even the )ast one9 shou)d hand ;ou over to and they a)) s!i)ed9 ha//y with the o!en and with ;our ather's <oy. 'nd Jose/h9 !y those who hate ;ou. 8oH 8o one who has heard ;ou with )ove9 even i on)y on+e9 +an hus2and's 2rother9 saidI CStars and dro/s. She is rea))y MaryHD 4ho +ou)d have to)d +o!!it that +ri!e. They are !en9 not wi)d 2easts9 not de!onsN 8o9 !y Lord. 'nd not hi! then that ;ou were to 2e+o!e his starF even those who hate ;ou wi)) 2e a2)eN They are a raid o the /eo/)e9 and a)) the 4hen he +a!e 2a+6 ro! Jerusa)e!9 a ter 2ein& +hosen as ;our s/ouseF The who)e o /eo/)e wi)) 2e around ;ouHG 8azareth wanted to +e)e2rate the event with hi!9 2e+ause &reat was the honour that had Jesus )oo6s a)so at 8athanae) 2ut does not say anythin&. +o!e to hi! ro! Heaven and 2e+ause o his nu/tia)s with ;ou9 the dau&hter o Joa+hi! and 'nne9 and every2ody wanted to east with hi!. He 6ind)y 2ut ir!)y 1eter and the >ea)ot are ta)6in& ani!ated)y to ea+h other. Ja!es o >e2edee re/roa+hes re used a)) +e)e2rations9 a!azin& every2ody. %e+ause whi+h !an9 destined to su+h an his 2rother 2e+ause he sees that he is not u/set and John re/)iesI EIt's 2e+ause I have honoura2)e weddin& and 2y su+h a de+ree o the Most Hi&h9 wou)d not +e)e2rate the 6nown a)) that these )ast three !onthsG and two tears strea! down his a+e. The sons o ha//iness o his sou)9 )esh and 2)oodF %ut he used to sayI C' severe /re/aration is ')/haeus s/ea6 to Matthew who sha6es his head downhearted)y. re=uired or a &reat a//oint!ent.D 'nd with s/arin& use o words and ood9 2e+ause he had a)ways /ra+tised a)) other +ontinen+e9 he s/ent that ti!e wor6in& and /rayin&9 'ndrew says to the Is+ariotI CSin+e you have so !any riends in the Te!/)eND 2e+ause I 2e)ieve that every ha!!er@stro6e9 every +hise)@!ar6 2e+a!e a /rayer9 i it is EJohn 6nows 'nnas hi!se) G re/)ies Judas and he +on+)udesI E4hat +an we doF 4hat /ossi2)e to /ray wor6in&. His a+e was enra/tured. I used to &o to tidy u/ the house9 to +an the word o a !an do i that is destinedFG 2)ea+h sheets and a)) other thin&s )e t 2y ;our !other and whi+h had ye))owed with a&e9 and I used to wat+h hi! wor6in& in the 6it+hen &arden and in the house9 !a6in& E$o you rea))y thin6 soFG as6 Tho!as and 'ndrew to&ether. the! as 2eauti u) as i they had never 2een ne&)e+ted9 and I used to s/ea6 to hi!9 tooN E8o. I don't thin6 anythin&. They are use)ess a//rehensions. %artho)o!ew is ri&ht. ')) 2ut he was en&rossed in thou&ht. He used to s!i)e. 8ot at !e or at any2ody e)se9 2ut at the /eo/)e wi)) 2e around Jesus. ;ou +an a)ready see that 2y the 2ehaviour o those we a thou&ht o his9 that was not the thou&ht o every !an a2out to &et !arried. That is a !eet. 'nd it wi)) 2e a triu!/h. ;ou wi)) see that that is what wi)) ha//enG says Judas o s!i)e o !is+hievous sensua) /)easureN HeN see!ed to s!i)e at the invisi2)e an&e)s :erioth. o ,od9 and to s/ea6 to the! and to +onsu)t with the!N 5hH I a! sure they to)d hi! EIn that +ase why does HeNG says 'ndrew /ointin& at Jesus 4ho has sto//ed waitin& how to treat ;ouH %e+ause )ater J and this a!azed every2ody in 8azareth and a)!ost irritated !y ')/haeus J he /ut o the weddin& as )on& as /ossi2)e9 and we never or the wo!en. understood why he sudden)y !ade u/ his !ind 2e ore the i3ed ti!e. 'nd a)so when

5*5.The Thi d P "5he3( "- &he Passi"n. The Re?ues& "- @e6edee!s s"ns.


we heard ;ou were a !other9 how sur/rised was 8azareth at his +ontained <oyHN ')so !y Ja!es is so!ewhat )i6e that. 'nd he is 2e+o!in& so !ore and !ore. 8ow that I wat+h hi! +are u))y J I don't 6now why9 2ut sin+e we +a!e ro! 0/hrai! he see!s to have +han&ed +o!/)ete)y J I see hi! thusN <ust )i6e Jose/h. Loo6 at hi! even now9 Mary9 now that he turns round a&ain to )oo6 at us. $oes he not have the /ensive attitude so ha2itua) to ;our s/ouse Jose/hF He s!i)es9 2ut I do not 6now whether his s!i)e is a sad or va&ue one. He )oo6s9 2ut he see!s to 2e )oo6in& ar away9 2eyond us9 as Jose/h did so o ten. $o ;ou re!e!2er how ')/haeus used to tease hi!F He used to sayI C%rother9 are you sti)) )oo6in& at the /yra!idsFD He wou)d sha6e his head without s/ea6in&9 /atient and en&rossed in thou&ht. He was never ta)6ative. %ut when ;ou +a!e 2a+6 ro! He2ronH He did not even +o!e to the ountain 2y hi!se) any )on&er9 as he used to do and as every2ody does. He was either with ;ou or at his wor6. 'nd with the e3+e/tion o the Sa22aths9 when he went to the syna&o&ue9 or when he went so!ewhere on 2usiness9 no one +an say that they saw Jose/h )oiterin& a2out durin& those !onths. Then you went awayN How distressin& it was to have no news o you a ter the s)au&hterH ')/haeus went as ar as %eth)ehe!N CThey went awayD they said. %ut how +ou)d we 2e)ieve the!9 i they had a !orta) hatred o you in town9 where the inno+ent 2)ood was sti)) red and the ruins were sti)) s!o6in& and they 2)a!ed you or the 2)ood that had 2een shedF He went to He2ron and then to the Te!/)e9 2e+ause it was >a+harias' turn. 0)iza2eth &ave hi! nothin& 2ut her tears9 >a+harias on)y words o +o! ort. They were 2oth worried a2out John and earin& resh +rue)ties9 they had hidden hi! and tre!2)ed or hi!. They had no news o you and >a+harias said to ')/haeusI CI they are dead9 their 2)ood is on !e9 2e+ause I +onvin+ed the! to re!ain in %eth)ehe!.D My MaryH My Jesus so 2eauti u) at the 1assover a ter His 2irthH 'nd to have no news o ;ou or su+h a )on& ti!eH %ut why never any newsF NG E%e+ause it was 2etter to 2e si)ent. 4here we were9 there were !any Maries and Jose/hs9 and it was wise to 2e +onsidered as a nor!a) !arried +ou/)eG Mary re/)ies =uiet)y9 then with a si&h She saysI E'nd even in their sadness they were ha//y days. 0vi) was sti)) so ar awayH I as hu!an 2ein&s we )a+6ed so !any thin&s9 our s/irits were sated with the <oy o havin& ;ou9 My SonHG E;ou have ;our Son even now9 Mary. Jose/h is no )on&er with ;ou9 that is trueH %ut Jesus is here and with His u)) )ove o an adu)tG re!ar6s Mary o ')/haeus. Mary raises Her head to )oo6 at Jesus. ')thou&h Her )i/s s!i)e aint)y9 Her eyes revea) Her torture. %ut She does not utter another word.

Hi!. 's her desire to as6 or so!ethin& is o2vious9 Jesus as6s herI E4hat do you want9 wo!anF Te)) Me.G E,rant !e a &ra+e 2e ore ;ou &o away9 as ;ou say.G E4hi+hFG E'rran&e or these two sons o !ine9 who have )e t everythin& or ;our sa6e9 to sit one at ;our ri&ht hand and the other at ;our )e t9 when ;ou wi)) 2e sittin& in ;our &)ory9 in ;our :in&do!.G Jesus )oo6s at the wo!an and then at the two a/ost)es and He saysI E;ou have su&&ested this re=uest to your !other9 !isinter/retin& the /ro!ises I !ade yesterday. ;ou wi)) not re+eive in a 6in&do! on the 0arth the one hundred o)d o what you have )e t. So are you 2e+o!in& &reedy and oo)ish9 tooF %ut it is not your au)t. The !e/hiti+ twi)i&ht o dar6ness is a)ready advan+in& and the /o))uted air o Jerusa)e! is a//roa+hin& and is +orru/tin& and 2)indin& youN I te)) you that you do not 6now what you are as6in&H 7an you drin6 o the +u/ that I a! &oin& to drin6FG E4e +an9 Lord.G EHow +an you say so i you have not understood the 2itterness o My +u/F It wi)) not 2e on)y the 2itterness that I des+ri2ed to you yesterday9 the 2itterness o the Man o a)) sorrows. There wi)) 2e tortures that you wou)d not 2e in a /osition to understand even i I shou)d des+ri2e the! to youN 'nd yet9 yes9 a)thou&h you are sti)) )i6e two 2oys who do not 6now the va)ue o what they as69 as you are two <ust s/irits who )ove Me9 you wi)) +ertain)y drin6 o My +u/. %ut it is not or Me to &rant you to sit at My ri&ht or at My )e t. It is &ranted to those or who! it was /re/ared 2y My (ather.G 8 The other a/ost)es9 whi)e Jesus is sti)) s/ea6in&9 are very shar/ in +riti+isin& the re=uest o the sons o >e2edee and o their !other. 1eter says to JohnI EHow +ou)d youFH I no )on&er re+o&nise you or what you wereHG 'nd the Is+ariot with his de!onia+ s!i)e saysI ETru)y the irst are the )astH Sur/rises and dis+overies nowadaysNG and he )au&hs on the wron& side o his !outh. EHave we /erha/s o))owed our Master to 2e honouredFG as6s 1hi)i/ re/roa+hin&)y. Instead o re/)yin& to the two a/ost)es9 Tho!as addresses Sa)o!e sayin&I E4hy did you have your sons !orti iedF ;ou shou)d have /ondered on the !atter and /revented a)) that9 i they did not.G

7 The a/ost)es have sto//ed waitin& or the! and they a)) &ather to&ether9 in+)udin& Ja!es and John who were 2ehind with their !other. 'nd whi)e they rest a ter their )on& EThat is true. 5ur !other wou)d not have done thatG says Thaddeus. wa)6 and so!e eat a )itt)e 2read9 the !other o Ja!es and John a//roa+hes Jesus 4ho has not sat down9 an3ious as He is to set out a&ain9 and she /rostrates herse) 2e ore %artho)o!ew does not s/ea69 2ut his +ountenan+e eviden+es his disa//rova).

5*5.The Thi d P "5he3( "- &he Passi"n. The Re?ues& "- @e6edee!s s"ns.


In order to +a)! every2ody's indi&nation9 Si!on >ea)ot saysI E4e +an a)) !a6e !ista6esNG Matthew9 'ndrew and Ja!es o ')/haeus do not say anythin&9 2ut they are +)ear)y su erin& 2e+ause o the in+ident that in<ures John's 2eauti u) /er e+tion. Jesus !a6es a &esture to i!/ose si)en+e and saysI E4hatF Is one error &oin& to 2rin& a2out !anyF ;ou9 who are re/roa+hin& with indi&nation9 do you not rea)ise that you are +o!!ittin& a sin as we))F Leave these 2rothers o yours a)one. My re2u6e is su i+ient. Their hu!i)iation is evident9 and their re/entan+e is hu!2)e and sin+ere. ;ou !ust )ove one another9 su//ortin& one another. %e+ause none o you are yet /er e+t. ;ou !ust not i!itate the wor)d and the !en o the wor)d. In the wor)d9 as you are aware9 /rin+es )ord over their nations and their &reat !en e3ert their /ower in the na!es o the /rin+es. %ut that !ust not ha//en a!on& you. %ou #ust not be eager to lord over #en and your co#panions. *n the contrary anyone who wants to be great a#ong you #ust be your servant and anyone who wants to be first a#ong you #ust be everybody1s servant. 03a+t)y as your Master did. $id I +o!e to )ord over 1eo/)e and o//ress the!F 5r to 2e servedF 7ertain)y not. I ca#e to serve. Thus9 as the Son o !an did not +o!e to 2e served9 2ut to serve and &ive His )i e as a ranso! or !any9 you !ust do )i6ewise9 i you want to 2e as I a! and where I a!. ,o now. 'nd 2e at /ea+e with one another as I a! at /ea+e with you.G @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 9 Jesus says to !eI EMa6e the o))owin& senten+e very +)earI CN you wi)) +ertain)y drin6 o My +ha)i+eD. In trans)ations you readI CMy +ha)i+e.D I saidI Co My +ha)i+eD9 not CMy +ha)i+e.D No #an could have drun" !y chalice. I alone the Redee#er had to drin" all !y chalice. My dis+i/)es9 My i!itators and )overs9 are +ertain)y a))owed to drin6 o that +ha)i+e ro! whi+h I dran69 with re&ard to that dro/9 si/ or si/s9 that ,od's /redi)e+tion &rants the! to drin6. %ut no one wi)) ever drin6 a)) the +ha)i+e as I did. So it is ri&ht to say 'o My +ha)i+e' and not 'My +ha)i+e'.G

!ost)y thorny9 whi+h see! to have 2een thrown there ro! the rou&h !ountain 2ehind Jeri+ho9 Jesus !eets with a )ar&e &rou/ o dis+i/)es )ed 2y Manaen. They see! to 2e waitin&. They are9 in a+t9 and they say so a ter &reetin& the Master9 statin& that so!e !ore have &one a)on& other routes to &et in or!ation9 as the de)ay o a who)e ni&ht in arrivin& at Jeri+ho had worried the!. EI +a!e here with these. 'nd I wi)) not )eave ;ou any !ore unti) I see ;ou sa e with LazarusG says Manaen. E4hyF Is there any dan&erF...G as6s Judas Thaddeus. E;ou are in Judaea... ;ou are aware o the de+ree. 'nd o their hatred. So we !ust ear everythin&G re/)ies Manaen and turnin& towards Jesus he saysI EI 2rou&ht the stron&est !en with !e 2e+ause9 i they had not +au&ht ;ou9 we /resu!ed that ;ou wou)d +o!e this way. 'nd ta6in& into a++ount our worth as dis+i/)es and !en9 we +on ide in i!/ressin& the wi+6ed and havin& ;ou res/e+ted.G In a+t there are with hi! the e3@dis+i/)es o ,a!a)ie)9 John the /riest9 8i+o)aus o 'ntio+h9 John o 0/hesus9 and other stron& !en in the /ri!e o )i e9 !ore &ent)e!an)y )oo6in& than +o!!on /eo/)e9 who! I do not 6now. Manaen introdu+es so!e o the! =ui+6)y9 whi)e he does not introdu+e others. They are !en ro! a)) the re&ions in 1a)es@ tine9 and a!on& the! there are two ro! the +ourt o Herod 1hi)i/. Thus the na!es o the !ost an+ient a!i)ies in Israe) resound on the road near the ru )ed thi+6et9 where the )eaves o !i!osas =uiver in the wind and the hawthorns 2end their new shoots. ELet us &o. Is there no one with the wo!en9 at 8i6e'sFG as6s Jesus. EThe she/herds. ')) o the!9 e3+e/t Jonathan who is waitin& or Johanna in the !ansion in Jerusa)e!. 2 %ut ;our dis+i/)es have &rown e3+eedin&)y. They were a2out ive hundred waitin& or ;ou yesterday at Jeri+ho. So !u+h so that Herod's servants 2e+a!e u/set and in or!ed hi!. 'nd he did not 6now whether he shou)d tre!2)e or 2e /iti)ess. %ut he is haunted 2y the !e!ory o John and he dare no )on&er )i t his hand a&ainst any /ro/het...G E,oodH That wi)) do ;ou no har!HG e3+)ai!s 1eter and he ru2s his hands &)ad)y. E%ut he is the one who is worth )ess. He is an ido) that anyone +an !ove as one )i6es9 and those who have hi! in their hands 6now how to !ove hi!.G

58+. .ee&in4 -i&h &he Dis'i95es Led )/ .anaen and A!!i0a5 a& Je!i'h#.
$$&h .a!'h $9*8.

E'nd who has hi! in his handsF 1i)ate /erha/sFG as6s %artho)o!ew. E1i)ate does not need Herod to ta6e a+tion. Herod is a servant. The !i&hty ones do not a//)y to servantsG re/)ies Manaen. E4ho9 thenFG as6s %artho)o!ew. EThe Te!/)eG re/)ies reso)ute)y one who is with Manaen.

1 The white wa))s o the houses o Jeri+ho and its /a)!@trees are a)ready standin& out a&ainst the +era!i+ or ena!e) dee/ 2)ue o the s6y9 when9 near a thi+6et o ru )ed ta!aris6s9 o sensitive !i!osas9 o hawthorn with very )on& thorns9 o other /)ants

5*).'ee&in1 %i&h &he Dis3i52es Led 6( 'anaen and A i,a2 a& Je i3h".


E%ut Herod is anathe!a to the Te!/)e. His sin...G E8otwithstandin& your )earnin& and your a&e9 you are very naive9 %artho)o!ewH So do you not 6now that the Te!/)e +an over+o!e !any9 too !any thin&s to attain its o2<e+tsF That is why it does not deserve to e3ist any )on&erG says Manaen with a &esture o utter +onte!/t. E;ou are an Israe)ite. ;ou !ust not s/ea6 thus. The Te!/)e is a)ways the Te!/)e or usG says %artho)o!ew in an ad!onishin& tone. E8o. It is the +or/se o what it was. 'nd a +or/se turns into an un+)ean +arrion when it has 2een dead or a )on& ti!e. That is why ,od sent the )ivin& Te!/)e. That we !ay /rostrate ourse)ves 2e ore the Lord without /er or!in& an un+)ean /anto!i!e.G E%e =uietHG whis/ers to Manaen another !an who is with hi!9 as he s/ea6s too +)ear)y. He is one o those who were not introdu+ed and he is +o!/)ete)y enve)o/ed in his !ant)e. E4hy shou)d I 2e si)ent9 i !y heart s/ea6s thusF $o you thin6 that !y words !ay har! the MasterF I so9 I wi)) 2e =uiet. %ut or no other reason. 0ven i they shou)d +onde!n !e I wi)) sayI CThat is what I thin6 and /unish no one 2ut !e.DG

3 The !an who is a)) so +overed9 that on)y his dar6 very )ive)y eyes +an 2e seen and who warned Manaen not to s/ea6 too !u+h9 6nee)s down and ta6es Jesus' hand sayin&I E;ou are &ood9 Master. I have 2e+o!e a+=uainted with ;ou too )ate9 o 4ord o ,odH %ut sti)) in ti!e to )ove ;ou as ;ou deserve9 i not to serve ;ou as )on& as I wou)d have )i6ed9 as I wou)d )i6e now.G EIt is never too )ate or the hour o ,od. It +o!es at the ri&ht !o!ent. 'nd it &rants as !u+h ti!e to serve the Truth as one's wi)) desires.G E%ut who is heFG whis/er the a/ost)es to one another9 and they as6 the dis+i/)es9 2ut in vain. 8o one 6nows who he is or9 i they do9 they do not wish to te)). E4ho is he9 MasterFG as6s 1eter when he su++eeds in a//roa+hin& Jesus 4ho is wa)6in& in the !idd)e o the &rou/9 with the wo!en 2ehind Hi!9 the dis+i/)es ahead o Hi!9 His +ousins 2eside Hi! and the a/ost)es around Hi!. E' sou)9 Si!on. 8othin& !ore than that.G E%ut... +an ;ou trust hi!9 i ;ou do not 6now who he isFG EI 6now who he is. 'nd I 6now his heart.G

E'hH I seeH Just )i6e the Bei)ed wo!an at the 7)ear 4ater... I wi)) not as6 urther EManaen is ri&ht. 0nou&h o 2ein& si)ent or ear. It is ti!e or every !an to de+)are his =uestions...G and 1eter is ha//y 2e+ause Jesus9 !ovin& away ro! Ja!es9 draws hi! o/inion or or a&ainst the Master and to revea) what he has in his heart. I a! o your +)ose to Hi!se) . o/inion9 2rother in Jesus. 'nd i that shou)d 2rin& a2out our death9 we sha)) die to&ether sti)) /ro essin& the truthG says Ste/hen with trans/ort. 4 They are now at Jeri+ho. ' +rowd o /eo/)e sin&in& hosannas rush out o the &ate and Jesus +an /ro+eed with di i+u)ty to +ross the town &oin& to 8i6e's house9 whi+h is out E%e wiseH %e very wiseHG says %artho)o!ew ad!onishin& the!. EThe Te!/)e is o Jeri+ho on the other side. 1eo/)e i!/)ore Hi! to s/ea6. 7hi)dren are )i ted u/ as i to a)ways the Te!/)e. It !ay !a6e !ista6es9 it is +ertain)y not /er e+t9 2ut it is... it is... or! a )ivin& i!/assa2)e 2arrier9 re)yin& on Jesus' )ove or )itt)e ones. 1eo/)e shoutI %ut a ter ,od there is no &reater /erson9 no &reater /ower than the Hi&h 1riest and the E;ou +an s/ea6. He has a)ready )ed to Jerusa)e!.G and with those words &estures are Sanhedrin... They re/resent ,odM and we !ust see what they re/resent9 not what they !ade towards Herod's 2eauti u) /a)a+e9 whi+h is now +)osed. are. '! I wron&9 MasterFG Manaen +on ir!sI EIt is true. He went away durin& the ni&ht9 noise)ess)y. He is a raid.G E;ou are not wron&. In every esta2)ish!ent one !ust see its ori&in9 in this +ase the 0terna) (ather9 4ho +onstituted the Te!/)e and the hierar+hies9 the rites and the authority o the !en a//ointed to re/resent it. 4e !ust re er <ud&e!ent to the (ather. He 6nows when and how to intervene9 and what a+tion to ta6e so that +orru/tion9 2y s/readin&9 !ay not +onta!inate a)) !en and !a6e the! dou2t ,od... 'nd Manaen is ri&ht with re&ard to that9 as he has seen the reason or My +o!in& at the /resent hour. It is a)so ne+essary or you9 %artho)o!ew9 to !oderate your u)tra@+onservatis! 2y !eans o the innovatin& s/irit o Manaen9 so that the !easure !ay 2e <ust and ee)in&s /er e+t. 0very e3+ess is a)ways har! u)I to hi! who a++o!/)i+es it9 to hi! who su ers it9 or to hi! who noti+es it 2ein& s+anda)ised and9 i he is not an honest sou)9 !a6in& use o it to in or! a&ainst his 2rothers. %ut that is an a+tion o 7ain9 and wi)) not 2e a++o!/)ished 2y the +hi)dren o the Li&ht9 as it is the wor6 o $ar6ness.G %ut nothin& sto/s Jesus. He /ro+eeds sayin&I E1ea+eH 1ea+eH Let those who are su erin& or &rieved +o!e to 8i6e's house. Let those who wish to hear Me +o!e to Jerusa)e!. I a! the 1i)&ri! here. Just )i6e a)) o you. I wi)) s/ea6 in the house o the (ather. 1ea+eH 1ea+e and 2)essin&sH 1ea+eHG It is a)ready a )itt)e triu!/h9 a /re)ude to the entran+e into Jerusa)e!9 now so +)ose at hand. I a! astonished at >a++haeus' a2sen+e unti) I see hi! standin& at the entran+e o 8i6e's /ro/erty a!on& his riends with the she/herds and the wo!en dis+i/)es. They a)) run towards Jesus and /rostrate the!se)ves9 then they es+ort Hi! whi)e He9 2)essin& the!9 /ro+eeds throu&h the or+hard towards the hos/ita2)e house.

5**. 8i&h S".e An9n"%n Dis3i52es.


588. ;i&h S#(e Cn<n#-n Dis'i95es.

It was /ointed out to !e one day that in 1a)estine it is not +usto!ary to &o a2out 2are@ headed and that +onse=uent)y I a! wron& in sayin& that Jesus' 2are air@haired head $5&h .a!'h $9*8. shines in the sunshine. It !ay 2e very true that in 1a)estine it is not /ossi2)e to &o a2out 1 ' )ar&e nu!2er o /eo/)e have +rowded on 8i6e's !eadows9 where the hay is dryin& 2are@headed. I have never 2een there and I do not 6now. 4hat I 6now is that Jesus in the sun. 'nd two heavy ti)ted wa&ons are waitin& near the !eadows. 'nd I rea)ise usua))y does not wear any head&ear. 'nd i at the 2e&innin& o a <ourney He has any on9 why they are waitin& when I see a)) the wo!en dis+i/)es 2ein& )ed towards the! and He soon ta6es it o 9 as i He were i!/atient o en+u!2ran+es9 and He +arries it in His &et on the! a ter the Master has 2)essed and dis!issed the!. ')so the %)essed Bir&in hand9 usin& it9 !ore than anythin& e)se9 to wi/e the dust and /ers/iration ro! His a+e. &oes away with the other wo!en dis+i/)es9 and a)so the youn& !an ro! 0non <oins 4hen it rains9 He +overs His head with the ed&e o His !ant)e. In stron& sunshine9 the!9 whi)e !any dis+i/)es /)a+e the!se)ves at the sides o the wa&ons and9 when the /arti+u)ar)y when He is on the way to so!e /)a+e9 He )oo6s or the shade o rows o )atter !ove o at the s)ow /a+e o the o3en9 a)so the dis+i/)es set out. The a/ost)es9 trees9 even i they are not +)ose to one another9 to /rote+t Hi!se) ro! sun2ea!s. %ut >a++haeus and his riends re!ain on the !eadows with a s!a)) &rou/ o /ersona&es9 a)) He hard)y ever wears a )i&ht vei) on His head as He is doin& today. This +o!!ent !ay enve)o/ed in their !ant)es9 as i they did not want to 2e re+o&nised. see! use)ess to so!e /eo/)e9 2ut it is a)so /art o what I see and I !ention it whi)e Jesus is thin6in&... 2 Jesus s)ow)y retra+es His ste/s towards the !idd)e o the !eadow and sits on a hea/ o ha) @dry hay9 whi+h wi)) soon 2e ta6en to the hay@)o t. He is en&rossed in thou&ht9 3 EIt wi)) hurt Hi! to stay there so )on&HG e3+)ai!s one who 2e)on&s to a &rou/ that is and every2ody res/e+ts His +on+entration9 re!ainin& in three di erent &rou/s9 a )itt)e neither the a/osto)i+ one nor >a++haeus'. aside ro! Hi! and ro! one another. ELet us &o and te)) His dis+i/)es... (urther... I wou)d )i6e... I wou)d not )i6e to 2e The !editation is /ro)on&ed and so is the wait. The sun 2e+o!es stron&er and stron&er de)ayed too )on&G re/)ies another !an. and 2)azes down on the !eadow that s!e))s stron&)y o dryin& ste!s. Those who are waitin& ta6e she)ter at the ed&es o the !eadow9 where the )ast trees o the or+hard +ast E0hH ;es. The 'du!!i! !ountains are not very sa e 2y ni&ht...G a re reshin& shade. They &o towards the a/ost)es and s/ea6 to the!. Jesus re!ains a)one. ')one in the sun that is a)ready stron&9 a)) white in His )inen tuni+ and in the head&ear o )i&ht 2yssus that 2)ows )i&ht)y in the 2reeze. 1erha/s it is the one woven 2y Synty+he. The s)ow /)aintive 2e))owin& o +ows +an 2e heard ro! a near2y sta2)e9 and the +hirru/in& o nest)in&s ro! the 2ran+hes o the trees in the or+hard and ro! the threshin&@ )oorsI the +hir/in& o )ed&)in&s and the /ee/in& o +hee6y +hi+6s. The )i e that +ontinues 2ein& renewed at ea+h s/rin&ti!e. $oves are whee)in& hi&h a2ove9 2e ore &oin& 2a+6 to their nest with stead ast )i&hts. I do not 6now whether in 8i6e's near2y house9 or in so!e ie)d9 a wo!an is sin&in& a )u))a2y9 and the thin voi+e o the +hi)d9 at irst shri)) and tre!2)in&9 )i6e the 2)eatin& o a )a!29 &rows aint and then is si)ent... Jesus is /ensive. He is sti)) !editatin&. ')ways. Insensi2)e to the sun. I have o ten noted the e3+e/tiona) resistan+e o our 2)essed Jesus to the ri&ours o the seasons. I have never understood whether He e)t heat and +o)d severe)y and endured the! without +o!/)ainin&9 out o s/irit o !orti i+ation9 or whether9 as He do!inated un+he+6ed e)e!ents9 He a)so do!inated e3+essive heat and +o)d. I do not 6now. I 6now that9 a)thou&h I have seen Hi! wet to the s6in in down/ours and wet with /ers/iration in do&@days9 I have never noti+ed any &esture o dis+o! ort in Hi! owin& to heat or +o)d9 neither have I seen Hi! ta6e those /re+autionary !easures that !en usua))y ta6e a&ainst the e3+esses o sun or rost. E')) ri&ht. I wi)) &o and te)) the! that you want to &o awayG says the Is+ariot. E8o. 8ot thus. 4e wou)d )i6e to 2e at )east at 0n@She!esh 2e ore dar6.G Judas &oes away s!i)in& ironi+a))y. He 2ends over the Master and says to Hi!I EThey say that it is 2e+ause the sun !ay hurt ;ou J 2ut the truth is that they !ay 2e hurt 2y 2ein& noti+ed too !u+h J 2ut the Jews want to 2e dis!issed.G EI a! +o!in&... I was thin6in&... They are ri&htG and Jesus stands u/. E0very2ody9 e3+e/t !e...G &ru!2)es the Is+ariot. Jesus )oo6s at hi! and is si)ent. They &o to&ether towards those !en who! Judas has +a))ed Jews. EI had a)ready dis!issed a)) o you. I to)d you yesterday. I wi)) s/ea6 on)y in Jerusa)e!...G EThat is true. %ut the a+t is that we shou)d )i6e to s/ea6 to ;ou9 we who... 4e +an s/ea6 to you /rivate)y.G ESatis y the!. They are a raid o us9 or9 !ore e3a+t)y9 o !eG says Judas o :erioth a&ain9 with his veno!ous s!i)e.

5**. 8i&h S".e An9n"%n Dis3i52es.


E4e are not a raid o any2ody. I we wanted we 6new how to /rote+t our tran=ui))ity. %ut they are not a)) +owards yet in 1a)estine. 4e are des+endants o $avid's va)iant !en9 and i you are not yet des/ised and a s)ave9 you !ust /ay ho!a&e to our sto+69 the irst 2y the ho)y 6in&'s side9 the irst 2y the Ma++a2ees' side. 'nd the irst even now9 when honour and advi+e are to 2e &iven to the Son o $avid. %e+ause He is &reat. %ut every +reature9 no !atter how &reat one !ay 2e9 !ay need a riend in the +ru+ia) hours o )i eG re/)ies /assionate)y one who is a)) +)othed with )inen &ar!ents9 in+)udin& his !ant)e and head&ear9 whi+h +overs a)!ost a)) his severe a+e. EHe has us as riends. 4e have 2een su+h or three years9 sin+e you...G

testi y9 2e+ause I wi)) not <usti y Myse) with words that a)so a )iar +an s/ea69 a)) Israe) +an testi y that I have a)ways tau&ht /eo/)e to res/e+t the Law9 nay9 even !oreI that I /er e+ted o2edien+e to the Law9 and the Sa22aths have not 2een /ro aned 2y Me... 5 4hat do you want to sayF S/ea6 u/H ;ou !ade a &esture and then you sto//ed. S/ea6 u/HG 5ne o the... !ysterious )itt)e &rou/ saysI ELord9 at the )ast session o the Sanhedrin they read a denun+iation a&ainst ;ou. It +a!e ro! Sa!aria9 ro! 0/hrai!9 where ;ou were9 and it stated that it had 2een /roved that ;ou had vio)ated the Sa22ath severa) ti!es and...G

E4e did not 6now Hi!. Too o ten we were de+eived 2y a)se Messiahs to 2e)ieve every E'nd I re/)y to you on+e a&ain with Jo2I C'nd what is the ho/e o the hy/o+rite i he assertion readi)y. %ut the )atest events have en)i&htened us. His deeds are the deeds o stea)s out o avari+e9 and ,od does not ree his sou)FD This wret+h9 who shows one a+e ,od9 and we say that He is the Son o ,od.G and has a di erent heart and wants to +o!!it the &reat ro22ery out o envy o My we) are9 is a)ready on the road to He))9 and it wi)) 2e o no use or hi! to have !oney9 E'nd do you thin6 that He is in need o youFG and ho/e or honours9 and drea! to as+end where I did not want to &o9 in order not to E's the Son o ,od9 no. %ut as the Man9 yes. He has +o!e to 2e the Man. 'nd the Man 2etray the ho)y $e+ree. Sha)) we 2usy ourse)ves with hi!9 2ut to /ray or hi!FG a)ways needs !en9 His 2rothers. In any +ase9 why are you a raidF 4hy do you not want E%ut the Sanhedrin has derided ;ou sayin&I CHere is the Sa!aritans' )ove or Hi!H us to s/ea6F Te)) us.G They a++use Hi! to in&ratiate the!se)ves with us.DG EMeF S/ea6H ;ou !ay s/ea6H 1eo/)e )isten !ore to sinners than to <ust !en.G E're you sure that it was a Sa!aritan hand that wrote those wordsFG EJudasH I thou&ht that su+h words shou)d ee) )i6e ire on your )i/sH How dare you <ud&e E8o. %ut Sa!aria was severe with ;ou durin& the /ast days...G when your Master does not <ud&eF It is writtenI CI your sins were )i6e s+ar)et9 they sha)) 2e+o!e as white as snow9 and i they were as red as +ri!son9 they sha)) 2e as E%e+ause the !essen&ers o the Sanhedrin su2verted and roused the /eo/)e with a)se white as woo).DG advi+e9 e3+itin& oo)ish ho/es that I had to de!o)ish. In any +ase it is said o 0/hrai! and o Judah9 and it +an 2e said o every /)a+e9 2e+ause in+onstant is the heart o !an E%ut ;ou are not aware that a!on& these...G who or&ets avours and yie)ds to threatsI C;our &oodness is )i6e !ornin& !ist9 )i6e dew that disa//ears in the !ornin&.D %ut that does not /rove that they9 the Sa!aritans9 E%e si)entH 4 Let the! s/ea6.G are the a++users o the Inno+ent. ' wron& )ove !ade the! urious a&ainst Me9 2ut it is ELord9 we 6now. The +har&e a&ainst ;ou is ready. They a++use ;ou o vio)atin& the )ove that is de)irious. 6 4hi+h other /roo /roves the +har&e o /re eren+e or the Law and the Sa22aths9 o )ovin& the /eo/)e o Sa!aria !ore than us9 o de endin& Sa!aritansFG /u2)i+ans and /rostitutes9 o havin& re+ourse to %ee)ze2u2 and to other evi) /owers9 o E;ou are a++used o )ovin& the! so !u+h that ;ou a)ways sayI CListen9 Israe)D9 instead 2)a+6 !a&i+9 o hatin& the Te!/)e and wantin& to destroy it9 o ...G o sayin&I CListen9 JudahD. 'nd that ;ou +annot re/roa+h Judah...G EThat is enou&h. 'ny2ody +an !a6e +har&es9 2ut it is !ore di i+u)t to /rove the E.ea))yF Is it there that the wisdo! o the ra22is &ets )ostF '! I not the %ran+h o +har&e.G <usti+e s/routed ro! $avid and throu&h whi+h9 as Jere!iah says9 Judah wi)) 2e savedF E%ut a!on& the! there are those who su//ort it. $o ;ou thin6 that they are <ust in The 1ro/het oresees that Judah9 a2ove a)) Judah9 wi)) then need sa)vation. 'nd this thereFG %ran+h9 says the 1ro/het a&ain9 wi)) 2e +a))ed the Lord9 our Just 5ne C2e+ause9 says the Lord9 $avid sha)) never )a+6 a !a)e des+endant to sit on the throne o the house o EI sha)) re/)y to you with the words o Jo29 who is a i&ure o the 1atient Man who I Israe).D So whatF Has the 1ro/het !ade a !ista6eF 4as he drun6F 4ith whatF a!I C(ar ro! !e the thou&ht o +onsiderin& a)) o you <ust. %ut I wi)) !aintain !y inno+en+e unti) the end9 I wi)) not &ive u/ !y <usti i+ation whi+h I have 2e&un9 2e+ause 7ertain)y with /enan+e and nothin& e)se. %e+ause no one +an !aintain that Jere!iah was a &uzz)er9 in order to a++use Me. 'nd yet he says that the %ran+h o $avid wi)) !y +ons+ien+e does not re/roa+h !e or anythin& in a)) !y )i e.D 8ow9 a)) Israe) +an

5**. 8i&h S".e An9n"%n Dis3i52es.


save Judah and sit on the throne o Israe). So one shou)d say that the en)i&htened 1ro/het sees that Israe) rather than Judah wi)) 2e e)e+ted9 that the :in& wi)) &o to Israe)9 and that it wi)) 2e a &ra+e i Judah re+eives on)y sa)vation. So wi)) it 2e +a))ed the :in&do! o Israe)F 8o. It will be called the =ingdo# of ,hrist. 5 Hi! 4ho <oins the s+attered /arts and re2ui)ds in the Lord9 a ter havin&9 a++ordin& to the other 1ro/het9 in a !onth J what a! I sayin& in a !onthF J in )ess than one day9 <ud&ed and +onde!ned the three a)se she/herds and +)osed My sou) to the! 2e+ause their sou)s re!ained +)osed to Me9 and a)thou&h they desired Me in i&ure they did not )ove Me in 8ature. 8ow He 4ho sent Me and &ave Me the two staves wi)) 2rea6 2oth9 so that ,ra+e !ay 2e )ost or +rue) /eo/)e9 and the S+our&e !ay +o!e ro! the wor)d9 not ro! Heaven. And nothing is #ore painful than the scourges that #en use for #en. It wi)) 2e so. 5hH soH I sha)) 2e stru+6 and two thirds o the shee/ wi)) 2e s+attered. 5n)y one third9 a)ways one third on)y9 wi)) 2e saved and wi)) /ersevere unti) the end. And this third part will pass through the fire through which I shall be the first to pass and it will be purified and tested li"e silver and gold and it will be said to it( /%ou are !y people0 and it will say to !e( /%ou are #y 2ord0. 'nd there wi)) 2e who wei&hs the thirty she6e)s9 the /ri+e o the dread u) deed9 the ou) wa&es. 'nd they wi)) no )on&er 2e a2)e to &o 2a+6 in ro! where they +a!e out9 2e+ause a)so the stones wou)d +ry with horror seein& those she6e)s9 stained with the 2)ood o the Inno+ent and with the /ers/iration o Hi! 4ho wi)) 2e /erse+uted 2y the !ost vio)ent des/eration9 and they wi)) serve9 as it was said9 to 2uy the ie)d or orei&ners ro! the s)aves o %a2y)on. 5hH the ie)d or orei&nersH $o you 6now who they areF Those o Judah and Israe)9 those who soon9 or a&es9 wi)) have no ather)and any !ore. 8ot even the earth o their an+ient soi) wi)) re+eive the!. It wi)) vo!it the! out even when they are dead9 2e+ause they wanted to re/e) the Li e. How horri2)eH...G 7 Jesus 2e+o!es si)ent9 as i He were o//ressed9 with His head )owered. He then raises it9 )oo6s round9 He sees those who are /resentI the a/ost)es9 the se+ret dis+i/)es9 >a++haeus and his riends. He si&hs )i6e one who awa6es ro! a ni&ht!are. He saysI E4hat e)se were you sayin&F 'hH that I a! a++used o )ovin& /u2)i+ans and /rostitutes. That is true. They are si+69 they are dyin&. I9 the Li e9 &ive Myse) to the! as )i e. 7o!e9 My redee!ed )o+6G He says to >a++haeus and his riends. E7o!e and )isten to My order. To !any9 who were whiter than you are9 I saidI C$o not +o!e to Jerusa)e!D. To you I sayI C7o!eD. This !ay see! to 2e un air...G EIt is in a+tG says the Is+ariot interru/tin& Hi!. Jesus ei&ns He has not heard hi!. He +ontinues to s/ea6 to >a++haeus and his +o!/anions sayin& to those enve)o/ed in their !ant)esI E%ut I say to youI +o!e9 2e+ause you are /)ants that need dew !ore than others9 so that your &ood wi)) !ay 2e assisted 2y the Mi&hty (ather and you !ay now &row ree)y in ,ra+e. 4ith re&ard to other !atters... Heaven itse) wi)) re/)y 2y !eans o un!ista6a2)e si&ns. The )ivin& Te!/)e !ay rea))y 2e destroyed9 and re2ui)t in three days9 and orever. %ut the dead

Te!/)e9 whi+h wi)) on)y 2e sha6en and wi)) thin6 that is has won9 wi)) /erish never to rise a&ain. ,oH 'nd 2e not a raid. 4ait or My day9 doin& /enan+e9 and its dawn wi)) 2rin& you to the Li&ht de inite)y.G He then says to >a++haeusI E;ou !ay a)) &o as we)). %ut not now. %e in Jerusa)e! at the dawn o the day a ter the Sa22ath. %eside the <ust I want those who have 2een raised a&ain9 because in the =ingdo# of the ,hrist there are innu#erable seats. As #any as the #en of good will.G 'nd He sets out towards 8i6e's house throu&h a thi+6 shady or+hard. 8 ' )itt)e /ath is )i6e a ye))owish ri22on on the &reen &round and a +)u+6in& hen +rosses it with her &o)den@hued +hi+6ens and the ti!orous !other9 in the /resen+e o so !any stran&ers9 +rou+hes and s/reads out her win&s to de end the! +)u+6in& )ouder9 earin& dan&er or her )itt)e ones. 'nd they rush and hide under the !aterna) eathers /ee/in& unti) they ee) sa e9 and do not see! to e3ist any !ore... Jesus sto/s to +onte!/)ate her... and tears strea! ro! His eyes. EHe is wee/in&H 4hy is He wee/in&F He is wee/in&HG they a)) whis/erI the a/ost)es9 dis+i/)es and redee!ed sinners. 'nd 1eter says to JohnI E's6 Hi! why He is wee/in&...G 'nd John9 in his usua) attitude9 )i&ht)y 2ent out o res/e+t9 )oo6in& u/ at Hi!9 as6sI E4hy are ;ou wee/in&9 !y LordF 1erha/s 2e+ause o what ;ou were to)d and what ;ou said /revious)yFG Jesus rouses Hi!se) 9 He s!i)es sad)y and /ointin& at the hen9 whi+h is sti)) /rote+tin& her o s/rin& with )ove9 He saysI EI a)so9 5ne with My (ather9 saw Jerusa)e!9 as 0ze6ie) said9 na6ed and sha!e u). I saw her and /assed +)ose to her9 and when the ti!e +a!e9 the ti!e o My )ove9 I s/read My !ant)e on her and I +overed her na6edness. I wanted to !a6e her =ueen a ter 2ein& her ather9 and to /rote+t her9 as that hen is /rote+tin& her )itt)e ones... %ut9 whi)st the 2rood are &rate u) or the attention o their !other and ta6e she)ter under her win&s9 Jerusa)e! re uses My !ant)e... %ut I wi)) /ersevere in My /)an o )ove... I... My (ather9 )ater9 wi)) a+t a++ordin& to His wi)).G 'nd Jesus &oes on to the &rass in order not to distur2 the 2roodin&@hen and He /asses 2y9 and tears strea! down His /a)e sorrow u) a+e on+e a&ain. They a)) i!itate Hi!9 o))owin& His ste/s and whis/erin& unti) they arrive at the thresho)d o 8i6e's house. 5n)y Jesus &oes in with the a/ost)es and the others /ro+eed to their destinations...

5*/.P "5he3( "n Is ae2. 'i a32es 8" 9ed Du in1 &he J"u ne( - ". Je i3h" &" 0e&han(.


58%. P!#9he'/ #n Is!ae5. .i!a'5es ;#!<ed Du!in4 &he J#u!ne/ 1!#( every2ody that I 6now the hearts o !en. ;ou9 a !e!2er o the Sanhedrin and won over to the Truth9 have ound out so!ethin& that you +annot 2ear 2y yourse) 9 2e+ause it Je!i'h# &# 3e&han/.
is too &reat. 'nd you went to these true Judaeans whose s/irits are on)y &ood9 to +onsu)t with the!. ;ou did the ri&ht thin&9 a)thou&h it wi)) 2e to no avai). The )ast o the Hasidaeans wou)d 2e ready to re/eat the &esture o his an+estors in order to serve the 1 It is day2rea6 and its whiteness is shadin& into the ear)y /in6 hue o dawn. The resh true Li2erator. 'nd he is not the on)y one. ')so his re)ative %arzi))ai wou)d do so and si)en+e o the +ountry is 2ro6en !ore and !ore and is adorned with the tri))s o the !any !ore with hi!. 'nd Johanna's 2rothers or My sa6e and or the sa6e o their awa6ened 2irds. sister9 and a)so o their (ather)and9 wou)d <oin hi!. %ut I sha)) not triu!/h 2y !eans o Jesus is the irst to +o!e out o 8i6e's house9 He si)ent)y sets the door a<ar and turns His )an+es and swords. 0nter the Truth +o!/)ete)y. My triu!/h wi)) 2e a +e)estia) one. ste/s towards the &reen or+hard resoundin& with the )i!/id notes o 2)a+6+a/s and the 2 ;ou J and this !a6es you even !ore /a)e and e!a+iated than usua) J you 6now who )ute@)i6e son& o 2)a+62irds. /resented the witnesses or the /erse+ution a&ainst Me9 the witnesses who9 whi)e they %ut 2e ore He arrives there our /eo/)e +o!e ro! it towards Hi!. (our o those who are a)se in their s/irits9 are truth u) with re&ard to the !ateria) !eanin& o their words9 were in the un6nown &rou/ yesterday and who had never un+overed their a+es. They 2e+ause I did in rin&e the Sa22ath when I had to )ee9 as My hour had not yet +o!e9 and /rostrate the!se)ves to the &round9 and at Jesus' order and at the =uestion He as6s the!9 when I saved two inno+ents ro! the hi&hway!en9 and I +ou)d say that ne+essity a ter &reetin& the! with His sa)utation o /ea+eI EStand u/H 4hat do you want o MeFG <usti ied the a+tions as ne+essity <usti ied $avid or eatin& the +onse+rated 2read. It is they stand u/9 throw their !ant)es 2ehind their 2a+6s and /ush 2a+6 their )inen true that I too6 she)ter in Sa!aria9 a)thou&h9 when My hour +a!e and the Sa!aritans head&ears9 with whi+h they had hidden their a+es9 as do %edouins. su&&ested that I shou)d re!ain with the! as their 1onti 9 I re used honours and sa ety I re+o&nise the thin /a)e a+e o Joe) o '2i<ah9 the s+ri2e seen in the vision o Sa2ea. I to re!ain aith u) to the Law9 even i that !eans handin& Myse) to My ene!ies. It is do not 6now the others unti) they !ention their na!esI EI9 Judas o %eth@Horon9 the )ast true that I )ove sinners and /rostitutes to the e3tent o tearin& the! away ro! sin. It is true that I /rea+h the ruin o the Te!/)e9 even i these words o Mine are nothin& 2ut o the true Hasidaeans9 the riends o Mattathias the 's!onaeanGM EI9 0)ie)9 and !y the Messiah's +on ir!ation o the words o His /ro/hets. He who !a6es these and other 2rother 0)6anah ro! %eth)ehe! in Judah9 the 2rothers o Johanna9 ;our dis+i/)e9 and +har&es and turns a)so !ira+)es into indi+t!ents9 and has !ade use o everythin& on the we have no &reater tit)e than that. 4e were a2sent when ;ou were stron&9 we are 0arth to try to indu+e Me to sin and 2e a2)e to add urther +har&es to the /revious ones9 /resent now that ;ou are /erse+utedGM EI9 Joe) o '2i<ah9 whose eyes have 2een 2)ind is one o My riends. That a)so was said 2y the 6in& /ro/het9 ro! who! I des+end or so )on&9 2ut are now o/en to the Li&ht.G throu&h My MotherI CHe who shared #y bread raised his heel against #e.D I 6now. I EI had a)ready dis!issed you. 4hat do you want o MeFG wou)d die twi+e i I +ou)d9 not to /revent hi! ro! +o!!ittin& the +ri!e J 2y nowN his wi)) has surrendered to $eath9 and ,od does not do vio)en+e to !an's reedo! J 2ut ETo te)) ;ou thatN i we are +overed u/9 it is not 2e+ause o ;ou9 2utNG says 0)ie). i at )eastN ohH i at )east the torture o the horri2)e deed a++o!/)ished wou)d !a6e E7o!e onH S/ea6 u/HG hi! re/ent at ,od's eetN That is why you9 Judas o %eth@Horon9 yesterday ad!onished Manaen to 2e =uiet. %e+ause the sna6e was /resent and he !i&ht have E%ut Joe)9 you had 2etter s/ea69 2e+ause you are the !ost in or!edG da!a&ed the dis+i/)e9 2esides the Master. 8o. 5n)y the Master wi)) 2e stru+6. %e not ELord 4hat I 6now is soN horri2)eN I wou)d not )i6e even the +)ods o earth to hear9 a raid. It wi)) not 2e 2e+ause o Me that you wi)) have su erin&s and !is ortunes9 2ut to 6now what I a! a2out to sayNG 2e+ause o the +ri!e o a who)e /o/u)ation you wi)) a)) have what the /ro/hets said.
$8&h .a!'h $9*8.

EThe +)ods wi)) rea))y 2e start)ed9 2ut I sha)) not. %e+ause I 6now what you want to say. %ut s/ea6 <ust the sa!eNG EI ;ou 6nowN do not )et !y )i/s tre!2)e sayin& su+h a dread u) thin&. It is not the +ase that I thin6 that ;ou are )yin& sayin& that ;ou 6now and that ;ou want !e to s/ea6 to in or! ;ou9 2ut <ust 2e+auseNG E;es. %e+ause it is a thin& that +ries to the Lord. %ut I wi)) !ention it to /ersuade

3 5hH My !isera2)e (ather)andH Misera2)e )and that wi)) e3/erien+e the /unish!ent o ,odH Misera2)e inha2itants and +hi)dren who! I now 2)ess and I wou)d )i6e to 2e saved9 and who9 a)thou&h inno+ent9 when adu)ts9 wi)) su er the torture o the &reatest !is ortune. Loo6 at this )and o yoursI )ourishin&9 2eauti u)9 &reen and )owery )i6e a wonder u) +ar/et9 as erti)e as 0denN I!/ress its 2eauty on your hearts9 and thenN when I sha)) have &one 2a+6 when+e I +a!eN run away. Run away while you can 2e ore the deso)ation o ruin9 )i6e a he))ish ury9 s/reads here de!o)ishin& and

5*/.P "5he3( "n Is ae2. 'i a32es 8" 9ed Du in1 &he J"u ne( - ". Je i3h" &" 0e&han(.


destroyin&9 !a6in& everythin& steri)e and 2urnin& !ore than ha//ened at ,o!orrah9 !ore than ha//ened at Sodo!N ;es9 !ore than there9 where it was nothin& 2ut =ui+6 death. HereN Joe)9 do you re!e!2er Sa2eaF (or the )ast ti!e she /ro/hesied the uture o ,od's /eo/)e who did not want the Son o ,od.G The our !en are du!2 ounded. The ear o the uture !a6es the! du!2. 0)ie) at )ast saysI E4hat do ;ou advise us to doFNG E;es. &o. There wi)) 2e nothin& )e t here worthy o detainin& the +hi)dren o '2raha!'s /eo/)e. 5n the other hand9 you nota2)es o the /eo/)e in /arti+u)ar9 wou)d not 2e )e t hereN The !i&hty ones !ade /risoners e!2e))ish the triu!/h o the vi+tor. The new and i##ortal Te#ple will fill the )arth with itself and every #an see"ing !e will have !e because I shall be wherever a heart loves !e. ,o. Ta6e your wo!en9 sons and the o)d ones awayN ;ou are o erin& Me sa)vation and he)/. I advise you to save yourse)ves9 and I he)/ you 2y !eans o this advi+eN $o not disre&ard it.G E%ut nowN what &reater har! +an .o!e do usF 4e are do!inated. 'nd i her )aw is a hard one9 it is a)so true that .o!e has re2ui)t houses and towns andNG E.ea))y9 you had 2etter 6now that not one stone wi)) 2e )e t inta+t in Jerusa)e!. (ire9 2atterin&@ra!s9 +ata/u)ts9 s/ears wi)) 6no+6 down9 de!o)ish9 destroy every house and the ho)y 7ity wi)) 2e+o!e a +avern9 and wi)) not 2e the on)y oneN 5ur (ather)and wi)) 2e+o!e a +avern. The &razin& &round o ona&ers and <a+6a)s9 as the /ro/hets say. And not for one or #ore years or for ages but forever. The desert aridity sterility6 That is the destiny of this land! The field of contentions the place of torture the drea# of reconstruction always destroyed by an infle7ible sentence atte#pts at resurrection stifled at birth. The destiny of the 2and that re5ected the .aviour and wanted a dew that is fire on culprits.G 4 ESoN wi)) there never a&ain 2e a :in&do! o Israe)F Sha)) we never a&ain 2e what we drea!edFG as6 the three Jewish nota2)es in /antin& voi+es. Joe)9 the s+ri2e9 is wee/in&N EHave you ever wat+hed an o)d tree whose !edu))a has 2een destroyed 2y diseaseF (or years it ve&etates with di i+u)ty9 with so !u+h di i+u)ty that it neither 2)osso!s nor yie)ds ruit. 5n)y rare )eaves on the worn out 2ran+hes revea) that there is sti)) a )itt)e )y!/h risin&N Then in '/ri) it 2)osso!s !ira+u)ous)y9 it 2e+o!es +overed with dense o)ia&e and the owner9 who or !any years too6 +are o it without re+eivin& any ruit9 re<oi+es thin6in& that it has re+overed and has 2e+o!e )u3uriant a ter so !u+h de+ayN 5hH de+e/tionH Sudden death o))ows su+h an e3u2erant out2urst o )i e. The 2)osso!s9 )eaves and )itt)e ruit a)) o 9 whi)e they see!ed to have a)ready set on the 2ran+hes /ro!isin& a ri+h harvest9 and with a sudden +rash the tree9 rotten at its 2ase9 a))s to the &round. That is what Israel will do. After ages of sterile scattered vegetation it will gather on its old trun" and will have an appearance of reconstruction. The dis/ersed

1eo/)e &athered to&ether at )ast. ,athered and or&iven. ;es. ,od wi)) wait or that hour to end the +ourse o a&es. Then ti!e wi)) not )on&er e3ist9 2ut on)y eternity. %)essed are those who9 2ein& or&iven9 wi)) or! the )eetin& 2)osso!in& o the )ast Israe) that9 a ter so !any a&es9 will have beco#e of the ,hrist and will die redee#ed with all the peoples of the )arth 2)essed with those who9 a!on& the!9 have not on)y 2e+o!e a+=uainted with My e3isten+e9 2ut have e!2ra+ed My Law as the )aw o sa)vation and )i e. 5 I +an hear the voi+es o My dis+i/)es. ,o 2e ore they +o!eNG EIt is not out o +owardi+e9 Lord9 that we are tryin& to re!ain un6nown9 2ut to serve ;ou9 to 2e a2)e to serve ;ou. I they 6new that we9 I in /arti+u)ar9 have +o!e to ;ou9 we shou)d 2e e3+)uded ro! uture reso)utionsNG says Joe). EI understand. %ut 2ear in !ind that the sna6e is wi)y. ;ou in /arti+u)ar9 Joe)9 2e +autiousNG E5hH )et the! 6i)) !eH I wou)d /re er !y death to ;oursH So that I shou)d not see the days ;ou !entionedH %)ess !e9 Lord to orti y !eNG EI 2)ess you a)) in the na!e o ,od 5ne and Trine and in the na!e o the 4ord In+arnate to 2e sa)vation or the !en o &ood wi)).G He 2)esses the! +o))e+tive)y with a wide &esture and then He )ays His hand on ea+h o the our heads 2ent at His eet. They then stand u/9 they +over their a+es a&ain and they disa//ear a!on& the trees o the or+hard and the hed&es o 2)a+62erries9 that se/arate /ear@trees ro! a//)e@trees and the )atter ro! other trees. Just in ti!e9 2e+ause the twe)ve a/ost)es +o!e out o the house in a &rou/ )oo6in& or the Master9 in order to set orth. 'nd 1eter saysI EIn ront o the house9 towards the town9 there is a )ar&e +rowd o /eo/)e9 who! we he)d 2a+6 with di i+u)ty9 to )et ;ou /ray. They want to o))ow ;ou. 8one o those ;ou dis!issed have )e t. 5n the +ontrary9 !any have +o!e 2a+6 and !any have <ust arrived. 4e re/roa+hed the!NG E4hyF Let the! o))ow MeH I wish every2ody did soH Let us &oHG 'nd Jesus9 a ter /uttin& on the !ant)e that John hands Hi!9 /)a+es Hi!se) at the head o His a/ost)es9 He arrives at the house9 He /asses 2y it9 He ta6es the %ethany road and intones a /sa)! in a )oud voi+e. The /eo/)e9 a rea) +rowd9 the !en irst9 then the wo!en and +hi)dren9 o))ow Hi!9 sin&in& with Hi!N The town is )e t 2ehind in its en+)osure o &reenery. The road is 2usy with /i)&ri!s. 'nd on the roadside !any 2e&&ars raise their /)aintive voi+es to !ove the +rowd to /ity and thus re+eive a2undant a)!s. 7ri//)es9 !ai!ed and 2)ind /eo/)eN The usua) !isera2)e /eo/)e who9 in every a&e and in every re&ion9 are in the ha2it o &atherin& wherever a estivity asse!2)es +rowds. 'nd i the 2)ind /eo/)e

5*/.P "5he3( "n Is ae2. 'i a32es 8" 9ed Du in1 &he J"u ne( - ". Je i3h" &" 0e&han(.


+annot see those who are /assin& 2y9 the others +an see the! and as they 6now how 6ind the Master is to the /oor9 they utter their +ries )ouder than usua))y9 to draw Jesus' attention. %ut they do not as6 or !ira+)es. They on)y as6 or a)!s9 and Judas &ives the! a)!s. 6 ' we))@to@do )oo6in& wo!an sto/s the don6ey9 whi+h she is ridin&9 near a ro2ust tree that shades a +rossroad and she waits or Jesus. 4hen He is +)ose at hand9 she s)ides down ro! her !ount and /rostrates herse) 9 with so!e di i+u)ty9 2e+ause she is ho)din& in her ar!s a )itt)e +hi)d9 who is +o!/)ete)y inert9 She )i ts it without sayin& a word. Her eyes and distressed a+e are /rayin&. %ut Jesus is surrounded 2y /eo/)e or!in& a hed&e and He +annot see the /oor !other 6nee)in& on the roadside. ' !an and a wo!an9 who a//ear to 2e with the sorrow u) !other9 are s/ea6in& to her and the !an sha6in& his head saysI EThere is nothin& or us.G 'nd the wo!an saysI EMistress9 He has not seen you. 7a)) Hi! with aith and He wi)) hear your /rayer.G

)u+idity o !ind and !otion. ;ou are said to 2e the Li eNG and she wee/s. EI a! the Li e and those who 2e)ieve in Me wi)) have the )i e o the s/irit and o their 2odies. I want itHG Jesus has shouted those words in a )oud voi+e9 and He now )ays His hand on the inert +hi)d who thri))s9 s!i)es and says one wordI EMu!!yHG EShe !ovesH She s!i)esH She has s/o6enH (a2iusH MistressHG The two wo!en have o))owed the /hases o the !ira+)e and have /ro+)ai!ed the! )oud. 'nd they have +a))ed the ather who /ushes throu&h the +rowd and arrives near the wo!en when they are a)ready at Jesus' eet wee/in&9 and when the servant saysI EI to)d you that He has !er+y on every2odyHG9 and the !other saysI E'nd now or&ive !e a)so !y sin.G

E$oes Heaven not show you9 throu&h the &ra+e &ranted to you9 that your error has 2een or&ivenF .ise and wa)6. 5n the new way9 with your dau&hter and the !an you have +hosen. ,o. 1ea+e 2e with you. 'nd with you9 )itt)e &ir). 'nd with you9 aith u) The !other )istens to her and she shouts9 in a )oud voi+e9 to over+o!e the noise o Israe)ite. ,reat /ea+e to you9 or your )oya)ty to ,od and to the dau&hter o the a!i)y son&s and ste/sI ELordH Have !er+y on !eHG you served and you 6e/t +)ose to the Law with your heart. 'nd /ea+e a)so to you9 !an9 Jesus9 4ho is a ew !etres ahead9 sto/s and turns round )oo6in& or the /erson who has who have 2een !ore res/e+t u) to the Son o !an9 than !any in Israe).G shouted9 and the servant saysI EMistress9 He is )oo6in& or you. So stand u/ and &o to He ta6es His )eave o the! whi)e the +rowd9 a ter )eavin& the o)d !an9 ta6es an interest Hi! and (a2ia wi)) 2e +uredG and she he)/s her to stand u/ and )eads her towards the in the new !ira+)e or the /ara)ysed du))witted &ir)9 /erha/s the +onse=uen+e o Lord 4ho saysI E4ho invo6ed Me9 shou)d +o!e to Me. It is the ti!e o !er+y or !enin&itis9 and who is now s6i//in& ha//i)y9 sayin& the on)y words she 6nows9 those who +an ho/e in !er+y..G /ro2a2)y the ones she 6new when she was ta6en i)) and whi+h now she inds inta+t The two wo!en e)2ow their way throu&h the +rowd9 the servant in ront /re/arin& the a&ain in her revived !indI E(ather9 !u!!y9 0)iza. The 2eauti u) sunH The )owersHNG way or the !other who o))ows her9 and they are a2out to arrive near Jesus9 when a 8 Jesus is a2out to &o away9 2ut ro! the +ross@road that has now 2een overta6en9 two voi+e shoutsI EMy dead ar!H Loo6H %)essed 2e the Son o $avid. 5ur a)ways !i&hty !ore /)aintive +ries are heard in the ty/i+a) Jewish a++ent9 +o!in& ro! the /)a+e and ho)y true MessiahHG where the don6eys have 2een )e t 2y the /eo/)e who re+eived the !ira+)eI EJesus9 LordH There is so!e e3+ite!ent 2e+ause !any /eo/)e turn round and 2ust)e a2out +on used)y9 Son o $avid9 have !er+y on !eHG 'nd on+e a&ain9 in a )ouder voi+e9 to over+o!e the !ovin& )i6e o//osite waves around Jesus. 0very2ody wants to 6now9 to seeN They shouts o the +rowd who sayI E%e =uiet. Let the Master &o on. The way is a )on& one9 =uestion an o)d !an who is wavin& his ri&ht ar! as i it were a )a& and who re/)iesI and the sun is 2e+o!in& stron&er and stron&er. Let Hi! rea+h the hi))s 2e ore it &ets EHe sto//ed9 I su++eeded in &ettin& ho)d o the he! o His !ant)e and in +overin& hotG9 they shoutI EJesus9 Lord9 Son o $avid9 have !er+y on !e.G !yse) with it9 and so!ethin& )i6e ire and )i e ran a)on& !y ar!9 and here it isI !y Jesus sto/s a&ain sayin&I E,o and &et those who are shoutin& and 2rin& the! here to ri&ht ar! is )i6e !y )e t one9 on)y 2e+ause it was tou+hed 2y His &ar!ent.G Me.G 7 In the !eanti!e Jesus as6s the wo!anI E4hat do you wantFG The wo!an raises her +hi)d and saysI EShe a)so is entit)ed to )i e. She is inno+ent. She did not as6 to 2e o one So!e vo)unteers &o. They rea+h the two 2)ind !en and sayI E7o!e. He has !er+y on you. Stand u/ 2e+ause He wants to satis y you. He sent us to +a)) you in His na!eG and /)a+e or o another one9 o one 2)ood or o a di erent one. I a! &ui)ty. I a! to 2e they try to &uide the two 2)ind !en throu&h the +rowd. /unished. 8ot her.G %ut i one )ets the! &uide hi!9 the other9 who is youn&er and /ro2a2)y has !ore aith9 E$o you ho/e that ,od's !er+y is &reater than !en'sFG /re+edes the intentions o the vo)unteers and !oves orward 2y hi!se) 9 with his sti+6 EI do9 Lord. I 2e)ieve. 5n !y 2eha) and on !y +hi)d's to who! I ho/e ;ou wi)) &ive /ointed orward and the ty/i+a) s!i)e and attitude o 2)ind /eo/)e in raisin& their a+es

5*/.P "5he3( "n Is ae2. 'i a32es 8" 9ed Du in1 &he J"u ne( - ". Je i3h" &" 0e&han(.


see6in& )i&htN and he /ro+eeds so ast and sure o hi!se) that he see!s to 2e )ed 2y his an&e). I his eyes were not white9 he wou)d not see! to 2e 2)ind. He is the irst to arrive 2e ore Jesus 4ho sto/s hi! as6in&I E4hat do you want Me to do or youFG EThat I !ay see9 Master. 5 Lord9 )et !y eyes and those o !y +o!/anion o/en.G The other 2)ind !an has arrived and they !a6e hi! 6nee) near his +o!/anion. Jesus )ays His hands on their raised a+es and saysI ELet it 2e done as you wish. ,oH ;our aith has saved youHG He re!oves His hands and two +ries +o!e ro! their )i/sI EI +an see9 ?rie)HGM EI +an see9 %arti!aeusHG and then to&etherI E%)essed He 4ho +o!es in the na!e o the LordH %)essed He 4ho sent Hi!H ,)ory 2e to ,odH Hosanna to the Son o $avidG and /rostratin& the!se)ves with their a+es on the &round they 6iss Jesus' eet. They then stand u/ and the one na!ed ?rie) saysI ELord9 I a! &oin& to )et !y re)atives see !e9 then I wi)) +o!e 2a+6 and o))ow ;ou.G %arti!aeus instead saysIEI a! not &oin& to )eave ;ou. I wi)) send word to the!. It wi)) a)ways 2e a &reat <oy. %ut I a! not &oin& to /art ro! ;ou. ;ou have &iven !e !y eyesi&ht. I +onse+rate !y )i e to ;ou. Have 1ity on the wish o the )east o ;our servants.G E7o!e and o))ow Me. ,ood wi)) !a6es a)) statuses e=ua)9 and he on)y is &reat who 6nows how to serve the Lord in a 2etter way.G 'nd Jesus ta6es to the road a&ain a!id the hosannas o the +rowd9 and %arti!aeus !in&)es with the /eo/)e and whi)e &oin& he sin&s hosannas sayin&I EI +a!e or a /ie+e o 2read and I ound the Lord. I was /oor9 now I a! a !inister o the ho)y :in&. ,)ory to the Lord and to His MessiahGN

here9 in the area o Jerusa)e!9 /ro2a2)y 2e+ause o the a)titude9 or 2e+ause o the winds 2)owin& ro! the hi&hest !ountain to/s in Judaea9 or I do not 6now or whi+h other reason9 /erha/s a)so 2e+ause the trees are di erent9 there are !any trees sti)) 2)osso!in& and they )oo6 )i6e )i&ht white@rosy +)ouds han&in& over the &reen !eadows. The tender vine )eaves =uiver under the hi&h tree@trun6s )i6e )ar&e 2utter )ies o a /re+ious e!era)d hue9 tied to the rou&h vine@shoots. 2 4hi)e Jesus sto/s at the ountain9 whi+h is situated where the +ountry ends and the vi))a&e 2e&ins9 and He is res/e+t u))y &reeted 2y a)!ost the who)e /o/u)ation o %eth@ any9 Lazarus arrives with his sisters and they /rostrate the!se)ves 2e ore their Lord. ')thou&h )itt)e !ore than two days have &one 2y sin+e Mary )e t her Master9 she see!s not to have seen Hi! or a&es9 so untirin& she is in 6issin& His dusty eet in His sanda)s. E7o!e9 !y Lord. 5ur ho!e is awaitin& ;ou to re<oi+e at ;our /resen+eG says Lazarus standin& 2eside Jesus9 whi)e they /ro+eed s)ow)y9 as the +rowds a))ow the! to do. The /eo/)e in a+t thron& round Hi! and the +hi)dren +)in& to Jesus' &ar!ents and wa)6 in ront o Hi!9 with their heads raised )oo6in& at Hi!9 so that they stu!2)e and !a6e Hi! stu!2)e9 so !u+h so that Jesus irst and then Lazarus and the a/ost)es /i+6 u/ the s!a))er ones in their ar!s9 to 2e a2)e to wa)6 aster. 't a <un+tion with a )ane )eadin& to Si!on >ea)ot's house9 there is Mary with Her sister@ in@)aw9 Sa)o!e and Susanna. Jesus sto/s to &reet His Mother9 and then He &oes on as ar as the )ar&e wide o/en &ate where Ma3i!inus9 Sarah and Mar+e))a are9 and 2ehind the! a)) the !any servants o the house9 2e&innin& with those e!/)oyed in the house and endin& with those wor6in& in the ie)ds. They are a)) in order9 very ha//y and e3+ited in their <oy that 2ursts into hosannas9 whi)e they wave their head&ears and vei)s and they throw )owers and )eaves o !yrt)e and )aure)9 o roses and <as!ins9 whi+h shine in the sun with their s/)endid +oro))as or s/read )i6e white stars on the dar6 &round. The s+ent o /)u+6ed )owers and trodden aro!ati+ )eaves rises ro! the &round war!ed 2y the sun. Jesus /asses on the sweet@s!e))in& +ar/et. Mary o Ma&da)a9 who o))ows Hi! )oo6in& at the &round9 stoo/s9 ste/ 2y ste/9 )oo6in& )i6e a &)eaner who o))ows the !an tyin& the sheaves9 to /i+6 u/ the )eaves and +oro))as and a)so the /)u+6ed /eta)s that have 2een /ressed 2y Jesus' eet.

589. A!!i0a5 a& 3e&han/.

$%&h .a!'h $9*8.

Ma3i!inus9 in order to 2e a2)e to +)ose the &ate and &ive /ea+e to the &uests9 orders the servants to &ive +a6es9 that have a)ready 2een /re/ared9 to the +hi)dren. ' /ra+ti+a) way 1 They !ust have sto//ed ha) @way 2etween Jeri+ho and %ethany 2e+ause9 when they arrive at the irst houses in %ethany9 the )ast dro/s o dew are eva/oratin& on )eaves and to distra+t the +hi)dren's attention ro! the Lord and thus send the! away without rousin& a +horus o +o!/)aints. 'nd the servants +arry out the order ta6in& out into the ste!s in !eadows and the sun is sti)) risin& in the vau)t o heaven. street 2as6ets u)) o s!a)) +a6es de+orated with white@2rown a)!onds. The ar!ers o the area dro/ their too)s and rush round Jesus9 4ho is /assin& 2)essin& !en and /)ants9 as insistent)y re=uested 2y the /easants. 'nd so!e wo!en and +hi)dren 'nd whi)e the )itt)e ones +rowd there9 other servants /ush 2a+6 the adu)ts9 a!on& who! +o!e towards Hi! with the irst a)!onds sti)) enve)o/ed in the )i&ht si)ver@&reen /)ush there is sti)) >a++haeus and his our riends J Joe)9 Judas9 0)ie) and 0)6anah J and others who! I do not 6now9 2e+ause they are a)) +overed with vei)s9 to /rote+t the!se)ves o the hus6s9 and with the )ast 2)osso!s o the )ate ruit@trees. I noti+e9 however9 that

5*9. A i,a2 a& 0e&han(.


ro! the dust raised 2y a rather heavy wind and ro! the sun9 whi+h is a)ready stron&.

3 %ut Jesus9 4ho is a)ready ar ahead9 turns round and saysI E4aitH I have so!ethin& to te)) so!e o you.G E'nd that te))s !e how ;our 6indness to !e is in+o!!ensura2)e. I than6 ;ou9 Lord.G He 6isses the Master's hand and &oes away. 'nd He &oes towards Johanna's 2rothers and He ta6es the! aside sayin&I E1)ease &o to Johanna and te)) her to +o!e to Me with a)) the wo!en who are with her and with 4 Jesus is a2out to &o 2a+6 to His hosts. %ut ro! the &ate ro! whi+h the )ast /eo/)e 'nna)eah9 the dis+i/)e ro! 5/he). Te)) her to +o!e to!orrow9 2e+ause the Sa22ath are +o!in& out9 /ushed 2y the servants9 a youn& !an de/arts and runs towards Jesus9 2e&ins at sunset9 to!orrow and I want to s/end it with My riends o %ethany. In throwin& hi!se) at His eet and shoutin&I E' 2)essin&9 MasterH $o ;ou re+o&nise /ea+e.G !eFG raisin& his head9 whi+h is not vei)ed. E4e wi)) te)) her9 Lord. 'nd she wi)) +o!e.G Jesus dis!isses the! and He &oes to Joe)I E;ou wi)) te)) Jose/h and 8i+ode!us that I have +o!e and that on the day a ter the Sa22ath I wi)) enter the town.G E5hH %e +are u)9 LordHG says the &ood s+ri2e an3ious)y. E,o. 'nd 2e stron&. He who o))ows <usti+e and 2e)ieves in My truth !ust not 2e a raid. %ut he !ust re<oi+e 2e+ause the a++o!/)ish!ent o the an+ient 1ro!ise is a2out to ta6e /)a+e.G E'hH I wi)) run away ro! Jerusa)e!9 Lord. I a! a !an o a de)i+ate +onstitution9 as ;ou +an see and ;ou 6now9 and I a! )au&hed at 2e+ause o that. I +ou)d not stand any...G E;our an&e) wi)) &uide you. ,o in /ea+e.G ESha)) I... see ;ou a&ain9 LordFG E5 +ourse you wi)) see Me a&ain. %ut unti) you see Me a&ain +onsider that your )ove has &iven Me so !u+h <oy in the hours o sorrow.G Joe) ta6es the hand that Jesus had )aid on his shou)der and /resses it a&ainst his )i/sM throu&h the thin vei) o his head&ear 6isses and tears des+end u/on Jesus' hand. He then &oes away and Jesus &oes to >a++haeusI E4here are your riendsFG EThey re!ained at the ountain9 Lord. I to)d the! to stay there.G EJoin the! and &o with the! to %eth/ha&e where My ear)iest and !ost aith u) dis+i@ /)es are. Te)) Isaa+9 their +hie 9 to s/read throu&h the town and in or! a)) the &rou/s o dis+i/)es that the !ornin& a ter the Sa22ath9 a2out the third hour9 I wi)) /ass throu&h %eth/ha&e and enter Jerusa)e! and I wi)) &o u/ to the Te!/)e in a so)e!n way. Te)) Isaa+ that this in or!ation is or the dis+i/)es on)y. He wi)) understand what I !ean.G EI understand as we))9 Master. ;ou want to sur/rise the Judaeans so that they !ay not 2e a2)e to hinder ;our entran+e.G E;es. ;ou are Jose/h na!ed %arna2as9 the dis+i/)e o ,a!a)ie)9 and you +a!e to !eet Me near ,is+a)a.G E'nd I have 2een o))owin& ;ou or !any days. I was at Shi)oh9 on !y way ro! ,is+a)a where I had &one with the ra22i whi)e ;ou were a2sent9 and where I re!ained studyin& the ro))s unti) the !onth o 8isan. I was at Shi)oh when ;ou s/o6e9 and I o))owed ;ou to Le2onah and to She+he!9 and I waited or ;ou at Jeri+ho9 2e+ause I had heard that ;ou...G He sudden)y sto/s as i he rea)ised that he was a2out to say what he was not to !ention. Jesus s!i)es 6ind)y and saysI EThe truth 2ursts out i!/etuous)y ro! sin+ere )i/s9 and it o ten )ows over the da!s that /ruden+e /)a+es 2e ore /eo/)e's !ouths. %ut I wi)) +o!/)ete your thou&ht... C2e+ause you had heard ro! Judas o :erioth9 who re!ained at She+he!9 that I was &oin& to Jeri+ho to <oin My dis+i/)es and &ive the! My instru+tions.D 'nd you went there to wait or Me without worryin& a2out 2ein& seen9 a2out wastin& your ti!e and 2ein& away ro! your !aster ,a!a)ie).G EHe wi)) not re/roa+h !e when he )earns that I de)ayed in order to o))ow ;ou. I wi)) ta6e hi! ;our words as a &i t...G E5hH .a22i ,a!a)ie) does not need words. He is the wise ra22i o Israe)HG E;es. 8o other ra22i +an tea+h hi! anythin& o what is an+ient9 nothin&9 2e+ause he 6nows everythin& that is an+ient. %ut ;ou +an. ;ou have new words9 u)) o the resh )i e o what is new. ;our word is )i6e the sa/ o s/rin&ti!e. That is what ra22i ,a!a)ie) says9 and he adds that the wisdo! 2y now +overed with the dust o a&es9 and thus dry and du))9 2e+o!es )ive)y and 2ri&ht when ;our word e3/)ains it. 5hH I wi)) ta6e hi! ;our words.G E'nd My &reetin&s. Te)) hi! to o/en his heart9 his inte))e+t9 his si&ht9 his hearin&M and his !ore than twenty@year@o)d =uestion wi)) 2e answered. ,o. ,od 2e with you.G The youth stoo/s a&ain to 6iss the Master's eet and &oes away. 5 The servants +an at )ast +)ose the &ate and Jesus +an <oin His riends.

E03a+t)y. So do as I to)d you. .e!e!2er that I a! entrustin& you with a +on identia) tas6. I a! !a6in& use o you and not o Lazarus.G

5*9. A i,a2 a& 0e&han(.


EI too6 the )i2erty o invitin& the wo!en dis+i/)es here or to!orrowG says Jesus standin& 2eside Lazarus on whose shou)der He )ays His ar!. E;ou did the ri&ht thin&9 Lord. My house is ;ours9 as ;ou 6now. ;our Mother /re erred to stay in Si!on's house. 'nd I res/e+ted Her desire. %ut I ho/e that ;ou wi)) stay under !y roo .G E;es9 I wi)). ')thou&h... a)so the other house is your roo . 5ne o your irst &enerous a+tions on My riends' 2eha) and Mine. How !any o the! you have done9 My dear riendHG E'nd I ho/e I sha)) 2e a2)e to &o on doin& the! or a )on& ti!e. ')thou&h that is the wron& word9 wise Master. I a! not 2ein& &enerous to ;ou. ;ou are 2ein& &enerous to !e. I a! the de2tor. 'nd i 2e ore the treasures ;ou have &iven !e9 I )ay a arthin& or ;ou9 what is !y !isera2)e &i t as +o!/ared with ;our treasuresF C,ive and it wi)) 2e &iven to youD ;ou said. C' sha6en and /ressed !easure wi)) 2e /oured on your )a/ and you wi)) re+eive one hundred o)d o what you have &ivenD ;ou say. I re+eived one hundred o)d o a hundred o)d even when I had not &iven ;ou anythin&. 5hH I re!e!2er our irst !eetin&H ;ou9 the Lord and ,od9 4ho! sera/hi! are not worthy to a//roa+h9 +a!e to !e9 when I was a)) a)one and distressed... +)osed in here9 in !y sadness9 ;ou +a!e to Lazarus9 the !an shunned 2y every2ody9 e3+e/t Jose/h and 8i+ode!us and !y aith u) riend Si!on9 who ro! his se/u)+hre o a )ivin& 2ein& did not +ease to )ove !e... ;ou did not want !y <oy in seein& ;ou to 2e /ertur2ed 2y the +orrosive s/)ashes o the wor)d's +onte!/t... 5ur irst !eetin&H I +ou)d re/eat a)) the words ;ou s/o6e then... 4hat had I &iven ;ou then9 i I had ever seen ;ou9 that I shou)d re+eive ro! ;ou9 at on+e9 one hundred o)d o one hundred o)dFG E;our /rayers to our Most Hi&h (ather. 5urs9 Lazarus. Mine. ;ours. Mine as the 4ord and as Man. ;ours as !an. 4hen you /rayed then with so !u+h aith9 were you not a)ready &ivin& Me your who)e se) F So you +an see that9 as it is air9 I &ave you one hundred o)d o what you were &ivin& Me.G E;our &oodness is in inite9 Master and Lord. ;ou reward in advan+e9 and with divine &enerosity9 those who! ;our thou&ht a+6now)ed&es as ;our servants even 2e ore they rea)ise to 2e su+h.G E!y friends not My servants. %e+ause9 rea))y9 those who do the will of !y -ather and follow the Truth that He has sent are !y friends not My servants. 0ven !oreI My 2rothers9 as I a! the irst to do the wi)) o the (ather. So whoever does what I do is My riend9 2e+ause on)y a riend does s/ontaneous)y what his riend does.G EMay it 2e so orever 2etween ;ou and !e9 Lord. 6 4hen are ;ou &oin& to townFG EThe !ornin& a ter the Sa22ath.G

EI wi)) +o!e as we)).G E8o. ;ou wi)) not +o!e with Me. I wi)) te)) you why. I have other thin&s to as6 o you...G E's ;ou wish9 Master. I have to s/ea6 to ;ou as we))...G E4e sha)) s/ea6.G E$o ;ou /re er to s/end the Sa22ath a!on& ourse)ves9 or +an I invite our !utua) riendsFG E1)ease do not invite any2ody. I a! an3ious to s/end these hours in /rudent /ea+e u) riendshi/ with you a)one9 without any +onstraint o thou&ht or or!a)ity9 in the 6ind reedo! o one who is a!on& su+h dear riends as to ee) at ho!e.G E's ;ou wish9 Lord. In a+tua) a+t... that is what I wanted. %ut I thou&ht I was 2ein& se) ish towards !y riends. They are a)) in erior in riendshi/ to ;ou9 !y on)y (riend9 2ut sti)) so dear. %ut i that is what ;ou wish... 1erha/s ;ou are tired9 Lord. 5r /ensive...G Lazarus =uestions his (riend and Master !ore with his eyes than with his words9 and Jesus re/)ies to hi! on)y with His rather sad and so!ewhat a2sor2ed eyes and with a aint s!i)e o His )i/s. They are now a)one near the ountain9 whose <et o water sounds )i6e a son&... ')) the others have &one into the house and one +an hear voi+es and the noise o 6it+henware... Mary o Ma&da)a twi+e or three ti!es /uts her air@haired head out o the door /rote+ted 2y a heavy +urtain wavin& )i&ht)y in the wind that is &ettin& stron&er9 whi)e the s6y is over+ast with +)ouds that are 2e+o!in& !ore and !ore ru )ed and dar6. 7 Lazarus raises his head s+annin& the s6y. EI thin6 we are &oin& to have a stor!G he says. 'nd he addsI EIt wi)) he)/ the o2stinate 2uds to o/en9 as they have !u+h di i+u)ty in doin& so this year... 1erha/s the )ate severity o the weather has de)ayed the shoots. ')so !y a)!ond@trees have su ered and !u+h ruit has 2een )ost. Jose/h was te))in& !e that one o his 6it+hen &ardens outside the Judi+ia) ,ate a//ears to 2e +o!/)ete)y un ruit u) this year. The trees are restrainin& the 2uds9 as i they had 2een )aid under a s/e)). So !u+h so that he is unde+ided whether he shou)d )eave the! or se)) the! as irewood. 8othin&. 8ot one 2)osso!. They are now e3a+t)y as they were in the !onth o Te2eth. Tiny heads o 2uds9 so hard and +)osed that never swe)). It is true that the northern wind is very stron& there and it 2)ew +ontinuous)y durin& winter. ')so the ruits o !y 6it+hen &arden 2eyond the :idron were da!a&ed. %ut what is ha//enin& in Jose/h's 6it+hen &arden is so stran&e that !any /eo/)e &o to see that /)a+e that re uses to awa6e in s/rin&ti!e.G Jesus s!i)es...

5*9. A i,a2 a& 0e&han(.


E're ;ou s!i)in&F 4hyFG

she had so)d her hair/ins to 2uy sanda)s or a 2oy9 and the thin iron hair/ins were not stron& enou&h to su//ort her hair. She )au&hed and +o!in& o the wa&on she said to E%e+ause o the +hi)dishness o !en9 the eterna) +hi)dren. They are +har!ed 2y !eI CMy dear 2rother9 I have e3/erien+ed what it !eans havin& to se)) in order to 2uy9 everythin& that a//ears to 2e stran&e... %ut the or+hard wi)) 2)osso!. 't the ri&ht ti!e.G and I have )earned how even the !ost si!/)e thin&s are di i+u)t or the /oor9 su+h as havin& to 6ee/ your hair tidy 2y !eans o hair/ins9 twenty o whi+h are worth a EThe ri&ht ti!e is a)ready /ast9 Lord. 4hen have !any trees in one /)a+e not didra+h!a. I sha)) re!e!2er that to 2e even !ore !er+i u) to /oor /eo/)e in uture.D 2)osso!ed in the !onth o 8isanF How )on& has that /)a+e sti)) to wait or the ri&ht How !u+h ;ou have +han&ed her9 LordHG !o!entFG E4hen it is ti!e to &ive &)ory to ,od with their 2)osso!in&.G E'hH I seeH ;ou wi)) &o there to 2)ess that /)a+e9 or Jose/h's sa6e9 and it wi)) 2)osso! &ivin& new &)ory to ,od and to His Messiah 2y !eans o a new !ira+)eH It is soH ;ou are &oin& there. 7an I te)) Jose/h i I see hi!FG EI you thin6 that you shou)d te)) hi!... ;es. I sha)) 2e &oin& there...G E4hen9 LordF I shou)d )i6e to 2e there as we)).G E're you an eterna) +hi)d9 tooFG Jesus s!i)es !ore hearti)y sha6in& His head &ood@ natured)y at the +uriosity o His riend who e3+)ai!sI E5hH I a! ha//y that I have +heered ;ou u/9 Lord. I on+e a&ain see ;our a+e 2ri&ht with a s!i)e9 as I had not seen or a )on& ti!eH So... sha)) I +o!eFG E8o9 Lazarus. I sha)) need you here on 1re/aration $ay.G E5hH %ut on 1re/aration $ay we attend on)y to 1assoverH ;ou... Master9 why do ;ou want to do so!ethin& or whi+h ;ou wi)) 2e re2u6edF ,o there so!e other day...G EI sha)) 2e +o!/e))ed to &o in there <ust on 1re/aration $ay. %ut I shall not be the only one to do so#ething which is not in preparation for the old ;assover. ')so the !ost severe /eo/)e in Israe)9 su+h as He)6ai9 $oras9 Si!on9 Sado+9 Ish!ae) and even 7aia/has and 'nnas wi)) do entire)y new thin&s...G ESo is Israe) &oin& !adFHG E;ou have said it.G E%ut ;ou... 5hH here is the rain. Let us &o into the house9 Master... I... a! worried... 4i)) ;ou not e3/)ain to !e...G E;es. %e ore )eavin& you I wi)) te)) you... 8 There is your sister +o!in& with a heavy +)oth9 as she is a raid we !i&ht &et wet... 5hH MarthaH ;ou are a)ways /rovident and a+tive. %ut it is not a heavy rain.G The wo!an o who! they are s/ea6in& whi)e settin& oot in the house is a)ready there with a!/horae and 2asins to serve her Lord. She wi)) not surrender the honour o servin& Hi! to any2ody9 and she is not satis ied unti) she has restored the )i!2s and a//etite o her Master and she sees Hi! &o9 wearin& resh sanda)s9 towards the roo! a))otted to Hi! and where His Mother is waitin& or Hi! with a resh )inen &ar!ent sti)) s!e))in& o sunshine...

5%,. The F!ida/ )e1#!e &he En&!/ in&# Je!usa5e(. Judas #1 >e!i#&h I(9eni&en&.
$9&h .a!'h $9*8.

1 EI you wish so9 you !ay &o9 wherever you )i6e. I a! stayin& here today with Judas and Ja!es. The wo!en dis+i/)es are to +o!eG says Jesus to the a/ost)es who are &athered around Hi! under the /or+h o the house. 'nd He addsI E%ut !a6e sure that you are a)) 2a+6 here 2e ore sunset. 'nd 2e /rudent. Try to 2e unnoti+ed to avoid reta)iations a&ainst you.G E5hH I a! &oin& to stay here. 4hat have I to do in Jerusa)e!FG says 1eter. EInstead I wi)) &o. My ather is +ertain)y e3/e+tin& !e. He wants to o er the wine. 'n o)d /ro!ise9 2ut a)ways 6e/t9 2e+ause !y ather is an honest !an. 4hat a wonder u) wine you wi)) taste at the 1assover 2an=uetH My ather's vineyards at .a!ahH They are a!ous in the areaG says Tho!as. E')so these wines o Lazarus are very &ood. I wi)) never or&et the 2an=uet or the east o the $edi+ation...G says Matthew9 in an unintentiona) tone o &)uttony. EIn that +ase your !e!ory wi)) 2e re reshed !ore than ever9 2e+ause I thin6 that Lazarus is &ivin& a &reat 2an=uet to!orrow. I have seen su+h /re/arations...G says Ja!es o >e2edee.

EMy dear sisterH 8ay9 !y sisters. They are now 2oth )i6e two tender &ir)s unaware o !a)i+e9 2oth Mary and this one. 'nd when Mary +a!e ro! Jeri+ho the day 2e ore EIs that soF 're other /eo/)e +o!in&FG as6s 'ndrew. yesterday9 she rea))y )oo6ed )i6e a youn& &ir)9 with her /)aits han&in& down her 2ody9 as

5/$.The F ida( 6e-" e &he En& ( in&" Je usa2e.. Judas "- <e i"&h I.5eni&en&.


E8o. I as6ed Ma3i!inus. He said no.G E'hH 5therwise I wou)d have /ut on the new tuni+ that !y wi e sent !eG says 1hi)i/.

1i)&ri!s ro! :erioth have +ertain)y arrived in Jerusa)e! and...G E8o. In two days' ti!e we sha)) a)) 2e in Jerusa)e!. ;ou are stayin& here nowG says Jesus authoritative)y.

EThat is what I a! &oin& to do. I wanted to /ut it on at 1assover. %ut I wi)) wear it to!orrow. 4e are &oin& to have !ore /ea+e here to!orrow9 than in a ew days' ti!e...G Judas does not insist. He ta6es o his !ant)e sayin&I ESoF 4ho is &oin& to townF 4e says %artho)o!ew and he sto/s /ensive)y. ou&ht to 6now what the hu!ours are... 4hat the dis+i/)es are doin&... I wanted to &o to hear a)so ro! riends... I had /ro!ised 1eter...G 2 EI a! &oin& to adorn !yse) with new +)othes to &o to town. 'nd what a2out ;ou9 MasterFG as6s John. EIt does not !atter. ;ou are stayin&. 8othin& o what you said is ne+essary. It is not stri+t)y ne+essary...G ESo a! I. I wi)) /ut on /ur/)e ro2es.G E%ut i Tho!as is &oin&NG E;ou wi)) )oo6 )i6e a 6in&HG e3+)ai!s the avourite a/ost)e u)) o ad!iration9 as he a)ready i!a&ines Hi! in the s/)endid ro2es... 3 EMaster9 I shou)d )i6e to &o as we)). I a)so /ro!ised it. I have riends in 'nnas' house and...G E%ut i I had not seen to itH I have had that /ur/)e or years...G says the Is+ariot 2oast u))y. E'nd wou)d you &o there9 sonF 'nd i they +at+h youFG as6s Sa)o!e who has a//roa+hed the!. E.ea))yF 5hH no one had thou&ht a2out it... The Master is a)ways so hu!2)e...G EI they +at+h !eF 4hat wron& have I doneF 8one. So I !ust not ear the Lord. 'nd EToo hu!2)e. The ti!e has now +o!e when He !ust 2e :in&. 4e have waited )on& even i they +at+h !e9 I wi)) not tre!2)e.G enou&hH I He is not a 6in& on a throne9 at )east9 to sa e&uard His di&nity9 He !ust have +)othes suitin& His ran6. I see to everythin&.G E5hH the 2o)d youn& )ionH 4i)) you not tre!2)eF 're you not aware o how !u+h they hate usF It's death9 you 6now9 i they +at+h usG says the Is+ariot to ri&hten hi!. E;ou are ri&ht9 Judas. ;ou are aware o the ways o the wor)d. 4e... are /oor isher!en...G say hu!2)y the !en who have +o!e ro! the )a6e... 'nd as it a)ways EThen why do you want to &oF 're you /erha/s /rivi)e&ed with i!!unityF 4hat have ha//ens in the )i&ht o the wor)d O in the a)se twi)i&ht o the wor)d J Judas' 2ase !eta) you done to 2e soF Te)) !e9 and I wi)) do it.G a))oy see!s no2)er than the unre ined9 2ut /ure9 sin+ere9 honest &o)d o the ,a)i)ean Judas sudden)y )oo6s as i he were ri&htened and an&ry9 2ut John's a+e is so +)ear that hearts... the traitor is reassured. He rea)ises that there is no snare9 no sus/i+ion in those words9 Jesus9 4ho was s/ea6in& to the >ea)ot and to ')/haeus' sons9 turns round and )oo6s at and he saysI EI have not done anythin&. %ut I have so!e &ood riends near the the Is+ariot and at those honest !en9 so hu!2)e and !orti ied at 2ein& so... de i+ient as 1ro+onsu)9 so...G +o!/ared with Judas... and He sha6es His head without sayin& anythin&. %ut when He E4e))H 4ho wants to +o!e9 )et hi! +o!e9 as it is not rainin& any )on&er. 4e are sees the Is+ariot tie the )a+es o his sanda)s and sort his !ant)e as i he were on the /oint wastin& ti!e here and 2y !idday it !ay rain a&ain. 4hoever wants to +o!e shou)d o settin& o 9 He as6s hi!I E4here are you &oin&FG hurry u/G says Tho!as ur&in& the!. ETo town.G ESha)) I &o9 MasterFG as6s John. EI to)d you that I a! 6ee/in& you here with Ja!es...G E;es9 &o.G E'hH I thou&ht that ;ou were re errin& to ;our 2rother Judas... So... I... a! )i6e a EThere you areH It is a)ways the sa!eH He +an9 the others +an. I +annot. It's a)ways CnoD /risoner... 'hH 'hHG He sneers. or !eHG EI don't thin6 that %ethany has +hains or 2ars. It has on)y the desire o your Master. EI wi)) try to ind out a2out your !otherG says John to +a)! hi!. 'nd I wou)d )ove to 2e the /risoner o itG re!ar6s the >ea)ot. E'nd I wi)) try as we)). I a! +o!in& with you and Tho!asG says the >ea)ot and he E5hH o +ourseH I was <o6in&... The a+t is... I wou)d )i6e to have news o !y !other.

5/$.The F ida( 6e-" e &he En& ( in&" Je usa2e.. Judas "- <e i"&h I.5eni&en&.


addsI EMy o)d a&e wi)) +he+6 the youn& ones9 Master. 'nd I 6now those o :erioth very we)). I I see any9 I wi)) a//roa+h the!. I wi)) 2rin& you news o your !other9 Judas. %e &oodH %e =uietH It is 1assover9 Judas. 4e a)) ee) the /ea+e o this estivity9 the <oy o this so)e!nity. 4hy do you a)one want to 2e so u/set9 so su))en9 so dis+on@ tented9 en<oyin& no /ea+eF 1assover is the /assa&e o ,od... 1assover9 or us He2rews9 is the east o our )i2eration ro! a hard yo6e. The Most Hi&h ,od de)ivered us. 8ow9 as the an+ient event +annot 2e re/eated9 its sy!2o) re!ains9 individua)... ;assover( liberation of hearts purification baptis# if you wish with the blood of the la#b so that ene#y powers #ay no longer in5ure those who are #ar"ed with it. It is so 2eauti u) to 2e&in the new year with this east o /uri i+ation9 o )i2eration9 o adoration o ,od our Saviour... 4 5hH e3+use !e9 MasterH I have s/o6en when I shou)d have 6e/t =uiet9 2e+ause ;ou are here to +orre+t our hearts...G EJust what I was thin6in&9 too9 Si!on. The very sa!e thin&I that I have two !asters now instead o one9 and they see!ed too !anyG says the Is+ariot an&ri)y. 1eter... ohH 1eter this ti!e +annot +ontro) hi!se) and he )ies into a ra&e sayin&I E'nd i you don't sto/ this at on+e you wi)) have a third one and that wi)) 2e !e. 'nd I swear to you that !y ar&u!ents wi)) 2e !ore /ersuasive than words.G E4ou)d you 2eat a +o!/anionF ' ter so !any e orts to 6ee/ the o)d ,a)i)ean to the 2otto!9 your true nature is sur a+in& a&ain9 is that soFG EIt is not sur a+in&. It has a)ways 2een on the sur a+e9 and very +)ear)y I use no du/)i+ity. The trou2)e is that with wi)d <a+6asses su+h as you are9 there is on)y one ar&u!ent to 2rea6 the! inI a &ood )o&&in&. ;ou ou&ht to 2e asha!ed o tres/assin& on His 6indness and our /atien+eH 7o!e9 Si!onH 7o!e9 JohnH 7o!e9 Tho!asH ,ood2ye9 Master. I a! &oin& away as we))9 2e+ause i I stay... no9 than6 ,od9 I wi)) no )on&er 2e a2)e to +he+6 !yse) .G and 1eter &ras/s his !ant)e9 that was on a seat9 and /uts it on in a hurry9 and he is so an&ry that he does not rea)ise he has /ut it on u/side@down9 so that John has to te)) hi! o his !ista6e and he)/ hi! to /ut it on ri&ht. 'nd he &oes away head)on&9 sta!/in& his eet on the &round9 to dis+har&e so!e o his wrath thus. He )oo6s )i6e a urious youn& 2u)). The others... ohH the others are )i6e o/en 2oo6s in whi+h one +an read what is written. %artho)o!ew raises his thin a+e o an o)d !an towards the s6y sti)) +)oudy9 and he see!s to 2e studyin& the winds9 in order not to have to study a+esI Jesus' is in a+t too sorrow u)9 the Is+ariot's too /er idious. Matthew and 1hi)i/ )oo6 at Thaddeus whose eyes9 so si!i)ar to Jesus'9 are )ashin& with wrath9 and 2oth have the sa!e thou&htI they ta6e hi! 2etween the! and /ush hi! away9 towards the inner )ane )eadin& to Si!on's house9 sayin&I E;our !other wanted us to do that <o2. ;ou had 2etter +o!e9 too9 Ja!es o >e2edeeG and they dra& away a)so Sa)o!e's son. 'ndrew )oo6s at Ja!es o ')/haeus and Ja!es )oo6s at hi!I two a+es re )e+tin& the sa!e +ontained su erin&s9 and as they do not 6now what to say9 they ta6e ea+h other's hand )i6e two 2oys and !ove away

sad)y. Sa)o!e is the on)y wo!an dis+i/)e there and she dare not !ove or s/ea69 neither +an she !a6e u/ her !ind to &o away9 as i she wished to +he+6 other words o the worth)ess a/ost)e with her /resen+e. (ortunate)y none o Lazarus' a!i)y are /resent. The %)essed Bir&in is a)so a2sent. 5 Judas sees that he is a)one with Jesus and Sa)o!e. 's he does not want to 2e with the!9 he turns his 2a+6 on the! and &oes away towards the <as!in 2ower. Jesus )oo6s at hi! &o away. He wat+hes hi!. He noti+es that9 a ter /retendin& to sit down in the 2ower9 Judas s)i/s away on the =uiet ro! the rear side and disa//ears a!on& the hed&es o roses9 )aure)s and 2o3es9 that se/arate the true &arden ro! the 2eds o s/i+es9 where the 2eehives are. It is /ossi2)e to &o out there throu&h one o the se+ondary &ates o/en in the wa))s o the )ar&e &arden9 a rea) /ar69 two sides o whi+h 2order on very ta)) hed&es9 as wide as an avenue9 with o/enin&s a+in& &ates here and there to &ive a++ess to the !eadows9 ie)ds9 or+hards and o)ive@&roves9 as we)) as Si!on's house9 that )in6 the &arden to the ar!s9 unitin& and se/aratin& the! at the sa!e ti!e9 whi)e on the other two sides there are /ower u) !assive wa))s o/enin& on to two roads9 a se+ondary one and a !ain one9 that or! a +rossroad and the or!er9 +uttin& throu&h %ethany9 runs towards %eth)ehe!. Jesus strai&htens Hi!se) u/ as !u+h as /ossi2)e and +han&es /osition as !u+h as is ne+essary9 to see what the Is+ariot is doin&9 and His eyes are 2)azin&. Mary Sa)o!e sees the! and she understands9 a)thou&h she +annot see9 not 2ein& very ta))9 she rea)ises what is ha//enin& towards the end o the /ar6 and she whis/ersI ELord9 have !er+y on usHG Jesus hears her whis/er and He turns round or a !o!ent to )oo6 at His &ood si!/)e dis+i/)e. She !ay have had a thou&ht o !other)y /ride when she as6ed or a /)a+e o honour or her sons9 2ut at )east she was in a /osition to do so as they are &ood a/ost)es and she hu!2)y a++e/ted the re/roo o the Master and she did not ee) o ended 2y it9 neither did she &o away ro! Hi!9 on the +ontrary she 2e+a!e !ore hu!2)e and !ore o2)i&in& towards the Master9 4ho! she o))ows )i6e His shadow9 whenever she +an9 and 4hose )east e3/ressions she studies in order to 2e a2)e9 whenever /ossi2)e9 to oresta)) His wishes and &ive Hi! <oy. 'nd even now the &ood and hu!2)e Sa)o!e tries to +o! ort the Master and to a//ease the sus/i+ion that !a6es Hi! su er9 sayin&I ESeeF He is not &oin& ar. He )e t his !ant)e there and he has not /i+6ed it u/. He !ay &o or a wa)6 in the !eadows to &ive vent to his hu!our... Judas wou)d never &o to town un)ess he were /ro/er)y dressed...G EHe wou)d &o there even i he were na6ed9 i he wanted. In a+t... Loo6H 7o!e hereHG E5hHH He is tryin& to o/en the &ateH %ut it is )o+6edH He is +a))in& one o the servants o the 2eehivesHG 6 Jesus shouts in a )oud voi+eI EJudasH 4ait or MeH I !ust s/ea6 to youG and He is a2out to set out.

5/$.The F ida( 6e-" e &he En& ( in&" Je usa2e.. Judas "- <e i"&h I.5eni&en&.


E(or /ity's sa6e9 LordHH I a! &oin& to +a)) Lazarus... ;our Mother... $on't &o 2y ;ourse) HG

2e+ause o su+h ene!ies9 and that is why you hate MeH I want to de end you ro! yourse) and ro! the!9 and you hate Me. I a! handin& you the !eans to save yourse) 9 and you +an sti)) do it9 and you hate Me. I wi)) te)) you on+e a&ainI go away 8udas. &o ')thou&h Jesus is wa)6in& ast9 He turns round a )itt)e and saysI EI order you not to do far away. 3o not go to 8erusale#. %ou are not well. It is not a )ie to say that you are so so. 5n the +ontrary9 2e =uiet. 4ith every2ody. I they as6 you a2out MeI I have &one i)) that you +annot ta6e /art in the +e)e2ration o 1assover. ;ou wi)) 6ee/ the out with Judas or a short wa)6. I the wo!en dis+i/)es +o!e9 )et the! wait. I sha)) soon su//)e!entary one. The Law a))ows /eo/)e to 6ee/ the su//)e!entary 1assover9 when 2e 2a+6.G diseases or other &rave reasons /revent the! ro! 6ee/in& the so)e!n one. I wi)) as6 Lazarus J he is a /rudent riend and wi)) not as6 any =uestions J to ta6e you 2eyond the Sa)o!e does not rea+t9 neither does the Is+ariot. The or!er near the house9 the )atter Jordan today.G near the wa))9 they 2oth re!ain where Jesus has sto//ed the! and they )oo6 at Hi!I Sa)o!e sees Hi! !ove away9 Judas sees Hi! +o!e towards hi!. E8o. I to)d ;ou !any ti!es to re<e+t !e. ;ou did not want to. 8ow I do not want it.G E5/en the door9 Jonah. I a! &oin& out or a !o!ent with My dis+i/)e. 'nd i you are E;ou do not wantF ;ou do not want to 2e savedF ;ou ta6e no /ity on yourse) F 5n &oin& to stay here9 you need not +)ose it 2ehind us. I sha)) soon 2e 2a+6G He 6ind)y says your !otherFG to the /easant servant who had re!ained du!2 ounded with the 2i& 6ey in his hand. E;ou shou)d say to !eI CHave you no !er+y on MeFD ;ou wou)d 2e !ore sin+ere.G The heavy iron door s=uea6s in 2ein& o/ened9 as the 6ey s+ree+hes in wor6in& the )o+6. EJudas9 My unha//y riend9 I a# not begging you on !y behalf. I a# begging you for E' door that is se)do! o/enedG says the servant s!i)in&. E0hH ;ou have &ot rustyH your own sa"e. Loo6H 4e are a)one. ;ou and I a)one. ;ou 6now who I a!9 I 6now who When one is idle one gets spoiled... .ust9 dust... ur+hins... The sa!e ha//ens to us... i you are. It is the )ast !o!ent o &ra+e sti)) &ranted to us to /revent your ruin... 5hH do we do not a)ways wor6 on our sou)sHG not sneer so satani+a))y9 My riend. $o not )au&h at Me as i I were !ad 2e+ause I sayI Cyour ruinD and not Mine. Mine is not a ruin. ;ours is... 4e are a)one9 you and I9 and E4e)) said9 JonahH ;our thou&ht is a wise one. Many ra22is wou)d envy you it.G a2ove us there is ,od... &od Who does not hate you yet &od Who is witness to this E5hH it's !y 2ees that su&&est the! to !e... and ;our words. It is rea))y ;our words. supre#e struggle between &ood and )vil co#peting for your soul. '2ove us there is the Then the 2ees a)so !a6e !e understand the!. Because everything has a voice if one 0!/yrean wat+hin& us. The 0!/yrean that wi)) soon 2e i))ed with saints. They are can understand it. 'nd I sayI i the 2ees o2ey the order o Hi! 4ho +reated the!9 and a)ready e3u)tin&9 in their /)a+e o e3/e+tation9 2e+ause they ee) that <oy is +o!in&... they are )itt)e inse+ts whi+h I do not 6now where they !ay have 2rains and hearts9 and Judas9 your ather is a!on& the!...G I9 who have heart9 2rains and sou)9 and I hear the Master9 sha)) I not 2e a2)e to do what they do9 wor6in& a)) the ti!e to do what the Master says we !ust do9 and thus !a6e !y EHe was a sinner. He is not there.G sou) 2eauti u) and 2ri&ht9 without any rust9 dust9 !ud and straw9 and stones and other EHe was a sinner9 2ut not a da!ned sou). So <oy is a//roa+hin& hi! as we)). 4hy do snares /)a+ed in the devi+e 2y he))ish ene!iesFG you want to &rieve hi! in his <oyFG E;ou are =uite ri&ht. I!itate your 2ees9 and your sou) wi)) 2e+o!e a ri+h 2eehive u)) o /re+ious virtues9 and ,od wi)) +o!e to en<oy it. ,ood2ye9 Jonah. 1ea+e 2e with you.G He )ays His hand on the &rey@haired head o the servant9 who has stoo/ed in ront o Hi!9 and He &oes out on the road towards !eadows o red +)over as 2eauti u) as thi+6 dee/@red and +ri!son +ar/ets. %ees are )yin& on the! ro! )ower to )ower s/ar6)in& and hu!!in&. 7 4hen they are ar enou&h ro! the wa)) so that no one in Lazarus' &arden !i&ht hear the!9 Jesus saysI E$id you hear that servantF He is a /easant. It is a)ready a &reat thin& i he +an read a ew words... 'nd yet... His words +ou)d have 2een uttered 2y My )i/s and My s/ee+h wou)d not have see!ed to 2e oo)ish. He ee)s that one !ust wat+h to ensure that the ene!ies o the s/irit do not s/oi) the s/irit... I... a! 6ee/in& you near Me EHe is /ast &rie . He is dead.G E8o. He is not /ast the &rie o seein& you &ui)ty9 you... ohH do not !a6e Me say that wordH...G E;es9 say itH I have 2een sayin& it to !yse) or !onthsH I a! da!ned. I 6now. 8othin& +an 2e +han&ed.G E0verythin&H Judas9 I a! wee/in&. The )ast tears o the Man... do you want to have the! shedF... Judas9 I 2e& you. 7onsider9 My riendI Heaven is assentin& to My /rayers9 and you9 and you... 4i)) you )et Me /ray in vainF 7onsider who is /rayin& in ront o youI the Messiah o Israe)9 the Son o the (ather... Judas9 )isten to Me... Sto/9 whi)e you +anH...G

5/$.The F ida( 6e-" e &he En& ( in&" Je usa2e.. Judas "- <e i"&h I.5eni&en&.


E8oHG 8 Jesus +overs His a+e with His hands and dro/s to the &round at the 2order o the !eadow. He wee/s noise)ess)y9 2ut 2itter)y. His shou)ders are sha6en 2y His dee/ so22in&... Judas )oo6s at Hi!9 there9 at his eet9 heart@2ro6en9 wee/in&9 and out o the desire to save hi!... and he is !oved or a !o!ent. Layin& aside the hard tone o a rea) de!on he had /revious)y9 he saysI EI +annot &o away... I have &iven !y word...G

or hear anythin&. So... ;ou wi)) not sus/e+t !e a)) the ti!e. 'nd i the Sanhedrin is in or!ed o anythin& that ta6es /)a+e9 ;ou wi)) have to )oo6 or the sna6es a!on& ;our avourite ones. ,ood2yeH I a! &oin& in throu&h the !ain &ate. $on't 2e a raid. I wi)) not run away. ;ou +an +o!e and +he+6 whenever ;ou wishG and turnin& his 2a+6 on Hi! he strides away.

9 Jesus9 a ta)) white i&ure in His )inen tuni+ at the ed&e o the &reen@red !eadow9 )i ts u/ His ar!s towards the +)ear s6y and raises His very sad a+e and sou) to His (ather !oanin&I E5hH (atherH 4i)) ;ou a++use Me o o!ittin& anythin& that !ay save hi!F ;ou 6now that I a! stru&&)in& to /revent his +ri!e or the sa6e o his sou)9 not or My Jesus raises His distressed a+e and interru/ts hi! sayin&I ETo who!F To who!F To )i e... (atherH 5hH (atherH I 2e& ;ouH Hasten the hour o dar6ness9 the hour o the so!e /oor !enH 'nd you are worried a2out the!9 a2out 2ein& +onsidered Sa+ri i+e9 2e+ause it is too +rue) or Me to )ive near the riend who does not want to 2e dishonoura2)e 2y the!F 'nd had you not &iven yourse) to Me or three yearsF 'nd redee!ed... The greatest grief!G and Jesus sits down on the thi+69 ta))9 2eauti u) +)over. you are +on+erned a2out the +o!!ents o a hand u) o evi)@doers and not a2out ,od's He 2ends His head on His raised 6nees +)as/ed in His ar!s and He wee/s... 5hH I <ud&e!entF 5hH %ut what !ust I do9 (ather9 to revive in hi! the wi)) not to sinFG 'nd He )owers His head a&ain9 o//ressed with sorrow9 distressed... He a)ready )oo6s )i6e the +annot )oo6 at those tearsH In distress9 in so)itude9 in... the +onvi+tion that Heaven wi)) do nothin& to +o! ort Hi!9 and that He !ust su er that &rie 9 they are a)ready too Jesus su erin& in the a&ony o ,ethse!ane. si!i)ar to those o ,ethse!ane. 'nd that &rieves !e too !u+h... Judas ee)s sorry or Hi! and saysI EI wi)) stay. $o not su er thusH I wi)) stay... He)/ Jesus wee/s or a )on& ti!e in the so)itary si)ent /)a+e. 4itnesses o His tears the !e to stayH $e end !eHG &o)den@hued 2ees9 the s+ented +)over that waves s)ow)y in a stor!y wind9 and the E')waysH ')ways9 i you on)y wish so. 7o!e. There is no sin that I do not e3+use and +)ouds that ear)y in the !ornin& were )i6e a thin net in the 2)ue s6y and are now thi+69 or&ive. SayI CI wantD. 'nd I sha)) have redee!ed you...G Jesus9 standin& u/9 has ta6en dar69 /i)ed u/ threatenin& !ore rain. hi! in His ar!s. %ut i the tears o Jesus@,od a)) on Judas' head9 Judas' )i/s re!ain 10 Jesus sto/s wee/in&. He raises His head )istenin&... The noise o whee)s and harness@ +)osed. He does not say the re=uested word. He does not even say E or&ive !eG when 2e))s +o!es ro! the !ain road. Then the noise o the whee)s sto/s9 whi)st that o the Jesus whis/ers throu&h his hairI E;ou +an /er+eive whether I )ove youH I shou)d have re/roa+hed youH I 6iss you. I shou)d 2e entit)ed to say to youI C's6 your ,od to or&ive harness@2e))s +ontinues. Jesus saysI ELet us &oH The wo!en dis+i/)es... They are aith u)... (ather9 )et it 2e done as ;ou wishH I o er ;ou the sa+ri i+e o this desire o youD and I only as" you to have the will to be forgiven. ;ou are so i))H ;ou +annot as6 Mine as Saviour and (riend. It is writtenH He wanted it. That is true. However9 (ather9 !u+h o a /erson who is very i)). *f all the sinners who ca#e to !e I as"ed absolute )et Me +ontinue My wor6 on his 2eha) unti) it is a)) over. 'nd even ro! this !o!ent I repentance in order to be able to forgive the#. I a! as6in& you9 My riend9 only the say to ;ouI (ather9 when I /ray or sinners9 a vi+ti! havin& no /ower to ta6e dire+t will to repent and then... I will act.G a+tion9 (ather9 ta6e My su erin&s and or+e Judas' sou) with the!. I a! aware that I a! Judas is si)ent... as6in& what Justi+e +annot &rant. %ut Mer+y and Love have +o!e ro! ;ou9 and ;ou )ove what +o!es ro! ;ou and is 5ne Thin& on)y with ;ou9 ,od 5ne and Trine9 Ho)y Jesus )ets hi! &o sayin&I EStay here at )east unti) the day a ter the Sa22ath.G and %)essed. I wi)) &ive Myse) to My 2e)oved ones as ood and drin6. So9 (ather9 are EI wi)) stay... Let us &o 2a+6 to the house. They wi)) noti+e our a2sen+e. The wo!en are My %)ood and My ()esh to 2e+o!e +onde!nation or one o the!F (ather9 he)/ MeH ' /erha/s waitin& or ;ou. They are 2etter than I a! and ;ou !ust not ne&)e+t the! &er! o re/entan+e in that heartH... 2e+ause o !e.G (ather9 why are ;ou &oin& awayF 're ;ou a)ready !ovin& away ro! ;our 4ord $o you not re!e!2er the /ara2)e o the )ost shee/F ;ou are the )ost shee/... They9 the 4ho is /rayin&F (ather9 the hour has +o!e. I 6now. May ;our 2)essed wi)) 2e doneH wo!en dis+i/)es9 are the &ood shee/ +)osed in the o)d. They are in no dan&er9 even i I %ut )eave ;our Son9 ;our 7hrist9 in 4ho!9 2y ;our ins+ruta2)e de+ree the +ertain shou)d have to sear+h a)) day or your sou) to ta6e it 2a+6 to the o)d...G +)airvoyan+e o the uture is di!inishin& in this hour J and I do not say to ;ou that this is +rue)ty9 2ut it is ;our +o!/assion or Me J leave !e the hope that I #ay still save E5 +ourseH 5 +ourseH ')) ri&htH I wi)) &o 2a+6 to the o)dH I wi)) shut !yse) u/ in Lazarus )i2rary and read there. I don't want to 2e distur2ed. I don't want to see any2ody hi#. 5hH (atherH I 6now. I have 6nown sin+e I a!. I have 6nown sin+e9 not on)y as

5/$.The F ida( 6e-" e &he En& ( in&" Je usa2e.. Judas "- <e i"&h I.5eni&en&.


4ord9 2ut as Man9 I +a!e here to the 0arth. I have 6nown sin+e I !et the !an in the Te!/)e... I have a)ways 2een aware o it... %ut now... 5hH it see!s to Me J throu&h ;our &reat /ity9 Most Ho)y (atherH J it see!s to Me 2ut a dread u) drea!9 2rou&ht a2out 2y his 2ehaviour9 2ut not so!ethin& ine)u+ta2)e... and that I !ay sti)) ho/e9 a)ways9 2e+ause in inite is My su erin& and in inite wi)) 2e the Sa+ri i+e9 and !ay it 2e o so!e 2ene it a)so or hi!... 'hH I a! ravin&H It is the Man 4ho wants to ho/e soH The ,od 4ho is in the Man9 the ,od !ade Man +annot de)ude Hi!se) H The !ist that or a !o!ent was +on+ea)in& the a2yss ro! Me is dissi/atin&... the a2yss a)ready o/en to swa))ow the !an who /re erred $ar6ness to the Li&ht... It was ;our /ity that +on+ea)ed itH It is ;our /ity that shows Me it now that ;ou have re+o! orted Me. ;es9 (ather9 a)so thatH 0verythin&H 'nd I wi)) 2e Mer+y unti) the end9 2e+ause su+h is My 0ssen+e.G He is sti)) /rayin&9 si)ent)y9 His ar!s stret+hed out +rosswise9 and His distressed a+e +a)!s down !ore and !ore assu!in& the a//earan+e o so)e!n /ea+e. It 2e+o!es a)!ost 2ri&ht with the )i&ht o interior <oy9 a)thou&h there is no s!i)e on His +)osed )i/s. It is the <oy o His s/irit9 in +o!!union with His (ather9 a <oy that )ea6s out ro! the vei)s o the )esh and +an+e)s the !ar6s that &rie had i!/ressed and /ainted on the Master's a+e9 whi+h had 2e+o!e the !ore e!a+iated and s/iritua)ised9 the !ore He advan+ed towards sorrow and sa+ri i+e. In these )ast !orta) days the a+e o 7hrist is no )on&er a a+e o the 0arth9 and no artist wi)) ever 2e a2)e to &ive us that a+e o Man ,od +arved into su/ernatura) 2eauty 2y /er e+t tota) )ove and sorrow9 even i the .edee!er shou)d show Hi!se) to the artist. 11 Jesus is on+e a&ain at the &ate o the en+)osure9 He )o+6s it and /ro+eeds towards the house. The servant !et /revious)y sees Hi! and runs to ta6e the 2i& 6ey that Jesus is ho)din& in His hand. He &oes on. He !eets Lazarus who saysI EMaster9 the wo!en have +o!e. I too6 the! into the white ha)) 2e+ause in the )i2rary there is Judas9 who is readin& and is not we)).G EI 6now. Than6 you or the wo!en. 're there !anyFG

5%$. The F!ida/ )e1#!e &he En&!/ in&# Je!usa5e(. Fa!e-e55 &# &he ;#(en Dis'i95es and &he En'#un&e! -i&h an Cnha99/ Chi5d.
22nd .a!'h $9*8.

1 The 2eauti u) ha)) J one o those used or 2an=uets9 with its white wa))s and +ei)in&9 its heavy white +urtains9 the white ta/estry +overin& seats and the sheets o !i+a or a)a2aster as window /anes and s6y)i&hts J is u)) o the +hatter o the wo!en. So!e i teen wo!en ta)6in& to one another is no 2a&ate))e. %ut as soon as Jesus a//ears at the door9 !ovin& the heavy +urtain aside9 there is dead si)en+e whi)e they a)) stand u/ and 2ow with the ut!ost res/e+t. E1ea+e to a)) o youG says Jesus with a 6ind s!i)e... 5 the stor! o &rie that has <ust su2sided there is no tra+e on His a+e9 whi+h is +)ear9 2ri&ht9 /ea+e u)9 as i nothin& &rievous had ha//ened or were a2out to ha//en with His u)) 6now)ed&e. E1ea+e to ;ou9 Master. 4e have +o!e. ;ou sent wordI Cwith as !any wo!en as there are with JohannaD9 and I o2eyed ;ou. 0)iza was stayin& with !e. I have 6e/t her with !e these days. 'nd a)so this wo!an9 who says is ;our o))ower9 was with !e. She had +o!e )oo6in& or ;ou9 2e+ause it is we)) 6nown that I a! ;our ha//y dis+i/)e. 'nd Ba)eria a)so is with !e in !y house sin+e I +a!e to !y !ansion. 4ith Ba)eria there was 1)autina9 who had +o!e to visit her. 'nd this wo!an was with the!. Ba)eria wi)) s/ea6 to ;ou a2out her. 'nna)eah +a!e )ater9 when she heard o ;our wish9 with this youn& &ir)9 who I thin6 is a re)ative o hers. 4e arran&ed to +o!e and we did not or&et 8i6e. It is so 2eauti u) to ee) that we are a)) sisters in one aith on)y in ;ou... 'nd to ho/e that a)so those who are sti)) on)y at a natura) )ove or the Master !ay rise hi&her9 as Ba)eria didG says Johanna )oo6in& stea)thi)y at 1)autina who... has re!ained at the natura) )ove... E3ia#onds for# slowly Johanna. Ages of hidden fire are re+uired... *ne #ust not be in a hurry never... And one #ust never lose heart Johanna...G

E'nd when a dia!ond 2e+o!es... ashes a&ainFG EJohanna9 8i6e9 0)iza and Ba)eria with 1)autina and another riend or reedwo!an9 I do not 6now9 whose na!e is Mar+e))a9 and an o)d wo!an who says she 6nows ;ouI 'nne 9It is an indication that it was not yet a perfect dia#ond. ;atience and fire are still re+uired. *ne has to start all over again hoping in the 2ord. What appears to be a o Meron9 then 'nna)eah and there is another youn& &ir) with her9 na!ed Sarah. They failure the first ti#e often beco#es a triu#ph the second ti#e.> are with the wo!en dis+i/)es9 ;our Mother and !y sisters.G E5r the third or the ourth ti!e9 and even !ore. 2 I was a ai)ure !any ti!es9 2ut at )ast E'nd these voi+es o +hi)drenFG ;ou triu!/hed9 .a22oniHG says Mary o Ma&da)a in her har!onious voi+e ro! the E'nne has 2rou&ht her &rand+hi)dren9 Johanna has her +hi)dren and Ba)eria her end o the ha)). dau&hter. I too6 the! into the inner +ourt@yard...G EMary is ha//y every ti!e she +an hu!2)e herse) 2y re!e!2erin& her /ast...G says with a si&h Martha9 who wou)d )i6e that re!e!2ran+e +an+e))ed in every heart. ETru)y9 sister9 it is soH I a! ha//y re!e!2erin& !y /ast. %ut not to hu!2)e !yse) 9 as

5/+.The F ida( 6e-" e &he En& ( in&" Je usa2e.. Fa e%e22 &" &he 8".en Dis3i52es and &he En3"un&e %i&h an Anha55( :hi2d.


you say9 2ut to rise hi&her9 ur&ed 2y the !e!ory o the evi) done and 2y &ratitude to Hi! 4ho saved !e. 'nd a)so so that whoever hesitates or hi!se) or or so!e /erson dear to hi! !ay /)u+6 u/ +oura&e and arrive at that aith that !y Master says wou)d 2e a2)e to shi t !ountains.G E'nd you have itH ;ou 2)essed wo!anH ;ou do not 6now what ear is...G says with a si&h Johanna who is so !ee6 and ti!id9 and she a//ears to 2e even !ore so i one +o!/ares her with the Ma&da)ene.

2ut Mary o Ma&da)a /re+edes her on+e a&ain and saysI E%ut the Man9 you !ean9 +annot raise Hi!se) 2y Hi!se) . %ut as He !ade hi!se) Man 2y Hi!se) 9 2e+ause nothin& is i!/ossi2)e to the Saint o Saints9 so He wi)) 2y Hi!se) order Hi!se) to rise ro! the dead. ;ou +annot understand. ;ou do not 6now the i&ures o our history o Israe). He and His wonders are in the!. 'nd everythin& wi)) ta6e /)a+e as it was stated.

4 I 2e)ieve in advan+e9 Lord. I 2e)ieve everythin&. That ;ou are the Son o ,od and the Son o the Bir&in9 that ;ou are the La!2 o sa)vation9 that ;ou are the Most Ho)y Messiah9 that ;ou are the universa) .edee!er and :in&9 that ;our :in&do! wi)) have E8o9 I do not 6now what ear is. It has never 2een in !y hu!an nature. 8ow that I no end or 2oundary9 and ina))y that death wi)) not /revai) over ;ou9 2e+ause )i e and 2e)on& to !y Saviour9 I a! not even aware o it in !y s/iritua) nature. 0verythin& has death were +reated 2y ,od and are su2<e+t to Hi! )i6e a)) other thin&s. I believe. 'nd i served to in+rease !y aith. 7an one who was revived as I was and who saw one's dee/ wi)) 2e !y sorrow at seein& ;ou disre&arded and des/ised9 &reater wi)) 2e !y 2rother rise ro! the dead9 2e in dou2t a2out anythin&F 8othin& wi)) ever !a6e !e aith in ;our eterna) %ein&. I 2e)ieve. I 2e)ieve in everythin& that has 2een said a2out dou2t a&ain.G ;ou. I 2e)ieve in everythin& ;ou say. I 2e)ieved a)so with re&ard to Lazarus9 I was the E's )on& as ,od is with you9 that is9 the .a22i is with you... 3 %ut He says that He wi)) on)y one who o2eyed and 2e)ieved9 the on)y one who rea+ted a&ainst those !en and those situations that wanted to /ersuade !e not to 2e)ieve. 5n)y at the end9 towards the soon )eave us. 4hat wi)) our aith then 2eF That is9 your aith9 2e+ause I have not yet end o the tria)9 I 2e+a!e +on used... %ut the tria) had )asted so )on&... and I thou&ht that &one 2eyond hu!an rontiers...G says 1)autina. not even ;ou9 2)essed Master9 +ou)d a//roa+h the &o)a) a ter so !any days ro! his EHis !ateria) /resen+e or a2sen+e wi)) not i!/air !y aith. I wi)) not 2e a raid. I a! not death... 8ow... I wou)d not dou2t any !ore even i 9 instead o days9 a se/u)+hre were to 2ein& /roud. I 6now !yse) . I the threats o the Sanhedrin shou)d +o!e true... I wi)) 2e o/ened to &ive 2a+6 its /rey a ter it had 2een in its 2e))y or !onths. *h! #y 2ord! I not 2e a raid...G "now who %ou are! -ilth has recognised the .tar!G Mary has s=uatted at His eet9 on the !ar2)e )oor9 no )on&er vehe!ent9 2ut !ee69 with an e3/ression o adoration on her E;ou wi)) not 2e a raid o whatF That the Just 5ne is <ustF I sha)) not 2e a raid o that a+e raised towards Jesus. either. 4e 2e)ieve that o !any wise /eo/)e whose wisdo! we en<oy9 I shou)d say that we nourish ourse)ves with the )i e o their thou&ht9 a&es a ter their death. %ut i you...G E4ho a! IFG says 1)autina insistent)y. EHe 4ho is. That is what ;ou are. The other /art9 the hu!an /erson9 is the &ar!ent9 EI wi)) not even ear or His death. Li e +annot die. Lazarus9 who was a /oor !an9 rose the ne+essary &ar!ent that has 2een /ut on ;our 2ri&htness and ;our ho)iness9 so that it ro! the dead...G !i&ht +o!e a!on& us to save us. %ut ;ou are ,od9 !y ,od.G 'nd she throws herse) on the )oor 6issin& Jesus' eet9 and she see!s to 2e una2)e to re!ove her )i/s ro! the EHe did not rise 2y hi!se) 9 2ut 2e+ause the Master evo6ed his s/irit ro! the 2eyond. toes /rotrudin& ro! the )on& )inen tuni+. EStand u/9 Mary. ')ways ho)d on ast to your ' deed that on)y the Master +an a++o!/)ish. %ut who wi)) evo6e the Master's s/irit9 i aith. 'nd raise it )i6e a star in stor!y hours so that hearts !ay stare at it and !ay ho/e9 the Master is 6i))edFG at )east that...G. E4hoF He. That is9 ,od. ,od !ade Hi!se) 2y Hi!se) 9 ,od +an raise Hi!se) 2y 5 He then turns round to a)) the wo!en dis+i/)es and saysI Hi!se) .G E,od... yes... a++ordin& to your aith ,od !ade Hi!se) 2y Hi!se) . It is a)ready di i+u)t or us to ad!it that9 as we 6now that one &od des+ends ro! another throu&h divine )ove.G EThrou&h o2s+ene unrea) )ove a airs9 you shou)d sayG says Mary o Ma&da)a rash)y9 interru/tin& her. E's you wish...G says 1)autina in a +on+i)iatory tone9 and is a2out to end her senten+e9 EI sent or you 2e+ause durin& the ne3t days we sha)) not 2e a2)e to 2e to&ether very o ten and in /ea+e. The wor)d wi)) 2e around us. 'nd the se+rets o hearts are !ore !odest than the se+rets o 2odies. Today I a! not the Master. I a! the (riend. 8ot a)) o you have ho/es or ears to te)) Me. %ut you a)) )i6ed to see Me on+e a&ain in /ea+e. 'nd I sent or you9 you +rea! o Israe) and o the new :in&do!9 and you9 +rea! o the ,enti)es9 who are )eavin& the /)a+e o dar6ness to enter Li e. :ee/ this in your hearts or the o))owin& daysI that the honour &iven 2y you to the /erse+uted :in& o Israe)9 to the a++used Inno+ent9 to the Master 4ho is not )istened to9 !iti&ates My sorrow.

5/+.The F ida( 6e-" e &he En& ( in&" Je usa2e.. Fa e%e22 &" &he 8".en Dis3i52es and &he En3"un&e %i&h an Anha55( :hi2d.


I as6 you to 2e +)ose)y united9 you o Israe)9 you who have +o!e to Israe)9 you who are +o!in& towards Israe). Assist one another. Let those whose s/irits are stron&er he)/ the wea6er ones. 'nd )et the wiser ones su++our those who 6now )itt)e or nothin& at a))9 and are on)y +ravin& or resh wisdo!9 so that their hu!an desire !ay evo)ve into a su/ernatura) desire o Truth9 throu&h the +are o their !ore advan+ed sisters. Be #erciful to one another. Let those9 who! a&es o divine )aw have or!ed in <usti+e9 2e indu)&ent to those who! ,enti)is! has 2rou&ht u/... di erent)y. Mora) ha2its +annot 2e +han&ed 2etween today and to!orrow 2ut in e3+e/tiona) +ases9 when a divine /ower intervenes to wor6 the +han&e in order to avour a very &ood wi)). $o not 2e sur/rised i in the dis+i/)es +o!in& ro! other re)i&ions you noti+e sto//a&es in /ro&ressin& and returns to the o)d ways. %ear in !ind Israe) herse) in her 2ehaviour towards Me9 and do not e3/e+t ro! the ,enti)e )adies the do+i)ity and virtue that Israe) was not a2)e to have and did not want to have towards the Master. ,onsider yourselves sisters sisters that destiny has &athered round Me9 in this )ast /eriod o My !orta) )i e... $o not wee/H 'nd it has &athered you ta6in& you ro! di erent /)a+es9 thus with di erent )an&ua&es and ha2its9 whi+h !a6e it rather di i+u)t to understand one another ro! a hu!an /oint o view. %ut9 rea))y9 )ove has one )an&ua&e on)y9 whi+h is thisI to do what the 2e)oved one tea+hes and do it to &ive hi! honour and <oy. Thus you +an a)) understand one another and )et those who understand !ore he)/ the others to understand. 6 Then... in uture9 in a !ore or )ess re!ote uture and under di erent +ir+u!stan+es9 you wi)) 2e se/arated a&ain throu&h the re&ions o the 0arth9 and so!e wi)) &o 2a+6 to their native +ountries9 and so!e wi)) &o into an e3i)e that wi)) not 2e hard to 2ear9 2e+ause those who wi)) under&o the tria) wi)) a)ready have rea+hed that /er e+tion o truth9 that wi)) !a6e the! understand that the e3i)e ro! the true (ather)and does not +onsist in 2ein& )ed here or there. Because Heaven is the true -atherland. Because those who are in the truth are in &od and have &od within the#selves. They are a)ready in the :in&do! o ,od9 and the :in&do! o ,od 6nows no rontiers and those who ro! Jerusa)e! are ta6en9 or instan+e9 to I2eria9 or to 1annonia9 or to ,au)9 or to I))yria9 do not )eave that :in&do!. ;ou wi)) a)ways 2e in the :in&do! i you a)ways re!ain in Jesus9 or i you +o!e to Jesus. I have co#e to gather all the sheep. Those o the /aterna) )o+69 those 2e)on&in& to other /eo/)e9 and a)so those without any she/herd9 the wi)d ones9 the ones that are !ore )ost than wi)d9 sun6en into su+h o2s+ure dar6ness as not to a))ow the! to see not even a iota9 not on)y o divine )aw 2ut a)so o !ora) )aw. ?n6nown /eo/)e who are e3/e+tin& to 2e+o!e 6nown in the hour destined 2y ,od or that9 and who wi)) then 2e /art o the )o+6 o 7hrist. 4henF 5hH years and a&es are a)i6e when +o!/ared with the 0terna)H

to the vine shadin& the terra+e. Then it &oes 2a+6 to its nest and it dashes on+e a&ain to the terra+e 2eyond its own9 and &oes 2a+6. 'nd then a&ain arther away... unti) it ee)s the nerves o its win&s 2e+o!e stron& and its 2earin&s sa e9 then it /)ays with wind and s/a+e and it &oes and +o!es twitterin&9 +hasin& inse+ts9 s6i!!in& waters9 risin& towards the sun9 unti) at the ri&ht ti!e it sa e)y o/ens its win&s or the )on& )i&ht towards war!er zones ri+h in new ood. 'nd a)thou&h it is so s!a))9 it is not a raid to )y a+ross seas9 a s/ot o 2urnished stee) )ost 2etween the two 2)ue i!!ensities o sea and s6y9 a s/ot !ovin& on ear)ess)y9 whereas /revious)y it was a raid o the short )i&ht ro! the eaves &utter to the )ea y vine@shoot9 a nervous /er e+t 2ody that +)eaves the air )i6e an arrow and it is not 6nown whether it is the air that )ovin&)y +arries this )itt)e 6in& o the air9 or it is the )itt)e 6in& o the air that )ovin&)y urrows its do!ains. Seein& its sa e )yin& that e3/)oits winds and at!os/heri+ density to &o aster9 who wou)d thin6 o its irst +)u!sy )utterin& ri&htened )i&htF The sa!e wi)) 2e+o!e o you. Let it 2e+o!e so o you. 5 you and o a)) the sou)s that wi)) i!itate you. *ne does not beco#e s"ilful all of a sudden. *ne #ust not feel disheartened because of the first defeats or proud because of the first victories. The irst de eats serve to do 2etter the ne3t ti!e. The irst vi+tories serve as s/ur to do even 2etter in uture and to +onvin+e one that ,od he)/s &ood wi))s. 8 %e a)ways su2<e+t to the She/herds with re&ard to what is o2edien+e to their advi+e and orders. %e a)ways )i6e sisters to the! with re&ard to what is he)/ in their !ission and su//ort in their wor6. Te)) a)so those who are not here today. Te)) those who wi)) +o!e in uture. 'nd now and a)ways 2e )i6e dau&hters to My Mother. She wi)) &uide you in everythin&. She +an &uide &ir)s as we)) as widows9 wives as we)) as !others9 as She has 2e+o!e aware o a)) the +onse=uen+es o every +ondition throu&h Her own e3/erien+e as we)) as throu&h su/ernatura) wisdo!. 2ove one another and love !e in !ary. %ou will never fail because .he is the Tree of 2ife the living Ar" of &od the for# of &od in Who# Wisdo# #ade Its .eat and &race beca#e -lesh. 9 'nd now that I have s/o6en to you in &enera)9 now that I have seen you a))9 I wish to )isten to My wo!en dis+i/)es and to those who are the ho/e o uture wo!en dis+i/)es. ,o. I a! stayin& here. Let those who wish to s/ea6 to Me +o!e to Me. %e+ause never a&ain sha)) we have a !o!ent o inner /ea+e as the /resent one.G

The wo!en +onsu)t with one another. 0)iza &oes out with Mary and Mary 7)o/as. Mary o Lazarus )istens to 1)autina who wishes to +onvin+e her o so!ethin&9 2ut Mary does not see! to a&ree9 as she sha6es her head reso)ute)y in denia) and then &oes away 7 %ut you wi)) anti+i/ate those who wi)) &o with uture She/erds to &ather wi)d shee/ )eavin& her inter)o+utress9 and when /assin& 2y she ta6es her sister and Susanna with and )a!2s in 7hristian )ove in order to )ead the! to divine /astures. And let these her sayin&I E4e sha)) have ti!e to s/ea6 to Hi!. Let us )eave these dis+i/)es with Hi!9 places be your first proving ground. The youn& swa))ow that raises its win&s to )y does as they have to &o away.G not throw itse) into &reat adventures a)) at on+e. It tries to )y irst ro! the eaves &utter E7o!e9 Sarah. 4e sha)) +o!e )astG says 'nna)eah.

5/+.The F ida( 6e-" e &he En& ( in&" Je usa2e.. Fa e%e22 &" &he 8".en Dis3i52es and &he En3"un&e %i&h an Anha55( :hi2d.


10 They a)) &o out s)ow)y with the e3+e/tion o Mary Sa)o!e who re!ains unde+ided at the door. E7o!e here9 Mary. 7)ose the door and +o!e here. 4hat are you a raid o FG Jesus says to her. EThe a+t is... that I a! a)ways with ;ou. $id ;ou hear Mary o LazarusFG EI did. %ut +o!e here. ;ou are the !other o My irst dis+i/)es. 4hat do you want to te)) MeFG The wo!an a//roa+hes Hi! with the s)owness o a /erson that has so!ethin& &reat to as6 and does not 6now whether he +an do it. Jesus en+oura&es her with a s!i)e and sayin&I E4hatF 're you &oin& to as6 Me or a third /)a+e or >e2edeeF %ut he is wise. He +ertain)y did not send you to te)) !e thatH So s/ea6 u/...G

Sa)o!e &oes away <oy u))y. 11 5)d 'nne o the house near Mero! &oes in ho)din& 2y the hands two )itt)e 2oys and with a shy /a)e )itt)e &ir) o))owin& her with )owered head9 and a)ready a+tin& as a )itt)e !other &uidin& a )itt)e 2oy who +an hard)y wa)6. E5hH 'nneH So you a)so wish to s/ea6 to MeF 'nd your hus2andFG EHe is i))9 Lord. I)). Bery i)). I a! a raid I sha)) not see hi! a)ive a&ain...G Tears strea! down her seni)e wrin6)ed a+e. E'nd you are hereFG E;es9 I a! here. He saidI CI +annot &o. ;ou !ay &o or 1assover and see our sons...DG Her wee/in& in+reases and /revents her ro! s/ea6in&.

E4hy are you wee/in& thus9 wo!anF ;our hus2and was ri&ht in sayin&I C0nsure that our sons are not a&ainst the 7hrist or their eterna) /ea+e.D Judas is a <ust !an. He E'hH LordH It is <ust o that /)a+e that I wanted to s/ea6 to ;ou. ;ou... s/ea6 in a way... worries !ore a2out the we) are o his sons than a2out his own )i e and the +o! ort it 's i ;ou were a2out to )eave us. 'nd 2e ore doin& that I wou)d )i6e ;ou to te)) !e that wou)d re+eive ro! your +are. In the hours /re+edin& the death o the <ust9 the vei)s are ;ou have rea))y or&iven !e. I have no /ea+e thin6in& that I dis&usted ;ou.G )i ted and the eyes o the s/irit see the Truth. %ut your sons do not )isten to you9 wo!an. 'nd what +an I do i they re<e+t MeFG E're you sti)) thin6in& o thatF $o you not thin6 that I )ove you as !u+h as 2e ore and !ore than 2e ore.G E$o not hate the!9 LordHG E5hH yes9 Lord. %ut do te)) !e the word o or&iveness9 that I !ay te)) !y hus2and how E4hy shou)d IF I wi)) /ray or the!. 'nd I wi)) i!/ose My hands on these +hi)dren9 &ood ;ou have 2een to !e.G who are inno+ent9 to 6ee/ away ro! the! the hatred that 6i))s. 7o!e to Me. 4hat is your na!eFG E%ut there is no need or you9 wo!an9 to te)) a au)t that has 2een or&iven.G EJudas9 )i6e !y ather's atherG says the 2i&&est 2oy9 and the s!a))est one9 who is he)d E5 +ourse I wi)) te)) hi!H %e+ause9 seeF >e2edee9 seein& how !u+h ;ou )ove his sons9 2y the hand 2y his sister9 ho/s and shoutsI EI9 I9 JudasHG !ay a)) into the sa!e sin as !ine and... i ;ou )eave us9 who wou)d a2so)ve hi!F I wou)d )i6e a)) o us to enter ;our :in&do!. ')so !y !an. 'nd I do not thin6 that I a! E;es9 they have honoured their ather when &ivin& na!es to their +hi)dren. %ut not in 2ein& un<ust 2y wishin& this. I a! a /oor wo!an and I 6now nothin& a2out 2oo6s. %ut other !atters...G says the o)d wo!an. when ;our Mother reads or te))s us wo!en /assa&es o the S+ri/tures9 She o ten s/ea6s o the +hosen wo!en o Israe) or o /assa&es that re er to us. 'nd in the 1rover2s9 that I EHis virtues wi)) revive in these +hi)dren. Litt)e &ir)9 +o!e here as we)). %e as &ood and wise as the wo!an who 2rou&ht you here.G )i6e so !u+h9 it is stated that the heart o the hus2and has +on iden+e in his stron& wi e. I thin6 that it is ri&ht that a wo!an shou)d &ive su+h +on iden+e to her hus2and9 a)so E5hH Mary is &ood. 's I do not want to 2e a)one9 I wi)) ta6e her to ,a)i)ee with !e.G with re&ard to +e)estia) !atters. I I /ro+ure a sa e /)a+e or hi! in Heaven9 /reventin& Jesus 2)esses the +hi)dren restin& His hand or so!e ti!e on the head o the )itt)e &ir) hi! ro! sinnin&9 I thin6 I do a &ood thin&.G who is &ood. He then as6sI E're you not as6in& anythin& or yourse) 9 'nneFG E5 +ourse9 Sa)o!e. ;ou have rea))y o/ened your !outh to words o wisdo! and there EThat I !ay ind !y Judas a)ive and that I !ay have the stren&th to te)) a )ie sayin& that is the )aw o &oodness on your ton&ue. ,o in /ea+e. ;ou have !ore than My or&iveness. ;our sons9 a++ordin& to the 2oo6 that you )i6e so !u+h9 wi)) /ro+)ai! you his sons...G 2)essed9 and your hus2and wi)) sin& your /raises in the (ather)and o the <ust. ,o tran=ui))y. ,o in /ea+e. %e ha//y.G He 2)esses and dis!isses her.

5/+.The F ida( 6e-" e &he En& ( in&" Je usa2e.. Fa e%e22 &" &he 8".en Dis3i52es and &he En3"un&e %i&h an Anha55( :hi2d.


E8o. $o not )ie. 8ever. 8ot even to )et a dyin& !an die in /ea+e. ;ou wi)) say to JudasI where she was. She did not s/ea6 to !e either. %ut9 i I a! not wron&9 the .o!an CThe Master says that He 2)esses you and with you He 2)esses your 2)ood.D ')so these indi eren+e9 whi+h is a)ways so stron& when an event +an have no re/er+ussion on their inno+ent +hi)dren are his 2)ood and I have 2)essed the!.G (ather)and or on their e&os9 has 2ad)y 2enu!2ed those who on+e see!ed so wi))in& to rouse the!se)ves. Their indi eren+e9 the indo)en+e o their s/irits9 so... di erent 2y E%ut i he as6s whether our sons...G now ro! !ine9 se/arates us9 as a +)e t se/arates two +)ods /revious)y united9 !ore than the a+t that I have a//roa+hed the syna&o&ue. They are ha//y. They are ha//y their E;ou wi)) sayI CThe Master has /rayed or the!.D Judas wi)) rest in the +ertainty that My /rayer is /ower u)9 and the truth wi)) 2e s/o6en without disheartenin& who is dyin&. way... 'nd hu!an ha//iness does not he)/ to 6ee/ one's !ind shar/.G %e+ause I wi)) /ray a)so or your sons. ;ou !ay &o in /ea+e9 too9 'nne. 4hen are you E'nd to awa6e the s/irit9 Ba)eriaG says Jesus. )eavin& the townFG EIt is so9 Master. I... there is another !atter... $id ;ou see that wo!an who was with EThe day a ter the Sa22ath9 so as not to 2e sto//ed on the road 2e+ause o the Sa22ath.G usF She 2e)on&s to !y a!i)y. She is a widow and )one)y9 and she was sent 2y !y re)atives to +onvin+e !e to &o 2a+6 to Ita)y. 5hH with !any /ro!ises o uture <oysH E')) ri&ht. I a! &)ad that you wi)) 2e here a ter the Sa22ath. .e!ain +)ose)y united to They are <oys that I no )on&er a//re+iate and thus they no )on&er see! to !e to 2e su+h9 0)iza and 8i6e. ,o. 'nd 2e stron& and aith u).G and I des/ise the!. I wi)) not &o to Ita)y. Here I have ;ou9 I have !y )itt)e dau&hter The wo!an is a)!ost at the door when Jesus +a))s her a&ain sayin&I EListen. ;our )itt)e who! ;ou saved or !e9 and who! ;ou tau&ht !e to )ove or her sou). I wi)) not )eave ones are with you or a )on& ti!e9 are they notFG these /)a+es... Mar+e))a... I 2rou&ht her with !e so that she wou)d see ;ou and understand that I a! not stayin& here or a dishonoura2)e )ove or a He2rew J it is EThey are a)ways with !e9 whi)e I a! in town.G dishonoura2)e or us J 2ut 2e+ause in ;ou I ound +o! ort in !y &rie o a re/udiated E$urin& these days... )eave the! at ho!e9 i you &o out to o))ow Me.G wi e. Mar+e))a is not i))@natured. She has su ered and she understands. %ut she is sti)) una2)e to understand !y new re)i&ion. 'nd she re/roa+hes !e a )itt)e9 2e+ause she E4hy9 LordF 're ;ou a raid o a /erse+utionFG thin6s that !y re)i&ion is a +hi!era... It does not !atter. I she wants9 she wi)) +o!e E;es. 'nd it is 2etter i inno+ents do not hear and see...G where I a)ready a!. I not9 I wi)) stay here with Tusni)de. I a! ree. I a! ri+h. I +an do what I )i6e. 'nd not doin& wron&9 I wi)) do what I want.G E%ut... what do ;ou thin6 wi)) ha//enFG 13 E'nd when the Master wi)) not 2e hereFG E,o9 'nne. ,o.G EHis dis+i/)es wi)) re!ain. 1)autina9 Lydia and even 7)audia9 who9 a ter !e9 is the one ELord i ... i they shou)d do to ;ou what is ru!oured9 !y sons +ertain)y... and then the who o))ows ;our do+trine and honours ;ou !ore9 have not yet understood that I a! house wi)) 2e worse than the street...G no )on&er the wo!an that they 6new and they sti)) thin6 they 6now. %ut I a! sure that I 6now !yse) 2y now. So !u+h so that I say that9 i I )ose !u+h 2y )osin& the Master9 I E$o not wee/. ,od wi)) /rovide. 1ea+e 2e with you.G sha)) not )ose everythin&9 2e+ause aith wi)) re!ain. 'nd I sha)) re!ain where it was The o)d wo!an &oes away wee/in&. 2orn. I do not want to ta6e (austa where nothin& s/ea6s o ;ou. Here... 0verythin& s/ea6s o ;ou9 and ;ou wi)) +ertain)y not )eave us without a &uide9 as we have de+ided 12 (or a short ti!e no one &oes inM then Johanna and Ba)eria &o in to&ether. They are to o))ow ;ou. 4hy shou)d I9 the ,enti)e9 have su+h thou&hts9 whi)e !any o you9 and /antin&. Johanna in /arti+u)ar. The other wo!an is /a)e and she si&hs9 2ut she is you9 too9 )oo6 as i you were dis!ayed thin6in& o the day when the Master wi)) not 2e stron&er. a!on& usFG EMaster9 'nne has ri&htened us. ;ou to)d her... 5hH 2ut it is not trueH 7huza !ay 2e E%e+ause9 Ba)eria9 they have 2e+o!e a++usto!ed to a&es o i!!o2i)is!. They thin6 unde+ided9 he !ay 2e... shrewd. %ut he is not a )iarH He assured !e that Herod has no that the Most Hi&h is there9 in His House9 a2ove the invisi2)e a)tar9 that on)y the Hi&h intention o har!in& ;ou... I do not 6now a2out 1ontius...G and she )oo6s at Ba)eria who is si)ent. She then resu!esI EI was ho/in& to understand so!ethin& ro! 1)autina9 1riest +an see in so)e!n o++asions. That has he)/ed the! to +o!e to Me. They a)so +ou)d at )ast a//roa+h the Lord. %ut now they tre!2)e at the thou&ht o no )on&er 2ut I did not understand !u+h...G havin& either the Most Hi&h in His &)ory9 or the 4ord o the (ather a!on& the!. It is E8othin&9 you shou)d say9 e3+e/t that she has not advan+ed 2y one ste/ ro! the )i!it ne+essary to 2e indu)&ent... 'nd to raise one's s/irit9 Johanna. 'nd I sha)) 2e in you.

5/+.The F ida( 6e-" e &he En& ( in&" Je usa2e.. Fa e%e22 &" &he 8".en Dis3i52es and &he En3"un&e %i&h an Anha55( :hi2d.


.e!e!2er that. I sha)) &o away. But I will not leave you orphans. I will leave you a house of !ine( !y ,hurch. !y word( the &ospel. !y love will dwell in your hearts. And finally I will leave you a greater gift that will nourish you through !e and will #a"e !e be a#ong you and in you not only spiritually. I wi)) do that to &ive you +o! ort and stren&th. 14 %ut now... 'nne is very de/ressed 2e+ause o the +hi)dren...G EShe s/o6e to us a2out the! distressin&)y...G E;es. I to)d her to 6ee/ the! away ro! +rowds. I say the sa!e to you9 Johanna9 and to you9 Ba)eria.G EI wi)) send (austa with Tusni)de to %ether 2e ore the i3ed ti!e. They were to &o a ter the (east.G EI wi)) not /art ro! the +hi)dren. I wi)) 6ee/ the! at ho!e. %ut I wi)) te)) 'nne to )et her +hi)dren &o there. That wo!an has wi+6ed sons9 2ut they wi)) 2e honoured 2y !y invitation and they wi)) not +ontradi+t their !other. 'nd I...G EI wou)d )i6e...G E4hat9 MasterFG EI wou)d )i6e you to 2e !u+h united these days. I wi)) 6ee/ My Mother's sister with Me9 Sa)o!e and Susanna and Lazarus' sisters. %ut I wou)d )i6e you to 2e united9 !u+h united.G E%ut +an we not +o!e where ;ou areFG E$urin& these days I sha)) 2e )i6e )i&htnin& that )ashes 2ri&ht)y and disa//ears. I wi)) &o u/ to the Te!/)e in the !ornin& and then I wi)) &o out o town. ;ou +ou)d !eet Me on)y every !ornin& at the Te!/)e.G ELast year ;ou stayed with !e...G EThis year I wi)) not stay in any house. I sha)) 2e )i6e )i&htnin& that /asses...G E%ut 1assover...G EI wish to +onsu!e it with My a/ost)es9 Johanna. I your Master wants that9 He +ertain)y wants it or a <ust reason.G EThat is true... So I sha)) 2e a)one... %e+ause !y 2rothers to)d !e that they want to 2e ree durin& these days9 and 7huza...G 15 EMaster9 I a! &oin& away. It is /ourin&. I a! &oin& to the +hi)dren as I hear the! &athered under the /or+hG says Ba)eria and she /rudent)y withdraws. EThere is a heavy rain a)) a)so in your heart9 Johanna.G

EThat is true9 Master. 7huza is so... stran&e. I no )on&er understand hi!. ' +ontinua) +ontradi+tion. 1erha/s he has riends who are in )uen+in& his !ind... or he has 2een threatened... or he is a raid or his uture.G EHe is not the on)y one. 8ay9 I +an say that ew9 )one)y and s+attered here and there are those who9 )i6e Me9 are not a raid or their uture and they wi)) 2e ewer and ewer. %e very 6ind and /atient with hi!. He is on)y a !an...G E%ut he has re+eived so !u+h ro! ,od9 ro! ;ou9 that he ou&ht to...G EHe ou&ht toH ;es. %ut who has not re+eived ro! Me in Israe)F I have he)/ed riends and ene!ies9 I have or&iven9 +ured9 +o! orted9 tau&ht... ;ou +an see9 and you wi)) see !ore +)ear)y how ,od on)y is i!!uta2)e9 how di erent are the rea+tions o !en9 and how o ten he who has re+eived !ore is !ost wi))in& to stri6e his 2ene a+tor. 5ne wi)) tru)y 2e a2)e to say that he who shared My 2read with Me raised his oot a&ainst Me.G EI wi)) not do that9 Master.G E;ou wi)) not. %ut !any wi)).G EIs !y hus2and /erha/s one o the!F I it were so9 I wou)d not &o 2a+6 to !y house this evenin&.G E8o. He is not a!on& the!9 this evenin&. %ut even i he were9 your /)a+e is there. %e+ause i he sins9 you !ust not sin. I he wavers9 you !ust su//ort hi!. I he tra!/)es on you9 you !ust or&ive hi!.G E5hH Tra!/)e on !e9 noH He )oves !e. %ut I wou)d )i6e hi! to 2e !ore reso)ute. He +an in )uen+e Herod so !u+h. I wou)d )i6e hi! to wrin& a /ro!ise ro! the Tetrar+h in ;our avour. 's 7)audia is tryin& to wrin& it ro! 1i)ate. %ut 7huza has on)y 2een a2)e to 2rin& !e va&ue words o Herod... and to assure !e that Herod on)y wishes to see ;ou wor6 so!e !ira+)es and that he wi)) not /erse+ute ;ou... He thus ho/es to si)en+e his re!orse or John. 7huza saysI CMy 6in& a)ways saysI R0ven i Heaven ordered !e9 I wou)d not )i t !y hand. I a! too ri&htened'HDG EHe s/ea6s the truth. He wi)) not )i t his hand a&ainst Me. Many in Israe) wi)) not do that9 2e+ause !any are a raid to +onde!n Me !ateria))y. %ut they wi)) as6 other /eo/)e to do so. 's i in the eyes o ,od there were a di eren+e 2etween hi! who stri6es9 ur&ed 2y the wi)) o the /eo/)e9 and hi! who !a6es one stri6e.G E5hH 2ut the /eo/)e )ove ;ouH ,reat +e)e2rations are 2ein& /re/ared or ;ou. 'nd 1i)ate does not want tu!u)ts. He has rein or+ed the troo/s these days. I ho/e so !u+h that... I do not 6now what I ho/e9 Lord. I ho/e and I des/air. My thou&hts are in+onstant )i6e the weather these days9 with a)ternatin& sunshine and showers...G

5/+.The F ida( 6e-" e &he En& ( in&" Je usa2e.. Fa e%e22 &" &he 8".en Dis3i52es and &he En3"un&e %i&h an Anha55( :hi2d.


E1ray9 Johanna9 and 2e at /ea+e. ')ways 2ear in !ind that you have never &rieved your Master and that He re!e!2ers that. ,o.G Johanna9 who has 2e+o!e /a)e and thin these )ast ew days9 &oes out /ensive)y. 16 'nd 'nna)eah's &ent)e a+e a//ears. E7o!e in. 4here is your +o!/anionFG EIn there9 Lord. She wishes to &o away9 they are a2out to )eave. Martha has understood !y wish and she wi)) 6ee/ !e here unti) sunset to!orrow evenin&. Sarah is &oin& ho!e9 to say that I a! stayin& here. She wou)d )i6e ;our 2)essin& 2e+ause... %ut I wi)) te)) ;ou )ater.G ELet her +o!e. I wi)) 2)ess her.G The youn& wo!an &oes out and +o!es 2a+6 with her +o!/anion9 who /rostrates herse) 2e ore Jesus. E1ea+e 2e with you and !ay the &ra+e o the Lord )ead you onto the road where He has )ed this &ir) who /re+eded you. %e a e+tionate to her !other and 2)ess Heaven that s/ared you ties and sorrows in order to have you +o!/)ete)y or Itse) . 5ne day9 !ore than now9 you wi)) 2)ess the Lord or 2ein& steri)e throu&h your own wi)). ,o.G The youn& wo!an &oes away dee/)y !oved. E;ou have to)d her what she ho/ed to hear. Those words were her drea!. Sarah a)ways saidI CI )i6e your destiny9 a)thou&h it is so un6nown in Israe). I want it9 too. 's I no )on&er have !y ather9 and as !y !other is as sweet as a dove9 I a! not a raid o not 2ein& a2)e to o))ow it. %ut in order to 2e a2)e to a++o!/)ish it and that it !ay 2e ho)y or !e9 as it is or you9 I wou)d )i6e to hear it ro! His )i/s.D 8ow ;ou have to)d her. 'nd I have /ea+e9 too. %e+ause at ti!es I was a raid that I !i&ht have e)ated a heart...G ESin+e when has she 2een with youFG ESin+e... 17 4hen the order o the Sanhedrin +a!e I said to !yse) I CThe Master's hour has +o!e9 and I !ust /re/are !yse) to die.D %e+ause I as6ed ;ou9 Lord... Today I a! re!indin& ;ou... I ;ou are &oin& to the Sa+ri i+e9 I9 vi+ti!9 with ;ou.G E're you sti)) ir!)y wantin& the sa!e thin&FG E;es9 Master. I +ou)d not )ive in a wor)d where ;ou were not... and I +ou)d not survive ;our torture. I a! so a raid or ;ouH Many a!on& us de)ude the!se)ves... I don'tH I ee) that the hour has +o!e. The hatred is too stron&... 'nd I ho/e that ;ou wi)) a++e/t !y o er. I have 2ut !y )i e to &ive ;ou9 2e+ause I a! /oor9 as ;ou 6now. My )i e and !y /urity. That is why I +onvin+ed !y !other to send or her sister. That she !ay not re!ain a)one... Sarah wi)) 2e a dau&hter to her in !y stead9 and Sarah's !other wi))

+o! ort her. $o not disa//oint !y heart9 LordH The wor)d has no attra+tion or !e. It is )i6e a <ai)9 in whi+h !any thin&s dis&ust !e terri2)y. It is perhaps because one who has been on the threshold of death has understood that what represents 5oy for #any people is nothing but e#ptiness that does not satisfy. It is +ertain that I wish nothin& 2ut sa+ri i+e... and to /re+ede ;ou... that I !ay not see the hatred o the wor)d +ast on !y Lord )i6e a wea/on o torture9 and to rese!2)e ;ou in sorrow...G EThen we wi)) )ay the +ut )i)y on the ')tar where the La!2 is sa+ri i+ed. 'nd it wi)) 2e+o!e red with the %)ood o rede!/tion. 'nd on)y the an&e)s wi)) 2e aware that Love was the sa+ri i+er o a +o!/)ete)y white ewe@)a!29 and they wi)) !ar6 the na!e o the irst vi+ti! o Love9 o the irst +ontinuator o the 7hrist.G E4hen9 LordFG E:ee/ your )a!/ ready and /ut on your weddin& dress. The %ride&roo! is at the door. ;ou wi)) see His triu!/h9 2ut not his death9 2ut you wi)) triu!/h with Hi! enterin& His :in&do!.G E'hH I a! the ha//iest wo!an in Israe)H I a! a =ueen +rowned with ;our &ar)andH May I9 as su+h9 as6 a &ra+e o ;ouFG E4hi+hFG EI )oved a !an9 as ;ou 6now. I no )on&er )oved hi! as !y s/ouse9 2e+ause a &reater )ove too6 /ossession o !e9 and he no )on&er )oved !e 2e+ause... %ut I do not want to re!e!2er his /ast. I as6 ;ou to redee! that heart. May IF It is not a sin to re!e!2er9 whi)e I a! on the thresho)d o Li e9 hi! who! I )oved9 to &ive hi! eterna) Li e9 is itFG EIt is not a sin. It is to ta6e )ove to the ho)y end o the sa+ri i+e or the we) are o the 2e)oved.G E%)ess !e9 then9 Master. '2so)ve !e o a)) !y sins. Ma6e !e ready or the weddin& and or ;our +o!in&. %e+ause it is ;ou 4ho is +o!in&9 !y ,od9 to ta6e ;our /oor servant and !a6e her ;our 2ride.G The &ir)9 2ea!in& with <oy and hea)th9 stoo/s to 6iss the Master's eet whi)e He 2)esses her9 /rayin& over her. 'nd the ha))9 as white as i it were a)) de+orated with )i)ies9 is rea))y the worthy surroundin&s or this rite9 and har!onises 2eauti u))y with its /rota@ &onists9 who are youn&9 )ove)y9 +)ad in white9 shinin& with an&e)i+a) and divine )ove. 18 Jesus )eaves the &ir) there9 a2sor2ed in her <oy9 and &oes out =uiet)y to &o and 2)ess the +hi)dren9 who with shouts o <oy are rushin& towards the wa&on and they &et into it ha//i)y9 with the wo!en who are &oin& away. 0)iza and 8i6e re!ain to ta6e 'nna)eah 2a+6 to town the o))owin& day. It has sto//ed rainin& and the s6y9 on+e the +)ouds are s+attered9 shows its +)ear 2)ue9 and the sun2ea!s des+end to !a6e the raindro/s &)itter. ' s/)endid rain2ow 2ends ro! %ethany over Jerusa)e!. The wa&on &oes away

5/+.The F ida( 6e-" e &he En& ( in&" Je usa2e.. Fa e%e22 &" &he 8".en Dis3i52es and &he En3"un&e %i&h an Anha55( :hi2d.


s=uea6in& and &oes out throu&h the &ate. It disa//ears. Lazarus9 who is near Jesus9 at the end o the /or+h9 as6sI EHave the wo!en dis+i/)es &iven ;ou <oyFG and he )oo6s at the Master. E8o9 Lazarus9 they have not. ')) o the!9 with the e3+e/tion o one9 have &iven Me their sorrows and a)so so!e disa//oint!ents9 i I +ou)d de)ude Myse) .G EThe .o!an )adies9 ;ou !ean9 have disa//ointed ;ouF Have they s/o6en to ;ou o 1i)ateFG E8o9 they have not.G EThen I !ust do so. I was ho/in& that they wou)d s/ea6 to ;ou a2out hi!. That is why I waited. Let us &o into this so)itary roo!. The wo!en have &one with Martha to do their wor6. Mary9 instead9 is with ;our Mother9 in the other house. ;our Mother has 2een so )on& with Judas9 and now She has ta6en hi! with Her... Sit down9 Master... I have 2een to see the 1ro+onsu)... I had /ro!ised and I did so. %ut Si!on o Jonas wou)d not 2e very satis ied with !y !issionH... (ortunate)y9 Si!on thin6s no !ore a2out it. The 1ro+onsu) )istened to !e and he re/)ied sayin&I CIF I shou)d attend to Hi!F I have not even the !ost re!ote and s)i&htest intention o doin& thatH I on)y say thisI that not 2e+ause o the Man J ;ou9 Master J 2ut 2e+ause o a)) the trou2)e that I &et throu&h Hi!9 I have ir!)y de+ided not to have anythin& urther to do with Hi!9 or &ood or or evi). I wash !y hands o it. I wi)) rein or+e the &uard 2e+ause I do not want distur2an+es. I wi)) thus satis y 7aesar9 !y wi e and !yse) . That is9 the on)y ones o who! I ta6e sa+red +are. 'nd with re&ard to the rest I wi)) not )i t a in&er. The =uarre)s o these /eo/)e who are eterna))y dissatis ied. They +reate the!9 they en<oy the!. 4ith re&ard to the Man9 I i&nore Hi! as an evi)doer9 I i&nore Hi! as a virtuous !an9 and I i&nore Hi! as a wise !an. 'nd I want to i&nore Hi!. 'nd to +ontinue to i&nore Hi!. ?n ortunate)y9 a)thou&h I want to i&nore Hi!9 I ind it di i+u)t to do so9 2e+ause the )eaders o Israe) s/ea6 to Me a2out Hi! with their +o!/)aints9 7)audia with her /raises9 the o))owers o the ,a)i)ean with their a++usations a&ainst the Sanhedrin. I it were not or 7)audia9 I wou)d have Hi! arrested and I wou)d hand Hi! over to the! so that they !i&ht sett)e the !atter and we shou)d not hear any !ore o it. The Man is the !ost /ea+e u) su2<e+t in the who)e 0!/ire. %ut in s/ite o a)) that9 He has &iven !e so !u+h trou2)e that I wou)d )i6e a so)ution...D 4ith su+h hu!our9 Master...G E;ou !ean that we +annot 2e sa e. 4ith !en one is never sa e...G E%ut I a! to)d that the Sanhedrin is +a)!er. They have not re+a))ed the 2and9 the dis+i/)es have not 2een annoyed. Those who went to town wi)) soon 2e 2a+6 and we sha)) hear... They wi)) a)ways +ontradi+t ;ou. 4i)) they ta6e a+tionF... The +rowds )ove ;ou too !u+h to +ha))en&e the! i!/rudent)y.G 19 ESha)) we &o a)on& the road9 towards those who are +o!in& 2a+6FG su&&ests Jesus.

ELet us &o.G They &o out into the &arden and they are ha) way when Lazarus as6sI E%ut when have ;ou had so!ethin& to eatF 'nd whereFG E't the irst hour.G E%ut it is a)!ost sunset. Let us &o 2a+6.G E8o. I do not ee) it is ne+essary. I /re er to &o. I +an see a /oor +hi)d over there9 +)in&in& to the &ate. 1erha/s he is hun&ry. His +)othes are worn@out and he is wan. I have 2een wat+hin& hi! or so!e ti!e. He was a)ready there when the wa&on )e t9 and he ran away not to 2e seen and /ro2a2)y driven awayI Then he +a!e 2a+6 and has 2een )oo6in& insistent)y towards us and the house.G EI he is hun&ry I had 2etter &o and &et so!e ood. ,o on9 Master. I wi)) <oin ;ou at on+eG and Lazarus runs 2a+6 whi)e Jesus =ui+6ens His /a+e towards the &ate. The 2oy9 a si+6)y@)oo6in& irre&u)ar a+e9 in whi+h on)y the eyes shine 2eauti u) and )ive)y9 )oo6s at Hi!. Jesus s!i)es at hi! and whi)e o/enin& the )o+6 o the &ate He says to hi! 6ind)yI E4ho! are you )oo6in& or9 +hi)dFG E're ;ou the Lord JesusFG EI a!.G EI a! )oo6in& or ;ou.G E4ho has sent youFG E8o one. %ut I want to s/ea6 to ;ou. So !any /eo/)e +o!e to s/ea6 to ;ou. I have +o!e9 too. ;ou satis y so !any /eo/)e. Me9 too.G Jesus has )i ted the )at+h and He as6s the 2oy to re!ove his thin hands ro! the 2ars9 so that He !ay o/en the &ate. The 2oy ste/s aside and in doin& so9 as his dis+o)oured &ar!ent !oves on his distorted 2ody9 one +an see that he is a /oor ri+6ety +hi)d9 with his head sun6en into his shou)ders owin& to the +o!!en+e!ent o a hu!/9 and his unsteady )e&s wide a/art. ' true )itt)e /oor wret+h. He is /erha/s o)der than one !i&ht thin6 +onsiderin& his hei&ht9 whi+h is o a 2oy a2out si3 years o)d9 whi)st his a+e is a)ready that o a !an9 so!ewhat )a22y9 with a /rotrudin& +hin9 a)!ost the a+e o an o)d !an. 20 Jesus 2ends to +aress hi! and saysI ESo te)) Me what you want. I a! your riend. I a! the riend o a)) +hi)dren.G 4ith how !u+h )ovin& 6indness Jesus ta6es the e!a+iated a+e in His hands and 6isses his oreheadH

5/+.The F ida( 6e-" e &he En& ( in&" Je usa2e.. Fa e%e22 &" &he 8".en Dis3i52es and &he En3"un&e %i&h an Anha55( :hi2d.


EI 6now. That is why I +a!e. See how I a!F I wou)d )i6e to die not to su er any !ore. 'nd not to 2e)on& any !ore to any2ody... Sin+e ;ou +ure so !any /eo/)e and raise the dead9 )et !e die9 as no one )oves !e and I sha)) never 2e a2)e to wor6.G EHave you no re)ativesF 're you an or/hanFG EI have a ather. %ut he does not )ove !e9 2e+ause I a! )i6e this. He re<e+ted !y !other9 he &ave her the )i2e) o divor+e9 and he drove !e out with her9 and !y !other died. It was !y au)t9 2e+ause I a! so de or!ed.G E%ut who are you )ivin& withFG

EI do not 6now. I do not even 6now his na!e.G E8either wi)) I te)) ;ou. I don't want to 2e 6nown. I want what I to)d ;ou. My !other used to say to !eI CSon9 !y /oor son9 I a! dyin&9 2ut I wish you died with !e9 2e+ause in the ne3t wor)d you wou)d no )on&er 2e so de or!ed as to su er in your 2ones and in your heart. Those who are 2orn /oor wret+hes have no sneerin& na!es there. %e+ause ,od is &ood to inno+ent and unha//y /eo/)e.D 4i)) ;ou send !e to ,odFG EThe 2oy wants to die. It is a sad story...G Lazarus9 who is starin& at the )itt)e 2oy9 sudden)y saysI E%ut are you not the son o 8ahu!'s sonF 're you not the 2oy who a)ways sits in the sun near the sy+a!ore that is at the end o 8ahu!'s o)ive@trees9 and who! your ather entrusted to his /easant JosiahFG

E4hen !y !other died the servants too6 !e 2a+6 to !y ather. %ut he &ot !arried a&ain and has )ove)y +hi)dren9 and he e3/e))ed !e. He handed !e over to so!e o his /easants. %ut they do what their !aster does9 to ind avour in his eyes... and they !a6e !e su er.G E;es9 I a!. %ut why did you te))FG E$o they 2eat youFG

E1oor 2oyH 8ot to s+o at you. %e)ieve !e9 Master9 the ate o a do& in Israe) is not so sad as the ate o this 2oy. I he did not &o 2a+6 to the house ro! whi+h he +a!e9 no E8o. %ut they ta6e !ore +are o ani!a)s than o !e9 and they sneer at !e9 and as I a! one wou)d )oo6 or hi!. The servants are )i6e their !asters. Heart)ess !en. Jose/h o ten i))9 they &et 2ored with !e. I a! 2e+o!in& !ore and !ore de or!ed9 and their 6nows the story we)). It +aused a stir. %ut at the ti!e I was so worried a2out Mary... %ut sons &i2e at !e and they !a6e !e a)). 8o one )oves !e. 'nd )ast winter9 when I had a when the unha//y wi e died and this 2oy +a!e to Josiah's9 I used to see hi! when I 2ad +ou&h and I needed !edi+ines9 !y ather wou)d not s/end any !oney and said that /assed 2y... He was orsa6en on the threshin&@ )oor in the sun or the wind9 2e+ause he the on)y &ood thin& I +ou)d do was to die. Sin+e then I have 2een waitin& or ;ou to say 2e&an to wa)6 very )ate... and a)ways very )itt)e. I do not 6now how he was a2)e to to ;ouI CLet !e dieD.G +o!e so ar today. I wonder how )on& he has 2een on the wayHG Jesus ta6es hi! in His ar!s9 turnin& a dea ear to the words o the 2oy who saysI EMy ESin+e 1eter /assed there.G eet are !uddy and so is !y tuni+9 2e+ause I sat on the road. I wi)) dirty ;our +)othes.G E'nd nowF 4hat sha)) we doFG EHave you +o!e ro! arFG EI a! not &oin& 2a+6 ho!e. I want to die9 to &o away. ,ra+e and !er+y on !e9 LordHG E(ro! near the town9 2e+ause the /erson who 6ee/s !e )ives there. I saw ;our a/ost)es /ass 2y. I 6now it was the!9 2e+ause the /easants saidI CHere are the dis+i/)es o the 22 They have &one into the house and Lazarus +a))s a servant and te))s hi! to 2rin& a ,a)i)ean .a22i. %ut He is not with the!.D 'nd I +a!e.G 2)an6et and to send 8ao!i to ta6e +are o the 2oy9 who is 2)ue with +o)d in his wet +)othes. E;ou are wet9 My +hi)d. 1oor 2oyH ;ou wi)) 2e ta6en i)) a&ain.G EThe son o one o ;our ier+est ene!iesH 5ne o the !ost wi+6ed in Israe). How o)d EI ;ou do not )isten to !e9 I ho/e the disease at )east wi)) !a6e !e dieH 4here are are you9 +hi)dFG ;ou ta6in& !eFG ETen years.G EInto the house. ;ou +annot re!ain thus.G ETenH Ten years o sorrowHG 21 Jesus &oes 2a+6 into the &arden with the de or!ed 2oy in His ar!s and He shouts to Lazarus9 who is +o!in&I E7)ose the &ate9 /)ease. I a! +arryin& this )itt)e e))ow9 who is E'nd they are enou&hHG says Jesus in a )oud voi+e /uttin& down the 2oy. wet throu&h9 in My ar!s.G He is rea))y !issha/enH His ri&ht shou)der is hi&her than his )e t one9 his +hest /rotrudes E%ut who is he9 MasterFG e3+essive)y9 his thin ne+6 is sun6en 2etween his raised +o))ar@2ones9 his 2ow@)e&sH...

5/+.The F ida( 6e-" e &he En& ( in&" Je usa2e.. Fa e%e22 &" &he 8".en Dis3i52es and &he En3"un&e %i&h an Anha55( :hi2d.


Jesus )oo6s at hi! /iti u))y whi)e 8ao!i undresses hi! and dries hi! 2e ore enve)o/in& hi! in a war! 2)an6et. Lazarus a)so )oo6s at hi! /iteous)y. EI wi)) /ut hi! in !y 2ed9 Lord9 a ter I have &iven hi! so!e war! !i)6G says 8ao!i. E%ut are ;ou not &oin& to )et !e dieF Have !er+y on !eH 4hy )et !e )ive to 2e )i6e this and su er so !u+hFG and he +on+)udesI EI was ho/in& in ;ou9 Lord.G There is re/roa+h and disa//oint!ent in his voi+e. E%e &ood. %e o2edient9 and Heaven wi)) +o! ort you.G says Jesus and He 2ends to +aress hi! on+e a&ain9 &ent)y ru22in& his /oor de or!ed 2ody with His hand. ETa6e hi! to 2ed and wat+h over hi!. Then... we wi)) see.G The 2oy is ta6en away whi)e he wee/s. E'nd they are the ones who thin6 they are ho)yHG e3+)ai!s Lazarus thin6in& o 8ahu!... 23 1eter is heard +a))in& his Master... E5hH MasterH 're ;ou hereF ')) is we)). 8o trou2)e. 5hH on the +ontrary !u+h +a)!. 8o one distur2ed us at the Te!/)e. John re+eived &ood news. The dis+i/)es have 2een )e t in /ea+e. 1eo/)e are waitin& or ;ou <oy u))y. I a! &)ad. 'nd what have ;ou done9 MasterFG They &o away to&ether s/ea6in&9 whi)e Lazarus &oes where Ma3i!inus +a))s hi!.

)ives9 they are out wat+hin& /)ants9 2eehives9 )owers9 or whi+h there is no Sa22ath9 and whi+h s!e))9 rust)e and 2uzz in the sunshine and in the '/ri) 2reeze. Then the &arden s)ow)y 2e+o!es 2usy. The irst to a//ear are the servants e!/)oyed in the house9 then the !aidservants9 then the a/ost)es and the wo!en dis+i/)es9 and Lazarus is the )ast one. Jesus <oins the! &reetin& the! with His usua) sa)utation. EHow )on& have ;ou 2een here9 MasterFG as6s Lazarus9 sha6in& so!e dew@dro/s o Jesus' hair. ESin+e dawn. ;our 2irds +a))ed Me to /raise ,od. 'nd I +a!e out here. To +onte!/)ate ,od in the 2eauty o 7reation is to honour Hi! and to /ray with a !oved s/irit. 'nd the 0arth is 2eauti u). 'nd in these ear)y hours o the day9 on a day )i6e this one9 it a//ears to us as resh as it was in the irst days o its e3isten+e.G E.ea) 1assover weather. 'nd it has i!/roved. It wi)) )ast 2e+ause it +)eared u/ durin& the irst /hase o the !oon with a avoura2)e windG states 1eter. EI a! &)ad to hear that. 1assover with rain is sad.G E0ven worse9 it is detri!enta) to +ro/s. The +orn needs sunshine9 now that harvest ti!e is a//roa+hin&G says %artho)o!ew. EI a! ha//y to 2e here at /ea+e. This is the Sa22ath and no2ody wi)) +o!e. There wi)) 2e no stran&ers a!on& usG says 'ndrew. E;ou are wron&. There is a &uest9 a youn& &uest. He is sti)) s)ee/in&9 Master. ' so t 2ed and a u)) sto!a+h are )ettin& hi! have a )on& s)ee/. I went in to see hi!. 8ao!i is wat+hin& over hi!G says Lazarus. E%ut who is heF 4hen did he +o!eF 4ho 2rou&ht hi!F %e+ause you are s/ea6in& as i it were a 2oyG as6 2oth !en and wo!en.

EIt is a 2oy. ' /oor 2oy. His &rie 2rou&ht hi! here. He was over there9 +)in&in& to the 5%2. The Sa))a&h )e1#!e &he En&!/ in&# Je!usa5e(. Pa!a)5e #1 &he T-# La(9s and &he Pa!a)5e A995ied &# &he .i!a'5e #n Sha5e(. 2ars o the &ate and )oo6in& at the house. 'nd the Master 2rou&ht hi! in.G
2+&h .a!'h $9*8.

E4e 6new nothin& a2out it... 4hyFG E%e+ause the +hi)d was in need o /ea+eG re/)ies Jesus9 and His +ountenan+e is a2sor2ed in dee/ thou&ht as He +on+)udesI E'nd in Lazarus' house they 6now how to 2e si)ent.G ' servant +o!es to te)) Martha so!ethin& and then withdraws9 2ut +o!es 2a+6 soon with other servants +arryin& trays with <u&s o !i)69 +u/s9 and 2read with 2utter and honey. They a)) he)/ the!se)ves sittin& on the seats s+attered here and there. 2 Then they wish to &ather on+e a&ain round the Master and they as6 Hi! to te)) the! a /ara2)e9 Ea 2eauti u) /ara2)eG they say Eas serene as this day o 8isan.G

1 The weather has +)eared u/ a ter the /ast wet days and a 2ri&ht sun is shinin& in a very +)ear s6y. The earth9 +)eaned 2y the rains9 is as +)ear as the at!os/here. It is so resh and +)ean that it see!s to have 2een +reated on)y a ew hours a&o. 0verythin& is 2ri&ht and everythin& sin&s in the +)ear !ornin&. Jesus is wa)6in& s)ow)y a)on& the arthest /aths in the &arden. 5n)y an odd &ardener wat+hes the so)itary wa)6 in the ear)y !ornin& hours. %ut no one distur2s the Master. 5n the +ontrary they withdraw si)ent)y to )eave Hi! a)one. Moreover it is the Sa22ath9 the day o rest9 and the &ardeners are not at wor6. %ut throu&h a ha2it as )on& as their

5/2.The Sa66a&h 6e-" e &he En& ( in&" Je usa2e.. Pa a62e "- &he T%" La.5s and &he Pa a62e A552ied &" &he 'i a32e "n Sha2e..


EI wi)) not te)) you one9 2ut two. Listen.

aith u) )a!/ was now shinin& a)) a)one9 /ure9 steady9 to honour ,od9 !a6in& the !eta) o the )a!/ &)ea! as i it were /ure &o)d. 'nd he wat+hed it shine9 a)ways unvaryin&)y9 ' !an one day de+ided to )i&ht two )a!/s to honour the Lord on a east day. So he too6 or hours and hours9 unti) &ent)y9 without s!o6e or sten+h9 without soi)in& itse) 9 the two vases o the sa!e size9 he /ut in ea+h the sa!e =uantity and =ua)ity o oi)9 identi+a) )a!e went out in a )ash and it see!ed to as+end towards the s6y to sett)e a!on& the wi+6s9 and he )it the! at the sa!e hour9 so that they !i&ht /ray whi)e he wor6ed9 as he stars9 havin& worthi)y honoured the Lord to the very )ast !o!ent o its )i e. was a))owed. ' ter so!e ti!e he went 2a+6 and he saw that one )a!/ was 2urnin& 2ri&ht)y9 whereas the other had on)y a very tiny )a!e9 that hard)y &ave any )i&ht in the I so)e!n)y te)) you that !any are those who 2)aze at the 2e&innin& and attra+t the +orner where the two )a!/s were 2urnin&. The !an thou&ht that the wi+6 was /erha/s ad!iration o the wor)d that +an on)y see the sur a+e o hu!an a+tions9 and then they au)ty. He e3a!ined it. 8o9 it was a)) ri&ht. %ut it wou)d not 2urn so !erri)y as the other /erish 2ein& +ar2onised and stainin& with their /un&ent s!o6e. 'nd I so)e!n)y te)) you )a!/9 the )a!e o whi+h )uttered )i6e a ton&ue and see!ed to whis/er words9 so !erry that their 2)azin& is not wat+hed 2y ,od9 2e+ause He sees it 2urn /roud)y or hu!an it was9 and it 2)azed so e3+ited)y that it even had a )i&ht !ur!ur. CThis )a!/ is rea))y /ur/oses. %)essed are those who 6now how to i!itate the se+ond )a!/ and not to &et sin&in& the /raises o the Most Hi&h LordHD he said to hi!se) . C4hereas this oneH +ar2onised9 2ut to as+end to Heaven with the )ast thro2 o their +onstant )ove.G Loo6 at it9 sou) o !ineH It see!s to ind it 2urdenso!e to have to honour the Lord9 as it 3 E4hat a stran&e /ara2)eH %ut trueH Love)yH I )i6e itH I shou)d )i6e to 6now whether we does it with so )itt)e zea)HD and he went 2a+6 to his wor6. are the )a!/s that rise to Heaven.G The a/ost)es e3+han&e their ee)in&s. He went 2a+6 a&ain a ter so!e ti!e. 5ne )a!e had &rown even ta))er9 and the other Judas inds the o//ortunity to 2ite. 'nd his 2itin& words are addressed to Mary o had 2e+o!e even s!a))er and was 2urnin& the !ore =uiet)y and sti))9 the !ore the other Ma&da)a and John o >e2edeeI E%e +are u)9 Mary9 and you9 John. ;ou are the 2)azin& vi2rated shinin&. He went 2a+6 a se+ond ti!e. The sa!e situation. ' third ti!e9 the )a!/s a!on& us... Let no evi) 2e a)) youHG sa!e thin&. %ut when he +a!e the ourth ti!e9 he saw the roo! u)) o 2)a+6 evi)@ s!e))in& s!o6e9 and on)y one )itt)e )a!e shinin& throu&h the vei)s o thi+6 s!o6e. He Mary o Ma&da)a is a2out to re/)y to hi! 2ut she 2ites her )i/s not to utter the words went to the she) where the )a!/s were9 and he noti+ed that the one that was 2)azin& so that had +o!e u/ ro! her heart. She )oo6s at Judas. She on)y )oo6s at hi!. %ut her 2ri&ht)y /revious)y was +o!/)ete)y 2urnt out and 2)a+69 and it had a)so soi)ed the white &)are is su+h that Judas sto/s )au&hin& and starin& at her. wa)) with its )a!e. The other one9 instead9 +ontinued to honour the Lord with its John9 whose heart is !ee6 2ut 2urnin& with )ove9 6ind)y re/)iesI E'nd that !i&ht +onstant )i&ht. He was a2out to re!edy the de e+t when a voi+e sounded +)ose to hi!I CLeave thin&s as they are. %ut !editate on the!9 or they are a sy!2o). I a! the Lord.D ha//en9 +onsiderin& how in+a/a2)e I a!. %ut I +on ide in the he)/ o the Lord9 and I ho/e I sha)) 2e a2)e to 2urn ti)) the )ast dro/ and ti)) the )ast !o!ent to honour the Lord The !an /rostrated hi!se) on the )oor adorin& and with &reat ear he dared to sayI CI our ,od.G a! oo)ish. 03/)ain to !e9 o 4isdo!9 the sy!2o) o the )a!/s9 o whi+h the one that see!ed !ore a+tive in honourin& ;ou has +aused da!a&e9 whi)st the other is 4 E'nd the other /ara2)eF ;ou /ro!ised twoG says Ja!es o ')/haeus. /erseverin& in &ivin& )i&ht.D EHere is My se+ond /ara2)e. It is a2out to +o!e...G and He /oints at the door o the C;es9 I wi)). The hearts o !en are )i6e those two )a!/s. There are those who at the house9 where the +urtain +overin& it is swayin& s)ow)y in the 2reeze9 and then is drawn 2e&innin& 2)aze9 are 2ri&ht and are ad!ired 2y !en9 2e+ause their )a!es see! so 2y the hand o a servant to )et o)d 8ao!i enter. She rushes to Jesus' eet sayin&I E%ut /er e+t and +onstant. 'nd there are those whose )i&ht is !i)d9 does not attra+t any2ody's the 2oy is +uredH He is no )on&er de or!edH ;ou +ured hi! durin& the ni&ht. He had attention and they see! to 2e te/id in honourin& the Lord. %ut a ter the irst or the wa6ed u/ and I was /re/arin& the 2ath to wash hi! 2e ore /uttin& on hi! the tuni+ and se+ond 2)aze9 or the third one9 2etween the third and the ourth one they +ause da!a&e the &ar!ent I had sewn durin& the ni&ht usin& a tuni+ +ast o 2y Lazarus. %ut when I and then they &o out9 sti)) with in<ury9 2e+ause their )i&ht was not re)ia2)e. They wanted said to hi!I C7o!e9 +hi)dD and I re!oved the 2)an6ets9 I saw that his )itt)e 2ody9 so to shine !ore or the sa6e o !en than or the Lord's9 and their /ride +onsu!ed the! in !issha/en yesterday9 was no )on&er so. 'nd I shouted. Sarah and Mar+e))a rushed in9 a very short ti!e9 a!id a dar6 thi+6 s!o6e that o2s+ured a)so the air. The others had 2ut they did not even 6now that the 2oy was s)ee/in& in !y 2ed and I )e t the! there9 on)y one +onstant wi))I to honour ,od on)yM and without !indin& whether !en /raised and I ran here to te)) ;ou...G the!9 they +onsu!ed the!se)ves throu&h a )on& +)ear )a!e9 devoid o s!o6e and 0very2ody's +uriosity is roused. Auestions9 an3iety to see. Jesus +a)!s the whis/erin& sten+h. $o i!itate the +onstant )i&ht9 or it is the on)y one /)easin& to the Lord.D with a &esture. He says to 8ao!iI E,o 2a+6 to the 2oy. 4ash hi!9 dress hi! and 2rin& The !an raised his head... The air had 2een /uri ied o the s!o6e and the star o the hi! here to Me.G He then addresses His dis+i/)esI

5/2.The Sa66a&h 6e-" e &he En& ( in&" Je usa2e.. Pa a62e "- &he T%" La.5s and &he Pa a62e A552ied &" &he 'i a32e "n Sha2e..


EHere is the se+ond /ara2)e9 and it +ou)d 2e entit)edI CTrue <usti+e ta6es no ven&ean+e and !a6es no distin+tionD. ' !an9 nay9 the Man9 the Son o !an9 has riends and ene!ies. (ew riends9 !any ene!ies. 'nd He is aware o the hatred o His ene!ies9 and 6nows their thou&hts and wi))s9 that wi)) not hesitate in ront o any a+tion9 no !atter how horri2)e it !ay 2e. 'nd in that res/e+t they are stron&er than His riends9 in who! dis!ay or disa//oint!ent9 or e3+ess o +on iden+e9 a+t as 2atterin&@ra!s that shatter their ortress to /ie+es. This Son o !an with !any ene!ies and 4ho is re/roa+hed or !any thin&s that are not true9 yesterday !et a /oor 2oy9 the !ost deso)ate o a)) +hi)dren9 the son o one o His ene!ies. 'nd the 2oy was de or!ed and +ri//)ed and as6ed or a stran&e &ra+eI to die. 0very2ody as6s honours and <oy9 hea)th and )i e9 o the Son o !an. This /oor 2oy as6ed to die in order not to su er any )on&er. He has a)ready e3/erien+ed a)) the sorrows o the )esh and o the heart9 2e+ause the !an who /ro+reated hi!9 and who hates Me without any reason9 a)so hates the unha//y inno+ent wret+h who! he &enerated. 'nd I +ured hi! so that he !ay no )on&er su er9 and in addition to /hysi+a) hea)th he !ay a+hieve s/iritua) sa)vation. ')so his youn& sou) is diseased. The hatred o his ather and the !o+6ery o !en have in<ured it and de/rived it o )ove. He is )e t with aith on)y in Heaven and in the Son o !an and he as6s the! to )et hi! die. Here he is. 8ow you wi)) hear hi! s/ea6.G 5 The 2oy9 tidy and +)ean in the new white woo))en tuni+ that 8ao!i !ade or hi! =ui+6)y durin& the ni&ht9 +o!es orward he)d 2y the hand 2y the o)d nurse. He is s!a))9 a)thou&h9 not 2ein& any )on&er 2ent and )a!e9 he )oo6s ta))er than he did yesterday. His a+e is irre&u)ar and so!ewhat )a22y9 ty/i+a) o a +hi)d who! sorrow has !ade /re!ature)y adu)t. %ut he is no )on&er de or!ed. His 2are eet wa)6 steadi)y on the )oor with a ste/ that no )on&er has the ha)tin& o )a!e /eo/)e9 and his shou)ders9 a)thou&h very thin9 are strai&ht. His s)ender ne+6 overhan&s the! and )oo6s )on& as +o!/ared with yesterday9 when it was sun6en 2etween his asy!!etri+ +)avi+)es. E%ut... 2ut this is the son o 'nnas o 8ahu!H 4hat a wasted !ira+)eH $o ;ou thin6 that 2y doin& so ;ou wi)) !a6e riends with his ather and 8ahu!F ;ou wi)) !a6e the! !ore resent u)H %e+ause they were on)y )oo6in& orward to the death o this 2oy9 the o s/rin& o an un ortunate !arria&eG e3+)ai!s Judas o :erioth. EI do not wor6 !ira+)es to !a6e riends9 2ut out o /ity or /eo/)e and to honour My (ather. I never !a6e di eren+es or +a)+u)ations when I 2end /iti u))y over hu!an !iseries. I do not reven&e Myse) on those who /erse+ute Me...G E8ahu! wi)) +onsider ;our a+tion a reven&e.G EI 6new nothin& a2out this 2oy. I do not even 6now his na!e.G EThey +a)) hi! Mathusa)a or Mathusa)e! out o +onte!/t.G EMy !other +a))ed !e Sha)e!. She )oved !e. She was not 2ad )i6e you and )i6e those who hate !eG says the 2oy9 his eyes shinin& with the )i&ht o i!/otent wrath that !en

and ani!a)s have when they have 2een tor!ented too )on&. E7o!e here9 Sha)e!. Here with Me. 're you ha//y that you are +uredFG E;es... 2ut I /re erred to die. I sha)) not 2e )oved <ust the sa!e. It wou)d have 2een 2eauti u) i !y !other sti)) )ived. %ut thusHI.. I sha)) a)ways 2e unha//y.G EHe is ri&ht. 4e !et this 2oy yesterday. He as6ed us whether ;ou were at %ethany9 at Lazarus'. 4e wanted to &ive hi! so!e a)!s9 2e+ause we thou&ht that he was a 2e&&ar. %ut he did not want any. He was at the ed&e o a ie)d...G says the >ea)ot. E$id you not 6now hi! eitherF That is stran&eG says Judas o :erioth. EIt is even !ore stran&e that you 6now su+h thin&s so we)). 're you or&ettin& that I was a!on& /erse+uted /eo/)e and then a!on& )e/ers9 unti) I +a!e with the MasterFG E'nd are you or&ettin& that I a! a riend o 8ahu!'s9 who is 'nnas's trusteeF I never hid that ro! you.G E4e))H 4e))H That does not !atter. 4hat !atters is to 6now what we are now &oin& to do with this +hi)d. His ather does not )ove hi!9 that is true. %ut he a)ways has ri&hts over hi!. 4e +annot ta6e his son away ro! hi!9 thus9 without te))in& hi!. 4e !ust 2e +are u) and not u/set the!9 sin+e they see! to 2e !ore avoura2)y dis/osed towards usG says 8athanae). Judas 2rea6s into a sar+asti+ )au&h9 2ut &ives no e3/)anation o his )au&hin&. 6 Jesus9 4ho has ta6en the 2oy 2etween His 6nees9 says s)ow)yI EI wi)) a+e 8ahu!... I sha)) not 2e hated !ore 2e+ause o this. His hatred +annot in+rease. It is not /ossi2)e. It is a)ready +o!/)ete.G 'nna)eah9 who has never s/o6en9 a)) en&rossed in thou&hts that !a6e her ha//y9 saysI EI I had stayed here9 I wou)d have )i6ed to have hi! with !e. I a! youn&9 2ut I have the heart o a !other...G E're you &oin& awayF 4henFG as6 the wo!en. ESoon.G E(or &oodF 'nd where are you &oin&F 5ut o JudaeaFG E;es. (ar. Bery ar. (or &ood. 'nd I a! so ha//y.G E5ther wo!en wi)) 2e a2)e to do what ;ou +annot do9 i his ather hands hi! over to us.G EI wi)) te)) 8ahu!9 i you wish so. He is the one who !atters. More than the 2oy's ather. I wi))9 te)) hi! to!orrowG /ro!ises Judas o :erioth.

5/2.The Sa66a&h 6e-" e &he En& ( in&" Je usa2e.. Pa a62e "- &he T%" La.5s and &he Pa a62e A552ied &" &he 'i a32e "n Sha2e..


EI it were not the Sa22ath... I wou)d have &one to that Josiah to who! the 2oy was entrustedG says 'ndrew. ETo see whether they are distressed havin& )ost hi!FG as6s Matthew. EI thin6 they wou)d 2e !ore u/set i one o their 2ees &ot )ost...G !u!2)es 2etween his teeth Ma3i!inus9 who has a//roa+hed the! or so!e ti!e. The 2oy does not s/ea6. He +)in&s to Jesus9 studyin& the a+es around hi! with the shar/ eyes o ten noti+ea2)e in si+6)y /eo/)e and in those who have )ived a !isera2)e )i e. He see!s to 2e s+annin& sou)s rather than a+es9 and when 1eter as6s hi!I E4hat do you thin6 o usFG the 2oy re/)ies 2y /uttin& his hand into 1eter's sayin&I E;ou are &oodG9 he then re+ti iesI E;ou are a)) &ood. %ut... I wish I had not 2een re+o&nised. I a! a raid...G and he )oo6s at Judas o :erioth.

o)d 2ai)i 's house and died there. I do not 6now why they did not 6ee/ this +hi)d. His ather re+6oned that he was deadG e3/)ains the Is+ariot. E%e+ause John and Mary were dead9 and their +hi)dren went to wor6 e)sewhere as servants. 'nd who was to 6ee/ !e9 i I was not their son and I was not it to wor6F %ut Mi+hae) and Isaa+ were &ood9 and a)so 0sther and Judith were &ood. 'nd they are &ood. 4hen they +o!e or easts9 they 2rin& !e &i ts9 2ut Josiah ta6es the! o !e to &ive the! to his sons.G E%ut they do not want youG re/)ies Judas. E8ow that I a! strai&ht and stron& they wi)) want !e. They are servantsH 's I said9 they +ou)d not say to their !asterI CTa6e on this diseased +ri//)eD. %ut now they +an.G

E%ut i you have run away ro! Josiah9 how +an they ind youFG says %artho)o!ew to E;ou are a raid o !e9 are you notF That I !ay s/ea6 to your atherF I wi)) +ertain)y !a6e hi! /onder. have to do so9 i I have to as6 hi! to )eave you with us. %ut he wi)) not ta6e you awayHG The 2oy is stru+6 2y the <ust re!ar6 and 2e+o!es /ensive9 2e+ause his i))ness has !ade EI 6now. %ut it is a di erent !atter... I wou)d )i6e to 2e ar9 very ar9 where that wo!an his !ind /re!ature)y thou&ht u)9 <ust as his a+e is /re+o+ious)y adu)t9 and he says is &oin&... In !y !other's +ountry. There is a 2)ue sea surrounded 2y +o!/)ete)y &reen downhearted)yI EThat is trueH I had not thou&ht o that.G !ountains. 5ne +an see it down at the 2otto!9 with so !any white sai)s )yin& on it and E,o 2a+6 there. They wi)) 2e +o!in& durin& the ne3t days...G 2eauti u) towns around it. 'nd in the !ountains there are so !any &rottoes where wi)d 2ees !a6e very sweet honey. I have not had any honey sin+e !y !other died and I was EThereF 8o. I a! not &oin& 2a+6 there. I don't want to &o 2a+6 there. I wou)d rather 6i)) entrusted to Josiah. 1hi)i/9 Jose/h9 0)iza and the other +hi)dren did &et it. %ut I did not. !yse) HG He is sha6en 2y a wi)d ury9 then he throws hi!se) on Jesus' 6nees wee/in& I they had 6e/t the vase o honey within rea+h I wou)d have sto)en it9 as I was dyin& and saysI E4hy did ;ou not )et !e dieFG or so!e. %ut they 6e/t it on the u//er she)ves9 and I +ou)d not +)i!2 on the ta2)es9 as Martha9 who is <ust +o!in& 2a+6 with a vase o honey9 is sur/rised at so !u+h 1hi)i/ did. I a! )on&in& so !u+h or so!e honeyHG deso)ation9 and %artho)o!ew is distressed at havin& 2rou&ht it a2out and he a/o)o&isesI E5hH /oor +hi)dH I wi)) &o and 2rin& you as !u+h as you wantHG says Martha9 dee/)y EI thou&ht I was &ivin& a &ood /ie+e o advi+e. ,ood or every2ody. (or the 2oy9 or !oved9 and she runs away. ;ou9 Master9 or Lazarus... 8one o you9 and none o us9 are in need o resh hatred...G 7 E%ut where did his !other +o!e ro!FG as6s 1eter. EShe had houses and )and near Sa/het. The on)y dau&hter9 or/han and heiress9 a)ready o)d9 u&)y and so!ewhat )a!e. %ut very ri+h. Throu&h the assistan+e o o)d Sado+9 who a+ted as &o@2etween9 the son o 2e)oved 'nnas o2tained her in !arria&e... ' +ontra+t that was a tru)y 2ase 2ar&ain9 a)) +a)+u)ation9 no )ove. ' ter se))in& the /ro/erty o his wi e9 sayin& that it was too ar ro! here9 with the e3+e/tion o a )itt)e house that /revious)y 2e)on&ed to the 2ai)i 9 who had re+eived it as a &i t ro! the o)d owner or hi!se) and his heirs down to the ourth &eneration9 he s=uandered a)) the !oney in un)u+6y s/e+u)ations. %ut... I do not 2e)ieve that. %e+ause I 6now that he owns 2eauti u) )ands near the shore... and /revious)y he did not have the!... Then9 a ter so!e years o !arried )i e9 when the wo!an was a)ready on the thresho)d o her de+)ine9 this son was 2orn... and it was the /reten+e to e3/e) the wo!an and ta6e another one ro! the /)ain o Sharon9 youn&9 2eauti u) and ri+h... The divor+ed wo!an too6 re u&e at the EThat is trueH ' rea) /ro2)e!HG e3+)ai!s 1eter9 and !editatin& on the +ase9 he draws his /ersona) +on+)usions9 endin& the! with his +hara+teristi+ so t whist)in&9 whi+h e3/resses his ra!e o !ind in a+e o di i+u)t &rave /ro2)e!s to 2e so)ved. 8 So!e !a6e this9 so!e that /ro/osa). To &o to 8ahu!. To &o to Josiah and te)) hi! to send Mi+hae) and Isaa+ to Lazarus9 or e)sewhere9 wherever the 2oy wi)) 2e9 2e+ause it is wise not to have Lazarus hated9 !ore than he a)ready is hated 2e+ause o his riendshi/ with Jesus. 8ot to !ention anythin& to any2ody and !a6e the 2oy disa//ear 2y entrustin& hi! to so!e re)ia2)e dis+i/)e. Judas o :erioth does not s/ea6. 8ay9 he does not see! to 2e interested in the dis+ussion. He toys with the tasse)s o his tuni+9 +o!2in& and ru )in& the! with his in&ers. Jesus does not s/ea6 either. He +a)!s and +aresses the 2oy and He raises his head

5/2.The Sa66a&h 6e-" e &he En& ( in&" Je usa2e.. Pa a62e "- &he T%" La.5s and &he Pa a62e A552ied &" &he 'i a32e "n Sha2e..


/uttin& the vase o honey in his hands. Sha)e! is a 2oy9 a /oor ten@year o)d 2oy who has a)ways su ered9 2ut he is a)ways a 2oy9 even i sorrow has !atured hi!9 and u/on seein& su+h a treasure o honey9 his )ast tears +han&e into e+stati+ astonish!ent. .aisin& his eyes9 his on)y 2eauty9 so 2rown9 )ar&e and inte))i&ent as they are9 and )oo6in& a)ternate)y at Jesus and Martha9 he as6sI EHow !u+h !ay I ta6eF 5ne o these s/oons or twoFG and he /oints at the round si)ver s/oon that he s)ow)y di/s into the 2)ond honey. E's !u+h as you want9 !y 2oy. 's !u+h as you )i6e. ;ou wi)) ta6e the rest )ater9 to!orrow. It's a)) yoursHG says Martha +aressin& hi!. E')) !ineHHH 5hH I have never had so !u+h honeyH ')) !ineH 5hHG 'nd he &rate u))y /resses the vase to his +hest9 as i it were a treasure. %ut he then rea)ises that rather than the vase9 it is the )ove with whi+h it is o ered that is /re+ious9 and he )ays the )itt)e vase on Jesus' 6nees and he )i ts his ar!s as he wants to e!2ra+e the ne+6 o Martha9 who is 2ent over hi!9 and 6iss her. It is a)) that his &ratitude9 a)) that he +an &ive9 a he)/)ess wret+h9 who has nothin& to &ive. 9 The others sto/ !a6in& /)ans to wat+h the s+ene. 'nd 1eter saysI EThis +hi)d is even !ore unha//y than Mar<ia!9 who at )east had the )ove o his &rand ather and o the other /easantsH It is true that there are a)ways sorrows &reater than the ones we have +onsidered very &reatHG E;es. The a2yss o hu!an sorrow has not yet 2een atho!ed. I wonder how !any se+rets it sti)) +on+ea)s... 'nd how !any wi)) it sti)) +on+ea) in uture a&esFG says %artho)o!ew /ensive)y. EThen you have no aith in the ,os/e)H $o you not thin6 that it wi)) +han&e the wor)dF It is stated 2y the /ro/hets. 'nd the Master re/eats it. ;ou are s6e/ti+a)9 %artho)o!ewG says the Is+ariot with a s)i&ht tou+h o irony. The >ea)ot re/)ies to hi!I EI do not see in what %artho)o!ew's in+redu)ity +onsists. The !aster1s doctrine will give solace to all #isfortunes it will even #odify the cruelty of custo#s and habits but it will not eli#inate sorrow. It wi)) !a6e it 2eara2)e throu&h the divine /ro!ises o uture <oys. In order to abolish sorrow or at least great part of sorrow because diseases deaths and natural cataclys#s would still re#ain it would be necessary for all #en to have the heart that the ,hrist has but... G The Is+ariot interru/ts hi! sayin&I EThat in a+t !ust ha//en. 5therwise to what avai) wou)d the Messiah have +o!e to the 0arthFG ELet us say that that shou)d ha//en. %ut9 te)) !e9 Judas9 has that ha//ened a!on& usF 4e are twe)ve9 and or three years we have )ived with Hi!9 we have ta6en in His do+trine )i6e the air we 2reathe. SoF 're we twe)ve a)) saintsF 4hat do we do that is

di erent ro! what Lazarus does9 ro! what Ste/hen9 8i+o)aus9 Isaa+9 Manaen9 Jose/h and 8i+ode!us9 the wo!en and +hi)dren doF I a! s/ea6in& o the <ust /eo/)e o our (ather)and. ')) o the!9 whether they are wise and ri+h9 or /oor and i&norant9 do what we doI a )itt)e &ood9 a )itt)e 2ad9 2ut without renewin& the!se)ves +o!/)ete)y. 8ay9 I te)) you that !any sur/ass us. ;es. !any followers surpass us the apostles... And would you e7pect the whole world to assu#e hearts li"e the ,hrist1s if we His apostles have not done so$ 4e have !ore or )ess i!/roved ourse)ves... at )east )et us ho/e so9 2e+ause it is on)y with di i+u)ty that !an 6nows hi!se) or the 2rother who )ives 2eside hi!. The vei) o the )esh is too o/a=ue and thi+69 and the thou&ht o !an too +are u))y avoids 2ein& /enetrated9 or !an to understand !an. 4hether we e3a!ine ourse)ves or other /eo/)e9 we always re#ain at the surface 2oth when we e3a!ine ourse)ves9 because we do not want to hurt our pride or suffer feeling that we #ust change and when we e3a!ine other /eo/)e9 because our pride of e7a#iners #a"es us un5ust 5udges and the pride of the person we scrutinise closes hi#9 as an oyster +)oses its va)ves9 with regard to what is inside hi#G says the >ea)ot. E;ou are =uite ri&htH Si!on9 you have rea))y s/o6en words o wisdo!HG says Judas Thaddeus a//rovin&. 'nd the others in +horus a&ree. 10 EThen why did He +o!e9 i nothin& is to 2e +han&edFG re/)ies the Is+ariot. Jesus 2e&ins to s/ea6I E!uch will be changed. Not everything. %e+ause a)so in uture there wi)) 2e a&ainst My do+trine what is a)ready a+tiveI the hatred o those who do not )ove the Li&ht. Because against the strength of !y followers there will be the power of .atan1s followers. How !anyH In how !any a//earan+esH How #any new heretical doctrines will always be opposed to !y doctrine which is i##utable because it is perfect! How !u+h sorrow wi)) &er!inate ro! the!H ;ou do not 6now the uture. ;ou +onsider &reat the sorrow now e3istin& in the wor)d... %ut He 4ho 6nows9 sees horrors that wou)d not 2e understood even i I e3/)ained the! to you... What a tragedy if I had not co#e! I I had not +o!e to give future generations a code that chec"s instincts in the better people and contains a pro#ise of future peace! How dread u) it wou)d 2e i !an did not have9 throu&h My +o!in&9 s/iritua) e)e!ents +a/a2)e o 6ee/in& hi! Ca)iveD in the )i e o the s/irit and assurin& hi! o a rewardH... If I had not co#e in the long run the )arth would have beco#e a huge earthly hell and the hu#an race would have torn itself to pieces and would have perished cursing the ,reator...> EThe Most Hi&h has /ro!ised never to send universa) /unish!ents a&ain9 )i6e the $e)u&e. ' /ro!ise o ,od never ai)sG says Judas. E;es9 Judas o Si!on. That is true. 'nd never a&ain wi)) the Most Hi&h send universa) +a)a!ities )i6e the $e)u&e. But #en the#selves will create scourges that will be #ore and #ore dreadful in co#parison with which the deluge and the rain of fire that destroyed .odo# and &o#orrah are still #erciful punish#ents. 5hH...G

5/2.The Sa66a&h 6e-" e &he En& ( in&" Je usa2e.. Pa a62e "- &he T%" La.5s and &he Pa a62e A552ied &" &he 'i a32e "n Sha2e..


Jesus stands u/ with a &esture u)) o an&uish and /ity or uture /eo/)es. 11 E')) ri&htH ;ou 6now... %ut in the !eanti!e what are we &oin& to do or hi!FG as6s the Is+ariot /ointin& at the 2oy who is en<oyin& his honey in s!a)) =uantities and is ha//y. E0a+h day has enou&h trou2)e o its own. To!orrow wi)) te)). It is vain to worry a2out to!orrow9 i we do not even 6now who wi)) 2e a)ive to!orrow.G

/res+ri2ed distan+e 2e ore the sun had set 2ehind the Te!/)e do!es.G 'n ironi+a) s!i)e a//ears on Lazarus' thin a+e9 2e+ause he is hea)thy and handso!e9 2ut he is +ertain)y not at. 'nd he re/)ies to the! 6ind)y9 2ut )i&ht)y sar+asti+a))yI E'nd what do you want to seeF The Master res/e+ts His Sa22ath. 'nd He is restin&. 'nd in order to +onsider that the rest has ended9 He is not satis ied with <ust not seein& the sun's dis+9 2ut He waits unti) the )ast sun2ea! disa//ears to sayI CThe Sa22ath is overD.G

EI a! not o ;our o/inion. 'nd I say that we ou&ht to 6now where we sha)) &o to stay9 E4e 6now that He is /er e+tH 4e 6nowH %ut i we have !ade a !ista6e9 that is another where we sha)) +onsu!e the Su//er. So !any thin&s. I we &o on waitin&9 the town wi)) reason or seein& Hi!. 5n)y or a !o!ent9 so that He !ay a2so)ve us.G 2e u)) u/. 'nd where sha)) we &oF 8ot to ,ethse!ane. 8ot to Jose/h o Se/horis. 8ot to Johanna's. 8ot to 8i6e's. 8ot to Lazarus'. 4here thenFG EI a! sorry9 2ut I +annot. The Master is tired and is restin&. I wi)) not distur2 Hi!.G E4here the (ather wi)) /re/are a she)ter or His 4ord.G E$o ;ou thin6 that I want to 6now in order to re/ort itFG E;ou say so. I have not said anythin&. 7o!e9 Sha)e!. My Mother 6nows a2out you9 2ut She has not yet seen you. 7o!e9 and I wi)) ta6e you to Her.G E%ut is ;our Mother not we))FG as6s Tho!as. E8o. She is /rayin&. She is in &reat need o /rayer.G E;es. She is su erin& 2itter)y. She wee/s very !u+h. 'nd Mary has nothin& 2ut /rayer to +onso)e Her. I have a)ways seen Her /ray very !u+h. In the !o!ents o dee/est &rie She )ives on /rayer9 I +ou)d say...G e3/)ains Mary o ')/haeus9 whi)e Jesus &oes away ho)din& the 2oy 2y the hand and havin& on the other side 'nna)eah9 who! He has invited to &o with Hi! to Mary. 2 %ut !ore /eo/)e +o!e9 they are /i)&ri!s ro! everywhere9 who 2e& and insist on seein& Jesus. He2rews are !in&)ed with ,enti)es9 and /rose)ytes with the )atter. They wat+h and s+an Lazarus9 as i he were so!ethin& unrea). 'nd Lazarus /uts u/ with the annoyan+e o su+h unsou&ht +e)e2rity re/)yin& /atient)y to those who as6 hi! =uestions. %ut he does not order the servants to o/en the &ate. E're you the !an raised ro! the deadFG as6s one who9 2y his a//earan+e9 is +ertain)y o !i3ed ra+e 2e+ause he has on)y the ty/i+a) rather 2i& hoo6ed nose o the Jews9 whereas his a++ent and the sty)e o his &ar!ents indi+ate that he is a orei&ner. EI a!9 to &ive &)ory to ,od 4ho raised !e ro! the dead to !a6e !e a servant o His Messiah.G E%ut was it true deathFG as6 other /eo/)e. E's6 those Jewish nota2)es. They +a!e to !y unera) and !any were /resent at !y resurre+tion.G E%ut what did you ee)F 4here were youF 4hat do you re!e!2erF 4hen you 2e+a!e a)ive a&ain9 what ha//ened to youF How did He raise youF... Is it not /ossi2)e to see the se/u)+hre where you wereF 4hat did you die o F 're you rea))y we)) nowF Have you no )on&er the !ar6s o the soresFG

5%3. The Sa))a&h )e1#!e &he En&!/ in&# Je!usa5e(. Pi54!i(s and Judaeans a& 3e&han/.
28&h .a!'h $9*8.

Lazarus tries to re/)y to every2ody /atient)y. %ut i it is easy or hi! to say that he is rea))y we)) and that a)so the !ar6s o the sores have disa//eared 2y now9 in the !onths 1 Love and hatred ur&e !any /i)&ri!s who have &athered in Jerusa)e!9 as we)) as !any that have e)a/sed sin+e he was raised ro! the dead9 he +annot say what he e)t and how he was raised. 'nd he re/)iesI EI do not 6now. I ound !yse) a)ive in !y &arden9 inha2itants o Jerusa)e!9 to +o!e to %ethany without awaitin& that sunset is over. 5n a!on& !y servants and sisters. 4hen I was reed o the shroud I saw the sun9 the )i&ht9 the +ontrary9 the sun has <ust 2e&un to set when the irst visitors arrive at Lazarus' I was hun&ry9 I had so!e ood9 I en<oyed )i e and the &reat )ove the .a22i had or !e. house. 'nd as Lazarus9 when +a))ed 2y the servants9 is sur/rised at su+h trans&ression Those who were /resent 6now the rest 2etter than I do. There are three over there who o the Sa22ath9 2e+ause the irst to arrive are the 2est@6nown a!on& the stri+test Judaeans9 they &ive hi! this tru)y /harisai+ answerI E(ro! the Shee/ ,ate we +ou)d no are ta)6in&. 'nd two there who are <ust arrivin&.G KThe )atter are John and 0)eazar9 the )on&er see the sun's dis+9 so we set o 9 thin6in& that we wou)d +ertain)y not e3+eed the !e!2ers o the Sanhedrin9 whereas the three ta)6in& to one another are two s+ri2es and

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a 1harisee who! I have in a+t seen at Lazarus' resurre+tion9 2ut whose na!es I do not re!e!2er.L

EThey wi)) not s/ea6 to us9 2e+ause we are ,enti)esH 's you are Judaeans9 you +an &o and as6 the!... 3 'nd you... show us the se/u)+hre where you were.G They +ou)d not 2e E;ou are a heathenH ;ou are an i!/ious /ersonH ;ou are +ursin& our ,od. ;ou are !ore insistent. sin&in& the /raises o the wit+h+ra t o %ee)ze2u2's son. %e +are u)9 LazarusHG Lazarus !a6es u/ his !ind. He says so!ethin& to the servants9 then he addresses the +rowdI E,o a)on& that road that runs 2etween this house and that other one o !ine. I wi)) +o!e and !eet you to ta6e you to the se/u)+hre9 a)thou&h there is nothin& to 2e seen e3+e/t an o/enin& in the )ayer o ro+6.G EIt does not !atterH Let us &oHG ELazarusH Sto/H 7an we +o!e as we))F 5r are we or2idden what stran&ers are a))owedFG as6s a s+ri2e. E8o. 'r+he)aus. ;ou !ay +o!e9 i you do not thin6 that you wi)) 2e +onta!inated 2y a//roa+hin& a se/u)+hre.G EIt wi)) not +onta!inate us 2e+ause there is no dead 2ody in it.G

!er+i u) /ower o the .a22i9 I want the sun to read the! sti)) there on the ro+69 and the /)ants to )earn the! ro! the winds9 2irds and )owers to +aress the!9 +ontinuin& thus on !y 2eha) to 2)ess the +ry o the 7hrist 4ho raised !e ro! the dead.G

EI re!ind you that I a! in !y house and that you are in !y house9 and that you have +o!e9 without 2ein& invited9 and or worth)ess /ur/oses. ;ou are worse than these /eo/)e9 who are heathens9 2ut they re+o&nise a ,od in the reviver.G E'nathe!aH Li6e Master9 )i6e dis+i/)e. How horri2)eH Let us &o away ro! this i!/ure +)oa+a. 7orru/ter o Israe)9 the Sanhedrin wi)) re!e!2er your words.G E'nd .o!e your +ons/ira+ies. ,et outHG Lazarus9 who is a)ways !i)d9 re!e!2ers that he is the son o Theo/hi)us9 and he drives the! away )i6e a /a+6 o do&s. 4 The /i)&ri!s who have +o!e ro! every +ountry re!ain and they as69 and )oo69 and i!/)ore to see the 7hrist. E;ou wi)) see Hi! in town. 8ot now. I +annot.G

E%ut there was one or our days. 5ne is +onsidered un+)ean or !u+h )ess in Israe)H E'hH 2ut is He +o!in& to townF .ea))yF 're you not )yin&F Is He +o!in& even i they ;ou say that one is un+)ean when one's &ar!ent <ust &razes so!eone who has tou+hed a hate Hi! so !u+hFG +or/se. 'nd !y se/u)+hre sti)) /u s whi s o death9 a)thou&h it has 2een o/en or su+h EHe is +o!in&. ,o now and do not worry. See how /ea+e u) is the houseF 8ot a /erson a )on& ti!e.G to 2e seen9 not a voi+e to 2e heard. ;ou have seen what you wanted to seeI the !an EIt does not !atter. 4e wi)) /uri y ourse)ves.G risen a&ain and the /)a+e o his 2uria). ,o now. %ut do not a))ow your +uriosity to 2e un ruit u). May the a+t that you have seen !e9 the )ivin& eviden+e o the /ower o Lazarus )oo6s at John and 0)eazar9 the two 1harisees9 and says to the!I E're you Jesus 7hrist9 the La!2 o ,od and Most Ho)y Messiah9 )ead you a)) on His way. +o!in& as we))FG %e+ause o this ho/e I a! &)ad that I was raised ro! the dead9 2e+ause I ho/e that the !ira+)e !ay rouse the dou2t u) and +onvert the heathen9 +onvin+in& the! a)) that one E;es9 we are.G on)y is the true ,od and one on)y is the true MessiahI Jesus o 8azareth9 the ho)y Lazarus &oes =ui+6)y towards the side de)i!ited 2y hed&es as ta)) and thi+6 as wa))s9 Master.G and he o/ens a &ate en+)osed in one o the!9 and he )oo6s a)on& the road )eadin& to The +rowds dis/erse re)u+tant)y9 and i one &oes away9 ten !ore +o!e9 2e+ause new Si!on's house9 2e+6onin& those who are waitin& to +o!e orward. He )eads the! /eo/)e arrive +ontinuous)y. %ut with the he)/ o so!e servants Lazarus su++eeds in towards the se/u)+hre. .ose@2ushes in 2)oo! are ar+hed over the entran+e9 2ut are not /ushin& every2ody out and +)osin& the &ates. su i+ient to su//ress the horror e!anatin& ro! an o/en to!2. 5n the s)antin& ro+6 under the )owery ar+h one +an read the wordsI ELazarus9 +o!e outHG He is a2out to withdraw sayin&I EMa6e sure they do not or+e the &ates or +)i!2 over The evi)@!inded visitors see the! at on+e and as6 i!!ediate)yI E4hy did you have those words +arved thereF ;ou shou)d not have done thatHG E4hyF In !y house I do what I )i6e9 and no one +an a++use !e o sin i I de+ided to have i3ed on the ro+69 so that they are inde)i2)e9 the words o the divine +ry that &ave )i e 2a+6 to !e. 4hen I sha)) 2e in there9 and I sha)) no )on&er 2e a2)e to +e)e2rate the the!. It wi)) soon 2e dar6 and they wi)) &o to their so<ournsG9 when he sees 0)eazar and John +o!e out ro! 2ehind a !irt)e@2ush. E4hatF I had not seen you and I thou&ht...G

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E$o not send us away. 4e hid 2ehind thi+6 2ushes not to 2e seen. 4e !ust s/ea6 to the Master. 4e +a!e as we are not so sus/e+ted as Jose/h and 8i+ode!us are. %ut we wou)d not )i6e to 2e seen 2y any2ody9 e3+e/t you and the Master... 're your servants trustworthyFG EIn Lazarus' house the +usto! is too see and hear on)y what is /)easin& to the )and)ord9 and to 6now nothin& or stran&ers. %ut +o!e a)on& this /ath 2etween two hed&es o ve&etation dar6er than a wa)).G 'nd he )eads the! a)on& the /ath runnin& 2etween the dou2)e i!/enetra2)e 2arrier o 2o3es and )aure)s. E4ait here. I wi)) 2rin& Jesus.G ELet no one 6nowH...G E%e not a raid.G 5 The wait is a short one. Jesus9 a)) white in His )inen tuni+9 soon a//ears on the /ath dar6ened 2y the intertwined 2ran+hes9 and Lazarus sto/s at the end o the /ath9 as i he were on &uard9 or out o /ruden+e. %ut 0)eazar says to hi!9 or rather 2e+6ons to hi!I E7o!e here.G Lazarus a//roa+hes the! whi)e Jesus &reets the two who /ay their dee/ res/e+t to Hi!. EMaster9 and you9 Lazarus9 )isten. 's soon as the news s/read that ;ou had +o!e and were here9 the Sanhedrin !et in 7aia/has' house. 0verythin& they do is a2usive... 'nd they have de+ided... $o not entertain i))usions9 MasterH %e wary9 LazarusH $o not )et the ei&ned /ea+e or the a//arent so!no)en+e o the Sanhedrin de+eive you. It is a)) /reten+e9 Master. ' si!u)ation to attra+t ;ou and +a/ture ;ou without the +rowds &ettin& e3+ited and /re/arin& to de end ;ou. ;our ate has 2een de+ided and the de+ree wi)) not 2e +han&ed. 4hether to!orrow or in a year's ti!e it wi)) 2e a++o!/)ished. The Sanhedrin never or&ets its reven&es. They wait9 they 6now how to wait or the avoura2)e o//ortunity9 thenH... 'nd you9 too9 Lazarus. They want to &et rid o you9 +a/ture you and su//ress you9 2e+ause throu&h your au)t too !any are )eavin& the! to o))ow the Master. 's you said with the ri&ht word9 you are the eviden+e o His /ower. 'nd they want to destroy it. The +rowds soon or&et9 and they are aware o that. 5n+e you and the .a22i disa//ear9 !any /assions wi)) die down.G E8o9 0)eazarH They wi)) 2)aze u/HG says Jesus. E5hH MasterH %ut what wi)) ha//en i ;ou are deadF To what avai) wi)) aith in ;ou 2)aze u/9 even i that were to ha//en9 i ;ou are deadF I was ho/in& to 2e a2)e to te)) ;ou on)y one ha//y thin& and invite ;ouI !y wi e wi)) soon &ive 2irth to the son who is thrivin& throu&h ;our <usti+e9 as ;ou 2rou&ht /ea+e a&ain to two stor!y hearts. He wi)) 2e 2orn 2y 1ente+ost. I wou)d )i6e to as6 ;ou to +o!e and 2)ess hi!. I ;ou enter under !y roo 9 no !is ortune wi)) ever 2e in itG says John the 1harisee. EI &ive you My 2)essin& now...G

E'hH ;ou do not want to +o!e to !eH ;ou do not 2e)ieve that I a! )oya)H I a!9 MasterH ,od sees !eHG EI 6now. The a+t is... that I sha)) no )on&er 2e with you at 1ente+ost.G E%ut the 2oy wi)) 2e 2orn in the +ountry@house...G EI 6now. %ut I sha)) not 2e there. 'nd yet you9 your wi e9 the un2orn +hi)d9 the +hi)dren you a)ready have9 are 2)essed 2y Me. Than6 you or +o!in&. ,o now. Ta6e the! a)on& the /ath 2eyond Si!on's house. So that they !ay not 2e seen... I a! &oin& 2a+6 to the house. 1ea+e to you...G

5%*. The Sa))a&h )e1#!e &he En&!/ in&# Je!usa5e(. The Su99e! a& 3e&han/.
2%&h .a!'h $9*8.

1 Su//er has 2een /re/ared in the +o!/)ete)y white ha)) where Jesus s/o6e to the wo!en dis+i/)es. The who)e white ha)) is 2ri&ht and si)very with a nuan+e not so snow@ white and +o)d9 +ast 2y 2und)es o 2ran+hes o a//)e or /ear@trees9 or other ruit@trees9 as white as snow9 2ut with su+h a )i&ht shade o /in6 that !a6es one thin6 o snow )i&ht)y tou+hed 2y the 6iss o a re!ote dawn. They /rotrude ro! /ot@2e))ied vases or ro! s)ender si)ver a!/horae9 on the she)ves9 +hests and dressers /)a+ed a)on& the wa))s o the ha)). The )owers shed the ty/i+a) s+ent o 2)osso!s o ruit@trees throu&h the ha))9 the resh 2itterish s+ent o /ure s/rin&ti!e... Lazarus enters the ha)) wa)6in& 2eside Jesus. %ehind the!9 in twos or )ar&er &rou/s9 the a/ost)es. Last are Lazarus' two sisters with Ma3i!inus. I do not see the wo!en dis+i/)es. 8ot even Mary. 1erha/s they /re erred to re!ain in Si!on's house with the distressed Mother. The day is turnin& to twi)i&ht. %ut the )ast sun2ea!s are sti)) shinin& on the rust)in& )eaves o so!e /a)!@trees in a &rou/ a ew !etres away ro! the ha))9 and on the to/ o a &i&anti+ )aure) on whi+h s/arrows are s=ua22)in& 2e ore &oin& to rest. %eyond the /a)!@trees and the )aure)9 2eyond the hed&es o roses and <as!ines and the 2eds o )i)ies o the va))ey9 o other )owers and sweet@s!e))in& /)ants9 there is a white s/ot s/rayed with the )i&ht &reen o the ear)y )eaves o a &rou/ o )ate /ear or a//)e@trees in the or+hard. It )oo6s )i6e a +)oud entan&)ed a!on& the 2ran+hes. 2 Jesus /assin& near an a!/hora u)) o 2ran+hes re!ar6sI EThey a)ready had the irst )itt)e ruits. Loo6H 5n the to/s there are 2)osso!s9 whereas arther down the 2)osso!s

5/#.The Sa66a&h 6e-" e &he En& ( in&" Je usa2e.. The Su55e a& 0e&han(.


have a))en o and the ovaries are swe))in&.G EMary wanted to /i+6 the!. She too6 2und)es o the! a)so to ;our Mother. She &ot u/ at dawn9 I thin69 )est another day o sunshine !i&ht s/oi) the de)i+ate +oro))as. I heard o this destru+tion on)y a short whi)e a&o. %ut I was not so an&ry a2out it as the /easant servants. 8ay9 I thou&ht that it was <ust to o er a)) the 2eauties o +reation to ;ou9 the :in& o a)) thin&s.G Jesus sits down s!i)in& in His /)a+e and )oo6s at Mary9 who with her sister is &ettin& ready to serve as i she were a !aid9 2rin&in& the +u/s o /uri i+ation and the towe)s9 then /ourin& wine into +ha)i+es and )ayin& the trays o ood on the ta2)e9 as the servants 2rin& the! ro! the 6it+hen or hand the! over a ter +arvin& the! on the side2oards. 8atura))y9 i the sisters serve a)) &uests +ourteous)y9 their attention is /arti+u)ar)y dire+ted to the two who are dearest to the!I Jesus and Lazarus. 't a +ertain !o!ent 1eter9 who is eatin& with re)ish9 saysI ELoo6H I a! <ust noti+in& thisH ')) the dishes are )i6e the ones served in ,a)i)ee. I thin6... 5 +ourseH I see! to 2e at a weddin& 2rea6 ast. %ut there is no shorta&e o wine here as there was at 7ana.G Mary s!i)es i))in& the a/ost)e's +ha)i+e a&ain with +)ear a!2er@+o)oured wine. %ut she does not s/ea6. 'nd Lazarus e3/)ainsI E'nd that is in a+t what the sisters9 and Mary in /arti+u)ar9 wantedI to serve a su//er that &ave the Master the i!/ression o 2ein& in His ,a)i)ee9 a su//er that9 a)thou&h i!/er e+t9 was to 2e 2etter9 !u+h 2etter than what is +usto!ary here...G 3 E%ut to !a6e Hi! ee) that9 Mary shou)d have 2een at this ta2)e. She was at 7ana. The !ira+)e too6 /)a+e throu&h HerG re!ar6s Ja!es o ')/haeus. EThat !ust have 2een a &rand wineHG E4ine is the sy!2o) o !irth and ou&ht to 2e the sy!2o) a)so o erti)ity9 as wine is the <ui+e o the erti)e vine. %ut I do not thin6 that it e+undated very !u+h. Susanna has no sonG says the Is+ariot.

E%)essed 2oyH I thin6 that he does not even re!e!2er the wor)d any!ore9 now. Loo6 at hi!G says 1eter /ointin& at John who9 )yin& on his )itt)e 2ed9 and )ost in thou&ht9 is toyin& with )itt)e 2its o 2read or&ettin& to eat. Jesus a)so 2ends a )itt)e to )oo6 at John who is at one o the +orners o the ?@sha/ed ta2)e9 thus a )itt)e 2ehind the 2a+6 o the Lord9 4ho is at the !idd)e o the +entra) side9 with His +ousin Ja!es on His )e t and Lazarus on His ri&htM a ter Lazarus there is the >ea)ot and Ma3i!inus9 and a ter Ja!es there is the other Ja!es and then 1eter. John9 instead9 is 2etween 'ndrew and %artho)o!ew9 then there is Tho!as9 with in ront o hi! Judas9 1hi)i/9 Matthew and Thaddeus9 who is at the +orner9 at the 2e&innin& o the )on& +entra) ta2)e. 4 Mary o Lazarus )eaves the ha)) whi)e Martha is /uttin& on the ta2)e trays u)) o ear)y &reen i&s9 &reen enne) sta)6s9 resh she))ed a)!onds9 straw2erries or ras/2erries9 I do not 6now9 that )oo6 even redder a!on& the /a)e e!era)d &reen o the enne)s and o the i&s and the white o the a)!onds9 o the )itt)e !e)ons or other ruit o the 6ind... I thin6 they )oo6 )i6e the &reen !e)ons o southern Ita)y9 and &o)den oran&es. EThese ruits a)readyF I have not seen any ri/e ones anywheres says 1eter o/enin& his eyes wide and /ointin& at the straw2erries and the !e)ons. ESo!e o the! +a!e ro! the shores 2eyond ,aza where I have a !ar6et &arden o these /rodu+ts9 and so!e ro! the sunny terra+es on the house9 the nursery or the !ore de)i+ate /)ants that need to 2e /rote+ted ro! rost. ' .o!an riend tau&ht !e how to &row the!... The on)y &ood thin& he tau&ht !e...G Lazarus 2e+o!es &)oo!y. Martha si&hs... %ut Lazarus 2e+o!es at on+e the /er e+t host who does not sadden his &uests. EIt is a wide s/read +usto! in the vi))as at %aia and Syra+use and a)on& the Sy2aris &u) to +u)tivate su+h de)i&hts with that !ethod to have the! /re!ature)y. 0at the!I the )ast ruits are the oran&es ro! Li2ya9 the ear)iest the !e)ons o 0&y/t &rown in the so)aria and these Latin ruits and the white a)!onds o our ather)and9 the tender 2road 2eans9 the di&estive sta)6s tastin& o anise... Martha9 have you seen to the 2oyFG E;es9 I have seen to every2ody. Mary was dee/)y !oved re!e!2erin& 0&y/t...G

E4e had so!e /)ants in our /oor 6it+hen &arden. In do& days it was a &reat <oy to di/ the !e)ons into the we)) o our nei&h2our9 as it was dee/ and +oo)9 and eat the! in the E5hH what a wine it wasH It e+undated our s/irits...G says John9 so!ewhat drea!y9 as evenin&... I re!e!2er...I had a )itt)e &reedy &oat and we had to wat+h her 2e+ause she he a)ways is when he inner)y +onte!/)ates the !ira+)es wor6ed 2y ,od. 'nd he +on+)udesI EIt was wor6ed on 2eha) o a vir&in... and the in )uen+e o /urity des+ended was ond o tender /)ants and ruits...G Jesus9 4ho was s/ea6in& with His head so!ewhat )owered9 raises it and )oo6s at the /a)!@trees rust)in& in the 2reeze o the u/on those who re)ished it.G evenin& that is a))in& and saysI E4hen I see those /a)!@trees... 0very ti!e I see /a)!@ E%ut do you thin6 that Susanna is a vir&inFG as6s the Is+ariot )au&hin&. trees I see 0&y/t a&ain9 its ye))ow sandy soi) 2)own so easi)y 2y the wind9 and ar away the /yra!ids tre!2)ed in the rare ied air... and the ta)) trun6s o the /a)!@trees... and the EI did not say that. Bir&in is the Mother o the Lord. Bir&inity e!anates ro! house where... %ut it is no use s/ea6in& o the!. 0a+h /eriod has its an3iety... 'nd its everythin& a++o!/)ished on Her 2eha) . I a)ways +onsider how vir&ina) everythin& is <oy with its an3iety... Lazarus9 wou)d you &ive !e so!e o those ruitsF I shou)d )i6e to when /er or!ed or Mary...G and he drea!s a&ain s!i)in& at I wonder whi+h vision.

5/#.The Sa66a&h 6e-" e &he En& ( in&" Je usa2e.. The Su55e a& 0e&han(.


ta6e the! to Mary and Matthias. I do not thin6 that Johanna has any.G EShe has not. She said so yesterday and she intends to /)ant so!e at %ether and have so)aria 2ui)t. %ut I sha)) not &ive the! to ;ou now. I /i+6ed as !any as I had and or so!e days there wi)) 2e no ri/e ones. I wi)) send the! to ;ou or send or the! 2y Thursday. 4e wi)) /re/are a )ove)y 2as6et o the! or those +hi)dren. Is that ri&ht9 MarthaFG E;es9 2rother. 'nd we wi)) add so!e )itt)e )i)ies o the va))ey that Johanna )i6es so !u+h.G 5 Mary Ma&da)ene +o!es 2a+6 in. She is ho)din& in her hands a thin@ne+6ed a!/hora9 endin& in a )itt)e 2i))9 as /retty as the ne+6 o a 2ird. The a)a2aster is o a /re+ious rosy ye))ow hue9 )i6e the +o!/)e3ion o so!e 2)ondes. The a/ost)es )oo6 at her thin6in&9 /erha/s9 that she is 2rin&in& so!e rare de)i+a+y. %ut Mary does not &o to the +entre9 inside the ? o the ta2)e9 where her sister is. She &oes 2ehind the seat@2eds and sto/s 2etween that o Jesus and Lazarus and that o the two Ja!eses. She un+or6s the a)a2aster vase and /)a+es her hand under the )itt)e 2i)) to re+eive a ew dro/s o a vis+ous )i=uid that )ows s)ow)y ro! the o/en a!/hora. ' stron& s!e)) o tu2eroses and other essen+es9 a very intense /)easant s+ent s/reads in the ha)). %ut Mary is not satis ied with the )itt)e =uantity o /er u!e that )ows. She stoo/s and with a shar/ 2)ow she 2rea6s the ne+6 o the a!/hora a&ainst the +orner o Jesus' )itt)e 2ed. The thin ne+6 a))s on the )oorM sheddin& s+ented dro/s on the !ar2)e /ave!ent. The a!/hora now has a wide a/erture throu&h whi+h /)enty un&uent )ows in thi+6 &ushes. Mary /)a+es herse) 2ehind Jesus and s/reads the thi+6 oi) on her Jesus' hair9 she s/rin6)es a)) His )o+6s with it9 she stret+hes the! and then /uts the! in order with the +o!2 ta6en ro! her own hair9 tidyin& the! on the adored head. Jesus' air@red hair shines now )i6e dar6 &o)d and is very 2ri&ht a ter the un+tion. The )i&ht o the +hande)ier9 )it 2y the servants9 is re )e+ted on Jesus air hair )i6e a 2eauti u) +o//er@ +o)oured 2ronze he)!et. The s+ent is e3hi)aratin&. Throu&h the nostri)s it rises to the head and9 s/read as it is without restraint9 it is so intense that it is a)!ost as e3+itin& as sternutatory /owder.

down at the oot o the 2ed9 she unties the 2u+6)es o Jesus' sanda)s and ta6es the! o 9 and di//in& the )on& in&ers o her 2eauti u) hand into the vase9 she ta6es as !u+h oint!ent as she +an and s/reads it on His 2are eet9 toe 2y toe9 then on the so)es and hee)s9 then u/9 on the !a))eo)i9 whi+h she un+overs 2y throwin& 2a+6 His )inen tuni+9 and )ast)y on the inste/s9 she de)ays on the !etatarsi9 whi+h wi)) 2e /ier+ed 2y the dread u) nai)s9 she insists unti) she inds no !ore 2a)! in the ho))ow vase. Then she shatters it on the )oor and with her hands now ree she re!oves her 2i& hair/ins9 she =ui+6)y )ooses her heavy /)aits and with that &o)den9 2ri&ht9 so t9 )owin& 2und)e o hair she re!oves the e3+ess o oint!ent ro! Jesus' eet that are dri//in& 2a)!. 6 Judas9 who so ar has 2een si)ent wat+hin& with )ewd envious eyes the 2eauti u) wo!an and the Master 4hose head and eet she was anointin&9 raises his voi+e9 the on)y voi+e o o/en re/roa+hM so!e o the others9 not a)) o the!9 had !ur!ured so!ethin& or had !ade &estures o sur/rised 2ut a)so +a)! disa//rova). %ut Judas9 who has stood u/ to have a 2etter view o the oint!ent s/read on Jesus' eet9 says with i)) &ra+eI E4hat a use)ess heathen wasteH 4hy do thatF 'nd then we e3/e+t the 7hie s o the Sanhedrin not to s/ea6 o sinH Those are deeds o a )ust u) +ourtesan and they do not 2e+o!e the new )i e you are )eadin&9 wo!an. They are too stron& a re+o))e+tion o your /astHG The insu)t is su+h that every2ody is du!2 ounded. It is su+h that every2ody stirs9 so!e sit u/ on the 2eds9 so!e <u!/ to their eet9 everyone )oo6s at Judas9 as i he had sudden)y 2e+o!e insane. Martha )ares u/. Lazarus s/rin&s to his eet stri6in& the ta2)e with his ist and saysI EIn !y house...G9 then he )oo6s at Jesus and +ontro)s hi!se) . E;es. 're you a)) )oo6in& at !eF ;ou have a)) !ur!ured in your hearts. %ut now that I e+hoed your words and I o/en)y said what you thou&ht9 you are a)) ready to say that I a! wron&. I wi)) re/eat what I said. I do not !ean that Mary is the Master's )over. %ut I say that +ertain a+tions do not 2e+o!e Hi! or her. It is an i!/rudent a+tion. 'nd an un<ust one. ;es. 4hy su+h wasteF I she wanted to destroy the !e!ories o her /ast9 she +ou)d have &iven that vase and oint!ent to !e. It was at )east a /ound o /ure nardH 'nd o hi&h va)ue. I +ou)d have so)d it or at )east three hundred denarii9 as that is the /ri+e or nard o that =ua)ity. 'nd I +ou)d have so)d the vase9 whi+h was 2eauti u) and /re+ious. I wou)d have &iven the !oney to the /oor who +rowd round us. 4e never have enou&h. 'nd those as6in& or a)!s to!orrow in Jerusa)e! wi)) 2e nu!2er)ess.G

Lazarus9 with his head turned round9 s!i)es wat+hin& how +are u))y Mary anoints and arran&es Jesus' )o+6s so that His hair !ay )oo6 tidy a ter the s+ented !assa&e9 whi)e she EThat is trueG say the others assentin&. E;ou +ou)d have used a )itt)e or the Master and does not worry a2out her /)aits9 whi+h9 no )on&er su//orted 2y the wide +o!2 that the rest...G he)/s the hair/ins to ho)d the! in /)a+e9 are a))in& )ower and )ower on her ne+69 and are a2out to )oosen +o!/)ete)y on her shou)ders. 7 Mary o Ma&da)a see!s to 2e dea . She +ontinues wi/in& Jesus' eet with her )oose hair that now9 at its end9 is a)so heavy with the oint!ent and dar6er than on the to/ o Martha a)so )oo6s at her s!i)in&. The others are ta)6in& to one another in )ow voi+es her head. Jesus' eet are s!ooth and so t in their shade o o)d ivory9 as i they were with di erent e3/ressions on their a+es. %ut Mary is not yet satis ied. There is sti)) /)enty oint!ent in the 2ro6en vase9 and Jesus' hair9 a)thou&h thi+69 is a)ready saturated +overed with resh s6in. 'nd Mary /uts the sanda)s on the 7hrist's eet a&ain9 6issin& ea+h oot 2e ore and a ter /uttin& the sanda) on9 dea to everythin& that is not her )ove with it. Mary then re/eats the )ovin& &esture o an evenin& o )on&@a&o. She 6nee)s

5/#.The Sa66a&h 6e-" e &he En& ( in&" Je usa2e.. The Su55e a& 0e&han(.


or Jesus. Jesus de ends her )ayin& His hand on her head 2ent in the )ast 6iss and sayin&I ELeave her a)one. 4hy are you annoyin& and u/settin& herF ;ou do not rea)ise what she has done. Mary has a++o!/)ished an a+tion that is ri&ht u) and &ood with re&ard to Me. The /oor wi)) a)ways 2e a!on& you. I a# about to go away. ;ou wi)) a)ways have the!9 2ut you wi)) soon not have Me any )on&er. ;ou wi)) a)ways 2e a2)e to &ive a)!s to the /oor. Short)y to Me9 to the Son o !an a!on& !en9 it wi)) no )on&er 2e /ossi2)e to &ive any honour9 throu&h the wi)) o !en9 and 2e+ause the hour has +o!e. Love is )i&ht to her. She ee)s that I a! a2out to die and she wanted to anti+i/ate the 2uria) anointin& or My 2ody. I te)) you so)e!n)y that wherever the ,ood 8ews is /ro+)ai!ed9 this /ro/heti+ a+tion o )ove o hers wi)) 2e re!e!2ered. ')) over the wor)d. Throu&hout a&es. I wish &od would turn every hu#an being into another !ary who does not value things who entertains no attach#ent for anything who does not cherish the least #e#ory of the past but destroys and treads on everything that is flesh and world and brea"s and spreads herself as she did with the nard and the alabaster on her 2ord and out of love for Hi#. $o not wee/9 Mary. In this hour I re/eat to you the words I s/o6e to Si!on the 1harisee and to your sister MarthaI C%ou are forgiven everything because you have loved co#pletely.D ;ou have +hosen the 2etter /art. 'nd it wi)) not 2e ta6en away ro! you. ,o in /ea+e9 My 6ind )itt)e shee/ ound a&ain. ,o in /ea+e. The /astures o )ove sha)) 2e your ood orever. Stand u/. :iss a)so My hands that have a2so)ved and 2)essed you... How !any /eo/)e these hands o Mine have a2so)ved9 2)essed9 +ured9 assistedH And yet I tell you that the people who# I have assisted are preparing torture for these hands... G There is death)i6e si)en+e in the air su)try with the intense s+ent. Mary9 her )oose hair +)othin& her shou)ders and vei)in& her a+e9 6isses the ri&ht hand that Jesus o ers her and +annot deta+h her )i/s ro! it... Martha9 dee/)y !oved9 a//roa+hes her and &athers her )oose hair9 whi+h she 2raids +aressin& her9 and then she wi/es the tears on her +hee6s endeavourin& to dry the!... 8o one ee)s )i6e eatin& any !ore... 7hrist's words !a6e the! /ensive. Judas o ')/haeus is the irst to &et u/. He as6s )eave to withdraw. His 2rother Ja!es i!itates hi! and 'ndrew and John o))ow suit. The others re!ain9 2ut they are a)ready standin&9 intent on /uri yin& their hands in si)ver 2asins handed to the! 2y the servants. Mary and Martha do the sa!e with the Master and Lazarus. 8 ' servant +o!es in and he 2ends to s/ea6 to Ma3i!inus9 who9 a ter )istenin& to hi!9 saysI EMaster9 there are so!e /eo/)e who wou)d )i6e to see ;ou. They say that they +o!e ro! a ar. 4hat sha)) we doFG

Jesus +a))s 1hi)i/9 Ja!es o >e2edee and Tho!as and says to the!I E,o9 evan&e)ize9 +ure9 a+t in My na!e. Te)) the! that I sha)) 2e &oin& u/ to the Te!/)e to!orrow.G EIs it wise to te)) the! that9 LordFG as6s Si!on >ea)ot. EThere is no sense in 2ein& si)ent a2out it9 2e+ause it is a)ready !entioned in the Ho)y 7ity9 !ore 2y ene!ies than 2y riends. ,oHG EH'!H 's )on& as riends 6now... we 6now. %ut they do not 2etray. I do not 6now how the others +an 2e in or!ed.G E'!on& the !any riends there are a)ways so!e ene!ies9 Si!on o Jonas. 8ow the riends are... too !any and they are a++e/ted as su+h too easi)y. 4hen I thin6 how )on& I had to wait and /rayH... %ut those were the ear)y days and one was +autious. Then the triu!/hs dazz)ed us and we were no )on&er wary. 'nd that was wron&. %ut it ha//ens to a)) winners. Bi+tories /revent one ro! seein& +)ear)y and en ee2)e one's /ruden+e in a+tin&. I a! s/ea6in& o us dis+i/)es9 o +ourse9 not o the Master. He is /er e+t. I we had re!ained on)y twe)ve9 we shou)d not have to tre!2)e or ear o 2etraya)sHG says Judas o :erioth )yin& sha!e)ess)y. It is i!/ossi2)e to des+ri2e the &)an+e 7hrist +asts at the /er idious a/ost)e. ' &)an+e o warnin& and in inite sorrow. %ut Judas /ays no attention to it. He /asses 2y the ta2)e to &o out... 9 Jesus o))ows hi! with His eyes and when He sees hi! &o out9 He as6s hi!I E4here are you &oin&FG E5ut...G re/)ies Judas evasive)y. E5ut o this roo!9 or out o the houseFG E5ut... So... (or a )itt)e wa)6.G E$o not &o9 Judas. Stay with Me9 with us...G E;our 2rothers have &one away with John and 'ndrew. 4hy !ust I not &oFG E;ou are not &oin& to have a rest as they did...G Judas does not re/)y9 2ut he &oes out o2stinate)y. 8ot a word is uttered in the ha)). Lazarus and his sisters and the our a/ost)es who have stayedI 1eter9 Si!on9 Matthew and %artho)o!ew9 )oo6 at one another. Jesus )oo6s outside. He has &ot u/ and has &one to a window to o))ow Judas' !ove@ !ents and when He sees hi! &o out o the house wearin& his !ant)e and set out towards the &ate9 whi+h +annot 2e seen ro! here9 He +a))s hi! in a )oud voi+eI EJudasH 4ait or Me. I have so!ethin& to te)) youG and He &ent)y rees Hi!se) ro! Lazarus who9 rea)isin& that the Master was &rieved9 had /assed his ar! round His waist e!2ra+in& Hi!9 and He )eaves the ha))9 <oinin& Judas9 who had +ontinued wa)6in&

5/#.The Sa66a&h 6e-" e &he En& ( in&" Je usa2e.. The Su55e a& 0e&han(.


a)thou&h !ore s)ow)y. He rea+hes hi! at a2out one third o the distan+e 2etween the house and the &arden wa))9 near a thi+6et o /)ants with thi+6 )eaves that )oo6 )i6e &reen 2a6ed +)ay s/rayed with +)usters o )itt)e )owers9 and ea+h )ower is a s!a)) +ross with heavy /eta)s as i they were !ade o )i&ht ye))ow wa39 with a stron& s+ent. I do not 6now their na!e. He draws hi! 2ehind the thi+6et and ho)din& his orear! ti&ht with His hand9 He as6s hi! a&ainI E4here are you &oin&9 JudasF 1)ease9 stay hereHG ESin+e you 6now everythin&9 why do ;ou as6 !eF 4hat need is there or ;ou to as69 sin+e ;ou +an read the hearts o !enF ;ou 6now that I a! &oin& to !y riends. ;ou do not a))ow !e to &o there. They /ress !e to &o. I a! &oin&.G E;our riendsH ;ou shou)d say your ruinH That is where you are &oin&. ;ou are &oin& to your true !urderers. $on't &o JudasH $on't &oH ;ou are &oin& to +o!!it a +ri!e... ;ou...G E'hH ;ou are a raidFH 're ;ou a raid at )astFH ;ou rea)ise at )ast that you are a !anH ;ou are a !anH 8othin& !ore than a !anH %e+ause !an on)y is a raid o death. ,od 6nows that He +annot die. I ;ou e)t that ;ou were ,od9 ;ou wou)d 6now that ;ou +ou)d not die and ;ou wou)d not 2e a raid. %e+ause now that ;ou ee) death +)ose at hand9 ;ou are a raid )i6e a)) !en and ;ou are tryin& with every /ossi2)e !eans to avert it and ;ou see dan&er everywhere and in everythin&. 4here is ;our )ove)y 2o)dnessF 4here are ;our +on ident /rotestations that ;ou were ha//y and thirstin& or a++o!/)ishin& the Sa+ri i+eF There is not even an e+ho o the! )e t in ;our heartH ;ou thou&ht that this hour wou)d never +o!e9 so ;ou ei&ned /ower9 &enerosity and ;ou s/o6e so)e!n senten+es. ,o awayH ;ou are as 2ad as those who! ;ou re/roa+h as 2ein& hy/o+ritesH ;ou have enti+ed us and 2etrayed us. 'nd we had )e t everythin& or ;our sa6eH 'nd 2e+ause o ;ou we are hatedH ;ou have 2rou&ht a2out our ruin...G EThat is enou&h. ,oH ,o awayH 8ot !any hours have &one 2y sin+e you said to MeI CHe)/ !e to stay. $e end !eHD I have done that. To what avai)F Te)) Me one thin& !ore9 and thin6 a2out it 2e ore te))in& Me. Is this your sincere will$ To go to your friends to prefer the# to !e$G E;es. It is. I do not have to thin6 a2out it9 2e+ause or a )on& ti!e I have wanted nothin& 2ut that.G EThen &o. &od does not do violence to #an1s will.G and Jesus turns His 2a+6 on hi! and &oes s)ow)y 2a+6 to the house. 10 4hen He is +)ose to it He raises His head9 attra+ted 2y the eyes o Lazarus9 who standin& where he was 2e ore9 is )oo6in& i3ed)y at Hi!. It is a very /a)e a+e that endeavours to s!i)e at the aith u) riend. He &oes 2a+6 into the ha)) where the our a/ost)es are s/ea6in& to Ma3i!inus9 whi)e Martha and Mary are dire+tin& the wor6 o the servants9 who are tidyin& u/ the ha))

re!ovin& the dishes and ta2)e@)inen used at the 2an=uet. Lazarus has &one to the door and on+e a&ain he has e!2ra+ed Jesus' waist with his ar!9 and /assin& near a servant he says to hi!I E%rin& !e the ro)) that is on the ta2)e in !y wor6@roo!.G He ta6es Jesus to one o the wide seats /)a+ed in the +avities o the windows9 so that He !ay sit down. %ut Jesus re!ains standin&9 strivin& to /ay attention to what Lazarus is sayin& to Hi!... 2ut it is evident that His !ind is e)sewhere and His heart is &rieved9 a)thou&h when He rea)ises that the a/ost)es are wat+hin& Hi!9 He s!i)es to dis/e) the sus/i+ions o those who have a//roa+hed Hi! surroundin& Hi! and are whis/erin& to one another9 win6in& and /ointin& at the Master. The servant +o!es 2a+6 with the ro)) and 1eter9 seein& that the /ar+h!ents +ontain thin&s that are hi&her than what his head +an understand9 withdraws sayin&I E(ish do not 2ite +ertain 2aits. It is 2etter to s/ea6 to Ma3i!inus o /)ants and +u)tivations.G Martha +ontinues with her wor6. 11 Maria9 a)thou&h si)ent9 ta6es /art in the +onversa@ tion o Lazarus9 who /oints out +ertain /assa&es o the /ar+h!ents to the Master9 sayin&I EHas this heathen not &ot a rare oresi&htF More than !any o us. 1erha/s... i he had 2een here9 whi)e ;ou are our Master9 he wou)d have 2een one o ;our dis+i/)es9 and one o the 2est. 'nd he wou)d have understood ;ou as !any o us have not 2een a2)e to understand ;ou. 'nd what a /oe! wou)d have 2een ins/ired to his &enius 2y his ad!iration or ;ouH ;our words &athered and /reserved 2y a s/irit that is 2ri&ht a)thou&h it 2e)on&s to a heathenH ;our )i e des+ri2ed 2y this o/en and )i!/id inte))e+tH 4e no )on&er have writers and /oets. ;ou were 2orn )ate. 4hen the se) ishness o )i e and re)i&ious@so+ia) +orru/tion have e3tin&uished /oetry and &enius a!on& us. 4hat our wise !en and /ro/hets have written a2out ;ou9 without 6nowin& ;ou9 has not ound an e+ho in the )ivin& voi+e o one o ;our o))owers. %our favourites %our faithful followers are #ostly people without education. 'nd the others... 8o. 4e no )on&er have any Aohe)et to hand down to the +rowds ;our wisdo! and ;our i&ure. 4e no )on&er have the! 2e+ause the s/irit and wi)) are )a+6in& !ore than the a2i)ity to do so. The hu!an)y !ore +hosen /art o Israe) is as dea as a 2ro6en tru!/et9 and it +an no )on&er sin& the &)ories and wonders o ,od. My worry is that everythin& !ay 2e )ost or adu)terated9 /art)y throu&h ina2i)ity9 /art)y throu&h i))@wi))...G EThat wi)) not ha//en. 4hen the S/irit o the Lord is sett)ed in hearts9 it wi)) re/eat My words and e3/)ain their !eanin&. It is the S/irit o ,od 4ho s/ea6s throu&h the )i/s o the 7hrist. Then... Then It wi)) s/ea6 to the s/irits dire+t)y and wi)) re+a)) My words.G E5hH I wish that wou)d ha//en soonH Soon9 2e+ause they )isten so )itt)e to ;our words and understand the! even )ess. I thin6 that the roarin& o the S/irit o ,od wi)) 2e as vio)ent as 2)azin& ire to en&rave with vio)en+e in the !inds o !en what they wou)d not a++e/t 2e+ause it was 6ind and !i)d. I thin6 that the )a!in& S/irit wi)) 2urn the

5/#.The Sa66a&h 6e-" e &he En& ( in&" Je usa2e.. The Su55e a& 0e&han(.


te/id or tor/id +ons+ien+es with Its ire9 writin& ;our words on the!. The wor)d wi)) have to )ove ;ouH It is the wi)) o the Most Hi&hH %ut when wi)) it ha//enFG E4hen I sha)) 2e +onsu!ed in the Sa+ri i+e o )ove. Then Love wi)) +o!e. It wi)) 2e )i6e the 2eauti u) )a!e risin& ro! the sa+ri i+ed Bi+ti!. And that fla#e will never go out because the .acrifice will never end. *nce it is acco#plished it will last through4 out the ti#e of the )arth.G E%ut then... ;ou wou)d rea))y have to 2e sa+ri i+ed so that that !ay ha//enFG EIt is so.G Jesus !a6es His usua) &esture o adheren+e to His own destiny. He stret+hes out His ar!s with His hands /ointed outwards and )owers His head. He then raises it to s!i)e at distressed Lazarus and saysI E%ut the i!!ateria) voi+e o the S/irit o )ove wi)) not 2e so vio)ent as a roar9 2ut it wi)) 2e as sweet as )ove9 whi+h is as !i)d as a 8isan 2reeze and yet is as stron& as death. The ineffable #inistry of 2ove! The co#ple#ent the co#pletion of !y #inistry. The perfection of !y #inistry as !aster... I a! not a raid9 as you are9 that anythin& o what I have &iven !ay 2e )ost. 5n the +ontrary9 I so)e!n)y te)) you that 2ea!s o )i&ht wi)) 2e +ast on My words and you wi)) see their s/irit. I a# going away serenely because I a# entrusting !y doctrine to the Holy .pirit and !y spirit to !y -ather.G He )owers His head /ensive)y9 then9 a ter )ayin& the ro))9 whi+h &ave rise to the +onversation9 on a 6ind o ta)) dresser or +hest o e2ony9 or other dar6 wood9 a)) in)aid with ye))owish ivory9 that has 2een 2rou&ht 2y our servants ro! the ne3t roo!9 and in whi+h Martha is arran&in& the !ore va)ua2)e ta2)eware9 He saysI ELazarus9 +o!e outside. I want to s/ea6 to youHG E't on+e9 LordG and Lazarus &ets u/ ro! the seat on whi+h he was sittin& and o))ows Jesus into the &arden9 where it is 2e&innin& to &et dar69 as the )ast day)i&ht is adin& away in the s6y9 and the ear)y !oon)i&ht9 whi+h is <ust 2e&innin& to a//ear9 is sti)) too aint. @@@@@@@@@@@@@ 12 Jesus saysI E;ou wi)) /ut here the vision dated #nd Mar+h 1945I C(arewe)) to LazarusD9 startin& ro! the /ointI CJesus wa)6s turnin& His ste/s 2eyond the &arden where is the se/u)+hre in whi+h Lazarus was 2uried.DG

o the dinin& roo! one +an see Lazarus' &arden a)) in 2)oo!9 and 2eyond it9 the or+hard that )oo6s )i6e a +)oud o )i&ht /eta)s. The s+ent o resh ve&etation9 the sweet@sour s!e)) o ruit@tree 2)osso!s9 o roses and other )owers9 +arried into the house 2y the )i&ht evenin& 2reeze that !a6es the door +urtains )utter and the )i&hts o the +entra) +hande)ier )i+6er9 !in&)es with a stron& s+ent o tu2eroses9 )i)ies o the va))ey and <as!ines9 !i3ed in a rare essen+e9 )e t over ro! the 2a)! with whi+h Mary o Ma&da)a s+ented her Jesus9 4hose hair sti)) )oo6s dar6 a ter the un+tion. Si!on9 1eter9 Matthew and %en<a!in are sti)) in the roo!. The others are a2sent and have /ro2a2)y &one out on errands. Jesus has )e t the ta2)e and is )oo6in& at a ro)) o /ar+h!ent that Lazarus has shown Hi!. Mary o Ma&da)a is &oin& round the roo!... she )oo6s )i6e a 2utter )y attra+ted 2y )i&ht. She +an do nothin& 2ut !ove round her Jesus. Martha is wat+hin& the servants who are re!ovin& the wonder u) /re+ious dishes )yin& on the ta2)e. Jesus )ays the ro)) on a ta)) side2oard o /o)ished 2)a+6 wood in)aid with ivory9 and saysI ELazarus9 +o!e outside. I !ust s/ea6 to you.G E't on+e9 LordG and Lazarus &ets u/ ro! his +hair near the window and o))ows Jesus into the &arden9 where the )ast )i&ht o the day is !i3in& with the irst very +)ear !oon)i&ht. 2 Jesus wa)6s turnin& His ste/s 2eyond the &arden9 where is the se/u)+hre in whi+h Lazarus was 2uried and whi+h now dis/)ays a )ar&e ra!e o roses9 a)) in 2)oo!9 at its e!/ty !outh. '2ove it9 on the s)i&ht)y in+)ined ro+69 is +arvedI ELazarus9 +o!e outHG Jesus sto/s there. The house +an no )on&er 2e seen9 +on+ea)ed as it is 2y trees and hed&es. There is dead si)en+e and a2so)ute so)itude. ELazarus9 My riendG as6s Jesus standin& a+in& His riend and )oo6in& at hi! with a aint s!i)e on His a+e9 whi+h is very thin and /a)er than usua). ELazarus9 My riend9 do you 6now who I a!FG E;ouF ;ou are Jesus o 8azareth9 !y &ent)e Jesus9 !y ho)y Jesus9 !y /ower u) JesusHG EThat with re&ard to you. %ut with re&ard to the wor)d9 who a! IFG E;ou are the Messiah o Israe).G E'nd thenFG E;ou are the 1ro!ised 5ne9 the 03/e+ted 5ne... %ut why are ;ou as6in& !e thatF $o ;ou dou2t !y aithFG

5%5. Fa!e-e55 &# La a!us.

2nd .a!'h $9*5.

1 Jesus is at %ethany. It is evenin&. ' /ea+e u) '/ri) evenin&. (ro! the wide windows

E8o9 Lazarus. %ut I want to +on ide a truth to you. 8o2ody9 e3+e/t My Mother and one o My a/ost)es9 is aware o it. My Mother9 2e+ause She 6nows everythin&. 'n a/ost)e9 2e+ause he /arti+i/ates in this !atter. $urin& these three years I to)d the others9 who are

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with Me9 !any ti!es. %ut their )ove a+ted as ne/enthes and thwarted the truth I had announ+ed. They +ou)d not understand... 'nd it is a &ood thin& that they did not understand9 otherwise9 to /revent a +ri!e9 they wou)d have +o!!itted another one. ' use)ess one9 2e+ause what is to ha//en wou)d ta6e /)a+e <ust the sa!e9 notwithstandin& any 6i))in&. %ut I want to te)) you.G

EIt is o no use.G E;es9 it is... 'hH... It +an 2e 2ut heI the !an who has a)ways 2een a stain in ;our &rou/9 the !an who a)so a short ti!e a&o o ended !y sister. It is Judas o :eriothHG

E8o. It is Satan. ,od too6 )esh in MeI Jesus. Satan has ta6en )esh in hi!I Judas o :erioth. 5ne day... a very re!ote day... here9 in this &arden o yours9 I +o! orted the E$o ;ou dou2t that I do not )ove ;ou as !u+h as they doF 5 what +ri!e are ;ou tears and I e3+used a s/irit that had a))en very )ow. I said that /ossession is the s/ea6in&F 4hat +ri!e is to ta6e /)a+eF In the na!e o ,od9 s/ea6HG Lazarus is e3+ited. +onta&ion o Satan who ino+u)ates the hu!an 2ein& with his <ui+es and /erverts its E;es9 I wi)) s/ea6. I do not dou2t your )ove. So !u+h so that I entrust and +on ide My nature. I said that it is the #arriage of a spirit with .atan and ani#ality. %ut /ossession wi)) to you...G is sti)) a tri )e as +o!/ared with in+arnation. I shall be possessed by !y saints and they will be possessed by !e. %ut on)y in Jesus 7hrist is ,od as He is in Heaven9 2e+ause I E5hH !y JesusH 4ho is a2out to die does thatH I did it when I rea)ised that ;ou were not a! the ,od 4ho 2e+a!e ()esh. *ne only is the divine Incarnation. Li6ewise Satan9 +o!in& and that I had to die.G Lu+i er9 wi)) 2e in one on)y9 as he is in his 6in&do!9 2e+ause Satan is in+arnate on)y in the 6i))er o the Son o ,od. 4hi)e I a! s/ea6in& to you here9 he is 2e ore the E'nd I !ust die.G Sanhedrin and is ne&otiatin& and is /)ed&in& hi!se) to have Me 6i))ed. %ut it is not he9 E8oHG Lazarus utters another dee/ &roan. it is Satan. 4 Listen now9 Lazarus9 My )oya) riend. I a! &oin& to as6 you or so!e avours. ;ou have never denied Me anythin&. ;our )ove has 2een so &reat that9 without E$o not shout. Let no one hear us. I !ust s/ea6 to you a)one. 3 Lazarus9 My riend9 do &oin& 2eyond res/e+t9 it has a)ways 2een a+tive 2eside Me9 with +ount)ess aids9 with so you 6now what is ha//enin& this very !o!ent that you are with Me9 in the )oya) riendshi/ you &ranted Me ro! the irst !o!ent9 and was never u/set or any reasonF !u+h /revident assistan+e and wise advi+e that I have a)ways a++e/ted9 2e+ause I +ou)d ' !an9 with other !en9 is ne&otiatin& the /ri+e o the La!2. $o you 6now the na!e o see in your heart a true desire or My we) are.G that La!2F Its na!e is Jesus o 8azareth.G E5hH My LordH %ut it was !y <oy to devote !yse) to ;ouH 4hat sha)) I do now9 i I do not have to devote !yse) to !y Master and LordF ;ou have a))owed !e to do too )itt)e9 ar too )itt)eH My de2t to ;ou9 4ho have restored Mary to !y )ove and honour9 E5ne o My a/ost)es. It +ou)d 2ut 2e one o those who! I have disa//ointed !ore and !e to )i e9 is su+h that... 5hH why did ;ou +a)) !e 2a+6 ro! death to !a6e !e )ive 2itter)y and who9 tired o waitin&9 wants to &et rid o Hi! 4ho 2y now is nothin& 2ut a this hourF %y now I had over+o!e a)) the horror o death and a)) the an&uish o the /ersona) dan&er. In his way o thin6in&9 he ee)s that he +an &ain a &ood re/utation s/irit9 ri&htened 2y Satan with te!/tation at the !o!ent o /resentin& itse) to the a&ain with the &reat ones o the wor)d. He wi)) instead 2e des/ised 2oth 2y a)) &ood 0terna) Jud&e9 and there was dar6nessH... 4hat is the !atter with ;ou9 JesusF 4hy are /eo/)e and 2y a)) +ri!ina)s. He has 2e+o!e tired o Me9 o awaitin& what he has tried to ;ou tre!2)in& and &rowin& wanner than ;ou are usua))yF ;our a+e is /a)er than this a+hieve 2y every !eansI hu!an &randeur9 whi+h he /ursued irst in the Te!/)e9 then he white rose whi+h is )an&uishin& in the !oon)i&ht. 5hH MasterH ;our 2)ood and )i e 2e)ieved he wou)d attain with the :in& o Israe)9 and he is now see6in& on+e a&ain in see! to 2e orsa6in& ;ou...G the Te!/)e and 2y a//roa+hin& the .o!ans... He ho/es... %ut .o!e9 i she 6nows how to reward her )oya) servants9... 6nows a)so how to +rush in or!ers with +onte!/t. He is EI9 in a+t9 )oo6 )i6e a !an who is dyin& with his veins +ut. The who)e o Jerusa)e!9 and I !ean Ca)) My ene!ies a!on& the !i&hty ones in Israe)D have )aid their &reedy !ouths tired o Me9 o waitin&9 o the 2urden o 2ein& &ood. -or those who are wic"ed to be to have to feign to be good is an overwhel#ing burden. It can be borne for so#e ti#e... on Me and are su+6in& My )i e and My 2)ood. They want to si)en+e the Boi+e that or then... it can no longer be endured... and one gets rid of it to beco#e free. (reeF That is three years9 whi)e )ovin& the!9 has tortured the!M... because every word of !ine even what the wi+6ed ones thin6. That is what he thin6s. %ut it is not reedo!. To belong to if it were a word of love was a shoc" inviting their souls to wa"e up and they did not &od is freedo#. To 2e a&ainst ,od is to 2e in /rison with etters and +hains9 with )oads want to hear their souls as they had tied the# with their treble sensuality. 'nd not on)y and )ashes9 as no &a))ey@s)ave9 as no s)ave wor6in& at +onstru+tions ever su ered under the &reat ones... %ut the who)e o Jerusa)e! is a2out to ra&e at the Inno+ent and as6 or His death... and with Jerusa)e! a)so Judaea... and with Judaea a)so 1erea9 Idu!aea9 the the whi/ o the torturer.G $e+a/o)is9 ,a)i)ee9 Syro/haeni+ia... the who)e o Israe) &athered in >ion or the E4ho is itF Te)) !e. 4ho is itFG C1assin&D o the 7hrist ro! )i e to death... 5 Lazarus9 sin+e you died and rose a&ain9 E8oH There are ene!ies9 that is true. %ut no one +an se)) ;ouH 4hoF 4ho is itFG

5/5. Fa e%e22 &" Laza us.


te)) MeI what is dyin&F 4hat did you ee)F 4hat do you re!e!2erFG E$yin&F... I do not re!e!2er e3a+t)y what it was. My 2itter su erin& was o))owed 2y a &reat )an&uor... I did not see! to su er any !ore and I was on)y very s)ee/y... Li&ht and noises were 2e+o!in& di!!er and di!!er and ainter and ainter and !ore and !ore re!ote... My sisters and Ma3i!inus say that I was showin& si&ns o shar/ su erin&... %ut I do not re!e!2er...G

sa6e. $o you 6now who was a2)e9 a!on& My !ost inti!ate ones9 to +han&e nature in order to 2e+o!e o 7hrist9 as 7hrist wantsF 5ne on)yI your sister Mary. She started ro! +o!/)ete /erverted ani!a)ity to arrive at an an&e)i+a) s/iritua)ity. 'nd she a+hieved that on)y throu&h the /ower o )ove.G E;ou redee!ed her.G

EI redee!ed the! a)) with My word. %ut she a)one +han&ed +o!/)ete)y throu&h a+tive E5 +ourse. The /ity o the (ather nu!2s the inte))e+tua) senses o dyin& /eo/)e9 so that )ove. %ut I was sayin&I and My su erin& a)) these thin&s is so !onstrous9 that I )on& or on)y their )esh su ers9 as it is to 2e /uri ied 2y the /re@/ur&atory that is a&ony. %ut I... nothin& 2ut to see everythin& a++o!/)ished. My stren&th is ai)in& Me... The +ross wi)) 'nd what do you re!e!2er o deathFG not 2e so heavy as this torture o the s/irit and o ee)in&s...G E8othin&9 Master. It is a dar6 s/a+e in !y s/irit. 'n e!/ty area. There is an interru/tion in the +ourse o !y )i e and I do not 6now how to i)) it. I re!e!2er nothin&. I I )oo6ed at the 2otto! o that 2)a+6 ho)e that 6e/t !e or our days9 a)thou&h it were ni&ht and I were a shadow in it9 i I +ou)d not see9 I wou)d ee) the hu!id +hi)) rise ro! its 2owe)s and 2)ow on !y a+e. It is9 a ter a))9 a sensation. %ut i I thin6 o those our days9 I have nothin&. 8othin&. That is the word.G EThe +rossFH 8oH 5hH noH It is too atro+iousH It is too dis&ra+e u)H 8oHG Lazarus9 who or so!e ti!e has 2een ho)din& Jesus' +o)d hands in his own9 standin& in ront o his Master9 re)eases the! and +o))a/ses on the near2y stone seat and he +overs his a+e with his hands wee/in& deso)ate)y.

7 Jesus a//roa+hes hi!9 )ays a hand on the shou)ders sha6en 2y so2s9 and saysI E4hatF '! I9 4ho a! a2out to die9 to +o! ort you9 who are a)iveF My riend9 I a! in need o E5 +ourse. Those who +o!e 2a+6 +annot te))... The !ystery is revea)ed every ti!e to stren&th and he)/. 'nd I a! as6in& the! o you. I have 2ut you who +an &ive Me the!. hi! who &oes in. %ut I9 Lazarus9 I 6now what I sha)) su er. I 6now that I sha)) su er in It is 2etter i the others do not 6now. Because if they "new... Blood would be shed. 'nd u)) +ons+iousness. There wi)) 2e no soothin& drin6 or )an&uor to !a6e My a&ony )ess I do not want )a!2s to 2e+o!e wo)ves9 not even or the sa6e o the Inno+ent. My dread u). I sha)) ee) that I a! dyin&. I a)ready ee) it... I a! a)ready dyin&9 Lazarus. Mother... ohH how heart@rendin& it is to s/ea6 o HerH... Mother is a)ready so distressedH Li6e one su erin& ro! an in+ura2)e disease9 I have +ontinued to die durin& these She a)so is dyin& e3hausted... She a)so has 2een dyin& or thirty@three years9 and She is thirty@three years. 'nd death has =ui+6ened its /a+e !ore and !ore as ti!e 2rou&ht Me now one 2i& sore9 )i6e the vi+ti! o an atro+ious torture. I swear to you that there has +)oser to this hour. 't irst it was on)y the death o 6nowin& that I was 2orn to 2e the 2een a stru&&)e 2etween My !ind and My heart9 2etween )ove and reason9 to de+ide .edee!er. Later it was the death o hi! who sees hi!se) o//osed9 a++used9 derided9 whether it was <ust to send Her away9 to send Her 2a+6 to Her house9 where She a)ways /erse+uted9 hindered... How tirin&H Then... the death o havin& 2eside Me9 +)oser and drea!s o the Love that !ade Her Mother9 where She en<oys the savour o Love's 6iss +)oser9 ti)) he was &ras/in& Me as a &iant o+to/us &ras/s a shi/wre+6ed /erson9 hi! o ire9 She starts in the e+stasy o that re!e!2ran+e9 and with the eyes o Her sou) She who is My Traitor. How nauseatin&H 'nd now I a! dyin& in the torture o havin& to say a)ways sees the air 2reathe &ent)y9 stirred 2y an an&e)i+a) )ash. The news o My $eath C&ood2yeD to My dearest riends and to My Mother...G wi)) rea+h ,a)i)ee a)!ost at the !o!ent in whi+h I wi)) 2e a2)e to say to HerI CMother9 I a! the 7on=uerorHD %ut I +annot9 no9 I +annot do that. ;oor 8esus laden with the sins 6 E5hH MasterH ;ou are wee/in&FH I 6now that ;ou we/t a)so in ront o !y se/u)+hre9 of the world needs consolation. And !other will give !e it. And the even poorer world 2e+ause ;ou )oved !e. %ut now... ;ou are wee/in& a&ain. ;ou are rozen. ;our hands needs two <icti#s. Because #an sinned with wo#an' and the Wo#an #ust redee# as are a)ready as +o)d as those o a +or/se. ;ou are su erin&... ;ou are su erin& too the !an redee#s. %ut unti) the hour is stru+69 I wi)) s!i)e at My Mother reassurin&)y... !u+hH...G She tre!2)es... I 6now. She /er+eives that the Torture is a//roa+hin&. I 6now. 'nd She EI a! the Man9 Lazarus. I a! not on)y the ,od. I have the sensitiveness and a e+tions re/e)s it throu&h natura) dis&ust and ho)y )ove9 as I re/e) $eath 2e+ause I a! a C)ivin& 2ein&D who !ust die. %ut it wou)d 2e dread u) i She 6new that in ive days' ti!e... She o !en. 'nd My sou) is distressed thin6in& o My Mother... 'nd yet9 I te)) you9 My torture o endurin& to have My Traitor +)ose to Me has 2e+o!e so !onstrous9 as we)) as wou)d die 2e ore that hour9 and I want Her to be alive to get strength fro# Her lips as I re+eived )i e ro! Her wo!2. And &od wants Her to be on !y ,alvary to #i7 the havin& to 2ear the satani+ hatred o a who)e wor)d9 and the dea ness o those who9 i water of Her virginal tears with the wine of !y divine Blood and celebrate the first they do not hate9 +annot )ove a+tive)y either9 because to love actively is to succeed in !ass. $o you 6now what Mass wi)) 2eF ;ou do not 6now. ;ou +annot 6now. It wi)) 2e being what the loved person wants and teaches whereas hereH... ;es9 !any )ove Me. My death a//)ied orever to the )ivin& or su erin& !an6ind. $o not wee/9 Lazarus. She %ut they have re!ained Cwhat they wereD. They did not assu!e another e&o or My

5/5. Fa e%e22 &" Laza us.


is stron&. She does not wee/. She has we/t throu&hout Her )i e o a Mother. She no )on&er wee/s now. She has +ru+i ied Her s!i)e on Her a+e... Have you noti+ed what Her a+e has 2e+o!e )i6e these )ast daysF .he crucified Her s#ile on Her face to co#fort !e. I as" you to i#itate !y !other. 8 I +ou)d no )on&er 6ee/ My se+ret a)) to Myse) . I )oo6ed around see6in& a sin+ere re)ia2)e riend. I !et your )oya) eyes. I saidI CI wi)) +on ide it to Lazarus.D 4hen you had a heavy 2urden in your heart9 I res/e+ted your se+ret and I de ended it even a&ainst the natura) +uriosity o hearts. I as6 you to have the sa!e res/e+t or Mine. Later... a ter My death9 you wi)) !a6e it 6nown. ;ou wi)) !ention this +onversation. That /eo/)e !ay 6now that Jesus went to His death u))y aware o the situation9 and to His 6nown tortures He added a)so this one9 that He 6new everythin&9 2oth with re&ard to /eo/)e and to His destiny. That it !ay 2e 6nown that whi)e He +ou)d sti)) have saved Hi!se) 9 He did not want to9 2e+ause His in inite )ove or !en desired nothin& 2ut to +onsu!e the sa+ri i+e or the!.G

you or everythin&. 'nd My (ather9 )ater9 wi)) reward you...G EI have a)ready had everythin& throu&h ;our )ove and Mary's rede!/tion.G E5hH no. ;ou are to re+eive !u+h !ore. 'nd you wi)) have it. 9 Listen. $o not 2e so de<e+ted. 1ay attention to Me that I !ay te)) you what I want to as6 you to do. ;ou wi)) re!ain here waitin&...G E8o9 not that. 4hy Mary and Martha9 and not IFG

E%e+ause I do not want you to 2e +orru/ted as a)) !en wi)) 2e +orru/ted. Jesusa)e! in the ne3t days wi)) 2e as +orru/t as the air around a /utrid +arrion that has sudden)y 2een 2urst 2y the oot o a heed)ess /asser@2y. In e+ted and in e+tin&. 0ven /eo/)e who are not so +rue)9 even My dis+i/)es wi)) 2e driven !ad 2y its !ias!ata. They wi)) run away. 'nd where wi)) they &o in their 2ewi)der!entF They wi)) +o!e to Lazarus. How !any ti!es9 in these three years9 have they +o!e )oo6in& or 2read9 a 2ed9 /rote+tion9 she)ter9 and or their MasterH... They wi)) +o!e 2a+6 now. Li6e shee/ dis/ersed 2y a E5hH save ;ourse) 9 MasterH Save ;ourse) H I +an )et ;ou es+a/e. This very ni&ht. 5n+e wo) that has a2du+ted the she/herd9 they wi)) rush to a o)d. ,ather the!. 0n+oura&e ;ou did )y to 0&y/tH .un away now as we)). 7o!e9 )et us &o. Let us ta6e Mary and !y the!. Te)) the! that I or&ive the!. I entrust you with the tas6 o or&ivin& the! on My sisters with us9 and )et us &o. 8one o !y ri+hes attra+t !e9 as ;ou 6now. ;ou are !y 2eha) . They wi)) not 2e a2)e to set their !inds at rest or runnin& away. Te)) the! not wea)th and Mary's and Martha's. Let us &o.G to a)) into a &reater sin 2y des/airin& o My or&iveness.G ELazarus9 I ran away then9 2e+ause it was not My hour. 8ow it is the hour. 'nd I a! stayin&.G EIn that +ase I a! +o!in& with ;ou. I wi)) not )eave ;ou.G E8o. ;ou wi)) stay here. Sin+e he who is within the distan+e o a Sa22ath wa)6 is a))owed to +onsu!e the )a!2 in his house9 you wi)) +onsu!e your )a!2 here9 as you have a)ways done. %ut )et your sisters +o!e... (or My Mother... 5hH what the roses o divine )ove +on+ea)ed ro! ;ou9 o MartyrH The a2yssH The a2yssH 'nd ro! it are now risin& the )a!es o Hatred and rushin& to &naw at ;our heartH The sisters9 yes. They are stron& and a+tive... and Mother wi)) 2e a&onizin&9 2ent over My dead 2ody. John is not su i+ient. John is )ove. %ut he is sti)) i!!ature. 5hH He wi)) !ature and 2e+o!e a !an in the torture o the on+o!in& days. %ut the 4o!an needs wo!en or Her dread u) wounds. 4i)) you )et Me have the!FG EI wi)) &ive ;ou everythin&9 I have a)ways &iven ;ou everythin& with <oy9 and I on)y re&retted that ;ou wanted so )itt)eH...G E's you +an see9 I have not a++e/ted ro! any2ody e)se what I +onsented to have ro! My riends in %ethany. That is one o the +har&es !ade a&ainst Me 2y the un<ust !an !ore than on+e. %ut here9 a!on& you9 I ound enou&h to +o! ort the Man o a)) His 2itterness as a !an. 't 8azareth it was the ,od 4ho ound so)a+e near the ?ni=ue $e)i&ht o ,od. Here it was the Man. 'nd 2e ore &oin& u/ to My death I than6 you9 My aith u)9 )ovin&9 6ind9 thou&ht u)9 reserved9 )earned9 dis+reet9 &enerous riend. I than6 E4i)) they a)) run awayFG E')) o the! e3+e/t John.G EMaster. ;ou wi)) not as6 !e to re+eive JudasF Let !e die tortured9 2ut do not as6 !e that. Severa) ti!es !y hand9 an3ious as it was to 6i)) the sha!e o the a!i)y9 tre!2)ed tou+hin& !y sword. %ut I never did it9 2e+ause I a! not a vio)ent !an. I was on)y te!/ted to do it. %ut I swear to ;ou that i I see Judas a&ain9 I wi)) +ut his throat9 )i6e a s+a/e&oat.G E;ou wi)) never see hi! a&ain. I swear it to youG. E4i)) he run awayF It does not !atter. I saidI CI I see hi! a&ainD. 8ow I sayI CI wi)) &et hi!9 even i he were at the wor)d's end9 and I wi)) 6i)) hi!D.G E;ou !ust not wish that.G EI wi)) do it.G E;ou wi)) not do it9 2e+ause you wi)) not 2e a2)e to &o where he is.G EIn the 2oso! o the SanhedrinF In the Ho)y o Ho)iesF I wi)) &et hi! even there and I wi)) 6i)) hi!.G EHe wi)) not 2e there.G

5/5. Fa e%e22 &" Laza us.


