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Quad Coaxial cable



Caution! (This gets pretty deep, and very technical) Very Long & ra!n "ut! # apologi$e in advance i% it&s too 'uch( )ou have been !arned!

Let 'e ta*e a 'o'ent to explain so'ething to you in detail about (!ire+cable) construction( This is !hat you should loo* %or in ALL types o% audio, video, digital, and data trans'ission (!ire+cables), -. COPPER! Copper is the best conductor o% electrical signals that !e use today((gold & platinu' aren&t used %or obvious reasons) Copper is the *ey to superior per%or'ance( The 'ore copper the better( The best quality (!ire+cables) use as close to 100% PURE OXYGEN FREE COPPER as possible( / pure copper center conductor is the %irst thing to loo* %or( #t has a lo!er signal0loss0per0%oot ratio than non0copper conductors( BE CAREFUL , 'ost lo!er priced (!ire+cables) use 1copper clad steel1 !hich is a %ancy !ay o% saying it&s electroplated((so'e actually alloy it !ith copper to give the appearance o% pure copper) They do this, because it&s cheaper to 'a*e a carbon steel conductor and plate or alloy it !ith copper, than it is to 'a*e a .223 pure oxygen %ree copper conductor( There%ore, they can charge less %or 'ore !ire((4xa'ple, 562 %or 622%t o% RG-6) 7ut un%ortunately robin, in the real !orld, there is no %ree lunch( Yo !et "#at yo pay $or% /nd !ith copper clad steel conductors you get rust( The !ire+cable, %ro' the 'o'ent you cut and ter'inate it, !ill start to oxidi$e( #t !on&t happen overnight, but it !ill happen in 8ust a %e! short years( /nd as* yousel% 9hy the shipping o% lengthy cables %ro' china is not expensive, and the ans!er !ill be, because it:s not heavy! There isn:t 'uch copper inside it it:s alu'inu' !ith less than ;23 braid! -< &'(EL)(NG(i% it has any) =ost !ire+cable 'anu%acturers use in%erior 'aterials and design techniques to bloc* un!anted inter%erence and noise *RF+E,(- %ro' entering the cable and co'pro'ising the signal that is passing through the center conductor( #t can 'a*e a dra'atic i'pact on the quality o% your signal, regardless o% the source((audio or video) The 'ost co''on 'aterial used in shield construction is al ./0 .( =ost coaxial cables have at least < shields( The best cables have >( They are called $o/l and 1ra/d( The %oil shield is al'ost al!ays alu'inu'((so #&ll concentrate on the 'ore i'portant braid shield) #t is 'ade o% alu'inu',steel, or copper( The proble' !ith alu'inu' is that it doesn&t have the ability to bloc* noise as !ell as copper( /lso, although alu'inu' does not rust li*e steel, it does ho!ever corrode((brea*do!n) /nd !hen it starts to corrode, it&s protection o% the center conductor is co'pro'ised( #&ve replaced cables only ; years old that !ere basically disintegrating %ro' the inside out because they used a cable !ith alu'inu', steel, or !orse 2t/02 braided shields( 7raided shields are rated according to the total a'ount sur%ace area it covers( #% a cable states that

it has ;23 shield coverage( That&s not very good protection %ro' noise at all( The best built cables have shield coverage protection in the ?60?@3 range((very tightly !oven) The =onster Cable and 7elden cables 'eet this criteria( They cost 'ore 'oney because they use all o% the best 'aterials and engineering practices that go in to 'a*ing a good cable( -A (,PE)ANCE (#n "h's) C"/B / cable&s i'pedance 'ust re'ain constant %ro' connection to connection in order to preserve the original signal( The !ire and connectors . 3t have the sa'e resistance load or 'axi'u' per%or'ance cannot be achieved( #% you ter'inate your o!n !ires ,'a*e sure that the connectors that you&ll be using 'atch( (4xa'ple, C60"h' coax !ire D C60 "h' connectorsE C6 "h' signal() 7uy cable that can 'eet these standards and you !on&t have to do it again %or a very, very long ti'e( Chec* out these places on the !eb %or cable product in%o, =onster Cable(co' "necall(co' (online store) 7elden(co' (!ith their product catalog search engine loo* up FG;) Crutch%ield(co' (online store) Fobin, #&' sorry but #&' going to have to leave soon or #&ll be late %or !or* ( The ans!ers to your latest questions, % Ho, # don&t thin* you should buy any 'ore o% that !ire((# didn&t see a na'e brand listed, not a good sign() % CL< is a (H4C) !iring code standard that applies to residential applications( % CLA is a (H4C) !iring code standard that applies to co''ercial applications( % )es, technically you could use this !ire to 'a*e co'ponent cables, but # !ould suggest that you use stranded !ire !ith a copper braided shield((no longer than <6 %eet # hope!) Tip, /ny C60"h' coax cable can be used to 'a*e a co'posite video, digital audio, or co'ponent video cable( 9I49!!! # sure hope this helps you understand this better, or did # 8ust con%use you 'oreJ # tried to si'pli%y it so'e!hat( "h !ell, ta*e !hat you can %ro' it and #&ll thro! the rest out !ith to'orro!s& trash(

Iave to go no! robin, 'ay get to post again late tonight but can&t pro'ise anything( #&' going to be very busy(

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