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Published by Danielle Dixion at Smashwords

Text Copyri ht !"#$% Danielle Dixion

To my &est 'riend( )M

Than* you so mu+h, I ne-er +ould ha-e a++omplished any o. this without you, Than* you .or pushin me to ma*e my writin better and .or puttin up with all o. my annoyin texts while you were proo. readin / I appre+iate it, This one0s .or you,

Table o. Contents(

Chapter one

Chapter two

Chapter three

Chapter .our

Chapter .i-e

Chapter Six

Chapter Se-en

Chapter Ei ht

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Ele-en

Chapter Twel-e

Chapter one( Ellie/

1&eep, &eep, &eep,2 I roll o-er in my bed and turn o.. the alarm +lo+*/ Today is .inally the day, I0-e waited six lon months .or this day to +ome, Ian .inally +omes home .rom Ira3, Ian0s plane arri-es at noon but it0s a three hour dri-e to the +losest airport/ 4hile the arri-al time the Army i-es isn0t always ri ht5 I ha-e a .eelin it will be today/ I ha-e missed so mu+h about Ian while he has been one there is no way I +ould +hoose 6ust one thin to miss/ The thin about Ian is he is e-ery irl0s dream uy7 he0s 8085 mus+ular with short dirty blonde hair5 and i+y +old blue eyes that you +ould et lost in i. you loo*ed too lon 5 his smile +an ma*e you melt at 6ust a lan+e/ And he smells so ood, He smells li*e a mixture o. mint um and his .a-orite +olo ne/ I am so lu+*y to ha-e him in my li.e/ I rush to et ready and hurry out the door5 ex+ited to .inally see my wonder.ul boy.riend/ 4hen I arri-e at the airport5 there are about twenty9.i-e people waitin .or their lo-ed ones to return/ I0m lost in the moment5 until I .eel a tu at my shirt/ I loo* down to see a little irl about .i-e or six years old5 holdin a teddy bear/ She is 6ust the +utest little thin I0-e e-er seen/ I bend down to her le-el and she as*s me5 1Are you waitin .or the soldiers:2 1;es5 I am52 I tell her smilin / 1They0re really bra-e aren0t they:2 I as* with a smile/ She loo*s at me and as*s5 14ill you i-e this to whoe-er you are waitin .or:2 I ta*e her hand in mine5 14hy don0t you i-e it to the person you are waitin .or: 1I would5 but my brother isn0t +omin home/2 She tells me sadly/ I loo* at her tryin to *eep the mood happy/ 1Hey, I ha-e an idea how about you i-e the bear to the man I0m waitin .or: I0m sure he would lo-e it,2 Her .a+e instantly li hts up, 1O*ay, 4ho are you waitin .or:2 She as*s with a smile/ 1My boy.riend Ian2 I tell her standin ba+* up/ 1Is he +ute:2 She as*s i lin / &e.ore I +an answer her mother5 Saundra5 +omes rushin o-er 3ui+* to apolo i<e o-er and o-er a ain/ I tell her it0s no problem and that her dau hter wanted to i-e the teddy bear to my boy.riend/ Her mom insists that I

wait with them until the plane tou+hes down/ The plane lands a .ew minutes a.ter I 6oined the little irl I now *now as Emmalynn and her .amily/ I wat+h and +lap as the bra-e men and women exit the plane in their di ital +amou.la e uni.orm and hea-y ba s/ Ian is one o. the last ones to exit the plane/ He spots me and ma*es a &ee9line strai ht .or me/ He stops a .ew .eet ahead o. me and says5 1I0-e missed you so mu+h Ellie/2 4ith that he pi+*s me up and spins me around and around5 hu in me ti htly li*e he ne-er wants to let o/ I *iss his +hee* and he puts me down/ 1'ollow me Ian7 I ha-e someone I want you to meet/2 I rab his hand and ta*e him o-er to Emmalynn and her .amily/ 1This is Emmalynn and her .amily72 I say pointin to them/ 1Emmalynn has somethin .or you/2 I smile at him/ Emmalynn rabs the teddy bear and hands it to him/ 1Than* you52 she tells him Ian pi+*s her up and hu s her ti ht/ She smiles and Ian puts her down/ 1This is a -ery +ute bear/ Than* you -ery mu+h5 Emmalynn/ I0ll ta*e it with me on all o. my deployments/2 Ian says with one o. his breathta*in smiles/ Emmalynn runs o-er to me and whispers 1;ou were ri ht5 he is +ute,2 into my ear while i lin / On+e home Ian and I .inally et some mu+h needed alone time/ 14hat do you want to do:2 I as* tossin the +ar *eys on the +ounter/ 1I uess we +ould wat+h a mo-ie/2 He says/ Ian is the type o. uy who +ould wat+h mo-ies all day lon and ne-er et bored/ I put in his .a-orite mo-ie 1'ireproo./2 &e.ore we are e-en an hour in Ian was asleep/ He loo*s so +ute sittin there/ I0-e de.iantly missed these little moments with him/ I smile and lay my head on his shoulder and .all asleep shortly a.ter/ Next thin I *now Ian is yellin 1=et down,2 4hat is oin on: I loo* o-er at him and see that he is still asleep/ I sha*e him until he wa*es up/ &e.ore I *now what0s oin on I0m on the .loor and Ian is on top o. me5 breathin hea-ily he sma+*s me a+ross the .a+e and slams my head on the .loor/ I s+ream out in pain5 on+e Ian reali<es what he0s doin and he snaps out o. it/ 1Are you alri ht:2 I as* him s+ared/ 1Oh my od Ellie5 I am so sorry, I ne-er meant to hurt you I promise/2 He +omes +loser and tou+hes my eye/ It0s already startin to bruise/ I am so sorry El/ It will ne-er e-er happen a ain/ I promise/ Ian wal*s to the +ou+h and sits down/ He pla+es his head in his hands/ I +an tell that what he 6ust did bothers him/ 1Ian/2 I say/ 1;es5 baby:2 He as*s/ 1Don0t worry about what 6ust happened/ I *now better than to do what I did/2 I say pla+in my hand in his/ 1Ellie5 6ust be+ause you *now better doesn0t ma*e what I 6ust did ri ht, Do you understand that: I 6ust hit you/ I deser-e to be shot/ I would ne-er hurt you purposely5 you *now that ri ht:2 He as*s ta*in my .a+e in his hands/ 1Ian it0s .ine5 6ust .or et it e-er happened/ I *now