E't Herod'sF They wi)) 6i)) !e9 2ut I wi)) 6i)) hi! irst.G EHe wi)) 2e with Satan. 'nd you wi)) never 2e with Satan. ,ive u/ that !urderous intent at on+e9 otherwise I wi)) )eave you.G E5hH ohH... %ut... ;es9 or ;ou... 5hH MasterH MasterH MasterHG E;es. ;our Master... ;ou wi)) re+eive the dis+i/)es9 you wi)) +o! ort the!. ;ou wi)) )ead the! on+e a&ain towards /ea+e. I a! the 1ea+e. 'nd a)so )ater... Later you wi)) he)/ the!. %ethany wi)) a)ways 2e %ethany9 unti) Hatred ru!!a&es in this ho!e o )ove9 thin6in& that it wi)) /ut out its )a!es9 whereas it wi)) s/read the! throu&hout the wor)d to set it a)) a2)aze. 10 I 2)ess you9 Lazarus9 or everythin& you have done and or what you wi)) do...G E8othin&9 nothin&. ;ou 2rou&ht !e 2a+6 ro! death9 and ;ou do not a))ow !e to de end ;ou. So what have I doneFG E;ou &ave Me your houses. SeeF It was our destiny. The irst )at in >ion in a &round 2e)on&in& to you. 'nd the )ast one a)so in one o the!. It was My destiny that I shou)d 2e your ,uest. %ut you +ou)d not de end !e ro! death. 't the 2e&innin& o this +onversation I as6ed youI C$o you 6now who I a!FD 8ow I re/)yI CI a! the .edee!er.D The .edee!er !ust +onsu!e the sa+ri i+e to the ina) i!!o)ation. In any +ase9 2e)ieve Me. He 4ho wi)) 2e raised on the +ross and wi)) 2e e3/osed to the eyes and the !o+6ery o the wor)d wi)) not 2e a)ive9 2ut dead. I a! a)ready dead9 6i))ed 2e ore and !ore 2y )a+6 o )ove than 2y torture. 'nd one !ore thin&9 My riend. To!orrow at dawn I a! &oin& to Jerusa)e!. 'nd you wi)) hear /eo/)e say that >ion a//)auded her !ee6 :in& as a triu!/her9 as He entered the town ridin& a )itt)e don6ey. $o not )et that triu!/h de+eive you and do not <et it !a6e you thin6 that the 4isdo! now s/ea6in& to you was not wise this /ea+e u) evenin&. 1o/u)ar avour wi)) vanish aster than a star that urrows the s6y and disa//ears into un6nown s/a+es9 and in ive days' ti!e9 in the evenin& at this ti!e9 My torture wi)) 2e&in with a de+eit u) 6iss that wi)) o/en the !ouths9 sin&in& hosannas to!orrow9 into a +horus o dread u) +urses and +rue) +onde!nin& voi+es. 11 ;es9 at )ast9 o town o >ion9 o /eo/)e o Israe)9 you wi)) have the 1assover La!2H ;ou wi)) have it in the rite now +)ose@at@hand. Here it is. It is the Bi+ti! that has 2een /re/ared or a&es. Love /ro+reated it9 havin& /re/ared an i!!a+u)ate wo!2 as its nu/tia) roo!. 'nd Love +onsu!es it. Here it is. It is the +ons+ious Bi+ti!. 8ot )i6e the )a!2 that 2ein& unaware &oes on &razin& in the !eadow or with its /in6 snout /resses its !other's round du&9 whi)e the 2ut+her is shar/enin& a 6ni e to s)au&hter it. %ut I a! the La!2 that +ons+ious)y saysI C,ood2yeHD to )i e9 to His Mother9 to His riends9 and &oes to the sa+ri i+er and saysI CHere I a!HD I a# the -ood of #an. .atan has #ade #en starve and their hunger has never been satisfied. And it cannot be satisfied. *ne food only can sate it because it re#oves their hunger. 'nd here is that ood. Here is

your 2read9 !an. Here is your wine. 7onsu!e your 1assover9 o Man6indH 7ross your sea9 reddened 2y satani+ )a!es. Tin&ed with My %)ood you wi)) +ross it9 o ra+e o !an9 /reserved ro! the ire o he)). %ou can cross it. Heaven9 /ressed 2y My desire9 is a)ready ha) @o/enin& the eterna) &ates. Loo69 o sou)s o the deadH Loo69 o )ivin& !enH Loo69 o sou)s9 that wi)) 2e in+or/orated in uture 2odiesH Loo69 o an&e)s o 1aradiseH Loo69 o de!ons o He))H Loo69 o (atherM )oo69 o 1ara+)eteH The Bi+ti! s!i)es. It no )on&er wee/s... 12 0verythin& has 2een said. ,ood2ye9 My riend. I sha)) not see you either9 2e ore I die. Let us 6iss ea+h other &ood2ye. 'nd do not 2e dou2t u). 1eo/)e wi)) say to youI CHe was a !ad!anH He was a de!onH ' )iarH He died whi)e He was sayin& that He was the Li e.D .e/)y to the! and /arti+u)ar)y to yourse) I CHe was and is the Truth and the Li e. He is the Ban=uisher o death. I 6now. 'nd He +annot 2e the eterna) $ead 5ne. I a! waitin& or Hi!. 'nd a)) the oi) in the )a!/9 that his riend is 6ee/in& ready to !a6e )i&ht or the wor)d9 invited to the weddin& o the Triu!/her9 wi)) not 2e 2urnt9 2e ore He9 the %ride&roo!9 +o!es 2a+6. 'nd this ti!e it wi)) never 2e /ossi2)e to /ut the )i&ht out.D %e)ieve that9 Lazarus. 52ey My wish. 7an you hear how this ni&htin&a)e is sin&in& a ter 2ein& si)ent 2e+ause o the out2urst o your tearsF $o the sa!e. ' ter the inevita2)e tears shed on the Bi+ti!9 )et your sou) sin& the unerrin& son& o your aith. May you 2e 2)essed 2y the (ather9 2y the Son9 2y the Ho)y S/irit.G @@@@@@@@@@@@@ 13 How !u+h I su eredH The who)e ni&ht9 ro! 11 o'+)o+6 /.!. on Thursday 1st Mar+h to 5 o'+)o+6 (riday !ornin&. I saw Jesus in a state o an&uish on)y a )itt)e in erior to that at ,ethse!ane9 /arti+u)ar)y when He s/ea6s o His Mother9 o the traitor9 and shows His re/u&nan+e to death. I o2eyed Jesus' order to write this on a se/arate note2oo6 to have a !ore detai)ed 1assion. ;ou saw !y a+e this !ornin&... a wea6 i!a&e o what I su ered... and I a! not sayin& anythin& e)se9 2e+ause there are insur!ounta2)e as/e+ts o !odesty.

5%+. Judas G#es &# &he Leade!s #1 &he Sanhed!in.

29&h .a!'h $9*8

1 Judas arrives at 7aia/has' +ountry house at ni&ht. %ut the !oon a+ts as an a++o!/)i+e o the !urderer9 i))u!inatin& the road or hi!. He !ust 2e +ertain that he wi)) ind there9 in that house outside the wa))s9 those he is )oo6in& or9 otherwise I thin6 he wou)d have tried to enter the town and he wou)d have &one to the Te!/)e. Instead9 he is +)i!2in& a!on& the o)ive@trees o the )itt)e hi)) J without a !o!ent's hesitation. This ti!e he is !ore +ertain than the /revious ti!e9 2e+ause it is ni&ht@ti!e9 and the

5/). Judas 4"es &" &he Leade s "- &he Sanhed in.


dar6ness and the )ate hour /rote+t ro! every /ossi2)e sur/rise. The +ountry roads are now deserted9 a ter 2ein& 2usy a)) day with the +rowds o /i)&ri!s &oin& to Jerusa)e! or 1assover. 0ven /oor )e/ers are now in their +aves and are s)ee/in& the s)ee/ o unha//y /eo/)e9 or&ettin& their ate or a ew hours.

Judas is e3+ited.

They try to +a)! hi! down. They +oa3 hi!. 'nd they a))ure hi!9 or at )east they try to do so9 /ointin& out that he wi)) not +o!!it a +ri!e E2ut a ho)y deed or his (ather)and9 who! he wi)) s/are re/risa)s ro! the ru)ers9 who are a)ready &ivin& si&ns o Judas is now at the door o the house9 whi+h is a)) white in the !oon)i&ht. He 6no+6sI into)eran+e 2e+ause o the +ontinua) /u2)i+ +o!!otions and divisions o /arties and three ti!es9 on+e9 three ti!es a&ain9 twi+eN 0ven the +onventiona) si&na) is a!i)iar to +rowds in a .o!an /rovin+eM and or Man6ind9 i He is rea))y +onvin+ed o the divine hi!H 'nd it !ust 2e a sure si&na)9 2e+ause the door is ha) @o/ened without any +he+6 2y nature o the Messiah and o His s/iritua) !ission.G the door@6ee/er throu&h the /ee/@ho)e in the door 'nother saysI EI what He says is true J ar 2e it ro! us to 2e)ieve it J are you not the Judas stea)s in and as6s the servant /orterI EHave the !e!2ers asse!2)edFG +o))a2orator o .ede!/tionF ;our na!e wi)) 2e asso+iated to His orever9 and your (ather)and wi)) nu!2er you with her va)iant !en9 and wi)) honour you with the hi&hest E;es9 Judas o :erioth9 they have. ' u)) asse!2)y9 I !i&ht say.G di&nities. ' seat a!on& us is ready or you. ;ou wi)) rise9 Judas. ;ou wi)) )ay down )aws or Israe). 5hH 4e sha)) not or&et what you have done or the we) are o the ho)y ETa6e !e there. I have to s/ea6 o an i!/ortant !atter. Aui+6HG Te!/)e9 o the ho)y 1riesthoodM or the /rote+tion o the !ost ho)y LawM and or the The !an )o+6s the door with a)) the 2o)ts9 and /re+edes hi! a)on& a se!i@dar6 we) are o the who)e 8ationH vesti2u)e9 sto//in& in ront o a heavy door9 at whi+h he 6no+6s. The !ur!ur o the ')) you have to do is to he)/ us9 then we swear to you9 I swear to you in the na!e o !y voi+es in the +)osed roo! sto/s9 and is re/)a+ed 2y the noise o the )o+6 and the /ower u) ather and o 7aia/has9 who is now wearin& the e/hod9 you wi)) 2e the s=uea6in& o the door9 whi+h is o/ened9 and a +one o 2ri&ht )i&ht is /ro<e+ted on the &reatest !an in Israe). ,reater than the tetrar+hs9 &reater than !y ather9 now a Hi&h dar6 +orridor. 1riest /ut out o o i+e. Li6e a 6in&9 )i6e a /ro/het9 you wi)) 2e served and )istened to. EIt's youF 7o!e inHG says the /erson who o/ened the door and who is un6nown to !e. 'nd i Jesus o 8azareth shou)d 2e 2ut a a)se Messiah9 even i He rea))y shou)d not 2e 'nd Judas &oes into the ha))9 whi)e the !an who o/ened the door )o+6s it a&ain. )ia2)e to death 2e+ause His deeds are not those o a ro22er9 2ut o a !ad!an9 we re!ind you o the ins/ired words o the /onti 7aia/has J you 6now that he wears the e/hod 2 There are si&ns o sur/rise or at )east o e3+ite!ent9 when they see Judas enter the and the rationa) s/ea6s throu&h divine su&&estion and /ro/hesies what is &ood and what roo!. %ut they &reet hi! a)) to&etherI E1ea+e to you9 Judas o Si!on.G is to 2e done J 7aia/has9 do you re!e!2erF 7aia/has saidI CIt is 2etter or one !an to E1ea+e to you9 !e!2ers o the ho)y SanhedrinG &reets Judas. die or the /eo/)e9 than or the who)e 8ation to 2e destroyed.D It was a /ro/heti+ word.G E7o!e orward. 4hat do you wantFG they as6 hi!. EI want to s/ea6 to youN o the 7hrist. It is not /ossi2)e to &o on )i6e this. I +an no )on&er 2e o any assistan+e to you9 un)ess you !a6e u/ your !inds to ta6e drasti+ !easures. The !an is sus/i+ious 2y now.G EHave you &iven yourse) away9 you oo)FG they e3+)ai! interru/tin& hi!. E8o. %ut you are the oo)s9 as you have !ade the wron& !ove 2y hurryin& thin&s in a stu/id way. ;ou 6new very we)) that I wou)d serve youH %ut you did not trust !e.G EIt was rea))y a /ro/he+y. The Most Hi&h s/o6e throu&h the )i/s o the Hi&h 1riest. Let hi! 2e o2eyedHG say a)) to&ether those dirty /u//ets9 the !e!2ers o the &reat +oun+i) o the Sanhedrin9 who a)ready sound theatri+a)9 and )oo6 )i6e auto!ata who are to !a6e +ertain &estures. 3 Judas is in )uen+ed9 and a))uredN %ut there is sti)) a )itt)e +o!!on sense9 i not &oodness9 in hi!9 and this restrains hi! ro! utterin& the ata) words.

Surroundin& hi! with res/e+t and ei&ned a e+tion9 they ur&e hi!9 sayin&I E$on't you 2e)ieve usF Loo6I we are the heads o the twenty@ our /riest)y a!i)ies9 the 0)ders o E;ou have a wea6 !e!ory9 Judas o Si!onH $on't you re!e!2er how you /arted ro! the /eo/)e9 the s+ri2es9 the &reatest 1harisees in Israe)9 the wise ra22is9 the !a&istrates us the )ast ti!eF 4ho +ou)d thin6 that you were )oya) to us9 when you /ro+)ai!ed in o the Te!/)e. The +rea! o Israe) is here9 around you9 ready to a++)ai! you9 and 2y that way that you +ou)d not 2etray Hi!FG says He)6ai ironi+a))y9 and he sounds !ore one +onsent we say to youI C$o it9 2e+ause it is a ho)y deed.DG veno!ous than ever. Judas re/)iesI E'nd where is ,a!a)ie)F 'nd Jose/h and 8i+ode!us9 where are theyF E'nd do you thin6 that it is easy to &et to de+eive a riend9 the 5n)y 5ne 4ho rea))y 'nd where is 0)eazar9 Jose/h's riend9 and where is John o ,aashF I don't see the!.G )oves !e9 the Inno+entF $o you thin6 it is easy to &o so ar as to +o!!it a +ri!eFG

5/). Judas 4"es &" &he Leade s "- &he Sanhed in.


E,a!a)ie) has se+)uded hi!se) to do severe /enan+e. John is with his /re&nant wi e who is /oor)y this evenin&. 0)eazarN we do not 6now why he has not +o!e. %ut any2ody +an 2e seized 2y a sudden i))ness9 don't you thin6F 4ith re&ard to Jose/h and 8i+ode!us9 we have not in or!ed the! o this se+ret !eetin& or your sa6e9 and or the sa6e o your honourN so that9 i our /)an shou)d un)u+6i)y ai)9 your na!e wou)d not 2e re/orted to the MasterN 4e are /rote+tin& your na!e. 4e )ove you9 Judas9 the new Ma++a2ee9 saviour o our (ather)and.G EThe Ma++a2ee ou&ht a &ood 2att)e. IN a! 2etrayin&.G says Judas. E$o not +onsider the detai)s o the a+tion9 2ut the <usti+e o the /ur/ose. 4 4i)) you /)ease s/ea69 Sado+9 the &o)den s+ri2e. 1re+ious words )ow ro! your )i/s. I ,a!a)ie) is )earned9 you are wise9 2e+ause the wisdo! o ,od is on your )i/s. S/ea6 to this !an who sti)) hesitates.G That +roo6 Sado+ +o!es orward o))owed 2y a de+re/it Hananiah9 an e!a+iated dyin& o39 2eside a shrewd stron& +rue) <a+6a). EListen9 o !an o ,odHG 2e&ins Sado+ /o!/ous)y9 assu!in& an ins/ired oratoria) attitude9 his ri&ht ar! stret+hed orward in 7i+eronian sty)e9 his )e t one en&a&ed in ho)din& u/ the hea/ o o)ds or!in& his s+ri2e &ar!ent. He then raises a)so his )e t ar!9 a))owin& his !onu!enta) &ar!ent to s/read out untidi)y9 and thus9 with his a+e and ar!s raised towards the +ei)in& o the roo!9 he says in a thunderin& voi+eI EI say unto youH I say unto you in the Most Hi&h 1resen+e o ,odHG EMaran 'thaHG they a)) e3+)ai!9 stoo/in&9 as i a su/re!e ins/iration 2ent the!9 then risin& with their ar!s +rossed on their +hests. EI say unto you. It is written in the /a&es o our history and o our ateH It is written in the si&ns and i&ures )e t 2y a&esH It is written in the rite +e)e2rated uninterru/ted)y sin+e the ni&ht ata) to the 0&y/tiansH It is written in the i&ure o Isaa+H It is written in the i&ure o '2e)H 'nd )et what is written +o!e true.G EMaran 'thaHG say the others in a )ow !ourn u) stri6in& +horus9 re/eatin& the /revious &estures9 their a+es odd)y i))u!inated 2y the )i&ht o two +hande)iers o /a)e@vio)et !i+a9 sheddin& a /hatas!a&ori+ )i&ht at the ends o the ha)). The asse!2)y o !en9 a)!ost a)) dressed in white9 with the /a)e or o)ive +o!/)e3ions o their ra+e9 !ade even !ore /a)e and o)ive 2y the di used )i&ht9 rea))y )oo6s )i6e a &atherin& o &hosts. EThe word o ,od has des+ended u/on the )i/s o the /ro/hets to a//rove this de+ree. He !ust dieH It is statedHG EIt is statedH Maran 'thaHG EHe !ust die9 His destiny is !ar6edHG

EHe !ust die. Maran 'thaHG EHis ata) destiny is des+ri2ed to the )ast detai)9 and ata)ity +annot 2e in rin&edHG EMaran 'thaHG E0ven the sy!2o)i+ /ri+e to 2e /aid to hi! who 2e+o!es the instru!ent o ,od or the u) i))!ent o the /ro!ise is indi+atedHG EIt is indi+atedH Maran 'thaHG E's .edee!er9 or as a)se /ro/het9 He !ust dieHG EHe !ust dieH Maran 'thaHG EThe hour has +o!eH Jehovah wants itH I +an hear His voi+eH It is shoutin&I CLet it 2e a++o!/)ishedHDG EThe Most Hi&h has s/o6enH Let it 2e a++o!/)ishedH Let it 2e a++o!/)ishedH Maran 'thaHG ELet Heaven orti y you as it orti ied Jae) and Judith9 who were wo!en and 2ehaved )i6e heroesM as it orti ied Je/hthah9 who9 a ather9 sa+ri i+ed his dau&hter to his (ather)andM as it orti ied $avid a&ainst ,o)iath9 and do the deed that wi)) !a6e /eo/)es re!e!2er Israe) oreverHG EMay Heaven orti y you. Maran 'thaHG E%e the winnerHG E%e the winnerH Maran 'thaHG The +)u+6in& seni)e voi+e o Hananiah is heardIEHe who hesitates over a sa+red order is +onde!ned to dishonour and deathHG EIs +onde!ned. Maran 'thaHG EI you do not )isten to the voi+e o the Lord your ,od9 and you do not +arry out His order and what He orders you throu&h our words9 !ay a)) !a)edi+tions a)) u/on youHG E')) the !a)edi+tionsH Maran 'thaHG EMay the Lord stri6e you with a)) the Mosai+ +urses and !ay He s+atter you a!on& the nations.G EMay He stri6e and s+atter youH Maran 'thaHG 5 $ead si)en+e o))ows this i!/ressive s+eneN 0verythin& 2e+o!es !otion)ess in ri&htenin& sti))ness.

5/). Judas 4"es &" &he Leade s "- &he Sanhed in.


't )ast Judas' voi+e is heard9 and it is so +han&ed9 that I re+o&nise it with di i+u)tyI E;es. I wi)) do it. I !ust do it. 'nd I wi)) do it. The )ast /art o the Mosai+ +urses is a)ready !y share9 and I !ust &et rid o it 2e+ause I have a)ready de)ayed too )on&. I a! 2e+o!in& !ad9 2e+ause I have no /ea+e or res/ite. My heart is ri&htened9 I )oo6 2ewi)dered9 and !y sou) is +onsu!ed 2y sadness. I tre!2)e at the idea o 2ein& ound out and +rushed 2y Hi! or !y dou2)e@+rossin& J 2e+ause I do not 6now how !u+h He is aware o !y thou&hts J I see !y )i e han&in& 2y a thread9 and !ornin& and evenin& I i!/)ore to &et over with this hour 2e+ause o the terror that ri&htens !y heart. %e+ause o the horri2)e tas6 I !ust /er or!. 5hH 2rin& this hour orwardH .e)ease !e ro! !y an&uishH Let everythin& 2e done. 't on+eH 8owH That I !ay 2e reedH Let us &oHG Judas' voi+e has 2e+o!e ir!er and stron&er as he s/ea6s. His &estures9 /revious)y auto!ati+ and inse+ure9 )i6e those o a s)ee/wa)6er9 have 2e+o!e ree and vo)untary. He stands u/ in a)) his hei&ht9 dia2o)i+a))y handso!e9 and shoutsI ELet the ties o a oo)ish error a))H I a! ree ro! ear u) su2<e+tion9 7hristH I a! no )on&er a raid o ;ou and I a! handin& ;ou to ;our ene!iesH Let us &oHG ' +ry o a vi+torious de!on9 and he 2o)d)y &oes towards the door. 6 %ut they sto/ hi!I E4aitH Te)) usI where is Jesus o 8azarethFG EIn Lazarus' house. 't %ethany.G E4e +annot enter that house9 as it is we)) /rovided with aith u) servants. It's the house o a avourite o .o!e. 4e shou)d +ertain)y +o!e u/ a&ainst !u+h trou2)e.G E4e))9 we are +o!in& to town at dawn. 1)a+e &uards on the %eth/ha&e road9 stir u/ a tur!oi) and +a/ture Hi!.G EHow do you 6now that He wi)) +o!e a)on& that roadF He !ay ta6e the other oneNG E8o. He to)d His o))owers that He wi)) &o into town that way9 2y the 0/hrai! &ate9 and to wait or Hi! near 0n .o&e). I you +a/ture Hi! 2e oreNG E4e +annot. 4e wou)d have to &o into town with Hi! a!on& the &uards9 and a)) the roads )eadin& to the &ates9 and a)) the streets in town are +rowded with /eo/)e ro! dawn ti)) ni&ht. There wou)d 2e a riot. 'nd that !ust not ha//en.G EHe wi)) &o u/ to the Te!/)e. 's6 Hi! to +o!e into one o the ha))s to =uestion Hi!. Te)) Hi! to +o!e in the na!e o the Hi&h 1riest. He wi)) +o!e9 2e+ause He has !ore res/e+t or you than or His own )i e. 5n+e He is a)one with you... you wi)) have the o//ortunity to ta6e Hi! to a sa e /)a+e and to +onde!n Hi! at the ri&ht !o!ent.G

Hi!9 or they ear Hi!9 whi+h is a)so veneration9 and they are ready to re2e) a&ainst us i we i))@treat Hi!. '!on& other thin&s9 so!e o the 2ri&ands we had hired to a+t as a)se dis+i/)es and stir u/ 2raw)s9 have 2een arrested and they have s/o6en ho/in& or !er+i u)ness in return or their in or!ation9 and the 1raetor 6nows... The who)e wor)d o))ows Hi!9 whi)st we are +on+)udin& nothin&. %ut it is ne+essary to a+t su2t)y9 so that the +rowds !ay not 2e+o!e aware o anythin&.G E;es. That is how it !ust 2e done. 0ven 'nnas re+o!!ends that. He saysI CIt !ust not ha//en durin& the estivities9 and there !ust 2e no distur2an+e a!on& the anati+ /eo/)e.D That is what he ordered9 and he &ave orders that He shou)d 2e treated with res/e+t in the Te!/)e and e)sewhere9 and that He shou)d not 2e distur2ed9 in order to de+eive Hi!.G ESo9 what do you want to doF I was =uite wi))in& toni&ht9 2ut you are hesitatin&NG says Judas. E4e))9 you shou)d ta6e us to Hi! when He is a)) a)one. ;ou are aware o His ha2its. ;ou wrote to us that He wants you to 2e +)oser to Hi! than any2ody e)se. So you !ust 6now what He wants to do. 4e sha)) a)ways 2e ready. 4hen you thin6 that it is the ri&ht /)a+e and the ri&ht !o!ent9 +o!e9 and we wi)) o))ow you.G E'&reed. 7 'nd what retri2ution sha)) I re+eiveFG Judas is now s/ea6in& +o)d)y9 as i he were dea)in& with +o!!on 2usiness. E4hat is !entioned 2y the /ro/hets9 so that we !ay 2e aith u) to the ins/ired wordI thirty si)ver /ie+esNG EThirty si)ver /ie+es to 6i)) a !an9 and that ManF The /ri+e o a +o!!on )a!2 durin& these estivitiesFH ;ou are !adH It is not that I need !oney. I have /)enty. So do not thin6 that you +an +onvin+e !e or &reed o !oney. It is too )itt)e to +o!/ensate9 or !y &rie in 2etrayin& Hi! 4ho has a)ways )oved !e.G E%ut we have to)d you what we wi)) do or you. ,)ory9 honoursH 4hat you were ho/in& to have ro! Hi!9 and you did not &et. 4e wi)) +ure your disa//oint!ent. %ut the /ri+e has 2een i3ed 2y the /ro/hetsH 5hH it is a or!a)ityH ' sy!2o) and nothin& e)se. The rest wi)) o))ow )aterNG E'nd the !oney whenFG EThe !o!ent you say to usI C7o!eD. 8ot 2e ore. 8o one /ays 2e ore ta6in& /ossession o the &oods. $on't you thin6 that is airFG

EThere wou)d 2e a riot <ust the sa!e. ;ou !ust have noti+ed that the +rowds are EIt is air. %ut at )east tre2)e the a!ountNG +o!/)ete)y won over 2y Hi!. 'nd not on)y the +rowds9 2ut a)so the &reat ones and the E8o. That is what the /ro/hets said. 'nd that is what has to 2e done. 5hH we wi)) o2ey ho/es o Israe). ,a!a)ie) is )osin& his dis+i/)es9 and so is Jonathan 2en ?zie) and others the /ro/hetsH 4e wi)) not o!it an iota o what they wrote o Hi!. HaH HaH HaH 4e are a!on& us9 and they are a)) )eavin& us9 sedu+ed 2y Hi!. 0ven the ,enti)es venerate

5/). Judas 4"es &" &he Leade s "- &he Sanhed in.


)oya) to the ins/ired wordH HaH HaH HaHG )au&hs the revo)tin& s6e)eton o Hananiah. 'nd !any <oin hi! with !ourn u)9 vu)&ar9 a)se )au&hter9 a true +a+hination o de!ons who +an 2ut sneer. %e+ause )au&hter is ty/i+a) o serene )ovin& s/irits9 and sneer is /e+u)iar to u/set hearts sated with wrath. E0verythin& has 2een said. ;ou !ay &o. 4e wi)) await dawn to &o 2a+6 to town 2y di erent roads. ,ood2ye. 1ea+e 2e with you9 )ost shee/9 who are returnin& to '2raha!'s )o+6. 1ea+e to youH 1ea+e to youH 'nd the &ratitude o the who)e o Israe)H .e)y on usH ' desire o yours is a )aw to us. May ,od 2e with you9 as He was with a)) His !ore aith u) servantsH ')) the 2)essin&s on youHG

assistan+e o his son. %ut I a! s/ea6in& o 0)eazar and John.G E5hH They have never +ontradi+ted usG says at on+e a !e!2er o the Sanhedrin9 who! I have seen so!eti!es with Jose/h o 'ri!athea9 2ut whose na!e I do not re!e!2er. E8ayH They have not +ontradi+ted us enou&h. HaH HaH HaH 'nd we sha)) have to wat+h the!H Many sna6es have 2ui)t their nests in the Sanhedrin9 I thin6... HaH HaH HaH %ut they wi)) 2e dis)od&ed... HaH HaH HaHG says Hananiah9 as he &oes9 sha6in& and tre!2)in&9 )eanin& on his sti+69 )oo6in& or a +o! orta2)e /)a+e on one o the )ow wide seats +overed with thi+6 +ar/ets9 /)a+ed a&ainst the wa))s o the ha))9 and he )ied down ha//i)y9 and soon a))s as)ee/9 with his !outh o/en9 )oo6in& u&)y in his wi+6ed o)d a&e.

They ta6e hi! to the door with e!2ra+es and /rotestations o )oveN they wat+h hi! &o They wat+h hi!9 'nd $oras9 the son o $oras9 saysI EHe has the satis a+tion o seein& away a)on& the ha) @dar6 +orridorN they )isten to the noise o the )o+6s o the door that this day. My ather drea!t o it 2ut did not have it. I wi)) +arry his s/irit in !y heart9 so is o/ened and +)osedN that he !ay 2e /resent on the day o the reven&e u/on the 8azarene9 and he !ay 8 They &o 2a+6 to the ha)) e3u)tin&. re<oi+e...G 5n)y two or three voi+es +an 2e heard9 those o the )ess de!onia+ onesI E'nd nowF How sha)) we 2ehave with Judas o Si!onF 4e 6now very we)) that we +annot &ive hi! what we /ro!ised9 e3+e/t those !isera2)e thirty si)ver /ie+esH... 4hat wi)) he say when he rea)ises that he has 2een 2etrayed 2y usF Sha)) we not have +aused &reater da!a&eF 4i)) he not &o around te))in& the /eo/)e what we have doneF 4e 6now that he is a !an who +han&es his !ind.G E;ou are =uite si!/)y oo)ish havin& su+h thou&hts and worryin& thusH It has a)ready 2een de+ided what we wi)) do to Judas. It was de+ided the )ast ti!e. $on't you re!e!2erF 'nd we wi)) not +han&e our !inds. ' ter everythin& is inished with the 7hrist9 Judas sha)) die. That is sett)ed.G E%ut i he shou)d s/ea6 2e oreFG ETo who!F To the dis+i/)es and to the /eo/)e9 to 2e stonedF He wi)) not s/ea6. The horror o his deed wi)) &a& hi!NG E%ut he !ay re/ent in uture9 he !ay ee) re!orse9 he !ay even 2e+o!e !adN %e+ause his re!orse9 i it shou)d awa6en9 +ou)d on)y drive hi! !adNG EHe wi)) not have ti!e. 4e wi)) see to that 2e ore. 0verythin& at the ri&ht !o!ent. The 8azarene irst9 then the !an who 2etrayed Hi!G says He)6ai s)ow)y9 in a dread u) tone. E;es. 'nd !indH 8ot a word to those who are a2sent. They a)ready 6now too !u+h o our thou&hts. I don't trust Jose/h and 8i+ode!us. 'nd I don't re)y !u+h on the others.G E$o you dou2t ,a!a)ie)FG EHe has stood a)oo ro! us or !any !onths. He wi)) not ta6e /art in our !eetin&s without a /ersona) order ro! the /onti . He says that he is writin& his wor6 with the 9 E.e!e!2er that we !ust 2e +onstant)y in the Te!/)e9 in turns9 and !any o us in ea+h turn.G E4e wi)) do that.G E4e wi)) have to &ive instru+tions to ta6e Judas o Si!on to the Hi&h 1riest at any ti!e.G E4e wi)) arran&e that.G E'nd now )et us /re/are our hearts or the ina) tas6.G EThey are a)ready /re/aredH They are readyHG E7unnin&)y.G E7unnin&)y.G ESu2t)y.G ESu2t)y.G ETo avoid a)) sus/i+ion.G ETo a))ure every heart.G E4hatever He !ay say or do9 we sha)) not rea+t. 4e wi)) reven&e ourse)ves or everythin& at one &o.G E4e wi)) do that. 'nd it wi)) 2e +rue) ven&ean+e.G E' thorou&h oneHG E'nd dread u)HG 'nd they sit down tryin& to rest whi)e waitin& or dawn.

5/*. F ". 0e&han( &" Je usa2e..


5%8. F!#( 3e&han/ &# Je!usa5e(.

3!d .a!'h $9*5.

Jesus is very sad. The a/ost)es noti+e it and are worried. They &ather round Hi!. Judas a)so /resses a&ainst the Master9 as i he were the !ost a e+tionate o the dis+i/)es. Jesus +aresses the! and +ontinuesI EIn this hour that is sti)) &ranted to Me9 I want to +o!/)ete the 6now)ed&e o the 7hrist in you. 't the 2e&innin& I !ade John9 Si!on and Judas a+=uainted with the truth o the /ro/he+ies +on+ernin& My 2irth. The /ro/he+ies have de/i+ted Me 2etter than the &reatest /ainter +ou)d /ossi2)y do9 ro! the dawn o My )i e to its end. 8ay9 that dawn and end are <ust the two /eriods !ost +)ear)y e)u+idated 2y the /ro/hets. 8ow the 7hrist 4ho des+ended ro! Heaven9 the Just 5ne 4ho! the +)ouds rained on the 0arth9 the su2)i!e Shoot9 is a2out to 2e 6i))ed. 7rushed )i6e a +itron@tree stru+6 2y a thunder2o)t. So )et us s/ea6 o His death. $o not si&h9 do not sha6e your heads. $o not &ru!2)e in your hearts9 do not +urse !en. It wou)d serve no /ur/ose.

1 Jesus is wa)6in& throu&h or+hards and o)ive@&roves a)) in 2)osso!. 0ven the si)very )eaves o the o)ive@trees )oo6 )i6e )owers9 /ear)ed as they are with dew9 whi+h shi!!ers in the irst )i&ht o dawn as the )eaves =uiver in a &ent)e s+ented 2reeze. 0a+h )ea y 2ran+h see!s the wor6 o a &o)ds!ith and one )oo6s at the! ad!irin& their 2eauty. The a)!ond@trees9 whi+h are a)) a)ready +overed with their &reen o)ia&e9 stand out ro! the white@rosy !asses o the other ruit@trees9 and under the! the vines show their irst tender indented )eaves9 so shiny and si)6y that they )oo6 )i6e very thin s+a)es o e!era)d or 2its o /re+ious si)6. Hi&h a2ove9 the s6y is )i6e dee/ tur=uoise9 +)ear9 /)a+id9 so)e!n. Son&s o 2irds and s+ents o )owers everywhere. The resh air restores and !a6es /eo/)e ha//y. The de)i&ht o '/ri) is rea))y s!i)in& everywhere. Jesus is in the !idd)e o His twe)ve a/ost)es. 'nd He s/ea6s.

3 4e are &oin& u/ to Jerusa)e!. 1assover is now +)ose at hand. CThis !onth wi)) 2e or you the irst !onth o the yearD. This !onth wi)) 2e or the wor)d the 2e&innin& o a EI sent the wo!en ahead 2e+ause I want to s/ea6 to you a)one. $urin& the irst days new era. It wi)) never end. In vain now and a&ain !an wi)) try to i3 new ones. Those that I was with you I said to you9 to those who were with MeI C$o not u/set My Mother who want to esta2)ish a new era 2earin& their ido)atrous na!es9 wi)) 2e stru+6 2y in or!in& Her o the evi) deeds a&ainst Her Son.D Those deeds see!ed so &rave... 8ow9 )i&htnin&. There is 2ut one ,od in Heaven and one Messiah on the 0arthI the Son o you three witnesses o those deeds that were the 2e&innin& o the +hain 2y whi+h the ,od9 Jesus o 8azareth. 's He &ives His who)e Se) 9 He +an desire everythin&9 and He Son o !an was to 2e )ead to death J you9 John9 you9 Si!on9 and you9 Judas o :erioth /uts His roya) sea) not on what is )esh and i)th9 2ut on what is ti!e and s/irit. J +an +)ear)y see that they were +o!/ara2)e with a &rain o sand that a))s ro! a2ove9 C5n the tenth day o this !onth ea+h !an !ust ta6e a )a!29 one or ea+h a!i)y9 one in +o!/arison with the 2ou)der9 the 2ou)ders9 as su+h are the /resent deeds. %ut then9 or ea+h househo)d. 'nd i the nu!2er o /eo/)e in the househo)d is not su i+ient to you9 My Mother and I were un/re/ared or hu!an wi+6edness. In &ood as in )vil #an +onsu!e the who)e )a!29 a !an !ust <oin his nei&h2our's a!i)y9 so that they !ay 2e does not beco#e supre#e all of a sudden. But he rises or sin"s by degrees. The sa#e a2)e to +onsu!e the who)e )a!2D. Because the sacrifice and the victi# #ust be happens in sorrow. 8ow9 you who are &ood9 have risen in ,ood and you +an rea)ise9 co#plete and consu#ed. 8ot even a tiny 2it o it !ust 2e )e t over. 8one wi)) 2e )e t. without 2ein& s+anda)ised as you wou)d have 2een then9 to what /oint o /erversion Too !any are those who are a2out to eed on the )a!2. ' +ount)ess nu!2er9 or a !an +an )ower hi!se) 9 when he 2e+o!es a de!on9 <ust as My Mother and I +an 2ear 2an=uet with no ti!e@ )i!it9 and no !ore ire is re=uired to +onsu!e the re!ains9 a)) the &rie +o!in& ro! !an9 without dyin& 2e+ause o it. 4e have stren&thened our 2e+ause there are no re!ains. Those /arts that are o ered and re<e+ted 2y hatred wi)) 2e sou)s. ')) o us. In ,ood9 in 0vi) or in Sorrow. 'nd we have not yet rea+hed the +onsu!ed 2y the very ire o the Bi+ti!9 2y His )ove. 4 I )ove you9 !en. ;ou9 My su!!it. 4e have not yet rea+hed the su!!it... 5hH i you 6new what and how hi&h is the su!!it o ,ood9 o 0vi)9 o SorrowH %ut I re/eat to you the words that I s/o6e then. twe)ve riends9 who! I +hose /ersona))y9 you in who! are the twe)ve tri2es o Israe) and the thirteen veins o Man6ind. I have &athered everythin& in you and I see $o not re/eat to My Mother what the Son o !an is a2out to te)) you. She wou)d 2e everythin& &athered in you... 0verythin&.G &rieved too dee/)y. He who is a2out to 2e 6i))ed drin6s the /iti u) !i3ture that stuns hi!9 ena2)in& hi! to await the hour o torture9 without havin& to tre!2)e every E%ut in the veins o 'da!'s 2ody there is a)so the vein o 7ain. 8one o us has )i ted !o!ent. ;our si)en+e wi)) 2e )i6e the /iti u) drin6 or Her9 the Mother o the his hand a&ainst his +o!/anion. So where is '2e)FG as6s the Is+ariot. .edee!erH E4hat you said is true. In the veins o 'da!'s 2ody there is a)so the vein o 7ain. 'nd I 2 8ow I want to e3/)ain the !eanin& o the /ro/he+ies to you9 so that nothin& !ay sti)) a! the '2e)9 the !ee6 '2e)9 the she/herd o )o+6s9 /)easant to the Lord 2e+ause he 2e o2s+ure to you. 'nd I as6 you to 2e very9 very +)ose to Me. $urin& the day I sha)) o ered his ear)y ruits and what was au)t)ess9 and hi!se) 2e ore a)) his o erin&s. I 2e)on& to every2ody. I 2e& you to 2e with Me at ni&ht9 2e+ause I want to 2e with you. I )ove you9 !en. 0ven i you do not )ove Me9 I )ove you. Love hastens and +o!/)etes the need to ee) that I a! not a)one...G wor6 o the sa+ri i+ers.

5/*. F ". 0e&han( &" Je usa2e..


5 CIt !ust 2e a )a!2 without 2)e!ish9 a !a)e one year o)dD. There is no ti!e or the La!2 o ,od. He is. The sa!e on the )ast day as He was on the irst day o this 0arth. He 4ho is )i6e His (ather does not 6now a&ein& in His divine nature. 'nd His /erson 6nows on)y one o)d a&e and on)y one tirednessI the disa//oint!ent o havin& +o!e in vain or too !any. 4hen you )earn how I was 6i))ed J and the eyes that wi)) see their Lord +han&ed into a )e/er +overed with sores are now shinin& with tears 2eside Me9 and they +an no )on&er see this /)easant hi)) 2e+ause tears 2)ind the! with their )i=uid vei) J you !ay sayI CHe did not die o that. He died 2e+ause He had 2een un6nown to His dearest ones and He had 2een re<e+ted 2y too !any !enD. %ut i the Son o ,od has no ti!e@)i!it9 and thus di ers ro! the )a!2 o the rite9 He is e=ua) to it 2e+ause He is without 2)e!ish and a !a)e sa+red to the Lord. ;es. In vain the e3e+utioners9 those who wi)) 6i)) Me with wea/ons9 or with their wi)) or their 2etraya)9 wi)) endeavour to e3+use the!se)ves sayin&I CHe was &ui)tyD. 8o one who is sin+ere +an a++use Me o sin. 7an you do soF

2ran+hes9 so9 as a new year o))ows an o)d one and the ti!e o .ede!/tion draws near9 then 2)osso!in& 2e+o!es !ore and !ore )u3uriant. 'nd now with >e+hariah I say to you9 to you in Jerusa)e!I CHere is the :in& 4ho +o!es u)) o !ee6ness ridin& on a don6ey and +o)t. He is /oor.D %ut He wi)) dis/erse the !i&hty ones who o//ress !en. He is !ee69 and yet His ar! raised to 2)ess wi)) de eat the de!on and death. CHe wi)) announ+e /ea+e9 2e+ause He is the :in& o /ea+e.D ')thou&h +ru+i ied9 He wi)) stret+h His do!ination ro! sea to sea. CHe 4ho does not shout9 4ho does not 2rea69 4ho does not /ut out those who are not )i&ht 2ut s!o6e9 those who are not stren&th 2ut wea6ness9 those who deserve a)) re/roa+h9 He wi)) do <usti+e a++ordin& to truth.D ;our Messiah9 o +ity o >ion9 your Messiah9 o /eo/)e o the Lord9 your Messiah9 o /eo/)e o the 0arth.

C4ithout 2ein& sad or tur2u)entD9 and you +an see how there is not in Me the resent u) sadness o the de eated9 or the ran+orous sorrow o the /erverted9 2ut on)y the serious@ ness o one who sees to what e3tent the /ossession o Satan in !en +an &o9 and you see 4e are a+in& death. I a!. 5thers a)so are. 4hoF $o you want to 6now who9 1eterF how or three years I have in+essant)y stret+hed out My hands invitin& every2ody to 0very2ody. $eath advan+es hour 2y hour and snat+hes those who )ess e3/e+t it. %ut )ove9 and My hands wi)) 2e stret+hed out a&ain and they wi)) 2e wounded9 a)thou&h I a)so those who sti)) have a )on& )i e to )ive9 are in ront o death every !o!ent9 2e+ause ti!e is a )ash +o!/ared with eternity9 and 2e+ause at the hour o death even the )on&est +ou)d redu+e My ene!ies to ashes and dis/erse the! with a si!/)e a+t o My wi))H C4ithout 2ein& sad or tur2u)ent I wi)) 2e su++ess u) in esta2)ishin& My :in&do!.D That )i e is redu+ed to nothin&9 and a+tions dozens and dozens o years o)d9 even those o :in&do! o 7hrist in whi+h is the sa)vation o the wor)d. one's ear)y +hi)dhood9 +o!e 2a+6 in +rowds sayin&I C4e))9 you were doin& this yesterday.D ;esterdayH It is always yesterday when one is dying! 'nd honours and &o)d The 0terna) Lord My (ather says to MeI CI have +a))ed ;ou9 I have ta6en ;ou 2y the or whi+h !en )on& so !u+h are a)ways dustH 'nd the fruit after which one was #ad hand9 I have a//ointed ;ou a))ian+e 2etween /eo/)es and ,od9 I have !ade ;ou the loses all flavour! 4o!enF MoneyF 1owerF S+ien+eF 4hat is )e tF 8othin&H *nly one1s )i&ht o the nations.D 'nd I have 2een )i&ht. Li&ht to o/en the eyes o the 2)ind9 word to conscience and the 5udge#ent of &od 2e ore 4ho! &oes the +ons+ien+e9 /oor and &ive s/ee+h to the dea 9 6ey to o/en the under&round /risons o those who were in the stri//ed o hu!an /rote+tion and wea)th9 and laden only with its actions. dar6ness o error. 6 CSo!e o the 2)ood !ust 2e ta6en and /ut on the door/osts and )inte)9 and the 'n&e) /assin& over wi)) not stri6e the houses !ar6ed with the 2)oodD. Ta"e !y blood. 3o not put it on dead stones but on dead hearts. It is the new circu#cision. 'nd I +ir+u!+ise Myse) on 2eha) o the who)e wor)d. I do not sa+ri i+e the use)ess /art9 2ut I 2rea6 o My !a&ni i+ent9 who)eso!e9 /ure viri)ity9 I sa+ri i+e it +o!/)ete)y9 and I ta6e My 2)ood ro! My !uti)ated )i!2s and ro! the o/ened veins and I draw rin&s o sa)vation on Man6ind9 rin&s o eterna) nu/tia)s with ,od 4ho is in Heaven9 with the (ather 4ho is waitin&9 and I sayI CSee. 8ow ;ou +an no )on&er re<e+t the!9 2e+ause ;ou wou)d re<e+t ;our 2)oodD. C'nd Moses saidI S...and then di/ a s/ray o hysso/ in the 2)ood and s/rin6)e the door/ostsT D. .o is the blood not sufficient$ It is not. %our repentance is to be 5oined to !y blood. Without bitter beneficial repentance I shall have died for you in vain. 7 That is the irst word in the %oo6 a2out the .edee!in& La!2. %ut the %oo6 is strewn with it. 's at ea+h new sunrise the 2)osso!s 2e+o!e thi+6er and thi+6er on these 'nd now9 I 4ho a! a)) that9 a! &oin& to My death. I wi)) enter the dar6ness o death. $eath9 do you understandF... The irst thin&s announ+ed9 are now 2ein& u) i))ed9 I a)so say with the /ro/het. I wi)) te)) you the rest 2e ore the $e!on se/arates us. 8 There is >ion over there. ,o and &et the don6ey and the +o)t. Say to the !anI C.a22i Jesus needs the!.D 'nd te)) My Mother that I a! a2out to arrive. She is u/ there9 on that s)o/e9 with the Maries. She is waitin& or Me. It is My hu!an triu!/h... Let it 2e Her triu!/h. ')ways <oined to&ether. 5hH <oinedH... 'nd who is the heart o a hyena that with his +)aw tears the heart o a !other's heartI Me9 Her SonF ' !anF 8o. 0very !an is 2orn o a wo!an. 'nd 2y instin+t and !ora) +onsideration he +annot 2e /iti)ess towards a !other9 2e+ause he thin6s o Chis ownD. So it is not a !an. 4ho9 thenF ' de!on. %ut +an a de!on o end the Bi+@tressF He !ust tou+h Her to o end Her. 'nd Satan +annot 2ear the vir&ina) )i&ht o the .ose o ,od. SoF 4ho! do you say it isF 're you not s/ea6in&F Then I wi)) te)) you. The !ost +unnin& de!on has 2)ended with the !ost +orru/t !an9 and )i6e the /oison en+)osed in

5/*. F ". 0e&han( &" Je usa2e..


the teeth o an as/9 the de!on is +)osed in hi! who +an a//roa+h the 4o!an and thus 2ite Her trea+herous)y. 7ursed 2e the hy2rid !onster that is Satan and is !anH Sha)) I +urse itF 8o. It is not the word o a .edee!er. Then I say to the sou) o this hy2rid !onster what I said to Jerusa)e!9 the !onstrous +ity o ,od and o SatanI C5h9 i in this hour sti)) &ranted to you9 you +ou)d +o!e to the SaviourHD There is no )ove &reater than MineH 8either is there a &reater /ower. ')so My (ather a&rees i I sayI CI wantD9 and I +an s/ea6 2ut +o!/assionate words or those who have a))en and stret+h their ar!s towards Me ro! their a2yss. 5 sou) o the &reatest sinner9 your Saviour on the thresho)d o death 2ends over your a2yss and invites you to ta6e His hand. My death wi)) not 2e avoided... %ut you... 2ut you... wou)d 2e saved9 you who! I sti)) )ove9 and the sou) o your (riend wou)d not 2e horri ied at the thou&ht that He is aware o the horror o death and o su+h death throu&h the deed o his riend...G Jesus is si)ent... e3hausted... The a/ost)es whis/er to one another and they as6I E%ut who is He s/ea6in& o F 4ho is itFG 'nd Judas9 )yin& sha!e)ess)y9 saysI EIt is +ertain)y one o the a)se 1harisees... I thin6 it !ust 2e Jose/h or 8i+ode!us9 or 7huza and Manaen... 0very !an is an3ious to save his )i e and his /ro/erty... I 6now that Herod... 'nd I 6now that the Sanhedrin. He trusted the! too !u+hH ;ou 6now that even yesterday they were not /resentFH They havenTt the +oura&e to a+e Hi!NG

In the !eanti!e Jesus is s/ea6in& to the wo!en. EHere we are near the +ity. I advise you to &o. 'nd &o without 2ein& a raid. 0nter the town 2e ore I do. ')) the she/herds and the !ost aith u) dis+i/)es are near 0n .o&e). They have 2een to)d to es+ort and /rote+t you.G EThe a+t is thatN 4e have s/o6en to 'ser o 8azareth and '2e) o %eth)ehe! in ,a)i)ee and a)so to So)o!on. They had +o!e as ar as here to wat+h or ;our arriva). The +rowd is /re/arin& a &reat +e)e2ration. 'nd we wanted to seeN See how the to/s o the o)ive trees are sha6enF It is not the wind that is sha6in& the! thus. %ut it is the /eo/)e who are &atherin& 2ran+hes to s/read the! on the road and to /rote+t ;ou ro! the sun. 'nd over thereFH Loo6 over there9 they are stri//in& the /a)!@trees o their an@ sha/ed )eaves. They )oo6 )i6e +)usters and they are !en who have +)i!2ed u/ the trun6s to &ather !ore and !oreN 'nd9 on the s)o/es9 ;ou +an see +hi)dren 2endin& to /i+6 )owers. 'nd the wo!en +ertain)y stri/ &ardens o +oro))as and s+ented her2s to strew ;our way with )owers. 4e wanted to seeN and i!itate the &esture o Mary o Lazarus9 who /i+6ed u/ a)) the )owers /ressed 2y ;our eet when ;ou went into Lazarus' &ardensG says i!/)orin&)y Mary o 7)o/as on 2eha) o the! a)). Jesus +aresses the +hee6 o His o)d re)ative9 who )oo6s )i6e a )itt)e &ir) an3ious to see a show9 and He says to herI E;ou wou)d not 2e a2)e to see anythin& a!on& the )ar&e +rowd. ,o on9 to Lazarus' house9 the one whose 6ee/er is Matthias. I sha)) 2e /assin& there and you wi)) see Me ro! on hi&h.G

ESonN and are ;ou &oin& a)) a)oneF 7an I not 2e near ;ouFG as6s Mary9 raisin& Her Jesus does not hear hi!. He has &one ahead and has <oined His Mother9 4ho is with the very sad a+e and starin& with Her s6y@2)ue eyes at Her !ee6 Son. Maries and with Martha and Susanna. 5n)y Johanna o 7huza is a2sent ro! the &rou/ EI wou)d 2e& ;ou to re!ain hidden. Li6e a dove in the +)e t o a ro+6. .ather than ;our o the /ious wo!en. /resen+e9 My 2e)oved Mother9 I need ;our /rayerHG EI so9 Son9 we wi)) a)) /ray or ;ou.G E;es. 'nd a ter you have seen Hi! /ass 2y9 you wi)) +o!e with !e to !y !ansion in >ion. 'nd I wi)) send servants to the Te!/)e9 with instru+tions to o))ow the Master a)) the ti!e9 so that they !ay 2rin& us His orders and His newsG9 says Mary o Lazarus reso)ute)y9 a)ways =ui+6 in rea)isin& what is the 2est thin& to do and to do it without de)ay. E;ou are ri&ht9 sister. ')thou&h it &rieves !e not to o))ow Hi!9 I understand that it is a <ust order. In any +ase Lazarus to)d us not to +ontradi+t the Master in anythin&9 and to o2ey Hi! even in the )east !atters. 'nd we wi)) do that.G E,o9 then. SeeF The roads are &ettin& 2usy. The a/ost)es are a2out to <oin Me. ,o. 1ea+e 2e with you. I wi)) !a6e you +o!e when I thin6 it is a suita2)e !o!ent. ,ood2ye9 Mother. 1ea+e to you. ,od is with us.G He 6isses Her and dis!isses Her. 'nd the o2edient wo!en dis+i/)es &o away =ui+6)y.

5%%. Jesus En&e!s in&# Je!usa5e(.

3,&h .a!'h $9*8 DPa5( Sunda/E.

1 Jesus saysI E;ou wi)) /ut here the visionI C(ro! %ethany to Jerusa)e!D Kdated 3rd Mar+h 1945L. 'nd nowI )oo6HG @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 2 Jesus e!2ra+es with His ar! the shou)ders o His Mother9 4ho has stood u/ when John and Ja!es o ')/haeus have rea+hed Her to say to HerI E;our Son is +o!in&G9 and then they have +o!e 2a+6 to <oin their +o!/anions who are /ro+eedin& s)ow)y9 ta)6in&9 whi)e Tho!as and 'ndrew have rushed towards %eth/ha&e to )oo6 or the don6ey and the +o)t and ta6e the! to Jesus.

5//. Jesus En&e s in&" Je usa2e..


3 The ten a/ost)es <oin Jesus. EHave ;ou sent the! aheadFG E;es9 I have. They wi)) see My entry ro! a house.G E(ro! whi+h houseFG as6s Judas o :erioth. E0hH the riend)y houses are so !any nowHG says 1hi)i/. E8ot ro! 'nna)eah'sFG says the Is+ariot insistin&. Jesus re/)ies in the ne&ative and He sets out towards %eth/ha&e9 whi+h is not ar. He is near the vi))a&e when the two a/ost)es9 who had 2een sent to &et the don6ey and the +o)t9 +o!e 2a+6. They shoutI E4e ound what ;ou to)d us and we wou)d have 2rou&ht the ani!a)s. %ut the owner wanted to +urry the! and adorn the! with the 2est tra//in&s to honour ;ou. 'nd the dis+i/)es9 with those who have s/ent the ni&ht in the streets o %ethany to honour ;ou9 wish to have the honour o 2rin&in& the! to ;ou9 and we a&reed. 4e thou&ht that their )ove deserved a reward.G E;ou did the ri&ht thin&. Let us &o on in the !eanti!e.G E're there !any dis+i/)esFG as6s %artho)o!ew. E5hH a &reat +rowd. It is i!/ossi2)e to /ass a)on& the streets in %eth/ha&e. That is why I to)d Isaa+ to ta6e the don6ey to 7)eanthes9 the +heese@!on&erG re/)ies Tho!as. E;ou a+ted ri&ht)y. Let us &o as ar as that risin& o the hi))9 and we sha)) wait a )itt)e in the shade o those trees.G They &o to the /)a+e /ointed out 2y Jesus. E%ut we are &oin& arther awayH ;ou are &oin& 2eyond %eth/ha&e /assin& round the 2a+6HG e3+)ai!s the Is+ariot. E'nd i I want to do so9 who +an or2id MeF '! I /erha/s a)ready a /risoner and not a))owed to &o where I wantF 5r is it ur&ent that I shou)d 2e so9 and is any2ody a raid that I !ay avoid 2ein& +a/turedF 'nd i I shou)d de+ide to &o away a)on& sa er routes9 is there any2ody who +ou)d /revent Me ro! doin& soFG Jesus darts a &)an+e at the Traitor9 who dare no )on&er o/en his !outh and shru&s his shou)ders9 as i to sayI E$o as ;ou )i6e.G They &o9 in a+t9 round the 2a+6 o the )itt)e vi))a&e9 I shou)d say a su2ur2 o the town9 as its western side is rea))y not ar ro! the town9 2ein& /art o the s)o/es o the Mount o 5)ives9 whi+h surrounds the eastern side o Jerusa)e!. (arther down9 2etween the s)o/es and the town9 the :idron is shinin& in the '/ri) sunshine. Jesus sits down in the &reen si)ent /)a+e and +on+entrates on His thou&hts. He then stands u/ and &oes towards the risin&9 sto//in& <ust at its ed&e.

@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 4 Jesus saysI E;ou wi)) /ut here the vision o 31st Ju)y 1944I CJesus wee/s over Jerusa)e!D9 ro! the senten+e that I &ave you as the 2e&innin& o the vision.G He then resu!es showin& !e the /hases o His triu!/ha) entry. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
3,&h Ju5/ $9**.

5 I do not 6now how I sha)) !ana&e to write 2e+ause I a! su erin& so !u+h ro! heart trou2)e that I +an hard)y sit u/. %ut it +annot 2e he)/ed. I !ust write what I see. The ,os/e) o today9 the ninth Sunday a ter 1ente+ost9 is i))ustrated to !e. (ro! a hi)) near Jerusa)e! Jesus )oo6s at the town stret+hed at His eet. It is not a very hi&h hi)). 't !ost it is )i6e the )ar&e s=uare o S. Miniato on the !ountain9 at ()oren+eM 2ut it is su i+ient or the eye to do!inate the e3tent o houses and streets9 that &o u/ and down the s!a)) &round e)evations or!in& Jerusa)e!. I one re ers to the )owest )eve) o the town9 this hi)) is +ertain)y !u+h hi&her than 7a)vary9 2ut it is +)oser to the wa))s than the )atter. It rea))y 2e&ins <ust outside the wa))s and rises stee/)y on their side9 whereas on the other side it des+ends &ent)y towards a very &reen +ountry that stret+hes eastwards. 't )east I thin6 it is eastwards9 i I a! <ud&in& ri&ht)y a++ordin& to sun)i&ht. Jesus and His a/ost)es are sittin& under a &rou/ o trees9 in the shade. They are restin& a ter a )on& wa)6. Then Jesus stands u/9 He )eaves the +)earin& where they were sittin& and He &oes towards the hi))o+6 and sto/s <ust at its ed&e. His ta)) /erson stands out +)ear)y in the e!/ty s/a+e around Hi!. He )oo6s even ta))er as He stands u/ri&ht9 a)) a)one. His ar!s are o)ded a+ross His +hest9 on His 2)ue !ant)e9 and He )oo6s around very serious)y. The a/ost)es wat+h Hi!. %ut they )eave Hi! a)one9 they neither !ove nor s/ea6. They !ust thin6 that He has !oved aside to /ray. %ut Jesus is not /rayin&. ' ter )oo6in& or a )on& ti!e at the town9 at ea+h distri+t9 at ea+h hi))o+69 at ea+h detai)9 at ti!es )ettin& His eyes dwe)) u/on this or that /oint9 at ti!es wat+hin& )ess insistent)y9 Jesus 2e&ins to wee/ without so22in& or !a6in& any noise. Tears i)) His eyes9 then &ush orth and strea! down His +hee6s and a))N Si)ent very sad tears. The tears o a !an who 6nows that he !ust wee/9 a)) a)one9 without ho/in& to 2e +onso)ed or understood 2y any2ody. Tears 2rou&ht a2out 2y &rie that +annot 2e +an+e))ed and !ust 2e su ered a2so)ute)y. 6 %e+ause o his /osition John's 2rother is the irst to noti+e those tears and he te))s the others9 who )oo6 at one another and are seized with astonish!ent. E8one o us has done anythin& wron&G says one9 and anotherI EThe +rowds did not

5//. Jesus En&e s in&" Je usa2e..


insu)t us either. '!on& the! no2ody was hosti)e to Hi!G. E4hy is He wee/in&9 thenFG ready to die or ;ou.G Judas )ies sha!e)ess)y and !eets Jesus' eye without as6s the o)dest o the! a)). e!2arrass!ent. The others <oin in /rotestin&. 1eter and John stand u/ to&ether and they a//roa+h the Master. They thin6 that the on)y thin& to 2e done is to !a6e Hi! ee) that they )ove Hi! and as6 Hi! what the !atter is with Hi!. EMaster9 are ;ou wee/in&FG as6s John )ayin& his air@haired head on the shou)der o Jesus9 4ho is ta))er than he is 2y a ne+6 and a head. 'nd 1eter9 )ayin& his hand round Jesus' waist9 a)!ost e!2ra+in& Hi! to draw Hi! to hi!se) 9 says to Hi!I E4hat is &rievin& ;ou9 JesusF Te)) us who )ove ;ou.G Jesus rests His +hee6 on John's air@haired head and o/enin& out His ar!s9 He /asses His ar! round 1eter's shou)der. The three o the! are thus e!2ra+ed to one another in su+h a )ovin& /osture. %ut tears +ontinue to dro/. John ee)s the! run down throu&h his hair and he as6s on+e a&ainI E4hy are ;ou wee/in&9 MasterF 're we /erha/s the +ause o ;our sorrowFG Jesus re/)ies to a)) o the!9 avoidin& to re/)y to Judas dire+t)y. E4ou)d to Heaven that you !ay 2e so. %ut you are sti)) very wea69 and te!/tation !ay !a6e you )i6e those who hate Me. 1ray ervent)y and wat+h di)i&ent)y over yourse)ves. Satan is aware that he is a2out to 2e de eated and he wants to aven&e hi!se) 2y tearin& you away ro! Me. Satan is around us a)). He is around Me to /revent Me ro! doin& the wi)) o My (ather and ro! u) i))in& My !ission. 'nd he is around you to !a6e you his servants. %e vi&i)ant. 4ithin those wa))s Satan wi)) ta6e those who are not stron&. He wi)) ta6e hi! whose +urse wi)) 2e the a+t that he was e)e+ted9 2e+ause he !ade use o his e)e+tion or a hu!an /ur/ose. I +hose you or the :in&do! o Heaven9 not or that o the wor)d. %ear that in !ind.

9 'nd you9 o +ity9 that want your ruin and over whi+h I a! sheddin& tears9 2e aware that your 7hrist is /rayin& or your rede!/tion. 5hH i at )east in this hour sti)) )e t to The other a/ost)es have &athered round the )ovin& &rou/ and are an3ious)y awaitin& a you9 you +a!e to Hi! 4ho wou)d 2e your /ea+eH I in this hour you understood the re/)y. Love /assin& throu&h you and you divested yourse) o the hatred that !a6es you 2)ind and insane9 and +rue) a&ainst yourse) and your we) areH %ut the day wi)) +o!e when 7 E8oG says Jesus. E;our are not. ;ou are My riends and riendshi/9 when it is you wi)) re!e!2er this hourH %ut it wi)) 2e too )ate to wee/ and re/entH The Love wi)) sin+ere9 is a 2a)! and a s!i)e9 never tears. I wou)d )i6e you to re!ain My riends have /assed and disa//eared ro! your streets9 and the Hatred that you /re erred wi)) orever. 0ven now that we sha)) enter into the +orru/tion9 that er!ents and re!ain. 'nd Hatred wi)) 2e on you and on your +hi)dren. %e+ause one has what one +onta!inates those who are not reso)ute)y wi))in& to re!ain honest.G wanted9 and hatred is /aid with hatred. 'nd then it wi)) not 2e the hatred o the stron& E4here are we &oin&9 MasterF 're we not &oin& to Jerusa)e!F The +rowds have a&ainst the de en+e)ess9 2ut it wi)) 2e hatred a&ainst hatred9 thus war and death. a)ready &reeted ;ou <oy u))y. $o ;ou want to disa//oint the!F 're we &oin& to Surrounded 2y tren+hes and ar!ed !en9 you wi)) )an&uish 2e ore 2ein& destroyed9 and Sa!aria to wor6 so!e !ira+)eF Just now that 1assover is +)ose at handFG The =uestions you wi)) see your +hi)dren 6i))ed 2y wea/ons and a!ine9 and the survivors ta6en are as6ed 2y severa) o the a/ost)es at the sa!e ti!e. /risoners and derided9 and you wi)) as6 or !er+y9 2ut wi)) never ind it9 2e+ause you re used to a+6now)ed&e your Sa)vation. I a! wee/in&9 My riends9 2e+ause I have the Jesus raises His hands i!/osin& si)en+e and then with His ri&ht one He /oints to the heart o a !an9 and the ruin o My ather)and !a6es Me shed tears. %ut it is <ust that town. ' wide &esture )i6e that o a !an sowin& seeds ahead o hi!se) . 'nd He saysI EThat is the 7orru/tion. 4e are &oin& into Jerusa)e!. 4e are &oin& there. 'nd on)y the this ta6es /)a+e 2e+ause within those wa))s +orru/tion e3+eeds a)) )i!its and draws the /unish!ent o ,od. 4oe 2etide the +itizens who 2rin& a2out the ruin o their Most Hi&h 6nows how I wou)d )i6e to san+ti y the town ta6in& there the Ho)iness that ather)andH 4oe 2etide the )eaders who are the !ain +ause o itH 4oe 2etide those who +o!es ro! Heaven. I wou)d )i6e to resan+ti y it9 as it shou)d 2e the Ho)y 7ity. %ut I shou)d 2e saints to &uide the others to 2e honest and instead they dese+rate the House o sha)) not 2e a2)e to do anythin& or it. It is +orru/t9 and wi)) re!ain +orru/t. 'nd the their !inistry and the!se)vesH 7o!e. My a+tion wi)) 2e o no avai). %ut )et us !a6e the strea!s o ho)iness that &ush ro! the )ivin& Te!/)e9 and wi)) &ush even !ore in the Li&ht shine on+e a&ain in the $ar6nessHG ne3t ew days to the e3tent o )eavin& it )i e)ess9 wi)) not 2e su i+ient to redee! it. Sa!aria and the heathen wor)d wi)) +o!e to the Ho)y 5ne. The te!/)es o the true ,od 'nd Jesus &oes down o))owed 2y His a/ost)es. He wa)6s ast a)on& the road with a wi)) 2e ere+ted on the a)se te!/)es. The hearts o the ,enti)es wi)) worshi/ the 7hrist. serious +ountenan+e9 I wou)d say9 a)!ost )oo6in& su))en. He s/ea6s no !ore. He &oes %ut this /eo/)e9 this town wi)) a)ways 2e hosti)e to Hi!9 and their hatred wi)) )ead the! into a )itt)e house at the oot o the hi))9 and I see nothin& e)se. to the &reatest sin. 8 That !ust ha//en. %ut woe to those who wi)) 2e the instru!ents o @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ that +ri!e. 4oeHNG Jesus stares at Judas9 who is a)!ost in ront o Hi!. EThat wi)) never ha//en to us. 4e are ;our a/ost)es and we 2e)ieve in ;ou9 and we are

5//. Jesus En&e s in&" Je usa2e..

63,&h .a!'h $9*87


order)y !anner9 and !any vo)unteers &o ahead )eadin& the way and 6ee/in& it +)ear9 and others o))ow the! strewin& the &round with 2ran+hes. 'nd when a !an throws his 10 Jesus has hard)y had ti!e to enter into the house 2)essin& its inha2itants9 when the <oy u) sound o harness@2e))s and <u2i)ant voi+es are heard. 'nd i!!ediate)y a terwards !ant)e on the road as a +ar/et9 hundreds o /eo/)e i!itate hi!. Thus the +entra) /art o the )ean wan a+e o Isaa+ a//ears in the o/enin& o the door9 and the aith u) she/herd the road is a !u)ti+o)oured stri/ o &ar!ents s/read on the &round and on+e Jesus /asses 2y9 they are /i+6ed u/ and +arried ahead with !any !ore9 whi)e )owers9 enters and /rostrates hi!se) 2e ore his Lord Jesus. 2ran+hes and /a)!@)eaves are waved and thrown9 and )ouder +ries are uttered around Many a+es are +rowdin& in the ra!e o the wide@o/en door9 and !any !ore +an 2e and in honour o the :in& o Israe)9 o the Son o $avid and His :in&do!H seen 2ehind the!N They /ush and thron&9 wishin& to +o!e orwardN So!e wo!en shout9 so!e o the +hi)dren +ry9 +au&ht as they are in the +rowd9 whi)e the others shout The so)diers on duty at the &ate +o!e out to see what is ha//enin&. %ut it is not a sedition and they !ove to one side9 )eanin& on their )an+es9 and )oo6in& a!azed or &reetin&s and <oy u) e3+)a!ationsI EThis is a ha//y day whi+h 2rin&s ;ou 2a+6 to usH ironi+a) they wat+h the stran&e /ro+ession o this :in& 4ho is ridin& the +o)t o a don@ 1ea+e to ;ou9 LordH 4e we)+o!e ;ou9 Master9 as ;ou have +o!e 2a+6 to reward our 6ey9 and is as handso!e as a &od9 as hu!2)e as the /oorest o !en9 !ee69 2)essin&N )oya)ty.G surrounded 2y wo!en and +hi)dren and 2y disar!ed !en shoutin&I E1ea+eH 1ea+eHG9 o Jesus stands u/ and !a6es a &esture !eanin& that He is &oin& to s/ea6. 0very2ody this :in& 4ho9 2e ore enterin& the town9 sto/s or a !o!ent near the se/u)+hres o the 2e+o!es si)ent and Jesus' voi+e is heard +)ear)y. E1ea+e to youH $o not /ress to&ether. )e/ers at Hinno! and Si)oa! KI thin6 I a! !entionin& the +orre+t na!es o these 4e sha)) now &o u/ to the Te!/)e. I have +o!e to stay with you. 1ea+eH 1ea+eH $o not /)a+es9 where I have seen )e/ers 2ein& +ured !ira+u)ous)y on other o++asionsL and hurt yourse)ves. Ma6e way9 My 2e)oved riendsH Let Me +o!e out and o))ow Me9 /ressin& on the on)y stirru/ in whi+h His oot is restin&9 as He is sittin& side@sadd)e on 2e+ause we sha)) enter into the Ho)y 7ity to&ether.G the don6ey9 2ut not astride it9 He stands u/9 stret+hes out His ar!s9 shoutin& in the dire+tion o those dread u) s)o/es Kwhere ri&htened a+es and 2odies a//ear9 )oo6in& 4i))y@ni))y the /eo/)e o2ey9 and they o/en out a )itt)e so that Jesus +an +o!e out and towards Jesus9 and they utter the /)aintive +ry o )e/ersI E4e are in e+tedHG to send !ount the )itt)e don6ey. In a+t Jesus /oints to the )itt)e +o)t9 whi+h had never 2een away so!e i!/rudent /eo/)e who9 in order to see Jesus 2etter9 wou)d +)i!2 even the ridden 2e ore9 as His !ount9 and then so!e ri+h /i)&ri!s9 who e)2ow their way throu&h +onta!inated and in e+ted terra+esLI ELet those who have aith in Me invo6e My 8a!e the +rowd9 )ay their su!/tuous !ant)es on its 2a+69 and one !an 6nee)s down with one and re+eive hea)th ro! itHG and settin& out a&ain He 2)esses the! and He says to JudasI 6nee on the &round and the other /)a+ed as a ste/ or the Lord9 4ho sits on the 2a+6 o E;ou wi)) 2uy ood or the )e/ers and ta6e it to the! with Si!on 2e ore it &ets dar6.G the +o)t. 'nd the <ourney 2e&ins with 1eter wa)6in& on one side o the Master and Isaa+ on the other9 ho)din& the reins o the un2ro6en ani!a)9 whi+h /ro+eeds +a)!)y9 as i it 12 4hen the /ro+ession enters under the vau)t o the Si)oa! ,ate and then9 )i6e a were a++usto!ed to that tas69 without 2e+o!in& restive or 2ein& ri&htened 2y the torrent9 /ours into the town throu&h the 5/he) su2ur2 J where every terra+e has 2e+o!e )owers that9 thrown as they are towards Jesus9 o ten stri6e the eyes or the so t !uzz)e a )itt)e airy s=uare +rowded with /eo/)e sin&in& hosannas9 throwin& )owers and o the )itt)e +o)t9 that is not even s+ared 2y the 2ran+hes o o)ive@trees and /a)! )eaves /ourin& /er u!es in the street9 tryin& to throw the! on the Master9 and the air is i))ed sha6en in ront o and around it9 or are thrown on the &round to or! a +ar/et with the with the s+ent o )owers +rushed under the eet o the +rowds and with essen+es that )owers. It is not even ri&htened 2y the shouts o EHosanna9 Son o $avidHG9 that are s/read in the air 2e ore a))in& a!on& the dust o the street J the +heers o the +rowd 2e+o!in& )ouder and )ouder as the +rowd 2e+o!es )ar&er and )ar&er with the arriva) o see! to in+rease and 2e+o!e )ouder9 as i ea+h /erson shouted in a 2u&)e@horn9 2e+ause new+o!ers. the !any ar+hivo)ts9 o whi+h Jerusa)e! is u))9 a!/)i y the! with +ontinuous e+hoes. 11 It is not easy to /ass throu&h %eth/ha&e9 a)on& its narrow twisted streets9 and !others are +o!/e))ed to ta6e their +hi)dren in their ar!s9 and !en have to /rote+t their wo!en ro! 2ein& /ushed too vio)ent)y9 and so!e athers +arry their )itt)e sons astride their shou)ders9 so that they are a2ove the +rowd9 whi)e the shri)) voi+es o the +hi)dren sound )i6e the 2)eatin&s o )a!2s or the s+ree+hin& o swa))ows9 whi)e with their )itt)e hands they throw the )owers and )eaves o o)ive@trees9 o ered to the! 2y their !others9 as we)) as 6isses9 to !i)d JesusN ' ter )eavin& the narrow /assa&e o the )itt)e su2ur29 the /ro+ession stret+hes out in an I +an hear the! shout9 and I thin6 they !ean what the 0van&e)ists sayI ESha)e!9 Sha)e! !e)+hi)HG Kor !a)+hitI I a! tryin& to &ive the sound o the words9 2ut it is di i+u)t9 2e+ause they have as/irations whi+h we do not haveL. ' +ontinuous how)9 )i6e the roar o a stor!y sea9 in whi+h the )oud noise o a 2i))ow /oundin& on 2ea+hes and +)i s has not yet dro//ed9 when another 2rea6er +o))e+ts it and raises it with a resh roar9 without ever sto//in&. I a! dea ened 2y itH 1er u!es9 s+ents9 shouts9 wavin& o 2ran+hes and &ar!ents9 +o)ours9 +riesN It is a 2ewi)derin& s+ene.

5//. Jesus En&e s in&" Je usa2e..


I see the /eo/)e in the +rowd &ettin& !i3ed u/ +ontinuous)y9 and 6nown a+es a//ear and disa//earI a)) the dis+i/)es ro! a)) the /)a+es in 1a)estine9 a)) the o))owersN I see Jairus or a !o!ent9 and Jaia9 the youth ro! 1e))a KI thin6L9 who was 2)ind )i6e his !other and was +ured 2y Jesus9 I see Joa+hi! ro! %ozrah and the /easant ro! the /)ain o Sharon with his 2rothers9 I see )one)y o)d Matthias ro! a /)a+e near the Jordan9 on the eastern 2an69 where Jesus too6 she)ter when the /)a+e was a)) )ooded9 I see >a++haeus with his +onverted riends9 I see o)d John ro! 8o2 with a)!ost a)) the +itizens9 I see the hus2and o Sarah ro! JuttahN %ut who +an +o/e with a+es and na!es9 i it is a 6a)eidos+o/e o 6nown and un6nown a+es9 seen severa) ti!es or on)y on+eFN 8ow there is the a+e o the )itt)e she/herd 2rou&ht ro! 0non. 'nd9 near hi!9 is the dis+i/)e ro! :orazi! who did not 2ury his ather to o))ow JesusM and +)ose to hi!9 or a !o!ent9 the ather and !other o %en<a!in ro! 7a/ernau! with their son9 who a)!ost a))s under the hooves o the )itt)e don6ey when he throws hi!se) orward to re+eive a +aress ro! Jesus. 13 'nd J un ortunate)y J there are a+es o 1harisees and s+ri2es9 )ivid with ra&e 2e+ause o this triu!/h9 and they over2earin&)y e)2ow their way throu&h the +ir+)e o )ove that is /ressin& round Jesus and they shout to Hi!I EMa6e these !ad /eo/)e 6ee/ =uietH Ma6e the! reasonH Hosannas are to 2e sun& to ,od on)y. Te)) the! to 2e =uietHG 'nd Jesus re/)ies to the! 6ind)yI E0ven i I to)d the! to 2e si)ent and they o2eyed Me9 the stones wou)d e3to) the wonders o the 4ord o ,od.G In a+t the /eo/)e J in addition to shoutin&I EHosanna9 hosanna to the Son o $avidH %)essed is He 4ho +o!es in the na!e o the Lord. Hosanna to Hi! and to His :in&do!H ,od is with usH The I!!anue) has +o!e. The :in&do! o the 7hrist o the Lord has +o!eH HosannaH Hosanna ro! the 0arth to the hi&hest HeavenH 1ea+eH 1ea+e9 !y :in&H 1ea+e and 2)essin&s to ;ou9 ho)y :in&H 1ea+e and &)ory in Heaven and on the 0arthH ,)ory to ,od or His 7hristH 1ea+e to the !en who 6now how to we)+o!e Hi!. 1ea+e on 0arth to !en o &ood wi)) and &)ory in the hi&hest Heaven9 2e+ause the hour o the Lord has +o!eG Kand this )ast +ry is uttered 2y the who)e &rou/ o the she/herds who are re/eatin& the 7hrist!as son&L J in addition to these uninterru/ted +ries9 the /eo/)e o 1a)estine in or! the /i)&ri!s ro! the $ias/ora o the !ira+)es they have seen9 and to those who do not 6now what is ha//enin&9 2e+ause they are stran&ers /assin& 2y +han+e throu&h the town and as6I E%ut who is HeF 4hat is ha//enin&FG they re/)yI EHe is JesusH Jesus9 the Master ro! 8azareth in ,a)i)eeH The 1ro/hetH The Messiah o the LordH The 1ro!ised9 the Ho)y MessiahHG (ro! a house9 whi+h has <ust 2een )e t 2ehind as in so !u+h +on usion the /ro+ession is !ovin& very s)ow)y9 +o!es out a &rou/ o stron& youn& !en +arryin& a2ove their heads +o//er 2raziers u)) o +har+oa) and in+ense9 whi+h 2urn s/readin& +)ouds o s+ented s!o6e. Their &esture is we)) )i6ed9 and !any run ahead or return to their houses9 to &et ire and s+ented resins to 2urn and thus /ay ho!a&e to the 7hrist.

14 'nna)eah's house a//ears. The terra+e is de+6ed with vines the new )eaves o whi+h are =uiverin& in the !i)d '/ri) wind9 and a)on& the street side there is a u)) row o &ir)s dressed in white and wearin& white vei)s9 in the !idd)e o the! there is 'nna)eah9 with 2as6ets o /)u+6ed /eta)s o roses and )i)ies o the va))ey9 that are a)ready )yin& a2out in the air. EThe vir&ins o Israe) are &reetin& ;ou9 LordHG says John9 who has /ushed throu&h the +rowd and is now 2eside Jesus9 drawin& His attention to the &ar)and o /urity9 whi+h is )eanin& out o the /ara/et s!i)in& and strewin& the street with /eta)s as red as 2)ood and with )i)ies o the va))ey as white as /ear)s. Jesus draws rein or a !o!ent and sto/s the +o)t. He )oo6s u/ and raises His hand to 2)ess that vir&inity in )ove with Hi! to the e3tent o or&oin& a)) other earth)y )ove. 'nd 'nna)eah )eanin& orward shoutsI EI have seen ;our triu!/h9 !y LordH Ta6e !y )i e or ;our universa) &)ori i+ationHG and with a very )oud +ry9 as Jesus /asses +)ose to her house and /ro+eeds9 she &reets Hi!I EJesusHG 'nd another 2ut di erent +ry e3+eeds the +)a!our o the +rowds. %ut a)thou&h the /eo/)e hear it9 they do not sto/. It is a torrent o enthusias!9 a torrent o de)irious /eo/)e that +annot sto/. 'nd whi)e the )ast waves o this torrent are sti)) outside the &ate9 the irst ones are a)ready 2e&innin& to +)i!2 the s)o/es )eadin& to the Te!/)e. E;our MotherHG shouts 1eter9 /ointin& at a house a)!ost at the +orner o a street that )eads u/ to the Moriah and a)on& whi+h the /ro+ession 2e&ins to /ass. 'nd Jesus )oo6s u/ to s!i)e at His Mother9 4ho is u/ there a!on& the aith u) wo!en. 15 The o2sta+)e o a )ar&e +aravan sto/s the /ro+ession a ew !etres a ter it has /assed the house. 'nd whi)e Jesus sto/s with the others9 +aressin& the +hi)dren that !others ho)d u/ to Hi!9 a !an rushes towards Hi!9 e)2owin& his way throu&h the +rowd and shoutin&I ELet !e /assH ' wo!an has <ust died. ' youn& &ir). ')) o a sudden. Her !other is invo6in& the Master. Let !e /assH He a)ready saved her on+eHG The /eo/)e !a6e roo! and the !an runs towards Jesus and saysI EMaster9 0)iza's dau&hter is dead. She &reeted ;ou with that +ry9 then she 2ent 2a+6wards sayin&I CI a! ha//yD and she 2reathed her )ast. Her heart was overwhe)!ed 2y the &reat <oy in seein& ;our triu!/h. Her !other saw !e on the terra+e o the house ne3t to hers and she sent or !e. 7o!e9 MasterHG E$eadH 'nna)eah deadH 4as she not hea)thy9 2)oo!in& and ha//y u/ to yesterdayFG The a/ost)es and the she/herds thron& to&ether e3+ited)y. 0very2ody saw her yesterday in /er e+t &ood hea)th. 5n)y a )itt)e whi)e a&o they saw her rosy and s!i)in&N They +annot understand su+h a !is ortuneN They as6 =uestions9 they in=uire a2out detai)sN EI don't 6now. ;ou have a)) heard her words. She s/o6e in a )oud voi+e9 sure o herse) .

5//. Jesus En&e s in&" Je usa2e..


Then I saw her )ean 2a+6wards9 and she was whiter then her dress and I heard her !other shoutN I 6now nothin& e)se.G E$o not 2e e3+ited. She is not dead. ' )ower e)) and the an&e)s o ,od /i+6ed it u/ to ta6e it to '2raha!'s 2oso!. The )i)y o the 0arth wi)) soon o/en ha//i)y in 1aradise9 i&norin& the horror o the wor)d orever. Man9 te)) 0)iza not to wee/ over the )ot o her dau&hter. Te)) her that she was &ranted a &reat &ra+e 2y ,od9 and that in si3 days' ti!e she wi)) understand what &ra+e ,od &ranted her dau&hter. $o not wee/. Let no one wee/. Her triu!/h is even &reater than Mine9 2e+ause the an&e)s are es+ortin& the vir&in to )ead her to the /ea+e o the <ust. 'nd it is an eterna) triu!/h that wi)) in+rease in de&ree without ever 6nowin& ai)ure. I so)e!n)y te)) you that you have reason to wee/ over yourse)ves9 not over 'nna)eah. Let us &o.G 'nd He re/eats to the a/ost)es and to those around Hi!I E' )ower has a))en. It )ay down in /ea+e and the an&e)s /i+6ed it u/. %)essed is the &ir) /ure in )esh and heart9 2e+ause she wi)) soon see ,od.G E%ut how did it ha//en9 what did she die o 9 LordFG as6s 1eter who +annot 2e)ieve it. E5 )ove. 5 e+stasy. 5 in inite <oy. ' ha//y deathHG Those who are ar ahead are unaware9 those who are ar 2ehind are a)so unaware. So the hosannas +ontinue even i here9 around Jesus9 /eo/)e have 2e+o!e /ensive)y si)ent. It is John who 2rea6s the si)en+e sayin&I E5hH I shou)d )i6e to have the sa!e )ot 2e ore the uture hoursHG EI9 tooG says Isaa+. EI shou)d )i6e to see the a+e o the &ir) who died o )ove or ;ouNG EI 2e& you to sa+ri i+e your wishes to Me. I need you near MeNG E4e wi)) not )eave ;ou9 Lord. %ut is there no +onso)ation or that !otherFG as6s 8athanae). EI wi)) see to thatNG 16 They are at the &ates o the en+)osure o the Te!/)e. Jesus dis!ounts ro! the )itt)e don6ey that is ta6en into +ustody 2y a !an ro! %eth/ha&e. It is ne+essary to 2ear in !ind that Jesus did not sto/ at the irst &ate o the Te!/)e9 2ut He went round the en+)osure9 and He sto//ed on)y at the northern side9 near the 'ntonia. That is where He dis!ounted and went into the Te!/)e9 as i He wished to )et /eo/)e see that He was not hidin& ro! the ru)in& /owers9 ee)in& that He had a)ways 2ehaved in an inno+ent way. The irst +ourt o the Te!/)e shows the usua) u/roar o !oney+han&ers and vendors o doves9 s/arrows and )a!2s9 with the on)y di eren+e that the vendors have 2een )e t a)one9 2e+ause every2ody has &one to see Jesus. 'nd Jesus enters9 so)e!n in His /ur/)e

&ar!ent9 and He )oo6s around at the !ar6et and at a &rou/ o 1harisees and s+ri2es9 who are wat+hin& Hi! ro! a /or+h. His eyes are )ashin& with an&er. He rushes to the +entre o the +ourt. 'n une3/e+ted )ea/ that )oo6s )i6e a )i&ht. The )i&ht o a )a!e9 2e+ause His &ar!ent is as 2ri&ht as a )a!e in the sunshine )oodin& the +ourt. 'nd in His voi+e as /ower u) as thunder He saysI E'way ro! the house o My (atherH This is no /)a+e or usury or !ar6ets. It is writtenI CMy house wi)) 2e +a))ed the house o /rayer.D So why have you turned into a ro22ers' den this house9 in whi+h the 8a!e o the Lord is invo6edF ,o awayH Leave My House +)ean. That it !ay not ha//en to you9 that instead o usin& ro/es9 I !ay stri6e you with the thunder2o)ts o heaven)y wrath. ,o awayH ,et out9 you thieves9 swind)ers9 )ewd /eo/)e9 !urderers9 i!/ious /ersons9 ido)aters o the worst ido)atry9 that o one's /roud e&o9 +orru/ters and )iars. 5utH ,et outH 5r the Most Hi&h ,od9 I warn you9 wi)) swee/ away this /)a+e or &ood and wi)) ta6e ven&ean+e u/on a)) the /eo/)e.G He does not re/eat the )ashin& o the )ast ti!e9 2ut seein& that the !er+hants and !oney@+han&ers are s)ow in o2eyin&9 He &oes to the nearest 2en+h and turns it over s/readin& s+a)es and !oney on the &round. The vendors and !oney@+han&ers !a6e haste and +arry out Jesus' order9 a ter witnessin& the irst e3a!/)e. 'nd Jesus shouts a ter the!I E'nd how !any ti!es sha)) I have to say that this !ust not 2e a /)a+e o i)th9 2ut a /)a+e o /rayerFG 'nd He )oo6s at those o the Te!/)e who9 o2eyin& the orders o the 1onti 9 do not !a6e any &esture o re/risa). 17 ' ter +)eansin& the +ourt9 Jesus &oes towards the /or+hes where 2)ind9 /ara)yti+9 !ute9 +ri//)ed and other si+6 /eo/)e are &athered and are invo6in& Hi! at the to/ o their voi+es. E4hat do you want Me to do or youFG EMy si&ht9 LordH My )i!2sH That !y son !ay s/ea6H That !y wi e !ay re+over her hea)th. 4e 2e)ieve in ;ou9 Son o ,odHG EMay ,od hear you. .ise and sin& hosannas to the LordHG He does not +ure the !any si+6 /eo/)e one 2y one. %ut He !a6es a wide &esture with His hand9 and &ra+e and hea)th des+end ro! it u/on the /oor wret+hes9 who stand u/ +o!/)ete)y +ured with +ries o <oy that !in&)e with those o the !any +hi)dren9 who are /ressin& a&ainst Hi! re/eatin&I E,)ory9 &)ory to the Son o $avidH Hosanna to Jesus o 8azareth9 the :in& o :in&s and the Lord o LordsHG So!e 1harisees9 with ei&ned de eren+e9 shout to Hi!I EMaster9 do ;ou hear the!F These +hi)dren are sayin& what is not to 2e said. .e/roa+h the!H That they !ay 6ee/ =uietHG

5//. Jesus En&e s in&" Je usa2e..

63,&h Ju5/ $9**7

E4hyF The 6in& /ro/het9 the 6in& o My sto+69 did he not sayI C;ou !ade the /er e+t /raise )ow ro! the !ouths o +hi)dren and su+6)in&s to +on use ;our ene!iesDF Have you not read these words o the /sa)!istF Let +hi)dren sin& My /raises. They are /ro!/ted to sin& the! 2y their an&e)s9 who see My (ather in+essant)y and are aware o His se+rets9 whi+h they su&&est to these inno+ents. 'nd now )et Me &o and /ray the LordG and9 /assin& in ront o the /eo/)e9 He &oes into the +ourt o Israe) to /rayN

19 Jesus saysI EThe s+ene des+ri2ed 2y Lu6e see!s in+oherent9 a)!ost i))o&i+a). I ee) sorry or the !is ortunes o a &ui)ty town9 2ut I do not ee) sorry or the ha2its o that town. 8o. I a! not a2)e9 I +annot ee) sorry or the!9 2e+ause it is <ust those ha2its that 2rin& a2out their !is ortunesM and seein& the! !a6es My sorrow dee/er. My an&er with the Later9 +o!in& out throu&h another &ate9 &oin& a)on& the Shee/ 1oo)9 He )eaves the town dese+rators o the Te!/)e is the )o&i+a) +onse=uen+e o My !editation on the orth+o!in& !is ortunes o Jerusa)e!. and &oes 2a+6 to the hi))s o the Mount o 5)ives. 18 The a/ost)es are u)) o enthusias!N The triu!/h has &iven the! +on iden+e9 they have +o!/)ete)y or&otten a)) the terror that the words o the Master had aroused in the!N They are s/ea6in& o everythin&N They are dyin& to have news o 'nna)eah. 4ith di i+u)ty Jesus /revents the! ro! &oin&9 assurin& the! that He wi)) /rovide and He 6nows how to do soN They turn a dea ear to every divine advi+eN They are tru)y !en9 and a +ry o hosanna !a6es the! or&et everythin&N Jesus s/ea6s to Mary o Ma&da)a's servants9 who had <oined Hi! at the Te!/)e9 and then He dis!isses the!N E'nd where are we &oin& nowFG as6s 1hi)i/. ETo Mar6 o Jonas' houseFG says John. E8o. To the ie)d o the ,a)i)eans. 1erha/s My 2rothers have +o!e and I shou)d )i6e to &reet the!G says Jesus. E;ou wi)) 2e a2)e to do that to!orrowG Thaddeus /oints out to Hi!. It is a)ways the /ro anation o the +u)t o ,od9 o the Law o ,od that /rovo6es the /unish!ents o Heaven. %y turnin& the House o ,od into a ro22ers' den9 those worth)ess /riests and those worth)ess 2e)ievers Kon)y su+h 2y na!eL were drawin& !a)edi+tion and death on a)) the /eo/)e. It is use)ess to &ive this or that na!e to the !is ortunes that !a6e a /eo/)e su er. Loo6 or the ri&ht na!e in thisI C1unish!ent or )ivin& )i6e 2rutes.D ,od withdraws and 0vi) advan+es. That is the resu)t o a nationa) way o )ivin& undeservin& to 2e na!ed 7hristian. 's in the /ast9 a)so now9 in the short /eriod o this +entury9 I have not +eased sha6in& and warnin& /eo/)e 2y !eans o /rodi&ies. %ut as in the /ast9 I did nothin& 2ut draw !o+6ery9 indi eren+e and hatred u/on Myse) and My !eans. %ut individua)s and nations ou&ht to 2ear in !ind that they wee/ in vain9 when 2e orehand they did not want to a+6now)ed&e their sa)vation. In vain they invo6e Me when9 whi)e I was with the!9 they drove Me away with a sa+ri)e&ious war that startin& ro! individua) +ons+ien+es9 devoted to 0vi)9 s/read throu&hout the 8ation. (ather)ands are not so !u+h saved with wea/ons as they are 2y !eans o a or! o )i e that !ay attra+t /rote+tion ro! Heaven.

EIt is 2etter to do thin&s whi)e they +an 2e done. Let us &o to the ,a)i)eans. They wi)) 2e .est9 )itt)e John. 'nd !a6e sure you are a)ways aith u) to your e)e+tion. ,o in /ea+e.G /)eased to see us. ;ou wi)) have news o your a!i)ies. I sha)) see the +hi)drenNG How tired I a!H I a! rea))y e3haustedN E'nd what a2out this evenin&F 4here sha)) we s)ee/F In townF 4hereF 4here ;our Mother isF 5r at Johanna'sFG as6s Judas Is+ariot. EI do not 6now. 7ertain)y not in town. 1erha/s under so!e ,a)i)ean tent a&ainNG E%ut whyFG E%e+ause I a! the ,a)i)ean and I )ove My (ather)and. Let us &o.G They set out a&ain9 &oin& u/ towards the ie)d o the ,a)i)eans9 whi+h is on the Mount o 5)ives towards %ethany9 and is a)) +overed with white tents shinin& in the /)easant '/ri) sun. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
63,&h .a!'h $9*87

20 Jesus saysI EMy /atient se+retary9 /ut here the visionI CThe evenin& o 1a)! SundayD K4th Mar+h 1945L9 and !ay My /ea+e 2e with you.G

5/9. The E,enin1 "- Pa2. Sunda(.


5%9. The E0enin4 #1 Pa5( Sunda/.

*&h .a!'h $9*5.

1 Jesus is with His a/ost)es in the /ea+e o the ,arden o the Mount o 5)ives. It is evenin&. ' te/id evenin& with a u)) !oon. They are sittin& on the natura) seats that are the terra+es o the o)ive@&rove9 on the irst ones9 whi+h a+e the &)ade situated at the 2e&innin& o ,ethse!ane. The :idron is &ur&)in& a!on& its stones and see!s to 2e ta)6in& to itse) . 5ne +an hear on)y the son& o an odd ni&htin&a)e or ee) the 2reath o the 2reeze. 8othin& e)se. Jesus is s/ea6in&. E' ter the triu!/h o this !ornin& your s/irits are =uite di erent. 4hat sha)) I sayF That your !inds are re)ievedF 5hH yesH (ro! a hu!an /oint o view they are re)ieved. ;ou entered the town tre!2)in& 2e+ause o My words. 0a+h o you see!ed to ear that hired ru ians on the other side o the wa))s were ready to atta+6 hi! and ta6e hi! /risoner. 2 In every !an there is another !an who revea)s hi!se) in the !ost dan&erous hours. There is the hero9 who in the hours o &reater dan&er e!er&es ro! the !ee6 ty/e o !an that the wor)d had a)ways 6nown hi! to 2e and had +onsidered uni!/ortant9 the hero who a+es a stru&&)e sayin&I CHere I a!D9 who says to the ene!y9 to an over2earin& o//onentI C7o!/ete with !eD. 'nd there is the saint who9 whi)e the others run away9 stru+6 with terror 2e ore wi)d /eo/)e )oo6in& or vi+ti!s9 saysI CTa6e !e as a hosta&e and or your sa+ri i+e. I wi)) /ay on 2eha) o every2ody.D 'nd there is the +yni+ who avai)s hi!se) o the &enera) !is ortune and )au&hs over the 2odies o the vi+ti!s. There is the traitor9 who has a +oura&e o his own9 that o evi). The traitor who is the a!a)&a!ation o the +yni+ with the +oward9 and that is a)so a +ate&ory that revea)s itse) in dan&erous hours. %e+ause they +yni+a))y ta6e advanta&e o a !is ortune and in a +oward)y way they <oin the stron&er /arty9 darin& to a+e the s+orn o ene!ies and the +urses o the or)orn9 /rovided they !a6e a /ro it. Last)y there is the !ost wides/read ty/e9 the +oward who in the dan&erous hour +an 2ut re/ent o havin& !ade 6nown that he 2e)on&ed to a /arty and to a !an9 now stru+6 with anathe!a9 and runs awayN Su+h a +oward is not so +ri!ina) as the +yni+ or so revo)tin& as the traitor. %ut he a)ways shows the i!/er e+tion o his s/iritua) stru+ture. ;ouN are su+h. $o not say that you are not. I +an read +ons+ien+es. 3 This !ornin& you were thin6in& a!on& yourse)vesI C4hat wi)) ha//en to usF 're we &oin& to our death as we))FD 'nd your )ower /art was !oanin&I C4hen everHND ;es. %ut have I ever de+eived youF 4ith My irst words I s/o6e to you o /erse+utions and death. 'nd when one o you9 throu&h e3+ess o ad!iration9 wanted to see Me and introdu+e Me as a 6in&9 as one o the /oor 6in&s o the 0arth9 a)ways a /oor 6in& even i the 6in& and restorer o the 6in&do! o Israe)9 I i!!ediate)y +orre+ted the error and I

saidI CI a! 6in& o the s/irit. I o er hardshi/s9 sa+ri i+es9 sorrows. I have nothin& e)se. I have nothin& e)se here on the 0arth. %ut a ter My death and your death in My aith9 I wi)) &ive you an eterna) :in&do!9 the :in&do! o Heaven.D $id I /erha/s say so!ethin& di erent to youF 8o. ;ou say I did not. 'nd then you a)so saidI CThis is a)) we wantI we want to 2e with ;ou9 and to 2e treated9 to su er )i6e ;ou9 or ;ou.D ;es. That is what you said. 'nd you were sin+ere. %e+ause you were reasonin& )i6e +hi)dren9 )i6e thou&ht)ess +hi)dren. ;ou thou&ht that it was easy or you to o))ow Me9 and you were so u)) o the tre2)e sensua)ity that you +ou)d not ad!it that what I was !entionin& to you was true. ;ou thou&htI CHe is the Son o ,od. He is sayin& that to test our )ove. 8o !an wi)) 2e a2)e to stri6e Hi!. Sin+e He wor6s !ira+)es9 He wi)) 2e a2)e to wor6 a &reat one or Hi!se) HD 'nd ea+h o you wou)d addI CI +annot 2e)ieve that He !ay 2e 2etrayed9 +a/tured9 6i))ed.D ;our hu!an aith in My /ower was so stron& that you went to the e3tent o not havin& aith in My words9 the true9 s/iritua)9 ho)y and san+ti yin& (aith. CHe 4ho wor6s !ira+)es wi)) +ertain)y wor6 one in His own avourHD you were sayin&. I wi)) wor6 not one9 2ut !any !ore. 'nd two o the! wi)) 2e su+h as no !ind o !an +an /ossi2)y i!a&ine. They wi)) 2e su+h as on)y the 2e)ievers in the Lord +an a+6now)ed&e. ')) other /eo/)e9 to the end o ti!e9 wi)) sayI CI!/ossi2)eHD 'nd even a ter My death I sha)) 2e the o2<e+t o +ontradi+tion or !any. 4 5n a !i)d s/rin& !ornin& ro! a !ountain I announ+ed the various 2eatitudes. There is sti)) another oneI C%)essed are those who +an 2e)ieve without seein&.D ,oin& throu&h 1a)estine I have a)ready saidI C%)essed are those who )isten to the word o ,od and 6ee/ itD9 and a)soI C%)essed are those who do the wi)) o ,odD and I said !any !ore9 2e+ause in the house o My (ather !any are the <oys awaitin& saints. %ut there is a)so this one. 5hH %)essed are those who wi)) 2e)ieve without seein& with the eyes o their 2odiesH They wi)) 2e so ho)y that9 a)thou&h on the 0arth9 they a)ready see ,od9 the ,od hidden in the Mystery o )ove. %ut a ter 2ein& with Me or three years9 you have not yet arrived at that aith. 'nd you 2e)ieve on)y what you see. So9 as ro! this !ornin&9 a ter the triu!/h9 you are sayin&I CIt is <ust what we said. He is triu!/hin&. 'nd we with Hi!.D 'nd9 )i6e 2irds that are )ed&in& a&ain a ter their eathers have 2een torn o 2y so!e +rue) /erson9 you are )yin& o 9 2eside yourse)ves with <oy9 sure o yourse)ves9 ree ro! the +onstraints that My words had /ut in your hearts. 're you !ore re)ieved a)so in your s/iritsF 8o9 your s/irits are even )ess re)ieved. %e+ause you are even )ess /re/ared or the i!/endin& hour. ;ou have drun6 the hosannas )i6e a stron& a&reea2)e wine. 'nd you are ine2riated with it. Is an ine2riated !an ever stron&F The )itt)e hand o a +hi)d is su i+ient to !a6e hi! sta&&er and a)). That is what you are )i6e. 'nd the si&ht o hired ru ians wi)) 2e enou&h to !a6e you run away )i6e ti!id &aze))es9 whi+h see the shar/ !uzz)e o a <a+6a) a//ear near the ro+6 o a !ountain and9 as ast as the wind9 they

5/9. The E,enin1 "- Pa2. Sunda(.


s+atter throu&h the so)itude o the desert. 5 5hH !a6e sure you do not die o dread u) thirst in that 2urnin& arena9 whi+h is the wor)d without ,odH My dear riends9 do not say what Isaiah says re errin& to this a)se and dan&erous state o your s/irits. $o not sayI CHe s/ea6s o nothin& 2ut +ons/ira+ies. %ut there is nothin& to ear9 nothin& to 2e a raid o . 4e !ust not 2e a raid o what He /ro/hesies to us. Israe) )oves Hi!. 'nd we have seen that.D How o ten the de)i+ate 2are oot o a )itt)e 2oy treads on the &rass o a )owery !eadow9 /i+6in& )owers to ta6e the! to his !other9 and he thin6s that he wi)) ind on)y ste!s and )owers9 and instead he )ays his hee) on the head o a sna6e9 and is 2itten 2y it and diesH The )owers were +on+ea)in& the sna6e. ')so this !ornin&N that ha//ened a)so this !ornin&H I a! the 7onde!ned !an +rowned with roses. .osesHN How )on& do roses )astF 4hat is )e t o the! on+e their +oro))as shed their snow@white s+ented /eta)sF Thorns. I J Isaiah said so J sha)) 2e or you9 and with you I say that I sha)) 2e the san+tuary or the wor)d9 2ut a)so the stu!2)in&@stone9 the +hie +u)/rit9 the snare and ruin or Israe) and the 0arth. I wi)) san+ti y those who have &ood wi)) and I wi)) overthrow and +rush those who have an evi) wi)). The an&e)s do not s/ea6 a)se words or words that )ast a short ti!e. They +o!e ro! ,od9 4ho is Truth and is 0terna)9 and what they say is the truth and their words are i!!uta2)e. They saidI C1ea+e to !en o &ood wi))D. Then9 o 0arth9 ;our Saviour was 2orn. 8ow your .edee!er is &oin& to His death. %ut to have /ea+e ro! ,od9 that is9 san+ti i+ation and &)ory9 it is ne+essary to have C&ood wi))D. ?se)ess is My 2irth9 use)ess My death or those who do not have that &ood wi)). My +ryin& and My deathratt)e9

o the 0arth has 2een re!oved in on)y one day9 the seven eyes wi)) +o!e to the stone o the eterna) 1riest to see ,od9 and the seven ountains wi)) )ow to de eat Satan's ire. SatanN Judas9 )et us &o. 'nd re!e!2er that ti!e is runnin& short and the La!2 is to 2e handed over 2y Thursday evenin&.G

59,. The .#nda/ )e1#!e Pass#0e!. The Cu!sed Fi4FT!ee and &he Pa!a)5e #1 &he ;i'<ed Hus)and(en.
3$s& .a!'h $9*8.

1 Jesus +o!es out ear)y ro! the tent o a ,a)i)ean9 on the ta2)e)and on the Mount o 5)ives9 where !any ,a)i)eans &ather on the o++asion o so)e!n estivities. The (ie)d is a)) as)ee/9 )it u/ 2y the !oon that is settin& s)ow)y9 enve)o/in& tentsM trees and s)o/es9 and the town as)ee/ down there at the 2otto!9 in a white@si)very )i&ht... Jesus /asses reso)ute)y and noise)ess)y a!on& the tents9 and on+e He is out o the (ie)d9 He &oes down ast a)on& the stee/ s)o/es towards ,ethse!ane9 He /asses throu&h it9 +o!es out o it9 He +rosses the )itt)e 2rid&e over the :idron9 a si)ver ri22on sin&in& to the !oon9 He arrives at the ,ate wat+hed over 2y )e&ionaries. This ni&ht wat+h at the +)osed ,ates is /ro2a2)y a /re+autionary !easure o the 1ro+onsu). The so)diers9 our in a))9 are s/ea6in& sittin& on )ar&e stones /)a+ed as seats a&ainst the !assive wa))9 and they are war!in& the!se)ves at a )itt)e ire o dry twi&s that +asts a reddish )i&ht on the shinin& )ori+as and stern he)!ets9 under whi+h a//ear a+es so di erent9 in their Ita)i+ eatures9 ro! those o the He2rews.

My irst ste/ and the )ast one9 the wound o My +ir+u!+ision and that o My +onsu!!ation9 wi)) have 2een o no avai) i in you9 i in !en9 there is not the &ood wi)) to redee! and san+ti y yourse)ves. 'nd I say to youI ' very )ar&e nu!2er o /eo/)e wi)) stu!2)e a&ainst Me9 whi)st I a! /)a+ed as a su//ortin& /i))ar9 and not as a snare or E4ho is thereHD as6s the irst one who sees Jesus' ta)) i&ure a//ear ro! 2ehind the !an9 and they wi)) a)) 2e+ause9 2ein& ine2riated with /ride9 )ust and avari+e9 they wi)) +orner o a )itt)e house near the ,ate9 and he &ras/ a shar/@/ointed s/ear that was 2e entra//ed in the net o their own sins9 +au&ht and handed over to Satan. :ee/ these )eanin& a&ainst the near2y wa))9 and he stands in the /res+ri2ed attitude9 i!itated 2y the words in your hearts and sea) the! or uture dis+i/)es. others. 'nd without &ivin& Jesus ti!e to re/)y he saysI C8o one is a))owed to +o!e in. 6 Let us &o. The Stone is risin&. 'nother ste/ orward. ?/on the !ountain. It !ust $on't you 6now that this is the end o the se+ond wat+hFD shine on the su!!it 2e+ause He is the Sun9 the Li&ht9 the 0ast. 'nd the Sun shines on EI a! Jesus o 8azareth. My !other is in town9 I a! &oin& to Her.G su!!its. It !ust 2e on the !ountain9 2e+ause the true Te!/)e is to 2e seen ro! a)) over the wor)d. 'nd I a! 2ui)din& it 2y Myse) with the )ivin& Stone o My sa+ri i+ed E5h the Man 4ho 2rou&ht 2a+6 ro! the dead the !an o %ethanyH %y JoveH I sha)) see %ody. I wi)) +e!ent its /arts with the )i!e !ade with sweat and 2)ood. 'nd I sha)) 2e hi! at )astHG 'nd he a//roa+hes Hi! )oo6in& at Hi! +urious)y9 wa)6in& around Hi!9 on My throne +)othed in 2ri&ht /ur/)e9 wearin& a new +rown9 and those who are ar as i he wished to !a6e sure that it is not so!ethin& unrea)9 so!ethin& stran&e9 2ut a away wi)) +o!e to Me9 they wi)) wor6 in My Te!/)e9 around it. I a! the 2ase and the !an )i6e every2ody e)se. 'nd he says soI E5hH My &oodnessH He is as handso!e as su!!it. %ut a)) around9 the a2ode wi)) e3/and wider and wider. 'nd I wi)) sha/e My '/o))o9 2ut He is !ade e3a+t)y )i6e usH 'nd he has neither 2aton9 nor +a/9 nor any si&n stones and or! My handi+ra ts!an Myse) 9 's I was wor6ed on with a +hise) 2y My o His /owerHG He is /er/)e3ed. Jesus )oo6s at hi! /atient)y9 s!i)in& &ent)y. (ather9 2y Love9 2y !an and 2y Hatred9 so I wi)) wor6 on the!. ' ter the wi+6edness

59$.The '"nda( 6e-" e Pass",e . The :u sed Fi1BT ee and &he Pa a62e "- &he 8i39ed Hus6and.en.


The others9 who are not so +uriousJthey have /ro2a2)y a)ready seen Jesus on other )ean He isF o++asions J sayI EIt wou)d have 2een a &ood thin& i He had 2een there ha) way E'nd yet the He2rews...G throu&h the irst wat+h9 when the 2eauti u) &ir)9 who died this !ornin&9 was ta6en to her se/u)+hre. 4e wou)d have seen her rise...G EThey do drin69 a)thou&h they /retend they don't 'nd ine2riated with the stron& wines o this )and and with their stron& drin6s9 they have seen &od in a !an. %e)ieve !e. The Jesus 6ind)y re/eatsI EMay I &o to My MotherFG &ods are id)e stories. 5)y!/us is e!/ty and the 0arth has none.G The our so)diers rouse u/. The senior saysI E'+tua))y9 a++ordin& to insru+tions9 we E I they heard you...G shou)d not )et any2ody /ass. %ut ;ou wou)d /ass <ust the sa!e. He who or+es the doors o Hades9 +an easi)y or+e the &ates o +)osed town. 'nd ;ou are not a !an who E're you sti)) +hi)dish to the e3tent o not 2ein& a +andidate and not 6nowin& that wi)) /rovo6e re2e))ions. So the /rohi2ition does not a//)y to ;ou. Try not to 2e seen 2y 7aesar hi!se) does not 2e)ieve in the &ods9 neither do the /onti i+es9 the au&urs9 the the /atro) in town. 5/en the &ate9 Mar+us ,ratus. 'nd ;ou9 &o in noise)ess)y. 4e are harus/i+es9 the 'rva) 2rethren9 the vesta) vir&ins9 or any2ody e)seFG so)diers and we !ust o2ey...G E4hy then...FG E%e not a raid. ;our 6indness wi)) not 2e+o!e a /unish!ent or you.G E4hy the ritesF %e+ause /eo/)e )i6e the!9 they are use u) to the /riest and 7aesar 5ne o the )e&ionaries +autious)y o/ens the wi+6et@door within the hu&e !ain door and avai)s hi!se) o the! to 2e o2eyed9 as i he were an earth)y &od he)d 2y the hand 2y saysI C%e =ui+6. The se+ond wat+h ends short)y and we sha)) 2e re/)a+ed 2y the &uards. the 5)y!/ian &ods. %ut the irst not to 2e)ieve are those who! we venerate as !inisters o the &ods. I a! /yrrhonian. I have trave)ed round the wor)d. I have had !any E1ea+e 2e with youG e3/erien+es. My hair has 2e+o!e &rey at !y te!/)es and !y way o thin6in& has E4e are warriors...G !atured. My /ersona) +ode +onsists o three senten+es. To )ove .o!e9 the on)y &oddess and the on)y +ertainty9 to the e3tent o sa+ri i+in& !y )i e or her. To 2e)ieve nothin&9 EThe /ea+e I &ive )asts a)so in warti!e9 2e+ause it is the /ea+e o the sou).G 2e+ause everythin& around us is an i))usion9 with the e3+e/tion o our sa+red i!!orta) (ather)and. 4e !ust dou2t even ourse)ves9 2e+ause it is not +ertain whether we )ive. 'nd Jesus enters the dar6 ar+h o/ened in the thi+6 wa)). He /asses si)ent)y 2e ore the Senses and reason are not su i+ient to !a6e us 6now or +ertain that we have &uard@roo!9 throu&h the door o whi+h +o!es the )i+6erin& )i&ht o an oi) )a!/9 su++eeded in 6nowin& the Truth and to )ive and to die are o the sa!e va)ue9 2e+ause han&in& ro! a hoo6 o the )ow +ei)in&9 and whi+h a))ows one to see the 2odies o we do not 6now what it is to )ive and what is to dieG he says9 a e+tin& the /hi)oso/hi+ so)diers s)ee/in& on !ats )aid on the )oor9 a)) wra//ed in their !ant)es9 with their s6e/ti+is! o a su/erior !ind... wea/ons 2eside the!. 2 Jesus is in town 2y now.. and I )ose si&ht o Hi!9 whi)e I wat+h two o the /revious so)diers &o 2a+6 in9 a ter wat+hin& to see whether Jesus had &one away9 2e ore wa6in& the s)ee/in& so)diers or the +han&e. EHe +an no )on&er 2e seen... I wonder what he !eant 2y those words. I shou)d have )i6ed to 6nowD says the youn&er one. E;ou shou)d have as6ed Hi!. He does not des/ite us. He is the on)y Jew who does not )oo6 down on us and does not annoy us in any wayD re/)ies the other one9 who is in u)) !anhood. EI did not dare. How +ou)d I9 a /easant ro! %enevento9 s/ea6 to a !an. 4ho is said to 2e ,odFG The other one )oo6s at Hi! dou2t u))y. He then saysI EI9 instead9 2e)ieve. 'nd I shou)d )i6e to 6now... To )earn ro! that !an who has <ust &one 2y. He +ertain)y 6nows the Truth. So!ethin& stran&e e!anates ro! Hi!. It is a )i&ht that /enetrates youHG May 'es+u)a/ius save youH ;ou are i))H ;ou +a!e u/ to town ro! the va))ey on)y a short ti!e a&o9 and those who !a6e that <ourney and are not a++)i!atised to these surroundin&s 2e+o!e easi)y everish. ;our !ind is wanderin&. 7o!e. 5n)y war! wine with s/i+es +an !a6e you sweat the /oison o Jordan ever...G and he /ushes hi! towards the &uard@roo!. %ut the other one rees hi!se) sayin&I EI a! not i)). I don't want any war! s/i+ed wine. I want to wat+h over there9 2eyond the wa))s Khe /oints at the inner side o the wa))sL and wait or the !an who said He is Jesus.G

' &od ridin& a don6eyF HaH HaH I He were as drun6 as %a++hus9 He !i&ht do that. %ut EI you don't !ind waitin& ... I a! &oin& to wa6e u/ the !en or the +han&e. He is not drun6. I don't thin6 He even drin6s honeyed wine. $on't you see how wan and ,ood2ye ...G

59$.The '"nda( 6e-" e Pass",e . The :u sed Fi1BT ee and &he Pa a62e "- &he 8i39ed Hus6and.en.


E'nd he &oes into the &uard@roo! noisi)y9 awa6in& his +o!/anions and shoutin&I E;our ti!e is u/. 7o!e on9 you )azy id)ersH I a! tiredH ...G He yawns noisi)y and +urses9 2e+ause they have )et the ire &o out and they have drun6 a)) the war! wine Eso ne+essary to dry the 1a)estinian dew ...G The other one9 the youn& )e&ionary9 )eanin& a&ainst the wa))9 i))u!inated )i&ht)y 2y the !oon ro! the west9 is waitin& or Jesus to retra+e His ste/s. The stars are wat+hin& over his ho/e ... 3 In the !eanti!e Jesus has arrived at Lazarus' house on the hi)) o >ion and 6no+6s at the door. Levi o/ens it to Hi! . ;ou9 MasterFH The )adies are s)ee/in&. 4hy did ;ou not send a servant9 i ;ou needed so!ethin&FG EThey wou)d not have )et hi! /ass.G E'hH that is trueH %ut how did ;ou /assFG EI a! Jesus o 8azareth. 'nd the )e&ionaries )et Me /ass. %ut it not to 2e divu)&ed9 Levi.G EI wi)) not !ention it... They are 2etter than !any o usHG ETa6e Me where My Mother is s)ee/in& and do not wa6e any2ody e)se in the house.G

There is a noise in the roo!9 as o a +hair 2ein& !oved9 and a )i&ht shu )in& o eet9 and a )ow su2dued voi+e as6sI E4ho is 6no+6in&FG EIt is I9 Mother. 5/en the door.G The door is o/ened at on+e. 5n)y the !oon)i&ht i))u!inates the =uiet roo! and s/reads its rays on an untou+hed 2ed. ' +hair is near the window wide o/en on the !ystery o the ni&ht. E4ere ;ou not s)ee/in& yetF It is )ateHG EI was /rayin& ... 7o!e9 Son. Sit here where I wasG and She /oints at the +hair near the window. EI +annot sto/. 4 I have +o!e to &et ;ou and &o to 0)iza at 5/he). 'nna)eah is dead. $id ;ou not 6nowFG E8o. 8o2ody ... 4hen9 JesusFG E' ter I /assed.G E' ter ;ou /assedH So ;ou were the )i2eratin& 'n&e) or herFH The 0arth was su+h a /rison or herH Ha//y &ir)H I wish I were in her /)a+eH $id she die ... o a natura) deathF I !eanI not 2y a !is ortuneFG

EShe died o the <oy o )ovin&. I was to)d when I was a)ready on the s)o/e o the Te!/)e. 7o!e with Me9 Mother. 4e are not a raid o /ro anin& ourse)ves to +o! ort a !other who he)d in her ar!s her dau&hter who died o su/ernatura) <oy ... 5ur irst E's ;ou wish9 Lord. Lazarus has ordered a)) the !ana&ers o his houses to o2ey ;ou in vir&inH The one who +a!e to ;ou at 8azareth9 to see Me and as6 Me to &ive her this everythin& without any dis+ussion or de)ay. It was <ust a ter dawn when a servant9 !any <oy ... .e!ote /ea+e u) days.G servants too6 his order to a)) the houses. 52ey and 2e =uiet. 4e wi)) do that. ;ou &ave our !aster 2a+6 to us ...G EThe other day she was sin&in& )i6e a 2)a+6+a/ in )ove and she 6issed Me sayin&I CI a! ha//yHD9 and she was ea&er to hear everythin& a2out ;ou. How ,od or!ed ;ou. How The !an trots ahead o Jesus a)on& the +orridors9 as wide as &a))eries9 o Lazarus' He +hose Me. 'nd My irst thro2s o a +onse+rated vir&in ... 8ow I understand ... I a! wonder u) !ansion on the hi)) o >ion9 and the )i&ht he is +arryin& in his hands ready9 Son.G i))u!inates in a antasti+ !anner the urniture and ta/estry adornin& the wide +orridors. The !an sto/s at a +)osed door sayin&I E;our Mother is in there.G Mary9 whi)e s/ea6in&9 has /ut u/ Her /)aits that were han&in& down Her shou)ders9 !a6in& Her )oo6 )i6e a youn& &ir)9 and She has /ut on Her vei) and !ant)e. E;ou !ay &o.G They &o out !a6in& the )east /ossi2)e noise. Levi is a)ready near the !ain door. He E'nd what a2out the )i&htF $o ;ou not want itF I +an &o 2a+6 without it. I 6now the e3/)ains why sayin&I EI /re erred so ... %e+ause o !y wi e ... 4o!en are +urious. She house very we)). I was 2orn here.G wou)d have as6ed !e dozens o =uestions. Instead she does not 6now ...G ELeave it. 'nd do not ta6e the 6ey out o the door. I a! &oin& out at on+e.G He o/ens the door and is a2out to +)ose it. Jesus saysI EI wi)) 2rin& My Mother 2a+6 E;ou 6now where to ind !e. I wi)) )o+6 it as a /re+aution. %ut I sha)) 2e ready to o/en the door or ;ou as soon as ;ou +o!e.G Jesus re!ains a)one. He 6no+6s )i&ht)y9 su+h a )i&ht 6no+6 that on)y one wide awa6e +an hear it. durin& this wat+h.G EI sha)) 2e wat+hin& here. $o not 2e a raid.G E1ea+e to you.G

59$.The '"nda( 6e-" e Pass",e . The :u sed Fi1BT ee and &he Pa a62e "- &he 8i39ed Hus6and.en.


5 They &o a)on& the si)ent e!/ty streets9 ro! whi+h the !oon)i&ht is s)ow)y withdrawin&9 whi)e it sti)) shines on the to/s o the ta)) houses on the hi)) o >ion. It is 2ri&hter in the su2ur2 o 5/he) where the !odest houses are )ower. Here is 'nna)eah's house9 7)osed9 dar69 si)ent. So!e withered )owers are sti)) )yin& on the two ste/s o the house. 1erha/s they were thrown 2y the vir&in 2e ore she died9 or they e)) o her +o in ... Jesus 6no+6s at the door. He 6no+6s a&ain ... The noise o a window o/ened on the u//er /art o the 2ui)din&. ' de<e+ted voi+e as6sI E4ho is 6no+6in&FG EMary and Jesus o 8azarethG re/)ies Mary. E5hH I a! +o!in&H ...G

voi+e i))ed the house. She was as &ra+e u) as s/rin&ti!e. Joy !ade her eyes shine )i6e stars9 and her /arted )i/s showin& her white teeth were a de)i+ate /o!e&ranate red9 and her +hee6s were as rosy and resh as s/rin& roses adorned with dew. 'nd she 2e+a!e as white as a )i)y that had <ust o/ened. 'nd she 2ent on !y 2reast )i6e a 2ro6en ste! ... 8ot another wordH 8ot a si&hH 8o )on&er +o)our u). 8ot a &)an+e. 's /)a+id and 2eauti u) as an an&e) o ,od9 2ut )i e)ess. 7 's ;ou are re<oi+in& in the triu!/h o ;our Son9 and He is hea)thy and stron&9 ;ou do not 6now what !y &rie is )i6e 4hy did He not +o!e 2a+6F In what had she dis/)eased Hi!9 and I with her9 that He did not hear !y /rayerFG

E0)izaH 0)izaH $o not say... ,rie is !a6in& you 2)ind and dea . 0)iza9 you are not aware o My su erin&. 'nd you do not 6now what a dee/ sea My su erin& wi)) 2e+o!e. ;ou ' short wait9 then the noise o the s)idin& 2ars. The door is o/ened showin& the worn@ saw she was /)a+id and 2eauti u) when she re)a3ed in /ea+e. In your ar!s. I... I have out a+e o 0)iza9 who is ho)din& on with di i+u)ty the door@/ost9 and when Mary &oin& 2een +onte!/)atin& My 7hi)d or over thirty years and9 2eyond the s!ooth +)ean 2ody in stret+hes Her ar!s towards her9 she +o))a/ses on Her 2reast9 so22in& aint)y )i6e one that I +onte!/)ate and +aress9 I see the wounds o the Man o sorrows that My Son wi)) who has we/t so !u+h as to have no tears or voi+e )e t. 2e. ;ou who say that I do not 6now what it is to see a son &o to his death twi+e9 and to Jesus +)oses the door /atient)y waitin& or His Mother to soothe so !u+h &rie . There is die on+e and re!ain thus in /ea+e9 do you "now what it #eans to a #other to see such a a roo! +)ose to the door. They &o into it and Jesus ta6es the )a!/ that 0)iza had )aid on vision for so #any years$ My SonH Here He is. He is a)ready dressed in red9 as i He were +o!in& out o a 2ath o 2)ood. 'nd soon9 2e ore )on&9 the a+e o your dau&hter the )oor o the entran+e 2e ore o/enin& the door. The tears o the !other see! to 2e wi)) not yet have 2e+o!e dar6 in her &rave9 and I sha)) see Hi! dressed itI the /ur/)e o end)ess. She s/ea6s to Mary so22in& hoarse)y. ' !other is s/ea6in&9 the Mother ... His inno+ent %)ood. 5 the %)ood that I &ave Hi!. 'nd whi)e you re+eived your Jesus9 standin& a&ainst a wa))9 is si)ent... dau&hter on your heart9 do you 6now what My sorrow wi)) 2e )i6e9 seein& My Son die 6 0)iza +annot resi&n herse) to that death9 that ha//ened so ... 'nd in her &rie she )i6e a +ri!ina) on a +ross o woodF Loo6 at Hi!9 the Saviour o every2odyH In their 2)a!es Sa!ue)9 the /er<urious ian+e9 or itI CThat +ursed !an 2ro6e her heartH She s/irits and in their )esh. %e+ause the )esh o those saved 2y Hi! wi)) 2e in+orru/t and never said anythin&9 %ut I wonder or how )on& she had 2een su erin&H 'nd in her <oy9 2)essed in His :in&do!. 'nd )oo6 at MeH Loo6 at this Mother 4ho +ontinua))y in shoutin&9 her heart 2ro6e. May he 2e +ursed orever.G a++o!/anies and ta6es Her Son to the Sa+ri i+eH 5hH I wou)d not ho)d Hi! 2a+6 one E8o9 My dear. 8o. $o not +urse9 It is not so. ,od )oved her so !u+h that He wanted her ste/H I +an understand you9 /oor !other. %ut try and understand My heartH $o not hate My Son. 'nna)eah wou)d not have 2een a2)e to /ut u/ with the a&ony o her Lord. 'nd in His /ea+e. %ut even i she had died 2e+ause o Sa!ue) J it is not so9 2ut )et us her Lord !ade her 2)essed in an hour o <u2i)ation.G su//ose so or a !o!ent J +onsider what a <oy u) death she had9 and say that the wi+6ed deed 2rou&ht a2out a ha//y death or her.G 8 0)iza has sto//ed wee/in& u/on hearin& this reve)ation. She stares at Mary9 4hose /a)e a+e o a !artyr is wet with si)ent tears9 she )oo6s at Jesus9 4ho is )oo6in& at her EI no )on&er have herH She is deadH She is deadH ;ou do not 6now what it is to )ose a /iti u))y... and she 6nee)s at Jesus' eet !oanin&I E%ut she is deadH She is dead9 LordH dau&hterH Twi+e I have tasted that sorrow. %e+ause I was a)ready wee/in& over her9 as Li6e a )i)y9 a 2ro6en )i)y. The /oets say that ;ou ta6e de)i&ht in )i)iesH 5hH rea))y9 ;ou9 she was as &ood as dead9 when ;our Son +ured her. %ut now... %ut now... He did not 2orn o the )i)y@Mary9 o ten +o!e down a!on& )owery )ower@2eds9 and ;ou turn +o!e 2a+6H He did not have !er+y... I have )ost herH LostH My +hi)d is a)ready in her &raveH $o ;ou 6now what it !eans to see a son in the throes o deathF To 6now that he /ur/)e roses into snow@white )i)ies9 and ;ou /i+6 the! re!ovin& the! ro! the wor)d. 4hyF 4hy9 LordF Is it not air that a !other shou)d en<oy the rose 2orn o herF 4hy !ust dieF To see hi! dead9 when one thou&ht he had re+overed and was stron&F ;ou e3tin&uish its /ur/)e in the +o)d whiteness o death o a )i)yFG do not 6now. ;ou +annot say anythin&... She was as 2eauti u) as a rose that had <ust o/ened in the ear)y sunshine9 when she was adornin& herse) this !ornin&. She had wanted to adorn herse) with the dress I had !ade or her weddin&. She was a)so intendin& to +rown herse) as a 2ride. Then she /re erred to undo the &ar)and9 that was ready9 and /)u+6 the )owers to throw the! to ;our Son9 and she san&H She san&H Her ELi)iesH They wi)) 2e the sy!2o) o those wo!en who )ove Me as My Mother )oved ,od. The snow@white )ower@2ed o the $ivine :in&.G E%ut we !others sha)) wee/. 4e !others have a ri&ht to our +hi)dren. 4hy de/rive

59$.The '"nda( 6e-" e Pass",e . The :u sed Fi1BT ee and &he Pa a62e "- &he 8i39ed Hus6and.en.


the! o )i eFG EI do not !ean that9 wo!an. The dau&hters wi)) re!ain9 2ut +onse+rated to the :in&9 )i6e the vir&ins in the /a)a+es o So)o!on. .e!e!2er the Son&... 'nd they wi)) 2e s/ouses9 the 2e)oved9 on the 0arth and in Heaven.G E%ut !y dau&hter is deadH She is deadHG 'nd she resu!es wee/in& in a heart@rendin& !anner. EI a! the .esurre+tion and Li e. 4ho 2e)ieves in Me9 even i he dies9 wi)) )ive9 and I so)e!n)y te)) you that he wi)) never die. ;our dau&hter is )ivin&. She wi)) )ive orever 2e+ause she 2e)ieved in Li e. My $eath wi)) 2e +o!/)ete Li e or her. She was aware o the Joy o )ivin& in Me 2e ore 2ein& aware o the &rie o seein& Me torn away ro! )i e. ;our sorrow !a6es you 2)ind and dea 9 as My !other ri&ht)y says. ;ou wi)) soon 2e re/eatin& the word I sent you this !ornin&I CHer death was rea))y a &ra+e o ,od.D %e)ieve Me9 wo!an. Horror is han&in& over this /)a+e. 'nd the day wi)) +o!e when !others who have 2een stru+6 )i6e you9 wi)) sayI C1raised 2e ,od 4ho s/ared our +hi)dren these days.D 'nd the !others who have not 2een stru+6 wi)) +ry to HeavenI C4hy9 o ,od9 did ;ou not 6i)) your +hi)dren 2e ore this hourFD %e)ieve Me9 wo!an. %e)ieve My words. $o not raise 2etween 'nna)eah and yourse) the rea) 2arrier that se/arates /eo/)e9 that o the di eren+e o aith. SeeF I +ou)d have re rained ro! +o!in&. ;ou 6now how !u+h I a! hated. $o not )et the triu!/h o one hour de+eive youH... 0very +orner !ay +on+ea) a tra/ or Me. 'nd I have +o!e a)one9 at ni&ht9 to +onso)e you and s/ea6 these words to you. I /ity the sorrow o a !other. %ut I have +o!e to say these words to you or the /ea+e o your sou). 1ea+e 2e with youH 1ea+eHG E,ive !e it9 LordH I +annotH In !y &rie I +annot set !y !ind at rest. %ut ;ou9 4ho &ive )i e 2a+6 to the dead and hea)th to the dyin&9 &ive /ea+e to the heart o a !other torn 2y &rie .G ELet it 2e so9 wo!an. 1ea+e to you.G He i!/oses His hands on her9 2)essin& her and /rayin& si)ent)y over her. Mary has a)so 6ne)t down 2eside 0)iza9 e!2ra+in& her with Her ar!. 9 E,ood2ye9 0)iza9 I a! &oin& ...G ESha)) we not !eet a&ain9 LordF I sha)) not )eave !y house or !any days9 and ;ou wi)) 2e &oin& away a ter the 1assover estivities. ;ou ... are sti)) /art o !y dau&hter so!ehow... 2e+ause 'nna)eah... 2e+ause 'nna)eah )ived in ;ou and or ;ou.G She wee/s. More +a)!)y9 2ut how !u+h she wee/sH

EIn ei&ht ni&hts' ti!e as ro! toni&ht.G E'nd wi)) ;ou +o! ort !e a&ainF 4i)) ;ou 2)ess !e to &ive stren&thFG EMy heart wi)) 2)ess you with a)) the u))ness o My )ove or those who )ove Me. 7o!e9 Mother.G ESon9 i ;ou wi)) a))ow Me9 I shou)d )i6e to re!ain a )itt)e )on& with this !other. Sorrow is a 2i))ow that +o!es 2a+6 a&ain9 a ter He 4ho &ives /ea+e has &one away ... I wi)) +o!e 2a+6 at the irst hour. I a! not a raid to +o!e 2y Myse) . ;ou 6now that. 'nd ;ou 6now that I wou)d /ass throu&h a who)e ene!y ar!y to +onso)e a 2rother o Mine in ,od.G E's ;ou wish. I a! &oin&. ,od 2e with you.G He &oes out noise)ess)y9 +)osin& the door o the roo! and that the house. 10 He &oes 2a+6 to the wa))s9 to the ,ate o 0/hrai!9 or the Ster+ora) or $un& ,ate9 2e+ause I have heard severa) ti!es these two ,ates9 whi+h are +)ose to ea+h other9 !entioned with these three na!es9 /erha/s 2e+ause one o/ens on the Jeri+ho road9 whi+h is at the 2otto!9 a road that ta6es one to 0/hrai!9 and the other is +)ose to the Hinno! va))ey9 where the ru22ish o the town is 2urnt9 and they are so a)i6e that I +on use the!. It is <ust 2e&innin& to dawn on the eastern side o the s6y9 whi+h however9 is sti)) +rowded with stars. The streets are enve)o/ed in a di! )i&ht that is !ore tedious than the dar6ness o the ni&ht9 that was !oderated 2y the white )i&ht o the !oon. %ut the .o!an so)dier has &ood si&ht9 and as soon as he sees Jesus advan+in& towards the ,ate9 he &oes to !eet Hi!. EHai). I have 2een waitin& or ;ou ...G He sto/s hesitatin&. ES/ea6 u/ without any ear. 4hat do you want o MeFG ETo 6now. ;ou saidI CThe /ea+e that I &ive )asts a)so in warti!e 2e+ause it is the /ea+e o the sou).D I shou)d )i6e to 6now what /ea+e it is9 and what is the sou). How +an a !an9 who is at war9 2e at /ea+e. The te!/)e o 1ea+e is +)osed when Janus' is o/ened. The two thin&s +annot 2e to&ether in the wor)d.G He is s/ea6in& )eanin& a&ainst the )ow &reenish wa)) o a 6it+hen &arden9 in a )ane as narrow as a /ath runnin& throu&h ie)ds9 a!on& /oor houses9 a da!/9 &)oo!y. dar6 )ane. '/art ro! a &)i!!er showin& the 2urnished he)!et9 nothin& e)se +an 2e noti+ed o the two who are s/ea6in&. The shadow enve)o/es their a+es and 2odies in +o!/)ete dar6ness.

Jesus )oo6s at her ... He +aresses her &rey@haired head and He says to herI E;ou wi)) see Jesus' voi+e sounds !i)d and 2ri&ht 2e+ause o His <oy in throwin& a seed o )i&ht into Me a&ain.G the heathen. EIt is true9 /ea+e and war +annot 2e to&ether in the wor)d. 5ne e3+)udes the other. %ut in a warrior there +an 2e /ea+e even i he is ordered to i&ht in a war. My E4henFG /ea+e +an 2e in hi!. %e+ause My /ea+e +o!es ro! Heaven and it is not u/set 2y the

59$.The '"nda( 6e-" e Pass",e . The :u sed Fi1BT ee and &he Pa a62e "- &he 8i39ed Hus6and.en.


ru!2)e o war or the ero+ity o !assa+res. ' divine thin&9 it invades the divine thin& that !an has within hi!se) 9 and is na!ed sou).G E$ivineF In !eF 7aesar is divine. I a! the son o /easants. 8ow I a! a /rivate so)dier. I I a! va)iant9 I !ay 2e+o!e a +enturion. %ut not divine.G EThere is a divine /art in you. It is the sou). It +o!es ro! ,od. ro! the true ,od. So it is divine9 a )ivin& &e! in !an9 and it nourishes itse) and )ives with divine thin&sI aith9 /ea+e9 truth. 4ar does not u/set it. 1erse+utions do not in<ure it. $eath does not 6i)) it. 0vi) on)y9 doin& what is u&)y9 wounds or 6i))s it9 and a)so de/rives it o the /ea+e that I &rant. %e+ause evi) se/arates !an ro! ,od.G E'nd what is evi)FG ETo 2e in heathenis! and worshi/ ido)s when the &oodness o the true ,od has !ade one 6now that there is the true ,od. 8ot to )ove one's ather9 !other9 2rothers and one's nei&h2our. To stea)9 to 6i))9 to 2e re2e))ious9 to 2e )ust u)9 to 2e a)se. That is evi).G E'hH then I +annot have ;our /ea+eH I a! a so)dier and I a! ordered to 6i)). So there is no sa)vation or usFHG E%e as <ust in warti!e as you are in /ea+e@ti!e. $o your duty without +rue)ty and without avidity. 4hi)e i&htin& and +on=uerin&9 +onsider that your ene!y is )i6e you9 and that every town has !others and &ir)s )i6e your !other and your sisters9 and 2e 2rave without 2ein& a 2rute. ;ou wi)) not !ove away ro! <usti+e and /ea+e9 and My /ea+e wi)) re!ain in you.G E'nd thenFG E'nd thenF 4hat do you !eanFG E' ter !y deathF 4hat wi)) ha//en to the &ood I have done and to the sou)9 that ;ou say does not die i one does not do evi) thin&sFG EIt )ives. It )ives adorned with the &ood it has done9 in a <oy u) /ea+e9 &reater than the one any !an en<oys on the 0arth.G ESo in 1a)estine on)y one /erson had done &oodH I see.G E4hoFG ELazarus o %ethany. His sou) did not dieHG ETru)y9 he is a <ust !an. %ut !any are )i6e hi!9 and they die without 2ein& raised ro! the dead9 2ut their sou)s )ive in the true ,od. %e+ause the sou) has another a2ode9 in the :in&do! o ,od. 'nd those who 2e)ieve in Me wi)) enter into that :in&do!.G E0ven I9 a .o!anFG

E;ou as we))9 i you 2e)ieve in the Truth.G E4hat is the TruthFG EI a! the Truth and the 4ay to &o to the Truth9 and I a! the Li e and I &ive the Li e9 2e+ause those who a++e/t the Truth a++e/t the Li e.G The youn& so)dier is /ensive...9 si)ent... Then he raises his a+e. The sti)) /ure a+e o a youn& !an9 and he s!i)es9 a )i!/id9 serene s!i)e. He saysI EI wi)) try to re!e!2er a)) this and to )earn even !ore. I )i6e it...G E4hat is your na!eFG EBita). (ro! %enevento. (ro! the +ountryside o that town.G EI wi)) re!e!2er your na!e. Ma6e your s/irit rea))y vita) 2y nourishin& it with the Truth. ,ood2ye. The ,ate is 2ein& o/en I a! )eavin& the town.G EHai)HG 11 Jesus &oes =ui+6)y to the ,ate and hastens a)on& the road )eadin& to the :idron and to ,ethse!ane and then+e to the (ie)d o ,a)i)eans. '!on& the o)ive@trees o the !ountain He !eets with Judas :erioth9 who is a)so &oin& u/ ast towards the (ie)d9 whi+h is awa6in&. Judas !a6es a &esture as i he were ri&htened indin& hi!se) in ront o Jesus. Jesus )oo6s at hi! i3ed)y9 without s/ea6in&. EI went to ta6e ood to the )e/ers. %ut... I ound two at Hinno!9 ive at Si)oa!. The others9 +ured. They are sti)) there9 2ut they are +ured so we)) that they as6ed !e to in or! the /riest. I had &one down at day2rea69 to 2e ree )ater. It wi)) +ause a stir. Su+h a )ar&e nu!2er o )e/ers +ured at the sa!e ti!e a ter ;ou 2)essed the! in the /resen+e o so !any /eo/)eHG Jesus does not s/ea6. He )ets hi! s/ea6 ... He does not sayI E;ou did the ri&ht thin&G9 or anythin& e)se +on+ernin& Judas' a+tion an the !ira+)e9 2ut sto//in& sudden)y and starin& at the a/ost)e He as6s hi!I E4e))F The a+t that I )e t you reedo! and !oney9 what +han&e has it !adeFG E4hat do ;ou !eanFG EThisI I a! as6in& you whether you have san+ti ied yourse) sin+e I &ave you 2a+6 reedo! and !oney. 'nd you understand Me ... 'hH JudasH %ear it in !indH ')ways 2ear it in !indI you are the one who! I )oved !ore than any2ody e)se9 re+eivin& ro! you )ess )ove than a)) the others have &iven Me. 8ay9 I re+eived hatred &reater9 2e+ause it is the hatred o one who! I treated as a riend9 than the ier+est hatred o the ier+est 1harisee. 'nd re!e!2er a)so thisI that not even now I hate you9 2ut as ar as the Son o

59$.The '"nda( 6e-" e Pass",e . The :u sed Fi1BT ee and &he Pa a62e "- &he 8i39ed Hus6and.en.


!an is +on+erned. I or&ive you. ,o9 now. 8othin& !ore is to 2e said 2etween you and Me. 0verythin& has a)ready 2een done... G Judas wou)d )i6e to say so!ethin&9 2ut Jesus with an authoritative &esture 2e+6ons to hi! to &o on... 'nd Judas9 his head )owered )i6e a de eated !an9 &oes on... 12 't the 2oundary o the (ie)d o the ,a)i)eans9 the a/ost)es and Lazarus' two servants are ready.

1eo/)e +rowd round Hi!9 and a !other9 who has +o!e ro! 7intiu!9 shows Hi! her )itt)e 2oy who! a disease9 I thin69 has !ade 2)ind His eyes are white9 as i he had a )ar&e +atara+t over his /u/i) or a )eu+o!a. Jesus +ures hi! tou+hin& his eyes )i&ht)y with His in&ers. 'nd He i!!ediate)y 2e&ins to s/ea6I

E' !an 2ou&ht a /ie+e o &round and /)anted a vineyard in it9 he 2ui)t a house or the hus2and!en9 a tower or the +areta6ers9 wine@+e))ars and /)a+es where to /ress the &ra/es9 and he )eased it to tenants who! he trusted. Then he went a2road. 4hen the ti!e +a!e that the vineyard +ou)d 2ear ruit9 as the vines had &rown to the e3tent o E4here have ;ou 2een9 MasterF 'nd you9 JudasF 4ere you to&etherFG 2ein& ruit@2earin&9 the owner o the vineyard sent his servants to the tenants to +o))e+t Jesus /revents Judas' re/)y sayin&I EI had so!ethin& to say to so!e hearts. Judas went the /ro it o the harvest. %ut the tenants surrounded the servants and they 2eat so!e9 to the )e/ers ... %ut they are a)) +ured9 e3+e/t seven.G they stoned so!e with heavy stones woundin& the! serious)y9 and they 6i))ed so!e o the!. Those who had survived and had &one 2a+6 to the )andowner9 to)d hi! what had E5hH why did you &oF I wanted to +o!e9 tooHG says the >ea)ot. ha//ened to the!. The owner +ured and +o! orted the! and sent !ore servants9 this ETo 2e ree now to +o!e with us. Let us &o. 4e sha)) enter into town 2y the Shee/ ti!e a )ar&er nu!2er. 'nd the tenants dea)t with the! as they had done with the ,ate. Let us !a6e hasteG says Jesus a&ain. /revious ones. Then the owner o the vineyard saidI CI wi)) send !y son to the!. They wi)) +ertain)y res/e+t !y heir.D %ut the tenants9 when they saw hi! +o!e and they He is the irst to set out9 /assin& throu&h the o)ive@&roves that ta6e one ro! the (ie)d9 situated a)!ost ha) @way 2etween %ethany and Jerusa)e!9 to the other )itt)e 2rid&e that rea)ised that he was the heir9 said to one anotherI C7o!e. Let us &ather to&ether in a )ar&e nu!2er. Let us ta6e hi! out9 to a re!ote /)a+e9 and 6i)) hi!. His inheritan+e wi)) s/ans the :idron near the Shee/ ,ate. 2e )e t to us.D 'nd9 re+eivin& hi! with hy/o+riti+a) honours9 they &athered round hi! as So!e houses o /easants are s+attered a)on& the s)o/es9 and a)!ost at the 2otto!9 near i they wished to &ive a hearty we)+o!e9 then9 a ter 6issin& hi!9 they tied hi!9 they the water o the torrent9 a ru )ed i&tree dan&)es over the strea!. Jesus turns His ste/s &ave hi! a &ood thrashin&9 and with end)ess !o+6in& words they too6 hi! to the /)a+e towards it and He sear+hes a!on& the )ar&e thi+6 )eaves to see whether there are any o torture and 6i))ed hi!. 8ow te)) Me. That ather and owner9 who one day wi)) rea)ise ri/e i&s. %ut the i&@tree is nothin& 2ut )eaves9 !any use)ess )eaves9 2ut there is not one that his son and heir to his /ro/erty is not +o!in& 2a+69 and he inds out that his ruit on its 2ran+hes. servant@tenants9 to who! he had &iven his )and to +u)tivate in his na!e en<oyin& a air share o it and &ivin& what was air to their !aster are the !urderers o his son9 what ;ou are )i6e !any hearts in Israe). ;ou are neither 6ind nor /iti u) to the Son o !an. wi)) he doFG and Jesus' sa/hire eyes9 as 2ri&ht as i they were )it 2y the sun9 )ash on the May you never 2ear ruit a&ain and !ay no one ever eat o your ruit in utureG says /eo/)e /resent9 and /arti+u)ar)y on the &rou/s o the !ore in )uentia) Judaeans9 Jesus. 1harisees and s+ri2es9 s+attered a!on& the +rowd. The a/ost)es )oo6 at one another. They are sur/rised at Jesus' an&er at the 2arren tree9 8o one s/ea6s. whi+h is /ro2a2)y a wi)d one. %ut they do not say anythin&. 5n)y )ater9 a ter +rossin& the :idron9 1eter as6s Hi!I E4here did ;ou eatFG ESo9 s/ea6 u/H 't )east you9 ra22is o Israe). S/ea6 the word o <usti+e to +onvin+e the /eo/)e to 2e <ust. I !i&ht s/ea6 a word that is not &ood9 a++ordin& to your !inds. So I E8owhere.G as6 you to s/ea69 so that the /eo/)e !ay not 2e )ed into error.G E5hH Then ;ou are hun&ryH There is a she/herd over there /asturin& so!e &oats. I wi)) The s+ri2es are +o!/e))ed to re/)y and they sayI EHe wi)) /unish the wi+6ed !en with a &o and as6 or so!e !i)6 or ;ou. I wi)) not 2e )on&G and he strides away and +o!es +rue) death and wi)) &ive the vineyard to other tenants9 so that they !ay +u)tivate it in 2a+6 +autious)y with an o)d 2ow) u)) o !i)6. an honest !anner9 &ivin& hi! the ruit o )and entrusted to the!.G Jesus drin6s it and with a +aress He hands the 2ow) 2a+6 to the youn& she/herd who E4hat you said is +orre+t. In the S+ri/tures it is writtenI CThe stone re<e+ted 2y the had +o!e with 1eter ... 2ui)ders has 2e+o!e the 6eystone. This is the wor6 o the Lord and it is wonder u) to see.D There ore9 as it is written thus9 and you 6now9 and you ri&ht)y <ud&e that those 13 They enter into the town and &o u/ to the Te!/)e and9 a ter worshi//in& the Lord9 tenants who 6i))ed the son and heir o the owner o the vineyard shou)d 2e /unished in a Jesus &oes 2a+6 to the +ourt where the ra22is tea+h.

59$.The '"nda( 6e-" e Pass",e . The :u sed Fi1BT ee and &he Pa a62e "- &he 8i39ed Hus6and.en.


+rue) !anner and the vineyard shou)d 2e &iven to other tenants to 2e +u)tivated in an honest way9 we))9 that is why I say to youI CThe :in&do! o ,od wi)) 2e ta6en away ro! you and wi)) 2e &iven to /eo/)e to !a6e it yie)d ruit. And he who falls against this stone will brea" in pieces and he upon who# the stone falls will be crushed. DG 14 The +hie /riests9 the 1harisees and s+ri2es9 with a rea))y... heroi+ attitude9 do not rea+t. So /ower u) is the ea&erness to rea+h one's ai!H 5n /ast o++asions they at )east o//osed Hi!9 whereas today9 when the Lord Jesus o/en)y te))s the! that their /ower wi)) 2e ta6en away ro! the!9 they do not a2use Hi!9 they do not rea+t vio)ent)y a&ainst Hi!9 they do not threaten Hi!9 2ehavin& )i6e a)se /atient )a!2s9 that under the hy/o+riti+a) a//earan+e o !ee6ness +on+ea) the un+han&ea2)e hearts o wo)ves. They <ust a//roa+h Hi!9 as He has resu!ed wa)6in& 2a+6wards and orwards9 )istenin& to this one and that one o the !any /i)&ri!s who have &athered in the wide +ourt9 !any o who! as6 Hi! or advi+e or +ases +on+ernin& their sou)s or a!i)y or so+ia) situations9 and they wait to 2e a2)e to say so!ethin& to Hi! a ter hearin& Hi! &ive His o/inion to a !an on a +o!/)i+ated !atter o inheritan+e9 whi+h has 2rou&ht a2out dis+ord and i))@ ee)in& a!on& severa) heirs9 2e+ause o a son their ather had to a !aidservant o the househo)d and who! he ado/ted. The )e&iti!ate sons do not want the i))e&iti!ate one to stay with the!9 neither do they wish to have hi! <oint heir in the sharin& o houses and ie)ds9 as they do not want to have anythin& urther to do with hi!. %ut they do not 6now how to sett)e the !atter9 2e+ause their ather 2e ore dyin& !ade the! swear that9 as he had a)ways divided the 2read a!on& the i))e&iti!ate son and the )e&iti!ate ones in e=ua) /arts9 so they had to share out the inheritan+e in e=ua) !easure with hi!. Jesus says to the !an who is +onsu)tin& Hi! on 2eha) o his three 2rothersI E0a+h o you shou)d &ive u/ a /ie+e o &round and se)) it9 in order to /ut to&ether the !oney e=uiva)ent to one i th o the tota) /atri!ony9 and &ive it to the i))e&iti!ate son sayin&I CHere is your share. ;ou are not 2ein& +heated out o what 2e)on&s to you9 neither have we wron&ed our ather's wi)). ,o and ,od 2e with you.D 'nd &ive /)enti u))y9 even !ore than the e3a+t va)ue o his share. $o so in the /resen+e o <ust witnesses9 and no one on the 0arth or 2eyond the 0arth wi)) 2e a2)e to utter a word o re/roa+h or &ive rise to a s+anda). 'nd there wi)) 2e /ea+e a!on& you and in you9 as you wi)) not ee) re!orse or diso2eyin& your ather9 and you wi)) not have with you hi! who9 a)thou&h rea))y inno+ent9 u/sets you !ore than i he were a hi&hway!an /)a+ed a!on& you.G

s/irit o your ather 2e anathe!a to you. ,od has <ud&ed hi!. ;our +urses are not re=uired. ')ways honour your ather9 even i he is &ui)ty9 not or hi!se) 9 2ut 2e+ause he re/resented your ,od on the 0arth9 as he +reated you 2y ,od's de+ree and 2e+ause he is the )ord o your house. 1arents +o!e i!!ediate)y a ter ,od. .e!e!2er the $e+a)o&ue. 'nd do not sin. ,o in /ea+e.G 15 The /riests and s+ri2es a//roa+h Hi! then to =uestion Hi!I E4e heard ;ou. 4hat ;ou said is ri&ht. 8ot even So)o!on +ou)d have &iven a wiser /ie+e o advi+e. %ut sin+e ;ou wor6 wonders ;ou &ive advi+e su+h as on)y the wise 6in& +ou)d &ive9 te)) us what authority have ;ou to do su+h thin&sF 4hen+e does su+h /ower +o!e to ;ouFG Jesus stares at the!. He is neither a&&ressive nor +onte!/tuous 2ut He is very i!/osin&. He saysI EI a)so have a =uestion to as6 you9 and i you re/)y to Me9 I wi)) te)) you 2y whi+h authority I9 a /oor !an without authority o o i+es J 2e+ause that is what you !ean J do these thin&s. Te)) MeI where did John's 2a/tis! +o!e ro!F (ro! Heaven or ro! the !an who ad!inistered itF .e/)y to !e %y whi+h authority did John ad!inister it as a /uri yin& rite /re/are you or the +o!in& o the Messiah9 i John was even /oorer and )ess )earned than I a!9 and he had no o i+e whatsoever as he )ived in the desert sin+e his +hi)dhoodFG The s+ri2es and /riests +onsu)t with one another. The /eo/)e /ress round the!9 with wide@o/en eyes and /ri+6ed u/ ears9 ready to /rotest i the s+ri2es dis=ua)i y the %a/tist and o end the Master9 and to a++)ai! i they are de eated 2y the =uestion o the divine)y wise .a22i o 8azareth. The dead si)en+e o this +rowd awaitin& the re/)y is stri6in&. It is so /ro ound that the 2reathin& and whis/erin& o the /riests and s+ri2es +an 2e heard9 as they s/ea6 to one another a)!ost without utterin& words9 and in the !eanti!e they &)an+es at the /eo/)e9 whose ee)in&s they rea)ise are ready to e3/)ode. 't )ast they !a6e u/ their !inds and they re/)y. They turn towards the 7hrist 4ho9 )eanin& a&ainst a +o)u!n9 His ar!s o)ded a+ross His +hest9 s+ans their a+es without ever )osin& si&ht o the!9 and they sayI EMaster9 we do not 6now 2y whi+h authority John did that or where his 2a/tis! +a!e ro!. 8o one ever thou&ht o as6in& the %a/tist whi)e he was a)ive9 and he never !entioned it o his own a++ord.G E'nd neither wi)) I te)) you 2y whi+h authority I do su+h thin&s. 'nd He turns His 2a+6 to the! +a))in& the Twe)ve9 and /ushin& His way throu&h the +heerin& +rowd9 He )eaves the Te!/)e.

The !an saysI EThe i))e&iti!ate son rea))y u/set the /ea+e o our a!i)y9 he ruined the 16 4hen they are a)ready out9 2eyond the 1ro2ati+a9 as they +a!e out on that side9 %artho)o!ew says to Hi!I E;our ene!ies have 2e+o!e very /rudent. 1erha/s they are hea)th o !y !other who died o &rie 9 and usur/ed a /)a+e that did not 2e)on& to hi!.G +onvertin& to the Lord 4ho sent ;ou and wi)) re+o&nise ;ou as the ho)y Messiah.G Man9 he is not &ui)ty9 2ut he who /ro+reated hi! is to 2e 2)a!ed. He did not as6 to 2e EThat is true. They did not dis+uss ;our =uestion or ;our re/)y...G says Matthew. 2orn and 2ear the !ar6 o i))e&iti!a+y. It was the +ovetousness o your ather who 2e&ot hi! to hand hi! over sorrow and to &rieve you. %e there ore <ust towards the ELet it 2e so. It is 2eauti u) that Jerusa)e! shou)d turn to the Lord her ,odG says inno+ent !an who is a)ready /ain u))y e3/iatin& a sin that is not his. $o not )et the %artho)o!ew a&ain.

59$.The '"nda( 6e-" e Pass",e . The :u sed Fi1BT ee and &he Pa a62e "- &he 8i39ed Hus6and.en.


E$o not de)ude yourse)vesH That /art o Jerusa)e! wi)) never +onverted. They did not re/)y in a di erent !anner 2e+ause they were a raid o the +rowd. I read their thou&hts even i I +ou)d not hear their su2dued words.G E'nd what were they sayin&FG as6s 1eter. EThey were sayin& this. I want you to 2e a+=uainted with what they said9 that you !ay 6now the! thorou&h)y and you !ay &ive uture dis+i/)es and e3a+t des+ri/tion o the hearts o !en in My days. They did not re/)y 2e+ause they are turnin& to the Lord. %ut 2e+ause they said to one anotherI CI we re/)yI 'The 2a/tis! o John +a!e ro! Heaven'9 the .a22i wi)) say to usI 'Then why did you not 2e)ieve what +a!e ro! Heaven and was !eant as a /re/aration or the Messiani+ ti!eF'M and i we sayI '(ro! !an'9 then the +rowds wi)) turn a&ainst us sayin&I 'Then why do you not 2e)ieve what our /ro/het John said o Jesus o 8azarethF' So it is 2etter to sayI '4e do not 6now.'D That is what they were sayin&. 8ot 2e+ause they were 2ein& +onverted to ,od9 2ut out o !ean +a)+u)ation and 2e+ause they did not want to have to ad!it with their own )i/s that I a! the 7hrist and I do what I do 2e+ause I a! the La!2 o ,od o 4ho! the 1re+ursor s/o6e. 'nd neither did I wish to say 2y what authority I do the thin&s I do. I have a)ready said it !any ti!es within those wa))s and a)) over 1a)estine and My !ira+)es s/ea6 even !ore than My words. 8ow I wi)) no )on&er say it with My words. I wi)) )et the /ro/hets and My (ather and the si&ns o Heaven s/ea6. %e+ause the ti!e has +o!e when a)) the si&ns wi)) 2e &iven. Those !entioned 2y the /ro/hets and indi+ated 2y the sy!2o)s o our history9 and those whi+h I announ+edI the si&n o JonahM do you re!e!2er that day at :edeshF It is the si&n that ,a!a)ie) is awaitin&. ;ou9 Ste/hen9 and you9 Her!as9 and you9 %arna2as9 who have )e t your +o!/anions to o))ow Me today9 have +ertain)y heard the ra22i s/ea6 o that si&n severa) ti!es. 4e))9 the si&n wi)) soon 2e &iven.G He &oes away u/ throu&h the o)ive@&roves on the !ountain9 o))owed 2y His a/ost)es and 2y !any o His seventy@two dis+i/)es9 2eside others who9 )i6e Jose/h %arna2as9 o))ow Hi! to hear Hi! s/ea6 a&ain. @@@@@@@@@@@@ 17 Jesus saysI C;ou wi)) /ut here the se+ond /art o the Monday9 that is9 the s/ee+hes de)ivered to My a/ost)es durin& the ni&ht Kvision o -th Mar+h 1945.G

59$. .#nda/ Ni4h& )e1#!e Pass#0e!. Tea'hin4s &# &he A9#s&5es a& Ge&hse(ane.
+&h .a!'h $9*5.

1 In the evenin&9 Jesus is sti)) in the o)ive@&rove. 'nd He is with His a/ost)es. 'nd He s/ea6s a&ain. E'nd another day has &one 2y. 8ow it is ni&ht@ti!e and then to!orrow9 and then the day a ter to!orrow9 and then the 1assover su//er.G E4here are we havin& it9 !y LordF The wo!en a)so wi)) 2e there this yearG as6s 1hi)i/. E'nd we have not !ade any arran&e!ent yet9 and the town is u)) 2eyond !easure. The who)e o Israe)9 in+)udin& even the re!otest /rose)yte9 see!s to have +o!e to the riteG says %artho)o!ew. Jesus )oo6s at hi! and9 as i He were re+itin& a /sa)!9 He saysI E,ather to&ether9 !a6e haste9 +o!e ro! everywhere to !y vi+ti! who! I a! i!!o)atin& or you9 to the &reat Bi+ti! i!!o)ated on the !ountains o Israe)9 to eat its ()esh9 to drin6 its %)ood.G E%ut whi+h vi+ti!F 4hi+hF ;ou )oo6 )i6e one su erin& ro! a i3ed !ad idea. ;ou s/ea6 o nothin& 2ut death... and ;ou &rieve usG says %artho)o!ew /assionate)y. Jesus )oo6s at hi! a&ain9 divertin& His attention ro! Si!on9 who 2ends over Ja!es o ')/haeus and 1eter +hattin& with the!9 and He saysI E4hatF 're you as6in& MeF ;ou are not one o these )itt)e ones9 who to 2e )earned !ust re+eive the se/ti or! )i&ht. ;ou were a)ready e3/ert in the S+ri/tures 2e ore I +a))ed you 2y !eans o 1hi)i/9 that !i)d s/rin& !ornin&. My s/rin&ti!e. 'nd yet9 you as6 Me whi+h is the vi+ti! i!!o)ated on the !ountains9 the one to whi+h every2ody wi)) +o!e to eed onF 'nd you say that I a! !ad with a i3ed idea 2e+ause I s/ea6 o deathF 5hH %artH Li6e the +ry o the wat+h!en9 in your dar6ness that never o/ened to )i&ht9 I uttered the announ+in& +ry on+e9 twi+e9 three ti!es. %ut you never wanted to understand. ;ou su ered at the !o!ent 2e+ause o it9 then... )i6e +hi)dren you soon or&ot the words o death and you <oy u))y went 2a+6 to your wor69 sure o yourse)ves and u)) o ho/e that your words and Mine wou)d +onvin+e the wor)d !ore and !ore to o))ow and )ove its .edee!er. 8o. 2 5n)y a ter the 0arth has sinned a&ainst Me J and 2ear in !ind that these are words o the Lord to His /ro/het J on)y a terwards9 the /eo/)e9 and not on)y this one in /arti+u)ar9 2ut the &reat /eo/)e o 'da!9 wi)) 2e&in to !oan sayin&I CLet us &o to the Lord. He 4ho hurt us9 wi)) +ure us.D 'nd the wor)d o the .edee!ed wi)) sayI C' ter two days9 that is9 two /eriods o eternity9 durin& whi+h he wi)) have )e t us at the !er+y o the 0ne!y9 who wi)) have stru+6 and 6i))ed us with a)) 6inds o wea/ons9 as we

59+.'"nda( Ni1h& 6e-" e Pass",e .Tea3hin1s &" &he A5"s&2es a& 4e&hse.ane.


stru+6 the Ho)y 5ne and 6i))ed Hi! J and we stri6e and 6i)) Hi!9 2e+ause there wi)) a)ways 2e the ra+e o 7ains who with 2)as/he!y and evi) deeds wi)) 6i)) the Son o ,od9 the .edee!er9 shootin& !orta) arrows not at His eterna) &)ori ied 1erson9 2ut at their sou)s ranso!ed 2y Hi!9 6i))in& the!9 and there ore 6i))in& Hi! throu&h their sou)s J only after these two periods the third day will co#e and we shall rise fro# the dead in His presence in the =ingdo# of ,hrist on the )arth and we shall live before Hi# in the triu#ph of the spirit. 4e sha)) 6now Hi!9 we sha)) )earn to 6now the Lord to 2e ready9 2y !eans o this true 6now)ed&e o ,od9 to fight the last battle that 2ucifer will 5oin with #an before the blast of the angel of the seventh tru#pet that wi)) o/en the 2)iss u) +horus o the saints o ,od9 with the nu!2er /er e+ted orever J it wi)) never 2e /ossi2)e to add either the youn&est 2a2y or the o)dest !an to the nu!2er J the +horus that wi)) sin&I 'The /oor 6in&do! o the 0arth is over. The wor)d with a)) its inha2itants has 2een /assed in review 2e ore the +on=uerin& Jud&e. 'nd the e)e+t are now in the hands o our Lord and o His 7hrist9 and He is our :in& orever. 1raised 2e the ')!i&hty Lord ,od 4ho is9 4ho was and 4ho wi)) 2e9 2e+ause He has ta6en His &reat /ower and has entered into /ossession o His :in&do!'D.

o its ,od9 +a))ed 2y the Lord to 2e Cvoi+eD9 sees and tre!2)es9 sees and wee/s9 sees and re<oi+esM then the sou)9 +a))ed 2y the Lord to 2e CwordD9 hears and9 thrown into e+stasy or into the /ers/iration o a&ony9 says the tre!endous words o the 0terna) ,od. %e+ause every word o ,od is tre!endous9 as it +o!es ro! Hi! 4hose verdi+t is i!!uta2)e and 4hose Justi+e is ine3ora2)e and is addressed to !en9 too ew o who! deserve )ove and 2)essin&s instead o anathe!a and +onvi+tion. Now this word that is spo"en and despised is it not the cause of dreadful sin and punish#ent for those who re5ect it after hearing it$ It is.

4 'nd what e)se !ust I do or you9 o 0/hrai!9 o Judah9 o wor)d9 that I have not done or youF I +a!e )ovin& you9 o My 0arth9 and My word 2e+a!e a sword or you and it 6i))s you 2e+ause you )oathed it. 5hH 4or)d9 who 6i)) your Saviour thin6in& that you are doin& a <ust thin&9 you are so /ossessed 2y Satan that you do not understand any !ore which is the sacrifice that &od e7acts the sacrifice of one1s sin and not of an ani#al i##olated and consu#ed with a foul soul! %ut what have I to)d you these )ast three yearsF 4hat did I /rea+hF I saidI C:now ,od in His )aws and in His natureD. 'nd I dried out9 )i6e a vase o /orous +)ay e3/osed to the sun9 s/readin& the vita) 6now)ed&e 5hH who a!on& you wi)) 2e a2)e to re!e!2er the words o this /ro/he+y9 a)ready o the Law and o ,od a!on& you. 'nd you have +ontinued to o er ho)o+austs9 resoundin& in the words o $anie)9 in a !uted tone9 and now roared 2y the voi+e o the without ever o erin& the on)y ne+essary oneI the i##olation of your evil will to the 4ise 5ne 2e ore the astounded wor)d and 2e ore you9 who are !ore astounded than the true &od! wor)dFH CThe +o!in& o the :in& J the wor)d wi)) +ontinue9 !oanin& in its wounds and 8ow the eterna) ,od says to you9 +ity o sin9 aith)ess /eo/)e J and in the hour o the en+)osed in its se/u)+hre9 evi) in )i e and wi+6ed in death9 +)osed 2y its seven o)d vi+e Jud&e!ent you wi)) 2e )ashed with a whi/ that wi)) not 2e used or .o!e and 'thens9 and 2y its in inite heresies9 the a&onisin& s/irit o the wor)d +)osed with its )ast e orts du))@witted towns that 6now neither )an&ua&e nor s+ien+e9 2ut whi+h9 when ro! eterna) within the or&anis!9 havin& died o )e/rosy 2e+ause o a)) its errors J the +o!in& o the :in& is /re/ared )i6e that o dawn and wi)) +o!e to us )i6e the rain in s/rin&ti!e and in in ants 2ad)y )oo6ed a ter 2y their nurses and 2ein& 2east)i6e in their +a/a2i)ities9 wi)) /ass into the ho)y ar!s o My 7hur+h9 My on)y su2)i!e S/ouse9 2y who! nu!2er)ess autu!n.D $awn is /re+eded and /re/ared 2y ni&ht. This is the ni&ht. The /resent one. +hi)dren wi)) 2e 2orne to Me worthy o the 7hrist9 they wi)) 2e+o!e adu)t and +a/a2)e9 3 'nd what !ust I do or you9 0/hrai!F 4hat !ust I do or you9 JudahF... Si!on9 %art9 and wi)) &ive Me /a)a+es and ar!ies9 te!/)es and saints to /eo/)e Heaven as i they Judas9 and you9 My +ousins9 you who are !ore e3/erien+ed in the %oo69 do you were stars J now the eterna) ,od says to youI CI no )on&er )i6e you and I wi)) not a++e/t re+o&nise these wordsF They do not +o!e ro! a !ad s/irit9 2ut ro! one who any &i t ro! your hands. It is )i6e dun& to Me and I wi)) throw it 2a+6 on your a+es /ossesses 4isdo! and S+ien+e. Li6e a 6in& who +a)!)y o/ens his +o ers9 2e+ause he and it wi)) sti+6 to the!. I )oathe your so)e!nities whi+h are nothin& 2ut outward 6nows where a +ertain &e! is9 whi+h he is )oo6in& or9 as he /ut it in there hi!se) 9 I a//earan+es. I wi)) a2o)ish My +ovenant with the sto+6 o 'aron and I wi)) &ive it to the =uote the /ro/hets. I a# the Word. (or a&es I s/o6e throu&h hu!an )i/s. 'nd or a&es I sons o Levi 2e+ause9 here9 this is !y 2evi and with hi# I #ade a covenant of life and wi)) s/ea6 throu&h hu!an )i/s. But all the supernatural that has been spo"en is !y peace to last forever and He was faithful to !e to the end of ti#e to the point of word. 0ven the !ost )earned and ho)y !an wou)d not 2e a2)e to rise9 with the sou) o an sacrifice. He had the ho)y ear o the (ather and He tre!2)ed with wrath9 ee)in& ea&)e9 2eyond the )i!its o the 2)ind wor)d9 to snat+h and utter the eterna) !ysteries. o ended at the !ere sound o My o ended 8a!e. He s/o6e the )aw o truth9 and there was no ini=uity on His )i/s9 He wa)6ed with Me in /ea+e and e=uity and He deterred The future is /present0 only in the 3ivine !ind. (oo)ish are those who +)ai! to !a6e !any ro! sin. The ti!e has +o!e when the /ure i!!a+u)ate Host9 /)easin& to the /ro/he+ies and reve)ations9 without 2ein& su//orted 2y 5ur 4i)). 'nd ,od soon &ives Lord9 wi)) 2e sa+ri i+ed and o ered to My 8a!e everywhere9 and no )on&er on the so)e the! the )ie and stri6es the!9 2e+ause on)y 5ne +an sayI CI a!D9 and sayI CI seeD9 and a)tar o >ion9 2e+ause you do not deserve to o er it.D sayI CI 6nowD. %ut when a 4i)) that is not to 2e !easured9 that is not to 2e <ud&ed9 that is to 2e a++e/ted with 2owed head9 without dis+ussion9 sayin&I CHere I a!D9 when su+h 5 $o you re+o&nise the eterna) wordsFG 4i)) saysI C7o!e9 rise9 hear9 see9 re/eatD9 then the sou)9 i!!ersed in the eterna) /resent

59+.'"nda( Ni1h& 6e-" e Pass",e .Tea3hin1s &" &he A5"s&2es a& 4e&hse.ane.


E4e re+o&nise the!9 o Lord. 'nd9 2e)ieve us9 we are de/ressed as i we had 2een stru+6. Is it not /ossi2)e to deviate ro! our destinyFG E$o you +a)) it destiny9 %artFG EI do not 6now what other na!e...G E'tone!ent. That is the na!e. ;ou do not o end the Lord9 without !a6in& a!ends or the o en+e. 'nd ,od the 7reator was o ended 2y the (irst !an +reated. Sin+e then the o en+e has in+reased !ore and !ore. 'nd neither the water o the $e)u&e9 nor the ire that rained on Sodo! and ,o!orrah he)/ed to !a6e !an ho)y. 8either the water nor the ire. The 0arth is a 2ound)ess Sodo! in whi+h Lu+i er wa)6s ree)y and as a 6in&. .o let a trinity co#e to wash it( the fire of love the water of sorrow the blood of the <icti#. That is9 o 0arth9 My &i t. I have +o!e to &ive you it. 'nd shou)d I now evade its a++o!/)ish!entF It is 1assover. It is not /ossi2)e to evade it.G E4hy do ;ou not &o to Lazarus'F ;ou wou)d not 2e )eein&. %ut ;ou wou)d not 2e tou+hed there.G ESi!on is ri&ht. I 2e& ;ou9 Lord9 do thatHG shouts Judas Is+ariot9 throwin& hi!se) at Jesus' eet. 't his &esture John 2e&ins to shed 2itter tears and a)so His +ousins and Ja!es and 'ndrew wee/9 a)thou&h they are !ore +o!/osed in their &rie . E$o you 2e)ieve that I a! the CLordDF Loo6 at MeHG and Jesus /ier+es with His eyes the Is+ariot's an&uished a+e. %e+ause he is rea))y distressed9 he is not ei&nin&. 1erha/s it is the )ast stru&&)e o his sou) with Satan9 and he does not su++eed in winnin&. Jesus studies hi! and o))ows his stru&&)e as a !an o s+ien+e !i&ht study the +risis o a si+6 /erson. Then He s/rin&s to His eet and so vehe!ent)y that Judas9 who was )eanin& on His 6nees9 is /ushed 2a+6 and a))s sittin& on the &round. Jesus even draws 2a+69 )oo6in& u/set9 and He saysI ETo have Lazarus arrested as we))F So9 a dou2)e /rey and dou2)e <oy. 8o. Lazarus is 6e/t or the uture 7hrist9 or the triu!/hant 7hrist. 5n)y one wi)) 2e +ast 2eyond )i e and wi)) not +o!e 2a+6. I wi)) +o!e 2a+6. %ut he wi)) not. %ut Lazarus is stayin&. ;ou9 who 6now so !any thin&s9 6now a)so that. %ut those who ho/e to have dou2)e /ro it +a/turin& the ea&)e and the ea&)et9 in their nest and without di i+u)ty9 +an 2e sure that the ea&)e has eyes or every2ody9 and that out o )ove or her )itt)e one she wi)) &o ar ro! the nest9 to 2e +a/tured a)one9 thus savin& it. I a! 6i))ed 2y hatred and yet I +ontinue to )ove. 6 ,o. I a! stayin& here to /ray. 8ever9 as in this hour that I a! )ivin&9 have I e)t the need to raise My sou) to Heaven.G ELet !e stay with ;ou9 LordG i!/)ores John. E8o. ;ou a)) need a rest. ,o.G E're ;ou re!ainin& a)) a)oneF 'nd i they shou)d har! ;ouF ;ou see! to 2e

su erin&9 too... I a! stayin&G says 1eter. E;ou wi)) &o with the others. '))ow Me to or&et !en or one hourH Let Me 2e in tou+h with the an&e)s o My (atherH They wi)) re/)a+e My Mother9 4ho is wastin& away with tears and /rayer and 4ho! I +annot over2urden with My deso)ate &rie . ,o.G E're ;ou not &oin& to wish us /ea+eFG as6s His +ousin Judas. E;ou are ri&ht. May the /ea+e o the Lord rest u/on those who are not dis&ra+e u) in His eyes. ,ood2yeG and +)i!2in& a terra+e He enters a!on& the dense)y &rowin& o)ive@ trees. E'nd yet... what He says is rea))y in the S+ri/tureH 'nd when one hears it ro! Hi!9 one understands why and or who! it is saidG whis/ers %artho)o!ew. EI to)d 1eter in the autu!n o the irst year...G says Si!on. EThat is true... %ut... 8oH 4hi)e I )ive9 I wi)) not )et Hi! 2e +a/tured. To!orrow...G says 1eter. E4hat are you &oin& to do to!orrowFG as6s the Is+ariot. E4hat a! I &oin& to doF I a! s/ea6in& to !yse) . These are days o +ons/ira+ies. 8ot even to the air wi)) I +on ide !y thou&hts. 'nd you9 who are /ower u)9 you have said so !any ti!es9 why do you not see6 /rote+tion or JesusFG EI wi))9 1eter. I wi)). %ut do not 2e sur/rised i now and a&ain I a! a2sent. I a! wor6in& or Hi!. %ut don't te)) Hi!.G E%e sure o that. 'nd !ay you 2e 2)essed. 't ti!es I have distrusted you9 2ut I a/o)o&ise to you. I see that at the ri&ht !o!ent you are 2etter than we are. ;ou a+t... I +an on)y s/ea6 e!/ty wordsG says 1eter hu!2)y and sin+ere)y. 'nd Judas )au&hs9 2ein& /)eased with the /raise. They de/art ro! ,ethse!ane &oin& towards the road that )eads to Jerusa)e!.

592. The Tuesda/ .#!nin4 )e1#!e Pass#0e!. The Gues&i#ns #1 &he T!i)u&e &# Caesa! and #1 &he Resu!!e'&i#n #1 &he Dead.
$s& A9!i5 $9*8.

1 They are a2out to &o 2a+6 into town9 a)ways a)on& the sa!e re!ote /ath ta6en the /revious !ornin&9 as i Jesus did not want to 2e surrounded 2y /eo/)e waitin& or Hi!9 2e ore arrivin& at the Te!/)e9 whi+h is soon rea+hed enterin& the town 2y the Shee/

592.The Tuesda( '" nin1 6e-" e Pass",e . The Cues&i"ns "- &he T i6u&e &" :aesa and "- &he Resu e3&i"n "- &he Dead.


,ate9 whi+h is near the 1ro2ati+a. %ut today !any o the seventy@two dis+i/)es are a)ready waitin& or Hi! 2eyond the :idron9 2e ore the 2rid&e9 and as soon as they see Hi! a//ear a!on& the &rey@&reen o)ive@trees9 in His /ur/)e &ar!ent9 they &o to !eet Hi!. They &ather to&ether and /ro+eed towards the town. 1eter9 who is )oo6in& ahead9 down the s)o/e9 a)ways sus/e+tin& to see so!e evi)@ !inded /erson a//ear9 a!on& the resh ve&etation o the )ast s)o/es sees a !ass o withered han&in& )eaves dan&)in& over the water o the :idron. The wrin6)ed dyin& )eaves9 a)ready rust@stained here and there9 are )i6e those o a /)ant /ar+hed 2y ire. The 2reeze 2)ows one o now and a&ain and 2uries it in the water o the torrent. EThat is the i&@tree o yesterdayH The i&@tree that ;ou +ursedHG shouts 1eter9 one hand stret+hed orward /ointin& at the withered tree9 his head turned 2a+6 to s/ea6 to the Master. They a)) rush there9 e3+e/t Jesus9 4ho +o!es orward at His usua) /a+e. The a/ost)es in or! the dis+i/)es o the /re+edent o what they are )oo6in& at9 and they a)) !a6e +o!!ents )oo6in& at Jesus utter)y a!azed. They have seen thousands o !ira+)es on !en and e)e!ents9 2ut this one stri6es the! !ore than !any others.

a ter a))9 or the ti!e 2ein& we are sti)) in the wor)d9 and not in the :in&do! o ,odG says the Is+ariot9 without a+ri!ony 2ut in a do+toria) tone. EHe is tru)y wise who +an see thin&s without the! 2ein& a)tered 2y his sensua)ity and 2y se) ish +onsiderations. I wi)) a)ways s/ea6 the truth o what I see.G 3 EIn +on+)usion did this i&@tree die 2e+ause ;ou +ursed it9 or it ha//enedN 2y +han+eN or is it a si&nN I don't 6nowFG as6s 1hi)i/. EIt is everythin& you said. %ut what I did9 you +an do as we))9 i you su++eed in havin& /er e+t aith. Have it in the Most Hi&h Lord. 'nd when you have it9 I so)e!n)y te)) you that you wi)) 2e a2)e to do that and even !ore. I so)e!n)y te)) you that9 i one is su++ess u) in havin& /er e+t trust in the /ower o /rayer and in the &oodness o the Lord9 one wi)) 2e a2)e to say to this !ountainI CMove away ro! here and throw yourse) into the seaD and i sayin& so one wi)) not hesitate in one's heart9 2ut wi)) 2e)ieve that what one orders +an ta6e /)a+e9 what one has said wi)) ta6e /)a+e.G E'nd we sha)) )oo6 )i6e !a&i+ians and we sha)) 2e stoned9 as is /res+ri2ed or those who /ra+tise !a&i+. It wou)d 2e a rea))y oo)ish !ira+)e9 and to our detri!entHG says the Is+ariot9 sha6in& his head.

2 Jesus9 4ho has arrived9 s!i)es wat+hin& those a!azed ti!id a+es9 and He saysI E4hatF 're you so sur/rised that My word withered a i&@treeF Have you not seen Me E;ou are oo)ish9 as you do not understand the /ara2)eHG retorts the other Judas. raise /eo/)e ro! the dead9 +ure )e/ers9 &ive si&ht to 2)ind /eo/)e9 !u)ti/)y )oaves9 +a)! Jesus does not s/ea6 to Judas. He s/ea6s to every2odyI E'nd I say to you9 and it is an stor!s9 /ut out iresF 'nd you are sur/rised that a i&@tree withersFG o)d )esson that I a! re/eatin& in this hourI whatever you as6 or in your /rayer9 have aith to o2tain it and you wi)). %ut i 2e ore /rayin& you have a resent!ent a&ainst EIt is not 2e+ause o the i&@tree. The a+t is that yesterday when ;ou +ursed it9 it was any2ody9 irst or&ive and !a6e /ea+e to have as a riend your (ather 4ho is in thrivin&9 and now it is withered. Loo6H 's +ru!2)y as dry +)ay. There is no !ore sa/ in Heaven9 and 4ho or&ives and assists you so !u+h9 ro! !ornin& ti)) evenin& and its 2ran+hes. Loo6. They +ru!2)e into dustG and %artho)o!ew /u)verises with his ro! sunset to dawn.G in&ers so!e 2ran+hes that he has 2ro6en o without any e ort. EThey have no !ore sa/. ;ou are ri&ht. 'nd it is death when there is no !ore sa/9 2oth in a /)ant and in a nation as we)) as in a re)i&ion9 2ut there is on)y hard 2ar6 and use)ess o)ia&eI ero+ity and hy/o+riti+a) outward a//earan+e. The white interna) sa/9 u)) o )y!/h9 +orres/onds to ho)iness9 to s/iritua)ity. The hard 2ar6 and use)ess o)ia&e +orres/ond to !an6ind devoid o <ust s/iritua) )i e. 4oe to those re)i&ions that 2e+o!e hu!an 2e+ause their /riests and 2e)ievers no )on&er have a vita) s/irit. 4oe to those nations whose )eaders are nothin& 2ut ier+eness and resoundin& +)a!our devoid o ruit@2earin& ideasH 4oe to !en who )a+6 the )i e o the s/iritHG E%ut9 i ;ou said that to the &reat ones in Israe)9 a)thou&h what ;ou say is ri&ht9 ;ou wou)d not 2e wise. $o not entertain i))usions 2e+ause they have a))owed ;ou to s/ea6 so ar. ;ou said ;ourse) that it is not 2e+ause they are 2ein& +onverted9 2ut that it is done out o +a)+u)ation. So ;ou had 2etter esti!ate the va)ue and +onse=uen+es o ;our words as we)). %e+ause there is a)so the wisdo! o the wor)d9 2eside the wisdo! o the s/irit. 'nd it is ne+essary to 6now how to !a6e use o it to our advanta&e. %e+ause9 4 They &o into the Te!/)e. The so)diers o the 'ntonia wat+h the! /ass 2y. They &o to worshi/ the Lord9 then they &o 2a+6 to the +ourt where the ra22is tea+h. %e ore /eo/)e &ather and +rowd round Jesus9 so!e sa/hori!9 do+tors o Israe) and Herodians a//roa+h Hi!9 and with a)se ho!a&e9 a ter &reetin& Hi!9 they sayI EMaster9 we 6now that ;ou are wise and truth u)9 and ;ou tea+h the ways o ,od without ta6in& into +onsideration any /erson or thin&9 e3+e/t truth and <usti+e9 and ;ou do not !ind what /eo/)e thin6 o ;ou9 and ;ou on)y ta6e +are to )ead !en to ,oodness. So te)) usI is it )aw u) to /ay the tri2ute to 7aesar9 or is it not )aw u) to do soF 4hat do ;ou thin6FG Jesus +asts one o His &)an+es o /ier+in& and so)e!n shrewdness at the!9 and re/)iesI E4hy are you te!/tin& Me hy/o+riti+a))yF 'nd yet so!e o you 6now that I a! not de+eived 2y hy/o+riti+a) honoursH %ut show Me a +oin9 one o those used or the tri2ute.G

592.The Tuesda( '" nin1 6e-" e Pass",e . The Cues&i"ns "- &he T i6u&e &" :aesa and "- &he Resu e3&i"n "- &he Dead.


They show Hi! a +oin. He )oo6s at the o2verse and reverse o it and9 ho)din& it in the /a)! o His )e t hand9 He stri6es it with the ore in&er o His ri&ht hand sayin&I E4hose i!a&e is this9 and what does this ins+ri/tion sayFG

sin+e a)) seven o the! had her on the 0arthFG

E;ou are wron&. ;ou understand neither the S+ri/tures nor the /ower o ,od. The other )i e wi)) 2e =uite di erent ro! this one9 and in the eterna) :in&do! there wi)) 2e EThe i!a&e is 7aesar's9 and the ins+ri/tion 2ears his na!e. The na!e o 7aius Ti2erius no ne+essities o the )esh as there are here. %e+ause9 tru)y9 a ter the )ast Jud&e!ent 7aesar9 who is now the e!/eror o .o!e.G 2odies wi)) rise@ ro! the dead and wi)) 2e <oined to their i!!orta) sou)s9 or!in& who)e 2ein&s9 as a)ive9 nay9 !ore a)ive than your /erson and Mine are now9 2ut no )on&er EThen &ive 2a+6 to 7aesar what 2e)on&s to 7aesar and &ive to ,od what 2e)on&s to su2<e+t to the )aws and a2ove a)) to the in+entives and a2uses that e3ist now. 't the ,odG and He turns His 2a+6 on the! a ter returnin& the +oin to hi! who had &iven Hi! resurre+tion9 !en and wo!en wi)) not &et !arried9 2ut wi)) 2e )i6e the an&e)s o ,od in it. Heaven9 who do not &et !arried9 and yet they )ive in /er e+t )ove9 whi+h is divine and s/iritua). 'nd with re&ard to the resurre+tion o the dead9 have you not read how ,od 5 He )istens to this one and that one o the !any /i)&ri!s who as6 Hi! =uestions9 He s/o6e to Moses ro! the 2ushF 4hat did the Most Hi&h say thenF CI a! the ,od o +o! orts9 a2so)ves and +ures the!. Hours &o 2y. '2raha!9 the ,od o Isaa+9 the ,od o Ja+o2.D He did not sayI CI wasD9 !a6in& hi! He +o!es out o the Te!/)e to &o /erha/s out o town9 to &et the ood that Lazarus' understand that '2raha!9 Isaa+ and Ja+o2 had 2een9 2ut no )on&er were. He saidI CI servants9 entrusted with this tas69 2rin& Hi!. a!.D %e+ause '2raha!9 Isaa+ and Ja+o2 are. I!!orta). Li6e a)) !en in their i!!orta) /art9 whi)e a&es )ast9 and )ater9 a)so in their 2odies raised or eternity. They e3ist9 as He &oes 2a+6 to the Te!/)e in the a ternoon. He is inde ati&a2)e. ,ra+e and wisdo! )ow ro! His hands )aid on si+6 /eo/)e9 and ro! His )i/s as He &ives /ersona) advi+e Moses9 the /ro/hets9 the <ust e3ist9 as9 un ortunate)y9 7ain e3ists9 and those o the $e)u&e9 and the sodo!ites9 and a)) those who died in !orta) sin. ,od is not the ,od o to the !any /eo/)e who a//roa+h Hi!. He see!s to 2e an3ious to +o! ort and +ure the dead9 2ut o the )ivin&.G every2ody9 2e ore it is no )on&er /ossi2)e or Hi! to do so. 6 It is a)!ost sunset and the tired a/ost)es are sittin& on the )oor under the /or+h9 astonished at the +ontinuous !ove!ent o +rowds in the +ourts when 1assover is +)ose at hand. Then so!e ri+h /eo/)e a//roa+h the untirin& Master9 they are +ertain)y ri+h9 <ud&in& 2y their /o!/ous &ar!ents. Matthew9 who is dozin& with one eye o/en9 stands u/9 rousin& the others. He saysI ESo!e Saddu+ees are &oin& towards the Master. Let us not )eave Hi! a)) a)one9 that they !ay not o end Hi! or try to har! Hi! and sneer at Hi! a&ain.G They a)) &et u/ and <oin the Master &atherin& round Hi!. I see! to rea)ise that there have 2een re/risa)s when they went to the Te!/)e or when they returned there at the si3th hour. The Saddu+ees9 who /ay their res/e+ts to Jesus 2owin& even e3a&&erated)y9 say to Hi!I EMaster9 ;ou re/)ied so wise)y to the Herodians9 that we a)so wish to have a ray o ;our )i&ht. ListenI Moses saidI CI a !an dies +hi)d)ess9 his 2rother !ust !arry the widow9 &ivin& o s/rin& to his 2rother.D 8ow there were seven 2rothers a!on& us. The irst one !arried a vir&in9 he died without issue9 so he )e t his wi e to his 2rother. ')so the se+ond one died without issue9 and a)so the third one who !arried the widow o the two who had /re+eded hi!9 and so on down to the seventh. (ina))y9 a ter 2ein& !arried to a)) the seven 2rothers9 the wo!an died. Te)) usI at the resurre+tion o 2odies9 i it is rea))y true that !en resurre+t and that our sou)s out)ive us and <oin our 2odies on the )ast day9 or!in& the )ivin& a&ain9 whi+h o the seven 2rothers wi)) have the wo!an9 E4i)) ;ou a)so die and then wi)) you )iveFG they as6 te!/tin& Hi!. They are a)ready tired o 2ein& !ee6. Their hatred is su+h that they +annot +ontro) the!se)ves. EI a! the Livin& %ein&9 and My ()esh wi)) not 6now +orru/tion. The ar6 was ta6en away ro! us9 and the /resent one wi)) a)so 2e ta6en away as a sy!2o). The Ta2erna+)e was ta6en away ro! us9 and it wi)) 2e destroyed. But it will not be possible to ta"e away the true Te#ple of &od and destroy it. 4hen its adversaries thin6 that they have done so9 that is the hour when it wi)) 2e esta2)ished in the true Jerusa)e!9 in a)) its &)ory. ,ood2ye.G 'nd He hastens towards the 7ourt o Israe)9 2e+ause the si)ver tu2ae are +a))in& to the evenin& sa+ri i+e. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 7 Jesus says to !eI E's I !ade you write the words Co My +ha)i+eD in the vision o John and Ja!es' !other who as6ed or a /)a+e or her sons9 so I te)) you to /oint out the /assa&e o yesterday's visionI Che who falls against this stone will brea" in pieces.D In trans)ations they a)ways use ConD. I said a&ainst and not on. 'nd it is a /ro/he+y a&ainst the ene!ies o My 7hur+h. Those who o//ose It9 hur)in& the!se)ves a&ainst It9 2e+ause It is the Headstone9 are +rushed. (or the )ast twenty +enturies the history o the 0arth has +on ir!ed what I said. The persecutors of the ,hurch are crushed as they hurl the#selves against the Headstone. But it is also true and those who thin" that they are

592.The Tuesda( '" nin1 6e-" e Pass",e . The Cues&i"ns "- &he T i6u&e &" :aesa and "- &he Resu e3&i"n "- &he Dead.


secure fro# divine punish#ents because they belong to the ,hurch should bear this in #ind he on who# falls the weight of the conde#nation of the Head and Bridegroo# of this Bride of !ine of !y #ystical Body will be crushed. 8 'nd oresta))in& an o2<e+tion o the ever a)ive s+ri2es and Saddu+ees9 i)) dis/osed to My servants9 I sayI if in these last visions there are sentences that are not in the &ospels su+h as those at the end o today's vision9 and o the /assa&e in whi+h I s/ea6 o the 2arren i&@tree9 and others as we))9 those critics ought to re#e#ber that the evangelists always belonged to that race and they lived in ti#es when every e7aggerated clash #ight have had violent and har#ful repercussions for neophytes. Let the! read the a+ts o the a/ost)es a&ain and they wi)) see that the usion o so !any di erent thou&hts was not /ea+e u)9 and that whi)e they ad!ired one another9 a+6now)ed&in& one another's !erits9 they did not )a+6 di eren+es o o/inion9 2e+ause the thou&hts o !en are various and a)ways i!/er e+t. 'nd to avoid dee/er ru/tures 2etween one thou&ht and another9 the evangelists enlightened by the Holy .pirit in their writings deliberately o#itted so#e sentences that #ight have hurt the e7cessive susceptibility of the Hebrews and scandalised the &entiles who needed to believe that the Hebrews were perfect as they were the nucleus fro# which the ,hurch ca#e in order not to go away saying( /They are li"e us0. It was <ust to !a6e 6nown the /erse+utions o 7hrist9 2ut not the s/iritua) diseases o the /eo/)e o Israe)9 2y now +orru/t9 /arti+u)ar)y in the hi&her +)asses. And they veiled the# as #uch as possible. They shou)d o2serve how the ,os/e)s 2e+o!e the !ore and !ore e3/)i+it9 u/ to the )i!/id ,os/e) o My John9 the )ater they were written a ter My 's+ension to My (ather. 5n)y John u))y re)ates even the !ost /ain u) )aws o the very a/osto)i+ &rou/9 o/en)y +a))in& Judas a Cthie D9 and he inte&ra))y re/orts the 2ase a+tions o the Jews K7ha/ter - J ei&ned wi)) to !a6e Me 6in&9 the de2ates at the Te!/)e9 the a2andon!ent 2y !any a ter the ser!on on the %read o Heaven9 Tho!as' in+redu)ityL. The last survivor who lived long enough to see the ,hurch already strong he lifts the veils that the others had not dared to lift. %ut now the S/irit o ,od wants a)so these words to 2e 6nown. 'nd the Lord shou)d 2e 2)essed or that9 2e+ause they are so !any )i&hts and &uides or /eo/)e with ri&hteous hearts.G @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ E;ou wi)) /ut here the se+ond /art o Tuesday9 that is9 the tea+hin&s to the Twe)ve at ni&ht at ,ethse!ane.G

593. The Tuesda/ Ni4h& )e1#!e Pass#0e!. O&he! Tea'hin4s &# &he A9#s&5es.
8&h .a!'h $9*5.

1 EToday you have heard ,enti)es and Judaeans s/ea6. 'nd you have seen how the or!er 2owed to Me and the )atter near)y hit Me. ;ou9 1eter9 a)!ost +a!e to 2)ows9 when you saw )a!2s9 ra!s and 2u))@+a)ves driven on /ur/ose a&ainst Me to !a6e Me a)) on the &round a!on& e3+re!ent. ;ou9 Si!on9 a)thou&h you are so wise9 o/ened your !outh to insu)t the !ost ran+orous !e!2ers o the Sanhedrin9 who rude)y 2u!/ed into Me sayin&I CMove aside9 ;ou de!on9 whi)e the !essen&ers o ,od /ass.D ;ou9 Judas9 My +ousin9 and you9 John9 My avourite9 shouted and /rote+ted Me =ui+6)y9 one ro! 2ein& run over 2y &ettin& ho)d o the 2rid)e o the horse9 the other 2y standin& in ront o Me and re+eivin& the i!/a+t o the sha t dire+ted at Me when9 with a sneer9 Sado+ drove his heavy +art a&ainst Me9 de)i2erate)y9 at &reat s/eed. I than6 you or your )ove that !a6es you rise a&ainst the o enders o the $e en+e)ess 5ne. %ut you wi)) see !u+h worse o en+es and !ore +rue) a+tions. 4hen this !oon is on+e !ore s!i)in& in the s6y or the se+ond ti!e a ter this evenin&9 o en+es9 at /resent ver2a)9 or <ust out)ined i !ateria)9 wi)) 2e+o!e +on+rete9 thi+6er than the 2)osso!s whi+h are now on ruit@trees and whi+h are 2e+o!in& !ore and !ore nu!erous in their haste to 2)osso!. ;ou have seen J and you were sur/rised J a 2arren i&@tree and a who)e a//)e@or+hard without 2)osso!s. The i&@tree9 )i6e Israe)9 re used to restore the Son o !an and it died in its sin. The a//)e@or+hard9 )i6e the ,enti)es9 is awaitin& the hour I !entioned today9 to 2)osso! and +an+e) the )ast re!e!2ran+e o hu!an ero+ity with the 6indness o )owers s+attered on the head and under the eet o the 7on=ueror.G 2 E4hi+h hour9 MasterFG as6s Matthew. E;ou have s/o6en so !u+h and o so !any thin&s todayH I +annot re!e!2er e3a+t)y. 'nd I shou)d )i6e to re!e!2er everythin&. 1erha/s the hour o 7hrist's returnF Here as we)) ;ou s/o6e o 2ran+hes that 2e+o!e tender and /ut orth )eaves.G E8oHG e3+)ai!s Tho!as. EThe Master is s/ea6in& as i this +ons/ira+y awaitin& Hi! is i!!inent. So9 how +an everythin&9 that He says wi)) /re+ede His return9 ha//en in a short ti!eF 4ars9 destru+tions9 s)avery9 /erse+utions9 the ,os/e) /rea+hed a)) over the wor)d9 deso)ation o a2o!ination in the house o ,od9 and then earth=ua6es9 /)a&ues9 a)se /ro/hets9 si&ns in the sun and stars... 0hH It wi)) ta6e a&es to do a)) thatH The owner o that a//)e@or+hard wou)d 2e in a ni+e !ess9 i his or+hard had to wait a)) that ti!e to 2)osso!HG EThen he wou)d not eat his a//)es any !ore9 2e+ause I say that it wou)d 2e the end o the wor)dG +o!!ents %artho)o!ew. ETo 2rin& a2out the end o the wor)d9 on)y one thou&ht o ,od wou)d 2e ne+essary9 and everythin& wou)d turn into nothin&ness. So even that a//)e@or+hard !i&ht not have to

593.The Tuesda( Ni1h& 6e-" e Pass",e . O&he Tea3hin1s &" &he A5"s&2es.


wait )on&. %ut9 as I said9 it wi)) ha//en. 'nd there ore there wi)) 2e a&es 2etween this one and that one. That is the ina) triu!/h and the return o the 7hristG e3/)ains Jesus. ESoF 4hi+h hourFG E5hH I 6now whi+h hourHG says John wee/in&. EI 6now the hour. 'nd it wi)) 2e a ter ;our death and resurre+tionH...G and John e!2ra+es Jesus ti&h)y in his ar!s. E'nd are you wee/in&9 i He is &oin& to rise a&ainFG says Judas Is+ariot !o+6in&)y. EI a! wee/in& 2e+ause He !ust die irst. $on't !o+6 at !e9 you de!on. I 6now. 'nd I +annot thin6 o that hour.G EMaster9 he +a))ed !e a de!on. He has sinned a&ainst his +o!/anion.G EJudas9 are you sure you do not deserve itF Then do not ta6e o en+e at his au)t. I a)so have 2een +a))ed a Cde!onD and I sha)) 2e +a))ed so a&ain.G E%ut ;ou said that he who insu)ts his 2rother is &ui)...G ESi)en+e. In the /resen+e o death )et these hate u) a++usations9 dis+ussions and )ies inish at )on& )ast. $o not u/set who is dyin&.G E(or&ive !e9 JesusG whis/ers John. EI e)t so!ethin& turn in !e at the sound o his )au&hter... and I +ou)d not re rain !yse) .G Jesus and John are e!2ra+ed9 +hest to +hest9 and John wee/s on His heart. E$o not wee/. I understand you. Let Me s/ea6.G %ut John does not deta+h hi!se) ro! Jesus9 not even when He sits down on a )ar&e /rotrudin& root. He re!ains with one ar! 2ehind His 2a+6 and one round His +hest and his head on His shou)der9 and he wee/s noise)ess)y. 5n)y his tears shine in the !oon@ 2ea! as they a)) on Jesus' /ur/)e &ar!ent and they )oo6 )i6e ru2ies9 dro/s o /a)e 2)ood stru+6 2y )i&ht. 3 EToday you have heard Judaeans and ,enti)es s/ea6. So you !ust not 2e sur/rised i I sayI C4ord o <usti+e has a)ways +o!e ro! My !outh. 'nd it sha)) not 2e revo6ed.D I I say9 a)ways with Isaiah9 s/ea6in& o the ,enti)es who wi)) +o!e to Me a ter I have 2een raised ro! the &roundI C%e ore Me every 6nee sha)) 2end9 2y Me and in Me every ton&ue sha)) swear.D 'nd you wi)) not dou2t either9 a ter seein& the ways o the He2rews9 that it is easy to say9 without ear o 2ein& wron&9 that a)) those who ra&e a&ainst Me sha)) 2e )ed to Me9 asha!ed. My (ather did not !a6e Me His servant on)y to revive the tri2es o Ja+o29 to +onvert what is )e t o Israe)I the re!nants9 2ut He &ave Me as )i&ht o the 8ations9 that I !ay 2e the CSaviourD or a)) the 0arth. That is why9 in these thirty@three years o e3i)e ro! Heaven and ro! My (ather's 2oso!9 I have +ontinued to &row in ,ra+e and 4isdo! with ,od and with !en9 rea+hin& the /er e+t a&e9 and in these )ast three years9 a ter 2urnin& My sou) and My !ind with the ire o )ove and te!/erin& the! with the i+e o

/enan+e9 I !ade CMy !outh a shar/ swordD. 4 The Ho)y (ather9 4ho is yours and Mine9 has so ar /rote+ted Me in the shade o His hand9 2e+ause it was not yet the hour o the 03/iation. 8ow He wi)) )et Me &o. The +hosen arrow9 the arrow o His divine =uiver9 a ter woundin& in order to +ure9 a ter woundin& !en to o/en a 2rea+h in their hearts or the 4ord and the Li&ht o ,od9 is now &oin& ast and un ai)in&)y to wound the Se+ond 1erson9 the 03/iator9 the 52edient 5ne or a)) the diso2edient 'da!... 'nd )i6e a warrior who has 2een hit9 I sha)) a))9 sayin& with re&ard to too !any /eo/)eI CIn vain have I ati&ued or no reason9 without a+hievin& anythin&. I have worn out My stren&th or nothin&.D 8oH 8o9 or the 0terna) Lord 4ho never does anythin& without a /ur/oseH %e o 9 Satan9 who want Me to &ive way to de<e+tion and try to !a6e Me diso2edientH ;ou +a!e at the 2e&innin& o My !inistry and you have +o!e at its end. 4e))9 here9 I a! risin& Kand He rea))y stands u/L ready to i&ht. I wi)) +o!/ete with you. 'nd9 I swear it to Myse) 9 I wi)) de eat you. It is not /ride to say so. It is the truth. The Son o !an wi)) 2e de eated in His )esh 2y !an9 the !isera2)e wor! that 2ites and /oisons ro! his /utrid i)th. %ut the Son o ,od9 the Se+ond 1erson o the ine3/ressi2)e Trinity wi)) not 2e de eated 2y Satan. ;ou are Hatred. 'nd you are /ower u) in your hatin& and in your te!/tin&. %ut there wi)) 2e with Me a stren&th that es+a/es you9 2e+ause you +annot rea+h it9 neither +an you 2)o+6 it. The Love is with MeH I a! aware o the un6nown torture awaitin& Me. 8ot the one that I wi)) !ention to you to!orrow9 so that you !ay 6now that nothin& o what was done or stirred u/ or Me or around Me9 nothin& o what was or!in& in your hearts9 was un6nown to Me. %ut the other torture... The one that is &iven to the Son o Man not 2y !eans o )an+es and +)u2s9 or 2y !eans o derision and 2)ows9 2ut 2y ,od Hi!se) 9 and on)y ew /eo/)e wi)) 6now how +rue) it wi)) 2e9 and even ewer wi)) a++e/t it as /ossi2)e. But in that torture in which two will be the #ain torturers( &od with His absence and you de#on with your presence the <icti# will have the 2ove with Hi#. The Love )ivin& in the Bi+ti!9 the !ain stren&th o His resistan+e to the tria)9 and the Love in the s/iritua) +onso)er9 who is a)ready )a//in& his &o)den win&s9 u)) o an3iety to des+end and wi/e My /ers/iration9 and &athers a)) the tears o the an&e)s in the heaven)y +ha)i+e and !e)ts in it the honey o the na!es o My redee!ed and o those who )ove Me9 to !iti&ate with that /otion the &reat thirst o the Tortured 5ne and His i!!easura2)e 2itterness. 'nd you9 de!on9 sha)) 2e de eated. 5ne day9 +o!in& out o a /ossessed !an9 you said to MeI CI wi)) wait to de eat ;ou when ;ou are a ra& o 2)eedin& )esh.D %ut I re/)y to youI C%ou shall not have !e. I will win. !y fatigue was a holy one !y case is in the hands of !y -ather. He defends the wor" of His .on and will not allow !y spirit to deflect.D (ather9 I say to ;ou9 I say to ;ou now9 or that dread u) hourI C Into %our hands I co##it !y spirit.D

593.The Tuesda( Ni1h& 6e-" e Pass",e . O&he Tea3hin1s &" &he A5"s&2es.


John9 do not )eave Me... ;ou9 a)) o you9 &o. May the /ea+e o the Lord 2e where Satan is not a &uest. ,ood2ye.G It a)) ends.

1harisee. His s!i)e 2ri&htens. It is )i6e a )i&ht that +aresses the honest s+ri2e. He then )owers His head )oo6in& at his inter)o+utor and re/)ies to hi!I EThe irst o a)) the +o!!and!ents isI CListen9 Israe)I the 2ord our &od is the only 2ord. %ou shall love the 2ord your &od with all your heart with all your soul with all your strength. D That is the irst and &reatest +o!!and!ent. The se+ond rese!2)es itI C %ou shall love your neighbour as yourself.D There are no greater co##and#ents than these two. They co#prise all the 2aw and the prophets.G EMaster9 ;ou have re/)ied wise)y and truth u))y. It is so. There is on)y one ,od and there is no other &od e3+e/t Hi!. To )ove Hi! with a)) our hearts9 with a)) our inte))i&en+e9 with a)) our sou)s and a)) our stren&th9 and to )ove our nei&h2our as ourse)ves is worth !u+h !ore than any ho)o+aust and sa+ri i+e. I serious)y thin6 so when I !editate on $avid's wordsI CHolocausts give %ou no pleasure' a contrite heart is the sacrifice pleasing to &od.DG E;ou are not ar ro! the :in&do! o ,od9 2e+ause you have understood whi+h ho)o+aust is /)easin& to ,od.G

59*. The ;ednesda/ )e1#!e Pass#0e!. F!#( &he Dis'ussi#ns -i&h S'!i)es and Pha!isees &# &he Es'ha&#5#4i'a5 Dis'#u!se. The ;id#-"s .i&e.
2nd A9!i5 $9*8.

1 Jesus enters into the Te!/)e that is !ore +rowded than on the /revious days. He is a)) dressed in white in His )inen &ar!ents. It is a su)try day.

He &oes to the 7ourt o Israe) to worshi/9 o))owed 2y a train o /eo/)e9 whi)e other E%ut whi+h is the !ost /er e+t ho)o+austFG as6s the s+ri2e in a )ow voi+e9 as i he were /eo/)e have a)ready ta6en the 2est /)a+es under the /or+hes9 and the !a<ority are s/ea6in& o a se+ret. ,enti)es who9 not 2ein& a))owed to &o 2eyond the irst +ourt9 that is the 7ourt o the ,enti)es9 have ta6en advanta&e o the a+t that the He2rews have o))owed the 7hrist9 to Jesus 2ea!s with )ove )ettin& this /ear) dro/ into the heart o this !an who is o/enin& ta6e avoura2)e /ositions. to His do+trine9 to the do+trine o the :in&do! o ,od9 and 2endin& over hi! He saysI %ut a )ar&e &rou/ o 1harisees u/sets the!I they are a)ways arro&ant in their 2ehaviour9 EThe perfect holocaust is to love as ourselves those who persecute us and not bear any grudge. 4ho does that wi)) /ossess /ea+e. It is saidI the lowly shall possess the and they /ush throu&h the +rowd over2earin&)y to a//roa+h Jesus9 4ho is 2ent over a )arth and shall en5oy the abundance of peace. I so)e!n)y te)) you that he who can love si+6 !an. They wait unti) He has +ured hi!9 then they send a s+ri2e to =uestion Hi!. his ene#ies reaches perfection and possesses &od. G '+tua))y they had a short dis+ussion irst9 2e+ause Joe) na!ed ')a!oth wanted to &o to =uestion the Master. %ut a 1harisee o2<e+ted and the others su//orted hi! sayin&I E8o9 3 The s+ri2e &reets Hi! res/e+t u))y and &oes 2a+6 to his &rou/9 who re/roa+h hi! in )ow voi+es or /raisin& the Master9 and they an&ri)y say to hi!I E4hat did you as6 Hi! we 6now that you side with the .a22i9 a)thou&h you do so se+ret)y. Let ?riah &o...G se+ret)yF Have you 2een sedu+ed 2y Hi! as we))FG E8ot ?riahG says another youn& s+ri2e9 who! I do not 6now. E?riah is too harsh in EI heard the S/irit o ,od s/ea6 ro! His )i/s.G s/ea6in&. He wou)d /rovo6e the +rowd. I wi)) &o.G 'nd without )istenin& any !ore to the /rotests o the others9 he a//roa+hes the Master9 <ust when Jesus is dis!issin& the si+6 !an sayin& to hi!I EHave aith. ;ou are +ured. ;our ever and /ain wi)) not +o!e 2a+6 any !ore.G 2 EMaster9 whi+h is the &reatest +o!!and!ent o the LawFG Jesus9 2ehind 4hose 2a+6 the s+ri2e is standin&9 turns round and )oo6s at hi!. ' aint )u!inous s!i)e 2ri&htens His a+e9 He then raises His head9 as He had 2ent it 2e+ause the s+ri2e is short o stature9 and urther he had 2owed to /ay his res/e+ts to Hi!. Jesus )oo6s round at the +rowd9 He stares at the &rou/ o 1harisees and do+tors and He noti+es the /a)e a+e o Joe)9 who is ha) hidden 2ehind a 2i& su!/tuous)y dressed E;ou are si))y. $o you /erha/s thin6 that He is the 7hristFG E;es9 I do.G ETru)y9 2e ore )on& we sha)) see the s+hoo)s o our s+ri2es e!/ty9 whi)e they &o rovin& a ter that ManH %ut how +an you see the 7hrist in Hi!FG EI do not 6now how. I 6now that I ee) that it is He.G E;ou're !adHG 'nd they turn their 2a+6s on hi! worried)y. Jesus has heard their +onversation9 and when He sees the 1harisees /ass in ront o Hi! in a +)ose &rou/ and &o away worried)y9 He +a))s the! sayin&I EListen to Me. I want to

59#.The 8ednesda( 6e-" e Pass",e . F ". &he Dis3ussi"ns %i&h S3 i6es and Pha isees &" &he Es3ha&"2"1i3a2 Dis3"u se. The 8id"%!s 'i&e.


as6 you so!ethin&. '++ordin& to you9 what do you thin6 o the 7hristF 4hose son is HeFG EHe wi)) 2e the son o $avidG they re/)y9 stressin& the words Cwi)) 2eD9 2e+ause they want to !a6e Hi! understand that9 as ar as they are +on+erned9 He is not the 7hrist. EHow9 then9 does $avid9 ins/ired 2y ,od9 +a)) Hi! CLordD sayin&I CThe Lord said to !y LordI 'Sit at !y ri&ht hand unti) I !a6e ;our ene!ies a ootstoo) or ;ou'DF So i $avid +a))s the 7hrist CLordD9 how +an the 7hrist 2e his sonFG 's they do not 6now what to re/)y to Hi!9 they &o away ru!inatin& their /oison. 4 Jesus !oves away ro! the /)a+e where He was and whi+h is now )ooded with sunshine9 to &o arther on9 where the !ouths o the Treasury are9 near the ha)) o the Treasury. This side9 sti)) in the shade9 is o++u/ied 2y ra22is9 who are haran&uin& with wide &estures addressin& their He2rew audien+e9 whi+h is in+reasin& !ore and !ore9 as the /eo/)e /ourin& in the Te!/)e are in+reasin& +ontinuous)y9 as ti!e /asses. The ra22is are strivin& to de!o)ish with their s/ee+hes the tea+hin&s i!/arted 2y the 7hrist durin& the /revious days or that sa!e !ornin&. 'nd the !ore they see the +rowd o 2e)ievers &row 2i&&er9 the !ore they raise their voi+es. In a+t the /)a+e9 a)thou&h very )ar&e9 is +rowded with /eo/)e +o!in& and &oin& in a)) dire+tions... 5 Jesus says to !eI EInsert here the vision o the widow's !ite K19th June 1944L +orre+ted as I wi)) /oint out to youG Kas I have a)ready +orre+ted it in the ty/ewritten sheets that I have sent 2a+6L. Then the vision +ontinues. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
$9&h June $9**.

Jesus is )eanin& on His +o)u!n and is wat+hin&. He does not s/ea6. Twi+e His a/ost)es as6 Hi! =uestions9 2ut He sha6es His head in denia) and does not s/ea6. He is wat+hin& very +are u))y. 'nd a++ordin& to His +ountenan+e9 He see!s to 2e <ud&in& those He is )oo6in& at. His eyes and a+e re!ind !e o His )oo6s when I saw Hi! in the vision o 1aradise9 <ud&in& sou)s in the /arti+u)ar <ud&e!ent. 8ow9 o +ourse9 He is Jesus9 ManM u/ there He was Jesus Triu!/hant9 so even !ore i!/osin&. %ut the +han&ea2i)ity o His +ountenan+e9 that wat+hes i3ed)y9 is the sa!e. He is serious9 in=uisitive9 2ut i at ti!es He is so severe as to !a6e a)so the !ost inso)ent /eo/)e tre!2)e9 at ti!es He is so 6ind9 and His s!i)in& sadness is su+h that He see!s to 2e +aressin& one with His eyes. 7 He does not see! to 2e hearin& anythin&. %ut He !ust 2e )istenin& to everythin& 2e+ause9 when ro! a &rou/ severa) !etres away9 &athered round a do+tor9 a nasa) voi+e is heard /ro+)ai!in&I EMore than any other +o!!and!ent this one is va)idI what is or the Te!/)e !ust &o to the Te!/)e. The Te!/)e is a2ove one's ather and !other and i one wants to &ive what is su/er )uous to the &)ory o the Lord9 one +an do so and wi)) 2e 2)essed or it9 2e+ause there is no 2)ood or )ove su/erior to the Te!/)eG9 Jesus s)ow)y turns His head round in that dire+tion and )oo6s in a way... that I wou)d not )i6e it to 2e !eant or !e. He see!s to 2e )oo6in& at everythin& in &enera). %ut when an o)d tre!2)in& !an is on the /oint o +)i!2in& the ive ste/s o a 6ind o terra+e9 whi+h is +)ose to Jesus9 and whi+h see!s to )ead to another inner +ourt9 and he /resses his sti+6 on the )oor and a)!ost a))s when his oot is +au&ht in his tuni+9 Jesus stret+hes out His )on& ar!9 &ras/s hi! and su//orts hi!9 and does not )eave hi! unti) He sees that he is sa e. The o)d !an raises his wrin6)ed a+e9 )oo6s at his ta)) saviour and whis/ers a word o 2)essin&9 whi)e Jesus s!i)es at hi! and +aresses his 2a)d head. He then &oes 2a+6 to His +o)u!n9 and de/arts ro! it on+e a&ain to )i t a )itt)e 2oy who s)i/s ro! his !other's hand and a))s9 wee/in&9 a&ainst the irst ste/9 <ust at His eet. He )i ts hi! u/9 +aresses hi! and +o! orts hi!. The 2oy's e!2arrassed !other than6s Hi!. Jesus s!i)es at her as we))9 handin& the +hi)d 2a+6 to her.

6 5n)y today9 and insistent)y9 I see the o))owin& vision a//ear. 't the 2e&innin& I see nothin& 2ut +ourts and /or+hes9 whi+h I re+o&nise 2e)on& to the Te!/)e9 and Jesus9 4ho )oo6s )i6e an 0!/eror9 so so)e!n He is in His 2ri&ht red tuni+ and dar6er red !ant)e9 )eanin& on a hu&e s=uare /i))ar su//ortin& an ar+h o the /or+h. He )oo6s i3ed)y at !e. I a! u))y a2sor2ed in )oo6in& at Hi!9 de)i&htin& in +onte!/)atin& Hi! 4ho! I had not seen and heard or two days.

%ut He does not s!i)e when a +on+eited 1harisee /asses 2y9 or when a &rou/ o s+ri2es and others who! I do not 6now /ass near Hi!. The )atter &rou/ &reet Hi! &esti+u)atin& and 2owin&. Jesus )oo6s at the! so i3ed)y that He see!s to /ier+e the!9 He re/)ies to The vision thus )asts or a )on& ti!e. 'nd whi)e it )asts so9 I a! not writin& it9 2e+ause it their &reetin&s 2ut without e usion. He is severe. He )oo6s at so!e )en&th a)so at a /riest who /asses 2y and !ust 2e an i!/ortant /erson9 2e+ause the +rowd !a6es roo! is !y <oy. %ut now that I see the s+ene 2e+o!e ani!ated9 I understand that there is or hi! and &reets hi! as he struts a)on&. Jesus )oo6s at hi! in su+h a way that he9 so!ethin& e)se and I write. a)thou&h very /roud9 )owers his head. He does not &reet9 2ut he +annot withstand Jesus' The /)a+e is &ettin& u)) o /eo/)e +o!in& and &oin& in a)) dire+tions. There are /riests &)an+e. and 2e)ievers9 !en9 wo!en and +hi)dren. So!e are wa)6in&9 so!e are standin& )istenin& to the do+tors9 so!e are dra&&in& )itt)e )a!2s or +arryin& doves &oin& to other 8 Jesus sto/s )oo6in& at hi! to wat+h a /oor wo!an9 dressed in dar6 2rown9 who is 2ash u))y +)i!2in& the ste/s and &oes towards a wa))9 where there is so!ethin& )i6e /)a+es9 /erha/s to sa+ri i+e the!.

59#.The 8ednesda( 6e-" e Pass",e . F ". &he Dis3ussi"ns %i&h S3 i6es and Pha isees &" &he Es3ha&"2"1i3a2 Dis3"u se. The 8id"%!s 'i&e.


heads o )ions or si!i)ar ani!a)s with o/en !ouths. Many /eo/)e are &oin& there. %ut Jesus does not see! to /ay attention to the!. 8ow instead He )oo6s where the wo!an is &oin&. His eyes )oo6 at her +o!/assionate)y and they shine with 6indness when He sees her stret+h out a hand and throw so!ethin& into the stone !outh o one o those )ions. 'nd when the wo!an withdraws /assin& near Hi!9 He is the irst to sayI E1ea+e to you9 wo!an.G

was to he)/ an o)d ather and a de+re/it !other9 2ut I was or2idden9 2e+ause su+h he)/ wou)d not have 2een 6nown to the wor)d9 and I !ust 2)ow !y tru!/et so that the wor)d !ay see the donor.D 8o9 ra22i9 who tea+h that what is su/er )uous is to 2e &iven to ,od and that it is )aw u) to re use assistan+e to athers and !others to &ive it to ,od. The irst +o!!and!ent isI CLove ,od with a)) your heart9 with your sou)9 with your inte))i&en+e9 with your stren&th.D .o not what is superfluous but what is our blood is to be given to Hi# by loving to suffer for Hi#. To suffer. Not to #a"e people suffer. 'nd She raises her head9 utter)y astonished9 and re!ains du!2 ounded. E1ea+e to youG i it +osts to &ive a )ot9 2e+ause it is un/)easant to de/rive onese) o one's ri+hes and the re/eats Jesus. E,o9 2e+ause the Most Hi&h 2)esses you.G The /oor sou) is enra/tured9 treasure is the heart o !an9 who is vi+ious 2y nature9 it is <ust 2e+ause it +osts9 that one then she whis/ers a &reetin& and &oes away. !ust &ive. *ut of 5ustice( because everything one has one has it through &od1s EShe is ha//y in her unha//inessG says Jesus 2rea6in& His si)en+e. EShe is now ha//y goodness. *ut of love( because it is a proof of love to love sacrifice in order to give 5oy to those who# one loves. To su er or the sa6e o su erin&. %ut to su er. I re/eatI not 2e+ause ,od's 2)essin& is with her. Listen9 My riends9 and those who are around Me. $o you see that wo!anF She on)y &ave two s!a)) +oins9 not enou&h to 2uy ood or one to !a6e others su er. %e+ause the se+ond +o!!and!ent saysI CLove your nei&h2our as yourse) .D 'nd the )aw s/e+i ies that9 after &od one1s parents are the neighbour to !ea) or a s/arrow 6e/t in a +a&e9 and yet she has &iven !ore than a)) those who have &iven their o erin&s to the Treasury o the Te!/)e9 sin+e it was o/ened this !ornin& at who# one is bound to give honour and assistance. So I so)e!n)y te)) you that that /oor dawn. Listen. I have seen )ar&e nu!2ers o ri+h /eo/)e /ut in those !ouths su!s whi+h wo!an has understood the )aw 2etter than wise !en and she is <usti ied !ore than wou)d eed that wo!an or a year and +)othe her /overty9 whi+h is de+ent on)y 2e+ause any2ody e)se and 2)essed9 2e+ause in her /overty she &ave ,od everythin&9 whereas it is +)ean. I have seen ri+h /eo/)e9 who with evident satis a+tion have /ut in there su!s you give what is superfluous and you give it to grow in the estee# of #en. I 6now that you hate Me 2e+ause I s/ea6 so. %ut as )on& as these )i/s +an s/ea69 they wi)) s/ea6 so. that +ou)d have ed the /oor /eo/)e o the Ho)y 7ity or one or !ore days9 and thus !a6e the! 2)ess the Lord. %ut I so)e!n)y te)) you that nobody has given #ore than she ;ou <oin your hatred or Me to the +onte!/t or the /oor wo!an I a! /raisin&. %ut do not thin6 that with these two stones you wi)) !a6e a dou2)e /edesta) or your /ride. did. Her offering is charity. The others are not. Hers is generosity. The others are not. They wi)) 2e the !i))stone that wi)) +rush you. Let us &o. Let the vi/ers 2ite one another Hers is sacrifice. The others are not. Today that wo!an wi)) not eat anythin&9 2e+ause in+reasin& their /oison. Let those who are /ure9 &ood9 hu!2)e9 +ontrite9 and who wish she has nothin& )e t. She wi)) have to wor6 irst to earn so!e !oney9 to 2e a2)e to &et to 6now the true a+e o ,od9 o))ow Me.G so!e 2read to a//ease her hun&er. She has no !oney )aid aside9 neither has she re)atives who +an earn !oney on her 2eha) . She is a)) a)one. ,od has ta6en her @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ re)atives9 her hus2and and +hi)dren9 He has ta6en the )itt)e wea)th they had )e t her9 and rather than ,od9 !en have ta6en it9 those !en who with )ar&e &estures9 seeF9 are 10 Jesus saysI +ontinuin& to throw in there their sur/)us9 !u+h o whi+h is e3torted throu&h usury E'nd you who are )e t with nothin&9 as you have &iven Me everythin&9 &ive Me these ro! the /oor hands o /oor and hun&ry /eo/)e. )ast two s!a)) +oins. 's +o!/ared with the !u+h that you have &iven9 they see! 9 They say that there is no 2)ood or )ove su/erior to the Te!/)e9 and they thus tea+h nothin& to stran&ers. %ut to you9 who have 2ut these9 they are everythin&. 1ut the! in /eo/)e not to )ove their nei&h2our. I te)) you that a2ove the Te!/)e there is )ove. The the hand o your Lord. 'nd do not wee/. 5r9 at )east9 do not wee/ a)one. 4ee/ with law of &od is love and he who does not ta"e pity on his neighbour does not love. Me9 4ho a! the on)y 5ne who +an understand you and I understand you without any Su/er )uous !oney9 !oney soi)ed with usury9 with hatred9 with hardness9 with hu!an o&9 whi+h is a)ways an interested vei) or the truth.G hy/o+risy9 sin&s no /raise to ,od and does not attra+t heaven)y 2)essin&s on the donor. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ,od re<e+ts it. It enri+hes these +o ers. %ut it is not &o)d or the in+enseI it is i)th that overwhe)!s you9 o !inisters9 who do not serve ,od9 2ut your interestsM it is a strin& 2nd A9!i5 $9*8. that stran&)es you9 o do+tors9 who tea+h a do+trine that is yoursM it is /oison that 11 The a/ost)es9 dis+i/)es and +rowd o))ow Hi! in a +o!/a+t &rou/9 whi)e He &oes +orrodes the re!ains you sti)) have o your sou)s9 o 1harisees. ,od does not want 2a+6 a&ain to the /)a+e at the irst town wa))s9 a s/ot a)!ost she)tered 2y the wa)) o the re!ains. %e not 7ains. ,od does not want what is the ruit o hardness. ,od does not Te!/)e en+)osure9 where it is not so war!9 in this very su)try day. 's the &round has want what9 raisin& a wee/in& voi+e9 saysI CI had to a//ease the hun&er o a starvin& 2een rou&hened 2y the hooves o ani!a)s and is strewn with the stones used 2y !an. %ut I was /revented ro! doin& so 2e+ause I had to dis/)ay !y /o!/ in here. I

59#.The 8ednesda( 6e-" e Pass",e . F ". &he Dis3ussi"ns %i&h S3 i6es and Pha isees &" &he Es3ha&"2"1i3a2 Dis3"u se. The 8id"%!s 'i&e.


!er+hants and !oney@+han&ers to asten their en+)osures and tents9 there are no ra22is o Israe) there9 who did not !ind a))owin& a !ar6et to 2e he)d in the Te!/)e9 2ut are dis&usted at wa)6in& in their sanda)s where the oot/rints o =uadru/eds9 whi+h were +)eared out ro! there a ew days /revious)y9 have 2een 2ad)y +an+e))edN

foreigner than of his legions. %e+ause9 whi)e i you are aith u) to the )aws o ,od and o your (ather)and you wi)) win9 even i you are surrounded 2y !i&hty ar!ies9 i instead you are +orru/ted 2y the su2t)e /oison9 &iven as an ine2riatin& honey 2y the stran&er who has !ade his /)ans +on+ernin& you9 ,od wi)) a2andon you 2e+ause o your sins9 and you wi)) 2e de eated and su2<e+ted9 even i your a)se a))y does not wa&e Jesus is not dis&usted and He ta6es she)ter there9 surrounded 2y a )ar&e +rowd o a 2)oody 2att)e with you. Woe to hi# who is not as vigilant as a sentry and does not )isteners. %ut 2e ore s/ea6in&9 He +a))s the a/ost)es to +o!e +)ose to Hi! and says to repel the subtle snare of a false shrewd neighbour or ally or con+ueror who begins the!I E7o!e and )isten +are u))y. ;esterday you wanted to 6now !any o the thin&s his do#ination over individuals wea"ening their hearts and corrupting the# with that I wi)) te)) you today and that I !entioned va&ue)y yesterday9 when we were restin& usages and habits that are not ours and are not holy and conse+uently #a"e us in Jose/h's 6it+hen &arden. So /ay attention9 2e+ause they are i!/ortant )essons or unpleasant to the 2ord! Woe! ;ou !ust re!e!2er the +onse=uen+es 2rou&ht a2out to every2ody9 and or you in /arti+u)ar9 as you are My !inisters and +ontinuators. our (ather)and 2y the a+t that so!e o her +hi)dren ado/ted usa&es and ha2its o a 12 Listen. S+ri2es and 1harisees sat on Moses' +hair at the ri&ht !o!ent. They were sad orei&ner to in&ratiate the!se)ves with hi! and en<oy avours. It is a &ood thin& to 2e +harita2)e with every2ody9 a)so with /eo/)es who are not o our aith9 who have not our days or our (ather)and. 5n+e the e3i)e in %a2y)onia was over and the nation had 2een usa&es and who have har!ed us throu&hout a&es. But our love for these people who restored throu&h 7yrus' !a&nani!ity9 the )eaders o the /eo/)e e)t it ne+essary to are always our neighbour #ust never #a"e us disown the 2aw of &od and of our restore a)so the +u)t and the 6now)ed&e o the Law. %e+ause woe to that /eo/)e that -atherland for so#e pre#editated benefit e7torted fro# our neighbours. No. does not /ossess the! or its de en+e9 &uide and su//ort9 a&ainst the !ost /ower u) (orei&ners des/ise those who are so servi)e as to disown the ho)iest thin&s o their ene!ies o a nation9 whi+h are the i##orality of the citi:ens rebellion against leaders (ather)and. It is not by denying one1s -ather and !other ? &od and the -atherland ? disunion a#ong classes and parties the sins against &od and one1s neighbours that one achieves respect and freedo#. irreligiousness whi+h are a)) dis&re&atin& e)e!ents in the!se)ves and 2e+ause o the /unish!ents they /rovo6e ro! HeavenH So it was a &ood thin& that at the ri&ht !o!ent the 1harisees shou)d arise to ere+t a So s+ri2es or do+tors o the Law arose to tea+h the /eo/)e who s/o6e the 7ha)dean )an&ua&e9 the herita&e o the sore and weary e3i)e9 and thus could no longer understand the .criptures written in pure Hebrew. They arose to he)/ the /riests9 insu i+ient in nu!2er to u) i)) the tas6 o tea+hin& the +rowds. Su+h )aity9 )earned and devoted to honourin& the Lord9 2y ta6in& the 6now)ed&e o ,od to !en and )eadin& !en to ,od9 had its reason or e3isten+e and it did a)so so!e &ood. %e+ause9 a)) o you !ust 2ear this in !ind9 a)so those thin&s that9 throu&h hu!an wea6ness9 )ater de&enerate9 as it ha//ened to this one that 2e+a!e +orru/t in the +ourse o ti!e9 always have so#ething good and at least an initial reason for e7istence where2y the Most Hi&h a))ows the! to arise and )ast unti)9 the !easure o de&eneration 2ein& u))9 the Most Hi&h dis/erses the!. Then the other se+t o the 1harisees arose ro! the trans or!ation o that o the Hasidaeans9 or!ed to su//ort the Law o Moses and the s/irit o inde/enden+e o our /eo/)e 2y !eans o the !ost ri&id !ora)s and the stri+test o2edien+e9 when the He))enisti+ /arty J that had risen 2e+ause o the /ressure and sedu+tions that had 2e&un in the days o 'ntio+hus 0/i/hanes and that soon +han&ed into /erse+utions a&ainst those who did not yie)d to the /ressure o the shrewd 6in&9 who !ore than on his ar!s relied on the brea"ing up of the faith in hearts in order to rule over our -atherland J was tryin& to !a6e us s)aves. .e!e!2er a)so thisI be #ore afraid of easy alliances and of the blandish#ents of a 2arrier a&ainst the i)thy over )owin& o orei&n usa&es and +usto!s. I repeat( every4 thing that begins and lasts has its reason for e7istence. 'nd it is to 2e res/e+ted or what it did9 i not or what it does. %e+ause9 i it is &ui)ty 2y now9 it is not or !en to insu)t it9 and even )ess to stri6e it. There is who 6nows how to do itI ,od and He 4ho! He sent9 and 4hose ri&ht and duty is to open His #outh and to open your eyes so that you and they #ay "now the thought of the !ost High and you #ay act according to 5ustice. I and no one e)se. I9 2e+ause I s/ea6 2y divine !andate. I9 2e+ause I +an s/ea6 as I have none o the sins that sho+6 you when you see the! +o!!itted 2y s+ri2es and 1harisees9 but which you also co##it if you can.G 13 Jesus9 4ho had 2e&un His s/ee+h in a )ow voi+e9 has &radua))y raised it9 and when utterin& these )ast words9 it is as /ower u) as the 2)are o a tru!/et. He2rews and ,enti)es are u))y en&rossed in )istenin& to Hi!. 'nd i the or!er a//)aud when Jesus !entions their (ather)and and +)ear)y +a))s 2y na!e those orei&ners who su2<e+ted the! and !ade the! su er9 the )atter ad!ire the oratori+a) or! o His s/ee+h and they are ha//y to 2e /resent at this oration rea))y worthy o a &reat orator9 as they say to one another. Jesus )owers His voi+e a&ain when He resu!es s/ea6in&I E4hat I to)d you is to re!ind you o the reasons why s+ri2es and 1harisees e3ist9 and how and why they have sat on Moses' +hair9 and how and why they s/ea6 and their words are not vain ones. So do what they say. %ut do not i!itate their a+tions. %e+ause they say that thin&s are to 2e done in a +ertain !anner9 2ut they do not do what is to 2e

59#.The 8ednesda( 6e-" e Pass",e . F ". &he Dis3ussi"ns %i&h S3 i6es and Pha isees &" &he Es3ha&"2"1i3a2 Dis3"u se. The 8id"%!s 'i&e.


done. In a+t they tea+h the hu!ane )aws o the 1entateu+h9 then they 2urden other /eo/)e with hu&e9 un2eara2)e9 inhu!an wei&hts9 whereas they the!se)ves do not stir a in&er even to tou+h those wei&hts9 )et a)one +arry the!. The ru)e o their )i e is to 2e seen9 noti+ed and a//)auded or their deeds9 whi+h they /er or! in a !anner suita2)e to 2e seen and thus /raised. 'nd they infringe the law of love because they li"e to define the#selves the distinguished ones and they despise those who do not belong to their sect and they de!and the tit)e o tea+hers and ro! their dis+i/)es they e3a+t su+h a +u)t as they do not &ive to ,od. They +onsider the!@ se)ves &ods 2e+ause o their wisdo! and /ower9 and in the hearts o their dis+i/)es they want to 2e su/erior to athers and !others9 and they clai# that their doctrine is superior to &od1s and they insist on its being practised literally even if it is a #anipulation of the true 2aw in erior to the sa!e even !ore than this !ountain is to the ,reat Her!on that do!inates the who)e o 1a)estineM and they are hereti+s9 sin+e so!e 2e)ieve9 as heathens do9 in !ete!/sy+hosis Krein+arnationL and ata)ity9 whi)e others deny what the /revious ones ad!it and9 in a+tua) a+t i not in e e+t9 what ,od Hi!se) has &iven as a /rin+i/)e o aith9 when He de ined Hi!se) the on)y ,od to 4ho! +u)t is to 2e &iven9 and when He said that athers and !others are se+ond on)y to ,od9 and as su+h they are entit)ed to 2e o2eyed !ore than a tea+her who is not divine.

who own wea)th &ive hu!2)y. Let those who do not own a++e/t hu!2)y9 and )et the! hu!2)y set orth their needs to their 2rothers9 6nowin& that they are su+hM and )et 2rothers 6ind)y )isten to the needs o their 2rothers9 ee)in& that they are su+h to the!. .e!e!2er that your Master was o ten hun&ry and +o)d and He had other nu!2er)ess ne+essities and trou2)es and He9 the 4ord o ,od9 hu!2)y set the! orth to !en. .e!e!2er that a reward is &iven to those who are !er+i u) 2y &ivin& even <ust a si/ o water. Re#e#ber that it is better to give than to receive K'+ts #0I35L. In these three re+o))e+tions )et the /oor ind stren&th to as6 without ee)in& hu!i)iated9 re!e!2erin& that I did so 2e ore the!9 and )et the! or&ive9 i they are re used9 re!e!2erin& that !any a ti!e the Son o !an was denied the /)a+e and the ood that are &iven to shee/@ do&s. 'nd )et the ri+h 2e &enerous in &ivin& their ri+hes9 +onsiderin& that the 2ase !oney9 that Satan insti&ates !en to +rave or9 and is nine tenths o the disasters o the wor)d9 i it is &iven out o )ove9 +han&es into a heaven)y i!!orta) &e!.

15 %e +)othed in your virtues. Let the! 2e !ani o)d 2ut 6nown on)y to ,od. $o not 2ehave as the 1harisees who wear the 2roadest /hy)a+teries and the )on&est rin&es and want the ront seats in syna&o&ues and )ove to 2e &reeted o2se=uious)y in !ar6et s=uares9 and want to 2e +a))ed C.a22isD 2y the /eo/)e. *ne alone is your !aster( the ,hrist. ;ou who in uture wi)) 2e the new do+tors9 I a! re errin& to you9 My a/ost)es and dis+i/)es9 re!e!2er that I alone a# your Teacher. And I will be your only Teacher %e+ause i now I say to youI CThose who )ove their athers and !others !ore than they also when I a# no longer a#ong you. Because Wisdo# alone teaches. So do not a))ow )ove Me are not suita2)e or the :in&do! o ,odD9 I do not say so to insti)) indi eren+e yourse)ves to 2e +a))ed tea+hers9 2e+ause you are disciples yourselves. $o not /retend towards your re)atives into your !inds9 as you !ust res/e+t and he)/ the!9 neither is it to 2e +a))ed athers and do not +a)) ather anyone on the 0arth9 2e+ause only one is the )aw u) to de/rive the! o assistan+e sayin&I CIt is !oney or the Te!/)eD9 or deny the! -ather of all #en( your -ather Who is in Heaven. May this truth !a6e you wise by hos/ita)ity sayin&I CMy o i+e or2ids !eD9 or to ta6e their )ives sayin&I CI 6i)) you really feeling all li"e brothers to one another both those who guide and those who are 2e+ause you )ove the MasterD9 but I say so that you #ay love your relatives with 5ust guided and so love one another li"e good brothers. 'nd none o those who &uide !ust love that is with love that is patient and strong in its #ee"ness J without hatin& a a))ow the!se)ves to 2e +a))ed &uides9 2e+ause only one is your guide( the ,hrist. re)ative who sins and &ives sorrow9 2e+ause he does not o))ow you on the way o Li e9 that is9 on My way J with )ove that 6nows how to +hoose 2etween My )aw and a!i)y 2et the greatest a#ong you be your servant. He who is the servant o the servants o se) ishness and vio)en+e. 2ove your relatives obey the# in everything that is holy. But ,od does not hu!i)iate hi!se) 9 2ut he i!itates Me9 as I was 6ind and hu!2)e9 a)ways be ready to die not to "ill 2ut I say to die9 i they want to /ersuade you to 2etray the wi))in& to )ove those who were My 2rothers in the )esh o 'da!9 and to assist the! 2y vo+ation &iven you 2y ,od9 to 2e +itizens o the :in&do! o ,od9 that I have +o!e to !eans o the /ower that I have as ,od. 8either 2y servin& !en did I hu!i)iate what is esta2)ish. divine in Me. %e+ause he is a true "ing who "nows how to do#inate not so #uch #en as the passions of #en first of all foolish pride. .e!e!2erI he who hu#bles hi#self 14 $o not i!itate s+ri2es and 1harisees9 who are divided a!on& the!se)ves9 a)thou&h will be e7alted and he who e7alts hi#self will be hu#bled. they ei&n to 2e united. ;ou9 dis+i/)es o the 7hrist9 2e rea))y united9 ea+h one or a)) the others9 the )eaders 2ein& 6ind to the su2<e+ts9 the su2<e+ts 2ein& 6ind to their The 4o!an o 4ho! the Lord has s/o6en in the se+ond +ha/ter o ,enesis9 the Bir&in )eaders9 a)) one in )ove and in the /ur/ose o your unionI to +on=uer My :in&do! and !entioned 2y Isaiah9 the Bir&in Mother o the I!!anue)9 /ro/hesied this truth o the 2e at My ri&ht hand at the eterna) Jud&e!ent. .e!e!2er that a 6in&do! that is divided new ti!es9 when She san&I CHe has pulled down princes fro# their thrones and e7alted is no )on&er a 6in&do! and +annot e3ist. Be therefore united to one another in your the lowly.D The 4isdo! o ,od s/o6e throu&h the )i/s o Her 4ho was the Mother o love for !e and for !y doctrine. 2et love and union e+uality in gar#ents worn ,ra+e and the Throne o 4isdo!. 'nd I re/eat the ins/ired words that /raised Me co##unity of property brotherliness of hearts be the unifor# of the ,hristian because <oined to the (ather and to the Ho)y S/irit9 in 5ur wonder u) wor6s9 when9 without that will be the na#e of !y sub5ects. )verybody for one one for everybody. Let those o en+e to the Bir&in9 I9 the Man9 was 2ein& or!ed in Her wo!2 without +easin& 2ein&

59#.The 8ednesda( 6e-" e Pass",e . F ". &he Dis3ussi"ns %i&h S3 i6es and Pha isees &" &he Es3ha&"2"1i3a2 Dis3"u se. The 8id"%!s 'i&e.


,od. Let the! 2e a &uide or those who want to 2ear the 7hrist in their hearts and +o!e to the :in&do! o 7hrist. There will be no 8esus( the .aviour' no ,hrist( the 2ord' and there will be no =ingdo# of Heaven for those who are proud fornicators idolaters who worship the#selves and their will. 16 There ore woe to you9 hy/o+riti+a) s+ri2es and 1harisees9 who thin6 you +an +)ose 2y !eans o your un easi2)e !a3i!s J i they were +on ir!ed 2y ,od9 they wou)d rea))y 2e an un2rea6a2)e 2o)t or !ost !en J who thin6 you +an +)ose the :in&do! o Heaven in the a+e o those !en who raise their s/irits towards it to ind stren&th in their /ain u) earth)y dayH 4oe to you who do not enter it9 who do not want to enter it9 2e+ause you do not a++e/t the Law o the heaven)y :in&do!9 and you do not a))ow other /eo/)e to enter9 whi)e they are in ront o that door9 whi+h you9 into)erant as you are9 rein or+e with 2o)ts that ,od did not /ut there. 4oe to you9 hy/o+riti+a) s+ri2es and 1harisees9 who swa))ow the /ro/erty o widows under the /rete3t o sayin& )on& /rayers. %e+ause o that you wi)) re+eive a severe senten+eH 4oe to you9 hy/o+riti+a) s+ri2es and 1harisees9 who trave) over sea and )and9 usin& u/ ri+hes that do not 2e)on& to you9 to !a6e a sin&)e /rose)yte9 and when you have hi!9 you !a6e hi! twi+e as it or he)) as you areH 4oe to you9 2)ind &uides9 who sayI CI a !an swears 2y the Te!/)e9 it has no or+e9 2ut i he swears 2y the &o)d o the Te!/)e9 then he is 2ound 2y his oath.D ;ou are oo)ish and 2)indH 4hi+h is o &reater worthF The &o)d or the Te!/)e that !a6es the &o)d sa+redF 'nd you sayI CI a !an swears 2y the a)tar9 it has no or+e9 2ut i he swears 2y the o erin& on the a)tar9 then his oath is va)id and he is 2ound 2y it.D ;ou 2)ind !enH 4hat is &reaterF The o erin&9 or the a)tar that !a6es the o erin& sa+redF There ore9 he who swears 2y the a)tar9 is swearin& 2y it and 2y everythin& on it9 and he who swears 2y the Te!/)e9 is swearin& 2y it and 2y Hi! 4ho dwe))s in it9 and he who swears 2y Heaven9 is swearin& 2y the Throne o ,od and 2y Hi! 4ho is seated on it.

and then9 in the !ornin&9 a ter de)etin& the si&ns o your +on+ea)ed dea)in&s9 you &o u/ to the Te!/)e in ine &ar!ents. 4oe to you9 who tea+h the )aws o +harity and <usti+e +ontained in Leviti+us9 whi)e you are &reedy9 thieves9 a)se9 s)anderers9 o//ressors9 un<ust9 aven&ers9 haters9 and you even overthrow those who annoy you9 even i they are o your own 2)ood9 and you re/udiate the vir&in who has 2e+o!e your wi e9 and you disown the +hi)dren that you 2e&ot o her9 2e+ause they are inva)ids9 and 2e+ause you do not )i6e your wi e any !ore9 you a++use her o adu)tery or o an un+)ean disease9 to &et rid o her9 whi)e you are un+)ean in your )ust u) hearts9 even i you do not a//ear to 2e su+h in the eyes o the /eo/)e9 who are not aware o your deeds. ;ou are )i6e whitewashed se/u)+hres that )oo6 handso!e on the outside9 2ut inside are u)) o dead !en's 2ones and +orru/tion. The sa!e a//)ies to you. ;es. The sa!eH (ro! the outside you )oo6 )i6e honest !en9 2ut inside you are u)) o hy/o+risy and )aw)essness. 4oe to you9 hy/o+riti+a) s+ri2es and 1harisees9 who 2ui)d !a&ni i+ent se/u)+hres or the /ro/hets and de+orate the to!2s o ho)y !en sayin&I CHad we )ived in our athers' days9 we wou)d never had <oined those who shed the 2)ood o the /ro/hets.D 'nd so you &ive eviden+e a&ainst yourse)ves that you are the sons o those who !urdered your /ro/hets. 'nd you9 !oreover9 are inishin& the wor6 o your athersN Ser/ents9 2rood o vi/ers9 how +an you es+a/e 2ein& +onde!ned to ,ehennaF 17 So I9 the 4ord o ,od9 say to youI I &od will send you new prophets and wise #en and scribes. So!e you wi)) s)au&hter9 so!e you wi)) +ru+i y9 so!e you wi)) s+our&e in your )aw@+ourts9 in your syna&o&ues9 outside the wa))s o your towns9 and so!e you wi)) hunt ro! town to town9 unti) you draw on yourse)ves the 2)ood o the <ust !en9 that has 2een shed on the 0arth9 ro! the 2)ood o the <ust '2e) to the 2)ood o >e+hariah son o %ara+hian9 who! you !urdered 2etween the san+tuary and the a)tar9 2e+ause or your own sa6e he had re!inded you o your sin9 that you !i&ht re/ent and &o 2a+6 to the Lord. It is so. ;ou hate those who want your we) are and )ovin&)y +a)) you 2a+6 to the /aths o ,od.

4oe to you9 hy/o+riti+a) s+ri2es and 1harisees9 who /ay the tithes o !int and rue9 o I so)e!n)y te)) you that a)) that is a2out to ha//en9 2oth the +ri!e and its +onse=uen+es. anise and +u!!in9 and then you ne&)e+t the wei&htier !atters o the LawI <usti+e9 I so)e!n)y te)) you that a)) this wi)) 2e a++o!/)ished on this &eneration. !er+y and aith. These are the virtues you shou)d have /ra+tised9 without ne&)e+tin& the other !inor !attersH 5hH Jerusa)e!H Jerusa)e!H Jerusa)e!9 you that stone those who have 2een sent to you and 6i)) your /ro/hetsH How o ten have I )on&ed to &ather your +hi)dren9 as a hen ;ou 2)ind &uides9 you i)ter your drin6s9 )est you !ay 2e+o!e +onta!inated 2y &athers her +hi+6s under her win&s9 and you re usedH 8ow )isten9 Jerusa)e!H 8ow swa))owin& a drowned &nat9 2ut you swa))ow a +a!e)9 without ee)in& un+)ean 2y doin& )isten9 you who hate Me and hate everythin& that +o!es ro! ,od. 8ow )isten9 you so. 4oe to you9 hy/o+riti+a) s+ri2es and 1harisees9 who wash the outside o +u/s and who )ove Me and who wi)) 2e +arried away 2y the /unish!ent )aid aside or the dishes9 2ut interior)y you are u)) o e3tortion and i)th. 5 2)ind 1harisee9 wash the /erse+utors o the Messen&ers o ,od. 'nd you a)so )isten to Me9 you who do not inside o your +u/ and dish irst9 so that a)so the outside !ay 2e +)ean. 2e)on& to this /eo/)e9 2ut who )isten to Me <ust the sa!e9 )isten and )earn 4ho He is 4ho is s/ea6in& to you and orete))s without havin& to study the )i&ht9 the war2)in& o 4oe to you9 hy/o+riti+a) s+ri2es and 1harisees9 who )y in dar6ness )i6e no+tu)es or 2irds9 or +e)estia) /heno!ena9 or the vis+era o sa+ri i+ed ani!a)s9 or the ire and s!o6e your sin u) deeds9 and at ni&ht rea+h a&ree!ents with heathens9 ro22ers and traitors9

59#.The 8ednesda( 6e-" e Pass",e . F ". &he Dis3ussi"ns %i&h S3 i6es and Pha isees &" &he Es3ha&"2"1i3a2 Dis3"u se. The 8id"%!s 'i&e.


o ho)o+austs9 2e+ause a)) the uture is the /resent or Hi! 4ho is s/ea6in& to you. /This House of yours will be left desolate to you. And I say to you says the 2ord that you shall not see !e any #ore until you also say( 1Blessings on Hi# Who co#es in the na#e of the 2ord.10> 18 Jesus is +)ear)y tired and hot9 2oth 2e+ause o the )on& thunderin& s/ee+h9 and o the su)triness o the wind)ess day. 1ressed a&ainst the wa)) 2y a !u)titude o /eo/)e9 avid)y &azed u/on 2y thousands o /eo/)e9 ee)in& a)) the hatred o those who are )istenin& to Hi! under the /or+hes o the +ourt o the ,enti)es9 and a)) the )ove or at )east the ad!iration surroundin& Hi!9 indi erent to the sun 2)azin& down on 2a+6s and reddened /ers/irin& a+es9 He rea))y )oo6s e3hausted. He needs so)a+e and He see6s it sayin& to His a/ost)es and to the seventy@two dis+i/)es9 who )i6e wed&es have o/ened a /assa&e throu&h the +rowd and who are now in the ront )ine9 or!in& a aith u) )ovin& 2arrier around Hi!I ELet us )eave the Te!/)e and &o out into the o/en9 a!on& trees. I a! in need o shade9 si)en+e and resh air. This /)a+e rea))y see!s to 2e a)ready 2urnin& with the ire o +e)estia) wrath.G They e)2ow their way with di i+u)ty and are thus a2)e to &o out throu&h the nearest &ate9 where Jesus in vain strives to dis!iss !any /eo/)e. They want to o))ow Hi! at a)) +osts.

res/e+t and a!i)iarity at the sa!e ti!e9 and Jesus as6s a ter his wi e and +hi)dren. The !an wou)d )i6e to &ive Jesus hos/ita)ity in his house9 2ut the Master /re ers the resh rest u) /ea+e o the )ar&e :in&'s ,arden9 a rea) /ar6 o de)i&ht. 'nd 2e ore the two untirin& and very )oya) servants o Lazarus &o away to &et the 2as6et o oodstu s9 Jesus says to the!I ETe)) your !istresses to +o!e. 4e sha)) stay here or a ew hours with My Mother and the aith u) wo!en dis+i/)es. 'nd it wi)) 2e so /)easantNG E;ou are very tired9 MasterH 5ne +an te)) ro! ;our a+eG re!ar6s Manaen. E;es. So !u+h so that I did not have enou&h stren&th to &o arther.G E%ut I o ered ;ou these &ardens severa) ti!es durin& the /ast days. ;ou 6now how /)eased I a! to 2e a2)e to o er ;ou /ea+e and so)a+eHG EI 6now9 Manaen.G E'nd yesterday ;ou wanted to &o to that sad /)a+eH Its nei&h2ourhood is so arid and it is so stran&e)y 2are o ve&etation this yearH 'nd it is so +)ose to that sad &ateHG EI wanted to satis y My a/ost)es. They are )i6e )itt)e 2oys9 a ter a)). ,rown u/ 2oys. See how ha//i)y they are re reshin& the!se)vesHN They have i!!ediate)y or&otten what is 2ein& /)otted a&ainst Me 2eyond those wa))sNG

In the !eanti!e the dis+i/)es are wat+hin& the +u2e o the Te!/)e shinin& in the sun9 as E'nd they have or&otten that ;ou are so de/ressedN %ut I do not thin6 there is any it is a)!ost !idday9 and John o 0/hesus /oints out the /ower u) +onstru+tion to the sound reason to 2e ri&htened. The /)a+e see!ed !ore dan&erous on other o++asions.G Master sayin&I ELoo6 at the size o the stones and o the +onstru+tionHG E'nd yet not a sin&)e stone here wi)) 2e )e t on anotherG re/)ies Jesus. E8oF 4henF HowFG as6 !any. %ut Jesus does not say anythin&. He &oes down the Moriah and =ui+6)y )eaves the town9 /assin& throu&h 5/he) and the ,ate o 0/hrai! or $un& ,ate and ta6in& she)ter at irst in the thi+6 o the :in&'s ,ardens9 that is unti) those who9 a/art ro! a/ost)es and dis+i/)es9 have insisted in o))owin& Hi!9 &o away s)ow)y when Manaen9 who has had the heavy &ates o/ened9 +o!es orward i!/osin&)y and says to every2odyI E,o away. 8o one +an +o!e in here e3+e/t those who! I a))ow.G Shade9 si)en+e9 s+ents o )owers9 the s!e)) o +a!/hor and +)oves9 +inna!on9 )avender and +ount)ess other s+ented her2s9 the &ur&)in& o strea!s nourished 2y near2y ountains and +isterns9 under &a))eries o )eaves9 the war2)in& o 2irds !a6e the s/ot a /)a+e o /aradisia+ rest. The town see!s to 2e !i)es and !i)es away9 with its narrow streets9 dar6 2e+ause o the !any ar+hivo)ts or sunny to the /oint o dazz)in&9 with its s!e))s and sten+hes o sewers9 whi+h are not a)ways +)ean9 and o streets a)on& whi+h too !any =uadru/eds /ass to 2e +)ean9 /arti+u)ar)y the )ess i!/ortant ones. 19 The &uardian o the ,ardens !ust 6now Jesus very we))9 2e+ause he &reets Hi! with

Jesus )oo6s at hi! and is si)ent. How o ten in these )ast days have I seen Jesus )oo6 and 2e si)ent thusH Then Jesus 2e+o!es intent in wat+hin& the a/ost)es and dis+i/)es9 who have ta6en o their head&ear9 !ant)es and sanda)s9 +oo)in& their a+es and )i!2s in the resh rivu)ets9 i!itated 2y !any o the seventy@two dis+i/)es9 who9 a+tua))y9 I thin6 are now !any !ore9 and who9 a)) united in the raternity o idea)s9 are )yin& down9 restin& here and there9 a )itt)e aside9 to )et Jesus rest /ea+e u))y. Manaen a)so withdraws )eavin& Hi! a)one. 0very2ody res/e+ts the rest o the Master9 4ho is very tired and has ta6en she)ter under a very thi+6 /er&o)a o a <as!ine in 2)oo!9 sha/ed )i6e a 2ower and iso)ated 2y a rin& o water that )ows &ur&)in& in a )itt)e +ana) over whi+h &rass and )owers han&. ' rea) /ea+e u) re u&e that is rea+hed 2y !eans o a )itt)e 2rid&e two /a)!s wide and our )on&9 the rai)in&s o whi+h are a)) +overed with a &ar)and o <as!ine +oro))as. 20 The servants +o!e 2a+6 and they have in+reased in nu!2er9 2e+ause Martha wanted to /rovide or a)) the servants o the Lord9 and they say that the wo!en wi)) 2e +o!in& short)y.

59#.The 8ednesda( 6e-" e Pass",e . F ". &he Dis3ussi"ns %i&h S3 i6es and Pha isees &" &he Es3ha&"2"1i3a2 Dis3"u se. The 8id"%!s 'i&e.


Jesus sends or 1eter and says to hi!I E4ith My 2rother Ja!es 2)ess9 o er and hand out the ood as I do.G

'nd i the a+e o the Mother9 on this 4ednesday 2e ore 1assover9 is di erent ro! that o the Mother at the %irth o the Lord9 2e+ause &rie !a6es it /a)e and dis i&ures its eatures9 the !i)d )ovin& /urity o Her &)an+e9 the an3ious +are is the sa!e as She had EI wi)) hand it out9 2ut I wi)) not 2)ess it. It is or ;ou to o er and 2)ess it9 not or !e.G when9 2endin& over the !an&er in %eth)ehe!9 with Her )ove She /rote+ted the irst E4hen you were the head o your +o!/anions and were ar away ro! Me9 did you not un+o! orta2)e s)ee/ o Her 7hi)d. do itFG Jesus !oves9 and Mary =ui+6)y wi/es Her eyes9 so that Her Son !ay not see Her tears. E;es9 I did. %ut then I was +o!/e))ed to do it. 8ow ;ou are with us9 and it is or ;ou to 2)ess it. I thin6 that everythin& tastes 2etter when ;ou o er it or us and hand it outNG and the aith u) Si!on e!2ra+es his Jesus9 4ho is sittin& )oo6in& very tired in the shade9 and he 2ends his head over His shou)der9 ha//y to 2e a2)e to +)as/ and 6iss Hi! thusN Jesus stands u/ and /)eases hi!. He &oes towards the dis+i/)es9 He o ers9 2)esses9 hands out the ood9 He wat+hes the! eat &)ad)y and says to the!I E' terwards you !ay s)ee/9 rest whi)e there is ti!e9 so that )ater you !ay 6ee/ awa6e and /ray when you need to do so9 and ati&ue and tiredness !ay not over2urden your eyes and s/irit with s)ee/iness9 when it wi)) 2e ne+essary or you to 2e ready and wide@awa6e.G E're ;ou not stayin& with usF 're ;ou not eatin&FG ELet Me rest. That is a)) I need. 0at9 eatHG He +aresses the ones who! He inds on His way and &oes 2a+6 to His /)a+eN %ut Jesus has not wa6ened. He has on)y +han&ed the /osition o His a+e9 turnin& it round to the other side9 and Mary resu!es Her i!!o2i)ity and Her wat+hin&. %ut so!ethin& 2rea6s Mary's heartI She hears Her Jesus wee/ in His s)ee/ and whis/er the na!e o Judas9 with an indistin+t !ur!ur9 as He s/ea6s with His !outh /ressed a&ainst His ar! and &ar!entN Mary stands u/9 She a//roa+hes Her Son and 2ends over Hi!9 She o))ows His va&ue whis/erin&9 with Her hands /ressed a&ainst Her heart. Jesus' s/ee+h9 a)thou&h 2ro6en 2ut not to the e3tent that one +annot o))ow it9 !a6es Her understand that He is drea!in&9 and is drea!in& on+e a&ain the /resent9 the /ast and then a)so the uture9 unti) He awa6es with a <er69 as i He wanted to es+a/e so!ethin& horri2)e. %ut He inds the 2reast o His Mother9 the ar!s o His Mother9 the s!i)e o His Mother9 the &ent)e voi+e o his Mother9 Her 6iss9 Her +aress9 the )i&ht tou+h o Her vei)9 with whi+h She had wi/ed Her a+e to dry tears and /ers/iration9 whi)e She says to Hi!I E;ou were in an un+o! orta2)e /osition9 and ;ou were drea!in&N ;ou are wet with /ers/iration and tired9 Son.G 'nd She tidies His ru )ed hair9 She dries His a+e and 6isses Hi!9 e!2ra+in& Hi! with Her ar!9 ho)din& Hi! to Her heart as She +an no )on&er ta6e Hi! in Her )a/9 as when He was a 2a2y.

21 :ind and &ent)e is the arriva) o the Mother near Her Son. Mary +o!es orward without hesitatin&9 2e+ause Manaen9 who 2ein& )ess tired than the others9 has 2een wat+hin& at the &ate9 /oints out to Her the /)a+e where is Jesus. The other wo!en dis+i/)es9 a)) the He2rew ones are there9 and o the .o!ans on)y Ba)eria is /resent9 sto/ Jesus s!i)es at Her sayin&I E;ou are a)ways the Mother. The one who +o! orts. The or a )itt)e whi)e and are si)ent in order not to awa6e the dis+i/)es who are s)ee/in& in one who rewards or everythin&. My MotherHG the shade o the )ea y trees9 )i6e shee/ )yin& on the &rass at !idday. He !a6es Her sit +)ose to Hi! )ayin& His hand on Her 6nees9 and Mary ta6es His )on& Mary &oes under the <as!ine /er&o)a without !a6in& the )itt)e wooden 2rid&e or the hand9 so &ent)e and yet so stron&9 the hand o a handi+ra ts!an9 in Her s!a)) ones9 She &rave) on the &round +rea69 and even !ore +autious)y She a//roa+hes Her Son9 4ho9 +aresses its in&ers and the 2a+6 o it9 s!oothin& the veins whi+h had swo))en whi)e over+o!e 2y weariness9 has a))en as)ee/ with His head on the stone ta2)e /)a+ed there9 han&in& in His s)ee/. 'nd She tries to distra+t His attentionN His )e t ar! used as a +ushion under His a+e +overed 2y His hair. Mary sits /atient)y 22 E4e have +o!e. 4e are a)) here. ')so Ba)eria. The others are at the 'ntonia. near Her e3hausted Son. 'nd She +onte!/)ates Hi!N so intent)yN and a sorrow u) )ovin& s!i)e a//ears on Her )i/s9 whi)e tears noise)ess)y a)) on Her )a/M 2ut i Her )i/s 7)audia wanted the!9 Cas she is very sadD said her reedwo!an. She says9 I do not 6now why9 that she has a /resenti!ent o !u+h wee/in&. Su/erstitionsHN ,od on)y are +)osed and si)ent9 Her heart is /rayin& with a)) the stren&th She /ossesses9 and the 6nows what wi)) ha//enNG /ower o that /rayer and o its ins/iration are revea)ed 2y the attitude o Her hands <oined on Her )a/9 he)d ti&ht with in&ers inter)a+ed in order not to tre!2)e9 and yet are E4here are the wo!en dis+i/)esFG sha6en 2y a )i&ht tre!or. Hands that are dis<oined on)y to drive away a )y that insistent)y wants to a)i&ht on Her s)ee/in& Son and !i&ht awa6e Hi!. E5ver there9 at the entran+e o the ,ardens. Martha wanted to /re/are re reshin& and nourishin& ood and drin6s9 +onsiderin& how e3hausted ;ou are. %ut I9 )oo69 ;ou It is the Mother 4ho is wat+hin& Her Son. The )ast s)ee/ o Her Son She +an wat+h. a)ways )i6ed this9 and I 2rou&ht it to ;ou. My share. It has a ni+er taste 2e+ause it was

59#.The 8ednesda( 6e-" e Pass",e . F ". &he Dis3ussi"ns %i&h S3 i6es and Pha isees &" &he Es3ha&"2"1i3a2 Dis3"u se. The 8id"%!s 'i&e.


!ade 2y ;our Mother.G She shows Hi! so!e honey and a 2un on whi+h She s/reads it EIt is the hour o su/re!e truths9 Mother. They re!ain dead truths to the!. %ut they handin& it to Her Son and sayin&I E's we used to do at 8azareth9 when ;ou rested wi)) 2e )ivin& truths or the others. 'nd with )ove and severity I !ust i&ht the )ast 2att)e durin& the hottest hours9 and then ;ou awo6e ee)in& hot9 and I used to +o!e ro! the to snat+h the! ro! 0vi).G +oo) &rotto with this re resh!entNG She sto/s 2e+ause Her voi+e tre!2)es. EThat is true. They to)d Me that ,a!a)ie)9 who was with other /eo/)e in one o the Her Son )oo6s at Her and then saysI E'nd when there was Jose/h9 ;ou 2rou&ht ha))s in the /or+hes9 said at the end9 whi)e !any were u/setI CWhen one does not want re resh!ents or two and the +oo) water o the /orous <ar that ;ou 6e/t in runnin& to be reproached one acts righteouslyD and he went away a ter that re!ar6.G water to !a6e it +oo)er and it was !ade even !ore so 2y the ste!s o wi)d !int that EI a! &)ad that the ra22i heard Me. 4ho to)d ;ouFG ;ou /ut in it. How !u+h !int there was there9 under the o)ive@treesH 'nd how !any 2ees on the !int )owersH 5ur honey a)ways tasted a )itt)e o that s+entNG He is ELazarus did. 'nd he was to)d 2y 0)eazar9 who was in the ha)) with other /eo/)e. /ensiveN He re!e!2ersN Lazarus +a!e at !idday. He &reeted us and went away a&ain without )istenin& to his sisters who wanted to 6ee/ hi! unti) sunset. He to)d the! to send John9 or so!e2ody E4e have seen ')/haeus9 ;ou 6nowF Jose/h was de)ayed 2e+ause one o his sons was e)se9 to &et those ruits and )owers9 whi+h are <ust /er e+t.G not too we)). %ut he wi)) +ertain)y 2e here to!orrow with Si!on. Sa)o!e o Si!on is )oo6in& a ter our house and Mary's.G 23 EMother9 when ;ou are a)) a)one9 who wi)) ;ou stay withFG E4ith who!soever ;ou wi)) te)) Me9 Son. I o2eyed ;ou9 Son9 2e ore havin& ;ou. I wi)) +ontinue doin& so a ter ;ou have )e t Me.G Her voi+e tre!2)es9 2ut a heroi+ s!i)e is on Her )i/s. E;ou 6now how to o2ey. How rest u) it is to 2e with ;ouH %e+ause9 see9 MotherF The wor)d +annot understand9 2ut I ind +o!/)ete rest with o2edient /eo/)eN ;es. ,od rests with the o2edient. &od would not have had to suffer to toil if disobedience had not co#e to the world. )verything happened because #an did not obey. That is why there is sorrow in the world6 That is the reason for *ur grief.G E'nd a)so or 5ur /ea+e9 Jesus. %e+ause we 6now that our o2edien+e +o! orts the 0terna) (ather. 5hH or Me in /arti+u)ar9 what that thou&ht isH I9 a +reature9 have 2een &ranted to +onso)e My 7reatorHG E5hH Joy o ,odH ;ou do not 6now9 o <oy o 5urs9 what ;our word !eans to usH It e3+eeds the har!ony o the 7e)estia) 7horusesHN %)essedH Blessed %ou are as %ou teach !e the last obedience and by this thought of %ours %ou #a"e it pleasant for !e to acco#plish it!G E;ou do not need to 2e tau&ht 2y Me9 My Jesus. I have )earned everythin& ro! ;ou.G E8esus of !ary of Na:areth the !an has learned everything fro# %ou. G EIt was ;our )i&ht that e!anated ro! Me. The Li&ht that ;ou are and that +a!e ro! the 0terna) Li&ht9 annihi)ated in hu!an a//earan+eN 24 Johanna's 2rothers in or!ed Me o the s/ee+h ;ou de)ivered. They were enra/tured with ad!iration. ;ou uttered 2itter words a&ainst the 1hariseesNG EI wi)) send John to!orrow.G ELazarus +o!es every day. %ut Mary &ets an&ry 2e+ause she says that he see!s an a//arition. He &oes u/ to the Te!/)e9 he +o!es9 &ives orders and )eaves a&ain.G ELazarus a)so 6nows how to o2ey. I to)d hi! to 2ehave so9 2e+ause they are )yin& in wait or hi! as we)). %ut don't te)) his sisters. 8othin& wi)) ha//en to hi!. 'nd now )et us &o to the wo!en dis+i/)es.G E$o not !ove. I wi)) +a)) the!. The dis+i/)es are a)) as)ee/NG E'nd we wi)) )et the! s)ee/. They do not s)ee/ !u+h at ni&ht9 2e+ause I tea+h the! in the /ea+e o ,ethse!ane.G 25 Mary &oes out and +o!es 2a+6 with the wo!en9 who see! to have &ot rid o their wei&ht9 so )i&ht are their ste/s. They &reet Hi! with dee/ res/e+t. 5n)y Mary o 7)o/as is we)) 6nown. 'nd ro! a )ar&e 2a& Martha ta6es out a s!a)) /orous a!/hora9 whi)e ro! another vase9 whi+h is a)so /orous9 Mary ta6es resh ruit that +a!e ro! %ethany9 and )ays it on the ta2)e 2eside what her sister has /re/ared9 that is a +ris/ a//etisin& &ri))ed dove9 and she 2e&s Jesus to a++e/t it sayin&I E0at it. It is nourishin&. I /re/ared it !yse) .G Johanna instead has 2rou&ht so!e rose@vine&ar. She e3/)ainsI EIt is so re reshin& in these irst war! days. My hus2and a)so !a6es use o it when he is tired a ter )on& rides.G E4e have nothin&G say Mary Sa)o!e9 Mary 7)o/as9 Susanna and 0)iza a/o)o&isin&. 'nd 8i6e and Ba)eria in turn sayI E8either have we. 4e did not 6now that we had to +o!e.G E;ou have &iven Me a)) your hearts. That is enou&h or Me. 'nd you wi)) sti)) &ive

59#.The 8ednesda( 6e-" e Pass",e . F ". &he Dis3ussi"ns %i&h S3 i6es and Pha isees &" &he Es3ha&"2"1i3a2 Dis3"u se. The 8id"%!s 'i&e.


MeNG He ta6es so!e ood9 2ut a2ove a)) He drin6s the +oo) honied water that Martha /ours out or Hi! ro! the /orous a!/hora and He eats the resh ruit9 a rea) re resh!ent or the Tired 5ne.

EToo )itt)eHG they a)) re/)y. EThe /ossi2i)ity o &ivin& wi)) not +o!e to an end a ter this hour. It wi)) +ease on)y when you are with Me in My :in&do!. My aith u) wo!en dis+i/)es. ;ou wi)) not sit at My side9 on twe)ve thrones to <ud&e the twe)ve tri2es o Israe)9 2ut you wi)) sin& hosannas with the an&e)s9 or!in& a +horus o honour or My Mother9 and then9 as now9 the heart o the 7hrist wi)) ind its <oy in +onte!/)atin& you.G

The wo!en dis+i/)es do not s/ea6 !u+h. They )oo6 at Hi! whi)e He ta6es so!e re resh!ents. In their eyes there is )ove and an3iety. 'nd a)) o a sudden 0)iza 2e&ins to wee/9 and she a/o)o&ises sayin&I EI do not 6now. My heart is 2urdened with EI a! youn&H Lon& wi)) 2e the ti!e to as+end to ;our :in&do!. Ha//y 'nna)eahHG sadnessNG says Susanna. E')) our hearts are. 0ven 7)audia in her /a)a+eNG says Ba)eria. EI wish it were a)ready 1ente+ostG whis/ers Sa)o!e. EI9 instead9 wou)d )i6e to sto/ the ti!e at this hourG says Mary o Ma&da)a. E;ou wou)d 2e se) ish9 MaryG re/)ies Jesus. E4hy9 .a22oniFG E%e+ause you wou)d )i6e the <oy o your rede!/tion e3+)usive)y or yourse) . There are !i))ions o /eo/)e who are awaitin& this hour9 or who wi)) 2e redee!ed 2e+ause o this hour.G EThat is true. I was not thin6in& o thatNG she )owers her head9 2itin& her )i/s to +on+ea) the tears in her eyes and the tre!2)in& o her )i/s. %ut she is a)ways the 2rave stru&&)er9 and she saysI EI ;ou +o!e to!orrow9 ;ou wi)) 2e a2)e to /ut on the tuni+ ;ou sent !e. It is resh and +)ean9 worthy o the 1assover su//er.G EI wi)) +o!eN 26 Have you nothin& to te)) MeF ;ou are si)ent and distressed. '! I no )on&er JesusFNG He s!i)es at the wo!en en+oura&in&)y. E5hH ;ou areH %ut ;ou are so &reat these days that I +an no )on&er see ;ou as the )itt)e 2oy I used to +arry in !y ar!sHG e3+)ai!s Mary o ')/haeus. E8either +an I see ;ou as the si!/)e ra22i who used to +o!e into !y 6it+hen )oo6in& or John and Ja!esG says Sa)o!e. EI a! o)d9 and ha//y to 2e so. I ho/e !y death is nearG says 0)iza.

EI have !y sonsN I wou)d )i6e to serve these servants o ,odHG says Mary o 7)o/as with a si&h. E$o not or&et us9 LordHG says the Ma&da)ene with restrained an3iety9 I wou)d say with a +ry o her sou)9 so !u+h does her voi+e =uiver9 even !ore than a +ry9 a)thou&h it is 6e/t )ow in order not to awa6e those who are s)ee/in&. EI wi)) not or&et you. I wi)) +o!e. ;ou9 Johanna9 6now that I +an +o!e even i I a! ar awayN The others !ust 2e)ieve that. 'nd I wi)) )eave so!ethin& to youN a !ystery that wi)) 6ee/ Me in you and you in Me9 unti) we are united a&ain9 you and I9 in the :in&do! o ,od. ,o now. ;ou !ay say that I have not to)d you !u+h9 that it was a)!ost use)ess to !a6e you +o!e or so )itt)e. %ut I wanted to have around Me hearts that have )oved Me without se) ishness. (or My sa6eI or Jesus. 8ot or the uture :in& o Israe) /eo/)e have drea!t o . ,o. 'nd !ay you 2e 2)essed on+e !ore. ')so the other wo!en dis+i/)es9 who are not here9 2ut thin6 o Me with )oveI 'nne9 Myrtha9 'nastasi@ +a9 8ao!i9 and the ar away Synty+he9 and 1hotinai9 and '&)ae and Sarah9 Mar+e))a9 1hi)i/'s dau&hters9 Mir<ia! o Jairus9 the vir&ins9 the redee!ed wo!en9 the wives9 the !others who have +o!e to Me9 who have 2een sisters and !others to Me9 2etter9 ohH !u+h 2etter than the 2est !enHN ')) o the!H I 2)ess the! a)). ,ra+e 2e&ins a)ready to des+end9 &ra+e and or&iveness9 on wo!an9 throu&h this 2)essin& o Mine. ,oNG

He dis!isses the! ho)din& 2a+6 His Mother9 to who! He saysI E%e ore evenin& I sha)) 2e at Lazarus' !ansion. I need to see ;ou a&ain. John wi)) 2e with Me. %ut I on)y want E'nd I have a)ways 6nown ;ou soI the :in& o !y sou)HG 1ro+)ai!s Mary o Ma&da)a. ;ou9 Mother9 and the other Maries9 Martha and Susanna. I a! so tiredNG E4e sha)) 2e the on)y ones. ,ood2ye9 SonNG 'nd Johanna !ee6)y and &ent)y saysI E'nd I9 tooI divine9 sin+e the drea! in whi+h ;ou a//eared to !e9 when I was dyin&9 to +a)) !e to the Li e.G They 6iss ea+h other and /artN Mary &oes away s)ow)y. She turns round 2e ore &oin& out. She turns round 2e ore )eavin& the )itt)e 2rid&e. She turns a&ain9 as )on& as She +an ELord9 ;ou have &iven us everythin&. 0verythin&HG says with a si&h 0)iza9 who has see JesusN She see!s una2)e to de/art ro! Hi!N +o))e+ted herse) . E'nd you have &iven Me everythin&.G 27 Jesus is a)one on+e a&ain. He &ets u/ and &oes out. He &oes and +a))s John9 who is s)ee/in& )yin& on his a+e a!on& the )owers9 )i6e a )itt)e 2oy9 and He hands hi! the

59#.The 8ednesda( 6e-" e Pass",e . F ". &he Dis3ussi"ns %i&h S3 i6es and Pha isees &" &he Es3ha&"2"1i3a2 Dis3"u se. The 8id"%!s 'i&e.


s!a)) a!/hora with the rosevine&ar that Johanna 2rou&ht Hi!9 sayin& to hi!I E4e sha)) &o to My Mother this evenin&. %ut on)y the two o us.G EI understand. $id they +o!eFG E;es9 they did. I /re erred not to awa6e youNG E;ou did the ri&ht thin&. ;our <oy !ust have 2een &reater. They 6now how to )ove you 2etter than we doNG says John dis+onso)ate)y. E7o!e with Me.G John o))ows Hi!. E4hat is the !atter with youFG Jesus as6s hi!9 when they are on+e a&ain in the &reen di! )i&ht o the /er&o)a9 where there are sti)) so!e re!ains o ood. EMaster9 we are very 2ad. ')) o us. There is no o2edien+e in usN and no desire to 2e with ;ou. ')so 1eter and Si!on have &one away. I don't 6now where. 'nd so Judas ound the o//ortunity to 2e =uarre)so!e.G EHas Judas a)so &one awayFG E8o9 Lord. He has not. He says he has no need to &o away9 that he has no a++o!/)i+es in our intri&ues to try and &et /rote+tion or ;ou. %ut i I went to 'nnas9 i others have &one to the ,a)i)eans residin& here9 it was not or an evi) /ur/oseHN 'nd I do not thin6 that Si!on o Jonas and Si!on >ea)ot are !en +a/a2)e o underhand intri&uesNG E8ever !ind. In a+t Judas does not need to &o whi)e you are restin&. He 6nows when and where to &o to a++o!/)ish what he has to do.G EThen why does he s/ea6 soF It is not ni+e9 in the /resen+e o the dis+i/)esHG EIt is not ni+e. %ut it is so. 7heer u/9 My )a!2.G EI9 ;our )a!2F There is no other La!2 2ut ;ouHG E;es. ;ou. I9 the La!2 o ,od9 and you9 the )a!2 o the La!2 o ,od.G E5hHHH ;ou a)ready to)d !e this word on another o++asion9 it was the irst days I was with you. There were on)y the two o us9 as now9 a!on& the &reen ve&etation9 as now9 and in the ine season.G John re<oi+es at the re+o))e+tion. 'nd he whis/ersI EI a! a)ways9 I a! sti)) the )a!2 o the La!2 o ,odNG Jesus +aresses hi!. 'nd He o ers hi! so!e o the &ri))ed dove9 )e t on the ta2)e on a sheet o /ar+h!ent that had enve)o/ed it. He then o/ens so!e <ui+y i&s or hi! and o ers the! to hi!9 ha//y to see hi! eat the!. Jesus has sat sideways on the ed&e o the ta2)e and )oo6s at John so intense)y that the )atter as6sI E4hy are ;ou )oo6in& at !e thusF %e+ause I a! eatin& )i6e a &)uttonFG E8o. %e+ause you are )i6e a +hi)dN 5hH My 2e)ovedH How !u+h I )ove you 2e+ause o

your heartHG and Jesus 2ends to 6iss the airhaired head o the a/ost)e and says to hi!I E.e!ain thus9 a)ways thus9 with your heart without /ride and !a)i+e. Thus9 a)so in the hours o un+he+6ed ero+ity. $o not i!itate those who sin9 My +hi)d.G John is seized with his worry a&ain and he saysI E%ut I +annot 2e)ieve that Si!on and 1eterNG E;ou wou)d rea))y !a6e a !ista6e i you thou&ht they were sinners. $rin6 this. It is a &ood resh drin6. Martha /re/ared itN 8ow you are ee)in& 2etter. I a! sure that you had not inished your !ea)NG EThat is true. I had 2e&un to wee/. %e+ause9 as )on& as the wor)d hates us9 one +an understand. %ut that one o us shou)d insinuateNG E(or&et a2out it. ;ou and I 6now that Si!on and the >ea)ot are two honest !en. 'nd that is enou&h. 'nd9 un ortunate)y9 you 6now that Judas is a sinner. %ut 6ee/ si)ent a2out it. %ut when !any )ustra have &one 2y and it is <ust to revea) how dee/ My &rie was9 then you wi)) te)) a)so what I su ered 2e+ause o the deeds o that !an9 in addition to those o that a/ost)e. Let us &o. It is ti!e to )eave this /)a+e and &o towards the (ie)d o the ,a)i)eans andNG E're we stayin& there a)so toni&htF 'nd are we &oin& to ,ethse!ane irstF Judas wanted to 6now. He says he is tired o 2ein& out in the dew9 with )itt)e and un+o! orta2)e rest.G EIt wi)) soon 2e over. %ut I wi)) not te)) Judas what I intend doin&NG E;ou are not o2)i&ed. It is ;ou 4ho have to &uide us9 and not we who have to &uide ;ou.G John is so ar ro! 2etrayin& that he does not even understand the reason o /ruden+e why Jesus or so!e days has never !entioned what He intends doin&. 28 They are now a!on& the s)ee/in& dis+i/)es. They +a)) the!. They awa6e. Manaen9 who has a++o!/)ished his tas69 a/o)o&ises to the Master or not 2ein& a2)e to stay9 and not 2ein& a2)e to 2e with Hi! at the Te!/)e the o))owin& day9 as he has to re!ain at the /a)a+e. 'nd in sayin& so he stares at 1eter and Si!on9 who have in the !eanti!e +o!e 2a+69 and 1eter nods =ui+6)y9 as i to sayI EI have understood.G They +o!e out o the ,ardens. It is sti)) war! and the sun is sti)) shinin&. %ut the evenin& 2reeze a)ready !iti&ates the heat and 2)ows so!e )itt)e +)ouds in the +)ear s6y. They &o u/ towards Si)oa!9 avoidin& the /)a+es o the )e/ers9 2ut Si!on &oes to the! to ta6e the re!ains o their !ea) to the ew who are sti)) )e t there and who did not 2e)ieve in Jesus. 29 Matthias9 the or!er she/herd9 a//roa+hes Jesus and as6sI EMy Lord and Master9 !y +o!/anions and I have /ondered a )ot on ;our words9 unti) we were over+o!e 2y

59#.The 8ednesda( 6e-" e Pass",e . F ". &he Dis3ussi"ns %i&h S3 i6es and Pha isees &" &he Es3ha&"2"1i3a2 Dis3"u se. The 8id"%!s 'i&e.


tiredness9 and we e)) as)ee/ 2e ore so)vin& the /ro2)e! we had set to ourse)ves. 'nd now we are !ore stu/id than 2e ore. I we have +orre+t)y understood ;our s/ee+hes o these )ast days9 ;ou have oreto)d that !any thin&s wi)) 2e +han&ed a)thou&h the Law re!ains un+han&ed9 and that a 8ew Te!/)e wi)) have to 2e ere+ted9 with new /ro/hets9 wise !en and s+ri2es9 that they wi)) &ive 2att)e to it9 and that it wi)) not die9 whereas this one9 a)ways i we have understood +orre+t)y9 is destined to /erish.G EIt is destined to /erish. .e!e!2er $anie)'s /ro/he+yNG E%ut how sha)) we9 /oor and ew as we are9 2e a2)e to re2ui)d it9 i the 6in&s ound it di i+u)t to 2ui)d this oneF 4here sha)) we ere+t itF 8ot here9 2e+ause ;ou say that this /)a+e wi)) re!ain deserted unti) they 2)ess ;ou as the !essen&er sent 2y ,od.G EIt is so.G E8ot in ;our :in&do!. 4e are +onvin+ed that ;our :in&do! is s/iritua). So9 how and where sha)) we esta2)ish itF ;esterday ;ou said that the true Te!/)e J and is that one not the true Te!/)eF J that the true Te!/)e9 when they thin6 that they have destroyed it9 wi)) then as+end triu!/hant)y to the true Jerusa)e!. 4here is itF 4e are very +on used.G

that is sti)) in Me and with !e in &od the -ather and in &od 2ove 2e+ause we are on)y one $ivinity9 2e+ause o that I tell you to have &od in you in order to be able to be the Te#ple that will "now no end. ;ou wou)d not 2e a2)e to do it 2y yourse)ves. If &od does not build and He cannot build where He cannot dwell in vain #en busy the#selves in building and rebuilding. 30 The new Te#ple !y ,hurch will rise only when your hearts give hospitality to &od and He with you living stones will build His ,hurch.> E%ut did ;ou not say that Si!on o Jonas is its Head9 the Stone on whi+h ;our 7hur+h wi)) 2e 2ui)tF 'nd have ;ou not !ade us a)so understand that ;ou are its +orner@stoneF So who is its headF $oes this 7hur+h e3ist or notFG says the Is+ariot interru/tin&. EI a! the !ysti+a) Head. 1eter is the visi2)e head. %e+ause I a! &oin& 2a+6 to the (ather )eavin& you Li e9 Li&ht9 ,ra+e 2y !eans o My 4ord9 o My su erin&9 o the 1ara+)ete9 4ho wi)) 2e the riend o those who are aith u) to Me.

