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Quantum GISz

Submitted to: Sir Shahid Parvez Submitted by: Ayesha Rana Anwar
Quantum GIS, which is often called QGIS, is an open source GIS desktop application. Comparing to ArcGIS, QGIS can be installed on various operating systems, such as Windows, Mac OS X, Linux (Ubuntu), and Unix. More importantly, QGIS is free and has many plugins, adding different functions. However, since QGIS mainly relies on community support and voluntary developers. Different operations using QGIS. Dealing with Vector Layer Attributes Dealing with Vector Geometries Spatial Analysis Dealing with Raster Projections File conversions Map Creation

Mapping in QGIS Mapping in ArcGIS


QGIS, is an open source GIS desktop application while ArcGIS is a commercial GIS software. QGIS has less processing time than ArcGIS. QGIS is easy to use. QGIS is a freely downloadable open source GIS software while Esris ArcGIS is a commercially available suite of software. QGIS can be loaded on any computer. ArcGIS is restricted through a seat license. There are Plugins in QGIS while in ArcGIS tool boxes are used. QGIS is developed has a paid core of developers but also depends in part on volunteers. ArcGIS is a commercial GIS software package developed by paid staff members of Esri. QGIS is cross-platform and can be installed and run on Windows, Mac, or Linux machines while Esris ArcGIS for Desktop only runs in a Windows PC environment QGIS has a faster startup time than ArcGIS. In QGIS topology can apply simply on shapefile while in ArcGIS topology can not apply without making database. ArcGIS has better annotation capabilities. There are more native cartographic output options with ArcGIS ArcGIS has more out of the box spatial analytic capabilities: hillshading, to overlays, map algebra, surface approximation, network analysis.

Topology expresses the spatial relationships between connecting or adjacent vector features (points, polylines and polygons) in a GIS. Topological or topology-based data are useful for detecting and correcting digitizing errors. Topology is necessary for carrying out some types of spatial analysis, such as network analysis. There are 20 rules for point, line and polygon in QGIS

Topology errors In QGIS

Map Components The title of the map. The scale of the map.ss The North Arrow . The Legend . The reference. ArcGIS has better annotation capabilities. There are more native cartographic output options with ArcGIS

QGIS is an open source. It is easy to use. We can do a lot of analysis by QGIS easily. Its processing time is very short as compare to ArcGIS. More plugins for QGIS are making by developers all over the world.But prefer ArcGIS on QGIS because ArcGIS is a professional software. It has more tools than QGIS. It has more options for Spatial analysis , cartography and more analysis.ss

Network Analysis
Shortest Distance in QGIS Shortest Distance in ArcGIS

Topology errors in ArcGIS

https://hub.qgis.org/wiki/17/How_do_I_do_that_in_QGIS http://www.qgis.org/en/site/forusers/download.html http://manual.linfiniti.com/en/create_vector_data/topo_editing .html http://qgis.spatialthoughts.com/2012/06/making-maps-forprint-using-qgis.html http://qgis.spatialthoughts.com/ http://www.qgistutorials.com/en/docs/making_a_map.html https://sites.google.com/site/ochaimwiki/geodata-preparationmanual/how-to-check-topology-using-arcgis http://docs.qgis.org/2.0/en/docs/user_manual/

In QGIS topology can apply simply on shapefile while in ArcGIS topology can not apply without making database. QGIS topology "must not have gaps" dont consider ring polygons/ donuts polygons as topological errors. QGIS shows errors along AJK, GB and Occupied Kashmir. Value of cluster Tolerance in arc map is limited to 0.0000009.Where as in QGIS it is much lower, we can say it is zero because tolerance does not effect the topology errors in QGIS. These gaps are very small and are visible at around 1300:1 sacle ratio. Due to high cluster tolerance arc map is not marking it as errors.

Network Analysis Calculating the shortest distance between two points is a commonly cited use for GIS. Use Road Graph plugin to calculate shortest distance in QGIS. There are some other network analysis modules in ArcGIS other than shortest and fastest route generation, which can not be done in QGIS. 1.New Surface Areasssss 2.Closet Facility 3.New OD Cost Matrix 4.New Vehicle Routing Problem 5.New Location-Allocation

New closet Facility in ArcGIS

Roll No SS10-03 Department of Space Science, Punjab University Lahore Email address Ayesha.anwar007@gmail.com Dark blue points show facilities and light blue point show incident

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