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Project Report on JOB PORTAL Submitted towards

The Partial fulfillment of the Requirement for the

Award of Degree for Master in Computer Application Submitted by


Under the guidance of


This is to certify that Mr Deepak Kumar Lenka, bearing Roll No. 0705219050 have developed Software project titled Job Portal as a partial Fulfillment for the award of the Degree of MCA.







My express thanks and gratitude and thanks to Almighty God, my parents and other family members and friends without whose unsustained support, I could not have made this career in MCA.




Clint: xyz Technology: Asp.net, C#, Sql-Server Web server: IIS Project Description:
This package is developed with the advanced concepts like ASP.NET controls and ADO.NET data objects Highlights of JOB PORTAL are: Security through user d ! Password "aintenance o# $usto%er Details "aintenance o# Service details "aintenance o# $usto%er Order details "aintenance o# Order te% Details "aintain $usto%er Pay%ents details "aintain $usto%er Order Status &eports

New 'ser Details. (eatures o# the Syste% are) 'ser (riendly 'ni#or%ity throughout the application Error *andling 'sage o# 'ser De#ine controls

Project Overview:
This section provides the online application pri%ary #unctions o# the job. The responsibilities are usually in order o# i%portance +ob resources like job posting, job searching and various advertise%ents o# co%panies- in#or%ation.

The e.isting syste%s have the %anual processing which takes the %a.i%u% ti%e to #ilter the in#or%ation according to user re/uest and re/uire%ent. 0ut 0y using this application, it can be done in a short period o# ti%e as well as in1ti%e. Also as it is an online application, both job seekers and co%panies #ro% various part o# the world can access and get the bene#it #ro% it.




ST'D5 O( T*E S5STE" *A&D6A&E ! SO(T6A&E SPE$ ( $AT ONS NP'T ! O'TP'T P&O$ESS "ODE2S 'SED 6 T* +'ST ( $AT ON




('N$ ONA2 &E7' &E"ENTS PE&(O&"AN$E &E7' &E"ENTS









JOB PORTAL provi es the online !pplic!tion "or the recr#iters !n $ob see%ers. It&s pri'!ry "#nctions !re on $ob se!rch, $ob !pply, $ob posting !n co'p!nies ! vertise'ent. The client (S) *riss! is ! 'en po+er cons#lt!nt "or both the $ob see%ers !n the co'p!nies. Objectives: This p!c%!ge is evelope +ith the ! v!nce concepts li%e AS,.-.T controls !n A/*.-.T !t! ob$ects 0ighlights o" 12*3 ,*4TA56 !re: Sec#rity thro#gh #ser I 7 ,!ss+or )!inten!nce o" C#sto'er /et!ils )!inten!nce o" Service et!ils )!inten!nce o" C#sto'er *r er et!ils )!inten!nce o" *r er Ite' /et!ils )!int!in C#sto'er ,!y'ents et!ils )!int!in C#sto'er *r er St!t#s 4eports -e+ 8ser /et!ils. 9e!t#res o" the Syste' !re: 8ser 9rien ly 8ni"or'ity thro#gho#t the !pplic!tion .rror 0!n ling 8s!ge o" 8ser /e"ine controls S2o3e: This Docu%ent plays a vital role in the develop%ent li#e cycle 8SD2$9. As it describes the co%plete re/uire%ent o# the syste%. t is %eant #or use by the developers and will be the basic during testing phase. Any changes %ade to the re/uire%ents in the #uture will have to go through #or%al change approval process.


The exiting syste' is ! '!n#!l one, so t!%es 'ore ti'e in process. -o "!cility "or o#tsi er to %no+ the in"or'!tion. -o "!cility to %no+ !bo#t et!ils in"or'!tion services. -o "!cility to %no+ !bo#t the recr#iters. -o 9!cility to %no+ !bo#t c#rrent opening o" the co'p!nies i" the co'p!nies oesn&t in"or'. Co''#nic!tion is ! vit!l proble' in the previo#s '!n#!l syste'. et!ils req#ire'ent o" $ob see%ers !n


Applic!tion is b!se

on v!rio#s "e!t#res to %eep eyes to overco'e the

'!n#!l syste'. Any #ser c!ns #se it thro#gh the Internet so no '!n#!l +or% is necess!ry. 0ence "ore the !pplic!tion is only ! 'e i#' to co''#nic!te both the recr#iters !n the $ob see%ers. Co'p!ny !lso se!rch !bo#t their req#ire'ent "ro' this !pplic!tion !n c!n co''#nic!te the s#it!ble c!n i !te irectly or by the co'p!ny (S) *riss!. ,roper sec#rity c!n be 'entioning both !pplic!tion level !s +ell !s !t! b!se. Applic!tion c!n get priority in v!rio#s levels o" server technology 'entioning proper !#thoriz!tion 7 !#thentic!tion.

9ro' o#tsi ers co e !ccess 7 !t! h!c%ing is strictly '!int!ine . /!t!b!se sec#rity c!n be '!int!ine +ith b!c%#p 7 recovery con"ig#r!tion !t! c!n be recovere . 8ser experience: - !pplic!tion !s 'ost h!ve #ser "rien ly +hich enh!nce better event riven there +hich oper!tion c!n be per"or' in "!ster +!y 7 #ser "rien ly +!y or !ny #ser c!n get "!cility "or %no+ing the services provi e by co'p!ny !ccor ing to his req#ire'ent. HAR &ARE 5 SO%T&ARE SPECI%ICATIONS

:;;"*< or above

=>?"0 &A" =;;"0 (ree *ard disk space Network inter#ace card or "ode% 8(or &e%ote Sources9 2AN Network 8(or &e%ote Sources9


6 NDO6S NT @ A >;;; A B.3 A "E Cisual Studio .Net >;;> Enterprise Edition Cisual Studio .Net (ra%ework 8"ini%al #or Deploy%ent9 Asp.net S72 Server >;;;


The Applic!tion is req#ire'ent they !re.

ivi e

into t+o '!$or )o #les

epen ing #pon the

1: A 'inistr!tor ;: 8ser

Ad%inistration Section)
C!tegory /et!ils <4ecr#iters, 2ob See%ers: ,ro #ct /et!ils .'ployee In"or'!tion /et!ils C#sto'er in"or'!tion /et!ils 4eq#est Cont!ct In"or'!tion St!t#s /et!ils 4eq#est C#sto'er /et!ils

C!tegory In"or'!tion ,ro #ct In"or'!tion .'ployee In"or'!tion Cont!ct /et!il



R &U$R M #T SP C$"$CAT$O#

R &U$R M #T SP C$"$CAT$O#:

The so"t+!re +hich is esigne "or give the "!cility to %no+ the pro #ct in"or'!tion provi e by the org!niz!tion

INTRODUCTION Purpose: The '!in p#rpose "or prep!ring this oc#'ent is to give ! gener!l insight into the !n!lysis !n req#ire'ents o" the existing syste' or sit#!tion !n "or eter'ining the oper!ting ch!r!cteristics o" the syste'. Scope: This /oc#'ent pl!ys ! vit!l role in the evelop'ent li"e cycle <S/5C: As it escribes the co'plete req#ire'ent o" the syste'. It is 'e!nt "or #se by the evelopers !n +ill be the b!sic #ring testing ph!se. Any ch!nges '! e to the req#ire'ents in the "#t#re +ill h!ve to go thro#gh "or'!l ch!nge !pprov!l process. /evelopers 4esponsibilities *vervie+: The eveloper is responsible "or: 1: /eveloping the syste', +hich 'eets the S4S !n solving !ll the req#ire'ents o" the syste'=

;: /e'onstr!ting the syste' !n !ccept!nce testing is s#ccess"#l.

inst!lling the syste' !t client>s loc!tion !"ter the

?: S#b'itting the req#ire #ser '!n#!l escribing the syste' inter"!ces to +or% on it !n !lso the oc#'ents o" the syste'. @: Con #cting !ny #ser tr!ining th!t 'ight be nee e "or #sing the syste'. A: )!int!ining the syste' "or ! perio o" one ye!r !"ter inst!ll!tion.

%672tio7al Re86ire9e7ts: O!TP!T ESI+N

*#tp#ts "ro' co'p#ter syste's !re req#ire pri'!rily to co''#nic!te the res#lts o" processing to #sers. They !re !lso #se to provi e ! per'!nent copy o" the res#lts "or l!ter cons#lt!tion. The v!rio#s types o" o#tp#ts in gener!l !re: .xtern!l *#tp#ts, +hose estin!tion is o#tsi e the org!niz!tion Intern!l *#tp#ts +hose estin!tion is +ith in org!niz!tion !n they !re the 8ser&s '!in inter"!ce +ith the co'p#ter. *per!tion!l o#tp#ts +hose #se is p#rely +ith in the co'p#ter ep!rt'ent. Inter"!ce o#tp#ts, +hich involve the #ser in co''#nic!ting irectly +ith



In the next st!ge it is to be eci e th!t +hich 'e i#' is the 'ost !ppropri!te "or the o#tp#t. The '!in consi er!tions +hen eci ing !bo#t the o#tp#t 'e i! !re:

. The s#it!bility "or the evice to the p!rtic#l!r !pplic!tion. .The nee "or ! h!r copy. .The response ti'e req#ire . .The loc!tion o" the #sers .The so"t+!re !n h!r +!re !v!il!ble. The cost. Beeping in vie+ the !bove escription the pro$ect is to h!ve o#tp#ts '!inly co'ing #n er the c!tegory o" intern!l o#tp#ts. The '!in o#tp#ts esire !ccor ing to the req#ire'ent speci"ic!tion !re: The o#tp#ts +ere nee e to be gener!te !s ! hot copy !n !s +ell !s q#eries to be vie+e on the screen. Beeping in vie+ these o#tp#ts, the "or'!t "or the o#tp#t is t!%en "ro' the o#tp#ts, +hich !re c#rrently being obt!ine !"ter '!n#!l processing. The st!n !r printer is to be #se !s o#tp#t 'e i! "or h!r copies.

