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0 INTRODUCTION The more elaborate our means of communication, the less we communicate ( Joseph Priestley Quotes) As above, communication is an important or our lives. Communication is just like love, makes t e !orl" #o roun". Communication enable us to improve our skills at interactin# !it people. All$re" %a"us in sai", &T e relations ip is t e communication bri"#e bet!een people' Its means people ! o are #oo" communication ten" to "o better in t eir li$e an" career. (e communicate ever)"a) !it "i$$erent people, at "i$$erent times, in "i$$erent !a)s. (e communicate !it ourselves in our t ou# ts. (e also communicate !it our $amil), $rien"s, people at !ork, an" people !e meet, sociall) or pro$essionall). At times !e ma) even nee" to communicate !it a lar#er au"ience suc as members o$ t e public. *n#lis as become an important lan#ua#e in +ala)sia as t e societ) starts in t is ne! millennium. In or"er to reali,in# t e importance o$ t e use o$ *n#lis Over t e )ears, *n#lis

communicate e$$ectivel), one nee"s a lan#ua#e t at is !i"el) un"erstoo" an" is common. as become t at sort o$ lan#ua#e. It is t e lan#ua#e most commonl) use" an" un"erstoo" b) almost ever)one. -o it is easier to communicate in *n#lis as it is t e best !a) to e.press our selves. In t e present a#e, it as become even more o$ a me"ium o$ communication because it is t e lan#ua#e o$ t e Internet an" t e computer. An" as most o$ t e communication t ese "a)s involves computers an" internet, so it is even more !i"el) use". *n#lis is t e most po!er$ul me"ium o$ communication in t e !orl". *n#lis to"a) is a !orl" lan#ua#e spoken an" !ritten b) vast majorit) o$ people aroun" t e !orl" as it is etero lan#ua#e. -o, t e pro#ram o$ *n#lis lan#ua#e !ill emp asi,e t e importance o$ communication. /earners back#roun" kno!le"#e, skills an" attitu"es !ill be use" as means o$ "evelopin# communicatin# abilities. As t e learners "evelop communication skills, t e) also increase t eir lin#uistic accurac) an" "evelop lan#ua#e learnin# strate#ies. T ere are a $e! t)pes o$ oral communication activities t at mi# t be incorporate" into man) $iel"s suc as oral communication, interpersonal communication, small #roup communication an" public speakin# or communication. T us, t is paper purpose is o! to communicate e$$ectivel) in spoken *n#lis in selecte" social conte.ts.


ORA/ CO++UNICATION Oral communication implies communication through mouth. It includes individuals conversing with each other, be it direct conversation or telephonic conversation. Speeches, presentations, discussions are all forms of oral communication. Oral communication is generally recommended when the communication matter is of temporary kind or where a direct interaction is required. Face to face communication (meetings, lectures, conferences, interviews, etc. is significant so as to build a rapport and trust. Oral communication, while primarily referring to spoken verbal communication, typically relies on words, visual aids and non!verbal elements to support the conveyance of the meaning. Oral communication includes discussion, speeches, presentations, interpersonal communication and many other varieties. In face to face communication the language and voice tonality plays a significant role and may have a greater impact on the listener than the intended content of the spoken words. "ommunication stands so deeply rooted in human behaviors and the structures of society that scholars have difficulty thinking of it while e#cluding social or behavioral events. $ecause communication theory remains a relatively young field of inquiry and integrates itself with other disciplines such as philosophy, psychology, and sociology, one probably cannot yet e#pect a consensus conceptuali%ation of communication across disciplines.

0.1 TRAN-ACTIONA/ +OD*/ T is mo"el ackno!le"#es neit er creators nor consumers o$ messa#es, pre$errin# to label t e people associate" !it t e mo"el as communicators ! o bot create an" consume messa#es. T e mo"el presumes a""itional s)mmetries as !ell, !it eac participant creatin# messa#es t at are receive" b) t e ot er communicator. T is is, in man) !a)s, an e.cellent mo"el o$ t e $ace1to1$ace interactive process ! ic e.ten"s rea"il) to an)

interactive me"ium t at provi"es users !it

s)mmetrical inter$aces $or creation an"

consumption o$ messa#es, inclu"in# notes, letters, ra"io an" electronic mail. It is, o!ever, a "istinctl) interpersonal mo"el t at implies e2ualit) bet!een communicators t at o$ten "oesn3t e.ist, even in interpersonal conte.ts. T e caller in most telep one conversations as t e initial upper an" in settin# t e "irection an" tone o$ a telep one caller t an t e receiver o$ t e call. In $ace1to1$ace ea"1complement interactions, t e boss4 ea"5 as consi"erabl) more $ree"om 4in terms o$ messa#e c oice, me"ia c oice, abilit) to $rame meanin#, abilit) to set t e rules o$ interaction5 an" po!er to allocate messa#e ban"!i"t t an "oes t e emplo)ee 4complement5. T e mo"el certainl) "oes not appl) in mass me"ia conte.ts. 6.0 INT*R7*R-ONA/ CO++UNICATION