you would ne-er hurt me on purpose/2 I say sittin ba+* down on the +ou+h next to him/ 4e o ba+* to wat+hin the mo-ie5 but I +an tell that him hittin me was still botherin him/ 1Ian5 +hill out it0s o*ay/2 I say tryin to hu him/ He mo-es away .rom me/ 1No it isn0t/ I need to +lear my mind and 6ust thin* .or a little bit/ I0ll be ba+* later/2 he says wal*in into our bedroom/ 14here are you oin :2 I as* .ollowin him/ 1Out .or a bit/2 He replies/ I pla+e my body in between him and the door .rame5 blo+*in his exit/ 1Ian5 i. this is botherin you let0s 6ust sit down and tal* about it/ I *now what you0re oin throu h Ian/ All you ha-e to do is let me help you,2 Ian loo*s at me irritated/ 1Ellie5 et out o. the way5 I don0t want to tal*/ All I want to do is o out and +lear my head/2 I don0t mo-e/ 1Ian5 I0m not mo-in out o. your way/ >ust stay here and tal* to me5 please/ I want to help you/2 Ian si hs/ 1Ellie mo-e ri ht now/2 I +an tell that he0s ettin an ry but I don0t listen to the -oi+e in my head tellin me to 6ust let him o/ I *now I0m bein stubborn but I 6ust +an0t help it/ 1I0m not mo-in / I. you want out o. this room you0re oin to ha-e to mo-e me .irst/2 Ian rolls his eyes/ 1Ellie5 I don0t want to mo-e you/ >ust let me o out and +lear my head/ I need to et my head strai ht/ I promise I won0t be out lon /2 Ellie doesn0t seem to belie-e me/ 1No, ;ou 6ust ot home and you already want to lea-e/ >ust sit down and wat+h the mo-ie with me/ That0s all I want Ian/ I 6ust want to spend time with you, ;ou0-e been one .or six months Ian/ Six Months,2 I +an0t ta*e Ellie bein in the way anymore/ I0m about to explode and I don0t want to ta*e it out on her or do somethin that I0ll end up re rettin a ain/ I rab Ellie ti htly by the arm and sho-e her a+ross the room she .alls on her butt with a loud thud/ 1I0ll be ba+* later/2 I say rabbin my +oat and wal*in out o. the house/ I +an0t belie-e that I 6ust hit Ellie/ I 6ust slapped her and sma+*ed her head on the .loor and sho-ed her/ 4hat is wron with me: I need to be shot/ Hope.ully this run will help to +lear my mind5 I thin* to mysel./ A.ter runnin as .ast as I possibly +ould .or a while I noti+e that it0s ettin later than I reali<ed/ I don0t want to worry Ellie so I head ba+* in the dire+tion o. the house/

Chapter two( Ian/

1Ellie/2 I +all out wal*in throu h the .ront door/ There is no answer/ 1Ellie,2 I +all out a ain wal*in in to the li-in room/ There I .ind her .ast asleep/ She loo*s so +ute and I don0t want to wa*e her/ Slowly and +are.ully I pi+* her up in my arms and +arry her into our bedroom/ I set her down on the bed and rab some o. my +lothes/ I o into the bathroom to

+han e/ 4hen I wal* ba+* into the bedroom Ellie0s sittin +ross9le ed on the bed/ 1Hey Ian:2 She as*s me 3uestionably/ 1;eah:2 I reply sleepily lyin next to her on the bed with my head in her lap/ 1Do you want to o ba+* to the par* where we had our .irst date:2 She as*s twirlin her hair around her .in er ner-ously/ 1;eah5 6ust i-e me a minute to put my shoes on/2 I reply rabbin my bla+* +on-erse out o. the +loset and my hoodie o.. the dresser/ 1Are you ready to o:2 I as* slippin them on/ Ellie .ollows me out into the dri-eway/ 14hat do you want to ta*e the Mustan or motor+y+le:2 I as*/ I *now this is somewhat o. a hard de+ision .or her espe+ially sin+e she lo-es both -ehi+les/ 1Hmm5 let0s ta*e the Mustan /2 Ellie says openin the passen er side door/ 1;ou see Ellie I *new you would pi+* the Mustan /2 I smile and et the +ar/ 4ithin a .ew minutes we are at our .a-orite par*/ I open my door and et out/

Chapter three( Ellie

1It?s still as beauti.ul as when we .irst +ame/2 I tell Ian smilin

rabbin his hand/ 1Maybe5 but you0re more

beauti.ul than anythin I ha-e e-er seen/2 Ian whispers into my ear while wrappin his arms around me .rom behind/ I +an only blush/ The .eelin o. our s*in bein pressed to ether ti htly ma*es my stoma+h .ill with butter.lies and my blood si<<le/ I turn around and loo* at a hu e oa* tree/ @i ht under there Ian and I had our .irst date/ I thin* ba+* to that day and smile/ I remember it per.e+tly5 *ind o. li*e it was yesterday/ Ian pi+*ed me up at $8(%# P/M7 he had his Shelby =T Mustan with him/ I lo-ed that +ar5 it was or eous/ I was de-astated when he sold it and put a down payment on our house be.ore his deployment/ It was sil-er with a blue ra+in stripe down the side/ Ian then brou ht me to this -ery par* where he had set up a pi+ni+/ He had all o. my .a-orite pi+ni+ .oods li*e watermelon5 salad and +hi+*en/ He opened the door .or me and led me o-er to the blan*et/ He pro+eeded to pull out my .a-orite type o. .lowers .rom the bas*et5 Ailies5 they smelled so ood/ He handed them to me and a-e me a *iss on the +hee*/ It was ettin +old and I had .or otten my 6a+*et so bein the entlemen that Ian is5 he ladly too* o.. his hoodie and a-e it to me/ I than*ed him and told him that this was the best .irst date e-er/ In .a+t I ne-er a-e him his 6a+*et ba+*/ I thin* I still ha-e it stashed away somewhere/ 4hen he dro-e me home he opened my door5 wal*ed me to the .ront door and a-e me another *iss on the +hee*5 and told me oodni ht/ &oy5 did I miss his hu s5 *isses and politeness while he was in Ira3/ I smile and Ian sha*es me/ I almost .all o-er but be.ore I do he rabs a hold o. me and