Inp#t esign is ! p!rt o" over!ll syste' esign. The '!in ob$ective #ring the inp#t esing is !s given belo+: To pro #ce ! cost-e""ective 'etho o" inp#t. To !chive the highest possible level o" !cc#r!cy. To ens#re th!t the inp#t is !ccept!ble !n #n erstoo by the #ser. I-,8T STA(.S:

The '!in inp#t st!ges c!n be liste !s belo+: /!t! recor ing /!t! tr!nscription /!t! conversion /!t! veri"ic!tion /!t! control /!t! tr!ns'ission /!t! v!li !tion /!t! correction INPUT TYPES It is necess!ry to eter'ine the v!rio#s types o" inp#ts. Inp#ts c!n be c!tegorise !s "ollo+s : .xtern!l inp#ts, +hich !re pri'e inp#ts "or the syste'. Intern!l inp#ts, +hich !re #ser co''#nic!tions +ith the syste'. *per!tion!l, +hich !re co'p#ter ep!rt'ent&s co''#nic!tions to the syste'. Inter!ctive, +hich !re inp#ts entere INPUT EDIA: #ring ! i!log#e.

At this st!ge choice h!s to be '! e !bo#t the inp#t 'e i!. To concl# e !bo#t the inp#t 'e i! consi er!tion h!s to be given toC Type o" inp#t 9lexibility o" "or'!t

Spee Acc#r!cy Deri"ic!tion 'etho s 4e$ection r!tes .!se o" correction Stor!ge !n h!n ling req#ire'ents Sec#rity .!sy to #se ,ort!bilility Beeping in vie+ th!t !bove escription o" the inp#t types !n inp#t 'e i!, it c!n be s!i th!t 'ost o" the inp#ts !re o" the "or' o" intern!l !n inter!ctive. As Inp#t !t! is to be the irectly %eye in by the #ser, the %eybo!r c!n be consi ere to be the 'ost s#it!ble inp#t evice. ERROR A!OIDANCE At this st!ge c!re is to be t!%en to ens#re th!t inp#t !t! re'!ins !cc#r!te "or' the st!ge !t +hich it is recor e #pto the st!ge in +hich the !t! is !ccepte by the syste'. This c!n be !chieve only by 'e!ns o" c!re"#l control e!ch ti'e the !t! is h!n le . ERROR DETECTION .ven tho#gh every e""ort is '!%e to !voi the occ#rrence o" errors, still ! s'!ll proportion o" errors is !l+!ys li%ely to occ#r, these types o" errors c!n be iscovere by #sing v!li !tions to chec% the inp#t !t!.

DATA !ALIDATION ,roce #res !re esigne to etect errors in !t! !t ! lo+er level o" et!il. /!t! v!li !tions h!ve been incl# e in the syste' in !l'ost every !re! +here there is ! possibility "or the #ser to co''it errors. The syste' +ill not !ccept inv!li Whenever !n inv!li !t!. !t! is %eye in, the syste' i''e i!tely propts the #ser !n the

#ser h!s to !g!in %ey in the !t! !n the syste' +ill !ccept the !t! only i" the !t! is correct. D!li !tions h!ve been incl# e +here necess!ry. The syste' is esigne to be ! #ser "rien ly one. In other +or s the syste' h!s been esigne to co''#nic!te e""ectively +ith the #ser. The syste' h!s been esigne +ith pop #p 'en#s. USERINTER"#ACE DESI"N It is essenti!l to cons#lt the syste' #sers !n the #ser inter"!ce: USER INTER#ACE SYSTE S CAN BE BROADLY CLASI#IED AS: 1. 8ser initi!te inter"!ce the #ser is in ch!rge, controlling the progress o" the #serEco'p#ter i!log#e. In the co'p#ter-initi!te inter"!ce, the co'p#ter selects the next st!ge in the inter!ction. ;. Co'p#ter initi!te inter"!ces In the co'p#ter initi!te inter"!ces the co'p#ter g#i es the progress o" the isc#ss their nee s +hile esigning

#serEco'p#ter i!log#e. In"or'!tion is ispl!ye !n the #ser response o" the co'p#ter t!%es !ction or ispl!ys "#rther in"or'!tion.

USER$INITIATED INTER"#ACES 8ser initi!te inter"!ces "!ll into t+o !pproxi'!te cl!sses: 1. Co''!n riven inter"!ces: In this type o" inter"!ce the #ser inp#ts

co''!n s or q#eries +hich !re interprete by the co'p#ter. ;. 9or's oriente inter"!ce: The #ser c!lls #p !n i'!ge o" the "or' to hisEher screen !n "ills in the "or'. The "or's oriente inter"!ce is chosen bec!#se it is the best choice. CO PUTER%INITIATED INTER#ACES The "ollo+ing co'p#ter F initi!te inter"!ces +ere #se : 1. The 'en# syste' "or the #ser is presente +ith ! list o" !ltern!tives !n the #ser chooses oneC o" !ltern!tives. ;. G#estions F !ns+er type i!log syste' +here the co'p#ter !s%s q#estion !n t!%es !ction b!se on the b!sis o" the #sers reply. 4ight "ro' the st!rt the syste' is going to be 'en# riven, the opening 'en# ispl!ys the !v!il!ble options. Choosing one option gives !nother pop#p 'en# +ith 'ore options. In this +!y every option le! s the #sers to !t! entry "or' +here the #ser c!n %ey in the !t!. ERROR ESSA"E DESI"N:

The esign o" error 'ess!ges is !n i'port!nt p!rt o" the #ser inter"!ce esign. As #ser is bo#n to co''it so'e errors or other +hile esigning ! syste' the syste' sho#l be esigne to be help"#l by provi ing the #ser +ith in"or'!tion reg!r ing the error heEshe h!s co''itte .

This !pplic!tion '#st be !ble to pro #ce o#tp#t !t i""erent 'o #les "or i""erent inp#ts. Per&or'(nce Re)uire'ents: ,er"or'!nce is 'e!s#re in ter's o" reports gener!te +ee%ly !n 'onthly. 4eq#ire'ent speci"ic!tion pl!ys !n i'port!nt p!rt in the !n!lysis o" ! syste'. *nly +hen the req#ire'ent speci"ic!tions !re properly given, it is possible to esign ! syste', +hich +ill "it into req#ire environ'ent. It rests l!rgely in the p!rt o" the #sers o" the existing syste' to give the req#ire'ent speci"ic!tions bec!#se they !re the people +ho "in!lly #se the syste'. This is bec!#se the req#ire'ents h!ve to be %no+n #ring the initi!l st!ges so th!t the syste' c!n be esigne !ccor ing to those req#ire'ents. It is very i""ic#lt to ch!nge the syste' once it h!s been esigne !n on the other h!n esigning ! syste', +hich oes not c!ter to the req#ire'ents o" the #ser, is o" no #se. The req#ire'ent speci"ic!tion "or !ny syste' c!n be bro! ly st!te !s given belo+: The syste' sho#l be !ble to inter"!ce +ith the existing syste' The syste' sho#l be !cc#r!te The syste' sho#l be better th!n the existing syste' The existing syste' is co'pletely epen ent on the st!"" to per"or' !ll the #ties.


Microsoft'# T "rame(or)
The .-.T 9r!'e+or% is ! ne+ co'p#ting pl!t"or' th!t si'pli"ies !pplic!tion evelop'ent in the highly istrib#te environ'ent o" the Internet. The .-.T 9r!'e+or% is esigne to "#l"ill the "ollo+ing ob$ectives:

To provi e ! consistent ob$ect-oriente progr!''ing environ'ent +hether ob$ect co e is store !n exec#te loc!lly, exec#te loc!lly b#t Internet- istrib#te , or exec#te re'otely.

To provi e ! co e-exec#tion environ'ent th!t 'ini'izes so"t+!re eploy'ent !n versioning con"licts.

To provi e ! co e-exec#tion environ'ent th!t g#!r!ntees s!"e exec#tion o" co e, incl# ing co e cre!te by !n #n%no+n or se'i-tr#ste thir p!rty.

To provi e ! co e-exec#tion environ'ent th!t eli'in!tes the per"or'!nce proble's o" scripte or interprete environ'ents.

To '!%e the

eveloper experience consistent !cross +i ely v!rying types o"

!pplic!tions, s#ch !s Win o+s-b!se !pplic!tions !n Web-b!se !pplic!tions.

To b#il !ll co''#nic!tion on in #stry st!n !r s to ens#re th!t co e b!se on the .-.T 9r!'e+or% c!n integr!te +ith !ny other co e.

The .-.T 9r!'e+or% h!s t+o '!in co'ponents: the co''on l!ng#!ge r#nti'e !n the .-.T 9r!'e+or% cl!ss libr!ry. The co''on l!ng#!ge r#nti'e is the "o#n !tion o" the .-.T 9r!'e+or%. Ho# c!n thin% o" the r#nti'e !s !n !gent th!t '!n!ges co e !t exec#tion ti'e, provi ing core services s#ch !s 'e'ory '!n!ge'ent, thre! '!n!ge'ent, !n re'oting, +hile !lso en"orcing strict type s!"ety !n other "or's o" co e !cc#r!cy th!t ens#re sec#rity !n rob#stness. In "!ct, the concept o" co e

'!n!ge'ent is ! "#n !'ent!l principle o" the r#nti'e. Co e th!t t!rgets the r#nti'e is %no+n !s '!n!ge co e, +hile co e th!t oes not t!rget the r#nti'e is %no+n !s

#n'!n!ge co e. The cl!ss libr!ry, the other '!in co'ponent o" the .-.T 9r!'e+or%, is ! co'prehensive, ob$ect-oriente collection o" re#s!ble types th!t yo# c!n #se to evelop !pplic!tions r!nging "ro' tr! ition!l co''!n -line or gr!phic!l #ser inter"!ce <(8I: !pplic!tions to !pplic!tions b!se on the l!test innov!tions provi e by AS,.-.T, s#ch !s Web 9or's !n I)5 Web services. The .-.T 9r!'e+or% c!n be hoste by #n'!n!ge co'ponents th!t lo! the co''on l!ng#!ge r#nti'e into their processes !n initi!te the exec#tion o" '!n!ge co e, thereby cre!ting ! so"t+!re environ'ent th!t c!n exploit both '!n!ge !n #n'!n!ge "e!t#res. The .-.T 9r!'e+or% not only provi es sever!l r#nti'e hosts, b#t !lso s#pports the evelop'ent o" thir -p!rty r#nti'e hosts.

