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All Things Current: What you'll find in your March 12, 2014, edition

VOTERS GUIDE The 16-page Voters Guide special section includes profiles of candidates for ma or! at-large D"#" #ouncil mem$er and %ard 1 D"#" #ouncil mem$er! along &ith the candidates' responses to a series of (uestions! $ased on in-depth inter)ie&s" DEVE*O+,E-T The U"S" State Department last &ee. outlined its plans to rede)elop its /0"1-acre section of the former %alter Reed 2rm ,edical #enter into a chancer comple3" 2 contro)ersial condo proposal at the site of an , Street E33on station needs aesthetic re)isions $ut its si4e is reasona$le! the Old Georgeto&n 5oard determined last Thursda " The 6istoric +reser)ation Re)ie& 5oard has O7ed a greater height and other design re)isions to an apartment $uilding under construction ad8acent to the %ashington 6ilton" The D"#" #ouncil is preparing to re)ie& an alle relocation address from George %ashington Uni)ersit in con8unction &ith a +enns l)ania 2)enue office $uilding pro8ect" EDU#2TIO D"#" Deput ,a or for Education 2$igail Smith left another cro&d feeling an3ious ,onda night after she )isited #he) #hase &ith her pitch for changes to school $oundaries and feeder patterns" 2fter 1// ears in Tenle to&n! St" 2nn9s 2cadem plans to shut its doors in :une! citing decreased enrollment and a ;1<<!<<< $udget deficit" *I=UOR *I#E-SI-G Starting tomorro&! the District &ill $e stepping up its noise compliance efforts! sending out inspectors four times a &ee. to nightlife )enues throughout the cit ! follo&ing complaints from some residents" +O*ITI#S ,a or Vincent Gra pledged e3tra funding for education and afforda$le housing and a ne& effort to address homelessness! among )arious other plans! in his >State of the District? speech last night! &hile defending himself against the latest allegations of @<1< campaign misconduct" 2t-large D"#" #ouncil hopeful -ate 5ennett-Aleming outlined his )ision for e3panded higher education options for D"#" residents in an inter)ie& &ith The #urrent! as part of a series on candidates' polic positions" OT6ER -E%S The D"#" %ater and Se&er 2uthorit has $lamed a po&er outage at its Aort Reno +ump Station for a decline in pressure that forced an e3tended $oil-&ater &arning last &ee." O- T6E ,2R7ET 2 fi)e-$edroom %esle 6eights Tudor offers a spacious! modern interior! as &ell as access to se)eral near$ par.s! and is a)aila$le for ;@!B1<!<<<" O+I-IO EditorialC Despite his strong record! the heightened possi$ilit that ,a or Vincent Gra .ne& a$out the @<1< >shado&? campaign has regretfull forced us to &ithdra& our endorsement for his reelection" EditorialC %ith a good grasp of the issues and a clean ethical record! 5rianne -adeau is the $etter %ard 1 D"#" #ouncil choice o)er effecti)e $ut ethicall challenged :im Graham" Sher&oodC %ell! someone is l ing! and the detailed accounting in court is a ne& and hea) $urden for Gra "

S+ORTS D-orth&est #urrent! Georgeto&n #urrentE Roose)elt $o s $as.et$all na$$ed the D"#" State 2thletic 2ssociation cro&n on Thursda &ith a )ictor o)er ,aret" St" :ohn's girls $as.et$all topped Visitation for the D"#" State 2thletic 2ssociation )ictor " 2fter a slo& start! the D"#" State 2thletic 2ssociation championship title has $ecome desira$le $ its second ear" DIS+2T#6ES 5lessed Sacrament presents an 2sian tea ceremon ! 6earst Elementar third-graders offer their school impro)ement ideas! and other reports from local schools" 2*SO I- T6E #URRE-T #rime report 2d)isor neigh$orhood commission reports and agendas Reports from local citi4ens associations #alendar of the &ee.'s e)ents #lassified ads and ser)ice director Email us to receive this newsletter every Wednesday. The #urrent comes out in print e)er %ednesda and is posted online on Thursda s at currentne&spapers"comFarchi)e"php and issuu"comFcurrentne&spapers" To reach The #urrent &ith a ne&s tip! correction! ad)ertising in(uir ! or other (uestion or comment! email ne&sdes.Gcurrentne&spapers"com or call @<@-@//-H@@0"
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