says my name until I snap out o. it/ I loo* at him and smile/ He i-es me a stern yet worried loo*/ 14hy didn0t you answer me:2 he as*s/ 1I was thin*in about our .irst date/2 I answer/ 1O*ay5 ood/2 He says relie-ed/ 1I0m lad you a reed to o out with me that ni ht2 He replies/ 1I. it wasn0t .or Sean then we wouldn0t ha-e e-er met5 I wouldn0t ha-e .allen in lo-e with you/2 I smile and hu him/ 1Than* od .or Sean/2 He says loo*in up at the s*y/ 1I. it wasn0t .or your +ousin ta*in me under his win durin my .irst deployment5 I ne-er would0-e met the lo-e o. my li.e and the woman I want to spend the rest o. my li.e with/2 He says with a smile/ I o to say somethin but his phone rin s5 I .rown and nod lettin him *now that it0s o*ay .or him to answer it/ He answers the phone and turns his ba+* to me/ This is weird I thin*5 he0s ne-er done that be.ore/ I shru it o.. and sit down pullin out some o. the rass and weeds that are around me/ I +an hear some o. his +on-ersation/ 1Hello/2 He as*s tal*in so.tly/ 1I don0t *now5 I 6ust ot ba+*5 I0m with Ellie52 He tells the person on the phone/ I +an tell he is smilin by the way his -oi+e sounds/ 1&ro5 I 6ust ot home5 I planned to i-e Ellie somethin toni ht/2 he whispers/ I +ould barely ma*e that part out/ 1Is she alri ht:2 Ian as*s/ 1Alri ht5 I will be ri ht there/ I 6ust ha-e to drop Ellie o.. at home/2 He says .ranti+ally/ He turns towards me on+e a ain/ 1I ha-e to o/ I0ll drop you o.. at home and I will be ba+* later/ O):2 he as*s/ I tell him I understand and wal* ba+* to the +ar/ Ian starts up the +ar and dri-es the .ew minutes ba+* home/ 1&ye Ian/2 I say exitin the +ar/ I wat+h him dri-e away5 then o inside/ On+e inside I let a tear .all down my +hee*/ I don0t .eel li*e doin mu+h so I turn on the TB and .lip throu h the +hannels/ I stop at one o. my .a-orite shows Criminal Minds and +ry mysel. to sleep/

Chapter .our( Ian/

I pull up in .ront o. the house5 tryin not to ma*e too mu+h noise I 3ui+*ly turn o.. the en ine and lo+* the Mustan behind me/ I noti+e some thi+* bla+* smo*e +omin .rom the house/ I 3ui+*en my pa+e to a run to the .ront door/ 'eelin the door with the ba+* o. my hand I +an tell it0s hot/ I 3ui+*ly run around to the ba+* door and 6i le with the handle/ The door is lo+*ed/ I ta*e a step ba+* and *i+* the door in5 rushin inside7 my adrenaline is runnin in .ull .or+e at the moment/ 1Ellie where are you:2 I +all out .or her but there is no answer/ The .urther I o into the house the thi+*er the smo*e be+omes/ 1Ellie +an you hear me:2 I +all on+e more/ Still there is no answer/ 4here +ould she be: I run into the li-in room +he+*in .or

Ellie5 but she0s nowhere in si ht/ 1Maybe she0s in the bedroom:2 I 3uestion ma*in my way towards our bedroom/ The smo*e is ettin thi+*er and it0s harder to breathe/ I. I don0t .ind Ellie soon5 we0re both in a whole lot o. trouble/ It really +ould be the end o. both o. us/ I run into the bedroom .indin Ellie +urled up in a ball on the bed5 she isn0t mo-in / 1Ellie,2 I yell/ She ma*es no e..ort to mo-e/ I run o-er to her and roll her on to her ba+*5 +he+*in to see i. she0s breathin / Than* od she is5 but her breath sounds are .aint and her +hest rises and .alls slowly/ 1Ellie5 wa*e up/2 I say sha*in her a little/ I try not to let her mo-e around -ery mu+h/ She slowly opens her eyes/ 1Ellie, &aby tell me what hurts: 4hat0s hurtin you:2 I as* 3ui+*ly/ She +ou hs and points to her arm/ I loo* o-er and +an see that she has a third de ree burn stret+hin .rom her wrist to her elbow/ It0s ettin harder to breathe and see and I *now we ha-e to et out ri ht now/ 1Ellie5 I0m oin to ta*e you outside/ Tell me i. your arm starts to hurt you more/2 I tell her pi+*in her up o.. the bed/

Chapter .i-e( Ellie/

I nod and win+e as he pi+*s me up pla+in my head a ainst his +hest blo+*in the smo*e .rom my airway/ Ian rapidly maneu-ers throu h the thi+* bla+* smo*e/ He ets throu h the li-in room with no problems but that whole no problems thin is short li-ed/ 4e are .a+ed with a medium si<ed .ire blo+*in our only exit to the ba+* door/ 1Ellie5 I need you to *eep your head pressed up a ainst my +hest5 o*ay: I0m oin to o around this .ire/ It0s -ery important that you don0t breathe in anymore o. this smo*e/2 I nod my head and ti htly s3uee<e my eyes shut/ I must ha-e passed out a ain be+ause when I reopen my eyes we0re outside/ I loo* at Ian7 his .a+e is bla+* .rom all o. the smo*e/ He pulls out his +ell phone and +alls C9$9$/ I dri.t ba+* into un+ons+iousness0 as he anxiously waits .or the paramedi+s and .ire.i hters to arri-e/ The .ire.i hters arri-e shortly a.ter Ian pla+ed the +all to the C9$9$ dispat+her/ They brin .i-e tru+*s and one res+ue/ The people .rom the res+ue et their ear and rush o-er to us .o+usin all o. their attention on me/ I +an .aintly hear people around me tal*in / I hear Ian as* what he +ould do to help and an un.amiliar -oi+e answers his 3uestion/ 1Tal* to her/2 The bi mus+ular uy tells me/ 1Do you need medi+al assistan+e5 sir:2 He as*s Ian while a++essin Ian/ I +an hear Ian reply5 1No5 I0m .ine 6ust .o+us on my irl.riend please/ I +an0t lose her/ ;ou ha-e to sa-e her, I +an0t lose her, 2

