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Sample Formal Speech Outline Title: Name: General Purpose: Specific Purpose: Time: I. Introduction A. ". $. D. '.

How man people in this class get headaches raise our hand! How man of ou get them so severe that the disrupt what ou are doing at the time! Those of ou who raised our hand to either of those #uestions could suffer from migraines. I%ve suffered from them since I was in the seventh grade. I still get them #uite a &it. Although the exact cause of migraines is unknown, the can !ecome so se"ere that the disrupt our dail life. Things ou need to (now a&out migraines are what the are and their s mptoms) what causes them) and how sufferers deal with them on a dail &asis. What is a Migraine and how does it affect people? Steve Smith To inform To inform the audience on what a migraine headache is and how it affects the people who get them. 5 minutes

Transition***The first among these points is what a migraine is and what the s mptoms are. II. "od A. A migraine affects more then +ust our head. ,. A migraine is a thro&&ing headache that is usuall one sided &ut can &e two sided. The thro&&ing is usuall accompanied & nausea) sensitivit to light) sound) and smells) sleep disruption) and depression -National .igraine Association / 0N.A12. a. 3hen I get a migraine the slightest movements send m head &anging and I usuall get the sensitivit to light and sounds with a little nausea. &. Thin( of how ou feel when ou wal( from a dar( room to the outside where it%s reall sunn . 4ou react & closing our e es &ecause of that instant of pain while our e es ad+ust. Now thin( of that ,556 worse. c. The same can &e said when going from #uite to a nois place. 7. There are two main t pes of migraines. a. 8ne t pe of migraine is what is called the classic .igraine. i. The main s mptom with this t pe of migraine is that people get an aura. The aura is usuall seen ,5 to 95 minutes &efore our headache. The are usuall flashing lights) :ig:ag lines) or spots of light.

ii. There can &e speech difficult ) confusion) wea(ness in the arms or legs. &. The other t pe of migraine is the common migraine. This migraine is +ust li(e the classic without the aura. i. This is the most common (ind of migraine. ii. .ental fu::iness) mood changes) and fatigue are usuall e;perienced the da or so &efore the headache starts. c. "oth a classic and a common migraine can hit ou as often as several times a wee( or as far apart as a few times a ear. The can last an where from a few hours to one or two da s. .igraines happen in more often in women then in men and can develop from age five to thirt <five. Transition*** Now that we (now what a migraine is and what the s mptoms are we can start to understand what helps to cause them. ". The actual cause of migraines is un(nown. ,. 'vidence has shown that it could &e changes in &lood vessels) chemicals) and in our nerves in our &rain that cause migraines -N.A2. 7. The main theor is that evidence seems to support is that it%s the dilation and constricting of &lood vessels -N.A2. a. =uring the time &efore the headache starts the &lood vessels in the &rain get smaller and allow less &lood to flow through. &. 3hen the headache &egins is when our &lood vessels &ecome dilated and more &lood flows through. This stretching is what caused the headaches. c. Serotonin is thought to &e a main cause of migraines. High doses of it are found &efore the migraine and low doses of this hormone is found during the migraine. 9. There are some triggers that doctors have &een a&le to identif that cause migraines. a. Such things as depression) stress) lac( of food and sleep) hormone changes) weather changes) certain foods and &everages) and &right lights. &. 3hen I was first diagnosed with migraines the had me (eep a food diar of ever thing I ate and when I got headaches. Transition*** Now we (now what a migraine is and what causes them. As ou can see ignoring these t pes of headaches isn%t going to help them go awa . The can disrupt our wor( and home life if the aren%t ta(en care of. $. Tr to imagine doing an (ind of wor( on our computer when our head is thro&&ing and the light from the screen and the lights a&ove ou are glaring down on ou and ma(ing the thro&&ing worse. ,. There are #uite a few people where I wor( that get migraines. 3hen someone has a migraine we usuall turn off the overhead lights for them.

7. .igraines can cause the suffering to miss an where from a few hours of wor( to a da or more. This cuts in to their productivit . The t picall have downward spiraling incomes. a. A recent stud & American Academ of Pain .edicine states that ,55 million wor(da s per ear are lost to migraines. &. The annual cost to an industr and the health care s stem amounts to 5 to ,> &illion dollars. c. .an migraine sufferers in the wor( place are mista(en for drug addicts or alcoholics &ecause when the are e;periencing a migraine the ma wear sunglasses indoors) ma(e fre#uent trips to the &athroom) leave earl or sta late) and have slurred speech. Transition*** Now we (now what a migraine is) what can cause a migraine) and how the affect ou. III. $onclusion A. A migraine isn%t a common headache) causes of migraines are still not completel (nown &ut studies have shown that the wa the chemicals react in our &rains can affect it) and having migraines can interfere with our productivit and reputation in the wor(place. ". .igraines affect man people not onl ph sicall &ut it can affect how ou are loo(ed at in the wor(place. $. So after hearing a&out migraines how man people here thin( the ma get them! -Note: =on%t forget our "i&liograph ) here or on a separate page) in APA ?ormat / See APA formatting handout.2

$ourtes of Shawn .organ) Instructor / $omm. 75, / Spring 755>

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