9or ex!'ple, AS,.-.T hosts the r#nti'e to provi e ! sc!l!ble, server-si e environ'ent "or '!n!ge co e. AS,.-.T +or%s irectly +ith the r#nti'e to en!ble Web 9or's !pplic!tions !n I)5 Web services, both o" +hich !re isc#sse l!ter in this topic. Internet .xplorer is !n ex!'ple o" !n #n'!n!ge !pplic!tion th!t hosts the r#nti'e <in the "or' o" ! )I). type extension:. 8sing Internet .xplorer to host the r#nti'e en!bles yo# to e'be '!n!ge co'ponents or Win o+s 9or's controls in 0T)5 oc#'ents. 0osting the r#nti'e in this +!y '!%es '!n!ge 'obile co e <si'il!r to )icroso"tJ ActiveIJ controls: possible, b#t +ith signi"ic!nt i'prove'ents th!t only '!n!ge co e c!n o""er, s#ch !s se'i-tr#ste exec#tion !n sec#re isol!te "ile stor!ge. The "ollo+ing ill#str!tion sho+s the rel!tionship o" the co''on l!ng#!ge r#nti'e !n the cl!ss libr!ry to yo#r !pplic!tions !n to the over!ll syste'. The ill#str!tion !lso sho+s ho+ '!n!ge co e oper!tes +ithin ! l!rger !rchitect#re.

"eatures of the Common Language Runtime

The co''on l!ng#!ge r#nti'e '!n!ges 'e'ory, thre! exec#tion, co e exec#tion, co e s!"ety veri"ic!tion, co'pil!tion, !n other syste' services. These "e!t#res !re intrinsic to the '!n!ge co e th!t r#ns on the co''on l!ng#!ge r#nti'e. With reg!r s to sec#rity, '!n!ge co'ponents !re !+!r e v!rying egrees o" tr#st, epen ing on ! n#'ber o" "!ctors th!t incl# e their origin <s#ch !s the Internet, enterprise net+or%, or loc!l co'p#ter:. This 'e!ns th!t ! '!n!ge co'ponent 'ight or 'ight not

be !ble to per"or' "ile-!ccess oper!tions, registry-!ccess oper!tions, or other sensitive "#nctions, even i" it is being #se in the s!'e !ctive !pplic!tion. The r#nti'e en"orces co e !ccess sec#rity. 9or ex!'ple, #sers c!n tr#st th!t !n exec#t!ble e'be e in ! Web p!ge c!n pl!y !n !ni'!tion on screen or sing ! song, b#t

c!nnot !ccess their person!l !t!, "ile syste', or net+or%. The sec#rity "e!t#res o" the r#nti'e th#s en!ble legiti'!te Internet- eploye so"t+!re to be exception!lly "e!t#re rich. The r#nti'e !lso en"orces co e rob#stness by i'ple'enting ! strict type- !n co everi"ic!tion in"r!str#ct#re c!lle the co''on type syste' <CTS:. The CTS ens#res th!t !ll '!n!ge co e is sel"- escribing. The v!rio#s )icroso"t !n thir -p!rty l!ng#!ge co'pilers (ener!te '!n!ge co e th!t con"or's to the CTS. This 'e!ns th!t '!n!ge co e c!n cons#'e other '!n!ge types !n inst!nces, +hile strictly en"orcing type "i elity !n type s!"ety. In ! ition, the '!n!ge environ'ent o" the r#nti'e eli'in!tes '!ny co''on so"t+!re '!n!ges

iss#es. 9or ex!'ple, the r#nti'e !#to'!tic!lly h!n les ob$ect l!yo#t !n

re"erences to ob$ects, rele!sing the' +hen they !re no longer being #se . This !#to'!tic 'e'ory '!n!ge'ent resolves the t+o 'ost co''on !pplic!tion errors, 'e'ory le!%s !n inv!li 'e'ory re"erences.

The r#nti'e !lso !cceler!tes

eveloper pro #ctivity. 9or ex!'ple, progr!''ers c!n

+rite !pplic!tions in their evelop'ent l!ng#!ge o" choice, yet t!%e "#ll ! v!nt!ge o" the r#nti'e, the cl!ss libr!ry, !n co'ponents +ritten in other l!ng#!ges by other

evelopers. Any co'piler ven or +ho chooses to t!rget the r#nti'e c!n o so. 5!ng#!ge co'pilers th!t t!rget the .-.T 9r!'e+or% '!%e the "e!t#res o" the .-.T 9r!'e+or% !v!il!ble to existing co e +ritten in th!t l!ng#!ge, gre!tly e!sing the 'igr!tion process "or existing !pplic!tions. While the r#nti'e is esigne "or the so"t+!re o" the "#t#re, it !lso s#pports so"t+!re o" to !y !n yester !y. Interoper!bility bet+een '!n!ge !n #n'!n!ge co e en!bles evelopers to contin#e to #se necess!ry C*) co'ponents !n /55s. The r#nti'e is esigne to enh!nce per"or'!nce. Altho#gh the co''on l!ng#!ge

r#nti'e provi es '!ny st!n !r r#nti'e services, '!n!ge co e is never interprete . A "e!t#re c!lle $#st-in-ti'e <2IT: co'piling en!bles !ll '!n!ge co e to r#n in the n!tive '!chine l!ng#!ge o" the syste' on +hich it is exec#ting. )e!n+hile, the 'e'ory '!n!ger re'oves the possibilities o" "r!g'ente 'e'ory !n incre!ses 'e'ory loc!lityo"-re"erence to "#rther incre!se per"or'!nce. 9in!lly, the r#nti'e c!n be hoste by high-per"or'!nce, server-si e !pplic!tions, s#ch !s )icroso"tJ SG5 ServerK !n Internet In"or'!tion Services <IIS:. This in"r!str#ct#re en!bles yo# to #se '!n!ge co e to +rite yo#r b#siness logic, +hile still en$oying the

s#perior per"or'!nce o" the in #stry>s best enterprise servers th!t s#pport r#nti'e hosting.

'# T "rame(or) Class Library

The .-.T 9r!'e+or% cl!ss libr!ry is ! collection o" re#s!ble types th!t tightly integr!te +ith the co''on l!ng#!ge r#nti'e. The cl!ss libr!ry is ob$ect oriente , provi ing types "ro' +hich yo#r o+n '!n!ge co e c!n erive "#nction!lity. This not only '!%es the .-.T 9r!'e+or% types e!sy to #se, b#t !lso re #ces the ti'e !ssoci!te +ith le!rning ne+ 9e!t#res o" the .-.T 9r!'e+or%. In ! ition, thir -p!rty co'ponents c!n integr!te

se!'lessly +ith cl!sses in the .-.T 9r!'e+or%. 9or ex!'ple, the .-.T 9r!'e+or% collection cl!sses i'ple'ent ! set o" inter"!ces th!t yo# c!n #se to evelop yo#r o+n collection cl!sses. Ho#r collection cl!sses +ill blen se!'lessly +ith the cl!sses in the .-.T 9r!'e+or%. As yo# +o#l expect "ro' !n ob$ect-oriente cl!ss libr!ry, the .-.T 9r!'e+or% types en!ble yo# to !cco'plish ! r!nge o" co''on progr!''ing t!s%s, incl# ing t!s%s s#ch !s string '!n!ge'ent, !t! collection, !t!b!se connectivity, !n "ile !ccess. In ! ition to

these co''on t!s%s, the cl!ss libr!ry incl# es types th!t s#pport ! v!riety o" speci!lize

evelop'ent scen!rios. 9or ex!'ple, yo# c!n #se the .-.T 9r!'e+or% to evelop the "ollo+ing types o" !pplic!tions !n services:

Console !pplic!tions. Scripte or hoste !pplic!tions. Win o+s (8I !pplic!tions <Win o+s 9or's:. AS,.-.T !pplic!tions. I)5 Web services. Win o+s services.

9or ex!'ple, the Win o+s 9or's cl!sses !re ! co'prehensive set o" re#s!ble types th!t v!stly si'pli"y Win o+s (8I evelop'ent. I" yo# +rite !n AS,.-.T Web 9or'

!pplic!tion, yo# c!n #se the Web 9or's cl!sses.

Client Application *e+elopment

Client !pplic!tions !re the closest to ! tr! ition!l style o" !pplic!tion in Win o+s-b!se progr!''ing. These !re the types o" !pplic!tions th!t ispl!y +in o+s or "or's on the es%top, en!bling ! #ser to per"or' ! t!s%. Client !pplic!tions incl# e !pplic!tions s#ch !s +or processors !n spre! sheets, !s +ell !s c#sto' b#siness !pplic!tions s#ch !s !t!-entry tools, reporting tools, !n so on. Client !pplic!tions #s#!lly e'ploy +in o+s, 'en#s, b#ttons, !n other (8I ele'ents, !n they li%ely !ccess loc!l reso#rces s#ch !s the "ile syste' !n peripher!ls s#ch !s printers.

Another %in o" client !pplic!tion is the tr! ition!l ActiveI control <no+ repl!ce by the '!n!ge Win o+s 9or's control: eploye over the Internet !s ! Web p!ge. This

!pplic!tion is '#ch li%e other client !pplic!tions: it is exec#te n!tively, h!s !ccess to loc!l reso#rces, !n incl# es gr!phic!l ele'ents.

In the p!st, evelopers cre!te s#ch !pplic!tions #sing CECLL in con$#nction +ith the )icroso"t 9o#n !tion Cl!sses <)9C: or +ith ! r!pi !pplic!tion evelop'ent <4A/: environ'ent s#ch !s )icroso"tJ Dis#!l 3!sicJ. The .-.T 9r!'e+or% incorpor!tes !spects o" these existing pro #cts into ! single, consistent evelop'ent environ'ent th!t r!stic!lly si'pli"ies the evelop'ent o" client !pplic!tions. The Win o+s 9or's cl!sses cont!ine in the .-.T 9r!'e+or% !re esigne to be #se "or (8I evelop'ent. Ho# c!n e!sily cre!te co''!n +in o+s, b#ttons, 'en#s,

toolb!rs, !n

other screen ele'ents +ith the "lexibility necess!ry to !cco''o !te

shi"ting b#siness nee s. 9or ex!'ple, the .-.T 9r!'e+or% provi es si'ple properties to ! $#st vis#!l !ttrib#tes !ssoci!te +ith "or's. In so'e c!ses the #n erlying oper!ting syste' oes not s#pport ch!nging these !ttrib#tes irectly, !n in these c!ses the .-.T 9r!'e+or% !#to'!tic!lly recre!tes the "or's. This is one o" '!ny +!ys in +hich the .-.T 9r!'e+or% integr!tes the eveloper inter"!ce, '!%ing co ing si'pler !n 'ore consistent.