Chapter six( Ian/

1Ellie5 +an you hear me: I. you +an I need you to open your eyes .or me/ Can you do that .or me: Ellie open your eyes/2 I repeat that until the paramedi+s arri-e and ta*e +ontrol o. the s+ene/ They strap Ellie to the ba+*board and start an IB in her hand/ I hear one o. the paramedi+s as* a .ire.i hter to help them load Ellie into the ri / 1This +an0t be happenin / I ne-er should ha-e le.t her alone/2 I repeatedly thin* to mysel./ I try to et in the ambulan+e but the paramedi+s tell me that there0s no room and that I +an meet them at St/ Mer+y0s/ I nod my head and pull the ambulan+e doors +losed/ The en ine o. the ri roars to li.e as they ta*e o.. runnin with their li hts and sirens/ I +an hear someone wal*in up behind me/ I 3ui+*ly turn around and .a+e an older man most li*ely in his sixties wearin a turn out 6a+*et and a white helmet/ 1Do you li-e here son:2 he as*s handin me a towel/ 1;es sir I do/ My name is Ian &radshaw/ May I as* who you are:2 I as* wonderin who in the world this man +ould be/ 1My name is Marshall/ I wor* .or the Arson In-esti ator0s department/ I 6ust need to as* you some 3uestions it0s a routine thin so there isn0t anythin to worry about/ As soon as we are done you +an o to your wi.e/ 4hy don0t you .ollow me o-er here to this +ommand -ehi+le:2 He says pointin to a red SDB with the name Marshall0s Arson In-esti ation painted a+ross the side/ I don0t thin* I ha-e mu+h o. a +hoi+e in this so I .ollow him to the SDB/ I et in and be.ore I e-en ha-e the door shut he starts 3uestionin me/ He as*s at least .our 3uestions but I don0t +at+h any o. them/ 1Ex+use me sir5 but +an you please 6ust slow it down a bit: I ha-e no idea what you 6ust as*ed me/2 I as* him tryin to stay +alm/ How +an I stay +alm when I ha-e no idea how Ellie is: 14ere you home when the .ire started:2 He as*s pullin out a tape re+order/ 1No5 I was out on a run/2 I say +on.used as to why he needed that in.ormation/ Am I a suspe+t in this: 14hy were you not at your residen+e sir: It0s pretty late to be out and about/2 He as*s tal*in in to the mi+rophone/ 1Ellie and I had otten in a little .i ht and I needed to +ool o../ I don0t see what any o. this has to do with the .ire itsel. thou h/2 I say/ 1Did you start the .ire and then lea-e:2 He as*s raisin an eyebrow at me/ 14hat: I wasn0t e-en home/ How +ould I ha-e started it: I should ha-e been here with Ellie/ This ne-er would0-e been this bad i. I was home/2 I say rantin / 1O*ay last 3uestion .or ri ht now5 was anythin wron with the house: Maybe some .aulty wirin 5 a as lea*5 perhaps a +andle or somethin *no+*ed o-er/2 14e don0t burn +andles5 there was nothin wron with the wirin and i. there was a as lea* the house ot

would0-e exploded a lon time a o5 idiot/2 I spit at him5 3ui+*ly ettin out o. the +ar/ I start to wal* towards my +ar but I noti+e that the .iremen are +leanin up/ I spot the +hie.5 an old .amily .riend5 and hustle o-er to him/ 1Hey5 Crit+h.ield +an I tal* to you .or a minute:2 I as*/ 1Hey Ian, It0s been a lon time sin+e I0-e seen you/ 4hat do you need:2 He as*s/ 1I need to *now how this happened/ Can you tell me:2 I as* 14e suspe+t that it0s arson/ There is e-iden+e o. the use o. an a++elerant/ Now what I don0t understand is why they would lea-e Ellie5 basi+ally untou+hed/ &esides the burn on her arm her only other -isible in6ury is a bla+* eye/ 4hen I *now more Ian I0ll let you *now/ ;ou need to o be with Ellie ri ht now/ She needs you/2 He says shooin me away/ Crit+h.ield didn0t ha-e to tell me twi+e to o be with Ellie/ I et into my mustan 5 and speed o.. towards the hospital/ On+e I arri-e I o to the nurse0s des* and as* where Ellie0s room is/ She tells me the number and I ma*e my way to the room/ I really don0t *now what to expe+t/ Crit+h.ield said her only in6uries were her bla+* eye and burnt arm/ Could he be ri ht: I stop at room $"E5 Ellie0s room/ I *no+* and then open the door7 there is a do+tor and a nurse +he+*in some monitors that Ellie is hoo*ed up too/ 1Ex+use me Do+tor5 +an I tal* to you .or a minute:2 I as* puttin my hands behind my ba+*/ 1;es:2 He as*s handin a +lipboard to the nurse beside him/ The do+tor loo*s youn 5 maybe mid to early thirties with short dar* brown hair/ 1My name is Ian5 I0m Ellie0s boy.riend/ How is she doin :2 I as* *ind o. s+ared o. the answer/ 14ell5 Ian5 I hear that you0re the one that res+ued her/ Is that true:2 He as*s/ I 6ust nod my head/ 14ell it0s ood that you ot there when you did be+ause she wouldn0t ha-e made it i. she was in that house any lon er/ 4hen she +ame in her nose hair was sin ed and she has a bad third de ree burn on her arm/ She also has a bla+* eye and a small .ra+ture on the ba+* o. her s*ull/ ;ou and I both *now that a .ire will not do that to someone/ Someone had to ha-e hit her/ 4as it you5 Ian: I ha-e an obli ation to report domesti+ abuse and i. that is oin on here I will not hesitate reportin you/ >ust be+ause you0re in the military doesn0t mean you et spe+ial treatment/ Do you understand:2 He as*s .oldin his hands in .ront o. him/ 1No5 it wasn0t me/ I wasn0t home when this whole thin started/ I 6ust happened to +ome home at the ri ht time/2 I say swallowin my uilt/ I did do some o. this to Ellie/ She deser-es someone way better than me/ I *now it/ The do+tor seems to belie-e my answer/

1Ellie is oin to be o*ay/ She will be on hi h stren th pain *illers .or a while and her arm should heal .ine/ As .or the s*ull .ra+ture5 it is pretty minor so I don0t see her ha-in any trouble there either/ I. she +ontinues to impro-e throu h the ni ht she +an o home tomorrow/2 He says wal*in out o. the room/ Hope.ully she impro-es be+ause Ellie absolutely hates hospitals, I pull up a +hair next to her bed and rab her hand in mine/ 1Ellie5 baby I0m here now e-erythin is oin to be o*ay/ The do+tor said i. you +ontinue to et better you +an +ome home/ I *now that you would absolutely lo-e that/2 I say *issin her hand/

