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This is right on point, as researchers summed up the most significant factors that drive a man to rape as those rooted

in "gender-inequitable constructions of masculinity". It's a mouthful, but it means a society with seriously scrambled and rigid ideas about what it means to "be a man". These constructions of masculinity hold everyone hostage, men as well as women. We understand the sentiment that led to the imposition of the death penalty in India. ut we cannot applaud the choice. !et us not be fooled. "irst, as a form of punishment, the death penalty is irreversible, inhumane and un#ustifiable. It closes the door to the possibilities of discussing, healing, forgiving and reconciling. $nd its alleged power as a deterrent has never been scientifically proven % a point borne out by the number of rapes in India. &econd, in the conte't of gender violence, the imposition of the death penalty almost feels li(e a copout.spotlight on the death penalty distracts from addressing the root cause of serious crimes

It is a simple, vengeful response that seems to let society off the hook for having to make a far more difficult choice It is an instant solution might get the spectacle. Persons involved in sexual crime were a product of the society and By awarding capital punishment people are abdicating their responsibility of addressing the problems root cause.
)es, the perpetrators must be held to account for their sins. ut it ma(es very little sense to punish the perpetrators while continuing to ignore the patriarchal, patronising and demeaning societal framewor( that creates this criminality.
the verdict for sure serves the spirit of vengeance among the people, but does nothing concrete to stop the crime itself. It in fact brutali*es the state, the law and the society in itself. ut the society never felt responsible. Today+s verdict does the same. It lets the society off the hoo(. It ta(es the attention out of the root problem itself and patriarchy, misogyny and discrimination continues unabated. "urther, it also ta(es the focus out of the inability of India+s criminal #ustice system in dealing with such crimes.

$lso one cannot ignore the political timing of the verdict. India goes to elections in ,-./ and today+s verdict seems more li(e a preparation towards assuring themselves more voters. &ince the last couple of months, after president 0u(her#ee has ta(en over, there has been three death sentences already1 all of them under public ire. oth $#mal 2asab and $f*al 3uru were hanged within a few months of each other. In the past

eight years, India has executed two people: !mal "asab #from Pa$istan% for the &''( )umbai attac$s and f*al +uru #from "ashmir% for the &'', attac$ on the Indian Parliament. -evinder Pal .ingh Bhullar, an alleged .i$h separatist, faces imminent execution for the ,//0 car bomb in -elhi. 1his gives the impression that when the root cause of the crime is complex and the solution re2uires a long term strategy, the Indian authorities turn to the guillotine for a 2uic$3fix solution. 1he execution of a Pa$istani will not resolve the territorial dispute with Pa$istan. 1he execution of a "ashmiri will not address the grievances of "ashmiris. nd executing a .i$h will do nothing to improve relations with .i$hs in the Pun!ab. 4ne might expect the Indian public to be angry at their government5s unwillingness to prevent crimes from happening, rather than calling for more severe punishments for the perpetrators once a crime has been committed.
This (ind of development can put any civili*ed society into shame and should not be encouraged. 4ather efforts should be made to bring forth an egalitarian society, increasing freedom and respect towards each other.

Perhaps most importantly, the Indian government needs to address gender and social ine2uality in society 3 e2uality in law will lead to greater rights and respect for all in society. 1his re2uires a significant overhaul of legal, economic and social structures.
It is not a stretch to see how a society that peddles pin( princess toys for girls and blue toy guns for boys eventually gives rise to dar(er notions of sub#ugation and se'ual entitlement, which manifest in rape and other acts gender-based violence % against any individual. 3ender-based violence is resident in all corners of society, with causes and consequences more numerous and comple' than any other issue being tac(led. The solution is not #ust stricter rape laws, or more conversations with our sons, or more safe houses. It is all of these things and more, all at the same time and for a very long time. 5hanging these constructs will not come easily or quic(ly, because ultimately, we are tal(ing about e'cavating and reshaping the gender landscape. When men admit that they rape for fun, or because they are entitled to se' and will ta(e it by force if she won't give it up, well that belies a landscape so blea(, it is hard to loo( at. )et here we are, and blea( as it is, we need more blea(ness. We need more data, more eerie delving into the minds and realities of perpetrators % not to give them platforms or e'cuses, but to face this head on. That is when the change comes.

They know that the rot is in the very nature of the Indian State irrespective of which political party rules. Culture did not stop the police prancing around for hours before finally covering and taking the raped woman to hospital nor influence the indignity she experienced at the hospital. Culture does not prevent the 'enlightened' Police Chiefs from demanding better rates of prosecutions from their uniors. !or does it stop the world savvy Indian udiciary using a lower threshold of evidence in rape cases or the activist Indian Supreme Court from ordering an en"uiry on low conviction rates. #emonstrating women say they are afraid of reporting cases because of the attitude of the police$ degrading medical examination techni"ues and the near %ero conviction rate which leaves them with stigmas. They are cynical about another commission$ another 'independent' body$ another series of laws and of course now fast track courts. The Indian State$ notwithstanding what political party governs$ can boast of bodies and progressive laws that make the &! appear illiberal. There are laws against dowry$ against extravagant marriages$ child labour$ corruption$ caste discrimination$ gender foeticide$ rape and even rape in marriage. 'et India excels in almost all these social evils.

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