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Composition: A Race Against Time

As I turned the corner of my street, I could see nothing but yellow orange flames of blazing fire everywhere. My heart squirmed and started racing as I located that to be around my own house. I couldnt see clearly. I rushed to it as fast as I could, and I realized that it was the house none other than my own. The thought of all my family being inside, exce t my father, almost fainted me but I !new that was not what I ought to do at that articular crucial time. I could hear screams of my little sister as I drew near. "#h..there is no time I told myself and ulled off my blac! $ac!et and was $ust about to ste inside when someone caught me from my bac!% &'hat are you exactly trying to do. 'e have called firefighters and they will be here any minute( someone screamed whom I failed to recognize because of my failing senses. They only !new one thing and that was that it was a race against time and even a microsecond was im ortant for me. I extricated myself from his gri and rushed into the fire li!e a brave soldier. My body felt the intense heat and my each art of body rotested. Ignoring everything com letely I shouted to my sister and my ears heard a distant re ly, between screeches of my baby brother, &'here are you )ames*( The voices were unmista!ably coming from the u er ortion. I dashed towards the stairs and lost my balance in mid way. I was rolling down and then I caught hold of the railing before falling down and started the run again. I s rinted through the living room towards the bathroom where I found them all huddled together there. All water ta s were running and my sister was throwing buc!ets of water on the art of the house which was on fire. &Are you mad* 'hat are you all doing here* 'aiting to be burnt*( I shouted with rage and ulled the baby brother from my mothers arms and shoved them all out of the bathroom. Then off we ran as fast as we could, through the fire. My whole body ached due to in$uries while I had tri ed on the stairs and my body smelt of burnt clothes. )ust as we got out of the house, the firefighters sirens were reverberating through the town. My an!le refused to su ort me any longer. I fell on the ground with a thud and everything went blac!. The time I o ened my eyes, my whole body seemed li!e on fire, es ecially the an!le hurt a lot which was lastered now. Then I became aware of my surroundings and I realized that I was in hos ital bed and whole my family was standing with anxious faces. They told me that I had s rained my an!le some arts of my body had some burns as well but I was going to be all right. My father came near and s o!e in a most assionate voice I have ever heard him s ea! throughout my life% &+ou have roved to be the real member of this family, My dear boy, I am really roud of you( I smiled at him forgetting all my ains and in$uries.

Written by: -a!hita Maryam

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