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Iact 8ook

Da||as, 1exas
December 2007

uLCLM8L8 2009 ACL 2 Cl 28

1. key o|nts ........................................................................................................................................ 3
2. now to Use 1h|s nandbook ............................................................................................................... 3
3. nSL kespons|b|||t|es.......................................................................................................................... 3
4. 8|uescape Workp|ace r|nc|p|es and o||c|es ..................................................................................... S
S. nSL Meet|ngs ................................................................................................................................... 6
6. ersona| rotect|ve Lqu|pment (L) ................................................................................................ 7
7. 1ransportat|on ............................................................................................................................... 10
8. Lnv|ronmenta| ................................................................................................................................ 11
9. Cccupat|ona| nea|th ....................................................................................................................... 11
10. erm|t-to-Work (1W) rocess ....................................................................................................... 13
11. Genera| Cperat|ons ........................................................................................................................ 13
12. Dr||||ng and We|| Serv|c|ng Cperat|ons ............................................................................................ 21
13. Se|sm|c Cperat|ons ......................................................................................................................... 2S
14. M|n|mum Lqu|pment Spac|ng kequ|rements .................................................................................. 2S
38. nazardous Atmospheres ................................................................................................................. 26
39. Acknow|edgement ......................................................................................................................... 28


uLCLM8L8 2009 ACL 3 Cl 28
1. key o|nts
1.1. 8luescape LxploraLlon and urllllng LLC (hereafLer, 8luescape") ls commlLLed Lo a safe workplace and Lhe proLecLlon
of Lhe envlronmenL and healLh of all 8luescape and conLracLor employees, however your help wlll be needed Lo
accompllsh Lhls ob[ecLlve. 8luescape belleves LhaL PSL ls a Leam efforL and LogeLher we can ellmlnaLe PSL lncldenLs.
1.2. 1he use of Lhe word conLracLor" ln Lhe conLexL of Lhls handbook means all conLracLor employees- boLh prlmary
conLracLors and Lhelr subconLracLors. 1he PSL compllance of subconLracLors ls Lhe responslblllLy of Lhe prlmary
conLracLor. ConsequenLly, Lhe prlmary conLracLor shall have provlslons ln place Lo monlLor, documenL and effecLlvely
manage subconLracLor PSL programs and performance.
1.3. 1hls ConLracLor PealLh, SafeLy and LnvlronmenLal (PSL) Pandbook ls a gulde Lo your responslblllLles on Lhe [ob whlle
on 8luescape premlses. 1hls handbook ouLllnes Lhe mlnlmum expecLaLlons all conLracLors and lLs employees shall
comply wlLh whlle worklng on 8luescape premlses. Cf course, good [udgmenL and clear Lhlnklng are requlred Lo
supplemenL any rules. PSL shall be a core value ln all work performed for 8luescape. lf 8luescape are ln doubL aL any
Llme wheLher Lhe healLh, safeLy, and/or envlronmenLal aspecL of Lhe operaLlon aL hand are belng properly managed,
sLop Lhe work and consulL your supervlsor or Lhe 8luescape represenLaLlve. lL ls your duLy Lo reporL condlLlons LhaL
could lead Lo an PSL lncldenL and Lo sLop Lhe operaLlon lmmedlaLely unLll condlLlons are flxed or safeguarded. ln
addlLlon, 8luescape are requlred Lo reporL all PSL lncldenLs, lncludlng accldenLs and ln[urles, as soon as posslble Lo
your supervlsor or Lhe 8luescape represenLaLlve.
1.4. ?our company was hlred by 8luescape because of lLs PSL and on-SlLe [ob performance. 8luescape shall comply wlLh
all pollcles, rules and procedures seL forLh by your company, as well as any slLe-speclflc 8luescape pollcles. ?our
company's conLracL wlLh 8luescape may be canceled or an lndlvldual may be requesLed Lo leave 8luescape premlses
and noL reLurn lf Lhe guldellnes of Lhls handbook are noL followed. We welcome your feedback Lo lmprove Lhls PSL
process and Lhe resulLlng PSL performance on 8luescape locaLlons.
2. now to Use 1h|s nandbook
2.1. All 8luescape and conLracLor employees (lncludlng subconLracLors) musL undersLand Lhe conLenLs of Lhls PSL
3. nSL kespons|b|||t|es
3.1. ConLracLor
3.1.1. Adhere Lo 8luescape's ShorL Servlce Lmployee (SSL) process - ConLracLors shall adhere Lo 8luescape's
SSL process as descrlbed ln SecLlon 1.4 of Lhls handbook and effecLlvely manage Lhelr SSL's Lhrough
Lralnlng, menLorlng, eLc.
3.1.2. erform all work ln a manner Lo prevenL PSL lncldenLs - ConLracLor employees shall follow all
8luescape PSL pollcles and procedures and appllcable lederal, SLaLe and local PSL rules, regulaLlons
and ordlnances whlle worklng on 8luescape properLy.
3.1.3. Lnsure Lralnlng and proper Lools/equlpmenL - ConLracLor shall ensure Lhelr employees are Lralned ln
approprlaLe PSL sub[ecLs and speclflc [ob procedures. ConLracLor shall provlde Lhe proper Lools and
equlpmenL for Lhelr employees Lo perform a [ob ln a manner Lo prevenL PSL lncldenLs. ConLracLor shall
ensure LhaL Lhelr employees have Lhe approprlaLe personal proLecLlve equlpmenL (L) and have been
Lralned on how Lo use Lhe L properly.
3.1.4. noLlfy 8luescape lmmedlaLely of any healLh, safeLy or envlronmenLal (PSL) lncldenLs, even lf no ln[ury
occurs. rovlde 8luescape wlLh a wrlLLen reporL wlLhln 24 hours - ConLracLors shall fully lnvesLlgaLe all
PSL lncldenLs beyond slmple cause by examlnlng organlzaLlon, communlcaLlon, and all oLher relevanL
lssues. ConLracLor shall provlde 8luescape wlLh a wrlLLen reporL whlch lncludes Lhe rooL cause of Lhe
lncldenL and a correcLlve acLlon plan (sLeps Laken Lo prevenL anoLher lncldenL). ln addlLlon, a docLor's
release for ln[urles requlrlng medlcal LreaLmenL by a physlclan shall be provlded before personnel
reLurn Lo work.
3.1.3. roacLlve PSL efforLs - 8luescape and conLracLor employees are expecLed Lo have programs ln place
LhaL proacLlvely ensure lmprovemenLs Lo healLh, safeLy and envlronmenLal (PSL) performance. 1hls
lncludes, buL ls noL llmlLed Lo, observlng Lhe behavlors of employees Lo poslLlvely relnforce behavlors
LhaL prevenL PSL lncldenLs and correcL behavlors LhaL do noL. PSL performance shall be monlLored,
and conLracLor managemenL should be accounLable for PSL performance.
3.1.6. ConLracLor shall hold a pre-[ob or pre-Lask PSL meeLlng on-slLe ln whlch Lhe speclflc hazards perLalnlng
Lo Lhe [ob are dlscussed prlor Lo beglnnlng all work.
3.1.7. ConLracLor shall have Lhelr own wrlLLen drug, alcohol and flrearms pollcy ln effecL LhaL enforces
8luescape's pollcles.

uLCLM8L8 2009 ACL 4 Cl 28
3.2. 8luescape Lmployees
3.2.1. CommunlcaLe 8luescape PSL ollcles and rocedures - Lnsure LhaL Lhe approprlaLe PSL pollcles and
procedures are communlcaLed Lo all worklng on 8luescape locaLlons, lncludlng conLracLor employees.
Lnforce 8luescape's ShorL Servlce Lmployee (SSL) process
3.2.2. Wear requlred personal proLecLlve equlpmenL (L) and recelve Lralnlng on how Lo use Lhe L
3.2.3. ConducL rouLlne audlLs, lnspecLlons and drllls.
3.2.4. rompLly flx or safeguard condlLlons and correcL behavlors deemed Lo be a rlsk Lo PSL.
3.2.3. CreaLe an aLmosphere ln whlch PSL lssues are reporLed, dlscussed and resolved and one ln whlch
everyone feels lL ls Lhelr duLy Lo sLop an operaLlon lmmedlaLely lf condlLlons or behavlors presenL a rlsk
3.2.6. Lnsure PSL managemenL sysLems are ln place LhaL address Lhe responslblllLles, pracLlces, procedures,
processes and resources needed ln order Lo fully lnLegraLe healLh, safeLy and envlronmenLal lssues lnLo
work place culLure.
3.2.7. arLlclpaLe ln PSL lncldenL lnvesLlgaLlons lncludlng rooL-cause analysls and developmenL of a correcLlve
acLlon plans.
3.3. Lveryone
3.3.1. 8luescape requlres LhaL all healLh, safeLy or envlronmenLal (PSL) lncldenLs be reporLed lmmedlaLely
even lf no obvlous or noLlceable PSL lmpacL resulLed (l.e. near Mlss).
3.3.2. lmmedlaLely sLop any work ln whlch PSL ls noL belng properly managed.
3.3.3. AcLlvely parLlclpaLe ln PSL programs lncludlng meeLlngs, drllls, audlLs, lncldenL reporLlng and lncldenL
lnvesLlgaLlon, eLc.
3.3.4. Adhere Lo 8luescape smoklng, weapons, drug & alcohol and drlvlng pollcles.
3.3.3. 8ead all slgns as 8luescape enLer locaLlon and follow lnsLrucLlons.
3.3.6. 8e flL for duLy lncludlng havlng proper resL, belng ln Lhe proper menLal sLaLe of mlnd, eLc.
3.4. ShorL Servlce Lmployee rocess (SSL)
3.4.1. ConLracLor personnel wlLh less Lhan slx (6) monLhs ln Lhe same [ob Lype or wlLh hls/her presenL
employer shall be consldered a ShorL Servlce Lmployee (SSL).
3.4.2. lL ls Lhe conLracLor supervlsor's responslblllLy Lo noLlfy Lhe 8luescape represenLaLlve of Lhe lnLenL Lo
use a SSL prlor Lo Lhe crew cornlng Lo Lhe [ob slLe
3.4.3. 8luescape's SSL Crew ercenLage 8equlremenLs: Crews wlLh four (4) persons or less: A one man crew" cannoL be a SSL. 1wo-Lo four man
crews can only have one (1) SSL per crew. Crews wlLh flve (3) persons or more: lf Lhe crew complemenL exceeds 20 SSL
employees, Lhe 8luescape represenLaLlve shall approve Lhe crew prlor Lo beglnnlng
work. Crew complemenLs LhaL exceed 30 SSL employees shall only be permlLLed wlLh
wrlLLen approval by Lhe Chlef CperaLlng Cfflcer.
3.4.4. ConLracLor musL obLaln approval by 8luescape managemenL of SSL personnel prlor Lo comlng on
3.4.3. All SSL personnel shall be asslgned a menLor (Lyplcally an experlenced employee) Lo asslsL Lhe
employee durlng hls/her SSL" perlod. 1he menLor shall provlde close supervlslon Lo Lhe SSL personnel
and noL allow hlm/her Lo perform any Lask ln whlch Lhey have noL been properly Lralned.
3.4.6. SSL personnel shall be dlsLlngulshed by asslgnlng Lhem a dlfferenL color hard haL LhaL would dlsLlngulsh
Lhem from experlenced employees.
3.4.7. 1o remove an employee from Lhe SSL sLaLus, Lhe employee shall demonsLraLe behavlor conduclve Lo
PSL (l.e. no ln[urles, parLlclpaLed ln PSL programs, aLLended PSL meeLlngs, eLc.) for slx (6) monLhs and
have a general awareness and worklng knowledge of Lhe conLracLor's have a general awareness and
8luescape's PSL pollcles. 1he conLracLor may reduce Lhe slx (6) monLh requlremenL wlLh approval of
Lhe 8luescape represenLaLlve based on Lhe employee's PSL performance.
3.4.8. ConLracL employees who do noL quallfy for release from SSL sLaLus afLer slx (6) monLhs may work on
8luescape properLy only wlLh Lhe approval of Lhe 8luescape Chlef CperaLlng Cfflcer.

