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Oni, S.I., Okanlawon, K. R. & Asenime, C.O. (2006), Institutional Framework or t!

e "rans ormation o "rans#ort A$ministration in %etro#olitan &a'os( in An A'en$a or a )ew )i'eria* "!e Im#erati+e o "rans ormation, Ani owose, R. an$ ,a-awale, ". (e$s.), Con.e#t /u-li.ations &imite$, &a'os, ##. 0212 034.

I)S"I"5"IO)A& FRA%67ORK FOR "86 "RA)SFOR%A"IO) OF "RA)S/OR" A9%I)IS"RA"IO) I) %6"RO/O&I"A) &A:OS By Oni, S.I., Okanlawon, K. R. & Asenime, C.O. Department of Geography, ni!ersity of "agos, #igeria $%mail& kemiokanlawon'email.(om A-stra.t One of the )iggest pro)lems fa(ing transportation in "agos State is poor synergy, (o%or*ination an* (ontrol at *ifferent le!els of !ario+s go!ernment transport parastatals. Rather than work (losely as partners, the agen(ies see themsel!es as ri!als. ,en(e, this paper re!iews e-isting instit+tional arrangements. .he paper e-poses the !ario+s o!erlaps among the !ario+s transport agen(ies in "agos State. It also highlights how the i*entifie* o!erlaps generate (onfli(ts, the effe(ts of these (onfli(ts on smooth traffi( flow, espe(ially at ma/or interse(tions in the 0etropolis an* i*entifies strategi( sol+tions to these pro)lems. .he o!erlapping f+n(tions of *ifferent transport agen(ies in the state generate (onfli(ts1 in a )i* of the agen(ies to assert /+ris*i(tion an* a+thority *+ring operations they ha!e left (omm+ters to s+ffer +ntol* har*ships. ,owe!er, the sit+ation is not o+t of han* as all it will take to reme*y the sit+ation is to first see that they are all working towar*s the same goal an* nee* to work together. .he nee* to a*opt the (on(ept of integrate* an* (oor*inate* m+lti%mo*al transport system management )e(omes the most o)!io+s sol+tion in sol!ing this pro)lem. Intro$u.tion "agos has grown from a small fishing settlement to a megalopolis a((ommo*ating o!er eight million people. .his h+ge pop+lation re2+ires mo)ility )y !ario+s transportation means. 0eanwhile, the !ario+s instit+tions planning an* managing the intra%+r)an mo!ements *o not ha!e a well%(oor*inate* an* integrate* arrangement. 0any of the o)ser!e* short(omings in the transportation system in "agos stem from se(tor management weaknesses. .hese in(l+*e& a)sen(e of an arti(+late* or a*opte* poli(y an* strategi( framework for the transport se(tor, fragmentation of instit+tional responsi)ilities )etween !ario+s agen(ies at the three le!els of go!ernment with an +n(oor*inate* framework, as well as a)sen(e of stan*ar* pro(e*+res for the te(hni(al an* e(onomi( e!al+ation of programmes an* pro/e(ts res+lting in a strong )ias towar*s (apital e-pen*it+re rather than making )etter +se of e-isting in!estment thro+gh )etter management an* maintenan(e pra(ti(es.

.he total roa* network of "agos e-ten*s to 4,356 kilometres of whi(h 473 kilometres 833.9:; are fe*eral roa*s, <,=9>kilometers 84>:; are state roa*s, an* 3,59? kilometers 8>4.?:; are lo(al go!ernment roa*s. .he "agos network is low with a limite* n+m)er of primary (orri*ors, operating at or near (apa(ity, (arrying the )+lk of the traffi(. .he sit+ation is f+rther e-a(er)ate* )y gates ere(te* on se(on*ary roa*s that are lo(ke*%+p most times, or *+ring petrol f+el s(ar(ity res+lting into perennial 2+e+es. In a**ition, !ery few roa* interse(tions are signali@e*, man+al (ontrol an* enfor(ement are restri(te* to working ho+rs of 5am%9pm, while roa*s are impassa)le *+ring raining seasons )e(a+se of la(k of *rainage. Others +se roa*s for so(io%(+lt+ral an* e(onomi( p+rposes s+(h as on%street parties, (eremonies, (ele)rations an* worshipping, +noffi(ial or semi%offi(ial market an* marketing a(ti!ities. A+)li( transport parti(+larly )+ses, are almost entirely owne* an* manage* )y the pri!ate se(tor, an* there is no ma/or fleet operator. A+)li( )+s transport operation is highly fragmente* with a high le!el of operational in*is(ipline. .he e-isting )+s fleet is estimate* at a)o+t =4,466, the ma/ority are mini)+ses 8*anfos;. Comparati!ely, the earlier s+r!eys in*i(ate that *anfo n+m)ers ha!e in(rease* signifi(antly in re(ent years, whereas mol+e 8me*i+m%si@e* Be*for* )+ses;, are gone into e-tin(tion. .he transport operators ha!e not )een a)le to repla(e their !ehi(les 8)ig )+ses; as they )e(ame age*. .he rail ser!i(e is (ontrolle* )y the #igerian Railway Corporation 8#RC; whi(h (+rrently operates a limite* (omm+ter ser!i(e )etween Ag)a*o 8"agos #orth; an* I**o 8"agos So+th;. .he rail fa(ility here (onstit+tes an +n*er +tili@e* asset. Both the #ational Inlan* Baterways A+thority 8#IBA; a fe*eral agen(y an* "agos State Cerry Ser!i(es Corporation 8"SCS; reg+late the +se of waterways for transportation. Bater an* rail transport (+rrently (arry less than one per(ent of the o!erall traffi( in "agos, )+t they still ha!e !ery goo* potential to play greater roles in the mo!ement of people, goo*s an* ser!i(es in "agos. n*erstan*ing of instit+tional arrangements sho+l* (ontri)+te thro+gh assessing the intera(tion of& legislation an* reg+lations1 a*ministrati!e, e(onomi( an* finan(ial arrangements1 politi(al str+(t+res an* pro(esses1 an* histori(al an* tra*itional (+stoms an* !al+es. Greater +n*erstan*ing of the way in whi(h these !aria)les intera(t in transport an* traffi( a*ministration an* management wo+l* fa(ilitate pre*i(tions a)o+t the possi)le f+t+re, as well as pres(riptions for alterations to e-isting instit+tional patterns. S+staina)ility an* li!ea)ility ten*en(ies of the "agos 0etropolitan Area rest on the (apa(ity to manage the traffi( an* transport se(tor for an impro!e*, effi(ient an* enhan(e* p+)li( transport network. 6;istin' Situation o 5r-an "rans#ort A$ministration .he a*ministration of +r)an transportation in #igeria follows the str+(t+re of go!ernment a*ministration in #igeria, that is, the three%tier form of go!ernment % fe*eral, state an* lo(al. Statisti(s shows that a)o+t ?=: of the total roa* network in the (o+ntry is +n*er the lo(al go!ernments. .h+s, the responsi)ility of pro!i*ing an* managing +r)an transport ser!i(es an* +r)an roa* networks fall on the lowest le!el of go!ernment whi(h is the least a)le to respon* )oth finan(ially an* te(hni(ally. Other pro)lems in(l+*e poor (oor*ination, an* fragmentation of responsi)ilities among fe*eral ministries an* )o*ies, whi(h *o not relate to one another in any way 8Oni 3777;.


At The Federal Level* Agen(ies an* parastatals +n*er the Ce*eral Go!ernment in!ol!e* in transport management in the state in(l+*e& #ational Inlan* Baterways A+thority 8#IBA;, Ce*eral Roa* safety Commission 8CRSC;, Ce*eral r)an 0ass .ransit A+thority 8C 0.A;, #igeria Aorts A+thority 8#AA; an* the .raffi( nit of the #igeria Aoli(e. At The State Level: Agen(ies an* parastatals (ommissione* )y the "agos State Go!ernment for the (ontrol an* management of transportation in(l+*e& "agos State .raffi( 0anagement A+thority 8"AS.0A;, "agos 0etropolitan Area .ransport A+thority 8"A0A.A;, "agos State Cerry Ser!i(es 8"SCS;, "agos State 0inistry of A+)li( .ransport 8"S0A.; an* Dehi(le Inspe(tion nit 8+n*er the State 0inistry of A+)li( .ransport; in #igeria.

Institutional Con li.ts A re!iew of "agos transport system (ontaine* in the "agos 0etropolitan .ransport A+thority 8"A0A.A; *o(+ment of <66> i*entifies the (+rrent o!erlaps an* the la(k of instit+tional (apa(ity as signifi(ant (ontri)+tory fa(tor to the poor le!el of +r)an transport ser!i(es, poor (o%or*ination an* planning, as well as fragmentation of *+ties. In an apparent mo!e to impro!e the traffi( sit+ation of "agos State, the Ce*eral, State an* "o(al Go!ernments ha!e set +p agen(ies an* parastatals to help the megalopolis o+t of its (+rrent traffi( pro)lem. .hese !ario+s parastatals an* agen(ies performing their (onstit+tional roles an* responsi)ilities ha!e en(o+ntere* some (onfli(ts with ea(h other *+e to o!er laps. .he following are some i*entifie* (onfli(t areas& Lagos State Ferry Service (LSFS) and National Inland Waterways Authority (NIWA) Aart of the stat+te that esta)lishe* the "SCS empowers it to (arry passengers within the "agos Bater System, a role #IBA has en(roa(he* on when it in!okes its power whi(h man*ates it to *esign Cerry ro+tes an* operate ferry ser!i(es. #IBA always wants "SCS to (lear with it )efore operating any new ro+te in the state, while "SCS sees the waterways as its nat+re%gi!en right an* therefore )elie!es it has the free*om to operate anywhere in "agos. The Federal Road Safety o!!ission (FRS ) and Lagos State Trans"ort #anage!ent Authority (LAST#A) .here is a (+rrent (onfli(t )etween the Ce*eral Go!ernment an* the "agos State Go!ernment on the (ontrol of traffi( in the State. Bhile "AS.0A sees all roa*s in the state as falling within its /+ris*i(tion, the fe*eral Go!ernment has or*ere* "AS.0A off its roa*s pro)a)ly *+e to *isagreement )etween the Ce*eral an* "agos State Go!ernment. In areas where they *o not ha!e men on gro+n*, the traffi( sit+ation has )e(ome (haoti(, espe(ially in pla(es like O)alen*e, C0S an* the Ol* toll gate where the traffi( (o+l* )e o!erwhelming. FRS and $ehicle Ins"ection %ffice ($I%) Aart of the stat+tory law that esta)lishe* the CRSC ga!e it the power to (he(k !ehi(les for roa*worthiness. .he (onfli(t arises when the CRSC will mo+nt its own roa*)lo(k an* the DIO will *o the same not too far from ea(h other in apparent show of power. Rather than a(hie!e its p+rpose, they en* +p o)str+(ting traffi( flow.