Interpersonal communication is usuall) "e$ine" b) communication sc olars in numerous !a)s, usuall) "escribin# participants ! o are "epen"ent upon one anot er an" ave a s are" istor). It can involve one on one conversations or in"ivi"uals interactin# !it man) people !it in a societ). It elps us un"erstan" o! an" ! ) people be ave an" communicate in "i$$erent !a)s to construct an" ne#otiate a social realit). ( ile interpersonal communication can be "e$ine" as its o!n area o$ stu"), it also occurs !it in ot er conte.ts like #roups an" or#ani,ations. Interpersonal communication inclu"es messa#e sen"in# an" messa#e reception bet!een t!o or more in"ivi"uals.

T is can inclu"e all aspects o$ communication suc as listenin#, persua"in#, assertin#, nonverbal communication, an" more. A primar) concept o$ interpersonal communication looks at communicative acts ! en t ere are $e! in"ivi"uals involve" unlike areas o$ communication suc as #roup interaction, ! ere t ere ma) be a lar#e number o$ in"ivi"uals involve" in a communicative act. In"ivi"uals also communicate on "i$$erent interpersonal levels "epen"in# on ! o t e) are en#a#in# in communication !it . 8or e.ample, i$ an in"ivi"ual is communicatin# !it a $amil) member, t at communication !ill more t an likel) "i$$er $rom t e t)pe o$ communication use" ! en en#a#e" in a communicative act !it communication suc a $rien" or si#ni$icant ot er. Overall, interpersonal "irect an" in"irect me"iums o$ communication can be con"ucte" usin# bot

as $ace1to1$ace interaction, as !ell as computer1me"iate"1

communication. -uccess$ul interpersonal communication assumes t at bot t e messa#e sen"ers an" t e messa#e receivers !ill interpret an" un"erstan" t e messa#es bein# sent on a level o$ un"erstoo" meanin#s an" implications.

9.0 -+A// :ROU7 CO++UNICATION-

A small #roup is #enerall) "e$ine" as a #roup t at consists o$ at least t ree members an" at t e ma.imum aroun" t!elve to $i$teen members. A #roup t at as just t!o members or more t an $i$teen members !oul" not come in t e cate#or) o$ a small #roup. -peec an" small #roup communication are seen in ever)"a) li$e in classrooms, business meetin#s an" reli#ious #at erin#s. *$$ective speec communication #o an" in an". ;ot communication an" small #roup re2uire e$$ective listenin#, #oo" verbal an"

nonverbal skills an" t e abilit) to clearl) "eliver a messa#e to #roups o$ people. (it out e$$ective communication, #roups are "irectionless, !it out purpose an" unmotivate". *$$ective communication in speec $orm an" in small #roups provi"es t e necessar) in$ormation to ac ieve a common #oal suc as<1 7rovi"e 7urpose *$$ectivel) "eliver t e messa#e or in$ormation inten"e". T e communication s oul" provi"e inspiration, motivation an" clear "irection $or t e #roup or cro!" listenin#. It s oul" "ispel misun"erstan"in#s an" "e$ine e.pectations an" terms $or t e

particular assi#nment. Don3t use va#ue statements. Instea", be speci$ic an" intentional !it t e !or"s use" an" t e illustrations #iven. Take time to pre1plan an" prepare ! at )ou are #oin# to sa) be$ore )ou sa) it. (rite an outline an" practice t e speec or small #roup messa#e be$ore )ou "eliver it. >ave a $rien" or co!orker listen to )ou an" provi"e $ee"back. >ave t is person let )ou kno! i$ ! at )ou3re communicatin# is easil) un"erstoo", concise an" applicable. I$ it3s not, re!ork t e messa#e so it is s ort, clear an" compre ensive.

I"enti$) T)pes I"enti$) t e t)pes o$ speec communication an" small #roup communication. All communication is separate" into t!o t)pes< verbal an" nonverbal. ?erbal communication is all oral communication t at uses !or"s. T ink about t e !or" c oice an" usa#e in )our speec or small #roup communication. %eep it simple an" $ree o$ an) o$$ensive lan#ua#e. Don3t use !or"s t at can be misinterprete" or perceive" as con"escen"in#. I"enti$) )our nonverbal communication as !ell. Nonverbal communication is ! en )ou sen" a messa#e !it out !or"s. 8or e.ample, )our posture, #estures an" vocal tone are all sen"in# nonverbal messa#es to )our au"ience or #roup. Criti2ue )oursel$ a$ter #iven a speec . ?i"eo recor" )oursel$ an" !atc )our nonverbal. Assess i$ )our nonverbal communication complimente" )our verbal skills or i$ it "istracte" $rom t e messa#e.