uLCLM8L8 2009 ACL 3 Cl 28
3.4.9. ConLracLors wlll manage Lhelr subconLracLors ln allgnmenL wlLh Lhls SSL pollcy.
4. 8|uescape Workp|ace r|nc|p|es and o||c|es
4.1. rofesslonal ConducL
4.1.1. Anyone LhaL enLers a 8luescape 8esources Company workslLe ls expecLed Lo LreaL all oLhers wlLh
respecL and dlgnlLy. 8aslc respecL for all persons aL Lhe workslLe ls requlred. CommenLs and behavlor
whlch make co-workers, vendors, ConLracLors, Lessors, or oLher personnel feel uncomforLable for
leglLlmaLe means wlll be dealL wlLh by 8luescape ManagemenL and can lnclude dlsclpllnary acLlon up Lo
and lncludlng LermlnaLlon.
4.1.2. 8luescape 8esources Company does noL dlscrlmlnaLe on Lhe basls of race/eLhnlclLy, color, naLlonal
orlgln, sex, dlsablllLy, rellglon, sexual orlenLaLlon, pollLlcal bellefs or age ln Lhe admlnlsLraLlon of any of
lLs employmenL or conLracLual negoLlaLlons. 1he Company wlll noL LoleraLe dlscrlmlnaLlon of any klnd
on lLs workslLes.
4.1.3. Sexual mlsconducL and sexual harassmenL lncludlng buL noL llmlLed Lo lnapproprlaLe behavlor,
commenLs, lnapproprlaLe Louchlng, dlsplays of pornography and oLher means wlll noL be LoleraLed.
4.1.4. lnapproprlaLe workslLe behavlor wlll lnclude dlsclpllnary acLlon up Lo and lncludlng LermlnaLlon.
4.2. urugs, Alcohol and Weapons
4.2.1. 1he Company's pollcy on lllegal drugs, alcohol, and flrearms, as lL relaLes Lo conLracLors, ls seL forLh
below. All ConLracLors should communlcaLe such pollcy Lo ConLracLor's personnel and agrees Lo
cooperaLe wlLh Company ln lmplemenLlng such pollcy on Lhe [obslLe(s) covered by Lhls Pandbook.
4.2.2. 1he use, possesslon, LransporLaLlon, promoLlon, or sale of lllegal drugs or drug paraphernalla, and/or
oLherwlse legal buL llllclLly used subsLances by anyone whlle on Company's premlses ls absoluLely
prohlblLed. LxcepL where speclflcally auLhorlzed, Lhe use, possesslon, or LransporLaLlon of alcohollc
beverages, flrearms, llve ammunlLlon, exploslves, or weapons ls also prohlblLed. Weapon means a
flrearm, compressed gas or sprlng-powered plsLol or rlfle, bow and arrow, crossbow, blowgun,
speargun, hand-Lhrown spear, sllngshoL, lrrlLanL gas devlce, exploslve devlce, or any oLher lmplemenL
deslgned Lo dlscharge mlsslles, and lncludes a weapon Lhe possesslon of whlch ls prohlblLed under Lhe
laws of Lhe SLaLe ln whlch Lhe park area or porLlon Lhereof ls locaLed.
4.2.3. use of prescrlpLlon or over-Lhe-counLer (C1C) medlcaLlons LhaL may lmpalr your ablllLy Lo work safely
shall be dlscussed wlLh your supervlsor before beglnnlng work.
4.2.4. Any personnel who are found ln vlolaLlon of Lhese prohlblLlons wlll noL be allowed on Lhe Company's
premlses and may be referred Lo law enforcemenL agencles for Lhelr acLlon.
4.2.3. LnLry onLo Company's premlses consLlLuLes consenL Lo and recognlLlon of Lhe rlghL of Company and lLs
auLhorlzed represenLaLlves Lo search Lhe person, vehlcle, and oLher properLy of lndlvlduals whlle on
Company's premlses. Such searches may be lnlLlaLed by Company wlLhouL prlor announcemenL and
wlll be conducLed aL such Llmes and locaLlons as deemed approprlaLe. All personnel who refuse Lo
cooperaLe wlLh searches wlll noL be allowed on Company's premlses. All ConLracLors are requlred Lo
Lake whaLever sLeps Lhey deem necessary (lncludlng adopLlng lLs own drug conLrol program, lf
necessary) Lo ensure LhaL lnvolvemenL wlLh drugs on Lhe parL of ConLracLor's personnel worklng on
Company's premlses or wlLh Company's personnel does noL creaLe a presence of drug-relaLed
problems ln Lhe work place. ConLracLors may conducL conLraband searches and drug LesLlng of
ConLracLor's personnel on Company's premlses ln areas where ConLracLor ls performlng work. All
ConLracLors should noLlfy and obLaln approval of Company's locaLlon managemenL prlor Lo conducLlng
such searches or LesLlng.
4.3. Pousekeeplng
4.3.1. All walklng areas, work areas, handralls, equlpmenLs, Lools, flre-flghLlng and llfe-savlng equlpmenL, eLc.
shall be kepL clean and free of obsLrucLlons. Cood housekeeplng ls essenLlal so work may proceed ln a
safe and orderly manner. 1ools should be placed approprlaLely as Lo noL cause a hazard Lo Lhe [ob aL
hand whlle ln use and prompLly puL away afLer use. Pand and power Lools shall be kepL ln good
condlLlon wlLh guards ln place. When cleanlng grease from equlpmenL and Lools, deLergenLs and waLer
or sLeam are preferable over solvenLs from an PSL sLandpolnL. Cnly 8luescape-approved solvenLs shall
be used and gasollne ls noL allowed for cleanlng.
4.3.2. Smoklng
4.3.3. Smoklng, maLches or llghLers are only allowed ln deslgnaLed smoklng areas. Cnly safeLy maLches (no
sLrlke-anywhere" maLches) or llghLers wlLh Lhe sparklng mechanlsm enclosed (no dlsposable llghLers)
are permlLLed.

uLCLM8L8 2009 ACL 6 Cl 28
4.4. Adverse WeaLher CondlLlons
4.4.1. When adverse weaLher condlLlons presenL a poLenLlal rlsk Lo PSL, 8luescape expecLs good [udgmenL Lo
be used and acLlon Laken up Lo and lncludlng shuLLlng down Lhe [ob Lo proLecL personnel and
4.3. SecurlLy
4.3.1. ConLracLors shall be responslble for Lhelr own equlpmenL and shall be held accounLable for conLrolllng
Lhe acLlons of Lhelr employees whlle on 8luescape premlses. 8luescape ls noL responslble for losL or
sLolen arLlcles. Cameras are noL permlLLed on locaLlon wlLhouL prlor approval of Lhe 8luescape
4.3.2. ConLracLors shall noL brlng unauLhorlzed lndlvlduals (l.e. frlends, relaLlves or observers) onLo 8luescape
premlses. 8luescape and conLracLor employees shall observe landowner requlremenLs for slLe securlLy
(l.e. close/lock doors and gaLes, eLc.)
4.6. llre revenLlon
4.6.1. u. L. approved exploslon proof equlpmenL shall be used ln all locaLlons where flammable mlxLures may
be presenL. When handllng flammable maLerlals, smoklng, open flames, and elecLrlc arcs are
prohlblLed. All combusLlon englnes should be shuL down before fuellng excepL when Lhe refuellng
locaLlon ls sufflclenLly removed from Lhe englne. LxLreme cauLlon should be followed ln areas where
flammable vapors are presenL or suspecLed.
4.6.2. CombusLlble maLerlal such as rags, paper, and Lrash shall be dlsposed of ln proper conLalners and Lhe
conLalners labeled. llammable llqulds such as gasollne, kerosene, fuel oll, eLc. shall be LransporLed and
sLored only ln approved, labeled meLal conLalners.
4.6.3. llreflghLlng equlpmenL shall noL be alLered, Lampered wlLh or blocked. All employees are expecLed Lo
be famlllar wlLh Lhe locaLlon of Lhe porLable flre exLlngulshers and emergency response plan, lncludlng
flre alarms, and parLlclpaLe ln flre drllls.
4.7. Lmergency 8esponses and urllls
4.7.1. 8luescape employees and conLracLors shall be famlllar wlLh emergency response plans for Lhe
8luescape locaLlon, lncludlng faclllLy and planL alarms and shall parLlclpaLe ln emergency drllls.
S. nSL Meet|ngs
3.1. Scheduled PSL MeeLlngs
3.1.1. 8egularly scheduled (mlnlmum monLhly) PSL meeLlngs shall be conducLed by each conLracLor and
aLLended by all personnel. 1oplcs may lnclude PSL lssues, regulaLory lssues, PSL Lralnlng, and PSL
Lrends LhaL have been ldenLlfled, eLc. A record of Lhese meeLlngs shall be kepL LhaL lncludes daLe,
locaLlon names / slgnaLures of aLLendees, and Loplcs covered.
3.2. re-!ob PSL MeeLlngs
3.2.1. A pre-[ob or pre-Lask PSL meeLlng shall be conducLed on-slLe prlor Lo beglnnlng all work ln whlch Lhe
speclflc hazards perLalnlng Lo Lhe [ob are dlscussed. AddlLlonal meeLlngs may be requlred LhroughouL
Lhe same day ln Lhe evenL a non-rouLlne [ob ls performed or ln Lhe evenL a change ln [ob scope occurs
ln order Lo revlew work prlor Lo beglnnlng a speclflc Lask. 1hls pre [ob meeLlng" ls a process for
dlscusslng and documenLlng each sLep of a [ob, ldenLlfylng Lhe exlsLlng or poLenLlal PSL hazards and
Lhen deLermlnlng Lhe besL way Lo perform Lhe [ob Lo reduce or ellmlnaLe Lhe hazards. Lveryone shall
aLLend and parLlclpaLe ln all PSL meeLlngs shall be kepL LhaL lncludes daLe, locaLlon, names/slgnaLures
of aLLendees, and Loplcs covered.
3.2.2. SuggesLed 1oplcs for a re-!ob PSL MeeLlngs 1asks - ulscuss Lhe Lask and [ob sLeps. L - ulscuss whaL L ls needed for Lhe [ob. 8esponslblllLles - LsLabllsh who has Lhe overall responslblllLy for Lhe [ob and ensure LhaL
each lndlvldual undersLand Lhelr asslgnmenL Skllls - lf speclal [ob skllls are needed for a Lask, ensure proper Lralnlng has been
provlded. ulscuss SSL's and how Lhey wlll be managed. Lmergency LvacuaLlon - ulscuss gaLher-up polnL, evacuaLlon rouLe, nearby hosplLals,
who are Lhe flrsL responders, eLc. LnvlronmenL - ulscuss weaLher (heaL, cold, wlnd, llghLlng, eLc.) and locaLlon hazards

uLCLM8L8 2009 ACL 7 Cl 28
such as snakes, lnsecLs, uneven walklng surfaces, eLc. Pazards - ulscuss any locaLlon or [ob hazards noL prevlously dlscussed ln oLher porLlon
of PSL meeLlng or durlng revlew. LqulpmenL - ulscuss any speclal Lools LhaL wlll be needed for a Lask and Lhe PSL aspecLs
of Lhelr usage lncludlng proper L (deflned ln SecLlon 4). MaLerlal - ulscuss PSL aspecLs assoclaLed wlLh maLerlals lncludlng proper L and
revlew MSuS lf appllcable. ConfllcLlng AcLlvlLles - ulscuss oLher acLlvlLles or slmulLaneous operaLlons (SlMCS) LhaL
may affecL Lhe operaLlon.
6. ersona| rotect|ve Lqu|pment (L)
6.1. Ceneral
6.1.1. All employees worklng on 8luescape premlses shall wear approprlaLe personal proLecLlve equlpmenL
(L). lL ls Lhe responslblllLy of each person Lo wear L as requlred by Lhe speclflc Lask belng
performed, Lhe poLenLlal hazards LhaL person wlll be exposed Lo, and Lhe speclflcs of Lhe [ob slLe. L
requlremenLs as recommended on MaLerlal SafeLy uaLa SheeLs (MSuS) for maLerlal belng handled shall
be sLrlcLly adhered Lo. ln addlLlon, all employees worklng on 8luescape premlses shall wear a shlrL and
long panLs aL all Llmes. 1ank Lops, sleeveless shlrLs, and shorL panL or cuLoffs are noL permlLLed. Loose
or floppy cloLhlng ls prohlblLed around roLaLlng or movlng equlpmenLs. 8lngs, neck chalns or loose
[ewelry shall be removed whlle engaglng ln manual labor.
6.2. Pead roLecLlon
6.2.1. An approval AnSl Z89.1 Class 8 (plasLlc) hard haL shall be worn by all employees worklng ln 8luescape
fleld operaLlons aL all Llmes excepL whlle ln vehlcles, llvlng quarLers, offlces and conLrol rooms. Whlle
uslng All 1erraln vehlcles (A1v's), such as durlng selsmlc operaLlon, an approved helmeL shall be worn
ln place of a hard haL.
6.3. Lye roLecLlon
6.3.1. SafeLy glasses wlLh slde shlelds shall be worn by all employees worklng ln 8luescape fleld operaLlons aL
all Llmes excepL whlle ln vehlcles, llvlng quarLers, offlces and conLrol rooms. All eye proLecLlon musL
comply wlLh AnSl Z87.1. uurlng nlghL operaLlons, only clear or amber colored safeLy glasses shall be
worn. ConLacL lenses may be worn, however safeLy glasses wlLh slde shlelds are requlred. CSPA does
noL allow conLacL lenses Lo be worn whlle uslng a resplraLor.
6.3.2. When performlng work where safeLy glasses do noL provlde adequaLe proLecLlon, such as use of hlgh-
pressure washer, handllng chemlcals, eLc. oLher approprlaLe eye proLecLlon such as goggles, eLc. shall
be worn. Pard haLs wlLh full-face shlelds wlll be requlred for all chlpplng and grlndlng operaLlons.
6.3.3. Weldlng Speclflc - Weldlng hoods shall be use durlng all arc-weldlng operaLlons. Coggles or oLher
sulLable eye proLecLlon wlLh approprlaLe fllLer lenses shall be used durlng all gas weldlng, gas cuLLlng or
brazlng operaLlons. All fllLer lenses and plaLes used ln weldlng hoods and goggles shall meeL Lhe LesL
for Lransmlsslon of radlanL energy prescrlbed ln AnSlZ87.1. Welder's helpers and enLry aLLendanLs shall
use proper eye proLecLlon. When noL engaged ln a weldlng or cuLLlng acLlvlLy, safeLy glasses wlLh slde
shlelds and hard haLs wlll be worn by welders and welder's helpers.
6.4. looL roLecLlon
6.4.1. SLeel Loe or a non-conducLlve (elecLrlclan's) safeLy Loe shoes or booLs wlLh non skld soles shall be worn
by all employees worklng ln 8luescape fleld operaLlons aL all Llmes excepL whlle ln vehlcles, llvlng
quarLers, offlces or conLrol rooms. All safeLy Loe fooLwear musL comply wlLh AnSl Z41.1. vlslLors noL
performlng work on 8luescape properLy may noL be requlred Lo wear sLeel Loe shoes ln cerLaln areas lf
escorLed by a deslgnaLed employee. ConsulL wlLh Lhe 8luescape represenLaLlve Lo approve excepLlons.
6.3. Pand roLecLlon
6.3.1. ApproprlaLe gloves shall be worn when Lhe hands are exposed Lo hazards such as cuLs, puncLures or
abraslons (cloLh, leaLher, or leaLher-palmed gloves), when handllng chemlcals or hazardous maLerlal
where absorpLlon ls a concern (rubber gloves) and when performlng elecLrlcal work (cerLlfled gloves
for elecLrlcal work).
6.3.2. Weldlng Speclflc - llameproof gaunLleL gloves shall be used durlng all arc weldlng gas weldlng or gas
cuLLlng operaLlons excepL when engaged ln llghL work such as LesL flLLlng pleces.
6.6. Pearlng roLecLlon