Chapter Se-en( Ellie/

I slowly open my eyes re-ealin a bri ht white room5 whi+h I instantly *now it0s a hospital room/ I roan and loo* down at my arm and see a spe+ial slee-e on it/ So that0s why I0m in so mu+h pain5 I thin* to mysel./ A *no+* at the door brin s me out o. my thou hts/ 1Come in/2 I try to yell but it +omes out more as a whisper/ The door opens and in wal*s Ian/ I smile/ 1Ian5 why am I here: I want to o home/ ;ou *now how mu+h I hate hospitals/2 1Ellie5 I don0t *now how you are oin to rea+t to this but there was a .ire/2 I loo* at him +on.used/ E-erythin was .ine when I went to sleep/ Ian loo*s at me and says 1There was in .a+t a .ire and it destroyed the ma6ority o. our house/ It started in the .ront o. the house and wor*ed its way ba+*/2 He .inishes tellin me what happened and I start to +ry/ 1Don0t +ry Ellie it wasn0t your .ault/2 He says rabbin my hand/ I don0t say anythin / 1Are you ready to +ome home:2 he as*s/ 14hat home: 4e0re homeless/ 4e ha-e no home/2 1;ou0ll see/2 He tells me with a smile5 I *now I +an0t ar ue when he loo*s at me li*e that/ 1Come on5 put on these +lothes and we +an lea-e/2 He says sittin down in the +hair next to the bed/ I et dressed tell him we +an o/ Ian and I wal* out o. the hospital/ 1I0m oin to et the +ar you 6ust sit here and rest/2 He says with a win*5 ma*in me roll my eyes at him/ Ian pulls up in his old Shelby =T Mustan the same one .rom our .irst date/ I smile as Ian helps me inside/ 1I thou ht that you sold this a lon time a o/2 I say rubbin my hand on the leather seat/ He tells me that he had *ept it in a stora e area while he was one and wanted to *eep it as a surprise .or me on+e he ot ba+*/ I smile at him and wait .or him to dri-e/ Ian tells me that he has a surprise and that so I +an0t pea* he0s oin to blind .old me/ On+e blind.olded5 we lea-e the hospital/ 1Ian when +an I o.. ta*e this stupid blind .old:2 I as* a itated/ Ian *nows that I absolutely hate surprises5 mostly be+ause they ne-er end well/

1Hold on5 you +an ta*e it o.. here in a .ew minutes El5 be patient/2 He lau hs/ The +ar stops5 he opens my door5 and helps me out/ He ta*es o.. the blind.old and the sun blinds me/ I let my eyes ad6ust to the sunli ht as he stands behind me/ In .ront o. me is a hu e house/ I turn to loo* at Ian/ 4hen I turn around Ian is on one *nee with a box in his hand/ 1Ellie Danielle Aandrum5 you ha-e made me the happiest uy in the world/ &ein away .rom you was the hardest six months o. my li.e/ There wasn0t a day that went by when I didn0t thin* about you/ ;ou are always on my mind/ ;ou0re the .irst person I thin* about when I wa*e up and the last person I thin* about when I o to sleep/ I *new .rom the .irst time I saw you that I wanted to spend my li.e with you/ I want to wa*e up to your beauti.ul .a+e e-ery mornin and see you smile/ I want to ma*e you i le at the littlest thin s and I want to ma*e you as happy as I +an/ 4hen I was deployed I thou ht o. how mu+h I missed your smile5 the smell o. your per.ume5 and the way you +alled .or me when you wat+hed a s+ary mo-ie and wanted someone there to hide your .a+e in their +hest when the s+ary parts +ame/ I want to spend the rest o. my li.e with you/ I want to be your hero and your prote+tor/ I lo-e you more than anythin in this world/ I0-e made a lot o. mista*es in this relationship and I0-e as*ed a lot .rom you durin my deployments but I want you to *now that you are the best thin that has e-er happened to me/ So5 will you ma*e me e-en happier5 and marry me:2 1;ES,2 I yell/ 1I lo-e you more than words +an explain5 Ian/2 I say rea+hin my arm out5 tryin to i nore the pain/ 1El5 I tal*ed to the do+tors and they don0t thin* you should wear the rin until your arm is healed/ I0ll lea-e it up to you5 i. you want to wear it then you +an I won0t ar ue/ 4hat do you want to do:2 He as*s/ 1I want to wear it/2 I tell him stret+hin out my le.t hand/ He puts the rin on my .in er and stands up7 i-in me a hu e hu and spins me around/ He puts me down and tells me to o +he+* out the house/ He wal*s up to the door and opens it5 1Aadies .irst/2 He says/ I smile and than* him5 as I wal* throu h the door/ On+e inside I see a .ully .urnished li-in room and *it+hen5 1Is all o. this ours:2 I as*/ 1;eah5 it0s all ours/2 He replies/ I noti+e a si n on one o. the doors/ It says turn here/ I .ollow the si ns and et to a door with a red 1F2 on it/ 1F2 mar*s the spot I say to Ian5 lau hin at my stupid 6o*e/ I open the door and loo* inside/ Here0s our room5 Ian says/ I o inside and immediately noti+e a hu e wal*9in +loset/ It0s .illed with +lothes5 shoes5 purses and belts/ 1Ian,2 I +all/ He +omes o-er and as*s i. I li*e it/ 1Ai*e it: Ha9ha I lo-e it,2 I tell him/ I than* him and tell him to show me the rest o. the house/ He shows me the bathrooms5 *it+hen and other bedrooms and downstairs/

1This house is or eous/2 I tell him/ 1It0s better than our old house/ I thin* to mysel./ Ian sits down on the +ou+h in the li-in room and says5 1Ellie5 I need to tell you somethin /2 I sit next to him worried/ 14hat is it:2 I as* a.raid o. the answer/ 1I ha-e to o ba+* to Ira3 .or $G months as o. O+tober .irst/2 He tells me/ 1&ut you 6ust ot home/ I don0t want you to lea-e/2 I say +on.used/ 1I *now El5 but 6ust thin* a.ter this tour I0m done/2 He says +om.ortin me/ 1;ou0re not oin to re9enlist/ Are you:2 I as*/ 1O. +ourse not5 on+e I0m out I0m all yours/2 He says leanin in to hu me/ I ba+* away/ 1>ust thin* we +an write and +all ea+h other while IHm one/ And I0ll ta*e my laptop so we +an do that S*ype thin /2 He says smilin / 1E-erythin will be .ine5 I promise/2 He tries to reassure me/ His reassurin isn0t really wor*in / 1Ha-in your letters is reat and e-erythin but they aren0t as ood as ha-in you here/ I need you Ian/ Seein you on the +omputer isn0t enou h, That is not oin to help anythin , 4hy +an0t they 6ust send someone else: ;ou0re needed here/2 I say/ 1El5 I *now/ I don0t want to o anymore then you want me too/ I want to stay here with you5 but thin s don0t wor* that way/ >ust thin*5 you ot throu h our .irst deployment to ether5 and the .irst one is always the hardest/ ;ou +an do anythin / I ha-e a month with you/ Aet0s spend it while we +an/2 1;ou0re ri ht let0s 6ust relax and wat+h mo-ies today/2 I say/ 4e spend the ni ht +uddlin on the +ou+h wat+hin mo-ies and eatin pop+orn and ha-in one o. the best ni hts o. my li.e/ 4e both .all asleep wat+hin 1Madea =oes to >ail/2

