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Crain's Petrophysical Handbook - Quick Look Resistivity Porosity Ove...





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Most &eo&le wor$in" in the oil industry 1ust want to 2loo$2 at a lo" and understand what the reservoir is all about. Even after years of e &erience, this is difficult, es&ecially when wor$in" on new or unfa%iliar areas. !hat)s why s&ecialists use fancy software and ta$e hours or days to "enerate results for the rest of the tea%. However, there are thin"s you can do usin" your eyes and your lo"ical brain &ower to "ain so%e understandin" without the calculator or the chartboo$. -ets start with 1ust 3 curves - the "a%%a ray 45R6, resistivity, and a &orosity indicatin" lo" 4a sonic lo" in this case6 as shown in the i%a"e below. !he 5R is at the far left and the sonic is the left ed"e of the red shadin". !he resistivity and sonic have been overlaid to %a$e it easier to see the sha&e of the two curves relative to each other. 7asic Rule 2'28 9hen 5R 4or SP6 deflect to the left the :one is clean and %i"ht be a reservoir (uality roc$. 9hen 5R deflects to the ri"ht, the :one is usually shale 4not a reservoir (uality roc$6. !here are e ce&tions to this rule, of course. 7asic Rule 2728 Porosity lo"s are scaled to show hi"her &orosity to the left and lower &orosity to the ri"ht. Clean and &orous is "ood, so co%&are the 5R to the &orosity lo" and %ar$ clean;&orous :ones. 7asic Rule 2C28 Resistivity lo"s are scaled to show hi"her resistivity toward the ri"ht. Hi"her resistivities %ean hydrocarbons or low &orosity. -ow resistivity %eans shale or water :ones. So clean;&orous;hi"h resistivity are "ood. !here are e ce&tions to this rule too. Schematic d a!i"# $% a e&i&ti'it(-)$ $&it( $'e *a(+ &h$!i"# the 'a iet( $% $c,& that ca" &h$! &e)a ati$" -et!ee" the )$ $&it( a"d e&i&ti'it(. N$te that the t!$ c/ 'e& 0t ac,0 each $the i" !ate a"d "$"-&$/ ce &ha*e&. 112 !he e ce&tions are what %a$es the 1ob interestin". !here are low resistivity &ay :ones, radioactive 4hi"h 5R6 &ay :ones, "as shales, oil shales, coal bed %ethane, and low &orosity :ones that

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Crain's Petrophysical Handbook - Quick Look Resistivity Porosity Ove...



&roduce for years. So%e of these are shown in the illustration. See if you can fi"ure out the lo"ic behind each of the inter&retations shown here before you %ove on to the %ore for%al rules. !he techni(ue is called the resistivity-&orosity overlay. +t has been in use since about <=>? when the first sonic lo"s showed u&, concurrent with the be"innin" of the lo"arith%ic scale for resistivity lo" dis&lays. !he overlay is created by tracin" or 2overlayin"2 the dee& resistivity curve 4on a lo"arith%ic scale6 on to& of a &orosity lo" 4sonic, density, or neutron6, and shiftin" the resistivity lo" sideways until it lines u& with the &orosity curve in an 2obvious2 water :one. !hat %eans that the lowest resistivity values sit on to& of the &orosity curve and hi"her resistivity values fall to the ri"ht of the &orosity curve. 9e then colour in the se&aration between the curves with a red &encil, and &erforate the :one for &roduction. +f there is no obvious water :one, we do the overlay usin" a nearby 4non-source roc$6 shale bed instead - less accurate but it wor$s often enou"h. !he conce&t is widely used to identify source roc$s. So%e of these are co%&leted as unconventional reservoirs such as the 7arnett Shale 4resistive shales6.


