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1. on september 11th 2001,al qaida terrorists hijacked a total of___ airplanes, ___ of which hit their targets. 2.

in september 2001, george w. bush delivered an ultimatum to the ____ regime in Afganistan, demanding that the hand over _____ !. e"plain the purpose of the so called usa patriot act #. the usa dollar has gone up major international currencies since 2001. $%& '. name two prominent figures in african american communit at the beginning of the 20th centur (. what does the acron m naacp stand for) *. how did president kenned ensure that james meredith was enrolled at the universit of mississippi) +. name martin luther king,s most famous speech -. name the washington post reporters that covered the watergate incident 10. who were the first us media giants) 11. what are the sources of income of american colleges) 12. what are land grant colleges) 1!. what is meant b the .accreditation. of schools and universities) 1#. new ork universit is a member of the iv league. t%f 1'. to win a civil law case, the plaintiff has to show__________ 1(. the united states code is in itself a law. t%f 1*. the number of representatives for each state is determined_______ /state the time interval0, on the basis of _______. 1+. e"plain the meaning of the .first past the post. election s stem. 1-. what is meant b the term ,checks and balances, in the conte"t of american political s stem) 20. to become the president of the usa it is enough to win 2*0 electoral votes. t%f 21. the building of the panama canal began during the presidenc of __________ and was finished during the presidenc of ________. 22. what are bab boomers) 2!. wh was the world on the brink of a nuclear war in 1-(2) 2#. bill clinton avoided the vietnam war continuing h s higher education. t%f 2'. what was known as the monroe doctrine) 2(. how did the american government finance the war of independence and with what results /in financial terms0) 2*. in 1#-*, giovanni caboto claimed ______ for his sponsor _______. 2-. spain entered the war of independence in 1*+- as an american all . t%f !0. name the two major us news agencies /in full0. !1. who was the first american to win the nobel pri1e for literature) !2. how was elvis presle shown in his first televised appearances) wh ) !!. when did bob d lan turn electric)what was the original reaction) !#. how did white preformers make rh tm and blues acceptable to a mainstream audience) malo sam pogresila brojeve 20 !#. levi strauss sold his first jeans to gold minners during the california gold rush. t%f !'. what is indentured servitude) !(. at its all time peak in the period ________ america produced ___ 3 of the gross world product. !*. american econom toda is dominated b ______ which is wh america is often described as a post4_____ societ . !+. microsoft,s business policies have been found to amount the monopolisation. t%f

A56789:64 ;8$A<=A2 1. pueblos4made of what) 2. ne>to 1a Anasa1i tribe) !. after whom did 5artin ?aldeseemuller name America) #. 1st 6nglish colon in the <ew ?orld) '. 1st 6uropean settlement in the <ew ?orld) /meni je ovo pitanje bilo sigurno, secam se0 (. da se dopuni ,, rope of sand,,. *. ?ho wrote for ,,$he &ederalist ;apers,,) +. ?hat led to @panish46nglish war) -. ?oodrow ?ilson,s greatest hope for peace) 10. &ranklin Aelano 7oosevelt4 how man terms of office) 11. the purpose of ,,$ruman doctrine,,) 12. who succeeded in passing civil 7ights Act) /B ndon C. =ohnson0 1!. Dow did 7oger @herman pushed ,,sth,, in Eongress) 1#. the onl court mentioned in the F@ Eonstitution) 1'.the vote of &lorida was important for George Cush to win the elections. 1(.?hat is meant b the term of ,,checks and balancies,,) 1*. ?hat are inalienable rights of ever man) 1+. ?hen are elections traditionall held) 1-. Dow did George Cush win the elections) 20. ?hat are ,,diversit cases,,) 21. ?hich 2 countries have 2 courts of last resort) 22. watergate scandal4 ono 1a &C8. 2!. ?h was :enned reluctant...) 2#. ?hat does it mean ,,dumping down,, the curriculum)

2'. ?hat is the purpose of the =im Erow laws) 2(. nesto 1a G8. 2*. Eolumbia4 part of the 8v Beague or not) 2+. koja kompanija je bankrotirala 2000. god.) 2-. ,,?ar on $error,, linguistic meaning) !0. $he newspapers with the biggest circulation in the F@A) !1. kako je $ruman 1avrsio rat) !2. ?hat are ,,bab boomers,,) !!. :oji je dogadjaj okoncao rat i1medju <ative Am. and the settlers) !#. koji evropski mislioci su imali uticaja...) 5onteskije i Bok !'.;redsednik predla1e sudije, a the @upreme Eourt...) !(. the Gulf ?ar) !*. :linton i 5onika Bevinski skandal. !+. 1a>to je sudjeno =ohnu @copesu) !-. Hija diplomatska misija je dovela do toga da &rancuska da oru1je 1**(.) #0. kri1a u $eheranu unistila Hije >anse 1a re4election)

