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Name Harry Goldin Date Class Chapter 14 - The Presidency 1.

What does it mean to have a divided or a unified government Why do !e still have gridloc"# even !ith a unified government Unified means one party controls both houses and the white house. Divide is when one part has control of only one House of congress. We still have gridlock, because although one party controls everything, there is still personal variations and opinions. $% What are the arguments for !hy !e have gridloc" Gridlock is designed and necessary, in order to ensure that decisions aren t rushed. ! "uick solution to a crisis often leads to a bigger crisis. &% Ho! does the difference 'et!een representative and direct democracy e(plain gridloc" #n a direct democracy, there can t be gridlock, since ma$ority rules. %ut in a representative democracy, there are two entities, both of which must agree with each other. &his inherently leads to gridlock. 4% What concerns did the )ounders have a'out the idea of having of president the *lectoral College allay those fears &he 'ramers were concerned that the president would turn into a monarch who is elected. &he electoral college allayed those fears, because they can essentially overturn the people s choice, and vote for who is best, ensuring that no tyrant gets elected. +% ,ou don-t need to "no! the details of presidencies 'efore )D.# 'ut the historical trends are important% The 'oo" tal"s a'out our modern concept of the presidency% When did that really 'egin and !hat counter-evidence is there to that concept &his began around the time of the Great depression. (arlier presidents engaged in similar policies /% 0earn the list of presidential po!ers on p% &44% ,ou should "no! all of them% Pay attention to !hich po!ers the Presidents shares !ith the 1enate or Congress as a !hole or has sole po!er% )earned 2% What are the three structures for a president to organi3e his staff disadvantages of each *yramid+ everyone reports up a chain of command until it reaches the president ,ircular+ *resident meets with the head of each task !d Hoc+ best of both worlds. *resident uses whichever he has time for What are the advantages and Ho! did the creation of

4% *(plain ho! much influence the president has over his ca'inet officials and agency heads% #nherently, because the president gives them their $obs, and appoints them, they often owe him a loyalty. ,onversely, because they were picked, they most likely approve of, or have similar views to that of the president. 5% Why is there a tension 'et!een the White House staff and ca'inet secretaries -taff members see themselves as e.tensions of the president/s personality and policies0 departments heads 1secretaries2 see themselves as repositories of e.pert knowledge 13. (.plain the differences in the three audiences that the president speaks to. &hink about how *residents ,linton and %ush have managed to address these three audiences. 11% *(plain the reasons !hy the president-s popularity does and does not have an effect on getting congressional support for his programs% When he has popular support, he has the people backing his policies. &he people are the ones who elect congress, so he has more support. When his ratings are low, congress tries to disassociate itself from the president. 1$% Give details a'out the follo!ing terms6 veto message# poc"et veto# line-item veto# and e(ecutive privilege# and impoundment of funds *ocket+ refusing to sign a bill )ine item+ blocking a specific provision of a bill (.ecutive privilege+4embers of e.ecutive branch don t have disclose contents of their conversations within the e.ecutive branch #mpoundment of funds+ president can withhold funds appropriated by ,ongress 1&% What are the four groups that the 'oo" tal"s a'out !ho have input on a president-s program 7e familiar !ith the strengths and !ea"nesses ,abinet, -enate, House, 5p 14% What are the three constraints on the president-s a'ility to plan a program !ttention span of president !ttention -pan of ,ongress !ttention -pan of people 1+% What is the role of political polls in decision-ma"ing &he role, is that it shows e.actly what the people want. #f the people want one thing, but the decision goers the other way, then ,ongress is out of line as to the will of the people 1/% What is the present line of succession if the president should die in office 1. 5ice *resident of the United -tates

6. -peaker of the House 7. *resident pro tempore of the -enate 8. -ecretary of -tate 9. -ecretary of the &reasury :. -ecretary of Defense ;. !ttorney General <. -ecretary of the #nterior =. -ecretary of !griculture 13. -ecretary of )abor 11. -ecretary of Health and Human -ervices 16. -ecretary of Housing and Urban Development 17. -ecretary of &ransportation 18. -ecretary of (nergy 19. -ecretary of (ducation 1:. -ecretary of 5eterans !ffairs 1;. -ecretary of Homeland -ecurity 12% 1ummari3e the conclusion the te(t ma"es a'out the po!er of the president and the federal government% &he *resident and the federal government have an incredible amount of power. &hey derive this power both from enumerated and implied powers. &he president acts as our leader, and can easily sway the !merican people with his persuasion.

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