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The above case purely base on one of the core issues which a company can ever come across .Increasing rate of staff turnover,demotivated workforce and negative and unsatisfied approach towards their superiors and the management .BHC one of the globally recognized audit firm which having nearly !!"s of proud history .#lso BHC much famous for their highly demanded on the $ob training for young school leavers intend to be accountants. #lso one of the core finding of BHC is their senior employees highly satisfied with their management and their work at BHC .%o ma$ority of them have been with BHC for nearly &!'&( years of service .But the recently implemented plans on endeavoring to raise professional standards of the company has created the ma$or issues among the both employees and the management. %uch issues like high labor turnover, demotivated and unsatisfied workforce. #lthough several strategies and plans have implemented by the management at BHC non of them have been able to overcome these issues at BHC.)hen we state on those strategies implemented by the management of BHC, introducing new compensation and reward policy, implementing new payroll structures after $ob evaluation ,incentive schemes ,training sessions and organizing more social events has gone in vain, since none of them being able find a solution for these raising problems at BHC . *ike in most issues arising in organization atmosphere, we can identify several factors as symptoms of the real issue, symptoms can identify on the shallow surface and to discover the real issue you have to go to the depth of those identified symptoms. )hen we analyze these issues at BHC higher rate of employee turnover demotivated and dissatisfied workforce can be defined as the symptoms of the real issue .#ccording to the case at BHC the real issue is that most employees have felt their management not treating to them with the sense of humans,they consider people as things which is not responsive, only as a fulfilling function, so they have felt human touch is lacking with their management and whatever the strategies or plans which management implementing. It has raised more issues in the organization ,and the management of BHC was not being able to find the real issue of the organization that is lack of human touch in programs introduced by the management to raise their professional standards .%ince they have only went through finding solutions to symptoms of the real issue the unhappiness prevails and

the turnover rate remains high after all these efforts .%o the management has given up looking at solution but as H+ practioners at BHC a great responsibility lies with H+ department at BHC in finding the best solution to overcome these issues .

)hen we analyzing this case at BHC one of the ma$or H+ management theories which come across can be outlined as below , Compensation and Rewards Employee Motivation. ,nce employee have done their $obs and been appraised ,they e-pected to be paid ..ach employee"s pay should make sense in terms of the companies overall pay plan.%o when we defining compensation and rewards . Compensation #ll forms of pay or rewards going to employees and arising from their employment. # combination of both e-trinsic and intrinsic rewards that employees receive in e-change of their work . Rewards +ecompense for work ,merit or services something given or received in return for work .+ewards are systematic approach in providing monetary value to employees in e-change for work performed . %o Compensation and +eward system playing a pivotal role in any organization in terms of satisfying their physiological needs but also the motivational needs /the need for recognition. .0uitable and fair compensation and rewards policy is one of the best approach to build good employer employee relationship in a organization . The ob$ectives of Compensation and +ewards %ystem . !at is Motivation" It is an inner state of mind, which channels or directs behavior towards the achievement of pre'determined goals.

The process which stimulate the desire and willingness of the worker1 workers to work harder and to e-ert more effort and commitment. The driving force which energies the individual or group behavior to wards organizational goals. !y people need to #e motivated" ,rganization need to enhance profits. Therefore, they formulated methods to increase productivity. If managers use the authority and $ust order the employees they can not achieve the ultimate ob$ectives. 2anagers must keep in mind that most individuals are looking for mental satisfaction and motivation is the key to serve them with satisfaction and improve performance. E$%ity T!eory It says that employees are motivated by their desire to be e0ually treated. #lso it says that employees make comparisons of their $ob inputs and out comes relative to those of others. %o they confused and thought they have missed something. 3inally, they came to a conclusion that they had missed the factors, relationships, attitudes, feelings and perceptions of these people involved in the work. Two &a'tor t!eory ( )edri'* Her+#%r, He spoke about 4ob satisfaction. He analyzed the behavior of a group of engineers and accountants. 3edrick Herzburg categorized motivational elements in to two main areas. Motivators

