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thirteen families effectively control the central banks

by slave Monday, Apr. 10, 2006 at 8:52 PM

NEW WORLD ORDER thirteen families effectively control the central banks of all the hard-currency countries. These "control banks" all practice FRACTIONAL RESERVE BANKING, which is perfectly legal in the US. Fractional reserve banking means that the bank is only required to hold on hand the small fraction of money (5%) that is needed to cover the fraction of deposits likely to be drawn upon and cashed. Moneys deposited in accounts go into a reserve upon which credit can be issued. In the US credit can be issued to seven times the reserve, in international banks (off shore establishments) twenty times the reserve can be issued as credit. It is imp[ortant to understand this concept in order to understand the larger picture. In the mid 1970s, the final phase of System 2000, a "global creditors' unilateral totalitarian plan" was put into effect. A Pentagon official and three other US officials went to the Prime Minister of Nigeria and offered him fifty million dollars in cash to double the price of light crude oil. Nigeria is one of only two countries in the world that produce light crude, which is an extremely pure form of oil whose price sets the standard for all other forms of crude oil. Armed with the knowledge that, because of their deal with Nigeria, the price of Mid-east oil was about the skyrocket, the international bankers went to the Arabs and said, "We will send the price of crude oil as high as you want if you will promise to invest some of the money you make in the United States." Nigeria doubled the price of light crude, the price of oil from the Mid-east went up and the price of a gallon of gasoline in the United States jumped to $1.20. (My note: In Italy, where I was living at the time, it was costing $1 a LITRE after the oil price was sent through the roof.) Unwittingly, Americans began to finance System 2000 with every tank of gas they bought. As the money began to pour into the Arabian countries, the sheiks fulfilled their promise to invest in the U.S. and began buying stocks, bonds, and real estate. More importantly, they put their money into thirty-year timed certificates (drawn up by the international bankers). Remember that Arabs went from camel-riding nomads to wealthy international investors in a very short period of time and they had no grasp of how the banking system worked; in particular, they did not know about the concept of fractional reserve banking. The international bankers now had millions of dollars locked into timed deposits, and they took that money and loaned out TWENTY TIMES AS MUCH. In 1983, the international bankers created two groups of holding companies to handle all this Arab money. One of the groups took the funds coming in from the Arabs and loaned it out to Third World countries. The purpose of the holding companies, as you will see later, was to remove the responsibility for the money from the banks to a less accountable entity. The international bankers were aware of the fact that most of the Third World countries knew nothing about running a country or allocating funds. Most had been colonies of some other nation and had only recently begun to govern themselves. The bankers were counting on the Third World countries to squander their money in a short time. They fully intended for these countries to go bankrupt and to be unable to pay back their loans. The Phillipines is one example of what happened to Third World countries in the next stage of the plan. The international bankers went to President Marcos and presented him with a way out of the enormous debt his country faced. They said, "We will forgive your loans - you'll have to pay none of the principal, none of the interest - if you will just sign this agreement: 1) do away with its national currency, 2) go to a debit-card system where each person is assigned a number and his purchases are debited from his account on a computerised system and 3) sign over perpetual rights to all natural resources in the country.

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The offer was tempting since it would put much of the labor force back to work and solve many of the country's economic problems. But Marcos realised that becasue of the word "perpetual", he was Live stream from Enemy Combatant virtually giving away the sovereignty of his country. He refused to sign the agreement. Weeks later he Radio. wass deposed and his country was torn apart by riots which Jonathon May says were incited by the internal bankers. Listen Other countries decided to accept the agreement when it was offered to them. Recently Brasil, Argentina and other nations have announced that they do not plan to pay back their loans. They failed SF Bay Area IMC's to mention that the loans had been excused in exchange for the rights to their natural resources. newspaper Fault Lines

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At this point all the dominoes are in place and the international bankers are ready and waiting for their opportunity to topple them. HERE IS THE PLAN. When enough of the Third World nations sign the agreement, saying they are not going to repay the loans they received from the holding company, the international bankers can declare the holding company insolvent. (This is where it becomes apparent why the money was put in holding companies instead of in banks. The holding companies were designed to go bankrupt.! Chase Manhattan or Chemical Bank would not have to be sacrified since there were not responsible for the loans.) Once the holding companie is declared bankrupt, they can legally avoid payment to the Arab nations. The international bankers will say, "Sorry, Arabs. We lost your money. You are broke!" When the Arab nations realise that all their money is gone, they will immediately liquidate all of their other assets. They will dump billions and billions of stocks and Wall Street will collapse. They will put all of their farmland and real estate on the market and land values will plummet. Farmers will have no collateral to borrow against to plant next year's crops and food will become scarce in the grocery stores. The effect this will have on the American economy will be chaotic. This catastrophic collapse has been purposely designed to throw the American people into a state of confusion. Then the benevolent bankers will step forward saying, "Look what these dirty Arabs have done to you!" and offer a solution to our problems. Their solution will be to abolish our currency and institute a new form of money. Each person then would be issued a government ID number and would need a debit card to do any business transactions. Perhaps the biggest shock in May's story is that the "Star Wars" system is only 40% concerned with defense and 60% concerned with banking! These "Star Wars" satellites would link the debit system to a central computer base - a superbank. Transfer of funds between accounts would be instantaneous and the internal bankers would finally have complete financial control. May says the debate over "Star Wars" is all show because the satellites are already in place! (snip) Perhaps the best defense the international bankers have against protesters is influencing the publics' opinion through the media!!! In his book, "The Naked Capitalist" Cleon Skousen says that, "Nothing panics the international establishment like the possibility of a threatened exposure. Whenever the public has become dangerously aware of the conspiratorial processes operating around them, the vast inter-locking power structure of the entire London-Wall Street combine has immediately shifted into high gear and raced to the rescue. Radio, TV, newspaper, magazines, government policy makers, college officials and other opinion molders in high places have all commenced a recitation of a carefully prepared line designed to pacify the public and put them back to sleep". Who actually controls the Federal Reserve? Who are the stockholders of this private corporation? In a legislative session regarding abolishing the Fed, the following eight family banks were named as the owners of the Federal Reserve: Rothschild Banks of London and Berlin Lazares Brothers Banks of Paris Israel Moses Seif Bank of Italy Warburg Bank of Hamburg and Amsterdam Lehman Brothers Bank of New York Chase Manhattan Bank of New York Kuhn, Loeb Bank of New York Goldman, Sachs Bank of New York. In his book, "To Seduce a Nation" Lindsey Williams lists the same 8 banks.
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Eight Banks

