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COCKTAILS (A toast is given, "Salute 'sa-looh-tay' meaning "to your health.") ANTIPASTO (Before the pasta) Melon and Pros iutto (!talian "am) (P!#$ %&!%!$ '!#() ZUPPA DI POLLO, D'ESCAROLA, CON POLPETTINI ()hi *en Soup +ith (s arole and ,iny Meat-alls) (BA&.$/!#$ '!#() LASAGNE AGNELLO EL FORNO (&oasted lam-) CARCIOFI DORATI (%olden Arti ho*es) INSALATA (een-sah-lah-tah) (Salad) ) ) Served at one ourse ) ) ) ) )

ITALIAN BREAD TORTA DOLCI ()ream Pie) FORMAGGIO E FRUTTI ()heese and 0ruit) ESPRESSO (.emi tasse +ith lemon peel) LIQUORE ($ptional) (/i1ueur or after dinner drin*) (Anisette, %alliano, Benedi tine, )ogna are ustomary)

-20&$M .A3!.'S M$M4 5ou must remem-er that +hile your guests are en6oying this menu, +hi h ! hope you +ill, that the re ipes have -een developed to the palate of the 0loren7ano family. !, Mrs. 0loren7ano, have tried to prepare this menu for you as up until this time ! have not had any re ipes on paper8 "aving no re ipes, and as the spirit moves me. ! sometimes add her-s and spi es that ! ould never pinpoint at this +riting. Antipasto, the plural for antipasto, is the appeti7er for an !talian meal and means -efore the pasta. An antipasto may -e as simple or ela-orate as you +ish to ma*e it. A good antipasto, therefore, should -e a om-ination of tid-its that +ill su essfully +het the appetite for the oming meal9 you should al+ays *eep the main ourse in mind as you hoose the ingredients for the antipasto. $ne should e:er ise imagination and ingenuity in offering to your guests; olorful and appealing antipasti. ,he antipasto may -e served in a large platter, family style, or, individual helpings on a salad plate. !t an also -e a fruit up of fresh fruits in season. ,he most popular is lettu e, olives, elery, heese, an hovies, pros iutto and salami. 0or this menu, ! have sele ted the melon and !talian ham (Pros iutto), a rather light antipasto, *eeping in mind the main ourse. ,he soup, a favorite of our family, is a re ipe developed -y me to satisfy the taste and li*es of my family. May you all find it tasty. ,he salad, as in 0ren h uisine, is also served follo+ing the main ourse. ,han*s to .avid;s grandmothers4 Maternal (Pompeii) from &ome, !taly Paternal (0loren7ano) from Amalfi, !taly And my many a 1uaintan es from different areas of !taly, ! have -een a-le to prepare a menu that ! hope you +ill en6oy. ,raveling throughout !taly, ! found the Ameri an tomato sau e to -e mu h deeper in olor and ri her. ,his may -e true in our so iety. !n !taly, the sau e is very pale in olor and light, yet 1uite tasty and pasta, in !taly, is served primarily as a side dish. ,he main dish in !taly is meat or seafood and ! must say, -eing -orn and raised in Ameri a, ! ould never fulfill their ulinary te hni1ues, +hi h ma*e everything they serve deli7ioso (deli ious). $ur family is familiar +ith foods from every ountry. ! li*e oo*ing and pride myself in oo*ing and serving food other than !talian. Basi ally the ingredients are more or less the same. !t's the her-s, spi es, and methods of preparation, +hi h ma*es food <taste and loo* different. ,han* you. Mrs. Anna Pompeii 0loren7ano Barrington, &hode !sland PALE DRY SHERRY OR COCKTAIL OF YOUR CHOICE - SALUTE9 (sa-looh-tay) ANTIPASTO = honeyde+ or antaloupe ( hilled) - "oneyde+ availa-le at Byerlys Pros iutto, thinly sli ed (2> sli es) Peel melon, ut in half and remove seeds and strings. )ut ea h melon half into ? +edges9 one +edge per serving. &oll 2 thin sli es of pros iutto, separately and lay over +edges of melon.