This involved the factors that involved the feelings of achievement, professional growth. +ecognition for accomplishment, increased responsibility and challenging work that a particular $ob brings out. Hy,iene )a'tors

These factors which motivate employees may not be directly linked to the $ob. But it has a relationship to the conditions under which the $ob is performed. %ome of these factors are, policies and administration, supervision, working conditions, inter'personal relationships, security, status, and money. T!eory - and Y ( Do%,las M',re,or

Traditional Approa'! .T!eory -/ Human beings dislike work 5 aroid work at every possible moment. Because of this nature of human beings, the management tends to control 5 direct and threatened them with punishments to get the re0uired work done. Non ( Traditional Approa'! .T!eory Y/ Human being is self directed and self controlled. He is committed to achieve the organizational ob$ectives. He not only accepts responsibilities but also seeks responsibilities. E0pe'tan'y T!eory ( 1i'tor 1room The strength of a tendency to act in a certain way depend on the strength of an e-pectation that the act will be followed by a given outcome and on the attractiveness of that outcome . .-pectancy Theory states that, individuals make decisions, which they believe those will lead to reward or reduce the likelihood of pain. The ultimate goal does not matter, the important factor is the impact that achieving the goal will have on the individuals. #n individual"s opinion is formed by a combination of three factors which 6room categorized as follows. . E0pe'tan'y / 7oes the individual believe that they can achieve the task8 &. 1alen'e / 7oes the individual believe that completing the task will benefit them or cause detriment8 9. 2nstr%mentality / )hat is the probability of completing the task leading to an outcome desired by the individual8 6room stated that motivation is a function of above three factors and absence of one would lead to lose the motivation.

!at is Harmony "

Harmony is the sense of togetherness ,unity or positive relationship between group of people or even between two parties. )orking together while concerning and caring for others to get a win'win situation can be defined as harmony. 3ollowing are some definitions that were found in different dictionaries. :# state of peaceful e-istence of agreement; :<leasing combination of related things; ,-ford 7ictionary / =th .dition :The $ust adaptation of parts to each other, in any system or combination of things, or in things, or things intended to form a connected whole> such an agreement between the different parts of a design or composition as to produce unity of effect> as, the harmony of the universe; www. dictionary.com

!y is it important "
In the view point of organization, harmony is a key result area of organizational success ,since organization is so'ial entity that is ,oal dire'ted and deli#erately str%'t%red.In here So'ial Entity ' being made up of two or more people 3oal Dire'ted / 7esign to achieve some outcome Deli#erately Str%'t%red ( Tasks divided and responsibility for their performance assigned to organizational members . Therefore when we applying harmony to an organization it has a huge impact on smooth functioning of that organization. ,rganization consists with many people with different attitudes, behaviors, e-pectations and perspectives. )hen people with such 0ualities get together there"s certain tendency in arising conflict among people. )ith these type of

diversified people it is always difficult keep them focus and direct them to strive towards a common goal .To avoid these type of anomalies and conflicts among employees in an organization it is must to develop harmony between employee and employer. Harmony is a salient feature of good employee / employer relationship. Harmony can do wonders in an organization since it can bring people who posses different perspectives, values ,believes, interests and behaviors in to a common approach each can agreed .Harmony is the bridge which eliminate individual differences in an organization . #dvantages of having harmony in an organization can be briefly summarized as below . To #%ild %p positive employee ( employer relations!ip . Harmony is the platform for mutual understanding ,respecting each others and valuing .Through publicizing harmony in an organization company can create )I?')I? situation in an organization .It is a frame of mind and heart that seeks mutual benefits and mutual respect in all interactions .Harmony creates and atmosphere not thinking selfishly @win'loseA or like a martyr @lose'winA it influence people to thinking in terms of :).; not :2.;. To 'reate SYNER3Y This concept is type of third alternative ' not my way, not your way, but a third way that is better than either of us would come up with individually .%ynergy is also the key to any effective team or relationship. # synergistic team is a complementary team /where the team is organized so that the strengths of some compensate for the weakness of others .In this way you optimize and run with strengths and make individual weaknesses irrelevant . The feeling of togetherness usually coming from a harmonized atmosphere otherwise people tend to compete with each other by letting others down ,it having bad impact on organization"s smooth operation .#lso through harmony and synergistic atmosphere company can easily deal with under performers ,since each member helping each other in their difficulties would be great opportunity