by Tom-Scott Gordon Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2006 at 1:02 AM maxresolution@redlineav.com

This is a remarkable overview. If you haven't a bit of financial background you must check-out Max and Stacy at http://karmabanqueradio.blogspot.com I didn't know about the politics that were driving any of this when I photographed the HQ for 'Star-Wars.' While I was there I was treated to a really subtle form of indoctrination by an important Sargent. I had asked him about the USAF's ability to detect and capture UFO's, having a pretty thorough knowledge of their monitoring rig. Confirming all that we just read, it became rather

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apparent, post-9/11, that this was the very facility where the perps must have formally orchestrated the false-flag attack. He told me that I needed to get real serious, real quick! -"You won't find a single military man who is willing to tell you what he knows about UFOs. It's like the Mafia, son. Once you're in, you don't get out! It all runs on money, that's why we're here. If we could capture one do you think for a second we would want any other country to know about it? Sadly, the arbitrage game is about up. If you haven't planned a sensible get-away, you won't escape the coming horror show. I've concluded just today that the main reason Americans are so unaware that the joke is on them is because they really are just selfish enough to buy into Bush's 'chosen-ones' philosophy. It's like: "Aaah, maybe I really will get to meet God, And Jesus in the flesh!!!" -???
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Who are the 13 families?

by Bill Fairchild Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2006 at 4:07 AM DASDBILL2@aol.com 1-815-577-3577 Plainfield, IL

The title was "thirteen families effectively control the central banks." I read the article. You list 8 central banks, but no families. WHO ARE THE 13 FAMILIES?
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13 Illuminati Bloodlines

by Fritzmeier Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2006 at 4:28 AM

See Fritzmeier's 13 Illuminati Bloodlines for the leading families...

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Article problems

by Wangchung Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2006 at 4:53 AM

First of all, get spell-check and use it. Second, you make it sound as if the Arabs just got off their camels and signed their names on these documents with an "X". Don't you suppose that they have hired some very smart people to keep this from happening to them? Also, with the Bush crime family having done business, and made billions with the Arabs, do you think they would allow this to happen, and kill their cash-cow? The only way this could happen is if the "Higher-ups" decided it is time to bring down the Bush's and cut them down to size. I look forward to your response. Wang
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Here are the names of the 13 families

by Bill Fairchild Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2006 at 4:55 AM DASDBILL2@aol.com 1-815-577-3577 Plainfield, IL

Thanks for the clue. Too bad you responded by giving a clue instead of listing their names. And the clue had several errors in it. Even worse that the original article did not mention their names or give the clue about Fritzmeier's book. For readers like myself who don't like guessing games, here are their names: Astor, Bundy, Collins, DuPont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li, Onassis, Reynolds, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell, and Van Duyn. Merovingian (European royals), Disney, Krupp, and McDonald are interconnected families. Here is a link to more info: http://www.thewatcherfiles.com/bloodlines/introduction.htm They are described in detail in the book Bloodlines of the Illuminati by Fritz Springmeier (not Fritzmeier - another silly guessing game). The book is available from Amazon.com. I would have included Amazon's link but it is way too long. I know nothing about the book. All I wanted was to know the names of the 13 families. And now I know.
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Holding Companies

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by Robert Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2006 at 4:59 AM

What are the names of the two holding companies that are mentioned repeatedly in this article?
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More problems

by Bad Dream Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2006 at 7:04 AM

Another problem with this scenerio is the huge amounts of cash that fund black ops for the CIA from the sales of heroine and cocaine. How would the illicit drug trade continue with no cash? I have read that the US economy has been pumped up by the addition of billions of dollars of drug money into Wall Street-how would people buy illegal drugs with no cash? This would seriously damage the world economy which is very dependent on the proceeds of narcotic sales. And how would the Bush's of the world make illegal money and launder it? If you could end the sales from heroine and cocaine today, the world economy would collapse tomorrow! And then there is arms sales. With this scenerio, all money transfers would leave a distinct paper trail thus exposing the illegal and immoral sales of arms to the rest of the world. I'll beleive it when I see it. And as for the little guy, we will be switching to the barter system and have already started to do this, especially in small towns. We will grow our own organic food and barter it for anything else we need which will bypass the banking system. The currency of the future will be clean water, fresh food and good herb! Any of these can and will be traded for services such as construction, furniture, etc. We must all start to think about how we will bypass the government and the banks and start doing it.
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What about the BIS (Bank of International Settlements)

