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Countdown to Judgment
Part 1: Our Predestined Appointment
To me, the most exciting part of a space shuttle launch is the countdown. When I
hear ten, nine, eight . . . , I know that soon the craft will launch into the sky with a blaze of fire and a cloud of smoke. Do you realize that there is a countdown on the life of every person? Each moment, you are one second closer to an unavoidable appointment with God. There are no second chances once we take our last breath. We must all stand before the judgment seat of Christ one day to give an account of our thoughts and actions. If you were to die tomorrow, are you prepared to stand before Almighty God?

Key Passage:

2 Corinthians 5:1-10

Supporting Scripture: Genesis 2:15; Matthew 25:15-29; John 3:16; Ephesians 2:8-10; Romans 14:10-11; Revelation 20:11-15

Scriptural Principles:
1 The Misunderstanding Regarding our Predestined Appointment
Many people have an inadequate conception of salvation. They willingly receive the blessings of being Gods children, but reject the responsibilities that come with that privilege. Eternal security is not a license to take life easy after we are saved. God reconciled us to Himself, sealed us forever with the Holy Spirit, and prepared a home in heaven for us. But His plan for our lives includes more than merely attending church, participating in the service, and giving financially on occasion. Although we were saved by grace, we were created for good works (Eph. 2:8-9). The Lord will hold us accountable for how we spent our time and our resources. Each believer is to use his or her spiritual gifts in service to Him (Gen. 2:15). A second common problem is an inaccurate perspective of our responsibility to the Lord. Getting into heaven is by grace alone. But as believers, we will have to give an account of our lives and the choices we made. Jesus told a parable about three servants who were entrusted with money to invest and grow. Whether they were given much or little, their master expected them to earn more. When one servant hid the money, he was severely chastised and lost even the small amount he had been given (Matt. 25:15-29). From Gods perspective, it is a serious thing to squander or be a poor steward of your gifts and talents (Rom. 14:10-11).

2 The Certainty of our Predestined Appointment

There are two specific judgments mentioned in the Bible. The first is the judgment seat of Christ. Here, believers will be evaluated according to their deeds. Paul wrote, We must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed . . . according to what he has done, whether good or bad (2 Cor. 5:10). This is a judgment of rewards, not punishment.

The second is the great white throne judgment. All people will be judged on the basis of how they responded to Christ (Revelation 20:11-15). This is a judgment of condemnation or acceptance. The people whose names are not recorded in the Book of Life will be separated from God for eternity. In contrast, those who accepted the Fathers free gift of salvation will enter the presence of the Lord to be with Him forever.

3 The Place of This Predestined Appointment

In 2 Corinthians 5:9, the phrase judgment seat is taken from one Greek word, bema. During the time of Christ, this word could refer to the platform on which a ruler or judge decided if a person was guilty of a crime. But because of Pauls many references to athletic competitions elsewhere in the New Testament, he likely had in mind its use in Greek sports. If the winner of a particular contest had followed the rules of competition, he was honored at the bema. There he was crowned with a laurel wreath, a symbol of victory. This judgment will occur in heaven. Jesus Christ will hear each of us give an account of the way we lived our lives. Will that take all of eternity? No. He will judge us all individually, but simultaneously. Just as the Lord can hear the prayers of believers all over the world, and yet speak individually to each one of us, He can handle the judgment of billions of people all at once. Since Jesus is omniscient, He will even be able to take into account our weaknesses and other disadvantages.

4 The Preparation for This Predestined Meeting

First, receive Christ as your personal Savior. If you have not done so already, ask Him to forgive you of your sins and yield your life to Him. Jesus died on a cross to pay your sin debt in full. Those who dont take this important first step will be separated from Him for eternity. Second, re-evaluate your lifestyle. No one can tell you if you are on the right track to earning heavenly rewards. You could be living a godly, righteous life filled with genuine love, peace, happiness, and selflessness. Or your life might appear holy to others but be insincere or hypocritical. If you honestly take stock of your motivation and actions, however, the Holy Spirit will bring any problems to light. Ask yourself, What is at the center of my life? What do I think about the most? Is Jesus Christ in the midst of my conversations, my motives, my conduct, and my thoughts? Third, reconsider your priorities. Is your primary goal in life to please the Lord? Or has pleasure, certain friendships, your career, or financial success become your focus? Paul wrote, Therefore, we have as our ambition, whether at home [with the Lord] or absent to be pleasing to Him (2 Cor. 5:9). Check your motives to be sure that something other than God is not consuming your attention and energy. Last, renew your commitment to godly living and faithful service on a daily basis. Begin each day by giving control of your life to Jesus Christ. Allow Him to work through you to touch the lives of others. Each morning, decide to live that day for Him in every area of your life. If you will do this consistently, God will give you satisfaction and peace, use you to impact the lives of others, and prepare you for your predestined appointment with Him.


Although we enter heaven through grace alone, salvation is merely the first step in pleasing God. As followers of Jesus Christ, we will one day have to give an account for the choices we made in life. Since none of us are guaranteed tomorrow, those who are wise will take steps now to prepare to stand before the Lord on the day of judgment.

I encourage you to yield control of your life to God on a daily basis. Seek to please Him with your friendships, at your job, with your family, and in your leisure time. Faithfully place the Lord at the center of your life. When our predestined appointment comes, may you and I hear Him say, Well done, good and faithful servants.

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