Federal Road #aintenance Agency (F&R#A)' LAST#A and LA#ATA Aart of the law esta)lishing C$R0A in 3777 ga!e her the right to (onstr+(t, alter an* maintain roa*s *e(lare* to )e Ce*eral Roa*s an* to ens+re the +ninterr+pte* flow of !ehi(+lar an* pe*estrian traffi(. C+rrently on some ma/or interse(tion in the state, offi(ials of C$R0A, "AS.0A an* "A0A.A /ointly (ontrol traffi(. .his has (a+se* a lot of (onf+sion amongst motorists as regar*s who has s+perior a+thority. S+(h (onfli(t is noti(e* *aily at the Ei)ow+ Ro+n*a)o+t Fa)a, Awolowo Bay Ro+n*a)o+t in Ike/a, the interse(tion +n*er the Ike/a By%pass, 0ile two inter(hange Clyo!er, et(. .his prompte* the Ce*eral 0inistry of Borks to or*er "AS.0A an* "A0A.A to lea!e its roa*. Despite that or*er, "AS.0A an* "A0A.A offi(ials are still seen harassing motorists an* (a+sing traffi( hol*%+ps instea* of fa(ilitating traffi( flow. .he sit+ation has )e(ome worse as motorists now resist them knowing that they *o not ha!e any /+ris*i(tion o!er those roa*s anymore. Lagos State #inistry of (u)lic Trans"ort (LS#(T) vs* LA#ATA An +nhealthy ri!alry e-ists )etween "S0A. an* "A0A.A. .he law esta)lishing "A0A.A p+ts it *ire(tly +n*er the Go!ernorGs Offi(e an* it is man*ate* )y law to (o%or*inate an* form+late transport poli(ies an* programmes. "A0A.A is also e-pe(te* to (oor*inate e-ternal poli(ies an* agen(ies on )ehalf of the State Go!ernment, maintain roa*s an* pro!i*e infrastr+(t+ral fa(ilities for roa*, water an* rail transport. .he ena)ling law that esta)lishe* "S0A. also man*ates it to form+late appropriate poli(ies, (o%or*inate an* monitor the implementation of the poli(ies an* e-ternal agen(ies, as well as pro!i*e transport infrastr+(t+re an* e2+ipment in the state. .hese o)!io+s o!erlaps ha!e engen*ere* strife amongst these two )o*ies as ea(h one wants to assert it self in the s(heme of things. Institutional Arran'ement .he #ational r)an .ransit Aoli(y for #igeria 8377?; has (learly shown the following pro)lems )e*e!iling instit+tional arrangements regar*ing +r)an transport a(ti!ities in #igeria an* "agos in parti(+lar. r)an .ransport a(ti!ities in #igeria are (hara(teri@e* )y proliferation of management )o*ies. .his has (learly (reate* o!erlaps an* (onfli(ts in the pro!ision an* management of +r)an transport infrastr+(t+re an* ser!i(es an* the enfor(ement of traffi( laws an* reg+lations. Are!io+s re(ommen*ations on instit+tional reforms ha!e )een largely ignore*. .he present fe*eral system arrangement p+ts +r)an transportation pre*ominantly +n*er the (ontrol of the lo(al go!ernments. .h+s, lo(al go!ernments manage ?=: of +r)an roa*s, state go!ernments <=: an* fe*eral go!ernment ?: only. Bhereas, lo(al go!ernments are grossly +n*er%f+n*e*, la(k te(hni(al e-pertise an* other reso+r(es to pro!i*e for effi(ient +r)an transport infrastr+(t+re an* ser!i(e *eli!ery1 most of the roa*s in the state fall +n*er their /+ris*i(tion. .he f+n(tions an* le!el of in!ol!ement of the three%tiers of go!ernment are not (lear. .heir roles o!erlap, are *+pli(ate* an* (onf+se*. S+(h sit+ation will not allow for a s+((essf+l implementation of +r)an transport poli(y, an* (an only )e meaningf+l within the (onte-t of an effe(ti!e, (oherent an* well%(oor*inate* instit+tional framework. S<m#toms o Institutional Failure $mpiri(al e!i*en(es ha!e shown that there is no (lear *efinition of responsi)ilities among the three tiers of go!ernment. .his *e!elopment has le* to instit+tional (onfli(ts in se!eral areas, espe(ially in enfor(ement, infrastr+(t+re pro!ision an* +se, poli(y form+lation an* (oor*ination. A)sen(e of long% term strategi( planning, res+lting in rea(ti!e planning, i.e. a*%ho( *e(isions is another symptom, as well as poor reg+lation an* enfor(ement H the lan* +se (ontrol an* reg+latory instr+ments are ineffe(ti!e where they e-ist. .he poor roa* network refle(ts the politi(al%instit+tional shortfalls of (ommitment, money, an* skills& many agen(ies are in!ol!e* in pro!i*ing roa*s )+t few in maintenan(e1 legal responsi)ilities are 9