Most overlays also show the SP and 5R lo"s to aid in correlation and to reco"ni:e cleaner roc$s for% shalier roc$s. Here are so%e e a%&les. 311 S$"ic e&i&ti'it( $'e *a( &h$!i"# &e)a ati$" i" Ba "ett Sha*e+ Te4a&+ *a-e*ed 0Alo"R0 a"d &haded ed. The hi#h e&i&ti'it( i"te 'a* i& a-$/t 567 c*a( a"d 567 &i*t !ith 8 t$ 57 )$ $&it(+ !ith % ee #a& a"d ad&$ -ed #a&. The e i& ,e $#e"+ a& !e** a& #a&+ c$"t i-/ti"# t$ the hi#h e&i&ti'it(. The 9$"e i& a*&$ :/ite adi$acti'e + &$me $% it d/e t$ c*a( -/t m$&t $% it d/e t$ / a"i/m ca ied -( the ,e $#e".

Ra! *$#& &h$!i"# e&i&ti'it( )$ $&it( $'e *a(. Red &hadi"# i"dicate& )$&&i-*e h(d $ca -$" 9$"e&. The de"&it( $ de"&it( )$ $&it( ;&$*id ed c/ 'e< i& )*aced $" t$) $% the dee) e&i&ti'it( c/ 'e ;da&hed ed c/ 'e< Li"e /) the t!$ c/ 'e& &$ that the( *ie $" t$) $% each $the i" $-'i$/& !ate 9$"e&. I% the e a e "$ $-'i$/& !ate 9$"e&+ *i"e them /) i" the &ha*e 9$"e&. I% the )$ $&it( c/ 'e %a**& t$ the LE=T $% the e&i&ti'it( c/ 'e+ a& i" La(e & A a"d B+ h(d $ca -$"& a e ) $-a-*( ) e&e"t. 112 7ecause of &oorly chosen shift criteria, it is &ossible to create too %uch or too little se&aration between the resistivity and &orosity curves. !his is where the lo"ic co%es into &lay. +f the two cureves are 2trac$in"2 each other, then the :one is wet. !rac$in" %eans the two curves rou"hly &arallel each other, li$e railroad trac$s. +f the two curves are rou"hly a %irror i%a"e of each other, then they are not trac$in", and se&aration is e &ected. 'd1ust the shift to %a$e this ha&&en. !he (uantity of the

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Crain's Petrophysical Handbook - Quick Look Resistivity Porosity Ove...



se&aration is a %easure of the (uality of the hydrocarbon show.

#*'/!+B0+/5 !HE O.ER-'0 CO/CEP!

!he resistivity &orosity overlay was, and still can be, %ade by tracin" one curve on the other, or by usin" a fil% co&y of one curve laid on the &a&er co&y of the other. 7ac$ in the day, we used li"ht tables or windows so we could see throu"h the &a&er. 9hen + traveled to the 'rctic, + built a &a"e si:ed li"ht table in %y brief case. !he re%ainin" s&ace held &encils, strai"ht ed"e, calculator, #C and analysis for%s, s&are soc$s, and underwear. !oday, we can %a$e these overlays on %ost &rofessional &etro&hysical software &ac$a"es or even with a s&readsheet &ro"ra%. O i#i"a* &$"ic *$# ;-*ac, c/ 'e< a"d ca*c/*ated e&i&ti'it( c/ 'e ;&haded ed< &h$!i"# )$te"tia* &$/ ce $c, $ + a& i" thi& ca&e+ a #a& &ha*e ;Ba "ett< 112

311 E4am)*e $% a e&i&ti'it( )$ $&it( $'e *a( *$$,i"# %$ -()a&&ed )a( i" a *ime&t$"e. The e&i&ti'it( ha& -ee" t a"&%$ med i"t$ a &$"ic *$# -( a)) $) iate &ca*i"# ;&ee -e*$!<. Red &hadi"# i"dicate& )$&&i-*e h(d $ca -$"&. The - $!" &haded c/ 'e i& a 0Sh$! I"de40 - hi#he 'a*/e& a e #$$d "e!&..

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Crain's Petrophysical Handbook - Quick Look Resistivity Porosity Ove...