-@ZUPPA PI POLLO, D_ESCAROLA. CON POLPETTINI ()hi *en Soup +ith (s arole and ,iny Meat-alls) (&emem-er, +hen pur hasing your ingredients for the soup, read the entire menu first so as not to omit some ingredients as they are interspersed throughout the re ipe.) Step =4 = fo+l or large -roiler (appro:imately A-? !-s.) (0o+l for a heavier te:tured soup. or -roiler for a lighter soup) = medium onion (di ed) 2 large arrots (di ed) 2 stal*s elery +ith leaves (di ed) = large fresh tomato (peeled and seeds s1uee7ed out) 1uartered @ sprigs of parsley ()hopped) Salt and pepper to taste )lean and rinse fo+l or toiler in salted +ater. Pla e all ingredients in a large overed pot. Add enough +ater to over fo+l or -roiler, appro:imately B 1uarts of old +ater. Bring to a -oil and remove any s um that forms on top. /o+er flame and simmer for 2 hours or until fo+l is thoroughly tender. &emove fo+l or -roiler from pot. Set aside to ool. 'hen ooled, remove meat from -one, dis ard the s*in and di e or shred the meat and set aside. Step 24 ()an -e prepared in advan e and refrigerated or prepare during the oo*ing of Step @ large heads of es arole = tsp. salt (appro:imately) .is ard tough or faded outer leaves and separate the rest. )ut in small pie es and +ash thoroughly. !n a overed pot, large enough to hold es arole add =" of +ater and salt and let ome to a -oil. Add es arole to -Coi=ing +ater and oo* appro:imately =? minutes. .o not over oo* the es arole. Should -e firm. 'hen oo*ed, drain and set aside. Step @4 (,iny Meat-alls) =D2 to @DA !-. lean ham-urger @ ,. hopped fresh parsley @ ,. Parmesan heese (grated) Buy a +edge of Parmesan heese and hand grate it. &eserve the remainder to serve +ith finished soup. Salt (Appro:imately E tsp.) and pepper to taste. )om-ine ingredients and mi: thoroughly. 'ith hands shape into -alls (mar-le si7e) and add to the hi *en soup. Boil meat-alls in soup for => to =? minutes. #o+...Add the es arole and di ed hi *en to the soup and mi: +ell +ith a large spoon and -oil soup ? minutes more. #$,(4 ,he a-ove may -e made ahead to this point and refrigerated. Step A4 B o7. pastina ( oo*ed) A ini de pepe - )oo* to a= dente, follo+ing the dire tions of the manufa turer. .rain and rinse +ith old +ater. Add to soup. = hard -oiled egg ( hopped) )om-ine all the oo*ed ingredients. Stir and -ring to a -oil. &emove from heat and E let it set a fe+ minutes -efore serving. Serve hot +ith grated parmesan heese (separate.,

-A.STUFFED BAKED LASAGNE (/asagne !m-ottite) /asagne pan or roasting pan or if either are not availa-le, a large o-long a*e pan, @" deep if possi-le ,omato sau e (See re ipe -elo+) = !-. lasagne noodles (=B o7.) ? 1uarts -oiling +ater 2 ,. oo*ing oil = =D2 ,. salt (level) 2!-s. &i otta heese A eggs (slightly -eaten) =D2 up hand grated &omano andDor Parmesan heese @ , !talian flat leafed parsley (fla*es or freshly hopped) .ash of pepper (freshly ground) = !-. mo77arella heese, sli ed thin Step =4 Sau e should -e ready to use. &emove -ra iuolini (See re ipe -elo+) and por* hops. Should -e sli ed and served to a ompany the lasagne meal. !n a -o+l put the meat-alls and !talian sausage and mash. Set aside. Step 24 !n -oiling +ater add the oo*ing oil and salt. #o+, add the noodles a fe+ at a time so as not to let them -rea*. Boil for ?-B minutes al dente. Fse +ooden spoon for easier handling. 'hen oo*ed, drain and rinse +ith old +ater to remove any star h. 'hile noodles are oo*ing, prepare the &i otta filling. Step @4 )om-ine &i otta +ith eggs, heese, parsley, pepper and =D@ of mo77arella ( ut sli es in small pie es). Blend +ell and put aside. Step A4 'hen noodles are oo*ed and drained, the lasagne is ready to -e assem-led. !n your lasagne pan ladle some sau e to over the -ottom. #o+ layer your noodles. #oodles should -e laid flat, tou hing -ut not over-lapping. Also line the sides of the pan. $n the layer of noodles spread +ith h of the heese mi:ture. #o+ a layer of the mashed meat9 ladle some sau e over the meat and put mo77arella sli es over this. &epeat. ,op layer should -e the noodles. /ayer more sau e on last layer of noodles. Before -a*ing, sprin*le &omano andDor Parmesan )heese and -la * pepper. Ba*ed lasagne an -e prepared up to this point a day in advan e and refrigerated until time to -e -a*ed and served. Ma*e sure that you have plenty of sau e so that +hen the lasagne is -a*ed, it +ill not -e dry. Ba*e in moderate oven (@?>) @> minutes or until -u--ly. /et stand => minutes -efore serving. (:tra sau e may -e served in a gravy -oat for guests desiring it. Salsa ! P"#" "$" % Ca$&% (,omato and Meat Sau e) = o7. salt por* (di ed) or = ,. oil = !-. s+eet !talian pure por* sausage (appro:imately G lin*s H A IJ : = I;) 2 por* hops Bra iuolini (See &e ipe) K up red +ine-(Preferred - dry red ta-le +ine) = love garli (0inely min ed or put through a garli press) Pin h of dried red pepper )ontinued...