As a motivational tool . The best e-ample given in this te-t is the core findings of H+ division..mployees are not only work for money .don"t work for parties or social events and not only working for career goals ..mployees are e-pecting more than whatever the monetary benefits tey are en$oying ..ven the Hawthrone studies of .lton 2ayo has identified the need of recognition ,acceptance and so called intrinsic motivational factors could help employees to being satisfied . To red%'e employee 'on&li't. Harmony always represents the sense of togetherness ,unity and its playing a vital role in bridging the gap between individual differences .Harmony is cultivating mutual respect ,fle-ibility and trust among employees in an organization ,since there is lack of room and reasons to raise any type of conflicts .

How 'an yo% 'reate !armony at wor* "

Harmony is a inner feeling that arising inside of a person ,it"s totally depend on one"s attitudes ,behavior and paradigms .Both employees and employers must have the passion for creating harmonious relationship and atmosphere within the company .?o one could direct or command to establish harmony in the organization its purely depend on its stakeholders commitment and willingness. )hen creating harmonious relationship within the organization leadership has to play a pivotal role since the management or the leaders of the organization must set e-amples to their subordinates to practice harmony in the organization, since harmony only can develop through practicing it continuously from top to bottom of the organization. The essence of good leadership to create harmonious relationship between employee and employer is maintaining transparency, openness, authenticity and consistency as employees need to see their leaders sharing plans, setting priorities and speaking the truth, but in BHC it has vanished since their people even reluctant to e-press their true views on their grievances and the management. *eadership is all about creating an environment which people want to be a part of organization and not $ust work for the organization .*eadership must create an environment that make people want to rather than have to do. It is a business imperative to create such a environment .*eadership or the management

must provide purpose not $ust work and function.*eadersship obligated to create an environment where people feel part of something and feel fulfilled and have a purpose .It is purpose the value in their lives / that leads people to truly give their minds. Then you getting ma-imum from them and giving ma-imum to them . )hen you see people only as fulfilling a function ,you are treating them like a thing, even in BHC this is the core reason to arise such problems relating to their human resource .?one of us want to be $ust something standing in a corner .)e found the greatest satisfaction for employee is to feel part of something and to feel trusted to make decisions and to contribute. It is all about empowering people to be recognized and their contribution has been aligned with the cooperate e-pectations. 3ollowing are some specific measures that an organization can take in order to create harmony at work place which were discussed above> Creating a culture where employees" values are highly respected 2anagement should set an e-ample for the employees to be in harmony %hould appreciate teams, rather than individuals #ligning employees" goals with organizational goals

Does !armony e0ist in BHC"