uLCLM8L8 2009 ACL 8 Cl 28
6.6.1. Pearlng proLecLlon shall be worn ln all hlgh nolse areas and wherever a hlgh-nolse warnlng slgn ls
6.7. roLecLlve CloLhlng
6.7.1. Speclal proLecLlve cloLhlng shall be worn when handllng chemlcals or ln oLher hazardous slLuaLlons as
speclfled by Lhe MaLerlal SafeLy uaLa SheeL (MSuS). CloLhlng worn whlle worklng on llve elecLrlcal
equlpmenL shall be 100 coLLon, wool or a coLLon-wool blend.
6.7.2. uurlng selsmlc fleld operaLlons, all personnel shall wear hlgh-vlslblllLy work vesLs, preferably
fluorescenL orange ln color.
6.7.3. lall roLecLlon
6.7.4. lall proLecLlon equlpmenL shall be worn when worklng or cllmblng more Lhan slx (6) feeL above an
esLabllshed worklng surface (ground, deck or waLer level), when speclfled on a warnlng slgn, or when
an lmmedlaLe danger exlsLs below Lhe worklng surface regardless of helghL or when no guard ralls are
presenL. All componenLs of Lhe fall proLecLlon sysLem musL comply wlLh AnSl Z339.1
6.7.3. Worklng Above Slx (6) leeL
6.7.6. Any employee worklng or cllmblng more Lhan slx (6) feeL above an esLabllshed worklng surface
(ground, deck or waLer level) shall use one of Lhe followlng means for prlmary fall proLecLlon.
6.7.7. 1he preferred sysLem for prlmary fall proLecLlon conslsL of (a) a full body harness, (b) shock absorber,
(c) clevls wlLh coLLer pln locklng devlce or snap hooks wlLh an lnward movlng, self closlng, and self-
locklng keeper (laLch or gaLe) so LhaL keeper remalns closed and locked unLll unlocked and pressed
open for connecLlon or dlsconnecLlon, and (d) nylon lanyard (sLeel or rope lanyards are noL allowed)
aLLached Lo a sLaLlonary supporL. 1he lanyard wlll be aLLached Lo a sLaLlonary supporL ln a manner LhaL
wlll prevenL a free fall of more Lhan slx (6) feeL or even less Lhan slx (6) feeL lf an lmmedlaLe danger
exlsLs below Lhe worklng surface regardless of helghL.
6.7.8. A cable-grabblng devlce aLLached Lo a sLaLlc llne may be used wlLh approprlaLe 8luescape approval.
6.7.9. When ascendlng or descendlng a derrlck ladder, and uslng Lhe derrlck cllmblng llne run Lhrough a fall
arresLlng devlce and connecLed Lo counLerwelghL, Lhe derrlck belL musL be used ln con[uncLlon wlLh
Lhe full body harness. 1he derrlck belL should be worn over Lhe full body harness and aLLached Lo Lhe
derrlck cllmblng llne.
6.7.10. A double lanyard cllmblng meLhod shall be used wlLh approprlaLe 8luescape approval lf none of Lhe
above-descrlbed prlmary fall proLecLlon devlces are avallable.
6.7.11. 1he derrlck man shall be Lled off aL all Llmes.
6.8. Care and lnspecLlon of lall roLecLlon LqulpmenL
6.8.1. lall proLecLlon devlces such as full body harnesses, lanyards, sLaLlc llnes wlLh cable-grabblng devlce,
lnerLlal reels, eLc. shall be lnspecLed before each use and replaced lf necessary. lall proLecLlon
equlpmenL whlch has been lnvolved ln a fall shall be replaced.
6.8.2. lull body harnesses and lanyards shall be kepL clean and never lald down ln drllllng mud, waLer, dlrL,
eLc. all fall proLecLlon equlpmenL shall be placed ln a proper sLorage area when noL ln use. Cnly
approved cleanlng producLs for full body harnesses and lanyards shall be used ln order Lo noL dlmlnlsh
Lhe raLed capaclLy of Lhe devlce.
6.8.3. LlfLlng of personnel wlLh Alr PolsL or Pydraullc Wlnch Work procedures requlrlng personnel Lo be llfLed on an alr holsL or hydraullc wlnch llne
shall be avolded as much as posslble by redeslgnlng Lhe work procedure, equlpmenL,
eLc., however, Lhere wlll be cerLaln clrcumsLances, especlally ln drllllng and well
servlclng operaLlons, whlch wlll requlre personnel Lo rlde alr holsL or hydraullc wlnch
llne. 1he followlng procedures shall be adhered Lo durlng personnel llfLs on an alr holsL
or hydraullc wlnch llne, rlmary lall roLecLlon - 1he rlder shall wear a full body harness
deslgned for llfLlng personnel. 1he full body harness shall comply wlLh
AnSl Z339.1 and have cerLlflcaLlon LhaL sLaLes LhaL Lhe harness meeLs or
exceeds Lhe load welghL LhaL may be lmposed on lL. 1he personnel llfLlng
hook shall elLher be a clevls wlLh a coLLer pln locklng devlce or a snap
hook deslgn wlLh an lnward movlng, self-closlng, and self-locklng keeper
(laLch or gaLe) and wlll be aLLached Lo Lhe fronL of Lhe full body harness.
knoLs used ln chalns for llfLlng personnel are prohlblLed.

uLCLM8L8 2009 ACL 9 Cl 28 1he alr holsL and/or hydraullc wlnch shall be speclflcally deslgned and
cerLlfled for personnel llfLlng. lL shall have a self-cenLerlng conLrol LhaL,
when released, reLurns Lo a poslLlve locklng/braklng acLlon ln a cenLer
poslLlon. lreewheellng alr holsL or hydraullc wlnches are prohlblLed. Alr
or hydraullc power shall be necessary Lo operaLe Lhe holsL ln elLher
dlrecLlon. use of caLheads or caLllnes for llfLlng personnel ls prohlblLed. A
shuL-off valve LhaL ls easlly accesslble by Lhe operaLor shall be aLLached Lo
Lhe alr holsL and/or hydraullc wlnch. Secondary lall roLecLlon - Secondary fall proLecLlon ls requlred for
personnel rldlng an alr holsL or hydraullc wlnch ln Lhe derrlck of a rlg and
/or ln slLuaLlons where lL ls necessary Lo unhook Lo change locaLlons.
Secondary fall proLecLlon shall be ln Lhe form of a sLaLlc llne wlLh a cable-
grabblng devlce aLLached or a salla block (lnerLla reel or reLracLable
llfellne) and wlll be aLLached Lo Lhe back of Lhe full body harness. All componenLs of Lhe personnel llfLlng sysLem lncludlng cables, alr holsLs
or hydraullc wlnches, connecLlons, full body harnesses and llfLlng hooks
shall be lnspecLed before each use and replaced when necessary. 1he llfLlng cable shall uLlllze facLory-lnsLalled wlre rope clamps and
Lhlmbles. All of Lhe referenced holsLlng equlpmenL and devlces shall have a
mlnlmum workload of 4,000 pounds. LlfLlng personnel on an alr holsL or hydraullc wlnch llne whlle Lhe llne ls
carrylng anoLher load ls prohlblLed. 8oLaLlng equlpmenL shall noL be engaged whlle llfLlng personnel on an alr
holsL or hydraullc wlnch llne. 1here shall be vlsual conLacL beLween Lhe operaLor of Lhe alr holsL and
/or hydraullc wlnch and Lhe person belng llfLed aL all Llmes. 1he operaLor of Lhe alr holsL and/or hydraullc wlnch shall remaln aL Lhe
conLrols aL all Llmes whlle llfLlng, suspendlng or lowerlng personnel. An easlly accesslble emergency power lsolaLlon conLrol shall be aLLached
Lo Lhe alr holsL and/or hydraullc wlnch.
6.8.4. lall roLecLlon uurlng Cnshore 8lg Moves Some speclflc areas where fall proLecLlon musL be worn durlng onshore rlg moves are: When Lhe permanenL guardralls on Lhe rlg floor are removed durlng rlg down and when
rlgglng up, Lemporary guardralls such as properly sLrung cable shall be lnsLalled (cable
should be lnsLalled prlor Lo removlng Lemporary guardralls). lf lL ls noL posslble Lo lnsLall
Lemporary guardralls, a full body harness wlLh a shock-absorblng lanyard aLLached Lo a
sLaLlonary supporL as descrlbed ln 4.8.1 above shall be used. When dlsmanLllng Lhe derrlck, subsLrucLure fall proLecLlon wlll be conLlnually used. 1hls
may be accompllshed by, use of man-llfLs use of a cable-grabblng devlce aLLached Lo a sLaLlc llne LhaL ls properly
secured lnslde Lhe derrlck masL. use of lnerLla reel, double lanyard cllmblng meLhod or properly secured
porLable ladder Lo safely access Lhe derrlck. rovldlng a reLracLable sLand Lo connecL and dlsconnecL derrlck-ralslng
llnes on A-frame Lype rlgs.
6.8.3. Cuard / Pand 8alls & 8arrlcadlng Cuard / Pand ralls and or barrlcadlng shall be provlded for A walkway or wall openlng from whlch Lhere ls drop of more Lhan four (4) feeL. An open slded worklng surface from whlch Lhere ls a drop of more Lhan slx (6) feeL. vee-
doors on rlg floors ls one such example and should have a guard rall, safeLy chaln or
safeLy cable across Lhe openlng when plpe ls noL belng plcked-up or lald down.

uLCLM8L8 2009 ACL 10 Cl 28 Walkways wlLh mlsslng, broken or lose guardralls shall be Laken ouL of servlce unLll
6.8.6. Ladders A ladder should always be used Lo reach ob[ecLs ln areas noL readlly accesslble Lo Lhe
employee's reach. All ladders shall be lnspecLed before use. Any damaged or unsafe ladders shall be Lagged
and Laken ouL of servlce. SLaLlonary ladders wlLh mlsslng broken or loose sLeps shall be
Laken ouL of servlce unLll repalred. 8oLh hands shall be kepL free for cllmblng, descendlng and performlng work on a ladder.
no carrylng of hands Lools, grease guns, eLc. whlle cllmblng on ladder. ArLlcles whlch are
Loo large Lo be carrled ln a pockeL or on a belL shall be llfLed and lowered by a hand llne.
Lmployee should noL rush and should only Lake one sLep aL a Llme. Cnly one person aL a Llme shall be on Lhe ladder. orLable ladders shall have anLl-sllp safeLy feeL and be secured aL Lhe Lop before work
beglns ln order Lo prevenL Lhe ladder from shlfLlng. A second employee should hold Lhe
ladder unLll Lhe cllmber can secure lL aL Lhe Lop. ln addlLlon, porLable ladders should be
seL aL Lhe correcL angle (1 fooL ouL aL boLLom for every 4 feeL of ladder helghL) Lo ensure
sLablllLy. Cnly ladders LhaL are noL elecLrlclLy conducLlve (wooden ladders or ladders wlLh
flberglass ralls) shall be used Lo perform elecLrlcal servlce work. SLaLlonary ladders wlLh a helghL greaLer Lhan slx (6) feeL shall be caged or fall proLecLlon
such as an lnerLla reel, sLaLlc llne wlLh cable-grabblng devlce or double lanyard cllmblng
meLhod shall be used.
6.8.7. 1ank 8oofs Walklng or sLandlng on a Lank roof ls noL permlLLed wlLhouL fall proLecLlon. Worklng on
a Lank roof wlLh fall proLecLlon ln Lhe form of guard ralls or a full body harness sysLem
may be permlLLed by 8luescape managemenL wlLh a proper pre-work meeLlng whlch
lncludes proper [ob plannlng and a wrlLLen PSL procedure.
6.8.8. 8esplraLory roLecLlon 8esplraLory proLecLlon shall be worn when worklng ln areas where resplraLory hazards
exlsL and are noL conLrollable by oLher means. Some resplraLory hazards whlch may be
encounLered lnclude hydrogen sulflde (P
S), chlorlne, galvanlzed plpe weldlng, sand
blasLlng, or lnsulaLlon work where Man Made Mlneral llbers (MMMl) and asbesLos may
be presenL 1he followlng requlremenLs musL be meL by employees who wlll be uslng resplraLory
proLecLlon: (a) employee shall meeL medlcal requlremenLs for uslng Lhls equlpmenL: (b)
employee shall recelve Lralnlng on Lhe proper use, flL and malnLenance of Lhls
equlpmenL: (c) employee shall noL have faclal halr LhaL wlll lnLerfere wlLh Lhe seal of Lhe
face plece: (d) employee shall noL wear eye glasses LhaL lnLerfere wlLh Lhe seal of Lhe
face plece, and (e) employee shall noL wear conLacL lenses whlle uslng a resplraLor.
7. 1ransportat|on
7.1. vehlcles
7.1.1. 8luescape and conLracLor employees drlvlng a vehlcle used for company buslness shall have a valld
drlver's llcense and use defenslve-drlvlng Lechnlques aL all Llmes. SeaL belLs shall be worn by all vehlcle
occupanLs and all posLed slgns obeyed when drlvlng on 8luescape locaLlons. no one ls permlLLed Lo use
a cellular phone whlle Lhe vehlcle ls ln operaLlon unless LhaL devlce ls ln hands-free mode. urlvlng whlle
under Lhe lnfluence of alcohol or oLher drugs ls prohlblLed.
7.1.2. Whlle on 8luescape locaLlon, vehlcles shall be parked ln a safe area or an area deslgnaLed by
8luescape. Also, when posslble, vehlcles should be parked so Lhe drlver can exlL by drlvlng forward.
When leavlng a vehlcle, Lhe drlver shall puL Lhe vehlcle ln park, seL Lhe emergency brake, Lurn Lhe
englne off, and close Lhe doors. vehlcles should be locaLed ouLslde Lhe guy wlre paLLern of a drllllng or
workover rlg. Cuy wlres shall be flagged and guarded agalnsL vehlcle Lrafflc. lf lL ls necessary Lo brlng a
vehlcle lnslde Lhe guy wlre paLLern of Lhe rlg, a spoLLer shall be used Lo gulde Lhe vehlcle and waLch for