-?Salsa ! P"#" "$" % Ca$&% ()ontinued) = - @? o7. (2 !-s. @ o7.) an peeled !talian tomatoes, pureed in -lender, pulp and all. (!f no -lender, remove pulp -y hand) 2 - G o7. ans tomato paste, diluted in =A o7. +ater I tsp. sugar I tsp. salt 2 ,. grated &omano or Parmesan heese Pin h of dried -asil Meat-alls (See re ipe -elo+) Step =4 Prepare the Bra iuolini (See &e ipe -elo+) Step 24 !n a ?-1uart heavy ast iron or aluminum pot, render the salt por* or heat the oil. !f salt por* is used, remove leavings of rendered salt por*. !n the hot fat, -ro+n the sausage lin*s, por* and -ra iuolini. Pri * sausages +ith a for* as the 6ui es lend a deli ate flavor to the sau e. 'hen meat is -ro+ned, add the +ine. )oo* a-out =>-=? minutes longer or until the +ine has evaporated and meat is +ell -ro+ned. #ot only does the +ine add a spe ial flavor to the sau e, it also a ts as a tenderi7er. &emove meats from pot to a -o+l and set aside. !n meat drippings, sautL the garli . 'hen garli is golden in olor, add the red pepper and tomatoes (that have -een pureed), the diluted tomato paste, the sugar, salt, heese and -asil. )over pot and simmer for =? minutes over moderate heat. Stir o asionally during the entire oo*ing pro ess to prevent sau e from -urning or sti *ing to -ottom of pot. &eturn meats and drippings to pot of tomato mi:ture, lo+er the heat and ontinue to simmer. 'hile the a-ove is simmering, prepare the meat-alls. (See re ipe -elo+.) Step @4 Add meat-alls and drippings to the sau e and ontinue simmering for @ hours. #$,(4 ,he tomato sau e an -e prepared in advan e three or four days. &efrigerate +hen ool. B$a'!("l!&! (Beef &olls) = !-. top round stea* or flan* (Sli ed a-out KJ -y -ut her) (Sli es of meat should -e a-out M or N in hes s1uare) 2 o7. por* fat 2 ,. Parmesan or &omano heese (grated) 2 ,. fresh parsley ( hopped) = large love-garli (finely min ed or put thru a garli press) = tsp. salt .ash of pepper (-la * - freshly ground) Pla e meat on -oard. )ut por* fat in small pie es and pound to form a paste. ,o this add the heese, parsley, garli , salt and pepper. Mi: +ell together. ,he mi:ture should resem-le a spread. )ontinued......

-B, O B$a'!("l!&! (Beef &olls) ()ontinued) .ivide evenly and spread on meat. &oil ea h s=i e"of meat li*e a 6elly roll. &oll from the short side as tightly as possi-le and tie se urely +ith soft +hite otton string. (!f no string availa-le, s*e+er the ends together +ith round toothpi *s.) M%a)*alls (Polpette6) 2 =-s. lean ham-urger @ sli es, day old, dry !talian -read (ea h sli e H IJ thi *) @DA up of mil* = large love garli (finely min ed or put thru a garli press) 2 , parsley (freshly hopped) =D2 tsp. salt @ ,. grated &omano or Parmesan heese = ,. Ma7ola oil .ash of freshly ground -la * pepper 2 eggs !n a small -o+l tear the -read in little pie es and add mil*. Soa* -read until rum-ly. (,his is the se ret to moist meat-alls) 'hile -read is soa*ing, pro eed as follo+s4 !n a large mi:ing -o+l om-ine the ham-urger, garli , parsley, salt, heese, oil, pepper and eggs. Bread should -e ready. S1uee7e the e: ess mil* and add to meat mi:ture. Mi: +ell until all ingredients are thoroughly -lended. ,his ma*es a-out 2> meat-alls, ea h +eighing 2 o7. "int4 $n a utting -oard overed +ith a sheet of +a:ed paper the meat -alls, if using a meat-aller, an -e prepared all at on e in this step and then rolled all at on e in the ne:t step. Pla e K up oil in an ele tri s*illet and +hen oil is hot (medium heat) fry until -ro+n all over. 'hen done, add meat-alls and drippings to sau e that is simmering. ,he se ret to a good sau e is the drippings. After adding the meat -aits to the sau e, ontinue simmering for at least @ hours. AGNELLO EL FORNO (&oasted /eg of /am-) = - B to G pound leg of lam- (spring lam- preferred if o-taina-le). "ave -ut her -one and -utterfly the leg of lam-. Marinade4 I up olive oil or oo*ing oil = love garli , gently rushed = tsp. dried rosemary = I tsp. +ine vinegar Salt and pepper to taste Blend marinade ingredients thoroughly. $ne day -efore serving, pla e meat in large enough roaster to hold the leg of lam-. Pun ture the meat in many pla es +ith a sharp paring *nife. )over +ith marinade. Brush meat +ith marinade at intervals -efore roasting. )oo* in moderate oven (@?>) for appro:imately = hour or until tender. Baste often +hile roasting. .o not over the roasting pan. Prepare additional marinade to -aste, if needed. !f refrigerator-to-oven roaster not availa-le, marinate in any large tray and transfer to roasting pan to oo*. 'hen done, sli e and serve hot. Simple -ut tasty.

