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Clearing Up The Myths of "Psychic"

Seduction & Influence

by Alphahot1
The term "psychic influence" brings many different meanings to the minds of many different people. It is my intention to clear up some of the myths as to what "psychic influence" is, and what it is not. To simply give an explanation of what it is, in a more or less, scientific sense that can be much easier understood and assimilated. I think that is desperately needed around here. First of all, psychic influence is not something strange, unnatural or "spooky." In fact, to one degree or another, we are A !A"# influencing the events in our lives, and the people around us whether we are fully aware of it or not. #econd, what exactly is meant by the term "psychic$" There are several definitions. %. &ad'ective( ) pertaining to thinking or the psyche. *. &noun( ) someone claiming paranormal or divine guidance in predicting the future, etc. +. &ad'ective( ) #upernatural. In better understanding ,sychic Influence and seduction, there is first a very important concept that we need to understand. And that is... that A-" sufficiently advanced technology, or unknown technology, can be construed as "magic", and usually is. !ell I.m here to give you a "look behind the curtain" to see how this "magic" is performed, and some of the mechanisms that make it all happen. /y explanations and examples here are -0T put forth to give an insight as to how one might "read the future", but only insofar as how it can I-F 12-32 others, particularly, although not limited to, how it relates to seduction specifically. 0k, what can you -0T do with ,sychic #eduction$ T",I3A "... you can not sit across from a woman at a bar and psychically influence her to come to you and tell you that she would like to leave with you so the two of you can go fuck. -ot 4entirely4 impossible, but very, very unlikely. #o before we talk about what we 3A- do, let.s first understand the scientific mechanisms that make it totally possible to influence someone with your mind and thoughts alone.

#ome of these explanations may seem extreme, but they are valid nevertheless. And "far out" though they may seem, they are, in fact, the principles that allow our own thoughts to influence the deeper thoughts and feelings of another. There is most definitely an "interaction" between minds taking place. "ou cannot see it, but it is most certainly there. 5ut 460!4 do the thoughts of an individual transmit from one person to another$ That.s what we.re here to learn. I.m going to offer two explanations, and as far as I.m concerned, both e7ually valid. Answers From #cience$ "ou bet8 et.s talk about the human mind and body for a moment. 9id you know there is a very real fact about all living things$ If we were to take a camera, that was loaded with a very special kind of film... a film that can "see" and expose certain wavelengths of electromagnetic energy that the human eye cannot discern, you would find that by taking a picture of a person, &or any 4living4 thing for that matter( that you would be able to #22 a "field" of electromagnetic energy that is surrounding and encompassing the entire person$ And this energy that all living things radiate, as some of you may well know, is referred to as a person.s "Aura." This is not science fiction, this is science fact. If you don.t believe me, look it up and you.ll soon find it to be true. !hat is an "Aura$" 5asically, a person.s aura is in effect, the "essence" of who they are. Their bodily energy. Their thoughts, feelings and emotions, all contained in this electromagnetic field called the aura. In fact, photographs which have been taken of a a healthy person, versus a sick or dying person, reveals that the very color and:or intensity of this 2/ field changes radically. And further, a dead person radiates no 2/ field at all. Also... and most interestingly, photographs which have been taken of a person who is essentially very positive, happy, fun)loving, etc, versus that of a person who is negative, a cynic, always pissed off and other heinous shit, reveals a significant difference in their 2/ fields as well. -ow... since our brains and minds are I-3;29I5 " sensitive and fine tuned instruments, more than any of you probably even reali<e, is it not logical to assume that other human beings are able to "pick up" on this incredibly special 2/ field known as the aura, that we A radiate$ "ou bet it is. 1nderstand that we are not fucking talking about being a Telepath here, being able to directly read peoples unspoken internal dialog, or being able to transmit your own to them. !e are talking about the pro'ection and literal transmission of the most rudimentary, or perhaps "primal" of all thoughts, feelings and emotions. #o, with that understanding... what would happen if we were to consciously ",;0=23T" this energy to another individual simply by imagining it to be so$ 9o you think it will have an impact$ 0ddly enough, it does. To one degree or another, the energy that you transmit to another, will have at least #0/2 kind of impact on them. -ot generally perceived consciously, but rather, unconsciously. 5ut ultimately to manifest itself in a more directly perceived fashion, contributing to the changing of deeper feelings and emotions, and subse7uently, behaviors. /0;2 2>I92-32 0F T62 509I " 2/ FI2 9. A #econd 2xample? I once had the good, or not so good, fortune of being hooked to an 22@ machine &2lectro) 2ncephalograph(. !hat does it do$ An 22@ machine detects and measures electical activity in the brain &fortunately it wasn.t <ero ?( Anyway, while being hooked up to this frankenstein type apparatus, I thought I.d have a little fun. 6ere.s where it gets interesting, and a little weird. I seem to have this ability to send electrical

impulses through my body at will. It starts at the top of the head and moves all the way to the tips of the toes. I can IT2;A " feel the electrical charge move down through my body. I believe A of us have the ability to do this and by no means believe it is exclusive only to myself. Anyway, while I was hooked to the machine and 'ust being a good boy, all the needles were progressing smoothly along, recording brain)electrical activity. Then... to fuck around a bit, I would begin to "store up" this "charge" of electricity within my body. #tored it up nice and powerful. Then, let it rip8 From the top of the head to the tips of the toes. Anow what$ The fucking 22@ machine went 3;AB"888 I could literally here the needles clacking against the stops #0 hard, I thought the fucking machine was going to break8 I did this several times, each with the same result. After that, I started to focus more on 'ust how much I could 30-T;0 how out of whack the machine went. I found that I could fuck the thing up, all the way from mildly, to totally berserk. I have no idea of what the operator of that machine was thinking, and probably don.t want to know. 3an human beings radiate 2/ fields$ They most certainly can. 3an they control the intensity$ They most certainly can. -ow the 22@ is indeed an incredibly sensitive machine, but I do not believe any more sensitive than the "psychic" mechanisms of the human brain. I0!, if the machine can pick these things up, so can another individual. -ow, can we also transmit useful "information" in this 2/ field$ ,ersonally, I have no doubt of it. "2T /0;2 30/,2 I-@ 2>I92-32