I a# one thing with !y ,hurch !y spiritual body of which I a# the head. The head +ontains the 2rain or !ind. The !ind is the seat o 6now)ed&e9 the 2rain dire+ts the !ove!ents o the )i!2s with its i!!ateria) orders9 whi+h are !ore e i+ient than any other in+entive in !a6in& the )i!2s !ove. Loo6 at a dead !an9 whose 2rain is dead. Is EIt is so. Let the ene!ies destroy the true Te!/)e. In three days I wi)) raise it u/ and it there any !ove!ent in his )i!2sF Loo6 at one who is +o!/)ete)y stu/id. Is he not wi)) e3/erien+e no !ore a!2ushes as it wi)) as+end where !an +an no )on&er har!. /erha/s so inert that he is not +a/a2)e o havin& those rudi!entary instin+tive e!otions that the )owest ani!a)9 the wor! we tread on when wa)6in&9 hasF 52serve a !an whose With regard to the =ingdo# of &od it is in you and wherever there are #en who )i!2s9 one or !ore o the!9 have )ost +onta+t with the 2rain 2y /ara)ysis. 7an he !ove believe in !e. S+attered at /resent9 it wi)) s/read a)) over the 0arth in the +ourse o a&es. Then eterna)9 united9 /er e+t in Heaven. The new Te!/)e wi)) 2e 2ui)t there9 in the the /art that no )on&er has any vita) )in6 with his headF %ut i the !ind dire+ts with its i!!ateria) orders9 it is the other or&ans J eyes9 ears9 ton&ue9 nose9 s6in J that trans!it :in&do! o ,od9 that is9 where there are spirits who accept !y doctrine the doctrine sensations to the !ind9 and it is the other /arts o the 2ody that /er or! and have of the =ingdo# of &od and put its precepts into practice. /er or!ed what the !ind9 in or!ed 2y the or&ans9 whi+h are as !ateria) and visi2)e as How wi)) it 2e ere+ted i you are /oor and ewF 5hH 8o !oney or /ower is rea))y the inte))e+t is invisi2)e9 orders. 7ou)d I &et you to sit on the s)o/e o this !ountain re=uired to ere+t the 2ui)din& o the new a2ode o ,od. 8either or the individua) nor without sayin& to youI CSit downDF 0ven i I thin6 that I want you to sit down9 you do or the +o))e+tive one. The =ingdo# of &od is in you. And the union of all those who not 6now unti) I e3/ress My thou&ht in words and I utter the! usin& My ton&ue and have the =ingdo# of &od in the#selves of all those who have &od in the#selves J )i/s. I +ou)d sit down Myse) 9 i I on)y thou&ht o it 2e+ause I ee) that My )e&s are tired9 ,odI ,ra+eM ,odI Li eM ,odI Li&htM ,odI 7harity J will for# the great =ingdo# of &od 2ut i they re used to 2end and sit Me downF on the )arth the new 8erusale# that will spread all over the world and9 co#plete and The #ind needs organs and li#bs to acco#plish and have acco#plished the operations perfect without faults without shadows will live forever in Heaven. that the thought thin"s of. So in the s/iritua) 2ody that is My 7hur+h9 I sha)) 2e the How wi)) you !ana&e to 2ui)d Te!/)e and townF 5hH not you9 2ut ,od wi)) 2ui)d these Inte))e+t9 that is9 the head9 the seat o the inte))e+tM 1eter and his +o))a2orators wi)) 2e new /)a+es. %ou have only to give Hi# your good will. &ood will is to re#ain in !e. those who wat+h the rea+tions and /er+eive the sensations and trans!it the! to the &ood will is to live !y doctrine. &ood will is to be united. So united to Me as to or! !ind9 so that I !ay i))u!inate and dire+t what is to 2e done or the we) are o the who)e on)y one 2ody that is nourished 2y on)y one hu!our in a)) its /arts9 even in the s!a))est 2ody and then9 as they are en)i&htened and &uided 2y My order9 they !ay s/ea6 and ones. 5n)y one edi i+e that rests on)y on one 2ase and is he)d to&ether 2y a !ysti+ &uide the other /arts o the 2ody. The hand that wards o on o2<e+t that +an da!a&e the +ohesion. %ut as without the help of the -ather 4ho! I tau&ht you to /ray and 4ho! 2ody and drives away what9 2ein& +orru/t9 !ay +orru/tM the oot that ste/s over an I wi)) /ray or you 2e ore I die9 you would not be able to be in ,harity in Truth in 2ife o2sta+)e9 without 6no+6in& a&ainst it and a))in& and 2ein& hurt9 have re+eived an order

59#.The 8ednesda( 6e-" e Pass",e . F ". &he Dis3ussi"ns %i&h S3 i6es and Pha isees &" &he Es3ha&"2"1i3a2 Dis3"u se. The 8id"%!s 'i&e.


to do so ro! the /art that dire+ts. The9 2oy9 or a)so the !an9 who is saved ro! a dan&er9 or !a6es any 6ind o &ain J edu+ation9 &ood 2usiness9 !arria&e9 &ood a))ian+e throu&h a &ood /ie+e o advi+e he re+eived9 or a word s/o6en J it is throu&h that /ie+e o advi+e and that word that he is not hurt or he !a6es a /ro it. It wi)) 2e the sa!e in the 7hur+h. The head and the heads led by the 3ivine Thought and enlightened by the 3ivine 2ight and instructed by the )ternal Word give orders and advice and the #e#bers will act receiving spiritual health and gain.

other believers to e3a!ine and test the &ood =ua)ity o the stones and ti!2er9 without trustin& a//earan+es9 and wi)) 2rin& a2out ruin 2y a))owin& in erior =ua)ity9 or even har! u) !ateria)s to 2e used or the Te!/)e9 scandalising and causing disaster. 4oe to you i you wi)) a))ow unsa e9 +urved wa))s to 2e ere+ted9 u)) o )ar&e issures and that wi)) +o))a/se easi)y9 as they are not 2a)an+ed on so)id /er e+t oundations. The disaster wou)d not +o!e ro! ,od9 the (ounder o the 7hur+h9 but fro# you and you would be responsible for it before &od and #en. ,are attention insight prudence! The stone9 the 2ri+69 the wea6 2ea!9 whi+h wou)d 2e ruinous in a !ain wa))9 +an serve or /arts o 31 My 7hur+h a)ready e3ists9 2e+ause it has its su/ernatura) Head and its divine Head !inor i!/ortan+e9 and serve we)). That is how you !ust 2e a2)e to +hoose. With and it has its !e!2ersI the dis+i/)es. Sti)) s!a)) a &er! 2ein& or!ed J /er e+t on)y in charity in order not to disgust the wea" parts with fir#ness not to disgust &od and ruin the Head dire+tin& it9 i!/er e+t in the rest9 whi+h needs the tou+h o ,od to 2e /er e+t His )difice. 'nd i you 2e+o!e aware that a stone9 a)ready )aid to su//ort a !ain and so!e ti!e to &row. %ut I so)e!n)y te)) you that it a)ready e3ists9 and that it is ho)y +orner9 is not &ood or is not 2a)an+ed9 be brave bold and re#ove it fro# that place on a++ount o Hi! 4ho is its Head and o the &ood wi)) o the <ust !e!2ers +o!/osin& #ortify it by s+uaring it with the chisel of holy :eal. I it how)s with /ain9 it does not it. It is holy and invincible. He))9 +onsistin& o de!ons and !en@de!ons9 wi)) hur) itse) !atter. It wi)) 2)ess you )ater9 in the +ourse o a&es9 2e+ause you saved it. !ove it a&ainst it thousands o ti!es and wi)) i&ht it in thousands o ways9 2ut it wi)) not appoint it to another office. 3o not be afraid to send it away altogether i you see that /revai). The edifice will be unsha"eable. it is the +ause o s+anda) and ruin and re2e)s a&ainst your wor6. -ew stones are better But the building is not #ade with only one stone. Loo6 at the Te!/)e9 over there9 )ar&e9 than #uch rubbish. 3o not be in a hurry. ,od is never in a hurry9 2ut what He +reates is eterna)9 2e+ause it is we)) thou&ht over 2e ore 2ein& +arried out. 0ven i it is not eterna)9 2eauti u) in the settin& sun. Is it !ade with on)y one stoneF It is a co#ple7 of stones it wi)) )ast to the end o ti!e. Loo6 at the ?niverse. (or a&es9 or thousands o +enturies for#ing a har#onious whole. 4e sayI the Te!/)e. That is9 one unit. %ut this unit is it is as ,od !ade it throu&h su2se=uent o/erations. I!itate the Lord. %e as /er e+t as !ade with the !any stones that have +o!/osed and or!ed it. It wou)d have 2een your (ather. :ee/ His Law and His :in&do! in you and you wi)) not 2e unsu++ess u). use)ess to )ay the oundations9 i they were not to su//ort the wa))s and the roo 9 i no wa))s were to 2e raised on the!. 'nd it wou)d have 2een i!/ossi2)e to raise wa))s and %ut i you were not so9 the 2ui)din& wou)d +o))a/se9 you would have toiled in vain to su//ort the roo 9 i irst they had not )aid so)id oundations9 /ro/ortioned to su+h a hu&e erect it. It would collapse and only the cornerstone and the foundations would be left6 !ass. .o with this interdependence of parts also the new Te#ple will rise. In the +ourse That is what wi)) ha//en to that oneHN I so)e!n)y te)) you that that is what wi)) ha//en o a&es9 you wi)) 2ui)d it9 )ayin& it on the oundations that I have &iven it9 and whi+h are to it. 'nd that wi)) 2e the ate o yours9 i you /ut in it what is in this oneI /arts diseased /er e+t9 or its !assive size. %ou will build it under the direction of &od with the good with /ride9 avidity9 sin9 )ust. 's that /avi)ion o +)ouds9 so &ra+e u))y 2eauti u)9 was things used to raise it( the spirits in which &od dwells. 2)own away and dis/ersed 2y a 2reath o wind9 whi)e it see!ed to 2e sett)in& on the to/ 32 4ith ,od in your hearts9 to !a6e the! /o)ished )aw)ess stones or the new Te!/)e. o that !ountain9 )i6ewise9 at a &ust o a wind o su/ernatura) and hu!an /unish!ent9 wi)) tu!2)e the 2ui)din&s that are ho)y 2y na!eNG 4ith His :in&do! esta2)ished with its )aws in your s/irits. 5therwise you wou)d 2e 2ad)y@2a6ed 2ri+6s9 wor!@eaten wood9 +hi//ed +ra+6ed stones that do not )ast9 and are 33 Jesus is si)ent and /ensive. He resu!es s/ea6in& on)y to sayI ELet us sit down here re<e+ted 2y the 2ui)der9 i he is wary9 or they do not ho)d out9 they +ave in9 !a6in& a and rest a )itt)e.G /art +o))a/se i the 2ui)der9 the 2ui)ders a//ointed 2y the (ather to the +onstru+tion o the Te!/)e9 are ido)atrous 2ui)ders9 who are /roud in their hearts 2ut do not wat+h over They sit down on a s)o/e o the Mount o 5)ives9 in ront o the Te!/)e 6issed 2y the or wor6 hard on the 2ui)din& that is risin&9 and ne&)e+t the !ateria)s used to !a6e it. settin& sun. Jesus )oo6s i3ed)y at that /)a+e and sorrow u))y. The others are /roud o its Ido)atrous 2ui)ders9 ido)atrous &uardians9 ido)atrous 6ee/ers9 thievesH .o22ers o the 2eauty9 2ut a vei) o worry9 )e t 2y the words o the Master9 is s/read on their /ride. trust in ,od9 o the estee! o !en9 ro22ers u)) o /ride9 who are /)eased to have the 'nd i that 2eauty shou)d rea))y /erishFN /ossi2i)ity o !a6in& a /ro it and o havin& )ar&e sto+6s o !ateria)s9 2ut they do not 1eter and John s/ea6 to ea+h other and then they whis/er so!ethin& to Ja!es o watch whether they are good or of inferior +uality the cause of ruin. ')/haeus and 'ndrew9 who nod assent. Then 1eter addresses the Master sayin&I ELet ;ou9 new /riests and s+ri2es o the new Te!/)e9 )isten. Woe to you and to those who us &o aside and e3/)ain to us when ;our /ro/he+y on the destru+tion o the Te!/)e wi)) after you will beco#e idolatrous and will not watch and loo" after the#selves and the ta6e /)a+e. $anie) !entions it9 2ut i thin&s were as he says and as ;ou say9 the Te!/)e

59#.The 8ednesda( 6e-" e Pass",e . F ". &he Dis3ussi"ns %i&h S3 i6es and Pha isees &" &he Es3ha&"2"1i3a2 Dis3"u se. The 8id"%!s 'i&e.


wou)d have 2ut a ew !ore hours. %ut we do not see any ar!ies or /re/arations or war. So when wi)) it ha//enF 4hi+h wi)) 2e the si&n o itF ;ou have +o!e. ;ou say that ;ou are a2out to &o away. 'nd yet it is 6nown that it wi)) on)y ha//en when ;ou are a!on& !en. So9 wi)) ;ou +o!e 2a+6F 4hen wi)) ;ou +o!e 2a+6F Te)) us9 so that we way 6nowNG EIt is not ne+essary to &o aside. SeeF The !ost aith u) dis+i/)es have re!ained9 those who wi)) 2e o &reat he)/ to you twe)ve. They !ay hear the words that I wi)) s/ea6 to you. 7o!e near Me9 a)) o you.G He shouts the )ast words to &ather the! a)). The dis+i/)es s+attered on the s)o/e +o!e near the others9 they or! a +o!/a+t &rou/ around the !ain one o Jesus and the a/ost)es and they )isten. 34 ETa6e +are that no one de+eives you in uture. I a# the ,hrist and there will be no other ,hrists. So9 when !any wi)) +o!e and say to youI CI a! the 7hristD and they wi)) de+eive !any9 do not 2e)ieve those words9 even i they are a++o!/anied 2y wonders. Satan9 the ather o a)sehood and the /rote+tor o )iars9 assists his servants and o))owers with a)se wonders9 whi+h9 however9 can be recognised as not being good ones because they are always 5oined to fear perturbation and falsehood. %ou "now the wonders of &od( they give holy peace 5oy health faith and they lead to holy desires and deeds. The others do not. So /onder on the or!s and +onse=uen+es o the wonders you !ay see in uture9 /er or!ed 2y the a)se 7hrists and 2y a)) those who wi)) +)othe the!se)ves in the &ar!ents o saviours o /eo/)es9 whereas they are wi)d 2easts who ruin the!.

!y 3octrine to all the world. 35 'nd then another si&n. A sign for the end of the Te#ple and for the end of the World. 4hen you see the a2o!ination o the deso)ation /ro/hesied 2y $anie) J )et those who are )istenin& to Me understand /ro/er)y and )et those who read the 1ro/het read 2etween the )ines J then those who are in Judaea !ust es+a/e to the !ountains9 those who are on the terra+e !ust not +o!e down to +o))e+t what is in their houses9 and those who are in the ie)ds !ust not +o!e 2a+6 ho!e to et+h their +)oa6s9 2ut they !ust )ee without turnin& 2a+69 otherwise it !ay ha//en that they wi)) no )on&er 2e a2)e to do so9 and whi)e runnin& away they !ust not even turn round to )oo69 in order not to 6ee/ the horri2)e si&ht in their hearts9 and thus &o !ad. 4oe to those with +hi)d and to those &ivin& su+6 in those daysH 'nd woe i you have to es+a/e on a Sa22athH The )i&ht wou)d not 2e su i+ient to save you without sinnin&. So /ray that it !ay not ha//en in winter or on a Sa22ath9 2e+ause then the tri2u)ation wi)) 2e so &reat as it has never 2een ro! the 2e&innin& o the wor)d unti) now9 nor wi)) ever 2e a)i6e a&ain9 2e+ause it wi)) 2e the end. 'nd i those days were not shortened or the sa6e o those who are +hosen9 no one wou)d 2e saved9 2e+ause the satan@!en wi)) enter into an a))ian+e with he)) to torture !en.

'nd even then9 in order to +orru/t and !is)ead those who have re!ained aith u) to the Lord9 so!e /eo/)e wi)) arise and sayI CThe 7hrist is there9 the 7hrist is here. He is in that /)a+e. There He is.D 3o not believe the#. Let no one 2e)ieve the!9 for false ,hrists and false prophets will arise and produce great signs and portents enough to deceive even the chosen if it were possible and they will spea" doctrines that are apparently so ;ou wi)) hear a)so9 and you wi)) see /eo/)e s/ea6 o wars and ru!ours o wars and they co#forting and good as to deceive even the best ones if the .pirit of &od were not with wi)) say to youI CThese are the si&ns o the end.D 3o not be upset. It wi)) not 2e the end. the# enlightening the# on the truth and the satanic origin of such portents and doc4 trines. I a! te))in& you. I a! orete))in& it9 so that you !ay 6now how to 2ehave. %ut do All this #ust happen before the end but it is not the end yet. 1eo/)e wi)) rise a&ainst not 2e a raid o a))in&. If you re#ain in the 2ord you will not be led into te#ptation /eo/)e9 6in&do! a&ainst 6in&do!9 nation a&ainst nation9 +ontinent a&ainst +ontinent9 and ruin. .e!e!2er what I to)d youI CI have given you the power to wal" on sna"es and /)a&ues9 a!ines and earth=ua6es wi)) o))ow in !any /)a+es. But this is only the beginning of the birthpangs. Then they wi)) 2rin& a )i+tion u/on you and wi)) 6i)) you9 and scorpions and of all the power of the )ne#y nothing will har# you because everything will be sub5ected to you.D %ut I a)so re!ind you that9 in order to a+hieve this9 a++usin& you o 2ein& &ui)ty o their su erin&9 and ho/in& to &et out o it 2y /erse+utin& and destroyin& My servants. !en will always accuse the innocent of being you !ust have ,od within you9 and you !ust re<oi+e9 not 2e+ause you +ontro) the /owers o 0vi) and /oisonous thin&s9 2ut 2e+ause your na!es are written in Heaven. the cause of the evil that they sinners procure for the#selves. They a++use ,od Hi!se) 9 1er e+t Inno+en+e and Su/re!e ,oodness9 o 2ein& the +ause o their 36 .e!ain in ,od and in His truth. I a# the Truth and I teach the truth. So I re/eat to su erin&9 and they wi)) do the sa!e with you9 and you wi)) 2e hated on a++ount o My you on+e a&ainI whatever they !ay say a2out Me9 do not 2e)ieve it. I a)one have s/o6en 8a!e. It is .atan who instigates the#. 'nd !any wi)) 2e s+anda)ised and they wi)) the truth. I alone tell you that the ,hrist will co#e but when it is the end. So9 i they say 2etray and hate one another. It is sti)) Satan who insti&ates the!. And #any false to youI CHe is in the desertD9 do not &o. I they say to youI CHe is in that houseD9 do not prophets will arise who will deceive #any. 'nd Satan is sti)) the true author o so !u+h )isten to the!. Because in His second co#ing the .on of #an will be li"e lightning evi). And with the increase of lawlessness love in #any #en will grow cold. %ut those stri"ing in the east and flashing as far as the west in a shorter ti#e than a blin". 'nd who stand ir! to the end wi)) 2e saved. And first this &ood News of the =ingdo# of He wi)) &)ide over the &reat %ody9 sudden)y turned into a 7or/se9 o))owed 2y His &od is to be preached all over the world as a witness to all the nations. Then the end shinin& an&e)s9 and He wi)) <ud&e. 4herever the +or/se is9 there wi)) the ea&)es &ather. wi)) +o!e. The return to the ,hrist of Israel who will accept Hi# and the preaching of 'nd i!!ediate)y a ter the distress o those )ast days9 as you have 2een to)d J I a!

59#.The 8ednesda( 6e-" e Pass",e . F ". &he Dis3ussi"ns %i&h S3 i6es and Pha isees &" &he Es3ha&"2"1i3a2 Dis3"u se. The 8id"%!s 'i&e.


s/ea6in& o the end o ti!e and o the wor)d and o the resurre+tion o the 2ones9 o whi+h the /ro/hets s/ea6 J the sun wi)) 2e dar6ened9 and the !oon wi)) shed no !ore )i&ht9 and the stars wi)) a)) ro! the s6y )i6e &ra/es ro! a 2un+h that is too ri/e and is sha6en 2y a &a)e9 and the /owers o Heaven wi)) 2e sha6en. 'nd then in the dar6ened vau)t o heaven the dazz)in& si&n o the Son o Man wi)) a//ear9 and a)) the nations o the 0arth wi)) wee/9 and !en wi)) see the Son o !an +o!in& on the +)ouds o heaven with &reat /ower and &)ory. 'nd He wi)) order His an&e)s to rea/ the +orn and &ather the &ra/es9 and to se/arate the darne) ro! the +orn9 and to throw the &ra/es into the vat9 2e+ause the ti!e o the &reat harvest o 'da!'s seed has +o!e9 and there wi)) 2e no !ore need to 6ee/ s!a)) 2un+hes or seeds9 2e+ause the hu!an ra+e wi)) never 2e /er/etuated a&ain on the dead 0arth. 'nd He wi)) order His an&e)s to &ather the +hosen with )oud tru!/ets ro! the our winds9 ro! one end o the heavens to another9 so that they !ay 2e 2eside the $ivine Jud&e to <ud&e with Hi! the )ast )ivin& !en and those who have 2een raised ro! the dead. Learn the si!i)itude ro! the i&@treeI when you see its twi&s &row su//)e and /ut orth )eaves9 you 6now that su!!er is near. So9 when you see a)) these thin&s9 6now that the 7hrist is a2out to +o!e. I sole#nly tell you( this generation that did not want !e will not pass away before all this ta"es place. My word does not /ass. 4hat I have said wi)) ta6e /)a+e. The hearts and !inds o !en !ay +han&e9 2ut My word does not +han&e. Heaven and earth wi)) /ass away9 2ut My words wi)) not /ass away.

so)e!n +o!in& o the Son o !an. 4hat wi)) ha//en to that aith u) and /rudent servant9 a//ointed 2y his !aster to &ive ood to the servants in his a2sen+eF His )ot wi)) 2e a ha//y one i his !aster +o!es 2a+6 sudden)y and inds hi! doin& his duty with di)i&en+e9 <usti+e and )ove. I te)) you so)e!n)y that he wi)) say to hi!I C7o!e9 &ood aith u) servant. ;ou have deserved !y reward. Here9 ad!inister a)) !y /ro/erty.D %ut i he see!ed &ood and aith u)9 2ut was not9 and i interior)y he was as 2ad as he was hy/o+riti+a) e3terior)y9 and on+e the !aster has )e t9 he says to hi!se) I CThe !aster wi)) +o!e 2a+6 )ateH Let us have a &ood ti!eD9 and he 2e&ins to 2eat and i))@treat his e))ow servants9 +uttin& down their ood and everythin& e)se to have !ore !oney to s/end with reve))ers and drun6ards9 what wi)) ha//enF The !aster wi)) +o!e 2a+6 a)) o a sudden9 when the servant does not e3/e+t hi!9 and his wron&@doin& wi)) 2e ound out9 his /osition and !oney wi)) ta6en o hi!9 and he wi)) 2e )ed where <usti+e wants. 'nd there wi)) he re!ain.

'nd the sa!e wi)) ha//en to the unre/entant sinner9 who does not thin6 that death +an 2e +)ose at hand9 as his <ud&e!ent +an 2e near9 and he en<oys hi!se) and a2uses sayin&I CLater I wi)) re/entD. I te)) you so)e!n)y that he wi)) not have ti!e to do so9 and he wi)) 2e +onde!ned to 2e orever where there is dread u) horror9 where there is on)y 2)as/he!y and wee/in& and torture9 and he wi)) +o!e out on)y or the ina) Jud&e!ent9 when he wi)) 2e re+)othed with the )esh raised ro! the dead9 to /resent hi!se) entire at the ina) Jud&e!ent9 as he was entire when he sinned in the ti!e o his earth)y )i e9 37 But as for the day and the e7act hour nobody "nows the# not even the angels of the and in 2ody and sou) he wi)) /resent hi!se) to Jesus Jud&e9 4ho! he did not want as 2ord only the -ather "nows the#. 's it was in the9 days o 8oah9 so it wi)) 2e when the his Saviour. Son o !an +o!es. In the days 2e ore the ()ood9 !en were eatin&9 drin6in&9 ta6in& wives9 ta6in& hus2ands9 without worryin& a2out the si&n9 ri&ht u/ to the day 8oah went 38 They wi)) a)) 2e &athered there 2e ore the Son o !an. 'n in inite !u)titude o 2odies9 &iven 2a+6 2y the )and and 2y the sea and re+o!/osed a ter 2ein& ashes or into the ar6 and the +atara+ts o heaven were o/ened and the ()ood swe/t a)) )ivin& 2ein&s and thin&s away. It wi)) 2e )i6e this a)so or the +o!in& o the Son o !an. Then su+h a )on& ti!e. 'nd the sou)s in their 2odies. To ea+h )esh returned to the s6e)etons wi)) +orres/ond its own sou) that on+e ani!ated it. 'nd they wi)) stand 2e ore the Son two !en wi)) 2e +)ose to ea+h other in the ie)d9 and one wi)) 2e ta6en and the other wi)) 2e )e t9 and two wo!en wi)) 2e at the !i))stone &rindin&9 and one wi)) 2e ta6en and one o !an9 s/)endid in His divine Ma<esty9 sittin& on His throne o &)ory su//orted 2y His an&e)s. )e t 2y the ene!ies in the (ather)and9 and even !ore 2y the an&e)s who wi)) 2e se/aratin& the &ood seed ro! the darne)9 and they wi)) have no ti!e to /re/are or the 'nd He wi)) se/arate !en ro! !en9 /)a+in& the &ood on one side and the 2ad on the <ud&e!ent o the 7hrist. other9 as a she/herd se/arates the shee/ ro! the 6ids9 and He wi)) /)a+e the shee/ on .o be awa"e because you do not "now at what ti#e your 2ord will co#e. 7onsider thisI His ri&ht9 and the &oats on His )e t. 'nd in a &ent)e voi+e and with a 2eni&n a//earan+e he wi)) say to those who )oo6 at Hi! with a)) the )ove o their hearts9 and are /ea+e u) i the head o a a!i)y 6new at what ti!e a 2ur&)ar wou)d +o!e9 he wou)d stay awa6e and 2eauti u)9 shinin& with the &)orious 2eauty o their ho)y 2odiesI C ,o#e you who and wou)d not )et his house 2e ro22ed. So 2e vi&i)ant and /ray9 2ein& a)ways /re/ared have been blessed by !y -ather ta"e possession of the =ingdo# prepared for you or the +o!in&9 without )ettin& your hearts 2e+o!e s)u&&ish throu&h a)) 6inds o a2use and inte!/eran+e9 and your s/irits 2e du)) and distra+ted ro! the thin&s o Heaven 2y since the origin of the world. -or I was hungry and you gave !e food I was thirsty and you gave !e drin" I was a pilgri# and you gave !e hospitality I was na"ed and you e3+essive +are or the thin&s o the 0arth9 so that death !ay not ta6e you a)) o a clothed !e sic" and you visited !e in prison and you ca#e to co#fort !e. D 'nd the sudden9 when you are not /re/ared. %e+ause9 2ear this in !ind9 ea+h one o you !ust <ust wi)) as6 Hi!I CLord9 when did we see ;ou hun&ry and we ed ;ou9 thirsty and we die. ')) !en9 on+e they are 2orn9 !ust die9 and this death and su2se=uent <ud&e!ent is &ave ;ou drin6F 4hen did we see ;ou a /i)&ri! and we we)+o!ed ;ou9 na6ed and we a /arti+u)ar +o!in& o the 7hrist and its universa) re/etition wi)) ta6e /)a+e at the

59#.The 8ednesda( 6e-" e Pass",e . F ". &he Dis3ussi"ns %i&h S3 i6es and Pha isees &" &he Es3ha&"2"1i3a2 Dis3"u se. The 8id"%!s 'i&e.


+)othed ;ouF 4hen did we see ;ou si+6 and in /rison and we +a!e to visit ;ouFD 'nd the :in& o 6in&s wi)) say to the!I CI tell you sole#nly( when you did one of these things to one of the least of !y brothers you did it to !e. D He wi)) then address those who are on His )e t hand and wi)) say to the!9 )oo6in& very severe9 and His eyes wi)) 2e )i6e )ashes o )i&htnin& stri6in& the re/ro2ates9 and in His voi+e the wrath o ,od wi)) thunderI C&o away fro# here! Away fro# !e with your curse upon you! &o to the eternal fire prepared by the fury of &od for the devil and the angels of dar"ness and for those who have listened to their voices of treble obscene lechery. I was hungry and you did not give !e any food I was thirsty and you did not +uench !y thirst I was na"ed and you did not clothe !e I was a pilgri# and you re5ected !e I was sic" and in prison and you did not visit !e. Because you had but one law( the pleasure of your own egos.D 'nd they wi)) say to Hi!I C4hen did we see ;ou hun&ry9 thirsty9 na6ed9 /i)&ri!9 si+69 in /risonF .ea))y9 we never !et ;ou. 4e did not e3ist9 when ;ou were on the 0arth.D 'nd He wi)) re/)y to the!I C That is true. %ou never #et !e. Because you did not e7ist when I was on the )arth. But you were ac+uainted with !y word and you had a#ong you people who were hungry thirsty na"ed ill in prison. Why did you not do to the# what you would have perhaps done to !e$ Because no one says that those who had !e a#ong the# were #erciful to the .on of #an. 3o you not "now that I a# in !y brothers and that where one of the# suffers I a# there and that what you have not done to one of the least of !y brothers you have refused it to !e the -irst4Born of #en$ &o and burn in your own selfishness. &o and be enveloped in dar"ness and ice because you were dar"ness and ice yourselves though you "new where the 2ight and the -ire of 2ove were. D 'nd they wi)) &o to the eterna) torture9 whereas the <ust wi)) enter eterna) )i e.

E;ou shou)d 2e =uiet9 2e+ause you are +u)/a2)e. ;ou and the >ea)ot do nothin& 2ut )utter here and there as soon as the Master does not see you. I have 2een 6ee/in& an eye on you. 't the Te!/)eN on the dayN in the tents u/ thereNG says the Is+ariot9 ha//y to denoun+e the!. EThat is enou&hH I they do that9 they are doin& the ri&ht thin&. %ut do not )eave Me a)oneN I 2e& youNG ELord9 we are not doin& anythin& wron&. %e)ieve !e. 5ur deeds are 6nown to ,od9 and His eyes do not turn away ro! the! in dis&ustG says the >ea)ot. EI 6now. %ut it is use)ess. 'nd what is use)ess !ay a)ways 2e+o!e har! u). %e to&ether as !u+h as /ossi2)e.G He then says to MatthewI EMy &ood re/orter9 you wi)) re/eat to the! the /ara2)e o the ten wise vir&ins and the ten oo)ish ones9 and that o the !aster who &ives so!e ta)ents to his three servants to !a6e the! 2ear interests9 and two earn twi+e as !u+h and the s)u&&ard hides it in the &round. $o you re!e!2erFG E;es9 !y Lord9 very we)).G E.e/eat the!9 then9 2e+ause not every2ody 6nows the!. 'nd a)so those who 6now the! wi)) 2e /)eased to hear the! a&ain. ;ou +an whi)e away the ti!e so9 in wise +onversation9 unti) I +o!e 2a+6. Stay awa6eH %e vi&i)antH :ee/ your s/irits awa6e. Those /ara2)es are a)so a//ro/riate to what I have said. ,ood2ye. 1ea+e 2e with you.G He ta6es John 2y the hand and &oes away with hi! towards the townN The others set out towards the (ie)ds o the ,a)i)eans @@@@@@@@@@@@

39 Those are the uture thin&sN ,o now. 'nd do not /art ro! one another. I a! &oin& 40 Jesus saysI E;ou wi)) /ut here the se+ond /art o the very toi)so!e 4ednesday with John9 and I sha)) 2e with you ha) throu&h the irst wat+h9 or su//er9 and then we 2e ore 1assover. 8i&ht K1945L. .e!e!2er to !ar6 in red the /assa&es that I to)d you. sha)) &o to our tea+hin&.G Those )itt)e words throw )i&ht. ' )ot o )i&ht or those who +an see it.G E')so this evenin&F Sha)) we 2e doin& that every evenin&F I a! a+hin& a)) over 2e+ause o the dew. 4ou)d it not 2e 2etter to &o to so!e hos/ita2)e house nowF ')ways under tentsH ')ways wat+hin& at ni&ht9 when it is +o)d and da!/NG says Judas +o!/)ainin&. EIt is the )ast ni&ht. To!orrowN it wi)) 2e di erent.G E'hH I thou&ht ;ou wanted to &o to ,ethse!ane every ni&ht. %ut i it is the )ast oneNG EI did not say that9 Judas. I said that it wi)) 2e the )ast ni&ht to s/end a)) to&ether at the (ie)d o the ,a)i)eans. To!orrow we wi)) /re/are or 1assover and wi)) +onsu!e the )a!29 then I wi)) &o 2y Myse) to ,ethse!ane to /ray. 'nd you +an do what you )i6e.G E%ut sha)) we not +o!e with ;ou9 LordH 4hen have we ever wanted to )eave ;ouFG as6s 1eter.

595. The Ni4h& #1 &he ;ednesda/ )e1#!e Pass#0e!. Las& Tea'hin4s &# &he A9#s&5es.
%&h .a!'h $9*5.

1 EI said to youI C%e +are u)9 2e awa6e and /ray that your eyes !ay not 2e+o!e heavy with s)ee/.D %ut I see that your tired eyes are tryin& to +)ose and your 2odies9 even a&ainst your wi))9 are an3ious to ind /ositions to rest. ;ou are ri&ht9 My /oor riendsH ;our Master has e3a+ted =uite a )ot o you these )ast ew days9 and you are so tired. But

595.The Ni1h& "- &he 8ednesda( 6e-" e Pass",e . Las& Tea3hin1s &" &he A5"s&2es.


in a few hours by now only few you will be happy that you have not lost even one #o#ent of !y attention for you. %ou will be glad that you have not refused anything to your 8esus. In any +ase9 this is the )ast ti!e that I s/ea6 to you o sad thin&s. To!orrow I wi)) s/ea6 to you o )ove and I wi)) wor6 a !ira+)e o tota) )ove or you. 1re/are yourse)ves throu&h a &reat /uri i+ation to re+eive it. 5hH how !u+h !ore it a&rees with My 0&o to s/ea6 o )ove than to s/ea6 o /unish!entH How pleasant it is for !e to say( /I love you. 3o co#e. Throughout !y life I have drea#t of this hour!0 %ut it is )ove to s/ea6 a)so o death. It is love because death for those who love you is the supre#e proof of love. It is )ove9 2e+ause /re/arin& dear riends or a !is ortune is /roviden+e o a e+tion that wants the! ready and not dis!ayed at that hour. It is )ove9 2e+ause +on idin& a se+ret is /roo o ho)din& in hi&h estee! those to who! it is +on ided. 2 I 6now that you have harassed John with =uestions to )earn what I said to hi! when I re!ained a)one with hi!. 'nd you did not 2e)ieve that no word was s/o6en. %ut it is so. It was enou&h or Me to have so!eone near Me...G

+onste))ation o the La!2. 'nd he is not the 2i&&est star 2ut he is the /urest and the !ost 2eauti u) one in the +onste))ation o )ove. Three years have &one 2y sin+e then. Lar&e and s!a)) stars <oined My +onste))ation and then they de/arted ro! it. So!e e)) and died. 5thers have 2e+o!e s!o6y 2e+ause o heavy va/ours. %ut he has re!ained i3ed with his /ure )i&ht near the 1o)e@star. 3 Let Me )oo6 at his )i&ht. Two wi)) 2e the )i&hts in the dar6ness o the 7hristI Mary and John. %ut it wi)) 2e a)!ost i!/ossi2)e or Me to see the!9 so dee/ wi)) 2e My sorrow. Let Me i!/ress in My eyes these our irises that are stri/s o s6y 2etween air eye)ashes9 to ta6e with Me9 where no one wi)) 2e a2)e to +o!e9 a re!e!2ran+e o /urity. ')) the sinsH 0verythin& on the shou)ders o the ManH 5hH 5hH this dro/ o /urityH... My MotherH JohnH 'nd IH... The three shi/ wre+6ed /ersons e!er&in& ro! the shi/wre+6 o !an6ind in the sea o SinH

It wi)) 2e the hour in whi+h I9 the o s/rin& o $avid's sto+69 wi)) say9 !oanin& with $avid's an+ient si&hI C!y &od turn to loo" at !e. Why have %ou deserted !e$ The EThen9 why he and not so!e2ody e)seFG as6s the Is+ariot9 and he does so in an arro&ant indi&nant tone. ')so 1eter9 and with hi! Tho!as and 1hi)i/ sayI E;es. 4hy he and not shouts of the cri#es that I have ta"en upon !yself on behalf of everybody are driving !e away fro# %ou... I a# a wor# no longer a #an the dishonour of #an"ind the the othersFG refuse of the populace.D 'nd )isten to IsaiahI CI abandoned !y body to those who Jesus re/)ies to the Is+ariotI struc" !e !y chee"s to those who tore at !y beard I did not re#ove !y face fro# those who insulted !e and covered !e with spittle.D Listen to $avid a&ainI C!any E4ou)d you have )i6ed to 2e the oneF 7an you /retend itF bull4calves have surrounded !e #any bulls have assailed !e. Their 5aws are agape to It was a resh +)ear !ornin& in the !onth o 'dar... I was an un6nown way arer on the tear !e to pieces li"e lions tearing and roaring. I a# li"e water that is draining away. D road near the river... Tired9 +overed with dust9 /a)e with astin&9 with an un6e!/t 2eard 'nd Isaiah +o!/)etesI CI dyed !y gar#ents !yself.D 5hH I a! dyein& My &ar!ents and 2ro6en sanda)s9 I )oo6ed )i6e a 2e&&ar on the roads o the wor)d... He saw Me... and Myse) 9 not with My an&er9 2ut with My sorrow and My )ove or you. Li6e the two )at he re+o&nised Me as the one on who! the $ove o the eterna) ire had a)i&hted. In that stones o the /ress9 they s=ueeze Me and My %)ood. I a! )i6e the /ressed 2un+h o irst trans i&uration o Mine9 an ato! o My divine 2ri&htness !ust have revea)ed itse) . &ra/es9 that was 2eauti u) when it entered the /ress9 and a terwards it is /u)/ s=uashed The eyes o the %a/tist9 o/ened 2y 1enan+e9 and those /reserved an&e)i+ 2y 1urity9 saw without <ui+e and 2eauty. 'nd I say with $avid9 My heart Cis )i6e wa3 and !e)ts within what the others did not see. 'nd the /ure eyes too6 that vision into the ta2erna+)e o the My +hestD. 5hH /er e+t Heart o the Son o !an9 what are you 2e+o!in& nowF ;ou are )i6e the heart that a )on& )i e o reve)ry has e3hausted and enervated. ')) My vi&our has heart9 and +)osed it in there9 )i6e a /ear) in a +o er... When al#ost after two #onths those eyes loo"ed up at the worn4out wayfarer his soul recognised !e... I was his )ove. withered. My ton&ue is sti+6in& to My /a)ate 2e+ause o ever9 heat and a&ony. 'nd death is advan+in& in its su o+atin& 2)indin& ashes. 'nd there is no !er+y eitherH C A His irst and on)y )ove. The first and only love is never forgotten. The sou) ee)s it pac" of hounds surrounds !e and bites !e. They bite !e where I a# wounded and +o!in&9 even i it had &one away9 it ee)s it +o!in& ro! re!ote distan+es9 and )ea/s blows stri"e !e where I have been bitten. No part of !y body is without pain. !y or <oy9 and awa6es the !ind9 whi+h arouses the )esh9 so that they a)) !ay ta6e /art in bones crea" as they are dislocated through beastly stretching. I do not "now where to the 2an=uet o <oy in !eetin& a&ain and )ovin& ea+h other. 'nd his tre!2)in& )i/s said to MeI CI &reet ;ou9 La!2 o ,od.D 5hH aith o the /ure9 how &reat you areH How you lay !y body. The dreadful crown is a ring of iron that penetrates !y head. I a# hanging fro# !y pierced hands and feet. Raised up as I a# I show !y body to the over+o!e a)) o2sta+)esH He did not 6now My 8a!e. 4ho was IF 4here was I +o!in& world and everybody can count !y bonesD...G ro!F 4hat was I doin&F 4as I ri+hF 4as I /oorF 4as I wiseF 4as I i&norantF 5 what avai) to aith is it to 6now a)) thatF $oes it in+rease or di!inish throu&h 4 E%e =uietH %e =uietHG says John so22in&. 6now)ed&eF He 2e)ieved what the 1re+ursor had to)d hi!. Li6e a star that 2y order o the 7reator trans!i&rates ro! one s6y to another9 he had /arted ro! his s6y9 the ESay no !oreH ;ou !a6e us su er the throes o deathHG say His +ousins i!/)orin&)y. %a/tist9 ro! his +onste))ation9 and had +o!e towards his new s6y9 the 7hrist9 in the 'ndrew does not s/ea69 2ut with his head 2etween his 6nees he is wee/in& noise)ess)y.

595.The Ni1h& "- &he 8ednesda( 6e-" e Pass",e . Las& Tea3hin1s &" &he A5"s&2es.


Si!on is )ivid. 1eter and Ja!es o >e2edee see! to 2e tortured. 1hi)i/9 Tho!as and %artho)o!ew )oo6 )i6e three stone statues re/resentin& an&uish. Judas Is+ariot is a &rueso!e de!onia+ !as=ue. He )oo6s )i6e a da!ned /erson who at )ast rea)ises what he has done. 4ith his !outh o/en to utter a +ry that how)s inside hi! 2ut is sti )ed in his throat9 his eyes wide o/en and ri&htened )i6e those o a !ad!an9 his +hee6s sa))ow under the 2rownish vei) o his shaven 2eard9 his hair un6e!/t as he ru )es it now and a&ain with his hand9 wet with /ers/iration and +o)d9 he see!s to 2e on the /oint o aintin&. Matthew9 raisin& his eyes9 so ar )owered9 to see6 so!e assistan+e in his torture9 sees hi! and saysI EJudasH 're you not we))F... Master9 Judas is su erin&HG E'nd I9 tooG says 7hrist. E%ut I a! su erin& with /ea+e. %e+o!e s/irits to 2e a2)e to 2ear this hour. 'nyone who is C )eshD +annot )ive it without 2e+o!in& !ad... 5 5n+e a&ain s/ea6s $avid9 who sees the tortures o his 7hristI EC They are not yet satisfied and they loo" at !e they laugh scornfully at !e and they divide !y gar#ents a#ong the# and cast lots for !y tunic. I a# the )vil4doer. It is their right. D 5hH 0arth9 )oo6 at your 7hristH .e+o&nise Hi!9 a)thou&h He is so +onsu!ed. Listen9 re!e!2er the words o Isaiah and understand why9 the &reat why9 He 2e+a!e so9 and !an was a2)e to 6i)) the 4ord o the (ather9 redu+in& Hi! to su+h a state. C He is without beauty and splendour. We saw Hi#. He was not handso#e. And we did not love Hi#. 3espised li"e the last of #en He the !an of sorrows and accusto#ed to suffering had His face concealed. He was despised and we too" no account of Hi#. D This !as=ue o one who is tortured was His 2eauty as .edee!er. %ut you9 oo)ish 0arth9 /re erred His serene a+eH CHe really too" our sufferings upon Hi#self He bore our sorrows. And we loo"ed at Hi# as if He were a leper as one cursed by &od and despised. He instead was in5ured because of our wic"edness. The punish#ent reserved for us the punish#ent that gives us bac" peace with &od has fallen upon Hi#. Through His wounds we are healed. We had all gone astray li"e sheep. )ach had deviated fro# the straight path and the 2ord burdened Hi# with the sins of all of us. D

for the sins of His people. Will no one of His generation on His )arth pity Hi#$ Will the #an cut off fro# the )arth have no children$D 5hH I a! re/)yin& to you9 o /ro/het o your 7hrist. I !y /eo/)e wi)) have no /ity on the inno+ent Man 6i))ed9 the an&e)s o the heaven)y /eo/)e wi)) /ity Hi!. I His viri)ity wi)) have no +hi)dren in a hu!an way9 2e+ause His 8ature +ou)d not ind union with a !orta) 2ody9 He wi)) indeed have +hi)dren9 and !any o the!9 a++ordin& to a /ro+rea@ tion that wi)) 2rin& )i e not ro! ani!a) )esh and 2)ood9 2ut ro! divine )ove and %)ood9 a /ro+reation o the s/irit where2y eterna) wi)) 2e its o s/rin&. 'nd I wi)) a)so e3/)ain to you9 o wor)d9 that do not understand the /ro/het9 who are the wi+6ed /)a+ed at His &rave9 and the ri+h !an at His death. 7onsider9 o wor)d9 whether even one o His !urderers had /ea+e and a )on& )i eH He9 the Livin& 5ne9 wi)) soon )eave death. %ut9 )i6e )eaves that the autu!n wind )ays one 2y one in the ho))ow o a urrow a ter deta+hin& the! with re/eated &usts9 they wi)) soon 2e )aid one 2y one in the i&no2)e to!2 that had 2een de+reed or Hi!M and one who )ived or &o)d9 i it were )aw u) to /ut an un+)ean !an where the Ho)y 5ne was9 +ou)d 2e )aid where there wi)) sti)) 2e the da!/ness 2rou&ht a2out 2y the nu!2er)ess wounds o the Bi+ti! sa+ri i+ed on the !ountain.

6 's He was a++used a)thou&h He was inno+ent9 ,od aven&es Hi!9 2e+ause there was never /er<ury in His !outh9 or ini=uity in His heart. He was +onsu!ed 2y /ain. %ut on+e +onsu!/tion has ta6en /)a+e and His )i e has 2een ta6en or the sa+ri i+e o e3/iation9 His &)ory wi)) 2e&in with uture &enerations. All the desires and the Holy wills of &od on His behalf will be acco#plished. %e+ause o a)) the an3iety o His sou)9 He wi)) see the &)ory o the true /eo/)e o ,od and wi)) 2e ha//y. His heaven)y do+trine9 whi+h He wi)) sea) with His %)ood9 wi)) 2e the <usti i+ation o !any o the 2est ones9 and He wi)) ta6e u/on Hi!se) the wi+6edness o sinners. 'nd that is why this un6nown :in&9 4ho! the wi+6ed !o+6ed at and the 2est ones did not understand9 wi)) have a )ar&e !u)titude9 o 0arth. 'nd with His o))owers He wi)) divide the s/oi)s o the de eated. He wi)) divide the s/oi)s o stron& !en9 the on)y Jud&e o the three 6in&do!s and o the :in&do!. He has deserved everything because He gave everything. 0verythin& wi)) 2e de)ivered to Hi!9 2e+ause He de)ivered Hi!se) to death Those who thin6 that they have done &ood to the!se)ves and to Israe) shou)d unde+eive and was nu!2ered with +ri!ina)s9 He 4ho was without sin. Without any other sin the!se)ves. 'nd )i6ewise those who thin6 they have 2een stron&er than ,od. 'nd a)so e7cept perfect love and infinite goodness. Two sins that the wor)d does not or&ive9 su+h a )ove and &oodness that ur&ed Hi! to ta6e u/on Hi!se) the sins o !any9 o the those who thin6 that they do not have to e3/iate this sin9 on)y 2e+ause I vo)untari)y a))ow the! to 6i)) Me. I a# fulfilling !y holy tas" !y perfect obedience to the -ather. who)e wor)d9 and to /ray or sinners. -or all sinners. ')so or those throu&h who! He But that does not e7clude their obedience to .atan and their wic"ed tas". ;es9 o 0arth9 was /ut to death. your .edee!er has 2een sa+ri i+ed 2e+ause He wanted it. C He never opened His #outh 7 I have finished. I have nothing else to say. )verything has been said of what I wanted to utter a word of prayer and thus be spared or a word to curse His #urderers. 2i"e a to tell you of the !essianic prophecies. I have e7plained the# all to you fro# !y birth sheep He let Hi#self be led to the slaughter4house to be "illed li"e a la#b that is du#b to !y death so that you #ay "now !e and have no doubts and #ay have no e7cuses before its shearers.D CAfter being captured and conde#ned He was raised. He will have for your sin. no offspring. 2i"e a tree He was cut off fro# the land of the living. &od has struc" Hi#

595.The Ni1h& "- &he 8ednesda( 6e-" e Pass",e . Las& Tea3hin1s &" &he A5"s&2es.


And now let us pray together. This is the last evening we can pray thus all united li"e grapes to the bunch supporting the#. ,o#e. 2et us pray. /*ur -ather Who art in Heaven hallowed be Thy Na#e. Thy =ingdo# co#e. Thy will be done on )arth as it is done in Heaven. &ive us this day our daily bread. -orgive us our trespasses as we forgive the# that trespass against us. 2ead us not into te#ptation but deliver us fro# evil. A#en.0 CHa))owed 2e Thy 8a!e.D (ather9 I have ha))owed it. Have !er+y on ;our Son. CThy :in&do! +o!e.D I a! dyin& in order to esta2)ish it. Have !er+y on Me. CThy wi)) 2e done.D Su//ort My wea6ness9 ;ou 4ho +reated the )esh o !an and +)othed ;our 4ord with it9 that I !ay o2ey ;ou down here as I have a)ways o2eyed ;ou in Heaven. Have !er+y on the Son o !an.

ro! our 2irth to our deathH... 5hH Ho)y (ather9 have !er+y on ;our +hi)drenH C$e)iver us9 de)iver us ro! evi)HD ;ou +an. 4e are wee/in& here... Heaven is so 2eauti u) and we are a raid o )osin& it. ;ou sayI CMy %)ood +annot )ose itD. %ut I want ;ou to see the Man in Me9 the (irst2orn o !en. I a! their 2rother. I /ray or the! and with the!. (ather9 !er+yH 5hH !er+yH...G 8 Jesus 2ends with His a+e on the &round. He then stands u/. ELet us &o. Let us say &ood2ye to one another this evenin&. It wi)) no )on&er 2e /ossi2)e to!orrow evenin&. 4e sha)) 2e too u/set. 'nd there is no )ove where there is /ertur2ation. Let us 6iss one another with the 6iss o /ea+e. To!orrow... to!orrow ea+h o you wi)) 2e)on& to hi!se) ... This evenin& we +an sti)) 2e one or a)) and a)) or one.G 'nd He 6isses the!9 one 2y one9 2e&innin& ro! 1eter9 then Matthew9 Si!on9 Tho!as9 1hi)i/9 %artho)o!ew9 the Is+ariot9 His two +ousins9 Ja!es o >e2edee9 'ndrew and )ast John9 on who! He )eans whi)e )eavin& ,ethse!ane.

C,ive us our %readD... ' 2read or the sou). ' 2read not o this 0arth. I do not as6 it or Myse) . I need on)y ;our s/iritua) +o! ort. %ut I9 the %e&&ar9 stret+h out My hand or the!. %e ore )on& it wi)) 2e /ier+ed and nai)ed9 and it wi)) no )on&er 2e a2)e to !a6e a &esture o )ove. %ut it +an sti)) do it now. (ather9 &rant Me to &ive the! the %read that dai)y orti ies the wea6ness o the /oor +hi)dren o 'da!. They are wea69 (ather9 they are in erior9 2e+ause they do not have the %read that is stren&th9 the an&e)i+a) %read that s/iritua)ises !an and )eads hi! to 2e dei ied in ?s. 59+. The Thu!sda/ )e1#!e Pass#0e!. P!e9a!a&i#n 1#! &he Su99e! C(or&ive us our tres/assesD...G

and Ann#un'e(en& #1 &he G5#!i1i'a&i#n &h!#u4h Dea&h.

3!d A9!i5 $9*8.

Jesus 4ho has s/o6en standin& and has /rayed with His ar!s stret+hed out9 now 6nee)s 1 It is !ornin& a&ain. So sereneH So <oy u)H 0ven the rare +)ouds that yesterday were down and raises His ar!s and a+e to Heaven. ' a+e !ade wan 2y the e ort o the wanderin& s)ow)y in the +o2a)t@2)ue s6y are no )on&er there. 8either is there the heavy su//)i+ation and 2y the 6iss o the !oon9 urrowed 2y si)ent tears. su)triness that was so o//ressive yesterday. ' )i&ht 2reeze 2)ows &ent)y on /eo/)e's E(or&ive ;our Son9 o (ather9 i I wron&ed ;ou in any way. I !ay a)so see! i!/er e+t a+es. 'nd it +arries the s+ent o )owers9 o hay9 o /ure air. 'nd it &ent)y !oves the to ;our 1er e+tion9 I9 ;our 7hrist9 2urdened 2y )esh. To !en... no. My +ons+ious )eaves o the o)ive@trees. It see!s an3ious to )et /eo/)e ad!ire the si)ver shade o the inte))e+t assures Me that I have done everythin& or the!. %ut or&ive ;our Jesus... I s!a)) )an+eo)ate )eaves9 to shed tiny white s+ented )owers on the ste/s o 7hrist9 on His a)so or&ive. I or&ive9 that ;ou !ay or&ive Me. How !u+h I have to or&iveH How air@haired head9 to 6iss Hi!9 to re resh Hi! J 2e+ause ea+h tiny +a)y3 has its very !u+hH... 'nd yet I or&ive. Those who are /resent here9 the dis+i/)es who are a2sent9 s!a)) dew@dro/ J to 6iss Hi!9 to re resh Hi!9 then die 2e ore seein& the i!/endin& those whose hearts are dea 9 My ene!ies9 !o+6ers9 traitors9 6i))ers9 dei+ides... Here. I horror. 'nd the &rass on the hi))o+6s 2ows sha6in& the 2e)) )owers9 the +oro))as9 the have or&iven the who)e o Man6ind. 4ith re&ard to Me9 o (ather9 +onsider re!itted a)) )itt)e /a)!s o thousands o )owers. The )ar&e wi)d o3@eye daisies9 stars with &o)den de2ts o !an to the Man. I a! dyin& in order to &ive ;our :in&do! to every2ody9 and hearts9 are standin& hi&h u/ on their ste!s as i to 6iss the hand that wi)) soon 2e I do not want the sin a&ainst the Love in+arnate to 2e i!/uted to the! as +onde!nation. /ier+ed9 and the s!a)) daisies and the wi)d +a!o!i)e 6iss His &enerous eet9 whi+h wi)) 8oF 're ;ou sayin& noF It is My &rie . This CnoD is /ourin& the irst si/ o the 2itter sto/ wa)6in& or the &ood o !en on)y when they are nai)ed to &ive an even &reater +ha)i+e into My heart. %ut (ather9 4ho! I have a)ways o2eyed9 I say to ;ouI CThy wi)) &ood9 and the 2rier@roses s!e)) sweet)y9 and the hawthorn9 whi+h no )on&er has any 2e doneD. )owers9 !oves its indented )eaves. It see!s to 2e sayin&I E8o9 noG to those who wi)) use it to torture the .edee!er. 'nd EnoG say the reeds o the :idron. They do not want CLead us not into te!/tationD. 5hH i ;ou want9 ;ou +an drive the de!on away ro! to stri6e either9 and their wi)) o )itt)e thin&s does not want to har! the Lord. 'nd usH He is the te!/tation that in+ites )esh9 !inds9 hearts. He is the Sedu+er. Turn hi! away9 (atherH ;our ar+han&e) in our avourH To /ut to )i&ht hi! who )ays snares or us /erha/s a)so the stones on the s)o/es are ha//y to 2e out o town9 in the o)ive@&rove9

59).The Thu sda( 6e-" e Pass",e . P e5a a&i"n -" &he Su55e and Ann"un3e.en& "- &he 42" i-i3a&i"n &h "u1h Dea&h.


2e+ause 2ein& there9 they wi)) not hurt the Martyr. 'nd the thin rosy +onvo)vu)i9 whi+h Jesus )oved so !u+h9 are wee/in&9 as we)) as the +ory!2s o the snow@white a+a+ias9 si!i)ar to +)usters o 2utter )ies /ressin& a&ainst one ste!9 /erha/s they are thin6in&I E4e sha)) never see Hi! a&ain.G 'nd the !yosotes9 so s)ender and /ure9 dro/ their +oro))as when tou+hed 2y the /ur/)e !ant)e that Jesus is wearin& a&ain. It !ust 2e 2eauti u) to die 2ein& stru+6 2y so!ethin& that 2e)on&s to Jesus. ')) the )owers9 a)so a )ost )i)y o the va))ey9 whi+h /erha/s e)) there 2y a++ident and +a!e u/ a!on& the /rotrudin& roots o an o)ive@tree9 is ha//y to 2e seen and /i+6ed 2y Tho!as and o ered to the Lord... 'nd ha//y are the thousand 2irds a!on& the 2ran+hes to &reet Hi! with <oy u) son&s. 5hH the 2irds that He a)ways )oved do not +urse Hi!H 0ven a s!a)) herd o shee/ see! to 2e wishin& to &reet Hi!9 a)thou&h they are sad9 havin& 2een de/rived o their )itt)e ones that have 2een so)d or the 1assover sa+ri i+e. It is the )a!ent o !others resoundin& in the air9 as they 2)eat +a))in& their )itt)e ones that wi)) never +o!e 2a+69 and they +o!e to ru2 a&ainst Jesus9 )oo6in& at Hi! with their !ee6 eyes. 2 The si&ht o the shee/ re!inds the a/ost)es o the rite and when they are a)!ost at ,ethse!ane9 they as6 JesusI E4here sha)) we &o to +onsu!e the 1assoverF 4hi+h /)a+e are ;ou +hoosin&F Te)) us and we wi)) &o and /re/are everythin&.G 'nd Judas o :erioth saysI E,ive !e ;our orders and I wi)) &o.G E1eter. John. Listen to Me.G The two9 who were a )itt)e ahead9 a//roa+h Jesus 4ho has +a))ed the!.

'nnas with He)6ai9 $oras and Sado+. 'nd 2endin& their 2a+6s +overed with wide !ant)es they /ay their res/e+ts a!on& the )utterin& o &ar!ents9 rin&es and 2u)6y head&ear. Jesus &reets the! and /asses 2y9 re&a) in His red woo))en tuni+ and His !ant)e o a dar6er shade9 the head&ear o Synty+he in His hand9 whi)e the sun turns His +o//er@red hair into a &o)den wreath and a shinin& vei) rea+hin& down to His shou)ders. ' ter He has /assed the 2a+6s strai&hten u/ and the a+es a//earI those o urious hyenas. 3 Judas o :erioth9 who was a)ways )oo6in& around with his trea+herous a+e9 !oves to the roadside under the /rete3t o tyin& his sanda) and9 I +an see hi! very we))9 2e+6ons to those !en to wait or hi!... He )ets the &rou/ o Jesus and His dis+i/)es &o ahead9 a)ways 2usy at the 2u+6)e o his sanda) to stri6e an attitudeM he then /asses =ui+6)y +)ose to the s+ri2es and 1harisees and whis/ersI E't the %eauti u) ,ate. '2out the si3th hour. 5ne o you.G and he darts away =ui+6)y9 <oinin& his +o!/anions. (ran69 i!/udent)y ran6H... They &o u/ to the Te!/)e. 5n)y ew Jews as yet. %ut !any ,enti)es. Jesus &oes to worshi/ the Lord. He then +o!es 2a+6 and He te))s Si!on and %artho)o!ew to 2uy the )a!2 &ettin& the !oney ro! Judas o :erioth. EI +ou)d have done itHG says Judas. E;ou wi)) have other thin&s to do. ;ou 6now that. There is that widow to who! the o erin& o Mary o Lazarus is to 2e ta6en9 in or!in& her that a ter the estivities she shou)d &o to %ethany9 to Lazarus. $o you 6now where she )ivesF Have you understoodFG

E,o ahead and enter the town 2y the $un& ,ate. 's soon as you &o in9 you wi)) !eet a !an who is +o!in& 2a+6 ro! 0n .o&e) with a /it+her o that &ood water. (o))ow hi! unti) he &oes into a house. ;ou wi)) say to hi! who is in itI CThe Master saysI '4here is E;es9 I 6nowH >a+harias9 who 6nows her we))9 showed !e the /)a+e.G 'nd he addsI EI the roo! where I !ay eat the 1assover with My dis+i/)esF'D He wi)) show you a )ar&e a! very &)ad to &o. 8ot so !u+h 2e+ause o the <ourney9 as 2e+ause o the )a!2. 4hen su//er@roo!9 whi+h is ready. 1re/are everythin& there. ,o =ui+6)y and then <oin us at have I to &oFG the Te!/)e.G ELater. I sha)) not sto/ )on& here. I wi)) rest today9 as I want to 2e it or this evenin& The two &o away in a hurry. Jesus instead /ro+eeds s)ow)y. The !ornin& is sti)) +oo)9 and or My ni&ht /rayer.G and on)y the irst /i)&ri!s a//ear on the roads )eadin& into town. They +ross the )itt)e E')) ri&ht.G :idron 2rid&e that is 2e ore ,ethse!ane and enter the town. The &ates are no )on&er wat+hed 2y )e&ionaries9 /ro2a2)y 2e+ause o a +ounter@order 2y 1i)ate9 who has 2een 4e))9 I wonderI Jesus9 4ho in the /ast days has said nothin& a2out His intentions in reassured 2y the )a+6 o dis/utes +on+ernin& Jesus. There is in a+t a2so)ute tran=ui))ity order not to )et Judas have any detai)s9 why does He now say9 why does He re/eat what everywhere. He wi)) do durin& the ni&htF Has His 1assion a)ready 2e&un with the 2)indness o oresi&ht9 or has this oresi&ht in+reased so !u+h that He +an read in the 2oo6s o 5hH no one +an deny that the Judaeans have 2een a2)e to +ontro) the!se)vesH 8o one Heaven that that is Ethe ni&htG and that there ore it is ne+essary to !a6e it 6nown to has !o)ested the Master or His dis+i/)es. %ehavin& res/e+t u))y i not a e+tionate)y9 hi! who is waitin& to 6now9 so that he !ay hand Hi! over to His ene!ies9 or has He and as we))@!annered /eo/)e9 they have a)ways &reeted Hi!9 even the !ost ran+orous a)ways 6nown that His i!!o)ation is to 2e&in that ni&htF I +annot &ive any answer. !e!2ers o the Sanhedrin. ')so yesterday's re/roo was 2orne with in+o!/ara2)e Jesus does not &ive !e any re/)y. 'nd I re!ain with !y =ueries9 whi)e I wat+h Jesus /atien+e. 'nd as 7aia/has' +ountry house is +)ose to that &ate9 <ust now a )ar&e &rou/ o 4ho is +urin& the )ast si+6 /eo/)e. The )ast ones... To!orrow9 in a ew hours9 He wi)) 1harisees and s+ri2es /asses 2y +o!in& ro! it9 and a!on& the! there is the son o

59).The Thu sda( 6e-" e Pass",e . P e5a a&i"n -" &he Su55e and Ann"un3e.en& "- &he 42" i-i3a&i"n &h "u1h Dea&h.


no )on&er 2e a2)e... The 0arth wi)) 2e 2ere t o its /ower u) Hea)er o 2odies. %ut the Bi+ti!9 ro! His s+a o)d9 wi)) 2e&in the series9 uninterru/ted or twenty +enturies9 o His s/iritua) hea)in&s. 4 Today I a! +onte!/)atin& rather than des+ri2in&. My Lord !a6es !e /ro<e+t !y s/iritua) si&ht ro! what I see ha//enin& in the )ast day o 7hrist's reedo!9 to what it wi)) 2e throu&hout a&es... Today I a! +onte!/)atin& the ee)in&s9 the thou&hts o the Master rather than what is ha//enin& around Hi!. I a! a)ready in the distressin& understandin& o His torture at ,ethse!ane...

his )o+6.D It is said o MeI CHere is My Servant with 4ho! I wi)) stay9 in 4ho! My sou) de)i&hts. I have endowed Hi! with My s/irit. He wi)) 2rin& <usti+e to the nations. He wi)) not shout9 He wi)) not 2rea6 the +rushed reed9 He wi)) not /ut out the s!o6y wi+69 He wi)) do <usti+e a++ordin& to truth. 4ithout 2ein& sad or tur2u)ent9 He wi)) su++eed in esta2)ishin& <usti+e on the 0arth9 and the is)ands wi)) await His )aw.D It is said o MeI CI9 the Lord9 have +a))ed ;ou in <usti+e9 I have ta6en ;ou 2y the hand9 I have /reserved ;ou9 I have a//ointed ;ou as +ovenant o the /eo/)e and )i&ht o the nations9 to o/en the eyes o the 2)ind9 to ree +a/tives ro! /rison and those who )ie in dar6ness ro! the dun&eon.D

5 's usua) Jesus is overwhe)!ed 2y the +rowd that has in+reased and +onsists now !ain)y o He2rews9 who or&et to hasten to the /)a+e where )a!2s are sa+ri i+ed9 an3ious as they are to a//roa+h Jesus9 the La!2 o ,od9 4ho is a2out to 2e i!!o)ated. It is said o MeI CThe S/irit o the Lord is u/on Me9 2e+ause the Lord has anointed Me 'nd the /eo/)e &o on as6in& =uestions and they want urther e3/)anations. to announ+e the ,ood 8ews to the !ee69 to +ure those whose hearts are 2ro6en9 to Many are He2rews who have +o!e ro! the $ias/ora9 and havin& heard /eo/)e s/ea6 /rea+h )i2erty to s)aves9 reedo! to /risoners9 to /rea+h the year o &ra+e o the Lord.D o the re/utation o the 7hrist9 o the ,a)i)ean 1ro/het9 o the .a22i o 8azareth9 they It is said o MeI CHe is the Stron& one9 He wi)) eed His )o+6 with the /ower o the are +urious to hear Hi! s/ea6 and are an3ious to &et rid o every /ossi2)e dou2t. 'nd Lord9 with the !a<esty o the na!e o the Lord His ,od. They wi)) 2e +onverted to they /ush throu&h the +rowd and they i!/)ore those ro! 1a)estine sayin&I E;ou Hi!9 2e+ause as ro! now He wi)) 2e &)ori ied to the ut!ost )i!its o the wor)d.D a)ways have Hi! with you. ;ou 6now who He is. ;ou +an hear His words whenever you wish. 4e have +o!e ro! a ar and we sha)) 2e de/artin& i!!ediate)y a ter It is said o MeI CI wi)) &o and )oo6 or My shee/ Myse) . I wi)) )oo6 or the )ost ones9 I satis yin& the /re+e/t. Let us &o to Hi!HG The +rowd &ives way with di i+u)ty to !a6e wi)) 2rin& 2a+6 those that have 2een driven away9 I wi)) 2ind those with ra+tures9 I wi)) roo! or the!. 'nd they a//roa+h Jesus and wat+h Hi! with +uriosity. They ta)6 in nourish the wea6 ones9 I wi)) wat+h over the ones that are at and stron&9 I wi)) /asture )ow voi+es to one another9 &rou/ 2y &rou/. the! with <usti+e.D

Jesus o2serves the!9 even i at the sa!e ti!e He )istens to a &rou/ o /eo/)e who have It is saidI CHe is the 1rin+e o /ea+e and wi)) 2e the /ea+e.D +o!e ro! 1erea. Then9 a ter dis!issin& the )atter &rou/ o /eo/)e9 who have &iven hi! It is saidI CHere +o!es your :in&9 the Just 5ne9 the Saviour. He is /oor9 He is ridin& a !oney or the /oor9 as !any /eo/)e do9 and He has handed it to Judas as usua)9 He )itt)e don6ey. He wi)) announ+e /ea+e to the nations. His do!inion wi)) 2e ro! sea to 2e&ins to s/ea6. sea9 to the ut!ost )i!its o the 0arth.D 6 E;ou are a)) o the sa!e re)i&ion9 2ut o di erent /)a+es o ori&in9 and !any o those It is saidI CSeventy wee6s have 2een de+reed or your /eo/)e9 or your ho)y +ity9 so that who are /resent here are wonderin&I C4ho is this !an who is +a))ed the 8azareneFD9 /revari+ation !ay 2e re!oved9 sin !ay +o!e to an end9 wi+6edness !ay 2e +an+e)ed9 and their ho/es +)ash with their dou2ts. ListenI eterna) <usti+e !ay +o!e9 visions and /ro/he+ies !ay 2e u) i))ed9 and the Ho)y o It is said o MeI C' shoot wi)) s/rin& ro! the sto+6 o Jesse9 a )ower wi)) +o!e ro! Ho)ies !ay 2e anointed. ' ter seven /)us si3ty@two the 7hrist wi)) +o!e. ' ter si3ty@ this root and the S/irit o the Lord wi)) rest u/on Hi!. He wi)) not <ud&e 2y what two He wi)) 2e 6i))ed. ' ter one wee6 He wi)) +on ir! the wi))9 2ut in the !idd)e o the a//ears to the eyes9 He wi)) &ive no verdi+t on hearsay9 2ut He wi)) <ud&e the wret+hed wee6 vi+ti!s and sa+ri i+es wi)) sto/9 and the a2o!ination o deso)ation wi)) 2e in the with inte&rity9 He wi)) ta6e u/ the +ud&e)s or the )ow)y. The shoot o the root o Jesse9 Te!/)e9 and it wi)) )ast unti) the end o ti!e.D /)a+ed as a si&na) a!on& nations9 wi)) 2e i!/)ored 2y /eo/)es and His se/u)+hre wi)) 2e So wi)) there 2e a shorta&e o vi+ti!s in these daysF 4i)) the a)tar have no vi+ti!F It &)orious. ' ter hoistin& a )a& or the nations9 He wi)) &ather to&ether the re u&ees o will have the great <icti#. Here9 the /ro/het sees itI C4ho is this +o!in& with &ar!ents Israe)9 He wi)) asse!2)e the s+attered /eo/)e o Judah ro! the our +orners o the stained with +ri!sonF He is handso!e in His &ar!ent and He !ar+hes in the u))ness o 0arth.D His stren&th.D It is said o MeI CHere is the Lord ,od +o!in& with /ower9 His ar! wi)) triu!/h. He +arries with Hi! His /rize9 His wor6 is 2e ore His eyes. Li6e a she/herd he wi)) /asture 'nd He 4ho is /oor9 how did He dye His &ar!ent with /ur/)eF Here9 the /ro/het

59).The Thu sda( 6e-" e Pass",e . P e5a a&i"n -" &he Su55e and Ann"un3e.en& "- &he 42" i-i3a&i"n &h "u1h Dea&h.


e3/)ains itI CI a2andoned My 2ody to those who stru+6 Me9 My +hee6s to those who tore at My 2eard9 I did not turn My a+e away ro! those who insu)ted Me. My handso!eness and My s/)endour were )ost9 and !en no )on&er )oved Me. Men have des/ised Me and +onsidered Me the )ast oneH The !an o sorrows9 My a+e wi)) 2e vei)ed and s+orned and they wi)) re&ard Me as a )e/er9 whereas on 2eha) o every2ody I sha)) 2e +overed with sores and /ut to death. Here is the Bi+ti!. %e not a raid9 Israe)H %e not a raid. The 1assover La!2 is not unavai)a2)eH %e not a raid9 o 0arthH %e not a raid. Here is the Saviour. Li6e a shee/ He wi)) 2e )ed to the s)au&hter@house9 2e+ause He wanted that9 and He did not o/en His !outh to +urse those who are 6i))in& Hi!. ' ter 2ein& +onde!ned He wi)) 2e raised and +onsu!ed in /ain9 with His )i!2s dis@ )o+ated9 His 2ones un+overed9 His eet and hands /ier+ed. %ut a ter the an&uish throu&h whi+h He wi)) <usti y !any9 He wi)) /ossess !u)titudes 2e+ause9 a ter de)iverin& His )i e to death or the sa)vation o the wor)d9 He wi)) rise ro! the dead and wi)) ru)e the 0arth9 He wi)) nourish /eo/)es with the waters seen 2y 0ze6ie)9 )owin& out o the true Te!/)e that9 even i it is 6no+6ed down9 wi)) rise a&ain throu&h its own stren&th9 and with the wine 2y whi+h a)so the snow@white &ar!ent o the s/ot)ess La!2 has 2een dyed /ur/)e9 and with the %read des+ended ro! Heaven.D %ou who are thirsty co#e to the waters! %ou who are hungry ta"e your nourish#ent! %ou who are worn out and you sic" people drin" !y wine! ,o#e you who have no #oney you who are in bad health co#e! And you who are in 3ar"ness! And you who are dead co#e! I a# Riches and Health. I a# 2ight and 2ife. ,o#e you who are loo"ing for the Way! ,o#e you who are see"ing the Truth! I a# Way and Truth! $o not 2e a raid o not 2ein& a2)e to +onsu!e the La!2 2e+ause there are no rea))y ho)y vi+ti!s in this dese+rated Te!/)e. ;ou wi)) a)) 2e a2)e to eat o the La!2 o ,od9 4ho has +o!e to ta6e away the sins o the wor)d9 as the )ast o the /ro/hets o My /eo/)e said o Me. 5 that /eo/)e who! I as6I My /eo/)e9 what have I done to youF In what have I &rieved youF 4hat e)se +ou)d I have &iven you !ore than what I &ave youF I tau&ht your !inds9 I +ured your si+6 /eo/)e9 I he)/ed your /oor /eo/)e9 I satis ied the hun&er o your +rowds9 I )oved you in your +hi)dren9 I or&ave and /rayed or you. I )oved you to the e3tent o Sa+ri i+e. 'nd what are you /re/arin& or your LordF 5ne hour9 the )ast one9 is &iven to you9 My /eo/)e9 My re&a) and ho)y town. 7o!e 2a+6 in this hour to the Lord your ,odHG 7 EHe has s/o6en true wordsHG EThat is what is saidH 'nd He rea))y does what is saidHG ELi6e a she/herd He has ta6en +are o every2odyHG E's i we were stray shee/9 si+69 in dar6ness9 He has +o!e to )ead us to the ri&ht way9 to +ure our sou)s and 2odies9 to en)i&hten us.G

EHe has /rea+hed /ea+e.G EHe has &iven )ove.G EI do not understand what He says a2out the sa+ri i+e. He s/ea6s as i He had to 2e 6i))ed.G EIt is so9 i He is the Man seen 2y the /ro/hets9 the Saviour.G E'nd He s/ea6s as i a)) the /eo/)e had to i))@treat Hi!. That wi)) never ha//en. The /eo/)e9 we9 )ove Hi!.G EHe is our riend. 4e wi)) de end Hi!.G EHe is a ,a)i)ean9 and we ,a)i)eans wi)) &ive our )ives or Hi!.G EHe is o $avid's sto+69 and we !en o Judaea wi)) raise our hands to de end Hi!.G E'nd we9 who! He )oved as He )oved you9 we ro! Hauran9 ro! 1erea9 ro! the $e+a/o)is9 sha)) we ever or&et Hi!F 4e wi)) a)) de end Hi!.G These are the voi+es o the +rowd9 whi+h 2y now is very nu!erous. How transient are hu!an intentionsH Jud&in& 2y the /osition o the sun I thin6 it !ust 2e a2out nine o'+)o+6 a.!. our ti!e. Twenty@ our hours )ater these /eo/)e wi)) have 2een round the Martyr or !any hours9 to torture Hi! with their hatred and 2)ows9 and shoutin& they wi)) re=uest His death. (ew9 very ew9 too ew a!on& the thousands o /eo/)e who are +rowdin& ro! every /art o 1a)estine and arther away9 and who have re+eived )i&ht9 hea)th9 wisdo!9 or&iveness ro! 7hrist9 wi)) 2e those who not on)y wi)) not try to tear Hi! away ro! His ene!ies9 2e+ause their s!a)) nu!2er +o!/ared with the !u)titude o the stri6ers /revents the!9 2ut wi)) not even 2e a2)e to +o! ort Hi! &ivin& Hi! a /roo o their )ove 2y o))owin& Hi! with a riend)y attitude. The /raises9 assents and ad!ired +o!!ents s/read throu&h the )ar&e +ourt9 )i6e waves that ro! the o/en sea &o ar to die on the 2ea+h. 8 So!e s+ri2es9 Judaeans and 1harisees try to +ountera+t the enthusias! o the /eo/)e as we)) as the er!ent o the /eo/)e a&ainst the ene!ies o the 7hrist sayin&I EHe is ravin&. His tiredness is so &reat and !a6es Hi! de)irious. He !ista6es honours or /erse+utions. His words have torrents o His usua) wisdo!9 2ut !i3ed with de)irious senten+es. 8o one wants to hurt Hi!. 4e have understood. 4e have understood who He is...G %ut the /eo/)e are dou2t u) a2out su+h a &reat +han&e o hu!our and so!e re2e) a&ainst the! sayin&I EHe +ured !y insane son. I 6now what !adness is. 5ne who is !ad does not s/ea6 )i6e thatHG

'nd another one saysI ELet the! say. They are vi/ers who are a raid that the +)u2 o the /eo/)e !ay 2rea6 their 2a+6s. They sin& the sweet son& o the ni&htin&a)e in order E')) the /eo/)es rea))y &o to Hi!. Loo6 over there9 at those ,enti)es9 how ad!ired they to de+eive us9 2ut9 i you )isten +are u))y9 there is the hiss o the sna6e in it.G areHG

59).The Thu sda( 6e-" e Pass",e . P e5a a&i"n -" &he Su55e and Ann"un3e.en& "- &he 42" i-i3a&i"n &h "u1h Dea&h.


'nd a)so another oneI ESentries o the /eo/)e o 7hrist9 )oo6 outH 4hen the ene!y 'nd yet9 as ;ou +an see9 we /ay ho!a&e to ;ou. It is the who)e wor)d that honours +aresses9 he has a da&&er +on+ea)ed in his s)eeve9 and he stret+hes out his hand to stri6e. ;ou with us.G :ee/ your eyes o/en and your hearts readyH Ja+6a)s +annot 2e+o!e !ee6 )a!2s.G E;es9 the hour has +o!e when the Son o !an is to 2e &)ori ied 2y !en and 2y s/irits.G E;ou are ri&htI the ow) )ures and en+hants si!/)e )itt)e 2irds with the i!!o2i)ity o its 8ow the +rowd is round Jesus on+e a&ain 2ut with the di eren+e that the ,enti)es are in 2ody and with the a)se <oy o its &reetin&. It )au&hs and invites with its +ry9 2ut it is the irst row and the others 2ehind. ready to devour.G E%ut i it is the hour o ;our &)ori i+ation9 ;ou wi)) not die9 as ;ou say9 or as we have 'nd so orth9 ro! &rou/ to &rou/. understood. %e+ause it is not a &)ori i+ation to die in that way. How wi)) ;ou 2e a2)e to 9 %ut there are a)so so!e ,enti)es9 who have 2een +onstant and !ore and !ore &ather the wor)d under ;our s+e/tre9 i ;ou die 2e ore doin& soF I ;our ar! is nu!erous in )istenin& to the Master durin& the days o the estivity. They are a)ways at i!!o2i)ised 2y death9 how wi)) it 2e a2)e to triu!/h and &ather /eo/)es to&etherFG the ed&e o the +rowd9 2e+ause the He2rew@1a)estinian e3+)usivis! is stron& and re/e)s 10 E%y dyin&9 I &ive )i e. %y dyin&9 I 2ui)d. %y dyin&9 I +reate the new 1eo/)e. It is the! /retendin& the /)a+es +)osest to the Master9 so they wish to a//roa+h Hi! and through sacrifice that one gains victory. I so)e!n)y te)) you that i the wheat &rain that s/ea6 to Hi!. has a))en on the &round does not die9 it re!ains un ruit u). I instead it dies9 then it ' )ar&e &rou/ o the! +asts &)an+es at 1hi)i/9 who has 2een /ushed into a +orner 2y the yie)ds a ri+h harvest. He who )oves his )i e wi)) )ose it. He who hates his life in this +rowd. They a//roa+h hi! sayin&I ESir9 we wish to see Jesus9 your Master9 at +)ose world will save it for the eternal life. It is !y duty to die to give this eternal life to all =uarters9 and s/ea6 to Hi! at )east on+e.G those who follow !e to serve the Truth. Let those who want to serve Me +o!eI the /)a+es in My 6in&do! are not )i!ited to this or that /eo/)e. 2et whoever wants to serve 1hi)i/ stands on the ti/s o his toes to see whether there is any a/ost)e +)oser to the !e co#e and follow !e and where I a# !y servant will be there as well. 'nd he who Lord. He sees 'ndrew and a ter +a))in& hi!9 he shoutsI EThere are so!e ,enti)es here serves Me wi)) 2e honoured 2y My (ather9 the 5n)y9 True ,od9 the Lord o Heaven and who wou)d )i6e to &reet the Master. 's6 Hi! whether He wi)) re+eive the!.G 0arth9 the 7reator o everythin& that e3ists9 the Thou&ht9 Word Love9 Li e9 Way TruthM 'ndrew9 a ew !etres away ro! Jesus9 s=ueezed in the +rowd9 /ushes his way throu&h (ather9 .on Ho)y S/irit9 5ne 2ein& Trine9 Trine 2ein& 5ne9 5n)y9 True ,od. %ut now My sou) is u/set. 'nd what sha)) I sayF Sha)) I /erha/s sayI C(ather save Me ro! this the +rowd9 wor6in& &enerous)y with his e)2ows without re&ard and shoutin&I EMa6e hourDF 8o. Because I have co#e for this( to arrive at this hour. So I wi)) sayI C(ather9 wayH Ma6e way9 I say. I !ust &o to the Master.G He rea+hes Hi! and in or!s Hi! o &)ori y ;our 8a!eHDG the wish o the ,enti)es. ETa6e the! to that +orner. I wi)) +o!e to the!.G 'nd whi)e Jesus tries to /ass throu&h the +rowd9 John9 who has <ust +o!e 2a+6 with 1eter9 stru&&)es to !a6e way or Hi! and is assisted in doin& so 2y 1eter9 Judas Thaddeus9 Ja!es o >e2edee and Tho!as9 who )eaves the &rou/ o his re)atives that he !et in the +rowd in order to he)/ his +o!/anions. Jesus is where the ,enti)es a)ready are and they &reet Hi!. E1ea+e 2e with you. 4hat do you want o MeFG ETo see ;ou and s/ea6 to ;ou. ;our words have u/set us. 4e have a)ways 2een wantin& to s/ea6 to ;ou to te)) ;ou that ;our word a e+ts us. %ut we were waitin& or a suita2)e !o!ent to do so. Today... ;ou are s/ea6in& o death... 4e are a raid that we sha)) not 2e a2)e to s/ea6 to ;ou any !ore9 i we do not ta6e advanta&e o this hour. %ut is it /ossi2)e that the He2rews !ay 6i)) their 2est sonF 4e are ,enti)es9 and we have re+eived no avour ro! ;our hand. ;our word was un6nown to us. 4e have heard /eo/)e s/ea6 o ;ou va&ue)y. %ut we had never seen ;ou or a//roa+hed ;ou. Jesus stret+hes out His ar!s +rosswise9 a /ur/)e +ross a&ainst the white !ar2)es o the /or+h and He raises His head9 o erin& Hi!se) 9 /rayin&9 as+endin& with His sou) to the (ather. 11 'nd a voi+e9 )ouder than thunder9 i!!ateria) inas!u+h it is not )i6e any hu!an voi+e9 2ut very sensi2)e to a)) ears9 i))s the +)ear s6y o the 2eauti u) '/ri) day and vi2rates9 !ore /ower u) than the +hord o a &i&anti+ or&an9 in a very 2eauti u) tona)ity9 and /ro+)ai!sI 9I have glorified Hi# and I will glorify Hi# again!> The /eo/)e have 2een ri&htened. That voi+e9 so /ower u) that the soi) and what is on it vi2rated 2e+ause o it9 that !ysterious voi+e9 di erent ro! any other9 +o!in& ro! an un6nown sour+e9 that voi+e that i))s everythin&9 ro! north to south9 ro! east to west9 terrorises the He2rews and a!azes the heathens. The or!er9 when /ossi2)e9 throw the!se)ves on the &round9 !ur!urin& in their earI E4e sha)) die nowH 4e have heard the voi+e o Heaven. 'n an&e) has s/o6en to Hi!HG and they 2eat their 2reasts awaitin& death. The )atter shoutI E' /ea) o thunderH ' ru!2)in& roarH Let us run awayH The 0arth has roaredH It has =ua6edHG %ut it is i!/ossi2)e to run away in the thron& that

59).The Thu sda( 6e-" e Pass",e . P e5a a&i"n -" &he Su55e and Ann"un3e.en& "- &he 42" i-i3a&i"n &h "u1h Dea&h.


in+reases with those who ro! outside the wa))s o the Te!/)e rush inside shoutin&I EHave !er+y on usH Let us runH This is a ho)y /)a+e. The !ountain where the a)tar o ,od rises wi)) not s/)itHG So they a)) re!ain where they were9 where the +rowd and ear 2)o+6 the!. 1riests9 s+ri2es9 1harisees9 Levites9 !a&istrates9 who were s+attered in the !eanders o the Te!/)e9 rush to its terra+es. They are e3+ited and du!2 ounded. %ut o a)) o the! on)y ,a!a)ie) with his son +o!es down a!on& the /eo/)e in the +ourts. Jesus sees hi! /assin& 2y9 a)) white in his )inen &ar!ent9 whi+h is so white that it &)ea!s even in the stron& sun shinin& on it. Jesus9 )oo6in& at ,a!a)ie)9 2ut as i He were s/ea6in& to every2ody9 raises His voi+e sayin&I E8ot or Me9 2ut or you9 has this voi+e +o!e ro! Heaven.G ,a!a)ie) sto/s9 turns round9 and with the &)an+es o his very dee/ dar6 eyes J whi+h the ha2it o 2ein& a !aster worshi//ed )i6e a de!i&od has invo)untari)y !ade as hard as those o /redators J he /ier+es throu&h the sa//hire9 )i!/id9 !a<esti+a))y !i)d eyes o Jesus... 'nd Jesus resu!esI EThe <ud&e!ent o this wor)d ta6es /)a+e now. 8ow the 1rin+e o $ar6ness is a2out to 2e driven out. 'nd when I have 2een )i ted u/9 I wi)) draw every2ody to Myse) 9 2e+ause that is how the Son o !an wi)) save.G E4e have )earnt ro! the 2oo6s o the Law that the 7hrist )ives orever. 'nd ;ou say that ;ou are the 7hrist and ;ou say that ;ou !ust die. 'nd ;ou a)so say that ;ou are the Son o !an and that ;ou wi)) save9 2ein& )i ted u/. So who are ;ouF The Son o !an or the 7hristF 'nd who is the Son o !anFG as6 the +rowds9 who are ta6in& heart a&ain.

a&ain towards the e3it9 a ter sha6in& his head and shou)ders9 as i to e3/ress disa//oint!ent or s+orn... and he /asses strai&ht in ront o Jesus9 without )oo6in& at Hi! any !ore. Jesus9 instead9 )oo6s at hi! +o!/assionate)y... and he raises His voi+e a&ain9 very )oud)y J it sounds )i6e the 2)are o a tru!/et J to over+o!e every noise and 2e heard 2y the &reat s+ri2e who is &oin& away disa//ointed. He see!s to 2e s/ea6in& to every@ 2ody9 2ut it is +)ear that He is s/ea6in& or hi! a)one. He says in a very )oud voi+eI EHe who believes in !e does not really believe in !e but in Hi# Who sent !e and he who sees !e sees Hi# Who sent !e. 'nd He is indeed the ,od o Israe)H %e+ause there is no other ,od 2ut He. That is why I sayI i you +annot 2e)ieve in Me as the !an who is said to 2e the son o Jose/h o $avid and the son o Mary9 o the sto+6 o $avid9 o the Bir&in seen 2y the 1ro/het9 2orn at %eth)ehe!9 as is announ+ed 2y the /ro/he+ies9 /re+eded 2y the %a/tist9 as a)so has 2een said or a&es9 2e)ieve at )east the voi+e o your ,od 4ho has s/o6en to you ro! Heaven. Believe in !e as the .on of this &od of Israel. %e+ause i you do not 2e)ieve in Hi! 4ho has s/o6en to you ro! Heaven9 you do not o end Me9 2ut your ,od 4hose Son I a!. $o not re!ain in dar6nessH I have co#e as 2ight to the world so that he who believes in !e #ay not re#ain in dar"ness. $o not +reate re!orses or yourse)ves9 as you !i&ht not 2e a2)e to a//ease your !inds when I have &one 2a+6 when+e I +a!e9 and they wou)d 2e a severe /unish!ent o ,od or your stu22ornness. I a! wi))in& to or&ive9 whi)e I a! a!on& you9 unti) <ud&e!ent is /assed9 and as ar as I a! +on+erned9 I wish to or&ive. %ut the !ind o the (ather is di erent ro! Mine. %e+ause I a! Mer+y and He is Justi+e.

I so)e!n)y te)) you that i a !an )istens to My words and does not +o!/)y with the!. I EThey are on)y one /erson. 5/en your eyes to the Li&ht. 5n)y or a short ti!e the Li&ht wi)) not <ud&e hi!. I did not co#e to the world to 5udge it but to save it. %ut i I do not wi)) sti)) 2e with you. 4a)6 towards the Truth whi)e you have the Li&ht a!on& you9 that <ud&e9 I so)e!n)y te)) you that there is who wi)) <ud&e you 2y your a+tions. !y -ather you !ay not 2e overta6en 2y dar6ness. Those who wa)6 in dar6ness do not 6now where Who sent !e will 5udge those who re5ect His Word. ;es9 he who des/ises Me and does they wi)) end u/. 4hi)e you have the Li&ht a!on& you9 2e)ieve in It9 to 2e the +hi)dren not a+6now)ed&e the 4ord o ,od9 and does not re+eive the words o the 4ord9 we))9 he has who wi)) <ud&e hi!I the very word that I have announ+ed wi)) <ud&e hi! on the o the Li&ht.G He 2e+o!es si)ent. )ast day. It is said( &od is not to be scoffed at. 'nd the ,od s+o ed at wi)) 2e terri2)e The +rowd is /er/)e3ed and divided. So!e &o away sha6in& their heads. So!e wat+h with those who +onsidered Hi! !ad and !enda+ious. the attitude o the !ain di&nitariesI 1harisees9 +hie s o the /riests9 s+ri2es... and %ear in !ind9 a)) o you9 that the words you heard Me utter9 +o!e ro! ,od. %e+ause I /arti+u)ar)y o ,a!a)ie)9 and they re&u)ate their +ondu+t on that attitude. 'nd others have not s/o6en on My own a++ount9 2ut the (ather 4ho sent Me9 /res+ri2ed what I nod assent and 2ow to Jesus +)ear)y !eanin&I E4e 2e)ieveH 4e honour ;ou or what !ust say and o what I have to s/ea6. 'nd I o2ey His order9 2e+ause I 6now that His ;ou are.G %ut they dare not side o/en)y with Hi!. They are a raid o the vi&i)ant eyes +o!!and!ent is <ust. 0a+h +o!!and o ,od is eterna) )i e. 'nd I9 your Master9 set or o 7hrist's ene!ies9 o the !i&hty ones9 who are wat+hin& the! ro! the hi&h terra+es you the e3a!/)e o o2edien+e to a)) +o!!ands o ,od. %ou #ay rest assured that the do!inatin& the s/)endid /or+hes surroundin& the +ourts o the Te!/)e. things I told you and I a# telling you I said the# and I a# saying the# as !y -ather 12 ')so ,a!a)ie)9 a ter re!ainin& /ensive or so!e !inutes9 and he see!s to 2e told !e to say the# to you. 'nd My (ather is the ,od o '2raha!9 Isaa+9 Ja+o2M the =uestionin& the !ar2)es o the /ave!ent or answers to his inward =uestions9 sets out ,od o Moses9 o the /atriar+hs and o the /ro/hets9 the ,od o Israe)9 your ,od.G

59).The Thu sda( 6e-" e Pass",e . P e5a a&i"n -" &he Su55e and Ann"un3e.en& "- &he 42" i-i3a&i"n &h "u1h Dea&h.


4ords o )i&ht that a)) into the dar6ness that is a)ready &rowin& dar6er in heartsH 13 ,a!a)ie)9 who had sto//ed on+e a&ain9 his head 2owed9 resu!es wa)6in&... 5thers o))ow hi! sha6in& their heads or sneerin&... Jesus a)so &oes away... %ut irst He says to JudasI E,o where you have to &oG9 and to the othersI E0a+h o you is ree to &o where you have or you wish to &o. Let the she/herd dis+i/)es re!ain with Me.G E5hH ta6e !e a)so with ;ou9 LordHG says Ste/hen. E7o!e...G They /art. 14 I do not 6now where Jesus &oes. %ut I 6now where Judas o :erioth &oes. He &oes to the %eauti u) ,ate +)i!2in& the severa) ste/s that ro! the 7ourt o the ,enti)es )ead to that o the wo!en9 and a ter &oin& a+ross it9 +)i!2in& !ore ste/s at the end o it9 he +asts a &)an+e at the 7ourt o the He2rews9 and sta!/s his eet an&ri)y9 as he does not ind the /erson he is )oo6in& or. He &oes 2a+6. He sees one o the Te!/)e &uards. He +a))s hi!. 4ith his usua) hau&htiness he says to hi!I E,o to 0)eazar 2en 'nnas. Te)) hi! to +o!e to the %eauti u) ,ate i!!ediate)y. Judas o Si!on is waitin& or hi! or &rave !atters.G He )eans a&ainst a +o)u!n and waits. Short)y a terwards 0)eazar9 the son o 'nnas9 He)6ai9 Si!on9 $oras9 7orne)ius9 Sado+9 8ahu! and others arrive with !u+h )utterin& o &ar!ents. Judas s/ea6s in a )ow 2ut e3+ited voi+eI EThis evenin&H ' ter su//er. 't ,ethse!ane. 7o!e there and &et Hi!. ,ive !e the !oney.G E8o. 4e wi)) &ive you it when you +a)) or us this evenin&. 4e do not trust youH 4e want you to stay with us. ;ou never 6nowHG says 0)6ai with a sneer. The others nod assent in +horus. Judas )ares u/ in a te!/er at the insinuation. He swearsI EI swear 2y Jehovah that I a! te))in& the truthHG Sado+ re/)ies to hi!I E')) ri&ht. %ut it is 2etter to do it this way. 7o!e when it is ti!e9 ta6e those who are +har&ed to +a/ture Hi! and &o with the!9 )est the stu/id &uards !ay arrest Lazarus 2y +han+e and !ay 2rin& a2out a )ot o trou2)e. %y !eans o a si&na) you wi)) /oint out the !an to the!... ;ou !ust understandH %y ni&ht... there wi)) not 2e !u+h )i&ht... the &uards wi)) 2e tired9 s)ee/y... %ut i you &uide the!H... 4e))H 4hat do you sayFG The /er idious Sado+ addresses his +o!/anions sayin&I E's a si&na) I wou)d su&&est a 6iss. ' 6issH The 2est si&na) to /oint out the 2etrayed riend. HaH HaHG They a)) )au&h. ' +horus o sneerin& de!ons. Judas is urious. %ut he does not withdraw. He wi)) not withdraw any !ore. He su ers

2e+ause they sneer at hi!9 not 2e+ause o what he is a2out to do. So !u+h so that he saysI E%ut re!e!2er that I want the !oney +ounted in the /urse 2e ore &oin& out ro! here with the &uards.G E;ou wi)) have itH ;ou wi)) have itH 4e wi)) &ive you a)so the /urse9 so that you !ay 6ee/ those +oins as a re)i+ o your )ove. HaH HaH HaH ,ood2ye9 sna6eHG Judas is )ivid. He is a)ready )ivid. 8ever a&ain wi)) he )ose that +o)our and that e3/ression o des/erate terror. 5n the +ontrary9 it wi)) &row !ore and !ore hour)y9 unti) it 2e+o!es unsustaina2)e when he is han&in& ro! the tree... He runs away... @@@@@@@@@@@@@ 15 Jesus has ta6en she)ter in the &arden o a riend)y house. ' =uiet &arden o the irst houses in >ion. It is surrounded 2y hi&h an+ient wa))s. It is noise)ess and +oo)9 +overed as it is with the =uiverin& )eaves o o)d trees. 8ot ar away the voi+e o a wo!an is sin&in& a sweet )u))a2y. So!e hours !ust have &one 2y9 2e+ause Lazarus' servants9 who have +o!e 2a+6 a ter &oin& I do not 6now where9 sayI E;our dis+i/)es are a)ready in the house where the su//er is 2ein& /re/ared9 and John9 a ter +o!in& with us to ta6e the ruit to Johanna o 7huza's +hi)dren9 has &one to &et the wo!en and ta6e the! to Jose/h o ')/haeus9 who arrived on)y today9 when his !other no )on&er ho/ed to see hi!9 and then9 ro! there to the house o the su//er9 2e+ause ni&ht is a))in&.G E4e sha)) &o as we)). It is su//er ti!e...G Jesus stands u/ and /uts on His !ant)e. EMaster9 there are so!e /eo/)e out there. 4ea)thy /eo/)e. They wou)d )i6e to s/ea6 to ;ou without 2ein& seen 2y the 1hariseesG says a servant. ELet the! +o!e in. 0sther wi)) not o2<e+t. Is that ri&ht9 wo!anFG says Jesus9 addressin& a wo!an o ri/e a&e who is +o!in& to &reet Hi!. E8o9 Master. My house is ;ours9 as ;ou 6now. ;ou have !ade use o it or too short a ti!eHG ESu i+ient)y )on& as to say to My heartI it was a riend)y house.G He says to the servantI E%rin& in those who are waitin&.G 16 '2out thirty di&ni ied )oo6in& /eo/)e +o!e in. They &reet Hi!. 5ne o the! s/ea6s on 2eha) o every2odyI EMaster9 ;our words have sha6en us. 4e have heard the voi+e o ,od in ;ou. %ut they say that we are oo)ish9 2e+ause we 2e)ieve in ;ou. So what sha)) we doFG EHe who 2e)ieves Me does not 2e)ieve in Me9 2ut 2e)ieves in Hi! 4ho sent Me9 and 4hose !ost ho)y voi+e you have heard today. He who sees Me does not see Me9 2ut sees Hi! 4ho sent Me9 2e+ause I a! one thin& with My (ather. That is why I say to

59).The Thu sda( 6e-" e Pass",e . P e5a a&i"n -" &he Su55e and Ann"un3e.en& "- &he 42" i-i3a&i"n &h "u1h Dea&h.


you that you !ust 2e)ieve in order not to o end ,od9 4ho is your (ather and Mine9 and )oves you to the e3tent o sa+ri i+in& His 5n)y@%e&otten or you. %e+ause9 i hearts dou2t whether I a! the 7hrist9 there is no dou2t that ,od is in Heaven. 'nd the voi+e o ,od9 4ho! I +a))ed (ather today in the Te!/)e9 as6in& Hi! to &)ori y His 8a!e9 has re/)ied to Hi! 4ho was +a))in& Hi! (ather9 without sayin& that He is a C)iar or 2)as/he!erD as !any say. ,od has +on ir!ed who I a!. I a! His Li&ht. I a! the Li&ht that has +o!e to the wor)d. I have co#e as 2ight to the world so that he who believes in !e #ay not re#ain in 3ar"ness. I a !an )istens to My words9 and then does not +o!/)y with the!9 I wi)) not <ud&e hi!. I have not +o!e to <ud&e the wor)d9 2ut to save the wor)d. He who despises !e and does not accept !y words has who will 5udge hi#. It is the word announ+ed 2y Me that wi)) <ud&e hi! on the )ast day. %e+ause it was wise9 /er e+t9 6ind9 si!/)e9 as ,od is. Because that Word is &od. It is not I9 Jesus o 8azareth9 +a))ed the son o Jose/h9 a +ar/enter o the sto+6 o $avid9 and the son o Mary9 a He2rew &ir)9 a vir&in o the sto+6 o $avid9 !arried to Jose/h9 it is not I 4ho has s/o6en. 8o9 I have not s/o6en on My own a++ount. But it is !y -ather He Who is in Heaven and His na#e is 8ehovah Who spo"e today He Who sent !e and He told !e what I #ust say and of what I #ust spea". 'nd I 6now that in His +o!!and!ent there is eterna) )i e. So the thin&s I say9 I say the! as the (ather said the! to Me9 and there is Li e in the!. That is why I say to youI listen to the#. ;ut the# into practice and you will have 2ife. Because !y word is 2ife. And he who accepts it accepts at the sa#e ti#e with !e also the -ather of Heaven Who sent !e to give you the 2ife. And he who has &od in hi#self has the 2ife in hi#self. ,o. May /ea+e +o!e to you and re!ain with you.G He 2)esses and dis!isses the!. He 2)esses a)so the dis+i/)es. He 6ee/s on)y Isaa+ and Ste/hen. He 6isses and dis!isses the others. 'nd when they have &one9 He is the )ast to &o out9 with the two and He &oes with the!9 a)on& the !ost so)itary and a)ready dar6 )anes9 to the house o the Last Su//er. 'nd when He arrives there9 He e!2ra+es and 2)esses Isaa+ and Ste/hen with /arti+u)ar ondness9 He 6isses the!9 He 2)esses the! on+e a&ain9 He wat+hes the! &o away9 then He 6no+6s at the door and &oes in... @@@@@@@@@@@@@ 17 Jesus saysI E;ou wi)) /ut here the visions o the arewe)) to My Mother9 o the Su//er@roo! and o the Su//er. 'nd now )et the two o us9 you and I9 !a6e the true 1assover +o!!e!oration. 7o!e...G

598. The Thu!sda/ E0enin4 )e1#!e Pass#0e!. A!!i0a5 a& &he Su99e!F R##( and Fa!e-e55 &# &he .#&he!.
$8&h Fe)!ua!/ $9**.

1 I see the su//er@roo! where the 1assover is to 2e +onsu!ed9 I +an see it distin+t)y. I +ou)d enu!erate a)) the rou&h s/ots on the wa))s and the +ra+6s in the )oor. It is a )ar&e roo! that is not /er e+t)y s=uare9 2ut it is so!ewhat re+tan&u)ar. The di eren+e 2etween the )on&er side and the shorter one is9 at !ost9 a !etre or a )itt)e !ore. The +ei)in& is )ow. 1erha/s it a//ears to 2e so9 2e+ause the hei&ht o the roo! does not +orres/ond to its size. It is s)i&ht)y vau)ted9 that is9 the two shorter wa))s do not or! a ri&ht an&)e with the +ei)in&9 2ut it is roundish. In the two shorter wa))s there are two )ar&e )ow windows9 a+in& ea+h other. I +annot see what they )oo6 onto9 a +ourt@yard or a street9 2e+ause the shutters are +)osed. I saidI shutters. I do not 6now whether it is the ri&ht word. They are window +overin&s !ade o 2oards and they are ir!)y +)osed 2y iron 2ars a+ross the!. The )oor is !ade o )ar&e s=uare 2ri+6s o 2a6ed +)ay dis+o)oured 2y a&e. (ro! the +entre o the +ei)in& han&s a !u)ti@ar! oi) )a!/. In one o the two )on&er wa))s there is no o/enin&9 in the other9 instead9 there is a s!a)) door in one +orner and it is rea+hed 2y !eans o a s!a)) stair+ase o si3 ste/s with no 2annisters9 endin& on a )andin& o one s=uare !etre. 5n the )andin& and a&ainst the wa)) there is another ste/9 at whose )eve) the door o/ens. I do not 6now whether I have !ade !yse) +)ear. The wa))s are <ust whitewashed without de+orations or 2orders. In the +entre o the roo! there is a )on& re+tan&u)ar ta2)e9 very )on& as +o!/ared to its width9 it is /)a+ed /ara))e) to the )on& wa))s and is !ade o very /)ain wood. ')on& the )on& wa))s there are so!e seats. '&ainst the short wa))s9 under the window9 on one side there is a 6ind o +hest with so!e 2asins and a!/horae on it9 and under the other window there is a )on& )ow side2oard9 on to/ o whi+h there is nothin& at /resent. 'nd that is the des+ri/tion o the roo! in whi+h 1assover wi)) 2e +onsu!ed. I have seen it distin+t)y a)) day )on&9 in a+t I have 2een a2)e to +ount the ste/s and o2serve a)) the detai)s. 'nd now that it is &ettin& dar69 !y Jesus is ta6in& !e to the rest o the +onte!/)ation. 2 I see that the )ar&e roo! )eads9 2y !eans o the si3@ste/ stair+ase9 to a dar6 vesti2u)e on the )e t side o whi+h9 with res/e+t to !e9 there is a door that o/ens onto the streetM the door is wide9 )ow and very so)id9 rein or+ed with !eta) studs and 2ars. (a+in& the )itt)e door that )eads ro! the su//er@roo! into the vesti2u)e9 there is another door that o/ens onto another roo!9 whi+h is not so )ar&e. I wou)d say that the su//er@roo! has 2een o2tained ro! the di eren+e in )eve) 2etween the &round and the rest o the house

59*.The Thu sda( E,enin1 6e-" e Pass",e . A i,a2 a& &he Su55e BR"". and Fa e%e22 &" &he '"&he .


and the street9 it is )i6e a 2ase!ent9 a sort o +e))ar that has 2een +)eaned u/ or ada/ted9 8azareth 2e ore de/artin& ro! My /rivate )i e. I have 2ut ;ou. Men9 at the /resent 2ut is sti)) sun6en or a &ood !etre in the &round9 /ro2a2)y to hei&hten it and /ro/ortion !o!ent9 are not riend)y with and )oya) to ;our Jesus. They are not even 2rave in it to its vastness. doin& &ood. 5n)y the wi+6ed are +onstant and stron& in doin& evi). %ut ;ou are aith u) to Me and ;ou are My stren&th9 Mother9 in this hour. Su//ort Me with ;our )ove and In the roo! that I see now9 there is Mary with other wo!en. I re+o&nise the Ma&da)ene ;our /rayers. '!on& those who !ore or )ess )ove Me9 ;ou are the on)y one who and Mary the !other o Ja!es9 Judas and Si!on. They see! to have <ust arrived9 )ed 2y 6nows how to /ray in this hour. ;ou 6now how to /ray and to understand. The others John9 as they ta6e o their !ant)es and )ay the! o)ded on the stoo)s s+attered a2out the are +on+erned with the estivity9 they are en&rossed in <oy u) thou&hts9 or in +ri!ina) roo!9 whi)e they &reet the a/ost)e9 who &oes away9 and a wo!an and a !an9 who have thou&hts9 whi)e I a! su erin& ro! so !any thin&s. Many thin&s wi)) die a ter this rushed there u/on their arriva)9 and I a! under the i!/ression that they are the owners hour9 and a!on& the! their hu!anity9 and they wi)) 2e a2)e to 2e worthy o Me9 a)) o o the house and dis+i/)es or sy!/athisers o the 8azarene9 2e+ause they are u)) o the!9 e3+e/t hi! who &ot )ost and who! no /ower +an 2rin& 2a+6 at )east to attention or and o res/e+t u) a!i)iarity with Mary. She is wearin& a dee/ 2)ue dress9 a re/entan+e. %ut or the ti!e 2ein& they are un+ons+ious !en who do not /er+eive that I dee/ indi&o 2)ue. 5n Her head She has a white vei) that a//ears when She ta6es Her a! dyin&9 whi)e they are re<oi+in& thin6in& that My triu!/h is !ore than ever +)ose at !ant)e o 9 as it +overs a)so Her head. She )oo6s worn out and a&ed. She is very sad9 hand. The hosannas o a ew days a&o have into3i+ated the!. Mother9 I have +o!e or a)thou&h She s!i)es 6ind)y. She is very /a)e. ')so Her !ove!ents are tired and this hour and ro! a su/ernatura) /oint o view it is a <oy to see it arrive. %ut My 0&o is hesitatin&9 )i6e those o a /erson en&rossed in thou&ht. a)so a raid o it9 2e+ause this +ha)i+e 2ears the na!e o 2etraya)9 a2<uration9 ero+ity9 2)as/he!y9 a2andon!ent. Su//ort Me9 Mother. 's when with ;our /rayers ;ou drew 3 Throu&h the door )e t a<ar I +an see the )and)ord +o!in& and &oin& in the vesti2u)e the S/irit o ,od u/on ;ourse) 9 and throu&h it ;ou &ave the wor)d the 5ne 03/e+ted and in the u//er@roo!9 whi+h he i))u!inates +o!/)ete)y )i&htin& the re!ainin& )a!es 2y /eo/)es9 draw now u/on ;our Son the stren&th that !ay he)/ Me to a++o!/)ish the o the )ar&e oi) )a!/. He then &oes to the !ain door and o/ens it and Jesus +o!es in deed or whi+h I +a!e. Mother9 &ood2ye. %)ess Me9 MotherM a)so on 2eha) o the with the a/ost)es. I +an see that it is &ettin& dar69 2e+ause the shadows o the ni&ht are (ather. 'nd or&ive every2ody. Let us or&ive to&ether9 as ro! this !o!ent9 )et us a)ready des+endin& in the street +)osed 2etween hi&h houses. or&ive those who torture us.G He is with a)) the a/ost)es. He &reets the )and)ord with His usua) sa)utationI E1ea+e to 4hi)e s/ea6in&9 Jesus has s)id down on His 6nees at the eet o His Mother and He this houseG9 and then9 whi)e the a/ost)es &o down into the su//er@roo!9 He enters the roo! where Mary is. The /ious wo!en &reet Hi! with dee/ res/e+t and then &o away9 )oo6s at Her e!2ra+in& Her 2y the waist. +)osin& the door and )eavin& Mother and Son ree. 5 Mary wee/s si)ent)y9 Her a+e s)i&ht)y raised or an interna) /rayer to ,od. Tears Jesus e!2ra+es His Mother and 6isses Her orehead. Mary irst 6isses the hand o Her Son and then His ri&ht +hee6. Jesus !a6es Mary sit down and sits 2eside Her9 they are sittin& on two stoo)s +)ose to ea+h other. He !a6es Her sit down9 ta6in& Her to the stoo)s9 ho)din& Her 2y the hand9 and He +ontinues to ho)d Her hand a)so when She has sat down. Jesus a)so is en&rossed in thou&ht and sad9 notwithstandin& that He strives to s!i)e. Mary studies His e3/ression an3ious)y. 1oor Mother9 4ho throu&h &ra+e and )ove rea)ises what this hour !eansH 1ain u) s/as!s a//ear a+ross Mary's a+e and Her eyes di)ate at an interior vision o dee/ &rie . %ut She does not !a6e a s+ene. She is as so)e!n as Her Son. 4 He s/ea6s to Her. He &reets Her and i!/)ores Her to /ray or Hi!. EMother9 I have +o!e to &et stren&th and +o! ort ro! ;ou. I a! )i6e a )itt)e 2a2y9 Mother9 who needs the heart o his !other or his &rie 9 and his !other's 2reast or his stren&th. In this hour I have 2e+o!e ;our )itt)e Jesus o a )on& ti!e a&o. I a! not the Master9 Mother. I a! on)y ;our Son9 as in 8azareth when I was a )itt)e 2oy9 as in strea! down Her /a)e +hee6s and a)) on Her )a/ and on the head o Jesus9 4ho then rests it on Her heart. Then Mary )ays Her hand on Jesus' head9 as i She wished to 2)ess Hi!9 She then 2ends9 6isses His hair and +aresses it9 She +aresses His shou)ders and ar!s9 She ta6es His a+e in Her hands and turns it towards Herse) 9 She /resses it to Her heart. She 6isses Hi! a&ain9 sheddin& tears9 on His orehead9 His +hee6s9 His sorrow u) eyes9 She +udd)es that /oor tired head9 as i He were a 2a2y9 as I saw Her )u)) the divine 8ew@2orn in the ,rotto. %ut She does not sin&9 now. She on)y saysI ESonH JesusH My JesusHG 2ut in su+h a voi+e that 2rea6s !y heart. Then Jesus stands u/. He ad<usts His !ant)e9 re!ains standin& in ront o His Mother9 4ho is sti)) wee/in&9 and He 2)esses Her in His turn. Then He turns His ste/s towards the door. %e ore &oin& out He says to HerI EMother9 I wi)) +o!e a&ain 2e ore +onsu!in& My 1assover. 1ray whi)e waitin& or Me.G 'nd He &oes out.

59/. The Pass",e Su55e .


59%. The Pass#0e! Su99e!.

9&h .a!'h $9*5

and ro! those )i/s that we have never ound to 2e a)se.G E'nd with that sten+h o N 4e))9 2e =uiet9 1eterG &ru!2)es 1eter 2etween his teeth. E'nd you as we))HN ;ou see! to have &one !ad or so!e ti!e. ;our a+e is )i6e that o a wi)d ra22it that rea)ises it is 2ein& +hased 2y a <a+6a)G re/)ies Judas Is+ariot. E'nd your a+e is )i6e the snout o a wease). ;ou have not 2een very handso!e either9 these )ast ew days. ;ou )oo6 in su+h a wayN ;ou are even +ross@eyedN 4hat do you e3/e+t or do you ho/e to seeF ;ou see! to 2e se) @+on ident9 you want to a//ear so9 2ut you )oo6 )i6e one who is a raidG retorts 1eter. E5hH 4ith re&ard to 2ein& a raidHN ;ou are not a hero eitherHG

1 The su erin& o Maundy Thursday is 2e&innin&. The a/ost)es9 there are ten o the!9 are 2ust)in& a2out /re/arin& the Su//er@roo!. Judas9 who has +)i!2ed on the ta2)e9 is wat+hin& whether there is oi) in a)) the )a!/s o the 2i& +hande)ier that )oo6s )i6e the +oro))a o a dou2)e u+hsia9 2e+ause its ste! is surrounded 2y ive )a!/s in s!a)) vesse)s si!i)ar to /eta)s9 and under the!9 there is another +ir+)e or +rown o s!a)) )a!es9 and ina))y9 there are three thin )a!/s han&in& ro! tiny +hains rese!2)in& the /isti)s o the 2ri&ht )ower. He then <u!/s down on the )oor and he)/s 'ndrew to )ay the ta2)eware in an artisti+ sty)e on the ta2)e9 on whi+h a very ine ta2)e@+)oth has 2een s/read.

E8one o us is9 Judas. ;ou have the na!e o the Ma++a2ee9 2ut you are not su+h. I9 with !y na!e9 say C,od &rants &ra+esD9 2ut I swear to you that I tre!2)e )i6e a !an I hear 'ndrew sayI E4hat a wonder u) )inen ta2)e+)othHG 'nd the Is+ariot saysI E5ne who 6nows that he 2rin&s !is+han+e and a2ove a)) that he has )ost ,od's avour. Si!on o Lazarus' 2est ones. Martha insisted in 2rin&in& it.G o Jonah9 rena!ed Cthe stoneD9 is now as so t as wa3 near a ire. He no )on&er &ets the weather@&au&e o his own ree@wi)). 'nd yet I have never seen hi! ri&htened in the E'nd what a2out these +ha)i+es and these a!/horaeFG re!ar6s Tho!as9 who has !ost vio)ent stor!sH Matthew9 %art and 1hi)i/ )oo6 )i6e s)ee/@wa)6ers. My 2rother and /oured so!e wine into the /re+ious a!/horae and is ad!irin& the!9 )oo6in& at hi!se) in their s)i! 2e))ies9 and he +aresses the +hise))ed hand)es with the eye o a +onnoisseur. 'ndrew do nothin& 2ut si&h. The two +ousins9 who are &rieved 2e+ause o their a!i)y ties and o their )ove or the Master9 )oo6 at the!. They a)ready )oo6 )i6e o)d !en. E1hewH I wonder how !u+h they are worthHG e3+)ai!s Judas Is+ariot. Tho!as has )ost his +heer u)ness. 'nd Si!on see!s to have 2e+o!e a&ain the e3hausted )e/er o three years a&o9 so !u+h is he worn out 2y &rie 9 I wou)d say that he EIt is wor6ed 2y ha!!er. My ather wou)d &o !ad or it. Si)ver and &o)d@ oi)s are is worn away9 death)y /a)e9 de<e+tedG John re/)ies to hi!. sha/ed easi)y when heated. %ut done with su+h +ra tN 0verythin& +an 2e s/oi)ed in a !o!ent. 5ne wron& 2)ow is enou&h. It ta6es stren&th and a )i&ht hand at the sa!e ti!e. 3 E;es. He has in )uen+ed us a)) with His !e)an+ho)yG re!ar6s the Is+ariot. See the hand)esF They have 2een sha/ed out o the 2)o+6. They are not so)dered. Thin&s EMy +ousin Jesus9 !y Master and Lord and yours9 is and is not !e)an+ho)y. I you or ri+h /eo/)eN Just +onsider that a)) the i)in&s and +ast@o /arts are )ost. I don't !ean9 2y that word9 that He is sad 2e+ause He is 2ein& e3+essive)y &rieved 2y the 6now whether you understand !e.G who)e o Israe)9 as we are aware9 and 2e+ause o the other hidden sorrow that He a)one E1hewH I understand you very we)). In short9 it is )i6e s+u)/ture.G sees9 I say to youI C;ou are ri&ht.D %ut i you use that word to say that He is !ad9 I or2id you to do soG says Ja!es o ')/haeus. E03a+t)y.G E'nd is a i3ed !e)an+ho)y idea not !adnessF I have studied a)so /ro ane !atters and I They a)) ad!ire and then &o 2a+6 to their wor6. So!e arran&e the seats9 so!e /re/are 6now. He has &iven too !u+h o Hi!se) . 8ow He is !enta))y tired.G the side2oards. E4hi+h !eans insane. Is that ri&htFG as6s the other +ousin Judas9 who is a//arent)y 2 1eter and Si!on +o!e in to&ether. +a)!. E5hH ;ou have +o!e at )astH 4here have you 2een a&ainF ' ter you +a!e with the E03a+t)yH How ri&ht was your ather9 a !an o 2)essed !e!ory9 who! you rese!2)e so Master and us9 you ran away a&ainG says the Is+ariot. !u+h in <usti+e and wisdo!H Jesus9 the sad destiny o an i))ustrious a!i)y now too o)d and stru+6 2y /sy+hi+ seni)ity9 has a)ways had a dis/osition to this i))ness. Mi)d at irst9 E4e had another errand 2e ore su//er@ti!eG re/)ies Si!on 2rie )y. then !ore and !ore a&&ressive. ;ou have seen how He atta+6ed 1harisees and s+ri2es9 E're you su erin& ro! de/ressionFG Saddu+ees and Herodians. He has !ade His )i e i!/ossi2)e9 )i6e a road strewn with EI thin6 there is every reason to 2e so9 +onsiderin& what we have heard these /ast days9 =uartz s/)inters. 'nd He s/read the! Hi!se) . 4eN we have )oved Hi! so !u+h that

59/. The Pass",e Su55e .


our )ove vei)ed our eyes. %ut those who did not )ove Hi! in an ido)atrous !anner J your ather9 your 2rother Jose/h and at irst a)so Si!on J saw ri&htN 4hen we heard their words we shou)d have o/ened our eyes. Instead we were a)) enti+ed 2y His !ee6 +har! o a si+6 /erson. 'nd nowN 4ho 6nowsHG Judas Thaddeus9 who is as ta)) as the Is+ariot9 and is standin& <ust in ront o hi! and see!s to 2e )istenin& to hi! /ea+e u))y9 has an out2urst o ra&e and9 with a !i&hty 2a+6handed 2)ow9 6no+6s Judas down with his 2a+6 on one o the seats9 and with an&er re/ressed in his voi+e9 2endin& over the a+e o the +oward who does not rea+t9 as he is /ro2a2)y a raid that Thaddeus !ay 2e aware o his +ri!e9 he whis/ersI EThis is or His insanity9 you re/ti)eH 'nd on)y 2e+ause He is in the other roo!9 and this is 1assover evenin&9 I wi)) not stran&)e you. %ut re!e!2er this9 and re!e!2er it +are u))yH I any evi) 2e a))s Hi!9 and He is not there to +he+6 !y stren&th9 no one wi)) save you. The ha)ter is as &ood as round your ne+69 and these stron& honest hands o !ine9 the hands o a ,a)i)ean artisan and o a des+endant o ,o)iath's s)in&er9 wi)) do the <o2 or you. ,et u/9 you s/ine)ess de2au+heeH 'nd wat+h how you 2ehave.G Judas stands u/9 he is )ivid9 2ut does not rea+t in the )east. 'nd9 what a!azes !e9 no one rea+ts to the new &esture o Thaddeus. 5n the +ontraryHN It is o2vious that they a)) a//rove o it. 4 The roo! has <ust 2e+o!e +a)! a&ain when Jesus +o!e in. He a//ears on the thresho)d o the )itt)e door9 throu&h whi+h His ta)) /erson +an <ust /ass9 He sets oot on the s!a)) )andin&9 and with His !ee6 sad s!i)e He says9 o/enin& His ar!sI E1ea+e 2e with ;ou.G His voi+e is tired9 )i6e that o one who is )an&uishin& /hysi+a))y and !ora))y. He +o!es down. He +aresses the air@haired head o John9 who has rushed towards Hi!. He s!i)es at His +ousin Judas9 as i He did not 6now anythin&9 and He says to His other +ousinI E;our !other as6s you to 2e 6ind to Jose/h. He as6ed the wo!en a ter you and Me a )itt)e whi)e a&o. I a! sorry I have not &reeted hi!.G E;ou wi)) do it to!orrow.G ETo!orrowFN I sha)) a)ways have ti!e to see hi!N 5hH 1eterH 4e sha)) 2e to&ether or a )itt)e whi)e at )astH Sin+e yesterday you see! a wi))@o'@the@wis/. I see you9 then I no )on&er see you. Today I +an a)!ost say that I )ost you. 'nd you9 too9 Si!on.G E5ur hair9 whi+h is !ore white than dar69 +an assure ;ou that we were not a2sent +ravin& or )eshG says Si!on &rave)y. E')thou&hN at a)) a&es it is /ossi2)e to su er ro! that hun&erN The o)dH 4orse than the youn&NG says the Is+ariot o ensive)y. Si!on )oo6s at hi! and is a2out to re/)y. %ut Jesus a)so )oo6s at hi! and saysI EHave

you a tootha+heF ;our ri&ht +hee6 is swo))en and red.G E;es9 it is a+hin&. %ut it is not worth worryin& a2out.G The others do not say anythin&9 and the !atter dies away. 5 EHave you done everythin& that was to 2e doneF ;ou9 MatthewF 'nd you9 'ndrewF 'nd you9 Judas9 have you seen to the o er or the Te!/)eFG %oth the irst two and the Is+ariot sayI E0verythin& ;ou said was to 2e done today9 has 2een done. $o not worry.G EI too6 the ear)y ruits o Lazarus to Johanna o 7huza. (or the +hi)dren. They said to !eI CThose a//)es were 2etterHD They had the savour o hun&er9 those onesH 'nd they were ;our a//)esG says John s!i)in& and drea!in&. Jesus a)so s!i)es at the re+o))e+tionN EI have seen 8i+ode!us and Jose/hG says Tho!as. E;ou have seen the!F $id you s/ea6 to the!FG as6s the Is+ariot with e3+essive interest. E;es9 I did. 4hat's stran&e a2out itF Jose/h is a &ood +usto!er o !y ather.G E;ou never !entioned it 2e oreN That is why I was a!azedHNG Judas tries to !a6e u/ or the i!/ression9 he had &iven /revious)y9 o his worry a2out Tho!as' !eetin& with Jose/h and 8i+ode!us. EIt see!s stran&e to !e that they have not +o!e to venerate ;ou. They did not9 neither did 7huza9 nor ManaenN 8one o NG %ut the Is+ariot )au&hs sneerin&)y9 interru/tin& %artho)o!ew9 and he saysI EThe +ro+odi)e hides itse) at the ri&ht !o!ent.G E4hat do you !eanF 4hat are you insinuatin&FG as6s Si!on a&&ressive)y as never 2e ore. E1ea+e9 /ea+eH 4hat is the !atter with youF It is 1assover evenin&H 4e have never had su+h a worthy dis/)ay or the +onsu!/tion o the )a!2. So )et us +onsu!e the su//er in the s/irit o /ea+e. I see that I have u/set you +onsidera2)y with My instru+tions o these )ast evenin&s. %ut9 seeF I have inishedH 8ow I wi)) not u/set you any !ore. 8ot everythin& has 2een said o what re ers to Me9 2ut on)y the essentia) /art. The restN you wi)) understand )ater. ;ou wi)) 2e to)dN ;es. There wi)) +o!e 4ho wi)) te)) youH 6 John9 &o with Judas and so!e2ody e)se to &et the 2asins or the /uri i+ation. 'nd then )et us sit at the ta2)e.G Jesus is heartrendin&)y 6ind. John with 'ndrew9 Judas Thaddeus with Ja!es9 2rin& the )ar&e 2asin9 they /our water

59/. The Pass",e Su55e .


into it and o er the towe) to Jesus and to their +o!/anions9 who do the sa!e or the!. The 2asin Kwhi+h is a !eta) wash@hand@2asinL is /)a+ed in a +orner. E'nd now to your seats. I here9 and here Kat His ri&ht sideL John9 and on the other side My aith u) Ja!es. The irst two dis+i/)es. ' ter John My stron& Stone9 and a ter Ja!es he who is )i6e the air. He is never noti+ed9 2ut is a)ways /resent and +o! ortin&I 'ndrew. %eside hi!9 My +ousin Ja!es. ;ou are not sorry9 My 6ind 2rother9 i I &ive the irst /)a+e to the irst onesF ;ou are the ne/hew o the Just 5ne9 whose s/irit /a)/itates and =uivers over Me this evenin&9 !ore than ever. Have /ea+e9 ather o My +hi)dish wea6ness9 oa6@tree in whose shadow the Mother and Son had so)a+eH Have /ea+eHN %eside 1eter9 Si!onN Si!on9 +o!e here a !o!ent. I want to i3 My eyes on your )oya) a+e. Later I sha)) not see you we))9 2e+ause others wi)) +over your honest a+e. Than6 you Si!on9 or everythin&G and He 6isses hi!. Si!on9 when he is )e t ree9 &oes to his seat9 +overin& his a+e with his hands or a !o!ent9 with a &esture o distress. E(a+in& Si!on9 My %art. Two honest wise !en re )e+tin& ea+h other. They !at+h very we)). 'nd 2eside hi!9 you9 Judas9 My 2rother. So I +an see youN and I see! to 2e at 8azarethN when so!e estivity &athered us a)) to&ether round one ta2)eN ')so at 7anaN $o you re!e!2erF 4e were to&ether. ' /artyN a weddin& /artyN the irst !ira+)eN water +han&ed into wineN ')so today a estivityN and a)so today there wi)) 2e a !ira+)eN the wine wi)) +han&e its nature and wi)) 2eNG Jesus 2e+o!es en&rossed in His thou&hts9 His head )owered and iso)ated in His se+ret wor)d. The others )oo6 at Hi! and do not s/ea6. He raises His head a&ain and stares at Judas Is+ariot9 to who! He saysI E;ou wi)) sit in ront o Me.G ESo !u+h ;ou )ove !eF More than Si!on9 sin+e ;ou a)ways want !e in ront o ;ouFG ESo !u+h. 's you said.G E4hy9 MasterFG E%e+ause you are the one who has done !ore than every2ody or this hour.G Judas +asts an ever@+han&in& &)an+e at the Master and at his +o!/anions. 't Jesus with ironi+a) +o!!iseration9 at the others with an air o triu!/h. E'nd near you9 on one side Matthew9 on the other Tho!as.G ESo9 Matthew on My )e t and Tho!as on My ri&ht side.G

E's you wish9 as you )i6eG says Matthew. EIt is enou&h or !e to have !y Saviour in ront o !e.G ELast9 1hi)i/. 8ow9 seeF 4ho is not 2eside Me in the /)a+e o honour9 has the honour o 2ein& in ront o Me.G 7 Jesus9 standin& in His /)a+e9 /ours wine into the )ar&e +ha)i+e /)a+ed in ront o Hi! Kthey a)) have ta)) +ha)i+es9 2ut He has a !u+h )ar&er one9 in addition to one )i6e those o the others. It !ust 2e the ritua) +ha)i+eL. He /ours wine into it9 He raises it9 He o ers it and )ays it on the ta2)e. Then a)) to&ether they as6 in the tone o a /sa)!I E4hy this +ere!onyFG ' or!a) =uestion9 o2vious)y9 a ritua) one. To whi+h Jesus9 as head o the a!i)y9 re/)iesI EThis day re!inds us o our )i2eration ro! 0&y/t. %)essed 2e Jehovah 4ho +reated the ruit o the vineyard.G He ta6es a si/ o the wine He has o ered and /asses the +ha)i+e to the others. He then o ers the 2read9 He 2rea6s it into !orse)s and hands it round with the her2s di//ed in the reddish sau+e +ontained in our sau+e@2oats. 4hen this /art o the !ea) is over9 they sin& so!e /sa)!s9 a)) to&ether. The )ar&e tray with the roasted )a!2 is 2rou&ht ro! the side2oard to the ta2)e and /)a+ed in ront o Jesus. 1eter9 who a+ts asN irst voi+e o the +horus9 i you wish so9 K1L as6sI E4hy this )a!29 as it isFG EIn re!e!2ran+e o the ti!e when Israe) was saved throu&h the sa+ri i+ia) )a!2. 8o irst@2orn died where the 2)ood shone on door/osts and )inte)s. 'nd a terwards9 whi)e the who)e o 0&y/t9 ro! the roya) /a)a+e to hove)s9 was !ournin& the dead irst@2orn !a)es9 the He2rews9 )ed 2y Moses9 !oved towards the )and o )i2eration and o the /ro!ise. 4ith their sides &irded9 their eet shod9 the /i)&ri!'s sta s in their hands9 the /eo/)e o '2raha! started o /ro!/t)y9 sin&in& hy!ns o <oy.G They a)) stand u/ and intoneI E4hen Israe) +a!e out o 0&y/t and the house o Ja+o2 ro! a 2ar2arous /eo/)e9 Judah 2e+a!e his san+tuaryG et+. Ki I have ound the ri&ht one9 it is /sa)! 113L. Jesus now +uts the )a!29 He /ours wine into the +ha)i+e a&ain9 and He /asses it round a ter drin6in& o it. Then they sin& a)soI E7hi)dren9 /raise the Lord9 2)essed 2e the 8a!e o the 0terna) now and orever throu&hout a&es. (ro! east to west it is to 2e /raisedG et+. K2ut I +annot ind itL. Jesus hands out the /ortions9 ensurin& that every2ody is we)) served9 <ust )i6e a ather o a a!i)y a!on& his +hi)dren who are a)) dear to hi!. He is so)e!n9 so!ewhat sad9 when

59/. The Pass",e Su55e .


He saysI EI have )on&ed to eat this 1assover with you. It has been the desire of !y desires since fro# eternity I was /the .aviour0. I 6new that this hour /re+edes that one. 'nd the <oy o &ivin& Myse) 9 2rou&ht this re)ie 9 in advan+e9 to My su erin&N I have longed to eat this ;assover with you because never again shall I taste the fruit of the vine until the =ingdo# of &od has co#e. Then I will sit again with the elect at the Ban+uet of the 2a#b for the wedding of the 2iving *nes with the 2iving *ne. %ut on)y those who have 2een )ow)y and /ure in heart9 as I a!9 wi)) +o!e to it.G

E$o you thin6 so9 1eterF 'nd I te)) you that the hour o tria) is sti)) to +o!e. Si!on9 Si!on o Jonas9 Satan has as6ed to si t you a)) )i6e wheat. I have /rayed or you9 that your aith !ay not va+i))ate. 4hen you have re+overed9 stren&then your 2rothers.G EI 6now that I a! a sinner. %ut I wi)) 2e aith u) to ;ou unti) death. I do not have that sin and I wi)) never have it.G

E$o not 2e /roud9 My 1eter. This hour wi)) +han&e an in inite nu!2er o thin&s9 whi+h /revious)y were so and wi)) now 2e di erent. How !anyHN They 2rin& and i!/ose 8 EMaster9 a short whi)e a&o ;ou said that he who has not the honour o the seat9 has new ne+essities. ;ou are aware o that. I have a)ways said to you9 even when we were that o 2ein& in ront o ;ou. So9 how +an we 6now who is the irst a!on& usFG as6s &oin& a)on& re!ote /)a+es in ested 2y hi&hway!enI C%e not a raid. 8o evi) wi)) 2e a)) %artho)o!ew. us9 2e+ause the an&e)s o the Lord are with us. $o not worry a2out anythin&.D $o you E)verybody and nobody. 5n+eN we were +o!in& 2a+6 and we were tired andN re!e!2er when I used to say to youI C$o not worry a2out what you !ust eat and a2out nauseated at the 2itter hatred o the 1harisees. %ut you were not so tired as to 2e your +)othes. The (ather 6nows what we needDF I a)so used to say to youI CMan is /revented ro! dis+ussin& a!on& yourse)ves who was the &reatestN ' )itt)e 2oy ran u/ !u+h !ore than a s/arrow and a )ower that today is &rass and to!orrow is hay. 'nd to MeN a )itt)e riend o MineN 'nd his inno+en+e !iti&ated My dis&ust or so !any yet the (ather ta6es +are 2oth o the )ower and o the )itt)e 2ird. So +an you dou2t that thin&s. ;our o2stinate hu!anity not 2ein& the )ast. 4here are you now9 )itt)e %en<a!in He wi)) not ta6e +are o youFD I a)so used to sayI C,ive to anyone who as6s9 and i &i ted with the wise re/)y9 that +a!e to you ro! Heaven 2e+ause9 as you were an anyone o ends you9 o er hi! the other +hee6 as we)).D I a)so used to sayI CTa6e no 2a& an&e)9 the S/irit s/o6e to youF Then I said to youI CIf anyone wants to be the first he or sti+6D. %e+ause I tau&ht )ove and trust. %ut nowN 8ow the ti!es have +han&ed. #ust be the last and the servant of everybody. D 'nd I &ave you the wise 2oy as an 8ow I say to youI CHave you ever 2een short o anythin& so arF Have you ever 2een e3a!/)e. 8ow I say to youI CThe 6in&s o nations do!inate the!. 'nd a)thou&h the o endedFDG /eo/)es o//ressed hate the!9 they a++)ai! the! and 6in&s are +a))ed '%ene a+tors'9 E8othin&9 Master. ;ou a)one were o ended.G '(athers o the (ather)and'. %ut hatred s!ou)ders under the a)se ho!a&e.D %ut do not )et it 2e so with you. The greatest #ust be li"e the s#allest the head li"e hi# who ESo you +an see that My word was true. %ut now the an&e)s have a)) 2een re+a))ed 2y serves. 4ho is in a+t &reaterF He who sits at the ta2)e9 or he who servesF It is he who their Lord. It is the hour o de!onsN 4ith their &o)den win&s the an&e)s o the Lord sits at the ta2)e. 'nd yet I serve you. 'nd 2e ore )on& I wi)) serve you even !ore. ;ou are +overin& their eyes and enve)o/in& the!se)ves and they re&ret that the +o)our o are the ones who have 2een with Me in My tria)s. 'nd I wi)) arran&e a /)a+e or you in their win&s is not a &)oo!y one9 2e+ause it is ti!e o !ournin&9 o +rue) sa+ri)e&ious My 6in&do!9 in the sa!e !anner as I sha)) 2e :in& in it a++ordin& to the wi)) o the !ournin&N There are no angels on the )arth this evening. They are near the throne o (ather9 that you !ay eat and drin6 at My eterna) ta2)e and you !ay sit on thrones ,od9 to drown the 2)as/he!ies o the dei+ide wor)d and the wee/in& o the Inno+ent. <ud&in& the twe)ve tri2es o Israe). ;ou have re!ained with Me in My tria)sN This is 'nd we are a)oneN ;ou and II a)one. 'nd the de!ons are the !asters o the hour. So the on)y thin& that !a6es you &reat in the eyes o the (ather.G we sha)) now ta6e the a//earan+es and the !easures o /oor !en who do not trust and do not )ove. 8ow9 he who has a /urse shou)d ta6e a)so a haversa+69 he who has no E'nd what a2out those who wi)) +o!eF 4i)) they have no /)a+e in the :in&do!F 4e sword shou)d se)) his +)oa6 and 2uy one. %e+ause this a)so is said o Me in the a)oneFG S+ri/tures and !ust 2e u) i))edI CHe has 2een +ounted a!on& the wi+6ed.D Tru)y E5hH How !any /rin+es in My HouseH All those who have been faithful to the ,hrist in everythin& that +on+erns Me has its /ur/ose.G the trials of life will be princes in !y =ingdo#. %e+ause those who have /ersevered to 10 Si!on9 who has &ot u/ and &one to the +hest where he /ut his ri+h !ant)e J 2e+ause the end in the !artyrdo! o )i e wi)) 2e )i6e you9 who have re!ained with Me in My this evenin& they are a)) wearin& their 2est +)othes9 and so on their su!/tuous 2e)ts they tria)s. I identi y Myse) with those who 2e)ieve in Me. The .orrow that I e#brace for are +arryin& da&&ers9 da!as6ened 2ut very short ones9 !ore )i6e 6nives than da&&ers J you and for all #en I give it as insignia to those who are particularly chosen. He who ta6es two swords9 two rea)9 )on&9 s)i&ht)y 2ent swords and returnin& to Jesus with the! is faithful to !e in .orrow will be one of !y souls in bliss !y beloved. G he saysI E1eter and I have ar!ed ourse)ves this evenin&. 4e have these9 2ut the others 9 E4e have /ersevered unti) the end.G have on)y short da&&ers.G

59/. The Pass",e Su55e .


Jesus ta6es the swords9 e3a!ines the!9 He unsheathes one o the! and tests its ed&e on side. Judas is astonished and does not say anythin&. 5n)y when Jesus9 2e ore /uttin& the His nai). It is a stran&e si&ht9 and even !ore stran&e)y i!/ressive to see that +rue) sanda) on the )e t oot and &ettin& u/9 !a6es the &esture o 6issin& his ri&ht oot9 that wea/on in Jesus' hands. has a)ready 2een shod9 Judas withdraws his oot vio)ent)y and with the so)e stri6es the divine !outh. He does so unintentiona))y. It is not a stron& 2)ow. %ut it &rieves !e so E4ho &ave the! to youFG as6s the Is+ariot9 whi)e Jesus is e3a!inin& the! and is si)ent. !u+h. Jesus s!i)es9 and to the a/ost)e who as6s Hi!I E$id I hurt ;ouF I did not intend 'nd Judas see! to 2e on tenter@hoo6sN toN (or&ive !eG9 He saysI E8o9 My riend. ;ou did it without !a)i+e and it does not hurt.G Judas )oo6s at Hi!N ' worried e)usive )oo6N E4hoF I re!ind you that !y ather was a no2)e and !i&hty !an.G E%ut 1eterNG ESoF Sin+e when have I to &ive an a++ount o the /resents that I want to &ive !y riendsFG Jesus raises His head a ter sheathin& the sword a&ain. He hands it 2a+6 to the >ea)ot. E')) ri&ht. They are enou&h. ;ou did we)) in ta6in& the!. 11 %ut now9 2e ore drin6in& the third +ha)i+e9 wait a !o!ent. I to)d you that the &reatest is the sa!e as the s!a))est and that I a! a+tin& as a servant at this ta2)e9 and I wi)) serve you even !ore. So ar I have &iven you ood. ' servi+e or your 2odies. 8ow I want to &ive you ood or your s/irits. It is not a dish o the an+ient rite. It 2e)on&s to the new rite. I wanted to 2e 2a/tised 2e ore 2ein& the CMasterD. That 2a/tis! was su i+ient to s/read the 4ord. 8ow His %)ood wi)) 2e shed. 'nother a2)ution is re=uired or you9 a)thou&h you have 2een /uri ied 2y the %a/tist9 in his days9 and a)so today in the Te!/)e. %ut it is not yet su i+ient. 7o!e9 that I !ay /uri y you. Interru/t your !ea). There is so!ethin& !ore e)evated and ne+essary than the ood &iven to the sto!a+h to i)) it9 even i it is ho)y ood as the /resent one o the 1assover rite. 'nd it is a /ure s/irit9 ready to re+eive the &i t o Heaven9 whi+h is a)ready des+endin& to !a6e its throne in you and &ive you the Li e. To &ive the Li e to those who are /ure.G Jesus stands u/9 He !a6es John stand u/ to +o!e out o His /)a+e !ore easi)y9 He &oes to the +hest and ta6es o His red tuni+ and o)ds it /)a+in& it on His !ant)e9 whi+h is there a)ready o)ded9 He &irds Hi!se) with a )ar&e towe) and He &oes towards another 2asin9 whi+h is e!/ty and +)ean. He /ours so!e water into it9 He ta6es it to the !idd)e o the roo!9 near the ta2)e9 and /uts it on a stoo). The a/ost)es )oo6 at Hi! du!2 ounded. E're you not as6in& Me what I a! doin&FG E4e do not 6now. I te)) ;ou that we are a)ready /uri iedG re/)ies 1eter. E'nd I re/eat to you that it does not !atter. My /uri i+ation wi)) serve hi!9 who is a)ready /ure9 to 2e+o!e /urer.G He 6nee)s down. He unties the Is+ariot's sanda)s and washes his eet9 one at a ti!e. It is easy to do so9 2e+ause the +ou+hes are !ade in su+h a way that the eet are in the outer Jesus /asses on to Tho!as9 then to 1hi)i/N He &oes round the narrow side o the ta2)e and arrives at His +ousin Ja!es. He washes his eet and when &ettin& u/ He 6isses hi! on his orehead. He /asses on to 'ndrew9 who 2)ushes with sha!e and !a6es e orts not to wee/9 He washes his eet and 6isses hi! )i6e a 2a2y. Then there is Ja!es o >e2edee9 who &oes on &ru!2)in&I E5hH MasterH MasterH MasterH ;ou are )owerin& ;ourse) 9 !y su2)i!e MasterHG John has a)ready untied his sanda)s and whi)e Jesus is 2ent dryin& his eet9 he 6isses His head. %ut 1eterHN It is not easy to +onvin+e hi! to su2!it to the riteH E;ou want to wash !y eetF $o not even thin6 a2out itH 's )on& as I )ive9 I wi)) never a))ow ;ou to do that. I a! a wor!9 ;ou are ,od. 0a+h to his own /)a+e.G E;ou +annot understand now what I a! doin&. Later you wi)) understand. Let Me do it.G E;ou +an do anythin& ;ou )i6e9 Master. $o ;ou want to +ut !y ne+6F $o so. %ut ;ou wi)) never wash !y eet.G E5hH My Si!onH $o you not 6now that i I do not wash you9 you wi)) ta6e no /art in My :in&do!F Si!on9 Si!onH ;ou are in need o this water or your sou) and or the )on& <ourney you have to ta6e. $o you not want to +o!e with MeF I I do not wash you9 you wi)) not +o!e to My :in&do!.G E5hH !y 2)essed LordH Then9 wash a)) !y 2odyH (eet9 hands and headHG E'nyone who9 )i6e you9 has had a 2ath9 needs on)y to have his eet washed9 as he is +o!/)ete)y /ure. The eetN Man wa)6s with his eet on i)th. 'nd it wou)d not 2e !u+h either9 2e+ause9 as I to)d you9 it is not what enters and +o!es out with ood that dirties9 and it is not what sett)es on his eet on the roads that +onta!inates !an. %ut it is what s!ou)ders and !atures in his heart and +o!es out ro! it9 whi+h +onta!inates his a+tions and )i!2s. 'nd the eet o a !an with an i!/ure s/irit &o to or&ies9 to )ust9 to i))i+it 2usiness9 to +ri!esN There ore9 a!on& the various /arts o the 2ody they are the ones that have !u+h to 2e /uri iedN with the eyes and !outhN 5hH !anH !anH ' /er e+t 2ein& or one dayI the irst oneH 'nd then so +orru/ted 2y the Sedu+erH 'nd there was no !a)i+e in you9 !an9 no sinHN 'nd nowF ;ou are a)) !a)i+e and sin9 and there is no /art in you that does not sinHG

59/. The Pass",e Su55e .


Jesus has washed 1eter's eet9 He 6isses the!9 and 1eter wee/s and ta6es Jesus' two hands in his own 2i& ones and he ru2s the! a&ainst his eyes and then 6isses the!. Si!on a)so has ta6en o his sanda)s9 and without one word he )ets Jesus wash his eet. Then9 when Jesus is a2out to /ass on to %artho)o!ew9 Si!on 6nee)s down and 6isses His eet sayin&I E7)eanse !e ro! the )e/rosy o sin9 as ;ou +)eansed !e ro! the )e/rosy o !y 2ody9 that I !ay not 2e +on used in the hour o <ud&e!ent9 !y SaviourHG E%e not a raid9 Si!on. ;ou wi)) +o!e to the heaven)y 7ity as white as !ountain snow.G

however 2o)d9 !ust ee) i)) at ease. 12 Jesus /ours wine into the +o!!on +ha)i+e or the third ti!e. He drin6s and !a6es the others drin6. He then intones9 and the others sin& in +horusI EI )ove 2e+ause the Lord hears the voi+e o !y /rayer9 2e+ause He turns His ear towards !e. I wi)) invo6e Hi! throu&hout !y )i e. The throes o death had surrounded !eG et+. K1sa)! 1149 I thin6L. ' !o!ent's /ause. He then resu!es sin&in&I EI had aith9 that is why I s/o6e. %ut I was dee/)y hu!i)iated. 'nd in !y dis!ay I saidI C0very !an is untruth u).DG He )oo6s i3ed)y at Judas.

E'nd what a2out !e9 LordF 4hat are ;ou &oin& to say to ;our o)d %artF ;ou saw !e in the shade o the i&@tree and ;ou read !y heart. 'nd now what do ;ou see9 and My Jesus' voi+e9 whi+h is tired this evenin&9 re&ains vi&our when He e3+)ai!sI EThe where do ;ou see !eF .eassure a /oor o)d !an9 who is a raid he !ay not have stren&th death o ho)y /eo/)e is /re+ious in the eyes o ,odG and E;ou have 2ro6en !y +hains. and ti!e to 2e+o!e what ;ou want hi! to 2e.G %artho)o!ew is dee/)y !oved. I wi)) sa+ri i+e a vi+ti! o /raise to ;ou invo6in& the na!e o the LordG et+. K1sa)! 115L. E;ou !ust not 2e a raid either. I then saidI CHere is a true Israe)ite in who! there is no de+eit.D 8ow I sayI CHere is a true 7hristian worthy o the 7hrist.D 4here do I see youF 'nother short /ause and He then resu!esI E1raise the Lord9 a)) nations9 /raise Hi!9 a)) 5n an eterna) throne9 dressed in /ur/)e. I sha)) a)ways 2e with you.G /eo/)es. %e+ause His !er+y has 2een asserted u/on us and the truth o the Lord )asts orever.G It is Judas Thaddeus' turn. 4hen he sees Jesus at his eet9 he +annot +ontro) hi!se) 9 he rests his head on his ar! )aid on the ta2)e and wee/s. 'nother short /ause and then a )on& hy!nI ESin& /raises to the Lord 2e+ause He is &ood9 2e+ause His !er+y )asts oreverNG E$o not wee/9 My sweet 2rother. ;ou are now )i6e one who !ust endure the e3tir/ation o a nerve and you thin6 that you wi)) not 2e a2)e to stand it. %ut it wi)) 2e a Judas o :erioth sin&s so !u+h out o tune9 that twi+e Tho!as 2rin&s hi! 2a+6 into short /ain. ThenN ohH you wi)) 2e ha//y9 2e+ause you )ove Me. ;our na!e is Judas. tune with his /ower u) )oud 2aritone voi+e and stares at hi!. The others a)so )oo6 at 'nd you are )i6e our &reat JudasI )i6e a &iant. ;ou are the one who /rote+ts. ;our hi!9 2e+ause he is &enera))y in tune9 and I have had the i!/ression that he is /roud o a+tions are those o a )ion and o a youn& roarin& )ion. ;ou wi)) rouse the i!/ious who his voi+e as he is o everythin& e)se. %ut this evenin&H 7ertain senten+es u/set hi! so wi)) withdraw when you a+e the!9 and the wi+6ed wi)) 2e terri ied. I 6now. %e 2rave. !u+h that he sin&s a)se notes9 and +ertain &)an+es o Jesus under)inin& those senten+es 'n eterna) union wi)) stren&then and !a6e /er e+t our 6inshi/ in Heaven.G He 6isses have the sa!e e e+t. 5ne o the! isI EIt is 2etter to +on ide in the Lord than to +on ide his orehead as we))9 as He did or His other +ousin. in !an.G 'nother one isI E4hen I was /ushed9 I sta&&ered and was a2out to a)). %ut the Lord su//orted !e.G 'nother isI EI sha)) not die9 I sha)) )ive and narrate the deeds o EI a! a sinner9 Master. 8ot !eNG the Lord.G 'nd ina))y9 these two9 that I a! &oin& to re)ate now9 stran&)e the Traitor's E;ou were a sinner9 Matthew. ;ou are now the '/ost)e. ;ou are one o My Cvoi+esD. I voi+e in his throatI EThe stone re<e+ted 2y the 2ui)ders has 2e+o!e the +ornerstoneG and E%)essed is He 4ho +o!es in the na!e o the LordHG 2)ess you. How ar have these eet wa)6ed to +o!e !ore and !ore orward9 towards ,odN ;our sou) ur&ed the! and they )e t every way that was not My way. 1ro+eed. 4hen the /sa)! is over9 whi)e Jesus is +uttin& and handin& the )a!2 round a&ain9 $o you 6now where the /ath endsF 5n the 2oso! o your (ather and Mine.G Matthew as6s Judas o :eriothI E're you not ee)in& we))FG Jesus has inished. He ta6es the towe) o and washes His hands in +)ean water9 He /uts E8o. Leave !e a)one. $on't worry a2out !e.G His +)othes on9 &oes 2a+6 to His seat9 and whi)e sittin& down He saysI E;ou are now /ure9 2ut not a)) o you. 5n)y those who wanted to 2e so.G Matthew shru&s his shou)ders. He stares at Judas o :erioth9 who ei&ns he does not hear Hi!9 intent as he is on e3/)ainin& to his +o!/anion Matthew how his ather de+ided to send hi! to Jerusa)e!. ' use)ess +onversation9 the on)y /ur/ose o whi+h is to &ive an attitude to Judas9 who9 John9 who has heard9 saysI EThe Master is not we)) either. 4hat is the !atter with ;ou9 !y JesusF ;our voi+e is wea69 )i6e the voi+e o a si+6 /erson or o one who has we/t !u+hG and he e!2ra+es Hi!9 restin& his head on Jesus' +hest.

59/. The Pass",e Su55e .


EHe has on)y s/o6en a )ot9 as I have on)y wa)6ed a )ot and &ot +o)dG says Judas nervous)y. 'nd Jesus9 without re/)yin& to hi!9 says to JohnI E;ou 6now Me 2y nowN and you 6now what !a6es Me tiredNG 13 The )a!2 is a)!ost +onsu!ed. Jesus9 4ho has eaten very )itt)e9 and has on)y had a si/ o wine at ea+h +ha)i+e9 2ut to +o!/ensate or that9 has drun6 a )ot o water9 as i He were everish9 resu!es s/ea6in&I EI want you to understand My &esture o a short whi)e a&o. I to)d you that the irst is )i6e the )ast9 and that I a! &oin& to &ive you a ood that is not +or/orea). I have &iven you a nourish!ent o hu!i)ity9 or your s/irits. ;ou +a)) MeI Master and Lord. ;ou are ri&ht9 2e+ause so I a!. .o if I have washed your feet you should wash each other1s feet. I have &iven you an e3a!/)e9 so that you !ay do what I have done. I te)) you so)e!n)yI no servant is greater than his #aster no apostle is greater than He Who appointed hi#. Try to understand these thin&s. Then if you understand the# and put the# into practice you will be blessed. %ut not a)) o you wi)) 2e 2)essed. I 6now you. I 6now who! I +hose. I a! not s/ea6in& o every2ody in the sa!e way. %ut I say what is true. 5n the other hand9 what has 2een written +on+ernin& Me9 is to 2e u) i))edI CHe who eats the 2read with Me9 re2e)s a&ainst Me.D I a! te))in& you everythin& 2e ore it ha//ens9 that you !ay have no dou2ts a2out Me. 4hen everythin& has 2een a++o!/)ished9 you wi)) 2e)ieve even !ore that I a! I. He who re+eives Me9 re+eives Hi! 4ho sent MeI the Ho)y (ather 4ho is in HeavenM and he who re+eives those who! I send9 wi)) re+eive Me. %e+ause I a! with the (ather and you are with MeN %ut now )et us inish the rite.G He /ours !ore wine into the +o!!on +ha)i+e and 2e ore drin6in& o it and )ettin& the others drin69 He stands u/9 and every2ody stands u/ with Hi!9 and He sin&s one o the /revious /sa)!s a&ainI EI had aith and that is why I s/o6eNG and then He sin&s a /sa)! that never +o!es to an end. %eauti u)N 2ut eterna)H I thin6 I have ound it9 2y its 2e&innin& and its )en&th9 as /sa)! 11*. They sin& it as o))ows. They sin& one /art in +horus. Then9 in turns9 one re+ites a +ou/)et9 and the others in +horus sin& another /art9 and so orth ti)) the end. 8o wonder they are thirsty at the endH

to ea+h a/ost)e sayin&IETa"e this and eat it. This is !y Body. 3o this in re#e#brance of !e Who a# going away.G He &ives the +ha)i+e and saysI ETa"e this and drin" it. This is !y Blood. This is the chalice of the new alliance in !y Blood and through !y Blood that will be shed for you to re#it your sins and give you the 2ife. 3o this in re#e#brance of !e.G Jesus is very sad. There is no s!i)e9 no tra+e o )i&ht9 no +o)our on His a+e. It is a)ready an a&onizin& a+e. The a/ost)es )oo6 at Hi! utter)y an&uished. 15 Jesus stands u/ sayin&I E$o not !ove. I sha)) 2e 2a+6 at on+e.G He ta6es the thirteenth !orse) o 2read and the +ha)i+e9 and He &oes out o the Su//er@ roo!. EHe is &oin& to His MotherG whis/ers John. 'nd Judas Thaddeus says with a si&hI E1oor wo!anHG 1eter as6s in a very )ow voi+eI E$o you thin6 She 6nowsFG EShe 6nows everythin&. She has a)ways 2een aware o everythin&.G They a)) s/ea6 in very )ow voi+es9 as i they were in ront o a +or/se. E%ut do you thin6 that rea))yNG as6s Tho!as9 who does not want to 2e)ieve yet. E'nd do you dou2t itF It is His hourG re/)ies Ja!es o >e2edee. EMay ,od &rant us stren&th to 2e aith u)G says the >ea)ot. E5hH ING says 1eter who is a2out to s/ea6. %ut John9 who is on the )oo6@out9 saysI ESi)en+eH He is here.G Jesus +o!es 2a+6 in. He has the e!/ty +ha)i+e in His hands. 5n)y at its 2otto! there is a tra+e o wine9 and in the )i&ht o the +hande)ier it )oo6s <ust )i6e 2)ood.

Judas Is+ariot9 in ront o who! is the +ha)i+e9 )oo6s at it as i he were en+hanted9 then 14 Jesus sits down. He does not )ie down. He sits as we do. 'nd He saysI E8ow that the he averts his eyes. Jesus wat+hes hi! and shudders9 and John9 )eanin& as he is on His +hest9 ee)s it. E4hy not say soH ;ou are shiverin&NG he e3+)ai!s. o)d rite has 2een a++o!/)ished9 I wi)) +e)e2rate the new one. I have /ro!ised you a !ira+)e o )ove. It is ti!e to wor6 it. That is why I have )on&ed or this 1assover. (ro! E8o. I a! not shiverin& 2e+ause I a! everishN 16 I have to)d you everythin&9 and I now on this is the Bi+ti! that wi)) 2e +onsu!ed in a /er/etua) rite o )ove. My 2e)oved have &iven you everythin&. I +ou)d not have &iven you anythin& e)se. I have &iven you riends9 I have )oved you throu&hout the who)e )i e o the 0arth. I have loved you for Myse) .G the whole eternity !y children. And I want to love you till the end. There is nothing He !a6es His usua) 6ind &esture with His hands9 whi+h9 /revious)y <oined9 now greater than this. %ear that in !ind. I a! &oin& away. %ut we sha)) re!ain orever se/arate and stret+h out9 whi)e He 2ows His head as i He wished to sayI E03+use Me i united throu&h the !ira+)e that I wi)) now wor6.G I +annot &ive you !ore. It is so.G Jesus ta6es a )oa sti)) entire and /)a+es it on the +ha)i+e that has 2een i))ed. He 2)esses and o ers 2oth9 He then 2rea6s the 2read and ta6es thirteen !orse)s o it9 and &ives one EI have to)d you everythin& and I have &iven you everythin&. 'nd I re/eat. The new rite

59/. The Pass",e Su55e .


has 2een a++o!/)ished. $o this in re!e!2ran+e o Me. I have washed your feet to teach you to be hu#ble and pure li"e your !aster. %e+ause I so)e!n)y te)) you that dis+i/)es !ust 2e )i6e their Master. .e!e!2er that9 2ear it in !ind. ')so when you are in hi&h o i+es9 re!e!2er that. There is no dis+i/)e &reater than his Master. 's I washed you9 do the sa!e to one another. That is love one another li"e brothers help4 ing and respecting one another setting an e7a#ple to one another. 'nd 2e /ure9 to 2e worthy o eatin& the )ivin& %read that des+ended ro! Heaven9 and have the stren&th9 in yourse)ves and throu&h It9 to 2e My dis+i/)es in the hosti)e wor)d that wi)) hate you 2e+ause o My 8a!e. %ut one o you is not /ure. 5ne o you wi)) 2etray Me. My S/irit is dee/)y /ertur2ed 2y thatN The hand o hi! who wi)) 2etray Me is here with Me on this ta2)e9 and neither My )ove9 nor My %ody and %)ood9 nor My word !a6e hi! !end his ways and re/ent. I wou)d or&ive hi! &oin& to My death a)so on his 2eha) .G The dis+i/)es +ast terri ied &)an+es at one another. They s+rutinise one another sus/i@ +ious)y. 1eter stares at the Is+ariot in a reviva) o a)) his dou2ts. Judas Thaddeus in his turn <u!/s to his eet to )oo6 at the Is+ariot a2ove Matthew's 2ody. %ut the Is+ariot is so sure o hi!se) H In his turn he )oo6s at Matthew9 as i he sus/e+ted hi!. He then )oo6s i3ed)y at Jesus and s!i)in& he as6sI EIs it I /erha/sFG He see!s to 2e the one who is !ost +ertain o his honesty and to say so9 not to )et the +onversation dro/. Jesus re/eats His &esture sayin&I E;ou are sayin& so9 Judas o Si!on9 not I. ;ou are sayin& so. I have not !entioned your na!e. 4hy are you a++usin& yourse) F 's6 your interna) warner9 your +ons+ien+e o a !an9 the +ons+ien+e that ,od the (ather &ave you that you !i&ht 2ehave as a !an9 and )isten whether it a++uses you. ;ou wi)) 2e the irst to 6now. %ut i it reassures you9 why do you utter a word and s/ea6 o a deed that is anathe!a even to !ention or to thin6 o as a <o6eFG Jesus is s/ea6in& +a)!)y. He see!s to 2e su//ortin& a /ro/osed thesis as a )earned !an !ay do with his /u/i)s. The +on usion is &reat9 2ut Jesus' +a)! a//eases it. 17 %ut 1eter9 who is the !ost sus/i+ious o Judas J /erha/s Thaddeus a)so is so9 2ut he does not )oo6 so9 disar!ed as he is 2y the Is+ariot's easy !anners J /)u+6s John's s)eeve9 and when John9 who has /ressed a&ainst Jesus u/on hearin& Hi! s/ea6 o 2etraya)9 turns round9 he whis/ers to hi!I E's6 Hi! who it is.G John ta6es his /revious /osition a&ain9 he on)y raises his head s)i&ht)y9 as i he wanted to 6iss Jesus9 and in the !eanti!e he whis/ers in His earI EMaster9 who is itFG 'nd Jesus in a very )ow voi+e9 6issin& hi!9 in His turn9 on his head9 saysI EIt is he to who! I sha)) &ive a /ie+e o 2read di//ed in the dish.G 'nd ta6in& another entire )oa 9 not the re!ains o the one used or the 0u+harist9 He deta+hes a )ar&e !orse)9 He di/s it into the )a!2's sau+e )e t in the tray9 and saysI

ETa6e it9 Judas. ;ou )i6e this.G EThan6 ;ou9 Master. I do )i6e itG and unaware o what that !orse) is9 he eats it9 whi)e John9 horri ied9 +)oses even his eyes not to see the horrid s!i)e o the Is+ariot9 as he 2ites the a++usin& 2read with his stron& teeth. E4e)). 8ow that I have !ade you ha//y9 &oG says Jesus to Judas. E0verythin& has 2een a++o!/)ished9 here KHe )ays !u+h stress on the wordL. 4hat is sti)) )e t to 2e done e)sewhere9 do it =ui+6)y9 Judas o Si!on.G EI wi)) o2ey ;ou at on+e9 Master. Then I wi)) <oin ;ou at ,ethse!ane. ;ou are &oin& there9 are ;ou notF 's usua)FG E;esN I a! &oin& thereN as usua).G E4hat has he &ot to doFG as6s 1eter. EIs he &oin& 2y hi!se) FG EI a! not a 2a2yG says Judas s+o in&)y9 as he /uts on his !ant)e. ELet hi! &o. He and I 6now what !ust 2e doneG says Jesus. E;es9 Master.G 1eter is si)ent. 1erha/s he thin6s he has +o!!itted a sin sus/e+tin& his +o!/anion. .estin& his orehead on the /a)! o his hand9 he 2e+o!es /ensive. Jesus /resses John to His heart and whis/ers a&ain throu&h his hairI ESay nothin& to 1eter or the ti!e 2ein&. It wou)d 2e a use)ess s+anda).G E,ood2ye9 Master. ,ood2ye9 riendsG says Judas &reetin& the!. E,ood2yeG re/)ies Jesus. 'nd 1eter saysI E,ood2ye9 2oy.G John9 his head a)!ost on Jesus' )a/9 whis/ersI ESatanHG Jesus a)one hears hi! and si&hs. 0verythin& +o!es to an end here9 2ut Jesus saysI EI a! interru/tin& the vision out o /ity or you. I wi)) &ive you the end o the Su//er )ater.G K1L addressed to Maria Ba)torta's s/iritua) adviser (r. Mi&)ioriniL @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 18 Kthe Su//er +ontinuesL There are a ew !o!ents o dead si)en+e. Jesus has )owered His head9 +aressin& John's air hair !e+hani+a))y. Then He rouses Hi!se) . He raises His head9 He )oo6s around9 and He s!i)es in su+h a way that en+oura&es the dis+i/)es. He saysI ELet us )eave the ta2)e and sit a)) +)ose to one another9 )i6e !any +hi)dren round their ather.G

59/. The Pass",e Su55e .


They ta6e the +ou+hes that were 2ehind the ta2)e Kthose o Jesus9 John9 Ja!es9 1eter9 Si!on9 'ndrew and His +ousin Ja!esL and they /ut the! on the other side.

Jesus sits on His own9 sti)) 2etween Ja!es and John. %ut when He sees that 'ndrew is a2out to sit in the /)a+e )e t 2y the Is+ariot9 He shoutsI E8o9 not there.G 'n i!/u)sive shout9 that His &reat /ruden+e does not su++eed in /reventin&. He then !odi ies His e3/ression sayin&I E4e do not need so !u+h roo!. I we sit down9 we +an stay on)y on these. They are enou&h. I want you to 2e very +)ose to Me.G 20 My )itt)e +hi)dren9 I wi)) re!ain with you or a short ti!e. 'nd a terwards you wi)) 2e )oo6in& or Me as or/hans )oo6 or their dead /arent. 'nd wee/in&9 you wi)) &o 8ow9 with res/e+t to the ta2)e9 they are /)a+ed in a ? sha/ed dis/osition9 with Jesus in a2out s/ea6in& o Hi! and in vain you wi)) 6no+6 at His si)ent to!29 and you wi)) a)so the +entre and the ta2)e9 on whi+h there are no vi+tua)s now9 and Judas' /)a+e in ront o 6no+6 at the 2)ue &ates o Heaven9 with your sou)s e)evated in su//)iant sear+h or )ove9 Hi!. sayin&I C4here is our JesusF 4e want Hi!. 4ithout Hi! there is no !ore )i&ht in the wor)d9 no <oy9 no )ove. 0ither &ive Hi! 2a+6 to us9 or )et us +o!e in. 4e want to 2e Ja!es o >e2edee +a))s 1eter sayin&I ESit here. I wi)) sit on this )itt)e stoo)9 at Jesus' where He is.D %ut or the ti!e 2ein& you +annot +o!e where I a! &oin&. To the eet.G Judaeans a)so I saidI CLater you wi)) )oo6 or Me9 2ut you +annot +o!e where I a! EMay ,od 2)ess you9 Ja!esH I wanted it so !u+hHG says 1eter and he /resses a&ainst &oin&.D I say the sa!e to you. his Master9 4ho is now s=ueezed 2y John and 1eter9 with Ja!es at His eet. Thin6 o My MotherN 8either +an She +o!e where I a! &oin&. 'nd yet9 I )e t the Jesus s!i)es and saysI EI see that the word s/o6en ear)ier is 2e&innin& to wor6. ,ood (ather to +o!e to Her and 2e+o!e Jesus in Her i!!a+u)ate wo!2. 'nd yet9 I +a!e 2rothers )ove one another. Ja!es9 I a)so say to youI CMay ,od 2)ess you.D ')so this ro! the Invio)ate 4o!an in the 2ri&ht e+stasy o My %irthday. 'nd I was nourished a+tion o yours wi)) not 2e or&otten 2y the 0terna)9 and you wi)) ind it u/ there. with Her )ove9 that 2e+a!e !i)6. I a! !ade o /urity and )ove9 2e+ause Mary nourished Me with Her vir&inity e+undated 2y the /er e+t Love 4ho )ives in Heaven. 'nd yet9 I 19 I +an o2tain everythin& I as6 or. ;ou have seen that. ' desire o Mine was have &rown u/ throu&h Her9 +ostin& Her ati&ue and tearsN 'nd yet9 I as6 o Her su+h su i+ient or the (ather to a))ow His Son to &ive Hi!se) in (ood to !an. The Son o !an has 2een &)ori ied 2y what has ha//ened now9 2e+ause the !ira+)e that is /ossi2)e herois! as no one has ever a++o!/)ished9 and in +o!/arison with whi+h the herois! o Judith and that o Jae) are the herois!s o /oor wo!en =uarre))in& with the riva) at the on)y to ,od's riends is a witness o /ower. The &reater the !ira+)e9 the surer and dee/er is this divine riendshi/. This is a !ira+)e that9 2e+ause o its or!9 duration and vi))a&e ountain. 'nd yet9 no one )oves Me as She does. 'nd9 notwithstandin& a)) that9 I wi)) )eave Her and &o where She wi)) +o!e on)y a ter a )on& ti!e. The co##and#ent I nature9 and o the e3tre!es and )i!its it attains9 is so &reat that a &reater one +annot give you( /.anctify yourselves year by year #onth by #onth day by day hour by hour /ossi2)y e3ist. I te)) youI it is so /ower u)9 su/ernatura)9 in+on+eiva2)e 2y /roud !en9 that on)y very ew wi)) understand it as it is to 2e understood9 and !any wi)) deny it. So to be able to co#e to !e when it is your hour0 does not apply to Her. She is u)) o &ra+e and ho)iness. She is the +reature who has had everythin& and has &iven what sha)) I sayF 7onde!n the!F 8o. I wi)) sayI have !er+y on the!H everythin&. There is nothin& to 2e added or to 2e ta6en away. She is the !ost ho)y %ut the &reater the !ira+)e9 the &reater the &)ory o its author. It is ,od Hi!se) 4ho witness o what ,od +an do. saysI CSee9 My 2e)oved wanted it9 had it9 and I &ranted it9 2e+ause &reat is His &ra+e in %ut in order to 2e sure that you are a2)e to <oin Me and to or&et the &rie in !ournin& My eyes.D 'nd here He saysI CHis &ra+e has no )i!its9 as in inite is the !ira+)e the se/aration ro! your Jesus9 I give you a new co##and#ent. And it is( love one /er or!ed 2y Hi!.D The &)ory that ro! ,od +o!es to the author o the !ira+)e is the sa!e as the &)ory that ro! the author returns to the (ather. %e+ause every su/ernatura) another. As I have loved you you #ust love one another. %y this )ove it wi)) 2e 6nown that you are My dis+i/)es. 4hen a ather has !any sons9 how does one 6now that they &)ory9 as it +o!es ro! ,od9 returns to its sour+e. 'nd the &)ory o ,od9 a)thou&h it is a)ready in inite9 in+reases and shines !ore and !ore throu&h the &)ory o His saints. So are su+hF 8ot so !u+h 2y their /hysi+a) a//earan+e J 2e+ause there are !en who are in everythin& )i6e another !an9 with who! there is no 2)ood@tie and they are not even o I sayI as the Son o !an has 2een &)ori ied 2y ,od9 so ,od has 2een &)ori ied 2y the the sa!e +ountry J as 2y their +o!!on )ove or the a!i)y9 or their ather and or one Son o !an. I have &)ori ied ,od in Myse) . In His turn9 ,od wi)) &)ori y His Son in another. 'nd even when the ather dies9 a &ood a!i)y does not 2rea6 u/9 2e+ause one Hi!se) . He wi)) &)ori y Hi! short)y. is their 2)ood and it is the sa!e they had ro! the seed o their ather9 and it ties in 03u)t9 o s/iritua) 0ssen+e o the Se+ond 1erson9 4ho are &oin& 2a+6 to ;our SeeH 6nots that not even death )oosens9 2e+ause )ove is stron&er than death. 8ow9 i you )ove

03u)t9 o %ody 4ho are &oin& to as+end a&ain a ter su+h a )on& e3i)e in de&radation. 'nd not 'da!'s 1aradise9 2ut the su2)i!e 1aradise o the (ather is a2out to 2e &iven to ;ou as ;our a2ode. I it has 2een said that the a!azin& order o ,od9 &iven throu&h the )i/s o a !an9 sto//ed the sun9 what wi)) ha//en a!on& the stars when they see the wonder o the %ody o the Man as+end and sit at the ri&ht hand o the (ather in the 1er e+tion o His &)ori ied 2ein&F

59/. The Pass",e Su55e .


one another a ter I have )e t you9 every2ody wi)) a+6now)ed&e you as My +hi)dren9 and there ore as My dis+i/)es9 and as 2rothers to one another9 havin& had on)y one ather.G 21 ELord9 2ut where are ;ou &oin&FG as6s 1eter. EI a! &oin& where at /resent you +annot o))ow Me. %ut you wi)) o))ow Me )ater.G E'nd why not nowF I have a)ways o))owed ;ou sin+e ;ou said to !eI C(o))ow Me.D I )e t everythin& without re&retN 8ow9 to &o away without ;our /oor Si!on9 )eavin& !e without ;ou9 4ho are everythin& to !e9 a ter that or ;our sa6e I )e t the )itt)e /ro/erty I had /revious)y9 is not air or ni+e o ;ou. 're ;ou &oin& to ;our deathF ')) ri&ht. I wi)) +o!e as we)). 4e sha)) &o to the ne3t wor)d to&ether. %ut I wi)) have de ended ;ou 2e ore that. I a! ready to &ive !y )i e or ;ou.G E;ou wi)) &ive your )i e or MeF 8owF 8ot now. I so)e!n)y J ohH I do so)e!n)y te)) you J 2e ore the +o+6 +rows9 you wi)) have disowned Me three ti!es. This is the irst wat+h. Then the se+ond wi)) +o!eN and then the third. %e ore the +o+6 +rows )oud)y9 you wi)) have disowned your Lord three ti!es.G EI!/ossi2)e9 MasterH I 2e)ieve everythin& ;ou say9 2ut not that. I a! sure o !yse) .G E8ow9 at /resent you are sure. %e+ause you sti)) have Me. ;ou have ,od with you. %e ore )on&9 the In+arnate ,od wi)) 2e +au&ht9 and you wi)) no )on&er have Hi!. 'nd Satan9 a ter !a6in& you heavy J your very +ertainty is a tri+6 o Satan9 2a))ast to wei&h you down J wi)) ri&hten you. He wi)) insinuate to youI C,od does not e3ist. I do.D 'nd as you wi)) sti)) 2e a2)e to reason9 a)thou&h !ade du)) 2y ear9 you wi)) understand that9 when Satan is the !aster o the hour9 ,ood is dead and 0vi) is a+tive9 the s/irit is de<e+ted and the hu!an is triu!/hant. ;ou wi)) then 2e )i6e warriors without a )eader9 +hased 2y the ene!y9 and in the dis!ay o 2ein& de eated you wi)) 2ow your ne+6s to the +on=ueror9 and in order not to 2e 6i))ed you wi)) disown the a))en hero. 22 %ut9 /)ease do not )et your hearts 2e u/set. %e)ieve in ,od. 'nd 2e)ieve a)so in Me. %e)ieve in Me9 a&ainst a)) a//earan+es. Let hi! who re!ains and hi! who runs away 2e)ieve in My !er+y and in the (ather's. %oth he who is si)ent and he who !oves his )i/s to sayI CI do not 6now Hi!.D 'nd )i6ewise 2e)ieve in My or&iveness. 'nd 2e)ieve that9 whatever your a+tions !ay 2e in uture9 in ,ood and in My $o+trine9 +onse=uent)y in My 7hur+h9 they wi)) &ive you e=ua) /)a+es in Heaven. In the house o My (ather there are !any a2odes. I it were not so9 I wou)d have to)d you. Because I a# going ahead to prepare a place for you. $o &ood athers not do )i6ewise when they have to ta6e their )itt)e +hi)dren e)sewhereF They &o ahead9 they /re/are the house9 the urnish@ in&s9 the /rovisions. They then &o 2a+6 to &et their dearest ones. They do so out o )ove9 so that the )itt)e ones !ay )a+6 nothin& and !ay not 2e un+o! orta2)e in the new /)a+e. I do the sa!e and or the sa!e reason. I a! &oin& now. 'nd when I have /re/ared a /)a+e or ea+h o you in the +e)estia) Jerusa)e!9 I wi)) +o!e a&ain and ta6e you with Me so that you !ay 2e where I a!9 where there is no death or !ournin&9 no tears9 no shout@

in&9 no hun&er9 no /ain9 no dar6ness9 no /ar+hin& thirst9 2ut on)y )i&ht9 /ea+e9 ha//iness and sin&in&. 5hH son& o the Hi&hest Heavens when the twe)ve +hosen ones wi)) sit on thrones with the twe)ve /atriar+hs o the tri2es o Israe) and in the ardour o the ire o s/iritua) )ove9 standin& u/ri&ht over the sea o 2eatitude9 they wi)) sin& the eterna) son& a++o!/anied 2y the ar/e&&io o the eterna) a))e)uia o the an&e)i+a) hostN 23 I want you to be where I shall be. And you "now where I a# going and you "now the way. G E%ut9 LordH 4e 6now nothin&. ;ou are not te))in& us where ;ou are &oin&. How +an we 6now the way to 2e ta6en to +o!e towards you and +urtai) the waitFG as6s Tho!as. EI a# the Way the Truth the 2ife. ;ou have heard Me say so and e3/)ain it severa) ti!es9 and rea))y so!e /eo/)e9 who did not even 6now that there is a ,od9 have wa)6ed ahead9 a)on& My way9 and they are a)ready ahead o you. 5hH where are you9 )ost shee/ o ,od9 2rou&ht 2a+6 to the o)d 2y MeF 'nd where are you9 whose sou) has 2een raisedFG E4hoF 5 who! are you s/ea6in&F 5 Mary o LazarusF She is in the other roo!9 with ;our Mother. $o ;ou want herF 5r do ;ou want JohannaF She is +ertain)y in her !ansion9 2ut i ;ou wish so9 we wi)) &o and +a)) her or ;ouNG E8o. 8ot the!N I a! thin6in& o the one who wi)) 2e revea)ed on)y in HeavenN and o 1hotinaiN They ound Me. 'nd they have never )e t My way a&ain. To one I /ointed out the (ather as the true ,od and the S/irit as a Levite in this individua) adoration. To the other9 who did not even 6now she had a sou)9 I saidI CMy na!e is Saviour9 I save whoever has the &ood wi)) to 2e saved. I a! the 5ne 4ho )oo6s or those who are )ost9 I &ive Li e9 Truth and 1urity. Those who )oo6 or Me9 wi)) ind Me.D 'nd they 2oth ound ,odN I 2)ess you9 wea6 0ves who have 2e+o!e stron&er than JudithN I a! +o!in&9 I a! +o!in& where you areN ;ou +o! ort MeN May you 2e 2)essedHNG 24 EShow us the (ather9 Lord9 and we sha)) 2e e=ua) to the!G says 1hi)i/. EI have 2een with a)) o you or su+h a )on& ti!e9 and you9 1hi)i/9 sti)) do not 6now MeF He who sees !e sees the -ather. So9 how +an you sayI CLet us see the (atherDF 7an you not 2e)ieve that I a! in the (ather and the (ather is in MeF The words that I say to you9 I do not say the! 2y Myse) . It is the -ather living in !e Who acco#4 plishes all !y wor". 'nd do you9 a)) o you9 not 2e)ieve that I a! in the (ather and He is in MeF 4hat !ust I say to !a6e you 2e)ieveF I you do not 2e)ieve My words9 2e)ieve at )east in My deeds. 'nd I say to you and I tru)y say to youI he who believes in !e will perfor# the deeds that I do and will perfor# even greater ones because I a# going to the -ather. 4hatever you as6 o the (ather in My na!e9 I wi)) do it9 so that the (ather !ay 2e &)ori ied in His Son. 'nd I wi)) do anythin& you as6 in 2eha) o My 8a!e. My 8a!e is 6nown or what it rea))y is9 on)y to Me and to the (ather 4ho &enerated Me and to the S/irit 4ho /ro+eeds ro! 5ur )ove. And everything is possible

59/. The Pass",e Su55e .


to that Na#e. He who thin6s o My 8a!e with )ove9 )oves Me and o2tains. But it is not sufficient to love !e. It is necessary to "eep !y co##and#ents in order to have true love. -eelings are testified by deeds. 'nd 2e+ause o your )ove I wi)) /ray the (ather9 and He wi)) &ive you another 7o! orter9 so that He !ay re!ain with you orever9 5ne a&ainst 4ho! Satan and the 4or)d +annot a+t +rue))y9 the .pirit of Truth 4ho! the wor)d +annot re+eive or stri6e9 2e+ause it +annot see Hi! and does not 6now Hi!. The wor)d wi)) deride Hi!9 2ut He is so su2)i!e that derision wi)) not 2e a2)e to o end Hi!9 whi)e 2ein& so !er+i u) as to e3+eed a)) )i!its9 He wi)) a)ways 2e with those who )ove Hi!9 even i they are /oor and wea6. ;ou wi)) 6now Hi!9 2e+ause He a)ready dwe))s with you and wi)) soon 2e in you. 25 I will not leave you orphans. I have a)ready to)d you that I wi)) +o!e 2a+6 to you. %ut I wi)) +o!e 2e ore it is ti!e to +o!e to ta6e ;ou and &o to My :in&do!. I wi)) +o!e to you. %e ore )on& the wor)d wi)) no )on&er see Me. %ut you see Me and wi)) see Me. %e+ause I )ive and you )ive. Because I will live and you will live. 5n that day you wi)) 6now that I a! in My (ather9 and you are in Me and I in you. Because he who accepts !y precepts and observes the# loves !e and he who loves !e will be loved by !y -ather and will possess &od because &od is love and he who loves has &od in hi#self. 'nd I wi)) )ove Hi!9 2e+ause I sha)) see ,od in hi!9 and I wi)) show Myse) to hi!9 !a6in& hi! a+=uainted with the se+rets o My )ove9 o My wisdo!9 o My In+arnate $ivinity. They wi)) 2e My returns a!on& the +hi)dren o !an9 who! I )ove notwithstandin& that they are wea6 and even hosti)e. %ut these wi)) 2e on)y wea6. 'nd I wi)) orti y the!M I wi)) say to the!I C.iseHD9 I wi)) sayI C7o!e outHD9 I wi)) sayI C(o))ow MeD9 I wi)) sayI CListenD9 I wi)) sayI C4riteDN and you are a!on& the!.G E4hy9 Lord9 are ;ou showin& ;ourse) to us and not to the wor)dFG as6s Judas Thaddeus. EBecause you love !e and you "eep !y words. He who does that wi)) 2e )oved 2y My (ather9 and we sha)) +o!e to hi! and !a6e our ho!e with hi!9 in hi!. Whereas he who does not love !e does not "eep !y words and acts according to the flesh and the world. 8ow re!e!2er that what I said to you is not the word o Jesus o 8azareth9 2ut it is the word o the (ather9 2e+ause I a! the 4ord o the (ather 4ho sent Me. I to)d you these thin&s9 s/ea6in& to you thus9 2e+ause I want to /re/are you Myse) or the +o!/)ete /ossession o the Truth and 4isdo!. %ut you +annot yet understand or re!e!2er. %ut when the 7o! orter9 the Ho)y S/irit 4ho! the (ather wi)) send to you in My na!e9 +o!es to you9 then you wi)) 2e a2)e to understand9 and He wi)) tea+h you everythin&9 and He wi)) re!ind you o what I to)d you. 26 I leave you !y peace. I give you !y peace. I &ive it to you not as the wor)d &ives it. 'nd not even as I have &iven it to you so arI the 2)essed &reetin& o the %)essed 5ne to the 2)essed ones. The /ea+e I a! &ivin& you now is !ore /ro ound. In this arewe)) I +o!!uni+ate Myse) 9 My S/irit o /ea+e to you9 as I +o!!uni+ated My %ody and My

%)ood to you9 so that you !ay have stren&th or the i!!inent 2att)e. Satan and the wor)d are stirrin& u/ a war a&ainst your Jesus. It is their hour. Have 1ea+e within you9 My S/irit9 whi+h is s/irit o /ea+e9 2e+ause I a! the :in& o /ea+e. Have it so that you !ay not 2e too or)orn. He who suffers with the peace of &od within hi#self suffers but does not blasphe#e and does not despair. $o not wee/. ;ou have a)so heard Me sayI CI a! &oin& to the (ather and then I wi)) +o!e 2a+6.D I you )oved Me 2eyond the )esh9 you wou)d re<oi+e9 2e+ause I a! &oin& to the (ather a ter su+h a )on& e3i)eN I a! &oin& to Hi! 4ho is &reater than I a! and 4ho )oves Me. I have told you now before it ta"es place as I infor#ed you of all the sufferings of the Redee#er before going to the# so that when everything is fulfilled you #ay believe #ore and #ore in !e. $o not 2e so u/setH $o not 2e ri&htened. ;ou hearts are in need o 2a)an+eN I have not !u+h !ore ti!e to s/ea6 to youN 2ut I have so !u+h to sayH 8ow that I have +o!e to the end o My evan&e)ization9 I ee) that I have not said anythin& yet9 and that there is sti)) so !u+h to 2e done. ;our !ood in+reases My ee)in&. So9 what sha)) I sayF That I ai)ed in My tas6F 5r that you are so hard@hearted that My wor6 has 2een o no avai)F Sha)) I 2e in dou2t a2out youF 8o. I re)y on ,od and I entrust you9 My 2e@ )oved ones9 to Hi!. He will co#plete the wor" of His Word. I a! not )i6e a ather who dies without havin& any other )i&ht 2ut the hu!an one. I hope in &od. 'nd9 a)thou&h within Myse) I ee) the ur&en+y o a)) the advi+e9 o whi+h I see you are in need9 and I rea)ise that ti!e )ies9 I a# going towards !y destiny with a +uiet #ind. I 6now that the dew is a2out to des+end on the seeds sown in you and it wi)) !a6e a)) o the! s/rin& u/9 then the sun o the 1ara+)ete wi)) +o!e and they wi)) 2e+o!e !i&hty trees. The /rin+e o this wor)d9 with who! I have nothin& to do9 is a2out to +o!e. 'nd i it were not or the /ur/ose o rede!/tion9 he wou)d not have had any /ower over Me. But that is happening so that the world #ay "now that I love !y -ather and I love Hi# so #uch that I will obey Hi# even to death and I will therefore do what He ordered !e to do. 27 It is ti!e to &o. Stand u/. 'nd )isten to My )ast words. I a# the true <ine. The -ather is the <inedresser. 0very 2ran+h that 2ears no ruit He +uts9 and the one that does 2ear ruit He /runes9 to !a6e it 2ear even !ore. ;ou are a)ready /uri ied 2y My word. .e!ain in Me and I wi)) re!ain in you to +ontinue to 2e so. The 2ran+h +ut o ro! the vine +annot 2ear ruit. The sa!e a//)ies to you9 i you do not re!ain in Me. I a! the Bine and you are the 2ran+hes. Whoever re#ains united to !e bears fruit in plenty. %ut i one is +ut o 9 one 2e+o!es a dry 2ran+h and is thrown on the ire and 2urns there. %e+ause9 i you are not united to Me9 you +an do nothin&. .o re#ain in !e and let !y words re#ain in you then as" for whatever you want and it will be done to you. My (ather wi)) a)ways 2e the !ore &)ori ied9 the !ore you 2ear ruit and are My dis+i/)es. As the -ather has loved !e so I have loved you. .e!ain in My )ove that saves. By

59/. The Pass",e Su55e .


loving !e you will be obedient and obedience increases #utual love. $o not say that I a! re/eatin& Myse) . I a! aware o your wea6ness. 'nd I want you to 2e saved. I have to)d you this so that the <oy I wanted to &ive you !ay 2e in you and !ay 2e +o!/)ete. 2ove one another love one another! This is !y new co##and#ent. 2ove one another #ore than each of you loves hi#self. There is no greater love than that of a #an who lays down his life for his friends. ;ou are My riends and I wi)) )ay down !y )i e or you. $o what I tea+h and order you to do. I wi)) no )on&er +a)) you servants9 2e+ause a servant does not 6now what his !aster does9 whereas you 6now what I do. ;ou 6now everythin& a2out Me. I have !ade 6nown to you not on)y Myse) 9 2ut a)so the (ather and the 1ara+)ete9 and everythin& I heard ro! ,od. ;ou did not +hoose yourse)ves. %ut I +hose you and I e)e+ted you9 so that you !ay &o a!on& /eo/)es and you !ay 2ear ruit in yourse)ves and in the hearts o those who are evan&e)ized9 and your ruit !ay re!ain9 and the (ather !ay &ive you everythin& you wi)) as6 o Hi! in My na!e. 28 $o not sayI CSo9 i ;ou +hose us9 why did ;ou +hoose a 2etrayer. I ;ou 6now everythin&9 why did ;ou do thatFD $o not even as6 who he is. He is not a !an. He is Satan. I said so to My aith u) riend and I )et My 2e)oved son say so. He is Satan. If .atan the eternal #i#ic of &od had not beco#e incarnate in hu#an flesh this possessed #an could not have escaped !y power of 8esus. I saidI C/ossessedD. 8o. He is !u+h !oreI he is annihi)ated in Satan.G ESin+e ;ou have driven de!ons away9 why did you not ree hi!FG as6s Ja!es o ')/haeus. E're you as6in& that or your own sa6e9 earin& that you are the oneF %e not a raid o that.G EI9 thenFG EIFG EIFG E%e =uiet. I a! not !entionin& that na!e. I a! 2ein& !er+i u)9 do )i6ewise.G E%ut why did ;ou not de eat hi!F 7ou)d ;ou not do thatFG EI +ou)d. %ut in order to /revent Satan ro! ta6in& 2odi)y or! to 6i)) Me9 I shou)d have had to e3ter!inate the hu!an ra+e 2e ore .ede!/tion. So what wou)d I have redee!edFG ETe)) !e9 Lord9 te)) !eHG 1eter has a))en on his 6nees and he sha6es Jesus /hreneti+a))y as i he were a /rey to renzy. EIs it IF Is it IF Sha)) I e3a!ine !y own +ons+ien+eF I do not thin6 so. %ut ;ouN ;ou said that I wi)) disown ;ouN 'nd I a! =uiverin&N 5h' how horri2)e i it is IHNG E8o9 Si!on o Jonah. It is not you.G

E4hy are ;ou de/rivin& !e o !y na!e C1eterDF So a! I Si!on a&ainF SeeF ;ou are sayin& soHN It is IH %ut how +ou)d IF Te)) !e te)) !e9 a)) o you 4hen was it that I 2e+a!e a traitorFN Si!onFN JohnFN Te)) !eHG E1eter9 1eter9 1eterH I a! +a))in& you Si!on 2e+ause I a! thin6in& o our irst !eetin&9 when you were Si!on. 'nd I a! thin6in& how you have a)ways 2een )oya) sin+e the irst !o!ent. It is not you. I9 the Truth9 a! te))in& you.G E4ho9 thenFG EIt is Judas o :eriothH Have you not yet understood thatFG shouts Thaddeus9 who +an no )on&er restrain hi!se) . E4hy did you not te)) !e 2e oreF 4hyFG shouts 1eter as we)). ESi)en+e. It is Satan. He has no other na!e. 4here are you &oin&9 1eterFG ETo )oo6 or hi!.G ELeave that !ant)e and that wea/on at on+e. 5r sha)) I drive you away and +urse youFG E8o9 noH 5hH !y LordH %ut IN 2ut IN Have I 2e+o!e de)irious9 have IF 5hH 5hHG 1eter has thrown hi!se) on the &round and is wee/in& at Jesus' eet. 29 EI &ive you My +o!!and!entI love and forgive one another. Have you understoodF )ven if in the world there is hatred let only love be in you. -or everybody. How !any traitors you wi)) ind on your wayH %ut you !ust not hate the! and return evi) or evi). 5therwise the (ather wi)) hate you. I have 2een hated and 2etrayed9 )on& 2e ore you. 'nd yet9 as you +an see9 I do not hate. The wor)d +annot )ove what is di erent ro! it. There ore it wi)) not )ove you. I you 2e)on&ed to it9 it wou)d )ove youM 2ut you are not o the wor)d9 as I too6 you away ro! the wor)d. 'nd that is why you are hated. I said to youI a servant is not &reater than his !aster. I they have /erse+uted Me9 they wi)) /erse+ute you as we)). I they have )istened to Me9 they wi)) )isten to you9 too. %ut they wi)) do everythin& 2e+ause o My 8a!e9 sin+e they do not 6now9 they do not want to 6now Hi! 4ho sent Me. I I had not +o!e and I had not s/o6en9 they wou)d not 2e &ui)ty. %ut now their sin has no e3+use. They have seen My deeds9 they have heard My words9 and yet they have hated Me9 and the (ather with Me. Because the -ather and I are one @nit only with the 2ove. %ut it was writtenI C;ou hated !e or no reason.D %ut when the 7o! orter +o!es9 the S/irit o Truth 4ho /ro+eeds ro! the (ather9 He wi)) 2ear witness o Me9 and you a)so wi)) witness or Me9 2e+ause you have 2een with Me sin+e the 2e&innin&. I a! te))in& you this so that9 when the hour +o!es9 you !ay not 2e de/ressed and s+anda)ised. The ti!e is a2out to +o!e when they wi)) e3/e) you ro! syna&o&ues9 and those who 6i)) you wi)) thin6 that they are doin& a ho)y duty or ,od. They have not

59/. The Pass",e Su55e .


6nown either the (ather or Me. That is their e3+use. I have not to)d you these thin&s so e3tensive)y9 2e ore this hour9 2e+ause you were <ust )i6e new@2orn 2a2ies. %ut the !other is now )eavin& you. I a! &oin& away. ;ou !ust 2e+o!e a++usto!ed to other ood. I want you to 6now. 8ot one o you has as6ed Me a&ainI C4here are ;ou &oin&FD Sadness is !a6in& you du!2. 'nd yet My &oin& away is a &ood thin& a)so or you. 5therwise the 7o! orter wi)) not +o!e. I wi)) send Hi! to you. 'nd when He has +o!e9 throu&h the wisdo! and the words9 the deeds and the herois! that He wi)) in use into ;ou9 He wi)) +onvin+e the wor)d o its dei+ide sin9 and o <usti+e with re&ard to My ho)iness. And a clear cut will divide the world into reprobates ene#ies of &od and believers. The )atter wi)) 2e !ore or )ess ho)y9 a++ordin& to their wi)). %ut <ud&e!ent wi)) 2e /assed on the /rin+e o the wor)d and his servants. I +annot te)) you !ore9 2e+ause you are not yet a2)e to under@ stand. %ut He9 the 1ara+)ete9 wi)) &ive you the who)e Truth9 2e+ause He wi)) not s/ea6 as ro! Hi!se) . %ut He wi)) te)) you everythin& He heard ro! the Mind o ,od and wi)) announ+e the uture to you. He wi)) ta6e what +o!es ro! Me9 that is9 what is sti)) o the (ather9 and wi)) te)) you. 30 There is sti)) a short ti!e to see one another. Then you wi)) no )on&er see Me. 'nd then a short ti!e )ater you wi)) see Me. ;ou are &ru!2)in& a!on& yourse)ves and in your hearts. Listen to a /ara2)e. The )ast one o your Master. 4hen a wo!an has +on+eived and the hour o de)ivery +o!es9 she is in &reat distress9 2e+ause she su ers and &roans. %ut when her )itt)e +hi)d is 2orn and she /resses it to her heart9 a)) her /ain +o!es to an end and her sorrow +han&es into <oy9 2e+ause a !an has +o!e into the wor)d. The sa!e a//)ies to you. ;ou wi)) wee/ and the wor)d wi)) )au&h at you. %ut )ater your sorrow wi)) +han&e into <oy. ' <oy that the wor)d wi)) never 6now. ;ou are sad now. %ut when you see Me a&ain9 your hearts wi)) 2e i))ed with a <oy o whi+h no one wi)) ever 2e a2)e to de/rive you. Su+h a u)) <oy9 that it wi)) o2)iterate every need o yours to as6 or anythin& or your !inds9 hearts and 2odies. ;ou wi)) eed on seein& Me a&ain9 and you wi)) or&et everythin& e)se. 'nd <ust ro! that !o!ent you wi)) 2e a2)e to as6 or anythin& in My na!e9 and it wi)) 2e &iven to you 2y the (ather9 so that your <oy !ay 2e &reater and &reater. 's69 do as6. 'nd you wi)) re+eive. The ti!e is +o!in& when I sha)) 2e a2)e to s/ea6 to you o the (ather in /)ain words. That wi)) ha//en 2e+ause you wi)) have 2een aith u) in the tria) and everythin& wi)) have 2een over+o!e. So your )ove wi)) 2e /er e+t9 as it wi)) have &iven you stren&th in the tria). 'nd what you are short o 9 I wi)) add it or you9 ta6in& it ro! My i!!ense treasure and sayin&I C(ather9 as ;ou +an see9 they have )oved Me 2e)ievin& that I +a!e ro! ;ou.D Havin& des+ended into the wor)d9 now I )eave it and I a! &oin& to the

(ather9 and I wi)) /ray or you.G 31 E5hH now ;ou are e3/)ainin& thin&s +)ear)y. 8ow we 6now what ;ou !ean and that ;ou 6now everythin& and that ;ou &ive answers without 2ein& =uestioned 2y any2ody. ;ou rea))y +o!e ro! ,odHG E$o you 2e)ieve nowF 't the )ast hourF I have s/o6en to ;ou or three yearsH %ut the %read that is ,od and the 4ine that is %)ood that did not +o!e ro! !an is a)ready wor6in& in you9 and is &ivin& you the irst thri)) o dei i+ation. %ou will beco#e gods if you persevere in !y love and in !y possession. 8ot as Satan said to 'da! and 0ve9 2ut as I say to you. It is the true fruit of the tree of &ood and of 2ife. 0vi) is de eated in hi! who eeds on it9 and $eath is dead. He who eats of it will live forever and will beco#e /god0 in the =ingdo# of &od. %ou will be gods if you re#ain in !e. 'nd yet nowN a)thou&h you have this %read and this %)ood in yourse)ves9 as the hour is +o!in& in whi+h you wi)) 2e s+attered9 you wi)) &o away on your own a++ount and wi)) )eave Me a)) a)oneN %ut I a! not a)one. I have the (ather with Me. (ather9 (atherH $o not a2andon MeH I have to)d you everythin&N To &ive you /ea+e. !y peace. ;ou wi)) sti)) have trou2)e. %ut have aith. I have +on=uered the wor)d.G 32 Jesus stands u/9 He o/ens His ar!s out +rosswise and with His a+e shinin& 2ri&ht)y He says the su2)i!e /rayer to the (ather. John =uotes it inte&ra))y. The a/ost)es are sheddin& tears !ore or )ess o/en)y and noisi)y. 's a )ast thin&9 they sin& a hy!n. Jesus 2)esses the!. He then says to the!I ELet us /ut on our !ant)es now. 'nd )et us &o. 'ndrew9 te)) the owner o the house to )eave everythin& as it is9 as I want that. To!orrowN you wi)) 2e /)eased see this /)a+e a&ain.G Jesus )oo6s at it. He see!s to 2e 2)essin& wa))s9 urniture9 everythin&. He then /uts on His !ant)e and sets out9 o))owed 2y the dis+i/)es. %eside Hi! there is John on who! He )eans. E're you not sayin& &ood2ye to ;our MotherFG >e2edee's son as6s Hi!. E8o. 0verythin& has a)ready 2een done. (urther!ore9 !a6e no noise.G Si!on9 who has )it a tor+h at the +hande)ier9 i))u!inates the wide +orridor that )eads to the door. 1eter o/ens the !ain door +autious)y and they a)) &o out into the street9 and then9 wor6in& a &ad&et9 they +)ose the door ro! outside. 'nd they start o . @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
$8&h Fe)!ua!/ $9**.

33 Jesus saysI EIn addition to the +onsideration on the )ove o a ,od 4ho 2e+o!es (ood or !en9 our

59/. The Pass",e Su55e .


!ain tea+hin&s stand out ro! the e/isode o the Su//er. The -irst( the necessity for all the children of &od to obey the 2aw. The Law /res+ri2ed that a )a!2 was to 2e +onsu!ed at 1assover a++ordin& to the ritua) &iven to Moses 2y the Most Hi&h9 and I9 the true Son o the true ,od9 did not +onsider Myse) e3e!/ted9 2e+ause o My divine =ua)ity9 ro! the Law. I was on the 0arthI Man a!on& !en and the Master o !en. I had9 there ore9 to do My duty towards ,od as and 2etter than any2ody e)se. $ivine avours do not dis/ense ro! 2ein& o2edient and ro! !a6in& an e ort towards a &reater and &reater ho)iness. I you +o!/are the !ost su2)i!e ho)iness with divine /er e+tion9 you wi)) a)ways ind it u)) o de e+ts9 and +onse=uent)y it is o2)i&ed to strive to e)i!inate the! and a+hieve a de&ree o /er e+tion as si!i)ar as /ossi2)e to ,od's. 34 The second( the power of !ary1s prayer. I was ,od 4ho had 2e+o!e ()esh. ' ()esh9 that 2ein& without stain9 had the s/iritua) stren&th o do!inatin& the )esh. 'nd I do not re use9 on the +ontrary I i!/)ore the he)/ o the (u)) o ,ra+e9 4ho in that hour o e3/iation wou)d have a)so ound Heaven +)osed over Her head9 that is true9 2ut not to the e3tent that She shou)d not su++eed in deta+hin& an an&e) ro! it9 sin+e She is the Aueen o an&e)s9 to +onso)e Her Son. 5hH 8ot or Herse) 9 /oor MotherH She a)so has tasted the 2itter a2andon!ent 2y the (ather9 2ut 2y !eans o that su erin& o ered or .ede!/tion9 She o2tained and !ade it /ossi2)e or Me to over+o!e the an&uish o the ,arden o 5)ives and to 2rin& the 1assion to +o!/)etion in a)) its !u)ti or! 2itterness9 ea+h o whi+h ai!ed at +)eansin& a or! and a !eans o sin. 35 The third( self4control and endurance of offences the su2)i!e +harita2)e attitude towards a)) o en+es9 as +an 2e /ossessed on)y 2y those who !a6e the Law o 7harity the )i e o their )ives9 as I had /ro+)ai!ed. 'nd I had not on)y /ro+)ai!ed it9 2ut I had rea))y /ra+tised it.

a+=uired it9 and I was a2)e to or&ive and 2ear that !aster/ie+e o an 5 ender9 whi+h was Judas. 3- The fourth( the #ore one is worthy of receiving a .acra#ent the greater is its effect. That isI i one has 2e+o!e worthy o it throu&h /erseverin& &ood wi))9 that su2dues the )esh and !a6es the s/irit soverei&n9 !asterin& +on+u/is+en+es9 dire+tin& one's 2ein& towards virtues9 2endin& it )i6e a 2ow towards the /er e+tion and a2ove a)) o Love. %e+ause9 when you )ove9 you are in+)ined to !a6e the /erson you )ove ha//y. John9 who )oved Me as no2ody e)se did9 and who was /ure9 re+eived the ut!ost trans or!ation ro! the Sa+ra!ent. He 2e&an as ro! that !o!ent to 2e the ea&)e9 that is a++usto!ed to soarin& easi)y in the Hi&h Heaven o ,od and starin& at the eterna) Sun. %ut woe to hi! who re+eives the Sa+ra!ent without 2ein& worthy o it9 and who9 on the +ontrary9 has in+reased his hu!an unworthiness with !orta) sins. Then instead o 2ein& the &er! o /reservation and )i e9 it 2e+o!es the &er! o +orru/tion and death. $eath o the s/irit and de+o!/osition o the )esh9 where2y it C2urstsD9 as 1eter says with re&ard to Judas. It does not shed 2)ood9 the vita) )i=uid a)ways 2eauti u) in its /ur/)e hue9 2ut its entrai)s 2urst out9 2)a+6ened 2y )e+hery9 rottenness /ourin& out o the de+o!/osed 2ody9 as out o the +arrion o an un+)ean ani!a)9 a dis&ustin& si&ht or /assers@2y. The death o the /ro aner o the Sa+ra!ent is a)ways the death o a des/erate /erson who9 there ore9 does not 6now the /)a+id /assin& away /e+u)iar to those who are in &ra+e9 or the heroi+ death o the vi+ti! who su ers intense)y 2ut )oo6s i3ed)y at Heaven and ee)s +ertain /ea+e in the sou). The death o one in des/air is !ar6ed dread u) +ontortions and terror9 it is a horri2)e +onvu)sion o the sou) a)ready &ri//ed 2y the hand o Satan9 who +ho6es it to deta+h (ro! the 2ody and su o+ates it with his nauseatin& 2reath. That is the di eren+e 2etween those who /ass away a ter 2ein& nourished with )ove9 aith9 ho/e and every other virtue and heaven)y do+trine and with the an&e)i+a) %read that a++o!/anies the! with its ruit J 2etter sti)) i with its rea) /resen+e J in the )ast <ourney9 and those who /ass away9 a ter the )i e o a 2rute9 with the death o a 2rute that ,ra+e and the Sa+ra!ent +annot +o! ort. The or!er is the serene end o a saint9 to who! death o/ens the eterna) :in&do!. The )atter is the ri&ht u) a)) o a da!ned sou)9 that ee)s it is a))in& into eterna) death and in a !o!ent 6nows what it wanted to )ose and or whi+h it +an no )on&er ind any re!edy. '+=uisition and <oy or the or!erM des/oi)!ent and terror or the )atter.

;ou +annot i!a&ine what it was or Me to have the Traitor at My ta2)e9 to have to &ive Myse) to hi!9 and hu!i)iate Myse) 2e ore hi!9 to have to share with hi! the ritua) +ha)i+e9 and /ut My )i/s where he had /ut his9 and !a6e My Mother do the sa!e. ;our do+tors have dis+ussed and sti)) dis+uss the ra/idity o My end and they say it ori&inated in a heart )esion 2rou&ht a2out 2y the 2)ows o the s+our&in&. ;es9 My heart was in<ured a)so 2y those 2)ows. %ut it had a)ready 2een da!a&ed at the Su//er. I was This is what you &ive yourse)ves9 a++ordin& to whether you 2e)ieve and )ove9 or you do heart@2ro6en 2y the e ort o havin& to endure the Traitor at My side. It was at the Su//er that I 2e&an to die /hysi+a))y. 4hat o))owed was on)y an in+rease o an a)ready not 2e)ieve and you deride My &i t. 'nd it is the )esson o this +onte!/)ation.G e3istin& a&ony. 4hat I was a2)e to do9 I did it 2e+ause I was a)) one with the Love. ')so when the ,od@Love withdrew ro! Me9 I was a2)e to 2e )ove9 2e+ause I had )ived o )ove durin& !y thirty@three years. It is not /ossi2)e to rea+h /er e+tion9 as is re=uired to or&ive and /ut u/ with our o ender9 i one has not a+=uired the ha2it o )ove. I had



THE PASSION 599. The A4#n/ and &he A!!es& a& Ge&hse(ane.
$,&h Fe)!ua!/ $9**.

1 Jesus saysI E'nd now +o!e. ')thou&h this evenin& you are )i6e one who is a2out to 2reathe his )ast9 +o!e9 so that I !ay )ead you towards My su erin&s. Lon& is the way that we sha)) have to +over to&ether9 2e+ause I was not s/ared any sorrowI neither the /ain o the )esh9 nor the &rie o the !ind9 o the heart9 o the s/irit. I tasted a)) o the!9 I ed on a)) o the!9 I =uen+hed My thirst with a)) o the!9 to the e3tent that I died o the!. I you )aid your )i/s on Mine9 you wou)d taste the 2itterness that they sti)) retain o so !u+h sorrow. I you +ou)d see My Hu!an nature in its a//earan+e9 whi+h is now re u)&ent9 you wou)d see that that re u)&en+e e!anates ro! the +ount)ess wounds that )i6e a &ar!ent o )ivin& /ur/)e +overed My )i!2s9 )a+erated9 e3san&uinated9 2eaten9 /ier+ed or your sa6e. My Hu!an nature is now re u)&ent. %ut one day it was )i6e that o a )e/er9 so ier+e)y it had 2een stru+6 and hu!i)iated. The Man@,od9 4ho had in Hi!se) the /er e+tion o /hysi+a) handso!eness9 2ein& the Son o ,od and o the i!!a+u)ate 4o!an9 to those who +ast )ovin&9 +urious9 or s+orn u)9 or evi) &)an+es at Hi!9 see!ed a Cwor!D9 as $avid says9 the s+orn o !an6ind9 the <est o /eo/)e. My )ove or My (ather and or My (ather's +hi)dren )ed Me to a2andon My 2ody to those who stru+6 Me9 to o er My a+e to those who s)a//ed Me and s/at at Me9 to those who thou&ht they were doin& a !eritorious deed 2y tearin& My hair and My 2eard9 /ier+in& My head with thorns9 !a6in& the earth and its ruits a++o!/)i+es o the tortures in )i+ted on their Saviour9 dis)o+atin& My )i!2s9 )ayin& 2are My 2ones9 tearin& o My &ar!ents9 thus o endin& My /urity in the !ost +rue) !anner9 nai)in& Me to a /ie+e o wood and )i tin& Me u/ )i6e a s)au&htered )a!2 on to the hoo6s o a 2ut+her9 and 2ar6in& around Me9 whi)e I was in a&ony9 )i6e a /a+6 o ravenous wo)ves !ade even wi)der 2y the s!e)) o 2)ood. I was a++used9 +onde!ned9 6i))ed9 2etrayed9 disowned9 so)d. I was a2andoned even 2y ,od9 2e+ause I was 2urdened with the +ri!es I had ta6en u/on Myse) . They !ade Me /oorer than a 2e&&ar s/oi)ed 2y hi&hway!en9 2e+ause they did not even )eave Me My tuni+ to +over My )ivid na6edness o a !artyr. 0ven a ter My death I was not s/ared the insu)t o a wound and the s)ander o ene!ies. I was overwhe)!ed 2y a)) the dirt o your sins9 I was hur)ed down as ar as the 2otto! o the dar6ness o sorrow9 de/rived o the )i&ht o Heaven that !i&ht re/)y to My dyin& eyes9 and o the divine voi+e that !i&ht answer My )ast invo+ation. 2 Isaiah e3/)ains the reason or so !u+h &rie I CHe has rea))y ta6en our evi)s u/on Hi!se) and ours are the sorrows He has +arried.D

5ur sorrowsH ;es9 I +arried the! on your 2eha) H To re)ieve yours9 to !iti&ate the!9 to +an+e) the!9 had you 2een aith u) to Me. %ut you did not want to 2e so. 'nd what did I &ain 2y itF ;ou C)oo6ed at Me as i I were a )e/er9 one stru+6 2y ,od.D ;es9 the )e/rosy o your in inite sins was u/on Me9 it was on Me )i6e a &ar!ent o /enan+e9 )i6e a +i)i+eM 2ut how did you not see ,od shine orth9 in His in inite )ove9 ro! that &ar!ent worn on His ho)iness on your 2eha) F CHe was wounded throu&h our wi+6edness9 and /ier+ed throu&h our +ri!esD says Isaiah9 who with his /ro/heti+ eyes saw that the Son o !an had 2e+o!e one hu&e sore to hea) those o !en. I they had on)y 2ruised My 2odyH %ut what you !ost wounded9 was My ee)in&s and s/irit. ;ou !ade a )au&hin& sto+6 and 2utt o 2othM and you stru+6 Me in the riendshi/ that I had &iven you9 throu&h JudasM in the )oya)ty that I ho/ed to re+eive ro! you9 throu&h 1eter who disowned MeM in the &ratitude or My avours9 throu&h those who shouted at MeI Cdeath to Hi!HD9 a ter I had +ured the! ro! so !any diseasesM throu&h )ove9 2e+ause o the torture in )i+ted on My MotherM throu&h re)i&ion9 +a))in& Me a 2)as/he!er o ,od9 whereas out o zea) or the +ause o ,od I had /ut Myse) in the hands o !an 2y 2e+o!in& in+arnate9 su erin& throu&hout My )i e and surrenderin& to hu!an ero+ity without utterin& a word or +o!/)ainin&. ' &)an+e wou)d have 2een su i+ient to in+inerate a++users9 <ud&es and e3e+utioners. %ut I had +o!e s/ontaneous)y to a++o!/)ish the sa+ri i+e9 and )i6e a )a!29 2e+ause I was the La!2 o ,od and I sha)) 2e so orever9 I a))owed !en to ta6e Me to 2e stri//ed and 6i))ed9 so that I !i&ht !a6e a Li e or you o My ()esh. 4hen I was )i ted u/9 I was a)ready +onsu!ed 2y su erin&s with no na!e9 with a)) the na!es. I 2e&an to die at %eth)ehe!9 seein& the )i&ht o the 0arth9 so distressin&)y di erent or Me 4ho was the Livin& %ein& in Heaven. I +ontinued to die in /overty9 in e3i)e9 in )i&ht9 in wor69 in in+o!/rehension9 in ati&ue9 in 2etraya)9 in torn a e+tions9 in torture9 in a)sehood9 in 2)as/he!y. I had +o!e to re@unite !an to ,od9 and that is what !an &ave MeH 3 Mary9 )oo6 at your Saviour. He is not dressed in white9 and His hair is not air. His eyes are not the sa//hire hue that you 6now. His &ar!ent is stained with 2)ood9 it is worn out and +overed with dirt and s/itt)e. His a+e is tu!e ied and twisted9 His eyes are vei)ed with 2)ood and tears9 and He )oo6s at you throu&h the +rust or!ed 2y the! and 2y the dust that !a6es His eye)ids heavy. My hands J +an you see the!F J are one 2i& sore and are awaitin& the )ast 4ounds. Loo6 at Me9 )itt)e John9 as your 2rother John )oo6ed at Me. My oot/rints are stained with 2)ood. 1ers/iration washes away the 2)ood that dro/s ro! the wounds !ade 2y the s+our&es9 and that is sti)) )e t a ter the a&ony in the ,arden. 4ords +o!e out o My /ar+hed 2ruised )i/s in the /ain u) /antin& o My heart that is a)ready dyin& throu&h a))

599. The A1"n( and &he A es& a& 4e&hse.ane.


6inds o torture.

!i)6y si)very !oon@2ea!s shine on it9 e!2e))ishin& the stones and the earth o the street. %ut under the !any ar+hivo)ts )in6in& one house to another9 )i6e draw2rid&es or (ro! now on you wi)) o ten see Me )i6e this. I a! the :in& o sorrows and I wi)) +o!e 2uttresses su//ortin& the o)d houses with very ew o/enin&s on the streets9 and whi+h in My re&a) dress to s/ea6 to you o My sorrow. ')thou&h you are in a&ony9 o))ow Me. are now a)) )o+6ed and dar6 as i they had 2een a2andoned9 there is +o!/)ete dar6ness 's I a! the Mer+i u) 5ne9 I sha)) 2e a2)e to /ut a)so the s+ented honey o !ore serene and the reddish )i&ht o the tor+h he)d 2y Si!on 2e+o!es /arti+u)ar)y 2ri&ht and even +onte!/)ations 2e ore your )i/s9 /oisoned 2y My sorrow. %ut you !ust sti)) /re er !ore use u). these ones9 s!eared with 2)ood9 2e+ause it is throu&h the! that you have the Li e9 and you wi)) 2e a2)e to ta6e the Li e to other /eo/)e. :iss My 2)eedin& hand and 2e vi&i)ant In the red !o2i)e )i&ht a+es stand out in neat re)ie and ea+h shows a di erent !ood. when !editatin& on Me9 the .edee!er.G The !ost so)e!n and +a)! is Jesus'9 a)thou&h tiredness !a6es it )oo6 o)der9 urrowin& it with wrin6)es that usua))y are not there and a)ready show the uture i!a&e o His a+e I see Jesus as He des+ri2es Hi!se) . This evenin& I have rea))y 2een in a&ony as ro! re+o!/osed in death. John9 who is 2eside Hi!9 )oo6s around at everythin& he +an see 1900 hours Kit is 1. 15 a.!. o the 11th9 2y nowL. with a sur/rised sorrow u) +ountenan+e. He )oo6s )i6e a +hi)d who has 2een terrorised 2y a story he has heard or 2y a ri&htenin& /ro!ise and i!/)ores he)/ ro! so!eone @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ who is !ore e3/erien+ed than he is. %ut who +an he)/ hi!F Si!on9 who is on Jesus' 4 Jesus says to !e this !ornin&9 the 11th (e2ruary9 at ".30I other side9 )oo6s reserved9 &)oo!y )i6e a !an who is turnin& over dread u) thou&hts in his !ind. 'nd he is the on)y one who9 a ter Jesus9 )oo6s di&ni ied. E;esterday evenin& I wanted to s/ea6 to you on)y o Myse) 9 a /rey to su erin&9 2e+ause I have 2e&un the des+ri/tion and visions o My sorrows. ;esterday evenin& it 6 The others9 in two &rou/s that +ontinuous)y +han&e in or!ation9 are a)) in a er!ent. was the introdu+tion. 'nd you were so e3hausted9 My riendH %ut 2e ore the a&ony 'nd now and a&ain the hoarse voi+e o 1eter and the 2aritone one o Tho!as are raised +o!es 2a+6 a&ain9 I !ust re/roa+h you &ent)y. resoundin& stran&e)y. They are then )owered9 as i they were a raid o what they say. ;esterday !ornin& you were se) ish. ;ou said to your s/iritua) (atherI CLet us ho/e that I sha)) 2e a2)e to ho)d out9 2e+ause !y ati&ue is &reater.D 8o. His is &reater9 2e+ause it is hard and is not +o!/ensated 2y the 2)iss o seein& visions and o havin& Jesus /resent9 as you have Hi!9 a)so in His ho)y Hu!an nature. 8ever 2e se) ish9 not even in the )east thin&s. ' wo!an dis+i/)e9 a )itt)e John9 !ust 2e very hu!2)e and +harita2)e9 )i6e her Jesus. 'nd now +o!e and stay with Me. CThe )owers have a//earedN the /runin& ti!e has +o!eN the voi+e o the )itt)e turt)e@dove has 2een heard in the +ountryN C 'nd they are the )owers that have +o!e u/ in the /oo)s o %)ood o your 7hrist. 'nd He 4ho wi)) 2e +ut o )i6e a /runed 2ran+h is the .edee!er. 'nd the voi+e o the turt)e@dove9 +a))in& the 2ride to a sorrow u) ho)y weddin& 2an=uet9 is Mine9 or I )ove you. .ise and +o!e9 as today's Mass says. 7o!e to +onte!/)ate and su er. It is the &i t that I &rant My 2e)oved one.G @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
$+&h .a!'h $9*5.

They are dis+ussin& what is to 2e done9 and so!e su&&est one thin&9 so!e another. %ut a)) /ro/osa)s are dro//ed9 2e+ause Cthe hour o dar6nessD is rea))y a2out to 2e&in9 and the o/inions o !en are o2s+ure and +on used. EI shou)d have 2een to)d ear)ierG says 1eter worried)y. E%ut no one has s/o6en. 8ot even the MasterNG E8everH He wou)d never have to)d you. %rotherH ;ou do not see! to 6now Hi!HNG EI e)t there was so!e trou2)e. 'nd I saidI CLet us &o and die with Hi!.D $o you re!e!2erF %ut9 2y our Most Ho)y ,od9 i I had 6nown that it was Judas o Si!onNG shouts Tho!as in a thunderous threatenin& voi+e. E'nd what did you want to doFG as6s %artho)o!ew. EMeF I wou)d do it even now9 i you he)/ed !eHG E4hatF 4ou)d you &o and 6i)) hi!F 4hereFG E8o. I wou)d ta6e the Master away. It is easierHG

5 There is dead si)en+e in the street. In so !u+h si)en+e there is on)y the noise o a )itt)e EHe wou)d not +o!eHG ountain9 the water o whi+h a))s into a stone 2asin. 5n the eastern side9 a)on& the wa))s EI wou)d not as6 Hi! whether He wants to +o!e. I wou)d a2du+t Hi! as one a2du+ts a o the houses it is sti)) dar69 whereas on the other side the to/s o houses are 2e&innin& wo!an.G to &row white in the !oon)i&ht9 and where the street widens out into a )itt)e s=uare9 the

599. The A1"n( and &he A es& a& 4e&hse.ane.


EIt wou)d not 2e a wi+6ed ideaHG says 1eter. 'nd he &oes 2a+6 i!/u)sive)y9 he <oins the te)) HerNG &rou/ o ')/haeus' two sons9 who with Matthew and Ja!es are whis/erin& to one EIF $e+eive HerF See Her 2eside we whi)e She is unaware9 and thenFN 'hH no. I a! another )i6e +ons/irators. ready to die9 2ut not to 2etray that doveNG EListen9 Tho!as says that we shou)d ta6e Jesus away. ')) to&ether. 4e +ou)dN ro! Their voi+es !in&)e in a whis/er. ,et@Sa!ni throu&h %eth/ha&e to %ethany and ro! thereN to so!e other /)a+e. Sha)) we do thatF 5n+e He is in a sa e /)a+e9 we wi)) +o!e 2a+6 and wi/e out Judas.G 7 E$o ;ou hearF Master9 we )ove ;ouG says Si!on. EIt is use)ess. The who)e o Israe) is a tra/G says Ja!es o ')/haeus. E'nd now it is a2out to &o o . It was understanda2)e. Too !u+h hatredHG EMatthewH ;ou !a6e !e an&ryH ;ou had !ore +oura&e when you were a sinnerH 1hi)i/9 te)) us what you thin6FG 1hi)i/9 who is +o!in& a)) a)one and see!s to 2e ta)6in& to hi!se) 9 )oo6s u/ and sto/s. 1eter <oins hi! and they whis/er to ea+h other. They then arrive at the /revious &rou/ and 1hi)i/ saysI EI wou)d say that the Te!/)e is the 2est /)a+e.G E're you !adFG shout the +ousins9 Matthew and Ja!es. E%ut it is in there that they want Hi! deadHG EHushH How !u+h +)a!ourH I 6now what I a! sayin&. They wi)) )oo6 or Hi! everywhere. %ut not there. ;ou and John have &ood riends a!on& 'nnas' servants. ' handso!e /resentN and it is a)) sett)ed. %e)ieve !eH The 2est /)a+e to hide one who is wanted is the <ai)ors' house.G EI wi)) not do itG says Ja!es o >e2edee. E%ut )isten a)so to what the others say. John9 irst o a)). 'nd i they shou)d arrest Hi!F I don't want any2ody to say that I a! the traitorNG EI had not thou&ht o that. SoFG 1eter is at a )oss. E4e))9 I wou)d say that it is +o!/assionate to do one thin&. The on)y thin& we +an do. Ta6e away His MotherNG says Judas o ')/haeus. EI 6now. I a! not in need o those words to 6now. 'nd i they &ive /ea+e to the 7hrist's heart9 they wound His sou).G E4hy9 !y LordF They are words o )ove.G E5 an entire)y hu!an )ove. Tru)y9 in these three years I have done nothin&9 2e+ause you are even !ore hu!an than at the irst hour. This evenin&9 a)) the i)thiest er!ents are risin& in you. %ut it is not your au)tNG ESave ;ourse) 9 JesusHG says John !oanin&. EI a! savin& Myse) .G E're ;ouF 5hH My ,od9 than6 ;ouHG John )oo6s )i6e a )ower that had withered throu&h e3+essive heat and 2e+o!es resh a&ain standin& strai&ht on its ste!. EI wi)) te)) the others. 4here are we &oin&FG EI a! &oin& to My death. ;ou to (aith.G E%ut did ;ou not say <ust now that you were &oin& to save ;ourse) FG The 2e)oved a/ost)e )oses heart a&ain. E;es9 I a! in a+t savin& Myse) . I I did not o2ey My (ather9 I wou)d )ose Myse) . I o2ey Hi!. So I save Myse) . %ut do not wee/ soH ;ou are not so 2rave as the dis+i/)es o that ,ree6 /hi)oso/her9 o who! I s/o6e to you one day. They re!ained with their tea+her9 who was dyin& havin& ta6en a /otion o he!)o+69 and they +o! orted hi! with their !an)y sorrow. ;ouN you )oo6 )i6e a )itt)e 2oy who has )ost his ather.G

E5 +ourseHN %utN 4ho wi)) &oF 4hat sha)) we te)) HerF ;ou shou)d &o9 as you are a E'nd is it not soF 4hat I a! )osin& is !ore than the )oss o a atherH I a! )osin& re)ative o Hers.G ;ouNG EI a! stayin& with Jesus. It is !y ri&ht. ;ou +an &o.G EIHF I have ar!ed !yse) with a sword to die )i6e 0)eazar o Saura. I wi)) /ass throu&h )e&ions to de end !y Jesus9 and I wi)) stri6e without restraint. I I &et 6i))ed 2y a !ore nu!erous or+e9 it does not !atter. I wi)) have de ended Hi!G /ro+)ai!s 1eter. E%ut are you rea))y sure that it is the Is+ariotFG 1hi)i/ as6s Thaddeus. EI a! +ertain. 8one o us has the heart o a sna6e. He on)yN Matthew9 &o to Mary and E;ou are not )osin& Me9 2e+ause you wi)) +ontinue to )ove Me. He is )ost who is se/arated ro! us 2y o2)ivion on the 0arth and ro! ,od's Jud&e!ent in the herea ter. %ut we sha)) never 2e se/arated. 8either 2y this one or 2y that one.G %ut John wi)) not )isten to reason. 8 Si!on +o!es +)oser to Jesus and in a )ow voi+e +on ides to Hi!I EMasterN Si!on 1eter andN I were ho/in& to do a &ood thin&N %utN Sin+e ;ou 6now everythin&9 te))

599. The A1"n( and &he A es& a& 4e&hse.ane.


!eI within how !any hours do ;ou thin6 ;ou wi)) 2e arrestedFG E's soon as the !oon is at the su!!it o her ar+.G

EThen ;ou 6now thatNG

ESi!on9 it is the hour o My /assion. To !a6e it !ore +o!/)ete9 the (ather is withdrawin& His )i&ht ro! Me9 as it &ets nearer. %e ore )on& I sha)) have 2ut dar6ness Si!on !a6es a &esture o &rie and i!/atien+e9 not to say o an&er. EThen it was a)) and the +onte!/)ation o what is dar6nessI that is9 a)) the sins o !en. %ou cannot none use)essN Master9 I wi)) now te)) ;ou. ;ou a)!ost re/roa+hed Si!on 1eter and !e or of you can understand. 8o2ody9 e3+e/t who wi)) 2e +a))ed 2y ,od or this s/e+ia) )eavin& ;ou so a)one these )ast daysN %ut we were away on ;our 2eha) N (or ;our !ission9 wi)) understand this /assion in the &reat 1assion9 and as !an is !ateria) even sa6e. 1eter9 ri&htened 2y ;our words9 +a!e to !e on Monday ni&ht whi)e I was in )ovin& and !editatin&9 there wi)) 2e who wi)) wee/ and su er 2e+ause o the s)ee/in& and he said to !eI C;ou and I9 I +an trust you9 !ust do so!ethin& or Jesus. s+our&in& and the torture o the .edee!er9 but this spiritual torture that believe !e Judas a)so said that he wants to attend to it.D 5hH why did we not understand thenF 4hy you who are listening to !e is the #ost atrocious one will not be #easured6 So did ;ou not say anythin& to usF %ut9 te)) !e9 did ;ou not te)) any2odyF .ea))yF s/ea69 Si!on. ,uide Me a)on& the /aths where your riendshi/ went or My sa6e9 1erha/s ;ou 2e+a!e aware o it on)y a ew hours a&oFG 2e+ause I a! a /oor !an who is 2e+o!in& 2)ind and sees &hosts9 not rea) thin&sNG EI have a)ways 6nown a2out it. 0ven 2e ore he 2e+a!e a dis+i/)e. 'nd I tried in every John e!2ra+es Hi! and as6sI E4hatF 7an ;ou no )on&er see ;our JohnFG way to send hi! away ro! Me so that his +ri!e !i&ht not 2e /er e+t9 2oth ro! the divine and hu!an /oints o view. Those who want My death are the e3e+utioners o EI +an see you. %ut the &hosts rise ro! the o&s o Satan. Bisions o ni&ht!ares and ,od. This dis+i/)e and riend o Mine is a)so the Traitor9 the e3e+utioner o !an. My sorrows. This evenin& we are a)) enve)o/ed in this he))ish !ias!a. It is striving to irst e3e+utioner9 2e+ause he has a)ready 6i))ed Me throu&h the e ort o havin& hi! create cowardice disobedience and sorrow in !e. It wi)) +reate disa//oint!ent and 2eside Me9 at the ta2)e9 and havin& to /rote+t hi! 2y Myse) a&ainst you.G ear in you9 in other /eo/)e9 who are neither ear u) nor +ri!ina)9 it wi)) 2rin& a2out de)in=uen+y and ear. In others9 who a)ready 2e)on& to Satan9 it wi)) &ive rise to E'nd does no one 6nowFG su/ernatura) /erversion. I a! sayin& so 2e+ause their /er e+tion in evi) wi)) 2e su+h as to e3+eed hu!an /ossi2i)ities and a+hieve the /er e+tion whi+h is a)ways in the EJohn does. I to)d hi! at the end o the Su//er. %ut what have you doneFG su/ernatura). 10 S/ea6 u/9 Si!on.G E'nd what a2out LazarusF $oes Lazarus rea))y not 6now anythin&F 4e went to hi! E;es. 's ro! Tuesday we have done nothin& 2ut &o around to ind out9 to /revent9 to today9 2e+ause he +a!e ear)y in the !ornin&9 he o ered his sa+ri i+e and went 2a+6 )oo6 or he)/.G without even sto//in& at his !ansion or &oin& to the 1raetoriu!. %e+ause he a)ways &oes there9 o))owin& a ha2it o his ather. 'nd9 as ;ou are aware9 1i)ate is in town E'nd what have you 2een a2)e to doFG these daysNG E8othin&. 5r very )itt)e.G E;es. They are a)) here. There is .o!eI the new >ion9 with 1i)ate. There is Israe) with 7aia/has and Herod. There is the who)e o Israe)9 2e+ause 1assover has &athered the E'nd that )itt)e wi)) 2e Cnothin&D when ear /ara)yses your hearts.G +hi)dren o this /eo/)e at the oot o the a)tar o ,odN 9 Have you seen ,a!a)ie)FG EI 2e+a!e irritated a)so with LazarusN It is the irst ti!e that it ha//ens to !eN I was E;es9 I have. 4hy are ;ou as6in& !eF I have to see hi! a&ain to!orrowNG irritated 2e+ause he see!s to 2e s)oth u)N He +ou)d ta6e a+tion. He is a riend o the ,overnor. He is a)ways Theo/hi)us' sonH %ut Lazarus re<e+ted every /ro/osa) o Mine. E,a!a)ie) is at %eth/ha&e this evenin&. I 6now. 4hen we arrive at ,ethse!ane9 you I )e t hi! shoutin& at hi!I CI thin6 that you are the riend o who! the Master s/ea6s. wi)) &o to ,a!a)ie) and say to hi!I C;ou wi)) short)y have the si&n that you have 2een ;ou i)) !e with horrorHD and I did not want to &o 2a+6 to hi! any !oreN %ut this awaitin& or twenty@one years.D 8othin& e)se. Then you wi)) +o!e 2a+6 to your !ornin& he sent or !e and he saidI C7an you sti)) 2e)ieve that I a! the traitorFD I had +o!/anions.G a)ready seen ,a!a)ie) and Jose/h and 7huza9 8i+ode!us and Manaen9 and ina))y ;our 2rother Jose/hN and I +ou)d no )on&er 2e)ieve that. I said to hi!I C(or&ive !e9 E%ut how do ;ou 6nowF 5hH !y Master9 !y /oor Master9 4ho has not even the Lazarus. %ut I ee) that !y !ind is !ore deran&ed now than when I was +onde!ned +o! ort o not 2ein& aware o deeds o other /eo/)eHG !yse) D 'nd it is so9 MasterN I a! no )on&er !yse) N %ut why are ;ou s!i)in&FG E;ou are ri&htH The +o! ort o not 6nowin&H 1oor MasterH %e+ause evi) deeds are !ore E%e+ause that +on ir!s what I said <ust now. The o& o Satan enve)o/s and u/sets you. nu!erous than &ood ones. %ut I see a)so the &ood ones and I re<oi+e at the!.G

599. The A1"n( and &he A es& a& 4e&hse.ane.


4hat did Lazarus say in re/)yFG

E5hH or&ive !e9 MasterN or&ive !e. I a! )i6e an ine2riated ravin& !an.G

EHe saidI CI understand you. 7o!e today9 with 8i+ode!us. I !ust see you.D 'nd I E'nd what does Manaen sayFG went9 whi)e 1eter went to the ,a)i)eans. %e+ause ;our 2rother9 who is so ar away9 is !ore in or!ed than we are. He says that he was in or!ed 2y +han+e9 s/ea6in& to an o)d EManaen says that it +annot 2e true9 and i it were9 that he wou)d o))ow ;ou to the s+a o)d.G riend o ')/haeus and Jose/h9 a ,a)i)ean who )ives near the !ar6et.G EHow you a)) re)y on yourse)vesHN How !u+h /ride there is in !anH 'nd what a2out E5hHN yesN ' &reat riend o the a!i)yNG 8i+ode!us and Jose/hF 4hat do they 6nowFG EHe is there with Si!on and the wo!en. There is a)so the a!i)y ro! 7ana.G E8othin& !ore than I do. So!e ti!e a&o in a !eetin& Jose/h was an&ry with the EI have seen Si!on.G Sanhedrin9 2e+ause he +a))ed the! 6i))ers as they wanted to 6i)) an inno+ent9 and he saidI C0verythin& is i))e&a) in here. He is ri&ht when He says that there is a2o!ination E4e))9 Jose/h was to)d 2y this riend o his9 who is a)so a riend o one o the Te!/)e9 in the house o the Lord. This a)tar is to 2e destroyed 2e+ause it has 2een /ro aned.D who has 2e+o!e his re)ative on wo!en's side9 that they have de+ided to arrest ;ou9 and They did not stone hi!9 2e+ause he is Jose/h. %ut sin+e then they have 6e/t hi! in the he said to 1eterI CI have a)ways o//osed Hi!. %ut I did it out o )ove and whi)e He was dar6 a2out everythin&. 5n)y ,a!a)ie) and 8i+ode!us have re!ained riend)y with hi!. sti)) Stron&. %ut now that He has 2e+o!e )i6e a +hi)d and is a /rey to His ene!ies9 I9 a %ut the or!er does not s/ea6. 'nd the )atterN 8either he nor Jose/h have 2een re)ative who has a)ways )oved Hi!9 a! with Hi!. It's !y duty 2y 2)ood and 2y )ove.DG su!!oned any !ore to the Sanhedrin or the rea))y i!/ortant de+isions. It !eets i))e&a))y here and there9 at di erent hours9 or ear o the! and o .o!e. 'hH I was Jesus s!i)es9 showin& or a !o!ent the serene a+e o <oy u) hours. or&ettin&HN The she/herds. They are with the ,a)i)eans as we)). %ut we are ewH I E'nd Jose/h said to 1eterI CThe 1harisees o ,a)i)ee are wi+6ed )i6e a)) the 1harisees. Lazarus had on)y )istened to us and had +o!e to the 1raetorH %ut he wou)d not )isten to %ut ,a)i)ee is not a)) 1harisees. 'nd !any ,a)i)eans are here who )ove Hi!. Let us &o usN That is what we have doneN Mu+hN and nothin&N and I ee) so de/ressed that I and te)) the! to &ather to&ether to de end Hi!. 4e have nothin& 2ut 6nives. %ut a)so shou)d )i6e to &o around the +ountry how)in& )i6e a <a+6a)9 2e+o!in& 2ruta) in an or&y9 +)u2s are wea/ons when they are hand)ed /ro/er)y. 'nd i the .o!an troo/s do not 6i))in& )i6e a hi&hway!an9 i on)y to &et rid o this idea that Ceverythin& is use)essD9 as +o!e9 we wi)) soon &et the 2etter o those +oward)y +ads o the Te!/)e &uards.D 'nd Lazarus said9 as Jose/h and 7huza and Manaen and ,a!a)ie) saidNG The >ea)ot no 1eter went with hi!. In the !eanti!e I went to Lazarus with 8i+ode!us. 4e had )on&er see!s hi!se) N de+ided to +onvin+e Lazarus to +o!e with us and to o/en his house to 2e with ;ou. He said to usI CI !ust o2ey Jesus and re!ain here. To su er twi+e as !u+hND Is it trueFG E4hat did the ra22i sayFG EIt is true. I &ave hi! that order.G E%ut he &ave !e the swords. They 2e)on& to hi!. 5ne or !e9 the other or 1eter. 7huza a)so wanted to &ive !e so!e swords. %utN 4hat is the use o two 2its o stee) a&ainst the who)e wor)dF 7huza +annot 2e)ieve that what ;ou say is true. He swears that he 6nows nothin& and that at the +ourt they thin6 o nothin& 2ut en<oyin& the eastN ' reve)ry as usua). So !u+h so that he to)d Johanna to retire to one o their houses in Judaea. %ut Johanna wants to re!ain here9 +)osed in her !ansion9 as i she were not there. %ut she wi)) not &o away. 1)autina9 'nne9 8i6e9 and two .o!an )adies o 7)audia's househo)d are stayin& with her. They wee/9 /ray and !a6e inno+ents /ray. %ut it is no ti!e or /rayers. It is ti!e or 2)ood. I ee) the Czea)otD 2e+o!in& a)ive in !e and I a! ea&er to 6i)) in reven&eHNG ESi!onH I I had wanted you to die as a da!ned sou)9 I wou)d not have reed you ro! your deso)ationHNG Jesus is very severe. EHe saidI CI do not e3a+t)y 6now what 7aia/has' /ur/ose is. %ut I te)) you that what you say is /ro/hesied on)y or the 7hrist. 'nd as I do not re+o&nise the 7hrist in this /ro/het9 I see no reason to 2e e3+ited. ' &ood !an9 a riend o ,od wi)) 2e 6i))ed. %ut o how !any )i6e hi! has >ion drun6 the 2)oodFHD 'nd as we insisted on ;our divine 8ature9 he stu22orn)y re/eatedI C4hen I see the si&n9 I wi)) 2e)ieve.D 'nd he /ro!ised to a2stain ro! votin& or ;our death and9 on the +ontrary9 i /ossi2)e he wi)) try to +onvin+e the others not to +onde!n ;ou. That9 and nothin& e)se. He does not 2e)ieveH He wi)) not 2e)ieveH I on)y nothin& ha//ened ti)) to!orrowN %ut ;ou say it is not so. 11 5hH what sha)) we doFHG E%ou will go to 2a:arus and you will try to ta"e as #any as possible with you. 8ot on)y the a/ost)es. %ut a)so the dis+i/)es that you wi)) ind wanderin& a2out the roads in the +ountry. See i you +an ind the she/herds and order the! to do so. The house in %ethany is !ore than ever the ho!e in %ethany9 the house o 6ind hos/ita)ity. Those who do not have the courage to face the hatred of a whole population ought to ta"e shelter there. And wait6G

599. The A1"n( and &he A es& a& 4e&hse.ane.


E4e wi)) not )eave ;ou.G E$o not /artN $ivided9 you wou)d 2e nothin&. @nited you will still be a power. .i#on pro#ise !e that. ;ou are +a)!9 )oya)9 you +an s/ea6 to and in )uen+e even 1eter. 'nd you have a &reat o2)i&ation towards Me. I a! re!indin& you o it or the irst ti!e9 to !a6e you o2edient. Loo69 we are at the :idron. (ro! there you9 a )e/er9 +)i!2ed u/ towards Me and you de/arted +)eansed. &ive !e that for what I gave you. &ive the !an what I gave #an. I a# the leper now... G E8oH $o not say thatHG say the two dis+i/)es !oanin&. EIt is soH 1eter and My 2rothers wi)) 2e the !ost de/ressed. My honest 1eter wi)) ee) )i6e a +ri!ina) and wi)) have no /ea+e. 'nd My 2rothersN They wi)) not have the +oura&e to )oo6 at their !other and at MineN I re+o!!end the! to youNG E'nd what a2out !e9 Lord9 to who! sha)) I 2e)on&F 're ;ou not thin6in& o !eFG E5 My +hi)dH %ou are entrusted to your love. It is so strong that it will guide you as a #other. I &ive you neither order nor &uide. I )eave you on the waters o )ove. They are su+h a +a)! and dee/ river in you9 that they raise no dou2t in Me a2out your uture. Si!on9 have you understoodF 1ro!ise Me9 do /ro!ise MeHG It is /ain u) to see Jesus so distressedN He resu!esI E%e ore the others +o!eH 5hH than6 youH May you 2e 2)essedHG 12 They a)) &ather to&ether a&ain in a &rou/. ELet us /art now. I a! &oin& arther u/9 to /ray. I want 1eter9 John and Ja!es with Me. ;ou9 re!ain here. 'nd i you shou)d 2e overwhe)!ed9 +a)) us. 'nd 2e not a raid. 8ot a sin&)e hair o your heads wi)) 2e hurt. 1ray or Me. Lay aside hatred and ear. It wi)) on)y 2e a !o!entN and then it wi)) 2e u)) <oy. .#ile. That I #ay have your s#iles in !y heart. And once again than" you for everything !y friends. &oodbye. May the Lord not a2andon youNG

They &o on unti) they rea+h the ed&e o the irst es+ar/!ent o the rusti+ a!/hitheatre o the o)ive@&rove9 the entran+e to whi+h is a s!a)) irre&u)ar /)ain9 and the tiers the severa) es+ar/!ents that rise u/ the !ountain in &rou/s o o)ive@trees. Jesus then saysI ESto/9 wait or Me here9 whi)e I /ray. %ut do not a)) as)ee/. I !ay need you. 'nd9 I as6 you this out o +harity9 /rayH ;our Master is very de/ressed.G He is in a+t a)ready in a state o dee/ de/ression. He a)ready see!s over2urdened 2y a wei&ht. 4here is now the viri)e Jesus 4ho s/o6e to the +rowds9 handso!e9 stron&9 with eyes o a ru)er9 a +a)! s!i)e9 a 2eauti u) resonant voi+eF He a)ready see!s 2reath)ess. He is )i6e one who has run or has we/t. His voi+e is tired and e3hausted. Sad9 sad9 sad... 1eter re/)ies on 2eha) o every2odyI E$o not worry9 Master. 4e wi)) 6ee/ awa6e and /ray. ')) ;ou have to do is to +a)) us9 and we wi)) +o!e.G 'nd Jesus )eaves the!9 whi)e the three stoo/ to &ather )eaves and twi&s and )i&ht a )itt)e ire to 6ee/ the! awa6e9 and as a re!edy a&ainst the dew that is 2e&innin& to a)) /)enti u))y. 13 Turnin& His 2a+6 to the! He wa)6s eastwards9 so that the !oons shines on His a+e. I see that a dee/ sorrow di)ates His eyes even !ore9 /erha/s it is the dar6 rin&s o tiredness that en)ar&e the!9 or it is the shadow o the eye2rows. I do not 6now. I 6now that His eyes are !ore o/en and dee/er set. He +)i!2s with His head )owered9 on)y now and a&ain He raises it with a si&h9 as i He had di i+u)ty in doin& so and were /antin&9 and then He +asts His eyes9 that are so sad9 around the /ea+e u) o)ive@&rove. He +)i!2s u/ a ew !etres9 He then &oes round an es+ar/!ent that thus re!ains 2etween Hi! and the three a/ost)es )e t arther down.

The es+ar/!ent9 a ew +enti!etres hi&h at the 2e&innin&9 rises +ontinuous)y and is soon !ore than two !etres hi&h9 so that it /rote+ts Jesus +o!/)ete)y ro! 2ein& noti+ed 2y !ore or )ess dis+reet or riend)y eyes. Jesus &oes on as ar as a hu&e ro+69 that at a +ertain /oint 2)o+6s the /ath and has /ro2a2)y 2een /ut there to su//ort the s)o/e9 that on one side des+ends !ore stee/)y and 2are as ar as a deso)ate hea/ o ruins /re+edin& Jesus /arts ro! the a/ost)es and &oes ahead9 whi)e 1eter !a6es Si!on &ive hi! the the wa))s 2eyond whi+h is Jerusa)e!9 and on the other rises with !ore es+ar/!ents and tor+h a ter the )atter has )it with it so!e resinous dry twi&s9 that 2urn +ra+6)in& on the o)ive@trees. 'n o)ive@tree9 a)) 6nots and twisted9 dan&)es ri&ht a2ove the hu&e ro+6. It ed&e o the o)ive &rove9 s/readin& a s!e)) o <uni/er. It &rieves !e to see Thaddeus +ast )oo6s )i6e a 2izarre =uestion !ar69 /)a+ed there 2y nature to as6 so!e =uestions. The su+h an intense and sorrow u) &)an+e at Jesus9 that the Latter turns round to see who has )ea y 2ran+hes on the to/ o it answer the =uestions o the trun69 at ti!es sayin& yes 2y 2een )oo6in& at Hi!. %ut Thaddeus hides 2ehind %artho)o!ew 2itin& his )i/s to +ontro) 2endin& towards the &round9 at ti!es no9 swin&in& ro! )e t to ri&ht9 in a )i&ht 2reeze9 hi!se) . whi+h 2)ows throu&h the 2ran+hes9 and at ti!es +arries the s!e)) o the earth9 at ti!es the 2itterish s+ent o o)ive@trees9 at ti!es the !i3ed /er u!e o roses and )i)ies o the 4ith His hand Jesus !a6es a &esture9 whi+h is o 2)essin& and arewe)) at the sa!e va))ey9 that one wonders where it +o!es ro!. %eyond the )itt)e /ath and 2eneath it9 ti!e9 and &oes on His way. The !oon9 now very hi&h9 with her )i&ht en+ir+)es His ta)) there are !ore o)ive@trees and one o the!9 <ust under the ro+69 that has survived i&ure and see!s to !a6e it even ta))er9 s/iritua)isin& it9 !a6in& His red &ar!ent a)thou&h s/)it 2y )i&htnin&9 or +)e t 2y so!e other a&ent un6nown to !e9 o the ori&ina) 2ri&hter and His &o)den hair /a)er. %ehind Hi! 1eter ho)din& the tor+h and >e2edee's trun6 has !ade two trun6s that have +o!e u/ )i6e the two stro6es o a hu&e 2)o+6@)etter two son hasten their ste/s. B9 with the o)ia&e o one a//earin& on one side o the ro+6 and that o the other on the

599. The A1"n( and &he A es& a& 4e&hse.ane.


other side9 as i they wished to see or vei) it at the sa!e ti!e9 or or! a /ea+e u) si)very &rey 2ase or the ro+6. 14 Jesus sto/s there. He does not )oo6 at the town that is visi2)e down there9 a)) white in the !oon)i&ht. 5n the +ontrary9 He turns His 2a+6 to it and /rays with His ar!s stret+hed out +rosswise9 His a+e towards the s6y. I +annot see His a+e 2e+ause it is in the shade9 as the !oon is a)!ost /er/endi+u)ar over His head9 that is true9 2ut there is a)so the thi+6 o)ia&e o the o)ive@tree 2etween Hi! and the !oon9 that with di i+u)ty i)ters throu&h the eaves wit tiny rin&s and need)es o )i&ht in /er/etua) !ove!ent. ' )on& ervent /rayer. 8ow and a&ain He si&hs and utters a word !ore +)ear)y. It is neither a /sa)! nor the 5ur (ather. It is a /rayer risin& ro! His )ove and His need. ' true +onversation with His (ather. I understand it throu&h the ew words I &ras/I E;ou 6nowN I a! ;our SonN 0verythin&9 2ut he)/ MeN The hour has +o!eN I no )on&er 2e)on& to the 0arth. Sto/ a)) need o he)/ or ;our 4ordN Ma6e the Man satis y ;ou as the .edee!er9 as the 4ord was o2edient to ;ouN 's ;ou wishN I as6 ;ou to have !er+y on the!N 4i)) I save the!F That is what I as6 o ;ou. This I wantI that they 2e saved ro! the wor)d9 ro! the )esh9 ro! the de!onN May I !a6e urther re=uestsF It is a air =uestion9 (ather. 8ot or Myse) . (or !an9 who was +reated 2y ;ou9 and who wanted to soi) a)so his sou). I wi)) throw that dirt into My sorrow and into My %)ood9 so that the in+orru/ti2)e essen+e o the s/irit9 whi+h is /)easin& to ;ou9 !ay 2e reinstatedN 'nd it is everywhere. He is the 6in& this evenin&. In the roya) /a)a+e and in houses. '!on& so)diers and in the Te!/)eN The town is u)) o it9 and it wi)) 2e he)) to!orrowNG

E're you s)ee/in&F Have you not 2een a2)e to 6ee/ awa6e or one hour on)yF 'nd I need your +o! ort and your /rayers so !u+hHG The three wa6e u/ with a start and are utter)y +on used. They ru2 their eyes. They !ur!ur an e3+use9 2)a!in& their /oor di&estion as the +ause o their drowsinessI EIt's the wineN the oodN %ut it wi)) soon 2e over. It was on)y a !o!ent. 4e did not ee) )i6e s/ea6in&9 and that !ade us a)) as)ee/. %ut we wi)) now /ray in )oud voi+es and it wi)) not ha//en a&ain.G E;es. 1ray and 2e on the a)ert. (or your own sa6e as we)).G E;es9 Master. 4e wi)) o2ey ;ou.G 16 Jesus &oes away a&ain. The !oon9 now shinin& on His a+e so 2ri&ht)y in her si)very )i&ht9 that it !a6es His red &ar!ent see! /a)er and /a)er9 as i she were s/readin& it with a vei) o white shiny dust9 shows !e His de/ressed9 sorrow u)9 a&ed a+e. His eyes are sti)) di)ated9 2ut they see! +)ouded. His !outh is twisted with tiredness.

He &oes 2a+6 to His ro+6 !ore s)ow)y and stoo/in& !ore. He 6nee)s restin& His ar!s on the ro+69 whi+h is not s!ooth9 2ut at ha) its hei&ht it has a 6ind o /rotrusion9 as i it had 2een /)a+ed there de)i2erate)y9 and a )itt)e /)ant has &rown on it. I thin6 it is a /)ant o those )itt)e )owers9 )i6e )i)ies9 that I have seen a)so in Ita)y9 with s!a)) /u)/y )eaves9 round 2ut with indented ed&es and tiny )itt)e )owers on very thin ste!s. They )oo6 )i6e s!a)) snow )a6es s/rayin& the &rey ro+6 and the )itt)e dar6 &reen )eaves. Jesus )ays His hands near the!9 and the )itt)e )owers ti+6)e His +hee69 2e+ause He rests His head on Jesus turns round9 He )eans with His 2a+6 a&ainst the ro+6 and o)ds His ar!s. He )oo6s His <oined hands and /rays. Short)y a terwards He ee)s the +oo)ness o the )itt)e +oro))as and raises His head. He )oo6s at the!. He +aresses the!. He s/ea6s to the!I at Jerusa)e!. Jesus' a+e 2e+o!es sadder and sadder. He whis/ersI EShe )oo6s )i6e snowN and she is a)) sin. 'nd how !any I +ured in herH How !u+h I s/o6eHN 4here E;ou are here as we))HN ;ou +o! ort MeH These )itt)e )owers were a)so in My Mother's )itt)e &rottoN and She )oved the! 2e+ause She used to sayI C4hen I was a are those who see!ed )oya) to MeFG )itt)e &ir)9 My ather used to sayI ';ou are a )itt)e )i)y )i6e these and you are +o!/)ete)y Jesus )owers His head and )oo6s i3ed)y at the &round +overed with short &rass shinin& u)) o heaven)y dew'DN My MotherH 5hH My MotherHG He 2ursts into tears. His head with dew. %ut a)thou&h His head is )owered9 I understand that He is wee/in&9 2e+ause on His <oined hands9 a )itt)e re+)ined on His hee)s9 I see and hear Hi! wee/9 whi)e His so!e tears shine when a))in& ro! His a+e on the &round. He then raises His head9 He hands s=ueeze His in&ers tor!entin& the!. I hear Hi! sayI E')so at %eth)ehe!N and un o)ds His ar!s9 He <oins the! ho)din& the! a2ove His head9 sha6in& the! whi)e they I 2rou&ht the! to ;ou9 Mother. %ut these ones9 who wi)) 2rin& the! to ;ou nowFNG are so united. 17 He then resu!es /rayin& and !editatin&. His !editation !ust 2e rea))y sad9 u)) o 15 He then sets out. He &oes 2a+6 towards the three a/ost)es9 who are sittin& round the an&uish rather than sadness9 2e+ause9 to divert His attention9 He stands u/9 He &oes )itt)e ire o twi&s. 'nd He inds the! ha) as)ee/. 1eter is )eanin& with his 2a+6 a&ainst 2a+6wards and orwards9 whis/erin& words that I do not &ras/9 raisin& His a+e9 then a tree trun69 and9 with his ar!s +rossed on his +hest9 he nods in the irst drowsiness o a )owerin& it9 &esti+u)atin&9 ru22in& His eyes and His +hee6s with !e+hani+a) a&itated /ro ound s)ee/. Ja!es is sittin&9 with his 2rother9 on a )ar&e root that e!er&es ro! the !ove!ents o His hands9 runnin& His in&ers throu&h His hair9 as is ty/i+a) o one who &round and on whi+h they have s/read their !ant)es in order not to ee) its ru&&edness is in &reat an&uish. To !ention it is nothin&. To des+ri2e it is i!/ossi2)e. To see it is to so !u+h9 2ut a)thou&h they are not so +o! orta2)e as 1eter9 they are a)so dozin&. Ja!es share His an&uish. He !a6es &estures towards Jerusa)e!. Then He 2e&ins to raise His has rested his head on the shou)der o John9 who has in+)ined his on the head o his ar!s a&ain towards the s6y9 as i He wanted to invo6e he)/. 2rother9 as i doziness had i!!o2i)ised the! in that /osture. He ta6es o His !ant)e9 as i He were war!. He )oo6s at itN %ut what does He seeF

599. The A1"n( and &he A es& a& 4e&hse.ane.


His eyes see nothin& 2ut His torture9 and everythin& serves to in+rease that torture. 0ven the !ant)e woven 2y His Mother. He 6isses it and saysI E(or&ive Me9 MotherH (or&ive MeHG He see!s to 2e as6in& it o the +)oth s/un and woven 2y !other)y )oveN He /uts it on a&ain. He is a /rey to tor!ent. He wants to /ray to &et out o His state. %ut re+o))e+tions9 +on+ern9 dou2ts9 re&rets +o!e 2a+6 to Hi! with His /rayerN It is an ava)an+he 5 na!esN townsN /eo/)eN eventsN I +annot o))ow Hi! 2e+ause He is ast and desu)tory. It is His evan&e)i+ )i e that /asses in ront o Hi!N and 2rin&s Judas9 the traitor9 2a+6 to Hi!. 18 His an&uish is su+h that9 in order to over+o!e it9 He shouts the na!es o 1eter and John. 'nd He saysI EThey wi)) +o!e now. They are rea))y )oya)HG %ut CtheyD do not +o!e. He +a))s the! a&ain. He see!s to 2e terrorised9 as i He saw I wonder what. He runs ast towards the /)a+e where 1eter and the two 2rothers are. 'nd He inds the! +o! orta2)y ast as)ee/ round a ew e!2ers9 whi+h are now dyin& out and show on)y so!e red zi&za&s a!on& the &rey ashes. E1eterH I have +a))ed you three ti!esH 4hat are you doin&F 're you sti)) s)ee/in&F $o you not rea)ise how !u+h I a! su erin&F 1ray. That the )esh !ay not win9 that it !ay not overwhe)! you. 8one o you. I the s/irit is wi))in&9 the )esh is wea6. He)/ MeNG The three wa6e u/ !ore s)ow)y9 2ut at )ast they are su++ess u)9 and with du)) eyes they a/o)o&ise. They &et u/9 sittin& u/ at irst and then standin&. EJust an+yHG !ur!urs 1eter. EIt had never ha//ened to usH It !ust have 2een that wine. It was stron&. 'nd a)so this +o)d air. 4e +overed ourse)ves not to ee) it Kin a+t they had +overed a)so their heads with their !ant)esL9 we did not see the ire any !ore9 we were no )on&er +o)d9 and so we e)) as)ee/. $id ;ou say that ;ou +a))ed usF 'nd yet I did not see! to 2e so ast as)ee/N 7o!e on9 John9 )et us &et so!e twi&s9 )et us &et a !ove on. 4e sha)) soon 2e wide@awa6e. $o not worry9 Master9 2e+ause nowHN 4e wi)) stand u/NG and he throws a hand u) o dry )eaves on the e!2ers9 and he 2)ows unti) the )a!e revives9 and he tends the ire with the shru2s 2rou&ht 2y John9 whi)e Ja!es 2rin&s a 2i& 2ran+h o <uni/er9 or o a si!i)ar /)ant9 that he +ut o a 2ush not ar away9 and he adds it to the rest.

He was /revious)y. 19 He /rays on+e a&ain standin&9 with His ar!s stret+hed out +rosswise. Then on His 6nees9 as 2e ore9 His a+e 2ent on the )itt)e )owers. He is /ensive. Si)entN Then He 2e&ins to !oan and so2 )oud)y9 a)!ost /rostrated9 so !u+h has He re)a3ed on His hee)s. He +a))s His (ather9 !ore and !ore an3ious)yN E5hHG He says. EThis +u/ is too 2itterH I +annotH I +annotH It is a2ove My /ower. I have 2een a2)e to 2ear everythin&H %ut not thisN (ather9 ta6e it away ro! ;our SonH Have !er+y on MeHN 4hat have I done to deserve itFG He then +o))e+ts Hi!se) and saysI E%ut9 (ather9 do not )isten to My voi+e9 i what I as6 is a&ainst ;our wi)). $o not re!e!2er that I a! ;our Son9 2ut on)y ;our servant. Let ;our wi)) 2e done9 not Mine.G He re!ains thus or so!e ti!e. Then He utters a sti )ed +ry and raises His a+e9 )oo6in& very u/set. 5n)y or a !o!ent9 then He dro/s on the &round9 with His a+e rea))y on the earth9 and re!ains thus. ' worn@out !an over2urdened 2y a)) the sins o the wor)d9 stru+6 2y a)) the Justi+e o the (ather9 o//ressed 2y the dar6ness9 the ashes9 the 2itter@ ness9 2y that tre!endous9 terri2)e9 !ost dread u) thin& that is the a2andon!ent 2y ,od9 whi)e Satan tor!ents usN It is the as/hy3ia o the sou)9 it is to 2e 2uried a)ive in this /rison that is the wor)d9 when we +an no )on&er ee) any tie 2etween us and ,od9 it is to 2e +hained9 &a&&ed9 stoned 2y our very /rayers9 whi+h a)) 2a+6 on us 2rist)in& with shar/ /oints and s/read with ire9 it is to 2utt a&ainst a +)osed Heaven9 whi+h neither the voi+e nor the a//earan+e o our an&uish +an /enetrate9 it is to 2e the Cor/hans o ,odD9 it is !adness9 a&ony9 the dou2t o havin& 2een de+eived so ar9 it is the /ersuasion o 2ein& re<e+ted 2y ,od9 o 2ein& da!ned. It is he))HN 5hH I 6nowH and I +annot9 I rea))y +annot 2ear the si&ht o the +rue) su erin& o !y 7hrist9 6nowin& that it is a !i))ion ti!es !ore dread u) than the /ain that +onsu!ed !e )ast year and that sti)) u/sets !e9 when I thin6 o itN

Jesus !oans9 havin& the death@ratt)e in His throat and so22in& )i6e one in a&onyI E8othin&HN 8othin&HN 'wayHN The wi)) o My (atherH His wi))H 5n)y His wi))HN ;our wi))9 (ather. ;ours9 not MineN In vain. I have 2ut one LordI the Most Ho)y ,od. The ire 2)azes &ai)y9 )i&htin& u/ the /oor a+e o Jesus. ' a+e that is rea))y so sad that 5ne LawI o2edien+e. 5ne )oveI rede!/tionN 8o. I no )on&er have a Mother. I have no one +annot )oo6 at it without wee/in&. ')) the 2ri&htness o that a+e is +an+e))ed 2y a )i e any !ore. I have no divinity any )on&er. I no )on&er have a !ission. In vain you dead)y tiredness. He saysI EI ee) an an&uish that is 6i))in& MeH 5hH yesH My sou) is sad te!/t Me9 devi)9 throu&h My Mother9 My )i e9 My divinity and My !ission. Man6ind is even unto death. My riendsHN My riendsHG %ut even i He did not say so9 His as/e+t My Mother and I )ove it to the e3tent o dyin& or it. I a! &ivin& My )i e 2a+6 to Hi! wou)d !a6e one understand that He is rea))y )i6e a !an a2out to 2reathe his )ast9 and in 4ho &ave Me it and 4ho is now as6in& Me or it9 the Su/re!e Master o a)) )ivin& the !ost distressin& and deso)ate a2andon!ent. 0very word sounds )i6e a so2N 2ein&s. I assert My $ivinity9 as it is +a/a2)e o this e3/iation. I a! u) i))in& My !ission throu&h My death. I have nothin& e)se9 e3+e/t to do the wi)) o the Lord My %ut the three are too heavy with s)ee/. They a)!ost see! to 2e drun69 so !u+h they ,od. %e o 9 SatanH I said so the irst and the se+ond ti!e. I re/eat it or the third ti!eI sta&&er a2out with their eyes ha) +)osedN Jesus )oo6s at the!N He does not hu!i)iate C(ather9 i it is /ossi2)e9 )et this +u/ /ass Me 2y. %ut )et ;our wi)) 2e done9 not Mine.D the! 2y re/roa+hin& the!. He sha6es His head9 si&hs and &oes away to the /)a+e where %e o 9 Satan. I 2e)on& to ,od.G

599. The A1"n( and &he A es& a& 4e&hse.ane.


Then He s/ea6s no !ore e3+e/t to say9 /antin&I E,odH ,odH ,odHG9 He +a))s Hi! at ea+h heart@2eat9 and at ea+h 2eat 2)ood see!s to )ow out o Hi!. The +)oth on His shou)ders &ets soa6ed throu&h in it and 2e+o!es dar69 notwithstandin& that the +)ear !oon)i&ht i))u!inates it +o!/)ete)y. 20 ' 2ri&hter )i&ht a//ears a2ove His head9 han&in& a2out a !etre a2ove Hi!9 it is so 2ri&ht that even the 1rostrate Master +an see it i)ter throu&h His wavy hair9 a)ready wei&hed down 2y 2)ood9 and notwithstandin& the vei) o 2)ood +overin& His eyes. He raises His headN The !oon shines on His /oor a+e9 and !ore 2ri&ht)y shines the an&e)i+ )i&ht9 whi+h is )i6e the white@2)ue dia!ond o the star Benus. 'nd a)) the dread u) a&ony a//ears in the 2)ood transudin& ro! His /ores. His eye)ashes9 hair9 !ousta+hes9 2eard are s/rin6)ed and +overed with 2)ood. %)ood tri+6)es ro! His te!/)es9 2)ood s/outs ro! the veins o His ne+69 His hands dri/ 2)ood9 and when He stret+hes His hands towards the an&e)i+ )i&ht and His wide s)eeves s)ide 2a+6 towards His e)2ows9 7hrist's orear!s +an 2e seen sweatin& 2)ood. 5n)y His tears draw two neat )ines in the red !as6 o His a+e. He ta6es o His !ant)e a&ain and wi/es His hands9 a+e9 ne+6 and orear!s. %ut His sweat +ontinues. He /resses the +)oth a&ainst His a+e severa) ti!es9 ho)din& it /ressed with His hands9 and every ti!e He +han&es its /osition9 +)ear i!/ressions a//ear on the dar6@red +)oth9 and as they are da!/9 they see! to 2e 2)a+6. The &rass on the &round is red with 2)ood. Jesus see!s on the /oint o aintin&. He unties the ne+6 o His tuni+9 as i He e)t that He was su o+atin&. He ta6es His hand to His heart and then to His head and He waves it in ront o His a+e9 as i He wanted to an Hi!se) 9 with His !outh ha) o/en. He dra&s Hi!se) towards the ro+69 2ut +)oser to the ed&e o the es+ar/!ent9 and He )eans with His 2a+6 a&ainst it9 His ar!s han&in& a)on& His 2ody9 as i He were a)ready dead9 His head 2ent on His +hest. He !oves no !ore. The an&e)i+ )i&ht s)ow)y ades away. Later it see!s@to vanish in the +)ear !oon)i&ht. Jesus reo/ens His eyes. He raises His head with di i+u)ty. He )oo6s around. He is a)one. %ut He is )ess an&uished. He stret+hes out one hand. He draws to Hi!se) the !ant)e that He had )e t on the &rass and wi/es His a+e9 hands9 ne+69 2eard and hair a&ain. He ta6es a )ar&e )ea 9 whi+h had &rown on the ed&e o the es+ar/!ent9 and is a)) wet with dew9 and He +ontinues to +)ean Hi!se) with it9 wettin& His a+e and hands and then dryin& Hi!se) a&ain. 'nd He does the sa!e severa) ti!es with other )eaves9 unti) He wi/es out the tra+es o His dread u) sweat. 5n)y His tuni+ is stained9 /arti+u)ar)y on the shou)ders and at the o)ds o the e)2ows9 at the ne+69 waist and 6nees. He )oo6s at it and sha6es His head. He )oo6s a)so at His !ant)e. %ut He sees that it is too stained. He o)ds it and )ays it on the ro+69 where it or!s a +rad)e near the )itt)e )owers. 4ith di i+u)ty9 owin& to wea6ness9 He turns round and 6nee)s down. He /rays restin&

His head on His !ant)e9 on whi+h He had a)ready )aid His hands. Then )eanin& on the ro+6 He stands u/9 and sti)) sta&&erin& a )itt)e9 He &oes to the dis+i/)es. His a+e is very /a)e. %ut it is no )on&er u/set. It is a a+e u)) o divine 2eauty9 a)thou&h it is dead)y /a)e and !u+h sadder than usua))y. 21 The three are s)ee/in& sound)y9 a)) enve)o/ed in their !ant)es9 )yin& down near the ire9 whi+h is out. They +an 2e heard to 2reathe dee/)y as they 2e&in to snore )oud)y. Jesus +a))s the! in vain. He has to 2end and sha6e 1eter vi&orous)y. E4hat is itF 4ho is arrestin& !eFG the a/ost)e as6s as he e!er&es ro! his dar6 &reen !ant)e )oo6in& 2ewi)dered and ri&htened. E8o2ody. It is I +a))in& you.G EIs it !ornin&FG E8o. It is a)!ost the end o the se+ond wat+h.G 1eter is +o!/)ete)y 2enu!2ed. Jesus sha6es John9 who utters a +ry o terror when he sees the a+e o a &host J it is as white as !ar2)e J 2endin& over hi!. E5hHN ;ou )oo6ed )i6e dead to !eHG He sha6es Ja!es9 who9 thin6in& that his 2rother is +a))in& hi!9 saysI EHave they arrested the MasterFG E8ot yet9 Ja!esG re/)ies Jesus. E%ut &et u/9 now9 and )et us &o. He who is &oin& to 2etray Me is +)ose at hand.G The three9 sti)) drowsy9 &et u/. They )oo6 aroundN 5)ive@trees9 the !oon9 ni&htin&a)es9 a )i&ht 2reeze9 /ea+eN 8othin& e)se. %ut they o))ow Jesus without s/ea6in&. ')so the other ei&ht are !ore or )ess as)ee/ around a ire that has &one out. E,et u/HG orders Jesus in a thunderous voi+e. E's Satan is arrivin&9 show hi!9 who never s)ee/s9 and his +hi)dren9 that the +hi)dren o ,od are not as)ee/HG E;es9 Master.G E4here is he9 MasterFG EJesus9 ING E%ut what ha//enedFG 'nd a!id !udd)ed =uestions and answers they /ut on their !ant)es a&ainN 22 Just in ti!e to a//ear in order to the &uards headed 2y Judas9 as they 2urst into the )itt)e s=uare )i&htin& it u/ sinister)y with !any tor+hes. It is a horde o 2andits dis&uised as so)diers9 who )oo6 )i6e <ai)@2irds and &rin )i6e devi)s. There is a)so an odd +ha!/ion o the Te!/)e.

599. The A1"n( and &he A es& a& 4e&hse.ane.


')) the a/ost)es <u!/ to one +orner. 1eter in ront9 the others 2ehind hi! in a &rou/. Jesus re!ains where He was. Judas a//roa+hes Jesus9 endurin& the &)an+e o His eyes9 whi+h have 2e+o!e the )ashin& eyes o His 2est days. 'nd he does not )ower his a+e either. 5n the +ontrary9 he a//roa+hes the Master with the s!i)e o a hyena and 6isses His ri&ht +hee6. EMy riend9 what have you +o!e orF 're you 2etrayin& Me with a 6issFG Judas 2ends his head or a !o!ent9 then raises itN insensi2)e to re/roa+h as to every invitation to re/ent. Jesus9 a ter the irst words uttered with the !a<esty o a Master9 s/ea6s in the sorrow u) tone o one who resi&ns onese) to a !is ortune. The &uards9 shoutin&9 +o!e orward with ro/es and +)u2s and try to &et ho)d not on)y o 7hrist9 2ut a)so o the a/ost)es9 with the e3+e/tion o Judas Is+ariot9 o +ourse. E4ho are you )oo6in& orFG as6s Jesus +a)!)y and so)e!n)y. EJesus the 8azarene.G EI a! He.G His voi+e is thunderous. %e ore the !urderous wor)d and the inno+ent one9 2e ore nature and the stars9 Jesus 2ears this +)ear9 )oya)9 +ertain witness to Hi!se) 9 I shou)d say that He is ha//y to 2e a2)e to 2ear it. %ut9 i He had thrown a thunder2o)t9 He +ou)d not have done !ore. They a)) a)) to the &round )i6e !own sheaves o +orn. 8o one re!ains standin& e3+e/t Judas9 Jesus and the a/ost)es9 who ta6e resh heart a&ain at the si&ht o the overthrown so)diers9 so !u+h so that they a//roa+h Jesus9 threatenin& Judas so e3/)i+it)y that the )atter !a6es a )ea/ <ust in ti!e to avoid a !aster)y stro6e o Si!on's sword. In vain /ursued 2y the stones and sti+6s thrown at hi! 2y the a/ost)es not ar!ed with swords9 he es+a/es 2eyond the :idron and disa//ears in a dar6 )ane.

swords and da&&ers shine. E1ut those wea/ons away. I order you to do that. I I wanted9 I +ou)d have the an&e)s o My (ather to de end Me. 'nd you9 2e +ured. In your sou) irst o a))9 i you +an.G 'nd 2e ore stret+hin& out His hands to 2e ro/ed9 He tou+hes the ear and +ures it. The a/ost)es shout very un2e+o!in&)y ;es. I a! sorry havin& to say so9 2ut it is the truth. So!e say one thin&9 so!e another. So!e shoutI E;ou have 2etrayed usHG9 and so!eI EHe is !adHG9 and so!e sayI E'nd who +an 2e)ieve ;ouFG 'nd those who do not shout run away and Jesus is )e t a)) a)one He and the &uards. 'nd His way 2e&ins. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
$5&h Fe)!ua!/ $9**.

23 Jesus saysI E;ou +onte!/)ated the su erin&s o My s/iritua) a&ony on Thursday evenin&. ;ou saw your Jesus +o))a/se )i6e a !an stru+6 !orta))y9 who ee)s his )i e )ee throu&h the wounds 2)eedin& hi!9 or )i6e a /erson overwhe)!ed 2y a /sy+hi+ trau!a e3+eedin& his stren&th. ;ou saw the &rowin& /hases o the trau!a +u)!inate in the sheddin& o 2)ood 2rou&ht a2out 2y the +ir+u)atory un2a)an+e that had 2een /rovo6ed 2y the e ort o +ontro))in& Myse) and withstandin& the 2urden that had a))en u/on Me. I was9 I a!9 the Son o the Most Hi&h ,od. %ut I was a)so the Son o !an. I want this double nature of !ine e+ually co#plete and perfect to e#anate very clearly fro# these pages. My word9 whi+h has a++ents that on)y a ,od +an have9 2ears witness to My $ivinity . !y necessities and passions and the sufferings that I show you and I suffered in !y flesh of a true !an and that I /ro/ose to you as an e3a!/)e or your hu!anity9 as I tea+h your s/irits with My do+trine o true ,od9 bear witness to !y Hu#anity.