+n(lear or passi!e1 planning has )een re*+(e* to the sele(tion of in*i!i*+al roa*s for in!estment pro/e(ts with little attention to lo(al priorities an* means are (ontrolle* )y the (entre1 at the lo(al le!els, a!aila)le f+n*s are +se* for emergen(y repairs lea!ing little for +pkeep1 an* in(enti!es are )iase* against low%(ost inter!entions an* impro!ements in a((essi)ility. .hese pro)lems are a((ent+ate* )y a(+te (apa(ity (onstraints s+(h as shortages of (ompetent professionals. A (ommon tren* r+nning thro+gh these pro)lems is weak lo(al instit+tions. #igerian states are highly (entrali@e*1 lo(al go!ernments are often more agents of the (entral go!ernment. Donors, +nwilling to entr+st implementation to *ysf+n(tional lo(al go!ernments, ha!e often perpet+ate* the weakening of lo(al instit+tions )y assigning pro/e(ts to (entral go!ernment ministries. Strengthening lo(al instit+tions is the (enterpie(e of transport *e!elopment. "o(al empowerment re2+ires the )+il*%+p of (apa(ity in )oth the p+)li( an* pri!ate se(tors. In (ities with m+ltiple lo(al go!ernments s+(h as "agos 0etropolis, in this (ase, the (reation of a single a+thority name* LAGOS METROPOLITAN AREA TRANSPORT AUTHORITY is a wel(ome *e!elopment 8Oni, <669;. .his )o*y is now the only me(hanism )y whi(h effe(ti!e +nifi(ation an* (oor*ination of transport poli(ies an* programmes (an )e (onstit+te* an* implemente* for the metropolitan area. .his *e!elopment is a long%term instit+tional reform o)/e(ti!e. /ro-lems Constrainin' /ro-a-le Solutions A((or*ing to Oni 8<669;, other pro)lems (onstraining (ertain i*entifie* sol+tions in(l+*e& ng+i*e* +r)ani@ation % 0arket an* marketing a(ti!ities, sta(king of )+il*ing materials on roa*s an* o((asional traffi(Iparking spill%o!er from religio+s an* so(ial (entres. #o systemi( g+il*Iplan to g+il* the (ityGs growth. "an*%+se Change % Irreg+lar an* +n(ontrolle* high% rise *e!elopment, +ng+i*e* re*e!elopment programmes1 an* (ommer(iali@ation of resi*ential lan*%+se1 +ng+i*e* an* in(onsistent lan*% +se planning pra(ti(es. ,+man Ca(tors H In*is(ipline an* (orr+ption, enfor(ement pro)lems 8*iso)e*ien(e an* *isregar* for law;, poor *ri!ing ha)its, fre2+ent fri(tion an* (onfli(ting responsi)ility among *ifferent le!els of go!ernment o!er lan*%+se (ontrols. Aoor .ransit Ca(ilities H "a(k of si*ewalks, pe*estrian walkways, (y(le ways, )+s stops, an* traffi( (ontrol *e!i(es1 an* la(k of .raffi( Information Systems. Poor Macroeconomic Climate% "a(k of an integrate*, (omprehensi!e an* (oor*inate* positi!e poli(y1 poor an* non%integrati!e instit+tional arrangement1 en!ironmental *efi(ien(ies an* general +r)an management pro)lems. O!er%relian(e on engineering ingen+ity an* roa* transport with in(reasing s+pply (ons(io+sness. As s+(h, there is im)alan(e on the two si*es to transportation pro)lem H s+pply an* *eman*1 ineffe(ti!e in!ol!ement of the pri!ate se(tor in the impro!ement of traffi( fa(ilities1 la(k of (ommitte* Jpoliti(al willG an* se(+rity on transport fa(ilities. Local Government Funds After months of legal war, the (o+rt *e(lare* the withhol*ing of stat+tory f+n*s of the 4= lo(al (o+n(ils in "agos State )y the Ce*eral Go!ernment as illegal, n+ll an* !oi*. It also ref+se* to n+llify the ele(tions hel* on <=th 0ar(h <669 into new lo(al go!ernments in "agos State. .he (o+rt r+le* that the "agos State Go!ernment (o+l* (reate a**itional new lo(al (o+n(ils 8O*+n+ga et al, <669;. A*alemo 8<664; howe!er *e(lare* that the a(tion of the "agos State Go!ernment in (reating more lo(al go!ernment areas is a step in the right *ire(tion. ,e says howe!er that the state nee*s to *o more 4