!hat the fuck does Cuantum ,hysics have to do with it$ 9id you know.. that if two particles &say photons( are created in a singular instantaneous reaction, that partical D % will take on all the exact same characteristics of partical D *, if ,D* is changed or altered in any way$ And further that ,D% will take on all those exact same changes as ,D*, if ,D* is merely across a room, or across an 2-TI;2 fucking universe$ This is absolutely true and has been confirmed by experiment literally thousands of times. If you want more info, read up on the =ohn #. 5ell experiments in 7uantum physics. =ust don.t read T00 much if you want to keep your sanity of what you 52 I2>2 reality to be. -ow.. does this relate only to particles created in a lab$ -o. It applies to every fuckin particle in existence. Assuming that all the matter that makes up all of our bodies and brains came from one cosmic singularity that exploded into a cataclysmic event known as the universe, we are A part of an instantaneous singular reaction. !here am I headed with this$ It should be obvious. #orry guys, no matter how much some of us may hate each other, we are all connected at a "7uantum level" whether we like it or not. !hat I am proposing here, falls under the the study of what is know as Cuantum Field Theory. If we are all in fact connected in this way, it then becomes >2;" possible to easily believe that we can without 7uestion, influence the thinking of another with our own thought processes. !hat is thinking$ /erely the arrangement and rearrangement of particals in our brains. !hat if this "rearrangement" were directed specifically towards one particular individual$ Ah haaa. -ow that I have probably overloaded you with all this shit about !6" psychic influence is possible, let.s now move on to how we might be able to A,, " some of this stuff.

5ut first, I think we need to do something. And that is, I think we need to shitcan the term "psychic" influence. !hy$ 5ecause the word "psychic" seems to carry too many ambiguous and bullshit)like interpretations. Instead, let.s 'ust say ";emote Influence." In it.s most simple form, ;emote Influence is really not too much more than the ,;0=23TI0- of visuali<ation that has a specific I-T2-TI0- in mind. And this pro'ected visuali<ation is "charged" with an 4emotional4 content of your design. As a rule, we.re -0T pro'ecting words here, but rather, fundamental 2/0TI0-# and F22 I-@#. #omeone had come up with the "golden bubble" concept of this visual pro'ection to the woman in 7uestion. @enerally "encompassing" the woman with the pro'ection of this bubble or "sphere." 5ut I.m here to tell you that this sphere need -0T be so simplistic as to be pro'ected as 0- " in the form of a sphere. -or 0- " as golden. As a matter of fact, there is virtually -0 I/IT to what form the pro'ection can take, or what color&s(. 5ut for initial simplicities sake, let.s use the golden bubble example. !hen you.re with a woman sometime, and in relatively close proximity with her, pro'ect a very bright golden bubble or "sphere" around the two of you. Fill the sphere with nothing but pure feelings of trust, comfort, liking, connection, etc. -ow begin to 4charge4 the sphere ,0!2;F1 ", and make it glow brighter and brighter and even brighter8 Fill it with even /0;2 feelings of pure comfort and trust etc, etc. "ou do -0T even have to look at the woman while you are doing this. In fact, don.t even change A-"thing about your overt body language when you do this. If that woman wasn.t looking at you beforehand, I guaran)fuckin)tee you she !I look up at you or very unambiguously -0TI32 you in some way8 Try it and and find out for yourself. -ow... what if we were to do this all throughout our interactions with women. The answer is obvious. 0nce we have moved along and have some damn good rapport and comfort going... what would happen if we now start filling the sphere with emotions such as lust, excitement, desire, sexual arousal, etc$ "ou guessed it. Those results will begin to manifest. 5ut do we have to stop there$ 6ell no. !hat if we were to now change the literal form and shape of the sphere in to something else$ !hat if the sphere started to transform in to the form and shape of a man and woman making mad, passionate love to each other$ 6mmm. -ow things are getting even more interesting8 6ow many more exciting and compelling ideas can you think of$ "ou can go from associated to disassociated... moving all around this entire seen of this interaction of you and her in this wonderfully powerful pro'ection, seeing it move.. take shape.. and intensify from every conceivable angle.. and then associate back into yourself. @oing from one mode back to the other occasionally. 6ow much /0;2 exciting could you make it still$ Again, there is virtually -0 limit to what you can pro'ect, and to what emotions you can fill those pro'ections with and how brightly and intensely you can make them radiate. This remote influence principle is something that packs /A##I>2 power. If you have not already, I seriouly suggest you start making it a very standard part of your overall repertoire. "ou won.t regret it. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 4444444444444444444444444444444444444444 It.s #o Fuckin 2asy, 5ut -othin #eems Ta ,lease /e Alphahot%


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