%oth My !ost ho)y $ivinity and My !ost /er e+t Hu!anity9 in the +ourse o a&es9 throu&h the 2rea6in& u/ a+tion o CyourD i!/er e+t hu!anity9 have resu)ted dis/ara&ed EStand u/. 4ho are you )oo6in& orF I as6 you on+e a&ain.G and distorted in their e3/)anation. ;ou have !ade My Hu!anity a//ear unrea)9 EJesus the 8azarene.G inhu!ane9 as you have !ade My divine i&ure )oo6 s!a))9 denyin& so !any /arts o it9 2e+ause it was not +onvenient or you to re+o&nise the! or that you +ou)d no )on&er EI have to)d you that I a! HeG says Jesus 6ind)y. ;es9 6ind)y. ESo9 )et these others &o. I re+o&nise with your s/irits i!/aired 2y the ta2es o vi+e and atheis!9 o hu!anis!9 o wi)) +o!e. 1ut away swords and +)u2s. I a! not a 2ri&and. I have a)ways 2een a!on& rationa)is!. you. 4hy did you not arrest Me thenF %ut this is Satan's hour and yoursNG I a! +o!in&9 in this tra&i+ hour9 a /rodro!e o universa) !is ortunes9 to call !y %ut9 whi)e He is s/ea6in&9 1eter a//roa+hes the !an who is ho)din& out the ro/es to tie double4figure of &od and of !an bac" to your #inds so that you #ay "now it for what Jesus and &ives a +)u!sy 2)ow with his sword. I he had stru+6 hi! with the /oint9 he it is you !ay re+o&nise it a ter so !u+h o2s+urantis!9 with whi+h you have +on+ea)ed wou)d have s)au&htered hi! )i6e a ra!. 4hereas a)) he does is to +ut o /art o his ear it ro! your s/irits9 and you #ay love it and go bac" to it and save yourselves by #eans that re!ains han&in& down sheddin& !u+h 2)ood. The !an shouts that he is dead. of It. It is the figure of your .aviour and he who "nows it and loves it will be saved. There is +haos 2e+ause so!e want to +o!e orward9 whi)e so!e are a raid seein&

599. The A1"n( and &he A es& a& 4e&hse.ane.


24 In these /ast days I have !ade you a+=uainted with My /hysi+a) su erin&s. They tortured My Hu!anity. I have !ade you a+=uainted with My !ora) su erin&s9 as +onne+ted9 inter)a+ed9 2)ended with My Mother's9 as are the ine3tri+a2)e )ianas o the e=uatoria) orests9 whi+h +annot 2e /arted in order to +ut on)y one9 2ut it is ne+essary to 2rea6 the! with a sin&)e stro6e o a hat+het to or+e one's way throu&h9 6i))in& the! a)) to&etherM <ust )i6e the veins o a 2ody9 one a)one o whi+h +annot 2e de/rived o 2)ood9 2e+ause on)y one )i=uid i))s the! a))M 2etter sti))9 as it is not /ossi2)e to /revent the +reature that is or!in& in its !other's wo!2 ro! dyin&9 i its !other dies9 2e+ause it is the )i e9 the war!th9 the nourish!ent9 the 2)ood o the !other that9 with a rhyth! res/ondin& to the !ove!ent o the !other's heart9 /enetrates throu&h the interna) !e!2ranes9 as ar as the 2a2y@to@2e9 !a6in& it a +o!/)ete )ivin& 2ein&. She9 ohH She9 My /ure Mother9 2ore Me not on)y or the nine !onths durin& whi+h every wo!an 2ears the ruit o !an9 but for all Her life. 5ur hearts were united 2y s/iritua) i2res and they a)ways 2eat to&ether9 and no !other)y tear ever e)) without )eavin& a tra+e o its sa)t on My heart9 and there has never 2een any interna) !oanin& o Mine that did not resound in Her9 awa6enin& Her &rie . ;ou ee) sorry or the !other o a son destined to death 2y an in+ura2)e disease9 or the !other o a !an +onde!ned to death 2y the ri&our o hu!an <usti+e. %ut thin6 o My Mother 4ho9 ro! the !o!ent She +on+eived Me9 tre!2)ed +onsiderin& that I was the 7onde!ned 5ne9 thin6 o this Mother 4ho9 when She &ave Me Her irst 6iss on the de)i+ate rosy )esh o Her new@2orn 2a2y9 e)t the uture wounds o Her 7hi)d9 thin6 o this Mother 4ho wou)d have &iven Her )i e ten9 a hundred9 a thousand ti!es to /revent Me ro! 2e+o!in& a Man and arrivin& at the !o!ent o the Sa+ri i+e9 thin6 o this Mother 4ho was aware o and had to desire that dread u) hour to a++e/t the wi)) o the Lord9 or the &)ory o the Lord9 out o 6indness towards Man6ind. No there has been no agony that lasted longer and ended in a greater grief than !y !other1s. 25 And there has been no greater and #ore co#plete sorrow than !ine. I was 5ne with the (ather. He had )oved Me ro! eternity as ,od a)one +an )ove. He had ta6en de)i&ht in Me and had ound His divine <oy in Me. 'nd I had )oved Hi! as a ,od a)one +an )ove9 and in My union with Hi! I had ound My divine <oy. The ine a2)e re)ation@ shi/ that a2 aeterno ties the (ather to the Son +annot 2e e3/)ained to you even 2y My 4ord9 2e+ause whi)e it is /er e+t9 your inte))i&en+e is not9 and you +annot understand and 6now what ,od is unti) you are with Hi! in Heaven. 4e))9 )i6e water that rises and /resses a&ainst a da!9 I e)t the ri&our o the (ather &row hour)y towards Me. 's eviden+e a&ainst 2rute@!en9 who did not want to understand who I was9 durin& the ti!e o My /u2)i+ )i e9 He had o/ened Heaven three ti!es at the Jordan9 at the Ta2or and in Jerusa)e! on the eve o My 1assion. %ut He had done that or !en9 not to &ive re)ie to Me. I was a)ready the 03/iator. Many ti!es9 Mary9 ,od !a6es !en 2e+o!e a+=uainted with one o His servants9 so

that throu&h hi! they !ay 2e roused and dra&&ed to Hi!9 2ut that ha//ens a)so throu&h the su erin& o that servant. It is he who by eating the bitter bread of &od1s rigour pays personally for the co#fort and salvation of his brothers. Is it not soF The vi+ti!s o e3/iation 6now the ri&our o ,od. Then +o!es the &)ory. %ut a ter Justi+e has 2een a//eased. It is not the sa#e as happens with !y 2ove that "isses His victi#s. I a! Jesus9 I a! the .edee!er9 He 4ho has su ered and 6nows9 2y /ersona) e3/erien+e9 how /ain u) it is to 2e )oo6ed at 2y ,od with severity and 2e a2andoned 2y Hi!9 and I a! never severe9 and I never a2andon anyone. I consu#e 5ust the sa#e but through the fire of love. 26 The !ore the hour o e3/iation a//roa+hed9 the !ore I e)t the (ather !ove away. The !ore I was se/arated ro! the (ather9 the )ess My Hu!anity e)t it was su//orted 2y the $ivinity o ,od. 'nd 2e+ause o that I su ered in every /ossi2)e way. The separation fro# &od brings fear attach#ent to life languor tiredness boredo#. The dee/er it is9 the stron&er are its +onse=uen+es. When it is total it leads to despair. 'nd the !ore he who9 2y ,od's de+ree9 e3/erien+es it9 without havin& deserved it9 the !ore he su ers9 2e+ause the )ivin& s/irit ee)s the e3+ision ro! ,od9 as )ive )esh ee)s the e3+ision o a )i!2. It is a sorrowful prostrating stupor that one who has not e7perienced it cannot understand. I e7perienced it. I had to 6now everythin& in order to 2e a2)e to /)ead with the (ather or everythin& in your avour. )ven for your despair. 5h9 I e3/erien+ed what it !eans to sayI CI a# alone. )verybody has betrayed and abandoned !e. )ven the -ather even &od no longer assists !e.D 'nd that is why I wor6 !ysterious wonders o &ra+e in /oor hearts overwhe)!ed 2y des/air9 and I as6 My 2e)oved ones to drin6 the +u/ o so 2itter an e3/erien+e9 so that they9 those who are shi/wre+6ed in the sea o des/air9 !ay not de+)ine to a++e/t the +ross that I o er as an+hor and sa)vation9 2ut they !ay &ras/ at it and I !ay ta6e the! to the 2)essed shore where on)y /ea+e rei&ns. 27 5n Thursday evenin&9 I a)one 6now whether I needed My (atherH I was a s/irit a)ready in a&ony 2e+ause o the e ort o havin& to over+o!e the two &reatest sorrows o a !anI to say goodbye to a beloved #other to have an unfaithful friend close by. They were two sores that s+or+hed My heartI the or!er with Her tears9 the )atter with his hatred. I had to share !y bread with !y ,ain. I had to s/ea6 to hi! in a riend)y !anner in order not to denoun+e hi! to the others9 as I was afraid they #ight react violently and in order to avoid a cri#e whi+h in any +ase wou)d have 2een use)ess9 as everythin& was a)ready written in the &reat 2oo6 o )i eI 2oth My ho)y $eath and Judas' sui+ide. 'ny other death was use)ess and disa//roved o 2y ,od. 8o other 2)ood 2ut Mine was to 2e shed9 and was not shed. The ha)ter stran&)ed that )i e9 shuttin& u/ his i!/ure 2)ood9 whi+h had 2een so)d to Satan9 in the i)thy sa+6 o the traitor's 2ody9 2)ood that was not to 2e !i3ed9 a))in& on the 0arth9 with the !ost /ure 2)ood o the Inno+ent.

599. The A1"n( and &he A es& a& 4e&hse.ane.


Those two sores wou)d have 2een su i+ient to !a6e Me su er a&ony in My 0&o. %ut I was the 03/iator9 the Bi+ti!9 the La!2. ' )a!29 2e ore 2ein& sa+ri i+ed9 e3/erien+es the red@hot 2rand9 it su ers 2)ows9 it endures 2ein& shorn and so)d to a 2ut+her. 'nd ina))y it ee)s the +o)d o the 6ni e that +uts its throat9 2)eeds it and 6i))s it. (irst it !ust )eave everythin&I the /asture where it was 2rou&ht u/9 its !other at whose 2reast it was nourished and war!ed9 the +o!/anions with whi+h it )ived. 0verythin&. I9 the La!2 o ,od9 e3/erien+ed everythin&. 28 That is why Satan +a!e9 when the (ather was retirin& in Heaven. He had a)ready +o!e at the 2e&innin& o My !ission9 to te!/t Me in order to divert Me ro! it. He was now +o!in& 2a+6 a&ain. It was his hour. The hour o the satani+ sa22ath. 7rowds and +rowds o devi)s were on the 0arth that ni&ht9 to a++o!/)ish the sedu+tion o hearts and !a6e the! wi))in& to re=uest the 6i))in& o the 7hrist the o))owin& day. 0a+h !e!2er o the Sanhedrin had his own9 Herod had his9 so had 1i)ate9 and every sin&)e Judaean who wou)d invo6e My %)ood u/on hi!se) . Also beside the apostles there were their te#pters who !ade the! drowsy whi)e I was )an&uishin&9 and who /re/ared the! to 2e +oward)y. Ta"e notice of the power of purity. John9 the /ure dis+i/)e9 was the irst a!on& a)) o the! to ree hi!se) ro! the de!onia+ +)aws9 and he +a!e at on+e near his Jesus and understood His une3/ressed desire9 and 2rou&ht Mary to Me. %ut Judas had Lu+i er9 and I had Lu+i er. Judas in his heart9 I 2eside Me. 4e were the two !ain +hara+ters o the tra&edy9 and .atan was attending personally to both of us. ' ter )eadin& Judas to the /oint ro! whi+h he +ou)d not withdraw9 he turned towards Me. With perfect artifice he showed !e the tor#ents of the flesh with unsurpassable realis#. ')so in the desert he had started ro! the )esh. I defeated hi# by praying. The s/irit do!inated the ear o the )esh. He then showed !e the uselessness of !y death and the usefulness of living for !y own sa"e without worryin& Myse) a2out un&rate u) !en9 )eadin& a ri+h ha//y )i e u)) o )ove. Livin& or My Mother9 ensurin& that She did not su er. Livin& so that 2y !eans o a )on& a/osto)ate I +ou)d ta6e 2a+6 to ,od !any !en9 who9 i I had died9 wou)d or&et Me9 whereas9 i I had 2een their Master not or three years9 2ut or !any !any years9 wou)d end u/ 2y 2e+o!in& one with My do+trine. His an&e)s wou)d he)/ Me to sedu+e !en. 7ou)d I not see that the an&e)s o ,od were not intervenin& to assist MeF Later9 ,od wou)d or&ive Me seein& the +rowds o 2e)ievers that I wou)d )ead 2a+6 to Hi!. ')so in the desert he had tried to +onvin+e Me to te!/t ,od throu&h i!/ruden+e. I defeated hi# by praying. The s/irit do!inated !ora) te!/tation. 29 He showed !e !y abandon#ent by &od. He the -ather no longer loved !e. I was laden with the sins of the world. I disgusted Hi#. He was a2sent and was )eavin& Me to

Myse) . He was surrenderin& Me to the !o+6ery o a +rue) +rowd. 'nd He wou)d not even &rant Me His divine +o! ort. I was a)one9 a)) a)one. In that hour there was 2ut Satan near the 7hrist. ,od and !en were a2sent9 2e+ause they did not )ove Me. They hated Me or were uninterested. I prayed to cover the satanic words with !y prayers. But !y prayer no longer ascended to &od. It e)) 2a+6 on Me9 )i6e stones o )a/idation and +rushed Me under its ru22)e. My /rayer9 that had a)ways 2een or Me )i6e a +aress &iven to the (ather9 a voi+e that as+ended and was answered 2y a ather)y +aress and word9 was now dead9 heavy9 uttered in vain to a +)osed Heaven. I then tasted the bitterness of the botto# of the cup. The flavour of despair. It was what Satan wantedI to )ead Me to des/air9 to !a6e Me a s)ave o his. I over+a!e des/air and I over+a!e it on)y with My /ower9 2e+ause I wanted to de eat it. *nly with !y strength of a !an. I was nothin& 2ut the Man. 'nd I was nothin& 2ut a !an no )on&er he)/ed 2y ,od. When &od helps you it is easy to lift even the world and hold it up li"e a child1s toy. %ut when ,od does not he)/ us any !ore9 even the wei&ht o a )ower is a 2urden to us. I defeated despair and .atan its creator in order to serve &od and you by giving you the 2ife. %ut I 2e+a!e a+=uainted with $eath. 8ot with the /hysi+a) death o +ru+i i3ion J that was not so dread u) J but with the total conscious 3eath of the fighter who falls after triu#phing with a 2ro6en heart and 2)ood /ourin& out o hi! in the trau!a o an e ort e3+eedin& a)) enduran+e. 'nd I sweated 2)ood. I sweated 2)ood to 2e aith u) to ,od's wi)). 30 That is why the an&e) o My sorrow showed Me the ho/es o a)) those who have 2een saved throu&h My sa+ri i+e9 as a !edi+ine or My dyin&. %our na#es! 0a+h na!e was a dro/ o !edi+ine insti))ed into My veins to invi&orate the! and !a6e the! un+tion9 ea+h o the! was or Me )i e +o!in& 2a+69 )i&ht +o!in& 2a+69 stren&th +o!in& 2a+6. $urin& the +rue) tortures9 to avoid shoutin& My &rie o Man9 and in order not to des/air o ,od and say that He was too severe and un<ust to His Bi+ti!9 I repeated your na#es to !yself I saw you. .ince then I blessed you. .ince then I have carried you in !y heart. 'nd when the ti!e +a!e or you to 2e on the 0arth9 I )eaned out o Heaven to a++o!/any your +o!in&9 re<oi+in& at the thou&ht that a resh )ower o )ove was 2orn in the wor)d and wou)d have )ived or Me. 5hH My 2)essed onesH The +o! ort o the dyin& 7hristH My Mother9 the $is+i/)e9 the /ious 4o!en were /resent at My death9 and you were there as well. My dyin& eyes saw9 with the tor!ented a+e o My Mother9 also your loving ones and they +)osed thus9 ha//y to 2e +)osed 2e+ause they had saved you9 who deserve the .acrifice of a &od.G

)$$. The Da i"us T ia2s.


+,,. The Ha!i#us T!ia5s.

$+&h Fe)!ua!/ $9**.

1 Jesus saysI ;ou have 2y now 2e+o!e a+=uainted with a)) the sorrows that /re+eded the 1assion /ro/er. I wi)) now )et you 6now the sorrows o My a+tua) 1assion. Those sorrows that a e+t your !inds !ore when you !editate on the!. %ut you !editate very )itt)e on the!. Too little. ;ou do not +onsider how !u+h you have +ost Me and what torture your sa)vation invo)ved. ;ou +o!/)ain o a s+rat+h9 o 6no+6in& a&ainst a +orner9 o a heada+he9 2ut you do not +onsider that My 2ody was one 2i& sore9 that those sores were enveno!ed with !any thin&s9 that thin&s the!se)ves served to torture their 7reator9 2e+ause they tortured the a)ready tor!ented ,od@Son9 without any res/e+t or Hi! 4ho9 (ather o 7reation9 had or!ed the!. %ut thin&s were not &ui)ty. The guilty one was still and always #an. ,ui)ty sin+e the day he )istened to Satan in the earth)y 1aradise. The thin&s o 7reation9 u/ to that !o!ent9 had no thorns9 no /oison9 no +rue)ty or !an9 the +hosen +reature. ,od had !ade that !an 6in&9 He !ade hi! in His own i!a&e and )i6eness9 and in His ather)y )ove He did not want thin&s to 2e insidious to !an. Satan )aid the snare. In the heart o !an irst o a))9 then9 with the /unish!ent o sin9 it 2rou&ht s/ines and thorns 2 So I9 the Man had a)so to su er thin&s and 2e &rieved not on)y 2y /eo/)e 2ut a)so 2y thin&s. The or!er insu)ted and tortured MeM the )atter served as their wea/ons.

Man9 the who)e !an !ade use o hi!se) 9 in his individua) /arts9 to torture the Son o ,od. 'nd he +a))ed the earth9 with its or!s9 to assist hi! in torturin&. 5 the stones o torrents he !ade /ro<e+ti)es to wound MeM o the 2ran+hes o trees9 +)u2s to stri6e MeM o twisted he!/9 ro/es to dra& Me9 +uttin& into My )eshM o thorns9 +rown o stin&in& ire or My tired headM o !inera)s9 an e3as/ers+our&eM o a +ane9 an instru!ent o tortureM o the stones in streets9 a snare or the unsteady oot o Hi! 4ho was &oin& u/hi))9 dyin&9 to die +ru+i ied. 'nd thin&s o the s6y +o!2ined with the thin&s o the earth. The +o)d at dawn or My 2ody a)ready e3hausted 2y the a&ony in the &arden9 the wind that irritates wounds9 the sun that in+reases /ar+hin& thirst and one's te!/erature and 2rin&s )ies and dust9 that dazz)es tired eyes9 whi+h astened hands +annot /rote+t. 'nd the i2res &ranted to !an to +over his na6edness +o!2ine 4ith the thin&s o the s6yI with )eather9 that 2e+o!es a s+our&e9 with the woo) o a &ar!ent that sti+6s to the sores !ade 2y the s+our&es and +auses a ru22in& and )a+eratin& torture at ea+h !ove!ent. 3 0verythin& served to torture the Son o ,od. He9 or 4ho! a)) thin&s had 2een +reated9 in the hour in whi+h He was the Bi+ti! o ered to ,od9 had everythin& a&ainst Hi! in a hosti)e !anner. ;our Jesus9 Mary9 had no +o! ort ro! anythin&. 0verythin& that e3ists turned a&ainst Me9 )i6e ier+e vi/ers9 to 2ite at My )esh and in+rease My su erin&.

This is what you ou&ht to thin6 o when you su er9 and +o!/arin& your i!/er e+tion with My /er e+tion and My sorrows with yours9 you ou&ht to ad!it that the (ather The hand that ,od had !ade or !an to distin&uish hi! ro! 2rutes9 the hand that ,od )oves you as He did not )ove Me in that hour9 and there ore9 you shou)d )ove Hi! with had tau&ht !an how to use9 the hand that ,od had +oordinated with !an's !ind !a6in& your who)e se)ves9 as I loved Hi# notwithstanding His rigour.G it the e3e+utor o the +o!!ands o the !ind9 this /art9 whi+h is so /er e+t in you and whi+h shou)d have had nothin& 2ut +aresses or the Son o ,od9 2y 4ho! it had on)y @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 2een +aressed and +ured9 i it was diseased9 turned a&ainst the Son o ,od and stru+6 22nd 25&h .a!'h $9*5. Hi! with s)a/s and 2)ows9 it ar!ed itse) with s+our&es9 it 2e+a!e /in+ers to tear hair and 2eard and ha!!er to drive nai)s. 4 The /ain u) <ourney 2e&ins a)on& the stony )ane )eadin& ro! the +)earin&9 where Jesus was arrested9 to the :idron9 and then+e9 a)on& another )ane9 to town. 'nd &i2es Man's eet9 whi+h shou)d have run ni!2)y on)y to worshi/ the Son o ,od9 were swi t and torture 2e&in at on+e. to +o!e to arrest Me9 to /ush and dra& Me a)on& the streets towards My e3e+utioners9 and 6i+6 Me in su+h a way as wou)d 2e un air even with a restive !u)e. Jesus9 His wrists and even His waist tied as i He were a dan&erous !ad!an9 the ends Man's !outh9 whi+h shou)d have used words9 the endow!ent &iven on)y to !an a!on& o the ro/es entrusted to ener&u!ens into3i+ated with hatred9 is tu&&ed here and there )i6e a ra& a2andoned to the ra&e o a /a+6 o /u//ies. %ut9 i those who 2ehave thus a)) ani!a)s +reated9 to /raise and 2)ess the Son o ,od9 i))ed with +urses and )ies and were do&s9 they +ou)d sti)) 2e e3+used. %ut they are !en9 a)thou&h they on)y have the hur)ed the! with its s)aver at My /erson. a//earan+e o !en. 'nd it is to &ive Hi! &reater /air9 that they have thou&ht o tyin& Man's !ind9 the /roo o his +e)estia) ori&in9 e3hausted itse) devisin& tortures o Hi! with two o//osed ro/es9 one o whi+h serves on)y to asten His wrists and it re ined ri&our. s+rat+hes and +uts into the! with its +oarse ri+tion9 and the other9 the one round His waist9 +o!/resses His e)2ows a&ainst His thora39 and +uts into and o//resses His u//er

)$$. The Da i"us T ia2s.


a2do!en9 torturin& His )iver and 6idneys9 where there is a hu&e 6not and where9 now and a&ain9 those ho)din& the ends o the ro/es9 )ash Hi! with the! sayin&I E,ee@u/H 'wayH Trot9 don6eyHG9 and they 6i+6 Hi! at the sa!e ti!e9 stri6in& the 2a+6 o the 6nees o the Tortured 5ne9 4ho va+i))ates and does not a)) on the &round on)y 2e+ause the ro/es ho)d Hi! u/. %ut that does not /revent Hi! ro! 6no+6in& a&ainst )ow wa))s and tree trun6s9 whi)e He is tu&&ed to the ri&ht 2y the !an ho)din& the ro/e astenin& His wrists9 and to the )e t 2y hi! ho)din& the ro/e round His waist9 and He a))s heavi)y a&ainst the /ara/et9 as a resu)t o a !ore vio)ent <er6 when +rossin& the )itt)e 2rid&e on the :idron. His 2ruised !outh is 2)eedin&. Jesus raises His tied hands to wi/e away the 2)ood soi)in& His 2eard9 2ut does not say anythin&. He is rea))y the )a!2 that does not 2ite its torturer.

with a 2ruta) 6i+6 at the &roin and she +o))a/ses on the &round shoutin&I E$ei+ide and !atri+ideH May you 2e +ursed or rendin& !y wo!2 or the se+ond ti!e and or in<urin& the MessiahHG 6 The s+ene 2e+o!es !ore and !ore vio)ent the +)oser they &et to town.

%e ore arrivin& at the wa))s J the ,ates are a)ready o/en9 and the .o!an so)diers9 u))y ar!ed9 are o2servin& where and how the tu!u)t is evo)vin&9 ready to inter ere shou)d the /resti&e o .o!e 2e in<ured J there is John with 1eter. I thin6 they have arrived there 2y a short +ut9 whi+h they have ta6en +rossin& the :idron u/strea! o the 2rid&e9 and rushin& ahead o the +rowd9 whi+h is /ro+eedin& s)ow)y9 so !u+h /eo/)e are hinderin& one another. They are in the ha) @)i&ht o an entran+e@ha))9 near a )itt)e s=uare 2e ore the wa))s. They have +overed their heads with their !ant)es to +on+ea) their So!e /eo/)e in the !eanti!e have &one down to the &rave)@2ed to &et /e22)es and a+es. %ut when Jesus arrives9 John dro/s his !ant)e and shows his wan u/set a+e in stones and ro! 2e)ow a shower o stones stri6es the easy tar&et. 's /ro&ress is s)ow on the +)ear !oon)i&ht that sti)) shines there9 2e ore the !oon sets 2ehind the hi))9 whi+h is the narrow inse+ure )itt)e 2rid&e9 on whi+h /eo/)e +rowd hinderin& one another9 the 2eyond the wa))s and whi+h I hear is na!ed To/het 2y the hired ru ians who arrested stones hit Jesus' head and shou)ders. They hit not on)y Jesus 2ut a)so His torturers9 who Jesus. 1eter dares not show his a+e. %ut he +o!es orward to 2e seen. rea+t throwin& 2a+6 sti+6s and the sa!e stones. 'nd it a)) serves to 6no+6 Jesus a&ain on the head and ne+6. %ut they are soon on the other side o the 2rid&e and the narrow Jesus )oo6s at the!N and He s!i)es with in inite 6indness. 1eter turns round and &oes )ane +asts shadows on the ray9 2e+ause the !oon9 whi+h is 2e&innin& to set9 does not 2a+6 to his dar6 +orner9 +overin& his eyes with his hands9 stoo/in&9 a&ed9 a)ready in i))u!inate the twisted )ane and !any tor+hes have &one out in the tur!oi). %ut hatred very /oor s/irits. John re!ains 2rave)y where he is9 and on)y when the how)in& +rowd a+ts as )i&ht to see the /oor Martyr9 4ho is e3/osed to torture a)so 2e+ause o His hi&h has &one 2y9 he <oins 1eter9 he ta6es hi! 2y the e)2ow and he &uides hi! as i he were a stature. He is the ta))est a!on& a)) o the!9 so it is easy to stri6e Hi!9 to seize Hi! 2y 2oy )eadin& his 2)ind ather9 and they 2oth enter into the town 2ehind the +)a!ourin& the hair +o!/e))in& Hi! to throw 2a+6 His head vio)ent)y and to )in& on it hand u)s o +rowd. i)thy stu 9 whi+h 2y or+e &oes into His !outh and eyes9 +ausin& nausea and /ain. I +an hear the stu/id9 derisory sorrow u) e3+)a!ations o the .o!an so)diers. So!e o 5 They 2e&in to &o throu&h the su2ur2 o 5/he)9 in whi+h He dis/ensed so !u+h &ood the! +urse as they had to &et out o their 2eds 2e+ause o that Estu/id 2)o+6headGM and so !any +aresses. The shouts o the +rowd awa6e /eo/)e who rush to their doors9 so!e !o+6 the Jews as 2ein& a2)e Eto arrest a /oor )itt)e wo!anGM so!e /ity the Bi+ti! and whi)e wo!en utter +ries o sorrow and run away stru+6 with terror seein& what is 4ho! Ethey have a)ways 6nown to 2e 6indGM and so!e sayI EI wou)d have /re erred to ha//enin&9 !en9 who have a)so 2een +ured and assisted and have re+eived riend)y die a vio)ent death rather than see Hi! in those hands. He is a &reat !an. I have two words ro! Hi!9 !en either )ower their heads re!ainin& indi erent9 si!u)atin& o2<e+ts o veneration in this wor)dI Hi! and .o!e.G +are)essness to say the )east9 or they /ass ro! +uriosity to hatred9 to sneerin&9 to E%y JoveHG e3+)ai!s the one o hi&hest ran6. EI don't want trou2)e. I')) &o to the ensi&n. threatenin& &estures or they o))ow the /ro+ession to <oin in torturin& Hi!. Satan is Let hi! in or! who is to 2e in or!ed. I don't want to 2e sent to i&ht a&ainst the a)ready at wor6N ,er!ans. These Jews stin6 and they are sna6es and trou2)e. %ut )i e is sa e here. 'nd I ' !an9 a hus2and who wants to o))ow Hi! to insu)t Hi!9 is &ras/ed 2y his how)in& a! a2out to inish !y !i)itary servi+e9 and near 1o!/eii I have a &ir)HNG wi e9 who shouts at hi!I E7owardH ;ou owe Hi! your )i e9 you i)thy !an u)) o rottenness. .e!e!2er thatHG %ut the wo!an is overwhe)!ed 2y the !an9 who 2eats her Jesus Before Annas in a 2east)y !anner throwin& her on the &round and then runs to <oin the Martyr9 4hose 7 I Miss the rest as I o))ow Jesus9 4ho /ro+eeds a)on& the street that or!s a 2end head he stri6es with a stone. u/hi)) to &o to the Te!/)e. %ut I see and rea)ise that 'nnas' house9 where they want to 'nother wo!an9 an o)d one9 tries to o2stru+t the /ath o her son who is rushin& )oo6in& ta6e Hi!9 is and is not in the )a2yrinthi+ a&&re&ation whi+h is the Te!/)e9 and +overs )i6e a hyena and ho)din& a sti+6 to stri6e Hi!9 and she shouts at hi!I E's )on& as I )ive9 the who)e o the >ion hi)). The house is at its e3tre!ities9 near a series o !assive wa))s9 whi+h see! to 2e the 2oundaries o the town here9 and ro! this /)a+e they stret+h you sha)) not 2e the 6i))er o your SaviourHG %ut the /oor wret+h is stru+6 2y her son a)on& the side o the !ountain with /or+hes and yards9 unti) they rea+h the en+)osure o

)$$. The Da i"us T ia2s.


the Te!/)e /ro/er9 that is9 where the Israe)ites &o or their severa) +e)e2rations o +u)t. ' ta)) iron door o/ens in the !assive wa)). So!e vo)untary hyenas rush towards it and 6no+6 )oud)y. 'nd as soon as the door is s)i&ht)y o/ened9 they 2urst inside9 a)!ost 6no+6in& down and tra!/)in& on the !aid@servant who had +o!e to o/en it9 and they o/en it wide9 so that the 2aw)in& +rowd9 with the 1risoner in the !idd)e o the!9 !ay &o in. 'nd as soon as they are in9 they +)ose and 2o)t the door9 /ro2a2)y 2e+ause they are a raid o .o!e or o the o))owers o the 8azarene. His o))owersH 4here are theyF... They &o a)on& the entran+e ha)) and then they /ass throu&h a wide yard9 a +orridor9 another /or+h and another yard9 and they dra& Jesus u/ three ste/s9 +o!/e))in& Hi! a)!ost to run a)on& a /or+h 2ui)t onto the yard9 in order to arrive sooner at a ri+h)y urnished ha))9 where there is an e)der)y !an wearin& the ro2es o a /riest.

&reedy and ri+h He2rews the ho)y /re+e/t o )ove or our nei&h2our and9 re!ainin& /oor9 notwithstandin& that a strea! o &o)d /assed throu&h My hands9 I have wi/ed !ore tears 2y Myse) than a)) o you9 who /ossess ri+hes. 'nd9 ina))y9 I have &iven a wea)th that has no na!eI the 6now)ed&e o the Law9 the 6now)ed&e o ,od9 the +ertain@ ty that we are a)) e=ua) and that in the ho)y eyes o the (ather tears and +ri!es are the sa!e9 whether they are shed or +o!!itted 2y the Tetrar+h and 2y the 1onti 9 or 2y the 2e&&ar and the )e/er who dies on a +art@road. That is what I have done. 8othin& e)se.G 9 E$o ;ou rea)ise that ;ou are a++usin& ;ourse) F ;ou sayI the )e/rosy that !a6es one /o))uted in the eyes o ,od and is not /ointed out 2y Moses. ;ou are insu)tin& Moses and are insinuating that there are so#e lacunae in his 2aw6 G E8ot hisI ,od's. It is so. More than )e/rosy9 whi+h is a !is ortune o the )esh and +o!es to an end9 I declare grave and it is so9 sin whi+h is an eterna) !is ortune o the s/irit.G

EMay ,od +o! ort you9 'nnasG says he who see!s to 2e the o i+er9 i the ras+a) who has 2een in +har&e o those 2ri&ands +an 2e +a))ed so. EHere is the +u)/rit. I entrust Hi! E$o ;ou dare say that ;ou +an re!it sinsF How +an ;ou do itFG to your ho)iness9 so that Israe) !ay 2e +)eansed o the sin.G EI with a )itt)e )ustra) water and the sa+ri i+e o a ra! it is )aw u) and +redi2)e to +an+e) EMay ,od 2)ess you or your sa&a+ity and your aith.G a sin9 e3/iate it and 2e +)eansed o it9 why will !y tears !y Blood and !y will not be able to do so$G (ine sa&a+ityH Jesus' voi+e had 2een enou&h to !a6e the! dro/ to the &round at ,ethse!ane. E%ut ;ou are not dead. So where is the %)oodFG 8 E4ho are ;ouFG EJesus o 8azareth9 the .a22i9 the 7hrist. 'nd you 6now Me. I have not a+ted in dar6ness.G E8o9 not in dar6ness. %ut ;ou have )ed the +rowds astray with o2s+ure do+trines. 'nd it is the Te!/)e's ri&ht and duty to /rote+t the sou)s o the +hi)dren o '2raha!.G EThe sou)sH 1riest o Israe)9 +an you say that you have su ered or the sou) o the )east or &reatest /erson o this /eo/)eFG E'nd what a2out ;ouF 4hat have ;ou done that !ay 2e +a))ed su erin&FG E4hat have I doneF 4hy do you as6 MeF The who)e o Israe) s/ea6s a2out Me. (ro! the ho)y +ity to the /oorest vi))a&e9 even stones s/ea6 to say what I have done. I have &iven si&ht to 2)ind /eo/)eI the si&ht o their eyes and o their hearts. I have o/ened the ears o dea /eo/)eI to the voi+es o the 0arth and o Heaven. I have !ade +ri//)es and /ara)yti+s wa)69 so that they !i&ht 2e&in !ar+hin& ro! the )esh towards ,od and then /ro+eed with their s/irits. I have +)eansed )e/ers o the )e/rosy /ointed out 2y the Mosai+ Law and o that whi+h !a6es !an /o))uted in the eyes o ,odI sin. I have raised the dead9 2ut I do not say that it is a &reat deed to +a)) a 2ody 2a+6 to )i e9 2ut it is a &reat thin& to redee! a sinner9 and I have done that. I have he)/ed the /oor9 tea+hin& EI a! not yet dead. But I shall be because it is written. In Heaven 2e ore >ion e3isted9 2e ore Moses e3isted9 2e ore Ja+o2 e3isted9 2e ore '2raha! e3isted9 sin+e the 6in& o 0vi) &nawed at the heart o !an and /oisoned it in hi! and in his +hi)dren. It is written on the )arth in the Boo" that contains the voices of the prophets. It is written in hearts. In yours9 in 7aia/has'9 in the hearts o the !e!2ers o the Sanhedrin who do not9 no9 those hearts do not or&ive Me or 2ein& &ood. I have absolved anticipating through !y Blood. I will now acco#plish absolution with a purifying bath in it.G E;ou say that we are &reedy and we i&nore the /re+e/t o )oveNG EIs it /erha/s not trueF 4hy are you 6i))in& MeF Because you are afraid that I #ay dethrone you. 5hH 2e not a raid. My :in&do! is not o this wor)d. I )eave you the !asters o a)) /ower. The 0terna) 6nows when to utter the C0nou&hD that wi)) !a6e ;ou dro/ thunder@stru+6NG ELi6e $oras9 ehFG EHe died o a it o an&er. Not because he was struc" by heavenly lightning. ,od was waitin& on the other side to stri6e hi!.G E'nd ;ou are re/eatin& that to !eF ' re)ative o hisF How dare ;ouFG EI a! the Truth. And the Truth is never cowardly.G

)$$. The Da i"us T ia2s.


E1roud and oo)ishHG E8oI sincere. ;ou a++use Me o o endin& you. %ut do you a)) not hateF ;ou hate one another. 'nd now your hatred or Me unites you. %ut to!orrow9 when you have 6i))ed Me9 you wi)) hate one another on+e a&ain9 and !ore ier+e)y9 and wi)) )ive with this hyena 2ehind your 2a+6s and this sna6e in your hearts. I have taught love. -or the world1s sa"e. I taught people not to be greedy to have #ercy. 10 *f what do you accuse !e$G E5 /rea+hin& a new do+trine.G E5 /riestH Israe) is swar!in& with new do+trinesI the 0ssenes have theirs9 the Sado+hites and the 1harisees have theirsM every2ody has his se+ret one9 whi+h or one is na!ed /)easure9 or another one &o)d9 or another one /owerM and every2ody has his ido). Not I. I have resu!ed the down@trodden Law o My (ather9 o the 0terna) ,od9 and I have gone bac" to repeating the ten co##and#ents of the 3ecalogue in a si#ple way ta)6in& Myse) hoarse to !a6e the! enter the hearts that no )on&er 6new the!.G EHorrorH %)as/he!yH How dare ;ou say this to !e9 a /riestF Has Israe) no Te!/)eF 're we )i6e the e3i)es in %a2y)onF .e/)y to !e.G EThat is what you are9 and even !ore. There is a Te!/)e. ;es. ' 2ui)din&. But &od is not in it. He has )ed 2e ore the a2o!ination that is in His house. But why as" !e so #any +uestions since !y death has already been decided$G E4e are not !urderers. 4e 6i)) i we have the ri&ht to do so or an evident au)t. 11 %ut I want to save ;ou. Te)) !e9 and I wi)) save ;ou. 4here are ;our dis+i/)esF I ;ou hand the! over to !e9 I wi)) )et ;ou &o ree. The na!es o a)) o the!9 and the se+ret ones !ore than the 6nown ones. Te)) !eI is 8i+ode!us one o ;oursF 'nd Jose/hF 'nd ,a!a)ie)F 'nd 0)eazarF 'ndN %ut with re&ard to this one9 I a)ready 6nowN It is not ne+essary. S/ea6. S/ea6 u/. ;ou 6now that I +an 6i)) ;ou and save ;ou. I a! /ower u).G E;ou are i)th. I )eave to i)th the 2usiness o the in or!er. I a! Li&ht.G ' 2ravo )ands a 2)ow in His a+e. EI a! Li&ht. Li&ht and Truth. I have s/o6en o/en)y to the wor)d9 I have tau&ht in syna&o&ues and in the Te!/)e9 where the Judaeans !eet9 and I have said nothin& se+ret)y. I re/eat it. 4hy do you as6 MeF 's6 those who have heard what I have said. They 6now.G

due to the o)d !an. %ut i you thin6 that I have said so!ethin& wron&9 /rove it to Me. I not9 why do you stri6e MeFG ELeave Hi! a)one. I a! &oin& to 7aia/has. :ee/ Hi! here unti) I te)) you otherwise. 'nd !a6e sure He does not s/ea6 to any2ody.G 'nnas &oes out. Jesus does not s/ea6. 8ot even to John9 who dares to stay at the door de yin& the +rowd o hired ru ians. %ut Jesus9 without sayin& a word9 !ust have &iven hi! an order9 2e+ause John9 a ter a sorrow u) &)an+e9 &oes away and I )ose si&ht o hi!.

Jesus Before Caiaphas

12 Jesus re!ains with the torturers. %)ows with ro/es9 s/itt)e9 insu)ts9 6i+6s9 the tearin& o His hair9 is what is )e t or Hi!9 unti) a servant +o!es to say that the 1risoner is to 2e ta6en to 7aia/has' house. 'nd Jesus9 sti)) tied and i))@treated9 &oes out a&ain under the /or+h9 wa)6s a)on& it as ar as a )o22y9 and then /asses throu&h a yard in whi+h !any /eo/)e are war!in& the!se)ves near a ire9 2e+ause the ni&ht has turned +o)d and windy in the ear)y hours o the (riday. 1eter and John are a)so there9 !in&)ed a!on& the hosti)e +rowd. 'nd they !ust 2e rea))y 2rave to stay thereN Jesus )oo6s at the! and a aint s!i)e a//ears on His )i/s a)ready swo))en 2e+ause o the 2)ows re+eived. ' )on& wa)6 a+ross /or+hes9 ha))s9 yards and +orridors. %ut what 6ind o houses did these /eo/)e o the Te!/)e haveF %ut the +rowd does not &o into the en+)osure o the /onti 's house. It is /ushed 2a+6 into 'nna's entran+e@ha)). Jesus /ro+eeds a)one9 a!on& 2ravoes and /riests. He &oes into a )ar&e ha)) that see!s to )ose its re+tan&u)ar sha/e 2e+ause o the !any seats /)a+ed in horse@shoe sha/e a)on& three sides9 )eavin& an e!/ty s/a+e in the !idd)e9 2eyond whi+h there are two or three seats /)a+ed on /)at or!s. 4hen Jesus is on the /oint o &oin& in9 ra22i ,a!a)ie) arrives at the sa!e ti!e9 and the &uards &ive the 1risoner a stron& /u))9 so that He !ay &ive way to the ra22i o Israe). %ut the )atter9 as sti as a statue9 with a state)y attitude s)a+6ens his /a+e and9 hard)y !ovin& his )i/s9 without )oo6in& at anyone9 he as6sI E4ho are ;ouF Te)) !e.G 'nd Jesus 6ind)y re/)iesI E.ead the /ro/hets and you wi)) have the answer. They +ontain the irst si&n. The other one wi)) +o!e.G ,a!a)ie) &athers his !ant)e and &oes in. Jesus enters 2ehind hi!. 4hi)e ,a!a)ie) &oes to one o the seats9 Jesus is dra&&ed to the !idd)e o the ha))9 in ront o the 1onti I the true i&ure o a +ri!ina). 'nd they wait unti) a)) the !e!2ers o the Sanhedrin arrive.

'nother 2ravo &ives Hi! a s)a/ in the a+e shoutin&I EIs that how you re/)y to the Hi&h 13 Then the session 2e&ins. %ut 7aia/has noti+es that two or three seats are va+ant and 1riestFG he as6sI E4here is 0)eazarF 'nd where is JohnFG EI a! s/ea6in& to 'nnas. 7aia/has is the 1onti . 'nd I a! s/ea6in& with the res/e+t

)$$. The Da i"us T ia2s.


' youn& !an9 a s+ri2e I thin69 stands u/9 he 2ows and saysI EThey re used to +o!e. Here is their )etter.G E:ee/ it and !a6e a note o it. They wi)) answer or that. 4hat have the ho)y !e!2ers o this 7oun+i) to say with re&ard to this !anFG EI wi)) te)) you. He in rin&ed the Sa22ath in !y house. ,od 2ears witness that I a! not )yin&. Ish!ae) 2en (a2i never )ies.G EIs it true9 de endantFG Jesus is si)ent. EI have seen hi! )ive with we))@6nown /rostitutes. (ei&nin& He was a /ro/het9 He turned His haunt into a 2rothe)9 and with heathen wo!en o a)) /eo/)e. Sado+9 7a))as+e2ona and 8ahu! 'nnas' trustee9 were with !e. '! I te))in& the truth9 Sado+ and 7a))as+e2onaF ,ive !e the )ie9 i I deserve it.G EIt is true. Auite true.G E4hat do ;ou sayFG Jesus is si)ent. EHe !issed no o//ortunity to deride us and have us ridi+u)ed9 7o!!on /eo/)e no )on&er )ove us throu&h His au)t.G E$o ;ou hear the!F ;ou have /ro aned the ho)y !e!2ers.G Jesus is si)ent. EThis !an is /ossessed. ' ter He returned ro! 0&y/t He has /ra+tised 2)a+6 !a&i+.G EHow +an you /rove itFG E5n !y aith and on the ta2)es o the Law.G E' &rave +har&e. 1rove ;our inno+en+e.G Jesus is si)ent. E;our !inistry is i))e&a)9 ;ou 6now that. 'nd )ia2)e to death. S/ea6 u/.G EThis session o ours is i))e&a). Stand u/9 Si!eon9 and )et us &oG says ,a!a)ie). E.a22i9 have you &one !adFG EI res/e+t or!u)ae. It is not )aw u) to /ro+eed as we are doin&. 'nd I wi)) !a6e a /u2)i+ +har&e a&ainst it.G 'nd ra22i ,a!a)ie) &oes out9 as sti as a statue9 o))owed 2y a !an a2out thirty@ ive years o)d9 who )oo6s )i6e hi!.

14 There is a )itt)e tur!oi) and 8i+ode!us and Jose/h ta6e advanta&e o it to s/ea6 in avour o the Martyr. E,a!a)ie) is ri&ht. The ti!e and the /)a+e are i))i+it9 and the +har&es are not +onsistent. 7an any2ody a++use Hi! o havin& notorious)y des/ised the LawF I a! a riend o His and I swear that I have a)ways ound Hi! to 2e res/e+t u) o the LawG says 8i+ode!us. E'nd I9 too. 'nd in order not to assent to a +ri!e9 I +over !y head9 not or Hi!9 2ut or us9 and I &o out.G 'nd Jose/h is a2out to +o!e down ro! his seat and &o out. %ut 7aia/has shoutsI E'hH Is that what you sayF Then )et the sworn witnesses +o!e. 'nd )isten to the!. Then you wi)) &o away.G Then two <ai)@2ird i&ures +o!e in. 0)usive )oo6s9 +rue) sneers9 s)y ways. ES/ea6 u/.G EIt is not )aw u) to )isten to 2oth at the sa!e ti!eG shouts Jose/h. EI a! the Hi&h 1riest. I &ive orders. %e si)entHG Jose/h stri6es the ta2)e with his ist and saysI EMay the ire o Heaven a)) u/on youH 's ro! this !o!ent 2e aware that Jose/h the 0)der is an ene!y o the Sanhedrin and a riend o the 7hrist. 'nd I a! &oin& at on+e to in or! the 1raetor that a !an is 2ein& senten+ed to death here without the a//rova) o .o!eHG and he rushes out &ivin& a vio)ent /ush to a youn& thin s+ri2e who wou)d )i6e to ho)d hi! 2a+6. 8i+ode!us &oes out !ore +a)!)y without sayin& a word. 'nd when &oin& out he /asses in ront o Jesus and )oo6s at Hi!N 'nother tur!oi). They are a raid o .o!e. 'nd Jesus is a)ways the e3/iatin& vi+ti!. ESee9 a)) this is ha//enin& throu&h ;our au)t9 ;ou +orru/ter o the 2est Judaeans. ;ou have /rostituted the!.G Jesus is si)ent. 15 ELet the witnesses s/ea6G shouts 7aia/has. E;es9 He was !a6in& use o theN theN 4e 6newN 4hat is the na!e o that thin&FG EThe tetra&ra!9 /erha/sFG EThat's itH ;ou have said itH He evo6ed the dead. He tau&ht /eo/)e to re2e) a&ainst the Sa22ath and to dese+rate the a)tar. 4e swear it. He said that He wanted to destroy the Te!/)e and re2ui)d it in three days with the assistan+e o de!ons.G E8o. He saidI it wi)) not 2e 2ui)t 2y !an.G

)$$. The Da i"us T ia2s.


7aia/has +o!es down ro! his seat and a//roa+hes Jesus. S!a))9 e3+essive)y at9 u&)y9 he )oo6s )i6e a hu&e toad +)ose to a )ower. %e+ause Jesus9 a)thou&h wounded9 2ruised9 dirty and un6e!/t9 is sti)) so handso!e and so)e!n. E're ;ou not re/)yin&F 4hat horri2)e +har&es they are 2rin&in& a&ainst ;ouH S/ea69 to +)ear ;ourse) o su+h sha!e.G %ut Jesus is si)ent. He )oo6s at hi! 2ut does not s/ea6. E.e/)y to !e9 then. I a! ;our 1onti . I ad<ure ;ou 2y the )ivin& ,od. Te)) !eI are ;ou the 7hrist9 the Son o ,odFG

His hair vio)ent)y9 drive Hi! here and there with His hands tied9 so that He 6no+6s a&ainst ta2)es9 +hairs and wa))s9 whi)e they as6 Hi!I E4ho hit ;ouF ,uess.G 'nd severa) ti!es they tri/ Hi! and !a6e Hi! a)) )at on His a+e9 and they s/)it their sides with )au&hter seein& how hard)y a2)e He is to stand u/ a&ain9 His hands 2ein& tied. 16 So!e hours &o 2y so and the tired torturers de+ide to have a )itt)e rest. They ta6e Jesus to a +)oset9 !a6in& Hi! &o throu&h !any yards a!on& the insu)ts o the !o2 a)ready nu!erous in the en+)osure o the 1onti 's house. Jesus arrives in the +ourtyard where there is 1eter near a ire. 'nd He )oo6s at hi!. %ut 1eter es+a/es His noti+e. John is no )on&er there. I +annot see hi!. I thin6 he has &one away with 8i+ode!usN

E;ou have said it. I a!. 'nd you wi)) see the Son o !an9 sittin& on the ri&ht hand o the /ower o the (ather9 +o!e on the +)ouds o the s6y. Moreover9 why do you as6 MeF I have s/o6en in /u2)i+ or three years. I have not said anythin& se+ret)y. 's6 those who $awn is 2rea6in& and the s6y )oo6s &reenish. 'n order is &ivenI the 1risoner is to 2e have heard Me. They wi)) te)) you what I have said and what I have done.G ta6en 2a+6 to the 7oun+i) Ha)) or a !ore )e&a) tria). It is <ust the !o!ent in whi+h 1eter or the third ti!e denies that he 6nows the 7hrist9 when the )atter is /assin& 2y9 5ne o the so)diers who is ho)din& Hi!9 stri6es His !outh9 !a6in& it 2)eed on+e a&ain9 a)ready !ar6ed 2y su erin&s. 'nd9 in the &reenish dawn )i&ht9 His 2ruises )oo6 even and he shoutsI EIs that how you re/)y9 5 satan9 to the Hi&h 1onti FG !ore dread u) on His wan a+e9 and His eyes !ore sun6en and &)assyI a Jesus !ade du)) 2y the sorrow o the wor)dN 'nd Jesus re/)ies !ee6)y to this one as He had re/)ied to the /revious oneI EI I have s/o6en the truth9 why do you stri6e MeF I I have said so!ethin& wron&9 why do you ' derisory sar+asti+ !is+hievous +o+6@+rowin& rends the air <ust 2e&innin& to stir at not te)) Me where I a! wron&F I te)) you on+e a&ainI I a# the ,hrist the .on of &od. I dawn. 'nd at this !o!ent o dee/ si)en+e 2rou&ht a2out 2y the a//earan+e o the cannot lie. I a# the High ;riest the )ternal ;riest. 'nd I a)one wear the true .ationa)9 7hrist9 on)y 1eter's harsh voi+e is heard to sayI EI swear it9 wo!an9 I do not 6now on whi+h it is writtenI $o+trine and Truth. 'nd I a! aith u) to 2oth9 even to death9 Hi!GI a reso)ute de+ided state!ent9 to whi+h re/)ies at on+e9 )i6e a sneer9 the +hee6y i&no!inious in the eyes o the wor)d9 ho)y in the eyes o ,od9 and unti) the 2)iss u) +rowin& o the +o+6ere). .esurre+tion. I a# the Anointed *ne. ;ontiff and =ing I a#. 'nd I a! a2out to ta6e My s+e/tre and with it9 as with a winnowin&@ an9 I wi)) +)ear the threshin&@ )oor. This 1eter &ives a start. He turns round to run away and he inds hi!se) a+in& Jesus9 4ho Te!/)e wi)) 2e destroyed and it wi)) rise a&ain9 new and ho)y. %e+ause this one is )oo6s at hi! with in inite +o!/assion9 with su+h sad dee/ sorrow that 2rea6s !y heart9 +orru/t and ,od has a2andoned it to its destiny.G as i a ter that I shou)d see !y Jesus vanish orever. 1eter so2s and he &oes out sta&&erin& as i he were drun6. He runs away 2ehind two servants9 who &o out into the E%)as/he!erHG they a)) shout in +horus. street9 and he disa//ears down the se!i@dar6 street. E4i)) ;ou do that in three days9 ;ou si))y /ossessed !anFG 17 Jesus is ta6en 2a+6 into the ha)). In +horus they re/eat the +a/tious =uestionI EIn the E8ot this one. But !ine will rise again the Te#ple of the true living holy three ti#es na!e o the true ,od9 te)) usI are ;ou the 7hristFG 'nd when they re+eive the sa!e re/)y as the /revious one9 they senten+e Hi! to death and they &ive orders to ta6e Jesus holy &od.G to 1i)ate. E'nathe!aHG they how) a&ain in +horus. Jesus9 es+orted 2y a)) His ene!ies9 e3+e/t 'nnas and 7aia/has9 &oes out9 /assin& on+e 7aia/has raises his +)u+6in& voi+e9 he tears his )inen &ar!ents with a e+ted horror9 and a&ain throu&h those +ourts o the Te!/)e9 in whi+h so !any ti!es He had s/o6en9 he saysI E4hat e)se have we to hear ro! witnessesF He has 2)as/he!ed. So what sha)) he)/ed and +ured /eo/)e9 and throu&h the e!2att)ed en+)osure He &oes into the streets we doFG o the town9 and !ore dra&&ed than )ed9 He des+ends towards the town9 whi+h is 'nd a)) in +horusI EHe deserves to die.G 'nd with disdain u) s+anda)ised &estures they turnin& /in6ish in the irst announ+e!ent o dawn. &o out o the ha))9 )eavin& Jesus to the !er+y o the 2ravoes and o the !o2 o a)se I thin6 that or the on)y /ur/ose o torturin& Hi! )on&er9 they !a6e Hi! ta6e a )on& witnesses9 who with s)a/s9 2)ows9 s/ittin&9 2)indin& His eyes with a ra& and then /u))in& tedious wa)6 round Jerusa)e!9 /assin& on /ur/ose 2y the !ar6ets9 the sta2)in&s9 the

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hoste)s u)) o /eo/)e at 1assover. 'nd 2oth the waste ve&eta2)es in !ar6et /)a+es9 and the e3+re!ent o ani!a)s in sta2)in&s9 2e+o!e /ro<e+ti)es or the Inno+ent9 4hose a+e shows )ar&er and )ar&er 2ruises and s!a)) 2)eedin& +uts9 and is vei)ed 2y the various dirty thin&s s/read over it. His hair9 a)ready wei&hed down and s)i&ht)y stret+hed 2y 2)ood sweat9 )oo6s du))er and han&s un+o!2ed9 strewn with 2its o straw and dirt9 a))in& over His eyes9 2e+ause they ru )e it to vei) His a+e. The /eo/)e at !ar6et /)a+es9 2uyers and vendors9 )eave everythin& to o))ow the 1oor 4ret+h9 2ut not out o )ove. ,roo!s and inn@servants +o!e out in &rou/s9 dea to the +a))in& and orders o their !istresses9 who9 to te)) the truth9 )i6e a)!ost a)) the other wo!en9 are9 i not a)) a&ainst the insu)ts9 at )east indi erent to the tu!u)t9 and they withdraw &ru!2)in& at 2ein& )e t a)one with so !any /eo/)e to serve. So the how)in& train &rows 2i&&er every !o!ent and !inds and eatures see! to +han&e nature9 throu&h a sudden e/ide!i+9 as the or!er 2e+o!e the !inds o +ri!ina)s9 and the )atter !as6s o ero+ity in a+es &reen with hatred or red with an&erM hands 2e+o!e +)aws and !ouths ta6e the sha/e and how)in& o wo)ves9 and eyes )oo6 sinister9 red9 s=uinted )i6e those o !ad!en. Jesus on)y is a)ways the sa!e9 a)thou&h 2y now He is +overed with dirt s/read a)) over His 2ody9 and His eatures are dis i&ured 2y 2ruises and swe))in&s. 18 't an ar+hivo)t that narrows the street )i6e a rin&9 whi)e everythin& 2e+o!es o2stru+ted and s)ows down9 a +ry rends the airI EJesusHG It is 0)ias9 the she/herd9 who tries to !a6e his way 2y swin&in& a heavy +)u2. 5)d9 /ower u)9 !ena+in& and stron&9 he a)!ost su++eeds in a//roa+hin& the Master. %ut the +rowd9 de eated 2y the irst assau)t9 +)oses its ran6s and se/arates9 drives 2a+6 and overwhe)!s the so)itary dis+i/)e who stru&&)es a&ainst a who)e +rowd. EMasterHG he shouts9 whi)e the vorte3 o the +rowd a2sor2s and re<e+ts hi!. E,oHN My MotherN I 2)ess youNG 'nd the /ro+ession /asses throu&h the narrow s/ot. 'nd )i6e water that inds an o/en s/a+e a ter a da!9 it /ours u/roarious)y into a wide avenue9 2ui)t a2ove the ho))ow 2etween two hi))s9 with wonder u) 2ui)din&s o wea)thy /eo/)e at its ends.

throu&h the +rowd9 it !a6es the rider's /ur/)e and &o)d vei) a)) ro! his head9 where it was he)d ti&ht 2y a &o)d stri/9 I re+o&nise Manaen. E%a+6HG he shouts. EHow dare you distur2 the Tetrar+h's restFG %ut that is on)y an e3+use to <usti y his intervention and atte!/t to rea+h Jesus. EThis !anN )et !e see Hi!N Stand aside9 or I wi)) +a)) the &uardsNG The /eo/)e9 2e+ause o the hai) o 2)ows with the )at o the sword9 o the 6i+6s o the horse and o the threats o the horse@!an9 o/en out and Manaen +an rea+h the &rou/ o Jesus and o the Te!/)e &uards who are ho)din& Hi!. E,o awayH The Tetrar+h is !ore i!/ortant than you are9 you i)thy servants. %a+6. I want to s/ea6 to Hi!G and he is su++ess u) 2y +har&in& the !ost ruth)ess <ai)or with his sword. EMasterHNG EThan6 you. %ut &o awayH 'nd !ay ,od +o! ort youHG 'nd9 as 2est He +an with His tied hands9 He !a6es a &esture o 2)essin&. The +rowds hiss ro! a ar and9 as soon as they see Manaen withdraw9 they ta6e ven&ean+e or 2ein& driven 2a+6 2y throwin& a hai) o stones and ru22ish on the 7onvi+t. 20 ')on& the avenue9 whi+h is u/hi)) and a)ready war! in the sunshine9 they &o towards the 'ntonia Tower9 the !ass o whi+h is a)ready visi2)e in the distan+e. The shri)) +ry o a wo!an rends the airI E5hH !y SaviourH My )i e or His9 5 0terna)HG Jesus turns His head round and on the hi&h )owery )o&&ia surroundin& a 2eauti u) house He sees Johanna o 7huza9 a!on& !aids and servants and with )itt)e Mary and Matthias around her9 raise her ar!s towards the s6y. %ut Heaven does not )isten to /rayers todayH Jesus raises His ar!s and !a6es a &esture o arewe)) 2)essin&. E$eathH $eath to the 2)as/he!er9 the +orru/ter9 the devi)H $eath to His riendsG and hisses and stones are s)un& towards the hi&h terra+e. I do not 6now whether any2ody is in<ured. I hear a very shri)) +ry and then I see the &rou/ 2rea6 u/ and disa//ear.

'nd on9 on9 &oin& u/N Jerusa)e! dis/)ays her houses in the sunshine9 e!/ty9 e!/tied I see the Te!/)e on+e a&ain on the to/ o its hi))9 and I rea)ise that the vi+ious +ir+)e 2y the hatred that drives the who)e town9 with its rea) inha2itants and the te!/orary they !ade the 7onvi+t &o round9 to e3/ose Hi! to the ridi+u)e o the who)e town and ones who have +o!e here or the 1assover9 a&ainst a de en+e)ess !an. a))ow every2ody to insu)t Hi!9 whi)e the insu)ters in+rease at ea+h ste/9 is +o!in& to its 21 So!e .o!an so)diers9 a who)e !ani/)e9 run out ro! the 'ntonia with their )an+es end 2y &oin& 2a+6 to where it started. /ointed at the !o29 who dis/erse shoutin&. In the !idd)e o the street there is Jesus )e t 19 ' horse@!an +o!es out o a 2ui)din& at a &a))o/. The /ur/)e +a/arison on the white with the &uards9 the +hie o the /riests9 o the s+ri2es and o the e)ders o the /eo/)e. 'ra2 horse and the !a&ni i+en+e o its a//earan+e9 his sword 2randished na6ed and EThis !anF This seditionF ;ou wi)) answer to .o!e or thisG says a +enturion )anded with its )at or ed&e on 2a+6s and heads that 2e&in to 2)eed9 !a6e hi! )oo6 )i6e an ar+han&e). 4hen in a +ara+o)e9 in a /ran+e o the horse that +urvets9 usin& its hooves hau&hti)y. as a wea/on to de end itse) and its !aster9 and as the 2est !eans to !a6e its way

)$$. The Da i"us T ia2s.


EHe is )ia2)e to death a++ordin& to our )aw.G E'nd sin+e when has the C<us &)adii et san&uinisD 2een &iven 2a+6 to youFG as6s on+e a&ain the senior +enturion9 a rea) .o!an9 with a severe a+e and a +hee6 !ar6ed 2y a dee/ s+ar. 'nd he s/ea6s with the +onte!/t and dis&ust with whi+h he wou)d s/ea6 to )ousy &a))ey@s)aves. E4e are aware that we do not have that ri&ht. 4e are )oya) su2<e+ts o .o!eNG EHaH HaH HaH Listen to the!9 Lon&inus. Loya)H Su2<e+tsH .ottersH I wou)d reward you with the arrows o !y ar+hers.G

)y. He +o!es in )azi)y9 with a s6e/ti+a) s!i)e on his shaven a+e9 he ru2s so!e )eaves o )e!on@s+ented ver2ena and s!e))s the! vo)u/tuous)y. He &oes to a sun@dia) and +o!es 2a+6 a ter )oo6in& at it. He throws so!e &rains o in+ense into the 2razier /)a+ed at the eet o a deity. He has +itron water 2rou&ht to hi! and he &ar&)es his throat. He &azes at his hair +o!/)ete)y wavy in a !irror o hi&h)y /o)ished !eta). He see!s to have or&ot@ ten the 7onvi+t9 4ho is awaitin& his a//rova) to 2e 6i))ed. He wou)d !a6e even stones )y into a ra&e.

Sin+e the ront o the ha)) is +o!/)ete)y o/en and is raised 2y three hi&h ste/s with res/e+t to the )o22y9 whi+h o/ens onto the street and is three !ore ste/s hi&her than it9 the Jews +an see everythin& very we)) and they are rettin& and u!in&. %ut they dare EToo no2)e a deathH The 2a+6s o !u)es want nothin& 2ut the )ashHNG re/)ies Lon&inus not re2e) as they ear the )an+es and <ave)ins. with ironi+ +oo)ness. 't )ast9 a ter &oin& round and round the )ar&e ha))9 1i)ate &oes strai&ht towards Jesus9 he The +hie /riests9 s+ri2es and e)ders are oa!in& with /oison. %ut they want to attain )oo6s at Hi! and as6s the two +enturionsI EThis oneFG their o2<e+t and are si)ent9 they swa))ow the insu)t without showin& that they have un@ E;es9 this !an.G derstood it9 and 2owin& to the two o i+ers9 they as6 that Jesus 2e )ed to 1ontius 1i)ate so that Ehe !ay <ud&e and +onde!n with the we))@6nown honest <usti+e o .o!e.G ELet His a++users +o!eG and he &oes and sits on the +hair /)a+ed on the /)at or!. '2ove his head the insi&nia o .o!e inter)a+e with the &o)den ea&)es and their EHaH HaH Listen to the!H 4e have 2e+o!e wiser than MinervaN HereH ,ive Hi! to usH 'nd !ar+h ahead o usH 5ne never 6nows. ;ou are stin6in& <a+6a)s. It is dan&erous /ower u) initia)s. to have you 2ehind our 2a+6s. ,o onHG EThey +annot +o!e. They 2e+o!e +onta!inated.G E4e +annot.G E4hy notF 4hen one a++uses one !ust 2e 2e ore the <ud&e with the de endant. That is the ru)e o .o!e.G EThe house o a heathen is un+)ean in our eyes9 and we are a)ready /uri ied or 1assover.G E5hH /oor )itt)e thin&sH they 2e+o!e +onta!inated 2y +o!in& inHN 'nd the !urder o the on)y He2rew 4ho is a !an9 and not a <a+6a) and a re/ti)e )i6e you9 does that not /o))ute youF ')) ri&ht. Then re!ain where you are. 8ot one ste/ orward or you wi)) 2e /ier+ed 2y the s/ears. Let a de+ury stand round the $e endant. The others a&ainst this ra22)e that s!e))s o 2ad)y washed 2i))y@&oat.G E1hewH %etter so. 4e sha)) save strea!s o essen+es to re!ove their &oatish s!e)) ro! this /)a+e. Ma6e the! +o!e nearer9 at )east. $own here. 'nd !a6e sure they do not +o!e in9 as they do not wish to do so. This !an +ou)d 2e a /rete3t or a sedition.G ' so)dier de/arts to ta6e the order o the .o!an 1ro+urator. The others draw u/ in ront o the entran+e@ha)) at re&u)ar distan+es9 as handso!e as nine statues o heroes. 23 The +hie /riests9 s+ri2es and e)ders +o!e orward and they 2ow servi)e)y and sto/ in the )itt)e s=uare whi+h is 2e ore the 1raetoriu!9 2eyond the three ste/s o the )o22y. ES/ea6 u/ and 2e =ui+6. ;ou are a)ready at au)t or distur2in& the /ea+e o the ni&ht and havin& the ,ates o/ened with vio)en+e. %ut I wi)) have that veri ied. 'nd /rin+i/a)s and !andataries wi)) answer or diso2eyin& the ordinan+e.G 1i)ate has &one towards the!9 re!ainin& in the ha)). E4e have +o!e to su2!it our verdi+t on this !an to .o!e9 whose divine e!/eror you re/resent.G E4hat +har&es do you 2rin& a&ainst Hi!F He see!s inno+ent to !eNG EI He were not an evi)@doer9 we wou)d not have 2rou&ht Hi! to you.G 'nd in their ea&erness to a++use Hi! they +o!e orward.

Jesus Before Pontius Pilate

22 Jesus enters into the 1raetoriu! in the !idd)e o the ten so)diers who are ar!ed with )an+es and or! a s=uare o ha)2erds around His /erson. The two +enturions &o on. 4hi)e Jesus sto/s in a )ar&e entran+e@ha))9 2eyond whi+h there is a +ourt@yard that +an 2e seen indistin+t)y 2ehind a +urtain !oved 2y the wind9 they disa//ear 2ehind a door. They +o!e 2a+6 in with the ,overnor9 who is wearin& a snowwhite to&a with a s+ar)et !ant)e on to/ o it. 1erha/s that is how they dressed when re/resentin& .o!e o i+ia)@

)$$. The Da i"us T ia2s.


E.e/e) this /o/u)a+e. Si3 ste/s 2eyond the three ste/s in the s=uare. The two +enturies to ar!sHG The so)diers o2ey /ro!/t)y9 one hundred draw u/ on the to/ outer ste/ with their 2a+6s to the entran+e@ha))9 and one hundred in the )itt)e s=uare9 onto whi+h the !ain door o 1i)ate's a2ode o/ens. I said !ain door9 I shou)d say hu&e /orta) or triu!/ha) ar+h9 2e+ause it is a very wide o/enin& de)i!ited 2y a &ate9 now wide o/en9 whi+h ad!its into the ha)) throu&h the )on& +orridor o the )o22y at )east si3 !etres wide9 so that what ta6es /)a+e in the raised ha)) is +)ear)y visi2)e. %eyond the wide )o22y one +an see the 2east)y a+es o the Jews )oo6 threatenin&)y and dia2o)i+a))y towards the inside9 2eyond the ar!ed 2arrier that9 side 2y side9 /resents two hundred shar/@/ointed s/ears to the +hi+6en@hearted 6i))ers. EI as6 you on+e a&ain9 whi+h +har&e are you 2rin&in& a&ainst this !anFG EHe has +o!!itted +ri!es a&ainst the Law o our ore athers.G E'nd have you +o!e to 2other !e a2out thatF Ta6e hi! and <ud&e Hi! a++ordin& to your )aws.G

%ut My :in&do! is not o the 0arth. 'nd you 6now that I do not see6 /ower.G EThat is true. I 6now. I have 2een to)d. %ut ;ou do not deny that ;ou are a 6in&FG E;ou assert it. I a! a :in&. That is why I +a!e into the wor)dI to 2ear witness to the Truth. Those who are on the side o the Truth )isten to My voi+e.G E4hat is the TruthF 're ;ou a /hi)oso/herF It does not serve when a+in& death. So+rates died <ust the sa!e.G E%ut it served hi! in his )i eti!e9 to )ive honest)y. 'nd a)so to die we)). 'nd to enter into the other )i e without 2ein& +a))ed a traitor o +ivi+ virtues.G E%y JoveHG 1i)ate )oo6s at Hi! or so!e !o!ents u)) o ad!iration. Then he resu!es his s6e/ti+a) sar+as!. He !a6es a &esture o 2oredo!9 turns his 2a+6 on Hi! and &oes towards the Judaeans. EI ind no au)t in Hi!.G

The +rowd riots9 seized with the /ani+ ear o )osin& the /rey and the s/e+ta+)e o the +a/ita) /unish!ent. 'nd they shoutI EHe is a re2e)HG9 E' 2)as/he!erG9 EHe en+oura&es )i2ertinis!G9 EHe insti&ates /eo/)e to re2e)G9 EHe re uses res/e+t or 7aesarG9 EHe ei&ns that He is a /ro/hetG9 EHe /ra+tises !a&i+G9 EHe is a devi)G9 EHe stirs u/ the E4e +annot senten+e any2ody to death. 4e are not )earned. Jewish <uris/ruden+e is a /eo/)e tea+hin& a)) over in Judaea9 where He +a!e ro! ,a)i)ee tea+hin&G9 E$eath to !enta))y de i+ient +hi)d as +o!/ared with the /er e+t Law o .o!e. 's i&norant /eo/)e Hi!HG9 E$eath to Hi!HG and su2<e+ts o .o!e9 the !istress9 we are in needNG ESin+e when have you 2e+o!e honey and 2utterFN %ut you have s/o6en the truth9 o !asters o a)sehoodH ;ou are in need o .o!eH ;es. To &et rid o this !an 4ho +auses trou2)e to you. I see.G 'nd 1i)ate )au&hs9 )oo6in& at the +)ear s6y that is ra!ed )i6e a re+tan&u)ar sheet o dar6 tur=uoise a!on& the !ar2)e snow@white wa))s o the ha)). ETe)) !eI whi+h +ri!es has He +o!!itted a&ainst your )awsFG E4e have ound out that He was +ausin& distur2an+es in our +ountry and was /reventin& /eo/)e ro! /ayin& the tri2ute to 7aesar9 sayin& that He is the 7hrist9 the 6in& o the Jews.G 24 1i)ate &oes 2a+6 to Jesus9 4ho is in the !idd)e o the ha))9 )e t there 2y the so)diers9 tied 2ut without es+ort9 so o2vious is His !ee6ness. 'nd he as6s Hi!I E're ;ou the 6in& o the JewsFG E're you as6in& this o your own a++ord9 or throu&h the insinuation o other /eo/)eFG E'nd what do ;ou e3/e+t !e to +are or ;our 6in&do!F '! I a JewF ;our +ountry and its )eaders have handed ;ou over to !e9 that I !ay <ud&e ;ou. 4hat have ;ou doneF I 6now that ;ou are )oya). S/ea6. Is it true that ;ou as/ire at rei&nin&FG EMy :in&do! does not +o!e ro! this wor)d. I it were a 6in&do! o this wor)d9 My !inisters and !y so)diers wou)d have ou&ht to /revent the Jews ro! arrestin& Me. EIs He a ,a)i)eanF 're ;ou a ,a)i)eanFG 1i)ate &oes 2a+6 to JesusI E$o ;ou hear how they a++use ;ouF 1rove ;our inno+en+e.G %ut Jesus is si)ent. 1i)ate is /ensiveN 'nd he de+idesI ELet a +entury ta6e Hi! to Herod to 2e <ud&ed. He is Herod's su2<e+t. I a+6now)ed&e the ri&ht o the Tetrar+h and I assent to his verdi+t in advan+e. Te)) hi!. ,o.G 25 'nd Jesus9 surrounded )i6e a ras+a) 2y one hundred so)diers9 /asses throu&h the town a&ain and on+e !ore He !eets Judas Is+ariot9 who! He had a)ready !et near a !ar6et. I or&ot to !ention this 2e ore9 dis&usted as I was with the 2raw) o the /o/u)a+e. The sa!e !er+i u) &)an+e at the traitorN It is now !ore di i+u)t to stri6e Hi! with 6i+6s and +)u2s9 2ut there is no shorta&e o stones and ru22ish and9 i the stones hit the .o!an he)!ets and ar!our resoundin& without in<uries9 they do )eave !ar6s when they hit Jesus9 4ho is /ro+eedin& with on)y His tuni+ on9 as He )e t His !ant)e at ,ethse!ane. 4hen enterin& Herod's su!/tuous /a)a+e9 He sees 7huzaN who +annot )oo6 at Hi! and runs away not to see Hi! in that state9 +overin& his head with his !ant)e.

Jesus Before Herod

26 He is now in the ha))9 in ront o Herod. 'nd 2ehind Hi!9 there are the s+ri2es and

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1harisees9 who ee) at their ease here9 and who +o!e in to !a6e their a)se +har&es. 5n)y the +enturion and our so)diers es+ort Hi! towards the Tetrar+h. Herod des+ends ro! his seat and wa)6s round Jesus9 whi)e )istenin& to the a++usations o His ene!ies. 'nd he s!i)es and )outs. He then ei&ns +o!/assion and res/e+t9 whi+h do not u/set the Martyr9 as his rai))ery did not /ertur2 Hi!. E;ou are &reat. I 6now. I en=uired a2out ;ou and I was /)eased that 7huza was ;our riend and Manaen ;our dis+i/)e. IN the worries o the StateN %ut how an3ious I was to say that ;ou are &reatN to as6 ;ou to or&ive !eN John's eyesN his voi+e a++use !e and are a)ways 2e ore !e. ;ou are the saint who +an+e)s the sins o the wor)d. '2so)ve !e9 o 7hrist.G Jesus is si)ent. EI heard that they a++use ;ou o re2e))in& a&ainst .o!e. 're ;ou not the /ro!ised rod to stri6e 'ssurFG Jesus is si)ent. EThey to)d !e that ;ou /redi+t the end o the Te!/)e and o Jerusa)e!. %ut is the Te!/)e not eterna) as a s/irit9 sin+e it was wanted 2y ,od 4ho is eterna)FG Jesus is si)ent. E're ;ou !adF Have ;ou )ost ;our /owerF Is Satan /reventin& ;ou ro! s/ea6in&F Has he a2andoned ;ouFG Herod is )au&hin& now.

They untie His hands. 'nd whi)e a )ar&e nu!2er o servants 2rin& a!/horae and +u/s9 so!e dan+ers +o!e inN +overed with nothin&I a !any@+o)oured )inen rin&e is the on)y &ar!ent &irdin& their thin waists and hi/s. 8othin& e)se. 's they are ' ri+ans they are o 2ronze +o!/)e3ion and are as a&i)e as youn& &aze))es9 and they 2e&in a si)ent )as+ivious dan+e. Jesus re uses the +u/s and +)oses His eyes without s/ea6in&. Herod's +ourtiers )au&h at His disdain. ETa6e the wo!an ;ou wish. LiveH Learn how to )iveHNG su&&ests Herod. Jesus see!s a statue. 4ith o)ded ar!s9 +)osed eyes9 He does not stir even when the )ewd dan+ers tou+h Hi! )i&ht)y with their nude 2odies. E0nou&h. I treated ;ou as ,od9 and ;ou did not a+t as ,od. I treated ;ou as a !an9 and you have not a+ted as a !an. ;ou are !ad. ' white &ar!ent. 7)othe Hi! with it so that 1ontius 1i)ate !ay 6now that the Tetrar+h too6 his su2<e+t to 2e !ad. 7enturion9 /)ease te)) the 1ro+onsu) that Herod hu!2)y /resents his res/e+t to hi! and venerates .o!e. ,o.G 'nd Jesus9 tied on+e a&ain9 &oes out9 with a )inen tuni+ rea+hin& down to His 6nees9 on to/ o His red woo))en &ar!ent. 28 'nd they &o 2a+6 to 1i)ate.

8ow9 when the +entury with di i+u)ty s=ueeze throu&h the +rowd9 whi+h did not &et tired waitin& in ront o the /ro+onsu)ar 2ui)din& J and it is stran&e to see so !any 27 He then &ives an order. 'nd so!e servants rush in +arryin& a &reyhound9 whi+h has /eo/)e in that /)a+e and its nei&h2ourhood9 whi)e the rest o the town see!s to 2e a 2ro6en )e& and is ye)/in& sorrow u))y9 and a sta2)e@!an9 who is du))@witted9 with a 2i& e!/ty Jesus sees the she/herds in a &rou/ and they are a)) there9 that is9 Isaa+9 Jonathan9 Levi9 Jose/h9 0)ias9 Matthias9 John9 Si!eon9 %en<a!in and $anie)9 to&ether with a e!/ty head9 a s)averin& !outh9 an a2ortion9 the )au&hin& sto+6 o the servants. The s!a)) &rou/ o ,a)i)eans9 a!on& who! I re+o&nise ')/haeus and Jose/h o ')/haeus s+ri2es and /riests run away9 shoutin& at the sa+ri)e&e9 when they see the stret+her o with two !ore who! I do not 6now9 2ut <ud&in& 2y their hair@sty)e9 I shou)d say they the do&. are Judaeans. 'nd arther away9 He sees John9 who has s)i//ed into the ha))9 ha) @ Herod9 a)se and !o+6in&9 e3/)ainsI EIt's Herodias' /et. ' &i t o .o!e. It 2ro6e its )e& hidden 2ehind a +o)u!n9 with a .o!an9 who I thin6 is a servant. He s!i)es at this one yesterday and she is wee/in&. 5rder it to 2e +ured. 4or6 a !ira+)e.G and at thoseN His riendsN %ut what are these ew /eo/)e and Johanna9 and Manaen9 and 7huza9 in the !idd)e o an o+ean 2oi)in& with hatredFN Jesus )oo6s at hi! severe)y and is si)ent. EHave I o ended ;ouF This one9 then. He is a !an9 a)thou&h he is )itt)e !ore than a wi)d 2east. ,ive hi! inte))i&en+e9 sin+e ;ou are the Inte))i&en+e o the (atherN Is that not what ;ou sayFG 'nd he )au&hs o ensive)y. 'nother !ore severe &)an+e o Jesus9 4ho is sti)) si)ent. EThis !an is too a2stinent and is now stunned 2y s+orn. %rin& wine and wo!en here. 'nd untie Hi!.G 29 The +enturion sa)utes 1ontius 1i)ate and re/orts. EHere a&ainFH 1hewH 7ursed 2e this ra+eH Ma6e the !o2 +o!e orward and 2rin& the '++used here. 5hH what a nuisan+eHG He &oes towards the +rowd9 sto//in& a&ain in the !idd)e o the ha)). EJews9 )isten. ;ou have 2rou&ht !e this !an as an insti&ator o the /eo/)e. I have e3a!ined Hi! in your /resen+e and I have not ound in Hi! any o the +ri!es o whi+h

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you a++use Hi!. Herod did not ind !ore than I did. 'nd he has sent Hi! 2a+6 to us. He does not deserve death. .o!e has s/o6en. %ut9 in order not to dis/)ease you9 de/rivin& you o the a!use!ent9 I wi)) &ive you %ara22as. 'nd I wi)) order Hi! to 2e &iven orty )ashes. That is enou&h.G E8o9 noH 8ot %ara22asH 8ot %ara22asH $eath to JesusH 'nd a dread u) deathH .e)ease %ara22as and +onde!n the 8azarene to death.G E%ut )istenH I said I wi)) have Hi! )ashed. Is that not enou&hF I wi)) have Hi! s+our&ed9 thenH It is terri2)e9 you 6nowF He !ay die throu&h it. 4hat wron& has He doneF I +an ind no au)t in Hi!. 'nd I wi)) set Hi! ree.G E7ru+i y Hi!H 7ru+i y Hi!H $eath to Hi!H ;ou are the /rote+tor o +ri!ina)sH HeathenH ;ou are Satan9 tooHG

the stret+hed s6in o a dru!. They 2eat the /oor 2ody9 whi+h is so s)ender and as white as o)d ivory9 and then 2e+o!es +overed with stri/es that at irst are a 2ri&hter and 2ri&hter /in6 shade9 then vio)et9 then it dis/)ays 2)ue swe))in&s u)) o 2)ood9 then the s6in 2rea6s )ettin& 2)ood )ow ro! a)) sides. They redou2)e their +rue)ty on His thora3 and a2do!en9 2ut there is no shorta&e o 2)ows &iven to His )e&s9 ar!s and even to His head9 so that no ra&!ent o His s6in !ay 2e )e t without /ain. 'nd not a !oanN I He were not he)d u/ 2y the ro/e9 He wou)d a)). %ut He does not a)) and does not &roan. 5n)y His head han&s over His +hest9 a ter so !any 2)ows9 as i He had ainted. EHeyH Sto/H He !ust 2e a)ive when He is 6i))edG shouts a so)dier s+o in&)y. The two e3e+utioners sto/ and wi/e their /ers/iration.

The +rowd advan+es and the irst or!ation o so)diers wavers9 as they +annot !a6e use E4e are e3haustedG they say. E,ive us our /ay9 so that we !ay have a re reshin& o their )an+es. %ut the se+ond )ine9 des+endin& one ste/9 swin& their )an+es and ree drin6NG their +o!/anions. EI wou)d &ive you the &a))owsH %ut here you areNG and a de+urion throws a )ar&e +oin ELet Hi! 2e s+our&edG 1i)ate orders a +enturion. to ea+h e3e+utioner. EHow !any 2)owsFG E's !any as you )i6eN In any +ase the !atter is over. 'nd I a! 2ored. ,o.G E;ou have done a &ood <o2. He )oo6s )i6e a !osai+. Titus9 do you !ean that this !an was rea))y ')e3ander's )oveF 4e !ust )et hi! 6now9 so that he !ay !ourn over His death. Let us untie Hi!.G 31 They untie Hi!9 and Jesus a))s on the )oor )i6e a dead 2ody. They )eave Hi! there9 /ushin& Hi! now and a&ain with their eet shod with +a)i&ae9 to see whether He !oans. %ut He is si)ent. EIs He deadF Is it /ossi2)eF He is a youn& !an and a handi+ra ts!an9 so I a! to)dN and He )oo6s )i6e a de)i+ate )ady.G EI wi)) ta6e +are o Hi!G says a so)dier. 'nd he sits Hi! with His 2a+6 a&ainst the +o)u!n. 7)ots o 2)ood a//ear where He wasN He then &oes towards a ountain &ur&)in& under the /or+h9 he i))s a tu2 with water and /ours it on Jesus' head and 2ody. EThat's itH 4ater is &ood or )owers.G Jesus draws a dee/ si&h and tries to stand u/9 2ut His eyes are sti)) +)osed. E5hH &ood. 7o!e on9 dar)in&H ;our da!e is waitin& or ;ouHNG %ut Jesus in vain /resses His hands a&ainst the )oor tryin& to stand u/. E7o!e onH Aui+6H 're ;ou wea6F Here is so!e re resh!entG says another so)dier sneerin&)y. 'nd with the sha t o his ha)2erd he de)ivers a 2)ow to Jesus' a+e stri6in& it 2etween the ri&ht +hee62one and the nose9 that 2e&ins to 2)eed. Jesus o/ens His eyes and )oo6s round. His eyes are vei)edN He stares at the so)dier

The Scourging at the Pillar

30 Jesus is )ed 2y our so)diers to the +ourt@yard 2eyond the ha)). In the !idd)e o that +ourt@yard9 whi+h is a)) /aved with +o)oured !ar2)es9 there is a hi&h +o)u!n )i6e the one in the /or+h. 't a2out three !etres ro! the )oor it has an iron 2ar /rotrudin& at )east a !etre and endin& with a rin&9 to whi+h Jesus is tied9 with His hands <oined a2ove His head9 a ter He has 2een undressed. He has on on)y short )inen drawers and sanda)s. His hands tied at His wrists are raised u/ as ar as the rin&9 so that9 a)thou&h ta))9 He rests on)y the ti/s o His toes on the )oorN 'nd even that /osition is a torture. I have read9 I do not 6now where9 that the +o)u!n was )ow and that Jesus was 2ent over it. That !ay 2e. I say what I see. %ehind Hi! stands one who )oo6s )i6e an e3e+utioner9 with a +)ear Jewish /ro i)eM in ront o Hi!9 another !an9 )oo6in& )i6e the /revious one. They are ar!ed with s+our&es9 !ade o seven )eather stri/s tied to a hand)e and endin& with s!a)) )ead ha!!ers. They 2e&in to stri6e Hi! rhyth!i+a))y9 as i they were /ra+tisin&. 5ne in ront and one 2ehind9 so that Jesus' trun6 is in a whir) o )ashes and s+our&es. The our so)diers9 to who! He has 2een handed9 are indi erent and are /)ayin& di+e with other three so)diers who have <ust arrived. 'nd the voi+es o the /)ayers o))ow the rhyth! o the sound o the s+our&es9 whi+h hiss )i6e sna6es and then resound )i6e stones stri6in&

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who stru+6 Hi!9 wi/es the 2)ood with His hand9 and then9 with !u+h e ort9 He stands u/. E,et dressed. It is i!!odest to stay )i6e that. ;ou )ewd !anHG They a)) )au&h standin& around Hi!. 'nd He o2eys without s/ea6in&. %ut when He 2ends J and He a)one 6nows how !u+h He su ers when stoo/in& to the &round9 +ontused as He is9 as His wounds o/en even !ore when the s6in is stret+hed9 and !ore are or!ed as the 2)isters 2urst J a so)dier &ives a 6i+6 to His &ar!ents and s+atters the!9 and every ti!e Jesus rea+hes the!9 sta&&erin& to where they )ie9 a so)dier /ushes the! away or throws the! in a di erent dire+tion. 'nd Jesus9 su erin& 2itter)y9 &oes a ter the! without utterin& a word9 whi)e the so)diers deride Hi! o2s+ene)y. He +an dress Hi!se) a&ain at )ast. 'nd He +an /ut on a)so the white tuni+9 whi+h was )e t in a +orner and is sti)) +)ean. He see!s to wish to +on+ea) His /oor red &ar!ent9 whi+h on)y yesterday was so 2eauti u) and now is i)thy with ru22ish and stained with the 2)ood sweated at ,ethse!ane. (urther!ore9 2e ore /uttin& on His short vest9 He dries His wet a+e with it9 +)eanin& it o dust and s/itt)es. 'nd the /oor ho)y a+e )oo6s +)ean9 !ar6ed on)y 2y 2ruises and s!a)) +uts. 'nd He tidies His hair whi+h is han&in& ru )ed9 and His 2eard9 out o an in2orn need to 2e /ersona))y tidy. Then He s=uats in the sunshine. %e+ause !y Jesus is shiverin&N (ever 2e&ins to torture Hi! with its +o)d shivers. 'nd He ee)s wea6 2e+ause o the 2)ood He has )ost9 o astin& and wa)6in& so !u+h.

!ore o His hair. They ad<ust it a&ain. It now its. 't the ront there are three thorny +ords. 't the 2a+69 where the ends o the three 2ran+hes interweave9 there is a rea) 6not o thorns that /enetrate into the na/e o His ne+6. E$o ;ou see how we)) ;ou )oo6F 8atura) 2ronze and rea) ru2ies. Loo6 at ;ourse) 9 o 6in&9 in !y +uirassG says the inventor o the torture s+o in&)y. E' +rown is not su i+ient to !a6e a 6in&. 1ur/)e and s+e/tre are re=uired. In the sta2)e there is a +ane and in the sewer there is a red +h)a!ys. ,et the!9 7orne)ius.G 'nd on+e they have the!9 they /ut the dirty red ra& on Jesus9 shou)ders9 and 2e ore /uttin& the +ane in His hands9 they 2eat His head with it9 2owin& and &reetin&I EHai)9 6in& o the JewsG and they roar with )au&hter. Jesus does not rea+t. He )ets the! sit Hi! on the EthroneGI a tu2 turned u/side@down9 +ertain)y used to water horses9 He )ets the! stri6e and s+o at Hi!9 without ever utterin& a word. He on)y )oo6s at the!9 +astin& &)an+es o su+h 6indness and su+h atro+ious sorrow that I +annot 2ear the! without ee)in& heart@2ro6en.

Ecce Homo
33 The so)diers sto/ sneerin& at Hi! on)y when the harsh voi+e o a su/erior orders the! to ta6e the &ui)ty /risoner to 1i)ate. ,ui)tyH 5 whatF Jesus is ta6en 2a+6 a&ain to the entran+e@ha))9 whi+h is now +overed with a /re+ious ve)ariu! 2e+ause o the sun. He sti)) has the +rown9 the +h)a!ys and the +ane. E7o!e orward9 that I !ay show ;ou to the /eo/)e.G Jesus9 a)thou&h e3hausted9 strai&htens Hi!se) u/ with di&nity. 5hH He rea))y is a 6in&H EListen9 Jews. Here is the !an. I have /unished Hi!. %ut now )et Hi! &o.G E8o9 noH 4e want to see Hi!. 5utH That we !ay see the 2)as/he!erHG E%rin& Hi! out. 'nd !a6e sure they do not ta6e Hi!.G 'nd as Jesus &oes out into the )o22y and is visi2)e in the s=uare or!ed 2y the so)diers9 1ontius 1i)ate /oints to Hi! with his hand sayin&I EHere is the Man. ;our :in&. Is that sti)) not su i+ientFG The sun in a su)try day is shinin& a)!ost /er/endi+u)ar9 2e+ause it is 2etween the third and the si3th hour and it )i&hts u/ and !a6es eyes and a+es +ons/i+uousI are those /eo/)e hu!an 2ein&sF 8oI they are ra2id hyenas. They shout9 they sha6e their ists9 they want His deathN Jesus is ho)din& Hi!se) u/ri&ht. 'nd I assure you that He never had su+h a no2)e 2earin& as now. 8ot even when He /er or!ed the !ost wonder u) !ira+)es. 8o2i)ity o

The Crowning with Thorns

32 They tie His hands on+e a&ain. 'nd the ro/e 2e&ins to +ut into His wrists9 where the e3+oriated s6in has )e t a !ar6 )i6e a red 2ra+e)et. E'nd nowF 4hat sha)) we do with Hi!F I a! 2oredHG E4ait. The Jews want a 6in&. 8ow we wi)) &ive the! one. Hi!NG says a so)dier. 'nd he runs out to a +ourt that is in the 2a+69 ro! whi+h he +o!es 2a+6 with a 2un+h o 2ran+hes o wi)d hawthorn9 sti)) )e3i2)e9 2e+ause s/rin&ti!e 6ee/s the 2ran+hes re)ative)y tender9 whi)st the )on& shar/ thorns are hard. 4ith a da&&er they re!ove )eaves and 2uds9 they 2end the 2ran+hes or!in& a +ir+)e and they /)a+e the! on His /oor head. %ut the +rue) +rown a))s down on His ne+6. EIt does not it. Ma6e it narrower. Ta6e it o .G They ta6e it o and s+rat+h His +hee6s9 ris6in& to 2)ind Hi!9 and they tear o His hair in doin& so. They !a6e it s!a))er. 8ow it is too s!a))9 and a)thou&h they /ress it down9 drivin& the thorns into His head9 it threatens to a)). They ta6e it o on+e a&ain9 tearin&

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sorrow9 2ut so divine as to su i+e to !ar6 Hi! with the na!e o ,od. %ut9 in order to say that 8a!e9 it is ne+essary to 2e at )east !en. 'nd Jerusa)e! has no !en today. %ut on)y de!ons. Jesus )oo6s around at the +rowd and in the sea o ran+orous a+es he )oo6s or and inds so!e riend)y a+es. How !anyF Less than twenty riends a!on& thousands o ene!iesN 'nd He )owers His head9 stru+6 2y su+h a2andon!ent. ' tear a))sN and anotherN and anotherN The si&ht o His tears does not en&ender +o!/assion9 2ut &ives rise to ier+er hatred. 34 He is ta6en 2a+6 to the ha)). ESoF Let Hi! &o. It is <usti+e.G E8o. $eath to Hi!. 7ru+i y Hi!.G EI wi)) &ive you %ara22as.G E8o. The 7hristHG EIn that +ase9 ta6e Hi! yourse)ves. 'nd +ru+i y Hi! 2y yourse)ves9 2e+ause I ind no au)t in Hi! to do that.G EHe said that He is the Son o ,od. 5ur Law in )i+ts death on whoever is &ui)ty o su+h 2)as/he!y.G 1i)ate 2e+o!es /ensive. He &oes 2a+6 in and sits on his )itt)e throne. He rests his orehead in his hand and his e)2ow on his 6nee and s+rutinises Jesus. E7o!e near !eG he says. Jesus &oes to the oot o the /)at or!. EIs it trueF Te)) !e.G Jesus is si)ent. E4here do ;ou +o!e ro!F 4ho is ,odFG EHe is the ')).G E'nd thenF 4hat does the ')) !eanF 4hat is the ')) or one who is dyin&F ;ou are !adN ,od does not e3ist. I do.G Jesus is si)ent. He has )et the &reat word dro/ and then He enve)o/s Hi!se) in si)en+e. 35 E1ontius9 7)audia 1ro+u)a's reedwo!an as6s /er!ission to +o!e in. She has a note or you.G E$o!ineH 4o!en a)so nowH Let her +o!e in.G

' .o!an wo!an +o!es in and 6nee)s down handin& a wa3ed ta2)et. It !ust 2e the one with whi+h 1ro+u)a 2e&s her hus2and not to +onde!n Jesus. The wo!an withdraws 2a+6wards9 whi)e 1i)ate reads. EI a! advised to avoid ;our 2ein& /ut to death. Is it true that ;ou are !ore than a harus/e3F ;ou ri&hten !e.G Jesus is si)ent. E$o ;ou not 6now that I have the /ower to ree ;ou or to +ru+i y ;ouFG E;ou wou)d have no /ower9 i it were not &iven to you ro! '2ove. There ore9 he who handed Me over to you is !ore &ui)ty than you are.G E4ho is itF ;our ,odF I earNG Jesus is si)ent. 1i)ate is on tenterhoo6s. He wou)d )i6e and he wou)d not )i6e toN He is a raid o ,od's /unish!ent9 he is a raid o .o!e9 he ears Judaean reven&es. (or a !o!ent he over+o!es the ear o ,od. He &oes to the ront o the ha)) and in a thunderin& voi+e he shoutsI EHe is not &ui)ty.G EI you say so9 you are no riend o 7aesar's. He who /ro+)ai!s hi!se) 6in&9 is his ene!y. ;ou want to ree the 8azarene. 4e wi)) in or! 7aesar o that.G 1i)ate is seized with the ear o !an. ESo9 you want Hi! deadF Let it 2e so. %ut the 2)ood o this <ust !an is not to stain !y handsG and havin& a 2asin 2rou&ht to hi!9 he washes his hands in the /resen+e o the /eo/)e who a//ear to 2e seized with renzy whi)e they shoutI EHis 2)ood on us. His 2)ood 2e on us and on our +hi)dren. 4e are not a raid o Hi!. 7ru+i y Hi!H 7ru+i y Hi!HG 36 1ontius 1i)ate &oes 2a+6 to his )itt)e throne and he +a))s the +enturion Lon&inus and a s)ave. He orders the s)ave to 2rin& hi! a 2oard on whi+h he /)a+es a noti+e and has the words written on itI EJesus 8azarene9 :in& o the JewsG. 'nd he shows it to the /eo/)e. E8o. 8ot so. 8ot 6in& o the Jews. %ut that He said that He is 6in& o the Jews.G Many o the! shout so. E4hat I have written9 I have writtenG says 1i)ate severe)y9 and standin& u/ri&ht9 he stret+hes his hand orward with its /a)! turned down9 and he ordersI ELet Hi! &o to the +ross. So)dier9 &o. 1re/are the +ross.G 'nd he des+ends ro! his throne without even )oo6in& towards the u/roarious +rowd or at the wan 7onde!ned Man. He )eaves the ha))N Jesus is )e t in the !idd)e o it9 &uarded 2y the so)diers9 awaitin& the +ross. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

)$$. The Da i"us T ia2s.

F!ida/= $,&h .a!'h= $9**.


37 Jesus saysI EI want you to !editate on the /oint +on+ernin& My !eetin&s with 1i)ate. John9 who is the !ost a++urate witness and narrator9 as he was a)!ost a)ways /resent9 or at )east very +)ose9 re)ates how I was ta6en to the 1raetoriu! when I )e t 7aia/has' house. 'nd he s/e+i ies Cear)y in the !ornin&D. In a+t you saw that it was day2rea6. He a)so s/e+i iesI Cthey Kthe JewsL did not enter in order not to 2e +onta!inated and thus 2e a2)e to eat the 1assover.D %ein& hy/o+riti+a) as usua)9 they thou&ht that it was dan&erous to tra!/)e on the dust o a ,enti)e's house9 as they !i&ht 2e +onta!inated9 2ut they did not +onsider it a sin to 6i)) an Inno+ent9 and with their s/irits satis ied with the +ri!e they had a++o!/)ished9 they were a2)e to en<oy their 1assover even !ore. They have #any followers even nowadays. ')) those9 who do wron& interna))y9 2ut e3terna))y /ro ess res/e+t or re)i&ion and )ove or ,od9 are )i6e the!. -or#ulae for#ulae but not true religion! I re&ard the! with dis&ust and disdain. 's the Jews wou)d not &o into 1i)ate's house9 1i)ate +a!e out to hear what the 2aw)in& +rowd wanted and9 e3/erien+ed as he was in &overnin& and <ud&in&9 at a &)an+e he rea)ised that not I9 2ut that /o/u)ation into3i+ated with hatred was &ui)ty. %y )oo6in& at ea+h other9 we read ea+h other's heart. I <ud&ed the !an what he was. He <ud&ed Me or what I was. I e)t /ity or hi!9 2e+ause he was wea6. 'nd he e)t /ity or Me9 2e+ause I was inno+ent. He tried to save Me ro! the very 2e&innin&. 'nd as the ri&ht to ad!inister <usti+e with re&ard to +ri!ina)s was re!itted and reserved to .o!e9 he tried to save Me 2y sayin&I CJud&e Hi! a++ordin& to your LawD. 38 Hy/o+rites or the se+ond ti!e9 the Jews re used to +onde!n Me. It is true that .o!e had the ri&ht o <usti+e9 2ut when9 or instan+e9 .tephen was stoned .o!e sti)) ru)ed over Jerusa)e! and notwithstandin& a)) that9 they passed sentence and had the capital sentence e7ecuted disregarding Ro#e. 4ith re&ard to Me9 4ho! they hated and eared and did not )ove J they would not believe that I was the !essiah but did not want to "ill !e #aterially in case I were J they a+ted in a di erent way and a++used Me o 2ein& an insti&ator a&ainst the /ower o .o!e Kyou wou)d say a Cre2e)DL in order to &et .o!e to <ud&e Me. In their i))@ a!ed +ourt o <usti+e9 and severa) ti!es in the three years o My !inistry9 they had a++used Me o 2ein& a 2)as/he!er and a)se /ro/het9 and as su+h I shou)d have 2een stoned or 6i))ed in any way. %ut now9 to avoid +o!!ittin& the +ri!e !ateria))y9 as 2y instin+t they e)t they wou)d 2e /unished or it9 they !ade .o!e do it9 a++usin& Me o 2ein& a +ri!ina) and a re2e). 4hen the +rowds are /erverted and the )eaders have 2e+o!e devi)s9 there is nothin& easier than a++usin& an inno+ent to &ive vent to their thirst or ero+ity and usur/ation9 and to &et rid o those who are an o2sta+)e and a <ud&e!ent. We have gone bac" to those days. The wor)d9 a ter an in+u2ation o /erverted ideas9 e3/)odes now and a&ain

in su+h dis/)ays o /erversion. Li6e a hu&e /re&nant wo!an9 the +rowd9 a ter nourishin& its !onster in its wo!2 with do+trines o wi)d 2easts9 &ives 2irth to it so that it !ay devour. .o that it #ay devour the best people first and then itself. 39 1i)ate &oes 2a+6 into the 1raetoriu! and +a))s Me near hi!. 'nd he =uestions Me. He had a)ready heard /eo/)e s/ea6 o Me. '!on& his +enturions there were so!e who re/eated My 8a!e with &rate u) )ove9 with tears in their eyes and s!i)es in their hearts9 and who s/o6e o Me as o a 2ene a+tor. In their re/orts to the 1raetor9 when they were =uestioned a2out this 1ro/het9 4ho attra+ted the +rowds to Hi!se) and /rea+hed a new do+trine whi+h !entioned a stran&e 6in&do!9 in+on+eiva2)e to a heathen !ind9 they had a)ways re/)ied that I was a !ee6 6ind !an who did not see6 the honours o the 0arth9 and that I in+u)+ated and /ra+tised res/e+t and o2edien+e to those who are the authorities. !ore sincere than the Israelities they saw and witnessed the truth. The /revious Sunday9 when his attention was attra+ted 2y the shouts o the +rowd9 he had )eaned out o the window and he had seen a disar!ed !an /ass 2y ridin& a )itt)e don6ey and 2)essin&9 surrounded 2y +hi)dren and wo!en. He had realised that that #an could certainly not be a danger to Ro#e. So he wants to 6now whether I a! a 6in&. In his ironi+ /a&an s6e/ti+is! he wanted to have a )itt)e )au&h at that roya)ty that rides a don6ey9 that has 2are@ ooted +hi)dren9 s!i)in& wo!en and +o!!on !en as +ourtiers9 at that roya)ty that or three years has /rea+hed that it has no interest in ri+hes and /ower and that s/ea6s o no +on=uests 2ut those o the s/irit and the sou). 4hat is the sou) or a heathenF 8ot even his &ods have sou)s. 'nd +an !an have itF ')so now this 6in& with no +rown9 with no /a)a+e9 with no +ourt9 with no so)diers9 re/eats to hi! that His 6in&do! is not o this wor)d. So !u+h so that no !inister and no ar!y rises to de end their 6in& and ree Hi! ro! His ene!ies. 1i)ate9 sittin& on his seat9 s+rutinises Me9 because I a# an enig#a to hi#. I he +)eared his sou) o hu!an +ares9 o the /ride o his o i+e9 o the error o heathenis!9 he wou)d understand at on+e 4ho I a!. But how can light enter where too #any things obstruct the openings preventing light fro# entering$ It is a)ways )i6e that9 My +hi)dren. 0ven now. How +an ,od and His )i&ht enter where there is no !ore roo! or the!9 and doors and windows are +)osed and de ended 2y /ride9 2y hu!anity9 2y vi+e9 2y usury9 2y so !any &uards at the servi+e o Satan a&ainst ,odF 1i)ate +annot understand what My 6in&do! is. 'nd what is !ore /ain u)9 he does not as6 Me to e3/)ain it to hi!. To My invitation to 6now the Truth9 he9 the unta!ea2)e heathen9 re/)iesI C4hat is the truthFD and with a shru& o his shou)ders he )ets the !atter dro/. 5hH My +hi)drenH 5hH My 1i)ates o the /resent ti!esH ;ou a)so9 )i6e 1ontius 1i)ate9 )et the !ost vita) !atters dro/ with a shru& o your shou)ders. %ou consider the# useless old4fashioned things. 4hat is the TruthF MoneyF 8o. 4o!enF 8o. 1owerF 8o. 1hysi+a) hea)thF 8o. Hu!an &)oryF 8o. Then or&et a2out it. It is not worth runnin& a ter a +hi!era. !oney wo#en power good health co#forts honours are the real

)$$. The Da i"us T ia2s.


useful things that one #ust love and attain at all costs. That is how you reason. 'nd9 worse than 0sau9 you 2arter eterna) &oods or +oarse ood that is har! u) 2oth to your /hysi+a) hea)th and to your eterna) sa)vation. Why do you not persist in as"ing( /What is the Truth0$ It9 the Truth9 as6s or nothin& 2ut to 2e 6nown in order to tea+h what it is. It is 2e ore you as it was or 1i)ate9 and )oo6s at you with eyes u)) o su//)iant )ove9 i!/)orin& youI CAuestion !e. I wi)) tea+h you.D $id you noti+e how I )oo6ed at 1i)ateF I )oo6 at a)) o you in the sa!e way. And if I loo" with serene love at those who love !e and as" for !y words I cast glances of sorrowful love at those who do not love !e do not see" !e do not listen to !e. But it is always love because 2ove is !y nature. 40 1i)ate )eaves Me where I a!9 without as6in& !ore =uestions9 and he &oes towards the wi+6ed /eo/)e who s/ea6 in +oarser voi+es and i!/ose the!se)ves throu&h their vio)en+e. 'nd he9 a rea) wret+h9 )istens to the!9 whi)st he did not )isten to Me and shru&&in& his shou)ders he de+)ined My invitation to 2e+o!e a+=uainted with the Truth. He )istens to (a)sehood. Idolatry whatever its for# #ay be is always inclined to venerate and accept -alsehood whatever it #ay be. And -alsehood when accepted by the wea" leads the wea" to cri#e. 'nd yet 1i)ate9 on the thresho)d o +ri!e9 sti)) wants to save Me and he tries twi+e. It is at this /oint that he sends !e to Herod. He 6nows very we)) that the shrewd 6in&9 who 6ee/s in with 2oth .o!e and his /eo/)e9 wi)) a+t in su+h a way as not to da!a&e .o!e and not irritate the Jewish /eo/)e. %ut9 )i6e a)) wea6 /eo/)e9 he /uts o or a )itt)e whi)e the de+ision that he does not ee) )i6e ta6in&9 ho/in& that the /)e2eian risin& wi)) a2ate. I said( /When you spea" say 1%es1 if you #ean yes 1No1 if you #ean no.0 %ut he did not hear that9 and i so!e2ody re/eated it to hi!9 he shru&&ed his shou)ders as usua). In order to su++eed in the wor)d9 to have honours and /ro its9 it is ne+essary to 2e a2)e to !a6e a no o a yes and a yes o a no9 a++ordin& to what +o!!on sense KreadI hu!an senseL advises. How !any 1i)ates there are in the twentieth +enturyH 4here are the 7hristian heroes who said yes9 +onstant)y yes9 to the Truth and or the sa6e o the Truth9 and no9 +onstant)y no9 to (a)sehoodF Where are the heroes who are able to face danger and events with brave strength and tran+uil +uic"ness and do not postpone because &ood is to be acco#plished at once and evil shunned at once without /buts0 and /ifs0$ 41 5n My return ro! Herod9 there is 1i)ate's resh +o!/ro!iseI s+our&in&. 'nd what did he e3/e+tF $id he not 6now that the +rowd is a wi)d 2east that 2e+o!es !er+i)ess when it 2e&ins to see 2)oodF %ut I had to 2e +rushed to e3/iate your sins o the )esh. 'nd I a! +rushed. There is not a shred o My 2ody that has not 2een stru+6. I a! the Man o 4ho! Isaiah s/ea6s. 'nd to the torture that had 2een ordered9 there is added another that was not ordered9 2ut was +reated 2y hu!an +rue)tyI that o the thorns.

su ered to e3/iate9 on your 2eha) 9 your sin u) thou&hts that are !ore and !ore dread u) and are trans or!ed into deedsF ;ou9 who ee) o ended even when there is no reason or ee)in& so9 )oo6 at your o ended :in&9 and He is ,od9 with His ironi+ !ant)e o torn /ur/)e9 with a +ane as His s+e/tre and the +rown o thorns. He is a)ready dyin&9 and they s)a/ His a+e with their hands and with !o+6ery. 'nd you are not !oved to /ity. Li6e the Jews9 you +ontinue to show Me your ists9 shoutin&I C'way9 we have not other ,od 2ut 7aesarD9 o ido)aters9 who do not worshi/ ,od9 2ut yourse)ves and those who are !ore over2earin& a!on& you. %ou do not want the .on of &od. He gives you no help for your cri#es. .atan is #ore obliging. .o you want .atan. ;ou are a raid o the Son o ,od. Li6e 1i)ate. 'nd when you ee) Hi! i!/end over you with His /ower9 and stir within you with the voi+es o your +ons+ien+es that re/roa+h you in His na!e9 )i6e 1i)ate9 you as6I C4ho are ;ouFD %ou "now Who I a#. Also those who deny !e "now what and Who I a#. 3o not lie. There are twenty +enturies around Me and they i))ustrate who I a! and they !a6e you a+=uainted with My !ira+)es. 1i)ate is !ore e3+usa2)e. ;ou are not9 as you have a herita&e o twenty +enturies o 7hristianity to su//ort your aith or to in+u)+ate it in you9 2ut you wi)) not hear o it. 'nd yet I was !ore severe with 1i)ate than with you. I did not re/)y. I do spea" to you. 'nd even so9 I do not su++eed in /ersuadin& you that it is I and that you owe Me adoration and o2edien+e. )ven now you accuse !e of being !y own ruin in you because I do not listen to you. %ou say that you lose your faith because of that. *h! liars! Where is your faith$ Where is your love$ When do you pray to !e and live with love and faith$ 're you &reat /eo/)eF .e!e!2er that you are su+h 2e+ause I a))ow it. 're you anony!ous in the +rowdF .e!e!2er that there is no other ,od 2ut I. 8o one is &reater than I a! and no one is ahead o Me. .o give !e that cult of love that is due to !e and I will listen to you because you will no longer be illegiti#ate children but the sons of &od. 42 'nd here is the )ast atte!/t o 1i)ate to save My )i e9 i it were /ossi2)e to save it a ter the +rue) end)ess )a&e))ation. He shows Me to the +rowdI CHere is the ManHD I arouse hu!an /ity in hi!. He ho/es in +o))e+tive /ity. %ut 2e ore the resistin& harsh@ ness and the advan+in& threats9 he is not +a/a2)e o a++o!/)ishin& a su/ernatura))y <ust deed9 and there ore a &ood one9 sayin&I CI a# setting Hi# free because He is innocent. %ou are guilty people and if you do not disperse you will beco#e ac+uainted with the severity of Ro#e.D That is what he shou)d have said9 had he 2een a <ust !an9 without ta6in& into a++ount the uture detri!ent that wou)d 2e a)) hi!.

;ilate is a false good #an. 2onginus is good 2e+ause a)thou&h he was )ess /ower u) than the 1raetor and )ess de ended9 in the !idd)e o the street and surrounded 2y ew so)diers and a hosti)e !u)titude9 he dares to de end Me9 he)/ Me9 &rant Me a rest9 to 2e +onso)ed 2y the /ious wo!en9 2e assisted 2y the !an ro! 7yrene and ina))y to have Men9 do you see your Saviour9 your :in&9 +rowned with sorrow to ree your heads o so My Mother at the oot o the 7ross. He was a hero of 5ustice and so he beca#e a hero !any sins er!entin& in the!F $o you not +onsider the /ain that My inno+ent head of ,hrist.

)$$. The Da i"us T ia2s.


%e aware9 o !en who worry on)y a2out your !ateria) we) are9 that ,od intervenes a)so in its avour9 when He sees you 2ehave aith u))y towards <usti+e9 whi+h is e!anation o ,od. I always reward those who act righteously. I defend those who defend !e. I love the# and succour the#. I a! a)ways the 5ne 4ho saidI CHe who &ives a &)ass o water in My na!e wi)) 2e rewarded.D To those who &ive Me )ove9 the water that =uen+hes the thirst o My )i/s o the divine Martyr9 I &ive Myse) 9 that is /rote+tion and 2)essin&s.G

the Master a ew hours ear)ier9 and ro! whi+h he had +o!e out to &o and &et the ar!ed &uards to arrest Hi!. 2 4hi)e runnin& so 2)ind)y9 he 2u!/s a&ainst a stray do&9 the irst do& I have seen sin+e I had visions9 a 2i& &rey hairy do& that !oves to one side snar)in&9 ready to hur) itse) u/on the distur2er. Judas o/ens his eyes and !eets the two /hos/hores+ent ones starin& at hi!9 and he sees the white un+overed an&s that see! to 2e )au&hin& in a dia2o)i+ !anner. He &ives a shrie6 o terror. The do&9 that /erha/s ta6es it or a +ry o !ena+e9 rushes u/on hi! and they 2oth ro)) in the dustI Judas underneath9 /ara)ysed 2y ear9 the do& on to/ o hi!. 4hen the ani!a) )eaves the /rey9 /erha/s +onsidered unworthy o a stru&&)e9 Judas is 2)eedin& 2e+ause o two o three 2ites9 and his !ant)e is 2ad)y torn.

+,$. Dea&h #1 Judas #1 >e!i#&h. The 3eha0i#u! #1 .a!/ &#-a!ds Judas Can'e5s E0e"s 3ea!in4 &#-a!ds Cain.

5ne 2ite has in<ured Judas' +hee69 e3a+t)y where he 6issed Jesus. His +hee6 is 2)eedin& and the 2)ood stains the ne+6 o Judas' ye))owish &ar!ent. It or!s a sort o +o))ar o 3$s& .a!'h $9**. F!ida/ in Passi#n ;ee<= 2 a.(. 2)ood soa6in& the red +ord that astens the &ar!ent round the ne+69 !a6in& it even redder. Judas9 tou+hin& his +hee6 with his hand and )oo6in& at the do& that is &oin& 1 Here is !y very /ain u) vision in these ear)y hours o 1assion (riday9 as it a//eared to away9 2ut he )oo6s at it ro! the o/enin& o a door9 whis/ersI E%ee)ze2u2HG9 and with a !e whi)e I was sayin& the /rayers o the Hour o 5ur Lady o SorrowsM in a+t I had resh shrie6 he runs away +hased 2y the do& or so!e ti!e. He runs as ar as the )itt)e thou&ht that s/endin& the ni&ht 2e ore !y 1ro ession in the +o!/any o the Bir&in o 2rid&e near ,ethse!ane. Here9 either 2e+ause it was tired o +hasin& hi! or 2e+ause it Seven Sorrows was the 2est /re/aration or the 1ro ession. was ra2id and the water turns it away9 the do& a2andons the /rey and &oes 2a+6 snar)in&. Judas9 who had rushed into the torrent to &et stones to throw at the do&9 when I see Judas. He is a)one. He is dressed in )i&ht ye))ow with a red +ord round his waist. he sees it &o away9 )oo6s around and rea)ises that the water rea+hes ha) @way u/ his My interna) warner in or!s !e that Jesus has 2een +a/tured a short ti!e a&o and that +a)ves. 4ithout 2otherin& a2out his &ar!ents9 whi+h are &ettin& wetter and wetter9 he Judas9 who had run away a ter the arrest9 is a /rey to +ontrastin& ideas. In a+t the Is+ariot )oo6s )i6e a urious wi)d 2east hunted down 2y a /a+6 o !asti s. 0very 2reath 2ends down as ar as the water and drin6s9 as i he were /ar+hed 2y ever9 and he o wind rust)in& a!on& )eaves9 any noise in the streets9 the &ur&)in& o a ountain !a6e washes his +hee6 that is 2)eedin& and !ust 2e /ain u). hi! start and turn round sus/i+ious)y and with terror9 as i an e3e+utioner had +au&ht u/ 3 In the )i&ht o day2rea6 he +)i!2s out o the &rave)@2ed9 on the other side9 as i he with hi!. He )oo6s round with his head )owered9 his ne+6 twisted9 ro))in& his eyes )i6e were sti)) a raid o the do& and did not dare to &o 2a+6 towards the town. He wa)6s a one who wants to see 2ut is a raid o seein&9 and i a /)ay o !oon)i&ht or!s a shadow ew !etres and inds hi!se) at the entran+e to the ,arden o the Mount o 5)ives. with a hu!an a//earan+e9 he o/ens his eyes wide9 <u!/s 2a+69 he 2e+o!es !ore )ivid than he nor!a))y is9 he sto/s or a !o!ent and then runs away head)on&9 retra+in& his He shoutsI E8oH 8oHG when he re+o&nises the /)a+e. Then9 I do not 6now throu&h ste/s9 s)i//in& away a)on& other narrow streets9 unti) another noise9 another /)ay o whi+h irresisti2)e or+e or throu&h whi+h satani+ +ri!ina) sadis!9 he /ro+eeds in that )i&ht !a6es hi! sto/ or run away in a di erent dire+tion. /)a+e. He )oo6s or the /)a+e where Jesus was arrested. The earth o the /ath tra!/)ed on 2y !any eet9 the &rass ru )ed at a +ertain /oint and so!e 2)ood on the &round9 In his +razy runnin& he &oes towards the +entre o the town. %ut the +)a!our o /eo/)e /erha/s Ma)+hus'9 !a6e hi! understand that there he /ointed out the Inno+ent to the !a6es hi! rea)ise that he is near 7aia/has' house9 and then9 /ressin& his head with his e3e+utioners. hands and stoo/in& as i those shouts were stones )a/idatin& hi!9 he runs away. 'nd in doin& so he runs a)on& a )ane that ta6es hi! strai&ht towards the house where the He )oo6s and )oo6s... and then he utters a hoarse +ry and <u!/s 2a+6wards. He shoutsI Su//er was +onsu!ed. He 2e+o!es aware o that when he is in ront o it9 2e+ause EThat 2)ood9 that 2)oodH...G and he /oints it out... to who!F with his hand stret+hed out there is a )itt)e ountain that tri+6)es <ust there. The dro/s o water that a)) into the s!a)) and his ore in&er /ointed to it. In the in+reasin& )i&ht his a+e is ashen and &hast)y. He stone 2asin and the )i&ht whist)e o the wind9 that 2)owin& a)on& the narrow )ane )oo6s )i6e a !ad!an. His eyes are wide o/en and shiny as i he were de)irious9 his hair9 /rodu+es a 6ind o re/ressed &roan9 !ust sound to hi! )i6e the tears and the !oanin& o ru )ed 2y his runnin& and his terror9 )oo6s sha&&y on his head9 his +hee69 whi+h is the 2etrayed tortured Master. He +overs his ears with his hands in order not to hear and swe))in&9 twists his !outh in a &rin. His tuni+9 torn9 +overed with 2)ood9 wet9 !uddy9 runs away with his eyes +)osed in order not to see that door9 whi+h he had entered with 2e+ause the dust that had stu+6 to the wet +)oth has 2e+o!e !ud9 !a6es hi! )oo6 )i6e a

)$+.Dea&h "- Judas "- <e i"&h. The 0eha,i"u "- 'a ( &"%a ds Judas :an3e2s E,e!s 0ea in1 &"%a ds :ain.


2e&&ar. His !ant)e9 whi+h is a)so torn and !uddy9 han&s down ro! one shou)der )i6e a to ;our !ant)e to reven&e !yse) or the ti!e ;ou 6e/t !e the s)ave o ear. (ear o a ra&9 and he &ets +au&ht in it when9 +ontinuin& to shoutI EThat 2)ood9 that 2)oodHG he ra22itH... Ta6e thisH HereH Ta6e thisHG ste/s 2a+69 as i that 2)ood had 2e+o!e a sea that rises and su2!er&es. 't ea+h Eta6e thisHG Judas 2ites the +)oth o the !ant)e and tries to tear it. He ru!/)es it Judas a))s 2a+6 and hurts the 2a+6 o his head a&ainst a stone. He !oans with /ain and with his hands. %ut in doin& so9 he un o)ds it and the stains wettin& it a//ear. Judas ear. E4ho is itFG he shouts. He !ust have thou&ht that so!e2ody had !ade hi! a)) to sto/s in his ury. He stares at those stains. He tou+hes the!. He s!e))s the!. It is stri6e hi!. He turns round terri ied. There is no oneH He stands u/. %)ood is now 2)ood... He s/reads out the who)e !ant)e. The i!/ression )e t 2y the two hands stained dri//in& a)so at the 2a+6 o his ne+6. The red +ir+)e widens on his &ar!ent. It does not with 2)ood9 when Jesus /ressed the +)oth a&ainst His a+e9 is +)ear)y visi2)e. a)) to the &round9 2e+ause there is not !u+h o it. His &ar!ent a2sor2s it. The red ha)ter E'hH... %)oodH %)oodH His... 8oHG Judas dro/s the !ant)e and )oo6s around. ')so on the now see!s to 2e a)ready round his ne+6. ro+69 where Jesus )eaned with His 2a+6 when the an&e) +o! orted Hi!9 there is a dar6 4 He wa)6s. He inds the tra+es o the )itt)e ire )it 2y 1eter at the oot o an o)ive@tree. !ar6 o 2)ood that is +)ottin&. EThereH... ThereH... %)oodH %)oodH...G He )owers his eyes %ut he does not 6now that it is 1eter's wor6 and he !ust thin6 that Jesus was there. He in order not to see9 and he sees the &rass a)) stained with the 2)ood that has dro//ed on shoutsI E'wayH 'wayHG and with 2oth hands stret+hed out in ront o hi!9 he see!s to it. 's it has 2een di)uted 2y the dew9 it )oo6s as i it had <ust dri//ed. It is red and shines 2e drivin& 2a+6 a &host that tor!ents hi!. He runs away9 and ends u/ <ust a&ainst the in the ear)y sunshine. E8oH 8oH 8oH I don't want to see itH I +annot )oo6 at that 2)oodH ro+6 o the '&ony. He)/HG and he ho)ds his throat with his hands and &ro/es a2out9 as i he were drownin& in a sea o 2)ood. E%a+6H %a+6H Leave !eH Leave !eH 7ursedH %ut this 2)ood is a seaH It %y now day2rea6 is +)ear and one +an see we)) and i!!ediate)y. Judas sees Jesus' +overs the 0arthH The 0arthH The 0arthH 'nd on the 0arth there is no roo! or !e9 !ant)e )e t o)ded on the ro+6. He re+o&nises it. He wants to tou+h it. He is a raid. He 2e+ause I +annot )oo6 at that 2)ood that +overs it. I a! the 7ain o the Inno+entHG I thin6 stret+hes out his hand and withdraws it. He wants and does not want. %ut that !ant)e that the idea o sui+ide entered his heart at this !o!ent. Judas' a+e is ri&htenin&. as+inates hi!. He !oansI E8o. 8o.G He then saysI E;es9 2y SatanH ;es. I want to tou+h it. I a! not a raidH I a! not a raidHG 5 He <u!/s ro! the terra+e and runs away throu&h the o)ive@&rove without &oin& 2a+6 the way he +a!e. He )oo6s )i6e one +hased 2y wi)d 2easts. He &oes 2a+6 to town. He He says that he is not a raid9 2ut his teeth are +hatterin& with terror9 and the noise !ade enve)o/s hi!se) in his !ant)e as 2est he +an and he tries to +over his wound and his a2ove his head 2y a 2ran+h o an o)ive@tree9 that is 2)own 2y the wind a&ainst the a+e as !u+h as /ossi2)e. He turns his ste/s towards the Te!/)e. near2y trun69 !a6es hi! shout on+e a&ain. 'nd yet he !a6es an e ort and &ets ho)d o the !ant)e. 'nd he )au&hs. The )au&hter o a !ad!an9 o a de!on. ' hysteri+a)9 %ut whi)e &oin& there9 at a +rossroad he inds hi!se) in ront o the ra22)e who are 2ro6en9 )u&u2rious9 never endin& )au&hter9 2e+ause he has over+o!e his ear. 'nd he dra&&in& Jesus to 1i)ate. He +annot withdraw9 2e+ause other /eo/)e /ress hi! ro! says soI 2ehind9 as they )o+6 to see. 'nd9 ta)) as he is9 he do!inates or+i2)y and sees. 'nd he E;ou do not ri&hten !e9 7hrist. I a! no )on&er a raid. I was so !u+h a raid o ;ou9 !eets Jesus' eyes... They e3+han&e &)an+es or a !o!ent. Then Jesus9 tied and 2eaten9 2e+ause I thou&ht that ;ou were a ,od and a stron& !an. 8ow ;ou no )on&er ri&hten /asses 2y. 'nd Judas a))s on his 2a+69 as i he had ainted. The +rowds tra!/)e on hi! !e9 2e+ause ;ou are not ,od. ;ou are a /oor !ad!an9 a wea6)in&. ;ou did not 6now /iti)ess)y9 and he does not rea+t. He o2vious)y /re ers to 2e trodden on 2y the who)e how to de end ;ourse) . ;ou did not redu+e !e to ashes9 neither did ;ou read 2etraya) wor)d9 rather than !eet those eyes. in !y heart. My earsH... 4hat a oo)H 4hen ;ou s/o6e9 even yesterday evenin&9 I 6 4hen the dei+ide /a+6 has &one 2y with the Martyr9 and the street is e!/ty9 he stands thou&ht ;ou 6new. %ut ;ou 6new nothin&. It was !y ear that &ave the tone o u/ a&ain and runs to the Te!/)e. He 2u!/s a&ainst and a)!ost overthrows a &uard on 1ro/he+y to ;our +o!!on words. ;ou are nothin&. ;ou have a))owed ;ourse) to 2e duty at the &ate o the en+)osure. 5ther &uards run to /revent the ranti+ !an ro! so)d9 /ointed out9 +au&ht )i6e a !ouse in its ho)e. ;our /owerH ;our ori&inH HaH HaH enterin&. %ut )i6e a urious 2u))9 he routs the! a)). 5ne o the!9 who +)in&s to hi! to HaH %u oonH Satan is the stron& oneH Stron&er than ;ou. He de eated ;ouH HaH HaH /revent hi! ro! &oin& into the ha)) o the Sanhedrin9 where they are a)) sti)) &athered HaH The 1ro/hetH The MessiahH The :in& o Israe)H 'nd ;ou su2<u&ated !e or three dis+ussin&9 is seized 2y the throat9 stran&)ed and thrown down the three ste/s9 i not yearsH 4ith ear a)ways in !y heartH 'nd I had to )ie to de+eive ;ou su2t)y when I dead9 +ertain)y at the /oint o death. wanted to en<oy )i eH %ut even i I had sto)en and orni+ated without a)) the +unnin& I used to e!/)oy9 ;ou wou)d not have done !e anythin&. (aint@heartedH (oo)H 7owardH EI don't want your !oney9 !ay you 2e da!nedG he shouts9 standin& in the !idd)e o Ta6e thisH Ta6e thisH Ta6e thisH I was wron& in not doin& to ;ou what I a! now doin& the ha))9 <ust where Jesus was /revious)y. He )oo6s )i6e a de!on who has +o!e out o

)$+.Dea&h "- Judas "- <e i"&h. The 0eha,i"u "- 'a ( &"%a ds Judas :an3e2s E,e!s 0ea in1 &"%a ds :ain.


he)). %)eedin&9 un6e!/t9 in a state o de)irious ury9 s)averin&9 his hands )i6e +)aws9 he shouts and see!s to 2e 2ar6in&9 so shri)) and hoarse is his how)in& voi+e. EI don't want your !oney9 you +ursed ones. ;ou have ruined !e. ;ou have !ade !e +o!!it the &ravest sin. I a! +ursed )i6e youH I have 2etrayed inno+ent %)ood. May that %)ood and !y death a)) u/on you. ?/on you... 8oH HaH...G Judas sees the )oor stained with 2)ood. E0ven here9 is there 2)ood even hereF 0verywhereH His 2)ood is everywhereH %ut how !u+h 2)ood has the La!2 o ,od9 to +over the who)e 0arth )i6e this without dyin&F 'nd I have shed itH Throu&h your insti&ation. 7ursedH May you 2e +ursed oreverH 7ursed 2e these wa))sH 7ursed 2e this /ro aned Te!/)eH 7ursed 2e the dei+ide 1onti H 7ursed 2e the unworthy /riests9 the a)se do+tors9 the hy/o+riti+a) 1harisees9 the +rue) Judaeans9 the s)y s+ri2esH May I 2e a++ursedH 7urse !eH :ee/ your !oney and !ay it stran&)e your sou)s in your throats9 as the ha)ter stran&)es !eG and he throws the /urse in 7aia/has' teeth and &oes away how)in&9 whi)e the +oins tin6)e s/readin& out on the )oor a ter stri6in& 7aia/has' !outh and !a6in& it 2)eed. 8o one dare sto/ hi!.

sti)) in the 2otto! o it and the sun9 shinin& on the !eta) Kit )oo6s )i6e si)verL9 in )a!es the )i=uid. E%)oodH %)oodH %)ood a)so hereH His %)oodH His %)oodH... C$o this in !e!ory o MeH... Ta6e this and drin6 it. This is My %)ood... The %)ood o the new testa!ent that wi)) 2e shed or you HaH I a! +ursedH It +an no )on&er 2e shed or !e to re!it !y sin. I do not as6 to 2e or&iven9 2e+ause He +annot or&ive !e. 'way9 awayH There is no /)a+e where the 7ain o ,od !ay ind /ea+e. $eathH $eath to !eH...G 8 He &oes out. He inds hi!se) in ront o Mary9 4ho is standin& at the door o the roo! where Jesus )e t Her. Hearin& a noise9 She has )oo6ed out9 ho/in& /erha/s to see John9 who has 2een away su+h a )on& ti!e. She )oo6s as /a)e as i She had )ost a)) Her 2)ood. ,rie has !ade Her eyes rese!2)e even !ore those o Her Son. Judas !eets those eyes that )oo6 at hi! with the sa!e sorrow u) +ons+ious 6now)ed&e with whi+h Jesus )oo6ed at hi! in the street9 and utterin& a ri&htened E5hHG he )eans a&ainst the wa)).

EJudasHG says Mary9 EJudas9 why have you +o!eFG The sa!e words as Jesus'. 'nd they 7 He &oes out. He runs a)on& the streets. 'nd he ata))y !eets with Jesus twi+e a&ain9 as are s/o6en with sad )ove. Judas re!e!2ers the! and shouts. He &oes and +o!es 2a+6 ro! Herod. EJudasG re/eats Mary Ewhat have you doneF To so !u+h )ove have you re/)ied 2y He de/arts ro! the town +entre9 ta6in& the /oorest )anes at rando! and he ends u/ 2etrayin&FG Mary's voi+e is a tre!2)in& +aress. a&ain at the house o the Su//er. It is a)) +)osed as i it were a2andoned. He sto/s. He )oo6s at it. EThe MotherHG he whis/ers. EThe MotherH...G He is unde+ided... EI have a !other as we))H 'nd I have 6i))ed a son o a !otherH... 'nd yet... I want to &o in... To see that roo! a&ain. There is no 2)ood in there...G He 6no+6s at the door. He 6no+6s a&ain... and a&ain... The !istress o the house +o!es to o/en and ha) @o/ens the door. '<ar... 'nd seein& the !an so a&itated and a)tered 2eyond re+o&nition9 she utters a +ry and tries to +)ose the door a&ain. %ut Judas o/ens it wide with a /ush o his shou)der and9 6no+6in& down the terri ied wo!an9 he &oes in. He runs towards the )itt)e door that )ets into the Su//er .oo!. He o/ens it and &oes in. ' 2eauti u) sunshine enters throu&h the wide@o/en windows. Judas 2reathes a si&h o re)ie . He /ro+eeds. 0verythin& is +a)! and si)ent here. The dishes are sti)) as they were )e t. 5ne understands that no2ody has ta6en +are o the!. 5ne !i&ht thin6 that they are a2out to sit at the ta2)e. Judas &oes towards the ta2)e. He )oo6s whether there is any wine in the a!/horae. There is. He drin6s &reedi)y out o the a!/hora itse) 9 )i tin& it with 2oth hands. Then he sits down and rests his head on his ar!s o)ded on the ta2)e. He does not noti+e that he has sat <ust where Jesus was seated and that in ront o hi! there is the +ha)i+e used or the 0u+harist. He re!ains sti)) or so!e ti!e9 unti) his /antin& a ter so !u+h runnin& +a)!s down. He then )oo6s u/ and sees the +ha)i+e. 'nd he rea)ises where he has sat down. He stands u/ as i he were /ossessed. %ut the +ha)i+e en+hants hi!. ' )itt)e red wine is Judas is a2out to run away. Mary +a))s hi! with a voi+e that shou)d have +onverted a de!on. E8udas! 8udas! .top! .top! 2isten! I a# telling you in His na#e( repent 8udas. He forgives...G Judas has run away. Mary's voi+e9 Her a//earan+e9 have 2een the +ou/ de &ra+e9 or rather o dis&ra+e9 because he resists Her. He &oes away /re+i/itate)y. He !eets John who is &oin& towards the house to &et Mary. The senten+e has 2een /assed. Jesus is a2out to &o to 7a)vary. It is ti!e to ta6e Mary to Her Son. John re+o&nises Judas9 a)thou&h there is )itt)e )e t o the handso!e Judas o not )on& a&o. E;ou hereFG John says to hi! with o2vious dis&ust. E;ou hereF May you 2e +ursed9 you 6i))er o the Son o ,odH The Master has 2een +onde!ned. .e<oi+e9 i you +an. %ut &et out o the way. I a! &oin& to &et the Mother. $o not )et Her9 the other Bi+ti! o yours9 !eet you9 you re/ti)e.G 9 Judas runs away. He has enve)o/ed his head in the tatters o his !ant)e9 )eavin& on)y a s!a)) o/enin& or his eyes. 1eo/)e9 the ew /eo/)e who are not near the 1raetoriu!9 avoid hi!9 as i they saw a !ad!an. 'nd that is what he )oo6s )i6e. He wanders a2out the +ountry. 8ow and a&ain the wind +arries an e+ho o the +)a!our !ade 2y the +rowds who o))ow Jesus +ursin& Hi!. 0very ti!e su+h e+ho rea+hes Judas9 he how)s )i6e a <a+6a). I thin6 that he has rea))y &one !ad9 2e+ause he +ontinuous)y 6no+6s his head a&ainst the )ow stone wa))s. 5r he has 2e+o!e hydro/ho2i+ 2e+ause every ti!e he sees a )i=uid J water9 !i)6 +arried in a vesse) 2y a +hi)d9 oi) dri//in& ro! a &oats6in J he how)s and

)$+.Dea&h "- Judas "- <e i"&h. The 0eha,i"u "- 'a ( &"%a ds Judas :an3e2s E,e!s 0ea in1 &"%a ds :ain.


shoutsI E%)oodH %)oodH His %)oodHG He wou)d )i6e to drin6 at strea!s and ountains. %ut he +annot9 2e+ause water see!s 2)ood to hi!9 and he says soI EIt's 2)oodH It's 2)oodH It is drownin& !eH It is 2urnin& !eH I a! on ireH He &ave !e His %)ood yesterday9 and it has 2e+o!e ire in !eH May I 2e a++ursed9 and ;ou9 tooHG He &oes u/ and down the hi))s around Jerusa)e!. 'nd his eyes are irresisti2)y attra+ted towards ,o)&otha. 'nd twi+e ro! a ar he sees the /ro+ession wind u/hi)). He )oo6s and how)s. It is now on the to/. Judas a)so is on to/ o a )itt)e hi)) +overed with o)ive@trees. He has &one in 2y o/enin& a rusti+ /a)in&9 as i he were the owner or at )east we)) a+=uainted with the /)a+e. I a! under the i!/ression that Judas did not have !u+h +onsideration or other /eo/)e's /ro/erty. Standin& u/ri&ht under an o)ive@tree on the ed&e o a terra+e9 he )oo6s towards ,o)&otha. He sees the +rosses 2ein& ere+ted and he rea)ises that Jesus has 2een +ru+i ied. He +annot 2ear to see or hear. %ut his !enta) deran&e!ent or an a+t o wit+h+ra t 2y Satan !a6e hi! see and hear as i he were on the to/ o 7a)vary. He )oo6s and )oo6s )i6e one 2ewit+hed. He stru&&)esI E8oH 8oH $on't )oo6 at !e. $on't s/ea6 to !e. I +annot 2ear it. 3ie die %ou cursed one! 2et death close those eyes that frighten #e that #outh that curses #e. But I also curse %ou. Because %ou did not save #e.G His a+e is so trou2)ed that one +annot )oo6 at it. Two ine strea!s o s)aver run down ro! his how)in& !outh. The +hee6 that was 2itten is )ivid and swo))en9 and so his a+e )oo6s twisted. His sti+6y hair9 his very dar6 2eard that has &rown on his +hee6s durin& these hours9 !a6e his a+e )oo6 dis!a). 'nd his eyesH... They ro))9 are s=uint and /hos/hores+ent. The eyes o a rea) de!on. 10 He tears away ro! his waist the +ord o thi+6 red woo) that en+ir+)es it three ti!es. He tests its so)idity 2y windin& it round an o)ive@tree and /u))in& it with a)) his stren&th. It resists. It is so)id. He +hooses a suita2)e o)ive@tree. Here it is. This one9 /rotrudin& 2eyond the terra+e with its ru )ed o)ia&e9 is a)) ri&ht. He +)i!2s on the tree. He astens a noose so)id)y to the stron&est 2ran+h han&in& out over the e!/ty s/a+e. He has a)ready tied a s)i/@6not. He )oo6s at ,o)&otha or the )ast ti!e. He then /uts his head into the s)i/@6not. He now see!s to have two red ne+6)a+es round the 2otto! /art o his ne+6. He sits on the terra+e. Then with a <er6 he )ets hi!se) s)i/ into the e!/ty s/a+e.

un+overed9 /rotrudin&9 showin& the whitish &)o2es stained with 2)ood. The irides disa//ear in the u//er /art. He is dead. The stron& wind9 that has risen with the i!/endin& stor!9 !a6es the !a+a2re /endu)u! swin& and whir) )i6e a horri2)e s/ider han&in& ro! the thread o a +o2we2. The vision ends thus. 'nd I ho/e I sha)) soon or&et a)) this9 2e+ause I +an assure you that it is a dread u) vision. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 11 Jesus saysI E$read u)9 2ut not use)ess. Too !any /eo/)e thin6 that Judas did so!ethin& o )itt)e i!/ortan+e. So!e even &o to the e3tent o sayin& that he is we)) deservin&9 2e+ause .ede!/tion wou)d not have ta6en /)a+e without hi!9 and that he is there ore <usti ied in the eyes o ,od. I so)e!n)y te)) you that9 i He)) did not a)ready e3ist and was not /er e+t in its tor!ents9 it wou)d have 2een +reated even !ore dread u) and eterna) or Judas9 2e+ause o a)) sinners and da!ned sou)s9 he is the !ost da!ned and the 2i&&est sinner9 and throu&hout eternity there wi)) 2e no !iti&ation o his senten+e. Re#orse could have also saved hi# if he had turned re#orse into repentance. %ut he wou)d not re/ent and9 to the irst +ri!e o 2etraya)9 sti)) +o!/ati2)e 2e+ause o the &reat !er+y that is My )ovin& wea6ness9 he added 2)as/he!y9 resistan+e to the voi+es o ,ra+e9 that sti)) wanted to s/ea6 to hi! throu&h re+o))e+tions9 throu&h terrors9 throu&h My %)ood and My !ant)e9 throu&h My &)an+es9 throu&h the tra+es o the institution o the 0u+harist9 throu&h the words o My Mother. He resisted everything. He wanted to resist. As he had wanted to betray. As he wanted to curse. As he wanted to co##it suicide. 12 It is one1s will that #atters in things. Both in good and in evil. When one falls without the will to follow I forgive.

7onsider 1eter. He denied Me. 4hyF 8ot even he 6new why. 4as 1eter a +owardF 8o. My 1eter was not +oward)y. (a+in& the +ohort and the &uards o the Te!/)e he had dared to wound Ma)+us to de end Me9 ris6in& his own )i e there2y. He then ran away9 without the wi)) to do so. Then he denied Me9 without the wi)) to do it. Later he did re!ain and /ro+eed on the 2)oody way o the 7ross9 on My 4ay9 unti) he rea+hed death on a +ross. 'nd then he 2ore witness to Me very e i+ient)y9 to the /oint o 2ein& 6i))ed 2e+ause o his ear)ess aith. I defend !y ;eter. His bewilder#ent was the last one of The 6not s=ueezes his throat. He stru&&)es or so!e !o!ents. He ro))s his eyes his hu#an nature. %ut his s/iritua) wi)) was not /resent at that !o!ent. $u))ed 2y the stran&e)y9 he 2e+o!es 2)a+6 with su o+ation9 he o/ens his !outh9 the veins o his ne+6 swe)) and 2e+o!e 2)a+6. He 6i+6s the air our or ive ti!es in his )ast +onvu)sions. Then wei&ht o his hu!anity9 it was as)ee/. 4hen it awo6e9 it did not want to re!ain in sin9 2ut it wanted to 2e /er e+t. I or&ave hi! at on+e. his !outh o/ens and his dar6 s)o22ery ton&ue han&s out9 his eye@2a))s re!ain

)$+.Dea&h "- Judas "- <e i"&h. The 0eha,i"u "- 'a ( &"%a ds Judas :an3e2s E,e!s 0ea in1 &"%a ds :ain.


8udas did not want. ;ou say that he see!ed !ad and hydro/ho2i+. He was so throu&h satani+ ury. His terror in seein& the do&9 a rare ani!a) /arti+u)ar)y in Jerusa)e!9 was a +onse=uen+e o the a+t that9 ro! ti!e i!!e!oria)9 that or! was attri2uted to Satan to a//ear to !en. In 2oo6s o !a&i+ it is stated that one o the or!s /re erred 2y Satan to a//ear to !en is that o a !ysterious do& or +at or 2i))y@&oat. Judas9 a)ready a /rey to terror 2rou&ht a2out 2y his +ri!e9 2ein& +onvin+ed that he 2e)on&ed to Satan 2e+ause o his +ri!e9 saw Satan in that stray ani!a). He who is guilty sees shadows of fear in everything. It is his conscience that creates the#. Then Satan insti&ates su+h shadows9 whi+h !i&ht sti)) 2rin& a heart to re/ent9 and turns the! into horri2)e &hosts that )ead to des/air. And despair leads to the last cri#e( suicide. 4hat is the use o throwin& away the /ri+e o the 2etraya)9 when such deprivation is on)y the ruit o wrath and is not corroborated by a righteous will of repentance$ *nly in such case the act of divesting oneself of the fruits of evil deeds beco#es #eritorious. %ut he did not do that. ' use)ess sa+ri i+e. 13 My Mother9 and She was ,ra+e that was s/ea6in& and My Treasurer that was &rantin& or&iveness in My na!e9 said to hi!I C.e/ent9 Judas. He or&ives...D *h! I would have forgiven hi#! If he had only thrown hi#self at the feet of !y !other saying( /!ercy!0 She9 the Mer+i u) Mother9 wou)d have /i+6ed hi! u/ as a wounded !an9 and on his satani+ wounds9 throu&h whi+h the 0ne!y had i!2ued hi! with the 7ri!e9 She wou)d have shed Her tears that save and She wou)d have 2rou&ht hi! to Me9 to the oot o the 7ross9 ho)din& hi! 2y the hand9 so that Satan !i&ht not snat+h hi! and the dis+i/)es !i&ht not stri6e hi!. .he would have brought hi# so that !y Blood #ight fall first of all on hi# the greatest of all sinners. 'nd She wou)d have 2een the ad!ira2)e 1riestess on Her a)tar9 2etween 1urity and ,ui)t9 2e+ause She is the Mother o vir&ins and saints9 but .he is also the !other of sinners. But he did not want. Meditate on the /ower o ree wi))9 o whi+h you are the a2so)ute ar2iters. Through it you can have Heaven or Hell. Meditate on what /ersistin& in sin !eans. The ,rucified He Who is holding His ar#s stretched out and nailed to tell you that He loves you and that He does not want and cannot stri"e you because He loves you and prefers to deprive Hi#self of the possibility of e#bracing you His only sorrow in His being nailed to the cross rather than have the freedo# to punish you. 7hrist 7ru+i ied9 the o2<e+t o divine ho/e or those who re/ent and want to a2andon sin9 2e+o!es or the unre/entant the o2<e+t o su+h horror that !a6es the! +urse and 2e vio)ent a&ainst the!se)ves. They 2e+o!e the !urderers o their s/irits and 2odies throu&h their /ersisten+e in sin. 'nd the si&ht o the Mee6 Saviour9 4ho a))owed Hi!se) to 2e sa+ri i+ed in the ho/e o savin& the!9 ta6es the a//earan+e o a horri yin& &host. 14 Mary9 you +o!/)ained o this vision. %ut9 My dear dau&hter9 this is the (riday o 1assion 4ee6. ;ou !ust su er. To the su erin&s you endure 2e+ause o Mary's

su erin&s and Mine9 you !ust add your own9 caused by the bitterness in seeing sinners re#ain sinners. That was our suffering. It #ust be yours. Mary su ered9 and sti)) su ers9 2e+ause o that9 as She su ered 2e+ause o My tortures. So you !ust su er that. .est now. In three hours' ti!e you wi)) 2e +o!/)ete)y Mine and Mary's. I 2)ess you9 sweet )itt)e vio)et o My /assion and /assion@ )ower o Mary.G @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
2nd A9!i5= $9**. Pa5(FSunda/.

15 Jesus saysI EThe couple 8esus4!ary is the antithesis of the couple Ada#4)ve. It is the one destined to +an+e) a)) the 2ehaviour o 'da! and 0ve and ta6e Hu!anity 2a+6 to the /oint in whi+h it was when it was +reatedI rich in grace and in all the gifts granted to it by the ,reator. Hu!anity has under&one a +o!/)ete re&eneration throu&h the deeds o the +ou/)e Jesus@Mary9 4ho have thus 2e+o!e the new (ounders o the Hu!an (a!i)y. All the previous ti#e has been cancelled. The ti!e and story o !an are re+6oned as ro! this !o!ent in whi+h the new 0ve9 throu&h a +o!/)ete +han&e and inversion o +reation9 and throu&h the deed o the Lord9 ro! Her i!!a+u)ate wo!2 &enerates the new 'da!. But in order to cancel the behaviour of the two -irst ;arents the +ause o dead)y i))ness9 o /er/etua) !uti)ation9 o i!/overish!ent9 even !oreI o s/iritua) indi&en+e J 2e+ause a ter their sin 'da! and 0ve ound the!se)ves +o!/)ete)y des/oi)ed o every@ thin&9 and it was in inite wea)th9 the Ho)y (ather had &iven the! J these two .econd *nes had to act in everything in a #anner co#pletely opposed to the way of dealing of the two -irst ;arents. So they had to +arry their o2edien+e as ar as the /er e+tion that )owers itse) and sa+ri i+es itse) in its )esh9 ee)in&s9 thou&hts and wi))9 in order to a++e/t everythin& that ,od wants. .o they had to carry their purity to the degree of absolute chastity whereby the flesh... what was the flesh to @s two pure ones$ ' vei) o water on the triu!/hant s/irit9 the +aress o the wind on the soverei&n s/irit9 a +rysta) that iso)ates the s/irit@)ord and does not +orru/t it9 an i!/u)se that e)evates and not a wei&ht that o//resses. That is what the )esh was to ?s. Less heavy and sensitive than a )inen &ar!ent9 a )i&ht su2stan+e /)a+ed 2etween the wor)d and the 2ri&htness o the e&o that had 2e+o!e su/erhu!an9 the #eans to wor" what &od wanted. Nothing else. 16 3id we possess love$ We certainly did. 4e /ossessed the C/er e+t )oveD. !en the hunger for sensuality that ur&es you to ea&er)y &)ut yourse)ves with the )esh9 is not love. It is lust. Nothing else. So !u+h so that 2y )ovin& one another thus J you thin6 it is )ove J you are unable to bear with each other to help and forgive each other. .o what is your love$ It is hatred. It is nothin& 2ut /aranoia+ renzy that drives you to /re er the )avour o /utrid !ea)s to the who)eso!e +orro2oratin& ood o +hosen senti!ents. We possessed the /perfect love0 We the perfect chaste ones. This )ove e!2ra+ed ,od in

)$+.Dea&h "- Judas "- <e i"&h. The 0eha,i"u "- 'a ( &"%a ds Judas :an3e2s E,e!s 0ea in1 &"%a ds :ain.


Heaven and9 2ein& united to Hi!9 as 2ran+hes are to the tree trun6 nourishin& the!9 it s/read and des+ended )avishin& rest9 she)ter9 nourish!ent9 +o! ort on the 0arth and its inha2itants. No one was e7cluded fro# this love( neither our e))ow@+reatures9 nor the in erior 2ein&s9 nor the ve&eta2)e nature9 nor the waters and stars. Not even the wic"ed were e7cluded fro# this love. %e+ause they a)so9 a)thou&h dead )i!2s9 were sti)) )i!2s o the &reat 2ody o 7reation9 and there ore we saw in the! the ho)y i!a&e9 a)thou&h dis i&ured and soi)ed 2y their wi+6edness9 o the Lord9 4ho had or!ed the! in His i!a&e and )i6eness. .e<oi+in& with &ood /eo/)eM wee/in& over /eo/)e who were not &oodM /rayin& Ka+tive )ove that e3/resses itse) 2y i!/etratin& and attainin& /rote+tion or those who! one )ovesL /rayin& or &ood /eo/)e that they !i&ht 2e+o!e even 2etter in order to 2e even !ore a2)e to a//roa+h the /er e+tion o the ,ood Lord9 4ho )oves us ro! HeavenM /rayin& or those waverin& 2etween &oodness and wi+6edness9 so that they !i&ht 2e orti ied and thus 2e a2)e to /ersevere on the ho)y /athM /rayin& or the wi+6ed9 that ,oodness !i&ht s/ea6 to their s/irits9 and !i&ht even stri6e the! with the thunder2o)t o His /ower9 2ut !i&ht +onvert the! to the Lord their ,od9 4e )oved. 's no2ody e)se )oved. We carried love to the su##its of perfection so that with our ocean of love we #ight fill the abyss e7cavated by the lac" of love of the -irst ;arents who )oved the!se)ves !ore than they )oved ,od9 as they wished to have what it was not )aw u) to have9 in order to 2e+o!e su/erior to ,od. So to the purity obedience charity detach#ent fro# all the riches of the )arth Ksensua)ity9 /ower9 ri+hesI the trino!ia) o Satan9 o//osed to the trino!ia) o ,odI faith hope charityLM so to hatred9 )ust9 wrath9 /ride Kthe our /erverted /assions9 antitheses o the our ho)y virtuesI fortitude te#perance 5ustice prudenceA 4e had to add a +onstant /ra+ti+e o everythin& that was the o//osite to the way o a+tin& o the +ou/)e 'da!@0ve. 'nd i it was easy or us to do =uite a )ot9 throu&h our &ood )i!it)ess wi))s9 only the )ternal "nows how heroical it was to fulfill that practice in certain #o#ents and in certain occasions. 17 I want to s/ea6 o one on)y now. 5 My Mother9 not o Myse) . 5 the new 0ve9 4ho sin+e Her !ost tender years had re<e+ted the 2)andish!ents used 2y Satan to indu+e Her to 2ite the ruit and taste its )avour that had !ade 'da!'s +o!/anion insaneM o the new 0ve9 4ho had not +on ined Herse) to re<e+tin& Satan9 2ut had de eated hi! 2y +rushin& hi! under su+h a vast wi)) o o2edien+e9 )ove9 +hastity9 that he9 the 7ursed one9 was overwhe)!ed and su2<u&ated. No! .atan will not rise fro# under the heel of !y <irgin !other! He s)avers and oa!s9 he roars and +urses. %ut his s)aver dri22)es downwards9 and his how)in& does not tou+h the at!os/here that surrounds My Ho)y Mother9 4ho does not s!e)) the de!onia+ sten+h or hear the he))ish +a+hinnation9 and does not see9 does not even see the revo)tin& s)aver o the eterna) .e/ti)e9 2e+ause +e)estia) har!onies and s+ents dan+e )ovin&)y around Her 2eauti u) ho)y /erson9 and 2e+ause Her eyes9 whi+h are /urer than )i)ies and !ore

)ovin& than those o a +ooin& dove9 )oo6 i3ed)y on)y at Her 0terna) Lord9 Whose 3aughter .he is as well as !other and .pouse. 18 4hen 7ain 6i))ed '2e)9 the !outh o their !other uttered curses that were su&&ested 2y her s/irit9 se/arated ro! ,od9 a&ainst her +)osest nei&h2ourI the son o her wo!29 /ro aned 2y Satan and soi)ed 2y an inde+ent desire. And that curse was the stain in the "ingdo# of hu#an #orals as ,ain1s cri#e was the stain in the "ingdo# of hu#an ani#als. %)ood on the 0arth9 shed 2y a 2rother)y hand. The irst 2)ood that )i6e an a&e@o)d !a&net attra+ts a)) the 2)ood shed 2y !an's hand9 drawin& it ro! !an's veins. 7urse on the 0arth9 uttered 2y !an's !outh. 's i the 0arth were not su i+ient)y +ursed 2e+ause o !an's re2e))ion a&ainst his ,od and i it had not had to 2e+o!e a+=uainted with s/ines and thorns and the hardness o the soi)9 with drou&ht9 hai)9 rost9 do&@days9 whi)st it had 2een +reated /er e+t and e=ui//ed with /er e+t e)e!ents in order to 2e a +o! orta2)e 2eauti u) a2ode or !an9 its 6in&. !ary has to cancel )ve. Mary sees the se+ond 7ainI Judas. Mary 6nows that he is the 7ain o Her Jesus9 o the se+ond '2e). She 6nows that the 2)ood o this se+ond '2e) has 2een so)d 2y that 7ain and is a)ready 2ein& s/read. But .he does not curse. .he loves and forgives. .he loves and calls bac". 5hH Maternity o Mary MartyrH Maternity as su2)i!e as ;our vir&ina) divine MaternityH ,od /resented ;ou with the )atterH %ut ;ou9 ho)y Mother9 7o@.edee!er9 /resented ;ourse) with the or!er9 2e+ause ;ou a)one9 in that hour9 with ;our heart torn to /ie+es 2y the s+our&es that had torn My )esh to /ie+es9 %ou alone were able to spea" those words to 8udas and %ou alone in that hour9 when ;ou e)t the +ross 2rea6 ;our heart9 were able to love and forgive. 19 !ary( the new )ve. .he teaches you the new religion that urges love to forgive hi# who has "illed a son. $o not 2e )i6e Judas9 who +)oses his heart to this Mistress o ,ra+e and des/airs sayin&I CHe +annot or&ive !eD9 =uestionin& the words o the Mother o Truth9 and +onse=uent)y My words9 whi+h had a)ways re/eated that I had +o!e to save and not to )ose9 to or&ive those who +a!e to Me re/entant. Mary9 the new 0ve9 had a)so a new son ro! ,od Cin /)a+e o '2e) 6i))ed 2y 7ainD. %ut She did not have hi! in an hour o 2ruta) en<oy!ent that soothes sorrow with the u!es o sensua)ity and the tiredness o satis a+tion. She had hi! in an hour o +o!/)ete sorrow9 at the oot o a +ross9 a!on& the death@ratt)e o the $yin& Man 4ho was Her Son9 a!on& the insu)ts o the dei+ide +rowd and an undeserved tota) &rie 9 2e+ause even ,od no )on&er +o! orted Her. The new life for !an"ind and for individual #en begins fro# !ary. Her virtues and Her way o )ivin& are your s+hoo). 'nd in Her &rie 9 in whi+h a)) as/e+ts a//eared9 a)so that o or&iveness or the 6i))er o Her Son9 is your sa)vation.DG @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

)$+.Dea&h "- Judas "- <e i"&h. The 0eha,i"u "- 'a ( &"%a ds Judas :an3e2s E,e!s 0ea in1 &"%a ds :ain.


20 Jesus saysI

E5ne day I wi)) te)) you !ore a2out 7ain and the (irst 1arents. There is !u+h to 2e said and to 2e !editated on.G 's the si&ns o !an's diso2edien+e were evident9 ,od the (ather re!oved hi! ro! the /)a+e o heaven)y de)i&hts9 so that he !i&ht not sin on+e a&ain and !ore &rave)y 2y raisin& his thievin& hand to the tree o Li e. The -ather could no longer trust His children neither could He feel safe in His )arthly ;aradise. Satan had entered it on+e to )ay snares or His dearest +reatures9 and i he had su++eeded in indu+in& the! to sin when they were inno+ent9 with &reater ease he wou)d 2e a2)e to do it a&ain now that +,2. O&he! Tea'hin4s #n &he Fi!s& Pa!en&s and #n &he Pa!a55e5is( they were no )on&er inno+ent.

it with the will of being of &od it succeeds in corrupting you again with its poison that Baptis# had #ade har#less.

)e&-een Cain and Judas.

5&h A9!i5 $9**.

1 Jesus saysI EIn ,enesis we readI CThen 'da! na!ed his wi e 0ve9 2e+ause she is the !other o a)) those who )ive.D 5hH yes. 4o!an was 2orn o the CBira&oD who! ,od had or!ed as a +o!/anion or 'da!9 2ui)din& her ro! the ri2 o !an. She was 2orn with her sorrow u) destiny9 2e+ause she had wanted to 2e 2orn in that way9 that is with her sorrow u) destiny. %e+ause she had wanted to 6now what ,od had +on+ea)ed ro! her9 reservin& or Hi!se) the <oy o &ivin& her the <oy o /osterity without any de2ase!ent o sensua)ity. 'da!'s +o!/anion had wanted to 2e+o!e a+=uainted with the &ood +on+ea)ed in evi)9 and a2ove a)) with the evi) +on+ea)ed in &ood9 in a//arent &ood. Because enticed as she was by 2ucifer she had craved for "nowledge that &od alone could possess without any danger and she had #ade herself creatress. %ut 2y usin& su+h /ower o &ood unworthi)y9 she had +orru/ted it into an evi) deed9 2e+ause it was diso2edien+e to ,od and !a)i+e and &reediness o the )esh. %y this ti!e she was the C!otherD. In inite )a!entation o thin&s over the inno+en+e o their /ro aned =ueenH 'nd deso)ate )a!entation o the =ueen over her dese+ration9 o whi+h she understands the i!/ortan+e and its i!/ossi2)e annu)!entH I dar6ness and +ata+)ys!s a++o!/anied the death o the Inno+ent9 dar6ness and stor! a)so a++o!@ /anied the death o Inno+en+e and ,ra+e in the hearts o the (irst 1arents. &rief was born on the )arth. %ut ,od's /roviden+e did not want it to 2e eterna)9 as a ter years o sorrow He &ave you the <oy o +o!in& out o sorrow to enter <oy9 i you 6now how to )ive with ri&hteous !inds. 2 4oe to !an i he had had to !a6e hi!se) the !aster o )i e in a hu!an wayH 'nd i he had had to )ive with the !e!ory o his +ri!es and the +ontinua) in+rease o the!9 2e+ause it is !ore i!/ossi2)e or you to )ive without sinnin& than it is to )ive without 2reathin&9 you +reatures who had 2een +reated to 6now the Li&ht and who! $ar6ness has /oisoned !a6in& you its vi+ti!s. 3ar"ness! It circu#vents you continuously. It entangles you awa"ening what the .acra#ent has cancelled and as you do not oppose

!an had wanted to possess everything not leaving to &od the treasure of being the &enerator. Let hi! there ore &o away with his ri+hes a+=uired throu&h vio)en+e9 and )et hi! ta6e the! with hi! to the )and o his e3i)e to re!ind hi! a)ways o his sin9 a down+ast 6in& des/oi)ed o his &i ts. The paradisiac creature had beco#e an earthly creature. And ages of sorrow had to go by until the *nly *ne Who could stretch out His hand to the fruit of 2ife should co#e and pic" that fruit for all !an"ind. 'nd He shou)d /i+6 it with His /ier+ed hands and &ive it to !en9 so that they !i&ht 2e+o!e a&ain +oheirs to Heaven and /ossessors o the Li e that )ives orever. 3 ,enesis says a)soI C'da! then had inter+ourse with his wi e 0veD. They had wanted to 6now the se+rets o &ood and o evi). It was air that now they shou)d a)so e3/erien+e the /ain o havin& to re/rodu+e the!se)ves in )esh9 having &od1s direct help only for what #an cannot create the spirit the s/ar6 that de/arts ro! ,od9 the 2reath that is in used 2y ,od9 the sea) that on the )esh a i3es the si&n o the 0terna) 7reator. 'nd 0ve &ave 2irth to 7ain. 0ve was 2urdened with her sin. 't this /oint I wi)) draw your attention to a a+t that es+a/es !ost /eo/)e. )ve was burdened with her sin. And pain had not yet been suffered in a #anner sufficient to di#inish her sin. Li6e an or&anis! )aden with to3ins9 she had +onveyed to her son what a2ounded in her. 'nd 7ain9 0ve's irst son9 was 2orn hard9 envious9 =ui+6@te!/ered9 )as+ivious9 wi+6ed9 )itt)e di erent ro! wi)d ani!a)s with re&ard to instin+t9 !u+h su/erior with re&ard to the su/ernatura)9 2e+ause in his ier+e e&o he denied res/e+t to ,od9 4ho! he +onsidered an ene!y9 2e)ievin& that it was )aw u) or hi! not to have a sin+ere +u)t or Hi!. Satan insti&ated hi! to deride ,od. And he who derides &od does not respect anybody in the world. There ore those who are in tou+h with the deriders o ,od are a+=uainted with the 2itterness o tears9 2e+ause they have no hope of respectful love fro# their offspring no certainty of faithful love in their consort no certainty of honest friendship in friends. '2undant tears strea!ed down 0ve's a+e and her heart swe))ed with 2itter tears 2e+ause o the hardness o her son9 and those tears sowed the &er! o re/entan+e in her heart9 and they obtained a di#inution of her fault as &od forgives because of the

)$2.O&he Tea3hin1s "n &he Fi s& Pa en&s and "n &he Pa a22e2is. 6e&%een :ain and Judas.


sorrow of those who repent. 'nd 0ve's se+ond son had his sou) washed in his !other's tears9 and he was 6ind and res/e+t u) to his /arents9 and devout to his Lord9 4hose o!ni/oten+e he /er+eived shine ro! the Heavens. He was the <oy o his i!/overished !other. But the way of )ve1s sorrow was to be long and painful proportionate to her way in the e7perience of sin. In the )atter9 thri))s o senses. In the or!er9 shivers o /ain. In the )atter9 6isses. In the or!er9 2)ood. (ro! the )atter9 a son. (ro! the or!er9 the death o a son. 5 the one dearest to her 2e+ause o his &oodness. '2e) 2e+o!es the !eans o /uri i+ation or the &ui)ty !other. What a painful purification! 4ith her how)in& she i))ed the 0arth terri ied 2y the ratri+ide and she !i3ed the tears o a !other with the 2)ood o a son9 whi)e he9 who had shed it out o hatred or ,od and or his 2rother )oved 2y ,od9 was runnin& away +hased 2y re!orse. 4 The Lord says to 7ainI CWhy are you angry$D I you ai) in your duty towards Me9 why do you &row an&ry 2e+ause I do not )oo6 at you 2eni&n)yF How !any 7ains there are on the 0arthH Their +u)t or Me is derisory and hy/o+riti+a) or is non@e3istent9 and yet they want Me to )oo6 at the! with )ove and to i)) the! with ha//iness. &od is your =ing. Not your servant. ,od is your (ather. %ut a ather is never a servant9 i one <ud&es a++ordin& to <usti+e. &od is 5ust. %ou are not. %ut He is. 's He e3+eedin&@ )y i))s you with His avours9 i you on)y )ove Hi! a )itt)e9 He +annot +ertain)y avoid /unishin& you9 sin+e you deride Hi!. 8ustice does not follow two paths. *ne is its path. As you do so you receive. I you are &ood9 you re+eive &ood. I you are wi+6ed9 you re+eive evi). 'nd9 2e)ieve Me9 the &ood you re+eive is a)ways !u+h !ore than the 2ad you shou)d have9 or your way o )ivin&9 re2e))in& a&ainst the divine Law.

0arthI C;eace to #en of good will.D I had +o!e to 2rin& ,ra+e 2a+6 to you9 and throu&h its union with your &ood wi))s9 1ea+e wou)d +o!e to !en. ;eace( the glory of &od1s Heaven. 5 C'nd 7ain said to his 2rotherI 'Let us &o out' D. ' )ie +on+ea)in& a !urderous 2etraya) under a s!i)e. 3elin+uency is always #endacious both with regard to its victi#s and to the world it tries to deceive. 'nd it wou)d )i6e to de+eive even ,od. But &od reads hearts. CLet us &o outD. Many +enturies )ater one saidI CHai)9 MasterD and 6issed Hi!. The two 7ains +on+ea)ed their +ri!es under har!)ess a//earan+es9 and vented their envy anger arrogance and all wic"ed instincts on the victi# because they had not controlled the#selves 2ut had !ade their s/irits the s)aves o their +orru/ted e&os. In her e3/iation 0ve rises. 7ain des+ends towards he)). $es/air seizes hi! and !a6es hi! a)) into the a2yss. 'nd9 with des/air9 +o!es the /hysi+a) +oward)y ear o hu!an /unish!ent9 the )ast dead)y 2)ow to the s/irit a)ready )an&uishin& 2e+ause o its +ri!e. No longer a being #indful of Heaven #an with a dead soul is an ani#al that tre#bles with fear for his ani#al life. $eath9 whose a//earan+e is a s!i)e or the <ust9 2e+ause throu&h it they &o to the <oy o /ossessin& ,od9 is terri yin& or those who are aware that to die !eans to /ass ro! the he)) o one's heart9 to the He)) o Satan9 orever. 'nd )i6e /eo/)e entran+ed9 they see reven&e everywhere ready to stri6e the!.

6 %ut you !ust 6now9 I a! s/ea6in& to the <ust9 you !ust 6now that9 i re!orse and the dar6ness o a &ui)ty heart a))ow and oster the ha))u+inations o a sinner9 no one is a))owed to set hi!se) u/ as <ud&e o his 2rother9 and )east o a)) as e3e+utioner. *nly one is the 8udge( &od. 'nd i the <usti+e o !en has +reated its )aw@+ourts9 the tas6 o ad!inisterin& <usti+e is to 2e re!itted to the!9 and woe to those who /ro ane that na!e and <ud&e insti&ated 2y their own /assions or /ressed 2y hu!an /owers. Ma)edi+tion ,od has saidI CIs it not true that if you do good you will have good and if you do u/on hi! who !a6es hi!se) the /rivate e3e+utioner o one o his e))owsH But a wrong sin will be i##ediately at your door$D In a+t &ood )eads to a +onstant s/iritua) greater #alediction upon hi# who9 not throu&h the in )uen+e o rash wrath9 2ut out of e)evation and !a6es one !ore and !ore +a/a2)e o /er or!in& &reater and &reater &ood cold hu#an interest un5ustly sends a #an to death or to the disgrace of 5ail. %e+ause9 i deeds9 ti)) one rea+hes /er e+tion and 2e+o!es ho)y. 4hereas it is enou&h to yie)d to he who 6i))s a !an who has 6i))ed9 wi)) 2e &iven a /unish!ent seven ti!es &reater9 as evi) to de&rade onese) and deviate ro! /er e+tion9 2e+o!in& a+=uainted with the the Lord said wou)d ha//en to any2ody who stru+6 7ain9 he who conde#ns without /ower o sin that enters hearts and 2y de&rees !a6es the! des+end to &reater and 5ustice through enslave#ent to .atan in the capacity of hu#an *verbearingness will &reater &ui)tiness. be struc" seventy4seven ti#es by &od1s severity. ;ou shou)d a)ways 2ear that in your C%utD ,od a)so says Cunder you lies the desire of it and you #ust control it.D ;es. ,od !inds9 !en9 /arti+u)ar)y at the /resent !o!ent9 since you "ill one another to #a"e of did not !a6e you s)aves o sin. ;assions are under you. Not above you. ,od has &iven those who have fallen the base of your triu#ph and you do not rea)ise that you are di&&in& under your eet the /it into whi+h you wi)) a)) +ursed 2y ,od and 2y !en. you inte))i&en+e and stren&th to +ontro) yourse)ves. ')so to the irst !en9 stru+6 2y Because I have said( /%ou shall not "ill0. ,od's severity9 He )e t inte))i&en+e and !ora) stren&th. 'nd now9 sin+e the .edee!er has +onsu!ed the Sa+ri i+e on your 2eha) 9 you have the strea!s o ,ra+e to assist your 7 0ve rises on her way o e3/iation. .e/entan+e &rows dee/er in her 2e ore the /roo s inte))i&en+e and stren&th9 and you +an and !ust do!inate evi) desires. Through your o her sin. She wanted to 6now &ood and evi). 'nd the re!e!2ran+e o the &ood she will fortified by &race you #ust do it. That is why the an&e)s at My %irth san& to the had )ost is or her )i6e the re!e!2ran+e o the sun or so!eone who has 2e+o!e

)$2.O&he Tea3hin1s "n &he Fi s& Pa en&s and "n &he Pa a22e2is. 6e&%een :ain and Judas.


sudden)y 2)indM and evi) is in ront o her in the !orta) re!ains o her !urdered son9 and around her 2e+ause o the void )e t 2y her ho!i+ide u&itive son. 'nd Seth was 2orn. 'nd Seth 2e&ot 0nos. The irst /riest.

;our !inds swe)) with the rivers o your s+ien+e and you s/ea6 o evo)ution as o a si&n o your s/ontaneous &eneration. The ani!a)@!an9 evo)vin&9 wi)) 2e+o!e the su/er@ !an. That is what you say. ;es. It is so. %ut in My way. In My ie)d. 8ot in yours. 8ot He 6no+6s at the door o the house and9 as i ro! inside so!eone9 earin& he !i&ht 2y /assin& ro! the state o =uadru!ana to that o !en. But passing fro# the state of ind Judas in ront o hi! a&ain9 were as6in& who was 6no+6in&9 he re/)iesI EIt is I9 #en to that of spirits. The #ore the spirit grows the #ore you will evolve. John.G The door is o/ened and he &oes in. ;ou who s/ea6 o &)ands9 and i)) your !ouths s/ea6in& o hy/o/hysis or o the /inea) &)and9 and /)a+e in it the seat o )i e9 ta6en not in the ti!e in whi+h you )ive 2ut in the days that /re+eded and that wi)) o))ow your /resent )i e9 !ust 6now that your true &)and9 the one that !a6es you the eterna) /ossessors o Li e9 is your spirit. The #ore it develops the #ore you will possess divine lights and will evolve fro# #en to gods to i##ortal gods and so9 without +ontravenin& ,od's desire9 His order +on+ernin& the tree o Li e9 you will obtain the possession of this 2ife e7actly as &od wants you to possess it 2e+ause on your 2eha) He +reated it eterna) and 2ri&ht9 a 2eati i+ e!2ra+e with His eternity that a2sor2s you in Itse) and +o!!uni+ates Its /ro/erties to you. He a)so &oes into the Su//er@roo!9 without re/)yin& to the !istress who had as6ed hi!I E%ut what is ha//enin& in townFG

death)i6e is it. His eyes a)so are di!!ed9 his hair is du)) and ru )ed9 his 2eard9 whi+h has &rown durin& these hours9 )ays a vei) o a )i&ht shade on his +hee6s and +hin9 and as it is very air9 it !a6es hi! )oo6 even /a)er. There is nothin& )e t in hi! o the 6ind <oy u) John9 or o the an&ry John who short)y 2e ore9 his a+e )ushed with indi&nation9 with di i+u)ty restrained hi!se) ro! !anhand)in& Judas.

He )o+6s hi!se) in and a))s on his 6nees a&ainst the seat in whi+h Jesus had sat and he wee/s +a))in& Hi! sad)y. He 6isses the ta2)e+)oth on the s/ot where Jesus had <oined His hands9 he +aresses the +ha)i+e that He he)d with His in&ers... Then he saysI E *h! !ost High &od help #e! Help #e to tell the !other! I have not got the heart!... And yet I #ust tell Her. I #ust tell Her because I a# the only one left! G

He stands u/ and is /ensive. He tou+hes the +ha)i+e a&ain9 as i he wished to draw The #ore your spirits are evolved the #ore you will "now &od. To 6now ,od !eans to stren&th ro! that o2<e+t that the Master had tou+hed. He )oo6s around... In the +orner in whi+h Jesus had /)a+ed it9 he sees the /uri i+ator used 2y the Master to dry His hands )ove Hi! and serve Hi!9 and thus 2e a2)e to invo6e Hi! on your own 2eha) and on 2eha) o other /eo/)e. It #eans to beco#e the priests who fro# the )arth pray for their a ter washin& the a/ost)es' eet9 and the other one with whi+h He had &irded His waist. He ta6es the!9 o)ds the!9 +aresses the! and 6isses the!. brothers. %e+ause who is +onse+rated is a /riest. But also the convinced loving faithful believer is a priest. And a priest above all is the victi# soul that sacrifices itself out of He stands /er/)e3ed in the !idd)e o the e!/ty roo!. He saysI ELet us &oHG9 2ut he an i#pulse of charity. ,od does not )oo6 at the &ar!ent9 2ut at the !ind. 'nd I does not &o towards the door. 5n the +ontrary9 he &oes 2a+6 to the ta2)e and ta6es the so)e!n)y te)) you that My eyes see !any tonsured /eo/)e who have nothin& sa+erdota) +ha)i+e and the 2read9 a +orner o whi+h had 2een 2ro6en o 2y Jesus to &ive a !orse) e3+e/t their tonsures9 and they see #any lay#en in who# the ,harity that possesses to Judas9 a ter di//in& it in the dish. He 6isses the!9 he ta6es the! and with the two the# and by which they allow the#selves to be consu#ed is the *il of ordination that /uri i+ators he /resses the! to his heart )i6e re)ie s. He re/eatsI ELet us &oHG and si&hs. #a"es the# !y priests un6nown to the wor)d 2ut 6nown to Me9 and I 2)ess the!.G He wa)6s towards the )itt)e stair+ase and +)i!2s it with stoo/in& shou)ders and dra&&in& his re)u+tant eet. He o/ens the door and &oes out. 2 EJohn9 you have +o!eFG Mary has rea//eared at the door o Her roo!9 )eanin& on the door@/ost as i She did not have enou&h stren&th to stand u/ 2y Herse) .

+,3. J#hn G#es &# Ge& .a!/.

$,.3, a.(. G##d F!ida/ 1944 D8&h A9!i5 $9**E.

John raises his head and )oo6s at Her. He wou)d )i6e to s/ea69 and he o/ens his !outh9 2ut he does not !ana&e. Two )ar&e tears strea! down his +hee6s. He )owers his head9 asha!ed o his wea6ness. E,o#e here 8ohn. 3o not weep. %ou #ust not weep. %ou have always loved Hi# and #ade Hi# happy. !ay that co#fort you.G These words o/en the )ood&ates to the tears o John9 who +ries so )oud and noisi)y9 that the !istress a//ears with Mary Ma&da)ene9 >e2edee's wi e and the other wo!en...

1 My interna) warner te))s !e that that was the ti!e when John went to Mary. I see the avourite a/ost)e who )oo6s even /a)er than when he was in 7aia/has' +ourt@ yard with 1eter. 1erha/s 2e+ause the )i&ht o the ire there &ave a re )e+tion o heat to his +hee6s9 whi+h now )oo6 ho))ow9 as i he had su ered ro! a serious disease and were 2)ood)ess. His a+e e!er&es ro! his )i)a+ tuni+ )i6e that o a drowned !an9 so

)$3. J"hn 4"es &" 4e& 'a (.


E7o!e with Me9 John.G Mary de/arts ro! the door@/ost and ta6es the dis+i/)e 2y the wrist9 and dra&s hi! into the roo!9 as i he were a )itt)e 2oy9 and She +)oses the door &ent)y9 to 2e a)one with hi!. John does not rea+t. %ut when he ee)s Mary's tre!2)in& hand rest on his head9 he a))s on his 6nees )ayin& on the )oor the o2<e+ts he was ho)din& a&ainst his heart9 and with his a+e on the )oor9 ho)din& the ed&e o Mary's !ant)e /ressed on his e3+ited a+e9 he says so22in&I E(or&ive !eH (or&ive !eH Mother9 or&ive !eHG Mary9 4ho is standin& and is utter)y distressed9 with one hand /ressed a&ainst Her heart and the other one han&in& 2y Her side9 says in a heart@rendin& voi+eI E4hat !ust I or&ive you9 My /oor sonF 4hatF (or&ive youHG

to the +rossH... 5hH ,od9 &ive Me stren&thH He !ust see Me. I !ust not ee) My sorrow whi)e He ee)s His. Then when everythin&... is over9 then )et Me die9 o ,od9 i ;ou so wish. 8ot now. 8o9 or His sa6e. So that He !ay see Me. Let us &o9 John. 4 4here is JesusFG EHe is )eavin& 1i)ate's house. This +)a!our is the +rowd shoutin& around Hi!9 tied as He is9 on the ste/s o the 1raetoriu!9 awaitin& the +ross9 or a)ready on His way to ,o)&otha.G EIn or! your !other9 John9 and the other wo!en. 'nd )et us &o. Ta6e that +ha)i+e9 that 2read9 those )inens... 1ut the! here. 4e sha)) ind so)a+e in the!... )ater... and )et us &o.G

John raises his a+e9 showin& it as it is9 with no )on&er any tra+e o !an)y /ride9 the a+e John /i+6s u/ the o2<e+ts )e t on the )oor and &oes out to +a)) the wo!en. Mary waits o a /oor wee/in& +hi)d9 and he shoutsI E(or a2andonin& Hi!H (or runnin& awayH (or or hi!9 ru22in& Her a+e with those )inens as thou&h She wanted to ind the +aress o not de endin& Hi!H 5hH !y MasterH 5 Master9 or&ive !eH I shou)d have died9 rather Her Son's hand in the!9 and She 6isses the +ha)i+e and the 2read9 and /)a+es everythin& than a2andon ;ouH Mother9 Mother9 who wi)) ever rid !e o this re!orseFG on a she) . 'nd She enve)o/s Herse) in Her !ant)e9 whi+h She )owers as ar as Her eyes9 over the vei) that wra/s Her head and is o)ded round Her ne+6. She does not E1ea+e9 John. He or&ives you9 He has a)ready or&iven you. He has never ta6en your wee/9 2ut She is tre!2)in&. 'nd She see!s to 2e short o 2reath9 as She /ants so !u+h 2ewi)der!ent into +onsideration. He )oves you.G Mary s/ea6s with /auses 2etween the with her !outh o/en. John +o!es 2a+6 in9 o))owed 2y the wee/in& wo!en. short senten+es9 as i She were /antin&9 ho)din& one hand on John's head and /ressin& the other to Her /oor heart that is thro22in& with an&uish. EMy dear dau&htersH %e si)entH He)/ !e not to wee/H Let us &o.G 'nd She )eans on John9 who &uides and su//orts Her as i She were 2)ind. E%ut even yesterday evenin& I was not a2)e to understand... and I s)e/t whi)e He was as6in& us to 2e awa6e and +o! ort Hi!. I )e t !y Jesus a)) a)oneH 'nd then I ran away The vision ends thus. It is 1#.309 that is 11.30 so)ar ti!e. when that +ursed !an +a!e with the ras+a)s...G EJohn9 do not +urse. $o not hate9 John. Let the (ather <ud&e that. 3 ListenI where is He nowFG John a))s a&ain with his a+e on the )oor9 wee/in& )ouder. ETe)) Me9 John. 4here is My SonFG EMother... I... Mother9 He is... Mother...G EHe has 2een +onde!ned9 I 6now. I a! as6in& youI where is He <ust now.G EI did everythin& in !y /ower so that He !i&ht see !e... I tried to a//)y to the !i&hty ones to o2tain +o!/assion9 to !a6e Hi!... to !a6e Hi! su er )ess. They have not hurt Hi! very 2ad)y...G

+,*. The ;a/ #1 &he C!#ss 1!#( &he P!ae&#!iu( &# Ca50a!/.
2+&h .a!'h $9*5.

1 So!e ti!e &oes 2y so9 not !ore than ha) an hour9 /erha/s even )ess. Then Lon&inus9 who is entrusted with the tas6 o su/erintendin& the e3e+ution9 &ives his orders. %ut 2e ore Jesus is ta6en outside9 into the street9 to re+eive the +ross and set out9 Lon&i@ nus9 who has )oo6ed at Hi! twi+e or three ti!es9 with a +uriosity that is a)ready tin&ed with +o!/assion and with the e3/ert eye o one who is a++usto!ed to +ertain situations9 a//roa+hes Jesus with a so)dier and o ers Hi! a re resh!entI a +u/ o wine9 I thin6. In a+t he /ours a )i&ht 2)ond rosy )i=uid out o a rea) !i)itary +anteen. EIt wi)) do ;ou &ood. ;ou !ust 2e thirsty. 'nd the sun is shinin& outside. 'nd the way is a )on& one.G

E$o not )ie9 John. 8ot even out o /ity or a !other. ;ou wou)d not su++eed. 'nd it wou)d 2e use)ess. I 6now. Sin+e yesterday evenin& I have o))owed Hi! in His sorrow. ;ou +annot see it9 2ut My )esh is 2ruised 2y the sa!e s+our&es as His9 the sa!e thorns are /ier+in& My orehead9 I e)t the 2)ows... everythin&. %ut now... I no )on&er see. 8ow 'nd Jesus re/)ies to hi!I EMay ,od reward you or your +o!/assion. %ut do not I do not 6now where My Son is9 4ho has 2een +onde!ned to the +rossH.. to the +rossH... de/rive yourse) o it.G

)$#. The 8a( "- &he : "ss - ". &he P ae&" iu. &" :a2,a (.


EI a! hea)thy and stron&... ;ou... I a! not de/rivin& !yse) ... 'nd even i I were... I wou)d do it wi))in&)y9 to &ive ;ou so!e so)a+e... ' drau&ht... to show !e that ;ou do not hate heathens.G Jesus no )on&er re uses and ta6es a drau&ht o the drin6. 's His hands are a)ready untied and He no )on&er has the +ane or the +h)a!ys9 He +an do it 2y Hi!se) . %ut He re uses to ta6e !ore9 a)thou&h the &ood +oo) drin6 shou)d 2e a &reat re)ie to His ever9 whi+h is a)ready showin& itse) in the red strea6s that in )a!e His /a)e +hee6s and His dry )i/s. ETa6e so!e9 ta6e it. It is water and honey. It wi)) &ive ;ou stren&th and =uen+h ;our thirst... I ee) /ity or ;ou... yes... /ity... It was not ;ou 4ho was to 2e 6i))ed a!on& the Jews... 4ho 6nowsH... I do not hate ;ou... and I wi)) try to !a6e ;ou su er on)y what is ne+essary.G %ut Jesus does not drin6 any !ore... He is rea))y thirsty... The dread u) thirst o those who have )ost !u+h 2)ood and are everish... He 6nows that it is not a drin6 with nar+oti+s9 and He wou)d drin6 it wi))in&)y. %ut He does not want to su er )ess. %ut I rea)ise9 as I understand what I a! sayin& throu&h an interna) )i&ht9 that the +o!/assion o the .o!an is o &reater so)a+e to Hi! than the water sweetened with honey. EMay ,od reward you with His 2)essin&s or this so)a+eG He then says. 'nd He s!i)es a&ain... a heart@rendin& s!i)e with His swo))en wounded )i/s9 whi+h !ove with di i+u)ty9 a)so 2e+ause the severe +ontusion 2etween His nose and His ri&ht +hee6@ 2one9 +aused 2y the 2)ow with a +ud&e) He re+eived in the +ourt@yard a ter the )a&e))ation9 is swe))in& +onsider a2)y. 2 The two ro22ers arrive9 ea+h surrounded 2y a de+ury o so)diers. It is ti!e to &o. Lon&inus &ives the )ast instru+tions. ' +entury is set out in two )ines9 at a2out three !eters ro! ea+h other9 and !oves thus into the s=uare9 where another +entury has or!ed a s=uare 2arrier to drive the +rowd 2a+69 so that it !ay not o2stru+t the /ro+ession. In the )itt)e s=uare there are a)ready so!e !ounted so)diersI a +ava)ry de+ury with a youn& non@+o!!issioned o i+er who +o!!ands it and has the ensi&n. ' oot@so)dier is ho)din& the 2rid)e o the +enturion's 2)a+6 horse. Lon&inus !ounts and &oes to his /)a+e9 a2out two !etres in ront o the e)even !ounted so)diers. The +rosses are 2rou&ht. Those o the two ro22ers are shorter. Jesus' is !u+h )on&er. I say that the verti+a) sta6e is not )ess than our !etres )on&. I see that it is a)ready asse!2)ed when they 2rin& it. 4ith re&ard to this !atter9 I read9 when I used to read... that is9 years a&o9 that the +ross was asse!2)ed on the to/ o ,o)&otha and that a)on& the way the +onde!ned !en +arried on)y the two /o)es 2und)ed to&ether on their shou)ders. 0verythin& is /ossi2)e. %ut I see a true +ross9 we))

or!ed9 so)id9 /er e+t)y !ortised at the +rossin& o the two ar!s and we)) rein or+ed with nai)s and s+rew 2o)ts at the <un+tion. 'nd in a+t9 i one +onsiders that it was destined to su//ort a su2stantia) wei&ht9 su+h as the 2ody o a &rown@u/ /erson9 and had to sustain it a)so in its )ast +onvu)sions9 one understands that it +ou)d not 2e asse!2)ed there and then on the narrow un+o! orta2)e to/ o 7a)vary. %e ore &ivin& the +ross to Jesus9 they tie the 2oard with the ins+ri/tion EJesus 8azarene :in& o the JewsG round His ne+6. 'nd the ro/e that ho)ds it9 &ets entan&)ed with the +rown9 whi+h is !oved and s+rat+hes where it is not a)ready s+rat+hed9 and /ier+es new /arts9 +ausin& resh /ain and !a6in& resh 2)ood s/out. The /eo/)e )au&h with sadisti+ <oy9 they a2use and +urse. They are now ready. 'nd Lon&inus &ives the order o !ar+h. E(irst the 8azarene9 2ehind Hi! the two ro22ersM a de+ury around ea+h o the!9 the other seven de+uries /ositioned on the )an6 as rein or+e!ents9 and the so)dier who a))ows the +onde!ned !en to 2e wounded !orta))y wi)) 2e he)d res/onsi2)e.G 3 Jesus +o!es down the three ste/s that ro! the )o22y ta6e one into the s=uare. 'nd it is i!!ediate)y +)ear that Jesus is in an e3tre!e)y wea6 +ondition. He stra&&ers +o!in& down the three ste/s9 ha!/ered 2y the +ross wei&hin& on His shou)der a)) +overed with sores9 2y the 2oard o the ins+ri/tion that sways in ront o Hi! +uttin& into His ne+69 2y the os+i))ations +aused to the 2ody 2y the )on& sta6e o the +ross9 whi+h 2oun+es on the ste/s and on the uneven &round. The Jews )au&h seein& Hi! sta&&er a)on& )i6e a drun6 !an and they shout to the so)diersI E1ush Hi!. Ma6e Hi! a)). In the dust the 2)as/he!erHG %ut the so)diers do on)y what they have to do9 that is9 they order the 7onde!ned 5ne to stay in the !idd)e o the road and wa)6. Lon&inus s/urs his horse and the /ro+ession 2e&ins to !ove s)ow)y. 'nd Lon&inus wou)d a)so )i6e to !a6e haste9 ta6in& the shortest route to ,o)&otha9 2e+ause he is not sure o the resistan+e o the 7onde!ned 5ne. %ut the unrestrained !o2 J and it is even an honour to +a)) it so J does not want that. Those who are !ore +unnin& have a)ready run ahead9 to the +rossroads where the road or6s9 &oin& towards the wa))s a)on& one way9 and towards the town a)on& the other and they riot9 shoutin&9 when they see Lon&inus try to ta6e the way towards the wa))s. E;ou !ust not do thatH ;ou !ust notH It is not )e&a)H The Law /res+ri2es that +onde!ned !en are to 2e seen in the town where they sinnedHG The Jews at the rear o the /ro+ession rea)ise that at the ront they are tryin& to de raud the! o a ri&ht9 and they <oin their shouts to those o their +o))ea&ues. (or /ea+e sa6e Lon&inus turns a)on& the way that ta6es towards the town and &oes a short distan+e a)on& it. %ut he 2e+6ons to a de+urion to a//roa+h hi! KI say de+urion 2e+ause he is the non+o!!issioned o i+er9 2ut /erha/s he is what we wou)d +a)) an

)$#. The 8a( "- &he : "ss - ". &he P ae&" iu. &" :a2,a (.


order)y o i+erL and he says so!ethin& to hi! in a )ow voi+e. This !an trots 2a+69 and new ati&ue or Jesus9 as the )on& sta6e o the +ross 2oun+es on the! even !ore as he !eets ea+h de+ury +o!!ander9 he +onveys the order. He then &oes 2a+6 to vio)ent)y. 'nd there is a new !ine o /ro<e+ti)es or the Jews. The stones o the strea! Lon&inus to in or! hi! that it has 2een done. 'nd ina))y he &oes to the /)a+e where he )y and hit the /oor Martyr... was /revious)y9 in the )ine 2ehind Lon&inus. 5 The as+ent to 7a)vary 2e&ins. ' 2arren road9 without the )east shade9 /aved with 4 Jesus /ro+eeds /antin&. 0a+h ho)e in the &round is a tra/ or His sta&&erin& eet9 a uneven stones9 that &oes strai&ht u/ the hi)). Here a&ain9 when I used to read9 I read that torture or His shou)ders +overed with wounds9 and or His head +rowned with thorns9 7a)vary was a ew !etres hi&h. It !ay 2e so. It is +ertain)y not a !ountain. %ut it is a a)so 2e+ause the sun9 whi+h is e3+eedin&)y war!9 a)thou&h now and a&ain it hides hi))9 not +ertain)y )ower than the !ount o the 7rosses is9 with res/e+t to the Lun&arni9 2ehind a )eaden awnin& o +)ouds9 shines /er/endi+u)ar on it. So even it is +on+ea)ed9 it where the %asi)i+a o Saint Miniato is in ()oren+e. So!eone !ay sayI E5hH not !u+hHG sti)) 2urns. Jesus is +on&ested with ati&ue9 ever and heat. I thin6 that a)so the )i&ht and ;es9 or one who is hea)thy and stron& it is not !u+h. %ut it is enou&h to have a wea6 the how)in& !ust 2e a torture or Hi!. 'nd i He +annot sto/ His ears in order not to heart to ee) whether it is !u+h or )itt)eH... I 6now that a ter I 2e&an to su er ro! heart hear so !u+h +oarse shoutin&9 He ha) +)oses His eyes not to see the road dazz)in& in trou2)e9 even i on)y in a !i)d or!9 I +ou)d no )on&er &o u/ that hi)) without su erin& a the sunshine... %ut He !ust a)so reo/en the!9 2e+ause He stu!2)es over stones and &reat dea) and I was +o!/e))ed to sto/ now and a&ain9 and I had no )oad on !y ho)es9 and ea+h stu!2)e is /ain u)9 as it <er6s the +ross9 whi+h 6no+6s a&ainst the +rown9 shou)ders. 'nd I thin6 that Jesus' heart !ust have 2een in a very 2ad state a ter the whi+h ru2s a&ainst the wounded shou)der9 widenin& the sores and in+reasin& the /ain. )a&e))ation and sweatin& 2)ood... and I ta6e on)y these two thin&s into +onsideration. The Jews +annot hit Hi! dire+t)y any )on&er. %ut odd stones and 2)ows with +ud&e)s sti)) stri6e Hi!. The or!er9 /arti+u)ar)y in the )itt)e s=uares +rowded with /eo/)e. The )atter9 instead9 at 2ends9 a)on& the narrow streets with re=uent ste/s &oin& u/ or down9 at ti!es one9 at ti!es three9 at ti!es !ore9 2e+ause o the +ontinuous variations o the &round. The /ro+ession is +o!/e))ed to s)ow down at su+h /)a+es9 and there is a)ways so!e vo)unteer KHL who +ha))en&es the .o!an )an+es i on)y to add a inishin& tou+h to the !aster/ie+e o torture that Jesus is 2y now. The so)diers de end Hi! as 2est they +an. %ut they stri6e Hi! as we))9 whi)e tryin& to de end Hi!9 2e+ause the )on& )an+es waved a2out in su+h narrow s/a+es9 6no+6 a&ainst Hi! and !a6e Hi! stu!2)e. %ut u/on arrivin& at a +ertain s/ot9 the so)diers !a6e a /er e+t !anoeuvre and9 notwithstandin& shouts and threats9 the /ro+ession deviates a2ru/t)y a)on& a street that &oes dire+t)y towards the wa))s9 downhi))9 a &ood short +ut to the /)a+e o the e3e+ution. Jesus is /antin& !ore and !ore. 1ers/iration is strea!in& down His a+e9 to&ether with the 2)ood that tri+6)es ro! the wounds o the +rown o thorns. 'nd dust sti+6s to His wet a+e )eavin& =ueer stains on it. %e+ause a)so the wind is 2)owin& now. 7ontinua) &usts at )on& interva)s9 durin& whi+h the dust a))s a ter 2ein& raised in whir)winds 2y ea+h &ust9 and is 2)own into eyes and throats. So Jesus su ers tre!endous)y in +)i!2in&9 a)so 2e+ause o the wei&ht o the +ross whi+h9 2ein& so )on&9 !ust 2e very heavy. He inds a /rotrudin& stone and as He is e3hausted9 He +an )i t His eet on)y a )itt)e9 so He stru!2)es and a))s on His ri&ht 6nee9 2ut He +an ho)d Hi!se) u/ with His )e t hand. The +rowd how)s with <oy... He &ets u/ a&ain. He /ro+eeds9 2endin& and /antin& !ore and !ore9 +on&ested9 everish... The 2oard that swin&s in ront o Hi! o2stru+ts His si&htM His )on& tuni+9 the ront /art o whi+h trai)s on the &round9 as He now wa)6s 2endin&9 ha!/ers His ste/s. He stu!2)es a&ain and a))s on 2oth 6nees9 hurtin& Hi!se) where He is a)ready woundedM and the +ross9 whi+h s)i/s out o His hands and a))s9 a ter stri6in& His 2a+6 vio)ent)y9 +o!/e)s Hi! to 2end to /i+6 it u/ and to toi) /ain u))y to /ut it 2a+6 on His shou)der. 4hi)e He does so9 one +an +)ear)y see on His ri&ht shou)der the wound !ade 2y the ru22in& o the +ross9 whi+h has o/ened the !any sores o the s+our&es9 !a6in& the! a)) into one9 ro! whi+h seru! and 2)ood transude9 so that s/ot o His white tuni+ is a)) stained. The /eo/)e even a//)aud or the <oy o seein& Hi! a)) so 2ad)y... Lon&inus ur&es to !a6e haste and the so)diers9 stri6in& with the )at o their da&&ers9 /ress /oor Jesus to /ro+eed. He sets out a&ain !ore and !ore s)ow)y9 des/ite a)) so)i+itations. Jesus see!s +o!/)ete)y into3i+ated9 as He sways so !u+h9 6no+6in& a&ainst one or the other )ines o so)diers9 wanderin& a)) over the road. 'nd the /eo/)e noti+e it and shoutI EHis do+trine has &one to His head. Loo69 )oo69 how He sta&&ersHG

Many /eo/)e have a)ready asse!2)ed at the Judi+ia) ,ate9 that is9 those who /rovident)y and in &ood ti!e have +hosen a &ood /)a+e to see. %ut short)y 2e ore arrivin& there 'nd others9 and they are not o the /eo/)e9 2ut /riests and s+ri2es9 say with a &rinI E8o. Jesus a)!ost a))s. 5n)y the =ui+6 intervention o a so)dier9 on who! He a)!ost a))s9 It is sti)) the u!es o the 2an=uets in Lazarus' house. 4ere they &oodF Ta6e our ood /revents Hi! ro! a))in& on the &round. The ra22)e )au&h and shoutI ELeave Hi!H He now...G 'nd other senten+es o the 6ind. used to says to every2odyI C.iseD. Let Hi! rise now...G 6 Lon&inus9 who turns round now and a&ain9 ee)s sorry or Hi! and orders a ew %eyond the ,ate there is a strea! and a )itt)e 2rid&e. 4a)6in& on the uneven 2oards is a !inutes' sto/. 'nd the ra22)e insu)ts hi! so !u+h that the +enturion orders the so)diers

)$#. The 8a( "- &he : "ss - ". &he P ae&" iu. &" :a2,a (.


to +har&e the!. 'nd the aint@hearted +rowds at the si&ht o the shinin& threatenin& )an+es9 run away shoutin& and hur)in& the!se)ves here and there down the !ountain.

I see that arther u/9 the strai&ht road is +rossed our ti!es 2y this one9 whi+h +)i!2s with a s)i&hter s)o/e and to +o!/ensate or this is !u+h )on&er. 'nd !any /eo/)e are &oin& u/ this road9 2ut they do not /arti+i/ate in this sha!e u) u/roar o /eo/)e It is here that9 a!on& the ew /eo/)e who have re!ained9 I a&ain see the s!a)) &rou/ o /ossessed9 who o))ow Jesus to ta6e de)i&ht in His tortures. They are !ost)y wo!en9 the she/herds a//ear ro! 2ehind so!e ruins9 /ro2a2)y o a +o))a/sed )ow wa)). They wee/in& and vei)ed9 and so!e s!a)) &rou/s o !en9 very s!a)) ones indeed9 who are are deso)ate9 u/set9 dusty9 in ra&s9 and with the /ower o their &)an+es they attra+t the !u+h ahead o the wo!en and are a2out to /ass ro! si&ht9 when &oin& on their way9 Master's attention. He turns His head round9 He sees the!... He )oo6s at the! i3ed)y as the road turns round the !ountain. i they were the a+es o an&e)s9 He see!s to =uen+h His thirst and orti y Hi!se) with their tears9 and He s!i)es... The order to resu!e the !ar+h is &iven and Jesus /asses 7a)vary here )oo6s so!ehow /ointed in its odd stru+ture9 whi+h is snout@sha/ed on one <ust in ront o the! and He hears their an&uished wee/in&. 4ith di i+u)ty He turns His side9 whi)st on the other side it dro/s sheer. The !en disa//ear 2ehind the stony /oint head round ro! under the yo6e o the +ross and He s!i)es on+e a&ain... His so)a+e... and I )ose si&ht o the!. Ten a+es... a rest in the 2urnin& sun... 8 The /eo/)e o))owin& Jesus are shoutin& with ra&e. It was !ore /)easant or the! to 'nd i!!ediate)y a terwards9 the /ain o the third a))9 a +o!/)ete one. 'nd this ti!e see Hi! a)). 4hi)e hur)in& o2s+ene i!/re+ations at the 7onde!ned 5ne and at those He does not stu!2)e. He a))s 2e+ause o a sudden )a+6 o stren&th9 due to a syn+o/e. )eadin& Hi!9 so!e o))ow the <udi+ia) /ro+ession9 and so!e &o on a)!ost runnin& u/ He a))s head)on&9 6no+6in& His a+e on the uneven stones9 and He re!ains in the dust the stee/ road9 to !a6e u/ or the disa//oint!ent re+eived9 2y havin& a very &ood under the +ross that a))s on Hi!. The so)diers try to raise Hi!. %ut as He see!s to 2e /osition on the to/. dead9 they &o and in or! the +enturion. The wo!en9 who are /ro+eedin& wee/in&9 turn round u/on hearin& the shouts9 and see 4hi)e they &o and +o!e 2a+69 Jesus +o!es to Hi!se) 9 and s)ow)y9 with the he)/ o two the /ro+ession turn towards the!. Then they sto/9 )eanin& a&ainst the !ountain9 )est so)diers9 one o who! )i ts the +ross and the other he)/s the 7onde!ned 5ne to stand they shou)d 2e /ushed down the s)o/e 2y the vio)ent Jews. They )ower their vei)s on u/9 He /uts Hi!se) in His /)a+e a&ain. %ut He is rea))y e3hausted. their a+es even !ore9 and there is one +o!/)ete)y +overed with her vei)9 )i6e a Mus)i!9 )eavin& on)y her very dar6 eyes ree. They are su!/tuous)y dressed and they have a EMa6e sure that He dies on)y on the +rossHG shout the +rowd. stron& o)d !an to de end the!9 2ut a)) enve)o/ed as he is in his !ant)e9 I +annot see his a+e +)ear)y. I +an on)y see his )on& 2eard9 whi+h is !ore white than dar69 sti+6 out o EI you )et Hi! die 2e orehand9 you wi)) answer to the 1ro+onsu)9 2ear that in your his very dar6 !ant)e. !inds. The +u)/rit !ust arrive a)ive at the e3e+ution /)a+eG say the +hie s+ri2es to the so)diers. The )atter +ast witherin& &)an+es at the!9 2ut dis+i/)ine /revents the! ro! 4hen Jesus arrives near the!9 they wee/ !ore )oud)y and 2ow )ow to Hi!. Then they s/ea6in&. !ove orward reso)ute)y. The so)diers wou)d )i6e to drive the! 2a+6 with their )an+es. %ut the one who is a)) +overed )i6e a Mus)i! !oves her vei) aside or a !o!ent 2e ore 7 %ut Lon&inus is <ust as a raid as the Jews that the 7hrist !ay die on the road9 and he the ensi&n9 who has <ust arrived on horse2a+6 to see what it the +ause o this new does not want to have trou2)es. 4ithout needin& to 2e re!inded9 he 6nows what is his hindran+e9 and he orders the so)diers to )et her /ass. I +annot see her a+e or her dress9 duty as o i+er res/onsi2)e or the e3e+ution and he ta6es a+tion. 2e+ause the shi tin& o the vei) is done with the s/eed o a )ash9 and her dress is a)) He ta6es a+tion dis+on+ertin& the Jews who have a)ready ran ahead a)on& the road that +on+ea)ed under a heavy !ant)e that rea+hes down to the &round and is +o!/)ete)y they have rea+hed ro! a)) over the !ountain9 sweatin&9 s+rat+hin& the!se)ves to /ass +)osed 2y a set o 2u+6)es. The hand that +o!es out ro! there or a !o!ent to shi t the a!on& the ew thorny 2ushes o the 2are 2urnt !ountain9 a))in& on the ru22)e vei)9 is white and 2eauti u). 'nd it is the on)y thin&9 in addition to her very dar6 eyes9 en+u!2erin& it as i it were a du!/ or Jerusa)e!9 without ee)in& any /ain e3+e/t that that +an 2e seen o this ta)) !atron9 who is +ertain)y in )uentia) i she is so /ro!/t)y o !issin& the /antin& o the Martyr9 one o His sorrow u) &)an+es9 a &esture9 even an o2eyed 2y Lon&inus' ad<utant. invo)untary one9 o su erin&9 and with no other ear 2ut that o not 2ein& su++ess u) in havin& a &ood /)a+e. So Lon&inus &ives the order to ta6e the )on&er road that winds u/ 9 They a//roa+h Jesus wee/in& and 6nee) at His eet9 whi)e He sto/s /antin&... and yet He sti)) 6nows how to s!i)e at those +o!/assionate wo!en and at their es+ort9 who the !ountain and is there ore not so stee/. un+overs hi!se) to show that he is Jonathan. %ut the &uards do not )et hi! /ass. 5n)y This road see!s a /ath that 2y dint o 2ein& used 2y !any /eo/)e has +han&ed into a the wo!en. rather +o! orta2)e road. This +rossroad is situated a2out ha) @way u/ the !ountain. %ut

)$#. The 8a( "- &he : "ss - ". &he P ae&" iu. &" :a2,a (.


5ne o the! is Johanna o 7huza. 'nd she is !ore ha&&ard than when she was dyin&. 5n)y the tra+es o her tears are red9 a)) her a+e is snow@white with her 6ind dar6 eyes9 whi+h9 di!!ed as they are9 see! to have 2e+o!e a very dar6 vio)et shade )i6e +ertain )owers. In her hand she has a si)ver a!/hora and o ers it to Jesus. %ut He re uses it. In any +ase9 He is so 2reath)ess that He wou)d not even 2e a2)e to drin6. 4ith His )e t hand He wi/es the sweat and 2)ood that tri+6)es into His eyes and that9 strea!in& down His /ur/)e a+e and ne+69 the veins o whi+h are swo))en throu&h the )a2oured thro22in& o His heart9 wets a)) His tuni+ at the +hest.

)oad any )i&hter. 5n the +ontrary the ro/e9 6no+6in& a&ainst the +ross9 shi ts it +ontinuous)y on His shou)der and !a6es it stri6e the +rown9 whi+h 2y now has turned Jesus' orehead into a 2)eedin& tattoo !ar6. (urther9 the ro/e ru2s a&ainst His waist9 where there are !any wounds9 and it +ertain)y !a6es the! 2)eed a&ain9 in a+t His white tuni+ is tin&ed with /a)e red at the waist. So9 in order to he)/ Hi!9 they !a6e Hi! su er !ore.

11 The road +ontinues. It &oes round the !ountain9 it +o!es 2a+6 a)!ost to the ront9 towards the stee/ road. Here9 there is Mary with John. I shou)d say that John has ta6en 'nother wo!an9 who is a++o!/anied 2y a youn& !aidservant ho)din& a s!a)) +as6et in Her to that shady /)a+e9 2ehind the s)o/e o the !ountain9 to &ive Her so!e re)ie . It is her ar!s9 o/ens it and ta6es out a s=uare /ie+e o very ine )inen +)oth9 and o ers it to the stee/est /art o the !ountain. There is no other road &oin& round it. '2ove and the .edee!er. He a++e/ts it. 'nd as He +annot !ana&e 2y Hi!se) with one hand on)y9 under it the s)o/e rises or des+ends stee/)y9 and that is why the +rue) /eo/)e have the +o!/assionate wo!an he)/s Hi! to ta6e it to His a+e9 wat+hin& not to 6no+6 a2andoned it. It is shady there9 2e+ause I shou)d say that it is the north9 and Mary9 a&ainst His +rown. 'nd Jesus /resses the +oo) )inen +)oth to His /oor a+e and ho)ds it )eanin& as She is on the !ountain side9 is /rote+ted ro! the sun. She is )eanin& a&ainst there9 as i He e)t a &reat re)ie . the s)o/e9 standin&9 2ut a)ready e3hausted9 /antin&9 as white as death9 in Her very dar6 2)ue dress9 whi+h is a)!ost 2)a+6. John )oo6s at Her with deso)ate /ity. He has no tra+e He then hands the )inen +)oth 2a+6 and He saysI EThan6 you9 Johanna9 than6 you9 o +o)our on his a+e either9 and he )oo6s wan9 with wide@o/en tired eyes9 un6e!/t9 and 8i6e9... Sarah9... Mar+e))a9... 0)iza9... Lydia9... 'nne9... Ba)eria9... and you... %ut... do not his +hee6s are sun6en as i he were su erin& ro! a disease. wee/... or Me... dau&hters o ... Jerusa)e!... %ut or your sins... and or those... o your town... %)ess... Johanna... or not havin&... !ore sons... See... It is ,od's !er+y... not... The other wo!en J Mary and Martha o Lazarus9 Mary o ')/haeus and Mary o not to have sons... 2e+ause... they su er... or this... 'nd you... too9 0)iza2eth... %etter... >e2edee9 Susanna ro! 7ana9 the !istress o the house and so!e !ore who! I do not as it was... than a!on& dei+ides... 'nd you... !others... wee/ or... your sons9 2e+ause... 6now J are a)) in the !idd)e o the road )oo6in& to see whether the Saviour is +o!in&. this hour wi)) not /ass... without /unish!ent... 'nd what a /unish!ent9 i it is so or... 'nd when they see Lon&inus arrive9 they rush towards Mary to in or! Her. 'nd Mary9 the Inno+ent... ;ou wi)) wee/ then... or havin& +on+eived... su+6)ed and or... havin& su//orted 2y John who is ho)din& Her 2y the e)2ow9 de/arts ro! the hi))side9 state)y in !ore... sons... The !others... o those days... wi)) wee/ 2e+ause... I so)e!n)y te)) you... Her &rie 9 and /)a+es Herse) reso)ute)y in the !idd)e o the road9 !ovin& aside on)y at that he wi)) 2e )u+6y... who then... wi)) 2e... the irst... to a))... under the ruins. I 2)ess the arriva) o Lon&inus9 who ro! the hei&ht o his 2)a+6 horse )oo6s at the /a)e you... ,o... ho!e... /ray... or Me. ,ood2ye9 Jonathan... ta6e the! away...G 4o!an and at Her 2)ond wan +o!/anion9 whose !ee6 eyes are 2)ue )i6e Hers. 'nd Lon&inus sha6es his head whi)e /assin& 2y o))owed 2y the e)even so)diers on 'nd in the !idst o the )oud noise o wee/in& wo!en and +ursin& Judaeans9 Jesus sets horse2a+6. out a&ain. Mary tries to /ass throu&h the dis!ounted so)diers9 who9 2ein& war! and in a hurry9 10 Jesus is on+e a&ain +o!/)ete)y wet with /ers/iration. ')so the so)diers and the other strive to drive Her 2a+6 with their )an+es9 a)) the !ore that stones are thrown ro! the two +onde!ned !en are /ers/irin&9 2e+ause the sun this stor!y day is as 2urnin& as /aved road9 as a /rotest a&ainst so !u+h +o!/assion. It is the Jews9 who on+e a&ain )a!es9 and the side o the !ountain9 very war! 2y itse) 9 in+reases the heat o the sun. +urse 2e+ause o the ha)t 2rou&ht a2out 2y the /ious wo!en and sayI EAui+6H It is 4hat this sun !ust ee) )i6e on Jesus' woo)en &ar!ent /)a+ed on the wounds o the 0aster to!orrow. 0verythin& !ust 2e a++o!/)ished 2y this evenin&H ;ou are s+our&es9 one +an easi)y i!a&ine and 2e horror@stri+6en at the idea... a++o!/)i+es who deride our LawH 5//ressorsH $eath to the invaders and to their 7hristH %ut He never !oans. %ut a)thou&h the road is not so stee/ as the other one and it is not They )ove Hi!H Loo6 how they )ove Hi!H 4e))9 ta6e Hi!H 1ut Hi! in your +ursed 0terna) 7ityH 4e surrender Hi! to youH 4e don't want Hi!H Let rotters 2e with rottersH strewn with uneven stones9 whi+h were so dan&erous to His eet that He is now 'nd )e/rosy with )e/ersHG dra&&in&9 Jesus is sta&&erin& !ore and !ore9 and on+e a&ain He 6no+6s irst into one )ine o so)diers and then into the other and is 2ent !ore than /revious)y. 12 Lon&inus &ets tired and o))owed 2y the ten )an+ers he s/urs his horse a&ainst the revi)in& /a+6 o hounds9 who run away or the se+ond ti!e. 'nd in doin& so he sees a They de+ide to over+o!e the di i+u)ty 2y /assin& a ro/e round His waist and ho)din& the two ends as i they were reins. It does in a+t su//ort Hi!9 2ut it does not !a6e His +art standin& sti))9 whi+h has +ertain)y +o!e u/ ro! the ve&eta2)e@&ardens at the oot

)$#. The 8a( "- &he : "ss - ". &he P ae&" iu. &" :a2,a (.


o the !ountain and is waitin& or the +rowds to /ass9 so that it !ay &o down towards the town with its )oad o &reens. I thin6 that +uriosity has !ade the !an ro! 7yrene and his sons &o u/ there9 2e+ause it was not ne+essary or hi! to do so. The two sons9 )yin& on the to/ o the &reen /i)e o ve&eta2)es9 )oo6 and )au&h at the )eein& Judaeans. The !an9 instead9 a very stron& !an9 a2out orty@ i ty years o)d9 standin& near the )itt)e don6ey9 whi+h is ri&htened and tries to draw 2a+69 )oo6s attentive)y at the /ro+ession. Lon&inus )oo6s hi! u/ and down. He thin6s that he +an 2e use u) and says to hi! in a +o!!andin& voi+eI EMan9 +o!e here.G The !an ro! 7yrene ei&ns he has not heard. %ut one +annot tri )e with Lon&inus. He re/eats the order in su+h a way that the !an throws the reins to one o his sons and a//roa+hes the +enturion. E$o you see that !anFG he as6s. 'nd in doin& so9 he turns round to /oint out Jesus and he sees Mary9 4ho is i!/)orin& the so)diers to )et Her /ass. He ta6es /ity on Her and he shoutsI ELet the 4o!an /ass.G He then resu!es s/ea6in& to the !an ro! 7yreneI EHe +annot /ro+eed urther )aden as He is. ;ou are stron&. Ta6e His +ross and +arry it in His stead as ar as the su!!it.G EI +annot... I have the don6ey... it is restive... the 2oys +annot ho)d it...G %ut Lon&inus saysI E,o9 i you do not want to )ose your don6ey and &et twenty 2)ows as /unish!ent.G The !an ro! 7yrene dare no )on&er rea+t. He shouts to the 2oysI E,o ho!e and 2e =ui+6. 'nd say that I a! +o!in& at on+eG and he then &oes towards Jesus.

&rie . I noti+e si&ns o +o!/assion even a!on& the .o!ans... and yet they are so)diers9 a++usto!ed to s)au&hters9 !ar6ed 2y s+ars... %ut the wordsI EMotherHG and ESonHG are a)ways the sa!e or a)) those who9 I re/eat it9 are not worse than hyenas9 they are understood everywhere and they raise waves o +o!/assion everywhere... The !an ro! 7yrene ee)s su+h /ity... 'nd as he sees that Mary +annot e!2ra+e Her Son 2e+ause o the +ross9 and that a ter stret+hin& Her ar!s out9 She )ets the! dro/9 +onvin+ed that She is una2)e to do so J and She on)y )oo6s at Hi!9 strivin& to s!i)e with Her s!i)e o a !artyr to en+oura&e Hi!9 whi)e Her tre!2)in& )i/s drin6 Her tears9 and He9 turnin& His head round9 ro! under the yo6e o the +ross9 tries in His turn to s!i)e at Her and send Her a 6iss with His /oor )i/s9 wounded and s/)it 2y 2)ows and ever J he hastens to re!ove the +ross9 and he does so with the &ent)eness o a ather9 in order not to &ive a shove to the +rown or ru2 a&ainst His sores. %ut Mary +annot 6iss Her Son... 0ven the )i&htest tou+h wou)d 2e a torture or His torn )esh9 and Mary re rains9 and then... the !ost ho)y ee)in&s have a /ro ound !odesty and they e3a+t res/e+t or at )east +o!/assion9 whi)st here there is +uriosity9 and a2ove a))9 !o+6ery. 5n)y the two an&uished sou)s 6iss ea+h other. The /ro+ession9 whi+h sets out a&ain under the /ressure o the waves o the urious /eo/)e9 divides the!9 /ushin& the Mother a&ainst the !ountain9 to 2e sneered at 2y a)) the /eo/)e...

%ehind Jesus there is now the !an ro! 7yrene with the +ross. 'nd Jesus9 reed o that wei&ht9 is /ro+eedin& !ore easi)y. He is /antin& vio)ent)y9 He o ten /resses His hand 13 He rea+hes Hi! <ust when Jesus turns towards His Mother9 4ho! on)y now He sees a&ainst His heart9 as i He had a &reat /ain or a wound there9 in the sternu!@heart re&ion9 and now9 sin+e His hands are no )on&er tied and He is a2)e to do so9 He /ushes +o!in& towards Hi!9 2e+ause He is /ro+eedin& so 2ent and with His eyes a)!ost His hair9 whi+h had a))en orward and is sti+6y with 2)ood and /ers/iration9 2ehind His +)osed9 as i He were 2)ind9 and He shoutsI EMotherHG ears9 to ee) so!e air on His +yanoti+ a+e9 He unties the +ord round His ne+69 as it Sin+e He 2e&an 2ein& tortured9 it is the irst word that e3/resses His su erin&s. !a6es Hi! su er in 2reathin&... %ut He +an wa)6 2etter. %e+ause in that +ry there is the +on ession o everythin&9 and a)) the dread u) sorrow o His s/irit9 o His !ora)e9 o His 2ody. It is the heart@2ro6en and heart@2rea6in& +ry o a Mary has withdrawn with the wo!en. She o))ows the /ro+ession on+e it has /assed9 and then9 a)on& a short +ut9 She turns Her ste/s towards the to/ o the !ountain9 )itt)e 2oy who dies a)) a)one9 a!on& torturers and the !ost +rue) tortures... and who de yin& the insu)ts o the +anni2a)isti+ /o/u)a+e. &oes so ar as to 2e a raid o his own 2reathin&. It is the wai)in& o a ravin& )itt)e 2oy tor!ented 2y ni&ht!are visions... and wants his !u!!y9 his dear !u!!y9 2e+ause 14 8ow that Jesus +an wa)6 ree)y9 the )ast stret+h o the road around the !ountain is on)y her resh 6isses soothe the ardour o his ever9 her voi+e dis/e)s /hanto!s9 her soon +overed9 and they are a)ready +)ose to the to/ +rowded with shoutin& /eo/)e. e!2ra+e !a6es death )ess ear u)... Lon&inus sto/s and orders his !en to ine3ora2)y re/e) every2ody arther down9 so that Mary /resses Her hand a&ainst Her heart9 as i She had 2een sta22ed9 and She sta&&ers the to/9 the /)a+e o the e3e+ution9 !ay 2e ree. 'nd one ha) o the +entury +arries out )i&ht)y. %ut She +o))e+ts Herse) 9 =ui+6ens Her ste/ and whi)e &oin& towards Her the order9 rushin& to the s/ot and !er+i)ess)y drivin& 2a+6 whoever is there9 !a6in& use tortured Son with outstret+hed ar!s9 She shoutsI ESonHG %ut She says so in su+h a way o their da&&ers and )an+es to do so. The hai) o 2)ows with the )at o swords and +)u2s that whoever has not &ot the heart o a hyena9 ee)s it is 2rea6in& 2e+ause o so !u+h !a6es the Jews run away ro! the to/9 and they wou)d )i6e to sto/ in the o/en s/a+e

)$#. The 8a( "- &he : "ss - ". &he P ae&" iu. &" :a2,a (.


2e)ow. %ut those a)ready there do not &ive in and the /eo/)e 2e&in to 2raw) ier+e)y. They a)) see! to 2e !ad. 's I to)d you )ast year9 the to/ o 7a)vary is sha/ed )i6e an irre&u)ar tra/eziu!9 s)i&ht)y hi&her on the ri&ht side9 a ter whi+h the !ountain des+ends stee/)y or !ore than ha) o its hei&ht. In this )itt)e o/en s/a+e there are a)ready three dee/ ho)es9 )ined with 2ri+6s or s)ates9 that is9 2ui)t or a s/e+ia) /ur/ose. 8ear the! there are stones and earth ready to /ro/ the +rosses. 5ther ho)es instead are u)) o stones. It is o2vious that they e!/ty the! ea+h ti!e a++ordin& to the nu!2er re=uired. ?nder the tra/ezoida) su!!it9 on the side o the !ountain that does not des+end stee/)y9 there is a 6ind o /)at or! that s)o/es down &ent)y or!in& a se+ond )itt)e o/en s/a+e. Two wide /aths de/art ro! it &oin& round the to/9 whi+h is thus iso)ated and raised at )east two !etres in hei&ht on a)) sides. The so)diers9 who have driven the /eo/)e away ro! the to/9 with +onvin+in& 2)ows o their )an+es su2due =uarre)s and !a6e roo!9 so that the /ro+ession !ay /ass without any hindran+e on the )ast stret+h o the road9 and they re!ain there or!in& a dou2)e hed&e whi)e the thr ee +onde!ned !en9 surrounded 2y the so)diers on horse2a+6 and /rote+ted 2ehind 2y the other ha) o the +entury9 arrive at the s/ot where they are sto//edI at the oot o the natura) raised /)at or! that is the su!!it o ,o)&otha. 15 4hi)e that ta6es /)a+e9 I see the Maries9 and a )itt)e 2ehind the! there is Johanna o 7huza with the other our )adies !entioned /revious)y. The others have withdr awn. 'nd they !ust have &one 2y the!se)ves9 2e+ause Jonathan is sti)) there9 2ehind his !istress. The one we +a)) Beroni+a and who! Jesus +a))ed 8i6e9 is no )on&er there and a)so her !aidservant is a2sent. 'nd a)so the one9 who was a)) +overed with a vei) and was o2eyed 2y the so)diers9 is no )on&er there. I +an see Johanna9 the o)d wo!an na!ed 0)iza9 'nne Kthe !istress o the house where Jesus went or the vinta&e in the irst year o His /u2)i+ )i eL9 and two !ore who! I +annot identi y. %ehind these wo!en and the Maries I +an see Jose/h and Si!on o ')/haeus9 and ')/haeus o Sarah with the &rou/ o the she/herds. They have s+u )ed with those who wanted to re/e) the! insu)tin& the!9 and the stren&th o these !en9 in+reased 2y their )ove and &rie 9 has 2een so /ower u) that they de eated their o//onents9 or!in& a ree se!i+ir+)e at whi+h the very /usi))ani!ous Jews dare on)y to hur) +ries o death and sha6e their ists. %ut nothin& e)se9 2e+ause the +roo6s o the she/herds are 6notty and heavy9 and these va)iant !en )a+6 neither stren&th nor the a2i)ity to ai! a++urate)y. 'nd I a! not wron& in sayin& so. It ta6es rea) +oura&e or a ew !en9 6nown as ,a)i)eans or o))owers o the ,a)i)ean Master9 to o//ose a hosti)e /o/u)ation. It is the on)y /)a+e on the who)e o 7a)vary in whi+h 7hrist is not +ursedH

that a//ears and disa//ears9 it )oo6s )i6e a )owery !eadow with +oro))as o a)) +o)ours9 so nu!erous and +)ose to&ether are the head&ears and !ant)es o the sadists standin& there. More /eo/)e are 2eyond the torrent9 on the road9 and !ore 2eyond the wa))s. 'nd there are !ore on the terra+es9 whi+h are +)oser. The rest o the town is deserted... e!/ty... si)ent. They are a)) here. ')) the )ove and a)) the hatred. ')) the Si)en+e that )oves and or&ives. ')) the 7)a!our that hates and +urses. 16 4hi)e the !en res/onsi2)e or the e3e+ution /re/are their instru!ents9 inishin& e!/tyin& the ho)es9 and the !en +onde!ned await in the !idd)e o the s=uare or!ed 2y the so)diers9 the Jews9 who have ta6en she)ter in the +orner o//osite the Maries9 insu)t the!. They insu)t a)so the MotherI E$eath to the ,a)i)eans. $eathH ,a)i)eansH ,a)i)eansH 7urse the!H $eath to the ,a)i)ean 2)as/he!er. 8ai) on the +ross a)so the wo!2 that 2ore Hi!H 'way ro! here the vi/ers that &ive 2irth to de!onsH $eath to the!H 7)ear Israe) o the e!a)es who +o/u)ate with the 2i))y@&oatH...G Lon&inus9 who has dis!ounted9 turns round and sees the Mother... He orders his !en to sto/ the u/roar... The i ty so)diers who were 2ehind the +onde!ned !en +har&e the ra22)e and +)ear the se+ond es/)anade +o!/)ete)y9 as the Jews run away a)on& the !ountain9 treadin& on one another. ')so the other so)diers dis!ount9 and one ta6es the e)even horses9 in addition to that o the +enturion9 and ta6es the! to a shady s/ot9 2ehind the rid&e o the !ountain. The +enturion sets out towards the to/. Johanna o 7huza !oves orward and sto/s hi!. She &ives hi! an a!/hora and a /urse. She then withdraws wee/in&9 and &oes towards the ed&e o the !ountain with the other wo!en. 17 0verythin& is ready on the su!!it. They !a6e the +onde!ned !en &o u/. 'nd on+e a&ain Jesus /asses near His Mother9 4ho utters a &roan9 whi+h She tries to sti )e9 2y /ressin& Her !ant)e a&ainst Her )i/s. The Jews noti+e it9 they )au&h and deride. John9 the !ee6 John9 who has one ar! round Mary's shou)ders to su//ort Her9 turns round and &)ares at the!. 0ven his eyes are /hos/hores+ent. I he did not have to /rote+t the wo!en9 I thin6 that he wou)d &ri/ one o the +owards 2y the throat. 's soon as the +onde!ned !en are on the ata) /)at or!9 the so)diers surround the o/en s/a+e on three sides. 5n)y the one that dro/s sheer is e!/ty. The +enturion orders the !an ro! 7yrene to &o away. 'nd he &oes away9 unwi))in&)y now9 and I wou)d not say out o sadis!9 2ut out o )ove. In a+t he sto/s near the ,a)i)eans9 sharin& with the! the insu)ts that the +rowds &ive )i2era))y to these ha&&ard 2e)ievers o the 7hrist.

The !ountain9 on the three sides on whi+h the s)o/es des+end &ent)y towards the va))ey9 The two ro22ers throw their +rosses on the &round swearin&. Jesus is si)ent. is a)) +rowded with /eo/)e. The ye))owish 2arren earth +an no )on&er 2e seen. In the sun

)$#. The 8a( "- &he : "ss - ". &he P ae&" iu. &" :a2,a (.


The sorrow u) way has +o!e to its end.

astenin& it +are u))y so that it !ay not a)) o ... 'nd on the )inen vei)9 so ar soa6ed on)y with tears9 the irst dro/s o 2)ood 2e&in to a))9 2e+ause !any o the wounds9 <ust +overed with 2)ood@+)ots9 have reo/ened a&ain9 as He stoo/ed to ta6e o His sanda)s and )ay down His &ar!ents9 and 2)ood is strea!in& down a&ain. 3 Jesus now turns towards the +rowd. 'nd one +an thus see that a)so His +hest9 )e&s and ar!s have a)) 2een stru+6 2y the s+our&es. 't the hei&ht o His )iver there is a hu&e 2ruise9 and under His )e t +osta) ar+h there are seven +)ear stri/es in re)ie 9 endin& with seven s!a)) +uts 2)eedin& inside a vio)a+eous +ir+)e... a +rue) 2)ow o a s+our&e in su+h a sensitive re&ion o the dia/hra&!. His 6nees9 2ruised 2y re/eated a))s that 2e&an i!!ediate)y a ter He was +a/tured and ended on 7a)vary9 are dar6 with he!ato!as and the 6nee@+a/s are torn9 /arti+u)ar)y the ri&ht one9 2y a )ar&e 2)eedin& wound. The +rowds s+o at Hi! in +horusI E5hH Handso!eH The !ost handso!e o the sons o !enH The dau&hters o Jerusa)e! adore ;ou...G 'nd in the tone o a /sa)! they intoneI EMy 2e)oved is resh and ruddy9 to 2e 6nown a!on& ten thousand. His head is /urest &o)d9 his )o+6s are /a)! ronds9 as si)6y as the eathers o ravens. His eyes are )i6e two doves 2athin& in strea!s not o water9 2ut o !i)69 in the !i)6 o his or2it. His +hee6s are 2eds o s/i+es9 his )i/s are /ur/)e )i)ies disti))in& /re+ious !yrrh. His hands are rounded )i6e the wor6 o a &o)ds!ith endin& in rosy hya+inths. His trun6 is ivory veined with sa//hires. His )e&s are /er e+t +o)u!ns o white !ar2)e on 2ases o &o)d. His !a<esty is )i6e that o Le2anonM he is !ore !a<esti+ than the ta)) +edar. His +onversation is dren+hed with sweetness and he is a)to&ether de)i&ht u)GM and they )au&h and shout a)soI EThe )e/erH The )e/erH So have ;ou orni+ated with an ido)9 i ,od has stru+6 ;ou soF Have ;ou !u!2)ed a&ainst the saints o Israe)9 as Mary o Moses did9 i ;ou have 2een /unished soF 5hH 5hH the 1er e+t 5neH 're ;ou the Son o ,odF 7ertain)y not. ;ou are the a2ortion o SatanH 't )east he9 Ma!!on9 is /ower u) and stron&. ;ou... are in ra&s9 ;ou are /ower)ess and revo)tin&.G 4 The ro22ers are tied to the +rosses and they are +arried to their /)a+es9 one to the ri&ht9 one to the )e t9 with re&ard to the /)a+e destined to Jesus. They how)9 swear9 +urse9 /arti+u)ar)y when the +rosses are +arried to the ho)es9 and they hurt the! !a6in& the ro/es +ut into their wrists9 their oaths a&ainst ,od9 the Law9 the .o!ans9 the Judaeans are he))ish. It is Jesus' turn. He )ies on the +ross !ee6)y. The two ro22ers were so re2e))ious that9 as the our e3e+utioners were not su i+ient to ho)d the!9 so!e so)diers had to intervene9 to /revent the! ro! 6i+6in& away the torturers who were tyin& their wrists to the +ross. %ut no he)/ is re=uired or Jesus. He )ies down and /)a+es His head where they te)) Hi!. He stret+hes out His ar!s and His )e&s as He is to)d. He on)y ta6es +are to arran&e His vei) /ro/er)y. 8ow His )on&9 s)ender white 2ody stands out a&ainst the dar6 wood and the ye))ow &round. 5 Two e3e+utioners sit on His +hest to ho)d Hi! ast. 'nd I thin6 o the o//ression and

+,5. The C!u'i1i:i#n.

28&h .a!'h $9*5.

1 (our 2rawny !en9 who )oo6 )i6e Judaeans9 and Judaeans !ore worthy o the +ross than the +onde!ned !en9 +ertain)y o the sa!e +ate&ory as the s+our&ers9 <u!/ ro! a /ath onto the /)a+e o the e3e+ution. They are wearin& short s)eeve)ess tuni+s9 and in their hands they are ho)din& nai)s9 ha!!ers and ro/es9 whi+h they show to the +onde!ned !en s+o in& at the!. The +rowd is e3+ited with +rue) renzy. The +enturion o ers Jesus the a!/hora9 so that He !ay drin6 the anaestheti+ !i3ture o !yrrhed wine. %ut Jesus re uses it. The two ro22ers instead drin6 a )ot o it. Then the a!/hora9 with a wide )ared !outh9 is /)a+ed near a )ar&e stone9 a)!ost on the ed&e o the su!!it. 2 The +onde!ned !en are ordered to undress. The two ro22ers do so without sha!e. 5n the +ontrary they a!use the!se)ves !a6in& o2s+ene &estures towards the +rowd9 and in /arti+u)ar towards a &rou/ o /riests9 who are a)) white in their )inen &ar!ents9 and who have &one 2a+6 to the )ower o/en s/a+e )itt)e 2y )itt)e9 ta6in& advanta&e o their +aste to +ree/ u/ there. The /riests have 2een <oined 2y two or three 1harisees and other over2earin& /ersona&es9 who! hatred has !ade riends. 'nd I see /eo/)e I 6now9 su+h as the 1harisees Johanan and Ish!ae)9 the s+ri2es Sado+ and 0)i o 7a/ernau!... The e3e+utioners o er the +onde!ned !en three ra&s9 so that they !ay tie the! round their &roins. The ro22ers ta6e the! utterin& the !ost horri2)e +urses. Jesus9 4ho stri/s Hi!se) s)ow)y 2e+ause o the /an&s o the wounds9 re uses it. He /erha/s thin6s that He +an 6ee/ on the short drawers9 whi+h He had on a)so durin& the )a&e))ation. %ut when He is to)d to ta6e the! o as we))9 He stret+hes out His hand to 2e& or the ra& o the e3e+utioners to +on+ea) His na6edness. He is rea))y the 'nnihi)ated 5ne to the e3tent o havin& to as6 a ra& o +ri!ina)s. %ut Mary has noti+ed everythin& and She has re!oved the )on& thin white vei) +overin& Her head under Her dar6 !ant)e9 and on whi+h She has a)ready shed so !any tears. She re!oves it without )ettin& Her !ant)e dro/ and &ives it to John so that he !ay hand it to Lon&inus or Her Son. The +enturion ta6es the vei) without any o2<e+tion and9 when he sees that Jesus is a2out to stri/ Hi!se) +o!/)ete)y9 a+in& the side where there are no /eo/)e9 and thus turnin& towards the +rowd His 2a+6 urrowed with 2ruises and 2)isters9 and +overed with sores and dar6 +rusts that are 2)eedin& a&ain9 he &ives Hi! His Mother's )inen vei). Jesus re+o&nises it and wra/s it round His /e)vis severa) ti!es9

)$5. The : u3i-i7i"n.


/ain He !ust have e)t under that wei&ht. ' third one ta6es His ri&ht ar!9 ho)din& Hi! with one hand on the irst /art o His orear! and the other on the ti/s o His in&ers. The ourth one9 who a)ready has in his hand the )on& shar/@/ointed =uadran&u)ar nai)9 endin& with a round )at head9 as 2i& as a )ar&e +oin o 2y&one days9 wat+hes whether the ho)e a)ready !ade in the wood +orres/onds to the radius@u)nar <oint o the wrist. It does. The e3e+utioner /)a+es the /oint o the nai) on the wrist9 he raises the ha!!er and &ives the irst stro6e. Jesus9 4ho had +)osed His eyes9 utters a +ry and has a +ontra+tion 2e+ause o the shar/ /ain9 and o/ens His eyes )ooded with tears. The /ain He su ers !ust 2e dread u)... The nai) /enetrates9 tearin& !us+)es9 veins9 nerves9 shatterin& 2ones... Mary re/)ies to the +ry o Her tortured Son with a &roan that sounds a)!ost )i6e the !oanin& o a s)au&htered )a!2M and She 2ends9 as i She were +rushed9 ho)din& Her head in Her hands. In order not to torture Her9 Jesus utters no !ore +ries. %ut the stro6es +ontinue9 !ethodi+a) and hard9 iron stri6in& iron... and we !ust +onsider that a )ivin& )i!2 re+eives the!. The ri&ht hand is now nai)ed. They /ass on to the )e t one. The ho)e in the wood does not +orres/ond to the +ar/us. So they ta6e a ro/e9 they tie it to the )e t wrist and they /u)) it unti) the <oint is dis)o+ated9 tearin& tendons and !us+)es9 2esides )a+eratin& the s6in a)ready +ut into 2y the ro/es used to +a/ture Hi!. The other hand !ust su er as we))9 2e+ause it is stret+hed as a +onse=uen+e9 and the ho)e in it widens round the nai). 8ow the 2e&innin& o the !eta+ar/us9 near the wrist9 hard)y arrives at the ho)e. They resi&n the!se)ves and they nai) the hand where they +an9 that is9 2etween the thu!2 and the other in&ers9 <ust in the !idd)e o the !eta+ar/us. The nai) /enetrates !ore easi)y here9 2ut with &reater /ain9 2e+ause it +uts i!/ortant nerves9 so that the in&ers re!ain !otion)ess9 whi)st those o the ri&ht hand have +ontra+tions and tre!ors that denote their vita)ity. %ut Jesus no )on&er utters +ries9 He on)y !oans in a dee/ hoarse voi+e with His )i/s ir!)y +)osed9 whi)e tears o /ain a)) on the &round a ter a))in& on the wood.

tryin& to +o!2ine the two <oints o the tarsi. ')thou&h they try to 6ee/ the eet sti))9 ho)din& the! 2y the !a))eo)i and toes on the wed&e9 the oot underneath is shi ted 2y the vi2rations o the nai)9 and they have a)!ost to unnai) it9 2e+ause the nai)9 whi+h has /ier+ed the tender /arts and is a)ready 2)unt havin& /ier+ed the ri&ht oot9 is to 2e !oved a )itt)e +)oser to the +entre. 'nd they ha!!er9 and ha!!er9 and ha!!er... 5n)y the dread u) noise o the ha!!er stri6in& the head o the nai) is heard9 2e+ause a)) 7a)vary is nothin& 2ut eyes and ears to /er+eive a+ts and noises and re<oi+e... The harsh noise o iron is a++o!/anied 2y the )ow /)aintive )a!ent o a doveI the hoarse &roanin& o Mary9 4ho 2ends !ore and !ore at ea+h stro6e9 as i the ha!!er wounded Her9 the Martyr Mother. 'nd one understands that She is a2out to 2e +rushed 2y su+h torture. 7ru+i i3ion is dread u)9 e=ua) to )a&e))ation with re&ard to /ain9 it is !ore +rue) to 2e seen9 2e+ause one sees the nai)s disa//ear in the )esh. %ut in +o!/ensation it is shorter9 whereas )a&e))ation is enervatin& 2e+ause o its duration. I thin6 that the '&ony at ,ethse!ane9 the ()a&e))ation and the 7ru+i i3ion are the !ost dread u) !o!ents. They revea) a)) the torture o the 7hrist to !e. His death re)ieves !e9 2e+ause I sayI EIt is a)) overHG %ut they are not the end . They are the 2e&innin& o new su erin&s. 7 The +ross is now dra&&ed near the ho)e and it <er6s on the uneven &round sha6in& the /oor 7ru+i ied. The +ross is raised and twi+e it s)i/s out o the hands o those raisin& itM the irst ti!e it a))s with a +rash9 the se+ond ti!e it a))s on its ri&ht ar!9 +ausin& terri2)e /ain to Jesus9 2e+ause the <er6 He re+eives sha6es His wounded )i!2s.

%ut when they )et the +ross dro/ into its ho)e and 2e ore 2ein& !ade ast with stones and earth9 it sways in a)) dire+tions9 +ontinuous)y9 shi tin& the /oor %ody9 han&in& ro! three nai)s9 the su erin& !ust 2e atro+ious. ')) the wei&ht o the 2ody !oves orward and downwards9 and the ho)es 2e+o!e wider9 /arti+u)ar)y the one o the )e t hand9 and a)so the ho)e o the eet widens out9 whi)e the 2)ood dri/s !ore +o/ious)y. 'nd i that o the eet tri+6)es a)on& the toes onto the &round and a)on& the wood o the +ross9 that 6 It is now the turn o His eet. 't two !etres and !ore ro! the oot o the +ross there is a s!a)) wed&e9 hard)y su i+ient or one oot. %oth eet are /)a+ed on it to see whether o the hands runs a)on& the orear!s9 as the wrists are hi&her u/ than the ar!/its9 2e+ause o the /osition9 and it tri+6)es down the sides ro! the ar!/its towards the it is in the ri&ht s/ot9 and as it is a )itt)e )ow and the eet hard)y rea+h it9 they /u)) the waist. 4hen the +ross sways9 2e ore 2ein& astened9 the +rown !oves9 2e+ause the head /oor Martyr 2y His !a))eo)i. So the +oarse wood o the +ross ru2s on the wounds9 a))s 2a+6 6no+6in& a&ainst the wood and drives the thi+6 6not o thorns9 at the end o !oves the +rown that tears His hair on+e a&ain and is on the /oint o a))in&. 5ne o the the /ri+6)y +rown9 into the na/e o the ne+69 then it )ies a&ain on the orehead9 e3e+utioners /resses it down on His head a&ain with a s)a/... s+rat+hin& it !er+i)ess)y. 't )on& )ast the +ross is !ade ast and there is on)y the torture Those who were sittin& on Jesus' +hest9 now &et u/ to !ove to His 6nees9 2e+ause Jesus o 2ein& sus/ended. with an invo)untary !ove!ent withdraws His )e&s u/on seein& the very )on& nai)9 They raise the ro22ers who9 on+e they are /)a+ed in a verti+a) /osition9 shout as i they whi+h is twi+e as )on& and thi+6 as those used or the hands9 shine in the sunshine. They wei&h on His )ayed 6nees and /ress on His /oor 2ruised shins9 whi)e the other two are were 2ein& )ayed a)ive9 2e+ause o the torture o the ro/es that +ut into their wrists and +ause their hands to turn dar6 with the veins swo))en )i6e ro/es. /er or!in& the !u+h !ore di i+u)t o/eration o nai)in& one oot on to/ o the other9

)$5. The : u3i-i7i"n.


Jesus is si)ent. The +rowd instead is no )on&er si)ent. The /eo/)e resu!e 2aw)in& in a he))ish way. 8ow the to/ o ,o)&otha has its tro/hy and its &uard o honour. 't the to/ there is the +ross o Jesus. 't the sides the other two +rosses. Ha) a +entury o so)diers9 in i&htin& tri!9 is /)a+ed a)) round the su!!itM inside this +ir+)e o ar!ed so)diers there are the ten dis!ounted so)diers9 who throw di+e or the &ar!ents o the +onde!ned !en. Lon&inus is standin& u/ri&ht 2etween the +ross o Jesus and the one on the ri&ht. 'nd he see!s to 2e !ountin& &uard o honour or the Martyr :in&. The other ha) +entury9 at rest9 is on the )e t /ath and on the )ower o/en s/a+e9 under the orders o Lon&inus' ad<utant9 awaitin& to 2e e!/)oyed in +ase o need. The indi eren+e o the so)diers is a)!ost tota). 5n)y an odd one now and a&ain )oo6s at the +ru+i ied !en. 8 Lon&inus9 instead9 wat+hes everythin& with +uriosity and interest9 he !a6es +o!/arisons and <ud&es !enta))y. He +o!/ares the +ru+i ied !en9 and the 7hrist in /arti+u)ar9 and the s/e+tators. His /ier+in& eye does not !iss any detai). 'nd to see 2etter9 he shades his eyes with his hand9 2e+ause the sun !ust 2e annoyin& hi!. The sun is in a+t stran&e. It is ye))ow@red )i6e a ire. Then the ire see!s to &o out a)) o a sudden9 2e+ause o a hu&e +)oud o /it+h that rises ro! 2ehind the +hains o the Judaean !ountains and soars swi t)y a+ross the s6y9 disa//earin& 2ehind other !ountains. 'nd when the sun +o!es out a&ain9 it is so stron& that the eye endures it with di i+u)ty. 4hi)e )oo6in&9 he sees Mary9 <ust under the s)o/e9 with Her tor!ented a+e raised towards Her Son. He +a))s one o the so)diers who are /)ayin& di+e and says to hi!I EI His Mother wants to +o!e u/ with the son who is es+ortin& Her9 )et Her +o!e. 0s+ort Her and he)/ Her.G 'nd Mary with John9 who is 2e)ieved to 2e Her EsonG9 +)i!2s the ste/s +ut in the tu a+eous ro+69 I thin69 and /asses 2eyond the +ordon o so)diers9 and &oes to the oot o the +ross9 2ut a )itt)e aside9 to 2e seen and see Her Jesus. The +rowd showers the !ost dis&ra+e u) a2uses on Her at on+e9 asso+iatin& Her with Her Son in their +urses. %ut with Her tre!2)in& white )i/s9 She tries on)y to +o! ort Hi!9 with an an&uished s!i)e that wi/es the tears9 whi+h no wi))@/ower +an re rain. 9 The /eo/)e9 2e&innin& with /riests9 s+ri2es9 1harisees9 Saddu+ees9 Herodians and the )i6e9 a!use the!se)ves 2y &oin& on a 6ind o rounda2out9 +)i!2in& the stee/ road9 /assin& a)on& the e)evation at the end9 and des+endin& a)on& the other road9 or vi+eversa. 'nd whi)e they /ass at the oot o the su!!it9 on the se+ond o/en s/a+e9 they do not ai) to o er their 2)as/he!ous words as a +o!/)i!ent to the $yin& Bi+ti!. ')) the 2aseness9 +rue)ty9 hatred and o))y9 whi+h !en are +a/a2)e o e3/ressin& with their ton&ues9 is a!/)y testi ied 2y those in erna) !ouths. The ier+est are the !e!2ers o the Te!/)e9 with the assistan+e o the 1harisees.

E4e))F ;ou9 the Saviour o !an6ind9 why do ;ou not save ;ourse) F Has ;our 6in& %ee)ze2u2 a2andoned ;ouF Has he disowned ;ouFG shout three /riests. 'nd a &rou/ o Judaeans shoutI E;ou9 4ho not !ore than ive days a&o9 with the he)/ o the $e!on9 !ade the (ather say... haH haH haH that He wou)d &)ori y ;ou9 how +o!e ;ou do not re!ind Hi! to 6ee/ His /ro!iseFG 'nd three 1harisees addI E%)as/he!erH He said that He saved the others with the he)/ o ,odH 'nd He +annot save Hi!se) H $o ;ou want us to 2e)ieve ;ouF Then wor6 the !ira+)e. Hey9 are ;ou no )on&er a2)eF ;our hands are now nai)ed and ;ou are na6ed.G 'nd so!e Saddu+ees and Herodians say to the so)diersI E4at+h His wit+h+ra t9 you who have ta6en His &ar!entsH He has the in erna) si&n within Hi!se) HG ' +rowd how)s in +horusI E$es+end ro! the +ross and we wi)) 2e)ieve ;ou. ;ou 4ho want to destroy the Te!/)e... (oo)H... Loo6 at it over there9 the &)orious and ho)y Te!/)e o Israe). It is untou+ha2)e9 o /ro anerH 'nd ;ou are dyin&.G 5ther /riests sayI E%)as/he!ousH ;ou the Son o ,odF 7o!e down ro! there9 then. Stri6e us 2y )i&htnin&9 i ;ou are ,od. 4e are not a raid o ;ou and we s/it at ;ou.G 5thers who are /assin& 2y sha6e their heads sayin&I EHe +an 2ut wee/. Save ;ourse) 9 i it is true that ;ou are the 7hosen 5neHG 'nd the so)diers re!ar6I ESo9 save ;ourse) H %urn to ashes this su2urra o the su2urraH ;esH ;ou are the su2urra o the e!/ire9 you Judaean ra22)e. $o soH .o!e wi)) /ut ;ou on 7a/ito) and wi)) worshi/ ;ou as a &odHG The /riests and their a++o!/)i+es sayI EThe ar!s o wo!en were !ore /)easant than those o the +ross9 were they notF %ut9 )oo69 ;our... Kand they utter a dis&ra+e u) wordL are a)ready there waitin& to re+eive ;ou. ;ou have the who)e o Jerusa)e! as ;our !at+h@!a6er.G 'nd they hiss )i6e sna6es. 5thers throw stones shoutin&I E7han&e these into 2read9 sin+e ;ou !u)ti/)y )oaves.G 5thers !i!i+6in& the Hosannas o 1a)! Sunday9 throw 2ran+hes and shoutI E7urses on Hi! 4ho +o!es in the na!e o the $e!onH 7ursed 2e His 6in&do!H ,)ory to >ion that +uts Hi! o the )ivin&HG ' 1harisee stands in ront o the +ross9 he raises his hand in an inde+ent &esture9 and saysI EDI entrust ;ou to the ,od o SinaiD did ;ou sayF 8ow the ,od o Sinai is /re/arin& ;ou or the eterna) ire. 4hy don't ;ou +a)) Jonah so that he !ay re/ay ;our 6indnessFG 'nother one saysI E$on't ruin the +ross with the stro6es o ;our head. It is to 2e used or ;our o))owers. ' who)e )e&ion o the! wi)) die on ;our +ross9 I swear it on Jehovah. 'nd Lazarus wi)) 2e the irst one I')) /ut there. 4e sha)) see whether ;ou ree

)$5. The : u3i-i7i"n.


hi! ro! death9 now.G E;es. Let us &o to Lazarus. Let us nai) hi! on the other side o the +rossG and /arrot@ )i6e they s/ea6 s)ow)y as Jesus did9 sayin&I ELazarus9 My riend9 +o!e outH ?n2ind hi! and )et hi! &o.G

that you su er this /ainF 4hy do you insu)t Hi! 4ho is &oodF 'nd His torture is even &reater than ours. 'nd He has done nothin& wron&.G %ut the ro22er +ontinues to +urse.

11 Jesus is si)ent. 1antin& as a resu)t o the e ort He has to !a6e 2e+ause o His E8oH He used to say to Martha and Mary9 His wo!enI CI a! the .esurre+tion and Li eD /osition9 2e+ause o His ever and heart and 2reathin& +onditions9 the +onse=uen+e o HaH HaH HaH The .esurre+tion +annot drive death 2a+69 and the Li e is dyin&HG the )a&e))ation He su ered in su+h a vio)ent or!9 and a)so o the dee/ an&uish that had !ade Hi! sweat 2)ood9 He tries to ind so!e re)ie 2y redu+in& the wei&ht on His eet9 10 EThere is Mary with Martha over there. Let us as6 the! where Lazarus is and )et us /u))in& Hi!se) u/ with His ar!s and han&in& ro! His hands. 1erha/s He does so a)so )oo6 or hi!.G 'nd they +o!e orward9 towards the wo!en9 as6in& arro&ant)yI to over+o!e the +ra!/ that tortures His eet and is revea)ed 2y the tre!2)in& o His !us+)es. %ut the sa!e tre!2)in& is noti+ea2)e in the i2res o His ar!s9 whi+h are E4here is LazarusF 't his !ansionFG +onstrained in that /osition and !ust 2e rozen at their ends9 2e+ause they are hi&her u/ 'nd whi)e the other wo!en9 stru+6 with terror9 run 2ehind the she/herds9 Mary and de/rived o 2)ood9 whi+h arrives at the wrists with di i+u)ty and tri+6)es ro! the Ma&da)ene +o!es orward9 and indin& in her &rie the an+ient 2o)dness o her days o ho)es o the nai)s9 )eavin& the in&ers without +ir+u)ation. Those o the )e t hand in sin9 she saysI E,o. ;ou wi)) a)ready ind the so)diers o .o!e in the !ansion9 with ive /arti+u)ar are a)ready +adaveri+ and !otion)ess9 2ent towards the /a)!. ')so the toes o hundred ar!ed !en o !y )and9 and they wi)) +astrate you )i6e o)d 2i))y@&oats destined the eet show their /ain9 es/e+ia))y the 2i& toes !ove u/ and down and o/en out9 to eed the s)aves o !i))stones.G /ro2a2)y 2e+ause their nerves have not 2een in<ured so serious)y. EI!/udent Is that how you s/ea6 to /riestsFG 'nd the trun6 revea)s a)) its /ain with its !ove!ent9 whi+h is ast 2ut not dee/9 and ESa+ri)e&iousH (i)thyH 7ursedH Turn roundH 5n your 2a+6s9 I +an see the!9 you have ton&ues o in erna) )a!es.G Mary's assertion sounds so +ertain that the +owards9 who are rea))y stru+6 with terror9 turn roundM 2ut i they have no )a!es on their shou)ders9 they have the shar/@/ointed .o!an )an+es at their 2a+6s. In a+t Lon&inus has &iven an order9 and the i ty so)diers9 who were restin&9 have +o!e into a+tion and they /ri+6 the 2utto+6s o the irst Judaeans they ind. The )atter run away shoutin& and the so)diers sto/ to 2)o+6 the entran+es to the two roads and /rote+t the o/en s/a+e. The Judaeans +urse9 2ut .o!e is the stron&er. The Ma&da)ene )owers her vei) a&ain J she had raised it to s/ea6 to the revi)ers J and &oes 2a+6 to her /)a+e. The other wo!en <oin her. %ut the ro22er on the )e t hand side +ontinues to insu)t ro! his +ross. He see!s to have su!!arised a)) the +urses o the other /eo/)e and he re/eats the! a))9 and ends 2y sayin&I ESave ;ourse) and save us9 i ;ou want /eo/)e to 2e)ieve ;ou. ;ou the 7hristF ;ou are !adH The wor)d 2e)on&s to +ra ty /eo/)e9 and ,od does not e3ist. I do. That is true and everythin& is /er!itted to !e. ,odF... 8onsenseH Invented to 6ee/ us =uiet. Lon& )ive our e&osH Man's e&o a)one is 6in& and &odHG The other ro22er9 who is on the ri&ht hand side with Mary a)!ost near his eet9 and )oo6s at Her a)!ost !ore than he )oo6s at Jesus9 and or so!e !o!ents has 2een wee/in& !ur!urin&I EMy !otherG9 saysI E%e si)ent. $o you not ear ,od even now tires Hi! without &ivin& any re)ie . His ri2s9 wide and hi&h as they are9 2e+ause the stru+ture o this %ody is /er e+t9 are now en)ar&ed 2eyond !easure9 as a +onse=uen+e o the /osition ta6en 2y the 2ody and o the /u)!onary oede!a that has +ertain)y deve)o/ed inside. 'nd yet they do not serve to re)ieve the e ort in 2reathin&9 a)) the !ore that the a2do!en with its !ove!ent he)/s the dia/hra&!9 whi+h is 2e+o!in& !ore and !ore /ara)yzed. 'nd the +on&estion and as/hy3ia in+rease every !inute9 as is shown 2y the +yanoti+ +o)our that e!/hasises the )i/s9 whi+h the ever has !ade 2ri&ht red9 and 2y the red@ vio)et strea6s9 whi+h tin&e the ne+6 a)on& the tur&id <u&u)ar veins9 and widen out as ar as the +hee6s9 towards the ears and te!/)es9 whi)e the nose is thin and 2)ood)ess9 and the eyes are sun6en in a +ir+)e9 whi+h is )ivid where no 2)ood has tri+6)ed ro! the +rown. ?nder the )e t +osta) ar+h one +an see the thro22in& i!/arted 2y the /oint o the heart9 an irre&u)ar 2ut vio)ent /a)/itation9 and now and a&ain9 owin& to an interna) +onvu)sion9 the dia/hra&! has a dee/ /u)sation9 whi+h is revea)ed 2y a tota) stret+hin& o the s6in9 or what it +an stret+h on that /oor wounded dyin& %ody. The (a+e a)ready has the as/e+t we see in /hoto&ra/hs o the Ho)y Shroud9 with the nose diver&ed and swo))en on one sideM and the )i6eness is in+reased 2y the a+t that the ri&ht eye is a)!ost +)osed9 owin& to a swe))in& on this side. The !outh9 instead is o/en9 with the wound on the u//er )i/ 2y now turned into a +rust. His thirst9 +aused 2y the )oss o 2)ood9 2y the ever and 2y the sun9 !ust 2e 2urnin&9 so

)$5. The : u3i-i7i"n.


!u+h so that He9 with auto!ati+ !ove!ents9 drin6s the dro/s o His /ers/iration and His tears9 as we)) as those o 2)ood9 that run down ro! His orehead to His !ousta+he9 and He wets His ton&ue with the!... The +rown o thorns /revents Hi! ro! )eanin& a&ainst the trun6 o the +ross to he)/ the sus/ension on His ar!s and )i&hten the wei&ht on His eet. His 6idneys and a)) His s/ine are +urved outwards9 deta+hed ro! the +ross ro! His /e)vis u/wards9 owin& to or+e o inertia that !a6es a 2ody9 sus/ended )i6e His9 han& orward. 12 The Judaeans9 driven 2eyond the o/en s/a+e9 do not sto/ insu)tin&9 and the unre/entant ro22er e+hoes their insu)ts. The other one9 who now )oo6s at the Mother with dee/er and dee/er +o!/assion9 and wee/s9 answers hi! 2a+6 shar/)y9 when he hears that She a)so is in+)uded in the insu)t. E%e si)ent. .e!e!2er that you were 2orn o a wo!an. 'nd +onsider that our !others have we/t 2e+ause o their sons. 'nd they were tears o sha!e... 2e+ause we are +ri!ina)s. 5ur !others are dead... I wou)d )i6e to as6 !ine to or&ive !e... %ut sha)) I 2e a2)eF She was a ho)y wo!an... I 6i))ed her with the sorrow I &ave her... I a! a sinner... 4ho wi)) or&ive !eF Mother9 in the na!e o ;our dyin& Son9 /ray or !e.G The Mother or a !o!ent raises Her tortured a+e and )oo6s at hi!9 the /oor wret+h who throu&h the re!e!2ran+e o his !other and the +onte!/)ation o the Mother !oves towards re/entan+e9 and She see!s to +aress hi! with Her 6ind &ent)e eyes. $is!a wee/s )ouder9 whi+h raises even !ore the !o+6ery o the +rowd and o his +o!/anion. The or!er shoutI EBery we)). Ta6e Her as your !other. So She wi)) have two +ri!ina) sonsHG The )atter a&&ravates the situation sayin&I EShe )oves you 2e+ause you are a s!a))er +o/y o Her dar)in&.G 13 Jesus s/ea6s or the irst ti!eI E(ather9 or&ive the! 2e+ause they do not 6now what they are doin&HG

have !er+y on !eM Jesus 8azarene9 6in& o the Jews9 I ho/e in ;ouM Jesus 8azarene9 6in& o the Jesus9 I 2e)ieve in ;our $ivinity.G The other ro22er +ontinues +ursin&. 14 The s6y 2e+o!es du))er and du))er. 8ow the +)ouds hard)y ever o/en to )et the sun shine. 5n the +ontrary they +)uster on to/ o one another in )eaden9 white9 &reenish strati9 they disentan&)e a++ordin& to the +a/ri+es o a +o)d wind9 whi+h at ti!es 2)ows in the s6y9 then des+ends to the &round9 and then dro/s a&ain9 and when it dro/s the air is a)!ost !ore sinister9 su)try and du)) than when it hisses9 2)owin& 2itin& and ast. The )i&ht9 /revious)y e3+eedin&)y 2ri&ht9 is 2e+o!in& &reenish. 'nd a+es )oo6 stran&e. The /ro i)es o the so)diers9 under their he)!ets and in their ar!our9 whi+h were /revious)y shinin& and have now 2e+o!e rather tarnished in the &reenish )i&ht and under an ashen@&rey s6y9 are so hard that they see! to 2e +hise))ed. The Judaeans9 the +o!/)e3ion9 hair and 2eards o who! are !ost)y 2rown9 see! drowned /eo/)e9 so wan are their a+es. The wo!en )oo6 )i6e statues o 2)uish snow 2e+ause o their dead)y /a)eness9 whi+h is a++entuated 2y the )i&ht. Jesus see!s to 2e turnin& o!inous)y )ivid9 2e+ause o a 2e&innin& o /utre a+tion9 as i He were a)ready dead. His head 2e&ins to han& over His +hest. His stren&th ai)s Hi! ra/id)y. He shivers9 a)thou&h He is 2urnin& with ever. 'nd in His wea6ness9 He whis/ers the na!e that so ar He has on)y uttered in the 2otto! o His heartI EMotherH MotherHG He !ur!urs it in a )ow voi+e9 )i6e a si&h9 as i He were a)ready )i&ht)y de)irious and thus /revented ro! ho)din& 2a+6 what His wi)) wou)d not )i6e to revea). 'nd ea+h ti!e Mary !a6es an unrestraina2)e &esture o stret+hin& Her ar!s9 as i She wished to su++our Hi!. 'nd the +rue) /eo/)e )au&h at su+h /an&s o Hi! 4ho is dyin& and o Her 4ho su ers a&onies.

1riests and s+ri2es +)i!2 u/ a&ain as ar as the she/herds9 who9 however9 are on the )ower o/en s/a+e. 'nd as the so)diers want to drive the! 2a+69 they rea+t sayin&I E're This /rayer over+o!es a)) ear in $is!a. He dares to )oo6 at the 7hrist and saysI ELord9 these ,a)i)eans stayin& hereF 4e want to stay here as we))9 as we have to as+ertain that <usti+e is done to the very end. 'nd ro! a ar9 in this )i&ht9 we +annot see.G re!e!2er !e when ;ou are in ;our :in&do!. It is <ust that I shou)d su er. %ut &ive !e !er+y and /ea+e herea ter. I heard ;ou s/ea6 on+e and I oo)ish)y re<e+ted ;our In a+t !any 2e&in to 2e u/set 2y the )i&ht that is enve)o/in& the wor)d and so!e /eo/)e word. I now re/ent. 'nd I re/ent o !y sins 2e ore ;ou9 the Son o the Most Hi&h. I are a raid. ')so the so)diers /oint to the s6y and to a 6ind o +one that see!s o s)ate9 so 2e)ieve that ;ou +o!e ro! ,od. I 2e)ieve in ;our /ower. I 2e)ieve in ;our !er+y. dar6 it is9 and that rises )i6e a /ine@tree ro! 2ehind the to/ o a !ountain. It )oo6s )i6e 7hrist9 or&ive !e in the na!e o ;our Mother and o ;our Most Ho)y (ather.G a water@s/out. It rises and rises and see!s to /rodu+e dar6er and dar6er +)ouds9 as i it Jesus turns round and )oo6s at hi! with dee/ +o!/assion9 and He s!i)es a sti)) 2eauti u) s!i)e with His /oor tortured )i/s. He saysI EI te)) youI today you wi)) 2e with Me in 1aradise.G The re/entant ro22er +a)!s down9 and as he no )on&er re!e!2ers the /rayers he )earned when a +hi)d9 he re/eats as an e<a+u)ationI EJesus 8azarene9 6in& o the Jews9 were a vo)+ano 2e)+hin& s!o6e and )ava. 15 It is in this ri&htenin& twi)i&ht that Jesus &ives John to Mary and Mary to John. He )owers His head9 2e+ause the Mother has &one +)oser to the +ross to see Hi! 2etter9 and He saysI E4o!an9 this is ;our son. Son9 this is your Mother.G Mary )oo6s even !ore u/set a ter this word9 whi+h is the wi)) o Jesus9 4ho has

)$5. The : u3i-i7i"n.


nothin& to &ive His Mother 2ut a !an9 He 4ho out o )ove or !an9 de/rives Her o the ty/i+a) o tetanus9 and the +)a!our o the +rowd e3as/erates it. The death o i2res and Man@,od9 2orn o Her. %ut the /oor Mother tries to wee/ on)y si)ent)y9 2e+ause it is nerves e3tends ro! the tortured )i!2s to the trun69 !a6in& 2reathin& !ore and !ore i!/ossi2)e or Her not to wee/... Tears strea! down Her +hee6s notwithstandin& a)) the di i+u)t9 dia/hra&!ati+ +ontra+tion wea6 and heart 2eatin& irre&u)ar. e orts to re rain the!9 even i on Her )i/s there is a heart2ro6en s!i)e to +o! ort Hi!... The a+e o 7hrist /asses9 in turns9 ro! very dee/@red 2)ushes to the &reenish /a)eness Jesus' su erin&s in+rease !ore and !ore. 'nd the )i&ht ades !ore and !ore. o a /erson 2)eedin& to death. His )i/s !ove with &reater di i+u)ty9 2e+ause the overstrained nerves o the ne+6 and o the head itse) 9 that or dozens o ti!es have 16 It is in this sea@2otto! )i&ht that 8i+ode!us and Jose/h a//ear ro! 2ehind so!e a+ted as a )ever or the who)e 2ody9 /ushin& on the +ross 2ar9 s/read the +ra!/ a)so to Judaeans9 and they sayI ESte/ asideHG the <aws. His throat9 swo))en 2y the o2stru+ted +arotid arteries9 !ust 2e /ain u) and !ust s/read its oede!a to the ton&ue9 whi+h )oo6s swo))en and s)ow in its !ove!ents. E;ou are not a))owed. 4hat do you wantFG as6 the so)diers. ETo /ass. 4e are riends o the 7hrist.G The +hie /riests turn round. E4ho dare /ro ess hi!se) riend o the re2e)FG as6 the /riests indi&nant)y. 'nd Jose/h re/)ies reso)ute)yI EI9 Jose/h o 'ri!athea9 the 0)der9 and no2)e !e!2er o the Su/re!e 7oun+i)9 and 8i+ode!us the head o the Judaeans9 is with !e.G EThose who side with the re2e) are re2e)s.G E'nd those who ta6e sides with !urderers9 are !urderers9 0)eazar o 'nnas. I have )ived as a <ust !an. 'nd now I a! o)d and +)ose to death. I do not want to 2e+o!e un<ust9 whi)e Heaven is a)ready des+endin& u/on !e and the eterna) Jud&e with it.G E'nd you9 8i+ode!usH I'! sur/risedHG His 2a+69 even in the !o!ents when the tetanisin& +ontra+tions do not 2end it in a +o!/)ete ar+h ro! the na/e o His ne+6 to His hi/s9 )eanin& as e3tre!e /oints a&ainst the sta6e o the +ross9 2ends !ore and !ore orwards9 2e+ause the )i!2s are +ontinuous)y wei&hed down 2y the 2urden o the dead )esh. The /eo/)e +annot see this situation very +)ear)y9 2e+ause the )i&ht now is )i6e dar6 ashes9 and on)y those who are at the oot o the +ross +an see we)). 't a +ertain !o!ent Jesus +o))a/ses orwards and downwards9 as i He were a)ready dead9 He no )on&er /ants9 His head han&s inert)y orward9 His 2ody9 ro! His hi/s u/wards9 is +o!/)ete)y deta+hed ro! the +ross9 or!in& an an&)e with its 2ar. Mary utters a +ryI EHe is deadHG ' tra&i+ +ry that s/reads in the dar6 air. 'nd Jesus see!s rea))y dead.

ESo a! I. 'nd o one thin& on)yI that Israe) is so +orru/t that you +annot even re+o&nise 'nother +ry o a wo!an re/)ies to Her9 and I see a 2ust)e in the &rou/ o the wo!en. Then so!e ten /eo/)e &o away ho)din& so!ethin&. %ut I +annot see who &oes away so. ,od any !ore.G The o&&y )i&ht is too aint. It )oo6s as we are i!!ersed in a +)oud o very dense E;ou dis&ust !e.G vo)+ani+ ash. EMove aside9 then9 and )et !e /ass. That is a)) I want.G ETo 2e+o!e even !ore +onta!inatedFG EIt is not /ossi2)eG shout so!e o the /riests and o the Judaeans. EIt is a si!u)ation to !a6e us &o away. So)dier9 /ri+6 Hi! with your )an+e. It is a &ood !edi+ine to &ive His voi+e 2a+6 to Hi!.G

EI I have not 2e+o!e +onta!inated 2ein& with you9 nothin& e)se wi)) ever +onta!inate !e. So)dier9 here is the /urse and !y /ass.G 'nd he &ives the de+urion who is +)osest to 'nd as the so)diers do not do so9 a vo))ey o stones and +)ods o earth )y towards the +ross9 hittin& the Martyr and a))in& 2a+6 on the ar!our o the .o!ans. hi!9 a /urse and a wa3ed 2oard. The !edi+ine9 as the Judaeans say ironi+a))y9 wor6s the wonder. So!e o the stones The de+urion e3a!ines the! and says to the so)diersI ELet the two !en /ass.G have +ertain)y hit the tar&et9 /erha/s the wound o a hand9 or the head itse) 9 2e+ause 'nd Jose/h and 8i+ode!us a//roa+h the she/herds. I do not even 6now whether Jesus they were ai!in& hi&h. Jesus !oans /iti u))y and re+overs His senses. His thora3 2e&ins +an see the! in the thi+6 o& that is &ettin& thi+6er and thi+6er9 and with His eyes that to 2reathe a&ain with di i+u)ty and His head !oves ro! )e t to ri&ht9 see6in& where it are a)ready vei)ed 2y a&ony. %ut they see Hi! and they wee/ without any res/e+t or !ay rest in order to su er )ess9 2ut indin& nothin& 2ut &reater /ain. /u2)i+ o/inion9 a)thou&h the /riests now a2use the!. 18 4ith &reat di i+u)ty9 /ressin& on+e a&ain on His tortured eet9 indin& stren&th in 17 The su erin&s are worse and worse. The 2ody 2e&ins to su er ro! the ar+hin& His wi))9 and on)y in it9 Jesus sti ens on the +ross9 He stands u/ri&ht9 as i He were a

)$5. The : u3i-i7i"n.


hea)thy !an with a)) his stren&th9 He raises His a+e9 )oo6in& with wide o/en eyes at the wor)d stret+hed at His eet9 at the ar away town9 whi+h one +an see <ust indistin+t)y as a va&ue whiteness in the !ist9 and at the dar6 s6y where every tra+e o 2)ue and o )i&ht has disa//eared. 'nd to this +)osed9 +o!/a+t9 )ow s6y9 rese!2)in& a hu&e s)a2 o dar6 s)ate9 He shouts in a )oud voi+e9 over+o!in& with His wi))@/ower and with the need o His sou) the o2sta+)e o His swo))en ton&ue and His oede!atous throatI E0)oi9 0)oi9 )a!!a s+e2a+teniHG KI hear Hi! say soL. He !ust ee) that He is dyin&9 and in a2so)ute a2andon!ent 2y Heaven9 i He +on esses His (ather's a2andon!ent9 with su+h an e+)a!ation. 1eo/)e )au&h and deride Hi!. They insu)t Hi! sayin&I E,od has nothin& to do with ;ouH $e!ons are +ursed 2y ,odHG 5ther /eo/)e shoutI ELet us see whether 0)i<ah9 who! He is +a))in&9 wi)) +o!e to save Hi!.G 'nd others sayI E,ive Hi! so!e vine&ar9 that He !ay &ar&)e His throat. It he)/s one's voi+eH 0)i<ah or ,od9 as it is un+ertain what this !ad!an wants9 are ar away... ' )oud voi+e is re=uired to !a6e onese) heardHG and they )au&h )i6e hyenas or )i6e de!ons. %ut no so)dier &ives Hi! vine&ar and no one +o!es ro! Heaven to &ive +o! ort. It is the so)itary9 tota)9 +rue)9 a)so su/ernatura))y +rue) a&ony o the ,reat Bi+ti!. The ava)an+hes o deso)ate &rie 9 whi+h had a)ready o//ressed Hi! at ,ethse!ane9 +o!e 2a+6 a&ain. The waves o the sins o a)) the wor)d +o!e 2a+6 to stri6e the shi/wre+6ed inno+ent9 to su2!er&e Hi! in their 2itte!ess. 'nd a2ove a)) what +o!es 2a+6 is the sensation9 !ore +ru+i yin& than the +ross itse) 9 !ore des/airin& than any torture9 that ,od has a2andoned Hi! and that His /rayer does not rise to Hi!... 'nd it is the ina) torture. The one that a++e)erates death9 2e+ause it s=ueezes the )ast dro/s o 2)ood out o the /ores9 2e+ause it +rushes the re!ainin& i2res o the heart9 2e+ause it ends what the irst 6now)ed&e o this a2andon!ent has 2e&unI death. %e+ause o that9 as irst +ause9 !y Jesus died9 o ,od9 4ho have stru+6 Hi! or usH %e+ause a ter ;our a2andon!ent9 throu&h ;our a2andon!ent9 what does a /erson 2e+o!eF 0ither insane or dead. Jesus +ou)d not 2e+o!e insane9 2e+ause His inte))i&en+e was divine9 and sin+e inte))i&en+e is s/iritua)9 it triu!/hed over the tota) trau!a o Hi! 4ho! ,od had stru+6. So He 2e+a!e a dead !anI the $ead Man9 the Most Ho)y $ead Man9 the Most Inno+ent $ead Man. He 4ho was the Li e9 was dead. :i))ed 2y ;our a2andon!ent and 2y our sins. 19 $ar6ness 2e+o!es dee/er. Jerusa)e! disa//ears +o!/)ete)y. The very s)o/es o 7a)vary see! to vanish. 5n)y the to/ is visi2)e9 as i dar6ness he)d it hi&h u/ to re+eive the on)y and )ast survivin& )i&ht9 )ayin& it as an o erin&9 with its divine tro/hy9 on a /oo) o )i=uid ony39 so that it !ay 2e seen 2y )ove and 2y hatred.

'nd ro! that )i&ht9 whi+h is no )on&er )i&ht9 +o!es the /)aintive voi+e o JesusI EI a! thirstyHG ' wind in a+t is 2)owin&9 whi+h !a6es even hea)thy /eo/)e thirsty. ' stron& wind that now 2)ows +ontinuous)y9 and is u)) o dust9 +o)d and ri&htenin&. 'nd I thin6 o what /ain its vio)ent &usts !ust have +aused to the )un&s9 the heart9 the throat o Jesus9 and to His rozen9 2enu!2ed9 wounded )i!2s. 0verythin& has rea))y +o!2ined to torture the Martyr. ' so)dier &oes towards a <ar9 in whi+h the assistants o the e3e+utioner have /ut so!e vine&ar with &a))9 so that with its 2itterness it !ay in+rease the sa)ivation o those +onde!ned to +a/ita) /unish!ent. He ta6es the s/on&e i!!ersed in the )i=uid9 he sti+6s it on a thin yet sti +ane9 whi+h is a)ready avai)a2)e near2y9 and o ers the s/on&e to the $yin& Bi+ti!. Jesus )eans ea&er)y orward towards the a//roa+hin& s/on&e. He )oo6s )i6e a starvin& 2a2y see6in& the ni//)e o its !other. Mary 4ho sees and +ertain)y has su+h a thou&ht9 )eanin& on John9 says with a !oanI E5hH and I +annot &ive Hi! even one o My tears... 5hH 2reast o Mine9 why do you not tri+6)e !i)6F 5hH ,od9 why do ;ou a2andon us thusF ' !ira+)e or My SonH 4ho wi)) )i t Me u/9 so that I !ay =uen+h His thirst with My 2)ood9 sin+e I have no !i)6F...G Jesus9 4ho has &reedi)y su+6ed the sour 2itter drin69 !a6es a wry a+e in dis&ust. '2ove a))9 it !ust a+t as a +orrosive on His wounded s/)it )i/s. 20 He withdraws9 )oses heart9 a2andons Hi!se) . ')) the wei&ht o His 2ody a))s heavi)y on His eet and orward. His wounded e3tre!ities are the /arts that su er the dread u) /ain as they are torn o/en 2y the wei&ht o the 2ody that a2andons itse) . He !a6es no urther !ove!ent to a))eviate su+h /ain. His 2ody9 ro! His hi/s u/wards9 is deta+hed ro! the +ross9 and re!ains su+h. His head han&s orward so heavi)y that His ne+6 see!s ho))owed in three /)a+esI at the throat9 whi+h is +o!/)ete)y sun6en9 and at 2oth sides o the sternu! +)eido@!astoid. He /ants !ore and !ore and interru/ted)y9 and it sounds !ore )i6e a death@ratt)e. 8ow and a&ain a /ain u) it o +ou&hin& 2rin&s a )i&ht rosy oa! to His )i/s. 'nd the interva)s 2etween one e3/iration and the ne3t one are 2e+o!in& )on&er and )on&er. His a2do!en is now !otion)ess. 5n)y His thora3 sti)) heaves9 2ut )a2orious)y and with di i+u)ty... 1u)!onary /ara)ysis is in+reasin& !ore and !ore. 'nd ainter and ainter9 soundin& )i6e a +hi)d's wai)in&9 +o!es the invo+ationI EMotherHG 'nd the /oor wret+h whis/ersI E;es9 dar)in&9 I a! here.G 'nd when His si&ht 2e+o!es !isty and !a6es Hi! sayI EMother9 where are ;ouF I +annot see ;ou any !ore. 're ;ou a2andonin& Me as we))FG and they are not even words 9 2ut <ust a !ur!ur that +an hard)y 2e heard 2y Her 4ho with Her heart rather than with Her ears

)$5. The : u3i-i7i"n.


re+eives every si&h o Her dyin& Son9 She saysI E8o9 no9 SonH I wi)) not a2andon ;ouH Listen to Me9 My dear... ;our Mother is here9 She is here... and She on)y re&rets that She +annot +o!e where ;ou are...G It is heart@rendin&...

2e+o!es ho))ow as is it were e!/tyM it heaves9 swe))s and +ontra+ts the thora3 so vio)ent)y9 that the s6in sin6s 2etween the ri2s whi+h stret+h a//earin& under the s6in and reo/enin& the wounds o the s+our&esM it !a6es the head a)) 2a+6 vio)ent)y on+e9 twi+e9 three ti!es9 hittin& the wood hardM it +ontra+ts a)) the !us+)es o the a+e in a 'nd John wee/s o/en)y. Jesus !ust hear hi! wee/. %ut He does not say anythin&. I s/as!9 a++entuatin& the deviation o the !outh to the ri&ht9 it o/ens wide and di)ates thin6 that His i!/endin& death !a6es Hi! s/ea6 as i He were ravin& and that He does the eye)ids under whi+h one +an see the eye@2a))s ro)) and the s+)eroti+ a//ear. The not even 6now what He says9 and9 un ortunate)y9 He does not even understand His 2ody is a)) 2entM in the )ast o the three +ontra+tions it is a drawn ar+h9 whi+h vi2rates Mother's +onso)ation and His avourite a/ost)e's )ove. and is dread u) to )oo6 at9 and then a /ower u) +ry9 uni!a&ina2)e in that e3hausted Lon&inus J who inadvertent)y is no )on&er standin& at ease with his ar!s o)ded a+ross 2ody9 2ursts orth rendin& the air9 the E)oud +ryG !entioned 2y the ,os/e)s and is the his +hest9 and one )e& +rossed over the other a)ternate)y9 to ease the )on& wait on his eet irst /art o the word EMotherG... 'nd nothin& e)se... and is now instead standin& sti at attention9 his )e t hand on his sword9 his ri&ht one His head a))s on His +hest9 His 2ody )eans orward9 the tre!2)in& sto/s9 He 2reathes no he)d a&ainst his side9 as i he were on the ste/s o the i!/eria) throne J does not want to !ore. He has 2reathed His )ast. 2e in )uen+ed. %ut his a+e is a e+ted in the e ort o over+o!in& his e!otion9 and his eyes 2e&in to shine with tears that on)y his iron dis+i/)ine +an re rain. 23 The 0arth re/)ies to the +ry o the !urdered Inno+ent with a ri&htenin& ru!2)e. (ro! a thousand 2u&)e@horn &iants see! to &ive out on)y one sound and on that terri2)e The other so)diers9 who were /)ayin& di+e9 have sto//ed and have stood u/9 /uttin& on +hord there are the iso)ated rendin& notes o )i&htnin& that strea6s the s6y in a)) the he)!ets that had served to +ast the di+e9 and they are near the )itt)e ste/s du& in the dire+tions9 a))in& on the town9 on the Te!/)e9 on the +rowd... I thin6 that so!e /eo/)e tu a9 )oo6in& heed u) and si)ent. The others are on duty and +annot !ove. They )oo6 were stru+6 2y )i&htnin&9 2e+ause the +rowd was stru+6 dire+t)y. The )i&htnin& is the )i6e statues. %ut so!e o those who are +)oser and hear Mary's words9 !utter so!ethin& on)y irre&u)ar )i&ht that ena2)es one to see at interva)s. 'nd i!!ediate)y a terwards9 2etween their )i/s and sha6e their heads. whi)e the vo))ey o thunder2o)ts sti)) +ontinues9 the earth is sha6en 2y a +y+)oni+ whir)wind. The earth=ua6e and the tornado <oin to&ether to &ive an a/o+a)y/ti+ 21 There is dead si)en+e. Then in utter dar6ness9 the wordI E0verythin& is /unish!ent to the 2)as/he!ers. The su!!it o ,o)&otha tre!2)es and =ua6es )i6e a a++o!/)ishedHG is +)ear)y heard and His death@ratt)e &rows )ouder and )ouder9 with /)ate in the hands o a !ad!an9 2e+ause o the su2su)tory and undu)atory sho+6s that )on&er and )on&er /auses 2etween one ratt)e and the ne3t one. sha6e the three +rosses so vio)ent)y that they see! on the /oint o 2ein& overturned. Ti!e /asses in su+h distressin& rhyth!. Li e +o!es 2a+6 when the air is /ier+ed 2y the Lon&inus9 John9 the so)diers &ra2 whatever they +an9 as 2est they +an9 not to a)). %ut harsh 2reathin& o the $yin& Bi+ti!... Li e sto/s when the /ain u) sound is no )on&er John9 whi)e &ras/in& the +ross with one ar!9 with the other su//orts Mary 4ho9 2oth heard. 5ne su ers hearin& it... one su ers not hearin& it... 5ne saysI E0nou&h o this 2e+ause or Her &rie and the unsteadiness9 has )eaned on his +hest. The other so)diers9 su erin&HG and then one saysI E5hH ,odH )et it not 2e His )ast 2reath.G and in /arti+u)ar those on the side s)o/in& downhi))9 have had to ta6e she)ter in the ')) the Maries are wee/in&9 with their heads )eanin& a&ainst the s+ar/. 'nd their +entre9 to avoid 2ein& thrown down the /re+i/i+e. The ro22ers how) with terror9 the wee/in& is +)ear)y heard9 2e+ause the +rowd is now si)ent a&ain9 to )isten to the death@ +rowd how)s even !ore and wou)d )i6e to run away. %ut it is not /ossi2)e. 1eo/)e a)) ratt)es o the dyin& Master. one on to/ o the other9 they tread on one another9 they a)) into the issures o the 22 There is si)en+e a&ain. Then the su//)i+ation /ronoun+ed with in inite 6indness9 with &round9 they hurt the!se)ves9 they ro)) down the s)o/e as i they had &one !ad. ervent /rayerI E(ather9 into ;our hands I +o!!it My s/iritHG The earth=ua6e and the tornado re+ur three ti!es9 then there is the a2so)ute i!!o2i)ity o a dead wor)d. 5n)y )ashes o )i&htnin&9 without the ru!2)e o thunder9 sti)) strea6 the s6y i))u!inatin& the s+ene o the Jews )eein& in every dire+tion9 at their wits' end9 their hands stret+hed orward or raised to the s6y9 at whi+h they had so ar sneered and Then9 there is the )ast s/as! o Jesus. ' dread u) +onvu)sion that see!s to tear the 2ody o whi+h they are now a raid. $ar6ness is !iti&ated 2y a di! )i&ht whi+h9 in+reased 2y with the three nai)s ro! the +ross9 rises three ti!es ro! the eet to the head9 throu&h the si)ent !a&neti+ )i&htnin&9 ena2)es one to see that !any are )yin& on the &round9 I do a)) the /oor tortured nervesM it heaves the a2do!en three ti!es in an a2nor!a) way9 not 6now whether they are dead or have ainted. ' house is on ire inside the wa))s and then )eaves it a ter di)atin& it as i it were u/settin& the vis+era9 and it dro/s and the )a!es rise u/ strai&ht in the sti)) air9 a 2ri&ht red s/ot in the &rey@&reen at!os/here. (urther si)en+e. ')so the death@ratt)e 2e+o!es ainter. It is <ust a 2reath +on ined to His )i/s and throat.

)$5. The : u3i-i7i"n.


