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Damiana Gibbons

Appalachian State University 514 School of Education Boone, ! "#$%# &#"#' "$"("")) *ibbonsdd+appstate,edu !U--E . /0S1.10
Assistant /rofessor, 2edia Studies, !urriculum 3 1nstruction, School of Education, Appalachian State University Au*ust "%11 to present

/h,d,, !urriculum and 1nstruction, 2ay "%11 University of 4isconsin, 2adison, 41 2a5or Area of 6ocus7 8iteracy Studies 2inor Area of 6ocus7 !omposition and -hetoric .itle7 A 9uestion of Ethics7 2edia 8iteracy in :outh 2edia 0r*ani;ations Advisor7 Erica <alverson !ommittee7 !atherine !ompton 8illy, !onstance Stein=uehler, 2ichael Bernard Donals, Andre> Burn 2aster of Arts, En*lish, 8iterary Studies, 2ay "%%1 University of 4yomin*, 8aramie, 4yomin* .hesis7 ?0prah Said to -ead 1t, 0prah Said to Buy 1t?7 .he African(American 4omen@s .raditions and the 2a=in* of 0prah 4infrey@s 8iterary Empire Bachelor of Arts >ith <onors, Secondary Education, En*lish, Dec 1AA# University of 4yomin*, 8aramie, 4yomin* Bachelor of Arts >ith <onors, En*lish, 2ay 1AA) University of 4yomin*, 8aramie, 4yomin*

.EA!<1 G 81!E SU-E

8an*ua*e Arts, Grades $(1", certified in 4yomin*, 1AAA ( current

!0U-SES .AUG<.
!1 "B%%7 .eachin* and 8earnin* in the Di*ital A*e !1 4#B%7 2edia 8iteracy !1 4A4%C5A4%7 2edia7 1ma*e and 1nfluence !1 55%%7 Graphic ovel /roduction !1 55%%7 Educational 2edia and the Arts !1 5$B%7 1nstructional .echnolo*y !1 5$4B7 Advanced /roduction and /ortfolio !1 5A4%7 2edia7 1ma*e, 1nfluence, and 1dentity

A4A-DSC-E!0G 1.10 S
Diversity Scholar A>ard, ational !ouncil of .eachers of En*lish, 6ebruary "%1"

/-06ESS10 A8 ED/E-1E !E
!o(Director of 2edia 8iteracy /ro*ram, 0ctober "%1" ( present

/UB81!A.10 S
Gibbons, D, &"%14', -ural places meet media literacy7 -epresentin* truth and self in rural social space, Journal on Images and Culture, 6, http7CCv5ic,or*Cv5ic"CEpa*eFidGB%5), Gibbons, D, 3 -edmond, ., &"%14', 1nvesti*atin* cultural models of technolo*y and literacy inte*ration in pre(service teacher education, 1n7 Literacy Enrichment and Technology Integration in Pre-Service Teacher Education. Heen*>e, I,, 0nch>ari, G,, 3 <uc=s, D, &Eds,' <ershey, /A7 1G1 Global, )5(A%, doi71%,4%1#CA)#(1(4$$$(4A"4(# Gibbons, D, &"%1"', Developin* an ethics of youth media production usin* media literacy, identity, 3 modality, Journal of edia Literacy Education, !&B'7 "5$("$5 <alverson, E,-,, Gibbons, D,, Bass, 2,, !opeland, S,, Andre>s, A,, and <ernando 8lorens, B, &"%1"', 4hat ma=es a youth(produced film *oodE .he youth audience perspective,J Learning, edia, and Technology, "&1'7 1(1#, D0171%,1%#%C1)4BA##4,"%1",)%$""", Gibbons, D,, Drift, .,, 3 Drift, D, &"%11', 4hose story is itE Bein* ative and American7 !rossin* borders, hyphenated selves,? International Pers#ectives on $outh edia% Cultures of Production & Education, Ed, 6isher=eller, IoEllen, e> :or=7 /eter 8an* /ublishers, 1nc, 1)"(1A1, Gibbons, D, &"%1%', .racin* the paths of movin* artifacts in youth media production, English Teaching% Practice and Criti'ue, (&1'7 #("1, !ur>ood, I,S,, 3 Gibbons, D, &"%1%' @Iust li=e 1 have felt@7 2ultimodal counternarratives in youth( produced di*ital media, International Journal of Learning and edia, )&1'7 5A()), <alverson, E,-,, 3 Gibbons, D, &"%1%', KHey momentsL as peda*o*ical >indo>s into the di*ital video production process,? Journal of Com#uting in Teacher Education, )6&"'7 $A()4, <alverson, E,-,, Gibbons, D,, 8o>enhaupt, -,, 3 Bass, 2, &"%%A', !onceptuali;in* identity in youth media arts or*ani;ations7 A comparative case study,? eLearning, 6&1'7 "B(4", Gibbons, D, *% The *#rah aga+ine,s contradictory self(help messa*es, &"%%)', 1n The *#rah Phenomenon. 4atson, El>ood, 3 <arris, Iennifer, &Eds,' 8eMin*ton, H:7 University /ress of Hentuc=y, "))("A",