than merely (reate lo(al go!ernment areas. .hey ha!e to )e ma*e f+n(tional. .he State Go!ernment m+st ens+re a (re*i)le *e!ol+tion of responsi)ility as well as that of a+thority. .he lo(al go!ernments m+st )e allowe* to a*minister their areas. .hey m+st )e allowe* the free*om to form (ooperati!e an* (olla)orati!e +nits with neigh)o+ring +nits to take (are of iss+es re2+iring s+(h arrangements. .he State Go!ernment will then )e free to play a (o%or*inating role in transport a*ministration. Strate'ies or Su..ess ul Institutional Arran'ement .he r)an #ational .ransport Aoli(y has feat+res of g+i*e* parti(ipation of the three%tiers of go!ernment. In a**ition, the role of pri!ate instit+tions an* non%go!ernmental organi@ations sho+l* )e (learly *efine*. .he Ce*eral Go!ernment sho+l* (ontin+e to pro!i*e f+n*s for +r)an transport infrastr+(t+re in first or*er +r)an (entres, the state go!ernments sho+l* take (are of the +r)an roa* an* water transport infrastr+(t+ral fa(ilities within its /+ris*i(tion while the lo(al go!ernments sho+l* (onstr+(t an* maintain ro+tes within its /+ris*i(tion, an* also take (are of traffi( management s(hemes. The State Urban Transit Agenc sho+l* )e (on(erne* with the following f+n(tions& r)an .ransport planning, management, *esigning an* maintenan(e of infrastr+(t+ral fa(ilities. Others in(l+*e reg+lation of p+)li( transport ser!i(es, *etermination an* implementation of appropriate traffi( management an* (ontrol meas+res. Other f+n(tions in(l+*e liaison with the lo(al go!ernments, fi-ing, (olle(ting an* (ontrolling fares an* rates, an* form+lating parking poli(y in line with lo(al nee*s. Some other f+n(tions of the agen(y in(l+*e enfor(ing traffi( reg+lations, ens+ring effe(ti!e intermo*al (o%or*ination, +n*ertaking resear(h an* *e!elopment an* presentation of ann+al Kstate of +r)an transport a(tion plan an* reportL to C 0.A. The Local Urban Trans!ort Agenc shall )e (on(erne* with& Aarking (ontrol an* enfor(ement, *ata (olle(tion an* analysis at the lo(al le!el, .raffi( (ontrol an* enfor(ement, i*entifi(ation of roa* K)la(k spotsL, traffi( signs, roa* markings an* e*+(ation of +sers an* p+)li( transport operations an* (ontrol. $mpiri(al s+r!eys 8" .A, <663 an* <664; of all these a(ti!ities show !ery negati!e responses, as implementation of any of these *esire* goals an* aspirations )y the POLICY "OCUMENT is yet to start. Inte'rate$ "rans#ort An integrate* transport implies the *e!elopment of seamless (hain of transport where)y the *ifferent mo*es of transport are (oor*inate* an* +se* in s+(h a way that ea(h mo*e has the opport+nity of f+lfilling its *istri(ts potentials. .he goal of mo*ern go!ernments in its transportation is to a(hie!e an integrate* transport system. .he analysis of the #igeriaGs transport system so far, in*i(ates a warpe* mo*al *e!elopment tilte* in fa!o+r of the roa* transportation. .he roa* is responsi)le for a)o+t 76: of )oth freight an* passenger transport. Altho+gh the roa* is goo* for short to me*i+m *istan(e freight ha+lage, it is almost solely responsi)le for the (arriage of )+lk goo*s thro+gh all the length an* )reath of the (o+ntry, in(l+*ing the st+*y area. Bhereas goo*s arri!ing )y water sho+l* )e transporte* from port )y rail or inlan* waterways, the ports, e-(ept in the (ase of Apapa an* Aort ,ar(o+rt, ports are not (onne(te* )y rail an* the waterways are not *re*ge*, lea!ing the roa*s as the only option. .his o)!io+sly will o!erstret(h the ?