24 Mary raises Her head ro! John's +hest and )oo6s at Her Jesus. She +a))s Hi!9 as She +annot see Hi! we)) in the di! )i&ht and Her /oor eyes are u)) o tears. She +a))s Hi! three ti!esI EJesusH JesusH JesusHG It is the irst ti!e that She +a))s Hi! 2y His na!e9 sin+e She has 2een on 7a)vary. Then9 as a )ash or!s a 6ind o +rown over the to/ o ,o)&otha9 She sees Hi!9 !otion)ess9 a)) 2ent orward9 with His head han&in& so !u+h orward and to the ri&ht9 that His +hee6 tou+hes His shou)der and His +hin rests on His ri2s9 and She understands. She stret+hes out Her hands in the dar6 air and shoutsI EMy SonH My SonH My SonHG She then )istens... ')so Her !outh is o/en9 She see!s to 2e wantin& to hear a)so with it9 as Her eyes are wide o/en to see... She +annot 2e)ieve that Her Jesus is no )on&er... John9 who has a)so )oo6ed and heard and has understood that everythin& is over9 e!2ra+es Mary and tries to ta6e Her away sayin&I EHe no )on&er su ers.G %ut 2e ore the a/ost)e inishes his senten+e9 Mary9 who has understood9 rees Herse) 9 She turns round9 She 2ends towards the &round9 She +overs Her eyes with Her hands and shoutsI EI no )on&er have My SonHG She then sta&&ers and wou)d a)) i John did not ho)d Her a&ainst his heart9 and he then sits down9 on the &round9 to sustain Her on his +hest9 !ore easi)y unti) the Maries9 no )on&er he)d 2a+6 2y the u//er +ir+)e o ar!ed so)diers J 2e+ause9 sin+e the Jews have run away9 the .o!an so)diers have &athered in the o/en s/a+e 2e)ow9 +o!!entin& on the event J re/)a+e the a/ost)e near the Mother. The Ma&da)ene sits where John was9 and she a)!ost )ays Mary on her 6nees9 ho)din& Her 2etween her ar!s and her 2reast9 6issin& Her dead)y /a)e a+e9 whi+h is re+)ined on her +o!/assionate shou)der. Martha and Susanna9 with a s/on&e and a )inen +)oth soa6ed in vine&ar9 !oisten Her te!/)es and nostri)s9 whi)e Her sister @in@)aw Mary 6isses Her hands +a))in& Her in a heart@rendin& voi+e9 and as soon as Mary o/ens Her eyes a&ain and +asts a &)an+e that Her &rie !a6es9 so to say9 du))9 she says to HerI E$au&hter9 !y 2e)oved dau&hter9 )isten... te)) !e that ;ou see !e... I a! ;our Mary... $on't )oo6 at !e soH...G 'nd as the irst so2 o/ens Mary's throat and Her irst tears 2e&in to a))9 the &ood Mary o ')/haeus saysI E;es9 wee/... Here with !e9 as i ;ou were near a !other9 !y /oor ho)y dau&hterGM and when she hears Her sayI E5hH MaryH MaryH have you seenFG9 she !oansI E;es9 I have... 2ut... 2ut... dau&hter... ohH dau&hterH...G 'nd the e)der)y Mary +an ind no other word and wee/s. She wee/s dis+onso)ate)y9 e+hoed 2y a)) the other wo!en9 that is9 Martha and Mary9 John's !other and Susanna. The other /ious wo!en are no )on&er there. I thin6 that they have &one away9 and the she/herds with the!9 when that e!inine +ry was heard... 25 The so)diers are s/ea6in& in )ow voi+es to one another. EHave you noti+ed the JudaeansF They were a raid9 now .G

E'nd they were 2eatin& their 2reasts.G EThe /riests were the !ost terrorisedHG E4hat a ri&htH I have seen other earth=ua6es. %ut never )i6e this one. Loo6I the &round is u)) o issures.G E'nd a who)e stret+h o the )on& way has s)id down over there.G E'nd there are 2odies under it.G ELeave the!H So !any sna6es )ess.G E5hH another ireH In the +ountry...G E%ut is He rea))y deadFG E7an't you seeF $o you dou2t itFG 26 Jose/h and 8i+ode!us a//ear ro! 2ehind the ro+6. They had +ertain)y ta6en she)ter there9 2ehind the /rote+tion o the !ountain9 to save the!se)ves ro! the thunder2o)ts. They &o to Lon&inus. E4e want the 7or/se.G E5n)y the 1ro+onsu) +an &rant it. ,o =ui+69 2e+ause I heard that the Judaeans want to &o to the 1raetoriu! to o2tain /er!ission to ra+ture His )e&s. I wou)d not )i6e the! to dis i&ure His 2ody.G EHow do you 6nowFG E' re/ort o the ensi&n. ,o. I wi)) wait.G The two !en rush down the stee/ road and disa//ear. It is at this !o!ent that Lon&inus a//roa+hes John and in a )ow voi+e says so!ethin& to hi!9 whi+h I do not understand. Then he !a6es a so)dier &ive hi! a )an+e. He )oo6s at the wo!en9 who are a)) attendin& to Mary9 4ho is s)ow)y re+overin& Her stren&th. They have a)) their 2a+6s turned to the +ross. Lon&inus /)a+es hi!se) in ront o the 7ru+i ied9 he /onders +are u))y how to dea) the 2)ow and he stri6es it. The )an+e /enetrates dee/)y ro! the 2otto! u/wards9 ro! ri&ht to )e t. John9 waverin& 2etween the desire to see and the horror o seein&9 !a6es a wry a+e or a !o!ent. EIt is done9 !y riendG says Lon&inus9 and he endsI E%etter so. 's or a 6ni&ht. 'nd without ra+turin& 2ones... He was rea))y a Just ManHG ' )ot o water and <ust a tri+6)e o 2)ood9 a)ready tendin& to +)ot9 dri/ ro! the wound. I

)$5. The : u3i-i7i"n.


said dri/. They on)y +o!e out tri+6)in& ro! the neat +ut that re!ains !otion)ess9 whereas9 had there 2een any 2reathin&9 it wou)d have o/ened and +)osed with the !ove!ents o the thora3 and a2do!en... 27 ...4hi)e on 7a)vary everythin& re!ains in this tra&i+ situation9 I <oin Jose/h and 8i+ode!us9 who are &oin& down a)on& a short +ut to &ain ti!e. They are a)!ost at the 2otto! when they !eet ,a!a)ie). 'n un6e!/t ,a!a)ie)9 with no head&ear9 no !ant)e9 with his !a&ni i+ent &ar!ent soi)ed with !ou)d and torn 2y 2ra!2)e. ' ,a!a)ie) who is runnin&9 +)i!2in& and /antin&9 with his hands in his thin very &rizz)ed hair o an e)der)y !an. They s/ea6 to one another without sto//in&. E,a!a)ie)H ;ouFG E;ou9 Jose/hF 're you )eavin& Hi!FG E8o9 I a! not. %ut how +o!e you are hereF 'nd in that stateF...G E$read u) thin&sH I was in the Te!/)eH The si&nH The Te!/)e door unhin&edH The /ur/)e hya+inth vei) is han&in& tornH The Ho)y o Ho)ies is o/enH There is anathe!a u/on usHG He has s/o6en whi)e runnin& towards the su!!it9 driven !ad 2y the test. The two !en )oo6 at hi! &o... they )oo6 at ea+h other... they say to&etherI ECThese stones wi)) shudder at My )ast wordsHD He had /ro!ised hi!H...G They hasten their /a+e towards the town. In the +ountry9 2etween the !ountain and the wa))s and 2eyond the!9 !any /eo/)e )oo6in& idioti+ are wanderin&9 in the sti)) di! )i&ht... They how)9 wee/ and )a!ent... So!e sayI EHis %)ood has rained ireHG So!e e3+)ai!I EJehovah has a//eared in the !idst o the )i&htnin& to +urse the Te!/)eHG So!e !oanI EThe se/u)+hresH The se/u)+hresHG

+)in&s to his ne+6 with a stran&e e usion9 shoutin&I E$on't +urse !eH My !other a//eared to !e and saidI C%e +ursed oreverHDG and then he +o))a/ses on the &round !oanin&I EI'! a raidH I'! a raidHG EThey are a)) !adHG say the two !en. They arrive at the 1raetoriu!. 'nd it is on)y here9 whi)e waitin& to 2e re+eived 2y the 1ro+onsu)9 that Jose/h and 8i+ode!us understand the reason or so !u+h terror. Many se/u)+hres had 2een o/ened 2y the earth=ua6e9 and there were /eo/)e who swore that they had seen s6e)etons +o!e out o the!9 and that or a !o!ent they resu!ed hu!an a//earan+e and were &oin& a2out a++usin& and +ursin& those who were &ui)ty o the dei+ide. 28 I )eave the! in the entran+e@ha)) o the 1raetoriu!9 whi+h Jesus' two riends enter without so !any stu/id horrors and ears o +onta!ination9 and I &o 2a+6 to 7a)vary9 <oinin& ,a!a)ie)9 who 2y now e3hausted9 is +)i!2in& the )ast ew !etres. He is /ro+eedin& stri6in& his 2reast9 and when he arrives at the irst o the two o/en s/a+es9 he throws hi!se) on the &round9 a+e downwards9 a )on& white or! on the ye))owish &round9 and he says !oanin&I EThe si&nH The si&nH Te)) !e that ;ou or&ive !eH ' whis/er9 even on)y a whis/er9 to te)) !e that ;ou hear !e and or&ive !e.G I understand that he thin6s that Jesus is sti)) a)ive. 'nd he +han&es his !ind on)y when a so)dier9 /ushin& hi! with his )an+e9 saysI E,et u/ and 2e si)ent. It's o no useH ;ou shou)d have thou&ht o that /revious)y. He is dead. 'nd I9 a heathen9 a! te))in& youI this Man9 4ho! you have +ru+i ied9 was rea))y the Son o ,odHG E$eadF 're ;ou deadF 5hH...G ,a!a)ie) raises his terrorised a+e9 he tries to see as ar u/ as the to/9 in the twi)i&ht. He +annot see !u+h9 2ut he +an see enou&h to rea)ise that Jesus is dead. 'nd he sees the +o!/assionate &rou/ that is +onso)in& Mary9 and John standin& on the )e t side o the +ross and wee/in&9 and Lon&inus9 standin& strai&ht on the ri&ht side9 so)e!n in his res/e+t u) /osture.

Jose/h &ets ho)d o a !an who is stri6in& his head a&ainst the wa))s and +a))s hi! 2y his He 6nee)s down9 stret+hes his ar!s out and wee/in& saysI EIt was ;ouH It was ;ouH 4e na!e9 dra&&in& hi! as he enters the townI ESi!onH 4hat are you sayin&FG +an no )on&er 2e or&iven. 4e have as6ed ;our %)ood u/on us. 'nd It +ries to Heaven9 ELeave !eH ;ou are dead9 tooH ')) deadH ')) outsideH 'nd they +urse !e.G and Heaven +urses us... 5hH %ut ;ou were Mer+yH... I say to ;ou9 I9 the destroyed ra22i o JudahI C;our %)ood on us9 or /ity's sa6e C. S/rin6)e us with ItH %e+ause on)y ;our EHe has &one !adG says 8i+ode!us. %)ood +an i!/etrate or&iveness or us...G and he wee/s. 'nd then9 in a )ower voi+e9 he They )eave hi! and they hasten towards the 1raetoriu!. +on esses his tortureI EI have the re=uested si&n... %ut a&es and a&es o s/iritua) 2)ind@ ness are u/on !y interior si&ht9 and a&ainst !y /resent wi)) rises the voi+e o !y /roud The town is a /rey to terror. 1eo/)e roa! 2eatin& their 2reasts. 1eo/)e who <u!/ thou&ht o the /ast... Have !er+y on !eH Li&ht o the wor)d9 )et one o ;our rays 2a+6wards or turn round ri&htened u/on hearin& a voi+e or ste/s 2ehind the!. des+end on the dar6ness that did not understand ;ouH I a! the o)d Judaean aith u) to In one o the !any dar6 ar+hivo)ts9 the a//arition o 8i+ode!us dressed in white woo) what I thou&ht was <usti+e9 and it was error. I a! now a 2arren )and9 no )on&er with any J 2e+ause9 in order to 2e =ui+6er9 he has ta6en o his dar6 !ant)e on ,o)&otha J +auses o the an+ient trees o the an+ient (aith9 without any seed or sta)6 o the new (aith. I a! an arid desert. 4or6 the !ira+)e o !a6in& a )ower9 that has ;our na!e9 s/rin& u/ in a )eein& 1harisee to utter a +ry o terror. He then rea)ises that it is 8i+ode!us and he

)$5. The : u3i-i7i"n.


this /oor heart o an o)d o2stinate Israe)ite. Sin+e ;ou are the Li2erator9 +o!e into !y ready to re+eive Her Jesus in Her )a/. /oor thou&ht9 whi+h is a /risoner o or!u)as. Isaiah says soI C...He /aid or sinners and %ut the unnai)in& o the ri&ht ar! is the !ost di i+u)t o/eration. $es/ite a)) John's too6 u/on Hi!se) the sins o !any.D 5hH a)so !ine9 Jesus 8azarene...G e orts9 the %ody is han&in& +o!/)ete)y orward and the head o the nai) is dee/)y sun6 He stands u/. He )oo6s at the +ross whi+h is 2e+o!in& neater and neater in the )i&ht that in the )esh. 'nd as they do not want to !a6e the wound worse9 the two +o!/assionate is +)earin& u/9 and then he &oes away9 stoo/in&9 a&ed9 destroyed. !en wor6 hard. 't )ast the nai) is seized with the ton&s and /u))ed out &ent)y. 'nd on 7a)vary there is on+e a&ain si)en+e9 <ust 2ro6en 2y Mary's wee/in&. The two ro22ers9 worn out 2y ear9 no )on&er s/ea6. 29 8i+ode!us and Jose/h arrive 2a+6 runnin& and they say that they have 1i)ate's /er!ission. %ut Lon&inus9 who is not too trust u)9 sends a horse@so)dier to the 1ro+onsu) to )earn what he has to do a)so with re&ard to the two ro22ers. The so)dier &oes and +o!e 2a+6 at a &a))o/ with the order to hand over Jesus and 2rea6 the )e&s o the other two9 2y wi)) o the Jews. Lon&inus +a))s the our e3e+utioners9 who are +raven)y +rou+hed under the ro+69 sti)) terrorised 2y what has ha//ened9 and orders the! to &ive the ro22ers the death@2)ow with a +)u2. 4hi+h ta6es /)a+e without any /rotest 2y $is!a9 to who! the 2)ow o the +)u29 de)ivered to his heart9 a ter stri6in& his 6nees9 2rea6s in ha) 9 on his )i/s9 the na!e o Jesus9 in a death@ratt)e. The other ro22er utters horri2)e +urses. Their death@ratt)es are )u&u2rious. John has 2een ho)din& Jesus a)) the ti!e 2y the ar!/its9 with His head han&in& on his shou)der9 whi)e 8i+ode!us and Jose/h &et ho)d o Hi!9 one at the thi&hs9 the other at the 6nees9 and they +autious)y +o!e down the )adders. 31 4hen on the &round9 they wou)d )i6e to )ay Hi! on the sheet that they have s/read on their !ant)es. %ut Mary wants Hi!. She has o/ened Her !ant)e9 )ettin& it han& on one side9 and She is sittin& with Her 6nees rather a/art to or! a +rad)e or Her Jesus. 4hi)e the dis+i/)es are turnin& round to &ive Her Son to Her9 the +rowned head a))s 2a+6 and the ar!s han& down towards the &round9 and the wounded hands wou)d ru2 on the soi)9 i the /ity o the /ious wo!en did not ho)d the! u/ to /revent that. He is now in His Mother's )a/... 'nd He )oo6s )i6e a 2i& tired +hi)d who is as)ee/ a)) +udd)ed u/ in his !other's )a/. Mary is ho)din& Hi! with Her ri&ht ar! round the shou)ders o Her Son and Her )e t one stret+hed over the a2do!en to su//ort Hi! a)so 2y the hi/s.

30 The our e3e+utioners wou)d a)so )i6e to ta6e +are o Jesus9 ta6in& Hi! down ro! Jesus' head is restin& on His Mother's shou)der. 'nd She +a))s Hi!... She +a))s Hi! in a the +ross. %ut Jose/h and 8i+ode!us do not a))ow the!. ')so Jose/h ta6es o his heart@rendin& voi+e. She then deta+hes Hi! ro! Her shou)der and +aresses Hi! with !ant)e and te))s John to do )i6ewise and to ho)d the )adders9 whi)e they +)i!2 the! with Her )e t hand9 She ta6es and stret+hes out His hands and9 2e ore o)din& the! on His )evers and ton&s. dead 2ody9 She 6isses the! and wee/s on their wounds. Then She +aresses His +hee6s9 Mary stands u/ tre!2)in&9 su//orted 2y the wo!en9 and She a//roa+hes the +ross. /arti+u)ar)y where they are 2ruised and swo))en9 She 6isses His sun6en eyes9 His !outh )i&ht)y twisted to the ri&ht and ha) @o/en. In the !eanti!e the so)diers9 havin& u) i))ed their tas69 &o away. 'nd Lon&inus9 2e ore des+endin& 2eyond the )ower o/en s/a+e9 turns round ro! the hei&ht o his 2)a+6 horse She wou)d )i6e to tidy His hair9 as She has tidied His 2eard en+rusted with 2)ood. %ut in to )oo6 at Mary and at the 7ru+i ied. Then the noise o the hooves resounds on the doin& so9 She tou+hes the thorns. She stin&s Herse) tryin& to re!ove that +rown9 and stones and that o the wea/ons a&ainst the ar!our9 and ades away in the distan+e. She wants to do it 2y Herse) 9 with the on)y hand whi+h is ree9 and She re<e+ts every2ody sayin&I E8o9 noH I wi))H I wi))HG and She see!s to 2e ho)din& the tender head The )e t /a)! is unnai)ed. The ar! a))s a)on& the %ody9 whi+h is now han&in& se!i@ o a new@2orn 2a2y with Her in&ers9 so de)i+ate)y does She do it. 'nd when She deta+hed. su++eeds in re!ovin& the torturin& +rown9 She 2ends to +ure a)) the s+rat+hes o the thorns with Her 6isses. They te)) John to +)i!2 u/ as we))9 )eavin& the )adders to the wo!en. 'nd John9 a ter +)i!2in& u/ where 8i+ode!us was /revious)y9 /asses Jesus' ar! round his ne+6 and 4ith a tre!2)in& hand She /arts His ru )ed hair9 She tidies it and wee/s9 s/ea6in& in a ho)ds it so9 han&in& +o!/)ete)y on his shou)der9 e!2ra+ed at the waist 2y his ar! and )ow voi+e9 and with Her in&ers She wi/es the tears that dro/ on the +o)d 2ody +overed he)d 2y the ti/s o the in&ers not to tou+h the horri2)e &ash o the )e t hand9 whi+h is with 2)ood and She thin6s o +)eanin& it with Her tears and Her vei)9 whi+h is sti)) round a)!ost o/en. 4hen the eet are unnai)ed9 John has to !a6e a &reat e ort to ho)d and Jesus' )oins. 'nd She /u))s one end o it towards Herse) and She 2e&ins to +)ean and su//ort the %ody o his Master 2etween the +ross and his own 2ody. dry the ho)y )i!2s with it. 'nd She +ontinua))y +aresses His a+e9 then His hands and Mary has a)ready /)a+ed Herse) at the oot o the +ross9 sittin& with Her 2a+6 a&ainst it9 His 2ruised 6nees and then reverts to dryin& His %ody9 on whi+h end)ess tears are

)$5. The : u3i-i7i"n.


dro//in&. 'nd whi)e doin& so Her hand tou+hes the &ash on His +hest. Her )itt)e hand9 +overed with the )inen vei)9 enters a)!ost +o!/)ete)y into the )ar&e ho)e o the wound. Mary 2ends to see in the di! )i&ht whi+h has or!ed9 and She sees. She sees the +hest torn o/en and the heart o Her Son. She utters a +ry then. ' sword see!s to 2e s/)ittin& Her heart. She shouts and then throws Herse) on Her Son and She see!s dead9 too. 32 They su++our and +onso)e Her. They want to ta6e Her divine $ead Son away ro! Her and as She shoutsI E4here9 where sha)) I /ut ;ouF In whi+h /)a+e9 sa e and worthy o ;ouFG Jose/h9 a)) 2ent in a res/e+t u) 2ow9 his o/en hand /ressed a&ainst his +hest9 saysI ETa6e +oura&e9 o 4o!anH My se/u)+hre is new and worthy o a &reat !an. I &ive it to Hi!. 'nd !y riend here9 8i+ode!us9 has a)ready ta6en the s/i+es to the se/u)+hre9 as he wishes to o er the!. %ut I 2e& ;ou9 as it is &ettin& dar69 )et us /ro+eed... It is 1re/aration $ay. %e &ood9 o ho)y 4o!anHG

+,+. The 3u!ia5 #1 Jesus and &he S9i!i&ua5 Dis&!ess #1 .a!/.

$9&h Fe)!ua!/ $9**.

1 It is use)ess to say what I ee). It wou)d on)y 2e a des+ri/tion o !y su erin&9 and there ore with no va)ue as +o!/ared with the su erin& that I see. So I wi)) des+ri2e it9 without any +o!!ent on !yse) . I a! /resent at 5ur Lord's 2uria). The )itt)e /ro+ession9 a ter des+endin& 7a)vary9 at the oot o it inds the se/u)+hre o Jose/h o 'ri!athea9 hewn out o the )i!estone o the !ountain. The +o!/assionate dis+i/)es enter it with Jesus' %ody.

I see the se/u)+hre !ade as o))ows. It is a roo! du& in the stone9 at the end o a ve&eta2)e &arden a)) in 2)osso!. It )oo6s )i6e a &rotto9 2ut it is evident that it has 2een du& 2y !an. There is the 2uria) roo! /ro/er with its )o+u)i Kthey are di erent ro! those o the +ata+o!2sL. These are )i6e round +avities9 that /enetrate into the stone9 )i6e ')so John and the wo!en 2e& Her )i6ewise and Mary a))ows Her Son to 2e re!oved the +e))s o a 2eehive9 to &ive an idea. 't /resent they are a)) e!/ty. The e!/ty o/enin& ro! Her )a/9 and She stands u/9 distressed9 whi)e they enve)o/ Hi! in a sheet9 o ea+h )o+u)us )oo6s )i6e a 2)a+6 s/ot on the &rey stone. %e ore this roo! there is a 2e&&in&I E5hH do it &ent)yHG 6ind o anteroo!9 in the !idd)e o whi+h there is a s)a2 o stone or anointin&. Jesus is 8i+ode!us and John at the shou)ders9 Jose/h at the eet9 they )i t9 the 7or/se enve)o/ed /)a+ed on it9 enve)o/ed in His sheet. not on)y in the sheet9 2ut restin& a)so on the !ant)es whi+h a+t as a stret+her9 and they ')so John and Mary &o in. %ut no2ody e)se9 2e+ause the /re/aratory roo! is s!a))9 and set out down the road. i !ore /eo/)e were in it9 they wou)d not 2e a2)e to !ove. The other wo!en are near Mary9 su//orted 2y Her sister @in@)aw and 2y the Ma&da)ene9 &oes down towards the the door9 that is near the o/enin&9 2e+ause there is not a /ro/er door. se/u)+hre9 o))owed 2y Martha9 Mary o >e2edee and Susanna9 who have /i+6ed u/ the 2 The two 2earers un+over Jesus. nai)s9 the ton&s9 the +rown9 the s/on&e and the +ane. 5n 7a)vary re!ain the three +rosses9 the +entra) one o whi+h is 2are and the other two have their )ivin& tro/hies9 who are dyin&. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 33 E'nd nowG says Jesus E/ay attention. I s/are you the des+ri/tion o the 2uria)9 whi+h was we)) des+ri2ed )ast yearI on 19th (e2ruary 1944. So you wi)) use that one9 and 1.M. at the end o it wi)) /ut Mary's )a!entation9 whi+h I &ave on 4th 5+to2er 1944. Then you wi)) /ut the new visions you see. They are new /arts o the 1assion and are to 2e /ut very +are u))y in their /)a+es to avoid +on usion and )a+unae.G 4hi)e they /re/are the 2anda&es and s/i+es on a sort o she) in a +orner9 in the )i&ht o two tor+hes9 Mary 2ends over Her Son wee/in&. 'nd on+e a&ain She wi/es Hi! with Her vei)9 whi+h is sti)) round Jesus' )oins. It is the on)y washin& that Jesus' %ody has9 this one with His Mother's tears9 and i they are +o/ious and a2undant9 they serve to re!ove the dust9 sweat and 2)ood o that tortured %ody on)y su/er i+ia))y and /art)y. Mary never tires o +aressin& those rozen )i!2s. 4ith even &reater de)i+a+y than i She were tou+hin& those o a new@2orn 2a2y9 She ta6es the /oor tortured hands9 She +)as/s the! in Her own9 She 6isses the in&ers and stret+hes the!9 She tries to +onne+t the &a/in& wounds9 as i She wished to do+tor the!9 so that they !ay not a+he so !u+h and She /resses those hands9 whi+h +an no )on&er +aress9 a&ainst Her +hee6s9 and !oans and !oans in Her dread u) &rie . She strai&htens and <oins the /oor eet9 whi+h are so )i!/9 as i they were dead)y tired o wa)6in& so ar on our 2eha) . %ut they have 2een dis/)a+ed too !u+h on the +ross9 and the )e t one in /arti+u)ar is a)!ost )at9 as i it had no an6)e. She then reverts to the 2ody and +aresses it9 so +o)d and a)ready sti 9 and when on+e

)$). The 0u ia2 "- Jesus and &he S5i i&ua2 Dis& ess "- 'a (.


a&ain She sees the &ash o the )an+e9 whi+h is now wide o/en )i6e a !outh9 as Jesus is )yin& on His 2a+6 on the stone s)a29 and so the +avity o the thora3 +an 2e seen !ore +)ear)y J the /oint o the heart +an 2e seen distin+t)y 2etween the 2reast2one and the )e t +osta) ar+h9 and a2out two +enti!etres a2ove it there is the +ut !ade 2y the /oint o the )an+e in the /eri+ardiu! and in the heart9 a +ut a2out a &ood +enti!etre and a ha) )on&9 whereas the e3terna) one on the ri&ht side is at )east seven +enti!etres )on& J Mary utters a +ry a&ain as on 7a)vary. ' )an+e see!s to 2e /ier+in& Her9 so !u+h She writhes in Her /ain9 /ressin& Her hands on Her heart9 /ier+ed )i6e Jesus'. How !any 6isses on that wound9 /oor MotherH She then attends to Jesus' head a&ain and strai&htens it9 2e+ause it is )i&ht)y 2ent 2a+6 and !u+h to the ri&ht. She tries to +)ose His eye)ids9 whi+h /ersist in re!ainin& ha) @ o/en9 and His !outh9 whi+h has re!ained o/en9 +ontra+ted and a )itt)e twisted to the ri&ht. She tidies His hair9 whi+h on)y yesterday was 2eauti u) and tidy9 and now has 2e+o!e a tan&)e heavy with 2)ood. She disentan&)es the )on&er )o+6s9 She s!ooths the! on Her in&ers and +ur)s the! to &ive the! 2a+6 the or! o the )ove)y hair o Her Jesus9 so so t and +ur)y. 'nd She !oans and !oans9 2e+ause She re!e!2ers when He was a )itt)e 2oy... It is the unda!enta) reason or Her &rie I the re+o))e+tion o Jesus' +hi)dhood9 o Her )ove or Hi!9 o Her +are u)ness9 whi+h was a raid a)so o the !ost who)eso!e air or Her )itt)e divine 7hi)d9 and the +o!/arison with what !en have now done to Hi!. Her )a!entation !a6es !e su er. 'nd when !oanin& She saysI E4hat have they done to ;ou9 SonFG9 not 2ein& a2)e to /ut u/ with seein& Hi! thus9 na6ed9 ri&id9 on a stone9 She ta6es Hi! in Her ar!s9 /assin& Her ar! under His shou)ders and /ressin& Hi! to Her heart with the other hand and )u))in& Hi!9 !ovin& e3a+t)y as in the &rotto o the 8ativity9 Her &esture !a6es !e wee/ and su er9 as i a hand ru!!a&ed in !y heart.

the heavy s)ee/ a ter wor6in& as an artisan9 were they so inert... 'nd how +o)d they areH 1oor handsH My dar)in&9 My )ove9 My ho)y )ove9 &ive the! to ;our MotherH Loo6 how )a+erated they areH John9 )oo6 what a &ashH 5hH +rue) !enH Here9 &ive Me this wounded hand o ;ours. That I !ay dress it. 5hH I wi)) not hurt ;ou... I wi)) use 6isses and tears9 and I wi)) war! it with My 2reath and My )ove. 7aress Me9 SonH ;ou are i+e@+o)d9 I a! 2urnin& with ever. My ever wi)) 2e re)ieved 2y ;our i+e9 and ;our i+e wi)) 2e !iti&ated 2y My ever. ' +aress9 SonH 5n)y a ew hours have &one 2y sin+e ;ou )ast +aressed Me9 and they see! a&es to Me. (or !onths I was without ;our +aresses9 and they see!ed hours to Me9 2e+ause I was a)ways waitin& or ;ou to +o!e 2a+69 and I +onsidered ea+h day an hour9 and ea+h hour a !inute9 to say to Myse) that ;ou had not 2een away or one or !ore !onths9 2ut on)y or a ew days9 or a ew hours. 4hy is ti!e so )on& nowF 'hH inhu!an tortureH %e+ause ;ou are dead. They have 6i))ed ;ouH ;ou are no )on&er on the 0arthH 8o )on&erH 4herever I send My sou) to )oo6 or ;ours and e!2ra+e it9 2e+ause indin& ;ou9 havin& ;ou9 ee)in& ;ou was the )i e o My 2ody and o My s/irit9 wherever I )oo6 or ;ou with the wave o My )ove9 I no )on&er ind you9 I do not ind ;ou any !ore. 8othin& o ;ou is )e t to Me 2ut these +o)d sou))ess re!ainsH 5 sou) o My Jesus9 o sou) o My 7hrist9 o sou) o My Lord9 where are ;ouF 5 +rue) hyenas <oined to Satan9 why have you ta6en away the sou) o My SonF 'nd why have you not +ru+i ied Me with Hi!F 4ere you a raid o +o!!ittin& a se+ond +ri!eF KHer voi+e is 2e+o!in& stron&er and stron&er and !ore and !ore heart@rendin&L. 'nd what was it or you 6i))in& a /oor wo!an9 sin+e you did not hesitate to 6i)) ,od In+arnateF Have you not +o!!itted a se+ond +ri!eF 'nd is )ettin& a !other out)ive her !urdered son not the !ost ne arious +ri!eFG 4 The Mother9 4ho with Her voi+e had raised a)so Her head9 now 2ends a&ain over the )i e)ess a+e and s/ea6s in a )ow voi+e9 to Hi! a)oneI E't )east we wou)d have 2een to&ether in here9 in the to!29 as we wou)d have 2een to&ether in the a&ony on the +ross9 and to&ether in the <ourney 2eyond )i e and towards the Li e. %ut i I +annot o))ow ;ou in the <ourney 2eyond )i e9 I +an re!ain here waitin& or ;ou.G She strai&htens Herse) u/ a&ain and says to those /resent in a )oud voi+eI E,o away9 a)) o you. I wi)) stay. 7)ose Me in here with Hi!. I wi)) wait or Hi!. 4hat are you sayin&F That it is not /ossi2)eF 4hy is it not /ossi2)eF I I had died9 wou)d I not 2e here9 )yin& 2eside Hi!9 waitin& to 2e /ut in orderF I wi)) 2e 2eside Hi!9 2ut on My 6nees. I was there when He9 a de)i+ate rosy 2a2y9 +ried on a $e+e!2er ni&ht. I wi)) 2e here now9 on this ni&ht o the wor)d9 that no )on&er has the 7hrist. 5hH true ni&htH The Li&ht is no )on&erH... 5 i+e@+o)d ni&htH The Love is deadH 4hat are you sayin&9 8i+ode!usF Sha)) I 2e +onta!inatedF His %)ood is not +onta!ination. I was not +onta!inated even when I &ave 2irth to Hi!. 'hH How you +a!e out9 ;ou9 ()ower o

*&h O'&#)e! $9**.

The terri2)e s/iritua) distress o Mary. 3 The Mother is standin& near the anointin& stone +aressin&9 +onte!/)atin&9 !oanin&9 wee/in&. The )i+6erin& )i&ht o the tor+hes i))u!inates Her a+e now and a&ain9 and I see )ar&e tear dro/s strea! down the +hee6s o Her rava&ed a+e. 'nd I +an hear Her words. 0very one o the!. ')) o the!9 very +)ear)y9 a)thou&h whis/ered 2etween Her )i/s9 a rea) +onversation o a !other's sou) with the sou) o Her Son. I a! to)d to write the!. E1oor SonH How !any woundsH... How !u+h ;ou have su eredH Loo6 what they have done to ;ouH... How +o)d ;ou are9 SonH ;our in&ers are i+e@+o)d. 'nd how !otion)ess they areH They see! to 2e 2ro6en. 8ever9 not even in the sound s)ee/ o a +hi)d9 or in

)$). The 0u ia2 "- Jesus and &he S5i i&ua2 Dis& ess "- 'a (.


My wo!29 without tearin& any i2re9 <ust )i6e a )ower o s+ented nar+issus9 that 2)oo!s ro! the sou) o the !atri3 2u)2 and yie)ds a )ower even i the e!2ra+e o the earth has not 2een on the !atri3. ' vir&ina) 2)oo!in& that +an 2e +o!/ared with ;ou9 Son9 4ho +a!e throu&h a heaven)y e!2ra+e and were 2orn in the di usion o heaven)y s/)endour.G 8ow the heart@2ro6en Mother 2ends on+e a&ain over Her Son9 estran&ed to everythin& that is not He9 and She whis/ers s)ow)yI E%ut do ;ou re!e!2er9 Son9 that su2)i!e show o 2ri&htness that i))ed everythin& when ;our s!i)e was 2orn in the wor)dF $o ;ou re!e!2er that 2eati i+ )i&ht that the (ather sent ro! Heaven to enve)o/ the !ys@ tery o ;our )owerin& and to !a6e ;ou ind this dar6 wor)d )ess re/e))ent9 sin+e ;ou were the Li&ht and ;ou were +o!in& ro! the Li&ht o the (ather and o the 1ara+)ete S/iritF 'nd nowF... 8ow dar6ness and +o)d... How +o)dH I a! shiverin& a)) over. More than that $e+e!2er ni&ht. Then there was the <oy o havin& ;ou to war! My heart. 'nd ;ou had two /eo/)e )ovin& ;ou... 8ow... 8ow I a! a)one and I a! dyin&9 too. %ut I wi)) )ove ;ou or twoI or those who have )oved ;ou so )itt)e that they a2andoned ;ou at the !o!ent o sorrowM I wi)) )ove ;ou or those who have hated ;ou9 I wi)) )ove ;ou or the who)e wor)d9 Son. ;ou wi)) not ee) the +hi)) o the wor)d. 8o9 ;ou wi)) not ee) it. ;ou did not tear My vis+era to 2e 2orn9 2ut I a! ready to tear the! and en+)ose ;ou in the e!2ra+e o My wo!2 in order not to !a6e ;ou ee) +o)d. $o you re!e!2er how My wo!2 )oved ;ou9 )itt)e thro22in& e!2ryoF... It is sti)) the sa!e wo!2. 5hH it is My ri&ht and My duty as a Mother. It is My wish. There is no one 2ut the Mother 4ho +an have it9 4ho +an have a )ove as 2i& as the universe or Her Son.G 5 Her voi+e has 2een risin&9 and now9 with a)) its stren&th She saysI E,o. I wi)) stay. ;ou wi)) +o!e 2a+6 in three days' ti!e and we wi)) &o out to&ether. 5hH to see the wor)d a&ain )eanin& on ;our ar!9 SonH How 2eauti u) the wor)d wi)) 2e in the )i&ht o ;our risen s!i)eH The wor)d thri))in& in its Lord's ste/sH The 0arth tre!2)ed when death e3tir/ated ;our sou) and ;our s/irit de/arted ro! ;our heart. %ut now it wi)) tre!2)e... ohH no )on&er with horror and s/as!9 2ut with a &ent)e thro29 un6nown to Me9 2ut a//rehended 2y My e!inine insi&ht that thri))s a vir&in when9 a ter an a2sen+e9 she hears the ste/ o her 2ride&roo! +o!in& or the weddin&. 0ven !oreI the 0arth wi)) tre!2)e with a ho)y thro29 as I was sha6en in the dee/est de/th when I had the Lord 5ne and Trine in Me9 and the wi)) o the (ather with the ire o the Love +reated the seed ro! whi+h ;ou +a!e9 o ho)y %a2y9 My Son9 a)) MineH ')) o ;our MotherH o ;our MotherH...

2ran+hes9 &o)d9 ony39 2ery) and ivory9 and dia!onds9 and /a)!s9 and honey9 and roses9 and in inite ri+hes9 o 1ishon9 ,ihon9 Ti&ris9 0u/hratesI way or the an&e)s e3u)tin& in ,od9 way or the 6in&s adorin& ;ou9 6nown or un6nown 0ssen+e9 2ut Livin& and 1resent even in the !ost o2s+ure heartH 5n)y ;our Mother did that or ;ou9 2y !eans o Her CyesD... I or!ed ;ou with !usi+ and )ove9 I !ade ;ou with /urity and o2edien+e9 My JoyH 6 4hat is ;our HeartF The )a!e o Mine9 that s/)it to +ondense in a +rown around the 6iss &iven 2y ,od to His Bir&in. That is what ;our Heart is. 'hH KThe shout is so heart@ rendin& that the Ma&da)ene hastens to su++our Her with John. The other wo!en dare not !ove and wee/in& and vei)ed9 )oo6 stea)thi)y ro! the o/enin&L. 'hH they have 2ro6en itH That is why ;ou are so +o)d9 and I a! so +o)dH There is no )on&er inside ;ou the )a!e o My heart9 and I +an no )on&er +ontinue to )ive throu&h the re )e+tion o that )a!e9 whi+h was Mine and whi+h I &ave ;ou to !a6e ;our heart. Here9 here9 here9 on My 2reastH %e ore death 6i))s Me9 I want to war! ;ou u/9 I want to )u)) ;ou. I used to sin& to ;ouI CThere is no ho!e9 there is no ood9 there is nothin& 2ut sorrow.D 5 /ro/heti+ wordsH Sorrow9 sorrow9 sorrow or ;ou9 or MeH I used to sin& to ;ouI CS)ee/9 s)ee/ on My heartD. ')so nowI here9 here9 here...G 'nd sittin& on the ed&e o the stone9 She ta6es Hi! in Her )a/9 /assin& one ar! o Her Son round Her shou)ders9 restin& His head on Her shou)der9 and 2endin& Her head on His9 ho)din& Hi! +)ose to Her 2reast9 )u))in& and 6issin& Hi!9 heart@2ro6en and heart@rendin&. 7 8i+ode!us and Jose/h a//roa+h Her9 )ayin& vases and 2anda&es9 and the +)ean Shroud9 and a 2asin o water9 I thin69 and what see! )int wads9 on a 6ind o seat9 whi+h is on the other side o the stone. Mary noti+es it and as6s in a )oud voi+eI E4hat are you doin&F 4hat do you wantF To /re/are Hi!F (or whatF Leave Hi! in the )a/ o His Mother. I I su++eed in war!in& Hi! u/9 He wi)) rise sooner. I I su++eed in +onso)in& the (ather and in +o! ortin& Hi! or the dei+ide hatred9 the (ather wi)) or&ive sooner9 and He wi)) +o!e 2a+6 sooner.G The Sorrow u) Mother is a)!ost ravin&.

EI wi)) not &ive Hi! to youH I &ave Hi! on+e9 I &ave Hi! on+e to the wor)d9 and the wor)d did not want Hi!. It 6i))ed Hi!9 2e+ause it did not want Hi!. 8ow I a! not &ivin& Hi! any !oreH 4hat are you sayin&F That you )ove Hi!F 5 +ourseH Then9 why did you not de end Hi!F ;ou have waited9 to say that you )oved Hi!9 unti) He +ou)d no )on&er hear you. 4hat a /oor )ove yours isH %ut i you were so a raid o the wor)d that you did not dare to de end an inno+ent9 you shou)d at )east have handed Hi! 2a+6 0very +hi)d has a ather and !other. ')so an i))e&iti!ate 2oy has a ather and a !other. to Me9 to His Mother9 so that She !i&ht de end Her Son. She 6new who He was and %ut ;ou had on)y ;our Mother to !a6e ;our )esh o rose and )i)y9 to !a6e these what He deserved. ;ouH... ;ou have had Hi! as your Master9 2ut you have )earned e!2roidered veins9 as 2)ue as our strea!s in ,a)i)ee9 and these )i/s o /o!e&ranate9 and nothin&. Is that not trueF '! I /erha/s te))in& )iesF %ut do you not see that you do not this hair !ore &ra+e u) than the 2)ond )ee+e o the &oats o our hi))s9 and these eyesI 2e)ieve in His .esurre+tionF ;ou 2e)ieve in itF 8o. 4hy are you standin& there9 two )itt)e )a6es o 1aradise. 8o9 !ore than that9 they are o the water that +o!es ro! /re/arin& 2anda&es and s/i+esF %e+ause you +onsider Hi! a /oor dead !an9 +o)d the ?ni=ue and Auadru/)e .iver o the 1)a+e o $e)i&ht9 and +arries with it9 in its our

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today9 /utri ied to!orrow9 and that is why you want to e!2a)! Hi!. 8 Leave your /o!ades. 7o!e and worshi/ the Saviour with the /ure hearts o the she/herds o %eth)ehe!. Loo6I in His s)ee/ He is on)y one who is tired and is restin&. How !u+h He wor6ed in His )i eti!eH He has wor6ed !ore and !ore9 not to !ention these )ast hoursH... 8ow He is restin&. 's ar as I9 His Mother9 a! +on+erned9 He is nothin& 2ut a 2i& %oy who is tired and is s)ee/in&. His 2ed and roo! are rea))y !isera2)eH %ut neither was His irst /a))et !ore 2eauti u)9 nor was His irst dwe))in& /)a+e !ore +heer u). The she/herds worshi//ed the Saviour in His s)ee/ as an In ant. 4orshi/ the Saviour in His s)ee/ as Triu!/her o Satan. Then9 )i6e the she/herds9 &o and say to the wor)dI C,)ory to ,odH Sin is deadH Satan is de eatedH 1ea+e 2e on the 0arth and in Heaven 2etween ,od and !anHD 1re/are the ways or His return. I a! sendin& you. I9 4ho! Maternity !a6es the 1riestess o the rite. ,o. I said that I do not want it. I have washed Hi! with My tears. 'nd it is enou&h. The rest is not ne+essary. 'nd do not thin6 that you wi)) /ut it on Hi!. It wi)) 2e easier or Hi! to rise i He is ree ro! those unerea) use)ess 2anda&es. 4hy are you )oo6in& at Me so9 Jose/hF 'nd you9 8i+ode!usF Has the horror o this day !ade you du))@witted or a2sent@!indedF $o you not re!e!2erF CThis evi) and adu)terous &eneration9 whi+h as6s or a si&n9 wi)) 2e &iven no other si&n 2ut that o Jonah... So the Son o !an wi)) 2e or three days and three ni&hts in the heart o the 0arth.D $o you not re!e!2erF CThe Son o !an is &oin& to 2e handed over to the /ower o !en9 who wi)) 6i)) Hi!9 2ut on the third day He wi)) 2e raised a&ain.D $o you not re!e!2erF C$estroy this Te!/)e o the true ,od and in three days I wi)) re2ui)d it.D 5 !en9 the Te!/)e was His %ody. 're you sha6in& your headsF 're you /ityin& MeF $o you thin6 that I a! insaneF 4hatF He raised the dead and wi)) He not 2e a2)e to raise Hi!se) F 9 JohnFG EMotherHG

de/ressed 2ut in )e3i2)e9 are )ayin& the ro))s o 2anda&es a)ready soa6ed in the s/i+es. Mary ta6es two ste/s. She has )aid Her Son down a&ain on the stone with the de)i+a+y o one who )ays a new@2orn 2a2y in a +rad)e. She ta6es two ste/s9 She 2ends at the oot o the unerea) 2ed9 where the Ma&da)ene is wee/in& on her 6nees9 She &ets ho)d o her shou)der9 sha6es her and +a))s herI EMary. Te)) Me. These /eo/)e thin6 that Jesus +annot rise ro! the dead9 2e+ause He is a !an and He died o wounds. %ut is you 2rother not o)der than He isFG E;es9 he is.G E4as he not one 2i& soreFG E;es9 he was.G E4as he not a)ready /utrid 2e ore des+endin& into his se/u)+hreFG E;es9 he was.G E'nd did he not rise ro! the dead a ter our days o as/hy3ia and /utre a+tionFG E;es9 he did.G ESoFG 10 There is a )on& &rave si)en+e. Then an inhu!an how). Mary sta&&ers9 /ressin& a hand a&ainst Her 2reast. They su//ort Her. She re/e)s the!. She see!s to re/e) the +o!/assionate /eo/)e. In a+tua) a+t She re/e)s what She a)one +an see. 'nd She shoutsI E%a+6H %a+69 you +rue) oneH 8ot this reven&eH %e si)entH I do not want to hear youH %e si)entH 'hH he is 2itin& at My heartHG E4ho9 MotherFG

E5 JohnH It is SatanH Satan who is sayin&I CHe wi)) not rise. 8o /ro/het said that.D 5 E;es9 +a)) Me C!otherD. I +annot )ive thin6in& that I sha)) not 2e +a))ed soH John9 you Most Hi&h ,odH He)/ Me a)) o you9 &ood s/irits9 and you +o!/assionate !enH My were /resent when He raised the youn& dau&hter o Jairus and the youn& !an o 8ain reason is waverin&H I do not re!e!2er anythin& any !ore. 4hat do the /ro/hets sayF ro! the dead. They were rea))y dead9 were they notF It was not <ust a heavy s)ee/F Te)) 4hat does the 1sa)! sayF 5hH who wi)) re/eat to Me the /assa&es that s/ea6 o My Me.G JesusFG EThey were dead. The &ir) had 2een dead two hours9 the youn& !an a day and a ha) .G It is the Ma&da)ene who in her !e)odious voi+e re+ites $avid's /sa)! on the 1assion o the Messiah. E'nd did they rise at His orderFG EThey rose at His order.G EHave you heard thatF ;ou two9 have you heardF %ut why are you sha6in& your headsF 'hH /erha/s you !ean that )i e +o!es 2a+6 =ui+6er in those who are inno+ent and youn&. %ut My 7hi)d is the Inno+entH 'nd He is the ')ways ;oun& 5ne. He is ,od9 My SonH...G 4ith tor!ented everish eyes Mary )oo6s at the two /re/arers9 who9 Mary wee/s !ore 2itter)y9 su//orted 2y John9 and Her tears a)) on Her dead Son9 wettin& Hi! +o!/)ete)y. Mary noti+es that and wi/es Hi! sayin& in a )ow voi+eI ESo !any tears. 'nd when ;ou were so thirsty I +ou)d not &ive ;ou even one dro/. 'nd now... I a! wettin& ;ou +o!/)ete)yH ;ou )oo6 )i6e a shru2 under heavy dew. Here9 ;our Mother wi)) dry ;ou now9 SonH ;ou have tasted so !u+h 2itternessH $o not )et a)so the 2itterness and the sa)t o ;our Mother's tears a)) on ;our wounded )i/sH...G

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Then in a )oud voi+e She +a))sI EMary. $avid does not say... $o ;ou 6now IsaiahF .e/eat his words...G The Ma&da)ene re/eats the /assa&e on the 1assion and she ends sayin& with a so2I E...He surrendered His )i e to death and was ta6en or a sinner9 He 4ho too6 away the sins o the wor)d and /rayed or sinners.G E5hH %e si)entH $eath noH 8ot de)ivered to deathH 8oH 8oH 5hH ;our )a+6 o aith9 or!in& an a))ian+e with Satan's te!/tation9 !a6es My heart dou2tH 'nd shou)d I not 2e)ieve ;ou9 SonF Shou)d I not 2e)ieve ;our ho)y 4ordFH 5hH te)) My sou)H S/ea6. (ro! the ar away shores9 where ;ou have &one to ree those awaitin& ;our +o!in&9 +ast the voi+e o ;our sou) to My an3ious sou)9 to Mine whi+h is here9 a)) o/en to re+eive ;our voi+e. Te)) ;our Mother that ;ou are +o!in& 2a+6H SayI C5n the third day I wi)) rise ro! the dead.D I i!/)ore ;ou9 Son and ,odH He)/ Me to /rote+t My (aith. Satan is +rushin& it in his +oi)s to stran&)e it. Satan has re!oved his !outh o a sna6e ro! the )esh o !an9 2e+ause ;ou have torn that /rey away ro! hi!9 and now with his hoo6ed /oisonous teeth he is /ier+in& the )esh o My heart /ara)ysin& its thro2s9 its stren&th and war!th. ,odH ,odH ,odH $o not a))ow Me to 2e distrust u)H $o not a))ow dou2t to reeze MeH $o not )et Satan 2e ree to )ead Me to des/airH SonH SonH 1ut ;our hand on My heart. It wi)) drive Satan away. Lay it on My head. It wi)) 2rin& the Li&ht 2a+6 to it. San+ti y My )i/s with a +aress9 so that they !ay 2e orti ied to sayI CI 2e)ieveD even a&ainst a who)e wor)d that does not 2e)ieve. 5hH how &rievous it is not to 2e)ieveH (atherH Those who do not 2e)ieve are to 2e or&iven !u+h. Because when one no longer believes ... when one no longer believes ... all horror beco#es easy. I te)) ;ou9... I9 4ho a! e3/erien+in& this torture. (ather9 have !er+y on the aith)essH Holy -ather for the sa"e of this <icti# Which has been consu#ed and of !e a victi# which is still consu#ing give the# give the faithless %our faith! G 11 ' )on& si)en+e. 8i+ode!us and Jose/h 2e+6on to John and the Ma&da)ene. E7o!e9 Mother.G It is the Ma&da)ene who says so9 tryin& to ta6e Mary away ro! Her Son and to se/arate Jesus' in&ers whi+h are inter)a+ed with Mary's9 4ho is 6issin& the! wee/in&. The Mother strai&htens Herse) u/. She is i!/ressive. (or the )ast ti!e She stret+hes out the /oor 2)ood)ess in&ers and )ays the inert hand a)on& the side o the 2ody. Then She )owers Her ar!s towards the &round9 and standin& u/ri&ht9 Her head 2ent )i&ht)y 2a+69 She /rays and o ers. 8ot a word is heard. %ut ro! Her who)e a//earan+e it is +)ear that She is /rayin&. She is rea))y the 1riestess at the a)tar9 the 1riestess at the !o!ent o the o ertory. E5 eri!us /rae+)arae !a<estati tuae de tuis donis9 a+ datis9 hostia! /ura!9 hostia! san+ta!9 hostia! i!!a+u)ata!...G Then She turns round and saysI E;ou !ay +ontinue. %ut He wi)) rise ro! the dead. In vain you !istrust My reason and are 2)ind to the truth He s/o6e to you. In vain Satan

tries to )ay snares to My aith. To redee# the world also the torture given to !y heart by .atan defeated is re+uired. I suffer it and I offer it for future #en. ,ood2ye9 SonH ,ood2ye9 My 7hi)dH ,ood2ye9 My )itt)e %oyH ,ood2ye... ,ood2ye.. Ho)y... ,ood... %e)oved and )ova2)e... %eautyN Joy... Sour+e o hea)th... ,ood2ye... 5n ;our eyes... on ;our )i/s... on ;our &o)den hair... on ;our rozen )i!2s... on ;our /ier+ed heart... ohH on ;our /ier+ed heart... My 6iss... My 6iss... My 6iss... ,ood2ye... ,ood2ye... LordH Have !er+y on MeHG @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
6$9&h Fe)!ua!/ $9**7

12 The two /re/arers have inished /re/arin& the 2anda&es. They +o!e to the ta2)e and they denude Jesus a)so o His vei). They /ass a s/on&e9 I thin69 or a )inen +)oth9 on the 2ody in a very ra/id /re/aration o the )i!2s dri//in& ro! +ount)ess /arts. Then they s/ray oint!ents on a)) the %ody. In a+t they 2ury it under a )ayer o /o!ade. (irst they )i t it u/9 +)eanin& a)so the stone s)a29 on whi+h they )ay the Shroud9 !ore than ha) o whi+h han&s ro! the head o the 2ed. They )ay Hi! down a&ain9 on His +hest9 and s/read the oint!ents on a)) His 2a+69 thi&hs and )e&s9 on a)) the /osterior /art. Then they turn Hi! round de)i+ate)y9 wat+hin& that the /o!ade o s/i+es is not re!oved9 and they s/read a)so the ront9 irst the trun69 then the )i!2s. (irst the eet9 then the hands9 whi+h they <oin on the )ower 2e))y. The !i3ture o s/i+es !ust 2e as sti+6y as &u!9 2e+ause I see that His hands re!ain in /)a+e9 whereas 2e ore they a)ways s)id 2e+ause o their wei&ht o dead )i!2s. His eet do not s)ide. They re!ain in /ositionI one is !ore strai&ht9 the other !ore stret+hed. His head is the )ast. ' ter s/readin& it di)i&ent)y9 so that its eatures disa//ear under the )ayer o oint!ent9 they tie it with a +hin@2anda&e to 6ee/ the !outh +)osed. Mary !oans !ore )oud)y. Then they )i t the han&in& side o the Shroud and o)d it on Jesus. He disa//ears under the thi+6 +)oth o the Shroud. It is nothin& 2ut a or! +overed with a +)oth. Jose/h ensures that everythin& is in order and on the (a+e he )ays another )inen sudariu! and other +)oths o the 6ind9 si!i)ar to wide re+tan&u)ar stri/s9 that /ass ro! ri&ht to )e t9 a2ove the %ody9 !a6in& the Shroud adhere to the %ody. It is not the ty/i+a) dressin& as seen in !u!!ies and a)so in Lazarus' resurre+tion. It is a rudi!entary dressin&. Jesus is now annu))ed. 0ven His sha/e is +on used under the )inens. It )oo6s )i6e a )on& hea/ o +)oths9 narrower at the ends and wider at the +entre9 )aid on the &rey stone. Mary wee/s )ouder. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

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6*&h O'&#)e! $9**7


13 Jesus saysI E 'nd the torture +ontinued with /eriodi+ atta+6s unti) dawn on Sunday. In My 1assion I had on)y one te!/tation. %ut the Mother9 the 4o!an9 e3/iated on 2eha) o wo!an9 &ui)ty9 severa) ti!es9 o every evi). 'nd Satan 2ehaved !er+i)ess)y with in inite +rue)ty towards the +on=ueress. Mary had de eated hi!. The #ost atrocious te#ptation for !ary. Te!/tation a&ainst the )esh o the Mother. Te!/tation a&ainst the heart o the Mother. Te!/tation a&ainst the s/irit o the Mother. The wor)d thin6s that .ede!/tion ended with My )ast 2reath. No it did not. The Mother +o!/)eted it 2y addin& Her tre2)e torture to redee! the tre2)e +on+u/is+en+e9 stru&&)in& or three days a&ainst Satan9 who wanted to indu+e Her to deny My word and not to 2e)ieve in My .esurre+tion. !ary was the only one who continued to believe. She is &reat and 2)essed a)so 2e+ause o that aith. ;ou have 2e+o!e a+=uainted a)so with that. ' torture +orres/ondin& to My torture at ,ethse!ane. The wor)d wi)) not understand this /a&e. %ut Cthose who are in the wor)d without 2ein& o the wor)dD wi)) understand it and they wi)) have an in+reased )ove or the Sorrow u) Mother. That is why I &ave it. ,o in /ea+e with our 2)essin&.G

white@/in6 2uds o the 2)osso!in& a//)e@trees9 stran&e)y )ate in this or+hard o Jose/h9 whereas e)sewhere they are a)ready a)) +overed with o/en 2)osso!s showin& their tiny ruit9 it is dar6er than in any other /)a+e. 2 They ro)) the heavy se/u)+hra) stone into its )od&in&. So!e )on& 2ran+hes o a ru )ed rose@2ush han&in& ro! the to/ o the &rotto towards the &round see! to 2e 6no+6in& at the stone door sayin&I E4hy are you +)osin& 2e ore a wee/in& !otherFG 'nd they a)so see! to 2e wee/in& dro/s o 2)ood9 as they shed their red /eta)s and their +oro))as )ie a)on& the dar6 stone9 and the +)osed 2uds 6no+6 a&ainst the ine3ora2)e door. %ut soon !ore 2)ood stains that se/u)+hra) door and !ore tears wet it. Mary9 4ho so ar has 2een su//orted 2y John and has 2een so22in& rather =uiet)y9 rees Herse) ro! the a/ost)e and with a +ry9 whi+h I thin6 !a6es the very i2res o the /)ants =uiver9 throws Herse) a&ainst the entran+e9 She &ets ho)d o the /rotrudin& stone to shi t it9 She s6ins Her in&ers and 2rea6s Her nai)s without 2ein& su++ess u) and /rizes the rou&h stone even with Her head. 'nd Her +ry sounds )i6e the roar o a )ioness that wounds herse) stru&&)in& near the tra/ in whi+h her )itt)e ones are +)osed9 2ein& +o!/assionate and wi)d out o !other)y )ove. There is nothin& )e t in Her o the !ee6 vir&in o 8azareth9 o the /atient wo!an9 6nown so ar. She is the !other. 5n)y and si!/)y a !other9 atta+hed to her +hi)d with a)) the i2res and nerves o her 2ody and o her )ove. She is the !ost true E!istressG o that 2ody9 to whi+h She has &iven 2irth9 the on)y !istress a ter ,od9 and She does not want to 2e ro22ed o Her /ro/erty. She is the E=ueenG who is de endin& Her +rownI Her Son. ')) the re2e))ion and re2e))ious a+ts that in thirty@three years any other wo!an wou)d have had a&ainst the in<usti+e o the wor)d or her son9 a)) the ho)y and )aw u) ier+eness that any other !other wou)d have e)t durin& those )ast hours to wound and 6i)) the !urderers o her son with her own hands and teeth9 a)) su+h ee)in&s9 whi+h out o Her )ove or !an6ind She has a)ways su2dued9 now stir in Her heart9 they 2oi) in Her 2)ood and9 !ee6 as She is even in Her &rie that !a6es Her rave9 She does not +urse9 She does not re2e). She on)y as6s the stone to !ove aside9 to )et Her &o in9 2e+ause Her /)a+e is in there9 where He is. She on)y as6s !en9 who are /iti)ess in their /ity9 to o2ey Her and to o/en the se/u)+hre.

+,8. The Re&u!n &# &he Su99e! R##(.

2%&h .a!'h $9*5.

1 Jose/h o 'ri!athea /uts out one o the tor+hes9 he has a )ast )oo6 round and &oes to the o/enin& o the se/u)+hre9 ho)din& u/ hi&h the re!ainin& tor+h sti)) )it. Mary 2ends on+e a&ain to 6iss Her Son throu&h His wra//in&s. 'nd She wou)d )i6e to do so +ontro))in& Her &rie 9 to +ontain it in a or! o res/e+t or the 7or/se9 whi+h9 2ein& a)ready e!2a)!ed9 no )on&er 2e)on&s to Her. %ut when She is +)ose to the vei)ed a+e9 She is una2)e to +ontro) Herse) and re)a/ses into a new +risis o a )i+tion. They )i t Her with di i+u)ty and with &reater di i+u)ty they ta6e Her away ro! the unerea) 2ed. They rearran&e the +)oths that had 2een u/set9 and +arryin& Her rather than su//ortin& Her9 they ta6e away the /oor Mother9 4ho &oes o )oo6in& 2a+6 to see Her Jesus9 4ho is )e t a)one in the dar6 se/u)+hre.

' ter stri6in& and stainin& the unre)entin& stone with the 2)ood o Her )i/s and hands9 She turns round9 She )eans a&ainst it with Her ar!s stret+hed out9 &ri//in& the two ed&es o the stone on+e a&ain9 and so)e!n in Her !a<esty o 5ur Lady o Sorrows9 She ordersI E5/en itH $o you not want toF 4e))9 I a! stayin& here. 8ot insideF 4e))9 here9 outside. Here is My 2read and My 2ed. Here is My a2ode. I have no other ho!e9 no They &o into the si)ent ve&eta2)e &arden in the evenin& )i&ht. The aint )i&ht9 that had +)eared a ter the tra&edy on ,o)&otha9 is a)ready &rowin& dar6er9 as ni&ht is a))in&. 'nd other /ur/ose. ;ou !ay &o. ,o 2a+6 to the wor)d whi+h is dis&ustin&. I a! stayin& where there is no avidity or s!e)) o 2)ood.G in there9 under the thi+6 2ran+hes9 a)thou&h sti)) 2are o )eaves and <ust adorned with the

)$*. The Re&u n &" &he Su55e R""..


E;ou +annot9 4o!anHG E;ou +annot9 MotherHG E;ou +annot9 Mary9 !y dearHG 'nd they try to deta+h Her hands ro! the stone9 whi)e they are ri&htened o those eyes9 whi+h they have never seen 2e ore )ash in su+h a way that !a6es the! )oo6 hard and irresisti2)e9 &)assy9 /hos/hores+ent. 3 The !ee69 are not over2earin&9 and the hu!2)e do not /ersist in /ride... 'nd Mary's vehe!ent wi)) and i!/erious +o!!and soon vanish. Her eyes 2e+o!e !ee6 a&ain9 )i6e those o a tor tured dove9 Her &estures are no )on&er i!/osin& and She )owers Her head in a 2esee+hin& attitude9 and <oinin& Her hands She 2e&s the!I E5hH $o )eave MeH (or the sa6e o your dead re)atives9 or the sa6e o the )ivin& ones who! you )ove9 have !er+y on a /oor !otherH... (ee)... (ee) My heart. It needs /ea+e to sto/ thro22in& so ier+e)y. It 2e&an thro22in& thus u/ there9 on 7a)vary. The ha!!er went 2an&9 2an&9 2an&... and ea+h 2)ow wounded My 7hi)d... and ea+h 2)ow resounded in My 2rain and in My heart... and My head is u)) o those 2)ows9 and My heart is 2eatin& ast9 as those 2)ows did on the hands and eet o My Jesus9 o My )itt)e JesusN My 7hi)dH My 7hi)dH...G She is overwhe)!ed a&ain 2y Her torture9 whi+h see!ed to have 2een a//eased a ter Her /rayer to the (ather near the anointin& ta2)e. They are a)) wee/in&. EI need not to hear shouts or 2an&s. 'nd the wor)d is u)) o voi+es and noises. 0very voi+e sounds to Me )i6e the C&reat +ryD that +urd)ed the 2)ood in My veins9 and every noise sounds )i6e that o the ha!!er stri6in& the nai)s. I need not to see !en's a+es. 'nd the wor)d is u)) o a+es... (or a)!ost twe)ve hours I have 2een seein& a+es o 6i))ers... Judas... the e3e+utioners... the /riests... the Judaeans... They are a)) 6i))ers9 a)) o the!H... ,o awayH ,o away... I do not want to see any2ody any !ore... In every !an there is a wo) and a sna6e. Man dis&usts and ri&htens Me... Leave Me here9 under these =uiet trees9 on this )owery &rass... %e ore )on& the stars wi)) 2e&in to shine... They have a)ways 2een His riends and Mine... ;esterday evenin& they 6e/t us +o!/any in our )one)y a&ony... They 6now so !any thin&s... They +o!e ro! ,od... 5hH ,odH ,odH...G She wee/s and 6nee)s down. E1ea+e9 My ,odH I a! )e t with nothin& 2ut ;ouHG E7o!e9 !y dau&hter. ,od wi)) &ive ;ou /ea+e. %ut +o!e. To!orrow is the 1assover Sa22ath. 4e sha)) not 2e a2)e to +o!e and 2rin& ;ou ood...G E8othin&H 8othin&H I do not want any oodH I want My 7hi)dH I wi)) a//ease My hun&er with My &rie 9 I wi)) =uen+h My thirst with My tears... Here... 7an you hear how that horned how) is wee/in&F It is wee/in& with Me9 and 2e ore )on& ni&htin&a)es wi)) 2e wee/in&. 'nd to!orrow9 in the sunshine9 wood@)ar6s and 2)a+6+a/s and a)) the 2irds He )oved wi)) wee/9 and doves wi)) +o!e with Me to 6no+6 at this stone and sayI

C.ise9 !y )ove9 and +o!eH Love9 4ho are in the )ar&e issure o the ro+69 in the hidin&@ /)a+e o the ravine9 )et !e see ;our a+e9 )et !e hear ;our voi+e.D 'hH 4hat a! I sayin&H They a)so9 the wi+6ed 6i))ers9 have +a))ed Hi! with the word o the 7anti+)eH ;es9 +o!e9 dau&hters o Jerusa)e!9 to see your :in& with the diade! with whi+h His (ather)and +rowned Hi! on the day o His weddin& with $eath9 on the day o His triu!/h as .edee!erHG ELoo69 MaryH The &uards o the Te!/)e are +o!in&. Let us &o away9 so that they !ay not s+orn ;ou.G EThe &uardsF S+ornF 8o. They are +oward)y. ;es9 +oward)y. 'nd i I9 dread u) in My &rie 9 shou)d !ar+h a&ainst the!9 they wou)d )ee )i6e Satan 2e ore ,od. %ut I re!e!2er that I a! Mary... and I wi)) not stri6e as I wou)d 2e entit)ed to. I wi)) 2e &ood... and they wi)) not even see Me. 'nd i they see Me and as6 MeI C4hat do ;ou wantFD9 I wi)) say to the!I CThe +harity o 2ein& a))owed to 2reathe the 2a)!y air +o!in& out ro! this issure.D I wi)) sayI CIn the na!e o your !othersD. 0very2ody has a !other... a)so the /iti u) ro22er said so...G E%ut these !en are worse than ro22ers. They wi)) insu)t ;ou.G E5hH... 'nd is there sti)) an insu)t o whi+h I a! not aware9 a ter today'sFG 4 It is the Ma&da)ene who inds a reason +a/a2)e o 2endin& the Sorrow u) Mother to o2edien+e. E;ou are &ood9 ;ou are ho)y9 and ;ou 2e)ieve9 and ;ou are stron&. %ut what are weF... ;ou are aware o itH The !a<ority have run away. Those who have re!ained are tre!2)in&. The dou2t9 whi+h is a)ready in us9 wou)d overwhe)! us. ;ou are the Mother. ;ou have not on)y duties and ri&hts on ;our Son9 2ut a)so duties and ri&hts on what 2e)on&s to ;our Son. ;ou !ust +o!e 2a+6 with us9 a!on& us9 to &ather us to&ether9 to reassure us9 to in use ;our aith into us. ;ou said so9 a ter ;our <ust re/roa+h or our ti!idity and !is2e)ie I CIt wi)) 2e easier or Hi! to rise9 i He is ree ro! these use)ess 2anda&es.D I say to ;ouI CI we su++eed in 2ein& united in the aith in His .esurre+tion9 He wi)) rise ear)ier9 4e wi)) evo6e Hi! with our )oveN Mother9 Mother o !y Saviour9 +o!e 2a+6 with us9 sin+e ;ou are the )ove o ,od9 to &ive us this )ove o ;oursH $o ;ou want /oor Mary o Ma&da)a to &et )ost a&ain9 a ter He saved her with so !u+h /ityFG E8o. I wou)d 2e re/roa+hed or that. ;ou are ri&ht. I !ust &o 2a+6... and )oo6 or the a/ost)es... the dis+i/)es... the re)atives... every2ody... 'nd say... sayI have aith. SayI He or&ives you... 4ho! have I a)ready to)d soF... 'hH The Is+ariot... I wi)) have to... yes9 I wi)) have to )oo6 a)so or hi!... 2e+ause he is the 2i&&est sinner...G Mary re!ains with Her head 2ent on Her 2reast9 tre!2)in& as i She were dis&usted9 and then She saysI EJohn9 you wi)) )oo6 or hi!. 'nd you wi)) 2rin& hi! to Me. ;ou !ust do that. 'nd I !ust do that. (ather9 )et a)so this 2e done or the rede!/tion o Man6ind. Let us &o.G

)$*. The Re&u n &" &he Su55e R""..


She stands u/. They )eave the ha) @dar6 ve&eta2)e &arden. The &uards )oo6 at the! &o out without sayin& anythin&.

(or your sa6e He had &iven u/ what even the youn& one o an ani!a) has9 and /oor and a)one He had &one throu&h the wor)d9 without even the 2ed that the Just 5ne had !ade or Hi!9 without even the 2read His Mother used to !a6e or Hi!9 and He had s)e/t 5 The road9 dusty and thrown into a !ess 2y the strea! o /eo/)e who went a)on& it9 wherever He +ou)d and He had eaten as He was a2)e. In the houses o 6ind /eo/)e9 )i6e stri6in& it with their eet9 with stones and +ud&e)s9 runs round 7a)vary and arrives at the every son o !an9 or on the &rass o !eadows9 wat+hed over 2y the stars. Sittin& at a !ain road9 whi+h is /ara))e) to the wa))s. 'nd the tra+es o what has ha//ened are even ta2)e9 or sharin& the &rains o +orn or wi)d 2)a+62erries with the 2irds o ,od. 'nd He +)earer here. Twi+e Mary utters a +ry and She stoo/s to e3a!ine the &round in the did not as6 you or anythin&. 5n the +ontrary9 He &ave you what He had. He on)y ee2)e )i&ht9 2e+ause She see!s to see so!e 2)ood and She thin6s it is the 2)ood o Her wanted to )ive9 to &ive you the Li e with His word. 'nd a)) o you9 and you9 Jerusa)e!9 Jesus. %ut it is nothin& 2ut tatters o +)oth torn o 9 I thin69 in the +on usion o the )i&ht. have de/rived Hi! o His )i e. 're you sated and ed with His %)ood and His ()eshF 5r The )itt)e strea!9 that )ows a)on& the road9 2a22)es so t)y in the dee/ si)en+e whi+h has are you not yet satis iedF 'nd you9 a hyena a ter 2ein& a va!/ire and a vu)ture9 do you a))en everywhere. The town see!s to 2e or)orn9 as nothin& 2ut si)en+e +o!es ro! it. want to eed on His 7or/se9 and not yet satis ied with o//ro2riu! and tortures9 do you They are now at the )itt)e 2rid&e that )eads to the stee/ 7a)vary road. 'nd9 in ront o it9 sti)) want to 2e /iti)ess and ta6e de)i&ht in dis i&urin& His re!ains and seein& on+e there is the Judi+ia) ,ate. %e ore disa//earin& in there9 Mary turns round to )oo6 at the a&ain His s/as!s9 His so2s and +onvu)sions in Me9 the Mother o the Murdered 5neF 6 Have we arrivedF 4hy are you sto//in&F 4hat does that !an want o Jose/hF 4hat is to/ o 7a)vary... and She wee/s deso)ate)y. Then She saysI ELet us &o. %ut )ead Me. I he sayin&FG do not want to see Jerusa)e!9 its streets9 its inha2itants.G E;es9 2ut )et us 2e =ui+6. They are a2out to +)ose the ,ates and9 seeF their &uards have 2een rein or+ed. .o!e is a raid o tur!oi)s.G EAuite ri&ht)y. Jerusa)e! is a den o ti&ersH It is a tri2e o 6i))ersH It is a ra22)e o ro22ersH 'nd those usur/ers ai! with their ra/a+ious an&s not on)y at /ro/erty9 2ut a)so at )ives. (or thirty@two years they have )aid snares or the )i e o My 7hi)d... He was a )itt)e )a!2 o !i)6 and roses9 with &o)den +ur)y hair... He +ou)d hard)y say CMu!!yD9 and ta6e His irst ste/s9 and )au&h with His ew teeth 2etween His )i/s o /a)e +ora)9 when they +a!e to s)au&hter Hi!... 8ow they say that He had 2)as/he!ed9 and in rin&ed the Sa22ath9 and in+ited /eo/)e to revo)t9 and ai!ed at a throne9 and sinned with wo!en... %ut what had He done thenF 4hi+h 2)as/he!y +ou)d He have uttered9 i He +ou)d hard)y +a)) his Mu!!yF 4hat Law +ou)d He in rin&e9 i He9 the 0terna) Inno+ent9 then was a)so the )itt)e inno+ent +hi)d o !anF 4hat revo)t +ou)d He stir9 i He was not even a2)e to 2e nau&htyF 4hi+h throne +ou)d He ai! atF He had His throne 2oth on the 0arth and in Heaven9 and He did not see6 any otherI in Heaven He had His (ather's 2oso!9 on the 0arth My )a/. He never +ast a sensua) &)an+e9 and you9 youn& 2eauti u) wo!en9 +an +on ir! that. %ut then9 2ut then... His senses were +on ined to the need o war!th and nourish!ent9 He !ade )ove9 yes9 2ut to My te/id 2reast9 to )ay His )itt)e a+e on it and s)ee/ so9 and to My round ni//)e9 ro! whi+h My )ove )owed as !i)6... 5hH My 7hi)dH... 'nd they wanted ;ou deadH That is what they wanted to de/rive ;ou o I ;our )i eH ;our on)y treasure. They wanted to de/rive the Mother o Her Son9 and the Son o His Mother9 to !a6e us the !ost !isera2)e and deso)ate /eo/)e in the ?niverse. 4hy de/rive the Livin& 5ne o His )i eF 4hy undu)y +)ai! the ri&ht to re!ove this thin& that is )i eI the &i t o the )ower and o the ani!a)9 the &i t o !anF My Jesus as6ed nothin& o you. 8either !oney9 nor <ewe)s9 nor houses. He had a house9 a )itt)e ho)y one9 and He )e t it out o )ove or you9 you !en@hyenas. Jose/h9 in a+t9 has 2een sto//ed 2y one o the rare /assers@2y9 and in the dead si)en+e o the deserted town their words are heard very +)ear)y. EIt is 6nown that you have entered 1i)ate's house. ;ou are a vio)ator o the Law. ;ou wi)) answer or that. 1assover is interdi+ted to youH ;ou are +onta!inated.G E'nd you9 too9 He)6ai. ;ou have tou+hed !e and I a! a)) +overed with the 2)ood o 7hrist and with the sweat o His deathHG EHaH horrorH 'way9 away with that 2)oodHG E%e not a raid. It has a)ready a2andoned and +ursed you.G E'nd you as we))9 you +ursed one. 'nd now that you are )irtin& with 1i)ate9 don't thin6 that you +an ta6e the 7or/se away. 4e have ta6en the ne+essary ste/s to ensure that the story +o!es to an end.G 8i+ode!us has a//roa+hed the! s)ow)y9 whi)e the wo!en have sto//ed with John9 )eanin& a&ainst a +)osed /orta). E4e have seen thatG re/)ies Jose/h. E7owardsH ;ou are a raid even o a dead 2odyH %ut o !y ve&eta2)e &arden and o !y se/u)+hre I do what I )i6e.G E4e sha)) see.G E4e sha)) see. I wi)) a//ea) to 1i)ate.G E;es. (orni+ate with .o!e9 now.G 8i+ode!us !oves orwardI E%etter with .o!e than with the $e!on9 as you9 dei+ides9 doH In any +ase9 te)) !eI how +o!e you are /)u+6in& u/ +oura&e a&ainF ' !o!ent a&o

)$*. The Re&u n &" &he Su55e R""..


you were runnin& away9 a /rey to terror. 're you re+overin& a)readyF Is what you had not su i+ient yetF 4as your house not 2urnt downF Tre!2)eH The /unish!ent is not over9 on the +ontrary it is +o!in&. Li6e the 8e!esis o the heathens it is i!/endin& over you. 8either &uards or sea)s wi)) /revent the 'ven&er ro! risin& and stri6in&.G E7ursedHG He)6ai runs away and &oes and 6no+6s a&ainst the wo!en. He rea)ises that and utters a dread u) insu)t a&ainst Mary. John does not say one word. 4ith the )ea/ o a /anther he +)in&s to hi! and 6no+6s hi! down and9 /ressin& hi! with 6nees and ho)din& his hands round his ne+69 he says to hi!I E's6 Her to or&ive you or I wi)) stran&)e you9 you de!on.G 'nd he does not re)a3 his ho)d unti) the other9 /ressed and ha) +ho6ed 2y John's hands9 utters &as/in&)yI E(or&ive !e.G %ut his +ry has attra+ted the attention o the /atro). EHa)t thereH 4hat's ha//enin&F (urther seditionsF Stand sti))9 a)) o you9 or you wi)) 2e stru+6. 4ho are youFG EJose/h o 'ri!athea and 8i+ode!us9 who have 2een authorised 2y the 1ro+onsu) to 2ury the 8azarene 4ho has 2een /ut to death9 and we are +o!in& 2a+6 ro! the se/u)+hre with His Mother9 a son and wo!en re)atives and riends. This !an o ended the Mother and has 2een +o!/e))ed to as6 Her or&iveness.G E5n)y thatF ;ou shou)d have +ut his throat. ;ou !ay &o. So)diers9 arrest that !an. 4hat e)se do these va!/ires wantF ')so the hearts o !othersF Hai) JudaeansHG 7 EHow horri2)eH %ut they are no )on&er !en... John9 2e &ood to the!. Ta6e into +onsideration the !e!ory o Me and o My Jesus. He /rea+hed or&iveness.G

they deny that He is ,od. So9 o what are they a raidF ?/on who! are they shuttin& their doorsF ?/on re!orse. ?/on /unish!ent. It is o no avai). .e!orse is within you. 'nd it wi)) o))ow you orever. 'nd the /unish!ent is not a hu!an one. 'nd )o+6s and sti+6s9 doors and 2ars are o no use a&ainst it. It des+ends ro! Heaven9 ro! ,od9 the aven&er o His sa+ri i+ed Son9 and it /enetrates throu&h wa))s and doors9 and with its heaven)y )a!e it !ar6s you or the su/ernatura) /unish!ent awaitin& you. The wor)d wi)) +o!e to the 7hrist9 to the Son o ,od and Mine9 it wi)) +o!e to Hi! 4ho! you have /ier+ed9 2ut you wi)) 2e those !ar6ed orever9 the 7ains o a ,od9 !ar6ed as the dishonour o the hu!an ra+e. I9 4ho was 2orn o you9 I9 4ho a! the Mother o every2ody9 !ust say that with re&ard to Me9 your dau&hter9 you have 2een !ore than ste/@ athers and that9 in the i!!ense nu!2er o My +hi)dren9 you are the ones who i!/ose the &reatest ati&ue on Me in re+eivin& you9 2e+ause you are soi)ed with the +ri!e a&ainst My 7hi)d. 8either do you re/ent sayin&I C;ou were the Messiah. 4e a+6now)ed&e and worshi/ ;ou.D Here is another .o!an /atro). Love is no )on&er on the 0arth. There is no !ore 1ea+e a!on& !en. 'nd Hatred and 4ar are a&itated )i6e those s!o6y tor+hes. The ru)ers are a raid o the unrestrained +rowd. %y e3/erien+e they 6now that9 when that wi)d 2east na!ed !an has tasted the )avour o 2)ood9 he 2e+o!es avid o s)au&hter... %ut 2e not a raid o these !en. They are neither roya) )ions nor /anthers. They are very +oward)y hyenas. They rush u/on de en+e)ess )a!2s. %ut they are a raid o the )ion ar!ed with )an+es and authority. $o not ear these +ree/in& <a+6a)s. The sound o your ste/s with ho2nai)ed 2oots /uts the! to )i&ht and your shinin& )an+es !a6e the! !ee6er than ra22its.

8 Those )an+esH 5ne o the the! s)it the heart o My SonH 4hi+h o the!F Their si&ht /ier+es My heart... 'nd yet I shou)d )i6e to have the! a)) in My tre!2)in& hands9 to see whi+h is the one that sti)) has tra+es o 2)ood9 and sayI CIt is this oneH ,ive Me it9 so)dierH ,ive it to a !other in re!e!2ran+e o your ar away !other9 and I wi)) /ray E;es9 they are +ri!ina)s. 'nd they 6now that they are. Loo6 how ew there are in the or her and or you.D 'nd no so)dier wou)d deny Me it. %e+ause they9 the !en on the streets9 and how those ew s)in6 away. ' ter +o!!ittin& a +ri!e9 de)in=uents are a raid. war@/ath9 were the 2est durin& the a&ony o the Son and o the Mother. 5hH why did I It horri ies Me to see the! )ee thus9 enter houses and 2arri+ade the!se)ves there9 out o not thin6 o that u/ thereF I was )i6e one whose head had 2een stru+6. It was a)ready ear. I ee) that they are a)) &ui)ty o the $ei+ide. Loo6 over there9 Mary9 at that o)d stunned 2y those 2)ows... 5hH those 2)owsH 4ho wi)) &rant Me not to hear the! any !an. He a)ready has a oot in the &rave and yet9 now that he is i))u!inated 2y the )i&ht !ore9 here9 in My /oor headF The )an+e... How !u+h I wou)d )i6e to have itH...G o that door that has o/ened9 I thin6 I saw hi! !ar+h /ast a++usin& My Jesus9 u/ there9 on 7a)vary... E4e +an )oo6 or it9 Mother. The +enturion see!ed to 2e very 6ind to us. I do not thin6 that he wi)) deny us it. I wi)) &o to!orrow.G He +a))ed Hi! a ro22er... My Jesus a ro22erH... That youn& !an9 a )itt)e !ore than a 2oy9 uttered o2s+ene 2)as/he!ies9 invo6in& His %)ood u/on hi!se) ... 5hH the E;es9 John. I a! /oor. I have on)y a )itt)e !oney. %ut I wi)) de/rive Myse) o it9 to the wret+hH... 'nd that !anF So 2rawny and stron&9 wi)) he have re rained ro! stri6in& )ast arthin&9 to have that )an+e... 5hH why did I not as6 or it thenFG Hi!F 5hH I do not want to seeH Loo6I the a+es o their sou)s are su/eri!/osed on the EMary9 !y dear9 none o us were aware o that wound... 4hen ;ou saw it9 the so)diers a+es o their 2odies and... and they no )on&er )oo6 )i6e !en9 2ut )i6e de!ons... So were ar away.G ear)ess they were a&ainst the Man 4ho had 2een tied and +ru+i ied... 'nd now they run away9 they hide the!se)ves9 they shut the!se)ves u/. They are a raid. 5 who!F EThat is true... ,rie has !ade Me ee2)e@!inded. 'nd His +)othesF I have nothin& o 5 a dead 2ody. He is nothin& 2ut a dead 2ody9 as ar as they are +on+erned9 2e+ause what 2e)on&ed to Hi!H I wou)d &ive My 2)ood to have the!...G Mary wee/s a&ain EMother9 ;ou are ri&ht. %ut they are +ri!ina)s and they !a6e !e )ose !y head. They are sa+ri)e&ious9 they o end ;ou and I +annot a))ow that.G

)$*. The Re&u n &" &he Su55e R""..



E$o not wee/... Jose/h a)so... It was out o )ove that your son was !ista6in&. He wanted to &ive Me /ea+e in a hu!an way... %ut todayH... ;ou saw hi!... 5hH a)) the 9 'nd She arrives thus in the street where is the Su//er roo!. 'nd it is ti!e9 2e+ause Jose/hs are 6ind to Mary... Jose/h9 I than6 you. 'nd you9 8i+ode!us... My heart She is e3hausted and She dra&s Herse) a)on& )i6e an o)d de+re/it wo!an. 'nd She says /rostrates itse) under your eet whi+h are tired 2e+ause o the )on& way you have &one so. or Hi!... or the )ast honours /aid to Hi!... I have 2ut My heart to &ive you... and I &ive it to you9 the )oya) riends o My Son... and... and e3+use a !other with a /ier+ed E1)u+6 u/ heart. 4e have arrived now.G heart or the words I s/o6e to you in the se/u)+hre...G E'rrivedF So short the road that this !ornin& see!ed so )on&F This !ornin&F 4as it E5hH Ho)y MotherH $o or&ive usHG says 8i+ode!us. this !ornin&F 8ot 2e oreF How !any hours and how !any a&es have &one 2y sin+e I +a!e here yesterday evenin& and sin+e I )e t it this !ornin&F Is it rea))y I9 the i ty@year@ E%e &ood9 now. .est in ;our (aith. 4e wi)) +o!e to!orrowG adds Jose/h. o)d Mother9 or a very a&ed wo!an9 a wo!an o !any years a&o9 )aden with years on My 2ent shou)ders and on My white hairF I see! to have )ived a)) the sorrow o the E;es9 we wi)) +o!e. 4e are at ;our dis/osa).G wor)d9 and that it is a)) on My shou)ders9 whi+h 2end under its wei&ht. 'n in+or/orea) +ross9 2ut so heavyH 5 stone. 1erha/s even heavier than My Jesus'. %e+ause I +arry My EIt is Sa22ath to!orrowG o2<e+ts the !istress o the house. +ross and His with the re!e!2ran+e o His torture and with the rea)ity o My tor!ent. EThe Sa22ath is dead. 4e wi)) +o!e. The Lord 2e with youG and they &o away. Let us &o in. %e+ause we !ust &o in. %ut it is no +onso)ation. It is an in+rease o sorrow. My Son +a!e in throu&h this door or His )ast !ea). 'nd He went out throu&h 11 E7o!e9 Mary.G it to a+e death. 'nd He had to /ut His oot where His traitor had /ut it9 when he went E;es9 +o!e9 Mother.G out to +a)) those who had to +a/ture the Inno+ent. I saw Judas at that door... I saw E8o. 5/en. ;ou /ro!ised to do so a ter the &reetin&s. 5/en this doorH ;ou +annot JudasH 'nd I did not +urse hi!. %ut I s/o6e to hi! as a !other whose heart was torn +)ose it to a !other. To a !other who is tryin& to 2reathe the s!e)) o the 2reath9 o the a/art. Torn a/art 2e+ause o the &ood Son and o the wi+6ed one... I saw JudasH I saw the $e!on in hi!H I9 4ho have a)ways he)d Lu+i er under My hee)9 and )oo6in& on)y at 2ody o her +hi)d in the air o the roo!. %ut do you not 6now that I &ave Hi! that 2reath and that 2odyF I9 4ho +arried Hi! or nine !onths9 4ho &ave 2irth to Hi!9 ,od I never )owered My eyes on Satan9 I re+o&nised his a+e )oo6in& at the Traitor9 I s/o6e to the $e!on... 'nd he ran away9 2e+ause he +annot 2ear My voi+e. 4i)) he have su+6)ed Hi!9 2rou&ht Hi! u/ and too6 +are o Hi!F That 2reath is MineH The s!e)) o that 2ody is MineH It is Mine9 and it has 2e+o!e !ore 2eauti u) in My Jesus. Let Me )e t hi! nowF So that I !ay s/ea6 to that dead 2ody and I9 the Mother9 !ay +on+eive s!e)) it on+e a&ain.G hi! a&ain with the %)ood o a ,od and 2rin& hi! orth to ,ra+eF John9 swear to Me that you wi)) )oo6 or hi! and that you wi)) not 2e +rue) to hi!. I a! not9 a)thou&h I E;es9 dear. To!orrow. ;ou are tired now. ;ou are 2urnin& with ever9 ;ou +annot. shou)d 2e entit)ed to... ;ou are not we)).G 10 5hH )et Me &o into that roo!9 where My Jesus had His )ast !ea). 4here the voi+e o My 7hi)d s/o6e His )ast words in /ea+eHG E;es. 4e sha)) &o. %ut now9 )oo69 +o!e here9 where we were yesterday. Have a rest. Say &ood2ye to Jose/h and 8i+ode!us9 who are withdrawin&.G E;es9 I wi)) say &ood2ye to the!. 5hH I say &ood2ye to the!9 I than6 the!. I 2)ess the!HG E7o!e9 do +o!e. ;ou wi)) do so at ;our )eisure.G E8o. Here. Jose/h... 5hH I have not 6nown any2ody with this na!e who did not )ove Me...G Mary o ')/haeus 2ursts into tears. E;es. I a! not we)). %e+ause in My eyes I have the si&ht o His %)ood9 and in My nose the s!e)) o His %ody +overed with sores. Let Me see the ta2)e on whi+h He )eaned when He was a)ive and hea)thy9 and )et Me s!e)) the s+ent o His youth u) 2ody. 5/en itH $o not 2ury Hi! or the third ti!eH ;ou have a)ready +on+ea)ed Hi! under s/i+es and 2anda&es9 then you have shut Hi! u/ under the stone. 4hy now deny a Mother the /ossi2i)ity o indin& a&ain the )ast tra+e o Hi! in the 2reath He )e t 2eyond this doorF Let Me &o in. 5n the )oor9 on the ta2)e9 on the seats9 I wi)) )oo6 or the tra+es o His eet9 o His hands. 'nd I wi)) 6iss the!9 I wi)) 6iss the! unti) I +onsu!e My )i/s. I wi)) sear+h... I wi)) sear+h... 1erha/s I sha)) ind a air hair o His head. ' hair not en+rusted with 2)ood. %ut do you 6now what a hair o a son !eans or a !otherF ;ou9 Mary o 7)o/as9 you9 Sa)o!e9 are !others. 'nd do you not understandF JohnF JohnF Listen to Me. I a! your Mother. He has !ade Me su+h. He didH ;ou !ust o2ey Me. 5/en the doorH I )ove you9 John. I have a)ways )oved you9 2e+ause you )oved Hi!. I wi)) )ove

)$*. The Re&u n &" &he Su55e R""..


you even !ore. %ut o/en the door. 5/en it9 I sayH $o you not want toF $o you not want toF 'hH So I no )on&er have a sonHF Jesus never re used Me anythin&. %e+ause He was My Son. ;ou are re usin&. ;ou are not a son. ;ou do not understand My &rie ... 5hH John9 or&ive... or&ive Me... 5/enN $o not wee/... 5/en... 5hH JesusH JesusH... Listen to Me... Let ;our s/irit wor6 a !ira+)eH 5/en to ;our /oor Mother this door that no2ody wants to o/enH JesusH JesusHG 4ith +)en+hed ists Mary 6no+6s at the )itt)e +)osed door. It is a /aro3ys! o torture9 unti) She turns /a)e and9 whi)e whis/erin&I E5hH My JesusH I a! +o!in&H I a! +o!in&HG9 She +o))a/ses without stren&th into the ar!s o the wee/in& wo!en9 who su//ort Her to /revent Her ro! a))in& at the oot o that door9 and they +arry Her thus into the roo! in ront o it.

'nd John9 6issin& Her hands and wee/in& re/)iesI E%e+ause ;ou are not we)). ;ou are everish and worried... 'nd ;ou are not tran=ui). 'nd i ;ou +ontinue so9 ;ou wi)) die as He did...G E5hH I wish it were trueHG E8oH MotherH Ma!aH 5hH It is !ore /)easant to sayI CMa!aD. 's I say to !y !otherH Let !e say so... %ut9 as I ind no di eren+e 2etween ;ou and !y !other9 and I even )ove ;ou !ore than I )ove her9 2e+ause you are the Mother 4ho! He &ave !e and ;ou are His Mother9 so do not !a6e too &reat a di eren+e 2etween the Son 2orn o ;ou9 and the son who has 2een &iven to ;ou... 'nd )ove !e a )itt)e as ;ou )ove Hi!... I it were He 4ho said to ;ouI CI a! a raid that ;ou !ay dieD9 wou)d ;ou re/)yI C5hH I wish it were trueDF 8o. ;ou wou)d not say that. 5n the +ontrary9 ;ou wou)d 2e sorry to &o away and )eave Hi!9 ;our La!29 in a wor)d o wo)ves... 'nd do ;ou not &rieve or !eF... I a! so !u+h !ore a )a!2 than He was. 8ot throu&h &oodness and /urity9 2ut throu&h stu/idity and ear. I I a! )e t without ;ou9 /oor John wi)) 2e torn to /ie+es 2y wo)ves without utterin& a 2)eat that s/ea6s o his Master... $o ;ou want !e to die so9 without servin& Hi!F 's stu/id in death as in )i eF 8o9 ;ou do not9 do ;ouF So9 Mother9 try to +a)! down... (or His sa6e... 5hH do ;ou not say that He wi)) rise ro! the deadF ;es9 ;ou do9 and it is true. Then9 when He rises9 do ;ou want Hi! to ind the house devoid o ;ouF %e+ause He wi)) +ertain)y +o!e here... 5hH /oor9 /oor Jesus9 i instead o hearin& ;our +ry o )ove He shou)d hear our +ries o &rie 9 i instead o indin& ;our 2reast to rest His tortured &)orious head on9 He shou)d ind ;our +)osed se/u)+hre... ;ou !ust )ive. To &reet Hi! when He +o!es 2a+6... I do not say Cto our )oveD. 4e deserve a)) 6inds o re/roa+h 2e+ause o our 2ehaviour. %ut to ;our )ove. 3 5hH what !eetin& wi)) it 2eF 'nd what wi)) He 2e )i6eF Mother o 4isdo!9 Ma!a o the !ost i&norant John9 sin+e ;ou 6now everythin&9 te)) us what He wi)) 2e )i6e9 when He a//ears a ter risin& ro! the dead.G EThe sores o Lazarus' )e&s were hea)ed9 2ut one +ou)d see their !ar6s. 'nd He a//eared wra//ed in 2anda&es u)) o rottennessG says Martha. E4e had to wash hi! and wash hi! over a&ain...G adds Mary. E'nd he was wea69 and we had to eed hi! 2y His orderG ends Martha. EThe son o the widow o 8ain )oo6ed 2ewi)dered and he was )i6e a +hi)d una2)e to wa)6 and s/ea6 without di i+u)ty9 so !u+h so that He &ave hi! 2a+6 to his !other so that she !i&ht tea+h hi! to use the &i t o )i e on+e a&ain. 'nd He Hi!se) &uided the irst ste/s o Jairus' )itt)e dau&hter...G says John.

+,%. The Ni4h& #1 G##d F!ida/.

29&h .a!'h $9*5.

1 Mary9 assisted 2y the wee/in& wo!en9 +o!es to Herse) and She wee/s without havin& any other stren&th 2ut that o sheddin& tears. It rea))y see!s that Her )i e !ust )ow and 2e +onsu!ed +o!/)ete)y in Her tears. They want to &ive Her so!e re resh!ent. Martha o ers Her so!e wineM the !istress o the house wou)d )i6e Her to ta6e at )east so!e honeyM Mary o ')/haeus9 6nee)in& in ront o Her9 o ers Her a +u/ o )u6ewar! !i)69 sayin&I EI !i)6ed it !yse) ro! )itt)e .a+he)'s &oatG K.a+he) !ust 2e a dau&hter o the /eo/)e who )ive in this house9 I do not 6now whether as tenants or as 6ee/ersL. %ut Mary does not want anythin&. She wee/s. She +an on)y wee/. 'nd She as6s and hears the! /ro!ise that they wi)) )oo6 or the a/ost)es and dis+i/)es9 or the )an+e and Jesus' &ar!ents9 and that at the 2rea6 o the day9 sin+e they do not want to )et Her &o now9 they wi)) )et Her &o into the Su//er roo!. E;es. I ;ou +a)! down a )itt)e9 i ;ou rest a )itt)e9 I wi)) ta6e ;ou thereG says Her sister@in@)aw. E4e sha)) 2oth &o in9 and on !y 6nees I wi)) )oo6 or every tra+e o Jesus on ;our 2eha) ...G and Mary o ')/haeus so2s. E%ut )oo6H Here ;ou have the +ha)i+e and the 2read 2ro6en 2y Hi! and used 2y Hi! or the 0u+harist. Is there a ho)ier souvenirF SeeF John 2rou&ht the! or ;ou this !ornin&9 so that ;ou !i&ht see the! this evenin&... 2 1oor John9 he is over there and is wee/in& and is a raid...G

E' raidF 4hyF 7o!e here9 John.G John +o!es out ro! the shade9 2e+ause in the roo! EI thin6 that !y Lord wi)) send an an&e) to us to sayI C7o!e with a +)ean &ar!entD. 'nd !y )ove has a)ready /re/ared it. It is in the !ansion. I +ou)d not s/in it. %ut I had there is on)y a )itt)e )a!/ /)a+ed on the ta2)e near the o2<e+ts o the 1assion9 and he it s/un 2y !y wet@nurse9 who is no )on&er worried a2out !y uture9 and does not wee/ 6nee)s at the eet o Mary9 4ho +aresses hi! and as6sI E4hy are you a raidFG

)$/. The Ni1h& "- 4""d F ida(.


any !ore. I &ot the !ost /re+ious )inen and I re+eived the /ur/)e ro! 1)autina9 and 8ao!i wove the 2orderM and I !ade the 2e)t9 the 2a& and the ta)eth9 e!2roiderin& the! 2y ni&ht not to 2e seen. I )earned ro! ;ou9 Mother. It is not /er e+t. %ut rather than 2y the /ear)s or!in& His na!e on the 2e)t and on the 2a&9 it is !ade 2eauti u) 2y the dia!onds o !y tears o )ove and 2y !y 6isses. 0very stit+h is a thro2 o devoutness or Hi!. 'nd I wi)) ta6e it to Hi!. ;ou wi)) a))ow !e9 wi)) ;ou notFG E5hH... I did not thin6 that they wou)d de/rive Hi! o His &ar!ent... I a! not a!i)iar with the /ra+tises o the wor)d and with its ero+ity... I thou&ht that I was aware o it... Kand tears on+e a&ain strea! down Her /a)e +hee6sL 2ut I see that I did not 6now anythin& yet... 'nd I was thin6in&I CHe wi)) have the &ar!ent !ade 2y His Mother a)so a terwards.D He )i6ed it so !u+hH He wanted it )i6e that. 'nd He had to)d Me su+h a )on& ti!e a&oI C;ou wi)) !a6e a tuni+ in su+h a !anner. 'nd ;ou wi)) 2rin& it to Me or 1assover... %e+ause Jerusa)e! !ust see Me in the /ur/)e &ar!ent o a 6in&...D 5hH that woo)9 whiter than snow9 whi)e I s/un it was 2e+o!in& red in the eyes o ,od and Mine9 2e+ause My heart was wounded on+e a&ain 2y that word... The other wounds9 a ter years and !onths9 i they had not hea)ed9 had dried u/ 2y dri//in& 2)ood. %ut this oneH 0very day9 every hour9 turned the sword round in My heartI C5ne day )essH 5ne hour )essH Then He wi)) 2e deadHD 5hH 5hH... 'nd the yarn on the s/ind)e and on the )oo! 2e+a!e red... Then it was stee/ed in the dye or the wor)d... %ut it was a)ready red...G 4 Mary wee/s a&ain. They try to +o! ort Her s/ea6in& to Her o the .esurre+tion. Susanna as6sI E4hat do ;ou sayF 4hat wi)) He 2e )i6e when He risesF 'nd how wi)) He riseFG 'nd Mary9 2ewi)dered and 2)inded in this hour o redee!in& !artyrdo!9 re/)iesI EI do not 6now... I do not 6now anythin& any !oreN 03+e/t that He is deadH...G She 2ursts into tears a&ain and 6isses the )inen +)oth that Jesus had round His hi/s9 and She /resses it to Her heart and )u))s it as i it were a 2a2y... 'nd She tou+hes the nai)s9 the thorns9 the s/on&e and shoutsI EThese are the thin&s that ;our (ather)and &ave ;ouH Iron9 thorns9 vine&ar9 &a))H 'nd insu)ts9 insu)ts9 insu)tsH 'nd a!on& a)) the sons o Israe) a !an ro! 7yrene had to 2e +hosen to +arry the +ross or ;ou. That !an is as sa+red to Me as a s/ouse. 'nd i I 6new another one who has he)/ed My Son9 I wou)d 6iss his eet. So no one too6 /ity on Hi!F ,o outH ,o awayH It &rieves Me even to see youH %e+ause a!on& a)) o you9 you were not a2)e to o2tain even a )ess +rue) torture. ?se)ess and id)e servants o your :in&9 &o outHG She is dread u) in Her out2urst. Standin& sti 9 She )oo6s even ta))er9 with Her i!/erious eyes9 Her ar! stret+hed out /aintin& at the door. She +o!!ands )i6e a =ueen on her throne. They a)) )eave without rea+tin& to avoid e3+itin& Her !ore9 and they sit outside the +)osed door9 )istenin& to Her !oanin& and to any noise She !ay !a6e. %ut a ter the

noise o a +hair /ushed aside and o Her 6nees a))in& on the )oor9 2e+ause She 6nee)s down with Her head a&ainst the ta2)e on whi+h are the o2<e+ts o the 1assion9 they +an on)y hear Her wee/ un+easin&)y and dis+onso)ate)y. She whis/ers9 2ut in su+h a )ow voi+e that those outside +annot hear HerI E(ather9 (ather9 or&ive MeH I a! 2e+o!in& /roud and 2ad. %ut ;ou +an see that what I say is true. There were +rowds around Hi!. 'nd a)) 1a)estine9 durin& these estiva)s9 is inside the ho)y wa))s... Ho)yF 8o. 8o )on&er ho)y... They wou)d have re!ained su+h9 i He had 2reathed His )ast within the!. %ut Jerusa)e! re<e+ted Hi! )i6e a nauseatin& re&ur&i@ tation. So on)y the 7ri!e is in Jerusa)e!... 4e))9 o a)) the /eo/)e that o))owed Hi!9 they were not a2)e to &ather a hand u) o !en who +ou)d i!/ose the!se)ves9 I do not !ean to save Hi!9 2e+ause He had to die to redee!9 2ut to )et Hi! die without so !u+h torture. They re!ained in the shade9 or they ran away... My heart revo)ts at so !u+h +owardi+e. I a! the Mother. So or&ive My sin o /roud harshness...G and She wee/s... ...5utside the others are on tenter@hoo6s or !any reasons. 5 The !aster o the house9 who had &one out to stro)) a2out +urious)y9 +o!es 2a+6 in and 2rin&s dread u) news. They say that !any /eo/)e died in the earth=ua6e9 !any were wounded in s+u )es 2etween o))owers o the 8azarene and the Jews9 that !any have 2een arrested and that there wi)) 2e !ore e3e+utions 2e+ause o re2e))ions and threats to .o!eM that 1i)ate has &iven orders to arrest a)) the o))owers o the 8azarene and the )eaders o the Sanhedrin who are /resent in town or had a)ready ran away throu&h 1a)estineM that Johanna is dyin& in her !ansionM that Manaen has 2een arrested 2y Herod9 who! he insu)ted in the /resen+e o a)) the 7ourt as an a++o!/)i+e o the $ei+ide. In 2rie 9 a /i)e o +atastro/hi+ news... The wo!en !oan. 8ot so !u+h out o ear or the!se)ves9 2ut or their sons and hus2ands. Susanna thin6s o her hus2and9 who is 6nown as one o Jesus' o))owers in ,a)i)ee. Mary o >e2edee thin6s o her hus2and9 who is the &uest o a riend9 and o her son Ja!es9 o who! she has had no news sin+e the /revious evenin&. 'nd Martha says so22in&I E1erha/s they have a)ready &one to %ethanyH 4ho did not 6now what Lazarus was or the MasterFG E%ut he is /rote+ted 2y .o!eG retorts Mary Sa)o!e. E5hH /rote+tedH 7onsiderin& how !u+h the +hie s o Israe) hate us9 who 6nows what +har&es they wi)) !a6e to 1i)ate a&ainst hi!... 5hH ,odHG Martha9 not 6nowin& whi+h way to turn9 shoutsI EThe ar!sH The ar!sH The house is u)) o the!... and a)so the !ansionH I 6nowH This !ornin&9 at dawn9 Levi9 the &uardian +a!e9 and he to)d !e... %ut you 6now as we))H 'nd you to)d the Jews on 7a)vary... (oo)H ;ou have /ut in the hands o the +rue) /eo/)e the wea/on to 6i)) LazarusH...G EI said so. I did. I s/o6e the truth without 6nowin&. %ut 2e =uiet9 you +hi+6en@hearted wo!anH 4hat I said is the sa est &uarantee or Lazarus. They wi)) 2e wary o venturin&

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on sear+hin& where they 6now there are ar!ed /eo/)eH They are +owardsHG E;es9 the Jews are. %ut the .o!ans are not.G EI a! not a raid o .o!e. She is <ust and /ea+e u) in her /rovisions.G EMary is ri&htG says John. ELon&inus said to !eI CI ho/e you wi)) 2e )e t a)one. %ut i you are not9 +o!e or send so!eone to the 1raetoriu!. 1i)ate is 2eni&n towards the o))owers o the 8azarene. He was &enerous a)so towards Hi!. 4e wi)) de end you.DG E%ut i the Jews a+t 2y the!se)vesF It was they who +a/tured Jesus yesterday evenin&H 'nd i they say that we are dese+rators9 they are entit)ed to +a/ture us. 5hH My sonsH I have our o the!H 4here wi)) Jose/h and Si!on 2eF They were on 7a)vary and )ater they +a!e down when Johanna was una2)e to resist. They +a!e down to he)/ and de end the wo!en9 they9 the she/herds and ')/haeus... a)) o the!H 5hH They wi)) +ertain)y have a)ready 6i))ed the!. $id you hear that Johanna is dyin&F It is +ertain)y 2e+ause she has 2een wounded. 'nd 2e ore the !o2 +ou)d stri6e a wo!an9 they !ust have de ended her and were 6i))edH... 'nd Judas and Ja!esF My )itt)e JudasH My dar)in&H 'nd Ja!es as 6ind as a &ir)H 5hH I have no +hi)dren )e tH I a! )i6e the !other o the Ma++a2ean +hi)drenH...G ')) the wo!en wee/ des/erate)y9 e3+e/t the !istress o the house9 who has &one to )oo6 or a hidin& /)a+e or her hus2and9 and Mary Ma&da)ene9 who is not wee/in&. %ut her eyes are u)) o ire and she has 2e+o!e the authoritative wo!an o days &one 2y. She does not s/ea6. %ut she darts an&ry )oo6s at her de<e+ted +o!/anions and in her eyes one +an read an e/ithet very +)ear)yI E7owardsHG So!e ti!e &oes 2y so... 8ow and a&ain one stands u/9 o/ens the door s)ow)y9 +asts a &)an+e and +)oses the door a&ain. E4hat is She doin&FG as6 the others. 'nd the /erson who has )oo6ed answersI EShe is a)ways on Her 6nees. She is /rayin&GM orI EShe see!s to 2e s/ea6in& to so!eone.G 'nd a)soI EShe has &ot u/ and She is &esti+u)atin& wa)6in& u/ and down the roo!.G @@@@@@@@@@@@
6N# da&e7

they !ention it9 see! to 2e drin6in& the 2itterness )e t on ;our Li/s9 the 2itterness o the terri2)e !i3ture. ;our 8a!e9 the )ove o My heart that swe))ed with <oy9 when re/eatin& it9 as it had swe))ed to /our o its 2)ood and re+eive ;ou and +)othe ;ou with it9 when ;ou des+ended into Me ro! Heaven9 so s!a))9 so tiny9 that ;ou +ou)d have rested in the +a)y3 o wi)d !int9 ;ou9 so &reat9 the Mi&hty 5ne9 hu!i)iated in the e!2ryo o !an or the sa)vation o the wor)d. ;our 8a!e9 &rie o My heart9 now that they have torn ;ou away ro! the +aresses o ;our Mother9 to throw ;ou into the ar!s o the e3e+utioners9 who have tortured ;ou to deathH My heart has 2een +rushed 2y ;our 8a!e9 that I had to 6ee/ within Me or so !any hours and whose +ry in+reased !ore and !ore as ;our sorrow in+reased9 unti) it +rushed it9 as i it had 2een trodden on 2y the oot o a &iant. 5hH My sorrow is a &iant and it +rushes Me9 it shatters Me9 and there is nothin& that +an a))eviate it. To who! sha)) I !ention ;our 8a!eF 8othin& re/)ies to My +ry. 0ven i I shouted so )oud that I s/)it the stone +)osin& ;our se/u)+hre9 ;ou wou)d not hear Me9 2e+ause ;ou are dead. ;ou +annot hear ;our Mother any !ore. 7 How !any ti!es have I +a))ed ;ou9 Son9 durin& these thirty@ our yearsH Sin+e I )earned that I was to 2e a Mother and that My Litt)e one was to 2e na!ed CJesusHD ;ou were not yet 2orn and I9 +aressin& My wo!29 in whi+h ;ou were &rowin&9 used to +a)) in a )ow voi+eI CJesusHD9 and ;ou see!ed to !ove to sayI CMu!!yHD to !e. I had a)ready &iven ;ou a voi+e and I drea!ed o ;our voi+e. I +ou)d hear it 2e ore it e3isted. 'nd when I did hear it9 as aint as that o a new@2orn )a!29 tre!2)e in the +o)d ni&ht in whi+h ;ou were 2orn9 I 2e+a!e a+=uainted with the a2yss o <oy... and I thou&ht that I had 2e+o!e a+=uainted with the a2yss o sorrow9 2e+ause it was the wee/in& o My %a2y 4ho was +o)d9 4ho was un+o! orta2)e9 4ho was sheddin& His irst tears o .edee!er9 and I had neither ire nor +rad)e9 and I +ou)d not su er in ;our stead9 Jesus. I had 2ut My )a/ as ire and +ushion9 and My )ove to worshi/ ;ou9 My ho)y Son. I thou&ht that I had 2e+o!e a+=uainted with the a2yss o sorrow... It was the dawn o that sorrow9 it was the ed&e o that sorrow. 8ow it is the 2road noon9 now it is the 2otto!. This is the a2yss9 this whi+h I a! tou+hin& now9 a ter des+endin& into it durin& these thirty@ our years9 driven 2y so !any thin&s and /rostrated today in the horri2)e 2otto! o ;our 7ross.

4hen ;ou were a )itt)e 2a2y9 I used to )u)) ;ou sin&in&I CJesusH JesusHD 4hi+h har!ony is there !ore 2eauti u) and ho)y than this 8a!e9 whi+h !a6es the an&e)s s!i)e in HeavenF To Me it was !ore 2eauti u) than the son&9 so sweet9 o the an&e)s the ni&ht 6 La!ent o the %)essed Bir&in. o ;our %irth. I +ou)d see Heaven in it9 the who)e o Heaven I +ou)d see throu&h that EJesusH JesusH JesusH 4here are ;ouF 7an ;ou sti)) hear MeF 7an ;ou hear ;our /oor 8a!e. 'nd now9 sayin& it to ;ou 4ho are dead and +annot hear Me9 and ;ou do not Mother9 4ho is now shoutin& ;our 8a!e9 a ter 6ee/in& it in Her heart or so !any re/)y to Me9 as i ;ou had never e3isted9 I see He))9 the who)e o He)). See9 now I hoursF ;our ho)y 2)essed 8a!e that has 2een My )ove9 the )ove o My )i/s9 whi+h understand what it !eans to 2e da!ned. It is to 2e no )on&er a2)e to sayI CJesusHD tasted the )avour o honey re/eatin& ;our 8a!e9 o My )i/s9 whi+h now9 instead9 when Horri2)eH Horri2)eH Horri2)eH...

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8 How )on& wi)) this he)) )ast or ;our MotherF ;ou saidI C4ithin three days I wi)) re2ui)d this Te!/)e.D I have 2een re/eatin& these words to Myse) a)) day today9 in order not to dro/ dead9 to 2e ready to &reet ;ou when ;ou +o!e 2a+6 and &o on servin& ;ou... %ut how sha)) I 2e a2)e to /ut u/ or three days with the 6now)ed&e that ;ou are deadF ;ou9 My Li e9 or three days deadF How +o!e9 ;ou9 4ho 6now everythin&9 2e+ause ;ou are the in inite 4isdo!9 are not aware o the torture o ;our MotherF 7an ;ou not i!a&ine it9 re!e!2erin& the day I )ost ;ou in Jerusa)e!9 and ;ou saw Me s=ueeze throu&h the +rowd around ;ou9 )oo6in& )i6e a shi/wre+6ed /erson that tou+hes the shore9 a ter stru&&)in& so !u+h with waves and death9 with the +ountenan+e o a wo!an who +o!es out o a torture e3hausted9 a)!ost 2)ed to death9 a&ed9 heart@2ro6enF 'nd then it was /ossi2)e or !e to thin6 that ;ou were <ust )ost. I +ou)d de)ude Myse) that it was on)y that. %ut not today. 8ot today. I 6now that ;ou are dead. 8o i))usion is /ossi2)e. I saw ;ou 2ein& 6i))ed. 'nd even i &rie shou)d !a6e Me )ose My !e!ory9 here is ;our %)ood on My vei) and it says to MeI CHe is deadH He is 2)ood)essH These are the )ast dro/s that &ushed out o His HeartHD 5ut o His HeartH 5ut o the Heart o My 7hi)dH 5 My SonH 5 My JesusH 5hH ,od9 !er+i u) ,od9 do not )et Me re!e!2er that they s/)it His HeartH... 9 JesusH I +annot stay here9 a)one9 whi)e ;ou are there9 a)) a)one. I9 4ho have never )oved the roads o the wor)d and +rowds9 and ;ou 6now9 a ter ;ou )e t 8azareth9 have !ore and !ore re=uent)y o))owed ;ou9 in order not to )ive ar ro! ;ou. I +ou)d not )ive away ro! ;ou. I a+ed oddities and derision9 I do not ta6e into a++ount ati&ue9 2e+ause it was o2)iterated 2y the <oy o seein& ;ou9 <ust to )ive where ;ou were. 'nd now I a! here a)) a)one. 'nd ;ou are there9 a)) a)oneH 4hy did they not )eave Me in ;our se/u)+hreF I wou)d have sat 2eside ;our +hi))y 2ed9 ho)din& one hand o ;ours in Mine9 to !a6e ;ou ee) that I was near ;ou... 8o9 to ee) that ;ou were +)ose to Me. ;ou do not ee) anythin& any !ore. ;ou are deadH How o ten have I s/ent the ni&ht near ;our +rad)e9 /rayin&9 )ovin&9 ta6in& de)i&ht in ;ouH Sha)) I te)) ;ou how ;ou s)e/t9 with ;our )itt)e ists +)osed )i6e two )ower 2uds near ;our ho)y )itt)e a+eF Sha)) I te)) ;ou how you used to s!i)e in ;our s)ee/ and9 +ertain)y re!e!2erin& ;our Mu!!y's !i)69 ;ou !ade the &esture o su+6in&9 whi)e s)ee/in&F Sha)) I te)) ;ou how ;ou wo6e u/ and o/ened ;our eyes and )au&hed9 seein& Me 2ent over ;our a+e9 and ;ou stret+hed ;our )itt)e hands <oy u))y9 as ;ou were an3ious to 2e ta6en 2y Me9 and how with a )itt)e +ry as sweet as the tri)) o a 2)a+6+a/ ;ou +)ai!ed ;our oodF 5hH I was ha//y when ;ou +)un& to My 2reast and I e)t the s!ooth te/idity o ;our +hee6s9 the +aresses o ;our )itt)e hands on My !a!!aH

0ven i ;ou +ou)d not have s!i)ed at and s/o6en to Me9 I wou)d have e)t as i I had ;ou a&ain as when ;ou were a 2a2y. I wou)d have he)d ;ou to My heart9 in order not to !a6e ;ou ee) the +hi))ness o the stone9 the hardness o the !ar2)e. $id I not ho)d ;ou a)so todayF The )a/ o a !other is a)ways +a/a2)e o ho)din& a son9 even i he is &rown@u/ !an. ' son is a)ways a 2a2y or his !other9 even i he is one who has 2een ta6en down ro! a +ross9 +overed with sores and wounds. 10 How !anyH How !any woundsH How !u+h sorrowH 5hH My Jesus9 My Jesus so woundedH So woundedH So woundedH 8o. 8o. Lord9 noH It +annot 2e trueH I a! !adH Jesus deadF I a! ravin&. Jesus +annot dieH ;es9 He +an su er. %ut He +annot die. He is the Li eH He is the Son o ,od. He is ,od. ,od does not die. $oes He not dieF Then9 why has He 2een na!ed JesusF 4hat does CJesusD !eanF It !eans... ohH it !eansI CSaviourDH He is deadH He is dead 2e+ause He is the SaviourH He had to save every2ody )osin& Hi!se) ... I a! not ravin&. 8o. I a! not !ad. 8o. I wish I wereH I shou)d su er )essH He is dead. Here is His %)ood. Here is His +rown. Here are the three nai)s. They have /ier+ed Hi! with the!H Men9 )oo6 with what you have /ier+ed ,od9 My SonH 'nd I !ust or&ive you. 'nd I !ust )ove you. %e+ause He has or&iven you. %e+ause He to)d Me to )ove you. He !ade Me your Mother9 the Mother o the 6i))ers o My 7hi)dH 5ne o His )ast words9 stru&&)in& a&ainst the death@ratt)e at His a&ony... CMother9 here is ;our son... your sonsHD 0ven i I were not She 4ho o2eys9 today I wou)d have had to o2ey9 2e+ause it was the order o a dyin& !an. So9 Jesus. I or&ive. I )ove the!. 'hH My hearts 2rea6s in this or&iveness and in this )oveH $o ;ou hear that I a! or&ivin& the! and )ovin& the!F I a! /rayin& or the!. ;es9 I a! /rayin& or the!... I a! +)osin& My eyes not to see these o2<e+ts o ;our torture9 to 2e a2)e to or&ive the!9 )ove the! and /ray or the!. 0a+h nai) serves to +ru+i y a wi)) o Mine not to or&ive9 not to )ove9 not to /ray or ;our e3e+utioners.

I !ust9 I want to thin6 that I a! near ;our +rad)e. ')so then I /rayed or !en. %ut it was easy then. ;ou were a)ive and I9 a)thou&h I thou&ht that !en were +rue)9 I never went so ar as to thin6 that they +ou)d 2e so +rue) to ;ou9 4ho had assisted the! e3+essive)y. I /rayed and I was +onvin+ed that ;our 4ord wou)d !a6e the! 2etter !en. In My heart I said to the!9 )oo6in& at the!I C;ou are 2ad9 diseased9 now9 2rothers. %ut 2e ore )on& He wi)) s/ea69 2e ore )on& He wi)) de eat Satan in you. He wi)) &ive you the Li e )ostHD The )i e )ostH It is ;ou9 ;ou9 ;ou9 4ho have )ost ;our )i e or the!9 My JesusH I 9 when ;ou were in ;our swadd)in&@+)othes9 I had seen a)) today's horror9 My sweet !i)6 wou)d have turned into /oison throu&h &rie H ;ou +ou)d not stay away ro! ;our Mother. 'nd now ;ou are a)oneH (or&ive Me9 Son9 or )eavin& ;ou a)one9 or not re2e))in& or the irst ti!e in My )i e and or not insistin& Si!eon said soI C'nd a sword wi)) /ier+e ;our heart.D ' swordF ' !ass o swordsH on re!ainin& there. It was My /)a+e. I wou)d have e)t )ess deso)ate9 i I had re!ained How !any wounds did they in )i+t on ;ou9 SonF How !any &roans did ;ou utterF near ;our unerea) 2ed9 to arran&e ;our +)othes9 as in days &one 2y9 and +han&e the!... (ro! how !any s/as!s did ;ou su erF How !any dro/s o 2)ood did ;ou shedF

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4e))9 ea+h o the! is a sword in Me. I a! a !ass o swords. There is not a stri/ o s6in on ;ou without sores. In Me there is not one that has not 2een /ier+ed. They /ier+e My )esh and /enetrate My heart. 11 4hen I was e3/e+tin& ;ou9 I /re/ared ;our swadd)in&@+)othes and na/6ins9 s/innin& the so test )inen on the 0arth. I did not !ind the /ri+e9 /rovidin& I had the so test +)oth. How 2eauti u) ;ou )oo6ed in the swadd)in&@+)othes !ade 2y ;our MotherH 0very2ody said to MeI C;our 7hi)d is 2eauti u)9 $onnaHD ;ou were )ove)yH (ro! the white )inen there a//eared ;our rosy )itt)e a+e9 ;our eyes were 2)uer than the s6y9 and ;our )itt)e head see!ed enve)o/ed in a &o)den !ist9 so air and so t was ;our hair. It s!e)t o 2)osso!s o a)!ond@trees. 1eo/)e thou&ht that I /ut s+ent on ;ou. 8o. My $ar)in& had 2ut the s+ent o the swadd)in&@+)othes washed 2y His Mother9 war!ed and 6issed 2y Her heart and )i/s. I was never tired o wor6in& or ;ou... 'nd nowF 8ow I have nothin& !ore to do or ;ou. (or three years ;ou have 2een away ro! ho!e. %ut ;ou were sti)) the ai! o My days. I thou&ht o ;ou. 5 ;our +)othes. 5 ;our oodI I 6neaded )our and 2a6ed 2read9 I )oo6ed a ter the 2ees to &ive ;ou honey9 I too6 +are o the trees9 so that they !i&ht yie)d ruit or ;ou. How !u+h ;ou )oved the thin&s that ;our Mother 2rou&ht ;ouH 8o ood o a ri+h ta2)e9 no &ar!ent o /re+ious +)oth was or ;ou )i6e those woven9 sewn9 ta6en +are o 9 /i+6ed 2y the hands o ;our Mother. 4hen I +a!e to ;ou9 ;ou )oo6ed at on+e at My hands9 as ;ou used to do when ;ou were a )itt)e 2oy9 and Jose/h and I &ave ;ou our /oor &i ts9 to !a6e ;ou ee) that ;ou were CourD :in&. ;ou have never 2een &reedy9 My 7hi)dM it was )ove that ;ou were see6in&9 that was ;our ood9 and ;ou ound it in our attentions. 0ven now ;ou ound it and were )oo6in& or it9 /oor Son o Mine9 so )itt)e )oved 2y the wor)dH 8ow9 nothin& !ore. 0verythin& has 2een a++o!/)ished. ;our Mother wi)) not do anythin& any !ore or ;ou. ;ou no )on&er need anythin&. 8ow ;ou are a)one... 'nd I a! a)one... 5hH ha//y Jose/h9 who has not seen this dayH I wish I had never seen it eitherH %ut in that +ase ;ou wou)d not have had even this +o! ort o seein& ;our /oor Mother. ;ou wou)d have 2een a)) a)one on the +ross9 as ;ou are a)one in the se/u)+hre. ')) a)one with ;our wounds.

e)t as i the saw had +ut Me in two. I had no rest unti) si3 days )ater9 when I saw ;our hand hea)ed. 'nd nowF 'nd nowF 8ow ;ou have ;our hands9 eet9 side ri//ed9 now ;our )esh is a))in& in /ie+es9 ;our a+e is 2ruised9 that (a+e whi+h I did not dare to tou+h )i&ht)y with a 6iss9 and ;our orehead and the na/e o ;our ne+6 are u)+erated. 'nd no one &ave ;ou !edi+a!ent or +o! ort. 13 Loo6 at My heart9 ,od9 4ho have stru+6 Me in My 7hi)dH Loo6 at itH Is it not as +overed with sores as the %ody o ;our Son and MineF The s+our&es have +o!e down on Me )i6e hai)stones9 whi)e He was 2ein& )ashed. 4hat is distan+e or )oveF I su ered the torture o My SonH I wish I a)one had su ered it9 and that I a)one were on the se/u)+hra) stoneH Loo6 at Me9 ,odH Is My heart not 2)eedin&F Here is the +ir+)e o thorns9 I +an ee) it. It is a 2and that s=ueezes and /ier+es it. Here is the ho)e o the nai)sI three sty)ets driven into My heart. 5hH those 2)owsH Those 2)owsH How did Heaven not +o))a/se 2e+ause o those sa+ri)e&ious 2)ows on the )esh o ,odF 'nd not 2ein& a2)e to shoutH 8ot 2ein& a2)e to rush orward and snat+h the wea/on ro! the 6i))ers and use it to de end My 7hi)d9 4ho was a)ready dyin&. %ut havin& to hear and hear... and not do anythin&H ' stro6e on the nai)9 and the nai) /enetrates the )ivin& )esh. 'nother stro6e9 and it /enetrates even !ore. 'nd another9 another one9 and 2ones and nerves 2rea69 and the )esh o My 7hi)d is /ier+ed9 and the heart o His MotherH 'nd when they raised ;ou on ;our 7rossF How !u+h ;ou !ust have su ered9 Ho)y SonH I +an sti)) see ;our hand torn 2y the sho+6 o the dro/. 'nd My heart is torn )i6ewise. I a! 2ruised9 s+our&ed9 stun&9 stru+69 /ier+ed )i6e ;ou. I was not with ;ou on the +ross. %ut )oo6 at ;our Mother. Is She di erent ro! ;ouF 8o9 there is no di eren+e o !artyrdo!. 5n the +ontrary9 ;ours is over. Mine is sti)) on. ;ou no )on&er hear the a)se +har&esM I do. ;ou no )on&er hear the horri2)e +urses. I sti)) hear the!. ;ou no )on&er ee) the 2ites o thorns and nai)s9 ;ou are no )on&er /ar+hed or everish. I a! u)) o /oints o ire and I a! )i6e one who is dyin& o thirst and de)irious ever.

14 I they had even a))owed Me to &ive ;ou a dro/ o water. My tears9 i the ero+ity o !en denied the 7reator the water +reated 2y Hi!. I &ave ;ou su+6 or a )on& ti!e9 12 5hH ,odH ,odH How !any wounds has ;our Son9 My SonH How was I a2)e to see 2e+ause we were /oor9 My Son9 and in our )i&ht into 0&y/t we had )ost so !u+h9 and the! without dyin&9 whereas I a)!ost ainted every ti!e ;ou hurt ;ourse) when ;ou we had to &et a new house9 urniture9 +)othes and ood9 and we did not 6now how )on& were a +hi)dF the e3i)e wou)d )ast9 or what we wou)d have ound &oin& 2a+6 to our +ountry. I &ave 5n+e ;ou e)) in the 6it+hen &arden in 8azareth and ;ou hurt ;our orehead. 5n)y a ;ou su+6 )on&er than the usua) /eriod o ti!e9 so that ;ou !i&ht not ee) the )a+6 o ew dro/s o 2)ood. %ut I9 4ho e)t I was dyin& when I saw the dro/s o ;our %)ood at ood. ?nti) we &ot the )itt)e &oat9 I was ;our )itt)e &oat9 7hi)d o ;our Mu!!y. ;ou the 7ir+u!+ision9 and Jose/h had to su//ort Me as I was sha6in& )i6e one who is dyin&9 a)ready had so !any )itt)e teeth9 and ;ou used to 2ite... 5hH what a <oy to see ;ou )au&h I thou&ht that that tiny +ut wou)d 6i)) ;ou and I +ured it !ore with My tears than with in ;our +hi)dish &a!esH... water and oi)9 and I was not at /ea+e unti) I saw that it no )on&er 2)ed. 'nother ti!e9 ;ou wanted to wa)6. ;ou were so hea)thy and stron&. I he)d ;ou u/ or hours and ;ou were )earnin& to wor6 and ;ou hurt ;ourse) with a saw. ' s)i&ht wound. %ut I

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hours9 and I did not ee) My 2a+6 2rea6 2ein& 2ent over ;ou9 4ho were ta6in& ;our irst ste/s and at ea+h ste/ ;ou wou)d sayI CMu!!y9 Mu!!yHD 5hH what a 2eatitude to hear ;ou sin& that na!eH ')so today ;ou were sayin&I CMother9 MotherHD %ut ;our Mother +ou)d on)y see ;ou dieH I +ou)d not even +aress ;our eetH ;our eetF 'hH even i they had 2een within rea+h9 I wou)d not have 2een a2)e to tou+h the!9 to avoid in+reasin& ;our torture. How !u+h ;our /oor eet !ust have su ered9 o My JesusH I on)y I +ou)d have +o!e u/ to ;ou and /)a+ed Myse) 2etween the wood and ;our 2ody9 and /revented ;ou ro! ru22in& a&ainst the wood in the +onvu)sions o the a&onyH I +an sti)) hear ;our head 6no+6 a&ainst the wood in the )ast &as/s. 'nd that sound9 that sound drives Me !ad. It is in My head... )i6e a ha!!er. 15 7o!e 2a+69 +o!e 2a+69 My dear ho)y SonH I a! dyin&. I +annot 2ear this deso)ation o Mine. Show Me ;our a+e on+e a&ain. 7a)) Me a&ain. I +annot thin6 that ;ou have no voi+e9 no eyes9 that ;ou are a +o)d )i e)ess +or/se. 5hH (ather9 assist MeH Jesus does not hear MeH Is His 1assion not overF Is it not a)) a++o!/)ishedF 're these nai)s9 these thorns9 this 2)ood9 these tears o Mine not su i+ientF Is sti)) !ore re=uired to hea) !anF (ather9 I a! !entionin& the instru!ents o His sorrow and My tears. %ut that is the )east i!/ortant. 4hat !ade Hi! die tortured in a su/erhu!an !anner was ;our a2andon!ent. 4hat !a6es Me shout is ;our a2andon!ent. I +annot hear ;ou any !oreH 4here are ;ou9 ho)y (atherF I was the C(u)) o ,ra+eD. The 'n&e) saidI CHai)9 Mary9 u)) o ,ra+e9 the Lord is with ;ou and ;ou are 2)essed a!on&st a)) wo!en.D 8o. It is not trueH It is not trueH I a! )i6e a wo!an +ursed 2y ;ou or her sin. ;ou are no )on&er with Me. ,ra+e has withdrawn9 as i I were a se+ond 0ve sinner. %ut I have a)ways 2een aith u) to ;ou. In what have I dis/)eased ;ouF ;ou have dea)t with Me as ;ou )i6ed9 and I have a)ways said to ;ouI C;es9 (ather. I a! ready.D So9 +an an&e)s )ieF 'nd 'nne9 who assured Me that ;ou wou)d &ive Me ;our an&e) in the hour o sorrowF I a! a)one. I no )on&er have &ra+e in ;our eyes9 I no )on&er have ;ou9 ,ra+e9 in Me. I no )on&er have an an&e). So9 do saints )ieF In what have I dis/)eased ;ou9 i they do not )ie and I have deserved this hourF 'nd JesusF 4hat wron& has ;our /ure !ee6 La!2 doneF In what have we o ended ;ou to deserve the in+a)+u)a2)e torture o ;our a2andon!ent9 in addition to the !artyrdo! &iven 2y !enF He9 a2ove a))9 He was ;our Son and He +a))ed ;ou with that voi+e that !ade the 0arth shudder and sha6e in a so2 o /ity. How +ou)d ;ou a2andon Hi! a)) a)one in su+h a tortureF 1oor Heart o Jesus9 4ho )oved ;ou so !u+hH 4here is the si&n o the wound o His HeartF Here it is. Loo69 (ather9 at this si&n. This is the i!/ression o My hand that entered the &ash o the )an+e@thrust. Here... Here... It +annot 2e erased either 2y the tears or 2y the 6isses o His Mother9 4hose eyes are dry throu&h wee/in& and 4hose )i/s are +onsu!ed throu&h 6issin&. This si&n shouts and re/roa+hes. This si&n +ries to

;ou ro! the 0arth !ore than '2e)'s 2)ood. 'nd ;ou9 4ho +ursed 7ain and reven&ed ;ourse) on hi!9 did not intervene on 2eha) o My '2e) a)ready 2)ed 2y His 7ains9 and ;ou a))owed this )ast outra&eH ;ou +rushed His Heart with ;our a2andon!ent and ;ou a))owed a !an to stri/ Hi!9 so that I !i&ht see Hi! and 2e +rushed. 4ith re&ard to Me9 it does not !atter. It is or Hi!9 or Hi! that I as6 and +a)) ;ou to answer. ;ou shou)d not have done that... 16 5hH or&ive MeH (or&ive Me9 Ho)y (atherH (or&ive a Mother 4ho is !ournin& Her 7hi)d... He is deadH My Son is deadH $ead with His Heart rentH 5hH (atherH (ather9 have !er+yH I )ove ;ouH 4e have )oved ;ou and ;ou have )oved us so !u+h. How did ;ou a))ow the Heart o 5ur Son to 2e rentF 5hH (atherH... (ather9 have !er+y on a /oor wo!anH I a! 2)as/he!in&9 (atherH I9 ;our servant9 ;our nonentity9 dare re/roa+h ;ouH Have !er+yH ;ou have 2een &ood. ;ou have 2een &ood. The wound9 the on)y wound that did not hurt Hi!9 is this one. ;our a2andon!ent served to !a6e Hi! die 2e ore sunset avoidin& other tortures. ;ou have 2een &ood. ;ou do everythin& or a /ur/ose o &ood. It is we +reatures who do not understand. ;ou have 2een &ood. ;ou have 2een &oodH 5 My sou)9 re/eat that word9 to re!ove the stin& o ;our su erin& ro! ;our su erin&. ,od is &ood and has a)ways )oved ;ou9 My sou). (ro! ;our +rad)e to the /resent !o!ent9 He has a)ways )oved ;ou. He has &iven ;ou a)) the <oy o the ti!e. ')) o it. He has &iven ;ou Hi!se) . He has 2een &ood. ,ood. ,ood. Than6 ;ou9 Lord. May ;ou 2e %)essed or ;our in inite &oodnessH Than6 ;ou. Jesus9 I say Cthan6 ;ouD a)so on ;our 2eha) . This wound at )east was not e)t 2y ;ou9 SonH I on)y e)t it in My Heart9 when I saw ;ours o/ened. ;our )an+e is now in My heart and it ru!!a&es and tortures. %ut it is 2etter soH ;ou do not ee) it. %ut9 have !er+y9 JesusH ' si&n ro! ;ouH ' +aress9 a word or ;our /oor Mother9 4hose heart is torn to /ie+esH ' si&n9 a si&n9 Jesus9 i ;ou want to ind Me a)ive when ;ou +o!e 2a+6HG @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
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17 ' )oud 6no+6 at the door !a6es everyone start. The !aster o the house 2rave)y runs away. Mary o >e2edee wou)d )i6e her John to o))ow hi! and /ushes hi! towards the yard. The other wo!en9 with the e3+e/tion o the Ma&da)ene9 /ress a&ainst one another !oanin&. It is Mary o Ma&da)a who &oes strai&ht and reso)ute)y to the door and as6sI E4ho is itFG The voi+e o a wo!an re/)iesI EI a! 8i6e. I have so!ethin& to 2e &iven to the Mother.

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5/enH Aui+6. The /atro) is around.G John9 who has reed hi!se) ro! his !other and has rushed towards the Ma&da)ene9 2usies hi!se) with the !any )o+6s9 whi+h are we)) astened this evenin&. He o/ens the door. 8i6e +o!es in with a servant and a 2rawny !an who is es+ortin& the!. They +)ose the door. EI have a thin&...G says 8i6e wee/in& and she is una2)e to s/ea6.. E4hatF 4hatFG They are a)) around her9 u)) o +uriosity. E5n 7a)vary... I saw the Saviour in that state... I had /re/ared a )oin+)oth9 so that He wou)d not have to use the ra&s o the e3e+utioners... %ut He was so wet with /ers/iration9 with 2)ood in His eyes9 that I thou&ht I shou)d &ive it to Hi! to wi/e Hi!se) . He did so... 'nd He &ave the +)oth 2a+6 to !e. I have not used it a&ain... I wanted to 6ee/ it as a re)i+ with His /ers/iration and 2)ood. 'nd seein& the ury o the Jews9 short)y a terwards9 with 1)autina and the other .o!an )adies Lydia and Ba)eria9 we de+ided to +o!e 2a+69 or ear they !i&ht ta6e this )inen +)oth ro! us. The .o!ans are 2rave wo!en. They /ut the servant and !e in the !idd)e and they /rote+ted us. It is true that they are +onta!ination or Israe)... and that it is dan&erous to tou+h 1)autina. %ut one thin6s o that in /ea+e u) ti!es. Today they were a)) drun6... 't ho!e I we/t... or hours... Then there was the earth=ua6e and I ainted... 4hen I +a!e to !yse) 9 I wanted to 6iss that )inen +)oth and I saw... ohH... The a+e o the .edee!er is on itH...G ELet us seeH Let us seeHG E8o. The Mother irst. It is Her ri&ht.G EShe is so e3haustedH She wi)) not 2e a2)e to resist...G E5hH don't say thatH 5n the +ontrary9 it wi)) +o! ort Her. Te)) HerHG 18 John 6no+6s at the door )i&ht)y. E4ho is itFG EIt is I9 Mother. 8i6e is here... She +a!e durin& the ni&ht... She 2rou&ht a souvenir to ;ou... a &i t... She ho/es to +o! ort ;ou with it.G E5hH one &i t on)y +an +o! ort MeH The s!i)e o His (a+e...G EMotherHG John e!2ra+es Her )est She shou)d a))9 and as i he were +on idin& the true 8a!e o ,od9 he saysI EIt is that. The s!i)e o His (a+e9 i!/ressed on a )inen +)oth with whi+h 8i6e wi/ed Hi! on 7a)vary.G E5hH (atherH Most Hi&h ,odH Ho)y SonH 0terna) LoveH May ;ou 2e 2)essedH The si&nH The si&n I as6ed o ;ou. Let her9 )et her +o!e inHG

Mary sits down9 2e+ause She +annot stand any )on&er9 and whi)e John 2e+6ons to the wo!en9 who are /ee/in& into the roo!9 to )et 8i6e /ass9 She re+overs Herse) . 8i6e &oes in and 6nee)s at Her eet with the servant 2eside her. John9 standin& near Mary9 ho)ds his ar! round Her shou)ders9 as i he wanted to su//ort Her. 8i6e does not utter one word. %ut she o/ens the +as6et9 ta6es the )inen +)oth out and un o)ds it. 'nd the (a+e o Jesus9 the )ivin& (a+e o Jesus9 the sorrow u) and yet s!i)in& (a+e o Jesus )oo6s at His Mother and s!i)es at Her. Mary utters a +ry o sorrow u) )ove and stret+hes out Her ar!s. The wo!en e+ho Her +ry ro! the door@s/a+e where they have +rowded. 'nd they i!itate Her 6nee)in& 2e ore the (a+e o the Saviour. 8i6e +annot ind words. She hands the )inen +)oth over to the !other)y hands and she stoo/s to 6iss its ed&e. She then &oes out 2a+6wards without waitin& or Mary to +o!e out o Her e+stasy. She &oes away... She is a)ready out9 in the ni&ht9 when they thin6 o her... There is nothin& to 2e done e3+e/t to +)ose the door9 as it was 2e ore. Mary is on+e a&ain a)one. In a +onversation o Her sou) with the i!a&e o Her Son9 2e+ause they a)) withdraw a&ain. 19 So!e !ore ti!e &oes 2y. Then Martha saysI E4hat sha)) we do or the oint!entsF To!orrow is the Sa22ath...G E'nd we sha)) not 2e a2)e to &et anythin&...G says Sa)o!e. E'nd we shou)d do that... Many /ounds o a)oe and !yrrh... 2ut He was so 2ad)y washed...G E4e ou&ht to have everythin& ready 2y dawn on the irst day a ter the Sa22athG re!ar6s Mary o ')/haeus. E'nd what a2out the &uardsF 4hat sha)) we doFG as6s Susanna. E4e sha)) te)) Jose/h9 i they do not )et us &o inG re/)ies Martha. E4e sha)) not 2e a2)e to shi t the stone 2y ourse)ves.G The Ma&da)ene re/)iesI E5hH do you thin6 that ive o us wi)) not 2e a2)eF 4e are a)) stron&... and )ove wi)) do the rest.G EIn any +ase I wi)) +o!e with youG says John. E7ertain)y not you. I do not want to )ose you as we))9 son.G E$on't worry a2out it. 4e sha)) 2e enou&h.G

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E%ut in the !eanti!e... 4ho wi)) &ive us the s/i+esFG They are a)) de/ressed... Then Martha saysI E4e +ou)d have as6ed 8i6e whether it was true a2out Johanna... a2out the re2e))ions...G EThat is trueH %ut we are du))@witted. 4e +ou)d have ta6en a)so the s/i+es then. Isaa+ was at the doorste/ when we +a!e 2a+6...G EIn the !ansion there are !any s!a)) vases o essen+es9 and there is so!e ine in+ense. I wi)) &o and &et the!.G 'nd Mary Ma&da)ene stands u/ ro! her seat and /uts on her !ant)e. Martha shoutsI E;ou sha)) not &o.G EI wi)) &o.G E;ou are !adH They wi)) &et youHG E;our sister is ri&ht. $on't &oHG E5hH what use)ess how)in& e!a)es you areH Jesus rea))y had a ine &rou/ o o))owersH Have you a)ready used u/ your reserve o +oura&eF 4ith re&ard to !e9 the !ore I use the !ore I &et.G EI wi)) &o with her. I a! a !an.G E'nd I a! your !other and I or2id you.G

/)a+e 6nown on)y to !e9 I +on+ea)ed the a)a2asters and in+enses that I used or !y or&ies o )ove. 'nd I swore that on)y the tears shed on !y sins and the adoration o the Most Ho)y Jesus wou)d 2e the s+ented waters and the 2urnin& in+enses o re/entant Mary. 'nd that I wou)d use those si&ns o a /ro ane +u)t o senses and o the )esh on)y to san+ti y the! on Hi! and to anoint Hi!. This is the hour. I a! &oin&. .e!ain here. 'nd 2e +a)!. The an&e) o ,od wi)) +o!e with !e and no har! wi)) 2e a)) !e. ,ood2ye. I wi)) 2rin& you news. 'nd do not say anythin& to Her... ;ou wou)d in+rease Her worries...G 'nd Mary o Ma&da)a &oes out sure o herse) and i!/osin&. EMother9 )et that 2e a )esson or you... 'nd !ay it say to youI do not )et the wor)d say that your son is a +oward. To!orrow9 no9 today9 2e+ause this is a)ready the se+ond wat+h9 I wi)) &o )oo6in& or !y +o!/anions9 as She wants...G EIt is the Sa22ath... you +annot...G o2<e+ts Sa)o!e to detain hi!. ECThe Sa22ath is dead.D I a)so say with Jose/h. The new era has 2e&un. 5ther )aws9 other sa+ri i+es and +ere!onies or it.G Mary o Sa)o!e 2ends her head on her 6nees and wee/s without /rotestin& any !ore. E5hH I wish we +ou)d have news o LazarusG says Mary o 7)o/as with a !oan. EI you )et !e &o9 you wi)) have news9 2e+ause Si!on the 7ananean had instru+tions to ta6e !y +o!/anions to Lazarus. Jesus to)d Si!on when I was /resent.G E')asH 're they a)) thereF So they are a)) )ostHG Mary o 7)o/as and Sa)o!e wee/ deso)ate)y.

E%e &ood9 Mary Sa)o!e9 and you9 too9 John. I wi)) &o 2y !yse) . I a! not a raid. I 6now what it is )i6e &oin& round the streets at ni&ht. I have done that thousands o ti!es 20 More ti!e /asses whi)e they wee/ and wait. Then Mary Ma&da)ene +o!es 2a+6 or sin u) reasons... and shou)d I 2e a raid now that I a! &oin& to serve the Son o triu!/hant)y9 )aden with 2a&s u)) o s!a)) /re+ious vases. ,odFG ESee9 nothin& has ha//ened to !e. Here are oi)s o a)) 6inds9 and nard9 and o)i2anu!9 E%ut there is a revo)t in town today. ;ou heard what the !an said.G and 2enzoin. There is no !yrrh and no a)oe... I did not want any 2itte!ess... I a! drin6in& it a)) now... In the !eanti!e we wi)) !i3 these and to!orrow we wi)) &et... ohH EHe is aint@hearted. 'nd you are )i6e hi!. I a! &oin&.G i we /ay9 Isaa+ wi)) &ive the! a)so on a Sa22ath... 4e wi)) &et !yrrh and a)oe.G E'nd i the so)diers ind youFG E$id anyone see youFG EI wi)) sayI CI a! the dau&hter o Theo/hi)us9 the Syrian9 a aith u) servant o 7aesar.D E8o one. There is not even a 2at around.G 'nd they wi)) )et !e &o. In any +ase... ' !an 2e ore a 2eauti u) youn& wo!an is a !ore har!)ess /)aythin& than a sta)6 o straw. I 6now9 !u+h to !y sha!e...G E'nd the so)diersFG E%ut how do you e3/e+t to ind /er u!es in the !ansion i no one has )ived in it or yearsFG E$o you thin6 soF 5hH MarthaH $o you not re!e!2er that Israe) or+ed you to )eave it9 2e+ause it was one o !y !eetin&@/)a+es with !y )oversF I 6e/t everythin& there that served to !a6e the! even !ore +razy a2out !e. 4hen I was saved 2y !y Saviour9 in a EThe so)diersF I thin6 they !ust 2e snorin& in their /a))ets.G E4hat a2out the seditions... the arrests...G EThe ear o that !an saw the!...G

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E4ho is in the !ansionFG ELevi and his wi e. 's /ea+e u) as +hi)dren. The ar!ed !en have )ed... haH haH ine 2rave !en we have9 honest)yH... They ran away as soon as they heard o the death senten+e. I te)) you the truthI .o!e is hard and uses the s+our&e... %ut 2y it she !a6es /eo/)e ear her and serve her. 'nd she has !en9 not +owards... 5hH yesH He used to sayI CMy o))owers wi)) e3/erien+e the sa!e destiny as Mine.D H'!H I !any .o!ans 2e+o!e o))owers o Jesus9 that !ay 2e true. %ut i there are to 2e !artyrs a!on& the Israe)itesH He wi)) re!ain a)one... Here. This is !y sa+6. 'nd this one is Johanna's9 who... yes. 4e are not on)y +owards9 2ut a)so )iars. Johanna is on)y de/ressed. She and 0)iza e)t i)) on ,o)&otha. 5ne is a !other whose son died9 and9 as she heard the death@ ratt)es o Jesus9 she was 2ad)y u/set. The other is de)i+ate and not used to so !u+h wa)6in& and e3/osure to the sun. %ut there are no wounds and no a&onies. She +ertain)y wee/s9 as we do. 8othin& e)se. She re&rets that she was ta6en away. She wi)) +o!e to!orrow. 'nd she sends these s/i+es. The ones she had. 's ordered 2y 1)autina9 Ba)eria had re!ained with her9 and now she has &one with the s)aves to 7)audia's house9 2e+ause they have !u+h in+ense. 4hen she +o!es9 2e+ause she9 too9 2y the &ra+e o Heaven9 is not an ever tre!2)in& +oward9 don't start shoutin& as i you e)t the da&&er at your throats. 7o!e on. ,et u/. Let us ta6e the !ortars and wor6. 4ee/in& is o no avai). 5r at )east wee/ and wor6. 5ur 2a)! wi)) 2e !i3ed with our tears. 'nd He wi)) ee) the! u/on Hi!se) ... He wi)) ee) our )ove.G 'nd she 2ites her )i/s9 not to wee/ and to &ive stren&th to the others9 who are rea))y de/ressed. 21 They wor6 ea&er)y. Mary +a))s John. EMother9 what is the !atterFG EThose 2)ows...G EThey are /oundin& in+enses...G E'hH... %ut or&ive Me... $on't !a6e that noise... they sound )i6e the ha!!ers...G In a+t the 2ronze /est)es stri6in& the !ar2)e o the !ortars !a6e the e3a+t noise o ha!!ers. John te))s the wo!en9 who &o out into the yard9 in order not to 2e heard so !u+h. John &oes 2a+6 to the Mother. EHow did they &et the!FG EMary o Lazarus went to her house and to Johanna's... ')so so!e !ore wi)) 2e 2rou&ht...G E$id any2ody +o!eFG E8o2ody a ter 8i6e.G

E%ut )oo6 at Hi!9 John9 how handso!e He is a)so in His sorrowHG Mary is a2sor2ed in +onte!/)ation9 with Her hands <oined9 2e ore the +)oth9 whi+h She has s/read out on a +hest ho)din& it with so!e wei&hts. EHandso!e9 yes9 Mother. 'nd He is s!i)in& at ;ou... $o not wee/ any !ore... So!e hours have a)ready &one 2y. There is )ess to wait or His return...G and in the !eanti!e John wee/s... Mary +aresses his +hee6. %ut She )oo6s on)y at the i!a&e o Her Son. 22 John &oes out9 2)inded 2y his tears. ')so the Ma&da)ene9 who has +o!e 2a+6 to &et so!e a!/horae9 is in the sa!e state. %ut she says to the '/ost)eI E4e !ust not )et the! see that we are wee/in&. %e+ause9 otherwise9 the wo!en over there wi)) not 2e a2)e to do anythin&. 'nd we have to do...G E...and we have to 2e)ieveG +on+)udes John. E;es. 4e !ust 2e)ieve. I one were not a2)e to 2e)ieve9 it wou)d 2e des/air. I 2e)ieve. 'nd youFG EI9 too...G E;ou say so 2ad)y. ;ou do not )ove enou&h yet. I you )oved with your who)e se) 9 it wou)d not 2e /ossi2)e or you not to 2e)ieve. Love is )i&ht and voi+e. ')so a&ainst the dar6ness o denia) and the si)en+e o death it saysI CI 2e)ieveD.G 4onder u) is the Ma&da)ene9 so &reat and i!/osin&9 authoritative in her +on ession o aithH Her heart !ust 2e torn to /ie+es. 'nd her eyes in )a!ed 2y tears +on ir! that. %ut her s/irit is unde eated. John )oo6s at her u)) o ad!iration and whis/ersI E;ou are stron&HG E')ways. I was so !u+h9 that I dared to de y the wor)d. 'nd I was9 then9 without ,od. 8ow that I have Hi!9 I ee) I 6now how to de y a)so he)). ;ou9 who are &ood9 shou)d 2e stron&er than I a!. %e+ause sin disheartens9 you 6nowF More than +onsu!/tion. %ut you are inno+ent... That is why He )oved you so !u+h...G EHe )oved you as we))...G E'nd I was not inno+ent. %ut I was His +on=uest and...G 23 There is a )oud 6no+6 at the door. EIt !ay 2e Ba)eria. 5/en the door.G John does so without any ear9 do!inated 2y Mary's +a)!. It is in a+t Ba)eria with her s)aves9 who are +arryin& the )itter9 ro! whi+h she +o!es

)$/. The Ni1h& "- 4""d F ida(.


out. She &oes in utterin& the Latin &reetin&I ESa)ve.G E1ea+e 2e with you9 sister. 7o!e inG says John. EMay I o er the Mother the ho!a&e o 1)autinaF 7)audia a)so has +ontri2uted. %ut i it is not &rievous or Her to see !e.G John &oes in to Mary. E4ho is 6no+6in&F 1eterF JudasF Jose/hFG E8o. It is Ba)eria. She has 2rou&ht so!e /re+ious resins. She wou)d )i6e to o er the! to ;ou... i that does not &rieve ;ou.G EI !ust over+o!e &rie . He +a))ed the +hi)dren o Israe) and the heathens to His :in&do!. He +a))ed every2ody. 8ow... He is dead... %ut I a! here or Hi!. 'nd I re+eive every2ody. Let her +o!e in.G Ba)eria enters. She has ta6en o her dar6 !ant)e and she is a)) white in her sto)e. She stoo/s to the &round. She &reets and s/ea6s. E$o!ina. ;ou 6now who we are. The irst wo!en redee!ed ro! heathen o2s+urantis!. 4e were dirt and dar6ness. ;our Son has &iven us win&s and )i&ht. 8ow He is... s)ee/in& in /ea+e. 4e 6now your +usto!s. 'nd we want a)so the 2a)!s o .o!e to 2e s/read on the Triu!/her.G EMay ,od 2)ess you9 dau&hters o My Lord. 'nd... or&ive Me i I a! not a2)e to say !ore...G E$o not !a6e any e ort9 $o!ina. .o!e is stron&. %ut she +an a)so understand &rie and )ove. She understands ;ou9 Sorrow u) Mother. ,ood2ye.G E1ea+e 2e with you9 Ba)eriaH My 2)essin& to 1)autina9 to a)) o you.G Ba)eria withdraws )eavin& her in+enses and other essen+es. ESee9 MotherF The who)e wor)d is !a6in& o erin&s to the :in& o Heaven and 0arth.G E;esG says Mary. EThe who)e wor)d. 'nd His Mother wi)) have 2een a2)e to &ive Hi! nothin& 2ut tears.G 24 ' +o+6 +rows <oy u))y so!ewhere near2y. John starts. E4hat is the !atter9 JohnFG as6s the %)essed Bir&in. EI was thin6in& o Si!on 1eter...G E%ut was he not with youFG as6s the Ma&da)ene who has &one 2a+6 into the roo!. E;es. In 'nnas' house. Then I understood that I had to +o!e here. 'nd I have not seen hi! a&ain.G

EIt wi)) soon 2e dawn.G E;es. 5/en the windows.G They o/en the window +overin&s9 and their a+es )oo6 even wanner in the &reenish dawn )i&ht. The ni&ht o ,ood (riday is over.

+,9. The Redee(in4 Ha5ue #1 Jesus" and .a!/"s Su11e!in4s. J#hn Is &he Head #1 L#0e!s.
62,&h Fe)!ua!/ $9**7

1 8ow9 it is a)ready ni&ht@ti!e9 Jesus saysI E;ou have seen how !u+h it +osts to 2e Saviours. ;ou have seen it in Me and in Mary. ;ou have 2e+o!e a+=uainted with a)) our tortures and you have seen with what &enerosity9 with what herois!9 with what /atien+e9 with what !ee6ness9 with what /erseveran+e9 with what stren&th we have su ered the! throu&h our )ove to save you. ')) those who want9 who as6 the Lord ,od to !a6e the! CsavioursD9 !ust thorou&h)y +onsider that Mary and I are the !ode) and that those are the tortures they !ust share in order to save. Their torture wi)) not 2e the +ross9 the thorns9 the nai)s9 the !ateria) s+our&es. They wi)) 2e di erent9 o a di erent or! and nature. But e+ually painful and e+ually consu#ing. 'nd on)y 2y +onsu!in& the sa+ri i+e a!id those sorrows +an you 2e+o!e saviours. It is an austere #ission. The #ost austere of the# all. The one +o!/ared to whi+h the )i e o the !on6 or o the nun o the stri+test ru)e is a )ower +o!/ared to a !ass o thorns. %e+ause it is not a ru)e o a hu!an 5rder. %ut the .u)e o a /riesthood9 o a divine !onasti+ )i e9 o whi+h I a! the (ounder9 I9 4ho in My .u)e9 in My 5rder9 +onse+rate and re+eive those e)e+ted to it9 and i!/ose My ha2it on the!I total .orrow even to sacrifice. 2 ;ou have seen My su erin&s. They have been applied to #a"e a#ends for your sins. 8o /art o My 2ody was e3+)uded ro! the!9 2e+ause nothin& in !an is ree ro! sin9 and a)) the /arts o your /hysi+a) and !ora) e&os J that e&o that ,od &ave you with the /er e+tion o divine wor6 and that you have de/re+iated with the sin o your irst /arent and with your tenden+ies to evi)9 with your 2ad wi)) J are instru!ents o whi+h you !a6e use to +o!!it sin. But I have co#e to cancel the effects of sin with !y Blood and !y sorrow washing your individual physical and #oral parts in the# to cleanse and

)$9.The Redee.in1 Da2ue "- Jesus! and 'a (!s Su--e in1s. J"hn Is &he Head "- L",e s.


strengthen the# against culpable tendencies. My hands were wounded and i!/risoned9 a ter they had 2e+o!e tired +arryin& the 7ross9 to !a6e a!ends or a)) the +ri!es +o!!itted 2y the hands o !an. (ro! the true and /ro/er ones +o!!itted ho)din& and o/eratin& a &un a&ainst a 2rother9 turnin& yourse)ves into 7ains9 to those /er/etrated stea)in&9 writin& a)se a++usations9 !a6in& &estures a&ainst the res/e+t o your 2odies and other /eo/)e's9 and id)in& in )aziness9 whi+h is /ro/itious &round or your vi+es. (or the i))i+it reedo! o your hands9 I had Mine +ru+i ied9 nai)in& the! to the +ross9 de/rivin& the! o every !ove!ent !ore than )aw u) and ne+essary. The (eet o your Saviour9 a ter 2e+o!in& tired and 2ruised on the stones o the 4ay o My 1assion were /ier+ed and i!!o2i)ised9 to !a6e a!ends or the evi) you do with your eet9 !a6in& the! !eans to &o to your +ri!es9 the ts9 orni+ations. I !ar6ed the streets9 the s=uares9 the houses9 the ste/s in Jerusa)e!9 to /uri y a)) the streets9 the s=uares9 the houses9 the ste/s o the earth ro! a)) the evi) that had &rown on and in it9 sown in /ast and uture +enturies 2y your 2ad wi))9 o2edient to Satan's insti&ations. 3 My ()esh was 2ruised9 +ontused9 torn to /unish in Me the e3a&&erated +u)t9 the ido)atry that you &ive to your )esh and to the )esh o those who! you )ove out o a sensua) whi! or a)so out o ondness9 whi+h is not 2)a!eworthy in itse) 9 2ut you !a6e it su+h 2y )ovin& a /arent9 a hus2and9 a son9 a 2rother !ore than you )ove ,od. 8o. Above all love and every tie on the earth there is there #ust be the love for your 2ord &od. No other love is to be superior to it. Love your re)atives in ,od9 not a2ove ,od. 2ove &od with your whole selves. That wi)) not a2sor2 your )ove to the e3tent o !a6in& you indi erent towards your re)atives9 on the contrary it will nourish your love for the# with the perfection attained fro# &od 2e+ause he who )oves ,od has ,od in hi!se) and9 havin& ,od9 has 1er e+tion. I turned My ()esh into one sore to re!ove ro! your )esh the /oison o sensua)ity9 o )a+6 o !odesty9 o )a+6 o res/e+t9 o a!2ition and ad!iration or the )esh destined to 2e+o!e dust a&ain. It is not with the +u)t or the 2ody that one !a6es it 2eauti u). It is with detach#ent fro# it that one gives it the eternal Beauty in the Heaven of &od. 4 My Head was tortured with +ount)ess torturesI with 2)ows9 with e3/osure to the sun9 with shouts9 with thorns9 to !a6e a!ends or the sins o your !inds. 1ride9 i!/atien+e9 un2eara2)eness9 into)eran+e s/rin& u/ )i6e a !ushroo!@2ed in your 2rains. I turned it into a tortured or&an9 en+)osed in a +as6et de+orated with 2)ood9 to !a6e a!ends or everythin& that s/routs ro! your thou&ht. ;ou have seen the on)y +rown I wanted. The +rown that on)y a !ad!an or a +onvi+t +an wear. 8o one9 who is sound o !ind Ks/ea6in& ro! a hu!an /oint o viewL and is ree to do what he )i6es9 wi)) /ut it on. %ut I was +onsidered !ad and !ad I was ro! a su/ernatura) divine /oint o view9 as I wanted to die or you who do not )ove Me or

)ove Me so )itt)e9 as I wanted to die to de eat 0vi) in you9 6nowin& that you )ove it !ore than you )ove ,od9 and I was a /rey to !an9 his /risoner9 +onde!ned 2y hi!. I9 ,od9 +onde!ned 2y !an. How often you lose your patience over trifles you beco#e inco#patible through trivialities you are unbearable because of light indispositions! %ut )oo6 at your Saviour. 7onsider how irritatin& it !ust have 2een to 2e +ontinuous)y stun& in di erent /arts9 to have the )o+6s o My hair entan&)ed in the thorns9 to ee) the +rown !ove +ontinuous)y without 2ein& a2)e to !ove My head9 and not 2ein& a2)e to )ean it anywhere without 2ein& torturedH %ut thin6 o what the shouts o the +rowds9 the 2)ows on My head9 the s+or+hin& sun were or My tortured9 a+hin&9 everish HeadH 7onsider what /ain I e)t in My /oor 2rain9 sin+e I went to the a&ony o (riday a+hin& a)) over 2e+ause o the e orts !ade Thursday evenin&9 in My /oor 2rain9 whi+h was a e+ted 2y the ever o My tortured %ody and o the into3i+ations 2rou&ht a2out 2y torturesH 'nd in My Head9 My eyes9 My !outh9 My nose9 My ton&ue9 ea+h had their torture. To !a6e a!ends or your &)an+es9 so an3ious to see what is evi) and so or&et u) o see6in& ,od9 to redress the too !any9 too a)se9 i)thy and )ust u) words that you utter9 instead o usin& your )i/s to /ray9 to tea+h9 to +onso)eM My nose and My ton&ue su ered their tortures to !a6e a!ends or your &)uttony and your sensua)ity o o) a+tion9 throu&h whi+h you in+ur i!/er e+tions9 whi+h are the &round or &raver sins9 and you +o!!it sins throu&h the ea&erness or su/er )uous ood9 without ta6in& /ity on those who are hun&ry9 ood whi+h you +an a ord very o ten 2y havin& re+ourse to un)aw u) !eans o /ro it. 5 My or&ans were not e3e!/ted ro! su erin&. 8ot one o the!. Su o+ation and +ou&h or My )un&s9 +ontused 2y the +rue) s+our&in&9 and su erin& ro! oede!a 2e+ause o the /osition on the +ross. %reath)essness and heart trou2)e as My heart was out o its /)a+e and had 2een in<ured 2y the !er+i)ess )a&e))ation9 2y the !ora) &rie that had /re+eded it9 2y the as+ent under the heavy wei&ht o the +ross9 2y anae!ia9 the +onse=uen+e o a)) the 2)ood shed. Liver +on&ested9 s/)een +on&ested9 6idneys 2ruised and +on&ested. ;ou have seen the +rown o 2ruises round My 6idneys. ;our s+ientists9 to &ive /roo to your in+redu)ity with re&ard to that evidence of !y suffering which is the .hroud e7plain how the blood the cadaveric perspiration and the urea of an overfatigued body when #i7ed with the spices can have produced that natural drawing of !y dead tortured Body. It wou)d 2e 2etter to 2e)ieve without the need o so !any /roo s to 2e)ieve. It wou)d 2e 2etter to sayI CThat is the wor6 o ,odD and 2)ess ,od9 4ho has &ranted you an indis/uta2)e /roo o My 7ru+i i3ion and o the tortures /re+edin& itH But as now you are no longer able to believe with the si#plicity of children but you

)$9.The Redee.in1 Da2ue "- Jesus! and 'a (!s Su--e in1s. J"hn Is &he Head "- L",e s.


need scientific proofs ? how /oor is your aith9 that without the su//ort and the s/ur o s+ien+e +annot stand u/ strai&ht and wa)6 ? you #ust "now that the cruel bruises of !y "idneys have been the #ost powerful che#ical agent in the #iracle of the .hroud. My 6idneys9 a)!ost +rushed 2y the s+our&es9 were no )on&er a2)e to wor6. Li6e those o /eo/)e 2urnt 2y ire9 they were una2)e to i)ter9 and urea a++u!u)ated and s/read in My 2)ood9 in My 2ody9 2rin&in& a2out the su erin&s o urae!i+ into3i+ation and the rea&ent that oozed out o My +or/se and i3ed the i!/ression on the +)oth. %ut any do+tor a!on& you9 or anyone su erin& ro! urae!ia9 wi)) rea)ise what su erin&s the urae!i+ to3ins +aused to Me9 as they were so /)enti u) as to /rodu+e an inde)i2)e i!/ression. Thirst. 4hat a torture thirstH 'nd yet you have seen it. '!on& so !any9 there was not one who &ave Me a dro/ o water. (ro! the Su//er onwards9 I had no re resh!ent. 'nd ever9 sunshine9 heat9 dust9 )oss o 2)ood9 !ade your Saviour so thirsty. 6 ;ou have seen that I re used the wine !i3ed with !yrrh. I did not want any )enitive or My su erin&. When we offer ourselves as victi#s we #ust be victi#s without pitiful arrange#ents co#pro#ises #itigations. It is ne+essary to drin6 the +ha)i+e as it is o ered. 4e !ust re)ish the vine&ar and &a)) to the very end. 8ot the s/i+ed wine that deadens /ain. 5hH the destiny o a vi+ti! is rea))y severe. %ut 2)essed are those who +hose it as their ate. 7 That was the su erin& o your Jesus in His inno+ent %ody. 'nd I wi)) not !ention the tortures o My )ove or My Mother and or Her sorrow. That sorrow was re=uired. But for !e it was the #ost cruel torture. 5n)y the (ather 6nows what His 4ord su ered in His s/irit9 His !ora)e9 His /hysi=ueH ')so the /resen+e o His Mother9 even i it was what My heart !ost wished9 as it needed that +o! ort in the in inite so)itude that surrounded it9 in inite so)itude +o!in& ro! ,od and ro! !en9 was a torture. She was to 2e there9 an an&e) o )esh9 to /revent des/air ro! assai)in& Me9 as the s/iritua) an&e) had /revented it in ,ethse!ane9 She was to 2e there to <oin Her Sorrow to Mine or your .ede!/tion9 She was to 2e there to re+eive the investiture o Mother o !an6ind. But to see Her die at each shudder of !ine was !y greatest sorrow. 8ot even the 2etraya)9 not even the 6now)ed&e that My Sa+ri i+e wou)d 2e use)ess or so !any /eo/)e9 these two sorrows9 whi+h short)y 2e ore had see!ed so &reat as to !a6e Me sweat 2)ood9 were +o!/ara2)e with this one. 8 %ut you have seen how &reat Mary was in that hour. Her torture did not /revent Her ro! 2ein& 2y ar stron&er than Judith. The )atter 6i))ed. The for#er allowed Herself to be "illed through Her ,hild. And .he did not curse .he did not hate. .he prayed .he loved .he obeyed. ')ways a Mother9 to the e3tent o thin6in&9 a!on& Her tortures9 that Her Jesus needed Her vir&ina) vei) on His inno+ent 2ody9 to de end His de+en+y9 She

was a2)e to 2e at the sa!e ti!e the $au&hter o the (ather o Heaven and o2ey His dread u) wi)) in that hour. She did not +urse9 She did not re2e). 0ither a&ainst ,od9 or a&ainst !en. She or&ave the )atter. She said C(iatD to the (or!er. ')so )ater you heard Her sayI C(ather9 I )ove ;ou and ;ou have )oved usHD She re!e!2ers and She /ro+)ai!s that ,od has )oved Her and She renews Her a+t o )ove or Hi!. In that hour! After the -ather had pierced Her and deprived Her of Her reason for e7isting. .he loves Hi#. She does not sayI CI do not )ove ;ou any !ore 2e+ause ;ou have stru+6 Me.D She )oves Hi!. 'nd She does not &rieve over Her sorrow. %ut over what Her Son su ered. She does not shout 2e+ause Her heart is 2ro6en9 2ut 2e+ause Mine is /ier+ed. She as6s the (ather the reason or that9 not or Her sorrow. .he as"s the reason of the -ather in the na#e of their .on. .he is the .pouse of &od. It is .he who conceived through union with &od. She 6nows that no hu!an +onta+t has &enerated Her 7hi)d9 2ut on)y the (ire des+ended ro! Heaven to /enetrate Her i!!a+u)ate wo!2 and )ay there the divine 0!2ryo9 the %ody o the Man@,od9 o the ,od@Man9 o the .edee!er o the wor)d. She 6nows9 and 2oth as S/ouse and as Mother She as6s the reason or that wound. The others were to 2e &iven. But why this one when everything had been acco#plished$ 1oor MotherH There was a reason9 whi+h ;our sorrow did not a))ow ;ou to read on My wound. And it was that #en should see the Heart of &od. ;ou have seen it9 Mary. 'nd you wi)) never or&et it. %ut9 seeF ')thou&h Mary at that !o!ent did not see the su/ernatura) reasons or that wound9 She i!!ediate)y thin6s that it did not hurt Me9 and She 2)esses ,od or that. She does not !ind that that wound hurts Her9 /oor Mother9 so !u+h. It did not hurt Me9 and that is enou&h and serves Her to 2)ess ,od 4ho sa+ri i+es Her. 9 She on)y as6s or a )itt)e +o! ort in order not to die. She is ne+essary or the dawnin& 7hur+h9 o whi+h a ew hours /revious)y She was +reated the Mother. The ,hurch li"e a new4born baby needs the care and #il" of a #other. Mary wi)) &ive it to the 7hur+h su//ortin& the '/ost)es9 s/ea6in& to the! o the Saviour9 /rayin& or it. %ut how wou)d She 2e a2)e to do so i She 2reathed Her )ast toni&htF The 7hur+h9 that on)y in a ew days' ti!e wi)) 2e )e t without her Head9 wou)d 2e +o!/)ete)y an or/han i a)so Mary died. 'nd the destiny o new@2orn or/hans is a)ways /re+arious. &od never disappoints a 5ust prayer and He co#forts His children who hope in Hi#. Mary /roves that throu&h the +o! ort o Beroni+a. She9 the /oor Mother9 had the i!a&e o My dead (a+e i!/ressed in Her eyes. She +annot resist that si&ht. That is not Her Jesus9 a&ed9 swo))en9 with eyes +)osed not )oo6in& at Her9 with )i/s twisted that do not s/ea6 to Her or s!i)e. %ut here is a a+e that is the a+e o Jesus a)ive. Sorrow u)9 wounded9 2ut sti)) a)ive. Here His eyes are )oo6in& at Her9 his )i/s see! to 2e sayin&I CMotherHD Here His s!i)e sti)) &reets Her.

)$9.The Redee.in1 Da2ue "- Jesus! and 'a (!s Su--e in1s. J"hn Is &he Head "- L",e s.


10 5hH MaryH Loo6 or your Jesus in your sorrow. He wi)) a)ways +o!e and wi)) )oo6 at you9 He wi)) +a)) you and wi)) s!i)e at you. 4e wi)) share sorrow9 2ut we sha)) 2e unitedH John9 )itt)e John9 you have shared sorrow with Mary and with Jesus. %e )i6e John9 a)ways. ')so in that. I have a)ready said to youI C;ou sha)) not 2e &reat 2e+ause o +onte!/)ations and di+tations. They are Mine. %ut 2e+ause o your )ove. And the deepest love is in the sharing of sorrow.D That &ives you the /ossi2i)ity to 6now 2y insi&ht the )east desires o ,od and to turn the! into rea)ity des/ite a)) o2sta+)es. Loo6 at the )ive)y de)i+ate sensitiveness o John's 2ehaviour ro! the Thursday ni&ht to the (riday ni&ht. 'nd urther. %ut )et us +onsider it durin& those hours. ' !o!ent o dis!ay. 'n hour o du))ness. %ut a ter he over+o!es s)ee/iness throu&h the e3+ite!ent o the arrest9 and the e3+ite!ent throu&h )ove9 he +o!es9 dra&&in& 1eter with hi!9 so that the Master !ay have so!e +o! ort seein& the Head o the a/ost)es and the (avourite a/ost)e. He then thin6s o the Mother9 to 4ho! so!e +rue) /erson !ay shout that Her Son has a)ready 2een +a/tured. 'nd he &oes to Her. He does not 6now that Mary is a)ready )ivin& the tortures o Her Son and that whi)e the a/ost)es were s)ee/in&9 .he was awa"e and was praying agonising with Her .on. He does not 6now. 'nd He &oes to Her and /re/ares Her or the news. Then he &oes to and ro ro! 7aia/has' house to the 1raetoriu!9 ro! 7aia/has' house to Herod's /a)a+e9 and then a&ain ro! 7aia/has' house to the 1raetoriu!. 'nd to do so that !ornin&9 e)2owin& his way throu&h a +rowd into3i+ated with hatred9 wearin& &ar!ents that /oint hi! out as a ,a)i)ean9 is not /)easant. But love supports hi# and he does not thin6 o hi!se) 9 2ut o Jesus' and His Mother's sorrows. He +ou)d 2e stoned as a o))ower o the 8azarene. It does not #atter. He defies everything. The others have run away9 they are hidin&9 they are )ed 2y /ruden+e and ear. He is led by love and he re!ains and shows hi!se) . He is /ure. 2ove thrives in purity.

John /ossessed the )ove o +o!/assion as no other /erson9 e3+e/t My Mother9 /ossessed it. He is the Head o those who )ove with su+h )ove. He is your !aster with re&ard to that. (o))ow hi! in the e3a!/)e he &ives you o /urity and )ove9 and you wi)) 2e &reat. ,o in /ea+e9 now. I 2)ess you.G

+$,. The H#5/ Sa&u!da/.

3,&h .a!'h $9*5.

1 It dawns with di i+u)ty. 'nd day2rea6 is stran&e)y de)ayed9 a)thou&h there are no +)ouds in the s6y. %ut the stars see! to have )ost a)) their 2ri&htness. 'nd the sun9 when it a//ears9 is as /a)e as the !oon was durin& the ni&ht. 5/a=ue... Have they /erha/s we/t as we))9 as they )oo6 so du))9 )i6e the eyes o &ood /eo/)e who have we/t and sti)) wee/ over the death o the LordF 's soon as John rea)ises that the ,ates are o/en9 he &oes out9 turnin& a dea ear to his !other's entreaties. The wo!en 2arri+ade the!se)ves in the house9 even !ore ri&htened now that a)so the '/ost)e has &one away. Mary9 sti)) in Her roo!9 Her hands restin& in Her )a/9 )oo6s i3ed)y out o the window9 whi+h o/ens on a not very )ar&e &arden9 2ut =uite s/a+ious and u)) o roses in 2)oo! a)on& the hi&h wa))s and the 2izarre )ower@2eds. The tu ts o )i)ies9 instead9 are sti)) without the sta)6s o the uture )owersI thi+6 and 2eauti u)9 2ut with nothin& 2ut )eaves. She )oo6s and )oo6s9 2ut I thin6 that She does not see anythin&9 e3+e/t what there is in Her /oor tired 2rainI the a&ony o Her Son. The wo!en &o 2a+6wards and orwards. They a//roa+h Her9 they +aress Her9 they 2e& Her to ta6e so!e re resh!ent9 and ea+h ti!e9 as they +o!e9 there is a wave o a heavy9 +o!/ound9 stunnin& /er u!e.

'nd i his /ity and +o!!on sense o a !an o the /eo/)e /ersuade hi! to 6ee/ Mary away ro! the +rowds and ro! the 1raetoriu! J he does not 6now that Mary shares a)) 'nd ea+h ti!e Mary thri))s. %ut nothin& e)se. She does not s/ea6. She does not !a6e a the tortures o Her Son9 su erin& the! s/iritua))y J when he de+ides that the ti!e has &esture. 8othin&. She is e3hausted. She is waitin&. It is on)y a wait. She is the 5ne 4ho +o!e when Jesus needs His Mother9 and that it is not ri&ht to 6ee/ the Mother any awaits. )on&er away ro! Her Son9 he ta6es Her to Hi!9 he su//orts Her9 he de ends Her. 4hat is that hand u) o )oya) /eo/)eI a !an a)) a)one9 unar!ed9 youn&9 with no authority9 )eadin& a ew wo!en9 with res/e+t to a urious +rowdF 8othin&. ' )itt)e /i)e o )eaves that the wind +an s+atter. ' s!a)) 2oat on a stor!y o+ean that +an sin6 it. It does not !atter. Love is his stren&th and his sai). He is ar!ed with it9 and with it he /rote+ts the 4o!an and the wo!en unti) the end. 2 There is a 6no+6 at the door... The wo!en rush to o/en. Mary turns round on Her seat9 without standin& u/9 and stares at the ha) @o/en door. The Ma&da)ene &oes in. EManaen is here... He wou)d )i6e to 2e use u) in so!e way.G EManaen... Let hi! +o!e in. He was a)ways &ood. %ut I did not thin6 that it was he...G

)+$. The H"2( Sa&u da(.


E4ho did ;ou thin69 MotherH...G ELater... )ater. Let hi! +o!e in.G Manaen &oes in. He is not as /o!/ous as usua). He is wearin& a very +o!!on tuni+9 o a 2rown shade whi+h is a)!ost 2)a+69 and a si!i)ar !ant)e. 8o <ewe)s and no sword. 8othin&. He )oo6s )i6e a we))@to@do /erson9 2ut o the +o!!on /eo/)e. He stoo/s to &reet9 irst with his hands +rossed on his +hest9 and then he 6nee)s down as i he were in ront o an a)tar. EStand u/. 'nd or&ive Me i I do not re/)y to your 2ow. I +annot...G E;ou !ust not. I wou)d not a))ow that. ;ou 6now who I a!. So I 2e& ;ou to +onsider !e ;our servant. $o ;ou need !eF I see that there is no !an here. I heard ro! 8i+ode!us that they have a)) run away. There was nothin& to 2e done. That is true. %ut at )east we shou)d have &iven Hi! the +o! ort o seein& us. I... I &reeted Hi! at the Si3tus. 'nd then I was no )on&er a2)e9 2e+ause... %ut it is use)ess to !ention it. That a)so was wanted 2y Satan. 8ow I a! ree and I have +o!e to /ut !yse) at ;our servi+e. ,ive !e ;our orders9 4o!an.G EI shou)d )i6e to 6now and )et Lazarus 6now... His sisters are worried9 and a)so !y sister @in@)aw and the other Mary. 4e shou)d )i6e to 6now whether Lazarus9 Ja!es9 Judas9 and the other Ja!es are sa e.G EJudasF The Is+ariotH %ut he 2etrayed Hi!HG EJudas9 the son o the 2rother o My s/ouse.G E'hH I wi)) &oG and he stands u/. 3 %ut in doin& so he !a6es a &esture o /ain. E're you woundedFG EH'!... yes. 8othin& serious. 'n ar! is a+hin& a )itt)e.G E%e+ause o us9 /erha/sF Is that why you were not u/ thereFG E;es. That is why. 'nd that is the on)y thin& I re&ret. 8ot the wound. The re!ainder o 1harisai!9 o He2rais!9 o Satanis! that was in !e9 2e+ause the +u)t o Israe) has 2e+o!e Satanis!9 has a)) +o!e out with that 2)ood. I a! )i6e a 2a2y9 that a ter the e3+ision o the sa+red u!2e)i+a) +ord9 has no urther +onta+t with his !other's 2)ood9 and the ew dro/s sti)) re!ainin& in the e3+ised +ord do not )ow into hi!9 o2stru+ted as they are 2y the )inen strin&. %ut they a))... 2y now use)ess. The new@2orn 2a2y )ives with his own heart and his own 2)ood. So do I. Ti)) now I was not yet +o!/)ete)y or!ed. 8ow I have +o!e to the end9 and I +o!e9 and I was 2orn to the Li&ht. I was 2orn yesterday. My Mother is Jesus o 8azareth. 'nd He &ave 2irth to !e when He uttered His )ast +ry. I 6now... %e+ause I ran to 8i+ode!us' house )ast ni&ht. I shou)d on)y )i6e to see Hi!. 5hH when you &o to the Se/u)+hre9 )et !e 6now. I wi)) +o!e... I

do not 6now His (a+e as the .edee!erH EIt is )oo6in& at you9 Manaen. Turn round.G The !an9 who had &one in with his head so )owered and then had had eyes on)y or Mary9 turns round a)!ost ri&htened and sees the veroni+a. He throws hi!se) on the )oor9 worshi//in&... 'nd he wee/s. He then stands u/. He 2ows to Mary and saysI EI a! &oin&.G E%ut it is the Sa22ath. ;ou 6now. They a)ready a++use us o in rin&in& the Law throu&h His insti&ation.G E4e are on an e=ua) ootin&9 2e+ause they in rin&e the )aw o Love. The irst and &reatest. He said so. May the Lord +onso)e ;ou.G He &oes out. 4 Hours &o 2y. How s)ow they are or those who are waitin&... Mary stands u/ and9 )eanin& on /ie+es o urniture9 She &oes to the door. She tries to wa)6 a+ross the )ar&e entran+e ha)). %ut when She has nothin& to )ean on9 She sta&&ers as i She were into3i+ated. Martha9 who sees Her ro! the yard9 whi+h is 2eyond the door o/en at the end o the ha))9 rushes towards Her. E4here do ;ou want to &oFG EIn there. ;ou /ro!ised Me.G E4ait unti) John +o!es.G E0nou&h o waitin&. ;ou +an see that I a! +a)!. Sin+e you have had the roo! )o+6ed ro! inside9 &o and have it o/ened. I wi)) wait here.G Susanna9 as a)) the wo!en have &athered there9 &oes away to +a)) the !aster o the house with the 6eys. Mary in the !eanti!e )eans on the )itt)e door9 as i She wished to o/en it with the /ower o Her wi)). The !an arrives. (ri&htened and down+ast9 he o/ens the door and withdraws. 'nd Mary9 su//orted 2y the ar!s o Martha and Mary o ')/haeus9 &oes into the Su//er roo!. 0verythin& is sti)) as it was at the end o the Su//er. The +ourse o events and the instru+tions &iven 2y Jesus have /revented ta!/erin&. 5n)y the seats have 2een /ut 2a+6 in their /)a+es. 'nd Mary9 4ho has not 2een in the Su//er roo!9 &oes strai&ht to the /)a+e where Her Jesus was sittin&. She see!s to 2e &uided 2y a hand. 'nd She )oo6s )i6e a s)ee/@wa)6er9 so sti is She in Her e ort to wa)6... She /ro+eeds. She wa)6s round the +ou+h9 She insinuates Herse) 2etween it and the ta2)e... She re!ains standin& or a !o!ent and then She +o))a/ses a+ross the ta2)e in a resh out2urst o tears. She then +a)!s down. She 6nee)s down and /rays with Her head restin& on the ed&e o the ta2)e. She +aresses the ta2)e@+)oth9 the seat9 the dishes9 the ed&e o the )ar&e tray on

)+$. The H"2( Sa&u da(.


whi+h the )a!2 was9 the )ar&e 6ni e used to +arve it9 the a!/hora /)a+ed 2e ore that seat. She does not 6now that She is tou+hin& what a)so the Is+ariot has tou+hed. She then re!ains stu/i ied9 with Her head restin& on Her ar!s +rossed on the ta2)e. ')) the wo!en are si)ent9 with the e3+e/tion o Her sister@in@)aw who saysI E7o!e9 Mary. 4e are a raid o the Jews. 4ou)d ;ou )i6e the! to +o!e in hereFG

'nd Ma3i!inus9 who had &one out in the +ountry ear)y in the !ornin&9 had ound !ore. 'nd Lazarus has he)/ed the! a)). 'nd he is sti)) doin& so. He says that the Master had ordered hi! to do that. 'nd a)so the >ea)ot says so.G E%ut Si!on and Jose/h9 !y other sons9 where are theyFG

EI don't 6now9 wo!an. 4e had 2een to&ether unti) the earth=ua6e. Then... I don't 6now E8o. This is a ho)y /)a+e. Let us &o. He)/ Me... ;ou have done the ri&ht thin& in te))in& anythin& e)se /re+ise)y. '!idst the dar6ness and )i&htnin& and the dead who had risen Me. I wou)d a)so )i6e a +hest9 a 2eauti u) )ar&e one with a )o+69 to +)ose a)) My treasures and the =ua6in& &round and the whir)wind9 I )ost !y head. I ound !yse) in the in it.G Te!/)e. 'nd I sti)) wonder how I &ot there9 2eyond the sa+red )i!it. 7onsider that 2etween !e and the a)tar o s+ents there was on)y a +u2it... I!a&ineH I was where on)y EI wi)) have it 2rou&ht to ;ou ro! our !ansion to!orrow. It is the ni+est one in the the /riests on duty are a))owed to standH... 'nd... and I saw the Ho)y o Ho)iesH... ;es. house. It is stron& and sa e. I &ive it to ;ou with <oyG says the Ma&da)ene /ro!isin& it. %e+ause the vei) o the Ho)y is torn ro! to/ to 2otto!9 as i the /ower o a &iant had torn it... I they had seen !e in there9 they wou)d have stoned !e. %ut no one +ou)d see They &o out. Mary is rea))y e3hausted. She sta&&ers in +)i!2in& the ew ste/s. 'nd i any !ore. I !et nothin& 2ut &hosts o dead and &hosts o )ivin& /eo/)e. %e+ause we Her &rie is )ess dra!ati+9 it is 2e+ause it no )on&er has the stren&th o 2ein& so. %ut in )oo6ed )i6e &hosts in the )i&ht o thunder2o)ts9 in the 2ri&ht )i&ht o ires9 and with terror its =uietness it is even !ore tra&i+a). on our a+es...G They &o into the roo! in whi+h they were /revious)y9 and 2e ore &oin& 2a+6 to Her E5hH !y Si!onH My Jose/hHG seat9 Mary +aresses the Ho)y (a+e o the veroni+a9 as i it were a a+e o )esh. 5 There is another 6no+6 at the door. The wo!en hasten to &o out and +)ose the door. In Her tired voi+e Mary saysI EI it is the dis+i/)es9 and in /arti+u)ar Si!on 1eter and Judas9 )et the! +o!e to Me at on+e.G %ut it is Isaa+9 the she/herd. He &oes in wee/in& a ter so!e !inutes and he /rostrates hi!se) at on+e 2e ore the veroni+a and then 2e ore the Mother9 and he does not 6now what to say. It is Mary 4ho saysI EThan6 you. He saw you and I saw you. I 6now. He )oo6ed at you as )on& as He +ou)d.G Isaa+ wee/s )ouder. He +an s/ea6 on)y when he has inished wee/in&. E4e did not want to &o away. %ut Jonathan 2e&&ed us. The Jews were threatenin& the wo!en... and )ater we were no )on&er a2)e to +o!e. It was... it was a)) over... 4here shou)d we have &one thenF 4e s+attered throu&h the +ountryside and at dead o ni&ht we &athered to&ether ha) way 2etween Jerusa)e! and %eth)ehe!. 4e thou&ht we wou)d turn His $eath away 2y &oin& towards His ,rotto... %ut then we e)t that it was not ri&ht to &o there... It was se) ishness9 and we +a!e 2a+6 towards the 7ity... 'nd we ound ourse)ves9 without 6nowin& how9 at %ethany...G EMy sonsHG ELazarusHG EJa!esHG EThey are a)) there. Lazarus' ie)ds at dawn were strewn with /eo/)e who were wanderin& and wee/in&... His use)ess riends and dis+i/)esH... I... went to Lazarus and I thou&ht I was the irst... Instead your two sons were a)ready there9 wo!an9 and yours9 with 'ndrew9 %artho)o!ew9 Matthew. Si!on >ea)ot had +onvin+ed the! to &o there. E'nd Si!on 1eterF 'nd Judas o :eriothF 'nd Tho!as and 1hi)i/FG EI do not 6now9 Mother... Lazarus sent !e to see you9 2e+ause they had to)d hi! that... they had 6i))ed you a)).G E4e))9 &o at on+e to reassure hi!. I have a)ready sent Manaen. %ut you had 2etter &o as we)) and te)) hi!... te)) hi! that He a)one has 2een 6i))ed. 'nd I with Hi!. 'nd i you see any o the other dis+i/)es9 ta6e the! there with you. %ut I want the Is+ariot and Si!on 1eter here.G EMother... or&ive us i we did not do !ore.G EI or&ive everythin&... ,o.G Isaa+ &oes out. 'nd Martha and Mary9 Sa)o!e and Mary o ')/haeus overwhe)! hi! with /rayers9 re+o!!endations9 orders. Susanna wee/s si)ent)y9 2e+ause no2ody s/ea6s to her o her hus2and. 'nd that re!inds Sa)o!e o hers. 'nd she wee/s as we)). 6 There is si)en+e a&ain9 unti) there is a urther 6no+6in& at the door. Sin+e the town is =uiet9 the wo!en are not so ri&htened. %ut when throu&h the ha) o/en door they see Lon&inus' +)ean@shaven a+e a//ear9 they a)) run away as i they had seen a dead 2ody enve)o/ed in its shroud or the $evi) hi!se) . The !aster o the house9 who is id)in& a2out the ha)) +urious)y9 is the irst to run away. The Ma&da)ene9 who was with Mary9 rushes there. Lon&inus9 with an invo)untary !o+6in& s!i)e on his )i/s9 has &one in9 and has +)osed the heavy !ain door hi!se) . He

)+$. The H"2( Sa&u da(.


is not wearin& a uni or!9 2ut he has on a short &rey tuni+ under a !ant)e whi+h is a)so dar6. Mary Ma&da)ene )oo6s at hi! and he )oo6s at her. Sti)) )eanin& a&ainst the door9 Lon&inus as6sI EMay I +o!e in without +onta!inatin& any2odyF 'nd without terri yin& anyoneF This !ornin& at dawn I saw Jose/h9 the +itizen9 and he !entioned the Mother's desire to !e. I a/o)o&ise or not thin6in& o it !yse) . Here is the )an+e. I had 6e/t it as a souvenir o a... o the Saint o Saints. 5hH He is indeedH %ut it is ri&ht that the Mother shou)d have it. 4ith re&ard to the &ar!ents... it is !ore di i+u)t. $o not te)) Her... 2ut /erha/s they have a)ready 2een so)d or a ew +oins... It is the ri&ht o the so)diers. %ut I wi)) try to ind the!...G E7o!e. She is in there.G E%ut I a! a heathenHG EIt does not !atter. I wi)) &o and te)) Her9 i you wish so.G E5hH no... I did not thin6 I deserved that.G 7 Mary Ma&da)ene &oes to the %)essed Bir&in. EMother9 Lon&inus is out there... He o ers the )an+e to ;ou.G ELet hi! +o!e in.G The !aster o the house9 who is at the entran+e9 &ru!2)esI E%ut he is a heathen.G EI a! the Mother o every2ody9 !an. 's He is every2ody's .edee!er.G Lon&inus &oes in and on the thresho)d he sa)utes in the .o!an way9 with his ar! Khe has ta6en o his !ant)eL and then he &reets Her sayin&I E've9 $o!ina. ' .o!an &reets youI the Mother o !an6ind. The true Mother. I wou)d have )i6ed not to 2e there at... at... at that a air. %ut it was an order. %ut9 i I serve to &ive what ;ou wish9 I or&ive destiny or +hoosin& !e or that horri2)e thin&. HereG and he &ives Her the )an+e enve)o/ed in a red +)oth. 5n)y the stee) head9 not the sha t. Mary ta6es it and 2e+o!es even wanner. Her very )i/s disa//ear in the /a))or. The )an+e see!s to o/en Her veins. 'nd Her )i/s tre!2)e as She saysI EMay He )ead you to Hi!se) . %e+ause o your 6indness.G EHe was the on)y Just Man I ever !et in the vast e!/ire o .o!e. I re&ret I on)y 6new Hi! throu&h the words o !y +o!/anions. 8ow... it is )ateHG E8o9 son. He has inished evan&e)izin&. %ut His ,os/e) re!ains. In His 7hur+h.G E4here is His 7hur+hFG Lon&inus is s)i&ht)y ironi+a). EIt is here. Today it is stru+6 and s+attered. %ut to!orrow it wi)) &ather )i6e a tree that

tidies u/ its o)ia&e a ter a stor!. 'nd9 even i there were no2ody e)se9 I a! here. 'nd the ,os/e) o Jesus 7hrist9 the Son o ,od and Mine9 is a)) written in My heart. ')) I need do is to )oo6 at My heart in order to 2e a2)e to re/eat it to you.G EI wi)) +o!e. ' re)i&ion that has as its head su+h a hero +an 2ut 2e divine. 've9 $o!inaHG 'nd a)so Lon&inus &oes away. Mary 6isses the )an+e where there is sti)) the %)ood o Her Son... 'nd She does not want to re!ove that %)ood. %ut She )eaves it sayin&I Ea ru2y o ,od9 on the +rue) )an+eG... 8 The day &oes 2y thus9 a!id +)ear s/e))s and threats o stor!s. John +o!es 2a+6 on)y when the sun shinin& /er/endi+u)ar)y te))s that it is !idday. EMother9 I have not ound any2ody9 e3+e/t... Judas o :erioth.G E4here is heFG E5hH MotherH How horri2)eH He is han&in& ro! an o)ive@tree9 a)) swo))en and 2)a+69 as i he had 2een dead or wee6s. .otten. Horri2)e... '2ove hi! vu)tures9 +rows9 I do not 6now what9 are shrie6in& i&htin& atro+ious)y... It was their 2raw)in& that +a))ed !e in that dire+tion. I was on the road o the Mount o 5)ives9 and on a hi))o+6 I saw u&)y 2)a+6 2irds whee) round and round. I went... 4hyF I do not 6now. 'nd I saw. How horri2)eH...G EHow horri2)eH ;ou are ri&ht. %ut a2ove ,oodness there was Justi+e. In a+t ,oodness is a2sent9 now... %ut 1eterH %ut 1eterH... John9 I have the )an+e. %ut the &ar!ents... Lon&inus did not !ention the!.G EMother9 I want to &o to ,ethse!ane. He had no !ant)e on when He was +a/tured. 1erha/s it is sti)) there. Then I wi)) &o to %ethany.G E,o. ,o or the !ant)e... The others are with Lazarus. So do not &o to Lazarus. It is not ne+essary. ,o and +o!e 2a+6 here.G John runs away9 without ta6in& any re resh!ent. Mary a)so is without any. The wo!en9 standin&9 have eaten 2read and o)ives9 wor6in& a)) the ti!e at their 2a)!s. 9 Then Johanna o 7huza +o!es with Jonathan. Her eatures are dis i&ured 2y tears. 'nd as soon as she sees Mary9 she saysI EHe saved !eH He saved !e and He is dead. 8ow I wish I had never 2een savedHG It is 5ur Lady o Sorrows 4ho has to +o! ort this wo!an9 who was +ured 2ut has re!ained !or2id)y sensitive. 'nd She +onso)es and orti ies her sayin&I E;ou wou)d not have 6nown and )oved Hi!9 and now you wou)d not 2e a2)e to serve Hi!. How

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!u+h there is to 2e done in utureH 'nd we wi)) have to do it9 2e+ause you +an see... 4e have re!ained9 and the !en have run away. The true &iver o )i e is a)ways the wo!an. In ,ood. In 0vi). 4e wi)) &enerate the new (aith. 4e are u)) o it9 as it was de/osited in us 2y the S/ouse ,od. 'nd we wi)) &enerate or the 0arth. (or the we) are o the wor)d. Loo6 how handso!e He isH How He s!i)es and 2e&s or this ho)y wor6 o oursH Johanna9 I )ove you9 you 6now that. $o not wee/ any !ore.G E%ut He is deadH ;es. There He sti)) )oo6s as i He were a)ive. %ut He is no )on&er a)ive. 4hat is the wor)d without Hi!FG EHe wi)) +o!e 2a+6. ,o. 1ray. 4ait. The !ore you 2e)ieve9 the sooner He wi)) rise ro! the dead. That 2e)ie is My stren&th... 'nd on)y ,od9 Satan and I 6now how !any assau)ts have 2een !ade u/on this aith o Mine in His .esurre+tion.G Johanna a)so &oes away9 wea6 and 2ent )i6e a )i)y too saturated with water. %ut on+e she has &one out9 Mary re)a/ses into Her torture. EI have to &ive stren&th to every2ody. To every2odyH 'nd who &ives it to MeFG 'nd She wee/s9 +aressin& the (a+e o the i!a&e9 2e+ause She is now sittin& near the +hest on whi+h the veroni+a is s/read. 10 Jose/h and 8i+ode!us +o!e. 'nd they s/are the wo!en the trou2)e o &oin& out to 2uy !yrrh and a)oe9 2e+ause they have 2rou&ht so!e )itt)e 2a&s o the!. %ut their stren&th yie)ds 2e ore the (a+e i!/ressed on the )inen +)oth and the rava&ed a+e o the Mother. They sit in a +orner a ter &reetin& Her and they 2e+o!e si)ent. They are &rave9 &)oo!y... Later they &o away. Mary has no !ore stren&th to s/ea6. %ut the dar6er it &ets9 whi+h o++urs rather ear)y 2e+ause o a !ass o su)try +)ouds9 the !ore She is tortured. The shadows o the evenin& are a)so or Her9 as or a)) those who su er9 a sour+e o dee/er &rie . The other wo!en a)so 2e+o!e sadder. 1arti+u)ar)y Sa)o!e9 Mary o ')/haeus and Susanna. %ut at )ast they have so!e +onso)ation as >e2edee9 Susanna's hus2and9 Si!on and Jose/h o ')/haeus arrive in a &rou/. The irst two re!ain in the ha))9 e3/)ainin& that John ound the! as he was &oin& throu&h the 5/he) su2ur2. The other two instead were ound 2y Isaa+ whi)e they were wanderin& throu&h the +ountryside9 unde+ided as to whether they shou)d &o 2a+6 to town9 or &o to their 2rothers who they su//osed were at %ethany. 11 Si!on as6sI E4here is MaryF I want to see HerG and /re+eded 2y his !other9 he &oes in and 6isses his distressed re)ative. E're you a)oneF 4hy is Jose/h not with youF 4hy have you /artedF 're you sti)) at varian+e with ea+h otherF ;ou !ust not. SeeF The reason o the disa&ree!ent is deadHG 'nd She /oints at the a+e o the veroni+a.

Si!on )oo6s at it and wee/s. He saysI E4e have never /arted a&ain. 'nd we wi)) not /art. ;es9 the reason o the disa&ree!ent is dead. %ut not as ;ou thin6. It is dead 2e+ause Jose/h9 now 9 has understood... Jose/h is out there... and he dare not +o!e in...G E5hH no. I never ri&hten any2ody. I a! nothin& 2ut !er+y. I wou)d have or&iven a)so the Traitor. %ut it is no )on&er /ossi2)e. He has 6i))ed hi!se) .G 'nd She stands u/. She wa)6s with a stoo/ and +a))sI EJose/h Jose/hHG %ut Jose/h9 overwhe)!ed with wee/in&9 does not re/)y. She &oes to the door9 as She had done to s/ea6 to Judas9 and )eanin& on the door@/ost9 She stret+hes the other hand out and )ays it on the head o the e)dest and !ost stu22orn o Her ne/hews. She +aresses hi! and saysI ELet Me )ean on a Jose/hH 0verythin& was /ea+e and serenity as )on& as I had that na!e as 6in& in My house. Then My ho)y !an died... 'nd a)) the hu!an we) are o /oor Mary died as we)). The su/ernatura) we) are o My ,od and Son has re!ained... 8ow I a! the (or)orn wret+h... %ut i I +an 2e e!2ra+ed in the ar!s o a Jose/h I )ove9 and you 6now whether I )ove you9 I sha)) 2e )ess or)orn. I sha)) see! to have &one 2a+6 in ti!e. 'nd that I +an sayI CJesus is a2sent. %ut He is not dead. He is at 7ana9 at 8ain9 wor6in&9 2ut He wi)) soon 2e 2a+6...D 7o!e9 Jose/h. Let us &o in to&ether where He is waitin& to s!i)e at you. He )e t His s!i)e to us to te)) us that He 2ears us no i))@wi)).G 12 Jose/h &oes in9 he)d 2y the hand 2y Her9 and as soon as he sees Her sat down9 he 6nee)s in ront o Her9 with his head on Her )a/ and so22in& saysI E(or&ive !eH (or&ive !eHG EIt is not Me9 it is Hi! you !ust as6.G EHe +annot or&ive !e. 5n 7a)vary I tried to attra+t His attention. He )oo6ed at every2ody9 2ut not at !e... He is ri&ht... I have 6nown and )oved Hi!9 as a Master9 too )ate. 8ow9 it is a)) over.G EIt 2e&ins now. ;ou wi)) &o to 8azareth and sayI CI 2e)ieveD. ;our aith wi)) have an in inite va)ue. ;ou wi)) )ove Hi! with the /er e+tion o uture a/ost)es9 who wi)) have the !erit o )ovin& Jesus 6nown on)y throu&h the s/irit. 4i)) you do thatFG E;esH I wi))H To !a6e a!ends. %ut I shou)d )i6e to hear a word ro! Hi!. 'nd I sha)) never hear it a&ain...G E5n the third day He wi)) rise and He wi)) s/ea6 to those who! He )oves. The who)e wor)d is awaitin& His Boi+e.G E;ou are 2)essed9 sin+e ;ou +an 2e)ieve...G EJose/hH Jose/hH My s/ouse was your un+)e. 'nd he 2e)ieved so!ethin& that is !u+h

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!ore di i+u)t to 2e)ieve than this. He did 2e)ieve that /oor Mary o 8azareth was the S/ouse and Mother o ,od. 4hy +an you9 the ne/hew o that Just !an a ter who! you are na!ed9 not 2e)ieve that a ,od +an say to $eathI C0nou&hHD and to Li eI C7o!e 2a+6HDFG EI do not deserve that aith9 2e+ause I have 2een 2ad. I was un air to Hi!. %ut ;ou... ;ou are the Mother. %)ess !e. (or&ive !e. ,ive !e /ea+e...G E;es... 1ea+e... (or&iveness... 5hH ,odH 5n+e I saidI CHow di i+u)t it is to 2e the 'redee!ers' .D 8ow I sayI CHow di i+u)t it is to 2e the Mother o the .edee!erHD Have !er+y9 My ,odH Mer+yH... ,o9 Jose/h. ;our !other has su ered so !u+h durin& these hours. 7onso)e her... I a! stayin& here... 4ith what I have o My 7hi)d... 'nd My so)itary tears wi)) o2tain (aith or you. ,ood2ye9 My dear ne/hew. Te)) every2ody that I want to 2e si)ent... to thin6... to /ray... I a!... I a! a /oor wo!an han&in& ro! a thread over an a2yss... The thread is My (aith... 'nd your )a+6 o aith9 2e+ause no2ody is +a/a2)e o 2e)ievin& tota))y and ho)i)y9 your )a+6 o aith 6no+6s +ontinuous)y a&ainst My thread... 'nd you are not aware o what e3haustion you indu+e in Me... ;ou do not 6now that you are he)/in& Satan to torture Me. ,o...G 'nd Mary re!ains a)one... She 6nee)s 2e ore the veroni+a. She 6isses the orehead9 the eyes9 the )i/s o Her Son and saysI ESoH SoH To have stren&th... I !ust 2e)ieve. I !ust 2e)ieve. 5n 2eha) o every2ody.G 8i&ht has a))en. ' star)ess9 dar69 su)try ni&ht. Mary re!ains in the shadow with Her sorrow. The day o the Sa22ath is over.

E%ut I ee) so !u+h 2etter9 Mary. 4hi)e I was /rayin& J and on)y the 0terna) 6nows how e3hausted I was a ter &ivin& stren&th to so !any waverin& aiths and en)i&htenin& so !any !inds that not even His death had i))u!inated J I see!ed to s!e)) an an&e)i+a) s+ent9 a heaven)y reshness9 a +aress o a win&... 5n)y or a !o!ent... 8ot )on&er. ' dro/ o /a+i yin& sweetness see!ed to 2e insti))ed into the sea o !yrrh that has 2een su2!er&in& Me urious)y or three days now. The +)osed vau)t o Heaven see!ed to o/en a )itt)e and a 2ea! o 2ri&ht )ove see!ed to des+end u/on the '2andoned Mother. 'nd I see!ed to hear an in+or/orea) whis/er9 +o!in& ro! an in inite distan+e9 sayI CIt is rea))y a)) over.D My /rayer9 so ar deso)ate9 has 2e+o!e !ore /ea+e u). It 2e+a!e tin&ed with the 2ri&ht /ea+e J ohH <ust a nuan+eH J with the 2ri&ht /ea+e that I used to e3/erien+e in My +onta+ts with ,od durin& My /rayers... 2 My /rayersH... Mary9 did you )ove your ')/haeus very !u+h9 when you were his vir&in 2rideFG E5hH MaryH... I re<oi+ed at dawn sayin&I C'nother ni&ht has &one 2y. 5ne )ess to wait.D I re<oi+ed at sunset sayin&I C'nother day is over. 8earer is !y entran+e into his house.D 'nd as the sun set9 I used to sin& )i6e a s6y)ar6 thin6in&I CHe wi)) soon 2e here.D 'nd when I saw hi! +o!e9 )oo6in& as handso!e as !y Judas J that is why Judas is !y avourite J 2ut with the eyes o a deer in )ove )i6e !y Ja!es9 ohH then I no )on&er 6new where I wasH 'nd when he &reeted !e sayin&I CMy sweet 2rideHD and I was a2)e to say to hi!I CMy LordD9 then I... I thin6 that9 i at that !o!ent I had 2een +rushed 2y a heavy +art or stru+6 2y an arrow9 I wou)d have e)t no /ain. 'nd )aterH... 4hen I 2e+a!e his wi e... 'hH...G Mary is )ost in the e+stasy o re+o))e+tions. She then as6sI E%ut why that =uestionFG ETo e3/)ain to you what My /rayers were or Me. Mu)ti/)y your ee)in&s 2y one hundred9 raise the! to thousands /owers9 and you wi)) understand what /rayer and the wait or the hour o /rayer have a)ways 2een or Me... 5 +ourse9 I thin6 that9 even i I did not /ray in the /ea+e o the &rotto or o My roo!9 2ut I was intent on the wor6 o a wo!an9 My sou) /rayed in+essant)y... %ut when I was a2)e to sayI C4e))9 the hour to +o))e+t My thou&hts in ,od is +o!in&D9 My heart wou)d 2urn thro22in& ast. 'nd when I &ot )ost in Hi!... then... 8o... I +annot e3/)ain this to you. 4hen you are in the )i&ht o ,od you wi)) understand... ')) that had 2een )ost or three days... 'nd it was even !ore heart@rendin& than not havin& My Son any !ore... 'nd Satan wor6ed on these two wounds9 )aid one on to/ o the other9 the death o My Son and the a2andon!ent 2y ,od9 +reatin& a third woundI the terror o the )a+6 o aith. 3 Mary9 I a! ond o you and you are re)ative o Mine. Later9 you wi)) te)) your sons9 the a/ost)es9 so that they !ay /ersevere in their a/osto)ate and triu!/h over Satan. I a! sure that9 i I had a++e/ted the dou2t9 i I had yie)ded to Satan's te!/tation and I had saidI CIt is not /ossi2)e or Hi! to rise ro! the deadD denyin& ,od J 2e+ause to say that was the sa!e as denyin& ,od with His Truth and 1ower J su+h a &reat .ede!/tion wou)d have +o!e to nothin&. I9 the new 0ve9 wou)d have 2itten on+e a&ain at the or2idden ruit o /ride and o s/iritua) sense9 and I wou)d have destroyed the wor6 o

+$$. The Ni4h& #1 H#5/ Sa&u!da/.

3$s& .a!'h $9*5.

1 Mary o ')/haeus &oes in +autious)y and )istens. 1erha/s she thin6s that the %)essed Bir&in has a))en as)ee/. She a//roa+hes Her and 2ends over Her. 'nd she sees Her on Her 6nees9 with Her a+e on the )oor a&ainst the veroni+a. She whis/ersI E5hH /oor wret+hH She has stayed )i6e thatHG She !ust thin6 that She has a))en as)ee/ )i6e that or She has ainted. %ut Mary9 endin& Her /rayer9 saysI E8o9 I was /rayin&.G E5n ;our 6neesH In the dar6H In the +o)dH 4ith the window o/enH SeeF ;ou are rozen.G

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My .edee!er. The a/ost)es wi)) 2e +ontinuous)y te!/ted thusI 2y the wor)d9 2y the )esh9 2y /ower9 2y Satan. Let the! 2e ir! a&ainst a)) tortures9 and the +or/ora) ones wi)) 2e the )i&htest9 so that they !ay not destroy what Jesus has done.G E;ou9 Mary9 shou)d te)) !y sons... 4hat do ;ou e3/e+t ;our /oor sister @in@)aw to sayFH 4 5hH howeverH I they had +o!eH That they shou)d run away at irst9 we))H... %ut )aterHG

)i+6erin& )itt)e )a!e o the oi) )a!/ a+=uires a /arti+u)ar )ive)iness9 and the )i/s and eyes see! to !ove. E're ;ou not ta6in& anythin&FG as6s Mary's sister@in@)aw9 who is so!ewhat !orti ied. E' )itt)e water. I a! thirsty.G Mary &oes out and +o!es 2a+6... with so!e !i)6.

E;ou 6now that Lazarus and Si!on were ordered to ta6e the! to %ethany. Jesus 6nows E$o not insist. I +annot. So!e water9 yes. There is no !ore water in Me. I thin6 I have everythin&...G no !ore 2)ood either. %utNG E;es... %ut... 5hH when I see the!9 I wi)) re/roa+h the! severe)y. They 2ehaved +oward)y. That every2ody e)se shou)d 2ehave so is understanda2)e9 2ut not the!9 !y sonsH I wi)) never or&ive the!...G E(or&ive the!9 or&ive the!... It was a !o!ent o dis!ay... They did not 2e)ieve that He +ou)d 2e +a/tured. He had said so...G EThat is why I wi)) not or&ive the!. They 6new. So they were a)ready /re/ared. 4hen one 6nows so!ethin&9 and 2e)ieves the /erson who te))s it9 nothin& sur/rises any !oreHG EMary9 a)so to a)) o you He saidI CI wi)) rise.D 'nd yet... I I +ou)d )ay your 2reasts and heads o/en9 on your hearts and on your 2rains I wou)d see writtenI CIt is not /ossi2)e.DG E%ut9 at )east... ;es... It is di i+u)t to 2e)ieve... %ut we re!ained on 7a)vary.G EThrou&h the &ratuitous &ra+e o ,od. 5therwise we wou)d have run away as we)). Lon&inus9 did you hear hi!F He saidI Chorri2)e thin&D. 'nd he is a warrior. 4e9 wo!en9 a)) a)one with a 2oy9 we resisted throu&h ,od's dire+t he)/. So do not 2oast a2out it. It is no !erit o ours.G E'nd why was it not &iven to the!FG E%e+ause they wi)) 2e the /riests o to!orrow. So they !ust 6now. They !ust 6now9 havin& e3/erien+ed it the!se)ves9 how easy it is or a o))ower o a 7reed to )a/se into a2<uration. Jesus does not want /riests )i6e those who are so )itt)e so9 that they have 2een His !ost o2stinate ene!ies...G E;ou s/ea6 o Jesus as i He had a)ready +o!e 2a+6.G ESeeF ;ou a)so ad!it that you do not 2e)ieve. So how +an you re/roa+h your sonsFG Mary o ')/haeus does not 6now what to say in re/)y. She re!ains with her head )owered and !e+hani+a))y !oves so!e o2<e+ts. She inds the )itt)e )a!/ and &oes out with it and +o!es 2a+6 in a ter )i&htin& it9 and she /uts it in its usua) /)a+e. Mary is sittin& on+e a&ain near the stret+hed out veroni+a. The veroni+a9 in the ye))ow 5 There is a 6no+6 at the door. Mary o ')/haeus &oes out. 1eo/)e +an 2e heard ta)6in& in )ow voi+es in the ha))9 then John )oo6s into the roo!. EJohn. Have you +o!e 2a+6F Sti)) nothin&FG E;es. Si!on 1eter... and Jesus' !ant)e... to&ether... 't ,ethse!ane. The !ant)e...G John a))s on his 6nees and saysI EHere it is... %ut it is a)) torn and +overed with 2)ood. The !ar6s o the hands are Jesus'. 5n)y He had the! so )on& and thin. %ut it has 2een torn 2y teeth9 it is very +)ear that this is the !outh o a !an. I thin6 it !ust have 2een... it !ust have 2een Judas Is+ariot9 2e+ause near the s/ot where Si!on 1eter ound the !ant)e9 there was a /ie+e o Judas' ye))ow tuni+. He went 2a+6 there... )ater... 2e ore +o!!ittin& sui+ide. Loo69 Mother.G Mary has done nothin& 2ut +aress and 6iss the heavy red !ant)e o Her Son9 2ut9 /ressed 2y John9 She o/ens it and sees the !ar6s o 2)ood9 dar6 a&ainst the red o the %)ood9 and the tears o the teeth. She tre!2)es and whis/ersI EHow !u+h 2)oodHG She does not see! to see anythin& 2ut that. EMother... the &round is red with it. Si!on9 who ran u/ there in the ear)y !ornin& hours9 says that there was sti)) resh 2)ood on the )eaves o the &rass... Jesus... I do not 6now... He did not see! to !e to 2e wounded... 4here did so !u+h 2)ood +o!e ro!FG E(ro! His %ody. In the 2itter an&uish... 5hH Jesus tota) Bi+ti!H 5hH My JesusHG Mary wee/s so distressin&)y9 with an e3hausted )a!ent9 that the wo!en a//ear at the door and )oo6 in and then they &o away. EThis9 this whi)e every2ody was a2andonin& ;ou... 4hat were you doin&9 whi)e He was su erin& His irst a&onyFG E4e were s)ee/in&9 Mother...G John wee/s. 6 E4as Si!on thereF Te)) Me.G EI had &one to )oo6 or the !ant)e. I had thou&ht o as6in& Jonah and Mar6... %ut they have run away. The house is +)osed and everythin& has 2een a2andoned. So I went down to the wa))s9 to &o a)on& a)) the road we had &one on Thursday... I was so tired that evenin&9 and so &rieved9 that now I +ou)d not re!e!2er where Jesus had ta6en o

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His !ant)e. It see!ed to !e that He had it9 then that He did not have it... 5n the s/ot where He was arrested there was nothin&... 4here we three were9 nothin&... I went a)on& the /ath ta6en 2y the Master... 'nd I thou&ht that a)so Si!on 1eter was dead9 2e+ause I saw hi! there9 a)) +rou+hed a&ainst a ro+6. I shouted. He raised his head... and I thou&ht he had &one !ad9 so +han&ed was he. He uttered a +ry and tried to run away. %ut he sta&&ered9 2)inded 2y his wee/in&9 and I &ot ho)d o hi!. He said to !eI CLeave !e. I a! a de!on. I denied Hi!. 's He said... and the +o+6 +rowed and He )oo6ed at !e. I ran away... I ran here and there throu&h the +ountry9 and then I ound !yse) here. 'nd9 seeF Jehovah !ade !e ind His %)ood here to a++use !e. %)ood everywhere. %)ood everywhereH 5n the ro+69 on the &round9 on the &rass. I had it shed. Li6e you9 )i6e every2ody. %ut I denied that %)ood.D He see!ed de)irious. I tried to +a)! hi! and ta6e hi! away. %ut he did not want. He saidI CHere. Here. To &uard this %)ood and His !ant)e. 'nd I want to wash it with !y tears. 4hen there is no !ore 2)ood on the +)oth9 /erha/s I wi)) &o 2a+6 a!on& the )ivin&9 2eatin& !y 2reast and sayin&I 'I have denied the LordH'D I to)d hi! that ;ou wanted hi!. That ;ou had sent !e )oo6in& or hi!. %ut he wou)d not 2e)ieve !e. Then I to)d hi! that ;ou wanted a)so Judas9 to or&ive hi!9 and that ;ou were su erin& as ;ou were no )on&er a2)e to do so9 2e+ause o his sui+ide. Then he we/t !ore +a)!)y. He wanted to 6now everythin&. 'nd he to)d !e that there was sti)) resh %)ood on the &rass and that the !ant)e had 2een !a)treated 2y Judas9 o whose tuni+ he had ound a /ie+e. I )et hi! ta)6 and ta)69 and then I saidI C7o!e to the Mother.D 5hH how !u+h I had to insist to +onvin+e hi!H 'nd when I thou&ht that I had su++eeded in +onvin+in& hi! and I &ot u/ to +o!e9 he did not want to +o!e any !ore. He +a!e on)y when it was &ettin& dar6. %ut when he arrived 2eyond the &ate9 he hid on+e a&ain in a desert ve&eta2)e &arden sayin&I CI don't want /eo/)e to see !e. I 2ear written on !y orehead the wordI $enier o ,od.D 8ow that it is +o!/)ete)y dar69 I have su++eeded in dra&&in& hi! here.G 7 E4here is heFG E%ehind that door.G ELet hi! +o!e in.G EMother...G EJohn...G E$o not re/roa+h hi!. He is re/entant.G E$o you sti)) 6now Me so )itt)eF Let hi! +o!e in.G John &oes out. He +o!es 2a+6. ')one. He saysI EHe dare not. Try to +a)) hi! ;ourse) .G 'nd Mary +a))s hi! 6ind)yI ESi!on o Jonah9 +o!e.G 8othin&. ESi!on 1eter9 +o!e.G

8othin&. E1eter o Jesus and Mary9 +o!e.G ' shar/ 2urst o wee/in&. %ut he does not &o in. Mary stands u/. She )eaves the !ant)e on the ta2)e and &oes to the door. 1eter is +rou+hed outside. Li6e a do& with no !aster. He +ries so )oud and a)) +ur)ed u/9 that he +annot hear the noise o the door that o/ens s=uea6in& or the shu )in& o Mary's sanda)s. He rea)ises that She is there when She 2ends so )ow as to ta6e his hand9 /ressed a&ainst his eyes9 and She +o!/e)s hi! to stand u/. She &oes 2a+6 into the roo! dra&&in& hi! )i6e a )itt)e 2oy. She +)oses the door and )o+6s it9 and 2ent with sorrow9 as he is with sha!e9 She &oes 2a+6 to Her seat. 1eter 6nee)s at Her eet and wee/s without restraint. Mary +aresses his &rey hair9 wet with the /ers/iration o sorrow. 8othin& 2ut su+h +aress9 unti) he +a)!s down. 8 Then9 when at )ast 1eter saysI E;ou +annot or&ive !e. So do not +aress !e. %e+ause I have denied Hi!G9 Mary saysI E1eter9 you have denied Hi!. That is true. ;ou had the +oura&e o denyin& Hi! in /u2)i+. The +oward)y +oura&e o doin& that. The others... 0very2ody9 e3+e/t the she/herds9 Manaen9 8i+ode!us and Jose/h and John9 has on)y 2een +oward)y. They have a)) denied Hi!I the !en and wo!en o Israe)9 e3+e/t a ew wo!en... I wi)) not !ention the ne/hews and ')/haeus o Sarah. They were re)atives and riends. %ut the othersH... 'nd they did not even have the satani+ +oura&e o )yin& to save the!se)ves9 or the s/iritua) +oura&e o re/entin&9 wee/in&9 or the !ore e)evated one o a+6now)ed&in& their error in /u2)i+. ;our are a /oor !an. 5r rather9 you were. 's )on& as you re)ied on yourse) . 8ow you are a !an. To!orrow you wi)) 2e a saint. %ut even i you were not what you are9 I wou)d have or&iven you the sa!e. I wou)d have or&iven a)so Judas9 to save his sou). Because the value of a soul also of one only deserves every effort to overco#e disgust and resent#ent to the e7tent of being crushed thereby. %ear that in !ind9 1eter. I wi)) re/eat it to youI CThe va)ue o a sou) is su+h that9 at the +ost o dyin& throu&h the e ort o su erin& to have it +)ose to us9 one !ust ho)d it so9 in one's ar!s9 as I a! ho)din& your &rey@haired head9 i one rea)ises that9 2y ho)din& it so9 it +an 2e saved.D So... Li6e a !other who9 a ter the ather's /unish!ent9 /resses the head o her &ui)ty son to her heart9 and !ore with the words o her distressed heart that 2eats with )ove and sorrow9 than with the ather's 2)ows9 re or!s and a+hieves. 1eter o My Son9 /oor 1eter who have 2een9 )i6e every2ody9 in the hands o Satan in this hour o dar6ness9 and you were not aware o it9 and you thin6 that you had done everythin& 2y yourse) 9 +o!e9 do +o!e here9 on the heart o the Mother o My Son's +hi)dren. Here Satan +an no )on&er har! you. Here stor!s a2ate9 and whi)e waitin& or the sun9 My Jesus9 4ho wi)) rise to say to youI C1ea+e to you9 My 1eterD9 the !ornin& star rises9 /ure9 2eauti u)9 and !a6in& everythin& it 6isses /ure and 2eauti u)9 as ha//ens on the +)ear waters o our sea in the resh s/rin& !ornin&s. That is why I have

)++. The Ni1h& "- H"2( Sa&u da(.


wished so !u+h to have you. 't the oot o the 7ross9 I was tortured 2e+ause o Hi! and o you and J how +o!e you did not /er+eive itF J and I +a))ed your s/irits so )oud that I thin6 they rea))y +a!e to Me. 'nd +)osed in My heart9 or rather9 )aid on My heart9 )i6e the )oaves o the o erin&9 I he)d the! under the 2ath o His %)ood and His tears. I was a2)e to do so9 2e+ause9 in John9 He !ade Me the Mother o a)) His /ro&eny... How !u+h I )on&ed or youH... That !ornin&9 in that a ternoon9 at ni&ht and the o))owin& day... 4hy9 /oor 1eter9 wounded and tra!/)ed on 2y the $e!on9 did you 6ee/ a !other waitin& so )on&F $o you not 6now that it is the tas6 o !others to tidy u/9 +ure9 or&ive and )ead their +hi)drenF I wi)) )ead you to Hi!. 9 4ou)d you )i6e to see Hi!F 4ou)d you )i6e to see His s!i)e9 to 2e +onvin+ed that He sti)) )oves youF 4ou)d youF 5hH then !ove away ro! My /oor )a/ o a wo!an9 and )ay your orehead on His +rowned orehead9 your )i/s on His wounded )i/s and 6iss your Lord.G

reason has 2een &iven the )ie. I now wait to hear the word o your s/irit in this )ast +ase...G E(or&ive !e.G E8o. 'nother word.G EI 2e)ieve.G E'nother one.G EI don't 6now...G

EI )ove. 1eter9 )ove. ;ou wi)) 2e or&iven. ;ou wi)) 2e)ieve. ;ou wi)) 2e stron&. ;ou wi)) 2e the 1riest9 not the 1harisee who o//resses and has nothin& 2ut or!a)is! and )a+6 o a+tive aith. Loo6 at Hi!. $are to )oo6 at Hi!. 0very2ody has )oo6ed at Hi! and venerated Hi!. 0ven Lon&inus... 'nd wou)d you not 2e a2)eF 'nd yet you were EHe is dead... I sha)) never 2e a2)e.G a2)e to deny Hi!H I you do not re+o&nise Hi! now9 throu&h the ir e o My !other)y )ovin& sorrow that <oins you and re+on+i)es you9 you wi)) never 2e a2)e a&ain. He rises E1eter. .e/)y to Me. 4hi+h do you thin6 is the )ast !ira+)e o your LordFG ro! the dead. How wi)) you 2e a2)e to )oo6 at Hi! in His new s/)endour9 i you do not EThe 0u+harist. 8o. That o the so)dier +ured there... there... 5hH do not re!ind !eH...G 6now His a+e in the /assa&e ro! the Master you 6now to the Triu!/her 4ho! you do not 6nowF %e+ause sorrow9 a)) the Sorrow o a&es and o the wor)d9 has wor6ed on E' aith u)9 )ovin& stron& wo!an !et Hi! on 7a)vary and wi/ed His (a+e. 'nd He9 to te)) us how !u+h )ove +an do9 i!/ressed the i!a&e o His (a+e on the )inen +)oth. Here Hi! with +hise) and !a))et in the hours ro! Thursday evenin& to the ninth hour on (riday. 'nd they have +han&ed His (a+e. 1revious)y He was on)y the Master and it is9 1eter. ' wo!an a+hieved that9 in an hour o he))ish dar6ness and o divine wrath. (riend. 8ow He is the Jud&e and :in&. He has as+ended on His throne to <ud&e. 'nd Si!/)y 2e+ause she )oved. %ear that in !ind9 1eter9 or the hours in whi+h the $e!on He has /ut on His +rown. He wi)) re!ain so. The on)y di eren+e is that a ter His wi)) see! to you to 2e stron&er than ,od. ,od was the /risoner o !en9 He was a)ready overwhe)!ed9 +onde!ned9 s+our&ed9 He was a)ready dyin&... 'nd yet9 as ,od is a)ways &)orious .esurre+tion9 He wi)) no )on&er 2e the Man Jud&e and :in&9 2ut the ,od Jud&e and :in&. Loo6 at Hi!. Loo6 at Hi! whi)e Hu!anity and Sorrow vei) Hi!9 in order to ,od even a!on& the !ost +rue) /erse+utions9 and i the Idea is stru+69 ,od 4ho 2e a2)e to )oo6 at Hi! when He triu!/hs in His $ivinity.G ins/ires it is untou+ha2)e9 so ,od to deniers9 to un2e)ievers9 to the !en o the oo)ish CwhysD9 o the &ui)ty Cit +annot 2eD9 o the sa+ri)e&ious Cwhat I do not understand is not 10 1eter at )ast raises his head ro! Mary's )a/ and )oo6s at Her9 with his eyes red with trueD9 re/)ies9 without any words9 with this +)oth. Loo6 at it. 5ne day9 you to)d Me9 you wee/in&9 in the a+e o an o)d +hi)d9 who is deso)ate and sur/rised at the evi) he has said to 'ndrewI CThe Messiah showed Hi!se) to youF It +annot 2e trueD9 and then done and at a)) the &ood he inds. your hu!an reason had to 2end 2e ore the /ower o the s/irit9 that saw the Messiah Mary +o!/e)s hi! to )oo6 at his Lord. Then whi)e 1eter9 as i he were 2e ore a )ivin& where reason did not see Hi!. 5n another o++asion9 on the stor!y sea9 you as6edI a+e9 says !oanin&I E(or&ive !e9 or&ive !eH I do not 6now how it ha//ened. 4hat CSha)) I +o!e9 MasterFD and then9 when you were ha) way9 on the a&itated water9 you ha//ened. I was not !yse) . It was so!ethin& that !ade !e 2e not !yse) . %ut I )ove 2e+a!e dou2t u) sayin&I C4ater +annot ho)d !eD and9 with your dou2t as 2a))ast9 you ;ou9 JesusH I )ove ;ou9 !y MasterH 7o!e 2a+6H 7o!e 2a+6H $o not &o away )i6e that9 were a)!ost drowned. 5n)y when the s/irit that 2e)ieved /revai)ed a&ainst hu!an without te))in& !e that ;ou have understood !eHG9 Mary re/eats the &esture a)ready reason9 you were a2)e to ind the he)/ o ,od. 5n another o++asion you saidI CI !ade in the se/u)+hra) roo!. Standin&9 Her ar!s outstret+hed9 She )oo6s )i6e the Lazarus has 2een dead our days9 why have we +o!eF To die in vainFD %e+ause with /riestess at the !o!ent o the o erin&s. 'nd as there She o ered the i!!a+u)ate Host9 your hu!an reason you +ou)d not su//ose any other so)ution. 'nd your reason was here She o ers the re/entant sinner. She is indeed the Mother o saints and sinnersH dis/roved 2y the s/irit9 that 2y /ointin& out to you9 throu&h the !an raised ro! the dead9 the &)ory o Hi! 4ho had raised hi!9 showed you that you had not &one there in Then She !a6es 1eter stand u/ and +ontinues to +onso)e hi!. 'nd She says to hi!I EI vain. 'nother ti!e9 !any other ti!es9 u/on hearin& your Lord s/ea6 o death9 and a a! now ha//ier. I 6now that you are here. ,o now where the wo!en and John are. ;ou +rue) death9 you saidI CThat wi)) never ha//en to ;ouHD 'nd you +an see how your

)++. The Ni1h& "- H"2( Sa&u da(.


a)) need rest and ood. ,o. 'nd 2e &ood...G as i he were a 2oy. 11 'nd whi)e in the house9 whi+h is +a)!er this se+ond ni&ht a ter His death and is in+)ined to &o 2a+6 to the hu!an +usto!s o s)ee/ and ood9 and has the tired resi&ned a//earan+e o dwe))in&s where the survivors re+over s)ow)y ro! the 2)ow o death9 Mary a)one wants to stay u/9 !otion)ess in Her /)a+e9 awaitin&9 in /rayer. ')ways. ')ways. ')ways. (or the )ivin& and or the dead. (or the <ust and the &ui)ty. (or the return. The return. The return o Her Son. Her sister@in@)aw wanted to stay with Her. %ut now she is sound as)ee/9 sittin& in a +orner9 with her head )eanin& a&ainst the wa)). Martha and Mary &o in twi+e9 2ut then9 s)ee/y as they are9 they withdraw into a near2y roo!9 and a ter a ew words9 they a)) as)ee/ as we))... 'nd arther away9 in a roo! as s!a)) as a /)aythin&9 Sa)o!e and Susanna are s)ee/in&9 whi)e9 on two !ats )aid on the )oor9 1eter and John are s)ee/in& noisi)y. The or!er sti)) so22in& !e+hani+a))y at interva)s in his snorin&9 the )atter with the s!i)e o a +hi)d who is drea!in& o a ha//y vision. Li e resu!es its a+tivity and the )esh its ri&hts... 5n)y the Mornin& Star shines wa6e u))y9 with Her )ove wat+hin& near the i!a&e o Her Son. 'nd the ni&ht o Ho)y Saturday /asses 2y thus. ?nti) the +row o a +o+69 at the irst )i&ht o day2rea69 !a6es 1eter <u!/ to his eet with a shout. 'nd his ri&htened sorrow u) +ry awa6es those who were s)ee/in&. The tru+e is over or the! and sorrow 2e&ins a)) over a&ain. 's or Mary9 it on)y in+reases the an3iety o Her wait.

E0nou&h9 1eterH 8ow you have +o))e+ted yourse) . 0nou&h o this tortureHG E8o9 never enou&h. I I shou)d 2e+o!e as o)d as the an+ient /atriar+hs9 i I shou)d )ive the seven hundred or the nine hundred years o 'da! and o his irst &rand+hi)dren9 I wou)d never +ease havin& this torture.G E$o you not ho/e in His Mer+yFG E;es9 I do. I I did not 2e)ieve in that9 I shou)d 2e )i6e the Is+ariotI a des/erate !an. %ut even i He or&ives !e ro! the 2oso! o His (ather9 where He has &one 2a+69 I wi)) not or&ive !yse) . IH IH I who saidI CI do not 6now Hi!D9 2e+ause at that !o!ent it was dan&erous to 6now Hi!9 2e+ause I was asha!ed o 2ein& His dis+i/)e9 2e+ause I was a raid o 2ein& tortured... He was &oin& towards His death... and I thou&ht o savin& !y )i e. 'nd to save it9 I re<e+ted Hi!9 )i6e a wo!an in sin9 who9 a ter &ivin& 2irth to a +hi)d9 re<e+ts the ruit o her wo!29 whi+h is dan&erous to 6ee/9 2e ore her unaware hus2and +o!es 2a+6. I a! worse than an adu)teress... worse than...G 2 Mary Ma&da)ene9 attra+ted 2y their shouts9 +o!es in. E$o not shout )i6e that. Mary +an hear you. She is so e3haustedH She has no stren&th )e t9 and everythin& hurts Her. ;our use)ess unsee!)y shouts renew Her torture o what you have 2een...G ESeeF See9 JohnF ' wo!an +an order !e to 2e =uiet. 'nd she is ri&ht. %e+ause we9 the !a)es sa+red to the Lord9 have on)y 2een a2)e to )ie or to run away. The wo!en have 2een 2rave. ;ou9 a )itt)e !ore than a wo!an9 so youn& and /ure you are9 were a2)e to re!ain. 4e9 the stron& ones9 the !a)es9 have )ed. 5hH how the wor)d !ust des/ise !eH Te)) !e9 te)) !e9 wo!anH ;ou are ri&htH 1ut your oot on !y )i/s that )ied. 5n the so)e o your sanda) there is /erha/s a )itt)e o His %)ood. 'nd on)y that %)ood9 !i3ed with the !ud o the road9 +an &ive the denier a )itt)e or&iveness9 a )itt)e /ea+e. I !ust &et a++usto!ed to the s+orn o the wor)dH 4hat a! IF Te)) !eI what a! IFG E;ou are u)) o /rideG re/)ies +a)!)y the Ma&da)ene. ESorrowF ')so. %ut you !ust 2e)ieve that out o ten /arts o your sorrow9 ive9 I do not want to o end you 2y sayin& si39 ive are o your sorrow o 2ein& one who +an 2e des/ised. 'nd I wi)) rea))y s+orn you i you +ontinue on)y to !oan and &et into a renzy9 <ust )i6e a oo)ish wo!anH 4hat is done is done. 'nd no unsee!)y shoutin& +an re/air it or +an+e) it. It on)y serves to draw attention and 2e& or undeserved /ity. %e !an)y in your re/entan+e. $o not shout. '+t.

THE GLORIF5CATION +$2. The .#!nin4 #1 &he Resu!!e'&i#n.

$s& A9!i5 $9*5.

1 The wo!en resu!e wor6in& at the oint!ents9 whi+h9 durin& the ni&ht9 in the +oo) o the +ourt@yard9 have 2e+o!e a thi+6 /o!ade.

John and 1eter thin6 that they ou&ht to tidy u/ the Su//er@roo!9 +)eanin& the ta2)eware9 3 I... you 6now who I was... %ut9 when I rea)ised that I was !ore des/i+a2)e than vo!it9 2ut /uttin& everythin& 2a+69 as i the Su//er were <ust over. I did not a)) into its o +onvu)sions. I a+ted. In /u2)i+. 4ithout 2ein& indu)&ent EHe to)d usG says John. towards !yse) and without as6in& or indu)&en+e. $id the wor)d des/ise !eF It was ri&ht. I had deserved it. The wor)d saidI C' new whi! o the /rostituteDF 'nd it +a))ed EHe had a)so saidI C$o not a)) as)ee/DH He had saidI C$o not 2e /roud9 1eter. $o you 2)as/he!y !y re+ourse to JesusF It was ri&ht. The wor)d re!e!2ered !y /revious not 6now that the hour o the tria) is a2out to +o!eFD 'nd... and He saidI C;ou wi)) deny Me...DG 1eter wee/s a&ain9 whi)e with dee/ &rie he saysI E'nd I did deny Hi!HG 2ehaviour that <usti ied su+h re!ar6s. SoF The wor)d had to +onvin+e itse) that the sinner Mary no )on&er e3isted. %y !eans o a+ts9 I +onvin+ed the wor)d. $o the sa!e

)+2. The '" nin1 "- &he Resu e3&i"n.


and 2e =uiet.G E;ou are severe9 MaryG o2<e+ts John. EMore with !yse) than with other /eo/)e. %ut I ad!it it. I do not have the )i&ht hand o the Mother. She is Love. I... ohH IH I )ashed !y ee)in&s with the whi/ o !y wi)). 'nd I wi)) do so even !ore. $o you thin6 that I have or&iven !yse) or 2ein& )ust u) F 8o9 I have not. %ut I on)y say so to !yse) . 'nd I wi)) a)ways re/eat it to !yse) . I sha)) die +onsu!ed with this se+ret re&ret o havin& 2een !y own +orru/ter9 with this in+onso)a2)e sorrow o havin& /ro aned !yse) and not havin& 2een a2)e to &ive Hi! 2ut a tra!/)ed on heart... See... I have wor6ed !ore than a)) the others at the 2a)!s... 'nd with &reater +oura&e than the others I wi)) un+over Hi!... 5hH ,odH what wi)) He 2e )i6e nowH KMary o Ma&da)a &rows /a)e at the very thou&ht o itL. 'nd I wi)) +over Hi! with resh 2a)!s9 re!ovin& those whi+h are +ertain)y a)) tainted on His +ount)ess wounds... I wi)) do so9 2e+ause the other wo!en wi)) )oo6 )i6e +onvo)vu)i a ter a down/our... %ut it &rieves !e to have to do it with these hands o !ine a++usto!ed to +aressin& )ust u))y9 and to have to a//roa+h His Ho)iness with this stained 2ody o !ine... I shou)d )i6e... I shou)d )i6e to have the hand o the Bir&in Mother to a++o!/)ish this )ast un+tion...G

E%ut do you rea))y thin6 that He wi)) riseF...G E'nother oneH 5hH %y dint o te))in& you that I do 2e)ieve and o hearin& you say that you do not 2e)ieve9 I wi)) end u/ 2y not 2e)ievin& any !ore !yse) H I have 2e)ieved and I do 2e)ieve. I have 2e)ieved and a )on& ti!e a&o I /re/ared a &ar!ent or Hi!. 'nd to!orrow9 as to!orrow is the third day9 I wi)) 2rin& it here9 to have it ready...G E%ut i you say that He wi)) 2e 2)a+69 swo))en9 i)thyFG

E(i)thy9 never. Sin is i)thy. %ut... o +ourseH He wi)) 2e 2)a+6. SoF 4as Lazarus not a)ready /utridF 'nd yet he rose. 'nd his 2ody was hea)ed. %ut9 i I say soH... %e =uiet9 you !is2e)ieversH My hu!an reason says a)so to !eI CHe is dead and wi)) not rise.D %ut !y s/irit9 CHisD s/irit9 2e+ause I have re+eived a new s/irit ro! Hi!9 shouts resoundin& )i6e 2)ares o si)ver tru!/etsI CHe wi)) riseH He wi)) riseH He wi)) riseHD 4hy do you hur) !e )i6e a )itt)e 2oat a&ainst the +)i s o your dou2tsF I 2e)ieveH I 2e)ieve9 !y LordH ')thou&h torn 2y &rie 9 Lazarus has o2eyed the Master and has re!ained in %ethany... I9 who 6now who Lazarus o Theo/hi)us is9 a stron& !an9 not a ear u) )everet9 +an a//re+iate the sa+ri i+e he !ade 2y re!ainin& in the shade and not near the Master. %ut he o2eyed. 'nd 2y su+h o2edien+e he has 2een !ore heroi+a) than i with wea/ons he had snat+hed Hi! ro! ar!ed !en. I have 2e)ieved and I 2e)ieve. 'nd I Mary is now wee/in& si)ent)y9 without so22in&. How di erent she is ro! the theatri+a) a! stayin& here. 4aitin& )i6e Her. %ut )et !e &o. It is day2rea6. 's soon as there is Mary a)ways shown to usH She is wee/in& noise)ess)y9 as she did on the day o her enou&h )i&ht9 we wi)) &o to the Se/u)+hre...G or&iveness in the house o the 1harisee. 'nd the Ma&da)ene &oes away9 her a+e )ushed with wee/in&9 2ut a)ways 2rave. 4 E're you sayin& that... the wo!en wi)) 2e a raidFG 1eter as6s her. 5 She &oes 2a+6 into Mary's roo!. E8ot a raid... %ut they wi)) 2e u/set seein& His %ody9 whi+h is +ertain)y a)ready E4hat was the !atter with 1eterFG rotten... swo))en... 2)a+6. 'nd then9 and this is +ertain9 they wi)) 2e a raid o the &uards.G E' nervous it. %ut he has &ot over it.G E$o you want !e to +o!eF 4ith JohnFG EHaH 7ertain)y notH 4e wo!en are a)) &oin&. %e+ause9 as we were a)) u/ there 9 so it is air that we shou)d a)) 2e round His death 2ed. ;ou and John wi)) re!ain here. She +annot re!ain a)oneH...G EIs She not +o!in&FG E4e are not )ettin& Her +o!eHG EShe is +onvin+ed that He wi)) rise ro! the dead... 4hat do you thin6FG EI9 a ter Mary9 a! the one who 2e)ieves !ore. I have a)ways 2e)ieved that that +ou)d 2e. He said so. 'nd He never )ies... 8everH... 5hH 2e ore I used to +a)) Hi! Jesus9 Master9 Saviour9 Lord... 8ow9 now I ee) that He is so &reat that I do not 6now9 I dare not &ive Hi! a na!e any !ore... 4hat sha)) I say to Hi! when I see Hi!F...G E$o not 2e severe9 Mary. He su ers.G ESo do I. %ut ;ou 6now that not even on+e have I as6ed a /ityin& +aress o ;ou. He has a)ready 2een +ured 2y ;ou... 5n the +ontrary9 I thin6 that ;ou a)one9 Mother9 are in need o a 2a)sa!. My ho)y9 2e)oved MotherH %ut ta6e heart... To!orrow is the third day. 4e sha)) )o+6 ourse)ves in here9 the two o usI His )overs. ;ou9 the ho)y LoverM I9 the /oor )over... %ut I )ove Hi! as !u+h as I +an9 with !y who)e se) . 'nd we wi)) wait or Hi!... The rest9 those who do not 2e)ieve9 we wi)) )o+6 the! in over there9 with their dou2ts. 'nd I wi)) /ut !any roses here... I wi)) have the +hest 2rou&ht here today... I wi)) &o to the !ansion house and I wi)) instru+t Levi. ')) these horri2)e thin&s !ust disa//earH 5ur .esurre+ted Lord !ust not see the!... So !any roses... 'nd ;ou wi)) /ut on a new dress... He !ust not see ;ou so. I wi)) +o!2 ;our hair9 I wi)) wash ;our /oor a+e dis i&ured 2y tears. 0terna) !aid9 I wi)) a+t as ;our !other... I sha)) have9 at )ast9 the <oy o ta6in& !other)y +are o a +hi)d !ore inno+ent than a new@2orn 2a2yH

)+2. The '" nin1 "- &he Resu e3&i"n.


$earHG and with her e!otiona) e3u2eran+e9 the Ma&da)ene /resses to her 2reast the head o Mary 4ho is sittin&9 she 6isses and +aresses Her9 she tidies the )i&ht )o+6s o Her hair ru )ed 2ehind Her ears9 with her )inen dress she wi/es the resh tears that strea! down Her +hee6s a&ain9 a&ain9 a)ways... 6 The wo!en +o!e in with )i&hts and a!/horae and )ar&e@!outhed vases. Mary o ')/haeus is +arryin& a heavy !ortar . EIt is not /ossi2)e to stay outside. There is a wea6 wind that 2)ows out the )a!/sG she e3/)ains. They /)a+e the!se)ves on one side. They )ay a)) their thin&s on a )on& narrow ta2)e9 then they &ive the ina) tou+h to their 2a)!s 2y !i3in& the a)ready heavy /o!ade o essen+es in the !ortar with a white /owder9 hand u)s o whi+h they ta6e ro! a )itt)e sa+6. They !i3 wor6in& with a)) their ener&y and then they i)) a )ar&e@!outhed vase. They /)a+e it on the )oor. They re/eat the sa!e o/eration with another vase. 1er u!es and tears a)) on the resins. Mary Ma&da)ene saysI EThis is not the un+tion that I ho/ed I shou)d 2e a2)e to /re/are or ;ou.G %e+ause it is the Ma&da)ene who9 2ein& !ore s6i))ed than the other wo!en9 has +ontro))ed and dire+ted the +o!/osition o the /er u!e9 whi+h is so stron& that they de+ide to o/en the door and )eave the window a<ar over the &arden9 whi+h is <ust 2e&innin& to a//ear in the ear)y )i&ht o dawn.

/ro/er)y with our hands. 4e are stron& and we are !others. 4e wi)) /)a+e Hi! )i6e a +hi)d in a +rad)e. 'nd the others wi)) on)y have to +)ose the /)a+e.G %ut Mary insistsI EIt is My dutyG She says. EI have a)ways ta6en +are o Hi!. 5n)y these )ast three years that He was in the wor)d9 I surrendered the +are o Hi! to other /eo/)e9 when He was ar away ro! Me. 8ow that the wor)d has re<e+ted and disowned Hi!9 He is Mine a&ain. 'nd I a! on+e a&ain His servant.G 1eter9 who had a//roa+hed the door with John9 without 2ein& seen 2y the wo!en9 runs away u/on hearin& these words. He runs to so!e se+)uded +orner to 2ewai) his sin. John re!ains near the door. %ut he does not say anythin&. He wou)d )i6e to &o as we)). %ut he !a6es the sa+ri i+e o re!ainin& with the Mother. Mary Ma&da)ene ta6es Mary 2a+6 to Her seat. She 6nee)s in ront o Her9 she e!2ra+es Her 6nees raisin& her sorrow u) )ovin& a+e towards Her9 and she /ro!isesI E4ith His S/irit9 He 6nows and sees everythin&. %ut with !y 6isses I wi)) te)) His %ody ;our )ove and ;our wish. I 6now what is )ove. I 6now what s/ur9 what hun&er it is to )ove9 what nosta)&ia o 2ein& with whoever is our )ove. 'nd that a//)ies a)so to any 2ase )ove that )oo6s )i6e &o)d9 2ut is i)th. 'nd when she who has sinned +an understand what is the ho)y )ove or the )ivin& Mer+y9 4ho! !en did not 6now how to )ove9 then she +an understand 2etter what is ;our )ove9 Mother.

;ou 6now that I 6now how to )ove. 'nd ;ou 6now that He said so9 that evenin& o !y They a)) wee/ !ore )oud)y a ter the re!ar6 !ade 2y the Ma&da)ene in a su2dued voi+e. true 2irth9 on the shores o our serene )a6e9 that Mary 6nows how to )ove !u+h. 8ow this e3u2erant )ove o !ine9 )i6e water that over )ows ro! a ti)ted 2asin9 )i6e a )owery They have inished. ')) the vases are u)). rosery that strea!s down a wa))9 )i6e a )a!e that indin& ti!2er s/reads and &rows9 has They &o out with the e!/ty a!/horae9 the !ortar no )on&er use u)9 and !any )a!/s. /oured onto Hi!9 and ro! Hi!@Love has drawn resh /ower... Two on)y are )e t in the )itt)e roo! and they tre!2)e9 they see! to 2e so22in& as we))9 5hH !y /ower o )ovin& was not a2)e to ta6e His /)a+e on the 7rossH... %ut what I was with the )i+6erin& o their )i&ht... not a2)e to do or Hi! J to su er9 and 2)eed9 and die in His /)a+e9 a!id the !o+6ery o The wo!en +o!e 2a+6 a&ain and they +)ose the window9 2e+ause it is a rather +o)d a)) the wor)d9 ha//y9 ha//y9 ha//y to su er in His /)a+e9 and I a! +ertain that the dawn. They /ut on their !ant)es and they ta6e )ar&e sa+6s into whi+h they /ut the vases thread o !y /oor )i e wou)d have 2een 2urnt !ore 2y the triu!/hant )ove than 2y the o the 2a)!. in a!ous s+a o)d9 and ro! the ashes there wou)d have s/run& u/ the resh snow@white )ower o the new vir&in )i e9 unaware o everythin& that is not ,od J a)) that I was not 7 Mary stands u/ and )oo6s or Her !ant)e. %ut they a)) +rowd round Her +onvin+in& a2)e to do or Hi!9 I +an sti)) do or ;ou.... Mother9 4ho! I )ove with a)) !y heart. Her not to +o!e. E;ou are not it to stand9 Mary. ;ou have not had any ood or two days. 5n)y a )itt)e water.G E;es9 Mother9 4e wi)) do it =ui+6)y and we)). 'nd we sha)) soon 2e 2a+6.G E%e not a raid. 4e wi)) e!2a)! Hi! )i6e a 6in&. Loo6 what /re+ious 2a)! we have /re/aredH 'nd how !u+h o itH...G E4e wi)) not ne&)e+t any /art o the 2ody or any wound and we wi)) arran&e Hi! .e)y on !e. I9 who in the house o Si!on9 the 1harisee9 6new how to &ent)y +aress His ho)y eet9 now9 with !y sou) that o/ens !ore and !ore to ,ra+e9 with &reater &ent)e@ ness wi)) 2e a2)e to +aress His ho)y )i!2s9 to dress His wounds e!2a)!in& the! !ore with !y )ove9 with the 2a)! ta6en ro! !y heart wrun& 2y )ove and sorrow9 than with the oint!ent. 'nd death wi)) not s/oi) that 2ody that has )oved so !u+h and is so !u+h )oved. $eath wi)) )ee9 2e+ause Love is stron&er. Love is invin+i2)e. 'nd I9 Mother9 with ;our /er e+t )ove9 with !y tota) )ove9 wi)) e!2a)! !y :in& o Love.G Mary 6isses this i!/assioned wo!an who9 at )ast9 has 2een a2)e to ind so !u+h

)+2. The '" nin1 "- &he Resu e3&i"n.


/assion9 and She yie)ds to her entreaties. 8 The wo!en &o out ta6in& a )a!/. 5ne on)y is )e t in the roo!. The Ma&da)ene is the )ast to &o out9 a ter a )ast 6iss to the Mother 4ho re!ains. The house is a)) dar6 and si)ent. The road is sti)) dar6 and so)itary. John as6sI E$o you rea))y not want !eFG E8o. ;ou !ay 2e use u) here. ,ood2ye.G John &oes 2a+6 to Mary. EThey did not want !e...G he says in a )ow voi+e. E$o not ee) !orti ied. They are with Jesus. ;ou with Me. John9 )et us /ray a )itt)e to&ether. 4here is 1eterFG EI don't 6now. So!ewhere in the house. %ut I have not seen hi!. He is... I thou&ht that he was stron&er... I a! su erin&9 too9 2ut he...G EHe has two sorrows. ;ou have on)y one. 7o!e. Let us /ray a)so or hi!.G 'nd Mary s)ow)y says the E5ur (atherG. Then She +aresses John sayin&I E,o to 1eter. $o not )eave hi! a)) a)one. He has 2een so !u+h in dar6ness durin& these hours9 that he +annot stand even the ee2)e )i&ht o the wor)d. %e the a/ost)e o your )ost 2rother. %e&in your /rea+hin& with hi!. 5n your road9 and it wi)) 2e a )on& one9 you wi)) a)ways ind /eo/)e )i6e hi!. %e&in your wor6 with your +o!/anion...G E%ut what sha)) I sayF... I don't 6now... 0verythin& !a6es hi! wee/...G EMention His /re+e/t o )ove to hi!. Te)) hi! that he who ears on)y9 does not yet 6now ,od su i+ient)y9 2e+ause ,od is Love. 'nd i he says to youI CI have sinnedD9 re/)y to hi! that ,od has )oved sinners so !u+h that He sent His 5n)y@%e&otten Son or the!. Te)) hi! that we !ust re/)y with )ove to so !u+h )ove. 'nd )ove !a6es one trust in the very &ood Lord. That trust does not !a6e us 2e a raid o His <ud&e!ent9 2e+ause throu&h it we have re+o&nised the divine 4isdo! and ,oodness9 and we sayI CI a! a /oor +reature. %ut He 6nows. 'nd He &ives !e the 7hrist as &uarantee o or&iveness and as a su//ortin& /i))ar. My !isery is over+o!e 2y !y union with the 7hrist.D It is in Jesus' na!e that everythin& is or&iven... ,o9 John. Te)) hi! that. I a! stayin& here9 with My Jesus...G and She +aresses the veroni+a. John &oes out9 +)osin& the door 2ehind hi!. 9 Mary 6nee)s down9 as She did the /revious evenin&9 a+e to a+e with the vei) o the veroni+a. 'nd She /rays and s/ea6s to Her Son. 4hi)e She is stron& enou&h to &ive stren&th to other /eo/)e9 when She is a)one She 2ends under Her overwhe)!in& +ross. 'nd yet9 now and a&ain9 )i6e a )a!e no )on&er o//ressed 2y the 2ushe)9 Her sou) rises

towards a ho/e that +annot die in Her. 5n the +ontrary it &rows as hours /ass. 'nd She e3/resses Her ho/e a)so to the (ather. Her ho/e and Her re=uest. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 10 K;ou +an /ut here the /rayer o )ast year9 the )a!ent o this 1assover dawn9 dated #1st (e2ruary 19449 )eavin& it e3a+t)y as it is9 2e+ause no +han&e is to 2e !ade to itL. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
62$s& Fe)!ua!/ $9**7

11 EJesus9 JesusH 're ;ou not +o!in& 2a+6 yetF ;our /oor Mother +an no )on&er /ut u/ with the idea that ;ou are )yin& dead over there. ;ou said it9 2ut no one understood ;ou. %ut I understood ;ouH C$estroy the Te!/)e o ,od and I wi)) re2ui)d it in three days.D This is the 2e&innin& o the third day. 5hH My JesusH $o not wait ti)) it ends to +o!e 2a+6 to )i e9 to ;our Mother9 4ho needs to see ;ou a)ive in order not to die re!e!2erin& that ;ou are dead9 4ho needs to see ;ou handso!e9 hea)thy9 triu!/hant9 in order not to die re!e!2erin& ;ou in that state in whi+h I )e t ;ouH 12 5hH (atherH (atherH ,ive My Son 2a+6 to MeH That I !ay see Hi! +o!e 2a+6 as a Man and not as a +or/se9 a :in&9 not a +onde!ned !an. Later9 I 6now9 He wi)) +o!e 2a+6 to ;ou9 in Heaven. %ut I sha)) have seen Hi! +ured o so !u+h evi)9 I sha)) have seen Hi! stron& a ter so !u+h wea6ness9 I sha)) have seen Hi! triu!/hant a ter stru&&)in& so !u+h9 I sha)) have seen Hi! ,od a ter so !u+h hu!anity su ered on 2eha) o !en. 'nd I sha)) ee) ha//y even i I )ose the /ossi2i)ity o 2ein& near Hi!. I sha)) 6now that He is with ;ou9 Ho)y (ather9 I sha)) 6now that He is orever ree ro! Sorrow. 8ow9 instead9 I +annot or&et that He is in a se/u)+hre9 that He is there9 6i))ed 2e+ause o a)) the sorrow they have &iven Hi!9 that He9 My Son@,od9 is sharin& the destiny o !en in the dar6 o a se/u)+hre9 He9 ;our Livin& Son. (ather9 (ather9 )isten to ;our servant. %e+ause o that CyesD... I have never as6ed anythin& o ;ou or My o2edien+e to ;our wi))M it was ;our 4i))9 and ;our 4i)) was MineM I did not have to e3a+t anythin& or the sa+ri i+e o My wi)) to ;ours9 Ho)y (ather. %ut now9 2ut now9 or the sa6e o that CyesD that I said to the !essen&er 'n&e)9 o (ather9 )isten to MeH He is now ree ro! tortures9 2e+ause He a++o!/)ished everythin& with the a&ony o three hours a ter the tortures o the !ornin&. %ut I have 2een or three days in this a&ony. ;ou +an see My heart and ;ou hear its thro2s. 5ur Jesus said that no eather a))s o a 2ird without ;ou seein& it9 that no wi)d )ower dies without its a&ony 2ein& +onso)ed 2y ;ou with ;our sunshine and ;our dew. 5h9 (ather9 I a! dyin& o this &rie H $ea) with Me as ;ou do with the s/arrow that ;ou re+)othe with a new eather9 and with the )ower that ;ou war! and =uen+h its thirst in ;our /ity. I a! dyin& rozen 2y sorrow. I have no !ore 2)ood in My veins. 5n+e it 2e+a!e a)) !i)6 to nourish ;our

)+2. The '" nin1 "- &he Resu e3&i"n.


Son and MineM now it has a)) turned into tears 2e+ause I have no Son any !ore. They have 6i))ed Hi!9 they have 6i))ed Hi!9 (ather9 and ;ou 6now howH I have no !ore 2)oodH I have shed it a)) with Hi! on Thursday ni&ht9 on the sorrow u) (riday. I a! as +o)d as one whose veins have 2een severed. The sun no )on&er shines or Me9 2e+ause He is dead9 My ho)y Sun9 My 2)essed Sun9 the Sun 2orn o My wo!2 or the <oy o His Mother9 or the sa)vation o the wor)d. I have no !ore re resh!ent9 2e+ause I no )on&er have Hi!9 the sweetest ountain or His Mother9 4ho dran6 His 4ord9 4ho =uen+hed Her thirst with His /resen+e. I a! )i6e a )ower in dry sand. I a! dyin&9 I a! dyin&9 ho)y (ather. 13 'nd I a! not a raid to die9 2e+ause He a)so is dead. %ut what wi)) these )itt)e ones do9 the )itt)e herd o My Son9 so wea69 so ri&htened9 so i+6)e9 i there is no one to su//ort itF I a! nothin&9 (ather. %ut9 2y the desires o My Son9 I a! )i6e a or!ation o ar!ed !en. I de end9 I wi)) de end His $o+trine and His herita&e as a she@wo) de ends her wo) @+u2s. I9 a ewe@)a!29 wi)) 2e+o!e a she@wo) to de end what 2e)on&s to My Son9 and +onse=uent)y9 what is ;ours. ;ou have seen it9 (ather. 0i&ht days a&o this town stri//ed its o)ive@trees9 stri//ed its houses9 stri//ed its &ardens9 stri//ed its inha2itants and 2e+a!e hoarse shoutin&I CHosanna to the Son o $avidM 2)essed He 4ho +o!es in the na!e o the Lord.D 'nd whi)e He was /assin& wa)6in& on +ar/ets o 2ran+hes9 o &ar!ents9 o +)othes9 o )owers9 the +itizens /ointed Hi! out to one another sayin&I CHe is Jesus9 the 1ro/het ro! 8azareth in ,a)i)ee. He is the :in& o Israe).D 'nd whi)e those 2ran+hes had not yet withered and their voi+es were sti)) hoarse throu&h so !u+h sin&in& hosannas9 they +han&ed their +ries into a++usations and +urses and re=uests or death9 and o the 2ran+hes +ut o or the triu!/h they !ade +ud&e)s to stri6e ;our La!29 4ho! they were ta6in& to His death. I they have done so !u+h whi)e He was a!on& the! and s/o6e to the!9 and s!i)ed at the!9 and )oo6ed at the! with His eyes that !e)t hearts9 and even stones tre!2)e when )oo6ed at 2y the!9 and He he)/ed the! and tau&ht the!9 what wi)) they do when He +o!es 2a+6 to ;ouF

14 5hH (ather9 4ho have a2andoned ;our Son or the we) are o !en9 and then ;ou have +o! orted Hi!9 2e+ause ;ou have +ertain)y re+eived Hi! on ;our 2oso! a ter His death9 do not )eave Me any )on&er in a2andon!ent. I su er it and o er it or the we) are o !en. %ut +onso)e Me9 now9 (ather. (ather9 !er+yH Mer+y9 SonH Mer+y9 divine S/iritH .e!e!2er ;our Bir&inHG @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
6$s& A9!i5 $9*57

Later9 /rostrated on the )oor9 Mary see!s to 2e /rayin& with Her attitude as we)) as with Her heart. She is rea))y a /oor +rushed thin&. She )oo6s )i6e that )ower /ar+hed to death o whi+h She has s/o6en. She does not even noti+e the sha6in& o a short 2ut stron& earth=ua6e that !a6es the !aster and !istress o the house shout and run away9 whi)e 1eter and John9 as white as death9 dra& the!se)ves as ar as the thresho)d o the roo!. %ut as they see Her a2sor2ed in Her /rayer9 inattentive9 unaware o what is not ,od9 they withdraw +)osin& the door9 and ri&htened as they are9 they &o 2a+6 into the Su//er roo!.

+$3. The Resu!!e'&i#n.

$s& A9!i5 $9*5.

1 I see a&ain the <oy u) and /ower u) .esurre+tion o 7hrist. In the 6it+hen &arden a)) is si)ent and &)itterin& with dew. '2ove it the s6y is 2e+o!in& a +)earer and +)earer sa//hire shade9 a ter )eavin& its dar6@2)ue hue studded with stars9 that throu&h the who)e ni&ht had wat+hed over the wor)d. $awn is drivin& 2a+69 ro! east to west9 these sti)) dar6 zones9 )i6e a wave that durin& the hi&h tide advan+es !ore and !ore9 +overin& the dar6 2ea+h and re/)a+in& the &rey@dar6 shade o the da!/ sand and o the ree with the 2)ue sea water.

His dis+i/)es9 ;ou have seen the!. 5ne 2etrayed Hi!9 the others ran away. He was no sooner stru+6 than they ran away )i6e +oward)y shee/9 and they did not even stay around Hi! whi)e He was dyin&. 5ne on)y9 the youn&est9 re!ained. 8ow +o!es the e)der. %ut he a)ready denied Hi! on+e. 4hen Jesus is no )on&er here to wat+h hi!9 wi)) ' ew )itt)e stars do not want to die yet and /ee/ !ore and !ore aint)y throu&h the wave o the white &reenish )i&ht o dawn9 a white shaded with &rey9 )i6e the )eaves o he /ersist in his (aithF the drowsy o)ive@trees that or! a +rown on that not ar away hi))o+6. 'nd then it is I a! a nonentity9 2ut a )itt)e o My Son is in Me9 and My )ove su//)ies what I )a+6 and wre+6ed9 su2!er&ed 2y the wave o dawn9 )i6e )and over )owed 2y water. 'nd there is annu)s it. So I 2e+o!e so!ethin& use u) or the +ause o ;our Son9 or His 7hur+h9 that a star )ess... 'nd then a)so another one )ess... and another one9 and another one. The s6y wi)) never ind /ea+e and needs to stri6e dee/ roots in order not to 2e u/rooted 2y )oses its herd o stars and on)y over there9 to the re!ote east9 three9 then two9 then one winds. I a! the one who wi)) ta6e +are o it. Li6e a di)i&ent &ardener I wi)) wat+h that it re!ain to +onte!/)ate that dai)y wonder9 whi+h is the risin& dawn. &rows u/ stron& and strai&ht in its dawn. Then I sha)) not 2e worried a2out dyin&. %ut I 'nd then9 when a /in6 thread draws a )ine on the tur=uoise si)6 o the eastern s6y9 a +annot )ive i I re!ain any )on&er without Jesus.

)+3. The Resu e3&i"n.


2reath o wind /asses over )eaves and her2s and saysI E4a6e u/. The day has risen.G %ut it awa6es on)y )eaves and her2s9 that shiver under their dewy dia!onds and rust)e &ent)y whi)e the a))in& dro/s resound )i6e ar/e&&ios. The 2irds have not awa6ened yet a!on& the thi+6 2ran+hes o a very ta)) +y/ress that see!s to do!inate )i6e a )ord in his 6in&do!9 or in the thi+6 entan&)e!ent o a )aure) hed&e that she)ters ro! the north wind.

0ssen+e to the i!!o2i)e Matter. %ut no word is /er+eived 2y the hu!an ear. The ()esh re+eives the order and o2eys it with a dee/ si&h... 8othin& e)se or so!e !inutes. ?nder the Sudariu! and the Shroud9 the &)orious %ody is re+o!/osed in eterna) 2eauty9 it awa6es ro! the s)ee/ o death9 it +o!es 2a+6 ro! the Enothin&G in whi+h it was9 it )ives a ter 2ein& dead. The heart +ertain)y awa6es and &ives its irst thro29 it /ro/e)s the re!ainin& rozen 2)ood throu&h the veins and at on+e +reates the u)) !easure o it in the e!/ty arteries9 in the i!!o2i)e )un&s9 in the dar6 2rain9 and 2rin&s 2a+6 war!th9 hea)th9 stren&th9 thou&ht.

The &uards9 weary9 +o)d9 s)ee/y9 in various /ostures are wat+hin& over the Se/u)+hre9 the stone o whi+h has 2een rein or+ed round its ed&e9 as i it were a 2uttress9 with a thi+6 )ayer o )i!e9 on the o/a=ue white o whi+h stand out the )ar&e rosettes o red wa3 'nother !o!ent9 and there is a sudden !ove!ent under the heavy Shroud. It is so o the Te!/)e sea)9 i!/ressed with others dire+t)y on the resh )i!e. sudden that9 ro! the !o!ent He +ertain)y !oves His o)ded ar!s to the !o!ent He The &uards !ust have )it a )itt)e ire durin& the ni&ht9 2e+ause there are ashes and ha) @ a//ears standin&9 i!/osin&9 s/)endid in His &ar!ent o i!!ateria) !atter9 2urnt ire@2rands on the &round9 and they !ust have /)ayed and eaten9 2e+ause s+attered su/ernatura))y handso!e and !a<esti+9 with a &ravity that +han&es and e)evates Hi!9 around there are re!ains o ood and so!e s!a)) +)ean 2ones9 whi+h have +ertain)y and yet )eaves Hi! e3a+t)y Hi!se) 9 the eye has hard)y ti!e to o))ow the deve)o/!ent. 2een used or so!e &a!e9 )i6e our do!inoes or our +hi)dren's &a!es o !ar2)es9 whi+h 'nd now it ad!ires Hi!I so di erent ro! what the !ind re!e!2ers9 tidied u/9 are /)ayed on a +oarse 2oard tra+ed on a /ath. Then they 2e+a!e tired and )e t thin&s as without wounds or 2)ood9 on)y 2)azin& with the )i&ht that &ushes ro! the ive wounds they are now9 and they tried to ind !ore or )ess +o! orta2)e /ostures to s)ee/ or to and issues ro! every /ore o His s6in. 6ee/ wat+h. 4 4hen He ta6es His irst ste/ J and in the !ove!ent the rays e!anatin& ro! His 2 In the +)ear s6y9 where to the east there is now a +o!/)ete)y rosy zone9 whi+h is Hands and (eet ha)o Hi! with 2ea!s o )i&htI ro! His Head ha)oed with a &ar)and9 s/readin& out !ore and !ore wide)y9 2ut where9 however9 there are no sun2ea!s as !ade with the +ount)ess )itt)e wounds o the +rown9 2ut they no )on&er 2)eed 2ut on)y yet9 a very 2ri&ht !eteor a//ears9 +o!in& ro! un6nown de/ths9 and it des+ends )i6e a shine9 to the he! o His tuni+9 when9 o/enin& His ar!s9 that were o)ded a+ross His s/here o ire o unsustaina2)e s/)endour9 o))owed 2y a &)owin& trai)9 whi+h /erha/s is +hest9 He un+overs the zone o very 2ri&ht )u!inosity that i)ters throu&h His tuni+ nothin& 2ut the /ersisten+e o its 2ri&htness in our retinae. It des+ends at a very hi&h in )a!in& it )i6e a sun at the hei&ht o His Heart J then it is rea))y the ELi&htG that has s/eed towards the 0arth9 sheddin& su+h an intense /hantas!a&ori+ )i&ht9 ri&ht u) in its ta6en a 2ody. 8ot the /oor )i&ht o the 0arth9 not the /oor )i&ht o the stars9 not the /oor 2eauty9 that the rosy )i&ht o dawn vanishes9 outshone 2y su+h white in+andes+en+e. )i&ht o the sun. %ut the Li&ht o ,odI a)) the heaven)y 2ri&htness that &athers in one %ein& and &rants Hi! its in+on+eiva2)e azure as eyes9 its &o)den ire as hair9 its an&e)i+ The &uards9 astonished9 raise their heads9 a)so 2e+ause with the )i&ht there +o!es a whiteness as &ar!ent and +o!/)e3ion and a)) that e3ists9 2ut +annot 2e des+ri2ed 2y !i&hty9 har!onious9 so)e!n ru!2)e that i))s the who)e o 7reation with its roar. It hu!an words9 the su/ere!inent ardour o the Most Ho)y Trinity9 that outshines with its +o!es ro! heaven)y de/ths. It is the a))e)uia9 the an&e)i+a) &)ory9 that o))ows the ardent /ower every ire in 1aradise9 a2sor2in& Hi! in Itse) to &enerate Hi! a&ain at S/irit o the 7hrist9 whi+h is returnin& to His &)orious ()esh. ea+h !o!ent o the eterna) Ti!e9 Heart o Heaven that attra+ts and s/reads His 2)ood9 The !eteor +)ashes on the use)ess +)osure o the Se/u)+hre9 tears it o 9 throws it on the the +ount)ess dro/s o His in+or/orea) 2)oodI the 2)essed sou)s9 the an&e)s9 everythin& there is the 1aradiseI the )ove o ,od9 the )ove or ,od9 a)) this is the Li&ht that is9 that &round9 and it stri6es with terror and noise the &uards /)a+ed as <ai)ors o the Master o or!s the .isen 7hrist. the ?niverse9 /rodu+in& with its return to the 0arth a new earth=ua6e9 as it had +aused one when this S/irit o the Lord )ed ro! the 0arth. It enters the dar6 Se/u)+hre that 4hen He !oves9 +o!in& towards the e3it9 and the eye +an see 2eyond His 2ri&htness9 2e+o!es a)) 2ri&ht with its indes+ri2a2)e )i&ht9 and whi)e it re!ains sus/ended in the two !ost 2eauti u) 2ri))ian+es9 2ut si!i)ar to stars +o!/ared with the sun9 a//ear to !e9 sti)) air9 the S/irit is in used a&ain into the %ody !otion)ess under the unerea) one on this side9 the other on the other side o the thresho)d9 /rostrated in the adoration 2anda&es. o their ,od9 4ho /asses 2y enve)o/ed in His )i&ht9 2eati yin& with His s!i)e9 and He ')) this ta6es /)a+e not in a !inute9 2ut in the ra+tion o a !inute9 so ast have 2een the &oes out9 )eavin& the unerea) &rotto and &oin& 2a+6 to wa)6 on the earth9 that awa6es out o <oy and shines in its dews9 in the hues o her2s and roseries9 in the +ount)ess a//earan+e9 des+ent9 /enetration and the disa//earan+e o the Li&ht o ,od... +oro))as o a//)e@trees9 that o/en9 2y a wonder9 to the ear)y sun that 6isses the!9 and to 3 The EI wantG o the divine S/irit to its +o)d %ody is noise)ess. It is uttered 2y the

)+3. The Resu e3&i"n.


the eterna) Sun 4ho /ro+eeds under the!. The &uards are there9 sho+6ed... The +orru/t /owers o !an do not see ,od9 whereas the /ure /owers o the universe J the )owers9 her2s9 2irds J ad!ire and venerate the Mi&hty 5ne9 4ho /asses 2y in a ha)o o His own Li&ht and in an aureo)a o sun)i&ht. His s!i)e9 His eyes that rest on )owers9 on dead 2ran+hes9 that )oo6 u/ at the +)ear s6y9 everythin& 2e+o!es !ore 2eauti u). 'nd !ore so t and shaded than a si)6y rosery are the !i))ions o /eta)s or!in& a )owery oa! on the head o the 7on=ueror. 'nd 2ri&hter are the dia!onds o the dew. 'nd o a dee/er 2)ue is the s6y re )e+tin& His re u)&ent eyes9 and !ore <oy u) is the sun that with &)adness /aints a )itt)e +)oud 2)own 2y a )i&ht wind9 that +o!es to 6iss its :in& with s+ents sto)en ro! &ardens and with +aresses o si)6y /eta)s. Jesus raises His Hand and 2)esses and then9 whi)e the 2irds sin& !ore )oud)y and the wind +arries its s+ents9 He disa//ears ro! !y si&ht9 )eavin& !e in a <oy that +an+e)s even the s)i&htest re!e!2ran+e o sadness and su erin&s and hesitan+y or to!orrow...

!eetin& on 7a)vary and o the a&ony. It is a +ry o triu!/h9 o <oy9 o reedo!9 o re<oi+in&9 o )ove9 o &ratitude. 'nd He 2ends over His Mother9 4ho dare not tou+h Hi!9 and He /)a+es His hands under Her 2ent e)2ows9 and He )i ts Her u/9 He /resses Her to His Heart and 6isses Her. 5hH Mary rea)ises then that it is not a vision9 that it is Her Son 4ho has rea))y risen 9 that it is Her Jesus9 the Son 4ho sti)) )oves Her as a Son. 'nd with a +ry9 She )in&s Her ar!s round His ne+69 and She e!2ra+es and 6isses Hi!9 )au&hin& in Her wee/in&. She 6isses His (orehead9 where there are no )on&er any wounds9 His Head no )on&er un6e!/t and 2)oody9 His shinin& 0yes9 His hea)ed 7hee6s9 His Mouth no )on&er swo))en. She then ta6es His Hands and 6isses their 2a+6s and /a)!s9 their radiant wounds9 and She sudden)y 2ends down to His (eet and un+overs the! ro! under His 2ri&ht &ar!ent and 6isses the!. Then She stands u/9 )oo6s at Hi!9 2ut dare not. %ut He s!i)es and understands. He un+overs His +hest a )itt)e and saysI E'nd this one9 Mother9 are ;ou not 6issin& it9 this one that &rieved ;ou so !u+h and that ;ou a)one are worthy to 6issF :iss My Heart9 Mother. ;our 6iss wi)) +an+e) the )ast re!e!2ran+e o what is sorrow u) and wi)) &ive Me that <oy9 whi+h My Joy o havin& risen ro! the dead sti)) )a+6s.G 'nd He ta6es the a+e o His Mother in His Hands and He )ays Her )i/s on the )i/s o the wound o His 7hest9 ro! whi+h strea!s o a very 2ri&ht )i&ht are )owin&. Mary's a+e is ha)oed 2y that )i&ht9 )ooded as it is with its 2ea!s. She 6isses and 6isses9 whi)e Jesus +aresses Her. She never tires 6issin&. She )oo6s )i6e a thirsty wo!an whose !outh is atta+hed to a ountain and who drin6s ro! it the )i e that was es+a/in& her. 3 Jesus s/ea6s now. EIt is a)) over9 Mother. ;ou no )on&er have to wee/ over ;our Son. The tria) is over. .ede!/tion has ta6en /)a+e. Mother9 than6s or +on+eivin& Me9 or 2rin&in& Me u/9 or he)/in& Me in )i e and in death.

+$*. Jesus A99ea!s &# His .#&he!.

62$s& Fe)!ua!/ $9**7

1 Mary is /rostrated with Her a+e on the )oor. She )oo6s )i6e a /oor wret+h. She )oo6s )i6e that withered )ower o whi+h She has s/o6en. The +)osed window is o/ened with a vio)ent 2an&in& o the heavy shutters9 and with the irst ray o the sun9 Jesus enters. Mary9 4ho has 2een sha6en 2y the noise and has raised Her head to see whi+h wind has o/ened the shutters9 sees Her radiant SonI handso!e9 in inite)y !ore handso!e than He was 2e ore su erin&9 s!i)in&9 )ive)y9 2ri&hter than the sun9 dressed in a white &ar!ent that see!s woven )i&ht9 and 4ho is advan+in& towards Her.

I heard ;our /rayers +o!e to Me. They have 2een My stren&th in My &rie 9 My +o!/anions in My <ourney on the 0arth and 2eyond the 0arth. They +a!e with Me on She strai&htens Herse) u/ on Her 6nees and +rossin& Her hands on Her 2reast9 She says the 7ross and to Li!2o. They were the in+ense that /re+eded the 1onti 9 4ho was with a so2 that is <oy and &rie I ELord9 My ,odG. 'nd She re!ains thus9 enra/tured in &oin& to +a)) His servants and ta6e the! to the te!/)e that does not dieI to My Heaven. +onte!/)atin& Hi!9 with Her a+e a)) washed 2y tears9 2ut !ade serene9 /a+i ied 2y His They have +o!e with Me to 1aradise9 /re+edin&9 )i6e an an&e)i+a) voi+e9 the /ro+ession s!i)e and 2y the e+stasy. o the redee!ed )ed 2y the .edee!er9 so that the an&e)s shou)d 2e ready to &reet the 7on=ueror9 4ho was returnin& to His :in&do!. They have 2een seen and heard 2y the 2 %ut He does not want to see His Mother on Her 6nees9 )i6e a servant. 'nd He +a))s (ather and 2y the S/irit9 4ho s!i)ed at the!9 as i they were the !ost 2eauti u) )ower Her9 stret+hin& out His hands9 ro! the wounds o whi+h e!anate rays that !a6e His and the sweetest son& 2orn in 1aradise. They have 2een re+o&nised 2y the 1atriar+hs &)orious ()esh even 2ri&hterI EMotherHG %ut it is not the sorrow u) word o the and 2y the new Saints9 2y the new9 irst 9 +itizens o My Jerusa)e!9 and I 2rin& ;ou +onversations and the arewe))s 2e ore His 1assion9 or the heart@rendin& )a!ent o the their than6s9 Mother9 to&ether with the 6isses o their re)atives9 with their 2)essin&s and

)+#. Jesus A55ea s &" His '"&he .


with that o Jose/h9 the s/ouse o ;our sou). The who)e o Heaven sin&s its hosanna to ;ou9 Mother9 Ho)y MotherH ' hosanna that does not die9 that is not a a)se one )i6e the one &iven to Me a ew days a&o. 4 I wi)) now &o to the (ather in My hu!an a//earan+e. 1aradise !ust see the 7on=ueror in His a//earan+e o Man9 2y !eans o whi+h He de eated the Sin o Man. %ut I wi)) +o!e a&ain. I !ust +on ir! in the (aith those who do not yet 2e)ieve and are in need to 2e)ieve to )ead the others to 2e)ieve9 I !ust orti y the /usi))ani!ous ones who wi)) need so !u+h stren&th to resist the wor)d. Then I wi)) as+end to Heaven. %ut I wi)) not )eave ;ou a)one9 Mother9 +an ;ou see that vei)F In My annihi)ation9 I sti)) e3ha)ed the /ower o !ira+)e on ;our 2eha) 9 to &ive ;ou that +o! ort. %ut or ;ou I wi)) wor6 another !ira+)e. ;ou wi)) have Me9 in the Sa+ra!ent9 as rea) as when ;ou +arried Me.

!u+h si)en+e and so)itude. Then9 re+overin& +on iden+e seein& that the town is +o!/)ete)y +a)!9 they &rou/ and dare to s/ea6. E4i)) the ,ates 2e a)ready o/enFG as6s Susanna. E7ertain)y. Loo6 over there at the irst !ar6et@&ardener who is &oin& in with ve&eta2)es. He is &oin& to the !ar6etG re/)ies Sa)o!e. E4i)) they say anythin& to usFG as6s Susanna a&ain. E4hoFG in=uires the Ma&da)ene. EThe so)diers9 at the Judi+ia) ,ate. There... on)y ew /eo/)e are &oin& in and even ewer are +o!in& out... 4e sha)) rouse sus/i+ion....G ESoF They wi)) )oo6 at us. They wi)) see ive wo!en &oin& towards the +ountry. 4e +ou)d 2e a)so /eo/)e who9 a ter +e)e2ratin& 1assover9 are &oin& 2a+6 to their vi))a&es.G

;ou wi)) never 2e a)one. %ut these /ast days ;ou have 2een a)one. %ut a)so that sorrow E%ut... In order not to attra+t the attention o any !a)i+ious /erson9 why do we not &o o ;ours was re=uired or My .ede!/tion. Mu+h is +ontinuous)y to 2e added to .ede!/tion9 2e+ause !u+h wi)) 2e +ontinuous)y +reated in the way o Sin. I wi)) +a)) a)) out 2y another ,ate and then we +an &o round a)on& the wa))sF...G My servants to this redee!in& /arti+i/ation. ;ou are the one who 2y ;ourse) wi)) do E4e wou)d &o the )on& way round.G !ore than a)) the others to&ether. %ut a)so this )on& a2andon!ent was re=uired. E%ut we sha)) 2e sa er. Let us ta6e the ,ate o the 4ater...G 8ow no )on&er so. I a! no )on&er se/arated ro! the (ather. ;ou wi)) no )on&er 2e E5hH Sa)o!eH I I were you9 I shou)d +hoose the 0astern ,ateH ;ou wou)d have to &o a se/arated ro! ;our Son. 'nd9 2y havin& ;our Son9 ;ou have our Trinity. ' )ivin& )on&er way roundH 4e !ust !a6e haste and &o 2a+6 soon.G It is the Ma&da)ene who is Heaven9 ;ou wi)) 2rin& the Trinity to !en on the 0arth9 and ;ou wi)) san+ti y the so reso)ute. 7hur+h9 ;ou9 Aueen o the 1riesthood and Mother o the 7hristians. Then I wi)) +o!e to &et ;ou. 'nd no )on&er sha)) I 2e in ;ou9 2ut ;ou wi)) 2e in Me9 in EThen another one9 2ut not the Judi+ia) ,ate. %e &ood...G they a)) 2e& her. My :in&do!9 to !a6e 1aradise !ore 2eauti u). E')) ri&ht. 4e))9 sin+e that is what you want9 )et us +a)) on Johanna. She 2e&&ed !e to )et her 6now. I we had &one strai&ht there9 we +ou)d have done without seein& her. %ut 5 I a! &oin& now9 Mother. I a! &oin& to !a6e the other Mary ha//y. Then I wi)) sin+e you want to &o a )on&er way round9 )et us +a)) on her...G as+end to the (ather. Then+e I wi)) +o!e to those who do not 2e)ieve. Mother9 ;our 6iss as a 2)essin&. 'nd My 1ea+e to ;ou as a +o!/anion. ,ood2ye.G E5hH yes. ')so 2e+ause o the &uards /)a+ed there... She is we)) 6nown and res/e+ted...G 'nd Jesus disa//ears in the sunshine that strea!s down ro! the ear)y !ornin& +)ear s6y. EI thin6 we shou)d +a)) a)so on Jose/h o 'ri!athea. He is the owner o the /)a+e.G E4hy notH To avoid attra+tin& /eo/)e's attention9 we wi)) or! a /ro+essionH 4hat a ti!id sister I haveH .ather9 do you 6now what9 MarthaF Let us do this. I wi)) &o ahead and have a )oo6. ;ou wi)) o))ow !e with Johanna. I wi)) stand in the !idd)e o the road9 shou)d there 2e any dan&er9 and you wi)) see !e. 'nd we wi)) +o!e 2a+6. %ut I +an assure you that the &uards9 seein& this9 I thou&ht o it Kand she shows a /urse u)) o !oneyL wi)) )et us do everythin&.G E4e wi)) te)) Johanna as we)). ;ou are ri&ht.G

+$5. The Pi#us ;#(en a& &he Se9u5'h!e.