B00H -EN1E4S
Gibbons, D, &"%1%', -ev of The Socially -et.or/ed Classroom% Teaching in the -e. Hist, The 1isconsin English Journal, 2)&"'7 B)(4%, edia 0ge, by 4illiam

Gibbons, D, 3 2a*nifico, A, &"%%#', -ev of ultimodal Pedagogies in 3iverse Classrooms% 4e#resentation, 4ights, and 4esources, by /ippa Stein, eLearning, 2&4'7 4A)(5%%,

!0 6E-E !E /-ESE .A.10 S

Gibbons, D, 3isru#ting S#ace, Place, and the 5irtual% 6raming Place and Identities as 3eterminers of Learning in *nline78y9rid Classrooms. /resented at the Desi*ns on E8earnin* !onference, 4ilmin*ton, !, September "%1B,

Gibbons, D, 6rom Place to S#ace% Theori+ing 1hat Place 6ree8earnin* !onference, Boone, !, Iune "%1B,

eans in *nline Teaching and Learning, /resented at the

Gibbons, D, 4ural edia Literacy% Tracing $outh 5oice in $outh 6ilmma/ing. /resented at the American Educational -esearch Association Annual 2eetin*, San 6rancisco, !A, April(2ay "%1B, Gibbons, D, 3 2aya, 2, 6ostering Inclusive edia Production in a )"st Century Classroom. /resented at orth !arolina En*lish .eachers Association, !harlotte, !, September "%1", <alverson, E, 3 Gibbons, D, 3igital edia 0rts% Learning, 0ssessment, & 3esign, /resented at American -esearchers Association, Denver, !0, April "%1", Gibbons, D, 4ural edia Literacy% 4ural $outh 4e#resenting their Sense of Place:s; in 3ocumentary 6ilm, /resented at the ational !ouncil of .eachers of En*lish(Assembly of -esearch, .uscaloosa, A8, 6ebruary "%1", Gibbons, D, Truth, 0uthenticity, and Identity in 4ural $outh 3ocumentaries. /resented at the 8iteracy -esearch Association Annual !onference, Iac=sonville, 68, ovemberCDecember "%11 Gibbons, D, ,*/, 1hat Part of e 3o I 1ant to Sho.<,% 0n 0nalysis of ho. $outh 3iscuss their /resented at American Educational -esearchers Association, Denver, !0, April "%1%, edia Production,

Gibbons, D, ultimodal a##ing of edia Literacy% The Pitch in $outh 5ideo Production , American Educational -esearchers Association, Denver, !0, April "%1%, Gibbons, D, 3 !ur>ood, I,S, Static -oise and 3ynamic odes% =sing Critical Theory and ultimodality to 0naly+e $outh 3igital edia Production. United Hin*dom 8iteracy Association 1nternational !onference, Green>ich University, 8ondon, En*land, Iuly "%%A, Gibbons, D, Identity and the ultimodal in $outh 5ideo Production, ational !ouncil of .eachers of En*lish( Assembly of -esearch, 8os An*eles, !A, 6ebruary "%%A, Gibbons, D, Ethics eets ultimodality% Searching for $outh 5oice in $outh 5ideo Production. of .eachers of En*lish(Assembly of -esearch, 8os An*eles, !A, 6ebruary "%%A, ational !ouncil

!ur>ood, I,S,, Gibbons, D,, 3 Bla=esley, !, Literacy in a 3igital 0ge% Integrating edia Production, Language Learning, and Critical Thin/ing, 4isconsin State -eadin* Association conference, 2il>au=ee 41, "%%A, !ur>ood, I,S,, Gibbons, D,, 3 Bla=esley, !, 5isual Literacy in the )"st Century Classroom, 4isconsin !ouncil of .eachers of En*lish conference, 2adison, 41, 0ctober "%%#, <alverson, E,-,, Gibbons, D, 3 8o>enhaupt, -, $outh 6ilmma/ing as Productive 3igital Literacy, American Educational -esearchers Association, e> :or=, :, 2arch "%%#, Gibbons, D, 8o#e, Contradictions, and $outh Identities% Ethics and youth voice in video media #roduction , ational !ouncil of .eachers of En*lish Assembly for -esearch, 2id(4inter !onference, Bloomin*ton, 1 , 6ebruary "%%#, 4olfe, /, 3 Gibbons, D,, =n#ac/ing the 3iscourse of Critical Pedagogy, American Educational -esearch Association, !hica*o, 18, April "%%), <alverson, E, -,, Gibbons, D,, and 8o>enhaupt, -, *verarching Tensions% Students as Consumers vs. Students as Producers, ational !ouncil of .eachers of En*lish Assembly for -esearch, 2id(4inter !onference, ashville, . , 6ebruary "%%),

