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Questions WARMTH Know how to comfort others. Feel others' emotions.

Don't like to get involved in other people's problems. Try not to think about the needy. REASONING Tend to analyze things. Weigh the pros against the cons. Get confused easily. Skip difficult words while reading. EMOTIONALITY STABILITY Seldom feel blue. Am relaxed most of the time. Have frequent mood swings. Am easily discouraged. DOMINANCE Take charge. Am not afraid of providing criticism. Wait for others to lead the way. Never challenge things. LIVELINESS Joke around a lot. Enjoy being part of a loud crowd. Don't like crowded events. Dislike loud music. RULE CONSCIOUSNESS Believe laws should be strictly enforced. Like to stand during the national anthem. Break rules. Oppose authority. SOCIAL BOLDNESS Feel comfortable around people. Don't mind being the center of attention. Find it difficult to approach others. Am quiet around strangers. SENSITIVITY Read a lot. Cry during movies. Dislike works of fiction. Rarely notice my emotional reactions. VIGILANCE Find it hard to forgive others. Distrust people. Trust what people say.

Strongly Agree

Agree 4 4

5 4 4 4

4 4

4 4

4 4

Believe that others have good intentions. ABSTRACTEDNESS Do things that others find strange. Like to get lost in thought. Do things by the book. Seldom daydream. PRIVATENESS Reveal little about myself. Don't talk a lot. Am open about myself to others. Show my feelings. APPREHENSION Am afraid that I will do the wrong thing. Feel guilty when I say "no." Don't worry about things that have already happened. Am not easily bothered by things. OPENESS TO CHANGE Love to think up new ways of doing things. Prefer variety to routine. Rarely look for a deeper meaning in things. Am not interested in abstract ideas. SELF RELIANCE Prefer to do things by myself. Enjoy my privacy. Enjoy teamwork. Can't do without the company of others. PERFECTIONISM Want everything to be "just right." Like order. Am not bothered by messy people. Leave a mess in my room. TENSION Get irritated easily. Am quick to judge others. Am not easily annoyed. Try to forgive and forget.

4 4

4 4

4 4 4 4



Strongly Disagree

Total 12

3 1 17

12 2 2

9 1 1 3 11 3 1 3 13 3 3 3 12 2 2

13 2

3 13 3 2

12 2 3 3 11 3 2 2 13

3 2 13 3 3 3 13

3 2 12 2 2


2 3

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