Chapter ei ht( Ellie/

I wa*e up lyin on the +ou+h all alone5 stret+hin I +all .or Ian5 but there0s no answer/ I shru it o.. and o to +han e my +lothes/ In my room I .ind one o. Ian0s t9shirts layin on the .loor next to the bed/ I slip it and a pair o. shorts on and wal* out to the *it+hen/ I turn on the radio and start to dan+e while ma*in Ian his .a-orite brea*.ast ba+on5 stea*5 e s and pan+a*es/ The .ront door silently opens/ 1Hey Ian,2 I +all out/ 1&rea*.ast smells ood/ 4hat is it:2 He as*s *issin my +hee*/ He0s all sweaty5 so he must ha-e been out runnin / 14ell your .a-orite o. +ourse/ Only the best .or my man/2 I i le settin his brea*.ast on the table/ There0s somethin that has been on my mind sin+e I wo*e up this mornin / 1Ian5 I need to tal* to you about somethin /2 I sit on the +hair next to his/ 1;es5 what is it Ellie:2 He as*s puttin his .or* down and .o+usin all o. his attention on me/ 14ell I0-e been thin*in about this .or a while now and I want to *now what you thin* about ettin

married be.ore you lea-e: I *now that is mo-in *ind o. .ast but I .eel li*e it0s the best thin to do/2 Ian smiles5 1I0d lo-e nothin more than to marry you be.ore I lea-e, That0s a reat idea5 baby,2 Ian pulls my +hair towards him and puts me on his lap5 *issin my +hee*/ I wash the dishes .rom brea*.ast and then o into our room/ I loo* in my +loset and .ind a +ute white top with a bla+* tan* top to o underneath and a pair o. 6eans/ I o into the bathroom and ta*e a shower/ The warm water hits my burn and it .eels li*e someone is tryin to rip my arm o..5 it hurts so bad/ I let out a s+ream whi+h sends Ian rushin in/ 1Ellie, 4hat0s wron : Are you o*ay:2 He as*s/ 1;eah5 I0m o*ay/ I 6ust ot some hot water on my burn/2 I say holdin my arm strai ht out/ 1O*ay/ &e more +are.ul babe/2 He says wal*in out o. the bathroom/ I .inish washin my hair then turn the water o../ I wrap a towel around mysel.5 +are.ully a-oidin my burn/ The area around the burn is bri ht red and there is a nasty li3uid seepin .rom it/ I throw my +lothes on and put my hair up in a bun/ I rab a pair o. easy to slip on shoes and put them on7 I wal* out into the *it+hen and tell Ian that I need the +ar/ 14here are you oin :2 he as*s 1To the do+tors5 I thin* my arm is in.e+ted/2 I tell him while showin my arm to him/ 1El5 your arm is .ine7 the do+tors told me that it will lea* .luid be+ause you dehydrated the s*in/2 1)eep it wrapped up in some au<e and it will be o*ay/ Try to a-oid ettin hot water on it/ Also i. it starts to hurt5 ta*e some o. your pain medi+ation/ I put it on the top shel. o. the bathroom +abinet/ It0ll be ood i. you et all the rest that you +an/ ;our arm will heal .aster i. you do that/2 I smile at Ian and ma*e my way into the bathroom sear+hin .or the pain medi+ation/ It doesn0t ta*e me lon to .ind it/ Sure enou h in the top ri ht +orner is my pres+ription/ I ta*e a +ouple o. the pills and wal* ba+* into the *it+hen/ 1Ian5 let0s set a weddin date5 ri ht now5 I don0t want to wait anymore/ I want to do this now/ 4e don0t ha-e to in-ite .riends and .amily/ 4e +an o and et it done today/ The only thin that matters to me is that we are married be.ore you lea-e/ That is all that I want,2 Ian si hs/ 1Ellie5 we are not oin to et a 3ui+* marria e/ I want you to ha-e your dream weddin / 4hate-er you want is what you0ll et/ Nothin is too expensi-e .or my baby irl/ I want you to be happy and I0ll do anythin to ma*e you happy/2 Now it0s my turn to si h/ 1Then let0s set a date5 Ian, That is what will ma*e me happy, No more a-oidin the topi+, I want to set it today,2 I *now that i. I *eep this up I will end up ma*in Ian upset5 but I don0t +are/ I want to ha-e the per.e+t weddin and you need a date to ha-e a weddin , 1O*ay .ine5 Ellie/ ;ou want to set a date today5 let0s do it, I lea-e O+tober $st so any day be.ore that is .ine with me, ;ou

+hoose it/2 Ian ta*es a deep breath and loo*s at me intently/ 1I want to et married on September "#th/2 Ian smiles5 1O*ay5 the date is set/ I0ll ta*e +are o. the prea+her and tellin our .riends/ 1I0ll start plannin now,2 I tell him ex+itedly/ I hurry o.. into the li-in room and et on my laptop5 emailin all o. my best .riends and settin up appointments/ 1Ian I ha-e all o. the appointments set up .or the "#th, I +an0t belie-e that in less than ten days we will be newlyweds, How ex+itin is that:2 Ian 6ust runts/ 14hat0s wron baby:2 I as* sittin on his lap5 *issin his +hee*/ 1Nothin is wron Ellie/ I0m .ine/2 He replies plainly/ 1Ian you don0t a+t li*e this when e-erythin is o*ay/ >ust tell me what is wron /2 I rab his hand in mine/ 1Ellie I don0t want to tal* about it5 6ust drop it/ O*ay/ ;ou wouldn0t understand anyways/2 I roll my eyes/ 14hy don0t you try me5 Ian: I understand a lot more than you thin* I do/ Tell me what is oin on with you/2 Ian ets up o.. the +ou+h and I .ollow him into the bedroom/ 1Ellie I told you I don0t want to tal* about it/ >ust drop it5 o*ay:2 I si h/ 1'ine but don0t say I didn0t try to help you5 be+ause I did/ I0m oin out/2 I start to wal* away when Ian +alls my name/ 1Ellie5 where are you oin :2 I smile to mysel./ 1I don0t want to tal* about it/2 I rab the *eys to the motor+y+le o.. the +ounter and slam the .ront door/ I0-e ne-er dri-en the bi*e be.ore5 but how hard +ould it be:

Chapter nine( Ellie/

1Hey, Are you o*ay:2 Someone as*s me/ I roan as I .eel the wei ht o. the motor+y+le bein li.ted o.. o. me/ The stran er *neels down beside me/ I try to sit up but .ind mysel. 3uite di<<y/ The man rabs me by the shoulders/ 1;ou too* a pretty ni+e spill ba+* there/ How .ast were you oin exa+tly:2 He as*s/ I try my best to thin* ba+* to be.ore the +rash5 but all I remember is bein on the round with the bi*e on top o. me/ 1Dm5 I0m not really sure exa+tly/ All I remember is you li.tin the bi*e o.. o. me/ I0m Ellie5 by the way/2 I say with a sli ht smile/ 1I0m Austin/ ;ou ha-e a ash on your head that0s bleedin pretty ood and a .ew +uts and s+rapes on your arms and ba+*/ ;ou0ll most li*ely ha-e some bruises and you0ll de.iantly be sore in the mornin / I ha-e a .irst aid *it in my tru+* I +an help you out i. that0s o*ay with you/2 He says mo-in hair out o. my .a+e/ 1Dm5 yeah that0d be reat/ Than* you/2 I win+e as I sit up/ 1Here put this on your head to help stop the bleedin /2 He ta*es his shirt o.. and pla+es it on the ash/ 1Hold the shirt ri ht here5 use a little bit o. pressure/2 I nod and wat+h him wal* ba+* to the tru+*/ 4hoe-er this Austin uy is he is built, His +hest mus+les are so de.ined/ He has a six pa+*

that ma*es you want to run your ton ue all o-er/ He ma*es his way ba+* to me with a bri ht red ba / 1Are you ha-in any ne+* or ba+* pain ri ht now:2 I sha*e my head no/ 1That0s a -ery ood si n/ Can you do me a .a-or and lay down on the round: I need to ma*e sure that you don0t ha-e any other in6uries that I ha-en0t seen/2 I lie ba+* on the round and wat+h as Austin does his thin / 1Aet me *now i. any o. this hurts you5 o*ay:2 I smile .aintly and nod/ Austin does his assessment and .inds no in6uries/ 14ell Miss/ Ellie you ot -ery lu+*y today/2 He tells me loo*in -ery serious/ 1;ou +ould0-e otten seriously in6ured with as .ast as you were oin / ;ou were doin at least I#mph/ Now do you want to tell me why you were oin that .ast:2 I i-e Austin a 3ui+* loo* then my eyes o ba+* to the round/ 1I had a .i ht with my .ian+J/ He was bein di..i+ult so I le.t and I *now I shouldn0t ha-e ta*en the bi*e5 I0-e ne-er dri-en it be.ore/2 Austin 6ust nods his head/ 14ell you0re all banda ed up now/ 4ould you li*e .or me to ta*e you home or are you o*ay to ta*e the bi*e:2 I smile as he helps me up/ 1I don0t want to be any more o. a trouble I0ll 6ust ta*e the bi*e/ Than* you .or e-erythin thou h/2 I try to ta*e a step towards the bi*e but I almost .all/ Than*.ully Austin +at+hes me in his arms/ 14ow there, There is no way that I0m lettin you ba+* on that bi*e/ I0ll ta*e you home/ Aet me help you into the tru+*/2 Austin pi+*s me up in his arms and puts me in the passen er seat o. his tru+*/ 1Hey, 4hat about the bi*e:2 I as* be.ore he +an +lose the door/ 1Don0t worry about the bi*e7 I0m loadin it into the bed/2 He replies with a lau h/ 1All ri ht where too Ellie:2 He as*s startin the tru+*/ I tell him my address and put my seat belt on/ 1O*ay Ellie here we are/2 He +omes around to my side o. the tru+* and helps me out/ 14here do you want the bi*e:2 He as*s holdin onto my arm/ I +an hardly thin* strai ht sin+e he isn0t wearin a shirt/ 1Dm5 ri ht o-er here is ood/2 I say pointin to the ara e/ 1I really appre+iate it/ How +an I pay you ba+*:2 I as* pullin my wallet out o. my po+*et/ 1Oh no ma0am5 you don0t need to repay me/ ;ou +an do me a .a-or and stay o.. o. the bi*e .or a while and by ettin some rest/ That is how you +an repay me/2 He says with a smile/ 1Now head on inside and et some rest,2 I smile at him and wa-e oodbye/ I +lose the door behind me and let out a lon si h/ I all o. a sudden .eel -ery di<<y/ I ma*e my way into the bedroom5 *no+*in o-er thin s as I o/ I pass ri ht out on+e my .a+e hits the pillow/ 1Ellie wa*e up,2 I hear Ian say as he ently sha*es me awa*e/ I roan and slowly sit up/ 14hat happened: Are you o*ay: I +ame home and saw that thin s were all o-er the .loor and you were nowhere to be .ound/ Tell me what happened baby/2 I mo-e +loser to Ian wrappin his arms

around me/ 1I too* the bi*e out and I was oin way too .ast and I wre+*ed/ I uess when I did I passed out/ I don0t *now how mu+h dama e is done to the bi*e/ I0m really sorry about the bi*e baby/ I *now you lo-e that thin more than li.e/ I really didn0t thin* that I was oin to wre+* it/ Are you mad:2 Ian loo*s at me +on+erned/ 1&aby5 I0m not mad at you/ ;ou +ould ha-e been hurt worse or *illed, I +ould +are less about the bi*e as lon as you0re o*ay/ I0m 6ust happy that you0re sa.e/ Do you need me to et you anythin :2 Ian as*s rubbin his hand o-er my hair/ 1I don0t need anythin I 6ust need a nap/ 4ill you lay with me:2 Ian +limbs into bed and ta*es me into his arms/ &e.ore I *now it we0re both sound asleep/