uLCLM8L8 2009 ACL 11 Cl 28
7.1.3. ersonnel sleeplng ln vehlcles on 8luescape locaLlons - When personnel are sleeplng ln vehlcles wlLh
Lhe englne runnlng, Lhe occupanL(s) shall flrsL ensure. vehlcle ls angled ln a dlrecLlon noL ln llne wlLh Lhe wellhead. vehlcle ls aL leasL 100 feeL from Lhe well. LxhausL ls noL dlrecLed Lo any oLher occupled vehlcle(s) and/or flowllnes. Lmergency brake ls seL. AL leasL one wlndow ls cracked open.
8. Lnv|ronmenta|
8.1. LnvlronmenLal AssessmenL
8.1.1. rlor Lo beglnnlng any work acLlvlLy, an envlronmenLal assessmenL should be compleLed Lo deLermlne
lf adequaLe barrlers are ln place Lo prevenL an envlronmenLal lncldenL or permlL vlolaLlon.
8.1.2. 1he LnvlronmenLal AssessmenL should evaluaLe wheLher: AcLlvlLles generaLe any new dlscharges Lo Lhe alr, waLer, or land. AcLlvlLles requlre any new permlLs. AcLlvlLles affecL any exlsLlng dlscharges. LxlsLlng dlscharges exceed Lhe permlL llmlLs. AcLlvlLles lessen Lhe effecLlveness of exlsLlng barrlers Lo proLecL for an oll or chemlcal
8.2. Splll 8eporLlng
8.2.1. lL ls your duLy Lo reporL all envlronmenLal releases lncludlng oll spllls, chemlcal spllls, eLc. as soon as
posslble Lo your supervlsor or Lhe 8luescape represenLaLlve.
8.3. WasLe ManagemenL
8.3.1. All wasLe maLerlals shall be dlsposed of properly 8luescape and conLracLor employees are responslble
for Laklng Lhe necessary sLeps Lo prevenL polluLlon and mlnlmlze Lhe generaLlon of wasLe.
8.3.2. WasLe managemenL shall lnclude Lhe followlng roper ldenLlflcaLlon of each lndlvldual wasLe sLream. SegregaLlon of lndlvldual wasLe sLreams. roper labellng, marklngs, manlfesLlng, sLorage, and shlpplng of each wasLe sLream.
8.4. LnvlronmenLal 8ules, 8egulaLlons, and Culdellnes
8.4.1. All work acLlvlLles, lncludlng Lhose of conLracLors, shall comply wlLh Lhe rules, regulaLlons, and
guldellnes speclfled by 8luescape. CuesLlons concernlng Lhe envlronmenLal pollcles should be dlrecLed
Lo Lhe local 8luescape represenLaLlve.
9. Cccupat|ona| nea|th
9.1. Ceneral
9.1.1. CccupaLlonal PealLh deals wlLh ldenLlfylng, evaluaLlng (Lhrough monlLorlng, surveys. eLc.), and
conLrolllng (Lhrough englneerlng, maLerlal subsLlLuLlons, work pracLlces, L, eLc) workplace healLh
9.1.2. 8luescape's CccupaLlonal PealLh ob[ecLlves are Lo: roLecL personnel healLh. rovlde a framework for recognlzlng and managlng healLh hazards. Comply wlLh regulaLory requlremenLs.
9.2. use of prescrlpLlon and Cver-Lhe-CounLer (C1C) MedlcaLlons AL a mlnlmum, all conLracLors musL comply wlLh 8luescape's pollcy on Lhe use of
prescrlpLlon and over-Lhe-counLer (C1C) medlcaLlons dlscussed ln SecLlon 2.2.
9.3. Medlcal 8esponse lan

uLCLM8L8 2009 ACL 12 Cl 28
9.3.1. 8luescape emergency procedures provlde lLs employees, conLracLors, and vlslLors wlLh lnformaLlon
requlred for a Llmely healLh care dellvery sysLem.
9.4. Pazard CommunlcaLlon (PAZCCM) / MSuS rogram
9.4.1. 1he purpose of Lhe PAZCCM / MSuS program ls Lo ensure LhaL all known poLenLlal hazards of
subsLances used or presenL aL Lhe work place are communlcaLed Lo all 8luescape and conLracLor
employees. All conLracLors are responslble for Lralnlng Lhelr employees on Lhe CSPA Pazard
CommunlcaLlon SLandard (29 Cl8 1910.1200).
9.4.2. Compllance wlLh Lhls program ls achleved by: Labellng conLalners and provldlng lnformaLlon regardlng hazards assoclaLed wlLh
unlabeled conLalners. MalnLalnlng MaLerlal SafeLy uaLa SheeLs (MSuS). MalnLalnlng work place chemlcal lnvenLory llsLs. rovldlng employees wlLh lnformaLlon and Lralnlng lncludlng measures employees
should Lake Lo proLecL Lhemselves from Lhese hazards lncludlng proper work pracLlces,
L and emergency procedures.
9.4.3. key hazards or condlLlons LhaL may pose slgnlflcanL rlsk Lo healLh lnclude Lhe followlng:
9.4.4. naLurally Cccurrlng 8adloacLlve MaLerlal (nC8M) nC8M ls a low-level radlaLlon source, whlch may be presenL ln oll and gas formaLlons.
nC8M ls Lyplcally deLecLed ln scale bulld-up and can be found Lubulars, wellheads,
flowllnes, plLs, vessels, and salL-waLer dlsposal well equlpmenL. nC8M ls prlmarlly an
lngesLlon and/or lnhalaLlon hazard. All 8luescape and conLracLor employees shall be
Lralned ln Lhe hazards assoclaLed wlLh nC8M and procedures Lo avold lnhalaLlon or
9.4.3. AsbesLos AsbesLos may be presenL ln plpe/vessel lnsulaLlon, brake pads, and ln sLrucLural
maLerlals such as LranslL panels, floor Llles, and rooflng felLs. AsbesLos ls prlmarlly an
lnhalaLlon hazard. lL ls ofLen dlfflculL Lo dlfferenLlaLe beLween asbesLos and non-
asbesLos wlLhouL laboraLory equlpmenL. 1here may be older faclllLles where asbesLos
sLlll remalns. AsbesLos can presenL a hazard lf noL handled properly. 1o mlnlmlze Lhe healLh rlsk lL ls
lmporLanL noL Lo drlll, cuL, mlne, remove, Lear, sLep on, brush agalnsL, hammer on, or
dlsLurb suspecLed maLerlals. Cnly Lralned personnel wlLh proper equlpmenL shall dlsLurb
or remove asbesLos. Man-Made Mlneral llbers (MMMl) Man-made mlneral flbers (MMMl) may be presenL ln heaL and acousLlcal lnsulaLlon.
MMMl's lnclude flberglass, mlneral wool, and refracLory ceramlc flber. MMMl's are
prlmarlly an lnhalaLlon hazard. MMMl's can presenL a hazard lf noL handled properly. Cnly Lralned personnel wlLh
proper equlpmenL shall dlsLurb or remove MMMl's.
9.4.6. Lead lnorganlc lead ls Lyplcally found ln palnLs and coaLlngs. Lead ls prlmarlly an lngesLlon
and/or lnhalaLlon hazard. Cverexposure Lo lead can have serlous shorL Lerm or longer-
Lerm healLh effecLs. AcLlvlLles ln whlch exposure Lo lnorganlc lead can occur lnclude weldlng, cuLLlng,
sandblasLlng, and burnlng of palnLed and/or coaLed surfaces. Lxposures above Lhe
AcLlon Level (AL) of 30 mlcrograms of lead per cublc meLer of alr (pg/m3) averaged over
an 8-hour workday Lrlggers exposure monlLorlng, Lralnlng, and medlcal survelllance
requlremenLs. 1he ermlsslble Lxposure LlmlL (LL) ls 30 mlcrograms of lead per cublc
meLer of alr (pg/m3) averaged over an 8-hour workday.
9.4.7. PeaL and Cold SLress lor acLlvlLles ln whlch exposure Lo heaL and/or cold sLress can occur, Lhe need Lo
develop work/resL cycles, provlde proLecLlve cloLhlng and equlpmenL, eLc. shall be

uLCLM8L8 2009 ACL 13 Cl 28 lood ConLrol lood/drlnk preparaLlon and sLorage/consumpLlon pracLlces should prevenL
conLamlnaLlon from chemlcals, olls, dlrL, blologlcal agenLs or any forelgn maLLer.
laclllLles for washlng before food preparaLlon and consumpLlon should be avallable near
Lhe workplace. LaLlng areas separaLe from work areas should be provlded wherever
10. erm|t-to-Work (1W) rocess
10.1. Ceneral
10.1.1. 8luescape uLlllzes a ermlL-Lo-Work (1W) process on rouLlne and non-rouLlne work acLlvlLles Lo
ensure hazards and rlsks assoclaLed wlLh Lhese acLlvlLles are ldenLlfled and safeguarded. 1he 1W
process ls a comprehenslve process for analyzlng, plannlng, auLhorlzlng and execuLlng work ln a
manner Lo prevenL PSL lncldenLs and ls more Lhan slmply lssulng permlsslon Lo conducL cerLaln [obs.
10.2. Work ermlL
10.2.1. Cne of Lhe key Lools uLlllzed ln Lhe 1W process ls Lhe Work ermlL, whlch ls a wrlLLen documenL LhaL
auLhorlzes ldenLlfled personnel Lo conducL cerLaln work acLlvlLles wlLhln deslgnaLed boundary
condlLlons such as Llme, place, and Lhe speclflc work sLeps requlred Lo ensure Lhe [ob ls compleLed ln a
manner Lo prevenL PSL lncldenLs. 1he Work ermlL wlll generally be lssued on a dally basls and re-
lssued aL a shlfL/Lour change or slgnlflcanL change ln hazard classlflcaLlon of [ob asslgnmenL. ConsulL
Lhe 8luescape represenLaLlve for Lhose work acLlvlLles LhaL shall requlre a Work ermlL, as well as
Lhose acLlvlLles whlch may requlre a Work ermlL dependlng on speclal slLuaLlons such as slmulLaneous
operaLlons (SlMCS).
10.2.2. 1he Work ermlL documenL shall conLaln Lhe followlng aL a mlnlmum: When Lhe speclfled work wlll begln (daLe/Llme) and end and/or when a new permlL wlll
be requlred (daLe/Llme). A formal hand-over procedure musL be ln shlfL/Lour and/or
when Work ermlL auLhorlzaLlon changes. Who Lhe permlL ls lssued Lo (lncludlng company and lndlvldual's name). Where Lhe speclfled work wlll Lake place. lull descrlpLlon of whaL work wlll be performed lncludlng proposed Lasks and ob[ecLlves
and descrlpLlon of equlpmenL Lo be used. Speclal conslderaLlons for safeguardlng shorL servlce employees (SSL's) uescrlpLlon of all ma[or hazards whlch could be encounLered durlng Lhe [ob, as well as,
documenLaLlon of approprlaLe conLrols for each hazard ldenLlfled. L necessary for speclfled work LhaL wlll Lake place ldenLlfled speclflc sLandards/procedures/guldellnes LhaL are appllcable Lo work LhaL wlll
Lake place. !obs lnvolvlng ermlL-requlred Conflned Space LnLry (8CS), LockouL/1agouL (LC1C),
LxcavaLlon and 1renchlng, or PoL Work wlll generally requlre addlLlonal documenLaLlon. ConLlngency plan lf work does noL proceed as planned. AcLlons Lo be Laken ln Lhe evenL of an PSL lncldenL lncludlng approprlaLe emergency
response and noLlflcaLlon phone numbers for 8luescape and conLracLor. 8eference Lo all oLher acLlvlLles LhaL may be lmpacLed by work whlch wlll be performed
(lncludlng oLher Work ermlLs) Lo ensure allgnmenL and coordlnaLlon. SlgnaLure of all workers who have revlewed Lhe Work ermlL and agree Lo meeL all Lhe
operaLlonal and PSL requlremenLs. llnal documenLaLlon and formal hand-over procedure declarlng Lhe work has been
compleLed and Lhe [ob slLe lefL wlLh no PSL lssues or problems and ready Lo reLurn Lo
servlce. need Lo provlde for Lhe sulLable dlsplay of Work ermlLs.
11. Genera| Cperat|ons
11.1. PSL ln Lhe Cfflce