8nli%e ActiveI controls, Win o+s 9or's controls h!ve se'i-tr#ste !ccess to ! #ser>s co'p#ter. This 'e!ns th!t bin!ry or n!tively exec#ting co e c!n !ccess so'e o" the reso#rces on the #ser>s syste' <s#ch !s (8I ele'ents !n li'ite "ile !ccess: +itho#t being !ble to !ccess or co'pro'ise other reso#rces. 3ec!#se o" co e !ccess sec#rity, '!ny !pplic!tions th!t once nee e to be inst!lle on ! #ser>s syste' c!n no+ be s!"ely eploye thro#gh the Web. Ho#r !pplic!tions c!n i'ple'ent the "e!t#res o" ! loc!l !pplic!tion +hile being eploye li%e ! Web p!ge.

Visual Basic.NE
Intro+uction to *in+ows #or's ,!isu(- B(sic.NET/
Win o+s 9or's is the ne+ pl!t"or' "or )icroso"t Win o+s !pplic!tion evelop'ent, b!se on the .-.T 9r!'e+or%. This "r!'e+or% provi es ! cle!r, ob$ect-oriente , evelop rich Win o+s !pplic!tions.

extensible set o" cl!sses th!t en!ble yo# to

A ition!lly, Win o+s 9or's c!n !ct !s the loc!l #ser inter"!ce in ! '#lti-tier istrib#te sol#tion. Win o+s 9or's is ! "r!'e+or% "or b#il ing Win o+s client !pplic!tions th!t

#tilize the co''on l!ng#!ge r#nti'e. Win o+s 9or's !pplic!tions c!n be +ritten in !ny l!ng#!ge th!t the co''on l!ng#!ge r#nti'e s#pports. Wh!t Is ! 9or'= A "or' is ! bit o" screen re!l est!te, #s#!lly rect!ng#l!r, th!t yo# c!n #se to present in"or'!tion to the #ser !n to !ccept inp#t "ro' the #ser. 9or's c!n be st!n !r

+in o+s, '#ltiple oc#'ent inter"!ce <)/I: +in o+s, i!log boxes, or ispl!y s#r"!ces "or gr!phic!l ro#tines. The e!siest +!y to e"ine the #ser inter"!ce "or ! "or' is to pl!ce controls on its s#r"!ce. 9or's !re ob$ects th!t expose properties +hich e"ine their !ppe!r!nce, 'etho s +hich e"ine their beh!vior, !n events +hich e"ine their

inter!ction +ith the #ser. 3y setting the properties o" the "or' !n +riting co e to respon to its events, yo# c#sto'ize the ob$ect to 'eet the req#ire'ents o" yo#r

!pplic!tion. As +ith !ll ob$ects in the .-.T 9r!'e+or%, "or's !re inst!nces o" cl!sses. The "or' yo# cre!te +ith the Win o+s 9or's /esigner is ! cl!ss, !n +hen yo# ispl!y !n inst!nce o" the "or' !t r#n ti'e, this cl!ss is the te'pl!te #se to cre!te the "or'. The "r!'e+or% !lso !llo+s yo# to inherit "ro' existing "or's to ! beh!vior. When yo# ! "#nction!lity or 'o i"y existing

! "or' to yo#r pro$ect, yo# c!n choose +hether it inherits "ro'

the #or' cl!ss provi e by the "r!'e+or%, or "ro' ! "or' yo# h!ve previo#sly cre!te . A ition!lly, "or's !re controls, bec!#se they inherit "ro' the Control cl!ss.

Within ! Win o+s 9or's pro$ect, the "or' is the pri'!ry vehicle "or #ser inter!ction. 3y co'bining i""erent sets o" controls !n +riting co e, yo# c!n elicit in"or'!tion "ro' the #ser !n respon to it, +or% +ith existing stores o" !t!, !n q#ery !n +rite b!c% to the "ile syste' !n registry on the #ser>s loc!l co'p#ter. Altho#gh the "or' c!n be cre!te entirely in the Co e . itor, it is e!sier to #se the Win o+s 9or's /esigner to cre!te !n 'o i"y "or's. So'e o" the ! v!nt!ges o" #sing Win o+s 9or's incl# e the "ollo+ing:

Si'p-icit0 (n+ power: Win o+s 9or's is ! progr!''ing 'o el "or eveloping Win o+s !pplic!tions th!t co'bines the si'plicity o" the Dis#!l 3!sic M.N progr!''ing 'o el +ith the po+er !n r#nti'e. "lexibility o" the co''on l!ng#!ge

Lower tot(- cost o& owners1ip: Win o+s 9or's t!%es ! v!nt!ge o" the versioning !n eploy'ent "e!t#res o" the co''on l!ng#!ge r#nti'e to o""er re #ce eploy'ent costs !n higher !pplic!tion rob#stness over ti'e. This signi"ic!ntly lo+ers the '!inten!nce costs <TC*: "or !pplic!tions +ritten in Win o+s 9or's.

Arc1itecture &or contro-s: Win o+s 9or's o""ers !n !rchitect#re "or controls !n control cont!iners th!t is b!se on concrete i'ple'ent!tion o" the control !n cont!iner cl!sses. This signi"ic!ntly re #ces control-cont!iner interoper!bility iss#es.

Securit0: Win o+s 9or's t!%es "#ll ! v!nt!ge o" the sec#rity "e!t#res o" the co''on l!ng#!ge r#nti'e. This 'e!ns th!t Win o+s 9or's c!n be #se i'ple'ent everything "ro' !n #ntr#ste control r#nning in the bro+ser to ! "#lly tr#ste is%. !pplic!tion inst!lle on ! #ser>s h!r

2 L *e3 services support: Win o+s 9or's o""ers "#ll s#pport "or q#ic%ly !n e!sily connecting to I)5 Web services.

Ric1 4r(p1ics: Win o+s 9or's is one o" the "irst ship vehicles "or (/IL, ! ne+ version o" the Win o+s (r!phic!l /evice Inter"!ce <(/I: th!t s#pports !lph! blen ing, text#re br#shes, ! v!nce tr!ns"or's, rich text s#pport, !n 'ore.

#-e5i3-e contro-s: Win o+s 9or's o""ers ! rich set o" controls th!t enco'p!ss !ll o" the controls o""ere by Win o+s. These controls !lso o""er ne+ "e!t#res, s#ch !s O"l!t loo%O styles "or b#ttons, r! io b#ttons, !n chec% boxes.

D(t( (w(reness: Win o+s 9or's o""ers "#ll s#pport "or the A/* !t! 'o el. Active2 contro- support: Win o+s 9or's o""ers "#ll s#pport "or ActiveI controls. Ho# c!n e!sily host ActiveI controls in ! Win o+s 9or's !pplic!tion. Ho# c!n !lso host ! Win o+s 9or's control !s !n ActiveI control.

Licensin4: Win o+s 9or's t!%es ! v!nt!ge o" the co''on l!ng#!ge r#nti'e enh!nce licensing 'o el.

Printin4: Win o+s 9or's o""ers ! printing "r!'e+or% th!t en!bles !pplic!tions to provi e co'prehensive reports.

Accessi3i-it0: Win o+s 9or's controls i'ple'ent the inter"!ces th!t s#pport !ccessibility !i s, s#ch !s screen re! ers.



)icroso"t Active Accessibility <)SAA:, +hich '!%e it si'ple to b#il !pplic!tions

Desi4n%ti'e support: Win o+s 9or's t!%es "#ll ! v!nt!ge o" the 'et!- !t! !n co'ponent 'o el "e!t#res o""ere by the co''on l!ng#!ge r#nti'e to provi e thoro#gh esign-ti'e s#pport "or both control #sers !n control i'ple'enters.


ADO.NET Overview

A/*.-.T is !n evol#tion o" the A/* !t! !ccess 'o el th!t irectly ! +eb +ith sc!l!bility, st!telessness, !n I)5 in 'in .

resses #ser

req#ire'ents "or eveloping sc!l!ble !pplic!tions. It +!s esigne speci"ic!lly "or the

A/*.-.T #ses so'e A/* ob$ects, s#ch !s the Connection !n Co''(n+ ob$ects, !n !lso intro #ces ne+ ob$ects. Bey ne+ A/*.-.T ob$ects incl# e the D(t(set, D(t(Re(+er, !n D(t(A+(pter. The i'port!nt istinction bet+een this evolve st!ge o" A/*.-.T !n previo#s !t! !rchitect#res is th!t there exists !n ob$ect -- the D(t(Set -- th!t is sep!r!te !n istinct "ro' !ny !t! stores. 3ec!#se o" th!t, the D(t(Set "#nctions !s ! st!n !lone entity. Ho# c!n thin% o" the /!t!Set !s !n !l+!ys isconnecte recor set th!t %no+s nothing !bo#t the so#rce or estin!tion o" the !t! it cont!ins. Insi e ! D(t(Set, '#ch li%e in ! !t!b!se, there !re t!bles, col#'ns, rel!tionships, constr!ints, vie+s, !n so "orth. A D(t(A+(pter is the ob$ect th!t connects to the !t!b!se to "ill the D(t(Set. Then, it connects b!c% to the !t!b!se to #p !te the !t! there, b!se on oper!tions per"or'e +hile the D(t(Set hel the !t!. In the p!st, !t! processing h!s been pri'!rily !pps 'ore e""icient, !t! ch#n%s o" connection-b!se . -o+, in !n e""ort to '!%e '#lti-tiere processing is t#rning to ! 'ess!ge-b!se