2nd A9!i5 $9*5.

1 The wo!en9 in the !eanwhi)e9 a ter )eavin& the house are wa)6in& +)ose to the wa))9 shadows in the shade. They are si)ent or so!e ti!e9 a)) !u )ed u/ and ri&htened in so

)+5. The Pi"us 8".en a& &he Se5u23h e.


E,o then9 and )et !e &o.G E're you &oin& a)) a)one9 MaryF I wi)) +o!e with youG says Martha9 who is a raid or her sister.

wonder u) &)o2e9 +uttin& the +a)! air in a zi&za& +ourse. Mary o Ma&da)a is a)!ost &razed and thrown on the &round 2y it. She 2ends or a !o!ent whis/erin&I EMy LordHG and then she strai&htens u/ )i6e a sta)6 a ter the wind has /assed 2y9 and she runs towards the 6it+hen &arden even aster.

E8o. ;ou wi)) &o with Mary o ')/haeus to Johanna's. Sa)o!e and Susanna wi)) wait or you near the ,ate9 outside the wa))s. 'nd then you wi)) a)) +o!e to&ether a)on& the She enters it =ui+6)y9 and &oes towards the se/u)+hre in the ro+6 as ast as a 2ird that is !ain road. ,ood2ye.G 'nd Mary Ma&da)ene +uts other /ossi2)e +o!!ents short9 as she +hased and is )oo6in& or its nest. %ut9 no !atter how ast she runs9 she +annot 2e there &oes away =ui+6)y with her 2a& u)) o 2a)!s and her !oney in her 2reast. when the heaven)y !eteor a+ts as a )ever and as a )a!e on the sea) o )i!e9 /)a+ed as a rein or+e!ent or the heavy stone9 or when with the ina) +rash the stone door +o))a/ses9 She )ies9 so ast she &oes a)on& the road9 whi+h is 2e+o!in& !ore de)i&ht u) in the irst +ausin& su+h a sha6e that <oins the one o the earth=ua6e9 whi+h9 a)thou&h o a short /in6 shade o dawn. She &oes in 2y the Judi+ia) ,ate9 to 2e =ui+6er. 'nd no one sto/s duration9 is so vio)ent that it 6no+6s the &uards down as i they were dead. her... 4hen Mary arrives9 she sees the use)ess <ai)ors o the Triu!/her thrown on the &round 2 The others wat+h her &o9 then they turn their 2a+6s to the +rossroads where they were9 )i6e a shea o !own +orn. Mary Ma&da)ene does not asso+iate the earth=ua6e with and they ta6e another one9 narrow and dar69 whi+h near the Si3tus o/ens out into a .esurre+tion. %ut )oo6in& at the s/e+ta+)e9 she thin6s it is a /unish!ent o ,od or the wider road9 where there are so!e 2eauti u) houses. They /art a&ain9 Sa)o!e and dese+rators o Jesus' Se/u)+hre9 and she a))s on her 6nees sayin&I E')asH They have Susanna /ro+eed a)on& the road9 whi)e Martha and Mary o ')/haeus 6no+6 at the iron sto)en Hi!HG She is rea))y dis+onso)ate and wee/s )i6e a &ir) who has +o!e9 2ein& sure door and show the!se)ves at the )itt)e window K<udas@ho)eL ha) o/ened 2y the /orter. that she wou)d ind her ather who! she was )oo6in& or9 and instead inds the house e!/ty. They enter and &o to Johanna9 who a)ready u/ and a)) dressed in a very dar6 vio)et &ar!ent that !a6es her )oo6 even /a)er9 is /re/arin& so!e oi)s with her nurse and a 4 She then stands u/ and runs away to &o to 1eter and John. 'nd as she thin6s o !aidservant. nothin& 2ut o in or!in& the two9 she or&ets to &o and !eet her +o!/anions and re!ain on the road9 2ut as ast as a &aze))e she &oes 2a+6 the road she +a!e9 she /asses EHave you +o!eF May ,od reward you. %ut9 i you had not +o!e9 I shou)d have &one throu&h the Judi+ia) ,ate9 and )ies throu&h the streets9 whi+h are a )itt)e !ore +rowded9 2y !yse) ... To ind +o! ort... %e+ause !any thin&s have re!ained u/set a ter that and she rushes a&ainst the door o the hos/ita2)e house and 6no+6s at it urious)y. The dread u) day. 'nd9 in order not to ee) a)one9 I !ust &o a&ainst that Stone and 6no+6 !istress o/ens the door to her. and sayI CMaster9 I a! /oor Johanna... $o not )eave !e a)one9 ;ou9 too...DG Johanna wee/s si)ent)y 2ut with dee/ deso)ation9 whi)e 0sther9 her nurse9 !a6es )ar&e E4here are John and 1eterFG as6s Mary Ma&da)ene /antin&. inde+i/hera2)e &estures 2ehind the 2a+6 o her !istress9 whi)e /uttin& a !ant)e on her. EThereG says the wo!an /ointin& at the Su//er@roo!. EI a! &oin&9 0sther.G Mary o Ma&da)a enters and as soon as she is in9 standin& 2e ore the two astonished EMay ,od +o! ort youHG !en9 and in her voi+e9 6e/t )ow out o /ity or the Mother9 there is !ore an&uish than i she had shouted9 she saysI EThey have ta6en the Lord away ro! the Se/u)+hreH I They )eave the !ansion house to <oin their +o!/anions. It is at this !o!ent that the wonder where they have /ut Hi!HG and or the irst ti!e she sta&&ers and is unsteady9 short 2ut stron& earth=ua6e ta6es /)a+e9 +reatin& a /ani+ a&ain in the /eo/)e o and in order not to a))9 she ho)ds on whatever she +an. Jerusa)e!9 sti)) terrorised 2y the events o (riday. The three wo!en retra+e their ste/s /re+i/itate)y9 and they re!ain in the )ar&e ha))9 a!on& !aidservants and servants who E4hatF 4hat are you sayin&FG as6 the two. are how)in& and i!/)orin& the Lord9 earin& new sho+6s... 'nd /antin& she re/)iesI EI went ahead... to 2uy the &uards... so that they wou)d )et us 3 ...The Ma&da)ene9 instead9 is <ust on the 2order o the /ath that ta6es one to the &o. They are there )i6e dead 2odies... The Se/u)+hre is o/en9 the stone is on the 6it+hen &arden o Jose/h o 'ri!athea9 when she is +au&ht in the /ower u) and a)so &round... 4hoF 4ho did itF 5hH +o!eH Let us run...G har!onious roar o this heaven)y si&n9 whi)e9 in the aint rosy )i&ht o dawn9 that is advan+in& in the s6y9 where to the west a /ersistent star sti)) resists9 and that !a6es air 1eter and John set out at on+e. Mary o))ows the! or a ew ste/s. Then she &oes 2a+6. the so ar &reenish )i&ht9 a very 2ri&ht )i&ht a//ears and des+ends )i6e and in+andes+ent She seizes the !istress o the house9 she sha6es her9 vio)ent in her ar@si&hted )ove9 and

)+5. The Pi"us 8".en a& &he Se5u23h e.


she shouts in her a+eI EMind you do not )et any2ody &o to Her Kand she /oints at the door o Mary's roo!L. .e!e!2er that I a! your !istress. 52ey and 2e si)ent.G Then she )eaves her a&hast and <oins the a/ost)es9 who are stridin& towards the Se/u)+hre...

thin&s whi+h do not e3ist. EIt is 2etter i they are a)) ri&htenedH The &uards !ay 2e so as we)) and wi)) raise no o2<e+tionG says Mary o ')/haeus. 'nd they wa)6 ast towards the wa))s.

5 ...In the !eanti!e Susanna and Sa)o!e9 a ter )eavin& their +o!/anions and rea+hin& 7 %ut whi)e they are &oin& there9 1eter and John9 o))owed 2y the Ma&da)ene9 have the wa))s9 are +au&ht in the earth=ua6e. (ri&htened9 they ta6e she)ter under a tree and re!ain there9 torn 2etween their desire to &o to the Se/u)+hre or to run to Johanna's. %ut arrived at the &arden. 'nd John9 who runs aster9 is the irst to arrive at the Se/u)+hre. The &uards are no )on&er there. 8either is the an&e) there any !ore. )ove over+o!es ear and they &o towards the Se/u)+hre. John9 ti!id and sorrow u)9 6nee)s down at the o/en entran+e to venerate and &et so!e They are sti)) ri&htened when they enter the &arden and see the sense)ess &uards... they indi+ation ro! the thin&s he sees. %ut he on)y sees9 hea/ed on the )oor9 the )inen see a 2ri&ht )i&ht +o!e out o the o/en Se/u)+hre. Their ri&ht in+reases and rea+hes its +)oths /)a+ed on the Shroud. EThere is rea))y nothin&9 Si!onH Mary has seen a++urate)y. +)i!a3 when9 ho)din& ea+h other's hand to /)u+6 u/ +oura&e9 they /ee/ in ro! the 7o!e9 +o!e in9 )oo6.G thresho)d and in the dar6 se/u)+hra) +ave9 they see a 2ri&ht !ost 2eauti u) +reature9 that s!i)in& 6ind)y &reets the! ro! the /)a+e where it is standin&I )eanin& on the ri&ht 1eter9 who is 2reath)ess a ter so !u+h runnin&9 &oes into the Se/u)+hre. 5n the way he hand side o the anoint!ent stone9 whi+h9 &rey as it is9 disa//ears 2ehind so !u+h had saidI EI wi)) never dare to a//roa+h that /)a+e.G %ut now he thin6s on)y o indin& in+andes+ent 2ri&htness. They a)) on their 6nees9 utter)y astonished. out where the Master !ay 2e. 'nd he +a))s Hi! a)so9 as i He !i&ht 2e +on+ea)ed in so!e dar6 +orner. %ut the an&e) s/ea6s to the! &ent)yI E%e not a raid o !e. I a! the an&e) o the divine Sorrow. I have +o!e to re<oi+e at its end. The sorrow o the 7hrist9 His hu!i)iation in 't this ear)y hour in the !ornin& it is sti)) very dar6 in the dee/ Se/u)+hre9 whi+h death is over. Jesus o 8azareth9 the 7ru+i ied 4ho! you are )oo6in& or9 has risen re+eives )i&ht on)y ro! the o/enin& o the entran+e9 where John and the Ma&da)ene ro! the dead. He is no )on&er hereH The /)a+e where He was )aid is e!/ty. .e<oi+e now +ast a shadow... 'nd 1eter inds it hard to see9 and has to he)/ hi!se) with his with !e. ,o. Te)) 1eter and the dis+i/)es that He has risen and wi)) /re+ede you in hands to as+ertain what the situation is... He tou+hes9 tre!2)in&9 the ta2)e o the ,a)i)ee. ;ou wi)) see Hi! there or a short ti!e9 as He said.G anoint!ent9 and ee)s that it is e!/ty... The wo!en a)) with their a+es on the &round9 and when they raise the!9 they run as i they were +hased 2y a /unish!ent. They are terrorised and they whis/erI E4e sha)) die nowH 4e have seen the an&e) o the LordHG They +a)! down a )itt)e in the o/en +ountry and they +onsu)t with ea+h other. 4hat are they to doF I they re)ate what they have seen9 they wi)) not 2e 2e)ieved. I they say where they +o!e ro!9 they !ay 2e +har&ed 2y the Judaeans with the !urder o the &uards. 8o. They +annot say anythin& to riends or to ene!ies... (ear u)9 du!2 ounded9 they &o 2a+6 ho!e a)on& a di erent road. They &o in and ta6e she)ter in the Su//er roo!. They do not even as6 to see Mary... 'nd in there they thin6 that what they have seen is nothin& 2ut a de+e/tion o the $e!on. Hu!2)e as they are9 they +on+)ude that Eit is not /ossi2)e that they have 2een &ranted to see the !essen&er o ,od. It is Satan who wanted to ri&hten the! to send the! away ro! there.G They wee/ and /ray )i6e two )itt)e &ir)s ri&htened 2y a ni&ht!are... 6 ...The third &rou/9 that o Johanna9 Mary o ')/haeus and Martha9 when they see that nothin& new is ha//enin&9 de+ides to &o where their +o!/anions are +ertain)y waitin& or the!. They &o out into the streets9 where2y now there are ri&htened /eo/)e9 who +o!!ent on the new earth=ua6e +onne+tin& it with the event o (riday9 and see a)so EHe is not here9 JohnH He is not hereH... 5hH +o!e hereH I have we/t so !u+h that I +an hard)y see in this /oor )i&ht.G John stands u/ and &oes in. 'nd whi)e he does so9 1eter dis+overs the sudariu! in a +orner9 o)ded di)i&ent)y and within it the Shroud ro))ed u/ +are u))y. EThey have rea))y a2du+ted Hi!. The &uards were not here or us9 2ut to do that... 'nd we have )et the! do it. %y &oin& away9 we have a))owed that...G E5hH where wi)) they have /ut Hi!FG E1eter9 1eterH This... is rea))y the endHG The two dis+i/)es +o!e out )oo6in& annihi)ated. ELet us &o9 wo!an. ;ou wi)) te)) the Mother...G EI a! not &oin& away. I a! stayin& here... So!e2ody wi)) +o!e... 5hH I a! not +o!in&... There is sti)) so!ethin& o Hi! here. The Mother was ri&ht... To 2reathe the air where He was is the on)y re)ie )e t to us.G EThe on)y re)ie ... 8ow you a)so +an see that it was nonsense to ho/e...G says 1eter.

)+5. The Pi"us 8".en a& &he Se5u23h e.


Mary does not even re/)y to hi!. She +rou+hes on the &round9 +)ose to the entran+e9 and where is !y Lord Jesus. I a! stron&. I wi)) ta6e Hi! in !y ar!s and I wi)) +arry Hi! wee/s9 whi)e the others &o away s)ow)y. )i6e a +hi)d to sa ety. Lord... )ord... you +an see it... or three days we have 2een stru+6 2y the wrath o ,od or what was done to the Son o ,od... $o not add $ese+ration to 8 She then raises her head and )oo6s inside9 and throu&h her tears she sees two an&e)s9 7ri!e...G sittin& at the head and at the oot o the anoint!ent stone. 1oor Mary is so stu/i ied in her ier+est stru&&)e 2etween ho/e that is dyin& and aith that does not want to die9 that EMaryHG Jesus shines in +a))in& her. He revea)s Hi!se) in His triu!/hant 2ri&htness. she )oo6s at the! )i6e one whose !ind is +o!/)ete)y 2)an69 without even 2ein& E.a22oniHG Mary's +ry is rea))y the E&reat +ryG that +)oses the +y+)e o death. 4ith the sur/rised. The stron& wo!an9 who has resisted everythin& )i6e a heroine9 has nothin& irst one9 the dar6ness o hatred enve)o/ed the Bi+ti! with unerea) 2anda&esM with the )e t 2ut tears. se+ond9 the )i&hts o )ove in+reased His 2ri&htness. 'nd Mary stands u/ as her +ry i))s E4hy are you wee/in&9 wo!anFG as6s one o the two shinin& youn& 2oys9 2e+ause the &arden9 she rushes to Jesus' eet and wou)d )i6e to 6iss the!. they )oo6 )i6e very 2eauti u) ado)es+ents. Jesus !oves her away9 hard)y tou+hin& her orehead with the ti/s o His in&ersI E$o E%e+ause they have ta6en away !y Lord and I do not 6now where they have /ut Hi!.G not tou+h MeH I have not yet as+ended to My (ather in this a//earan+e. ,o to My 2rothers and riends9 and te)) the! that I a! as+endin& to My (ather and yours9 to My Mary is not a raid to s/ea6 to the!. She does not as6I. E4ho are youFG 8othin&. ,od and yours. 'nd then I wi)) +o!e to the!.G 'nd Jesus disa//ears9 a2sor2ed 2y an 8othin& a!azes her any !ore. She has a)ready su ered everythin& that +an astonish a unsustaina2)e )i&ht. hu!an 2ein&. 8ow she is on)y a 2ro6en thin& that wee/s without stren&th or reserve. 10 Mary 6isses the &round where Jesus was and she runs towards the house. She &oes The an&e)i+a) youth )oo6s at his +o!/anion and s!i)es. 'nd so does the other. 'nd in a in )i6e a ro+6et9 2e+ause the !ain door is ha) o/en9 to )et the !aster /ass9 who is &oin& )ash o an&e)i+a) <oy they 2oth )oo6 outside9 towards the &arden a)) in 2)oo! with to the ountainM she o/ens the door o Mary's roo! and dro/s on Her 2reast shoutin&I !i))ions o +oro))as that have o/ened at the irst sunshine on the +)ose)y /)anted a//)e@ EHe has risenH He has risenHG and she wee/s ha//i)y. trees o the or+hard. 'nd whi)e 1eter and John rush there9 and Sa)o!e and Susanna9 sti)) ri&htened9 +o!e 9 Mary turns round to see who! they are )oo6in& at. 'nd she sees a Man9 !ost ro! the Su//er roo! and )isten to her narration9 Mary o ')/haeus with Martha and handso!e9 and I do not 6now how she does not re+o&nise Hi! at on+e. ' Man 4ho Johanna +o!e in9 ro! the street9 and out o 2reath they say Ethat they have 2een there )oo6s at her /iti u))y and as6s herI E4o!an9 why are you wee/in&F 4ho! are you as we))9 and they saw two an&e)s9 who said that they were the ,uardian o the Man ,od )oo6in& orFG It is true that Jesus is di!!ed out o /ity or the wo!an9 who! e!otions and the an&e) o His Sorrow9 and ordered the! to te)) the a/ost)es that He had risen have e3hausted and who !i&ht die ro! sudden <oy9 2ut I rea))y wonder why she does ro! the dead.G 'nd as 1eter sha6es his head9 they insist sayin&I E;es. They saidI not re+o&nise Hi!. C4hy are you )oo6in& or the Livin& 5ne a!on& the deadF He is not here. He has risen ro! the dead9 as He said when He was sti)) in ,a)i)ee. $o you not re!e!2erF He saidI 'nd Mary so22in& saysI EThey have ta6en !y Lord JesusH I had +o!e to e!2a)! Hi! 'The Son o !an is to 2e de)ivered into the hands o sinners to 2e +ru+i ied. %ut on the whi)e awaitin& His resurre+tion... I &athered a)) !y +oura&e9 !y ho/e and !y aith third day he wi)) rise ro! the dead.'DG around !y )ove... and now I +annot ind Hi! any !ore... 5r rather9 I /ut !y )ove around aith9 ho/e and +oura&e to de end the! ro! !en... 2ut a)) in vainH Men have 1eter sha6es his head sayin&I EToo !any thin&s durin& these daysH They have 2een a2du+ted !y Love and with it they have de/rived !e o everythin&... 5 !y )ord9 i you u/set.G have ta6en Hi! away9 te)) !e where you have /ut Hi!. 'nd I wi)) &et Hi!... I wi)) not te)) any2ody... It wi)) 2e a se+ret 2etween you and !e. Loo6I I a! the dau&hter o The Ma&da)ene raises her head ro! Mary's 2reast and saysI EI have seen Hi!H I have Theo/hi)us9 Lazarus' sister9 2ut I a! on !y 6nees 2e ore you to i!/)ore you9 )i6e a s/o6en to Hi!. He to)d !e that He is as+endin& to the (ather and then He wi)) +o!e. s)ave. $o you want !e to /ay you or His %odyF I wi)) do so. How !u+h do you wantF How handso!e He wasHG and she wee/s as she had never we/t9 now that she no )on&er I a! ri+h. I +an &ive you as !u+h &o)d and as !any &e!s as it wei&hs. %ut &ive it 2a+6 has to torture herse) to o//ose the dou2t risin& ro! every side. to !e. I wi)) not denoun+e you. $o you want to stri6e !eF $o so. ?nti) I 2)eed9 i you %ut 1eter and John are very dou2t u). They )oo6 at ea+h other and their eyes sayI wish so. I you 2ear Hi! a &rud&e9 )et !e e3/iate it. %ut &ive Hi! 2a+6 to !e. 5hH E4o!en's an+yHG don't !a6e !e wret+hed with this !isery9 !y )ordH Have !er+y on a /oor wo!anH... $o you not want to do it on !y 2eha) F Then9 do it or His Mother. Te)) !eH Te)) !e

)+5. The Pi"us 8".en a& &he Se5u23h e.


Then a)so Susanna and Sa)o!e dare to s/ea6. %ut the very inevita2)e di eren+e in the detai)s o the &uards that irst are there )i6e dead 2odies and then are not there9 o the an&e)s that so!eti!es are one and so!eti!es are two and did not show the!se)ves to the a/ost)es9 o the two versions +on+ernin& Jesus' +o!in& here or His /re+edin& His dis+i/)es in ,a)i)ee9 !a6es the dou2t9 and !ore than that9 the /ersuasion o the a/ost)es &row stron&er and stron&er. 11 Mary9 the 2)essed Mother9 is si)ent9 su//ortin& the Ma&da)eneN I do not understand the !ystery o this !aterna) si)en+e. Mary o ')/haeus says to Sa)o!eI ELet the two o us &o 2a+6 there9 Let us see whether we are a)) into3i+ated...G 'nd they run out. The other wo!en re!ain there9 =uiet)y derided 2y the two a/ost)es9 near Mary 4ho is si)ent9 en&rossed in a thou&ht that ea+h inter/rets in a /ersona) !anner9 and no one rea)ises that it is e+stasy. The two e)der)y wo!en +o!e 2a+6I EIt is trueH It is trueH 4e have seen Hi!. He said to us9 near %arna2as' 6it+hen &ardenI C1ea+e to you. %e not a raid. ,o and te)) My 2rothers that I have risen ro! the dead9 and that they shou)d &o within a ew days to ,a)i)ee. 4e sha)) 2e to&ether a&ain there.D That is what He said. Mary is ri&ht9 4e !ust in or! those who are at %ethany9 Jose/h9 8i+ode!us9 the !ost aith u) dis+i/)es9 the she/herds9 we !ust &o and do9 and do... 5hH He has risenH...G and they a)) wee/ ha//i)y. E;ou are !ad9 wo!en. ,rie has u/set you. The )i&ht has see!ed an an&e) to you. The wind9 a voi+e. The sun9 the 7hrist. I do not +riti+ise you. I understand you9 2ut I +an on)y 2e)ieve what I have seenI the o/en e!/ty Se/u)+hre9 and the &uards who have run away with the sto)en 7or/se.G E%ut i the very &uards say that He has risenH I the who)e town is in a tur!oi) and the 1rin+es o the 1riests are !ad with ra&e9 2e+ause the &uards have s/o6en whi)e runnin& away terri iedH 8ow they want the! to say so!ethin& di erent and they are /ayin& the! or that. %ut it is a)ready 6nown. 'nd i the Judaeans do not 2e)ieve in the .esurre+tion9 they do not want to 2e)ieve9 !any other /eo/)e do 2e)ieve...G EH'!H 4o!enH...G 1eter shru&s his shou)ders and is a2out to &o away. 12 Then the Mother9 4ho sti)) has on Her heart the Ma&da)ene9 who is wee/in& )i6e a wi))ow@tree in a down/our9 or her too &reat <oy9 and who 6isses Her air hair9 raises Her trans i&ured a+e and says a short senten+eI EHe has rea))y risen. I have had Hi! in My ar!s and I 6issed His 4ounds.G She then 2ends over the head o the /assionate wo!an and saysI E;es9 <oy is even stron&er than sorrow. %ut it is on)y a &rain o sand +o!/ared to what wi)) 2e your o+ean o eterna) <oy. ;ou are 2)essed 2e+ause you !ade your s/irit s/ea6 a2ove reason.G 1eter dare not deny any )on&er... and with one o those sudden +han&es o the o)d 1eter9

who is +o!in& 2a+6 to )i&ht a&ain9 he says and shouts9 as i the de)ay de/ended on the others and not on hi!I EThen9 i it is so9 we !ust )et the others 6now. Those s/read out in the +ountry... )oo6 or the!... ta6e a+tion... 7o!e on9 &et a !ove on. I He rea))y shou)d +o!e... )et Hi! at )east ind usG9 and he does not rea)ise that a&ain he +on esses that he does not 2e)ieve 2)ind)y in His .esurre+tion.

+$+. C#((en& #n &he Resu!!e'&i#n.

62$s& Fe)!ua!/ $9**7

1 Jesus saysI EThe fervent prayers of !ary have anticipated !y Resurrection by so#e ti#e. I had saidI CThe Son o !an is a2out to 2e 6i))ed9 2ut on the third day He wi)) rise ro! the dead.D I died at three o'+)o+6 in the a ternoon o (riday. 4hether you +ount the days 2y their na!es9 or you +ount the! 2y their hours9 it was not the dawn on Sunday that was to see Me rise. 4ith re&ard to the hours9 they were on)y thirty@ei&ht instead o seventy@two9 in whi+h My %ody had re!ained )i e)ess. 4ith re&ard to the days9 it shou)d have 2een the evenin& o the third day to say that I had 2een in the se/u)+hre three days. But !ary anticipated the #iracle. 's when with Her /rayers She o/ened the Heavens a ew years in advan+e o the /redeter!ined ti!e9 to &ive the wor)d its Sa)vation9 so now She o2tains so!e hours in advan+e to &ive +o! ort to Her dyin& heart. 2 'nd I9 at the 2e&innin& o dawn on the third day9 des+ended )i6e the sun and with My 2ri&htness I 2ro6e the hu!an sea)s9 so use)ess 2e ore the /ower o a ,od9 with My /ower I /rized o/en and overthrew the stone wat+hed over in vain9 with My a//arition )i6e )i&htnin& I 6no+6ed down the utter)y use)ess &uards /)a+ed as &uardians o a death that was Li e9 that no hu!an /ower +ou)d /revent ro! 2ein& su+h. %y ar !ore /ower u) than your e)e+tri+ +urrent9 My S/irit entered )i6e a sword o divine (ire to war! the +o)d re!ains o My 7or/se9 and in the new 'da! the S/irit o ,od 2reathed )i e9 sayin& to Itse) I CLive. I want it.D I9 4ho had raised the dead when I was on)y the Son o Man9 the Bi+ti! a//ointed to 2e 2urdened with the sins o the wor)d9 shou)d I not have 2een a2)e to raise Myse) 9 now that I was the Son o ,od9 the (irst and the Last9 the eterna) Livin& %ein&9 He 4ho ho)ds in His hands the 6eys o Li e and o $eathF 'nd My 7or/se e)t Li e &o 2a+6 to It. Loo6I )i6e a !an who awa6es a ter a s)ee/ 2rou&ht a2out 2y enor!ous )a2our9 I 2reathe

)+). :"..en& "n &he Resu e3&i"n.


dee/)y9 and I do not o/en My eyes yet. %)ood 2e&ins to +ir+u)ate a&ain9 thou&h not ast yet9 in My veins9 it 2rin&s thou&ht a&ain to the !ind. %ut I +o!e ro! so arH Loo6I )i6e a wounded !an9 who! a !ira+u)ous /ower hea)s9 2)ood +o!es 2a+6 into My e!/ty veins9 it i))s My Heart9 war!s My )i!2s9 hea)s My wounds9 2ruises and sores disa//ear9 stren&th +o!es 2a+6. %ut I was wounded so 2ad)yH Loo6I 1ower wor6s. I a! +ured. I a! awa6e. I have +o!e 2a+6 to Li e. I was dead. 8ow I )iveH 8ow I riseH I sha6e the )inens o death9 I +ast o the +overin& o oint!ents. I do not need the! to a//ear the eterna) %eauty9 the eterna) Inte&rity. I +)othe Myse) with a &ar!ent that is not o this 0arth9 2ut is woven 2y Hi! 4ho is My (ather and 4ho weaves the si)6 o the vir&ina) )i)ies. I a! dressed in s/)endour. I adorn Myse) with My wounds9 whi+h no )on&er dri/ 2)ood9 2ut &ive o )i&ht. The )i&ht that wi)) 2e the <oy o My Mother and o the 2)essed sou)s9 and the terror9 the unsustaina2)e si&ht o the da!ned and o the de!ons on the 0arth and on the )ast day.

2ucifer. Now if they want they can be saved. .he saved wo#an who had re#ained so fragile after the #ortal wound. 5 'nd a ter showin& Myse) to the 1ure 5ne9 to 4ho! 2y ri&ht o Ho)iness and Maternity it is <ust that the Son@,od shou)d &o9 I /resent Myse) to the redee!ed wo!an9 to the i)e@)eader9 to the re/resentative o a)) the e!a)e +reatures9 who! I have +o!e to ree ro! the stin& o )ust. So that she !ay te)) the! to a//roa+h Me to 2e +ured9 to have aith in Me9 to 2e)ieve in My Mer+y that understands and or&ives9 to )oo6 at My %ody adorned with the ive wounds9 in order to de eat Satan9 who ru!!a&es in their )esh.

I do not )et her tou+h Me. She is not the 1ure 5ne9 who +an tou+h9 without +onta!inatin& Hi!9 the Son 4ho &oes 2a+6 to the (ather. She has sti)) !u+h to /uri y throu&h /enan+e. %ut her )ove deserves that reward. She was a2)e to rise throu&h her own wi)) ro! the se/u)+hre o her vi+e9 to stran&)e Satan who he)d her9 to de y the 3 The an&e) o My )i e o !an and the an&e) o My sorrow are /rostrated 2e ore Me and wor)d out o )ove or Her Saviour9 she was a2)e to divest herse) o everythin& that was worshi/ My ,)ory. %oth My an&e)s are here. 5ne to de)i&ht in the si&ht o Hi! 4ho! not )ove9 she was a2)e to 2e nothin& 2ut )ove that is +onsu!ed or her ,od. 'nd ,od he &uarded9 and 4ho now no )on&er needs an&e)i+a) /rote+tion. The other9 who saw My +a))s herI CMaryD. Listen to her re/)yin&I C.a22oniHD Her heart is in that +ry. tears9 to see My s!i)eM who saw My stru&&)e9 to see My vi+toryM who saw My &rie 9 to 's she deserved it9 I entrusted her with the tas6 o 2ein& the !essen&er o .esurre+tion. see My <oy. 'nd on+e a&ain she wi)) 2e so!ewhat derided9 as i she were ravin&. %ut the <ud&e!ent 'nd I &o out into the &arden u)) o )ower 2uds and o dew. 'nd the a//)e@trees o/en o !en is o no i!/ortan+e to her9 to Mary o Ma&da)a9 to Mary o Jesus. She saw Me their +oro))as to or! a )owery ar+h over My .oya) head and the &rass !a6es a +ar/et raised ro! the dead and that &ives her a <oy that a//eases a)) other ee)in&s. o &e!s and +oro))as or My (oot9 that treads a&ain on the 0arth redee!ed a ter 2ein& 3o you see how I love also who was guilty but wanted to co#e out of guilt$ 8ot even )i ted u/ on it to redee! it. 'nd the ear)y sun9 and the sweet '/ri) wind9 and the )i&ht to John did I show Myse) irst. It was to the Ma&da)ene that I showed Myse) . John had +)oud that /asses 2y9 as rosy as the +hee6 o a +hi)d9 and the 2irds a!on& 2ran+hes9 they a)ready re+eived the state o son ro! Me. He +ou)d have it9 2e+ause he was /ure and a)) &reet Me. I a! their ,od. They adore Me. +ou)d 2e not on)y a s/iritua) son9 2ut a)so one who &ave the 1ure Mother o ,od and I /ass throu&h the stunned &uards9 a sy!2o) o sou)s in !orta) sin9 that do not /er+eive re+eived ro! Her those needs and those +ares whi+h are +onne+ted with the 2ody. the /assin& o ,od. The Ma&da)ene9 the one revived to ,ra+e9 has the irst vision o ,ra+e .isen. It is 1assover9 MaryH This is rea))y the C1assin& o the 'n&e) o ,odDH His 1assin& ro! death to )i e. His ;assing to give 2ife to those who believe in His Na#e. It is 1assoverH 6 4hen you )ove Me to the e3tent o over+o!in& everythin& or Me9 I ta6e your diseased heads and hearts in My /ier+ed hands and I 2reathe My 1ower on your a+es. It is the 1ea+e that /asses throu&h the wor)d. The 1ea+e no )on&er vei)ed 2y the And I save you I save you children who# I love. %ou beco#e again beautiful whole4 +ondition o !an9 2ut ree9 +o!/)ete in its re+overed e i+ien+y o ,od. so#e free happy. %ou beco#e again the dear children of the 2ord. I !a6e you the 4 'nd I &o to My Mother. It is air that I shou)d &o. It was air or My an&e)s. It is !u+h 2earers o My ,oodness a!on& /oor !en9 to witness My ,oodness to the! and !ore so or Her 4ho9 2esides 2ein& My &uardian and +o! ort9 &ave Me )i e. %e ore +onvin+e the! o it and o Me. &oin& 2a+6 to the (ather in My &)ori ied a//earan+e o Man9 I &o to My Mother. I &o in Have9 have9 have aith in Me. Love. %e not a raid. May what I su ered to save you the s/)endour o My /aradisia+ a//earan+e and o My )ivin& ,e!s. .he can touch !e assure you o the Heart o your ,od. .he can "iss the# because .he is the ;ure the Beautiful the Beloved the Blessed .aint of &od. The new Ada# goes to the new )ve. )vil entered the world through a wo#an and was defeated by the Wo#an. The -ruit of the Wo#an has deto7icated #en of the slaver of

)+*. Jesus A55ea s &" Laza us.


+$8. Jesus A99ea!s &# La a!us.

3!d A9!i5 $9*5.

1 The sun o a +)ear '/ri) !ornin& i))s the thi+6ets o roses and <as!ine in Lazarus' &arden with 2ri&ht s+inti))ation. 'nd the hed&es o 2o3 and )aure)9 the tu t o a ta)) /a)!@tree swayin& &ent)y at the end o an avenue9 the very thi+6 2ay near the ish@/ond9 see! to have 2een washed 2y a !ysterious hand9 so neat)y the a2undant ni&ht dew has There is a ountain here with a )ar&e 2asin9 where +att)e and !en =uen+h their thirst. The /)a+e <ust now is so)itary and +oo)9 2e+ause there is /)enty shade o thi+6 trees deter&ed and s/rayed their )eaves9 whi+h now see! +overed with resh ena!e)9 so around the +istern u)) o /ure water9 whi+h is renewed +ontinuous)y 2y the s/rin&@ &)ossy and s/ot)ess are they. water o so!e !ountain9 and over )ows 6ee/in& the &round da!/. %ut the house is si)ent9 as i it were u)) o dead /eo/)e. The windows are o/en9 2ut not 3 1hi)i/ is sittin& on the u//er ed&e o the ountain9 with his head )owered9 his hair even one voi+e9 not even a noise +o!es ro! the roo!s9 whi+h are in a di! )i&ht un6e!/t9 dusty9 his 2ro6en sanda)s han&in& ro! his &razed eet. 2e+ause a)) the +urtains have 2een )owered. Inside9 2eyond the ha))9 in whi+h there are !any doors9 now a)) o/en J and it is stran&e Lazarus +a))s hi! in a /iti u) voi+eI E1hi)i/9 +o!e to !eH Let us )ove one another or His sa6e. Let us 2e united in His 8a!e. 4e sha)) sti)) )ove Hi! 2y doin& soHG to see the ha))s without any /re/aration9 whi)e they are &enera))y used or !ore or )ess nu!erous 2an=uets J there is a )ar&e +ourt@yard9 whi+h is /aved and surrounded 2y a /or+h i))ed with seats. Many dis+i/)es are sittin& on the!9 and so!e are sittin& a)so on the )oor9 on !ats9 or on the !ar2)e itse) . '!on& the! I see the a/ost)es Matthew9 'ndrew9 %artho)o!ew9 the 2rothers Ja!es and Judas o ')/haeus9 Ja!es o >e2edee9 the she/herd dis+i/)es with Manaen9 2esides so!e who! I do not 6now. I do not see the >ea)ot9 Lazarus or Ma3i!inus. (ina))y Ma3i!inus +o!es in with so!e servants and he &ives 2read to every2ody with various oodstu s9 that is9 o)ives or +heese9 or honey9 and a)so new !i)6 to those who want it. %ut they are not an3ious to eat9 a)thou&h Ma3i!inus e3horts every2ody to do so. They are a)) dee/)y de<e+ted. In a ew days their a+es have 2e+o!e sun6en and ashen under the redness o tears. The a/ost)es in /arti+u)ar9 and those who ran away at the very irst hours9 )oo6 down+ast9 whi)st the she/herds and Manaen are )ess de<e+ted9 nay9 )ess asha!ed9 and Ma3i!inus is on)y sorrow u) in a !an)y !anner. 2 The >ea)ot enters a)!ost runnin& and as6sI EIs Lazarus hereFG E8o9 he is in his roo!. 4hat do you wantFG E't the end o the /ath9 near the ountain o the sun9 there is 1hi)i/. He has +o!e ro! the Jeri+ho /)ain. He is e3hausted. 'nd he does not want to +o!e here9 2e+ause... )i6e every2ody9 he ee)s he is a sinner. %ut Lazarus wi)) +onvin+e hi!.G %artho)o!ew stands u/ and saysI EI wi)) +o!e9 too...G They &o to Lazarus9 who9 u/on 2ein& +a))ed9 +o!es out ro! the ha) @dar6 roo!9 where he +ertain)y has we/t and /rayed9 with a down+ast a+e. They a)) &o out and &o a+ross the &arden irst9 then the vi))a&e9 where it des+ends

towards the s)o/es o the Mount o 5)ives9 they then rea+h the end o the vi))a&e9 where a)so the ta2)e)and9 on whi+h it is 2ui)t9 ends9 and they /ro+eed a)on& the on)y !ountain road that rises and des+ends a)on& natura) )i&hts o ste/s a+ross the !ountains9 whi+h s)o/e down towards the /)ain to the east and rise towards the town o Jerusa)e! to the west.

E5hH LazarusH LazarusH I ran away... and yesterday9 2eyond Jeri+ho9 I heard that He is deadH... I... I +annot or&ive !yse) or runnin& away...G E4e a)) ran away. 4ith the e3+e/tion o John9 who re!ained aith u))y with Hi!9 and Si!on who &athered us to&ether 2y His order9 a ter we had +oward)y run away. So... o us a/ost)es9 no one was aith u)G says %artho)o!ew. E'nd +an you or&ive yourse) FG E8o. %ut I a! thin6in& o !a6in& a!ends9 as I +an9 2y not &ivin& !yse) u/ to steri)e de<e+tion. 4e !ust <oin to&ether. 4e !ust <oin John and )earn a2out His )ast hours. John o))owed Hi! a)) the ti!eG %artho)o!ew re/)ies to his +o!/anion 1hi)i/. E'nd not )et His $o+trine die. 4e !ust /rea+h it to the wor)d. 4e !ust 6ee/ at )east that a)ive9 sin+e we did not ta6e a+tion in ti!e to save Hi! ro! His ene!ies9 as we were too s)ow and )ateG says the >ea)ot. E;ou +ou)d not have saved Hi!. 8othin& +ou)d have saved Hi!. He to)d !e. I re/eat it a&ainG says Lazarus reso)ute)y. E$id you 6now9 LazarusFG as6s 1hi)i/. E;es9 I did. It was !y torture to 2e in or!ed9 sin+e the Sa22ath evenin&9 o His death 2y Hi!9 and in detai)9 to 2e to)d how we wou)d a+t...G E8o. 8ot you. ;ou have o2eyed and su ered. 4e a+ted )i6e +owards. ;ou and Si!on are the ones who were sa+ri i+ed to o2edien+eG e3+)ai!s %artho)o!ew. E;es. To o2edien+e. 5hH How hard it is to resist )ove in order to o2ey the %e)ovedH 7o!e9 1hi)i/. ')!ost a)) the dis+i/)es are in !y house. ;ou !ust +o!e9 too.G

)+*. Jesus A55ea s &" Laza us.


EI a! asha!ed o a//earin& to the wor)d9 to !y +o!/anions...G E4e are a)) a)i6eHG says %artho)o!ew !oanin&. E;es. %ut !y heart does not or&ive itse) .G EThat is /ride9 1hi)i/. 7o!e. 5n the Sa22ath evenin& He said to !eI CThey wi)) not or&ive the!se)ves. Te)) the! that I or&ive the!9 2e+ause I 6now that they are not a+tin& ree)y9 2ut it is Satan who is )eadin& the! astray.D 7o!e.G 4 1hi)i/ wee/s !ore )oud)y9 2ut he surrenders. 'nd9 stoo/in& as i he had a&ed in a ew days9 he wa)6s 2eside Lazarus as ar as the +ourt@yard where they are a)) waitin& or hi!. 'nd the &)an+e he +asts at his +o!/anions9 and the ones his +o!/anions +ast at hi!9 are the !ost evident +on ession o their tota) de<e+tion. Lazarus is aware o it and saysI E' new shee/ o the herd o 7hrist9 that was ri&htened 2y the +o!in& o wo)ves and had run away a ter the arrest o the She/herd9 has 2een re+eived 2y His riend. To this )ost shee/9 that has e3/erien+ed the 2itte!ess o 2ein& a)one9 without even the +o! ort o wee/in& over the sa!e error with his 2rothers9 I re/eat His testa!ent o )ove. In the /resen+e o the heaven)y +horuses I swear that He said to !e9 a!on& !any other thin&s that your /resent hu!an wea6ness +annot 2ear9 2e+ause they are so distressin& that they have torn !y heart durin& these )ast ten days J and i I did not 6now that !y )i e is o so!e use to the Lord9 a)thou&h it is so /oor and au)ty9 I shou)d &ive !yse) u/ to the wound o this &rie o a riend and dis+i/)e who has )ost everythin& 2y )osin& Hi! J He said to !eI CThe !ias!ata o +orru/t Jerusa)e! wi)) drive a)so My dis+i/)es !ad. They wi)) run away and they wi)) +o!e to you.D In a+t9 you +an see that you are a)) here. I +ou)d say a)) o you. %e+ause9 with the e3+e/tion o Si!on 1eter and o the Is+ariot9 you have a)) +o!e towards !y house and to !y heart o a riend. He saidI C;ou wi)) &ather the!. ;ou wi)) en+oura&e My s+attered shee/. ;ou wi)) te)) the! that I or&ive the!. I entrust you with My or&iveness or the!. They wi)) not set their !inds at rest or havin& run away. Te)) the! not to a)) into the &reater sin o des/airin& o !y or&iveness.D That is what He said. 'nd I have or&iven you on His 2eha) . 'nd I 2)ushed in &ivin& you in His 8a!e this thin& whi+h is so ho)y9 so /e+u)iar o Hi!9 whi+h is (or&iveness9 that is9 the /er e+t Love9 2e+ause he who or&ives a &ui)ty /erson9 )oves /er e+t)y. This !inistry has 2een a so)a+e to !y hard o2edien+e... %e+ause I shou)d have )i6ed to 2e there9 )i6e Mary and Martha9 !y sweet sisters. 'nd i He was +ru+i ied on ,o)&otha 2y !en9 I swear it to you9 I a! +ru+i ied here 2y o2edien+e9 and it is rea))y a heart@rendin& !artyrdo!. %ut i it serves to &ive so)a+e to His S/irit9 i it serves to save His dis+i/)es or Hi!9 unti) He &athers the! to 2rin& the! to /er e+tion in aith9 we))9 on+e a&ain I sa+ri i+e !y wish to &o to at )east venerate His +or/se 2e ore the third day ends.

5 I 6now that you dou2t. ;ou !ust not. 5 His words at the 1assover 2an=uet I 6now on)y what you have to)d !e. %ut the !ore I thin6 o the!9 the !ore I raise9 one 2y one9 these dia!onds o His truth u) words9 and the !ore I ee) that they have a sure re eren+e to the i!!ediate !orrow. He +annot have saidI CI a! &oin& to the (ather and then I wi)) +o!e 2a+6D9 i He were not rea))y to +o!e 2a+6. He +annot have saidI C4hen you see Me a&ain you wi)) 2e u)) o <oyD i He had disa//eared or &ood. He has a)ways saidI CI wi)) rise ro! the dead.D ;ou to)d !e that He saidI C$ew is a2out to a)) on the seeds sown in you and wi)) !a6e the! a)) s/rout9 then the 1ara+)ete wi)) +o!e and wi)) !a6e the! 2e+o!e !i&hty trees.D $id He not say soF 5hH do not a))ow that to ha//en on)y or the )ast o His dis+i/)es9 or /oor Lazarus9 who was with Hi! on)y rare)yH 4hen He +o!es 2a+69 ensure that a)) His seed has s/routed under the dew o His %)ood. Sin+e the dread u) hour when He was )i ted u/ on the 7ross9 there is in !e a &reat &)ow o )i&ht9 a !i&hty out2urst o stren&th. 0verythin& is 2ri&ht9 everythin& revives and s/rin&s u/. There is not one word )e t in !e in its /oor hu!an !eanin&. %ut everythin& I heard ro! Hi! or o Hi!9 now 2e+o!es u)) o )i e9 and !y 2arren )and rea))y +han&es into a erti)e )ower@2ed9 where every )ower has His 8a!e and every sa/ draws )i e ro! His 2)essed Heart. I 2e)ieve9 7hristH %ut so that these !ay 2e)ieve in ;ou9 in every /ro!ise o ;ours9 in ;our or&iveness9 in everythin& that is ;ou9 I o er ;ou !y )i e. 7onsu!e it9 2ut do not )et ;our $o+trine dieH 7rush /oor Lazarus to s!ithereens9 2ut &ather to&ether the s+attered !e!2ers o the a/osto)i+ &rou/. 0verythin& ;ou !ay wish9 2ut in return )et ;our 4ord 2e vivid and eterna)9 and now and orever9 )et those +o!e to it who on)y throu&h ;ou +an /ossess eterna) )i e.G Lazarus is rea))y ins/ired. Love e)evates hi! to a very hi&h s/here and his trans/ort is so stron& that it re)ieves a)so his +o!/anions. So!e +a)) hi! on his ri&ht9 so!e on his )e t9 as i he were a +on essor9 a do+tor9 a ather. The +ourt@yard o Lazarus' ri+h house9 I do not 6now why9 re!inds !e o the a2odes o 7hristian /atri+ians in the days o /erse+utions and o heroi+ aith... 6 He is 2ent over Judas o ')/haeus9 who +an ind no reason to a//ease his an&uish or )eavin& His Master and +ousin9 when so!ethin& !a6es hi! stand u/ strai&ht a)) o a sudden. He turns round and then he says +)ear)yI EI a! +o!in&9 Lord.G His usua) word o /ro!/t assent. 'nd he &oes out9 as i he were runnin& 2ehind so!eone who was +a))in& and /re+edin& hi!. They a)) )oo6 at one another9 seized with astonish!ent. They +onsu)t with one another. E4hat has he seenFG E%ut there is nothin&HG

)+*. Jesus A55ea s &" Laza us.


EHave you heard a voi+eFG EI have not.G E8either have I.G ESoF Is Lazarus /erha/s not we)) a&ainFG EMay 2e... He has su ered !ore than we have9 and he has en+oura&ed us so !u+h9 we... the +owardsH 1erha/s he is ravin&.G EIn a+t he )oo6s worn out.G E'nd his eyes were in )a!ed whi)e he was s/ea6in&.G E1erha/s Jesus has +a))ed hi! to Heaven.G EIn a+t Lazarus o ered Hi! his )i e not )on& a&o... He has /i+6ed hi! at on+e )i6e a )ower... 5hH how wret+hed we areH 4hat sha)) we do nowFG 7o!!ents are des/arate and sorrow u). 7 Lazarus +rosses the ha))9 he &oes out into the &arden9 runnin& a)) the ti!e9 s!i)in&9 whis/erin&9 and there is his sou) in his voi+eI EI a! +o!in&9 Lord.G He arrives at a 2o3 thi+6et that or!s a &reen she)ter9 we wou)d say a &reen 2ower9 and he a))s on his 6nees9 with his a+e on the &round9 shoutin&I E5hH !y LordHG

2ehaviour. %ut 2e ore disa//earin& in a )ood o )i&ht that a2sor2s Hi!9 Jesus ta6es a ste/ and with His hand He tou+hes the aith u) orehead )i&ht)y. It is at that !o!ent that Lazarus re+overs ro! his 2)iss u) astonish!ent9 he stands u/ and runnin& head)on& towards his +o!/anions and with 2ri&htness o <oy in his eyes and on his orehead 2are)y tou+hed 2y the 7hrist9 he shoutsI EHe has risen9 2rothersH He +a))ed !e. I went. I have seen Hi!. He s/o6e to !e. He to)d !e to te)) you to &o at on+e to the house o the Su//er. ,oH ,oH I a! stayin& here9 2e+ause He wants that. %ut !y <oy is +o!/)ete...G 'nd Lazarus wee/s in his <oy9 whi)e he ur&es the a/ost)es to 2e the irst to &o where He orders. E,oH ,oH He wants youH He )oves youH %e not a raid o Hi!... 5hH He is !ore than ever the Lord9 the ,oodness9 the LoveHG ')so the dis+i/)es stand u/... %ethany 2e+o!es e!/ty. Lazarus re!ains with his &reat heart +o! orted...

+$%. Jesus A99ea!s &# J#hanna #1 Chu a.

*&h A9!i5 $9*5.

1 In a ri+h roo!9 where the )i&ht hard)y i)ters ro! outside9 Johanna is wee/in&9 +o!/)ete)y de<e+ted on a seat near the )ow 2ed +overed with !a&ni i+ent +overs. She is %e+ause Jesus9 in His 2eauty o the .esurre+tion9 is on the thresho)d o this &reen wee/in& with her ar! restin& on the ed&e and her orehead on her ar!9 +o!/)ete)y 2ower and s!i)es at hi!... and saysI E0verythin& has 2een a++o!/)ished9 Lazarus. I sha6en 2y so2s9 that !ust 2rea6 her 2reast. 4hen9 in the an&uish o her tears9 she raises have +o!e to than6 you9 My aith u) riend. I have +o!e to as6 you to te)) our 2rothers her a+e or a !o!ent to 2reathe9 a )ar&e da!/ s/ot +an 2e seen on the /re+ious +over9 to +o!e at on+e to the house o the Su//er. ;ou J another sa+ri i+e9 My dear riend9 out whi)e her a+e is )itera))y )ooded with tears. Then she rests it a&ain on her ar! and on+e o )ove or Me J wi)) re!ain here9 or the ti!e 2ein&... I a! aware that you su er a&ain one +an see on)y her very white thin ne+69 the !ass o her 2rown hair9 her very 2e+ause o that. %ut I 6now that you are &enerous. Mary9 your sister9 has a)ready 2een s)ender shou)ders and the to/ o her trun6. The rest is )ost in the di! )i&ht9 where her +o! orted9 2e+ause I have seen her and she has seen Me.G 2ody disa//ears9 enve)o/ed in her dar6 vio)et dress. E;ou no )on&er su er9 !y Lord. 'nd that re/ays !e or every sa+ri i+e. I su ered... 4ithout !ovin& the +urtains or o/enin& the door Jesus &oes in9 and without !a6in& any 6nowin& that ;ou were su erin&... and that I was not there...G noise He a//roa+hes her. He tou+hes her hair )i&ht)y with His Hand and in a whis/er He as6sI E4hy are you wee/in&9 JohannaFG E5hH you wereH ;our s/irit was at the oot o My 7ross9 and it was in the dar6ness o My se/u)+hre. (ro! the de/th where I was9 you have evo6ed Me ear)ier9 )i6e a)) those 'nd Johanna9 who !ust thin6 that it is her an&e) who has as6ed her the =uestion9 and who have )oved Me with their who)e se)ves. Just now I said to youI C7o!e9 LazarusD. who does not see anythin& 2e+ause she does not raise her head ro! the ed&e o the 's on the day o your resurre+tion. %ut or severa) hours you have 2een sayin& to MeI 2ed9 with !ore deso)ate tears she e3/resses her tortureI E%e+ause I do not even have the C7o!eD. I have +o!e. 'nd I +a))ed you9 to draw you out9 in My turn9 ro! the de/th o Se/u)+hre o the Lord any !ore9 to &o and shed !y tears there and not 2e a)one...G your &rie . ,o. 1ea+e and 2)essin&s to you9 LazarusH ,row &reater in your )ove or Me. I wi)) +o!e a&ain.G E%ut He has risen. 're you not ha//yFG 8 Lazarus has re!ained on his 6nees a)) the ti!e without darin& to !a6e a &esture. The !a<esty o the Lord9 a)thou&h !iti&ated 2y )ove9 is su+h that it /ara)yses Lazarus' usua) E5hH yesH %ut a)) the wo!en have seen Hi! with the e3+e/tion o Martha and !e. 'nd Martha wi)) +ertain)y see Hi! at %ethany... 2e+ause their house is a riend)y one.

)+/. Jesus A55ea s &" J"hanna "- :huza.


Mine... !ine is no )on&er a riend)y house... I have )ost everythin& with His 1assion... %oth !y Master and !y hus2and... and his sou)... 2e+ause he does not 2e)ieve... he does not 2e)ieve... and he derides !e... and he orders !e not to venerate even the !e!ory o !y Saviour... in order not to ruin hi!... Hu!an interests are !ore i!/ortant or hi!... I... I... I do not 6now whether I shou)d +ontinue to )ove hi! or to 2e dis&usted at hi!. I do not 6now whether I shou)d o2ey hi!9 2ein& his wi e9 or diso2ey hi!9 as !y sou) wou)d )i6e to do9 2e+ause o the &reater nu/tia) tie o the s/irit with the 7hrist9 to 4ho! I wi)) re!ain aith u)... I... I shou)d )i6e to 6now... 'nd who wi)) advise !e9 i /oor Johanna +an no )on&er rea+h Hi!F 5hH... the 1assion is over or !y LordHN %ut or !e it 2e&an on (riday9 and it )asts... 5hH I a! so wea6 and I have not &ot the stren&th to +arry this +rossH...G E%ut i He he)/ed you9 wou)d you +arry it or His sa6eFG E5hH yesH 1rovidin& He he)/s !e... He 6nows what it !eans to +arry the +ross 2y onese) ... 5hH have !er+y on !y !is ortuneH...G E;es. I 6now what it is to +arry the +ross 2y onese) . That is why I have +o!e and I a! 2eside you. 2 Johanna9 do you rea)ise 4ho is s/ea6in& to youF Is your house no )on&er riend)y with the 7hristF 4hyF I he9 your earth)y hus2and9 is )i6e a star +overed with a +)oud o hu!an !ias!ata9 you are sti)) Johanna o Jesus. The Master has not )e t you. Jesus never )eaves the sou)s who have 2e+o!e His s/iritua) s/ouses. He is a)ways the Master9 the (riend9 the S/ouse9 a)so now that He has risen. Johanna9 raise your head. Loo6 at Me. In this hour o a se+ret )esson9 whi+h is even sweeter than i I had a//eared to you as I did to the other wo!en dis+i/)es9 I wi)) te)) you what your uture 2ehaviour is to 2e. The sa!e as that o !any sisters o yours. 2ove your upset husband patiently and sub#issively. Increase your "indness all the #ore as he fosters the bitte#ess of hu#an fears in hi#self. Increase your spiritual brightness the #ore he gives off shadows of hu#an interests. Be faithful for two. 'nd 2e stron& in your s/iritua) nu/tia) tie. How !any wo!en9 in uture9 wi)) have to +hoose 2etween the wi)) o ,od and that o their hus2andsH %ut they wi)) 2e &reat when9 a2ove )ove and !aternity9 they o))ow ,od. ;our /assion is 2e&innin&. ;es. But you can see that every passion ends in a resurrection...G Johanna has 2een raisin& her head )itt)e 2y )itt)e. Her so22in& had 2e+o!e )ess re=uent. She now )oo6s and sees9 she s)ides down on her 6nees9 worshi//in& and whis/erin&I EThe LordHG E;es. The Lord. ;ou +an see that I have not dea)t with any o the wo!en dis+i/)es as I have done with you. %ut I see /e+u)iar needs and I arran&e in &radations the assistan+e to 2e &iven to sou)s that e3/e+t he)/ ro! Me. 7)i!2 your 7a)vary o a wi e with the he)/ o My +aress and with that o your inno+ent +hi)d. He has entered Heaven with Me and he has &iven Me his +aress or you. I 2)ess you9 Johanna. Have aith. I saved you. %ou will save if you have faith.G

3 Johanna now s!i)es and she dares to as6I E're ;ou not &oin& to the +hi)drenFG EI 6issed the! at dawn whi)e they were sti)) s)ee/in& in their )itt)e 2eds9 and they 2e)ieved I was an an&e) o the Lord. I +an 6iss the inno+ent whenever I wish. %ut I did not wa6e the! not to u/set the! too !u+h. Their sou)s 6ee/ the !e!ory o My 6iss... and in due ti!e9 they wi)) trans!it it to their !inds. 8othin& is )ost o what is Mine. ')ways 2e a !other to the!. 'nd a)ways 2e a dau&hter o My Mother. 8ever 2e +o!/)ete)y deta+hed ro! Her. 4ith !other)y &ent)eness She wi)) /er/etuate what was our riendshi/. 'nd ta6e the +hi)dren to Her. She needs +hi)dren to ee) )ess de/rived o Her 7hi)d...G E7huza wi)) not a&ree...G E7huza wi)) )et you do.G E4i)) he re/udiate !e9 LordFG It is the +ry o a resh torture. EHe is a di!!ed star. %rin& hi! 2a+6 to )i&ht with your herois! o a wi e and o a 7hristian. ,ood2ye. 4ith the e3+e/tion o My Mother9 do not !ention this +o!in& o Mine to any2ody e)se. ')so reve)ations are to 2e !entioned to those to who! and when it is air to do so.G Jesus s!i)es at her shinin& 2ri&ht)y9 and He disa//ears in His re u)&en+e. 4 Johanna stands u/9 )ost in reverie9 torn 2etween <oy and sorrow9 2etween the ear o havin& drea!t and the +ertainty o havin& seen. %ut her ee)in&s reassure her. She &oes to the )itt)e ones9 who are /)ayin& =uiet)y on the u//er terra+e9 and 6isses the!. E're you not wee/in& any !ore9 !u!!yFG as6s Mary shy)y9 no )on&er the /oor wret+hed )itt)e &ir)9 2ut a de)i+ate &ent)e &ir)9 we)) dressed and with tidy hairM and Matthias9 swarthy and )ean9 with the e3u2eran+e o a ni+e )itt)e 2oy saysI ETe)) !e who !a6es you wee/9 and I wi)) /unish hi!.G Johanna e!2ra+es the! to&ether and /resses the! to her heart9 and says s/ea6in& over the 2rown@haired head o Mary and over the dar6 hair o MatthiasI EI a! not wee/in& any !ore. Jesus has risen and He 2)esses us.G E5hH so does He not 2)eed any !oreF $oes He not su er any )on&erFG as6s Mary. ESi))y &ir)H ;ou shou)d rather sayI He is no )on&er deadH Then9 He is ha//y nowH... %e+ause it !ust 2e aw u) to 2e dead...G says Matthias. ESo is there no reason to wee/ any !ore9 !u!!yFG as6s Mary a&ain. E8o. 8ot or you9 inno+ent +hi)dren. .e<oi+e with the an&e)s.G EThe an&e)sH... Last ni&ht9 I don't 6now what wat+h it was9 I e)t 2ein& +aressed and I wo6e u/ sayin&I CMu!!yHD9 2ut I was not +a))in& you. I was +a))in& !y dead !other9

)+/. Jesus A55ea s &" J"hanna "- :huza.


2e+ause that +aress was )i&hter and &ent)er than yours9 and I o/ened !y eyes or a !o!ent. %ut I saw on)y a 2ri&ht )i&ht and I saidI CMy an&e) has 6issed !e to +onso)e !e or !y dee/ &rie over the death o the LordDG says Mary. EI9 too. %ut I was very s)ee/y9 and I saidI CIs it youFD I was thin6in& o !y ,uardian an&e) and I wanted to say to hi!I C,o and 6iss Jesus and Johanna9 so that they !ay no )on&er 2e a raidD9 2ut I did not su++eed. I e)) as)ee/ a&ain and I 2e&an to drea!9 and I see!ed to 2e in Heaven with you and Mary. Then there was that earth=ua6e and I wo6e u/ and was ri&htened. %ut 0sther said to !eI C$on't 2e a raid. It is a)ready a)) overD and I e)) as)ee/ a&ain.G 5 Johanna 6isses the! a&ain9 and then she )eaves the! to their /ea+e u) &a!es and she &oes to the house o the Su//er. She as6s a ter Mary. She &oes into Her roo!. She +)oses the door and says her &reat wordI EI have seen Hi!. I te)) ;ou. I a! +o! orted and ha//y. Love !e9 2e+ause He said that I !ust 2e united to ;ou.G

every2ody to 2e in ,a)i)ee in a ew days' ti!e. They /art /re+ise)y 2e+ause the she/herds want to re/eat /ersona))y to 1eter9 what they have a)ready to)d John9 that is9 that the Lord9 when he a//eared to Lazarus9 said that they had to &ather in the Su//er roo!. Manaen +)i!2s a se+ondary road towards a house in the !idd)e o an o)ive@&rove. ' 2eauti u) house9 with around it a row o +edars o Le2anon9 whi+h with their i!/osin& !ass do!inate the nu!erous o)ive@trees o the !ountain. He &oes in reso)ute)y and to the servant9 who has rushed to !eet hi!9 he saysI E4here is your !asterFG E5ver there with Jose/h. He +a!e not )on& a&o.G ETe)) hi! that I a! here.G The servant &oes away and +o!es 2a+6 with 8i+ode!us and Jose/h. The voi+es o the three !en !in&)e in the sa!e +ryI EHe has risenHG They )oo6 at one another9 sur/rised that they a)) 6now.

The Mother re/)iesI EI have a)ready to)d you9 on the day o the Sa22ath9 that I )ove you. 2 Then 8i+ode!us ta6es his riend and )eads hi! to a roo! inside the house. Jose/h ;esterday. %e+ause it was yesterday... 'nd that day o wee/in& and dar6ness see!s so o))ows the!. ar ro! this day o )i&ht and s!i)esHG EHave you dared to +o!e 2a+6FG E;es... 8ow I re!e!2er that ;ou had a)ready said what He has now re/eated to !e. E;es. He saidI C't the Su//er roo!D. I do want to see Hi! now9 &)orious9 to &et rid o ;ou saidI C4e wo!en wi)) have to ta6e a+tion9 2e+ause we re!ained and the !en ran the &rievous !e!ory o Hi! tied and +overed with i)th9 )i6e a +ri!ina) stru+6 2y the away... The true &iver o )i e is a)ways the wo!an...D 5hH Mother9 he)/ !e to &ive )i e ra&e o the wor)d.G to 7huzaH He has a2andoned (aithH...G Johanna 2e&ins to wee/ a&ain. E5hH we shou)d )i6e to see Hi! as we))... to ree ourse)ves ro! the horror o Mary ta6es her in Her ar!sI E2ove is stronger than faith. It is the #ost active virtue. re!e!2erin& Hi! tortured9 o His +ount)ess wounds... %ut He has shown Hi!se) on)y 4ith it you wi)) +reate a new sou) or 7huza. %e not a raid. %ut I wi)) he)/ you.G to the wo!enG whis/ers Jose/h. E'nd that is air. They have a)ways 2een aith u) to Hi! durin& these )ast years. 4e were a raid. The Mother said soI C' very /oor )ove indeed9 i it waited unti) now to show itse) HDG says 8i+ode!us o2<e+tin&.

+$9. Jesus A99ea!s &# J#se9h #1 A!i(a&hea= &# Ni'#de(us and &# .anaen.

E%ut to de y Israe)9 now !ore than ever o//osed to Hi!9 we shou)d rea))y need to see Hi!H... I you 6newH The &uards have s/o6en... 8ow the Leaders o the Sanhedrin and the 1harisees9 not yet +onverted 2y so !u+h wrath o Heaven9 are )oo6in& or those who *&h A9!i5 $9*5. are aware o His .esurre+tion9 to /ut the! in /rison. I have sent )itt)e Martia) J a +hi)d 1 Manaen9 with the she/herds9 is wa)6in& ast a)on& the s)o/es that ro! %ethany ta6e /asses unnoti+ed !ore easi)y J to in or! the /eo/)e at ho!e to 2e on the a)ert. They one to Jerusa)e!. ' 2eauti u) road &oes strai&ht towards the Mount o 5)ives. 'nd have ta6en sa+red !oney ro! the Treasury o the Te!/)e to /ay the &uards9 so that Manaen turns towards it9 a ter )eavin& the she/herds9 who9 ew at a ti!e9 want to enter they !ay say that the dis+i/)es sto)e Hi!9 and that what they had said /revious)y a2out the town to &o to the Su//er roo!. the .esurre+tion9 was a )ie9 as they were a raid o 2ein& /unished. The town is in a Short)y 2e ore9 I &ather this ro! their +onversation9 they !ust have !et John9 who was tur!oi). 'nd there are so!e dis+i/)es who are a)ready )eavin& it out o ear... I !ean the dis+i/)es that were not at %ethany...G +o!in& towards %ethany to 2rin& the news o the .esurre+tion and the order or

)+9.Jesus A55ea s &" J"se5h "- A i.a&hea; &" Ni3"de.us and &" 'anaen.


E;es9 we wou)d need His 2)essin& to have +oura&e.G EHe a//eared to Lazarus... It was a)!ost the third hour. Lazarus see!s trans i&ured to us.G E5hH Lazarus deserves itH 4e...G says Jose/h. E;es. 4e are sti)) en+rusted with dou2t and hu!an thou&hts9 )i6e a )e/er 2ad)y +ured... 'nd there is no one 2ut He 4ho +an sayI CI want you to 2e +)eansedHD So9 now that He has risen9 wi)) He no )on&er s/ea6 to us9 who are )ess /er e+tFG as6s 8i+ode!us. E'nd wi)) He not wor6 any !ore !ira+)es9 to /unish the wor)d9 now that He is the 5ne 4ho has .isen ro! death and ro! the !iseries o the )eshFG as6s Jose/h a&ain.

&)orious as His 8ature wantsH 'nd... He sti)) )oves us... Tru)y9 i Herod shou)d now o er !e his 6in&do!9 I shou)d say to hi!I C;our throne and +rown are dust and dun&9 as ar as I a! +on+erned. 8othin& e3+eeds what I /ossess. I have the 2)iss u) 6now)ed&e o the (a+e o ,od.DG

+2,. Jesus A99ea!s &# &he She9he!ds.

*&h A9!i5 $9*5.

%ut their =uestions +an have 2ut one re/)y. His. 'nd it does not +o!e. The three re!ain 1 They a)so wa)6 ast under the o)ive@trees9 and they are so +ertain o His .esurre+tion that they +onverse with the <oy o ha//y +hi)dren. They &o strai&ht towards the town. de<e+ted. E4e wi)) te)) 1eter to )oo6 at Hi! +are u))y and to te)) us how 2eauti u) is His a+eG 3 Then Manaen saysI E4e)). I a! &oin& to the Su//er roo!. I they 6i)) !e9 He wi)) says 0)ias. a2so)ve !y sou) and I sha)) see Hi! in Heaven9 i I do not see Hi! here9 on the 0arth. Manaen is su+h a use)ess thin& in the &rou/ o His o))owers that9 i he a))s9 he wi)) E5hH no !atter how 2eauti u) it !ay 2e9 I sha)) never 2e a2)e to or&et what He was )i6e )eave the sa!e void that is )e t 2y a )ower /i+6ed in a !eadow +rowded with +oro))asI when He was torturedG whis/ers Isaa+. he wi)) not even 2e noti+ed...G and he &ets u/ to &o. E%ut do you re!e!2er Hi! when He was )i ted u/ on the 7rossFG as6s Levi. E'nd do %ut9 as he turns towards the door9 the )atter is 2ri&ht)y i))u!inated 2y the $ivine you a)) re!e!2er Hi!FG .esurre+ted Lord9 4ho9 with His o/en hands9 in a &esture o an e!2ra+e9 sto/s hi! EI do9 and /er e+t)y. The )i&ht was sti)) &ood then. Later9 with !y o)d eyes9 I +ou)d not sayin&I E1ea+e to youH 1ea+e to you twoH %ut re!ain where you are9 you and 8i+ode!us. Jose/h !ay sti)) &o9 i he wishes so. %ut you have Me here9 and I s/ea6 the see !u+hG says $anie). word you re=uestedI CI want you to 2e +)eansed o what is sti)) i!/ure in your 2e)ie .D EI9 instead9 saw Hi! unti) He see!ed to 2e dead. %ut I wou)d have /re erred to 2e To!orrow you wi)) &o down to the town. ;ou wi)) &o to the 2rothers. This evenin& I 2)ind9 in order not to seeG says Jose/h. have to s/ea6 on)y to the a/ost)es. ,ood2ye. 'nd !ay ,od 2e a)ways with you. Than6s9 Manaen. ;ou have 2e)ieved !ore than these two. So9 than6s a)so to your s/irit. E5hH we)). 8ow He has risen. That !ust !a6e us ha//yG says John to +o! ort hi!. I than6 you two or your /ity. %ut ensure that it !ay 2e+o!e so!ethin& hi&her throu&h E'nd the thou&ht that we on)y )e t Hi! or an a+t o +harityG adds Jonathan. a )i e o ear)ess aith.G Jesus disa//ears 2ehind a dazz)in& in+andes+en+e. E%ut our hearts re!ained u/ there. ')) the ti!eG whis/ers Matthias. The three are 2)iss u) and 2ewi)dered. E;es. ')) the ti!e. Sin+e you have seen the veroni+a9 te)) usI what is it )i6eF $oes it E%ut was it HeFG as6s Jose/h. )oo6 )i6e Hi!FG as6s %en<a!in. E'nd did you not hear His voi+eFG re/)ies 8i+ode!us. E's i He were s/ea6in&G re/)ies Isaa+. E')so a s/irit +an have... a voi+e... ;ou9 Manaen9 sin+e you were so +)ose to Hi!9 what E4i)) we see that vei)FG !any as6. do you thin6FG E5hH the Mother shows it to every2ody. ;ou wi)) +ertain)y see it. %ut it is a sad si&ht. It E' rea) 2ody. Most handso!e. He 2reathed. I +ou)d ee) His 2reath. 'nd He e!itted wou)d 2e 2etter to see... 2 5hH LordHG heat. 'nd then... His 4ounds9 I saw the!. They )oo6ed as i they had 2een o/ened then. They did not 2)eed9 2ut it was )ivin& )esh. 5hH do not dou2t any !oreH So that He E(aith u) servants. Here I a!. ,o. I wi)) wait or you in ,a)i)ee in a ew days' ti!e. I !ay not /unish you. 4e have seen the Lord. I !ean Jesus9 4ho has +o!e 2a+6 as want to te)) you on+e !ore that I )ove you. Jonah is 2)iss u)9 with the others9 in

)2$. Jesus A55ea s &" &he She5he ds.


Heaven.G ELordH 5hH Lord.G E1ea+e to you o &ood wi)).G The .isen Lord vanishes in the 2ri&ht !idday sun2ea!. 4hen they raise their heads9 He is no )on&er there. %ut there is the <oy o havin& seen Hi! as He is nowI &)orious. They stand u/9 trans i&ured with <oy. In their hu!2)eness they +annot 2e /ersuaded that they deserved to see Hi! and they sayI ETo usH To usH How &ood is our LordH (ro! His 2irth to His triu!/h9 a)ways hu!2)e and &ood to His /oor servantsHG E'nd how handso!e He wasHG E5hH He was never so handso!eH 4hat !a<estyHG EHe )oo6s even ta))er and o ri/er a&e.G EHe is rea))y the :in&HG E5hH They +a))ed Hi! the /ea+e u) :in&H %ut He is a)so the terri2)e :in& or those who !ust 2e a raid o His <ud&e!entHG E$id you see what 2ea!s were e!itted 2y His (a+eFG E'nd how His eyes )ashedHG EI did not dare stare at Hi!. 'nd I wou)d have )i6ed to stare at Hi!9 2e+ause I thin6 that /erha/s I sha)) 2e &ranted to see Hi! so on)y in Heaven. 'nd I want to 6now Hi!9 so that I sha)) not 2e a raid o Hi! then.G 3 E5hH we !ust not 2e a raid i we re!ain as we areI His aith u) servants. ;ou have heard Hi!I CI want to te)) you on+e !ore that I )ove you. 1ea+e to you o &ood wi))D. 5hH not a word too !any. %ut in that )itt)e there is His u)) a//rova) o what we have done so ar and His &reatest /ro!ises or our uture )ives. 5hH )et us intone the son& o <oy. 5 our <oyI C,)ory to ,od in the !ost hi&h Heavens and /ea+e on earth to !en o &ood wi)). The Lord has rea))y risen9 as He had said throu&h the !ouths o the /ro/hets and with His own au)t)ess word. 4ith His %)ood He has wi/ed o the +orru/tion that the 6iss o a !an had )aid on Hi!9 and9 as the a)tar is +)eansed9 His %ody has assu!ed the ine3/ressi2)e 2eauty o ,od. %e ore as+endin& to Heaven He has shown Hi!se) to His servants. '))e)uia. Let us &o on sin&in&9 a))e)uiaH The eterna) youth o ,odH Let us &o announ+in& to the /eo/)e that He has risen9 a))e)uiaH The Just9 the Ho)y Lord has risen9 a))e)uia9 a))e)uiaH (ro! the Se/u)+hre He has risen i!!orta). 'nd <ust !en have risen with Hi!. In sin9 as in a &rotto9 the hearts o !en were +)osed. He died to sayI '.iseH' 'nd those who were dis/ersed have risen9 a))e)uiaH Havin& o/ened the &ates o Heaven9 He said to the +hosen onesI '7o!e'. (or the sa6e o His ho)y %)ood !ay He

&rant us to as+end as we)). '))e)uiaHDG Matthias9 the e)der)y e3@dis+i/)e o John the %a/tist9 &oes ahead sin&in&9 as /erha/s in days &one 2y $avid had sun& 2e ore His /eo/)e a)on& the streets in Judaea. The others o))ow hi!9 re/)yin& in +horus to ea+h a))e)uia with ho)y <oy. 4 Jonathan9 who is a !e!2er o the &rou/9 whi)e Jerusa)e! is a)ready at the eet o the hi))o+6 whi+h they are des+endin& ra/id)y9 saysI EThrou&h His 2irth I have )ost ather)and and ho!e9 and throu&h His death I have )ost the new house where or thirty years I wor6ed honest)y. %ut even i they had ta6en !y )i e 2e+ause o Hi!9 I wou)d have died ha//i)y9 2e+ause I wou)d have )ost it or Hi!. I 2ear hi!9 who is un air to !e9 no &rud&e. Throu&h His death !y Lord has tau&ht !e /er e+t !ee6ness. 'nd I a! not worried a2out the uture. My a2ode is not here9 2ut in Heaven. I sha)) )ive in the /overty so dear to Hi! and I wi)) serve Hi! unti) He +a))s !e... and... yes... I wi)) o er Hi! a)so the a+t that I have to a2andon... !y !istress... This is the !ost a+hin& /ain... %ut now that I have seen the su erin& o the 7hrist and His &)ory9 I !ust not wei&h !y &rie 9 2ut on)y ho/e in the +e)estia) &)ory. Let us &o and te)) the a/ost)es that Jonathan is the servant o the servants o the 7hrist.G

+2$. Jesus A99ea!s &# &he Dis'i95es #1 E((aus.

5&h A9!i5 $9*5.

1 ')on& a !ountain road two !idd)e@a&ed !en are wa)6in& ast turnin& their 2a+6s on Jerusa)e!9 whose !ountains are disa//earin& !ore and !ore 2ehind those that o))ow with uninterru/ted undu)ations o su!!its and va))eys. They are s/ea6in& to ea+h other. The e)der one says to the other9 who !ust 2e a2out thirty@ ive years o)d at !ostI E%e)ieve !eI it was 2etter to do so9 I have a a!i)y9 and you have one9 too. The Te!/)e is not <o6in&. They want to have rea))y done with this !atter. 're they ri&htF 're they wron&F I don't 6now. I 6now that they +)ear)y intend to /ut an end to this !atter on+e or a)).G ETo this +ri!e9 Si!on. ,ive it its ri&ht na!e. %e+ause it is at )east a +ri!e.G EIt de/ends. Love insti&ates us a&ainst the Sanhedrin. %ut /erha/s... who 6nowsHG E8ot at a)). Love en)i&htens. It does not )ead to error.G E')so the Sanhedrin9 a)so the 1riests and the 7hie s )ove. They )ove Jehovah9 4ho! a)) Israe) has )oved sin+e the a&ree!ent was !ade 2etween ,od and the 1atriar+hs. So9 )ove is )i&ht a)so or the! and does not )ead to errorHG

)2+. Jesus A55ea s &" &he Dis3i52es "- E..aus.


ETheir )ove is not or the Lord. ;es. Israe) has 2een in that (aith or a&es. %ut te)) !e. 7an you say that it is sti)) (aith what the 7hie s o the Te!/)e9 the 1harisees9 the s+ri2es9 the 1riests &ive usF ;ou +an see it. 4ith the &o)d sa+red to the Lord J /eo/)e a)ready 6new or at )east sus/e+ted that it ha//ened J with the &o)d sa+red to the Lord they have /aid the Traitor and now they are /ayin& the &uards. The or!er9 to !a6e hi! 2etray the 7hrist9 the )atter to !a6e the! )ie. 5hH I don't 6now how the eterna) 1ower has )i!ited Itse) to overthrowin& the wa))s and tearin& the Bei)H I te)) you that I wou)d have )i6ed the new 1hi)istines to have 2een 2uried under the ruins. ')) o the!HG E7)eo/asH ;ou wou)d 2e +o!/)ete ven&ean+e.G EI wou)d. %e+ause9 )et us ad!it that He was on)y a /ro/het9 is it )e&a) to 6i)) an inno+entF %e+ause He was inno+entH Have you ever seen Hi! +o!!it one o the +ri!es with whi+h they +har&ed Hi! to 6i)) Hi!FG E8o. 8ot even one. 2 %ut He !ade one !ista6e.G E4hi+h9 Si!onFG EHe did not show His /ower ro! the hei&ht o His 7ross9 to +on ir! our aith and to /unish the in+redu)ous sa+ri)e&ious /eo/)e. He shou)d have a++e/ted the +ha))en&e and des+ended ro! the 7ross.G EHe has done !ore than that. He has risen ro! the dead.G EIs it rea))y true. .isen howF 5n)y with His S/irit or with His S/irit and His %odyFG E%ut the s/irit is eterna)H It need not riseHG e3+)ai!s 7)eo/as. EI 6now that9 too. 4hat I !ean is whether He has risen on)y with His 8ature o ,od9 su/erior to a)) the snares o !an. %e+ause they )aid snares to His S/irit throu&h the terror o !an. ;ou did hear9 didn't youF Mar6 said that at ,ethse!ane9 where He went to /ray a&ainst a ro+69 there is 2)ood everywhere. 'nd John9 who has s/o6en to Mar69 said to hi!I C$o not )et that /)a+e 2e tra!/)ed on9 2e+ause it is %)ood sweated 2y the Man@,od.D I He sweated 2)ood 2e ore 2ein& tortured9 He !ust have 2een terri ied o the torture.G E5ur /oor MasterH...G they 2e+o!e si)ent ee)in& de<e+ted. 3 Jesus <oins the! and as6sI E4hat were you s/ea6in& o F In the si)en+e I +ou)d hear your words at interva)s. 4ho has 2een 6i))edF It is a Jesus vei)ed under the hu!2)e a//earan+e o a /oor way arer who is in a hurry. The two do not re+o&nise Hi!. EHave you +o!e ro! ar away9 !anF Have you not sto//ed in Jerusa)e!F ;our dusty tuni+ and your sanda)s in that state )oo6 )i6e those o an inde ati&a2)e /i)&ri!.G

EI a!. I have +o!e ro! very ar...G ESo you !ust 2e tired. 're you &oin& arFG E;es9 very ar9 even arther than the /)a+e ro! whi+h I +o!e.G E're you in 2usinessF Mar6etsFG EI have to purchase an enor#ous nu#ber of herds for the greatest 2ord. I have to go round the whole world to choose sheep and la#bs and I have to go also a#ong wild herds which however once they have been ta#ed will be better than the ones which at present are not wild.G EHard wor6. 'nd have you &one on your way without sto//in& in Jerusa)e!FG E4hy do you as6 MeFG E%e+ause you see! to 2e the on)y one who is unaware o what ha//ened there these /ast days.G E4hat ha//enedFG E;ou have +o!e ro! a ar and there ore /erha/s you do not 6now. 'nd yet your way o s/ea6in& is ,a)i)ean. So9 even i you are the servant o a orei&n 6in& or the son o e!i&rated ,a)i)eans9 you !ust 6now9 i you are +ir+u!+ised9 that or three years in our (ather)and a &reat 1ro/het had risen9 na!ed Jesus o 8azareth9 /ower u) in deeds and in words 2e ore ,od and 2e ore !en9 and He went /rea+hin& a)) over the 7ountry. 'nd He said that He was the Messiah. His words and His deeds were rea))y those o the Son o ,od9 as He said He was. %ut on)y o the Son o ,od. ')) Heaven... 8ow you 6now why... 4 %ut are you +ir+u!+isedFG EI a# the first4born and sacred to the 2ord.G EThen do you 6now our .e)i&ionFG EI 6now every sy))a2)e o it. I 6now the /re+e/ts and the +usto!s. The Ha)a+ha9 the !idrash and the Ha&&adah are 6nown to Me )i6e the e)e!ents o the air9 o the water9 o the ire and o the )i&ht9 that are the first to which tend the intelligence the instinct and the needs of #an shortly after he is born.G E4e))9 in that +ase you 6now that Israe) was /ro!ised the Messiah9 2ut as a /ower u) 6in& who wou)d re@unite Israe). This one instead was not so...G EHow9 thenFG E,od o an eterna) s/iritua) 6in&do!. He did not re@unite9 on the +ontrary He divided Israe)9 2e+ause the +ountry is now divided 2etween those who 2e)ieve in Hi! and those who say that He is a +ri!ina). .ea))y9 He was not the stu 6in&s are !ade o 9 2e+ause

)2+. Jesus A55ea s &" &he Dis3i52es "- E..aus.


He on)y wanted !ee6ness and or&iveness. 'nd +an one su2due and de eat with su+h wea/onsF...G ESoFG ESo the 7hie s o the 1riests and the 0)ders o Israe) +a/tured Hi! and senten+ed Hi! to death... +har&in& Hi!9 rea))y9 with +ri!es o whi+h He was not &ui)ty. His on)y au)t was to 2e too &ood and too severe...G EI He was one9 how +ou)d He 2e the otherFG EIt was /ossi2)e9 2e+ause He was too severe in s/ea6in& the truth to the 7hie s in Israe) and too &ood in not wor6in& !ira+)es o death on the!9 stri6in& His un<ust ene!ies dead.G E4as He as severe as the %a/tistFG E4e))... I wou)d not 6now. He used to re/roa+h s+ri2es and 1harisees very severe)y9 /arti+u)ar)y re+ent)y9 and He threatened those o the Te!/)e9 as i they were !ar6ed 2y the wrath o ,od. %ut i one was a sinner and re/ented9 and He saw true re/entan+e in that heart9 2e+ause the 8azarene read hearts 2etter than a s+ri2e +an read the te3t9 then He was 6inder than a !other.G E'nd did .o!e a))ow an inno+ent to 2e 6i))edFG E1i)ate +onde!ned Hi!... %ut he did not want to9 and said that He was C<ustD. %ut they threatened to re/ort hi! to 7aesar9 and he was ri&htened9 5 In short He was +onde!ned to 2e +ru+i ied and He died on the 7ross. 'nd that9 to&ether with the ear o the !e!2ers o the Sanhedrin9 has &reat)y disheartened us. %e+ause I a! 7)eo/as9 the son o 7)eo/as9 and he is Si!on9 2oth ro! 0!!aus9 and re)atives9 2e+ause I a! the hus2and o his o)dest dau&hter9 and we were dis+i/)es o the 1ro/het.G E'nd are you no )on&er soFG E4e ho/ed that He wou)d ree Israe) and a)so that9 2y !eans o a !ira+)e9 He wou)d +on ir! His words. InsteadH...G E4hat words had He s/o6enFG E4e have to)d youI CI have +o!e to the :in&do! o $avid. I a! the /ea+e u) :in&D and so orth. 'nd He used to sayI C7o!e to the :in&do!D9 2ut9 then9 He did not &ive us the 6in&do!. 'nd He wou)d sayI C5n the third day I wi)) rise ro! the deadD. 8ow this is the third day sin+e He died. 'nd it is even inished9 2e+ause it is )ater than the ninth hour9 and He has not risen. So!e wo!en and &uards say that He has risen. %ut we have not seen Hi!. The &uards now state that they said so to <usti y the the t o the +or/se !ade 2y the dis+i/)es o the 8azarene. %ut the dis+i/)esH... 4e a)) a2andoned Hi! out o ear when He was a)ive... and we +ertain)y did not stea) Hi! now that He is dead.

'nd the wo!en... who 2e)ieves the!F That is what we were ta)6in& a2out. 'nd we wanted to 6now whether He intended to say that He wou)d rise on)y with the S/irit that had 2e+o!e divine a&ain9 or a)so with His 2ody. The wo!en say that the an&e)s J 2e+ause they say that they saw a)so an&e)s a ter the earth=ua6e9 and it !ay 2e9 2e+ause on (riday so!e <ust /eo/)e had a)ready a//eared out o their se/u)+hres J they say that the an&e)s said that He is )i6e one who has never died. 'nd in a+t that is how the wo!en see!ed to see Hi!. %ut two o us9 two +hie s9 went to the Se/u)+hre. 'nd whi)e they saw it e!/ty9 as the wo!en had said9 they did not see Hi! there or anywhere e)se. 'nd it is a &reat deso)ation9 2e+ause we no )on&er 6now what to thin6HG 6 E5hH how oo)ish you are and hard to understandH 'nd how s)ow you are in 2e)ievin& the words o the /ro/hetsH 'nd had a)) that not a)ready 2een saidF The error o Israe) is thisI they have !isinter/reted the re&a)ity o the 7hrist. That is why He was not 2e)ieved. That is why He was eared. That is why you are now in dou2t. In hi&h /)a+es9 in )ow ones9 in the Te!/)e9 in vi))a&es9 everywhere /eo/)e thou&ht o a 6in& a++ordin& to hu!an nature. The re+onstru+tion o the :in&do! o Israe) was not )i!ited9 in the !ind o ,od9 in ti!e9 in s/a+e and in !eans9 as it was in you. Not in ti#e( no roya)ty9 even the !ost /ower u) one9 is eterna). .e!e!2er the !i&hty 1haraohs who o//ressed the Jews in the days o Moses. How !any dynasties have +o!e to an end9 and on)y sou))ess !u!!ies re!ain o the! at the 2otto! o se+ret hy/o&eaH 'nd a re!e!2ran+e re!ains9 i even that sti)) re!ains9 o their /ower o one hour9 and even )ess9 i we !easure their +enturies 2y the eterna) Ti!e. This =ingdo# is eternal. In space. It was +a))edI :in&do! o Israe). %e+ause the sto+6 o the hu!an ra+e +a!e ro! Israe)M 2e+ause in Israe) there is9 so to say9 the seed o ,odM and there ore9 2y sayin& Israe)9 it was !eantI the 6in&do! o those +reated 2y ,od. %ut the re&a)ity o the :in& Messiah is not )i!ited to the s!a)) s/a+e o 1a)estine9 2ut it stret+hes ro! north to south9 ro! east to west9 wherever there is a 2ein& with a s/irit in its 2ody9 that is9 wherever there is a !an. How +ou)d one /erson a)one &ather under hi! a)) the /eo/)es9 hosti)e to one another9 and or! on)y one 6in&do!9 without sheddin& rivers o 2)ood and su2<e+tin& the! a)) 2y !eans o +rue) o//ressions o ar!ed !enF So9 how +ou)d He have 2een the /ea+e u) 6in& !entioned 2y the /ro/hetsF In #eans( the hu!an !eans9 I said9 is o//ression. The su/erhu!an !eans is )ove. The or!er is a)ways )i!ited9 2e+ause /eo/)es re2e) a&ainst the o//ressor. The )atter is un)i!ited9 2e+ause )ove is )oved or9 i it is not )oved9 it is derided. %ut as it is s/iritua)9 it +annot 2e atta+6ed dire+t)y. 'nd ,od9 the In inite9 wants !eans 2e )i6e Hi!se) . He wants what is not inite9 2e+ause He is eterna)I the s/iritM what 2e)on&s to the s/iritM what )eads to the S/iritM That has 2een the errorI that !en +on+eived in their !inds a Messiani+ idea that is wron& in !eans and or!. 4hi+h is the hi&hest re&a)ityF ,od's. Is it not soF There ore9

)2+. Jesus A55ea s &" &he Dis3i52es "- E..aus.


this 'd!ira2)e9 this I!!anue)9 this Ho)y9 this su2)i!e ,er!9 this Stron&9 this (ather o the uture +entury9 this 1rin+e o /ea+e9 this ,od )i6e Hi! ro! 4ho! He +o!es9 2e+ause so is He na!ed and so is the Messiah9 wi)) He not have a re&a)ity )i6e that o Hi! 4ho &enerated Hi!F 5 +ourse9 He wi))H A regality which is co#pletely spiritual and eternal i##une fro# violence and blood unaware of betrayals and abuse of power. His .e&a)ityH That whi+h the 0terna) ,oodness 2estows a)so on /oor !en9 to &ive honour and <oy to His 4ord. 7 %ut did $avid not say that this /ower u) :in& had a)) thin&s /)a+ed under His eet as a ootstoo)F $id Isaiah not narrate a)) His 1assion9 and did $avid not +ount9 one !i&ht say9 a)so His torturesF 'nd is it not said that He is the Saviour and .edee!er9 4ho with His ho)o+aust wi)) save sin u) !an6indF 'nd is it not stated9 and Jonah is the si&n9 that or three days He wou)d 2e swa))owed 2y the insatia2)e sto!a+h o the 0arth9 and then He wou)d 2e e<e+ted as the /ro/het was 2y the wha)eF 'nd was it not said 2y Hi!I CMy Te!/)e9 that is My %ody9 the third day a ter 2ein& destroyed9 wi)) 2e re2ui)t 2y Me Kthat is. 2y ,odLFD 'nd what did you thin6F That 2y !a&i+ He wou)d raise the wa))s o the Te!/)e a&ainF 8o. 8ot the wa))s. %ut Hi!se) . 'nd ,od on)y +ou)d !a6e Hi!se) rise ro! the dead. He has raised the true Te!/)eI His %ody o the La!2. Sa+ri i+ed9 as Moses re+eived the order and the /ro/he+y9 to /re/are the C/assa&eD ro! death to Li e9 ro! s)avery to reedo!9 o !en9 the +hi)dren o ,od and s)aves o Satan. How did He riseF you as6 ea+h other. I re/)yI He has risen with His true %ody and with His $ivine S/irit that dwe))s in it9 as in every !orta) 2ody there dwe))s the sou) as =ueen o the heart. That is how He has risen after suffering everything to e7piate everything and #a"e a#ends for the pri#itive *ffence and for the countless ones that every day are co##itted by !an"ind. He has risen as it had 2een said under the vei) o the /ro/he+ies. He had +o!e at His ti!e9 I re!ind you o $anie)9 at His ti!e He was sa+ri i+ed. 'nd )isten and re!e!2er9 at the ti!e /redi+ted a ter His death the dei+ide town wi)) 2e destroyed. 8 I advi+e you to do thisI read the /ro/hets with your sou)s9 not with /roud !inds9 ro! the 2e&innin& o the %oo6 to the words o the Sa+ri i+ed 4ordM re!e!2er the 1re+ursor who indi+ated Hi! as the La!2M re+a)) whi+h was the destiny o the sy!2o)i+ Mosai+ )a!2. The irst@2orn o Israe) were saved throu&h that 2)ood. Through this Blood the first4born of &od will be saved that is those who with good will have #ade the#selves sacred to the 2ord. .e!e!2er and understand the Messiani+ /sa)! o $avid and the Messiani+ /ro/het Isaiah. .e!e!2er $anie)9 re+a)) to your !inds9 2ut raisin& these ro! the i)th o the earth to the +e)estia) 2)ue9 re+a)) every word on the re&a)ity o the Saint o ,od9 and you will understand that no other #ore 5ust or #ore strong sign could be given to you than this victory over 3eath than this Resurrection acco#plished by Hi#self. .e!e!2er that it wou)d have 2een +ontrary to His !er+y and to His !ission to /unish ro! the hei&ht o His 7ross those who had /ut Hi! on it. He was still the .aviour even if He was the ,rucified scoffed at and nailed to a scaffold! His

li#bs were crucified but His spirit and will were free. 'nd with the )atter He wanted to wait9 to &ive the sinners ti!e to 2e)ieve and to invo6e His %)ood on the!se)ves9 not with 2)as/he!ous +ries9 2ut with &roans o +ontrition. 9 8ow He is risen. He has a++o!/)ished everythin&. ,)orious He was 2e ore His in+arnation. Three ti#es glorious He is now that having hu#bled Hi#self in a body for so #any years He sacrificed Hi#self elevating *bedience to the perfection of being able to die on the ,ross to do &od1s Will. Most &)orious9 with His &)ori ied %ody9 now that He as+ends to Heaven9 and enters into the eterna) ,)ory9 2e&innin& the :in&do! that Israe) has not understood. To this :in&do!9 in a !ore and !ore /ressin& !anner9 throu&h the )ove and the authority o whi+h He is u))9 He +a))s the tri2es o the wor)d. 's oreseen and /redi+ted 2y the <ust o Israe) and 2y the /ro/hets9 a)) /eo/)es wi)) +o!e to the Saviour. 'nd there wi)) no )on&er 2e Judaeans or .o!ans9 S+ythians or ' ri+ans9 I2erians or 7e)ts9 0&y/tians or 1hry&ians. The )and 2eyond the 0u/hrates wi)) <oin the s/rin&s o the /erennia) .iver. The Hy/er2orians 2eside the 8u!idians wi)) +o!e to His :in&do!9 and ra+es and )an&ua&es wi)) a)) away. There wi)) no )on&er 2e di erent +usto!s and di erent +o)ours o s6ins and hair9 2ut there wi)) 2e an i!!ense 2ri&ht /ure /eo/)e9 one )an&ua&e on)y and one )ove. It will be the =ingdo# of &od. The =ingdo# of Heaven. And eternal !onarch( the .acrificed 2ord Who has risen again fro# the dead. The eternal sub5ects( the believers in His -aith. $o 2e)ieve9 in order to 2e)on& to it. 10 Here is 0!!aus9 My riends. I a! &oin& arther. 8o sto/ is &ranted to the 4ay arer 4ho has to trave) so ar.G ESir9 you are !ore )earned than a ra22i. I He were not dead9 we shou)d say that He has s/o6en to us. 4e shou)d )i6e to hear so!e !ore and wider truths ro! you. %e+ause now9 we are )i6e shee/ without a she/herd9 u/set 2y the stor! o Israe)'s hatred9 and we are no )on&er a2)e to understand the words o the %oo6. $o you want us to +o!e with youF See9 you wou)d &o on tea+hin& us9 +o!/)etin& the wor6 o the Master 4ho was ta6en away ro! us.G E;ou have had Hi! or su+h a )on& ti!e and was He not a2)e to +o!/)ete your instru+tionF Is this not a syna&o&ueFG E;es9 it is. I a! 7)eo/as9 the son o 7)eo/as the syna&o&ue Leader who died in the <oy o havin& 2e+o!e a+=uainted with the Messiah.G E'nd have you not su++eeded yet in 2e)ievin& with +)ear ir! aithF %ut it is not your au)t. ' ter the %)ood9 the (ire is sti)) !issin&. 'nd then you wi)) 2e)ieve9 2e+ause you wi)) understand. ,ood2ye.G E5 sir9 it is near)y evenin& and the sun is 2e&innin& to set. ;ou are tired and thirsty. 7o!e in. Stay with us. ;ou wi)) s/ea6 to us o ,od9 whi)e we share 2read and sa)t.G

)2+. Jesus A55ea s &" &he Dis3i52es "- E..aus.


11 Jesus &oes in and they serve Hi! with the +usto!ary Jewish hos/ita)ity9 o erin& Hi! drin6s and water or His tired eet. Then they sit at the ta2)e and the two 2e& Hi! to o er the ood or the!. Jesus stands u/ ho)din& the 2read in the /a)!s o His hands9 and raisin& His eyes to the red s6y o the evenin&9 He re+ites the than6s&ivin& or the ood and sits down. He 2rea6s the 2read and &ives so!e to His two &uests. 'nd9 in doin& so9 He revea)s Hi!se) or what He isI the .isen Lord. He is not the 2ri&ht .isen Lord 4ho a//eared to the others who are dearer to Hi!. %ut He is a Jesus u)) o !a<esty9 with the wounds very +)ear in His )on& HandsI red roses a&ainst the ivory o His s6in. ' Jesus u))y a)ive in His re+o!/osed %ody. %ut He is a)so +)ear)y ,od in the !a<esty o His eyes and o a)) His as/e+t.

a/art ro! the Su//er roo! and the Bir&in Mary's roo!9 show the <oy u) e3+ited a//earan+e o a /)a+e where !any /eo/)e !eet9 a ter so!e ti!e9 or a east. The a/ost)es are there9 e3+e/t Tho!as. The she/herds are there. The aith u) wo!en are there9 and with Johanna9 there are 8i6e9 0)iza9 Syra9 Mar+e))a9 'nne. They are a)) s/ea6in& in )ow voi+es9 2ut with evident <oy u) e3+ite!ent. The house is )o+6ed9 as i they were a raid9 2ut the ear ro! outside does not a e+t the <oy inside. Martha &oes 2a+6wards and orwards with Mar+e))a and Susanna9 /re/arin& the su//er o the Eservants o the LordG9 as she +a))s the a/ost)es. The other wo!en and !en as6 one another =uestions9 they +on ide their i!/ressions9 their <oys and ears... )i6e !any +hi)dren awaitin& so!ethin& that thri))s the! and a)so ri&htens the! a )itt)e.

The a/ost)es wou)d )i6e to a//ear as the !ost se) @+on ident. %ut they are the irst to 2e+o!e uneasy i a noise see!s the 6no+6 at a door or sounds )i6e a window that 2ursts The two re+o&nise Hi! and a)) on their 6nees... %ut when they dare to )i t their a+es9 o/en. ')so Susanna9 who rushes with two !u)ti@ )a!ed )a!/s to he)/ Martha9 who is there is nothin& )e t o Hi! e3+e/t the 2ro6en 2read. They ta6e it and 6iss it. 0a+h ta6es )oo6in& or so!e ta2)e@)inen9 !a6es Matthew <u!/ 2a+6 shoutin&I EThe LordHG9 whi+h his own /ie+e and a ter enve)o/in& it in a )inen +)oth9 he /uts it9 )i6e a re)i+9 on his +auses 1eter9 who is evident)y !ore e3+ited than the others9 to a)) on his 6nees. +hest. 2 ' reso)ute 6no+6 at the door +uts a)) words short and )eaves the! a)) in sus/ense. I They wee/ sayin&I EIt was HeH 'nd we did not re+o&nise Hi!. 'nd yet did you not ee) thin6 that a)) their hearts are 2eatin& ast. your heart 2urn within you whi)e He s/o6e and e3/)ained the S+ri/tures to usFG They )oo6 throu&h the s/y@ho)e and o/en with an E5hHG o sur/rise9 as they see the E;es9 I did. 'nd now I see! to see Hi! a&ain. 'nd in the )i&ht +o!in& ro! Heaven. une3/e+ted &rou/ o the .o!an )adies es+orted 2y Lon&inus and 2y another !an9 who The )i&ht o ,od. 'nd I see that He is the Saviour.G )i6e Lon&inus9 is wearin& dar6 +)othes. ')so the )adies are a)) enve)o/ed in dar6 !ant)es9 whi+h +over a)so their heads. They are not wearin& any <ewe)s9 in order not to ELet us &o. I a! no )on&er hun&ry or tired. Let us &o and te)) Jesus' dis+i/)es in attra+t attention. Jerusa)e!.G ELet us &o. 5hH I wish !y o)d ather had en<oyed this hourHG E$on't say thatH He has en<oyed it !ore than we have. 4ithout the vei)s used out o /ity E$o +o!e in. She is there.G or the wea6ness o our )esh9 he9 the <ust 7)eo/as9 with his s/irit has seen the Son o ,od enter heaven a&ain. Let us &oH Let us &oH 4e sha)) arrive at dead o ni&ht. %ut i They &o in9 in a &rou/9 with Johanna and Mary o Ma&da)a9 who &ives !e the He so wishes9 He wi)) ind a way to )et us /ass. I He has o/ened the &ates o death9 He i!/ression that she 6nows the! very we)). wi)) +ertain)y 2e a2)e to o/en those o the wa))sH Let us &o.G Lon&inus and the other .o!an re!ain9 se/arate in a +orner o the ha))9 as they are 'nd in the u))y /ur/)e sunset9 they &o s/eedi)y towards Jerusa)e!. )oo6ed at so!ewhat as6an+e. EMay we +o!e in or a !o!ent to e3/ress our <oy to the Mother o the SaviourFG says 1)autina9 who is the !ost res/e+ted o the! a)).

+22. Jesus A99ea!s &# &he O&he! F!iends.

5&h A9!i5 $9*5.

The wo!en &reet with theirI E've $o!inaHG and they then 6nee) down sayin&I EI /revious)y we ad!ired the 4isdo!9 now we want to 2e dau&hters o the 7hrist. 'nd we are te))in& ;ou. ;ou a)one +an over+o!e the Jewish distrust towards us. 4e wi)) +o!e to ;ou to 2e tau&ht unti) they Kand they /oint at the a/ost)es standin& sti)) in a &rou/ near the doorL a))ow us to say that we are o Jesus.G It is 1)autina who has s/o6en on 2eha) o every2ody. Mary s!i)es 2)iss u))y and saysI EI as6 the Lord to +)eanse My )i/s as He did with the

1 The house o the Su//er roo! is u)) o /eo/)e. The ha))9 the +ourt@yard9 the roo!s9

)22. Jesus A55ea s &" &he O&he F iends.


/ro/het9 so that I !ay 2e a2)e to s/ea6 worthi)y o My Lord. May you 2e 2)essed9 the irst ruits o .o!e.G 3 ELon&inus a)so wou)d )i6e to... and the .o!an )an+e9 who e)t a ire in his heart when... when at the +ry o ,od9 0arth and Heaven o/ened. %ut i we 6now )itt)e9 they 6now nothin&9 a/art that He was the Saint o ,od and that they no )on&er want to 2e)on& to the 0rror.G E;ou wi)) te)) the! to +o!e to the a/ost)es.G EThey are over there. %ut the a/ost)es distrust the!.G Mary stands u/ and &oes towards the so)diers. The a/ost)es )oo6 at Her &o9 tryin& to &uess Her !ind. EMay ,od )ead you to His Li&ht9 sonsH 7o!eH To !eet the servants o the Lord. This is John. 'nd you 6now hi!. 'nd this is Si!on 1eter9 +hosen 2y My Son and Lord to 2e the head o the 2rothers. This is Ja!es and this is Judas9 +ousins o the Lord. This is Si!on and this is 'ndrew9 who is 1eter's 2rother. 'nd this is Ja!es9 John's 2rother. 'nd these are 1hi)i/9 %artho)o!ew and Matthew. Tho!as is a2sent9 sti)) ar away9 2ut I !ention his na!e as i he were /resent. They are the ones who have 2een +hosen or a s/e+ia) !ission. %ut these ones9 who are standin& hu!2)y in the shade9 are the irst in the herois! o )ove. (or over thirty years they have 2een /rea+hin& the 7hrist. 8either /erse+utions a&ainst the!9 nor the +onvi+tion o the Inno+ent have i!/aired their aith. (isher!en and she/herds9 and you /atri+ians. %ut in Jesus' na!e distin+tions do not e3ist any !ore. Love in the 7hrist !a6es us a)) e=ua) and 2rothers. 'nd My )ove +a))s you sons9 in+)udin& you o another nation. 4 0ven !ore9 I say that I ind you on+e a&ain a ter )osin& you9 2e+ause9 at the !o!ent o sorrow9 you were near My $yin& Son. 'nd I wi)) not or&et your +o!/assion9 Lon&inus9 or your words9 so)dier. I )oo6ed as i I had 2een 6i))ed. %ut I saw everythin&. I do not have the /ossi2i)ity o rewardin& you. 'nd9 rea))y9 or ho)y thin&s there is no !oney9 2ut on)y )ove and /rayer. 'nd that is what I wi)) &ive you9 /rayin& our Lord Jesus Hi!se) to reward you.G E4e have re+eived it9 $o!ina. That is why we have dared to +o!e a)) to&ether. ' +o!!on i!/u)se &athered us to&ether. (aith has a)ready /)a+ed its tie ro! heart to heartG says Lon&inus. They a)) &o near with +uriosity. 'nd there is so!eone who9 over+o!in& the re)u+tan+e and /erha/s the dis&ust o +onta+t with heathens9 saysI E4hat did you re+eiveFG EI9 a voi+e9 His. 'nd it saidI C7o!e to MeDG says Lon&inus. E'nd I heardI CI you thin6 that I a! Ho)y9 2e)ieve in MeDG says the other so)dier. E'nd weG says 1)autina Ewhi)e this !ornin& we were s/ea6in& o Hi!9 saw a )i&ht9 a )i&htH It +han&ed into a a+e. 5hH you... /)ease say how 2ri&ht it was. It was His. 'nd

He s!i)ed so 6ind)y at us9 that we wanted on)y one thin&9 to +o!e and say to youI C$o not re<e+t us C.G Boi+es whis/er !a6in& +o!!ents. They a)) s/ea69 te))in& how they saw it. 5 The ten a/ost)es are si)ent9 !orti ied. In order to re+over ro! their un/)easant situation9 and not a//ear as the on)y ones who had 2een )e t without His &reetin&s9 they as6 the He2rew wo!en whether they were without a 1assover &i t. 0)iza saysI EHe re!oved ro! !y heart the sword o sorrow or the death o !y son.G 'nd 'nneI EI heard His /ro!ise +on+ernin& the eterna) sa)vation o !y re)atives.G 'nd SyraI EI re+eived a +aress.G 'nd Mar+e))aI EI saw a )ash and I heard his voi+e sayI C1ersevereD.G E'nd what a2out you9 8i6eFG they as6 her9 sin+e she is si)ent. EShe had a)ready had her &i tG re/)y others. E8o. I have seen His (a+e9 and He said to !eI CThat it !ay 2e i!/ressed on your heartD. How 2eauti u) it wasHG Martha &oes 2a+6wards and orwards9 si)ent)y and =ui+6)y9 and does not s/ea6. E'nd what a2out you9 sisterF 8othin& or youF ;ou are si)ent and you s!i)e. ;ou s!i)e too sweet)y to have no <oy o your ownG says the Ma&da)ene. EIt is true. ;our eyes are +)osed and your ton&ue is si)ent9 2ut your eyes shine so !u+h under the vei) o your eye)ids9 that you see! to 2e sin&in& a son& o )ove.G E5hH s/ea6 thenH Mother9 did she te)) ;ouFG The !other s!i)es 2ut does not s/ea6. Martha9 who is 2usy )ayin& the +)oth on the ta2)e9 does not want to revea) her ha//y se+ret. %ut her sister &ives her no rest. Then Martha9 2)ushin& 2)iss u))y9 saysI EHe &ave !e a rendezvous or the hour o !y death and the a++o!/)ish!ent o the nu/tia)s...G and her a+e )i&hts u/ with a 2ri&hter )ush and the s!i)e o her sou).

+23. Jesus A99ea!s &# &he Ten A9#s&5es.

+&h A9!i5 $9*5.

1 They are &athered in the Su//er roo!. It !ust 2e )ate in the evenin&9 2e+ause no noise

)23. Jesus A55ea s &" &he Ten A5"s&2es.


+o!es ro! the street or the house. I thin6 that a)) those9 who had +o!e ear)ier9 have withdrawn to their houses to s)ee/9 tired o so !any e!otions.

)ove we have hadI the Mother9 Mary Ma&da)ene9 the +hi)dren9 !y !other and yours9 and then Lazarus and Martha... 4hen did He a//ear to MarthaF I say when she intoned $avid's /sa)!I CThe Lord is !y she/herd9 I )a+6 nothin&. He has )aid !e in !eadows The ten a/ost)es9 instead9 a ter eatin& so!e ish9 so!e o whi+h is sti)) )e t on a tray on o &reen &rass. He has )ed !e to waters o re/ose. He has +a))ed !y sou) to Hi!se) ...D a side2oard9 are +onversin& in the )i&ht o on)y one )itt)e )a!e o the +hande)ier9 the $o you re!e!2er how she !ade our hearts 2eat vio)ent)y with that une3/e+ted son&F one +)osest to the ta2)e9 at whi+h they are sti)) sittin&. Their +onversation is ra&!entary9 'nd those words are +onne+ted to what she saidI CHe has +a))ed !y sou) to Hi!se) D. and sounds )i6e !ono)o&ues9 as ea+h see!s to 2e ta)6in& to hi!se) 9 rather than to his Martha9 in a+t9 see!s to have ound her way a&ain... 1revious)y9 she9 the stron& +o!/anion. 'nd the others )et hi! s/ea69 whi)e they9 in turn9 s/ea6 o so!ethin& wo!an9 was )ostH 1erha/s9 when +a))in& her9 He to)d her the /)a+e where He 4ants her. +o!/)ete)y di erent. %ut one ee)s that these ra!2)in& ta)6s9 that &ive !e the 'nd !ore than that9 it is +ertain9 2e+ause9 i He &ave her a rendezvous9 He !ust 6now i!/ression o the s/o6es o a 2ro6en whee)9 dea) with one su2<e+t on)y9 whi+h is their where she wi)) 2e. 4hat did she !ean 2yI Ca++o!/)ish!ent o the nu/tia)sDFG +entre9 even i they are so dis+onne+ted9 and it is Jesus. 1hi)i/9 who has )oo6ed at hi! or a !o!ent9 and then has )e t hi! to ta)6 to hi!se) 9 2 EI ho/e that Lazarus has not !isunderstood9 and that the wo!en have understood says !oanin&I EI He +o!es9 I sha)) not 6now what to say to Hi!... I ran away... and I 2etter than he did...G says Judas o ')/haeus. E't what ti!e did the .o!an )ady say ee) that I wi)) run away. 1revious)y out o ear o !en. 8ow out o ear o Hi!.G that she saw Hi!FG as6s Matthew. E0very2ody saysI He is !ost handso!e. 7an He 2e !ore handso!e than He a)ready 8o one re/)ies to hi!. EI a! &oin& to 7a/ernau! to!orrowG says 'ndrew. EHow wasFG as6s %artho)o!ew. wonder u)H To arran&e thin&s in su+h a way that 7)audia's )itter shou)d +o!e out <ust at that !o!entHG says %artho)o!ew. E4e !ade a !ista6e in +o!in& away at on+e this I wi)) say to Hi!I C;ou or&ave !e without sayin& one word9 when I was a /u2)i+an. !ornin&9 1eter... I we had stayed9 we wou)d have seen Hi! as the Ma&da)ene didG (or&ive !e a)so now with ;our si)en+e9 2e+ause !y +owardi+e does not deserve ;our says John with a si&h. 4ordDG says Matthew. EI don't understand how He +ou)d 2e at 0!!aus and at the !ansion house at the sa!e ti!e. 'nd how He was here with His Mother9 and there with the Ma&da)ene and at Johanna's a)) at the sa!e ti!e...G says Ja!es o >e2edee ta)6in& to hi!se) . EHe wi)) not +o!e. I have not we/t enou&h to deserve it... He is ri&ht. I say that He wi)) 6ee/ !e waitin& or three days 2e+ause o !y three denia)s. How was I a2)e to do thatFG EHow trans i&ured was LazarusH I te)) youI he )oo6ed )i6e a sun hi!se) . I thin6 that it ha//ened to hi! as it did to Moses a ter he had seen ,od. 'nd i!!ediate)y a ter J it's true9 isn't it9 you who were thereF J i!!ediate)y a ter he had o ered his )i eHG says the >ea)ot. 8o one )istens to hi!. 3 Ja!es o ')/haeus turns towards John and as6sI E4hat did He say to those ro! 0!!ausF I thin6 that He e3+used us9 did He notF $id He not say that everythin& ha//ened 2e+ause we Israe)ites ai)ed to understand the nature o His :in&do!FG John does not /ay attention to hi!9 and turnin& round to )oo6 at 1hi)i/9 he says... wastin& his 2reath9 2e+ause he does not s/ea6 to 1hi)i/I EIt is su i+ient or !e to 6now that He has risen. 'nd then... 'nd then that !y )ove !ay 2e stron&er and stron&er. ;ou have noti+ed this9 ehH I you +onsider thin&s /ro/er)y9 He has &one in /ro/ortion to the ELon&inus said that he was thin6in&I CSha)) I as6 Hi! to 2e +ured or to 2e)ieveFD %ut his heart saidI CTo 2e)ieveD9 and then the Boi+e saidI C7o!e to MeD9 and he e)t that he wanted to 2e)ieve and that he was +ured at the sa!e ti!e. That is e3a+t)y what he to)d !eG states Judas o ')/haeus. EMy !ind is a)ways i3ed on the idea that Lazarus was rewarded at on+e 2e+ause o his o erin&... I a)so saidI CMy )i e or ;our &)oryD. %ut He has not +o!eG says the >ea)ot with a si&h. 4 4hat do you thin69 Si!onF 's you are a )earned !an9 te)) !eI what sha)) I say to Hi! to !a6e Hi! understand that I )ove Hi! and I as6 Hi! to or&ive !eF 'nd you9 JohnF ;ou have +onversed a &reat dea) with the Mother. He)/ !e. I you are +o!/assionate9 you +annot )eave /oor 1eter a)oneHG John ee)s /ity or his de<e+ted +o!/anion and saysI E4e))... I wou)d si!/)y say to Hi!I CI )ove ;ouD. .e/entan+e and the wish or or&iveness are a)so in+)uded in )ove. %ut... I don't 6now. Si!on9 what do you thin6FG 'nd the >ea)otI EI wou)d say what was the +ry or !ira+)esI CJesus9 have !er+y on !eHD I wou)d sayI CJesusD. 8othin& e)se. %e +ause He is 2y ar !ore than the Son o $avidHG EThat is e3a+t)y what I thin6 and !a6es !e tre!2)e. 5hH I wi)) hide !y head... ')so

)23. Jesus A55ea s &" &he Ten A5"s&2es.


this !ornin& I was a raid o seein& Hi! and...G

E... and then you were the irst to &o in. %ut don't 2e so a raid. 5ne wou)d thin6 that you do not 6now Hi!G says John en+oura&in& hi!. Jesus o ers the ood and eats9 and &ives ea+h o the! a )itt)e o what He eats. 'nd He )oo6s at the!. He is so 6ind and so !a<esti+ that they are /ara)ysed. 5 The roo! )i&htens 2ri&ht)y9 as i there were a dazz)in& )ash. The a/ost)es +over their a+es9 earin& it is )i&htnin&. %ut they hear no noise and they raise their heads. 7 Ja!es9 John's 2rother9 is the irst who dares to s/ea6I E4hy do ;ou )oo6 at us soFG Jesus is in the !idd)e o the roo!9 near the ta2)e. He stret+hes out His ar!s Sayin&I E1ea+e 2e with you.G E%e+ause I want to 6now you.G E$o ;ou not 6now us yetFG9

'ndrew and Matthew9 with the &estures o s)ee/@wa)6ers9 ro! the side2oards ta6e 2read and ish9 and a tray with a honey+o!29 a +orner o whi+h has <ust 2een ni22)ed at.

8o one re/)ies. So!e )oo6 /a)er9 so!e )ush9 they a)) )oo6 at Hi! with ear and E's you do not 6now Me. I you 6new Me9 you wou)d 6now 4ho I a! and how I )ove e!2arrass!ent. They are as+inated and at the sa!e ti!e they are a)!ost an3ious to run you9 and you wou)d ind words to te)) Me your torture. ;ou are si)ent9 as i you were away. 2e ore a !i&hty stran&er o who! you are a raid. 8ot )on& a&o you were s/ea6in&... (or Jesus ta6es a ste/ orward9 s!i)in& !ore 2ri&ht)y. E%ut do not 2e so a raidH It is I. 4hy a)!ost our days you have 2een ta)6in& to yourse)ves sayin&I CI wi)) say this to Hi!...D9 are you so u/setF 4ere you not wishin& to see MeF $id I not )et you 6now that I wou)d sayin& to My S/iritI C7o!e 2a+69 Lord9 that I !ay te)) ;ou thisD. 8ow I have +o!e9 +o!eF $id I not te)) you on 1assover evenin&FG and you are si)entF Have I +han&ed so !u+h that I no )on&er see! Myse) to youF 5r have you +han&ed so !u+h that you no )on&er )ove MeFG 8o one dare o/en his !outh. 1eter is a)ready wee/in&9 and John is a)ready s!i)in&9 whi)e His two +ousins9 with shinin& eyes and )i/s that tre!2)e without utterin& a word9 John9 sittin& near his Jesus9 !a6es the usua) &esture o )ayin& his head on His +hest9 )oo6 )i6e two statues re/resentin& desire. whi)e he whis/ersI EI )ove ;ou9 !y ,odG9 2ut he 2e+o!es sti 9 /reventin& su+h a2andon out o res/e+t or the shinin& Son o ,od. %e+ause Jesus see!s to 2e sheddin& E4hy do you have in your hearts thou&hts that are in su+h +ontrast 2etween dou2t and a )i&ht9 a)thou&h His %ody is )i6e ours. aith9 )ove and earF 4hy do you sti)) want to 2e )esh and not s/irit9 and on)y with the )atter see9 understand9 <ud&e9 a+tF Have your o)d e&os not 2een +o!/)ete)y 2urnt 2y the %ut Jesus +)as/s hi! to His Heart9 and then John o/ens the )ood@&ates to his 2)iss u) )a!e o sorrow9 and have your new e&os not risen to a new )i eF 6 I a! Jesus. ;our tears. 'nd it is the si&n or every2ody to do the sa!e. Jesus9 4ho has risen ro! the dead9 as He had said. Loo69 John9 who have seen My wounds9 and you a))9 who are not aware o My torture. %e+ause what you 6now is =uite 8 1eter9 two seats 2ehind John9 a))s on his 6nees 2etween the ta2)e and the seat and he wee/s shoutin&I E(or&ive !e9 or&ive !eH Ta6e !e out o this he)) in whi+h I have di erent ro! the e3a+t 6now)ed&e that John has. 7o!e9 2e the irst. ;ou are a)ready +o!/)ete)y +)eansed. So +)eansed that you +an tou+h Me without ear. Love9 o2edien+e9 2een or so !any hours. Te)) !e that ;ou have seen !y error or what it was. 8ot o the s/irit9 2ut o the )esh that overwhe)!ed !y heart. Te)) !e that ;ou have seen !y )oya)ty had a)ready +)eansed you. My %)ood9 whi+h wetted you +o!/)ete)y when you re/entan+e... It wi)) )ast unti) !y death. %ut... 2ut do te)) !e that I !ust not ear ;ou as too6 Me down ro! the 7ross9 has inished +)eansin& you. Loo6. These are rea) hands Jesus... and I9 and I... I wi)) try to 2ehave so we))9 as to !a6e a)so ,od or&ive !e... and and rea) wounds. Loo6 at My eet. 7an you see that the !ar6 is that o the nai)F ;es. It is rea))y I and not a &host. Tou+h Me. ,hosts do not have 2odies. I have rea) )esh on a die... havin& on)y a )on& /ur&atory to su er.G rea) s6e)eton. He )ays His Hand on the head o John who has dared to a//roa+h Hi!I E7o!e here9 Si!on o Jonah.G E7an you ee) itF It is war! and heavy.G He 2reathes on his a+eI E'nd this is My 2reath.G E5hH !y LordHG John whis/ers in a )ow voi+e9 so... E;es. ;our Lord. John9 do not wee/ out o ear and desire. 7o!e to Me. I a! a)ways the one who )oves you. Let us sit down9 as usua)9 at the ta2)e. Have you nothin& to eatF 4e))9 &ive Me it.G EI a! a raid.G E7o!e here. %e no )on&er +oward)y.G EI do not deserve to +o!e near ;ou.G E7o!e here. 4hat did My Mother say to youF CI you do not )oo6 at Hi! on this vero@ ni+a9 you wi)) never have the heart to )oo6 at Hi! a&ain.D 5 oo)ish !anH $id that (a+e not te)) you with its Sorrow u) )oo6 that I understood you and or&ave youF 'nd yet I

)23. Jesus A55ea s &" &he Ten A5"s&2es.


&ave that )inen as +o! ort9 &uide9 a2so)ution and 2)essin&... %ut what has Satan done to you to 2)ind you so !u+hF 8ow I say to youI i you do not )oo6 at Me now9 that I have s/read a vei) on My &)ory to ada/t Myse) to your wea6ness9 never a&ain wi)) you 2e a2)e to +o!e to your Lord without ear. 'nd then what wi)) ha//en to youF ;ou sinned out o /resu!/tion. $o you want now to sin a&ain out o o2stina+yF 7o!e9 I te)) you.G

Jesus )oo6s at hi! and s!i)es.

E8ow everythin& has ha//ened. 'nd ;ou do not have to su er anythin& any !ore. %ut do not as6 this sort o o2edien+e o !e any !ore. I have &rown ive years o)der every hour9 and ;our su erin&s9 whi+h )ove and Satan have a)so in+reased ive ti!es !ore in I !y i!a&ination than what they rea))y were9 have rea))y +onsu!ed a)) !y stren&th. I 1eter dra&s hi!se) a)on& on his 6nees9 2etween the ta2)e and the seats9 +overin& his have )e t on)y what I need to +ontinue to o2ey9 ho)din&9 )i6e one who is drownin& with wee/in& a+e with his hands. Jesus sto/s hi! when he is at His eet9 2y )ayin& His Hand his hands 2ro6en9 !y stren&th with !y wi))9 )i6e teeth set on a 2oard9 in order not to on his head. 1eter9 wee/in& !ore 2itter)y9 ta6es that Hand and 6isses it9 a!id hearty /erish... 5hH do not as6 ;our )e/er that any !ore.G so2s 4ithout restraint. He +an on)y sayI E(or&ive !eH (or&ive !eHG Jesus )oo6s at Si!on >ea)ot and s!i)es. Jesus rees Hi!se) ro! his &ri/ and )i tin& the +hin o the a/ost)e with His hand9 He ELord9 ;ou 6now what !y heart wanted. %ut )ater I no )on&er had !y heart... as i the +o!/e)s hi! to raise his head9 and He stares at his reddened9 2urnt eyes9 tortured 2y ras+a)s who had +a/tured ;ou had torn it o !e... and I was )e t with a ho)e throu&h re/entan+e9 with His own +)ear 2ri&ht 0yes. He see!s to 2e wishin& to /ier+e his sou). whi+h a)) !y /revious thou&hts es+a/ed. 4hy did ;ou a))ow that9 LordFG as6s 'ndrew. He then saysI E7o!e on. .e!ove the sha!e o Judas ro! Me. :iss Me where he 6issed Me. 4ash with your 6iss the si&n o 2etraya).G EI... you say it was your heartF I say that I was one who no )on&er had his reason. Li6e one who is stru+6 2y a +)u2 on the na/e o his ne+6. 4hen9 at dead o ni&ht9 I ound 1eter raises his head9 whi)e Jesus 2ends even !ore9 and he tou+hes His +hee6 )i&ht)y... then he rests his head on Jesus' 6nees and re!ains thus... )i6e an o)d +hi)d who has done !yse) at Jeri+ho... ohH ,odH ,odH... %ut +an a !an /erish )i6e thatF I say that that is what /ossession is )i6e. 8ow I rea)ise what is that dread u) thin&H...G 1hi)i/ o/ens his wron& 2ut is or&iven. eyes wide at the re+o))e+tion o his su erin&. 9 The others9 who now see Jesus' 6indness9 2e+o!e so!ewhat darin&9 and they E1hi)i/ is ri&ht. I was )oo6in& 2a+6. I a! o)d and not devoid o wisdo!. 'nd I did not a//roa+h Hi!9 as 2est they +an. 6now anythin& o what I had 6nown ti)) that hour. 11 I )oo6ed at Lazarus9 so tortured His +ousins are the irst to +o!e... They wou)d )i6e to say so !u+h9 2ut they do not 2ut so sure o hi!se) 9 and I said to !yse) I C%ut how +an it 2e /ossi2)e that he sti)) su++eed in sayin& anythin&. Jesus +aresses the! and en+oura&es the! with His s!i)e. 6nows how to ind a reason and I +an no )on&er ind anythin&FDG says %artho)o!ew. Matthew +o!es with 'ndrew. Matthew saysI E's in 7a/ernau!...G9 and 'ndrewI EI... I EI a)so was )oo6in& at Lazarus. 'nd as I hard)y 6now what ;ou have e3/)ained to us9 I )ove ;ou9 I do.G was not thin6in& o 6now)ed&e. %ut I said to !yse) I CI at )east !y heart were )i6e hisHDM instead I e)t nothin& 2ut &rie 9 &rie 9 &rie . Lazarus was &rieved 2ut had /ea+e... %artho)o!ew +o!es !oanin&I EI was not wise9 2ut oo)ish. He is wiseG and he /oints 4hy so !u+h /ea+e or hi!FG at the >ea)ot9 at who! Jesus is a)ready s!i)in&. Ja!es o >e2edee +o!es and he whis/ers to JohnI E;ou shou)d te)) Hi!...GM and Jesus turns round and saysI E;ou have Jesus in turn )oo6s irst at 1hi)i/9 then at %artho)o!ew and then at Ja!es o >e2edee. said it or our evenin&s9 and I have /itied you a)) that ti!e.G He s!i)es and is si)ent. 1hi)i/9 the )ast9 +o!es +o!/)ete)y stoo/ed. Jesus +o!/e)s hi! to raise his head and says Judas saysI EI was ho/in& to &et to see what Lazarus +ertain)y saw. That is why I was to hi!I E,reater +oura&e is re=uired to /rea+h the 7hrist.G a)ways +)ose to hi!... His a+eH... ' !irror. Short)y 2e ore the earth=ua6e on (riday he was )i6e a !an who is +rushed to death. Then a)) o a sudden he 2e+a!e i!/osin& in his 10 They are a)) now around Jesus. They /)u+6 u/ +oura&e )itt)e 2y )itt)e. They ind &rie . $o you re!e!2er when he saidI C'n a++o!/)ished duty &ives /ea+eDF 4e a)) a&ain what they had )ost or had eared they had )ost or &ood. 7on iden+e and thou&ht that it was on)y a re/roa+h or us or an a//rova) or hi!se) . 8ow I thin6 that tran=ui))ity +o!e to )i&ht a&ain and9 a)thou&h Jesus is so !a<esti+ as to !a6e His he said so re errin& to ;ou. Lazarus was )i6e a )i&hthouse in our dar6ness. How !u+h a/ost)es have a new res/e+t or Hi!9 they at )on& )ast ind the +oura&e to s/ea6. ;ou have &iven hi!9 LordHG It is His +ousin Ja!es who says with a si&hI E4hy have ;ou done this to us9 LordF Jesus s!i)es and is si)ent. ;ou 6new that we are nothin& and that everythin& +o!es ro! ,od. 4hy did ;ou not &ive us the stren&th to re!ain 2eside ;ouFG E;es. His )i e. 'nd /erha/s with it ;ou have &iven hi! a di erent sou). %e+ause9 a ter

)23. Jesus A55ea s &" &he Ten A5"s&2es.


a))9 in what is he di erent ro! usF 'nd yet he is no )on&er a !an. He is a)ready so!ethin& !ore than a !an9 and +onsiderin& what he was in the /ast9 he shou)d have 2een even )ess /er e+t in s/irit than we are. %ut he has !ade hi!se) 9 and we... Lord9 !y )ove has 2een e!/ty )i6e +ertain ears o wheat. I have /rodu+ed on)y +ha G says 'ndrew. 'nd MatthewI EI +annot as6 or anythin&. %e+ause I have a)ready re+eived so !u+h with !y +onversion. 5 +ourseH I shou)d have )i6ed to have what Lazarus had. ' sou) &iven 2y ;ou. %e+ause I a)so thin6 as 'ndrew does...G E')so the Ma&da)ene and Martha were )i6e )i&hthouses. It !ust 2e their ra+e. ;ou did not see the!. 5ne was /iety and si)en+e. The otherH I we were )i6e a 2und)e round the %)essed Mother9 it is 2e+ause Mary o Ma&da)a &rou/ed us to&ether with the )a!es o her +oura&eous )ove. ;es. I saidI the ra+e. %ut I !ust sayI )ove. They have e3+eeded us in )ove. That is why they have 2een what they have 2eenG says John. Jesus s!i)es and is a)ways si)ent. E%ut they have re+eived a &reat reward or it...G E;ou a//eared to the!.G ETo the three o the!.G ETo Mary i!!ediate)y a ter ;our Mother...G It is +)ear that the a/ost)es have a re&ret or these /rivi)e&ed a//aritions. EMary or so !any hours has 6nown that ;ou had risen. 'nd we +an on)y see ;ou now...G EThey are no )on&er in dou2t. 4ith us9 instead9 we))... on)y now we ee) that nothin& has +o!e to an end. 4hy to the!9 Lord9 i ;ou sti)) )ove us and ;ou do not re<e+t usFG as6s Judas o ')/haeus. E;es. 4hy to the wo!en9 and in /arti+u)ar to MaryF ;ou a)so tou+hed her orehead9 and she says that she see!s to 2e wearin& an eterna) +rown. 'nd to us9 ;our a/ost)es9 nothin&...G 12 Jesus no )on&er s!i)es. His (a+e is not u/set9 2ut He has sto//ed s!i)in&. He )oo6s &rave)y at 1eter9 who was the )ast to s/ea69 re+overin& 2o)dness as his ear vanishes9 and He saysI EI had twe)ve a/ost)es. 'nd I )oved the! with a)) My Heart. I had +hosen the! and )i6e a !other I too6 +are to 2rin& the! u/ in My Li e. I had no se+rets or the!. I to)d the! everythin&9 I e3/)ained everythin&9 I or&ave everythin&. Their hu!anity9 their thou&ht)essness9 and their stu22ornness... everythin&. 'nd I had so!e dis+i/)es. So!e

ri+h and so!e /oor dis+i/)es. I had wo!en with a &)oo!y /ast or o a de)i+ate +onstitution. %ut the a/ost)es were the avourite ones. My hour +a!e. 5ne 2etrayed Me and handed Me over to the e3e+utioners. Three s)e/t whi)e I was sweatin& 2)ood. ')) o the!9 with the e3+e/tion o two9 ran away +oward)y. 5ne denied Me out o ear9 a)thou&h he had the e3a!/)e o another one9 who was youn& and aith u). 'nd9 as i it were not enou&h9 a!on& the twe)ve I had a des/erate sui+ide and one who dou2ted My or&iveness so !u+h that on)y with di i+u)ty and throu&h !aterna) words he 2e)ieved in ,od's Mer+y. So that9 i I had )oo6ed at My &rou/9 i I had )oo6ed at it with hu!an eyes9 I shou)d have saidI C4ith the e3+e/tion o John9 aith u) out o )ove9 and o Si!on9 aith u) to o2edien+e9 I no )on&er have dis+i/)es.D That is what I shou)d have said whi)e I was su erin& in the en+)osure o the Te!/)e9 in the 1raetoriu!9 a)on& the streets9 on the 7ross. 13 I had so!e wo!en... 'nd one9 the !ost &ui)ty in the /ast9 has 2een9 as John said9 the )a!e that has <oined to&ether the 2ro6en i2res o hearts. That wo!an is Mary o Ma&da)a. ;ou denied Me and you ran away. She de ied death to 2e +)ose to Me. 4hen they insu)ted her9 she un+overed her a+e9 ready to re+eive s/itt)e and s)a/s9 +onsiderin& that 2y doin& so she wou)d rese!2)e her +ru+i ied :in& !ore. 'nd when /eo/)e sneered at her ro! the de/th o their hearts 2e+ause o her ir! aith in My .esurre+tion9 she +ontinued to 2e)ieve. ')thou&h tortured9 she too6 a+tion. 4hen she was deso)ate this !ornin& she saidI CI wi)) divest !yse) o everythin&9 2ut &ive !e !y Master.D 7an you sti)) dare to as6 MeI C4hy to herFD I had so!e /oor dis+i/)esI the she/herds. I did not a//roa+h the! very o ten9 and yet how a2)e they were to a+6now)ed&e Me with their aith u)nessH I had so!e shy wo!en dis+i/)es9 )i6e a)) the He2rew wo!en. 'nd yet they )e t their ho!es and a!id a tre!endous +rowd o /eo/)e that +ursed Me9 they +a!e to &ive Me that assistan+e that My a/ost)es had denied Me. I had so!e heathen wo!en who ad!ired the C/hi)oso/herD. Su+h I was or the!. %ut the !i&hty .o!an )adies were a2)e to )ower the!se)ves to He2rew +usto!s9 to say to Me9 in the hour that I was orsa6en 2y a wor)d o un&rate u) /eo/)eI C4e are riends o ;ours.D 14 My a+e was +overed with s/itt)e and 2)ood. Tears and /ers/iration dri//ed on My wounds. (i)th and dust en+rusted the!. 4hose hands +)eansed MeF ;oursF 5r yoursF 5r yoursF 8one o your hands. This !an was near My Mother. This one was &atherin& to&ether the s+attered shee/. ;ou. 'nd i My shee/ were s+attered9 how +ou)d they he)/ MeF ;ou were +on+ea)in& your a+es9 2e+ause you were a raid o the s+orn o the wor)d9 whi)e your Master was +overed with the +onte!/t o a)) the wor)d. 'nd He was inno+ent. I was thirsty. ;es. ;ou had 2etter 6now a)so that. I was dyin& o thirst. I had nothin&

)23. Jesus A55ea s &" &he Ten A5"s&2es.


2ut a te!/erature and /ain. My %)ood had a)ready 2een shed in ,ethse!ane9 drawn 2y the &rie o 2ein& 2etrayed9 orsa6en9 denied9 2eaten9 overwhe)!ed 2y the in inite sins and 2y ,od's severity. 'nd it had 2een shed in the 1raetoriu!... 4ho thou&ht o &ivin& Me a dro/ o water or My /ar+hed throatF ' hand o Israe)F 8o. The /ity o a heathen. The sa!e hand that9 2y an eterna) de+ree9 o/ened My +hest to show that My Heart a)ready had a !orta) wound9 the one !ade 2y )a+6 o )ove9 2y +owardi+e and 2y the 2etraya). ' heathen. I re!ind youI CI was thirsty and you &ave Me drin6D. There was not even one /erson in the who)e o Israe) who &ave Me +o! ort9 either out o )a+6 o /ossi2i)ity to do so9 as in the +ase o My Mother and the aith u) wo!en9 or 2e+ause o 2ad wi)). 'nd or the ?n6nown 5ne a heathen ound the /ity that My /eo/)e had denied Me. In Heaven he wi)) ind the si/ he &ave Me. I so)e!n)y te)) you that9 whi)e I re used a)) +o! orts9 2e+ause when one is a Bi+ti! one !ust not !iti&ate one's destiny9 I did not want to re<e+t the heathen9 in whose o er I tasted the sweetness o a)) the )ove that wi)) +o!e to Me ro! the ,enti)es9 as +o!/ensation or the 2itterness Israe) &ave Me. It did not =uen+h My thirst9 2ut it re)ieved My de<e+tion. That is why I too6 that i&nored si/. To draw to Me hi! who was a)ready in+)ined towards ,ood. May he 2e 2)essed 2y the (ather or his /ityH

16 ;ou9 1eter9 instead o wee/in& de<e+ted)y9 sin+e you are to 2e the Stone o My 7hur+h9 have these 2itter truths en&raved in your heart. Myrrh is used to /reserve ro! +orru/tion. So9 2e+o!e i!2ued with !yrrh. 'nd when you want to +)ose your heart and the 7hur+h to so!eone o a di erent aith9 re!e!2er that is was not Israe)9 it was not Israe)9 it was not Israel but it was Ro#e that defended !e and too" pity on !e. Re#e#ber that not you but a wo#an a sinner re#ained at the foot of the ,ross and deserved to be the first to see !e. 'nd in order not to 2e worthy o re/roa+h9 2e the i!itator o your ,od. 5/en your heart and the 7hur+h sayin&I CI9 /oor 1eter9 +annot des/ise any2ody9 2e+ause i I do9 I sha)) 2e des/ised 2y ,od9 and !y error wi)) 2e+o!e a)ive on+e a&ain in His eyes.D Woe to you if I had not bro"en you so! %ou would not have beco#e a shepherd but a wolf.G 17 Jesus stands u/. He )oo6s !ost i!/osin&.

EMy +hi)dren. I wi)) s/ea6 to you a&ain9 whi)e I re!ain a!on& you. %ut9 in the !eanti!e9 I a2so)ve you and or&ive you. May the /ea+e o or&iveness +o!e to you9 a ter the tria)9 that9 although hu#iliating and cruel has been beneficial and necessary. 'nd with this /ea+e in your hearts9 2e+o!e on+e a&ain My aith u) stron& riends. The (ather sent Me into the wor)d. I send you into the wor)d to +ontinue My evan&e)ization. 15 're you no )on&er s/ea6in&F 4hy do you not +ontinue to as6 Me why I a+ted so. $o ')) 6inds o !iseries wi)) +o!e to you as6in& or re)ie . Be "ind thin"ing of your you not dare as6F I wi)) te)) you. I wi)) te)) you everythin& o the whys o this hour. #isery when you re#ained without your 8esus. Be enlightened. It is not possible to see in dar"ness. Be pure to give purity. Be love to love. Then He wi)) +o!e9 4ho is Li&ht9 4ho are youF My +ontinuators. ;es9 you are9 notwithstandin& your 2ewi)der!ent. 1uri i+ation and Love. %ut in the !eanti!e9 to /re/are you or your !inistry9 I 4hat are you to doF To +onvert the wor)d to 7hrist. ,onvert it! It is the !ost de)i+ate +o!!uni+ate the Ho)y S/irit to you. (or those whose sins you or&ive9 they wi)) 2e and di i+u)t !atter9 My riends. Indi&nation9 dis&ust9 /ride9 e3+essive zea)9 are a)) or&iven. (or those whose sins you retain9 they wi)) 2e retained. May your e3/erien+e har! u) to su++ess. %ut9 as nothin& and no2ody wou)d indu+e you to 2e 6ind9 !a6e you <ust in <ud&in&. May the Ho)y S/irit !a6e you saints9 so that you !ay +o!/)yin&9 +harita2)e with those who are in dar6ness9 it has 2een ne+essary J do you san+ti y. May your sin+ere wish to over+o!e your au)ts !a6e you heroes or the )i e understandF J it has been necessary for you once for all to crush your pride of e3/e+tin& you. 4hat is sti)) to 2e said9 I wi)) te)) you when your a2sent +o!/anion has Hebrews of #ales of apostles to #a"e roo# only for the true wisdo# of your +o!e. 1ray or hi!. .e!ain with My /ea+e and without 2ein& u/set 2y dou2ts a2out #inistry( for #ee"ness patience co#passion love without ostentation and disgust. My )ove.G ;ou +an see that every2ody9 a!on& those who! you )oo6ed at with s+orn or with /roud 'nd Jesus disa//ears as He had +o!e in9 )eavin& an e!/ty /)a+e 2etween John and indu)&en+e9 has e3+eeded you in 2e)ievin& and in a+tin&. )verybody. The wo!an who 1eter. He disa//ears in a )ash that is so 2ri&ht that it !a6es the a/ost)es +)ose their had sinned in the /ast. Lazarus9 i!2ued with /ro ane +u)ture9 the irst who in My 8a!e eyes. 'nd when their dazz)ed 'eyes are o/ened a&ain9 they ind that on)y Jesus' /ea+e is has or&iven and &uided. 'nd the heathen )adies. 'nd 7huza's de)i+ate wi e. $e)i+ateF )e t9 a )a!e that 2urns and +ures and +onsu!es the 2itterness o the /ast in one on)y She rea))y sur/asses a)) o youH The irst !artyr o My aith. 'nd the so)diers o .o!e. desireI to serve. 'nd the she/herds. 'nd the Herodian Manaen. 'nd even ,a!a)ie)9 the ra22i. $o not start9 John. $o you thin6 that My S/irit was in dar6nessF ')) o you. And I say this so that in future re#e#bering your error you #ay not close your hearts to those who co#e to the ,ross. I te)) you. 'nd I 6now that9 a)thou&h I te)) you9 you wi)) not do it unti) the Stren&th o the Lord 2ends you )i6e twi&s to My 4i))9 whi+h is to have 7hristians a)) over the 0arth. I de eated $eath. %ut it is not so hard as o)d He2rais!. %ut I wi)) 2end you.

)2#.The In3 edu2i&( "- Th".as. Jesus! 8a nin1 &" &he ETh".asesF "- T"da(.


+2*. The In'!edu5i&/ #1 Th#(as. Jesus" ;a!nin4 &# &he ITh#(asesJ #1 T#da/.
8&h A9!i5 $9*5.

E;ou +an sayI a)se9 %artho)o!ew. He was never sin+ere. He was with us or three years9 and we9 who had everythin& in +o!!on9 2e ore hi! were )i6e /eo/)e 2e ore the hi&h wa)) o a ortress.G E5 a ortressF 5hH Si!onH 5 a )a2yrinthHG e3+)ai!s Judas o ')/haeus. E5hH )isten. Let us not s/ea6 o hi!H I &et the i!/ression that we are evo6in& hi! and that he is to +o!e to &ive us trou2)e. I shou)d )i6e to +an+e) his !e!ory ro! !e and ro! a)) hearts9 whether they are the hearts o He2rews or o ,enti)es. 5 He2rews9 in order not to 2)ush 2e+ause our ra+e &ave 2irth to that !onster. 5 ,enti)es9 so that none o the! !ay say to us one dayI CHis 2etrayer was one ro! Israe)D. 3 I a! a 2oy. 'nd I shou)d not 2e the irst one to s/ea6 2e ore you. I a! the )ast and you9 1eter9 are the irst. 'nd here is the >ea)ot and %artho)o!ew9 2oth )earned !en9 and there are the 2rothers o the Lord. %ut9 now9 I shou)d )i6e to /ut one in the twe) th /)a+e at on+e9 so!eone who is ho)y9 2e+ause9 as )on& as I see that e!/ty /)a+e in our &rou/9 I sha)) see the !outh o he)) with its sten+h a!on& us. 'nd I a! a raid that it !ay )ead us astray...G E8o9 JohnH ;ou have 2een stru+6 2y the u&)iness o his +ri!e and o his han&in& 2ody...G E8o9 no. The Mother a)so saidI CI saw Satan when I saw Judas o :eriothD. 5hH )et us 2e =ui+6 in indin& a ho)y /erson to /ut in that /)a+eHG EListen9 I a! not &oin& to +hoose any2ody. I He9 4ho was ,od9 +hose an Is+ariot9 what wi)) /oor 1eter +hooseFG E'nd yet you wi)) have to...G E8o9 !y dear riend. I a! not +hoosin& anythin&. I wi)) as6 the Lord. 0nou&h o the sins +o!!itted 2y 1eterHG E4e have to as6 so !any thin&s. The other evenin& we were )i6e du))@witted /eo/)e. %ut we !ust 2e tau&ht. %e+ause... How wi)) we 2e a2)e to understand whether a thin& is rea))y a sinF 5r whether it is notF ;ou have seen how the Lord s/ea6s o the heathens in a di erent !anner than we do. ;ou have seen how He e7cuses #ore cowardice and a denial than the doubt about the possibility of His forgiveness... 5hH I a! a raid o doin& the wron& thin&G says Ja!es o ')/haeus dis+onso)ate)y. EHe has rea))y s/o6en to us so !u+h. 'nd yet I see! to 6now nothin&. I have 2een du))@ witted or a wee6G states the other Ja!es de<e+ted)y. E'nd I.G E'nd I.G EI9 too.G

1 The ten a/ost)es are in the +ourt@yard o the house o the Su//er roo!. They are ta)6in& to one another and then they /ray. Later they resu!e s/ea6in&. Si!on >ea)ot saysI EI a! rea))y distressed at Tho!as' disa//earan+e. I do not 6now where to )oo6 or hi! any !ore.G E8either do IG says John. EHe is not with his re)atives. 'nd no one has seen hi!. Has he /erha/s 2een arrestedFG EI that were the +ase9 the Master wou)d not have saidI CI wi)) te)) you the rest when your a2sent +o!/anion is here.DG EThat is true. %ut I want to &o to %ethany a&ain. 1erha/s he is wanderin& a2out those !ountains and does not dare show hi!se) .G E,o9 Si!on. ;ou &athered us a)) to&ether... and 2y &atherin& us you saved us9 2e+ause you too6 us to Lazarus. $id you hear what words the Master s/o6e o hi!F He saidI CThe irst who in My 8a!e has or&iven and &uided.D 4hy does He not /ut hi! in the /)a+e o the Is+ariotFG as6s Matthew. E1ro2a2)y 2e+ause He does not want to &ive His /er e+t riend the /)a+e o the 2etrayerG re/)ies 1hi)i/. 2 E' short whi)e a&o9 I heard9 when I was &oin& round the !ar6ets and I s/o6e to the ish!on&ers9 that... I +an trust the!9 o +ourse9 that those o the Te!/)e do not 6now what to do with Judas' 2ody. I do not 6now who it was... 2ut at dawn this !ornin& the &uards o the Te!/)e ound his /utrid 2ody inside the sa+red en+)osure9 with the ro/e sti)) round his ne+6. I thin6 it !ust have 2een so!e heathens who /u))ed hi! down and threw hi! in there9 who 6nows howG says 1eter. EInstead9 yesterday evenin& at the ountain I was to)d9 I heard the! say that sin+e yesterday evenin& they threw the 2owe)s o the traitor even at 'nnas' house. Heathens9 +ertain)y. %e+ause no He2rew wou)d tou+h that 2ody a ter !ore than ive days. I wonder how rotten it !ust have 2eenHG says Ja!es o ')/haeus. E5hH it was horri2)e sin+e the Sa22athHG says John turnin& /a)e at the re+o))e+tion. E%ut how did he end u/ in that /)a+eF $id it 2e)on& to hi!FG E'nd who was ever to)d anythin& /re+ise 2y Judas o :eriothF .e!e!2er how reserved and +o!/)i+ated he was...G

)2#.The In3 edu2i&( "- Th".as. Jesus! 8a nin1 &" &he ETh".asesF "- T"da(.


They are a)) in the sa!e situation and they )oo6 at ea+h other utter)y 2ewi)dered. They have re+ourse to the so)ution whi+h is 2y now +usto!aryI E4e sha)) &o to LazarusG they say. E4e !ay ind the Lord there... and Lazarus wi)) he)/ us.G 4 There is a 6no+6 at the !ain door. They a)) 2e+o!e si)ent and )isten. 'nd they utter an EohHG o sur/rise when they see 0)ias +o!e into the ha)) with Tho!as. Su+h a stran&e Tho!as that he see!s another /erson. His +o!/anions +rowd round hi! shoutin& their <oyI E$o you 6now that He has risen and has +o!eF 'nd He is waitin& or you so that He !ay +o!e 2a+6HG

you not +o!e 2e oreFG Tho!as does not sha6e o his de<e+tion. He stu22orn)y sha6es his head. EI do not 2e)ieve. ;ou have seen a &host. ;ou are a)) !ad. The wo!en irst o a)). ' dead !an does not rise 2y hi!se) .G E' !an9 no. %ut He is ,od. $o you not 2e)ieve thatFG

E;es. I 2e)ieve that He is ,od. %ut9 <ust 2e+ause I 2e)ieve that9 I thin6 and say that9 no !atter how &ood He is9 He +annot 2e so &ood to the e3tent o +o!in& a!on& those who have )oved Hi! so )itt)e. 'nd I say that9 however hu!2)e He !ay 2e9 He !ust have had E;es. ')so 0)ias to)d !e. %ut I do not 2e)ieve it. I 2e)ieve what I see. 'nd I see that it enou&h o hu!i)iatin& Hi!se) in our i)thy )esh. 8o. He !ay 2e9 He +ertain)y is is the end or us. I see that we are a)) s+attered. I see that there is not even a 6nown triu!/hant in Heaven9 and9 /erha/s9 He !ay a//ear as a s/irit. I sayI /erha/s. 4e do se/u)+hre where we !ay !ourn over His death. I see that the Sanhedrin wants to &et rid not deserve even thatH %ut risen in )esh and 2ones9 no. I do not 2e)ieve it.G o 2oth their a++o!/)i+e9 whose 2uria) they have de+reed at the oot o the o)ive@tree E%ut we have 6issed Hi!9 we have seen Hi! eat9 we have heard His voi+e9 we have e)t where he han&ed hi!se) 9 as i he were a i)thy ani!a)9 and o the o))owers o the His hand9 we have seen His woundsHG 8azarene. 5n (riday I was sto//ed at the &ates and they said to !eI C4ere you one o His o))owers as we))F He is dead9 now. ,o 2a+6 to 2eatin& &o)d.D 'nd I ran away...G E8othin&. I do not 2e)ieve it. I +annot 2e)ieve. I shou)d see in order to 2e)ieve. I I do not see the ho)es o the nai)s in His hands9 and I do not /ut !y in&er into the!9 i I do E4hereF 4e have )oo6ed or you everywhere.G not tou+h the wounds o His eet and i I do not /ut !y hand where the )an+e o/ened E4hereF I went towards the house o !y sister at .a!ah. %ut I did not dare to &o in His +hest9 I wi)) not 2e)ieve. I a! not a +hi)d or a wo!an. I want eviden+e. I re<e+t what 2e+ause... I did not want to 2e re/roa+hed 2y a wo!an. So I wandered a2out the !y reason +annot a++e/t. 'nd I +annot a++e/t your word.G Judaean !ountains and yesterday I ended u/ at %eth)ehe!9 in His &rotto. How !u+h I E%ut Tho!asH $o you thin6 that we want to de+eive youFG we/t... I e)) as)ee/ a!on& the ruins and 0)ias9 who had +o!e there... I do not 6now why9 ound !e.G E8o9 !y /oor e))ows. 5n the +ontraryH May you 2e 2)essed sin+e you are so 6ind as to wish to &uide !e to that /ea+e9 that you have su++eeded in &ivin& yourse)ves throu&h E4hyF %e+ause in the hours o too &reat a <oy or too &reat a sorrow9 one &oes where this i))usion o yours. %ut... I do not 2e)ieve in His .esurre+tion.G ,od is !ore e)t. Many a ti!e9 in these /ast years9 I have &one there 2y ni&ht9 )i6e a thie 9 to ee) !y sou) 2ein& +aressed 2y the re!e!2ran+e o His +ries. 'nd then I wou)d E're you not a raid o 2ein& /unished 2y Hi!F He hears and sees everythin&9 you run away at sunrise9 in order not to 2e stoned. %ut I was a)ready +o! orted. 8ow I went 6nowFG there to say to that /)a+eI CI a! ha//yD and to ta6e what I +an ro! it. That is what we EI as6 Hi! to +onvin+e !e. I a! &i ted with reason9 and I !a6e use o it. Let Hi!9 the have de+ided. 4e want to /rea+h His (aith. 'nd the stren&th to do so wi)) 2e &iven to us 2y a 2it o that wa))9 2y a hand u) o that soi)9 2y a s/)inter o those /o)es. 4e are not Master o hu!an reason9 revise !ine i it has 2een )ed astray.G ho)y9 as to dare to ta6e the earth o 7a)vary...G E%ut reason9 He said so9 is ree.G E;ou are ri&ht9 0)ias. 4e sha)) have to do that as we)). 'nd we wi)). %ut Tho!asF...G ETho!as s)e/t and we/t. I said to hi!I C4a6e u/ and sto/ wee/in&. He has risen.D He wou)d not 2e)ieve !e. %ut I insisted so !u+h that I +onvin+ed hi!. Here he is. He is now with you and I wi)) &o away. I wi)) <oin !y +o!/anions who are &oin& to ,a)i)ee. 1ea+e to you.G 0)ias &oes away. E')) the !ore reason or not !a6in& it the s)ave o a +o))e+tive su&&estion. I )ove you and I )ove the Lord. I wi)) serve Hi! as 2est I +an and I wi)) stay with you to he)/ you to serve Hi!. I wi)) /rea+h His do+trine. %ut I +an on)y 2e)ieve 2y seein&.G

'nd Tho!as9 o2stinate9 )istens on)y to hi!se) . They s/ea6 to hi! o a)) those who have seen Hi! and how they have seen Hi!. They advise hi! to s/ea6 to the Mother. %ut he sha6es his head9 sittin& on a stone seat9 !ore stony hi!se) than the seat. 's 5 ETho!asI He has risen. I a! te))in& you. He was with us. He ate so!e ood. He s/o6e. He 2)essed us. He or&ave us. He has &iven us the /ower to or&ive. 5hH why did o2stinate as a +hi)d9 he re/eatsI EI wi)) 2e)ieve i I see...G

)2#.The In3 edu2i&( "- Th".as. Jesus! 8a nin1 &" &he ETh".asesF "- T"da(.


The 2i& word o unha//y /eo/)e who deny what is so /)easant and ho)y to 2e)ieve9 ad!ittin& that ,od +an do everythin&. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 6 Jesus saysI ELitt)e John9 the +y+)e is over. ' ter this you wi)) /ut My '//arition to in+redu)ous Tho!as9 as &iven to you on 9th 'u&ust 1944. %ut when a)) the ,os/e) has 2een written9 !u+h wi)) sti)) have to added to 1a)! Sunday9 to the Monday9 Tuesday9 4ednesday and Thursday !ornin& in Ho)y 4ee69 as I said at the 2e&innin&. The /arts to 2e inserted9 ta6en ro! what you saw )ast year9 have a)ready 2een /ointed out to you 2y Me. I (ather Mi&)iorini so wishes9 he +an /ut the di+tations o )ast year that I now /oint out to you. U...V 7 'nd9 as I oresee the re!ar6s o too !any Tho!ases and o the too !any s+ri2es o the /resent days on a senten+e o this di+tation9 whi+h see!s to 2e in +ontrast with the si/ o water o ered 2y Lon&inus... J ohH how ha//y the deniers o the su/ernatura)9 the rationa)ists o /er e+tion +ontrariwise9 wou)d 2e9 i they +ou)d ind a issure in the wonder u) +o!/)e3 o this wor6 o divine 2ounty and o your sa+ri i+e9 )itt)e John9 to !a6e it a)) +o))a/se9 2y /rizin& o/en su+h issure with the /i+6 o their )etha) rationa)is! J to /revent the!9 I say and e3/)ain.

throu&h a)) My Torture with &reater /er e+tion and /ea+e. Is it /er e+tF 5hH no. ' +reature9 a)thou&h he)d in My ar!s and !e)ted with Me9 is sti)) a +reature9 and wi)) a)ways have the rea+tions and +a/a2i)ities o a +reature. %ein& a +reature9 it wi)) never 2e a2)e to understand and des+ri2e the ee)in&s and su erin&s o the Man@,od with a2so)ute vera+ity and /er e+tion. 'nd9 in any +ase9 they wou)d not 2e understood 2y !ost /eo/)e. )ven these are not understood. 'nd9 instead o 6nee)in& down and 2)essin& ,od9 4ho has &ranted you this 6now)ed&e9 the on)y thin& to 2e done9 the #a5ority will ta"e boo"s new ones and old ones will chec" #easure loo" against the light hoping hoping hoping. What$ To find discrepancies with other si#ilar wor"s and thus de#olish de#olish de#olish. In the na!e o Khu!anL s+ien+e9 o Khu!anL reason9 o Khu!anL +riti+is!9 o the three ti!es hu!an /ride. How !u+h o ho)y wor6s is de!o)ished 2y !an9 to 2ui)d with the ruins edi i+es that are not ho)y. ;ou have re!oved the /ure &o)d9 /oor !en. The si!/)e and /re+ious &o)d o 4isdo!. ;ou have /ut stu++o and /)aster9 2ad)y /ainted with &i)t dust9 that the i!/a+t o )i e9 o /eo/)e9 o hu!an stor!s washes away at on+e9 )eavin& a /ittin& o )e/rosy that soon +ru!2)es9 redu+in& your 6now)ed&e to nothin&.

9 *h! poor Tho#ases who believe only what you understand and what you feel in yourselves! But bless &od and try to ascend because I will give you a hand! Ascend in faith and in love. I wanted the !orti i+ation o the a/ost)es9 so that they !ay 2e+o!e That /oor si/ o water J a dro/ in the ire o the ever and in the dryness o the e!/tied +a/a2)e o 2ein& the C athers o sou)sD. I 2e& you9 and I s/ea6 in /arti+u)ar to you9 My /riests. Accept the hu#iliation of being placed after a lay#an in order to beco#e veins J ta6en out o )ove or a sou) that was to 2e +onvin+ed o )ove to )ead it to the /fathers of souls0. This wor" is for everybody. But this &ospel is dedicated to you in Truth9 ta6en with &reat di i+u)ty in the severe /ain that o2stru+ted My 2reathin& and /revented My ro! swa))owin&9 so +rushed I was 2y the +rue) s+our&es9 &ave Me on)y a particular as in it the Master ta6es His /riests 2y the hand and )eads the! throu&h the su/ernatura) re)ie . (or My 2ody it was nothin&9 not to say that it was a torture... .ivers rows o the /u/i)s9 so that they9 the /riests9 !ay 2e+o!e tea+hers +a/a2)e o &uidin& the /u/i)s9 and in it the $o+tor ta6es you a!on& the si+6 /eo/)e J every !an has his wou)d have 2een re=uired to =uen+h My thirst then... 'nd I +ou)d not drin6 2e+ause o the an&uish o the /rae+ordia) /ain. 'nd you are aware o that /ain... .ivers wou)d have s/iritua) disease J and He shows you the sy!/to!s and the treat!entH 2een re=uired )ater... and they were not &iven to Me. 8either +ou)d I have a++e/ted So9 ta6e heart. 7o!e and )oo6. 7o!e and eat. 7o!e and drin6. 'nd do not re use. 'nd the! 2e+ause o the stron&er and stron&er su o+ation. %ut how !u+h re)ie they wou)d do not hate )itt)e John. The good a#ong you will receive a holy 5oy fro# this wor". The have &iven to My Heart9 had they 2een o eredH It was o )ove that I was dyin&. 5 )ove honest scholars a light. The absent4#inded who are not wic"ed a pleasure. The not &iven. 1ity is )ove. 'nd in Israe) there was no /ity. wic"ed a #eans to give vent to their evil science. %ut )itt)e John has had on)y sorrow 4hen you9 &ood /eo/)e9 +onte!/)ate9 or you9 s6e/ti+a) /hi)oso/hers9 ana)yse that Csi/D9 &ive it the ri&ht na!eI C/ityD9 not drin6. So it +an 2e said9 without in+urrin& a)sehood9 that C ro! the Su//er onwards I had no +o! ort.D 5 a)) the /eo/)e who surrounded Me there was not one who &ave Me any +o! ort9 as I did not want to ta6e the s/i+ed wine. I had vine&ar and !o+6ery. I had 2etraya) and 2)ows. That is what I had. 8othin& e)se. 8 ;ou as6edI C4hy did I not see this deed o Lon&inus )ast yearFD %e+ause you were terrorised 2y the vision9 su ered 2y you9 o My tortures. %e+ause you were not yet +a/a2)e o des+ri2in& and seein&. I shortened the ti!es to &ive you +onso)ation or your i!/endin& /assion. %ut you +an see that I had to ta6e you a&ain with Me to &o 2a+6 and ati&ue9 so that9 now9 at the end o the wor69 he is )i6e a /erson )an&uishin& with a disease. So9 what sha)) I say to his riends and MineI to Mary o Ma&da)a and John9 to Martha and Lazarus and Si!on9 to the an&e)s who have wat+hed over hi! in his wor6F I wi)) sayI CLitt)e John9 our riend9 is )an&uishin&. Let us &o and ta6e the water o the eterna) rivers to hi! and sayI C7o!e9 )itt)e John. Loo6 at the Sun and rise. %e+ause !any wou)d )i6e to see what you see. %ut on)y the avourites are &ranted to 6now9 in advan+e9 the eterna) Lord and His days in the wor)d. 7o!e. The Saviour9 with His riends9 is +o!in& to your a2ode9 whi)e waitin& or you to &o9 with Hi! and The!9 to His '2ode.D

)2#.The In3 edu2i&( "- Th".as. Jesus! 8a nin1 &" &he ETh".asesF "- T"da(.


,o in /ea+e. I a! with you.G "th '/ri) 19459 (ive o'+)o+6 /.!.

%ody /asses <ust the sa!e. Li&ht see!s to 2e the irst e!anation o His %ody9 the announ+e!ent o His a//roa+h. The %ody at irst +onsists o so t )ines o )i&ht9 as in Heaven I see the (ather and the ho)y an&e)sI i!!ateria). Then it 2e+o!es !ore and !ore !ateria)9 ta6in& the as/e+t o a rea) 2ody in everythin&9 that o His $ivine &)ori ied %ody. It has ta6en !e a )on& ti!e to des+ri2e this9 2ut it ha//ened in a ew se+onds. Jesus is dressed in white9 as when He rose and a//eared to His Mother. He is !ost handso!e9 )ovin& and s!i)in&. He is standin& with His ar!s a)on& the sides o His %ody9 a )itt)e deta+hed ro! it9 2ut with His Hands towards the )oor and the /a)!s towards the a/ost)es. The two wounds o His Hands are )i6e two dia!ond stars9 ro! whi+h two very 2ri&ht 2ea!s issue. I do not see His (eet9 +overed 2y His tuni+9 or His 7hest. %ut ro! the a2ri+ o His &ar!ent9 whi+h is not an earth)y one9 )i&ht e!anates where the divine 4ounds are +on+ea)ed. 't the 2e&innin& Jesus see!s to 2e nothin& 2ut a %ody o )unar whiteness9 )ater9 when it !ateria)ises a//earin& outside the ha)o o )i&ht9 His hair9 eyes9 s6in have their natura) +o)ours. In short9 it is Jesus9 Jesus@Man@ ,od9 2ut )oo6in& !ore so)e!n now that He has risen. 3 John sees Hi! when He is a)ready )i6e that. 8o2ody e)se had 2e+o!e aware o the a//arition. John <u!/s to his eet9 dro//in& the /)ate o the )itt)e round who)e +heeses on the ta2)e and9 )ayin& his hands on the ed&e o the ta2)e9 he 2ends a )itt)e towards it sideways9 as i he were attra+ted 2y a !a&net9 and in a )ow su2dued voi+e he utters an intense)y e3/ressive E5hHG.

+25. Jesus A99ea!s &# &he A9#s&5es -i&h Th#(as. S9ee'h #n P!ies&h##d.
69&h Au4us& $9**7

1 The a/ost)es are &athered in the Su//er roo!9 around the ta2)e where the 1assover su//er was +onsu!ed. %ut out o res/e+t9 the +entra) seat9 that o Jesus9 has 2een )e t e!/ty. ')so the a/ost)es9 now that there is no )on&er 5ne 4ho &rou/s and distri2utes the! a++ordin& to His wi)) or 2y +hoi+e o )ove9 have /)a+ed the!se)ves di erent)y. 1eter is sti)) in his /)a+e. %ut Judas Thaddeus is now in John's /)a+e. Then +o!es %artho)o!ew9 the o)dest o the a/ost)es9 then Ja!es9 John's 2rother9 a)!ost at the +orner o the ta2)e on the ri&ht hand side9 with res/e+t to !e who a! )oo6in& on. John is sittin& near Ja!es9 2ut on the narrow side o the ta2)e. ' ter 1eter9 instead9 +o!es Matthew9 and a ter hi! Tho!as9 then 1hi)i/9 then 'ndrew9 then Ja!es9 Judas Thaddeus' 2rother9 and Si!on >ea)ot on the other sides. The )on& side in ront o 1eter is e!/ty9 as the a/ost)es are sittin& +)oser than they were at 1assover.

The others9 who had raised their heads ro! their /)ates at the noisy a)) o the /)ate o The windows are +)osed and the doors are )o+6ed. The )a!/9 o whi+h on)y two )a!es the +heese and at John's start and had )oo6ed at hi! with astonish!ent9 when they see are )it9 sheds a ee2)e )i&ht on)y on the ta2)e. The rest o the )ar&e roo! is in a di! )i&ht. his e+stati+ /osture9 )oo6 in the sa!e dire+tion as he is )oo6in&. They turn their heads or they turn round9 a++ordin& to their /osition with res/e+t to the Master9 and they see 's there is a side2oard 2ehind hi!9 John is entrusted with the tas6 o servin& his Jesus. They a)) stand u/9 dee/)y !oved and ha//y9 and they rush towards Hi!9 as He9 +o!/anions with what they wish o their ru&a) !ea)9 +onsistin& o ish9 whi+h is on the s!i)in& !ore 2ri&ht)y advan+es towards the!9 wa)6in& now on the )oor )i6e a)) ta2)e9 2read9 honey and resh +heese. 's he turns a&ain towards the ta2)e9 to &ive his !orta)s. e)der 2rother the +heese he as6ed or9 John sees the Lord. Jesus9 4ho /revious)y )oo6ed i3ed)y on)y at John9 and I thin6 that the )atter turned 2 Jesus has a//eared in a very stran&e !anner. The +entra) /art o the wa)) 2ehind the round 2e+ause he e)t attra+ted 2y that &)an+e that +aressed hi!9 )oo6s at the! a)) and a/ost)es sittin& at the ta2)e J a wa)) a)) o one /ie+e e3+e/t or the )itt)e door in the saysI E1ea+e to you.G +orner J 2ri&htens u/ at a2out one !etre ro! the )oor9 with a ee2)e /hos/hori+ )i&ht9 They are a)) now around Hi!9 so!e on their 6nees at His eet9 and a!on& these there is )i6e that shed 2y +ertain )itt)e /i+tures9 whi+h are )u!inous on)y in the dar6 at ni&ht. 1eter with John J and John even 6isses the he! o His tuni+ and /resses it to his a+e as The )i&ht9 a2out two !etres hi&h9 is ova)9 )i6e a ni+he. (ro! the 2ri))ian+y9 as i He i he wished to 2e +aressed 2y it J so!e arther 2a+69 standin&9 2ut stoo/in& in a were advan+in& ro! 2ehind vei)s o )u!inous !ist9 Jesus e!er&es with in+reasin& res/e+t u) attitude. neatness. I do not 6now whether I have !ade !yse) understood. His %ody see!s to )ow throu&h the thi+6ness o the wa))9 whi+h does not o/en. It re!ains +o!/a+t9 2ut the 1eter9 to arrive =ui+6er9 <u!/s over the seat without waitin& or Matthew to +o!e out irst and !a6e roo! or hi!. It !ust 2e 2orne in !ind that the +ou+h@seat served or two /ersons at a ti!e.

)25.Jesus A55ea s &" &he A5"s&2es %i&h Th".as. S5ee3h "n P ies&h""d.


4 The on)y one who has re!ained a )itt)e arther away9 so!ewhat e!2arrassed9 is Tho!as. He is on his 6nees near the ta2)e. %ut he dare not +o!e orward9 on the +ontrary9 he see!s to 2e tryin& to hide 2ehind the +orner o the ta2)e. Jesus9 whi)e stret+hin& out His Hands to 2e 6issed J the a/ost)es see6 the! with ho)y )ovin& ea&erness J )oo6s around at the )owered heads9 as i He were )oo6in& or the e)eventh. He has a+tua))y seen hi! ro! the very 2e&innin& and He is 2ehavin& so on)y to &ive Tho!as ti!e to /)u+6 u/ +oura&e and +o!e orward. 4hen He sees that the in+redu)ous a/ost)e dare not do so9 asha!ed as he is o his )a+6 o aith9 He +a))s hi!I ETho!as. 7o!e here.G Tho!as raises his head9 e!2arrassed9 a)!ost in tears9 2ut he dare not &o. He )owers his head a&ain. Jesus ta6es a ew ste/s towards hi! and re/eatsI E7o!e here9 Tho!as.G Jesus' voi+e is !ore authoritative than the irst ti!e. Tho!as stands u/ re)u+tant)y9 a2ashed9 and &oes towards Jesus. EHere is the !an who does not 2e)ieve un)ess he seesHG e3+)ai!s Jesus. %ut in His voi+e there is the s!i)e o or&iveness. Tho!as ee)s that9 he dares to )oo6 at Jesus and sees that He is rea))y s!i)in&9 so he !usters u/ +oura&e and wa)6s aster.

whi)e he +ontinues to sayI EN 1ut your in&er here9 /ut your in&ers and a)so your hand9 i you wish so9 into My Side and do not dou2t9 2ut 2e)ieve.G That is what He says whi)e doin& what I have said /revious)y. Tho!as J it wou)d a//ear that the +)oseness o the divine Heart9 whi+h He a)!ost tou+hes9 has +o!!uni+ated +oura&e to hi! J su++eeds at )ast in s/ea6in& and utterin& words9 and a))in& on his 6nees with his ar!s raised and 2urstin& into tears o re/entan+e9 he saysI EMy Lord and My ,odHG He +annot say anythin& e)se. Jesus or&ives hi!. He )ays His ri&ht hand on his head and re/)iesI ETho!as9 Tho!asH %ou believe now because you have seen6 But blessed are those who will believe in !e without seeing! 4hi+h reward sha)) I have to &ive the!9 i I have to reward you9 whose aith has 2een assisted 2y the /ower o seein&FNG 5 Then Jesus )ays His ar! on John's shou)der9 He ta6es 1eter 2y the hand and a//roa+hes the ta2)e. He sits at His /)a+e. They are now sittin& as they were on 1assover evenin&. %ut Jesus wants Tho!as to sit ne3t to John. E0at9 My riendsG says Jesus. %ut no one is hun&ry any !ore. Joy i))s the!. The <oy o +onte!/)ation.

So Jesus &athers to&ether the )itt)e +heeses s+attered on the ta2)e9 He /uts the! on a /)ate9 He +uts the! and hands the! out9 and He &ives the irst 2it <ust to Tho!as9 )ayin& it on a /ie+e o 2read and /assin& it 2ehind John's shou)dersM He /ours wine ro! E7o!e here9 =uite +)ose to Me. Loo6. 1ut your in&er9 i it is not su i+ient or you to the a!/horae into a +ha)i+e and hands it to His riendsI this ti!e 1eter is the irst to 2e )oo69 into the wounds o your Master.G served. Then He has so!e honey+o!2s &iven to Hi!9 He 2rea6s the! and &ives the irst 2it to John9 with a s!i)e whi+h is sweeter than the &o)den tri+6)in& honey. 'nd to Jesus has stret+hed His Hands out9 then He has o/ened His tuni+ on His +hest9 un+overin& the &ash on His Side. 8o )i&ht e!anates now ro! the 4ounds. It no )on&er en+oura&e the! He eats so!e o it Hi!se) . He tastes nothin& 2ut the honey. e!anates sin+e He 2e&an to wa)6 )i6e a !orta) Man9 when He +a!e out o the ha)o o John with his usua) &esture rests his head on Jesus' shou)der9 and Jesus draws hi! to )unar )i&ht9 and the 4ounds now a//ear in their 2)oody rea)ityI two irre&u)ar ho)es9 the His Heart and s/ea6s ho)din& hi! so. )e t one o whi+h e3tends as ar as the thu!29 and they /ier+e a wrist and a /a)! at its 2ase9 and a )on& &ash9 whi+h in the u//er /art is )i&ht)y +urved )i6e a +ir+u! )e3 a++ent9 6 E;ou !ust not &et u/set9 My riends9 when I a//ear to you. I a! a)ways your Master9 on His Side. 4ho has shared with you ood and s)ee/ and 4ho has +hosen you 2e+ause He )oves you. I )ove you a)so now.G Jesus )ays !u+h stress u/on these )ast words. Tho!as tre!2)es9 )oo6s 2ut does not tou+h. He !oves his )i/s9 2ut is not a2)e to s/ea6 +)ear)y. E;ouG He +ontinues Ehave 2een with Me in the tria)sN ;ou wi)) 2e with Me a)so in the &)ory. $o not )ower your heads. 5n Sunday evenin&9 when I +a!e to you or the irst E,ive Me your hand9 Tho!asG says Jesus so 6ind)y. 'nd with His ri&ht hand He ta6es ti!e a ter My .esurre+tion9 I in used the Ho)y S/irit into youN !ay the S/irit +o!e the ri&ht one o the a/ost)e9 He &ras/s his ore in&er and ta6es it towards the ho)e o His a)so to you who were not /resentN $o you not 6now that the in usion o the S/irit is )e t Hand9 He thrusts it we)) into it9 to !a6e hi! ee) that His /a)! has 2een /ier+ed9 )i6e a 2a/tis! o ire9 2e+ause the S/irit is Love9 and )ove +an+e)s sinsF There ore your and then ro! His Hand He ta6es it to His Side. 8ow He &ras/s the our in&ers o sin o desertion9 whi)e I was dyin&9 is or&iven.G Tho!as9 at their 2ase9 at the !eta+ar/us9 and /uts those our 2i& in&ers into the &ash o His Side9 !a6in& the! &o in dee/)y9 not )i!itin& Hi!se) to )eanin& the! a&ainst its In sayin& so Jesus 6isses the head o John who did not desert9 and John wee/s or <oy. ed&e9 and He ho)ds the! there9 )oo6in& i3ed)y at Tho!as. ' severe yet 6ind )oo69

)25.Jesus A55ea s &" &he A5"s&2es %i&h Th".as. S5ee3h "n P ies&h""d.


EI have &iven you the /ower to re!it sins. %ut one +annot &ive what one does not /ossess. So you !ust 2e +ertain that I /ossess this /ower in a /er e+t !anner and I !a6e use o it or you9 who !ust 2e /ure in the hi&hest de&ree to /uri y those who wi)) +o!e to you9 soi)ed with sin. How +ou)d one <ud&e and /uri y9 i one deserved to 2e +onde!ned and were /ersona))y i!/ureF How +ou)d a !an <ud&e another !an i he had /)an6s in his own eyes and in erna) wei&hts in his heartF How could he say( /I absolve you in the na#e of &od0 if because of his own sins he did not have &od with hi#$

%ou have the living e7a#ple of how a boso# which receives the Word Incarnate #ust be. The e7a#ple is the Wo#an Who without original sin and without personal sin bore !e. Loo6 how /ure is the su!!it o the Her!on sti)) enve)o/ed in the vei) o winter snow. (ro! the Mount o 5)ives it )oo6s )i6e a )ot o )i)ies stri//ed o their /eta)s or )i6e sea@ oa!9 that rises )i6e an o erin& a&ainst the other whiteness o the +)ouds9 2)own 2y the '/ri) wind a)on& the 2)ue ie)ds o the s6y. Loo6 at a )i)y that now o/ens the !outh o its +oro))a to a s+ented s!i)e. 'nd yet 2oth /urities are not so 2ri&ht as that o the wo!2 that +arried Me. $ust 2)own 2y the winds has a))en on the snow o 7 !y friends consider your dignity of priests. the !ountain and on the si)6 o the )ower. Hu!an eyes +annot /er+eive it9 so )i&ht is it. %ut it is there9 and it s/oi)s the whiteness. 0ven !ore9 )oo6 at the /urest /ear) ta6en %e ore9 I was a!on& !en to <ud&e and to or&ive. 8ow I a! &oin& to the (ather. I a! ro! the sea9 ro! the she)) where it was 2orn9 to adorn the s+e/tre o a 6in&. It is &oin& 2a+6 to My :in&do!. The faculty to 5udge is not ta"en off !e. *n the contrary it is entirely in !y hands because the -ather has entrusted it to !e. %ut it is a terri2)e /er e+t in its +o!/a+t irides+en+e9 that is unaware o the dese+ratin& tou+h o a)) )esh9 as it was or!ed in the /ear)y ho))ow o the oyster9 iso)ated in the sa//hire )uid o sea <ud&e!ent 2e+ause it wi)) ta6e /)a+e when it is no )on&er /ossi2)e or !an to o2tain or&iveness throu&h years o e3/iation on the 0arth. 0a+h hu!an 2ein& wi)) +o!e to Me de/ths. 'nd yet it is not so /ure as the wo!2 that 2ore Me. In its +entre there is a &rain o sandI a very !inute +or/us+)e9 2ut sti)) an earth)y one. In Her 4ho is the 1ear) o the with his s/irit when9 throu&h !ateria) death9 he )eaves his 2ody as use)ess !orta) re!ains. 'nd I wi)) <ud&e hi! or the irst ti!e. Then Man6ind wi)) +o!e a&ain +)othed Sea9 there is no &rain o sin9 not even o in+entive to sin. The 1ear) 2orn in the 5+ean o the Trinity to 2rin& the Se+ond 1erson to the 0arth9 She is +o!/a+t around Her u)+ru!9 with its )esh9 resu!ed 2y divine order9 to 2e se/arated into two /arts. The )a!2s with whi+h is not the seed o earth)y +on+u/is+en+e9 2ut the s/ar6 o the eterna) Love. The the She/herd9 the wi)d 2i))y@&oats with their Torturer. %ut how !any !en wou)d there s/ar6 that ound +orres/onden+e in Her and thus en&endered the $ivine Meteor9 that 2e9 who wou)d 2e with their She/herd9 i a ter the %a/tis!a) 2ath they did not have now +a))s and draws to Itse) the +hi)dren o ,odI I9 the 7hrist9 the Mornin& Star. I &ive who +an or&ive the! in My na!eF you that invio)ate 1urity as e3a!/)e. That is why I create priests. To save those who had been saved by !y Blood. !y Blood %ut when9 as vinta&ers do with vats9 you di/ your hands into the sea o My %)ood and saves. %ut !en +ontinue to a)) into death. To a)) a&ain into $eath. It is ne+essary or ro! it you draw what is needed to +)eanse the soi)ed sto)es o the /oor wret+hes who the! to 2e +ontinuous)y washed in It9 seventy and seventy ti!es seven9 2y those who +o!!itted sin9 be perfect in addition to being pure in order not to stain yourse)ves have the authority to do so9 so that they !ay not 2e a /rey to $eath. ;ou and your su++essors wi)) do that. That is why I absolve you of all your sins. Because you need to with a &reater sin9 even !ore9 with severa) sins9 by shedding or touching the Blood of a &od in a sacrilegious #anner or by failing in love and 5ustice denyin& or &ivin& it see and sin 2)inds one9 2e+ause it de/rives the s/irit o the Li&ht whi+h is ,od. with a severity that is not o the 7hrist9 4ho was &ood to the wi+6ed to attra+t the! to Because you need to understand and sin !a6es one du))9 2e+ause it de/rives the s/irit His Heart9 and three ti!es &ood with the wea69 to en+oura&e the! to 2e trust u). .uch o the Inte))i&en+e whi+h is ,od. Because it is your #inistry to purify and sin su))ies9 severity would be used three ti#es undeservedly because it would be used against !y 2e+ause it de/rives the s/irit o the 1urity whi+h is ,od. Will !y 3octrine and 8ustice. How +an one 2e severe with )a!2s when one is an id)e 8 &reat is your #inistry of 5udging and absolving in !y na#e! she/herdF 4hen you +onse+rate the %read and 4ine or you and !a6e the! My %ody and My 5 My 2e)oved riends9 who! I a! sendin& a)on& the roads o the wor)d to +ontinue the %)ood9 you wi)) do a &reat9 su/ernatura))y &reat and su2)i!e thin&. In order to wor6 that I 2e&an and that wi)) 2e /ursued unti) the end o Ti!e9 re!e!2er these words acco#plish it worthily you #ust be pure 2e+ause you wi)) tou+h Hi! 4ho is the 1ure o Mine. I a! te))in& you the! so that you !ay re/eat the! to those who! you wi)) 5ne and you wi)) nourish yourse)ves with the ()esh o a ,od. %ou #ust be pure in your +onse+rate to the !inistry9 to whi+h I have +onse+rated you. hearts #inds li#bs and tongues 2e+ause with your hearts you !ust )ove the 0u+harist9 and no /ro ane )ove is to 2e !i3ed with this +e)estia) )ove9 as that wou)d 2e a sa+ri)e&e. 9 I seeN I )oo6 at uture a&esN Ti!e and the in inite +rowds o !en that wi)) e3ist are 1ure in your !inds9 2e+ause you !ust 2e)ieve and understand this !ystery o )ove9 and a)) in ront o MeN I seeN !assa+res and wars9 a)se /ea+e treaties and horri2)e s)au&hters9 hatred and ro22ery9 sensua)ity and /ride. 8ow and a&ain a &reen oasisI a the i!/urity o thou&ht 6i))s (aith and Inte))e+t. The s+ien+e o the wor)d re!ains9 2ut the 4isdo! o ,od dies in you. ;ou !ust 2e /ure in your )i!2s9 2e+ause the 4ord wi)) /eriod o return to the 7ross. Li6e an o2e)is6 that indi+ates /ure water a!on& the arid sands o the desert9 My 7ross wi)) 2e raised with )ove9 a ter the /oison o evi) has !ade des+end into your 2oso!s9 as it des+ended into Mary's wo!2 2y deed o the Love.

)25.Jesus A55ea s &" &he A5"s&2es %i&h Th".as. S5ee3h "n P ies&h""d.


!en ra2id9 and around it9 /)anted on the ed&es o hea)thy waters9 there wi)) thrive the /a)!s o a /eriod o /ea+e and wea)th in the wor)d. S/irits9 )i6e deer and &aze))es9 )i6e swa))ows and doves wi)) rush to that /)easant9 +oo)9 nourishin& she)ter9 to 2e +ured o their sorrows and ho/e on+e a&ain. 'nd it wi)) &ather its 2ran+hes +)ose to&ether )i6e a do!e as a /rote+tion ro! stor!s and do&@days and wi)) 6ee/ away ser/ents and wi)d ani!a)s with the Si&n that /uts 0vi) to )i&ht. 'nd it wi)) 2e so9 as )on& as !en so wish. I seeN Men and !enN wo!en9 o)d /eo/)e9 +hi)dren9 warriors9 s+ho)ars9 do+tors9 /easantsN They a)) +o!e and /ass 2y with their )oads o ho/es and sorrows. 'nd I see !any sta&&er9 2e+ause their sorrow is too &reat9 and their ho/e has s)i//ed o the )oad irst o a))9 as the )oad is too heavy9 and their ho/e has +ru!2)ed on the &roundN 'nd I see !any a)) on the roadsides9 2e+ause they are /ushed 2y others who are stron&er9 stron&er or )u+6ier9 as their wei&hts are )i&hter. 'nd I see !any who9 ee)in& that they are a2andoned 2y those who /ass 2y9 and they are even tra!/)ed on9 and ee)in& that they are a2out to die9 &o to the e3tent o hatin& and +ursin&. 1oor +hi)drenH '!on& a)) these9 stru+6 2y )i e9 who /ass 2y or a))9 My Love has de)i2erate)y s/read so!e +o!/assionate Sa!aritans9 &ood do+tors9 )i&hts in the ni&ht9 voi+es in the si)en+e9 so that the wea6 who a)) !ay ind assistan+e9 and on+e a&ain they !ay see Li&ht and hear the Boi+e that saysI CHo/e. ;ou are not a)one. 5ver you there is ,od. Jesus is with you.D I have de)i2erate)y /)a+ed this a+tive +harity9 so that My /oor +hi)dren !ay not die in their s/irits9 )osin& their /aterna) a2ode9 and they !ay +ontinue to 2e)ieve in Me@Love9 seein& My re )e+tion in My !inisters. 10 %ut9 o &rie that !a6es the 4ound o My Heart 2)eed as it did when it was o/ened on ,o)&othaH %ut what do My divine eyes seeF 're there /erha/s no /riests a!on& the in inite +rowds /assin& 2yF Is that why My Heart is 2)eedin&F 're se!inaries e!/tyF So does My divine invitation no )on&er resound in heartsF Is !an's heart no )on&er +a/a2)e o hearin& itF 8o. Throu&hout a&es there wi)) 2e se!inaries and Levites in the!. 1riests wi)) +o!e out o the!9 2e+ause in the hour o ado)es+en+e My invitation wi)) have sounded with a +e)estia) voi+e in !any hearts9 and they wi)) have o))owed it. %ut other9 other9 other voi+es wi)) have +o!e )ater with their youth and !aturity9 and My Boi+e wi)) have 2een overwhe)!ed in those hearts. My Boi+e that s/ea6s throu&hout a&es to its !inisters9 that they !ay a)ways 2e what you are nowI the a/ost)es at 7hrist's s+hoo). The cassoc" has re#ained. But the priest is dead. This wi)) ha//en to too !any in the +ourse o a&es. ?se)ess dar6 shadows9 they wi)) not 2e a )ever that )i ts9 a ro/e that /u))s9 a ountain that =uen+hes /eo/)e's thirst9 +orn that satis ies their hun&er9 a heart that is a /i))ow9 a )i&ht in dar6ness9 a voi+e that re/eats what the Master says to hi!. %ut or /oor !an6ind they will be a weight of scandal a weight of death a parasite a putrefaction6 HorrorH *nce again and always I shall have the greatest 8udases of the future in !y priests! My riends9 I a! in My &)ory9 and yet I wee/. I ta6e /ity on these in inite +rowds9 herds

without she/herds or with too ew she/herds. In inite /ityH Well I swear it on !y 3ivinity I will give the# the bread the water the light the voice that those chosen for this wor" do not want to give. I wi)) re/eat the !ira+)e o the )oaves and ish in uture a&es. 4ith ew !ean )itt)e ish9 and with s+anty +rusts o 2read J hu#ble laic souls J I wi)) &ive ood to !any /eo/)e9 and they wi)) 2e satis ied9 and there wi)) 2e so!e or those o the uture9 2e+ause CI ee) sorry or this /eo/)eD and I do not want it to /erish. Blessed are those who will deserve to be such. 8ot 2)essed 2e+ause they are su+h. %ut because they will have deserved it with their love and sacrifice. And #ost blessed those priests who will re#ain apostles( 2read9 water9 )i&ht9 voi+e9 rest and !edi+ine or My /oor +hi)dren. They wi)) shine in Heaven with a s/e+ia) )i&ht. I swear it to you9 I 4ho a! the Truth. 11 Let us &et u/9 My riends9 and +o!e with Me9 that I !ay tea+h you a&ain to /ray. It is /rayer that nourishes the stren&th o the a/ost)e9 2e+ause it 2)ends hi! with ,od.G 'nd here Jesus stands u/ and &oes towards the )itt)e stair+ase. %ut when He is at its 2otto!9 He turns round and loo"s at #e. *h! -ather! He loo"s at #e! He thin"s of #e! He )oo6s or His )itt)e Evoi+eG9 and the <oy o 2ein& with His riends does not !a6e Hi! or&et !eH He )oo6s at !e over the heads o the dis+i/)es9 and s!i)es at !e. He raises His hand 2)essin& !e and He saysI E1ea+e 2e with youG. 'nd the vision ends.

+2+. A& Ge&hse(ane -i&h &he A9#s&5es.

$$&h A9!i5 $9*8.

1 The a/ost)es /ut on their !ant)es and as6I E4here are we &oin& LordFG Their )an&ua&e is no )on&er so a!i)iar as it was 2e ore 1assover. I I were a))owed to say so9 I shou)d say that they s/ea6 with their sou)s on their 6nees. .ather than the /osture o their 2odies9 whi+h are a)ways res/e+t u))y so!ewhat 2ent 2e ore the .isen Lord9 rather than their reservedness in tou+hin& Hi! and their tre!2)in& <oy when He tou+hes9 +aresses or 6isses the!9 or s/ea6s to so!e in /arti+u)ar9 it is their who)e attitude9 so!ethin& that +annot 2e des+ri2ed 2ut is so o2vious9 and that says that9 !ore than their hu!anity9 it is their s/irits that +annot 2e+o!e a&ain as they were in their re)ationshi/ with the Master9 and /ervade a)) their hu!an a+ts with their new ee)in&s. 1revious)y He was Ethe MasterG. The Master 4ho! their aith 2e)ieved to 2e ,od. %ut or their senses He was a)ways a !an. 8ow He is Ethe LordG. He is ,od. It is no )on&er

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ne+essary to !a6e an a+t o aith to 2e)ieve it. )vidence has abolished such need. He is &od. He is the Lord to 4ho! the Lord has saidI ESit at My ri&ht hand9 and has /ro+)ai!ed it 2y !eans o His word and o the !ira+)e o His .esurre+tion. He is ,od )i6e the (ather. 'nd He is the ,od 4ho! they a2andoned out o ear9 a ter re+eivin& so !u+h ro! Hi!NG They a)ways )oo6 at Hi! with their eyes u)) o the reverentia) veneration9 with whi+h a true 2e)iever )oo6s at the Host &)owin& in the !onstran+e9 or )oo6s at the %ody o 7hrist raised 2y the /riest in the dai)y Sa+ri i+e. In their eyes that want to see the 2e)oved a+e9 whi+h is even !ore handso!e than in the /ast9 there is a)so the e3/ression o one who dare not see9 o one who dare not )in&er to )oo6N Love ur&es the! to set their hearts on their %e)oved9 ear !a6es the! +)ose their eyes and )ower their heads9 as i they were dazz)ed 2y )i&htnin&. 2 In a+t9 a)thou&h Jesus9 the .isen Jesus9 is rea))y He9 it is not He at the sa!e ti!e. I one )oo6s at Hi! +are u))y9 He is di erent. The eatures o His a+e9 the +o)our o His eyes and o His hair9 His size9 hands and eet are identi+a)9 and yet He is di erent. His voi+e and a+tions are the sa!e9 and yet He is di erent. His 2ody is a rea) one9 so !u+h so that it now inter+e/ts the )i&ht o the settin& sun9 as its )ast rays enter the roo! throu&h the o/en window. It +asts 2ehind Hi! the shadow o His ta)) /erson. 'nd yet He is di erent. He has not 2e+o!e /roud or o ish9 and yet He is di erent. ' new /erennia) !a<esty has s/read where there rei&ned so !u+h the inde ati&a2)e Master's hu!2)e !odest as/e+t9 at ti!es so !odest as to a//ear disheartened. 8ow that the e!a+iation o the )ast days has disa//eared9 that the !ar6 o the /hysi+a) and !ora) tiredness9 whi+h !ade Hi! )oo6 o)der9 has vanished9 that His eyes are no )on&er sorrow u) and i!/)orin&9 as when He see!ed to as6 without s/ea6in&I E4hy do you re<e+t MeF Ta6e MeNG9 the .isen 7hrist see!s even ta))er and stron&er9 ree ro! a)) en+u!2ran+es9 sure9 vi+torious9 !a<esti+9 divine. 8ot even when He was !i&hty in His /ower u) !ira+)es9 or i!/osin& in the !ost i!/ortant !o!ents o His tea+hin&9 was He as He is now that He has risen and is &)ori ied. 8o )i&ht e!anates ro! Hi!. 8o. 8o )i&ht e!anates as in His trans i&uration and in His irst a//aritions a ter His resurre+tion. 'nd yet He see!s 2ri&ht. It is rea))y the %ody o ,od9 with the 2eauty o &)ori ied 2odies. He attra+ts and ri&htens at the sa!e ti!e. 3 1erha/s it is those wounds9 so +)ear)y visi2)e on His hands and eet9 that +o!!and su+h dee/ res/e+t. I do not 6now. I 6now that the a/ost)es9 a)thou&h Jesus is so 6ind to the! and tries to re+reate the at!os/here o days &one 2y9 are di erent. 4hi)st /revious)y they were so insistent and ta)6ative9 now they s/ea6 very )itt)e9 and i He does not re/)y9 they do not insist. I He s!i)es at the! or at one o the!9 they +han&e +o)our and do not dare re/)y9 with a s!i)e9 to His s!i)e. I 9 as He is doin& now9 He stret+hes out His hand to ta6e His white !ant)e J He is a)ways dressed in a white &ar!ent whi+h shines !ore than the whitest satin9 sin+e He is the .isen Lord J none o

the! &o9 as they used to do /revious)y9 +ontendin& or the <oy and the honour o he)/in& Hi!. They see! to 2e a raid to tou+h His &ar!ents and His 2ody. 'nd He has to say9 as He does nowI E7o!e9 John. He)/ your Master. These wounds are rea) wounds9 and wounded hands are not as a&i)e as they were /revious)yNG John o2eys9 he)/in& Jesus to /ut on His wide !ant)e9 and he see!s to 2e dressin& a 1onti 9 so +are u) and di)i&ent are his !ove!ents9 avoidin& to tou+h His Hands on whi+h are the red sti&!ata. %ut9 however +are u) he is9 he 6no+6s a&ainst Jesus' )e t hand and he shouts as i he had 2een hurt9 and he )oo6s i3ed)y at the 2a+6 o that hand9 earin& to see it 2)eed a&ain. That +rue) wound is so sensitiveH Jesus )ays His ri&ht hand on his head sayin&I E;ou had !ore +oura&e when you re+eived Me as I was ta6en o the 7ross. 'nd then it was sti)) dri//in& 2)ood9 so !u+h so that your hair was red with it. 8ew dew o the ni&ht on the new )ovin& dis+i/)e. %ou had pic"ed #e li"e a bunch fro# the stu#p... 4hy are you wee/in&F I gave you !y dew of a !artyr. *n !y Head you shed your dew of co#passion. %ut then you wou)d +ry... 8ot now. 4 'nd you9 Si!on 1eter9 why are you wee/in&F ;ou have not 6no+6ed a&ainst My Hand. ;ou did not see Me dead...G E'hH My ,odH That is why I a! wee/in&H %e+ause o !y sin.G EI have or&iven you9 Si!on o Jonah.G E%ut I +annot or&ive !yse) . 8o. 8othin& wi)) /ut an end to !y tears. 8ot even ;our or&iveness.G E%ut My ,)ory wi)).G E;ou &)orious. I sinner.G E;ou &)orious9 a ter 2ein& My isher!en. 1eter9 you wi)) have a &reat9 &ood9 !ira+u)ous hau). Then I wi)) say to youI C7o!e to the eterna) 2an=uet.D 'nd you wi)) not wee/ any !ore. %ut you a)) have tears in your eyes. 'nd you9 Ja!es9 My 2rother9 are )yin& in that +orner as i you had )ost a)) 2)essin&s9 4hyFG E%e+ause I was ho/in& that... So9 do ;ou ee) ;our 4oundsF $o ;ou sti)) ee) the!F I was hoping that all sorrow had co#e to an end for %ou that every sign had been cancelled. Also for us. -or us sinners. Those Wounds!... How grievous it is to see the#!G E;es. 4hy have ;ou not e a+ed the!F 8o si&n was )e t with Lazarus... They are a... a re/roa+h those 4oundsH They shout in a dread u) voi+eH They are !ore dazz)in& and ri&htenin& than the )i&htnin& on SinaiHG says %artho)e!ew. EThey shout our +owardi+e. %e+ause we ran away whi)e ;ou were re+eivin& the!...G says 1hi)i/.

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E'nd the !ore we )oo6 at the!9 the !ore our +ons+ien+es re/roa+h us and throw +owardi+e9 oo)ishness and in+redu)ity in our a+esG says Tho!as.

+an+e) the horri2)e si&ns and wi)) san+ti y the /)a+es dese+rated 2y sin. So that their si&ht !ay not &rieve you too !u+h...G

E(or the sa6e o our /ea+e and that o this /eo/)e o sinners9 as ;ou have died and risen E're we &oin& a)so to the Te!/)eFG 0very2ody's a+e shows dread u) ear. to or&ive the wor)d9 o Lord9 +an+e) those +har&es a&ainst the wor)dHG 2e&s 'ndrew. E8o. I wou)d san+ti y it throu&h My /resen+e. 'nd that is not /ossi2)e. It +ou)d have 5 EThey are the Health of the world. It is in the! that there is Hea)th. The world that 2een /ossi2)e. But I did not want it. There is no #ore rede#ption for it. It is a +or/se hates opened the# but the 2ove has turned the# into !edicine and 2ight. Throu&h that is de+o!/osin& =ui+6)y. Let us )eave it to its dead /eo/)e9 so that they !ay 2ury it. the! (au)t was nai)ed. Through the# all the sins of #en were suspended and Lions and vu)tures wi)) rea))y tear the se/u)+hre and the +or/se to /ie+es and not even supported so that the -ire of 2ove #ight consu#e the# on the true Altar. 4hen the the s"eleton will be left of the &reat 3ead *ne that did not want the 2ife. G Most Hi&h ordered Moses to !a6e the ar6 and the a)tar o in+ense9 did He not want Jesus +)i!2s the )itt)e stair+ase and &oes out. The others o))ow Hi! si)ent)y. %ut when the! /ier+ed with rin&s9 so that they +ou)d 2e )i ted and +arried wherever the Lord they set oot in the +orridor that serves as an entran+e@ha))9 Jesus is no )on&er there. The wantedF I have 2een /ier+ed9 too. I a! !ore than ar6 and a)tar. I a# by far #ore than house is si)ent and see!s desert. ')) the doors are +)osed. ar" and altar. I have burnt the incense of !y love for &od and for !y neighbor and I carried the weight of all the ini+uities of the world. 'nd the wor)d #ust re!e!2er that9 7 John /oints at the door in ront o the Su//er roo! and saysI EMary is there. She is to re#e#ber how #uch it cost a &od. To re#e#ber how a &od loved it. To re#e#ber a)ways there. 's i She were in +ontinuous e+stasy. Her a+e shines with ine a2)e )i&ht. what is brought about by sin. To re#e#ber that in *ne only there is salvation( in Hi# It is the <oy that irradiates ro! Her Heart. ;esterday She said to !eI C7onsider9 John9 Who# they pierced. I the wor)d did not see the redness o My 4ounds9 it wou)d rea))y how !u+h ha//iness has s/read throu&h a)) the 6in&do!s o ,od.D I as6ed HerI soon or&et that a ,od sa+ri i+ed Hi!se) or its sins9 it wou)d or&et that I rea))y died in C4hi+h 6in&do!sFD I thou&ht that She was a+=uainted with so!e wonder u) reve)ation the !ost +rue) torture9 it wou)d or&et whi+h is the 2a)! or its wounds. Here is the on the 6in&do! o Her Son9 4ho had de eated a)so death. She re/)ied to !eI C In bal#. ,o#e and "iss it. )ach "iss is an increase of purification and grace for you. I ;aradise in ;urgatory in 2i#boD. -orgiveness to those in ;urgatory. Ascent to so)e!n)y te)) you that /uri i+ation and &ra+e are never su i+ient9 2e+ause the wor)d Heaven of all the 5ust and of all those who had been forgiven. 1aradise /eo/)ed with +onsu!es what is in used 2y Heaven and it is ne+essary to +ounter2a)an+e the ruins o 2)iss u) sou)s. ,od &)ori ied in the!. 5ur an+estors and re)atives u/ there9 in <u2i)ation. the wor)d 2y !eans o Heaven and its treasures. I a# Heaven. All Heaven is in !e and 'nd ha//iness a)so to the 6in&do! whi+h is the 0arth9 where the si&n is now shinin&9 the celestial treasures flow fro# the open wounds.G and the ountain9 that de eats Satan and +an+e)s the Sin and sins9 is o/ened. No longer 5ust peace to #en of good will but also rede#ption and re4election to the ran" of He stret+hes out His Hands to 2e 6issed 2y His '/ost)es. 'nd He has to /ress His children of &od. I see the +rowds9 ohH how !anyH des+end to this (ountain9 and /)un&e wounded Hands a&ainst the ea&er ti!id )i/s9 2e+ause the ear o in+reasin& His /ain into it and +o!e out renewed9 2eauti u)9 in weddin&@dresses9 in roya) &ar!ents. The /revents those )i/s ro! /ressin& a&ainst those 4ounds. wedding of souls with &race the royalty of being children of the -ather and brothers EThis is not what +auses /ain9 even i it &ives sti ness. The /ain is a di erent oneH...G of 8esus.DG E4hi+h9 LordFG as6s Ja!es o ')/haeus. They have &one out into the street9 whi)e s/ea6in&9 and they &o away9 as it &rows dar6. EThat I died for too #any in vain... 6 %ut )et us &o. 5r rather9 &o ahead. 4e are &oin& to 8 The street is not very +rowded9 /arti+u)ar)y at this ti!e9 when /eo/)e &ather round ,ethse!ane... 4hatF 're you a raidFG ta2)es or su//er. Jerusa)e!9 a ter the strea! o /eo/)e that )ooded it at 1assover9 and a2andoned it a ter the estivities9 whi+h were so tra&i+a) this year9 )oo6s even !ore E8ot or ourse)ves9 Lord... The a+t is that the &reat ones in Jerusa)e! hate ;ou !ore e!/ty than usua). 'nd Tho!as noti+es it and !a6es the others noti+e it. than /revious)y.G EThat's what it is. The orei&ners9 who were terrorised9 )e t the town /re+i/itate)y a ter E%e not a raid. 8either or yourse)ves9 as ,od /rote+ts you9 nor or Me. 4ith re&ard to the (riday9 and those who resisted the &reat ear o that day9 ran away at the se+ond Me9 the +onstraints o Man6ind are over. I a! &oin& to My Mother9 and then I wi)) <oin earth=ua6e9 the one that +ertain)y too6 /)a+e when the Lord +a!e out o the Se/u)+hre. you. 4e have to +an+e) !any horri2)e thin&s o the re+ent /ast o sin and hatred. And 'nd a)so those who were not ,enti)es )ed. Many9 I a! +ertain o this9 did not even we will do it through love through the opposite of sin... SeeF ;our 6isses +an+e) and +onsu!e the )a!2 and they wi)) have to +o!e 2a+6 or the su//)e!entary 1assover. soothe the /ain and +onse=uen+es o the nai)s in the )ive )esh. So9 what we do wi)) 'nd a)so the +itizens o this /)a+e have )ed or run away9 so!e to ta6e their dead

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re)atives away9 those who died in the earth=ua6e on 1re/aration $ay9 so!e out o ear o the wrath o ,od. It has 2een a very stron& e3a!/)eG says the >ea)ot.. E'nd it was a &ood thin&. Li&htnin& and stones on a)) the sinnersHG i!/re+ates %artho)e!ew. E$on't say thatH $on't say thatH 4e deserve the /unish!ents o Heaven !ore than any2ody e)se. 4e a)so are sinners... $o you re!e!2er in this /)a+eF... How )on& a&oF TenF Ten evenin&s... or ten years9 or ten hoursF So re!ote and so near !y sin see!s to !e9 those hours9 that evenin&... that I never 6now... I a! du))@wittedH 4e were so sure9 so 2e))i+ose9 so heroi+a)H 'nd thenF 'nd thenF 'hH...G and 1eter stri6es his orehead with his hand and /oints at the )itt)e s=uare9 where they a)ready areI EThere. 'nd I was a)ready a raid thereHG E0nou&hH 0nou&h9 Si!onH He has or&iven you. 'nd Mary9 2e ore Hi!. Sto/ itH ;ou are torturin& yourse) G says John. E5hH I wish I wereH ;ou9 John9 !ust a)ways su//ort !e9 you 6nowF ')waysH It's 2e+ause you +an &uide /eo/)e that He &ave you His Mother. It is <ust. %ut I9 a aint@ hearted )yin& wor!9 need to 2e &uided !ore than Mary does. %e+ause I have s+a)es on !y eyes and I +annot see...G E;ou wi)) rea))y &et the! i you 2ehave )i6e that. ;ou wi)) rea))y 2urn your eyes9 and the Lord wi)) not 2e here to +ure the!...G says John a&ain9 e!2ra+in& his shou)ders to +o! ort hi!. EIt wou)d su i+e !e to see we)) with !y sou). 'nd then... !y eyes do not !atter.G

everythin& to 2e an an&e)9 and he was the de!on9 and Jesus has de eated the de!onG says 'ndrew. E')) ri&ht... %ut it is 2etter not to !ention his na!e. I a! a raid. 8ow I 6now how wea6 I a!. 's ar as you are +on+erned9 John9 do not ee) &ui)ty. 0very2ody wi)) +urse the !an who 2etrayed the MasterHG EIt is ri&ht to do soG says Thaddeus9 who has a)ways had the sa!e o/inion o the Is+ariot. E8o. Mary said to !e that the <ud&!ent o ,od is enou&h or hi! and that we !ust +herish on)y one ee)in&I &ratitude or not 2ein& the traitors. 'nd i She does not +urse9 a)thou&h She is the Mother 4ho saw the tortures o Her Son9 sha)) we do soF Let us or&et...G EThat's oo)ishHG e3+)ai!s his 2rother Ja!es. E'nd yet it is the Master's word or Judas' sins...G says John with a si&h and then 2e+o!es si)ent. E4hatF 're there others as we))F ;ou 6now... S/ea6 u/HG EI have /ro!ised to try and or&et9 and I a! strivin& to do so. 4ith re&ard to He)6ai... I was &ui)ty o e3+ess... %ut on that day ea+h o us had his an&e) and his de!on 2eside hi!9 and we did not a)ways )isten to the an&e) o )i&ht...G

The >ea)ot saysI E$o you 6now that 8ahu! is +ri//)ed and his son was +rushed 2y a wa)) or a )ands)i/F ;es. 5n the day o His death. He was ound )ater. 5hH !u+h )ater9 when he a)ready was /utrid. He was ound 2y one who was +o!in& to the !ar6et. 'nd E%ut they do !atter to !any /eo/)eHH 9 4hat wi)) si+6 /eo/)e do nowF ;esterday you 8ahu! was with others )i6e hi!9 and I do not 6now what ha//ened to hi!9 whether he saw how des/erate was that wo!anHG says 'ndrew. was stru+6 2y a ro+6 or he had a stro6e o a/o/)e3y. I 6now that he )oo6s )i6e shattered E;es...G They )oo6 at one another and then a)) to&ether they ad!itI E'nd none o us e)t and does not even understand. He )oo6s )i6e a 2east9 he s)o22ers and how)s9 and worthy o i!/osin& our hands on her...G Hu!2)eness9 2rou&ht a2out 2y the re+o))e+tion yesterday with his on)y sound hand he +au&ht 2y the throat his... !aster who had &one o their 2ehaviour9 +rushes the!. to hi! and he shouted and shoutedI C%e+ause o youH %e+ause o youHD I the servants had not rushed there...G %ut Tho!as says to JohnI E%ut you +ou)d have done it. ;ou did not run away9 you did not deny9 you were not in+redu)ous...G EHow do you 6now9 Si!onFG they as6 the >ea)ot. EI have a sin as we)). 'nd it is a sin a&ainst )ove9 )i6e yours. 8ear the ar+h o Joshua's house9 I +au&ht He)6ai 2y the ne+6 and I wou)d have stran&)ed hi!9 2e+ause he was a2usin& the Mother. 'nd I hated and +ursed Judas o :eriothHG says John. E%e si)entH $on't !ention that na!e. It's the na!e o a de!on9 and I a! under the i!/ression that he is not in he)) yet9 and that he is wanderin& a2out here9 around us9 to !a6e us sin a&ainG says 1eter with rea) terror. E5hH he is in he)) a)) ri&htH %ut even i he were here9 his /ower is over now. He had EI saw Jose/h yesterdayG he re/)ies )a+oni+a))y. 10 EI thin6 that the Master is )ate in +o!in&. 'nd I a! worriedG says Ja!es o ')/haeus. ELet us &o 2a+6...G su&&ests Matthew. E5r )et us sto/ here at the )itt)e 2rid&eG says %artho)o!ew. They sto/. %ut Ja!es o >e2edee and the other Ja!es9 'ndrew and Tho!as9 &o 2a+69

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and /ensive9 they )oo6 at the &round9 they )oo6 at the houses. 'ndrew9 &rowin& /a)e9 /oints at the wa)) o a house9 where a red@2rown s/ot stands out on the white o the )i!e9 and he saysI EIt is 2)oodH 1erha/s %)ood o the MasterF 4as He a)ready )osin& 2)ood hereF 5hH te)) !eHG

)oved a)so vi/ers and <a+6a)s9 not 2e+ause they are su+h9 2ut 2e+ause they were +reated 2y His (ather.

That is 2)ood. ;es. It is 2)ood. The 2)ood o a wo!an ro! the shores o the &reat sea. 5n+e it was the )and o the 1hi)istines9 and its inha2itants are sti)) so!ewhat des/ised 2y the He2rews. 'nd yet she was a2)e to de end the Master9 unti) her hus2and 6i))ed E'nd what do you want us to te)) you9 i none o us o))owed hi!FG says Ja!es o her9 throwin& her there with so !u+h stren&th9 a ter 2eatin& her9 that her head was s/)it9 ')/haeus de<e+ted)y. and 2rains and 2)ood s=uirted out on the wa)) o the house9 where her or/hans are now wee/in&. %ut she had 2een he)/ed. The Master had +ured her hus2and9 who was un@ E%ut !y 2rother9 and a2ove a)) John9 o))owed Hi!...G +)ean with a horri2)e disease. So she )oved the Master. She )oved ti)) she died or Hi!. E8ot at on+e. 8ot at on+e. John to)d !e that they o))owed Hi! ro! Ma)a+hi's house She /re+eded Hi! in '2raha!'s 2oso!9 as you say. ')so 'nna)eah /re+eded Hi!9 and onwards. There was no2ody here. 8one o us...G says Ja!es o >e2edee. she a)so wou)d have 2een a2)e to die )i6e that9 i she had not died une3/e+ted)y 2e orehand. 'nd a)so a !other9 urther u/9 has washed the street with her 2)ood9 with They )oo69 as i they were hy/notised9 at the )ar&e dar6 s/ot on the white wa))9 a )itt)e o the &round9 and Tho!as re!ar6sI E8ot even the rain has washed it away. 8ot even the 2)ood o her wo!2 o/ened 2y her 2ruta) son9 to de end the Master. 'nd an o)d the hai)stones9 whi+h e)) so heavi)y these /ast days9 have s+ra/ed it... I I 6new that it is wo!an died o &rie 9 when she saw Hi!9 4ho had &iven eyes 2a+6 to her son9 /ass 2y wounded and 2eaten. 'nd an o)d !an9 a 2e&&ar died9 2e+ause he stood u/ to de end His %)ood9 I wou)d s+ra/e that wa))...G Hi!9 and his head was stru+6 2y the stone destined to the head o your Lord. %e+ause ELet us as6 the /eo/)e o the house. 1erha/s they 6now...G su&&ests Matthew9 who has you 2e)ieved Hi! to 2e su+h9 did you notF The va)iant !en o a 6in& die around hi!. <oined the!. %ut none o you died. ;ou were ar away ro! those who were stri6in& Hi!. E8o9 you 6nowF They !i&ht re+o&nise us as His a/ost)es9 they !i&ht 2e ene!ies o the 7hrist and...G re/)ies Tho!as. 'hH noH 5ne died. He 6i))ed hi!se) . %ut not out o &rie . 8ot to de end the Master. (irst he so)d Hi!9 then he /ointed Hi! out with a 6iss9 then he 6i))ed hi!se) . He had nothin& e)se to do. He +ou)d not &row any !ore in ini=uity. He was /er e+t. Li6e E'nd we are sti)) +owards...G ends Ja!es o ')/haeus with a dee/ si&h. %ee)ze2u2. The wor)d wou)d have stoned hi! to re!ove hi! ro! the earth. 5hH I Bery s)ow)y they have a)) a//roa+hed that wa)) and they )oo6... thin6 that that +o!/assionate wo!an9 who died to /revent the Martyr ro! 2ein& stru+69 I thin6 that o)d 'nne9 who died o &rie seein& Hi! in that state9 and the o)d 11 ' wo!an /asses 2y9 a )ate@+o!er who is +o!in& 2a+6 ro! the ountain with 2e&&ar and Sa!ue)'s !other and the vir&in who died and I9 who a! not a2)e to &o u/ to /it+hers dri//in& +o)d water. She wat+hes the!. She )ays her /it+hers on the &round and the Te!/)e9 2e+ause I ee) sorry or the )a!2s and doves that are sa+ri i+ed9 I thin6 that =uestions the!. we wou)d have had the +oura&e to stone hi!9 and we wou)d not have tre!2)ed seein& hi! torn 2y our stones... He was aware o that9 and he s/ared the wor)d the trou2)e o E're you )oo6in& at that s/ot on the wa))F 're you dis+i/)es o the MasterF ;ou see! to 2e so9 even i you are ha&&ard@ a+ed and... even i I did not see you o))ow the Lord9 6i))in& hi!9 and he s/ared us the trou2)e o 2e+o!in& e3e+utioners to aven&e the Inno+ent...G when He /assed 2y here9 +a/tured to 2e /ut to death. This !a6es !e ee) un+ertain9 2e+ause a dis+i/)e9 who o))ows the Master in /)easant hours and is /roud to 2e His She )oo6s at the! with +onte!/t. Her +onte!/t has 2e+o!e !ore and !ore evident as dis+i/)e9 and )oo6s severe)y at those who are not as /ro!/t as he is to )eave everythin& she has s/o6en. Her )ar&e 2)a+6 eyes have the hardness o the eyes o ra/a+ious in order to o))ow the Master9 shou)d o))ow the Master a)so in un/)easant hours. He ani!a)s9 whi)e she )oo6s at the &rou/ that does not 6now how to rea+t and +annot shou)d at )east do that. 'nd I have not seen you. 8o. I have not seen you. 'nd i I did rea+t... The )ast word is hissed throu&h her teethI E%astardsHG9 and she /i+6s u/ her not see you9 it !eans that I9 a wo!an ro! Sidon9 went 2ehind Hi! 4ho! His Jewish /it+hers and &oes away9 and she is ha//y that she has s/at her s+orn on the dis+i/)es dis+i/)es did not o))ow. %ut I re+eived a avour ro! Hi!. ;ou... Had He /erha/s who a2andoned their Master... never avoured youF It see!s stran&e to !e9 2e+ause He he)/ed ,enti)es and Sa!aritans9 sinners and a)so hi&hway!en9 &ivin& the! eterna) )i e9 i He +ou)d no They are +rushed9 with their heads )owered9 their ar!s han&in&9 enervated... The truth )on&er &ive the! the )i e o their 2odies. $id He /erha/s not )ove youF Then that !eans overwhe)!s the!. They !editate on the +onse=uen+es o their +owardi+e... They are that you were worse than as/s and un+)ean hyenas9 a)thou&h9 I rea))y thin6 that He si)ent... They dare not )oo6 at one another. 0ven John and the >ea)ot9 the two who are

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ree ro! this au)t9 have the sa!e attitude as the others9 /ro2a2)y 2e+ause o their sorrow seein& their +o!/anions so !orti ied and 2e+ause o their i!/ossi2i)ity to +ure the wound 2rou&ht a2out 2y the sin+ere words o the wo!an... 12 The road is 2y now in a di! )i&ht. The !oon9 in her )ast days9 rises )ate9 so twi)i&ht dee/ens =ui+6)y. There is dead si)en+e. 8ot a noise or a hu!an voi+e. 'nd on)y the 2u22)in& o the :idron rei&ns in the si)en+e. So9 when Jesus' voi+e resounds9 it !a6es the! start9 as i it were a ri&htenin& sound9 whi)st it is so &ent)e when it saysI E4hat are you doin& hereF I was waitin& or you a!on& the o)ive@trees... 4hy are you +onte!/)atin& dead thin&s when Li e is awaitin& youF 7o!e with Me.G Jesus see!s to 2e +o!in& towards the! ro! ,ethse!ane. He sto/s 2eside the!. He )oo6s at that s/ot9 on whi+h are i3ed the terri ied eyes o the a/ost)es and He saysI EThat wo!an is a)ready in /ea+e. 'nd she has or&otten her sorrow. Ina+tive or her +hi)drenF 8o. Twi+e as a+tive. 'nd she wi)) san+ti y the!9 2e+ause that is a)) she as6s o ,od.G He sets out and they o))ow Hi!9 in si)en+e. %ut Jesus turns round and saysI E4hy do you as6 in your heartsI C'nd why does she not as6 or the +onversion o her hus2andF She is not ho)y i she hates hi!...D She does not hate hi!. She or&ave hi! sin+e the ti!e he 6i))ed her. %ut9 2ein& a sou) that has entered the :in&do! o Li&ht9 she +an see with wisdo! and <usti+e. 'nd she sees that there is no +onversion and or&iveness or her hus2and. So she /rays or those who !ay 2ene it 2y her /rayer. 13 8o9 it is not My 2)ood. 'nd yet I )ost so !u+h o it a)so on this roadH... %ut the ste/s o My ene!ies have s/read it9 !i3ed it with dust and i)th9 and the rain has disso)ved and +arried it away a!on& the )ayers o dust. %ut there is so !u+h o it9 sti)) visi2)e... %e+ause so !u+h )owed out o Me that ste/s and water wi)) not 2e a2)e to +an+e) it easi)y. 4e wi)) &o to&ether9 and you wi)) see My %)ood shed or you...G E4hereF 4here does He want to &oF To the /)a+e where He we/tF To the 1raetoriu!FG they as6 ea+h other. 'nd John saysI E%ut 7)audia went away a&ain two days a ter the Sa22ath9 and they say that she was indi&nant and even ri&htened o 2ein& near her hus2and... The .o!an )an+e to)d !e. 7)audia se/arates her res/onsi2i)ity ro! her hus2and's. %e+ause she had warned hi! not to /erse+ute the Just Man9 as it is 2etter to 2e /erse+uted 2y !en rather than 2y the Most Hi&h9 4hose Messiah was the Master. 'nd neither 1)autina nor Lydia are here. They o))owed 7)audia to 7aesarea. 'nd Ba)eria has &one to %ether with Johanna. I they had 2een here9 we +ou)d have &one in. %ut now... I do not 6now... Lon&inus is not here either9 as 7)audia wanted hi! to es+ort her...G EIt wi)) 2e where you saw the &rass wet with 2)ood...G Jesus9 4ho is ahead o the!9 turns round and saysI E't ,o)&otha. There is so !u+h o My %)ood there9 that the dust is )i6e hard errous !inera). 'nd there is so!eone who

has /re+eded you...G 14 E%ut it is an un+)ean /)a+eHG shouts %artho)o!ew. Jesus s!i)es +o!/assionate)y and re/)iesI E0very /)a+e in Jerusa)e! is un+)ean a ter the dread u) sinM and yet you ee) no other uneasiness to stay there9 e3+e/t that o ear o the +rowds...G EHi&hway!en have a)ways died there...G EI died there. 'nd I have san+ti ied it orever. I so)e!n)y te)) you9 that unti) the end o ti!es9 there wi)) 2e no ho)ier /)a+e than it9 and ro! a)) over the 0arth and in a)) a&es +rowds wi)) +o!e to 6iss that dust. 'nd there is a)ready so!eone who has /re+eded you9 without earin& !o+6ery and reven&e9 without 2ein& a raid o 2ein& +onta!inated. 'nd yet9 the /erson who has /re+eded you had dou2)e reason or 2ein& a raid o that.G E4ho is it9 LordFG as6s John9 whose side 1eter /rods with his e)2ow to !a6e hi! as6 the =uestion. EMary o LazarusH 's she /i+6ed the )owers tra!/)ed on 2y My eet as I entered her house9 2e ore 1assover9 a souvenir o <oy that she distri2uted to her +o!/anions9 so now she went u/ to 7a)vary9 and with her hands she du& the earth9 hard with My %)ood9 and she +a!e down with her )oad and )aid it on My Mother's )a/. She was not a raid. 'nd she was 6nown as Cthe SinnerD and as Cthe dis+i/)eD. 8either She9 4ho in Her )a/ re+eived that earth o the /)a+e o the S6u))9 thou&ht She wou)d 2e +onta!inated. My %)ood has +an+e))ed everythin&9 and ho)y is the +)od o earth where it e)). To!orrow9 2e ore the si3th hour9 you wi)) &o u/ to ,o)&otha. I wi)) <oin you... %ut who wants to see My %)ood9 here it is.G He /oints at the /ara/et o the )itt)e 2rid&e. EMy !outh stru+6 here9 and 2)ood +a!e out... My !outh had uttered 2ut ho)y words9 and words o )ove. So why was it stru+69 and why did no one do+tor it with a 6issF...G 15 They &o into ,ethse!ane. %ut Jesus irst has to o/en a )o+69 that now 2)o+6s the entran+e to the ,arden o 5)ives. ' new )o+6. ' stron& en+e9 with shar/ /oints9 ta))9 +)osed with a stron& new )o+6. Jesus has the 6ey9 whi+h is so new that it shines )i6e stee)9 and He o/ens the )o+6 in the )i&ht o a 2urnin& 2ran+h that 1hi)i/ has )it in order to see9 as it is now +o!/)ete)y dar6. EIt was not here... 4hyF...G they whis/er to one another9 )oo6in& at the en+)osure that iso)ates ,ethse!ane. ELazarus +ertain)y did not want any2ody here any !ore. Loo6 over there. Stones and 2ri+6s and )i!e. It is wood now9 )ater it wi)) 2e a wa))...G Jesus saysI E7o!e. $o not attend to dead thin&s9 I te)) you... Here. ;ou were here... 'nd here I was surrounded and +a/tured9 and you ran away there... I this en+)osure had 2een there at that ti!e... It wou)d have /revented you ro! runnin& away at on+e. %ut how +ou)d Lazarus thin69 sin+e he was so an3ious to o))ow Me9 whi)e you were

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an3ious to run away9 that you wou)d run awayF '! I !a6in& you su erF I su ered /revious)y. 'nd I want to +an+e) that sorrow. :iss Me9 1eter...G E8o9 LordH 8oH The &esture o Judas9 here9 at the sa!e hour9 no9 no9 noHG E:iss Me. I want you to !a6e with sin+ere )ove the insin+ere &esture o Judas. ' terwards you wi)) 2e ha//y. 4e sha)) 2e ha//ier. ;ou and I. 7o!e9 1eter. :iss Me.G 1eter does not on)y 6iss Hi!. 4ith his tears he washes the +hee6 o the Lord and he withdraws9 +overin& his a+e and sittin& on the &round to wee/. 5ne a ter the other9 the others 6iss Hi! in the sa!e /)a+e. So!e !ore9 so!e )ess9 they a)) have tears on their a+es... 16 E'nd now )et us &o. ')) to&ether. I se/arated you ro! Me that evenin& a ter orti yin& you with My %ody9 and or a ew hours. %ut you e)) i!!ediate)y. Always re#e#ber how wea" you were and that without the help of &od you would not be able to re#ain in 5ustice for one hour. Here. Here I to)d those9 who +onsidered the!se)ves the stron&est9 to 6ee/ wat+h9 they +onsidered the!se)ves so stron& as to as6 to drin6 at My +ha)i+e and to /ro+)ai!9 even at the +ost o their death9 that they wou)d not deny Me. 'nd I )e t the!9 advisin& the! to /ray... I )e t the!9 and they e)) as)ee/. Re#e#ber this and teach it( he who is left by 8esus if he does not "eep in touch with Hi# through prayer is overco#e by drowsiness and can be captured. I I had not wa6ed you u/9 you +ou)d rea))y have 2een 6i))ed in your s)ee/ and have a//eared at the <ud&e!ent o ,od heavi)y )aden with hu!anity. 7o!e here... There you areH Lower the 2ran+h9 1hi)i/. ThereH 4ho wants to see so!e o My %)ood9 shou)d )oo6. Here9 in the &reatest an&uish9 )i6e one who is dyin&9 I sweated 2)ood. Loo6... So !u+h9 that the earth is hard with it and the &rass is sti)) red9 2e+ause the rain was not a2)e to !e)t the +)ots o 2)ood that had dried u/ a!on& sta)6s and +oro))as. ThereH 'nd I )eaned there and the an&e) o the Lord hovered here to +o! ort Me in My wi)) to do the 4i)) o ,od. Because re#e#ber this if you always wish to do the Will of &od where the creature cannot persist &od co#es with His angel to support the e7hausted hero. 4hen you are in an&uish9 do not 2e a raid o a))in& into +owardi+e or a2<uration9 i you /ersist in wantin& what ,od wants. &od will #a"e you giants of herois# if you re#ain faithful to His will. Re#e#ber that! Re#e#ber that! I to)d you on+e that a ter the te!/tation in the desert I was assisted 2y an&e)s. 8ow you !ust 6now that here a)so9 a ter the e3tre!e te!/tation9 I was assisted 2y an an&e). 'nd the sa!e wi)) ha//en to you and to a)) those who wi)) 2e My 2e)ievers. Because I sole#nly tell you that what I have had as help you also will have. I would obtain it for you !yself if it were not already the -ather in His loving 5ustice to grant it to you. 5n)y your sorrow wi)) a)ways 2e in erior to Mine... 17 Sit down. The !oon is risin& in the east. She wi)) shed her )i&ht on us. I do not thin6 that you wi)) s)ee/ toni&ht9 a)thou&h you are sti)) so !u+h and on)y !en. 8o. ;ou wi)) not s)ee/ 2e+ause an a&ent9 that you did not have /revious)y9 has entered into you. It is re!orse. ' torture9 that is true. %ut it serves to /ass to hi&her

sta&es9 2oth in &ood and in evi). In Judas o :erioth9 as he !oved away ro! ,od9 it 2rou&ht a2out des/eration and da!nation. In you who have never +o!e away ro! the +)oseness to ,od J I +an assure you9 2e+ause in you there was not the wi)) and the u)) +onsideration o what you were doin& J it wi)) +ause a trust u) re/entan+e that wi)) )ead you to wisdo! and <usti+e. .e!ain where you are. I a! withdrawin& over there9 within a stone's throw9 awaitin& dawn.G E5hH do not )eave us9 LordH ;ou have said what we are9 when we are ar ro! ;ouHG i!/)ores 'ndrew on his 6nees9 his hands stret+hed out9 as i he were 2e&&in& or an o er o /ity. E;ou have your re!orse. It is a &ood riend in &ood /eo/)e.G E$o not &o away9 LordH ;ou to)d us that we wou)d /ray to&ether...G 2esee+hes Thaddeus9 who no )on&er dare ta6e the riend)y attitude o a re)ative towards the .isen Master and is standin& with his ta)) /erson )i&ht)y 2ent orwards in veneration. EAnd is #editation not the #ost active prayer$ 'nd have I not !ade you +onte!/)ate and !editate and have I not &iven a su2<e+t on whi+h to !editate sin+e I !et you on the road9 #oving your hearts with true acts of holy feelingsF This is /rayer9 !enI to get in touch with the )ternal and with the things that help to lead the spirit far beyond the )arth and ro! the !editation on the /er e+tions o ,od and the !iseries o !an9 o one's e&o9 rouse a+ts o a wi))9 whi+h is either )ovin& or re/airin&9 2ut a)ways adorin&9 even if it is a will rising fro# a #editation on a fault or a punish#ent. 0vi) and &ood serve or the ina) /ur/ose9 i one 6nows how to !a6e use o the!. I have to)d you !any a ti!e. .in is an irre#ediable ruin only if it is not followed by repentance and atone#ent. In the o//osite +ase9 the contrition of a heart #a"es a solid #ortar to "eep the foundations of holiness co#pact and its stones are good resolutions. 7ou)d you 6ee/ stones <oined to&ether without !ortarF 4ithout the su2stan+e9 that is a//arent)y u&)y and 2ase9 2ut without whi+h +)ean stones and /o)ished !ar2)es wi)) not re!ain united to&ether to or! a 2ui)din&FG 18 Jesus is on the /oint o &oin& away. John9 to who! his 2rother and the other Ja!es with 1eter and %artho)o!ew have s/o6en in )ow voi+es9 stands u/ and o))ows Hi! sayin&I EJesus9 !y ,od. 4e were ho/in& to say the /rayer to ;our (ather with ;ou. ;our /rayer. 4e ee) that we have 2een or&iven on)y a )itt)e9 i ;ou do not &rant us to say it with ;ou. 4e ee) that we need it so !u+h...G E4here two are united in /rayer9 I a! in the !idd)e o the!. So say the /rayer to&ether9 and I sha)) 2e a!on& you.G E'hH ;ou no )on&er <ud&e us worthy o /rayin& with ;ouHG shouts 1eter with his a+e +on+ea)ed in the &rass9 not a)) +)ean o the divine %)ood9 and he wee/s 2itter)y.

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Ja!es o ')/haeus e3+)ai!sI E4e are unha//y9 2rot... Lord.G He +orre+ts hi!se) at on+e9 sayin&I CLordD instead o C2rotherD. 'nd Jesus )oo6s at hi! and saysI E4hy do you not say 2rother to Me9 you9 who are o My 2)oodF ' 2rother to a)) !en9 I a! so twi+e9 three ti!es to you9 as son o 'da!9 as son o $avid9 as son o ,od. 7o!/)ete your word.G

E%ut has that sou) the ,ra+e o ,odFG E8o. There is the Sin o ori&in on it and it de/rives it o ,ra+e.G E'nd where do the sou) and ,ra+e +o!e ro!FG E(ro! ,od.G

E%rother9 !y Lord9 we are unha//y and oo)ish9 as ;ou 6now9 and the de<e+tion in E4hy then does ,od not &ive !an a sou) in &ra+e dire+t)yFG whi+h we are !a6es us !ore oo)ish. How +an we say ;our /rayer with our sou)s9 i we E%e+ause 'da! was /unished9 and we in hi!. %ut now that ;ou have 2e+o!e the do not 6now its !eanin&FG .edee!er9 it wi)) 2e so.G EHow !any ti!es9 as to 2oys under a&e9 have I e3/)ained it to youH %ut !ore stu22orn E8o. It wi)) not 2e so. Men wi)) a)ways 2e 2orn i!/ure in their sou)s9 that ,od +reated and o2stinate than the !ost a2sent@!inded /u/i) o a /eda&o&ue9 you have not and that 'da!'s inheritan+e has stained. %ut9 throu&h a rite that I wi)) e3/)ain to you re!e!2ered My wordHG another day9 the sou) in used into !an wi)) 2e vivi ied 2y ,ra+e9 and the S/irit o the EThat is trueH %ut now our !inds are i3ed on our torture o not havin& understood Lord wi)) ta6e /ossession o it. %ut you9 who were 2a/tised with water 2y John9 wi)) 2e ;ou... 5hH we have understood nothin&H I +on ess it on 2eha) o every2odyH 'nd we 2a/tised with (ire 2y the 1ower o ,od. 'nd then the S/irit o ,od wi)) rea))y 2e in do not understand ;ou we)) yet9 Lord. %ut9 I 2e& ;ou9 ta6e the indu)&en+e or our evi) you. 'nd it wi)) 2e the Master9 4ho! !en +annot /erse+ute or drive away9 and 4ho in ro! the sa!e evi) that !a6es us du))@witted. ;ou had 2reathed ;our )ast and the &reat your interior wi)) e3/)ain the s/irit o My words to you and !any other instru+tions. I ra22i shouted the truth on the du))ness o Israe)9 over there9 at the oot o ;our 7ross. have infused it into you because only through !y #erits everything can be obtained 'nd ;ou9 o!ni/resent ,od9 S/irit o ,od reed ro! the /rison o the %ody9 heard and be valid. ,od +an 2e o2tained and the word o a de)e&ate o ,od +an o2tain those wordsI C'&es and a&es o s/iritua) 2)indness are u/on the interior si&htD9 and he va)idity. %ut the S/irit o Truth is not yet in you as Master.G !ade this re=uest to ;ouI CSin+e ;ou are the Li2erator9 +o!e into !y /oor thou&ht9 whi+h is a /risoner o or!u)as.D 5 !y adored and adora2)e Jesus9 4ho have saved us E4e))9 )et it 2e so. In due +ourse it wi)) +o!e. %ut in the !eanti!e9 )et us ee) that ;ou ro! the ori&ina) Sin9 ta6in& our sins u/on ;ourse) and +onsu!in& the! in the ardour have or&iven us. %e our Master9 !y Lord. '&ain9 a&ain9 2e+ause ;ou said that we o ;our /er e+t )ove9 ta6e and +onsu!e a)so our inte))e+ts o o2stinate Israe)ites9 &ive us !ust or&ive seventy ti!es sevenG insists John and he +on+)udes J he is a)ways the new !enta)ities9 as /ure as that o a new@2orn 2a2y9 !a6e us )ose our !e!ories9 to i)) !ost +on idin& and )ovin& one J darin& to ta6e in his own hands Jesus' )e t Hand9 whi+h is han&in& down His side and on whi+h the !oon)i&ht see!s to en)ar&e the ho)e o the us on)y with ;our wisdo!. So !any thin&s o the /ast died on that horri2)e day. $ead nai)9 sayin&I ESin+e ;ou are the eterna) Li&ht9 do not a))ow ;our servants to re!ain in )i6e ;ou. %ut now that ;ou have risen ro! the dead9 !a6e a new thou&ht +o!e into our !inds. 7reate new hearts and new !inds or us9 !y Lord9 and we sha)) understand dar6nessG and he 6isses His in&ers )i&ht)y9 on the ti/s9 these in&ers whi+h have re!ained a )itt)e 2ent <ust )i6e those o one who has 2een wounded and is +ured9 2ut the ;ouG 2e&s John. nerves are )e t s)i&ht)y +ontra+ted. 19 EThat tas6 is not or Me9 2ut or Hi! o 4ho! I s/o6e to you at the )ast Su//er. 20 E7o!e. Let us &o arther u/ and we wi)) say the /rayer to&etherG says Jesus 0very word o Mine is )ost in the a2yss o your thou&hts9 a)) or in /art9 or re!ains )o+6ed and +)osed in its s/irit. 5n)y the 1ara+)ete9 when He +o!es9 wi)) draw My words o2)i&in&)y9 )eavin& His hand in those o John9 whi)e He a)ready wa)6s towards the ro! your a2yss and wi)) o/en the! to you9 to !a6e you understand the s/irit o the!.G hi&hest )i!it o ,ethse!ane9 towards the hi&her road whi+h9 throu&h the (ie)d o the ,a)i)eans9 &oes to %ethany. E%ut ;ou have in used Hi! into usG says the >ea)ot o2<e+tin&)y. Here a)so one +an see that the de)i!itation wor6s wanted 2y Lazarus are in +ourse. E%ut ;ou said that9 when ;ou had &one to the (ather9 He9 the S/irit o Truth9 wou)d 0ven !ore9 here9 arther away ro! the house o the 6ee/er o the o)ive@&rove9 they +o!eG o2<e+ts a)so Matthew with the >ea)ot. have 2ui)t a s!ooth hi&h wa))9 that o))ows the hed&e and the windin& /ath that were the )i!it o ,ethse!ane. ETe)) MeI when a 2a2y is 2orn9 has he a sou) in used in hi!FG Jerusa)e!9 2e)ow9 +o!es s)ow)y out o dar6ness9 a)so on the western side9 2e+ause the E5 +ourse he hasHG they a)) re/)y. !oon is now at her zenith and i))u!inates everythin& with the white )i&ht o her thin

)2). A& 4e&hse.ane %i&h &he A5"s&2es.


+res+ent9 as 2ri&ht as a dia!ond )a!e )aid on the dar6 ir!a!ent9 where there are /a)/itatin& the shinin& +oro))as o an in+a)+u)a2)e nu!2er o stars9 o the un2e)ieva2)e stars o the eastern s6ies.

your !inds. .o let no one tra#ple on &race because it cost the life and the Blood of a &od. So )et the :in&do! o ,od 2e in you9 !en9 throu&h ,ra+eM )et it 2e on the 0arth9 throu&h the 7hur+h9 )et it 2e in Heaven9 or the 2)essed sou)s who9 havin& )ived with ,od in their hearts9 united to the %ody o whi+h 7hrist is the Head9 united to the Bine 21 Jesus stret+hes out His ar!s in His usua) attitude o /rayer and intonesI E *ur -ather o whi+h every 7hristian is a 2ran+h9 deserve to rest in the :in&do! o Hi! or 4ho! Who art in Heaven.G He sto/s and +o!!entsI a)) thin&s have 2een !adeI Me9 4ho a! s/ea6in& to you and 4ho have &iven Myse) EThat He is a (ather is /roved to you 2y the a+t that He has or&iven you. ;ou9 o2)i&ed to the 4i)) o the (ather9 so that everythin& !i&ht 2e a++o!/)ished. I +an there ore to 2e /er e+t !ore than any2ody e)se9 you9 who have re+eived so !any avours9 and so9 tea+h you9 without hy/o+risy9 that you !ust sayI CThy Will be done on )arth as it is in as you say9 unsuited or the !ission9 whi+h Lord9 who were not your (ather9 wou)d not Heaven.D How I have done the wi)) o My (ather +an 2e to)d even 2y the +)ods o earth9 have /unished youF I have not /unished you. The (ather has not /unished you. %e+ause 2y /)ants9 2y )owers9 2y the stones in 1a)estine9 2y My wounded %ody and 2y a who)e /o/u)ation. the Son does what the (ather does9 2e+ause the (ather does what the Son does9 as we are one on)y $ivinity united in Love. I a! in the (ather9 and the (ather is with Me. The 3o as I did. To the very end. 0ven unto death on a +ross9 i ,od so wishes. %e+ause9 4ord is a)ways near ,od9 4ho is without 2e&innin&. 'nd the 4ord is 2e ore a)) thin&s9 re!e!2er9 I have done it and there is no dis+i/)e who deserves !er+y !ore than I do. sin+e a)ways9 sin+e an eternity na!ed a)ways9 sin+e an eterna) /resent near ,od9 and is 'nd yet I have +onsu!ed the &reatest sorrow. 'nd yet I have o2eyed with /er/etua) ,od )i6e ,od9 2ein& the 4ord o the divine Thou&ht. renun+iations. %ou "now. ;ou wi)) understand even !ore in uture when you rese!2)e Me drin6in& a drau&ht at My +ha)i+e... 2et this thought be constantly present to you( So9 when I sha)) have &one9 and in this !anner you wi)) /ray our9 My9 your (ather9 /Through His obedience to the -ather He saved us.0 And if you want to be saviours where2y we are 2rothers9 I the irst@2orn9 you9 the youn&er 2rothers9 2e a)ways wi))in& do what I have done. There wi)) 2e so!e who wi)) 2e a+=uainted with the +ross9 so!e to see a)so Me in My (ather and yours. Be willing to see the Word 4ho was Cthe with the tortures o tyrants9 so!e with the torture o )ove9 so!e with the e3i)e ro! MasterD or you9 and )oved you even to a++e/tin& death and 2eyond death9 )eavin& Heaven9 to whi+h they wi)) tend unti) a very )ate a&e 2e ore as+endin& there. Well in Hi!se) to you in ood and drin69 so that you #ay be in !e and I in you as long as the everything let the will of &od be done. 7onsider that the tor!ent o death or the tor!ent e7ile lasts and then you and I in the :in&do!9 or whi+h I tau&ht you to /ray9 sayin&I o )i e9 whi)e you wou)d )i6e to die to +o!e where I a!9 are the sa!e in the eyes o CThy =ingdo# co#eD9 a ter you have i!/)ored that your wor6 !ay san+ti y the 8a!e ,od9 i they are su ered with +heer u) o2edien+e. They are His 4i)). So they are ho)y. o the Lord9 &ivin& Hi! &)ory on 0arth and in Heaven. ;es. There would be no =ingdo# for you in Heaven the :in&do! or those who wi)) 2e)ieve )i6e you9 if first 23 C&ive us this day our daily bread.D $ay 2y day9 hour 2y hour. It is faith. It is love. It you did not want the =ingdo# of &od in yourselves through the real practice of the is obedience. It is hu#ility. It is hope this as6in& or the 2read or one day9 and 2aw of &od and of !y word whi+h is the /er e+tionin& o the Law9 havin& &iven9 in the a++e/tin& it as it is. Sweet today9 2itter to!orrow9 !u+h9 )itt)e9 with s/i+es or with ti!e o ,ra+e9 the Law o the +hosen ones9 that is9 o those who are9 2eyond the +ivi)9 ashes. ')ways as it is <ust. ,od9 4ho is a (ather9 &ives it. So it is &ood. !ora)9 re)i&ious +onstitutions o the Mosai+ ti!e9 a)ready in the s/iritua) Law o the ti!e o 7hrist. 'nother ti!e I wi)) s/ea6 to you o the other %read9 whi+h it wou)d 2e hea)thy to eat every day9 and to /ray the (ather to 6ee/ it. %e+ause woe 2etide that day and those 22 ;ou see what it is to have the +)oseness o ,od9 2ut not ,od in youM what it is to /)a+es where there shou)d 2e none throu&h the wi)) o !enH 8ow you +an see how have the word o ,od9 2ut not the rea) /ra+ti+e o that word. !an has co##itted every !i&hty !en are in their deeds o dar6ness. 1ray the (ather that He !ay de end His cri#e by having &od close to hi# but not in his heart' by having the "nowledge of the %read and &ive you it. The !ore dar6ness wi)) try to su o+ate the Li&ht and the Li e9 as word but not the obedience to it. 0verythin&H 0verythin& 2e+ause o that. $u))ness and it did on 1re/aration $ay9 the !ore He !ay &ive you o it. The se+ond 1re/aration $ay de)in=uen+y9 dei+ide9 2etraya)9 tortures9 the death o the Inno+ent and o His 7ain9 wou)d 2e without resurre+tion. .e!e!2er that9 a)) o you. I the 4ord +an no )on&er 2e everythin& has +o!e throu&h that. 'nd yet9 who was )oved 2y Me )i6e JudasF %ut he 6i))ed9 His do+trine +ou)d sti)) 2e 6i))ed and the reedo! and wi)) o )ovin& Hi! +ou)d did not have Me@,od in his heart. 'nd he is the da!ned dei+ide9 in inite)y &ui)ty as an 2e e3tin&uished in too !any /eo/)e. %ut then a)so Li e and Li&ht wou)d +o!e to an end Israe)ite and as a dis+i/)e9 as a sui+ide and a dei+ide9 in addition to his seven dead)y sins or !en. 'nd woe 2etide that dayH Let the Te!/)e 2e an e3a!/)e or you. .e!e!2er9 I and every other sin o his. saidI CIt is the &reat 7or/seD. %ou can now have the =ingdo# of &od in yourselves #ore easily because I have 24 C-orgive us our trespasses as we forgive the# that trespass against us. D obtained it for you with !y death. I have redee#ed you with !y sorrow. %ear that in

)2). A& 4e&hse.ane %i&h &he A5"s&2es.


Sin+e you are a)) sinners9 2e !ee6 with sinners. .e!e!2er My wordsI C4hy do you o2serve the s/)inter in your 2rother's eye9 i irst you do not ta6e the /)an6 out o your own eyeFD That S/irit that I in used into you9 that order that I &ave you9 &rant you the authority to re!it the sins o your nei&h2our9 in the na!e o ,od. %ut how wi)) you 2e a2)e to do that9 i ,od does not re!it the! to youF I wi)) s/ea6 a&ain o that. (or the ti!e 2ein& I say to youI (or&ive those who o end you9 in order to 2e or&iven and to 2e entit)ed to a2so)ve or to +onde!n. He who is without sin +an do so with u)) <usti+e. He who does not or&ive9 whi)e he is in sin and ei&ns to 2e s+anda)ised9 is a hy/o+rite and He)) awaits hi!. %e+ause9 i there is sti)) !er+y or wards9 severe wi)) 2e the verdi+t. a&ainst the &uardians o wards9 &ui)ty o the sa!e or &reater sins9 a)thou&h they had the u))ness o the S/irit to assist the!. 25 C2ead us not into te#ptation but deliver us fro# evil.D That is hu#ility the funda#ental stone of perfection. I so)e!n)y te)) you to 2)ess those who hu!i)iate you9 2e+ause they &ive you what is ne+essary or your +e)estia) thrones. 8o. Te!/tation is not a ruin9 i !an re!ains hu!2)y near the (ather and as6s Hi! not to a))ow Satan9 the wor)d and the )esh to triu!/h over hi!. The +rowns o the 2)essed sou)s are adorned with the &e!s o the te!/tations they over+a!e. 3o not loo" for the#. But do not be cowards when they co#e. Hu!2)e9 and thus stron&9 shout to My (ather and yoursI C$e)iver us ro! evi)D9 and you wi)) de eat evi). 'nd you wi)) rea))y san+ti y the 8a!e o ,od with your deeds9 as I said at the 2e&innin&9 2e+ause every !an9 when seein& you9 wi)) sayI C,od e3ists9 2e+ause they )ive as &ods9 so /er e+t is their 2ehaviourD9 and they wi)) +o!e to ,od9 !u)ti/)yin& the +itizens o the :in&do! o ,od. 26 :nee) down9 that I !ay 2)ess you and My 2)essin& !ay o/en your !inds to !editate.G They /rostrate the!se)ves on the &round and He 2)esses the!9 then He disa//ears9 as i He were a2sor2ed 2y a !oon2ea!.

+28. The A9#s&5es G# a5#n4 &he ;a/ #1 &he C!#ss.

$*&h A9!i5 $9*8.

1 Jerusa)e! is a)ready 2urnin& hot in the !idday sun. ' shady ar+hivo)t is a re)ie or one's eyes dazz)ed 2y the sun9 that 2)azes down on the white wa))s o houses and !a6es the sur a+e o streets e3+eedin&)y hot. 'nd the in+andes+ent white o the wa))s and the dar6 o the ar+hivo)ts !a6e Jerusa)e! a whi!si+a) /i+ture in 2)a+6 and white9 a su++ession o 2ri&ht )i&hts and di! )i&hts9 and the +ontrast with the 2ri&ht )i&hts !a6es the )atter )oo6 dar69 a su++ession as tor!entin& as an o2session9 2e+ause it de/rives one o the a+u)ty o si&ht9 2e+ause the )i&ht is either too stron& or too di!. 1eo/)e /ro+eed with ha) @+)osed eyes9 strivin& to wa)6 ast in the areas o )i&ht and heat9 s)owin& down under the ar+hivo)ts9 where one !ust &o s)ow9 2e+ause the +ontrast 2etween )i&ht and dar6ness /revents one ro! seein& anythin&9 even i one's eyes are o/en. That is how the a/ost)es /ro+eed in a town that the !idday heat !a6es deserted. 'nd they /ers/ire and wi/e their a+es and ne+6s with their head@+overin&s and they /ant... %ut when they have to )eave the town9 they no )on&er have the re)ie o the ar+hivo)ts. The road that runs a)on& the wa))s and disa//ears towards the north and the south )i6e a dazz)in& ri22on o in+andes+ent dust9 &ives the i!/ression o a urna+e &round. The heat risin& ro! it is )i6e that o an oven9 a heat that dries one's )un&s. The )itt)e torrent that )ows 2eyond the wa))s has a thin tri+6)e o water in the +entre o its 2ed o stones9 that the sun !a6es as white as desi++ated s6u))s. The a/ost)es rush towards that strea! o water and drin6 it. They i!!erse their head@+overin&s into it9 and a ter washin& their a+es9 they /ut the! on their heads sti)) dri//in&. They wa))ow in it9 in that thin tri+6)e o water9 with their 2are eet. 5 +ourse9 it is a very /oor re)ie . The water is as war! as i it had 2een /oured out o a /ot han&in& over a ire. 'nd they say soI EIt is war! and s+anty. It tastes o !ud and )ye. 4hen it is so )itt)e9 it tastes o the washin& done at dawn.G

2 They 2e&in to +)i!2 ,o)&otha. The s+or+hed ,o)&otha9 where the 2)azin& sun has dried the s/arse &rass that )oo6ed )i6e thin down on the ye))owish !ountain i teen days Short)y a terwards the a/ost)es raise their heads9 sur/rised at not hearin& any !ore /revious)y. 8ow on)y sti and very rare tu ts o thorny /)ants9 a)) a+u)ei and no )eaves9 words9 and they rea)ise that Jesus has disa//eared... They /rostrate the!se)ves a&ain with their a+es on the &round9 in the a&e@o)d ear o every Israe)ite who e3/erien+es the here and there /ri+6 u/ their s6e)eton@)i6e ste!s9 o a ye))owish &reen 2e+ause o the dust o the !ountain9 e3a+t)y )i6e 2ones <ust ta6en out o the earth. ;es. They do )oo6 sensation o havin& 2een in tou+h with ,od9 as He is in Heaven. )i6e 2un+hes o desi++ated 2ones stu+6 into the &round. There is one o the!9 whi+h a ter a strai&ht ste! a2out two s/ans )on&9 has a sudden 2end that ends in ive twi&s a ter a 6ind o /a)ette. It rea))y )oo6s )i6e the hand o a s6e)eton9 stret+hed out to +at+h whoever /asses 2y and ho)d hi! in that /)a+e o ni&ht!ares. E$o you want to ta6e the )on& road or the short oneFG as6s John9 who is the on)y one who has a)ready 2een u/ that !ountain. EThe shorter oneH The shorter oneH Let us 2e =ui+6H 5ne su o+ates to death hereHG they

)2*. The A5"s&2es 4" a2"n1 &he 8a( "- &he : "ss.


a)) say9 e3+e/t the >ea)ot and Ja!es o ')/haeus. ELet us &oHG The stones o the /aved street are as hot as /)ates ta6en out o a ire. E%ut it is not /ossi2)e to &o on hereH It is i!/ossi2)eHG they say a ter a ew !etres. E'nd yet the Lord +)i!2ed u/ as ar as that s/ot9 where that thorn@2ush is9 and He was a)ready wounded and was +arryin& the +rossG re!ar6s John9 who has 2een wee/in& sin+e he has 2een on 7a)vary. They /ro+eed. %ut they soon throw the!se)ves on the &round9 utter)y e3hausted and &as/in& or air. Their head@+overin&s whi+h they had di//ed into the strea!9 have a)ready 2een dried 2y the sun9 on the other hand their &ar!ents are wet with /ers/iration. EToo stee/ and too hotHG says %artho)o!ew9 /u in& and 2)owin&. E;es. (ar too !u+hHG +on ir!s Matthew9 who is +on&ested. EThe sun is the sa!e everywhere. %ut to &o u/hi))9 )et us ta6e that road. It is )on&er9 2ut not so toi)so!e. Lon&inus a)so too6 it to !a6e it /ossi2)e or the Lord to +)i!2 it. See there9 where that rather dar6 stone isF The Lord e)) there and we thou&ht He was dead9 as we were )oo6in& ro! there9 ro! the north9 over there9 seeF where that +avity is9 2e ore the s)o/e rises stee/)y. He did not !ove any !ore. 5hH the +ry o His MotherH It resounds in !e hereH I wi)) never or&et that +ryH I wi)) not or&et any o Her !oanin&... 'hH there are thin&s that !a6e one an o)d !an in one hour and they &ive the !easure o the sorrow o the wor)d... 7o!e on9 )et us &oH 5ur Martyr9 the Lord9 did not sto/ here as )on& as you have doneHG says John ur&in& the!. 3 They stand u/ )oo6in& astonished and they o))ow hi! as ar as the interse+tion o the /aved road with the s/ira) /ath9 and they &o a)on& the )atter. ;es. It is not so stee/. %ut as ar as the sun is +on+ernedH Its heat is even stron&er9 as the s)o/e9 whi+h the /ath s6irts9 rever2erates its heat on the way arers a)ready s+or+hed 2y the sun.

!inded to a)) the si&ns and warnin& o the i!/endin& stor!. Ja!es o ')/haeus and the >ea)ot are wee/in& si)ent)y. ')so 'ndrew no )on&er +o!/)ains a ter John's )ast words. John s/ea6s a)so now9 re!e!2erin&9 and his re+o))e+tions are a 2rother)y ad!onition9 an e3hortation not to +o!/)ain... He saysI EThis is the hour in whi+h He +a!e u/ here. 'nd He had a)ready wa)6ed or a )on& ti!e. 5hH I +ou)d say that9 sin+e He )e t the Su//er roo!9 He did not have a !o!ent's restH 'nd it was a very war! dayH There was the su)triness o the on+o!in& stor!... 'nd He was 2urnin& with a hi&h te!/erature. 8i6e says that she had the i!/ression o tou+hin& ire when she )aid the )inen +)oth on His a+e. The /)a+e where He !et the wo!en !ust 2e so!ewhere here... 's we were on the o//osite side9 we did not see the !eetin&. %ut9 as 8i6e and the other wo!en to)d !e... 7o!e on. Let us &oH Just +onsider that the .o!an )adies9 who are a++usto!ed to !ovin& a2out in )itters9 wa)6ed u/ this road e3/osed to the sun ro! the !ornin&9 ro! the third hour9 when He was senten+ed to death. 5hH they9 the heathen wo!en9 /re+eded every2ody9 and they sent s)aves to warn the others who were a2sent or so!e reason...G 4 They /ro+eed... That road is a 2urnin& tortureH They even sta&&er. 1eter saysI EI He does not wor6 a !ira+)e9 we sha)) a)) stru+6 2y the sun.G E;es. My heart is 2urnin& in !y throatG says Matthew in a&ree!ent. %artho)o!ew no )on&er s/ea6s. He see!s to 2e ine2riated. John ho)ds hi! 2y the e)2ow and su//orts hi!9 as he did with the Mother on the +rue) ,ood (riday. 'nd to +o! ort the! he saysI E8ot ar ro! here there is so!e shade. 4here I too6 the Mother. 4e wi)) rest there.G They /ro+eed9 !ore and !ore s)ow)y... They are now at the ro+6 where Mary was. 'nd John te))s the!. There is in a+t a )itt)e shade. %ut the air is sti)) and hot. EI there were at )east a sta)6 o anise9 a !int )ea 9 a 2)ade o &rassH My !outh is )i6e /ar+h!ent /)a+ed near a ire. %ut nothin&H 8othin&HG !oans Tho!as9 whose veins are swo))en at his ne+6 and orehead.

E%ut why !a6e us +o!e u/ here at this ti!eFH 7ou)d He not have !ade us +o!e u/ at dawn9 as soon as there was enou&h )i&ht to see where we were /uttin& our eetF ')) the EI wou)d &ive the rest o !y )i e or a dro/ o waterG says Ja!es o >e2edee. !ore that we were outside the wa))s and we +ou)d have +o!e without awaitin& the &ates to 2e o/ened.G They +o!/)ain and &ru!2)e a!on& the!se)ves. Judas Thaddeus 2ursts into tears and shoutsI EMy /oor 2rother9 how !u+h ;ou su eredH He said... He said9 do you re!e!2erF that He was dyin& o thirstH 5hH now I Men9 sti)) and a)ways !en9 now9 a ter the tra&edy o ,ood (riday9 whi+h is !ore the understandH I had not understood the u)) !eanin& o those wordsH He was dyin& o tra&edy o their /roud and +oward)y hu!anity9 than a tra&edy o the 7hrist9 4ho is thirstH 'nd there was not one who &ave Hi! a dro/ o water9 whi)e He was sti)) a2)e to a)ways the triu!/hant hero even when dyin&M !en as they were /revious)y9 when they drin6H 'nd He was everish9 in addition to the sunHG were ine2riated with the shouts o hosannas o the +rowds9 and the were over<oyed thin6in& o the easts and su!/tuous 2an=uets in Lazarus' house... $ea 9 2)ind9 du))@ EJohanna had ta6en Hi! a re resh!ent...G says 'ndrew.

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EHe was no )on&er a2)e to drin69 2y that ti!eH He +ou)d not s/ea6 any !ore... 4hen He !et His Mother over there9 ten ste/s ro! here9 a)) He +ou)d say wasI CMotherHD9 and He +ou)d not even 6iss Her9 not even ro! a ar9 a)thou&h Si!on ro! 7yrene had re)ieved Hi! o the +ross. His )i/s were dry9 hardened 2y the wounds... 5hH I +ou)d see Hi! +)ear)y9 ro! 2ehind the )ine o )e&ionariesH %e+ause I did not /ass here. I wou)d have ta6en His +ross9 i they had a))owed !e to /assH %ut they were a raid or !e... 2e+ause o the +rowd that wanted to stone us... He +ou)d not s/ea6... or drin6... or 6iss... It was a)!ost i!/ossi2)e or Hi! to )oo6 with His /ain u) eyes throu&h the +rusts o 2)ood that ran down ro! His oreheadH... His &ar!ent was torn near His 6nee9 that one +ou)d see wounded9 2)eedin&... His hands were swo))en and wounded... He had a wound on His +hin and +hee6... The +ross had !ade a wound on His shou)der9 a)ready +ut 2y the s+our&in&... The ro/es had +ut into His waist... His hair was dri//in& with the 2)ood o the wounds !ade 2y the thorns... He had...G E%e =uietH %e =uietH It is not /ossi2)e to )isten. %e =uietH I 2e& and I order youHG shouts 1eter9 who see!s to 2e tortured. EIt is not /ossi2)e to )isten to !eH ;ou +annot )isten to !eH %ut I had to see and hear Hi! in His tortureH 'nd His MotherF 4hat a2out His Mother9 thenFG They 2end their heads9 so22in& and they resu!e &oin&. on... They no )on&er +o!/)ain. %ut now they a)) wee/ over 7hrist's sorrows. 5 They are now at the to/. 5n the irst es/)anadeI a s)a2 o ire. The re )e+tion o the heat is su+h that the earth see!s to 2e tre!2)in&9 2e+ause o that /heno!enon +aused 2y the sun on the 2urnin& sands o deserts. E7o!e. Let us &o u/ here. The +enturion !ade us /ass here. Me as we)). He thou&ht I was Mary's son. The wo!en were over there. 'nd the she/herds there. 'nd over there the Judaeans...G John /oints out the various /)a+es and +on+)udesI E%ut the +rowd was 2e)ow9 2e)ow9 they +overed the s)o/e down to the va))ey9 down to the road. They were on the wa))s9 on the terra+es near the wa))s. 's ar as one +ou)d see. I saw that when the sun 2e&an to 2e vei)ed. 1revious)y it was as it is now9 and I +ou)d not see...G In a+t Jerusa)e! )oo6s )i6e a !ira&e tre!2)in& down at the 2otto!. The e3+ess o )i&ht a+ts as a vei) or those who want to see it. 'nd John saysI EIn other hours J Mary o Lazarus said so9 2ut I did not 6now when and why she had +o!e here J one +an see the 2)a+6 re!ains o the houses set on ire 2y )i&htnin&. The houses o the !ost &ui)ty ones... o !any9 at )east9 a!on& the!... Loo6H Here KJohn +ounts his ste/s9 he re+onstru+ts the s+eneL Lon&inus was here and Mary and I here. 'nd here was the +ross o the re/entant ro22er and over there the other one. 'nd this is where they +ast )ots or His &ar!ents. 'nd over there the Mother e)) when He died... and ro! here I saw His Heart 2ein& /ier+ed KJohn 2e+o!es as white as deathL 2e+ause His 7ross was hereG and he 6nee)s down on the &round9 worshi//in& with his a+e on the earth that had 2een du&

a)on& the who)e )en&th o earth +overed with 2)ood under the transverse 2ar o the +ross and around the verti+a) sta6e o it. The Ma&da)ene !ust have wor6ed hard to di& so !u+h earth9 a2out a &ood s/an dee/9 in a soi) so hard9 !i3ed with stones and ru22)e9 that !a6e it a +o!/a+t +rustH They have a)) thrown the!se)ves on the &round to 6iss the dust9 whi+h they now wet with their tears... 6 John is the irst to stand u/9 and )ovin&)y /iti)ess9 he re+a))s every e/isode... He no )on&er ee)s the heat o the sun... 8o2ody ee)s it... He te))s the! how Jesus re used the wine with !yrrh9 how He too6 His +)othes o and /ut on His Mother's vei)9 how He a//eared so 2ad)y s+our&ed and wounded9 how He )ay down on the +ross and shouted at the irst nai)9 and then He no )on&er shouted9 so that His Mother shou)d not su er so !u+h9 and how they )a+erated His wrist and dis)o+ated His ar! to /u)) it to the ri&ht /oint and how9 when He had 2een +o!/)ete)y nai)ed9 they turned the +ross over to ha!!er in the nai)s9 and it )ay heavy on the Martyr9 4hose /antin& +ou)d 2e heard9 and the +ross was turned over a&ain and raised whi)e they were dra&&in& it9 and it was dro//ed into the ho)e and earthed u/9 and how His %ody e)) down tearin& His hands9 and the +rown !ovin& tore His head9 and the words He s/o6e to His (ather in Heaven9 His words as6in& or&iveness or those who +ru+i ied Hi! and or&ave the re/entant ro22er9 and His words to His Mother and to John9 and the arriva) o Jose/h and 8i+ode!us9 so o/en)y heroi+ in de yin& the who)e wor)d9 and the +oura&e o Mary o Ma&da)a9 and His +ry u)) o an&uish to His (ather 4ho had a2andoned Hi!9 and His thirst9 and the vine&ar with &a))9 and His )ast a&ony9 and His ee2)e entreaty to His Mother9 and Her words9 with His sou) a)ready at the /oint o death 2e+ause o the torture9 the torture... and His resi&nation and a2andon!ent to ,od9 and His )ast horri2)e +onvu)sion and the +ry that !ade the wor)d tre!2)e9 and Mary's +ry when She saw Hi! dead... E%e =uietH %e =uietH %e =uietHG shouts 1eter9 and he see!s to 2e /ier+ed 2y the )an+e. ')so the others i!/)ore hi! sayin&I E%e si)entH %e si)entH...G 7 EI have nothin& urther to say. The sa+ri i+e was over. The 2uria)... our torture9 not His. There is no va)ue in it other than the Mother's &rie . 5ur tortureH $oes it /erha/s deserve +o!/assionF Let us &ive Hi! it9 instead o as6in& +o!/assion or ourse)ves. 4e have a)ways avoided sorrow9 ati&ue and a2andon!ent too !u+h9 )eavin& a)) that to Hi!9 to Hi! a)one. 4e have rea))y 2een worth)ess dis+i/)es9 as we )oved Hi! or the <oy o 2ein& )oved9 out o /ride o 2ein& &reat in His 6in&do!9 2ut we did not )ove Hi! in His sorrow... 8ow no )on&er so. Here. 4e !ust swear here9 this is an a)tar9 and it is hi&h u/9 a+in& Heaven and 0arth9 that it wi)) no )on&er 2e so. Now 5oy for Hi# the cross for us. Let us swear it. It is the on)y way to &ive /ea+e to our sou)s. Here Jesus o 8azareth9 the Messiah9 the Lord died9 to 2e the Saviour and .edee!er. 2et the #an that is what we are die here and the true disciple rise. .iseH Let us swear in the Ho)y

)2*. The A5"s&2es 4" a2"n1 &he 8a( "- &he : "ss.


8a!e o Jesus 7hrist that we want to e!2ra+e His do+trine to the e3tent o 2ein& a2)e to die or the rede!/tion o the wor)d.G John see!s a sera/h. 4hi)e he is &esti+u)atin& his9 head@+overin& has a))en o 9 and his air hair shines in the sun. He has +)i!2ed on so!e ru22)e thrown on one side9 /ro2a2)y the su//orts o the +rosses o the ro22ers9 and he unintentiona))y ta6es the stret+hed@out ar!s attitude9 that Jesus o ten too6 when tea+hin&9 and in /arti+u)ar the attitude He had on the +ross. The others )oo6 at hi!9 so handso!e9 so ervent9 so youn&9 the youn&est o the! a))9 and so !ature s/iritua))y. 7a)vary has !ade hi! rea+h a /er e+t a&e... They )oo6 at hi! and shoutI E4e swear itHG ELet us /ray then9 so that the (ather !ay rati y our oathI C5ur (ather 4ho art in Heaven...DG The +horus o the e)even voi+es 2e+o!es +on ident9 !ore and !ore +on ident as it /ro+eeds. 'nd 1eter 2eats his 2reast whi)e he saysI E or&ive us our tres/assesG9 and they a)) 6nee) down when they say the )ast su//)i+ationI Ede)iver us ro! evi).G They re!ain so9 2ent to the &round9 !editatin&... 8 Jesus is a!on& the!. I have not seen when and when+e He a//eared. 5ne wou)d say ro! that /art o the !ountain that is ina++essi2)e. He shines with )ove in the 2ri&ht !idday )i&ht and He saysI EHe who re!ains in Me wi)) have no har! ro! the 0vi) 5ne. I so)e!n)y te)) you that those who are united to Me in servin& the Most Hi&h 7reator9 4hose desire is the sa)vation o every !an9 wi)) 2e a2)e to e3/e) de!ons9 to !a6e re/ti)es and /oisons har!)ess9 to /ass a!on& wi)d 2easts and throu&h )a!es without 2ein& hurt9 or a)) the ti!e that ,od wants the! to re!ain on the 0arth to serve Hi!.G E4hen did ;ou +o!e9 LordFG they say raisin& their heads9 2ut re!ainin& on their 6nees. E;our oath +a))ed Me. 'nd now9 now that the eet o My a/ost)es have trodden on these +)ods9 &o down =ui+6)y to town9 to the Su//er roo!. The wo!en ro! ,a)i)ee wi)) )eave in the evenin& with My Mother. ;ou and John wi)) &o with the!. 4e wi)) a)) !eet in ,a)i)ee9 on the Ta2orG He says to the >ea)ot and John. E4hen9 LordFG EJohn wi)) 6now and he wi)) te)) you.G E're ;ou )eavin& us9 LordF 4i)) ;ou not 2)ess usF 4e need ;our 2)essin& so !u+h.G EI wi)) &ive you it here and in the Su//er roo!. 1rostrate yourse)vesHG

He 2)esses the!9 and the 2ri&htness o the sun enve)o/s Hi! as in His Trans i&uration9 2ut here it +on+ea)s Hi!. Jesus is no )on&er there. They )oo6 u/. There is nothin& 2ut the sun and the /ar+hed earth... ELet us &et u/ and &oH He has &oneHG they say sad)y. EHis stayin& with us is 2e+o!in& shorter and shorterHG E%ut today He )oo6ed ha//ier than yesterday evenin&. $on't you thin6 so9 2rotherFG Thaddeus as6s Ja!es o ')/haeus. E5ur oath has !ade Hi! ha//y. May you 2e 2)essed9 John9 or !a6in& us ta6e itHG says 1eter9 e!2ra+in& John. EI was ho/in& that He wou)d s/ea6 o His 1assionH 4hy did He !a6e us +o!e here and then say nothin&FG as6s Tho!as. E4e wi)) as6 Hi! this evenin&G says 'ndrew. E;es. %ut )et us &o now. It is a )on& way and we want to s/end so!e ti!e with Mary9 2e ore She &oes awayG says Ja!es o ')/haeus. E'nother /)easantness that +o!es to an endHG says Thaddeus with a si&h. E4e are re!ainin& or/hansH 4hat sha)) we doFG They turn towards John and the >ea)ot and9 with a tou+h o envy in their voi+es9 they sayI E;ou9 at )east9 are &oin& with the MotherH 'nd you re!ain with Her9 a)) the ti!e.G John !a6es a &esture9 as i to sayI EIt is so.G %ut they9 whose envy is not !a)i+ious 2ut &ent)e9 say at on+eI EHowever9 it is ri&ht. %e+ause you were here with Her and you had to or&o 2ein& here out o o2edien+e. 4e...G 9 They 2e&in to des+end. %ut as soon as they set oot on the se+ond es/)anade9 the )ower one9 they see a wo!an who arrives there9 in the sun9 ro! the stee/ road9 and who )oo6s the! u/ and down without s/ea6in&9 dire+tin& her ste/s reso)ute)y to the u//er es/)anade. E1eo/)e are a)ready +o!in& hereH It is not on)y Mary who +o!es. %ut what is she doin&F She is wee/in&9 )oo6in& at the &round. $id she /erha/s )ose so!ethin& on that dayFG they as6 one another. In a+t it !ay 2e so9 2e+ause one +annot see who she is. The a+e o the wo!an is +o!/)ete)y +overed with her vei). Tho!as shouts in his stron& dee/ voi+eI E4o!anH 4hat have you )ostFG E8othin&. I a! )oo6in& or the /)a+e o the Lord's 7ross. I have a 2rother who is dyin& and the &ood Master is no )on&er on the 0arth...G she says wee/in& under her vei). EMen have driven Hi! awayHG

)2*. The A5"s&2es 4" a2"n1 &he 8a( "- &he : "ss.


EHe has risen9 wo!an. He e3ists orever.G EI 6now that He e3ists orever. %e+ause He is ,od9 and ,od does not /erish. %ut He is not a!on& us any !ore. ' wor)d did not want Hi! and He has &one away. ' wor)d has denied Hi!9 even His dis+i/)es a2andoned Hi! as i He were a hi&hway!an9 and He has a2andoned the wor)d. 'nd I have +o!e )oo6in& or a )itt)e o His %)ood. I have aith that it wi)) +ure !y 2rother9 !ore than the i!/osition o the hands o His dis+i/)es9 2e+ause I do not 2e)ieve that they +an wor6 !ira+)es a ter 2ein& un aith u).G EThe Lord was here not )on& a&o. He has risen in sou) and 2ody and is sti)) a!on& us. The /er u!e o His 2)essin& is sti)) on us. Loo69 He rested His eet here on)y a short whi)e a&oG says John. E8o. I a! )oo6in& or a dro/ o His %)ood. I was not here and I do not 6now the /)a+e...G she says9 whi)e she is 2ent9 sear+hin& the &round. John says to herI EThis is the /)a+e o His +ross. I was here.G

shou)d have )i6ed so!ethin& +o)d to drin69 2ut it is enou&h to have a drin6.G EI have neither water nor !i)6 or those who a2andoned their Master. I re+o&nise you9 you 6nowF I saw you one day at %ethzur and I )istened to you. ;ou9 e3a+t)y you9 who are as6in&... %ut I did not see you when I !et those who were +arryin& the 6i))ed Master down. 5n)y that one was there. There was no water or Hi!9 I was to)d 2y those who were on the !ountain. 'nd there is no water or you either.G He whist)es to his do&9 he &athers the shee/9 and &oes away northwards9 where the &round 2e&ins to rise and is +overed with o)ive@trees and strewn with &rass. The de/ressed a/ost)es +ross the 2rid&e and &o into town. 11 They wa)6 +)ose to the wa))s9 their head@+overin&s )owered over their eyes9 stoo/in& a )itt)e. %e+ause the roads are 2e+o!in& 2usy a&ain with /edestrians9 as the &reat heat o the ear)y a ternoon hours is over.

%ut they !ust +ross the who)e town9 2e ore arrivin& at the house o the Su//er roo!9 and there are too !any /eo/)e who 6now the a/ost)es and +onse=uent)y it is /ra+ti+a))y E4ere youF 's a riend or as one o those who +ru+i ied Hi!F 1eo/)e say that on)y one i!/ossi2)e or the! to /ass throu&h without any in+ident. 'nd they are soon !et with a o His avourite dis+i/)es was under His +ross9 and a ew !ore dis+i/)es aith u) to )ashin& 2urst o )au&hter9 whi)e a s+ri2e KI rea))y thou&ht I was not &oin& to see any Hi!9 near here. %ut I shou)d not )i6e to s/ea6 to one o His e3e+utioners.G !ore9 whi+h !ade !e ha//yL shouts to the /eo/)e9 who are nu!erous in that narrow +ross road where a ountain &ur&)esI EThere they areH Loo6H Here are the re!ains o the EI a! not9 wo!an. Loo69 here where the +ross was9 there is sti)) earth red with His 2)ood9 a)thou&h they have du& it. He )ost so !u+h 2)ood that it /enetrated dee/)y. Ta6e ar!y o the &reat 6in&H The va)iant aint@hearted dis+i/)es o the sedu+er. 7onte!/t and this. 'nd !ay your aith 2e rewarded.G John with his in&ers has du& in the ho)e where !o+6ery on the!. 'nd the /ity one has or !ad!enHG the +ross was9 and has ta6en out so!e reddish earth9 that the wo!an /)a+es in a )itt)e It is the 2e&innin& o a tur!oi) o sneers. So!e shoutI E4here were you when He has )inen +)oth9 and than6in& hi!9 she &oes away =ui+6 with her treasure. su erin&FGM so!eI E're you +onvin+ed now that He was a a)se /ro/hetFGM and so!eI E;ou did the ri&ht thin& in not revea)in& who we are.G E4hy did you not say who you areFG say the a/ost)es. 's usua)9 hu!an thou&hts are +ontrastin&. John )oo6s at the! 2ut does not s/ea6. He is the irst to set out down the stee/ /aved road. 10 I it is easier to des+end than to as+end9 the sun is sti)) very hot9 and when they are down at the oot o ,o)&otha9 they are rea))y very thirsty. %ut there are so!e shee/ in the strea! and so!e she/herds who have +ertain)y +o!e out o so!e /en near2y to /asture the! 2e ore evenin&. The water is !uddy and it is not /ossi2)e to drin6 it. Their thirst is su+h that %artho)o!ew addresses a she/herd sayin&I EHave you a dro/ o water in your )as6FG The !an )oo6s at the! severe)y and is si)ent. E' )itt)e !i)69 then. The udders o your shee/ are swo))en. 4e wi)) /ay or it. 4e EIn vain you have sto)en and +on+ea)ed Hi!. The idea is dead. The 8azarene is dead. Jehovah has stru+6 the ,a)i)ean 2y )i&htnin&. 'nd you with Hi!GM and so!e with a)se +o!/assionI ELeave the! a)one. They have 2e+o!e aware o it and have re/ented9 too )ate9 2ut sti)) in ti!e to run away at the ri&ht !o!entHGM and so!e haran&ue the +o!!on /eo/)e9 +onsistin& !ain)y o wo!en9 who see! in+)ined to side with the a/ost)es9 sayin&I E's you sti)) dou2t our <usti+e9 )et the attitude o the !ost aith u) o))owers o the 8azarene en)i&hten you. I He had 2een ,od9 He wou)d have orti ied the!. I they had re+o&nised Hi! as the true Messiah9 they wou)d not have run away9 +onsiderin& that no hu!an /ower +ou)d triu!/h over the 7hrist. Instead He died in the /resen+e o the /eo/)e. 'nd in vain His +or/se has 2een sto)en9 a ter they atta+6ed the &uards who had a))en as)ee/. 's6 the &uards whether that is the truth. He is dead9 and His /eo/)e have 2een s+attered9 and &reat in the eyes o ,od is he who rees the ho)y soi) o Jerusa)e! ro! the )ast tra+es o Hi!. 'nathe!a on the o))owers o the 8azareneH ,et stones9 o ho)y /eo/)e9 and )et us stone the! outside the wa))s.G It is too !u+h or the sti)) sha6y +oura&e o the a/ost)esH They have a)ready withdrawn a )itt)e towards the wa))s9 in order not to insti&ate the risin& with an i!/rudent +ha))en&e

)2*. The A5"s&2es 4" a2"n1 &he 8a( "- &he : "ss.


to the a++users. %ut now9 rather than /ruden+e9 ear is the winner. 'nd they turn round and save the!se)ves 2y runnin& away towards the &ate. Ja!es o ')/haeus and Ja!es o >e2edee9 with John9 1eter and the >ea)ot9 are those who9 2ein& !ore +a)! and havin& !ore se) @+ontro)9 o))ow their +o!/anions without runnin&. 'nd an odd stone rea+hes the! 2e ore they &o out o the &ate9 and a2ove a)) they are stru+6 with a )ot o dirt. 12 The &uards9 who have +o!e out o the &uardroo!9 ensure that they are not o))owed 2eyond the wa))s. %ut they run and run and ta6e she)ter in the a//)e@or+hard o Jose/h9 where the Se/u)+hre was. The /)a+e is +a)! and si)ent9 and /)easant is the )i&ht under the trees that in those days have +o!e into )ea 9 sti)) thin9 2ut so e!era)d &reen as to or! a vei) o a &ent)e hue under the stron& trun6s. They throw the!se)ves on the &round9 to over+o!e their /a)/itation. 't the end o the ve&eta2)e &arden a !an is hoein& and earthin& u/ ve&eta2)es9 he)/ed 2y a youn& !an9 and he is not aware o the!9 who are hidin& 2ehind a hed&e. ' ter s+annin& the s6y and sayin& in a )oud voi+eI E7o!e9 Jose/h9 and 2rin& the don6ey to tie it to the water@whee)G9 he dire+ts his ste/s towards the!9 where there is a rusti+ we))9 hidden in a &rou/ o 2ushes that shade it. E4hat9 are you doin&F 4ho are youF 4hat do want in the 6it+hen &arden o Jose/h o 'ri!atheaF 'nd you9 oo)9 why do you )eave the &ate o/en9 that Jose/h wants +)osed9 now that he has /ut it thereF $o you not 6now that he does not want any2ody here9 where the Lord was )aidFG I te)) the truth when I say that9 in the /ain o assistin& at Jesus' de/osition9 and in the a!aze!ent o His .esurre+tion9 I had never noti+ed whether the 6it+hen &arden9 in addition to the en+)osure o a &reen hed&e o 2o3es and 2ushes9 had a &ate or not9 2ut I thin6 it was /ut there re+ent)y9 2e+ause it is +o!/)ete)y new and it is su//orted 2y two s=uare /i))ars9 the /)aster o whi+h does not )oo6 o)d. ')so Jose/h9 )i6e Lazarus9 has en+)osed the /)a+es san+ti ied 2y Jesus.