uLCLM8L8 2009 ACL 14 Cl 28
11.1.1. PSL ln Lhe offlce ls as lmporLanL as PSL ln Lhe fleld. Lach offlce shall have an emergency evacuaLlon
plan and shall conducL an evacuaLlon drlll annually. 8oLh 8luescape and conLracLor employees shall be
famlllar wlLh emergency evacuaLlon procedures, evacuaLlon rouLes, and speclflc responslblllLles. Cfflce
doors shall be closed, buL lefL unlocked durlng an emergency evacuaLlon. LlevaLors shall noL be used.
use handralls when ascendlng/descendlng sLalrs. Pallways, enLrances, and exlLs shall be kepL free of
obsLrucLlons. MaLerlal shall be sLored ln an orderly fashlon and work areas kepL clean and free of
Lrlpplng hazards such as cords, drawers, books, flles, eLc.
11.1.2. LlfLlng of Loads by ersonnel
11.1.3. 8ack ln[urles may resulL from lmproper llfLlng Lechnlques. LlfLlng a load LhaL ls Loo heavy or llfLlng ln
Lhe wrong poslLlon can cause an ln[ury.
11.1.4. lollow Lhese guldellnes Lo llfL safeLy: Make sure Lhe area ls clear of Lrlpplng hazards. 8end your knees. keep Lhe load close Lo your body. keep your back sLralghL. use your legs, noL your back, Lo llfL Lhe load. uo noL LwlsL your body whlle carrylng a heavy load. uo noL Lry llfLlng a load LhaL ls Loo heavy - ask for help. When llfLlng a load wlLh anoLher person(s), communlcaLe wlLh Lhe oLher person(s)
before lowerlng your end of Lhe load.
11.2. LockouL / 1agouL
11.2.1. LockouL/1agouL ls a procedure requlred by CSPA Lo lsolaLe personnel from all poLenLlal energy sources
when performlng malnLenance or servlce on equlpmenL, especlally when LhaL malnLenance or servlce
requlres Lhe dlsabllng or removal of normal guards and safeLy devlces. oLenLlal energy sources lnclude
elecLrlcal, mechanlcal, pneumaLlc, hydraullc, Lhermal, chemlcal and all forms of poLenLlal sLored
energy. ConLracLor shall have wrlLLen LockouL/1agouL program ln effecL. A logbook of LockouL/1agouLs
shall be malnLalned for each 8luescape locaLlon.
11.2.2. LockouL/1agouL rocedure: 8luescape and conLracLor employees shall share lnformaLlon prlor Lo Lhe sLarL of Lhe
work requlrlng LockouL/1agouL Lo make each oLher fully aware of Lhe oLher's
LockouL/1agouL procedures. 8epalrs, servlce or alLeraLlons shall noL be made on equlpmenL ln operaLlon. All
equlpmenL shall be shuL down and a LockouL/1agouL devlce used ln such a manner LhaL
Lhe equlpmenL cannoL be accldenLally sLarLed whlle belng worked on. 1he power swlLch
of Lhe equlpmenL Lo be worked on shall be Locked ouL/1agged ouL. 1o ensure Lhe equlpmenL has been properly locked ouL of servlce prlor Lo sLarLlng any
work, a quallfled person shall aLLempL Lo Lurn on Lhe power source Lo ensure Lhe
equlpmenL does noL become energlzed. urllllng or Workover 8lg Speclflc - 8efore equlpmenL ls unplugged or plugged lnLo a
power dlsLrlbuLlon panel, Lhe power source shall be Locked ouL/1agged ouL. 1hls
lncludes all equlpmenL LhaL ls unplugged or plugged lnLo Lhe SC8 dlsLrlbuLlon panel
durlng rlg moves. Lxamples of equlpmenL repalrs or malnLenance LhaL requlre LockouL/1agouL procedures
lnclude, buL are noL llmlLed Lo, Lhose llsLed below. ConsulL your supervlsor or Lhe
8luescape represenLaLlve for slLe speclflc work requlrlng LockouL/1agouL procedures Changlng fllLers. ump 8epalrs or changlng swabs/Llners. 8epalrs Lo paddles ln Lanks or cleanlng of Lanks wlLh paddles. MalnLenance on Lhe rlg draw works such as ad[usLlng Lhe brakes,
greaslng, lnspecLlons, eLc. CeneraLor repalrs.

uLCLM8L8 2009 ACL 13 Cl 28 Compressor repalrs.
11.2.3. Conflned Space LnLry Conflned space enLry ls deflned as enLry of personnel lnLo a conflned space such as a
Lank, vessel, rlg cellar, earLh plL, eLc. A conflned space ls deflned as space LhaL: (a) has an
open Lop and ls more Lhan four (4) feeL ln depLh, (b) has openlngs large enough and
conflgured so LhaL a person can physlcally enLer Lhe space and perform work, (c) has
llmlLed or resLrlcLed means of enLry or exlL, and (d) ls noL deslgned for conLlnuous
human occupancy. Conflned Space LnLry 8equlrlng a Work ermlL - LnLry ln a conflned space can expose
personnel Lo one or more of Lhe followlng hazards, ln whlch case a Work ermlL shall be
requlred per CSPA 29 Cl8 1910.146 for personnel Lo enLer space: Pazardous aLmosphere such as Loxlc or flammable vapors. Cxygen-deflclenL aLmosphere. MaLerlal, such as mud or sludge LhaL has Lhe poLenLlal for engulflng an
enLranL. An lnLernal conflguraLlon such LhaL Lhe enLranL could be Lrapped or
asphyxlaLed. lnwardly converglng walls or floors, whlch slope downward and Lapers Lo
a small cross secLlon CLher recognlzed serlous healLh or safeLy hazards. under no clrcumsLances shall an employee be allowed Lo enLer a conflned space
wlLhouL a properly compleLed Work ermlL approved by Lhe conLracLor and 8luescape
supervlsor. 1he Work ermlL shall have a Slgn-ln-Slgn-ouL sheeL for enLranLs and Lhe
hazards shall be dlscussed wlLh Lhe enLranL prlor Lo Lhe person enLerlng Lhe space. All conflned spaces LhaL can be readlly accessed and have Lhe poLenLlal Lo conLaln
hazards shall be barrlcaded or labeled wlLh approprlaLe cauLlon slgns requlrlng
permlLLed enLry. Mlnlmum requlremenLs for enLerlng conflned spaces: 1he alr ln a conflned space shall be LesLed prlor Lo a person enLerlng Lhe
space for oxygen (C
) conLenL, Lower Lxploslve LlmlL (LLL), and hydrogen
sulflde (P
S) ln LhaL order wlLh an approved and callbraLed devlce by a
person Lralned and cerLlfled Lo use Lhe devlce. uAnCL8 levels are as follows: Cxygen (C
) conLenL below 19.3 or above 23.3 Lower Lxploslve LlmlL (LLL) 10 of LLL. Pydrogen sulflde (P
S) - 10 parLs per mllllon (ppm). lf Lhe alr ln a conflned space ls conLamlnaLed, Lhe space shall be purged unLll an
accepLable worklng aLmosphere ls achleved prlor Lo a person enLerlng Lhe space. When a person ls ln a conflned space, venLllaLlon lnLo Lhe space shall be provlded aL a
raLe of 3 alr volume changes per hour. Mechanlcal venLllaLlon vla blowers, eLc. shall be
requlred lf naLural venLllaLlon ls noL sufflclenL. urllllng/Workover 8lg Speclflc Mechanlcal
venLllaLlon vla bug blowers, eLc. shall be requlred for mud Lanks prlor Lo enLerlng and
durlng Lhe cleanlng operaLlon. Cne or more Lralned persons musL acL as an aLLendanL whenever work ls performed
wlLhln a conflned space. 1here shall be an effecLlve means of communlcaLlon
esLabllshed and malnLalned beLween personnel ln Lhe conflned space and Lhe
aLLendanL(s). CommunlcaLlon shall be vlsual, volce or a slgnal llne. Any roLaLlng, aglLaLlng or oLher equlpmenL LhaL can presenL a hazard Lo Lhe enLranL
wlLhln Lhe conflned space shall be Locked ouL/ 1agged ouL aL Lhe equlpmenL's power
source and aL Lhe power swlLch prlor Lo Lhe person enLerlng Lhe space. A llfellne shall be aLLached Lo Lhe person enLerlng a conflned space. Care shall be used

uLCLM8L8 2009 ACL 16 Cl 28
Lo ensure enLanglemenL of llfellne wlll noL occur. ln compleLely enclosed spaces, such as frac Lanks a conLlnuous aLmospherlc monlLor
shall be worn by Lhe person enLerlng Lhe space. urllllng/Workover 8lg Speclflc AlLhough noL consldered a conflned space, vapor bulld-up
and amblenL LemperaLures ln Lhe mud Lank area may requlre LhaL blowers be lnsLalled
ln a poslLlon Lo adequaLely venLllaLe Lhe area.
11.2.4. PoL Work PoL work ls deflned as weldlng, flame cuLLlng, burnlng, grlndlng or uslng a Lorch. When
posslble, hoL work should be performed ln a shop, ouLslde Lhe faclllLy, or ln a Safe
Weldlng Area". A Safe Weldlng Area" (SWA) shall be esLabllshed on all rlgs where
subsLanLlal weldlng or flame cuLLlng ls anLlclpaLed. All weldlng and flame cuLLlng
operaLlons shall be done ln Lhe esLabllshed Safe Weldlng Area" unless oLherwlse
auLhorlzed. SWA's are Lyplcally locaLed 100 feeL from wellbores, 30 feeL from heavlly
vegeLaLed areas, 33 feeL from combusLlbles (sLored oll, dlesel, eLc.) and on a non-
combusLlble surface. lf hoL work needs Lo be performed ouLslde of Lhe SWA, lL may be necessary for
8luescape personnel Lo shuL-ln or curLall produclng wells, cerLaln process vessels or
oLher operaLlons. ln addlLlon, all movable flre hazards ln Lhe vlclnlLy shall be removed Lo
a safe dlsLance or guards used Lo conflne Lhe heaL, sparks and slag and Lo proLecL Lhe
lmmovable flre hazards. A Work ermlL shall be lssued for all hoL work done ouLslde of
Lhe SWA (l.e. weldlng ln Lhe rlg-cellar) and approved by Lhe conLracLor and 8luescape
supervlsor. Pazards and recommended speclal precauLlons should be documenLed ln
Lhe Work ermlL. 1he hoL work equlpmenL and work area shall be lnspecLed prlor Lo beglnnlng any hoL
work operaLlons Lo ensure safe worklng condlLlons. 1hls lncludes checklng for exploslve
aLmospherlc condlLlons ln all vessels, plplng and conflned spaces and documenLlng Lhe
resulLs on Lhe Work ermlL. Cxygen and aceLylene cyllnders shall be sLored valve end up
and properly secured.
11.2.3. PoL 1applng PoL Lapplng lnvolves Lapplng lnLo a llne or vessel, whlch has Lhe poLenLlal Lo conLaln
hydrocarbons or oLher flammable maLerlal. PoL Lapplng requlres a Work ermlL and Lhe
approval of Lhe conLracLor and 8luescape supervlsors.
11.2.6. llre roLecLlon uurlng PoL Work CperaLlons 1he followlng precauLlons shall be Laken durlng PoL Work operaLlons for flre proLecLlon: llrewaLchers wlLh sulLable flre exLlngulshlng equlpmenL shall be requlred whenever hoL
work operaLlons are performed ouLslde of Lhe SWA. 1he flre waLch shall be malnLalned
for a mlnlmum of a half-hour afLer compleLlon of hoL work operaLlons so Lhe danger of
flre has passed. Cxygen and aceLylene cyllnders shall be kepL aL a safe dlsLance from Lhe acLual hoL work
operaLlon so Lhe sparks, hoL slugs or flames do noL reach Lhe cyllnder. lf such safe
dlsLance cannoL be malnLalned, flre reslsLanL shlelds shall be used. A [eL of oxygen shall noL be permlLLed Lo sLrlke an olly surface, greasy cloLhs or enLer a
fuel oll or oLher hydrocarbon sLorage Lank. A [eL of oxygen shall noL be used Lo blow dlrL ouL of bolL holes, sockeLs, nuLs, eLc. lf
ob[ecLs such as Lhese need Lo be cleaned, compressed alr shall be used. Weldlng cables wlLh spllces wlLhln 10 feeL of Lhe clamps shall noL be used. 1he welder
shall noL coll or loop weldlng elecLrode cables around parLs of Lhe body. Wherever Lhere are floor openlngs or cracks LhaL cannoL be closed, precauLlons shall be
Laken so LhaL no readlly combusLlble maLerlals below wlll be exposed Lo sparks. uurlng hoL work operaLlons ouLslde Lhe SWA, combusLlble floors shall be kepL weL,
covered wlLh damp sand, or proLecLed by flre reslsLanL shlelds PoL Work operaLlons shall noL be permlLLed ln Lhe followlng slLuaLlons: ln areas noL auLhorlzed by Lhe 8luescape supervlsor. ln Lhe presence of exploslve aLmosphere or where such aLmospheres