Fvod u americke studije I 0#.0-.2012. 1. ?hen Eolumbus discovered the <ew ?orld, he believed he had reached 8ndia, whereas it was most likel the island of @an @alvador in the Cahamas. 2. $he idea of a union of the American colonies was first put forward in the course of a meeting known as the Alban Eongress, based on a proposal drafted b Cenjamin &ranklin. !. $he 7eligious @ociet of &riends is otherwise known as Juakers, because the trembled when the Bord spoke to them. #. <o tea was actuall drunk in the course of the Coston $ea ;art . $7F6 '. $he first political parties in the ?estern world were &ederalists led b Ale"ander Damilton and 7epublicans led b $homas =efferson. (. $rail of $ears I $he 8ndian removal from their territories of western <orth Earolina and

Georgia to Kklahoma. *. $he F.@. bought the territor of Alaska from 7ussia for * 000 000 dollars. +. $he @econd ?ar of 8ndependence was fought in <ew Krleans 1+1241+1'. -. ;resident ?oodrow ?ilson won re4election in 1-1( on the strength of the slogan De kept us out of war. 10. 8n 1-!!, &ranklin 7oosevelt , <ew Aeal. 11. $wo different musical st les b Cob A lan2 rock, folk 12. $he freedom of the press in the F.@. is guaranteed b the &irst Amendment. $7F6 1!. 7adio adaption of D. G. ?ellsLs novel $he ?ar of the ?orlds performed b Krson ?elles. 1#. $hree major F@ papers2 F@A toda , ?all @treet =ournal, <M times 1'. 5uckracking I digging out the dirt and e"posing it to the public 1(. $he purpose of introducing obligator literac tests in the @outhern states in the 1-th centur was to contribute to the education of the black and poor whites. &AB@6 1*. @ignificance of 7osa ;arks to the civil rights movement I bo cott of buses, bus segregation ended. /vi to lepo prosirite0 1+. ?hat do Arthur ElarkeLs words 8 remember Cab lon impl concerning the future of the F@) $he uncertaint of American future, jer sui h napadali teroristi bla bla. 1-. ?h was F@A ;atriot Act critici1ed for) &or weakening protections of civil liberties /upadali su im u kuce be1 naloga itd0 20. $he e"istence of a link between al4Jaeda and @addam Dussein was proved after the defeat of the 8raqi Arm . &AB@6 21. $he most notorious anti4communist warrior was @enator =oseph 7. 5cEarth a 7epublican from ?isconsin. 22. Cill ElintonLs campaign rhetoric echoed that of 7ichard <i"on. &AB@6 2!. $he legislative branch of the F@ federal government is bicameral, it consists of two houses the @enate and the Douse of the 7epresentatives. 2#. :ada potpredsednik postaje predsednik) 8ncapacitation, death, resignation 2'. $he number of presidential electors is equal to the number of @enators and 7epresentatives. 2(. Knce the are appointed, @upreme Eourt justices hold office for life. $7F6 2*. ?hat are F@ courts guided b in their dail practice) C state and federal laws

2+. ?hat does it take to convict the defendant in a criminal case) Aetermination of guilt be ond a reasonable doubt. 2-. F@ district courts have original jurisdiction in federal civil and criminal cases. !0. $he losing part in a civil case can be imprisoned. &AB@6 !1. $he <orthwest Krdinance passed in 1*+*, provided for one square mile of land in each township to be reserved for public schools. !2. 8n the F@ education is a national concern, a state responsibilit abd local function. !!. 6lectices I optional courses !#. Aepending on the state, elementar school in the F@ ends after grade si" or eight. $7F6 !'. $hree commodities in the triangular trade I molasses, slaves, local rum !(. At the time of the American revolution -'3 of the population was engaged in farming, toda less than 23. !*. ?h is F@ referred to as post4industrial) @ervice industr dominates nowada s. !+. 8n the 1-20s farm prices increased sharpl . &AB@6 !-. $wo American4born writers who were claimed b both C6 and A6 literature I $.@. 6liot, Denr =ames #0. ?here did American countr and western music orginate and when it developed) &rom 6ngland, @cotland and 8reland, developed in the 1-20s.

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