roa*s. Conne(tions m+st e-ist )etween the ports, the rail, the inlan* waterways, the air an* the roa*. By making +se of the a*!antages of the *ifferent mo*es, transport (osts are re*+(e* an* reso+r(es are )etter +tili@e* 8#ational .ransport Aoli(y for, <66>;. Aast attempts to intro*+(e integrate* transport planning ha* )een (onstraine* )y a*ministrati!e )ottlene(ks. If we are to s+((ee* in esta)lishing new lan* +se an* transport goals an* meas+res, some instit+tional (hanges are e-pe*ient. .herefore, integration of roa* transport an* infrastr+(t+re planning an* operation sho+l* i*eally )e a((ompanie* )y rele!ant instit+tional reforms, as shall )e re(ommen*e* later in this paper. Against the )a(kgro+n* of poli(y framework, instit+tional reforms are nee*e* towar*s a(hie!ing )etter ser!i(e *eli!ery, greater rationality in *e(ision%making, higher sense of a((o+nta)ility an* in(rease* an* holisti( +se of a!aila)le poli(y instr+ments. .here is a !ery strong nee* for an implementation agen(y, an a+tonomo+s )o*y s+(h as the "agos 0etropolitan Area .ransport A+thority 8"A0A.A; whi(h is +n*er the *ire(tion of go!erning Boar* of Dire(tors. .he Boar* will *ire(t operations of "A0A.A thro+gh the offi(e of the 0anaging Dire(tor who shall )e the only f+ll time mem)er of the Boar*. .he )oar* appoints the managing *ire(tor s+)/e(t to the appro!al of the State Go!ernor. It is also responsi)le to go!ernment thro+gh the offi(e of the state Go!ernor. "A0A.A is now (harge* with the (o%or*ination of transport poli(ies, programmes an* a(tions of all agen(ies at *ifferent tiers of go!ernment. Constit+te* )y the State Go!ernor, its Boar* (omprises representati!es of the !ario+s gro+ps in!ol!e* in the pro!ision of transport ser!i(es in the state. Current Strate'i. Solutions2&A%A"A .he "agos r)an .ransport Aro/e(t 8" .A; is (+rrently s+pporting the first phase of the implementation of the go!ernmentGs transport se(tor strategy, fo(+sing on the iss+e of instit+tional (apa(ity an* (apa(ity for the metropolitan transport se(tor. .he strategy esta)lishes a single agen(y with the responsi)ility of planning, (o%or*inating an* reallo(ating responsi)ilities to agen(ies. " .A is a spe(ial%p+rpose organ set +p to ser!e as the reg+latory )o*y for the str+(t+re* refo(+sing, re*esigning an* *e!elopment of all aspe(ts of the stateGs +r)an transportation system. It is (onfig+re* an* )en(hmarke* to meet the )est international stan*ar*s of organi@ational framework an* operational performan(e. Create* )y a (orrespon*ing )ill in <66<, "A0A.A was set +p in <669 as a semi%a+tonomo+s agen(y to ens+re the highest le!el of ser!i(e in p+)li( transportation in "agos metropolis. It was esta)lishe* with the Borl* BankGs (olla)oration in the form of te(hni(al a*!i(e an* *ire(t finan(ial assistan(e. "A0A.A is e-pe(te* to pro!i*e an o!erall an* a strategi( planning )asis to a**ress the long% negle(te* transport nee*s of the metropolis an* (o%or*inate a(ti!ities of the *ifferent e-e(+ting agen(ies to pro!i*e a (ommon an* (onsistent )asis for implementation. "A0A.A is to )e r+n as a pri!ate%se(tor o+tfit, with an in*epen*ent 3>%mem)er )oar*, representing go!ernment an* pri!ate transport%se(tor operators responsi)le for form+lating, (o%or*inating an* implementing +r)an transport poli(ies an* programmes for the "agos metropolitan area. .he agen(y is *esigne* to form+late an* implement programmes an* poli(ies for the o!erall impro!ement of p+)li( transportation systems, an* or*erly an* str+(t+re* *e!elopment of the mass transit system, among others. Its other tasks in(l+*e (arrying o+t the (omprehensi!e maintenan(e of roa*s an* relate* infrastr+(t+re, taking an in!entory of roa* an* transportation network, (ontin+o+s e!al+ation of roa* network stat+s, o!erall impro!ement in =