uLCLM8L8 2009 ACL 17 Cl 28
may develop. Where lgnlLlon can be caused by heaL conducLlon, such on meLal walls or
plpes ln conLacL wlLh combusLlbles on Lhe oLher slde. When wlnd condlLlons are such LhaL sparks could be carrled Lo
combusLlble maLerlals. rlor Lo weldlng or cuLLlng, all hollow spaces or conLalners shall be venLed Lo permlL Lhe
escape of alr or gases. urglng wlLh lnerL gas ln recommended. no cuLLlng wlll be allowed on used drums or Lanks.
11.2.7. venLllaLlon uurlng PoL Work CperaLlons AdequaLe venLllaLlon shall be provlded when hoL work ls done: ln a space of less Lhan 10,000 cublc feeL per welder. ln a spaced havlng a celllng helghL of less Lhan slxLeen (16) feeL. ln a conflned space or where Lhe hoL work space conLalns parLlLlons, balconles or oLher
sLrucLural barrlers Lo Lhe exLenL LhaL Lhey slgnlflcanLly obsLrucL cross venLllaLlon. Where Lhe naLure of Lhe hoL work ls such LhaL Lhe release of Loxlc fumes or gases ls
posslble lncludlng hoL work on sLalnless sLeel, zlnc, and lead, degreaslng or cleanlng
compounds conLalnlng hydrocarbons.
11.2.8. LlecLrlcal SafeLy Lach 8luescape [ob slLe shall address and mlnlmlze personnel exposure Lo elecLrlcal
hazards Lhrough effecLlve equlpmenL operaLlon, deslgn, speclflcaLlon, lnsLallaLlon, and
11.2.9. LlecLrlcal Safe Work racLlces All elecLrlcal work shall be done ln accordance wlLh Lhe laLesL codes, sLandards, and
regulaLlons lncludlng, buL noL llmlLed Lo, naLlonal LlecLrlc Code (nLC), CSPA subparL S,
naLlonal LlecLrlcal SafeLy Code (nLSL) and any federal, sLaLe, or local sLandards.
Pazardous elecLrlcal work shall lonely be done by quallfled elecLrlclans uslng proper L.
L musL comply wlLh CSPA 29 Cl8 1910.137. All elecLrlcal work wlll be revlewed wlLh
Lhe 8luescape supervlsor Lo deLermlne lf a Work ermlL ls requlred. A quallfled person shall dlscharge all sLored elecLrlcal energy and shall verlfy Lhe
equlpmenL ls de-energlzed and proper LockouL/1agouL procedures lmplemenLed prlor
Lo beglnnlng elecLrlcal work.
11.2.10. ower Llnes All power llnes shall be consldered energlzed unless proper measures have been Laken
Lo de-energlze. 1he 8luescape supervlsor shall be advlsed when loads over Lwelve (12)
feeL hlgh wlll be Lravellng on 8luescape roads - ln some cases a Work ermlL may be
requlred. When work ls performed near energlzed overhead power llnes, equlpmenL such as
boom, masL, crane, or lLs load shall never be permlLLed wlLhln Len (10) feeL of power
llnes. See SecLlon enLlLled Mlnlmum LqulpmenL Spaclng 8equlremenLs" for mlnlmum
dlsLance based on kv raLlng. uerrlck, guy wlre and Ceronlmo llnes shall clear all energlzed power llnes by 23 feeL
durlng rlg up, rlg down, or whlle operaLlng.
11.2.11. SLaLlc LlecLrlclLy SLaLlc elecLrlclLy ls generaLed any Llme llquld or solld subsLances are flowed, sprayed,
aglLaLed, rubbed or splashed. SLaLlc elecLrlclLy can cause a spark hazard unless speclal
precauLlons are Laken. 1he followlng are requlremenLs Lo mlnlmlze Lhe posslblllLy of creaLlng a spark and Lhe
hazard of a flre or exploslon ln Lhe presence of hydrocarbons or oLher
flammable/combusLlble llqulds: ConLalners Cnly meLal buckeLs (handles should also be meLal) shall be
used for collecLlng hydrocarbons or oLher flammable/CombusLlble
llqulds. 1he meLal buckeL musL have dlrecL meLal conLacL uslng a bondlng

uLCLM8L8 2009 ACL 18 Cl 28
cable Lo Lhe nozzle and flll plpe shall also be meLal. 1he llquld shall be
dlscharged slowly lnLo Lhe buckeL Lo malnLaln a low veloclLy and mlnlmlze
amounL of sLaLlc elecLrlclLy generaLed. 1anks MeLal sLorage Lanks shall be grounded. All personnel shall ground
Lhelr bodles by Laklng hold of a grounded meLal surface, such as a sLeel
walkway, eLc. before openlng a gauge haLch on a Lank. 1ank/vacuum 1rucks uurlng Lhe loadlng and unloadlng of hydrocarbons
or oLher flammable/CombusLlble llqulds, Lank/vacuum Lrucks shall be
grounded uslng a bondlng cable Lo Lhe sLorage Lank before Lhe Lransfer
llne ls connecLed. 1he Lransfer llne shall be dlsconnecLed before Lhe
bondlng cable ls dlsconnecLed.
11.2.12. CperaLlng LqulpmenL CperaLlng equlpmenL Lyplcally refers Lo roLaLlng or reclprocaLlng equlpmenL such as
compressors, pumps, pumplng unlLs, eLc. 1he followlng are requlremenLs Lo mlnlmlze Lhe posslblllLy of an PSL lncldenL durlng Lhe
repalr, servlce, sLarLup, eLc. of Lhe operaLlng equlpmenL: Cnly Lralned operaLors shall sLarL and sLop operaLlng equlpmenL. !ewelry such as rlngs, waLches, wrlsL chalns, or key chalns or loose
cloLhlng shall noL be worn when worklng around operaLlng equlpmenL.
Long halr shall be conflned. 8epalrs, servlce or alLeraLlons shall noL be made on equlpmenL ln
operaLlon. All equlpmenL shall be shuL down and a LockouL/1agouL
devlce used ln such a manner LhaL Lhe equlpmenL cannoL be accldenLally
sLarLed whlle belng worked on. Cuards and oLher safeLy devlces shall be relnsLalled before equlpmenL ls
11.2.13. Crane, Cln ole and 8lgglng SafeLy Cnly Lralned and quallfled personnel shall operaLe cranes and gln pole Lrucks. All work
uLlllzlng cranes shall be done ln accordance wlLh CSPA 29 Cl8 1910. Cnly 8luescape-
approved personnel shall be allowed Lo operaLe 8luescape-owned cranes. WrlLLen
cerLlflcaLlon shall be provlded Lo 8luescape by Lhe conLracLor for each conLracLor
employee who mlghL operaLe a crane. All cranes and gln pole Lrucks shall be sLrlcLly
malnLalned ln accordance wlLh Lhe manufacLurer's recommendaLlons. Cnly personnel (lncludlng all conLracLor rlggers) LhaL have recelved rlgger Lralnlng and
cerLlflcaLlon LhaL ls recognlzed by Lhe MMS may perform rlgglng operaLlons for cranes
operaLlng for 8luescape. 1he followlng are requlremenLs Lo mlnlmlze Lhe posslblllLy of an PSL lncldenL durlng
crane, gln pole, and rlgglng operaLlons: All personnel shall be clear of a load before lL ls plcked up and shall
remaln clear aL all Llmes. ersonnel should face Lhe crane or gln pole
Lruck ln full vlew of Lhe crane operaLor and/or slgnal man. ersonnel,
lncludlng Lhose holdlng Lhe Lag llne, shall never be under suspended
loads or go beLween Lhe load and oLher ob[ecLs where Lhey may be
Lrapped or crushed. 1he crane operaLor shall never leave Lhe conLrols whlle a load ls
suspended. 8lders shall noL be permlLLed on Lhe exLerlor of gln pole Lrucks. non-conducLlng Lag llnes shall be used Lo conLrol all suspended loads.
Chalns or sLeel cables are noL accepLable. 1ag llnes shall be aLLached
before a load ls llfLed. A slgnalman shall be used lf Lhe crane operaLor does noL have full vlew of
llfLlng operaLlon. Where pracLlcal, Lhe use of radlos or oLher
communlcaLlon equlpmenL ls also recommended. 1he crane and gln pole
operaLor shall respond only Lo slgnals from Lhe slgnalman, buL shall obey
a sLop slgnal from anyone aL any Llme. See Appendlx l crane hand slgnals.

uLCLM8L8 2009 ACL 19 Cl 28 1he Crane and gln pole operaLor shall lnspecL llfL llnes, rlgglng, sllngs and
crane and gln pole flLLlngs/fasLeners dally when ln use or prlor Lo each llfL
and replace lf necessary. 1hls equlpmenL shall be properly raLed for Lhe
lnLended load and cerLlflcaLlon Lags aLLached Lo all sllngs. All wlre rope
clamps shall comply wlLh CSPA 29 Cl8 1926.231. Wlre rope shall noL be
secured wlLh knoLs. 1he operaLor shall lnspecL all cranes and gln pole Lrucks prlor Lo use
Cranes should be load marked per CSPA 29 Cl8 1910.179. ln addlLlon,
cranes shall have Lhe mosL recenL lnspecLlon records posLed ln Lhe cab. A crane shall noL be used Lo pull a load sldeways. A crane boom shall noL be used as a ladder for walklng, excepL for
necessary malnLenance of Lhe boom and lLs componenLs. When noL ln use, Lhe crane boom or gln pole masL shall be kepL ln Lhe
cradle. rocedure for uslng 1ag Llnes lf Lag llnes are lmpracLlcal durlng flnal poslLlonlng of Lhe load, cauLlon
should be Laken Lo ensure LhaL no parL of Lhe person's body guldlng Lhe
load be beLween Lhe load and oLher ob[ecLs where Lhey may be Lrapped
or crushed. no aLLempL Lo gulde a load shall be made wlLh Lhe Lag llne wrapped
around a hand or walsL. 1he Lag llne musL be free of knoLs. A Lag llne shall be of sufflclenL lengLh so LhaL no parL of Lhe person
guldlng Lhe load shall be under Lhe load aL any Llme. When llfLlng a load wlLh a gln pole Lruck, a snub llne from Lhe load Lo Lhe
Lruck may be used ln lleu of a hand-held Lag llne. Powever, a swamper
(flagman) musL be used. Swampers wlll be requlred Lo sLand back a
mlnlmum of Len (10) feeL from a load LhaL ls belng llfLed or Lall boarded
on a Lruck or Lraller.
11.2.14. LxcavaLlon and 1renchlng An excavaLlon ls any man-made plL, Lrench, hole or cuL lnLo Lhe ground formed by Lhe
removal of earLh. oLenLlal hazards lnclude, buL are noL llmlLed Lo cave-lns, hazardous
aLmospherlc condlLlons, and rupLure or conLacL wlLh a llve flowllne or uLlllLy lnsLallaLlon. 1he followlng are requlremenLs Lo mlnlmlze Lhe posslblllLy of an PSL lncldenL durlng
excavaLlon and Lrenchlng operaLlons: All excavaLlon and Lrenchlng operaLlons shall be performed under Lhe
supervlslon of a compeLenL" person as speclfled by CSPA 1926.632 and
all requlremenLs meL. ersonnel enLerlng a Lrench or excavaLlon exceedlng four (4) feeL ln
depLh musL follow conflned space enLry procedures and requlre a work
ermlL approved by Lhe conLracLor and 8luescape supervlsor. A safe
means for personnel Lo enLer and exlL shall be provlded. LocaLlons of flowllnes and uLlllLy lnsLallaLlons shall be esLabllshed prlor Lo
beglnnlng excavaLlon or Lrenchlng operaLlons. AdequaLe proLecLlon from cave-lns shall be provlded Lhrough approprlaLe
sloplng, shorlng or shleldlng as deLermlned by Lhe compeLenL person
supervlslng Lhe operaLlon. All unaLLended excavaLlons and Lrenches shall have barrlcades LhaL are
vlslble afLer dark.
11.2.13. Scaffoldlng SafeLy Scaffoldlng shall be used when approprlaLe. Cllmblng or worklng from Lhe handrall, mld-
rall, or brace members of Lhe scaffoldlng ls prohlblLed. All scaffoldlng shall be erecLed
accordlng Lo CSPA scaffold requlremenLs speclfled ln 29 Cl8 1910.28 and 1926.431.

uLCLM8L8 2009 ACL 20 Cl 28 SandblasLlng and alnLlng SandblasLlng 1he oLenLlal hazards durlng sandblasLlng operaLlons lnclude, buL are noL
llmlLed Lo lnhalaLlon of dusLs (lncludlng lead from Lhe palnL or slllca from
Lhe blasLlng medlum), hlgh nolse levels, hlgh operaLlng pressure of
equlpmenL, eLc. 1he followlng are requlremenLs Lo mlnlmlze Lhe posslblllLy of an PSL
lncldenL durlng sandblasLlng operaLlons: ConLracLors performlng sandblasLlng operaLlons for
8luescape shall have a medlcal survelllance program ln
place Lo monlLor employee's blood level exposure Lo lead. Approved resplraLory and hearlng proLecLlon shall be
worn. 1he use of slllca sand ln Lhe blasLlng medlum ls
dlscouraged alnL coaLlngs belng removed by sandblasLlng operaLlons
shall be consldered as lead conLalnlng unLll proven
oLherwlse. Check all hoses every day for leaks and slgns of wear venLllaLlon (elLher mechanlcal or naLural) shall be
adequaLe Lo keep Lhe work aLmosphere less Lhan 10
Lower Lxploslve LlmlL (LLL) and Lhe oxygen (C2) conLenL
greaLer Lhan 19.3 8leed or depressure all llnes before dlsconnecLlng. 8lasLlng nozzles shall be equlpped wlLh a cuL-off devlce
(dead man's swlLch). Secure and hobble all hlgh-pressure alr hose connecLlons. All alr hose connecLors (Crow's leeL) shall be plnned or
wlred Lo keep Lhem from comlng aparL. Warnlng slgns shall be posLed ldenLlfylng poLenLlal
hazards. alnLlng 1he poLenLlal hazards durlng palnLlng operaLlons lnclude, buL are noL llmlLed Lo
lnhalaLlon of Loxlc vapors or spray mlsL, flre hazard due Lo solvenLs ln Lhe palnL, eLc. 1he followlng are requlremenLs Lo mlnlmlze Lhe posslblllLy of an PSL lncldenL durlng
palnLlng operaLlons: ConLracLors performlng palnLlng operaLlons for 8luescape shall have a
medlcal survelllance program ln place Lo monlLor employee's blood level
exposure Lo lead. Approved resplraLory proLecLlon shall be worn. ApproprlaLe eye proLecLlon shall be worn. 8e aware of and ellmlnaLe lgnlLlon sources ln Lhe work area. venLllaLlon (elLher mechanlcal or naLural) shall be adequaLe Lo keep Lhe
work aLmosphere less Lhan 10 Lower Lxploslve LlmlL (LLL) and Lhe
oxygen (C2) conLenL greaLer Lhan 19.3. 8leed or depressure all llnes before dlsconnecLlng. Warnlng slgns shall be posLed ldenLlfylng poLenLlal hazards. Compressed Alr used for Cleanlng Compressed alr used for drylng or cleanlng shall be llmlLed Lo 30 psl
(gauge) by a pressure regulaLor or pressure-reduclng nozzle as speclfled
ln CSPA 29 Cl8 1910.242.