Bes the harmony was there ,but now it is $ust a history and the harmony has disappeared from the company . It has proved that the employees at BHC all had worked hard and had en$oyed their work and they always speak of happy about their work and the company .The best evident is many of employees have been serving for BHC nearly &('C! years of service. In those days the professionalism and humaneness were highly valued at BHC and due to that people even never think to leave the company despite many opportunities they have had in moving out to other organizations for higher salaries or better career prospects too have remained the organization. The study has proved in those days the team work at BHC was in peak and they work there with lot of fun and great enthusiasm towards their work. %trong teams within organization with the help of harmony have always become strength to BHC.#lso that is a evident to prove their togetherness, mutual understanding, recognition to each other and how they have been developing the harmony at their work place. But the recent steps have implemented to raise BHC"s professional standards and e-pansions of workforce have created a big threat to BHC. )ith the e-pansion of organization capacity, the key feature of humaneness that have won the goodwill of BHC"s staff over the years have been gradually melted down .The organization culture has changed in a flash. The harmonious relationship which every employee has en$oyed with a sense of togetherness, team spirit has turn into otherway.The best evident is people who leaving the organization were not even want to come up with their own comments at the e-it interview because of the tendency on having retaliatory recommendation which affect their future careers. It proves the level of trust employees having on their management and poor relationship between the employee and employer .)herever the environment which having high value to harmony there is no room to distrust, poor relationship. %o it keep proving the atmosphere at BHC under the dark and the light which has raised employee motivation over the years at BHC has been disappeared. They only could realize now it"s lacking that human touch. Bet they were unable to find out the reason why they were not motivated to work and unhappy. They talked about a :+ainbow;, according to the case once you e-perience the rainbow, one can say with

honesty life is good. 7iscussions were revealed that the rainbow they e-perienced once is missing now. That rainbow can be the harmony and that itself proves us, harmony e-isted and now it"s missing.


Question 3 !at is Rain#ow "

+ainbow is always fascinating us with its pleasant color combination, sight over the sky. It always create pleasant feeling with us whenever it appears on sky . In this case rainbow can referred to something is highly valued which has fascinated everyone with $oy ,happy and laugh in the past and now it has disappeared from them and due to that they are suffering .<eople are waiting to have that rainbow again with them to have sense of smile with them . .mployees wanted to have a rainbow again rounded their $obs. They actually needed a rainbow which was there with them once. 3urther +ainbow isD The glow that crowns all'out effort to do any kind of a $ob 3inding means as to how a $ob can possibly be done Taking a shade of more effort and bit more time ,nce a person e-perienced mi-ture o elation, pride and relief that comes from a creating a rainbow / life is not 0uite the same and can say with honesty, that life is good Having a part of the person 2aking all $obs that once seemed boring and routine become meaningful and rewarding. #bove are the descriptions given in the case study about the rainbow. T!e ,low t!at 'rowns all4o%t e&&ort to do any *ind o& a 5o# ' +ainbow is the stimulus which encouraging employees to strive towards goal ,can be a combination of e-trinsic and intrinsic motivators . )indin, means as to !ow a 5o# 'an possi#ly #e done ' +ainbow assisting to make employee $obs easier ,may be due to the positive relationship with others .


Ta*in, a s!ade o& more e&&ort and #it more time / To have rainbow ,it needs much of commitment of both employee and employer and easily can"t find the rainbow

On'e e0perien'ed 6 li&e is ,ood ' ,nce who e-perienced the rainbow know the worth of it and always try to find the rainbow to have the advantage of it .

Ma*in, all 5o#s t!at on'e seemed #orin, and ro%tine #e'ome meanin,&%l ' +ainbow makes $obs e-iting and challenging ,since through rainbow they got to know ,they doing this $ob for a purpose and it has aligned with cooperate ob$ectives and they feel they are part of this organization .

%o +#I?B,) can be +ainbow can be theD :C%lt%re wit! H%maneness and !armony7

How 'an Rain#ow #e'ome a reward " H+ department is going to find the missing +ainbow at BHC ,to find the rainbow H+ division has to practice these things , Eive everything you have got into your $ob / Improve positive thinking skills of their employee and encourage commitment of their work force Eive it one more try / )orking under pressure ,not to easily give up things and persistence of their employee. Take a proprietary attitude towards your $ob / .ncourage employees holding responsibilities ,accountability, encourage employee in decision making . Tackle every $ob as if it is a big $ob / )ork is recognized ,convince their employees they are part of their organization. )ant to sign your work / 7elegating authority to subordinates Create your own style / .ncourage innovative ideas ,autonomy


These factors can be considered as non'financial rewards which are more attractive than the financial rewards to the employees of BHC. #ccording to the case, employees at BHC work not for only money, social events or not for career growth. They work as a service and with a purpose. They prefer to take decisions and make them responsible for those decisions. This has been addressed in the new rainbow. %ince they are en$oying their work, commitment, persistency and recognizing work will be work as a reward for them. %ince they like to make decisions and held themselves responsible for their decisions, giving ownership of work, authority and autonomy will be reward for them. Therefore the rainbow will be a reward to the employees of BHC.