!ppro!ch th!t revolves !ro#n

in"or'!tion. At the center o" this !ppro!ch is the D(t(A+(pter, +hich provi es ! bri ge to retrieve !n s!ve !t! bet+een ! D(t(Set !n its so#rce !t! store. It !cco'plishes this by 'e!ns o" req#ests to the !ppropri!te SG5 co''!n s '! e !g!inst the !t! store. The I)5-b!se D(t(Set ob$ect provi es ! consistent progr!''ing 'o el th!t +or%s +ith !ll 'o els o" !t! stor!ge: "l!t, rel!tion!l, !n hier!rchic!l. It oes this by h!ving no >%no+le ge> o" the so#rce o" its !t!, !n by representing the !t! th!t it hol s !s

collections !n

!t! types. -o '!tter +h!t the so#rce o" the !t! +ithin the D(t(Set is, it

is '!nip#l!te thro#gh the s!'e set o" st!n !r A,Is expose thro#gh the D(t(Set !n its s#bor in!te ob$ects. While the D(t(Set h!s no %no+le ge o" the so#rce o" its !t!, the '!n!ge provi er h!s et!ile !n speci"ic in"or'!tion. The role o" the '!n!ge provi er is to connect, "ill, !n persist the D(t(Set to !n "ro' !t! stores. The *5. /3 !n SG5 Server .-.T /!t! ,rovi ers <Syste'./!t!.*le/b !n Syste'./!t!.SqlClient: th!t !re p!rt o" the .-et 9r!'e+or% provi e "o#r b!sic ob$ects: the Co''(n+, Connection, D(t(Re(+er !n D(t(A+(pter. In the re'!ining sections o" this oc#'ent, +e>ll +!l% thro#gh e!ch p!rt o" the D(t(Set !n the *5. /3ESG5 Server .-.T /!t! ,rovi ers expl!ining +h!t they !re, !n ho+ to progr!' !g!inst the'. The "ollo+ing sections +ill intro #ce yo# to so'e ob$ects th!t h!ve evolve , !n so'e th!t !re ne+. These ob$ects !re:

Connections. 9or connection to !n '!n!ging tr!ns!ctions !g!inst ! !t!b!se. Co''(n+s. 9or iss#ing SG5 co''!n s !g!inst ! !t!b!se. D(t(Re(+ers. 9or re! ing ! "or+!r -only stre!' o" !t! recor s "ro' ! SG5 Server !t! so#rce.

D(t(Sets. 9or storing, re'oting !n progr!''ing !g!inst "l!t !t!, I)5 !t! !n rel!tion!l !t!.

D(t(A+(pters. 9or p#shing !t! into ! D(t(Set, !n reconciling !t! !g!inst ! !t!b!se.

When e!ling +ith connections to ! !t!b!se, there !re t+o i""erent options: SG5 Server .-.T /!t! ,rovi er <Syste'./!t!.SqlClient: !n *5. /3 .-.T /!t! ,rovi er <Syste'./!t!.*le/b:. In these s!'ples +e +ill #se the SG5 Server .-.T /!t! ,rovi er.

These !re +ritten to t!l% irectly to )icroso"t SG5 Server. The *5. /3 .-.T /!t! ,rovi er is #se to t!l% to !ny *5. /3 provi er <!s it #ses *5. /3 #n erne!th:. Connections Connections !re #se to >t!l% to> !t!b!ses, !n !re respresente by provi er-speci"ic cl!sses s#ch !s S6LConnection. Co''!n s tr!vel over connections !n res#ltsets !re ret#rne in the "or' o" stre!'s +hich c!n be re! by ! D(t(Re(+er ob$ect, or p#she into ! D(t(Set ob$ect. Co''(n+s Co''!n s cont!in the in"or'!tion th!t is s#b'itte to ! !t!b!se, !n !re represente by provi er-speci"ic cl!sses s#ch !s S6LCo''(n+. A co''!n c!n be ! store proce #re c!ll, !n 8,/AT. st!te'ent, or ! st!te'ent th!t ret#rns res#lts. Ho# c!n !lso #se inp#t !n o#tp#t p!r!'eters, !n ret#rn v!l#es !s p!rt o" yo#r co''!n synt!x. The ex!'ple belo+ sho+s ho+ to iss#e !n I-S.4T st!te'ent !g!inst the Nort1win+ !t!b!se. D(t(Re(+ers The D(t(Re(+er ob$ect is so'e+h!t synony'o#s +ith ! re! -onlyE"or+!r -only c#rsor over !t!. The D(t(Re(+er A,I s#pports "l!t !s +ell !s hier!rchic!l !t!. A D(t(Re(+er ob$ect is ret#rne !"ter exec#ting ! co''!n !g!inst ! !t!b!se. The "or'!t o" the ret#rne D(t(Re(+er ob$ect is i""erent "ro' ! recor set. 9or ex!'ple, yo# 'ight #se the D(t(Re(+er to sho+ the res#lts o" ! se!rch list in ! +eb p!ge.

D(t(Sets (n+ D(t(A+(pters D(t(Sets The D(t(Set ob$ect is si'il!r to the A/* Recor+set ob$ect, b#t 'ore po+er"#l, !n +ith one other i'port!nt istinction: the D(t(Set is !l+!ys isconnecte . The D(t(Set ob$ect

represents ! c!che o"

!t!, +ith

!t!b!se-li%e str#ct#res s#ch !s t!bles, col#'ns, oes beh!ve '#ch

rel!tionships, !n constr!ints. 0o+ever, tho#gh ! D(t(Set c!n !n +ith !t!b!ses, or other so#rce !t!. This !llo+s the

li%e ! !t!b!se, it is i'port!nt to re'e'ber th!t D(t(Set ob$ects o not inter!ct irectly eveloper to +or% +ith ! progr!''ing 'o el th!t is !l+!ys consistent, reg!r less o" +here the so#rce !t! resi es. /!t! co'ing "ro' ! !t!b!se, !n I)5 "ile, "ro' co e, or #ser inp#t c!n !ll be pl!ce into D(t(Set ob$ects. Then, !s ch!nges !re '! e to the D(t(Set they c!n be tr!c%e !n veri"ie be"ore #p !ting the so#rce !t!. The "etC1(n4es 'etho o" the D(t(Set ob$ect !ct#!lly cre!tes ! secon D(tSet th!t cont!ins only the ch!nges to the !t!. This D(t(Set is then #se by ! D(t(A+(pter <or other ob$ects: to #p !te the origin!l !t! so#rce. The D(t(Set h!s '!ny I)5 ch!r!cteristics, incl# ing the !bility to pro #ce !n cons#'e I)5 !t! !n I)5 sche'!s. I)5 sche'!s c!n be #se to escribe sche'!s interch!nge vi! WebServices. In "!ct, ! D(t(Set +ith ! sche'! c!n !ct#!lly be co'pile "or type s!"ety !n st!te'ent co'pletion. D(t(A+(pters ,OLEDB7S6L/ The D(t(A+(pter ob$ect +or%s !s ! bri ge bet+een the D(t(Set !n the so#rce !t!. 8sing the provi er-speci"ic S)-D(t(A+(pter <!long +ith its !ssoci!te S)-Co''(n+ !n S)-Connection: c!n incre!se over!ll per"or'!nce +hen +or%ing +ith ! )icroso"t SG5 Server ob$ects. The D(t(A+(pter ob$ect #ses co''!n s to #p !te the !t! so#rce !"ter ch!nges h!ve been '! e to the D(t(Set. 8sing the #i-- 'etho o" the D(t(A+(pter c!lls the S.5.CT co''!n C #sing the Up+(te 'etho c!lls the I-S.4T, 8,/AT. or /.5.T. co''!n "or e!ch ch!nge ro+. Ho# c!n explicitly set these co''!n s in or er to control the st!te'ents #se !t r#nti'e to resolve ch!nges, incl# ing the #se o" store proce #res. 9or !t!b!ses. 9or other *5. /3-s#pporte !t!b!ses, yo# +o#l #se the O-eD3D(t(A+(pter ob$ect !n its !ssoci!te O-eD3Co''(n+ !n O-eD3Connection

! -hoc scen!rios, ! Co''(n+Bui-+er ob$ect c!n gener!te these !t r#n-ti'e b!se #pon ! select st!te'ent. 0o+ever, this r#n-ti'e gener!tion req#ires !n extr! ro#n -trip to the server in or er to g!ther req#ire 8,/AT., !n per"or'!nce. 1. A/*.-.T is the next evol#tion o" A/* "or the .-et 9r!'e+or%. ;. A/*.-.T +!s cre!te +ith n-Tier, st!telessness !n I)5 in the "ore"ront. T+o ne+ ob$ects, the D(t(Set !n D(t(A+(pter, !re provi e "or these scen!rios. ?. A/*.-.T c!n be #se to get !t! "ro' ! stre!', or to store !t! in ! c!che "or #p !tes. @. There is ! lot 'ore in"or'!tion !bo#t A/*.-.T in the oc#'ent!tion. A. 4e'e'ber, yo# c!n exec#te ! co''!n inserts, #p !tes, !n insert, #p !te, or elete it. M. Also, yo# c!n #se ! D(t(Set to bin to the !t!, 'ove thro#gh the !t!, !n n!vig!te !t! rel!tionships irectly !g!inst the !t!b!se in or er to o 'et! !t!, so explicitly provi ing the I-S.4T, esign ti'e +ill res#lt in better r#n-ti'e /.5.T. co''!n s !t

eletes. Ho# on>t nee to "irst p#t !t! into ! D(t(Set in or er to





R$#! PARA*$!M APPL$ *, -RA*,MO* L.

The t+o

esign ob$ectives contin#o#sly so#ght by

evelopers !re reli!bility !n

'!inten!nce. Re-i(3-e S0ste' There !re t+o levels o" reli!bility. The "irst is 'eeting the right req#ire'ents. A c!re"#l !n thro#gh syste's st# y is nee e to s!tis"y this !spect o" reli!bility. The secon level o" syste's reli!bility involves the !ct#!l +or%ing elivere to the #ser. At this level, the syste's reli!bility is inter+oven +ith so"t+!re engineering !n evelop'ent. There !re three !ppro!ches to reli!bility. 1. Error (voi+(nce: ,revents errors "ro' occ#rring in so"t+!re. ;. Error +etection (n+ correction: In this !ppro!ch errors !re recognize +henever they !re enco#ntere !n correcting the error by e""ect o" error, o" the syste' oes not "!il. ?. Error to-er(nce: In this !ppro!ch errors !re recognize +henever they occ#r, b#t en!bles the syste' to %eep r#nning thro#gh egr! e per"or' or by !pplying v!l#es th!t instr#ct the syste' to contin#e process. (inten(nce: The %ey to re #cing nee "or '!inten!nce, +hile +or%ing, i" possible to o essenti!l t!s%s. 1. )ore !cc#r!tely e"ining #ser req#ire'ent #ring syste' evelop'ent. ;. Asse'bling better syste's oc#'ent!tion. ?. 8sing 'ore e""ective 'etho s "or esigning, processing, login !n co''#nic!ting in"or'!tion +ith pro$ect te!' 'e'bers. @. )!%ing better #se o" existing tools !n techniq#es.

