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Pl. XIV N. Passage West Wall This scene shows the eleventh division of the Duat.

It occurs in other places, but perhaps one of the best representations is on the sarcophagus of Set I. The scene is divided, as is usual, into three registers! the "iddle one #$% representing the wa of the solar boat, which is preceded b various divinities, the upper #&% and lower #'% registers represent the ban(s of the river on which the boat floats. & crocodile)headed god leads the wa ! he holds a uas)sceptre in his right hand, and in his left, which is behind his bac(, is a serpent. *ight wo"en seated on coiled serpents, one hand resting on the serpent+s head, the other holding a star. These are the stars of dawn, and are called ,&ll the stars which are in Nut., Three haw()headed figures standing. Their na"es are Sopd, an al"ost obliterated word, which reads Shenebt on the sarcophagus of Set . -our ra")headed figures standing, called respectivel , .hnu", Pe)neter, Dend, and $ai. The inscription is the sa"e as that on the sarcophagus of Set , which has been translated b /. 0efebure ,..Not arrives 1a. Those who are in this scene, their sceptres are in their hands, it is the who "a(e fir" the shrine, their two ar"s being at the side of the bod which is in the Double $oat of the god, after issuing fro" the gate of the land of S"a. The place the oars in heaven 2when3 the hour which is in front 2i.e. the future3 co"es into being...Those who are in this scene, their serpents being under the", their hands holding stars, the issue fro" the double sanctuar of this great god, two to the east and two to the west. It is the who worship their souls of the east. The offer praises to this god, the worship hi" after his going forth, and Sedeti 2when3 he issues in his shapes. It is the who lead this god! the adore this god, the 4 to the", their serpents rising upwards behind hi" in this scene. 5e advances at their advance! the ta(e their station before this god. The turn round the gods at this gate4.. 6f &"entet, The "eaning of the concluding sentence is not clear! I have therefore not translated it. & god standing, holding a uas)sceptre in one hand and an an(h in the other. 5is na"e is Sebe(lui, ,5e of the P lon., Two wo"en standing, wearing the crowns of 7pper and 0ower *g pt. Their na"es are not at all clear in "eaning, and the sarcophagus of Set gives no help. -our "on(e s, each holding a gigantic hand, /esunant, ,The children of the roads., Then co"es a sna(e chained to the earth with four chains fastened with hoo(s shaped li(e the hierogl ph for S. This is &pep, the serpent of evil, the ene" of 6siris and the gods. &dvancing towards hi" are eight figures, four 8ac(al)headed and four hu"an) headed, each carr ing a (nife and a hoo( of the shape. The inscription reads9 ,. . . . The children when the stri(e hi", the rest in Nut. Those who are in this scene, the spread out his chains. It is that his teeth are in heaven. &nd his poison goes down to &"entet. Those who are in this scene, it is the who establish 1a in the eastern hori:on of heaven. The direct this god, their staves ;

#<% in #<% their hands, two to the left and two to the right, in the two sanctuaries of this god. The go forth behind hi", praising his soul 2when3 the see it. It is the who "a(e fir" his dis(. Those who are in this scene, the turn the"selves towards this p lon of Duat 25i" of the Duat3, opening the caverns and "a(ing fir" their secret p lons. The souls, the arise behind hi"., & cat )headed god holding a uas)sceptre in his right hand! in his left, which is behind his bac(, is a lotus. 6n the sarcophagus of Set the god holds a serpent. The na"e is /aut , ,5e of the cat., -our "en bowing called &uit u. -our wo"en standing, #(e% b ut, ,The "ourners., -our wo"en wearing the crown of 0ower *g pt, and four wearing the crown of 7pper *g pt. The inscription reads9 ,4..behind hi", their bodies are in their place. Those who are in this scene, na"ing 1a! great are the na"es of his transfor"ations. Their souls, the ascend behind hi", when their bodies re"ain in their place. Those who are in this scene raise up truth and "a(e it fir" in the shrine of 1a when he sets in Nut. Their souls, the ascend behind hi", their bodies re"ain in their place. Those who are in this scene, it is the who fi= the duration of ti"e, and "a(e the ears to co"e into e=istence for the guardians of the desolate ones in the Duat and for the 0iving 6nes in heaven, na"el , the who follow this god. Those who are in this scene in this p lon, the are uncovered as to their hair before this great god in &"entet. The turn the"selves towards this p lon, entering not into heaven. Those who are in this scene the worship 1a, the offer praises to hi", the adore hi" when the worship the gods who are in the Duat and the gate(eepers of the secret places. The re"ain in their place. The door(eeper of the cavern #>erert% re"ains in his place.,

@ &ll figures which occur between asteris(s @ are put in fro" notes, the inscriptions on this plate are also fro" a hand cop and are not in facsi"ile

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