How yo% wo%ld 'reate Harmony at BHC "

If I am one of the senior partner of the BHC I will take every possible measurement to establish and find the missing rainbow at BHC .%ince what I believe is only the missing rainbow can bring prosperous to BHC and attain the competitive advantage in the competition and the until otherwise company finding their missing rainbow it is always difficult to survive in competition .These are my recommendation as the senior partner of BHC to finding the missing rainbow in the company. 2ntrod%'in, proper ,rievan'e !andlin, pro'ed%res. 2mplement Step ladder system / it is all about until you receiving fair and e0uitable decision through your superiors ,you pass or forward your grievance up to 2anaging 7irector or Chairman of the organization.

%taff members to discuss the matter with immediate supervisor

Solved O.K.

Not Solved

%taff member to discuss the matter with the ne-t level management or )ith the Head of the Department.
Not Solved Solved O.K

%taff member to discuss the matter with the respective Eeneral 2anager.
Solved O.K

Not Solved

<ass on to the Eeneral 2anager Human +esources 14 7evelopment.



Not Solved

<ass on to the 2anaging 7irector or senior partner or Chairman If ?ecessary.

2ntrod%'in, open door poli'y ( .ncourage employees to talk to management and building trustworthiness. .ncouraging employees to come up with their own ideas . 2ntrod%'in, a new employee motivational me'!anism wit! #alan'in, #ot! 2NTR2NS2C AND E-TR2NS2C motivational &a'tors ( There must be a e0ual impact on both motivators come employee within himself @intrinsicA and motivators come from outside of the person and $ob itself . 2ntrinsi' motivator +ecognition ,Challenge ,#dvancement. Combining @*inkA E0trinsi' Motivators Basic pay, $ob security, title, working conditions fringe Benefits and relationships.

3inancial rewards and motivational tools are only motivate employees upto a certain <oint .%o rather than highly focus on rewards and motivational tools with a price tag it always advisable to balancing both e-trinsic and intrinsic motivational factors in the organization.

B%ild stron, leaders!ip driven '%lt%re to inspire s%#ordinates .


*eadership is all about creating an environment which people want to be a part of organization and not $ust work for the organization .*eadership must create an environment that make people want to rather than have to do. It is a business imperative to create such a environment .*eadership or the management must provide purpose not $ust work and function.*eadersship obligated to create an environment where people feel part of something and feel fulfilled and have a purpose .It is purpose the value in their lives / that leads people to truly give their minds. Then you getting ma-imum from them and giving ma-imum to them . I found the greatest satisfaction for employee is to feel part of something and to feel trusted to make decisions and to contribute. It is all about empowering people to be recognized and their contribution has been aligned with the cooperate e-pectations. B%ild stron, teams t!ro%,! t!e 'on'ept o& SYNER3Y. ?ot my way, not your way, but a third way that is better than either of us would come up with individually. )ith the feeling of togetherness which comes from harmony, strong teams can be created. ,rganizations need teams for various purposes and the teams with harmony can achieve greater results over the teams which are formed for the sake of forming. CONC8UT2ON . 2aintaining transparency, openness ,authenticity and consistency would be able bring back their missing employee trustworthiness to BHC ,handle communication process with utmost care and creating a strong leadership driven and synergistic culture and environment would bring their missing rainbow to BHC.


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t.htm :I7I+IB#; booklet published by *#HE3% Holdings @pvtA *td.In the purpose of career guidance.




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