by Solve et Coagula Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2006 at 7:35 AM rogerschreiber@yahoo.com

reposted of anders_lindman: "Another collaborator in the scheme was one of the Vatican's espionage group who leaked the secret to others in the Hitler High Command- according to a statement made under oath by Otto Abetz to American a officials on June 21, 1946." From: http://www.bilderberg.org/bis.htm "In a nutshell, Loftus and others have theorized that the genocide of World War II directed at Jews, Serbs, Roma, Soviets, and others by the Nazis and their allies generated vast amounts of loot and plunder including gold coins, wedding rings, and dental gold from concentration camps. These genocide-tainted treasures were re-smelted at the Reichsbank and other central collection points [5.] and laundered through the Swiss banks [6.], Bank for International Settlements [7.] and the Vatican Banks [8.] during and after WWII. According to Loftus, much of the postwar Ustashe and Vatican activity was cloaked in the guise of anti-Communist activities and was encouraged or actively sponsored initially by British Intelligence and later the CIA and in particular Alan Dulles and James Jesus Angleton." From: http://www.pavelicpapers.com/features/essays/lavc.html "The scandal-ridden and highly secretive Bank For International Settlements, considered to be the world's top central banking policy, has released a policy paper that calls for the end of national currencies in favor of a global model of currency formats." From: http://www.prisonplanet.com/analysis_watson.html "The powers of financial capitalism had another far reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements, arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations. The growth of financial capitalism made possible a centralization of world economic control and use of this power for the direct benefit of financiers and the indirect injury of all other economic groups." - Carroll Quigley, Professor of History at Georgetown University in his book "Tragedy and Hope: A History of The World in Our Time" From: http://www.voxfux.com/features/FoundingFathersGlobalization.html

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Global Banking: The Bank for International Settlements

by Solve et Coagula Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2006 at 7:37 AM

Global Banking: The Bank for International Settlements Yep, I guess the BIS People are the real "untouchables": Sovereignty and Secrecy It is not surprising that the BIS, its offices, employees, directors and members share an incredible immunity from virtually all regulation, scrutiny and accountability. In 1931, central bankers and their constituents were fed up with government meddling in world financial affairs. Politicians were viewed mostly with contempt, unless it was one of their own who was the politician. Thus, the BIS offered them a once-and-for-all opportunity to set up the "apex" the way they really wanted it -- private. They demanded these conditions and got what they demanded. A quick summary of their immunity, explained further below, includes diplomatic immunity for persons and what they carry with them (i.e., diplomatic pouches) no taxation on any transactions, including salaries paid to employees embassy-type immunity for all buildings and/or offices operated by the BIS no oversight or knowledge of operations by any government authority freedom from immigration restrictions freedom to encrypt any and all communications of any sort freedom from any legal jurisdiction9 Further, members of the BIS board of directors (for instance, Alan Greenspan) are individually granted special benefits: immunity from arrest or imprisonment and immunity from seizure of their personal baggage, save in flagrant cases of criminal offence; inviolability of all papers and documents; immunity from jurisdiction, even after their mission has been accomplished, for acts carried out in the discharge of their duties, including words spoken and writings; exemption for themselves, their spouses and children from any immigration restrictions, from any formalities concerning the registration of aliens and from any obligations relating to national service in Switzerland ; the right to use codes in official communications or to receive or send documents or correspondence by means of couriers or diplomatic bags.10 Lastly, all remaining officials and employees of the BIS have the following immunities: immunity from jurisdiction for acts accomplished in the discharge of their duties, including words spoken and writings, even after such persons have ceased to be Officials of the Bank;[bold emphasis added] exemption from all Federal, cantonal and communal taxes on salaries, fees and allowances paid to them by the Bank exempt from Swiss national obligations, freedom for spouses and family members from immigration restrictions, transfer assets and properties including internationally with the same degree of benefit as Officials of other international organizations.11 Of course, a corporate charter can say anything it wants to say and still be subject to outside authorities. Nevertheless, these were the immunities practiced and enjoyed from 1930 onward. On February 10, 1987, a more formal acknowledgement called the "Headquarters Agreement" was executed between the BIS and the Swiss Federal Council and basically clarified and reiterated what we already knew: but please read here: http://www.augustreview.com/index.php?module=pagesetter&func=viewpub&tid=4&pid=8
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do you realize

by - Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2006 at 8:05 AM

Do you realize how absolutely fucking nuts this is?