A. )!n!ging syste' engineering process e""ectively. Output Desi4n: *ne o" the 'ost i'port!nt "!ctors o" !n in"or'!tion syste' "or the #ser is the o#tp#t the syste' pro #ces. Witho#t the q#!lity o" the o#tp#t, the entire syste' '!y !ppe!r #nnecess!ry th!t +ill '!%e #s !voi #sing it possibly c!#sing it to "!il. /esigning the o#tp#t sho#l process the in !n org!nize +ell thro#gho#t the '!nner. The right o#tp#t '#st be evelope +hile ens#ring th!t e!ch o#tp#t ele'ent is esigne so th!t people +ill "in the syste' e!sy to #se e""ectively. The ter' o#tp#t !pplying to in"or'!tion pro #ce o#tp#t th!t is nee e syste'. by !n in"or'!tion syste' to present the +hether printe or ispl!ye +hile esigning the o#tp#t +e sho#l i enti"y the speci"ic to in"or'!tion req#ire'ents select ! 'etho "or'!tion !n cre!te ! oc#'ent report or other "or'!ts th!t cont!ins pro #ce by the

T0pes o& output: Whether the o#tp#t is "or'!tte report or ! si'ple listing o" the contents o" ! "ile, ! co'p#ter process +ill pro #ce the o#tp#t. A /oc#'ent A )ess!ge 4etriev!l "ro' ! !t! store

Tr!ns'ission "ro' ! process or syste' !ctivity /irectly "ro' !n o#tp#t so#rces L(0out Desi4n: It is !n !rr!nge'ent o" ite's on the o#tp#t 'e i#'. The l!yo#ts !re b#il ing ! 'oc% #p o" the !ct#!l reports or oc#'ent, !s it +ill !ppe!r !"ter the syste' is in oper!tion. The o#tp#t l!yo#t h!s been esign!te to cover in"or'!tion. The o#tp#ts !re presente in the !ppen ix. Input +esi4n (n+ contro-: Inp#t speci"ic!tions escribe the '!nner in +hich !t! enter the syste' "or processing. Inp#t esign "e!t#res +ill ens#re the reli!bility o" the syste's !n pro #ce res#lts "ro' !cc#r!te !t!, or th#s c!n be res#lt in the pro #ction o" erroneo#s in"or'!tion. The inp#t +henever the #ser c!n inter!ct e""iciently +ith this syste'. O3jectives o& input +esi4n: Inp#t esign consists o" eveloping speci"ic!tions !n proce #res "or !t! prep!r!tion, the steps necess!ry to p#t tr!ns!ction !t! into ! #s!ble "ro' "or processing !n esign !re: Controlling the !'o#nt o" inp#t Avoi ing el!y Avoi ing error in !t! Avoi ing extr! steps Beeping the process si'ple !t! entry, the !ctivity o" !t! into the co'p#ter processing. The "ive ob$ectives o" inp#t esign !lso eter'ines

Contro--in4 t1e ('ount o& input: /!t! prep!r!tion !n !t! entry oper!tion epen on people, bec!#se l!bo#r costs !re high, the cost o" prep!ring !n entering !t! is !lso high. 4e #cing !t! req#ire'ent expense. 3y re #cing inp#t req#ire'ent the spee o" entire process "ro' !t! c!pt#ring to processing to provi e res#lts to #sers. Avoi+in4 +e-(0: The processing el!y res#lting "ro' !t! prep!r!tion or !t! entry oper!tions is c!lle bottlenec%s. Avoi ing bottlenec%s sho#l be one ob$ective o" inp#t. Avoi+in4 errors: Thro#gh inp#t v!li !tion +e control the errors in the inp#t !t!. Avoi+in4 e5tr( steps: The esigner sho#l !voi the inp#t esign th!t c!#se extr! steps in processing s!ving or ! ing ! single step in l!rge n#'ber o" tr!ns!ctions s!ves ! lot o" processing ti'e or t!%es 'ore ti'e to process. 8eepin4 process si'p-e: I" controls !re 'ore people '!y "eel i""ic#lt in #sing the syste's. The best- esigne syste' "its the people +ho #se it in ! +!y th!t is co'"ort!ble "or the'. NOR ALI9ATION It is ! process o" converting ! rel!tion to ! st!n !r "or'. The process is #se to h!n le the proble's th!t c!n !rise #e to !t! re #n !ncy i.e. repetition o" !t! in the !t!b!se, '!int!in !t! integrity !s +ell !s h!n ling proble's th!t c!n !rise #e to insertion, #p !tion, eletion !no'!lies.

/eco'posing is the process o" splitting rel!tions into '#ltiple rel!tions to eli'in!te !no'!lies !n '!int!in !no'!lies !n '!int!in !t! integrity. To o this +e #se nor'!l "or's or r#les "or str#ct#ring rel!tion. Insertion (no'(-0: In!bility to ! !t! to the !t!b!se #e to !bsence o" other !t!.

De-etion (no'(-0: 8ninten e loss o" !t! #e to eletion o" other !t!. Up+(te (no'(-0: /!t! inconsistency res#lting "ro' !t! re #n !ncy !n p!rti!l #p !te Nor'(- #or's: These !re the r#les "or str#ct#ring rel!tions th!t eli'in!te !no'!lies.

#irst Nor'(- #or': A rel!tion is s!i to be in "irst nor'!l "or' i" the v!l#es in the rel!tion !re !to'ic "or every !ttrib#te in the rel!tion. 3y this +e 'e!n si'ply th!t no !ttrib#te v!l#e c!n be ! set o" v!l#es or, !s it is so'eti'es expresse , ! repe!ting gro#p. Secon+ Nor'(- #or': A rel!tion is s!i to be in secon -or'!l "or' is it is in "irst nor'!l "or' !n it sho#l s!tis"y !ny one o" the "ollo+ing r#les. 1: ,ri'!ry %ey is ! not ! co'posite pri'!ry %ey ;: -o non %ey !ttrib#tes !re present ?: .very non %ey !ttrib#te is "#lly "#nction!lly epen ent on "#ll set o" pri'!ry %ey. T1ir+ Nor'(- #or': A rel!tion is s!i epen encies. to be in thir nor'!l "or' i" their exits no tr!nsitive

Tr(nsitive Depen+enc0: I" t+o non %ey !ttrib#tes epen on e!ch other !s +ell !s on the pri'!ry %ey then they !re s!i to be tr!nsitively epen ent. The !bove nor'!liz!tion principles +ere !pplie to eco'pose the !t! in '#ltiple t!ble thereby '!%ing the !t! to be '!int!ine in ! consistent st!te.

D(t( Diction(r0
A"ter c!re"#lly #n erst!n ing the req#ire'ents o" the client the the entire !t! stor!ge req#ire'ents !re ivi e into t!bles. The belo+ t!bles !re nor'!lize to !voi !ny !no'!lies #ring the co#rse o" !t! entry. *ata *ictionary

After carefully understanding the requirements of the client the entire data storage requirements are divided into tables. The below tables are normalized to avoid any anomalies during the course of data entry.

TABLE NA)E: a:o6t;6s;9aster

COLU N NA E !btPi textPtop DATA TYPE int v!rch!r<)AI: CONSTRAINT ,4I)A4H B.H


TABLE NA)E: 2o93a7<;i7fo

COLU N NA E co'pPi ! ress telPno DATA TYPE int v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<1N: CONSTRAINT ,4I)A4H B.H

"!x e'!ilPi

v!rch!r<1N: v!rch!r<;N:

TABLE NA E: person(-$in&o
#IELD personPi hrPn!'e e'!ilPi 'obPno "!x

TYPE int v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<;N: v!rch!r<;N:


DATA TYPE int int v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: CONSTRAINT ,4I)A4H B.H

COLU N NA E co'p!nyPi $obPi co'p!nyPn!'e in #stry cont!ctPpersonPn!'e ! ress city st!te co#ntry pin e'!ilPi "ixe Pphone 'obilePphone "!x #serPn!'e p!ss+or

TABLE NA E: jo3$'(ster
COLU N NA E $obPi $obPhe! ing $obPtitle $obPco e DATA TYPE int v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: CONSTRAINT ,4I)A4H B.H

noPo"Pv!c!ncy s!l!ry gen er !ge experience $obPloc escP$ob l!stP !te !gree'ent

v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN:

TABLE NA E: consu-t(nc0in&o$'(ster
#IELD cons#lt!ncyPi $obPi consPn!'e constPn!'e ! ress city co#ntry st!te pin e'!il "ixPphone 'obPphone "!x !gree'ent #serPn!'e p+ TYPE int int v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: CONSTRAINT PRI ARY 8EY

TABLE NA E: cont(ct$re)uest
#IELD cons#lt!ncyPi co'p!nyPi n!'e #serPn!'e p+ TYPE int int v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: CONSTRAINT ,4I)A4H B.H

TABLE NA E: )uestion$c(te4or0$'(ster
#IELD q#esPc!tegoryPi TYPE int CONSTRAINT ,4I)A4H B.H



TABLE NA E: )uestion$'(ster
#IELD q#esPi q#esPc!tegoryPi q#esPc!tegoryPn!'e q#es !ns TYPE int v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<1NN: v!rch!r<ANN: CONSTRAINT ,4I)A4H B.H

TABLE NA E: resu'e$in&o
#IELD s#b'itPres#'ePi "#llPn!'e gen er ob ! ress cityi st!te p!ssPst!t#s res#'e pin e'!ilPi !ltPe'!ilPi "ixPphone 'obPphone '!rit!lPst!t#s Ac! e'icPi +or%Pst!t#s experience esign!tion s!l!ry c#rrency #serPn!'e p!ss+or 1 p!ss+or ; #pPres#'e !gree'ent TYPE int v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<ANNN: v!rch!r<AN: CONSTRAINT ,4I)A4H B.H

TABLE NA)E: a2a=e9i29aster

COLU N NA E Ac! e'icPi APq#!li"ic!tion DATA TYPE int v!rch!r<AN: CONSTRAINT ,4I)A4H B.H