They have a drin6 and they )et the! dress their wounds. They a)) have wounds on their heads. The Jews are &ood shotsH E,o out on the road9 and )oo69 without drawin& /eo/)e's attention9 whether there is any s/yG the &ardener orders the 2oy. EThere is no one9 ather. The road is desertedG says the 2oy +o!in& 2a+6. EHave a )oo6 towards the door and +o!e 2a+6 =ui+6)y.G He /i+6s so!e anise sta)6s and o ers the!9 a/o)o&isin& that he has nothin& 2ut )e&u!es and those anises9 as the ruit trees have <ust )ost their 2)osso!s. The 2oy +o!es 2a+6. E8o2ody9 ather. The road on the other side o the door is deserted.G ELet us &o9 then. Harness the don6ey to the +art and throw the re use o the her2s on it. 4e sha)) )oo6 )i6e !en who are +o!in& 2a+6 ro! the +ountry. 7o!e with !e. ;ou wi)) &o the )on& way round... %ut it is 2etter than 2ein& /e)ted with stones.G E4e sha)) a)ways have to enter the town...G E;es. %ut we wi)) &o in 2y a di erent /art9 a)on& dar6 )anes. 7o!e without ear.G He )o+6s the stron& &ate with a 2i& 6ey9 he !a6es the o)der ones &et on the +art9 he &ives hoes and ra6es to the others9 he /uts a 2und)e o tri!!in&s on Tho!as' 2a+6 and a 2a)e o hay on John's9 and he &oes away reso)ute)y9 a)on& the wa))s southwards. E%ut your house... It is desert here.G

EThe house is over there9 on the other side9 and wi)) not run away. My wi e wi)) wait. (irst I serve the servants o the Lord.G He )oo6s at the!... E0hH 4e a)) !a6e !ista6esH I was ri&htened as we))H 'nd we are a)) hated 2e+ause o His 8a!e. 0ven Jose/h. %ut what does it !atterF ,od is with us. 1eo/)eH... They hate and )ove. They )ove and hate. 'nd thenH 4hat they do today9 they or&et to!orrow. 5 +ourse... I there were no 13 John stands u/9 with the >ea)ot and Ja!es o ')/haeus9 and without any ear he hyenasH %ut they are the ones who insti&ate the /eo/)e. They are urious 2e+ause He saysI E4e are the a/ost)es o the Lord. I a! John9 this is Si!on9 a riend o Jose/h9 and has risen. 5hH i He on)y showed Hi!se) on the to/ o a /inna+)e o the Te!/)e9 so this is Ja!es9 a 2rother o the Lord. The Lord had +a))ed us to ,o)&otha and we went. that the /eo/)e wou)d 2e +ertain that He has risen. 4hy does He not do thatF I 2e)ieve. He ordered us to &o to the house where His Mother is9 and the +rowds have +hased us. %ut not every2ody is +a/a2)e o 2e)ievin&. 'nd they &ive )ar&e su!s o !oney to those 4e have +o!e in here9 awaitin& evenin&...G who te)) the /eo/)e that He has 2een sto)en 2y you9 when He was a)ready de+o!/osed9 E%ut are you woundedF 'nd youH and youH 7o!e9 that I !ay he)/ you. 're you thirstyF and that He has 2een 2uried or +re!ated in a &rotto o Josa/hat.G ;ou are /antin&. ;ou... =ui+69 draw so!e water. The irst water is /ure9 a terwards the They are now in the southern side o the town9 in the Hinno! va))ey. 2u+6ets !a6e it !uddy. 'nd &ive the! so!e to drin69 then wash so!e o that resh EThere you are. There is the >ion ,ate. $o you 6now how to &et to the house ro! )ettu+e9 and oi) the! with the oi) we use to tie &ra ts. I have nothin& e)se to &ive you. thereF It is not ar.G My house is not here. %ut9 i you wait9 I wi)) ta6e you with !e...G E8o. 8o. 4e !ust &o to the Lord. May ,od reward you.G E4e 6now. May ,od 2e with you 2e+ause o your 6indness.G

)2*. The A5"s&2es 4" a2"n1 &he 8a( "- &he : "ss.


E's ar as I a! +on+erned9 you are a)ways the saints o the Master. ;ou are !en and I a! a !an. He a)one is !ore than Man and was a2)e not to tre!2)e. I +an understand and /ity. 'nd I say that you9 who are wea6 today9 wi)) 2e stron& to!orrow. 1ea+e to you.G He re)ieves the! o the her2s and o the a&ri+u)tura) too)s and &oes 2a+69 whi)e they enter the town as ast as hares and stea) away a)on& su2ur2an )anes towards the house o the Su//er roo!.

These /ious wo!en have a++o!/anied the! to the house and they 6no+6 at the +)osed door. 'nd Jesus o/ens the door9 i))in& the dar6 roo! with His &)ori ied /erson9 and He saysI E1ea+e to you or your +o!/assion.G The wo!en are /etri ied with astonish!ent. They re!ain so9 unti) the door is +)osed on the a/ost)es and on the Lord. They then +o!e to the!se)ves.

EHave you seen Hi!F It was He. Handso!eH More than /revious)y. 'nd a)iveH 8ot a /hanto!H ' rea) !an. His voi+eH His s!i)eH He !oved His hands. $id you noti+e how 14 %ut the !is ortunes o that day are not yet over. ' &rou/ o )e&ionaries9 on their way red were His 4oundsF 8o9 I was wat+hin& His +hest 2reathe )i6e that o a )ivin& to a near2y inn9 !eets the!9 and one wat+hes the! and /oints the! out to the others. /erson. 5hH )et no one +o!e and say it is not trueH Let us &oH Let us &o and te)) 'nd they a)) )au&h. 'nd when the /oor i))@treated dis+i/)es are +o!/e))ed to /ass 2e ore every2odyH Let us 6no+6 at the door to see Hi! a&ain. 4hat are you sayin&F He is the the!9 one o the so)diers )eanin& a&ainst the door addresses the!I EHeyH 7a)vary did Son o ,od9 He has risen. It is a)ready a &reat thin& that He has shown Hi!se) to us9 not stone you and !en have stru+6 youF %y JoveH I thou&ht you were !ore +oura&eousH /oor wo!enH He is with His Mother9 the wo!en dis+i/)es and the a/ost)es. 8o. ;es...G 'nd that you were not a raid o anythin&9 sin+e you had the +oura&e to +)i!2 u/ there. Have the stones o the !ountain not re/roa+hed you or 2ein& +oward)yF 'nd were you The wise ones win. The &rou/ &oes away. so darin& as to &o u/ thereF I have a)ways seen &ui)ty /eo/)e run away ro! the /)a+es 16 In the !eanti!e Jesus has &one into the Su//er roo! with His a/ost)es. He wat+hes that re!inded the! o their sin. 8e!esis /ursues the!. 1erha/s she dra&&ed you u/ the! and s!i)es. They have ta6en their head@+overin&s o 9 whi+h 2e ore enterin& the there to !a6e you tre!2)e with horror today9 sin+e you did not tre!2)e with /ity9 then.G house they were wearin& )i6e 2anda&es9 and they /ut the! on a&ain as is +usto!ary. So their 2ruises +an no )on&er 2e seen. They sit down tired and si)ent9 !ore &rieved than ' wo!an9 /ro2a2)y the !istress o the tavern9 +o!es to the door and )au&hs. She has tired. the ri&htenin& a+e o a ras+a) and she shouts in a shri)) voi+eI EHe2rew wo!en9 )oo6 at what your wo!2s /rodu+eH Bi)e /er<urers9 who +o!e out o their dens when the E;ou are )ateG says Jesus 6ind)y. dan&er is overH .o!an wo!2s +on+eive nothin& 2ut heroes. 7o!e and drin6 to the &reatness o .o!e. 7hoi+e wines and 2eauti u) &ir)s...G and she &oes away9 o))owed 2y Si)en+e. the so)diers9 into her dar6 +ave. E're you not &oin& to say anythin& to MeF S/ea6 u/H I a! a)ways Jesus. Has your 2o)dness o today a)ready vanishedFG 15 ' He2rew wo!an )oo6s at the! J there are so!e wo!en in the street with a!/horae9 where one +an hear the ountain &ur&)e near the house o the Su//er roo! J and she ta6es /ity on the!. She is an e)der)y wo!an. She says to her +o!/anionsI EThey !ade a !ista6e... 2ut a who)e /eo/)e did wron&.G She a//roa+hes the a/ost)es and &reets the!I E1ea+e to you. 4e do not or&et... Te)) us on)y this. Has the Master rea))y risen ro! the deadFG EHe has risen. 4e swear to it.G EThen9 2e not a raid. He is ,od9 and ,od wi)) triu!/h. 1ea+e to you9 2rothers. 'nd te)) the Lord to or&ive this /eo/)e.G E'nd we as6 you to /ray that the /eo/)e !ay or&ive us and or&et the s+anda) we have &iven. 4o!en9 I9 Si!on 1eter9 as6 you to or&ive !e.G 'nd 1eter wee/s... E4e are !others and sisters and wives9 !an. 'nd your sin is that o our sons9 2rothers and hus2ands. May the Lord have !er+y on every2ody.G E5hH MasterH LordHG shouts 1eter9 a))in& on his 6nees at Jesus' eet. E5ur 2o)dness has not vanished. %ut we are destroyed as we rea)ise the har! we have done to ;our (aith. 4e are +rushedHG E1ride dies9 hu!i)ity is 2orn. :now)ed&e rises9 )ove in+reases. %e not a raid. ;ou are 2e+o!in& a/ost)es9 now. That is what I wanted.G E%ut we sha)) not 2e a2)e to do anythin& any !oreH The /eo/)e9 and they are ri&ht9 deride usH 4e have destroyed ;our wor6. 4e have destroyed ;our 7hur+hHG They are a)) distressed. They shout and &esti+u)ate... Jesus is so)e!n)y +a)!. Sustainin& His words with a &esture9 He saysI E1ea+eH 1ea+eH 8ot even He)) wi)) destroy My 7hur+h. It wi)) not 2e the unsteadiness o a stone9 not i3ed /ro/er)y yet9 that wi)) +ause the 2ui)din& to /erish. 1ea+eH 1ea+eH ;ou wi)) wor6. And you will do #uch good because now you hu#bly ac"nowledge what you are because now you are wise with a great wisdo#( the "nowledge that every act has very

)2*. The A5"s&2es 4" a2"n1 &he 8a( "- &he : "ss.


wide repercussions at ti#es indelible and that who is high up ? re#e#ber what I told you about the la#p that is to be placed high up so that it #ay be seen and 5ust because it is seen by everybody its fla#e #ust be pure ? and that who is high up has the obligation #ore than those who are not high up to be perfect. See9 My +hi)drenF 4hat /asses unnoti+ed or e3+usa2)e when it is done 2y a 2e)iever9 does not /ass unnoti+ed i it is done 2y a /riest9 and the <ud&e!ent o the /eo/)e is severe. %ut your uture wi)) +an+e) your /ast. I did not s/ea6 to you on ,o)&otha9 2ut I )et the wor)d s/ea6. I +o! ort you. 7o!e on9 do not wee/. 17 Ta6e so!e re resh!ent now9 and )et Me +ure you. So.G He tou+hes their wounded heads )i&ht)y. Then He saysI E%ut you had 2etter &o away ro! here. That is why I saidI C,o to Mount Ta2or to /ray.D ;ou wi)) 2e a2)e to stay in the near2y vi))a&es and &o u/ every !ornin& at dawn awaitin& Me.G ELord9 the wor)d does not 2e)ieve that ;ou have risenG says Thaddeus in a )ow voi+e. EI wi)) +onvin+e the wor)d. I wi)) he)/ you to de eat the wor)d. %e aith u) to Me. I do not as6 or anythin& e)se. 'nd 2)ess those who hu!i)iate you9 2e+ause they san+ti y you.G He 2rea6s the 2read9 He divides it into /arts9 He o ers it9 hands it out9 sayin&I EThis is My viati+u! or you who are &oin& away. I have a)ready /re/ared the ood there or My /i)&ri!s. $o the sa!e yourse)ves9 in uture9 with those a!on& you who wi)) 2e )eavin&. %e /aterna) to a)) the 2e)ievers. 0verythin& I do9 or I !a6e you do9 do it yourse)ves as we)). In uture9 !a6e a)so the <ourney to 7a)vary9 !editatin& and !a6in& /eo/)e !editate on the stations o the 7ross. 7onte!/)ateH $o +onte!/)ate My sorrows. %e+ause it is throu&h the!9 not throu&h the /resent &)ory9 that I have saved you. In the other roo! there is Lazarus with his sisters. They have +o!e to say &ood2ye to the Mother. ;ou !ay &o in9 too9 2e+ause My Mother wi)) 2e )eavin& short)y in Lazarus' wa&on. 1ea+e 2e with you.G He stands u/ and &oes out =ui+6)y. ELordH LordHG shouts 'ndrew. E4hat do you want9 2rotherFG as6s 1eter. EI wanted to as6 Hi! so !any thin&s. I wanted to in or! Hi! o those who as6 to 2e +ured... I don't 6nowH 4hen He is a!on& us9 we are not a2)e to say anythin&HG and he runs away )oo6in& or the Lord. EIt is trueH 4e are )i6e a2sent@!inded /eo/)eHG they a)) a&ree. E'nd yet He is so &ood to us. He +a))ed usI C+hi)drenD with so !u+h 6indness that it o/ened !y heartHG e3+)ai!s Ja!es o ')/haeus. E%ut He is so !u+h ,od9 nowH I tre!2)e when He is near !e9 as i I were near the Ho)y o Ho)iesG says Thaddeus. 'ndrew +o!es 2a+6I EHe is no )on&er here. S/a+e9 ti!e and wa))s are su2<e+ted to Hi!.G

EHe is ,odH He is ,odHG they a)so say9 u)) o veneration...

+2%. Jesus A99ea!s &# Ha!i#us Pe#95e in Di11e!en& P5a'es.

$+&h and $8&h A9!i5 $9*8

I. To Annaleah's mother.
1 0)iza9 'nna)eah's !other9 is wee/in& dis+onso)ate)y in her house9 +)osed in a )itt)e roo!9 where there is a s!a)) 2ed without any 2ed+)othes9 /ro2a2)y 'nna)eah's 2ed. Her head is restin& on her ar!s9 whi+h9 in turn9 are )yin& stret+hed out on the )itt)e 2ed9 as i she wanted to e!2ra+e it a)). Her 2ody )ies heavy on her 6nees in a )an&uid /osture. There is nothin& vi&orous a2out her 2ut her tears. ' aint )i&ht +o!es in throu&h the o/en window. The day has <ust dawned. %ut there is a 2ri&ht )i&ht when Jesus enters. I sayI enters9 !eanin& that He is in the roo!9 whi)st /revious)y He was not. 'nd I wi)) a)ways say so to !ean His a//earin& in a +)osed /)a+e9 without re/eatin& !yse) as to how He shows Hi!se) ro! 2ehind a &reat 2ri&htness9 whi+h re+a))s that o the Trans i&uration9 ro! 2ehind a white ire J a))ow !e the +o!/arison J that see!s to !e)t wa))s and doors to a))ow Jesus to enter with His rea)9 2reathin&9 so)id9 &)ori ied %odyI a ire9 a 2ri&htness that +)oses itse) in Hi! and +on+ea)s Hi! when He &oes away. %ut a terwards9 it ta6es the 2eauti u) as/e+t o the .isen Master9 2ut a Man9 a rea) Man9 a hundred ti!es !ore 2eauti u) than He was 2e ore His 1assion. It is He9 2ut it is He the &)orious :in&. E4hy are you wee/in&9 0)izaFG 2 I do not 6now how the wo!an does not re+o&nise the un!ista6a2)e voi+e. 1erha/s sorrow overwhe)!s her. She re/)ies as i she were s/ea6in& to a re)ative9 who has /ro2a2)y +o!e to her a ter 'nna)eah's death. E$id you hear those !en yesterday evenin&F He was nothin&. Ma&i+ /ower9 2ut not divine. 'nd I was resi&nin& !yse) to the death o !y dau&hter9 thin6in& that she was )oved 2y ,od9 in /ea+e... He had to)d !eH...G she wee/s !ore )oud)y. E%ut !any have seen Hi! risen. ,od on)y +an raise Hi!se) ro! the dead 2y Hi!se) .G EThat is what I a)so to)d those /eo/)e yesterday. ;ou heard !e. I ou&ht a&ainst their words. %e+ause their words were the death o !y ho/e9 o !y /ea+e. %ut they J did you hear the!F J they saidI CIt was a)) a !a6e@2e)ieve o His o))owers9 in order not to ad!it that they were oo)s. He is dead9 dead and 2uried9 and de+o!/osed9 they have sto)en and destroyed His +or/se9 and now they say that He has risen.D That is what they

)2/. Jesus A55ea s &" Da i"us Pe"52e in Di--e en& P2a3es.


said... 'nd that is why the Most Hi&h sent the se+ond earth=ua6e9 to !a6e the! ee) His wrath or their sa+ri)e&ious )ie. 5hH I have no !ore +onso)ation.G 3 E%ut i you saw the risen Lord with your own eyes9 and you tou+hed Hi! with your own hands9 wou)d you 2e)ieveF...G

2)a+69 and is s/read on the /i))ow9 and9 wet as it is with /ers/iration9 adheres to her ears9 whi+h have 2e+o!e trans/arent. ')so 'nne wee/s9 utterin& words o +o! ortI E$on't9 MaryH $on'tH 0nou&hH HeN he has sinned. %ut you9 you 6now how the Lord JesusNG

E%e =uietH That 8a!eN to !eN said to !eN is /ro anedN I a! the !otherN o the EI a! not worthy o that... %ut I shou)d +ertain)y 2e)ieveH It wou)d 2e su i+ient or !e 7ainN o ,odH 'hHG Her =uiet wee/in& +han&es into e3hausted heart@rendin& so22in&. to see Hi!. I shou)d not dare tou+h His %ody 2e+ause9 i it were so9 it wou)d 2e a divine She ee)s she is +ho6in&9 she +at+hes ho)d o the ne+6 o her riend9 who assists her 2ody9 and a wo!an +annot a//roa+h the Ho)y o Ho)ies.G whi)e she vo!its so!e 2i)e. E.aise your head9 0)iza9 and see 4ho is standin& in ront o youHG E1ea+eH 1ea+e9 MaryH $on'tH 5hH what sha)) I te)) you to +onvin+e you that He9 the Lord9 )oves youF I re/eat it to youH I swear it on the thin&s whi+h are !ost ho)y to !eI The wo!an raises her white@haired head9 her a+e dis i&ured 2y tears9 and she sees... She dro/s even )ower on her hee)s9 she ru2s her eyes9 she o/ens her !outh to utter a +ry !y Saviour and !y +hi)d. He to)d !e when you 2rou&ht Hi! to !e. He had or you words and /roviden+e o in inite )ove. ;ou are inno+ent. He )oves you. I a! +ertain9 that wants to +o!e u/9 2ut is sti )ed in her throat 2y a!aze!ent. +ertain that He wou)d &ive Hi!se) on+e a&ain to &ive you /ea+e9 /oor !artyr !other.G EIt is I. The Lord. Tou+h My Hand. :iss it. ;ou sa+ri i+ed your dau&hter to Me. ;ou deserve it. 'nd on this hand ind a&ain the s/iritua) 6iss o your +hi)d. She is in Heaven. EMother o the 7ain o ,odH 7an you hear itF That wind9 out thereN It says soN The voi+e &oes a)) over the wor)dN the voi+e o the wind9 and it saysI CMary o Si!on9 the She is 2)essed. ;ou wi)) s/ea6 to the dis+i/)es a2out that and a2out this day.G !other o Judas9 he who 2etrayed the Master and handed Hi! over to His The wo!an is so enra/tured that she dare not !a6e the &esture9 and it is Jesus Hi!se) e3e+utioners.D 7an you hear itF 0verythin& says soN The strea! out thereN The who /resses the ti/s o His in&ers a&ainst her )i/s. dovesN the shee/N The who)e 0arth shouts that I a!N 8o9 I do not want to re+over E5hH ;ou have rea))y risenHHH Ha//yH Ha//y I a!H May ;ou 2e 2)essed or +o! ortin& !y hea)th. I want to dieHN ,od is <ust and He wi)) not /unish !e in the ne3t )i e. %ut here9 no. The wor)d does not or&iveN it does not distin&uishN I a! 2e+o!in& !ad9 !eHG She stoo/s to 6iss His eet9 and she does so9 and she re!ains )i6e that. 2e+ause the wor)d how)sNI C;ou are Judas' !other.DG The su/ernatura) )i&ht enve)o/s the 7hrist in its 2ri&htness and the roo! is devoid o She is e3hausted and +o))a/ses on the /i))ows. 'nne re+o!/oses her and &oes out to Hi!. %ut the !other's heart is u)) o unsha6ea2)e +ertainty. ta6e away the dirty )inen +)othsN

II. To ar! of Simon at "erioth# with Anne# the mother of Johanna# and old Ananias.
4 The house o 'nne9 the !other o Johanna. The +ountry house where Jesus9 in the +o!/any o Judas' !other9 wor6ed the !ira+)e o +urin& 'nne. Here a)so there is a roo! and a wo!an )yin& on a 2ed. ' wo!an who is a)tered 2eyond re+o&nition 2y !orta) an&uish. Her a+e is worn out. (ever devours it9 in )a!in& her +hee62ones9 so sun6en are her +hee6s. Her eyes9 2)a+6 rin&ed9 red with ever and tears9 are ha) +)osed under her swo))en eye)ids. 4here there is no reddenin& +aused 2y ever9 her +o!/)e3ion is ye))owish9 &reenish9 as i 2i)e were s/read in her 2)ood. Her )ean ar!s and thin hands are re)a3ed on the 2ed+)othes9 whi+h are raised 2y her ra/id /antin&. 8ear the si+6 wo!an9 who is no one e)se 2ut Judas' !other9 there is 'nne9 Johanna's !other. She wi/es /ers/iration and tears9 she waves a an o /a)!9 she +han&es the +)oths9 di//ed in s/i+y vine&ar9 on the orehead and throat o the si+6 wo!an9 she +aresses her hands and )oose hair9 that in a short ti!e has 2e+o!e !ore white than

Mary9 her eyes +)osed9 dead)y /a)e a ter the e ort she !ade9 !oansI EThe !other o JudasH o JudasH o JudasHG She /ants9 then resu!esI E%ut what is JudasF 4hat did I &ive 2irth toF 4hat is JudasF 4hat have ING 5 Jesus is in the roo!9 whi+h is )it u/ 2y a tre!2)in& )i&ht9 2e+ause day)i&ht is sti)) too aint to i))u!inate the )ar&e roo!9 in whi+h the 2ed is at the end9 very ar ro! the on)y window. He +a))s her &ent)yI EMaryH Mary o Si!onHG The wo!an is a)!ost de)irious and does not atta+h i!/ortan+e to the voi+e. Her !ind is ar away9 +arried away 2y the vorte3 o her &rie 9 and she re/eats the ideas that haunt her 2rain9 !onotonous)y9 )i6e the ti+6@ta+6 o a /endu)u!@+)o+6I EThe !other o JudasH 4hat have I &iven 2irth toF The wor)d shoutsI CThe !other o JudasDNG Two tears we)) u/ in the +orners o Jesus' very !i)d eyes. I a! sur/rised at the!. I did not thin6 that Jesus +ou)d wee/ a)so a ter His resurre+tionN He 2ends. The 2ed is so )ow or Hi! 4ho is so ta))H He )ays His hand on the everish

)2/. Jesus A55ea s &" Da i"us Pe"52e in Di--e en& P2a3es.


orehead9 /ushin& aside the +)oths da!/ with vine&ar9 and He saysI E' /oor wret+h. That and nothin& e)se. I the wor)d shouts9 ,od +overs the shout o the wor)d sayin& to youI CHave /ea+e9 2e+ause I )ove you.D Loo6 at Me9 /oor !otherH ,ather your )ost s/irit and /ut it in My hands. I a! JesusHNG

or the 7hrist and or !en9 or My sa6e and or the sa6e o !en. 1oor MaryHG He )ays her down &ent)y9 He +rosses her hands and wat+hes her as she +a)!s downN 6 'nne +o!es 2a+6 in and sto/s du!2 ounded on the thresho)d.

Jesus9 4ho is now standin&9 )oo6s at her sayin&I E;ou have +o!/)ied with My wish. Mary o Si!on o/ens her eyes9 as i she were +o!in& out o a ni&ht!are and she sees There is /ea+e or o2edient /eo/)e. ;our sou) has understood Me. Live in My /ea+e.G the Lord9 she ee)s His Hand on her orehead9 she +overs her a+e with her tre!2)in& hands and !oansI E$o not +urse !eH I I had 6nown what I was &ivin& 2irth to9 I wou)d He )owers His eyes a&ain on Mary o Si!on9 who )oo6s at Hi! throu&h a strea! o have torn !y wo!2 to /revent hi! ro! 2ein& 2orn.G tears whi+h are now !ore +a)!9 and He s!i)es at her a&ain. 'nd He says to herI ELay your ho/e in the Lord. He wi)) &ive you a)) His +o! ort.G He 2)esses her and is a2out to E'nd you wou)d have sinned. MaryH ohH MaryH $o not de/art ro! your <usti+e &o away. 2e+ause o the sin o another /erson. The !others who have u) i))ed their duty !ust not +onsider the!se)ves res/onsi2)e or the sins o their sons. ;ou have done your duty9 Mary o Si!on utters a /assionate +ryI EThey say that !y son 2etrayed ;ou with a Mary. ,ive Me your /oor hands. %e +a)!9 /oor !other.G 6issH Is it true9 LordF I it is so9 a))ow !e to wash it 2y 6issin& ;our Hands. There is nothin& e)se I +an doH I +annot do anythin& e)se to +an+e)N to +an+e)NG She is stru+6 EI a! Judas' !other. I a! un+)ean )i6e a)) the thin&s that de!on tou+hed. The !other o with dee/er &rie . a de!onH $o not tou+h !e.G She stru&&)es to avoid the divine Hands that want to ho)d her. The two tears o Jesus a)) on her a+e 2urnin& on+e a&ain with ever. EI have /uri ied you9 Mary. My tears o +o!/assion are on you. I have not shed My tears on any2ody sin+e I +onsu!ed My sorrow. %ut I a! wee/in& over you with a)) My )ovin& /ity.G He has su++eeded in &ettin& ho)d o her hands and He sits9 yes9 He rea))y sits down on the ed&e o the )itt)e 2ed9 ho)din& her tre!2)in& hands in His. Jesus9 ohH Jesus does not &ive her His hands to 6iss9 those hands on whi+h the wide s)eeve o His snow@white tuni+ rea+hes down to ha) the !eta+ar/us +on+ea)in& the wounds9 2ut He ta6es her head in His hands and He 2ends and with His divine )i/s He )i&ht)y tou+hes the 2urnin& orehead o the !ost unha//y o a)) wo!en9 and standin& u/ a&ain He says to herI EMy tears and My 6issH 8o one has ever had so !u+h ro! Me. So 2e at /ea+e9 2e+ause there is nothin& 2ut )ove 2etween you and Me.G

He 2)esses her and9 a ter &oin& a+ross the roo! =ui+6)y9 He &oes out 2ehind 'nne9 who The )ovin& +o!/assion o His 2ri&ht eyes +aresses9 enve)o/s and +ures the /oor wret+h9 who +a)!s down wee/in& si)ent)y and whis/erin&I EHave ;ou no &rud&e a&ainst !eFG did not dare to +o!e orward9 or to s/ea69 2ut is wee/in& dee/)y !oved. 7 %ut when they are in the +orridor that )eads to the !ain door9 'nne dares to s/ea6 and EI have )ove. That is why I have +o!e. Have /ea+e.G to as6 the =uestion whi+h she has at heartI EMy JohannaFG E;ou or&iveH %ut the wor)dH ;our MotherH She wi)) hate !e.G E(or i teen days she has re<oi+ed in Heaven. I did not !ention it there9 2e+ause too 2i& EShe thin6s o you as o a sister. The wor)d is +rue). That is true. %ut My Mother is the is the +ontrast 2etween your dau&hter and her son.G Mother o the Love9 and She is &ood. ;ou +annot &o a2out in the wor)d9 2ut She wi)) EIt is trueH ' &reat tortureH I thin6 she wi)) die o it.G +o!e to you when everythin& is at /ea+e. Ti!e /a+i iesNG E8o. 8ot soon.G EMa6e !e die9 i ;ou )ove !eNG E' )itt)e )on&er. ;our son was not a2)e to &ive Me anythin&. ,ive Me a /eriod o ti!e o your su erin&. It wi)) 2e a short one.G EMy son has &iven ;ou too !u+hN In inite horror he has &iven ;ou.G E8ow she wi)) 2e !ore at /ea+e. ;ou have +onso)ed her. ;ouH ;ou 4ho !ore than any2odyNG EI 4ho /ity her !ore than any2ody e)se. I a! the $ivine 1ity. I a! the Love. I te)) you9 wo!anI i Judas had on)y +ast a &)an+e o re/entan+e at Me9 I wou)d have o2tained ,od's or&iveness or hi!NG How sad is Jesus' a+eH

E'nd you your in inite sorrow. The horror is over. It no )on&er serves. ;our sorrow serves. It <oins these wounds o Mine9 and ;our tears and My %)ood wash the wor)d. ')) sorrows <oin to&ether to wash the wor)d. ;our tears are 2etween My %)ood and the The wo!an is stru+6 2y it. 4ords and si)en+e stru&&)e on her )i/s9 2ut she is a wo!an9 and +uriosity is the winner. She as6sI E4as it aN anN ;es9 I !eanI did that wret+hed tears o My Mother and around the! there is a)) the sorrow o the saints who wi)) su er

)2/. Jesus A55ea s &" Da i"us Pe"52e in Di--e en& P2a3es.


!an sin a)) o a sudden9 orNG EHe had 2een sinnin& or !onths and no word o Mine9 no a+t o Mine was a2)e to sto/ hi!9 so stron& was his wi)) to sin. %ut do not te)) her thatNG EI wi)) notHN LordH %e+ause now9 when 'nanias ran away ro! Jerusa)e!9 the very ni&ht o the 1re/aration $ay9 without even +o!/)etin& the 1assover9 he +a!e in here shoutin&I C;our son has 2etrayed the Master and has handed Hi! over to His ene!iesH He 2etrayed Hi! with a 6iss. 'nd I have seen the Master 2eaten9 +overed with s/itt)e9 s+our&ed9 +rowned with thorns9 )aden with a +ross9 +ru+i ied and dead throu&h the a+tion o your son. 'nd our na!e is shouted with o2s+ene triu!/h 2y the ene!ies o the Master9 and they re)ate the eats o your son9 who9 or )ess than the /ri+e that a )a!2 +osts9 has so)d the Messiah and with the 2etraya) o a 6iss has /ointed Hi! out to the &uardsHD9 Mary e)) on the &round9 and 2e+a!e 2)a+6 a)) o a sudden9 and the do+tor says that her )iver has 2urst and the 2i)e has )own out and a)) her 2)ood is +orru/ted 2y it. 'ndN the wor)d is 2ad. She is ri&htN I had to 2rin& her here9 2e+ause they +a!e near her house in :erioth to shoutI C;our son is a dei+ide and a sui+ideH He has han&ed hi!se) H 'nd %ee)ze2u2 has ta6en his sou)9 and Satan has +o!e to ta6e even his 2ody.D Is that horri2)e wonder trueFG E8o9 wo!an. He was ound dead9 han&in& ro! an o)ive@treeNG E'hH 'nd they shoutedI C7hrist has risen and is ,od. ;our son has 2etrayed ,od. ;ou are the !other o the 2etrayer o ,od. ;ou are the !other o Judas.D 't ni&ht9 with 'nanias and a aith u) servant9 the on)y one )e t to !e9 2e+ause no one wanted to stay near herN I 2rou&ht her here. %ut Mary hears those +ries in the noises o the earth9 in everythin&.G E1oor !otherH It is horri2)e9 indeed.G E%ut did that de!on not thin6 o a)) this9 LordFG EIt was one o the reasons I had re+ourse to9 to ho)d hi! 2a+6. %ut to no avai). Judas went so ar as to hate ,od9 as he had never )oved his ather and !other or any other nei&h2our with true )ove.G EThat is true.G

/rostrates hi!se) and re!ains so. E'nanias9 the Lord is &ood. He has +o!e to +o! ort your re)ative and to +o! ort us as we))G says 'nne to +onso)e a)so the e)der)y !an9 who is too dee/)y !oved. %ut the !an dare not !ove. He wee/s sayin&I E4e are o horri2)e 2)ood. I +annot )oo6 at the Lord.G Jesus &oes to hi!. He tou+hes his head9 re/eatin& the sa!e words as He said to Mary o Si!onI E.e)atives who have done their duty !ust not +onsider the!se)ves res/onsi2)e or the sin o a re)ative. Ta6e heart9 !anH ,od is <ust. 1ea+e to you and to this house. I have +o!e and you wi)) &o where I send you. (or the su//)e!entary 1assover the dis+i/)es wi)) 2e at %ethany. ;ou wi)) &o to the! and you wi)) te)) the! that on the twe) th day ro! His death9 you saw the Lord at :erioth9 a)ive and true9 in %ody and Sou) and $ivinity. They wi)) 2e)ieve you9 2e+ause I have a)ready 2een with the! =uite a )ot. %ut it wi)) +on ir! the! in their aith on My $ivine 8ature to 6now that I a! everywhere on the sa!e day. 'nd 2e ore that9 this very day9 you wi)) &o to :erioth to as6 the )eader o the syna&o&ue to &ather the /eo/)e to&ether9 and in the /resen+e o every2ody you wi)) say that I +a!e here9 and that they are to re!e!2er My words o the arewe)). They wi)) +ertain)y say to youI C4hy did He not +o!e to usFD ;ou wi)) re/)y soI CThe Lord to)d !e to say to you that9 i you had done what He to)d you to do to the inno+ent !other9 He wou)d have shown Hi!se) . ;ou ai)ed in your duty o )ove9 and that is why the Lord has not shown Hi!se) .D 4i)) you do thatFG EThat is di i+u)t9 LordH It is di i+u)t to do thatH They +onsider us a)) as heart )e/ersN The )eader o the syna&o&ue wi)) not )isten to !e9 and he wi)) not )et !e s/ea6 to the /eo/)e. He !ay 2eat !eN However9 I wi)) do it9 2e+ause ;ou want it.G The e)der)y !an does not raise his head. He s/ea6s 2ent in dee/ /rostration. ELoo6 at Me9 'naniasHG The !an )oo6s u/ tre!2)in& with veneration. Jesus is as 2ri&ht and handso!e as He was on Mount Ta2orN The )i&ht enve)o/s Hi!9 +on+ea)in& His eatures and His s!i)eN 'nd the +orridor is )e t without Hi!9 without any door 2ein& !oved to )et Hi! /ass.

The two worshi/ and worshi/9 as they have 2e+o!e a)) adoration throu&h the divine E,ood2ye9 wo!an. May My 2)essin& +o! ort you to 2ear the !o+6ery o the wor)d !ani estation. 2e+ause o your +o!/assion or Mary. :iss My hand. I +an show it to you. It wou)d have done too !u+h har! to her to see this.G He throws the s)eeve 2a+69 un+overin& the /ier+ed wrist. 'nne utters a &roan as with her )i/s she )i&ht)y tou+hes the ti/s o His in&ers. 8 The noise o a door that is o/ened and a sti )ed +ryI EThe LordHG9 ' rather o)d !an

III. To the children of Juttah with their mother Sarah.

9 The or+hard o Sarah's house. The +hi)dren who are /)ayin& under the )ea y trees. The youn&est one who ro))s on the &rass near a thi+6 row o vine@)eaves9 the other 2i&&er

)2/. Jesus A55ea s &" Da i"us Pe"52e in Di--e en& P2a3es.


ones who +hase one another with <oy u) +ries o swa))ows9 /)ayin& at hide@and@see6 2ehind hed&es and vines. Jesus a//ears near the )itt)e one to who! He &ave His na!e. 5hH ho)y si!/)i+ity o the inno+entsH Jesai is not sur/rised seein& Hi! there a)) o a sudden9 2ut he stret+hes out his )itt)e ar!s9 so that Jesus !ay ta6e hi! in His9 and Jesus ta6es hi!I there is the &reatest si!/)i+ity in the a+ts o 2oth. The others arrive runnin& J and on+e a&ain the 2)essed si!/)i+ity o +hi)drenH J and without any astonish!ent they a//roa+h Hi! ha//i)y. 8othin& see!s to have +han&ed or the!. They /ro2a2)y do not 6now. %ut a ter Jesus has +aressed ea+h o the!9 Mary9 the o)dest and !ost sensi2)e one9 saysI ESo do ;ou no )on&er su er9 Lord9 now that ;ou have risenF I was so sorryH...G

I$. To !oung Jaia# at Pella.

11 The youn& !an is wor6in& with zea) around a +art. He is )oadin& it with ve&eta2)es /i+6ed in a near2y ve&eta2)e &arden. The )itt)e don6ey 2eats the hard sur a+e o the +ountry road with its hoo . 4hen he turns round to ta6e a 2as6et o )ettu+e9 he sees Jesus 4ho s!i)es at hi!. He dro/s the 2as6et on the &round and he 6nee)s down9 ru22in& his eyes9 in+redu)ous o what he sees9 and he whis/ersI EMost Hi&h9 do not )ead !e into i))usionsH Lord9 do not a))ow !e to 2e de+eived 2y Satan 2y !eans o a)se sedu+in& a//earan+es. My Lord is rea))y deadH 'nd He was 2uried9 and they now say that His +or/se has 2een sto)en. Have !er+y9 Most Hi&h LordH Show !e the truth.G EI a! the Truth9 Jaia. I a! the Li&ht o the 4or)d. Loo6 at Me. See Me. That is why I &ave your si&ht 2a+6 to you9 so that you !ay witness My /ower and My .esurre+tion.G

EI no )on&er su er. I have +o!e to 2)ess you 2e ore I as+end to My (ather and yours9 in E5hH It is rea))y the LordH It is ;ouH ;esH ;ou are JesusHG He dra&s hi!se) a)on& on Heaven. %ut a)so ro! there I wi)) a)ways 2)ess you9 i you are a)ways &ood. ;ou wi)) his 6nees to 6iss His eet. te)) those who )ove Me that I have )e t My 2)essin& with you today. .e!e!2er this day.G E;ou wi)) say that you have seen Me and have s/o6en to Me and that I a! rea))y a)ive. ;ou wi)) say that you have seen Me today. My /ea+e and My 2)essin& to you.G 10 E're ;ou not +o!in& to the houseF Mother is there. They wi)) not 2e)ieve usG says Mary a&ain. Jaia re!ains a)one. He is ha//y. He or&ets the +art and the ve&eta2)es. In vain the rest)ess don6ey 2eats the road and 2rays9 /rotestin& 2e+ause o the )on& wait... Jaia is %ut her 2rother does not as6. He shoutsI EMu!!y9 !u!!y. The Lord is hereH...G and enra/tured. runnin& towards the house9 he re/eats that +ry. Sarah rushes9 she )oo6s out o the window... <ust in ti!e to see Jesus9 very handso!e at the ed&e o the or+hard9 disa//ear in the )i&ht that a2sor2s Hi!... EThe LordH %ut why did you not +a)) !e 2e oreF...G says Sarah as soon as she is a2)e to s/ea6. E%ut whenF where did He +o!e ro!F 4as He a)oneF How oo)ish you areHG E4e ound Hi! here. ' !o!ent 2e ore He was not here... He did not +o!e ro! the road or ro! the 6it+hen &arden. 'nd He had Jesai in His ar!s... 'nd He to)d us that He had +o!e to 2)ess us and to &ive us His 2)essin& or those who )ove Hi! in Jutta and to re!e!2er this day. 'nd now He is &oin& to Heaven. %ut He wi)) )ove us i we are &ood. How handso!e He wasH He had wounds in His hands. %ut they no )on&er hurt Hi!. ')so His eet were wounded. I saw the! a!on& the &rass. That )ower there tou+hed <ust the wound o one oot. I wi)) /i+6 it...G they a)) s/ea6 to&ether9 e3+ited with e!otion. They even /ers/ire in the e3+ite!ent o s/ea6in&. Sarah +aresses the! whis/erin&I E,od is &reatH Let us &o. 7o!e. Let us &o and te)) every2ody. ;ou9 inno+ents9 wi)) s/ea6. ;ou +an s/ea6 o ,od.G

12 ' wo!an +o!es out o the house near the 6it+hen &arden and sees hi! there9 wan with e!otion9 his a+e with a ar@away )oo6. She shoutsI EJa aH 4hat is the !atter with youF 4hat ha//ened to youFG She rushes towards hi! and sha6es hi!. She 2rin&s hi! 2a+6 to earth... EThe LordH I have seen the .isen Lord. I have 6issed His eet and seen His wounds. They have to)d )ies. It was rea))y ,od and He has risen. I thou&ht it was a de+eit. %ut it is HeH It is HeHG The wo!an tre!2)es thri))ed with e!otion and whis/ersI E're you =uite sureFG E;ou are &ood9 wo!an. (or His sa6e you have ta6en !y !other and !e as your servants. $o not re use to 2e)ieveH...G EI you are sure9 I 2e)ieve. %ut was He rea))y )eshF 4as He war!F $id He 2reatheF $id He s/ea6F $id He rea))y have a voi+e9 or did you thin6 soFG EI a! +ertain. It was the war! )esh o a )ivin& 2ein&9 it was a rea) voi+e9 it was 2reath. 's handso!e as ,od9 2ut Man9 )i6e !e and you. Let us &o9 )et us &o and te)) those who su er or are in dou2t.G

)2/. Jesus A55ea s &" Da i"us Pe"52e in Di--e en& P2a3es.


$. To John of %o&.
13 The o)d !an is a)) a)one in his house. %ut he is serene. He is re/airin& a +hair as on one side the nai)s have +o!e out9 and he s!i)es at I wonder whi+h drea!. There is a 6no+6 at the door. The o)d !an9 without )eavin& his wor69 saysI E7o!e in. 4hat do you want9 you who +o!eF Sti)) one o thoseF I a! too o)d to +han&eH 0ven i the who)e wor)d shouted to !eI CHe is deadD9 I sayI CHe is )ivin&D. 0ven i I had to die to say so. So9 +o!e inHG He &ets u/ to &o to the door9 to see who 6no+6s without &oin& in. %ut when he is near it9 the door o/ens and Jesus &oes in. E5hH 5hH 5hH My LordH ')iveH I 2e)ievedH 'nd He +o!es to reward !y aithH %)essedH I did not dou2t. In !y &rie I saidI CI He sent !e the )a!2 or the 2an=uet o <oy9 it !eans that He wi)) rise this day.D Then I understood everythin&. 4hen ;ou died and the 0arth was sha6en9 I understood what I had not yet understood. 'nd they thou&ht that I was !ad9 at 8o29 2e+ause at sunset on the day a ter the Sa22ath9 I /re/ared a 2an=uet and I went and invited so!e 2e&&ars sayin&I C5ur (riend has risenHD They were a)ready sayin& that it was not true. They were sayin& that they had sto)en ;ou durin& the ni&ht. %ut I did not 2e)ieve the!9 2e+ause sin+e ;ou died I understood that ;ou were dyin& to rise a&ain9 and that that was the si&n o Jonah.G Jesus9 s!i)in&9 )ets hi! s/ea6. Then he as6sI E'nd do you sti)) wish to die now9 or do you want to stay to witness My &)oryFG E4hatever ;ou want9 LordHG E8o. 4hat you want.G The o)d !an is /ensive. He then de+idesI EIt wou)d 2e )ove)y to &o out o this wor)d9 where ;ou no )on&er are as ;ou were /revious)y. %ut I or&o the /ea+e o Heaven to say to the in+redu)ousI CI have seen Hi!HDG Jesus )ays His hand on his head 2)essin& hi! and He addsI E%ut it wi)) soon 2e a)so /ea+e9 and you wi)) +o!e to Me with the ran6 o +on essor o the 7hrist.G 'nd He &oes away. In this +ase9 /ro2a2)y out o /ity or the o)d !an9 He did not a//ear or disa//ear in a wonder u) way9 2ut He did everythin& as i He were the Jesus o days &one 2y9 when He used to enter or +o!e out o a house in a nor!a) hu!an way.

have or Hi!. 'nd He wi)) never taste the! a&ain. I have wor6ed in vain. I 2e)ieve that He was the Son o ,od9 that He died and has risen. %ut He is no )on&er the Master9 4ho sits at the ta2)e o the /oor or o the ri+h and shares the ood with e=ua) )ove9 /erha/s9 no +ertain)y with !ore )ove with the /oor than with the ri+h. 8ow He is the .isen Lord. He has risen to +on ir! us9 His 2e)ievers9 in our aith. 'nd they say that it is not true. That no one has ever risen 2y hi!se) . 8o one. 8o. 8o !an. %ut He did. %e+ause He is ,od.G He +)a/s his hands to drive away the /i&eons that +o!e down to stea) the seed in the earth that has <ust 2een du& and sown9 and he saysI EIt is use)ess now or you to /ro+reateH He wi)) never re)ish your )itt)e ones a&ainH 'nd you9 use)ess 2eesF (or who! do you /rodu+e honeyF I was ho/in& to have Hi! at )east on+e with !e9 now that I a! not so /oor. 0very thin& has )ourished here9 a ter He +a!e... 'hH 2ut with that !oney9 that I have never tou+hed9 I want to &o to 8azareth9 to His Mother9 and say to HerI CMa6e !e ;our servant9 2ut )et !e stay here where ;ou are9 2e+ause ;ou are sti)) HeD...G He wi/es a tear with the 2a+6 o his hand... 15 EMatthias9 have you so!e 2read or a /i)&ri!FG Matthias )oo6s u/9 2ut9 as he is on his 6nees9 he +annot see who is s/ea6in& ro! 2ehind the ta)) hed&e9 that surrounds his s!a)) /ro/erty )ost in this &reen so)itary /)a+e 2eyond the Jordan. %ut he re/)iesI E4hoever you !ay 2e9 +o!e9 in the na!e o the Lord Jesus.G 'nd he stands u/ to o/en the en+e. He inds hi!se) a+in& Jesus9 and he re!ains with his hand on the )at+h9 una2)e to !a6e a &esture. E$o you not want Me as your &uest9 MatthiasF ;ou did on+e. 'nd you were re&rettin& that you +ou)d not do so a&ain. I a! here and are you not o/enin& to MeFG says Jesus s!i)in&... E5hH Lord... I... I... I a! not worthy that !y Lord shou)d +o!e in here... I...G Jesus /asses His hand over the en+e and o/ens the )o+6 sayin&I EThe Lord enters wherever He wants9 Matthias.G He &oes in9 He /ro+eeds a)on& the hu!2)e 6it+hen &arden9 He &oes towards the house and on the thresho)d He saysI ESo9 you +an sa+ri i+e the )itt)e ones o your /i&eons. Ta6e your ve&eta2)es away ro! the &arden and the honey ro! your 2ees. 4e wi)) share the 2read to&ether9 and your wor6 wi)) not have 2een use)ess9 and your desire vain. 'nd this /)a+e wi)) 2e dear to you9 and you wi)) not have to &o where there wi)) soon 2e si)en+e and a2andon!ent. I a! everywhere9 Matthias. He who )oves Me9 is a)ways with Me. My dis+i/)es wi)) 2e in Jerusa)e!. My 7hur+h wi)) arise there. Ma6e sure you are there or the su//)e!entary 1assover.G

$I. To

atthias# the old solitar! man near Ja&esh'(ilead.

14 The o)d !an is wor6in& at his ve&eta2)es and is ta)6in& to hi!se) I E')) wea)th that I

)2/. Jesus A55ea s &" Da i"us Pe"52e in Di--e en& P2a3es.


E(or&ive !e9 Lord. %ut I +ou)d not resist in that /)a+e and I ran away. I arrived there at the ninth hour the day 2e ore 1re/aration $ay9 and the day a ter... 5hH I ran away as I did not want to see ;ou die. 5n)y or that9 Lord.G EI 6now. 'nd I 6now that you went 2a+69 and you were one o the irst9 to wee/ over My se/u)+hre. %ut I was a)ready out o it. I 6now everythin&. 16 Here9 I wi)) sit here and rest. I have a)ways rested here... 'nd the an&e)s 6now that.G

has ound re)ie a ter a vio)ent stor!. He /asses a)so throu&h the rest o the town9 and &oes to the vineyards near the ountains. The 2eauti u) erti)e vineyards9 a)ready /ro!isin& a2undant +ro/s. He &oes in and 2e&ins to hoe9 to /rune9 to tie. 8ow and a&ain he stands u/9 he )eans on the hoe9 he /onders. He s!ooths his /atriar+ha) 2eard9 he si&hs9 he sha6es his head9 in an inward +onversation.

' !an9 a)) enve)o/ed in his !ant)e9 +o!es u/ the road towards the ountains and the vineyards. I sayI a !an. %ut it is Jesus9 2e+ause it is His &ar!ent and His &ait. %ut or The !an 2usies hi!se) 9 2ut he see!s to 2e !ovin& in a +hur+h9 so reverent)y he !oves the o)d !an it is a !an. 'nd the Man as6s '2raha!I EMay I sto/ hereFG a2out. 8ow and a&ain he wi/es a tear9 whi+h is a2out to !in&)e with his s!i)e9 whi)e he +o!es and &oes to &et the )itt)e /i&eons9 6i)) the!9 /re/are the!9 /o6e the ire9 /i+6 and EHos/ita)ity is sa+red. I have never denied it to any2ody. 7o!e. 7o!e in. May the rest wash the ve&eta2)es9 and /ut the ear)y i&s in a /)ate9 and )ay the ta2)e with the 2est in the shade o !y vines 2e /)easant to you. $o you want so!e !i)6F So!e 2readF I ta2)eware. %ut when everythin& is ready9 how +an he sit down and eatF He wants to wi)) &ive you what I /ossess here.G serve9 whi+h see!s a &reat dea) to hi!9 and does not want anythin& e)se. %ut Jesus9 E'nd what +an I &ive youF I have nothin&.G 4ho has o ered and 2)essed the ood9 o ers hi! ha) o the /i&eon9 whi+h He has +ut9 /)a+in& the !eat on a /ie+e o 2read9 that He has di//ed into the sau+e. EHe who is the Messiah has &iven !e everythin&9 or every !an. 'nd no !atter what I &ive9 it is nothin& when +o!/ared to what He has &iven !e.G E5hH as to a avouriteHG says the !an9 and he eats9 wee/in& or <oy and e!otion9 without ta6in& his eyes o Jesus9 4ho eats... drin6s9 en<oys the ve&eta2)es9 the ruit9 the E$o you 6now that they +ru+i ied Hi!FG honey9 and o ers His +ha)i+e to hi! a ter ta6in& a si/ o wine. 1revious)y He had EI 6now that He has risen ro! the dead. 're you one o those who +ru+i ied Hi!F I a! a)ways drun6 water. not a))owed to hate9 2e+ause He does not want hatred. %ut9 i I were a))owed9 I wou)d The !ea) is over. hate you i you were.G EI a! rea))y a)ive9 as you +an see. 'nd you are =uite ha//y. .e!e!2er that twe)ve days a&o I was dyin& 2y the wi)) o !en. %ut nothin& is the wi)) o !en when the wi)) o ,od does not a&ree to it. 'nd !ore than that9 the +ontrary wi)) o !en 2e+o!es a servi)e instru!ent o the eterna) 4i)). ,ood2ye9 Matthias. 's I said that he wi)) 2e with Me9 who &ave Me a drin6 when I was the 1i)&ri! a2out 4ho! every dou2t was )aw u)9 so I say to youI you wi)) have /art in My +e)estia) :in&do!.G E%ut I a! )osin& ;ou now9 LordHG EIn every /i)&ri! see MeM in every 2e&&ar9 MeM in every si+6 /erson9 MeM in everyone needin& 2read9 water and +)othes9 Me. I a! in whoever su ers9 and what is done to those who su er9 is done to Me.G He stret+hes out His ar!s 2)essin& and disa//ears. EI a! not one o His +ru+i iers. $o not worry. So you 6now everythin& a2out Hi!.G E;es9 everythin&. 'nd 0)isha... He is !y son9 you 6nowF 0)isha did not +o!e 2a+6 any !ore ro! Jerusa)e!9 and he saidI C$is!iss !e9 ather9 2e+ause I a! )eavin& a)) !y wea)th in order to /rea+h the Lord. I wi)) &o to 7a/ernau! to )oo6 or John9 and I wi)) <oin the aith u) dis+i/)es.DG ESo your son has )e t youF So o)d and a)oneFG E4hat you +a)) a2andon!ent is the <oy I have drea!t o . Had )e/rosy not de/rived !e o hi!F 'nd who &ave hi! 2a+6 to !eF The Messiah. 'nd a! I )osin& hi! 2e+ause he /rea+hes the LordF 5 +ourse notH I sha)) ind hi! a&ain a)so in eterna) )i e. 18 %ut you s/ea6 in a way that !a6es !e sus/i+ious. 're you an e!issary o the Te!/)eF Have you +o!e to /erse+ute those who 2e)ieve in the risen MasterF Stri6eH I wi)) not run away. I wi)) not i!itate the three wise !en o re!ote days. I wi)) stay. %e+ause i I a)) or Hi!9 I sha)) <oin Hi! in Heaven and !y /rayer o )ast year wi)) 2e answered.G EThat is true. ;ou then saidI CI an3ious)y waited or the Lord9 and He heard !e.DG EHow do you 6nowF 're you one o His dis+i/)esF 4ere you here with Hi! when I /rayed Hi!F 5hH i you are su+h9 he)/ !e to !a6e !y +ry rea+h Hi!9 so that He !ay re!e!2er.G He /rostrates hi!se) 9 thin6in& that he is s/ea6in& to an a/ost)e.

$II. To A&raham of Engedi# who dies in His Arms.

17 The s=uare o 0n&ediI /i))ared te!/)e o rust)in& /a)!@trees. The ountainI !irror or the '/ri) s6y. The /i&eonsI )ow !ur!ur o or&an. 5)d '2raha! /asses throu&h it with his wor6in& too)s on his shou)ders. He )oo6s even o)der9 2ut serene )i6e one who

)2/. Jesus A55ea s &" Da i"us Pe"52e in Di--e en& P2a3es.


EIt is I9 '2raha! o 0n&edi9 and I say to youI C7o!eD.G Jesus stret+hes out His ar!s towards hi!9 revea)in& Hi!se) 9 and invitin& hi! to throw hi!se) into the!9 re)a3in& on His Heart. 't that !o!ent a 2oy +o!es into the vineyard. He is o))owed 2y an ado)es+ent and he shoutsI E(atherH (atherH Here we are to he)/ you.G %ut the tri))in& +ry o the 2oy is drowned 2y the /ower u) +ry o the o)d !an9 a true +ry o )i2erationI EHere I a!H I a! +o!in&HG 'nd '2raha! throws hi!se) into the ar!s o Jesus9 shoutin& a&ainI EJesus9 Ho)y MessiahH Into ;our hands I +o!!it !y s/iritHG

not so vio)ent)y9 and I +a!e 2a+6 here to do /enan+e9 thin6in& that the da! o +e)estia) wrath had o/ened.G E5 $ivine Mer+y. I died and have risen. Loo6 at My wounds. Join the servants o the Lord on Mount Ta2or and te)) the! that I sent you .G He 2)esses hi! and disa//ears.

I*. To +orcas and her child in the castle of Caesarea Philippi.

' 2)essed death. ' death I envyH 5n the Heart o 7hrist9 in the serene /ea+e o the '/ri) 21 $or+as' )itt)e 2oy9 su//orted 2y his !other9 is ta6in& his irst ste/s on the ra!/art o )owery +ountry... the ortress. 'nd $or+as9 2ent as she is9 does not see the Lord a//ear. %ut when9 havin& )e t the )itt)e 2oy so!ewhat ree9 she sees hi! wa)6 steadi)y and ast towards the +orner 19 Jesus )ays the o)d !an &ent)y on the )owery &rass that waves in the 2reeze9 at the o the ra!/art9 she strai&htens herse) u/ to run9 so that he !ay not a)) and !ay /erish oot o a row o vines9 and He says to the +hi)dren9 who9 astonished and ri&htened9 are /assin& throu&h the 2att)e!ents or o/enin&s !ade on /ur/ose or o ensive wea/ons. a2out to 2urst into tearsI E$o not wee/. He died in the Lord. %)essed are those who die 'nd in doin& so she sees Jesus9 4ho ta6es u/ the +hi)d9 /ressin& hi! to His heart and in Hi!H ,o9 2oys9 and te)) those o 0n&edi that their syna&o&ue )eader has seen the 6issin& hi!. risen Lord and had his /rayer answered 2y Hi!. $o not wee/H $o not wee/HG He +aresses the! whi)e )eadin& the! to the e3it. The wo!an dare not !a6e a &esture. %ut she utters a )oud +ry. ' +ry that !a6es those o the +ourts )oo6 u/ and +auses a+es to )ean out o windowsI EThe LordH The LordH He then &oes 2a+6 to the de+eased !an and tidies his 2eard and hair9 He )owers his The Messiah is hereH He has rea))y risen.G %ut 2e ore /eo/)e +an rush there9 Jesus has eye)ids9 whi+h were ha) +)osed9 He /uts the 2ody in order9 and on it He )ays the !ant)e a)ready disa//eared. that '2raha! had ta6en o to wor6. 22 E;ou are !adH ;ou were drea!in&H 1)ays o )i&ht have !ade you see a &host.G He re!ains there unti) He hears so!e voi+es +o!in& ro! the road. Then He stands u/. 4onder u)... Those who rush there see Hi!. They shout. They run aster to rea+h Jesus. E5hH He was rea))y a)iveH See how !y son is )oo6in& there and how he is ho)din& in his %ut He disa//ears ro! their eyes in the re u)&en+e o 2ea!s 2ri&hter than the sun. hands an a//)e as 2eauti u) as his )itt)e a+e. He is &nawin& at it with his )itt)e teeth. I have no a//)es...G

$III. To Eli)ah# the Essene of

ount Cherith.

E8o2ody has ri/e a//)es these days9 and so resh...G they say rather sho+6ed.

ELet us as6 To2iasG say so!e o the wo!en. 20 The harsh so)itude o the rou&h !ountain at the 2otto! o whi+h )ows the 7herith. 0)i<ah is /rayin&9 even !ore e!a+iated and 2earded9 wearin& a +oarse woo))en &ar!ent9 E4hat do you want to doF He +an hard)y say C!u!!yDHG say the !en !o+6in&)y. whi+h is neither &rey nor 2rown9 and !a6es hi! )oo6 )i6e the ro+6s surroundin& hi!. %ut the wo!en 2end over the )itt)e 2oy and sayI E4ho &ave you the a//)eFG He hears a noise rese!2)in& that o wind or thunder. He )oo6s u/. Jesus has a//eared 'nd the )i/s9 that +an hard)y say the !ost si!/)e words9 in a <oy u) s!i)e that dis/)ays on a ro+6 han&in& 2a)an+ed over the /re+i/i+e9 at the 2otto! o whi+h there is the his tiny )itt)e teeth and his sti)) e!/ty &u!s9 without any hesitation saysI EJesus.G torrent. E5hHG EThe MasterHG He throws hi!se) on the &round9 a+e downwards. EI9 0)i<ah. $id you not hear the earth=ua6e on 1re/aration $ayFG E;es9 I did9 and I went down to Jeri+ho and to 8i6e. I did not ind any o those who )ove ;ou. I as6ed a ter ;ou. They hit !e. Then I e)t the earth tre!2)e on+e a&ain9 2ut EHeyH you +a)) hi! JesaiH He +an say his na!e.G EJesus you9 or Jesus the LordF 4hi+h LordF 4here did you see Hi!FG insist the wo!en.

)2/. Jesus A55ea s &" Da i"us Pe"52e in Di--e en& P2a3es.


EThere9 the Lord. Jesus the Lord.G E4here is HeF 4here did He &oFG EThere.G He /oints at the s6y u)) o sun and s!i)es ha//i)y and 2ites his a//)e. 'nd whi)e the !en &o away sha6in& their heads9 $or+as says to the wo!enI EHe was handso!e. He see!ed to 2e dressed in )i&ht. 'nd on His hands He had the si&ns o the nai)s9 as red as &e!s a&ainst so !u+h whiteness. I saw Hi! very we))9 2e+ause He he)d the +hi)d soG and she !a6es the &esture o Jesus. 23 The su/erintendent hastens there9 he !a6es the! re/eat the story9 he /onders9 and +on+)udesI EThe /sa)! saysI C5n the )i/s o +hi)dren and 2a2es in ar!s ;ou have /)a+ed the /er e+t /raise.D 'nd why not the truthF They are inno+ent. 'nd we... Let us re!e!2er this day... 8oH I a! &oin& to the vi))a&e o the dis+i/)es. I a! &oin& to see whether the .a22i is there... 'nd yet... He was dead... 4ho 6nowsH...G 'nd with this Ewho 6nowsHG that ends its +on+)usion interna))y9 the su/erintendent &oes away9 whi)e the wo!en9 u)) o e3+ite!ent9 +ontinue as6in& =uestions o the +hi)d9 who )au&hs and re/eatsI EJesus9 there. 'nd then there. Jesus LordG and he /oints at the /)a+e where Jesus was9 then at the sun where he saw Hi! disa//ear9 ha//y9 ha//y.

*I. To a group of ra&&is at (iscala.

25 ' /oisonous &rou/ o ra22is who try to +onvin+e so!e hesitatin& !en o their re=uests. They wou)d )i6e to &et these !en to &o to ,a!a)ie)9 who has +)osed hi!se) in his house and does not want to see any2ody. These !en sayI E4e te)) you that he is not here. 4e do not 6now where he is. He +a!e. He +onsu)ted so!e ro))s. He went away. He did not say one wordGM EHe was ri&htenin&9 so u/set and a&ed he wasG re/)y the others. 4ith a 2ad &ra+e the ra22is turn their 2a+6s on those who have s/o6en and9 they &o away sayin&I E')so ,a!a)ie) is as !ad as Si!onH It is not true that the ,a)i)ean has risenH It is not trueH It is not trueH It is not true that He is ,od. It is not true. 8othin& is true. 4e a)one are in the truth.G The very /ain they ta6e in sayin& that it is not true9 /roves that they are a raid that it is true9 that they need to 2e reassured. They have wa)6ed a)on& the wa)) o the house and they are near Hi))e)'s to!2. How)in& their denia)s a)) the ti!e9 they raise their heads... and they run away shoutin&. The Jesus e3tre!e)y 6ind to &ood /eo/)e is there9 ri&htenin&)y /ower u)9 with His ar!s o/ened out as on the +ross... The wounds on His hands are as red as i they were sti)) dri//in& 2)ood. He does not utter one word. %ut His eyes u)!inate the!. The ra22is run away9 they a))9 they &et u/9 they wound the!se)ves a&ainst trees and stones9 !ad9 driven !ad 2y ear. They )oo6 )i6e ho!i+ides who have 2een ta6en 2a+6 into the /resen+e o their vi+ti!.

*. To the people gathered in the s!nagogue of "edesh.

24 The /eo/)e o :edesh are &athered in the syna&o&ue and are dis+ussin& the )ast events with Matthias9 the syna&o&ue )eader. The syna&o&ue is rather ha) dar69 2e+ause the doors are +)osed and the +urtains are )owered on the windows9 heavy +urtains that the '/ri) wind hard)y !oves. ' )i&htnin& i))u!inates the roo!. It )oo6s )i6e a )i&htnin&9 2ut it is the )i&ht that /re+edes Jesus. 'nd Jesus shows Hi!se) 9 astonishin& !any /eo/)e. He stret+hes out His ar!s and the wounds on His hands and eet a//ear +)ear)y visi2)e9 2e+ause He shows Hi!se) on the )ast o the three ste/s that )ead to a +)osed door. He saysI EI have risen ro! the dead. I re!ind you o the dis/ute 2etween the s+ri2es and Me. I have &iven the wi+6ed &eneration the si&n that I had /ro!ised. That o Jonah. I &ive My 2)essin& to those who )ove Me and are aith u) to Me.G 8othin& e)se. He disa//ears. E%ut it was HeH 4here ro!F 'nd yet He was a)iveH He had said soH 4e))H 8ow I understand. The si&n o JonahI three days in the 2owe)s o the 0arth and then the resurre+tion...G ' 2a22)e o +o!!ents...

*II. To Joachim and

ar! of Bo,rah.

26 EMaryH MaryH Joa+hi! and MaryH 7o!e outside.G The two9 who are in a =uiet roo!9 i))u!inated 2y a )a!/9 one intent on sewin&9 the other on !a6in& u/ a++ounts9 raise their heads9 )oo6 at ea+h other... Joa+hi!9 &rowin& /a)e with ear9 whis/ersI EThe voi+e o the .a22iH It +o!es ro! the other )i e...G The wo!an9 ri&htened9 /resses a&ainst her hus2and. %ut the +a)) is re/eated and the two9 ho)din& on ti&ht)y to ea+h other9 to /)u+6 u/ +oura&e9 dare to &o out9 in the dire+tion o the voi+e. In the &arden9 i))u!inated 2y the +res+ent o the new !oon9 there is Jesus9 shinin& in a )i&ht !u+h stron&er than !any !oons. The )i&ht surrounds Hi! and !a6es Hi! ,od. His very sweet s!i)e and )ovin& eyes !a6e Hi! ManI E,o and te)) those o %ozrah that you have seen Me9 rea) and a)ive. 'nd you9 Joa+hi!9 say so at Ta2or9 to those who have &athered there.G He 2)esses the! and disa//ears. E%ut it was HeH It was not a drea!H I... To!orrow I wi)) &o to ,a)i)ee. He said at the

)2/. Jesus A55ea s &" Da i"us Pe"52e in Di--e en& P2a3es.


Ta2or9 did He notF...G

*III. To

ar! of Jaco&# at Ephraim.

27 The wo!an is 6neadin& )our to !a6e 2read. She turns round9 u/on hearin& that she is 2ein& +a))ed9 and she sees Jesus. She throws herse) on the )oor9 a+e and hands on the )oor9 in si)ent adoration9 a )itt)e ri&htened. Jesus s/ea6sI E;ou wi)) te)) every2ody that you have seen Me and that I have s/o6en to you. The Lord is not su2<e+ted to the se/u)+hre. I rose on the third day as I had /redi+ted. $o /ersevere9 you who are on My way9 and do not )et yourse)ves 2e sedu+ed 2y the words o those who +ru+i ied Me. My /ea+e to you.G

E'nd I saidI I wi)) worshi/ Hi!9 and I sha)) see Mary. I was thin6in& that ;ou wou)d not re!ain )on& a!on& us9 and I was hastenin& !y de/arture. I used to sayI when He has &one 2a+6 to His (ather9 as He said9 His Mother wi)) 2e so!ewhat sad in Her <oy. %e+ause She is a sou)9 2ut She is a)so a !other... 'nd I wi)) try to +o! ort Her9 now that She is a)one... I was /roudHG E8o. ;ou were +o!/assionate. I wi)) in or! My Mother o your thou&ht. %ut do not +o!e there. .e!ain where you are and +ontinue to wor6 or Me. 8ow !ore than /revious)y. ;our 2rothers9 the dis+i/)es9 need the wor6 o every2ody to /ro/a&ate My do+trine. ;ou have seen Me. Mary is entrusted to John. $o not worry any !ore. ;ou wi)) 2e a2)e to orti y your s/irit with the +ertainty o havin& seen Me and with the /ower o My 2)essin&.G Synty+he is )on&in& to 6iss Hi!. %ut she dare not. Jesus says to herI E7o!e.G 'nd she dares to dra& herse) on her 6nees +)ose to Jesus and !a6es the &esture o 6issin& His eet. %ut she sees the two wounds and dare not. She ta6es the he! o His tuni+ and 6isses it wee/in&. 'nd she whis/ersI E4hat they have done to ;ouHG Then she as6s a =uestionI E'nd John@(e)i3FG EHe is ha//y. He re!e!2ers nothin& 2ut )ove and )ives in it. 1ea+e to you9 Synty+he.G He disa//ears. The wo!an re!ains in her adorin& attitude9 on her 6nees9 her a+e raised9 her hands stret+hed out a )itt)e9 tears on her a+e9 a s!i)e on her )i/s...

*I$. To S!nt!che# at Antioch.

28 Synty+he is /re/arin& a trave))in& 2a&. It is evenin&9 2e+ause a )itt)e )a!/ is )it9 its aint )i&ht )i+6ers9 and it is /)a+ed on a ta2)e near the wo!an intent on o)din& so!e &ar!ents. The roo! is 2ri&ht)y )it u/ and Synty+he raises her head9 sur/rised9 to see what is ha//enin&9 what is the sour+e o su+h a 2ri&ht )i&ht in that roo! whi+h is +o!/)ete)y +)osed. %ut 2e ore she +an see9 Jesus oresta))s herI EIt is I. %e not a raid. I have shown Myse) to !any /eo/)e to +on ir! the! in their aith. I a! showin& Myse) a)so to you9 My o2edient aith u) dis+i/)e. I have risen. SeeF I no )on&er su er. 4hy are you wee/in&FG The wo!an9 2e ore the 2eauty o the ,)ori ied Master9 inds no words... Jesus s!i)es at her to en+oura&e her and He addsI EI a! the sa!e Jesus 4ho &)ad)y re+eived you on the road near 7aesarea. ')thou&h you were so ti!id then9 you did s/ea6 to Me and you did not 6now Me. 'nd now9 +an you not say one word to MeFG E5 LordH I was a2out to )eave... To re)ieve !y heart o so !u+h an3iety and sorrow.G E4hy sorrowF $id they not te)) you that I had risenFG EThey to)d !e and denied it. %ut I have not 2een u/set 2y their +ontradi+tions. I 6new that ;ou +ou)d not rot in a se/u)+hre. I we/t over ;our !artyrdo!. I 2e)ieved9 even 2e ore they to)d !e9 in ;our resurre+tion. 'nd I +ontinued to 2e)ieve when others +a!e to say that it was not true. %ut I wanted to +o!e to ,a)i)ee. I was thin6in&I I +an no )on&er do Hi! any har!. He is now !ore ,od than Man. I do not 6now whether what I say is ri&ht...G EI understand what you !ean.G

*$. To -acharias# the .e/ite.

29 He is in a s!a)) roo!. >a+harias9 the Levite9 is /ensive. He is sittin&9 with his head re+)ined on one o his hands. E$o not 2e in dou2t. $o not )isten to the voi+es that u/set you. I a! the Truth and the Li e. Loo6 at Me. Tou+h Me.G The youn& !an9 who has )oo6ed u/ at the irst words and has seen Jesus9 and has a))en on his 6nees9 shoutsI E(or&ive !e9 Lord. I have sinned. I re+eived in !e the dou2t +on+ernin& ;our truth.G EThose who try to sedu+e your s/irit are !ore &ui)ty than you are. $o not yie)d to their te!/tations. I a! a rea) )ivin& 2ody. (ee) the wei&ht and the war!th9 the so)idity and stren&th o My hand.G He ta6es hi! 2y the orear! and )i ts hi! with His stren&th9 sayin&I E.ise and wa)6 in the ways o the Lord9 out o dou2t and ear. 'nd you wi)) 2e 2)essed i you +an /ersevere ti)) the end.G He 2)esses hi! and disa//ears. The youn& !an9 a ter a !o!ent's du!2 ounded a!aze!ent9 runs out o the roo!

)2/. Jesus A55ea s &" Da i"us Pe"52e in Di--e en& P2a3es.


shoutin&I EMotherH (atherH I have seen the Master. It is not true what the others sayH I eyes o Jesus. was not !ad. $o not /ersist in 2e)ievin& a)sehood9 2ut 2)ess the Most Hi&h with !e9 as 31 E4hy have you 2e+o!e si)entF ;ou are a raid o Me. $o you thin6 that I a! an He has had !er+y on His servant. I a! &oin& away. I a! &oin& to ,a)i)ee. I wi)) ind ene!y o Hi! 4ho! you were )oo6in& orF %e+ause you were )oo6in& or the Master so!e o His dis+i/)es. I a! &oin& to te)) the! to 2e)ieve that He has rea))y risen.G o 8azareth9 to as6 Hi! to +o!e to your house and +ure the 2oy whi)e your hus2and He does not ta6e a sa+6 with ood and &ar!ents. He /uts on his !ant)e and runs away9 was away...G without &ivin& his /arents ti!e to re+over ro! their a!aze!ent and to 2e a2)e to EI see that you are a /ro/het. It is so. %ut when I arrived in town9 the Master was dead.G intervene to ho)d hi! 2a+6. Tears +ho6e her... EHe has risen. $o you not 2e)ieve itFG

*$I. To a woman of the Sharon plain.

30 ' +oast road. 1erha/s the one that )in6s 7aesarea to Jo//a9 or another one. I do not 6now. I 6now that I see a +ountry on one side and the sea on the o//osite side9 a dee/@ 2)ue sea 2eyond the ye))owish )ine o the shore. The road is +ertain)y a .o!an thorou&h are9 as is eviden+ed 2y its /avin&. ' wo!an in tears is &oin& a)on& it in the ear)y hours o a +)ear !ornin&. The day has <ust dawned. The wo!an !ust 2e very tired9 2e+ause now and a&ain she sto/s and sits down on a !i)estone or on the road. Then she &ets u/ and /ro+eeds9 as i so!ethin& were ur&in& her to &o on9 notwithstandin& her &reat tiredness. Jesus9 a way arer enve)o/ed in a !ant)e9 sets o 2eside her. The wo!an does not )oo6 at Hi!. She /ro+eeds a2sor2ed in her &rie . Jesus as6s herI E4hy are you wee/in&9 wo!anF 4here are you +o!in& ro!F 'nd where are you &oin& a)) a)oneFG EI a! +o!in& ro! Jerusa)e! and I a! &oin& 2a+6 ho!e.G E(arFG EHa) way 2etween Jo//a and 7aesarea.G E5n ootFG EIn the va))ey9 2e ore Modin9 so!e hi&hway!en too6 !y don6ey and what was on it.G EIt was unwise o you to &o a)) a)one. It is not +usto!ary to +o!e 2y onese) at 1assover.G EI did not +o!e or 1assover. I re!ained at ho!e9 2e+ause I have9 and I ho/e I sti)) have hi!9 a 2oy who is i)). My hus2and had &one with other /eo/)e. I )et hi! &o ahead and our days )ater I set o . %e+ause I saidI CHe is +ertain)y in Jerusa)e! or 1assover. I wi)) )oo6 or Hi!.D I was so!ewhat a raid. %ut I saidI CI a! not doin& anythin& wron&. ,od sees. I 2e)ieve. I 6now that He is &ood. He wi)) not re<e+t !e9 2e+ause...DG She sto/s9 as i she were ri&htened9 and +asts a =ui+6 &)an+e at the !an who is wa)6in& 2eside her9 and who is so +overed u/ that one +an hard)y see his eyes9 the un!ista6a2)e

EI 6now. I 2e)ieve it. %ut I... %ut I... (or so!e days I ho/ed to see Hi! !yse) ... They say that He has shown Hi!se) to so!e /eo/)e. 'nd I de)ayed !y de/arture... every day a torture9 2e+ause... !y 2oy is so i))... !y heart was divided... whether I shou)d &o to +o! ort hi! at his death... or stay )oo6in& or the Master... I did not e3/e+t Hi! to +o!e to !y house9 2ut to /ro!ise to +ure hi!.G E'nd wou)d you have 2e)ievedF $o you thin6 that ro! a arF...G EI 2e)ieve. 5hH i He had said to !eI C,o in /ea+e. ;our son wi)) re+overD9 I shou)d not have dou2ted. %ut I do not deserve it9 2e+ause...G she wee/s9 /ressin& her vei) a&ainst her )i/s9 so as to 2e /revented ro! s/ea6in&. E%e+ause your hus2and is one o the a++users and +ru+i iers o Jesus 7hrist. %ut Jesus 7hrist is the Messiah. He is ,od. 'nd ,od is <ust9 wo!an. He does not /unish an inno+ent /erson 2e+ause o a &ui)ty one. He does not torture a !other 2e+ause a ather is a sinner. Jesus 7hrist is Mer+y a)ive...G E5hH are you /erha/s one o His a/ost)esF 1erha/s you 6now where He isF ;ou... 1erha/s He sent you to !e to te)) !e this. He has heard9 He has seen !y &rie 9 !y aith9 and He has sent you to !e as the Most Hi&h sent the ar+han&e) .a/hae) to To2ias. Te)) !e whether it is so9 and a)thou&h I a! so tired as to 2e everish9 I wi)) retra+e !y ste/s to )oo6 or the Lord.G EI a! not an a/ost)e. %ut the a/ost)es have re!ained in Jerusa)e! or !any days a ter His .esurre+tion...G EThat is true. I +ou)d have as6ed the!.G ESo. They +ontinue the Master.G EI did not thin6 they +ou)d wor6 !ira+)es.G EThey have sti)) wor6ed the!...G E%ut now... I was to)d that one on)y re!ained aith u)9 and I did not thin6...G

)2/. Jesus A55ea s &" Da i"us Pe"52e in Di--e en& P2a3es.


E;es. ;our hus2and to)d you so9 sneerin& at you in his renzy o a)se triu!/her. %ut I te)) you that !an +an sin9 2e+ause ,od a)one is /er e+t. 'nd he +an re/ent. 'nd i he does re/ent9 his stren&th &rows9 and ,od in+reases His &ra+es in hi! or his +ontrition. $id the Most Hi&h Lord not or&ive $avidFG 32 E%ut who are youF 4ho are you who s/ea6 so &ent)y and wise)y9 i you are not an a/ost)eF 'n an&e) /erha/sF The an&e) o !y +hi)d. He has /erha/s 2reathed his )ast and you have +o!e to /re/are !e...G Jesus )ets His !ant)e a)) o His head and a+e9 and /assin& ro! the hu!2)e as/e+t o a +o!!on /i)&ri! to His !a&ni i+en+e o ,od@Man9 risen ro! the dead9 with 6ind so)e!nity He saysI EIt is I. The Messiah +ru+i ied in vain. I a! the .esurre+tion and the Li e. ,o9 wo!an. ;our son )ives9 2e+ause I have rewarded your aith. ;our son is +ured. %e+ause9 i the .a22i o 8azareth has inished His !ission9 the I!!anue) +ontinues His unti) the end o ti!e or a)) those who have aith9 ho/e and +harity in the 5ne and Trine ,od9 o 4ho! the in+arnate 4ord is one 1erson9 4ho throu&h divine )ove )e t Heaven to +o!e to tea+h9 to su er9 to die in order to &ive the Li e to !en. ,o in /ea+e9 wo!an. 'nd 2e stron& in aith9 2e+ause the ti!e has +o!e when in a a!i)y the hus2and wi)) 2e a&ainst his wi e9 the ather a&ainst his sons9 and these a&ainst hi!9 out o hatred or )ove or Me. %ut 2)essed are those who! /erse+ution wi)) not tear away ro! My 4ay.G He 2)esses her and disa//ears.

to 2e)ieve9 He wi)) have &one away 2y now. How +an He )ove and re!ain a!on& /eo/)e who have +ru+i ied Hi!F 'nd we9 who )oved Hi!9 even i not everyone had !ade His a+=uaintan+e9 are sad 2e+ause we have )ost Hi!.G EThere is sti)) a way to have Hi!. He tau&ht it.G E5hH yes. %y doin& what He tau&ht us. Then one has the :in&do! o ,od and is with Hi!. %ut one !ust irst )ive and then die. 'nd He is no )on&er a!on& us to +o! ort us.G They sha6e their heads. EMy dear +hi)dren9 or those who )ive what He tau&ht9 6ee/in& His tea+hin&s in their hearts9 it is <ust the sa!e as i they had Jesus in their hearts. %e+ause 4ord and $o+trine are one thin& on)y. He was not a Master 4ho tau&ht thin&s that were not as He was. So9 he who does what He said9 has Jesus a)ive in hi!se) and is not se/arated ro! Hi!.G E4hat you say is +orre+t. %ut we are /oor !en and... we want to see a)so with our eyes to ee) our <oy /ro/er)y... I have never seen Hi!9 neither has !y son9 nor Ja+o29 nor Me)6iah9 nor Ja!es9 nor Sau). See9 on)y a!on& us9 how !any have not seen Hi!F 4e have a)ways )oo6ed or Hi!9 2ut when we arrived9 He had )e t.G E4ere you in Jerusa)e! on that dayFG E5hH we were thereH %ut when we heard what they wanted to do to Hi!9 we ran away )i6e !ad!en u/ the !ountains9 and we went 2a+6 to town a ter the Sa22ath. 4e are not &ui)ty o His %)ood9 2e+ause we were not in town. %ut we did the wron& thin& in 2ein& +owards. 4e wou)d at )east have seen Hi! and &reeted Hi!. He wou)d +ertain)y have 2)essed us or our &reetin&s... %ut we did not rea))y have the +oura&e to )oo6 at Hi! a!id tortures...G EHe 2)esses you now. Loo6 at Hi! 4hose a+e you wish to 6now.G He shows Hi!se) 9 !a&ni i+ent)y divine on the &reen o the !eadow. 4hi)e their a!aze!ent throws the! on the &round9 2ut &)ues their eyes to His divine (a+e9 He disa//ears in a re u)&ent )i&ht.

*$II. To some shepherds on the (reat Hermon.

33 ' &rou/ o herds and she/herds. They have sto//ed on so!e s)o/es with wonder u) /astures. 'nd they are s/ea6in& o the events o Jerusa)e!. 'nd they are distressed9 sayin& to one anotherI E4e sha)) no )on&er have the riend o she/herds on the 0arthG9 and they re+a)) the !any !eetin&s they had with Hi! here or there... EMeetin&sG says an o)d !an Ethat we sha)) never have a&ain.G Jesus a//ears as i He were settin& oot in that /)a+e ro! 2ehind an entan&)ed wood9 where the ta)) trees are e!2ra+ed 2y )ow 2ushes that +on+ea) the si&ht o the /ath. They do not re+o&nise Hi! in the so)itary !an9 and seein& Hi! so enve)o/ed in white &ar!ents9 they whis/erI E4ho is itF 'n 0sseneF HereF ' ri+h 1hariseeFG They are /uzz)ed. Jesus as6s the!I E4hy do you say that you wi)) never !eet the Lord a&ainF %e+ause He9 o 4ho! you are s/ea6in&9 is the Lord.G E4e 6now. %ut do you not 6now what they have done to Hi!F 8ow so!e /eo/)e say that He has risen9 so!e say that He has not. %ut even i He has risen9 whi+h we /re er

*$III. At Sidon# to the little &o! &orn &lind.

34 The )itt)e 2oy is /)ayin& a)) a)one under a thi+6 /er&o)a. He hears so!eone +a)) hi! and he inds hi!se) in ront o Jesus. 8ot in the )east ri&htened9 he as6s Hi!I E%ut are ;ou not the .a22i 4ho &ave !e !y eyesFG and he i3es his )i!/id eyes o a +hi)d9 o the sa!e 2)ue hue as Jesus'9 on the divine s/ar6)in& eyes. EIt is I9 My +hi)d. 're you not a raid o MeFG He +aresses his head.

)2/. Jesus A55ea s &" Da i"us Pe"52e in Di--e en& P2a3es.


E8o9 I a! not a raid. %ut !y !other and I have we/t very !u+h9 when !y ather +a!e 2a+6 2e ore the ti!e and he to)d us that he had run away 2e+ause they had ta6en the .a22i to /ut Hi! to death. He did not +e)e2rate 1assover and now he has to )eave a&ain to +e)e2rate it. So9 did ;ou not dieFG

2usiness9 that so!e dis+i/)es /assed throu&h Jezree) and they said that He has rea))y risen.G E%e =uietH ;ou 6now what the !aster says. 4ho says that9 &ets s+our&ed.G

EIs /ut to death9 /erha/s. %ut wou)d it not 2e 2etter9 rather than su er )i6e thisFG EI died. Loo6 at My wounds. I died on the +ross. %ut I have risen a&ain. Te)) your ather to re!ain or so!e ti!e in Jerusa)e!9 a ter the se+ond 1assover9 and to stay near the E'nd now He is no )on&er hereHG Mount o 5)ives9 at %eth/ha&e. He wi)) ind there who wi)) te)) hi! what to do.G E'nd they are even !ore wi+6ed9 now that they have su++eeded in 6i))in& Hi!.G EMy ather was thin6in& o )oo6in& or ;ou. 't the (east o the Ta2erna+)es he did not EThey are wi+6ed9 2e+ause He has risen.G su++eed in s/ea6in& to ;ou. He wanted to te)) ;ou that he )oves ;ou 2e+ause o the eyes that ;ou have &iven !e. %ut he was not a2)e to do so9 neither then nor now...G They s/ea6 in )ow voi+es whi)e &oin& to the /)a+e /ointed out to the!. EHe wi)) do so throu&h his aith in Me. ,ood2ye9 My dear +hi)d. 1ea+e to you and to your a!i)y.G 36 EThe LordHG shouts a wo!an9 the irst to a)) on her 6nees. EHis antas!HG shout others9 and so!e are a raid. EIt is I. %e not a raid. $o not shout. 7o!e orward. It is rea))y I. I have +o!e to +on ir! your aith9 as I 6now that other /eo/)e are )ayin& snares or it. SeeF My %ody +asts a shadow 2e+ause it is a rea) 2ody. ;ou are not drea!in&. My voi+e is a rea) one. I a! the sa!e Jesus 4ho shared 2read with you and &ave you )ove. 'nd a)so now I &ive you )ove. I wi)) send My dis+i/)es to you. 'nd it wi)) 2e sti)) I9 2e+ause they wi)) &ive you what I used to &ive you and what I have &iven the! in order to 2e a2)e to +o!!uni+ate with those who 2e)ieve in Me. Bear your crosses as I bore !ine. Be patient. -orgive. They wi)) te)) you how I died. I#itate !e. The way of sorrow is the way to Heaven. -ollow it in peace and you will have !y =ingdo#. There is no other way beside that of resignation to the will of &od of generosity of charity towards everybody. I there were another one9 I shou)d have /ointed it out to you. I have +o!e a)on& this one9 2e+ause it is the <ust way. Be faithful to the 2aw of .inai which is i##utable in its ten co##and#ents and to !y 3octrine. My dis+i/)es wi)) +o!e to tea+h you9 so that you !ay not 2e a2andoned to the intri&ues o wi+6ed /eo/)e. I 2)ess you. ')ways re!e!2er that I have )oved you and that I have +o!e to you 2e ore and a ter My &)ori i+ation. I so)e!n)y te)) you that !any /eo/)e wou)d )i6e to see Me now9 and they wi)) not see Me. Many !i&hty /eo/)e. But I show !yself to those who# I love and who love !e.G ' !an dares to sayI ESo... $oes the :in&do! o Heaven rea))y e3istF 4ere ;ou rea))y the MessiahF They in )uen+e us...G E$o not )isten to their words. .e!e!2er Mine9 and re+eive those o My dis+i/)es who are 6nown to you. They are words o truth. 'nd those who re+eive the! and /ut the! into /ra+ti+e9 even i he is a servant or a s)ave here9 wi)) 2e a +itizen and +oheir to My :in&do!.G He 2)esses the! stret+hin& out His ar!s and disa//ears.

*I*. To Johanan's peasants.

35 Johanan's ie)ds 6issed 2y the !oon. $ead si)en+e. The /oor houses o the /easants9 in a su)try ni&ht that +o!/e)s /eo/)e to 6ee/ at )east a door o/en in order not to die sti )ed 2y the heat in the )ow roo!s9 where too !any 2odies are +ra!!ed in +o!/arison with the +a/a+ity o the /)a+e. Jesus &oes into one )ar&e roo!. The very !oon see!s to )en&then her 2ea!s to or! a roya) +ar/et or Hi! on the )oor o 2eaten earth. He 2ends over a !an who is s)ee/in&9 )yin& a+e downwards in the heavy s)ee/ o ati&ue. He +a))s hi!. He /asses on to another one9 to another one. He +a))s the! a))9 His /oor aith u) riends. He /asses as )i&ht)y and =ui+6)y as an an&e) in )i&ht. He &oes into other hove)s... Then He &oes to wait or the! outside9 near a &rou/ o trees. The /easants9 ha) as)ee/9 +o!e out o their hove)s. Two9 three9 one on)y9 ive to&ether9 so!e wo!en. They are sur/rised that they have a)) 2een +a))ed )i6e that9 2y a 6nown voi+e9 that said the sa!e words to every2odyI E7o!e to the a//)e@or+hardG. They &o there9 the !en inishin& to /ut on their /oor +)othes9 the wo!en to arran&e their /)aits9 and they s/ea6 in )ow voi+es. EIt sounded )i6e the voi+e o Jesus o 8azareth to !e.G E1erha/s His s/irit. They 6i))ed Hi!. $id you hear thatFG EI +annot 2e)ieve it. He was ,od.G E'nd yet a)so Joe) saw Hi! /ass under the +ross...G EI was to)d yesterday9 whi)e I was waitin& or the 2ai)i to dea) with his !ar6et

)2/. Jesus A55ea s &" Da i"us Pe"52e in Di--e en& P2a3es.


E5hH I.. I no )on&er ear anythin&HG E8either do I. $id you hear thatF There is a /)a+e a)so or usHG EIt is ne+essary to 2e &oodHG ETo or&iveHG ETo have /atien+eHG ETo 2e a2)e to resist.G ETo )oo6 or the dis+i/)es.G EHe has +o!e to us9 /oor servants.G E4e wi)) te)) His a/ost)es.G EI Johanan 6newHG E'nd $orasHG EThey wou)d 6i)) us so that we +ou)d not s/ea6.G E%ut we wi)) 6ee/ =uiet. 4e wi)) on)y te)) the servants o the Lord.G EMi+ah9 do you not have to &o to Se/horis with that )oadF 4hy do you not &o to 8azareth and te))...G E4ho!FG EThe Mother. The a/ost)es. They !ay 2e with Her...G They &o away9 whis/erin& their /)ans.

E'nd thenH 0ven i we wereH 4hat wou)d ha//en at the )andin&@sta&e9 +onsiderin& what he saysF Let hi! +hoose the way... In the /resen+e o every2ody9 a)so o your re)ative9 )et hi! say what he wants to do9 and )et it 2e done as he wishes.G This /ro/osa) is a//roved and He)6ai +a))s a servant and orders hi! to 2rin& Si!on and to +a)) $anie). They 2oth +o!e and9 i $anie) )oo6s )i6e a !an who ee)s i)) at ease in the +o!/any o +ertain /eo/)e9 the other )oo6s <ust )i6e an idiot. EListen to us9 Si!on. ;ou say that we are 6ee/in& you in /rison 2e+ause we want to 6i)) you...G E;ou !ust. %e+ause that is the order.G E;ou are ravin&9 Si!on. %e =uiet and )isten. 4here do you thin6 you wou)d re+over your hea)thFG E't sea. 't sea. 5ut in the o/en sea. 4here no voi+e is heard. 4here there are no se/u)+hres. %e+ause se/u)+hres o/en and the dead +o!e out and !y !other says...G E%e si)entH Listen. 4e )ove you. Li6e one o our 2)ood. $o you rea))y want to &o thereFG EI +ertain)y do. %e+ause the se/u)+hres here o/en u/ and !y !other...G E;ou wi)) &o there. 4e wi)) ta6e you to the seaside9 we wi)) &ive a 2oat and you...G E%ut you are +o!!ittin& a ho!i+ideH He is !adH He +annot &o 2y hi!se) HG shouts honest $anie). E,od does not do vio)en+e to the wi)) o !an. 7ou)d we do what ,od does not doFG E%ut he is insaneH He no )on&er has a wi)). He is !ore oo)ish than a new@2orn 2a2yH ;ou +annotH...G E%e si)ent. ;ou are a ar!er and nothin& e)se. 4e 6now... To!orrow we wi)) )eave or the sea. 7heer u/9 Si!on. (or the sea9 do you understandFG E'hH I sha)) no )on&er hear the voi+es o the 0arthH 8o !ore the voi+es... 38 'hHG a )on& +ry9 a de)irious a&itation9 eyes and ears +)ose. 'nd another +ry9 o $anie)9 who runs away terrorised. E4ho is itF 4hat is ha//enin&F Sto/ that !ad!an and that oo)H 're we a)) )osin& our witsFG shouts He)6ai. %ut he who! He)6ai +a))s a C oo)D9 that is his re)ative $anie)9 a ter runnin& away a ew !etres9 /rostrates hi!se) on the &round9 whereas the other one roths at the !outh9 where he is9 in a ri&ht u) +onvu)sion9 and shouts9 shoutsI EMa6e Hi! 2e =uietH He is not dead and He shouts and shouts and shoutsH More than !y !other9 !ore than !y

**. To +aniel# a relati/e of Hel0ai# the Pharisee# with Simon# the mem&er of the Sanhedrin.
37 He)6ai9 the 1harisee9 is dis+ussin& with so!e o his /eers what to do with Si!on9 the !e!2er o the Sanhedrin9 who 2e+a!e insane on ,ood (riday and now s/ea6s too !u+h and says too !any thin&s. There are various /ro/osa)s. So!e say that he shou)d 2e iso)ated in so!e desert /)a+e9 where his shoutin& +an 2e heard on)y 2y a very aith u) servant9 who is o their sa!e !ind9 so!e9 !ore 2eni&n)y9 ee) sure9 as it is a transient i))ness9 that it is su i+ient to )eave hi! where he is. He)6ai re/)iesI EI 2rou&ht hi! here9 2e+ause I do not 6now any other /)a+e where I +an ta6e hi!. %ut you 6now that I !istrust !y re)ative $anie) very !u+h...G 5thers9 who are even !ore wi+6ed than He)6ai9 sayI EHe wants to run away9 to &o 2y sea. 4hy not /)ease hi!FG E%e+ause he is in+a/a2)e o order)y a+tions. ')) a)one at sea he wou)d /erish9 and none o us is +a/a2)e o steerin& a 2oat.G

)2/. Jesus A55ea s &" Da i"us Pe"52e in Di--e en& P2a3es.


ather9 !ore than He did on ,o)&othaH There9 there9 +an you not see thereFG He /oints at the /)a+e where $anie) is9 /)a+id9 s!i)in&9 with his a+e u/wards9 a ter 2ein& with his a+e downwards on the &round. He)6ai rea+hes hi! and sha6es hi! vio)ent)y9 urious as he is9 without 2otherin& a2out Si!on9 who ro))s on the &round and oa!s9 utterin& 2east)y shouts a!id a)) the others who )oo6 terri ied as they surround hi!. He)6ai says to $anie)I E;ou visionary id)er9 wi)) you te)) !e what you are doin&FG ELeave !e. 8ow I 6now who you are. 'nd I a! &oin& away ro! you. I have seen9 2eni&n to !e9 dread u) to you9 Hi! 4ho you want !e to 2e)ieve is dead. I a! &oin& away. I want to /rote+t !y sou) rather than !oney and wea)th. ,ood2ye9 you +ursed oneH 'nd i you +an9 try to deserve ,od's or&iveness.G E%ut where are you &oin&F 4hereF I do not wantHG E're you entit)ed to 6ee/ !e /risonerF 4ho &ave you that ri&htF I )eave you what you )ove and I wi)) o))ow what I )ove. ,ood2yeG he turns his 2a+6 on hi! and &oes away9 as ast as i he were drawn 2y a su/erhu!an /ower9 down the &reen s)o/e o o)ive@trees and or+hards. He)6ai is )ivid with ra&e9 and he is not the on)y one. .a&e +ho6es the! a)). He)6ai threatens to ta6e ven&ean+e u/on his re)ative9 u/on a)) those who Ewith their renziesG9 he says9 !aintain that the ,a)i)ean is a)ive. He wants to say9 he wants to do... 5ne9 I do not 6now who it is9 saysI E4e wi)) do9 we wi)) do9 2ut we sha)) not 2e a2)e to +)ose a)) the !ouths9 a)) the eyes9 that s/ea69 2e+ause they see. 4e are de eatedH The +ri!e is u/on us. 8ow +o!es the e3/iation...G and he 2eats his 2reast9 seized with su+h an&uish9 that he )oo6s )i6e one who is +)i!2in& the ste/s o the s+a o)d. EThe reven&e o JehovahG he a)so says9 and a)) the a&e@o)d terror o Israe) resounds in his voi+e.

have )i&ht at ni&ht. 's &)ass was not a +o!!on thin& J I thin6 it was +o!/)ete)y un6nown9 as I never ha//ened to see any in any house9 su+h as a drin6in& &)ass9 or a vase9 or as a she)ter at windows J the )a!e was /rote+ted 2y so!ethin&9 that +ou)d 2e either !i+a or /ar+h!ent. The )i&ht that i)ters is so aint9 that it i))u!inates on)y a s!a)) s/a+e around the )antern. %ut as the !oon is +o!/)ete)y +on+ea)ed9 the )i&ht o the /oor )antern see!s to &row stron&er9 or!in& a +)ear dan+in& /oint in the dar6ness o the +ountry. The way arer wa)6s9 wa)6s... $awn 2e&ins to a//ear in the s6y at the e3tre!e horizon. %ut it is so ee2)e9 at /resent9 that it does not i))u!inate anythin&9 and the /oor )antern is sti)) needed. 'nother way arer9 a)) enve)o/ed in a !ant)e9 is waitin& or restin& near a )itt)e 2rid&e. The one with the )antern9 who is !a6in& or that 2rid&e9 sto/s in a dou2t u) attitude. He is un+ertain whether he shou)d /ass there or &o 2a+69 where in the &rave)@2ed o a )itt)e torrent9 there are )ar&e stones that +an serve to +ross over the )itt)e water at the 2otto!. The one sittin& on the rusti+ /ara/et9 !ade o the trun6 o a tree with a white@&reen 2ar6 sti)) on it9 raises his head9 wat+hin& the one who has sto//ed. He stands u/ and saysI E%e not a raid o Me. 7o!e orward. I a! a &ood +o!/anion9 not a hi&hway!an.G It is Jesus. I re+o&nise Hi! !ore 2y His voi+e than 2y His a//earan+e9 whi+h is vei)ed 2y the dee/ twi)i&ht9 that the )i&ht +annot /enetrate as ar as Jesus. %ut the /erson sto/s9 sti)) dou2t u). E7o!e9 wo!an. $o not 2e a raid. 4e sha)) &o to&ether or a stret+h o the road and it wi)) 2e a &ood thin& or you.G

The wo!an9 now I 6now that it is a wo!an9 +o!es orward9 won over 2y the 6indness o the voi+e or 2y a !ysterious or+e and she sha6es her head as she /ro+eeds9 In the !eanti!e Si!on9 wounded9 rothin& at the !outh9 ri&htened9 raves shoutin& )i6e whis/erin&I EThere is no !ore &ood or !e.G a da!ned sou)I E1arri+ide9 He said to !eH Ma6e Hi! 6ee/ =uietH AuietH 1arri+ideH The 40 They now /ro+eed side 2y side a)on& the /ath9 whi+h is so wide as to a))ow on)y two sa!e word as !y !other'sH So do a)) the dead s/ea6 the sa!e wordsFH...G /edestrians to /ass. The advan+in& dawn shows9 on one side o the /ath9 a sti orest in !iniature o ri/e +orn awaitin& the si+6)e. 5n the other side the +orn has a)ready 2een +ut and is )yin& in sheaves in the ie)d des/oi)ed o its &)ory o a ri/e harvest.

**I. To a (alilean woman.

39 The !oon9 whi+h is a)!ost on the /oint o settin&9 is a2out to +on+ea) her sti)) thin +res+ent o a new !oon 2ehind the su!!it o a !ountain. 'nd her )i&ht is9 there ore9 very aint9 and 2e ore )on& she wi)) no )on&er shine on the wide +ountry. 'nd yet a way arer is on the so)itary road9 a s!a)) road9 a /ath a!on& the ie)ds9 !ore than anythin& e)se. He is wa)6in& ho)din& a very si!/)e )antern han&in& ro! a rin&9 one o those whi+h9 2ein& as o)d as the wor)d9 I thin6 are &enera))y used 2y +arters to

EMay they 2e +ursedHG says the wo!an in a )ow voi+e9 +astin& a &)an+e at the sheaves )yin& in the ie)d. Jesus is si)ent. The day is advan+in&. The wo!an /uts out the /oor )antern and9 to do so9 she un+overs her a+e dis i&ured 2y tears. 'nd she raises her head to )oo6 eastwards9 where a ye))ow /in6 )ine announ+es the risin& o the sun. She sha6es her ist eastwards and she says

)2/. Jesus A55ea s &" Da i"us Pe"52e in Di--e en& P2a3es.


a&ainI EMay you 2e +ursed9 tooHG

and with other ,a)i)eans he o))owed Hi! unti) He died. They /e)ted hi! and the others with stones9 when they ound out that the were ,a)i)eans9 u/ there on the !ountain9 and EThe dayF ,od !ade it. 's He !ade the +orn. They are avours o ,od. They are not to they re/e))ed the! arther down. %ut they were there unti) everythin& was 2e +ursed...G says Jesus 6ind)y. a++o!/)ished. Then... they +a!e away... 'nd now he is dead. 5hH i at )east I 6new that he is at /ea+e 2e+ause o his +o!/assion or the .a22iHG E'nd I +urse the!. I +urse the sun and the +ro/s. 'nd I have a reason or that.G EHave they not 2een &ood to you or so !any yearsF $id the or!er not ri/en your dai)y 2read9 the &ra/es that +han&e into wine9 the ve&eta2)es and the ruit o the 6it+hen &arden9 did it not !a6e the /astures &row to eed shee/ and )a!2s9 on whose !i)6 and !eat you ed and with whose woo) you wove your &ar!entsF 'nd did the +orn not &ive 2read to you9 to your +hi)dren9 to your ather and to your !other9 to your hus2andFG She 2ursts into tears and shoutsI EI no )on&er have !y hus2andH They have 6i))ed hi!H He went to wor6 as a day@)a2ourer9 2e+ause we have seven +hi)dren and the )itt)e we have o our own was not su i+ient to a//ease the hun&er o ten /eo/)e. 'nd yesterday evenin& he +a!e and saidI CI a! tired and I ee) out o sortsD and he threw hi!se) on the )itt)e 2ed9 2urnin& with ever. His !other and I assisted hi! as 2est we +ou)d9 as we intended to send or the do+tor in town today... %ut a ter +o+6@+row he died. The sun 6i))ed hi!. ;es9 I a! &oin& to town. To &et what is ne+essary. I wi)) in or! his 2rothers when I +o!e 2a+6. I )e t his !other to wat+h her son and !y +hi)dren... and I +a!e away to do what is to 2e done... 'nd shou)d I not +urse the 2urnin& sun and +ornFG Jesus does not re/)y to that wish. %ut He saysI EHe wi)) then have seen that there were so!e dis+i/)es on ,o)&otha. 4ere a)) the ,a)i)eans /erha/s )i6e your hus2andFG E5hH no. Many9 a)so ro! 8azareth9 a2used Hi!. It is 6nown. 4hat a sha!eHG ESo9 i !any /eo/)e a)so ro! 8azareth showed no )ove or their Jesus9 and yet He has or&iven the!9 and !any wi)) 2e+o!e ho)y in uture9 why do you want to <ud&e a)) the dis+i/)es o 7hrist in the sa!e wayF $o you want to 2e !ore severe than ,od isF ,od &rants !u+h to those who or&ive...G EThe &ood .a22i is no )on&erH hereH He is no )on&er hereH 'nd !y hus2and is dead.G EThe .a22i has &iven His dis+i/)es the /ower to do what He did.G EI a! /re/ared to 2e)ieve that. %ut He a)one +ou)d de eat death. He a)oneHG

E'nd do we not read that 0)i<ah &ave the s/irit 2a+6 to the son o the widow o >are/hathF I so)e!n)y te)) you that 0)i<ah was a &reat /ro/het9 2ut the servants o the So reserved as she was /revious)y9 so !u+h so that I wou)d not have thou&ht she was a Saviour9 4ho died and has risen 2e+ause He was the Son o the true ,od and 2e+a!e wo!an9 and a2ove a)) a distressed one9 she has now 2ro6en the 2arriers to her sorrow9 in+arnate to redee! !en9 have even a &reater /ower9 2e+ause on the 7ross He or&ave whi+h over )ows vio)ent)y. She says what she did not say at ho!e Ein order not to wa6e the! their sins9 and they were the irst to 2e or&iven9 as He was aware9 throu&h divine u/ the +hi)dren s)ee/in& in the ne3t roo!G9 what wei&hed so !u+h on her heart as to wisdo!9 o the true sorrow o their +ontrite s/irits9 He san+ti ied the! a ter His &ive her the sensation that it was a2out to 2urst. .e+o))e+tions o )ove9 dis!ay or the resurre+tion or&ivin& the! a&ain9 and He in used the Ho)y S/irit into the!9 so that uture9 &rie o a widow9 /ass +on used)y )i6e ru22)e +arried away 2y the swo))en waves they +ou)d re/resent Me worthi)y 2oth with their words and their deeds9 and the wor)d o a river in s/ate... !i&ht not re!ain deso)ate a ter My de/arture ro! it.G 41 Jesus )ets her s/ea6. %e+ause Jesus 6nows how to /ity sorrow9 He a))ows it to &ive vent to its ee)in&s9 so that !an !ay 2e re)ieved there2y9 and the tiredness itse) 9 that o))ows the i!/etuousness o sorrow9 !ay !a6e hi! +a/a2)e o understandin& who +o! orts hi!. He then says 6ind)yI E't 8ain and at 8azareth9 and in the /)a+es 2etween the or!er and the )atter9 there are the dis+i/)es o the .a22i o 8azareth. ,o to the!...G 42 The wo!an ste/s 2a+6 )ive)i)y9 du!2 ounded. She throws her vei) 2a+6 to )oo6 at her +o!/anion. %ut she does not re+o&nise Hi!. She thin6s that she has !isunderstood. %ut she dare not s/ea6 any !ore...

E're you a raid o MeF (irst you thou&ht that I was a hi&hway!an ready to snat+h the !oney you have in your 2reast and serves to 2uy what is ne+essary or the 2uria). 'nd E'nd what do ;ou e3/e+t the! to doF I He were sti)) hereH... %ut theyF They are not you were a raid. 're you now a raid to 6now that I a! JesusF 'nd is Jesus not the 5ne saintsH My hus2and was in Jerusa)e! on that day. 'nd he 6nows... 5hH noH He 6newH 4ho &ives and does not ta6eF He 4ho saves and does not ruinF ,o 2a+69 wo!an. I a! He 6nows nothin& any !oreH He is deadHG the .esurre+tion and the Li e. Sudariu! and s/i+es are not ne+essary or hi! who is not dead9 who is no )on&er dead9 2e+ause I a! He 4ho de eats death and rewards who has E4hat did your hus2and do on that dayFG aith. ,oH ,o ho!eH ;our hus2and is a)ive. 8ot one aith in Me is )e t without reward.G E4hen the u/roar o the street wo6e hi!9 he ran u/ to the terra+e o the house where he He !a6es the &esture o 2)essin& her and &oin& away. was with his 2rothers and he saw the .a22i /ass 2y9 as He was ta6en to the 1raetoriu!9 The wo!an +o!es out o her /etri i+ation. She does not as69 she does not dou2t...

)2/. Jesus A55ea s &" Da i"us Pe"52e in Di--e en& P2a3es.


8othin&. She a))s on her 6nees9 adorin&. Then9 at )ast9 she o/ens her !outh and9 sear+hin& in her 2reast9 she /u))s out a s!a)) /urse9 the /oor /urse o /oor /eo/)e9 to who! !isery or2ids so)e!n honours or their dead re)atives9 and o erin& her /urse she saysI EI have nothin& e)se... nothin& e)se to te)) ;ou !y &ratitude9 to honour ;ou9 to...G EI no )on&er need !oney9 wo!an. ;ou wi)) ta6e it to My a/ost)es.G E5hH yes. I wi)) &o to the! with !y hus2and... %ut what +an I &ive ;ou9 !y LordF 4hatF ;ou a//eared to !e... this !ira+)e... and I did not re+o&nise ;ou... and I so u/set... yes9 un<ust even with thin&s...G E;es. 'nd you did not thin6 that they are 2e+ause I a!9 and that everythin& that ,od !ade is &ood. I there had 2een no sun9 i there had 2een no +orn9 you wou)d not have had the /resent &ra+e.G E%ut how !u+h sorrowH...G The wo!an wee/s re!e!2erin& it. Jesus s!i)es and shows His hands sayin&I EThis is the )east /art o My sorrow. 'nd I +onsu!ed it a))9 without +o!/)ainin&9 or your we) are.G The wo!an stoo/s to the &round to +on essI EIt is true. (or&ive !y )a!ent.G

de+ide to o))ow the wo!an9 who =ui+6ens her ste/s !ore and !ore. She &oes on. There is a very /oor house9 )ow9 so)itary9 )ost in the +ountry. She dire+ts her ste/s towards it9 /ressin& her hands a&ainst her heart. She &oes in. %ut as soon as she sets oot in it9 an o)d wo!an throws herse) in her ar!s shoutin&I E5hH !y dau&hter9 what a &ra+e o the LordH Ta6e heart9 dau&hter9 2e+ause what I have to te)) you is so &reat9 so ha//y9 that...G EI 6now9 !other. Mar6 is no )on&er dead. 4here is heFG E;ou 6now... HowFG EI !et the Lord. I did not re+o&nise Hi!9 2ut He s/o6e to !e and when it /)eased Hi!9 He said to !eI C;our hus2and )ives.D %ut here... whenFG EI had <ust o/ened the window9 and I was )oo6in& at the irst sun2ea! on the i&@tree. ;es9 <ust so. The irst 2ea! tou+hed the i&@tree then9 a&ainst the roo!... when I heard a dee/ si&h9 )i6e that o one who wa6es u/. I turned round ri&htened and I saw Mar6 sit u/ and throw 2ehind hi! the sheet that I had )aid on his a+e9 and )oo6 u/ with a a+e9 a a+e... Then he )oo6ed at !e and saidI CMotherH I a! +uredHD I... I a)!ost died !yse) 9 and he assisted !e9 and he rea)ised that he had 2een dead. He does not re!e!2er anythin&. He says that he re!e!2ers u/ to the !o!ent we /ut hi! to 2ed9 and then nothin& e)se ti)) he saw an an&e)9 a 6ind o an&e) who )oo6ed )i6e the .a22i o 8azareth and who said to hi!I C.iseHD 'nd he rose. Just when the sun had +o!/)ete)y risen.G

43 Jesus disa//ears in His )i&ht9 and when she )oo6s u/ she sees that she is a)one. She stands u/9 )oo6s round. 8othin& +an /revent her ro! seein&9 2e+ause it is 2road day)i&ht9 and there is nothin& 2ut ie)ds o +ro/s around. The wo!an says to herse) I E'nd yet I have not drea!tHG 1erha/s the de!on te!/ts her to !a6e her dou2t9 2e+ause EJust when He said to !eI C;our hus2and )ives.D 5hH !other9 what a &ra+eH How !u+h she is in a state o un+ertainty or a !o!ent9 whi)e she wei&hs her /urse in her hands. ,od has )oved usHG %ut then aith triu!/hs9 and she turns her 2a+6 to the /)a+e where she was &oin&9 retra+in& her ste/s9 as ast as i the winds were +arryin& her without !a6in& her ati&ue9 her a+e shinin& with a <oy whi+h is &reater than any hu!an <oy9 so /ea+e u) it is. 8ow and a&ain she re/eatsI EHow &ood is the Lord. He is rea))y ,odH He is ,odH %)essed 2e the Most Hi&h and He 4ho! He sent.G She +annot say anythin& e)se. 'nd her )itany !in&)es with the sin&in& o 2irds. The wo!an is so a2sor2ed that she does not hear the &reetin&s o so!e rea/ers who see her /ass 2y and as6 her where is she +o!in& ro! at that ear)y hour... 5ne <oins her and says to herI EIs Mar6 2etterF Have you 2een or the do+torFG EMar6 died at +o+6@+row and has risen ro! the dead. %e+ause the Messiah o the Lord has done thatG she re/)ies9 wa)6in& ast a)) the ti!e. ESorrow has !ade her insaneHG whis/ers the !an9 and he sha6es his head <oinin& his +o!/anions9 who have 2e&un to +ut the +orn. The ie)ds are i))in& with !ore and !ore /eo/)e. %ut +uriosity overwhe)!s !any who 44 Those who +o!e in ind the! e!2ra+ed9 wee/in&. 'nd they thin6 that Mar6 is dead and that his wi e9 in a !o!ent o +)earness o !ind9 has rea)ised her !is ortune. %ut Mar69 u/on hearin& the voi+es9 a//ears9 )oo6in& serene9 with a +hi)d in his ar!s9 and the others ho)din& on his tuni+9 and he says in a )oud voi+eI EHere I a!. Let us 2)ess the LordHG The new+o!ers 2eset hi! with =uestions9 and as is usua) with hu!an thin&s9 dis+re/an+ies arise. So!e 2e)ieve in a rea) resurre+tion9 and so!e9 the !a<ority9 say that he had on)y a))en into a tor/or9 2ut he had not died. So!e ad!it that 7hrist has a//eared to .a+he) and so!e say that it is a )ot o nonsense9 2e+ause so!e sayI EHe is deadG and so!eI EHe has risen9 2ut He is so indi&nant9 He !ust 2e9 that He wor6s no !ore !ira+)es or His !urderous /eo/)e.G E;ou +an say what you )i6eG says the !an )osin& his /atien+e Eand say it where you )i6e. 's )on& as you do not say it here9 where the Lord has raised !e ro! the dead. 'nd &o away9 o un ortunate /eo/)eH 'nd !ay Heaven en)i&hten your heads so that you !ay 2e)ieve. %ut &o away now and )eave us in /ea+e.G He drives the! out and +)oses

)2/. Jesus A55ea s &" Da i"us Pe"52e in Di--e en& P2a3es.


the door. He /resses his wi e and !other to his heart and saysI E8azareth is not ar. I a! &oin& there to /ro+)ai! the !ira+)e.G

water9 near the shore9 and they are so sti)) as to see! i3ed to the &round9 instead o )oatin&.

2 1eter /uts his head out o a hove). The )i+6erin& )i&ht o a ire )it in the s!o6y 6it+hen i))u!inates the sturdy i&ure o the a/ost)e ro! 2ehind9 !a6in& it show u/ )i6e EThat is what the Lord wants9 Mar6. 4e wi)) ta6e this !oney to His dis+i/)es. Let us &o a drawin&. He )oo6s at the s6y9 he )oo6s at the )a6e... He +o!es orward9 as ar as the and 2)ess the Lord. Just as we are. 4e are /oor9 2ut He a)so was /oor9 and His a/ost)es ed&e o the shore. Then J he is wearin& a short tuni+ and is 2are@ ooted J he /add)es in wi)) not des/ise us.G the water u/ to ha) his thi&h9 and stret+hin& out his 2rawny ar!9 he +aresses the She 2usies herse) tyin& the )a+es o the +hi)dren's sanda)s9 whi)e her !other /uts so!e &unwa)e o a 2oat. >e2edee's sons <oin hi!. /rovisions in a 2a& and +)oses doors and windows9 and Mar6 &oes to do I do not 6now ELove)y ni&ht.G what. EIt wi)) soon 2e !oon)i&ht.G They &o out when they are ready and wa)6 ast9 the )itt)e ones in their ar!s9 the others ha//y and so!ewhat 2ewi)dered9 eastwards9 towards 8azareth9 o2vious)y. 1erha/s this E(ishin& ni&ht.G /)a+e is sti)) in the 0sdrae)on /)ain9 2ut in a di erent /art than that o Johanan's estate. E%ut with oars.G EThere is no wind.G E4hat sha)) we doFG They s/ea6 s)ow)y9 with deta+hed senten+es9 )i6e !en a++usto!ed to ishin& and to the !anoeuvres o sai)s and nets9 or whi+h attention is re=uired and so9 ew words. E4e ou&ht to &o. 4e +ou)d se)) /art o the +at+h.G 'ndrew9 Tho!as and %artho)o!ew +o!e and <oin the! on the shore. E4hat a war! ni&htHG e3+)ai!s %artho)o!ew. E4i)) there 2e a stor!F $o you re!e!2er that ni&htFG as6s Tho!as. E5hH noH 7a)!9 o& /erha/s9 2ut no stor!. I... I a! &oin& ishin&. 4ho is +o!in& with !eFG

+29. Jesus A99ea!s #n &he Sh#!es #1 &he La<e. The .issi#n C#n1e!!ed &# Pe&e!.
$9&h A9!i5 $9*8.

1 ' +a)! su)try ni&ht. There is not a 2reath o wind. The stars9 )ar&e and thro22in&9 +rowd the +)ear s6y. The )a6e9 so +a)! and sti))9 as to )oo6 )i6e a very )ar&e 2asin she)tered ro! winds9 re )e+ts with its sur a+e the &)ory o that s6y that /a)/itates with stars. The trees a)on& the shores or! a 2)o+6 with no rust)in&. The )a6e is so +a)! that its sur&e on the shore is redu+ed to a very )i&ht )a//in&. So!e 2oats o @shore9 hard)y visi2)e as roa!in& or!s9 that at ti!es /)a+e )itt)e stars at a short distan+e ro! the waves9 with their tiny )i&hts tied to the !asts o the sai)s9 to i))u!inate the interiors o the s!a)) hu))s.

E4e are a)) +o!in&. 1erha/s it wi)) 2e +oo)er out thereG says Tho!as9 who is /ers/irin&9 and he addsI EThe wo!an needed that ire9 2ut it was )i6e 2ein& at the hot I do not 6now whi+h /art o the )a6e it is. I shou)d say the !ore southern one9 where the 2aths...G )a6e is a2out to 2e+o!e a river a&ain. 't the outs6irts o Tari+hea9 I shou)d say9 not 2e+ause I +an see the town9 whi+h is hidden 2y a &rou/ o trees9 that stret+h on the )a6e EI a! &oin& to te)) Si!on. He is a)) a)one over thereG says John. or!in& a )itt)e hi))y /ro!ontory9 2ut 2e+ause I a! )ed to thin6 so 2y the )itt)e stars o the )i&hts o the 2oats9 that !ove away northwards9 when they de/art ro! the shores o 3 1eter is a)ready /re/arin& the 2oat with 'ndrew and Ja!es. ESha)) we &o as ar as our houseF ' sur/rise or !y !other...G as6s Ja!es. the )a6e. I say outs6irts9 2e+ause there is a )itt)e &rou/ o /oor houses &athered there at the oot o the )itt)e /ro!ontory9 2ut they are so ew that they +annot even 2e E8o. I do not 6now whether I +an &et Mar<ia! to +o!e. %e ore... 2e ore... 4e))9 yesH +onsidered a vi))a&e. They are /oor houses9 a)!ost on the shore9 +ertain)y o isher!en. %e ore &oin& to Jerusa)e! J we were sti)) at 0/hrai! J the Lord to)d !e that He wanted to +e)e2rate the se+ond 1assover with Mar<ia!. %ut )ater He has not said anythin& to So!e 2oats are 2ea+hed on the )itt)e shoreM others are a)ready /re/ared to sai)9 in the !e.

)29.Jesus A55ea s "n &he Sh" es "- &he La9e. The 'issi"n :"n-e ed &" Pe&e .


EI thin6 He said that He wou)dG says 'ndrew. E;es. The se+ond 1assover9 yes. %ut I do not 6now whether He wants the 2oy to +o!e here irst. I have !ade so !any !ista6es that... 5hH are you +o!in&9 tooFG E;es9 Si!on o Jonah. This ishin& wi)) re!ind !e o !any thin&s...G E0hH it wi)) re!ind every2ody o !any thin&s... Thin&s that wi)) never +o!e 2a+6 a&ain... 4e used to &o out on the )a6e with the Master in this 2oat... 'nd I )oved it as i it were a roya) /a)a+e9 and I thou&ht I +ou)d not )ive without it. %ut now that He is no )on&er here9 we))9 I a! in the 2oat and I do not en<oy itG says 1eter. E8o one has the <oy o /ast thin&s. It no )on&er is the sa!e )i e. 'nd a)so in )oo6in& 2a+6... 2etween the hours o the /ast and the /resent ones there is a)ways that dread u) /eriod o ti!e...G says %artho)o!ew with a si&h. E4e are ready. 7o!e. ;ou at the rudder and we at the oars. 4e are &oin& towards the 2end o Hi//os. It is a &ood s/ot. 1u))@hoH 1u))@hoHG 1eter sets the rate and the 2oat s)ides on the +a)! water9 with %artho)o!ew at the rudder. Tho!as and the >ea)ot a+t as servants ready to +ast the net9 whi+h they have a)ready s/read out. The !oon rises9 that is9 she is over the !ountains o ,adara Ki I a! not !ista6enL or ,a!a)a9 that is9 the ones on the eastern shore towards the south o the )a6e9 and the )a6e is i))u!inated 2y her rays that tra+e a road o dia!onds on the sti)) water. EShe wi)) 2e with us unti) !ornin&.G EI there is no !ist.G EThe ish )eave the 2otto! attra+ted 2y the !oon.G EI we have a &ood +at+h9 it wi)) 2e a 2)essin&9 2e+ause we have no !ore !oney. 4e wi)) 2uy 2read and wi)) ta6e ish and 2read to those who are u/ the !ountain.G 4ords uttered s)ow)y9 with )on& /auses 2etween one voi+e and the ne3t one. E;ou row very we))9 Si!on. ;ou have not )ost the stro6eH...G says the >ea)ot ad!irin& hi!. E;es... 4 $a!nHG E4hat is the !atter with youFG the others as6 hi!. EThe... The !atter is that the re+o))e+tion o that !an haunts !e everywhere. I re!e!2er that day when in two 2oats we +o!/eted to see who was the 2est oars!an9 and he...G EI instead was thin6in& that one o the irst ti!es that I had the vision o his a2yss o

wi+6edness9 was when we !et9 or rather9 we +a!e into +o))ision with the 2oats o the .o!ans. $o you re!e!2erFG says the >ea)ot. E0hH we do re!e!2erH HoweverH... He de ended hi!... and we... what with the de ensive attitude o the Master9 what with the dou2)e@dea)in& o ... o our +o!/anion9 we never +)ear)y understood...G says Tho!as. EH'!H I !ore than on+e... %ut He wou)d sayI C$o not <ud&e9 Si!onHDG EThaddeus a)ways sus/e+ted hi!.G E4hat I +annot 2e)ieve is that this e))ow here never 6new anythin& a2out itG says Ja!es9 /o6in& his 2rother in the ri2s. %ut John9 2endin& his head9 is si)ent. E8ow he +an s/ea6...G says Tho!as. EI a! tryin& to or&et. That is what I have 2een ordered. 4hy do you want !e to diso2eyFG E;ou are ri&ht. Let us )eave hi! a)oneG says the >ea)ot de endin& hi!. 5 E7ast the net. S)ow)y. .ow. .ow s)ow)y. Turn to /ort9 %artho)o!ew. Hau). Beer. Hau). Beer. Is the net s/readF Is itF 5ars u/ and )et us waitG orders 1eter. How 2eauti u) is the /)a+id )a6e in the /ea+e o the ni&ht9 6issed 2y the !oonH So /ure that it is /aradisia+. The !oon ro! the s6y is u))y re )e+ted in it and &ives it the a//earan+e o dia!onds9 her /hos/hores+en+e =uivers on the hi))s9 it dis+)oses the! and !a6es the towns on the shores as white as snow... 8ow and a&ain they hau) the net. ' +as+ade o dia!onds /)ayin& ar/e&&ios on the si)ver o the )a6e. It is e!/ty. They +ast it a&ain. They +han&e /)a+e. 8o )u+6... Hours &o 2y. The !oon sets9 whi)e the )i&ht o dawn 2e&ins to a//ear9 un+ertain9 &reen@2)ue... ' heat !ist stea!s towards the shores9 /arti+u)ar)y towards the southern end o the )a6e. Ti2erias is vei)ed with it9 and Tari+hea is a)so vei)ed with it. ' )ow o&9 not dense9 that wi)) !e)t in the ear)y sun. In order to avoid it they /re er to &o a)on& the eastern side9 where it is )ess dense9 whi)st to the west9 as it +o!es ro! the !arsh 2eyond Tari+hea on the ri&ht 2an6 o the Jordan9 it thi+6ens as i the !arsh were stea!in&. They row +are u))y to avoid /ossi2)e dan&ers o the de/th9 a!i)iar as they are with the )a6e. 6 E;ou9 on the 2oatH Have you anythin& to eatFG shouts a !an's voi+e ro! the shore. ' voi+e that !a6es the! start. %ut they shru& their shou)ders9 re/)yin& in a )oud voi+eI E8oGM then they say to one anotherI E4e a)ways see! to 2e hearin& Hi!H...G E7ast the net on the ri&ht@hand side o the 2oat and you wi)) ind the!.G

)29.Jesus A55ea s "n &he Sh" es "- &he La9e. The 'issi"n :"n-e ed &" Pe&e .


The ri&ht@hand side is o @shore. They +ast the net9 rather /er/)e3ed)y. Jer6s9 wei&ht that He hands out9 and He tastes so!e as we)). They eat with the res/e+t with whi+h they !a6es the 2oat 2end on the side where the net han&s. wou)d u) i)) a rite. Jesus )oo6s at the! and s!i)es. %ut He a)so is si)ent9 unti) He as6sI E4here are the othersFG E%ut that is the LordHG shouts John. E5n the !ountain. 4here ;ou said. 'nd we +a!e to ish9 2e+ause we have no !ore EThe Lord9 are you sureFG as6s 1eter. !oney and we do not want to ta6e advanta&e o the dis+i/)es.G E'nd do you dou2t itF 4e thou&ht it was His voi+e9 2ut this is the /roo o it. Loo6 at E;ou are doin& the ri&ht thin&. %ut ro! now on9 you a/ost)es wi)) stay on the the netH It is )i6e that ti!eH I te)) you that it is HeH 5hH !y JesusH 4here are ;ouFG !ountain in /rayer9 edi yin& the dis+i/)es with your e3a!/)e. Send the! ishin&. It is 2etter or you to re!ain there in /rayer and to )isten to those who are in need o advi+e They a)) o/en their eyes wide to see throu&h the vei)s o o&9 a ter astenin& the net sa e)y to dra& it in the wa6e o the 2oat9 as it wou)d 2e a dan&erous !anoeuvre to try to or !ay +o!e to &ive you in or!ation. :ee/ the dis+i/)es in a very united &rou/. I wi)) hoist it and they row to &o 2a+6 to shore. %ut Tho!as has to ta6e the oar o 1eter who9 +o!e soon.G a ter hurried)y s)i//in& on his short tuni+ over his very short trousers9 the on)y &ar!ent E4e wi)) do that9 Lord.G he had on9 )i6e that o a)) the others9 e3+e/t %artho)o!ew9 <u!/s into the water and swi!s with vi&orous stro6es in the +a)! water9 /re+edin& the 2oat. He is the irst to set EIs Mar<ia! not with youFG oot on the desert )itt)e 2ea+h9 where on two stones she)tered 2y a thorny 2ush9 a ire o E;ou did not te)) !e to !a6e hi! +o!e so soon.G dry twi&s is &ai)y 2)azin&. 'nd near the ire9 there is Jesus9 s!i)in& and 2eni&n. EMa6e hi! +o!e. The ti!e o his o2edien+e is over.G ELordH LordHG 1eter is 2reath)ess 2e+ause o his e!otion and is una2)e to say anythin& e)se. $ri//in& wet9 as he is9 he dare not even tou+h the tuni+ o his Jesus9 and /rostrated EI wi)) !a6e hi! +o!e9 Lord.G on the sand with his tuni+ sti+6in& to hi!9 he adores. 8 There is si)en+e. Then Jesus9 4ho had 2een with His head 2ent a )itt)e9 thin6in&9 )oo6s 7 The 2oat ru2s on the shin&)y shore and sto/s. They are a)) standin&9 e3+ited with <oy... u/ and i3es His eyes on 1eter. He )oo6s at hi! with the &)an+e o the !o!ents when He wor6ed the &reatest !ira+)es or was !ost authoritative. 1eter is start)ed9 a)!ost E%rin& so!e o those ish here. The ire is ready. 7o!e and have so!ethin& to eat.G ri&htened and he withdraws a )itt)e... %ut Jesus9 )ayin& a hand on 1eter's shou)der9 orders Jesus. ho)ds hi! ir!)y and whi)e ho)din& hi! so9 He as6s hi!I ESi!on o Jonah9 do you )ove 1eter runs to the 2oat and he)/s the others to heave the net9 and he &ets ho)d o three 2i& MeFG ish in the wri&&)in& hea/9 he 2eats the! on the &unwa)e o the 2oat to 6i)) the! and E7ertain)y9 LordH ;ou 6now that I )ove ;ouG re/)ies 1eter de+ided)y. &uts the! with his 6ni e. %ut his hands sha6e9 ohH not with +o)dH He rinses the ish9 he ta6es the! where the ire is and /uts the! on it9 and he wat+hes the! +oo6in&. The E(eed My )a!2s... Si!on o Jonah9 do you )ove MeFG others are worshi//in& the Lord9 a )itt)e away ro! Hi!9 ti!orous9 as a)ways9 o Hi! E;es9 !y Lord. 'nd ;ou 6now that I )ove ;ou.G His voi+e is not so 2o)d9 and he is 4ho has risen so divine)y /ower u). rather sur/rised at the re/etition o the =uestion. EHere you are. Here is the 2read. ;ou have wor6ed a)) ni&ht and you are tired. 8ow E(eed My )a!2s... Si!on o Jonah9 do you )ove MeFG you wi)) ta6e so!e re resh!ent. Is it ready9 1eterFG E;es9 !y LordG says 1eter in a voi+e that is !ore hoarse than usua)9 2ent over the ire9 ELord... ;ou 6now everythin&... ;ou 6now whether I )ove ;ou...G 1eter's voi+e tre!2)es9 as he is sure o his )ove9 2ut he is under the i!/ression that Jesus is not sure. and he wi/es his eyes9 whi+h are wet with tears9 as i the s!o6e !ade the! wee/9 irritatin& the! and his throat at the sa!e ti!e. %ut it is not the s!o6e that is the +ause o that voi+e and o those tears... He ta6es the ish9 whi+h he has )aid on a rou&h )ea 9 it )oo6s )i6e the )ea o a &ourd9 handed to hi! 2y 'ndrew a ter he had rinsed it in the )a6e. Jesus o ers and 2)esses9 He 2rea6s the 2read and the ish9 !a6in& ei&ht /ortions whi+h E(eed My shee/. ;our tre2)e /ro ession o )ove has +an+e))ed your tre2)e denia). ;ou are +o!/)ete)y /ure9 Si!on o Jonah9 and I say to youI /ut on the /onti i+a)s and ta6e the Ho)iness o the Lord a!on& My )o+6. (asten your +)othes at your waist and 6ee/ the! astened9 unti) ro! She/herd you a)so 2e+o!e )a!2. I so)e!n)y te)) you that when you were youn&9 you /ut on your own 2e)t and you went where you )i6ed9 2ut when you &row o)d9 you wi)) stret+h out your hands and so!e2ody e)se wi)) /ut a 2e)t

)29.Jesus A55ea s "n &he Sh" es "- &he La9e. The 'issi"n :"n-e ed &" Pe&e .


round you and wi)) ta6e you where you wou)d rather not &o. %ut now it is I 4ho say to youI C,ird yourse) and o))ow Me on My own way.D 9 Stand u/ and +o!e.G Jesus stands u/ and 1eter stands u/ &oin& towards the shore9 and the others 2e&in to /ut out the ire s!otherin& it under the sand.

aith u) dis+i/)es9 whose na!es I do not re!e!2er. I see the !an ro! :orazi! who )e t o 2uryin& his ather in order to o))ow Jesus9 and another who! I have seen at other ti!es. Jesus ta6es in His hands the head o Mar<ia!9 who wee/s )oo6in& at Hi!9 He 6isses his orehead and then /resses hi! a&ainst His heart.

2 He then turns round towards the others and saysI EMany and ew. 4here are the %ut John9 a ter /i+6in& u/ the re!ains o the 2read9 o))ows Jesus. 1eter hears the othersF I 6now that !any are My aith u) dis+i/)es. 4hy here there are hard)y ive shu )in& o ste/s and turns round. He sees John9 and /ointin& hi! out to Jesus9 he as6sI hundred /eo/)e here9 without ta6in& into a++ount the +hi)dren o this one or that one E'nd what wi)) ha//en to hi!FG a!on& youFG EI I want hi! to stay unti) I +o!e 2a+69 what does it !atter to youF ;ou are to o))ow 1eter9 who had re!ained 6nee)in& on the &rass9 stands u/ and s/ea6s on 2eha) o Me.G every2odyI ELord9 2etween the thirteenth and twentieth day ro! ;our death9 !any They are on the shore. 1eter wou)d )i6e to &o on s/ea6in&9 2ut Jesus' !a<esty and the words he has heard detain hi!. He 6nee)s down9 i!itated 2y the others and adores. Jesus 2)esses the! and dis!isses the!. They &et on the 2oat and &o away rowin&. Jesus )oo6s at the! &o. /eo/)e have +o!e here ro! !any towns in 1a)estine9 sayin& that ;ou were a!on& the!. So !any o us9 in order to see ;ou sooner9 went so!e with this one9 so!e with that one. So!e have <ust )e t. Those who +a!e here said that they had seen ;ou and s/o6en to ;ou in di erent /)a+es9 and9 what was wonder u)9 they a)) said that they had seen ;ou on the twe) th day ro! ;our death. 4e thou&ht this was a de+eit o so!e o those a)se /ro/hets9 that ;ou said wi)) rise to de+eive the +hosen ones. ;ou said so9 on the Mount o 5)ives9 the evenin& 2e oreN 2e oreNG 1eter9 seized a&ain with &rie at that re+o))e+tion9 )owers his head and 2e+o!es si)ent. Two tears9 o))owed 2y !ore9 a)) ro! his 2eard on the &roundN Jesus )ays His ri&ht hand on the shou)der o 1eter9 who =uivers at that +onta+t and9 as he dare not tou+h that Hand with his own9 he 2ends his ne+69 his a+e to +aress that adora2)e Hand with his +hee69 and tou+h it )i&ht)y with his )i/s. Ja!es o ')/haeus +ontinues the narrationI E'nd we dis+oura&ed /eo/)e ro! 2e)ievin& those a//aritions9 that is those a!on& us who &ot u/ to run towards the &reat sea9 or towards %ozrah9 or 7aesarea 1hi)i//i9 1e))a or :edesh9 to the !ountain near Jeri+ho and to the /)ain9 and a)so to the 0sdrae)on /)ain9 to the &reat Her!on and to %eth@horon and %eth@she!esh9 and to other /)a+es whi+h have no na!es9 as they are iso)ated houses in the /)ain near Ja/hia or ,i)ead. Too un+ertain. So!e /eo/)e saidI C4e have seen Hi! and heard Hi!.D 5thers sent word that they had seen ;ou and had even a !ea) with ;ou. ;es9 we wanted to ho)d the! 2a+69 2e+ause we thou&ht that they were either snares o those who o//ose us9 or even /hantas!s seen 2y <ust /eo/)e9 who thin6 o ;ou so !u+h that they end u/ 2y seein& ;ou where ;ou are not. %ut they wanted to &o away. So!e here9 so!e there. 'nd so we are redu+ed to )ess than one third.G E;ou were ri&ht in insistin& to ho)d the! 2a+6. 8ot 2e+ause I have not rea))y 2een where those9 who +a!e to te)) you9 said. %ut 2e+ause I had ordered you to stay here united in /rayer awaitin& Me. 'nd 2e+ause I want !y words to be obeyed /arti+u)ar)y 2y those who are My servants. I My servants 2e&in to 2e diso2edient9 what wi)) the 2e)ievers doF

+3,. Jesus A99ea!s #n .#un& Ta)#! &# &he A9#s&5es and &# a)#u& Fi0e Hund!ed 3e5ie0e!s.
2,&h A9!i5 $9*8.

1 ')) the a/ost)es are there9 a)) the she/herd dis+i/)es9 a)so Jonathan9 who! 7huza has dis!issed ro! his servi+e. There is Mar<ia! and Manaen and !any o the seventy two dis+i/)es and !any !ore. They are in the shade o trees9 whi+h with their o)ia&e !iti&ate )i&ht and heat. They are not u/ towards the su!!it9 where the Trans i&uration too6 /)a+e9 2ut ha) @way u/ the hi))9 where a wood o oa6@trees see!s to 2e wantin& to vei) the su!!it and su//ort the sides o the !ountain with its /ower u) roots. ')!ost every2ody is dozin&9 2e+ause o the hour and a)so 2e+ause o the ina+tivity and the )on& wait. %ut the +ry o a 2oy J I do not 6now who he is9 2e+ause I +annot see hi! ro! where I a! J is su i+ient to !a6e the! a)) stand u/9 in a irst i!/u)sive !ove!ent9 whi+h soon +han&es into /rostration with their a+es a!on& the &rass. E1ea+e to a)) o you. Here I a! a!on& you. 1ea+e to you. 1ea+e to you.G Jesus /asses a!id the! &reetin& and 2)essin&. Many wee/9 !any s!i)e 2)iss u))y. %ut there is so !u+h /ea+e in every2ody. Jesus &oes and sto/s where the a/ost)es and the she/herds or! a thi+6 &rou/ with Mar<ia!9 Manaen9 Ste/hen9 8i+o)aus9 John o 0/hesus9 Her!as9 and so!e o the !ore

)3$.Jesus A55ea s "n '"un& Ta6" &" &he A5"s&2es and &" a6"u& Fi,e Hund ed 0e2ie,e s.


3 Listen a)) o you who are around here. .e!e!2er that in an organis# a hierarchy is re+uired so that it #ay be really active and wholeso#e that is9 so!eone who +o!!ands9 so!eone who trans!its orders9 and those who o2ey. That is what ha//ens in the +ourts o 6in&s9 as we)) as in re)i&ions. (ro! our He2rew re)i&ion to the others9 even i they are so i!/ure9 there is a)ways a +hie 9 his !inisters9 the servants o the !inisters9 and )ast)y the 2e)ievers. ' /onti +annot a+t 2y hi!se) . ' 6in& +annot a+t 2y hi!se) . 'nd their dis/ositions +on+ern on)y hu!an +ontin&en+ies9 or the or!a)is! o ritesN ;es. @nfortunately now also in the !osaic religion there is nothing left but the for#alis# of rites the +ontinuation o the !ove!ents o a devi+e that &oes on !a6in& the sa!e &estures9 even now that the s/irit o the &estures is dead. 3ead forever. Their $ivine 0n)ivener9 He 4ho &ave i!/ort to the rites9 has withdrawn ro! the!. 'nd the rites are &estures9 nothin& e)se. ,estures that any histrion +ou)d !i!e on the sta&e o an a!/hitheatre. Woe when a religion dies and fro# a real living power beco#es a cla#orous e7terior panto#i#e an e!/ty thin& 2ehind a /ainted s+enery9 2ehind /o!/ous &ar!ents9 the !ove!ents o devi+es /er or!in& +ertain a+tions9 5ust as a "ey activates a spring but neither "ey nor spring is conscious of what they do. 4oeH 1onderH .e!e!2er this truth and te)) your su++essors a2out it9 so that it !ay 2e 6nown throu&hout a&es. The a)) o a /)anet is )ess ri&htenin& than the a)) o re)i&ion. I the s6y shou)d 2e de/o/u)ated o its stars and /)anets9 it wou)d not 2e or /eo/)es as 2ad a !is ortune as i they re!ained without re)i&ion. &od would provide with provident power for the needs of #en 2e+ause ,od +an do everythin& or those who9 in a wise way9 or in the way that their i&noran+e 6nows9 see" and love the 3ivinity in a right spirit. %ut i the day shou)d +o!e when !en no )on&er )oved ,od9 2e+ause the /riests o every re)i&ion had !ade on)y an e!/ty /anto!i!e o it9 as they were the irst not to 2e)ieve in their re)i&ion9 woe 2etide the 0arthH 4 8ow9 i I say so or those re)i&ions that are i!/ure9 as so!e have +o!e throu&h /artia) reve)ation to a wise /erson9 so!e derive ro! the instin+tive need o !an to +reate a aith or hi!se) to nourish his sou) to )ove a &od J as this need is the strongest incentive of #an the per#anent state of research for Hi# Who is and Who is wanted by the spirit even if the proud intellect refuses to pay ho#age to any god even if #an unaware of the soul is unable to give a na#e to such need that stirs within hi# J what sha)) I say or this re)i&ion that I have &iven you9 or this one that 2ears My 8a!e9 or this one o whi+h I have +reated you /onti s and /riests9 or this one that I order you to /ro/a&ate a)) over the wor)dF (or this re)i&ion ?ni=ue9 True9 1er e+t9 I!!uta2)e in the $o+trine tau&ht 2y Me9 the Master9 +o!/)eted 2y the +ontinuous tea+hin& o Hi! 4ho wi)) +o!e9 the Ho)y S/irit9 the Most Ho)y ,uide or My 1onti s and or those who wi)) he)/ the!9 se+ond +hie s in the various 7hur+hes +reated in the various re&ions where My 4ord wi)) 2e asserted. These 7hur+hes9 a)thou&h various in nu!2er9 wi)) not 2e di erent in thou&ht9 2ut wi)) 2e one thin& on)y with the 7hur+h9 as with their individua)

/arts they wi)) or! the &reat 2ui)din&9 &reater and &reater9 the &reat new Te!/)e9 that with its /avi)ions wi)) rea+h a)) the +orners o the earth. 8ot di erent in thou&ht9 nor +ontrastin& with one another9 2ut united9 2rother)y to one another9 a)) su2<e+ted to the Head o the 7hur+h9 to 1eter9 and to his su++essors unti) the end o ti!e. And those that for any reason should separate fro# the !other ,hurch would be #e#bers cut off no longer nourished with the #ystic blood that is &race co#ing fro# !e the divine Head of the ,hurch. Li6e /rodi&a) sons9 se/arated throu&h their own wi)) ro! the /aterna) house9 in their short@)ived wea)th and +onstant and &raver and &raver !isery9 they wou)d 2e 2)untin& their s/iritua) inte))e+ts 2y !eans o too heavy oods and wines9 and then they wou)d )an&uish eatin& the 2itter a+orns o un+)ean ani!a)s unti) they returned to the /aterna) house9 sayin& with +ontrite heartsI C4e have sinned. (ather9 or&ive us and o/en the doors o your a2ode to us.D Then9 whether it is a !e!2er o a se/arated 7hur+h9 or an entire 7hur+h J ohH i it were so9 2ut where9 when wi)) so !any i!itators o Me arise9 +a/a2)e o redee!in& these entire se/arated 7hur+hes9 at the +ost o their )ives9 to !a6e9 to re!a6e on)y one (o)d under on)y one she/herd9 as I ardent)y wishF J then whether it is only one person or an asse#bly that co#es bac" open the doors to the#. 5 Be fatherly. 7onsider that a)) o you9 or one hour or or !any9 /erha/s or years9 were9 individua))y9 /rodi&a) sons enve)o/ed in +on+u/is+en+e. 3o not be hard on those who repent. .e!e!2erH .e!e!2erH Many o you ran away twenty two days a&o. 'nd was your runnin& away /erha/s not an a2<uration o your )ove or MeF Therefore as I received you as soon as you repentant ca#e to !e do the sa#e yourselves. 3o everything I did. That is !y co##and. ;ou )ived with Me or three years. ;ou 6now My deeds and My thou&hts. 4hen9 in uture9 you wi)) ind yourse)ves in ront o a +ase to 2e de+ided9 )oo6 2a+6 to the ti!e when you were with Me and 2ehave as I 2ehaved. ;ou wi)) never &o wron&. I a# the living perfect e7a#ple of what you have to do. 'nd re!e!2er a)so that I did not re use Myse) even to Judas o :eriothN ' /riest !ust try to save9 2y a)) /ossi2)e !eans. 'nd )et )ove a)ways /revai)9 a!on& the !eans used to save. 7onsider that I was not unaware o Judas' horrorN %ut9 over+o!in& a)) dis&ust9 I treated the wret+h as I treated John. ;ouN you wi)) o ten 2e s/ared the 2itterness o 6nowin& that nothin& is o any use to save a 2e)oved dis+i/)eN 'nd you wi)) there ore 2e a2)e to wor6 without the tiredness that a e+ts one9 when one 6nows that everythin& is use)essN 5ne !ust wor6 even thenN a)waysN unti) everythin& is a++o!/)ishedNG 6 E%ut ;ou are su erin&9 LordHFH 5hH I did not 2e)ieve that ;ou +ou)d su er any !oreH ;ou sti)) su er 2e+ause o JudasH (or&et hi! LordHG shouts John9 who does not turn his eyes away ro! his Lord or one !o!ent. Jesus o/ens His ar!s9 in His usua) attitude o resi&ned +on ir!ation o a /ain u) a+t9 and He saysI EIt is soN Judas has 2een and is the dee/est sorrow in the sea o My

)3$.Jesus A55ea s "n '"un& Ta6" &" &he A5"s&2es and &" a6"u& Fi,e Hund ed 0e2ie,e s.


sorrows. It is the sorrow that re!ainsN The other sorrows have +o!e to an end with the end o the Sa+ri i+e. %ut this one re!ains. I )oved hi!. I +onsu!ed Myse) in the e ort to save hi!N I was a2)e to o/en the doors o Li!2o and 2rin& out the <ust9 I was a2)e to o/en the doors o 1ur&atory9 and 2rin& out those who were 2ein& /uri ied. %ut the /)a+e o horror was +)osed u/on hi!. In vain I died or hi!.G E$o not su erH $o not su erH ;ou are &)orious9 !y LordH ,)ory and <oy to ;ou. ;ou have +onsu!ed ;our sorrowHG i!/)ores John a&ain. E8o one rea))y thou&ht that He +ou)d sti)) su erHG they a)) say9 a!azed and !oved9 whis/erin& to one another. EAnd do you not thin" of how #uch sorrow !y Heart will still have to suffer through4 out ages for every unrepentant sinner for every heresy that denies !e for every believer who ab5ures !e for every ? torture of all tortures ? for every guilty priest the cause of scandal and ruin$ ;ou do not 6nowH ;ou do not 6now as yet. ;ou wi)) never 6now u))y9 unti) you are with Me in the Li&ht o Heaven. Then you wi)) understandN In conte#plating 8udas I conte#plated the chosen ones whose election is changed into ruin through their wic"ed will6 5hH you who are aith u)9 you who wi)) or! the uture /riests9 re!e!2er My sorrow9 &row ho)ier and ho)ier to +o! ort My sorrow9 !a6e the! ho)y so that9 as ar as /ossi2)e9 there !ay 2e no re/etition o this sorrow9 e3hort9 wat+h9 tea+h9 i&ht9 2e as heed u) as !others9 as untirin& as tea+hers9 as vi&i)ant as she/herds9 as !an)i6e as warriors9 to support the priests that will be for#ed by you. 0nsure9 ohH do ensure that the sin o the twe) th a/ost)e !ay not have too !any re/etitions in utureN %e as I was with you9 as I a! with you. 7 I said to you( /Be as perfect as the -ather in Heaven.0 And let your hu#anity tre#ble at that co##and now even #ore than when I told you. %e+ause now you are aware o your wea6ness. 4e))9 to en+oura&e you I wi)) say to youI C Be li"e your !aster.0 I a# the !an. What I have done you can do. Also #iracles. ;es9 a)so the!. .o that the world #ay "now that it is I Who send you and he who su ers !ay not wee/9 disheartened 2y this thou&htI CHe is no )on&er a!on& us to +ure our si+6 /eo/)e and to +o! ort our sorrows.D $urin& these days I have wor6ed !ira+)es to +o! ort hearts and +onvin+e the! that the 7hrist is not destroyed 2e+ause He was /ut to death9 on the +ontrary9 He is stron&er9 eterna))y stron& and /ower u). %ut when I a! no )on&er a!on& you9 you wi)) do what I have done so ar9 and what I wi)) sti)) do. %ut not so !u+h out o the /ower or wor6in& !ira+)es9 2ut 2e+ause throu&h your ho)iness the )ove or the new .e)i&ion wi)) &row &reater. 'nd it is over your ho)iness9 not over the &i t I trans!it to you9 that you !ust 2e <ea)ous)y wat+h u). The holier you are the dearer you will be to !y Heart and the .pirit of &od will enlighten you while the &oodness of &od and His ;ower will fill your hands with the gifts of Heaven. A #iracle is not a co##on and essential act for the life in faith. 5n the +ontrary9 blessed are those who will be able to re#ain in the faith without e7traordinary #eans

to help the# to believe! %ut neither is a !ira+)e an a+t so e3+)usive)y reserved to s/e+ia) ti!es9 that it !ust +ease when they +ease. There will always be #iracles in the world. Always. And the #ore nu#erous are the 5ust in the world the #ore nu#erous will the #iracles be. 4hen you see that the true !ira+)es are 2e+o!in& very rare9 you +an then say that aith and <usti+e are )an&uishin&. %e+ause I saidI C If you have faith you will be able to #ove #ountains.D %e+ause I saidI CThe signs that will acco#pany those who have true faith in !e are the victories over de#ons and diseases over ele#ents and snares.D ,od is with those who )ove Hi!. The sign of how !y believers are in !e will be the nu#ber and the power of the #iracles they will wor" in !y na#e and to glorify &od. To a wor)d without true !ira+)es9 it wi)) 2e /ossi2)e to say9 without s)anderI C %ou have lost faith and 5ustice. %ou are a world without saints.D 8 So9 to &o 2a+6 to what I was sayin& at the 2e&innin&9 you did the ri&ht thin& in tryin& to detain those who9 )i6e +hi)dren sedu+ed 2y the noise o !usi+ or 2y so!ethin& &)itterin& stran&e)y9 run away a2sent@!inded)y ro! what is +ertain. %ut9 seeF They have their /unish!ent9 2e+ause they )ose My word. %ut you have 2een wron& as we)). ;ou did re!e!2er that I to)d you not to run here and there at every ru!our sayin& that I was in a +ertain /)a+e. %ut you did not re!e!2er that I a)so said that9 in His se+ond +o!in&9 the 7hrist wi)) 2e )i6e )i&htnin& stri6in& in the east and )ashin& into the west9 in a ti!e shorter than the 2)in6in& o an eye. 8ow this se+ond +o!in& 2e&an at the !o!ent o My .esurre+tion. It wi)) +u)!inate in the a//arition o the 7hrist Jud&e to a)) the risen. %ut 2e ore that9 how !any ti!es I wi)) a//ear to +onvert9 to +ure9 to +onso)e9 to tea+h9 to &ive ordersH I so)e!n)y te)) youI I a# about to go bac" to !y -ather. But the )arth will not lose !y ;resence. I sha)) 2e wat+h u) and riend)y9 Master and $o+tor9 where 2odies or sou)s9 sinners or saints9 wi)) need Me or wi)) 2e e)e+ted 2y Me to trans!it My words to other /eo/)e. %e+ause9 and this a)so is true9 !an"ind will be in need of a continuous act of love fro# !e because it is so hard to bend so easy to wane ready to forget eager to descend instead of ascending that if I did not detain it with supernatural #eans the law the &ospel the divine assistance ad#inistered by !y ,hurch would be of no avail to "eep Hu#anity in the "nowledge of the Truth and in the will to reach Heaven. 'nd I a# spea"ing of the Hu#anity that believes in !e6 ')ways )itt)e when +o!/ared to the &reat !ass o the inha2itants o the 0arth. 9 I wi)) +o!e. 2et those who will have !e re#ain hu#ble. 2et those who will not have !e not be eager to have !e to be praised thereby. 2et no one wish what is unco##on. &od "nows when and where to give you it. It is not ne+essary to have e3traordinary thin&s to enter Heaven. 5n the +ontrary9 they are a wea/on9 that9 when it is 2ad)y used9 !ay o/en he)) instead o Heaven. 'nd now I wi)) te)) you how. Because pride #ay arise. %e+ause a state o the s/irit !ay intervene9 +onte!/ti2)e in the eyes o ,od9 as it is li"e a torpor in which one #ay rela7 to +aress the treasure re+eived9 considering oneself already in Heaven having been granted that gift. 8o. In that +ase9

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instead o )a!e and win&9 it 2e+o!es i+e and 2ou)der9 and the sou) a))s and dies. 'nd a)soI a gift badly used #ay give rise to the eagerness to have even #ore in order to be #ore praised. Then9 in that +ase9 the .pirit of )vil #ight replace the 2ord to seduce the i#prudent believers by #eans of i#pure prodigies. Always "eep away fro# all "inds of entice#ents. Avoid the#. %e ha//y with what ,od &rants you. He 6nows what is use u) to you and in what !anner. And always consider that every gift is also a trial in addition to being a gift a trial of your 5ustice and will. I have &iven everyone o you the sa!e thin&s. %ut what i!/roved you9 ruined Judas. 4as it there ore a 2ad &i tF 8o. %ut wi+6ed was the wi)) o that s/iritN 10 The sa!e now. I have a//eared to !any /eo/)e. 8ot on)y to +onso)e and assist9 2ut a)so to !a6e you ha//y. ;ou have 2e&&ed Me to +onvin+e the /eo/)e that I have risen9 2e+ause the !e!2ers o the Sanhedrin are tryin& to +onvin+e the! o what they thin6. I have a//eared to +hi)dren and to adu)ts9 on the sa!e day9 in /)a+es so distant ro! one another9 that it wou)d ta6e !any days wa)6 to rea+h the!. %ut I a! no )on&er su2<e+ted to distan+es. 'nd My si!u)taneous a//earan+es have /uzz)ed you as we)). ;ou have said to one anotherI CThese /eo/)e have seen /hantas!s.D So you have or&otten /art o My words9 that is9 that fro# now on I shall be east and west north and south wherever I thin" it is 5ust that I should be without anythin& /reventin& Me ro! doin& so9 and as ast as )i&htnin& )ashin& a+ross the s6y. I a! a rea) Man. Here are My )i!2s9 My so)id war! %ody9 +a/a2)e o !ovin&9 2reathin&9 s/ea6in&9 as you do. But I a# true &od. 'nd i or thirty three years My $ivinity9 or a su/re!e /ur/ose9 was +on+ea)ed in My Hu!anity9 now the 3ivinity although 5oined to the Hu#anity has overwhel#ed the latter and !y Hu#anity en5oys the perfect freedo# of glorified bodies. Aueen with the $ivinity no )on&er su2<e+ted to what is )i!itation or Hu!anity. Here I a!. I a! here with you and I +ou)d 2e9 i I wanted9 in a !o!ent at the end o the wor)d to draw to Myse) a s/irit see6in& Me. 11 'nd what e e+t wi)) have the a+t that I have 2een near 7aesarea on the Sea and at the hi&h 7aesarea9 and at the 7herith9 and at 0n&edi9 and near 1e))a and Juttah9 and in other /)a+es in Judaea9 and at %ozrah9 and on the ,reat Her!on9 and at Sidon and at the 2orders o ,a)i)eeF 'nd that I +ured a 2oy9 and I 2rou&ht 2a+6 to )i e one who had 2reathed his )ast short)y 2e ore9 and I +onso)ed an an&uished /erson9 and I +a))ed to My servi+e one who had !orti ied hi!se) with hard /enan+e9 and to ,od a <ust !an who had 2e&&ed Me to do so9 and I &ave My !essa&e to so!e inno+ents and My orders to a aith u) heartF 4i)) that +onvin+e the wor)dF No it will not. Those who 2e)ieve9 wi)) +ontinue to 2e)ieve9 with &reater /ea+e9 2ut not with &reater stren&th9 2e+ause they a)ready rea))y 2e)ieved. Those who did not 2e)ieve with true aith wi)) re!ain dou2t u)9 and the wi+6ed wi)) say that My a//aritions are renzy and a)sehood9 and that the dead !an was not dead9 2ut was s)ee/in&N $o you re!e!2er when I to)d you the /ara2)e o $ivesF I said that '2raha! re/)ied to the da!ned sou)I CI they do not )isten to Moses and the /ro/hets9 they wi)) not 2e)ieve

even one who rises ro! the dead to te)) the! what they have to do.D $id they /erha/s 2e)ieve Me9 the Master9 and My !ira+)esF 4hat did Lazarus' !ira+)e a+hieveF !y hurried death sentence. 'nd My .esurre+tionF An increase of their hatred. 0ven My !ira+)es o these )ast days a!on& you wi)) not +onvin+e the wor)d9 2ut on)y those who no )on&er 2e)on& to the wor)d9 as they have +hosen the :in&do! o ,od with its /resent ati&ue and /ains and its uture &)ory. %ut I a! &)ad that you have 2een +on ir!ed in the aith and that you have 2een aith u) to My order9 2y re!ainin& u/on this !ountain waitin&9 without 2ein& in a hurry to en<oy thin&s that are a)so &ood9 2ut are di erent ro! the ones I !entioned to you. 3isobedience gives one tenth and ta"es away nine tenths. They went away and wi)) hear words o !en9 a)ways those. ;ou have re!ained and you have heard My 4ord whi+h9 even i it re/eats thin&s a)ready said9 is a)ways &ood and use u). The )esson wi)) serve as an e3a!/)e or a)) o you9 and a)so or the!9 or the uture.G 12 Jesus )oo6s around at those a+es &athered there and +a))sI E0)isha o 0n&edi9 +o!e here. I have so!ethin& to te)) you.G I had not re+o&nised the e3@)e/er9 the son o o)d '2raha!. Then he was a &hast)y s6e)eton9 now he is a 2u3o! !an in the /ri!e o )i e. He &oes near9 /rostratin& hi!se) at the eet o Jesus9 4ho says to hi!I E' =uestion is tre!2)in& on your )i/s sin+e you heard that I have 2een to 0n&edi. 'nd it is thisI CHave ;ou +o! orted !y atherFD I say to youI CI have !ore than +onso)ed hi!H I have ta6en hi! with Me.DG E4ith ;ou9 !y LordF 'nd where is he9 sin+e I do not see hi!FG E0)isha9 I a! sti)) here or a short ti!e. Then I wi)) &o to My (atherNG ELordHN ;ou !eanN My ather is deadHG EHe died /ea+e u))y on My Heart. Sorrow is over a)so or hi!. He +onsu!ed it a))9 and 2y re!ainin& a)ways aith u) to the Lord. $o not wee/. Had you not )e t hi! to o))ow MeFG E;es9 !y LordNG E4e)). ;our ather is with Me. There ore9 2y o))owin& Me9 you sti)) +o!e near your ather.G E%ut whenF 'nd howFG EIn his vineyard9 where he heard Me s/ea6 or the irst ti!e. He re!inded Me o his /rayer o )ast year. I said to hi!I C7o!e.D He died a ha//y death9 2e+ause you )e t everythin& to o))ow Me.G

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E(or&ive !e i I wee/N He was !y atherNG EI do a//re+iate &rie .G He )ays His hand on his head to +o! ort hi! and says to the dis+i/)esI EHere is a new +o!/anion. Love hi!9 2e+ause I too6 hi! ro! his se/u)+hre9 so that he !ay serve Me.G 13 He then +a))sI E0)ias. 7o!e to Me. $o not 2e shy )i6e one who is a stran&er a!on& 2rothers. ')) the /ast is destroyed. 'nd you +o!e9 too9 >a+harias9 who )e t ather and !other or Me9 &o a!on& the seventy@two with Jose/h o 7intiu!. ;ou deserve it9 as you have de ied the ways o the !i&hty ones or My sa6e. 'nd you9 1hi)i/9 and you9 his +o!/anion9 who do not want to 2e +a))ed with your na!e any !ore9 as it sounds horri2)e to you9 so ta6e that o your ather9 who is a <ust !an9 even i he is not yet a!on& those who o))ow Me o/en)y. 7an you a)) seeF I do not e7clude anybody of good will. 8either those who o))owed Me a)ready as dis+i/)es9 nor those who /er or!ed &ood deeds in My na!e9 even i they did not 2e)on& to the &rou/s o My dis+i/)es9 nor those who 2e)on&ed to se+ts9 that not every2ody )oves9 as they +an a)ways ta6e the ri&ht road and are not to 2e re<e+ted. 3o as I do. I <oin these to the o)d dis+i/)es. Because the =ingdo# of Heaven is open to all those of good will. 'nd9 a)thou&h they are not /resent9 I te)) you not to re<e+t the ,enti)es either. I have not re/e))ed the!9 when I 6new that they were an3ious to 6now the Truth. 3o what I have done. 'nd you9 $anie)9 who have rea))y +o!e out9 not o the /it o the )ions9 2ut o the <a+6a)s9 +o!e and <oin these. 'nd you9 %en<a!in. I <oin you to these Khe /oints to the &rou/ o the seventy@two whi+h is a)!ost +o!/)eteL 2e+ause the harvest o the Lord wi)) 2e very ri+h and !any )a2ourers are re=uired. 8ow )et us 2e united here or a short ti!e9 whi)e the day wears on. In the evenin& you wi)) de/art ro! the !ountain and at dawn you a/ost)es and you two9 who! I have !entioned se/arate)y9 wi)) +o!e with Me9 with a)) those who are here o the seventy@two KHe /oints at >a+harias and at this Jose/h o 7intiu!9 who is not new to !eL. The others wi)) re!ain here9 waitin& or those who have run away here and there )i6e id)e was/s9 to te)) the! in My na!e that one +annot ind the Lord 2y i!itatin& unwi))in& diso2edient +hi)dren9 and that they a)) have to 2e at %ethany twenty days 2e ore 1ente+ost9 2e+ause )ater they wou)d )oo6 or Me in vain. Sit down now9 and rest. 14 ;ou9 +o!e with Me a )itt)e aside.G He sets out9 ho)din& Mar<ia! 2y the hand a)) the ti!e9 o))owed 2y the e)even a/ost)es. He sits down in the thi+6est /art o a thi+6 wood o oa6@trees9 and draws to Hi!se) Mar<ia!9 who is very sad. So sad that 1eter saysI E7o! ort hi!9 Lord. He was a)ready sad9 now he is even !ore so.G E4hy9 +hi)dF 're you not with MeF Shou)d you not 2e ha//y to 6now that I have over+o!e sorrowFG Mar<ia!'s on)y answer is to 2urst into tears. EI do not 6now what the !atter is with hi!. I have as6ed hi! in vain. 'nd today I was

not e3/e+tin& these tearsHG &ru!2)es 1eter9 so!ewhat annoyed. E%ut I 6nowG says John. ESo !u+h the 2etter or youH So why is he wee/in&FG EHe did not 2e&in to wee/ today. He has 2een wee/in& or daysNG E0hH I have noti+ed thatH %ut whyFG EThe Lord 6nows9 I a! sure. 'nd I 6now that He a)one has the word that +an +o! ort hi!G says John s!i)in&. EThat is true. I 6now. 'nd I 6now that Mar<ia!9 a &ood dis+i/)e9 is rea))y a )itt)e 2oy <ust now9 a )itt)e 2oy who does not see the rea)ity o thin&s. %ut9 My 2e)oved one a!on& a)) the dis+i/)es9 do you not +onsider that I went to +orro2orate waverin& aiths9 to a2so)ve9 to re+eive )ives that had +o!e to an end9 to annu) /oisonous dou2ts with whi+h the wea6er ones had 2een i!2ued9 to re/)y with /ity or severity to those who sti)) want to i&ht a&ainst Me9 to testi y with My /resen+e that I have risen ro! the dead9 where they were !ore ea&er to say that I was deadF Was there any need for !e to co#e to you a child whose faith hope charity whose good will and obedience are "nown to !e$ Shou)d I have +o!e to you or a !o!ent9 when I sha)) have you with Me9 as now9 !u+h !ore o tenF 4ho wi)) +e)e2rate 1assover with Me9 e3+e/t you a)one a!on& a)) the other dis+i/)esF 7an you see a)) theseF They have +e)e2rated their 1assover9 and the )avour o the )a!2 and o the +aroset9 o the un)eavened 2read and o the wine 2e+a!e +o!/)ete)y )i6e ashes and &a)) and vine&ar or their /a)ates i!!ediate)y a terwards. %ut you and I9 My dear 2oy9 wi)) +onsu!e our 1assover <oy u))y9 and it wi)) 2e )i6e honey that tri+6)es and re!ains su+h. 4ho we/t then9 wi)) re<oi+e now. 4ho re<oi+ed then9 +annot e3/e+t to re<oi+e a&ain.G 15 E.ea))yN 4e were not very +heer u) that dayNG whis/ers Tho!as. E;es. 5ur hearts tre!2)edNG says Matthew. E'nd we were 2oi)in& over with sus/i+ion and indi&nation9 at )east I wasG says Thaddeus. E'nd so you a)) say that you wou)d )i6e to +e)e2rate the su//)e!entary 1assoverNG EIt is so9 LordG says 1eter. E5ne day you +o!/)ained 2e+ause the wo!en dis+i/)es and your son were not ta6in& /art in the 1assover 2an=uet. 8ow you +o!/)ain 2e+ause who did not re<oi+e then9 !ust do so now.G EThat is true. I a! a sinner.G E'nd I a! He 4ho is +o!/assionate. I want you a)) to 2e around Me9 and not you on)y9

)3$.Jesus A55ea s "n '"un& Ta6" &" &he A5"s&2es and &" a6"u& Fi,e Hund ed 0e2ie,e s.


2ut a)so the wo!en dis+i/)es. Lazarus wi)) &ive us hos/ita)ity on+e a&ain. I did not want They have served as we))9 and very o ten 2etter than !en.G your dau&hter9 1hi)i/9 or your wives9 I did not want Myrtha9 8ao!i9 and the youn& &ir) E'nd to ;our MotherF 're ;ou not &oin&FG as6s Thaddeus. who is with the!9 and this 2oy. Jerusa)e!9 in those days9 was not a /)a+e or every2odyHG E4e are to&ether.G ETrueH It is a &ood thin& that they were not thereG says 1hi)i/ with a si&h. E;es. They wou)d have seen our +owardi+e.G E%e =uiet9 1eter. It has 2een or&iven.G E;es. %ut I +on essed it to !y son and I thou&ht that that was why he was so sad. I +on essed it9 2e+ause every ti!e I +on ess it9 it is a re)ie . It is as i I re!oved a 2i& stone ro! !y heart. I ee) !ore a2so)ved every ti!e I hu!i)iate !yse) . %ut i Mar<ia! is sad 2e+ause ;ou have shown ;ourse) to other /eo/)eNG E(or that and or nothin& e)se9 ather.G EThen9 +heer u/H He )oved you and He )oves you. ;ou +an see that. %ut I in or!ed you o the se+ond 1assoverNG EI thou&ht that I had done the o2edien+e that 1or/hirea had &iven !e in ;our na!e not too wi))in&)y9 Lord. 'nd that9 there ore9 ;ou were /unishin& !e. 'nd I a)so thou&ht that ;ou did not show ;ourse) to !e 2e+ause I hated Judas and those who +ru+i ied ;ouG +on esses Mar<ia!. E$o not hate any2ody. I have or&iven.G E;es9 !y Lord. I wi)) not hate !y !ore.G E'nd do not 2e sad any )on&er.G EI wi)) not 2e so any !ore9 Lord.G Mar<ia!9 )i6e a)) very youn& /eo/)e9 is not so ti!id with Jesus as the others are9 and he re)a3es +on ident)y in Jesus' ar!s9 now that he is sure that Jesus is not an&ry with hi!. 'nd even !ore9 )i6e a +hi+6 under its !other's win&9 he ta6es she)ter in the ar!s o Jesus9 4ho /resses Hi! a&ainst Hi!se) 9 and as the an3iety that had !ade hi! sad and u/set or so !any days +eases9 he 2)iss u))y a))s as)ee/. EHe is sti)) a 2oyG re!ar6s the >ea)ot. E;es. %ut how !u+h he has su eredH 1or/hirea to)d !e when9 in or!ed 2y Jose/h o Ti2erias9 she 2rou&ht hi! to !eG 1eter re/)ies to hi!. 16 Then he says to the MasterI E1or/hirea a)so at Jerusa)e!FG How !u+h ea&erness there is in 1eter's voi+eH E')) the wo!en. I want to 2)ess the! 2e ore I as+end to My (ather. ETo&ether 4henFG EJudas9 Judas9 and do you thin6 that I9 4ho have a)ways ound <oy near Her9 shou)d not stay with Her nowFG E%ut Mary is a)) a)one in Her house. My !other to)d !e yesterday.G Jesus s!i)es and re/)iesI E5n)y the Hi&h 1riest &oes 2ehind the Ho)y o Ho)ies.G ESoF 4hat do ;ou !eanFG EThat there are 2eatitudes that +annot 2e des+ri2ed and 6nown. That is what I !ean.G He &ent)y !oves Mar<ia! away ro! Hi!se) and entrusts hi! to the ar!s o John9 who is the one +)osest to Hi!. He stands u/. He 2)esses the!. 'nd whi)e they a))9 with their heads )owered9 on their 6nees9 with the e3+e/tion o John9 who has Mar<ia!'s head in his )a/9 re+eive His 2)essin&9 He disa//ears. EHe is rea))y )i6e the )i&htnin& o whi+h He s/ea6sG says %artho)o!ew. They re!ain !editatin&9 awaitin& sunset. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 17 The Lord wants !e to ta6e another +o/y 2oo6 or the )ast instru+tions and visions9 as they +ou)d not 2e +ontained here9 the /a&es 2ein& too ew.

+3$. The Las& Tea'hin4s )e1#!e As'ensi#nFDa/.

1 I shou)d have 2e&un with a new +o/y@2oo6. %ut as Martha is i))9 I wrote here and then I +o/ied it on the new one. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
22nd A9!i5 $9*8.

2 They are u/ on another !ountain9 whi+h is even !ore +overed with woods9 not ar ro! 8azareth9 to whi+h a road )eads runnin& a)on& the oot o the !ountain. Jesus !a6es the! sit down in a +ir+)e9 the a/ost)es +)oser to Hi!9 2ehind the! the dis+i/)es Kthose o the seventy@two who did not &o away here and thereL with >a+harias

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and Jose/h. Mar<ia! is at His eet in a /rivi)e&ed /osition. Jesus s/ea6s as soon as they are a)) sittin& and =uiet9 /ayin& attention to His words. He saysI E1ay attention to Me9 2e+ause I wi)) te)) you thin&s o the &reatest i!/ortan+e. ;ou wi)) not understand the! a))9 neither wi)) you understand the! a)) we)). %ut He 4ho +o!es a ter Me9 wi)) !a6e you understand the!. So9 )isten to Me. 3 8o2ody is !ore +onvin+ed than you are9 that without the help of &od #an sins easily as his very wea" constitution was debilitated by the .in. So I shou)d 2e an i!/rudent .edee!er9 i a ter &ivin& you so !u+h to redee! you9 I did not &ive you a)so the !eans o retainin& you in the e e+ts o My Sa+ri i+e. ;ou 6now that all the easiness to co##it sin derives fro# the .in that by depriving #en of &race despoils the# of their strength( of the union with &race. ;ou have saidI C%ut ;ou have &iven ,ra+e to usD. 8o. It was given to the 5ust up to !y 3eath. To give it to future people a #eans is re+uired. ' !eans that wi)) not 2e on)y a ritua) i&ure9 2ut on those who re+eive it wi)) rea))y i!/ress the rea) +hara+ter o +hi)dren o ,od9 as 'da! and 0ve were9 whose souls vivified by &race possessed subli#e gifts &iven 2y ,od to His 2e)oved +reatures.

wou)d 2e use)ess9 nor or Me9 2e+ause I wou)d have died or too ew. SoF How +an the di erent thin&s 2e +on+i)iatedF 4hi+h new !ira+)e wi)) the 7hrist wor69 and He has a)ready wor6ed so !any9 2e ore )eavin& the wor)d or Heaven9 a ter )ovin& !en to the e3tent o dyin& or the!F 5 He has a)ready wor6ed one9 2y )eavin& you His %ody and His %)ood as a orti yin& and san+ti yin& ood and as a re!e!2ran+e o His )ove9 2y &ivin& you the order to do what I have done in !e!ory o Me and as a san+ti yin& !eans or the dis+i/)es9 or the dis+i/)es o the dis+i/)es9 unti) the end o ti!e.

%ut that evenin&9 when you were a)ready /uri ied e3terior)y9 do you re!e!2er what I didF I &irded Myse) with a towe) and I washed your eet9 and to one o you9 who was s+anda)ised at that too hu!i)iatin& &esture9 I saidI CIf I do not wash you you will have no part in co##on with !e.D ;ou did not understand what I !eant9 o whi+h /art I was s/ea6in&9 whi+h sy!2o) I /er or!ed. 4e))9 I wi)) te)) you. %esides tea+hin& you hu#ility and the necessity of being pure in order to enter and ta6e /art in My :in&do!9 in addition to 2rin&in& 2eni&n)y to your noti+e that ro! a !an9 who is <ust9 and there ore /ure in his s/irit and inte))e+t9 ,od e3a+ts on)y a )ast wash o the /art that is ;ou are aware o what !an had and what !an )ost. Now through !y .acrifice the ne+essari)y easier to 2e+o!e +onta!inated a)so in <ust /eo/)e9 even on)y with the dust gates of &race have been reopened and its river can descend on all those who as" it out that the ne+essary +oha2itation a!on& !en )ays a)so on +)ean )i!2s9 on 2odies9 I have of their love for !e. Men wi)) there ore have the +hara+ter o +hi)dren o ,od throu&h tau&ht you another thin&. I washed your eet9 the )owest /art o 2ody9 the one that &oes the !erits o the (irst@%orn a!on& !en9 o Hi! 4ho is s/ea6in& to you9 your a!on& !ud and dust9 at ti!es a!on& dirty thin&s9 to signify the flesh the #aterial part .edee!er9 your eterna) 1onti 9 your %rother in the (ather9 your Master. It will be by of #an which part always has so#e i#perfections with the e3+e/tion o those who are 8esus ,hrist and through 8esus ,hrist that present and future #en will be able to without the 5ri&ina) Sin9 either throu&h the deed o ,od or 2y the 8ature o ,od9 and possess Heaven and en5oy &od the last purpose of #an. ?/ to the /resent ti!e9 even su+h i!/er e+tions are at ti!es so s)i&ht that on)y ,od +an see the!9 2ut rea))y9 one the !ost <ust a!on& the <ust9 a)thou&h +ir+u!+ised as +hi)dren o the +hosen /eo/)e9 !ust wat+h the!9 so that they !ay not &row stron&er and turn into natura) ha2its9 and were not a2)e to attain that /ur/ose. ')thou&h their virtues were ta6en into i&ht the! to e3tir/ate the!. +onsideration 2y ,od9 and their /)a+es were ready in Heaven9 the )atter was +)osed and the en<oy!ent o ,od was denied to the!9 2e+ause on their sou)s9 2)essed )ower@2eds 6 So I washed your eet. 4henF Before brea"ing the bread and wine and transubstan4 2)oo!in& with every virtue9 there was a)so the +ursed tree o 5ri&ina) Sin9 and no tiating the# into !y Body and !y Blood. Because I a# the 2a#b of &od and I cannot a+tion9 no !atter how ho)y it !i&ht 2e9 +ou)d destroy itM neither is it /ossi2)e to enter descend where .atan has his #ar". So9 I washed you irst. Then I &ave Myse) to you. Heaven with the roots and o)ia&e o so evi) a tree. ;ou a)so wi)) wash with %a/tis! those who wi)) +o!e to Me9 so that they !ay not re+eive My %ody unworthi)y and it !ay not +han&e or the! into a dread u) death 4 5n 1re/aration $ay the si&hs o the /atriar+hs and /ro/hets9 and o a)) the <ust o senten+e. Israe)9 a//eased in the <oy o the a++o!/)ished .ede!/tion9 and their sou)s9 whiter than !ountain snow9 su+h was their virtue9 )ost the on)y Stain that se&re&ated the! ro! ;ou are dis!ayed. ;ou are )oo6in& at one another. 4ith your eyes you are as6in&I Heaven. C'nd Judas9 thenFD I say to youI CJudas ate his deathD. The su/re!e a+t o )ove did not tou+h his heart. The )ast atte!/t o his Master 6no+6ed a&ainst the stone o his heart9 %ut the wor)d +ontinues. ,enerations and &enerations arise and wi)) arise. 1eo/)es and and on that stone9 in the /)a+e o the Tau9 was en&raved the horri2)e initia) o Satan9 the /eo/)es wi)) +o!e to the 7hrist. 7an the 7hrist die with ea+h new &eneration to save it9 si&n o the %east. or or ea+h /eo/)e that +o!es to Hi!F 8o. He +annot. The 7hrist died on+e9 and He wi)) never die a&ain9 orever. Then9 !ust these &enerations9 these /eo/)es9 2e+o!e wise So I washed you 2e ore ad!ittin& you to the 0u+haristi+ 2an=uet9 2e ore )istenin& to the throu&h My 4ord9 2ut not /ossess Heaven and en<oy ,od9 2e+ause they are in<ured 2y +on ession o your sins9 2e ore in usin& the Ho)y S/irit into you and +onse=uent)y the 5ri&ina) SinF 8o. It wou)d not 2e <ust9 neither or the!9 2e+ause their )ove or Me +hara+ter o 2oth true 7hristians re+on ir!ed in ,ra+e9 and o My 1riests. Let the sa!e

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2e done to the others who! you wi)) have to /re/are or the 7hristian )i e. 7 %a/tise with water in the 8a!e o the ,od 5ne and Trine and in My 8a!e and throu&h My in inite Merits9 so that the 5ri&ina) Sin !ay 2e +an+e))ed ro! hearts9 sins !ay 2e re!itted9 ,ra+e and the Ho)y Birtues !ay 2e in used9 and the Ho)y S/irit !ay des+end to dwe)) in +onse+rated te!/)es9 that is9 in the 2odies o !en )ivin& in the ,ra+e o the Lord. Was water necessary to cancel the .in$ 4ater does not tou+h the sou). %ut neither does the i!!ateria) si&n tou+h the si&ht o !an9 who is so !ateria) in a)) his a+tions. I could very well have infused 2ife also without a visible #eans. %ut who wou)d have 2e)ieved itF How !any are the !en who +an ir!)y 2e)ieve i they do not seeF So ta6e the )ustra) water o the an+ient Mosai+ Law9 the water that was used to /uri y un+)ean /eo/)e and ad!it the! a&ain to the +a!/s9 a ter they had 2e+o!e +onta!inated 2y a +or/se. In actual fact every #an who is born is conta#inated by having contact with a soul dead to &race. So )et it 2e /uri ied o the un+)ean +onta+t 2y the )ustra) water and !ade worthy o enterin& the eterna) Te!/)e. And let water be a dear thing to you6 ' ter e3/iatin& and redee!in& throu&h thirty@ three years o )a2orious )i e9 whi+h +u)!inated in the 1assion9 a ter &ivin& a)) My %)ood or the sins o !en9 then the wholeso#e waters to wash the *riginal .in were drawn fro# the bloodless consu#ed Body of the !artyr. By #eans of the consu#ed .acrifice I redee#ed you fro# that stain. I on the /oint o death a divine !ira+)e o Mine had !ade Me des+end ro! the +ross9 I so)e!n)y te)) you that with the 2)ood I had shed I wou)d have redee!ed the sins9 but not the .in. The u)) +onsu!!ation was re=uired or it. .ea))y9 the who)eso!e water o whi+h 0ze6ie) s/ea6s ca#e out of this .ide of !ine. I!!erse sou)s into it9 so that they !ay +o!e out o it s/ot)ess9 to receive the Holy .pirit Who in re+o))e+tion o that 2reath whi+h the 7reator 2reathed on 'da! to &ive hi! the s/irit and thus the i!a&e and )i6eness o Hi!se) 9 will co#e to breathe and dwell in the hearts of #en who have been redee#ed. Baptise with !y Baptis# but in the Na#e of the &od Trine 2e+ause9 rea))y9 i the (ather had not wanted and the S/irit had not a+ted9 the 4ord wou)d have not 2e+o!e in+arnate and you wou)d have had no .ede!/tion. So it is <ust and air that every !an shou)d re+eive the Li e throu&h Those 4ho <oined to&ether in wantin& to &ive it to hi!9 !entionin& the (ather9 the Son and the Ho)y S/irit in the a+t o %a/tis!9 whi+h ta6es the na!e o 7hristian a ter Me9 to distin&uish it ro! the others /ast and uture9 whi+h wi)) 2e rites9 2ut not inde)i2)e si&ns on the i!!orta) /art.

My 1riests9 do that in !e!ory o Me and so that the in inite treasures o My Sa+ri i+e !ay as+end i!/)orin&)y to ,od9 and des+end /ro/itious)y on a)) those who invo6e the! with fir# faith. (ir! aith9 I said. 8o s+ien+e is +a))ed or to avai) onese) o the 0u+haristi+ (ood and o the 0u+haristi+ Sa+ri i+e9 2ut aith. -aith that in that bread and in that wine that one authorised by !e and by those who will co#e after !e J you 1eter9 the new 1onti o the new 7hur+h9 you Ja!es o ')/haeus9 you John9 you 'ndrew9 you Si!on9 you 1hi)i/9 you %artho)o!ew9 you Tho!as9 you Judas Thaddeus9 you Matthew9 you Ja!es o >e2edee J will consecrate in !y Na#e is !y true Body !y true Blood and he who feeds on it receives !e in -lesh Blood .oul and 3ivinity and he who offers !e really offers 8esus ,hrist as He offered Hi#self for the sins of the world. ' +hi)d or an i&norant /erson +an re+eive Me9 <ust )i6e a )earned !an and an adu)t. 'nd a +hi)d and an i&norant /erson wi)) re+eive the sa!e advanta&es ro! the Sa+ri i+e o ered9 as those that anyone a!on& you wi)) have. It is su i+ient that aith and the &ra+e o the Lord are in the!. 9 %ut you are a2out to re+eive a new %a/tis!9 that o the Ho)y S/irit. I /ro!ised it to you and it wi)) 2e &iven to you. The very Ho)y S/irit wi)) des+end u/on you. I wi)) te)) you when. And you will be replete with It in the fullness of sacerdotal gifts. ;ou wi)) 2e a2)e9 there ore9 as I did with you9 to infuse the .pirit with which you are replete to confir# the ,hristians in grace and instill the gifts of the ;araclete into the#. 's a re&a) Sa+ra!ent9 )itt)e in erior to the 1riesthood9 it #ust have the sole#nity of !osaic consecrations with the i#position of hands and the unction with scented oil whi+h was on+e used to +onse+rate 1riests. 8o. $o not )oo6 at one another so ri&htenedH I a! not s/ea6in& sa+ri)e&ious wordsH I a! not tea+hin& you sa+ri)e&ious a+tsH The dignity of a ,hristian is such I repeat it that it is little inferior to a priesthood. 4here do /riests )iveF In the Te!/)e. And a ,hristian will be a living te#ple. 4hat do /riests doF They serve &od with prayers sacrifices and ta"ing care of the believers. That is what they shou)d have doneN And a ,hristian will serve &od with prayer and sacrifice and with brotherly love. 10 'nd you will listen to the confession of sins as I )istened to yours and to those o !any and I forgave where I saw true repentance. 're you 2e+o!in& u/setF 4hyF 're you a raid that you !ay not 2e a2)e to distin&uishF 5n other o++asions I have a)ready s/o6en o sin and o the <ud&e!ent o sin. %ut re!e!2er9 when <ud&in&9 to /onder on the seven +onditions where2y an a+tion !ay or !ay not 2e sin u) and o di erent &ravity. I wi)) re+a)) the!. When one sinned and how #any ti#es who sinned with who# with what which is the #atter of the sin which is the cause why did one sin. %ut 2e not a raid. The Ho)y S/irit wi)) assist you.

8 Ta"e the Bread and the Wine as I did and bless the# brea" the# and hand the# out in !y Na#e' and let ,hristians feed on !e. And of the Bread and Wine #a"e an offering to the -ather of Heavens consu#ing it then in #e#ory of the .acrifice that I offered and consu#ed on the ,ross for your salvation. I9 1riest and Bi+ti!9 2y Myse) 4hat I i!/)ore you with a)) My heart to o2serve is a holy life. It wi)) in+rease the o ered and +onsu!ed Myse) 9 as no one9 i I had not wanted9 +ou)d do that o Me. ;ou9

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su/ernatura) )i&hts in you to su+h an e3tent9 that you will succeed in reading the hearts of #en without #ista"ing and you will be able with love or with authority to tell sinners who fear to disclose their sin or refuse to confess it the state of their hearts helping the ti#id and hu#iliating the unrepentant. %ear in !ind that the 0arth is a2out to )ose its '2so)ver and that you !ust 2e what I wasI 5ust patient #erciful but not wea". I said to youI what you wi)) )oose on 0arth wi)) 2e )oosed in Heaven and what you 2ind here wi)) 2e 2ound in Heaven. So with !easured de)i2eration <ud&e every !an without allowing yourselves to be corrupted by li"es or disli"es by gifts or threats being i#partial in everything and with everybody as is &od 2earin& in !ind the wea6ness o !an and the snares o his ene!ies. I re!ind you that at ti!es ,od a))ows a)so His +hosen ones to a))9 not 2e+ause He )i6es to see the! a))9 2ut 2e+ause a &reater uture advanta&e !ay +o!e ro! a a)). .o offer your hands to those who fall because you do not "now whether that fall is the resolutive crisis of an illness that dies forever )eavin& in the 2)ood a /uri i+ation that 2rin&s a2out hea)th. In our +aseI that 2rin&s a2out ho)iness. Be instead severe with those who have no respect for !y Blood and with their souls 5ust cleansed by the divine bath throw the#selves into filth one and one hundred ti#es. $o not +urse the!9 2ut 2e severe9 e3hort the!9 re/roa+h the! seventy ti!es seven9 and have recourse to the e7tre#e punish#ent of cutting the# off fro# the chosen people only when their obstinacy in a au)t that s+anda)ises the 2rothers9 co#pels you to ta"e action in order not to beco#e acco#plices of their deeds. .e!e!2er what I saidI CI your 2rother has sinned9 +orre+t hi! 2etween your two se)ves. I he does not )isten to you9 +orre+t hi! in the /resen+e o two or three witnesses. I that is not su i+ient9 in or! the 7hur+h. If he does not listen even to the ,hurch consider hi# as a &entile and a publican.D

It wou)d 2e 2ad9 i owin& to the hardness o hearts9 what ha//ened in the o)d aith shou)d ha//en a)so in the new oneI the authorization o re/udiation and disso)ution to avoid s+anda) +reated 2y the )ust o !an. I sole#nly tell you that everybody #ust bear his cross in every state also in the #atri#onial one. 'nd I a)so so)e!n)y te)) you that no pressure is to subdue your authority in saying( /It is against the law0 to those who want to #arry for the second ti#e before one of the consorts is dead. It is 2etter9 I te)) you9 that a /utrid /art 2rea6s o 9 2y itse) or o))owed 2y others9 rather than to 6ee/ it in the %ody o the 7hur+h9 &rant it so!ethin& +ontrary to the ho)iness o !arria&e9 s+anda)isin& the hu!2)e and !a6in& the! e3/ress thou&hts un avoura2)e to sa+erdota) inte&rity and on the va)ue o wea)th and /ower. !arriage is a grave and holy act. 'nd to /rove that9 I too6 /art at a weddin& and I wor6ed My irst !ira+)e there. But woe if it degenerates into lust and whi#. Let !arria&e9 the natura) +ontra+t 2etween !an and wo!an9 be elevated to a spiritual contract by which the souls of two people who love each other swear to serve the 2ord in reciprocal love o ered to the Lord in o2edien+e to His order o /ro+reation to &ive +hi)dren to the Lord. 12 'nd a)soN Ja!es9 do you re!e!2er the +onversation on Mount 7ar!e)F Sin+e that ti!e I have s/o6en to you a2out this. %ut the others do not 6nowN ;ou saw Mary o Lazarus s/read oint!ent on My )i!2s at the su//er o the Sa22ath at %ethany. I then said to youI CShe has /re/ared Me or My 2uria)D. In a+tua) a+t she did. 8ot or My 2uria)9 2e+ause she thou&ht that that sorrow was sti)) ar away9 2ut to /uri y and e!2a)! My )i!2s ro! a)) the i!/urities o the road9 so that I !i&ht as+end the throne s+ented with 2a)sa!i+ oi).

The life of #an is a road. The entry o !an into the ne3t )i e ou&ht to 2e an entry into the :in&do!. 0very 6in& is anointed and /er u!ed 2e ore as+endin& his throne and 11 In the Mosai+ re)i&ion !atri!ony is a +ontra+t. In the new ,hristian religion let it be showin& hi!se) to his /eo/)e. Also the ,hristian is the son of a "ing and he goes a sacred indissoluble act on whi+h !ay the &ra+e o the Lord des+end to !a6e o along his road directing his steps towards the "ingdo# where the -ather calls hi#. hus2and and wi e two !inisters o His in the /ro/a&ation o the hu!an ra+e. (ro! the The death o a 7hristian is nothin& 2ut the entry into the :in&do! to as+end the throne very irst !o!ents try to advise the +onsort 2e)on&in& to the new re)i&ion to +onvert the that the (ather has /re/ared or hi!. 3eath is not frightful for hi# who is not afraid of +onsort9 who is sti)) out o the nu!2er o the 2e)ievers9 to enter and 2e+o!e /art o it9 to &od "nowing that he is in His grace. But let the gar#ent of hi# who is to ascend the avoid those /ain u) divisions o thou&ht9 and +onse=uent)y o /ea+e9 that we have throne be purified of all rubbish so that it !ay 2e /reserved 2eauti u) or the noti+ed a)so a!on& ourse)ves. %ut when it is a =uestion o 2e)ievers in the Lord9 for no resurre+tion9 and )et his s/irit 2e /uri ied9 so that it !ay shine on the throne that the reason whatsoever what &od united is to be dissolved. 'nd when a +onsort is 7hristian (ather has /re/ared or hi! and he !ay a//ear in the di&nity 2e ittin& a son o su+h a and is united to a heathen9 I advice that consort to bear hisBher cross with patience &reat 6in&. Let the un+tion &iven to dyin& 7hristians9 or rather9 to 7hristians 2ein& 2orn9 #ee"ness and also with strength to the e7tent of dying to defend hisBher faith but 2e+ause I so)e!n)y te)) you that he who dies in the Lord is 2orn to the eterna) )i e9 let without leaving the consort who# heBshe #arried with full consent. This is My advi+e that unction be an increase of &race the annul#ent of sins of which the #an is fully or a !ore /er e+t )i e in the !atri!onia) state9 unti) it wi)) 2e /ossi2)e9 with the repentant the e7citer of fervent yearning for &ood the giver of strength for the di usion o 7hristianity9 to have !arria&es 2etween 2e)ievers. Then let the bond be supre#e struggle. sacred and indissoluble and the love holy. .e/eat the &esture o Mary on the 2odies o the +hosen ones. 'nd )et no one dee! it

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unworthy o hi!. I a++e/ted that 2a)sa!i+ oi) ro! a wo!an. )very ,hristian should consider hi#self honoured by it as a supre#e grace of the ,hurch whose son he is and should accept it fro# the priest to be cleansed of the last stains. And every priest ought to be happy to repeat on the body of his dying brother the gesture of love that !ary #ade on the suffering ,hrist. I tru)y te)) you that what you did not do to Me then9 )ettin& a wo!an e3+eed you9 and now you thin6 o it with so !u+h re&ret9 you +an do in uture and or as !any ti!es as you wi)) 2end over one who is dyin& to /re/are hi! to his !eetin& with ,od. I a# in beggars and in dying people in pilgri#s in orphans in widows in prisoners in those who are hungry thirsty or cold in who is grieved or tired. I a! in a)) the !e!2ers o My !ysti+ %ody9 whi+h is the union o a)) My 2e)ievers. Love Me in the! and you wi)) !a6e a!ends or your indi eren+e on so !any o++asions9 &ivin& &reat <oy to Me and so !u+h &)ory to yourse)ves. 13 (ina))y9 +onsider that the wor)d9 a&e9 diseases9 ti!e9 /erse+utions +ons/ire a&ainst you. There ore do not 2e avari+ious with what you have re+eived and do not 2e i!/rudent. (or this reason trans#it the ;riesthood in !y Na#e to the best disciples so that the 0arth !ay not 2e )e t without /riests. 'nd ensure that the sacred character is granted after a severe e7a#ination not verbal but of the deeds of hi# who as"s to be a priest or of hi# who# you 5udge suitable to be one. ,onsider what is a ;riest. The &ood he +an do. The evil he can do. ;ou have had the e3a!/)e o what +an 2e done 2y a /riest who has )a/sed ro! his sa+red +hara+ter. I tru)y te)) you that this +ountry wi)) 2e dis/ersed 2e+ause o the sins o the Te!/)e. But I also truly tell you that also the )arth will be destroyed when the abo#ination of desolation will affect the new ;riesthood by leading #en to apostasy in order to e#brace the doctrines of hell. Then the son of .atan will arise and peoples will #oan in dreadful fright as only few will re#ain faithful to the 2ord and also then after horrible convulsions the end will co#e after the victory of &od and of His few ,hosen ones and the wrath of &od on all the cursed ones. 4oe9 three ti!es woe i or those ew there wi)) sti)) 2e no saints9 the )ast /avi)ions o the Te!/)e o 7hristH Woe three ti#es woe if to co#fort the last ,hristians there will be no true ;riests as there will be for the first ones. .ea))y the )ast /erse+ution wi)) 2e horri2)e9 as it will not be the persecution of #en but of the son of .atan and of his followers. 1riestsF Those of the last hour will have to be #ore than priests so wild will be the persecution of the hordes of the Antichrist. Li6e the !an dressed in )inen9 who is so ho)y as to 2e 2eside the Lord9 in the vision o 0ze6ie)9 they will have to be untiring in #ar"ing a Tau with their perfection on the spirits of the few faithful ones so that the fla#es of #any do not cancel that sign. 1riestsF 'n&e)s. Angels swinging the thurible of the incenses of their virtues to purify the air of the #ias#ata of .atan. 'n&e)sF !ore than angels( other ,hrists others !yself so that the believers of the last ti#es #ay be able to persevere until the end. That is what they will have to be. 14 But future good and evil have roots in the present. 'va)an+hes 2e&in with a

snow )a6e. A priest who is unworthy i#pure heretic unfaithful incredulous tepid or cold dull insipid lustful does ten ti#es as #uch har# as a believer guilty of the sa#e sins and he drags #any #ore to co##it sin. La3ity in the 1riesthood9 the re+e/tion o i!/ure do+trines9 se) ishness9 &reed9 +on+u/is+en+e in the 1riesthood9 you are aware o the resu)t o a)) thatI dei+ide. Now in future ages the .on of &od can no longer be "illed but the faith in &od the idea of &od can. So a dei+ide wi)) 2e a++o!/)ished9 whi+h is even !ore irre/ara2)e9 2e+ause it is without resurre+tion. 5hH it +an 2e a++o!/)ished9 yes. I seeN It will be possible to acco#plish it because of the too #any 8udases of =erioth of future ages. How horri2)eH !y ,hurch de#olished by its own #inisters! 4hi)e I su//ort it with the he)/ o vi+ti!s. 'nd they9 the 1riests9 who wi)) have on)y the &ar!ent and not the sou) o a 1riest9 who he)/ the e2u))ition o the waves a&itated 2y the in erna) Sna6e a&ainst your 2oat9 1eter. Stand u/H .iseH Trans!it this order to your su++essorsI CHands on the rudder9 the )ash on the shi/wre+6ed /eo/)e who wanted to 2e shi/wre+6ed9 and try to ounder the 2oat o ,od.D .tri"e but save and proceed. Be severe because 5ust is the punish#ent for #arauders. 3efend the treasure of the faith Hold the la#p aloft li"e a lighthouse above the rough sea so that those who follow your boat #ay see and not perish. .hepherd and pilot for the dreadful ti#es gather guide hold !y &ospel high because safety is found in it and in no other science. The days wi)) +o!e when9 as it ha//ened to us in Israe)9 2ut even !ore dee/)y9 the 1riesthood wi)) thin6 it is a +hosen +)ass9 because it "nows the superfluous and does not "now the indispensable any longer 9 or is aware o it in the dea or! in whi+h the 1riests now 6now the LawI in its &ar!ent9 e3a&&erated)y over2urdened with rin&es9 but not in its spirit. 15 The days will co#e when all the boo"s will replace the Boo" and this will be used only as one who #ust use an ob5ect by force handles it #echanically as a /easant /)ou&hs9 sows9 harvests9 without !editatin& on the wonder u) /roviden+e whi+h is that !u)ti/)i+ation o seeds that is renewed ea+h yearI a seed is thrown into turned soi) and it 2e+o!es sta)69 ear o +orn9 then )our and then 2read throu&h ,od's /aterna) )ove. 4ho9 /uttin& a !outh u) o 2read in his !outh9 raises his s/irit to Hi! 4ho +reated the irst seed and or a&es has !ade it s/rin& u/ a&ain and &row9 &ivin& the ri&ht =uantity o rain and heat9 so that it !ay o/en and &row and ri/en without rottin& or &ettin& 2urntF 2i"ewise the ti#e will co#e when the &ospel will be taught scientifically well spiritually badly. 8ow9 what is science if it lac"s wisdo#$ It is straw. .traw that swells and does not nourish. 'nd I tru)y te)) you that the ti!e wi)) +o!e in whi+h too !any a!on& the 1riests wi)) 2e )i6e swo))en straw@sta+6s9 /roud straw@sta+6s9 that wi)) stand u/ strai&ht in the /ride o 2ein& so swo))en9 as i they had &iven the!se)ves a)) those ears o wheat that +rowned the straw9 as i the ears were sti)) on the su!!its o the straw9 and wi)) thin6 that they are everythin& 2e+ause9 instead o the hand u) o wheat9 the true nourish!ent that is the s/irit o the ,os/e)9 they wi)) have a)) that strawI a hea/H '

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hea/H %ut +an straw 2e enou&hF It is not even su i+ient or the sto!a+h o a 2east o 2urden9 and i its !aster does not stren&then the ani!a) with odder and resh her2s9 the 2east o 2urden nourished on)y with straw wastes away and !ay even die. 'nd yet I te)) you that the ti#e will co#e when the ;riests forgetting that with few ears of wheat I taught spirits the Truth and forgetting also what it cost their 2ord that true bread of the spirit drawn +o!/)ete)y and on)y ro! the $ivine 4isdo!9 s/o6en 2y the $ivine 4ord9 dignified in its doctrinal for# indefatigable in its repetitions so that the truth spo"en should not get lost hu!2)e in its or!9 without the a)se &)itter o hu!an s+ien+es9 without histori+a) or &eo&ra/hi+a) +o!/)etions9 will not ta"e care of its soul but of the gar#ent to be thrown on it to show the crowds how #any things they "now and the spirit of the &ospel will get lost in the# under avalanches of hu#an science. 'nd i they do not /ossess it9 how +an they trans!it itF 4hat wi)) these swo))en straw@ sta+6s &ive the 2e)ieversF .traw. 4hat nourish!ent wi)) the s/irits o the 2e)ievers &et ro! itF )nough to lead a wretched languishing life. 4hi+h ruit wi)) ri/en ro! su+h tea+hin& and ro! this i!/er e+t 6now)ed&e o the ,os/e)F The coolness of hearts the replace#ent of the only true doctrine with heretical doctrines with do+trines and ideas that are !ore than hereti+a)9 the preparation of the ground in favour of the Beast for his transient icy dar" horrible "ingdo#. I tru)y te)) you that9 as the (ather and 7reator !u)ti/)ies the stars so that the s6y !ay not 2e+o!e de/o/u)ated 2e+ause o those that /erish9 when their )ives end9 )i6ewise I shall have to evangeli:e thousands of ti#es the disciples that I will scatter a#ong #en in future ages. 'nd I a)so tru)y te)) you that the destiny o these dis+i/)es wi)) 2e the sa!e as MineI the synagogue and proud people will persecute the# as they persecuted !e. %ut 2oth they and I have our rewardI that of doing the Will of &od and serving Hi# even to death on a cross so that His glory #ay shine and the "nowledge of Hi# #ay not perish. 16 But you ;ontiff and you .hepherds watch that the spirit of the &ospel #ay not get lost in you and in your successors and pray the Holy .pirit untiringly that the ;entecost #ay be continually renewed in you J you do not understand what I !ean9 2ut you wi)) soon 6now J so that you #ay understand all the languages and choose and distinguish !y voices fro# those of the !on"ey of &od( .atan. 'nd do not allow !y future voices to beco#e void. 'nd each of the# is an act of #ercy of !ine to assist you and the #ore are the reasons by which I see that ,hristianity needs the# to get through the stor#s of ti#es the #ore nu#erous they will be. .hepherd and pilot ;eter! She/herd and /i)ot. It will not be sufficient for you one day to be shepherd if you are not pilot and to be pilot if you are not shepherd. ;ou wi)) have to 2e 2oth to 6ee/ the )a!2s &athered to&ether9 as he))ish tenta+)es and ier+e +)aws wi)) try to snat+h the! ro! you9 or !usi+ o a)se i!/ossi2)e /ro!ises wi)) sedu+e you9 and to /ro+eed with the 2oat +au&ht in a)) the winds 2)owin& ro! the north9 south9 east and west9 )ashed and tossed 2y the /owers o the de/ths9 hit 2y the

arrows shot 2y the ar+hers o the %east9 2urnt 2y the 2reath o the dra&on9 with its ed&es swe/t 2y its tai)9 so that the i!/rudent ones wi)) 2e 2urnt and wi)) /erish9 a))in& into the stor!y sea. .hepherd and pilot in dreadful ti#es. And your co#pass is the &ospel. In it there is 2ife and .afety. And everything is said in it. )very article of the holy ,ode every answer for the #anifold cases of souls are in it. And ensure that ;riests and believers do not depart fro# it and that no doubts arise about it. And ta"e care that no alterations changes and adulterations are #ade to it. The &ospel is I !yself. (ro! My 2irth to My death. In the &ospel there is &od. Because the wor"s of the -ather of the .on of the Holy .pirit are #anifest in it. The &ospel is love. I saidI CMy 4ord is Li e.D I saidI C,od is Love.D .o let people "now !y Word and have love in the# that is &od to have the =ingdo# of &od. %e+ause he who is not in ,od9 does not have the Li e in hi!. %e+ause those who do not re+eive the 4ord o the (ather wi)) not 2e a2)e to 2e one thin& with the (ather9 with Me and with the Ho)y S/irit in Heaven9 and they wi)) not 2e a2)e to 2e)on& to the on)y (o)d9 whi+h is as ho)y as I want it. They wi)) not 2e vine@ shoots <oined to the Bine9 2e+ause he who9 who))y or /art)y9 re<e+ts My 4ord is a !e!2er in who! the sa/ o the Bine no )on&er )ows. My 4ord is <ui+e that nourishes9 !a6es one &row and yie)d ruit. 17 ;ou wi)) do a)) that in !e!ory o Me9 as I tau&ht you. There is sti)) !u+h that I shou)d te)) you a2out what I have now said to you. But I have only sown the seed. The Holy .pirit will #a"e it sprout in you. I wanted to &ive you the seed Myse) 9 2e+ause I 6now your hearts and I 6now how you wou)d a)ter with ear at s/iritua) i!!ateria) orders. The ear o de+eit wou)d /ara)yse a)) wi)) in you. .o I a# the first to spea" to you of all things. Then the ;araclete will re#ind you of !y words and will enlarge on the# in detail. 'nd you wi)) not 2e a raid9 2e+ause you wi)) re!e!2er that I &ave you the irst seed. Allow yourselves to be led by the Holy .pirit. I My hand was 6ind in &uidin& you9 His Li&ht is very !i)d. He is the 2ove of &od. So I a! &oin& away ha//y9 2e+ause I 6now that He wi)) ta6e My /)a+e and wi)) )ead you to the 6now)ed&e o ,od. ;ou do not 6now Hi! yet9 a)thou&h I have said so !u+h to you a2out Hi!. %ut it is not your au)t. ;ou have done everythin& to understand Me and you are there ore <usti ied9 even i in three years you have understood )itt)e. The lac" of &race dulled your spirits. 0ven now you understand )itt)e9 notwithstandin& that the ,ra+e o ,od des+ended u/on you ro! My +ross. %ou are in need of the -ire. 5ne day I s/o6e to one o you a2out it9 whi)e &oin& a)on& the roads near the Jordan. The hour has co#e. I a! &oin& 2a+6 to My (ather9 2ut I a! not )eavin& you a)) a)one9 2e+ause I leave you the )ucharist that is9 your Jesus !ade ood or !en. 'nd I leave you the -riend( the ;araclete. He wi)) &uide you. I pass your souls fro# !y light to His 2ight and He will acco#plish your for#ation.G E're ;ou )eavin& us nowF ?/on this !ountainFG They are a)) deso)ate.

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E8o. 8ot yet. %ut ti!e )ies and it wi)) soon 2e that !o!ent.G

2ight that their souls were see"ing$ $o you thin6 that they are 2i&&er sinners than you9 2e+ause they have not 6nown ,od as yet9 2e+ause they have o))owed their re)i&ion and E5hH do not )eave !e on the 0arth without ;ou9 Lord. I have )oved ;ou ro! ;our they wi)) o))ow it unti) they are attra+ted 2y oursF ;ou !ust not. I say that !any a ti!e 2irth to ;our $eath9 ro! ;our $eath to ;our .esurre+tion9 and a)ways. %ut it wou)d they are 2etter than you 2e+ause9 whi)e they have a re)i&ion that is not ho)y9 they "now 2e too sad to 6now that ;ou are no )on&er a!on& usH ;ou heard the /rayer o 0)isha's how to be 5ust. There is no lac" of 5ust people in any country and religion. &od ather. ;ou have satis ied so !any. Hear !ine9 LordHG i!/)ores Isaa+ on his 6nees with observes the deeds of #en not their words. 'nd i He sees that a ,enti)e9 out o the his hands stret+hed out. <usti+e o his heart9 a++ordin& to nature does what the Law o Sinai /res+ri2es9 why shou)d He +onsider hi! +onte!/ti2)eF Is it not #ore #eritorious that a #an who does EThe )i e you +ou)d sti)) have wou)d 2e a ser!on on Me9 /erha/s the &)ory o not "now &od1s co##and not to do this or that because it is evil should ta"e upon !artyrdo!. ;ou have 2een a !artyr out o )ove or Me9 a 2a2y9 are you now a raid o hi#self not to do what his reason tells hi# is not good and should follow it faithfully 2ein& one or Me &)oriousFG than the very relative #erit of hi# who "nowing &od the scope of #an and the 2aw EIt wou)d 2e !y &)ory to o))ow ;ou9 Lord. I a! /oor and oo)ish. 4hat I +ou)d &ive9 I that enables hi# to attain it co#es to continuous co#pro#ises and designs in order to &ave with a &ood wi)). 8ow this is what I wou)d )i6eI to o))ow ;ou. %ut )et it 2e done adapt the perfect order to a corrupt will$ 4hat do you thin6F That ,od a//re+iates the as ;ou wish9 now and a)ways.G ways out o o2edien+e devised 2y Israe) in order not to sa+ri i+e her +on+u/is+en+e too !u+hF 4hat do you thin6F That when a ,enti)e de/arts ro! this wor)d9 and is <ust in 18 Jesus )ays His hand on Isaa+'s head9 and )eaves it there on a )on& +aress9 whi)e He the eyes o ,od as he has o))owed the ri&ht )aw that his +ons+ien+e i!/osed on itse) 9 addresses the! a)) sayin&I EHave you no =uestions to as6 MeF These are the )ast ,od wi)) +onsider hi! a de!onF I tell you( &od will 5udge the actions of #en and the )essons. S/ea6 to your MasterN See how the )itt)e ones are on a!i)iar ter!s with MeFG In a+t a)so today Mar<ia! )eans his head on Jesus' 2ody9 /ressin& hi!se) a&ainst ,hrist the 8udge of all peoples will reward those to who# the desire of their souls was a voice of an inti#ate law to attain the final scope of #an which is to be reunited to his Hi!9 and Isaa+ did not show any shyness in e3/ressin& his wish. ,reator to the &od un"nown to the heathens but to the &od Who they feel is True and E.ea))yN ;esN 4e have so!ethin& to as6NG says 1eter. Holy 2eyond the /ainted s+enery o any a)se 5)y!/us. E's6 then.G E4e))N ;esterday evenin&9 a ter ;ou )e t us9 we were ta)6in& a!on& ourse)ves o what ;ou had said. 8ow other words are ur&in& us with re&ard to what ;ou have said. ;esterday and a)so today9 i one +onsiders the! /ro/er)y9 ;ou have s/o6en as i heresies and se/arations were to arise9 and soon. This !a6es us thin6 that we sha)) have to 2e very /rudent with those who wi)) want to +o!e a!on& us. %e+ause the seed o heresy and se/aration wi)) +ertain)y 2e in the!.G E$o you thin6 soF 'nd is Israe) not a)ready divided in +o!in& to MeF ;ou !ean thisI that the Israe)9 that )oved Me9 wi)) never 2e hereti+a) and divided. Is that ri&htF %ut has she ever 2een united or a&es9 even in the an+ient or!ationF 'nd has she 2een united in o))owin& MeF I tru)y te)) you that the root o heresy is in her.G E%utNG E%ut she has 2een ido)atrous and hereti+a) or a&es under the outer a//earan+e o aith u)ness. ;ou 6now her ido)s. 'nd her heresies. The ,enti)es wi)) 2e 2etter than she is. That is why I have not e3+)uded the!9 and I te)) you to do what I have done. That wi)) 2e one o the !ost di i+u)t thin&s or you. I 6now. %ut re!e!2er the /ro/hets. They /ro/hesy the vo+ation o the ,enti)es and the hardness o the Judaeans. Why would you li"e to close the gates of the =ingdo# to those who love !e and co#e to the 19 0ven !ore9 /ay attention not to 2e the +ause o s+anda) to the ,enti)es. Too o ten the na!e o ,od has a)ready 2een derided a!on& the ,enti)es 2e+ause o the deeds o the +hi)dren o the /eo/)e o ,od. 3o not consider yourselves the absolute treasurers of !y gifts and of !y #erits. I died or the Judaeans and or the ,enti)es. !y =ingdo# will belong to all peoples. $o not ta6e advanta&e o the /atien+e with whi+h ,od has treated you so ar9 2y sayin&I C4e are a))owed everythin&.D 8o. I te)) you. There is no )on&er this or that /eo/)e. There is !y ;eople. 'nd in it the vases used u/ in the servi+e o the Te!/)e and those that are now 2ein& )aid on the ta2)es o ,od have the sa!e va)ue. 'nd !ore than that9 !any vases used u/ in the servi+e o the Te!/)e9 2ut not o ,od9 wi)) 2e thrown into a +orner9 and in their stead on the a)tar wi)) 2e /)a+ed those that do not yet "now incense oil wine or bal# but are an7ious to be filled with the# and to be used for the glory of the 2ord. $o not de!and too !u+h o the ,enti)es. It is enough for the# to have faith and to obey !y Word. ' new +ir+u!+ision re/)a+es the o)d one. Man is to 2e +ir+u!+ised in his heart9 ro! now onM in his s/irit9 even 2etter than in his heart9 2e+ause the 2)ood o the +ir+u!+ised9 sy!2o)isin& the /uri i+ation ro! the +on+u/is+en+e that e3+)uded 'da! ro! the divine i)iation9 has been replaced by !y #ost pure Blood. It is va)id 2oth or those who are +ir+u!+ised and or those who are un+ir+u!+ised in their 2odies9 providing the latter have received !y Baptis# and they renounce .atan the world the

)3+. The Las& Tea3hin1s 6e-" e As3ensi"nBDa(.


flesh out of love for !e. $o not des/ise the un+ir+u!+ised. ,od did not des/ise '2raha!. %e+ause o his <usti+e ,od +hose hi! as the head o His 1eo/)e even 2e ore +ir+u!+ision had 2itten his )esh. I ,od a//roa+hed '2raha! un+ir+u!+ised9 to &ive hi! His orders9 you +an a//roa+h the un+ir+u!+ised to tea+h the! the Law o the Lord. 7onsider to how !any sins and to what sin the +ir+u!+ised have +o!e. So do not 2e ine3ora2)e towards the ,enti)es.G 20 E%ut sha)) we have to te)) the! what ;ou tau&ht usF They wi)) not understand anythin&9 2e+ause they do not 6now the Law.G E;ou say so. %ut did Israe)9 who 6new the Law and the 1ro/hets9 understandFG EThat is true.G E%ut 2e +are u). ;ou wi)) say what the S/irit advises you to say9 ver2a))y9 without any ear9 without wantin& to do it 2y yourse)ves. 4hen a)se /ro/hets arise a!on& the 2e)ievers9 and they /ro ess their ideas as i they were ins/ired9 and they are the hereti+s9 then you wi)) have to i&ht their hereti+a) do+trines with !eans ir!er than words. %ut do not worry. The Ho)y S/irit wi)) &uide you. I never say anythin& that !ay not ha//en.G E'nd what sha)) we do with hereti+sFG E(i&ht the heresy itse) with a)) your stren&th9 2ut with every !eans try to +onvert the hereti+s to the Lord. 8ever &et tired in )oo6in& or the shee/ that have &one astray in order to ta6e the! 2a+6 to the (o)d. 1ray9 su er9 &et /eo/)e to /ray9 to su er9 &o around 2e&&in& the /ure9 the &ood9 the &enerous 2e)ievers or sa+ri i+es and su erin&s9 2e+ause these are the !eans to +onvert your 2rothers. The 1assion o 7hrist +ontinues in 7hristians. I have not e3+)uded you ro! this &reat wor69 whi+h is the .ede!/tion o the wor)d. ;ou are a)) !e!2ers o one sin&)e 2ody. He)/ one another9 and )et those who are stron& and hea)thy wor6 or the wea6er ones9 and those who are united stret+h out their hands and +a)) their 2rothers who are ar away.G E%ut wi)) there 2e any9 a ter they have 2een 2rothers in one houseFG EThere wi)) 2e so!e.G E4hyFG E(or so !any reasons. They wi)) sti)) have My 8a!e. 'nd what is even !ore9 they wi)) ta6e /ride in that 8a!e. They wi)) wor6 to !a6e it 6nown. They wi)) he)/ in !a6in& Me 6nown as ar as the e3tre!e 2oundaries o the 0arth. Let the! do9 2e+ause9 I re!ind you9 who is not a&ainst Me is or Me. %ut9 /oor +hi)drenH their wor6 wi)) a)ways 2e in+o!/)ete9 their !erits a)ways i!/er e+t. They cannot be in !e if they are separated fro# the <ine. Their wor"s will always be inco#plete. ;ou9 I say you9 re errin& to your uture su++essors9 #ust be where they are. $o not say /harisai+a))yI CI a! not &oin& in

order not to 2e +onta!inated.D 5r )azi)yI CI a! not &oin&9 2e+ause there a)ready is who /rea+hes the Lord.D 5r ti!id)yI CI a! not &oin& in order not to 2e driven away 2y the!.D ,o. I te)) youI &o. To all peoples. 's ar as the 2oundaries o the wor)d. .o that all !y 3octrine and !y *nly ,hurch #ay be #ade "nown and souls #ay be able to beco#e part of it.G 21 E'nd sha)) we te)) the! or write a)) your a+tionsFG EI have to)d you. The Ho)y S/irit wi)) advise you what it is ri&ht to say or 2e =uiet a2out9 a++ordin& to the ti!es. ;ou +an see itH 4hat I have done is 2e)ieved or denied9 and at ti!es is used as a wea/on a&ainst Me9 !ani/u)ated as it is 2y hands that hate Me. They have +a))ed Me %ee)ze2u2 when9 as the Master9 I wor6ed !ira+)es in the /resen+e o every2ody. 'nd what wi)) they say now9 when they )earn that I have a+ted in su+h a su/ernatura) !annerF They wi)) +urse Me even !ore. 'nd you wou)d 2e /erse+uted 2e ore the ti!e. So 2e si)ent unti) it is the ti!e to s/ea6.G E%ut i that hour shou)d +o!e when we9 the witnesses9 are deadFG EIn My 7hur+h there wi)) a)ways 2e /riests9 do+tors9 /ro/hets9 e3or+izers9 +on essors9 /eo/)e who wor6 !ira+)es or are ins/ired9 as is ne+essary so that /eo/)es !ay have ro! the 7hur+h what is ne+essary. HeavenI the 7hur+h Triu!/hant wi)) not )eave the 7hur+h Tea+hin& a)) a)one9 and the )atter wi)) assist the 7hur+h Mi)itant. They are not three 2odies. They are on)y one %ody. There is no division a!on& the!9 2ut +o!!union o )ove and o /ur/oseI to love ,harity and en5oy it in Heaven its =ingdo#. 'nd or this reason the 7hur+h Mi)itant wi)) have to /rovide with )ove or the su ra&es on 2eha) o that /art o it whi+h9 a)ready destined to the 7hur+h Triu!/hant9 is sti)) e3+)uded ro! it9 2e+ause o the satis a+tory e3/iation o au)ts a2so)ved 2ut not entire)y e3/iated with re&ard to the 1er e+t $ivine Justi+e. In the #ystic Body everything is to be done in love and through love. Because love is the blood that circulates in it. 'ssist your 2rothers who are 2ein& /uri ied. 's I said that the wor6s o +or/ora) !er+y a+hieve a reward or you9 in Heaven9 so I to)d you that a)so the s/iritua) ones a+hieve it or you. 'nd I tru)y te)) you that a prayer for the souls of the dead that they #ay enter into peace is a great wor" of #ercy for which &od will bless you and the souls for who# you have prayed will be grateful. 4hen9 at the resurre+tion o the 2odies9 you are a)) &athered 2e ore 7hrist Jud&e9 a!on& those who! I wi)) 2)ess9 there wi)) 2e a)so those who showed )ove or their 2rothers who were 2ein& /uri ied9 !a6in& o erin&s and /rayin& or their /ea+e. I te)) you. Not one of the good actions will be left without fruit and #any will shine brightly in Heaven without having preached ad#inistered #ade apostolic 5ourneys e#braced special states but only because they prayed and suffered to give peace to the souls that were being purified to lead #en to conversion. They a)so9 /riests un6nown to the wor)d9 un6nown a/ost)es9 vi+ti!s who! ,od a)one sees9 wi)) re+eive the reward o the wor6ers o the Lord9 as of their lives they #ade a perpetual sacrifice of love for their brothers and for the glory of &od. I truly

)3+. The Las& Tea3hin1s 6e-" e As3ensi"nBDa(.


tell you that one can arrive at eternal life along #any ways and this is one of the# and it is so dear to !y Heart. 22 Have you anythin& e)se to as6F S/ea6 u/.G ELord9 yesterday and not on)y yesterday9 we were thin6in& that ;ou saidI C;ou wi)) sit on twe)ve thrones to <ud&e the twe)ve tri2es o Israe).D %ut now we are e)evenNG E0)e+t the twe) th. It is your duty9 1eter9 to do so.G EMineF 8ot !ine9 LordH I as6 ;ou to +hoose hi!.G EI e)e+ted My Twe)ve on+e and I or!ed the!. Then I a//ointed their +hie . Then I &ave the! ,ra+e and I in used the Ho)y S/irit into the!. It is their turn now to wa)69 2e+ause they are no )on&er 2a2ies unweaned una2)e to do so.G E%ut at )east te)) us where we are to )ay our eyesNG EHere you are. This is the +hosen /art o the herdG says Jesus9 !a6in& a +ir+u)ar &esture on those o the seventy@two who are /resent. E8ot us9 Lord. 8ot us. The /)a+e o the traitor ri&htens usG they say i!/)orin&)y. ELet us ta6e Lazarus. $o ;ou a&ree9 LordFG Jesus is si)ent.

EIn order to +an+e) that horri2)e e!/ty s/a+e9 I wou)d a++e/t it9 2ut I a! not worthy o it. How +ou)d I9 a 2oy9 s/ea6 to an adu)tF Lord9 ;ou !ust say whether I a! ri&ht.G E;ou are ri&ht. %ut do not 2e in a hurry. The ti!e wi)) +o!e and you wi)) 2e sur/rised at a)) 2ein& o the sa!e o/inion. 1ray9 in the !eanti!e. I a! &oin& away. 4ithdraw to /ray. I dis!iss you or the ti!e 2ein&. 0nsure that you are a)) at %ethany on the ourteenth o 7iv.G He stands u/9 whi)e they a)) 6nee) down /rostratin& the!se)ves with their a+es on the &rass. He 2)esses the! and the )i&ht9 the !aid who announ+es Hi! and /re+edes Hi! when He +o!es as she re+eives Hi! when He de/arts9 e!2ra+es Hi! and hides Hi!9 a2sor2in& Hi! on+e a&ain.

+32. The Su995e(en&a!/ Pass#0e!.

23!d A9!i5 $9*8.

1 Jesus' order has 2een +arried out to the )etter9 this ti!e9 and %ethany is +rowded with dis+i/)es. Meadows9 /aths9 or+hards9 Lazarus' o)ive@&roves are u)) o the! and as they EJose/h o 'ri!atheaFN 8i+ode!usFNG are not su i+ient to ho)d so !any /eo/)e9 who do not want to da!a&e the /ro/erty o Jesus' riend9 !any o the! have s/read out a)so a!on& the o)ive@&roves that are Jesus is si)ent. 2etween %ethany and Jerusa)e! a)on& the roads o the Mount o 5)ives. 7)oser to the house are the dis+i/)es o ear)y days9 !any others are arther away. (a+es not we)) E;esH Let us ta6e Lazarus.G 6nown or +o!/)ete)y un6nown. %ut who +an now re+o&nise so !any a+es and !ention E'nd do you want to &ive the /er e+t riend that /)a+e that you do not wantFG as6s their na!esF I thin6 there are hundreds o the!. 8ow and a&ain9 in the !ed)ey9 a a+e Jesus. or a na!e re!inds !e o a+es seen a!on& those he)/ed and +onverted 2y Jesus9 even at the )ast hour. %ut it is 2eyond !y +a/a2i)ity to re!e!2er so !any a+es and na!es9 ELord9 I shou)d )i6e to say so!ethin&G says the >ea)ot. and to re+o&nise the! a)). It wou)d 2e the sa!e as i one e3/e+ted !e to re+o&nise who ES/ea6.G was a!on& the /eo/)e that +rowded the streets in Jerusa)e! on 1a)! Sunday or on EI a! sure that Lazarus or ;our sa6e wou)d a++e/t a)so that /)a+e and wou)d ho)d it in ,ood (riday9 or +overed 7a)vary with a +ar/et o a+es9 !ost o whi+h were drawn with su+h a /er e+t !anner as to !a6e /eo/)e or&et whose /)a+e that was. %ut I do not thin6 hatred. it is 2e ittin& to do so or other reasons. Lazarus' s/iritua) virtues +an 2e ound in !any The a/ost)es &o in and out ro! Si!on's house9 !ovin& around the /eo/)e to 6ee/ the! a!on& the hu!2)e /eo/)e o ;our )o+6. 'nd I thin6 that it wou)d 2e 2etter to &ive =uiet or to re/)y to their =uestions. ')so Lazarus and Ma3i!inus he)/ the!. 't the the! the /re eren+e9 so that the 2e)ievers !ay not say that we sou&ht on)y /ower and u//er@ )oor 2a)+ony windows o Si!on's house one +an see a)) the a+es o the wo!en wea)th9 as the 1harisees do9 instead o virtue on)y.G dis+i/)es a//ear and disa//earI &rey@haired or 2rown@haired heads9 a!on& whi+h shine the air@haired heads o Mary o Lazarus and o 'urea. 8ow and a&ain one +o!es out9 E;ou are ri&ht9 Si!on. 'nd what you said is so !u+h !ore true9 as you have s/o6en )oo6s and withdraws. They are a)) there9 rea))y a)) o the!9 the youn& ones and the o)d with <usti+e9 without )ettin& Lazarus' riendshi/ /revent you ro! s/ea6in&.G ones9 a)so those who had never +o!e9 su+h as Sarah o '/he6. 5n the terra+e !any EThen )et us a//oint Mar<ia! as twe) th a/ost)e. He is a 2oy.G +hi)dren are /)ayin&9 those &athered 2y Sarah9 the &rand+hi)dren o 'nne o Mero!9

)32. The Su552e.en&a ( Pass",e .


Mary and Matthias9 the )itt)e 2oy Sha)e!9 who was +ri//)ed and was the &rand+hi)d o 8ahu! and who is now ha//y and hea)thy9 and so!e !ore. ' )o+6 o ha//y )itt)e 2irds9 wat+hed over 2y Mar<ia! and 2y other youn& dis+i/)es9 su+h as the )itt)e she/herd o 0non and Jaia o 1e))a. '!on& the +hi)dren I now see a)so the )itt)e 2oy o Sidon9 who was 2)ind. It is o2vious that he was 2rou&ht 2y his ather. 2 The sun is 2e&innin& to set in a very 2ri&ht +)ear s6y. 1eter +onsu)ts with Lazarus and with his +o!/anions.

ou&ht not to trust your 7e/has too !u+h. I have a)ready /roved on+e that I a! !ade o +)ay that +ru!2)es9 instead o 2ein& o so)id &ranite. 3 4e))9 )et us dis!iss these /eo/)e. It is your duty9 Lazarus.G E8o9 Si!on 1eter. It is yours. ;ou are the +hie ...G says Lazarus 6ind)y9 e!2ra+in& 1eter's shou)der with his ar! and /ushin& hi! thus towards the stair+ase and u/ it9 as ar as the terra+e surroundin& Si!on's house.

1eter !a6es a &esture !eanin& that he wants to s/ea6 and the /eo/)e near2y 2e+o!e EI thin6 that it is 2etter to dis!iss the /eo/)e. 4hat do you sayF He wi)) not +o!e today si)ent and those arther away !ove towards hi!. 1eter waits unti) !ost o the! are near either. 'nd !any o these /eo/)e have to +onsu!e the )itt)e 1assover this evenin&G says hi!9 then he saysI EMen ro! every /art o Israe)9 )isten. I e3hort you to &o 2a+6 to 1eter. town. The sun has a)ready 2e&un to set. So9 &o. I He +o!es9 we wi)) )et you 6now at a)) +osts. ,od 2e with you.G E;es. It is 2etter to dis!iss the!. 1erha/s the Lord has wise)y de+ided not to +o!e today. ')) those o the Te!/)e have &athered in Jerusa)e!. I do not 6now how they He withdraws9 &oin& into an airy roo! where9 around the %)essed Bir&in9 there are a)) heard that He was +o!in& and...G says Lazarus. the !ore aith u) wo!en dis+i/)es and a)so the other wo!en who )oved the Lord as their Master9 a)thou&h they never o))owed Hi! on His /i)&ri!a&es. 'nd 1eter &oes E'nd even soF 4hat +an they do to Hi! any !oreFG says Thaddeus vehe!ent)y. and sits in a +orner9 )oo6in& at Mary 4ho s!i)es at hi!. E;ou are or&ettin& that they are they. 'nd these words o !ine say everythin&. 0ven i The /eo/)e9 outside9 s)ow)y /art into two &rou/sI that o those who re!ain and that o they +an do Hi! no har!9 they +an do a )ot o har! to these /eo/)e who have +o!e to those who &o 2a+6 to town. Boi+es o adu)ts +a))in& the +hi)dren9 the shri)) voi+es o worshi/ Hi!. 'nd the Lord does not want to da!a&e His 2e)ievers. 'nd thenH $o you +hi)dren re/)yin& to the!. Then the 2uzzin& noise su2sides. thin6 that they9 2)inded 2y their sin and their thou&ht9 whi+h is a)ways the sa!e one9 a!on& the +ontrastin& ideas in their heads9 do not a)so have the idea that the Lord has E'nd nowG says 1eter Ewe wi)) &o as we))...G risen9 that is9 that He never died and He +a!e out ro! there )i6e one who awa6es 2y E(ather9 2ut the Lord said that He wou)d +o!eH...G hi!se) or with the +o!/)i+ity o !anyF ;ou do not 6now what wi)d +on usion o thou&hts9 what entan&)e!ent9 what stor! o su//ositions is in their !inds. They have E0hH I 6nowH %ut9 as you +an see9 He has not +o!e. 'nd this is the day He +reated it a)) in order not to ad!it the truth. 4e +an rea))y say that those who were /res+ri2ed...G a++o!/)i+es yesterday are divided today9 or the sa!e +ause that /revious)y 6e/t the! 4 E;es9 and !y 2rother has a)ready /re/ared everythin& or you9 and here is Mar6 o <oined to&ether. 'nd so!e /eo/)e have 2een sedu+ed 2y their ideas. SeeF So!e are no Jonas9 who has +o!e to ta6e you there and o/en the &ate to you. %ut I a! +o!in& as )on&er a!on& the dis+i/)es...G says Lazarus. we)). 4e are a)) +o!in&. Lazarus has /rovided or every2odyG says Mary o Ma&da)a. E'nd )et the! &oH 5ther 2etter ones have +o!e. 7ertain)y9 those who have in or!ed the Sanhedrin that the Lord wi)) 2e here on the ourteenth day o the se+ond !onth9 are E'nd where +an we +onsu!e the su//er with so !any /eo/)eFG to 2e )oo6ed or a!on& those who have &one away. 'nd a ter the de)ation they no E,ethse!ane itse) wi)) 2e the Su//er roo!. Inside the house9 the roo! or those who )on&er have the +oura&e to +o!e. 7o!e onH Sto/ itH 0nou&h o traitorsHG says Jesus said. 5utside9 near the house9 the ta2)es or the others. That is what He wanted.G %artho)o!ew. E4hoF LazarusFG E4e sha)) a)ways have so!e9 !y dear riendH ManH... He yie)ds too easi)y to EThe Lord.G i!/ressions and to /ressures. %ut we !ust not 2e a raid. The Lord said that we !ust not 2e a raidG says the >ea)ot. EThe LordF %ut when did He +o!eFG E'nd we are not a raid. ' ew days a&o we were sti)) ri&htened. $o you re!e!2erF I9 as ar as I a! +on+erned9 was a raid when I thou&ht o +o!in& 2a+6 here. 8ow I no )on&er see! to 2e so ri&htened. %ut I do not trust !yse) too !u+h9 and you as we)) EHe +a!e... 4hat does it !atter to you whenF He +a!e and He s/o6e to Lazarus.G EI thin6 that He wi)) +o!e9 and even !ore9 that He has +o!e to ea+h o us9 even i none

)32. The Su552e.en&a ( Pass",e .


o us say so9 6ee/in& that <oy as his dearest /ear)9 that he is even a raid to show9 earin& it !ay )ose its !ost 2eauti u) )i&ht. The se+rets o the :in&HG says %artho)o!ew9 and he )oo6s at the &rou/ o the vir&in dis+i/)es9 whose a+es 2)ush as i the 2ea!s o the settin& sun set the! a )a!e. %ut it is a s/iritua) )a!e o intense <oy that )i&hts the!. Mary9 the Bir&in o the vir&ins9 a)) white in Her )inen dress9 a )i)y dressed in white9 )owers Her head s!i)in&9 without s/ea6in&. How !u+h She rese!2)es9 at this !o!ent9 the youn& Bir&in o the 'nnun+iationH

Here is the )itt)e house o the 6ee/er. 5n the terra+e9 whi+h is its roo 9 Lazarus has had a nu!2er o tents /ut u/9 so that the terra+e has +han&ed into an aeria) su//er roo! or the dis+i/)es who were not a2)e to +onsu!e the 1assover the /revious !onth. $ownstairs9 on the very +)ean threshin&@ )oor9 there are !ore ta2)es. In the house9 in the 2est roo!9 is the ta2)e or the wo!en dis+i/)es.

The roasted )a!2s9 )ettu+e9 un)eavened 2read and the reddish sau+e are 2rou&ht to the various ta2)es o those who have not +e)e2rated the 1assover9 and the ritua) +ha)i+e is /)a+ed on the ta2)es. %ut on the ta2)e o the wo!en there is no +ha)i+e9 2ut as !any E7ertain)y... He wi)) not )eave us a)) a)one9 even i He does not a//ear visi2)y. I say that +u/s as the /eo/)e sittin& at the ta2)e. The wo!en were o2vious)y e3e!/ted ro! that it is He 4ho /uts +ertain thou&hts in !y /oor heart and even !ore in !y /oor !ind...G /art o the +ere!ony. 5n the ta2)e o those who have +onsu!ed the 1assover at the ad!its Matthew. /ro/er ti!e there is the )a!29 2ut there is no un)eavened 2read and no )ettu+e with reddish sau+e. The others do not s/ea6... They )oo6 at one another whi)e they /ut on their !ant)es9 s+rutinisin& one another. %ut the very +are with whi+h so!e +over their a+es as !u+h 6 Lazarus and Ma3i!inus su/ervise everythin&. 'nd Lazarus 2ends over 1eter to te)) as /ossi2)e9 to 6ee/ +on+ea)ed the wave o s/iritua) <oy en)ivened 2y the re+o))e+tion o hi! so!ethin& that !a6es the +hie '/ost)e sha6e his head vio)ent)y in o2stinate the divine se+ret !eetin&s9 revea) the! as the !ost avoured ones. denia). E4e))9 say soHG e3+)ai! the others. E4e are not <ea)ousH 4e are not so intrusive as to E'nd yet... it is your dutyG says 1hi)i/9 who is 2eside hi!. want to 6now. %ut we sha)) 2e +o! orted 2y the ho/e that we sha)) not 2e de/rived o His si&ht or &oodH .e!e!2er the words o .a/hae) to To2iasI CIt is +ertain)y ri&ht to %ut 1eter /oints at Ja!es o ')/haeusI EIt is his duty.G 6ee/ the se+ret o the 6in&9 2ut it is !ore honoura2)e to revea) and /u2)ish the wor6s o 4hi)e they are dis+ussin& so9 the Lord a//ears at the 2e&innin& o the threshin&@ )oor ,od.D The an&e) o ,od is ri&htH :ee/ the se+ret o the words He has &iven you9 2ut and says &reetin&I E1ea+e to you.G dis+)ose His +ontinuous )ove or us.G They a)) stand u/ and the noise warns the wo!en o what is ha//enin&. They are on the Ja!es o ')/haeus )oo6s at Mary9 as i he wished to 2e en)i&htened 2y Her9 and /oint o &oin& out9 2ut Jesus enters the house &reetin& the! as we)). rea)isin& 2y Her s!i)e that She a&rees9 He saysI EIt is true. I have seen the Lord.G 8othin& e)se. 'nd he is the on)y one to say so. The other two9 who have +overed the!se)ves +are u))y9 do not utter one word. 5 They a)) &o out and in &rou/s9 the e)even ahead9 then Lazarus with his sisters and the wo!en dis+i/)es around Mary9 )ast the she/herds and !any o the seventy@two dis+i/)es. They set out towards Jerusa)e! a)on& the u//er road that ta6es one to the Mount o 5)ives. The +hi)dren who have stayed run 2a+6wards and orwards ha//i)y. Mar6 shows the! a /ath that avoids the (ie)d o the ,a)i)eans and the 2usier areas and &oes dire+t)y to the new en+)osure o the ,arden o ,ethse!ane. He o/ens9 )ets the! /ass9 and +)oses. Many dis+i/)es whis/er to one another and so!e &o to as6 the a/ost)es9 and John in /arti+u)ar9 =uestions. %ut they !a6e a &esture to wait9 as it is not yet the ti!e to do what they as69 and they a)) re!ain =uiet. How !u+h /ea+e in the vast o)ive@&rove9 sti)) 6issed 2y the )ast sun2ea!s in the u//er /art9 whereas the )ower ones are a)ready in the shadeH ' )i&ht rust)in& o the wind a!on& the si)ver@&reen )eaves and the +heer u) +hir/in& o 2irds &reetin& the dyin& day. Mary saysI ESonHG and She worshi/s Hi! !ore dee/)y than the others9 tea+hin& the! 2y su+h a &esture that9 no !atter how Jesus !ay 2e a riend9 su+h a riend and re)ative as to 2e even Her Son9 He is a)ways ,od9 and is to 2e worshi//ed as ,od. ')ways worshi//ed9 with an adorin& s/irit9 even i His )ove or us is so u)) as to ur&e Hi! to &ive Hi!se) with u)) +on iden+e9 as our %rother and S/ouse. E1ea+e to ;ou9 Mother. Sit down and eat. I a! &oin& u/stairs9 where Mar<ia! is awaitin& his reward.G He &oes out to +)i!2 the )itt)e stair+ase and He +a))s in a )oud voi+eI ESi!on 1eter and Ja!es o ')/haeus. 7o!e.G The two He has +a))ed &o u/ 2ehind Hi! and Jesus sits at the +entra) ta2)e9 where Mar<ia! is9 and says to the two '/ost)esI E;ou wi)) do what I te)) youG and to Matthias9 who is at the head o the ta2)e9 He saysI E%e&in the 1assover 2an=uet.G This evenin& Jesus has Mar<ia! 2eside Hi!9 where John was the )ast ti!e. 1eter and Ja!es are 2ehind the Lord awaitin& His orders.

)32. The Su552e.en&a ( Pass",e .


7 'nd the 2an=uet is +e)e2rated with the sa!e ritua) o the 1assover Su//erI hy!ns9 =uestions9 )i2ations. I do not 6now whether it is the sa!e at the other ta2)es. I )oo6 i3ed)y where Jesus is9 un)ess His wi)) +o!/e)s !e to )oo6 e)sewhere9 and I or&et everythin& to +onte!/)ate !y Lord9 4ho is now o erin& the 2est !orse)s o His )a!2 J He has ta6en it on His /)ate 2ut He does not eat any o it9 neither does He ta6e any )ettu+e or sau+e9 and He does not drin6 o the 7ha)i+e J and He o ers the 2est !orse)s to Mar<ia!9 who is rea))y 2)iss u).

He stret+hes out His ar!s9 as i He were on the +ross9 and He intones the /rayer o the 5ur (ather.

I do not 6now why I a! wee/in&. I thin6 that it is /erha/s the )ast ti!e that I sha)) hear Hi! say it... 'nd9 as no /ainter or s+u)/tor wi)) ever 2e a2)e to &ive us the true i!a&e o Jesus9 so no one9 however ho)y he !ay 2e9 wi)) ever 2e a2)e to say the 5ur (ather so !an u))y and at the sa!e ti!e so &ent)y. I sha)) a)ways ee) a &reat nosta)&ia or these 5ur (athers as I heard the! ro! Jesus9 a rea) +onversation o His sou) with the !ost )oved and adored (ather o Heaven9 a +ry o honour9 o o2edien+e9 o aith9 o 't the 2e&innin& Jesus !ade a &esture to 1eter to 2end and )isten to Hi!9 and 1eter a ter )istenin& to Hi! said in a )oud voi+eI E't this !o!ent the Lord o ered the +ha)i+e su2!ission9 o hu!i)ity9 o !er+y9 o wish9 o trust... everythin&H or us a))9 as He was the (ather and Head o His (a!i)y.G E,o. 'nd !ay the ,ra+e o the Lord 2e in a)) o you and !ay His /ea+e a++o!/any 8ow He !a6es another &esture to 1eter9 who )istens a&ain and then stands u/ and saysI youG Jesus says dis!issin& the!. 'nd He disa//ears in a 2ri&ht )i&ht that 2y ar e3+eeds the !oon)i&ht9 as the !oon is now u)) and hi&h over the si)ent ,arden9 and the E'nd at this /oint the Lord &irded Hi!se) to /uri y us and tea+h us what we are to do )i&ht o the )a!/s /)a+ed on the ta2)es. to +onsu!e the 0u+haristi+ Sa+ri i+e worthi)y.G The su//er /ro+eeds unti) at another si&n 1eter says a&ainI E't this !o!ent the Lord9 a ter ta6in& the 2read and the wine9 o ered the!9 and /rayin& 2)essed the!9 and a ter 2rea6in& the 2read into /arts9 He handed the! to us sayin&I CThis is My %ody and this is My %)ood o the new eterna) Testa!ent9 and it wi)) 2e shed or you and or !any to the re!ission o sins.DG 8ot a voi+e. Tears on a+es9 adoration in hearts... and nothin& e)se. The ni&ht wat+hes and 6nows9 with the an&e)s9 the thro2s o those 2)essed hearts.

Jesus stands u/. He is !ost i!/osin&. He orders 1eter and Ja!es to ta6e a )oa o 2read and 2rea6 it into s!a)) !orse)s and to i)) a +ha)i+e9 the 2i&&est one there is on the +33. Fa!e-e55 &# His .#&he! )e1#!e As'ensi#n. ta2)es9 with wine. They o2ey and ho)d the 2read and the wine in ront o Hi!9 and Jesus 22nd Fe)!ua!/ $9**. stret+hes out His hands over the! and /rays without any other a+tion e3+e/t His 1 I a)ways see the roo! where Mary )ives. The si&ns o the 1assion have disa//eared. enra/tured )oo6... EHand out the !orse)s o 2read and o er the 2rother)y +ha)i+e. 0very ti!e you do this9 you sha)) do it in !e!ory o Me.G The two '/ost)es o2ey9 u)) o veneration... 4hi)e the distri2ution o the S/e+ies ta6es /)a+e9 Jesus &oes down to the wo!en. I thin69 2ut I +annot see9 2e+ause I do not &o in where they are9 that Jesus ad!inisters Ho)y 7o!!union to His Mother with His own hands. This is what I thin69 2ut I do not 6now whether it is true. %ut I +annot understand why He shou)d &o there9 i it were not to do that. 8 Then He &oes 2a+6 u/ to the terra+e. He does not sit down any !ore. The su//er is a2out to end. He as6sI EIs it a)) +onsu!edFG EIt is a)) +onsu!ed9 Lord.G E's I did on the 7ross. Stand u/. Let us /ray.G The Bir&in is sittin& and readin&. They !ust 2e ho)y 2oo6s9 2e+ause She +ertain)y does not read anythin& e)se in the s+ro)) She is ho)din& in Her hands. She is no )on&er tortured. Her a+e is !ore &rave than 2e ore the 1assion9 !ore !ature. %ut it is no )on&er that tra&i+a) a+e. It is state)y 2ut serene. It see!s to 2e !ornin&9 2e+ause the sun is a)ready shinin& 2ri&ht)y and throu&h the o/en window it i))u!inates the =uiet roo!9 2ut one +an see that the &arden9 surrounded 2y hi&h wa))s and on to whi+h the window o/ens9 is sti)) a)) resh with dew. Jesus &oes in. He is sti)) wearin& the wonder u) &ar!ent o the !ornin& o the .esurre+tion. His a+e sheds 2ri&htness and His wounds are )i6e s!a)) suns. Mary 6nee)s down s!i)in&9 then She stands u/ and 6isses His ri&ht Hand. Jesus /resses Her to His Heart and 6isses Her orehead9 s!i)in&9 and as6s Her or a 6iss9 whi+h She a)so &ives Hi! on His (orehead. 2 EMother. The ti!e o My stay on the earth is over. I a! as+endin& to My (ather. I have +o!e to say a s/e+ia) arewe)) to ;ou and to show Myse) to ;ou on+e a&ain as I

)33. Fa e%e22 &" His '"&he 6e-" e As3ensi"n.


sha)) 2e in Heaven. It was not /ossi2)e or Me to show Myse) to !en in this s/)endid &ar!ent. They wou)d not have 2een a2)e to 2ear the 2eauty o My &)ori ied %ody. It e3+eeds 2y ar their /ossi2i)ities. %ut to ;ou9 yes9 Mother. 'nd I have +o!e to &)adden ;ou on+e a&ain with it. :iss My 4ounds9 so that in Heaven I !ay s!e)) the /er u!e o ;our )i/s and the sweetness o My %)ood !ay re!ain on the! or ;ou. %ut 2e sure9 Mother9 that I wi)) never )eave ;ou. I wi)) +o!e out o ;our heart on)y those ew !o!ents ne+essary or the +onse+ration o the %read and o the 4ine9 to return there9 a ter &ettin& deta+hed ro! ;ou with di i+u)ty9 with an ea&erness o )ove )i6e ;our own9 o My )ivin& Heaven o whi+h I a! the Heaven. 4e sha)) never 2e so united as ro! now on. 1revious)y there was My e!2ryona) ina2i)ity9 then My +hi)dhood9 then the stru&&)e o )i e and o wor69 then My !ission9 and then the 7ross and the Se/u)+hre to 6ee/ Me away and to /revent Me ro! te))in& ;ou how !u+h I )ove ;ou. %ut now I sha)) 2e in ;ou no )on&er as a +reature that is 2ein& or!ed9 no )on&er near ;ou a!on& the o2sta+)es o the wor)d that or2ids the usion o two who )ove ea+h other. 8ow I sha)) 2e in ;ou as ,od9 and nothin&9 nothin& on 0arth and in Heaven wi)) 2e a2)e to se/arate Me ro! ;ou9 ;ou ro! Me9 Ho)y Mother. I wi)) s/ea6 words o ine a2)e )ove to ;ou9 I wi)) &ive ;ou +aresses o ine3/ressi2)e 6indness. 'nd you wi)) )ove Me or those who do not )ove Me.

E$o not dis+uss9 !en9 whether it was or was not /ossi2)e or Me to +han&e &ar!ent. I no )on&er was the Man 2ound to the ne+essities o !an. I had the ?niverse as My ootstoo) and a)) the /owers as My o2edient servants. 'nd i 9 whi)e I was the 0van&e)izer9 I was a2)e to 2e+o!e trans i&ured on the Ta2or9 shou)d I have not 2een a2)e to 2e+o!e trans i&ured or My Mother9 when I 2e+a!e the &)orious 7hristF 5r rather9 +han&e Myse) or !en and a//ear to Her as I was 2y now9 divine9 &)orious9 trans i&ured9 ro! Man as I showed Myse) to every2ody in 4hat I rea))y wasF 'nd yet She had seen Me9 /oor Mother9 trans i&ured 2y tortures. It was air that She shou)d see Me trans i&ured 2y ,)ory. 4 $o not dis+uss whether I +ou)d rea))y 2e in Mary. I you say that ,od is in Heaven and on the earth and everywhere9 why +an you dou2t whether at the sa!e ti!e I +ou)d 2e in Heaven and in the Heart o Mary9 4ho was a )ivin& HeavenF I you 2e)ieve that I a! in the %)essed Sa+ra!ent and en+)osed in your +i2oria9 why +an you dou2t whether I was in that !ost /ure and ardent 7i2oriu! that was the Heart o My MotherF

4hat is the 0u+haristF It is !y Body and !y Blood united to !y .oul and to !y 3ivinity. 4e))9 when She was /re&nant with Me9 what e)se had She in Her wo!2F $id She not have the Son o ,od9 the 4ord o the (ather with His %ody9 %)ood9 Sou) and $ivinityF $o you9 /erha/s9 not have Me 2e+ause Mary had Me and She &ave Me to 5hH Mother9 with ;our /er e+t )ove9 ;ou i)) the !easure o )ove that the wor)d wi)) not you9 a ter +arryin& Me or nine !onthsF 4e))9 as I )e t Heaven to dwe)) in Mary's &ive the 7hrist. So9 rather than a arewe))9 Mine is the &reetin& o one who &oes out or wo!29 so9 now that I was )eavin& the 0arth9 I was e)e+tin& Mary's wo!2 as My a !o!ent9 as i I were &oin& to /i+6 roses and )i)ies in this )owery &arden. %ut ro! 7i2oriu!. 'nd whi+h +i2oriu!9 in whi+h +athedra)9 is !ore 2eauti u) and ho)y than this Heaven I wi)) 2rin& ;ou other roses and other )i)ies9 !ore 2eauti u) than these that have oneF 2)oo!ed here. I wi)) i)) ;our heart with the!9 Mother9 to !a6e ;ou or&et the sten+h Ho)y 7o!!union is a !ira+)e o )ove that I wor6ed or you9 !en. %ut at the su!!it o o the 0arth9 that does not want to 2e ho)y9 and to &ive ;ou in advan+e the air o the !y thou&ht o )ove9 there was shinin& the thou&ht o in inite )ove o 2ein& a2)e to )ive 2)iss u) 1aradise9 where ;ou are e3/e+ted with so !u+h )ove. with My Mother and !a6e Her )ive with Me unti) we shou)d 2e reunited in Heaven. I 'nd the Love9 4ho +annot wait9 wi)) +o!e u/on ;ou in ten days' ti!e. Ma6e ;ourse) wor6ed the irst !ira+)e or the <oy o My Mother9 at 7ana in ,a)i)ee. The )ast !ira+)e9 2eauti u) with ;our !ost 2eauti u) <oy9 o Bir&in Mother9 2e+ause ;our S/ouse is or rather9 the )ast !ira+)es9 or the +onso)ation o Mary9 in Jerusa)e!. The 0u+harist and +o!in&. 4inter is over... the vineyards in 2)osso! shed their s+ent9 and He sin&sI the vei) o the veroni+a. The )atter9 to &ive a dro/ o honey to the 2itterness o the C.ise9 o !ost 2eauti u) one. 7o!e9 My %ride9 you wi)) 2e +rowned.D 4ith His (ire He $eso)ate Mother. The or!er9 to /revent Her ro! ee)in& that Jesus was no )on&er on wi)) +rown ;ou9 o Ho)y Mother9 and wi)) !a6e ;ou ha//y with His s/irit9 whi+h wi)) the 0arth. 2e in used into ;ou with a)) its !a&ni i+en+e9 o Aueen o 4isdo!9 His Aueen9 4ho understood Hi! sin+e the dawn o ;our )i e and )oved Hi! as no +reature in the wor)d 0verythin&9 everythin&9 everythin&9 2ut try and understand this on+e and or a))9 you have throu&h MaryH ;ou ou&ht to )ove and 2)ess Her at ea+h 2reath o yours. ever )oved. Mother. I a! as+endin& to 5ur (ather. ?/on ;ou9 %)essed Mother9 the 2)essin& o ;our 5 The vei) o veroni+a is a)so a &oad to your s6e/ti+a) sou)s. Sin+e you9 o rationa)ists9 o te/id /eo/)e va+i))atin& in your aith9 /ro+eed throu&h arid e3a!inations9 +o!/are the Son.G a+e o the veroni+a with that o the Ho)y Shroud. 5ne is the (a+e o a )ivin& /erson9 Mary 2ea!s with <oy in Her e+stasy9 in the roo! that is sti)) 2ri&ht in the )i&ht o 7hrist. the other o a dead one. %ut )en&th9 width9 so!ati+ ty/es9 or!9 distin+tive eatures9 are @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ identi+a). Su/eri!/ose the i!a&es. ;ou wi)) see that they +orres/ond. It is I. I 4ho wanted to re!ind you how I was and how I had 2e+o!e out o )ove or you. I you had 3 Jesus saysI not &one astray9 i you were not 2)ind9 those two (a+es shou)d 2e enou&h to 2rin& you

)33. Fa e%e22 &" His '"&he 6e-" e As3ensi"n.


to )ove9 to re/entan+e9 to ,od. The Son o ,od )eaves you9 2)essin& you with the (ather and with the Ho)y S/irit .G

+3*. Fa!e-e55 and As'ensi#n #1 &he L#!d.

2*&h A9!i5 $9*8.

wounded eet9 nai)ed to the wood EN and at the oot o the +ross there was a )itt)e /)ant o sweet@s!e))in& vio)ets in 2)oo!9 and dro/s o the divine %)ood were a))in& on the )itt)e /)ant o sweet@s!e))in& vio)ets in 2)oo!NG ' re!ote re+o))e+tion9 and a)ways so +)ose and /resentH ' /re/aration to what I was )aterI ;our !outh/ie+e who is now +o!/)ete)y 2es/rin6)ed with ;our %)ood9 with ;our /ers/iration and tears9 with the tears o Mary ;our Mother9 2ut who a)so 6nows ;our words9 ;our s!i)es9 everythin&9 everythin& a2out ;ou9 and no )on&er s!e))s o sweet@s!e))in& vio)ets 2ut o ;ou a)one9 !y 5ne and 5n)y Love9 o that divine /er u!e that yesterday evenin& )u))ed !y sorrow9 and +o!es to !e9 as sweet as a 6iss9 as +o! ortin& as Heaven itse) 9 and !a6es !e or&et everythin& to )ive on)y in ;ouN 3 I have ;our /ro!ise in !e. I 6now that I sha)) not )ose ;ou. ;ou have /ro!ised !e and ;our /ro!ise is sin+ereI it is the /ro!ise o ,od. I wi)) sti)) have ;ou9 orever. 5n)y i I sinned o /ride9 a)sehood9 diso2edien+e9 I shou)d )ose ;ou9 ;ou said so9 2ut ;ou 6now that9 with ;our ,ra+e su//ortin& !y wi))9 I do not want to sin9 and I ho/e that I wi)) not sin9 2e+ause ;ou wi)) su//ort !e. I a! not an oa6@tree. I 6now. I a! a sweet vio)et. ' rai) sta)6 that +an 2e 2ent 2y the oot o a )itt)e 2ird and a)so 2y the wei&ht o a s+ara2. %ut ;ou are !y stren&th9 o Lord. 'nd !y )ove or ;ou is !y win&. I sha)) not )ose ;ou. ;ou have /ro!ised !e. ;ou wi)) +o!e9 entire)y or !e9 to &ive <oy to ;our dyin& sweet vio)et. %ut I a! not se) ish9 Lord. ;ou 6now. ;ou 6now that I shou)d )i6e ;ou to 2e seen no )on&er 2y !e9 2ut to 2e seen 2y !any !ore /eo/)e9 who! I shou)d )i6e to 2e)ieve in ;ou. ;ou have a)ready &iven !e so !u+h9 and I a! not worthy o it. ;ou have rea))y )oved !e as ;ou a)one 6now how to )ove ;our 2e)oved +hi)dren. I thin6 o how /)easant it was to see ;ou E)iveG as Man a!on& !en. 'nd I thin6 that I sha)) no )on&er see ;ou so. 0verythin& has 2een seen and said. I a)so 6now that ;ou wi)) not 2e +an+e))ed out o !y thou&ht in ;our a+tions o Man a!on&st !en9 and that I sha)) need no 2oo6s to re!e!2er ;ou as ;ou rea))y wereI it wi)) 2e enou&h or !e to )oo6 within !yse) 9 where a)) ;our )i e is i3ed with inde)i2)e )etters. %ut it was sweet9 sweetN

1 's the day dawns the eastern s6y is tin&ed with a )i&ht rosy hue. Jesus is wa)6in& with His Mother a)on& the s)o/es o ,ethse!ane. 8o words are s/o6en9 on)y &)an+es o indes+ri2a2)e )ove are visi2)e. 4ords have /ro2a2)y a)ready 2een s/o6en. 1erha/s they were never uttered. The two sou)s have s/o6enI 7hrist's and 7hrist's Mother's. 8ow it is )ovin& +onte!/)ation9 re+i/ro+a) +onte!/)ation. The dewy nature9 the /ure !ornin& )i&ht are a+=uainted with it9 the 6ind +reatures o ,odI the her2s9 )owers9 2irds9 2utter )ies are a+=uainted with it. Men are a2sent. 2 I ee) even i)) at ease 2ein& /resent at this arewe)). ELord9 I a! not worthyHG I e3+)ai! a!on& the tears a))in& ro! !y eyes9 as I )oo6 at the )ast hour o the earth)y union o the Mother and Her Son9 and I +onsider that we have +o!e to the end o the )ovin& ati&ue9 that is Jesus9 Mary and the /oor9 )itt)e unworthy +hi)d9 who! Jesus wanted as witness o a)) the Messiani+ ti!e9 and whose na!e is Mary9 2ut who! Jesus )oves to +a)) E)itt)e JohnG or a)so the Esweet vio)et o the 7ross.G ;es. Litt)e John. Litt)e9 2e+ause I a! a nonentity. John9 2e+ause I a! rea))y the one to who! ,od has done &reat avours9 and 2e+ause9 in an in initesi!a) !easure J 2ut it is a)) I /ossess9 and 2y &ivin& everythin& that I /ossess I 6now that I &ive in a /er e+t !easure that /)eases Jesus9 2e+ause He is the Ea)) o !y nothin& J and 2e+ause in an in initesi!a) !easure9 I9 as the &reat 2e)oved John9 have &iven a)) !y )ove to Jesus and to Mary9 sharin& tears and s!i)es with the!9 o))owin& the!9 an&uished at seein& the! distressed and at not 2ein& a2)e to de end the! ro! the hatred o the wor)d at the +ost o !y very )i e9 and now /a)/itatin& with the thro2s o their hearts or what ends oreverNG

8ow ;ou are &oin& to as+endN The 0arth wi)) )ose ;ou. Mary o the 7ross wi)) )ose ;ou9 Master Saviour. ;ou wi)) re!ain or her the !ost sweet ,od9 and ;ou wi)) no )on&er /our %)ood 2ut +e)estia) honey into the vio)et +a)y3 o ;our sweet vio)etN I a! ;es9 sweet vio)et. ' sweet vio)et that has tried to re!ain hidden a!on& the &rass so that wee/in&N I have 2een ;our dis+i/)e with the other wo!en dis+i/)es a)on& the roads o Jesus shou)d not avoid it9 as He )oved a)) +reated thin&s so !u+h9 sin+e they are the !ountains and orests9 a)on& the 2arren dusty roads o the /)ains9 on the )a6e and near wor6 o His (ather9 2ut He shou)d /ress !e under His divine oot9 and I !i&ht die the )ove)y river o ;our (ather)and. ;ou are now &oin& away and on)y in !y !e!ory I e3ha)in& !y )i&ht s+ent in the e ort to sweeten His +onta+t with the rou&h hard earth. sha)) see %eth)ehe! and 8azareth on their hi))s &reen with o)ive@trees9 and Jeri+ho ;es9 sweet vio)et o the 7ross. 'nd His %)ood i))ed !y +a)y3 even to !a6e it 2end on 2urnin& in the sun and with its rust)in& /a)!@trees9 and riend)y %ethany9 and 0n&edi9 a the &roundN /ear) )ost in the deserts9 and 2eauti u) Sa!aria9 and the erti)e /)ains o Sharon and 0sdrae)on9 and the stran&e ta2)e)and 2eyond the Jordan9 and the ni&ht!are o the $ead 5hH !y %e)oved 4ho9 irst9 i))ed !e with ;our %)ood9 !a6in& !e +onte!/)ate ;our

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Sea9 and the sunny towns on the Mediterranean +oasts9 and Jerusa)e!9 the town o ;our sorrow9 its roads u/hi)) and downhi))9 the ar+hivo)ts9 the s=uares9 the su2ur2s9 the we))s and +isterns9 the hi))s and even the sad va))ey o the )e/ers9 where so !u+h o ;our !er+y was e usedN 'nd the house o the Su//er roo!N the )itt)e ountain wee/in& near2yN the )itt)e 2rid&e on the :idron9 the /)a+e where ;ou sweated 2)oodN the +ourt@yard o the 1raetoriu!N 'h9 noH everythin& that is ;our sorrow is here. It wi)) re!ain oreverN I sha)) have to )oo6 or a)) the souvenirs to ind the!9 2ut ;our /rayer at ,ethse!ane9 ;our s+our&in&9 ;our as+ent to ,o)&otha9 ;our a&ony and death9 and the sorrow o ;our Mother9 no9 I sha)) not have to )oo6 or the!I they are a)ways /resent. I !ay or&et the! in 1aradiseN and it see!s i!/ossi2)e to !e that they +an 2e or&otten even thereN I re!e!2er everythin& o those dread u) hours. 0ven the sha/e o the stone on whi+h ;ou e)). 0ven the 2ud o a red rose that 6no+6ed a&ainst the stone that +)osed ;our se/u)+hre9 and )oo6ed )i6e a dro/ o 2)ood on the &raniteN My !ost divine Love9 ;our 1assion )ives in !y !indN and it 2rea6s !y heartN @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@

'2ode 2e ittin& His ,)oryN ELordH 5ut there9 2etween the !ountain and %ethany are a)) those that ;ou to)d ;our Mother ;ou wanted to 2)ess todayG says 1eter. E')) ri&ht. 4e wi)) &o to the! now. %ut +o!e irst. I want to share the 2read on+e a&ain with a)) o you.G They &o into the roo! where ten days /revious)y were the wo!en or the su//er o the ourteenth day o the se+ond !onth. Mary a++o!/anies Jesus so ar9 then She withdraws. Jesus re!ains with the e)even. 5n the ta2)e there is so!e roasted !eat9 so!e +heese and s!a)) 2)a+6 o)ives9 a s!a)) a!/hora o wine and a )ar&er one with water9 and so!e 2road )oaves o 2read. ' si!/)e ta2)e9 not set or an i!/ortant +ere!ony9 2ut on)y or the ne+essity o ta6in& so!e ood.

Jesus o ers and !a6es the /ortions. He is in the +entre 2etween 1eter and Ja!es o ')/haeus. He has +a))ed the! to those /)a+es. John9 Judas o ')/haeus and Ja!es are in ront o Hi!9 Tho!as9 1hi)i/ and Matthew are on one side9 'ndrew9 %artho)o!ew and the >ea)ot are on the other. So every2ody +an see JesusN ' =ui+69 si)ent !ea). The 4 The day has dawned +o!/)ete)y. The sun is a)ready hi&h and the voi+es o the a/ost)es9 who are at their )ast day with Jesus9 notwithstandin& that the su2se=uent a/ost)es +an 2e heard. It is a si&na) or Jesus and Mary. They sto/. They )oo6 at ea+h a//aritions9 2oth +o))e+tive and individua)9 ro! the .esurre+tion onwards9 have 2een other9 5ne in ront o the 5ther9 then Jesus o/ens His ar!s and /resses His Mother to u)) o )ove9 have never &ot out o that reserve and veneration that have +hara+terised His +hestN 5hH He was rea))y a Man9 the Son o a 4o!anH To 2e)ieve it is enou&h to their !eetin&s with the .isen Jesus. wat+h this arewe))H Love over )ows in a shower o 6isses or the 2e)oved Mother. Love +overs the 2e)oved Son with 6isses. They see! una2)e to /art. 4hen they see! to 2e on 6 The !ea) is over. Jesus o/ens His hands over the ta2)e9 with His usua) &esture when the /oint o doin& so9 another e!2ra+e <oins the! a&ain and a!on& the 6isses words o a+in& an unavoida2)e a+t9 and saysI re+i/ro+a) 2)essin&s are utteredN 5hH it is rea))y the Son o Man 4ho is )eavin& Her E4e)). The hour has +o!e when I have to )eave you to &o 2a+6 to My (ather. Listen to 4ho &ave 2irth to Hi!H It is rea))y the Mother 4ho9 in order to &ive Hi! 2a+6 to the the )ast words o your Master. (ather9 dis!isses Her 7hi)d9 the To6en o the Love or the Most 1ure MotherN ,od 4ho 6isses the Mother o ,odHN $o not &o away ro! Jerusa)e! durin& these days. Lazarus9 to who! I have s/o6en9 (ina))y the 4o!an9 as a +reature9 6nee)s at the eet o Her ,od9 4ho is a)so Her Son9 and Her Son9 4ho is ,od9 i!/oses His hands on the head o the Bir&in Mother9 o the 0terna) %e)oved9 and 2)esses Her in the 8a!e o the (ather9 o the Son and o the Ho)y S/irit9 and then He 2ends and )i ts Her u/9 with a )ast 6iss on Her orehead9 whi+h is as white as a /eta) o a )i)y under Her &o)den hair sti)) so youn&@)oo6in&N has seen to the u) i))!ent o the desires o his Master9 and he &ives you the house o the Last Su//er9 so that you !ay have a residen+e where to ho)d !eetin&s and +on+entrate in /rayer. .e!ain there durin& these days and /ray assiduous)y to 2e /re/ared or the +o!in& o the Ho)y S/irit9 4ho wi)) +o!/)ete you or your !ission. .e!e!2er that I9 a)thou&h I was ,od9 /re/ared Myse) with severe /enan+e or My !inistry o evan&e)izer. ;our /re/aration wi)) 2e easier and easier and shorter and shorter. %ut I do not e3a+t anythin& e)se ro! you. It is su i+ient that you /ray assiduous)y9 to&ether with the seventy@two and under the &uide o My Mother9 4ho! I entrust to you with the +on+ern o a Son. She wi)) 2e or you a Mother and Tea+her o )ove and /er e+t wisdo!.

5 They &o on+e a&ain towards the house9 and no one9 seein& how +a)!)y they /ro+eed 5ne 2eside the 5ther9 wou)d thin6 o that wave o )ove that overwhe)!ed the! short)y 2e ore. %ut how !u+h di eren+e there is a)so9 in this arewe))9 ro! the sadness o other arewe))s o the /ast and ro! the torture o the arewe)) o the Mother to Her Son 4ho had 2een 6i))ed and was to 2e )e t a)) a)one in the Se/u)+hreHN In the /resent +ase9 I +ou)d have sent you e)sewhere to /re/are yourse)ves to re+eive the Ho)y S/irit9 instead a)thou&h their eyes are shinin& with the natura) tears o those who de/art ro! their I want you to re!ain here9 because it is 8erusale# the denier that #ust be astonished %e)oved ones9 their )i/s s!i)e out o <oy 6nowin& that this %e)oved is &oin& to the

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at the continuation of the divine prodigies which are given in reply to its denials. Later9 the Ho)y S/irit wi)) !a6e you understand the ne+essity that the 7hur+h shou)d arise <ust in this town9 that ro! a hu!an /oint o view is the !ost unworthy o havin& it. %ut Jerusa)e! is a)ways Jerusa)e!9 even i sin overwhe)!s it and the dei+ide was a++o!@ /)ished here. 8othin& wi)) 2e o avai) to it. It is conde#ned. %ut i it is +onde!ned9 not a)) its +itizens are +onde!ned. .e!ain here or the ew <ust /eo/)e who are in its 2oso!9 and re!ain here 2e+ause this is the roya) town and the town o the Te!/)e9 and 2e+ause9 as /redi+ted 2y the /ro/hets9 here9 where the :in& Messiah has 2een anointed and a++)ai!ed and raised9 here is to begin His "ingdo# over the world and here a&ain9 where the syna&o&ue re+eived the )i2e) o re/udiation ro! ,od or its too !any horri2)e +ri!es9 the new Te#ple is to arise and the /eo/)es o a)) +ountries wi)) +o!e to it. Read the prophets. )verything is predicted in the#. My Mother irst9 the S/irit 1ara+)ete )ater9 wi)) !a6e you understand the words o the /ro/hets or this /eriod o ti!e.

that the +itizens o My :in&do! wi)) in+rease ra/id)y )i6e seeds sown in very &ood soi). My /eo/)e wi)) s/read a)) over the 0arth. The Lord says to the LordI C Because you have done this and for !y sa"e you have not spared yourself I will bless you and I will #a"e your descendants as #any as the stars of heaven and the grains of sand on the seashore. %our descendants shall gain possession of the gates of their ene#ies and in your descendants all the nations of the )arth shall be blessed. D My 8a!e9 My Si&n and My Law are 2)essin&s9 wherever they are 6nown as soverei&ns.

8 The Holy .pirit the .anctifier is about to co#e and you will be replete with Hi#. 0nsure that you are as pure as everything that is to a//roa+h the Lord. I a)so was Lord )i6e Hi!. %ut I had put on a gar#ent over !y 3ivinity to be able to stay a#ong you and not on)y to tea+h you and redee! you with the or&ans and the 2)ood o that &ar!ent9 2ut a)so to 2rin& the Ho)y o Ho)ies a!on& !en9 without it 2ein& un2e+o!in& that every !an9 even an i!/ure one9 +ou)d )ay his eyes on Hi!9 4ho! the Sera/hi! are a raid o )oo6in& at. %ut the Ho)y S/irit wi)) +o!e without the vei) o )esh9 and wi)) 7 .e!ain here unti) Jerusa)e! re/udiates you as it re/udiated Me9 and hates My 7hur+h a)i&ht on you and will descend in you with His seven gifts and will advise you. 8ow9 the as it hated Me9 2roodin& over /)ots to e3ter!inate it. Then ta"e the see of this beloved advi+e o ,od is su+h a su2)i!e thin&9 that it is ne+essary to 2e /re/ared or it with a ,hurch of !ine elsewhere because it #ust not perish. I te)) youI not even he)) sha)) heroic will of a perfection that !ay !a6e you rese!2)e your (ather and your Jesus9 and /revai) a&ainst it. %ut i ,od &ives you the assuran+e o His /rote+tion9 do not te!/t your Jesus in His re)ationshi/ with the (ather and with the Ho)y S/irit. There ore9 Heaven 2y e3a+tin& everythin& ro! Heaven. ,o to 0/hrai! as your Master went there perfect charity and perfect love in order to be able to understand the 2ove and receive 2e+ause it was not the hour or Hi! to 2e +au&ht 2y His ene!ies. I say 0/hrai!9 Hi# on the thrones of your hearts. #eaning the land of idols and heathens. %ut it is not 0/hrai! in 1a)estine that you !ust +hoose as the see o My 7hur+h. .e!e!2er how !any ti!es9 I s/o6e o this to you9 a)) &et lost in the eddy of conte#plation. Strive to or&et that you are !en and strive to +han&e into Sera/hi!. Throw yourse)ves into the urna+e9 into the )a!es o united or to one individua))y9 orete))in& you that you wou)d &o a)on& the roads o the +onte!/)ation. The conte#plation of &od is li"e a spar" that flashes fro# the friction of 0arth to arrive at the heart of it and establish !y ,hurch there. It is ro! the heart o steel on flintstone and gives fire and light. The ire that +onsu!es the o/a=ue and !an that 2)ood +ir+u)ates throu&h a)) the !e!2ers. It is fro# the heart of the world that a)ways i!/ure !atter and trans or!s it into 2ri&ht and /ure )a!e is /uri i+ation. ,hristianity #ust spread all over the )arth. 9 %ou will not have the =ingdo# of &od in you if you do not have love. %e+ause the 't /resent My 7hur+h is )i6e a +reature that has a)ready 2een +on+eived 2ut is sti)) :in&do! o ,od is the Love9 and a//ears with the Love9 and throu&h the Love it is or!in& in the !atri3. Jerusa)e! is its !atri39 and inside it the sti)) tiny heart9 around esta2)ished in your hearts in the 2ri&htness o a hu&e )i&ht9 that /enetrates and whi+h the ew !e!2ers o the dawnin& 7hur+h &ather9 &ives its s!a)) waves o 2)ood e+undates9 re!oves i&noran+e and &ives wisdo!9 devours !an and +reates the &od9 the to these !e!2ers. %ut9 when the hour !ar6ed 2y ,od +o!es9 the ste/!other)y !atri3 son of &od !y brother the 6in& o the throne that ,od has /re/ared or those who wi)) e3/e) the +reature that or!ed in its wo!29 and it wi)) &o to a new )and9 and it wi)) &ive the!se)ves to ,od9 in order to have ,od9 ,od9 ,od9 ,od a)one. So 2e /ure and &row there 2e+o!in& a &reat %ody s/read a)) over the 0arth9 and the thro2s o the ho)y throu&h ervent /rayer that san+ti ies !an9 2e+ause it /)un&es hi! into ,od's ire9 stron& heart o the 7hur+h wi)) /ro/a&ate to a)) the &reat %ody. The thro2s o the heart o the 7hur+h9 freed fro# all ties with the Te#ple eterna) and vi+torious over the ruins whi+h is +harity. o the /erished and destroyed Te!/)e9 living in the heart of the world wi)) te)) He2rews %ou #ust be holy. 8ot in the re)ative !eanin& that this words has had so ar9 2ut in the and ,enti)es that &od alone triu#phs and wants what He wants and that no hatred of a2so)ute !eanin& that I &ave it9 as I /ro/osed the Ho)iness o the Lord as its e3a!/)e #en or group of idols can stop His will. and )i!it9 that is9 /er e+t Ho)iness. '!on& us the Te!/)e is +a))ed ho)y9 ho)y the /)a+e %ut this wi)) ha//en )ater9 and at that ti!e you wi)) 6now what to do. The S/irit o ,od where the a)tar is9 the Ho)y o Ho)ies the vei)ed /)a+e where the ar6 and the /ro/itiatory are 6e/t. %ut I tru)y te)) you that those who possess the &race and live in holiness out of wi)) )ead you. %e not a raid. (or the ti!e 2ein& ho)d the irst !eetin& o the 2e)ievers in love for the 2ord are #ore holy than the Holy of Holies 2e+ause ,od does not on)y Jerusa)e!. Then !ore !eetin&s wi)) ta6e /)a+e as their nu!2ers &row. I tru)y te)) you

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a)i&ht on the!9 as on the /ro/itiatory that is in the Te!/)e9 to &ive His orders9 but He lives in the# to give the# His love.

10 $o you re!e!2er My words o the Last Su//erF I /ro!ised you the Ho)y S/irit. 4e))9 He is a2out to +o!e to 2a/tise you9 not with water9 as John did with you9 /re/arin& you or Me9 2ut with ire to /re/are you to serve the Lord9 as He wants you to do. So he wi)) 2e here9 within a ew days. 'nd a ter His +o!in& your +a/a2i)ities wi)) E;es. Love one another9 he)/in& one another re+i/ro+a))y9 2e+ause that is the new in+rease i!!easura2)y9 and you wi)) 2e a2)e to understand the words o your :in&9 and +o!!and!ent and the si&n that you rea))y 2e)on& to 7hrist. do the deeds that He to)d you to do9 to s/read His :in&do! a)) over the 0arth.G 12 $o not 2e u/set or any reason. ,od is with you. %ou can do what I want of you. I ESo wi)) ;ou re2ui)d the :in&do! o Israe) then9 a ter the +o!in& o the Ho)y S/iritFG would not i#pose things on you if you could not do the# because I do not want your they as6 interru/tin& Hi!. ruin on the contrary I want your glory. 4e)). I a! &oin& to /re/are your /)a+es 2eside My throne. .e!ain united to Me and to the (ather in )ove. (or&ive the wor)d that hates EThere wi)) no )on&er 2e a :in&do! o Israe)9 2ut My :in&do!. 'nd it wi)) 2e you. 7a)) sons and 2rothers those who +o!e to you9 or are a)ready with you out o )ove a++o!/)ished when the (ather said. It is not or you to 6now the ti!es and the !o!ents or Me. that the (ather has reserved or Hi!se) in His /ower. %ut you9 in the !eanti!e9 wi)) re+eive the virtue o the Ho)y S/irit 4ho wi)) +o!e u/on you9 and you wi)) 2e My Be at peace "nowing that I a# always ready to help you to carry your crosses. I wi)) 2e witnesses in Jerusa)e!9 in Judaea and in Sa!aria and as ar as the 2oundaries o the with you in the wor6 o your !inistry and in the hours o /erse+utions9 and you wi)) not 0arth9 esta2)ishin& !eetin&s where !en !eet in My 8a!eM 2a/tisin& /eo/)es in the /erish9 you wi)) not su++u!2 even i those who see with the eyes o the wor)d thin6 so. Most Ho)y 8a!e o the (ather9 o the Son9 o the Ho)y S/irit9 as I to)d you9 so that they ;ou wi)) 2e o//ressed9 &rieved9 tired9 tortured9 2ut My <oy wi)) 2e in you9 2e+ause I wi)) !ay have the ,ra+e and they !ay )ive in the LordM /rea+hin& the ,os/e) to every2ody9 he)/ you in everythin&. I tru)y te)) you that9 when you have the 2ove as a -riend you tea+hin& what I tau&ht you9 doin& what I ordered you to do. 'nd I sha)) 2e with you will understand that everything suffered and lived for !y love beco#es light even if it every day unti) the end o the wor)d. is a heavy torture of the world. %e+ause or hi! who +)othes a)) his a+tions9 whether they are vo)untary or i!/osed9 with )ove9 the yo6e o )i e and o the wor)d +han&es into 11 'nd I want a)so thisI Ja!es9 My 2rother9 to /reside over the !eetin& in Jerusa)e!. a yo6e &iven to hi! 2y ,od9 2y Me. 'nd I re/eat to you that !y load is always 1eter9 as head o a)) the 7hur+h9 wi)) o ten have to set out on a/osto)i+ <ourneys9 proportioned to your strength and !y yo"e is light because I help you to carry it. 2e+ause a)) the neo/hytes wi)) wish to !eet the 1onti Su/re!e Head o the 7hur+h. %ut great will be !y brother1s ascendancy over the believers of this first ,hurch. Men ;ou 6now that the wor)d does not 6now how to )ove. But fro# now on you are to love are a)ways !en and they see as !en. They will thin" that 8a#es is a continuation of the world with a supernatural love to teach it how to love. 'nd i seein& you !e only because He is !y brother. I tru)y te)) you that he is &reater and !ore )i6e the /erse+uted9 they shou)d say to youI CIs that how ,od )oves youF Ma6in& you su er9 7hrist 2e+ause o his wisdo! than throu&h re)ationshi/. %ut it is so. Men9 who did not &rievin& youF Then it is not worth whi)e 2ein& o ,odD9 re/)yI CSorrow does not +o!e )oo6 or Me whi)e I was a!on& the!9 wi)) now )oo6 or Me in hi! who is a re)ative o ro! ,od. %ut ,od a))ows it9 and we 6now the reason and we are /roud o havin& the Mine. 'nd you9 Si!on 1eter9 are destined to other honoursNG /art that Jesus Saviour9 the Son o ,od9 had.D .e/)yI C4e are /roud o 2ein& nai)ed to the +ross and o +ontinuin& the 1assion o our Jesus.D .e/)y with the words o 4isdo!I EThat I do not deserve9 Lord. I to)d ;ou when ;ou a//eared to !e and I te)) you a&ain C$eath and sorrow were 2rou&ht into the wor)d 2y the envy o the de!on9 2ut ,od is now in the /resen+e o every2ody. ;ou are &ood9 divine)y &ood9 2esides 2ein& wise9 not the !a6er o death and sorrow and He does not ta6e de)i&ht in the sorrow o and ;ou ri&ht)y <ud&ed !e9 who denied ;ou in this town9 i))@suited to 2e its s/iritua) +reatures. 0verythin& +o!in& ro! Hi! is )i e and who)eso!e.D .e/)yI C't /resent we head. ;ou want to s/are !e so !any <ust derisionsNG see! /erse+uted and de eated9 2ut on the day o ,od9 when )ots have +han&ed9 we <ust /eo/)e9 who were /erse+uted on the 0arth9 wi)) stand &)orious)y in ront o those who E4e were a)) the sa!e9 e3+e/t two9 Si!on. I a)so ran away. 8ot 2e+ause o this9 2ut o//ressed and des/ised us.D %ut a)so say to the!I C7o!e to usH 7o!e to the Li e and 2e+ause o the reasons that He !entioned9 the Lord has destined !e to this /)a+eM 2ut you are !y 7hie 9 Si!on o Jonah9 and I a+6now)ed&e you as su+h9 and in the /resen+e 1ea+e. 5ur Lord does not want your ruin9 2ut your sa)vation. That is why He sent His o the Lord and o a)) !y +o!/anions I /ro ess o2edien+e to you. I wi)) &ive you what I 2e)oved Son9 so that you a)) !i&ht 2e saved.D +an to he)/ you in your !inistry9 2ut I 2e& you9 &ive !e your orders9 2e+ause you are And re5oice at ta"ing part in !y sufferings so that later you #ay be in the glory with

the head and I the su2<e+t. 4hen the Lord re!inded !e o a +onversation o )on& a&o9 I 2ent !e head sayin&I CLet ;our wi)) 2e done.D I wi)) say the sa!e to you9 2e+ause9 on+e the Lord has )e t us9 you wi)) 2e His .e/resentative on the 0arth. 'nd we wi)) )ove ea+h other9 he)/in& ea+h other in the sa+erdota) !inistryG says Ja!es9 2owin& ro! his /)a+e to /ay ho!a&e to 1eter.

)3#. Fa e%e22 and As3ensi"n "- &he L" d.