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by g Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2006 at 8:39 AM geno@niaproductions.com phoneless homeless

Yes, absolutely...It is our arrogance and deluded supremacy that makes it all possible. When people fight in the streets it will be like a game of shirts and skins rather than right and wrong...Who looks American or better yet...Who looks like someone to get behind... What is even worse...I figured all this out 4 years ago and I still have no plan to survive...I was too deep in debt to get out and still am. And what wonderful skills I have...Who needs a cartoonist or a videographer when it hits the fan... I'm going to pretend to be invisible. It worked for the Chief in Little Big Man.
www.genekalmestv.com add your comments

alien overlords

by akira kawatech Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2006 at 9:47 AM kawatech@froggy.com.au

Hi. I wrote the GSU SLF. God Soul Ufo @ the scientific, legal ansd forensic level of integration . humans love or hate me. Which means people love or hate the subject I have 300 000 000 bits of forensic evidence that condems their crimes, and no one wants to know. This will not stop or slow me. akira kawatech.
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What was "snipped" in the middle of this article?

by Rumple Stiltskin Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2006 at 9:49 AM

What was "snipped" in the middle of this article? Is this article copied from some other source? Who are the moles in this forum discussion?...
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It all makes sense if you consider the following...

by nowonmai Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2006 at 11:23 AM

ALL of the world's wealth is owned by one family. ALL of it, every last penny. That family is the Rothschilds, originally from Frankfurt, Germany. The other 12 families effectively borrow money from the Rothschilds and administer it for them, naturally having a wonderful comfortable life at our expense in the process. The Rothschild clan have had almost total financial control of the world since the late 1880s, and the coming One World Government is simply the next step in their plan, to make sure that no-one can EVER challenge them. Everything else, everything, is either a smokescreen, or part of the plan. Bush is a puppet, as is the rest of the US government. So is the British government. Puppets, one and all; purely there to play out the game that democracy is alive and well in order to keep us "ordinary people" from rebelling. An example of the power the Rothschild family wields lies in the fact that from the Battle of Waterloo in 1815 until only 2 years ago, the world gold price was set twice daily in their London offices. The WORLD GOLD PRICE! Not set by governments, but by one family in their own bank offices. Of course, it begs the questions WHY did they no longer want to set the world gold price after 2004? I suspect it is because they effectively own or control ALL the world's gold. I'd LOVE to be proven wrong. But any economist worth his salt will confirm all the above; it's information that's easy enough to find. Scary? Uh-huh...!
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Labor is the Root of all Wealth

by Pat Sullivan Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2006 at 11:25 AM pjrsullivan@netzero.net 5152553517 2613 36th st

The focus on the Federal Reserve and who owns it is certainly of great importance. It allows one to see who is pulling many of the strings around this planet. The Fed is owned and operated by families known for their canniballistic genocidal human predator behavior. The control of the resource access mechanism, "Banking," allows them to starve people into compliance with their directions. The poisoning of the planet, war, strife and the infliction of misery upon large numbers of humans around the world can be traced directly to these controlling members of the "Merchant Murder Class." You mentioned the space satellites that are to be used for Central bank clearance, also can monitor the UFO's that enter into our world. These UFO's are from high level cultures, and the genocidal cannibals of this planet cannot touch them. The plan that our genocidal cannibals put into play for us, way back in April of 1947, requires us to all be destroyed with nuclear weapons. All of the other things that are happening in our world, are but "covers" for the "Big" plan. A high culture always replaces a low culture, and low but well armed cultures given the mix of time, will displace a low well armed culture. The culture of the mis-rulers of this planet are by demonstration, the very lowest and depraved of all of earths cultures. The appearance of a high culture, such as the Extraterrestrials demonstrate, will finish this mess off. This is why our God Damned nuclear war criminals are pressing ahead with an attack on Iran. To get WWIII underway, and finish off the human race in a plan that has a self fulfilling prophecy aspect to it: "Armegeddon." This is where we all die and they all hide. For our own security and security for the world, we need to gain our own Federal Reserve bank. The bank itself provides the "Organizing Principle," for our capitol and labor functions. We then can use it in a cooperative fashion. Money itself is an "Abstract Receipt of Labor." By protecting labor, we protect ourselves. A guaranteed income for every person on earth needs to be a founding priciple of any advanced social structure. The bringing of humans into a civil relationship requires a mechanism to access, fairly access, the resource base. Income provides the mechanism to access lifes necessities.
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Not quite

by Sherlock Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2006 at 11:45 AM

Federal Reserve Bank of New York the largest and most significant of the Feds 12 banks lists the banks in the Second Federal Reserve District that are members and stockholders in the New York Federal Reserve Bank. With the exception of the Chase Manhattan Bank, the institutions cited by this post as as allegedly owning and controlling the Federal Reserve system ("Rothschild ...Lazard Brothers ...Israel Moses Seif ...Warburg ...Lehman Brothers ...Kuhn, Loeb ...Goldman, Sachs") were not members of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
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Jonathan May

by teleguy Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2006 at 12:40 PM

Slave, I would like to speak with Jonathan. If you know where he is and/or how to contact him, please e-mail me at mogarry@yahoo.com. Thanks!
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War Versus Sport

by Gene Kalmes Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2006 at 12:49 PM geno@niaproductions.com