traffi( flow an* planne* an* programme* traffi( engineering an* management works. By so *oing, the agen(y will assist in po!erty alle!iation )y in(reasing e(onomi( effi(ien(y thro+gh lower transport (osts an* pri(es, an* enhan(ement of employment an* so(ial opport+nities. "A0A.A is to (olla)orate with partners s+(h as rele!ant go!ernment ministriesIparastatal, (i!il so(iety organi@ations, #GOs, organi@e* A+)li( .ransportation Asso(iations, the me*ia, other instit+tions an* the general p+)li(. Re.ommen$ations Base* on the foregoing analyses of the fin*ings, the following re(ommen*ations are ma*e& i. Intra%+r)an train ser!i(e is !ery (r+(ial for mass (omm+ter an* freight ha+lage in a metropolis like "agos. ii. A proper p+)li( transportation system, integrating rail, roa* an* water sho+l* )e intro*+(e*. iii. Re/+!enatingIres+s(itating the *ying water transport system i!. A*e2+ate an* reg+lar maintenan(e of roa* an* roa* infrastr+(t+re is a m+st. !. Best +se of roa* spa(e H s+(h as *is(o+ragement of roa* +se for parties, (+lt+ral a(ti!ities, a)an*one* !ehi(les an* hapha@ar* roa*si*e parking, marketsImarketing a(ti!ities, (onstr+(tion a(ti!ities an* lo(king of street gates sho+l* )e entren(he*. !i. .ransport an* traffi( e*+(ation, espe(ially on +r)an roa*, safety meas+res thro+gh the print an* ele(troni( me*ia sho+l* )e em)arke* +pon for (omm+tersG *ri!ers an* other roa* +sers. !ii. .here is nee* for an integrate* an* (o%or*inate* inter an* m+lti%mo*al transport system in!ol!ing roa*, rail an* water transport. !iii. Better in!ol!ement of pri!ate transportersIstakehol*ers in p+)li( transportation is *esira)le. i-. Cree import *+tiesIs+)si*ies on (ommer(ial !ehi(les an* spare parts, an* promotion of lo(al fa)ri(ation of spare parts an* (omponents sho+l* )e (onsi*ere* as (apa)le of )oosting the transport se(tor. -. An effe(ti!e instit+tional arrangement sho+l* )e worke* o+t where LAGOS STATE METROPOLITAN TRANSPORT AUTHORITY is f+lly instit+tionali@e* an* integrate* for )etter rapport with the "o(al Go!ernment Co+n(ils an* the State Go!ernment. -i. CreightIGoo*s transport sho+l* )e f+lly (onsi*ere* in the LAGOS UR#AN TRANSPORT POLICY. Or'ani=ational Stru.ture or /u-li. "rans#ort %ana'ement In organi@ing the p+)li( transport system, the lo(al go!ernments sho+l* re(ogni@e their relationship, with other instit+tional )o*ies, whi(h intera(t to make the whole p+)li( transport se(tor (on*+(i!e for operation, i.e they sho+l* not e-ist in isolation of other operators. "o(al go!ernments m+st (omplement the efforts of pri!ate operators an* not (ompete with them. .hey m+st assess their potentialities, an* the areas where they are )est s+ita)le, an* m+st refle(t the histori(al, so(ial an* (+lt+ral )a(kgro+n*. At the lo(al le!el ea(h lo(al go!ernment is to esta)lish a lo(al go!ernment transport a+thority to )e responsi)le for the +r)an transport matters in(l+*ing the o!erall planning, monitoring an* management at the lo(al le!el.

Local Go$ernment % C+n(tions will in(l+*e implementation of lo(al areas traffi( s(hemes, maintenan(e of lo(al roa*s, *e!elopment of appropriate re!en+e%generation poli(ies an* (o%or*ination with planning an* other rele!ant *epartments at the lo(al le!el, esta)lishment of a skille* +nit within ea(h lo(al go!ernment (apa)le of the planning, *esigning, implementation an* maintenan(e of lo(al traffi( management s(hemes, (reation of lo(al for+m in whi(h the !iews of the rele!ant in*i!i*+als an* agen(ies, on the proposals (an )e hear* an* their (ontri)+tions (onsi*ere*. Similarly, a .raffi( 0anagement nit 8.0 ; was propose* to )e esta)lishe* in the offi(e of the Chairman, (apa)le of planning, *esigning, implementing poli(y, an* maintaining lo(al traffi( management s(hemes an* assessment of the transport impa(t of lan* +se proposals. State Go$ernments H S(ope of (o!erage in(l+*e% *e!elopment of )asi( transportation poli(y, esta)lishment of poli(y goals an* o)/e(ti!es for the transport se(tor, maintenan(e of e-isting primary an* se(on*ary roa*s, implementation of traffi( management s(hemes an* the monitoring an* e!al+ation of the players in the transport se(tor an* the pro!ision of te(hni(al s+pport to (ities with m+ltiple lo(al go!ernments s+(h as "agos 0etropolis, Kano metropolis, Aort ,ar(o+rt, A)eok+ta, Og)omoso, 0ai*+g+ri, Eos an* Owerri. In this (ase, the (reation of a single a+thority to )e name* 0etropolitan Area .ransport A+thority 80A.A; (o+l* )e (onsi*ere*. .his )o*y sho+l* then )e the only me(hanism )y whi(h effe(ti!e +nifi(ation an* (oor*ination of transport poli(ies an* programmes (an )e (onstit+te* an* implemente* for the metropolitan area. .he *e!elopment of this is !iewe*, therefore, as the long%term instit+tional reform o)/e(ti!e. .he e-pe(tations of the lo(al, state an* fe*eral go!ernments, the pri!ate se(tor an* non%go!ernmental organi@ations