!e. CI sha)) 2e your e3+eedin&)y &reat rewardD the Lord in '2raha! /ro!ised a)) His aith u) servants. ;ou 6now how the :in&do! o Heaven is +on=ueredI by strength and one arrives there through #any tribulations. But he who perseveres as I persevered will be where I a#. I have to)d you whi+h is the way and whi+h is the door that )ead to the :in&do! o Heaven9 and I was the irst to wa)6 a)on& it and I have &one 2a+6 to the (ather 2y it. I there had 2een another one9 I wou)d have tau&ht you it9 2e+ause I ta6e /ity on your wea6ness as !en. %ut there is no other oneN 'nd /ointin& it out to you as the on)y way and the on)y door9 I a)so te)) you9 I re/eat to you which is the #edicine that gives strength to go along it and enter. It is love. Always love. )verything beco#es possible when there is love in us. 'nd the 2ove Who loves you will give you all the love if in !y Na#e you as" for so #uch love as to beco#e athletes in holiness. 13 8ow )et us &ive ea+h other the /artin& 6iss9 My 2e)oved riends.G He stands u/ to e!2ra+e the!. They a)) i!itate Hi!. %ut9 whi)e Jesus s!i)es /ea+e u))y9 a s!i)e rea))y divine)y 2eauti u)9 they wee/9 they are a)) u/set9 and John9 throwin& hi!se) on Jesus' +hest9 sha6en 2y a)) the so2s that are so vio)ent as to 2rea6 his +hest9 on 2eha) o everyone9 as he rea)ises every2ody's wish9 as6sIE,ive us at )east ;our %read9 that it !ay orti y us in this hourHG

E7o!e9 Mother9 and you too9 MaryNG says Jesus invitin& the!9 when He sees the! stand sti))9 i!!o2i)ised 2y His !a<esty that 2)azes as in the !ornin& o the .esurre+tion. 14 %ut Jesus does not want to overwhe)! with His !a<esty9 and He 6ind)y as6s Mary o ')/haeusI E're you a)oneFG EThe other wo!enN the others are aheadN 4ith the she/herds andN with Lazarus and a)) his a!i)yN %ut they )e t us here9 2e+auseNG E5hH JesusH JesusH JesusHN How sha)) I /ut u/ with not seein& ;ou any !ore9 2)essed Jesus9 !y ,od9 I who )oved ;ou even 2e ore ;ou were 2orn9 I who we/t so !u+h over ;ou when I did not 6now where ;ou were a ter the s)au&hterN I who had !y sun in ;our s!i)e a ter ;ou +a!e 2a+69 and a))9 a)) !y 2)essin&sFN How !any 2)essin&sH How !any ;ou have &iven !eHN 8ow I a! rea))y 2e+o!in& /oor9 a widow9 a)) a)oneH N 4hi)e ;ou were here9 there was everythin&HN I thou&ht I had e3/erien+ed a)) sorrow that evenin&N %ut the very &rie 9 a)) the sorrow o that day had du))ed !y !ind andN yes9 it was not so dee/ as it is nowN 'nd thenN there was the a+t that ;ou were &oin& to rise. I see!ed as i I +ou)d not 2e)ieve it9 2ut now I rea)ise that I did 2e)ieve it9 2e+ause I did not ee) what I a! ee)in& nowNG she says wee/in& and /antin&9 so !u+h do her tears +ho6e her.

EMy &ood Mary9 you are worryin& <ust )i6e a )itt)e 2oy9 who thin6s that his !other does ELet it 2e soHG Jesus re/)ies to hi!. 'nd ta6in& a /ie+e o 2read9 He 2rea6s it9 a ter not )ove hi! and has a2andoned hi!9 2e+ause she has &one to town to 2uy hi! /resents o erin& and 2)essin& it9 re/eatin& the ritua) words. 'nd He does the sa!e with the that wi)) !a6e hi! ha//y9 and who wi)) soon &o 2a+6 to hi! to +over hi! with 6isses wine9 re/eatin& thenI E$o this in !e!ory o MeG and He addsI E4ho have )e t you this and &i ts. 'nd a! I not doin& so with youF '! I not &oin& to /re/are <oy or youF '! /)ed&e o My )ove9 to 2e sti)) and a)ways with you unti) you wi)) 2e with Me in I not &oin& to +o!e 2a+6 and say to youI C7o!e9 My dear re)ative and 2e)oved dis+i/)e9 Heaven.G He 2)esses the! and saysI E'nd now )et us &o.G !other o My 2e)oved dis+i/)esDF '! I not )eavin& you My )oveF Sha)) I &ive you My )ove9 MaryF ;ou 6now whether I )ove youH $o not wee/ so9 2ut re<oi+e9 2e+ause you They +o!e out o the roo!9 o the houseN wi)) no )on&er see Me des/ised and ati&ued9 no )on&er +hased and ri+h on)y in the )ove o ew /eo/)e. 'nd with My )ove I )eave you My Mother. John wi)) 2e )i6e a son to Jonah9 Mary and Mar6 are there outside9 and they 6nee) down worshi//in& Jesus. Her9 and I as6 you to 2e a &ood sister to Her9 as you have a)ways 2een. SeeF My Mother EMay /ea+e re!ain with you. 'nd !ay the Lord reward you or what you have &iven is not wee/in&. She is aware that9 i Her nosta)&ia or Me is the i)e that wi)) +onsu!e MeG says Jesus9 2)essin& the! whi)e /assin& 2y. Her heart9 the wait wi)) 2e a)ways short as +o!/ared to the &reat <oy o an eterna) union9 and She a)so 6nows that this /artin& o ours wi)) not 2e so a2so)ute as to !a6e Her sayI Mar6 stands u/ sayin&I ELord9 the o)ive@&roves a)on& the %ethany road are u)) o CI no )on&er have My Son.D That was Her +ry o sorrow on that day o sorrow. 8ow dis+i/)es awaitin& ;ou.G ho/e sin&s in Her heartI CI 6now that My Son is as+endin& to His (ather9 2ut He wi)) E,o and te)) the! to &o to the (ie)d o the ,a)i)eans.G not )eave Me without His s/iritua) )ove.D That is what you 2e)ieve9 and every2odyN 15 Here are the other !en and wo!en. Here are My she/herds.G Mar6 darts away with a)) the s/eed o his youn& )e&s. ESo9 they have a)) +o!eG say the a/ost)es to one another. (urther aside9 sittin& 2etween Mar<ia! and Mary o 7)o/as9 there is the Mother o the Lord. 'nd She stands u/ when She sees Hi! +o!in&9 worshi//in& Hi! with a)) the /a)/itations o Her heart o Mother and 2e)iever. The a+es o Lazarus and o his sisters a!on& a)) the servants o %ethany9 the a+e o Johanna )i6e a rose under a vei) o rain9 and those o 0)iza and o 8i6e9 a)ready !ar6ed 2y a&e J and wrin6)es are now dee/ened 2y /ain9 a)ways /ain or +reatures9 even i the sou) re<oi+es 2e+ause o the triu!/h o the Lord J the a+e o 'nastasi+a9 the )i)y@)i6e a+es o the irst vir&ins9 and the as+eti+ a+e o Isaa+9 the ins/ired one o Matthias9 and

)3#. Fa e%e22 and As3ensi"n "- &he L" d.


the viri)e a+e o Manaen9 and the severe ones o Jose/h and 8i+ode!usN (a+es9 a+es9 How thunderin& is Jesus' voi+eH It s/reads throu&h the te/id +a)! air9 )i6e a 2ronze a+esN &on& that has 2een stru+69 it /ro/a&ates in waves over the sea o a+es )oo6in& at Hi! ro! a)) dire+tions. Jesus +a))s to Hi!se) the she/herds9 Lazarus9 Jose/h9 8i+ode!us9 Manaen9 Ma3i!inus and the others o the seventy@two dis+i/)es. %ut He /arti+u)ar)y 6ee/s the she/herds I say that there are hundreds o /eo/)e around Jesus as He &oes u/9 with His !ore +)ose to Hi!se) sayin&I EHere. ;ou were near the Lord 4ho had +o!e ro! Heaven9 2e)oved ones9 towards the to/ o the Mount o 5)ives. %ut when Jesus arrives at the 2ent over His annihi)ation9 ;ou are to 2e near the Lord 4ho is &oin& 2a+6 to Heaven9 (ie)d o the ,a)i)eans9 in whi+h there are no tents in this /eriod o ti!e 2etween two with your sou)s re<oi+in& 2e+ause o His &)ori i+ation. ;ou have deserved this /)a+e9 estivities9 He says to His dis+i/)esI ESto/ the /eo/)e where they are9 and then o))ow 2e+ause you did 2e)ieve notwithstandin& that a)) the +ir+u!stan+es were un avoura2)e9 Me.G and you were a2)e to su er or your aith. I than6 you or your aith u) )ove. I than6 a)) 16 He +)i!2s arther u/9 as ar as the hi&hest su!!it o the !ountain9 the one +)oser to o you. ;ou9 My riend Lazarus9 you9 Jose/h9 and you9 8i+ode!us9 who too6 /ity on %ethany9 whi+h it do!inates ro! a2ove9 than to Jerusa)e!. 7)ose to Hi! are His the 7hrist when to do so !i&ht have 2een very dan&erous. ;ou Manaen9 who des/ised Mother9 the '/ost)es9 Lazarus9 the she/herds and Mar<ia!. (arther away9 in a the i)thy avours o an un+)ean !an to o))ow Me on My way. ;ou9 Ste/hen9 )owery se!i+ir+)e9 are the other dis+i/)es to ho)d the /eo/)e 2a+6. +rown o <usti+e9 who )e t what was i!/er e+t or what was /er e+t and wi)) 2e +rowned with a &ar)and9 with whi+h you are not yet a+=uainted9 2ut wi)) 2e announ+ed to you 2y Jesus is standin& on a )ar&e stone9 that /rotrudes a )itt)e and stands out in its whiteness the an&e)s. ;ou John9 or a short /eriod o ti!e 2rother to the !ost /ure 2reast and who a!on& the &rass o a +)earin&. He is 2ri&ht)y i))u!inated 2y the sun that !a6es His have +o!e !ore to the Li&ht than to the si&ht. ;ou9 8i+o)aus9 who9 as a /rose)yte9 have &ar!ent shine as white as snow and His hair )i6e &o)d. His eyes s/ar6)e in a divine 2een a2)e to +onso)e Me or the &rie o the sons o this 8ation. 'nd you9 &ood wo!en )i&ht. He o/ens out His ar!s in the &esture o an e!2ra+e. He see!s to 2e wishin& to dis+i/)es9 stron&er9 in your 6indness9 than Judith. 'nd you9 Mar<ia!9 My +hi)d9 and /ress to His +hest the !u)titudes o the 0arth9 who! His s/irit sees re/resented in that fro# now on you will be called !artial in re#e#brance of the Ro#an boy "illed on the +rowd. His un or&etta2)e ini!ita2)e voi+e &ives the )ast orderI E,oH ,o in My 8a!e to road and laid at 2a:arus1 gate with the de yin& s+ri/tI C'nd now te)) the ,a)i)ean to evan&e)ize the /eo/)es as ar as the ends o the 0arth. ,od 2e with you. May His Love 2rin& you 2a+6 to )i e a&ain9 i He is the 7hrist and has risen ro! the deadD9 the )ast o +o! ort you9 !ay His Li&ht &uide you9 !ay His 1ea+e dwe)) in you unti) you rea+h the inno+ents who )ost their )ives in 1a)estine to serve Me a)so un+ons+ious)y9 and irst eterna) )i e.G o the inno+ents o every 8ation who9 havin& +o!e to the 7hrist9 wi)) 2e hated or that and e3tin&uished /re!ature)y9 )i6e 2uds o )owers torn o the ste!s 2e ore 2)oo!in&. He 2e+o!es trans i&ured in 2eauty. Handso!eH 's handso!e and even !ore so than He was on Ta2or. They a)) a)) on their 6nees worshi//in&. 4hi)e He is a)ready risin& 'nd !ay this na!e9 o Martia)9 show you your uture destinyI be the apostle in ro! the stone on whi+h He is standin&9 He )oo6s on+e a&ain or the a+e o His Mother9 barbarian countries and con+uer the# to your 2ord as !y love con+uered the Ro#an and His s!i)e rea+hes a /ower that no one wi)) ever 2e a2)e to e3/ressN It is His )ast boy to Heaven. ;ou are a)) 2)essed 2y Me in this arewe))9 as ro! the (ather I invo6e &ood2ye to His Mother. He rises9 risesN The sun9 now !ore ree to 6iss Hi!9 as no the reward or those who have +o! orted the sorrow u) <ourney o the Son o Man. o)ia&e9 not even a thin )ea 9 inter+e/ts its 2ea!s9 2ri&htens with its s/)endour the ,od@ %)essed 2e Man6ind in the +hosen /art there is a!on& He2rews and ,enti)es9 and that Man9 4ho with His !ost Ho)y %ody is as+endin& to Heaven9 and dis/)ays His &)orious has !ani ested itse) in its )ove or Me. %)essed 2e the 0arth with its her2s and )owers9 4ounds that shine )i6e )ivin& ru2ies. The rest is a /ear)y s!i)e o )i&ht. 'nd it is rea))y and its ruits that have &iven Me /)easure and re resh!ent so !any ti!es. %)essed 2e the Li&ht that is revea)in& itse) or what it is9 at this )ast !o!ent as on 7hrist!as ni&ht. the 0arth with its waters and its te/idness9 or its 2irds and its ani!a)s that !any a ti!e 7reation s/ar6)es in the )i&ht o the 7hrist 4ho is as+endin&. ' )i&ht e3+eedin& that o e3+eeded !an in &ivin& re)ie to the Son o Man. May you 2e 2)essed9 sun9 and you9 the sun. ' su/erhu!an and !ost 2)iss u) )i&ht. ' )i&ht des+endin& ro! Heaven to !eet sea9 and you9 !ountains9 hi))s9 /)ains. %)essed you9 stars9 My +o!/anions in My ni&ht the Li&ht as+endin& to itN 'nd Jesus 7hrist9 the 4ord o ,od9 disa//ears ro! the /rayers and in My sorrow. 'nd you9 !oon9 who i))u!inated Me as I wandered around si&ht o !en in this o+ean o 2ri&htnessN in My /i)&ri!a&es o the evan&e)izer. May a)) you +reatures 2e 2)essed9 the wor6s o My (ather9 My +o!/anions in this !orta) hour9 riend)y to Hi! 4ho had )e t Heaven 5n the earth9 on)y two noises in the dee/ si)en+e o the e+stati+ +rowdI the +ry o Mary to re)ieve tortured Man6ind o the trou2)es o the Sin that se/arates ro! ,od. 'nd !ay when He disa//earsI EJesusHG9 and the wee/in& o Isaa+. The others are stru+6 du!2 you a)so 2e 2)essed9 you inno+ent instru!ents o My tortureI thorns9 !eta)s9 wood9 with re)i&ious astonish!ent9 and they re!ain there9 as i they were waitin&9 unti) two twisted he!/9 2e+ause you have assisted Me in u) i))in& the wi)) o My (atherHG snow@white an&e)i+a) )i&hts9 in hu!an or!9 a//ear re/eatin& the words !entioned in the irst +ha/ter o the '+ts o the '/ost)es.

)35. The E2e3&i"n "- 'a&&hias.


+35. The E5e'&i#n #1 .a&&hias.

2+&h A9!i5 $9*8.

Master9 and the twe) th /sa)! is uttered i!/etuous)y 2y his in )a!ed s/irit.

2 They end with the )on& and 2eauti u) /sa)! one hundred and ei&hteen9 o whi+h they 1 It is a /)a+id evenin&. The )i&ht is adin& &ent)y and the s6y so ar /ur/)e9 is 2e+o!in& say a stro/he ea+h9 in two turns to +o!/)ete the nu!2er o the stro/hes. Then they a)) 2e+o!e a2sor2ed in si)en+e unti) 1eter9 who had sat down9 stands u/9 as i he were a de)i+ate a!ethystine ve)ariu!. It wi)) soon 2e dar69 2ut at /resent there is sti)) )i&ht9 ur&ed 2y an ins/iration9 /rayin& in a )oud voi+e with his ar!s stret+hed out as the Lord and this aint evenin& )i&ht is /)easant a ter so !u+h 2urnin& sunshine. used to doI ESend ;our S/irit to us9 o Lord9 so that we !ay see in His Li&ht.G The +ourt@yard o the house o the Su//er roo!9 a )ar&e yard a!on& the white wa))s o EMaran athaG they a)) say. the house9 is +rowded with /eo/)e as in the evenin&s a ter .esurre+tion. 'nd a har!onious whis/erin& o /rayers9 interru/ted now and a&ain 2y /auses o !editation9 1eter +o))e+ts his thou&hts in an intense si)ent /rayer9 2ut /erha/s he )istens !ore than rises ro! these /eo/)e en&rossed in thou&ht. he /rays9 or at )east he waits or words o )i&ht... Then he raises his head a&ain and on+e a&ain he stret+hes out his ar!s9 whi+h he had o)ded a+ross his +hest9 and as he is s!a)) 's the )i&ht 2e+o!es ainter and ainter in the +ourt@yard9 surrounded as it is 2y the as +o!/ared to the !a<ority o his +o!/anions9 he +)i!2s on his seat to do!inate the hi&h wa))s o the house9 so!e /eo/)e 2rin& )a!/s and /)a+e the! on the ta2)e9 +)ose to whi+h the a/ost)es are &atheredI 1eter in the +entre9 Ja!es o ')/haeus and John 2eside )itt)e +rowd thron&in& the +ourt@yard9 and to 2e seen 2y every2ody. 'nd every2ody9 hi!9 and then the others. The )i+6erin& )i&ht o the s!a)) )a!es shines u/wards on the rea)isin& that he is &oin& to s/ea69 2e+o!es si)ent and )oo6s at hi! /ayin& attention. a+es o the a/ost)es9 !a6in& their eatures stand out and showin& their e3/ressionsI +on+entrated the e3/ression o 1eter9 as i he were overstrun& in the e ort to /er or! these irst un+tions o his !inistry in a worthy wayM as+eti+a))y !i)d that o Ja!es o ')/haeusM serene and drea!in& that o John9 and 2eside hi! the /ensive a+e o %artho)o!ew9 o))owed 2y the +ountenan+e u)) o )i e o Tho!as9 and then 'ndrew's9 vei)ed 2y his hu!i)ity that !a6es hi! stay with his eyes a)!ost +)osed9 his head s)i&ht)y 2entI he see!s to 2e sayin&I CI a! not worthyDM +)ose to hi! Matthew9 one e)2ow restin& on the hand o the other ar!9 his +hee6 )eanin& on the hand o his raised ar!M and then Ja!es o ')/haeus9 Thaddeus9 with his authoritative a+e and his eyes that re!ind one so !u+h o the eyes o Jesus9 with their +o)our and e3/ressionI a rea) ru)er o +rowds. 0ven now he is 6ee/in& the !eetin& =uiet9 under the ire o his eyes9 !ore than a)) the rest to&etherM and yet9 ro! his invo)untary re&a) !a&ni i+en+e9 the ee)in& o his heart i))ed with +o!/un+tion +an 2e seen to e!er&e9 /arti+u)ar)y when it is his turn to intone a /rayer. 4hen he says the /sa)!I E8ot to us9 Lord9 not to us9 2ut to ;our 8a!e &ive &)ory or ;our !er+y and )oya)ty9 so that the nations !ay not sayI C4here is their ,odFG he rea))y /rays with his sou) /rone 2e ore Hi! 4ho +hose hi!9 and the stron&est ee)in& within hi! vi2rates in his voi+eM with a)) his /rayin& he a)so saysI EI a! not worthy o servin& ;ou9 4ho are so /er e+t.G 1hi)i/9 2eside hi!9 his a+e a)ready !ar6ed 2y a&e9 a)thou&h he is sti)) in u)) !anhood9 )oo6s )i6e a !an who is +onte!/)atin& a si&ht 6nown to hi! a)one9 and is standin& with his hands /ressed a&ainst his +hee6s9 a )itt)e 2ent and so!ewhat sad... whereas the >ea)ot is )oo6in& u/9 ar away9 with an inti!ate s!i)e that e!2e))ishes his a+e9 whi+h is not 2eauti u)9 2ut is +har!in& 2e+ause o its austere distin+tion. Ja!es o >e2edee9 i!/u)sive and =uiverin&9 says his /rayers as i he were sti)) s/ea6in& to his 2e)oved 3 EMy 2rothers9 it was ne+essary that the S+ri/ture /redi+ted 2y the Ho)y S/irit throu&h the !outh o $avid and +on+ernin& Judas shou)d 2e a++o!/)ished9 Judas in a+t was the &uide who )ed those who +a/tured the Lord and our %)essed MasterI Jesus. He9 Judas9 was one o ours9 and was entrusted with this !inistry. %ut his e)e+tion +han&ed into ruin or hi!9 2e+ause Satan entered into hi! throu&h !any ways and ro! a/ost)e o Jesus !ade hi! the traitor o his Lord. He thou&ht he wou)d triu!/h and re<oi+e and thus reven&e hi!se) on the Ho)y Master9 4ho had disa//ointed the un+)ean ho/es o his heart u)) o every +on+u/is+en+e. %ut when he thou&ht he was &oin& to triu!/h and re<oi+e9 he rea)ised that the !an who !a6es hi!se) s)ave o Satan9 o the )esh9 o the wor)d9 does not triu!/h9 on the +ontrary he 2ites the dust )i6e one who is de eated. 'nd he )earned that the taste o ood &iven 2y !an and 2y Satan is very 2itter and +o!/)ete)y di erent ro! the sweet si!/)e 2read that ,od &ives His +hi)dren. He then 2e+a!e a+=uainted with des/air and he hated the who)e wor)d a ter hatin& ,od9 and he +ursed everythin& the wor)d had &iven hi! and he 6i))ed hi!se) 2y han&in& hi!se) ro! an o)ive@tree in the o)ive@&rove that he had 2ou&ht with his ini=uities9 and on the day that the 7hrist rose &)orious)y ro! the dead9 his /utrid and a)ready ver!inous 2ody 2urst and his 2owe)s were s+attered on the &round at the oot o the o)ive@tree9 !a6in& that /)a+e un+)ean. The redee!in& %)ood rained on ,o)&otha and /uri ied the 0arth9 2e+ause it was the %)ood o the Son o ,od9 4ho had 2e+o!e in+arnate or us. 5n the hi)) near the /)a+e o the i))@ a!ed 7oun+i)9 not 2)ood9 not tears o &ood re!orse9 2ut the i)th o rotten 2owe)s rained on the dust. %e+ause no other 2)ood +ou)d 2e !i3ed with the Most Ho)y %)ood in those days o /uri i+ation9 in whi+h the La!2 was washin& us in His %)ood9 and )ess than ever was it /ossi2)e or the 0arth9 that was drin6in& the %)ood o the Son o ,od9 to drin6 a)so the 2)ood o the son o Satan.

)35. The E2e3&i"n "- 'a&&hias.


The a+t is we)) 6nown. 'nd it is a)so 6nown that Judas9 in his ury o a da!ned sou)9 too6 the !oney o the in a!ous transa+tion 2a+6 to the Te!/)e9 stri6in& with it9 un+)ean as it was9 the a+e o the Hi&h 1riest. 'nd it is 6nown that with that !oney9 whi+h had 2een ta6en ro! the Treasury o the Te!/)e9 2ut +ou)d no )on&er 2e /ut 2a+6 into it9 2e+ause it was the /ri+e o 2)ood9 the /rin+es o the 1riests and the 0)ders9 a ter +onsu)tin& with one another9 have 2ou&ht the ie)d o the /otter9 as the /ro/he+ies had said9 s/e+i yin& even its /ri+e. 'nd the /)a+e wi)) 2e handed down to /osterity under the na!e o Ha6e)da!a. So everythin& a2out Judas has 2een said9 and )et even the !e!ory o his a+e vanish ro! us9 2ut )et us 2ear in !ind the ways throu&h whi+h9 ro! 2ein& +a))ed 2y the Lord to the Heaven)y :in&do!9 he des+ended to 2ein& /rin+e in the :in&do! o eterna) dar6ness9 so that we ourse)ves !ay not tread on the! i!/rudent)y9 2e+o!in& other Judases or the 4ord that ,od has entrusted to us and whi+h is sti)) the 7hrist9 the Master a!on& us. 4 %ut it is written in the 2oo6 o 1sa)!sI CLet their house 2e+o!e desert9 )et no one )ive in it and )et his o i+e 2e ta6en 2y so!e2ody e)se.D So it is ne+essary that one o these !en9 who have 2een with us a)) the ti!e that the Lord Jesus was with us9 +o!in& and &oin&9 2e&innin& ro! the %a/tis! 2y John unti) the day in whi+h ro! the !idd)e o us He as+ended to Heaven9 is a//ointed to 2e witness with us o His .esurre+tion. 'nd it is ne+essary to do so =ui+6)y9 so that he !ay 2e /resent with us at the %a/tis! o (ire9 o whi+h the Lord has s/o6en to us9 so that he9 who did not re+eive the Ho)y S/irit ro! the Master9 !ay re+eive it dire+t)y ro! ,od and 2e en)i&htened and san+ti ied 2y it9 and he !ay have the virtues that we sha)) re+eive9 and he !ay <ud&e and re!it and do what we sha)) do9 and his a+tions !ay 2e va)id and ho)y. I wou)d su&&est to +hoose hi! a!on& the !ost aith u) o the aith u) dis+i/)es9 those who have su ered or Hi! re!ainin& aith u) a)so when He was the 5ne ?n6nown to the wor)d. Many o the! +o!e to us ro! John9 the 1re+ursor o the Messiah9 s/irits !ode))ed throu&hout years or the servi+e o ,od. The Lord was very ond o the!9 and the !ost ond a!on& the! was Isaa+9 who had su ered so !u+h 2e+ause o the +hi)d Jesus. %ut you 6now that his heart 2ro6e durin& the ni&ht that o))owed the 's+ension o the Lord. Let us not !ourn hi!. He has <oined his Lord. It was the on)y desire o his heart... 'nd a)so ours... %ut we have to su er our /assion. Isaa+ had a)ready su ered it. So you are to su&&est so!e na!es a!on& these9 so that the twe) th a/ost)e !ay 2e e)e+ted a++ordin& to the usa&es o our /eo/)e9 )eavin& the /ower o indi+atin&9 in the &ravest +ir+u!stan+es9 to the Lord9 to Hi! 4ho 6nows.G 5 They +onsu)t with one another. ' ter a short ti!e the !ost i!/ortant dis+i/)es Ka!on& the non@she/herdsL9 2y !utua) +onsent with the ten a/ost)es9 in or! 1eter that they /ro/ose Jose/h9 the son o Jose/h o Sa2a9 to honour his ather9 a !artyr or 7hrist9 2y !eans o his son9 a aith u) dis+i/)e9 and Matthias9 or the sa!e reasons as or Jose/h9 and9 urther9 to honour a)so his irst !asterI John.

'nd as 1eter a&rees to their advi+e9 they !a6e the two +o!e orward to the ta2)e and in the !eanti!e they /ray with their ar!s stret+hed orward in the usua) attitude o the He2rewsI EMost Hi&h Lord9 (ather9 Son and Ho)y S/irit9 the 5n)y and Trine ,od9 4ho 6now the hearts o a)) !en9 show us whi+h o these two ;ou have +hosen to ta6e in this !inistry and a/osto)ate the /)a+e o Judas9 who /revari+ated9 and &o in his stead.G EMaran athaG they a)) re/)y in +horus. 's they have no di+e or anythin& e)se with whi+h to +ast )ots9 and as they do not wish to use +oins or this /ur/ose9 they ta6e so!e s!a)) stones s/read a2out the yard9 so!e /oor )itt)e stones9 as !any white as dar69 and they de+ide that the white ones are or Matthias9 the others or Jose/h. They /ut the! in a 2a&9 a ter e!/tyin& it o its +ontents9 they sha6e it and they o er it to 1eter who9 a ter !a6in& a 2)essin& &esture on it9 /uts his hand in it9 /rayin& with his eyes at the s6y9 strewn with stars9 and /u))s out a )itt)e stoneI as white as snow. The Lord has indi+ated Matthias as Judas' su++essor. 1eter &oes to the ront o the ta2)e and e!2ra+es hi! Eto !a6e hi! )i6e hi!se) G he says. ')so the other ten !a6e the sa!e &esture a!id the a//)ause o the )itt)e +rowd. 6 't the end 1eter9 a ter &oin& 2a+6 to his /)a+e ho)din& 2y the hand the +hosen a/ost)e who is 2eside hi! J so 1eter is now 2etween Matthias and Ja!es o ')/haeus J saysI E7o!e to the /)a+e that ,od has reserved or you and with your <usti+e +an+e) the !e!ory o Judas9 he)/in& us9 your 2rothers9 to a++o!/)ish the deeds that Jesus to)d us to do. May the &ra+e o 5ur Lord Jesus 7hrist 2e a)ways with you.G He addresses a)) the others9 dis!issin& the!... 4hi)e the dis+i/)es dis/erse s)ow)y throu&h a se+ondary e3it9 the a/ost)es &o 2a+6 into the house ta6in& Matthias to Mary9 4ho is en&rossed in /rayer in Her roo!9 so that the new a/ost)e !ay re+eive the word o &reetin& and e)e+tion a)so ro! the Mother o ,od.

+3+. The Des'en& #1 &he H#5/ S9i!i&. End #1 &he .essiani' C/'5e.
28&h A9!i5 $9*8.

1 8o voi+es or noises +an 2e heard in the house o the Su//er roo!. 8one o the dis+i/)es are /resent9 at )east I +annot hear anythin& that +an authorise !e to say that /eo/)e are &athered in the other roo!s o the house. There is on)y the /resen+e and the voi+es o the Twe)ve and o the Most Ho)y Bir&in &athered in the ha)) o the Su//er. The roo! )oo6s wider9 2e+ause the urniture is /)a+ed di erent)y and )eaves a)) the

)3).The Des3en& "- &he H"2( S5i i&. End "- &he 'essiani3 :(32e.


+entre o the roo! and a)so two o the wa))s ree. The )ar&e ta2)e used or the Su//er has 2een /ushed a&ainst the third wa))9 and 2etween the! and the wa))9 and a)so at the two narrower sides o the ta2)e9 they have /)a+ed the +ou+h@seats used or the Su//er and a)so the stoo) that Jesus used or the 4ashin& o eet. %ut the +ou+h@2eds are not verti+a) to the ta2)e9 as they were or the Su//er9 2ut /ara))e) to it9 so that the a/ost)es +an sit down without o++u/yin& a)) o the!9 and they have )e t one9 the on)y one /)a+ed verti+a))y to the ta2)e9 a)) or the %)essed Bir&in9 4ho is at the +entre o the ta2)e9 in the /)a+e that Jesus o++u/ied at the Su//er.

the sound o a /er e+t or&an9 sudden)y resounds in the si)en+e o the !ornin&. It +o!es near9 !ore and !ore har!onious and )oud9 and with its vi2rations it i))s the 0arth9 /ro/a&ates the! and i!/resses the! on the house9 on the wa))s9 on the urniture. The )a!e o the +hande)ier9 so ar i!!o2i)e in the /ea+e o the +)osed roo!9 )i+6ers as i a wind were 2)owin& and the )itt)e +hains o the +hande)ier tin6)e vi2ratin& under the wave o the su/ernatura) sound that stri6es the!.

The a/ost)es raise their heads ri&htened9 and as that !ost 2eauti u) ru!2)e9 in whi+h are a)) the )ove)iest notes that ,od &ave the Heavens and the 0arth9 a//roa+hes the! There are no ta2)e@+)oths or ta2)eware on the ta2)e9 there is nothin& on the side2oards9 !ore and !ore9 so!e stand u/ ready to run away9 so!e +rou+h on the )oor +overin& and the orna!ents have 2een ta6en o the wa))s. 5n)y the +hande)ier in the +entre is )it9 their heads with their hands and !ant)es9 or 2eat their 2reasts as6in& ,od to or&ive 2ut on)y one )a!e is )it9 the other s!a)) )a!es on the +ir+)e or!in& a +oro))a to the the!9 so!e /ress a&ainst Mary9 too ri&htened to 6ee/ the reserve they a)ways have or stran&e +hande)ier are out. the Most 1ure Mother. 5n)y John is not ri&htened9 2e+ause he sees the 2ri&ht /ea+e o <oy that is a++entuated on the a+e o Mary9 4ho raises Her head s!i)in& at a thin& The windows are +)osed and 2arred with heavy !eta) 2ars /)a+ed a+ross the!. %ut a 6nown to Her a)one9 and 4ho then s)ides down on Her 6nees o/enin& Her ar!s9 and sun2ea! /enetrates 2o)d)y throu&h a tiny ho)e and )i6e a )on& thin need)e it des+ends on the two 2)ue win&s o Her !ant)e so o/ened stret+h out on 1eter and John9 who have the )oor or!in& a round s/ot o sunshine. i!itated Her9 6nee)in& down. %ut a)) this9 whi+h too6 !e so!e !inutes to des+ri2e9 has ta6en /)a+e in )ess than one !inute. 2 The %)essed Bir&in9 sittin& a)) a)one on Her seat9 has 1eter and John at Her sides9 on their seats9 1eter on Her ri&ht9 John on Her )e t hand side. Matthias9 the new a/ost)e9 is 4 'nd then the Li&ht9 the (ire9 the Ho)y S/irit enters9 with a )ast !e)odious )oud noise9 2etween Ja!es o ')/haeus and Thaddeus. In ront o Her9 5ur Lady has a )ar&e )ow in the or! o a very shinin& 2urnin& &)o2e9 into the +)osed roo!9 without any door or +hest o dar6 wood9 whi+h is +)osed. Mary is dressed in dee/ 2)ue. Her hair is +overed window 2ein& !oved9 and re!ains hoverin& or a !inute over Mary's head9 a2out three with a white vei)9 over whi+h is /)a+ed the ed&e o Her !ant)e. ')) the others are 2are@ /a)!s a2ove Her head9 whi+h is now un+overed9 2e+ause Mary9 u/on seein& the (ire headed. 1ara+)ete9 has raised Her ar!s to invo6e Hi! and has thrown Her head 2a+6 with a +ry Mary is readin& s)ow)y in a )oud voi+e. %ut as the )i&ht that arrives there is very aint9 I thin6 that rather than read She is re/eatin& 2y heart the words written on the s+ro)) that She is ho)din& s/read out. The others o))ow Her in si)en+e9 !editatin&. 8ow and a&ain they re/)y9 when it is a//ro/riate. Mary's a+e is trans i&ured 2y an e+stati+ s!i)e. I wonder what She sees9 that is +a/a2)e o in )a!in& Her eyes9 )i6e two +)ear stars9 and !a6e Her ivory +hee6s 2)ush9 as i a rosy )a!e re )e+ted on HerH She is rea))y the !ysti+ .ose. The a/ost)es 2end orward9 sittin& a )itt)e sideways9 to see Her a+e9 whi)e She s!i)es so &ent)y and reads and Her voi+e sounds )i6e the son& o an an&e). 'nd 1eter is so dee/)y !oved that two )ar&e tears a)) ro! his eyes9 and strea! down a)on& wrin6)es on 2oth sides o his nose to &et )ost in the thi+6et o his &rey 2eard. %ut John re )e+ts the vir&ina) s!i)e and is in )a!ed )i6e Her with )ove9 whi)e he o))ows with his eyes what the Bir&in is readin& on the s+ro)) and9 when he hands Her a new s+ro)) he )oo6s and s!i)es at Her. 3 The readin& is over. Mary's voi+e sto/s. The rust)in& o the /ar+h!ents ro))ed and unro))ed +o!es to an end. Mary +on+entrates in se+ret /rayer9 <oinin& Her hands on Her 2reast and )eanin& Her head on the +hest. The a/ost)es i!itate Her. ' very )oud and har!onious roar9 that rese!2)es the wind and the har/9 as we)) as hu!an sin&in& and o <oy9 with a s!i)e o 2ound)ess )ove. 'nd9 a ter that !o!ent in whi+h a)) the (ire o the Ho)y S/irit9 a)) the Love9 is +o))e+ted in His S/ouse9 the Most Ho)y ,)o2e s/)its into thirteen +anorous very 2ri&ht )a!es9 o so 2ri&ht a )i&ht that no earthy +o!/arison +an des+ri2e9 and it des+ends to 6iss the orehead o ea+h a/ost)e. %ut the )a!e that des+ends u/on Mary is not a ton&ue o a strai&ht )a!e on Her orehead that it 6isses9 2ut it is a +rown that e!2ra+es and en+ir+)es the vir&ina) head )i6e a wreath9 +rownin& as Aueen the $au&hter9 the Mother9 the S/ouse o ,od9 the In+orru/ti2)e Bir&in9 the 4ho))y %eauti u)9 the 0terna))y Loved9 the 0terna))y Maiden 4ho! nothin& +an hu!i)iate9 and in nothin&9 4ho! sorrow had a&ed 2ut 4ho has revived in the <oy o the .esurre+tion9 sharin& with Her Son an a++entuation o 2eauty and reshness o 2odies9 o )oo6s9 o vita)ityN havin& a)ready an advan+e o the 2eauty o Her &)orious %ody re+eived into Heaven to 2e the )ower o 1aradise. The Ho)y S/irit !a6es His )a!es shine round the head o His %e)oved. 4hi+h words does He s/ea6 to HerF MysteryH Her 2)essed a+e is trans i&ured with su/ernatura) <oy and s!i)es with the s!i)es o Sera/hi!9 whi)e 2)iss u) tears shine )i6e dia!onds on the +hee6s o the %)essed Bir&in9 stru+6 as they are 2y the Li&ht o the Ho)y S/irit. 5 The (ire re!ains so or so!e ti!eN Then it vanishesN In !e!ory o its des+ent

)3).The Des3en& "- &he H"2( S5i i&. End "- &he 'essiani3 :(32e.


there re!ains a ra&ran+e that no earth)y )ower +an e3ha)eN The 1er u!e o 1aradiseN The a/ost)es +o))e+t the!se)vesN Mary re!ains in Her e+stasy. She on)y o)ds Her ar!s a+ross Her 2reast9 +)oses Her eyes9 )owers Her headN Her +onversation with ,od +ontinuesN insensi2)e to everythin&N 8o one dare distur2 Her. John9 /ointin& at Her9 saysI EShe is the a)tar. 'nd the ,)ory o the Lord has rested on Her &)oryNG E;es. Let us not u/set Her <oy. %ut )et us &o and /rea+h the Lord and )et His wor6s and His words 2e 6nown to /eo/)esG says 1eter with su/ernatura) i!/u)siveness. ELet us &oH Let us &oH The S/irit o ,od is 2urnin& in !eG says Ja!es o ')/haeus. E'nd it is ur&in& us to a+t. ')) o us. Let us &o and evan&e)ize the /eo/)es.G They &o out as i they were /ushed or attra+ted 2y a wind or 2y a vi&orous or+e. @@@@@@@@@@@@ 6 Jesus saysI E'nd here the 4or69 that My )ove or you has di+tated and that you have re+eived throu&h the )ove that a +reature has had or Me and or you9 is over. It ended today9 the day o the 7o!!e!oration o Saint >ita ro! Lu++a9 the hu!2)e !aid who served her Lord with +harity in this 7hur+h o Lu++a9 where I9 ro! re!ote /)a+es9 have 2rou&ht My )itt)e John9 so that he shou)d serve Me with +harity and with the sa!e )ove that Saint >ita had or a)) unha//y /eo/)e. >ita used to &ive 2read to the /oor9 re!e!2erin& that I a! in ea+h o the!9 and that 2)essed wi)) they 2e9 who9 side 2y side with Me9 &ive 2read and drin6 to the hun&ry and thirsty. Mary@John has &iven My words to those who )an&uish in i&noran+e or in te/idness or in dou2t a2out (aith9 re!e!2erin& that 4isdo! said that those who wor6 hard to !a6e ,od 6nown9 wi)) shine )i6e stars in eternity9 &ivin& &)ory to their Love 2y !a6in& it 6nown and )oved9 and to !any /eo/)e. 'nd9 urther9 it ended today9 the day in whi+h the 7hur+h raises the /ure )i)y o the ie)ds Mary Theresa ,oretti to the a)tars9 the )i)y whose ste! was 2ro6en whi)e its +oro))a was sti)) a 2ud. 'nd 2y who! was it 2ro6en i not 2y Satan9 envious o that /urity that shone !ore than his an+ient an&e)i+ as/e+tF %ro6en 2e+ause it was sa+red to the $ivine Lover. Mary9 vir&in and !artyr o this +entury o dis&ra+e9 in whi+h a)so the honour o the 4o!an is he)d in +onte!/t9 2y s/ittin& the s)aver o re/ti)es to deny the /ower o ,od to &ive an invio)ate dwe))in& to His 4ord9 4ho was 2e+o!in& in+arnate 2y the Ho)y S/irit9 in order to save those who 2e)ieve in Hi!. ')so Mary@John is !artyr o the Hatred9 who does not want My wonders to 2e +e)e2rated 2y the 4or69 the wea@ /on +a/a2)e o snat+hin& so !any /reys ro! hi!. %ut a)so Mary@John 6nows9 as Mary Theresa 6new9 that !artyrdo!9 whatever its na!e and as/e+t are9 is the 6ey that with@ out de)ay o/ens the :in&do! o Heaven to those who su er to +ontinue My 1assion.

7 The 4or6 is inished. 'nd with its end9 with the des+ent o the Ho)y S/irit9 ends the Messiani+ +y+)e9 that My 4isdo! has en)i&htened ro! its dawnin&I the I!!a+u)ate 7on+e/tion o Mary9 to its settin&I the des+ent o the Ho)y S/irit. ')) the Messiani+ +y+)e is the wor6 o the S/irit o Love9 or those who see /ro/er)y. It was there ore ri&ht to 2e&in it with the !ystery o the I!!a+u)ate 7on+e/tion o the S/ouse o the Love9 and inish it with the sea) o the (ire 1ara+)ete on the 7hur+h o 7hrist. The revea)ed wor6s o ,od9 o the Love o ,od9 end with 1ente+ost. (ro! then onwards the inti!ate !ysterious wor6 o ,od +ontinues in His 2e)ievers9 united in the 8a!e o Jesus in the 5ne9 Ho)y9 7atho)i+9 '/osto)i+9 .o!an 7hur+hM and the 7hur+h9 that is9 the asse!2)y o the 2e)ievers J she/herds9 shee/ and )a!2s J +an /ro+eed without errin& 2e+ause o the +ontinuous s/iritua) o/eration o the Love9 the Theo)o&ian o theo)o&ians9 He 4ho or!s the true theo)o&ians9 that is9 those who are )ost in ,od and have ,od in the!se)ves J the life of &od in the# through the direction of the .pirit of &od that guides the# J that is9 those who rea))y are the C+hi)dren o ,odD a++ordin& to the +on+e/t o 1au). 8 'nd at the end o the 4or69 on+e a&ain I have to /ut the +o!/)aint that I have /ut at the end o ea+h evan&e)i+a) year9 and in My &rie seein& My &i t des/ised9 I say to a)) o youI C;ou sha)) not have anythin& e)se9 2e+ause you have not re+eived this that I have &iven you.D 'nd I say a)so that a2out whi+h I had you in or!ed )ast su!!er K#1.5.4-L to +a)) a)) o you on the ri&ht /athI C;ou wi)) not see Me unti) the day +o!es when you wi)) sayI '%)essed is He 4ho +o!es in the na!e o the Lord.'DG The 4or6 was inished today #"th '/ri) 194". Biare&&io9 Bia (ratti 113 J Maria Ba)torta.

+38. Pe&e! Ce5e)!a&es &he Eu'ha!is& in a .ee&in4 #1 &he Fi!s& Ch!is&ians.

3!d June $9**.

1 7on+)usion o the 4or69 that isI (ro! the 1ente+ost to the 'ssu!/tion o the %)essed Bir&in Mary. 1st e/isode K3@-@1944L. 1eter9 no )on&er a +oarse isher!an9 in his new +a/a+ity o 1onti . @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 2 It is one o the very irst !eetin&s o 7hristians9 in the days i!!ediate)y a ter 1ente+ost.

)3*.Pe&e :e2e6 a&es &he Eu3ha is& in a 'ee&in1 "- &he Fi s& :h is&ians.


The twe)ve a/ost)es are on+e a&ain twe)ve9 2e+ause Matthias9 a)ready e)e+ted in the /)a+e o the traitor9 is a!on& the!. 'nd the a+t that a)) twe)ve are there /roves that they had not yet /arted to &o and evan&e)ize9 a++ordin& to the order o the Master. So it !ust have 2een 1ente+ost on)y a short ti!e a&o9 and the /erse+utions o the Sanhedrin a&ainst the servants o Jesus 7hrist have not yet 2e&un. %e+ause i they had 2e&un9 they wou)d not +e)e2rate with so !u+h +a)!9 and without ta6in& any /re+autions9 in a house even too we)) 6nown to those o the Te!/)e9 that is in the house o the Su//er roo!9 and e3a+t)y in the roo! where the Last Su//er was +onsu!ed9 the 0u+harist was instituted9 and the true and tota) 2etraya) as we)) as the .ede!/tion 2e&an. The )ar&e roo!9 however9 has under&one a !odi i+ation9 ne+essary or its new un+tion as a +hur+h9 and re=uired 2y the nu!2er o the 2e)ievers. The )ar&e ta2)e is no )on&er near the wa)) o the )itt)e stair+ase9 2ut it is near9 or rather a&ainst the wa)) a+in& it9 so that even those who +annot &o into the Su//er roo!9 a)ready +rowded with /eo/)e J in the Su//er roo!9 the irst +hur+h o the 7hristian wor)d J +an see what is ha//enin& there9 thron&in& the entran+e +orridor9 near the )itt)e door9 +o!/)ete)y o/en9 that ad!its to the roo!. In the roo! there are !en and wo!en o a)) a&es. In a &rou/ o wo!en9 near the )ar&e ta2)e9 2ut in a +orner9 there is Mary9 the Mother9 surrounded 2y Martha and Mary o Lazarus9 2y 8i6e9 0)iza9 Mary o ')/haeus9 Sa)o!e9 Johanna o 7huza9 in short9 2y !any o the wo!en dis+i/)es9 2oth Jewish and not Jewish9 who! Jesus had +ured9 +o! orted9 evan&e)ized9 and who had 2e+o!e shee/ o His o)d. '!on& the !en there are 8i+ode!us9 Lazarus9 Jose/h o 'ri!athea9 a )ar&e nu!2er o dis+i/)es9 a!on& who! there are Ste/hen9 Her!as9 the she/herds9 0)isha the son o the )eader o the syna&o&ue o 0n&edi9 and !any !ore. There is a)so Lon&inus9 not in his !i)itary uni or!9 2ut as i he were an ordinary +itizen9 with a )on& /)ain &reyish tuni+. Then !any !ore9 who have +ertain)y entered the )o+6 o 7hrist a ter 1ente+ost and the irst evan&e)ization o the Twe)ve. 3 1eter s/ea6s a)so now9 evan&e)izin& and tea+hin& the /eo/)e /resent. He s/ea6s on+e a&ain o the Last Su//er. '&ain9 2e+ause ro! his words it is +)ear that he has a)ready s/o6en o it. He saysI EI te)) you on+e a&ainG and he stresses these words very !u+h Eo this Su//er in whi+h9 2e ore 2ein& sa+ri i+ed 2y !en9 Jesus the 8azarene9 as He was +a))ed9 Jesus 7hrist9 the Son o ,od and our Saviour9 as He is to 2e +a))ed and 2e)ieved with a)) our hearts and !inds9 2e+ause our sa)vation is in this aith9 sa+ri i+ed Hi!se) o His own ree wi))9 and out o e3+ess o )ove9 &ivin& Hi!se) in (ood and $rin6 to !en and sayin& to us9 His servants and +ontinuatorsI C$o this in !e!ory o Me.D 'nd that is what we do. %ut9 o !en9 as we9 His witnesses9 2e)ieve that in the %read and in the 4ine9 o ered and 2)essed9 as He did9 in His !e!ory and out o o2edien+e to His divine order9 there is His Most Ho)y %ody and His Most Ho)y %)ood9 that %ody and that %)ood

that are o a ,od9 o the Son o the Most Hi&h ,od9 and that they have 2een +ru+i ied and shed or the sa6e and the )ives o !en9 so you a)so9 a)) o you9 who have +o!e to 2e /art o the true9 new9 i!!orta) 7hur+h9 /redi+ted 2y the 1ro/hets and ounded 2y the 7hrist9 !ust 2e)ieve it. %e)ieve and 2)ess the Lord 4ho to us J His +ru+i iers9 i not !ateria))y9 +ertain)y !ora))y and s/iritua))y9 2e+ause o our wea6ness in servin& Hi!9 2e+ause o our du))ness in understandin& Hi!9 2e+ause o our +owardi+e in a2andonin& Hi!9 runnin& away in His su/re!e hour9 in our9 no9 in !y /ersona) 2etraya) o a !an ear u) and +oward)y to the e3tent o disownin& and denyin& Hi! and denyin& that I was His dis+i/)e9 and !ore than that9 the irst a!on& His servants Kand )ar&e tears strea! down 1eter's a+eL short)y 2e ore the irst hour9 there9 in the 7ourt o the Te!/)e J 2e)ieve and 2)ess9 I was sayin&9 the Lord9 4ho )eaves this eterna) si&n o or&iveness to us. %e)ieve and 2)ess the Lord9 4ho a))ows those9 who did not 6now Hi! when He was the 8azarene9 to 6now Hi! now that He is the 4ord In+arnate reunited to His (ather. 7o!e and ta6e it. He saidI CHe who eats My ()esh and drin6s My %)ood wi)) have eterna) Li e.D 'nd we did not understand then Kand 1eter wee/s a&ainL. 4e did not understand 2e+ause we were s)ow in understandin&. %ut now the Ho)y S/irit has 2ri&htened our inte))i&en+e9 has orti ied our aith9 has in used +harity into us9 and we understand. 'nd in the na!e o the Most Hi&h ,od9 o the ,od o '2raha!9 o Ja+o29 o Moses9 in the !ost hi&h na!e o the ,od 4ho s/o6e to Isaiah9 to Jere!iah9 to 0ze6ie)9 to $anie) and to the other 1ro/hets9 we swear to you that this is the truth and we 2esee+h you to 2e)ieve9 so that you !ay have eterna) Li e.G 1eter is u)) o state)iness whi)e s/ea6in&. There is no )on&er anythin& in hi! o the rather +oarse isher!an o not )on& a&o. He has +)i!2ed on a stoo) to s/ea6 and to 2e seen and heard 2etter9 2e+ause9 s!a)) as he is9 i he had re!ained standin& on the )oor o the roo!9 he +ou)d not have 2een seen 2y those arther away9 whereas he wants to do!inate the +rowd. He s/ea6s !oderate)y9 in an a//ro/riate voi+e9 with the &estures o a true orator. His eyes9 a)ways e3/ressive9 are now !ore e)o=uent than ever. Love9 aith9 authority9 +ontrition9 everythin& shines throu&h his eyes anti+i/atin& and rein or+in& his words. 4 He has inished s/ea6in& now. He +o!es down ro! the stoo) and /asses 2ehind the )ar&e ta2)e9 in the s/a+e 2etween the ta2)e and the wa))9 and waits. Ja!es and Judas9 that is the two sons o ')/haeus and +ousins o the 7hrist9 now )ay a white ta2)e@+)oth on the ta2)e. To do so they )i t the )ar&e )ow +hest9 whi+h is on the +entre o the ta2)e9 and they s/read a very ine )inen +)oth a)so on its )id. The a/ost)e John &oes now to Mary and as6s Her so!ethin&. Mary s)i/s o ro! Her ne+6 a 6ind o a s!a)) 6ey and &ives it to John. John ta6es it9 &oes 2a+6 to the +hest9 o/ens it9 )ettin& down the ront /ane)9 whi+h is )aid on the ta2)e and +overed with a third )inen +)oth. Inside the +hest there is a horizonta) /artition that divides it into two se+tions. In the

)3*.Pe&e :e2e6 a&es &he Eu3ha is& in a 'ee&in1 "- &he Fi s& :h is&ians.


)ower se+tion there is a +ha)i+e and a !eta) /)ate. In the u//er se+tion9 in the +entre9 the +ha)i+e used 2y Jesus at the Last Su//er and or the irst 0u+harist9 the re!ains o the 2read 2ro6en 2y Hi!9 )aid on a s!a)) /)ate as /re+ious as the +ha)i+e. 5n the sides o the +ha)i+e and o the s!a)) /)ate )aid on it9 on one side there is the +rown o thorns9 the nai)s and the s/on&e. 5n the other side one o the shrouds9 ro))ed u/9 the vei) with whi+h 8i6e wi/ed Jesus' (a+e9 and the one that Mary &ave Her Son to &ird u/ His )oins. 't the 2otto! there are other thin&s9 2ut as they re!ain rather +on+ea)ed and no one s/ea6s o the! or shows the!9 it is not 6nown what they are. The other ones9 instead9 and whi+h are visi2)e9 are shown to the /eo/)e /resent 2y John and Judas o ')/haeus9 and the +rowd 6nee)s in ront o the!. %ut neither the +ha)i+e nor the s!a)) /)ate o the 2read are tou+hed or shown9 nor is the Shroud un o)ded9 2ut on)y the ro))ed +)oth is shown9 sayin& what it is. 1erha/s John and Judas do not un o)d it in order not to awa6e in Mary the sorrow u) !e!ory o the +rue) tortures su ered 2y Her Son. 4hen this /art o the +ere!ony is over9 the a/ost)es in +horus intone so!e /rayers9 I shou)d say so!e /sa)!s9 2e+ause they are sun& as the He2rews used to do in their syna&o&ues or in their /i)&ri!a&es to Jerusa)e! or the so)e!nities /res+ri2ed 2y the Law. The +horus o the a/ost)es is <oined 2y the +rowd and so it 2e+o!es !ore and !ore i!/ressive. 5 't the end they 2rin& so!e 2read that is )aid on the s!a)) !eta) /)ate9 whi+h was in the )ower se+tion o the +hest9 and a)so so!e s!a)) a!/horae9 whi+h are a)so o !eta). John9 who is 6nee)in& on the other side o the ta2)e J whereas 1eter is a)ways 2etween the ta2)e and the wa))9 2ut a+in& the +rowd J hands the tray with the 2read to 1eter9 who raises it and o ers it. He then 2)esses it and )ays it on the +hest.

/resent. John and Judas o))ow hi! with the s!a)) a!/horae and they add the )i=uids when the +ha)i+e is e!/ty9 whi)e 1eter re/eats the e)evation9 the o erin& and the 2)essin& to +onse+rate the )i=uid. 6 4hen a)) those who as6ed to 2e nourished with the 0u+harist are satis ied9 the a/ost)es +onsu!e the 2read and wine )e t over. Then they sin& another /sa)! or hy!n and a ter it 1eter 2)esses the +rowd who9 a ter his 2)essin&9 &o away )itt)e 2y )itt)e. Mary9 the Mother9 4ho has a)ways re!ained on Her 6nees durin& the who)e +ere!ony o the +onse+ration and the distri2ution o the s/e+ies o the %read and 4ine9 stands u/ and &oes to the +hest. She 2ends a+ross the )ar&e ta2)e and with Her orehead She tou+hes the u//er se+tion o the +hest9 where the +ha)i+e and the s!a)) /)ate used 2y Jesus at the Last Su//er are )aid9 and She 6isses the ed&es o the!. ' 6iss that is a)so or a)) the re)i+s &athered there. Then John +)oses the +hest and hands the 6ey 2a+6 to Mary9 4ho /uts it a&ain round Her ne+6.

+3%. The 35essed Hi!4in Ta<es u9 He! A)#de a& Ge&hse(ane -i&h J#hn= ;h# F#!e&e55s He! Assu(9&i#n
2$s& Au4us& $95$.

1 Mary is sti)) in the house o the Su//er roo!. ')) a)one in Her usua) roo!9 She is sewin& so!e very ine )inen +)oths9 )i6e )on& narrow ta2)e@+)oths. 8ow and a&ain She raises Her head to )oo6 at the &arden and as+ertain thus the ti!e o the day 2y the /osition o the sunshine on its wa))s. 'nd i She hears a noise in the house or in the Judas o ')/haeus9 who is a)so 6nee)in& 2eside John9 in his turn9 hands 1eter the +ha)i+e street9 She )istens +are u))y. She see!s to 2e waitin& or so!eone. So!e ti!e &oes 2y so. Then there is a 6no+6 at the door o the house9 o))owed 2y the rust)in& o sanda)s o o the )ower se+tion and the two a!/horae that were /revious)y near the s!a)) /)ate o so!eone who rushes to o/en it. Boi+es o !en resound in the +orridor and they 2e+o!e the 2read9 and 1eter /ours their +ontents into the +ha)i+e9 whi+h he then raises and o ers9 as he had done with the 2read. He 2)esses a)so the +ha)i+e and )ays it on the +hest )ouder and )ouder and +)oser and +)oser. 2eside the 2read. Mary )istensN Then She e3+)ai!sI E're they hereFH 4hat on earth has ha//enedFHG 4hi)e She is sti)) utterin& these words9 so!e2ody 6no+6s at the door o Her roo!. They say !ore /rayers. 1eter 2rea6s the 2read into !any !orse)s9 whi)e the /eo/)e E7o!e in9 2rothers in Jesus9 My LordG re/)ies Mary. /rostrate the!se)ves even !ore9 and he saysI EThis is My %ody. $o this is !e!ory o MeG. Lazarus and Jose/h o 'ri!athea enter9 and &reetin& Her with dee/ veneration they He +o!es out ro! 2ehind the ta2)e9 ta6in& the tray u)) o the !orse)s o 2read9 and as sayI E%)essed are ;ou a!on& a)) !othersH The servants o ;our Son and our Lord &reet ;ouG9 and they /rostrate the!se)ves to 6iss the he! o Her dress. irst thin& he &oes to Mary and &ives Her a !orse). Then he &oes to the ront o the ta2)e and hands out the +onse+rated %read to a)) those who a//roa+h hi! to have it. ' EThe Lord 2e a)ways with you. (or what reason9 and whi)e the er!ent o the ew !orse)s are )e t over9 and sti)) on their tray9 they are )aid on the +hest. /erse+utors o the 7hrist and o His o))owers has not yet +eased9 have you +o!e to MeFG He now ta6es the +ha)i+e and o ers it9 a)ways 2e&innin& ro! Mary9 to those who are

)3/.The 02essed Di 1in Ta9es u5 He A6"de a& 4e&hse.ane %i&h J"hn; 8h" F" e&e22s He Assu.5&i"n


E(irst o a))9 to see ;ou. %e+ause seein& ;ou is sti)) seein& Hi!9 and thus we ee) )ess distressed 2e+ause o His de/arture ro! the 0arth. 'nd then to /ro/ose to ;ou what we have reso)ved to do9 a ter a !eetin& in !y house o the !ore )ovin& and aith u) servants o Jesus9 ;our Son and our LordG Lazarus re/)ies to Her.

!ani estation. 'nd on)y Jesus and I9 as )on& as He was on the 0arth9 6now what su erin&sN yes9 a)so sha!e9 uneasiness9 torture is e3/erien+ed when hu!an +uriosity /ries into9 wat+hes9 s/ies u/on our se+rets with ,od. It is the sa!e as i they /)a+ed us na6ed in the !idd)e o a s=uare. Thin6 o My /ast9 how I have a)ways sou&ht se+re+y9 si)en+e9 how I have a)ways +on+ea)ed9 under the a//earan+e o the +o!!on )i e o a ETe)) Me. It wi)) 2e your )ove that s/ea6s to Me9 and with My )ove I wi)) )isten to you.G /oor wo!an9 the !ysteries o ,od in Me. .e+a)) how9 in order not to revea) the! even to My s/ouse Jose/h9 I a)!ost !ade o hi!9 a <ust !an9 an un<ust one. 5n)y the an&e)i+ 2 Jose/h o 'ri!athea now 2e&ins to s/ea6 and saysI E4o!an9 ;ou 6now and ;ou intervention avoided that dan&er. Thin6 o the )i e so hu!2)e9 hidden9 +o!!on9 )ed 2y have said so9 that the er!ent9 and what is even worse9 sti)) )ast a&ainst a)) those who Jesus or thirty@three years9 how easi)y He wou)d withdraw and 2e+o!e iso)ated when have 2een +)ose to ;our Son and ,od's9 either throu&h re)ationshi/9 or aith9 or He was the Master. He had to wor6 !ira+)es and tea+h9 2e+ause that was His !ission. riendshi/. 'nd we are aware that ;ou do not intend to )eave these /)a+es9 where ;ou %ut9 He to)d Me Hi!se) 9 He su ered J one o the !any reasons or the severity and have seen the /er e+t !ani estation o the divine and hu!an nature o ;our Son9 His sadness that )ashed in His )ar&e /ower u) eyes J He su ered9 I was sayin&9 2e+ause o tota) !orti i+ation9 and His tota) &)ori i+ation9 throu&h His 1assion and $eath as true Man9 throu&h His &)orious .esurre+tion and 's+ension9 as true ,od. 'nd we a)so 6now the e3a)tation o the +rowds9 2e+ause o the !ore o )ess &ood +uriosity with whi+h they wat+hed every a+tion o His. How !any ti!es did He order His dis+i/)es and those He that ;ou do not want to )eave the a/ost)es a)) a)one9 as ;ou wish to 2e a Mother and had +ured !ira+u)ous)y9 sayin&I C$o not !ention what you have seen. $o not !ention &uide to the! in their irst tria)s9 ;ou9 the See o $ivine 4isdo!9 ;ou9 the S/ouse o the S/irit .evea)er o the 0terna) Truths9 ;ou9 eterna))y 2e)oved $au&hter o the (ather what I have done or youDHN 8ow I shou)d not )i6e hu!an eyes to in=uire into the 4ho ro! eternity +hose ;ou as Mother o His 5n)y@%e&otten Son9 ;ou9 the Mother o !ysteries o ,od in Me9 !ysteries that have not +eased with the return to Heaven o Jesus9 My Son and My ,od9 no9 on the +ontrary they )ast9 and I shou)d say that they this 4ord o the (ather9 4ho +ertain)y tau&ht ;ou His in inite and !ost /er e+t in+rease9 than6s to His &oodness9 and to 6ee/ Me a)ive9 unti) the hour +o!es9 or whi+h 4isdo! and $o+trine9 even 2e ore He was in ;ou9 as a +reature that was or!in&9 or I have )on&ed so !u+h9 o <oinin& Hi! orever. 4 I wou)d )i6e on)y John with Me. He was with ;ou as a Son 4ho &rows in a&e and wisdo! to su+h an e3tent as to %e+ause he is /rudent9 res/e+t u)9 )ovin& with Me )i6e another Jesus. %ut Jonah and 2e+o!e the Master o !asters. John to)d us the day a ter the irst astonishin& ser!on Mary wi)) 6nowNG and a/osto)i+ !ani estation9 whi+h too6 /)a+e ten days a ter the 's+ension o Jesus to Heaven. ;ou9 in turn9 6now9 as ;ou saw it at ,ethse!ane on the day o the 's+ension Lazarus interru/ts HerI EIt has a)ready 2een done9 o %)essed MotherH 4e have a)ready o ;our Son to His (ather and as ;ou were to)d 2y 1eter9 John and other a/ost)es9 that seen to it. Mar69 Jonah's son9 is a!on& the dis+i/)es. Mary9 his !other and Jonah9 his Lazarus and I9 i!!ediate)y a ter the $eath and .esurre+tion9 2e&an to 2ui)d a wa)) ather9 are a)ready at %ethany.G around !y 6it+hen &arden near ,o)&otha and at ,ethse!ane on the Mount o 5)ives9 so that those /)a+es9 san+ti ied 2y the $ivine Martyr's %)ood9 that dro//ed9 a)asH9 war!ed E%ut the o)ive@&roveF It needs to 2e ta6en +are o HG Mary re/)ies to hi!. 2y ever at ,ethse!ane9 and rozen and +)otted in !y &arden9 !ay not 2e /ro aned 2y E5n)y when it is ti!e to /rune9 to /)ou&h and /i+6 the o)ives. So9 on)y a ew days ea+h Jesus' ene!ies. The wor6 has now 2een +o!/)eted9 and 2oth Lazarus and I9 and his year and whi+h wi)) 2e even ewer9 2e+ause in those /eriods I wi)) send !y servants sisters with hi! and the a/ost)es9 who wou)d su er too !u+h not havin& ;ou here any ro! %ethany with Mar6. ;ou9 Mother9 i ;ou want to !a6e us ha//y9 !y sisters and )on&er9 say to ;ouI CTa6e u/ ;our a2ode in the house o Jonah and Mary9 the 6ee/ers !e9 wi)) +o!e to %ethany in those days9 to the >ea)ot's so)itary house. 4e sha)) 2e +)ose o ,ethse!ane.DG to one another9 2ut our eyes wi)) not 2e indis+reet with re&ard to ;our !eetin&s with 3 E'nd Jonah and MaryF That house is a s!a)) one9 and I )ove so)itude. I have a)ways ,od.G )oved it. 'nd I )ove it even !ore now9 2e+ause I need it to &et )ost in ,od9 in My Jesus9 E%ut the oi)@!i))FNG so that I !ay not die o an&uish9 not havin& Hi! here any )on&er. It is not air that hu!an eyes shou)d 2e )aid on the !ysteries o ,od9 2e+ause He is ,od now !ore than EIt has a)ready 2een trans erred to %ethany. ,ethse!ane9 +o!/)ete)y en+)osed9 the ever. I 4o!an9 Jesus Man. %ut our Hu!anity was9 and is9 di erent ro! every other /ro/erty even !ore reserved o Lazarus o Theo/hi)us9 is awaitin& ;ou9 Mary. 'nd I one9 2oth 2e+ause o our i!!unity ro! sin9 a)so ro! the ori&ina) one9 and 2e+ause o assure ;ou that the ene!ies o Jesus9 out o ear o .o!e9 wi)) not dare to vio)ate its our re)ationshi/ with ,od 5ne and Trine. 4e are uni=ue in these thin&s a!on& a)) /ea+e and ;ours.G +reatures /ast9 /resent and uture. 8ow !an9 even the 2est and !ost /rudent one9 is E5hH sin+e it is soHG e3+)ai!s Mary. 'nd She /resses Her hands a&ainst Her heart9 and natura))y and inevita2)y +urious9 /arti+u)ar)y i he is near an e3traordinary

)3/.The 02essed Di 1in Ta9es u5 He A6"de a& 4e&hse.ane %i&h J"hn; 8h" F" e&e22s He Assu.5&i"n


)oo6s at the!9 with a +ountenan+e that is a)!ost e+stati+9 so 2)iss u) it is9 with an an&e)i+ s!i)e on Her )i/s and tears o <oy on Her air eye)ashes. She +ontinuesI EJohn and IH ')oneH 4e two a)) a)oneH I sha)) see! to 2e on+e a&ain at 8azareth with My SonH ')oneH In /ea+eH In that /ea+eH 4here My Jesus &ave orth so !any words and so !u+h s/irit o /ea+eH 4here9 it is true9 He su ered so !u+h that He sweated 2)ood and re+eived the su/re!e !ora) sorrow o the in a!ous 6iss and the irstNG ' so2 and a very /ain u) re+o))e+tion interru/t Her words and u/set Her a+e that9 or a ew !o!ents9 has on+e !ore the sorrow u) e3/ression it had on the days o the 1assion and $eath o Her Son. She then +o))e+ts Herse) and saysI EThere9 where He went 2a+6 to the in inite /ea+e o 1aradiseH I wi)) soon send Mary o ')/haeus instru+tions to )oo6 a ter My )itt)e house in 8azareth9 whi+h is so dear to Me9 2e+ause the !ystery was a++o!/)ished there and My s/ouse9 so /ure and ho)y9 died there9 and Jesus &rew u/ in it. So dearH %ut never as !u+h as these /)a+es where He instituted the .ite o rites9 and He 2e+a!e %read9 %)ood9 Li e or !en9 and He su ered and redee!ed9 and He ounded His 7hur+h and9 with His )ast 2)essin&9 He !ade a)) the thin&s o 7reation &ood and ho)y. I wi)) re!ain. ;es. I wi)) re!ain here. I wi)) &o to ,ethse!ane. 'nd ro! there9 wa)6in& a)on& the outside o the wa))s9 I sha)) 2e a2)e to &o to ,o)&otha9 and to your 6it+hen &arden9 Jose/h9 where I we/t so !u+h9 and I sha)) 2e a2)e to +o!e to your house9 Lazarus9 where I have a)ways had so !u+h )ove9 in My Son irst9 and then or Myse) . 5 %ut I shou)d )i6eNG E4hat9 %)essed MotherFG they 2oth as6 Her. EI shou)d )i6e to +o!e 2a+6 here as we)). %e+ause to&ether with the a/ost)es9 we had de+ided9 /rovidin& Lazarus a))ows usNG

His ()esh and in His %)oodM Most ho)y and inno+ent ()esh9 .edee!in& %)ood9 &iven in (ood and $rin6 o Li e to !en. May the (ather9 the Son and the Ho)y S/irit 2)ess you9 o &ood wise !en9 who have a)ways 2een +o!/assionate to the Son and to His Mother.G ESo it is de+ided. Ta6e this. It is the 6ey that o/ens the various &ates o the en+)osure o ,ethse!ane. 'nd this is the 6ey o the house. 'nd 2e ha//y9 as !u+h as ,od &rants ;ou to 2e and as !u+h as our /oor )ove wou)d )i6e ;ou to 2e.G 8ow that Lazarus has inished s/ea6in&9 Jose/h o 'ri!athea in turn saysI E'nd this is the 6ey o the en+)osure o !y 6it+hen &arden.G E%ut youN you are =uite entit)ed to &o inHG EI have another one9 Mary. The !ar6et@&ardener is a <ust !an9 and so is his son. ;ou wi)) ind on)y the! and !e there. 'nd we wi)) 2e /rudent and res/e+t u).G EMay ,od 2)ess you a&ainG re/eats Mary. EThan6s to you9 Mother. 5ur )ove and the /ea+e o ,od to ;ou9 a)ways.G They /rostrate the!se)ves a ter this )ast &reetin&9 they 6iss the he! o Her dress on+e a&ain and they &o away. 6 They have <ust &one out o the house9 when another !oderate 6no+6 is heard at the door o the roo! in whi+h Mary is. E7o!e inG says Mary. John does not !a6e Her re/eat it twi+e. He &oes in and +)oses the door9 so!ewhat worried. He as6sI E4hat did Jose/h and Lazarus wantF Is there any dan&erFG

E0verythin& ;ou want9 Mother. 0verythin& I have9 is ;ours. 1revious)y I used to say so E8o9 son. There is on)y the satis a+tion o a wish o Mine. ' wish o Mine and o other to Jesus. 8ow I say it to ;ou. 'nd i ;ou a++e/t My &i t9 it is a)ways I who re+eive a /eo/)e. ;ou 6now how 1eter and Ja!es o ')/haeus9 the or!er the 1onti 9 the )atter &ra+e.G the head o the +hur+h o ESon9 )et Me +a)) you so9 I shou)d )i6e you to a))ow us to !a6e o this house9 that is o Jerusa)e!9 are deso)ate at the thou&ht o )osin& Me9 as they are a raid they wi)) not the Su//er roo!9 a /)a+e or !eetin&s and or the 2rother)y a&a/e.G 6now what to do without Me. Ja!es in /arti+u)ar. 8ot even the s/e+ia) a//arition o My EIt is <ust. In this /)a+e ;our Son instituted the new eterna) .ite9 He ounded His new Son to hi!9 and his e)e+tion 2y the wi)) o Jesus9 +o! ort and orti y hi!. %ut a)so the 7hur+h9 e)evatin& His a/ost)es and dis+i/)es to a new 1onti i+ate and 1riesthood. It is othersHN Lazarus is now satis yin& this &enera) wish and !a6es us the !asters o <ust that that roo! shou)d 2e+o!e the irst te!/)e o the new re)i&ionI the seed that ,ethse!ane. ;ou and I. ')) a)one there. Here are the 6eys. 'nd this is the 6ey o to!orrow wi)) 2e a tree9 and then a hu&e orest9 the e!2ryo that to!orrow wi)) 2e a Jose/h's 6it+hen &ardenN 4e sha)) 2e a2)e to &o to the Se/u)+hre9 to %ethany9 without +o!/)ete vita) or&anis!9 and that wi)) &row !ore and !ore in hei&ht9 de/th and width9 &oin& throu&h the townN 'nd to &o to ,o)&othaN 'nd +o!e here every ti!e there is s/readin& a)) over the 0arth. 4hi+h ta2)e and a)tar are ho)ier than the ones on whi+h He the 2rother)y a&a/e. Lazarus and Jose/h are &rantin& us everythin&.G 2ro6e the %read and )aid the 7ha)i+e o the new .ite9 that wi)) )ast as )on& as the EThey are rea))y two <ust !en. Lazarus re+eived a )ot ro! Jesus. That is true. %ut9 even 0arthFG 2e ore re+eivin&9 He a)ways &ave everythin& to Jesus. 're ;ou ha//y9 MotherFG EThat is true9 Lazarus. 'nd9 seeF (or it I a! sewin& +)ean ta2)e+)oths. %e+ause I E;es9 John. So !u+hH I wi)) )ive9 as )on& as ,od wants9 he)/in& 1eter and Ja!es and a)) 2e)ieve9 as no one wi)) 2e)ieve with e=ua) stren&th9 that the %read and 4ine are He9 in

)3/.The 02essed Di 1in Ta9es u5 He A6"de a& 4e&hse.ane %i&h J"hn; 8h" F" e&e22s He Assu.5&i"n


o you9 and I wi)) he)/ the irst 7hristians in every way. I the Judaeans9 the 1harisees and the /riests are not wi)d ani!a)s a)so towards Me9 as they were or My Son9 I sha)) 2e a2)e to 2reathe My )ast where He as+ended to His (ather.G E;ou wi)) as+end as we))9 Mother.G E8o. I a! not Jesus. I was 2orn in a hu!an way.G E%ut without stain o ori&in. I a! a /oor i&norant isher!an. 4ith re&ard to do+trines and s+ri/tures I 6now on)y what the Master tau&ht !e. %ut I a! )i6e a 2oy9 2e+ause I a! /ure. 'nd so9 /erha/s I 6now !ore than the .a22is o Israe)9 2e+ause9 He said so9 ,od hides thin&s ro! the wise and revea)s the! to the )itt)e and /ure ones. 'nd that is why I thin69 or 2etter9 I ee) that %ou will have the destiny that )ve would have had i she had not sinned. 'nd even !ore9 2e+ause ;ou have not 2een the s/ouse o an 'da!@ !an9 2ut o ,od9 to &ive the 0arth the new 'da! aith u) to ,ra+e. The 7reator9 when He +reated our irst 1arents9 did not destine the# to die that is to the +orru/tion o the !ost /er e+t 2ody +reated 2y Hi!9 and !ade the !ost no2)e a!on& a)) the 2odies +reated9 2e+ause it is endowed with a s/iritua) sou) and with the &ratuitous &i ts o ,od9 where2y they +ou)d 2e +a))ed Cado/tive sons o ,odD9 2ut what He wanted for the# was only a passage fro# the earthly ;aradise to the celestial one. 8ow ;ou have never had any stain o sin on ;our sou). 8ot even the &reat +o!!on sin9 the herita&e o 'da! to a)) hu!an 2ein&s9 a e+ted ;ou9 2e+ause ,od /reserved ;ou ro! it 2y a sin&u)ar uni=ue /rivi)e&e9 as ro! ever9 ;ou had 2een destined to 2e+o!e the 'r6 o the 4ord. 'nd the 'r69 even the one that9 a)asH9 +ontains nothin& 2ut +o)d9 arid9 dead thin&s9 2e+ause9 rea))y9 the /eo/)e o ,od do not /ut the! into /ra+ti+e as they shou)d9 is and !ust a)ways 2e !ost /ure. The 'r6 is9 yes. %ut a!on& those who a//roa+h it9 1onti and 1riests9 who is rea))y as /ure as ;ou areF 8o one. That is why I ee) that ;ou9 the se+ond 0ve9 and 0ve aith u) to ,ra+e9 are not destined to death.G EMy Son9 the se+ond 'da!9 ,ra+e itse) 9 a)ways o2edient to His (ather9 to Me9 in a /er e+t !anner9 died. 'nd o what deathHG EHe had +o!e to 2e the .edee!er9 Mother. He )e t His (ather9 Heaven9 He too" -lesh upon Hi#self in order to redee# #en through His .acrifice give &race bac" to the# and then elevate the# once again to the ran" of adoptive sons of &od heirs to Heaven. He had to die. 'nd His Most Ho)y Hu!anity died. 'nd ;ou died in ;our heart seein& His +rue) torture and His $eath. ;ou have a)ready su ered everythin& to 2e the redee!er with Hi!. I a! a /oor oo)ish 2oy9 2ut I ee) that %ou the true Ar" of the true living &od will not be %ou cannot be sub5ect to corruption. 's the +)oud o ire /rote+ted and &uided the 'r6 o Moses towards the /ro!ised Land9 so the (ire o ,od wi)) attra+t ;ou to its 7entre. 's the 2ran+h o 'aron did not wither9 did not /erish9 on the +ontrary9 a)thou&h deta+hed ro! the tree9 it /ut orth 2uds9 )eaves and yie)ded ruit and )ived in the Ta2erna+)e9 so ;ou9 +hosen 2y ,od a!on& a)) the wo!en who )ived and wi)) )ive on the 0arth9 wi)) not die )i6e a /)ant that withers9 2ut ;ou wi)) )ive

orever9 with ;our who)e Se) 9 in the Ta2erna+)e o Heaven. 's the waters o the Jordan o/ened to )et the 'r69 its 2earers and a)) the /eo/)e /ass in the days o Joshua9 so the 2arriers that the sin o 'da! /)a+ed 2etween Heaven and 0arth wi)) o/en or ;ou9 and ro! this wor)d ;ou wi)) /ass to the eterna) Heaven. I a! sure o that. %e+ause ,od is <ust. 'nd the de+ree issued 2y ,od or those who have neither hereditary nor vo)untary sin on their sou)s a//)ies to ;ou.G EHas Jesus revea)ed that to youFG E8o9 Mother. The S/irit 1ara+)ete te))s !e9 He 4ho the Master in or!ed us wou)d revea) uture thin&s and a)) truth to us. The 7o! orter is a)ready te))in& !e in !y s/irit9 to !a6e )ess 2itter or !e the thou&ht o )osin& ;ou9 2)essed Mother9 4ho! I )ove and venerate as !u+h and even !ore than !y own !other9 2e+ause o what ;ou have su ered9 2e+ause ;ou are &ood and ho)y9 in erior on)y to ;our Most Ho)y Son a!on& a)) /resent and uture Saints. The greatest .aint.G 'nd John9 dee/)y !oved9 /rostrates hi!se) veneratin& Her.

+39. The 35essed Hi!4in and J#hn in &he P5a'es #1 &he Passi#n.
%&h Se9&e()e! $95$.

1 It is dawn. ' +)ear su!!er dawn. Mary9 with aith u) John9 )eaves the )itt)e house at ,ethse!ane and wa)6s =ui+6)y throu&h the si)ent desert o)ive@&rove. 5n)y the sin&in& o so!e 2irds and the +hir/in& o nest)in&s 2rea6 the dee/ si)en+e o the /)a+e. Mary without any hesitation dire+ts Her ste/s towards the ro+6 o the '&ony. She 6nee)s a&ainst it9 She 6isses where so!e thin issures in the ro+6 sti)) show rusty@red tra+es o Jesus' %)ood9 that /enetrated into the issures and +oa&u)ated there9 She +aresses the!9 as i She were sti)) +aressin& Her Son or /art o Hi!. John9 standin& 2ehind Her9 wat+hes Her and wee/s si)ent)y9 wi/in& his eyes =ui+6)y when Mary !a6es the &esture o standin& u/9 he even he)/s Her to do so9 and he does it with so !u+h )ove9 veneration and +o!/assion. Mary now &oes down to the o/en area where Jesus was +a/tured. ')so there She 6nee)s down and She 2ends to 6iss the earth9 a ter as6in& JohnI EIs this e3a+t)y the /)a+e o the horri2)e i))@ a!ed 6iss9 that +onta!inated this /)a+e even !ore than the i)thy +orru/tin& +onversation o the Ser/ent with 0ve dis&ra+ed the earth)y 1aradiseFG She then stands u/ sayin&I E%ut I a! not 0ve. I a! the 4o!an o the 've. I turned thin&s u/side down. 0ve threw what 2e)on&ed to Heaven into the i)thy !ud. I have a++e/ted everythin&I in+o!/rehension9 +riti+is!9 sus/i+ion9 sorrow J how !any sorrows and o how !any 6inds9 2e ore the su/re!e &rie J to re!ove ro! the i)thy !ud what 0ve

)39. The 02essed Di 1in and J"hn in &he P2a3es "- &he Passi"n.


and 'da! had thrown into it9 and e)evate it a&ain towards Heaven. The de!on was not a2)e to s/ea6 to Me9 a)thou&h he tried to9 as he tried with My Son9 to destroy the rede!/tion /)an de initive)y. He was not a2)e to s/ea6 to Me9 2e+ause I +)osed My ears to his voi+e and My eyes to his si&ht9 and a2ove a)) I +)osed My heart and My s/irit a&ainst every atta+6 o what is not ho)y and /ure. My )i!/id e&o9 2ut whi+h9 )i6e a /ure dia!ond9 +an not 2e s+rat+hed9 o/ened on)y to the announ+in& 'n&e). My ears )istened on)y to that s/iritua) voi+e9 and so I re/aired and re2ui)t what 0ve had da!a&ed and destroyed. I a! the 4o!an o the 've and o the (iat. I restored the order u/set 2y 0ve. 'nd now I +an re!ove and wash with My 6iss and My tears the i!/ression o that +ursed 6iss and o that +onta!ination. The &reatest o a)) o the!9 2e+ause it was done not 2y a +reature to a +reature9 2ut 2y a +reature to his Master and (riend9 to his 7reator and ,od.G She then &oes towards the &ate9 whi+h John o/ens. They +o!e out to&ether ro! ,ethse!ane9 they &o down to the :idron9 they +ross the )itt)e 2rid&e9 and there a)so Mary 6nee)s down to 6iss the rusti+ /ara/et o the 2rid&e9 on the s/ot where Her Son e)) on it. She saysI E0very /)a+e where He su ered su/re!e sorrows and a2use is sa+red to Me. I shou)d )i6e to have everythin& in My )itt)e house. %ut it is not /ossi2)e to have everythin&HG 2 She si&hs and then saysI ELet us &o on =ui+6)y9 2e ore /eo/)e &et a2out.G 'nd She ta6es to the road a&ain with John. She does not &o into town. They &o a)on& the Hinno! va))ey and the +aves where the )e/ers )ive. She raises Her eyes towards those +averns o sorrow. She &ives John a nod and he at on+e )ays on a ro+6 so!e oodstu s that he had in a 2a&9 utterin& a +ry at the sa!e ti!e to +a)) the!. So!e )e/ers )oo6 out and +o!e towards the ro+6 than6in& the!. %ut none o the! as6 to 2e +ured. Mary noti+es it and saysI EThey 6now that He is no )on&er here and sho+6ed as they are at His horri2)e $eath9 they +an no )on&er have aith in Hi! and in His dis+i/)es. Twi+e unha//yH Twi+e )e/ersH Twi+eF 8o9 even !ore9 +o!/)ete)y unha//y9 )e/ers9 deadH %oth on the 0arth and in the ne3t wor)d.G

EIt !ay 2e9 John. It is certain that the lepers who were not converted before in the face of 8esus1 #iracles will not be converted any #ore. 8o !ore. A sign and sy#bol of all those who throughout ages will not be converted to the ,hrist and by their free will will be lepers of sin dead to the &race whi+h is Li e9 the sy!2o) o a)) those or who! He died in vain... 'nd in that !annerH...G and She wee/s9 =uiet)y9 without so22in&9 2ut with a rea) )ood o tears. John ta6es Her 2y the ar! when Mary9 to +on+ea) Her tears ro! so!e /assers@2y who are wat+hin& Her9 +overs Her a+e with Her vei). John9 whi)e )eadin& Her )ovin&)y9 says to HerI EIt is not /ossi2)e or ;our tears9 or ;our /rayers9 or ;our9 even !ore9 or ;our and Jesus' )ove or a)) !en J ;ours9 2e+ause ;ours is a+tive9 as a+tive9 /er e+t)y a+tive as Jesus' &)orious in Heaven9 and ;our sorrow9 2e+ause o the dea ness o !en9 and His9 2e+ause o the o2stinate sinnin& o too !any /eo/)e J not to yie)d ruit. Have ho/e9 MotherH Men have &iven ;ou and wi)) sti)) &ive ;ou !u+h sorrow9 2ut they wi)) a)so &ive ;ou )ove and <oy. 4ho wi)) not )ove ;ou9 when he hears a2out ;ouF 8ow here ;ou are not 6nown9 the wor)d is una+=uainted with ;ou. %ut when the 0arth 6nows9 2e+ause it has 2e+o!e 7hristian9 how !u+h )ove wi)) +o!e to ;ouH I a! sure9 o ho)y Mother.G 3 ,o)&otha is now +)ose at hand9 and Jose/h's 6it+hen &arden is even +)oser. 4hen they rea+h the )atter9 Mary does not &o in. She &oes to ,o)&otha irst. 'nd in the /)a+es where /arti+u)ar e/isodes too6 /)a+e durin& the 1assion9 that is9 in the /)a+es o His a))s9 o His !eetin& with 8i6e and with Her as we))9 She 6nee)s down and 6isses the &round. 4hen She arrives at the su!!it9 Her 6isses 2e+o!e !ore re=uent at the /)a+e o the 7ru+i i3ion. :isses and tears9 the or!er a)!ost +onvu)sive9 the )atter +a)!9 2ut as thi+6 as rain9 a)) on the ye))owish earth wettin& it and !a6in& its ye))owish +o)our dar6er.

' )itt)e /)ant has +o!e u/ <ust where the earth was !oved to /)ant the +ross there9 a hu!2)e wi)d )itt)e /)ant9 with heart@sha/ed )eaves and )itt)e )owers as red as ru2ies. Mary )oo6s at it9 She 2e+o!es /ensive9 then She re!oves it de)i+ate)y ro! the soi) ESha)) I try and s/ea6 to the!9 MotherFG with a )itt)e )oose earth9 She )ays it in the he! o Her !ant)e9 sayin& to JohnI EI wi)) /ut it in a vase. It )oo6s )i6e His 2)ood9 and it has +o!e u/ in the earth !ade red 2y His EIt is use)essH 1eter9 Judas o ')/haeus9 Si!on >ea)ot have tried... 'nd they derided %)ood. It is +ertain)y a seed +arried 2y the whir)wind o that day9 it +a!e ro! who the!. Mary o Lazarus +a!e9 as she a)ways assists the! in !e!ory o Jesus9 and she 6nows where and e)) there who 6nows why9 to ta6e root in the dust erti)ised 2y that was derided as we)). Lazarus a)so went9 with Jose/h and 8i+ode!us9 to +onvin+e the! %)ood. I wish it were so or a)) the sou)sH 4hy is the !a<ority o the! !ore re)u+tant that He was the 7hrist9 te))in& the! o his resurre+tion wor6ed 2y Jesus9 a ter 2ein& or than the arid and +ursed earth o ,o)&otha9 the /)a+e o torture or hi&hway!en and our days in the se/u)+hre9 and o that o the Man@,od9 throu&h His own /ower9 and o 6i))ers9 and o the dei+ide o a who)e /eo/)eF 7ursedF 8o. He has san+ti ied this dust. His 's+ension. It was a)) to no avai). They re/)iedI CLies. Those who 6now the truth say 7ursed 2y ,od are those who turned this hi)) into the /)a+e o the !ost horri2)e9 un<ust9 that they are )ies.DG sa+ri)e&ious +ri!e that wi)) ever 2e on the 0arth.G 8ow Her so2s are <oined to Her tears. E'nd they are +ertain)y the 1harisees and the /riests. They are the ones who are John e!2ra+es Her shou)ders with his ar!9 to !a6e Her ee) a)) his )ove9 and he wor6in& to destroy aith in Hi!. I a! sure it is theyHG +onvin+es Her to )eave that /)a+e9 whi+h is too sorrow u) or Her.

)39. The 02essed Di 1in and J"hn in &he P2a3es "- &he Passi"n.


4 They &o down to the oot o the hi)) a&ain. They &o into Jose/h's 6it+hen &arden. The house o 7aia/has9 and She whis/ersI EHere he +o!/)eted he +o!/)eted his da!nation Se/u)+hre shows its inside with a wide o/enin&9 no )on&er +)osed 2y the stone9 whi+h is o an unre/entant sou) in des/air9 and there he ina)ised the dea).G sti)) )yin& overturned on the &round a!on& the &rass. It is e!/ty inside. ')) tra+es o the $e/osition and o the .esurre+tion have disa//eared. It )oo6s )i6e a se/u)+hre that has never 2een used. Mary 6isses the stone o the un+tion9 She +asts )ovin& &)an+es at the wa))s. Then She as6s JohnI ETe)) Me on+e a&ain how you ound thin&s here9 when you +a!e here with 1eter at dawn o the .esurre+tion.G 'nd John9 !ovin& here and there9 outside and inside the Se/u)+hre9 des+ri2es how the thin&s were and what he and 1eter did9 and he ends 2y sayin&I E4e shou)d have +o))e+ted the )inens. %ut we were so u/set 2y a)) the events o those days9 that we did not thin6 a2out it. 4hen we +a!e 2a+6 here9 the )inens were no )on&er here.G

+*,. The T-# Sh!#uds #1 &he L#!d.

5&h O'&#)e! $95$.

1 It is ni&ht@ti!e. The !oon9 at her hi&hest /oint9 with her si)very )i&ht i))u!inates the who)e o ,ethse!ane and the )itt)e house o Mary and John. 0verythin& is si)ent. 0ven the :idron9 whi+h has 2e+o!e a ine strea! o water9 !a6es no noise.

')) o a sudden a rust)in& o sanda)s +an 2e heard in the dee/ si)en+e and it 2e+o!es EThose o the Te!/)e !ust have ta6en the!9 to dese+rate the!G says Mary interru/tin& !ore and !ore distin+t and +)oser9 and with it the whis/erin& o so!e dee/ !as+u)ine hi! and wee/in&. 'nd She +on+)udesI E8ot even Mary o Ma&da)a thou&ht that they voi+es. Then three /eo/)e a//ear ro! the +)u!/ o trees and they dire+t their ste/s shou)d have 2een ta6en away to 2e &iven to Me. She was too u/set as we)).G towards the )itt)e house. They 6no+6 at the door. EThe Te!/)eF 8o. I thin6 that Jose/h has ta6en the!.G ' )a!/ is )it and a aint )i+6erin& )i&ht i)ters throu&h a issure in the door. ' hand EHe wou)d have to)d Me... 5hH Jesus' ene!ies !ust have ta6en the! or a )ast insu)tHG says Mary !oanin&. E$o not wee/9 do not su er any !ore. He is now in His &)ory. In in inite /er e+t )ove. Hatred and insu)ts +an no )on&er tou+h Hi!.G EThat is true. %ut those )inens...G EThey wou)d 2e the +ause o sorrow to ;ou9 as is the irst Shroud9 that ;ou have not the stren&th to s/read out9 2e+ause 2esides the tra+es o His %)ood9 there are those o the i)thy thin&s thrown on that Most Ho)y %ody.G EThat shroud9 yes. %ut these )inens9 no. They a2sor2ed what tri+6)ed ro! Hi! when He no )on&er su ered... 5hH you +annot understandHG o/ens9 a head )oo6s out9 a voi+e9 John's9 as6sI E4ho are youFG EJose/h o 'ri!athea. 'nd with !e are 8i+ode!us and Lazarus. The hour is indis+reet. %ut /ruden+e has or+ed it on us. 4e have 2rou&ht so!ethin& or Mary and Lazarus has es+orted us.G E7o!e in. I wi)) &o and +a)) Her. She is not s)ee/in&. She is /rayin& u/ there9 in Her )itt)e roo!9 on the terra+e. She )i6es it so !u+hHG says John9 and he =ui+6)y +)i!2s the )itt)e stair+ase )eadin& to the terra+e and to the roo!. The three9 who have re!ained in the 6it+hen9 s/ea6 to one another in )ow voi+es9 in the aint )i&ht o the )a!/9 &athered near the ta2)e9 sti)) enve)o/ed in their !ant)es9 with the e3+e/tion o their heads9 whi+h they have un+overed.

2 John +o!es 2a+6 in with Mary9 4ho &reets the three sayin&I E1ea+e to a)) o you.G EI see9 Mother. %ut I did not thin6 that ;ou9 4ho are +ertain)y not se/arated ro! Hi! ,od9 as we are9 and even !ore are the si!/)e 2e)ievers in Hi!9 e)t so stron& the desire9 E'nd to ;ou9 MaryG they re/)y9 2owin&. even !ore9 the need to have so!ethin& o Hi!9 the tortured Man. (or&ive !y stu/idity. EIs there any dan&erF Has anythin& ha//ened to the servants o JesusFG 7o!e... 4e wi)) +o!e 2a+6 here a&ain. Let us &o now9 2e+ause the sun is risin& !ore and !ore9 it is stron&9 and )on& is the road we have to ta6e in order to avoid the town.G E8othin&9 4o!an. 4e have de+ided to +o!e to &ive ;ou a thin& that J now we 6now or a +ertainty9 2ut we had a)ready had a ore2odin& o it J ;ou wished to have. 4e did They +o!e out o the Se/u)+hre9 and then o the 6it+hen &arden9 and a)on& the sa!e not +o!e sooner9 2e+ause there has 2een a +ontrast o ideas a!on& us9 and a)so 2etween road 2y whi+h they +a!e9 they &o 2a+6 to ,ethse!ane. Mary wa)6s =ui+6)y and us and Mary o Lazarus. Martha has not de+)ared her o/inion on the !atter. She on)y si)ent)y9 a)) enve)o/ed in Her !ant)e. She has on)y a sensation o dis&ust and horror saidI CThe Lord9 either dire+t)y9 or 2y ins/irin& other /eo/)e to s/ea69 wi)) te)) you what when She /asses near the o)ive@&rove where Judas han&ed hi!se) and near the +ountry to do.D 'nd9 a+tua))y9 we have 2een to)d what to do. 'nd that is why we have +o!eG

)#$. The T%" Sh "uds "- &he L" d.


e3/)ains Jose/h. EHas the Lord s/o6en to youF Has He +o!e to youFG E8o9 Mother. He has not +o!e any !ore9 a ter His as+ension to Heaven. 1revious)y yes. He a//eared to us9 and we to)d ;ou9 in a su/ernatura) way9 a ter His resurre+tion9 in !y house. 5n that day He a//eared to !any /eo/)e9 at the sa!e ti!e9 to &ive /roo o His $ivinity and o His .esurre+tion. Then we have seen Hi! a&ain whi)e He re!ained a!on& !en9 2ut no )on&er in a su/ernatura) !anner9 2ut as the a/ost)es and dis+i/)es saw Hi!G says 8i+ode!us re/)yin& to Her. ESoF How did He show you the way you had to o))owFG EThrou&h the words o one o His avourites and su++essors.G E1eterF I do not thin6 so. He is sti)) too ri&htened9 2oth o his /ast and o His new !ission.G E8o9 Mary9 not 1eter9 who9 however9 is rea))y 2e+o!in& !ore and !ore +on ident and9 now that he 6nows or whi+h /ur/ose Lazarus has used the house o the Su//er roo!9 has de+ided to 2e&in re&u)ar a&a/es and to +e)e2rate the !ysteries re&u)ar)y on the day a ter ea+h Sa22ath. %e+ause he says that that is now the day o the Lord9 as on that day He rose ro! the dead and a//eared to !any /eo/)e to +on ir! the! in their aith in His eterna) 8ature o ,od. There is no )on&er the Sa22ath9 as it has 2een or the He2rews /erha/s sin+e the Sha2uoth. There is no )on&er the Sa22ath9 2e+ause there is no )on&er the syna&o&ue or 7hristians9 2ut the 7hur+h9 as /redi+ted 2y the /ro/hets. %ut there is sti))9 and there wi)) a)ways 2e9 the day o the Lord9 in !e!ory o the Man@ ,od9 o the Master9 (ounder9 eterna) 1onti 9 a ter 2ein& the .edee!er9 o the 7hristian 7hur+h. So ro! the day a ter the ne3t Sa22ath there wi)) 2e the a&a/es a!on& 7hris@ tians9 and there wi)) 2e !any o the!9 in the house o the Su//er roo!. 4hi+h was not /ossi2)e 2e ore9 2oth 2e+ause o the hatred o 1harisees9 1riests9 Saddu+ees and s+ri2es9 and o the te!/orary dis/ersion o !any o))owers o Jesus9 sha6en in their aith in Hi! and ri&htened o the hatred o the Judaeans. %ut now those who hated us9 2oth 2e+ause o their ear o .o!e9 that has ound au)t with the 2ehaviour o the 1ro+onsu)9 and o the +rowds9 and 2e+ause they +onsider the Ce3+ite!ent o the anati+sD to 2e over J that is how they de ine the aith o the 7hristians in 7hrist9 owin& to the !o!entary s+atterin& o the 2e)ievers9 tru)y o a short duration and now +o!/)ete)y over9 2e+ause a)) the shee/ have &one 2a+6 to the (o)d o the true She/herd J are not 6ee/in& su+h a wat+h u) eye on us9 I shou)d say that they ta6e no interest in it9 as i it were a dead !atter that had +o!e to its end. 'nd that a))ows us to asse!2)e or the a&a/es. 3 4e want ;ou to 2e a2)e9 a)so with re&ard to the /revious one9 to have this souvenir o Hi! to 2e shown to the 2e)ievers9 in order to +on ir! the! in their aith9 without it &rievin& ;ou too !u+h.G 'nd Jose/h hands Her a 2u)6y ro))9 that enve)o/ed in a dar6 red +)oth9 he had he)d so ar +on+ea)ed under his !ant)e.

E4hat is itFG as6s Mary9 &rowin& /a)e. EHis &ar!ents9 /erha/sF The one I !ade or Hi! orN 5hHNG She says wee/in&. E't no /ri+e +ou)d we ind the! any !ore. 4ho 6nows how and where they ended u/HG re/)ies Lazarus. 'nd he addsI E%ut this is a)so His &ar!ent. His )ast one. It is the +)ean Shroud in whi+h the !ost /ure Lord was enve)o/ed a ter His torture and a ter the /uri i+ation9 a)thou&h hurried and re)ative9 o His !e!2ers soi)ed 2y His ene!ies9 and the su!!ary e!2a)!in&. 4hen He rose9 Jose/h too6 2oth away ro! the Se/u)+hre and 2rou&ht the! to us at %ethany to avoid any sa+ri)e&ious a2use o the!. Jesus' ene!ies wi)) not dare too !u+h in Lazarus' house. 'nd )ess than ever sin+e they heard that .o!e +ensured the a+tion o 1ontius 1i)ate. Then a ter the irst days9 the !ost dan&erous ones9 we &ave ;ou the irst Shroud9 and 8i+ode!us &ot the other and too6 it to his +ountry house.G E.ea))y9 Lazarus9 they 2e)on&ed to Jose/hG re!ar6s Mary. EThat is true9 4o!an. %ut 8i+ode!us' house is out o town9 so it does not stri6e the eye so !u+h and it is sa er or other reasonsG Jose/h re/)ies to Her. E;es9 /arti+u)ar)y sin+e ,a!a)ie) with his son /ays re=uent visits to itG adds 8i+ode!us. 4 E,a!a)ie)HFG e3+)ai!s Mary !u+h sur/rised. Lazarus +annot he)/ s!i)in& sar+asti+a))y whi)e he re/)ies to HerI E;es. The si&n9 the a!ous si&n that he was waitin& or9 to 2e)ieve that Jesus was the Messiah9 has sha6en hi!. 8o one +an deny that the si&n was su+h as to +rush even the hardest heads and hearts and !a6e the! surrender. 'nd ,a!a)ie) was sha6en9 +rushed and de!o)ished 2y the !ost /ower u) si&n9 !ore than the houses that +o))a/sed on 1re/aration $ay9 whi)e the wor)d see!ed to /erish with the ,reat Bi+ti!. .e!orse has torn hi!9 !ore than the vei) o the Te!/)e was torn9 the re!orse or never havin& understood Jesus or what He rea))y was. The +)osed se/u)+hre o his s/irit o an o)d /i&@headed Jew has o/ened9 )i6e the to!2s that )et the 2odies o the <ust a//ear9 and he is now an3ious)y see6in& truth9 )i&ht9 or&iveness9 )i e. The new )i e. The one that on)y throu&h Jesus and in Jesus +an 2e o2tained. 5hH He wi)) sti)) have to wor6 hard to +)ear his an+ient e&o +o!/)ete)y o the ru22)e o his /ast way o thin6in&H %ut he wi)) su++eed. He is see6in& /ea+e9 or&iveness and 6now)ed&e. 1ea+e or his re!orse and or&iveness or his stu22ornness. 'nd u)) 6now)ed&e o Hi! 4ho!9 when he +ou)d9 he did not want to 6now u))y. 'nd he &oes to 8i+ode!us to rea+h the ai! that he is now deter!ined to rea+h.G E're you sure that he wi)) not 2etray you9 8i+ode!usFG as6s Mary. E8o. He wi)) not 2etray !e. ' ter a)) he is a <ust !an. .e!e!2er that he dared to i!/ose hi!se) on the Sanhedrin9 durin& the in a!ous tria)9 and that he o/en)y showed his disdain and dis&ust towards the un<ust <ud&es9 2y &oin& away and 2y orderin& his

)#$. The T%" Sh "uds "- &he L" d.


son to &o away in order not to 2e an a++o!/)i+e9 not even 2y a /assive /resen+e9 in that su/re!e +ri!e. That with re&ard to ,a!a)ie). 5 Then9 with re&ard to the Shrouds9 sin+e I a! no )on&er a He2rew and +onse=uent)y no )on&er su2<e+t to the /rohi2ition o $euterono!y +on+ernin& +arved i!a&es and +astin&s9 I was thin6in& o !a6in& a statue o Jesus +ru+i ied9 as 2est I +an J I wi)) use one o !y &i&anti+ +edars o Le2anon J and o +on+ea)in& one o the Shrouds inside it9 the irst one9 i ;ou9 Mother9 wi)) &ive it 2a+6 to us. It wou)d a)ways distress ;ou too !u+h to see it9 2e+ause the i)thiness with whi+h Israe) stru+6 the Son o its ,od is visi2)e on it. (urther9 +ertain)y 2e+ause o the sho+6s it re+eived when des+endin& ro! ,o)&otha9 sho+6s that +ontinuous)y shi ted that tortured Head9 the i!a&e is so +on used that it is di i+u)t to distin&uish it. %ut that +)oth9 a)thou&h the i!a&e is +on used and it is dirty9 is a)ways dear and sa+red to !e9 2e+ause on it there is a)ways so!e o His 2)ood and /ers/iration. Hidden in that s+u)/ture it wi)) a)ways 2e sa e9 2e+ause no Israe)ite o the hi&h +astes wi)) ever dare to tou+h a s+u)/ture. %ut the other one9 the se+ond Shroud9 whi+h was on Hi! ro! the evenin& o 1re/aration $ay unti) the dawn o the .esurre+tion9 !ust +o!e to ;ou. 'nd J I a! warnin& ;ou so that ;ou !ay not 2e too dee/)y !oved in seein& it J and you !ust 2e in or!ed that the !ore the days /assed9 the !ore +)ear)y His i!a&e a//eared9 as He was a ter 2ein& washed. 4hen we +o))e+ted it ro! the Se/u)+hre9 it see!ed that it si!/)y retained the i!/ression o His !e!2ers +overed with the oi)s9 and9 !i3ed with the!9 the draina&e o 2)ood and seru! ro! the !any wounds. %ut either throu&h a natura) /ro+ess or9 whi+h is !u+h !ore +ertain9 2y a su/ernatura) wi))9 a !ira+)e o Hi! to &ive <oy to ;ou9 the !ore ti!e /assed9 the !ore /re+ise and +)ear the i!/ression has 2e+o!e. He is there on the +)oth9 handso!e9 i!/osin&9 even i wounded9 serene9 /ea+e u)9 a)so a ter so !any tortures. Have ;ou the +oura&e to see itFG E5hH 8i+ode!usH That was My su/re!e desireH ;ou say that His a//earan+e is /ea+e u)N 5hH to 2e a2)e to see Hi! thus9 not with the tortured e3/ression that is on 8i6e's vei)HG re/)ies Mary9 <oinin& Her hands a&ainst Her heart. 6 Then the our shi t the ta2)e to have !ore roo!M then9 as Lazarus and John stand on one side9 8i+ode!us and Jose/h on the other9 they s)ow)y un o)d the )on& +)oth. The dorsa) side a//ears irst9 2e&innin& ro! the eetM then a ter the =uasi@<un+tion o the heads9 the ront side. The )ines are very +)ear9 and +)ear are the si&ns9 a)) the si&ns o the s+our&in&9 +rownin& with thorns9 ru22in& o the +ross9 2ruises +aused 2y 2)ows re+eived or 2y a))s9 and the wounds o the nai)s and o the )an+e. Mary a))s on Her 6nees9 She 6isses the +)oth9 She +aresses those i!/ressions9 She 6isses the wounds. She is distressed9 2ut visi2)y ha//y to 2e a2)e to have that su/ernatura) !ira+u)ous i!a&e o Hi!. 4hen She inishes veneratin& it9 She turns and says to John9 who +annot 2e near Her9 +o!/e))ed as he is to ho)d one +orner o the +)othI EIt was you who to)d the!9 John.

;ou a)one +ou)d te)) the!9 2e+ause you a)one were aware o this desire o Mine.G E;es9 Mother9 it was I. 'nd I did not even have ti!e to in or! the! o ;our desire9 that they a&reed to it. %ut they have had to wait or a suita2)e !o!ent to do soNG EThat is9 a very +)ear ni&ht9 in order to 2e a2)e to +o!e without tor+hes or )a!/s9 and a /eriod o ti!e without the estivities that asse!2)e +rowds and nota2)es here in Jerusa)e! and near2y /)a+es. 'nd that out o /ruden+eNG e3/)ains 8i+ode!us. E'nd I have +o!e with the! or &reater sa ety. 's the owner o ,ethse!ane9 I was a2)e to +o!e and see this /)a+e without sho+6in& the eyes o anyoneN +o!!issioned to wat+h everythin& and every2odyG says Lazarus +on+)udin&. EMay ,od 2)ess you a)). %ut you have s/ent the !oney or the ShroudsN 'nd that is not airNG EIt is air9 Mother. I9 ro! the 7hrist9 ;our Son9 have re+eived a &i t that no !oney +an 2uyI )i e &iven 2a+6 to !e a ter our days in a se/u)+hre9 and 2e ore that9 the +onversion o !y sister Mary. Jose/h and 8i+ode!us have had ro! Jesus the Li&ht9 the Truth9 the Li e that does not die. 'nd ;ouN ;ou9 with ;our sorrow o a Mother and ;our )ove o the Most ho)y Mother or a)) !en9 have /ur+hased or ,od9 not a +)oth9 2ut the who)e 7hristian wor)d that wi)) a)ways 2e &reater and &reater. There is no !oney that +an +o!/ensate ;ou or what ;ou have &iven. So ta6e this9 at )east. It is ;ours. 'nd it is <ust that it shou)d 2e so. ')so Mary9 !y sister9 thin6s so. That has a)ways 2een her o/inion9 sin+e the !o!ent that He rose and even !ore sin+e He )e t ;ou to as+end to His (atherG Lazarus re/)ies to Her. EThen )et it 2e So. 7 wi)) &o and &et the other one. It in a+t &rieves Me so !u+h to see itN This one is di erent. This one &ives /ea+eH %e+ause here He is serene9 in /ea+e 2y now. In His !orta) s)ee/9 He a)ready see!s to 2e ee)in& the Li e that is +o!in& 2a+6 and the &)ory that no one wi)) ever 2e a2)e to stri6e and de!o)ish. I now wish nothin& e)se9 a/art ro! 2ein& reunited to Hi!. %ut that wi)) ha//en when and as ,od has /redis/osed. I a! &oin&. 'nd !ay ,od &ive you one hundred ti!es as !u+h <oy as you have &iven Me.G She ta6es the Shroud reverent)y9 a ter the our have o)ded it9 She &oes out o the 6it+hen and =ui+6)y +)i!2s the )itt)e stair+aseN 'nd She soon +o!es down a&ain and +o!es in with the irst Shroud9 whi+h She hands to 8i+ode!us9 who says to HerIEMay ,od reward ;ou9 4o!an. 4e are &oin& now9 as it is a)!ost dawn9 and it is wise to 2e ho!e 2e ore its )i&ht s/reads and /eo/)e +o!e out o their houses.G The three venerate Her 2e ore &oin& out9 and then with =ui+6 ste/s9 &oin& 2a+6 a)on& the road 2y whi+h they +a!e9 they &o towards one o the &ates o ,ethse!ane9 the one +)osest to the %ethany road.

)#$. The T%" Sh "uds "- &he L" d.


Mary and John re!ain at the door o the )itt)e house unti) they see the! disa//ear9 they then &o 2a+6 into the 6it+hen and +)ose the door s/ea6in& to ea+h other in )ow voi+es.

is +)earer than any word. %ut sudden)y9 and /re+ise)y when he sees Ste/hen 2ein& )i ted 2y his hair or the third ti!e9 ,a!a)ie) enve)o/s hi!se) in his very wide !ant)e and he &oes towards an e3it in the o//osite dire+tion to that towards whi+h the dea+on is 2ein& dra&&ed. His a+tion does not /ass unnoti+ed to Sau) who shoutsI E.a22i9 are you &oin& awayFG ,a!a)ie) does not re/)y.

+*$. The .a!&/!d#( #1 S&e9hen. Sau5 and Ga(a5ie5.

8&h Au4us& $9**.

Sau)9 earin& that ,a!a)ie) has not understood that the =uestion was !ade to hi!9 re/eats and s/e+i ies itI E.a22i ,a!a)ie)9 are you evadin& this <ud&!entFG ,a!a)ie) turns round a)) o one /ie+e and9 )oo6in& urious9 dis&usted as he is9 di&ni ied and ri&id9 he re/)ies on)yI E;es.G %ut his EyesG is worth !ore than a )on& s/ee+h.

1 The ha)) o the Sanhedrin9 identi+a)9 2oth with re&ard to dis/osition and to /eo/)e9 to what it was in the ni&ht 2etween Thursday and (riday9 durin& Jesus' tria). The Hi&h 1riest and the others are sittin& on their seats. In the !idd)e9 in ront o the Hi&h 1riest9 in the e!/ty s/a+e where9 durin& the tria) Jesus was9 there is now Ste/hen.

Sau) understands everythin& that that EyesG i!/)ies9 and )eavin& the wi)d /a+69 he rushes towards ,a!a)ie). He rea+hes hi!9 sto/s hi!9 says to hi!I E;ou are not &oin& He !ust have a)ready s/o6en /ro essin& his aith and 2earin& witness to the true 8ature to te)) !e9 o ra22i9 that you disa//rove o our +onde!nation.G o the 7hrist and to His 7hur+h9 2e+ause the tu!u)t is at its +)i!a3 and in its vio)en+e it ,a!a)ie) does not )oo6 at hi!9 neither does he re/)y to hi!. is si!i)ar to the one that ra&ed a&ainst the 7hrist in the ata) ni&ht o the 2etraya) and dei+ide. %)ows9 +urses9 horri2)e oaths are hur)ed a&ainst the dea+on Ste/hen who9 under Sau) insistsI EThat !an is dou2)y &ui)ty9 as he denied the Law9 o))owin& a Sa!aritan the 2ruta) 2)ows9 sta&&ers and totters whi)e they sava&e)y tu& hi! here and there. /ossessed 2y %ee)ze2u29 and or doin& so a ter 2ein& your dis+i/)e.G %ut he 6ee/s his +a)! and di&nity9 and even !ore. He is not on)y +a)! and di&ni ied9 ,a!a)ie) +ontinues to )oo6 away ro! hi! and to 2e si)ent. 2ut he is even 2)iss u) and a)!ost e+stati+. $isre&ardin& the s/itt)es strea!in& down his Sau) then as6s hi!I E%ut are you /erha/s9 you as we))9 a o))ower o that +ri!ina) a+e and the 2)ood runnin& ro! his nose9 that has 2een vio)ent)y stru+69 at a +ertain na!ed JesusFG !o!ent he raises his ins/ired a+e and his 2ri&ht s!i)in& eyes to stare at a vision 6nown to hi! a)one. He stret+hes his ar!s out +rosswise9 he raises the! u/ as i he ,a!a)ie) now s/ea6s and saysI EI a! not yet. %ut i He was what He said9 and tru)y wished to e!2ra+e what he sees9 then he a))s on his 6nees e3+)ai!in&I EHere9 I +an see !any thin&s /rove that He was9 I /ray ,od that I !ay 2e+o!e one.G Horri2)e shouts the Heavens thrown o/en9 and the Son o Man9 Jesus9 the 7hrist o ,od9 4ho! you Sau). have 6i))ed9 standin& at the ri&ht hand o ,od.G EThere is nothin& horri2)e. 0very !an has an inte))i&en+e to !a6e use o it9 and a Then the tu!u)t )oses even that )east /art that it sti)) retained o hu!anity and )e&a)ity reedo! to a//)y it. So )et every2ody !a6e use o it a++ordin& to that reedo! that ,od and9 with the ury o a /a+6 o wo)ves9 o <a+6a)s9 o ra2id wi)d 2easts9 they a)) hur) has &iven to every !an and to that )i&ht that He has /ut in every2ody's heart. The <ust9 the!se)ves on the dea+on9 they 2ite hi!9 they tra!/)e on hi!9 they &ras/ hi!9 they sooner or )ater9 wi)) use these two &i ts o ,od9 or ,ood /ur/oses9 and the wi+6ed9 or raise hi! )i tin& hi! 2y his hair9 they dra& hi!9 )ettin& hi! dro/ a&ain9 whi)e ury 0vi) /ur/oses.G 'nd he &oes away9 dire+tin& his ste/s towards the +ourt where the o//oses ury9 2e+ause in the rush those who try to dra& the !artyr outside are hindered Treasury is9 and he &oes and )eans a&ainst the sa!e +o)u!n a&ainst whi+h Jesus s/o6e 2y those who /u)) hi! in another dire+tion to stri6e hi! and tread on hi! a&ain. o the /oor widow who &ave the Treasury o the Te!/)e everythin& she hadI two arthin&s. 2 '!on& the !ost urious ones there is a youn& short u&)y )oo6in& !an9 na!ed Sau). The ier+eness o his a+e is indes+ri2a2)e. 3 He has not 2een there )on& when Sau) <oins hi! a&ain and /)a+es hi!se) in ront o In a +orner o the ha)) there is ,a!a)ie). He has never ta6en /art in the 2raw)9 neither has he ever addressed Ste/hen or any !i&hty /erson. His dis&ust or the un air wi)d s+ene is !ani est. In another +orner there is 8i+ode!us9 who is a)so dis&usted and does not ta6e /art in the tria) or in the 2raw)9 and is )oo6in& at ,a!a)ie)9 whose +ountenan+e hi!. The +ontrast 2etween the two is very stron&. ,a!a)ie) is ta))9 o a no2)e 2earin&9 handso!e in his stron& Se!iti+ eatures9 with a hi&h orehead9 with eyes whi+h are very dar69 inte))i&ent9 /ier+in&9 )on& and dee/)y sun6en under his thi+6 strai&ht eye2rows9 on the sides o his nose whi+h is a)so strai&ht9

)#+. The 'a &( d". "- S&e5hen. Sau2 and 4a.a2ie2.


)on& and thin9 and re!inds one a )itt)e o Jesus' nose. ')so his +o!/)e3ion9 his thin@ )i//ed !outh re!ind one o Jesus'. %ut ,a!a)ie)'s 2eard and !usta+he9 on+e very dar69 are now &rizz)ed and )on&er.

1oor !e9 as I did not understand soonerH 's I awaited the )ast terri2)e si&n to 2e)ieve9 to understandH 1oor /eo/)e o Israe)9 who did not understand then and does not understand even nowH The /ro/he+y o $anie) and those o other /ro/hets and o the 4ord o ,od +ontinue9 and wi)) 2e u) i))ed or Israe) stu22orn9 2)ind9 dea 9 un<ust9 as it +ontinues to Sau) instead is short9 thi+6set9 a)!ost ri+6ety9 his )e&s are short and thi+69 a )itt)e a/art at /erse+ute the Messiah in His servantsHG the 6nees9 whi+h are +)ear)y visi2)e 2e+ause he has ta6en his !ant)e o and he has on on)y a short &rayish tuni+. His ar!s are short and 2rawny )i6e his )e&s9 his ne+6 is short E$a!nH ;ou are 2)as/he!in&H There wi)) rea))y 2e no sa)vation or the /eo/)e o ,od9 and thi+6set9 su//ortin& a 2i& 2rown head with short rou&h hair9 with rather /rotrudin& i the ra22is o Israe) 2)as/he!e and deny Jehovah9 the true ,od9 to e3a)t and 2e)ieve in ears9 snu2 nose9 thi+6 )i/s9 with hi&h 2i& +hee6@2ones9 2u)&in& orehead9 dar6 rather a a)se MessiahHG 2u)&in& eyes9 neither !i)d nor 6ind9 2ut very inte))i&ent under his very ar+hed9 thi+69 ru )ed eye)ashes. His +hee6s are +overed with a very thi+6 2eard9 as 2rist)y as his hair9 EI a! not 2)as/he!in&9 2ut a)) those are9 who insu)ted the 8azarene and +ontinue to des/ise Hi!9 2y s+ornin& His o))owers. ;ou9 yes9 you are 2)as/he!in&9 2e+ause you 2ut +ut short. 1erha/s 2e+ause o his very short ne+6 he see!s to 2e s)i&ht)y hate Hi!9 in Hi!se) 9 and in His o))owers. %ut you were ri&ht when you said that there hun+h2a+6ed or to have very round shou)ders. is no !ore sa)vation or Israe). 8ot 2e+ause there are Israe)ites who have /assed into He is si)ent or a !o!ent9 starin& at ,a!a)ie). Then he says so!ethin& to hi! in a )ow His )o+69 2ut 2e+ause Israe) has stru+6 Hi! to death.G voi+e. E;ou i)) !e with horrorH ;ou are 2etrayin& the Law9 the Te!/)eHG ,a!a)ie) re/)ies to hi! in a +)ear )oud voi+eI EI do not a//rove o vio)en+e9 or any reason whatsoever. ;ou wi)) never o2tain !y a//rova) or any vio)ent /)an. I have to)d E$enoun+e !e9 then9 to the Sanhedrin9 that I !ay share the )ot o hi! who is a2out to 2e stoned. It wi)) 2e the 2e&innin& and the ha//y +on+)usion o your !ission. 'nd I a)so a)) the Sanhedrin9 in /u2)i+9 when 1eter and the other a/ost)es were arrested or the sha)) 2e or&iven9 throu&h this sa+ri i+e o !ine9 or not havin& re+o&nised and se+ond ti!e and 2rou&ht 2e ore the Sanhedrin to 2e <ud&ed. 'nd I re/eat the sa!e understood the ,od 4ho was /assin&9 as Saviour and Master9 a!on& us9 His +hi)dren thin&sI CIf it is the plan and wor" of #en it will perish by itself' if it co#es fro# &od it and His /eo/)e.G cannot be destroyed by #en on the contrary they #ay be struc" by &od.0 Bear that in #ind.G 5 Sau)9 with an an&ry &esture9 &oes away9 rude)y9 to the +ourt a+in& the ha)) o the Sanhedrin9 the +ourt in whi+h the +rowd is sti)) shoutin& in e3as/eration a&ainst E're you the /rote+tor o these 2)as/he!ous o))owers o the 8azarene9 you9 the Ste/hen. In this +ourt Sau) <oins the torturers who were waitin& or hi!9 and with the &reatest ra22i in Israe)FG others he +o!es out o the Te!/)e and then out o the town wa))s. '2use9 <eers EI a! the /rote+tor o <usti+e. 'nd <usti+e tea+hes us to 2e /rudent and <ust in <ud&in&. I +ontinue to 2e shouted at9 and 2)ows to 2e dea)t to the dea+on9 who a)ready tired out and re/eat it to you. If the thing co#es fro# &od it will last if not it will fall by itself. %ut I wounded9 /ro+eeds sta&&erin& towards the /)a+e o the e3e+ution. do not want to stain !y hands with 2)ood that I do not 6now whether it deserves death.G 5utside the wa))s there is a stret+h o waste )and +overed with stones9 +o!/)ete)y EIs that how you9 a 1harisee and do+tor9 s/ea6F 're you not a raid o the Most Hi&hFG desert. 4hen the e3e+utioners arrive there9 they s/read out or!in& a +ir+)e9 )eavin& the +onde!ned !an a)) a)one in the +entre with his torn &ar!ents and his 2ody 2)eedin& in EMore than you are. %ut I /onder. 4 'nd I re!e!2erN ;ou were on)y a )itt)e +hi)d9 not !any /arts as a resu)t o the wounds a)ready in )i+ted on it. They tear his &ar!ents o yet a son o the Law9 and I was a)ready tea+hin& in this Te!/)e with the wisest ra22i o hi! 2e ore !ovin& away ro! hi!. Ste/hen is )e t with a very short tuni+. They a)) ta6e our daysN and with others9 wise9 2ut not <ust. 4ithin these wa))s our wisdo! re+eived their )on& &ar!ents o and re!ain with their tuni+s on)y9 as short as the one worn 2y a )esson that !ade us /onder or the rest o our )ives. The eyes o the !ost wise and <ust Sau)9 to who! they entrust their &ar!ents9 as he does not ta6e /art in the )a/idation9 !an o our ti!es +)osed on the re+o))e+tion o that hour9 and his !ind on the study o either 2e+ause he has 2een u/set 2y ,a!a)ie)'s words9 or 2e+ause he 6nows that he is those truths9 heard ro! the )i/s o a +hi)d9 who was revea)in& hi!se) to !en9 /arti+u@ not &ood at hittin& the !ar6. )ar)y i <ust. My eyes have +ontinued to wat+h and !y !ind to thin69 +oordinatin& events and thin&sN I have had the /rivi)e&e o hearin& the Most Hi&h s/ea6 throu&h 6 The e3e+utioners /i+6 u/ so!e )ar&e /e22)es and so!e shar/ stones9 in whi+h the the !outh o a +hi)d9 who )ater was a !an <ust9 wise9 !i&hty9 ho)y9 and who was /ut to /)a+e a2ounds9 and they 2e&in the )a/idation. death9 <ust 2e+ause o these =ua)ities o his. His words o that ti!e have a terwards 2een +on ir!ed 2y events that ha//ened !any years )ater9 at the ti!e !entioned 2y $anie)N Ste/hen re+eives the irst 2)ows standin&9 and with a s!i)e o or&iveness on his

)#+. The 'a &( d". "- S&e5hen. Sau2 and 4a.a2ie2.


wounded )i/s whi+h9 a !o!ent 2e ore the 2e&innin& o the )a/idation9 have shouted to the wi+6ed to o))ow the Son o ,od9 4ho was /assin& a)on& the ways o the wor)d9 Sau)9 intent on &atherin& the +)othes o the )a/idatorsI EMy riend9 I wi)) wait or you on utterin& His +ry o )ove to asse!2)e the shee/ o the eterna) ()o+69 s+attered and the way o the 7hrist.G dis/ersed 2y Satan. 1resent a!on& the +rowds that o))owed Me9 they were My !essen&ers9 2e+ause with their si!/)e and +onvin+in& re/orts9 they /ro+)ai!ed the To whi+h Sau) re/)iedI E1i&H 1ossessedHG addin& to the insu)ts a !i&hty 6i+6 on the 7hrist sayin&I CIt is He. 4e re+o&nise Hi!. The )u))a2ies o the an&e)s des+ended u/on shin@2one o the dea+on9 who a)!ost a))s 2e+ause o the 2)ow and o the /ain. His irst wai)in&. 'nd we were to)d 2y the an&e)s that !en o &oodwi)) wi)) have /ea+e. ,oodwi)) is the desire o ,ood and Truth. Let us o))ow Hi!H (o))ow Hi!H 4e sha)) a)) ' ter so!e 2)ows with stones9 that stri6e hi! ro! a)) dire+tions9 Ste/hen a))s on his 6nees9 su//ortin& hi!se) with his wounded hands9 and +ertain)y re+o))e+tin& a re!ote have the 1ea+e /ro!ised 2y the Lord.D e/isode9 he whis/ers9 tou+hin& his te!/)e and his wounded oreheadI E's He oreto)d Hu!2)e9 i&norant9 /oor9 My irst !essen&ers a!on& !en9 rushed )i6e sentries a)on& the !eH The +rownN The ru2iesN 5 !y Lord9 Master9 Jesus9 re+eive !y s/iritG road o the :in& o Israe)9 o the :in& o the wor)d. (aith u) eyes9 honest !ouths9 )ovin& hearts9 thuri2)es e3ha)in& the /er u!e o their virtues to !a6e )ess +orru/t the air o the 0arth around My $ivine 1erson9 that had 2e+o!e in+arnate or the! and or a)) !en9 and I ound the! even at the oot o the 7ross9 a ter 2)essin& the! with My eyes a)on& the san&uinary road o ,o)&otha9 the on)y ones9 with very ew !ore9 who did not +urse Me a!on& the unrestrained +rowd9 2ut who )oved9 2e)ieved9 sti)) ho/ed9 and )oo6ed at Me with +o!/assionate eyes9 thin6in& o the re!ote ni&ht o My %irth and wee/in& on the Inno+ent9 4ho s)e/t His irst s)ee/ on an un+o! orta2)e /ie+e o wood9 The e3e+utioners a//roa+h hi!9 they throw another vo))ey o stones on hi!9 and a)!ost and His )ast one on an even !ore /ain u) one. That 2e+ause My !ani estation to the!9 2ury hi! under the!. They then /ut their +)othes on9 and they &o away 2a+6 to the who were ri&hteous sou)s9 had san+ti ied the!. Te!/)e9 into3i+ated with satani+ zea)9 to re/ort what they have done. 'nd the sa!e ha//ened to the three 4ise Men ro! the 0ast9 to Si!eon and 'nne in 4hi)e they are s/ea6in& to the Hi&h 1riest and other !i&hty /eo/)e9 Sau) &oes in sear+h the Te!/)e9 to 'ndrew and John at the Jordan9 and to 1eter9 Ja!es and John at Ta2or9 o ,a!a)ie). He does not ind hi! at on+e. In )a!ed with hatred a&ainst the 7hristians9 to Mary o Ma&da)a at dawn on 0aster Sunday9 to the e)even when on the Mount o he &oes 2a+6 to the 1riests9 he s/ea6s to the!9 he +onvin+es the! to &ive hi! a 5)ives9 and even 2e ore that9 at %ethany9 they were or&iven their 2ewi)der!entN 8o9 /ar+h!ent with the sea) o the Te!/)e9 authorisin& hi! to /erse+ute the 7hristians. The John9 the /ure a/ost)e9 did not need to 2e or&iven. He was the aith u) ever )ovin& hero. 2)ood o Ste/hen !ust have !ade hi! as urious as a 2u)) that sees red9 or a &enerous His !ost /ure )ove9 his /urity o !ind9 o heart9 o 2ody9 /reserved hi! ro! a)) wine &iven to an a)+oho)i+. wea6ness. He is a2out to +o!e out o the Te!/)e when he sees ,a!a)ie) under the 1or+h o the 8 ,a!a)ie)9 and with hi! Hi))e)9 were not as si!/)e as the she/herds9 as ho)y as ,enti)es. He &oes to hi!. 1erha/s he wants to 2e&in a dis/ute or a <usti i+ation. %ut Si!eon9 as wise as the three 4ise !en. In hi!9 and in his !aster and re)ative9 there was ,a!a)ie) &oes a+ross the +ourt9 he enters a ha)) and +)oses the door in the a+e o Sau)9 the tan&)e o 1harisai+ )ianas to su o+ate the )i&ht and the ree e3/ansion o the tree o who9 o ended and urious9 runs out o the Te!/)e to /erse+ute the 7hristians. aith. %ut in their 2ein& 1harisai+ there was /urity o intentions. They thou&ht they were @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ in the ri&ht and they wished to 2e so. They wished it 2y instin+t9 2e+ause they were <ust9 'nother hai) o 2)ows on his a)ready wounded head !a6es hi! +o))a/se on the &round that 2e+o!es i!/re&nated with his 2)ood. 4hi)e he )ies on the stones9 a)ways under hai)s o !ore o the!9 on the /oint o 2reathin& his )ast9 he whis/ersI ELordN (atherN or&ive the!N 2ear the! no &rud&e or this sin o theirsN They do not 6now whatNG $eath 2rea6s the senten+e on his )i/s9 a )ast start !a6es hi! +ur) hi!se) u/9 and he re!ains so. $ead. and 2y inte))e+t9 2e+ause their s/irits shouted out o dis+ontentI CThere are too !any ashes !i3ed with this 2read. ,ive us the 2read o the rea) Truth.D ,a!a)ie)9 however9 EI have shown Myse) !any ti!es and to !any /eo/)e9 a)so in e3traordinary was not so stron& as to have the +oura&e to 2rea6 these 1harisai+ )ianas. His hu!anity !ani estations. %ut My !ani estation did not /rodu+e the sa!e e e+t in every2ody. ens)aved hi! sti)) too !u+h9 and with it9 the +onsiderations o hu!an estee!9 o 4e +an see how to ea+h !ani estation o Mine +orres/onds a san+ti i+ation o those /ersona) dan&er9 o a!i)y we) are. %e+ause o a)) these thin&s ,a!a)ie) had not 2een who /ossessed the &ood wi)) re=uired o !en to have 1ea+e9 Li e9 Justi+e. a2)e to understand Cthe ,od that was /assin& a!on& His /eo/)eD9 or to use Cthat inte))i&en+e and that reedo!D that ,od has &iven every !an so that he !ay use the! So9 ,ra+e wor6ed in the she/herds or the thirty years o My +on+ea)ed )i e9 then it )owered yie)din& a ho)y ear o +orn when it was the ti!e in whi+h the &ood /arted ro! or his own &ood. 5n)y the si&n awaited or so !any years9 the si&n that had de!o)ished and tortured hi! with never endin& re!orse9 wou)d /rovo6e in hi! the 7 UJesus saysIV

)#+. The 'a &( d". "- S&e5hen. Sau2 and 4a.a2ie2.


re+o&nition o the 7hrist and the +han&e o his an+ient thou&ht9 where2y9 ro! the ra22i o error J as the scribes ;harisees and the doctors had corrupted the essence and the spirit of the 2aw suffocating the si#ple bright truth that had co#e fro# &od under a large +uantity of hu#an precepts which were often wrong but always to their advantage J he wou)d 2e+o!e a dis+i/)e o the divine Truth9 a ter a )on& stru&&)e 2etween his an+ient e&o and his /resent e&o. In any +ase he had not 2een the on)y one to 2e un+ertain in de+idin& and stron& in a+tin&. ')so Jose/h o 'ri!athea9 and even !ore 8i+ode!us9 did not tra!/)e on the Judai+ +usto!s and )ianas at on+e and e!2ra+e the new $o+trine o/en)y9 so !u+h so that they used to +o!e to the 7hrist Cse+ret)yD9 out o ear o the Judaeans9 or they used to !eet with hi! 2y +han+e9 and !ain)y in their +ountry houses9 or in Lazarus' house at %ethany9 as they 6new that it was sa er and !ore eared 2y 7hrist's ene!ies9 who were we)) aware o the /rote+tion o .o!e or Theo/hi)us' son. However9 they were +ertain)y a)ways !u+h !ore advan+ed in ,ood and 2raver9 when +o!/ared to ,a!a)ie)9 to the e3tent that they dared to ta6e the +o!/assionate a+tion on ,ood (riday. 9 .a22i ,a!a)ie) was )ess advan+ed. %ut you9 who are readin&9 /ay attention to the /ower o his u/ri&ht intention. Throu&h it9 his very hu!an <usti+e9 2e+o!es tin&ed with a su/erhu!an hue. Sau)'s instead9 &ets soi)ed with so!ethin& de!onia+9 when the un+he+6ed ury o evi) +o!/e)s hi! and his !aster ,a!a)ie) to a+e the a)ternative +hoi+e 2etween ,ood and 0vi)9 <usti+e and in<usti+e. The tree o ,ood and 0vi) stands strai&ht in ront o every !an to /resent its ruits o 0vi) to hi!9 in the !ost a))urin& and attra+tive a//earan+e9 whi)e a!on& the o)ia&e in a de+eit u) voi+e o a ni&htin&a)e9 the te!/tin& Ser/ent hisses. It is u/ to !an9 a +reature &i ted with reason and with a sou) &iven to hi! 2y ,od9 to 2e a2)e to distin&uish and want the &ood ruit a!on& the !any9 whi+h are not &ood and +ause da!a&e and death to the s/iritM and to /i+6 that one9 even i it is /ri+6)y and di i+u)t to /i+69 2itter to taste and !isera2)e )oo6in&. Its !eta!or/hosis9 2y whi+h it 2e+o!es so !u+h s!oother and so ter to the tou+h9 sweeter to the taste9 !ore 2eauti u) to the si&ht9 ta6es /)a+e on)y when9 throu&h <usti+e o s/irit and reason9 one +hooses the &ood ruit and eeds on its <ui+e9 whi+h is 2itter 2ut ho)y. Sau) stret+hes out his &reedy hands to the ruit o 0vi)9 o hatred9 o in<usti+e9 o +ri!e9 and he wi)) stret+h the! out unti) he is stru+6 with )i&htnin&9 +rushed9 de/rived o hu!an si&ht9 so that he !ay a+hieve the su/erhu!an si&ht and !ay 2e+o!e not on)y <ust9 2ut an a/ost)e and +on essor o Hi!9 4ho! he /revious)y hated and /erse+uted in His servants.

seed that he had /reserved and de ended with honest ondness and no2)e ea&erness to see it s/rin& u/ and 2)oo!9 stret+hes out his hands to the ruit o ,ood. His wi)) and My %)ood 2ro6e the hard hus6 o that re!ote seed9 that he had /reserved in his heart or dozens o years9 in that heart o ro+6 that s/)it with the vei) o the Te!/)e and the earth o Jerusa)e!9 and shouted its su/re!e desire to Me9 4ho +ou)d no )on&er hear hi! with hu!an hearin&9 2ut I +ou)d hear hi! we)) with My divine s/irit9 when he was there9 /rostrated on the &round9 at the oot o the +ross. 'nd under the sunny ire o the a/osto)i+ words and o the 2est dis+i/)es9 and the shower o the 2)ood o Ste/hen9 the irst !artyr9 that seed ta6es root9 2e+o!es a tree9 2)osso!s and yie)ds ruit. The new tree o his 7hristian (aith9 whi+h had +o!e u/ where the tra&edy o ,ood (riday had overthrown9 u/rooted and destroyed a)) the an+ient trees and her2s. The /)ant o his new 7hristian aith and o his new ho)iness has +o!e u/ and &rown 2e ore My eyes. (or&iven 2y Me9 a)thou&h &ui)ty o not understandin& Me /revious)y9 2e+ause o his <usti+e that re used to ta6e /art in My +onde!nation or in Ste/hen's9 his desire to 2e+o!e My o))ower9 the son o the Truth9 o the Li&ht9 is 2)essed a)so 2y the (ather and 2y the San+ti yin& S/irit9 and ro! desire it 2e+o!es rea)ity9 without the need o /ower u) vio)ent )i&htnin&9 as was ne+essary or Sau) on the $a!as+us road9 or the arro&ant !an9 who with no other !eans +ou)d have 2een su2dued and )ed to Justi+e9 to 7harity9 to Li&ht9 to Truth9 and to the eterna) &)orious Li e in Heaven.G

+*2. De9#si&i#n #1 S&e9hen"s 3#d/.

%&h Au4us& $95$.

1 It is the dead o ni&ht9 and a very dar6 ni&ht9 2e+ause the !oon has a)ready set9 when Mary +o!es out o the )itt)e house at ,ethse!ane with 1eter9 Ja!es o ')/haeus9 John9 8i+ode!us and the >ea)ot. %e+ause o the dar6 ni&ht9 Lazarus9 who is waitin& or the! in ront o the house9 at the 2e&innin& o the /ath that )eads to the )ower &ate9 )i&hts an oi) )a!/9 whi+h he has itted with a /rote+tion o thin sheets o a)a2aster or other trans/arent !ateria). The )i&ht is aint9 2ut when the )a!/ is he)d )ow towards the &round9 as it is now9 it a)ways he)/s to see stones and o2sta+)es that !ay 2e ound on the way. Lazarus &oes 2eside Mary9 so that She9 a2ove a))9 !ay see +)ear)y. John is on the other side and su//orts the Mother 2y the ar!. The others are 2ehind the!9 in a &rou/.

,a!a)ie) 2rea6in& the /ersistent )ianas o his hu!anity and o He2rais!9 to )et s/rin& They &o as ar as the :idron and /ro+eed a)on& it9 so that they are ha) @hidden 2y the u/ and 2)oo! the re!ote seed o )i&ht and <usti+e9 not on)y hu!an 2ut a)so su/erhu!an9 wi)d 2ushes that &row near its 2an6s. ')so the !ur!ur o the water serves to +on+ea) that My ourth e/i/hany9 or !ani estation9 whi+h is /erha/s a word +)earer and !ore and +on use the noise o the sanda)s o the way arers. +o!/rehensi2)e to you9 had /ut in his heart9 in his heart with u/ri&ht intentions9 the

)#2. De5"si&i"n "- S&e5hen!s 0"d(.


,oin& a)on& the outer side o the wa))s a)) the ti!e as ar as the ,ate +)osest to the Te!/)e9 and then /ro+eedin& into the 2arren desert area9 they arrive at the /)a+e where Ste/hen was stoned. They dire+t their ste/s towards the /i)e o stones under whi+h he is ha) 2uried9 and they re!ove the stones unti) his /oor 2ody a//ears. It is 2y now death)y /a)e9 2oth 2e+ause o death and 2e+ause o the 2)ows it re+eived durin& the )a/idation9 it is hard9 sti 9 a)) +ur)ed u/ as it was when he 2reathed his )ast.

/oint out to 1eter and to Ja!es o ')/haeus that the 7hur+h has on)y ew /riests o the 7hrist9 and that i the !ore i!/ortant ones o the! were 6i))ed9 that is 1eter the 1onti and Ja!es the %isho/ o Jerusa)e!9 the 7hur+h wou)d survive with di i+u)ty. They re!ind a)so 1eter that their (ounder and Master had )e t Judaea or Sa!aria9 in order not to 2e 6i))ed 2e ore He had or!ed the! /ro/er)y9 and how He had advised His servants to o))ow His e3a!/)e unti) the she/herds are so !any that one wi)) not have to ear the dis/ersion o the 2e)ievers 2e+ause o the death o the she/herds. 'nd they 2 Mary9 4ho has 2een !er+i u))y 6e/t away a ew ste/s 2y John9 rees Herse) and runs +on+)ude sayin&I E;ou ou&ht to s+atter as we)) throu&h Judaea and Sa!aria. ,et towards that /oor 2ody9 whi+h is )a+erated and +overed with 2)ood. 4ithout worryin& /rose)ytes there9 !any !ore she/herds9 and ro! there s+atter throu&h the 0arth9 so a2out the stains that the +)otted 2)ood )eaves on Her dress9 Mary9 he)/ed 2y Ja!es o that9 as He ordered you to do9 a)) the /eo/)es !ay 2e+o!e a+=uainted with the ,os/e).G ')/haeus and John9 )ays the 2ody on a +)oth stret+hed on the &round9 in a s/ot devoid o stones9 and with a )inen +)oth9 that She di/s in a s!a)) a!/hora handed to Her 2y the 4 The a/ost)es are /er/)e3ed. They )oo6 at Mary9 as i they wanted to 6now Her o/inion >ea)ot9 She +)eans9 as 2est She +an9 the a+e o Ste/hen9 She tidies his hair9 tryin& to on the !atter. 2rin& it round to his te!/)es and wounded +hee6s9 in order to +over the horri2)e !ar6s )e t 2y the stones. She +)eans a)so the other /arts o the 2ody and She wou)d a)so )i6e to 'nd Mary9 4ho understands their )oo6s9 saysI EIt is a &ood /ie+e o advi+e. Ta6e it. It is not +owardi+e9 2ut /ruden+e. He tau&ht youI C%e as si!/)e as doves and as /rudent arran&e the! in a )ess tra&i+a) /osture. %ut the +hi)) o death9 whi+h had ta6en /)a+e !any hours /revious)y9 a))ows that on)y /artia))y. ')so the !en try9 stron&er as they are as sna6es. I a! sendin& you out )i6e shee/ a!on& wo)ves. %eware o !en...DG 2oth /hysi+a))y and !ora))y than Mary9 4ho )oo6s on+e a&ain )i6e the Sorrow u) Ja!es interru/ts HerI E;es9 Mother. %ut He a)so saidI C%ut when they hand you over Mother o ,o)&otha and o the Se/u)+hre. %ut they a)so have to resi&n the!se)ves to and you wi)) 2e dra&&ed 2e ore &overnors9 do not worry a2out what you have to answer. )eave hi! in the /osition they have su++eeded in /)a+in& hi! a ter so !any e orts. It is not you who wi)) 2e s/ea6in&9 2ut the S/irit o the (ather wi)) 2e s/ea6in& or you They dress hi! a&ain with a +)ean )on& tuni+9 2e+ause his has 2een )ost or sto)en9 in and in you.D 'nd I a! stayin& here. ' dis+i/)e is to 2e )i6e his Master. He died to &ive +onte!/t9 2y the )a/idators9 and the short tuni+ they have )e t on hi! is a)) torn and )i e to the 7hur+h. 0very death o ours wi)) 2e a stone added to the &reat new Te!/)e9 stained with 2)ood. an in+rease in )i e or the &reat i!!orta) 2ody o the universa) 7hur+h. Let the! 6i)) !e9 i they wish so. Livin& in Heaven I sha)) 2e ha//ier9 2e+ause I sha)) 2e 2eside !y Havin& done that9 a)ways in the aint )i&ht o the )a!/ that Lazarus ho)ds very +)ose to the /oor 2ody9 they )i t hi! and )ay hi! on another +)ean +)oth. 8i+ode!us /i+6s u/ the %rother9 and even !ore /ower u). I a! not a raid o death. %ut o sin. %y a2andonin& !y /)a+e I see! to 2e i!itatin& the &esture o Judas9 the /er e+t 2etrayer. Ja!es o irst +)oth9 wet with the water used to wash the !artyr and with the +)otted 2)ood9 and ')/haeus wi)) never +o!!it that sin. I I have to a))9 I wi)) a)) )i6e a hero9 at !y /)a+e /)a+es it under his !ant)e. John and Ja!es at the head9 1eter and the >ea)ot at the eet9 o a+tion9 where He wanted !e to 2e.G )i t the +)oth +ontainin& the 2ody9 and they set out on the way 2a+69 /re+eded 2y Lazarus and Mary. %ut they do not &o 2a+6 a)on& the sa!e way they +a!e9 on the Mary re/)ies to hi!I EI wi)) not /ier+e into your se+rets with the Man@,od. I that is +ontrary9 &oin& into the +ountry and &oin& round at the oot o the Mount o 5)ives9 what He ins/ires you with9 do so. He a)one9 4ho is ,od9 is entit)ed to &ive orders. 4e they rea+h the road that &oes to Jeri+ho and %ethany. are a)) on)y entit)ed to o2ey Hi! a)ways9 in everythin&9 to do His 4i)).G 3 They sto/ there to rest and to s/ea6. 'nd 8i+ode!us9 who havin& 2een /resent at Ste/hen's +onde!nation9 a)thou&h in a /assive !anner9 and 2ein& one o the e)ders o the Judaeans9 was !ore a+=uainted than the others with the de+isions o the Sanhedrin9 warns those /resent that the /erse+ution a&ainst the 7hristians has 2een ordered and has 2ro6en@out9 and that Ste/hen is on)y the irst o a )on& )ist o na!es indi+ated as o))owers o the 7hrist. The irst +ry o a)) the a/ost)es isI ELet the! do what they )i6eH 4e wi)) not +han&e9 either 2e+ause o threats or out o /ruden+eHG %ut the !ore <udi+ious ones a!on& the /eo/)e /resent9 that is Lazarus and 8i+ode!us9 5 1eter9 )ess heroi+9 is +hattin& with the >ea)ot to hear his o/inion on the !atter. Lazarus9 who is +)ose to the two and hears the!9 su&&estsI E7o!e to %ethany. It is +)ose to Jerusa)e! and to the road to Sa!aria. The 7hrist )e t ro! there !any a ti!e to avoid His ene!ies...G 8i+ode!us in turn su&&estsI E7o!e to !y +ountry house. It is sa e and +)ose 2oth to %ethany and to Jerusa)e!9 and it is on the road that ta6es one to 0/hrai!9 via Jeri+ho.G E8o9 !ine is 2etter9 as it is /rote+ted 2y .o!eG insists Lazarus.

)#2. De5"si&i"n "- S&e5hen!s 0"d(.


E;ou are a)ready hated too !u+h9 sin+e Jesus raised you ro! the dead9 assertin& so9 /ower u))y9 His divine 8ature. 7onsider that His destiny was de+ided <ust 2e+ause o that. 4at+h that you do not de+ide yoursG 8i+ode!us re/)ies to hi!. E'nd what a2out !y houseF It is rea))y Lazarus'. %ut they sti)) +a)) it !ineG says Si!on >ea)ot. Mary intervenes sayin&I ELet Me /onder9 thin69 de+ide whi+h is the 2est thin& to do. ,od wi)) not )eave Me without His )i&ht. 4hen I 6now9 I wi)) te)) you. (or the ti!e 2ein&9 +o!e to ,ethse!ane with Me.G

Throu&h the o/en door a very )i!/id !oon@2ea! /enetrates into the 6it+hen9 )ayin& a 6ind o si)ver stri/ ro! the thresho)d to the eet o the stoo) on whi+h Mary is sittin&9 so that Her eet are i))u!inated 2y the !oon@2ea!9 and Her hands and head 2y the reddish )i&ht o the )a!/. 5utside9 on the o)ive@trees surroundin& the house o ,ethse!ane9 so!e ni&htin&a)es are sin&in& their son&s o )ove. They sudden)y 2e+o!e si)ent9 as i they were ri&htened9 and a ter a ew !o!ents9 the shu )in& o ste/s +an 2e heard9 and it 2e+o!es +)oser and +)oser9 unti) it sto/s on the thresho)d o the 6it+hen9 at the sa!e ti!e !a6in& the white )unar stri/ disa//ear9 that /revious)y si)vered the +oarse dar6 2ri+6s o the )oor.

ESeat o a)) 4isdo!9 Mother o the 4ord and o the Li&ht9 ;ou are a)ways the Star that 2 Mary raises Her head and )oo6s towards the door. John9 in turn9 )oo6s towards the &uides us sa e)y. 4e o2ey ;ouG they a)) say to&ether9 as i the Ho)y S/irit had rea))y door and an EohHG u)) o wonder is uttered 2y their )i/s9 whi)e9 with one !ove!ent s/o6en in their hearts and on their )i/s. on)y they 2oth rush towards the door9 on the thresho)d o whi+h ,a!a)ie) has a//eared and sto//ed. ' very o)d ,a!a)ie) 2y now9 &hast)y9 so thin is he in his white &ar!ents9 They stand u/ ro! the &rass on whi+h they had sat at the ed&e o the road9 and whi)e whi+h the !oon9 shinin& on hi! ro! 2ehind9 !a6es a)!ost /hos/hores+ent. ' 1eter9 Ja!es9 Si!on and John &o with Mary towards ,ethse!ane9 Lazarus and ,a!a)ie) +rushed9 overwhe)!ed 2y events9 2y his re!orse9 2y so !any thin&s9 even 8i+ode!us )i t the +)oth in whi+h the 2ody o Ste/hen is enve)o/ed9 and at the irst !ore than 2y a&e. )i&ht o dawn9 they set out towards the %ethany and Jeri+ho road. 4here are they ta6in& the !artyrF ' !ystery. E;ou here9 ra22iF 7o!e inH 7o!eH 'nd /ea+e 2e with youG John says to hi!9 as he is in ront o hi! and very +)ose to hi!9 whi)e Mary is a ew ste/s 2ehind. EI you wi)) &uide !e... I a! 2)ind...G re/)ies the o)d ra22i9 in a voi+e that is tre!2)in& !ore 2e+ause o se+ret tears9 than 2e+ause o his a&e.

+*3. Ga(a5ie5 3e'#(es a Ch!is&ian.

$s& N#0e()e! $95$.

John9 du!2 ounded9 as6s9 with e!otion and +o!/assion in his voi+eI E%)indFH Sin+e whenFG

E5hH... Sin+e )on& a&oH My si&ht 2e&an to &row wea6er i!!ediate)y a ter... a ter... ;es. ' ter I did not re+o&nise the true Li&ht that had +o!e to en)i&hten !en9 unti) the earth=ua6e tore the vei) o the Te!/)e and shoo6 the !i&hty wa))s9 as He had said. .ea))y a dou2)e vei)9 that +overed the Ho)y o the Ho)ies o the Te!/)e and the even truer Ho)y o Ho)ies9 the 4ord o the (ather9 His eterna) 5n)y@%e&otten9 +on+ea)ed 2y Mary9 4ho is s/innin&9 whi)e John is tidyin& u/ the 6it+hen o the )itt)e house at the vei) o a !ost /ure hu!an )esh9 that on)y His 1assion and His &)orious ,ethse!ane9 the wa))s o whi+h have 2een re+ent)y whitewashed9 whi)e wooden ite!s .esurre+tion revea)ed to the !ost du))@!inded /eo/)e9 and to !e irst o a))9 or what have 2een /ainted J stoo)s9 door9 a +a2inet that serves a)so as a she) or the )a!/ J does He rea))y wasI the 7hrist9 the Messiah9 the I!!anue). Sin+e that !o!ent dar6ness not a//ear at a)) +han&ed. Her as/e+t is resh and serene. ')) tra+es )e t on Her a+e 2y 2e&an to des+end u/on !y eyes9 2e+o!in& thi+6er and thi+6er. ' <ust /unish!ent or the sorrow or the death o Her Son9 or His return to Heaven9 or the irst /erse+utions !e. (or so!e ti!e I have 2een +o!/)ete)y 2)ind. 3 'nd I have +o!e...G a&ainst the 7hristians9 have disa//eared. Ti!e has not en&raved its tra+es on that 6ind a+e. 'nd a&e has not had the /ower to a)ter its resh /ure 2eauty. John interru/ts hi! as6in& hi!I E1erha/s to as6 a !ira+)eFG 1 So!e years !ust have &one 2y9 2e+ause John see!s to 2e in u)) !anhood9 !ore sturdi)y 2ui)t9 with a !ore !ature a//earan+e9 whi)e his air hair9 2eard and !ousta+he are o a !u+h dar6er +o)our. The )a!/9 )it on the she) 9 +asts its )i+6erin& )i&ht on the s!a)) industrious hands o Mary9 on the snow@white woo) wound round the dista 9 on the thin thread9 on the twir)in& s/ind)e9 on Her &o)den hair &athered in a thi+6 6not on the na/e o Her ne+6. E;es. ' &reat !ira+)e. I a! as6in& it o the Mother o the true ,od.G E,a!a)ie)9 I do not have the /ower that My Son had. He was a2)e to &ive )i e and si&ht to 2)ind eyes9 word to du!2 /eo/)e9 !ove!ent to those who were /ara)ysed. %ut not IG

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Mary re/)ies to hi!. 'nd She +ontinuesI E%ut +o!e here9 near the ta2)e9 and sit down. ;ou are tired and o)d9 ra22i. $o not tire yourse) any !oreG and /iti u))y9 with John9 She )eads hi! towards the ta2)e and !a6es hi! sit on a stoo). ,a!a)ie)9 2e ore )eavin& Her hand ree9 6isses it with veneration9 then he says to HerI EI a! not as6in& o ;ou9 Mary9 the !ira+)e to see on+e a&ain. 8o. I a! not as6in& this !ateria) thin&. 4hat I as6 o ;ou9 o %)essed a!on&st a)) wo!en9 is the si&ht o an ea&)e or !y s/irit9 so that I !ay see a)) the Truth. I do not as6 o ;ou the )i&ht or !y 2)ind eyes9 2ut the su/ernatura) divine true )i&ht that is wisdo!9 truth9 )i e9 or !y sou) and !y heart torn 2y and e3hausted with the re!orse that &ives !e no rest. I have no desire to see with !y eyes this He2rew wor)d9 so... ;es. So stu22orn)y re2e))ious to ,od9 4ho has 2een and is so +o!/assionate towards it9 as we rea))y did not deserve that He shou)d 2e. 5n the +ontrary I a! &)ad that I do not have to see it any !ore9 and that !y 2)indness has e3e!/ted !e ro! a)) en&a&e!ents with the Te!/)e and with the Sanhedrin9 who have 2een so un air to ;our Son and to His o))owers. 4hat I wish to see9 with !y !ind9 !y heart9 !y s/irit9 is He9 Jesus. To see Hi! in !e9 in !y s/irit9 to see Hi! s/iritua))y9 as ;ou +ertain)y9 o Ho)y Mother o ,od9 and John9 so /ure9 and Ja!es9 as long as he lived and the others9 or su//ort in their &rave and ha!/ered !inistry9 see Hi!. To see Hi! in order to )ove Hi! with !y who)e se) 9 and throu&h this )ove9 2e a2)e to !a6e a!ends or !y sins9 and 2e or&iven 2y Hi!9 to have the eterna) Li e9 that I ai)ed to deserve...G He 2ends his head on his ar!s that are o)ded on the ta2)e and he wee/s. 4 Mary )ays Her hand on his head sha6en 2y so2s and re/)ies to hi!I E8o9 you have not ai)ed to deserve to have eterna) Li eH Those who re/ent their /ast errors are or&iven everythin& 2y the Saviour. He wou)d have or&iven even His 2etrayer9 i he had re/ented his horri2)e sin. 'nd the sin o Judas o :erioth is i!!ense as +o!/ared with yours. 7onsider. Judas was the a/ost)e re+eived 2y the 7hrist9 instru+ted 2y the 7hrist9 )oved 2y the 7hrist !ore than anyone e)se9 i one +onsiders that9 a)thou&h He 6new everythin& a2out hi!9 7hrist did not re<e+t hi! ro! the &rou/ o His '/ost)es9 on the +ontrary9 u/ to the very )ast !o!ent9 He resorted to every e3/edient9 so that they !i&ht not understand who he was and what he was /)annin&. My Son was the Truth itse) 9 and or no reason whatsoever did He ever )ie. %ut when He saw the other e)even 2e sus/i+ious and they as6ed Hi! =uestions a2out the Is+ariot9 without )yin&9 He was a2)e to divert their sus/i+ious and not re/)y to their =uestions9 orderin& the! not to 2e in=ui@ sitive9 out o /ruden+e and out o +harity or a 2rother. ;our au)t is 2y ar s!a))er. 'nd what is !ore9 it +annot even 2e +a))ed a au)t. ;ours is not in+redu)ity9 on the +ontrary it is e3+ess o aith. ;ou 2e)ieved so !u+h in the twe)ve@year@o)d %oy 4ho s/o6e to you in the Te!/)e that9 o2stinate)y9 2ut with u/ri&ht intention9 2ased on your a2so)ute aith in that %oy9 on 4hose )i/s you had heard words o in inite wisdo!9 you awaited the si&n to 2e)ieve in Hi! and see the Messiah in Hi!. ,od or&ives those who have su+h a stron& )oya) aith. 0ven !ore He or&ives whoever9 a)thou&h sti)) in dou2t a2out the

true 8ature o a !an9 un<ust)y a++used9 does not want to ta6e /art in his +onde!nation9 whi+h he ee)s is un<ust. ;our s/iritua) seein& the Truth has 2een &rowin& and &rowin& sin+e you )e t the Sanhedrin in order not to a&ree to that sa+ri)e&ious deed. 'nd it in+reased even !ore when9 2ein& in the Te!/)e9 you saw the u) i))!ent o the si&n9 so )on&ed or9 that !ar6ed the 2e&innin& o the 7hristian era. It in+reased urther when at the oot o the +ross o My Son9 a)ready +o)d and dead9 you /rayed with those !i&hty an&uished words. It has 2e+o!e a)!ost /er e+t every ti!e that9 either with your words9 or 2y withdrawin& aside9 you de ended the servants o My Son or you re used to ta6e /art in the +onde!nation o the irst !artyrs. %e)ieve Me9 ,a!a)ie)9 every a+t o sorrow9 o <usti+e9 o )ove o yours9 has in+reased your s/iritua) si&ht in you.G 5 E'11 that is sti)) not enou&hH See9 I had the rare &ra+e o 2e+o!in& a+=uainted with ;our Son as ro! His irst /u2)i+ !ani estation9 when He +a!e o a&e. I shou)d have seen sin+e thenH I shou)d have understoodH I was 2)ind and oo)ish... I did not see and I did not understand. 8either then9 nor in other o++asions9 when I had the &ra+e o a//roa+hin& Hi!9 2y that ti!e a Man and Master9 and I heard His ever !ore <ust and /ower u) words. I was stu22orn)y awaitin& the hu!an si&n9 the sha6en stones... 'nd I did not see that everythin& in Hi! was a sure si&nH 'nd I did not see that He was the +orner Stone /redi+ted 2y the 1ro/hets9 the Stone that was a)ready sha6in& the wor)d9 a)) the He2rew and ,enti)e wor)dM the Stone that shoo6 the stones o hearts with His 4ord9 with His /rodi&iesH I did not see on Hi! the +)ear si&n o His (ather in everythin& He did or saidH How +an He or&ive so !u+h stu22ornessFG E,a!a)ie)9 +an you 2e)ieve that I9 4ho a! the Seat o 4isdo!9 the (u)) o ,ra+e9 4ho9 2oth 2e+ause o the 4isdo! 4ho too6 ()esh in Me9 and o the ,ra+e He &ave Me9 have the u))ness o 6now)ed&e o su/ernatura) !atters9 +an &ive you &ood advi+eFG E5hH o +ourse I 2e)ieve itH Just 2e+ause I 2e)ieve that that is what ;ou are9 I have +o!e to ;ou to re+eive )i&ht. ;ou9 $au&hter9 Mother9 S/ouse o ,od9 4ho +ertain)y sin+e ;our +on+e/tion i))ed ;ou with His sa/ientia) )i&hts9 +an 2ut show !e the way that I !ust ta6e to have /ea+e9 to ind the truth9 to +on=uer the true Li e. I a! so aware o !y errors9 so +rushed 2y !y s/iritua) !isery9 that I a! in need o he)/ to dare to &o to ,od.G E4hat you +onsider a hindran+e is instead a win& to e)evate you to ,od. ;ou have de!o)ished yourse) 9 you have hu!i)iated yourse) 9 you were a !i&hty !ountain9 you have !ade yourse) a dee/ va))ey. %ear in !ind that hu!i)ity is )i6e a erti)izer o the !ost arid soi)9 to /re/are it to &ive /)ants and ri+h +ro/s. It is a ste/ to +)i!2. 0ven !ore9 it is a )adder to as+end to ,od9 4ho9 u/on seein& a hu!2)e !an9 +a))s hi! to Hi!se) to e3a)t hi!9 to in )a!e hi! with His Love9 and en)i&hten hi! with his )i&hts9 so that he !ay see. That is why I say to you that you a)ready are in the Li&ht9 on the ri&ht 4ay9 towards the true Li e o the +hi)dren o ,od.G

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6 E%ut in order to re+eive the ,ra+e I !ust enter the 7hur+h9 re+eive %a/tis! that +)eanses us ro! sin and !a6es us on+e a&ain the ado/tive sons o ,od. I a! not a&ainst that. 5n the +ontraryH I have destroyed the son o the Law in !yse) 9 I +an no )on&er estee! and )ove the Te!/)e. %ut I do not want to 2e nothin&. So I !ust re2ui)d the new !an and the new aith on the ruins o !y /ast. %ut I thin6 that a/ost)es and dis+i/)es are !istrust u) and /re<udi+ed a&ainst !e9 the &reat stu22orn ra22i...G John interru/ts hi! sayin&I E;ou are wron&9 ,a!a)ie). I a! the irst who )oves you and I shou)d !ar6 the day9 on whi+h I +ou)d +a)) you a )a!2 o the )o+6 o 7hrist9 as a day o an e3tre!e)y &reat &ra+e. I shou)d not 2e His dis+i/)e i I did not /ut into /ra+ti+e the tea+hin&s o the 7hrist. 'nd He ordered us to have )ove and understandin& or every@ 2ody9 and es/e+ia))y or the wea6er /eo/)e9 the si+69 those who have 2een !is)ed. He ordered us to o))ow His e3a!/)es. 'nd we saw that He was a)ways u)) o )ove or re/entant sinners9 or /rodi&a) sons returnin& to the (ather9 or or )ost shee/. (ro! the Ma&da)ene to the Sa!aritan wo!an9 ro! '&)ae to the hi&hway!an9 how !any He redee!ed throu&h !er+yH He wou)d have or&iven even Judas his su/re!e +ri!e9 i he had re/ented. He had or&iven hi! so !any ti!esH I a)one 6now how !u+h He )oved hi!9 a)thou&h He was aware o every a+tion o his. 7o!e with !e. I wi)) !a6e you a son o ,od and a 2rother o the 7hrist Saviour.G E;ou are not the 1onti . 1eter is the 1onti . 'nd wi)) 1eter 2e &ood to !eF He is9 I 6now9 =uite di erent ro! you.G EHe was. %ut sin+e he has rea)ised how wea6 he was9 to the /oint o 2ein& a +oward and a denier o his Master9 he no )on&er is what he was9 and he has !er+y on every@ 2ody.G EThen ta6e !e to hi! at on+e. I a! o)d and I have de)ayed too )on&. I e)t that I was too unworthy9 and I was a raid that a)) the servants o Jesus <ud&ed !e in the sa!e !anner. 8ow that Mary's words and yours have +o! orted !e9 I want to enter the ()o+6 o the Master at on+e9 2e ore !y o)d heart9 +rushed 2y so !any thin&s9 sto/s. Lead !e there9 2e+ause I dis!issed the servant who 2rou&ht !e here9 so that he !i&ht not hear any@ thin&. He wi)) +o!e 2a+6 at the irst hour. %ut I sha)) 2e a)ready ar away then. 'nd in two ways. (ro! this house and ro! the Te!/)e. (orever. (irst I9 a re2e) son9 wi)) &o to the house o the (ather9 I9 a )ost shee/9 to the true (o)d o the eterna) She/herd. Then I wi)) &o 2a+6 to !y ar away house9 to die there in /ea+e and in the &ra+e o ,od.G 7 4ith a s/ontaneous i!/u)se Mary e!2ra+es hi! sayin&I EMay ,od &ive you /ea+e. 1ea+e and eterna) &)ory9 2e+ause you have deserved the! 2y showin& your rea) thou&hts to the !i&hty )eaders o Israe)9 without earin& their rea+tions. May ,od 2e a)ways with you. May ,od &ive you His 2)essin&.G ,a!a)ie) sear+hes or Her hands a&ain. He ta6es the! in his own and 6isses the!9 he 6nee)s down 2e&&in& Her to )ay those 2)essed hands on his o)d tired head.

Mary satis ies hi!. She does even !ore. She tra+es the si&n o the +ross on his 2ent head. Then9 with John9 She he)/s hi! to stand u/9 She ta6es hi! to the door and re!ains )oo6in& at hi! &o away9 )ed 2y John9 towards the true Li eI a !an9 hu!an)y inished9 2ut su/ernatura))y re+reated.

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1 1eter and John are on the terra+e o Si!on's house9 whi+h is a)) )it u/ 2y the !oon at her su!!it. They are s/ea6in& in )ow voi+es9 /ointin& towards Lazarus' house9 whi+h is a)) +)osed and si)ent. They s/ea6 or a )on& ti!e9 wa)6in& 2a+6wards and orwards on the terra+e. Then9 or I wonder whi+h reason9 the dis+ussion 2e+o!es !ore ani!ated9 and their voi+es9 /revious)y su2dued9 2e+o!e hi&her in tone and very +)ear. 1eter9 stri6in& the /ara/et with his ist9 e3+)ai!sI E%ut do you not understand that we !ust a+t soF I a! s/ea6in& to you in ,od's na!e9 so )isten to !e and do not 2e o2stinate. It is 2etter to a+t as I say. 8ot out o +owardi+e and ear9 2ut to avoid a tota) destru+tion9 whi+h wou)d 2e de)eterious to the 7hur+h o 7hrist. They now wat+h every !ove o ours. I noti+ed that9 and 8i+ode!us has +on ir!ed that I a! ri&ht. 4hy +ou)d we not re!ain at %ethanyF Just or that reason. 4hy is it not !ore /rudent to stay in this house9 or in 8i+ode!us'9 or in 8i6e's9 or in 'nastasi+a'sF ')ways or the sa!e reason. To /revent the 7hur+h ro! dyin&9 2e+ause o the death o its )eaders.G EThe Master assured us !any a ti!e that not even he)) wi)) 2e a2)e to e3ter!inate it and /revai) a&ainst itG John re/)ies to hi!. EThat is true. 'nd he)) wi)) not /revai)9 as it did not /revai) a&ainst the 7hrist. %ut !en wi)). 's they /revai)ed a&ainst the Man@,od9 4ho de eated Satan9 2ut was not a2)e to &ain a vi+tory over !en.G E%e+ause He did not want to win. He had to redee!9 and so he had to die. 'nd o that death. %ut i He had wanted to de eat the!H How !any ti!es He avoided the snares o a)) 6inds they set or Hi!HG ESnares wi)) 2e )aid a)so or the 7hur+h9 2ut it wi)) not /erish +o!/)ete)y9 /rovidin& we sha)) have so !u+h /ruden+e9 as to /revent the /resent )eaders ro! 2ein& e3ter!inated9 2e ore !any !ore 1riests o His9 o a)) ran6s9 are +reated 2y us9 His irst ones9 and /re/ared or their !inistry. $o not de+eive yourse) 9 JohnH 1harisees9 s+ri2es9 /riests and !e!2ers o the Sanhedrin9 are doin& everythin& to 6i)) the she/herds9 so that the )o+6 !ay 2e dis/ersed. The )o+6 whi+h is sti)) wea6 and ear u). '2ove a))9 this )o+6

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in 1a)estine. 4e !ust not )eave it without she/herds9 unti) !any )a!2s9 in turn9 2e+o!e EThen why do you sayNG she/herds. ;ou have seen how !any have a)ready 2een 6i))ed. E%e+ause I rea)ise that Her )ourishin& in 2eauty and <oy is the si&n that She ee)s 2 Thin6 o what a )ar&e /art o the wor)d is awaitin& usH His order was +)earI C,o and a)ready +)ose at hand Her reunion with Her Son. I !ean a tota) reunion. %e+ause the evan&e)ize a)) the nations9 2a/tisin& the! in the na!e o the (ather9 o the Son and o s/iritua) one has never +eased. I wi)) not )i t the vei)s on the !ysteries o ,od. %ut I a! the Ho)y S/irit9 tea+hin& the! to o2serve what I ordered you.D 'nd on the shore o the sure that She sees Her Son dai)y9 in His &)orious a//earan+e. 'nd that is Her 2eatitude. )a6e9 or three ti!es He ordered !e to /asture His shee/ and His )a!2s9 and He /ro/he@ I thin6 that in +onte!/)atin& Hi!9 Her s/irit is en)i&htened and is a2)e to 6now a)) the sied that on)y when I a! o)d I wi)) 2e tied and )ed to +on ess the 7hrist with !y 2)ood uture9 as ,od 6nows it. ')so Her own. She is sti)) on the 0arth with Her 2ody9 2ut I and !y )i e. 'nd =uite ar ro! hereH I I have understood one o His s/ee+hes /ro/er@ +ou)d a)!ost say9 without ear o !ista6in&9 that Her s/irit is a)!ost a)ways in Heaven. )y9 2e ore Lazarus' death9 I have to &o to .o!e and ound there the i!!orta) 7hur+h. Su+h is Her union with ,od that I do not thin6 that I s/ea6 a sa+ri)e&ious word sayin& 'nd did He Hi!se) not <ud&e that it was ri&ht to withdraw to 0/hrai!9 2e+ause His that ,od is in Her9 as when She +arried Hi! in Her wo!2. 0ven !ore. 's the 4ord evan&e)ization had not yet 2een a++o!/)ishedF 'nd on)y at the ri&ht !o!ent He +a!e was united to Her to 2e+o!e Jesus 7hrist9 so now She is so united to the 7hrist as to 2e 2a+6 to Judaea to 2e arrested and +ru+i ied. Let us i!itate Hi!. 8o one +an +ertain)y a se+ond 7hrist9 as to have ta6en on a new hu!anity9 that o Jesus Hi!se) . I what I say that Lazarus9 Mary and Martha were ear u) /eo/)e. 'nd yet9 you +an see that9 say is heresy9 !ay ,od )et !e 6now !y error and or&ive !e or it. .he lives in love. a)thou&h with dee/ sorrow9 they have &one away ro! here9 to ta6e His divine 4ord This fire of love infla#es Her nourishes Her enlightens Her and that fire of love will e)sewhere9 as here it wou)d have 2een su o+ated 2y the Judaeans. I chosen by Hi# as also abduct Her fro# us at the destined #o#ent without any pain for Her without His ;ontiff have decided. 'nd with !e the others9 a/ost)es and dis+i/)es9 have e=ua))y deco#position for Her body6 We alone will be grieved6 I in /arti+u)arN 4e sha)) no de+ided. We will scatter. So!e wi)) &o to Sa!aria9 and so!e towards the &reat sea9 and )on&er have our Tea+her9 our ,uide9 our 7o! orterN 'nd I sha)) 2e rea))y a)) a)oneNG so!e towards 1hoeni+ia9 /ushin& on and on9 to Syria9 to the is)ands9 to ,ree+e9 to the 'nd John9 whose voi+e was a)ready tre!2)in& strivin& to re/ress his tears9 is seized .o!an 0!/ire. I in these /)a+es here9 darne) and Judaean /oison !a6e the ie)ds and with a it o heart@rendin& so22in&9 su+h as he never e3/erien+ed 2e ore9 not even at the the vineyards o the Lord steri)e9 )et us &o e)sewhere and sow other seeds in other ie)ds oot o the 7ross or in the Se/u)+hre. and vineyards9 so that there !ay 2e not on)y a harvest9 2ut it !ay 2e a ri+h one. I in 4 1eter a)so9 a)thou&h !ore +a)!)y9 2e&ins to wee/ and in a tear u) voi+e he i!/)ores these /)a+es the hatred o the Jews /oisons the waters and in e+ts the!9 so that I9 a John to in or! hi!9 i he +an9 so that he !ay 2e /resent at Her /assa&e or at )east9 at isher o sou)s9 and !y 2rothers +annot +at+h sou)s or the Lord9 )et us &o to other Her 2uria). waters. 4e have to 2e /rudent and shrewd at the sa!e ti!e. %e)ieve !e9 John.G EI wi)) do so9 i I +an. %ut I dou2t it very !u+h. So!ethin& within !e te))s !e that as it 3 E;ou are ri&ht. %ut I was insistin& 2e+ause o Mary. I +annot9 I !ust not )eave Her. ha//ened to 0)i<ah who was a2du+ted 2y a +e)estia) whir)wind on a +hariot o ire9 so it 4e shou)d 2oth su er too !u+h. 'nd it wou)d 2e an evi) deed9 on !y sideNG John wi)) ha//en to Her. I sha)) not have ti!e to 2e+o!e aware o Her i!!inent /assa&e that re/)ies to hi!. She wi)) a)ready 2e in Heaven with Her sou).G E;ou wi)) stay. 'nd She wi)) stay9 2e+ause it wou)d 2e a2surd to tear Her away ro! E%ut Her 2ody at )east wi)) re!ain here. ')so the Master's re!ained. 'nd He was hereNG ,odHG E'nd Mary wou)d never a&ree to it. I wi)) <oin you )ater. 4hen She is no )on&er on the EIt was ne+essary or Hi! that it shou)d 2e so. %ut not or Her. 4ith His .esurre+tion 0arth.G He had to &ive the )ie to the Judaean s)anders9 with His a//aritions He had to +onvin+e E;ou wi)) +o!e. ;ou are youn&N ;ou have sti)) a )on& ti!e to )ive.G the wor)d9 that had 2e+o!e dou2t u)9 and even ne&atory9 2e+ause o His death on the 7ross. %ut She does not need that. I 9 however9 I +an do so9 I wi)) )et you 6now. E'nd Mary a very short one.G ,ood2ye9 1eter9 !y 1onti and !y %rother in the 7hrist. I a! &oin& 2a+6 to Her9 as She is +ertain)y waitin& or !e. ,od 2e with you.G E4hyF Is She i))9 su erin&9 wea69 /erha/sFG E5hH noH Ti!e and sorrows have had no /ower over Her. She is a)ways youn&9 in a//earan+e and in s/irit. Serene9 even !ore9 I shou)d say 2)iss u).G E'nd with you. 'nd te)) Mary to /ray or !e and to or&ive !e on+e a&ain or !y +owardi+e in the ni&ht o the Tria)9 a !e!ory that I +annot +an+e) ro! !y heart9 and &ives !e no /ea+eNG and tears strea! down the +hee6s o 1eter9 who +on+)udesI EMay

)##. Pe&e :"n,e ses %i&h J"hn.


She 2e a Mother to !e. ' Mother o )ove or Her !isera2)e /rodi&a) sonNG EI need not te)) Her. She )oves you !ore than a !other 2y 2)ood. She )oves you as the Mother o ,od9 and with the )ove o the Mother o ,od. I She was ready to or&ive Judas9 whose sin was in+o!!ensura2)e9 +onsider whether She has or&iven youH 1ea+e to you9 2rother9 I a! &oin&.G E'nd I wi)) o))ow you9 i you a))ow !e. I want to see Her on+e a&ain.G

+*5. The 35iss1u5 Passa4e #1 &he 35essed Hi!4in.

2$s& N#0e()e! $95$.

1 Mary9 in Her so)itary )itt)e roo!9 on the hi&h terra+e9 a)) dressed in white )inen9 2oth in the dress that +overs Her 2ody9 and in the !ant)e that9 astened at the na/e o Her ne+69 a))s down Her 2a+69 and in the very thin vei) that han&s ro! Her head9 is E7o!e. I 6now whi+h road to ta6e to &o to ,ethse!ane9 without 2ein& seen.G arran&in& Her &ar!ents and Jesus'9 whi+h She has a)ways 6e/t. She /i+6s the 2est ones. 5 They set out and wa)6 =ui+6)y and in si)en+e towards Jerusa)e!9 2ut /assin& a)on& the 'nd they are ew. 5 Her own She ta6es the dress and the !ant)e She had on 7a)varyM u//er road9 that arrives at the Mount o 5)ives on the side arthest ro! town. 4hen o Her Son's9 a )inen tuni+ that Jesus used to wear on su!!er days9 and the !ant)e that they arrive it is a)ready day2rea6. They &o into ,ethse!ane9 and des+end towards the was ound at ,ethse!ane9 sti)) stained with the 2)ood He shed with the 2)oody )itt)e house. Mary9 4ho is on the terra+e9 sees the! +o!in& and9 utterin& a +ry o <oy9 /ers/iration o that dread u) hour. She &oes down to !eet the!. 1eter rea))y a))s at Her eet9 with his a+e on the &round9 ' ter o)din& these &ar!ents +are u))y and 6issin& Jesus' !ant)e stained with 2)ood9 She sayin& to HerI EMother9 or&ive !eHG &oes towards the +hest9 in whi+h or years have 2een &athered and 6e/t the re)i+s o the E(or whatF Have you /erha/s sinned in anythin&F He 4ho revea)s everythin& to Me9 Last Su//er and o the 1assion. She &athers a)) these thin&s in one +o!/art!ent9 the has on)y revea)ed to Me that you are His worthy su++essor in the (aith. I have a)ways u//er one9 and She )ays the +)othes in the )ower one. ound you to 2e a <ust !an9 even i at ti!es i!/u)sive. So what have I to or&ive youFG She is +)osin& the +hest when John9 who had &one u/ to the terra+e si)ent)y and had 1eter wee/s and is si)ent. )oo6ed in to see what Mary was doin&9 /erha/s worried 2e+ause o Her )on& a2sen+e ro! the 6it+hen9 as She had &one u/stairs to s/end the !ornin& hours9 !a6es Her turn John e3/)ainsI E1eter +annot set his !ind at rest or havin& denied Jesus9 in the 7ourt o round sudden)y 2y as6in& HerI E4hat are ;ou doin&9 MotherFG the Te!/)e.G EThat is a thin& o the /ast and it has 2een +an+e))ed9 1eter. Has Jesus /erha/s re/roa+hed youFG E5hH noHG E4as He )ess )ovin& to you than /revious)yFG E8o. 8ot rea))y. 5n the +ontraryHNG E'nd does that not te)) you how He9 and I with Hi!9 have understood you and or&iven youFG EThat is true. I a! a)ways the sa!e oo).G EI have /ut strai&ht what is to 2e 6e/t. ')) the souvenirsN 0verythin& that is witness to His in inite )ove and sorrow.G E4hy9 Mother9 do ;ou reo/en the wounds o ;our heart 2y )oo6in& a&ain at these sad thin&sF ;ou are /a)e and ;our hand is tre!2)in&N So ;ou su er seein& the!G John says to Her9 a//roa+hin& Her9 as i he were a raid that9 wan and tre!2)in& as She is9 She !i&ht ee) i)) and a)) on the )oor. E5hH that is not why I a! wan and I a! tre!2)in&. It is not 2e+ause they reo/en My woundsN They9 in a+t9 have never 2een +)osed +o!/)ete)y. 'nd yet /ea+e and <oy are in Me9 and they have never 2een so +o!/)ete as they are now.G

E8ever as nowF I do not understandN The si&ht o those thin&s9 u)) o +rue) !e!ories9 awa6ens in !e the an&uish o those hours. 'nd I a! on)y a dis+i/)e. ;ou are the EThen &o and 2e at /ea+e. I te)) you that we sha)) a)) 2e to&ether9 you9 I9 the other a/ost)es and dea+ons9 a)) in Heaven9 near the Man@,od. (or what is &iven to Me9 I 2)ess MotherNG you.G and as She did with ,a!a)ie)9 Mary )ays Her hands on the head o 1eter and E'nd you !ean that as su+h I shou)d su er !ore. 'nd ro! a hu!an /oint o view9 tra+es a si&n o the +ross on it. 1eter 2ends to 6iss Her eet9 he then stands u/9 !u+h you are ri&ht. %ut it is not So. 2 I a! a++usto!ed to endurin& the sorrow o 2ein& !ore serene than 2e ore9 and sti)) in the +o!/any o John9 he &oes 2a+6 to the u//er se/arated ro! Hi!. It was a)ways sorrow u)9 2e+ause His /resen+e and +)oseness were &ate9 /asses it9 and &oes away9 whi)e John9 a ter +)osin& that entran+e9 &oes 2a+6 to My 1aradise on 0arth. %ut I a)ways su ered the! wi))in&)y and serene)y9 2e+ause every Mary.

)#5. The 02iss-u2 Passa1e "- &he 02essed Di 1in.


a+tion o His was wanted 2y His (ather9 it was o2edien+e to the divine 4i))9 and so I a++e/ted it9 2e+ause I a)so have a)ways o2eyed the wi)) and /)ans o ,od or Me. 0very ti!e Jesus )e t Me9 I su ered. 7ertain)y. I e)t )one)y. 5n)y ,od has !easured in its !ost rea) intensity My sorrow when He9 a 2oy9 )e t Me se+ret)y9 or the dis/ute with the do+tors o the Te!/)e. 'nd yet9 with the e3+e/tion o the air =uestion that I9 His !other9 as6ed Hi!9 as He had )e t Me in that !anner9 I did not say anythin& e)se to Hi!. Li6ewise I did not ho)d Hi! 2a+6 when He )e t Me to 2e+o!e the MasterN and I was a)ready a widow9 and there ore a)) a)one9 in a town that9 with the e3+e/tion o a ew /eo/)e9 did not )ove Me. 'nd I showed no sur/rise at His re/)y at the 2an=uet in 7ana. He was doin& the wi)) o His (ather. 'nd I was )eavin& Hi! ree to do it. I +ou)d dare !a6e a su&&estion or a re=uest. ' su&&estion or His dis+i/)es9 a re=uest or so!e /oor wret+h. %ut !ore than that9 no. I su ered every ti!e He )e t Me to &o into the wor)d9 hosti)e to Hi! and so sin u) that to )ive in it was a &reat su erin& to Hi!. %ut how !u+h <oy every ti!e He +a!e 2a+6 to MeH It was rea))y9 so intense that it re+o!/ensed Me seventy ti!es seven or the sorrow o the se/aration. The sorrow o the se/aration o))owin& ro! His $eath was heart@rendin&9 2ut with whi+h words +ou)d I des+ri2e the <oy I e)t when He9 risen ro! the dead9 a//eared to MeF I!!ense was the /ain o the se/aration9 whi+h wou)d end on)y when My earth)y )i e wou)d 2e +o!/)eted9 when He as+ended to His (ather. 3 I a! now re<oi+in&9 i!!ense is My <oy as i!!ense was My /ain9 2e+ause I ee) that !y life is co#pleted. I have done what I had to do. I have +o!/)eted My earth)y !ission. The other one9 the +e)estia) one9 wi)) have no end. ,od has )e t Me on the 0arth unti) I a)so9 )i6e My Jesus9 have a++o!/)ished everythin& o what I had to do. 'nd I have in Me that se+ret <oy9 the on)y dro/ o 2a)! in His e3tre!e tortures u)) o 2itterness9 that Jesus had when He was a2)e to sayI C )verything is acco#plished.DG EJoy in JesusF 't that !o!entFG E;es9 John. ' <oy in+o!/rehensi2)e to !en. %ut +o!/rehensi2)e to the s/irits that a)ready )ive in the )i&ht o ,od and see the dee/ thin&s hidden under the vei)s that the 0terna) s/reads over His se+rets as :in&9 than6s to that Li&ht. I9 so distressed9 so u/set 2y those events9 asso+iated with Hi!9 My Son9 in the a2andon!ent o the (ather9 did not understand then. The Li&ht was e3tin&uished or the who)e wor)d in that hour9 or the who)e wor)d that had not wanted to re+eive it. 'nd a)so or Me. 8ot as a <ust /unish!ent9 2ut 2e+ause9 as I had to 2e the 7o@.edee!er9 I a)so had to su er the an&uish o the a2andon!ent o divine +o! orts9 the dar6ness9 the deso)ation9 the te!/tation o Satan o not !a6in& Me 2e)ieve any )on&er that what He had said was /ossi2)e9 everythin& that He a)so su ered9 in His s/irit9 ro! Thursday to (riday. %ut )ater I understood. 4hen the Li&ht9 that had risen orever9 a//eared to Me9 I understood. 0verythin&. ')so the se+ret e3tre!e <oy o the 7hrist9 when He was a2)e to sayI CI have acco#plished everything that the -ather wanted !e to acco#plish. I have filled the #easure of divine charity by loving the -ather even unto the sacrifice of

!yself by loving #en even unto dying for the#. I have acco#plished everything that I had to acco#plish. I a# dying happily in !y spirit although lacerated in !y innocent flesh.D I a)so have a++o!/)ished everythin& that9 a2 aeterno9 was written I shou)d a++o!/)ish. (ro! the &eneration o the .edee!er9 to the he)/ &iven to you9 His /riests9 or your /er e+t or!ation. 4 The 7hur+h is now or!ed and stron&. The Ho)y S/irit en)i&htens it9 the 2)ood o the irst !artyrs +e!ent it and !u)ti/)y it9 My assistan+e has +oo/erated in !a6in& It a ho)y or&anis!9 that the )ove towards ,od and the 2rothers nourishes and orti ies !ore and !ore9 and in whi+h hatred9 i))@ ee)in&s9 envy9 s)ander9 wi+6ed /)ants o Satan9 ta6e no root. ,od is /)eased with that9 and He wants you to 6now that ro! My )i/s9 as He wants Me to te)) you to +ontinue to &row in )ove in order to &row in /er e+tion9 and so a)so in nu!2er o 7hristians and in /ower o do+trine. Because the doctrine of 8esus is the doctrine of love. Because the life of 8esus and also !ine have always been guided and urged by love. We re5ected nobody we forgave everybody. 5ne on)y we did not or&ive9 2e+ause he9 a)ready a servant to the Hatred9 did not want our )ove that had no )i!its. Jesus in His )ast arewe)) 2e ore His death9 &ave you the +o!!and!ent to )ove one another. 'nd He a)so &ave you the !easure o the )ove that you had to have or one another9 sayin&I CLove one another as I have )oved you. (ro! this it wi)) 2e 6nown that you are My dis+i/)es.D The ,hurch in order to live and grow needs charity. ,harity above all in its #inisters. If you did not love one another with all your strength and li"ewise you did not love your brothers in the 2ord the ,hurch would beco#e sterile. 'nd di i+u)t and s+anty wou)d 2e the restoration and the su/er restoration o !en to their ran6 o +hi)dren o the Most Hi&h and +oheirs to the :in&do! o Heaven9 because &od would cease helping you in your #ission. &od is love. )very action of His has been an action of love. (ro! +reation to the In+arnation. (ro! this to the .ede!/tion. 'nd ro! this to the oundation o the 7hur+h. 'nd ina))y ro! this to the +e)estia) Jerusa)e!9 that wi)) asse!2)e a)) the <ust so that they !ay re<oi+e in the Lord. 5 I a! te))in& you these thin&s9 2e+ause you are the '/ost)e o )ove and you +an understand the! 2etter than the othersNG John interru/ts Her sayin&I E')so the others )ove and )ove one another.G E;es. %ut you are /ree!inent)y the Lovin& 5ne. 0a+h o you had his /e+u)iarity9 as9 a ter a))9 is the +ase o every +reature. ;ou9 a!on& the twe)ve9 were a)ways )ove9 /ure and su/ernatura) )ove. 1erha/s9 no9 +ertain)y 2e+ause you are so /ure9 you are so )ovin&. 1eter9 instead9 was a)ways the !an9 the &enuine i!/etuous !an. His 2rother9 'ndrew9 was as si)ent and ti!id as the other was not. Ja!es9 your 2rother9 was the i!/u)sive one9 so !u+h so that Jesus +a))ed hi! the son o thunder. The other Ja!es9 Jesus' 2rother9 the <ust and heroi+a) one. Judas o ')/haeus9 his 2rother9 the no2)e and )oya) one9 a)ways. The $avidi+ e3tra+tion was o2vious in hi!. 1hi)i/ and %artho)o!ew were the traditiona)ists. Si!on >ea)ot9 the /rudent one. Tho!as9 the /ea+e u) one. Matthew9

)#5. The 02iss-u2 Passa1e "- &he 02essed Di 1in.


the hu!2)e one9 who !ind u) o his /ast9 strove to 2e unnoti+ed. 'nd Judas o :erioth9 a)asH the 2)a+6 shee/ o the )o+6 o 7hrist9 the sna6e war!ed 2y His )ove9 was the satani+ )iar9 a)ways. %ut you9 who are a)) )ove9 +an understand 2etter and +an 2e+o!e the voi+e o )ove or a)) the others9 or those who are ar away9 to &ive the! this )ast /ie+e o My advi+e. ;ou wi)) te)) the! that they are to )ove one another and every2ody9 a)so their /erse+utors9 in order to 2e one thin& with ,od9 as I was9 so as to deserve to 2e e)e+ted s/ouse o the 0terna) Love9 in order to +on+eive the 7hrist. I gave !yself to &od without li#it although I understood at once how #uch sorrow would co#e to !e for that. The /ro/hets were /resent in My !ind9 and the divine )i&ht !ade their words very +)ear to Me. So ro! My irst C iatD to the 'n&e) I 6new that I was +onse+ratin& Myse) to the &reatest sorrow a !other +an su er. %ut nothin& /)a+ed a )i!it to My )ove9 2e+ause I 6now that it is9 or those who !a6e use o it9 stren&th9 )i&ht9 !a&net that attra+ts u/wards9 ire that /uri ies and 2eauti ies what it 2urns9 trans or!in& and transhu!anisin& those +au&ht in its e!2ra+e.

7 4hen you are the on)y one )e t9 save this +hestNG John9 &rowin& /a)e and 2e+o!in& u/set9 even !ore than he 2)an+hed sin+e Mary said that She e)t that Her !ission was a++o!/)ished9 interru/ts Her e3+)ai!in& and as6in&I EMotherH 4hy do ;ou say thatF 're ;ou not we))FG E8o. I a! we)).G E$o ;ou want to )eave !e9 thenFG E8o. I sha)) 2e with you unti) I a! on the 0arth. %ut9 My dear John9 /re/are yourse) to 2e a)one.G EThen ;ou are not we))9 and ;ou want to +on+ea) it ro! !eHNG

E8o9 2e)ieve Me. I have never e)t so stron&9 at /ea+e9 <oy u)9 as I do now. %ut I have su+h a <u2i)ation9 su+h a u))ness o su/ernatura) )i e9 thatN ;es9 that I thin6 that I sha)) 6 ;es. Love is rea))y a )a!e. The )a!e9 that a)thou&h it destroys what is /erisha2)e9 2e not 2e a2)e to endure it whi)e +ontinuin& to )ive. I a! not eterna)9 on the other hand. it a wre+69 so!e ru22)e9 a /oor wret+h9 !a6es a /uri ied s/irit o it9 worthy o Heaven. ;ou !ust understand that. My s/irit is eterna). My 2ody is not. 'nd it is su2<e+t9 )i6e the )esh o every !an9 to death.G How !any wre+6s9 how !any !en stained9 +orroded9 worn out you wi)) ind on your ways o evan&e)izersH 3o not despise any of the#. 5n the +ontrary9 )ove the!9 so that E8oH 8oH $on't say that. ;ou +annot9 you !ust not dieH ;our i!!a+u)ate 2ody +annot they !ay rea+h )ove and 2e saved. In use )ove into the!. !any a ti#e #an beco#es die )i6e that o a sinnerHG wic"ed because no one ever loved hi# or loved hi# badly. $o )ove the!9 so that the Ho)y S/irit9 a ter the /uri i+ation9 !ay +o!e to dwe)) a&ain in those te!/)es9 that !any E;ou are wron&9 John. My Son diedH 'nd I sha)) die as we)). I sha)) not su er the disease9 the a&ony9 the /an& o death. %ut as ar as dyin& is +on+erned9 I sha)) die. In thin&s !ade e!/ty and i)thy. ,od9 to +reate !an9 did not ta6e an an&e) or +hoi+e any +ase9 2ear in !ind9 son9 that i I have a desire9 a)) Mine and on)y Mine9 and that !ateria)s. He too6 so!e !ud9 the !ost worth)ess !ateria). Then in usin& His 2reath )asts sin+e He )e t Me9 it is <ust this one. This is !y first #ighty desire entirely !ine. I into it9 that is9 His )ove a&ain9 He e)evated the worth)ess !ateria) to the su2)i!e ran6 o +an even sayI My irst wi)). )verything else in !y life was nothing but the consent of ado/tive son o ,od. !y .on on His way found #any wrec"s of #en who had fallen !y will to the divine will. The wi)) o ,od9 /ut in My heart o a )itt)e &ir) 2y ,od into filth. He never tra#pled on the# despisingly. 5n the +ontrary He &athered the! and re+eived the! and He +han&ed the! into +hosen sou)s o Heaven. ')ways 2ear that Hi!se) 9 the wi)) to 2e a vir&in. His wi))I My !arria&e with Jose/h. His wi))I My vir&ina) divine Maternity. 0verythin& in My )i e was done 2y the wi)) o ,od and 2y in your !inds. And do as He did. .e!e!2er everythin&9 the a+tions and the words o My o2edien+e to His wi)). %ut this desire9 o wantin& to <oin Jesus9 is a wi)) entire)y My Son. .e!e!2er His 6ind /ara2)es. Live the!9 that is9 /ut the! into /ra+ti+e. 'nd write the!9 so that they !ay re!ain or uture &enerations9 to the end o ti!e9 and they Mine. To )eave the 0arth or Heaven9 to 2e with Hi! orever and +ontinuous)yH My !ay a)ways serve as a &uide or !en o &ood wi))9 to a+hieve )i e and eterna) &)ory. ;ou desire o so !any yearsH 'nd now I ee) it is on the /oint o 2e+o!in& rea)ity. wi)) +ertain)y not 2e a2)e to re/eat a)) the 2ri&ht words o the 0terna) 4ord o Li e and 8 $o not 2e so u/set9 JohnH 2isten instead to !y last wishes. 4hen My 2ody9 de/rived Truth. %ut write as !any o the! as you +an. The S/irit o ,od9 4ho des+ended u/on o the vita) s/irit9 wi)) )ie in /ea+e9 do not su2<e+t Me to the +usto!ary e!2a)!!ent o Me so that I !i&ht &ive the Saviour to the wor)d9 and 4ho des+ended a)so u/on you a the He2rews. %e+ause I a! no )on&er a Jewess9 2ut a 7hristian9 the irst 7hristian9 i irst and a se+ond ti!e9 wi)) he)/ you to re!e!2er9 and when you s/ea6 to the +rowds9 one +onsiders the situation /ro/er)y9 2e+ause I was the irst to have 7hrist9 ()esh and in order to +onvert the! to the true ,od. ;ou wi)) +ontinue that s/iritua) !aternity that %)ood9 in Me9 2e+ause I was His irst dis+i/)e9 2e+ause I was 7o@.edee!er with Hi! I 2e&an on 7a)vary to &ive !any +hi)dren to the Lord. 'nd the sa!e S/irit9 s/ea6in& in and His +ontinuator here9 a!on& you9 His servants. 8o )ivin& 2ein&9 with the e3+e/tion the re+reated +hi)dren o the Lord9 wi)) orti y the! so that it wi)) 2e /)easant or the! o My ather and !other9 and those who assisted at My 2irth9 has seen My 2ody. ;ou to die a!on& tortures9 to su er e3i)e and /erse+utions9 to +on ess their )ove to 7hrist o ten +a)) MeI CThe )ivin& 'r6 that +ontained the divine 4ord.D 8ow you 6now that the and <oin Hi! in Heaven9 as Ste/hen and Ja!es9 My Ja!es9 have a)ready done9 and 'r6 +an 2e seen on)y 2y the Hi&h 1riest. ;ou are a /riest9 and !u+h ho)ier and /urer others as we))N

)#5. The 02iss-u2 Passa1e "- &he 02essed Di 1in.


than the 1onti o the Te!/)e. %ut I want on)y the 0terna) 1onti to see My 2ody at the ri&ht ti!e. So9 do not tou+h Me. In any +ase9 seeF I have a)ready /uri ied Myse) 9 and I have /ut on a +)ean dress9 the dress o the eterna) weddin&N

that it sounds )i6e the )i&ht o an&e)s around the house. 'nd they are9 /erha/s9 rea))y here. %e+ause an&e)s9 one or !any9 have a)ways 2een near Me9 when I have 2een in a s/e+ia) !o!ent o My )i e. They were at 8azareth9 when the S/irit o ,od !ade My vir&ina) wo!2 /ro)i i+. 'nd they were with Jose/h9 when he was u/set and un+ertain 9 %ut why are you wee/in&9 JohnFG a2out My state and how to 2ehave with Me. 'nd at %eth)ehe! a irst and a se+ond ti!e9 when Jesus was 2orn9 and when we had to )ee to 0&y/t. 'nd in 0&y/t when they E%e+ause the stor! o sorrow is stirrin& u/ in !e. I 6now that I a! a2out to )ose ;ou. ordered us to +o!e 2a+6 to 1a)estine. 'nd J i not to Me9 2e+ause the :in& o the How sha)) I 2e a2)e to )ive without ;ouF I ee) !y heart 2ein& torn to /ie+es at this an&e)s Hi!se) had +o!e to Me9 as soon as He had risen J and an&e)s a//eared to the thou&htH I sha)) not 2e a2)e to stand this &rie HG /ious wo!en at the dawn o the irst day a ter the Sa22ath and &ave the! the order to E;ou wi)) stand it. ,od wi)) he)/ you to )ive9 and or a )on& ti!e9 as He he)/ed Me. te)) you and 1eter what you had to do. 'n&e)s and )i&ht a)ways at the de+isive !o!ents %e+ause9 i He had not he)/ed Me9 on ,o)&otha and on the Mount o 5)ives9 when o My )i e and o Jesus'. Li&ht and ardour o )ove that9 des+endin& ro! the Throne o Jesus died and as+ended9 I wou)d have died9 as Isaa+ died. He wi)) he)/ you to )ive and ,od to Me9 His !aid9 and as+endin& ro! My heart to ,od9 My :in& and Lord9 united to re!e!2er what I have to)d you 2e ore9 or the we) are o every2ody.G Me to ,od and Hi! to !e9 so that what was written that was to 2e a++o!/)ished9 E5hH I wi)) re!e!2er. 0verythin&. 'nd I wi)) do what ;ou wish9 a)so or ;our 2ody. I shou)d 2e a++o!/)ished9 and a)so to +reate a vei) o )i&ht s/read over the se+rets o ,od9 so that Satan and his servants shou)d not 2e aware o the a++o!/)ish!ent o the understand as we)) that the He2rew rites no )on&er serve or ;ou9 a 7hristian9 and or su2)i!e !ystery o the In+arnation9 2e ore the ri&ht ti!e. ')so this evenin& I ee) the ;ou9 the Most 1ure Mother9 4ho9 I a! sure9 wi)) not 2e su2<e+ted to the +orru/tion o an&e)s around Me9 a)thou&h I do not see the!. 'nd I ee) a Li&ht9 an unsustaina2)e the )esh. ;our 2ody9 dei ied as no other !orta) 2ody9 2oth 2e+ause ;ou have 2een e3e!/ted ro! the Sin o 5ri&in9 and even !ore 2e+ause in addition to 2ein& the u)) o )i&ht9 &row within Me9 )i6e the )i&ht that enve)o/ed Me when I +on+eived the 7hrist9 when I &ave Hi! to the wor)d. ' )i&ht that +o!es ro! an i!/etuosity o )ove !ore ,ra+e9 ;ou +ontained in ;ou ,ra+e itse) 9 the 4ord9 where2y ;ou are His !ost true re)i+9 ;our 2ody +annot e3/erien+e the de+o!/osition9 the rottenness o a)) dead )esh. /ower u) than usua). Throu&h a si!i)ar /ower o )ove9 I snat+hed the 4ord ro! This wi)) 2e the )ast !ira+)e o ,od on ;ou9 in ;ou. 'nd you wi)) 2e /reserved as ;ou Heaven 2e ore ti!e9 so that He !i&ht 2e+o!e the Man and the .edee!er. Throu&h a si!i)ar /ower o )ove9 as the one that assai)s Me this evenin&9 I ho/e that Heaven wi)) areNG a2du+t Me and +arry Me where I )on& to &o with My s/irit to sin& My i!/erisha2)e E$o not wee/9 thenHG e3+)ai!s Mary )oo6in& at the u/set a+e o the a/ost)e9 a)) washed CMa&ni i+atD to ,od9 or the thin&s He has done to Me9 His !aid9 with the /eo/)e o the 2y his tears. 'nd She addsI EI I a! /reserved as I a!9 you wi)) not )ose Me. So9 do not saints and the +horuses o the an&e)s9 orever and ever.G worryHG 11 E1ro2a2)y not on)y with ;our s/irit. 'nd the 0arth wi)) re/)y to ;ou9 and with its EI sha)) )ose ;ou <ust the sa!e9 even i ;ou re!ain in+orru/t. I ee) it. 'nd I ee) as i I /eo/)es and nations wi)) &)ori y and honour and )ove ;ou unti) the end o the wor)d9 as were +au&ht in a hurri+ane o sorrow. ' hurri+ane that 2rea6s !e and 6no+6s !e down. ri&ht)y To2ias /redi+ted o ;ou9 a)thou&h +overt)y9 2e+ause ;ou are rea))y the 5ne ;ou were everythin& or !e9 /arti+u)ar)y sin+e !y re)atives died9 and the other 4ho +arried the Lord in Herse) 9 and not the Ho)y o Ho)ies. ;ou have &iven ,od9 2y 2rothers9 2oth 2y 2)ood and 2y !ission9 are ar away9 a)so 2e)oved Mar<ia!9 who! ;ourse) 9 as !u+h )ove as a)) the Hi&h 1riests and a)) the others o the Te!/)e have not 1eter has ta6en with hi!. I sha)) now 2e )e t a)one9 and in the stron&est stor!HG and &iven Hi! throu&hout a&es. 'rdent !ost /ure )ove. %e+ause o that ,od wi)) !a6e ;ou John a))s at Her eet9 wee/in& even !ore 2itter)y. Most 2)essed.G 10 Mary 2ends over hi!9 She )ays Her hand on his head sha6en 2y so2s and She says to hi!I E8o. 8ot so. 4hy are you &rievin& MeF ;ou were so stron& under the 7ross9 and it was an in+o!/ara2)e s+ene o horror9 2oth 2e+ause o the +rue)ty o His !artyrdo! and o the satani+ hatred o the /eo/)eH 'nd you were so stron& in +o! ortin& Hi! and Me9 thenH 'nd today9 or rather9 this Sa22ath evenin&9 so serene and +a)!9 and in ront o Me 4ho a! re<oi+in& or an i!!inent ha//iness o whi+h I have a /re!onitory ee)in&9 you are so u/setFH 7a)! yourse) . I!itate9 even !ore9 <oin what is around us and in Me. 0verythin& is /ea+e u). %e at /ea+e as we)). 5n)y the o)ive@trees9 with their &ent)e rust)in&9 2rea6 the a2so)ute +a)! o this hour. %ut this &ent)e noise is so /)easant9 E'nd He wi)) satis y My on)y wish9 the on)y thin& I want. Because love when it is so co#plete as to be al#ost perfect as the love of !y .on and &od achieves everything even what9 a++ordin& to hu!an o/inion9 wou)d see! i!/ossi2)e to a+hieve. .e!e!2er that9 John. 'nd in or! a)so your 2rothers o that. Men wi)) i&ht a&ainst you so !u+hH ')) 6inds o o2sta+)es wi)) !a6e you 2e a raid o de eat9 !assa+res 2y /erse+utors and de e+tions o 7hristians o N Is+arioti+ !ora)ity wi)) dishearten your s/irits. %e not a raid. 2ove and be not afraid. In /ro/ortion to how you )ove9 ,od wi)) he)/ you and wi)) !a6e you triu!/h over everythin& and every2ody. 0verythin& +an 2e a+hieved9 i

)#5. The 02iss-u2 Passa1e "- &he 02essed Di 1in.


one 2e+o!es a sera/h. Then the sou)9 this wonder u) eterna) thin&9 whi+h is the very 2reath o ,od9 in used 2y Hi! into us9 hur)s itse) towards Heaven9 a))s )i6e a )a!e at the oot o the $ivine Throne9 s/ea6s and is )istened to 2y ,od9 and o2tains ro! the ')!i&hty what it wants. I !en 6new how to )ove as is /res+ri2ed 2y the an+ient Law9 and how My Son )oved and tau&ht /eo/)e to )ove9 they wou)d o2tain everythin&. I )ove thus. That is why I ee) that I sha)) +ease to 2e on the 0arth9 I throu&h e3+ess o )ove9 as He died throu&h e3+ess o sorrow. 4e))H The !easure o My +a/a+ity o )ovin& is u)). My sou) and My 2ody are no )on&er a2)e to +ontain it. Love over )ows ro! it9 it su2!er&es Me and raises Me at the sa!e ti!e towards Heaven9 towards ,od9 My Son. 'nd His voi+e says to MeI C7o!eH 7o!e outH 's+end to our Throne and to our Trine e!2ra+eHD The 0arth9 what surrounds Me9 disa//ears in the 2ri&ht )i&ht that +o!es to Me ro! HeavenH 8oises are drowned 2y this +e)estia) voi+eH My !o!ent or the divine e!2ra+e has +o!e9 My dear JohnHG

noti+es that Mary does not 2reathe any !ore9 a)thou&h She is sti)) natura) in Her /osture and a//earan+e9 s!i)in&9 /ea+e u)9 as i She had not noti+ed that )i e had sto//ed. John9 with a heart@rendin& +ry throws hi!se) on the )oor a&ainst the ed&e o the 2ed9 and +a))s and +a))s Mary. He +annot +onvin+e hi!se) that She is no )on&er a2)e to re/)y to hi!9 that Her 2ody is now de/rived o the vita) sou). %ut he has to surrender to eviden+eH He 2ends over Her a+e9 sti)) i3ed in an e3/ression o su/ernatura) <oy9 and tears strea! +o/ious)y ro! his eyes on that sweet a+e9 on those /ure hands so &ent)y o)ded on Her 2reast. It is the on)y washin& that Mary's 2ody hadI the tears o the '/ost)e o )ove and o Her son o ado/tion 2y Jesus' wi)).

13 4hen the irst trans/ort o sorrow is over9 John9 re!e!2erin& Mary's wish9 /i+6s u/ the ed&es o Her wide )inen !ant)e9 whi+h were han&in& ro! the sides o the )itt)e 2ed9 and those o the vei)9 whi+h were a)so han&in& ro! the /i))ow9 and he s/reads the or!er over Her 2ody9 and the )atter on Her head. Mary is now )i6e a statue o white 12 John9 who had +a)!ed down a )itt)e9 a)thou&h sti)) so!ewhat u/set9 )istenin& to !ar2)e9 )aid on the +over o a sar+o/ha&us. John +onte!/)ates Her at so!e )en&th9 and Mary9 and who at the )ast /art o Her s/ee+h was )oo6in& at Her e+stati+a))y9 and a)!ost !ore tears a)) ro! his eyes as he does so. enra/tured as we))9 as /a)e in his a+e as Mary9 4hose /a))or9 however9 +han&es into a very white )i&ht9 rushes towards Her to su//ort Her9 and in the !eanti!e he e3+)ai!sI Then he rearran&es the roo!9 re!ovin& a)) su/er )uous urniture. He )eaves on)y the E;ou are )i6e Jesus when He 2e+a!e trans i&ured on Ta2orH ;our )esh is shinin& )i6e 2ed9 the )itt)e ta2)e a&ainst the wa)) and he /)a+es the +hest with the re)i+s on it9 a stoo)9 the !oon9 ;our &ar!ents are as 2ri&ht as a dia!ond sheet /)a+ed 2e ore a very white that he /)a+es 2etween the door )eadin& to the terra+e and the 2ed on whi+h Mary is )a!eH ;ou are no )on&er hu!an9 MotherH The heaviness and o/a+ity o the )esh has )yin&9 and a she) 9 on whi+h there is a )a!/ that John )i&hts9 as it is 2e&innin& to &et disa//earedH ;ou are )i&htH %ut ;ou are not Jesus9 He9 2ein& ,od9 2esides 2ein& Man9 dar6. +ou)d stand a)so 2y Hi!se) 9 there9 u/on Ta2or9 as He did here9 on the Mount o 5)ives9 Then he hurries down to ,ethse!ane9 to /i+6 as !any )owers as he +an9 and so!e when He as+ended. ;ou +annot. ;ou +annot stand. 7o!e. I wi)) he)/ ;ou to )ay ;our 2ran+hes o o)ive@trees9 with o)ives a)ready on the!. He &oes 2a+6 u/ to the )itt)e roo!9 tired 2)essed 2ody on ;our )itt)e 2ed. .est.G 'nd he )ovin&)y )eads Her towards the and in the )i&ht o the )a!/ he arran&es the )owers and the 2ran+hes around Mary's /oor 2ed9 on whi+h Mary )ies9 without ta6in& o even Her !ant)e. 2ody9 as i it were in the +entre o a hu&e wreath. (o)din& Her ar!s a+ross Her 2reast9 +)osin& Her eye)ids on Her 6ind eyes9 2ri&ht with 4hi)e doin& so9 he s/ea6s to the 2ody on the 2ed9 as i Mary +ou)d sti)) hear hi!. He )ove9 She says to John who is 2ent over HerI EI a! in ,od. 'nd ,od is in Me. 4hi)e I saysI E;ou have a)ways 2een the )i)y o the va))ey9 the sweet rose9 the 2eauti u) o)ive@ +onte!/)ate Hi! and ee) His e!2ra+e9 say the /sa)!s9 and any other /a&es o the tree9 the ruit@2earin& vineyard9 the ho)y ear o wheat. ;ou have &iven us ;our S+ri/tures 2e+o!in& Me9 /arti+u)ar)y in this hour. The S/irit o 4isdo! wi)) /oint /er u!es9 and the 5i) o Li e9 and the 4ine o the stron&9 and the %read that /reserves the! out to you. Then say the /rayer o My Son9 re/eat the words o the announ+in& the s/irits ro! death9 or those who worthi)y eed on it. These )owers )oo6 )ove)y here 'r+han&e) and o 0)iza2eth to Me9 and My hy!n o /raiseN I wi)) o))ow you with around ;ou9 as they are si!/)e and /ure )i6e ;ou9 adorned with thorns )i6e ;ou and what I sti)) have o Myse) on the 0arthN /ea+e u) )i6e ;ou. 8ow )et us /ut this )a!/ +)oser. So9 near ;our 2ed9 that it !ay wat+h John9 stru&&)in& a&ainst the tears that rise ro! his heart9 strivin& to +ontro) the e!otion over ;ou and 6ee/ !e +o!/any whi)e I wat+h ;ou9 whi)e awaitin& or at )east one o that u/sets hi!9 in his 2eauti u) voi+e9 whi+h9 as years have &one 2y9 has 2e+o!e very the !ira+)es that I a! e3/e+tin& and or whose u) i))!ent I /ray. The irst one is that9 )i6e Jesus' O whi+h Mary noti+es with a s!i)e9 sayin&I EI see! to have My Jesus 2eside a++ordin& to his wish9 1eter9 and the others9 who! I wi)) &et 8i+ode!us' servant to MeHG J intones /sa)! one hundred and ei&hteen9 whi+h he says a)!ost entire)y9 then the in or!9 !ay see ;ou on+e a&ain. The se+ond one is that ;ou9 as in everythin& ;ou had irst three verses o /sa)! orty@one9 the irst ei&ht o /sa)! thirty@ei&ht9 /sa)! twenty@ the sa!e )ot as ;our Son9 !ay wa6e u/9 )i6e Hi!9 within the third day9 in order not to two and /sa)! one. He then says the 5ur (ather9 the words o ,a2rie) and 0)iza2eth9 )eave !e an or/han twi+e. The third is that ,od !ay &ive !e /ea+e9 i what I ho/e !ay the +anti+)e o To2ias9 the twenty@ ourth +ha/ter o 0++)esiasti+us9 ro! verse e)even to ha//en to ;ou9 as it ha//ened to Lazarus9 who was not )i6e ;ou9 shou)d not ta6e /)a+e. orty@si3. Last)y he intones the CMa&ni i+atD. %ut when he arrives at verse nine9 he %ut why shou)d it not ha//enF Jairus' dau&hter9 the youn& !an ro! 8ain9 Theo/hi)us'

)#5. The 02iss-u2 Passa1e "- &he 02essed Di 1in.


son9 +a!e 2a+6 to )i eN It is true that then the Master a+tedN %ut He is with ;ou9 even i not in a !ani est way. 'nd ;ou did not die o a disease )i6e those who were raised 2y the deed o 7hrist. %ut are ;ou rea))y deadF $ead as every !an diesF 8o. I ee) it is not so. ;our s/irit is no )on&er in ;ou9 in ;our 2ody9 and in that res/e+t we +ou)d say it is death. %ut 2y the way ;our /assa&e too6 /)a+e9 I thin6 that ;ours is on)y a te!/orary se/aration o ;our sou)9 without sin and u)) o &ra+e9 ro! ;our !ost /ure and vir&ina) 2ody. It !ust 2e soH It is soH How and when the reunion wi)) ta6e /)a+e and )i e wi)) +o!e 2a+6 to ;ou9 I do not 6now. %ut I a! so +ertain o this that I wi)) re!ain here9 2eside ;ou9 unti) ,od9 either with His word9 or with His a+tion9 wi)) show !e the truth on ;our destiny.G John9 who has inished arran&in& everythin&9 sits on the stoo)9 /)a+in& the )a!/ on the )oor9 near the )itt)e 2edM and he +onte!/)ates the 2ody )yin& on it9 /rayin&.

2 ')) o a sudden a stron& )i&ht i))s the roo!9 a si)very )i&ht9 shaded with 2)ue9 a)!ost /hos/hori+9 and it 2e+o!es !ore and !ore intense9 !a6in& the )i&ht o dawn and o the )a!/ vanish. ' )i&ht )i6e the one that )ooded the ,rotto in %eth)ehe! at the !o!ent o the divine 8ativity. Then in this /aradisia+ )i&ht9 an&e)i+ +reatures show the!se)ves9 a )i&ht even 2ri&hter in the a)ready stron& )i&ht that a//eared irst. 's it a)ready ha//ened when the an&e)s a//eared to the she/herds9 a dan+e o s/ar6s o a)) shades 2ursts orth ro! their &ent)y !oved win&s9 whi+h e!it a har!onious !ur!ur9 as sweet as i it were /)ayed 2y a har/. The an&e)i+ +reatures /)a+e the!se)ves around the )itt)e 2ed9 they 2end over it9 they )i t the i!!o2i)e 2ody9 and )a//in& their win&s !ore vi&orous)y9 whi+h in+reases the sound e3istin& /revious)y9 throu&h a /assa&e o/ened !ira+u)ous)y in the roo 9 as !ira+u)ous)y Jesus' Se/u)+hre was o/ened9 they &o away9 ta6in& with the! the 2ody o their Aueen9 a Most Ho)y %ody9 it is true9 2ut not yet &)ori ied9 and there ore sti)) su2<e+t to the )aws o !atter9 to whi+h the 7hrist was not su2<e+t9 2e+ause He was a)ready &)ori ied when He rose ro! the dead. The sound !ade 2y the an&e)i+ win&s in+reases and it is now as /ower u) as the sound o an or&an. 3 John9 who9 a)thou&h sti)) as)ee/9 had !oved twi+e or three ti!es on his stoo)9 as i he had 2een distur2ed 2y the stron& )i&ht and 2y the sound o the an&e)i+ win&s9 awa6es +o!/)ete)y 2e+ause o that /ower u) sound and 2e+ause o a stron& +urrent o air that9 des+endin& ro! the o/ened roo and &oin& out throu&h the o/en door9 or!s a vorte3 that sha6es the +overs o the 2ed9 2y now e!/ty9 and John's &ar!ents9 2)owin& out the )a!/ and +)osin& the door with a )oud 2an&. The a/ost)e )oo6s around9 sti)) ha) as)ee/9 to rea)ise what is ha//enin&. He noti+es that the 2ed is e!/ty and that the roo is o/en. He understands that a wonder u) event has ta6en /)a+e. He runs out on the terra+e9 and as i 2y s/iritua) instin+t9 or 2y a heaven)y +a))9 he raises his head9 shadin& his eyes ro! the sun9 in order to see9 without 2ein& /revented ro! doin& so 2y the risin& sun.

+*+. The Assu(9&i#n #1 Ou! Lad/.

%&h De'e()e! $95$.

1 How !any days have &one 2yF It is di i+u)t to as+ertain it. I one <ud&es 2y the )owers that or! a +rown around the dead 2ody9 one shou)d say that on)y a ew hours have &one 2y. %ut i one <ud&es 2y the o)ive 2ran+hes on whi+h the resh )owers are )yin&9 2ran+hes with )eaves a)ready withered9 and 2y the other withered )owers )yin& )i6e re)i+s on the +over o the +hest9 one !ust +on+)ude that so!e days have 2y now &one 2y. %ut Mary's 2ody is e3a+t)y the sa!e as it was when She 2reathed Her )ast. There is no tra+e o death on Her a+e or on Her )itt)e hands. There is no un/)easant s!e)) in the roo!. 5n the +ontrary an unde ina2)e s+ent )i6e that o in+ense9 o )i)ies9 o roses9 o )i)ies o the va))ey9 o !ountain her2s9 a)) !i3ed to&ether9 han&s in the air o the roo!.

'nd he sees. He sees the 2ody o Mary9 sti)) de/rived o )i e9 and +o!/)ete)y identi+a) to that o a /erson as)ee/9 that as+ends hi&her and hi&her9 su//orted 2y the an&e)i+ John9 who I wonder or how !any days has 2een awa6e9 has a))en as)ee/9 over+o!e 2y &rou/. 's a )ast &esture o arewe))9 a he! o the !ant)e and o the vei) are a&itated9 tiredness9 sittin& on the stoo)9 his shou)ders )eanin& a&ainst the wa))9 near the o/en door /ro2a2)y 2y the wind +aused 2y the ra/id assu!/tion and 2y the !ove!ent o the that )eads to the terra+e. The )i&ht o the )a!/9 whi+h ro! the )oor shines u/wards on an&e)i+ win&sM and so!e )owers9 the ones that John had /)a+ed and renewed round the hi!9 a))ows one to see his tired a+e9 whi+h is a)so very /a)e9 e3+e/t around his eyes9 2ody o Mary9 and that have +ertain)y re!ained a!on& the o)ds o the &ar!ents9 rain red with wee/in&. on the terra+e and on the &round o ,ethse!ane9 whi)e the !i&hty hosanna o the an&e)i+ &rou/ !oves arther and arther away and thus 2e+o!es ainter. It !ust 2e a)ready dawn9 2e+ause in its aint )i&ht the terra+e and the o)ive@trees surroundin& the house are visi2)e9 a )i&ht that 2e+o!es stron&er and stron&er and that9 John +ontinues to stare at that 2ody that rises towards Heaven and9 +ertain)y throu&h a /enetratin& throu&h the door9 !a6es !ore distin+t a)so the o2<e+ts in the roo!9 o /rodi&y &ranted to hi! 2y ,od9 to +o! ort hi! and to reward hi! or his )ove or his whi+h9 2ein& ar ro! the )itt)e )a!/9 it was /revious)y /ossi2)e to +at+h on)y a &)i!/se. ado/tive Mother9 he distin+t)y sees Mary9 enve)o/ed now in the 2ea!s o the sun that has risen9 +o!e out o the e+stasy that had se/arated Her sou) ro! Her 2ody9 2e+o!e

)#). The Assu.5&i"n "- Ou Lad(.


a)ive9 stand on Her eet9 as She a)so now en<oys the &i ts ty/i+a) o 2odies a)ready &)ori ied. John )oo6s and )oo6s. The !ira+)e &ranted to hi! 2y ,od ena2)es hi!9 a&ainst a)) natura) )aws9 to see Mary as She is now9 whi)e She ra/id)y as+ends towards Heaven9 surrounded9 2ut no )on&er he)/ed to as+end9 2y the an&e)s sin&in& hosannas. 'nd John is enra/tured 2y that vision o 2eauty that no /en o !an9 or hu!an word9 or wor6 o artist wi)) 2e ever a2)e to des+ri2e or re/rodu+e9 2e+ause it is o indes+ri2a2)e 2eauty. John9 sti)) )eanin& a&ainst the )ow wa)) o the terra+e9 +ontinues to stare at that s/)endid shinin& or! o ,od J 2e+ause Mary +an rea))y 2e said to 2e so9 or!ed in a uni=ue !anner 2y ,od9 4ho wanted Her i!!a+u)ate9 so that She !i&ht 2e the or! or the 4ord In+arnate J whi)e it as+ends hi&her and hi&her. 'nd the ,od@Love &rants a )ast su/re!e /rodi&y to His /er e+t )ovin& dis+i/)eI to see the !eetin& o the Most Ho)y Mother with Her Most Ho)y Son9 4ho s/)endid and shinin& as we))9 handso!e with indes+ri2a2)e 2eauty9 des+ends ra/id)y ro! Heaven9 arrives at His Mother9 /resses Her to His heart9 and to&ether9 !ore re u)&ent than two !a<or /)anets9 returns with Her when+e He +a!e.

<ud&e!entM and the resurre+tion o the 2odies9 and their re<oinin&9 their usion with their s/irits9 that have as+ended to Heaven at the !o!ent o their death. I did not need to see to 2e)ieve. %e+ause I have a)ways ir!)y 2e)ieved every word o the Master. %ut !any wi)) dou2t that9 a ter a&es and thousands o years9 the )esh9 that has 2e+o!e dust9 +an 2e+o!e a )ivin& 2ody. I sha)) 2e a2)e to te)) the!9 swearin& on the !ost su2)i!e thin&s9 that not on)y the 7hrist 2e+a!e a)ive a&ain9 2y His own divine /ower9 2ut that a)so His Mother9 three days a ter Her death9 i death it +an 2e +a))ed9 +a!e to )i e a&ain9 and with Her )esh <oined to Her sou) too6 u/ Her eterna) a2ode in Heaven9 2eside Her Son. I sha)) 2e a2)e to sayI C%e)ieve9 5 7hristians9 in the resurre+tion o 2odies9 at the end o ti!e9 and in the eterna) )i e o sou)s and 2odies9 a 2)iss u) )i e o saints9 horri2)e or unre/entant &ui)ty /eo/)e. %e)ieve and )ive as saints9 as Jesus and Mary )ived9 in order to have their sa!e )ot. I have seen their 2odies as+end to Heaven. I +an 2ear witness to that. Live as <ust /eo/)e9 so that one day you !ay 2e in the new eterna) wor)d9 in 2ody and sou)9 near Jesus@sun9 and near Mary the Star o a)) stars.D Than6 ;ou a&ain9 o ,odH

5 'nd now )et us /ut to&ether what is )e t o Her. The )owers that e)) ro! Her &ar!ents9 the o)ive 2ran+hes )e t on the 2ed9 and )et us 6ee/ the!. They wi)) serveN ;es9 they wi)) serve to assist and +o! ort !y 2rothers9 who! I have awaited in vain. 4 John's vision is over. He )owers his head. 5n his tired a+e are visi2)e 2oth his sorrow Sooner or )ater I wi)) ind the!N He /i+6s u/ the /eta)s o the )owers that had 2een shed in a))in&9 he &oes 2a+6 into the roo!9 ho)din& the! in a o)d o his tuni+. He then or the )oss o Mary and his <oy or Her &)orious destiny. %ut 2y now <oy e3+eeds )oo6s !ore +are u))y at the o/enin& in the roo and e3+)ai!sI E'nother !ira+)eH 'nd sorrow. another wonder u) /ro/ortion in the /rodi&ies o the )ives o Jesus and MaryH He9 ,od9 He saysI EThan6s9 !y ,odH Than6sH I oresaw that this wou)d ha//en. 'nd I wanted to rose 2y Hi!se) 9 and 2y His own wi)) He overturned the stone o His Se/u)+hre9 and 2e awa6e9 in order not to )ose any e/isode o Her 'ssu!/tion. %ut I had not s)e/t or on)y with His own /ower He as+ended to Heaven. %y Hi!se) . Mary9 the Most Ho)y three days nowH S)ee/9 tiredness9 <oined to sorrow9 over+a!e and de eated !e <ust when Mother9 2ut a dau&hter o !an9 2y !eans o an&e)i+ he)/ had the /assa&e o/ened or Her 'ssu!/tion was i!!inentN %ut /erha/s ;ou wanted that ;ourse) 9 o ,od9 so that Her assu!/tion to Heaven9 and a)ways throu&h an&e)i+ he)/ She as+ended there. In the I shou)d not u/set that !o!ent and I shou)d not su er too !u+hN ;es. ;ou +ertain)y 7hrist the s/irit +a!e 2a+6 to ani!ate His %ody whi)e it was sti)) on the 0arth9 2e+ause wanted it9 as now ;ou wanted !e to see what9 without a !ira+)e o ;ours9 I +ou)d not it had to 2e so9 to si)en+e His ene!ies and to +on ir! a)) His o))owers in their aith. In have seen. ;ou have &ranted !e to see Her a&ain9 a)thou&h a)ready so ar9 a)ready Mary the s/irit +a!e 2a+6 when Her !ost ho)y 2ody was a)ready at the thresho)d o &)ori ied and &)orious9 as i She were +)ose to !e. 'nd to see Jesus a&ainH 5hH !ost 1aradise9 2e+ause there was no other need or Her. 1er e+t /ower o the In inite ha//y9 unho/ed or and not to 2e ho/ed or visionH 5 &i t o the &i ts o Jesus@,od to 4isdo! o ,odHNG His JohnH Su/re!e ,ra+eH To see !y Master and Lord a&ainH To see Hi! near His MotherH He )i6e a sun9 She )i6e a !oon9 2oth !ost s/)endid9 2e+ause they were &)orious John now &athers in a /ie+e o +)oth the )owers and 2ran+hes that were sti)) on the )itt)e and ha//y to 2e reunited oreverH 4hat wi)) 1aradise 2e )i6e now that ;ou 2oth shine in 2ed9 he adds to the! those that he had &athered outside9 and )ays the! a)) on the +over o the +hest. He then o/ens it and /uts the )itt)e /i))ow o Mary and the +over)et o the it9 ;ou !a<or /)anets o the heaven)y Jerusa)e!F 4hat is the <u2i)ation o the an&e)i+ +horuses and o the saintsF It is su+h the <oy that the vision o the Mother with Her Son )itt)e 2ed into itM he &oes down into the 6it+hen9 he +o))e+ts other utensi)s used 2y Her J the s/ind)e and dista and Her 6it+henware J and adds the! to the other thin&s. has &iven !e9 a thin& that +an+e)s every /ain o His9 every /ain o theirs9 even !ore9 a)so !ine +eases9 and /ea+e ta6es over in !e. 5 the three !ira+)es that I had as6ed o 6 He +)oses the +hest and sits on the stoo) e3+)ai!in&I E8ow everythin& is a++o!@ ,od9 two have 2een a++o!/)ished. I have seen )i e +o!e 2a+6 to Mary9 and I ee) /ea+e /)ished a)so or !eH 8ow I +an &o ree)y wherever the S/irit o ,od wi)) )ead !e. I +an +o!e 2a+6 to !e. ')) an&uish o !ine ends9 2e+ause I have seen ;ou reunited in &)ory. &oH 'nd sow the $ivine 4ord that the Master &ave !e so that I !ay &ive it to !en. Than6s or that9 o ,od. 'nd than6s or havin& !ade it /ossi2)e or !e to see9 even or a 'nd tea+h Love. Tea+h the! so that they !ay 2e)ieve in Love and in its /ower. Let !ost ho)y +reature9 2ut sti)) hu!an9 what is the )ot o saints9 what it wi)) 2e a ter the )ast the! 6now what the ,od@Love has done or !en. His Sa+ri i+e and His /er/etua)

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Sa+ra!ent and .ite9 2y !eans o whi+h9 unti) the end o ti!e9 we sha)) 2e a2)e to 2e united to Jesus 7hrist in the 0u+harist and renew the .ite and the Sa+ri i+e as He ordered us to do. ')) the &i ts o the /er e+t LoveH Ma6e the! )ove the Love9 so that they !ay 2e)ieve in Hi!9 as we 2e)ieved and 2e)ieve. Sow the Love so that the harvest and the +at+h !ay 2e a2undant or the Lord. Love a+hieves everythin&9 Mary to)d !e in Her )ast +onversation with !e9 who! She <ust)y de ined9 in the '/osto)i+ 7o))e&e9 the one who )oves9 the /ree!inent )ovin& one9 the antithesis o the Is+ariot9 who was hatred9 as 1eter was i!/etuousness9 and 'ndrew !ee6ness9 the sons o ')/haeus ho)iness and wisdo! <oined to no2i)ity o !anners9 and so orth. I9 the )ovin& dis+i/)e9 now that I no )on&er have the Master and the Mother to )ove on the 0arth9 wi)) &o and s/read )ove a!on& the nations. Love wi)) 2e !y wea/on and !y do+trine. 'nd 2e !eans o it I wi)) de eat the de!on9 heathenis! and wi)) +on=uer !any sou)s. I wi)) thus +ontinue Jesus and Mary9 4ho were /er e+t )ove on the 0arth.G

when ,od re!oves the )i!its and &ives reedo! to the divine (ire to assai) and attra+t the s/irit to Itse) without any !easure9 then the s/irit9 re/)yin& in turn without !easure to the Love9 deta+hes itse) ro! !atter and )ies where the Love ur&es and invites it. 'nd it is the end o the e3i)e and the return to the (ather)and. That evenin&9 the in+ontaina2)e ardour9 the !easure)ess vita)ity o My s/irit was <oined 2y a sweet )an&uor9 2y a !ysterious sensation that !atter was !ovin& away ro! what surrounded it9 as i My 2ody9 tired9 were a))in& as)ee/9 whi)st My inte))e+t9 even )ive)ier in its reasonin&9 was sin6in&9 into the divine 2ri&htness. John9 the )ovin& /rudent witness o every a+tion o Mine9 sin+e he had 2e+o!e My ado/tive son9 a++ordin& to the wi)) o My 5n)y@%e&otten Son9 6ind)y +onvin+ed Me to rest on the )itt)e 2ed and he wat+hed Me /rayin&. The )ast sound I heard on the 0arth was the !ur!ur o the words o John9 the vir&in a/ost)e. They were or Me )i6e a )u))a2y o a !other near a +rad)e. 'nd they a++o!/anied My s/irit in its )ast e+stasy9 too su2)i!e to 2e des+ri2e. They a++o!/anied Me as ar as Heaven.

3 John9 the on)y witness o this sweet !ystery9 arran&ed Me 2y hi!se) 9 enve)o/in& Me in My white !ant)e9 without +han&in& My dress or vei)9 without any washin& or +*8. On &he Passa4e= &he Assu(9&i#n and R#/a5&/ #1 e!2a)!in&. The s/irit o John9 as is evident ro! his words o the se+ond e/isode o this +y+)e that &oes ro! the 1ente+ost to My 'ssu!/tion9 a)ready 6new that I wou)d &he 35essed Hi!4in. not de+ay9 and it tau&ht the '/ost)e what to do. 'nd he9 +haste9 )ovin&9 /rudent with $%&h A9!i5 $9*%. re&ard to the !ysteries o ,od and his re!ote +o!/anions9 de+ided to 6ee/ the se+ret 1 UMary saysIV and to wait or the other servants o ,od9 so that they +ou)d see Me a&ain9 and draw E$id I dieF ;es9 i you +a)) death the se/aration o the +hoi+e /art o the s/irit ro! the +o! ort and assistan+e ro! that si&ht or the /ains and hardshi/s o their !ission. He 2ody. 8o9 i 2y death you understand the se/aration o the vivi yin& sou) ro! the 2ody9 waited9 as i he were +ertain o their +o!in&. the +orru/tion o the )esh no )on&er vivi ied 2y the sou)9 and 2e ore that9 the )u&u2rious %ut the de+ree o ,od was di erent. ,ood as a)ways or the (avourite. Just as usua) or se/u)+hre9 and 2e ore a)) these thin&s9 the /an&s o death. a)) the 2e)ievers. He !ade the eyes o the or!er heavy with s)ee/9 so that he !i&ht 2e How did I die9 or 2etter9 how did I /ass ro! the 0arth to Heaven9 irst with My s/ared the torture o seein& a)so My 2ody a2du+ted ro! hi!. He /resented the i!!orta) /art9 then with the /erisha2)e oneF 's it was air or Her 4ho did not 2e+o!e 2e)ievers with a urther truth that wou)d en+oura&e the! to 2e)ieve in the resurre+tion a+=uainted with the stain o sin. o the )esh9 in the reward o an eterna) 2)iss u) )i e &ranted to the <ust9 in the !ost !i&hty and /)easant truths o the 8ew Testa!entI My I!!a+u)ate 7on+e/tion9 My 2 That evenin&9 the Sa22ati+ rest had a)ready 2e&un9 I was s/ea6in& to John. '2out $ivine vir&ina) Maternity9 in the divine and hu!an 8ature o My Son9 true ,od and Jesus and His thin&s. The evenin& hour was u)) o /ea+e. The Sa22ath had a2ated a)) true Man9 2orn not 2y hu!an wi)) 2ut throu&h divine nu/tia)s and divine seed )aid in noises o hu!an wor6s. 'nd the hour was a2atin& every voi+e o !an and 2ird. 5n)y My wo!29 and )ast)y9 that they !i&ht 2e)ieve that in Heaven there is My Heart o the the o)ive trees around the house were rust)in& in the evenin& 2reeze9 and a )i&ht o Mother o a)) !en9 /a)/itatin& with an3ious )ove or every2ody9 <ust /eo/)e and sinners9 an&e)s see!ed to &raze the wa))s o the so)itary house. ea&er to have you a)) with It in the 2)essed (ather)and orever. 4e were s/ea6in& o Jesus9 o the (ather9 o the :in&do! o Heaven. To s/ea6 o Love 4 4hen I was ta6en out o the )itt)e house 2y the an&e)s9 had My s/irit a)ready +o!e and o the :in&do! o Love9 is to 2e+o!e )it with the )ivin& ire9 +onsu!in& the 2onds 2a+6 to MeF 8o. My s/irit was not to des+end a&ain on the 0arth. It was9 adorin&9 o !atter to )et the s/irit ree or its !ysti+ )i&hts. 'nd i the ire is +ontained within 2e ore the Throne o ,od. %ut when the 0arth9 the e3i)e9 the ti!e and the /)a+e o the the )i!its i3ed 2y ,od to /reserve +reatures on the 0arth9 at His servi+e it is /ossi2)e to se/aration ro! My 5ne and Trine Lord were )e t orever9 My s/irit +a!e 2a+6 to shine )ive and 2urn9 indin& in the ardour not the +onsu!/tion9 2ut the +o!/)etion o )i e. %ut in the +entre o My sou)9 drawin& the )esh ro! its s)ee/. So it is <ust to say that I

)#*.On &he Passa1e; &he Assu.5&i"n and R"(a2&( "- &he 02essed Di 1in.


as+ended to Heaven in 2ody and sou)9 not throu&h My own +a/a2i)ity9 as it ha//ened or Jesus9 2ut throu&h an&e)i+ he)/. I awo6e ro! that !ysterious and !ysti+ s)ee/9 I rose9 I )ew ina))y9 2e+ause 2y now My )esh had a+hieved the /er e+tion o &)ori ied 2odies. 'nd I )oved. I )oved My Son9 4ho! I ound a&ain9 and My Lord9 5ne and Trine9 I )oved Hi! as is the destiny o a)) the eterna) )ivin& 2ein&s.G @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
5&h Janua!/ $9**.

That is why there are no re)i+s o the 2ody or o the se/u)+hre o Mary. %e+ause Mary had no se/u)+hre9 and Her 2ody was 2rou&ht to Heaven.G @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
%&h and $5&h Ju5/ $9**.

5 Jesus saysI E4hen Her )ast hour +a!e9 )i6e a tired )i)y that9 a ter e3ha)in& a)) its s+ents9 2ends under the stars and +)oses its snow@white +a)y39 Mary9 My Mother9 )ay on Her )itt)e 2ed and +)osed Her eyes on everythin& surroundin& Her9 to +o))e+t Her thou&hts in a )ast serene +onte!/)ation o ,od. %endin& over Her rest9 the an&e) o Mary was an3ious)y waitin& or the +)i!a3 o the e+stasy to se/arate that s/irit ro! the )esh9 or the ti!e de+reed 2y ,od9 and to se/arate it orever ro! the 0arth9 whi)e the sweet invitin& +o!!and o ,od was a)ready des+endin& ro! Heaven. John9 an earth)y an&e)9 2ent9 in his turn9 over that !ysterious rest9 was wat+hin& the Mother 4ho was a2out to )eave hi!. 'nd when he saw that She had 2reathed Her )ast9 he +ontinued to wat+h Her9 so that9 not vio)ated 2y /ro ane +urious eyes9 She shou)d re!ain9 even 2eyond death9 the I!!a+u)ate S/ouse and Mother o ,od9 so /)a+id and 2eauti u) in Her s)ee/. 6 ' tradition says that on)y )owers were ound in the urn o Mary9 when it was o/ened 2y Tho!as. It is a sheer )e&end. 8o se/u)+hre swa))owed the +or/se o Mary9 2e+ause there never was a +or/se o Mary9 a++ordin& to hu!an sense9 2e+ause Mary did not die as whoever )ived dies.

7 UMary saysIV EThe +on+e/tion o My Son was an e+stasy. ' &reater e+stasy to &ive 2irth to Hi!. The e+stasy o e+stasies My /assa&e ro! the 0arth to Heaven. 5n)y durin& the 1assion no e+stasy !ade My +rue) su erin& endura2)e. The house9 ro! whi+h I was a2du+ted to Heaven9 was one o the +ount)ess &enerosities o Lazarus9 or Jesus and His Mother. The )itt)e house o ,ethse!ane9 near the /)a+e o His 's+ension. It is use)ess to )oo6 or its re!ains. In the destru+tion o Jerusa)e! 2y the .o!ans9 it was devastated9 and its ruins were s+attered in the +ourse o a&es.G @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@
$%&h De'e()e! $9*3.

8 UMary saysIV E's the 2irth o My Son was an e+stasy to Me9 and ro! the ra/ture in ,od that seized Me in that hour9 I +a!e to Myse) and to the 0arth with My 7hi)d in My ar!s9 so My i!/ro/er)y +a))ed CdeathD was a ra/ture in ,od. .e)yin& on the /ro!ise I had re+eived on the 2ri&ht !ornin& o 1ente+ost9 I thou&ht that the a//roa+hin& o the )ast +o!in& o the Love9 to a2du+t Me with Hi!9 shou)d !ani est itse) with an in+rease o the ire o )ove that a)ways 2urnt in Me. 'nd I was not wron&.

's ar as I was +on+erned9 the !ore ti!e /assed9 the !ore My desire to 2)end with the 0terna) Love in+reased. I was ur&ed 2y the desire to <oin My Son and 2y the +ertainty %y divine de+ree9 She was on)y se/arated ro! Her s/irit9 and Her !ost ho)y )esh on+e that I +ou)d never do so !u+h or !en as when I was at the oot o the Throne o ,od9 a&ain <oined the s/irit that had /re+eded it. %y invertin& the ha2itua) )aws9 a++ordin& to /rayin& and o/eratin& on their 2eha) . 'nd with a !otion !ore and !ore in )a!ed and ra/id9 I used to +ry to Heaven with a)) the stren&th o My sou)I C7o!e9 Lord JesusH whi+h an e+stasy ends when the ra/ture +eases9 that is9 when the s/irit returns to its 7o!e9 0terna) LoveHD nor!a) state9 it was Mary's 2ody that went to <oin the s/irit9 a ter a )on& rest on the unerea) 2ed. 9 The 0u+harist9 that was or Me )i6e dew or a /ar+hed )ower9 was indeed )i e9 2ut the 0verythin& is /ossi2)e to ,od. I +a!e out o the Se/u)+hre with no other he)/ than My own /ower. Mary +a!e to Me9 to ,od9 to Heaven9 without e3/erien+in& the se/u)+hre with its horror o )u&u2rious rottenness. It is one o the !ost re u)&ent !ira+)es o ,od. 8ot the on)y one9 rea))y9 i we re!e!2er 0no+h and 0)i<ah who9 2ein& dear to the Lord9 were a2du+ted ro! the 0arth9 without e3/erien+in& death9 and trans)ated e)sewhere9 to a /)a+e 6nown on)y to ,od and to the +e)estia) inha2itants o Heaven. They were <ust9 2ut a)ways nothin& as +o!/ared with My Mother9 in erior9 in ho)iness9 on)y to ,od. !ore ti!e /assed the !ore it 2e+a!e insu i+ient to satis y the irre/ressi2)e ea&erness o My heart. It was no )on&er su i+ient or Me to re+eive My $ivine 7reature in Me and +arry Hi! within Me in the Sa+red S/e+ies9 as I had +arried Hi! in My vir&ina) 2ody. My who)e se) wanted the ,od 5ne and Trine9 2ut not under the vei)s +hosen 2y My Jesus to hide the ine a2)e !ystery o the (aith9 2ut as He was9 is9 and wi)) 2e in the +entre o Heaven. My Son Hi!se) 9 in His 0u+haristi+ trans/orts9 in )a!ed Me with e!2ra+es o in inite desire9 and every ti!e He +a!e to Me9 with the /ower o His )ove9

)#*.On &he Passa1e; &he Assu.5&i"n and R"(a2&( "- &he 02essed Di 1in.


He a)!ost eradi+ated My sou) at irst9 then He re!ained +a))in& Me with in inite ondnessI CMotherHD9 and I e)t that He was an3ious to have Me with Hi!. 10 I )on&ed or nothin& e)se. 0ven the desire to /rote+t the new2orn 7hur+h was no )on&er in Me9 in the )ast days o My !orta) )i e. 0verythin& was +an+e))ed 2y the desire to /ossess ,od9 as I was +onvin+ed that one +an do everythin& when one /ossesses Hi!. 0ndeavour9 5 7hristians9 to arrive at su+h tota) )ove. Let a)) earth)y thin&s 2e o no va)ue. 'i! on)y at ,od. 4hen you are ri+h in this /overty o desire9 whi+h is an i!!easura2)e wea)th9 ,od wi)) 2end over your s/irits9 to tea+h the! irst9 to ta6e the! )ater9 and you wi)) as+end with the! to the (ather9 to the Son9 to the Ho)y S/irit9 to 6now the! and )ove the! or the 2)essed eternity and to /ossess their ri+hes o &ra+es or your 2rothers. Men are never so a+tive or their 2rothers as when they are no )on&er a!on& the!9 2ut they are )i&hts reunited to the $ivine Li&ht. 11 The a//roa+h o the 0terna) Love had the si&n that I e3/e+ted. 0verythin& 2e+a!e devoid o )i&ht and +o)our9 voi+e and /resen+e in the 2ri&htness and the Boi+e that9 des+endin& ro! Heaven9 o/en to My s/iritua) si&ht9 were +o!in& down u/on Me to ta6e My sou). 1eo/)e say that I wou)d have re<oi+ed at 2ein& assisted9 in that hour9 2y My Son. %ut My sweet Jesus was indeed /resent with the (ather when the Love9 that is the Ho)y S/irit9 the Third 1erson o the 0terna) Trinity9 6issed Me or the third ti!e in My )i e9 with a 6iss so /ower u))y divine that My sou) e3ha)ed9 2e+o!in& )ost in +onte!/)ation9 )i6e a dro/ o dew a2sor2ed 2y the sun in the +a)y3 o a )i)y. 'nd I as+ended with My s/irit sin&in& hosannas to the eet o the Three9 4ho! I had a)ways worshi//ed.

the body brings about death the ecstatic conte#plation that is the te#porary flight of the spirit outside the barriers of senses and #atter does not bring about death. 'nd that 2e+ause the sou) does not 2e+o!e +o!/)ete)y deta+hed and se/arated ro! the 2ody9 2ut it does so on)y throu&h its 2etter /art9 that /)un&es into the ire o +onte!/)ation. 13 ')) !en9 as )on& as they )ive9 have a sou) within the!se)ves9 dead or a)ive as it !ay 2e9 throu&h sin or <usti+eM 2ut on)y the dee/ )ovin& sou)s o ,od arrive at rea) +onte!/)ation. This /roves that the sou)9 that 6ee/s the 2ody a)ive whi)e it is united to it J and this /e+u)iarity a//)ies to a)) !en in the sa!e way J has in itself a #ore noble part( the soul of the soul or spirit of the spirit whi+h in <ust /eo/)e is very stron&9 whereas in those who +ease to )ove ,od and His Law9 even i on)y throu&h their te/idness and venia) sins9 it 2e+o!es wea69 de/rivin& the /erson o the +a/a2i)ity to +onte!/)ate and 6now ,od and His eterna) truths9 as ar as a hu!an +reature +an do so9 a++ordin& to the de&ree o /er e+tion a+hieved. The #ore a creature loves and serves &od with all its strength and power the #ore the nobler part of its spirit increases its capacity to "now to conte#plate and penetrate the eternal truths. 14 Man9 &i ted with a rationa) sou)9 is a +a/a+ity that ,od i))s with Hi!se) . 's Mary9 a ter the 7hrist9 was the !ost ho)y o a)) +reatures9 She was a +a/a+ity so u)) o ,od9 o His &ra+es9 +harity and !er+y9 as to over )ow on the 2rothers in 7hrist o a)) a&es and unti) the end o ti!e.

She /assed away su2!er&ed 2y the waves o )ove. 8ow9 in Heaven9 where She has 2e+o!e an o+ean o )ove9 She over )ows Her waves o +harity on Her sons aith u) to Then9 at the ri&ht !o!ent9 )i6e a /ear) in a settin& o ire9 assisted at irst9 then o))owed Her and a)so on Her /rodi&a) ones9 or their universa) sa)vation9 as She is the universa) 2y the /ro+ession o the an&e)i+ s/irits who had +o!e to assist Me in My eterna) Mother o a)) !en.G +e)estia) 2irth9 e3/e+ted 2y My Jesus even 2e ore the thresho)d o Heaven9 and on its @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ thresho)d 2y My <ust earth)y s/ouse9 2y the :in&s and 1atriar+hs o My sto+69 2y the irst saints and !artyrs9 I entered as Aueen9 a ter so !u+h &rie and so !u+h hu!i)ity o De'e()e! $9*3. the /oor !aid o ,od9 into the 6in&do! o in inite de)i&ht. 'nd Heaven +)osed a&ain on 15 UMary saysIV the <oy o havin& Me9 o havin& its Aueen9 4hose )esh9 the on)y one a!on& a)) !orta) EMy hu!i)ity +ou)d not a))ow Me to thin6 that so !u+h &)ory was reserved or Me in )esh9 was a+=uainted with &)ori i+ation 2e ore the ina) resurre+tion and the )ast Heaven. In My !ind there was the a)!ost +ertainty that My hu!an )esh9 !ade ho)y 2y <ud&e!ent.G +arryin& ,od9 wou)d not have e3/erien+ed de+ay9 2e+ause ,od is Li e9 and when He @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ sates and i))s a +reature with Hi!se) 9 this a+tion o His is )i6e an aro!a that /reserves
$s& .a/ $9*+.

ro! the +orru/tion o death. I had re!ained not on)y i!!a+u)ate9 not on)y I had 2een united to ,od with a +haste /ro)i i+ e!2ra+e9 2ut I was sated9 even as ar as My inner!ost re+esses9 with the e!anations o the $ivinity +on+ea)ed in My wo!2 and intent on 2ein& vei)ed with !orta) )esh. %ut that the 6indness o the 0terna) (ather had reserved or His !aid the

12 UJesus saysIV EThere is di eren+e 2etween the se/aration o the sou) ro! the 2ody9 throu&h rea) death9 and the te!/orary se/aration o the s/irit ro! the 2ody and ro! the vivi yin& sou)9 throu&h e+stasy or +onte!/)ative ra/ture. While the separation of the soul fro#

)#*.On &he Passa1e; &he Assu.5&i"n and R"(a2&( "- &he 02essed Di 1in.


<oy o ee)in& a&ain the tou+h o My Son's hand on My 2ody9 His e!2ra+e9 His 6iss9 and o hearin& a&ain His voi+e with My ears9 o seein& His a+e with My eyes9 I +ou)d not thin6 that this wou)d 2e &ranted to Me9 neither did I wish it. It wou)d have 2een su i+ient i these 2eatitudes had 2een &ranted to My s/irit9 and that wou)d have i))ed My e&o with 2)iss u) ha//iness.

!ore vivid s/)endours9 a 2urnin& o +harita2)e ires in a !ore ardent ire9 an unsur/assa2)e and indes+ri2a2)e /)ayin& o +e)estia) har!onies9 whi+h were <oined 2y the voi+e o My Son9 in /raise o ,od the (ather and o His Maid orever 2)iss u).G

%ut9 in witness o His irst +reative thou&ht +on+ernin& !an9 who! He9 the 7reator9 had destined to )ive9 /assin& away without death9 ro! the earth)y 1aradise to the +e)estia) one9 in the eterna) :in&do!9 ,od wanted Me9 the I!!a+u)ate9 in Heaven9 in 2ody and The Reas#ns 1#! &he ;#!<. Fa!e-e55 &# &he ;#!<. sou)9 as soon as My earth)y )i e ended. 62%&h A9!i5 $9*8.7 I a! the +ertain witness o what ,od had thou&ht and wanted or !anI an inno+ent )i e Jesus saysI and unaware o sin9 a /)a+id /assa&e ro! this )i e to eterna) Li e9 where2y9 )i6e one CThe reasons that have indu+ed Me to en)i&hten and di+tate e/isodes and words o Mine who /asses over the thresho)d o a house to enter a /a)a+e9 !an with his +o!/)ete to Litt)e John are9 in addition to the <oy o +o!!uni+atin& an e3a+t 6now)ed&e o Me to 2ein&9 !ade o a !ateria) 2ody and a s/iritua) sou)9 wou)d /ass ro! the 0arth to this )ovin& vi+ti!@sou)9 !ani o)d. But the #oving spirit of all of the# is !y love for the 1aradise9 in+reasin& the /er e+tion o his e&o9 &iven to hi! 2y ,od9 with the +o!/)ete ,hurch both teaching and #ilitant and !y desire to help souls in their ascent towards /er e+tion9 2oth o the 2ody and o the s/irit9 whi+h was9 in the divine !ind9 destined to perfection. The "nowledge of !e helps to ascend. !y Word is 2ife. every +reature who had re!ained aith u) to ,od and to ,ra+e. Man wou)d have I !ention the !ain onesI rea+hed this /er e+tion in the u)) )i&ht that is in Heaven and i))s it9 +o!in& ro! ,od9 the eterna) Sun 4ho i))u!inates it. 1. The reasons !entioned in di+tation dated 1*th January 194" and whi+h Litt)e John wi)) /ut here inte&ra))y. This is the !ost i!/ortant reason because you are perishing 16 ,od /)a+ed Me9 e)evated in 2ody and sou) to the &)ory o Heaven9 2e ore the and I want to save you. The !ost /ro ound reason or the &i t o this wor6 is that in the 1atriar+hs9 the 1ro/hets9 the Saints9 the 'n&e)s and the Martyrs and He saidI /resent ti!e9 when !odernis!9 Kthe denia) o the su/ernatura)L +onde!ned 2y My ho)y CHere is the perfect wor" of the ,reator. This is what I created in !y truer i#age and Bi+ar 1ius W9 2e+o!es +orru/ted in !ore and !ore har! u) do+trines9 the 7hur+h9 li"eness a#ong all the sons of #an the fruit of a divine creative #asterpiece the re/resented 2y My Bi+ar9 !ay have urther !ateria) to i&ht a&ainst those who denyI wonder of the @niverse that sees closed in one only being the divine in the eternal spirit li"e &od and li"e Hi# spiritual intelligent free holy and the #aterial creature the su/ernatura)ness o do&!asM in the #ost holy and innocent body to which every other living being in the three the divinity o the 7hristM the truth o the 7hrist ,od and Man9 rea) and /er e+t "ingdo#s of creation is co#pelled to bow. This is the witness of !y love for #an for 2oth in the aith and in the history that has 2een handed down on Hi! K,os/e)9 who# I wanted a perfect organis# and a blissful destiny of eternal life in !y =ingdo#. '+ts o the '/ost)es9 '/osto)i+ Letters9 traditionLM This is the witness that I have forgiven #an who# by will of the Trine 2ove I granted to be reinstated and recreated in !y eyes. This is the #ystic stone of co#parison this the do+trine o 1au) and John and o the +oun+i)s o 8i+ea9 0/hesus and is the lin" of 5unction between #an and &od it is .he Who ta"es the ti#es bac" to the 7ha)+edon9 as My true do+trine ver2a))y tau&ht 2y MeM early days and gives !y divine )yes the 5oy of conte#plating an )ve as I had created My un)i!ited s+ien+e9 as it is divine and /er e+tM her and now #ade even #ore beautiful and holy because .he is the !other of !y Word and because .he is the !artyr of the greatest forgiveness. -or Her I##aculate the divine ori&in o the do&!as o the Sa+ra!ents o the 7hur+h 5ne9 Ho)y9 Heart that never "new any stain not even the lightest I open the treasures of Heaven 7atho)i+9 '/osto)i+M and for Her head that never "new pride I #a"e a wreath of !y brightness and I crown Her because .he is #ost holy to !e so that .he #ay be your Cueen. D the universa)ity and +ontinuity9 unti) the end o ti!e9 o the ,os/e) &iven 2y Me or a)) !enM There are no tears in Heaven. %ut in /)a+e o the <oy u) tears9 that the s/irits wou)d have shed9 i they were &ranted to wee/ J the )i=uid that tri+6)es s=ueezed 2y an e!otion J the /er e+t nature9 ro! the 2e&innin&9 o My do+trine that has not 2een or!ed9 there was9 a ter these divine words9 a s/ar6)in& o )i&hts9 a +han&in& o s/)endours into

The Reas"ns -" &he 8" 9. Fa e%e22 &" &he 8" 9.


I so)e!n)y te)) you that not even a ter readin& and a++e/tin& this i))ustration o My /u2)i+ )i e wi)) you 6now everythin& a2out Me. I wou)d have 6i))ed My )itt)e John9 in the ati&ue o re/ortin& a)) the days o My !inistry and a)) the a+tions /er or!ed on ea+h day9 i I had !ade hi! a+=uainted with everythin& so that he !i&ht trans!it everythin& to youH CThen there were other thin&s done 2y Jesus9 whi+h i written one 2y '&ainst the red dra&on with seven heads9 ten horns and seven diade!s on its head9 one9 I thin6 that the wor)d wou)d not 2e a2)e to +ontain the 2oo6s that shou)d 2e whi+h with its tai) dra&s a third o the stars ro! the s6y and dro/s the! O and I writtenD says John. '/art ro! the hy/er2o)e9 I so)e!n)y te)) you that i a)) My sin&)e so)e!n)y te)) you that they dro/ even )ower than the earth O and /erse+utes the 4o!anM a+tions had to 2e written9 a)) My /arti+u)ar )essons9 My /enan+es and /rayers to save a to the 2easts o the sea and o the earth that !any9 too !any worshi/9 a))ured as they are sou)9 it wou)d have ta6en the ha))s o one o your )i2raries9 and one o the )ar&est9 to 2y their a//earan+e and /rodi&ies9 I as6 you to o//ose My 'n&e) )yin& in the !idd)e +ontain the 2oo6s s/ea6in& o Me. 'nd I a)so so)e!n)y te)) you that it wou)d 2e !u+h o the s6y9 ho)din& the 0terna) ,os/e) we)) o/en9 a)so with the 1a&es so ar +)osed9 so !ore advanta&eous or you to 2urn so !u+h use)ess dusty /oisonous s+ien+e9 to !a6e that !en9 throu&h its )i&ht9 !ay 2e saved ro! the +oi)s o the hu&e ser/ent with seven roo! or My 2oo6s9 than to 6now so )itt)e o Me and worshi/ so !u+h that /ress that is <aws9 that wants to drown the! in its dar6ness9 and u/on My return I !ay ind a&ain a)!ost a)ways soi)ed with )ust and heresy. aith and +harity in the hearts o those who /ersevere9 and they !ay 2e !ore nu!erous than the wor6 o Satan and o !en a))ow one to ho/e they !ay 2e. 4. To reinstate in their truth the i&ures o the Son o Man and o Mary9 true +hi)dren o 'da! 2y )esh and 2)ood 9 2ut o an inno+ent 'da!. The +hi)dren o the Man were to 2. To rouse a 6een )ove or the ,os/e) and or everythin& /ertainin& to the 7hrist in 2e )i6e ?s9 i our (irst 1arents had not de/re+iated their /er e+t hu!anity J in the sense /riests and in )ay!en. (irst o a))9 renewed )ove or My Mother9 in 4hose /rayers )ies o !an9 that is o a +reature in whi+h there is the dou2)e nature9 s/iritua)9 in the i!a&e the se+ret o the sa)vation o the wor)d. She9 My Mother9 is the 7on=ueress o the and )i6eness o ,od9 and the !ateria) nature J as you 6now they did. 1er e+t senses9 +ursed $ra&on. 'ssist her /ower 2y !eans o your renewed )ove or Her and o your that is9 su2<e+t to reason even in their &reat e i+ien+y. In the senses I in+)ude 2oth the renewed aith and 6now)ed&e o what /ertains to Her. Mary has &iven the Savior to the !ora) and the +or/ora) ones. There ore tota) and /er e+t )ove 2oth or Her s/ouse9 to wor)d. The wor)d wi)) re+eive sa)vation a&ain ro! Her. who! She is not atta+hed 2y sensua)ity9 2ut on)y 2y a tie o s/iritua) )ove9 and or Her Son. Most )oved. Loved with a)) the /er e+tion o a /er e+t wo!an or the +hi)d 2orn o 3. To &ive s/iritua) !asters and dire+tors assistan+e in their !inistry9 2y studyin& the Her. That is how 0ve shou)d have )ovedI )i6e MaryI that is9 not or what /hysi+a) di erent sou)s o the wor)d in whi+h I )ived and the di erent !ethods used 2y Me to save the!. %e+ause it wou)d 2e oo)ish to have on)y one !ethod with a)) the sou)s. The en<oy!ent her son was9 2ut 2e+ause that son was the son o the 7reator and out o way to attra+t to /er e+tion a <ust /erson who s/ontaneous)y tends to it9 is di erent ro! o2edien+e a++o!/)ished His order to !u)ti/)y the hu!an ra+e. that to 2e used with a 2e)iever in sin9 and ro! that to 2e used with a ,enti)e. ;ou have 'nd )oved with a)) the ardour o a /er e+t 2e)iever who 6nows that that Son o Hers9 is !any o the! a)so a!on& you9 i you su++eed in <ud&in&9 as your Master did9 as not i&urative)y 2ut rea))y the Son o ,od. To those who +onsider Mary's )ove or Jesus ,enti)es the /oor /eo/)e who have re/)a+ed the true ,od with the ido)s o /ower and too a e+tionate9 I say that they shou)d +onsider who Mary wasI the 4o!an without sin arro&an+e9 or o &o)d9 or o )ust9 or with the ido) o the /ride o their 6now)ed&e. 'nd and there ore without au)t in Her )ove towards ,od9 towards Her re)atives9 towards Her di erent is the !ethod to 2e used to save !odern /rose)ytes9 that is those who have s/ouse9 towards Her Son9 towards Her nei&h2orM they shou)d +onsider what the Mother a++e/ted the 7hristian idea9 2ut not the 7hristian +itizenshi/9 as they 2e)on& to saw in Me 2eside seein& the Son o Her wo!29 and ina))y that they shou)d +onsider the se/arated 7hur+hes. 8o one is to 2e des/ised9 and these )ost shee/ )ess than everyone. nationa)ity o Mary. He2rew ra+e9 eastern ra+e9 and ti!es very re!ote ro! the /resent Love the! and try to )ead the! 2a+6 to the 5n)y (o)d9 so that the desire o the ones. So the e3/)anation o +ertain ver2a) a!/)i i+ations9 that !ay see! e3a&&erated to She/herd Jesus !ay 2e u) i))ed. you9 ensues ro! these e)e!ents. The eastern and He2rew sty)es are )owery and So!e /eo/)e9 when readin& this 4or69 wi)) o2<e+tI CIt does not a//ear ro! the ,os/e) that Jesus was in tou+h with .o!ans and ,ree6s9 and +onse=uent)y we re<e+t these /a&es.D How !any thin&s do not a//ear ro! the ,os/e)9 or +an <ust 2e dete+ted 2ehind thi+6 +urtains o si)en+e9 drawn 2y the 0van&e)ists on e/isodes9 o whi+h they did not a//rove9 2e+ause o their un2rea6a2)e Jewish ra!e o !indH $o you thin6 that you 6now everythin& I didF /o!/ous a)so when +o!!on)y s/o6en. ')) the writin&s o that ti!e and o that ra+e /rove it9 and in the +ourse o a&es the eastern sty)e has not +han&ed very !u+h. 's twenty +enturies )ater you have to e3a!ine these /a&es9 when the wi+6edness o )i e has 6i))ed so !u+h )ove9 wou)d you e3/e+t Me to &ive you a Mary o 8azareth si!i)ar to the arid su/er i+ia) wo!an o your daysF Mary is what She is9 and the sweet9 /ure9 )ovin& ,ir) o Israe)9 the S/ouse o ,od. The Bir&in Mother o ,od +annot 2e +han&ed

as it is9 throu&h su++essive trans or!ations9 2ut was &iven as it isI the $o+trine o the 7hrist9 o the ti!e o ,ra+e9 o the :in&do! o Heaven and the :in&do! o ,od in you9 divine9 /er e+t9 i!!uta2)e. The ,os/e) or a)) those thirstin& or ,od.

The Reas"ns -" &he 8" 9. Fa e%e22 &" &he 8" 9.


into an e3+essive)y !or2id)y e3a)ted wo!an9 or into a &)a+ia))y se) ish one o your days. 'nd I te)) those9 who +onsider Jesus' )ove or Mary too a e+tionate9 to +onsider that in Jesus there was ,od9 and that ,od 5ne and Trine re+eived His +onso)ation 2y )ovin& Mary9 4ho re=uited Hi! or the sorrow o the who)e hu!an ra+e9 and was the !eans 2y whi+h ,od +ou)d &)ory a&ain in His 7reation that &ives +itizens to His Heavens. 'nd ina))y9 )et the! +onsider that every )ove 2e+o!es &ui)ty when9 and on)y when it +auses disorder9 that is9 when it &oes a&ainst the 4i)) o ,od and the duty to 2e u) i))ed. 8ow +onsiderI did Mary's )ove do thatF $id My )ove do thatF $id She 6ee/ Me9 throu&h se) ish )ove9 ro! doin& a)) the 4i)) o ,odF Throu&h a disorder)y )ove or My Mother9 did I /erha/s re/udiate My !issionF 8o. %oth )oves had 2ut one desireI to acco#plish the Will of &od for the salvation of the world. 'nd the Mother said a)) the arewe))s to Her Son9 and the Son said a)) the arewe))s to His Mother9 handin& the Son to the +ross o His /u2)i+ tea+hin& and to the 7ross o 7a)vary9 handin& the Mother to so)itude and torture9 so that She !i&ht 2e the 7o@.edee!er9 without ta6in& into a++ount our hu!anity that e)t )a+erated and our hearts that were 2ro6en with &rie . Is that wea6nessF Is it senti!enta)is!F It is /er e+t )ove9 o !en9 who do not 6now how to )ove and who no )on&er understand )ove and its voi+esH 'nd the /ur/ose o this 4or6 is a)so to +)ari y +ertain /oints that a nu!2er o +ir+u!@ stan+es has +overed with dar6ness and they thus or! dar6 zones in the 2ri&htness o the evan&e)i+ /i+ture and /oints that see! a ru/ture and are on)y o2s+ure /oints9 2etween one e/isode and another9 inde+i/hera2)e /oints9 and the a2i)ity to de+i/her the! is the 6ey to +orre+t)y understand +ertain situations that had arisen and +ertain stron& !anners that I had to have9 so +ontrastin& with My +ontinuous e3hortations to or&ive9 to 2e !ee6 and hu!2)e9 a +ertain ri&idity towards o2stinate9 in+onverti2)e o//onents. ;ou a)) ou&ht to re!e!2er that ,od9 a ter usin& a)) His !er+y9 or the sa6e o His own honor9 +an say a)so C0nou&hD to those who9 as He is &ood9 thin6 it is ri&ht to ta6e advanta&e o His or2earan+e and te!/t Hi!. &od is not to be derided. It is an o)d wise sayin&. 5. To have an e3a+t 6now)ed&e o the +o!/)e3ity and duration o My )on& /assion9 that +u)!inates in the san&uinary 1assion a++o!/)ished in ew hours9 that had consu#ed !e in a daily torture that lasted for years and years and that had increased #ore and #ore and with the /assion o My Mother9 Whose heart was pierced by the sword of sorrow for the sa#e length of ti#e. 'nd ur&e you9 throu&h this 6now)ed&e9 to )ove us !ore. 6. To show the /ower o My 4ord and its di erent e e+ts a++ordin& to whether the /erson re+eivin& it 2e)on&ed to the &rou/ o !en o &ood wi))9 or to that o those who had a sensua) wi))9 whi+h is never ri&hteous. The '/ost)es and Judas. Here are the two o//osed e3a!/)es. The or!er9 very i!/er e+t9 rou&h9 i&norant9 vio)ent9 2ut with &ood

wi)). Judas9 )earned !ore than !ost o the!9 re ined 2y )ivin& in the +a/ita) and in the Te!/)e9 2ut with evi) wi)). Watch the evolution of the for#er in &ood their ascent. Watch the evolution of the latter in )vil and his descent. This evo)ution in /er e+tion o the 0)even &ood ones shou)d 2e wat+hed a2ove a)) 2y those who9 throu&h a visua) !enta) au)t9 are a++usto!ed to /ervertin& the nature o the rea)ity o saints9 !a6in& o the !an who rea+hes ho)iness 2y !eans o a hard9 very hard stru&&)e a&ainst heavy o2s+ure /owers9 an unnatura) 2ein& without in+entives and e!otions9 and there ore without !erits. Because #erit is really conse+uent on the victory over disorderly passions and te#ptations a victory achieved through love for &od and to attain the final ai#( to en5oy &od forever. It shou)d 2e wat+hed 2y those who +)ai! that a +onversion shou)d +o!e on)y ro! ,od. &od gives the #eans to be converted but He does not do violence to the will of #an and if #an does not want to be converted in vain he has what serves other people to be converted. Let those who e3a!ine the situation +onsider the !ani o)d e e+ts o My 4ord not on)y on the hu!an !an9 2ut a)so on the s/iritua) !an. 8ot on)y on the s/iritua) !an9 2ut a)so on the hu!an !an. !y Word when it is received with good will transfor#s both leading to e7ternal and internal perfection. The a/ost)es who throu&h their i&noran+e and My hu!i)ity treated the Son o Man with e3+essive a!i)iarity J a &ood !aster a!on& the!9 nothin& !ore9 a hu!2)e and /atient !aster with who! it was /er!issi2)e to ta6e )i2erties at ti!es e3+essiveM 2ut it was not irreveren+e on their /artI it was i&noran+e9 and it is to 2e e3+used J the a/ost)es =uarre)so!e with one another9 se) ish9 <ea)ous o their )ove and o Mine9 i!/atient with the /eo/)e9 so!ewhat /roud o 2ein& Cthe '/ost)esD9 ea&er or stu/endous +a/a+ities9 whi+h /oint the! out to the +rowds as &i ted with an e3traordinary /ower9 s)ow)y 2ut +ontinous)y +han&e into new !en9 2rid)in& their /assions irst to i!itate Me and !a6e Me ha//y9 then as they 2e+o!e !ore and !ore a+=uainted with My true 0&o9 +han&in& !anners and )ove so !u+h as to see Me9 )ove Me and treat Me as the divine Lord. 't the end o My )i e on earth9 are they sti)) /erha/s the su/er i+ia) !erry +o!/anions o the ear)y ti!esF 're they9 a2ove a)) a ter the .esurre+tion9 the riends who treat the Son o Man as a (riendF 8o9 they are not. They are the !inisters o the :in& irst. They are the /riests o ,od9 )ater. They are co#pletely different and co#pletely transfor#ed. This shou)d 2e +onsidered 2y those who wi)) ind the a/ost)es' nature9 whi+h was as it is des+ri2ed9 stron&9 and wi)) <ud&e it unnatura). I was not a di i+u)t do+tor and a /roud 6in&. I was not a !aster who <ud&es other !en unworthy o hi!. I was indu)&ent to /eo/)e. I wanted to or! usin& raw !ateria)s9 and i)) e!/ty vases with a)) 6inds o /er e+tions9 /rovin& that ,od +an do everythin&. He +an raise a son o '2raha! ro! a stone9 a son o ,od9 and ro! a nonentity a !aster to +on use !asters /roud o their s+ien+e9 whi+h has very o ten )ost the s+ent o Mine. 7. (ina))yI to !a6e you a+=uainted with the !ystery o Judas9 that !ystery whi+h is the

The Reas"ns -" &he 8" 9. Fa e%e22 &" &he 8" 9.


a)) o a s/irit that ,od had avored in an e3traordinary !anner. ' !ystery that is re/eated too o ten and is the wound that a+hes in the Heart o your Jesus.

in !ind9 in addition to those who were /resent9 a)) those who wou)d 2e My dis+i/)es in s/irit9 and with truth and a wi)) to want. The Ho)y S/irit9 4ho a)ready with His ,ra+e insti))s the a+u)ty o re!e!2erin& ,od into you9 reein& your sou)s ro! the he2etude To )et you 6now how /eo/)e a)) +han&in& ro! servants and sons o ,od into de!ons o the 5ri&ina) Sin and re)ievin& the! o the o2s+urities that9 2e+ause o the sad and dei+ides9 who 6i)) the ,od in the! 2y 6i))in& ,ra+e9 so that su+h 6now)ed&e !ay inheritan+e o 'da!9 enve)o/ the 2ri&htness o the s/irits +reated 2y ,od to en<oy His /revent you ro! settin& oot on the /aths ro! whi+h one a))s into the '2yss9 and it si&ht and s/iritua) 6now)ed&e9 +o!/)etes His wor6 o Master 2y Cre!indin&D the hearts !ay tea+h you how to 2ehave when tryin& to ho)d 2a+6 the i!/rudent )a!2s that /ush o those who are )ed 2y Hi! and who are the +hi)dren o ,od9 o what I said9 and whi+h on towards the a2yss. '//)y your inte))i&en+e to study the horri2)e and yet +o!!on +onstitutes the ,os/e). To re!ind here !eans to en)i&hten the s/irit o it. Because it is i&ure o Judas9 a +o!/)e3 in whi+h are a&itated )i6e sna6es a)) the +a/ita) vi+es that you nothing to re#e#ber the words of the &ospel if its spirit is not understood. ind and have to i&ht in this or that /erson. It is the !ost i!/ortant )esson to 2e )earned 2y you9 2e+ause it is the one that wi)) !e !ore use u) to you in your !inistry o And the spirit of the &ospel which is 2ove can be #ade understood by the 2ove that s/iritua) !asters and dire+tors. How !any /eo/)e9 in every state o )i e9 i!itate Judas is9 2y the Ho)y S/irit9 4ho9 as He has 2een the true 4riter o the ,os/e)9 is a)so its &ivin& the!se)ves to Satan and !eetin& eterna) deathH on)y 7o!!entator9 because only the Author of a wor" "nows the spirit of it and understands it even i he does not su++eed in !a6in& its readers understand it. %ut .even reasons as seven are the parts( where a hu!an author ai)s9 2e+ause every hu!an /er e+tion is ri+h in de i+ien+ies9 the Most 1er e+t and 4ise S/irit su++eeds. .o only the Holy .pirit the author of the 1L The Hidden Li e. &ospel is also He Who re#e#bers and co##ents and co#pletes it in the in#ost parts #L The (irst ;ear o the 1u2)i+ Li e of the soul of &od1s children. 3L The Se+ond ;ear o the 1u2)i+ Li e /The ,o#forter the Holy .pirit Who# the -ather will send you in !y Na#e will 4L The Third ;ear o the 1u2)i+ Li e 5L 1re/aration or the 1assion... ro! the a&ony o Lazarus to the su//er at %ethany -L The 1assion K ro! the arewe)) to Lazarus to My %uria) and o))owin& days unti) dawn on 0aster SundayL "L (ro! the .esurre+tion to 1ente+ost This division o the /arts is to 2e 6e/t as indi+ated a2ove9 2e+ause it is the ri&ht one. 'nd nowF 4hat do you say to your MasterF ;ou are not s/ea6in& to Me. %ut you are s/ea6in& in your hearts9 and on)y i you !ay 2e a2)e to do so9 you s/ea6 to )itt)e John. %ut in neither o these two +ases you s/ea6 with the <usti+e that I shou)d )i6e to see in you. %e+ause you s/ea6 to )itt)e John to &rieve hi!9 tra!/)in& on the +harity or the 7hristian sister and the instru!ent o ,od. I truly tell you once again that to be an instru#ent of !ine is not a placid 5oy( it is continuous fatigue and effort it is sorrow in everything because the world gives the disciples of the !aster what it gave the !aster( sorrow' and at )east /riests9 and in /arti+u)ar +on reres9 ou&ht to he)/ these )itt)e !artyrs who /ro+eed under their +rosses... 'nd 2e+ause in your hearts9 s/ea6in& to yourse)ves9 you utter a +o!/)aint o /ride9 o envy9 o in+redu)ity and other thin&s. %ut I wi)) &ive you a re/)y to your +o!/)aints and to your s+anda)ised sur/rise. teach you everything will re#ind you of everything I told you.0 D8ohn EF(GHA /When the .pirit of Truth co#es He will teach you all the truth( because He will not spea" by Hi#self but will say everything He has heard and will announce to you the future. He will glorify !e because He will ta"e what is !ine and will announce it to you. )verything the -ather has is !ine' that is why I said that He will receive what is !ine and will announce it to you.0 D8ohn EH(EI4EJA Then i you o2<e+t that9 as the Ho)y S/irit is the true 'uthor o the ,os/e)9 one ai)s to understand why He did not re!e!2er what is !entioned in this wor6 and what John !a6es one understand did ha//en9 in the )ast words that +)ose his ,os/e)9 I re/)y to you that the thou&hts o ,od are di erent ro! those o !en9 and are a)ways <ust and not )ia2)e to +riti+is!. (urtherI i you o2<e+t that the reve)ation was +)osed with the )ast '/ost)e9 and there was nothin& urther to add9 2e+ause the sa!e '/ost)e says in .eve)ationI CI anyone adds anythin& to the!9 ,od wi)) add to hi! every /)a&ue !entioned in the 2oo6D K##I1*L and that +an 2e understood or a)) the .eve)ation9 the )ast +o!/)etion o whi+h is the .eve)ation 2y John9 I re/)y to you that with this wor6 no addition was !ade to reve)ation9 2ut on)y the &a/s9 2rou&ht a2out 2y natura) +auses and 2y su/ernatura) wi))9 were i))ed in.

In the evenin& o the Last Su//er9 I said to the 0)even who )oved MeI C4hen the 7o!@ 'nd i I wanted to ta6e /)easure in restorin& the /i+ture o My $ivine 7harity as a orter +o!es9 He wi)) re!ind you o everythin& I to)d you.D 4hen I s/o6e I a)ways 2ore restorer o !osai+s does re/)a+in& the tesserae da!a&ed or !issin&9 reinstatin& the

The Reas"ns -" &he 8" 9. Fa e%e22 &" &he 8" 9.


!osai+ in its +o!/)ete 2eauty9 and I have de+ided to do it in this +entury in whi+h !an6ind is hur)in& itse) towards the '2yss o dar6ness and horror9 +an you or2id Me ro! doin& soF ,an you perhaps say that you do not need it you whose spirits are dull wea" deaf to lights voices and invitations fro# Above$ ;ou ou&ht rea))y to 2)ess Me or in+reasin& with new )i&hts the )i&ht that you have and that is no )on&er su i+ient or you to CseeD your Savior. To see the 4ay9 the Truth and the Li e9 and ee) that s/iritua) e!otion o the <ust o My ti!e rise in you9 attainin& throu&h this 6now)ed&e a renewa) o your s/irits in )ove9 that wou)d 2e your sa)vation9 2e+ause it is an as+ent towards /er e+tion. I do not say you are CdeadD9 2ut s)ee/in&9 drowsy. Li6e /)ants durin& their winter s)ee/. The divine Sun &ives you its re u)&en+e. 'wa6e and 2)ess the Sun that &ives you itse) 9 re+eive it with <oy that It !ay war! you9 ro! the sur a+e to dee/ inside you9 it !ay rouse you and +over you with )owers and ruits. .ise. 7o!e to My ,i t. CTa6e and eat. Ta6e and drin6D I said to the a/ost)es. CI you on)y 6new the &i t o ,od and who it is that is sayin& to youI '&ive !e a drin6'9 you wou)d have 2een the one to as69 and he wou)d have &iven you )ivin& waterD I said to the Sa!aritan wo!an.

)an&uish9 to dress yourse)ves with dresses adorned or the 4eddin& o the La!29 or the &reat east o ,od a ter over+o!in& the a )i+tion in this desert u)) o snares9 o 2ra!@ 2)es and sna6es9 whi+h is the 0arth9 to /ass throu&h )a!es without su erin& da!a&e9 to tread on re/ti)es and have to ta6e /oisons without dyin&9 as you have Me in you. 'nd I say to youI CTa6e9 do ta6e this wor6 and 'do not sea) it'9 2ut read it and have it read '2e+ause the ti!e is +)ose'.D .eve)ation ##I10. C'nd )et those who are ho)y 2e+o!e ho)ierD K##I11L. !ay the grace of your 2ord 8esus ,hrist be with all those who in this boo" see an approach of !ine and urge it to be acco#plished to their defense with the cry of 2ove( /,o#e 2ord 8esus.0 Dsee Rev. GG(GK4GE the last two sentences of the BibleA. @@@@@@@@@@@ 'nd to !e in /arti+u)ar then Jesus says... 'nd your ati&ue is over. 8ow )ove re!ains and the reward to 2e en<oyed. My sou)9 and what shou)d I say to youF 4ith your s/irit )ost in Me you as6 MeI C'nd now9 Lord9 what wi)) ;ou do with !e9 ;our servantFD

I +ou)d sayI CI wi)) 2rea6 the +)ay vase to e3tra+t its essen+e and ta6e it where I a!.D 'nd it wou)d 2e the <oy o 2oth. %ut I need you or a short whi)e9 and a )itt)e !ore9 here9 to e3ha)e your /er u!es whi+h are sti)) the s+ent o the 7hrist dwe))in& in you. So I wi)) say to you as I said to JohnI CI I want you to stay unti) I +o!e to &et you9 what I say a)so nowI to do+tors and to Sa!aritans as we)). %e+ause 2oth e3tre!e +)asses need does it !atter to you to re!ainFD it9 and a)so those need it9 who are 2etween the two e3tre!es. The or!er not to 2e under ed and de/rived o stren&th a)so with re&ard to the!se)ves9 and o su/ernatura) 1ea+e to you9 My )itt)e untirin& voi+e. 1ea+e to you. 1ea+e and 2)essin&s. The Master nourish!ent or those who )an&uish with )a+6 o 6now)ed&e o ,od9 o the ,od@Man9 says to youI CThan6sD. The Lord says to youI CMay you 2e 2)essedD. Jesus9 your Jesus9 o the Master and Savior. The )atter 2e+ause sou)s need )ivin& water9 when they /erish says to youI CI wi)) a)ways 2e with you 2e+ause it is /)easant to Me to 2e with those ar away ro! the s/rin&s. Those in the !idd)e9 2etween the or!er and the )atter9 the who )ove Me.D &reat !ass o those who are not 2i& sinners9 and a)so o those who are stati+ in not CMy /ea+e9 )itt)e John. 7o!e and rest on My 7hest.D !a6in& any /ro&ress9 throu&h )aziness9 te/idness9 2e+ause o a wron& +on+e/t o ho)iness9 those who are s+ru/u)ous o not 2ein& da!ned9 o 2ein& o2servant9 o 'nd with these words a)so the su&&estions or the drawin& u/ o the wor6 have +o!e to 2e+o!in& entan&)ed in a )a2yrinth o su/er i+ia) /ra+ti+es9 2ut dare not ta6e a ste/ on an end and the )ast e3/)anations have 2een &iven. the stee/9 very stee/ road o herois!9 so that ro! this wor6 they !ay re+eive the initia) Bia.e&&io9 #*th '/ri) 194". in+entive to +o!e out o that i!!o2i)ity and set out on the heroi+ way. Maria Ba)torta. I te)) you these words. I o er you this ood and this drin6 o )ivin& water. My word is Li e. 'nd I want you in the Li e9 with Me. 'nd I !u)ti/)y My 4ord to +ounter2a)an+e the !ias!ata o Satan as they destroy the vita) stren&th o your s/irit. $o not re<e+t Me. I a! an3ious to &ive Myse) to you9 2e+ause I )ove you. 'nd My an3iety is ine3tin&uisha2)e. I ardent)y wish to +o!!uni+ate Myse) to you to !a6e you ready or the 2an=uet o the +e)estia) nu/tia)s. 'nd you need Me in order not to

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