War Versus Sport By Rabidblog http://www.genekalmestv.com By Gene Kalmes Ask a man why he loves sports and he will give you a laundry list of reasons. He will tell you that it is the action, the unpredictability or the conflict. Those descriptions could also describe war. Yes war is full of conflict, action and unpredictability but it sorely lacks what sport has to offer. As a man who spends a little more time then the average man analyzing such things, I want to point something out to my fellow chest beaters. I know it is a bit womanly to think too much and we as men like to keep things to three or four words and would prefer to just grunt but I want to open a window to your hairy souls. There is a much higher plain to sports then action, conflict and unpredictability. You dont realize it but between your willingness to scream at umpires, refs, coaches and players who make mistakes is a level of a divine nature. You are quite often in that zone in calmer moments. You instruct a little league team to shake hands after a game or not to purposely try and spike another player or humiliate another team who is losing badly. There in that sense of sportsmanship is the force of goodness that makes you a decent person 99.9% of the time. Think about that figure because it is accurate. Every day you drive in rush hour traffic and there are plenty of jerks you want to run off the road but you dont. There are many times in bars you want to punch a loudmouth but you dont. Most of the time something inside of you says that it is best to turn the other cheek. Of course there are times when you wake up in jail for punching the loudmouth at the bar and there are times you end up in the ditch while racing with a fellow road-rager. But mostly you remain in control of your temper because-believe it or not-you are a spiritual being with pretty good judgment and a higher sense of justice then anyone realizes. You may be surprised to know you have an amazing ability to be very, very reasonable. Sometimes, downright Francis of Assisi, Martin Luther King, Gandhi and Jesus like. How many times have you broken up fights or calmed a buddy down who wanted to punch out the loud mouth at the bar? How many times have you told the fanatic to stop screaming at the ump or his kid? 99.9% is probably a very fair assessment of in control to out of control. Think about it. You watch the TV and it seems the whole world is killing one another because from that window, edited into a steady stream of violent images it would seem that the world is one big long, kill or be killed proposition. But look out the window of your home. SeeTheres probably not anyone killing or fighting or screaming his or her heads off. Sure, sometimes there is. I used to live in LA and it happened a bit more often but mostly, say 98% of the time; no one was fighting outside the window. If you are living in Palestine perhaps the number is greater but even then, 96% of the time there arent any people shooting each other or strapping bombs to themselves. Even if it is one suicide bombing a day (which it isnt) how long does that take? A few seconds tops, but out of 24 hours it is still a small percentage of the day. Now think about the entire planet. On any given day how many people and how many geographical locals are engaged in some sort of violent confrontation? Again it is less then 1% no matter how the TV news makes it look. Now ask yourself why is that? Men are always said to be violent but if you look at these percentages the numbers speak volumes. Guys you are rarely if ever violent. Even a hit man or a soldier is only killing a tiny fraction of the time. Sure battles can flare up and last a few days or weeks but there are always periods of cease-fire Now ask yourself what it is that keeps you from being violent or confrontational? Is it because you are afraid of being punished? No. That is ridiculous. That may stop you from punching a loud mouth or shooting your wife but most of the time you stop yourself because you have a very common sense of decency, way more decency then you are given credit for. Now think about your race. Are you white? Are you American? Are you Christian? Are you Black or Muslim? Chinese or European? And although you may have read somewhere that one ethnic group uses more violence then another ethnic group the facts are that whomever they areThey too are only committing these acts of violence or conflict less then 1% of the time.

It is in that tiny fraction where something called a root cause resides. This tends to be the thing that pisses that particular ethnic group off. I recently read some statistics that said black men were 7 times more likely to commit a crime. Well, within that tiny fraction of a moment when they do commit a crime is much more reason for that aggressive behavior. Follow the reasoning hereImagine an umpire making bad call after bad call. You have a bet on the game and its costing you money. So you throw a bottle at the umps head. 99.9% of the time you were peacefully watching the game but that freaking ump just pushed you over the limit. Now imagine a young black man getting bad calls 7 times more often then anyone else. Wouldnt that make him 7 times more likely to throw a bottle at an ump or a cops head? Now imagine a Palestinian seeing their neighborhood is being bulldozed and ask yourself how you might react. You would probably throw a rock or two also. Again, there may be more violence in that region of the world but it is still a tiny fraction of the time, because ultimately men everywhere are pretty much alike. They all have this inner sense that yearns for fairness. Men actually do like each other and 99% of the time we would rather shake another mans hand then shoot him dead and leave his children without a father. This is why men like sports. It is the closest we ever get to complete fairness. Sports are the pinnacle of integrity. Honesty is a goal for everyone playing and watching. Umpires and Refs, players, fans and owners basically conspire to achieve fairness. Throw a funny shaped ball in and now you have conflict, action and unpredictability. However it is the quest for fairness and how close sports comes to realizing that truly incredible meeting of minds and bodies. Sports is as close to perfection as man comes and yet each game, play, pitch, call, run or inning is as unique as the individual who is playing, watching, or umpping. It is there on that battlefield where we have a real government for the people by the people. Decisions are made that we usually agree on and even when we dont we come to accept them because we recognize that even if a call was blown that the system was mostly fair and on average sports are as close to honest as we will ever get. We love that as a species we have found a way to do battle but pat each other on the behind after the dust has settled, then instead of burying the dead we all take a shower together. And it all happens in broad daylight, (the game not the shower although had the XFL been given a little more time) under the lights and in front of thousands if not millions of people who witness this amazing arena of fairness. Integrity battling integrity and may the best man win. Now compare sports to war In theory there are rules to war but how can anyone be an umpire when one side is carpet-bombing a city or village? How can it possibly be fair to blow some innocent civilians into bits and pieces because somebody bombed someone else, somewhere else? There is nothing honest or fair about war. Generals are in bed with defense manufacturers and they all get rich and watch from miles away as soldiers who only wanted a school loan (something they shouldnt have to kill or die for) are being irradiated by their own depleted uranium and making thirteen thousand dollars a year to boot. These soldiers were also lied to in that they were told the rules of the game were to fight for ones country yet that country has proven time and time again through history that those soldiers are merely fodder. They came home from the Gulf War in 1991 with an illness that their superiors have denied exists. They have left POWs to rot in prisons in Viet Nam. The list goes on and on and even if you only know a fraction of the story you should know enough to see that the game of war is completely lacking integrity. In fact it is so full of secrets and dark closed rooms and plans that only benefit a few that it is so far from sport as to make it much more akin to throwing Christians to lions or raping children then it is to a football game. Therefore guys, you need to stop acting like war is a sport and that it is somehow justified. Those of us who oppose war are generally those who dont have any stock in the companies that will profit from it. In other words we find it so unjust and wrong that we find it impossible to wave a flag like a pennant. We feel strongly that one soldier or civilian dying so the rest of us can kick back and watch the world series is way too much for any man of conscience to accept without one hell of a fierce argument. This is about as close to integrity as war ever gets. The people who oppose it are like the fans who find out that a boxer has taken a dive. We demand an investigation. We should demand fairness, integrity and for any conflict whether it be an election, a vote in congress, a murder trial or a baseball game to play out in front of thousands if not millions of eyes in broad daylight or under bright lights to preserve the integrity of the game. We want the rules to be upheld and put on a pedestal, any renegotiations to