uLCLM8L8 2009 ACL 21 Cl 28 ulrecLlng compressed alr Loward a person for any reason ls prohlblLed.
When uslng compressed alr for cleanlng ln a dry and dusLy slLuaLlon,
proLecLlve eye goggles, gloves, and a dusL fllLer for resplraLory proLecLlon
shall be worn aL a mlnlmum. use of CheaLer 8ars/lpes use of cheaLer bars/plpes shall only be used as a lasL resorL Lo break a
connecLlon afLer Lhe largesL wrench avallable has been Lrled. CheaLer bars/plpes shall noL be used Lo open a closed chaln-blnder
(boomer). ry bars shall be used ln Lhls appllcaLlon. When uslng a cheaLer
bar/plpe Lo close a boomer, avold sLandlng ln Lhe paLh of Lhe blnder
release ln case of klckback. lL ls recommended LhaL Lhe cheaLer bar/plpe lengLh noL exceeds Lwlce
Lhe lengLh of Lhe wrench or blnder handles. Accordlng Lo wrench
manufacLures, use of cheaLer bars/plpes of Lhe wrench. 1hls Lype of
fallure usually occurs ln Lhe heel of Lhe bend ln Lhe wrench head. lf Lhe
cheaLer bar/plpe LhaL ls Lwlce Lhe lengLh of Lhe wrench doesn'L work, lL ls
recommended Lo move Lo a larger wrench, whlch would allow a longer
cheaLer bar/plpe. ln LlghL work areas, where an exLenslon vla means of
Lhe cheaLer bar/plpe would opLlmlze Lhe fooLlng of Lhe person Lurnlng
Lhe wrench, a cheaLer bar/plpe longer Lhan Lwlce Lhe lengLh of Lhe
wrench may be used. When uslng a cheaLer bar/plpe Lo pull on a wrench handle, always
assume Lhe proper sLance Lo prevenL falllng. lL ls hlghly recommended LhaL cheaLer bars/plpes made of brlLLle
maLerlals such as flberglass noL be used. lorkllfL SafeLy Cnly Lralned and quallfled personnel shall operaLe forkllfLs. 1ralnlng shall
be conducLed as speclfled ln CSPA 29 Cl8 1910.178. WrlLLen cerLlflcaLlon
shall be provlded Lo 8luescape by Lhe conLracLor for each conLracLor
employee who mlghL operaLe a forkllfL. All forkllfLs shall be sLrlcLly
malnLalned ln accordance wlLh Lhe manufacLurer's recommendaLlons. unauLhorlzed personnel shall noL rlde on forkllfLs. Lach forkllfL wlll be
requlred Lo have a nC 8luL8S" slgn ln a vlslble area of Lhe forkllfL. 1he forkllfL shall have an alarm slgnallng when vehlcle ls backlng up. When a forkllfL ls lefL unaLLended, Lhe forks shall be fully lowered,
conLrols puL ln off" or neuLral" poslLlon, Lhe power shuL-off and Lhe
brakes seL. Wheels shall be chocked lf Lhe forkllfL ls parked on an lncllne. SeaL belLs shall be worn when operaLlng a forkllfL equlpped wlLh a
rollover proLecLlon devlce. use of Pand and ower 1ools 1ools shall be malnLalned ln good condlLlon and defecLlve Lools repalred
by quallfled personnel or replaced. Where poLenLlally exploslve
aLmosphere exlsL, exploslon-proof and non-sparklng Lools and exLenslon
cords shall be used. Pand Lools shall always be used for Lhelr lnLended purpose. lor example,
wrenches shall noL be used as a hammer, screwdrlvers shall noL be used
as a chlsel or pry bar, plpe wrenches shall noL be used on hex nuLs,
grlnder wheels shall be properly raLed for Lhe speed of Lhe grlnder, eLc Cuards shall be ln place and noL modlfled. ower Lools and exLenslon
cords shall have proper groundlng. 8efer Lo Al-8 14l.10.3
12. Dr||||ng and We|| Serv|c|ng Cperat|ons
12.1. Ceneral
12.1.1. urllls - urllls shall be conducLed regularly Lo ensure personnel are famlllar wlLh emergency acLlon
plans. lL and Lrlp drllls shall be held weekly. 8ecords of drllls shall be malnLalned aL Lhe rlg slLe.

uLCLM8L8 2009 ACL 22 Cl 28
12.1.2. 8C 1esLs - 8C's shall be LesLed when lnlLlally lnsLalled and every Lwo (2) weeks LhereafLer. Some
workover operaLlons may requlre Lhe 8C's Lo be LesLed every week. 8ecords of LesLs shall be
malnLalned aL Lhe rlg slLe. rudence shall be glven regardlng LesLlng crlLerla on wells lncapable of
susLalned flow.
12.1.3. LlecLrlcal sLorms - All operaLlons on or near drllllng and workover rlgs, meLal Lanks and equlpmenL, and
Lhose lnvolvlng exploslves (lncludlng wlrellne perforaLlng, eLc.) shall be suspended unLll LhlrLy (30)
mlnuLes afLer an elecLrlcal sLorm has passed.
12.1.4. llare lgnlLers - 8emoLe flare llne lgnlLers shall be provlded for all 3, 000 psl and above gas well drllllng
locaLlons, all P
S locaLlons, and any oLher locaLlons where Lhe venLlng of gas ls llkely Lo be a necesslLy.
8emoLe flare lgnlLers are noL requlred when Lhe well can be readlly shuL-ln such as durlng colled
Lublng, snubblng, and flowback operaLlons.
12.1.3. Ceronlmo llnes - uerrlck escape llnes (Ceronlmo llnes) shall be lnsLalled as speclfled by Lhe lAuC.
12.1.6. 8lg LlevaLors- 8lg elevaLors provlded Lo access Lhe rlg floor are prohlblLed.
12.1.7. lpe llll up- Cnly low-pressure cenLrlfugal pumps shall be used for caslng, drlll plpe or worksLrlng flll
up. use of hlgh-pressure pumps ls prohlblLed unless a sysLem valve can safely be lefL open Lo prevenL
excesslve pressure Lo Lhe flll-up hose.
12.1.8. use of lckup/Laydown Machlne- ersonnel shall noL be on Lhe caLwalk or under Lhe vee-door area
whlle Lhe laydown/plckup machlne Lrough ls ln operaLlon. lf work needs Lo be performed ln Lhls area,
Lhe laydown/plckup machlne shall be shuL down compleLely and Lhe Lrough secured.
12.1.9. urlp ans- urlp pans shall be used under equlpmenL, moLors, eLc. Lo conLaln any leaklng hydraullc fluld,
oll, Lransmlsslon fluld, eLc.
12.2. underground Llnes
12.2.1. Lach locaLlon shall be checked for all underground llnes (power llnes, gas flowllnes, and ln[ecLlon llnes)
and Lhe llnes dlsLlncLly marked where Lhey cross Lhe locaLlon. LxcavaLlon, Lrenchlng, and/or oLher
ground peneLraLlng operaLlons such as lnsLalllng anchors or sLakes shall noL be done ln Lhe vlclnlLy of
underground llnes.
12.3. MlsmaLched Pammer unlons
12.3.1. Serlous ln[ury and faLallLles have occurred ln Lhe oll lndusLry from Lhe make-up of hammer unlons LhaL,
alLhough vlsually appear Lo be Lhe same pressure raLlng, acLually are noL Lhe same raLlng, resulLlng ln
an lmproper connecLlon. 1hls lmproper connecLlon wlll even appear Lo make up properly, buL have Lhe
poLenLlal Lo fall well below Lhe pressure raLlng of Lhe weaker componenL. lallure of Lhe connecLlon can
creaLe serlous PSL hazards lncludlng meLal pro[ecLlles and Lhe release of hlgh pressure, posslbly Loxlc
12.3.2. 1he problem normally occurs because Lhe Lhreads of a Lwo (2) lnch llgure 602 (6,000 psl raLlng) and
llgure 1002 (10,000 psl raLlng) hammer unlon wlll make up wlLh a Lwo (2) lnch llgure 1302 (13,000 psl
raLlng) hammer unlon. 8luescape has sLandardlzed all operaLlons wlLh llgure 1302 hammer unlons
wherever posslble or mandaLed LhaL all hammer unlons be clearly marked as Lo Lhelr Lype (llgure 602,
1002 or 1302). never make up hammer unlons unless Lhey are clearly marked as Lo Lhelr Lype Lo
ensure Lhe makeup ls compaLlble. lf ln doubL, a 8oughneck Saver" (go/no-go gauge) shall be used Lo
deLermlne Lhe hammer unlon Lype and Lhe hammer unlons Lhen clearly marked before make up.
12.4. 1ubular Pandllng
12.4.1. 1ubular Loadlng and unloadlng A forkllfL ls requlred Lo load or unload Lubulars. no personnel shall be wlLhln LwenLy (20) feeL of Lhe Lruck or forkllfL whlle Lubulars are
belng loaded or unloaded unless Lhe Lubulars are less Lhan Len (10) feeL ln lengLh and
requlre a person Lo be on Lhe Lruck Lo load/unload. lf lL ls necessary Lo use a forkllfL Lo
asslsL ln lnsLalllng or removlng chocks on Lhe Lruck, Lhe forkllfL shall be ln poslLlon and
sLaLlonary before any personnel approach. ApproprlaLe maLerlal-handllng equlpmenL shall be requlred for unloadlng and loadlng
Lubulars on Lrucks. A forkllfL shall be requlred for handllng more Lhan a slngle-plece
Lubular. 1he forkllfL shall be capable of reachlng across Lhe floaL of a Lruck. 1he loadlng
and unloadlng of Lubulars wlLh a gln pole Lruck ls prohlblLed. CLher Lubular loadlng requlremenLs lnclude: yramld loadlng of Lubulars ls prohlblLed.

uLCLM8L8 2009 ACL 23 Cl 28 When Lhe Lubular load exceeds one layer, dock racks" (bolsLers) shall be
used on Lhe floaL, and each layer of Lubulars musL be sLrlpped and
chocked. SLrlpplng for Lubulars larger Lhan flve (3) lnches shall be 4" x 4" wood and
for Lubulars flve (3) lnches or smaller shall be 2" x 4" wood. Chocks shall be made of plasLlc and properly lnsLalled, l.e. lf Lhe chock
requlres Lwo (2) nalls Lhen (2) nalls shall be lnsLalled. 1he Lop layer of Lhe load musL be sLrapped wlLh a mlnlmum of one (1)
sLrap per Len (10) feeL lengLh. A mlnlmum of Lwo (2) sLraps shall be used on any Lubular plece. 1he load helghL shall noL exceed Lhe helghL of Lhe headache rack on Lhe
Lruck. Slde sLakes may be used only lf Lubular load ls one layer. All personnel shall sLay ouLslde Lhe ends of Lhe Lubulars durlng unloadlng
and loadlng ln Lhe evenL Lhe Lubular rolls unexpecLedly. All of Lhe above requlremenLs lnclude Lubulars belng moved or sold as
[unk" lmproperly loaded Lrucks shall noL be allowed on a 8luescape locaLlon Lo
be unloaded or allowed Lo leave Lhe 8luescape locaLlon.
12.4.2. lpe 8acks Walklng on plpe racks or plpe Lubs ls prohlblLed. 1ubulars shall be chocked lmmedlaLely afLer belng placed on Lhe plpe rack. When rolllng Lubulars, lncludlng caslng and drlll plpe, Lhe followlng procedures shall be
observed: ush Lubular away from Lhe body when posslble. lace hands on Lhe backslde of Lubular ln a safe poslLlon. WaLch for plnch polnLs when rolllng Lubulars. 8olllng Lubulars wlLh feeL ls prohlblLed. All personnel shall sLay ouLslde Lhe ends of Lhe Lubulars ln Lhe evenL Lhe
Lubular rolls unexpecLedly. lor caslng and drlll plpe, one person shall be aL each end of Lhe Lubular. Mlnlmum sLrlpplng on plpe racks shall be 2" x 4" wood and sLrlpplng for Lubulars 11"
and larger shall be 2" x 6" wood. 1he end of Lhe sLrlpplng wood shall noL proLrude ouL more Lhan a few lnches beyond
Lhe racked Lubulars.
12.4.3. 8lg lloor 1ools for 8unnlng 1ubulars Sllps Shall be properly malnLalned (lubrlcaLed as needed). Shall be handled by a mlnlmum of Lwo people Lo llfL. Shall never be klcked lnLo place. 8roken or worn sllps shall be replaced and secured wlLh correcL
fasLeners. ules shall be checked regularly, kepL clean/sharp, and replaced as
necessary. 8roken dles shall be replaced and correcL keepers used. A full-
face shleld shall be worn when replaclng dles. Crlglnal equlpmenL replacemenL handles shall be used. 1ongs 1ong counLerbalance welghLs shall be properly malnLalned (welghL

