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Please note: Literary texts studied in the high school classroom are complex, higher-level texts which may

contain mature content and themes. Mature content may include, but is not limited to, pervasive strong language, disturbing violence and behavior, sexual acts, drug/alcohol use or references, controversial content, or culturally diverse themes. These books are selected based on their literary merit and will be studied through their historical and cultural context. Our instructional purpose is to expose students to perspectives unlike or in opposition to their own in order to analyze complex themes and to promote individual reflection and academic growth.

*AP Literature and Composition: Summer Reading Assignments (This document is 4 pages long.) All work is due the 2nd day of class. Summer Reading 2013-2014: Read both of the books below and complete the Foster Boxes for All the Pretty Horses How to Read Literature Like a Professor Thomas C. Foster All the Pretty Horses Cormac McCarthy Assignment: 1. Complete the graphic organizer that accompanies How to Read Literature Like a Professor as it applies to All the Pretty Horses (Graphic organizer is attachedPlease continue a category on a separate sheet when necessary.) 2. Complete three poetry responses *It should be noted that these assignments have been drastically reduced to allow plenty of time for students to begin the college application process and complete their hours for Graduation Project if they so choose.


Title of Literary Work_______________________________________ Vampires, Ghosts and Monsters

Quests and Journeys

Meals (communion)

Intertexuality and Archetypes

Rain, Floods, Snow, Weather, Seasons, Baptism

Shakespeare Allusions

Bible Allusions

Fairy Tales/Childrens Lit

Greek Myths/Stories/ Characters


Sex? Maybe Not




Imperfections (heart problems, scars, disease, blindness)

Other (tragic hero, satire, comedic effect, writing style)

Choose 3 poems that have special meaning to you. Complete 3 poetry responses per directions. Use one of the following links to find poems, if needed: http://www.poetryoutloud.org/poems-and-performance/find-poems or http://www.loc.gov/poetry/180/

Write a response for each one of the three poems you choose. You have several options: Perhaps you will try relating what you think the theme is; perhaps a narration of a personal experience relating the poem to yourself; or perhaps you will discuss how the poem made you think. You should mention specific words or lines from each poem and embed the words into your response. What you write is up to you as long as you say something other than how you have no idea what this poem is about. I want you to connect with each poem you choose and enjoy it. Here are some guidelines for reading poetry: Remember to listen to the poem. Then, locate a hard copy of the poem and print it. Read slowly. Take your time. A poem isnt meant for speed reading any more than you would speed listen to your favorite CD. Read straight through the first time, getting a feel for the poem, without worrying about what you do not know. Read the poem several times, just as you listen to a song several times, getting to know it, feeling the life within it, each time discovering something new in it. Notice the title. Titles are not labels. They can sometimes offer an entry point and can be a part of the poem itself. They can create tone or atmosphere, create tension, even interact with the poem itself. Read the poem aloud at least once. Because sounds and rhythms are crucial parts of poetry, it helps to hear poems, not just say them in your mind. Sometimes the sounds and rhythms bring out aspects you will not notice in silent reading. And youll be enticed to slow down and may feel the words and rhythms, even experience whats in the poem.

Each poetry response is to be one page in length and must be typed and double-spaced. Times New Roman Font is the only acceptable font, and it needs to be set at 12 points. Mention the author and title at the beginning of every response. Please staple each poem to the back of each corresponding response.

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