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MIC DEJUN - >300 cal.

dupa 90minute de la trezire Iaurt / Cereale cu lapte/ Portocala

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How to Lose Body Fat Fast

Losing body fat quickly requires you to put strict but healthy limitations on calorie consumption, alcohol consumption and inactivity. At the same time, you should adopt an exercise plan. The best weight and fat loss is done with a combination of diet and exercise.

Part 1 of 3: Calculate Calorie Intake


Figure out your target calorie consumption. Although you may follow general healthy calorie levels, such as 2,000 calories per day, your calorie intake depends upon weight and age as well as gender.

Start with your target weight. This may be your current weight or up to 20 lbs. (9kg) less than your current weight. If you want to lose more than 20 lbs. (9kg) of fat, you may want to calculate your calorie intake in several steps as you

start to lose weight, to make sure you are not denying yourself of calories needed to perform daily functions in a healthy way.

Multiply that number by 12 if you are a man and 11 if you are a woman. Write down this number. For example, 140 x 11 is 1,540. Adjust your calories for the slowness of your metabolism. Multiply 2 by the number of decades you have lived past age 20. This number is the percentage you should multiply by the larger number you just calculated. For example, if you are a 50 year old female who is 140 lbs. (64kg), then multiply 1,540 by .06. Subtract 92.40 from 1,540 to adjust for your metabolism. The number should be 1,447.60.


Add 10 percent to the number above. For example, multiply 1,447.60 by .1 to get 145. Add this to 1447.60 to get 1,592 calories in a day.


Don't forget to adjust your calorie intake for above average activity levels. If you take a spin class, hike, do yard work or lift weights, you are spending more calories. You should add some of those calories into your diet in the form of protein to build muscle.

Part 2 of 3: Eat a Healthy Diet


Take your ideal calorie intake and start sticking to it. A small 25 percent or less reduction in calories will help you lose weight, but you must make sure the calories are healthy, so that your body has the nutrients it requires to stay healthy.

Keep a log of your calorie intake, if you are finding it hard to keep track of your food intake. You can also use a smart phone app to track your exercise and calorie intake.


Eat breakfast every day. Make sure you eat more than 300 calories within 90 minutes of waking up.

Studies have shown that protein filled breakfasts of 600 calories can help you lose more weight than carbohydrate breakfasts of 300 calories. This may be because the protein keeps you full longer and keeps your metabolism high.


Don't skip meals. Skipping a meal sends signals to your body to store fat. Eat 3 regular meals and a few snacks to keep your metabolism on track.


Reduce your sugar and refined carbs. Processed foods and restaurant foods often leave out healthy fiber, protein and nutrient-rich vegetables. Reduce these foods immediately to start losing body fat.


Eat balanced meals. Make sure all your meals include protein, a whole grain and fresh produce.


Reduce your alcohol consumption. People who are trying to lose body fat very quickly may want to avoid alcohol and other calorific beverages, like lattes. Once you have lost body fat and you are on a maintenance diet, you can add in a small amount of alcohol consumption.

Factor in your beverages, when you are trying to lose body fat. If you are going to lose body fat, you will need to count all the calories you consume.

Keep in mind that alcohol is filled with the kinds of sugars and refined carbs you are trying to avoid.


Count calories for 12 weeks at a time. You may not be able to maintain the energy to count calories on a permanent basis. Try to count calories closely for approximately 12 fat-burning weeks, then you can rely on your good habits to maintain your weight in the long term.


Add protein to your diet. When you start a strength-training and cardio exercise routine, your body will try to build muscle. Protein helps to build muscle, so add low-fat Greek yogurt, reduced-fat cheese, beans, lean meats and egg whites to your diet.

Building muscle helps you to burn fat. The more muscle you gain, the more fat you will burn. At the same time, building muscle helps to increase your metabolism.

Part 3 of 3: Exercise Routine


Weigh yourself at least every week. Studies have also shown that calorie counting and scales can help you to pay closer attention to your weight loss goals.


Start interval training. Choose 1 or 2 types of cardio exercise. Then, apply the general guidelines of interval training to these exercises.

Do the exercise for at least 30 minutes. Warm up for the first 5 minutes and cool down for the last 5. In between, work out at a moderate intensity, or 65 percent, for 2 to 3 minutes. Then, change to 85 to 95 percent for 2 minutes. Do intervals of moderate and high intensity.

Some workout machines have built-in interval workouts that can get you used to the process of interval training. However, you can also incorporate these workouts in walking, swimming, running and cycling. Buy a heart rate monitor to help you assess the intensity of your interval periods.


Vary your cardiovascular workouts. Choose 2 or 3 workouts that you like to do and mix them up. This is both mentally and physically beneficial to building different muscles and burning fat.


Do cardiovascular training at least 5 times per week.


Do strength training 3 to 4 times per week for 30 minutes each time. Choose to lift weights or use weight machines on days when you don't do cardio, or do some strength training after a shorter cardio workout.

Strength training has a variety of benefits. It increases bone density, metabolism and muscle mass. For most people, strength training every 2 to 3 days will help to burn fat while toning arms.

Focus on using weights that allow you to do approximately 2 to 3 sets of 12 to 15. Instead of lifting extremely heavy weights, do more reps to tone your arms and legs. If you don't feel muscle fatigue after 3 sets, increase your weight by 5 lbs. (2.3kg).

Included in strength training are exercises that use your own body weight, such as squats, lunges, push ups and pull ups. Consider add these exercises, TRX band workouts or cardio burn classes to your regular workout routine.


Allow your muscles 24 to 48 hours to rest between weight lifting. You can vary your strength training by doing legs one day and arms the next day, and lift weights throughout the week.


Consider splitting your workouts into 2 20 minute sessions per day, rather than 1 single 30 minute session. Higher activity levels burn more fat.


Add walking sessions to your day. In addition to your cardio and strength training, take a walking lunch break or after dinner walk. Walk at medium intensity of 65 percent to increase overall fat burning.


Sit less. Pace or do more chores at work and at home. Reducing time in front of the computer screen and television will help to burn more calories more quickly. .

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