Re&i&ti'it( )$ $&it( $'e *a( %$ &$"ic+ de"&it(+ a"d "e/t $" ;&haded ed< a"d Sh$! I"de4 %$ each ;&haded - $!"< The %/** -*$!" *ith$*$#( )$ $&it( t ac, $" the i#ht &h$!& a t()ica* c$m)/te i9ed a"a*(&i&. M$ e detai*ed )$ $&it(+ !ate &at/ ati$"+ a"d )e mea-i*it( c/ 'e& !$/*d "$ ma**( -e ) e&e"ted. He e+ the $->ecti'e i& t$ *$cate the $i* !ate c$"tact i" a *$! )e mea-i*it( e#ime !ith e&id/a* $i* -e*$! the c$"tact. The t a"&%$ med e&i&ti'it( &it& $" the )$ $&it( c/ 'e at the -a&e $% each t ac, ;!ate 9$"e< a"d a*&$ i" the &ha*e 9$"e a-$'e the $i* ;$" &$"ic a"d "e/t $" $"*(<.

#*'/!+B0+/5 !HE O.ER-'0

!he illustrations in the &revious Section were "enerated by a&&ro&riate %athe%atical transfor%s that convert the resistivity lo" into sonic, density, and neutron values. !his is easily done on %ost &etro&hysical software by ad1ustin" the hori:ontal scale of the resistivity lo" and &lacin" the curve in the &orosity trac$ or vice versa. ' %ore useful a&&roach is to code a few custo% e(uations into the *ser Defined E(uation %odule of your software. !his allows you to run several do:en wells in a day to see which ones %i"ht have by&assed &ay. !he e(uations you need are8 <8 D!lo"R C D!< -- D!? D lo"4RESD6 ?8 S+ED! C F D 4lo"4RESD G RSH6 ; H.H? D 4D!C -- D!CSH6 38 D/lo"RC D/< -- D/? D lo"4RESD6 I8 S+ED/ C F D 4lo"4RESD G RSH6 - ?.F D 4DE/S -- DE/SSH66 F8 /!lo"R C /!< -- /!? D lo"4RESD6 >8 S+E/! C F D 4lo"4RESD G RSH6 ; I.H D 4PH+/ -- PH+/SH66 9here8 @@lo"R C resistivity lo" scaled into co%&atible &orosity lo" units S+E@@ C show inde based on the se&aration between the &orosity lo" curve and the transfor%ed resistivity Default .alues for Carbonates8 RSH C I.H, D!CSH C >H, DE/SSH C ?.IJ, PH+/SH C H.<F D!< C K?, D!? C ??, D/< C ?.<H, D/? C --H.IF, /!< C H.??, /!? C H.H=

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Crain's Petrophysical Handbook - Quick Look Resistivity Porosity Ove...



!he &ara%eters assu%e D!C is in usecGft, DE/S is in "Gcc, and PH+/ is deci%al fraction &orosity. Shale base lines need to be ad1usted so that the Show +nde is near :ero in water or shale :ones. D!<, D/<, /!< are ad1usted so that the resistivity &orosity se&aration is near :ero in shale or water :ones. D!?, D/?, /!? are a%&litude scale factors and seldo% need to be chan"ed. Default shale base lines for sand shale se(uences will be considerably hi"her. !he best way to find the &ara%eters for scalin" resistivity into &orosity units is to cross&lot lo"arith% of resistivity on the hori:ontal a is and the &orosity indicatin" lo" values on the vertical a is. 0ou need to include enou"h interval to see non-source ric$ 2nor%al2 shales and so%e of the &otential reservoir intervals. !he data &oints alon" the southwest ed"e of the data show the nor%al trendline. Data &oints for reservoir or source roc$ &eel off toward the northeast of the &lot area.

S$"ic 'e &/& *$#a ithm $% e&i&ti'it( ;DT*$#R< C $&&)*$t &h$!i"# "$"-&$/ ce $c, t e"d *i"e a"d e&e '$i $ &$/ ce $c, c*/&te & $% data. The e:/ati$" $% the "$"-&$/ ce $c, *i"e i& DT*$#R 1 ?65 - @5 *$#;RESD< %$ thi& Ba "ett Sha*e e4am)*e ;DT? 1 ?65 a"d DT@ 1 @5<. Simi*a )*$t& ca" -e made !ith de"&it( $ "e/t $" data $" the 'e tica* a4i&.. Co&yri"ht L E. R. 4Ross6 Crain, P.En". e%ail Read the Bine Print

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