Chapter ten( Ian/

1Hey Ian wait up,2 I hear someone +all .rom behind me/ I turn around to .ind Crit+h.ield runnin towards me/ 1Hey, 4hy aren0t you with the rest o. the uests:2 I as* as he ets +loser to me/ 1I0ll be out there5 I 6ust ha-e to tell you somethin .irst/ I .ound some thin s out about the .ire and I thou ht you should *now/ @emember how I told you that there was an a++elerant used: 4ell that a++elerant was as/ 4e thin* that the person or persons responsible .or the .ire thou ht that you were the one inside5 not Ellie/ 4hen they reali<ed that it wasn0t you it was too late to et Ellie out/ ;ou had returned home and they snu+* out o. the li-in room window/ 4hoe-er started that .ire is still out there and they want you dead5 Ian/ Dntil they are +au ht5 you need to be -ery +are.ul/ I *now you +an handle yoursel. so 6ust stay sa.e and *eep Ellie +lose/ I +an arran e to ha-e a -ehi+le pla+ed outside o. your new house while you are one on your deployment5 i. you need it/ I want to help in any way possible/2 I +annot belie-e the words that are +omin out o. Crit+h.ield0s mouth5 but I *now he is ri ht/ I ha-e to do what is best .or Ellie and I/ I need to *eep her sa.e/ 1Than* you5 I will *eep that in mind/ Please let me *now i. you .ind anythin else out/2 Crit+h.ield nods his head and ma*es his way into the +hur+h/ Thin s are startin to ma*e more sense now/ Someone wants me dead and they will stop at nothin to a++omplish their tas*/ I hear someone +all my name and tell me that it0s time to start the weddin / I pla+e the thou hts about the .ire into the ba+* o. my mind and .o+us on startin this new +hapter o. my li.e/

Chapter ele-en( Ellie/

4ell today is the bi day5 Ian and I are ettin married, I loo* into the mirror and smooth out the .ront o. my dress and ta*e a deep breath/ I0m so ner-ous to start this new +hapter in my li.e/ I am marryin the lo-e o. my li.e in 6ust a .ew minutes/ I0-e waited .or this day sin+e I was a little irl/ I hear a *no+* at the door and the planner pea*s her head inside/ 1All ri ht it0s time i. you +ould .ollow me that0d be reat/2 I ta*e one last lan+e in the mirror/ I +an0t tell i. it0s the butter.lies or the ner-es that has me all wor*ed up/ It0s probably a mixture o. both/ The roomsmen and bridesmaids pair up and start wal*in down the aisle/ They loo* absolutely ama<in / They o to their spots and wait .or those doors to open up on+e a ain/ The pianist starts to play and the uests rise and loo* at the doors/ The doors open and I .eel e-eryone0s eyes on me5 in+ludin Ian0s/ I ma*e my way down the aisle smilin .rom ear to ear/ I rab Ian0s arm and smile/ 4e wal* up the steps and turn toward ea+h other/ I smile at him and he smiles at me/ 4e rab ea+h other0s hands and repeat a.ter the prea+her/ 1Ellie5 do you ta*e Ian Mi+hael &radshaw5 to be your husband:2 1I do/2 I say puttin the rin on his .in er/ The prea+her turns toward Ian/ 1Ian5 do you ta*e Ellie Danielle Aandrum to be your wi.e:2 1I do/2 He says puttin the rin on my .in er/ 1I now pronoun+e you husband and wi.e/ ;ou may *iss the bride/2 The prea+her says to Ian/ Ian puts one arm around me and the other behind my head and he leans me ba+* li*e they do in romanti+ mo-ies/ On+e I0m ba+* on my .eet I loo* at the prea+her and tell him than*s .or bein a part o. this spe+ial day/ &e.ore he +ould say anythin I .eel a sharp pain in my stoma+h/ The smile that was on+e on my .a+e is now one/ I put my hand on the spot and .eel a warm li3uid seepin out/ I brin my hand up in .ront o. me and see nothin but red/ My hand is +o-ered in blood/ People are s+reamin as more shots are .ired/ I loo* down5 my per.e+t white dress stained red with my blood/ This +an0t be happenin 5 I tell mysel./ This is supposed to be my per.e+t day5 where nothin oes wron and I0m happy/ Someone shot me5 I thin* to mysel./ I am still standin at the altar5

sho+*ed/ Shots *eep rin in out/ &an , &an , &an , I hear one a.ter another/ I +an0t see who the shooter or shooters are7 I 6ust *now that they are ruinin my day, Ian +omes out o. nowhere and ta+*les me to the round/ 1Ellie5 e-erythin is oin to be o*ay5 I promise/2 Ian tells me rabbin my hand/ 1I lo-e you El5 I always will2 He whispers in my ear/ I am losin blood .ast/ 1Ellie,2 He says5 applyin pressure to my wound/ E-erythin then oes dar*KK 14hat in the world is oin on:,2 I as* mysel./ This is not supposed to be happenin / Today was supposed to be .illed with 6oy and lo-e/ I. I wanted to deal with

this still I would0-e stayed in Ira3/ I noti+e that Ellie is 6ust standin there/ She has a sho+*ed expression on her .a+e and her hand is on her stoma+h/ Has she been shot: I as* mysel./ I. she hasn0t now she will be soon i. I don0t do somethin to help her/ I pee* out .rom behind the piano and see that there are three shooters/ They ha-e their ba+*s .a+in me/ It0s now or ne-er/ I run towards Ellie and ta+*le her to the round/ Somehow we land behind a wall5 but at least she0s out o. the way o. the un .ire/ Ellie I need .or you to loo* at me/ Ellie5 wa*e up/ I apply pressure to the wound and she stays un+ons+ious/

Chapter twel-e( Ian/

1Ian,2 An un.amiliar -oi+e +alls out/ I turn around and see that there is someone standin in .ront o. me/ 4ith a sma+* to my head5 e-erythin oes +ompletely dar*/

Note .rom the author(

I really hope you en6oyed readin Ian Comes Home, )eep an eye out .or boo* two in the Military @oman+e series, Please .eel .ree to write me a re-iew5 .ollow me on twitter and li*e me on 'a+eboo*,

Twitter( LDanielleDixion and 'a+eboo*( https(MMwww/.a+eboo*/+omMpa esMDanielle9DixionM%%"%ECC%%N8"G%"

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