-GCARCIOFI DORATI +Fried Arti ho*es) =2 arti ho*es (small and tender) 2 eggs, slightly -eaten 2 ,. old +ater 0lour Salt and pepper to taste )oo*ing oil Prepare fresh arti ho*es -y removing the outer hard leaves and pri *ly tips. ,rim tops flat and split or 1uarter the +hole arti ho*es, a ording to their si7e. Pie es should -e a-out =" a ross. &emove sil*y enters (the ho*es). 'ash thoroughly. !f arti ho*es are not tender, par-oil in a little salted +ater (appro:imately =? minutes). !f par-oiling is ne essary, drain, oot and pat dry. Season flour +ith salt and pepper. Beat eggs lightly +ith +ater. !n s*illet heat oil until hot. .ip arti ho*e pie es in flour seasoned +ith salt and pepper until +ell oated, then dip in egg mi:ture and fry until light golden -ro+n. .rain on a-sor-ent paper -eing sure to *eep +arm until serving time. ,his light -atter is preferred as it does not over+helm the deli ate taste of the vegeta-le. ()ould -e used +ith auliflo+er, eggplant, 7u hini and elery) SALAD (!nsalata) /ight and simple +ith su h a -ig meal. = large head of i e-erg lettu e or om-ination of lettu es ,omatoes A ,. +ine vinegar (Preferred &egina - red +ine vinegar +ith garli ) 2 ,. +ater => ,. olive oil or Ma7ola = p*g. !talian %ood Seasons .ressing Mi: 'ash lettu e and tear into -ite si7e pie es. Serve lettu e in salad -o+l +ith tomatoes. ,horoughly mi: the vinegar, +ater, oil and seasoning. Put in ruet or -o+l and serve to guests, ea h desiring and determining their o+n amount of dressing. ITALIAN BREAD = loaf of /aBrea !talian -read or similar artisan -read Butter or (:tra 3irgin $live $il TORTE DOLCI. ()ream Pie) Step =4 5ello+ )ream 0illing = up sugar (heaping) B egg yol*s 2- up ornstar h = 1uart mil* (room temperature) = tsp. lemon e:tra t

.ire tions4 )om-ine and oo* in dou-le -oiler, stir onstantly till thi *ened. Step 24 )ho olate )ream 0illing (ma*e first) Fse same ingredients and dire tions as 5ello+ )ream 0illing e: ept omit /emon e:tra t and use 3anilla, and @ ,. o oa Step @4 Pur hase = sponge a*e (#ot angel food) )ontinued.....

-MT"$)% D"l'% ()ream Pie)()ontinued) Step A4 S+eet .ough4 Fse your o+n -asi pie rust re ipe e: ept to it, add t+o egg yol*s and a s ant Pa up sugar. .ire tions for Ba*ing4 /ine N : =2 (appro:imate) pan +ith S+eet .ough. )ut sponge a*e in half and line over dough. Pour in )ho olate 0illing. Add another layer of sponge a*e. Add yello+ )ream 0illing. )ut strips of pastry and arrange on top (latti e) Arrange Maras hino herries over top (in ea h latti e s1uare). Ba*e @G? oven for =? minutes, lo+er to @?> for A? minutes. )ool and sprin*le +ith onfe tioners; sugar. )ut in s1uares 2" : @". FORMAGGIO AND FRUTTI Pur hase a !-. Bel Paese heese and the fruit of your hoi e, for instan e prepare =D2 do7. apples to a ompany the heese. )ut the heese into +edges and prepare the fruit as ne essary. Serve the t+o together at the ta-le. ESPRESSO Pur hase the any fresh ground espresso offee and prepare. !f availa-le prepare the espresso in an authenti espresso pot. !f not availa-le, prepare in any offee ma*er. Serve the espresso in demi tasse ups +ith a sli e of lemon peel.

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