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nurse : - Greetings and smiles to patients / clients are Assalaamu Alaikum War.Wab . or good morning , noon , afternoon , evening , or as socio-cultural background spiritual , accompanied by hand. Patient / client : - Waalaikumussalaam War . Wab . nurse : - My name ..... usually invoked .............. - I was a nurse who worked in this room - Name of host / mother who? Usually called by the name calling whom ? Patient / client : - My name is usually invoked .......... nurse : - How did the master / mother (nickname ) morning This ? Patient / client : - It felt a bit dizzy and hot nurse : - (Nickname ) I was a nurse who responsible for caring for the host / mother while in this room . I came home at 07.00 and 14,000 hours - In addition to that I will take care of ( name calling ) is ........ of the medical team , and a team of nurses is ........ - This morning I will check blood pressure , pulse , respiration , temperature , and provide drug to the ( name calling ) - This activity will take approximately 5 minute - Later , if (nickname ) would like to express something that is confidential , I will used for the treatment

nurse : - Installing sampiran to maintain privacy patient / client - Before I start measuring blood pressure , pulse, respiration , and body temperature ( name calls ) are there any questions about the activities of This ? - Or (nickname ) had other complaints

I need to help solve it before I began measuring blood pressure , pulse , respiration , and body temperature . Patient / client : - Another complaint feels no sisters , please measure sisters ! - And to what measure my blood pressure sisters ? nurse : - To determine the function of the heart (nickname ) general - If there is no question , we begin yes (nickname ) - (Nickname ) is lying supine or relax - (Nickname ) I 'm done measuring blood pressure result is 120/80 mmHg , pulse pulse 70 times per minute , respiration 20 times per min and 38o C body temperature , everything is still within normal limits , except for body temperature rather increase - (Nickname ) has been nice to work with me so that activity was running smoothly . - The results of the blood pressure measurement known to have been fairly stable the measurement Blood pressure will be performed every 4 hours unless the mother felt dizzy , let us immediately without waiting for every 4 hours nurse : - I 'll come back 12 hours later to deliver the drug to the ( name calling ) - Already yes (nickname ) , I'll see you later 2 . stage of work nurse : - Assalaamualaikum War . Wab . / Good afternoon ( name calls ) with a smile Patient / client : - Waalaikussalaam War . Wab . nurse : - How you feel (nickname ) this afternoon ? Patient / client : - Yes a bit dizzy , but still could be detained Sister / pack

nurse : - This afternoon I was as promised , I will deliver drugs to the ( name calling ) - Before (nickname ) taking this medication , is there question ? Patient / client : - Yes sisters , what's the use of drugs that nurse ? nurse : - The use of drugs to lower the body temperature (nickname ) - Or (nickname ) had complaints that need to be I help mothers overcome before start taking this medicine ? Patient / client : - No sisters nurse : - There is no question that we began yes (nickname ) to take his medication - (Nickname ) to take his medication has been completed Patient / client : - Yes sisters thank you nurse : - If so (nickname ) please break first - This afternoon I will be replaced by the sisters ( names call ) - If later there is a problem , please tell him , he was in the nurse's office , or simply by pressing the bell . Patient / client : - Yes , thank you sisters nurse : - Equally , Assalaamu alaikum / good afternoon , see you later

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