take place at a table with all sides present. If the rules change it is through a democratic process and everyone understands and plays by them because the umpires see to it that they apply equally to everyone. And that is why we love sports because it is the closest we have ever gotten to perfection between highly imperfect beings. It is why all closed door sessions and meetings in politics are nothing short of cheating. When lawyers and judges make deals behind closed doors and war planners draw up battle plans behind closed doors and assassins are sent out into the night to shoot someone who opposes a small minority. Whoever employs these mercenaries in dark conspiratorial secrecy is anything but fair and honest. So the next time you get worked up into lather by an AM radio DJ who convinces you to hate a liberal on your way home from work think about this. The dictionary defines liberal as: generous and giving in an open handed way. Therefore the opposite of liberal must be a person who is greedy and unwilling to share. But heres an idea to try and put this in perspective. What if the liberals were to start a football team and the conservatives were to start a football team and play a game to decide some issue. Would you want that game to be played in broad day light with good honest umpires and fans who would not riot and kill each other at the end of the game? Thomas Jefferson and Samuel Adams, Ben Franklin and the rest of our forefathers attempted to create a government that could be compared to the rules we have in sports. The check and balance system had rules to see that the legislative, judicial and federal branches of the government kept the game honest and in the light of day. Our constitution and bill of rights are (or were) like the rules to any sport. The opposing teams were to be kept in check by umpires who were kept honest by thousands and millions of eyes who knew the rules, agreed to the rules and accepted the outcome as long as no one cheated. But that has not been the case. Our Constitution and Bill of Rights has been torn up by a few who began to play crucial innings of the game behind closed doors. The officials have been bribed with money and other favors to secure fixed outcomes to the rules. Umpires and the rules they enforce have been destroyed and with it the integrity of our government. Taxes have been levied, wars have been waged and people have been enslaved and imprisoned by laws that dont even resemble fairness or justice. A game designed to be played in the light of day before thousands of eyes who would keep the sense of fair play as close to perfect as humanly possible is now nothing more then a fixed fight. In any sport if a team or a player play dirty they try not to be seen doing it. Corked bats and spitballs are hidden just as politicians who take bribes try not to be seen. So guys I dont expect you to like me for the things I say but if I were to play your team in a softball tournament I would want a couple umpires we could both trust and a crowd of people watching them and plenty of lights. And I know you wouldnt want it any other way. Because it is something truly heroic men (and women) have in common when it comes to sports. No one wants to win by cheating unless of course youre a scumbag. So then why would we allow our elections, courts, corporations and conflicts with other countries to be played in arenas where there is no light, no dedication to fairness, no accountability or integrity? For instance, a bank lent the money to both Hitler and Winston Churchill to fight World War II. The War to take over the world was funded by a bank who played both sides. First of all, what if neither side could get a loan? And secondly, doesnt that say that that bank already ran the world and didnt care who came in second and third place. In sports we go to great lengths to try and maintain the integrity of the games in spite of the greed that tries so hard to corrupt and we do it by not changing the rules to benefit one team or owner over another. Isnt it time our world leaders play a world series with the same kind of seriousness and dedication to fairness as we men give to sports? It may be time to storm the field and tear down the goal posts...Or perhaps...Maybe it's time to force the ruling elite to retire...
www.GeneKalmesTV.com add your comments

Blsck Op's...I know a thang or two bout that..

by Finnbar Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2006 at 12:51 PM finnbarxxx@yahoo.com 775-513-3254

Check out this web page. Some info about Black Op's http://www.wintersteel.com/RobertDuncanOFinioan.html

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Have no fear, guy

by eye of the pyramid Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2006 at 2:10 PM

