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Invertebrates are animals that do not have a backbone , such as spiders, insects, butterflies There are many more invertebrates than vertebrates ; about 97% of all animal species on Earth are invertebrates!

Invertebrates have some general characteristics: - They do not have a backbone . Many invertebrates have shells to protect their bodies. Some have a hard outside covering called an e oskeleton! - "ost of them are oviparous. They are divided into si groups: "olluscs Sponges #nidarians
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v !s"#r$yr%tM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v &'()vM*iy+o

Echinoderms $orms %rthropods


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Invertebrate: Invertebrado ,pecies: -species .ard outside coverin/: 0ue tiene su cubierta e"terior es dura -"os1eleton: -s2ueleto est3 por fuera.

Mollusc: moluscos

,pon/es: espon!as


4nidarians: Nidarios o Cnidarios..

-chinoderms: -2uinodermos.

'orms: 5usanos

#rthropods: Artrpodos.


Molluscs are animals li1e octopuses& s'uid& snails& mussels and clams! (pulpos& calamares& caracoles& me)illones& alme)as*

#ll they have soft bodies (cuerpos blandos* and many molluscs also have a protective shell. Most of them live in the sea, but some molluscs live on land. 6hey are considered cold+blooded animals, but many of them do not have blood! They are divided into three classes.

+ ,astropods (,aster-podos*: .belly+footed/& like snails or slugs! Caminan arrastrndose sobre su estmago +#ephalopods: .head+footed/(cabe0a de d-nde salen tent1culos*& like octopuses or s'uid! + 2ivalves (bivalvos*: .t3o shells/(tienen dos conchas*& like mussels or clams!


7.7. Sponges

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v 8ue9l,hb:;s <((:():+=>

,pon/es are the most simple animal in the 3orld. 6hey don4t have organs& such as a brain or a heart. It is !ust a mass of cells that filter <filtrar> the water to obtain food and o"y/en. 6hey live in the 3ater. Most spon/es live in the sea attached to roc1s.

1.2. Cnidarians

6he cnidarians include the !ellyfish <medusas>, anemones <an?monas> and corals <corales>. 6hey live under water. 6hey use their poisonous tentacles <tent3culos venenosos> to catch their prey <presa>, so they are carnivores. 6hey have a mouth and a simple di/estive system at the center of their tentacles.

-"otic !ellyfish: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v a%@uot!-=u8 <((:(=:=8> -"plorin/ Aceans: 5reat &arrier Beef <C5> : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v wbCeIn=vD9M <((:(E:(F>

1.3. Echinoderms


-chinoderms are animals li1e sea stars, sea and sea urchins. -chinoderms are e"clusively marine animals. 6hey have radial symmetry <all body parts radiate from a central point>, with the mouth in the center. 6hey have a hard endos1eleton <endoes2ueleto: est3 en la estructura interna del animal> and many echinoderms have spines <espinas> too.

Los equinodermos son animales como estrellas de mar, mar y erizos de mar. Los equinodermos son animales exclusivamente marinos. Tienen simetra radial (todas las partes del cuerpo irradian desde un punto central , con la !oca en el centro. Tienen un endoesqueleto duro (endoesqueleto" no est# en la $structura interna del animal y muc%os equinodermos tienen espinas (espinas tam!i&n.

sea stars G -,6B-;;# H-

cucumbers- I-IICA, H@B4



,ea stars: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v p,o=(lB.a#w <((:(8:=(>

1.4. Worms

6hey have lon/, soft bodies. 6hey can live in many different habitats. Many worms are parasites.


,ome are terrestrial, li1e earthworms; others are a2uatic li1e marine flatworms.

$llos tienen cuerpos lar'os y suaves. (ueden vivir en muc%os %#!itats di)erentes. *uc%os 'usanos son par#sitos. Al'unos son terrestres, como las lom!rices de tierra, mientras que otros son acu#ticos como 'usanos planos marinos.

1.5. Arthropods

#rthropods are animals li1e insects, crustaceans and centipedes <ciempi?s>.


6hey are the lar/est /roup of animals on -arth, and they can be found everywhere Gthey live on land, in ponds, in the ocean 6hey have some basic characteristics:

- # se/mented body: they have a body made up of more than one part. - Many le/s or limbs. - #n e"os1eleton: this is an e"ternal s1eleton. 6hey have to shed their e"os1eleton and /row a new, lar/er one. #s an arthropod /rows, its e"os1eleton splits alon/ the bac1 of the thora". 6he arthropod can then crawl out of its old e"os1eleton. - 6hey are cold-blooded, so their body temperature depends on the temperature of the environment.


#rthropods are divided into four /roups:

Los artrpodos son animales como insectos, ara+as, crust#ceos y ciempi&s (ciempi&s . ,on el mayor 'rupo de animales de la Tierra, y se pueden encontrar en todas partes-que viven en la tierra, en los estanques, en el oc&ano ... Tienen al'unas caractersticas !#sicas" - .n cuerpo se'mentado" tienen un r'ano compuesto por m#s de una parte. - *uc%as piernas o extremidades. - .n exoesqueleto" este es un esqueleto externo. $llos tienen que desprenderse de su exoesqueleto y crecer una nueva, m#s 'rande. Como un artrpodo crece, su exoesqueleto se divide a lo lar'o de la parte posterior del trax. $l artrpodo entonces puede arrastrarse )uera de su exoesqueleto. - ,on de san're )ra, por lo que su temperatura corporal depende de la temperatura del medio am!iente

7. Insects: J le/s. 6hey are the lar/est /roup of animals. #bout F)K of all animals are insects. 6heir body is divided into head, thora" and abdomen. Many insects have win/s. 6hey are animals li1e flies, beetles, butterflies, moths, dra/onflies, bees, wasps, ladybirds, bu/s, ants /. Insectos: 0 piernas. ,on el mayor 'rupo de animales. Alrededor del 123 de todos los animales son insectos. ,u cuerpo est# dividido en ca!eza, trax y a!domen. *uc%os insectos tienen alas. ,on animales como moscas, escara!a4os, mariposas, polillas, li!&lulas, a!e4as, avispas, mariquitas, c%inc%es, %ormi'as ...

+. %rachnids: 8 le/s. ;i1e spiders and scorpions. 6heir body is divided into two parts: the cephalothora" and the abdomen. 5. Arcnidos: 6 piernas. Al i'ual que las ara+as y los escorpiones.


,u cuerpo est# dividido en dos partes" el ce)alotrax y el a!domen

=. #rustaceans: L 7( le/s. ;i1e crabs, lobsters, shrimps <or prawns> 6heir body is divided into two parts: the cephalothora" and the abdomen. 7. Crust#ceos" 8 /9 piernas. Al i'ual que can're4os, lan'ostas, camarones ('am!as o ... ,u cuerpo est# dividido en dos partes" el ce)alotrax y el a!domen.

E. "yriapods: L +( le/s.
;i1e centipedes and millipedes. 6heir body is very lon/ and they have antennae. :. Miripodos: 8 59 piernas. Como ciempi&s y milpi&s. ,u cuerpo es muy lar'o y tienen antenas.

#omplete 5ife #ycle of the "onarch 2utterfly: http:66333!youtube!com63atch7v87%9e":"baIk (;;:;<:==*

Song: http:66333!youtube!com63atch7v89>e=c?5uh9s (;;:;=:<@*


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