TABLE NA)E: 2it<9aster

COLU N NA E cityi cityn!'e DATA TYPE int v!rch!r<AN: CONSTRAINT ,4I)A4H B.H

TABLE NA E: (+'in$-o4in
#IELD i n!'e ! ress ob TYPE int v!rch!r<AN: v!rch!r<1AN: v!rch!r<AN: CONSTRAINT ,4I)A4H B.H

R *iagram/
!E"R diagram are used to organi#e data as a relation$ normali#ing relations and finall% obtaining a relational database model&. Elements of an E"R diagram are: '. #T$T0: (is specifies t(e real life objects ) is represented as:

*. R LAT$O#S1$PS:

(ese connect entities ) establis( meaningful

dependencies between t(em and are represented b%:

+. ATTR$2UT S: b%

(e% specif% t(e properties of entities ) are represented

R *$!RAM
co'p!nyPn!' e co'p(n0$i+ cont!ctPper sonPn!'e ! ress jo3$i+


$obPhe! ing $ob title $ob co e noPo"Pv!c!nc y s!l!ry

Co'p(n0 in&o$'(ster

*a s


*a s

A cons#lt!ncyPi co'p!nyPi

*a s


consu-t(nc0in&o$ '(ster

#serPn!' e

*a s
! ress

$obPi consPn!'e consu-t(nc0$i +

cont(ct$re)uest$i +

"#llPn!' e gen er su3'it$resu'e$i+ ob ! res

cityn!'e cit0i+


*a s


*a s



DA A ,-./ D0A1RA2:
A !t! "lo+ i!gr!' is gr!phic!l tool #se to escribe !n !n!lyze 'ove'ent o" !t! thro#gh ! syste'. These !re the centr!l tool !n the b!sis "ro' +hich the other co'ponents !re evelope . escribe The tr!ns"or'!tion o" !t! "ro' inp#t to o#tp#t, thro#gh processe , '!y be +ith the syste'. logic!lly !n in epen ently o" physic!l co'ponents !ssoci!te

These !re %no+n !s the logic!l !t! "lo+ i!gr!'s. The physic!l !t! "lo+ i!gr!'s sho+ the !ct#!l i'ple'ents !n 'ove'ent o" !t! bet+een people, ep!rt'ents !n +or%st!tions. A "#ll escription o" ! syste' !ct#!lly consists o" ! set o" !t! "lo+ i!gr!'s. 8sing t+o "!'ili!r not!tions Ho#r on, (!ne !n S!rson not!tion evelops the !t! "lo+ i!gr!'s. .!ch co'ponent in ! /9/ is l!bele +ith ! escriptive n!'e. ,rocess is "#rther i enti"ie +ith ! n#'ber th!t +ill be #se "or i enti"ic!tion p#rpose. The evelop'ent o" /9/&s is one in sever!l levels. .!ch process in lo+er level i!gr!'s c!n be bro%en o+n into ! 'ore et!ile /9/ in the next level. The lop-level i!gr!' is o"ten c!lle context i!gr!'. It consists ! single process bit, +hich pl!ys vit!l role in st# ying the c#rrent syste'. The process in the context level i!gr!' is explo e into other process !t the "irst level /9/. The i e! behin the explosion o" ! process into 'ore process is th!t #n erst!n ing !t one level o" et!il is explo e into gre!ter et!il !t the next level. This is one #ntil "#rther

explosion is necess!ry !n !n ! eq#!te !'o#nt o" et!il is escribe "or !n!lyst to #n erst!n the process. 5!rry Const!ntine "irst evelope the /9/ !s ! +!y o" expressing syste' req#ire'ents in ! gr!phic!l "ro', this le! to the 'o #l!r esign. A /9/ is !lso %no+n !s ! 1b#bble Ch!rt6 h!s the p#rpose o" cl!ri"ying syste' req#ire'ents !n i enti"ying '!$or tr!ns"or'!tions th!t +ill beco'e progr!'s in syste' esign. So it is the st!rting point o" the esign to the lo+est level o" et!il. A /9/ consists o" ! series o" b#bbles $oine by !t! "lo+s in the syste'.

D#D SY BOLS: In the /9/, there !re "o#r sy'bols 1. A sq#!re e"ines ! so#rce<origin!tor: or estin!tion o" syste' !t! ;. An !rro+ i enti"ies !t! "lo+. It is the pipeline thro#gh +hich the in"or'!tion "lo+s ?. A circle or ! b#bble represents ! process th!t tr!ns"or's inco'ing !t! "lo+ into o#tgoing !t! "lo+s. @. An open rect!ngle is ! !t! store, !t! !t rest or ! te'por!ry repository o" !t! ,rocess th!t tr!ns"or's !t! "lo+.

So#rce or /estin!tion o" !t!

/!t! "lo+

/!t! Store CONSTRUCTIN" A D#D: Sever!l r#les o" th#'b !re #se in r!+ing /9/&s: 1. ,rocess sho#l be n!'e !n n#'bere "or !n e!sy re"erence. .!ch n!'e sho#l be represent!tive o" the process. ;. The irection o" "lo+ is "ro' top to botto' !n "ro' le"t to right. /!t! Tr! ition!lly "lo+ "ro' so#rce to the estin!tion !ltho#gh they '!y "lo+ b!c% to the so#rce. *ne +!y to in ic!te this is to r!+ long "lo+ line b!c% to ! so#rce. An !ltern!tive +!y is to repe!t the so#rce sy'bol !s ! estin!tion. Since it is #se 'ore th!n once in the /9/ it is '!r%e +ith ! short i!gon!l. ?. When ! process is explo e into lo+er level et!ils, they !re n#'bere . @. The n!'es o" !t! stores !n estin!tions !re +ritten in c!pit!l letters. ,rocess !n !t!"lo+ n!'es h!ve the "irst letter o" e!ch +or% c!pit!lize A /9/ typic!lly sho+s the 'ini'#' contents o" !t! store. .!ch !t! store sho#l cont!in !ll the !t! ele'ents th!t "lo+ in !n o#t. G#estionn!ires sho#l cont!in !ll the !t! ele'ents th!t "lo+ in !n o#t. )issing inter"!ces re #n !ncies !n li%e is then !cco#nte "or o"ten thro#gh intervie+s.

SAILENT #EATURES O# D#D:s 1. The /9/ sho+s "lo+ o" !t!, not o" control loops !n ecision !re controlle

consi er!tions o not !ppe!r on ! /9/. ;. The /9/ oes not in ic!te the ti'e "!ctor involve in !ny process +hether the !t!"lo+s t!%e pl!ce !ily, +ee%ly, 'onthly or ye!rly. ?. The seq#ence o" events is not bro#ght o#t on the /9/. TYPES O# DATA #LO* DIA"RA S 1. C#rrent ,hysic!l ;. C#rrent 5ogic!l ?. -e+ 5ogic!l @. -e+ ,hysic!l CURRENT P;YSICAL: In C#rrent ,hysic!l /9/ proecess l!bel incl# e the n!'e o" people or their positions or the n!'es o" co'p#ter syste's th!t 'ight provi e so'e o" the over!ll syste'-processing l!bel incl# es !n i enti"ic!tion o" the technology #se to process the !t!. Si'il!rly !t! "lo+s !n "or's or co'p#ter t!pes. CURRENT LO"ICAL: !t! stores !re o"ten l!bels +ith the n!'es o" the !ct#!l physic!l 'e i! on +hich !t! !re store s#ch !s "ile "ol ers, co'p#ter "iles, b#siness

The physic!l !spects !t the syste' !re re'ove !s '#sh !s possible so th!t the c#rrent syste' is re #ce to its essence to the !t! !n the processors th!t tr!ns"or' the' reg!r less o" !ct#!l physic!l "or'. NE* LO"ICAL: This is ex!ctly li%e ! c#rrent logic!l 'o el i" the #ser +ere co'pletely h!ppy +ith he #ser +ere co'pletely h!ppy +ith the "#nction!lity o" the c#rrent syste' b#t h! proble's +ith ho+ it +!s i'ple'ente typic!lly thro#gh the ne+ logic!l 'o el +ill i""er "ro' c#rrent logic!l 'o el +hile h!ving ! re'ov!l !n ine""icient "lo+s recognize . NE* P;YSICAL: The ne+ physic!l represents only the physic!l i'ple'ent!tion o" the ne+ syste'. RULES "O!ERNIN" T;E D#D:S PROCESS 1: -o process c!n h!ve only o#tp#ts. ;: -o process c!n h!ve only inp#ts. I" !n ob$ect h!s only inp#ts th!n it '#st be ! sin%. ?: A process h!s ! verb phr!se l!bel. ition!l "#nctions, !bsol#te "#nction


1: /!t! c!nnot 'ove irectly "ro' one !t! store to !nother !t! store, ! process '#st 'ove !t!. ;: /!t! c!nnot 'ove irectly "ro' !n o#tsi e so#rce to ! !t! store, ! process, +hich receives, '#st 'ove !t! "ro' the so#rce !n pl!ce the !t! into !t! store ?: A !t! store h!s ! no#n phr!se l!bel. SOURCE OR SIN8 The origin !n Eor estin!tion o" !t!. 1: /!t! c!nnot 'ove irely "ro' ! so#rce to sin% it '#st be 'ove by ! process ;: A so#rce !n Eor sin% h!s ! no#n phr!se l!n ATA %LO& 1: A /!t! 9lo+ h!s only one irection o" "lo+ bet+een sy'bol. It '!y "lo+ in both irections bet+een ! process !n ! !t! store to sho+ ! re! be"ore !n #p !te. The l!ter is #s#!lly in ic!te ho+ever by t+o sep!r!te !rro+s since these h!ppen !t i""erent type. ;: A $oin in /9/ 'e!ns th!t ex!ctly the s!'e !t! co'es "ro' !ny o" t+o or 'ore i""erent processes !t! store or sin% to ! co''on loc!tion. ?: A !t! "lo+ c!nnot go irectly b!c% to the s!'e process it le! s. There '#st be !tle!st one other process th!t h!n les the !t! "lo+ pro #ce so'e other !t! "lo+ ret#rns the origin!l !t! into the beginning process. @: A /!t! "lo+ to ! !t! store 'e!ns #p !te < elete or ch!nge:. A: A !t! 9lo+ "ro' ! !t! store 'e!ns retrieve or #se. A !t! "lo+ h!s ! no#n phr!se l!bel 'ore th!n one !t! "lo+ no#n phr!se c!n !ppe!r on ! single !rro+ !s long !s !ll o" the "lo+s on the s!'e !rro+ 'ove together !s one p!c%!ge.

ata %lo>




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q#estionPc!tegory $'(ster



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TESTIN" A. 8-IT T.STI-( <A5,0A, 3.TA: 3. 35ACB 3*I C. W0IT. 3*I T.STI-( /. I-T.(4ATI*- T.STI-( .. SHST.) T.STI-(
Testi7g is a process used to help identi#y the correctness, co%pleteness and /uality o# developed co%puter so#tware. 6ith that in %ind, testing can never co%pletely establish the correctness o# co%puter so#tware.