1 N1.ED 40-HS<0/S A D /-ESE .A.10 S

Gibbons, D, $outh edia 3one ulticulturally% inority $outh and Bilin*ualCBicultural Education !ourse, 2adison, 41, Iuly "%1%, Gibbons, D, Literacies and -e. edia in Education , /aradi*ms of

edia Production% 0n *vervie., 81S7 Gamin* and 8iteracies, Iune "%1%,

Noice.hread7 http7CCvoicethread,comCE ( uA)B155,b11A"B%A,i$55)"BA, Gibbons, D, ultimodal icroanalysis% 0n 0nalytical Tool for -e. Anaheim !A, Iune "%1%, edia Te>ts , e> 2edia !onsortium,

Gibbons, D, Identity as an Ethical Issue in $outh edia% oving To.ard a -e. Theoretical 6rame.or/ , 8ondon Hno>led*e 8ab, 1nstitute of Education, University of 8ondon, 8ondon, En*land, ovember "%%A, Gibbons, D, oving ?eyond 5ideo 0nalysis% Laminates, Pers#ectives, and Identities , .he !entre for the Study of e> 8iteracies, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, En*land, ovember "%%A, Gibbons, D,, !ur>ood, I,S,, 3 !o>ell, 8, iPoetry in the Classroom, GamesO8earnin*OSociety !onference, 2adison, 41, Iune "%%A,

-ESEA-!< ED/E-1E !E
Project Assistant for Dr. Wendy Way, 2010-2011, Researching social networking -esearch as part of a *roup of researchers funded by the Social Security Administration on a pro5ect focusin* on ho> people foster financial literacy in social net>or=in* sites Research Assistant for Dr. Erica al!erson, 200"-2011, Researching o#t-of-school digital literacy -esearch as part of a *roup of researchers >ho are investi*atin* ho> adolescent youth learn di*ital literacy, Dissertation Research, 200$-2011, Researching ethics and yo#th %edia &rod#ction As part of the 2acArthur pro5ect, collected data specific to media throu*h ethno*raphic methods at four youth media arts or*ani;ations across the U,S,, all of >hich serve mar*inali;ed youth, and developed analytic frame>or=s to analy;e youth produced video, >ebsites, and other media, 6or a di*ital remiM of my dissertation, see http7CCissuu,comCdamiana*ibbonsCdocsCdissertationFremiM, Research Assistant for Dr. Pa#la Wolfe, 200', Researching in-school social j#stice teaching !onducted research usin* ethno*raphic methods and analy;ed data usin* discourse analysis, specifically semiotics, in a hi*h school classroom,

60-2E- A!ADE21! /0S1.10 S <E8D

School of <uman Ecolo*y, !enter for 6inancial Security, University of 4isconsin(2adison /ro5ect Assistant, Social Security Administration study, "%1% ( "%11 School of Education, Department of !urriculum and 1nstruction, University of 4isconsin(2adison .eachin* Assistant, Nideo*ames and 8earnin* course, Sprin* "%1% .eachin* Assistant, /racticum Supervision and En*lish Education 2ethods course, "%%5("%%# -esearch Assistant, Social 5ustice study, University of 4isconsin(2adison, "%%5 School of Education, Department of 8earnin* Sciences, University of 4isconsin(2adison -esearch Assistant, 2acArthur study, "%%$("%%A 8etters and Sciences, Department of En*lish, University of 4yomin* 8ecturer, "%%"("%%5 En*lish .eacher, <umboldt School District, /rescott Nalley, AP, "%%1

<0 0-S
Diversity Scholar, !.EA-, "%1" 2arie !hristine Hohler 6ello>ship, Graduate 6ello>, "%1%("%11 Iohn and .ashia 2or*rid*e 6ello>ship, Graduate 6ello>, "%%#("%%A Spencer(4isconsin Doctoral -esearch /ro*ram, 6ello>, "%%5("%%#

!arrie -, Barton 2emorial Scholarship, -ecipient, "%%$("%%)

/-06ESS10 A8 SE-N1!E
/ro*ram !hair of 2edia, !ulture, and !urriculum S1G, AE-A, "%14 to "%1$ Editorial Board 2ember, 2ercy !olle*e Iournal of Global Education, "%1" to present !o(chair, /ro*ram !ommittee, !.EA- ( 2id>inter !onference, "%1% !hair, -e*istration !ommittee, GamesO8earnin*OSociety !onference, "%%A

/-06ESS10 A8 2E2BE-S<1/S
American Educational -esearch Association, "%%$(present ational !ouncil of .eachers of En*lish, "%%)(present

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