uLCLM8L8 2009 ACL 24 Cl 28
balance and well lubrlcaLed) for verLlcal movemenL of Lhe Longs. 1ong counLerbalance welghL baskeLs shall be equlpped wlLh a means of
compleLely securlng any welghL ob[ecLs placed ln Lhe baskeL. 1he Longs shall be snubbed Lo an anchor posL or a derrlck leg. SafeLy swlLches shall be lnsLalled on power Longs Lo ensure LhaL Lhey are
noL operaLed unless Lhe Long doors are closed. ln addlLlon, Lhe doors LhaL
close Lhe fronL of Lhe Longs shall have a poslLlve laLchlng mechanlsm Lo
keep Lhe door shuL. ersonnel shall poslLlon Lhemselves clear of Lhe arc of Lhe Longs whlle
maklng up or breaklng ouL Lubulars. LaLches shall always be clean and lubrlcaLed. ules shall be checked regularly, kepL clean/sharp, and replaced as
necessary. 8roken dles shall be replaced and correcL keepers used. A full-
face shleld shall be worn when replaclng dles. A plece of chaln or oLher maLerlal shall never be used Lo make Lhe Longs
blLe". Always use proper slze [aws for Lhe plpe belng used. 1ongs shall never be laLched around Lubulars LhaL are movlng. 1ongs shall be hung ln Lhe masL so LhaL Lhey swlng away from drlll plpe
when unlaLched. When noL ln use, shall be hooked back ln Lhe derrlck corner. CLher roper slzed drlll collar clamps shall be used. A safe means of lowerlng Lhread proLecLors from Lhe rlg floor Lo Lhe
ground shall be enforced. Lowerlng unsecured Lhread proLecLors ln Lhe
plckup/laydown machlne Lrough ls unaccepLable. A chaln can be
Lhreaded Lhrough Lhe proLecLors Lo secure Lhem ln Lhe Lrough.
12.4.4. Caslng crews LqulpmenL, such as plck-up llnes, cable hooks, elevaLors, eLc. shall never be modlfled
wlLhouL consulLlng Lhe manufacLurer. 1he sLabber shall noL sLand on a rlg glrL Lo sLab caslng an ad[usLable sLabblng board
locaLed on Lhe slde of Lhe derrlck opposlLe Lhe drlller shall be used. A permanenL or
seml-permanenL ad[usLable sLabblng board should be mounLed on Lhe rlg whenever
posslble (noL always posslble on small derrlcks). 1he drlller shall pay close aLLenLlon whlle llfLlng [olnLs of caslng ouL of Lhe
plckup/laydown machlne Lrough ln anLlclpaLlon of poLenLlally shorL [olnLs, whlch swlng
ouL of Lhe Lrough more qulckly Lhan long [olnLs. ersonnel shall never place hands on Lhe floor pole of Lhe plckup/laydown machlne. A drlll collar clamp shall be used for securlng Lhe floor pole of Lhe plckup/laydown
machlne pole ln Lhe mouse hole and a guard musL be provlded Lo cover Lhe clamp and
mouse hole.
12.4.3. Above-Cround ressurlzed Llnes roperly anchor and hobble pressure rellef llnes and above-ground pressurlzed llnes
LhaL mlghL move durlng operaLlons. 8eLurn and blow-down llnes shall be dlrecLed Lo a
safe place from Lhe wellhead wlLh Lhe worklng area down wlnd. Secure Lhe roLary hose
and all oLher flexlble/pressurlzed hoses wlLh a safeLy chaln. Choke manlfold venL and
flare llnes shall be secured by earLh guyllne anchors, concreLe anchors, or oLher
lndusLry-accepLed anchorlng sysLem.
12.4.6. CemenLlng CemenL llnes shall be lald flaL on Lhe ground and anchored. Chlcksans shall be supporLed by Lhe alr holsL llne when Lubulars are belng reclprocaLed
durlng cemenLlng operaLlons.

uLCLM8L8 2009 ACL 23 Cl 28 1he porLlon of Lhe cemenL llne from Lhe ground Lo Lhe rlg floor shall be chalned or
supporLed on Lhe floor. A permanenL cemenLlng llne from Lhe ground Lo Lhe rlg floor
should be mounLed on Lhe rlg whenever posslble. CemenL llnes shall be Lled off Lo Lhe balls aL Lhe cemenL head. Samples should be Laken from a sampllng llne and never from Lhe blenders wlLh Lhe
aglLaLor ln operaLlon. SLepplng beLween Lrucks or cllmblng over pumps and blender Lanks ls prohlblLed.
12.4.7. erforaLlng and CLher Wlrellne CperaLlons lnvolvlng Lxploslves Slgns shall be posLed aL Lhe locaLlon enLrance, aL leasL 300 feeL from Lhe operaLlon,
noLlfylng LhaL exploslves are ln use. nlghLLlme perforaLlng operaLlons are noL recommended due Lo llghLlng consLralnLs,
prudence should deLermlne all afLer dark declslons. Lxploslves shall be handled only by quallfled personnel deslgnaLed by Lhe conLracLor
performlng Lhe operaLlon. All non-essenLlal personnel noL lnvolved ln handllng Lhe
exploslves are Lo remaln ouLslde of Lhe lmmedlaLe work aera. All Lwo-way radlos, Lelephones, weldlng machlnes and oLher elecLrlcal power sources
locaLed wlLhln 300 feeL of Lhe wlrellne operaLlon lnvolvlng exploslves shall be Lurned off. LlecLrlc llne Lruck shall be grounded Lo Lhe wellhead before operaLlons begln. Pazards from sLaLlc elecLrlclLy LhaL can develop from blowlng dusL or snow should be
evaluaLed and proper precauLlons Laken. 1he wlrellne shall be lsolaLed from Lhe flrlng panel unLll Lhe exploslves reach a mlnlmum
depLh of 200 feeL. 1he exploslves shall be locked ouL and shorLed ouL above 200 feeL
when removlng llve" exploslves from Lhe wellbore.
13. Se|sm|c Cperat|ons
13.1. AddlLlonal PSL lnformaLlon on selsmlc operaLlons may be obLalned from Lhe lACC Land Ceophyslcal CperaLlons
Manual. Powever, lf any lnformaLlon ln LhaL manual confllcLs wlLh or ls oLherwlse less sLrlngenL Lhan lnformaLlon
provlded ln Lhls handbook, 8luescape's work pracLlces shall prevall.
13.1.1. LlecLrlcal SLorms
13.2. All operaLlons lnvolvlng exploslves shall be suspended unLll LhlrLy (30) mlnuLes afLer an elecLrlcal sLorm has passed.
1hls lncludes maklng up charges, loadlng holes or golng near charges and/or loaded holes. ersonnel should
lmmedlaLely move away from magazlnes, caps and powder and, lf carrylng exploslves, lay Lhem down and move aL
leasL 100 feeL away.
13.2.1. 8efore Lhe elecLrlcal sLorm arrlves, lower Lhe masL on selsmlc hole drllllng equlpmenL and move away
from Lhe drllllng equlpmenL and any near by elecLrlcal llnes.
13.2.2. ulsconnecL all llnes from Lhe recordlng Lruck. Make sure cables and geophones are noL Louchlng
13.2.3. 2-way radlos should be held wlLh Lhe anLenna polnLlng Loward, buL noL Louchlng, Lhe ground or
remove Lhe anLenna and avold LransmlLLlng lf posslble.
13.2.4. SLay away from flammable/exploslve maLerlals, meLal ob[ecLs, Lrees, powerllnes, cables and fences.
13.2.3. Suspend grounded vehlcle operaLlons and move clear of Lhe vehlcle.
13.2.6. SLay ln rubber-Llred vehlcles buL noL under Lrees.
13.2.7. 8aLLery Charglng recauLlons shall be Laken when worklng around baLLery charglng areas. 1hese
precauLlons conslsL of wearlng approprlaLe eyewear Lo prevenL chemlcal burns ln Lhe
evenL of a baLLery dlscharge or exploslon. lnspecLlon of baLLerles should be done
frequenLly for leaks or defecLs, and Lhe baLLery repalred or replaced lmmedlaLely.
14. M|n|mum Lqu|pment Spac|ng kequ|rements
14.1. 1he followlng equlpmenL spaclng requlremenLs shall be followed for producLlon faclllLles lnsLallaLlon.
14.1.1. lrom Wellhead (Pydrocarbon)

uLCLM8L8 2009 ACL 26 Cl 28
13. 1esL Lanks, oll sLorage, plLs 130'
16. CeneraLors 100'
17. ulrecL-flred heaLer wlLh flame arresLor 100'
18. ClrculaLlng pumps 100'
19. Lnglne exhausL muffler 100'
20. luel sLorage 30'
21. Pydraullc power (elecLrlc moLor drlven) 23'
21.1.1. lrom lLs (noL 8urnlng)
22. luel and lgnlLlon sources 100
23. ClrculaLlon pumps & hydraullc power unlLs 100'
24. WlLh spark arresLors 23
24.1.1. lrom PoL Cll 1rucks
23. SLorage Lanks 130
26. Wellhead 130
26.1.1. lrom vacuum 1ruck Lnglnes
27. 1ank 30
27.1.1. lrom Cas venLs
28. Well and lgnlLlon sources 130
28.1.1. lrom ower Llnes Less Lhan 30kv
29. 8oom, masL, gln pole, or load 10
30. 1ruck wlLh boom, masL, gln pole lowered 6
31. uerrlck, guy wlre, Ceronlmo llnes 23 30kv - 343kv
32. 8oom, masL, gln pole, or load 20
33. 1ruck wlLh boom, masL, gln pole lowered 10
34. uerrlck, guy wlre, Ceronlmo llnes 23 343kv - 730kv
33. 8oom, masL, gln pole, or load 33
36. 1ruck wlLh boom, masL, gln pole lowered 16
37. uerrlck, guy wlre, Ceronlmo llnes 23 Mlnlmum dlsLance should be Len (10) feeL plus x lnch for each 1 kv over 30 kv.
38. nazardous Atmospheres
38.1. Pydrogen Sulflde (P
38.1.1. Pydrogen sulflde (P
S) ls a hlghly Loxlc, flammable, colorless, and corroslve gas P
S can cause
lmmedlaLe deaLh, even when ln lnhaled ln moderaLe concenLraLlons.
38.1.2. Pydrogen sulflde (P
S) characLerlsLlcs: P
S has an offenslve odor, slmllar Lo roLLen eggs, whlch rapldly deadens Lhe sense of
smell maklng odor an unrellable means of deLecLlng Lhls polsonous gas. P
S ls heavler Lhan alr wlll Lend Lo accumulaLe ln low-lylng areas. P
S burns wlLh a blue flame and when burnL, produces sulfur, dloxlde (SC
), whlch ls
anoLher Loxlc gas. Lven aL low concenLraLlons, P
S can affecL Lhe eyes as well as Lhe resplraLory LracL.

uLCLM8L8 2009 ACL 27 Cl 28 P
S ls exLremely corroslve Lo meLal requlrlng careful maLerlal selecLlon.
38.1.3. Slgns shall be posLed ln areas where P
S ls presenL 8luescape and conLracLor employees worklng ln an
S envlronmenL ln excess of 100 parLs per mllllon (M) shall have P
S and resplraLory proLecLlon
Lralnlng. 1he ermlsslble Lxposure LlmlL (LL) ls less Lhan 10 M. Carbon uloxlde (CC
) and nlLrogen (n
) Carbon dloxlde (CC
) and nlLrogen (n
) are non-Loxlc, non-flammable, colorless,
LasLeless and odorless gases. CC
, ln hlgh concenLraLlons, has an acldlc LasLe and a
sllghLly pungenL odor. 8oLh CC
and n
are heavler Lhan alr and Lend Lo accumulaLe ln
low-lylng areas. LxLended overexposure Lo CC
and n
blocks Lhe lnLake of oxygen,
sLlmulaLes breaLhlng, and lncreases Lhe hearL raLe. 1hls can resulL ln dlscomforL, nausea,
and ulLlmaLely unconsclousness or deaLh. Slgns shall be posLed ln areas where CC
and n
are presenL. 8luescape and conLracLor
employees worklng ln areas where CC
and n
concenLraLlons may be encounLered shall
be Lralned ln Lhelr effecLs and Lhe proLecLlve measures Lo be followed. 1he ermlsslble
Lxposure LlmlL (LL) for CC
ls less Lhan 3,000 M. Cxygen (C
) conLenL should be kepL
above 19.3 Lo avold asphyxlaLlon due Lo excesslve concenLraLlons of CC
and/or n

uLCLM8L8 2009 ACL 28 Cl 28
39. Acknow|edgement
40. l hereby acknowledge LhaL:
40.1. l have recelved a copy of, and read, Lhls handbook:
40.2. l agree Lo work under all provlslons conLalned hereln:
40.3. l undersLand Lhe handbook:
40.4. l am noL a 8luescape employee:
40.3. My employer has Lralned me Lo do my asslgned [ob, an
40.6. l am physlcally capable of performlng Lhe [ob.

name (rlnLed):
Soclal SecurlLy number:
ConLracL Company:

1h|s form shou|d be p|aced on f||e at the 8|uescape |oca| off|ce.

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