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For the past four months the turmoil of Ukraine has claimed lives The total chaos of the countr! has "een spread from #estern Ukraine to eastern Ukraine and left destruction in its path $overnment offices% "uildin&s% "usinesses and schools have "een destro!ed 'ith the condition declinin& and the complications increasin& and solution no#here in si&ht Ukraine is in need of a revival The de&ree of tur"ulence in Kiev flared after a re(ected accord #ith the European Union The march for a "etter economic future% a "etter political structure is the ke! point in the stru&&le The Independence )*uare in the capital cit! of Kiev sa# the first &roup of protesters +There is onl! one conflict in Ukraine toda! and it is "et#een the re&ime and the people , - .iktor /ushchenko 0Former 1resident of Ukraine2 Reco&ni3in& the pro"lem and Resolvin& the pro"lem are "oth intricate conundrums and if not settled the situation can "ecome volatile .iktor /ushchenko reco&ni3ed the pro"lem "ut the former 1resident and his successor .iktor /anukov!ch couldn4t resolve the pro"lem The incompetence to find the solution caused riots% police attacks% and emanated anti-protest la#s The suspension of talks and the refusal to si&n the political trade a&reement #ith the European Union in Novem"er 5678 "! 1resident /anukov!ch raised the ire of the citi3ens 9aintainin& "ureaucratic relations and avoidin& a threat from Russian &overnment #ho opposed the EU a&reement #as /anukov!ch4s reason for dismissal Avertin& an e:ternal threat from Russia mana&ed to raise an internal threat amon& its citi3ens 9osco#4s influence over /anukov!ch and his decisions #hich "enefit Russia more than Ukraine raised displeasure amon& the citi3ens Russia4s offer to "u! 7; "illion dollar in Ukrainian de"t and a deduction in the price Kiev pa!s for &as #as declined Unsatisfied "! the deal protesters hei&htened and opposition "ein& led "! .itali Klitschko% Arseni! /atsen!uk and Oleh Ti(ahn"ok are fi&htin& for democratic alliance in hopes of constitutional reform 'ith hopes of returnin& po#er "ack to the parliament is the crucial point of the constitutional reform 'ith protesters &atherin& at Independence )*uare and causin& ma(or uproar the ant-protest la# came into effect The Anti-1rotest la# o"structed people from or&ani3in& #ithout police permission and raised concerns of den!in& ri&hts to free speech and enra&ed protesters took over <it! Hall and other "uildin&s for almost three months The la# #as overturned amid pressure and the reali3ation that /anukov!ch holds too much po#er also da#ned and chan&in& the po#er

structure #as the resolve +'e must improve our lives and #e #ill do it to&ether - all of our citi3ens and m!self as president of Ukraine , = .iktor /anukov!ch Independence )*uare 09aidan2 comes #ith a distinct histor! and various names >uma )*uare% )oviet )*uare% Octo"er Revolution )*uare% and finall! esta"lished as Independence )*uare after &ainin& freedom from )oviet Union in 7??7 The *uote a"ove indicates improvement thou&h ironicall! the riots at Independence )*uare point an!thin& "ut improvement In @anuar! 1resident /anukov!ch offered concessions "! makin& t#o leaders of the opposition prime positions and promised to chan&e the constitution "ut the opposition refused The *uote a"ove "! .iktor /anukov!ch speaks of promise and improvement "ut his reluctance to for&o po#er #as once a&ain on displa! on Fe"ruar! 7Ath 567B The amendments to limit the 1residential po#ers #ere refused and the "lood! clashes follo#ed a&ain On Fe"ruar! 56 th% 567B a"out CA people #ere in(ured and hundreds #ere #ounded $overnment isn4t the onl! issue% Econom! is another area for chan&e The aspiration to move a#a! from Russian influence and to#ards the European Union is a path #hich man! didn4t e:pect to "e this dan&erous Assimilation to the European Union mem"ership could help moderni3e and improve the econom! of Ukraine The prime e:ample of success is 1oland their nei&h"or to the #est #hich severed ties from Russia at the same time "ut the variation "et#een them is e:tensive Thou&h 1oland is half the si3e of Ukraine its three times #ealthier Ukraine is 78C th in per capita income #ith DC%866 and is "ehind man! countries Ukraine4s production #as limited to &oods like steel% metals and chemicals #hile it relied on Russia for ra# materials and cheap &as #hich #as a shortsi&hted move Throu&h all the protests% riots% destruction and chaos it4s onl! the start of the pro&ress 'ith 1resident /anukov!ch ousted and on the run for murder char&es makes him a #anted man Bein& char&ed #ith mass murder and an arrest #arrant out on his name the former president is in hidin& 'ith the likel! possi"ilit! of Ukraine "ein& una"le to pa! its de"ts and the possi"ilit! of it "orro#in& puts the countr! in further peril Thou&h the stru&&le is for the future% the future of the countr! is uncertain and a pro"a"le civil #ar doesn4t make it an! easier East and 'est are directions "ut opposed a&ainst each other t#o directions "ecome com"at 3ones 'ith #estern Ukraine inclined to#ards Europe and #ith eastern Ukraine "ias to#ards the Russian markets is another divide 'ith t#o airports in the re&ion of <rimea "ein& invaded and #ith .ladmir 1utin &ainin& approval from Russian 1arliament to invade Ukraine distances the finish line farther a#a! from a peaceful future

Novem"er 57% 5678 Novem"er 86% 5678 >ecem"er 7C% 5678 @anuar! 7E% 567B

@anuar! 55% 567B @anuar! 58% 567B Fe"ruar! 7B% 567B

Ukraine $overnment refuses EU offer and ma(or protests "e&in in Kiev Raid a&ainst student protesters is initiated "! police 1rotests continue "ut Russian 1resident .ladmir 1utin offers his deal Anti-1rotest la# is passed 1eople can4t protest or &ather and masks #eren4t allo#ed #ithout the permission of police <lashes intensif! in the ne:t da!s T#o protesters die from &unshots and another one is found $overnment "uildin&s are sei3ed in man! cities of Ukraine 1rotesters .acate &overnment "uildin&s as char&es a&ainst them are dropped All part of the Amnest! deal <han&es to constitution are re(ected and clashes "e&in a&ain CC people are killed and hundreds are #ounded at Independence )*uare Arrest #arrant issued a&ainst .iktor /anukov!ch T#o <rimea Airports are invaded .ladmir 1utin &ains approval from Russian &overnment to invade Ukraine

Fe"ruar! 7A% 567B Fe"ruar! 56% 567B Fe"ruar! 5B% 567B Fe"ruar! 5A% 567B 9arch 7% 567B

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