:at er 8ee"back

:at er $ee"back $rom )our au"ience or small #roup on a re#ular basis. 8ee"back is t e most e$$ective !a) to improve )our verbal an" nonverbal communication skills. A$ter #ivin# a speec or a""ressin# )our small #roup, create a surve) t at #at ers in$ormation to provi"e $ee"back on o! e$$ective )our messa#e !as un"erstoo". Create t e surve) to ave 0= to =0 statements. >ave t e au"ience rate t e e$$ectiveness on a scale $rom 1 to 10, 1 bein# stron#l) "isa#ree" an" 10 bein# stron#l) a#ree. (rite statements like, @I clearl) un"erstoo" t e in$ormation,@ @Iclearl)

un"erstoo" ! at is e.pecte" o$ me,@ @T e nonverbal messa#es elpe" stren# t en t e messa#e.@ :at er t e $ee"back s eets an" tall) up t e numbers to see ! at areas )ou !ere stron# an" !eak in. Create an action plan to stren#t en )oursel$ in t e areas o$ !eakness. =.0 7U;/IC CO++UNICATION

7ublic communication is t e sen"in# an" receivin# o$ messa#es on a lar#e scale t at impacts #roups o$ people. 8or t e communication to be consi"ere" e$$ective, t e messa#es must be clearl) an" accuratel) sent an" receive" !it $ull compre ension. T e purpose o$ e$$ective public communication "i$$ers base" on t e intention o$ t e messa#e. 8or e.ample, a public relations representative mi# t use mass me"ia to repair a compan)s public ima#e a$ter an alle#e" scan"al breaks out. In t is situation, e$$ective public communication is inten"e" to in$orm t e public. On t e ot er an", a billboar"3s intention is to entice an au"ience to bu) a pro"uct or service. *$$ective public communication is use" to in$orm, e"ucate, persua"e an" inspire t e au"ience. *$$ective public communication can mani$est itsel$ in "i$$erent !a)s. 7ublic speakin# in an) $orm is consi"ere" public communication. T is can be a sc ool assembl), a business meetin# or a presi"ential speec . +ass me"ia, t e use o$ T?, ra"io, ne!spaper or an) ot er mass1 pro"uce" me"ium, is anot er t)pe o$ e$$ective public communication. T e result o$ e$$ective public communication is t e success$ul "eliver) o$ a messa#e to a lar#e #roup o$ people ! ere eac in"ivi"ual is impacte" an" move" to take action. *$$ective public communication is able to relate to B

t e in"ivi"ual nee"s o$ t e listeners ! ile speakin# to t e masses. *$$ective public communication causes listeners to respon" to t e public communications messa#e. *$$ective public communication must re$rain $rom biase" !or"s, p ilosop ies an" i"eolo#ies. 8or e.ample, ! en t e presi"ent is makin# a speec , is !or"s an" t ou# ts nee" to be portra)e" in a universal !a) so t at one #roup "oes not $eel isolate" or le$t out. *$$ective public communication keeps statements #eneric an" neutral to #en"er, race an" reli#ious belie$s. A.0 CONC/U-ION English is the perfect language for preachers because it allows you to talk until you think of what to say. ( Garrison Keillor) To"a), ever)one reco#ni,es t e importance o$ learnin# t e *n#lis lan#ua#e. +oreover, t e a"vent o$ t e Internet as ma"e learnin# *n#lis online a better option t an "oin# it in a tra"itional classroom. T e abilit) to speak an" !rite *n#lis properl) allo!s people to a"vance in t e also !i"ens ones ori,on in pro$essional !orl". ;ein# able to speak in *n#lis

communicatin# #loball). ( ) is learnin# *n#lis important to ever)one in t e mo"ern "a) !orl"C +ost people stu") *n#lis $or !ork. ;usinesses !orl"!i"e use *n#lis as t e universal lan#ua#e an" me"ium o$ communication. *ven outsi"e t e pro$essional !orl", bein# able to communicate properl) in *n#lis allo!s t e abilit) to portra) onesel$ better. T is abilit) results to #ainin# better acceptance an" un"erstan"in# as !ell as respect $rom ot er people. Ac2uirin# t e lan#ua#e incorporates communication skills suc as listenin#, speakin#, rea"in#, !ritin#, vie!in# an" s o!in#. /earners "evelop t ese communication skills b) usin# kno!le"#e o$ t e lan#ua#e, inclu"in# #rammar, an" culture, communication an" learnin# strate#ies, tec nolo#), an" content $rom ot er subject areas to sociali,e, to ac2uire an" provi"e in$ormation, to e.press $eelin#s an" opinions. %no!le"#e o$ ot er cultures, connections to ot er "isciplines, comparisons bet!een lan#ua#e an" cultures, an" communit) interaction all contribute to an" en ance t e communicative lan#ua#e learnin# e.perience, but t e communication skills are t e

primar) $ocus o$ lan#ua#e ac2uisition. -o, communication is not onl) t e essence o$ bein# uman, but also a vital propert) o$ li$e.

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