"I figured all this out 4 years ago and I still have no plan to survive..." Don't worry: when the shit comes down, the global oligarchs are going to cut their losses by dropping a superplague on us anyway. make no mistake, these international bankers are the true rulers of the world. This was confirmed by an eminent historian something like 30 years ago. http://www.radiobergen.org/powergame/tragedy.html According to Webster Tarpley and many other heavy-duty students of history, John F. Kennedy was taking them on in a contest for control of America and this is why 1) he caught a bullet through the brain and 2) everybody in a position to do anything about it just tucked tail and ran. Oh yeah, "lone gunman," yup, uh-huh, whatever you say massa Rockefeller. Monarchy STILL reigns supreme, just like it always has
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by eye of the pyramid Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2006 at 2:15 PM

In addition to everything else they are, the Rothschild's are probably the world's most powerful zionists
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Just another rehash of tired old conspiracist nonsense

by Skeptic Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2006 at 2:33 PM

It's interesting that the list of "shareholders" from a supposed "legislative session" is exactly the same those Gary Kah claimed came from "Swiss and Saudi Arabian contacts" in 1991. As for the claims of foreign ownership of the Fed, "To clarify this mystery, lets first look at the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 itself. The law requires that all nationally chartered commercial banks and savings & loans buy stock in their regional Federal Reserve Bank, thereby becoming member banks (12 USCA 282).1 The amount of stock a bank must buy, called member stock, is proportional to the banks size. So, we would expect that by law the largest shareholders of the N.Y. Fed to be the largest banks operating in its district. This is consistent with Mullins since all of the banks on his list were, at the time, the largest banks in the N.Y. Fed region. Further examination of the law and the facts makes Kahs list suspect. *The law does not permit the stock of a Federal Reserve Bank to be traded publicly like the stock of a typical corporation.* The original Federal Reserve Act called for each regional Bank to sell stock to raise at least $4 million to begin operations (12 USCA 281). The stock was to be sold to banks, not to the public. Only in the event that sales to member banks did not raise the necessary $4 million would the regional Fed Banks be permitted to sell shares to the public, called public stock. However, this did not happen and no stock in any Federal Reserve Bank has ever been sold to the public, to foreigners, or to any non-bank U.S. firm (Woodward, 1996). Note that foreign interests comprise half of the alleged owners on Kahs list. Moreover, three of the hypothesized American owners are not even banks. *The law permits neither foreigners nor non-bank firms from owning shares in any Federal Reserve Bank. Chase Manhatten is the only entity on Kahs list that could possibly own shares of the N.Y. Fed.* See Ed Flaherty's article at http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Senate/3616/flaherty5.html for more. I do have to grant one thing to the professional conspiracy-mongers: they certainly practice recycling. They recycle the same old horse patooties indefinitely. That may correlate with the fact that if you adjust for changes in population and birth rate (in the USA) since David Hannum's time it turns out that there are now approximately 2.4 suckers born every

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Power to the People!

by Strategist Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2006 at 3:13 PM

Though who the owners of the Fed are is interesting, at the end of the day, what matters is how the average individual and family can survive going forward due to the erosive nature of fractional reserve banking. I wish also, we could have a system that supported real people, but that is not likely to happen given the level at which the current system is entrenched. It's a self-serving system and that's the truth. What's important is to find a way to overcome the negative impact of the exponential loss of purchasing power that will continue. I suggest you check out http://www.alifestylerevolution.com which is the only place I have found down to earth strategies based on understanding the implications of the monetary system on personal finances. We may not be able to change the system, but we can outsmart it!
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Share Counterfeiting

by Kevin Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2006 at 3:45 PM

This may tie into the massive counterfeiting of public shares that is currently occurring. What trades on the stock market are "markers" on stock that is actually owned by the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation's subsidiary, the Depository Trust. They register the shares in the name of "Cede & Co." which is their nominee. No one can kind find out the corporate structure (trust, partnership / officers, directors, etc.) of this company. Try googling it it's a huge mystery. If you call the DTC, the employees there will tell you they don't know who owns it. Activists have used the FOIA to prove that there are way more chits in the system than actual shares to back the chits. The only way they can fix this is to collapse the market and make good on the IOU's at a much lower share price. The activist site is http://www.thesanitycheck.com. Click on the blog link for the latest. This counterfeiting was one of Project Censored's top stories last year. There is a total news blackout and the regulators and politicians don't answer letters on the subject.
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by Railroad Stone Tuesday, Apr. 11, 2006 at 7:07 PM railroadstone@gmail.com

Ah, there it is! I thought for a second that we would get through the whole page without the Z word. It's a sure-fire way to take any idea and reduce it to a rabid, drooling conspiracists' wank-fest. Why not mention what the queers are doing to the soil while you're at it? That has everything to do with international banking. They're building landing strips for gay, jewish martians! I swear to God!