in the transport se(tor re2+ire an a*ministrati!e )o*y to arti(+late these inp+ts s+(h that o!erall effi(ien(y of the operation of the "agos 0etropolitan Area .ransport System is enhan(e*. .his a+thority is propose* as an a*ministrati!e +nit for the effe(ti!e +nifi(ation an* (oor*ination of transport poli(ies, programmes an* a(tions in the area. .he prin(ipal f+n(tions of the a+thority are the (o%or*ination of transport in!estment plans an* programmes within the metropolitan area as appro!e* )y the )oar* in general, implementation of the stateGs transport plans an* programmes an* monitoring an* s+per!ision of the operation of p+)li( transport operators. .he poli(ies an* programmes of the )oar* may )e e-e(+te* either *ire(tly thro+gh the a+thority of any of the agen(ies represente* on the )oar*. It sho+l* )e the *+ty of the managing *ire(tor of s+(h an a+thority to liaise, as appropriate, with all agen(ies ha!ing transport responsi)ilities at lo(al, state an* fe*eral le!els s+(h that the re(ommen*ations ma*e to the )oar* take a((o+nt of the propose* transport plans an* programmes of these agen(ies. sers nee* to )e e*+(ate* a)o+t laws an* reg+lations in or*er to gain their a((eptan(e an* (omplian(e. .he strong inter%relationship that e-ists )etween enfor(ement, the *ri!ing en!ironment an* e*+(ation sho+l* )e refle(te* in instit+tional arrangements for +r)an transport impro!ement. .he a+thorities an* responsi)ilities of ea(h responsi)le agen(y sho+l* )e (learly *elineate* an* those with (o%or*inating responsi)ility (learly i*entifie*, reso+r(e* an* empowere* . "inkages sho+l* )e a(ross *ifferent tiers of go!ernment. Con.lusions .he present system (an )e *es(ri)e* as JhighwaysG to nowhere, therefore, there is an +rgent nee* to engage professionals to assist in a(hie!ing f+n(tional, responsi!e, an* s+staina)le transport in "agos. "agos 0etropolitan Area .ransport A+thority 8"A0A.A; m+st )e allowe* to take (are of traffi(

system within the metropolitan region. .he "agos metropolitan transport poli(y m+st fo(+s on traffi( management with least (ost yet high goals. 0+lti%mo*al transport is re2+ire*, whi(h gi!es mo*erni@e* rail )ase* mass transit a priority. .he Ce*eral Go!ernment in (olla)oration with the pri!ate se(tor sho+l* en*ea!o+r to *e!elop a metro system for impro!e* ser!i(e. A p+)li(ly owne* )+s wo+l* )e an effe(ti!e (omponent of the transport mi- only if allowe* to operate p+rely on (ommer(ial prin(iples an* grante* f+ll a+tonomy1 otherwise it wo+l* )e a waste of p+)li( f+n* as in the (ase of the *ef+n(t "S.C. 0ore attention sho+l* )e pai* to in(reasing the s+pply of mass transit )+ses at affor*a)le (ost. In a**ition, the role of pri!ate instit+tions an* non%go!ernmental organi@ations sho+l* )e (learly *efine*. .here is the nee* too, for a transport *e!elopment plan an* for+m where)y all stakehol*ers are )ro+ght together to arti(+late the +r)an transport poli(y for "agos. Re eren.es A*alemo, I.A. 8<664;, K%rom %ishing &illage to S!ra'ling Metro!olis( The Gro'th an) S!atial E*!ansion o+ Lagos, Nigeria-, Keynote A**ress to the #ational Conferen(e on the "agos Region, +n*er the .heme& Alanning an* 0anagement of "agos $n!ironment, Department of Geography, ni!ersity of "agos, "agos. Dar%Al%,an*asah 8377>;, Cinal Re!ort. Ce*eral Rep+)li( of #igeria 8377?;, National Urban Trans!ort Polic +or Nigeria, Draft Aoli(y Do(+ment prepare* )y the Ce*eral r)an 0ass .ransit Agen(y, A)+/a. "agos 0etropolitan Area .ransport A+thority 8<66>;, .he Borl* Bank. "agos State .ransport 0anagement A+thority ,an* )ook 8<66>;. #ational .ransport Aoli(y for #igeria 8<66>;, "ra+t "oc.ment, .ransport Se(tor Reform Committee, B+rea+ of A+)li( $nterprises, A)+/a, p.49. Oni, S. I. 83777;, KUrban Trans!ortation at State an) Local Go$ernment Le$els-, A Aaper Aresente* at the Sixth International Conference on Competition and Ownership in Land Passenger Transport, South Africa. Oni, S. I. 8<669;& K r)ani@ation an* .ransportation De!elopment in 0etropolitan "agosL in In).striali/ation, Urbani/ation an) "e$elo!ment in Nigeria 3746%3777, A*e/+g)e 0. 8e*.;, Con(ept A+)li(ations "imite*, "agos. O*+n+ga, F. Caloseyi, 0. an* Oye)o*e, O. 8<669;, K"G C+n*s& "agos Cloors Ce*eral Go!ernmentL in Sat.r)a P.nch, De(em)er 33.


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