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ABG - arterial blood gas Abo -the main blood group AFB -Acid-fast bacillus Amp -Ampule Approx -approximately AP -appendicitis AROD -assistance residence on duty ARI -assistance residence in charge AP! -antero postero lateral B" -bo#el mo$ement B"R -basal metabolic rate B% -barium enema B&' -blood urea nitrogen BRP -bathroom pri$ilege BRA( -banana) rice) apple) tea B( -blood transfusion cc -chief complaint '* -central ner$ous system *F -cerebro spinal fluid *R -central supply room a -calcium A -cancer+ carcinoma BR -complete bed rest ,* -caesarian section PR -cardio pulmonary resuscitation -centigrade B -cotton balls IOD - intern on duty I-intra$enous I" -intramuscular I-F - intra$enous fluid . - potassium .-O - /eep $ein open .&B -/idney ureter bladder !ab -laboratory !"P -last menstrual period !P - lumbar puncture !D - last dose "G0 - may go home 'a - sodium '** - normal saline solution 'G( - nasogastric tube 'OD - nurse on duty O( - occupational therapy OF - osteori1ed feeding o2s2 - gau1e

op - operation OPD - out patient department O* - left eye O& - both eye OR( - oral rehydration therapy OG( - oral gastric tube O3 - oxygen OD - right eye %%G - electro encephalogram RI - resident in charge per - by) through po - per orem+ by mouth+ orally PI - present illness P% - physical examination PR - pulse rate Post-op - post-operati$e Pre-op - pre-operati$e pt - patient P'** - plain normal saline solution PR - pulse rate PRB - pac/ed red blood cell Prep - preparation P( - pulmonary therapies 4'* - 5uality not sufficient ROD - resident on duty P0 - past history RR - respiratory rate RB - red blood cell R( - round the cloc/ *,* - signs and symptoms (F - to follo# (O - telephone order (B* - tepid sponge bath (! - tender lo$ing care (PR - temperature pulse) respiration (x - treatment (, - to consume ( B - to come bac/ (P' - total parenteral nutrition -O - $erbal order -,* - $ital signs 6B - #hite blood cell A" - in the morning7 before noon pc - after meals ac - before meals od - once a day BID - t#ice a day (ID - three times a day 4ID - four times a day stat - at once+ immediately

PR' - as needed 0 - hour 5h - e$ery hour hs - hours of sleep 8 - at c - #ith s - #ith out 5 - e$ery i - one ii - t#o iii - three 3 - secondary Amt - amount 02O - #ater meds - medication comp - compound cap - capsule dist - distilled dil - dilute+ dissol$e elix - mixture fld - fluid mist - mixture pul$ - po#der syr - syrup sol or soln- solution tinc - tincture tab - tablet ung - ointment susp -suspension supp - suppository #t - #eight gr - grain /g - /ilogram l - liter m%5 - millie5ui$alent mcg - micrometer mg - milligram gtt or gtts 9 drop+ drops mcgtts - microdrops cc - cubic centimeter ml - millimeter tsp - teaspoon tbsp - table spoon ( - to consider PAP -continuous positi$e air#ay pressure R -cardiac rate DR -deli$ery room D, -discontinue D: -dilation : curettage DA( -diet as tolerated DA"A -discharge against medical ad$ice

DOA -dead on arri$al Dx -diagnosis D'R -do not resuscitate %D -expected date of confinement ;%< -emergency %R -emergency room % G -electro cardiogram %D -expiration date F6D -fresh #hole blood F -Fahrenheit F0( -fatal heart tone FB* -fasting blood sugar GI( -gastro intestinal trac/ 0et -hematocrit 0gb -hemoglobin 0gt -hemogluco test 0A"A -home against medical ad$ise I% -internal examination I : O -inta/e and output I & -intensi$e care unit I-P -intra$enous pyelogram IOD -intern

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