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by eric swan Wednesday, Apr. 12, 2006 at 7:14 AM ericswan@shaw.ca

The keys to survival are not measured in dollars. They are measured in BTU's. Think glass, metals, and insulation. Food, warmth and shelter are the basic needs to continuity of free spirit and a hopeful outcome. Conserve and compost. We are nearing the precipice and gravity will not fail.
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Conspiracy Nonesense

by Ralph Torello Wednesday, Apr. 12, 2006 at 6:26 PM rtorello47@yahoo.com

It is interesting that Skeptic quotes Ed Flaherty, a disinformation agent for the Fed. I talked with Flaherty one time, told him about our class's case review of the Federal Reserve Bank at Harvard Business School in the early sixties, and how James Robertson, son of Willis Robertson, head of the House Banking Committee at the time, held the class in rapturous attention as he detailed the fraud that the Federal Reserve System was and how it would lead to the enslavement of America. Flaherty then proceeded to distort what I told him and use distorted selective quotes as an example of a conspiracy nut for his college class. Since there has never been a published public audited report for the whole Fed system, including stock ownership data, the capital structure could be quite complex. For example, the banks may own common stock Class A of the local Federal Resererve bank or banks, individuals or corporations could own Class B voting common shares or participating preffered shares, with the Rothschild, Rockefeller and friends owning the shares of the parent corporation known as the Federal Reserve System. Till the Fed reports are made public with truly independant audits, it is easy to call anyone questioning the system a conspiracy nut. Also, its important to realize how much gold the Japanese looted from China during WW2. The amount the Nazi's looted is spare change compared to what the Japanese looted for the Far East known as "Yamashita's Gold". More gold than all of the recorded mined gold in the world. The CIA has recovered much of the stolen gold hidden in the Phillipines from hundreds of booby trapped tunnels and reefs. Just one trade from 1984 done by Rothschild involved 238,000 metric tons of gold (Marcos Dynasty by Sterling Seagrave}. This looted gold has financed most of the world's terrorism and drug trade with the blessing of the Western Central Banks. Anyone interested in the details of Yamashita's Gold should read Gold Warriors by Sterlin Seagrave available at http://www.versobooks.com/books/nopqrs/s-titles/seagraves_gold_warriors.shtml
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Nikola Tesla - another silenced person

by Shadowplanner Wednesday, Apr. 12, 2006 at 9:17 PM

Another interesting thing looking into this is to consider NIKOLA TESLA. The man did as much or more for this country and the world in terms of our day to day life than Edison, and Einstein. He made J.P. Morgan a fortune. He invented the RADIO and won this distinction against Marconi in our supreme court yet, in schools they do not teach anything about him, they also still teach that Marconi invented the radio. I mention this simply as another instance of someone who messed with the bankers' plan. He invented the Alternating Current Generator which is what drives todays electricity world wide. He also invented 100s of other inventions. J.P. Morgan was his backer and made a fortune of of AC. Well, then Tesla stated he had found a way to give free energy to the world. J.P. Morgan stopped funding him. Why? Because, he was getting richer and richer off of controlling the energy and the person that made that wealth possible came with an idea that would take it away. Tesla had increasing difficulty getting funding and tried (may have been successful) to sell various energy weapons and propulsion systems. He died a poor man. On his death the U.S. Government went and seized all his current designs from his vault. What was in those designs is a popular conspiracy topic and is not provable. What is important is to recognize that in the early 1900s they were already solidifying the power structure and there were already steps being taken to keep us from learning things. I mean ask a student today if they have heard of Nikola Tesla. This man was amazing and of very important historical significance but, as far as history is concerned... he does not exist to most people. Teaching that Marconi invented the radio is further proof of the attempt to wipe Tesla from people's minds. Tesla did some things in his exhibitions that people to this day have been unable to reproduce. Keep him in mind when you think of SILENCED people like John F. Kennedy.
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by Ryan Thursday, Apr. 13, 2006 at 12:10 PM

Here is a perspective looking at what's going on from a different angle. Around 2000 years ago, Satan offered Jesus all the kindoms of the world if he would just worship him instead of the Father. Jesus, of course, declined his offer. The rest as they say is history. However, it makes sense that Satan would then make the same offer to another. He needed to get a hold into this realm after being cast down from heaven. It appears that one person of a certain family a few hundred years ago took him up on the offer. Of course Satan being the deceiver he is, had nothing more in mind than to be worshiped by humanity as god. He will eventually attempt this. He will disgard all of the pawns he used to get there. All of these pawn 'families' will find themselves deceived and be sadly dissapointed. Babylon will fall in a day. And all the 'merchants of the sea' will wail and cry for its distruction. What goes around, comes around. Eventually. Even for Satan. The upside to all of this is the Father WILL have the last say in all of this. All we are seeing here is the secular manifistation of what has been foretold.
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by Sir Vincent Mbirika Thursday, Apr. 13, 2006 at 2:31 PM Ktmalta@aol.com -- Box 643 FDR Station, New York, New York 10150

The problem with compulsory mis-education is that every generation comes up knowing less and less of what is real. Time has its way of eroding truth, if truth indeed did once exist. Nikola Tesla was a scientist, the like of which has not been seen after his death. Like other brilliant people who have existed in the past 300 years, he has been forgotten and written out of memory. His "crime," like crimes of those other brilliant fellows who have been forgotten was that he was not an Anglo-Saxon descendant, or he wasn't one of those so-called "real" Europeans. A Serbian scientist in the mind of so-called "pure" Europeans, was like a black inventor in the United States. Where would the world be without Tesla's invention of electro-magnetic power? Nothing demeaning about Thomas Edson at all, but he surely was no match to Nikola Tesla. Frankly, without Tesla, we probably would still be watching TV with candlelight and a cell-phone would be something only to dream about. United States can do for itself one small favor. Even at this time of compulsory miseducation and mis-information, there is still room for the nation to revise its system of education and teach truth rather than myth. Not to teach in schools about Tesla is an educational crime.
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