Alp(a testing: esting conducted b% client at de3eloper4s site.

0eta testing) Testing conducted by client at cuto%erDs site.

B-A56 B.7 testing ta8es an e9ternal perspecti3e of t(e test object to deri3e test cases. (ese tests can be functional or non"functional$ t(oug( usuall% functional. (e test designer selects 3alid and in3alid input and determines t(e correct output. (ere is no 8nowledge of t(e test object4s internal structure.

(is met(od of test design is applicable to all le3els of software testing: unit$ integration$ functional testing$ s%stem and acceptance. (e (ig(er t(e le3el$ and (ence t(e bigger and more comple9 t(e bo9$ t(e more one is forced to use blac8 bo9 testing to simplif%. /(ile t(is met(od can unco3er unimplemented parts of t(e specification$ one cannot be sure t(at all e9istent pat(s are tested.

C. W0IT. 3*I T.STI-(

6hite bo. testing is a testing %ethod that can be used to validate whether code i%ple%entation #ollows intended design, to validate i%ple%ented security #unctionality, and to uncover e.ploitable vulnerabilities.

/.I-T.(4ATI*- T.STI-(
0ntegration testing is a logical e9tension of unit testing. 0n its simplest form$ two units t(at (a3e alread% been tested are combined into a component and t(e interface between t(em is tested. A component$ in t(is sense$ refers to an integrated aggregate of more t(an one unit. 0n a realistic scenario$ man% units are combined into components$ w(ic( are in turn aggregated into e3en larger parts of t(e program. (e idea is to test combinations of pieces and e3entuall% e9pand t(e process to test %our modules wit( t(ose of ot(er groups. E3entuall% all t(e modules ma8ing up a process are tested toget(er. Be%ond t(at$ if t(e program is composed of more t(an one process$ t(e% s(ould be tested in pairs rat(er t(an all at once.



During syste% testing the syste% is used e.peri%entally used to ensure that the so#tware does not #ail, i.e., it will run according to its speci#ication and in the way the users e.pect. Special test data are input #or processing and the results e.a%ined. A li%ited nu%ber o# users %ay be allowed to use the syste% to see whether they try to use it in un#oreseen ways. t is pre#erable to discover any surprises be#ore the organiEation i%ple%ents the syste%.
:ere in t(is project !!LO2AL MA#A! M #T S0ST M& we used t(e unit testing i.e Alfa testing and Beta esting for its eac( modules and finall% we (a3e tested b% 0ntegration esting for t(e total s%stem.



The two design objectives continuously sought by developers are reliability and %aintenance.
Relia:le S<ste9

There are two levels o# reliability. The #irst is %eeting the right re/uire%ents. A care#ul and through syste%s study is needed to satis#y this aspect o# reliability. The second level o# syste%s reliability involves the actual working delivered to the user. At this level, the syste%s reliability is interwoven with so#tware engineering and develop%ent. There are three approaches to reliability.
@. Error aBoi=a72e: Prevents errors #ro% occurring in so#tware. :. Error =ete2tio7 a7= 2orre2tio7: n this approach errors are recogniEed whenever they are encountered and correcting the error by e##ect o# error, o# the syste% does not #ail. F. Error tolera72e: n this approach errors are recogniEed whenever they occur, but enables the syste% to keep running through degraded per#or% or by applying values that instruct the syste% to continue process. )ai7te7a72e: The key to reducing need #or %aintenance, while working, i# possible to do essential tasks. F. "ore accurately de#ining user re/uire%ent during syste% develop%ent. G. Asse%bling better syste%s docu%entation. ?. 'sing %ore e##ective %ethods #or designing, processing, login and co%%unicating in#or%ation with project tea% %e%bers. B. "aking better use o# e.isting tools and techni/ues. =;. "anaging syste% engineering process e##ectively. O6t36t esig7:

One o# the %ost i%portant #actors o# an in#or%ation syste% #or the user is the output the syste% produces. 6ithout the /uality o# the output, the entire syste% %ay appear unnecessary that will %ake us avoid using it possibly causing it to #ail.

Designing the output should process the in an organiEed well throughout the %anner. The right output %ust be developed while ensuring that each output ele%ent is designed so that people will #ind the syste% easy to use e##ectively.
The ter% output applying to in#or%ation produced by an in#or%ation syste% whether printed or displayed while designing the output we should identi#y the speci#ic output that is needed to in#or%ation re/uire%ents select a %ethod to present the #or%ation and create a docu%ent report or other #or%ats that contains produced by the syste%. T<3es of o6t36t:
6hether the output is #or%atted report or a si%ple listing o# the contents o# a #ile, a co%puter process will produce the output.

A Docu%ent A "essage &etrieval #ro% a data store Trans%ission #ro% a process or syste% activity Directly #ro% an output sources esig7:


t is an arrange%ent o# ite%s on the output %ediu%. The layouts are building a %ock up o# the actual reports or docu%ent, as it will appear a#ter the syste% is in operation. The output layout has been designated to cover in#or%ation. The outputs are presented in the appendi..

I736t =esig7 a7= 2o7trol:

nput speci#ications describe the %anner in which data enter the syste% #or processing. nput design #eatures will ensure the reliability o# the syste%s and produce results #ro% accurate data, or thus can be

result in the production o# erroneous in#or%ation. The input design also deter%ines whenever the user can interact e##iciently with this syste%.
O:Ce2tiBes of i736t =esig7:
nput design consists o# developing speci#ications and procedures #or data preparation, the steps necessary to put transaction data into a usable #ro% #or processing and data entry, the activity o# data into the co%puter processing. The #ive objectives o# input design are)

$ontrolling the a%ount o# input Avoiding delay

Avoiding error in data Avoiding e.tra steps Heeping the process si%ple

Co7trolli7g the a9o67t of i736t:

Data preparation and data entry operation depend on people, because labour costs are high, the cost o# preparing and entering data is also high. &educing data re/uire%ent e.pense. 0y reducing input re/uire%ent the speed o# entire process #ro% data capturing to processing to provide results to users.

ABoi=i7g =ela<:
The processing delay resulting #ro% data preparation or data entry operations is called bottlenecks. Avoiding bottlenecks should be one objective o# input.

ABoi=i7g errors: Through input validation we control the errors in the input data. ABoi=i7g e?tra ste3s:
The designer should avoid the input design that cause e.tra steps in processing saving or adding a single step in large nu%ber o# transactions saves a lot o# processing ti%e or takes %ore ti%e to process.

Dee3i7g 3ro2ess si93le)

# controls are %ore people %ay #eel di##icult in using the syste%s. The best1designed syste% #its the people who use it in a way that is co%#ortable #or the%.

The project has been appreciated by all the users in the organiEation. t is easy to use, since it uses the +!I provided in the user dialog. 'ser #riendly screens are provided. The usage o# so#tware increases the e##iciency, decreases the e##ort. t has been thoroughly tested and i%ple%ented. Any endeavor is inco%plete without the spirit o# tea%work and the &SAT is no di##erent.

The syste' sho#l provi e the "ollo+ing reports:

1. Session +ise pl!nt "or'!tion. ;.C!tegories +ise pl!nt "or'!tion. ?.-e+ sche'e pl!nt "or'!tion. @.4eport on 'e'ber o" e'ployee A. Involve in pro$ect. 0mplementation of securit% mec(anisms at 3arious le3els
According to securit% we pro3ide securit% our application b% using asp.net securit% le3els li8e

'. A#thentic!tion *. A#thoriz!tion +. I'person!tion

It is the process o" v!li !ting the i entity o" ! #ser to !llo+ or eny ! req#est R@,S,1NT. This involves !ccepting cre enti!ls <e.g. #sern!'e !n p!ss+or : "ro' the #sers !n v!li !ting it !g!inst ! esign!te !#thority. A"ter the i entity is veri"ie !n v!li !te , the #ser is consi ere to be leg!l !n the reso#rce req#est is "#l"ille .

;. A#thoriz!tion
: the process o" ens#ring th!t #sers +ith v!li i entity !re !llo+e to !ccess speci"ic reso#rces.


: this process en!bles !n !pplic!tion to ens#re the i entity o" the #ser, !n in t#rn '!%e req#est to the other reso#rces. Access to reso#rces +ill be gr!nte or enie b!se on the i entity th!t is being i'person!te .

,; ;RE S5.PE ., PR.<E5

The pro$ect h!s 'et the st!n !r s req#ire to +or% !t Stoc% '!inten!nce 7 Selection ,rocess. I" the b#siness policies re'!ins s!'e the pro$ect c!n be porte to !ny co'p!ny +ith 'inor ch!nges in the +or%ing proce #re o" the pro$ect. The pro$ect c!n be #se !s !n !v!il!bility to evelop ! pro$ect "or ! i""erent co'p!ny +ith i""erent b#siness logic +here in the co''on!lties in cert!in !re!s re'!in the s!'e !t !ny b#siness level. 3y #sing the co''on "e!t#res in "#t#re evelop'ent the evelop'ent ti'e !s +ell !s the cost o" evelop'ent c!n be ecre!se consi er!bly. 3y shi"ting the pro$ect to the )obile b!se .nviron'ent thro#gh )icroso"t.-et Co'p!ct 9r!'e+or% the pro$ect c!n be '! e into ! +i er r!nge by +hich the restrictions o" the so"t+!re 7 h!r +!re req#ire'ents c!n be sc!le o+n.

SO"T%AR #!$# R$#! B% Roger.S. Pressman ASP'# T %ro3 Publication 4$SUAL 2AS$C'# T 2lac) 2oo) B% E3angeleous Petereous S&L "OR PRO" SS$O#ALS B% <ain MS*# 5665 B% 2icrosoft

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